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Writing a dissertation proposal.

Dissertation Proposal

What is a dissertation proposal?

Dissertation proposals are like the table of contents for your research project , and will help you explain what it is you intend to examine, and roughly, how you intend to go about collecting and analysing your data. You won’t be required to have everything planned out exactly, as your topic may change slightly in the course of your research, but for the most part, writing your proposal should help you better identify the direction for your dissertation.

When you’ve chosen a topic for your dissertation , you’ll need to make sure that it is both appropriate to your field of study and narrow enough to be completed by the end of your course. Your dissertation proposal will help you define and determine both of these things and will also allow your department and instructors to make sure that you are being advised by the best person to help you complete your research.

A dissertation proposal should include:

  • An introduction to your dissertation topic
  • Aims and objectives of your dissertation
  • A literature review of the current research undertaken in your field
  • Proposed methodology to be used
  • Implications of your research
  • Limitations of your research
  • Bibliography 

Although this content all needs to be included in your dissertation proposal, the content isn’t set in stone so it can be changed later if necessary, depending on your topic of study, university or degree. Think of your dissertation proposal as more of a guide to writing your dissertation rather than something to be strictly adhered to – this will be discussed later. 

Writing a dissertation proposal

Why is a dissertation proposal important?

A dissertation proposal is very important because it helps shape the actual dissertation, which is arguably the most important piece of writing a postgraduate student will undertake. By having a well-structured dissertation proposal, you will have a strong foundation for your dissertation and a good template to follow. The dissertation itself is key to postgraduate success as it will contribute to your overall grade . Writing your dissertation will also help you to develop research and communication skills, which could become invaluable in your employment success and future career. By making sure you’re fully briefed on the current research available in your chosen dissertation topic, as well as keeping details of your bibliography up to date, you will be in a great position to write an excellent dissertation.

Next, we’ll be outlining things you can do to help you produce the best postgraduate dissertation proposal possible.

How to begin your dissertation proposal

Writing a dissertation proposal

1. Narrow the topic down  

It’s important that when you sit down to draft your proposal, you’ve carefully thought out your topic and are able to narrow it down enough to present a clear and succinct understanding of what you aim to do and hope to accomplish in your dissertation.

How do I decide on a dissertation topic?

A simple way to begin choosing a topic for your dissertation is to go back through your assignments and lectures. Was there a topic that stood out to you? Was there an idea that wasn’t fully explored? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then you have a great starting point! If not, then consider one of your more personal interests. Use Google Scholar to explore studies and journals on your topic to find any areas that could go into more detail or explore a more niche topic within your personal interest. 

Keep track of all publications

It’s important to keep track of all the publications that you use while you research. You can use this in your literature review.

You need to keep track of:

  • The title of the study/research paper/book/journal
  • Who wrote/took part in the study/research paper
  • Chapter title
  • Page number(s)

The more research you do, the more you should be able to narrow down your topic and find an interesting area to focus on. You’ll also be able to write about everything you find in your literature review which will make your proposal stronger.

While doing your research, consider the following:

  • When was your source published? Is the information outdated? Has new information come to light since?
  • Can you determine if any of the methodologies could have been carried out more efficiently? Are there any errors or gaps?
  • Are there any ethical concerns that should be considered in future studies on the same topic?
  • Could anything external (for example new events happening) have influenced the research?

Read more about picking a topic for your dissertation . 

How long should the dissertation proposal be?

There is usually no set length for a dissertation proposal, but you should aim for 1,000 words or more. Your dissertation proposal will give an outline of the topic of your dissertation, some of the questions you hope to answer with your research, what sort of studies and type of data you aim to employ in your research, and the sort of analysis you will carry out.

Different courses may have different requirements for things like length and the specific information to include, as well as what structure is preferred, so be sure to check what special requirements your course has.  

Dissertation proposal example

2. What should I include in a dissertation proposal?

Your dissertation proposal should have several key aspects regardless of the structure. The introduction, the methodology, aims and objectives, the literature review, and the constraints of your research all need to be included to ensure that you provide your supervisor with a comprehensive proposal. But what are they? Here's a checklist to get you started.

  • Introduction

The introduction will state your central research question and give background on the subject, as well as relating it contextually to any broader issues surrounding it. 

The dissertation proposal introduction should outline exactly what you intend to investigate in your final research project.

Make sure you outline the structure of the dissertation proposal in your introduction, i.e. part one covers methodology, part two covers a literature review, part three covers research limitations, and so forth.

Your introduction should also include the working title for your dissertation – although don't worry if you want to change this at a later stage as your supervisors will not expect this to be set in stone.

Dissertation methodology

The dissertation methodology will break down what sources you aim to use for your research and what sort of data you will collect from it, either quantitative or qualitative. You may also want to include how you will analyse the data you gather and what, if any, bias there may be in your chosen methods.

Depending on the level of detail that your specific course requires, you may also want to explain why your chosen approaches to gathering data are more appropriate to your research than others.

Consider and explain how you will conduct empirical research. For example, will you use interviews? Surveys? Observation? Lab experiments?

In your dissertation methodology, outline the variables that you will measure in your research and how you will select your data or participant sample to ensure valid results.

Finally, are there any specific tools that you will use for your methodology? If so, make sure you provide this information in the methodology section of your dissertation proposal.

  • Aims and objectives

Writing a dissertation proposal

Your aim should not be too broad but should equally not be too specific.

An example of a dissertation aim could be: ‘To examine the key content features and social contexts that construct successful viral marketing content distribution on X’.

In comparison, an example of a dissertation aim that is perhaps too broad would be: ‘To investigate how things go viral on X’.

The aim of your dissertation proposal should relate directly to your research question.

  • Literature review

The literature review will list the books and materials that you will be using to do your research. This is where you can list materials that gave you more background on your topic, or contain research carried out previously that you referred to in your own studies. 

The literature review is also a good place to demonstrate how your research connects to previous academic studies and how your methods may differ from or build upon those used by other researchers. While it’s important to give enough information about the materials to show that you have read and understood them, don’t forget to include your analysis of their value to your work.

Where there are shortfalls in other pieces of academic work, identify these and address how you will overcome these shortcomings in your own research.

Constraints and limitations of your research

Lastly, you will also need to include the constraints of your research. Many topics will have broad links to numerous larger and more complex issues, so by clearly stating the constraints of your research, you are displaying your understanding and acknowledgment of these larger issues, and the role they play by focusing your research on just one section or part of the subject.

In this section it is important to Include examples of possible limitations, for example, issues with sample size, participant drop out, lack of existing research on the topic, time constraints, and other factors that may affect your study.

  • Ethical considerations

Confidentiality and ethical concerns are an important part of any research.

Ethics are key, as your dissertation will need to undergo ethical approval if you are working with participants. This means that it’s important to allow for and explain ethical considerations in your dissertation proposal.

Keep confidentiality in mind and keep your participants informed, so they are aware of how the data provided is being used and are assured that all personal information is being kept confidential.

Consider how involved your patients will be with your research, this will help you think about what ethical considerations to take and discuss them fully in your dissertation proposal. For example, face-to-face participant interview methods could require more ethical measures and confidentiality considerations than methods that do not require participants, such as corpus data (a collection of existing written texts) analysis. 

3. Dissertation proposal example

Writing a dissertation proposal

Once you know what sections you need or do not need to include, it may help focus your writing to break the proposal up into separate headings, and tackle each piece individually. You may also want to consider including a title. Writing a title for your proposal will help you make sure that your topic is narrow enough, as well as help keep your writing focused and on topic.

One example of a dissertation proposal structure is using the following headings, either broken up into sections or chapters depending on the required word count:

  • Methodology
  • Research constraints

In any dissertation proposal example, you’ll want to make it clear why you’re doing the research and what positives could come from your contribution. 

Dissertation proposal example table

This table outlines the various stages of your dissertation proposal.

Working title

This is not set in stone and is open to being changed further down the line.


Background information to your dissertation, including details of the basic facts, reasons for your interest in this area, and the importance of your research to the relevant industry.


Details of the sources you are planning to use – eg surveys, modelling, case studies. Are you collecting quantitative or qualitative data? Explain how you will analyse this data.


List out the goals that you are hoping to achieve through your research project.

Literature review

Titles and URLs of proposed texts and websites that you are planning to use in your research project.

Constraints & limitations

Clearly state the potential limitations of your research project, eg sample size, time constraints, etc.

Ethical considerations

If your dissertation involves using participants, it will need to undergo ethical approval – explain any ethical considerations in the dissertation proposal.


All factual information that is not your original work needs to be accompanied by a reference to its source.

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Doctoral handbook

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Proposal Overview and Format

Proposal committee, proposal hearing or meeting.

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Students are urged to begin thinking about a dissertation topic early in their degree program. Concentrated work on a dissertation proposal normally begins after successful completion of the Second-Year Review, which often includes a “mini” proposal, an extended literature review, or a theoretical essay, plus advancement to doctoral candidacy. In defining a dissertation topic, the student collaborates with their faculty advisor or dissertation advisor (if one is selected) in the choice of a topic for the dissertation.

The dissertation proposal is a comprehensive statement on the extent and nature of the student’s dissertation research interests. Students submit a draft of the proposal to their dissertation advisor between the end of the seventh and middle of the ninth quarters. The student must provide a written copy of the proposal to the faculty committee no later than two weeks prior to the date of the proposal hearing. Committee members could require an earlier deadline (e.g., four weeks before the hearing).

The major components of the proposal are as follows, with some variations across Areas and disciplines:

  • A detailed statement of the problem that is to be studied and the context within which it is to be seen. This should include a justification of the importance of the problem on both theoretical and educational grounds.
  • A thorough review of the literature pertinent to the research problem. This review should provide proof that the relevant literature in the field has been thoroughly researched. Good research is cumulative; it builds on the thoughts, findings, and mistakes of others.
  • its general explanatory interest
  • the overall theoretical framework within which this interest is to be pursued
  • the model or hypotheses to be tested or the research questions to be answered
  • a discussion of the conceptual and operational properties of the variables
  • an overview of strategies for collecting appropriate evidence (sampling, instrumentation, data collection, data reduction, data analysis)
  • a discussion of how the evidence is to be interpreted (This aspect of the proposal will be somewhat different in fields such as history and philosophy of education.)
  • If applicable, students should complete a request for approval of research with human subjects, using the Human Subjects Review Form ( http://humansubjects.stanford.edu/ ). Except for pilot work, the University requires the approval of the Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Behavioral Science Research before any data can be collected from human subjects.

Registration (i.e., enrollment) is required for any quarter during which a degree requirement is completed, including the dissertation proposal. Refer to the Registration or Enrollment for Milestone Completion section for more details.

As students progress through the program, their interests may change. There is no commitment on the part of the student’s advisor to automatically serve as the dissertation chair. Based on the student’s interests and the dissertation topic, many students approach other GSE professors to serve as the dissertation advisor, if appropriate.

A dissertation proposal committee is comprised of three academic council faculty members, one of whom will serve as the major dissertation advisor. Whether or not the student’s general program advisor serves on the dissertation proposal committee and later the reading committee will depend on the relevance of that faculty member’s expertise to the topic of the dissertation, and their availability. There is no requirement that a program advisor serve, although very often they do. Members of the dissertation proposal committee may be drawn from other area committees within the GSE, from other departments in the University, or from emeriti faculty. At least one person serving on the proposal committee must be from the student’s area committee (CTE, DAPS, SHIPS). All three members must be on the Academic Council; if the student desires the expertise of a non-Academic Council member, it may be possible to petition. After the hearing, a memorandum listing the changes to be made will be written and submitted with the signed proposal cover sheet and a copy of the proposal itself to the Doctoral Programs Officer.

Review and approval of the dissertation proposal occurs normally during the third year. The proposal hearing seeks to review the quality and feasibility of the proposal. The Second-Year Review and the Proposal Hearing are separate milestones and may not occur as part of the same hearing or meeting.

The student and the dissertation advisor are responsible for scheduling a formal meeting or hearing to review the proposal; the student and proposal committee convene for this evaluative period. Normally, all must be present at the meeting either in person or via conference phone call.

At the end of this meeting, the dissertation proposal committee members should sign the Cover Sheet for Dissertation Proposal and indicate their approval or rejection of the proposal. This signed form should be submitted to the Doctoral Programs Officer. If the student is required to make revisions, an addendum is required with the written approval of each member of the committee stating that the proposal has been revised to their satisfaction.

After submitting the Proposal Hearing material to the Doctoral Programs Officer, the student should make arrangements with three faculty members to serve on their Dissertation Reading Committee. The Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee form should be completed and given to the Doctoral Programs Officer to enter in the University student records system. Note: The proposal hearing committee and the reading committee do not have to be the same three faculty members. Normally, the proposal hearing precedes the designation of a Dissertation Reading Committee, and faculty on either committee may differ (except for the primary dissertation advisor). However, some students may advance to Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) status before completing their dissertation proposal hearing if they have established a dissertation reading committee. In these cases, it is acceptable for the student to form a reading committee prior to the dissertation proposal hearing. The reading committee then serves as the proposal committee.

The proposal and reading committee forms and related instructions are on the GSE website, under current students>forms.

Printing Credit for Use in GSE Labs

Upon completion of their doctoral dissertation proposal, GSE students are eligible for a $300 printing credit redeemable in any of the GSE computer labs where students are normally charged for print jobs. Only one $300 credit per student will be issued, but it is usable throughout the remainder of her or his doctoral program until the balance is exhausted. The print credit can be used only at the printers in Cubberley basement and CERAS, and cannot be used toward copying.

After submitting the signed dissertation proposal cover sheet to the Doctoral Programs Officer indicating approval (see above), students can submit a HELP SU ticket online at helpsu.stanford.edu to request the credit. When submitting the help ticket, the following should be selected from the drop-down menus for HELP SU:

Request Category :  Computer, Handhelds (PDAs), Printers, Servers Request Type :  Printer Operating System : (whatever system is used by the student, e.g., Windows XP.)

The help ticket will be routed to the GSE's IT Group for processing; they will in turn notify the student via email when the credit is available.

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Handbook Contents

  • Timetable for the Doctoral Degree
  • Degree Requirements
  • Registration or Enrollment for Milestone Completion
  • The Graduate Study Program
  • Student Virtual and Teleconference Participation in Hearings
  • First Year (3rd Quarter) Review
  • Second Year (6th Quarter) Review
  • Committee Composition for First- and Second-Year Reviews
  • Advancement to Candidacy
  • Academic Program Revision
  • Dissertation Content
  • Dissertation Reading Committee
  • University Oral Examination
  • Submitting the Dissertation
  • Registration and Student Statuses
  • Graduate Financial Support
  • GSE Courses
  • Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education (CTE)
  • Developmental and Psychological Sciences (DAPS)
  • Learning Sciences and Technology Design (LSTD)
  • Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)
  • Social Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Policy Studies in Education (SHIPS)
  • Contact Information
  • Stanford University Honor Code
  • Stanford University Fundamental Standard
  • Doctoral Programs Degree Progress Checklist
  • GSE Open Access Policies

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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/examples/

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Examples of research proposals

How to write your research proposal, with examples of good proposals.

Research proposals

Your research proposal is a key part of your application. It tells us about the question you want to answer through your research. It is a chance for you to show your knowledge of the subject area and tell us about the methods you want to use.

We use your research proposal to match you with a supervisor or team of supervisors.

In your proposal, please tell us if you have an interest in the work of a specific academic at York St John. You can get in touch with this academic to discuss your proposal. You can also speak to one of our Research Leads. There is a list of our Research Leads on the Apply page.

When you write your proposal you need to:

  • Highlight how it is original or significant
  • Explain how it will develop or challenge current knowledge of your subject
  • Identify the importance of your research
  • Show why you are the right person to do this research
  • Research Proposal Example 1 (DOC, 49kB)
  • Research Proposal Example 2 (DOC, 0.9MB)
  • Research Proposal Example 3 (DOC, 55.5kB)
  • Research Proposal Example 4 (DOC, 49.5kB)

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How to Write a Dissertation Proposal - Template & Examples

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Dissertation writing is an important academic assignment for your bachelor’s and master’s degrees. It is considered the most demanding and daunting assignment because it involves extensive research and analysis.

Professors usually assign this task to students to evaluate their research and writing skills. Thus, the writing process is indeed challenging and time-consuming. From choosing the right topic to writing all the sections of a dissertation, it needs a lot of effort.

Before submitting a dissertation, a dissertation proposal is written for approval. When the proposal is approved, the research on the topic begins. Learn how to write a professional dissertation proposal by going through this detailed guide.

What is a Dissertation Proposal?

Dissertation proposal outline, how to write a dissertation proposal, dissertation proposal examples.

  • Writing the Dissertation Proposal - Dos and Don’ts

A dissertation proposal is similar to a research proposal. It is written to comprehend a statement on the nature of the student’s research interest. This proposed idea must be submitted to the dissertation advisor, who can either approve or reject it.

Moreover, a dissertation proposal presentation includes the methods for data collection and describes hypothetical outcomes. It is mainly used to convince the experts that your research is worthy enough to make a difference in the field. Therefore, make sure to write an impressive and well-structured proposal.

A dissertation proposal is a major step in your master’s or doctoral degree. It provides an outline of the future work you will do to complete that degree.

The length of a dissertation proposal varies from field to field. However, a lengthy proposal usually takes up to 20 pages, while the shorter one is around 9 to 10 pages.

What is the Purpose of a Dissertation Proposal?

A proposal is a document that explains what your research project is and how you plan to do it. You will submit your proposal to your committee for review. After you have presented your proposal, the committee will ask you questions about it.

The committee wants to know that your research questions are important and you have chosen the right methods to answer them.

Why is a Dissertation Proposal Important?

The proposal will provide you with a strong foundation for your work. It also helps to set expectations about what is expected from it.

The dissertation is very important for your success in getting a postgraduate degree. Writing the dissertation will help you develop research and communication skills that will be very useful in your future career.

For a great dissertation, you need to stay up-to-date on the latest research related to your topic. Make sure to keep track of all the sources you use for your dissertation. This will help you write an excellent proposal.

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Below is a detailed dissertation proposal outline for you to follow while writing your own:

Chapter 1 - Introduction

  • Significance of Problem
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Questions

Chapter 2 - Literature Review

  • Historical Background
  • Relevant Theoretical Models

Chapter 3 - Research Methodology

  • Participants
  • Research Design
  • Data Analysis

Chapter 4 - Results

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Numerical Statistics
  • Tables And Figures

Chapter 5 - Discussion

  • Limitations
  • Recommendations for Future Research

Chapter 6 - References

Chapter 7 - Appendices

Check out the following document to understand the dissertation proposal format.

Dissertation Proposal Template (PDF)

Dissertation Proposal Template

How do you write a dissertation proposal?

A dissertation proposal describes what you want to do, what the study is about, and how you will conduct it. It includes the steps given below.

  • 1. Come Up With an Idea

Before starting to write a proposal, you should come up with a strong dissertation topic or idea. It is better to find an area of your field that may interest you. Also, conduct thorough research work before utilizing the idea and consider the following questions.

  • What are the major concerns of other research experts?
  • How do they suggest the areas for future research?
  • Why has a literature gap grabbed your attention?

After you finalize the idea, narrow it down. Never work on a vague theme and be as specific as possible.

For Example

Russian literature - 19th-century Russian literature - The novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky

  • 2. Present the Idea in the Introduction

Like other academic assignments, a dissertation proposal also starts with an introduction. A dissertation introduction introduces the topic, provides background information, and presents objectives and research questions.

Consider writing a hook statement related to your chosen topic. Present more background and area context to understand the proposed questions. Also, discuss the existing research on the topic idea and what your dissertation will contribute to the field area.

Remember, if you are planning to include a literature review, avoid adding too much detail at this point. Instead, just provide a brief overview of the research study.

Furthermore, the research aims and objectives must be identifiable and specific. Avoid too broad and too many questions.

  • 3. Explore Research in the Literature Review

In this section, explore existing research work and identify what is missing from the literature. Ensure that you are not working on something that has already been discussed.

When working on the literature review , thoroughly analyze the relevant sources in your review. Also, summarize other researchers' findings and highlight the limitations in the previous work.

  • 4. Describe the Methodology

Describe the proposed methods to collect and analyze data. Make sure to convince the reader that your dissertation methodology is realistic to carry out. However, this section will vary in length depending on the field of your study.

A writer can use the following research types to collect the data.

  • Empirical Research

This type involves collecting data and analyzing it to answer a specific question. It can be quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both.

You will collect data via surveys, lab experiments, and interviews. Nevertheless, consider the variable that you will measure and the sample size before conducting empirical research.

  • Theoretical Research

Theoretical research does not involve collecting original data. Instead, the method focuses on the theory you have planned to work with. You can also refer to the same theorists that you have discussed in the review. But here, the emphasis must be placed on how you will use their contributions in your study.

  • 5. Outline the Implications of Your Research

Conclude the proposal by discussing what you expect the research work to achieve. If you are unsure about the final results, consider your dissertation's possible implications, including;

  • Develop or test a theory.
  • Providing new data to the organizations.
  • Challenge a common belief.
  • Suggest a future recommendation.
  • 6. Create a Referencing List

Lastly; you must reference all sources that you have used in your dissertation proposal. For this, include a properly formatted reference list at the end.

Different educational institutions have different referencing styles, including Harvard, APA, MLA, and Chicago. If the professor does not specify the requirements, choose a style yourself, and apply it. But before doing it, you must know how to cite a dissertation in a proper format.

Refer to the following dissertation proposal examples to write your own.

Masters Dissertation Proposal Example (PDF)

Masters Dissertation Proposal Example

Sample Dissertation Proposal in Education (PDF)

Sample Dissertation Proposal in Education

Nursing Dissertation Proposal Example (PDF)

Nursing Dissertation Proposal Example

HR Dissertation Proposal Example (PDF)

HR Dissertation Proposal Example

Undergraduate Dissertation Proposal Example (PDF)

Undergraduate Dissertation Proposal Example

PhD Dissertation Proposal Example (PDF)

PhD Dissertation Proposal Example

Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Proposal (PDF)

Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Proposal

Writing the Dissertation Proposal - Do’s and Don’ts

Here are the dos and don’ts of writing a dissertation proposal.

  • The structure of the dissertation is very important. Always present your idea in a hierarchic order with the most important opinions placed first.
  • Identify the topic at the beginning of the proposal and state the central argument.
  • Make sure to distinguish between the central questions and the subsidiary ones.
  • Identify the main interest of the reader to find out how the writer will address the topic.
  • Do not present the topic in multiple versions. Instead, state it clearly and concisely at the start.
  • Always identify what is missing in the existing literature and how your research will contribute to the field.
  • State a clear connection between the how and what of the presented topic.
  • Give enough historical background of the topic for the readers to understand.
  • Limit the scope of the research work because too many goals will not be easy to accomplish in the future.
  • Never forget to write a dissertation abstract that will relate the opening paragraph to the final outcomes.

Now you must have understood the structure and the writing process of a dissertation proposal. We understand that drafting a perfect dissertation is a daunting task for many students.

The grades and degrees solely depend on this academic assignment. Nevertheless, some get overburdened and end up producing low-quality work.

Therefore, it is better to get professional assistance from GradSchoolGenius . The expert writers provide the best dissertation writing services to guide students. All you have to do is just specify your requirements, and we will do the best we can.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a dissertation proposal.

A dissertation proposal must not be less than 10 pages. However, the average length of a Ph.D. dissertation is from 15 to 20 pages.

What is a Ph.D. dissertation proposal?

A Ph.D. proposal is like a plan for your project. The proposal needs to say why this is something new and how it relates to the existing literature in the field.

How many pages should a Ph.D. proposal be?

A Ph.D. research proposal should include many different sections. The minimum requirement is 25 pages, but you can write up to 40 pages.

How much time does it take to write a Ph.D. proposal?

Usually, doctoral research proposals take longer than other proposals. They take about 4 to 6 months while others only take 2 months.

What should be in a dissertation proposal?

Below are some things that you should include in a dissertation proposal.

  • Research question
  • Previous research
  • Outcome of discussion
  • Introduction

What makes a good dissertation proposal?

A good dissertation proposal contains an introduction, literature review (to provide background), and methodology.

What are the core elements of a dissertation?

The core elements of the dissertation are;

  • Literature review
  • Research plan

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How Dissertation Proposal Examples And Research Proposal Samples Can Help You Write A Winning Proposal

  • Posted on May 11, 2023
  • / Under General

Writing a dissertation or research proposal can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the process. However, examples and templates can be valuable tools to help you write a strong and compelling proposal that effectively communicates your research project’s goals, methodology, and expected outcomes.

In this article, we’ll explore the usefulness of dissertation proposal example and research proposal samples and how they can help you create a winning proposal.

Dissertation Proposal Example

A dissertation proposal is a detailed plan for a research project that provides a clear and concise description of the research topic, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. A well-written dissertation proposal is crucial for gaining approval from your academic supervisor and committee members.

dissertation proposal samples

A dissertation proposal example is a pre-written proposal that serves as a guide for writing your own proposal. It provides a clear framework for organizing your ideas, identifying potential problems and inconsistencies, and presenting your research project in a logical, coherent manner.

By using a dissertation proposal example, you can save time and effort by starting with a solid foundation and refining it based on your specific research project’s needs. It can also help you identify potential gaps in your research and ensure that you address all the necessary components of a dissertation proposal.

Research Proposal Sample

A research proposal is a concise and comprehensive summary of a research project that outlines the research questions, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. A well-written research proposal is crucial for obtaining funding or approval for your research project.

A research proposal sample is a pre-written proposal that provides an example of how to structure and format a research proposal. It provides guidance on the language and formatting requirements for a proposal and demonstrates the essential components of a proposal, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, expected outcomes, and conclusion.

By using a research proposal sample, you can save time and effort by starting with a clear and concise framework for organizing your research project. It can also help you identify potential gaps in your research and ensure that you address all the necessary components of a research proposal.

The Usefulness of Examples and Templates

Examples and templates can be valuable tools to help you write a winning dissertation or research proposal. They provide a clear framework for organizing your ideas, identifying potential problems and inconsistencies, and presenting your research project in a logical, coherent manner.

By using a pre-written example or template, you can save time and effort by starting with a solid foundation and refining it based on your specific research project’s needs. It can also help you identify potential gaps in your research and ensure that you address all the necessary components of a proposal.

Additionally, using examples and templates can help you improve your proposal writing skills by providing guidance on the language and formatting requirements for a proposal. It can also help you become familiar with the terminology and structure of academic proposals, which can be beneficial for future research projects.

Writing a dissertation or research proposal can be a challenging and daunting task, but using examples and templates can help you create a winning proposal that effectively communicates your research project’s goals, methodology, and expected outcomes.

Dissertation proposal examples and research proposal samples provide a clear framework for organizing your ideas, identifying potential problems and inconsistencies, and presenting your research project in a logical, coherent manner. By using these tools, you can save time and effort by starting with a solid foundation and refining it based on your specific research project’s needs.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced researcher, using examples and templates can help you improve your proposal writing skills and increase your chances of obtaining funding or approval for your research project.

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Welcome to the on-line version of the UNC dissertation proposal collection. The purpose of this collection is to provide examples of proposals for those of you who are thinking of writing a proposal of your own. I hope that this on-line collection proves to be more difficult to misplace than the physical collection that periodically disappears. If you are preparing to write a proposal you should make a point of reading the excellent document The Path to the Ph.D., written by James Coggins. It includes advice about selecting a topic, preparing a proposal, taking your oral exam and finishing your dissertation. It also includes accounts by many people about the process that each of them went through to find a thesis topic. Adding to the Collection This collection of proposals becomes more useful with each new proposal that is added. If you have an accepted proposal, please help by including it in this collection. You may notice that the bulk of the proposals currently in this collection are in the area of computer graphics. This is an artifact of me knowing more computer graphics folks to pester for their proposals. Add your non-graphics proposal to the collection and help remedy this imbalance! There are only two requirements for a UNC proposal to be added to this collection. The first requirement is that your proposal must be completely approved by your committee. If we adhere to this, then each proposal in the collection serves as an example of a document that five faculty members have signed off on. The second requirement is that you supply, as best you can, exactly the document that your committee approved. While reading over my own proposal I winced at a few of the things that I had written. I resisted the temptation to change the document, however, because this collection should truely reflect what an accepted thesis proposal looks like. Note that there is no requirement that the author has finished his/her Ph.D. Several of the proposals in the collection were written by people who, as of this writing, are still working on their dissertation. This is fine! I encourage people to submit their proposals in any form they wish. Perhaps the most useful forms at the present are Postscript and HTML, but this may not always be so. Greg Coombe has generously provided LaTeX thesis style files , which, he says, conform to the 2004-2005 stlye requirements.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this collection!
Greg Coombe, "Incremental Construction of Surface Light Fields" in PDF . Karl Hillesland, "Image-Based Modelling Using Nonlinear Function Fitting on a Stream Architecture" in PDF . Martin Isenburg, "Compressing, Streaming, and Processing of Large Polygon Meshes" in PDF . Ajith Mascarenhas, "A Topological Framework for Visualizing Time-varying Volumetric Datasets" in PDF . Josh Steinhurst, "Practical Photon Mapping in Hardware" in PDF . Ronald Azuma, "Predictive Tracking for Head-Mounted Displays," in Postscript Mike Bajura, "Virtual Reality Meets Computer Vision," in Postscript David Ellsworth, "Polygon Rendering for Interactive Scientific Visualization on Multicomputers," in Postscript Richard Holloway, "A Systems-Engineering Study of the Registration Errors in a Virtual-Environment System for Cranio-Facial Surgery Planning," in Postscript Victoria Interrante, "Uses of Shading Techniques, Artistic Devices and Interaction to Improve the Visual Understanding of Multiple Interpenetrating Volume Data Sets," in Postscript Mark Mine, "Modeling From Within: A Proposal for the Investigation of Modeling Within the Immersive Environment" in Postscript Steve Molnar, "High-Speed Rendering using Scan-Line Image Composition," in Postscript Carl Mueller, " High-Performance Rendering via the Sort-First Architecture ," in Postscript Ulrich Neumann, "Direct Volume Rendering on Multicomputers," in Postscript Marc Olano, "Programmability in an Interactive Graphics Pipeline," in Postscript Krish Ponamgi, "Collision Detection for Interactive Environments and Simulations," in Postscript Russell Taylor, "Nanomanipulator Proposal," in Postscript Greg Turk, " Generating Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces ," in HTML and Postscript Terry Yoo, " Statistical Control of Nonlinear Diffusion ," in Postscript

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Example Dissertation Proposals

The example dissertation proposals below were submitted to UKDiss.com to help you with your own studies. If you are looking for dissertation proposal examples to help inspire your own then take a look at the below examples covering various subjects.

For help with writing your dissertation proposal, see our guide on how to write a dissertation proposal . We also offer a comprehensive writing service provided by fully qualified academics in your field of study.

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Writing a Dissertation Proposal: Outline and Example


Table of contents

  • 1 What is a Dissertation Proposal?
  • 2.1.1 Rationale:
  • 2.1.2 Purpose:
  • 2.1.3 Research Question:
  • 2.1.4 Hypothesis:
  • 2.1.5 Aims and Objectives:
  • 2.2 Define Your Methodology
  • 2.3 Literature Review
  • 2.4 Anticipate Challenges and Limitations
  • 2.5 Consider Ethical Considerations
  • 2.6 Present Research Timeline
  • 2.7 Outline of Future Work
  • 2.8 Conclusion
  • 3 Advice for Writing a Dissertation Proposal
  • 4 Dissertation Proposal Example
  • 5 Mastering the Art of Thesis and Dissertation Proposals

Are you gearing up to embark on the exciting journey of crafting a research proposal for your upcoming dissertation or thesis? If so, you’re in the right place! Creating a research proposal is like taking the very first step in building the foundation of your entire academic project. It is your opportunity to pitch your research idea, outline your plan, and convince your academic committee that your dissertation or thesis is worth pursuing.

However, to many students, writing a Ph.D. proposal seems daunting. Do you fall into a similar category? Worry no more. We are here to guide you through how to write a proposal for a dissertation or thesis, making it as clear and straightforward as possible.

In this article, we will break down the essential steps to help you create a compelling research proposal that stands out. Whether you’re a graduate student embarking on your first thesis or a doctoral candidate looking to refine your research pitch, we’ve got you covered.

Here is a glimpse of what we will explore in this article:

  • After reading this article, you will understand how to write methodology in a research proposal.
  • You will gain a clear understanding of what a research proposal is all about.
  • The article provides an in-depth discussion of the key components of the dissertation proposal structure.
  • Allocating time, staying organized, setting a realistic scope, and citing sources accurately are crucial for creating a compelling dissertation or thesis proposal.
  • The article provides insights into an example of a dissertation proposal.

What is a Dissertation Proposal?

Think of a research proposal for a dissertation as a roadmap for your academic adventure. It is the plan that points you in the right direction for your dissertation or thesis. To write a stellar Master’s research proposal finding the right topic to compose the dissertation proposal outline is crucial. Without the right thesis or dissertation topic, your paper will lack the depth, enthusiasm, and quality needed for success.

When you write your dissertation or thesis proposal, it has certain parts like an introduction, goals, a review of what has already been written, how you will do your research, what it all means, any limits, and a list of your sources. However, it is worth remembering that none of it is set in stone and can change depending on your study, school, or degree.

Strong research proposals demonstrate good research abilities and require the instructor’s feedback. Students who put in the effort and time to make their proposals clear and to the point are on the right track to academic success.

The research proposals should be complete, persuasive, and properly structured. While the research proposal serves as a valuable guide, it is still advisable to seek any further guidance required from your instructor or others in your department. Doing so will ensure that your projects adhere to all the academic rules.

A research proposal is a big deal when aiming for a higher degree. Writing a proposal for a dissertation that is simple but thorough can be challenging. Still, when you stick to the plan and get valuable advice from experts, you can build a strong foundation for your research project. Therefore, your success is assured.

How to Write a Proposal for Dissertation or Thesis?

When it comes to crafting proposals, the way you structure them up is super important. You are not alone if you are curious about writing a dissertation proposal and what it involves. But here is the deal: no universal format fits everyone.

Picking the very first dissertation proposal writing template and structure you come across might not be the best idea. Instead, you should choose a format that fits your paper like a glove. You must ensure you cover all the necessary parts, like your report’s main points, goals, and how you plan to do your research. Also, before you write a dissertation research proposal, get all the details about its structure.

Here are the key components of a thesis or dissertation proposal:


Introducing a dissertation or thesis proposal is critical in setting the stage for your research journey. Think of it as the opening act of a play; it needs to grab your audience’s attention and give them a clear sense of what to expect. This article will shed light on the vital components of a compelling introduction.

Explaining why your proposed research is necessary is crucial to kicking things off. What gap in existing research knowledge does your study aim to fill? You must highlight the significance of the research problem you are addressing to show that your work is not just an academic exercise but contributes to the broader field.

Next, the introduction of your thesis or dissertation proposal must include a clear purpose for your research. It should clearly answer the question, “What are you trying to achieve?” Clearly state the main objective of your research paper, which gives context to your study.

Research Question:

The heart of your introduction is the research question. It is the central query that your dissertation or thesis seeks to answer. Make it concise, specific, and engaging, as it will guide your entire research.


If applicable, introduce your hypothesis. It is an educated guess about the expected outcome of your research based on existing knowledge. It helps set clear expectations for your study.

Aims and Objectives:

Conclude the introduction by outlining the aims and objectives of your research. Aims are broad, overarching goals, while objectives are specific, measurable steps that help you achieve those aims. Outlining the aims and objectives provides a roadmap for your research.

By addressing these elements in your introduction, you will give your readers a clear understanding of your research paper and demonstrate that you have thought critically about the importance and direction of your dissertation or thesis and the background of your research . It is like saying, “Welcome to my research journey; here’s why it matters, what I am trying to achieve, and how I plan to get there.” It will lay a solid foundation for the rest of your proposal.

Define Your Methodology

The research methodology section in your PhD dissertation proposal is a critical part. It is where you lay out how to gather and analyze your data. This part explains your approach, like the research methods and theories you will use, whether you are into numbers (quantitative), words (qualitative), or a mix of both. Also, it is about how you will get the data, what you will do with it, and the tools you will use.

No matter how clearly we describe them, this might confuse many students. It is where PapersOwl steps in to save the day. If you find defining your methodology in your thesis or dissertation proposal tricky, just say, “ Do my Dissertation ,”  and the professional writers will jump right in to help.

Moreover, it is crucial to give valid reasons for your methodology selections. It will ensure the validity and reliability of the study’s findings.

Literature Review

In your doctoral dissertation proposal, the literature review section should showcase the books and materials you have used for your research. Think of it as giving credit to the sources that helped you understand your topic better or served as references for previous academic studies.

If tackling a literature review for your thesis or dissertation feels overwhelming, there is an alternative: consider taking help from a dissertation writing service . The literature review is your chance to demonstrate how your work fits into the bigger picture. It is about listing your sources and showing why they matter. Here are some pointers to keep in mind while doing a literature review for your thesis or dissertation:

  • Do not shy away from discussing the stuff you disagree with. Everyone has got their take on things, and that’s what makes it interesting.
  • Make sure to use proper citations to back up your ideas. It will make your proposal look more credible and worth reading.
  • Compare and contrast different theories, arguments, and debates, and then throw in your two cents on how to find common ground.
  • Connect your research to the existing literature and explain how it will progress the subject area.

Anticipate Challenges and Limitations

When crafting a proposal for your dissertation, you must not forget to talk about the research limitations – it is a big deal. You must understand that many research topics can be pretty complicated, and by pointing out these limits, you’re saying, “Hey, I know the ins and outs of what I am dealing with.”

Give some real-life examples of these limitations that might come into play, like time constraints, tricky data collection, needing a bigger group to study, or people dropping out of your study. It is like telling your readers, “Here is the road I’m walking, and here are some potholes I might stumble upon.” By doing so, you are being upfront about the challenges you could face on your research journey.

Consider Ethical Considerations

When it comes to research proposals, ethics are a big deal. As a researcher, you must ensure your study is above board and follows ethical considerations. It means considering how you collect data, keeping your participants’ info private, and getting their consent to be part of your study. It is like doing your research the right way.

By addressing these considerations, you show your commitment and willingness to conduct ethical research. Staying honest and responsible throughout the process is a sure way to steer yourself toward creating an outstanding thesis or dissertation.

Present Research Timeline

In the prospectus, it is standard and smart to give your supervisor an idea of when you will hand in your work. You can break it down into steps, like when you finish each chapter. But here is the key – be realistic. Make sure you have enough time for research before diving into writing. This way, you will have a strong base of knowledge, and you will not need to speed through the writing the dissertation proposal part.

Outline of Future Work

When it comes to outlining your future work in your thesis or dissertation proposal, it is all about showing your dedication and commitment to the topic. It is where you paint a picture of what you plan to dive into after completing your thesis or dissertation. It is like saying, “I am not done yet, and here is what’s next.”

By outlining your future work, you demonstrate that you are in it for the long haul and are not just stopping at your current study. You show that you are passionate about your field and eager to contribute. It means saying, “It is just the beginning, and I have big plans.”

While a conclusion is not mandatory, it is kind of like the cherry on top. It is a great way to wrap things up by reviewing your main points and revisiting why you picked this topic, how you researched it, and what you expect to find.

When you offer your readers a quick recap, it’s like saying, “Hey, remember what this was all about?” It’s a neat way to connect the dots and ensure your research sticks in their minds. A solid conclusion is like leaving a strong impression, much like the final bow in a great performance.

Advice for Writing a Dissertation Proposal

If you are one of those students wondering how to write a dissertation proposal, do not worry; we have some handy advice to make the process smoother. Following this advice is super important for a bunch of reasons. And remember, there is always the option to check out the best essay writing service if you need some extra help.

When you have a well-written proposal, it is like having a golden ticket. It can help you get the green light from your advisor and committee. Plus, it helps you get your research goals, methods, and what you hope to find all sorted out. It not only saves you time but also makes your work top-notch.

By following this advice, you are showing you know your stuff and proving you are a pro-researcher. That can really open doors for you in your academic and career journey. So, let’s dive into these practical tips to make the whole process a bit quicker and smoother:

  • First things first, give yourself enough time for research. Rushing things can lead to all sorts of problems, especially time crunches.
  • Remember that the folks reviewing your proposal have stacks to go through. So, make sure your work is organized and crystal clear. It will help you get to the writing part faster.
  • A dissertation or thesis proposal is a work in progress, not a final product. Changes are expected, so don’t stress about it.
  • Be clear about your research questions and ideas, and make sure they are doable. Your proposals are judged on whether you can pull them off and how ambitious they are. Your ideas should also fit right into your field.
  • Show your passion for your research topic. Let your excitement shine through by sharing a personal story or explaining why this topic is important for your future studies and academic goals.
  • When it comes to your sources, give credit where it is due. Use your own words or quotes properly to avoid plagiarism. Remember to make a list of all the sources you used. Keep your writing clear, to the point, and well-organized.
  • Before you hit that submit button, give your work an excellent read to catch any errors.

Dissertation Proposal Example

Having access to great examples is a big help when working on a dissertation. You will come across many dissertation proposal samples, but not all examples are equal. That’s where the best dissertation proposal help comes in, offering high-quality examples that fit the bill and meet your needs.

Imagine you are working on a prospectus for something as fancy as the computational model of acquiring intellectual expertise. Sounds complicated, right? Here’s the scoop: keep your paper’s title straightforward so people know what it’s all about. And do not forget to mention your university to give it that official touch.

Now, the abstract might be short, but it is a big deal. It is like the sneak peek that helps readers understand what your project is all about. Once your abstract is good to go, it is time to organize your info into different sections. You will usually have an introduction, methodology, conclusion, and more. Give each part some attention to make sure your writing flows smoothly and makes sense.

Here’s a quick example of what the structure of a dissertation proposal might look like:

dissertation proposal outline

Remember that this example works well for cognitive science studies, but things might be a bit different for other subjects.

Mastering the Art of Thesis and Dissertation Proposals

Embarking on crafting a proposal for your thesis or dissertation can feel daunting. However, remembering that it is a path well-trodden by countless scholars before you is worth remembering. In this guide, we will take you by the hand and walk you through the essential steps.

From understanding what a research proposal is to nailing down the key components and the pitfalls to avoid. By the end of this journey, you will be armed with the knowledge and confidence to tackle your proposal with finesse. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the thesis and dissertation proposals world. It’s a journey worth taking, and the destination? Your academic success.

How to choose dissertation proposal topics?

Choosing a topic can be daunting, but there are some helpful tips to consider. Look for a topic that aligns with your research interests and career goals, is feasible and manageable, has existing literature to build upon, and contributes to the field. Consult with your advisor for guidance and feedback.

How long should proposals be?

The length of proposals can vary depending on the guidelines provided by your study field or academic institution. Typically, proposals are between 15-25 pages long, but it’s important to check with your advisor or program requirements to ensure that you meet the necessary criteria.

What is the difference between proposals and prospectus?

Both of these are documents used in the process of planning and writing a great dissertation . However, proposals are shorter documents that show the basic research idea and approach. Prospectus is a more detail-oriented and extensive document that features literature reviews, methodology, and preliminary results.

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dissertation proposal samples

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Dissertation Examples To Inspire You

Are you looking for inspiration to start working on your dissertation, just need to go through the structure of an already written dissertation to match with your own, or want to check out our quality of work before placing an order with us? Our experts have got you covered.

We have produced hundreds of dissertation examples for you in various subjects and study levels. Find the ones closest to your area of study to see how well our academics can work on your tasks. You can also review and download them in PDF format for ease. View our expert dissertation examples now.

Dissertation Examples

Dissertation Examples For Different Academic Levels

You should know that dissertations vary on different academic levels. They have distinct requirements, like the number of words and references, and are also graded differently. Therefore, you should check for dissertation examples on your particular study level if you want to know exactly what to write.

ResearchProspect has thousands of dissertation samples prepared for you at different study levels. Moreover, if you still have issues, you can connect with our expert dissertation writers to work on your dissertation for you.

Undergraduate Dissertation Examples

It is not compulsory to write a dissertation at an undergraduate level. However, some fields, like social sciences, may require you to write one. They are generally 8000–15000 words long. If you are an undergraduate student looking for inspiration, you can view our subject-wise samples.

Masters Dissertation Samples

Need to write a masters dissertation but don't know where to start? ResearchProspect has dissertations that show the readers how research is done in the field. Our examples are enough to get you started with your own research.

PhD Dissertation Examples

PhD dissertations are the most complicated and are compulsory to get a doctorate degree. You have to include proper references and appendices. It is typically around 70000–100000 words. Don’t feel anxious, though. You can use our samples for inspiration, and if it is not enough, our experts will be happy to assist you with writing one.

Real-World Samples From Actual Studies

A question might arise: How will dissertation examples written to prepare samples be of good quality? At times, students place an order with us, but due to some reason, the order gets cancelled, or the customer leaves us mid-project. In such situations, we are left with the work prepared by our expert writers. These professionals are masters of their fields and have years of experience writing and researching.

Therefore, we use those quality dissertations as samples for our visitors. So, what you view in our dissertation examples section are real-world samples from actual studies, and this is why they are of great help to anyone looking for dissertation inspiration.

Although our free samples include a broad range of work, from qualitative dissertation examples to quantitative dissertation examples, and more, we also get that your requirements may be different from what you see in these samples, so if you get your dissertation written by our experts, you will receive work tailored to your exact requirements.

Can’t find what you are looking for? You can contact our customer support team, which is available 24/7 to help you find a sample related to your field of study.

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High-quality biology dissertation examples.

In our biology dissertation examples, you will find impeccably written dissertations on areas such as evolution, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, botany, biotechnology, and more. With these samples, you can get an idea of what we can deliver for any biology-related field. Check out our biology dissertation samples now.

Biology Dissertation

Molecular biology and physiology of isolated chloroplasts from the algae vaucheria....

Academic Level: Master

Quality: 1st / 72%

Seed dormancy and germination in the summer annual Galeopsis speciosa...

Academic Level: Undergraduate

Quality: 1st / 76%

Links Between Mental Health and Employment Outcomes among Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder...

Quality: 1st / 68%

Award-Winning Biomedical Science Dissertations

Use our biomedical science dissertation examples to gain insights into groundbreaking research related to healthcare, medicine, biotechnology, neuroscience, bioinformatics, haematology, and much more. View professionally written biomedical science dissertation examples now.

Biomedical Science Dissertation

Effects of chronic stress on working memory are sex-specific and age-dependent....

Quality: 1st / 70%

Professionally Written Administration Dissertation Papers

Browse through our samples of business administration to review areas such as sales, ethics, commercial enterprise, management sciences, strategic management, organization, and global management. Get inspired from our business administration dissertation examples.

Business Administration Dissertation

The role of attitude inside and outside today’s organizations....

Quality: 1st / 67%

Premium Examples Of Business Dissertation

Want to learn about the new research approaches to real-world business challenges, finance, accounting, administration, ethics, entrepreneurship, human resources, and operations management? Have a look at our business dissertation examples for inspiration.

Business Dissertation

Quality: 1st / 78%

Quality: 1st / 65%

Determinants of patent innovation of Central and Eastern Europe knowledge intensive firms: the roles of R&D...

Quality: 1st / 64%

Analyzing Consumer Role Influencing the Shift from Click-and-Order Stores to Brick-and-Mortar Stores...

Quality: 1st / 61%

The Impact of Gender on Purchase Decision and Buying Behaviour of Thai Consumers...

Academic Level: PHD

Quality: 1st / 73%

Why Manchester United Football Club Has Been One Of The Most Successful Sports Clubs In The World?...

Quality: 1st / 59%

Investigating the Impact of Employee Engagement on Organisational Performance During the Covid-19 Crisis....

Cognitive process of entrepreneurs in the examination of opportunity evaluation.....

Quality: 1st / 71%

Business Management Dissertations Written By Experts

Check out our business management dissertation examples to learn about the research done in fields like marketing, strategy, operations, international business, supply chain management, business development management, and others. Take inspiration from our samples now.

Business Management Dissertation

Human resource development in palestinian higher education, with special reference to evaluation..., the synergy between entrepreneurship and technological innovation and its role in organisational development..., the leadership styles of successful project managers – investigating the successful project delivery....

Quality: 1st / 79%

Technical Computer Science Examples Of Dissertation

Learn from successful research in areas like software engineering, networking, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data science, requirement engineering, and much more. Click to view computer science dissertation examples.

Computer Science Dissertation

Automatic generation of control flow hijacking exploits for software vulnerabilities..., enabling smart healthcare applications through visible light communication networks....

Quality: 1st / 62%

Automated generation of architectural feedback from software performance analysis results...

Quality: 1st / 66%

A Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science: Developing Personality for a Wizard-Controlled Agent...

Quality: 1st / 74%

Investigating the Impact of Big Data on Automobile Industry Operations...

Outstanding examples of construction dissertation.

ResearchProspect provides valuable knowledge through research on real-time construction projects. Other areas that our experts have worked with include environmental engineering, transportation engineering, municipal engineering, water resources, and coastal engineering.

Construction Dissertation

Entering construction professionals: survey of work values and career expectations..., a framework for enhancing the success of construction projects undertaken in libya..., criminology.

Gain insights from successful criminology dissertation examples to start your research in fields such as bio-criminology, criminalistics, penology, and sociology. View professionally written samples related to criminology to get inspiration to start working on your research.

Criminology Dissertation

Criminalization, social exclusion, and punishment: the united states prosecution of migrants....

Quality: 1st / 60%


Family mass murder: an exploratory study of the role of arson..., best-quality design & merchandising dissertations.

Don’t know where to start your dissertation from? Here is a list of free design and merchandising dissertation examples for you to look through in fields such as molecular products, product merchandising, pricing, placement, visual merchandising, digital merchandising, omnichannel merchandising, retail merchandising.

Design and Merchandising Dissertation

Fashion and sustainability: increasing knowledge about slow fashion..., early childhood education examples.

Explore good dissertations related to early childhood education, nurseries, pre-school, state and independent schools, kindergarten, and more. Take inspiration from our well-written early childhood dissertation examples now to start working on your own, or place an order with us.

Early Childhood Education Dissertation

A study to explore nursery home visits from different perspectives...., what is the nature of children's leadership in early childhood educational settings..., play in early childhood education: an examination of teacher roles during free playtime..., samples of economics dissertation.

Want inspiration to start your economics dissertation? ResearchProspect has prepared hundreds of economics dissertation examples related to econometrics, experimental economics, macroeconomics, labour economics, education economics, the law of economics, and game theory.

Economics Dissertation

Financial development, institutions and poverty reduction....

Quality: 1st / 58%

Essays on International Trade and Economic Growth...

Quality: 1st / 75%

Money Supply-Inflation Relationship in Postcommunist Russia...

Three essays on misinformation, mistrust and their influence on public health policy..., the current greek government debt crisis, also known as the greek depression, was a major international..., extraversion and occupational choice..., best-quality education dissertation examples.

Are you looking for the perfect education dissertation examples to learn about the structure and style of how to write a dissertation? We have curated a list of free education dissertation examples related to cultural studies, special education, technology studies, distance learning, and international studies. View our samples now.

Education Dissertation

A critical exploration of the role of pedagogical documentation in a multimodal grade r classroom...., educating the reflective professional in teacher education: professional learning in teaching and in other professions...., impact of reasonable accommodations on disabled student–veteran higher educational achievement..., english teaching and the influence of gender..., top-rated engineering dissertations.

Engineering dissertations can be difficult for some students, considering that they require technical knowledge as well. A great way to learn to write the most amazing engineering dissertations is to check already written engineering dissertation samples in fields like chemical, electrical, mechanical, civil, and computer engineering. ResearchProspect has done it for you here.

Engineering Dissertation

Unwired enterprise systems...., a thesis submitted to the department of civil engineering, college of architecture and civil engineering...., on efficient automated methods for simulation output data analysis..., assessing the impact of bicycle treatments on bicycle safety: a multi-methods approach..., usability-oriented software development process..., an investigation of the impact of the application of ict and knowledge management (km) in improving project..., material selection for innovative design of automotive component..., an analysis of the implications of using digital engineering and bim in the design, construction and maintenance....

Quality: 1st / 77%

Creative Methods for Sustainability Driven Innovation...

Event management.

Discover the best practices in event management, planning, strategy, civic event conventions, incentive travel, reunions, tourism, social life-cycle events, and sports events. Get inspired with the help of our event management dissertation examples.

Event Management Dissertation

Motivation to attend to a cultural event and the role of social network on attendees' satisfaction..., a study on event management case: tomatkarnevalen..., dissertation samples for environmental management students.

Environmental management is an interesting field and you can gain knowledge in the field by checking out our environmental management dissertation examples in areas including natural sciences, natural resources, economics, environmental policy, regulatory environment management, risk based, corporate environmental management, and ecosystem based management.

Environmental Management Dissertation

Sustainable and ethical fashion: study about the retail practices in the dutch fashion industry....

Quality: 1st / 63%

Quality Dissertations In Fashion Studies

Seeking information on psychology of fashion and how clothing choices reflect identity? Our professionals have gathered a list of fashion dissertation examples in areas such as fashion houses, fashion industry, social media and technology, and sustainable fashion practices.

Fashion Dissertation

The dark side of fast fashion – in search of consumers’ rationale behind the continued consumption of fast fashion..., user-generated content and brand engagement in the fashion industry....

Finance dissertations often involve investments and financial markets. In our finance dissertation examples, you can find economic policies, investment strategies, risk management techniques, financial models, fintech and traditional financial institutions. View these samples now.

Finance Dissertation

The impact of board characteristics on firm’s financial performance: evidence from the netherlands...., determinants of the returns on equity of largest portuguese public limited companies..., risk taking in financial markets: a behavioral perspective..., a study of financial risk management in the south korean financial market using var methodology..., impact of the global financial crisis 2008-2009 on the uk construction industry....

Quality: 1st / 69%

Creative Fine Art Dissertation Examples

Fine art dissertation explores the different artistic mediums and practices. From evolution of art movements and role of the artist in society to using technology for arts and its relationship with fields like literature and philosophy. Check out our fine art dissertation examples now.

Fine Arts Dissertation

Techno-humanity paintings: art as social commentary in the digital age...., synthesis..., the formation, circulation and exhibition of teaching collections for art and design education..., ritual and digital craftsmanship: imprudent practices ..., dissertations in graphic design.

Chose graphic design for the fun, but now have to write a dissertation in the field? Do not worry. Check out our graphic design dissertation examples for inspiration. They follow areas including illustration, website design, user experience design, typography, print design, publication design, etc.

Graphic Design Dissertation

Socially engaged graphic design - future prospects..., graphic design / graphic dissent: towards a cultural economy of an insular profession..., well-researched healthcare dissertation samples.

Healthcare dissertations allow you to understand medicine, public health, patient care, nursing, policies and interventions, diseases, treatments, and healthcare practices. For inspiration, view our healthcare dissertation examples curated by experts in the field.

Health Care Dissertation

Epidemiology of asthma in primary school children..., coordination of primary health care..., essays in healthcare operations..., the effect of music therapy on recovery following brain injury..., prize-winning history dissertations.

Review professionally prepared history dissertation samples to understand the tapestry of human events and societies. Our example work will help you work on anything history related, from social, economic, environmental, archaeological, and political, to anthropology and contemporary studies.

History Dissertation

Imagining the “day of reckoning”: american jewish performance activism during the holocaust..., green deserts or new opportunities competing and complementary views on the soybean expansion in uruguay..., understanding captivity anxiety, british identity and the othering of the islamic world: a study of the impacts..., threads of rebellion: an exploration into slave dress as a medium of resistance in texas..., human resource (hr).

Looking for specific dissertation samples in human resources? ResearchProspect has prepared them for you. Check out our HR dissertation examples, from training and development to employee relations, benefits, compensation, and satisfaction, our experts have covered it all for you.

HR Dissertation

Cross-cultural human resource management - the role it plays in the success of different organisations..., international events management dissertation examples, international events management dissertation, international relations dissertations.

Explore diplomacy, global politics, international law, political economy, realism, liberalism, constructivism, and political science with the help of our international relations dissertation examples. They will help you start on your own or allow you to place an order with us.

International Relations Dissertation

How can just war theory help us assess a notion of legitimacy applied to the actions of non-state actors in conflict situations..., the influence of national interests on the eu´s common foreign and security policy..., quality dissertations in the area of law studies.

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Law Dissertation

Exploring perceptions of cultural difference in irb family sponsorship decisions..., a critical analysis of the perceptions of, and responses to, female child sex offenders..., transnational groups and tax avoidance: is the relevant law in the u.k., usa and in the eu in need of reform..., a critical evaluation of a force majeure clause in english contract law..., should countries implement a constitutional court for fundamental rights breaches..., free marketing dissertation examples for review.

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Marketing Dissertation

The concept of sensory marketing..., study of the effectiveness of online marketing on integrated marketing communication..., a marketing enigma: consumer brand engagement with health and fitness brands..., an investigation into the effect of social media marketing and content marketing on consumer perception..., dissertations to review for graduate students in mba.

MBA dissertations help you apply your business knowledge to a real-world problem. Our professionally curated showcase research related to topics relevant to MBA like strategic management, leadership, finance, marketing, and more. We hope that the samples will help you formulate good research questions and present your findings in a compelling way.

MBA Dissertation

A study of the evolving needs of hiring managers in the business-to-business technology..., management information systems: a strategic tool for business..., media & design.

The media arts and design dissertations can be complicated for students, and it is better to let experts help you with them. To check out the quality of our work, browse through our media design dissertation examples in areas such as graphic design, communication methods, digital media, gaming, VFX, and much more.

Media Design Dissertation

The character of empty spaces - implementing character of things into graphic design..., newspaper coverage of refugees from mainland china between 1937 and 1941 in hong kong: a content analysis..., dissertation samples in nursing area.

Planning on advancing the science and practice of nursing? Our nursing dissertation examples highlight research on critical issues in healthcare, patient care, nursing practices, policies and ethics, and heath technology. Check them out before hiring us for your dissertations.

Nursing Dissertation

Mental health burden and attitudes and intention to seek mental health services in saudi women living...., a grounded theory of patient flow management within the emergency department...., a dissertation on sustainability competence: directions for nursing..., the experiences and needs of individuals with a variant of uncertain significance (vus) on genetic tests..., where does partnership with parents begin a study to explore nursery home visits from different perspectives...., political science.

Study the different areas of politics, such as comparative politics, American politics, public law, international politics, international relations, political behaviour, political law, and political theory etc. View our politics dissertation examples to better develop your ability to critically analyse political arguments.

Political Science Dissertation

The arab spring uprisings in geopolitical context...., prestige, humiliation and international politics.....

Quality: 1st / 80%

The Violence of Nostalgia: Conspiracy Theorism, White Nationalism, and Restoring American Exceptionalism...

Run forest run - a cross-national study on the effect of property rights and liberty on deforestation....

Engage with our philosophy dissertation examples to learn about the various branches including metaphysics ethics, epistemology, logic, Aristotle, and Kant etc. These will not only provide you with structure and clarity for your own dissertation, but will also help refine your critical thinking skills.

Philosophy Dissertation

The dialectical virtue of ideological reduction...., the case for teaching philosophy in schools...., theistic open futurism: a critical philosophical investigation..., project management dissertation examples.

Use our project management dissertation examples to get inspiration for your research. These samples will allow you to not only understand complex topics like risk management, scope management, monitoring and controlling, change management, and more, but also give you an idea of what you can get when you place an order with us.

Project Management Dissertation

Challenges to adopting hybrid methodology: addressing organizational culture and change control..., impact of project planning on project success: moderating role of transformational leadership..., the most suitable project management methodology to be used in the it industry: comparison between traditional..., an evaluation of the impact of project production management and advanced analytics..., feeding and resource buffers in ccpm and the impact of their use in canadian home..., good quality psychology dissertation examples.

Learn about human behaviour, mental processes, social psychology, cognitive psychology, abnormal psychology, and developmental psychology with the help of our psychology dissertation examples. These will help strengthen your research design and data analysis.

Psychology Dissertation

Emotion profiles in dialectical behaviour therapy: early observations anticipate treatment outcome..., pathways from childhood sexual abuse to sexual risk behaviour in msm: a mixed methods study..., associations between parent stress, parent mobile technology use, and parenting behaviours on..., effects of thinking styles and gender on psychological well-being..., sociology samples.

Engage with the social structures, social inequalities, race, ethnicity, gender, power dynamics, poverty, crime, and discrimination through our sociology dissertation examples. Check out our samples now and contribute well to your field of study.

Sociology Dissertation

Moving beyond the gender binary: a critical analysis and review of contemporary scholarship..., environmental sociology: an analysis of trends..., new professionalism in the making – the case of the tourism sector..., sociology of water: power and politics..., sustainability.

Sustainability dissertations help you make a contribution to the field. The most common topics students often write about include renewable energy, resource management, deforestation, pollution, climate change, environmental policy, and social justice. Review our sustainability dissertation examples now.

Sustainability Dissertation

Fashion and sustainability: increasing knowledge about slow fashion through an educational..., creative methods for sustainability driven innovation..., supply chain management examples.

Check out supply chain management dissertation examples in procurement, marketing channels, logistics, operations management, raw materials, customer relationship management, corporate social responsibility, and more. These samples are a testament to the quality of work you can expect from ResearchProspect.

Supply Chain Management Dissertation

Optimising global supply chain operations....

Take assistance from our tourism dissertation examples related to business tourism, adventure tourism, wildlife tourism, commercial zones, domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound tourism. Place an order with our experts if you like the quality of their work.

Tourism Dissertation

Premium theology dissertations.

With theology dissertations, you can get a deep understanding of biblical theology, history, systematic or dogmatic theology, Christology, pneumatology, cosmology, anthropology, hamartiology, practical theology. So, view our theology dissertation examples now.

Theology Dissertation

“theism and ultimate explanation of the existence of god” against the countering..., trusted by over 1000,000 students.

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Dissertation Samples To Inspire Your Creativity

Are you new to writing dissertations and do not know where to start? ResearchProspect’s list of free dissertation examples is here not only to inspire you but also to showcase the quality of our work so you can get stress-free and leave your dissertations to our professionals.

Viewing samples of previously written dissertations allows you to properly structure your dissertation, and you can check how to implement the formatting style coherently.

Additionally, with the help of dissertation samples, you can grasp the approach towards common elements in every dissertation. Every dissertation sample mostly follows the same structure, with main sections - abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and reference list.

Furthermore, checking out well-written examples of dissertations enables you to appreciate what makes a strong research project, and you can implement those elements in your own dissertation as well.

We have samples for everyone. If you need undergraduate dissertation examples or PhD dissertation examples in your field of study, just browse through our easy-to-use search bar.

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For? Hire An Expert

There is a slim chance that you will not find the right dissertation in our sample section that fits your needs, or even after reviewing these examples, you still cannot wrap your head around how to write a dissertation. That is totally understandable. Dissertation writing is not an easy task. It is based on years of research and is a culmination of what you have learned throughout your degree.

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We have the complete package for you. If you plan to write your dissertation yourself, we can offer you services like choosing the right topic, thousands of samples for inspiration, and dissertation proofreading and editing. If you want someone else to work on your dissertation, ResearchProspect provides help with full dissertations and writing specific chapters.

So, what are you waiting for? For services, fill out our order form and avail yourself of custom help according to your needs.

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Are you looking to review Dissertation Proposal Examples so you can start working on your dissertation module?

Here you will find 100s of dissertation proposal examples in different academic subjects!

You may explore here what a dissertation sample looks like;

Computer Science Dissertation Proposal Example

Tourism Industry Dissertation Proposal Example

Project Management Dissertation Proposal Example

Note: The dissertation sample papers provided here can be downloaded in a pdf format, so you can read and understand how you need to start working on your dissertation writing process.

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Are you looking to review a Dissertation Proposal Sample and explore what a dissertation proposal looks like?

Reviewing a sample dissertation proposal will assist you in identifying the primary elements that you can follow while starting with drafting your dissertation.

The samples of the dissertation proposals provided here can be downloaded in a pdf format, so you can read the full draft at the time of your convenience or while drafting your dissertation proposal.

A good quality dissertation proposal sample includes the following sections;

  • A detailed introduction to the topic
  • Dissertation research aims, research objectives and research gaps
  • Detailed literature review on the subject of your research.
  • Justified research methodology, data collection and analysis methods, including presenting any research limitations
  • List of 20+ quality references resources

The dissertation proposal samples shared here have been mostly drafted for UK students. However, students who are studying in different countries can also use these resources for their dissertations or thesis papers.

To assist students further with dissertation proposal examples, we have published dissertation proposal examples in the following categories;

  • Dissertation Research Proposal Example
  • Dissertation Proposal Example Pdf
  • Thesis Proposal Example
  • Dissertation Proposal Methodology
  • Dissertation Proposal Template
  • PhD Proposal Template

It is important to note that the length of a dissertation proposal draft, in terms of the required number of pages or words, depends on the dissertation brief or the instructions provided by the university or the module supervisors.

For example, an undergraduate dissertation proposal sample can be of around 1,000 words or 4 to 6 pages, an MSC dissertation proposal sample can be of around 2,000 words or 8 to 10 pages, and a doctoral or PHD dissertation proposal sample can be of around 5,000 words or 20 to 22 pages.

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Project managment dissertation topics.

Are you looking to find a list of new project management topics or get a free custom topic in project management within 24 hours? You can select the best project management research topic for your dissertation or thesis on this page.

Fashion Dissertation Topics

Are you looking for fashion marketing dissertation topics? If so, you are on the right page! This article will help you in finding the best fashion dissertation topics for your fashion dissertation paper.

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Are you looking for marketing dissertation topics and ideas? This article will help you in finding the best marketing dissertation topics for your fashion dissertation paper.

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Dissertation Proposal Examples

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Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

  • Undergraduate examples
  • Taught Masters examples

These dissertations achieved a mark of 80 or higher:

The following two examples have been annotated with academic comments. This is to help you understand why they achieved a good 2:1 mark but also, more importantly, how the marks could have been improved.

Please read to help you make the most of the two examples.

(Mark 68)

(Mark 66)

These final year projects achieved a mark of a high first:

For students undertaking a New Venture Creation (NVC) approach, please see the following Masters level examples:

Projects which attained grades of over 70 or between 60 and 69 are indicated on the lists (accessible only by students and staff registered with School of Computer Science, when on campus).

These are good quality reports but they are not perfect. You may be able to identify areas for improvement (for example, structure, content, clarity, standard of written English, referencing or presentation quality).

The following examples have their marks and feedback included at the end of of each document.





The following examples have their feedback provided in a separate document.


School of Media and Communication .

The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 78)
(Mark 72)
(Mark 75)

(Mark 91)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 91)

(Mark 85)
(Mark 75)

This dissertation achieved a mark of 84:


LUBS5530 Enterprise

MSc Sustainability




The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 70)

(Mark 78)


Dissertation Proposal

Proposal maker.

dissertation proposal samples

It is a pretty common scenario to find yourself working so hard that you cannot even get a night of proper sleep because giving up will result in unwanted consequences. If you are a student, then this must have caught your attention. It is a very common reality that most of the people go through.

Especially when you are in the last year of study, before getting your diploma, the big battle win is the dissertation you provide as a part of your course. A dissertation can be defined as a long college essay about a particular subject, a requirement for you to finish your course successfully. The subject is mostly related to the field you chose which you have to write about.

Dissertation Proposal Example

Dissertation Proposal Template

  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US

Make your readers understand what your research is all about by delivering a well-written, understandable, and thorough dissertation proposal . You can mention the research background, methods used, project results, etc in the template with ease. It is completely editable and you can modify it as per your needs and preferences. This template can be downloaded on not only the computer and PC but also on any electronic device with ease. Save a lot of time and effort as you do not have to design a proposal right from scratch. Download and try this template out now!

Free Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Free Dissertation Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Size: 38 KB

Masters Dissertation Proposal Format

Masters Dissertation Proposal1

The above template is a master’s dissertation proposal for ethics and project proposal. Details like project title, study team, the name of the student, proposed location for the study, the academic supervisor, summary of the project, research questions,  the objectives, etc. should be mentioned in the proposal without fail. This way the lecturer and also, the others know what you are making your dissertation about so that there is no clash with others. Another added advantage of using this template is that it is available in many file formats like Excel, Word, PSD, PDF, etc. So, you have the choice to pick the one you like best and make it your own. Check it out now!

Undergraduate Dissertation Form

Undergraduate Dissertation Form

The above-mentioned template is a dissertation for an undergraduate project. It is a proposal form that will be of great help to you in making the needed proposal for your project. Details like the name id the student, the degree he/she is studying, title, supervisor details, objectives, background, methodology, etc. should be mentioned in the form without fail. Another added advantage is that this template is available in many file formats, so pick the one you think is best for you.

Qualitative Dissertation Sample

Qualitative Dissertation Sample

Size: 197 KB

Dissertation Proposal Outline

Dissertation Proposal Outline

What Is a Dissertation Proposal?

A dissertation proposal is a document that is presented to a panel of judges tasked by the school administration, in relation to a scholarly thesis that needs approval. Every student needs to make a copy of the dissertation before the actual presentation itself. This way, the judges can decide whether it is substantial or not.

It has always been a tradition and a requirement for every student to write one. In the olden times, the conventional format of writing a dissertation was through the use of pen and paper. However, since various technological advancements, most educational institutions started to accept the proposal in PDF and other formats.

How Should a Creative Dissertation Proposal Look Like?

There is probably no ideal (or should I say, standard) look for a creative dissertation proposal.

Some schools suggest that their students should be creative and have the freedom to choose their style on how to write a proposal . Following such reasoning, there is but one thing that they have to bear in mind, that it should look formal and scholarly.

Some schools also provide formats which in a way help students write their proposals. A creative dissertation proposal should contain an outline. To make the best one, we have some outline examples for you that can be of great use and help to you. Usual outlines include an introduction, a review of related literature, and methodology. This, by itself, should be able to provide a substantial amount of all the information to its readers about the subject that is to be discussed.

Sample Dissertation in Education

Sample Dissertation in Education

Size: 346 KB

PhD Dissertation Proposal Example

PhD Dissertation Proposal Example1

Size: 746 KB

Quantitative Dissertation Proposal

Quantitative Dissertation Proposal1

Writing a Proposal for a Finance Dissertation:

Finance dissertations are a common subject in courses such as business, accounting, and finance. Unlike dissertations from other fields, like science, engineering, and arts, finance dissertations are more quantifiable studies related to finance that could either help improve a business of a certain company or to the industry as a whole.

A finance dissertation should be written with a better and clear understanding of the subject because you need to present as clear you can. They should be given in the way even your colleagues understand, so make sure you make it that way. You need to provide real and actual samples and analysis data of the market, just like in a finance proposal.

What Should be Included in a Dissertation Proposal?

When writing a dissertation proposal, you need to be careful in providing the details. You must always remember that you are not writing a dissertation, but you are also designing a proposal. You can check simple proposal templates for more. You should only provide the essential information that is important and must be mentioned in the proposal to get it approved.

  • In a dissertation proposal, you must include an introduction. A business statement should be mentioned in it, which covers what the study is all about and gives a short background about it.
  • Next is your review of related literature, which should focus on the sources and a conceptual framework of the subject.
  • Last but not least, the methodology, which will include your research design and also all the participants that might have taken part in the project.


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Top 15 Thesis Proposal Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 15 Thesis Proposal Templates  with Samples and Examples

Siranjeev Santhanam


Writing a thesis proposal requires a fusion of critical thinking and clear communication skills. A well-crafted thesis proposal would be able to capture the attention of the reader and make an otherwise dull and mundane topic appear interesting and exciting. 

A thesis proposal is a document that underlines the research objectives, methods, and overarching significance of a proposed research project. It is usually written within the context of academic learning, by students seeking to pursue higher degree professional qualification. A thesis proposal tends operates as an overarching plan for the research, and an efficient means to convince the supervisors in the academy of the worthiness of the research subject in question.

Are you struggling to manage time when drafting your thesis document? We’ve got you covered. Click right here to check out other blog discussing top ten thesis timeline templates with samples and examples.

To many in the academic discipline, writing a thesis proposal can appear daunting, even overwhelming. Despite this, it constitutes an essential step in the academic process and in the broader systems of learning within all fields of science. It forces a student to think critically and unbiasedly about his or her research subject, to apply stringent methodologies within the framing of the research and to develop sound research standards to achieve the end goals in sight. 

In our blog, we're going to be looking at some best thesis presentation ppt templates, made with the specific interests of the those in academic disciplines. These templates are 100% editable and customizable, giving users both structures, a starting point, and the capability to tailor the presentation to audience profile. 

Looking to dive deeper into this subject? Click right here to check out other blog on research proposal templates that can give you the tools needed to get funded. 

Let’s explore. 

Template 1 Thesis Research Paper Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Users will find this PPT Template to be of great help in organizing their thesis material along the lines of what is needed to clear any panel from a reputed college or university. After introducing the study, outline an overview, research, and question/hypothesis in the problem statement. Then, this presentation template gives the user the best format for literature review, research method overview, research constraints, and references/bibliography slides to ensure the research effort gets all its due.

Thesis Research Paper Proposal

Download now!

Template 2 Planning Thesis Proposal PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Template starts with an abstract that lists the purpose, design methodology, findings, and the originality value of the thesis proposal. The methods or approach slide lists the five tools used as the basics of the research, which may be surveys, questionnaires, interviews, case studies, and observations. There are slides on the implications of the research, a work plan on a timetable, and a list of references/bibliographies included.

Planning Thesis Proposal

Template 3 Sample Thesis Proposal Template Presentation Slides 

The thesis statement is a USP of this PPT Template, as is the design. The slide on preliminary results and discussions gives the researcher at least eight points to list and make his/her point. The work plan, including the table and the research implications, gives you the comprehensive license to put forward your thesis proposal.

Sample Thesis Proposal Template

Template 4 Abstract for Thesis Research Proposal PPT Template

The abstract is the segment of the presentation where you get to condense the main idea, methods, objectives, and expected outcomes of your research project. Utilizing this concise overview for your proposal can assist you in getting the attention you need from potential funders, supervisors or academic collaborators. Use slide to organize your research processes in a logical and coherent way. Underscore your originality, ingenuity and relevance of your research project with a download of this slide.

Abstract for Thesis Research Paper Proposal (1/2)

Download now

Template 5 Introduction of study for thesis research paper PPT Presentation

If you’re seeking professional and effective way to communicate the foundational elements of your research proposal, this slide is for you. The introduction of study section allows you to easily summarize and hone into the specific topic and domain of the thesis while convince potential audiences of the intrinsic value and significance of the project. It can also assist you in designing a more feasible and impactful thesis paper that has been structured with the appropriate levels of focus and feedback.

Introduction of study for Thesis Research Paper Proposal

Template 6 Problem statement – Overview for thesis research paper proposal Presentation

The problem statement segment of the proposal is intended to isolate and identify the specific problem or gap that your research project seeks to address. It is a critical part of the overarching proposal and can be a central tenet in establishing the feasibility of your research project, and dictating the importance of the project in general. Use this template to help you formulate a clear and focused problem statement that can facilitate your research process and help you hone into the appropriate questions.

Problem Statement – Overview for Thesis Research Paper Proposal

Template 7 Research Question/Hypothesis For Thesis Research Proposal 

If you’re seeking to create a valid and sound research question for your thesis research paper proposal, this PPT Template can help facilitate the process. The ‘research question/hypothesis’ segment of the thesis research paper proposal exists to test the primary assumptions that your project seeks to probe. It is an important ingredient in the presentation, helping you in determining the right scale and scope of the project. Flesh out the right research question to direct the broader research structure and the data collection process with this template. Demonstrate your innate analytical skills while authenticating your research goals using this PPT Slide.

Research Question/Hypothesis for Thesis Research Paper Proposal (1/2)

Template 8 Key assertions/objectives for thesis research proposal PPT Template 

Use this slide as an effective instrument in creating a sound and credible presentation, impressing your audience, and making a difference in your own research experience. This segment of the presentation is meant to underscore the central claims or goals that your research project seeks to achieve. It is also a key component in the broader research proposal that can give you the tools to customize the scope and limitations of the project.

Key Assertions , Objectives for Thesis Research Paper Proposal

Template 9 Thesis Statement of Planning Thesis Proposal PPT

A strong thesis statement can help you in summarizing the central features of the research project, organizing the process around the most vital aspects. It is a crucial element of the proposal and can help to grant clarity and focus to the process, while also proving the originality and significance. Download this slide now and acquire the means to make powerful and persuasive arguments that help to take your overall thesis approach to the next level.

Thesis Statement

Template 10 Methods or Approach Planning Thesis Proposal 

This slide on methods or approach can help you consolidate your research design, while also presenting the data collection techniques and the expected outcomes of the project to your audiences. Incorporate this your overall research proposal to prove your expertise with a demonstration of the systematic and rigorous procedures that help to direct the research. 

Methods Or Approach

Template 11 Preliminary discussions and results PPT Thesis Proposal  

The segment of the presentation titled, preliminary discussions and results, can help you in showcasing the essential findings and the broader implications of the project. Integrate this slide into your thesis procedures to create a better understanding of your own research merits and to underscore the value that your thesis holds within the credible field of study. The slide can be a useful asset for any research domain that rests on systematic and rigorous analytical processes. Download this slide and communicate your challenges, solutions, and present your findings to finetune the remainder of the project.

Preliminary Discussion & Results

Template 12 Work plan with timetable PPT Thesis Proposal

If you’re struggling to create a more efficient and structured work process, then we’ve got just the template you need. The work table has been segmented into two major sections, titled, activities and month, and comes with some pre-designed highlights that you can use such as the development of research tools, data collection, data entry and analysis, validation of equipment, training of enumerators and more.

Work Plan With Timetable- Template 1

Template 13 Implication of research Thesis Proposal PPT 

The Implication of Research section in your thesis proposal, helps you project the significance and the impact of the project at hand, thereby creating the right conditions to get the relevant stakeholders on your side for the project. Tailor this slide to your own needs and create the right message to employ the mechanics of your academy, broadcasting the vision and the intrinsic value of your research.

Implication Of Research

Template 14 Timeline Thesis Proposal Template Sample 

Use this template to streamline your research activities and engage with the working process, thereby creating a more robust and intensive thesis proposal. The timeline comes with visual cues that separate the years. The graph can be further customized to your own convenience, giving you the liberty to add or subtract content from it as you see fit.


Template 15 30-60-90 Day Plan Timeline Thesis Proposal Template Sample

This slide allows you to add manageable milestones tied to the research thesis, allowing you to optimize your work output and productivity. Use this slide to bring on a more focused and result-driven work procedure, achieving and exceeding the set targets and calibrating the right mechanisms to bring your thesis the credit that it needs. 

30 60 90 Days Plan


Our templates have been designed to create a unique user experience within corporate and non-corporate environments, pairing strong visuals with pre-designed well-researched content. With these above templates, you are given the option of picking and choosing the material you deem appropriate and leaving out that which you don’t. Download our templates and apply them to the academic fray when drafting a thesis document. 

Get ahead of the statistical hurdles that come along with research with the help of our pre-designed templates. Click here to check out other blog discussing top 10 statistical analysis research proposal templates now.

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New Book Highlight- Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals

New Ebook Highlight

We’ve recently added Proposals That Work : A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals  to our online collection.

This book covers all aspects of the proposal process, from the most basic questions about form and style to the task of seeking funding. What makes this book great is that there are several proposal examples to help you visual the end product of a proposal.

In the newest edition, the authors have included a discussion of the effects of new technologies and the Internet on the proposal process. There are new sections covering alternative forms of proposals and dissertations and the role of academic rigor in research.

This book is a great resource for anyone beginning to work on their dissertation or grant proposal as well as those who are interested in brushing up on their writing skills.

You can access the book online.

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  1. How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

    A dissertation proposal is very important because it helps shape the actual dissertation, which is arguably the most important piece of writing a postgraduate student will undertake. By having a well-structured dissertation proposal, you will have a strong foundation for your dissertation and a good template to follow.

  2. How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal

    Dissertation proposals can be up to 25-30 pages in length. Note Sometimes, a research schedule or detailed budget may be necessary if you are pursuing funding for your work. Dissertation prospectus examples. Writing a proposal or prospectus can be a challenge, but we've compiled some examples for you to get your started.

  3. Dissertation Proposal

    On this page: Proposal Overview and Format Proposal Committee Proposal Hearing or Meeting Printing Credit for Use in School of Education Labs Proposal Overview and Format Students are urged to begin thinking about a dissertation topic early in their degree program. Concentrated work on a dissertation proposal normally begins after successful completion of the Second-Year Review, which often ...

  4. Dissertation Proposal Examples For Students

    This dissertation proposal aims: (1). To identify, highlight and reflect the trends in technological innovation in Angola. (2). To identify the asset integrity of products and services provided by organisations. (3). To evaluate the motivating forces for the development of new technologies and solutions. (4).

  5. PDF A Sample Qualitative Dissertation Proposal

    LANGUAGE BROKERING IN MEXICAN IMMIGRANT FAMILIES LIVING IN. THE MIDWEST: A MULTIPLE CASE STUDY. by. Alejandro Morales. A DISSERTATION PROPOSAL. Presented to the Faculty of. The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska. In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements.

  6. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Find out how to write a thesis or dissertation by looking at previous work done by other students on similar topics. Browse a list of award-winning undergraduate, master's, and PhD theses and dissertations from various disciplines.

  7. Examples of Research proposals

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  8. How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

    A dissertation proposal is a major step in your master's or doctoral degree. It provides an outline of the future work you will do to complete that degree. The length of a dissertation proposal varies from field to field. However, a lengthy proposal usually takes up to 20 pages, while the shorter one is around 9 to 10 pages.

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  10. How Dissertation Proposal Examples And Research Proposal Samples Can

    Dissertation proposal examples and research proposal samples provide a clear framework for organizing your ideas, identifying potential problems and inconsistencies, and presenting your research project in a logical, coherent manner. By using these tools, you can save time and effort by starting with a solid foundation and refining it based on ...

  11. PDF A Sample Research Proposal with Comments

    er, the proposal deadline is December 1. During the proposal stage, students should discuss their research interests with CM faculty members, identify a research topic, conduct preliminary literatu. e review and develop a project proposal. The proposal should discuss problem statement, objectives, research methodology, research activities.

  12. CSSA Sample PhD proposals

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    A Thesis Proposal is a document that sets forth what is to be studied as a thesis project, why and in what way. It contains a number of important sections. The purpose of the proposal is to communicate the plan for the work to the faculty of the Division of Emerging Media Studies via the First Reader (principal thesis advisor) and a Second Reader.

  15. PDF Sample Research Proposals

    Sample Research Proposals. You will find here two examples of proposals for postgraduate research from the Department of Social Policy and Criminology. They both give good indication of the sorts of things that need to be included. The first, on fathering after divorce or separation, represents first thoughts on the proposed topic, but sets out ...

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    Dissertation Proposal Example. Having access to great examples is a big help when working on a dissertation. You will come across many dissertation proposal samples, but not all examples are equal. That's where the best dissertation proposal help comes in, offering high-quality examples that fit the bill and meet your needs.

  17. Dissertation Examples To Inspire You

    High-Quality Biology Dissertation Examples. In our biology dissertation examples, you will find impeccably written dissertations on areas such as evolution, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, botany, biotechnology, and more. With these samples, you can get an idea of what we can deliver for any biology-related field.

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    Reviewing a sample dissertation proposal will assist you in identifying the primary elements that you can follow while starting with drafting your dissertation. +44 7897 053596. [email protected]. Premier Dissertation- A name of reliability in the field of academics since 2010.

  19. PDF Sample Dissertation Overview

    Sample Dissertation Overview The problem generally is addressed in two related parts: The problem statement is contained in Chapter 1, and a review of the related research, theory, and professional literature is ... The proposal should include a brief yet substantive summary of the theory that under girds the study and briefly summarizes previously

  20. Dissertation examples

    Dissertation examples. Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written.

  21. PDF A Dissertation Proposal

    A Dissertation Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School September 6, 2005. Dr. Cinthia Salinas, Supervisor Dr. Elaine Danielson Dr. Sherry Field Dr. Diane Schallert Dr. Mary Lee Webeck. The University of Texas at Austin. TABLE OF CONTENTS.

  22. Dissertation Proposal

    Download. The above template is a master's dissertation proposal for ethics and project proposal. Details like project title, study team, the name of the student, proposed location for the study, the academic supervisor, summary of the project, research questions, the objectives, etc. should be mentioned in the proposal without fail.

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    Template 14 Timeline Thesis Proposal Template Sample. Use this template to streamline your research activities and engage with the working process, thereby creating a more robust and intensive thesis proposal. The timeline comes with visual cues that separate the years.

  24. New Book Highlight- Proposals That Work: A Guide for Planning

    We've recently added Proposals That Work : A Guide for Planning Dissertations and Grant Proposals to our online collection. This book covers all aspects of the proposal process, from the most basic questions about form and style to the task of seeking funding. What makes this book great is that there are several proposal examples to help you visual the end product of a proposal.

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