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The 5AM Club Book Summary (Everything You Need to Know)

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The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma presents a revolutionary morning routine that will help you upgrade your productivity, happiness, and wellbeing to levels you never thought possible. In this 5AM Club book summary, we will walk you through the key points and takeaways that will help you transform the way you live your life forever!

Now if you are anything like 95% of people on this planet, the idea of getting up at 5AM on purpose sounds crazy. In a world that has been taken over by electronics and social media distractions, who in their right mind would willingly start their morning at 5AM?

For many people, the best way to feel good the next morning is to go to bed early and sleep in. But, in the 5AM Club, best selling author and expert Robin Sharma presents an alternative early morning routine that will help you reach peak performance in your personal and professional life.

Let’s dig into this 5AM Club summary to see how this life-changing book can help you take advantage of this powerful new habit in your own life!

The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma is Available in: print | digital | audiobook

The 5am Club Book Summary: The Key Ideas

Key idea #1: the four focuses of history makers.

History makers are the exceptional human beings throughout time. Not only were they great people, but they did extraordinary things with their lives. There are four things that history makers have in common that you can study to help you become an extraordinary person.

Focus #1: Capitalization IQ

Many people believe that natural talent is what makes a person a world class success. Our culture seems to praise talent without recognizing the effort that goes into growing a talent.

But behind every successful person is a growth mindset . This is a tool that extraordinary people have that allows them to believe that they can develop and build on the abilities that they had at birth.

People without a growth mindset often fall victim to their own limiting beliefs . These are the stories that we tell ourselves that limit what we are capable of achieving in our lives.

The first focus of history makers is that they believe that they can do anything, regardless of how good they are at something. These types of people see obstacles as areas for growth to challenge their limiting beliefs. They have the drive to get better no matter what it takes.

Focus #2: Freedom From Distraction

Is it even possible to live a life free from distraction? We have countless electronic devices that aggressively compete for our attention. And there are constant demands on our personal and professional lives that always seem to increase.

To make matters worse, our distractions usually make us think that we are relaxing and escaping from the demands of our lives. But even when we feel relaxed, the reality is that our distractions suck valuable focus from our day. This is focus we could be using on creative projects or problem solving.

But it isn’t always easy to just do something productive instead of starring at a screen. Our brains naturally want to embrace distractions because deep down we are afraid of challenges and growth opportunities. But our brain’s prefrontal cortex wants us to grow and develop. So how do we overcome this struggle?

This is just one of many secrets that this 5AM Club book summary will teach you!

For now, consider a social media hiatus . At the very least start by limiting the number of notifications you allow your phone to send you. Say ‘no’ to a small task at work that will distract you from a larger and more important project. You will almost be able to feel your brain cells energizing when they are free from distraction.

Focus #3: Personal Mastery Practice

Sharma describes four ‘interior empires’ that every person should concentrate on to deeply focus on improving themselves. These interior empires are:

  • Mindset: these are the thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves and our experiences that shape our reality. Having a healthy mindset and a positive attitude toward challenges will help you optimize your outlook.
  • Heartset: this is your emotional life. It isn’t possible to do great things if your heart is full of anger, rage, or fear.
  • Healthset: making your physical health your best health possible can add years to your life expectancy that you can spend growing and refining your craft.
  • Soulset: this is the process of remembering who you truly are by looking inward through meditation and reflection.

Many people have heard of the concept of a mindset. But this is only 25% of the battle toward personal mastery. A healthy balance amongst all four interior empires is the way toward reaching the highest levels of personal growth.

Focus #4: Day Stacking

Your life is the result of all of your days combined. By living excellent days, you create an excellent life .

During each 24 hour period that you are given in your life, focus on improving a little bit at a time. Even just 1% each day. It is these small improvements that produce the best results over a lifetime.

Key Idea #2: The Habit Installation Protocol

The key idea behind the habit installation protocol is that a new habit takes 66 days to form. Habits form over the course of three phases, each lasting 22 days:

  • Phase 1 – Destruction: change is hard, but if it weren’t difficult, it wouldn’t be real change. This phase is so difficult because you have to literally rewrite parts of your mind and replace them with new ways of operating.
  • Phase 2 – Installation: this is the phase where we are tempted to go back to the way things were.
  • Phase 3 – Integration: your mind now sees this habit as part of a daily routine.

After these three phases, you will reach what Sharma calls ‘the Automaticity Point’. This is when you no longer need willpower for your new habit. Which means that you are now free to use that willpower to start a new healthy habit!

This installation protocol is a great way to understand how to build a new early-rising habit like starting your day at 5AM every day!

5AM club book by robin sharma

Key Idea #3: The 20/20/20 Formula

The next key idea of this 5AM Club book summary is the 20/20/20 formula. This is the core concept of the 5AM club and its revolutionary morning routine.

This formula is a guideline for how to break up the first hour of your day into 20 minute intervals, each with their own specific focus on high-value activities. The idea is that this first ‘victory hour’ is a distraction-free hour where you can focus on optimizing yourself for the rest of the day.

As the book says, when you “take excellent care of the front end of your day, the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.”

Pocket #1 – 5:00am to 5:20am

The first pocket of 20 minutes is from 5:00am to 5:20am and requires you to move . The goal during this block of your morning routine is to focus on intense physical activity that gets you sweating.

Now, part of the appeal behind the 5AM club is that it sounds insane. Waking up at 5AM and exercising immediately? Who does that?

As it turns out, even if you are grumpy in the morning hours, using the 20/20/20 formula can transform your mindset.

Focusing on physical activity first thing in the morning will help you wake up fully and kick your focus into high gear. It will also help you increase your own self-discipline and be more creative throughout the day.

The book explains that exercising intensely for just 20 minutes in the morning can lower your coritsol levels . Cortisol is one of the main chemicals in your body that produces the feeling of fear.

Scientific research tells us that our body sees coritsol reaching its highest levels in the morning. Intense exercise helps lower these levels, and also releases the protein BDNF which can help you think and process faster. Serotonin levels also increase with exercise, making you feel happier.

This sets your entire day up for success before many people are even awake!

Pocket #2 – 5:20am to 5:40am

The second 20 minute pocket of time from 5:20am to 5:40am is dedicated to a period of deep peace and reflection.

After your intense physical activity block, the goal here is to slow down and reflect using journaling, meditation, and affirmations .

The first hour of the morning is the best time for this. This is the time before the demands of your job, your family, and your other responsibilities prevent you from enjoying a period of deep peace.

In a life where noise and distractions are quite common, we rarely make time for stillness. Who has time to just sit and be still?

The book explains that reflecting on how you are living, as well as intentionally focusing on your goals and dreams and who you want to become will help you live a better life.

Be honest with yourself. You don’t have time to do this during the day. So carving out 20 minutes of your ‘victory hour’ is the best place for it.

Pocket #3: 5:40am to 6:00am

The last 20 minute pocket of time is for a period of personal growth.

While this will look different for everyone, the goal is to spend 20 uninterrupted minutes on growth toward your best self. This could involve reading a book, listening to a podcast, or watching an educational video.

Making personal growth a consistent practice for twenty minutes each day will push you toward living an extraordinary life.

And since you just completed an intense workout, your body is full of all sorts of positive chemicals. So fill it with some growth!

Key Idea #4: The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius

After understanding the four focuses of history makers, the process for building new habits, and implementing the 20/20/20 formula, these 10 tactics will help you accelerate the rewards you gain from joining the 5AM club. Work each of these into your daily routine for epic results!

#1. The Tight Bubble of Total Focus (TBTF): This is the time where you remove digital distractions and technology from the room and protect your creative mind from toxic and negative energy. The key is finding a way to schedule a period of solitude and retreat to a place full of creativity and positive energy.

#2. The 90/90/1 Rule: For 90 days, the first 90 minutes of your workday should be spent on a single activity. Doing this will help you reach your most elite performance in that activity. This time of day should be spent completely free of technology and distraction.

#3. The 60/10 Method: After the 90/90/1 portion of your day, commit to not moving for 60 minutes straight. During this time, your goal should be to focus your best efforts on being as productive as you possibly can. After 60 minutes is up, replenish your energy for 10 minutes by meditating, going for a short walk, or listening to energizing music. After 10 minutes is up, repeat this process!

#4. The Daily 5 Concept: During your morning victory hour, spend some time writing down 5 things that you wish to accomplish that day. These 5 targets should be what you need to reach in order to make sure that you feel your day was well-lived. Doing this every day for one year would produce 1825 completed targets!

#5. The Second Wind Workout (2WW): schedule another workout at the end of your work day. This will help you overcome the feeling of exhaustion that many people experience after a day of work.

#6. The 2-Massage Protocol (2MP): massage therapy is another way to reduce the cortisol fear hormone while also raising serotonin levels. Making time in your weekly schedule for two 90 minute massages will take up extra time and money, but it could be a game changer!

#7. Traffic University: take advantage of the time you spend commuting. Sharma calculates that a person with a 60 minute commute to and from work will spend on average 3 years of their lifetime on their work commute. Use this time to listen to audiobooks or educational podcasts.

#8. The Dream Team Technique: if there are small tasks that take away from your productivity and happiness, find a way to delegate them to someone else who is able to help.

#9. The Weekly Design Sys tem: take just 30 minutes every Sunday to lay out the week ahead. Things that get scheduled get done!

#10. The 60-Minute Student: spend 60 minutes of each day studying and learning. Find a good book, a good online course, or a trusted mentor to help you grow and develop.

woman sitting at desk

Who Should Read The 5 AM Club ?

After reading this 5AM Club book summary, it is hard to ignore the power of this revolutionary morning routine. But that doesn’t mean it will be easy to make 5AM the first hour of your day.

As parents with young children, we found the idea of waking up at 5AM terrifying. Sleep is often in short supply in our house, so we try to get it whenever we can. Despite this, we still found plenty of valuable insights for living an extraordinary life in the 5AM Club .

If you are a young person starting out in your career, you may find it easier to take advantage of this world-beating morning routine to kickstart your path. If you have been in your role for a while and are feeling stuck in your work, consider applying this revolutionary morning routine to find more energy and creativity in your day.

So, will you be joining the world’s elite performers and setting your alarm clock for 5AM tomorrow morning?

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media! The 5AM Club morning routine could change their lives forever!

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The 5 AM Club book by robin sharma

‘The 5 AM Club Book Review: a game-changer by Robin Sharma

The 5 am club book by robin sharma review.

A few days back, I was stuck in a situation when I couldn’t use my mobile phone, the one I use for over 5 hours a day! Feel like that’s unbelievable? Well, go to the ‘Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls’ section in the ‘Settings’ of your phone. You’ll find out how many hours you unknowingly spend in front of your cell phone. And if that number is anything less than 2 hours for you, then kudos! You are actually living your life, rather than pretending on social media that you are.

Today, if I can pen even one good sentence, it is because of the richness of the books I read back in the day. That’s when I realized that I need to read more. I need to disconnect from my digital devices and connect back to the world of reading again. And so began my journey of challenging myself into reading 52 books, one book a week, for a year. And here I am, today, happy to share my experience of reading my very first book of the challenge.

How I came across ‘The 5 AM Club’, and Robin Sharma, as a mentor

Robin Sharma is one of the most influential and successful life-coaches existing today. A former lawyer, he began his journey of writing a few decades ago. He has ever since written and published 12 best-selling books and has inspired the world to become the best versions of themselves through these wonderful creations. I personally am not new to his work. At the age of fifteen, after completing high school, I was gifted a book as a token of appreciation from one of my elders. It was ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’. Ever since I have been a huge fan of Robin’s work and consider him as one of my mentors on my journey of self-realization. Not so surprisingly, I have been following him on social media and knew of the book ‘The 5 AM Club’ all through his updates since the time of its creation.

‘The 5 AM Club’ Book review

I’m all praise for this amazing book written by Robin Sharma. Like all his books, this one too uplifts the reader to live a fulfilling existence. If anything, I’d say, this perhaps is the best work he has ever crafted. If I were to give ‘The 5 AM Club’ book summary, I would say that it is a book which, like the name suggests, helps you to install the early waking habit. But that’s not all. Here are the four things that this book truly assists you at:

Genre, style, and narrative of the book

To talk about style, the author uses fictional characters to express his point. Honestly speaking, it is the journey of two strangers who meet a “weirdly wise” man at a conference and then embark on a journey with him that will completely transform their lives. The reader grows to associate with the characters right from the beginning, as their challenges resemble what we all go through in today’s reality. Like most of his other books, the author himself is the narrator of this book; i.e., it uses the third person omniscient narration. Although written in a period of four years, the book serves as a guide for a lifetime to its readers.

Some lines and excerpts from the book that I found most appealing

“a wishbone without a backbone doesn’t really get you very far,

How much would I rate this book?

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Kate Tries The 5 AM Club (So You Don’t Have To) | Wit & Delight

There hasn’t been an article on how to get up before the sun rises that hasn’t triggered an eye roll from yours truly. I’ve been sleep-deprived for the better part of three years now, and the idea of someone electing to forgo sleep in order to spend more time alone made my blood boil.  And then my kids grew up, and I began to understand that you WILL sleep again. And if you want time alone, you have to find the time and then protect it. 

Enter The 5 AM Club.

You may have heard of it. Maybe through someone brazenly sharing their new wake-up time with the associated hashtag over a plate of homemade breakfast. The club is “not for everyone” and claims to have “…life-changing benefits in all areas of your life—productivity, health, focus, happiness.” 

Here’s what the website says about the book :

“Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced  The 5 AM Club  concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness, and feelings of aliveness.”

Color me skeptical. 

However, I am facing a problem. I have limited time, limited energy, and a lot of responsibility. Not to mention, a lot of drive to create things that take time, energy, leaps of faith, and relentless focus. There’s not much room to be a skeptic when you weigh the cost of waiting on the sidelines for the perfect solution to fall into your lap.

The 5 AM Club includes a set of activities that are supposedly meant to boost three areas of your internal life: your physical health, your intellectual health, and your emotional health. They suggest starting your day with 20 minutes of rigorous exercise (something that makes you sweat), journaling for 20 minutes, and reading for 20 minutes. 

I happen to really believe these three key areas of wellness (physical health, emotional health, mental health) are key in identifying the heart of your internal struggles, finding your “why,” and honing in on your life’s purpose. The idea of putting dedicated time against doing small actions that maintain and improve the foundation of what I know I need to feel good felt like a good enough reason to give it a try. After all, a little sweat, reading, and some quality alone time sounded like heaven. Who was I to judge?!

And so, like a moth drawn to the light, I tried to join the club for a week, despite the fear of being judged by no one but myself for being one of those annoying 5 a.m. people. 

Spoiler alert: I turned into one. 

But it was not all butterflies and rainbows, and you won’t find me sugar coating the pain and discomfort that came with going from night owl to morning person. 

Moving forward despite the possibility of failure requires not only mental grit but also a reliance solely on yourself. On a promise made to no one but you. Pretty quickly, you realize how often you are lying, cheating, or giving up on no one but yourself. 

When we know something will be hard, instead of admitting failure as an option, we dismiss the idea of trying over the fear of falling short, the fear of failing at what we already know will be challenging. Moving forward despite the possibility of failure requires not only mental grit but also a reliance solely on yourself. On a promise made to no one but you. Pretty quickly, you realize how often you are lying, cheating, or giving up on no one but yourself. 

That’s why people avoid making promises to themselves. They’re hard to keep.

Here’s how my week of trying The 5 AM Club went.

Day one .

I’m feeling JAZZED! I’m all in. It’s the beginning of the new me. What will I do with all this time? Bake bread? Write my novel? Become an experienced yogi? I wonder what mental breakthroughs my predawn walks will bring about. I cannot wait to bask in the glory of quiet alone time. 

First, I drink water and coffee and putz around the kitchen. I lace up my shoes and get Winnie ready for her walk. We step outside to the sound of cracking thunder. The walk gets postponed. 

I feel great, until about 8:45 a.m. I nap on the couch at work but get through the rest of my day with no problem. Bedtime comes at the suggested 8:30 p.m. time. But…WTF. My kids just got to sleep and now I’m done for the day?? When does anyone get the laundry or dishes or cleaning done?? I’m starting to get concerned. 

Ouch, that hurt. I got in bed at 8:30 p.m. and stared at the ceiling until 11:00 p.m. What a waste of time! I did manage to get out of bed (after hitting snooze—a big NO-NO in The 5 AM Club). After drinking water and cursing myself for committing to this challenge, I managed a bit of yoga followed by a meditation, during which I promptly fell asleep. My alarm? My son sitting on my chest, asking me why I was making weird noises on the floor.

I do get more crossed off my to-do list today and feel slightly more peaceful. I think it is because I had a chance to be alone with my thoughts before catering to everyone else. 

I hate everything . But I get up anyway. I’m crabby and fall asleep on the couch at work not once, but twice. I doubt this process. I wonder if it will ever get less painful. 

I went to bed at a reasonable hour! 9:00 p.m.! The first time I’ve gotten more than 6 hours of sleep this week. 

I crawl out of bed at 4:55 a.m. and get an hour walk in with Winnie. The journaling time is nice, but I continue to fight sleep when meditating. And…I can’t find my keys.

An hour later…I locate the keys. I shoved them away in a bowl on a random shelf in our living room. Maybe this whole idea was a mistake. Is it taking on too much at one time? I seem to be moving backward in all aspects of my life and I am certainly not sharper and more focused!

It is getting easier. Today I woke up BEFORE my alarm. I felt great and got into my groove quickly. I had mental clarity through all of my meetings. It was easier to do good work with little effort. I felt sharp and in the zone.

Then, 3:00 p.m. hit and I felt like I needed a Big Mac and a nap to find the strength to be a good parent. Honestly, I have little to no recollection of the last half hour before bedtime and was so exhausted I fell asleep rocking Bennett at 7:30 p.m. I crawled into bed without doing my nightly ritual, something I had worked years to maintain.

It’s Saturday and I’m awake at 6:00 a.m. Yes, I broke the cycle and took a little bit more time to sleep considering I didn’t get to bed until 10:30 p.m. I take Winnie for a walk and stop to soak in the pink and blue sunrise. I feel a quiet peace in my heart, knowing I have this time just for me and my thoughts. Having dedicated time to be me, the new me, makes all of my hope for the future feel that much more tangible. Like there might, just might, be a way to make it work. 

The day of reckoning. I wake up knowing I made it to my goal and feel a hit of dopamine and a sense of pride. I exercise and bounce out the door to grab coffee for Joe and myself. As my family sleeps soundly into the morning, I journal about how far I felt from that morning just four days ago, when this decision felt like the most unnatural act I could possibly do as a human. I decide to stick with The 5 AM Club for a month, but only on the weekdays. 

Today, I’m 42 days into The 5 AM Club, and I’m a proud weekend slacker. The process can be a challenge. I still do something for my body, mind, and spirit every morning, even on the weekends (thank you, naptime). There’s still a lack of mental clarity that comes from waking up so early AND handling social events that tend to creep into our schedule. I have yet to master the art of saying no to a night out with friends or the kids’ request to adventure to a play date. While I might not be hardcore enough to join the real 5 AM Club, the benefits are worth the pain. 

Getting up early is a commitment to myself and no one else, proof that I can practice a kind of self-care that is about getting back the power you oftentimes give to others.

It doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore. I go to bed feeling a sense of accomplishment even if I haven’t had the BEST DAY EVER with #maximumproductivity. Getting up early is a commitment to myself and no one else, proof that I can practice a kind of self-care that is about getting back the power you oftentimes give to others. It’s a great feeling, to end the day knowing you did what you could to be a better version of yourself. 

What I discovered through this process, and what I hope you consider, is that hard things—ones that are trying both mentally and physically—can bring about significant change, that is if you have the stomach for it. 

book review of the 5 am club

Kate is the founder of Wit & Delight. She is currently learning how to play tennis and is forever testing the boundaries of her creative muscle . Follow her on Instagram at @witanddelight_ .

BY Kate Arends - September 17, 2019

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You are BRAVE. I don’t think I could do this – even if I wanted to. Maybe someday when I’m a mom and getting up at 7:00 doesn’t feel so painful.

K A T E L A T E L Y || fashion + lifestyle blog

Would you be willing to do this again in the winter and report back?? I find it’s so much easier to get up early in the summer when it’s light out early in the morning. It’s like, “The sun’s out; why WOULDN’T I get up right now??” But when it’s cold and dark in the winter, I have suchhh a hard time getting up, let alone exercising. I loved this article and the concept!

This is so great! I have joined the 6am club (not as dramatic as the 5 am one), and have found that taking an hour to work out and meditate in the morning has changed the scope of my days. I have more patience, I’m more fun, I get more done. I don’t even mind going to bed a bit earlier because it’s such higher quality time in the morning than mindlessly watching TV at night. You’ve inspired me to push into the 5s! 😂

I’m a reluctant 6 am person during the school year, to make sure my kid gets out the door. I can’t do 5 am. For me, there’s a huge difference between 5 am and 6 am. My husband is a 5 am person, often even on the weekends. He’s given up on trying to convince me of the perks, lol.

I was religiously club 5am for months until it started getting darker outside in the mornings, and now I can’t wake up! I miss that old early morning routine though…

I’ve been contemplating trying this but also wondering… did you figure out when to do the laundry & cleaning? I try to do those things with my kids. But my late nights ,after the kids are asleep, are when I catch up with photo editing or finally have a chance to have an interrupted conversation with my husband.

Ooooo! You have me seriously considering this! I read this post yesterday and can’t get it off my mind now! Thanks for sharing your experience.

I just started this audiobook. I have no idea what i’m listening to in the first 2 chapters. I thought this book was about waking at 5am…???? This is the worst hook.

Literally just stick with reading/listening to the book Frank. It’s part story & part strategy, I’m in the last chapter. Finishing it will payoff bud.

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The 5 AM Club Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: The 5 AM Club helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.

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The 5 AM Club Summary

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You wake up to your alarm, press snooze, and roll over for a few extra minutes of sleep. The alarm goes off again, and you get up, groggy still. Then, you quickly get ready so you’re not late for work. Sound familiar? This is what the average person does; wake up and let the day take over. But do you want to be average?

If you want to be like the top 5%, you need to stop acting like the 95%.

There is a way to start your day with purpose and energy, a pattern that will help you accomplish more and increase your mental and physical health. It all starts with waking up at 5 AM. For most people, this sounds unappealing. But if you want to be great , this is where to start.

Robin Sharma is a leadership guru who loves to help others become more productive. In The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life , he uses a fictitious story about a billionaire mentor teaching a struggling artist and an entrepreneur about the importance of waking up early to show how revolutionary it is for success. He makes a convincing case that will persuade even the most sleep-loving people that to be truly excellent, we need to start our days intentionally.

Here are the 3 biggest lessons I’ve learned from this book:

  • Waking up at 5 a.m. will provide you with the solitude and improved brain state to perform like the pros.
  • Balance your four “interior empires” to achieve self-mastery.
  • Don’t waste time when you wake up early, use the 20/20/20 formula.

Let’s get up and get started!

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Lesson 1: If you want to be successful, give your brain an advantage by waking up at 5 a.m.

The billionaire tells the artist and entrepreneur that he has the key to their success. When they arrive to meet him early the next morning, his first lesson is that waking up at 5 a.m. will give your brain the advantage to succeed throughout the day.

Our minds have a limited amount of “bandwidth.” When we fill our day with social media , interactions with those around us, television, and so on, we fill this bandwidth to the point that we can’t take in anything more before the day is even over. If you wake up at 5 a.m., you will find you can focus on one thing without these distractions and accomplish much more.

Our brain chemistry is different early in the morning. The brain’s prefrontal cortex, or that part of you that makes you worry or analyze things over and over, is temporarily shut down in the peaceful early hours . The tranquility at daybreak also has been shown to increase dopamine and serotonin, helping you feel energized and at peace. What an awesome way to start your day!

Lesson 2: Find balance in all four “interior empires” to find self-mastery.

Here’s another valuable lesson about success: don’t just focus on mindset . While thinking optimistic thoughts will help you, there are three other “interior empires” when trying to find balance.

Next to your Mindset, you also have your Healthset, Heartset, and Soulset.

Healthset refers to our physical health . One of the best ways to get ahead in life is to live longer. If you want to be in charge of your empire, you need to live long enough to do this! Committing to exercise will help you get much more out of life. It will also help you live longer. It will help you have energy, lose some stress, and be happier.

Heartset is your emotional well-being. To cultivate a healthy emotional life, we need to express ourselves and have healthy emotional attachments. This is vital to our success.

Lastly, Soulset is our spirituality . Whatever you believe, make time in the morning to connect with your spirituality and yourself. Remember all of the things that make you who you are, and why you are doing what you do. Too often we get caught up in the superficiality of life and forget to connect with ourselves deeply.  

Apply all these in the peaceful time we make at 5 a.m., and you will be well on your way to a balanced, successful life.

Lesson 3: Use the 20/20/20 formula to set your day up for success.

By now you may be wondering if it’s so important to wake up at 5 a.m. What should I do when I’m up so early? It’s entirely possible to wake up this early and waste the extra time by using it to watch the news or scroll through social media.

The billionaire, however, lays out the perfect plan: the 20/20/20 rule, which says you should 20 minutes on three highly valuable activities each.

The first 20 minutes of that first hour should consist of exercise . Help your body wake up, and make your body sweat. Sweating decreases cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress and fear. Sweat also releases BDNF, the brain-repairing neurotropic factor, which speeds up the creation of new neural pathways and repairs brain cells. If you want to think quicker, make sure you get sweaty!

The next 20-minute block should consist of reflection and meditation. The peace you find this early will make way for more inspiration than you thought possible. Make time to write these in your journal. Take the time to focus on what you want out of the day before you get distracted. And don’t forget meditation, which has been shown to reduce cortisol which will reduce your stress.

Finally, make time to learn. Instead of wasting time on useless entertainment, spend time reading and learning. Learn from the successful people of the world. What all the ultra-rich have in common is a love of learning.

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If you’re want to take your life to the next level, a great morning routine is the way to do it. The 5 AM Club delivers exactly that, complete with instructions and an amazing story to make them stick. If you aren’t a morning person, listen to what Robin Sharma has to say!

The 18-year-old filled with ambitions to become their best self, the 42-year-old office worker that feels as if they can reach a higher level of performance every day, and everyone who wants to start their day with energy and positivity.

Last Updated on March 15, 2024

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Luke Rowley

With over 450 summaries that he contributed to Four Minute Books, first as a part-time writer, then as our full-time Managing Editor until late 2021, Luke is our second-most prolific writer. He's also a professional, licensed engineer, working in the solar industry. Next to his day job, he also runs Goal Engineering, a website dedicated to achieving your goals with a unique, 4-4-4 system. Luke is also a husband, father, 75 Hard finisher, and lover of the outdoors. He lives in Utah with his wife and 3 kids.

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The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

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Robin Sharma

The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. Hardcover – December 4, 2018

Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

      Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.

      Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:

  • How great geniuses, business titans and the world’s wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements
  • A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day
  • A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth
  • A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed
  • “Insider-only” tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the world

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

  • Print length 336 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
  • Publication date December 4, 2018
  • Dimensions 6 x 1.13 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 1443456624
  • ISBN-13 978-1443456623
  • See all details

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From the back cover.

The 5 am Club is the trailblazing—and astonishing—story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.

The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their effectiveness and awakens their happiness, along with their sense of personal freedom.

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5 am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

About the Author

ROBIN SHARMA is a globally respected humanitarian who, for over a quarter of a century, has been devoted to helping human beings realize their native gifts. One of the top leadership and personal mastery experts in the world, he advises companies such as NASA, Nike, Microsoft, Unilever, GE, FedEx, HP, Starbucks, Yale University, PwC, IBM Watson and the Young Presidents’ Organization. His #1 international bestsellers, such as The 5AM Club , The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari , The Greatness Guide and Who Will Cry When You Die? , have sold millions of copies in more than ninety-two languages and dialects, making him one of the most widely read authors alive.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins Publishers (December 4, 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1443456624
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1443456623
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.26 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1.13 x 9 inches
  • #37 in Personal Time Management
  • #241 in Leadership & Motivation
  • #332 in Success Self-Help

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About the author

Robin sharma.

Robin Sharma is one of the world's premier speakers on Leadership and Personal Mastery, recently named one of the World's Top Leadership Gurus. As a presenter, Sharma has the rare ability to electrify an audience yet deliver uncommonly original and useful insights that lead to individuals doing their best work, teams providing superb results and organizations becoming unbeatable.

For nearly 20 years, many of the most well-known organizations on the planet, ranging from Nike, GE, Microsoft, FedEx, PwC, HP and Oracle to NASA, Yale University and YPO have chosen Robin Sharma for their most important events, when nothing less than a world-class speaker will do.

Sharma's books such as The Leader Who Had No Title have topped bestseller lists internationally and his social media posts reach over six hundred million people a year, making him a true global phenomenon for helping people do brilliant work, thrive amid change and realize their highest leadership capacities within the organization so that personal responsibility, productivity, ingenuity and mastery soars.

Sharma has been ranked as one of the Top 5 Leadership Gurus in the World in an independent survey of over 22,000 businesspeople and appears on platforms with other luminaries such as Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Jack Welch and Shaquille O'Neill.

15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management: The Productivity Habits of 7 Billionaires, 13 Olympic Athletes, 29 Straight-A Students, and 239 Entrepreneurs

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Customers find the themes profound and the fiction good. They also describe the writing style as entertaining and educational. However, some readers find the prose over-constructed and cringe-worthy.

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Customers find the themes profound, excellent, and life-changing. They also appreciate the simple strategies and habits that make a huge difference. Readers also mention that the density of valuable information greatly increased. They appreciate the leadership lessons, quotes, and takeaways.

"This is a great book so many things about it will definitely make a change in your life ...." Read more

"...I will keep coming back for the tiny but miraculous and profound teachings that this book contains." Read more

"...Sharma hit his stride! The density of valuable information greatly increased , almost totally making up for its lack in the rest of the book...." Read more

" Gives us a lot of insights on how we can master the day and teaches a lot of values. Highly recommended!!" Read more

Customers are mixed about the writing style. Some mention that the writing keeps them inthralled, the experiences make them yearn to visit, and the book can be read over a lifetime. They also like the format and how he wove a story via the 4 main characters. However, others say that the prose is over-constructed, hard to read, and flowery.

"This book is amazing - while the fictional storyline is a bit cringe /cheesy at times, it makes it much more interesting and an easier read than most..." Read more

"...I would highly recommend it and I found it to be an easy read and an easy. Listen I got the audible book and the physical book." Read more

"I almost set this book down several times because it’s so wordy and repetitive and wasn’t adding much to my knowledge...." Read more

"...The writing keeps you inthralled and the experiences make you yearn to visit and be apart of it all while mapping out your own ideas for a future..." Read more

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Comprehensive Review of The 5 AM Club: Unlocking Morning Success Strategies

Review of the book 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma


Mar 2, 2024

Comprehensive Review of The 5 AM Club: Unlocking Morning Success Strategies

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Author's background, robin sharma's philosophy, other works, the core concept of the 5 am club, the philosophy of waking up early, the 20/20/20 formula, developing successful morning routines, importance of morning routines, case studies and examples, self-discipline and habit formation, building strong habits, the habit installation protocol, practices for personal growth, reflection and meditation, learning and growth, mental and emotional wellness, mindset and heartset, positive psychology, physical activity and health, exercise and wellbeing, healthset and soulset, character studies in the book, the entrepreneur, the billionaire, overcoming barriers to success, dealing with excuses and doubts, resisting distractions, time management and productivity strategies, daily and long-term planning, productivity enhancement techniques, final thoughts and implications for everyday life, applying the 5 am club principles, long-term impact on life and work.

notion image

  • The 5 AM Club offers a structured approach to maximizing productivity and personal growth.
  • Robin Sharma uses his expertise to blend motivational advice with practical self-improvement techniques.
  • Adopting this method involves a holistic focus on mental, physical, and emotional health.

notion image

  • Leadership Wisdom from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
  • The Saint, the Surfer, and the CEO
  • The Greatness Guide
  • First 20 minutes - Move : Spending the initial 20 minutes in vigorous exercise wakes up the body and mind, releasing BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) and other neurochemicals that promote brain health and cognitive skills.
  • Next 20 minutes - Reflect : The following 20 minutes are for reflection, which includes practices like meditation, prayer, or journaling, to foster a state of peace, clarity, and gratitude.
  • Final 20 minutes - Grow : The last segment is focused on growth, involving activities like reading, learning, or planning. This time is invested in enhancing knowledge and setting strategic intentions for the day ahead.
  • Exercise : I incorporate at least 20 minutes of physical activity to invigorate my body and clear my mind.
  • Habits : By adhering to a consistent wake-up time and first-hour routine, I establish a pattern that signals my brain to enter a state of readiness and focus.
  • CEO : Meditation followed by reading industry-related material.
  • Author : Journaling for clarity of thought, then outlining writing tasks for the day.

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  • 5 minutes of gratitude : I list things I’m grateful for, which sets a positive tone.
  • 10 minutes of journaling : I record my thoughts and reflect on my emotions.
  • 15 minutes of meditation : I focus on my breathing to achieve a state of calm.

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  • Thoughts : Shifting from negative to positive thinking patterns.
  • Positivity : Cultivating an optimistic outlook to enhance resilience.
  • Spirituality : Understanding that a meaningful mindset often includes a spiritual dimension, contributing to a sense of purpose.
  • Serotonin and Dopamine : These neurotransmitters are connected to feelings of happiness and pleasure. "The 5 AM Club" suggests that an aligned heartset can influence the release of these chemicals, enhancing my sense of joy and well-being.
  • Positivity : The book aligns with Positive Psychology by encouraging practices that increase life satisfaction and personal development.
  • Serotonin and Dopamine : Positive interventions, such as gratitude exercises and mindfulness, are highlighted as ways to naturally boost these neurotransmitters for improved mental health.

notion image

  • Endorphin Release : Generates positive feelings and reduces the perception of pain.
  • Improved Cognitive Function : Boosts BDNF levels, which is essential for brain health.
  • Daily Routines : My Healthset incorporates daily exercise to maintain physical health.
  • Mindfulness Practices : My Soulset routine includes meditation and self-reflection to ensure mental wellness.

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  • Begins with a limited mindset but evolves through the book
  • Learns the value of early rising and productivity enhancement
  • Understands the importance of 'victory hour' for success
  • Initially presented as talented yet undisciplined
  • Embarks on a quest for personal and professional discipline
  • Learns to channel her creativity into a structured routine
  • Adopts the 5 AM Club principles for creative and personal mastery
  • Exudes wisdom and experience
  • Possesses a deep understanding of life and success
  • Shares philosophies and habits that underpin his success
  • His guidance is pivotal in transforming the Entrepreneur and the Artist

notion image

  • Excuses: I identify and counteract each excuse with a positive affirmation.
  • Doubts: I rely on empirical success stories that reinforce the value of early rising.
  • Devices: I implement a no-screen time at least one hour before bedtime.
  • Distraction: I plan my morning in advance to stay focused on productive actions.

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  • Daily Planning: Each morning, during my Victory Hour, I set aside time to outline my tasks for the day. This isn't just a to-do list; it's a commitment to my Daily 5 Concept—five crucial actions that move me closer to my long-term goals. I've discovered that aligning daily actions with long-term objectives ensures consistent progress.
  • Long-term Planning: For the broader scope, I adhere to the 90/90/1 Rule—spending the first 90 minutes of my day, for the next 90 days, on the one thing that will significantly impact my life. This concentrated effort acts as a catalyst for profound development over time.
  • 90/90/1 Rule: I tackle my most challenging and important project first thing in the morning for 90 consecutive days. This focused approach ensures that I am making headway on tasks that provide the most significant returns.
  • 60/10 Method: To maintain high energy levels and sharp focus throughout my work sessions, I apply the 60/10 Method—60 minutes of intense focus followed by a 10-minute break. This cycle is repeated throughout the day, allowing for rejuvenation and preventing burnout.

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book review of the 5 am club

The 5 AM Club: Summary Review

book review of the 5 am club

This is a summary review of The 5 AM Club containing key details about the book.

What is The 5 AM Club About?

The 5 AM Club is a self-help book that explores the benefits of waking up early, developing a morning routine, and using the extra time to focus on personal and professional growth.

book review of the 5 am club

In The 5am Club, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness. It is based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

Summary Points & Takeaways from The 5 AM Club

Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:

* The Power Hour: The first hour of the day is the most important, and should be used to focus on personal development and growth.

* The Five AM Club: A group of people who wake up at 5 AM to focus on their personal and professional growth.

* The 20/20/20 Formula: The formula for a successful life includes 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of learning, and 20 minutes of meditation.

* The Inner Circle: The inner circle is made up of the people who have the biggest impact on our lives and should be prioritized.

* The 6 Human Needs: The six human needs are certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth, and contribution.

* The Three Stages of Mastery: The three stages of mastery are learning, practicing, and teaching.

* The Art of Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is key to success and can be developed through habit and routine.

book review of the 5 am club

* The Four Burners Theory: The four burners theory suggests that in order to be successful, one must balance work, family, health, and friends.

* The Four Thieves of Time: The four thieves of time are distractions, time-wasters, procrastination, and multitasking.

* The Law of Intentionality: Success is achieved by setting clear intentions and taking consistent actions towards them.

Who is the author of The 5 AM Club?

Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer, best known for his The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book series. Sharma worked as a litigation lawyer until age 25, when he self-published MegaLiving, a book on stress management and spirituality.

Book Details

  • Print length: 336 pages
  • Genre: Self Help, Nonfiction, Personal Development

The 5 AM Club Chapters

Chapter 1 : The Dangerous Deed Chapter 2: A Daily Philosophy on Becoming Legendary Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter with a Surprising Stranger Chapter 4: Letting Go of Mediocrity and All That's Ordinary Chapter 5: A Bizarre Adventure into Morning Mastery Chapter 6: A Flight to Peak Productivity, Virtuosity and Undefeatability Chapter 7: Preparation for a Transformation Begins in Paradise Chapter 8: The 5 am Method: The Morning Routine of World-Builders Chapter 9: A Framework for the Expression of Greatness Chapter 10: The 4 Focuses of History-Makers Chapter 11: Navigating the Tides of Life Chapter 12: The 5 am Club Discovers The Habit Installation Protocol Chapter 13: The 5 am Club Learns The 20/20/20 Formula Chapter 14: The 5 am Club Grasps the Essentialness of Sleep Chapter 15: The 5 am Club Is Mentored on The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius Chapter 16: The 5 am Club Embraces The Twin Cycles of Elite Performance Chapter 17: The 5 am Club Members Become Heroes of Their Lives

What do critics say?

Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: "Robin Sharma's books are helping people all over the world lead great lives." — Paulo Coelho

* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you're interested in furthering your personal development, I invite you to check out my list of favorite personal development books page. On this page, you'll find a curated list of books that have personally impacted my life, each with a summary and key lessons.

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The 5am Club – Book Review

The 5am Club by Robin Sharma - Book Review.


The 5am Club

By robin sharma.

Versions available:

The 5am Club by Robin Sharma Book Review

Genre: Golf Psychology Books

Brief synopsis:

Just like Atomic Habits, this is not specifically a golf book. It has however changed my life. For me it’s a must read book for anyone, not just a golfer.

“The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma is a transformative guide to personal and professional growth that centres around the life-changing habit of waking up at 5 AM. Sharma weaves a captivating narrative that follows the journeys of two individuals (a struggling artist and an entrepreneur) who embark on a quest for success, fulfilment, and lasting happiness.

At the heart of this book is the concept that the first hour of the day, from 5 AM to 6 AM, is the ‘Golden Hour’—a sacred time for self-improvement, personal reflection, and skill development. Sharma presents a holistic framework for achieving greatness by harnessing the power of this early morning routine, incorporating elements of exercise, meditation, and goal-setting.

Whether you’re seeking to get better at golf, revitalise your career, improve your health, or enhance your overall well-being, this book provides a compelling roadmap for unlocking your full potential. It challenges readers to join the elite ranks of the 5 AM Club and reap the rewards of a disciplined, proactive, and fulfilling life. I’ve joined the club … it’s when I write these articles!

The 5am Club – Detailed Book Review

In “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma, readers are not merely handed a book; they are gifted a transformative blueprint for a life of unparalleled productivity and fulfilment. This book could not only improve a golfer’s game, but also change their life.

This book genuinely changed my life, and I would wholeheartedly recommend anyone to read this.

The 5am Club creates a framework for life. Warning … this lifestyle may not be for everyone, but there are techniques in this book that EVERY single reader can use to improve their lives.

The Best Golf Books To Read Article

Unlike most books of this nature, rather than the author saying do this, do that, Sharma creates a story centred around the main characters, the Homeless Man/Billionaire, the Spellbinder, the Artist and the Entrepreneur. The story sees the Billionaire teaching the Artist and the Entrepreneur the various aspects of the 5am Club and how each one can improve their lives. It’s a refreshing way of learning these techniques.

Golf is Mental

Golf is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. The 5am Club equips golfers with the tools to implement routines which will help to elevate their game. Sharma’s insights on how to get the best out of each day, will undoubtedly help golfers to effectively work on improving their game by removing distractions, improving efficiencies and focus.

The 5am Club – My Favourite Quote

It’s not a quote as such, but more a small section within The 5am Club book. The “Amazing Day Deconstruction” graphic below likely makes little sense without reading the book, but it is a valuable structure that can be used to improve anyone’s life.

The Amazing Day Decontruction snippet from Robin Sharma's best selling book The 5am Club

Robin Sharma – The 5am Club

Why Golfers Should Read The 5am Club?

Golfers seeking a competitive edge and a holistic approach to their game should eagerly turn the pages of “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma. This transformative guide not only advocates for the power of early mornings, but also provides golfers with a roadmap for enhancing their mental resilience, focus, and overall well-being.

Sharma’s insights on disciplined routines, mindset mastery, and continuous improvement align seamlessly with the precision and dedication required on the golf course. By adopting the principles of the 5 AM Club, golfers can cultivate a winning mindset, optimise their physical and mental performance, and unlock the full potential of their game.

Beyond the fairways, Sharma’s wisdom transcends into life skills, offering golfers a comprehensive approach to personal and professional excellence. This book is not just a wake-up call; it’s a game-changer for golfers aspiring to elevate their performance and lead a purpose-driven life both on and off the green.

Enjoyed our review? Why not checkout our compilation of other Best Golf Books to Read .

About the Author:

Robin Sharma

Born in Port Hawkesbury, Canada, Robin Sharma is a globally renowned leadership expert, motivational speaker, and best-selling author known for his transformative insights on personal development and peak performance. With a captivating and dynamic speaking style, Sharma has inspired millions of individuals worldwide to pursue excellence in both their personal and professional lives.

As the author of acclaimed books such as “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and “The 5 AM Club,” he shares practical wisdom and actionable strategies for unlocking one’s full potential and achieving lasting success. Through his teachings, Robin Sharma has become a beacon of inspiration, guiding people to embrace change, cultivate resilience, and lead purpose-driven lives.

The 5am Club – Version Details

Product Details:

The 5am Club – Hardback

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎  HarperCollins Publishers (4 Dec. 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎  English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎  336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎  1443456624
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎  978-1443456623
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎  15.24 x 2.87 x 22.86 cm

The 5am Club – Paperback

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎  jaico publishing house (19 Dec. 2018)
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎  336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎  9387944891
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎  978-9387944893
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎  23.2 x 15.1 x 2.4 cm

The 5am Club – Kindle Edition

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎  Harper Thorsons; edition (6 Dec. 2018)
  • File size ‏ : ‎  4384 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎  Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎  Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎  Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎  Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎  Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎  On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎  337 pages

The 5am Club – Audioboo k

  • Listening Length‏ : ‎  11 hours and 4 minutes
  • Author‏ : ‎  Robin Sharma
  • Narrator‏ : ‎  Adam Verner
  • Release Date ‏ : ‎  06 December 2018
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎  HarperCollins Publishers Limited
  • Program Type ‏ : ‎  Audiobook
  • Version ‏ : ‎  Unabridged

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Last Updated on 19/07/2024 by StripeyGreenTV

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book review of the 5 am club

Is the 5am Club Worth Getting out of Bed For?

Dervla Louli investigates whether writer Robin Sharma’s morning club for proactive early birds is worth the hype

by Dervla Louli

I came across Robin Sharma’s 5am club the way I do most things these days, on Instagram. Ever since reading Sharma’s hit book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari , I’ve followed the life coach on social media enjoying the positivity his posts pepper throughout my day. The eight Talisman letters located on the back of the book are passages that hit the nail on the head when it comes to caring about what matters most, and act like a compass for life when you need your priorities realigned. I don’t have a guru per se, but if I had to pick one, Sharma would probably be it. So, when he released a book called ‘The 5am Club’ about a revolutionary morning routine that can change your life for the better, I decided to give the 20/20/20 (movement, reflection and learning) method a shot. I read the book, bought a morning journal, and set a week’s worth of 5am alarms on my phone. Armed and (naively thinking I was) ready, here’s a take on how it went so you can see if it’s right for you.

Painfully obvious, but trying to join the 5am Club without reading the book and by just reading the below will feel like a baptism of fire. I know because I tried unsuccessfully to ‘hack’ my induction by reading multiple reviews online. If you’re like me and still insist on trying before reading, all you need to do is set your alarm clock for 5am, exercise intensely for the first 20 minutes, meditate/write a journal/plan goals for the second 20 minutes and learn something new for the last 20 minutes.

Early to bed

Setting your alarm at 5am when your usual bedtime is around 11pm or midnight (like mine) can be painfully hard. It goes completely against everything we’ve learned about getting eight hours sleep and is unrealistic if you have a baby dictating your evening routine or a job that doesn’t allow you to switch off. I averaged about six hours sleep a night during the week but felt the ‘sleep for me time’ swap was worth it. Using the first 60 minutes of my day for personal preparation made my entire day more productive and intentional, but I had to make significant shifts in my social calendar and evening routine to make it work.

Early to rise

The tag line of ‘The 5am Club’ is ‘own your morning, elevate your life’. It’s a big claim, but one that makes sense as it puts you in control of your day and cultivates self-discipline. When my first 5am alarm went off, I pressed snooze so hard I’m surprised my phone didn’t break. I mindlessly pulled on my leggings and workout top, grabbed my skipping rope and worked out intensely for 20 minutes per Sharma’s advice. I then sat down at my open journal and spent 20 minutes writing morning pages and quarterly goals, before reading a wellness tourism whitepaper for 20 minutes. Because I had prepared everything I needed to move/meditate/learn the night before it made it easy to flow through the routine. The problem was that I was completely exhausted, as I hadn’t mastered going to bed early.

Sharma’s magic morning routine formula can be broken down into three parts, the first of which is working out intensely and sweating for the first 20 minutes. No one ever regrets exercising and the clinically proven benefits of moving more are undisputed, so this is a no brainer. In the words of the productivity master, “Sweating releases BDNG, a brain chemical that actually grows neural connections. Working out also releases dopamine which makes you feel happy.” I would skip, go for a short run, do a HIIT workout or a quick Vinyasa flow at home before settling down with a cup of warm water with lemon and some coffee for the next step of the routine.

If time is money and health is wealth, then the 5am Club is definitely worth joining. Not only did I have a lot more time and space to get through my daily to-do list, but I was so much more productive than usual. It also ensured that before my day began, I had time to take care of my priorities and be proactive rather than reactive as the day went on. Waking up so early and dedicating time to workout, meditate, journal, plan, reflect and learn was a game changer and proved to be the biggest takeaway from the experiment. I got through my to-do list faster with zero distractions, didn’t feel obliged to look at my phone or email until the workday began, and in general felt a lot more in control. It was good for me physically and mentally, and my business also benefitted.

The second and third parts of the morning routine include 20 minutes of ‘pocketing’ (which can include journaling, meditating, visualising, goal setting and planning) and 20 minutes of learning (reading non-fiction, listening to podcasts, learning a language, etc.). My favourite ‘pocketing’ routine involved 5-10 minutes of morning pages where I write everything that comes to mind down with no structure or plan. I then write down my annual goals and break them down into bi-annual and quarterly steps before pinpointing one important task I can complete that day, which will bring me a step closer to my goal. Setting aside time to do this was quite powerful first thing in the morning. Spending 20 minutes learning something new was also a game changer.

After a week of waking up at the crack of dawn, I decided to adopt the 5am Club morning routine but condensed it and shifted it a little bit to suit my schedule. I don’t believe that rigidity suits everyone and I like picking bits and pieces from different methodologies and incorporating them into my life in a way that works for me. I prioritise getting seven or eight hours sleep over waking up at 5am but still set aside ‘me time’ in the morning to sweat, reflect and learn as I loved the morning routine and found it helped to create some much-needed space in my day and enhanced my productivity and overall wellbeing. I’d recommend giving the 5am Club a shot, but don’t be afraid to set your own rules.

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The 5 AM Club – Book Review

The 5 AM Club - book review

Recently, I read the book The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life written by Robin Sharma. The book surprised me in several ways and made me consider joining the 5 AM Club. In this book review, you can read more about The 5 AM Club and the author. I will also provide a summary and give my opinion about the book.

The aim of The 5 AM Club is to help you maximize your productivity while increasing your happiness and health by means of a bulletproof morning routine. The revolutionairy morning routine described in the book is Robin Sharma’s holy grail.

Who expects that The 5 AM Club is a practical “how-to” self-help book with tips and methods to install a new morning routine, might be suprised. The book namely turns out to be a fiction book. The book is still full of great ideas, thoughts and methods, but Robin Sharma’s beliefs are presented in a story rather than in a non-fiction way. In the book, several protocols and methods, with names such as “the 20/20/20 formula”, “the 90/90/1 rule”, “the 2nd wind workout (2WW)”, “the weekly design system (WDS)” and “the 60/10 method”, are introduced and discussed to improve wellbeing and productivity.

Although the main goal of the book is to increase productivity, it is not at all about ‘working more’. Nothing about an 80-hour workweek; on the contrary, Robin Sharma argues that 5 hours of deep-work a day is what is required to maximize productivity. Also, he thoroughly discusses the importance of rest.

About author Robin Sharma

The 5 AM Club is the 12th book that Robin Sharma published. It is one of his most famous books, together with The Leader Who Had no Title , The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and Who Will Cry When You Die . All his books are focussed around lifestyle, meaning, productivity and leadership. Sharma is quite the expert on these topics, as he has worked with and coached some of (the CEO’s of) the greatest companies on the planet. In total, Sharma sold over 20 million books worldwide.

Why I read The 5 AM Club

I remember seeing this book in an advertisement or as a recommended buy in a webshop. I read what it was about, since the title and overall appearance of the book caught my interest. The content of the book seemed indeed of interest to me. Already for quite a while I have been working on getting my life in order, self-improvement, personal growth and improving my happiness and productivity. In a lot of ways, I have succeeded. But still, there was (and is) much more to improve. One of the things I have been struggeling with for a very long time is rising early and implementing a healthy, consistent morning habit.

This book seemed to be the ideal guide to improve that specific part of my day and with that, my life. The book was on my wishlist for a while, when one day, I saw the book on the bookshelf of my girlfriend’s uncle. I asked him what he thought of the book and what he took away from it, and he told me that it was a very good book and suggested that I take it with me. I gratefully did and could finally start reading it.

Book summary of The 5 AM Club : Own your morning, elevate your life

This section may contain spoilers! Scroll to header “ My opinion about The 5 AM Club ” to avoid spoilers.

At the start of the book, the main characters (the artist, the entrepreneur), meet after attending a speaking event of ‘the spellbinder’. The spellbinder is seen as the grandmaster of inspiration. The artist and entrepreneur are struggeling in their life. They are not as happy, productive and succesfull as they wish to be. The entrepreneur even considered taking her life before the event.

When the entrepreneur and artist are conversing, just after the meeting in the conference hall, a stranger joined their conversation. The stranger (another main character in the book), referred to as ‘the homeless man’) seems to be delusional, as he speaks about how to reach world class both in your personal life as well as in your professional life and he claims that there is a plane waiting for him.

The homeless man offered to coach the artist and entrepreneurs for a few mornings. He explains how commitment, discipline, patience and work are all essential to reach world class and that an attitude of entitlement is not going to get you there. He tells the duo how digital distraction is one of the main reasons why people are underdelivering nowadays.

The homeless man convinced the entrepreneur and the artist, despite the doubts they have about him. They accept his offer and the homeless man, that turned out to be a billionair called Stone Riley, gets the students on a plane to Mauritius. Every morning the entrepreneur and artist wake up at 5 AM and get taught valuable lessons, rules and methods by the billionaire.

While the billionaire takes the students around several great places in the world, they get taught ideas like the 3 step succes formula, the 4 focuses of history makers (1. Capitalizatin of IQ, 2. Freedom From Distraction, 3. Personal Mastery Practice, 4. Day Stacking), the famous 20/20/20 formula and much more. During the journey, a love story is unfolding. But it is not all rainbows and sunshine, because investors of the entrepreneur’s company are trying to get rid of her. The entrepreneur even receives death threats from the investors while she is being mentored by the billionaire. The story unfolds towards a thrilling end.

Despite the setbacks, the students are noticing improvements in their happiness, mental claritiy and productivity already quite soon into their training. Eventually, they become extremely succesfull in both their personal and professional career. They follow up on Mr. Riley’s wish and start teaching others about the 5 AM club: own your morning, elvate your life!

My opinion about The 5 AM Club

First of all, I was quite surprised and a bit disappointed that The 5 AM Club turned out to be a fiction book. I don’t read fiction very often and I expected this to be a practical “how-to” book, and these are books I generally enjoy reading and I find easy to implement. However, I have to admit that my first impression was wrong.

The story in the book was fun and captivating, while still clearly bringing forward the benefits of waking up early and presenting the theory and tips on how to ‘own your morning’. The book was enjoyable to read and I think Robin Sharma did an excellent job in embedding the main message and theory into a story.

As often in fiction books, the tale was a bit romanticized and did not always seem very realistic to me. However, I think some of the things in the book can be seen as metaphores and also, it is a fiction book for a reason. It did not take away too much of reading fun for me, and the lessons taught by the fictional characters are still things that one can implement in real life.

I feel like the views presented in the book share some overlap with the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. Both books are discussing current societal topics, such as that a lot of people are not living up to their capabilities and talents, and a lot of people blame the world for everything that goes wrong (victimhood) and are not willing to put in the work, but still expect great results (entitlement).

Conclusions – The 5 AM Club book review

The 5 AM Club made me think a lot about meaning and my own habits and how I can implement new/better habits in my life. The book has proved me wrong after an initial disappointment, and the combination of a fun, interesting story and helpful insights made this a valuable book to me. Overall it was an engaging book that I would highly recommend to others, especially people that are thinking about changing their habits and improving their productivity and overall performance and happiness.

Will I join the 5 AM Club?

Now the big question remains: will I become a member of the 5 AM Club? I think Robin Sharma and the book are really convincing that owning your morning does elevate your life. Therefore, I am seriously considering to become a part of the 5 AM club for at least 66 days, as the book suggests. I already started implementing some of the habits that are recommended by Robin Sharma, such as working out straight away after getting out of bed. This is indeed something that helped me feeling more energetic in the morning. There are some practical issues I want to discuss with more experienced members of the 5 AM Club, in order to get fully convinced and start the early rising habit consistently, too.

I hope this book review of The 5 AM Club was valuable to you. You can find more book reviews here .

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book review of the 5 am club

“The 5 AM CLUB” is basically a self-optimization tool book. In Robin Sharma’s own words, it is his promise to “ Fortify and bullet-proof and nourish the core dimensions of your inner life and X100 your life ”.

Book Review: 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

I would rather class this book as a self-help novel. Robin Sharma does justice to this genre by doling out his pearls of wisdom on rising early and offers tools to achieve this successfully. If you want to read more self-help books, check out our recent post where we have enlisted the best self books of 2019 .


Robin Sharma has woven a story around his tools to facilitate lifetime membership of “The 5 a.m. Club’’. The characters – the Entrepreneur, the Artist, the Tycoon and the Spellbinder (Robin Sharma himself); their names are self-descriptive and symbolize the entire class.

Riley, the tycoon is nothing but the testimonial of success for The Spellbinder’s Club which he shows-off to the entrepreneur and artist who eventually marry. The story doesn’t have much value in terms of the novel. Its characters and the story is much predictable right from the start. It doesn’t add much value to its content.


The language Robin Sharma has used is definitely a delight for book lovers. But some of the conversations become more like a relay of jargons and get too preachy. In fact, it interferes with the internal note-taking faculty of the reader who is only interested in enrolling to “The 5 am Club’’ at its earliest.


“The 5 am Club’ is a book which has a lot to offer to its readers. I loved this book! I personally know many successful people in their respective domains who owe it to their 5 am a habit. I love the way Robin Sharma has simplified its tools of transformation.

Overall Summarize points

1) He offers a transformational 20-20-20 formula to optimize the victory hour (5 am to 6 am). Robin Sharma has broken the first 60 mins of the day into three neatly cut sessions of 20 minutes each: first is dedicated to sweating out; second to review one’s goals for the year and third to learning from inspirational leaders or one’s own day just gone. A 360-degree approach. I believe such a powerful start to the day can never go astray!

2) The 90-90-1 session which can be a game changer if one focused on it monomaniacally in their work sphere. Robin suggests dedicating the first 90 minutes at the work to the most important tasks single-mindedly. He vouches for this to be the fool-proof recipe to attain legendary results for his clients.

3) 60/ 10 cycle can turn out the best test in each field. The 60 minutes of uninterrupted activity is only broken for 10 minutes of restoration in the form of music or a walk to only return to 60 minutes of activity again.

4) 60-minutes student for eternity can truly unlock one’s greatest potential. This is one ritual you cannot afford to skip if you are on the way to being the best in your industry! He advocates staying a beginner or a learner if you want to become a master. And please, this one is daily!

I have seen many people struggle with their mornings. Even after they begin seeing it, they do not know what to do with their mornings. The book not only charges one to take the action but also gently leads.

Reading this is surely one transformational experience. I highly recommend this book to anyone who thinks he has ‘it’ in him and is yet away from success.

Robin understands where the want-to-be-members of the club can falter. He empathizes and offers much insight into how to make it work with his easy-to-go-style, motivational words and warnings against possible pot-holes and distractions.

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A self-help book on a novel template with age-old wisdom which can work in contemporary times. This Robin Sharma book presents a holistic way of living life and can be a breakthrough in one’s life if applied.

Quotes from The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

  • Own your morning. Elevate your Life.
  • Place, where your greatest discomfort lies, is also the spot where your largest opportunity lies
  • You never want to be the richest person in the graveyard, you know

book review of the 5 am club

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Quick Book Review: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

A t first couldn’t stand The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. It’s tells a fictitious story about an artist and an entrepreneur who meet at a Tony Robbins style self-help event. They both bond with what they believe to be a homeless man, BUT — surprise! — he is actually a billionaire business magnate going incognito. The billionaire invites them to his private island (think Richard Branson) to teach them his secret for success. Yes! It’s very cheesy! but over the course of the book I started to really enjoy it!

Principles for Success:

What follows is a practical and entertaining breakdown of the principles that leads to a success: health, sleep, presence, abundance, massive action, consistency, how you should surround yourself with great people and how your external circumstances usually are reflection of your inner state.

Video Book Review – The 5 AM Club:

Lessons and highlights

📝 “Becoming legendary is never easy” Stephen King threw the manuscript of his breakthrough novel, Carrie, into the trash. His wife recovered it, read it, and pushed him to not give up. 📝 “The flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation”.

📝 “Don’t let yourself to get exhausted. Ever!” Massive action without burnout? If you know how to pull this off then please share in the comments.👇 📝 “Longevity is the key to Legendary” Your body and mind is your biggest assets: Protect the asset! 📝 “Procrastination is a form of self-hatred.” Disappoint yourself over and over again and you will eventually recent yourself.


After reading the book I updated my morning routine . I now spend 1h each morning visioning/meditating (20min), learning/reading (20) and workout (20). Getting back to owning my morning—before the kids wake up and the chaos begins— has had a big impact on my well-being and life-trajectory.


Stay away from the 5 AM Club if you are allergic to cheesy self help books or want serious nonfiction. But for me, this was the right book at the right time; I was slacking off on the routines that had been the foundations of my positive trajectory and needed a push in the right direction. I recommend this book to people who are new to personal development or if you need a reminder of the principles that leads to long term success. I’m hesitant to say this but— I really like it! What cheesy book did you enjoy more than you like to admit?

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5

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Readers Books Club

The 5 AM Club

The 5 AM Club is a book by Robin Sharma which makes us realise the importance of our mornings. The key to living a good life is to win mornings and the same has been shown by Robin. The main purpose of waking up at 5 AM is to realise that this life is special and needs proper care and planning to excel. Read more to excel now.

This book is written by Robin Sharma , a globally respected humanitarian. He is one of the world’s top leadership and personal optimization advisors; his clients are famed billionaires, professional sports superstars, and many Fortune 100 companies.

The author’s bestsellers books, such as The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari , The Leader Who Had No Title , and The Greatness Guide .

Robin Sharma introduces the 5 AM Club concept in this book, based on a revolutionary morning routine that can help maximize productivity and activate the best health. This life-changing book elaborates on how early-rising habits and routines can give epic results while upgrading happiness, helpfulness, and feelings of aliveness.

This story is about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor and teaches them the little-known successful formula of 5 AM Club, which focuses on Own Your Morning, Elevates Your Life.


The 5 AM Club

Robin Sharma says life’s too short to play small with our talents. We are born with the opportunity and responsibility to become legendary. But we must remember that our excuses are seducers, our fears are liars, and our doubts are thieves.

No matter where we are on the pathway of our life, please don’t let the pain of an imperfect past hinder the glory of our great future . We are so much more powerful than we may currently understand.

Splendid victories and outright blessings are coming our way. Our lives are messy because our fears are more potent than our faith. But, with practice, we can turn down the volume of the voice of our scared self.

And increase the tone of our most triumphant side. The truth is that every challenging event we have experienced, each toxic person we have endured, has been perfect preparation to make us into the person that we now are. We needed these lessons to activate the treasures, talents, and powers that are awakening within us.

If being a fantastic person and developing a legendary life were easy, everyone would be doing it. But, unfortunately, becoming legendary is always challenging. The place where the most significant discomfort lies are where our most enormous opportunity lives.

A Roman Emperor said, do not live as if you have ten thousand years left. Most people wish for unusual things to happen, but exceptional performers make remarkable things happen to them. The moment when you most feel like giving up is instant when you must find it in yourself to press ahead.

We must surround ourselves with humans who fuel our joy, stoke our peace, and excite us to become better people. Life’s way too valuable to hang out with people who don’t get you. Who you don’t vibe with? Who has different values and lower standards than we do?

Each of us has a hero inside us. We knew this as a child before adults told us to limit our powers, shackle our genius and betray the truths of our hearts. Then as we grew up, we forgot how to be human. We forgot how to be bold enough and enthusiastic and loving and wildly alive.

Being ordinary became acceptable. The lamp of our creativity, positivity, and intimacy with our greatness grew dim as we began to worry about fitting in, having more than others, and being famous.

Spartan warriors used to say – ones who sweat more in training about bleeding less in war. High victory is made in those early morning hours when no one’s watching and while everyone else is sleeping.

In a culture of cyber zombies, addicted to distraction and afflicted with interruption, installing a world-class morning routine is the wisest way to guarantee that you consistently produce mastery-level results in the most critical areas of your professional and personal life; your first hours are when heroes are made. Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of the day will take care of itself.

Every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner. Nevertheless, ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats once they have routinized the proper habits.

By using technology wisely, our lives become better, and our knowledge becomes richer. But unfortunately, the misuse of technology is ruining people’s minds, damaging their productivity and fortune.

The 5 AM Club Book

With every challenge comes the gorgeous opportunity to rise to the next level as a leader, performer, and human being. Obstacles are tests designed to measure how seriously we want the rewards that our ambitions seek.

To find our best selves, we must lose our weak selves. Once we transform the primary relationship with ourselves, we will see that our relationships with others, work, income, and impact change.

Leadership is less about having a formal title, a large office, and money in the bank and more about committing to mastery over all you do and who you are.

There is not one person alive today who cannot lift their thinking, performance, vitality, prosperity, and lifetime happiness magnificently by writing in a series of profound daily rituals and then practicing them until they become second nature.

This is what Robin Sharma calls the 5 AM Club. Rising at 5 AM truly is “The Mother” of all routines. How we become our day determines the extent of focus, energy, excitement, and excellence we bring.

Robin Sharma says we need to say YES to life. Magic will show up for you the more you start exploiting the terrific opportunities that appear along your path, seemingly by accident. You can’t win a game you don’t play. Life has our back, even when it does not look like it does.

Robin Sharma gives us five rules which we must not forget and must be followed:

  • Rule #1 – Empire makers and history creators take one hour for themselves before dawn, in the serenity that lies beyond the clutches of complexity, to prepare themselves for a world-class day.
  • Rule #2 – Excuses breed no genius. Just because you haven’t installed the early-rising habits before does not mean you can’t do it now. Release your rationalizations and remember that minor daily improvements lead to stunning results when done consistently over time.
  • Rule #3- All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end. Everything you now find easy, you first found difficult. With consistent practice, getting up with the sun will become your new regular. And automatic.
  • Rule #4- To have the results The Top 5% of producers have, you must start doing what 95% of people are unwilling to do.
  • Rule #5– when you feel like surrendering, continue. Triumph loves the relentless.

Steven Pressfield said, “A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. Only you and I, with our big brains and tiny hearts, doubt, overthink and hesitate.”

One of his most beautiful and meaningful quotes in this book is: “Bad day for the ego is an excellent day for the soul .”

The more one learns, the more one can achieve. Growth is the actual sport that is best played every day. He calls it the 2×3×Mindset formula, which means double your income and impact and triple your investment in two core areas – your mastery and professional capability.

Robin Sharma says there are tons of competition in ordinary, but there is almost none in extraordinary. Most of us alive today wish we had more time, yet we waste our time. We must stop allowing digital distractions, cyber diversions, and online nuisances to steal the irreplaceable hours of the blessing called your life.

The Four Focuses Of History Makers

  • Capitalization IQ
  • Freedom from Distraction
  • Personal Mastery Practice
  • Day Stacking

1. Capitalization IQ

Many of the finest athletes in the world had less innate skill than their competition. But it was their exceptional dedication, commitment, and drive to maximize whatever strengths they had that made them iconic.

By joining The 5 AM Club, we have a gorgeous window of opportunity every morning to cultivate our highest assets, take some time for ourselves and do the preparation needed for us to take each day a tiny gem. Successful people use their mornings well, and by rising before daybreak, we would win a primary victory that would set us up for a triumphant day.

If we follow the 5 AM Club, we invest sixty minutes in developing our best self and most excellent skills during what Robin Sharma calls THE VICTORY HOUR. And it would transform how the rest of our life unfolded mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

The 5 AM Club Summary

Victims have big TVs, and leaders own large libraries. Real leaders never negotiate their standards. They know there is always room to improve. Robin Sharma says there is a difference between being busy and being productive.

These days, people are constantly checking for messages, scanning for likes , or spending vast chunks of their daily lives watching too much television and endless chatting and gossiping.

2. Freedom from distraction

New technologies and social media erode the Everest of our glorious productive potential and train us to be less human. We need more honest conversations, authentic connections, and meaningful interactions. We must stop managing our time and start working on our focus .

3. Personal mastery practice

If you want to be the best in the world at business, art, or chess as a designer, mechanic, or manager, you must put in enormous amounts of practice time to advance your expertise. Performers must invest at least two hours and forty-four minutes of daily improvement on their chosen skill for ten years. This is the minimum viable amount of practice required for the first signs of genius to appear within any domain.

During the Victory Hour from 5 AM to 6 AM each morning, upgrade The 4 Interior Empires. This formula is the golden key to transformation. It’s not easy, but worth it.

The 4 Interior Empires

  • E1 – MINDSET [Psychology]
  • E2-HEARTSET [Emotional]
  • E3-HEALTHSET [Physically]
  • E4- SOULSET [Spiritually]

There are four interior empires to train, cultivate and iterate before the sun comes up:

  • Health set, and

And the best time to optimize your focus is from 5 AM to 6 AM. That is the most memorable time of the day.

Many gurus speak of MINDSET. They coach us to think optimistic thoughts every day. These teachers tell us that our thinking forms our reality and that by improving our minds, we will enhance our life. But elevating our mindset is only 25% of the personal mastery equation because a superbly developed Mindset without a magnificently purified Heart set is a hollow triumph.

Heart set is our emotional life. Even with battle-proofed beliefs and the distinguished thinking of a world-class mindset, you won’t win if your Heart is full of anger, sadness, disappointment, resentment, and fear. So how can we produce excellent work when our toxic feelings weigh us down?

So many of us know what to do mentally, but nothing extraordinary happens because our emotional life remains a mess. We stay stuck in the past. We have repressed all those unhealthy emotions from all that has hurt us. Unexpressed emotions will never die.

They are buried alive, and they will come forth later in uglier ways, and we wonder why our attempts at positive thinking are not working. Working on your heart set is not only about removing negative emotions built up from life’s frustrations, disappointments, and burdens.

It is also about amplifying the healthy ones. That is why part of your morning routine needs to have gratitude practice as part of it.

After Mindset and Heart set, we must also fortify our health set each morning. Robin Sharma says- Do not die because you will never become a titan of your industry and an icon who makes history if you are dead. Beautiful things happen once you commit seriously to peak fitness and go hard on cheating aging. Every day is dramatically better with some exercise in it.

Soul set is about remembering who you are and connecting with the self-spirit. It refers to our spirituality.

4. Day stacking

The 5 AM Club English

Elite producers and everyday heroes understand that what you do each day matters far more than what you do occasionally. Consistency is a key ingredient of mastery, and regularity is necessary if you want to make history.

The Morning Routine

  • The Trigger
  • The Repetition

In the morning, at 5 AM, jump straight out of bed before your reasoning mind can give many excuses about why we should go back to sleep. The next step is rewarded. Always use the power of tips for the advancement of triumph.

Any habit becomes an automatic habit in 66 days minimum. Sixty-six days of training to make a new habit yours. So don’t quit after a few days or weeks, or even two months. As it relates to becoming a member of the 5 AM Club, stick with your self-promise for at least sixty-six days.

Creativity, productivity, prosperity, performance, and usefulness to the world and the quality of our private life won’t transform by simply rising at 5 AM alone. It is not just rising early that makes this regime so powerful. What we do over the sixty minutes after waking up makes the 5 AM club so game-changing. Some people get up early but destroy the value of their morning routine by watching the news, surfing online, scanning social feeds, and checking messages.

The 20/20/20 Formula chart

The first twenty minutes of The 20/20/20 formula require that you move. But doing some sweaty exercise first thing every morning will revolutionize the quality of your days. The day must begin with intense exercise, and that is non-negotiable.

Working out first thing in the morning also elevates our metabolism; by doing this, we can set ourselves up to stay healthy our entire lifetime.

The second pocket encourages you to reflect for 20 minutes. This segment is designed to help you re-access your natural power, boost self-awareness, dissolve stress, fuel your happiness, and restore your inner peace.

Reflection is the source of transformation because once we know better, we definitely can do better. During this 20-minute segment of the hour, all we need to do is get serene, stay silent, and enter the stillness. Use this segment to invent, visualize and dream. Explore, Dream, and Discover. Also can write a statement of the ideal day ahead.

And the next 20 minutes ensure that we grow, whether that means investing some time in a book that will improve your understanding, listening to an audio, or watching an educational video.

Study the lives of the past’s most remarkable men and women in this pocket. Learn about the latest advancements in psychology. Listen to audiobooks on personal mastery, creativity, and business building.

It’s not only the calibration of the first hour of your day that’s mission essential for leadership excellence and exponential productivity but also the management of the last hour of the evening. When we don’t sleep enough, it isn’t easy to get up early.

But the key here is not the quantity of sleep but the quality of the rest. 75% HGH (High Growth Hormones) is produced while we sleep. So to expand our creativity, productivity, vitality, and longevity, we need five complete ninety-minute cycles. That is seven and a half hours of sleep each night. Oversleep, nine or more hours, also has been shown to shorten life.

The 20/20/20 formula will help us use our mornings brilliantly. In addition, these ten other routines will complement the regime.

Tactic#1: The Tight Bubble Of Total Focus

Your attraction to digital interruption is costing you your fortune financially, cognitively, energetically, physically, and spiritually. Each morning we enter this invisible bubble of our own making that is empty of other people’s simple messages, spam, fake news, advertisements, silly videos, irrelevant chatting, and different cyber hooking that will destroy our life.

The 5 AM Club Hindi

The real key is solitude for a scheduled period each day in a positive environment that floods with creativity, energy, happiness, and the feeling the work you are doing is for the upliftment of humanity. Specific application ideas include:

  • Selling your television.
  • Avoiding the news for the whole day.
  • Staying out of noisy shopping malls.

Tactic #2: The 90/90/1 Rule

Legendary achievers concentrate all their attention and effort on one core project at a time, so they harness the fullness of their cognitive capacity and precious energy on releasing glorious products that turn their industry on their heads. When we show up for work, it’s not the time to shop online, gossip, or check messages.

It is show time. For the next 90 days, schedule yourself to invest the first 90 minutes of your workday on the one activity that, when completed at world-class, will cause you to own your field. This ninety-minute period must be completely free of any noise and interruptions.

Tactic #3: The 60/10 Method

After running the 90/90/1 segment of your workday, use a timer and work at your best for sixty minutes straight while sitting or standing quietly. Train yourself not to move. Just concentrate. And create the highest results you can make. After 60 minutes of productivity, refuel for ten minutes- go for a walk in the fresh air or read a book that will advance your leadership, listening to energizing music.

Tactic #4: The Daily 5 Concept

When done consistently over time, small daily achievements lead to stunning results. During the second pocket of the Victory Hour, list the five tiny targets you wish to accomplish over the day ahead for you to feel it was one well spent. Stay with this process; you will achieve 150 valuable victories after thirty days. And after a year, this strategy alone will be responsible for you achieving 1,825 high-value targets.

Tactic #5: The 2 Massage Protocol

According to studies, massage therapy is a modality that generates improvements in brain performance, mood, and your ability to fight stress. And in terms of general wellness. To apply this tactic, lock two ninety-minute massages onto your weekly schedule.

All the best men and women of the world have one thing in common- extreme suffering, and each of them evolved and chose to leverage their circumstances to heal, purify and uplift themselves.

Leadership is for everyone. Each of us, no matter where we live, what we do, what’s happened to us in the past, and what we are experiencing now. Everyone must rise each morning at 5 AM and do everything possible to unfold our genius, develop our talents, deepen our character, and escalate our spirits.

The 5 AM Club Book Review

“The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma is a motivational and self-help book that emphasizes the importance of waking up early and establishing a morning routine for personal growth and success.

Robin presents a fictional story centered around four characters who embark on a transformative journey guided by a wise entrepreneur.

The book provides practical insights and strategies to maximize productivity, improve focus , and cultivate a mindset of discipline and excellence.

Although some may find the storyline predictable, the book offers valuable tips for creating a fulfilling and purpose-driven life by harnessing the power of the early morning hours.

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2 thoughts on “the 5 am club”.

Rising at 5 AM truly is “The Mother” of all routines. It will bring magic in our life’s for sure There are four interior empires to train, cultivate and iterate before the sun comes up: 1.Mindset (Psychology) 2. Heart Set (Emotional) 3. Health set (Physically) 4. Soul Set ( Spiritually)

Consistency is a key ingredient of mastery, and regularity is necessary if you want to make history. ‌The Morning Routine ‌The Trigger ‌The Ritual ‌The Reward ‌The Repetition

It’s take 66days to make a habit so don’t quit before it.

Great book 👍

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  1. Book Review: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma..

    book review of the 5 am club

  2. The 5 AM Club

    book review of the 5 am club

  3. The 5 AM club book review and keynotes

    book review of the 5 am club

  4. The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma [Review]

    book review of the 5 am club

  5. The 5 AM Club book (and practice) review

    book review of the 5 am club


    book review of the 5 am club


  1. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    95,687 ratings8,822 reviews. Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

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    The first book I have chosen to read for the year 2019 is Robin Sharma's The 5 Am club. It's quite evident that everyone's default task in…

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    This 5AM Club book summary will teach you the revolutionary morning routine to upgrade your productivity, happiness, and transform your life.

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  5. Kate Tries The 5 AM Club (So You Don't Have To)

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  6. Book Review: 'The 5 a.m. Club' by Robin Sharma

    While the repetition helped reinforce key ideas, the book felt excessive and could easily have been condensed. To the substantive ideas Sharma presents, the 5 a.m. wake-up time may work for some, but it certainly isn't suitable for everyone. The book's rigid adherence to this specific time—or even every mornings in general—could ...

  7. The 5 AM Club Summary (Robin Sharma)

    Read our summary of The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma to start waking up early, establish a morning routine, and find success.

  8. The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

    The 5 am Club is the trailblazing—and astonishing—story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.

  9. Comprehensive Review of The 5 AM Club: Unlocking Morning Success Strategies

    In reviewing "The 5 AM Club," a book by Robin Sharma, I'm drawn to the central tenet that champions waking up at 5 AM as a practice to catalyze personal growth and productivity. Sharma, an acclaimed writer known for his expertise on leadership and personal development, constructs an engaging narrative to introduce this concept, intertwining ...

  10. The 5 AM Club: Summary Review

    This is a summary review of The 5 AM Club containing key details about the book. What is The 5 AM Club About? The 5 AM Club is a self-help book that explores the benefits of waking up early, developing a morning routine, and using the extra time to focus on personal and professional growth. […]

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  12. The 5am Club

    "The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma is a transformative guide to personal and professional growth that centres around the life-changing habit of waking up at 5 AM. Sharma weaves a captivating narrative that follows the journeys of two individuals (a struggling artist and an entrepreneur) who embark on a quest for success, fulfilment, and lasting happiness.

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    The Book Painfully obvious, but trying to join the 5am Club without reading the book and by just reading the below will feel like a baptism of fire. I know because I tried unsuccessfully to 'hack' my induction by reading multiple reviews online.

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    Are you considering to read the 5 AM Club? Read this book review of The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. It's a special book.

  15. "Join The 5 AM Club Community for a More Fulfilling Life"

    His book, " The 5 AM Club ", was first published in 2016 and has since become a best-seller. The book's central idea is that waking up early and using the quiet and peaceful hours of the ...

  16. The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

    Book Review: 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma I would rather class this book as a self-help novel. Robin Sharma does justice to this genre by doling out his pearls of wisdom on rising early and offers tools to achieve this successfully. If you want to read more self-help books, check out our recent post where we have enlisted the best self books of 2019.

  17. The 5 AM Club Summary of Key Ideas and Review

    Gain a complete understanding of "The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma from Blinkist. The "The 5 AM Club" book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.

  18. Quick Book Review: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

    Quick Book Review: The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma A t first couldn't stand The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma. It's tells a fictitious story about an artist and an entrepreneur who meet at a Tony Robbins style self-help event. They both bond with what they believe to be a homeless man, BUT — surprise! — he is actually a billionaire business magnate going incognito. The billionaire invites ...

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  20. Book Review: The 5 AM Club

    The revolutionary book "The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma promotes getting up early and making the most of the first hour of the day for productivity, self-improvement, and personal development ...

  21. The 5 AM Club Book: Summary and Review

    The 5 AM Club Book Review. "The 5 AM Club" by Robin Sharma is a motivational and self-help book that emphasizes the importance of waking up early and establishing a morning routine for personal growth and success. Robin presents a fictional story centered around four characters who embark on a transformative journey guided by a wise ...

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  23. Life-size dinosaurs, a candy store tour and more to do this weekend

    For an even sweeter experience, we're sending you candy shopping. We've shined a light on five shops with something extra to offer and created a nifty guide of 18 to look you can find all ...

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