L'épreuve de culture générale et expression écrite BTS


Created on January 17, 2021

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Culture générale et expression écrite

L'épreuve De BTS

Quelques vidéos pour comprendre l'épreuve

01 Principes généraux

Objectif : Certifier l’aptitude des candidats à communiquer avec efficacité dans la vie courante et dans la vie professionnelle.

Coefficient 3

2 exercices

Note sur 60 points

Durée4 heures

Principes généraux de l'épreuve

Contenu de l'épreuve : Un dossier de quatre documents sur un des deux thèmes au programme.

  • Une écriture personnelle sur 20 points
  • Une synthèse de documents sur 40 points

02 La synthèse

Démarche de la synthèse : Confronter les documents d’un corpus pour dégager les idées qu’ils ont en commun et les exposer, en les reformulant, en un devoir construit autour d’une problématique et argumenté

Les 5 étapes de la synthèse


Confrontation des documents

Analyse des documents

Lecture du dossier de documents

Puis lecture des documents, stabilo en main, pour surligner tout de suite les idées essentielles (2 à 3 par paragraphe) Il est conseillé de lire 2 fois tous les documents.

  • de cerner le sujet ET le problème posé par l'ensemble des documents (à formuler au brouillon sous forme de 2 ou 3 questions)
  • - de comprendre l’organisation des documents les uns par rapport aux autres (quel texte fournit une analyse de fond ?

Observation du dossier (auteurs, dates et répartition dans le temps, informations contenues dans le paratexte) afin de :

Étape 1 : Lecture du dossier

Etape 2 : Analyse des documents

Autres éléments d'identification

Identifier le genre

Les documents argumentatifs : essai, article de presse

Les documents littéraires : roman, poésie, théâtre

Les documents de référence : loi, convention, règlement

Les documents iconographiques : tableau, photo, dessin de presse, publicité, schéma, graphique

Le domaine ou la nature du discours : historique, philosophique, sociologique …

Le registre du discours : polémique, ironique, didactique, lyrique, pathétique …

Le mode de discours :explicatif, argumentatif, narratif, descriptif .

Le tableau de confrontation sert à comparer les idées des différents documents. Grâce au tableau de confrontation vous pourrez dégager des pistes de réflexions qui constitueront les principales sous-parties de votre synthèse et seront indispensables pour construire un plan détaillé afin de répondre à la problématique que vous allez définir.

Etape 3 : Confrontation

À l'intérieur du tableau de confrontation, il s'agit de confronter les idées mises en évidence par l'analyse des divers documents. Ces idées peuvent être :

Opposées : A annule B

Différentes : A dit autre chose que B

Complémentaires : A nuance ou précise ce que dit B

Identiques : A dit la même chose que B

La problématique Le plan

Etape 4 : Organisation de la synthèse

La problématique Elle est une manière d’envisager le thème en se posant une question sur lui. On peut la définir en posant la question : quel(s) problème(s) la confrontation des documents met-elle en évidence?Elle doit être fortement présente dans chacun des documents du corpus et dégager l’idée générale majeure du corpus.

Il faut s'appuyer sur le tableau de confrontation pour rechercher et élaborer le plan de la synthèse.Généralement le plan de votre synthèse comporte deux parties qui sont composées de la manière suivante : I) Idée générale des idées 1 & 2 (du tableau de confrontation) II) Idée générale des idées 3 & 4 (du tableau de confrontation) Plan de la synthèse : I) Idée générale des idées 1&2 II) Idée générale des idées 3&4

Etape 5 : Rédaction


Pour cette partie le tableau de l’étape 3 doit être exploité. Plus les justifications des rapports de complémentarité, d’opposition et d’illustration seront développées plus le développement sera facile à rédiger.Structurer le développement en plusieurs partiesarticulées les unes aux autres par des articulations logiques (signalant l’opposition, l’addition, la conséquence, la cause, la concession)

Le développement

Rédiger une partie.

Chaque partie comporte une phrase introductive et une phrase de transition. On passe d'une partie à une autre par une transition logique. Il est impératif de ne pas juxtaposer vos paragraphes : ils doivent s’enchaîner les uns aux autres grâce à des liens logiques et à des phrases conclusives de liaison qui annoncent les paragraphes qui suivent. Pas de commentaires personnels (ne pas utiliser les premières personnes JE et NOUS !! Les arguments développés dans les paragraphes sont empruntés au tableau de confrontation et donc aux documents, ils sont reformulés avec concision, et attribués à leurs auteurs grâce à des références (les titres d'ouvrages sont toujours soulignés). Tous les documents doivent être entièrement cités dans la 1re partie (titre, auteur, date…)

C'est la synthèse de la synthèse. En 5 lignes, elle fait le bilan du développement en s'efforçant de ne pas simplement en résumer les étapes, mais de donner la tonalité générale du dossier. Il n'y a pas d' « ouverture », puisque ce serait être « hors dossier », hors sujet...

La conclusion

Ce qu'il ne faut pas faire


  • Donner une opinion personnelle (cf. « une synthèse objective » id est « le dossier, tout le dossier, rien que le dossier »).
  • Bâtir une partie à partir d'un seul document ou, à l'inverse, ne pas utiliser une seule fois un document de toute la synthèse : tous les documents doivent être exploités, ce qui n'implique pas un traitement égal pour tous.
  • Faire une suite de résumés (différents de l'addition de chacun des documents dans chaque partie) ou un montage de citations.
  • Ne pas respecter l'orthographe des noms d'auteurs, des titres ou des mots rares (ou pas !) donnés dans les documents.
  • Oublier de se référer aux documents.
  • Formuler ainsi les références : (document 2) ou (doc. 2).
  • Indiquer le numéro des lignes ou des vers à titre de référence
  • Confondre les exercices par ignorance des règles de la synthèse et faire soit une dissertation, soit un commentaire littéraire ou une explication de texte, etc.
  • Faire une paraphrase des documents ou une simple citation déguisée (plagiat ? tricherie ?), parfois longue, sans guillemets ni référence d'auteur ou de document.
  • Rédiger sans soin : orthographe fautive ou vocabulaire imprécis ou syntaxe bancale; écriture illisible ; débauche d'effaceur d'encre de liquide plâtreux, etc. ; composition du devoir n'apparaissant pas avant même la lecture de celui-ci, par la simple mise en page, avec des pavés d'une page ou, à l'opposé, une foultitude de versets...

Vue d'ensemble sur la synthèse de documents.

03 L'écriture personnelle

Pour appréhender l'exercice

Il s’agit, tout en répondant à une question posée, d’exprimer une opinion personnelle sur le dossier (ou son thème). Il faut construire une argumentation illustrée d’exemples et d’exprimer une position face à un problème.L'écriture personnelle est notée sur 20 points.

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

La prise de position sur une question qui fait débat, La construction d’une opinion personnelle,une réponse argumentée et personnelle à la question posée, l’utilisation intelligente de l’ensemble de tes connaissances, le recours au corpus de textes et l’insertion de références, un écrit raisonné, structuré et rédigé.

Un test de tes connaissances sur le thème en question. On ne te demande pas de tout connaître sur ce thème.Un simple et rapide exposé de ton opinion personnelle (« moi je pense que oui parce que…« ) : Ne prends pas au pied de la lettre l’intitulé ! Une dissertation de 5 pages ou plus.Un résumé des textes proposés dans le dossier ou un résumé de ta synthèse.

Ce n'est pas


Ce qui est apprécié dans une écriture personnelle

Des références culturelles et précises films, tableaux, musiques ...

Des références à l'actualitéUn intérêt pour le monde actuelDes informations de fraîche date

Etape 4Recherche du plan

Les 5 étapes de l'écriture personnnelle

Etape 5Rédaction

Etape 3Recherche des arguments et des exemples

Etape 2 Choix de la thèse défendue

Etape 1 Lecture et analyse du sujet

  • … dès que vous avez votre sujet d’examen. Sélectionner ainsi pendant votre exercice de synthèse ce que vous pourrez utiliser pour l’écriture personnelle. Cela vous fera gagner du temps par la suite.

Les deux types de sujet

Le sujet vous demande une opinion personnelle, sans s’appuyer sur une thèse particulière (Ex. Que pensez-vous de … ?).

Le sujet vous demande de réagir à une thèse le plus souvent sous forme d’une citation extraite d’un des textes de la synthèse (ex : Selon vous, le sport est-il « l’un des plus forts vecteurs de l’identité nationale », comme l’affirme l’auteur du texte A ?) ou de manière plus directe (Ex. D’après vous l’influence de la télévision est-elle réellement négative pour ceux qui le regardent ?).

ETAPE 2 : ANALYSER LE SUJET :Repérer les mots-clés et délimiter le champ du sujet afin d’éviter le hors-sujet par la suite. Reformuler le sujet en explicitant les sous-entendus.

ETAPE 3 : CHOISIR LA THESE QUE VOUS ALLEZ DEFENDRE… … c’est-à-dire celle pour laquelle il vous semble que vous avez le plus d’exemples et de références à proposer.

Les exemples peuvent être empruntés à la sociologie, l’histoire, la presse, le théâtre, le cinéma, la littérature, la publicité…. -


  • Posez des questions à partir des mots du sujet pour trouver des pistes (par exemple : qui ? comment ? où ? quand ? pourquoi ?).
  • Relisez les documents de la synthèse pour y puiser des idées, sans recopier bêtement.
  • Repassez dans votre tête ce qui a été vu en cours pendant l’année : textes, documents, films, problématiques…
  • Notez immédiatement les idées spontanées qui vous viennent à l’esprit, même les plus vagues ou les petits exemples. Ce sont des pistes à explorer.
  • Faites des associations d’idées : à partir des mots du sujet, cherchez des mots associés.

Plusieurs types de plans possibles

Le plan analytique (causes du problème/solutions), Le plan historique ou encore le plan comparatif, descriptif ou thématique (passer en revue les différents aspects du problème, politique, économique, social…) peuvent aussi être utilisés.

Le plan purement argumentatif Trois solutions pour construire votre argumentation : Vous approuvez (oui) en développant des arguments qui vont uniquement dans le sens de la thèse proposée. Vous réfutez (non) en développant des arguments contre la thèse proposée. Vous nuancez (oui … mais) les propos posés par le sujet.

  • Classer les arguments du plus au moins évident, du moins original au plus original.
  • Votre raisonnement doit progresser : il s’agit d’une véritable construction logique, et non d’une simple juxtaposition d’idées.

Deux types de développement possibles dans l'écriture personnelle

Le plan simple, qui développe trois arguments associés à des exemples dans trois paragraphes.

Le plan élaboré avec parties et sous-parties : chaque partie énonce une thèse ou une idée générale, et les sous-parties développent les arguments et les exemples.

L'introduction est ici très courte, seulement quelques lignes. - Introduction du thème du sujet. Si le sujet contient une citation, il faut la recopier ici. - Reprise ou reformulation de la question posée. (la problématique issue de l'analyse du sujet)- Annonce du plan.

Quelques conseils pour rédiger le développement :Le développement se rédige au présent et, contrairement à la synthèse, le « je » est autorisé (mais en aucun cas le « vous » : on ne prend pas à partie le correcteur).Les paragraphes (avec alinéa !) s’organisent de la même façon que pour la synthèse. Les connecteurs logiques et les transitions entre les parties du devoir sont également nécessaires ! Il faut développer les idées et les exemples dans un paragraphe (= une quinzaine de lignes), et ne pas se contenter de formuler l’argument en donnant une référence. Essayez de varier au maximum vos exemples : références théoriques (qui peuvent être prises dans le dossier de synthèse), exemples concrets, films, livres, émissions de télévision, articles de presse …

La conclusion est aussi très courte.

  • Résumer votre argumentation.
  • Enoncer clairement votre prise de position (= réponse à la question posée).
  • Chute ou ouverture si vous avez une bonne idée...

Répartition du temps pendant l'épreuve

L'épreuve expliquée par un ancien étudiant

Quelques conseils d'étudiants



Enrichir son expression écrite

  • entertainment

BTS’ RM supports Uniformed Personnel Campaign with 100 million Won donation on his birthday

BTS’ RM supports Uniformed Personnel Campaign with 100 million Won donation on his birthday

About the Author

The TOI Entertainment Desk is a dynamic and dedicated team of journalists, working tirelessly to bring the pulse of the entertainment world straight to the readers of The Times of India. No red carpet goes unrolled, no stage goes dark - our team spans the globe, bringing you the latest scoops and insider insights from Bollywood to Hollywood, and every entertainment hotspot in between. We don't just report; we tell tales of stardom and stories untold. Whether it's the rise of a new sensation or the seasoned journey of an industry veteran, the TOI Entertainment Desk is your front-row seat to the fascinating narratives that shape the entertainment landscape. Beyond the breaking news, we present a celebration of culture. We explore the intersections of entertainment with society, politics, and everyday life. Read More

Visual Stories

presentation personnel bts

Hello ARMYs!!

I am so excited to show you this today!  As some of you may know, I have started a KPOP club at my college recently and its been extremely successful so far!

presentation personnel bts

Actually, today is the 3rd week and I'll be showing a Powerpoint on VIXX.  Last week I showed a Powerpoint on BTS and TEEN TOP.

So I was thinking that it would be cool if I showed you how I did my Powerpoints from my club!  And if you're wanting to show someone a group, instead of explaining, just make a Powerpoint that says it all!! SIMPLE!  And these Powerpoints ARE simple as pie!



presentation personnel bts

SLIDE 1: The Title Page


The first slide of your Powerpoint should introduce the group.  make sure its a clear HD background photo so that when the photo enlarges to fit your Powerpoint it won't be pixelated.

Be sure to include:

-Group name

-Group logo

-Group fan base logo

-Company logo

presentation personnel bts

Slide 2: Group Profile

✧ ❀••════ஓ๑♡๑ஓ════•❀ ✧

The second slide is the group profile.  This introduces the group as a whole and includes some features of the company.  This is also the only slide where you get to mention the fandom!  So don't neglect this page!!

-Fandom name

-Fandom colors

-Number of members in the group

-Social media platforms

Now, I didn't end up putting the individual platforms of other KPOP groups who had like their own Twitter or instagram, etc.. The purpose of our KPOP group and these Powerpoints is to introduce people to new artists. So if someone sees something they like then they'll dig deeper and find that person's account and follow them.  But of course, we hope fans will follow everyone and be supportive of the whole group regardless.

For the next few slides I will be showing you from scratch how I create my Powerpoints.  Not in total depth, but with pictures I'll show you the process.  If you have any questions, just leave me a comment in the comment box;  Let's get started:

Slide 3: Introducing Members (leader first)

When it comes to introducing the members, you always want to start with the leader.  In my opinion, I think its a show of respect.  And then you work your way down from oldest to youngest.  I also believe that to be true because of our fanchants:

Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!!

Its evident that the leader be acknowledged first and then its followed by the oldest as signs of respect.  The leader does A LOT for the group... which is also why I'm having Namjoon for this demonstration of my individual slides!!XD

presentation personnel bts

Insert a slide

First, you start with either inserting a slide with PICTURE or CAPTION options.  Either way, you'll be deleting the CLICK ICON TO ADD PICTURE part because it distorts the photo and we don't want that.

presentation personnel bts

Insert a background

For me, I looked up water color and pastel backgrounds.  I thought those would be the best to be a subtle and gentle color to blend with the photos I put up.  Also, I'm an artist, so I'm very picky about the way color correlates with a foreground and the background.

presentation personnel bts

Choose a photo

Try to get a photo that has the utmost clarity.  I've actually had some trouble getting some of my favorite photos to be clear for some of the Powerpoints I did.  But I didn't really have a choice--I was stubborn and the content looked great!!

presentation personnel bts

With choosing a photo, some random bar with pop up that says GENERATING IDEAS.


Those are better for title pages on a different type of Powerpoint other than a KPOP one.  It likes to reorganize the photo in weird ways.  Instead, go to FORMAT and click the scroll down button.  It'll give you different options to shape your photo and even add a colorful boarder.  Soon, you'll come out with this:

presentation personnel bts

I pray you can see my color coordination here.  Tropical RM.

presentation personnel bts

Insert The Member's Stage Name

Of course we want to know their real names, but what's the first thing we hear when it comes to that member?  Their stage name.  When it comes to the profile you'll insert the rest of their bio.

I also went fancy-smansy and added a boarder around the letters in one color and filled it with another color.  You can do this by clicking on the word box twice and it's pop up in the FORMAT area.

presentation personnel bts

Write In Missing Information

Showing this profile to someone who doesn't have any idea about someone is really goo. You can use this as a template to get it going if you want.  Now, I know they have blood types and horoscope signs out there, but to be honest... do we really care?  Especially if its someone new looking at this?  Not really.  But what I do know is that girls are always wanting their HEIGHT!! OF COURSE WE ARE!

Along with filling in missing information, I love to give 3 random fun facts about the member.  I LOVE 'EM!!

presentation personnel bts

And once you've completed all the information, you'll be left with this:

presentation personnel bts

-Stage name

-Birth name


-Birth town/city

-3 random facts

Slide 4 : Introducing The Members Oldest To Youngest✧


As I mentioned with RM, as the leader he needs to be placed first.  But of course, right after is the Korean rule of respect.  So we'll be making the rest of the slides in order from oldest to youngest.

presentation personnel bts

I also try to get the color of their hair or their favorite color to match their tastes. Hence this beautiful pink man.XD

Slide 5: Descending Order By age

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Slide 6: Descending Order By age

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Slide 7: Descending Order By age

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Slide 8: Descending Order By age

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Slide 9: Descending Order By age

presentation personnel bts

Ok, so when it comes to the last profile slide, I always say its the Maknae in the slide. I feel like its a good idea to see who's the youngest compared to all the older members.  Alos, if you say that the person is the youngest, everyone will think:

Oh!  So it was going in oldest to youngest order! (unless you tell them like I did.XD )

Now that  you've finally taught everyone about the members, you need to be able to show them what this group can actually do.  For our Powerpoints, we have 5 music videos.  And if you wish it, you can have 1 or 2 dance practices.  Though I'd recommend a funny dance practice so people can see just how weird this bunch of boys are.

Here are the 5 videos I used:

We also start with the newest music video because it shows what they look and sound like of their current age.


We also try to add in a slower song.  This gives the listener a chance to hear how they sound as a ballad or harmonizing whole. Trust me, you need a slow song in there.  The song that got me into BTS was House of Cards.  I was hoping there were more songs like it and to my surprise... there were!


The 3rd music video can be your pick!  I don't know about you, but MIC DROP has a huge place in my heart.  The remix and the original.


Now, I used 2 dance practices instead of M/V's for BTS, because.... I mean, this GIF says it all.  You can pick the video before this, but to keep a good line of genres, choose a sexy song/ dance next.  It gives good variety to see that the group can tackle many different concepts.This 'll probably also help someone find their bias<3


This is probably the one video that SHOULD be included into a Powerpoint no matter what.  This shows their cute and quirky sides. You don't get to see that in M/Vs.  I mean, when I showed this in my club everyone was CRACKING UP!!

Thank you for reading this freakishly long blog!  I hope this helps you in the future!


presentation personnel bts

Comments (72)

presentation personnel bts

who is ur bias

who is ur biasssss???

how are u alll

hi armieeeeeeeeees

presentation personnel bts

where are you from?

presentation personnel bts

Into ARMY's? Join the community.


I know this has nothing to do with BTS, but...its KPOP!


:koala: :birthday: : Namjoon’s Birthday Event

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ARMY Question Of The Week #156

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Get to Know the BTS Positions: Who is the Main Vocal, Main Rapper, or Main Dancer of BTS?

14 February 2024, 11:13

BTS Positions

Get to know the BTS positions : Main vocal, rapper, dancer? Learn who takes on these roles in the iconic K-pop group. Explore BTS dynamics now!

BTS, also known as Bangtan Boys, is a boy band from South Korea that debuted in 2013.

As fans, the information of BTS members is an important thing that must be known. In addition to seeing important information from each member’s personal data, as an Army, of course, we will be very proud to have an idol with extraordinary talent and success.

To learn more about the position of each BTS member and also some personal data, let’s immediately look at the sections below provided in this KPOPLOVE article.


  • 1 Position of RM
  • 2 Position of SUGA
  • 3 Position of J-Hope
  • 4 Position of Jin
  • 5 Position of Jimin
  • 6 Position of V
  • 7 Position of Jungkook

Position of RM


Position: Leader, Main Rapper

RM was appointed the leader of BTS because of his high leadership spirit. In addition, RM is also the smartest BTS member with an IQ score of 148.

Because of his intelligence, RM even got a TOEIC score of 850 when he was a junior high school student. He even mastered English and Japanese.

Before deciding to become a musician, this man whose real name is Kim Namjoon considered taking journalism courses.

In 2007, BTS’s RM wrote its first song titled “Disaster.” At that time he was around 12–13 years old. BTS’s RM’s career began when rapper Sleepy was impressed by RM’s rapping talent and later recommended him to Big Hit Entertainment.

Besides, BTS’s RM also takes a position other than the rapper, but also as the leader of the group . However, there are also people who view the K-Pop group leader as someone who needs to hold a lot of responsibility.

Position of SUGA

BTS Suga

Position: Lead Rapper

The unique stage name of the member whose real name is Min Yoon-gi was chosen because of his sweet smile like sugar. He is a graduate of Apujeong High School.

Although thick with his sweet and cute face, apparently Suga is in the rapper position. His expertise in delivering meaningful rap lyrics is beyond doubt. In addition, Suga is also talented in producing songs until he releases an album containing his own songs.

Not many know that BTS’s Suga, who in January 2018 received full membership of the Korean Music Copyright Association, started his career as an underground music rapper. In fact, his struggles became tougher because his parents opposed his music.

Suga dreamed of becoming a musician from a young age. Even though he was born in a poor family, he remained firm with the passion he dreamt of. When he was in high school, Suga showed a lot of interest in music.

BTS’s Suga’s dream was to become a famous rapper . This dream was obtained by BTS’s Suga after listening to the song “Fly” from Epik High.

He also took great interest in rap after hearing the music of Story Skunk and Reggae Muffin. He even started out as an underground rapper and went by the stage name Gloss.

When he was 17 years old in 2010, BTS’s Suga had joined a hip-hop group called D-Town. That same year, BTS’s Suga auditioned for Big Hit Entertainment.

Noted, BTS’s Suga passed the Big Hit Entertainment audition titled “Hit It” and got second place.

Position of J-Hope

BTS J-Hope

Position: Main Dancer, Sub Rapper, Sub Vocalist

Just like Suga , J-Hope is a rapper in the group. With the double rappers in the group, the color of the music will be even more colorful.

This is evidenced by J-Hope with his distinctive rap style so that BTS songs always sound good to listeners. J-Hope had joined a street dance group called NEURON before he joined BTS.

BTS’s J-Hope started his career as a street dancer in his hometown, Gwangju. In addition, BTS’s J-Hope also attended Gwangju Music Academy, which was the former school of TVXQ’s Yunho and 2NE1’s Minzy.

When he was in elementary school, BTS’s J-Hope didn’t dream of becoming a singer but wanted to become a professional tennis player.

Position of Jin


Position: Sub Vocalist, Visual

Jin is the oldest member of BTS. His soft voice positions him as a vocalist of the group . Jin has become the best chef in the group thanks to his cooking skills.

Before his debut, Jin first underwent training for three years. Meanwhile, Jin was born into a family of entrepreneurs. No wonder this man whose real name is Kim Seokjin is good at speaking and understanding the world of business.

BTS’s Jin never pursued his dream as a singer for the first time, but he wanted to become an actor instead. Finally, in order to pursue that dream, BTS’s Jin enrolled in acting at Konkuk University. When he was in middle school, BTS’s Jin was also offered a casting by SM Entertainment. However, BTS’s Jin at that time even ran away because he thought the offer was a hoax.

Position of Jimin

BTS Jimin

Position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist

Jimin is the main dancer of BTS. His dancing talent is apparently thanks to his fondness for Taeyang, a member of the idol group Big Bang who is no less famous.

Besides being good at dancing, Jimin also has a unique voice that colors BTS’s songs. Not only that, but Jimin is also known as a social butterfly, aka someone who easily makes friends with many people.

BTS’s Jimin studied contemporary dance at Busan High School of Arts. Since he was in the 2nd grade of junior high school, BTS’s Jimin had fallen in love with dancing. His teacher at Busan High School of Arts told Jimin to pursue his dream by auditioning for Big Hit Entertainment.

Jimin’s father saw him as an athletic child who has the potential to become a prosecutor or police officer. However, Jimin ended up entering a dance academy and becoming a professional dancer.

Position of V


One of the BTS members who was born in Daegu in 1995 is famous for his good looks. Then, who would have thought that BTS’s V who was born in Geochang, apparently grew up in a farming family? At Geochang, BTS’s V was persuaded by his father to learn the saxophone until he started dreaming of becoming a professional saxophone player.

This is where the momentum of V’s way of life changes significantly. Six months of learning dance, Big Hit happened to hold an audition in Daegu, South Korea. Kim Taehyung aka V also came there. But interestingly, V didn’t attend the audition. He came because he was accompanying a friend. As if destined to become an idol, unexpectedly, someone offered V to audition. After getting permission from his father, he also auditioned. And the rest of the story is now great history. V managed to become the only participant who passed the audition from the Daegu area.

Position of Jungkook


Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper, Center, Maknae

Jungkook is the youngest member (maknae) of BTS. Jungkook attended the Seoul School of Performing Arts. Besides being good at dancing and having a sweet voice, Jungkook is also good at making songs, like Suga. Before joining BTS, Jungkook, who was still 13 at the time, auditioned for Superstar K3, but failed the audition.

Known as the main vocalist of BTS, Jungkook inherited the golden voice from his singing parents. Not only that, BTS’s Jungkook is known to really like drawing. Perhaps hard to believe, but Jungkook almost wouldn’t have debuted as a member of BTS. Bang Si-hyuk, head of the agency BTS (Big Hit Music), once revealed that Jungkook was very shy.

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Hello, KPOP Fans! I'm passionate about all things K-Pop, K-Drama, and Korean celebrities. I delve deep into the fascinating and lesser-known aspects of Kpop groups, shedding light on their MBTI personalities, ideal types, dating rumors and even exploring the occasional plastic surgery speculations. My heart belongs to the incredible talents of the K-Pop industry, and my ultimate bias group is none other than BTS!

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A Beginner’s Guide To BTS For Everyone Who Is Curious

It's never too late to get to know the pure joy that is BTS.

Jenna Guillaume

BuzzFeed Contributor

Welcome to the world of BTS .

While BTS are by no means a new phenomenon, they are picking up new fans all the time. If you're one, or you're even just mildly curious and perhaps want to learn their names (warning: that's how it starts for everyone), this post is for you.

Maybe you saw an article about one of the many records they've broken, or their charity , or the passion of their fans . Perhaps it was a Twitter fancam that did it, or a music video , or a performance that drew you in.

Whatever caught your interest, it can be overwhelming to dip your toe into the BTS pool at first. Nine years' worth of content is A LOT – especially with a band as prolific as BTS. But there's also a lot of joy to be found once you start making your way through it. So consider this a basic overview to help guide you on your trip down the rabbit hole...

Who are BTS?

BTS run towards the camera in a white studio wearing preppy clothes

BTS are a seven-member group from South Korea who debuted on June 13, 2013. Their name in Korean is 방탄소년단 – which means Bangtan Sonyeondan and translates to Bulletproof Boy Scouts. Their fans are known as ARMY. Originally focused on hip-hop, over the years BTS have diversified their range and produced a vast array of music (and a lot of other content, too). When it comes to BTS, there's basically something for everyone.

In terms of following the band, there are several platforms to check out, depending on what you're interested in. The seven members share one Twitter account, @BTS_twt , which they use for personal updates. They also use the app Weverse for sharing posts and photos and interacting with fans, while the VLive app is where they mainly livestream. The members also have their own personal Instagram accounts, which you can find here: RM , Jin , Suga , J-Hope , Jimin , V , and Jungkook . 

BTS' YouTube channel, Bangtan TV , is where behind-the scenes clips, dance practices and video logs are dropped.

BTS' Soundcloud is where you'll find a whole bunch of music the band has released for free, from pre-debut songs to solo tracks and mixtapes to covers of their fave artists.

The band has an official Twitter , Instagram , and Facebook , all of which are updated by staff and used primarily for official announcements and photos.

New video content tends to come with English subtitles, and livestreams are typically subtitled within a day or two. But Google translations for social content are basically never accurate, so it's a good idea to follow fan translators who collectively provide almost instant translations. Here's a Twitter list of some fans who regularly translate BTS content into English.

Meet The Members

BTS wear suits and novelty sunglasses while lined up in a green studio

RM a.k.a. Kim Namjoon

RM wears a leopard print robe and raps into a microphone; the background is red

RM, 27, is the leader of BTS and part of their rapline (that is, the rappers of the group). He was formerly known as Rap Monster, but changed his stage name to RM in 2017.

RM is fluent in English, having learnt it from watching Friends growing up, and is known for his intelligence and introspection. His hobbies include bicycling, bonsais, visiting galleries and museums, and collecting art and woodwork.

While all the members of BTS are involved in song-writing and music production, RM writes a significant portion of their lyrics. His solo songs within BTS include "Intro: What Am I To You" , "Reflection" , "Trivia 承: Love" , and "Intro: Persona" .

In addition to their work with BTS, each member has solo projects. For RM, that's his two mixtapes – RM and Mono – as well as the song "Bicycle" and collaborations with artists such as Lil Nas X , Younha , eAeon , and Wale .

Jin a.k.a. Kim Seokjin

Jin has light brown hair and wears a white suit, he holds a fake rose and is kissing it; his other hand holds a pink sparkly mic

Jin, 29, is the eldest member of BTS and a part of the vocal line (i.e. the vocalists). He originally trained as an actor, but was scouted off the street by Big Hit Entertainment, the agency that formed BTS.

Jin's nickname is "Worldwide Handsome", which he earned after going viral several times for his good looks. He has a cheerful personality and goofy sense of humor that is rife with dad jokes, which he often uses to break the ice and set the other members at ease during public appearances.

Jin sometimes does mukbang (i.e. "eating broadcast") livestreams using the name Eat Jin . He spends a lot of his spare time gaming, and also enjoys fishing, especially with fellow member Suga.

His solo songs for BTS include "Awake" , "Epiphany" , and "Moon" , and he's also released several songs of his own, including "Tonight" , "Abyss" , "Yours" (for the soundtrack of K-drama Jirisan ), and "Super Tuna" .

Suga a.k.a. Min Yoongi

Suga poses Agust D poses during the shooting of music video "Daechwita"; he has dark hair and a fake scar drawn on his face

Suga, 29, is a part of the rapline of BTS. He's quite introverted, but is also a direct communicator with a dry sense of humor.

While all the members of BTS often display strong emotional intelligence, this is especially the case with Suga – he frequently dispenses realistic but comforting advice to both the other members and fans.

Suga often acts as an MC in BTS shows (more on those later), and in 2020 did his own version of a radio livestream series called Honey FM . Suga grew up playing piano and basketball, and is learning guitar and other instruments.

His solo songs for BTS are "Intro: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life" , "First Love" , "Trivia 轉: Seesaw" , and "Interlude: Shadow" . He has released two solo mixtapes under the name Agust D, called Agust D and D-2 . Suga has also collaborated with Halsey , Max , Lee So-ra , and Psy , as well as produced music for artists like ØMI , Heize , Epik High , Suran , and IU .

J-Hope a.k.a. Jung Hoseok

J-Hope poses while looking away from the camera; he has dark hair and wears a t-shirt that says "obey" on it"

J-Hope , 28, is the third member of BTS' rapline. With a background in street dance, J-Hope is one of the primary dancers of the group.

His stage name is no coincidence, and J-Hope is often called "sunshine" by fans because of how outgoing and bubbly he is. His catchphrase is "I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope", and the other members frequently credit him with giving them energy. He's also passionate about fashion, and his eclectic clothes reflect his bright personality.

J-Hope has a series of dance videos called "Hope On The Street", in which he uploads clips or livestreams himself dancing, sometimes with others as guests.

J-Hope's BTS solos include "Intro: Boy Meets Evil" , "Mama" , "Trivia 起: Just Dance" , and "Outro: Ego" . As a solo artist, he has released the mixtape Hope World , the single "Chicken Noodle Soup" featuring Becky G , and an official album, Jack in the Box , which included lead singles "More" and "Arson" .

Jimin a.k.a. Park Jimin

Jimin dances with a white piece of fabric, dressed all in white with silver hair

Jimin, 26, is a vocalist and another of the primary dancers of BTS, with a background in contemporary dance.

Jimin is an extrovert who often talks about how he thrives in the company of others and enjoys spending a lot of time with his friends. He's known as a "memory squirrel" because of his habit of taking and collecting Polaroids.

Jimin is frequently shown to be affectionate and caring, leading birthday celebrations and offering comfort when the others are upset. But he also has a Slytherin streak that manifests in a wicked sense of humor.

Jimin's solo songs with BTS are "Lie" , "Serendipity" , and "Filter" . As a soloist he's also released "Promise" and "Christmas Love" , as well as a collaboration with his friend Ha Sungwoon called "With You" for the soundtrack of Our Blues .

V a.k.a. Kim Taehyung

V looks at the camera with his dog, Yeontan, in his lap; they're seated at a table which has a glass of wine on it; there is scribbles drawn on the photo in the background to cover a mirror

V, 25, is part of BTS' vocal line. He has a reputation for being friendly and outgoing, with a mischievous sense of humor. He is often shown thinking outside of the box and coming up with unique ideas.

V has a love of visual arts and is especially interested in photography. He sometimes shares his own work under the name Vante .

He also has acting experience, having starred in the k-drama Hwarang . He became close friends with fellow castmembers Park Seojoon and Park Hyungsik, and together with actor Choi Wooshik and musician Peakboy, they have a famous friendship group called the Wooga Squad , which was documented on 2022's reality series In the Soop: Friendcation .

V's solo songs with BTS are "Stigma" , "Singularity" , and "Inner Child" . He has also released several songs as a soloist, including "4 O'Clock" (with RM), "Scenery" , "Winter Bear" , "It's Definitely You" (with Jin, for the Hwarang soundtrack), "Sweet Night" (for the soundtrack of Park Seojoon's drama Itaweon Class ), and "Snow Flower" (which features Peakboy).

Jungkook a.k.a. Jeon Jungkook

A mirror selfie of Jungkook; he holds his phone and wears a sweater and a beanie

Jungkook is a vocalist and, at 24, the maknae (i.e. youngest member) of BTS. He's open-hearted and a perfectionist, with a reputation for being good at everything (especially singing and dancing) that's earned him the nickname "Golden Maknae".

He's athletic and loves the gym and adrenaline-fuelled activities. He boxes as a hobby, and he also gets creative in his spare time, occasionally sharing his art with fans.

Jungkook is particularly passionate about video, filming and editing his own clips while travelling with BTS and releasing them under the name G.C.F. (which stands for Golden Closet Film).

His solo songs with BTS include "Begin" , "Euphoria" and "My Time" . He's uploaded many covers to BTS' Soundcloud, and has released several songs as a soloist, including "Still With You" , "My You" , "Stay Alive" (which was produced by Suga for the 7 Fates: Chakho webtoon), and a collaboration with Charlie Puth called "Left and Right" .

The Music Of BTS

The members of BTS embrace while wearing all pink and yelling happily

BTS generally releases music as part of ongoing series that focus on different themes and tell specific stories. While their music videos usually include captions with English subtitles, in general they don't release official English translations for all of their songs. There are, however, plenty of fan translations, such as those at Muish , Doolset Bangtan and Do You Bangtan .

Here's a broad overview of the main eras in BTS' music career :

The School Trilogy (2013-2014)

A still from the &quot;No More Dream&quot; music video; BTS pose in front of a school buss with flames surrounding it; they were black and white patterned outfits and lots of jewellery

BTS' debut era was centred around teenage feelings, from crushes to the frustration of being up against rigid and oppressive systems. The School Trilogy is made up of three EPs:

• 2 Cool 4 Skool , the release of which was connected with BTS' debut trailer , a music video for title track "No More Dream" , and a second music video for "We Are Bulletproof Pt. 2" .

• O!RUL8,2? , which was released with a trailer and a music video for title track "N.O" .

• Skool Luv Affair , which came with a trailer , a music video for title track "Boy In Luv" as well as one for "Just One Day" . This mini album was later repackaged as a Skool Luv Affair Special Addition with two extra songs.

Although not technically part of the School Trilogy, BTS' first full studio album, Dark and Wild , follows on from it and extends the themes of teenage rebellion and horniness. The trailer for Dark and Wild features RM's "Intro: What Am I To You" . It was followed by music videos for the title track "Danger" and then later "War of Hormone" .

In addition to their Korean music, BTS also releases Japanese versions of some tracks, as well as original Japanese songs. In this era, they dropped Japanese singles of "No More Dream" , "Boy In Luv" , and "Danger" . These were followed by their first Japanese album, Wake Up , which featured the singles and Japanese versions of other songs, as well as several new Japanese tracks.

The Youth Trilogy (2015-2016)

BTS walk in a line along train tracks; they wear casual clothes

The Youth Trilogy is also known as Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa (HYYH) or The Most Beautiful Moment in Life series, and it explores the growing pains of young adulthood.

This era saw BTS play with a new look and a different sound, and introduce a fictional storyline – later dubbed the Bangtan Universe (BU) – told through their music videos and in notes in their albums. All videos that are part of the canon include "BU content" in their description on YouTube – and if you want to dive even deeper, you can get a compilation book of all the notes that expand on the story, plus read the associated webtoon .

The albums in this series are:

• The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1 , a mini album. A trailer was released featuring Suga's "Intro: The Most Beautiful Moment In Life" , followed by two versions of the music video for title track "I Need You" . A music video was also released for "Dope" .

• The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 2 , another mini album. This was preceded by a short BU film called " 화양연화 On Stage: Prologue " and also a trailer featuring "Intro: Never Mind" , a song performed by the rapline. There was then a music video for title track "Run" .

• The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever , which is a compilation album that includes some tracks from the Part 1 and Part 2 mini albums, in addition to three new tracks and several remixes. Music videos were released for title track "Fire" , as well as "Save Me" , and "Epilogue: Young Forever" .

This era also saw the release of the Japanese album Youth , with singles including the original song "For You" and Japanese versions of "I Need You" and "Run" .

The Wings Era (2016-2017)

BTS sit in formalwear in a purple elaborately styled room with multiple chandeliers

Partly inspired by Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth , a coming-of-age novel by Hermann Hesse, this era continues the BU storyline and deepens BTS' exploration of growing up, with a focus on losing your innocence and navigating temptation.

Wings is the first album of the era. It was preceded by the release of seven short films, each centred around a different member's solo song: "Begin" , "Lie" , "Stigma" , "First Love" , "Reflection" , "Mama" , and "Awake" . These were followed by a trailer featuring J-Hope's "Intro: Boy Meets Evil" and a music video for title track "Blood Sweat & Tears" .

The second album of this era is You Never Walk Alone , which is actually a repackage of Wings with the addition of three new songs. Two of these, "Spring Day" and "Not Today" , were released as singles with music videos.

These Korean releases were followed by a Japanese version of Blood Sweat & Tears .

The Love Yourself Series (2017-2018)

BTS stand in a row wearing casual clothes; they all have dark hair

This era, as the name suggests, is all about loving yourself. It continues the BU plot, and began with the release of four short films called the Highlight Reels: "起" , "承" , "轉" , and "起承轉結" .

The series consists of three albums:

• Love Yourself 承 'Her' , a mini album. Its trailer is a music video for Jimin's solo "Serendipity" , which was followed by title track "DNA" and later "Mic Drop" .

• Love Yourself 轉 'Tear' , a studio album. Ahead of its release, a short film "Euphoria: Theme of Love Yourself 起 Wonder" featuring Jungkook's solo "Euphoria" was dropped, as well as a trailer/music video for V's "Singularity" . There was also a music video for title track "Fake Love" , which was followed by an extended version .

• Love Yourself 結 'Answer' , a compilation album featuring tracks from Her and Tear as well as several new songs and remixes. Its trailer was a music video for Jin's solo "Epiphany" , and its title track was "Idol" . A second version of "Idol" was later released featuring Nicki Minaj.

A Japanese album Face Yourself was also released in this era, featuring both original tracks and Japanese versions of some Love Yourself songs. Music videos were released for the Japanese versions of "Mic Drop" and "Airplane Pt 2" , the latter of which wasn't on Face Yourself but released afterward as a separate single.

The Map of the Soul Series (2019-2020)

BTS stand in a row wearing formalwear with different coloured hair; there are lit-up signs in the background

This era takes inspiration from Carl Jung's psychological theories, as examined in Jung's Map Of The Soul by Dr Murray Stein. It uses Jung's ideas of the persona, shadow, and ego as a framework through which BTS explore their own lives and fame.

The series began with the mini album Map of the Soul: Persona . Its trailer is a music video for RM's solo "Intro: Persona" . Its title track is "Boy With Luv" , which features Halsey. A music video for a remixed version of "Make It Right" featuring Lauv was later released, and was followed by two more remixes of the song.

The next album in the series is Map of the Soul: 7 , a full studio album which carries over five songs from Persona and adds 14 new songs. There were a number of videos tied in with the release of 7 : two trailers which act as music videos for Suga's "Interlude: Shadow" and J-Hope's "Outro: Ego" ; an art film for "Black Swan" followed later by an official music video ; and a kinetic manifesto film for title track "On", which was also followed by an official music video .

Although not part of the Map of the Soul series, BTS also released a soundtrack for their mobile game BTS World during this time period, which featured four new songs and had an accompanying music video for "Heartbeat" .

BTS also released a Japanese single "Lights" in 2019, and the Japanese Album Map of the Soul: 7 ~The Journey~ in July 2020, which included several new songs, including the title track "Stay Gold" .

The Pandemic Era (2020-2022)

BTS wear different colored clothes and stand in a CG field

Like literally everyone else, BTS' plans were completely derailed by COVID-19. Instead of touring the world, they found themselves stuck at home, and so they turned to doing what they do best: creating music.

In August 2020, they released their very first all-English single, "Dynamite" , saying they wanted the song to give energy and joy to fans around the world going through a hard time. They also released several remixes of the track, and "Dynamite" earned BTS their first Billboard Hot 100 number one and a Grammy nomination.

In November 2020, BTS released a new album BE , which features "Dynamite" and six new songs, including title track "Life Goes On" , which also hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The album reflects their experiences during the pandemic, with a particular focus on mental health, their relationship to their work, and their yearning to see fans.

While all seven BTS members have always participated in creating their music to some degree, BE saw them take on a greater level of involvement than ever before. In addition to more input in the songwriting process, different members each took the lead on various aspects of the album creation, such as the concept photos, packaging, and music video. They documented some of this work in a series of livestreams in the lead up to the album release.

In 2021, BTS released two more English language singles, "Butter" (which came with several remixes, including one featuring Megan Thee Stallion ), and "Permission to Dance" . Both songs hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100, and "Butter" earned the group another Grammy nomination. 

BTS also collaborated with Coldplay on their song "My Universe" from their album Music of the Spheres . 

In June 2021, BTS released a Japanese compilation album called BTS, the Best , featuring some of their biggest Japanese hits as well as new single "Film Out" .

In June 2022, BTS released an anthology album called Proof ,  which featured three new songs, including the title track "Yet To Come" . Following the album release, they announced they'd be scaling back group activities to focus more on solo work for awhile. 

The Performances Of BTS

BTS performs in suits on a stage designed to look like a temple

One of the most impressive things about BTS are their spectacular live performances. While it's definitely worth watching their full concerts if you want to really dive deep, there are a lot of performances from awards shows and other TV appearances that are a great entry point. Here are just some to start with:

• "Blood Sweat & Tears" on M Countdown .

• "Boy Meets Evil", "Blood Sweat & Tears" and "Fire" at the 2016 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMAs).

• "Not Today", "DNA", "Cypher Pt. 4", and "Mic Drop" at the 2017 MAMAs.

• "Fake Love", "Airplane Pt. 2", and "Idol" at the 2018 Melon Music Awards (MMAs).

• "Boy With Luv" and "Mic Drop" on Saturday Night Live .

• "Make It Right" on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert .

• "Intro: Persona", "Boy In Luv", "Boy With Luv", "Mikrokosmos", and "Dionysus" at the 2019 MMAs.

• "On" at Grand Central Terminal on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon .

• "Black Swan" , "Mikrokosmos" , "Idol" , "Home" , "Dynamite" (with the Roots) , and "Dynamite" (full choreography) on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon .

• "Dynamite", "Save Me", and "Spring Day" for NPR's Tiny Desk Concert.

• "Black Swan" (Instrumental), "On", "Life Goes On", and "Dynamite" at the 2020 MMAs.

• "Telepathy", "Blue & Grey", "Fix You", "Life Goes On", and "Dynamite" for MTV Unplugged.

The Shows Of BTS

BTS wear pyjamas and have their arms raised on a set decorated with purple streamers and balloons

In addition to music and the content directly related to it, BTS keep very busy with a wide array of video projects.

There's a lot to explore, but their current shows are the best place to start. Variety show Run BTS is extremely entertaining and a fun way to get to know the individual members better. All episodes are available for free on VLive , with newer ones also released on Weverse . Bon Voyage , BTS' travel reality series, is also great if you are willing to pay for content. Seasons 1-3 are available on VLive , and Season 4 is on Weverse . In The Soop , which documents soothing pandemic-era escapes into the forest for the group, has two seasons available for purchase on Weverse .

BTS have released several docu-series following their lives on tour, which are all incredibly insightful. The first, Burn the Stage , focuses on their Wings tour and is available for purchase on YouTube , as is the accompanying Burn the Stage: the Movie . Their second series, Bring the Soul , follows their Love Yourself tour and is available on Weverse , as is a companion movie . Their third series, Break the Silence , which focuses on the end of the Love Yourself tour and the subsequent Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour, can also be purchased on Weverse along with its movie version.

So, do you know BTS?

BTS laugh as an interview asks &quot;What is your go to pick up line&quot; and Suga answers &quot;Do you know BTS?&quot;

If you made it this far, congrats! You've just scratched the surface of BTS content and still have so much left to discover. Go forth and binge! There's no turning back.

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BTS (방탄소년단) Members Complete Profile, Facts, and TMI

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BTS (방탄소년단) is a seven-member boy group under Big Hit Entertainment. The group consists of Jin , Suga , J-Hope , RM , Jimin , V , and Jungkook . All of the members are actively participating in composing and making lyrics for their songs. The group debuted in 2013 with their single ‘No More Dream’. The band rapidly gained attention in the west in 2017. Nowadays, BTS is known to be a record-breaking global megastar, and arguably Korea’s most successful act to date. Among their phenomenal records are ranking first as the best selling artist in South Korea’s music history, the first Korean act to reach number 1 on Billboard 200 chart and Billboard Hot 100 chart, as well as being the first Asian musician who held a sold-out concert in Wembley Stadium.

  • Fandom Name: Army
  • Official Color: Purple
  • Agency: Big Hit Entertainment
  • Official Group Twitter:‬ https://twitter.com/bts_bighit
  • Member’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BTS_twt
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official
  • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV
  • VLive: https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619/home
  • Fancafe: http://cafe.daum.net/BANGTAN
  • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit
  • Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit
  • Debut Date: 2013.06.13

BTS Member Profile

presentation personnel bts

Jin Profile

  • Birth Name:  김석진 (Kim Seokjin)
  • Stage Name:  Jin
  • Nationality:  South Korean
  • Date of Birth:  1992.12.04
  • Zodiac Sign:  Sagittarius
  • Chinese Zodiac:  Monkey
  • Height:  179cm (5’8”)
  • Weight:  63 kg (138.8 lbs)
  • Blood Type:  O
  • Personal Social Media:  N/A

Jin Facts & TMI

  • Seokjin was born in Anyang.
  • Family members consist of mother, father, and an older brother.
  • He has a puppy named Gukmul.
  • His official position in the group is subvocal.
  • SM Entertainment scouted Jin when he was in high school, but he rejected their offer.
  • Jin never learned dancing or singing prior to becoming an idol trainee.

presentation personnel bts

Suga Profile

  • Birth Name:  민윤기 (Min Yunki)
  • Stage Name:  Suga
  • Date of Birth:  1993.03.09
  • Zodiac Sign:  Pisces
  • Chinese Zodiac:  Rooster
  • Height:  173.8 cm (5’7”)
  • Weight:  59 kg (130 lbs)

Suga Facts & TMI

  • Suga was born and grew up in Daegu before moving to Seoul when he was in high school.
  • His family consists of mother, father and an older brother named Min Geumjae.
  • His motivation in pursuing a music career was because his friends mocked him that he can never rap, it happened when he was in 6th grade of elementary school. The insults he received when he was young made him work hard to prove himself.
  • It was also said that Suga wanted to be a rapper after listening to Epik High’s songs.
  • He started working on music when he was 13.
  • He used the stage name ‘Gloss’ before debuting with BTS.

presentation personnel bts

J-Hope Profile

  • Birth Name:  정호석 (Jeong Hoseok)
  • Stage Name:  J-Hope
  • Date of Birth:  1994.02.18
  • Zodiac Sign:  Aquarius
  • Chinese Zodiac:  Dog
  • Height:  177 cm (5’8”)
  • Weight:  65 kg (143.3 lbs)
  • Blood Type:  A

J-Hope Facts & TMI

  • J-Hope was born and grew up in Gwangju.
  • His family consists of mother, father, and an older sister Jung Jiwoo.
  • His stage name ‘J-Hope’ refers to his desire to be the ‘hope’ for BTS.
  • His official position in the team is main dancer and rapper (alongside Suga and RM).
  • He is part of BTS’ beagle line.
  • He is in charge of performance in BTS.

presentation personnel bts

  • Birth Name:  김남준 (Kim Namjun)
  • Stage Name:  RM
  • Date of Birth:  1994.09.12
  • Zodiac Sign:  Virgo
  • Height:  181 cm (5’9”)
  • Weight:  73.6 kg (162.2 lbs)

RM Facts & TMI

  • RM was born and grew up in Ilsan, a city near Seoul.
  • His family consists of mother, father, and a younger sister.
  • Before using RM as his stage name, he used Rap Monster.
  • His official position in the team is leader and main rapper.
  • He started interested in hip-hop after listening to Epik High’s song ‘Fly’.
  • RM was astonished at how the song ‘Fly’ can relay people’s stories thoroughly, he said he listened to the song 3,000~4,000 times.

presentation personnel bts

Jimin Profile

  • Birth Name:  박지민 (Park Jimin)
  • Stage Name:  Jimin
  • Date of Birth:  1995.10.13
  • Zodiac Sign:  Libra
  • Chinese Zodiac:  Pig
  • Height:  173.6 cm (5’6”)
  • Weight:  60 kg (132.2 lbs)

Jimin Facts & TMI

  • Jimin was born and grew up in Busan.
  • His family consists of mother, father, and a younger brother, Park Jihyun.
  • His official position in the team is main dancer and lead vocal.
  • Since 2nd grade of middle school, Jimin learned poppin dance.
  • After watching singer Rain’s performance, he started to dream to be a singer.
  • He was a top student of the dance department at Busan Art High School.

presentation personnel bts

  • Birth Name:  김태형 (Kim Taehyung)
  • Stage Name:  V
  • Date of Birth:  1995.12.30
  • Zodiac Sign:  Capricorn
  • Height:  179 cm (5’8”)
  • Weight:  63 kg (138.8 lbs)
  • Blood Type:  AB

V Facts & TMI

  • Taehyung was born and grew up in Daegu before moving to Seoul in his high school days.
  • His family consists of mother, father, one younger sister (born 96), and one younger brother (born 97).
  • When he was still a toddler, V lived with his grandmother because both of his parents were working.
  • His official position in the team is sub vocal.
  • V is the only member that has a husky voice among BTS’ vocal line.
  • He is said to be one of the visual lines in BTS alongside Jin and Jungkook.

presentation personnel bts

Jungkook Profile

  • Birth Name:  전정국 (Jeon Jeongguk)
  • Stage Name:  Jungkook
  • Date of Birth:  1997.09.01
  • Chinese Zodiac:  Ox
  • Height:  178 cm (5’8”)
  • Weight:  66 kg (145.5 lbs)

Jungkook Facts & TMI

  • Jungkook was born in Busan.
  • His family consists of mother (Moon Mijung), father (Jeon Dongho), and an older brother (Jeon Jeonghyeon).
  • He has a puppy named Gureum.
  • His official positions are main vocal, sub rapper, and lead dancer.
  • In most of BTS’ live performances, he is usually in charge of being the center alongside the dance lines.
  • He once attended dance training in the US for a month prior to his debut.

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Everything You Need To Know About The Members Of The K-Pop Boy Group, BTS

The ultimate guide to the BTS members

BTS —whether you're an ARMY or not, you've heard this K-pop boy group's name at least once (or you know, every day since their chart-topping hit "Dynamite" was released) or have heard their hits like "Boy With Luv" on the radio. The South Korean boy group continues to set and break records and continuously bring honor and pride to their country. They've defied the odds and through hard work, established themselves as a force not to be reckoned with in the worldwide music industry. The group, composed of seven talented men: RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook, is definitely here to stay, and if you just don't know all of them yet, here's a complete guide to all the members of BTS.

NEW TO BTS? WE GOTCHU: 10 BTS Songs You Need To Listen To If You're A Newbie Fan

In 2013, BTS (which translates to Bangtan Sonyeondan or “Bulletproof Boy Scouts”) debuted with “No More Dream” under a then-lesser-known entertainment agency named Big Hit Entertainment. They deviated from the usual boy-next-door concept and opted for a different route as a hiphop idol group, complete with edgy haircuts and well, lots of eyeliner. Back then, a lot of eyebrows were raised about their indifference, and insults were thrown around about their appearance, with many saying they won’t last long as K-pop idols. They endured so much pain and a lot of crying—but BTS, being the determined seven-member group that they are, did not let anyone stop them. 

S even years later, BTS is now top-of-mind when it comes to K-pop. They have sold-out concerts and chart-topping songs and albums. They are recognized for successfully breaking into the international scene, have been invited to perform in the biggest shows and events around the world, and are even recognized as role models for young people of today. Really, the boys from South Korea are something else!

It's also worth mentioning that Big Hit is  now valued at $4 billion , and the boys themselves are multi-millionaires, as they're all shareholders. They did all of these together—this goes to show that the “s” in BTS” stands for “seven or never”.


Now that their branding is aptly named Beyond The Scene, BTS has shown what they are good at—producing songs with the deepest meanings that resonate with everyone. (Like they always like to say, music is universal, and a different language shouldn't stop you from appreciating their music!) Apart from this, they have established their talents as singer-songwriters, synchronized dancers, rappers, and variety show masters. When they are not out there breaking their own records or setting the stage on fire, BTS appears in TV shows where their individual personalities shine the most.

THIS IS THE REASON WHY ARMYS LOVE BTS: 10 BTS Songs With The Most Meaningful Lyrics

Now that you know their background and how they made it to the top, you’re probably wondering who’s who in the group.

Here’s everything you need to about the BTS members:

1. rm – bts leader, rapper.

If you’ve been watching BTS’ interviews and wonder who that guy who speaks English so well is, it’s Kim Namjoon or RM  (which stands for Rap Monster, but that’s a thing of the ~past~). This 26-year-old lyrical genius learned English after watching many episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S . And if that’s amazing, here’s something that will surprise you even more: RM’s IQ is 148, and is a part of Mensa—an worldwide organization for those with high IQ. Two words: Mind blown.

During his free time, RM loves reading and has actually based some of BTS’ songs on the books that he has read. Aside from this, he enjoys biking, admiring nature, and going to art museums, which ARMYs have referred to as “Namjooning”. In these stressful times, Namjooning is what we truly need.

MUSIC GENIUS. THAT’S THE TWEET: 9 BTS Songs That Are Actually Based On Books

RM has also earned another name for himself aside from being a great leader, rap icon, and intelligent individual, and that’s “god of destruction”—something his groupmates named him. We’ll just leave this here:

2.  Jin – BTS Vocalist, visual

If you see someone from BTS who keeps on winking, sending kisses, and calling himself “Worldwide Handsome” (because omg, he really is!), it’s the group's oldest member,  Kim Seokjin or Jin . Not only does he carry a stunning face,  he also has insanely broad shoulders that can probably carry all of our problems. I mean:

Jin likes to cook and eat, and has his own mukbang show named Eat Jin (which will make you hungry!). He’s into Super Mario (and games in general!) and loooooooves the color pink. Just look at this:

When the going gets tough, expect Jin to be equipped with his dad jokes, which sends his BTS members roaring with laughter (or with a facepalm). This is what makes him le-Jin-dary. Look at what you did to us, Jin!

3.  Suga – BTS Rapper

Don’t be fooled by his grumpy and silent exterior— Min Yoongi or Suga   is a softie according to the rest of the BTS members. He may act all tough and serious but he shows how he cares for them in his own little ways. When the 27-year-old is not being a caring and adorable kitten, he is spitting fire on stage with his rap skills. Also, can we just say that we are living for this undercut??? We bet you are, too.

For Suga, music is life (and so is sleep). He spends long hours in his studio (aka Genius Lab) creating music. He has also produced several songs not only for BTS but also for other K-pop idols like IU and Heize , to name a few. We love Producer Min Yoongi!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, IU! Awww, IU Just Celebrated Her 12th Debut Anniversary In The Industry!

Suga may have struggled financially before their debut, but through his hard work, we can all just sing together: “Life is sweet as honey, yeah this beat cha-ching like money”. We'll just casually drop his iconic $3 line here:


4. J-Hope – BTS Dancer, rapper

He’s our hope, he’s your hope, his name is J-Hope ! BTS’ sunshine can brighten anyone’s day just by being his energetic self. Born Jung Hoseok , the 26-year-old Hobi (a term of endearment from his fans) has a certain charm that will make you love him no matter what. You'll totally c atch yourself smiling from time to time whenever you watch his vids or look at his photos.

A pro when it comes to dancing, J-Hope leads the group in mastering their choreography during practice. Mentor J-Hope is totally different from the serotonin-inducing J-Hope! He's *super* intimidating when he trains the group to perfect their dances, and is super patient when it comes to helping out members who struggle with the choreographies. 

Back to our sunshine Hobi, he loves his BTS members, Sprite, hamburger, shopping for expensive things, but do you know what he hates the most? Snakes.

5. Jimin – BTS Dancer, vocalist

On stage, you can clearly see how passionate Park Jimin  is about dancing, and his graceful steps are all thanks to his years of ballet and contemporary dance training . May it be acoustic songs or EDM, Jimin is surely prepared to bust out a move. (Never forget his iconic  "I Need U" contemporary routine at the 2019 Melon Music Awards! Truly a historical moment for ARMYs!)

According to his BTS members, the 24-year-old is a kind and gentle soul, and we couldn’t agree more. During interviews, you can see how affectionate he is with the rest of the group whenever he looks at them. When he is not doing that, you can see Jimin throwing himself to the other members whenever he laughs so hard. Jimin, you *are* really nice. Keep going!

Jimin may be a ~shortie~, (he's the shortest in the group at 5'8" which honestly is not even considered short in most Asian countries!) but he never falls short with his stage presence. His members would often tease him about his height and super cute small hands! His cheeks can also get round and fluffy, and that’s why ARMYs call him “Mochi” (or “Baby Mochi”, with  James Corden as “Papa Mochi”) because he’s like this squishy ball of fluff that you can’t help but adore.

ADD THIS TO YOUR TRAVEL LIST, ARMYS: 10 Must-Visit Places In Seoul For Every BTS Fan

6. V – BTS Dancer, vocalist

There’s just so much charisma oozing from this 24-year-old BTS member! Kim Taehyung , or V, has a distinctly deep and soulful voice that will leave you ~feeling things. When asked what he would be if he didn’t debut as a BTS member, V mentioned that he wants to be a saxophonist.

With his outgoing personality, V sure has a lot of friends including Park Bo Gum  and the Wooga Squad, formed by Park Seo Joon , Choi Woo Shik , Park Hyung Sik , and Peakboy . In BTS, Jimin is V’s best friend, and their closeness will move you to tears once you look closely at the lyrics of their song “Friends”.

It's also worth noting that V has had an acting stint, appearing in the 2016 historical drama,  Hwarang . He, along with Jin, also sang one of the drama's OSTs, "It's Definitely You."

MORE ABOUT THE WOOGA SQUAD RIGHT HERE:  Everything You Need To Know About Park Seo Joon's 'Wooga Squad'

You will surely remember V with his 4D personality (a term used for Korean celebrities with unique and entertaining traits) and as the group’s resident fashionista. Apart from this, he also loves Panda Express, and would often give a shout-out during interviews. C’mon, guys make this boy your endorser already!

7.  Jungkook – BTS Vocalist, dancer, center

The golden maknae of BTS didn’t earn his nickname for nothing— Jeon Jungkook or JK is an ace in everything. He can sing, dance, rap, direct and edit videos, paint, and more! He can also run faster than you when you’re late, look like your next boyfriend, eat six cups of ramen by himself…is there anything this boy can’t do? None. Like Jimin, Jungkook also has a black belt in Taekwondo. Casual! 

Did you know that it took us forever to find this selfie on BTS’ Twitter account? But that’s okay, even though our JK doesn’t tweet a lot, he surprises us with song covers from time to time on SoundCloud and we consider our ears—our entire selves rather—blessed. Our fave is his version of Dan + Shay and Justin Bieber ’s “10,000 Hours”! (He's a big Biebs fan!)

Jungkook made it to BTS when he was just 15 years old, and that means he literally grew up with his members who would always look out for him. (They say Jin used to drive him to school and make him food! You can even find a vlog the members visiting JK during his high school graduation on their YouTube channel! Suddenly, we're emotional.) Meanwhile, JK loves imitating his hyungs (and even their CEO, Bang PD ) which would leave us in fits of giggles, lol.  

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Korean: 방탄소년단 Japanese: 防弾少年団


  • Introduction

BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan), also known as the Bangtan Boys, is a seven-member South Korean boy band formed by Big Hit Entertainment . BTS' musical style has evolved to include a wide range of genres. Their lyrics touch on the themes of mental health, troubles of school-age youth, loss, the journey towards loving oneself, and individualism. BTS debuted on June 12, 2013, with the song " No More Dream " from their first album " 2 COOL 4 SKOOL ". " Wings " became BTS' first album to sell one million copies in South Korea. By 2017, BTS crossed into the international music market, leading the Korean Wave into the United States and breaking numerous sales records, becoming the first Korean group to receive a certification from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for their single " MIC Drop ". BTS is the first Korean act to top the Billboard 200 with their studio album " Love Yourself: Tear " and have since hit the top of the U.S. charts with their albums " Love Yourself: Answer " and " MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA ", making BTS the first group since The Beatles to earn three number one albums in less than a year. "Love Yourself: Answer" also broke South Korea's Gaon Album Chart's all-time monthly record previously set by Love Yourself: Tear and became the first Korean album certified Gold in the United States. As of 2019, BTS are worth more than $4.65 billion to South Korea's economy each year, or 0.3 percent of the country's GDP. BTS attracts one in every 13 foreign tourists that visit South Korea and was cited as one of the key acts boosting global music sales to $19 billion in 2018.


  • Member's profiles

JIN for Harper's Bazaar Korea September 2024 Issue

See pics for more Jin

Korean: 진 Japanese: ジン

231030 - SHINee Twitter Update with Suga, Taemin and Jimin

See pics for more Suga

Korean: 슈가 Japanese: シュガ

240329 j-hope - "HOPE ON THE STREET VOL.1" Melon Exclusive

See pics for more j-hope

Korean: 제이홉 Japanese: ジェイ ホープ

240802 BTS RM - 2024 Hwacheon Tomato Festival Rehearsals

See pics for more RM

Korean: 아르엠 Japanese: アールエム

지민 (Jimin) ‘Who’ MV Photo Sketch

See pics for more Jimin

Korean: 지민 Japanese: ジミン

240914 - Summer Jeong Instagram Update with V

See pics for more V

Korean: 뷔 Japanese: ヴィ

240901 BTS Weverse Update - 2024 Jung Kook Day

See pics for more Jungkook

Korean: 정국 Japanese: ジョングク

  • Discography

Take Two

Bad Decisions (with Benny Blanco, Snoop Dogg)


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News bts's jungkook expresses gratitude to fans for the birthday wishes, news latto referring to k-pop fandoms as “cults” after working with bts’ jungkook left netizens extremely disappointed: “why call us a cult”, news bts jin's first selfie since military discharge becomes a hot topic, news bts's jin confirmed to participate in the torch relay for the 2024 paris summer olympics.

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How to get ready for that big presentation:

practice techniques that guarantee success

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Published on: May 2008

Copied to clipboard

Your pulse is racing, your palms are sweating and your knees are knocking as you step up to the microphone.

 You clear your throat, glimpse down at your notes, and feel all eyes focused on you. Your mind goes blank. You can’t remember how you wanted to start. Your heart pounds in your chest so loudly you’re sure the audience can hear it, and you swear to yourself you’ll never give a presentation again. And then you wake up.

Sound like your worst nightmare? You’re not alone: A widely quoted national survey concluded that public speaking was Americans’ number-one fear, even above death. Even successful business leaders, politicians and celebrities have anxiety throughout their careers. After 30 years on The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson’s heart rate doubled every night before he walked on stage. Like most of us, Johnny never got over those familiar symptoms of anxiety, yet he still became a household name because he learned how to manage his nerves through experience and preparation.

Fear of speaking isn’t a chronic, untreatable disease. While you may never avoid a flutter of nerves, you can learn to manage them at a comfortable level. The best, most fool-proof way to become comfortable and confident in the spotlight is to practice. Forget the old, inaccurate adage “practice makes perfect.” Practice makes prepared.

And yes, it’s true: The secret behind those speakers we label as “naturals” is preparation. There is no such thing as a born speaker, which means that you have the opportunity to improve your speaking skills no matter what your experience is.

Our  15 highly effective tips  will guide you in the right direction. Although you may feel silly or embarrassed at first when you are practicing, you will soon discover that these tips are an essential part of your preparation for a real, live audience.

Practice techniques that guarantee better presentations

  • Set aside practice time. Don’t wait until the last minute. Depending upon the length of the talk, you may need to have a completed script a week or two in advance, so you can practice several times; put it onto your calendar as an appointment with yourself.
  • Practice out loud . You will become more comfortable hearing your own voice, an essential step in becoming a more powerful public speaker. This also commits the script to memory and allows you to make changes so it flows when you give the real presentation.
  • Use a mirror. Since you are your toughest critic, you will be able to recognize distracting gestures, awkward stances and wandering eye contact right away. Don’t use this technique until you have already practiced without the mirror, so you already know the material reasonably well.
  • Record audio and/or video. Playing back a recording of your speech will help you identify areas that need improvement. With an audio recording, you’ll be able to hear annoying vocal habits, areas of hesitation or uncertainty, and awkward sentence structures. A video recording is your best bet if you want.
  • Practice a minimum of 5-6 times. Everybody’s different, but gauge your preparation as you go. Make sure you know your speech well enough to deliver it naturally and conversationally without relying on your notes too much. You don’t want to go overboard—there is such thing as too much practice.
  • Don’t memorize. You are in too much danger of forgetting what you want to say. Learn concepts, practice phrasing, but don’t be a slave to saying it word for word the way it’s written.
  • Use a script or outline. But don’t be married to it. You should practice so much that the note cards, or loose script simply become a reference –start with a script, then bring the talk down to bullet points as you learn it. That will make you sound more natural.
  • Time your presentation. If you have a time requirement you must meet, timing your presentation will determine where you may need to eliminate or elaborate material.
  • Use a friendly test audience. Asking a trusted colleague or mentor to listen to your speech will help you begin to feel comfortable speaking in front of other people. Ask them for their observations—what they liked, what you might improve, if they understood your message.
  • Phrase for meaning. Learn how to speak in phrases, to change the pace and timing and make your voice more interesting by phrasing without using a sing-song voice. To know whether you are succeeding, record your talk and play it back, listening for phrasing.
  • Visualize success. As you practice learn how to see the audience in your mind’s eye. The more you can imagine the room, the people, the smiles, the applause, and yourself at the podium in control, the more successful you will be when the day comes.
  • Use positive self-talk. We find this is a powerful technique when used in combination with steady, devoted practice. Don’t tell yourself you’re going to just “get up there and get it over with.” Say, “I’m going to love this audience, I’m going to share something important, and they are going to get everything they wanted from this presentation!”
  • Practice eye contact, smiles and gestures. If you practice out loud only using the words, without the gestures, facial expressions and smile, you are bound to get up and fail to make the important non-verbal connections. This is as important to successful practice as learning your messages.
  • Avoid perfection. Audiences don’t need you to be perfect – they need you to be interesting. Perfectionism can ruin your experience, and the audience’s experience, too. If you beat yourself up over every little thing you didn’t say, you will never feel successful. Go with the idea that you are going to make sure this audience understands and enjoys the experience. Focus on them, not you, and you’ll succeed.
  • Reward yourself. After you give a presentation, give yourself a pat on the back. Do something you enjoy to anchor the experience as a positive one. Have a massage, treat yourself to lunch, buy a book or something you have wanted so that the next time you’re asked to speak, your brain says “Sure—at the end of this is another reward!”

Your opportunity to become a better speaker begins today, with practice and preparation. Don’t succumb to self-doubt or the belief that you weren’t born to do this. Practicing your skills is the way to become great. If you put time into practice you will build confidence and poise, learn your material, and deliver it with panache.

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Kpop Profiles

BTS Members Profile

‎BTS Kpop boy group

BTS Fandom Name: A.R.M.Y (Adorable Representative MC for Youth) BTS Official Light Stick Color: Silver-Gray BTS Fandom Color: Purple (Unofficial)

BTS Dorm Arrangement (Since 2018): – RM, Jin, SUGA, V, Jung Kook (all single rooms) – J-Hope & Jimin (they have a bigger room, so they decided to share it) NOTE: They are currently mostly living on their own. (BTS Festa video)

BTS Official Accounts: Instagram: @bts.bighitofficial Twitter: @bts_twt Facebook: bangtan.official Official website: bts.ibighit.com V Live: BTS channel Official Fan Cafe: BANGTAN TikTok:  @bts_official_bighit Weverse: BTS

RM from BTS

RM Facts: – He was born in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. ( Source ) – He has a younger sister, Kim Kyung Min . – Education: Apgujeong High School; Global Cyber University – Electronic engineering major (bachelor) – In 2006 RM studied languages in New Zealand for 4 months. (Bon Voyage 4 – Ep 1) – His favorite foods are meat (especially Samgyeopsal) and Kalguksu (Korean knife noodles). – He taught himself how to speak English and can speak it extremely well. – BTS has been around since 2010, but they debuted in 2013 because of the constant member change up. RM is the only member left from the original line up. – Despite his rough and tough image, he is very playful and relaxed. – Hobbies: Surfing the web. – His favorite colors are black, pink, and purple. (BTS interview for J-14 Magazine from 170505) – His favorite number is 1. – His favorite items are clothes, computer, books. – He likes clear weather. – His role models are Kanye West , and A$AP Rocky . – He is a big advocated for lgbtqia+ rights. – RM thinks silver hair suits him the best. (Buzz Feed Interview 2018) – He has co-composed/co-produced 160+ songs. – He released his first solo mixtape, “RM” on March 17, 2015. – On November 13 2017, Namjoon wrote a message on the group’s official fan cafe announcing he changed his stage name from Rap Monster to RM. Namjoon stated that “RM” stands for “Real Me”. – He made his official solo debut on December 2, 2022 with the full-length album “ Indigo “. – On December 11, 2023 RM and V quietly enlisted at the Korean Army Training Center in Nonsan. – RM’s ideal type: “sexy, even to a brain. Someone that is thoughtful and confident” Show more RM fun facts + members’ opinion about him

Jin from BTS

Jin Facts: – He was born in Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, but when he was about 1 year old his family moved to Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do – He has an older brother, Kim Seok Joong , 2 years older than him. – Education: Konkuk University; Hanyang Cyber University – Films major (masters/graduate) – He is the oldest member. – His favorite number is 4. – His favorite weather is Spring sunlight. – Hobbies: Cooking, playing videogames on Nintendo devices, taking selcas. – His role model is T.O.P from BIGBANG . – He blinks his left eye when he is hungry. – Jin’s favorite color is blue. (According to BTS interview for J-14 Magazine from 170505). His favorite color used to be pink. – He also likes Disney princesses. – He is a very good cook. – He enjoys looking at photos and recipes. – His favorite foods are lobster, meat, and naengmyeon (Korean cold noodles). – According to the other members, he has the best body in Bangtan. – Jin thinks pink hair suits him the best. (Buzz Feed Interview 2018) – He made his solo debut on October 28, 2022 with the single album “ The Astronaut “. – On December 13, 2022 Jin officially enlisted as an active-duty soldier. He got discharged on June 12, 2024. – Jin’s ideal type is a girl whose looks and personality is similar to that of a puppy, who’s good at cooking, kind and takes good care of him. Show more Jin fun facts + members’ opinion about him

Suga from BTS

Suga Facts: – He was born in Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea. – He has an older brother, Min Geumjae (born Min Junki ). – Education: Global Cyber University – Liberal Arts Major (bachelor) – He speaks with a satoori accent when he’s nervous and when he cries. – Hobbies: Doing nothing when he has free time, taking photos, avoiding having to do work. – His favorite food is meat. – He is called Motionless Min because on his days off he doesn’t do anything. – His favorite color is white. – His favorite number is 3 – Suga loves taking photos. – His favorite weather is where you can wear short sleeves at day and long sleeves at night. – He likes to make rhymes for everyday situations/gags. – His role models are Kanye West , Lupe Fiasco , Lil Wayne , and Hit Boy . – Suga has co-composed/co-produced 120+ songs. – Suga uses the alias Agust D for his solo works. (“DT”, short for his birth place “Daegu Town”, and “Suga”, spelled backwards) – He made his official solo debut on April 21, 2023 with the full-length album “ D-Day “. – Suga started his military service on September 22, 2023. – Suga’s ideal type is someone who likes music, especially hip-hop. He says he doesn’t really care about looks. Show more Suga fun facts + members’ opinion about him

J-Hope from BTS

J-Hope Facts: – He was born in Gwangju, South Korea. – He has an older sister known as, Mejiwoo . – His father is a high school literature teacher (teaching at Gwangju Global High School). – Education: Gwangju Global High School; Global Cyber University – Was the rapper in 2AM ‘s JoKwon ‘s “Animal“. – Chose the name “J-Hope” as his stage name because he wants to be a source of light and hope to his fans. – He loves kimchi. – His favorite season is Spring. – Hobbies: Listening to music and window shopping. – His favorite color is green. (because it’s the color of hope – Billboard interview) – His favorite number is 7. – He auditioned and won a popularity award at a JYP Entertainment competition. – He is very clean. – He hates exercising/working out. – J-Hope and B.A.P Youngjae auditioned together for their JYP audition. – His role models are G-dragon of BIGBANG , A$AP Rocky , J.Cole , and Beenzino . – He thinks red hair suits him the best. (Buzz Feed Interview 2018) – J-Hope has co-composed/co-produced 110+ songs. – On March 2, 2018, J-Hope released his 1st mixtape “Hope World”, with the title track “Daydream”. – He made his official solo debut on July 15, 2022 with the album Jack In The Box . – On April 18, 2023, J-Hope started his military service. His estimated discharge date is October 2024. – J-Hope’s ideal type is a girl who loves him, is good at cooking, and thinks a lot. Show more J-Hope fun facts + members’ opinion about him

Jimin from BTS

Jimin Facts: – He was born in Busan, South Korea. – He has a younger brother, Park Jihyun . – Education: Busan High School of Arts; Global Cyber University – Theatre and film major (bachelor) – Jimin was the last member to join BTS. – Hobbies: Relaxing whenever he gets a chance. – His favorite number is number 3 – His favorite colors are blue and black. – His favorite foods are pork, duck, chicken, fruit, and kimchi jjigae. – Jimin doesn’t like spinach (Run BTS ep. 65) – He prefers a sunny and cool weather. – Is known for his impressive abs. – He jokingly hits his fellow members as a way of showing his affection for them – If music is playing he will start to dance no matter where he is. – His role model is TaeYang of BIGBANG . – He made his solo debut on March 24, 2023 with the mini album “ Face “. – Jimin and Jungkook enlisted on December 12, 2023. – Jimin’s ideal type is a nice and cute girl who is smaller than him. Show more Jimin fun facts + members’ opinion about him or Quiz: How well do you know Jimin?

V from BTS

V Facts: – He was born in Daegu, but later moved to Geochang where he spent his life until he moved to Seoul. – He has a younger sister ( Kim Eun Jin ) and a younger brother ( Kim Jong Gyu ). – Education: Korea Art School; Global Cyber University – It is said that when his teaser image was released 5 personal fan clubs were created. – He has been in the group for awhile, but fans didn’t know of hear of him until the time around his debut. – He likes anything that is unique. – V’s favorite foods are Japchae and any type of meat. – Hobbies: Searching for music that no one listens to, going on the computer. – His favorite number is 10. – His favorite color is grey. (According to BTS interview for J-14 Magazine from 170505) – They call him Blank Tae because of his blank expression. – He has a habit of biting his nails and sticking out his tongue. – His role model is his dad. – V favorite items are computer, big dolls, clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything unique. – Members say he is a horrible cook. – He acted in the Korean drama “Hwarang” (2016-2017). – V ranked 1st in the “Top 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2017“. – V thinks red hair suits him the best. (Buzz Feed Interview 2018) – He is  made his solo debut on September 8, 2023 with the mini album “ Layover “. – On December 11, 2023 V and RM officially enlisted at the Korean Army Training Center in Nonsan. – V’s ideal type is someone who takes care of him and loves only him and who has a lot of aegyo. Show more V fun facts + members’ opinion about him or Quiz: How well do you know V (Taehyung)?

Jungkook from BTS

Jung Kook Facts: – He was born in Busan, South Korea. – He has an older brother, Jeon Junghyun . – Education: Seoul School of Performing Arts; Global Cyber University – Before joining the group he was a handball player. – Hobbies: Drawing. – GOT7 ‘s  Bambam & Yugyeom , BTS ‘s Jungkook , Seventeen ‘s The8 , Mingyu , DK ,  NCT ‘s Jaehyun and Astro ‘s Cha Eunwoo (the ’97 liners) are in a group chat. – His favorite foods are anything with flour (pizza, bread, etc) – He likes the number 1 – His favorite color is black. (Run BTS Ep. 39) – Jungkook thinks black hair color suits him the best. (Buzz Feed Interview 2018) – Said to be a very skilled cook. – He likes shoes and makeup. – Jungkook is ranked 1st on TC Candler “The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2019”. – His role model is G-Dragon of BIGBANG . – He made his solo debut on July 14, 2023 with the digital single “ Seven “. – Jungkook and Jimin enlisted on December 12, 2023. – Jung Kook’s ideal type is someone who’s at least 168 cm but smaller than him, is a good wife, good at cooking, smart, has pretty legs, and is nice. Also a girl who likes him and is good at singing. Show more Jungkook fun facts + members’ opinion about him or Jungkook’s Tattoos & Meanings

Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. If you use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. Thanks a lot! 🙂 – Kprofiles.com

Note 2: The listed heights are taken from BTS’s official site and their Naver official profile , but the profile was updated when members later confirmed other heights. Jin confirmed his current height is 179.5 cm (he said he is 1.5 cm shorter than RM), V confirmed his height is 178.8 cm (“Let’s BTS” March 29, 2021), Jungkook confirmed his height is 177 cm (“Stationhead Radio” Oct 1, 2023).

Note 3: To clear up the confusion and a common misconception: Sub Vocalist/Sub Rapper and Vocalist/Rapper have the same meaning . The accurate terms used in South Korea are Main, Lead and Sub

Note 4 : The current listed positions are based on their official profiles on Melon, SBS, Chosun (Korean news magazine) etc. We may have a different opinion on the positions but we are respecting the official published positions. When any updates regarding the positions will appear, we’ll update the profile again. -Link to Melon Profile      -Link to Chosun Article     – L ink to SBS Profile

Source for V ‘s Visual position: BTS Run ep. 16 ( Eng Sub ). Source for J-Hope, Jimin and Jungkook being the Dance Line : May 2022 and January 2019 . Note:  Part of the  dance line means either the Main Dancer or the Lead Dancer.

For reference on MBTI types: E = Extroverted, I = Introverted N = Intuitive, S = Observant T = Thinking, F = Feeling P = Perceiving, J = Judging

BTS firstly took the MBTI Type test in 2017, but updated their MBTI types in October 2020. V updated his result on Weverse on Oct. 22, 2021. In December 2021, Jungkuk updated his MBTI type result to INTP-T. Update: All the BTS members updated their MBTI results on May 6, 2022. (Source: BTS MBTI 2022 ver. ) RM updated his MBTI to ENTP on June 9, 2022. (Source: Instagram Story)

(Special thanks to  Ma. Lourdes Delmonte, Ashley, Rahmita Razzak, ZYX, ARMY, Nami, xxxxxx, Rian, Dale Dylan Wang Calitang, Kpoptrash, 🐱sope-me🌞, Bubble Tea, 🐱sope-me🌞, Eunwoo’s Left Leg, ari, 🐱sope-me🌞, OpPAr~, Nabiha Tahsin, Johanne Iversen,  Pick your filter, 아미, Bangtan Kookiee, min holly, Kim Taehyung, nothing, NININ, Arabelle Bonsa, unknown bro, lAciMoLaLa, hyunelvr, Yuniverse우주, Libby Karas, Verónica I, 3rd Astro, Sierra Pierce, Cara )

  • V 26%, 1804585 votes 1804585 votes 26% 1804585 votes - 26% of all votes
  • Jungkook 23%, 1651735 votes 1651735 votes 23% 1651735 votes - 23% of all votes
  • Jimin 15%, 1029330 votes 1029330 votes 15% 1029330 votes - 15% of all votes
  • Jin 11%, 761252 votes 761252 votes 11% 761252 votes - 11% of all votes
  • Suga 10%, 737925 votes 737925 votes 10% 737925 votes - 10% of all votes
  • J-Hope 8%, 566853 votes 566853 votes 8% 566853 votes - 8% of all votes
  • RM 7%, 515624 votes 515624 votes 7% 515624 votes - 7% of all votes

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Latest Korean comeback:

Latest Japanese release:

Latest English release:

Who is your BTS bias? Do you know more facts about them? Feel free to comment below. It can help new fans find more info about them. 🙂

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MoSCoW Prioritization

What is moscow prioritization.

MoSCoW prioritization, also known as the MoSCoW method or MoSCoW analysis, is a popular prioritization technique for managing requirements. 

  The acronym MoSCoW represents four categories of initiatives: must-have, should-have, could-have, and won’t-have, or will not have right now. Some companies also use the “W” in MoSCoW to mean “wish.”

What is the History of the MoSCoW Method?

Software development expert Dai Clegg created the MoSCoW method while working at Oracle. He designed the framework to help his team prioritize tasks during development work on product releases.

You can find a detailed account of using MoSCoW prioritization in the Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) handbook . But because MoSCoW can prioritize tasks within any time-boxed project, teams have adapted the method for a broad range of uses.

How Does MoSCoW Prioritization Work?

Before running a MoSCoW analysis, a few things need to happen. First, key stakeholders and the product team need to get aligned on objectives and prioritization factors. Then, all participants must agree on which initiatives to prioritize.

At this point, your team should also discuss how they will settle any disagreements in prioritization. If you can establish how to resolve disputes before they come up, you can help prevent those disagreements from holding up progress.

Finally, you’ll also want to reach a consensus on what percentage of resources you’d like to allocate to each category.

With the groundwork complete, you may begin determining which category is most appropriate for each initiative. But, first, let’s further break down each category in the MoSCoW method.

Start prioritizing your roadmap

Moscow prioritization categories.


1. Must-have initiatives

As the name suggests, this category consists of initiatives that are “musts” for your team. They represent non-negotiable needs for the project, product, or release in question. For example, if you’re releasing a healthcare application, a must-have initiative may be security functionalities that help maintain compliance.

The “must-have” category requires the team to complete a mandatory task. If you’re unsure about whether something belongs in this category, ask yourself the following.


If the product won’t work without an initiative, or the release becomes useless without it, the initiative is most likely a “must-have.”

2. Should-have initiatives

Should-have initiatives are just a step below must-haves. They are essential to the product, project, or release, but they are not vital. If left out, the product or project still functions. However, the initiatives may add significant value.

“Should-have” initiatives are different from “must-have” initiatives in that they can get scheduled for a future release without impacting the current one. For example, performance improvements, minor bug fixes, or new functionality may be “should-have” initiatives. Without them, the product still works.

3. Could-have initiatives

Another way of describing “could-have” initiatives is nice-to-haves. “Could-have” initiatives are not necessary to the core function of the product. However, compared with “should-have” initiatives, they have a much smaller impact on the outcome if left out.

So, initiatives placed in the “could-have” category are often the first to be deprioritized if a project in the “should-have” or “must-have” category ends up larger than expected.

4. Will not have (this time)

One benefit of the MoSCoW method is that it places several initiatives in the “will-not-have” category. The category can manage expectations about what the team will not include in a specific release (or another timeframe you’re prioritizing).

Placing initiatives in the “will-not-have” category is one way to help prevent scope creep . If initiatives are in this category, the team knows they are not a priority for this specific time frame. 

Some initiatives in the “will-not-have” group will be prioritized in the future, while others are not likely to happen. Some teams decide to differentiate between those by creating a subcategory within this group.

How Can Development Teams Use MoSCoW?

  Although Dai Clegg developed the approach to help prioritize tasks around his team’s limited time, the MoSCoW method also works when a development team faces limitations other than time. For example: 

Prioritize based on budgetary constraints.

What if a development team’s limiting factor is not a deadline but a tight budget imposed by the company? Working with the product managers, the team can use MoSCoW first to decide on the initiatives that represent must-haves and the should-haves. Then, using the development department’s budget as the guide, the team can figure out which items they can complete. 

Prioritize based on the team’s skillsets.

A cross-functional product team might also find itself constrained by the experience and expertise of its developers. If the product roadmap calls for functionality the team does not have the skills to build, this limiting factor will play into scoring those items in their MoSCoW analysis.

Prioritize based on competing needs at the company.

Cross-functional teams can also find themselves constrained by other company priorities. The team wants to make progress on a new product release, but the executive staff has created tight deadlines for further releases in the same timeframe. In this case, the team can use MoSCoW to determine which aspects of their desired release represent must-haves and temporarily backlog everything else.

What Are the Drawbacks of MoSCoW Prioritization?

  Although many product and development teams have prioritized MoSCoW, the approach has potential pitfalls. Here are a few examples.

1. An inconsistent scoring process can lead to tasks placed in the wrong categories.

  One common criticism against MoSCoW is that it does not include an objective methodology for ranking initiatives against each other. Your team will need to bring this methodology to your analysis. The MoSCoW approach works only to ensure that your team applies a consistent scoring system for all initiatives.

Pro tip: One proven method is weighted scoring, where your team measures each initiative on your backlog against a standard set of cost and benefit criteria. You can use the weighted scoring approach in ProductPlan’s roadmap app .

2. Not including all relevant stakeholders can lead to items placed in the wrong categories.

To know which of your team’s initiatives represent must-haves for your product and which are merely should-haves, you will need as much context as possible.

For example, you might need someone from your sales team to let you know how important (or unimportant) prospective buyers view a proposed new feature.

One pitfall of the MoSCoW method is that you could make poor decisions about where to slot each initiative unless your team receives input from all relevant stakeholders. 

3. Team bias for (or against) initiatives can undermine MoSCoW’s effectiveness.

Because MoSCoW does not include an objective scoring method, your team members can fall victim to their own opinions about certain initiatives. 

One risk of using MoSCoW prioritization is that a team can mistakenly think MoSCoW itself represents an objective way of measuring the items on their list. They discuss an initiative, agree that it is a “should have,” and move on to the next.

But your team will also need an objective and consistent framework for ranking all initiatives. That is the only way to minimize your team’s biases in favor of items or against them.

When Do You Use the MoSCoW Method for Prioritization?

MoSCoW prioritization is effective for teams that want to include representatives from the whole organization in their process. You can capture a broader perspective by involving participants from various functional departments.

Another reason you may want to use MoSCoW prioritization is it allows your team to determine how much effort goes into each category. Therefore, you can ensure you’re delivering a good variety of initiatives in each release.

What Are Best Practices for Using MoSCoW Prioritization?

If you’re considering giving MoSCoW prioritization a try, here are a few steps to keep in mind. Incorporating these into your process will help your team gain more value from the MoSCoW method.

1. Choose an objective ranking or scoring system.

Remember, MoSCoW helps your team group items into the appropriate buckets—from must-have items down to your longer-term wish list. But MoSCoW itself doesn’t help you determine which item belongs in which category.

You will need a separate ranking methodology. You can choose from many, such as:

  • Weighted scoring
  • Value vs. complexity
  • Buy-a-feature
  • Opportunity scoring

For help finding the best scoring methodology for your team, check out ProductPlan’s article: 7 strategies to choose the best features for your product .

2. Seek input from all key stakeholders.

To make sure you’re placing each initiative into the right bucket—must-have, should-have, could-have, or won’t-have—your team needs context. 

At the beginning of your MoSCoW method, your team should consider which stakeholders can provide valuable context and insights. Sales? Customer success? The executive staff? Product managers in another area of your business? Include them in your initiative scoring process if you think they can help you see opportunities or threats your team might miss. 

3. Share your MoSCoW process across your organization.

MoSCoW gives your team a tangible way to show your organization prioritizing initiatives for your products or projects. 

The method can help you build company-wide consensus for your work, or at least help you show stakeholders why you made the decisions you did.

Communicating your team’s prioritization strategy also helps you set expectations across the business. When they see your methodology for choosing one initiative over another, stakeholders in other departments will understand that your team has thought through and weighed all decisions you’ve made. 

If any stakeholders have an issue with one of your decisions, they will understand that they can’t simply complain—they’ll need to present you with evidence to alter your course of action.  

Related Terms

2×2 prioritization matrix / Eisenhower matrix / DACI decision-making framework / ICE scoring model / RICE scoring model

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  22. What is MoSCoW Prioritization?

    MoSCoW prioritization, also known as the MoSCoW method or MoSCoW analysis, is a popular prioritization technique for managing requirements. The acronym MoSCoW represents four categories of initiatives: must-have, should-have, could-have, and won't-have, or will not have right now. Some companies also use the "W" in MoSCoW to mean "wish.".