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14 Best Presentations On Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning in 2024

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  • by Jeevan Biswas

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For a quick overview of a subject or a breakdown of concepts, SlideShare serves as a go-to platform for many. The recapitulations found in many of the presentations are both concise and informative.

The most popular presentations topics are the ones that have received the most number of likes and have been viewed more than the other presentations in a particular category.

AIM brings you the 14 most popular ppt topics on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning. Deep Learning and everything else in between.

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1) Artificial Intelligence and Law Overview

People who are not aware of what artificial intelligence is will find the topic presented in a very simple manner here.

Along with the explanation of what AI is, the two major approaches towards AI are discussed– logic and rules-based approach, and machine learning approach. Special emphasis on the machine learning approach can be seen in the slides devoted to its detailed examination. The examination goes beyond the rudimentary explanation of what machine learning is and presents examples of proxies that seem like machine learning but are not.

The presentation lists examples of AI in the field of law and identifies some of the limitations of AI technology.

2)  What is Artificial Intelligence – Artificial Intelligence Tutorial For Beginners

For the uninitiated, this presentation offers an ideal rundown of AI. The question of AI being a threat is raised at the very beginning. However, as the presentation progresses, it discusses the basics necessary for understanding AI. The most basic question of what is artificial intelligence is answered.

A brief history of AI and the discussion on recent advances in the field of AI is also found. The various areas where AI currently sees practical application have been listed. Fascinating uses that AI can be put to in the future are also found in the presentation. The two approaches of achieving AI, machine learning and deep learning, is touched upon.

All in all, this presentation serves as a simple introduction to AI.

3) Why Social Media Chat Bots Are the Future of Communication

An exciting application of AI can be found in chatbots. Here, the limitless scope of chatbots is explored. The various milestones reached by leading players  in bot technology such as Facebook, Skype and KIK are enumerated.

The evolution of chatbots and its absorption of more AI in the future is also looked into. E-Commerce is touted as the biggest beneficiary of the advancement in chatbots and that bot technology will owe its rise to services and commerce.

Two tech giants, Facebook and Google, have been pitted against each other based on their ongoing developments in this area and the question of who will emerge as the best is raised.

4) AI and the Future of Work

This presentation talks about the far-fetching applicability of AI and ML,and the perils of that applicability. In order to derive a better understanding of this presentation, it is advisable to first watch the original talk.

During the course of the presentation, many examples of how machines can learn and perform any human task that is repetitive in nature are cited.

Other possibilities suggested include the creation of new unheard jobs for human beings as a result of aggressive use of AI and other allied technologies. Qualities that are characteristic only of human beings, may be the basis on which these jobs will be created is also suggested.

It concludes with a message- Ride the train, don’t jump in front of it.

5) AI and Machine Learning Demystified

In this presentation, Carol Smith establishes that AI cannot replace humans. Smith conveys that AI can serve the purpose of enabling human beings in making better decisions.

The slides talk about how the actions of AI are the result of the human inputs going into its programming. An AI’s bias is not its own, but the human bias with which it has been programmed, is emphasised on.

Other issues such as the need for regulations and other considerations within it that require deliberation are also touched upon. The presentation leaves you with a message – Don’t fear AI, Explore it.

6) Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Car

Though no descriptive breakdown of topics related to AI is found, the presentation offers interesting numerical insights into many questions. Statistics on three main subjects – artificial intelligence, virtual reality and wearable technology, is provided here.

A variety of questions and the numerical representations of their responses are found under four main categories:

  • Will you  purchase a self-driving car when they become available?
  • Are you concerned with the rise of Artificial Intelligence?
  • Is wearable technology part of your daily life?
  • Do you own or intend to purchase a Virtual Reality headset in the next twelve months?

From consumer opinions to overall consensus of countries, the numbers show current trends and the possible trends in the future based on increasing development in the mentioned technologies.

7) Artificial Intelligence

There are many who have been introduced to AI only recently due to the buzz surrounding it and may not be aware of the early developments that led to its current status.

This presentation from 2009 offers a simple yet informative introduction to the rudiments of AI. AI’s history and a timeline of all the significant milestones in AI up to 2009 can be found. The presentation also provides an introduction to AI programming languages such as LISP and PROLOG.

For those who would like to have a crash course on the basics of AI in order to catch up with it current trends, this presentation serves the purpose.

8) Solve for X with AI: a VC view of the Machine Learning & AI landscape

While the concepts of  AI or ML are not spoken about, light is shed on other important aspects of it. The presentation discusses about how many known tech giants such as Google are bolstering their AI capabilities through mergers and acquisitions.

The role of venture capital(VC) in the landscape of AI and machine learning,and the involvement of VC in the firms that were acquired are mentioned.

Another point highlighted is how large companies are moving towards ML and re-configuring themselves around ML, and how it is not a US-centric phenomenon. Key points have been expressed in the form of self-explanatory graphical representations. Rounding off the presentation is the possible direction that ML can take and a few pointers on achieving success in ML.

9) Deep Learning – The Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence

This presentation provides a comprehensive insight into deep learning. Beginning with a brief history of AI and introduction to basics of machine learning such as its classification, the focus shifts towards deep learning entirely.

Various kinds of networks such as recurrent neural nets and generative adversarial networks have been discussed at length. Emphasis has been given to important aspects of these networks and other mechanisms such as natural language processing ( NLP ).

Detailed examples of practical applications and the scope of deep learning are found throughout the presentation. However, this presentation may prove difficult for first time learner’s of AI to comprehend.

10) The Future Of Work & The Work Of The Future

The subject of self-learning of robots and machines is explored here. Talking about the fictional Babel fish, it is suggested that the advancements in technology leading to improved learning and translations by machines  made the Babel fish a near-real entity.

New ‘power’ values such as speed, networked governance, collaboration and transparency, among others, have been put forth and juxtaposed against older ones that are not fully technology  driven.

Going against the popular assumption that robots and machines will replace human beings, the presentation proposes that we are on the brink of the largest job creation period in humanity.

11) Asia’s Artificial Intelligence Agenda

This presentation is a briefing paper by the MIT Technological Review and talks about how the global adoption of AI is being sped up by Asian countries. It suggests that Asia will not only benefit greatly from the rise in AI technology, but will also define it.

The data collected for the review has been summarized in the form of simple info-graphics. They are a numerical reflection of the mood surrounding the adoption of AI across different industries and how it could possibly impact human capital.  The review also suggests that while there is awareness about AI in Asia, only a small percentage of companies are investing in it.

Pointers for business leaders in Asia to capitalize on AI is offered in the end along presentation with an info-graphic timeline of the history of AI.

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12) 10 Lessons Learned from Building Machine Learning Systems

While they are two separate presentations, they talk about the same subject- machine learning. The presentations are a summary of the analysis of machine learning adopted by two platforms, Netflix and Quora.

In case of Netflix, emphasis has been given to the choice of the right metric and the type of data used for testing and training. It also emphasises the need to understand the dependence between the data used and the models employed. The advice to optimize only areas that matter is offered.

The second presentation on Quora, talks about teaching machines only what is necessary. It stresses on the need the to focus on feature engineering and being thoughtful about the ML infrastructure. Another point it highlights is the combination of supervised and unsupervised being the key in ML application.

13) Design Ethics for Artificial Intelligence

With 135 slides, this presentation provides an exhaustive insight into the creation of an ethically sound AI. An introduction to the subject of User Experience(UX) design is followed by the rules that have to be considered during the designing process.

The chronological progression of UX, beginning with experience design and ending with intelligence design, and the direction in which this process is headed is also discussed.

Supported by powerful visuals, the presentation touches upon many essential considerations such as nature of intelligence, purpose of existence, awareness of self and the need for which the AI is created.

It raises a pertinent point that while creating AI, human beings are creating something that embodies qualities that they lack.

14) Artificial Intelligence

Made for a school competition in 2009, it provides many examples of cutting-edge applications of AI at the time.

Many of the examples, such as mind controlled prosthetic limbs, Ultra Hal Assistant and Dexter- the robot provide a trip down the AI memory lane where the applications of AI seemed like a page out of a sci-fi novel. It presents a list of areas where AI can assist human beings.

It concludes with  a series of questions, some of which, are still being debated. Such as machines replacing human beings’ and human unemployment due to the use of machines.

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65+ Topics In Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide To The Field

Jane Ng • 24 July, 2023 • 8 min read

Welcome to the world of AI. Are you ready to dive into the 65+ best topics in artificial intelligenc e and make an impact with your research, presentations, essay, or thought-provoking debates?

In this blog post, we present a curated list of cutting-edge topics in AI that are perfect for exploration. From the ethical implications of AI algorithms to the future of AI in healthcare and the societal impact of autonomous vehicles, this "topics in artificial intelligence" collection will equip you with exciting ideas to captivate your audience and navigate the forefront of AI research.  

Table of Contents

Artificial intelligence research topics, artificial intelligence topics for presentation, ai projects for the final year, artificial intelligence seminar topics, artificial intelligence debate topics, artificial intelligence essay topics, interesting topics in artificial intelligence.

  • Key Takeaways

FAQs About Topics In Artificial Intelligence

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Here are topics in artificial intelligence that cover various subfields and emerging areas:

  • AI in Healthcare: Applications of AI in medical diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and healthcare management.
  • AI in Drug Discovery : Applying AI methods to accelerate the process of drug discovery, including target identification and drug candidate screening.
  • Transfer Learning: Research methods to transfer knowledge learned from one task or domain to improve performance on another.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI: Examining the ethical implications and challenges associated with the deployment of AI systems.
  • Natural Language Processing: Developing AI models for language understanding, sentiment analysis, and language generation.
  • Fairness and Bias in AI: Examining approaches to mitigate biases and ensure fairness in AI decision-making processes.
  • AI applications to address societal challenges.
  • Multimodal Learning: Exploring techniques for integrating and learning from multiple modalities, such as text, images, and audio.
  • Deep Learning Architectures: Advancements in neural network architectures, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

Here are topics in artificial intelligence suitable for presentations:

  • Deepfake Technology: Discussing the ethical and societal consequences of AI-generated synthetic media and its potential for misinformation and manipulation.
  • Cybersecurity: Presenting the applications of AI in detecting and mitigating cybersecurity threats and attacks.
  • AI in Game Development: Discuss how AI algorithms are used to create intelligent and lifelike behaviors in video games.
  • AI for Personalized Learning: Presenting how AI can personalize educational experiences, adapt content, and provide intelligent tutoring.
  • Smart Cities: Discuss how AI can optimize urban planning, transportation systems, energy consumption, and waste management in cities.
  • Social Media Analysis: Utilizing AI techniques for sentiment analysis, content recommendation, and user behavior modeling in social media platforms.
  • Personalized Marketing: Presenting how AI-driven approaches improve targeted advertising, customer segmentation, and campaign optimization.
  • AI and Data Ownership: Highlighting the debates around the ownership, control, and access to data used by AI systems and the implications for privacy and data rights.

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  • AI-Powered Chatbot for Customer Support: Building a chatbot that uses natural language processing and machine learning to provide customer support in a specific domain or industry.
  • AI-Powered Virtual Personal Assistant: A virtual assistant that uses natural language processing and machine learning to perform tasks, answer questions, and provide recommendations.
  • Emotion Recognition : An AI system that can accurately recognize and interpret human emotions from facial expressions or speech.
  • AI-Based Financial Market Prediction: Creating an AI system that analyzes financial data and market trends to predict stock prices or market movements.
  • Traffic Flow Optimization: Developing an AI system that analyzes real-time traffic data to optimize traffic signal timings and improve traffic flow in urban areas.
  • Virtual Fashion Stylist: An AI-powered virtual stylist that provides personalized fashion recommendations and assists users in selecting outfits.

Here are the topics in artificial intelligence for the seminar:

  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Assist in Natural Disaster Prediction and Management?
  • AI in Healthcare: Applications of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis, treatment recommendation, and patient care.
  • Ethical Implications of AI: Examining the ethical considerations and responsible development of AI Systems.
  • AI in Autonomous Vehicles: The role of AI in self-driving cars, including perception, decision-making, and safety.
  • AI in Agriculture: Discussing AI applications in precision farming, crop monitoring, and yield prediction.
  • How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Detect and Prevent Cybersecurity Attacks?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Assist in Addressing Climate Change Challenges?
  • How Does Artificial Intelligence Impact Employment and the Future of Work?
  • What Ethical Concerns Arise with the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Weapons?

Here are topics in artificial intelligence that can generate thought-provoking discussions and allow participants to critically analyze different perspectives on the subject.

  • Can AI ever truly understand and possess consciousness?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence Algorithms be Unbiased and Fair in Decision-Making?
  • Is it ethical to use AI for facial recognition and surveillance?
  • Can AI effectively replicate human creativity and artistic expression?
  • Does AI pose a threat to job security and the future of employment?
  • Should there be legal liability for AI errors or accidents caused by autonomous systems?
  • Is it ethical to use AI for social media manipulation and personalized advertising?
  • Should there be a universal code of ethics for AI developers and researchers?
  • Should there be strict regulations on the development and deployment of AI technologies?
  • Is artificial general intelligence (AGI) a realistic possibility in the near future?
  • Should AI algorithms be transparent and explainable in their decision-making processes?
  • Does AI have the potential to solve global challenges, such as climate change and poverty?
  • Does AI have the potential to surpass human intelligence, and if so, what are the implications?
  • Should AI be used for predictive policing and law enforcement decision-making?

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Here are 30 essay topics in artificial intelligence:

  • AI and the Future of Work: Reshaping Industries and Skills
  • AI and Human Creativity: Companions or Competitors?
  • AI in Agriculture: Transforming Farming Practices for Sustainable Food Production
  • Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets: Opportunities and Risks
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment and the Workforce
  • AI in Mental Health: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations
  • The Rise of Explainable AI: Necessity, Challenges, and Impacts
  • The Ethical Implications of AI-Based Humanoid Robots in Elderly Care
  • The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Challenges and Solutions
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Privacy Paradox: Balancing Innovation with Data Protection
  • The Future of Autonomous Vehicles and the Role of AI in Transportation

Here topics in artificial intelligence cover a broad spectrum of AI applications and research areas, providing ample opportunities for exploration, innovation, and further study.

  • What are the ethical considerations for using AI in educational assessments?
  • What are the potential biases and fairness concerns in AI algorithms for criminal sentencing?
  • Should AI algorithms be used to influence voting decisions or electoral processes?
  • Should AI models be used for predictive analysis in determining creditworthiness?
  • What are the challenges of integrating AI with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)?
  • What are the challenges of deploying AI in developing countries?
  • What are the risks and benefits of AI in healthcare?
  • Is AI a solution or a hindrance to addressing social challenges?
  • How can we address the issue of algorithmic bias in AI systems?
  • What are the limitations of current deep learning models?
  • Can AI algorithms be completely unbiased and free from human bias?
  • How can AI contribute to wildlife conservation efforts?

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Key Takeaways 

The field of artificial intelligence encompasses a vast range of topics that continue to shape and redefine our world. In addition, AhaSlides offers a dynamic and engaging way to explore these topics. With AhaSlides, presenters can captivate their audience through interactive slide templates , live polls , quizzes , and other features allowing for real-time participation and feedback. By leveraging the power of AhaSlides, presenters can enhance their discussions on artificial intelligence and create memorable and impactful presentations. 

As AI continues to evolve, the exploration of these topics becomes even more critical, and AhaSlides provides a platform for meaningful and interactive conversations in this exciting field.

What are the 8 types of artificial intelligence?

Here are some commonly recognized types of artificial intelligence:

  • Reactive Machines
  • Limited Memory AI
  • Theory of Mind AI
  • Self-Aware AI
  • Superintelligent AI
  • Artificial Superintelligence

What are the five big ideas in artificial intelligence?

The five big ideas in artificial intelligence, as outlined in the book " Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach " by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, are as follows:

  • Agents are AI systems that interact with and impact the world. 
  • Uncertainty deals with incomplete information using probabilistic models. 
  • Learning enables AI systems to improve performance through data and experience. 
  • Reasoning involves logical inference to derive knowledge. 
  • Perception involves interpreting sensory inputs like vision and language.

Are there 4 basic AI concepts?

The four fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence are problem-solving, knowledge representation, learning, and perception. 

These concepts form the foundation for developing AI systems that can solve problems, store and reason with information, improve performance through learning, and interpret sensory inputs. They are essential in building intelligent systems and advancing the field of artificial intelligence.

Ref: Towards Data Science | Forbes | Thesis RUSH  

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🤖 AI Research Presentation Generator

Captivate your audience and showcase your AI research brilliance with our AI Research Presentation Generator. Elevate your presentations to new heights, leaving a lasting impact on every viewer.

Imagine standing in front of an audience, captivating their attention as you unravel exciting insights from your research. As intimidating as it may sound, delivering an impactful research presentation is a skill that could elevate your professional journey and broaden your intellectual horizons. It’s far more than presenting findings; it’s an art of storytelling, and that’s what we’ll dig into in this blog.

Through this blog post, we aim to provide you with effective strategies to optimize your research presentation, make it engaging, and above all, memorable. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a student about to present your very first project, this post will prove invaluable. With the right presentation techniques, not only can you make your research come alive, but you can also inspire and influence your audience in ways you never thought possible.

What is a Research Presentation?

A research presentation is a formal discourse where a researcher shares their findings with a group of individuals who have an interest in the subject. This structured presentation is the culmination of hours, days, or even years of meticulous examination, exploration, and analysis. Research presentations can take various forms and are typically categorized into two main types: oral and poster presentations. They often include visual aids, such as powerpoint slides, images, or diagrams, to help a wider audience understand complex topics or data.

These presentations serve a critical role in academic, scientific, and corporate fields. For students, it’s an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and mastery of a research topic. For scientists, it’s a chance to disseminate their work and contribute to a larger body of knowledge within their field of study. For businesses, research presentations can help draw conclusions, inform strategy, and support decision-making processes.

Regardless of the context, research presentations aim to invite a keen discussion, draw feedback, and spark new ideas or collaborations among its audience members.

Why Use a Research Presentation Generator?

In our increasingly digital society, a research presentation generator is becoming an invaluable tool that can exponentially streamline your work processes. It eliminates a massive chunk of manual work, allowing you to focus more on research and less on presentation design. But why else should you use this type of software?

  • Saves Time : A research presentation generator automatically formats your data into a coherent presentation. You don’t have to spend countless hours manually creating slides, choosing fonts, or deciding on the layout. It gives you more time to focus on your research and less on presentation aesthetics.
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  • Enhances Consistency and Quality : With a research presentation generator, consistency is maintained across all slides, providing a professional and uniform appeal to your presentation. A consistent look and feel increase the quality of your presentation and make it easier for your audience to follow and understand your research.
  • Ease of Making Revisions : Updates and revisions don’t need to be a hassle with a research presentation generator. In a few clicks, significant alterations can be easily made to your entire presentation. This saves you the stress of manually adjusting each slide and ensures that your final presentation is always up-to-date and accurate.

How To Use This AI Research Presentation Generator:

  • Open your Taskade workspace and click “➕New project”.
  • Choose “ 🤖 AI Project Studio ” and describe what you want to create.
  • Use the drop-downs to define project type or upload seed sources .
  • When done, customize your project to make it your own!

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Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation maker prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI. Available inside the Visme template library, this AI Powerpoint generator is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. Create AI PowerPoint online presentations quickly with a good first draft that is ready to use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your AI-generated presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Take advantage of Visme’s presentation-specific features

Create and present engaging and beautiful pitch decks easily with Visme’s presentation tools. Add beautiful animated slide transitions for subtle effects. Present online and offline with Presenter Studio and Presenter Notes. Time yourself and keep track of presentation length with the Presentation Timer. Create one slide design as a base for an entire presentation with Master Layout. Select pre-designed slides from the Slides Library or save your own.

Take advantage of Visme’s presentation-specific features

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

AI Text-to-Speech Generator

Convert text to speech with the AI Text-to-Speech generator. Input copy, select from 6 voices. Language detection and audio generation are automatic.

AI Text-to-Speech Generator

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Who can benefit by using our AI Presentation Maker?

Business professionals.

  • Create ready-to-use presentations instantly for important meetings or pitches
  • Save time from designing and let AI do the work for you
  • Customize templates to match your brand or industry
  • Create interactive slides that keep your students engaged through sessions
  • Breakdown complex topics with informative and fun presentations
  • Design educational presentations in minutes, not hours

Sales Teams

  • Create a library of customizable templates for team members to use
  • Design slides that professionally showcase your products and service
  • Customize presentations to suit different prospects and sales use cases
  • Generate presentations that will impress VCs and investors
  • Use data-driven design to get the best presentation design options
  • Create presentations that are built with your brand and mission in mind

Event Planners

  • Design presentations that outline event schedules, themes, and highlights
  • Coordinate team activities with visually stunning, easy-to-follow slides
  • Use slides to keep everyone involved in sync for the event


  • Save time and quickly craft client and prospect presentations
  • Add strategies and recommendations with minimal design effort
  • Customize each presentation to your clients' branding

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation Maker is available in all plans and works on a per-credit basis. Every free account gets 10 credits, Starter accounts get 200, Pro gets 500 and Enterprise is unlimited. Every design generation costs 2 credits and usage of other AI tools costs 1 credit.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

Are the AI-generated presentations I make copyright-free?

All designs you create with AI Presentation are copyright and royalty-free. You can use them both for personal and commercial use without any problems.

What can Visme AI Designer do?

Visme’s AI design generator can:

  • Generate full designs for various content types, including presentations, documents, printables, and social media graphics. Click here to view the full list of document, printable, and social media graphics subcategories.
  • Follow your instructions for the text you want in your projects, although not word for word.
  • Adapt photos and icons to complement the generated text.
  • Create charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Handle one project at a time.
  • Include animations in projects only if the selected style features animation.
  • Generate designs with a maximum length of 10 pages.

What can’t Visme AI Designer do?

Visme’s AI design generator can’t:

  • Generate infographics, charts/graphs, whiteboards, web graphics, videos, or GIFs.
  • Reproduce your text verbatim.
  • Customize based on your specifications for color, shapes, graphics, and design style. Select a style that already resembles what you want in your project, and you can manually edit all design elements in the Visme editor.
  • Create or modify diagrams, data widgets or infographics.
  • Crawl external websites and gather information from them.
  • Handle multiple projects at once.
  • Generate designs more than 10 pages in length.

What our users say about us?

“We were sold. We were looking for online software that could not only create a library of slides, visuals, presentations, landing pages, graphics, et cetera but fully customize them on our own. Visme allowed us to do both!”
“Visme is easy to use and creates very professional looking, unique graphics. I use it repeatedly. I create graphics weekly and Visme makes it easy.”

paper presentation on ai

Create your presentation

Topic the prompt cannot be less than 5 characters or more than 300, writing tone, pages the number of pages cannot be less than 6 or more than 20.

paper presentation on ai


paper presentation on ai

AI Presentation Maker

Presentations don't need to be a chore anymore – the AI Presentation Maker is here to save the day! This powerful technology will create impressive slides with just a few clicks , so you can impress your audience with zero stress. The best part – it’s 100% free!

paper presentation on ai

Generate presentations in minutes

Put the magic of AI to work for you and make stunning presentations in no time! Wepik's AI Presentation Maker is your one-stop shop for designing top-notch slides with a professional flair . Uncover a world of possibilities – enter your topic, choose a style, and let artificial intelligence do the hard work while saving precious minutes from your day!

Customize your AI presentation online

Once your new, AI-generated presentation is fresh off the oven, you can make any needed changes with the help of our intuitive editing tool. You'll have access to resources from Freepik and Flaticon libraries as well as editing tools for color modifications, text changes, rearranging elements, and more. To save time on each project there's also the option of direct integration with any existing brand kit making it easier than ever before to get a stunning final result!

paper presentation on ai

How does it work

Introduce your topic.

Whatever your presentation needs, be it New Year celebrations or a business plan proposal, artificial intelligence will do the hard work. Just type in , and watch as everything clicks into place and magically appears before your eyes!

Find the perfect style

You're just a few steps away from creating the presentation of your dreams. With 5 diverse styles to choose between – doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, or elegant – you'll be ready to captivate any audience!

Make any edits you want

Like the result, but need to make a few changes? We’ve got you covered! Open your newly generated presentation on the online editor and change colors, include your brand assets, and much more. The sky is the limit!

Download the final result for free

When your presentation is ready for the world, you can easily and securely share it with anyone . Export in PDF format or generate a unique link to send directly – the choice is all yours!

Explore more features

Take your visual content to the next level with Wepik's powerful tools . With Wepik, you can easily create attention-grabbing content using the AI Image Generator, customize great pictures with our Photo Editor, and maintain consistency across all platforms with the Brand Kit. Unleash your creativity and explore all the amazing features that Wepik has to offer today!

paper presentation on ai

Frequently asked questions

What is an ai-generated presentation.

An AI-generated presentation is a type of automated presentation that is created using artificial intelligence (AI) technology . It uses natural language processing (NLP) to analyze user input and generate content that conveys a message engagingly and comprehensively. These presentations open up exciting possibilities for business, education, and digital marketing. From sales pitches to lectures or campaigns – AI is transforming how we deliver content and engage audiences!

Is the resulting presentation customizable?

Yes, absolutely! You may love the generated result, but need to make some modifications. To do so, simply go to Wepik’s user-friendly online editor and open your creation. If your presentation is all about corporate, don’t forget to include your company’s name, for example, or even include more images to make it more unique. Of course, you can edit any simple aspect , from the color palette to any font. The decision is all yours!

Can I upload files into my presentation?

Sure! Complete your brand-new presentation with your images , which you can upload in a beat from Wepik’s editor. If you’re feeling creative, try the Text-to-image feature to generate unique pictures with the help of your new best friend: artificial intelligence! Of course, you can also check Freepik’s image gallery , which has everything you can dream of. Whatever you choose is sure to make it stand out!

Is Wepik’s AI Presentation Maker free?

Of course, it is! But not only this one – all our powerful features and tools , including Text-to-image, the social media scheduler, and the background remover, have cost zero . That means there's no excuse not to take your business branding up a notch!

Are there more presentation designs available?

Yes! Search for inspiring designs in the Presentations category. From educational presentations to business projects – there are endless possibilities of beautiful templates available at your fingertips.

How can I download my presentation?

Get the most out of your presentation with multiple download formats . Easily click on “download” and get a polished PDF copy , or select “present” to project the final results live! With just one more simple step – clicking “share” - you can send this powerful result in a flash by simply copying an automatically generated link straight away. It's that easy!

Learn more about presentations

paper presentation on ai

7 good ways to end your presentation speech

As the saying goes, “Beginning in itself has no value, it is an end which makes beginning meaningful”. The conclusion of a presentation speech is just as important as its opening. How you wrap up your presentation has a real impact on how people remember it. Will they leave feeling energized and ready to make […]

paper presentation on ai

How to make a perfect startup pitch deck for investors

Are you an entrepreneur looking to secure funding for your startup? If so, one of the most crucial components of your fundraising strategy is a well-crafted pitch deck that can effectively communicate your business idea, market opportunity, and growth potential. Creating a pitch deck can be daunting, but it is a necessary step in the […]

paper presentation on ai

9 effective tips to start a presentation successfully

Don’t let nerves get the best of you next time it’s your turn to make a presentation! Oral communication is one of the most valued skills in a professional career, and knowing how to make good presentations will be highly appreciated in your professional environment. Today, we’re here to give you the ultimate top-notch tips […]

paper presentation on ai

What’s New – create presentations with artificial intelligence

Wepik, the online design platform, has launched a new tool that will revolutionize the way we create presentations. Thanks to its integrated Artificial Intelligence technology, this new AI Presentation Maker allows users to generate attractive and professional presentations in just a few minutes.  The AI Presentation Maker is the perfect solution for those who want […]

photo of Africa, Wepik user

I needed to make posters to find participants for a scientific study. With the help of Wepik, finding a design that suits my needs the best, has been very easy and intuitive!

Africa Gómez


photo of Antonio, Wepik user

The dynamism of the website has allowed me to work easily and quickly to make incredible designs for campaigns. I appreciate that it can be adapted to different formats!

Antonio Martin

CDO Marketing Digital

photo of Alex, Wepik user

An excellent tool, I can send presentations of the products with a great design to my potential customers. Easy to use, very intuitive, and in only a few minutes, I have everything I need!

paper presentation on ai

Wepik makes my job much easier to create content for social media, posters, and even invitations to promote my events. Since I discovered Wepik, I don't use any other editor!

Marta Rodriguez

Marketing Specialist

photo of Marina, Wepik user

An essential platform in my everyday work and projects. It allows me to use elements that in other design platforms, would certainly be premium. I highly recommend it!

Marina Benítez

Founder of Pez Magazine

Wepik ahora disponible en español Llévame

Create Presentation Slides with AI in seconds

Say goodbye to tedious, manual slides creation. Let the AI create professional, engaging slides from any text in no time.

  • No design skills required
  • Setup in seconds
  • Create 3 Presentations for free

Click to watch Step by Step Tutorial

What our users say

Their opinions are valuable and worth sharing with everyone.

From 600+ reviews

“Working fantastic and very helpful.”

Saving me so much time by automatically generate sub-titles on each pages and analyze my paragraph to points form! highly recommend! The support is super fast and helpful, I didn’t even expect to get such a fast responds at late night time.

“It makes formatting slides much easier than doing it manually” is a great product that I could integrate seamlessly into Google Slides. The function of summarising the slide content into easily digestible bites of information is very useful. It makes formatting slides much easier than doing it manually. I had a question whilst learning to use the app and received a videocall directly from the designer of the app himself, who was able to help me troubleshoot effectively.

Jackie Wildish Image

Blank Page Anxiety? SlidesAI to the Rescue!

Creating presentations consumes a ton of time, SlidesAI makes it a breeze

Text to presentation.

Simply paste your text into SlidesAI and it will automatically create a presentation for you. It's that simple.

paper presentation on ai

Topic to Presentation

Just provide your topic and SlidesAI will create a presentation for you. As we're working on this feature, it's only available to a limited number of users.

paper presentation on ai

Supports 100+ languages

SlidesAI currently supports all the major languages and the app is translated into English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese and Russian

Welcome to SlidesAI

Bienvenido a SlidesAI

SlidesAI में आपका स्वागत है


How does it work?

Save Hours in Just A Few Clicks

Start by adding your text.

Enter the text that you want to create your presentation from. You can either write it directly into the text box or paste it in from any source.

Customize the Look and Feel

It's time to give your presentation some personality. Choose from our pre-designed color and font presets, or create your own custom look.

See Your Presentation Come to Life

Congratulations on creating a presentation in under 2 minutes and saving hours of efforts.Take a moment to preview your presentation and make any final adjustments.

Create presentations 10x faster

Enhance your presentations with ai images.

Describe your vision, choose a style, and our AI creates it in seconds.

ai images

Search Citations

Use AI to find the citation for your slide content

Search Icons

Search & Customize 100s of different icons

1.5M Premium Stock Images

Search from 1.5M high quality premium stock image library

Export Slides As Video (Coming Soon)

Turn your presentations into videos in seconds.

Paraphrase Sentences

Paraphrase sentences to make them unique and engaging.

Customer Testimonials

See what people are saying

Maria Vasilyeva Image

Maria Vasilyeva

Great! In a few seconds you can get a structured presentation with a photo, it saves me a lot of time! Great tool! Thank you Anurag!

John Little Image

John Little

Just starting to play with the app. It was recommended by a friend and so far so good! Also, the tech support was fast and beneficial!

Oghale Agbawhe Image

Oghale Agbawhe

This app exceeded my expectations. It is very useful and convenient, saves time and eliminates the stress of manually creating PowerPoints . I highly recommend it!

hassanain ali Image

hassanain ali

working fantastic and very helpful. Saving me so much time by automatically generate sub-titles on each pages and analyze my paragraph to points form! highly recommend! The support is super fast and helpful, I didn’t even expect to get such a fast responds at late night time

Widi Oremo Image

Amazing product. It was very easy to use and intuitive. I was also assisted very promptly by its creator and team when I needed help.

Marcelo Caballero Image

Marcelo Caballero

Genial, te reduce los tiempos y bloqueos mentales para realizar una presentacion de algun tema en especifico. asi es posible concentrarse en los detalles. Muy Util.

Simple pricing for everyone

Institution, find your ideal plan.

Good enough to get started

  • 36 Presentations / year
  • 2500 Character Input / Presentation
  • 120 AI Credits / year
  • 12 Video Export / year (Coming Soon)
  • Document Upload (Coming soon)

Perfect plan for students

  • 120 Presentations / year
  • 6000 Character Input / Presentation
  • 600 AI Credits / year
  • 120 Video Export / year (Coming Soon)

For Educators and Professionals

  • Unlimited Presentations
  • 12000 Character Input / Presentation
  • 1200 AI Credits / year
  • 240 Video Export / year (Coming Soon)

This product is sold directly by, the official Merchant Of Record (MoR)/Reseller of SlidesAI. Additionally, Paddle is neither a subsidiary nor a related entity, nor a distinct person for SlidesAI.

Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of the most common questions we get asked.

Save Time and Effortlessly Create Presentations with SlidesAI

App screenshot

  • Summarize PowerPoints with AI
  • Summarize Word documents with AI
  • Summarize PDF with AI
  • Generate PowerPoints with AI from text
  • Create Presentation with AI
  • Create Presentations with AI from PDF
  • GPT for Presentations
  • Create Presentations from Website with AI
  • Chat with Document Groups
  • Import files from Cloud
  • Speak to an expert
  • October 26, 2023
  • Comments Off on Generate PowerPoint with AI from any Word document
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Generate PowerPoint with AI from any Word document

paper presentation on ai

We are excited to announce a new feature that allows you to generate PowerPoint presentations from any Word document! SlideSpeak uses the latest AI technology to analyze the content of your document and design professional slides for you.

In this post, we’ll walk through how to use this new feature step-by-step. Soon you’ll be creating stunning presentations with just a few clicks!

Microsoft itself has released a bunch of content around its new AI Copilot feature. In the most recent video they have talked about AI is going to change how we all work with PowerPoint, you can check it out here .

Quick note: if you’re looking for a guide to turn PDFs into stunning PowerPoints, check out our latest post:

How generating PowerPoint with SlideSpeak works

Here is an overview of how SlideSpeak can turn your Word content into a PowerPoint presentation:

  • Upload Document: Upload your Word doc to SlideSpeak.
  • Review Document: See the document in the SlideSpeak interface. In chat, you can ask the AI questions about the content.
  • Generate Presentation: Click the “Generate presentation” button to start creating the PowerPoint.
  • AI Generates Slides: SlideSpeak’s AI will analyze the document and design slides based on the content. This may take a few minutes.
  • Preview & Download: View a preview of the generated presentation and download the PowerPoint file.

Here’s a more detailed step-by-step tutorial:

Let’s go through this process step-by-step to see just how easy it is to create a PowerPoint presentation with SlideSpeak’s AI.

Step 1: Upload Your Document

Head over to the SlideSpeak App and upload your Word document. You can do this by clicking the upload button on the homepage and selecting your file.

paper presentation on ai

Once uploaded, you’ll see the content of your document appear in the SlideSpeak interface.

Step 2: Review the Document

paper presentation on ai

Now you can quickly review the document and get familiar with the content. If you have any questions, you can chat with SlideSpeak’s AI assistant in the sidebar.

Ask things like:

  • What are the key points in this document?
  • Generate me a summary for this document?
  • How should this content be structured for a presentation?

The AI will provide helpful recommendations to improve the generated slides.

Step 3: Generate the Presentation

Once you’re ready, click the “Generate Presentation” button at the top right of the screen.

paper presentation on ai

A dialog will pop up to confirm you want to start generating the PowerPoint. Click “Proceed”!

paper presentation on ai

Step 4: AI Generates Slides

Now SlideSpeak’s AI technology will get to work analyzing your document and automatically designing professional PowerPoint slides. This may take a few minutes depending on the length of your document.

You’ll see a progress bar that keeps you updated on the status. Sit back and let the AI do the heavy lifting!

paper presentation on ai

Step 5: Preview and Download

In just a few minutes, your new PowerPoint presentation will be ready! SlideSpeak will show you a preview of the slides the AI has designed.

paper presentation on ai

You can flip through them to see how the AI extracted key points from your document and created stunning slides. If you’d like to make any tweaks, you can edit the slides here.

paper presentation on ai

When you’re satisfied, click the download button to save the PowerPoint file to your computer.

Note: Downloading the full PowerPoint file is currently only available for paid SlideSpeak plans. On our free plan you can preview the slides online and download as images.

And that’s it! In just a few easy steps, SlideSpeak has turned your Word document into a professional, on-brand PowerPoint presentation thanks to the power of AI.

Generating PowerPoint slides from Word documents is a gamechanger for creating presentations quickly and easily. SlideSpeak makes it simple to upload your content and let advanced AI design the perfect slides for you.

With this new feature, you can now instantly convert your existing content into presentation decks that look fantastic. No more starting from scratch or wrestling with slide layouts in PowerPoint!

Try out generating AI-powered presentations from your Word files today with SlideSpeak!

What file formats can you generate a presentation from?

Currently, SlideSpeak supports generating PowerPoint presentations from Word documents (DOCX files) and PDF files. Simply upload one of these file types to have our AI technology design slides based on the content. Also check out our other blog post about how to create PowerPoint presentations from a PDF: .

Do you also support generating presentations for Google Slides?

Not directly, but you can easily transfer a generated PowerPoint file to Google Slides. First, generate the presentation in SlideSpeak and download the PowerPoint file. Then head over to Google Slides and go to File > Import, selecting the PowerPoint file to bring it into Slides. See this help article for step-by-step instructions.

Are there any other designs for the generated presentations?

Right now our AI uses one professional design template to generate the slides. We plan to add support for more slide templates and customization options in the future, but for now it’s a clean, modern template.

Can you directly generate PowerPoint presentations with ChatGPT?

No, ChatGPT is a conversational AI that only handles text interactions. It does not support uploading files or generating slide decks directly. SlideSpeak uses more advanced AI technology tailored for powerpoint generation from documents.

Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify the FAQ section in any way. I’m happy to add more questions and answers as needed!

How long does it take to generate a presentation?

The time it takes to generate a PowerPoint presentation depends on the length of your uploaded Word/PDF document. For a 10-15 page document, expect it to take around 5 minutes. Longer documents with 50+ pages could take 10-15 minutes to generate slides. You’ll see a progress bar after clicking the generate button so you know the status.

For a quick summary of your documents you can also just use our AI summary feature, check it out here .

What elements from my document will be converted into slides?

Our AI will analyze headings, text paragraphs, images, tables, and lists in your document. It identifies key points, summaries, and data to structure into individual slides with appropriate text, bullet points and visuals. The goal is to capture all the important information and structure it effectively for a presentation.

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AI generate presentations and summaries.

Summarize and generate PowerPoint files with ChatGPT. Upload, chat, and gain new insights from your presentations. Use SlideSpeak AI to boost your productivity.

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  • Extract Images from PowerPoint
  • Extract Images from Word
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AI Presentation Maker: Create presentations 10x faster does the writing, design and storytelling, leaving you with nothing to do but present

Trusted by over 1,000,000 users & leading companies

ai generated presentations

  • +150,000 new users per month

sendsteps ai users

  • +230K presentations created per month

sendsteps global

  • Active in more than 125 countries

AI Presentation maker: Cartoon of someone generating a presentation using

Using our AI presentation maker is simple:

Describe your topic or upload a document

Enter presentation & audience details

AI generates interactivity, design and content

Benefits of an interactive AI presentation maker!

Save time graphic

  • Save time when creating presentations

Get inspired graphic

  • Get inspired thinking about your message

Get interaction with your audience graphic

  • Interact with your audience while presenting

How works

Instead of taking a few hours, all is ready in 1 minute!

Choose a starting point

Start from scratch

Upload document

Import PowerPoint

Homepage of

Define and approve lay-out

Specify what your presentation is about, in which language, to whom you’re presenting, title, length, etc.

Wait for creation

Now wait a few seconds and your presentation will be created.

An image of a presentation being created using the AI presentation maker

Presentation ready

Design, content, pictures and interactive elements are created for you!

Time to present

You’re presentation is ready! There will be speaker notes so you can practice your presentation or you can start presenting right away!

An image of a presentation made using the AI presentation maker

Two ways to generate an AI presentation

Icon Document Upload

Document to presentation

With the document upload feature, you can simply upload a document and our AI will summarise it and generate an entire interactive presentation for you. So whether you have an informative document, an academic paper or a product brochure, you can easily upload it to our platform and let us take care of the rest.

We support the following document types:

  • Word document
  • PowerPoint file

Icon hand with a pen

Text to presentation also offers the option to describe your topic to us. This feature is perfect for those times when you need to give a presentation but are out of ideas regarding the content. Simply provide us with a brief description of your topic, and we will create an interactive presentation for you.

It's an excellent option for those who only have a subject and want to make their presentation engaging and interactive. With our interactive presentation templates, you can easily engage your audience and make your presentation a success.

Improve audience engagement with our AI Quiz Maker

Sendsteps AI Quiz Maker is an innovative tool designed to enhance audience engagement and learning through interactive quizzes. It seamlessly integrates into presentations, allowing you to create and incorporate quizzes that are both engaging and educational. This feature is particularly useful in academic and corporate training environments where audience participation and knowledge retention are crucial.

Enhance your existing presentation using our AI Content Creator

If you've already generated or created a presentation and are looking to add that extra touch, our AI-powered tool is here to assist you in creating captivating content. With our AI Content Creator , you can effortlessly generate compelling text, visually stunning word clouds, or interactive quiz questions to amplify audience engagement. No more hours spent brainstorming or searching for the perfect content.

Sendsteps' AI Content Creator

Unlock PowerPoint potential with Sendsteps' AI PowerPoint Maker

Enhance your presentation experience with Sendsteps AI, the revolutionary AI PowerPoint maker. Our tool not only streamlines the creation of captivating and interactive presentations but also offers the seamless ability to export your AI-generated content directly into PowerPoint format. This feature embodies the pinnacle of convenience and efficiency, allowing you to effortlessly transition your ideas into familiar PowerPoint slides. Perfect for professionals and educators, our AI PowerPoint maker ensures your presentations are engaging, interactive, and easily accessible. Leverage the power of AI to transform the way you present and connect with your audience.

Why Sendsteps AI presentation maker?

Let our artificial intelligence generate presentations, so you can save time and money to bring along your message.

Graphic AI robot holding a lightbulb

Our machine learning model is learning every day and provides awesome presentations.

Save time graphic

Up to 10x faster than manual presentation creation.


Unique content

The generated content by is unique and doesn’t repeat itself. is plagiarism free

Plagiarism free

Our AI presentation maker pass plagiarism tests with 99,9%.

Interactivity included

Our presentations always include interactive questions to engage your audience.

Graphic of a globe with two conversation clouds

Multiple languages

Create presentations in 86 different languages, including English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian and French.

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GDPR & Data Protection

By adhering to EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all other applicable regulations, we provide optimal protection for your data.

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ISO 27001 Certified

We are audited annually by an independent certification body. Sendsteps is ISO 27001 Certified.

Trophy is joy!

AI is an exciting, new technology that can unlock your imagination to create amazing things. helps 1M+ people like you to create interactive presentations 10x faster!

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future of AI in education

How to Create Stunning Presentations with AI?

Two students having fun during a lesson

How to Create Engaging and Educational Quizzes

Student using AI presentation maker to generate a presentation

Exploring the Future of Online Quizzes with AI Technology

AI in education

AI Presentation Makers A New Tool for Educational Success

having fun at work while taking a Sendsteps made quiz

How to Engage Your Audience with an Innovative AI Quiz Creator

data in AI quiz tool

The Impact of AI Quiz Tools on Data Collection and Audience Insights presentation maker tool AI, new form of education

The Benefits of AI-Powered Presentation Makers in Education

Leveraging ai for fun and engagement innovative uses of quiz generators.

Live online interactive quiz

Exploring the Top 5 AI Quiz Makers: Revolutionizing Knowledge Assessment

Frequently asked questions.

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, please ask us we'll get back to you ASAP.

What type of documents does support?

Can i use for free.

Yes, you can use our AI presentation maker for free!

Is easy to use?

Yes, is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a simple drag-and-drop interface and helpful AI-powered suggestions and prompts.

What are the benefits of using an AI presentation maker? helps users save time and effort by automating many of the tasks involved in creating a presentation. It also makes presentations more engaging and interactive, which can help keep audiences interested and attentive.

How does AI presentation makers work? uses AI algorithms to help users create visually appealing and interactive presentations. It offers features such as automatic slide creation, content suggestions, and real-time audience engagement tools.

How does AI technology help users create better presentations?'s AI algorithms analyze the user's content and automatically generates slides and creates interactive elements to keep audiences engaged.

How does help presenters interact with their audiences during a presentation? provides a variety of real-time audience engagement tools, such as live polls, quizzes, and surveys. These tools allow presenters to gather feedback and adjust their presentations in real-time based on audience responses.

How does AI presentation makers save time for presenters? automates many of the time-consuming tasks involved in creating a presentation, such as slide design and content formatting. The AI presentation maker has the ability to extract the most essential information from a document and generate an interactive presentation based on that.

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Create stunning presentations 10X faster with AI

Get a jumpstart on your presentation with the power of AI presentations. Let AI Build Professional Presentations Automatically!

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Create visually appealing presentations 10X faster with Powerpresent AI. Just input your topic or text and let our AI technology do the rest. No design or AI expertise needed. Export to Google Slides or download as a PPTX file for easy editing. Make an impact with your presentations today.


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Automate your presentation and wow your audience faster than ever with Powerpresent AI!

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AI-generated presentations with AutoSlide.

From idea to presentation in seconds. Never start from scratch again.

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Write the idea

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Generate the presentation

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Ready to present

Autoslide uses ai to generate trully beautiful presentations..

AutoSlide uses GPT-3, an advanced language generation model, to power its AI algorithms and generate high-quality content for presentations.

  • Stunning presentations
  • Fast and Simple
  • Design Customization
  • Export to Google Slides, PowerPoint and PDF

A range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets

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Personal Plan

Ideal for explorers and for personal use.

  • 5 Presentations/month
  • Up to 3 chapters
  • Customer Support

Premium Plan

Perfect for professionals, students and teachers.

  • 20 Presentations/month
  • Up to 10 chapters

Free AI Presentation Maker for Stunning Decks

Create professional, stunning presentations in minutes. Generate ready-to-use presentations from just a text prompt.

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AI Presentation Maker

By the numbers (because numbers don’t lie )

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Teamwork and efficiency aren't just buzzwords here.

Dive into the future with our AI Presentation Maker . Less yawn, more awe.

Got questions we’ve got answers..

AI Presentation Makers leverage artificial intelligence to automate design and content suggestions, making the creation process faster and more efficient than traditional methods.

Yes, you can customize templates with your brand colors, fonts, and logos, ensuring your presentations consistently reflect your brand identity.

By analyzing your content, it suggests layouts, designs, and visuals, streamlining the creation process from hours to minutes.

It's designed with user-friendliness in mind, minimizing the learning curve. Most users find it intuitive from the start.

Real-time co-editing, comments, and seamless sharing options are available, facilitating teamwork on presentations.

High-standard encryption and secure cloud storage protect your data, ensuring privacy and security.

Yes, it can import content from various formats, making it easy to switch from other presentation tools.

Presentations are optimized for all devices, ensuring a consistent viewing experience across platforms.

Comprehensive support through email, and a resource center is available to address any issues.

Offers range from a free basic plan to premium options, catering to different needs and budgets.

10 Best AI Presentation Generators (September 2024)

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Unite.AI is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure .

Table Of Contents

paper presentation on ai

In the digital age, AI-powered presentation generators are revolutionizing the way we create and deliver presentations. These tools leverage artificial intelligence to streamline the creation process, enhance visual appeal, and boost audience engagement. Here, we discuss the top 10 AI presentation generators that can help you elevate your next presentation.

Create presentations using AI with Plus AI for Google Slides

This tool enables users to create presentations and edit slides using Generative AI in Google Slides.

The AI-powered suggestions are a game-changer. It's like having a personal presentation assistant. The process is extremely simple, s tart with a prompt to generate a customizable outline, then watch as the AI turns it into slides in just a few minutes.

Once this is complete you have multiple options including rewriting the content to change the tone, or remixing the slide to transform the content into a specific layout.

Best of all, Plus AI will generate an outline, which you can customize before generating the presentation itself. To offer additional flexibility, when generating your slides, you can choose a visual theme. After the slides are generated, you can edit them just like any other presentation in Google Slides, export them for PowerPoint, and continue to edit them with Plus AI.

Top Features of Plus AI

  • Powered by the latest in Generative AI
  • Integration between Google Slides and Powerpoint is seamless
  • It creates a presentation that needs only minor editing when used with detailed prompts
  • The ability to rewrite content on slides is a game-changer

Use discount code: UNITEAI10 to claim a 10% discount .

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2. Slides AI

SlidesAI - AI Powered Text To Presentation

Slide AI simplifies the presentation-making process. Users start by adding their desired text into the system. This text forms the foundation of the presentation, with Slide AI's intelligent algorithms analyzing and structuring the content into a visually appealing format. This innovative approach not only enhances efficiency but also democratizes design skills, allowing users to focus on content quality without worrying about design complexities.

Understanding the significance of personalization, Slide AI offers extensive customization options. Users can select from a range of pre-designed color schemes and font presets to align the presentation's aesthetics with their message or brand identity. For those seeking a unique touch, the platform provides tools to create custom designs, offering unparalleled flexibility in tailoring the look and feel of presentations.

Top Features of Slides AI

  • Slide AI transforms text into polished presentations effortlessly.
  • Works with all major languages, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, & Japanese
  • Choose from pre-designed presets or create your unique style for the perfect look and feel.

Visit Slides AI →


How to create a presentation in is more than just a presentation tool; it's a smart assistant that helps you craft compelling narratives. As you begin to personalize your presentation, starts to understand your needs, offering suggestions for further enhancements. This predictive feature is a game-changer, making the design process more intuitive and less time-consuming.

But the innovation doesn't stop there.'s voice narration feature adds an extra layer of communication, making your content more engaging. Imagine being able to narrate your slides, adding a personal touch to your presentation. This feature can be particularly useful for remote presentations, where the personal connection can sometimes be lost.

Top features of

  • Anticipates user needs and offers suggestions
  • Facilitates the creation of clear, concise presentations
  • Voice narration feature for enhanced communication

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4. Slidebean

paper presentation on ai

Slidebean is a web-based presentation tool that revolutionizes the way presentations are made. With just a few clicks, users can create powerful presentations that leave a lasting impression. The beauty of Slidebean lies in its ability to separate content creation from slide design. This means you can focus on what matters most – your message – while Slidebean takes care of the design.

Slidebean is particularly suitable for small to medium businesses that may not have a dedicated design team. Even users with zero design skills can create professional-looking slides, thanks to the collection of design templates, premium fonts, and high-end color palettes. Slidebean is not just an alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote; it's a step up.

Top features of Slidebean:

  • Separates content creation from slide design
  • Enables users with no design skills to create professional-looking slides
  • Offers a collection of design templates, premium fonts, and high-end color palettes

Visit Slidebean →

paper presentation on ai

Tome is an AI-powered presentation creator that goes beyond just designing slides. It serves as a collaborative AI assistant, helping users design engaging presentations from scratch. Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 technology, Tome can understand your needs and generate content that resonates with your audience.

Tome offers ready-made templates and themes, AI-generated text and images, and tools for adding animations, videos, graphs, and more. But what sets it apart is its ability to understand your instructions. All you have to do is tell the AI assistant what you want, and it will do the rest. This makes the design process not just easier, but also more fun.

Top features of Tome:

  • Uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 technology
  • Offers ready-made templates and themes, AI-generated text and images
  • Provides tools for adding animations, videos, graphs, and more

Visit Tome →

6. Synthesia

paper presentation on ai

Synthesia is a robust AI presentation maker that stands out for its user-friendly interface and unique features. One of its standout features is the ability to create your own AI avatar. This means you can add a personal touch to your presentation, making it more engaging and memorable.

With Synthesia, you don't need to be an expert to create high-quality presentations. The tool offers a wide range of professionally designed video templates that you can use as a starting point. From there, you can customize your presentation to suit your needs. Whether you're presenting to a small team or a large audience, Synthesia has you covered.

Top features of Synthesis:

  • User-friendly interface
  • Allows creation of personalized AI avatar
  • Offers a wide range of professionally designed video templates

Visit Synthesia →

7. Simplified

paper presentation on ai

Simplified is an AI presentation maker designed with collaboration in mind. It enables teams to work together seamlessly, creating presentations with the help of AI. This means you can collaborate with your team in real-time, making changes and seeing updates instantly.

After the AI generates a presentation, you can customize fonts, colors, and textures to make your presentation more impactful. You can also convert your slides into a video presentation by adding transitions. This feature can be particularly useful for remote presentations, where visual engagement is key.

Top features of Simplified:

  • Designed for team collaboration
  • Allows customization of fonts, colors, and textures
  • Can convert slides into video presentations

Visit Simplified →

8. Sendsteps

paper presentation on ai

Sendsteps is a drag-and-drop AI presentation maker that simplifies the creation process. It's not just about creating slides; it's about creating an interactive experience for your audience. With Sendsteps, you can add interactive elements such as polls, SMS voting, quizzes, etc., to your presentation, making it more engaging and interactive.

One of the standout features of Sendsteps is its multilingual support. You can create presentations in more than 11 languages, including Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, and Dutch. This makes it a great tool for international teams or for presentations to a global audience.

Top features of Sendsteps:

  • Drag-and-drop interface
  • Offers interactive elements like polls, SMS voting, quizzes
  • Supports creation of presentations in more than 11 languages

Visit Sendsteps →

paper presentation on ai

Prezi is a powerful AI presentation maker that can transform your ordinary slides into impactful presentations. It's not just about adding slides and text; it's about creating a narrative that captivates your audience. With Prezi, you can add a dynamic flow to your presentation, making it more engaging and memorable.

However, Prezi offers limited customization options after you choose a template. This means that while you can create a stunning presentation quickly, you may not have as much control over the final look and feel. Despite this, Prezi is a great tool for those who want to create a professional presentation quickly and easily.

Top features of Prezi:

  • Transforms ordinary slides into impactful presentations
  • Offers limited customization options after template selection

Visit Prezi →

paper presentation on ai

Kroma is a popular AI presentation tool used by large organizations such as Apple and eBay. It gives you access to over a million creative assets and numerous data visualization elements, allowing you to create a visually stunning presentation. Whether you're presenting data, sharing a project update, or pitching a new idea, Kroma can help you do it.

One of the standout features of Kroma is its integration with MS PowerPoint and Apple’s Keynote. This means you can easily import your existing presentations and enhance them with Kroma's powerful features.

Top features of Kroma:

  • Used by large organizations like Apple and eBay
  • Provides access to over a million creative assets and data visualization elements
  • Can be easily integrated with MS PowerPoint and Apple’s Keynote

Visit Kroma →

In the digital age, AI-powered presentation generators are revolutionizing the way we create and deliver presentations. These tools utilize artificial intelligence to simplify the creation process, enhance visual appeal, and increase audience engagement. By leveraging AI, users can quickly produce professional presentations that would typically require extensive time and design skills. Features such as personalized templates, voice narration, real-time collaboration, and multilingual support make these tools versatile and accessible for various needs. Adopting AI-driven presentation tools can greatly improve the quality and impact of your presentations, making them more engaging and effective.

paper presentation on ai

10 Best AI Game Generators (September 2024)

10 Best AI Voice Changer Tools (September 2024)

paper presentation on ai

Alex McFarland is an AI journalist and writer exploring the latest developments in artificial intelligence. He has collaborated with numerous AI startups and publications worldwide.

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Speaker 1: You can now make academic presentations using AI. This is how I would do it. The first thing I would do is go over to That is the app we're gonna be using to create our AI presentations. Not affiliated, not sponsored. I think this is a really great one, though. This is the easiest thing you can do. The first thing is if you are working on a paper, like a peer-reviewed paper to submit to a journal, which you should always be doing, by the way, you can just put this in as a file and it will generate its own presentation based on the draft of the paper you're currently writing. And that's really easy. You go here to import a file. This is the one I'm working on at the moment. This is a paper from my last postdoc before I was fired. And here we are. This is what we were working on. And you can see that it's not finished. It's got lots of tags. It's got tables. It's got lots of graphs. So here we can see what will do with this. So we'll upload a file. We'll click here and we'll upload the seed layer article. That's really easy. We open it here and then you can see we get into loads of options. Those options will not really dictate what's in there, but it will sort of dictate the quality of the presentation and give you lots of options as well. So here we are. This is the seed layer article that I want to transform into a presentation. And I click continue. And then they start configuring and working with your file. So here we've got the settings, which is what you should start with first. So you've got generate, condense and preserve. Here we want to condense because we've got a lot of content that we need to condense. And you can see it's got all of this information here. Now I have upgraded to pro. So I don't know why this one's down here. It was only $10 for a month. And here I've got card by card. So you can see here it's saying, well this card is based on this stuff. And then as we scroll down, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, one card total. Well, that's not what we want. So we'll go here to free form. And now we go max text per card. Now this is best for a presentation. We've got brief, medium or detailed. So we can go to brief because I want it to be super brief and then I can talk about it using my own words as opposed to just reading from a slide, which is really boring for everyone involved. And then we've got output, we've got AI images. We're not really going to be too concerned about these because it's going to produce images where it thinks it should produce images, but they're a bit rubbish. We're going to work with that a little bit later. And then we've also got image model and where we want to grab it from. Not important for us, I don't think. And then all we have to do is pick a theme. We go through, choose a theme that we like. I like this one. And then we'll say generate. And you will see it generate the slides live in front of your meaty eyes. And this is what it comes up with. So it's saying here, this is the title slide and look at this rubbish photo. No, that's rubbish. It's not very scientific, but that's all right. We're not using this for the photos. We're using it for the content. So here, metallic adhesive layers. So we've got that one. We've got optimizing silver thickness. And then we've got seed layer effects on reflectance. Then we've got morphology and adhesion. So it has done a pretty good job at separating out the things that we would want to talk about. And so then we've got adhesion mechanisms. We've got optimal seed layer and conclusion. So look, this is a good structure, but it's not done a couple of things. So the first thing it's not really done is put graphs in from our actual paper. So this is where we would need to grab this one, copy it across. We can put it into this slideshow by using the interface on the web app. So we can go here and just say, add an image, upload an image, and then put an image in. Or what I like to do is download it. So we can go up here and we can say export. And then we can export it to PowerPoint. Brilliant. And then I can work with that a little bit later. This is a really sort of like quick shortcut of getting design and getting the content and getting the story structure in one place. And then after that, you can work on getting the data properly presented in an outside program like PowerPoint. But this is not my favorite way to do it at all. This is my favorite way to work with this app. I don't think Gamma AI is very good at coming up with the story structure, a really robust sort of narrative that you can talk about during a presentation. So I prefer to use ChatGPT first. The first thing I do is head over to ChatGPT 4. This is the one that I paid for with my hard-earned YouTube money. And here I am. I'm saying I am creating a presentation for my PhD to attend a conference, give it as much context as it needs to do a good job, and need some help creating a structure. Can you help with this text? That was a bit rubbish prompt, wasn't it? But it did all right. Can you help with this text from a recent paper I wrote? Perfect. Okay, so we've got pathways of high throughput, low cost, indium three, transparent electrodes. And all I did was take this entire paper and all I did was go Select All, go Control A, there we are. And I just copied and pasted it all across into here. So I didn't actually like format it. I didn't sort of like say, I want the abstract, I want the introduction. I just sort of like mashed it all in and said, do your best. And it did do its best. This is why I like using this as a first port of call for creating the narrative structure and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, there it is or there, there it is. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Come on now. Come on, what a long paper. Okay, we're at the references. And there we go. Okay, and there it says, for creating a structured presentation for your PhD conference based on your paper, you can organize into these slides, title slide, introduction, objective. And I was like, yeah, okay, this is very, very sort of like high level. Give me the actual content. So here I said, create an outline of slides for content with 10 slides. Good, another great prompt, Andy, well done. Certainly, here's more detailed outline. So here we go. This is what I was actually interested in, title slide, presentation, introduction, research objective. So all of these are actually, look, you can see it's got actual details in it. And this is what I wanted to use to put into Gamma AI. So I copied and pasted all of this across. So there's this option where you can go paste in text. So I went here, pasted in the text, and I went through that exact same process. So then this is what happened. I went here and this was the output. And you can see it is a much more detailed, I think a much more well-rounded story than the one that was a little bit kind of just like a little bit of a scatter shot of the content that I wanted. Here I've got a nice flow, a much better flow in my opinion. So we've got the need for transparent electrodes, which is like the background. We've got the research objective and you can see it's got bullet points and then it's got materials and methods. You can see it actually has a go. It's sort of like saying how I created these transparent electrodes, which I like. But obviously here, I would just put the schematic of the process that I used and that I generated throughout my research. So then we've got electrode fabrication process, which is great. Once again, I would just use the images that I've got, but this is a good start. Key results, so figure of merit, advantages, performance testing. This is with OPV devices once again. Good bullet points, but I can flesh this out much, much more with actual detail and data and then conclusions and future directions. So I think overall, this is a really great start. It's much better than just giving it the Word document. We've allowed ChatGPT to sort of like work with the narrative a little bit more. Lovely. And now this is what I did. I went and I said, give me this in a PowerPoint presentation and here is the PowerPoint presentation. Now, you can see that this is the PowerPoint presentation and there's plenty of space for doing other stuff and get rid of made with Gamma. No, I can't go. But you can see that over here, yeah, I've got all of this space. So I can play about with these slides and importantly, I can take the information that I want. So from this one, I can say, you know what? I want this schematic. So I can go in, grab that schematic if I wanted, capture it and then in PowerPoint, where would I put it? Just down here, materials and methods. I can say, actually, I want that in there and I can't do that because I need to save it first. Enable saving. There we are. Now we're talking. This is the stuff made of dreams. Can I get rid of made with Gamma now? I can. Yes, you don't even need to pay for the full subscription if you want to get rid of that made with Gamma. Okay, where were we going? Device electrode fabrication process. This is where I want it. There we are. So I can put in my thing and I can play about with the design. I can maybe even have this at the top. Oh no, this is going to take way longer than I thought it was going to. Okay, I can have that one at the top and then I can do that one underneath and perfect. We're starting to work with the data we've got. Sometimes you don't have the full story to work with. When you do a presentation, your supervisor comes to you and says, you're going to this conference and you're like, oh my God, do I have enough data? Do I not have enough data? Trust me, you've always got data that you can present and a story you can tell, but you can use AI to make it super obvious for you and this is how you do that. Let's say you've been working for a few months. On your PhD, you've got a few graphs. They're a bit scattered. They're a bit weird, but you need to do a presentation. This is what I would do. First of all, I would put in whatever I had as an image file to chat GPT for, the one you have to pay for. I would upload these. Here you can see I've got four figures. This one is AFM data. This is IV curves. This is wavelengths of certain materials after they've been heated. These are just random things I've put in there and I've asked this. I said, I'm attending a conference and I have to give a presentation. Here is the data I have collected. Can you help me craft a compelling story from these figures? Then it does such a great job. This is why I love chat GPT vision. It just knows what these are about based on the text in the images, which is just fantastic. Here it says, it looks like you have a rich set of experimental data. Thank you very much, chat GPT, saying all the right words. It says, these materials are commonly used in the production of OPV cells, which is correct. Your data includes atomic force microscopy, current density voltage characteristic, UV viz, and x-ray diffraction patterns. Here's a story that we can use. Here we go. We've got introduction to materials, objective of the study, experimental methods. This is what I would use to generate the first draft of my presentation. And if you can see down here, I said, can you give me the content for 10 slides based on the structure above? This is what I wanted. I wanted the actual text that I would put in here. So it says, certainly, here is a detailed breakdown for a 10-slide presentation. And all I did was take this. I copied and pasted all of that in for 10 slides. 10 slides, one slide per minute. So that's what I was working on for a 10-minute sort of like quick presentation that quite often PhD students give because you end up with like five minutes for questions. Too many people put too much information in their presentations. They talk for too long. They don't have time for questions. Make sure you're on the little bit of a shorter side. Trust me, it's much better to have time at the end than to rush through your slides because it just panics everyone in the crowd. So all I did was take, no, back to this, by the way. I would take all of this. We'll copy it across. So then I would go to new, paste in text. Then I would paste in the text here and I would say presentation and I'd say continue. And then we'd wait. We'd allow the AI gods to do what they had to do. Oh, that was quick. And then we've got this, generate. Okay, no, I want to condense or I want to preserve. So reformat while keeping your original content. Let's try that. No, we'll always try our best to preserve your content. We can't guarantee an exact match. Excellent, thanks very much. Then I've got presentation format. I don't want car size to be fluid. I want this, exporting to PowerPoint or Google Slides. And then I'm going to say continue and I want, let's say it's 10 cards, there we are. And we're just going to, oh, first of all, we're going to do the design stuff. Okay, here we go. What do I want? Oh, it's professional. Let's have a look at professional. Okay, body, that one. That's pretty professional. I like that one. Boom, now we wait. We enter the AI god realm. Oh, here it is. Spitting it out in front of me. It's doing such a good job. There we are. Slide one, already done. Slide two, already done. Slide three, slide four. And this is how it works. So I'm very impressed with how it can just sort of like mash stuff together to make a presentation. And then what I would do, like you saw before, I would take this and I would then take it to PowerPoint and I would work on it in there. This is how I would use AI to create academic presentations. Super easy. You should be thinking about using something like this too because it takes away all of those first steps that are really annoying and hold you up. You can take this, work it in with it in PowerPoint and start working on the important things, which is generating the story, putting the graphs in, making sure it's obvious to your audience exactly what you're talking about. That is what you need to do. If you like this video and you're doing a presentation soon, check out this one where I talk about how to deliver a killer presentation in academic circles. Make sure you're remembered for all the right reasons. Go check it out.



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