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Demystifying the Congressional Nomination to Service Academies

Blog Post Graphic for Demystifying Congressional Nominations to Service Academies

Trisha Dach

6 minute read

If you are applying to a Service Academy, chances are you need a Congressional nomination! 

In this post we break down what a Congressional nomination is and how Members of Congress choose who to nominate. You can find more resources for applying for a Congressional nomination at the bottom of this post. Note we do not discuss service-connected nominations in this post, which is an additional option for candidates.

In order to be offered an appointment to one of the following Service Academies, you need a nomination!

  • Air Force Academy (USAFA)
  • Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA)
  • Naval Academy (USNA)
  • West Point (USMA)

Congressional nominations can come from one of your two State Senators or your local State Representative (or any MoC in your state for the USMMA).

This means for USAFA, USNA, and USMA you have three Members of Congress who can nominate you.

You may be extremely well qualified, but unless you have a nomination from one of these Members of Congress, in general you won’t be offered an appointment (or granted admission). 

What does this really mean? Why does it matter to you?

In order to understand the implications of getting a Congressional Nomination, we have to look at how many nominations Members of Congress are authorized. 

1. Each Member of Congress (MoC) is authorized five slots at each Service Academy. 

This means that typically, each MoC has 1 cadet or midshipman in each class year at a Service Academy and 1-2 spots for incoming applicants. With each Member of Congress, you are probably competing for one open vacancy.

2. Each MoC can submit up to 10 candidates for a single vacancy in one of their five slots. If they have two vacancies, they could submit up to 20 candidates.

3. There are three different methods that MoCs use for nominations:

  • Competitive Nomination
  • Principal Nominee
  • Principal Nominee with Numbered Alternates

MoC can either be extremely directive to each Service Academy on exactly who they choose to nominate OR they can send a group of prospective appointees to each Service Academy admissions board and let the Service Academy admissions board decide who to nominate. 

Although Members of Congress can send up to 10 names per vacancy in each Service Academy, rarely do representatives send the full 10 unless in competitive districts. Senators often send 10 names. 

Option 1: Least Restrictive – The Competitive Nomination

The MoC does not choose a favorite candidate, but instead chooses 2-10 qualified candidates and lets the Service Academy admissions team choose. West Point and the Air Force Academy use the Whole Candidate Score and Selection Composite Score to choose the most qualified candidates. You can use our calculators to estimate your WCS and SCS respectively. 

  • Option 2: Principal Nominee

If the MoC chooses a principal nominee, this candidate is the first person from the district offered an appointment assuming they are deemed fully qualified by the Service Academy. If the principal is not fully qualified, then the Service Academy can choose from the alternates. 

Option 3:  Most Restrictive – Principal Nominee with Numbered Alternates

The Member of Congress specifies explicitly which order the Service Academy must go through to find the vacancy winner. 

  • Why it Matters How Members of Congress Nominate Candidates

If you live in an extremely competitive Congressional District, you could be competing against many other well-qualified candidates. 

Think excellence in academics with strong SAT/ACT scores and among the top of their class. Think leaders in the community and athletes with accolades. 

You may be a well-qualified candidate yourself but if the competition in your district is intense, you may not receive a nomination. If you get nominated but not chosen to fill the vacancy, you could be put on the National Waiting List.

If you impress your interview board, they may choose you as the principal nominee – virtually guaranteeing an appointment assuming you are fully qualified. 

  • Statistics on Congressional Nominations

The Merchant Marine Academy is the least competitive for nominations. 

  • Last year only 75% of all Members of Congress nominated at least one candidate to the USMMA. On the other hand, 99% of MoC nominated to USAFA and USNA. 

Here’s How to Beat the Odds and Win that Nomination

  • Excel during your Congressional Interview

The Congressional interview is your chance to shine. What you lack on paper, make up for in charisma and your ability to demonstrate your strong desire to attend the Service Academy of your choosing. This is especially true if you live in a district where the Representative submits nominations as Principal with Numbered Alternates as if you are their principal the admissions board “must” offer you an appointment if you are fully qualified. 

  • Come Prepared to Discuss and Counter Weaknesses

During the interview, highlight your shortcomings and your plan to overcome them when asked about them. This demonstrates self-awareness and the type of foresight that the Service Academies are looking for. 

  • Apply for ALL Possible Nominations

You should exhaust all options when it comes to the nomination process. This means all three Members of Congress for your district for the Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, and West Point. You are eligible to receive a nomination from ANY Member of Congress from your state if you are applying to the Merchant Marine Academy. 

The Merchant Marine Academy Nomination Process is Different

If you are interested in the USMMA, keep in mind that the nomination process is slightly different. You can learn more about the differences for the Merchant Marine Academy here. 

  • USMMA Fills Nominations by State, not by Congressional District

Each state has a number of vacancies to fill each year, based on the proportion of representation in Congress. USMMA uses these slots to fill vacancies until around April and then begins to offer appointments to candidates on the National Waiting List, slightly veering off from the state vacancies. If you are on the NWL applying to USMMA you probably will not get an offer of appointment until after 1 April. 

  • USMMA Only Uses Congressional Nominations

You are not eligible for service-connected nominations or the Vice Presidential nomination.

  • Any Member of Congress From Your State Can Nominate You for the USMMA

This means you shouldn’t limit yourself to only three MoC, apply to all Representatives in your state. 

What Happens If You Don’t Receive a Congressional Nomination? 

If you have dreams of attending a Service Academy but don’t receive a nomination, there are still other opportunities to serve in the military. We would also suggest that if you are firm on a Service Academy, you re-apply the following year. It is possible to attend a year of college and then re-apply for a Service Academy, either from ROTC to a Service Academy or as a civilian. 

This is why we recommend having a backup plan for attending a Service Academy. We recommend applying for an ROTC scholarship at the very minimum. This also demonstrates your dedication to commissioning into the U.S. Armed Forces. 

  • Resources for Congressional Nominations
  • How to write a Congressional nomination essay
  • The Vice Presidential nomination
  • Find your State Senators
  • Find your local State Representative

We can help you curate a strategy just for your student based on your Congressional District. Book an hour strategy session with us to discuss your best way ahead.

Listen to our podcast episode on the Congressional nomination process! Candidates (and parents) often confuse the difference between a nomination and an appointment to a Service Academy, especially if candidates are otherwise fully qualified.  In this episode, we will look at gaining a nomination through a Member of Congress.

Article Contents

  • Option 1: Least Restrictive – The Competitive Nomination
  • Option 3:  Most Restrictive – Principal Nominee with Numbered Alternates

Ace your Service Academy Interviews

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Online Course

nomination essay service academy

The interview is often cited as one of the most nerve-wracking stages of the Service Academy application process. Overcome your anxieties and prepare to impress with our targeted course, designed specifically to address the unique challenges of the Liaison Officer and Congressional nomination panel interviews.

Real life examples from current cadets and midshipmen

Gain confidence by understanding what types of questions will be asked

Strategies for showcasing passion, commitment, and leadership

   We offer a 30 day money-back guarantee.

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nomination essay service academy

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most complex part of the Academy admissions process: the most often asked about, and most mysterious, and that is the Congressional Nomination process. 

Here’s why: no other college requires it. This is completely unique to the Service Academies, and it throws another curveball in the long journey to get to your dream of an Academy appointment.

The goal is to earn one nomination to each Academy you are applying to. Without a nomination, you cannot be directly admitted to an Academy, and instead, are only eligible for a prep school. 

What Stands In Your Way?

You only have a 10% chance of getting accepted to an Academy, but if you follow what we teach, you can drastically improve your odds. Over the last three years, 100% of our clients have earned Congressional nominations. This past year, 87% of our cohort earned Academy appointments. Our strategy has a proven record of success.  

We want you to remember that this process is much more complex than normal college, so ask for help. We offer our Pro Program for rising seniors, where we will take applicants through the application process from start to finish.  

Timeline: What to Expect

Here’s a very simplified version of the entire application process for Academies, Nominations, and ROTC, all in one picture.

nomination essay service academy

On the left hand side, you’ll see Academies on top, Nominations in the middle, and ROTCs at the bottom. We wanted to put these three buckets together in one slide because applicants have different deadlines for each of these three categories. 

Deadlines. The red lines are the typical deadlines for Academy, Congressional and ROTC applications. The exact dates for each Academy are at the top. 

Beginning. At the beginning of 2nd semester junior year, summer seminar applications will open up, and they will occur during summer going into senior year of high school. 

Real Applications. The real applications open over the summer, as shown.

As you can see, most of the requirements converge in the fall, so expect the fall of your Senior year will be the busiest time of your life. The most challenging aspect of this Academy application process is the number of competing requirements during the fall of senior year. Your Congressman and Senator application processes are going on at the same time as your Academy, ROTC, and college early action applications. Meanwhile, you are team captain of your varsity sports team, taking five AP classes, and are President of 1-2 clubs. How do you keep it all straight? The answer is, you can’t. You must get your Academy, Nomination, and ROTC applications done before senior year starts. The sweet thing about the August 31st deadline is it gives you peace of mind for your senior year; meanwhile, it increases your chances of success for Academy admissions. Double win!

The Seven Most Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to donate to my Congressman’s office or vote a certain way in order to win?

No, this is a myth. Folks are surprised to learn that, by and large, this is a merit-based process. If your politics don’t align with my Congressman or Senators, you don’t need to start “voting a certain way.” The Selection Panel is trying to send the most competitive candidates from their district into the Academies, so they are trying to pick the best candidates.

Who are the decision makers for the nomination?

This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the process. In general, very few Congressman, if any, get involved in the decision making. They appoint an independent selection panel comprised primarily of military veterans. The panel scores the applications and interviews candidates. This panel is administratively run by a Congressional staffer who organizes the panel, answers applicant questions, and delivers interview invites and nomination letters on the Congressman’s behalf. So, to clarify, the Congressman is usually not the one who chooses you. It’s the selection panel that chooses on behalf of the Congressman.

Which is better odds, winning a Congressional nomination in my district or winning a Senator nomination in my state?

The odds are significantly higher to win at the district level, for 2 reasons:

  • Your Congressman has just as many nominations as your Senator (10 per Academy)
  • Your district is much smaller than your state; therefore, less applicants. Each district covers 500,000-700,000 voters, whereas states have millions (ie. North Carolina has 10 million people). 

Does it help me if I get two nominations to USAFA (or USMA, USNA, USMMA)?

The requirement is that you get 1 nomination. The second nomination can help a little, but not nearly as much as the first. We’ve heard the Dean of Admissions say it gives Admissions a bit more flexibility in granting you admission if you are on multiple nomination lists. But by far, getting the first one is the most consequential. 

If I’m applying to multiple Academies, how do I win multiple nominations?

While we have no way to guarantee you will win multiple nominations, the best way to maximize your success is with a strong application and interview. This is why we begin with clients doing their Congressional essay and Recommender Guide, and end with clients doing their Interview Guide, followed by mock interviews. For further details, see question #7.

Which Academy should I put as my #1 choice for each nomination application?

Remember, the goal is to get a nomination to each Academy you are applying to. For your Congressman, which is the most likely nomination, put your #1 Academy as your top choice. 

But what about for the Senators? This strategy will vary from client to client, depending on their preferences. Frequently, for one of the Senators, we advise clients put their #2 Academy as their #1. Since Senators are more likely than Congressman to only give you a nomination to your #1 choice, putting your #2 Academy as your #1 furthers your chances of getting another nomination. If you are equally excited about USNA as USAFA, then perhaps you put USNA #1 on both Senators. The strategy varies per client. What you don’t want to do is put USMA #1 on all 3 nomination applications when you also would love to attend USNA.

If I don’t get the nomination, should I quit?

Even if you don’t get it….finish your Academy application! Every year, folks don’t finish their applications because they don’t get the nomination. This is unwise. 

Below are a few reasons you should complete the application process: 

  • You might get into prep school!
  • You’ll have completed the DODMERB process, which makes it easier next time. DODMERB is good for two years.
  • You’ll be a re-applicant, which shows perseverance and passion, which Academies value highly.
  • You’ll have gone through it before, which will make you more experienced next time you re-apply
  • You can ask admissions for feedback, which only makes you better.

The one thing I want you to remember is…

TEN. What is going to make you the Top 10 in your district or state per Academy? 

We are excited to announce our Pro Program for high school juniors, where we will take applicants through the application process from start to finish. We are also excited to announce our Underclassman program for high school sophomores and freshmen. We’ve already secured several signups, and now, you will have a chance to take the next step to secure your spot.

Sign up now for FREE 1-on-1 Consultation with a parent:

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US Service Academy Nominations Application Instructions

A nomination to one of the United States Service Academies is a distinct and rare honor. Acceptance of an academy appointment involves at least a nine-year obligation to the Service: four years at the academy and at least five years of active duty service (with the exception of the Merchant Marine Academy). In order to process your application, we need your cooperation. The information below is provided to help you expedite your application.


The competition for nominations in the Fifth District is especially keen, and therefore you are urged to apply for a nomination from every available nominating source. These include Senators Van Hollen and Cardin, the President and the Vice President. Children of deceased or disabled veterans or children of Medal of Honor winners may apply for a nomination from another source; I will not be able to duplicate that nomination. Since academies may award more appointments than are available through Congressional vacancies, more than one nomination is neither required nor of assistance in achieving an appointment. Please advise me immediately if you are nominated by another source.

Each Congressional office uses a selection process, which is designed to meet its particular needs and standards. Please carefully read and follow the specific instructions for each office.

If you have not already filed a pre-candidate questionnaire with the Academies of interest to you, please complete the appropriate Academy Information profiles on their web sites. Most of the academies now require that you apply via their website. Upon learning of your interest, the Academy will establish a Prospective Candidate's File for you and send you any pertinent information. I will not be able to offer a nomination to any student who does not have an open candidate file at the relevant Academy and has not submitted a completed packet by my deadline.


You must be:

  • 17 years old but not yet 23 years old to enter all academies, except the Merchant Marine Academy, which is 25 years of age .
  • A citizen of the United States.
  • Unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support a child or dependent.
  • A legal resident of the Fifth Congressional District of Maryland (except the Merchant Marine Academy).

You must furnish:

  • A complete application form: Please find enclosed a copy of an application. Formal candidacy is established upon receipt of the completed application. All materials must be submitted as a complete packet. Due to the pandemic and the inaccessibility to standardized testing sites this year, SAT and ACT scores are not required but will be accepted if available.
  • Three letters of recommendation: Enclosed are forms, which may be used to accompany these letters. Two of the three letters must come from recent teachers who have instructed you (from different disciplines). The remaining letter can be written by counselors, employers, coaches, clergy or anyone who knows you well.
  • An up-to-date transcript: The transcripts must be official and should include your grade point average, class rank, and your junior year course work.
  • Essays – 4 short essays demonstrating your interest, why you would be successful at the Academy and what hardships/obstacles you have overcome which would render you the ideal candidate. Essay topic questions can be found here.


For each vacancy I have at the U.S. Air Force, Naval, Military and Merchant Marine Academies, I may nominate up to ten candidates to compete for that vacancy. Under the competitive appointment process that I use, the academies will select from my slate of nominees the one candidate they believe to be the most qualified for an appointment. The remaining nominees will then compete for other available appointments in a nationwide pool.


Nominations are made competitively on the basis of the composite of the candidate's academic record, extra-curricular activities, essay testimonials, and an interview with the Fifth District Service Academy Selection Board. The following are considered:

  • Personal Testimonials provided via the required essays
  • School Records, including grade point average and class rank (if available). The average competitive candidate stands in the upper fifth of his or her class.
  • Extracurricular activities, including work, athletics, community service, and school clubs and organizations. Serving in leadership roles such as the team captain or president is preferred.
  • Motivation is one of the most important considerations, but the most difficult to measure. To an extent, motivation is reflected in the diligence, independence, and perseverance the candidate shows in completing his or her file. The interview is also designed to assess an applicant's leadership potential.
  • Brief Essays: Each applicant is asked to respond to four short essay questions.


If your file is complete, you will be notified in early November about the scheduled time of your interview before my Service Academy Selection Board. The Board is comprised of members of the academic, military, and civic communities who serve as a panel to review nominations. All interviews will be conducted in November over a Zoom/Skype call due to Coronavirus.

The online application is available on my website: /help/us-service-academy-nominations along with the printable version of the application form. While the online application is preferred, the assembled application can be emailed to:

Mrs. Stefanie Carey Barone at: [email protected]

Any questions or concerns in general about the process can be directed to Ms. Barone at the email above or by phone at: 301-843-1577.


October 11, 2024

Congressman Steve Scalise logo

Service Academy Nomination FAQs

All appointments to the service academies are made by the President.  To be considered for an appointment, you must have a nomination from an authorized nominating source. Title 10, U.S. Code, establishes two nomination categories. The first, usually referred to as a “congressional nomination,” includes the nomination of the Vice President and Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives. The second, referred to as “service-connected” or “military affiliated” nominations, includes the selections of the President and nominations of the appropriate service (i.e. Secretary of the Army for nominations to the U.S. Military Academy).

Each applicant for a nomination must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1st of the year of admission to an academy:

Complete the request form on or contact the Academy Coordinator in the Mandeville District Office at 985-893-9064.

The congressman can only nominate students who are going to be at least 17 years old by July 1 of the year entering an Academy and no older than 23. However, we recommend that students begin familiarizing themselves with the various academies and their respective requirements early in their high school years. Please contact the office at (985) 893-9064 for other questions not addressed on the congressman’s website or this FAQ sheet.

The deadline for submitting the completed application to the Mandeville District Office is October 29, 2021.  

A complete nomination file consists of the following items:
1) Application Form
2) A current headshot photo of applicant (wallet size)
3) Nomination Questionnaire 
4.) Three Evaluation Forms (similar to recommendations but specific questions)
5.) SAT or ACT scores
6.) Official Transcripts

Candidates applications will be reviewed and interviews will be set up with Congressman Scalise’s Nomination Board.  Interviews are usually held the first week in December.  

Nominations are based on a "whole person" evaluation. Factors such as academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, leadership skills, physical aptitude, character and motivation are taken into consideration and compared with other applicants.

There are five service academies.
* at West Point, New York
* at Annapolis, Maryland
* at Colorado Springs
* at Kings Point, New York
* at New London, Connecticut

No. Although many of the qualifications are similar, each academy operates under its own admissions guidelines. Refer to the Service Academy Contact Information for the academy of your choice and contact them directly for an academy catalog. Each academy will outline its particular admissions qualifications.

No. You will be placed among a select group of nominees, and the academy of your choice will make the final decision. If selected, you will receive an offer of admission (an appointment) directly from the academy.

No. You can be nominated to multiple academies depending on how well you have competed among this year's pool of candidates. It is also possible to win multiple appointments.

Some Academies will begin to notify candidates of their admissions as early as January. All offers of appointment are generally sent out by May.

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Service Academies Application

The Vice President is authorized to nominate individuals to the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies but cannot nominate to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and does not nominate to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

The Vice President is authorized to nominate individuals to the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies and typically does so annually, as described below. The Vice President cannot nominate individuals to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and does not make nominations to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

In order to be entered into competition for a Vice Presidential nomination, applicants must complete the online nomination application during the application period of  March 1 to January 31  preceding the year of entrance to the academies.  The Office of the Vice President will not accept paper applications.

First Name * Required

Middle Name

Last Name * Required

Country * Required –select an item– Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia, Plurinational State of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curaçao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Norway Oman Pakistan Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Poland Portugal Qatar Reunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Barthélemy Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Martin (French part) Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Address Line 1 * Required

Address Line 2

City * Required

State * Required –select an item– Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas Armed Forces Americas Armed Forces Europe Armed Forces Pacific California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federated Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas U.S. Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

ZIP/Postal Code * Required

Date of Birth * Required

Email * Required

Gender * Required

Parent or Guardian Name

Second Parent or Guardian Name (if applicable)

Daytime Phone * Required

List special awards and honors with dates of years awarded * Required

List all athletics with dates * Required

List club memberships and extracurricular activities noting leadership positions and honors received with dates * Required

List volunteer involvement noting dates and hours per week * Required

If applicable, explain why personal circumstances have prevented you from engaging in extracurriculars or volunteer work

List employment, noting dates and hours per week * Required

American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic, Latino or Spanish Origin Middle Eastern or North African Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Other Prefer not to say

You may choose more than one.

Yes No Prefer not to say

OPTIONAL: Do you identify with any other historically under-represented communities?

First preference * Required –select an item– US Air Force Academy US Military Academy US Naval Academy

Second preference –select an item– US Air Force Academy US Military Academy US Naval Academy

Third preference –select an item– US Air Force Academy US Military Academy US Naval Academy

250 Word Essay: Describe a challenge or a hardship you have overcome and how * Required

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Thank you for your interest in the US Service Academies and military service for our country. As your representative in Congress, I have the privilege of nominating a limited number of people to four of the five service academies. The honor of attending a service academy comes with an obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. I am wishing you all the best as you begin this process and pursue your goal of attending one of the US Service Academies.

To request a Service Academy Nomination through my office, please download the complete form below and submit it to my Syracuse Office along with the other required documents listed below. Contact my Syracuse office at 315-233-4333 with any questions.

– Complete, sign, and attach your photograph. Application forms for 2024 are available here.
– Ask your high school counselor or principal to provide a letter of recommendation as well as two other letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, employers, or someone who knows you well. Have the individuals send the letter to you in a sealed envelope with their signature across the seal. Download the recommendation form here.
– Obtain a copy of your official school transcript through your school’s counselor or principal. Please ensure the transcript includes your course listing and grades through the end of your junior year, your current Grade Point Average (GPA) and class rank (if provided by your school), and SAT/ACT scores (if provided by your school). The official transcript should be returned to you in a sealed envelope with a signature across the seal. If your school will not provide a transcript directly to you, have the school mail the transcript to my Syracuse Office (440 S. Warren St., Suite 706, Syracuse, NY 13202) with a note reflecting this policy.
– Many transcripts include standardized test scores and if so, that will be sufficient. This is not a requirement for the application, but if you do have the test scores available they should be included.
– In two pages, please describe what motivates you to attend a service academy and become an officer in the US military.
– Completed application packets must be received in my Syracuse office by COB on October 11, 2024. No exceptions will be made.

Congressman Brandon Williams
Attn: Service Academy Coordinator
440 S. Warren St.
Suite 706
Syracuse, NY 13202

– Nomination interviews will be set up individually and a representative from my office will reach out to provide your meeting time.

Service Academy Nominations

Service Academy Nomination Important Information

nomination essay service academy

Rep. Luna attends Service Academy Nomination Night.

The deadline for all applications to be submitted is Friday, October 11th, 2024. Application packets can be mailed or dropped off in person at our office.

9200 113 th Street N

Seminole, FL 33772

Once applications are received, they will be reviewed for possible interviews. Applicants will be emailed to set up an interview. Interviews will be conducted in October and November, and candidates will be informed of their nominations in December.

Students interested in learning more about the United States Military Academies are encouraged to attend Congresswoman Luna’s Academy Night this spring. The event will be on April 17th from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Saint Petersburg College Seminole Campus conference room. Students will have the chance to hear from each academy representative and learn more about the application and nomination process.

The honor of attending a service academy comes with the obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation. Members of Congress may nominate candidates for appointment to four of the five U.S. service academies: the U.S. Military Academy (USMA), West Point, NY; the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, MD; the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO; and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, NY. The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), New London, CT, does not require a congressional nomination for appointment. Congresswoman Luna may nominate up to ten individuals for each vacant academy slot allotted to our district.

nomination essay service academy

All applicants:

  • Must be at least 17 and no older than 23 years old
  • Must be a United States citizen
  • No dependents – no spouse, children, etc.
  • Be a legal resident of Florida’s 13th Congressional District.
  • Meet the physical, medical, and academic requirements of the academy.

Application Process

Please print and assemble the following into a packet for submission.

  • Official Transcript from current school
  • Current College Board SAT or ACT scores
  • Which Service Academy you are applying for
  • First and last name
  • Contact Information
  • Current School
  • Extracurriculars and Volunteer Work
  • Work Experience, if any
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A 2-3 page essay on why you want to serve and what serving will mean to you.

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Press Release

“These talented student leaders are crucial to the future of America. Their interest in serving our country brings great pride to our patriotic Tampa Bay community,”  “I’m grateful for the service of my diligent Nomination Committee, which thoroughly reviews every application and interviews interested students. I am confident that this year's nominees will represent Tampa Bay and our nation well in all their future endeavors.”

Photos of the nominees can be 

Receiving a nomination to one of our nation’s military academies is an essential step towards receiving an appointment to the academies. Nominations are earned based upon each student’s interview with Castor’s Nomination Committee, their academic record, participation in extracurricular activities and demonstrated leadership qualities. Because of the stringent application requirements, many students begin working on what it takes to apply as early as their first year of high school.

Based upon the process established by federal law, all U.S. military academies, except the Coast Guard Academy, require either a service-connected or Congressional nomination (from their Member of Congress, U.S. Senator or the Vice President of the United States). Parents and students interested in the nomination process can work with their school guidance counselors and find more information at 

Castor will announce official appointments at a later date after being notified of appointments by the academies. Today’s announcement is the conclusion of Castor’s 2023 competitive nomination process. The nominees who receive an appointment from a U.S. military academy will attend their respective academies in the 2024-2025 school year.

U.S. Rep. Castor granted her nomination to the following students for one or more of the U.S. military academies:

Felix Fudge Jr., Shorecrest Preparatory School – USMA

Tayten Moore, Canterbury School of Florida – USMA

Aiden Smith, Northeast High School – USNA

Elyna Brackin, St. Petersburg High School – USMA

Gabe Long, Hillsborough High School – USMA 

Katherine Merrill, Academy of the Holy Names – USNA and USAFA

Logan Virgil, Robinson High School – USMA and USAFA

Jack Wittmer, Robinson High School – USAFA

Jake Prabhakaran, Jesuit High School – USNA and USMA

Isabel Salas, Academy of the Holy Names – USMA and USAFA

Jace Jreisat, Bayshore Christian Academy – USMA and USAFA

Rogan Kane, Plant High School – USAFA 

Terry Weaver Jr., Jesuit High School – USMA and USAFA

Gavin Paglieri, Jesuit High School – USNA

Adrian Salazar, Steinbrenner High School - USNA

Cayleigh Reid, Berkeley Preparatory School – USNA and USAFA

Logan Kijanski, Plant High School – USAFA

Grayson Stone, St. Petersburg High School – USNA

Danielle Donis, Plant High School – USNA

Sean Murphy, Plant High School – USAFA

Ella Kirk, Stuggart High School – USMA 


FBI to host teen academy in Clarksburg

CLARKSBURG, W.Va (WDTV) - The FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division in Clarksburg has opened applications for the 2024 CJIS Division FBI Teen Academy.

The opportunity is open to students who will be in 11th and 12th grade during the 2024-2025 school year.

The program aims to bring a diverse set of students together to develop leadership skills and explore various career options. It offers a comprehensive look into today’s FBI.

Students are provided with several presentations on topics including terrorism, cybercrime, public corruption, polygraph exams, evidence response, SWAT and the day-to-day operations of a typical FBI office. Students also learn from special agents, intelligence analysts, language specialists, and professional staff about investigative tactics that include gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses and assisting with cases.

Program officials said the selection process is competitive. Students are required to fill out an application and submit an essay to be considered.

The academy will open on October 15th. All application materials must be submitted by September 13th at 5 p.m. The FBI will, then, notify students of their application status by Friday, September 27th.

To apply, visit .

Copyright 2024 WDTV. All rights reserved.

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Kayla Smith's Monday Evening Forecast | August 12, 2024

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WVU Metal Detectors

Congressman Marc Molinaro

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–  today announced his office is hosting a Service Academy Infromation Session at SUNY Broome Community College on Wednesday, August 21. The informational session is open to students and parents who are considering applying for a nomination to a U.S. Military Academy. 

Members of Congress may nominate candidates for appointment to U.S. service academies:  , West Point, NY; the  , Annapolis, MD; the  , Colorado Springs, CO; and the  , Kings Point, NY.  

At Rep. Molinaro's event, military academy representatives and members of his Service Academy Advisory Committee will explain how the nomination process works, how to become a competitive applicant, and what life is like at the academies and in the military. To RSVP, fill out the following  . 

 "One of the greatest honors I have as a Member of Congress is nominating young men and women to our nation’s service academies. We are excited to help students pursue their path of service, and this information session is the perfect place to start. Our aim is to answer questions about the application process and discuss the exciting opportunity that these students have." 

Military Academy Applications are due to Rep. Molinaro’s Binghamton Office by October 31, 2024 at 5:00pm. More information can be found  . 

Wednesday, August 21

 2:00pm - 4:00pm

SUNY Broome Community College

Decker Hall, Room 201

907 Front Street 

Binghamton, NY 13905

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New Bedford Film Festival nominated several local filmmakers. Here's what we know.

NEW BEDFORD -- New Bedford Film Festival announced its nominations on Thursday, for its highly-anticipated award ceremony taking place on April 21 at 7 p.m. at Steeple Playhouse.

The festival has already generated buzz with its star-studded nominations, featuring local filmmakers and Hollywood actors alike.

In a video hosted by Marion actor Paul Kandarian , festival board members such as Alyssa Botelho, Vincente DiSanti, Ryan Nunes, Von Marie Moniz and Leia Onofrey, along with festival co-founder Ethan de Aguiar, announced the nominations in a video posted on YouTube.

The video also featured guest appearances from Drew Furtado of the New Bedford Whaling Museum and Sarah Athanas, co-founder of Ground Work New Bedford. Both organizations will be hosting screenings during the festival.

The video was recorded on the fourth floor of the Ground Floor Coffee building, which will serve as the main hub of the festival. The building will also host networking events in the evening, with the festival taking place on the first floor and fourth floor.

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Local actors and filmmakers received nominations

One notable acting nominee is Fall River native Pamela Jayne Morgan, who received nominations in both the Lead Actress category for her roles in the TV series "Eyes: The Series" and short film "The Principal's Assembly." Academy-Award nominee Liam Neeson also received a nomination for Best Voice Over for his work on the Public Service Announcement "The Grey Space."

Nominees from the New Bedford area include Mackenzie McCree for her films "A Video Essay on Ballroom," "Don't Touch My Hair," and "Fall of 1985," Julia Harley Francisco-Simoes for her animated short "Widow's Peak," Carley Byer for "Don't Fall From Grace," Bill Hendricks for his short "Monogamish," Scott Bishop for the music video "Polaroid Dreams," Adam P. Cray for his short "Which Hunt," the Westport documentary "Burning of the Mishoon," and Garry Medeiros for his feature film "Plaga Zombie American Invasion," which received four nominations including Best Director.

Dream Out Loud Center's "Better Days" produced by Kris Motta and Chris DeOliveira, were also nominated alongside music videos "Haunted" and "Back in Time" by local Jake Tollman of Boydsworlds Productions.

There were the top nominated films

Leading the nominations is the short film "Sister," which received nine nominations including Best Short, Best Actress, and Best Actor for Billy Magnussen ("Into the Woods"). The film tells the story of a bereaved woman who finds solace in the company of a friendly bartender on the day of her sister's burial.

The feature film "Antarctica" also received eight nominations, including Best Feature, Best Director, and Best Screenplay. The film follows two lifelong friends as they navigate the pressures of adulthood in their final year of high school.

Also receiving eight nominations is the TV pilot "Morse Code," which explores the eccentric community of modern-day East Nashville through the story of a talented but flawed indie folk singer. The pilot received nods for Best Original Score and Best Original Song, "Got To Be More," performed by Korby Lenker and written by Korby Lenker and Megan McCormick.

The comedy feature "Cast and Crew" and the drama "Scrap," starring Vivivan Kerr, Lana Parilla ("Once Upon a Time"), and Anthony Rapp ("Rent"), both received eight nominations. A noteworthy nominee is "Blue Sunshine," which also received seven nominations, including Best Actress, Director, and Screenwriter for Samyuktha Vijayan. The film tells the story of a high school teacher in South India who wants to transition from male to female.

MORE: New Bedford Film Festival shared its official selections. Here's how to watch.

Tickets are on sale until April 17

Tickets are now on sale for the award show, pre-cocktail hour at Gallery X and Steeple Playhouse on April 21. However, all screenings around town and workshops at Ground Work are free to the public, with seating being first-come-first-serve.

Screenings will be held at Gallery X , Co-Creative , New Bedford Creative , and Ground Work New Bedford from April 19-21, with a late-night encore presentation at the Harbor Hotel from 11pm-1am.

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To ensure a seat, according to the video, it is recommended to purchase a VIP Day Pass which also includes access to the networking night at Ground Floor Coffee each evening. VIP ticket holders will also have first access to seating at the screenings and workshops, while non-ticket holders will have to line up and wait for remaining seats five minutes before.

The All-Access VIP Day Pass also includes access to the opening night after-party at the Harbor Hotel, the pre-award show cocktail hour, and the award ceremony. Ticket sales will end on April 17th and will not be sold at the door.

S tandard-Times staff writer Seth Chitwood can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on twitter: @ChitwoodReports .  Support local journalism by purchasing a digital or print subscription to The Standard-Times today.

Tim Walz's military record: What to know about potential VP's National Guard service

nomination essay service academy

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, choosing a progressive yet plain-spoken VP candidate from America’s heartland to help her win over rural, white voters.

“I’m pleased to share that I’ve made my decision: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will join our campaign as my running mate,” Harris said via text to supporters. “Tim is a battle-tested leader who has an incredible track record of getting things done for Minnesota families. I know that he will bring that same principled leadership to our campaign, and to the office of the vice president.”

We look at Walz, a 60-year-old U.S. Army National Guard veteran, and his military career over the years.

More: Tim Walz is Kamala Harris' VP pick: Minnesota governor named running mate: Live updates

How long was Walz in the military?

Walz served in the military for 24 years, enlisting in the Nebraska National Guard at 17 in 1981 and then transferring to the Minnesota National Guard in 1996. He retired in 2005 to begin his successful run for the U.S. House, representing Minnesota as command sergeant major, among the highest ranks for enlisted soldiers. His battalion went on to deploy to Iraq shortly after Walz's retirement.

Walz specialized in heavy artillery and had proficiency ribbons in sharpshooting and hand grenades.

But during the 21 years that Walz spent working with large artillery pieces, he suffered hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, Minnesota Public Radio reported. He was allowed to continue his service after undergoing surgery, which partially resolved his hearing loss.

Where did Walz serve, and what did he do in the National Guard?

During his service, Walz responded to natural disasters, including floods and tornadoes in Minnesota and Nebraska, and was deployed overseas for months at a time, according to MPR.

In 2003, he was sent to Italy, where he served with the European Security Force to support the war in Afghanistan. He was also stationed in Norway for joint training with other NATO militaries.

Walz told MPR that he reenlisted in the National Guard after the September 11 attacks but never saw active combat in his years in the military.

Stars and Stripes reported in 2020 that Walz credited his Army experience with helping him steer Minnesota through the COVID-19 pandemic as governor.

As governor of Minnesota, Walz is commander in chief of the 13,000-soldier Minnesota National Guard. “I’m certainly proud of my military service, but it’s one piece of me,” he told Minnesota Public Radio in 2018. “It doesn’t define me.”

Reuters and USA TODAY reporter Tom Vanden Brook contributed to this story.

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Mikhail Lomonosov

Born: Denisovka, Archangelsk Province - 19 November 1711 Died: St. Petersburg - 15 April 1765

Mikhail Lomonosov was the great polymath of the Russian Enlightenment. Born in the deepest provinces of Northern Russia, he managed to gain a first-class education through a combination of natural intelligence and sheer force of will, and went on to make significant advances in several fields of science, as well as writing one of the first Russian grammars, several volumes of history, and a great quantity of poetry. In short, he was instrumental in pulling Russia further into the modern world, and in helping to make St. Petersburg a centre of learning as great as almost any in Europe.

Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka (now Lomonosovo), a village about 100 kilometers south-east of Arkhangelsk on the Severnaya Dvina river. His father was a peasant fisherman who had grown rich transporting goods from Arkhangelsk to settlements in the far north. His mother, the daughter of a deacon, died when he was very young, but not before she had taught him to read. From the age of ten, he accompanied his father on voyages to learn the business.

In 1730, however, determined to study, he ran away from home and walked over 1 000 kilometers to Moscow. Claiming to be the son of a provincial priest, he was able to enroll in the Slavic Greek Latin Academy, where he studied for five years before being sent on to St. Petersburg's Academic University. The following year (1736), he was a select group of outstanding students sponsored by the Academy of Sciences to study mathematics, chemistry, physics, philosophy and metallurgy in Western Europe. Lomonosov spent three years at the University of Marburg as a personal student of the philosopher Christian Wolff, then a year studying mining and metallurgy in Saxony, and a further year travelling in Germany and the Low Countries. While in Marburg, he fell in love with and married his landlady's daughter, Elizabeth Christine Zilch.

Due to lack of funds to support his young family, Lomonosov returned to St. Petersburg at the end of 1741, and was immediately appointed adjunct to the physics class at the Academy of Sciences. In 1745 he became the Academy's first Russian-born Professor of Chemistry, and in 1748 the first chemical research laboratory in Russia was built for him.

Throughout his career at the Academy, Lomonosov was a passionate advocate for making education in Russia more accessible to the lower ranks of Russian society. He campaigned to give public lectures in Russian and for the translation into Russian of more scientific texts. In this, he found himself in conflict with one of the founders of the Academy, the German ethnologist Gerhard Friedrich Miller (whose views on the importance of Scandinavians and Germans in Russian history Lomonosov also hotly disputed). By composing and presenting at an official Assembly of the Academy in 1749 his ode to the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Lomonosov gained considerable favour at court and a powerful ally in his pedagogical endeavours in the form of Elizaveta's lover, Count Ivan Shuvalov. Together, Lomonosov and Shuvalov founded Moscow University in 1755. It was also thanks to Shuvalov's influence that the Empress granted Lomonosov a manor and four surrounding villages at Ust-Ruditsa, where he was able to implement his plan to open a mosaic and glass factory, the first outside Italy to produce stained glass mosaics.

By 1758, Lomonosov's responsibilities included overseeing the Academy's Geography Department, Historical Assembly, University and Gymnasium, the latter of which he again insisted on making open to lowborn Russians. In 1760, he was appointed a foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, and in 1764 he was similarly honoured by the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna. The same year, he was granted by Elizaveta Petrovna the rank of Secretary of State. He died 4 April 1765, and was buried in the Lazarev Cemetery of St. Petersburg's Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

Much of Lomonosov's work was unknown outside Russia until many years after his death, and even now it is more the extraordinary breadth of his inquiry and understanding, rather than any specific grand advancements in a particular field, that make him such a seminal figure in Russian science. Among the highlights of his academic career were his discovery of an atmosphere around Venus, his assertion of the Law of Conservation of Mass (nearly two decades before Antoine Lavoisier), and his development of a prototype of the Herschelian telescope. In 1764, he arranged the expedition along the northern coast of Siberia that discovered the Northeast Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. His works also contained intuitions of the wave theory of light and the theory of continental drift. He made improvements to navigational instruments and demonstrated the organic origin of soil, peat, coal, petroleum and amber. Without knowledge of Da Vinci's work, he developed a working prototype of a helicopter.

He wrote the first guide to rhetoric in the Russian language, and his Russian Grammar was among the first to codify the language. His Ancient Russian History compared the development of Russia to the development of the Roman Empire, a theme that would become increasingly popular in the 19th century. His poetry was much praised during his lifetime, although it has been largely ignored by posterity.

Lomonosov is remembered in central St. Petersburg in the names of Ulitsa Lomonosova ("Lomonosov Street"), Ploshchad Lomonosova ("Lomonosov Square") and the adjacent bridge across the Fontanka River. During the Soviet Period, his name was given to the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory, and hence to the nearby metro station, Lomonosovskaya. The Soviets also renamed the suburban town of Oranienburg as Lomonosovo. In 1986, a magnificent monument to Lomonosov was unveiled in front of the Twelve Colleges, the main campus of St. Petersburg State University, acknowledging the enormous debt that institution owes the great polymath who is rightfully considered the father of Russian science.

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Nomination Essay

  • Thread starter Amora
  • Start date Aug 16, 2016


  • Aug 16, 2016

I am currently in the process of getting my nomination essays together and wish to get some opinions before I hand it off to my english teacher next week for review. The essay I am presenting right now is addressed to Senator Boxer and is 196 words altogether. I can use no more than 250 words. I have replaced my actual name in the essay with that of my current alias. Any critiques and suggestions are welcomed. Here is the essay: Dear Senator Boxer, I am Amora and I am writing this essay in the hopes of seeking your nomination for the United States Naval Academy. I have known since I was young that I wanted to join the military, specifically the navy, and thus I have done my best to seek and take hold of opportunities that will help me improve academically, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have never settled for mediocrity on my part and strive to do my best at everything that is put in front of me. I have had the wonderful opportunity to experience different cultures, get involved in the communities, and meet fantastic people as the child of a military officer and I wish to continue to have these experiences. Beyond serving my country and securing a job for the next five years when I graduate, I believe that USNA will present opportunities for me to grow in ways I can not imagine. Not only as a person but as a leader. In conclusion, I would love the chance to represent California in the class of 2021 and hope that you will allow me the opportunity to do so. Sincerely, Amora  



  • Aug 17, 2016
3. A short essay of 150-200 words explaining why you are seeking a nomination and want to be commissioned. Click to expand...

My bad on the word count. Not sure why I thought I had 250 words to play with. Thank you for the feedback and catching my mistake.  



Be careful with run on sentences. I'm sure your English teacher will help you in that respect. For example: "I have known since I was young that I wanted to join the military, specifically the navy, and thus I have done my best to seek and take hold of opportunities that will help me improve academically, physically, mentally, and emotionally." I would edit this to: "I have known since a young age that I wanted to be a member of the United States Navy. In that regard, I have done my best to seek and take hold of opportunities that will help me to improve academically, physically, mentally, and emotionally."  


DS - USMMA '20

  • Aug 18, 2016

My advice to you is the same I gave my DS when he was writing his essay...what do you have to offer? You mentioned the following themes in your essay: "you want to be in the military," "you want continued experiences, you securing a job "for the next five year," and "opportunities for you to grow." It's great to know what you want but what can you give back? There will be thousands of young adults asking for a nomination (and probably saying the same things). You need to set yourself apart. Best of luck to you.  


  1. Congressional Nomination Service Academy Essay Samples

    nomination essay service academy

  2. Fillable Online 2020 Service Academy Nomination Form Fax Email Print

    nomination essay service academy

  3. Nomination Essay (500 Words)

    nomination essay service academy

  4. Sample Letter Of Recommendation For Congressional Nomination

    nomination essay service academy

  5. Apply for a U.S. Service Academy Nomination

    nomination essay service academy

  6. Congressional Nominations to U.S. Service Academies: An Overview and

    nomination essay service academy


  1. Congressional Nomination Service Academy Essay Samples

    Sample Service Academy Essay Answer: Serving alongside the brave men and women fighting for our country has long been a desire of mine. Being a United States Army officer is a substantial undertaking worth careful consideration. I explored the duties and responsibilities involved in being a West Point cadet and pursuing an Army career.

  2. Nomination Essays

    Messages. 1,622. Aug 29, 2017. #6. First, nomination essays are different than the academy application essays. So make sure you understand the distinction. The academies usually ask more specific questions, but you are correct in that each seems to at least inquire about your motives. For sure you will be able to do a lot of cutting and pasting ...

  3. Congressional nomination essay

    18. May 25, 2024. #1. As the title says, Im working towards my essay for a congressional nomination. The prompt is, "Why I want to attend a service academy". I have gotten about halfway through but I am looking for criticism on my current text and what I can include. Here it is…. From a young age, I have always strived to go above and beyond.

  4. Nomination essay

    Mar 11, 2021. #14. Peter2025 said: My nom essays were limited to 200 words... and each of them had either two or three essays. By far the most painful part of the application, because I had to gut the essays to the bone to fit 200 words. Concise writing is usually more difficult than the alternative.

  5. Demystifying the Congressional Nomination to Service Academies

    In order to understand the implications of getting a Congressional Nomination, we have to look at how many nominations Members of Congress are authorized. 1. Each Member of Congress (MoC) is authorized five slots at each Service Academy. This means that typically, each MoC has 1 cadet or midshipman in each class year at a Service Academy and 1 ...

  6. Service Academy Instructions

    The nomination process and your academy application are separate processes; however, they should be accomplished simultaneously. ... Essay: A commitment to military service is a serious and deeply personal choice. The determination, wherewithal, and leadership skills it takes to gain acceptance and succeed at the United States Service Academy's ...

  7. US Service Academy Nominations Essay Topics

    Please answer each essay question in 300 words or less, to be included as a separate sheet or uploaded PDF on your application. Why do you want to attend one of the United States Service Academies? What experiences in your life have prepared you for the academic and physical rigors and demands of life at an academy, and ultimately in the ...


    You only have a 10% chance of getting accepted to an Academy, but if you follow what we teach, you can drastically improve your odds. Over the last three years, 100% of our clients have earned Congressional nominations. This past year, 87% of our cohort earned Academy appointments. Our strategy has a proven record of success.

  9. Service Academy Nominations

    United States Naval Academy ↗. Department of the Navy. Annapolis, MD 21402 (410) 267-4361. United States Merchant Marine Academy ↗. Admissions Office. Kings Point, NY 11024 (516) 773-5391. United States Air Force Academy ↗. Admissions Office. Kings Point, NY 11024 (516) 773-5391.

  10. US Service Academy Nominations Application Instructions

    Nominations are made competitively on the basis of the composite of the candidate's academic record, extra-curricular activities, essay testimonials, and an interview with the Fifth District Service Academy Selection Board. The following are considered: Personal Testimonials provided via the required essays

  11. Service Academies

    A 500-words-or-less essay describing why you are a good choice for a nomination to a United States Service Academy. Please be sure to include any information you feel has prepared you for this challenge and makes you stand out from the rest of the applicants. (The essay may be submitted in the space provided in the online application or as a ...

  12. Academy Nominations

    One (1) Essay that accurately and thoughtfully answers the prompt, "Why do you want to attend a Service Academy?" The Essay portion is located at the bottom of the online questionnaire; ... My Service Academy Nomination Application for the class of 2029 is open from Monday, March 11th, 2024 through 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, October 11th, 2024.

  13. Service Academy Nominations

    Service Academy Nomination. Process. The Vice President is authorized to nominate individuals to the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies but cannot nominate to the U.S. Merchant ...

  14. Service Academy Nomination FAQs

    Complete the request form on or contact the Academy Coordinator in the Mandeville District Office at 985-893-9064. When do I apply for a nomination? The congressman can only nominate students who are going to be at least 17 years old by July 1 of the year entering an Academy and no older than 23.

  15. Service Academies Application

    The Vice President is authorized to nominate individuals to the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies but cannot nominate to the U.S.

  16. Nomination Essay

    Nomination Essay. Thread starter luke_715; Start date May 27, 2016; L. luke_715 Member. Joined Jan 4, 2016 ... Individuals such as them and myself had or have a strong desire to lead. The leadership skills the Service Academy graduates inherit not only carry on into their military careers, but into their civilian lives as well. B. brovol. 5 ...

  17. Service Academy Nominations

    Congressman Brandon Williams. Attn: Service Academy Coordinator. 440 S. Warren St. Suite 706. Syracuse, NY 13202. Interviews - Nomination interviews will be set up individually and a representative from my office will reach out to provide your meeting time. Important Note to Applicant: To be considered for a nomination, the applicant must ...

  18. Service Academy Nominations

    Service Academy Nomination Important Information. Rep. Luna attends Service Academy Nomination Night. The deadline for all applications to be submitted is Friday, October 11th, 2024. Application packets can be mailed or dropped off in person at our office. Address: 9200 113th Street N. Suite 305. Seminole, FL 33772.

  19. PDF U.S. House of Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) Service Academy

    I am a citizen of the United States, or I will have attained citizenship before I enter the Academy. I am a legal resident of the State of Washington. I understand that I must submit all necessary information by close of business November 15, 2024 to be considered for a nomination by U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal's office. Signature Date

  20. Castor Announces her 2023 Nominations to U.S. Military Academies

    Tampa, November 28, 2023. Today, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) announced the 21 Tampa Bay area students who received a nomination for admission into our nation's prestigious military academies: Air Force Academy (USAFA), Naval Academy (USNA), West Point (USMA) and the Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA). These outstanding student leaders hail ...

  21. Rep. Ronny Jackson now accepting applications for nomination to U ...

    AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) - The Office of Congressman Ronny Jackson announced that applications for United States Service Academy nominations for the Class of 2029 are now open. To be considered for ...

  22. FBI to host teen academy in Clarksburg

    Students are required to fill out an application and submit an essay to be considered. The academy will open on October 15th. All application materials must be submitted by September 13th at 5 p.m.

  23. Rep. Molinaro To Host Service Academy Information Session For Students

    Binghamton, NY - U.S. Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19) today announced his office is hosting a Service Academy Infromation Session at SUNY Broome Community College on Wednesday, August 21.The informational session is open to students and parents who are considering applying for a nomination to a U.S. Military Academy.

  24. DOCX

    U.S. Service Academy Nomination For. m. Full Name: _____ Date of Birth: _____ Street Address:_____ ... It is my sincere desire to attend a U.S. Service Academy, and I intend to pursue a vigorous academic course of study if appointed. I understand that attending a service academy also requires a minimum of five (5) years of military service ...

  25. nomination essay

    Nomination Essay - Feedback. Hi everyone, I was just wondering if you could give me some feedback on my essay for my service academy nomination. Just to let you know I wrote this in an hour or less so it may not be very good grammar wise, but be as critical as you can possibly be. Here is my essay below **REMOVED**. BallerAR9223.

  26. Monument to Mikhail Lomonosov in St. Petersburg

    Monument to Mikhail Lomonosov Unveiled in 1986 to mark the 275th anniversary of the great polymath and father of Russian science Mikhail Lomonosov, this three-meter bronze statue stands on Mendeleevskaya Liniya between the Twelve Colleges (the main building of St. Petersburg State University) and the Academy of Sciences.Lomonosov was a member of the Academy for over 20 years and, from 1758 ...

  27. New Bedford Film Festival drops nominations for its first year

    New Bedford Film Festival announced its official nominations for its upcoming award ceremony on April 21. ... Academy-Award nominee Liam Neeson also received a nomination for Best Voice Over for his work on the Public Service Announcement "The Grey Space." Nominees from the New Bedford area include Mackenzie McCree for her films "A Video Essay ...

  28. Tim Walz's military career: What to know about potential VP's service

    Democratic vp pick Tim Walz served for decades in the Army National Guard, serving in the U.S. and overseas.

  29. Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov by Saint-Petersburg.Com

    Due to lack of funds to support his young family, Lomonosov returned to St. Petersburg at the end of 1741, and was immediately appointed adjunct to the physics class at the Academy of Sciences. In 1745 he became the Academy's first Russian-born Professor of Chemistry, and in 1748 the first chemical research laboratory in Russia was built for him.

  30. Nomination Essay

    2,457. Aug 17, 2016. #2. First, the requirement for the essay is: 3. A short essay of 150-200 words explaining why you are seeking a nomination and want to be commissioned. It isn't 250 words. Please make sure you read this year's instructions carefully if you relied on previous years -- you don't wan to miss any changes. Second, the ...