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Soil horizons

Pedons and polypedons.

  • Grain size and porosity
  • Water runoff
  • Mineral content
  • Organic content
  • Biological phenomena
  • Parent material
  • U.S. Soil Taxonomy
  • FAO soil groups
  • Erosive processes
  • Rates of soil erosion
  • Resistance to erosion
  • Carbon and nitrogen cycles
  • Soils and global warming
  • Xenobiotic chemicals
  • Pathways of detoxification

Chernozem soil profile

What is soil?

What are the grain sizes in soil, what are the layers of soil.

Tilled farmland. (farming, dirt, soil conservation)

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Chernozem soil profile

Soil is the biologically active and porous medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of Earth’s crust. It serves as the reservoir of water and nutrients and a medium for the filtration and breakdown of injurious wastes. It also helps in the cycling of carbon and other elements through the global ecosystem.

The grain size of soil particles are categorized into three groups: clay, silt, and sand. Clay measures less than 0.002 mm (0.0008 inch) in diameter, silt is between 0.002 mm (0.0008 inch) and 0.05 mm (0.002 inch), and sand is between 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) and 2 mm (0.08 inch).

What are the five factors of soil formation?

The evolution of soils and their properties is called soil formation, and according to pedologists, five fundamental soil formation processes influence soil properties. These five “state factors” are parent material, topography, climate, organisms, and time.

Soils have a unique structural characteristic that distinguishes them from mere earth materials: a vertical sequence of layers produced by the combined actions of percolating waters and living organisms. These layers are called horizons and are designated A horizon, B horizon, C horizon, E horizon, O horizon, and R horizon.

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soil , the biologically active, porous medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of Earth’s crust. Soil is one of the principal substrata of life on Earth, serving as a reservoir of water and nutrients, as a medium for the filtration and breakdown of injurious wastes, and as a participant in the cycling of carbon and other elements through the global ecosystem . It has evolved through weathering processes driven by biological, climatic, geologic, and topographic influences.

Since the rise of agriculture and forestry in the 8th millennium bce , there has also arisen by necessity a practical awareness of soils and their management. In the 18th and 19th centuries the Industrial Revolution brought increasing pressure on soil to produce raw materials demanded by commerce, while the development of quantitative science offered new opportunities for improved soil management. The study of soil as a separate scientific discipline began about the same time with systematic investigations of substances that enhance plant growth. This initial inquiry has expanded to an understanding of soils as complex, dynamic , biogeochemical systems that are vital to the life cycles of terrestrial vegetation and soil-inhabiting organisms—and by extension to the human race as well.

english essay on soil

This article covers the structure, composition , and classification of soils and how these factors affect soil’s role in the global ecosystem. In addition, the two most important phenomena that degrade soils, erosion and pollution, are discussed. For a cartographic guide to the distribution of the world’s major soils, featuring links to short descriptive entries on each soil type, see the interactive world map .

The soil profile

english essay on soil

Soils differ widely in their properties because of geologic and climatic variation over distance and time. Even a simple property, such as the soil thickness, can range from a few centimetres to many metres, depending on the intensity and duration of weathering , episodes of soil deposition and erosion , and the patterns of landscape evolution. Nevertheless, in spite of this variability, soils have a unique structural characteristic that distinguishes them from mere earth materials and serves as a basis for their classification: a vertical sequence of layers produced by the combined actions of percolating waters and living organisms.

english essay on soil

These layers are called horizons , and the full vertical sequence of horizons constitutes the soil profile (see the figure ). Soil horizons are defined by features that reflect soil-forming processes. For instance, the uppermost soil layer (not including surface litter) is termed the A horizon . This is a weathered layer that contains an accumulation of humus (decomposed, dark-coloured, carbon-rich matter) and microbial biomass that is mixed with small-grained minerals to form aggregate structures.

Below A lies the B horizon . In mature soils this layer is characterized by an accumulation of clay (small particles less than 0.002 mm [0.00008 inch] in diameter) that has either been deposited out of percolating waters or precipitated by chemical processes involving dissolved products of weathering. Clay endows B horizons with an array of diverse structural features (blocks, columns, and prisms) formed from small clay particles that can be linked together in various configurations as the horizon evolves.

english essay on soil

Below the A and B horizons is the C horizon , a zone of little or no humus accumulation or soil structure development. The C horizon often is composed of unconsolidated parent material from which the A and B horizons have formed. It lacks the characteristic features of the A and B horizons and may be either relatively unweathered or deeply weathered. At some depth below the A, B, and C horizons lies consolidated rock , which makes up the R horizon.

These simple letter designations are supplemented in two ways (see the table of soil horizon letter designations). First, two additional horizons are defined. Litter and decomposed organic matter (for example, plant and animal remains) that typically lie exposed on the land surface above the A horizon are given the designation O horizon , whereas the layer immediately below an A horizon that has been extensively leached (that is, slowly washed of certain contents by the action of percolating water) is given the separate designation E horizon , or zone of eluviation (from Latin ex , “out,” and lavere , “to wash”). The development of E horizons is favoured by high rainfall and sandy parent material, two factors that help to ensure extensive water percolation. The solid particles lost through leaching are deposited in the B horizon, which then can be regarded as a zone of illuviation (from Latin il , “in,” and lavere ).

Soil horizon letter designations
O organic horizon containing litter and decomposed organic matter
A mineral horizon darkened by humus accumulation
E mineral horizon lighter in colour than an A or O horizon and depleted in clay minerals
AB or EB transitional horizon more like A or E than B
BA or BE transitional horizon more like B than A or E
B accumulated clay and humus below the A or E horizon
BC or CB transitional horizon from B to C
C unconsolidated earth material below the A or B horizon
R consolidated rock
a highly decomposed organic matter
b buried horizon
c concretions or hard nodules (iron, aluminum, manganese, or titanium)
e organic matter of intermediate decomposition
f frozen soil
g gray colour with strong mottling and poor drainage
h accumulation of organic matter
i slightly decomposed organic matter
k accumulation of carbonate
m cementation or induration
n accumulation of sodium
o accumulation of oxides of iron and aluminum
p plowing or other anthropogenic disturbance
q accumulation of silica
r weathered or soft bedrock
s accumulation of metal oxides and organic matter
t accumulation of clay
v plinthite (hard iron-enriched subsoil material)
w development of colour or structure
x fragipan character (high-density, brittle)
y accumulation of gypsum
z accumulation of salts

The combined A, E, B horizon sequence is called the solum (Latin: “floor”). The solum is the true seat of soil-forming processes and is the principal habitat for soil organisms. (Transitional layers, having intermediate properties, are designated with the two letters of the adjacent horizons.)

The second enhancement to soil horizon nomenclature (also shown in the table) is the use of lowercase suffixes to designate special features that are important to soil development. The most common of these suffixes are applied to B horizons: g to denote mottling caused by waterlogging, h to denote the illuvial accumulation of humus, k to denote carbonate mineral precipitates, o to denote residual metal oxides, s to denote the illuvial accumulation of metal oxides and humus, and t to denote the accumulation of clay.

Soils are natural elements of weathered landscapes whose properties may vary spatially. For scientific study, however, it is useful to think of soils as unions of modules known as pedons. A pedon is the smallest element of landscape that can be called soil. Its depth limit is the somewhat arbitrary boundary between soil and “not soil” (e.g., bedrock). Its lateral dimensions must be large enough to permit a study of any horizons present—in general, an area from 1 to 10 square metres (10 to 100 square feet), taking into account that a horizon may be variable in thickness or even discontinuous. Wherever horizons are cyclic and recur at intervals of 2 to 7 metres (7 to 23 feet), the pedon includes one-half the cycle. Thus, each pedon includes the range of horizon variability that occurs within small areas. Wherever the cycle is less than 2 metres, or wherever all horizons are continuous and of uniform thickness, the pedon has an area of 1 square metre.

Soils are encountered on the landscape as groups of similar pedons, called polypedons, that contain sufficient area to qualify as a taxonomic unit. Polypedons are bounded from below by “not soil” and laterally by pedons of dissimilar characteristics.

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Soil Pollution Essay | Essay on Soil Pollution for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Soil Pollution Essay: Soil is an essential component of our nature. There are many reasons as to why and how soil gets polluted. And this soil pollution has become one of the major crises for the ecosystem and humankind because it causes an imbalance in nature. Soil pollution both directly and indirectly concerns and affects us. Therefore we must understand the causes and effects of soil pollution to reduce it.

To help students write an essay on ‘Soil Pollution,’ we will provide them with long and short essay samples. Along with this, we will also give ten pointers about the topic that will work as guidance for framing the essay.

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Long and Short Essays on Soil Pollution for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long essay of 400-500 words and a short essay of 100-200 words on the topic of Soil Pollution.

Long Essay on Soil Pollution 500 words in English

Soil Pollution essay will be helpful as a reference for students of class 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Soil is the uppermost dry layer of the Earth made up of organic and inorganic materials. The importance of soil is to sustain terrestrial life on this planet, and it is also the component where the sources of life like water and sunlight air come together. Soil pollution can be declared to be the presence of toxic chemicals that pollute the soil, to high concentrations, to risk the ecosystem and human health. Several factors cause soil pollution and many adverse effects that are resulted in it.

There are two types of soil pollution, one nature’s doing or other human-made (anthropogenic soil pollution). The causes of soil pollution include: Chemicals and heavy metal solvents are some toxic elements that cause soil pollution.

When saline water gets mixed with the soil, sometimes it destroys the good qualities of the land during Tsunami and other natural calamities. Acid rain is one of the primary causes of soil pollution and one of the biggest concerns in environmental issues. Excess use of fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, etc. in agriculture has resulted in a lot of soil pollution.

With time and because of corrosion, accidents like seepage through a landfill, rupture of underground storage tanks, or mixing of contaminated water into the soil can result in polluting the soil. Industrial wastes, nuclear wastes (radioactive wastes), etc. are also some primary reasons for soil pollution.

Due to deforestation, soil erosion takes place, which turns the area into a wasteland. Industrial accidents like the oil spill, acid or chemical spills, etc. are also hazardous and can cause soil pollution. Effects of soil pollution are the ones that negatively impact our environment and change the excellent natural qualities of the soil and cause harm to the life cycle of every living being on the planet.

Some effects of soil pollution to name are: The toxicities of the soil can reduce the productivity quality of it, and this affects the healthy growth of crops and plants. If plants are not grown in the amount or condition they should, it also affects the food cycle for humans and other animals.

If the productivity of the soil decreases due to soil pollution, then the economy is also affected by it. Soil pollution can also cause water pollution by contaminating the drinkable water. Hence, soil pollution also concerns human health. If soil erosion increases, then accidents like landslides and floods can happen. The soil is responsible for the health and development of humankind; hence it is our responsibility to keep it safe and pure and avoid conditions that can cause soil pollution.

Esssay about Soil Pollution

Short Essay on Soil Pollution 150 words in English

Soil Pollution essay will be beneficial for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. It will help them understand the structure of writing a short essay on ‘Soil Pollution.’

Soil is a vital element of this planet, and it is directly connected to our survival. The pollution of this precious element has now turned into a global problem and not the only country’s concern. Soil pollution can be defined as the increase of persistent toxic elements in the soil like the presence of chemicals, salts, disease-causing agents, radioactive wastes, or anything that changes the soil’s quality and causes an adverse effect in the growth of the plant and on human health.

Soil pollution can be reduced by proper regulated waste dumping and by avoiding littering, reduced use and throwing of toxic material, recycling of waste materials, decreasing the use of toxic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and instead opting for organic products, stop deforestation by growing more plants (reforestation). It is our role as students to understand the importance of preserving the purity in soil and saving it from contamination by educating others on the matter through the spreading of awareness. we will soonly update Soil Pollution essay in Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi and Telugu.

10 Lines on Soil Pollution Essay in English

  • Soil is the outermost layer of the Earth’s surface, which is the foundation of essential environmental functions.
  • Drinkable underground water is also possible because the soil layer acts as a filter and a source of essential nutrients to that water.
  • Soil also plays a significant role in regulating the Earth’s temperature to make it livable.
  • A soil pollutant is an agent that degenerates the quality, composition, mineral quantity of the soil.
  • There are two ways by which soil can get polluted: Natural and Anthropogenic.
  • Soil contamination or soil pollution should concern us because when the toxic elements of the soil enter the human body because of food-chain, it can cause harm to the inner body-system.
  • Corrupt agricultural practices ruin the excellent qualities of the soil in that particular area.
  • Contaminants that cause soil pollution are metals, inorganic ions, and salts, including sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, carbonates, etc. Organic compounds like lipid, fatty acids, alcohols, proteins, hydrocarbons, etc.
  • Anthropogenic or man-caused soil pollution can be controlled with enough effort by making changes in our industrial processes and some daily activities.
  • Soil pollution is an environmental issue that concerns every aspect of life.

Essay on Soil Pollution

FAQ’s on Soil Pollution Essay

Question 1. How does soil pollution cause harm to human health?

Answer: Soils are essential and connected to human health in many ways, such as being the base for growing plants. The land is also a significant source of nutrients, and they act as a natural filter to remove contamination from the drinkable water. Similarly, soil pollution also can leave an adverse effect on human health as contaminated soil contains heavy metals, toxic chemicals, pathogens, etc. that negatively impact human health by entering the body through food directly or indirectly. Soil pollution can cause neuromuscular blockade, nausea, depression, headaches, eye irritation, fatigue, and skin rash.

Question 2. What are the significant causes of soil pollution?

Answer: With the ever-evolving and developing science, industrialization also advances. However, the blessings of manufacturing come with the boon of pollution like industrial or by-product wastes.

Question 3. How does soil pollution affect us other than causing adverse effects on health?

Answer: Other than our health, soil pollution causes harm to the nutrients in the soil by decreasing its fertility. This results in the damage of crop production and eventually affects our economy.

Question 4. How can the necessary household activities cause soil pollution?

Answer: Littering is one of the most fundamental reasons for soil to get polluted. Other than this, excessive urbanization and cutting of trees cause soil erosion. The sewage channel or underground storage, if not done right then it can cause soil pollution. Similarly, if detergent used soap water is dumped on a particular soil, it can harm the soil quality.

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Essay on Soil Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on soil pollution.

Soil is a thin layer made up of organic as well as inorganic materials. These materials cover the rocky surfaces of Earth. Also, the organic portion, which is derived from the decayed remains of animals and plants. While the inorganic portion is made up of rock fragments. This portion was formed over a thousand years of chemical and physical weathering of bedrock. Productive soils are useful for agriculture in order to supply the world with the required food. So, the essay on soil pollution is guided to factors causing soil pollution and the adverse effects of soil pollution. 

Essay on Soil Pollution

How does Soil Get Polluted?

Soil pollution can be defined as persistent of chemicals, salts, toxic compounds, radioactive materials, that have adverse effects on animal health and plant growth. There are many ways through which soils can get polluted. These are: 

  • Discharge of industrial waste into the Earth surfaces. 
  • Seepage through a landfill. 
  • Underground storage tanks getting ruptured. 
  • Formation of contaminated water into the soil. 
  • Solid waste seepage. 
  • Chemicals like heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, and pesticides. 

Causes of Soil Pollution

A soil pollutant is a factor that is used for deterioration of soil due to texture, mineral, or quality content of soil being reduced. Also, this disturbs the biological balance of the organisms dependant on the soil. Additionally, there are adverse effects of soil pollution on the growth of plants. Usually, soil pollution is caused due to the presence of man-made applications like percolation of contaminated surface water, pesticides, fuel dumping, oil dumping, etc. 

Additionally, there are other activities like leaching of wastes from landfills, direct discharge of industrial wastes into the soil, etc. Also, the most common chemicals involved here are solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, lead, pesticides, and various heavy metals. So, the phenomena occurring has a high correlation with the intensities and industrialization of chemical usage. 

Some of the main causes of soil pollution are:

  • Increasing use of fertilizers
  • Indiscriminate use of insecticides, herbicides, and pesticides
  • Dumping of solid wastes
  • Deforestation

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Effects of Soil Pollution 

Some radioactive pollutants from sources such as nuclear reactors, explosions, hospitals, science labs, etc. go very deep into the soil, stay there for a long time and cause soil pollution.

False agricultural practices using advanced agro-technology mean the use of enormous amounts of toxic fertilizers including herbicides, weedicides, pesticides, etc. increases soil fertility but gradually decreases soil physio-chemical and biological properties. Municipal trash heap, food processing waste, mining methods, and many more are other sources of soil pollution.

Because toxic chemicals enter the body through the food chain and disturb the entire inner body system, soil pollution is very dangerous to health. In order to decrease and limit soil pollution, the individuals particularly industrialists should follow all efficient control measures including environmental protection laws. People should promote the recycling and reuse of solid waste and maximum feasible tree plantation.

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Essay Writing on Soil Conservation in English | English Essays for Students

Soil conservation means taking care of the soil to ensure its long-term health and prevent harm. It involves taking steps to prevent soil from erosion and pollution. This ensures that soil, which helps plants grow and provides us with life's essentials, remains rich and reliable for the present and the future.

Soil gets harmed in different ways. Erosion from heavy rain and wind strips away the topsoil, which holds nutrients. Chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers, if used excessively, can damage the soil's natural balance. Poor land management practices, such as overgrazing or improper ploughing compacts soil, reducing water absorption, hindering plant growth, and disturbing beneficial soil organisms. Urbanization and deforestation also contribute, disrupting the soil structure. All these factors collectively undermine the soil's health and productivity, affecting plant growth and ecological balance.

To prevent soil erosion, start by planting trees, grasses and shrubs to create a barrier against wind and water. Build terraces on slopes to slow down the flow of water. Minimize the use of harmful chemicals that can degrade the soil. Crop rotation maintains soil health, and employing contour ploughing, which follows the natural shape of the land, reduces water speed. These collective efforts combat erosion and maintain soil sustainability.

To sum up, soil conservation is crucial for safeguarding our environment and ensuring food security. Implementing strategies like erosion control, pollution management, and sustainable land practices safeguards soil health for generations to come.

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Soil and Water Conservation: Importance, Techniques, and Challenges

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Words: 813 |

Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 813 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Introduction, techniques for soil and water conservation, challenges to soil and water conservation.

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Essay on Soil: Meaning, Composition and Layers

english essay on soil


After reading this article you will learn about Soil:- 1. Introduction to Soil 2. Meaning of Soil 3. Composition 4. Soil Layers 5. Basic Properties 6. Testing of Properties.

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Essay # 1. Introduction to Soil:

Soil is the surface layer of earth on which the human civilization depends for its existence. Actually soil represents the loose upper crust of the earth surface distinctly different from the underlying bed rock.

Its depth, colour, and composition vary from place to place, but all soils are common in consisting of inorganic (mineral) and organic matter, water, and gaseous phases. Every soil is made up of a succession of layers, collectively known as soil-profile, reaching down to the parent material.

The soil-profile consists of two or more horizontal layers, called horizons. The soil horizon may vary in thickness, mineral composition, and structure; they are indicated by the letters A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, etc. A1 horizon is the uppermost or surface layer of the soil and its fertility level is very important from viewpoint of an agriculturist.

Soil fertility depends not only on the presence of inorganic and organic substances, but also on the presence of various species of microorganisms which influence the qualitative composition of the soil.

The existence of soil, the store-house of Nature, furnishing substances for all plants, animals, men, and other organisms, dates back to uncountable periods, even long before the man appeared on the scene. Vast number of plants, animals and finally the man populated the earth and the soil supported them all entirely without human assistance.

That, soil is vastly complex material on the face of earth is the fundamental truth to be understood in its study. Being a common commodity, it means a different thing to a different man in different pursuit. A geologist would preferably consider it to be the outer loose crust of the earth surface; quite distinct from the bed rock lying beneath.

To a farmer, it is a medium to grow his crops in and from which the plants obtain their mechanical support and many of their nutrients. Chemically, the soil is endowed with a magnitude of organic and inorganic substances not found in the underlying strata; indeed it functions as nature’s chemical laboratory in which various dissolutions and synthetic processes go on continuously in a hidden manner.

A lay man, however, is always of the opinion that soil is dust, essentially a dead material, sustaining nothing like life within it. With regard to origin and evolution of life, it can be considered that soil is the depository of all lives within which are carried out most of the transformations that enable life to continue.

Ecologically, soil is the most dynamic component (lithosphere) of the global environment encompassing distinct communities of organisms in its realm.

For a building engineer, the soil is a substratum on which structures can be built. But nothing could be farther from the truth, a microbiologist would say. For him, soil appears to be a dynamic body on the surface of the earth, pulsating with life due to presence of myriads of microorganisms.

Essay # 2. Meaning of Soil:

The word ‘soil’ is derived from the latin word ‘solum’ , which means floor or ground.

Soil is a natural formation resulting from the transformation of surface rock by combination of climate, plant and animal life with ageing.

Soil is formed through following steps:

(a) The formation of regolith by the breakdown of the bed rocks process is called weathering or disintegration.

(b) The addition of organic matter resulting from the decomposition of plant and animal residue and reorganization of these components by soil material of varying depths.

‘Petrology’ is the science of rocks which forms soil. ‘Pedology’ is study of soil which includes origin of soil, its classification and its description. ‘Edaphology’ is the study of various properties of soil in relation to growth, nutrition and yield of crops.

Soil can also be defined as natural body which is formed at the boundary between lithosphere and biosphere by inter-chains of all factors involved in Soil formation considering both living and dead.

So soil contains not only minerals but organic (humus) and organo-mineral (complex or chilate) compounds. The soil contains 13 elements in general out of 16 required by plants for growth. The soil becomes polluted when the quantity of 13 elements decreases or increases irregularly due to industrial effluents.

Several hazardous chemicals and the mountains of wastes are ultimately dumped on the lands. Dumping of industrial and municipal wastes causes toxic substances to be leached and seep into the soil and affects the ground water course.

Modern agricultural practices introduce numerous pesticides, fungicides, bacteriocides, insecticides, biocides, fertilizers and manures, resulting in severe biological and chemical contamination of land. Apart from all these, direct pollution of soil by deadly pathogenic organism is also of major concern. The properties of soil change with pollution and sometimes soil losses its fertility permanently.

Essay # 3. Composition of Soil:

The chemical composition of soil is much diversified and depends upon chemical composition of rock but in general the following elements are present in it.

Average of Chemical Elements in Soils

In many soils of arid areas the following water soluble salts have also been examined:

Salts and Chemical Composition

Except CaCO 3 , MgCO 3 and CaSO 4 all other salts dissolve completely in water.

Essay # 4. Soil Layers of Earth:

Soil is made up of rock which has been transformed into other layers due to vegetation and various micro and macro-organisms.

Several factors contribute to the formation of soil from the parent material. This includes the mechanical weathering of rocks due to temperature changes and abrasion, wind, moving water, glaciers, chemical weathering activities, and lichens. Climate and time are also important in the development of soil.

In extremely dry or cold climate soils develop very slowly, while in humid and warm climates soils develop more rapidly. Under ideal climatic conditions, soft parent material may develop into 1 cm of soil within 15 years. Under poor climatic conditions, a hard parent material may require hundreds of years to develop into soil.

Mature soils are arranged in a series of zones called ‘soil horizons’ . Each horizon has a distinct texture and composition that varies with different types of soils. A cross-sectional view of the horizons in soil is called ‘soil profile’ .

The top layer or the surface litter layer, called the ‘O-horizon’ . It consists mostly of freshly-fallen and partially-decomposed leaves, twigs, animal waste, fungi and other organic materials. Normally, it is brown or black. The uppermost layer of the soil is called the ‘A-horizon’. It consists of partially-decomposed organic matter (humus) and some inorganic mineral particles. It is usually darker and looser than the deeper layers.

The roots of most plants are found in these two upper layers. As long as these layers are anchored by vegetation, the soil stores water and releases it in a trickle throughout the year instead of in a force like a flood. These two top layers also contain a large amount of bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and other small insects, which help to recycle soil nutrients and contribute to soil fertility.

The ‘B-horizon’ , often called the subsoil, contains less organic material and fewer organisms than the A horizon. The area below the subsoil is called the ‘C- horizon’ and consists of weathered parent material. This parent material does not contain any organic materials. The chemical composition of the C-horizon helps to determine the pH of the soil and also influences the soil’s rate of water absorption and retention.

Soil with approximately equal mixture of clay sand, slit and humus are called loams.

Essay # 5. Basic Properties of Soils:

I. acidity and alkalinity of s oils:.

The pH of a good soil should be about 7 but due to industrial effluents the pH increases or decreases causing pollution in soil.

Soils are characterized by the following pH values:

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Soil Pollution Essay

Soil Pollution Essay | Essay on Soil Pollution for Students and Children in English

Soil Pollution Essay: Soil is the topmost layer of the earth’s surface which sustains life on the planet. Without oil, there would be no life on earth as we know it because the soil has the essential ingredients that living things need in order to grow and survive. Soil is usually made up of two components, organic materials, and inorganic matter. Organic matter is formed over millions of years by the decaying of dead plants and animals. Inorganic matter is formed due to weathering of rock particles into finer materials.

In this soil pollution essay, we are going to discuss all the usages of soil and how soil is getting polluted day by day.

Long Essay on Soil Pollution 600 Words in English

Short essay on soil pollution 200 words in english, 10 lines on soil pollution.

  • What are the types of pollution?
  • What is the biggest source of soil pollution?
  • What are the main pollutants in soil?
  • What are the different types of soil in India

Long and Short Essays on Soil Pollution for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided a 600-word essay on soil pollution and a 200-word soil pollution essay for children and students to make use of it in their tests, exams, assignments, projects, and essay writing competitions.

Essay on Soil Pollution

Find below 600-word soil pollution essay in English for kids and students of Classes 7,8,9 and 10.

Soil is that natural resource in our ecosystem that can be compared to oxygen because the soil is as important as oxygen for the survival of living beings on the planet. Soil is the top layer on which plants and trees grow to provide food to animals, animals, in turn, live on the soil their entire lives. Human beings cultivate the soil to produce food. The whole cycle of the food chain is standing stable and healthy because of the soils. The importance of soil is many, some of which are mentioned below.

Importance of Soil

  • They provide food for human beings. Agriculture has been in existence ever since the evolution of mankind. And good nutrient-filled soil is necessary to produce grains, vegetables, and fruits. Farmers till and cultivate rich soil filled land to fill the hunger of our growing population
  • Soil and the ingredients in it have many medicinal values. Soil contains ingredients that are antibiotic in nature. Both these organic and inorganic ingredients are capable of killing many types of bacteria which is why soils are used for medicinal purposes. The ingredients of soil are used in cancer curing drugs, skin ailments and to cure tuberculosis
  • The nutrients of soil are fantastic ingredients for beauty products. Kinds of toothpaste, facial masks, foundations, and blushes are some of the beauty products in the beauty industry that uses soil for its manufacturing.
  • Soil cover is necessary to retain forests. The afforestation drives conducted by various governmental and non-governmental entities take up the prevention of soil erosion as the first step in curbing deforestation.

As seen above in this particular soil pollution essay, the importance and usages of soil are in itself a detrimental factor for the cause of pollution. Man has been overexploiting soil and uses it for his own benefits backed by greed and hunger. Let us see below in this soil pollution essay on how soil has been exploited.

How does Soil Pollution Occur?

Now that we have learned the importance of soil, let us discuss the various forms of soil pollution in the world.

How does Soil Pollution Occur

  • Industrial Wastes: How many times have you seen industries dumping its wet waste into rivers and dry wastes on land? Often times right? Industries such as pharma, electronics and drugs manufacturer dump thousands on tons of waste onto a barren land in the outskirts of the city. Sometimes these wastes are hazardous in nature and harmful chemicals might seep down into the soil and ultimately into the water table. These water and the soil can be used in agriculture or consumed by animals eventually resulting in the entry of harmful chemicals into the food chain. This can have catastrophic effects on our health
  • Harmful Agricultural Practices: Framer uses pesticides and fertilizer to have a better agricultural output. But excessive use of these chemicals will reduce the fertility of soil thereby reducing the reuse rate of land for further agricultural uses. Also, one of the biggest concerns of infertile soils is that farmers will abandon that piece of land and go further in search of fertile soils, which leads to cutting down of forest covers. Deforestation will further result in global warming and climate change. All the events in nature are linked with each other
  • Landfills: Garbage disposal has been a colossal problem for many developed countries. In a country like India, metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, and Bengaluru face garbage disposal problems. They ultimately end up dumping domestic waste on water and empty lands. The harmful chemical will get injected into the soil and can lead to degradation of the soil and the surrounding atmosphere as well.

Soil pollution has been a problem ever since rapid industrialization and globalization. Governments, as well as people, should come forward to implement robust laws and policies to prevent soil pollution from happening further.

Find below a 200-word short essay on soil pollution that is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Soil is the uppermost layer in the earth’s stratum. Soil enables and sustains life on the planet, without which there would be no living beings on the earth. But lately, due to mans’ greed and irresponsibility, soil pollution has become a dangerous phenomenon, if not controlled would lead to catastrophic effects our atmosphere and food cycle in the future.

Wrong agricultural practices, dumping of harmful wastes, and garbage disposal on open lands, rupturing of underground storage tanks, industrial waste disposal are some of the many reasons that are causing soil pollution. A polluted soil, which has no nutrients and useful chemicals in it, is no use to human beings, plants, and animals, resulting in leaving behind that land and searching for newer ones. This search for a new piece of land in order to cultivate it results in deforestation. Deforestation will further result in soil erosion, melting of glaciers, global warming, floods, and various other calamities. Every chain is linked with one and another in nature and disturbance in one of the links will result in a disturbance in the whole chain.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth.
  • Soil is composed of organic and inorganic materials.
  • Nutrients in soil that help in agriculture are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Harmful agricultural practices have lead to soil pollution.
  • Discharge of industrial waste on open lands has caused immense soil pollution.
  • Soil pollution will lead to the poisoning of our food cycle.
  • Deforestation leads to soil erosion and desertification.
  • Afforestation is one of the ways to reduce and control soil pollution.
  • Use of judicious agricultural practices should be adopted to prevent the pollution of soil in the future.
  • Industries should filter the harmful chemical of its waste before disposing it into the atmosphere. Also, harmless disposal methods should be used.

Essay on Soil Pollution

FAQ’s on Soil Pollution Essay

Question 1. What are the types of pollution?

Answer: Soil pollution, air pollution, and water pollution are the three main types of pollution

Question 2. What is the biggest source of soil pollution?

Answer: Agricultural practices are the biggest source of soil pollution.

Question 3. What are the main pollutants in soil?

Answer: Ammonia, lead, nitrate, and petroleum hydrocarbons are the main pollutants in soil.

Question 4. What are the different types of soil in India?

Answer: Sand, clay, chalk, silt, and loam are the main types of soil in India.

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Essay on Soil Pollution

english essay on soil

Soil is one of the essential natural resources. It is the basis of food production, and it supports a wide variety of plant and animal life. Soil pollution is the contamination of soil with substances that would not usually be naturally found in a place. It can be caused by many factors, such as fertilisers and pesticides from farms, construction sites that discard dirt, and the improper disposal of household chemicals. BYJU’S essay on soil pollution teaches us the causes, effects and ways to prevent soil pollution.

Besides the factors mentioned above, the substances responsible for soil pollution can come from various sources, such as industrial wastes, sewage disposal, and pesticides. These substances can impact humans and other organisms in the soil to die. They also contaminate water sources. Moreover, soil pollution causes groundwater contamination, making it dangerous for people to drink without boiling first because it could contain germs and chemicals. The chemical substances that result in soil pollution can also cause air pollution . Now, let us learn the reasons for soil pollution by reading the soil pollution introduction essay.

Causes of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution essay in English helps understand its reasons and impact. It can occur from various sources, but the most common sources are agricultural and industrial activities. As the careless use of these chemicals affects soil quality, it will eventually lead to a shortage in food production.

Waste disposal sites or factories near rivers or streams also often cause soil pollution because they release pollutants into the surface and water, which leads to water pollution . Another common cause of soil pollution is dumping trash. This can include anything from household garbage to industrial and medical waste. The toxins in these materials can leach into the soil and contaminate it; this means that any plants grown in that soil will also be tainted. Some chemicals are even known to cause cancer or other diseases. Pollution from toxic waste, such as metal smelting, chemical manufacturing, and oil refining, can also harm soil quality.

Effects of Soil Pollution

After understanding the causes of soil pollution, let us know the adverse effects by reading the soil pollution essay . Harmful substances disposed of in water can leach into the soil and contaminate nearby water sources. One of the negative effects of soil pollution is that it can be challenging to grow plants in areas where the soil is contaminated.

Soil pollution has detrimental effects on our environment, but it is hard to see the accumulation of pollutants and how severe the damage is. Soil can act as a sink that soaks up contaminants such as pesticides and heavy metals. However, soil can take in only a limited amount of these substances, at which point they are no longer absorbed into the ground and start to build up in the atmosphere. This will eventually lead to the contamination of air, water, and food supplies.

How to Prevent Soil Pollution?

Soil pollution is a global issue and is a problem that affects everyone. The most important things to do are to stop using pesticides and herbicides, use organic fertilisers and compost, avoid spreading trash or hazardous materials in the park , and limit chemical fertilisers. Sewage from cities and factory waste can contaminate the soil. One way to reduce this is to use a two-chamber septic tank, which effectively reduces soil pollution.

The effects of soil pollution are a significant concern, and hence, we must learn how to prevent soil pollution by reading BYJU’S how to prevent soil pollution essay.

To conclude, we must join hands in preventing soil pollution for a better future. For more kids learning activities like GK questions and worksheets , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Soil Pollution

Do chemical fertilisers harm the soil.

Yes. Chemical fertilisers harm the soil.

What are the three significant causes of soil pollution?

Three significant causes of soil pollution are careless waste disposal, oil spills and industrial activities.

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Essay on Soil Erosion

Students are often asked to write an essay on Soil Erosion in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Soil Erosion


Soil erosion is a natural process where the earth’s top layer, known as soil, gets worn away by factors like water, wind, or farming activities. It’s a significant environmental concern.

Causes of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion mainly happens due to water and wind. Water erosion occurs when rain washes away the soil. Wind erosion happens when wind blows loose soil away. Human activities like deforestation and over-cultivation also contribute.

Effects of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion leads to loss of fertile land, which affects agriculture. It also results in sedimentation in water bodies, harming aquatic life.

Prevention of Soil Erosion

Planting trees, building terraces, and practicing crop rotation can help prevent soil erosion, ensuring a healthy environment for future generations.

250 Words Essay on Soil Erosion

Soil erosion, a naturally occurring process and an environmental concern, refers to the wearing away of the topsoil layer due to various factors like wind, water, and human activity. This global phenomenon significantly impacts agricultural productivity, environmental health, and biodiversity.

Primarily, soil erosion is caused by water and wind. Water erosion occurs when rainwater washes away the soil, a process accelerated by deforestation and overgrazing. Wind erosion, on the other hand, happens in arid areas where loose soil is easily blown away. Human activities, such as improper agricultural practices and urbanization, exacerbate soil erosion.

Impacts of Soil Erosion

The implications of soil erosion are far-reaching. It reduces soil fertility, leading to decreased agricultural output and threatening food security. Additionally, it contributes to biodiversity loss by destroying habitats. Soil erosion also affects water quality, as eroded soil ends up in water bodies, increasing their sediment load.

Preventing Soil Erosion

Preventing soil erosion involves both natural and human interventions. Planting vegetation, especially trees, helps anchor the soil. Agricultural practices such as contour plowing and terracing can reduce soil loss. In urban areas, proper planning and construction can minimize erosion.

In conclusion, soil erosion is a pressing environmental issue that demands immediate attention. By understanding its causes and impacts, we can implement effective strategies to mitigate its harmful effects, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

500 Words Essay on Soil Erosion

Soil erosion, a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms, has been significantly accelerated by human activities such as deforestation and unsustainable farming practices. In essence, soil erosion is the loosening and displacement of topsoil particles by wind and water, a process that threatens global food security and environmental health.

The Mechanics of Soil Erosion

Soil erosion can be categorized into two types: water and wind erosion. Water erosion, the most common form, occurs when raindrops hit the soil surface, dislodging particles. These particles are then transported by the runoff generated by the rainfall. Wind erosion, on the other hand, transpires when strong winds blow loose, dry, and bare soil surfaces, lifting particles into the air.

Human Activities and Soil Erosion

Human activities have exacerbated soil erosion rates. Deforestation, for instance, removes the vegetation cover that protects the soil from the impact of raindrops and wind. The exposed soil is then easily eroded. Similarly, unsustainable agricultural practices like overgrazing and improper crop rotation can degrade the soil structure, reducing its capacity to absorb water and making it more susceptible to erosion.

The Implications of Soil Erosion

The implications of soil erosion are far-reaching. It diminishes agricultural productivity by depleting the nutrient-rich topsoil needed for crop growth. This in turn threatens food security. Soil erosion also contributes to water pollution as eroded soils carry fertilizers and pesticides into water bodies, causing eutrophication and harm to aquatic life. Additionally, soil erosion can lead to desertification, turning previously fertile lands into unproductive regions.

Preventing and Controlling Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a pressing environmental issue that requires urgent attention. It threatens not just agricultural productivity and food security, but also water quality and the overall health of ecosystems. Addressing soil erosion necessitates a multisectoral approach that includes sustainable farming practices, responsible land use, and a commitment to conserving our natural resources. By understanding and addressing soil erosion, we can secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

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Essay on soil erosion | environment.

english essay on soil

Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Soil Erosion’ for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Soil Erosion’ for school and college students.

Essay on Soil Erosion


Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Conservation of Soil Erosion

Essay # 1. Meaning of Soil Erosion:

All land use activities, particularly those which are poorly managed, involve destruction or disturbance, to a greater or lesser extent, of natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Almost invariably, however, it is those ecosystems, in equilibrium with their environment, which offer most effective protection to the soil that supports them.

A major consequence of ecosystem destruction and disturbance is that of soil degradation. This has been defined as the decline in soil quality caused through its misuse by human activity. More specifically it refers to the decline in soil productivity through adverse changes in nutrient status, organic matter structural stability and concentrations of electrolytes and toxic chemicals.

Soil degradation incorporates a number of environmental problems, some of which are interrelated, including erosion compaction, water excess and deficit, acidification, salinization and sodification and toxic accumulation of agricultural chemicals and urban/industrial pollutants.

In many instances, these have led to a serious decline in soil quality and productivity and it is only in recent decades that the finite nature of soil as a resource has become widely recognised. Soil degradation is not a new phenomenon. Archeological evidence suggests that it has been on­-going since the beginning of settled agriculture several thousand years ago.

The decline of many ancient civilizations, including the Mesopotamians of the Tigris and Euphrates valleys in Iraq, the Harappans of the Indus valley in Pakistan and the Mayans of Central America, was due in part to soil degradation.

More recently an event of major significance was the dustbowl which occurred in the Great Plains of the American Midwest during the 1930s.

At this time, intensive agricultural practices, employed in the eastern states, were transferred to the drier Midwest where the soils are lighter textured and more susceptible to erosion. A number of years of drought, combined with crop failure and destruction of the protective organic-rich topsoil, resulted in severe wind erosion.

According to the Global Assessment of Soil Degradation project, about 15 per cent of the global land area between 72°N and 57°S is degraded. Of this, an area slightly less than that of India (about 300 million hectares) is strongly degraded, largely as a result of deforestation (113 million hectares), inappropriate management of cropped land (83 million hectares) and overgrazing (75 million hectares).

In recent decades, the global rate of soil degradation has increased dramatically and is likely to increase further as we approach the twenty-first century; in 1983 it was estimated at 5-7 million ha a -1 and is set to rise beyond 10 million ha a -1 by the year 2000.

The effects of soil degradation are not restricted to the soil alone, but have a number of off-site implications. Soil erosion, for example, is often associated with increased incidence of flooding, siltation of rivers lakes and reservoirs and deposition of material in low-lying areas.

These problems may be compounded in areas where infiltration capacity is reduced due to compaction, hard setting or induration of soils. Salinisation and sodification of soils are often associated with poor quality irrigation water while soil acidification is commonly linked with acidification and aluminium contamination of surface waters.

Leaching of fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural soils may also lead to contamination of surface and shallow ground waters.

In addition, contamination of soils by urban and industrial pollutants, such as heavy metals and radionuclides, may lead to toxic accumulation in arable produce and in herbage for grazing animals, thus having important implications for human health.

The extent of soil degradation is influenced by a number of factors, many of which are interrelated, namely soil characteristics, relief, climate, land use and socio-economic and political controls (Fig. 23.1).

In many studies of soil degradation and its wider environmental implications, the socio-economic and political controls are often overlooked, or at least not examined in any detail, perhaps because of the difficulties associated with the collection of reliable and comparable data.

Increasingly, however, these controls on land use systems are being viewed as central to the issue of soil degradation, particularly in the developing world.

Management of soil degradation, whether at a global, regional or local scale, is clearly a complex issue and represents one of our most challenging environmental problems.

Emphasis should be placed on sustainable, rather than exploitative land use practices; this theme was highlighted by the World Soil Charter which called for a commitment by governments, agencies and land-users to ‘manage the land for long term advantage rather than short term expediency’ .

The problem requires a holistic, multidisciplinary approach involving the collaborative and coordinated efforts of ecologists, agronomists, soil scientists, hydrologists, engineers, sociologists and economists. Moreover, the involvement of government and non-government organisations, aid agencies and the farmers themselves is essential to the success of research and development in this area.

Such involvement should facilitate the implementation of education, training and incentive programmes. Imposition from above of high-technology, high-cost solutions by technical experts from developed countries is certainly not the answer in the developing world.

Inevitably, such solutions are not economically viable and low-technology, low-cost options—such as low external input agriculture, agroforestry and social forestry—are often the only answer.

Hence, the approach to soil conservation has shifted in recent years from a rather techno centric standpoint to a more eco-centric position. Central to this approach are the concepts of land husbandry and sustainable development, which place emphasis on the land-users themselves rather than on the technical experts and advisors.

This chapter aims to examine a selection of the most pressing soil degradation problems and, in each case, the causal factors, on and off site effects and management strategies will be considered.

Essay # 2. Occurrence of Soil Erosion:

Soil erosion occurs when the rate of removal of soil by water and/or wind exceeds the rate of soil formation. Generally, rates of soil formation are very low, with profiles developing at a rate of about 1 cm every 100-400 years; assuming an average bulk density of 1.33g cm -3 , this equates to about 0.3 – 1.3 t ha -1 a -1 .

It is important to differentiate between natural or background erosion and erosion which has been accelerated largely as a result of human activity.

Background erosion rates are often similar to rates of soil formation at < 1.0 t ha -1 a -1 , although in mountainous areas they may be considerably higher. In contrast, rates of accelerated erosion commonly exceed 10 t ha -1 a -1 and sometimes exceed 100t ha -1 a -1

Some of the highest soil erosion rates have been observed in the Loess Plateau area of China and in the Himalayan foothills of Nepal, where values in excess of 200 t ha -1 a -1 have been recorded. Similarly, in India, gully erosion results in a loss of about 8,000 ha of land per year.

The extent of soil erosion is governed by a number of factors. Those of particular importance include erosivity of the eroding agent, erodibility of the soil, slope steepness and length, land use practices and conservation strategies.

These factors are summarised in the Universal Soil Loss Equation which has been used widely in the modelling and prediction of soil erosion e.g., Colby-Saliba:

E = R.K.L.S.C.P.

where, E = mean annual soil loss, R = rainfall erosivity index, K = soil erodibility index, L = slope length, S = slope steepness, C = cropping factor which represents the ratio of soil loss under a given crop to that from bare soil, and P = conservation practice factor which represents the ratio of soil loss where contouring and strip-cropping are practiced to that where they unused.

Although widely used, this model has been the subject of extensive criticism. For example, it assumes that a vegetation cover is always protective which is not necessarily the case; erosion on land with a good cover of crops planted in rows can be greater than on land which is sparsely vegetated. It is also water erosion based and cannot be used in areas affected extensively by wind erosion.

More specifically, it focuses on rill and inter-rill erosion and is not easily applied to areas where gully and stream bank erosion are widespread. Its universal nature has also been questioned particularly in terms of its application to tropical soils.

Furthermore, it should be emphasised that this model does not consider the wide range of socio-economic and political factors which play a crucial role in terms of their influence on the degree of soil erosion which will be examined later. Alternative models include SLEMSA (Soil Loss Estimator for Southern Africa) and CREAMS (Chemicals Run-off and Erosion Arising From Agricultural Management Systems).

Land use is perhaps the most significant factor influencing soil erosion, for two main reasons. First, many land use practices leave the soil devoid of a protective vegetation cover, or with only a partial cover, for significant periods of time and second, they involve mechanical disturbance of the soil.

Specific aspects of land use often associated with accelerated soil erosion include expansion and intensification of arable cultivation, overgrazing, deforestation, certain forestry practices, site clearance in preparation for urban and industrial construction and a number of recreational activities such as walking and skiing.

Arable cultivation has expanded and intensified dramatically in recent decades. Relatively steep slopes, formerly covered by grass or tress, have been converted to arable cropping, while an increased use of heavy agricultural machinery has resulted in compaction of the soil. This, in turn, has led to reduced infiltration capacity, particularly along wheel tracks, thus resulting in increased surface run-off and erosion.

Similarly, increased reliance on tillage activities, throughout the cropping cycle, has rendered soils more susceptible to erosion. This problem has been compounded by the decline in levels of soil organic matter and hence structural stability, largely in response to increased use of inorganic fertilizers.

In addition, the tendency to increase field sizes on arable land has meant that there are fewer physical breaks and barriers in the landscape, such as tree lines, hedgerows and walls, to restrict erosion. Susceptibility to erosion is further increased if land is cultivated with the slope rather than parallel to the contours.

Overgrazing is particularly common in drought-affected parts of the developing world, such as the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa and the rangelands and communal lands of eastern and southern Africa.

In a study of the impact of grazing on soils of the Savanna region of Nigeria, for example, Aweto and Adejumbobi (1991) attribute enhanced surface run-off and erosion to compaction of the soil and destruction of the protective vegetation cover by grazing animals and to the adoption of inappropriate burning strategies.

Deforestation, largely for logging and wood fuel purposes, is also common in many parts of the developing world.

Trees are well-known for their ability to protect soils from erosion, particularly on steeply sloping terrain. Their root systems and the organic material which they supply help to stabilise the soil, while water uptake and canopy interception serve to reduce the frequency and intensity of surface run-off.

In addition to deforestation, many forestry practices are associated with accelerated soil erosion, including the needle leaf forestry programmes which have become widespread in many areas of upland Britain. Here, erosion is most serious during the pre-planting stages of land preparation and drainage and after harvesting.

In relation to urban and industrial land use, construction and associated disturbance of land may lead to increased soil erosion. Even certain recreational activities have been implicated in this problem, including walking and skiing.

A number of socio-economic and political factors have been associated with accelerated soil erosion, particularly in the developing world. These include population pressure, skewed land resource distribution; poverty and marginalization, increasing demand for wood fuel, inappropriate land tenure and farm policies, small size of land-holdings and poor infrastructure.

In many developing countries, population growth is rapid and the demand for agricultural land and wood fuel is ever increasing (Table 23.4).

Furthermore, agricultural systems are characterised by a skewed land resource distribution where a minority of affluent and powerful landowners control a majority of the land area.

The poorest farmers are thus forced onto marginal land, which is particularly susceptible to erosion, and often end up in a vicious spiral of debt. Rural-urban migration, abandonment of land and increased soil erosion are often responsible to this poverty trap situation (Fig. 23.2).

In many parts of the developing world, large areas of land are utilised for mono-cultivation of cash crops, which are not necessarily best-suited to soil conditions, rather than for indigenous mixed food cropping. Such commercial pressure on agricultural systems, as well as contributing to the problem of marginalization discussed above, has a detrimental effect on soil quality and is unlikely to be sustainable in the long term.

There is also little political support in terms of education, training and incentive schemes to encourage farmers to adopt more sustainable land use practices. The establishment of appropriate and comprehensive soil conservation and land husbandry programmes is further hindered by the small size of land-holdings and the large number of farmers involved (Table 23.5).

The on and off-site effects of soil erosion are considerable. At the global scale, it is estimated that unless soil conservation measures are introduced on all cultivated land, 544 million ha of potentially productive rain-fed crop land will be lost and agricultural production expected to decrease by almost 20 per cent, by the year 2000-2005.

Undoubtedly, these effects will be felt most severely in those developing countries which are least able to cope with the problem. It should be noted that the deterioration in soil productivity is disproportionate to the amount of soil eroded, as it is the nutrient rich and structure- supporting constituents in the topsoil which are lost most readily.

Essay # 3. Causes of Soil Erosion:

These are as follows:

(i) Overcropping:

Overcropping causes the soil to deteriorate when too many crops are grown on the same land without the farmer replacing lost mineral and organic material. In natural conditions, as plants grow, they extract the valuable mineral and organic plant nutrients from the soil; when they die, they decay and release their nutrients, returning them to the soil which is thus enriched for other plants that come after them.

But when men cultivate crops, they harvest them and carry the crops elsewhere to be sold or consumed. There is no replacement at all. If the farmer year after year, grows cotton which is very exhaustive of nitrates, and does not add any manure or fertilizers, the soil is bound to become poorer until the farm has to be abandoned.

Overcropping may occur in several ways:

(a) Monoculture:

This is the growing of a single type of crop, year after year, such as cotton or wheat. The crop is constantly using up particular types of minerals from the soil which it needs. As a result some minerals in the soil may be completely exhausted and fertility may decline if fallow periods, fertilizers or crop rotations are not used to balance soil properties.

(b) Multicropping:

This is the constant use of the land for several crops every year. If there is not a constant supply of fertilizer this quickly exhausts the soil and yields rapidly decline.

(c) Shifting cultivation:

This type of cultivation of forest clearings can be very harmful. The destruction of the trees by fire means that the soil is no longer protected from the full force of heavy tropical rain, nor is it consolidated and held together by plant roots. It is therefore quickly washed away. After the ladangs are abandoned the forest is allowed to grow again, and, if the plot is not cleared again for a long time (about 20 years), the rest or fallow period is long enough for the soil to regain its humus and mineral content.

If, however, as usually happens, the plots are re-cleared after only a few years or one plot is occupied for too many years, the soil cannot recuperate and it becomes permanently infertile. It may be eroded into deep gullies or invaded by lalang grass and is thus made useless either for farming or for forest.

(ii) Overgrazing:

Animal grazing is dependent upon either natural or man-sown grasses and herbs, which are eaten by the cattle, sheep, goats or horses. The number of animals that can be grazed depends on the carrying capacity of the pasturage, that is the number of animals which can graze on the pasture without completely killing the grasses or other plants.

If the number of animals is within the carrying capacity, the grass is able to grow again, but if there are too many animals it may not have sufficient time to recover and may be killed. If this happens the vegetative cover becomes too thin to protect the soil and rain and wind are able to erode the soil.

This in turn reduces the amount of grass that can grow in the area. In parts of Mediterranean Europe, West and East Africa and India, overgrazing by cattle, or worse still by sheep or goats which nibble down every bit of grass, has caused acute soil erosion.

(iii) Deforestation:

When men remove the natural forest cover of an area either for agriculture or for timber this usually exposes the area to soil erosion because the soil is no longer protected by the leafy canopy of the forest from heavy rain or strong winds. The bad effects of deforestation are worst when all the trees, even the smallest, are removed and when new seedlings are not planted to replace the felled timber.

(iv) Slope Cultivation:

Soil erosion is always enhanced when the cleared area of land is on a steep slope, because this allows gully erosion to take place. The soil on slopes, too, is easily moved by gravity when it is loosened. The effects of shifting cultivation, overgrazing and deforestation are all worse on steeply sloping land.

Where cultivation takes place on steep slopes erosion is greatly aggravated if plants are arranged slope-wise, i.e. in rows up and down the hill slope. This practice of slope-wise cultivation produces ready-made channels down which rain-water can flow carrying away the topsoil.

(v) Cultivation of Dry Areas:

In semi-arid areas the cultivation of marginal agricultural lands may lead to erosion because the removal of the natural vegetation and the ploughing of the land loosens the soil and this enables the wind to blow it away. In marginal areas such as this, special dry-farming tech­niques have to be adopted unless a ‘Dust Bowl’ situation is to arise.

Essay # 4. Impact of Soil Erosion:

The rapid erosion of soil by wind and water has been a problem ever since land was first cultivated. The consequences of soil erosion occur both on- and off-site.

On-site effects are particularly important on agricultural land where the redistribution of soil within a field, the loss of soil from a field, the break-down of soil structure and the decline in organic matter and nutrient result in a reduction of cultivable soil depth and a decline in soil fertility. Erosion also reduces available soil moisture, resulting in more drought-prone conditions.

The net effect is a loss of productivity which, at first, restricts what can be grown and results in increased expenditure on fertilizers to maintain yields, but later threatens food production and leads, ultimately, to land abandonment. It also leads to a decline in the value of the land as it changed from productive farmland to wasteland.

Offsite problems result from sedimentation down stream or downwind which reduces the capacity of rivers and drainage ditches, enhances the risk of flooding, blocks irrigation canals and shortens the design life of reservoirs. Many hydroelectricity and irrigation projects have been ruined as a consequence of erosion.

Sediment is also a pollutant in its own right and, through the chemicals adsorbed to it, can increase the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies and result in eutrophication.

Essay # 5. Process of Soil Erosion:

Soil erosion is a two-phase process, consisting of the detachment of individual particles from the soil mass and their transport by erosive agents such as running water and wind. When sufficient energy is no longer available to transport the particles, a third phase—deposition—occurs.

Rain splash is the most important detaching agent. The soil is also broken up by weathering processes, both mechanical, by alternate wetting and drying, freezing and thawing and frost action and biochemical. Soil is disturbed by tillage operations and by the trampling of people and livestock. Running water and wind are further contributors to the detachment of soil particles.

All these processes loosen the soil so that it is easily removed by the agents of transport. The severity of erosion depends upon the quality of material supplied by detachment and the capacity of the eroding agents to transport it.

There are a number of factors that control erosion:

1. Erosivity of the eroding agent;

2. Erodibility of the soil;

3. Slope of the land; and

4. Nature of the plant cover.

In the field, soil erosion status may be surveyed and data are recorded as per proforma (Table 23.6) for further interpretation.

Essay # 6. Measurement of Soil Erosion:  

Those designed to determine soil loss from relatively small sample areas or erosion plots often as part of an experiment and those designed to assess erosions over a larger area such as a drainage basin.

In erosion plot, a standard size of 22 m long and 1.8 m wide are used. The plot edges are made of sheet metal, wood or any material which is stable, does not leak and is not liable to rust. At the downslope end is positioned a collecting trough or gutter, covered with a lid to prevent the direct entry of rainfall, from which sediment and runoff are channelled into collecting tanks.

For large plots or where run-off volumes are very high, the overflow from a first collecting tank is passed through a divisor which splits the flow into equal parts and passes one part, as a sample, into a second collecting tank. A flocculating agent is added to the mixture of water and sediment collected in each tank.

The soil settles to the bottom of the tank and the clear water is then drawn-off and measured. The volume of soil remaining in the tank is determined and a sample of known volume is taken for drying and weighing. The sample weight multiplied by the total volume gives the total weight of soil in the tank.

The total soil loss from the plot is the weight of the soil in the first tank plus, assuming one-fifth of the overflow from the first tank passes through the divisor into the second tank, five times the weight of soil in the second tank.

Where automatic sediment sampling occurs, the sediment concentration is determined for each sample. Since the time that each sample was taken during the storm is known, the data can be integrated over time to give a sediment graph.

Investigation of sediment production in a catchment or drainage basin must be carried through an elaborate layout of erosion plot investigation in the stream slopes of various orders.

Essay # 7. Conservation of Soil Erosion:  

Soil conservation design most logically follows a sequence of events (Fig. 23.3) beginning with a thorough assessment of erosion risk, followed by designing a sound land use plan based on what the land is best suited for under present or proposed economic and social conditions, land tenure arrangements and production technology and what is compatible with the maintenance of environmental stability.

However, the approach of soil conservation varies from place to place and also based on type of land use. For instance, erosion control in cultivated land is dependent upon good management which implies establishing sufficient crop cover and selecting appropriate tillage practices.

Thus soil conservation relies strongly on agronomic methods combined with sound soil management whilst mechanical measures play only a supporting role. On the whole, the conservation strategies are aimed at establishing and maintaining good ground cover.

The details are given in Table 23.7:

Further, it is recognised that strategies for soil improving traditional systems instead of imposing entirely new techniques from outside and on enhancing land husbandry (Fig. 23.4, Table 23.7).

In addition there are a number of mechanical field practices used to control the soil erosion.

Three methods are normally employed in conjunction with agronomic measures:

1. Contouring i.e., carrying out ploughing, planting and cultivation on the contour can reduce soil loss from sloping land compared with cultivation up and down the slope.

2. Contour bunds i.e., these are earth banks 1.5 – 2m wide thrown across the slope to act as a barrier to run-off, to form a water storage area on their upslope side.

3. Terraces—these are earth embankments constructed across the slope to intercept surface run­off and convey it to a stable outlet at a non-erosive velocity and to shorten slope length.

4. Waterways—to convey run-off at a non-erosive velocity to suitable disposal part viz., diversion ditches, terrace channels, grass waterways etc.

5. Stabilisation structures—this is a specialised structure build up to produce small dams (0.4 to 2 meter height) by locally available materials for gully erosion control.

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  • Essay on Land Pollution


An Introduction

Land pollution is one of the most common types of pollution which we are facing right now. Land pollution takes place anytime and due to different scenarios. Even the acts of nature such as hurricanes and floods can lead to land pollution. One of the main reasons for the contamination of the land is by the urban and rural areas as they do the soil's poor management. Likewise, depending on the site at which the land has been contaminated, the pollution may be low, or it could be at a high threat level. Today with different land pollution paragraphs, we will be trying to explain the importance of decreasing land pollution and steps to keep land pollution low. 

Land Pollution Essay for English Exam

The essay on land pollution should be taken seriously as land pollution can have a detrimental impact on animal and human health and both water and air quality. Compounds that are used in the environment can easily cause decay in several ways. Even the use of fertilizers for crops, pesticides and insecticides can harm the land on which it has been sprayed over. 

Another big problem that leads to land pollution is soil erosion, which is caused by deforestation and trees' cutting. As a result, the amount of land left for farmers for farming and other agricultural operations gets reduced. In 2016, 75 billion tons of soil in the world was lost due to various human-made issues and deforestation. Moreover, the importance of keeping the soil intact to the ground is because 95 percent of the food which humans consume is produced in soil across the globe. Thus, making land pollution an even more significant concern for the food industry. 

Land Pollution Paragraph and Key Points

Agriculture and household runoff.

One of the major reasons for Land pollution is untreated waste generated by Households and Agriculture. The waste is not segregated into dry and waste hence its breakdown becomes difficult and it adds to the Land Pollution. The dry waste includes plastics, textile, glass etc which cannot be decomposed and recycled.

Whereas, the wet waste includes vegetable peel off, dry leaves, hair, stale food that are items that could be recycled through composting. If we do not segregate our waste into dry and wet waste they all go into one single bin and are buried inside Earth. This leads to seepage of such items into Land that results in pollution.

The use of digital devices for work and education purposes has increased manifold in the last few years. Where do you think all the e-waste goes? The laptops, mobiles, tablets that we use increases land pollution when it is not properly discarded. 

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste includes light bulbs, batteries, fertilizers, pesticides, paints that runoff and pollute the land and water resources. 


What are the causes of land pollution? Well, the first one we can think of is mining. Humans have been mining for more than 200 years, and since its beginning, the ever risk of subsidence or the collapse of top layers is growing at a rapid pace. In those areas where the mining has been done extensively, the land has already been collapsed several times, leading to loss of life and property. One of the hardest collapses ever recorded happened in England when the coal mine collapsed, and tons of soil erosion took place, wiping the whole school, which had to face the first impact of the massive overflow. 

Nuclear Waste

This type of waste is produced in nuclear power plants where scientists use nuclear reactors to form electricity in massive amounts. In addition to this, once the electricity is created, the process which uses the reactors leaves radioactive waste that can't be dumped like your regular household waste. One of the common radioactive wastes is plutonium, which needs to be disposed of in the ground covered from all sides by steel silos so that no radioactive waves can escape to the nearby land. Also, this waste takes thousands of years before it can finally stop radiating radiation. Nevada is the desert In the US, used as a nuclear waste facility for the US government. This causes some of the adverse effects of land pollution, making it inhabitable for animals and the human community.

Examples of Land Pollution

In this essay on land pollution for students and children, we have already explained different land pollution methods. One of the latest examples of land pollution that caused heavy damage to wildlife is Goa's forest's deforestation for the construction of railway lines to support the factories and coal mining. 


FAQs on Essay on Land Pollution

1. Does writing a 500 words essay on land pollution be sufficient enough?

Land pollution is a vast topic, and it covers various aspects of pollution. This ranges from pollution being spread on the land by the factories to the pollution of human waste. One can use reports to write up the land pollution essay to make it look more attractive, and they present it with pictures to look pleasing to the eyes. However, there is no use of all this data and photos if the essay's quality is not up to the mark. Thus, if you are writing an article about land pollution, you need to make it more concise and stick to the topic. Even 500 words are enough for an essay on land pollution, but you need to make those 500 words count.

2. Do animals contribute to land pollution in any way possible?

No, animals in no way are causing land pollution whatsoever. Many people might think they do excrete out waste material, but that too is a biodegradable waste, meaning it can quickly decompose in the land and leaves no mark on the ground. On the other hand, the machines and the factories that humans have built produce waste that can't be decomposed easily, making the waste material stay on the land for years to come. As a result, humans and their machines are the main culprits of land pollution. Before the invention of the steam engine, there was zero to minimum land pollution on earth, and now in the 21 st century, it is one of the biggest concerns we have for this planet.

3. How can we deal with land pollution?

We have to adopt the strategy of the 3Rs- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reduce the existing consumption, reuse items without throwing them away after first use and recycle them at an industrial scale. 

Small efforts from our side like carrying a cloth bag while shopping, throwing waste in dustbins only, segregating waste into dry and wet waste, composting in our homes, schools, and communities will help reduce Land Pollution.

4. Why is land pollution harmful?

Land pollution is not only harmful to the land but also for water bodies and the organisms that live inside it. When the untreated waste seeps into land it pollutes the soil, affects the agricultural crops, and enters our food chains. When the pollution on land enters the sea, it affects marine organisms when they swallow microplastics. It affects the overall health of human beings when we eat seafood.

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Essay on Soil Pollution for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Soil pollution is caused by a number of factors; however, most of them are human induced. In simple words soil pollution refers to the contamination of the soil when some unwanted external compound gets mixed with it. This compound could be in the form of soluble chemicals or non bio degradable compounds like plastic. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in farming are some of the causes of soil pollution. Harmful chemicals get mixed with the soil and make it infertile. Also, waste from the urban areas, if not disposed of properly, reaches the soil and pollutes it. There are several other factors causing soil pollution such as acid rain, industrial accidents, road debris, nuclear waste etc.

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Long and Short Essay on Soil Pollution in English

We have provided below short and long essay on soil pollution in English for your knowledge and information.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English to let you know about the causes, effects and meaning of soil pollution.

After reading the essays you will know what soil pollution is, what causes soil pollution, what could be done to prevent soil pollution etc.

These soil pollution essay will be extremely helpful to you in your school and college assignment and speech giving and debate, essay writing competitions.

Essay on Soil Pollution 100 Words

Soil is the natural resource on the earth which directly supports the life of plants and indirectly of animals since the origin of life on the earth. It is very important complex substance available everywhere on the earth. Productive soil is a soil useful to grow crops. As a human being, we need to keep our land safe and secure and away from all the impurities. However, it is not possible because of the technological advancement.

Soil is getting polluted through the toxic substances released by the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, industrial wastes, etc which are badly affecting the fertility of land. Soil pollution depletes the soil nutrients because of the availability of heavy concentration of undesirable foreign elements into soil through chemicalization.

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Essay on Soil Pollution 150 Words

Polluted soil is the low quality soil by various actions of man and natural processes which makes soil unfit for the crop production. Increasing human population and advancement of the human lives is causing soil pollution to a great extent. Main cause of the soil pollution are excessive soil erosion, forest fires, use of chemical fertilizers to improve crop production, pesticides (insecticides and herbicides), biocides (malathion, D.D.T., dieldrin, endrin, aldrin, lindane) to get control over insects, urban and industrial wastes, leaching, drought, untreated industrial water irrigation, water logging, over irrigation, deforestation, etc. It is increasing day by day at a faster rate in the rural and urban areas of the country.

According to the statistics, it is noted that consumption of chemical fertilizers by the farmers has been increased by 5.5 million tons from 1980-81 and by 18.07 million tons from 1999-2000 in order to increase crop production. Such toxic chemicals enter the human body through food chain and harm by causing physical deformities, neural tube defect in the new born babies.

Essay on Soil Pollution 200 Words

Soil pollution is the polluted soil because of the presence of toxic chemicals (also called pollutants or contaminants) in very high concentration to the soil of fertile land. Some of the contaminants occur naturally however most of them are due to the industrialization and human activities. Soil pollutants are generally of two types called as organic and inorganic whether released naturally and man-made. The main reasons of soil pollution are human activities including accidental leaks, spills, manufacturing processes, dumping, etc. Human released toxic chemicals are increasing the overall soil toxicity level.

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All the soil contaminants get mixed to the fertile land and causes variety of health disorders directly or indirectly such as respiratory illness, bronchitis, asthma, cancer, etc. Kids are more prone to the polluted soil than the adults as they play into it and gets attacked by many diseases especially respiratory disorders. Increasing human population need more grains thus in order to fulfill this requirement people use highly concentrated fertilizers to improve the crop production which ultimately affects health through the food chain. Soil pollution is the gradual process of soil poisoning of the toxic soil contaminants.

Essay on Soil Pollution 250 Words

Soil pollution is the contamination of the soil of fertile land which is gradually increasing day by day mainly because of the use of fertilizers and industrialization. Soil pollution has become a major challenge to the whole human fraternity in modern time. Soil is the most important natural resource highly required to maintain the healthy life here. It is the home for many small animals, it is the life of plants and used by the human beings to produce variety of crops to continue life cycle here. However, increasing human population increases the need of crops production and other technological resources to live life comfortably. There are many highly effective fertilizers available in the market proving their best to improve crop production however getting more toxic and polluting the whole fertile soil when sprinkled over crops.

Varieties of other pesticides (like insecticides, fungicides, etc) are also getting used by the farmers to save their crops from the insects and fungus. Such type of pesticides are also very toxic and spreading their side effects to the environment by polluting the land and air. Other ways of soil pollution are acidification, agrochemical pollution, salinization, and contamination by metalliferous wastes. Acidification is a common natural cause associated with long term leaching and microbial respiration which gradually decomposes the organic materials of soil (like humic and fulvic acids) which again stimulates leaching. Use of inorganic fertilizers on the fertile lands has increased the level of soil pollution by decreasing the soil fertility at a faster rate.

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Essay on Soil Pollution 300 Words

Soil pollution is the contamination of the fertile soil which reduces the productivity of soil because of various toxic pollutants. Toxic pollutants are very dangerous and adversely affect the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Variety of pollutants such as pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, chemicals, radioactive wastes, organic manure, discarded food, clothes, plastics, paper, leather goods, bottles, tins-cans, carcasses, etc gets mixed to the soil and cause soil pollution. Other released chemicals by various means like iron, mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, aluminium, zinc, industrial wastes, cyanides, acids, alkalies etc are the toxic chemicals causes soil pollution. Acid rain is a natural cause also affects soil fertility directly.

Earlier, the soil were very much fertile without the use of any fertilizers but now-a-days all the farmers have started using very strong fertilizers in order to increase crop production because of high demand of food by the increasing population. Improper, unnecessary and continuous use of variety of strong organic or inorganic insecticides (DDT, benzene hexa chloride, aldrin, etc), herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, etc in order to secure crops from insects, pests, fungus, etc are gradually toxifying the soil. All types of such chemicals have very dangerous effects directly on the plants growth (inhibits growth, reduces production and reduces size of fruit) and indirectly on the human health. Such chemicals slowly get absorbed by the soil and then plants which ultimately reaches to the animals and human beings body through the food chains.

Other radioactive wastes from the sources like mining and nuclear processes reach to the soil through water and affects the soil and ultimately to the plants, animals (through grazing) and human (through food, milk, meat etc). Eating such type of food causes growth retardation and abnormal growth of the animals and human. Increasing industrialization in the modern world creates huge heap of wastes on daily basis which directly or indirectly gets mixed to the soil and contaminate it.

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Essay on Soil Pollution 400 Words

Soil pollution is the contamination of fresh and fertile soil which adversely affects the health of crops, plants, animals, human beings and other organisms living in it. Addition of variety of unwanted substances and toxic chemicals from many sources to the soil in the odd proportion causes whole land pollution. Once the pollutants gets mixed to the soil remains in direct contact with soil for long period of time. Increasing industrialization and increasing consumption of various effective fertilizers in the fertile land is continuously changing the soil composition and complexion of earth strata which is very dangerous indication to the future of life on the earth.

All the fertile land on the earth is getting heavily polluted gradually day by day through the mixing of toxic materials released by the industries and domestic circles. Major sources of the soil pollution are industrial wastes, urban wastes, chemical pollutants, metallic pollutants, biological agents, radioactive pollutants, wrong agricultural practices, etc. Industrial wastes released by the industrial processes contain organic, inorganic and non-biodegradable materials which have ability to change physiochemical and biological characteristics of the soil. It totally disturbs the level of texture and mineral, bacterial and fungal colonies of the soil.

Urban wastes are solid wastes include commercial and domestic wastes which make a huge heap on the soil and contribute to the soil pollution. Chemical pollutants and metallic pollutants are the industrial wastes from the textile, soap, dyes, synthetic, detergents, metal, and drugs industries which are dumping their hazardous wastes continuously in the soil and water. It directly affects the living organisms of the soil and reduces fertility level of soil. Biological agents (such as bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoan and microorganisms like nematodes, millipedes, earthworms, snail, etc) also disturb the physio chemical and biological atmosphere of soil and cause soil pollution.

Some radioactive pollutants from the sources like nuclear reactors, explosions, hospitals, scientific laboratories, etc go very deep to the soil, remain there for long time and cause soil pollution. Wrong agricultural practices using advance agro-technology means use of huge quantities of toxic fertilizers including herbicides, weedicides, pesticides, etc enhances soil fertility however gradually declines the physio-chemical and biological property of the soil.

Other sources of the soil pollution are municipal garbage heap, food processing wastes, mining practices, and many more. Soil pollution is very hazardous to the health because toxic chemicals enter to the body through food chain and disturbs whole internal body system. In order to reduce and restrict the soil pollution, all the effective control measures including environment protection laws should be followed by the people especially industrialist. Recycling and reuse of the solid wastes and maximum possible tree plantation should be promoted among people.

More Informative Resources on Pollution

Essay on Soil Pollution FAQs

What is soil pollution short note.

Soil pollution happens when harmful substances contaminate the soil, affecting its quality and harming plants, animals, and humans.

What is the short line of soil pollution?

Soil pollution occurs when harmful chemicals or waste spoil the earth's natural balance, making it unfit for healthy growth.

How is soil polluted Class 10?

Soil gets polluted by chemicals from pesticides, industrial waste, improper disposal of garbage, and oil spills, harming its fertility and health.

What is pollution causes and effects?

Pollution is caused by human activities releasing harmful substances into the environment, leading to various detrimental effects on nature, animals, and human health.

What are 10 ways to reduce pollution?

Use public transport, recycle and reuse, conserve energy, plant trees, limit plastic use, proper waste disposal, reduce water wastage, use eco-friendly products, support clean energy, spread awareness.

What is the problem of pollution?

Pollution disrupts the natural balance of the environment, harming ecosystems, endangering wildlife, and impacting human health.

What are the 5 effects of air pollution?

Breathing problems, increased health risks, environmental damage, reduced visibility, climate change.

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English Summary

100 Words Essay On Soil Pollution In English

Soil pollution is defined by Wikipedia to be, �a part of land degradation caused by the presence of xenobiotic chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals or improper disposal of waste.�

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Essay on Soil Pollution for Students in English | 500 Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Soil Pollution: The process by which soil gets contaminated by toxic chemicals and pollutants in rich concentrations, thereby affecting the ecosystem is called soil pollution. Metals, ions, salts, organic compounds formed through microbial activity and organism decomposition disturbs surface layer of soil. This slowly enters groundwater and then into water bodies. Humans infest crops with pesticides and insecticides and produce industrial land radioactive substances due to which soil gets polluted.

Essay on Soil Pollution 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Soil Pollution Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Soil is a combination of organic matter, minerals, chemicals, liquids and organisms that sustain life together. Soil pollution is the presence of toxic components in the soil that affect the soil and the environment at large. It is usually caused by industrial production, agricultural products, or unsuitable waste disposal. Due to its impact on plant life, the problem of soil contamination typically comes to light.Soil pollution can arise from the use of pesticides, non-biodegradable materials, manufacturing effluents, and artificial fertilizers.

Soil pollution contributes to other forms of contamination if, for example, soil pollutants are transferred to water or air. Agriculture is highly soil-dependent, and its pollution harms agricultural activities. The soil is the gift of nature that we work on, walk around, find the food source, produce food, etc. However, something done inappropriately is becoming biologically toxic. Carefree use of soil has caused an increased rate of soil pollution which will inevitably make the soil unusable and unrecyclable.

Types of Soil Pollution

The soil contains two types of pollutants, namely natural pollutants and added pollutants due to human activities. Natural pollutants include organic compounds and inorganic particles that are the result of human activities such as animal and plant decay. Such pollutants are not a cause of concern though, and in fact, they replenish their nutrient soil.  The other group of pollutants are human-made. Human-made pollutants include toxic chemical waste, oil and fuel disposal, radioactive waste, landfills and unregulated disposal, coal ash and other such waste that originates from human activity and is dumped into the soil without treatment.

Causes of Soil Pollution

The disposal of heavy metals, oil and gasoline pollution, industrial waste, accumulation of acids and hazardous chemicals contribute to soil pollution. Heavy use of inorganic nitrogen manures within the agricultural method is often related to soil pollution, in part through the nitrification process. The principal cause of soil pollution is improper irrigation technique. When you over water the ground, this results in an increased level of the water table, which results in higher capillary action.

Similarly, poor maintenance of irrigation waterways and channels can lead to water leakage within the adjacent agricultural land. Also, the lack of crop rotation and intensive farming may have a detrimental impact on the consistency of the soil after some time. Urban activities includes improper waste disposal and building construction which leads to soil pollution by inhibiting proper water drainage. Animal waste and human sewage may pollute the soil by altering its chemical composition.

Effects of Soil Pollution

Soil pollution has had a significant effect on crop quality as the crop roots are unable to absorb enough nutrients from the soil due to pollutants present. For certain parts of the world, this has made the soil less fertile, and efforts are on to replenish the soil of its nutrients. Another significant effect on human health from land pollution is the emergence of multiple diseases due to our interaction with the soil pollutants. For example, areas where soil pollution is high, along with skin infection and even skin cancer, there has been an increase in respiratory problems, particularly in children.

Soil pollution also contributes to higher rates of water pollution . It is because the pollutants of the soil near the rivers or other bodies of water allow the pollutants to be mixed with the flowing water of the rives and thereby pollute it. Soil pollution impacts the environment as a whole, as it also impacts certain species survival.

Preventative Measures for Soil Pollution

Since polluted soil is not safe to use, we need to find ways to prevent soil pollution from affecting our everyday lives. The toxicity of the industrial waste must be before it is disposed of in the soil. Farmers need to make sure they use bio-fertilizers rather than chemical fertilizers. The farmers must also opt for bio-pesticides and bio-fungicides. It can take a long time to respond, but it is suitable for both the crops and the soil. Planting more trees can help to avoid soil erosion.

Exploring pesticide replacements and organic fertilizers is an excellent solution to preventing soil emissions. Also, mixed and rotational farming should be encouraged more to avoid land pollution. Recycling the waste material, rather than storing it inside the landfill, would also eliminate soil pollution. Nobody will throw the electrical products and batteries into home dustbins to keep the soil clear of dangerous substances.


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    Long Essay on Soil Pollution 500 words in English. Soil Pollution essay will be helpful as a reference for students of class 7, 8, 9, and 10. Soil is the uppermost dry layer of the Earth made up of organic and inorganic materials. The importance of soil is to sustain terrestrial life on this planet, and it is also the component where the ...

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    Soil conservation emerges as an unsung hero, diligently working behind the scenes to preserve the very foundation of life. Like a silent guardian, soil quietly nurtures crops, supports biodiversity, and sustains livelihoods. Yet, its significance often goes unnoticed until threatened by erosion, degradation, or misuse.

  7. Essay on Soil Pollution for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Soil Pollution. Soil is a thin layer made up of organic as well as inorganic materials. These materials cover the rocky surfaces of Earth. Also, the organic portion, which is derived from the decayed remains of animals and plants. While the inorganic portion is made up of rock fragments.

  8. Essay Writing on Soil Conservation in English

    Soil conservation means taking care of the soil to ensure its long-term health and prevent harm. It involves taking steps to prevent soil from erosion and pollution. This ensures that soil, which helps plants grow and provides us with life's essentials, remains rich and reliable for the present and the future. Soil gets harmed in different ways.

  9. Soil and Water Conservation: Importance, Techniques, and Challenges

    An essay about soil and water conservation aims to shed light on the importance of protecting our soil and water resources. Soil and water are two of the most vital natural resources on Earth. Soil provides essential nutrients for plants to grow, acts as a water filter, and provides habitat for billions of organisms. Water cycles nutrients and ...

  10. Soil Pollution Essay

    500 Words Essay On Soil Pollution. It is a well-known fact that the soil is important for us in every way; we depend on it for food, and it provides grazing fields for animals. It is the substratum of every monument that humanity has ever built. Although, because of some of our actions, this important resource of ours is getting polluted, which ...

  11. Essay on Soil: Meaning, Composition and Layers

    Essay # 2. Meaning of Soil: The word 'soil' is derived from the latin word 'solum', which means floor or ground. Soil is a natural formation resulting from the transformation of surface rock by combination of climate, plant and animal life with ageing. Soil is formed through following steps:

  12. Best Soil Pollution Essay For Kids

    Here is an essay on soil pollution showcasing the cause and dangers of soil pollution. For kids, this detailed essay on soil pollution will help them understand the basics of soil pollution, its cause, and the measures to prevent it. For both parents and teachers, this essay will help them to explain what harms the soil and how to prevent soil ...

  13. Soil Pollution Essay: Causes, Case Studies, Effects and Solutions

    Here are some of the primary effects of soil pollution: 1. Environmental Consequences. Loss of Biodiversity: Soil pollution disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to a decline in biodiversity. Many plants, animals, and microorganisms depend on healthy soil for survival.

  14. What Is Soil?

    The soil is composed of different components: 5% organic matter, 45% minerals, 20-30% different gases and 20-30% water. Therefore, the soil is known as a heterogeneous body. Given below is the composition of soil in detail: Organic Matter. Organic substance is found in very small amounts in the soil.

  15. Soil Pollution Essay in English

    Short Essay on Soil Pollution 200 Words in English. Find below a 200-word short essay on soil pollution that is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Soil is the uppermost layer in the earth's stratum. Soil enables and sustains life on the planet, without which there would be no living beings on the earth.

  16. How to Prevent Soil Pollution Essay for Students

    Causes of Soil Pollution. Soil pollution essay in English helps understand its reasons and impact. It can occur from various sources, but the most common sources are agricultural and industrial activities. As the careless use of these chemicals affects soil quality, it will eventually lead to a shortage in food production.

  17. Essay on Soil Erosion

    250 Words Essay on Soil Erosion Introduction. Soil erosion, a naturally occurring process and an environmental concern, refers to the wearing away of the topsoil layer due to various factors like wind, water, and human activity. This global phenomenon significantly impacts agricultural productivity, environmental health, and biodiversity.

  18. Essay on Soil Erosion

    Essay # 6. Measurement of Soil Erosion: Those designed to determine soil loss from relatively small sample areas or erosion plots often as part of an experiment and those designed to assess erosions over a larger area such as a drainage basin. In erosion plot, a standard size of 22 m long and 1.8 m wide are used.

  19. Essay on Land Pollution For Students in English

    Land Pollution Essay for English Exam. The essay on land pollution should be taken seriously as land pollution can have a detrimental impact on animal and human health and both water and air quality. ... Moreover, the importance of keeping the soil intact to the ground is because 95 percent of the food which humans consume is produced in soil ...

  20. Essay on Soil Pollution for Children and Students

    Essay on Soil Pollution 400 Words. Soil pollution is the contamination of fresh and fertile soil which adversely affects the health of crops, plants, animals, human beings and other organisms living in it. Addition of variety of unwanted substances and toxic chemicals from many sources to the soil in the odd proportion causes whole land pollution.

  21. 100 Words Essay On Soil Pollution In English

    Soil pollution is defined by Wikipedia to be, a part of land degradation caused by the presence of xenobiotic chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals or improper disposal of waste. . Soil pollution gives rise to diseases such as headaches, coughing ...

  22. Essay on Soil Pollution for Students in English

    Essay on Soil Pollution: The process by which soil gets contaminated by toxic chemicals and pollutants in rich concentrations, thereby affecting the ecosystem is called soil pollution. Metals, ions, salts, organic compounds formed through microbial activity and organism decomposition disturbs surface layer of soil. ... Essay on Soil Pollution ...

  23. Soil pollution essay in english || Essay on soil pollution for students

    In this video you will see essay on soil pollution in english for students. This soil pollution essay is very important for students. Hope you all like this ...