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Top 35+ Electrical Projects Ideas for Engineering Students

Engineers are always in search of new electrical projects, and finding meaningful projects makes that search worthwhile. Listed below are some electrical projects for such engineers.

A lot of them may deal in a higher power than electronics engineers are used to, hence safety first.

These hand-picked innovative Electrical Projects are simple as well as interesting and contain a few mini projects too. The EEE Students can use these project kits as their final year project.

Recommended: Mini Projects for Engineers

The list contains a total of 35+ Electrical projects for engineering students. These projects will be very helpful to Electrical Engineering Students.

List of Top Electrical Projects

1. dual axis solar power tracker system.

Dual Axis Solar Power Tracker Electrical Project

This system requires the involvement of a wide range of engineering including mechanical, electrical, and electronics. The mechanical part would involve designing a smooth gear system to move as per requirement. The electrical part would be the working of solar panel and battery requirement.

The electronics would involve designing the sensor system that would generate commands for the gear system to act accordingly. The system employs spur gear for the implementation of the dual-axis solar tracker. The system is implemented using Atmel IC AT89C51.

This electrical project is available at Dual Axis solar tracker system .

2. 5V DC To 48V DC Converter

5V DC To 48V DC Converter

This circuit presents a simple and low-cost DC-to-DC converter for phantom power supplies used in mixing consoles, microphone preamplifiers, telephone systems, and similar equipment.

This project is available at 5V DC To 48V DC Converter .

3. Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Solutions

The application note below should help designers make their own electric vehicle battery charging solutions. If required, help is available from the company.

The Design Guide is available at Design Your Own Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Solutions .

4. USB Power Electric Socket

USB Power Electric Socket

The circuit system of a versatile USB power socket safely converts the 12V battery voltage into stable 5V.

This circuit system is available at USB Power Socket

5. DIY Energy Meter

Presented here is a simple energy meter using Analog Device’s ADE7757 chip for single-phase, 2-wire (phase and neutral) systems used in households.

This circuit system is available at Energy Meter

6. Joystick-Controlled Industrial Automation System

Joystick-Controlled Automation System

This project can be used to control up to four industrial electrical appliances with the help of a joystick and an Arduino Nano board.

This project is available at Make This Joystick-Controlled Industrial Automation System

7. Brushless DC Motor Driver

The brushless DC motor driver circuit described here uses a DRV10866 driver IC to drive a small BLDC fan, without using any position sensors.

This project is available at Brushless DC Motor Driver

8. HVDC Power Supply Design

Circuits like Geiger counters, insect zappers, Nixie tubes, and sensors require high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) supplies. There are various types of HVDC supplies available in the market, including voltage doublers or quadruple, flyback converters, and boost converters.

Some of these have low current output capacity. But with the right calculations using basic boost conversion formulae, we may achieve HVDC supplies capable of clean and high current capacity. Presented here is a boost converter design using an MC34063 DC-DC converter.

This project is available at HVDC Power Supply Design

9. Micro Inverter Electrical Project

A simple low-power inverter circuit is described here, which converts 12V DC into 230V AC. It can be used to power very light loads like night lamps and cordless telephones but can be modified into a powerful inverter by adding more MOSFETs.

This project is available at Micro Inverter

10. Automatic Anchor Light

Federal and international regulations require boats to carry lights during sunset, sunrise, and in conditions with restricted visibility. The number and colors of light vary with the size of the vessel. A masthead anchor light is out of fashion as it is too high above the water level.

This makes it difficult to judge the position of the boat, especially in a pitch-dark anchorage.

This project is a compact yet inexpensive automatic anchor light integrated with an ambient light sensor that turns it on and off automatically.

This project is available at Automatic Anchor light

11. High-Impedance Audio Buffer With JFET

The buffer circuit described here is useful in enhancing the AC input impedance of audio amplifiers used with pickups in musical instruments. Signal sources for amplifiers and passive pickups for electric guitars require very high impedance of over 5-mega-ohm.

This can be achieved easily with a junction field-effect transistor (JFET) but may require a special design of the printed circuit board ( PCB ), appropriate construction techniques of the box, and proper cables and connectors.

This project provides a solution for a high-impedance, low-cost, low-quiescent current, buffer-follower based on PN4393 JFET.

This project is available at High-Impedance Audio Buffer With JFET

12. PIN Diode-Based Fire Sensor

This is an ultra-sensitive fire sensor that activates an alarm when it detects fire. In this circuit, a sensitive PIN diode is used as a fire sensor for longer-range fire detection. It detects visible light and infrared (IR) in the range of 430 nm – 1100 nm.

Visible light and IR from the fire activate the sensor to trigger the alarm. It also detects sparks in the mains wiring and if these persist, it gives a warning alarm. The anode can easily be identified from the top-view flat surface of the photodiode.

A small solder point to which a thin wire is connected is the anode and the other one is the cathode terminal.

This project is available at PIN Diode-Based Fire Sensor

13. Plus-Minus 5V Supply From 9V Battery

Op-amps require a dual-polarity supply for proper operation. When working with a battery supply, it becomes difficult to get a dual power supply for the op-amps.

Presented here is a simple circuit that provides ±5V from a 9V battery. This is one of the most interesting projects among Electrical Engineering Project Ideas.

This project is available at   Plus-minus 5V Supply From 9V Battery

14. Infrared Motion-Sensing Relay Switch

This project is designed for use with all kinds of medium-power automobile/domestic 12V DC loads. It is a simple solid-state relay (SSR) switch, controlled by a standard passive infrared ( PIR ) motion sensor module.

A PIR sensor is an electronic device that can measure IR light radiating from objects in its field of view. Apparent motion is detected when an IR source with one temperature (such as a human being) passes in front of an IR source with another temperature (such as a wall).

The PIR sensor module, centered on a PIR sensor, has elements made of crystalline material that generates an electric charge when exposed to IR radiation.

This project is available at Infrared Motion-Sensing Relay Switch

15. Low-cost LPG Leakage Detector

The circuit for an LPG leakage detector is readily available in the market, but it is extremely expensive and usually based on a microcontroller (MCU). This project presents a low-cost LPG detector that you can build a circuit easily.

The main objective of the circuit is to detect LPG leakage anywhere. At the heart of the circuit is dual comparator IC LM393 (IC2). It is used to compare two different voltages, in this case, reference voltage and MQ-6 gas sensor output voltage.

This project is available at Low-Cost LPG Leakage Detector

16. Low-Cost Dusk-Dawn Controller

This dusk-dawn controller is built around a light-dependent resistor among other components. The common battery supply is used for operating the circuit as well as for load, that is, for power LED/small inverter circuits.

Resistors work as voltage dividers and current limiters in the circuit. LEDs are used as circuit deactivation indicators. An n-channel MOSFET is used for the switching action of an LED light.

This project is available at Low-Cost Dusk-Dawn Controller

17. Auto Power Switching Mains, Solar Inverter, or Generator

This project is based on the AEIOU heuristic framework of the Design Engineering Approach. Design for Performance, Safety, and Reliability is ensured in terms of switching modules. Design for Ergonomics and Aesthetics is ensured in terms of Priority set by the user regarding the availability of Power Source.

Design for Manufacturability and Assembly is ensured in terms of Generator, Inverter, and Solar Plates.

Also, based on choice and availability, different circuits using Eagle can be worked upon.

This project is available at Auto Power Switching Mains, Solar Inverters, or Generator

18. Signal Generator and Inverter Using NE555 Timers

Often we require a squarewave signal generator with adjustable frequency, almost equal high and low output pulses, and adjustable amplitudes.

Here we present a simple, useful, and low-cost signal generator built around NE555 timers. Using external switches, you can control or select frequency ranges as per your requirements.

This project is available at Signal Generator and Inverter Using NE555 Timers

19. Configurable RS232 to TTL to I2C Adapter

RS232 signals cover a much longer distance than standard TTL and I2C signals.

These signals have better noise immunity as well. RS232 is a well-known standard supported by many popular ICs and therefore is still widely used. Sometimes we want to send TTL and I2C signals over a longer distance. This project describes how these signals can be extended through RS232 lines.

This project is available at Configurable RS232 to TTL to I2C adapter

20. Vibration Activated Smart CRO Probe

This is a simple, low-cost, energy-saving, and device-saving circuit for an electronics lab, service center, electronics workshop, or wherever a CRO is in use. Generally, in a repair station, a CRO is used for a very short time. But in most cases, the user fails to switch off the CRO immediately after use.

The service engineer mostly concentrates on faults rather than noticing whether the CRO is on or off. A vibration sensor turns the CRO off when the probe is idle for a specified amount of time.

This project is available at the Vibration Activated smart CRO probe

21. 4 Channel Multi-mode Audio Amplifier

Sometimes we need configurable multichannel amplifiers for experiments or for use in offices or schools. Here is a project based on TDA1554Q, configured for multi-mode functions with four-channel outputs. It has four channels and each channel can provide around 11W over a load of 2 ohms and around 6W over a load of 4 ohms.

The circuit will also work with loads of 4 ohms to 16 ohms. The gain of each channel is fixed at 20dB in single-channel mode and 26dB in BTL mode.

This project is available at 4 channel multi-mode Audio amplifier

22. Design and analysis of single-stage amplifier using C++

Many formulae are required to calculate the parameters involved in a circuit of a transistor-based audio amplifier. Some of these values involve resistors, coupling capacitors, bypass capacitors, power consumption, and the current flowing through different components.

A good amount of time is required to calculate such parameters even with a regular calculator. Using a C++ program, all the parameters can be calculated in a fraction of a second.

This project presents a single-stage transistor audio amplifier that requires a total of 19 formulae to obtain the values of components and analyze the circuit.

This project is available at Design and Analysis of Single-stage Amplifier using C++ 

23. Four-channel Video and Audio Sequencer

This next project is a simple circuit for switching your CCTV camera outputs sequentially. It switches four video and audio channels sequentially, one at a time. It is built around a 555 timer few other components. The timer is configured as an astable multi-vibrator.

A single-side PCB of the four-channel video and audio sequencer is provided along with the component layout. After assembling the circuit on the PCB, enclose it in a suitable plastic box.

This project is available at a Four-channel video and audio Sequencer

24. Automated USB-controlled Power Switch

Power for TV and set-top box (STB) is derived from a common switchboard. The switched-mode power supply (SMPS) of the TV continues to draw a small amount of power from the mains and the STB is not switched off when you switch off the remote.

This project presents a circuit that can control the main power of an LED TV and the DTH STB. It also protects the devices from harmful initial surges when the power comes back after a power failure.

This project is available at Automated USB-controlled Power Switch

25. 1kW Sine Wave Inverter

An inverter provides power backup for mains-based appliances in the event of a power failure. Most of the inverters available in the market have complicated circuit designs and are not very economical. Some of them produce a square-wave output, which is undesirable for inductive loads.

This project presents a simple inverter circuit that produces 50Hz quasi-sine-wave output using a single IC CD4047 and some discrete components making it a very cost-effective solution.

This project is available at 1kW sine wave Inverter

26. Four Frequency Generator

There is a need for TTL and CMOS signals by stable frequency sources for the development, testing, and maintenance of digital and analog electronic circuits. These sources are also useful for fast-checking oscilloscopes, probes, multimeters, frequency meters, and other measurement equipment.

This project proposes a circuit that produces fixed frequencies of 4MHz, 6MHz, and 10MHz and adjustable square waves with variable frequencies from around 10Hz to more than 100kHz.

This project is available at 4 Frequency Generator

27. Programmable 3-Phase Controller

A programmable time switch is useful in designing an automatic on/off controller for the 3-phase electric motor. This next project proposes a system with two programmable time switches for setting the starting and stopping times of the motor.

Two control circuits interface with the start/stop switches of the 3-phase motor starter. There is a provision for setting days of the week for the controller to function as well.

This project is available at Programmable 3 phase Controller for ON/OFF motor

28. High Power LED Stroboscope

A stroboscope is a convenient and accurate instrument to measure the speeds of rotating objects in homes or industries. One can use it to find the speed of fans, motors, or any other rotating object.

It is a flashing light that provides sharp light pulses at a variable rate. An object rotating with a frequency matching the pulsed light is observed as stationary.

This project is available at High Power LED Stroboscope

29. Password-Based Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker protects electrical circuits from damage in case of overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to detect a fault condition and interrupt current flow. The system uses an 8-bit microcontroller of the 16f877A family.

An EEPROM stores the password and is easily changeable. The password is entered through a keypad and a relay opens or closes the circuit breaker, which is indicated by a lamp.

This project is available at Password based circuit breaker

30. Over/Under Voltage Protection of Electrical Appliances

Presented here is an under/over-voltage protection circuit that protects refrigerators as well as other appliances from under & over-voltage. The operational amplifier IC LM324 (IC2) is used here as a comparator.

This project is available at Over/Under Voltage Protection of Electrical Appliances

31. DC Panel Meter using Arduino

Panel meters in regulated power supplies are used to display electrical parameters like voltage and current. Presented here is a circuit to display the DC voltage and current of power supplies, including DIY-type ones.

This project is available at DC Panel Meter using Arduino

32. Multi-Status Indicator Using Single RGB LED

The monitoring system in battery chargers, water-level indicators , etc. uses LEDs to indicate the status of certain conditions. Presented here is a multiple status indicator circuits that use a single RGB LED  for seven different indications.

This project is available at Multi-Status Indicator Using Single RGB LED

33. Simple Low Power Inverter

Here is a simple low-power inverter that converts 12V DC into 230-250V AC. It can be used to power very light loads like window chargers and night lamps, or simply give shock to keep intruders away. The circuit is built around just two ICs, namely, IC CD4047 and IC ULN2004 .

This project is available at Simple Low Power Inverter

34. Power-Saving Relay Driver

In many circuits, the switching action is performed by a relay, which in turn activates an external load. The power consumed by the relay may be unsuitable for battery-power system applications.

Here is a simple solution using some inexpensive components to considerably save power.

This project is available at Power-Saving Relay Driver

35. Automatic Water Pump Controller

Here’s an automatic water pump controller circuit that controls the water pump motor. The motor gets automatically switched on when water in the overhead tank (OHT) falls below the lower limit.

This project is available at the Automatic Water Pump Controller 

36. Mobile Cell Phone Charger

This is a circuit for a mobile cellphone charger that uses three NiCd cells or eight pencil cells to charge the battery connected at the output terminals.

This project is available at Mobile Cellphone Charger

37. Generate Power Using Microturbine

Presented here is the Hydropower Generation circuit that generates power from a water pipe in a building using a microturbine. The generated electricity can be used to charge batteries, which can be used for emergency lighting or other such purposes. The microturbines produce kinetic energy which in turn helps in Power Generation (Electricity).

This project is available at Generate Power Using Microturbine

Hope these electrical engineering project ideas were useful to you. If you have such interesting electrical project ideas, feel free to post them in the comment section below.

This article was first published on 18 October 2016 and was recently updated in June 2024.

  • electrical projects



its helpful..thank u

I want a more new I ideas for the agricultural quickly

How about a English grammar book instead? I have no idea what you just said my friend.

Should be: “an English grammar”. You also need it!

ha ha.. they are same

Hypocrite, lmfaoooo!

Hi Venkat, you can get electronics projects related to agriculture here .

we have found that in power system especially distribution system meet with huge voltage drop, now there is a way of mitigation of such issues. if you have any ideas about it, you can because it serious issues in country. thank you

Microcontroller based Smart load management system can be a solution

Its really amazing … it helped me alot in my final year project.

Thank you for your feedback.

Hello sir, I’m EEE student i want relate electrical engineering skills to agricultural field, to make go green, by avoiding fuels can you give some ideas on that topics. please its my humble request

U may use sensor or timer

I need a innovative ideas for the innovation day.I am currently pursuing diploma in Electrical Engineering. Can anyone help me

HI can i have yr email to assists me in my final year project?

I am an electrical engineering student in Ghana,I wish to use your project for my project so please help me with the full project.thanks

Which project are you looking for, let us know.

Need help on the Wireless Power Transmission…..

Kindly elaborate your query.

Hello I’m a final year student and need a project topic can you assist me with that please

Are you looking for anything specific? If you are, we can direct you to the proper project. Let us know.

Hello… Plz can i get more new and innovative ideas about electrical projects .. I ll b thankfull if i get

Hi Shirin, Are you looking for anything specific? If you are, we can direct you to the proper project. Let us know.

Something more agriculture related!

electronic related smart project needed

Plz…can i get more new electrical projects ideas which cannot be implemented still now.I’ll be thankful if I get.

i am 6 semester student i want idea for final year project if u can give me idea about power generation

have u got an idea??????

Hello…..can I get a project that will send a text massage to specified phone numbers when there is a feeder outage in a distribution substation. Please I need your help cause I am an electrical student pursuing bachelor degree in electrical and electronics.

hi am joe frm gh..pls dont u guys have any progect on reneawble energy

Hi, You can search the projects from the search bar given at the upper right corner of the website with keywords like solar, wind turbine etc.

Sir, farmers are dying because of electric shocks while watering the field. I wanna do project such that it should be helpful them. Help me sir

something related to core electrical without use micro controller

hey I need a project topic construct of forward and reverse starter

I need a special projects so that it can help me in my master study in electrical engineering..

sir/mam i’m looking for an embedded system based major project based on very new idea.. plzzz…help me,

good day pls how do i get recents power related projects .am a PGD ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING STUDENT

I want new ideas about electrical projects ..

Hi sir/mam can I get more project ideas related to the agricultural.

I’m doing my mini project… I liked the idea of smart cro probe…can u help me with full project details.. Please

I need the new electrical based projects without microcontroller

i need the new harmonics filters projects full project details

Comment: Machine Vital Card

A project am working on to be able to monitor various machine operation parameters I.e. temperature, vibrations, stability and operational integrity. able to control any system abnormalities through electrical mitigation and intermittently send data to an off site PC. please help

haue u done this project???????/?// broo

I want Power reduction project for a production plant… can u please guide which project will help to reduce power . this can be Globely also…means what other industries doing there best in terms of power saving..

Hello Namasate sir/madam can get any new electrical project ideas on which i can work on it as i am great need of project ideas please help me sir/madam I hope you will do the needful

I want more details about password based circuit breaker.please help me with that.

I want your help to my final year individual project ..please give me good topics for that

I have 1 idea Sir I think it is a audio base active system where we can speak start up the gadjets like TV fan lights etc will be start automatically when the voice can be recognised it. I hope this idea can be like u Sir

its an old idea …siri and google assistant is available in market , and is functional in many smart homes in many areas..Thanks

Please sir, help me with electrical project topics on power, for ND level sir

hello sir, the I dears presented here are just amazing. however, am having project which I want build a circuit which should be functioning as a fuse but it shouldn’t burn out when times of over and undervoltage comes.

Could you please be clear on your query?

Looking for a electrotech project to achieve my b tech

Electronics4u is the Best platform to know about the world electronics .

Can i get some projects related to power for my fyp??

Hello i am studying in embedded system. I need a topic related to Hardware development along with testing, Research and development. Please can you suggest me some topics?

Good day , I’m an electrical engineering in need for thesis topic

Comment: please help us with B Sc/ HND final year project.

I’m james an electrical engineering student please I need you’re idea for our thesis.we want a not very hard to make but nice idea.please

Thank u v. much. They are really very good and useful projects. They can be done as graduation projects for Physics and Engineering students.

hello sir, im Bello an electrical engineering student, wanna know if you can help me on my graduation project of designing remote control device based on single chip microcomputer. any advices or help thank you

I want to start a project on “AUTOMATIC ANCHOR LIGHT” bt I don’t know where to start this project & also how to do this project. I want you to suggest me a right possible way to do this project. It will be very greatful to you sir.

It’s really helpful. Thank you so much. Pls I need help on how to step up DC.

i am final year student in electrical engineering please suggest a new ideals related to electrical project

We have added several projects on this page, please have a look: https://www.electronicsforu.com/category/electronics-projects/hardware-diy

could you please suggest me a final year project topic related to power system or renewable energy?

Is electronic engineering d same thing as electrical electronic engineering

Apart from that, Wireless Power Transmission is one of the great technology in electrical engineering which will change the world.

hello , sir you have provide better idea , but i want new inovatives idea about agriculture bcoz we need to build our word

I need something related to core electrical without using micro controller

You can check all the projects here .

Very interesting blog..looking forward to see more

That’s really a lot of ideas. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

hi Everyone please help find a simple research topic with a clear promble statement

Overload protection of a transformer.please can it be a final year project work, and how would that be


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electrical engineering capstone project ideas

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electrical engineering capstone project ideas

ECE Capstone Projects

ECE Capstone Projects

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About the ECE Capstone Course

The Carnegie Mellon University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers an ECE Design Experience course (18-500) every semester.  As part of this class, students work in teams to develop interdisciplinary capstone projects over the course of a semester.  The students start from a blank slate, developing a problem statement, and iterating through the design process, to build a working project under several real-world constraints.

This site provides links to both completed and ongoing projects, where students can document their entire design process.  We will periodically feature some of the most successful and/or interesting projects.

Fall 2024 Capstone Projects

  • Team A2: 🌊Splash💦
  • Team A4: AutoAlert
  • Team A5: WalkGuard👩🏻‍🦯
  • Team A6: Search and Rescue Drone
  • Team B4: InSync
  • Team B5: Style Sprout
  • Team B6: IntelliSense
  • Team B7: EcoSort
  • Team C0: DrumLite
  • Team C2: StudyBuddyBot
  • Team C3: MapSweep
  • Team C5: The Sound of Sight
  • Team C6: SkateBack

Spring 2024 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: Brailliant
  • Team A1: Pour-over-and-over
  • Team A2: HoverRail
  • Team A3: Bike Buddy
  • Team A4 - BeatLock
  • Team A5: Chargin'
  • Team A6: Aqualotl
  • Team A7: deciBright
  • Team A8: Pongpal
  • Team B0: EchoBudget
  • Team B1: Homerover
  • Team B2: SmartStand
  • Team B3: Music Mirror
  • Team B5: Guardian
  • Team B6: EyeSPy
  • Team B7: Scotty Maps
  • Team B8: Landhopper
  • Team C0: CueTips
  • Team C1: WeARClean
  • Team C2: TailorBot Room Designer
  • Team C3: Fast Grocery Checkout
  • Team C4: maGomoku
  • Team C5: FPGA-AMP
  • Team C6: Cameraman
  • Team C7: Search and Shine
  • Team C8: BenchSense
  • Team D0: Nav-Assist
  • Team D1: Sugar DB
  • Team D2: SightMate
  • Team D3: IntelliStorage
  • Team D4: UNOmatic
  • Team D5: Sonic Score Saxophonics
  • Team D6: Analog Optimization
  • Team D7: EchoSign
  • Team D8: Traffix
  • Team E0: Focus Tracker App
  • Team E1: GiveMeASign
  • Team E2: NutrientMatch
  • Team E3: Crisis Critters
  • Team E4: The Embellisher
  • Team E5: Sous-Chef
  • Team E6: TransLingualVisionary
  • Team E7: IntelliRack
  • Team E8: TableCast

Fall 2023 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: Go Learning Buddy
  • Team A1: Mouseketool
  • Team A2: SuperFret
  • Team A3: N-body
  • Team A4: DigiBraille
  • Team A5: FollowMe
  • Team B0: AutoErasing
  • Team B1: Circuit Simulpaper
  • Team B2: Harmony Instruction Tool
  • Team B3: Scenescribe
  • Team B4: Taichine
  • Team B5: Transcriber
  • Team B6: SoundSync

Spring 2023 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: Tactile Chess
  • Team A1: Multi-room Space Heater Temperature Control
  • Team A2: CyberJewelry
  • Team A3: LiftOff
  • Team A4: TeleTouch
  • Team A5: Dr. Green
  • Team A6: Flying Under the Radar
  • Team A7: Jack of All Trades
  • Team A8: Sensor Suit
  • Team B0: No Time to Dine
  • Team B1: FP(KEY)A
  • Team B2: Can U Cardio?
  • Team B3: Mobile Steering
  • Team B4 : Robotic Trash Concierge
  • Team B5: LaserDrop
  • Team B6: Anywhere Piano
  • Team B7: PetSTAR
  • Team B8: FireEscape
  • Team C0: People Counter
  • Team C1: B.L.I.N.D.S.
  • Team C2: WiSpider
  • Team C3: Best Ball
  • Team C4: PosePal
  • Team C5: DriveWise
  • Team C6: Picture This!
  • Team C7: 8 Ball lifeguard
  • Team C8: ScentBot
  • Team D0: KaraoKey
  • Team D1: The Emperor’s New Instrument
  • Team D2: Keynetic
  • Team D3: Meal By Words
  • Team D4 - Synesthesia
  • Team D5: Symphony AI
  • Team D6: The Well of Maxwell
  • Team D7: accompanyBot
  • Team D8: Musician's Scribe

Fall 2022 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: Crosswalk Guardian
  • Team A1: FIRE AWAY
  • Team A2: PARROT (Parallel Asynchronous Robots, Robustly Organizing Trucks)
  • Team A3: Where is the Barcode?
  • Team A4: Recycle Queen Robot
  • Team B0: Seamless Autonotator
  • Team B1: Aware-ables
  • Team B2: Talking Piano
  • Team B3: ScottySeat

Spring 2022 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: NeuroController
  • Team A1: Paymodoro
  • Team A2- The Bat-Belt
  • Team A3: FlexDance
  • Team A4: VR Ping Pong
  • Team A5: Hit It!
  • Team A6: Touch TrackIR
  • Team B0: Where's the Milk?
  • Team B1: Nature Photography Robot
  • Team B2: DrawBuddy
  • Team B3: FreshEyes
  • Team B4: Ride-ar
  • Team B5: KBBQ for KBBeginners
  • Team B6: Food Tracker
  • Team C0: CodeSwitch
  • Team C1: kerby
  • Team C2: LearNet
  • Team C3: Smart Traffic Camera
  • Team C4: CryptoHash
  • Team C5: Smart Parking Lot with Monitoring and Automated Vehicle Guidance
  • Team C6: Proj^2
  • Team D0: Accessibility Pi/O
  • Team D1: Is Mayonnaise an Instrument?
  • Team D3: WoodwindMania
  • Team D4: My-Flection
  • Team D5: W.R.I.S.T.
  • Team D6: EyeHear
  • Team E0: To the 60's and Back
  • Team E1: FPGA Accelerated Fluid Simulation
  • Team E2: SAR
  • Team E4: Occupancy Monkey
  • Team E5: ASL Learning Platform
  • Team E6: waitr

Fall 2021 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: D.R.O.P.
  • Team A1: FPGA-Assisted Verification
  • Team A2: Virtual Whiteboard
  • Team A3: FreeSeats
  • Team A4: ShelfBuddy
  • Team A5: TracKat
  • Team B0: Real Time Video Upscaling
  • Team B1: Ultimate Chess
  • Team B2: Lights Out
  • Team B3: BikewardsView
  • Team B4: Gesture Glove

Spring 2021 Capstone Projects

  • Team B0 : Autonomous Debris Collector
  • Team B2: Smart-Wardrobe
  • Team B3: FarmFresh
  • Team B4: Chess Teacher
  • Team B5: Work it
  • Team B6: AutoVot
  • Team B7: CarMa
  • Team B8 - Smart Mirror
  • Team B9: Hawkeye
  • Team C0: Backpack Buddy
  • Team C1: FP-GAme
  • Team C2: WiFi Localization
  • Team C3: Magic Mice
  • Team C4: HoloPyramid
  • Team C5 - AR FruitNinja 🍉
  • Team C6: Bin There Dump That
  • Team C8: Whiteboard Pal
  • Team C9: GrubTub
  • Team D0: BARI (Bluetooth Audio Rejiggering Instrument)
  • Team D1: SharpCam
  • Team D2: xWalk
  • Team D3 SmolKat: A Smart Kitchen Assistant
  • Team D4: Travelling Mind
  • Team D5: Acapella
  • Team D6: StenoPhone
  • Team D7: Pitch Perfect
  • Team D8: conFFTi
  • Team E0: Tartan's Gambit
  • Team E1: Drivaid
  • Team E2: Barista Bros
  • Team E3: Graduating Gardeners
  • Team E4: Automatic Gentleman
  • Team E5: Hot Pot Bot
  • Team E6: SHTTL <Xander L, Manny H, Joanna W>
  • Team E7: PokerCam
  • Team E8: Smart Poker Table
  • Team E9: Espresso Overflow
  • Team B1: FocusED

Fall 2020 Capstone Projects

  • Team A0: Falcon: the Pro Gym Assistant (FPGA)
  • Team A1: BLOKUS
  • F20 TEAM A2
  • Team A4: Fmpga
  • Team A6 : Thermonitor
  • Team B1: ChaseMe Alarm Clock
  • iRecruit | Team B2
  • Team B4: Smart Library
  • ASL Interpreter
  • MiGroBox: A 3D Printer For Greens

Spring 2020 Capstone Projects

  • A0 - AutoPuzzlr
  • Team A1: Cooperative vs Non-cooperative Autonomous Driving
  • Project Belka
  • Team A6: Edge Computing For Smart Home Devices
  • Team A7: Scalable Machine Learning Using FPGAs
  • Team B0: KATbot
  • Team B1: Asterism
  • RIP: Robotic Indoor Plotting
  • Team B3: 2D23D
  • Team B4 : That's So Fetch
  • Team B5: Codeblox
  • Real Time Localization System for Sports
  • Team B7: Resisthor
  • Team C1: Tetris: a Frame Perfect Game Adventure
  • Team E0: Sonicam
  • Team E1: 3D Printing Error Detection System
  • Caprice (Team E3)
  • Team E4: Run With It
  • Team E6, Carnegie Mellon ECE Capstone, Spring 2020
  • Team E7: Body Buddy
  • Team F0: *wave* Google
  • Team F2: Cookiebot, A Gesture Based Home Robot
  • Team F3: No Face
  • Team F5: E-MO

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Electrical Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

Integrating solar panels into a home's electrical systems, or hybrid vehicles make excellent capstone projects for electrical engineers.

College Projects in Electronics

A capstone project for an electrical engineering student involves extensive research. The project is designed for the student to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the course work. Projects such as designing an electrical generator, an electric motorcycle, a red light detector or a controller to rotate a solar panel are some of the capstone project ideas for electrical engineering students. These capstone projects help the student to demonstrate his competence in his field, while at the same time giving him a platform to interpret and apply classroom information to real life engineering solutions.

Portable Emergency Generator

Try a capstone project that is relevant to a community service. Designing a portable electrical generator that can be powered by a standard bicycle is a capstone project idea that can be tried by students who have interest in community service. A generator which creates electricity using the drive train of a bicycle can be used in areas where unplanned electricity power outages are likely. This kind of device has commercial applications, and requires the students to overcome a number of practical engineering obstacles.

Electric Hybrid Motorcycle

Another ecologically friendly capstone project is to design a motorcycle that operates on an electric motor rather than an internal combustion engine. This project has immediate applications in the community, and requires the student to answer many electrical engineering criteria. An electric motor controller can also be designed to regulate the power used by the motor, and the electric cycle could even be adapted with solar cells to recharge the cycle when not in use, or while driving down the road. The systems required to design this electric motor hybrid motorcycle helps the students to understand her field clearly.

Red Traffic Light Detector

A red traffic light detector is another capstone project idea for electrical engineering students. The red light detector system has direct application to the automotive industry. The warning system is designed to warn drivers of an impending red light when they are driving. This project can help save the lives of pedestrians, and protect drivers from accidents caused by inattentiveness to traffic light changes. The detector system would alert the driver when he approached a red light at an unsafe speed, or approaches a light that will turn red as the driver approaches.

Directional Control for Solar Panels

In order for solar panel efficiency to be optimized they should always be directly pointed at the sun. Direct exposure to the sun's rays allow the panels to absorb the maximum amount of heat energy. A capstone project could involve designing a controller that rotates the solar panel on dual axis. This project keeps the solar panel pointed at the sun and thereby maximizes the power generated. This project would involve taking into consideration hazardous conditions such as high winds, heavy snowfall and other inclement weather.

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  • University of California, Santa Barbara: Senior Capstone Projects

About the Author

Since 2003, Timothy Burns' writing has appeared in magazines, management and leadership papers. He has contributed to nationally published books and he leads the Word Weavers of West Michigan writers' group. Burns wrote "Forged in the Fire" in 2004, and has published numerous articles online. As a trained conference speaker, Burns speaks nationally on the art, science and inspiration of freelance writing.

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Electrical Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with the study and design of devices, systems and equipment which use electricity, electromagnetism, and electronics. Before students of electrical engineering can graduate from college, they will be required to do an electrical engineering capstone project. Although there are many projects ideas that students can use, they really need to be careful while choosing a specific one to use. A captivating project idea will assist students in impressing their professors and hence obtain high grades. We know that many students don’t have enough time to brainstorm for impressive projects Ideas, and we’ve decided to help them get impressive ideas easily. We have listed the best and the most impressive electrical engineering capstone project ideas below. Students will find it easy to work with all the ideas below since they are very interesting. We strongly believe that the ideas below will allow students to execute their projects without going through stress. By using the ideas below for electrical engineering capstone project, students will make the most out of their education.

  • Automatic Anchor Light
  • Electric hybrid motorcycle
  • 1kW sine wave inverter
  • Automotive computing enterprise
  • Blue marble security
  • Four frequency generator
  • Ted traffic light detector
  • Automated USB controlled power switch
  • DC Panel Meter using Arduino
  • Directional control for solar panels
  • Solar Panel Charge Controller
  • High Power LED Stroboscope
  • Linear Timer For General Use
  • Power-Saving Relay Driver
  • Wireless communication enterprise
  • Plus-Minus 12V Supply From 9V Battery
  • Configurable RS232
  • High-Impedance Audio Buffer
  • TTL to I2C Adapter
  • PIN Diode Based Fire Sensor
  • Wireless Power Transfer
  • Portable emergency generator
  • Dual Axis Solar Tracker System
  • Single-stage amplifier using C++
  • Infrared Motion-Sensing Relay Switch
  • Low-cost LPG Leakage Detector
  • Vibration Activated Smart CRO Probe
  • 2 channel multi-mode audio amplifier
  • 2 channel video and audio sequencer
  • Password-Based Circuit Breaker
  • Low-Cost Dusk-Dawn Controller
  • Efficient Mini Inverter
  • 3 Phase Induction Motor
  • Visitor Sensing Welcome Mat
  • Fire Detection and Alarm
  • Automated Smoking Zone Monitoring And Alerting
  • Advanced Wireless Power Transfer System
  • Smart Portable Cell Phone Jammer
  • Power Supply With Auto-Switching
  • Emergency Auto Led Light
  • Voltage Multiplier Circuit Microcontroller
  • Accurate Room Temperature Controller
  • Four Quadrant DC Motor Control
  • Activity Automation Using Programmable Switching
  • Multi-Power Supply Using 3 Separate Sources For Uninterruptible Power Supply Cycle
  • ATMEGA Microcontroller based Power Saver
  • CPWM Control System for Induction Motor
  • Smartwatch for Seniors
  • Smart Charger Monitoring System That Uses Arduino
  • IOT based Smart Radiation Monitoring System
  • IOT Based Automatic Road Accident Detection
  • Rotating Solar Inverter
  • RFID Based Water Pump Automation System
  • IOT Based Heart Monitoring System
  • IOT based Fire Alarm System using Raspberry Pi
  • Dual Axis Solar Tracking System
  • Dual Axis Weather Sensor
  • AC Power Strength Controller System
  • Face Recognition Door Lock System That Uses Raspberry Pi
  • Automatic Road Reflector Light
  • Vertical Axis Wind Turbine With Inverter
  • Auto Water Pump Switcher
  • Direction Controller and Induction Motor Speed
  • Digitally Controlled Home Automation
  • Grid-Tie Rotating Solar Rooftop System
  • Hybrid Inverter
  • Wireless Mobile Charging
  • Switching Load By Touch
  • Under Voltage and  Over Voltage Load Protection
  • Protecting Induction Motor From Temperature
  • Generating DC High Voltage With Marx Generator
  • Mini Windmill Power Generation
  • Dual Power Generation Solar
  • 6 Volt DC to 12 Volt DC Converter
  • Ac to DC Using Voltage Multiplier Circuit
  • Smart Wireless Battery Charging
  • Windmill Generator
  • Single Phase Induction Motor
  • Testing The Life Cycle Of Electrical Loads With Counter
  • Controlling Solar Energy Charge
  • System To Measure Solar Power
  • Configurable Password Security System
  • Load Control System Using DTMF
  • Supervisory Controlling For Remote Industry
  • Flexible Ac Transmitter System That Uses TSR
  • Data Acquisition  For Remote Industry
  • Double Phase Induction Motor With Smooth Start
  • Lamp Illumination Control With Precision
  • Load Shedding Time Management That Has A Programmable Interface
  • Cycle Switching For Industrial Power Control
  • Device Load Monitor That Has A Programmable Meter For Auditing Energy
  • AC Power Controller That Has A Programmable Interface
  • Industry Power Consumption Penalty Minimization That Uses AFPC Unit Project
  • Commercial Power Saver
  • Smart Burglar Alarm
  • Wireless FM Transmitter Mic
  • Wireless Cell Phone Detection System
  • Automated Night Lighting System
  • Clap Based Fan Switching System
  • Plant Moisture Monitoring System
  • Sound Operated Timer Project
  • Wireless Doorbell Calling System

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ECE 188 Senior Capstone Projects

The Capstone Project three-course series gives Electrical and Computer Engineering students the opportunity to put their education into practice. Students, working in small teams, design, build, and present a challenging engineering design project. The design challenges, of which each team selects one to tackle, are proposed and supported by UCSB faculty research groups or by industry. Projects typically involve design and implementation of both hardware and software systems. The projects span a variety of topics in the field of electrical and computer engineering, including for example consumer electronics, embedded systems, control systems and circuits, image processing, AI / machine learning, biomedical devices, power electronics, energy generation and conversion, sensor networks, electrochemical and biological sensors, and solid-state emitters and detectors.

Every year at the end of Spring quarter, the final projects are displayed at an event with each student group participating in a project presentation and poster sessions. A panel of experts from academia and industry judges each of the teams and selects award winners.

2024 ECE 188  Sr. Project Awards

2024 ECE 188 Senior Project Awards

ECE 188 Best Projects: Mercury, Commpact and REMED-E

EE Capstone – Award Winning Video

EE Capstone – Award Winning Video

EE Sr Project Spotlight: "FusionSense"

EE Sr. Project Spotlight: "FusionSense"

Senior project course.

Student groups integrate the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier coursework to tackle a challenging engineering design project which is proposed and supported by a UCSB faculty research group or by an industry supporter. The project is evaluated through written reports, oral presentations, and demonstrations of performance.

Electrical and Computer Engineering 188A/B/C

Instructors 2023-24: dr. ilan ben-yaacov (188abc).

188A (Fall quarter) - ECE 188A primarily focuses on the initial project design and development stage. After choosing a project, each group begins researching the critical elements of their project, developing a preliminary project plan with a set of preliminary design specifications, and gives a short preliminary presentation to the class describing their projects. Students then continue to refine their plan and begin prototyping and design testing. By the end of the quarter, each group finalizes their project plan and product design specifications, demonstrates a prototype of at least one system/element of their project, and gives a 45 minute presentation detailing (1) The Project Plan, (2) Product Design Specifications, (3) Budget, (4) Prototyping and Testing, and (5) Division of Labor (individual responsibilities).

188B (Winter quarter) - In ECE 188B, the groups continue to develop their products and refine their specifications, begin PCB design (where applicable), and at the end of the quarter demonstrate a second product prototype. Each group also participates in a "Mid-Project Design Review" with their instructors and sponsors in which they provide details on all the work done to date and provide a plan for completion of their project.

188C (Spring quarter) - In ECE 188C, the final quarter of the sequence, students finalize their designs and product specifications, and then assemble and debug their products. At the end of the quarter, each group presents and demos their final product at an ECE annual event. 

2024 EE Capstone Projects

The ECE 188 posters and presentations were held at the 2024 COE Capstone Engineering Design Expo (EDX)

Best Projects

  • Excellence in EE : Mercury  – an 1/10 scale F1 race car capable of autonomously mapping and racing through any enclosed track without any human intervention
  • Outstanding Innovation in EE : REMED-E  – autonomous robot for performing maintenance on naval ships
  • Distinguished Technical Achievement in EE :  Commpact  – an electrically small antenna and high-impedance low-noise amplifier for low frequency communication systems

Project Descriptions

  • *  SkyTerra : Elevate, Navigate, Hydrate
  • *  EmberEye : Safety Beyond Sight
  • *  Quickdrop : Because waiting is so yesterday
  • Percept : Precision Detection for Seamless Protection
  • BabyBot 2024 : Transforming Care Through Playful Automation
  • Soldermatic : Precision Soldering for Quantum Innovation
  • Remora : Streaming your Marine
  • Mercury : Accelerating Autonomous Vehicles
  • Sol-aIR Surveys : Autonomous Inspection Made Easy
  • Lithoptimize : Intelligent Control for High-Performance EUV Photolithography
  • Commpact : small size, BIG REACH
  • REMED-E : Robots with Resolve

* Multidisciplinary Projects : Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

2023 EE Capstone Projects

The ECE 188 posters and presentations were held at the 2023 COE Capstone Expo

  • Excellence in Multidisciplinary Engineering + Best Presentation : GANER
  • Excellence in EE : LineAlert
  • Outstanding Innovation in EE : FusionSense
  • Distinguished Technical Achievement in EE : ControlSense
  • EE Best VIdeo : AMPED
  • * Lab D4H BabyBot: Empowering Movement at Home
  • * Robot Rodeo (Navy) Ganer: Saving our Sailors
  • * FLIR SafeSight: Eyes that Save Lives
  • AMPED: Keep it clamped and play with AMPED
  • ASML ControlSense: Twice the speed. Twice the power
  • Hespanha Lab F1TENTH Velma: Finding today, Creating tomorrow
  • Buckwalter / Madhow Lab FusionSense: Reliable Radar for Real-Time Results
  • Smith Lab GreeNN: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Image Classification
  • Northrop Grumman LineAlert: Taking the Power Out of Wildfires
  • OceanPulse: Listening to the Earth's heartbeat
  • SnaCoil: Lie down, Heal up
  • Manjunath Lab StressNet: Success is stress-free

* Multidisciplinary Projects: Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

 2022 EE Capstone Projects

The ECE 188 posters and presentations were held at the 2022 COE Capstone Expo

Recording of the 2022 Project Presentations

  • 1st place :  Mimmo  ( Madhow  &  Buckwalter  Labs)
  • 2nd place :  B.A.I.  ( S.L. Smith Lab )
  • 3rd place :  MPL  ( Theogarajan Lab )
  • Multidisciplinary Project Award :   Spyglass  ( FLIR )
  • Faculty Choice Award:   DropVision  ( ASML )
  • Beehive (Alizadeh Lab): an algorithm that manages a fleet of autonomous vehicles for ride sharing service
  • Unlimited Vision (Arthrex): an enhanced instrument imaging system for arthroscopic surgery that tackles supplemental surgical awareness
  • DropVision (ASML): an algorithm that examines vaporized plasma droplet images to evaluate and determine its performance in EUV lithography
  • * Babybot (Lab D4H): project description coming soon!
  • neutronomous (Hespanha Group): a one-tenth scale autonomous car using real-time perception and control to navigate to its destination on a college campus
  • * Spyglass (FLIR): a stabilized visible and infrared camera system geared towards day and night sailing
  • * TRILOW-G (Hawkes Lab): Payload for lunar gravity sub-orbital spaceflight to demonstrate the performance of a novel, bio-inspired, soft-robotic anchoring device for use in granular media
  • TD-75 (HGH): a low-cost temperature calibration device that reduces error in thermal imaging devices
  • Hortibeam (Horticulture Lighting): a platform for developing a laser based horticultural lighting system that can provide optimized light for plant growth without the detrimental heat generation of LED and lamp based lighting systems.
  • Mimmo (MIMO): a distributed MIMO radar system pushing the boundaries of automative safety
  • PiLC (PLC/HMI): a low cost noise proof Raspberry Pi based Programmable Logic Controller
  • * SAAPER (Robot Rodeo): a robot designed to autonomously maneuver through a Navy ship environment and is equipped to complete tasks along the way in order to eliminate the need for humans to be in harm’s way
  • B.A.I. (Smith Lab): Optical Neural Network (B.A.I): a neural network based on optics that can classify images with low energy consumption
  • MPL (Theogarajan Lab): Maskless Projection Lithography – a novel lithography process that allows the end-user to go straight from design into manufacturing devices

2021 EE Capstone Projects

  • Excellence in Electrical Engineering : Hylev
  • Outstanding Innovation in EE : Audi0hm
  • Distinguished Technical Achievement in EE: P.A.M.A.
  • Faculty Choice : SensrLink
  • Best Video : P.A.M.A.
  • Excellence in Multidisciplinary Engineering : Ionic Skies
  • Audi0hm: a device that allows a guitarist to pair their guitar to any common bluetooth speaker and play in realtime
  • Auto Path: a smart robot equipped with built-in route finding algorithms and motion controls that enable itself to guide it to any designated spots
  • *Civil Robotics: an electric vehicle that traverses rough terrain and clears a 6 to 9 ft. path from flashy fuels to contain brush fires
  • Hylev: configurable research and testing platform for low power magnetic levitation
  • *Ionic Skies: a new type of aircraft that will completely solve the drone buzzing and noisy problems
  • *Lab D4H Babybot: an automated at-home ball therapy tool that circumvents the cost and limitations of a cerebral palsy household
  • MyLigraphy: a maskless lithography system that is more appropriate for situations where the use of a reflective mask is inefficient
  • P.A.M.A.: Personal Automated Medication Assistant - an app with tabulated medication information schedule for users
  • Panterra: a UGV that navigates to its destination autonomously through various obstacles and stores a map of the GPS coordinates
  • ASML ReTina: a high-speed algorithm to efficiently identify droplets from images captured by cameras in a lithography machine>
  • Senseeker SensrLink: a VCO based ADC topology to address analog scaling issues by using circuit blocks created digital circuits to perform analog functions
  • Stacking Solutions: collaborative robotics/multi-agent robotics
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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering • UC Santa Barbara 2024 © Regents of the University of California

Best Capstone project ideas for engineering students

Best Capstone Project Ideas for Engineering Students

“Projects that we have completed demonstrate what we know-future projects decide what we will learn”

                                                                        -Dr. Mohsin Tiwana

We learn more from life from the things that we experience than from the things that we read in books and classes because theoretical knowledge doesn't give us practical experiences. That is why we need to do projects, and when it comes to doing engineering, then doing projects is must, I mean If you have put those 4 years of your life in learning engineering and its subjects then what is its use If you can’t work on a project by using and upgrading your project?

So, the next thing that haunts each one of us before thinking of doing something new is where to start from?

Well, then you are at the right place because here I am going to discuss with you some good capstone or let's say it some good capstone engineering projects that you can have a good time with!

Have you checked out our projects on Mechanical yet? Mechanical Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. 3D Printer

2. Automobile Prototyping

3. CNC Machine using Arduino

4. Project Management with Primavera

So, Are You Ready For It!

Learn more about capstone projects

What is a capstone Project in Engineering?

A capstone project is the research work of a student for a year or more, in which the student selects a particular topic and does the required research by gaining information from all the possible sources that he/she can.

This lets the student in having a better understanding of the subject and give an edge over others because others have just studied theoretical skills but you have gone in-depth and understood the subject.

Practical experiences are always appreciated more than the theory because that’s where your real knowledge is tested.

Sounds cool! Right?

Now, let’s come to some best capstone engineering project ideas!

Explore more capstone projects

Latest projects on Mechanical

Want to develop practical skills on Mechanical? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Best capstone engineering project ideas

1. Home Automation Using IoT

Anyone who denies from the idea of automatically working homes is lying for sure because we humans are always super-duper lazy in doing households and keep looking for the easiest ways in which we don't have to work? Sounded Relatable?

Well, then we can make a capstone engineering project in which you can learn how to pair all your electronic home appliances with Bluetooth so that they can perform the given task on your own by one click or command by the simple IoT applications.

Learn more about this project

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Mechanical Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs. Start Learning Mechanical today!

2. Animatronic Hand:

What if you could create a machine that could be controlled just by your hand and finger gestures or facial expressions or a robot intimating animal.

Well, such robots are called Animatronic Hand!

These also imitate humans and animals.

This capstone engineering project will help you in understanding the making and working of this Animatronic Hand

By working on servo motors which will act as actuators with the design, fabrication and flex sensors,

You will also get to work with Ardunio Architecture and its programming

3. Smart Energy Meter using GSM:

The generation and supply of electrical energy are one of the widest used applications of electrical engineering.

This capstone engineering project is a great learning source for the students who want to go in the field of energy generation and control and talking about this smart energy meter then this is called smart because it keeps and gives the record of total energy consumed and the energy lost via sending SMS periodically so that the unnecessary loss of  energy can be avoided

This project also involves Arduino Architecture and its Programming. Along with it, you will learn about the electrical loads and measurement and the working and the application of the GSM technology.

4. Home Automation System:

Home automation is a kind of project you will always have fun working with, this project is unlike the earlier discussed Home automation project, as it has so much more to learn like the system framework of home automation, then you will learn about the Bluetooth communication.

That’s all? No dear, along with this you will also learn about the relay driver circuits and also about the 8051 architecture and its programming!

5. Solar and Smart Energy Systems

The solar energy obtained from the sun’s rays is a renewable source of energy and that’s the reason Solar energy and its smart energy generation are something which will never go out of trend, at least till the earth is getting sun rays in abundance.

This is one of the reasons electrical engineering is more persued and job secured as electrical energy is also used for the generation of energy in big plants and industries.

Hence, to enhance such energy generation skills and knowledge one must learn about the  Solar energy and smart energy systems.

This project will help you in the study of the IR sensors and its applications. You will also get an idea about the Solar and Smart energy system frameworks.

Along with it, you will learn about the working of the solar panels and the application of Ardunio Architecture and its programming.

6. Automatic Solar Tracker

As discussed earlier solar energy is among the most used and most in-demand resources, and automatic solar energy tracking is an important skill to learn because not only sunlight alone matters but also obtaining it from the right direction matters to make the most out of it.

And such Electrical project helps one in gaining more and more industrial exposure and giving one an edge over others.

In this capstone project, you will learn about the working of solar energy systems, along with it you will also learn about the photoresistors in the electronic systems and will have to work with Arduino Architecture and planning.

Learn more about Automatic solar tracker

7. 3D Printer

No doubt 3D printing is the future of every developing nation and as the technology will keep on going forward the demand for the people who know 3D printing will keep on increasing.

Therefore, knowing, understanding and practising 3D printing with a self build-up 3D printer will give you an edge over others.

By working on this capstone project, you can easily print out a 3D object from a CAD model. This course involves the application of Ardunio programming with additive manufacturing and the use of RAMPS Board, SMPS &motor Driver.

8. Smart Traffic Lightening Systems:

The traffic in the world is increasing as the population of the world is increasing.

Urbanization is on the rise and day-by-day different methods and systems are getting used to making things smarter and smarter.

So, it is the same trying to be done with the traffic lights. This capstone engineering project will help you in making smart traffic lighting systems.

Any kind of Ardunio, electrical, mechanical or mechatronic projects can be picked up as a capstone project like:

  • Automation with PLC
  • Persistence of Vision
  • PCB Manufacturing
  • Health Monitoring wearable

For more information about good capstone projects for engineering you may go on the links below:

  • Mechatronic capstone project
  • Raspberry-pi capstone project
  • Electronics capstone project
  • Mechanical capstone project

I hope you got some good capstone projects from this article. If you have any queries let us know in the comments section.

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electrical engineering capstone project ideas

ECE Senior Design Projects

Submit your ideas for the 2024-25 ece senior design capstone project.

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

Do you or a colleague have a project idea to make the world a better place? The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is seeking engineering projects for seniors to complete during a 2-semester capstone course called “Senior Design.”

We seek projects that aim to solve real-world problems. All projects should reveal an engineering challenge in industry, government, non-profits, small businesses, start-ups, or every-day life. Selected projects will be presented to seniors at the beginning of the semester in early September. During the Fall semester, teams evaluate concepts to meet client requirements, propose a delivery plan, and build first prototypes. In the Spring, teams test and  deliver the completed HW/SW system to the client.

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

The most common feedback reported by Senior Design clients is appreciation for helping to prepare students for employment and real-world challenges.

You can see examples of recent projects here .

Project Guidelines for Fall 202 4

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

Again this year, we are especially interested in a few interdisciplinary projects that include students from Mechanical Engineering and/or Biomedical Engineering on the design team.

Project descriptions are requested by August 23. After selection, teams will contact the project client for additional details. Clients are not required to provide financial support to teams, although many choose to donate equipment or other resources.

Project Description

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

The following information is needed if you would like to submit a project for consideration by the students:

  • Short project title
  • Description of the technical problem
  • Expected deliverables at the end of the course
  • Contact information for the project client
  • Items or budget to be supplied by client (if any)
  • Intellectual property issues (if any)

This should be about 1 or 2 pages (no specific format).

Client Involvement

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

Clients can participate as much or little as they prefer during the year. It is expected that each client connects with their team in September, during which the team will reach out to learn more about the project and review specific engineering requirements. All teams prepare interim and final documentation, including engineering drawings as appropriate. This documentation and the final project deliverables are given to the client at the end of the course.

Email to Submit Project Idea Here

Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you. I personally appreciate your support of our programs and our students!

Alan D. Pisano Associate Professor of the Practice Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering BOSTON UNIVERSITY 8 Saint Mary’s Street, Boston, MA 02215 T (617) 353-6264 | F (617) 353-6440 |  [email protected]

  • Tools & Services
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  • Nuclear Science and Engineering
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Capstone Senior Projects

Student explains his senior design project at Expo

Upload a Project

Our goal is to seamlessly facilitate the student’s transition from Oregon State University to the engineering profession. All undergraduates in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science complete a three-term course sequence (October-May) to expose students to the challenges of engineering design and project management. This career preparation experience includes open-ended design, project management, quality project artifacts (schematics, code, etc.) and documentation, and production of a final prototype in small team environments.

These projects culminate in the high-energy Engineering Expo in May where students present their Capstone Senior Project posters and demonstrate their prototypes. The annual event routinely attracts thousands of people, including industry representatives.

What about online students?

In addition to the bachelor's degree programs mentioned above, Oregon State University also offers a postbaccalaureate degree in computer science. This program's capstone project lasts for one-term instead of three.

Online students are also now able to enroll for the first time in the bachelor's degree  program, including a three-term capstone sequence.

We need you!

Common questions, how big of a project can be done (project scope).

Project scope is typically what you would assign one summer intern. Projects must be non-critical path. Ideally, projects represent a complete system or product that integrates analysis, simulation, and design as appropriate. Keep in mind, this is the first exposure many of the students will have had to this type of project environment. If you are unsure if your project idea is a good fit, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a call. If you prefer, just upload the project .

Can my project include students from more than one major (electrical, computer science, etc.)?

This can be done, but requires extra planning. Multidisciplinary projects provide great experiences for students. Upload your project idea as soon as possible.

Tell me more about the project selection process. What can I do to help ensure my project is picked by students?

When uploading project ideas , keep in mind the students "bid" on the projects (with the faculty keeping teams appropriately balanced). So do not underestimate the "coolness" of your project proposal. Your enthusiasm can be infectious!

Students can see your projects ahead of time and "apply" to your project. You can review these applications (at your discretion) and indicate your preferences to the course instructors.

When do I need to submit my project by?

Upload project ideas by Sept. 1 .

What does a sponsorship entail?

For those organizations who are able, consider a sponsored Capstone Senior Project. Companies with more than 500 employees are asked to consider a $2K sponsorship contribution. For businesses with less than 500 employees, consider a $500 contribution.

Organizations who sponsor two Capstone Senior Projects will want to consider INSPiRE Industrial Affiliates membership. INSPiRE membership includes two or more sponsored Capstone Senior Projects.

Each capstone project has at least one mentor. These mentors come from a wide array of backgrounds — including non-technical fields. Our program has had mentors from industry, national labs, non-profit and community organizations — anyone can be a mentor. The only requirement is that you care about your project, and your student team, and are willing to meet with the students for at least one hour per week.

Share your project ideas with our class.

Contact us . We would love to hear your project ideas!

Capstone Sponsors

Company Logos

Videos of past projects

Pedestrian tracking, aircraft tracking arm, robot comedy, navigation assistance for the vision impaired, engineering expo 2017, eclipse megamovie, iot mailbox.

Other ways to search:

  • Events Calendar
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2021 Senior Design Projects

To wrap up their undergraduate experience at CU Boulder, electrical, computer and energy engineering students participate in a year-long senior capstone project that gives them a chance to put their skills into practice on real-world projects. Some projects are sponsored by companies and faculty members, while others are initiated by team members who had an innovative idea they wanted to work on.  

This year, 17 teams completed their capstone projects under challenging circumstances that required a lot of flexibility and creativity. Thank you all for your perseverance and  congratulations on a job well done!  

  More Expo Photos

  • Graduate Programs
  • Online Programs

Explore the Projects

2024 Electrical & Computer Engineering Capstone Designs

Territorial acknowledgement.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering program acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is co-ordinated within the Office of Indigenous Relations.


Kankar Bhattacharya

Kankar Bhattacharya Professor and Chair

Dear Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Graduating Class of 2024, 

As you finalize your Capstone Design Projects for the Symposium on March 13, 2024, take a moment to look back and appreciate how resilient you all have been, to continue with a major portion of your degree program’s work and study terms through the global pandemic of Covid-19, and come out of it successfully. I am sure all of us have become more compassionate, understanding and aware of the society around us. At this juncture of the ECE Fourth Year Design Symposium it is indeed a time to celebrate your achievements. 

You have put in late hours preparing for the courses’ mid-terms, assignments and final exams over the past five years, while this Capstone Design Project is one of the few which provided you the opportunity to work on an open-ended design project. I eagerly look forward to walking around the display booths of our ECE Capstone Design Projects and see your innovative minds, creativity and talents at work. 

Do enjoy showing off your work to all of our symposium attendees, who come from all across the university community, from the industry, and your families. And take pride in a job well done!  

The ECE Department is very proud of all of you and we wish you the very best of successes on this wonderful day! 

Kankar Bhattacharya Signature

Kankar Bhattacharya  Professor & ECE Department Chair 


1. ​​​​​​ Community Compass 2.  Polaris Projector 3.  ResuMate 4.  CrowdQuote 5.  AI Insulator Inspector 6.  Classimple 8.  ActivityFlow 9.  Wizard GM 10.  Theraplay  11.  Voyager  12.  SolarSaver 13.  ChromaScape 14.  Motion Capture Lite 15.  Braille Radar 16.  DriveGuard 17.  Tempo Tracks 18.  BLock 19.  SoulScribeAI 20.  BOTanical 21.  Reeltime 22.  FridgeBuddy

23.  SmartFlagger 24.  RoomEase 25.  Who? Wat? Where? 26. AutoGlide 27. Easy Eats 28.  Check Me Out 29.  Indoor Wireless Positioning and Navigation System 30.  ZenAudio 31.  SoleQuest 32. Sight Through Sound 33. FinEval 34. FitCheck 35. Voxogram 36. Calamity 37. Pigeon 38. VisiWarn: Wearable Obstacle Alert 39. MoistureMapper 40. KeeperVision 41. MockMe.ai: Personalized Mock Interviewing Platform 42. CampusAlert 43. ProtoShell

44. GraphIt 45. PADAS (Portable Advanced Driver Assistance System) 46. Colorize: An MR Aid for Colour Blindness 47. Fink 48. LineRef 49. WatSat: The Satellite Smartphone Add-On 50. MediVault 51. MyHealth 52. PresGo 53. CuttleCal 54. Flourish 55. ByteBucks 56. FitCam 57. TypeCash 58. PerfectSip 60. Foodie 61. Medibot Team 62. LOTTA 63. FlexFlow 64. DrinkMaster: A Smart Bartending Machine 

65. StreetSmart 66. Serendipity 67. OtterTuner 68. ProcrastiFighter: Task Kickstart for Students 69. FriendTube 70. Waterloo Drivers App 71. FeedMe 72. GeniVision 73. AutoHelm 74. AR Bytes 75. HandSense 76. Stratosphere 77. Project Pulse 78. Team Nexus 79. MeetWise 80. GuidingLite 81. AiNalog 82. SmARt Deck 84. InsulatorVision: Deep Learning Fault-Detection 85. CoastalQ 86. Tripsynced

community compass group photo

1. Community Compass

 Aditya Nair, Vatsal Patel, Ian Rokas, Sid Sudhir, Frank Yan

Community Compass, aims to foster community cohesion and enhance safety by enabling users to report incidents and create local events. With an intuitive interface, Community Compass empowers individuals to actively participate in their neighborhoods. Members can promptly report incidents, such as safety concerns or suspicious activities, allowing users to stay informed and vigilant. Additionally, the app facilitates event creation, encouraging residents to organize events that improve community cohesion. By promoting communication and collaboration, Community Compass strives to create safer, united, and thriving communities.

Polaris Projector

2. Polaris Projector

Jenny Chen, Phoebe Luo, Hamza Sayed-Ali, Kelly Tan

Moving is deemed among the top five most stressful life events. Taking down all your wall decorations and placing them back up in your new home is very difficult and time consuming. The objective of our project is to design a wall décor placement assistant, using a projector, camera, distance sensors and image processing, to project images of your wall decorations onto the wall, to scale and perfectly level no matter how the projector is placed.


3. ResuMate

Arsh Ahluwalia, Jacob Au, Drasti Mehta, Anda Su, Jason Wang

In today's competitive job market, applicants want to know how employers are evaluating their applications. Imagine having a powerful tool that accurately parses, just like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) used by employers, and displays your resume's key information to you in a matter of seconds. ResuMate is precisely that tool - a user-friendly web application designed to optimize your resume parsing experience. By leveraging our team's knowledge of web development, data processing, parsing, and algorithm design, ResuMate offers a free and easily accessible solution.


4. CrowdQuote

Matthew Guan, Kevin Le, Andrew Li, Carl Zhang

CrowdQuote is a versatile crowd estimation system designed to provide real-time data and future predictions on the total number of people in specific locations. This data is collected from camera footage and is counted efficiently and accurately using image processing. The non-intrusive design and easy/cheap scalability means this system can be used in many situations ranging from fire safety to simply finding a quiet time to visit the library.

AI Insulator Inspector

5. AI Insulator Inspector

Muhana Begum, Vincent Chen, Claudia Dioneda, Maria Pavlovic, Mehr Sharma, Daniel Thero

In power grids, polymer insulators leverage hydrophobic surfaces to operate; as a result, their effectiveness diminishes over time. This project focuses on developing a convolutional neural network that uses deep learning to classify these insulators, and then categorize them into the IEEE-defined levels of hydrophobicity ranging from 1 (high) to 6 (low). With augmented training datasets and select preprocessing techniques, the EfficientNetB0-based model will be able to provide timely, accurate assessments via web and mobile applications, lowering the barrier of entry to maintaining such insulators.


6. Classimple

Tiantong Hu, Jinghao Lei, Alex Xie, Yutong Yang

Classimple is a web application that addresses the challenges of course selection at the University of Waterloo by providing students with insightful information to streamline the process. It allows students to input their desired courses for the upcoming semester and presents schedules in a user-friendly calendar view and intelligently recommends related courses based on the student's academic history. Our application offers the advantage of a calendar preview feature and the generation of personalized curriculum plans tailored to each student's unique interests and academic history.


8. ActivityFlow

Henry Huang, Haoning Jin, Chris Qu, Xu Tao, Ji Wu, Jianan Wu

Activity Finder is an innovative web app for university students to post and find activities based on time and location. It offers personalized recommendations through machine learning and a diverse database system, enhancing socializing beyond academics. Unlike Facebook, it prioritizes hosting and discovering personalized activities, fostering a vibrant campus community. Challenges include user engagement, data privacy, scalability, and competition from existing platforms. Nevertheless, with the right execution, it has the potential to significantly enhance the social experience of students.

Wizard GM

9. Wizard GM

Navya Arora, Austin Chalakkal, Vansh Mago, James Martin, Nihal Potdar

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) as a hobby has seen a resurgence in recent years and is expected to keep growing. Our project, "AI Dungeon Master", recognizes that a capable Dungeon Master is vital for an engaging D&D experience. Unfortunately, many friend groups lack access to such dedicated individuals. To bridge this gap and make D&D more accessible, we are developing an AI-powered Dungeon Master. We aim to create an AI system that can weave stories, portray non-player characters (NPCs), manage battles, and maintain game continuity, offering an immersive text-based gaming experience.


10. Theraplay

Jocelyn Lo, Stephanie Park, Christopher Rzepka, Enel Troci

Youth often face challenges in adhering to physiotherapy routines due to lack of motivation and enjoyment, with 28% not completing their exercises. TheraPlay, an innovative app integrated with video game-based physiotherapy, aims to address this by making exercises more engaging. Utilizing myoelectric sensors, exercises control the game, providing a fun performance tracking method and encouraging a 15% improvement on average. Suitable for various skill levels, TheraPlay enhances engagement and motivation by combining therapy with interactive gaming while offering a unique, enjoyable approach to physiotherapy for youths.


11. Voyager

Joshua Lee, Jinyi Li, Justin Lu, Chris Tan, Gillian Tsoi

Voyager is an online vacation itinerary scheduling and suggestion tool whose mission is to make travel planning simpler and collaborative. Given a few parameters, the user receives a baseline itinerary they can edit as they please, and the suggestion tool is always available to help schedule events. All voyages can be shared with friends and family so that everyone can make the most of the vacation. By providing this service free of charge and readily available online, anyone can plan their dream vacation.

Chris Chan

Samoil Petrevski

Kayshini Shan

Kayshini Shan

Raghav Nitish Chandra

Raghav Nitish Chandra Vobbalareddy

12. SolarSaver

Accelerating climate change has increased the innovation of technologies based on renewable energy sources. There are existing technologies that harvest solar energy on a small scale for powering low-power devices such as smartphones. However, their solar intake efficiency reduces by up to 40 percent by being stationary. The SolarSaver is a portable and low-cost structure for powering low-power devices that harvests the Sun's energy optimally through innovative sun-tracking technology.


13. ChromaScape

Hojun Choi, Ethan Dagnone, Adrien Pringle, Erin Smith

ChromaScape is a series of lights that can display arbitrary patterns according to their physical position, with an AR-like interface to control the patterns they show. The lights in the array are identified using computer vision and labelled physically, where they sit in 3D space, to make programming light arrays more accessible.

Motion Capture Lite

14. Motion Capture Lite

Nicolas Bao, Kevin Kalathil, Arjun Mehta, Aryaman Singh

Motion Capture techniques are used extensively in the entertainment, sports, and robotics industries, but usually require expensive and elaborate setups. Our project, "Motion Capture Lite" aims to develop a low-cost and streamlined motion-capture solution using semi-passive imperceptible LED markers ("beamers") and photosensors ("tags"). The tags detect light that is emitted by the beamers through grey-coded masks. The recorded motion data is sent to a computer, where a software tool utilizes signal processing to convert the data into a visualization.

Braille Radar

15. Braille Radar

Justin Mendes, Andrei Paraschiv, Harsh Patel, Raven Sim, Zeen Wang

We help lead the blind to the braille. Our phone app and sensor combination allows blind users to better navigate unfamiliar indoor spaces and locate nearby braille signage. This increases their independence and confidence in navigation, without sacrificing braille literacy. The app will beep or vibrate with increasing frequency to indicate proximity. Building owners can use the companion admin app to set up and manage all of the tags within their building.


16. DriveGuard

Adshayan Balendra, Soumil Dharaskar, Preyansh Kachhia, Rishan Ratnasivam, Sathursan Santhirakumar

This project aims to create a real-time monitoring system that uses cameras to detect symptoms of distracted driving and provides timely feedback to ensure safe driving. Implemented as a mobile application, the system analyzes driver behavior for signs of inattentiveness due to unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, the app offers analytics, allowing drivers to review their journeys and gain insights to improve their driving practices. The portability of this solution sets it apart from embedded vehicle systems, making it universally applicable to any car.

Tempo Tracks

17. Tempo Tracks

Garrick Clarke, Rizwan Kassamali, Alexander Ma, Matthew Panizza, Kuba Rogut, Sterlyn Tang

TempoTracks aims to help users improve their workouts by adjusting the pace of music according to their workout plan. TempoTracks will find and use the best songs from your playlists for your workout, and fine-tune the speed of the song so the user keeps up with the pace of the music. Utilizing live health data such as cadence or heart rate from smartwatches, TempoTracks can adjust the speed of the music to match the current pace with a desired goal.


Sean Chen, Rose Lin, Gary Ye, Zihe Zhang

Our project aims to establish a distributed locker booking/management system for University gyms (CIF and PAC). Users can book specific lockers, accessed within a grace period using a wireless locking mechanism. Verification will be done through a web-based platform on their cellular devices. This system aims to enhance existing locker facilities, addressing issues of first-come, first-serve access and the need for personal locks. It will improve organization, prevent item displacement, and enhance physical security.


19. SoulScribeAI

Mariac Achuoth, Saarang Agarwal, Jaishree Balamurugan, Saurodeep Majumdar, Meagan Shimonov

Statistics Canada found that around 2.3 million Canadians had unmet mental health needs due to limited access, costs, and discomfort in sharing emotions. SoulScribeAI aims to address these concerns by making therapy accessible for everyone through AI-assisted journaling. We provide empathetic and introspective responses generated by fine-tuning instruction-based large language models on proven therapy methods. SoulScribeAI provides a calm interface to enhance user experience and protects users from detrimental model responses. Additionally, our cloud infrastructure ensures scalability, fault-tolerance, and data privacy using encryption.

20. BOTanical

Shuja Agha, Akshayan Ahilan, Yahya Fahmi, Omar Salem

Weed removal is a task that must be carried out to abide by provincial laws and prevent the spread of invasive species that deteriorate the health of surrounding plants. Equipped with a camera for weed identification, the BOTanical eliminates the need for manual weed removal by carrying out the process autonomously using a mobile arm once lawn weed is identified. A comprehensive extraction procedure which minimizes the regrowth of weeds and an Android application to manage the device gives the BOTanical a competitive advantage.


21. Reeltime

Wardah Bilal, Johnny Chen, Nourish Cherish, Tazik Shahjahan, Emily Tou

Reeltime is an Automated Sports Analyzer System aimed at enhancing sports viewers' experience by automatically generating highlight reels from soccer matches. The system utilizes computer vision and deep learning techniques to identify key events, such as goals, assists and saves. A custom machine learning model, trained on video segments of important soccer events, efficiently extracts highlights. The design ensures accuracy and seamless integration while enabling sports enthusiasts to stay updated without time investment.


22. FridgeBuddy

Paul Chang, Seongkyu (Andy) Kim, Jacob Rintjema, John Yoon

In Canada, 58% of food produced is lost or wasted, with 60% of that amount being avoidable through better planning, storage and awareness. According to the WHO, a leading cause of adult disease stems from poor adolescent food and health habits. FridgeBuddy is a tool to provide young adults with healthy eating habits while reducing food waste. The service leverages Image Recognition and Label Scanning to take inventory of your food and expiration dates, and intuitively recommends recipes for the user for upcoming expiring food.


23. SmartFlagger

Geri Bylykbashi, Vinay Chaudhari, Hanu Mayilvahanan, Vraj Patel, Saleen Shahriar, Muzammiluddin Syed

SmartFlagger is an AI solution for construction firms, to automate their process of directing traffic affected by roadside construction. It uses computer vision to detect vehicles approaching a bottleneck created by a construction site, and then uses decision making algorithms to direct traffic through these sites in a manner that improves traffic throughput through the affected street. Using SmartFlagger will also provide constriction firms with the added benefit of moving skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen from directing traffic on the street to working on the site. 


24. RoomEase

Sookeong Cho, Kevin Liang, Maximus Niu, Kenneth Yang

Over 68% of Canadians in communal living situations encounter unsatisfactory experiences due to factors such as differences in lifestyles, common household responsibility disputes, and encroachment of personal and shared spaces. As housing demand rises, these issues will become more prominent.

RoomEase is a shared household management mobile application whose objective is to increase the quality of life among roommates by alleviating shared living issues, done through an implementation of a chore incentive system, a non-confrontational notification mechanism, and a user-friendly virtual assistant mediator.

Eric Bilaver

Eric Bilaver

Kimberley Chong

Kimberley Chong

Stephanie De Pol

Stephanie De Pol

Dennis Rusin

Dennis Rusin

Jared Watson

Jared Watson

Chloe Wilson

Chloe Wilson

25. Who? Wat? Where?

The objective of this project is to solve navigation and information challenges faced by both new and returning students, professors, and visitors. We aim to provide a central application to navigate indoors and outdoors on campus using 360 images for orientation, and information pages for professors and classes.


26. AutoGlide

Benjamin Flack, Ethan Gilbert, Jonathan Ko, Brandon Phu

AutoGlide is an inexpensive add-on to aftermarket automobiles designed to improve vehicle control and comfort through an advanced suspension system. Using GPS, accelerometers, stepper motors, and intelligent control algorithms, AutoGlide allows the driver to directly control the suspension settings or automatically adjust them by analyzing the road conditions for optimal performance. By either lowering the stiffness on bumpier roads or tightening it for better handling on flat stretches, this project provides a more comfortable and performance-oriented ride all without having to lift the hood. 

Easy Eats

27. Easy Eats

Justin Huynh, Pawan Iyer, Cihan Sariyildiz, Ericson So

Every year across the world, a majority of young adults struggle with food preparation. Easy Eats is an application that empowers users to efficiently access personalised & community-verified recipes that target their specific lifestyle/dietary needs. The application will store user-uploaded recipes on a centralised database, and community-verify them through a real-time feedback system. An intelligent recommendation algorithm, will rank recipes to provide the user a personalised dashboard. The application's novel and innovative approach provides accessible curated recipes to help eliminate any barriers/stigmas associated with cooking.

Check Me Out

28. Check Me Out

Joey Chik, Feng Guo, Ricky Huang, Kyle Lee, Felix Suen

The current grocery store self-checkout system has always been rather frustrating to use. By utilizing advanced computer vision, our innovative self-checkout solution addresses many pain points with improved accuracy, reduced user interaction, and maintained cost-effectiveness. Along with seamlessly integrated conveyor belts and sensors, our system enhances detection, eliminates the need for manual item search, and significantly reduces theft. Say hello to a more straightforward, less bothersome self-checkout experience - making those grocery runs a tad less of a hassle.

Jonah Fourchalk

Jonah Fourchalk

Shuyang Hao

Shuyang Hao

Joel Kambulow

Joel Kambulow

Jia Xi (Kevin) Zheng

Jia Xi (Kevin) Zheng

29. Indoor Wireless Positioning and Navigation System

The objective of our project is to design and implement a mobile indoor navigation system that identifies the location of a user inside a building using WiFi signal strength data and other phone sensor data. This information is sent to a remote server, which sends predicted position information and navigation data back to the device. We use a pathfinding algorithm and statistical analysis to determine the user's likely position. Our design does not require any costly installation of new hardware unlike a Bluetooth solution.


30. ZenAudio

Jason Gill, Benjamin Rayner, Eduardo Sanchez, Sachin Sarin, Adries Shahbaz

Active noise cancelling headphones can greatly increase efficiency and productivity. As their popularity has risen, so has its price to approximately $100 for a cheaper pair that likely sacrifices sound quality and comfort. This project aims to create an attachment for existing headphones that will implement active noise cancelling at a low cost without sacrificing sound quality or comfort. Using a digital signal processing noise cancellation algorithm, ZenAudio will provide a flexible, reusable, and economical option in the active noise cancelling headphones market.


31. SoleQuest

Stuti Dave, Nour Elgawish, Sheng Fang, Rabiya Majeed, Jennifer Yun, Zulaikha Zakiullah

Motivation is a large factor in the success of rehabilitation. However, nonadherence to home rehabilitation is estimated to be as high as 50%, hindering the success of clinical results. The SoleQuest is a smart insole that, paired with a mobile device, gamifies rehabilitation programs for patients with lower limb disabilities to increase motivation and encourage training participation. This allows patients to have a gamified experience while allowing them to adhere to their rehabilitation program in an environment they are comfortable in, such as their home. 

Sight Through Sound

32. Sight Through Sound

Martin Cooper, Alex He, Rene Levesque, Thomas Oliver, Juliette Rocco, Christian Traxler

In our everyday lives we often take for granted how much we rely upon our vision. From identifying the colour of our clothes, to reading the fine print on a medication bottle, "Theia", a pair of assistive glasses helps low vision users interact with their environment independently through visual question answering.  As an accessible low-cost solution, we hope to provide users vision through sound.


33. FinEval

Anweshi Anavadya, Umar Asif, Jasraj Bedi, Arham Hasan, Yousef Said

FinEval leverages Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) to securely share financial data amid rising credit reliance and fraud risks. This cutting-edge solution verifies financial details without exposing sensitive information, addressing the urgent need for secure data sharing. With a ZKP prover for individuals, FinEval ensures local data authentication, minimizing exposure. This initiative boosts consumer financial health, operational efficiency, and speeds up loan approvals, offering a robust answer to the challenges of financial data protection and privacy.


34. FitCheck

Saif Hanif, Shlok Pathak, Athi Rajkumar, Huanyou Wei

Fashion empowers confidence. FitCheck serves as a style companion, igniting people's fashion inspiration. FitCheck can take a photo of clothing items people see in their day-to-day life and identify similar clothing items. Additionally, FitCheck allows people to seamlessly save any items for outfit creation and for future reference. Plus, easily share your latest fashion finds with friends for instant style approval.


35. Voxogram

Jonathan Bodner, Kayra Erisoglu-Akyildiz, Abhishek Jain, Mahima Patel

Currently, no intuitive means exist to consume digital 3D content. Traditional 2D, AR and VR technologies fall short in allowing multiple viewers to simultaneously observe objects from various angles. Voxogram seeks to change how we perceive digital 3D media. Using a rapidly-rotating screen to sweep a volume, we can precisely ""paint"" pixels of light in 3D space to produce a digital image that retains the lifelike attributes of real-world objects. 

This opens up possibilities for immersive 3D modelling, transformative video calls, and captivating art displays.

Lanjing Li

  Phillip Wu

Kelsey Zhu

36. Calamity

Herbert is a robot companion that links to a self-help app focused on building good habits and keeping resolutions. Users can keep Herbert healthy and happy by completing their tasks and making sure they meet their goals.

Nicole Beilis

Nicole Beilis

Jugal Chitkara

Jugal Chitkara

Nathan Francis

Nathan Francis

Grace Nguyen

Grace Nguyen

Ralph Rouhana

Ralph Rouhana

Pigeon is an interactive AI-powered app that empowers users to quickly understand the valuable information in municipal government data. With user-friendly representations of numeric data and curated answers, it empowers citizens to explore and understand valuable information ranging from social welfare resources to apartment building scoring. It fosters civic engagement, guiding users through popular datasets and recommending questions. Pigeon bridges the gap between constituents and local governments, creating a feedback loop for data quality and transparency.

VisiWarn: Wearable Obstacle Alert

38. VisiWarn: Wearable Obstacle Alert

Zenan Jiang, Ran Shi, Haoyu Song, Haodong Xu

VisiWarn is an affordable wearable solution designed to assist individuals with visual impairments in navigating their surroundings safely. Utilizing ultrasonic sensors, it detects obstacles and employs multiple vibration motors to alert users to the distance and direction of obstacles. The detection distance can be adjusted to accommodate both indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, VisiWarn is equipped with the capability to capture and send images to emergency contacts in the event of a fall. 


39. MoistureMapper

Derek Jones, Nicholas Khorasani, Tanzim Pathan, Eli Propp

Golf courses spend up to $2 million annually on water management. To reduce costs and enhance playing experience, efficient water management is crucial. However, current methods such as handheld moisture sensors are expensive and imprecise. To address this, a remote sensing system would enable non-invasive and user-friendly data collection to accurately determine water content in different areas of golf greens and reduce the risk of overwatering.


40. KeeperVision

Mayuresh Gaikwad, Januston Nicholas, Sriram Nurani Viswanathan, Sumanth Subbaraman

Soccer is the most popular sport with hundreds of millions of players and fans around the world. Many times, a key save can be the difference between winning and losing a game. KeeperVision is a training tool which aims to help goalkeepers in tackling their greatest hurdle - positioning. Using computer vision, image processing, and machine learning, KeeperVision physically guides goalkeepers in real-time to the best position to defend against any incoming shots.

MockMe.ai: Personalized Mock Interviewing Platform

41. MockMe.ai: Personalized Mock Interviewing Platform

Selena Chen, Nicholas Chung-Hun, Rachel Ho, Anish Mahto, Angel Shah, Carson Tang

With 80% of engineers actively seeking new jobs, mastering interview skills is crucial. For entry-level job seekers, mock interviews are key to improvement, with 87% believing in their effectiveness. MockMe.ai aims to provide a comprehensive platform that realistically simulates engineering job interviews through tailored questions, real-time feedback, and coding hints, leveraging LLMs. It evaluates soft skills through behavioral questions generated from the resume and job description. Unlike current platforms that rely on real engineers, MockMe.ai offers unlimited personalized mock interviews for various roles.


42. CampusAlert

Timur Dauletov, Kevin Lee, Eva Liu, Janko Strizak

Current campus emergency mechanisms fall short of information-era expectations, lacking responsiveness and clarity. Protocols like lockdowns are often unclear to those in danger. We aim to develop a campus-specific threat management software. It includes a mobile app for reporting threats and guiding individuals during emergencies, an admin panel for campus authorities to access data and statistics, and a backend system. By utilizing existing protocols and algorithms, this system enhances emergency response, making it more immediate and personalized, surpassing traditional methods like fire alarms and posters.


43. ProtoShell

Harry He, Samuel Liu, Adrian Salvador, Dharini Sribalaskandarajah, Jackson Xiao

The past decade has shown an immense growth in consumers entering an unregulated digital realm. ProtoShell implements a third-party protocol between the user and the company which adds a permission layer necessitating the company to request access to the data they collect on users. This grants users the ability to lock access to their data through the ProtoShell platform, enabling informed consent and awareness on corporate data collection while building stronger trust between companies and consumers.


44. GraphIt

Md Nafis Abedin, Sabeeh Malik, Ali Naqvi, Marwan Nasar, Neel Patel, Satavanan Senthuran

In the rapidly growing field of data science and analytics, the increasing number of connected tools, users, and technologies necessitates efficient data visualization. For example, Facebook generates 4 million gigabytes of data daily. This project aims to create a user-friendly tool that helps professionals and laypeople effortlessly visualize and comprehend large datasets. Existing bulky visualization tools often demand specific expertise, leading to reduced productivity. By abstracting complexities, this tool enables users to interact and visualize their data in plain English. 

PADAS (Portable Advanced Driver Assistance System)

45. PADAS (Portable Advanced Driver Assistance System)

Jessica Bertley, Kaveen Makumbura, Fatin Sarker, Priyanka Surendra, Tina Yu

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can prevent 1.69 million injuries (about 60% of total traffic injuries). As of 2022, only 10% of cars have an ADAS, which can be very costly due to sensor technology and ongoing software development. PADAS is a portable advanced driver assistance system that uses a camera, RADAR sensor and Bluetooth to enable features such as lane departure warning, traffic light detection, object detection and blind spot detection. This system is affordable, accessible, and simple to deploy in any vehicle. 

Colorize: An MR Aid for Colour Blindness

46. Colorize: An MR Aid for Colour Blindness

Shivangi Garg, Rishi Menon, Huacheng Qin, Lamia Uddin

Around 300 million people globally suffer from colour vision deficiency, with 8% of men and 0.5% of women experiencing colour blindness. This project aims to help those individuals by designing software that uses recolouring, edge enhancement, and pattern superposition algorithms integrated into a Mixed Reality headset. The user's video feed is enhanced based on their settings, creating a customizable solution to address their type and severity of colour blindness in real-time. This technology offers fine-tuning of hue, saturation, and brightness for optimal results.


Karim Alatrash, Barry Cimring, Jahnavi Shah, Raksha Shanbhag, Jahnavi Thota, Laurent Zheng

Fink is a wireless pen stylus that tracks the user's handwriting on a user-defined surface and displays it, via Bluetooth, to any phone, tablet, or PC. The user's motion is tracked by a series of inertial measurement units, wireless ultra-wideband probes, and force sensors. The motion of the pen is reconstructed in real-time and displayed to the user on their screen of choice. The user may then save their notes in the Fink App for later use.


48. LineRef

Catherine Chen, Cindy Huang, Kevin Huynh, Andrew Liu, Lokhin Wu

Human line judges in volleyball games are prone to inaccuracies in reaction time and perception, while international-level line judging systems are too expensive for typical players. LineRef's objective is to provide an accurate and affordable line-judging solution for recreational and lower-level competitions. Using computer vision, it tracks a volleyball's path and location to determine whether it lands in or out of court. Taking advantage of mobile devices, LineRef is easy to use, portable and affordable for consumers in any level of competition.

WatSat: The Satellite Smartphone Add-On

49. WatSat: The Satellite Smartphone Add-On

Ruqayyah Ali, Simon Bell, Jacob Crocker, Daniel Croos, Sara Habib, Bhavya Jain

Canada's major telecom providers only cover less than half of the country, resulting in inadequate coverage for remote regions. Natural disasters further exacerbate communication challenges, as cell service is often disrupted. To tackle these issues, our project aims to develop a smartphone add-on for reliable satellite communication in areas with limited or no internet or cellular service.  The goal is to offer affordable alternatives, ensuring accessible communication for all with efficient energy usage. 

Nizar Alrifai

Nizar Alrifai

Ming Liang Dai

Ming Liang Dai

Sophia, Liu

Justin Nguyen

Seunguk Oh

Vaibhav Sudhakar

50. MediVault

The MediVault is a sophisticated piece of hardware that comes equipped with a medication reminder kit and a medication tracking system. The medical reminder kit is a smart box that gives physical reminders through alarms and lighting and contains verification measures to ensure that each patient is getting their medication. Additionally, the MediVault also includes a medical tracking system that tracks the frequency of medication and optimizes the distribution of medication. Thus, allowing hospitals to have another metric that they can gauge patients' recovery with.


51. MyHealth

Han Su Kim, Chen-Yi Liu, Chen Feng Zhang, Yuan Song Zhang

Currently, only around 50% of Canadians meet the weekly physical guidelines of at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity. About one-third of Canadians experience difficulty falling and staying asleep. Physical activity, diet, and sleep are a vital part of a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of health complications. The objective of this project is to design a mobile application that contains personalized schedules for workout routines, diet, and rest, along with sleep improvement and adaptive alarm features.

Joel Braun

Jackson Enright

Andy Huang

Justin Vuong

Every year public transportation companies lose millions of dollars due to long dwell times, fare evasion, and rider inconvenience. On busy lines, long dwell times caused by inefficient fare payment methods account for substantial delays. The objective of this project is to design a secure, contactless, no-tap fare collection system that tracks illegitimate riders and requires no interaction for riders to pay their fare. PresGo implements bluetooth low energy angle of arrival antennas and infrared sensors to detect a passenger boarding and automatically collect fares.


53. CuttleCal

Stephen Chi, Ernest Ho, Brian Nguyen, Cheng Yang Xi

Introducing CuttleCal, an advanced monitor calibration tool designed to harmonize colour settings across dual-monitor setups. This innovative solution analyzes and compares the color profiles of two monitors, providing precise data and recommendations to achieve identical color outputs. Ideal for anyone working remotely or on multiple monitors, CuttleCal ensures that colour's appear uniform, enhancing workflow and accuracy. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily adjust and set both monitors to display the same colors, ensuring a seamless and visually coherent workspace.

Jerry Bi

Anushka Garg

Denise Lee

Christine Trac

54. Flourish

The price of grocery basics has increased 10.6% year over year with no signs of slowing down. Flourish aims to help financially conscious and low-income users save money by taking the existing couponing and flyer searching experience one step further by bringing the deals to them. Powered by data from the biggest grocery chains coupled with the implementation of a robust yet optimal price comparison algorithm, Flourish aims to help users save their time, money, and effort and optimize their overall grocery shopping experience.


55. ByteBucks

Deandre Baker, Abhyuday Bose, William Park, Lu Yao Chen

The objective of this project is to design a new data collection model that provides users transparency and financial rewards for the use of their data. This model utilizes a browser extension, allowing users to control their data collection and publish it for sale. Users can sell their data to third parties on a public blockchain network and receive cryptocurrency as a reward. This new model offers increased transparency in data exchange and the ability for users to earn royalties from their own data.

Shashank Anand Kannan

Shashank Anand Kannan

Emily Kissoon

Emily Kissoon

Prisha Rathi

Prisha Rathi

Gayathri Sudheer

Gayathri Sudheer

Research reveals 41% of gym-goers get injured due to incorrect form, straining the wrong muscles or joints. The mobile app FitCam tackles this issue by tracking workout form through a phone camera, and offering real-time audio and visual feedback, guiding users to prevent injuries and optimize exercises. Unlike existing alternatives, FitCam allows for instant form improvements without interrupting the workout. This helps users of all skill levels learn exercises more effectively, maximizing their workouts and reducing their risk of injury.

Sayma Khan

Gurbir Minhas

Sparsh Pai

Nisarg Shah

57. TypeCash

TypeCash is a seamless SMS money-transferring application that allows users to securely send and receive cash by sending text messages with commands. With this, users do not need any mobile apps nor do they have to authenticate their bank account every time; they simply register with their phone number and can use phone authentication methods (e.g, Face ID) to process electronic payments.


58. PerfectSip

Daniel Adams, Dalton Bown, Jia Hua Jiao, Kevin Sisjayawan, Winston So

Introducing PerfectSip - the ultimate solution for coffee enthusiasts! Many coffee drinkers resonate with the frustration of returning to a cold cup after becoming distracted. PerfectSip is a reusable coffee sleeve that collects and transmits sensor data via a Bluetooth Low Energy embedded controller to a mobile application. Experience real-time thermodynamic modelling using distributed computing, alerting users when their beverage is ready. Embrace convenience, sustainability, and unparalleled flavour - make every sip count with PerfectSip and say hello to a sustainable revolution!


Huichuan Cai, Stanley Huang, Darren Wihandi, Chuhan Xiang

The Foodie Food Review App aims to revolutionize the traditional food review landscape dominated by Yelp and Google Maps. By leveraging existing data from Yelp and Google, combined with user ordering preferences and reviews, the app will generate personalized recommendations from a machine learning model and prioritize them based on user feedback and reputations. This project seeks to address the "where to eat" dilemma and empower small businesses to compete with established restaurants, ultimately enhancing the overall dining experience for users.

Yucong Du

Matthew Lysenko

Tianhao Wang

Tianhao Wang

Jack Zhang

61. Medibot Team

This project's objective is to develop an application tackling the critical issue of medication adherence by introducing a gamified approach to the often challenging task of taking prescribed medication. Designed for parents of young patients, the app serves as a reliable tool while also incorporating a game/electronic pet feature to make the experience enjoyable for children. Our solution focuses on positive reinforcement through play, while encouraging safety and proper medication procedures. Our focus on child acceptance sets this project apart from existing solutions. 

Xueqian Qin

Xueqian Qin

Bowen Shen

Shihang Wang

Ziming Wang

WAVE, a Smart HomeKit harnessing innovative image processing techniques for recognizing hand gestures, ensuring an intuitive, inclusive shift from voice commands. WAVE caters to the mute and doubles as a home-monitoring system during periods of absence. Utilizing computer vision, gesture and facial recognition, users interact using simple gestures like waving, pointing, or specific hand shapes. WAVE tailors control to individuals, tracking and recognizing users for personalized, effortless home environment manipulation.

63. FlexFlow

Dhruva Rajkumar, David Wang, Eric Yuan, Pei Zhang, Michael Zhu

FlexFlow is a smart scheduler and journaling app powered by machine learning. The user inputs their tasks and it plans out their daily schedule, stress relievers and deadlines. Tasks are analyzed using our model to determine their complexity and time commitment in order to effectively create the most functional schedule. It uses language processing and feedback from the user to analyze their mood and stress levels to better plan out their schedule to reduce overall stress levels.

DrinkMaster: A Smart Bartending Machine

64. DrinkMaster: A Smart Bartending Machine

HongFei Huang, Liam Huang, Selina Li, Yiwen Wu, Chad Zhao

DrinkMaster,  a Smart Bartending Machine, resolves the issue of lengthy bar queues and drink inconsistencies by automating and refining the pouring process. Customers enjoy personalized beverages and a diverse menu, all while a unique safety feature monitors alcohol consumption limits. This innovation reduces wait times and reliance on human labour, transforming bar service into a consistently high-quality experience.


65. StreetSmart

Anees Aissaoui, Kenneth Hung, Patricia Liu, Yixing Qie

According to CAA, over 70% of cycling accidents involve motorized vehicles, with road safety rules disrespected in 1 of 3 fatalities. As cycling popularizes, these incidents become more frequent. We aim to design a solution to reduce risks for cyclists. StreetSmart is a device attachable to a bicycle, featuring automatic brake lights and user-driven turn signals, as well as rear collision warnings using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and haptic feedback. With StreetSmart, riders can confidently navigate the roads with safety in mind.

Peisen Hu

Hangning Li

Weilan Tao

Tianyu Zhai

66. Serendipity

Serendipity is an intelligent web-based service that personalizes travel planning using artificial intelligence. It processes user preferences to generate detailed itineraries, offering travel advice, recommended attractions, and dining options. With an easy-to-use interface, robust data management, and a one-stop integration of secure transactions and real-time trip information updates, Serendipity is revolutionizing the travel planning process, making it more personalized, efficient, and user-friendly.


67. OtterTuner

Ryan Bui, Cole Gravelle, Alicia Ng, Jameson Smith, Aiden Zhang

Tuning a guitar can be tedious yet essential. Many artists opt for alternate tunings, which can be time-consuming. OtterTuner is a guitar tuning system using control theory and a motor system controlled by a microcontroller, paired with a mobile app. It automates precise tuning of all 6 strings, and offers preset storage. The main advantages of this design over other alternatives include a cleaner user interface and enhanced logical processing for tuning a guitar.

ProcrastiFighter: Task Kickstart for Students

68. ProcrastiFighter: Task Kickstart for Students

Haonan Chen, Matthew Praskurnin, Tily Tu, Jianping Xu, Minhui Zhang

ProcrastiFighter is an AI-driven cross-platform to-do app designed to mitigate procrastination and enhance productivity among students. It offers adaptive task scheduling and supports collaborative studying. Users can add friends, join groups, and view their rankings. Unique features include a one-click focus timer to help users kick-start a task and an automatic task breakdown system, which divides large tasks into manageable subtasks. Each user also benefits from a personalized bot companion, which offers motivation and suggests schedule adjustments based on user feedback and study patterns.


69. FriendTube

Michael Gionet, Ayush Gupta, Luka Silobad, Jarvis Weng

YouTube's rapid growth since 2005 has posed significant challenges in meeting bandwidth requirements, especially with the surge in high-definition and 4K videos. The objective for this project is to decrease the bandwidth utilization of centralized video streaming services while still maintaining a high user experience for multiple users. Our proposed solution aims to leverage the temporal locality of trending videos, where videos recently viewed are likely to be revisited in the near future.We aim to create a decentralized video streaming service for all users.

Waterloo Drivers App

70. Waterloo Drivers App

Sarman Aulakh, Dohyun Moon, Brian Peng, William Tam

City of Waterloo Driver Mobile App is a comprehensive city-wide traffic application that streamlines all traffic-related tasks into a single, user-friendly platform. By registering with their driver's license information, users gain access to a range of features, including receiving notifications about traffic violations and making payments directly within the application. The application will be developed primarily for mobile, incorporating Stripe's payment API for ticket transactions. The app also allows users to dispute tickets and view digital forms of evidence without having to visit a courthouse.


Alan Hu, Austin Wang, Terence Wong, Zi Zhou Yin, Wendi Zhao

FeedMe is a newsletter subscription service aimed at increasing user engagement with world news. Users receive personalized daily email digests and can explore news articles through the accompanying web application. The system sources news articles from a wide array of news outlets for diverse content, catering to people's diverse interests. The AI-powered engine enhances user retention by delivering relevant and engaging content. FeedMe elevates the newsletter subscription by leveraging user behaviour and interests for a personalized and engaging user experience.


72. GeniVision

Geordiron Decena, Hammad Khan, Yashtej Singh, Akbar Zafar

The Genie Vision Detection tool is an innovative device designed for the visually impaired to conjure their environment. It employs a camera system and real-time image processing through artificial intelligence. This tool provides audio feedback to convey information about the surroundings, aiding in navigation and awareness. It enriches the quality of life of individuals by offering a simple, and intuitive way to understand and interact with the world around them.


73. AutoHelm

Jarif Aftab, Braulio Carrion Corveira, Stefan Huang, Zaid Omer, Hans Wang

Ever had tedious or repetitive tasks when using your PC? AutoHelm is an easy-to-use program that helps users create their own automated scripts, or ""workflows"". It also offers a machine-learning chatbot that can generate workflows from plain English, which helps individuals of all technical abilities to utilize AutoHelm to its highest potential. With the offering of a marketplace function, users can share their workflow, which further helps users explore the endless things you can do with AutoHelm!

AR Bytes

74. AR Bytes

Nathan Choi, Kevin Le, Ravinder Mangat, Matthew Tan, Anthony Truong

To tackle the growing issue of food waste in restaurants, AR Bytes is a web app allowing customers to access precise menu item visualizations through QR code scanning. Leveraging photogrammetry techniques, the platform transforms food images into immersive 3D models using augmented reality. This solution's advantage lies in tracking portion sizes, meals, leftovers and statistics, enabling cost and resource savings for restaurants, while providing customers accurate depictions of orders by using their cameras. This reduces misleading representations and reliance on verbal descriptions. 


75. HandSense

Christopher Arjune, Taimur Khan, Tony Wang, Wolfgang Windholtz

Computer usage is becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide, spurring a global increase in repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). Notably, traditional computer mouse designs are controlled using motions not natural to human physiology. HandSense is a lightweight, wearable device that facilitates computer interaction through safe and natural gestures that can be performed at any distance and angle relative to a user's computer. Motion sensors capture user movements and transmit them to their computer in real-time, while a microphone allows for the use of dictation to minimize keyboard necessity.

Muhammad Abdullah

Muhammad Abdullah

Saqib Ali

Aditya Chilukuri

Ryan Kugler

Ryan Kugler

Joy Kabir Kundnaney

Kabir Kundnaney

Hrishit Shah

Hrishit Shah

76. Stratosphere

Cloud service providers offer a wide range of services and platforms, the extensive documentation and understanding required to effectively utilize these services can be daunting and time-consuming for those who may be new to cloud deployment. Stratosphere aims to streamline the cloud deployment process by using natural language processing, decision-making algorithms, and interactive diagrams, thereby enhancing efficiency and accessibility.

Project Pulse

77. Project Pulse

Arib Hussain, Mahdi Rahman, Mohammad Syed Raihaan, Shazil Razzaq, Haris Waheed

In the context of modern workflows, a significant challenge arises when users must identify tasks in assignments, find information to complete tasks, and figure out how to complete these tasks in their schedules. The objective of Project Pulse is to provide an easy-to-use modern task management workflow for businesses and individuals that helps them manage time. By incorporating features such as task extraction from documents and images, AI prioritization and intelligent timeline generation, this app helps users plan their schedules and jumpstart their projects quickly.

Team Nexus

78. Team Nexus

Daniel An, Arman Atharinejad, Brenden Wu, Daniel Yun

As students are continuing to use more online tools to enhance their learning experience, we noticed that they often have to jump between many websites and apps for different purposes such as having discussions and checking notes. This leads to more time wasted gathering information and resources. Nexus is meant to be a centralized social platform where university students can crowdsource notes, participate in Q&As and chat with other students. Students can tailor their experience by subscribing to various courses and getting personalized feeds.


79. MeetWise

Keith Choa, Jory Clements, Kaveen Kumarasinghe, Trent Stauffer

This project aims to develop a Meeting AI Assistant that enhances virtual communication by integrating with video conferencing tools. By joining meetings, transcribing voice, and performing real-time tasks, the assistant offers insights and triggers actions based on a company's knowledge bases. Advanced features include similarity searches across large documents, semantic understanding, and automatic task generation, with integrations like Jira for ticket creation and Outlook/Google Calendar for scheduling. This AI solution surpasses existing ones by providing a fully integrated, actionable service, not just transcription.

Mathew Al-Dabbah

Mathew Al-Dabbah

Justin Aujla

Justin Aujla

Darren Fernandes

Darren Fernandes

Ryan Mah

Lin Xuan Song

80. GuidingLite

GuidingLite arises from the challenges faced while navigating in indoor spaces, especially for visually impaired individuals, where traditional navigation aids are limited. By leveraging UWB technology, accurate and accessible indoor positioning is enabled for users. The approach involves deploying UWB anchors throughout environments to accurately triangulate user position. This technology provides real-time position updates, enabling users to reduce their reliance on assistance. Moreover, the system can be integrated with assistive technologies, such as voice-based directions, further enhancing the navigation experience without extra user-facing hardware.


81. AiNalog

Yi Hong Liu, Mingze Jin, Patrick Li, Anujan Mathisekaran, Max Zhou, Jordan de Souza

We are seeking to speed up machine learning computations while reducing power consumption by leveraging the inherent characteristics of analog computing, as opposed to the transistor-based digital approach which is nearly ubiquitous in the industry. Our solution - a custom differential mixed-signal 16-bit matrix multiplying circuit board - is particularly suited for running ML models in resource-constrained environments on the edge, where power consumption is critical. The AiNalog system is simple and can be rapidly deployed.

SmARt Deck

82. SmARt Deck

Mavelyn Breiva, Shaurya Jain, Sarah Kang, Lauren Smith

This project aims to design a physically immersive remote card game experience which quickly and correctly transmits live information about the cards played between multiple players with minimal processing. SmARt Deck is an AR card game simulator that uses image processing to identify unique patterns tied to the individual cards of a custom card deck to project the correct card faces for each player, and network communication to support live multiplayer gaming.

InsulatorVision: Deep Learning Fault-Detection

84. InsulatorVision: Deep Learning Fault-Detection

Abubakar Bello, Preenon Chisty, Aditya Malhotra, Saksham Manaktala, Taher Rampurawala, Arunima Singh

Detecting defects in electrical insulators is essential for mitigating disruptions of power supply systems. Failure to identify and address these defects may lead to power outages, financial losses, and even jeopardize the well-being of individuals and industries relying on stable electricity supply. To address this issue, we plan to create a device that comprises of an optical video streaming sensor that feeds data to an on-device microcontroller. The microcontroller employs machine learning techniques to predict the likelihood of a fault in the insulators.

Matthew Avolio

Matthew Avolio

Samyar Goodarzi

Samyar Goodarzi

Braden Morley

Braden Morley

Ryam Willis

Ryam Willis

85. CoastalQ

CoastalQ addresses the escalating risks of sea level rise and storm surges to coastal properties in the face of a changing climate and unpredictable weather patterns. It provides a digital platform that allows realtors, investors, and homeowners to search an address and assess the associated risk efficiently. Utilizing high-resolution aerial photography and inundation analysis, CoastalQ ensures accurate risk evaluations without the need for extensive surveys, making it simpler for users to make informed decisions regarding coastal property investments.


86. Tripsynced

Jason (Jing Yu) Lin, Bill (Siyi) Liu, Hanen Ngai, Andy Yu

Tripsynced is a one-stop platform that simplifies the travel planning process for groups. It constructs robust itineraries made from personalized suggestions and group collaboration. Through the use of third party APIs and machine learning, tripsynced is able to provide suggestions for activities other than to walk around endlessly in circles. tripsynced erases the stress of planning and and synchronizing with a group, and optimizes flexibility for everyone involved. Whether with friends or solo, tripsynced provides a solution to create unforgettable memories around the world.  


Thank you to our course instructors.

Julius Olajos Trevor Smouter Stephen Utter  


Haitham Amar Jeff Avery Ian Bell Slim Boumaiza Charles Clarke Michael Cooper-Stachowsky Mark Crowley Dan Davison Murray Dunne Ayman El-Hag Vincent Gaudet Grant Gunn Douglas Harder Anwar Hasan Pin-Han Ho Ada Hurst Brandon J. Dehart Florian Kerschbaum Peter Levine Hamed Majedi Steward McLachlin Pouya Mehrannia Oleg Michailovich

Andrew Morton Mohamed Naiel David Nairn Mohammed Nassar Chris Nielsen Gennaro Notomista Jinman Park Hiren Patel Ziqiang Patrick Huang Kim Pope Pascal Poupaty Derek Rayside Ali Rizvi Siby Samuel Razi Sayed George Shaker Stephen Smith Trevor Smouter Mahesh Tripunitara Yash Vardhan Pant David Wang Paul Ward Jeff Zarnett


For more information about Electrical and Computer Engineering design projects or to inquire about joining us in future design projects, please contact: Julius N J Olajos [email protected]  

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ECE Capstone

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) offers the Capstone Design senior level course, which is mandatory for all students. This two semester long course is one of the most challenging, exciting, and successful programs on campus. A number of industrial partners, research institutions, business school in connection to the entrepreneurship program, as well as many other internal and external sources are involved with this course.

The main objective of this course is to provide a multidisciplinary experience, integrating knowledge from the core, intermediate, and advanced courses in electrical and computer engineering. It has a single major course objective with a working project as an output. The course intends to give students experience in finding a satisfactory solution of an open-ended problem, which has more than one solution, and where the solution involves actual hardware that needs to work. The design is carried out in engineering teams.

A ECE capstone project.

Project Categories

A project involving each team gives valuable experience in planning, division of work, and maintaining individual accountability within a framework of group success. The students select projects according to the following three categories: (1) Industry-based capstone design projects, which are sponsored by industry; (2) Faculty-based advanced research projects, which are proposed by faculty through research centers such as CenSSIS, CDSP, etc; and (3) Student-based capstone design projects, which are proposed by the innovative ideas stemming from the students themselves.

Project Teams

Every year 20 teams are involved with fascinating projects trying to accomplish their design tasks. Each team consists of 4-6 members with expertise in hardware, software, signal processing, and system knowledge including communications and control systems. Constructed from solid devices, microprocessor, sensors, and other electronic components (all purchased within a specified budget), more than 80% of the projects are successfully completed. This is how our senior undergraduate students taking on challenging, hands-on engineering capstone design projects, building useful state of the art systems, guided by the faculty advisors. The students perform the design tasks in the capstone design laboratory, which is accessible 24 hours. A design competition is the final stage of this program in which a number of expert judges from the industry are invited to evaluate the best three projects.

A natural outcome of capstone experience is to introduce a strategy for reliable integration of research and curriculum development. It becomes possible to link multidisciplinary projects that integrate new; state-of-the-art research advances in emerging technology areas into upper-level undergraduate engineering curricula. A major objective is to involve faculty and researchers with the capstone program. In addition, this interaction is a motivating factor for our students to pursue graduate studies, to enhance their skills, and to facilitate employment opportunities.

Remote Capstone Design Policy

Capstone Director

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

Control Systems and Signal Processing; Robust and Optimal Control, Positive Dynamic Systems, Fault Detection, Observer Theory, Robotics and Distributed Control of Multi-Agent Systems, Control of Biological Systems

  • Project Title: Modular Accessible Controller System (MACS) (First Place) Team: William Eric Freeman, Natalie Potapov, Yuyang Zhou, Michael Mccooey, Jarrett Anderson, Liam Kennedy Advisor: Professor Canek Fuentes
  • Project Title: Best In Kard Entertainment (BIKE) (First Place) Team:, Jackson Heun, Adin Moses, Connor Nelson, Tyler Passerine, Sharwin Patil, Christopher Swagler Advisor: Professor Canek Fuentes
  • Project Title: Tunnel Device (Second Place) Team:, Yoseph Hamad , Ravi Prasad, Brian Schubert, Jonathan Tan, Micah Weston Advisor: Professor Kaushik Chowdhury
  • Project Title: RIFT: Robotic Intelligent Foosball Table (Second Place) Team: Jared Bingham, Theodore Davidson, Sunny Gu, Juan Martos , Owen Van Sickle Advisor: Professor Thomas Consi
  • Project Title: Autonomous Navigation and Docking for Distributed Robots (Third Place) Team: Jarrad Homer , Maulik Patel, Ben-Oni Voinqueur, David Antaski, Musheera Khondoker Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: ExpLoRa: LoRa-based Telemetry System (Third Place) Team:, Brinda Dhawan, Jia Mu, Anthony Lee, Peter Rydzynski, Matthew McCauley, Owandari Briggs Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: Sperm Whale Automated Tagging (SWAT) System (First Place) Team: Yonatan Arieh, Saul Blain, Peter Chang, Matthew Davidsen, Henry Psaltos, Nicole Tanneli Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: MOTION: MAV Operated Tunnel Inspection using Object-classification Neural Networks (First Place) Team: Christian Burwell, Tianqi Huang, Rohit Pal, Michael Shen, Harrison Sun, Eagle Yuan Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai and Taskin Padir
  • Project Title: Multi-Screen LED Entertainment System ( MSLES) (Second Place) Team: Colin Boisvert, William Hsia, Sean Magee, James Packard, Owen Zhang Advisor:Professor Charles Dimarzio
  • Project Title: Interface for Mobile Performance Analysis and Concussion Tracking ( I.M.P.A.C.T.) (Second Place) Team: Anthony Britton, Joe Durkin, Jack Duval, Steven Fried, Alex Kerwick, Michael Maurer Advisor: Professor Masoud Salehi
  • Project Title: Wheelchair Add-On Kit (Third Place) Team: Peter Brown, Ian Chan, Alejandro Hervella, Gokce Saracoglu, William Tower Advisor: Professor Masoud Salehi
  • Project Title: The Chandelier Project (Third Place) Team: Philip Andress, Gabriel Jentis, Patrick Jimenez, Conor McNulty, James Napier, Nicholas Thevenin Advisor: Professor Taskin Padir
  • Project Title: Terrestrial Roving Automatic Scrap Harvester (TRASH) (First Place) Team: John Chiaramonte, Jack Fenton, Lee Milburn, Catherine Ellingham, Jared Raines, Divya Venkatraman Advisor: Professor Waleed Meleis
  • Project Title: Autonobee (First Place) Team: Patrick Taylor, Nicole Johnson, Samuel Allegretti, Christian Bobowicz, Shawn Padilla Advisor: Professor Waleed Meleis
  • Project Title: MyoArm: Teleoperation Protocol of Robotic Arm using Surface Electromyography (Second Place) Team: Spencer Lake Jacobs-Skolik, Eric Alvarez, Joshua Kwok, Samuel Lambrecht, Rodrigo Panayotti Faraj Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: Distributed System for Localization and Mapping (DLAM) (Second Place) Team: Spencer Brennessel, Ivan Kartashov, Arthur Kautz, Joe Yang, Joshua Zak Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: NOTUS: An IOT Smart Ventilation System (Third Place) Team: Mallory Brown, Michael Gesuale, Kenny Lam, Ilaria Manneschi, Eric Pedersen, John Soliven Advisor: Professor Waleed Meleis
  • Project Title: Ride the Wave: Accessible Oscilloscope for Visually Impaired (Third Place) Team: Nicholas Fantasia, Jack Leightcap, Alex Marley, Nicholas Mullikin , Connor Northway Advisor: Professor Waleed Meleis

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

  • Project Title: The Flying Fisherman (First Place) Team :  Padraic Burns, Brayden Lung, Ryan Lung, Julian Braun, John Bonilla Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

  • Project Title: Universal Power Converter (UPC) (First Place) Team :  Anthony Cherubino, David Boullie, Jacob Landgrebe, Nicholas Hulsey, Soohan Kim Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: Drone Inspection in Virtual Reality ( OVRLook) (Second Place) Team: Emily Belk, Jonathan Cohen, Ryan Milligan, Jan Ritzenhoff, and Jason Serpe Advisor: Professor Taskin Padir
  • Project Title: SmartyPill – Automatic Pill Dispensing: Chuck 2 (Second Place) Team: Matthew Swenson, Thomas Keith, Christian Kuss, Brock Fenbert, Thomas Doyle Advisor: Professor Charles Dimarzio
  • Project Title: SkinSweep (Third Place) Team: Josh Fish, Jake Howard, Reed Kellett, Oliver Vazquez, Alan Zhou Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
  • Project Title: Autonomous Robot for Ultraviolet Sanitization (ARUS) (Third Place) Team: Evan Aguirre, Zialynn Anderson, Gavin Chandler, Matthew Downing, Arkin Mukherjee, Parth Parekh Advisor: Professor Bahram Shafai
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Engineering Capstone Project Ideas to Explore

This field of study seems to be rocket science. Yet, learners with a technical mindset and a deep interest in how things work can ace the course and get a degree in this area. As a rule, the final stage of studies is a capstone project. It may look like a totally new task and cause confusion in learners.

Now, what is a capstone project in engineering ? Where to find good engineering capstone project ideas? Where to seek help if you’re totally stuck? Read on to find all the answers.

What Is an Engineering Capstone Project?

When we talk about capstone project engineering students should complete, it’s the final stage of course completion. In most cases, learners are tasked with a capstone project to show how they can link theory and practice. They are required to find a real-life problem and offer competent solutions to it. The project’s duration is around one year. This time is more than enough to do extensive background research, problem identification, and writing.

Many students are afraid of this task because they think that an engineering capstone project is necessarily hard. We’d like to dispel your fears and doubts. Things are not as scary as you might think. Yet, you will need in-depth knowledge of fundamentals to ace this task.

Where to Look for Capstone Project Ideas for Engineering?

The first place to find ideas is your tutor or supervisor. These people are assigned to you as superior experts in all aspects of science. So they can help you find the right direction and formulate a topic.

You may also scan the Web to see what’s trending in your sphere now. What technologies are regarded as promising? What technical issues is the community struggling with? All of these aspects are worth researching to give your professional community real value.

Capstone Project Engineering Specifics

Now, let’s talk a little about the nuances of doing this project. What skills will you need to get it done? How does capstone differ from other science writing tasks?

The first point to keep in mind is that this task is deeply practical. In other words, you can’t just take a topic from your book and cover it in depth. You should offer a solution to a real problem that exists in the respective practices. Thus, the simplest way to go is to look around you. What issues and bottlenecks can you see? What troubles do you observe? The more attentive you are, the quicker the solution will be.

Second, you should be competent in the chosen topic. It’s hard to compose a capstone work on a subject you scarcely know. So, be realistic about the level of your knowledge. Read extensively, ask your tutor, and consult technical practitioners. Once you see the topic is clear, it’s time to sit down to capstone writing.

Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

We want to help you out and ease your work on the pending capstone project. So, we’ve hand-picked several winning capstone project ideas, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering capstone project ideas , and some other subject areas.

Here’s a list for your quick inspiration:

engineering capstone project ideas

Mechanical Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

  • Compact, energy-efficient portable water filters in arid regions.
  • Automated robotic arm design in small-scale manufacturing facilities.
  • Solar energy-powered cooling vest for workers in high-temperature settings.
  • Durable prosthetic limb for children.
  • Vibration damping system in areas with high earthquake risks.
  • Small-scale vertical wind turbine design.
  • A smart waste segregation system in automation of recycling operations.
  • Aerodynamic equipment for drag reduction in trucks.

Electrical Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

  • Low-cost, open-source oscilloscope design.
  • Propose a next-gen lithium-ion battery technology to address lifespan limitations.
  • Propose innovative use of conductor-loaded ceramics.
  • Design an IoT-based smart home system for optimal energy usage.
  • Propose a solution to your local industrial facility’s operational problems using steam turbine prime movers.
  • Create a high-efficiency solar panel with a sun-tracking feature.
  • Propose an autonomous robot’s design that is operational in hazardous settings.
  • How can electrical networks be protected from natural disasters?
  • Design and simulation of a smart grid system.
  • Create a wearable device for heart parameter monitoring.

Engineering Capstone Project Ideas High School

  • Build a solar energy-powered vehicle from recycled raw materials.
  • Design a rainwater harvesting system for small home garden applications.
  • Create a coded LED light with specific operation parameters.
  • Design a smartphone-controlled robot.
  • Create a mini turbine for wind energy capture.
  • Build a water filtration system using available materials in your household.
  • Propose a mechanical hand design for hydraulic operations.
  • Create a simple yet innovative hydroponic system for home-grown herb production.

Computer Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

  • Propose a blockchain-based voting system for community elections.
  • Design cybersecurity software to prevent IoT system hacking.
  • Create an AI-powered personal finance management app.
  • Engineer an ML model that analyzes stock prices.
  • Build an AI algorithm diagnosing diseases by MRI scans.
  • Suggest a deep learning algorithm in healthcare record management.
  • Introduce a P2P file-sharing system that removes the need of centralized servers.
  • Create a VR educational platform to use during history classes.

Industrial Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

  • Propose manufacturing facility improvements for waste reduction.
  • Apply IoT sensors and analytics to build a predictive maintenance app.
  • Create a human-robot interaction interface for industrial activity automation.
  • Engineer an ergonomic workplace solution to raise employee productivity.
  • Design a lean manufacturing toolkit to improve staff onboarding.
  • Create dynamic job scheduling algorithms to improve workforce allocation.
  • Suggest a sustainable supply chain model to reduce your local plant’s carbon footprint.
  • Build a simulated evacuation model to efficiently respond to disasters.

Get Help with Capstone Project Engineering Here

electrical engineering capstone project ideas

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Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students

40 Best Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students: Shaping the Future

Unlock innovation with our diverse collection of Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students! From coding challenges to hands-on engineering marvels, discover projects that blend your academic prowess with real-world problem-solving.

To turn all those STEM brainwaves into something seriously cool! Forget the boring stuff; we’re talking about projects that’ll make you go, “I did that!”

Imagine it like a DIY adventure, but for STEM enthusiasts. Whether you’re the coding maestro, the engineering whiz, or the science guru, these capstone projects are your VIP ticket to hands-on, mind-bending fun.

No more snooze-fest assignments; this is your moment to shine. It’s like putting a bit of your STEM genius into the real world. Ready to rock the STEM stage? Grab your curiosity and let’s turn those ideas into something mind-blowing!

Table of Contents

The Importance of Capstone Projects

Check out the improtance of capstone projects:-

Grand Finale Alert!

Ready for the ultimate showstopper? Your capstone project is like the grand finale of a fireworks display, wrapping up all your learning with a bang! It’s YOUR time to shine.

Real-Life Problem Busting!

Forget hypotheticals; it’s time to get real. Capstone projects throw you into the ring of real-world problems. It’s like being a superhero, but instead of a cape, you’ve got your brain and skills ready for action!

Mixing Skills Smoothie

Get ready to be the master chef of your skills kitchen! Your capstone project is where you throw in coding, sprinkle some research magic, and maybe even add a dash of teamwork. It’s like creating the most epic smoothie of your academic journey!

Professional World Bootcamp!

Say hello to your personal bootcamp for the professional world. Capstone projects prep you for the challenges ahead – project management, thinking on your feet, and teamwork. It’s like a crash course in being a pro!

Your Superhero Moment!

Capstone completed? Cue the superhero music! This is your moment to show the world (and future employers) that you’re not just a student; you’re a superhero who conquers challenges!

Become the Academic Adventurer!

Time to channel your inner Indiana Jones of academia! Capstone projects let you embark on a research adventure, discovering new things and leaving your mark. It’s like being the hero of your academic story!

Learning Through Action!

Capstone projects are not about snooze-worthy lectures. They’re about action! It’s like learning to ride a bike by actually riding – hands-on, immersive, and way more exciting.

Backstage Pass to Industry VIPs!

Your capstone journey might include mingling with the pros. Imagine it as a backstage pass to the industry concert. Who knows, you might end up having coffee with your professional idols!

Passion Explorer Mode On!

Capstone projects are like GPS for your passion. They help you discover what makes your heart race in your chosen field. It’s like unlocking the secret door to your dream career.

Cheers to You and Your School!

Finishing your capstone project isn’t just a solo victory; it’s a party for your school too! You both did it! It’s time to throw your cap (literally or metaphorically) and celebrate your epic achievement!

Capstone Project Ideas For STEM Students

Check out some of the best capstone project ideas for STEM students:-

Coding and Software Development:

  • Craft a system where your home dances to your tune! Control lights, temperature, and security with a magic app or a simple voice command.
  • Dive into a world where studying is an adventure! Create a VR experience that makes complex subjects as exciting as your favorite video game.
  • Imagine an app that’s your health sidekick! Track fitness, get personalized workouts, and let AI sprinkle some health wisdom your way.
  • Make voting a party with blockchain! Build a system that keeps elections transparent, secure, and as easy as tapping a button.
  • Navigate campus like a superhero! Develop an AR app that turns every building into a story and every corner into an adventure.
  • Bring shopping to life! Create an online store where a friendly chatbot guides users through the wonderland of products.
  • Forget paper and pens! Create a system using face recognition or RFID to take attendance without breaking a sweat.
  • Turn language learning into a game! Build an app that listens to your words and cheers you on to pronunciation victory.
  • Unveil the secrets of social media! Develop a tool that spills the tea on trends, engagement, and the overall vibe.
  • Let’s code together! Create a platform where coding becomes a group adventure, with devs jamming in real-time.

Robotics and Automation:

  • Gift your drone wings and a mission! Create a drone that patrols autonomously, keeping an eye on things and reporting back.
  • Make plants feel like VIPs! Develop a system that pampers them with the right temperature, humidity, and water levels.
  • Rehab goes robotic! Design a helpful robot that guides and supports people through their recovery journey.
  • Time for the recycling magic! Create a robot that sorts waste with a flick of its robotic wand, making Mother Earth smile.
  • Send packages on a solo mission! Develop a robot that delivers parcels with ninja-like navigation skills.
  • Turn factories into enchanted realms! Use PLC to weave spells that control and monitor manufacturing spells.
  • Give a robot a brain of its own! Build a robotic buddy that learns from humans and becomes the ultimate sidekick.
  • Create a simulator where self-driving cars practice their moves, dealing with traffic jams, tricky turns, and unexpected surprises.
  • Introduce a cleaning sensation! Develop a robot that effortlessly glides through homes, making cleaning a breeze.
  • Choreograph a drone ballet! Explore the magic of drone swarming, where they move as one in a mesmerizing dance.

Biotechnology and Health Sciences:

  • Bring healthcare to your screen! Create a telemedicine platform where doctors make house calls through video consultations.
  • Turn into a water quality detective! Craft a biosensor system that sniffs out contaminants and ensures water safety.
  • Create a superhero leg! Design a prosthetic limb that listens to your thoughts, making movement feel like second nature.
  • Peek into your genetic crystal ball! Develop an app that predicts your genetic future, helping you plan ahead.
  • Mini superheroes inside your body! Build a drug delivery system using nanotech, ensuring meds reach the right spot.
  • Make tissues like a 3D printing wizard! Dive into bioprinting, creating artificial tissues for medical wonders.
  • Pop on a smart lens! Design a lens that not only corrects your vision but also keeps tabs on your glucose levels.
  • Make health a breeze! Craft an app that’s your health haven, covering fitness, nutrition, and a bit of mental zen.
  • Your personal medicine whisperer! Create a platform that suggests treatments based on your unique genetic melody.
  • Control devices with your thoughts! Develop an interface that turns brain signals into electronic magic.

Environmental Science and Sustainability:

  • Spin the renewable tunes! Design a system that jams to the rhythm of renewable energy, optimizing its beats.
  • Green spaces become the stars! Create a tool that orchestrates the perfect symphony of urban greenery for sustainability.
  • Send drones on a pollution patrol! Build flying scouts that report on air quality, helping us all breathe easy.
  • Transform farms into tech marvels! Develop an IoT system that turns farming into a precision dance, boosting crop yields.
  • Turn trash into treasure! Explore ways to convert waste into energy, making every piece of rubbish a potential power source.
  • Send a cleanup crew to the ocean fiesta! Create a robot that collects plastic and keeps our oceans sparkling.
  • Let the sun make fresh water! Develop a system that uses solar magic for water desalination, making the sea drinkable.
  • Make electricity dance to a smart beat! Implement a grid that grooves to the rhythm of energy efficiency.
  • Create packaging that hugs the planet! Design materials that decompose like fairy dust, leaving no trace.
  • Turn recycling into a celebration! Develop an app that connects communities, turning trash into treasures.

Executing Your Capstone Project

Time to rock your Capstone Project! Here’s your down-to-earth guide to making it happen:

  • Imagine your project as a journey. Map out the steps you need to take, like planning a road trip with cool stops along the way.
  • Get your tools ready. Whether it’s a laptop, lab equipment, or a trusty notebook, gather your gear like a hero gearing up for a quest.
  • If you’ve got a team, keep the chat alive. It’s like a group text for your STEM gang. Regular check-ins keep everyone in sync and ready to conquer.
  • Brace yourself for twists and turns. Every challenge is a chance to learn. Think of it as leveling up in a video game—each obstacle makes you stronger.
  • Celebrate the small wins. Successfully debugged your code? Dance it out. Nailed that experiment? Fist bump the air. Little victories add up to one big win.
  • Stay flexible. Plans might change, and that’s okay. Think of it like a dance—you improvise and keep grooving even when the beat changes.
  • Share your progress. Get feedback from your mentors or classmates. It’s like getting advice on your killer playlist—external input makes it even better.
  • As you near the finish line, fine-tune your work. It’s like putting the finishing touches on your favorite jam—make it smooth and perfect.
  • Keep your space tidy. A clutter-free workspace is like a calm sea—smooth sailing for your project ship.
  • When it’s showtime, strut your stuff. Share your journey, the highs, the lows—it’s your moment to shine like a rockstar.

Executing your Capstone Project is a gig to remember. Ride the waves, dance to the beats, and enjoy every moment. Your STEM adventure is about to become legendary!

How do I find a Capstone Project idea for STEM?

Ready to dive into the exciting world of a STEM Capstone Project? Here’s a laid-back guide to help you snag that perfect idea:

  • What gets you buzzing with excitement? Dive into your passions, whether it’s coding, experimenting, or building things. Your project should feel like a joyride, not a chore.
  • Take a stroll around your world—school, community, or even your daily routine. Any pesky problems you’d love to tackle using STEM? Your project could be the superhero solution!
  • Check out the cool stuff happening in the tech world. Anything catch your eye? It could be the next big thing or the missing link for your project.
  • Gather your buddies, mentors, or anyone willing to brainstorm. No idea is too wild! Throw them all on the table and see which ones spark that “aha” moment.
  • What skills do you want to level up? Your project is a chance to boost your superhero skill set. Pick an idea that feels like a fun skill-building adventure.
  • Peek into different STEM industries. What’s cooking? Any space for your project to shine? It could be the game-changer they didn’t know they needed.
  • Check out the stories of STEM heroes and sheroes. Anything inspiring? Maybe a twist or improvement on their ideas could be your ticket to project stardom.
  • Join STEM hangouts, forums, or clubs. Chat with other STEM enthusiasts. You might stumble upon ongoing projects or find pals to join your project party.
  • Take stock of your resources and time. What can you realistically pull off? Your project should be a fun challenge, not a stress marathon .
  • Share your top ideas with your favorite teachers, mentors, or even your pet cat. Seriously, anyone who’ll listen! Their feedback can turn a good idea into a stellar one.

Remember, this project is your chance to shine in the world of STEM. So, pick an idea that feels like your own personal superhero journey—adventurous, a bit challenging, and totally awesome!

What makes a good Capstone Project?

Cooking up the perfect STEM Capstone Project? Let’s keep it as simple and engaging as your favorite recipe:

  • Think about what gets you pumped in the world of STEM. Your project should feel like picking your favorite game to play—it’s gotta be exciting!
  • Your project should be like fixing a real-world hiccup. Maybe it’s something bothering your school or community. Time to use STEM to be the fixer!
  • Be the cool inventor! What can you add or change to make your project stand out? Get those creative juices flowing.
  • Check your backpack for resources. Your project should be like planning a fun trip—it’s gotta be exciting but fit in your backpack (resources and time).
  • Want to share the magic? Think about teaming up with friends, mentors, or even your science-loving cousin. Teamwork can turn your project into a group adventure.
  • Treat your project like leveling up in your favorite game. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about learning new skills and having fun along the way.
  • What’s hot in the STEM world right now? Your project should be like picking the coolest outfit for the season—stylish and up-to-date.
  • Your project should be a bit like learning a new dance. It’s not just about the end result; it’s about the moves you learn along the way.
  • Your project should be like leaving your mark on the world. How will it help others or add some extra sparkle to the STEM scene?
  • Finally, imagine your project is a story you can’t wait to tell your buddies. Prepare a cool show-and-tell—clear, fun, and with a touch of magic!

So, there you have it! Your STEM Capstone Project should feel like the coolest adventure in your favorite game, mixed with a bit of teamwork, creativity, and a whole lot of fun. Ready, set, STEM-magic time!

And that’s a wrap, STEM trailblazers! As we bid adieu to our Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students journey, just know this is not a goodbye but a “see you later” in the world of science, tech, engineering, and math.

Your chosen project isn’t just a wrap-up of classes; it’s your chance to show the world what you’re made of—pure STEM magic. Whether you’re coding up a storm, concocting experiments, or engineering solutions, your Capstone Project is your time to shine.

So, as you tackle the challenges and revel in those “Aha!” moments, remember it’s all part of the ride. Big wins, tiny victories—they all count. Your STEM journey is more like a cool series finale, leaving everyone in awe.

This isn’t a farewell—it’s your springboard into what’s next. Your project isn’t just a project; it’s your story in the ever-evolving book of STEM. Your curious mind, your ability to adapt, and the skills you’ve polished during this journey are your forever companions.

So, go on, STEM pals! Let your Capstone Project be that masterpiece that makes everyone say, “Wow, that’s amazing!” Your brilliance is bound to light up the STEM galaxy.

Rock it, STEM champs! Your Capstone Project isn’t just an ending; it’s a launch into the stratosphere of STEM greatness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a capstone project in stem.

A capstone project in STEM is a culminating academic endeavor that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

Can I collaborate with industry professionals on my capstone project?

Yes, collaborating with industry professionals is a great way to gain real-world experience and insights for your capstone project.

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  17. ECE Capstone

    The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) offers the Capstone Design senior level course, which is mandatory for all students. This two semester long course is one of the most challenging, exciting, and successful programs on campus. A number of industrial partners, research institutions, business school in connection to the ...

  18. 18 Best Electronics Capstone Project Ideas You Should Try

    Virtual reality enhanced learning platform. Biometric access control system. Smart traffic management system. Electronic waste recycling system. Electrical engineering capstone ideas. Here are some electrical engineering capstone project ideas for a fantastic paper: Smart grid monitoring system.

  19. Engineering Capstone Project Ideas for All Study Levels

    Engineering Capstone Project Ideas. We want to help you out and ease your work on the pending capstone project. So, we've hand-picked several winning capstone project ideas, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering capstone project ideas, and some other subject areas. Here's a list for your quick inspiration:

  20. 40 Best Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students: Shaping the Future

    Organized Chaos: Keep your space tidy. A clutter-free workspace is like a calm sea—smooth sailing for your project ship. Confidence Showtime: When it's showtime, strut your stuff. Share your journey, the highs, the lows—it's your moment to shine like a rockstar. Executing your Capstone Project is a gig to remember.

  21. Cool Capstone Project Ideas : r/ElectricalEngineering

    A place to ask questions, discuss topics and share projects related to Electrical Engineering. ... For my final semester, I've been asked to come up with my / my group's capstone project. There will be 2-4 in my group with a mix of computer and electrical engineering students. ... I would love to hear ideas. I am also emailing the professor ...

  22. Capstone project ideas : r/ElectricalEngineering

    Tabulator: Use onset & note info to place pairs of notes o the fretboard, building a constellation of possibilities (since guitar notes are fungible). use a context-aware algo to choose the most "playable" option. Send to output process. Output: Use matplotlib with blitting to output a side scrolling real time tab.

  23. Capstone for Electrical Engineering : r/EngineeringStudents

    If you can make a capstone project work with people from multiple disciplines, it's always going to be seen as a plus from employers. So little engineering is done strictly in its own discipline any more. Don't try and make it too complicated to seem impressive. So much of your capstone is about presenting / selling your idea as a solution to a ...