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essay on the theme of jealousy in othello

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Iago refers to jealousy as the "green-eyed monster." As this metaphor suggests, jealousy is closely associated with the theme of appearance and reality. For instance, at one point Othello demands that Iago provide "ocular proof" of Desdemona's infidelity—he demands to see reality. But Iago instead provides the circumstantial evidence of the handkerchief, which Othello, consumed by his jealousy, accepts as a substitute for "ocular proof." Othello's jealousy impedes his ability to distinguish between reality and appearance. While the prejudiced characters in the play denigrate Othello as an animal or a beast based on his race, Othello's obvious honor and intelligence makes these attacks obviously ridiculous. Yet when Othello is overcome by jealousy, he does become beast-like, falling into epileptic fits that rob him of the ability to speak intelligibly.

Othello is also not the only character in Othello to feel jealousy. Both Iago and Roderigo act to destroy Othello out of jealousy, with disastrous consequences.

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Essay: The theme of jealousy in the play Othello

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  • Subject area(s): Literature essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
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  • Published: 22 January 2022*
  • Last Modified: 1 August 2024
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  • Words: 1,518 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)
  • Tags: Othello essays

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Othello, written by William Shakespeare is the story of sexualized jealousy. Jealousy and envy take a toll on the story from beginning to end. Jealousy is the “green-eyed monster” that is inherently unreasonable. Othello, as well as, the other characters feature jealousy as the dominant motive for their actions. Shakespeare portrays sexual and romantic jealousy, as well as professional jealousy as the evident cause of self-destruction. Othello’s insecurities drive him to be jealous of Cassio. Iago’s jealousy of Othello urges him to shatter Othello’s relationship with Desdemona. Throughout Othello, Shakespeare idolizes that love becomes hate, and hate becomes love. For the characters, the distinction of these feelings is being blurred. Jealousy amongst the characters is the causation for their consequential actions. “In the early modern period, to be envious of something was to want something you did not have, and to be jealous was to fear losing something that you did’ (Olson 8). William Shakespeare proves through his literary work Othello, that if jealousy becomes part of ones’ personality, it can control us and once it does, one loses the ability to ration.

Roderigo is a minor character, who carries out the thematic desire of jealousy. However, Roderigo’s jealousy does not change the way he acts and behaves. His purpose in Othello is carried out through the manipulations of Iago. Iago realizes that Roderigo is in love with Desdemona, so he convinces Roderigo that he can make Desdemona fall in love with him. Roderigo is jealous of Othello for having Desdemona, the girl he thinks he cannot have. Roderigo sees Othello as an opponent, which he has to compete with in order to win Desdemona’s heart. “What a full fortune does the thick-lips owe, / If he can carry it thus,” Roderigo says expressing his emotions of Othello having Desdemona out of luck (Othello 1.1.67-68). It is because of this Roderigo continues to seek Iago’s advice. Iago uses Roderigo’s jealousy to his advantage. Iago persuades Roderigo to confront Desdemona’s father, Brabantio. He tells Roderigo “Call up her father, Rouse him…poison his delights…do, with like timorous accent and dire yell,” (1.1.64-65). Iago is not concerned with how Roderigo truly feels. “His intentions are not to help Roderigo seek Desdemona but to have Brabantio after Othello because it will cause him, Othello, distress” (Putnam 43). Roderigo’s love for Desdemona has clouded his judgment which leads him susceptible to Iago’s manipulation. Roderigo falling into Iago’s plan, is betrayed and killed by Iago, leading to his downfall.

“Iago is a man blinded by envy and anger, with a goal in mind for everyone to become equally jealous, which aim he completes through his betrayal and manipulation of characters” (43). Iago can identify the weaknesses of the other characters and uses their weakness to harvest jealousy within them. Iago provides a distinction of envy and jealousy. He is envious, rather than jealous, of Cassio, who earned the position of lieutenant rather than himself. Iago believes he should have earned the position rather than Cassio because he is more experienced. Iago plans to disrupt and destroy the life of Cassio. While in Cyprus, Iago urges Cassio to drink a lot of alcohol to disprove his position in front of Othello. Iago conceives a plan for Roderigo to attack Cassio. Roderigo falling into Iago’s plan, attacks Cassio, leading to the demotion of Cassio. Iago reveals his evil capabilities after he successfully gets Cassio fired. Iago is however, sexually jealous of his wife Emilia. Emilia is rumored to have been sleeping with Othello. Iago is an inherently jealous character, yet he does not seem convinced: “I know not if’t be true, / But I, for mere suspicion of that kind, / Will do as if for surety” (Othello 1.3.369-72). His jealousy develops which grows into greater hatred for Othello. Iago’s rejection for the position of lieutenant is not the reason for his manipulation. However, it is that Iago wants everyone to feel the jealousy and anger that consumes him. In Iago’s soliloquies, Shakespeare conveys Iago is not driven by reason but by passion. According to Marcia Macaulay, Iago “is consumed by a desire to best those whom he feels rightly or wrongly have wronged him” (4). Iago’s jealous rampage has affected his relationships with Othello, Roderigo, and Cassio. Iago is not affected by jealousy personally, however, his jealousy has affected the other characters. It has destroyed lives and relationships. Iago’s jealousy of Othello and Cassio have made him responsible for the deaths of Emilia, Desdemona, Othello, and Roderigo. William Shakespeare portrays Iago as one of the evilest villains.

Othello is not an inherently jealous character; however, Iago drags out the jealousy within him. Othello is a confident and dignified character; however, the audience sees a transformation in his personality as he begins to use bestial language and make accusations. “Iago so desperately wants Othello to become insane with jealousy, and he initiates this envy and rage by creating lies of Desdemona’s unfaithfulness” (Putnam 45). He conceives a plan and delivers a story of betrayal to Othello in which destroys the matrimony between Othello and Desdemona. Iago does so by deceit and trickery fueling a jealous rage within Othello. Iago learns that Cassio has been appointed lieutenant instead of himself and seeks revenge on Othello. Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. Iago chooses Cassio to be the victim because he is consumed with so much jealousy of not being appointed lieutenant. “When initially confronted with Iago’s suspicions, [Othello] boldly rejects the imputation that he possesses a jealous disposition” (Olson 12). However, when Desdemona becomes relentless at dinner about reinstating Cassio Othello’s jealousy grows. “Give me a living reason she’s disloyal,” Othello demands, threatening Iago that he must prove of Desdemona’s affair (Othello 3.3.61). As Othello’s jealousy rages, Iago offers many ‘proofs’ in which is the beginning of his plan to enrage Othello. Desdemona drops a handkerchief which Othello gave her, and Iago uses it for his own deceit. Iago plants the handkerchief in Cassio’s room and proclaims to Othello he has seen Cassio with such a handkerchief. “Othello turns the appraising gaze at himself and begins to doubt Desdemona’s attraction to him” (Olson 14). Othello’s jealousy develops as the audience learns his mind is being controlled by Iago. Iago’s words of Cassio talking in his sleep confessing his love for Desdemona burned into Othello’s brain. Othello’s perception of Cassio has completely changed because of Iago. Othello has ordered Iago to murder Cassio. Pretending to have doubts of Othello’s wish, Iago has asked him to reconsider. In response Othello says:

Never, Iago… Even so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace, Shall ne’er look back, ne’er ebb to humble love, Till that a capable and wide revenge Swallow them up (Othello 3.3.454, 458-461).

Othello has turned his love and respect for Cassio into hatred. Othello has become jealous and begins to suspect Desdemona’s intentions. Iago has power over Othello because of trust, loyalty, and evidence of infidelity. Othello does not need to be jealous but is because he allows Iago to manipulate him. Othello only takes into consideration what Iago has said and presented to him. He had the choice to ask Desdemona of the affair but chooses to trust Iago. Othello’s jealousy has worked him into trance leading him to smothering Desdemona to death. His feelings of love for Desdemona has turned into murderous hatred. As Othello is being consumed by jealousy, he speaks such words, “Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men” (5.2.7-8). Othello believes he cannot have Desdemona anymore and commits an act of murder so no one can have her. Only after murdering Desdemona, Othello discovers the truth of Iago’s intentions allowing Othello to return to the man he once was. Othello, a tragic hero , takes his own life and asks to be remembered as “not easily jealous.” William Shakespeare has conveyed that personal weakness and insecurities can drive oneself to be incapable of rational thoughts. Shakespeare has portrayed through Othello that jealousy is a personal flaw.

William Shakespeare has explored the theme of jealousy in the play Othello. With Iago, Othello, and Roderigo, Shakespeare conveys the effects of jealousy. Shakespeare portrays how human emotions can be manipulated leading to self-destruction. Jealousy is what drives the character’s lives from beginning to end of Othello. Othello and Roderigo’s jealousy are not self-inherited, rather fashioned by Iago. Othello, written by William Shakespeare conveys a story of sexualized and professional jealousy. Self-inflicted insecurities and self-inherited jealousy are the prominent causes of self-destruction throughout the play. With the characters Othello, Iago, and Roderigo, Shakespeare idolizes love becoming hate, and hate becoming love. To be envious was to want something one did not believe they could have, and to be jealous was to lose something you had. William Shakespeare conveys in Othello, jealousy can consume a person through manipulation, and once it does, a person loses ability to think clearly and reason.


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Othello Themes: Racism, Jealousy, & More

essay on the theme of jealousy in othello

Looking for Othello themes? In this article, you’ll find all the necessary information! The key themes in Othello are: jealousy, racism, sexism, appearance vs. reality, & prejudice.

Othello is the most famous literary work that focuses on the theme of jealousy. It runs through an entire text and affects almost all of characters. One might even say that jealousy is the main theme of Othello. However, the exploration of racism, sexism, and deception also is essential to the play.

In this article, our writers elaborate on all the key themes of Othello and explain why Shakespeare included them. Every theme is illustrated by the quotes from the play.

RacismJealousyAppearance vs. RealitySexism
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🏴 othello themes: racism.

Othello themes: racism.

The fact that Shakespeare made Othello black is a crucial thematic element of the play. Many critics argue that Othello’s race does not matter. Nevertheless, it cannot be true. Our relationship with racism is very different from the time Othello was written. Racism in the 16th century was a widespread phenomenon.

Unlike the rest of Europe, Venice was a very cosmopolitan city, a hub in which Europeans, Africans, Asians all lived together in relative peace. However, it does not mean it was a tolerant and inclusive place, and there is a lot of textual evidence of that in Othello .

Othello starts not with Othello himself but with Iago talking negatively about Othello. Only in the second scene, the audience sees Othello and hears the main character speaking for himself. Before that, the audience depends on the descriptions that are coming from Iago, Roderigo, and Barbantio.

The three characters express race prejudice towards Othello and offer a sneak peek of how race relations in Elizabethan England looked like. In these first lines, which produce an immense effect on the audience, Othello is being called “the Moor,” “the thick lips,” “a lascivious Moor,” and “an old black ram.” Iago tells Barbantio:

“an old black ram is tupping your white ewe.”

The Elizabethan audience was not prepared even to imagine an interracial couple, but because Iago is such a malicious character, the audience is on Othello’s side.

This scene, at the very beginning of the play, is penetrated with racial commentaries. Barbantio, Desdemona’s father, is Othello’s long-term friend, but he strongly opposes this marriage. He invites Othello to his house, he respects him as a soldier, but Barbantio can’t imagine Othello as his son-in-law.

He even thinks that Othello used some witchcraft to attract Desdemona because, otherwise, it would be impossible or unnatural for a fine white lady to fall in love with “the Moor.”

Desdemona loves Othello, but she makes some racially insensitive comments as well. She says, “I saw Othello’s visage in his mind.” Here she accepts that her love for him is alienated from his appearance. She has to justify to the audience why and how she was able to overcome Othello’s blackness. She states that she is “color-blind,” which is, in fact, a subtle form of racism.

“Blackness”/ “Whiteness” Opposition

There are other characters that, without an intention to offend, express hidden racism not towards Othello per se but towards black people in general. For instance, the Duke says that Othello is “far more fair than black,” implying that being “fair” is more desirable than being black and that an educated black man loses his blackness and transcends the race.

Throughout the play, Iago purposefully places “blackness” in opposition with “whiteness.” He even influences other characters to approach this matter in a similar manner, including Othello himself.

It is interesting that Iago never questions Othello’s ability as a leader or a soldier. He always targets Othello’s skin color and Othello’s cultural identity. Iago does not mention Othello’s name and calls him “the Moor” to reduce Othello to his skin color. He is the voice of racism in Othello.

When Othello goes to the Senate to defend himself and his marriage in front of the Duke, it is not his love that helps him save the situation but Othello’s important and influential status in Venice.

Othello that the audience sees on the stage for the first time is not the same Othello that kills Desdemona. At the beginning of the play, Othello is confident, and he knows he deserves Desdemona. His reply to Iago is calm and noble:

“Let him do his spite. My services, which I have done the signiory, Shall out-tongue his complaints; ’tis yet to know – I fetch my life and being From men of royal siege, and my demerits May speak unbonneted to as proud a fortune As this that I have reach’d; for know, Iago, But that I love the gentle Desdemona, I would not my unhoused free condition Put into circumscription and confine For the sea’s worth.”

Barbantio’s racial prejudice does not allow him to understand the relationships between Desdemona and Othello, but Othello is not offended by that. It shows the immense self-confidence and self-worth that Othello has. He even says, “haply, for I am black.”

Iago speaks about Othello and Desdemona’s relationships as a form of violence. He also eroticizes Othello even before Othello sets foot on the stage. Othello explains the basis of their love by stating:

“She lov’d me for the dangers I had pass’d, And I lov’d her that she did pity them.”

It is contrasted to the eroticized explanation Iago gives about their marriage. Iago believes that their love is not more than “merely a lust of the blood, and a permission of the will.”

Othello’s Self-Identity

The theme of identity in Othello is present throughout the play. Iago influences Othello’s own perception of himself, which later results in Othello’s insecurity.

Even in the name of the play, Othello’s otherness is highlighted. The Moor of Venice embodies two opposing concepts – alienation and assimilation. Othello will always be an outsider for the Venetians. However, it also implies that Othello lost his “Africanness.”

Othello’s identity is not very clear. His cultural and geographical background is not mentioned in the play as if it is not essential. Othello is rootless and, in a way, it shows a lack of interest and a lack of information Elizabethans had about African nations.

Othello has been a soldier since he was a boy; it is a great part of him. However, when Othello arrives in Cyprus, he learns that the war with the Turks is over before it even started. Without these military achievements and battles, Othello feels insecure about himself and becomes an easy target for Iago.

Several attempts later, the audience realizes that Iago’s manipulations were successful because Othello starts doubting Desdemona’s sincerity and even her love for him.

Iago starts by attacking Othello’s cultural otherness. He reminds Othello that he does not know Venetian women because he is an outsider. Then, he goes on and attacks Othello’s blackness. He says:

“She did deceive her father, marrying you; And when she seem’d to shake and fear your looks, She lov’d them most.”

Here, Iago hints that Othello is inferior to white men.

From now on, the audience will see how Iago accomplishes the dismantling of Othello’s racial identity and forces Othello to see himself through Iago’s racist lens.

“The Noble Moor”

Several characters continuously positively refer to Othello. They call him “the noble Moor,” “brave Othello,” “noble Othello.” The audience itself is very sympathetic to Othello.

By doing that, Shakespeare tries to dismantle a stereotype that the audience has about black people. Othello is one of the noblest characters that Shakespeare ever created. The attitude that Iago, Roderigo, and Barbantio have towards Othello contrasts with the ones who love and respect Othello. The theme of race in Othello centers around this division.

“The Black Devil”

Othello’s last speech is very different from his first one in the Senate. The protagonist, who was once very proud of himself, is now humiliated. He even reduces the significance of his military achievements by saying, “he has done the state some service.”

In his last speech, Othello compares himself with “a circumcised dog,” reducing himself to the lowest of the lowest. It drastically contrasts with the way Othello describes Desdemona in this last speech. He says:

“a pearl away richer than all his tribe.”

Othello also compares himself with a savage who is not able to understand the value of the pearl. He calls himself “Indian” and “The Turk” in the last lines of the play. By doing that, Othello supported and reinforced racial prejudice against others.

💬 Racist Quotes in Othello

“Even now, now, very now, an old black ram Is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise! Awake the snorting citizens with the bell, Or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. Arise, I say!” – Iago, Act 1 Scene 1
“Ay, there’s the point. As, to be bold with you, Not to affect many proposèd matches Of her own clime, complexion, and degree, Whereto we see in all things nature tends— Foh! One may smell in such a will most rank, Foul disproportion thoughts unnatural— But pardon me—I do not in position Distinctly speak of her, though I may fear Her will, recoiling to her better judgment, May fall to match you with her country forms And happily repent.” – Iago, Act 3 Scene 3
“Speak of me as I am. Nothing extenuate, Nor set down aught in malice. Then must you speak Of one that loved not wisely but too well; Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought, Perplexed in the extreme; of one whose hand, Like the base Judean, threw a pearl away Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes, Albeit unused to the melting mood, Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees Their medicinal gum.” – Othello, Act 5 Scene 2

🌱 Jealousy as a Theme in Othello

Othello themes: jealousy.

At the very beginning of the play, readers see two characters that are completely consumed by that feeling. Iago, the actuator of the plot, is jealous and hateful towards Othello because he did not get the position of Lieutenant. Iago cannot stand others being more successful than he is, and that is why he comes up with a plan of revenge. Besides the professional jealousy that Iago has towards Othello, he is also jealous of Cassio, the solder that was promoted ahead of Iago. He claims:

“I know my price. I am worth no worse a place.”

He feels that Othello was unjust for choosing Cassio to be a lieutenant.

The second character who is driven by jealousy is Roderigo. He is in love with Desdemona, and he is upset about her marriage to Othello. He is even ready to pay Iago to have a chance to be with Desdemona. Obviously enough, Roderigo is jealous of Othello as well.

The difference between Iago and Roderigo, which becomes apparent in these first scenes, is that Roderigo’s motifs are based on his love for Desdemona, while Iago’s motifs are coming from the place of hate. Besides, Iago enjoys triggering this emotion in others. His whole plan of revenge is based on the fact that Othello is naturally jealous, Roderigo is naturally foolish, Desdemona is very naive, and Bianca is very liberated.

Iago masterfully creates lies about Desdemona’s unfaithfulness till Othello is convinced that Desdemona has an affair with Cassio. Othello becomes downright furious and blinded by the destructive force of his own emotions. However, Iago is different. Despite having such strong hate, he is able to approach his plan with a cold heart. He is pragmatic, reserved, and able to control his emotions to a great degree.

Nevertheless, Iago and Emilia as well become the victims of Iago’s jealousy. Iago’s reasoning, just like Othello’s, is entirely overtaken by the desire for revenge. His whole life is paranoically centered around this scheme.

In the middle of the play, the audience learns that Iago also has several personal reasons for jealousy. Firstly, Iago suspects that Emilia, his wife, has had an affair with Othello. Secondly, Iago himself may be in love with Desdemona. There is no evidence or any material proof in the play that both of these reasons are true.

Desdemona dies because of Iago’s plan, and he does not tell the audience why he believes Emilia has had an affair. He says, “I hate the Moor,” and it is thought abroad that “twixt my sheets he’s done my office.” The last phrase means that Othello did something that only Iago is allowed to do. There is a great chance, Iago simply tries to manipulate the audience to get them on his side.

Bianca is another peculiar character that serves as an excellent example of the theme of jealousy in literature. She is a secondary character and can be viewed as a parallel to Roderigo. Both are desperately in love with people who do not love them back.

However, Bianca is a mere object in the eyes of men. Cassio does not love her and has no plans to marry her. In his conversation with Iago, he claims:

“Tis the strumpet’s plague To beguile many and be beguiled by one.”

She suspects that Cassio has an affair when she sees the handkerchief but still offers him supper and rushes to help him when he was stubbed. She truly loves him, and her jealousy does not search for revenge. Instead of planning how to hurt her lover in secret, she speaks to him and asks him directly.

“Jealousy Is a Green-Eyed Monster”

In the middle of the play, when the destructive force of jealousy starts to kick in, Iago tells Othello, “O beware, my Lord, of jealousy! It is a green-eyed monster!” This metaphor perfectly describes jealousy as a potent and destructive emotion.

Othello is a jealousy victim himself. At the beginning of the play, Othello is a strong and determined man who is sure that he deserves to be with Desdemona. However, in the second part of the play, Othello doubts himself and feels inferior to others. He says, “haply for I am black, and have not those soft parts of the conversation that chamberers have.” He feels so insecure. He convinces himself that Desdemona is unfaithful to him due to him being black and less eloquent than the Venetians. He does not have any solid proof that Desdemona has an affair with another man. Therefore, he invents it.

Another victim of the “green-eyed monster” is Desdemona. At the beginning of the play, Desdemona is a romantic character, but she becomes a tragic one because of the monstrous effect of jealousy. Some critics, such as Coleridge, argue that it was not Othello’s jealousy that killed Desdemona but Iago’s envy.

Iago keeps personifying jealousy throughout the play by saying that “jealousy is a green-eyed monster.” He also compares jealousy with a plague or a fatal disease. He says that he will put the Moor “into a jealousy so strong that judgment cannot cure.” Emilia, Iago’s wife, also calls jealousy a monster:

“But jealous souls will not be answer’d so; They are not ever jealous for the cause, but jealous for they’re jealous. It is a monster Begot upon itself, born on itself.”

Love and Jealousy

Love and jealousy are deeply intertwined in Shakespearean tragedies. However, more emotions are triggered by Iago’s plan. Envy, hate, passion, desire to restore one’s dignity, a desire for justice create a mix of feelings that turned the protagonist into a monster. Othello breaks when he sees Bianca with the handkerchief he gave to Desdemona as the first gift.

To conclude, Othello is a play that can be seen as a battle between love and jealousy. On the one hand, the audience sees Othello, who is losing his mind due to jealousy. On the other hand, Desdemona continues loving Othello despite everything he has done to her.

The audience sees how possessive and corruptive love could be as Othello’s murderous jealousy becomes stronger than any other emotion. Desdemona’s love is based on trust. It is forgiving; it is Christian-like. Desdemona’s ability to forgive Othello at the end of the play helps the audience forgive Othello.

💬 Jealousy Quotes in Othello

“Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee.” – Brabantio, Act 1 Scene 3
“I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets Has done my office. I know not if ‘t be true, But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety.” – Iago, Act 1 Scene 3
“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on;” – Iago, Act 3 Scene 3
“But jealous souls will not be answered so. They are not ever jealous for the cause, But jealous for they are jealous. It is a monster Begot upon itself, born on itself.” – Emilia, Act 3 Scene 4

🔮 Appearance vs. Reality in Othello

Othello themes: appearance vs reality.

One of the most fundamental philosophical questions of western philosophy is the question of how things seem to be and the way they are. As one of the greatest thinkers of all time, Shakespeare was preoccupied with this question as well.

Appearance versus reality is a major theme in Othello, the Moor of Venice, because almost every character has two sides to their personality. Iago is the antagonist of the play. Shakespeare demonstrates the difference between certainty and illusion, shadow and substance, stability and fluidity through him. In a way, he is the “literary device” that exposes the contradiction between reality and how it appears.

At the beginning of the play, both the reading and the viewing audience sees some sort of stability. A perfect marriage, which is based upon true love, a noble hero, who is honest, brave, and virtuous. Othello is confident that Desdemona loves him for who he is; he is a military hero who everyone well respects.

This world of order and peace gets distorted by Iago, who does not believe in ideal love, friendship, loyalty, or absolute truth. He believes in the fluidity of all things, and he himself does not have a stable identity of his own.

In Act 1 scene 1, the audience witnesses a multitude of Iago’s personalities. He is a friend to Roderigo and a dark shadow telling Barbantio about Desdemona’s marriage. Yet, he is a loyal servant of Othello. In this scene, Iago presents factual truth to both Barbantio and Othello. However, each character receives a different version of the events. This first scene is an excellent example of the contrast between appearance and reality.

Iago easily adopts a new identity and abandons the old one. He tells Roderigo that he is:

“Trimmed in forms and visages of duty, Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves.”

Iago claims here that he is not the only one who mixes up reality with appearance. He is convinced that people do that to pursue their own agenda all the time. Till this point, the audience can still relate to Iago. He did not lose his humanity in their eyes yet.

He explains the reason why he does not like Othello. He promoted a man named Cassio in front of him. At the end of the same scene, the audience gets to hear two more reasons why Iago is so full of hatred towards Othello.

However, as he continues with his plot, the readers start seeing him for what he actually is:

“For when my outward action doth demonstrate The native act and figure of my heart In compliment extern, ’tis not long after But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at. I am not what I am.”

Iago is not the only one who mixes appearance with reality. Desdemona is a good example of that.

She falls in love with Othello through the stories about his heroic past. In a way, she falls in love with the representation of Othello and not with Othello himself. She does not know him very well. Therefore she cannot immediately understand what causes this sudden change in Othello’s behavior.

Iago, on the contrary, knows Othello really well. He is also a great manipulator and psychologist. Like a good manipulator, Iago understands that he needs to remain patient. He tells Roderigo:

“How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees.”

Iago waits for an opportunity and only then acts.

Iago makes Desdemona appear untrustworthy while Iago seems righteous. It is crucial to note that almost every character in the play calls Iago honest. In total, the word “honest” is applied to Iago more than 50 times throughout the play. For instance, Othello says:

“This fellow’s of exceeding honesty And knows all qualities with a learned spirit Of human dealings.”

Othello has no reason to think Iago is not honest. Nevertheless, he trusts him but does not believe Desdemona.

Othello says about his wife:

“I do not think, but Desdemona is honest.”

He states that he does not believe Desdemona would have an affair. However, the synthetic structure here is fundamental. Othello uses double negation to say that Desdemona is honest, which means that he does not believe in it. Iago brings up another powerful argument by saying:

“She deceived her father by marrying you.”

By reminding Othello that Desdemona was not honest before, he makes him doubt her even more.

When Iago provides “an ocular proof” (the handkerchief), and Desdemona lies about it, Othello will believe anything Iago tells him. The level of trust Othello puts in “honest Iago” is also shown through the scene in which Iago suggests a script for Desdemona’s murder. Othello agrees with him.

Cassio and Roderigo

It is very peculiar to see how Iago manipulates Roderigo and Cassio. He also uses their weakest point.

Iago understands that for Cassio, his reputation plays an essential role and that Cassio truly loves and respects Othello. So he makes sure all of it is being used against Cassio.

With Roderigo, Iago uses a similar technique and exploits his love for Desdemona. He feeds Roderigo with ideas about Desdemona’s immorality to make sure Roderigo believes he has a chance.

Emilia is another character that has a double personality. On the one hand, she is very loyal to Desdemona. On the other hand, she played a crucial role in her husband’s scheme. It makes her the first one to realize that Iago is the one responsible.

Her husband exploited their marriage and her obedience to succeed with his plan. But Emilia eventually saw the whole picture and influenced the outcome, accusing Iago of his crimes and making the reality evident for the others. Furious, Iago stabs her, thus, commits his first murder in plain sight and shows his true self.

Othello’s Farewell Speech Analysis

One of the most important scenes that show appearance vs. reality is Othello’s farewell. In this speech, he asks the audience to see the events with a positive outlook. He tells them to see him not as a villain who just killed his innocent wife but as a husband who loved his wife too much.

There is a lot of contradictions in this speech. For instance, he states that he is “not easily jealous,” and in the following sentence, he adds, “wrought/ perplexed in the extreme.” It shows that Othello actually cannot accept reality. He tells the audience “to speak of me as I am.”

He shows very little emotion about Desdemona’s murder and is very focused on restoring his reputation in the audience’s eyes. One of the ways in which he tries to do it is by speaking beautifully.

Othello uses a lot of metaphors to mask what has happened. He says:

“Indian, a pearl away Richer than all his tribe.”

This metaphor shows that Othello did not understand what a horrible thing he committed. He speaks so poetically and beautifully about killing an innocent person. The audience sees that this speech is an inaccurate narration of the play’s events, and it emphasizes this great disparity between appearance and reality.

💬 Quotes about Appearance vs. Reality

“For, sir, It is as sure as you are Roderigo, Were I the Moor I would not be Iago. In following him, I follow but myself. Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, But seeming so for my particular end. For when my outward action doth demonstrate The native act and figure of my heart In complement extern, ’tis not long after But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at. I am not what I am.” – Iago, Act 1 Scene 1
“O heaven! How got she out? O treason of the blood! Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters’ minds By what you see them act. (1.1.)” – Brabantio, Act 1 Scene 1
“So come my soul to bliss, as I speak true. So speaking as I think, alas, I die.” – Emilia, Act 5 Scene 2

♀️ Sexism as a Theme of Othello

Othello themes: women and sexism.

In Shakespeare’s time, women did not possess the same type of freedom modern women have. Elizabethan society was extremely patriarchal, meaning that men were considered superior to women in all regards: intellectually, physically, emotionally. Women were born to be objectified by men, serve them, and be treated as their subordinates or, even worse, their possessions. The Bible supported this point of view, and disobedience was seen as a crime against God.

This belief was deeply ingrained into the fabric of Elizabethan society. Not surprisingly, Shakespeare’s plays reflect this belief as well. The question of the gender roles in Othello becomes one of the most important in the entire play.

There are only three female characters in Othello —Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca. All of them are maltreated by their partners. These three females have different socioeconomic statuses, and it dictates the way male characters approach them and the level of freedom and respect they get.

In the play, men respect the boundaries of married women as they belong to their husbands. However, Iago believes all women are “whores,” and there is no difference between a housewife and a street lady. He claims:

“Come on, come on, you are pictures out of doors, Bells in your parlors, wild-cats in your kitchens, Saints in your injuries, devils being offended, Players in your housewifery, and housewives in … Your beds!”

An analysis of the three women in Othello will allow readers to see that even though all three women in Othello have strong personalities, they have been oppressed by culture and male dominance. This systemic oppression made women content with their secondary status in society and their families. The way Desdemona, Emilia, and Bianca are portrayed in Othello could not be more contrasting. This contrast between them forms the core of the female theme in Othello .

Desdemona is the first female character readers encounter in the play. From the first pages, readers see that she has very little control over her destiny. She tries to resist her father’s authority, but not because she wants to regain her freedom or find her voice. She fights it because she is in love. She wants to marry Othello and live an adventurous life with him.

Desdemona’s first words in the play show the deep respect for her father and his dominant position in her life:

“My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty. To you, I am bound for life and education. My life and education both do teach me how to respect you. You are the lord of my duty, I am hitherto your daughter. But here’s my husband, and so much duty as my mother showed to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor my lord.”

This speech shows Desdemona’s intelligence, her emotionality, her eloquence. In fact, she sounds more eloquent than her father or Othello himself. It is also peculiar that the issue of “duty” remains unchallenged by Desdemona. She sees herself as a possession that should be transferred from one man to another. Desdemona cannot imagine herself being alienated from men completely. She thinks that she only exists in relation to them.

After she is approved to get married, she is treated as a possession by her husband, Othello. She has to ask for permission to go to Cyprus with him, but Othello views her as a commodity that needs transportation and protection. A little bit later in the play, the Duke tells Othello to “use her well.” It can be interpreted in two ways: the first one is to take care of Desdemona. Well, the second one is to take advantage of her, to use her literally.

In Elizabethan times, marriages, especially in higher society, were strictly pre-arranged. Desdemona breaks all the societal norms when she chooses her husband. Iago tells her father, “hath made a gross revolt, tying her beauty, wit, and fortunes in an extravagant and wheeling stranger.” As a result of her actions, Barbantio disowns her.

Later in the play, Desdemona realizes her entrapped position, but it is already too late. She suffers abuse in Othello’s hands, and he verbally abuses her by calling her “whore.” She has no place to go back as her father does not want to see her again.

Desdemona realizes it, saying, “this is my wretched fortune.” She accepts her destiny, even if it is to die.

Emilia, another woman in the play, is Desdemona’s only faithful supporter. She explicitly questions the world’s injustice, “Hath she forsook . . . / Her father, and her country, all her friends, / To be called a whore?”

Emilia does realize that the position women have in society is unjust. In their private conversation, she tells Desdemona that all the problems are coming from men. She is the voice of feminism in Othello. However, Emilia speaks her mind only in front of Desdemona. When it comes to speaking for herself or defending herself, she is not able to do that.

Emilia is Iago’s wife. She obeys him and unknowingly helps him in his scheme. However, Iago does not show any love or respect for her. He is jealous and upset with her as he thinks that Emilia and Othello had an affair. Iago claims that Othello:

“Twixt my sheets He’s done my office.”

Iago objectifies his wife and deprives her of humanity by calling her “seat,” “sheets,” or “office.”

The audience does not feel that Iago has any feelings for Emilia. She is merely a possession for him. He kills her without hesitation because she reveals his evil plan and decides to stay loyal to Desdemona. In a way, in this last scene, she behaved unfaithfully to her husband, and therefore she deserves to be killed.

Her death is very spontaneous and symbolic at the same time. Once Emilia finds her voice and speaks up, Iago uses violence to make sure she keeps silent. Most of the women are silenced in Othello.

Men, who are witnessing the argument between Emilia and Iago, are all armed. It would be reasonable to take a stand and defend an unarmed woman. However, no one intervenes, and she has no means to defend herself.

At the beginning of the play, Iago tells the audience that Bianca is a whore. However, there is no evidence in the text that supports this claim. After all, Iago is not the most reliable source of information in the play.

Bianca is a crucial character because she creates a parallel with Othello, a parallel with Desdemona, and a parallel with Emilia. She is not involved in scheming, Iago is not trying to use her in his plot, and she has the authority of her own.

Besides Othello, Bianca is the only other character in the play who gets jealous. How she reacts proves that Othello’s actions could be prevented. Her love for Cassio does not change after she suspects him of having an affair with another woman. She does not want revenge. She just wants to know the truth.

The way Cassio and Bianca communicate does not look like they are in a prostitute and client relationship. Cassio calls her “my most fair Bianca,” “my love.” They address one another so sweetly that it sounds like two people that are in an equal power partnership.

Bianca is judged and accused by other characters for having an intimate relationship outside of marriage. However, Cassio does not get the same type of judgment for having premarital sex. It proves that there are double standards in Othello’s presentation of women.

For many years, critics and the audience were unfair to Bianca as well. However, she is simply a financially and sexually independent woman. Her life belongs to her and not to her husband or her father. She is aware of her sexuality and challenges the norms.

There are a lot of sexist remarks in Othello that penetrate the text. Iago is a misogynist, and throughout the whole play, he keeps calling Bianca names. He calls her – “strumpet,” “trash,” “creature,” and etc. All of this harassment happens behind her back, so she cannot defend her dignity. Only when Emilia calls her “strumpet” in her face, Bianca responds:

“I am no strumpet but of life as honest as you, that thus abuse me.”

Unlike Desdemona and Emilia, she can speak for herself.

Female Sexuality

Alongside the female oppression in Othello and continuous female abuse in Othello , Desdemona has power over her husband due to her sexuality. Desdemona is not afraid to use her sexuality to persuade Othello. For instance, when she decides to talk about Cassio’s case, Desdemona knows how strong her influence on Othello is. Otherwise, she would not agree to talk to Othello about that. She is beautiful, she is young, and Othello desires her.

The sex theme and sexual remarks are present throughout the play. Mainly, Iago is the one who brings these conversations up. However, even Othello himself talks about sex on multiple occasions.

At the beginning of the play, Othello tells Desdemona, “Come, my dear love,/The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue.” This comment shows that Othello views marriage as a “purchase” and “the fruits” as sex. A woman is expected to fulfill the sexual desires of her husband. However, a woman who shows her sexuality is immediately labeled as a “whore.”

Throughout the play, the word “whore” has been used more than ten times and towards all three female characters. However, most of the time, it is being used in regards to Bianca, the third heroine.All women in Othello are innocent and, nevertheless, suffer verbal and physical abuse. The audience sees these women through the prism of masculinity and male judgment, but it is evident that these women have stories of their own. They have minds of their own, feelings of their own, and voices of their own. Those women are not weak or passive, as many critics believe. They are simply oppressed.

💬 Othello Quotes about Women

“Come on, come on. You are pictures out of door, Bells in your parlors, wild-cats in your kitchens, Saints in your injuries, devils being offended, Players in your housewifery, and hussies in your beds.” – Iago, Act 2 Scene 1
“O curse of marriage, That we can call these delicate creatures ours And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad And live upon the vapor of a dungeon Than keep a corner in the thing I love For others’ uses.” – Othello, Act 3 Scene 3
“But I do think it is their husbands’ faults If wives do fall. Say that they slack their duties, And pour our treasures into foreign laps; Or else break out in peevish jealousies, Throwing restraint upon us. Or say they strike us, Or scant our former having in despite, Why, we have galls, and though we have some grace, Yet have we some revenge. Let husbands know Their wives have sense like them. They see and smell, And have their palates both for sweet and sour, As husbands have. What is it that they do When they change us for others? Is it sport? I think it is. And doth affection breed it? I think it doth. Is ‘t frailty that thus errs? It is so too. And have not we affections, Desires for sport, and frailty, as men have? Then let them use us well. Else let them know, The ills we do, their ills instruct us so.” – Emilia, Act 4 Scene 3

Thank you for reading till the end! Check other articles that explore Othello’s characters and meaning.

  • Othello by William Shakespeare: Entire Play — The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Created by Jeremy Hylton
  • Racism, Misogyny and ‘Motiveless Malignity’ in Othello — Kiernan Ryan, The British Library
  • Othello’s Black Skin — Jeffrey R. Wilson, Harvard College Writing Program
  • Desdemona and Emilia: Female Friendship in Shakespeare’s Othello — Elise Walter, Folger Shakespeare Library
  • Active Agents or Passive Instruments? Female Characters in William Shakespeare’s “Othello” — Wiebke Pietzonka, GRIN
  • Shakespeare’s Othello: Othello’s Jealousy — A. C. Bradley, from Shakespearean Tragedy , Shakespeare
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Study Guide Menu

  • Play’s Plot Explored
  • Act 1 Scene 1
  • Act 1 Scene 2
  • Act 1 Scene 3
  • Act 2 Scenes 1-2
  • Act 2 Scene 3
  • Act‌ ‌3‌ ‌Scenes‌ ‌1-2
  • Act‌ ‌3‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌3
  • Act 3 Scene 4
  • Act‌ ‌4‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌1
  • Act 4 Scene 2
  • Act‌ ‌4‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌3
  • Act‌ ‌5‌ ‌Scene‌ ‌1
  • Act 5 Scene 2
  • Characters Analysis
  • Important Quotes
  • William Shakespeare
  • Essay Topics & Examples
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, May 21). Othello Themes: Racism, Jealousy, & More.

"Othello Themes: Racism, Jealousy, & More." IvyPanda , 21 May 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Othello Themes: Racism, Jealousy, & More'. 21 May.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Othello Themes: Racism, Jealousy, & More." May 21, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "Othello Themes: Racism, Jealousy, & More." May 21, 2024.

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Othello Theme of Jealousy

essay on the theme of jealousy in othello

Othello is the most famous literary work that focuses on the dangers of jealousy. The play is a study of how jealousy can be fueled by mere circumstantial evidence and can destroy lives. (In Othello , the hero succumbs to jealousy when Iago convinces him that Desdemona has been an unfaithful wife – in the end, Othello murders his wife and then kills himself.) It is interesting that Iago uses jealousy against Othello, yet jealousy is likely the source of Iago's hatred in the first place. In Othello , jealousy takes many forms, from sexual suspicion to professional competition, but it is, in all cases, destructive.

Questions About Jealousy

  • What language does Shakespeare use to describe jealousy in the play? Do different characters use different metaphors to describe jealousy, or are there common ways of talking about it?
  • Do other characters besides Othello demonstrate jealousy? In what ways?
  • Is jealousy portrayed as intrinsically unreasonable? Is there a kind of jealousy that is reasonable, or does the play suggest that all jealousy tends to "mock" the person who is jealous?
  • Why is sexual jealousy the focus of the play, rather than a different kind of jealousy? What other kinds of jealousy are included in Othello? (If you're thinking of Iago's jealousy of Othello, keep in mind that this, too, could be sexual jealousy.)

Chew on This

The reason Iago chooses to hurt Othello by making him jealous is that Iago is consumed by jealousy himself. In Othello, Shakespeare proves that jealousy is inherently unreasonable, as it is founded on the psychological issues of the jealous person, not on the behavior of the one who prompts the jealous feelings.

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English Summary

How Is Jealousy Presented In Othello Essay

Jealousy is an emotion feeds over a possible ground of depravity, lack of desired ownership or over a fear of loss. It seeks the potential acts in anger, revenge to cure itself. Shakespeare’s Othello, as a play and the character himself, is tragic because of the working of jealousy at the effective end.

Iago’s confidence in his ravaging plot comes from his knowledge that Jealousy emerges from within. It “ doth mock the meet it feeds on ”.

Shakespeare refutes the idea of mismatch on the surface level with the veracity of the pure love that Desdemona has for Othello. But it is only Othello’s own belief in the deficiency of  ____ that makes him believe the reasonable possibility of his wife’s infidelity.

He only extends his own self, makes Othello fall into his situation, for he knows how damaging, irrationally harmful can jealousy be.

It is not Othello’s social position that is attacked by Iago but he uses Desdemona as an instrument to instigate falsity, something that he could make him believe he didn’t deserve but got.

Rodrigo’s absurdity lies in his imagined, vain idea of love. He fails to take command of his own actions, making Iago take charge of them.


Othello-A Comprehensive Summary and Analysis

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William Shakespeare’s “Othello” is a powerful tragedy that explores themes of love, jealousy, racism, and betrayal. Written around 1603, this play continues to captivate audiences with its intense emotions and complex characters.

In this post, we’ll break down the key elements of “Othello” to help you better understand and appreciate this timeless work.

What You'll Learn

Background and Context

Shakespeare’s life and times.

William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616 in England. He wrote during a time known as the Elizabethan era, named after Queen Elizabeth I. This period was marked by:

  • A flourishing of arts and literature
  • Expansion of English exploration and trade
  • Religious tensions between Protestants and Catholics
  • Strict social hierarchies

Shakespeare wrote “Othello” near the end of Elizabeth’s reign, likely in 1603. The play reflects some of the social attitudes and concerns of the time, particularly regarding race and the role of women in society.

The Genre of Tragedy

“Othello” is classified as a tragedy, a type of play that:

  • Focuses on a main character (the tragic hero) who has a fatal flaw
  • Shows the hero’s downfall, often due to their own actions
  • Evokes feelings of pity and fear in the audience
  • Usually ends in the death of the hero and other major characters

Other famous Shakespearean tragedies include “Hamlet,” “King Lear,” and “Macbeth.”

Plot Summary

Act i: setting the stage.

The play opens in Venice, a city-state known for its wealth and power. We’re introduced to the main characters:

  • Othello: A respected Moorish (North African) general in the Venetian army
  • Desdemona: A young Venetian noblewoman who has secretly married Othello
  • Iago: Othello’s ensign (a low-ranking officer), who hates Othello
  • Roderigo: A wealthy Venetian who loves Desdemona and is manipulated by Iago

Iago is angry because Othello has promoted another man, Cassio, to be his lieutenant instead of him. He vows to get revenge on Othello. Iago and Roderigo inform Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, about her secret marriage to Othello. Brabantio is outraged and accuses Othello of using magic to seduce his daughter.

The scene shifts to the Venetian Senate, where Othello is needed to lead a military expedition against the Turks who are threatening Cyprus. Brabantio brings his accusations before the Duke, but Othello explains that he won Desdemona’s love through his stories of adventure, not magic. Desdemona confirms this, and the Duke accepts their marriage. Othello is sent to Cyprus, with Desdemona allowed to join him.

Act II: Arrival in Cyprus

The action moves to Cyprus, where a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet, eliminating the military threat. Othello arrives with Desdemona, Iago, and others. Iago continues his scheming:

  • He convinces Roderigo that Desdemona will soon tire of Othello and suggests he should stick around to win her over.
  • He plans to make Othello believe that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona.

During a celebration of the victory over the Turks, Iago gets Cassio drunk. When a fight breaks out, Othello arrives and strips Cassio of his rank for misbehavior. Iago then advises Cassio to plead with Desdemona to intercede on his behalf with Othello.

Act III: The Trap is Set

Iago’s plan starts to take effect:

  • Cassio asks Desdemona to help him regain Othello’s favor, which she agrees to do.
  • Iago suggests to Othello that Cassio and Desdemona might be having an affair.
  • Othello begins to have doubts about Desdemona’s faithfulness.

Desdemona accidentally drops a handkerchief that Othello had given her as a gift. Emilia, Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s attendant, finds it and gives it to Iago. Iago plants the handkerchief in Cassio’s room.

Othello, now consumed by jealousy, demands that Iago provide proof of Desdemona’s infidelity. Iago tells Othello that he has seen Cassio with the handkerchief. This false “evidence” convinces Othello of Desdemona’s guilt. In his rage, Othello promotes Iago to lieutenant and vows to kill Desdemona.

Act IV: The Descent into Madness

Othello’s jealousy and anger intensify:

  • He questions Desdemona about the missing handkerchief, but she cannot explain its disappearance.
  • Iago arranges for Othello to overhear a conversation between himself and Cassio, which he manipulates to make it seem as if Cassio is talking about Desdemona.
  • Othello becomes so enraged that he falls into a trance-like state.

Lodovico, a Venetian nobleman, arrives with orders for Othello to return to Venice and leave Cassio in charge of Cyprus. Othello’s erratic behavior shocks Lodovico. Meanwhile, Roderigo becomes impatient with Iago’s unfulfilled promises and threatens to expose him. Iago convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio instead.

Act V: The Tragic Conclusion

The final act brings the tragedy to its devastating end:

  • Roderigo attacks Cassio but is wounded instead. Iago, unseen, stabs Cassio in the leg.
  • Hearing Cassio’s cries, Othello believes Iago has killed him as promised and goes to kill Desdemona.
  • In a heartbreaking scene, Othello smothers Desdemona in her bed, despite her pleas of innocence.

Emilia discovers what has happened and raises the alarm. As the truth begins to emerge:

  • Othello learns that Desdemona was innocent and that Iago manipulated him.
  • Iago kills Emilia when she reveals his deceit.
  • Othello, overwhelmed by grief and guilt, stabs himself and dies beside Desdemona’s body.

The play ends with Iago arrested and Cassio placed in charge of Cyprus.

Character Analysis

Othello is a complex character who undergoes a dramatic transformation:

  • Brave and accomplished military leader
  • Eloquent speaker
  • Loving and trusting husband (initially)
  • Insecurity about his race and outsider status
  • Tendency to act on emotion rather than reason
  • Easily manipulated due to his trusting nature

Othello’s tragic flaw is his jealousy, which Iago expertly manipulates. His descent from a noble, respected general to a murderous, irrational man is the central tragedy of the play.

Example: Othello’s eloquence is evident in his speech to the Senate, where he says, “She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity them.” This shows his ability to win people over with his words.

Iago is one of Shakespeare’s most infamous villains:

  • Extremely intelligent and manipulative
  • Lacks empathy or moral conscience
  • Motivated by jealousy, ambition, and a desire for revenge

Iago’s ability to manipulate others by exploiting their weaknesses drives the plot. He presents a friendly, honest face to others while secretly orchestrating their downfall.

Example: Iago’s true nature is revealed in his soliloquies, such as when he says, “I am not what I am.” This line encapsulates his deceptive nature.

Desdemona is a tragic figure caught in the machinations of others:

  • Loving and loyal wife
  • Independent thinker who defies societal norms
  • Naive and trusting

Desdemona’s innocence and unwavering love for Othello make her death all the more tragic. Her inability to comprehend the evil around her ultimately leads to her downfall.

Example: Desdemona’s loyalty is shown when she says, “My love doth so approve him, That even his stubbornness, his checks, his frowns… have grace and favour in them.” This demonstrates her unconditional love for Othello.

Other Important Characters

  • Cassio: Othello’s lieutenant, an honest and honorable man caught in Iago’s web of deceit.
  • Emilia: Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s attendant, who plays a crucial role in revealing the truth.
  • Roderigo: A gullible nobleman manipulated by Iago for money and assistance in his schemes.

Themes and Motifs

Jealousy and betrayal.

Jealousy is the central theme of “Othello,” driving much of the action:

  • Othello’s jealousy, fueled by Iago’s lies, leads to his tragic downfall.
  • Iago’s jealousy of Cassio’s promotion motivates his villainous actions.
  • Roderigo’s jealousy of Othello’s relationship with Desdemona makes him easy to manipulate.

The theme of betrayal is closely linked to jealousy:

  • Iago betrays everyone around him, including his wife and his commander.
  • Othello betrays his love and trust in Desdemona by believing Iago’s lies.

Example: Othello’s jealousy is vividly expressed when he says, “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on.”

Race and Outsider Status

Othello’s race plays a significant role in the play:

  • His status as a Moor (a term used for dark-skinned people, especially those of North African or Middle Eastern descent) makes him an outsider in Venetian society.
  • Racist attitudes are expressed by several characters, including Iago and Brabantio.
  • Othello’s own insecurities about his race contribute to his susceptibility to Iago’s manipulation.

Example: Iago uses racist language to describe Othello to Brabantio, calling him “an old black ram” who is “tupping your white ewe,” playing on racist fears of interracial relationships.

Appearance vs. Reality

The contrast between how things appear and how they really are is a recurring motif:

  • Iago appears to be honest and trustworthy but is actually deceitful and malicious.
  • Desdemona appears to be unfaithful in Othello’s eyes but is actually innocent and loyal.
  • The handkerchief appears to be proof of infidelity but is actually a planted piece of false evidence.

This theme underscores the play’s exploration of trust, deception, and the dangers of making judgments based on appearances.

Gender and Power

The play also examines gender roles and power dynamics:

  • Desdemona defies societal expectations by choosing her own husband and speaking up in the Senate.
  • Emilia challenges her husband and the patriarchal system when she exposes Iago’s plot.
  • The male characters often view women as possessions or objects of desire rather than as individuals.

Example: Emilia’s powerful speech about wives’ fidelity challenges male assumptions: “But I do think it is their husbands’ faults If wives do fall.”

Literary Techniques and Devices

Shakespeare uses rich imagery throughout the play:

  • Animal imagery often emphasizes base instincts or racist attitudes (e.g., Othello described as a “Barbary horse”).
  • Light and dark imagery represents good and evil, as well as racial differences.
  • Military imagery reflects Othello’s background and the play’s themes of loyalty and betrayal.

Soliloquies and Asides

These devices allow characters to reveal their true thoughts to the audience:

  • Iago’s soliloquies expose his evil plans and true nature.
  • Othello’s soliloquies show his mental deterioration as jealousy consumes him.

Dramatic Irony

The audience often knows more than the characters, creating tension and suspense:

  • We know Iago is deceiving Othello, which makes the general’s trust in him all the more tragic.
  • We know Desdemona is innocent, making Othello’s accusations painfully ironic.


Shakespeare plants hints of future events throughout the play:

  • Brabantio’s warning to Othello that Desdemona may deceive him foreshadows Othello’s later suspicions.
  • The song about the “poor soul” who “sat sighing by a sycamore tree” in Act IV foreshadows Desdemona’s death.

Historical and Cultural Context

Race in elizabethan england.

Understanding the historical context of race relations helps interpret the play:

  • England had limited contact with people of African descent in Shakespeare’s time.
  • Stereotypes and misconceptions about “Moors” were common.
  • The play both reflects and challenges these racial attitudes.

Military and Political Background

The play’s setting reflects real historical conflicts:

  • Venice was a powerful maritime republic in the 16th century.
  • The threat from the Ottoman Turks was a real concern for European powers.
  • Military leaders like Othello could rise to prominence based on merit, even as outsiders.

Marriage and Gender Roles

The play’s treatment of marriage and gender reflects Elizabethan attitudes:

  • Marriages were often arranged for political or economic reasons.
  • Women had limited rights and were expected to be obedient to their fathers and husbands.
  • Desdemona’s choice to marry Othello and her outspokenness would have been seen as radical by many in Shakespeare’s audience.

Influence and Adaptations

“Othello” has had a lasting impact on literature and popular culture:

  • The play has been translated into numerous languages and performed worldwide.
  • Orson Welles’ 1951 version, which emphasizes the racial themes
  • Oliver Parker’s 1995 film starring Laurence Fishburne as Othello
  • “O” (2001), a modern retelling set in an American high school
  • The story has inspired operas, including Verdi’s “Otello” (1887).
  • Novels have reinterpreted the play, such as Toni Morrison’s “Desdemona” (2012).

Critical Interpretations

Scholars and critics have interpreted “Othello” in various ways over the centuries:

  • Racial Analysis: Many modern critics focus on the play’s treatment of race and how it reflects or challenges the attitudes of Shakespeare’s time.
  • Feminist Readings: Some interpretations examine the roles of Desdemona and Emilia and how they challenge or conform to gender expectations.
  • Psychological Approach: Critics have analyzed the characters’ motivations and mental states, particularly Othello’s jealousy and Iago’s malevolence.
  • Post-colonial Perspective: Some scholars view the play through the lens of colonialism and the treatment of outsiders in European society.

Relevance Today

Despite being over 400 years old, “Othello” remains relevant to modern audiences:

  • Its exploration of jealousy and the destruction of relationships resonates with timeless human experiences.
  • The play’s treatment of race and prejudice continues to spark important discussions about racism and discrimination.
  • Themes of manipulation and the spread of false information parallel contemporary concerns about misinformation and “fake news.”
  • The complex characters and their motivations provide rich material for psychological analysis and understanding human behavior.

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The Theme of Jealousy in Othello, Essay Example

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Shakespear’s Othello is one of the most prominent literature works that incorporates the theme of jealousy. In this play the reader can study and understand how jealousy can ruin people lives, even in cases when only the most circumstantial proof of guilt is provided. In this play, jealousy is employ as a weapon, which was unconsciously lethal because its victim tends to demolish himself and those around him. In this play, the theme of jealousy is mainly revealed through Iago and Othello. Iago uses jealousy as the source for his hatred, thus directing it against Othello. By taking different forms, like sexual suspicion or professional competition, the theme jealousy is still destructive for all the characters.

The fact of jealousy in this play shows us how it completely corrupts the lives of its main characters – Iago and Othello. Being noble and famous, Othello occupied relatively high position in the regard of his rulers, thus he had everything he needed and wanted. However, his primary weakness was revealed through his saturating insecurity and self-loathing that granted profuse ground for the scoundrel Iago to capitalize on Othello’s fatal mistake an unreasonable, unfounded jealousy, which drove him to kill what he loved the most, thus putting everything away along with his own life and destiny.

In the very first Act of the play, one of the major characters Iago puts across an ultimate and irresolvable jealousy of Othello, thus suspecting him – “that twixt my sheets / He has done my office.”(1.3.367-368) In fact, Iago sets the tone for the way jealousy effects the characters in the play. Iago appears to be not certain that Othello is actually cuckolding him, thus without having any evidence he is still being suspicious – “I know not if’t be true; / But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, / Will do as if for surety.”(1.3.371) “His destruction of Cassion is not only a means towards the ruin of Othello, but also an end in itself.”(Elster, 109) Thus, Iago is constantly reflecting his own envious and jealous feelings. However, it is Othello and his intense jealous behavior that encompass the major theme of the play. Othello appears to be the center of power, thus his behavior and exercise of free will strongly affects everyone around him. In his turn, Iago uses Othello’s prevailing insecurity and jealousy as the means for instant changes in Othello’s attitude towards Desdemona. As a result, Othello’s jealousy makes him to overestimate the worth of the handkerchief “More than indeed belonged to such a trifle”(5.2.226) and as a result underestimate his wife’s true worth like “the base Indian.”(Korda, 112)

Eventually, Iago uncovers his plans to get even with Othello:

“And nothing can or shall content my soul Till I am even’d with him, wife for wife, Or failing so, yet that I put the Moor At least into a jealousy so strong”(2.1.275-279)

Consequently, as Iago unfurls his plans and intentions, he uses the ‘monster’ metaphor for the description of jealousy in an insincere, ironic warning to Othello to watch out “O beware jealousy; / it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock / The meat it feeds on”(3.3.165) In the scene when Emilia warns Desdemona that a jealousy in men is a “monster / Begot upon itself, born on itself”(3.4.156-157) the thread continues. As a result, Desdemona trembles at the thought Othello’s potential jealousy, thus praying “Heaven keep the monster from Othello’s mind!”(3.4.158) I appears that Emilia serves as an ignorant contributor to Iago’s web through handing him the handkerchief of Desdemona. So, first she assists Iago, and then she ‘kills’ him by revealing his betrayal. But at this point, the jealousy has already killed Desdemona; Emilia will pay a high price of her life as well; it will take Othello by suicide, and will destroy Iago through torture and punishment. Of course, the fundamental root of the tragedy is Othello’s trustfulness and insecurity, thus he listens to Iago’s words and lets himself to be cast adrift in self-doubt and failure to believe that Desdemona can truly be in love with him.

Shakespeare’s Othello is a heartrending paradigm of mankind’s legacy of doubt and disappointment, and the way they poison the free will given to us by God. The tragedy is that if Othello only would have kept believing in Desdemona’s honesty and accepted her devotion and faithfulness, he could have lived a long and happy life. However, we observe completely opposite picture in the play. In fact, the play and its tragedy could be a perfect example of how pure faith and acceptance are more valuable than contaminated free will.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Othello . Classic Books Company, 2001.

Korda, Natasha. Shakespeare’s Domestic Economies: Gender and Property in Early Modern England . University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.

Elster, Jon. Alchemies of the mind: rationality and the emotions . Cambridge University Press, 1999

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Jealousy in "O" and "Othello": a Comparative Analysis

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 701 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Introduction, body paragraph 1: the nature of jealousy in "othello", body paragraph 2: the modern adaptation in "o", body paragraph 3: character motivations and psychological depth, body paragraph 4: consequences of jealousy.

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