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115 Exciting 4th Grade Writing Prompts for 2024 (Free Slides!)

Journal writing, essay topics, story starters, and much more!

creative writing topics for grade 4 and 5 pdf

Fourth grade is a time for students to continue to hone their writing chops as they put to use the skills they’ve learned and gain confidence in their abilities. All writers can have a little trouble getting started, though, which is why you need this big collection of 4th grade writing prompts. They include essay writing prompts, creative writing story starters, journal prompts, and much more. Sharpen your pencils and get ready to write!

You can get 50 of these 4th grade writing prompts in a free PowerPoint slideshow bundle! They make it easy to share these writing ideas with your students.  Grab your free PowerPoint bundle by filling out the form on this page .

  • Journal Writing Prompts
  • Funny Writing Prompts
  • Persuasive and Opinion Writing Prompts
  • Descriptive Writing Prompts
  • Narrative Writing Prompts
  • Creative Writing Prompts
  • Story Starters
  • Current Events Writing Prompts

4th Grade Journal Writing Prompts

1. what’s the best book you’ve read recently what was it about, and why did you like it.

What’s the best book you’ve read recently? What was it about, and why did you like it?- 4th grade writing prompts

2. What is the worst book you ever read?

What is the worst book you ever read?

3. Write five rules for staying organized.

Write five rules for staying organized.

4. What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? How did it make you feel?

What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? How did it make you feel?- 4th grade writing prompts

5. One of your little cousins is very nervous about starting kindergarten. What would you tell them to make them feel better?

One of your little cousins is very nervous about starting kindergarten. What would you tell them to make them feel better?

6. There’s an old saying: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” What do you think this saying means?

There’s an old saying: "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." What do you think this saying means?- 4th grade writing prompts

7. Write about an adult you look up to.

Write about an adult you look up to.

8. What’s the nicest thing anybody has ever done for you?

What’s the nicest thing anybody has ever done for you?

9. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

10. What makes your family unique?

What makes your family unique?- 4th grade writing prompts

11. What would you say is your greatest strength? Greatest weakness?

What would you say is your greatest strength? Greatest weakness?

12. Are you a patient person? Why or why not?

Are you a patient person? Why or why not?- 4th grade writing prompts

13. What is something you’ve never done that you would like to try?

What is something you’ve never done that you would like to try?

14. What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?

15. What’s your favorite holiday? What makes it so special?

What’s your favorite holiday? What makes it so special?- 4th grade writing prompts

Funny Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

16. what is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you.

creative writing topics for grade 4 and 5 pdf

17. Imagine you came to school one day and found your teacher had turned into an animal. What animal would it be, and what would happen?

Imagine you came to school one day and found your teacher had turned into an animal. What animal would it be, and what would happen?- 4th grade writing prompts

18. Write a poem where most of the words start with the letter K.

Write a poem where most of the words start with the letter K.

19. Imagine you and your pet switched bodies for a day, and tell the story of what would happen.

Imagine you and your pet switched bodies for a day, and tell the story of what would happen.- 4th grade writing prompts

20. Who is the funniest person you know? Describe them, and explain why they’re funny.

Who is the funniest person you know? Describe them, and explain why they're funny.

21. When was the last time you laughed so much you couldn’t stop? What happened?

When was the last time you laughed so much you couldn't stop? What happened?

22. What is something adults do that you think is funny or strange?

What is something adults do that you think is funny or strange?- 4th grade writing prompts

23. Write a review of a restaurant that serves the worst food in the world.

Write a review of a restaurant that serves the worst food in the world.

24. What is the funniest thing that someone could become famous for? Tell the story of how it happened.

What is the funniest thing that someone could become famous for? Tell the story of how it happened.- 4th grade writing prompts

25. Write a story about someone who could never lie, no matter what.

Write a story about someone who could never lie, no matter what.

Persuasive and Opinion 4th Grade Writing Prompts

26. are 4th graders ready to stay home alone why or why not.

Are 4th graders ready to stay home alone? Why or why not?

27. Would you rather be good at sports or good in school? Why?

Would you rather be good at sports or good in school? Why?- 4th grade writing prompts

28. Would you rather have lots of money or lots of friends? Why?

Would you rather have lots of money or lots of friends? Why?

29. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?

What is your favorite subject in school? Why?

30. Name two characters from different books that you think might be good friends. Why?

Name two characters from different books that you think might be good friends. Why?- 4th grade writing prompts

31. Which is more important for success, skill or luck?

Which is more important for success, skill or luck?

32. Should kids be paid an allowance to do chores around the house? Why or why not?

Should kids be paid an allowance to do chores around the house? Why or why not?- 4th grade writing prompts

33. Why are classroom rules important?

Why are classroom rules important?

34. If you had a time machine, what era of history would you visit?

If you had a time machine, what era of history would you visit?- 4th grade writing prompts

35. Why is math important?

Why is math important?

36. Which would you rather read: a scary story that gives you goosebumps or a funny story that cracks you up? Why?

Which would you rather read: a scary story that gives you goosebumps or a funny story that cracks you up? Why?

37. Why is science important?

Why is science important?- 4th grade writing prompts

38. Should 4th graders have cell phones? Why or why not?

Should 4th graders have cell phones? Why or why not?

39. If you could open a store, what type of store would it be and why?

If you could open a store, what type of store would it be and why?

40. What is the hardest thing about being a 4th grader?

What is the hardest thing about being a 4th grader?- 4th grade writing prompts

41. If I were the ruler of the world, the first law I would pass would be … because …

If I were the ruler of the world, the first law I would pass would be … because …

42. Is it ever OK to tell secrets? Why or why not?

Is it ever OK to tell secrets? Why or why not?

43. What animal makes the best pet? Why?

What animal makes the best pet? Why?- 4th grade writing prompts

44. Is it better to spend an hour a day reading or an hour a day exercising? Why?

Is it better to spend an hour a day reading or an hour a day exercising? Why?

45. Do you like nonfiction books or fiction books better? Why?

Do you like nonfiction books or fiction books better? Why?- 4th grade writing prompts

Descriptive 4th Grade Writing Prompts

46. if you won a million dollars, how would you spend the money.

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend the money?

47. If you had a YouTube channel, what would you talk about?

If you had a YouTube channel, what would you talk about?- 4th grade writing prompts

48. Describe what you think of as perfect weather.

Describe what you think of as perfect weather.

49. Describe how to build a birdhouse step-by-step.

Describe how to build a birdhouse step-by-step.

50. Imagine you are in a hot-air balloon above your house. Describe everything you can see.

Imagine you are in a hot-air balloon above your house. Describe everything you can see.- 4th grade writing prompts

51. Describe the physical appearance of someone in your family in detail.

Describe the physical appearance of someone in your family in detail.- 4th grade writing prompts

52. Describe how to play your favorite board game.

Describe how to play your favorite board game.

53. Explain the right way to do one of your household chores, like making your bed or cleaning your room.

Explain the right way to do one of your household chores, like making your bed or cleaning your room.- 4th grade writing prompts

54. Describe your perfect day.

Describe your perfect day.

55. Imagine you are an adult and describe your dream job.

Imagine you are an adult and describe your dream job.- 4th grade writing prompts

56. Explain your morning routine in detail, from waking up to arriving at school.

Explain the right way to do one of your household chores, like making your bed or cleaning your room.

57. Describe the perfect meal, including what you’d eat and where you’d dine.

Describe the perfect meal, including what you’d eat and where you’d dine.- 4th grade writing prompts

58. Share what you do on a typical non-school day.

Share what you do on a typical non-school day.

59. Describe your favorite room at home in detail.

Describe your favorite room at home in detail.- 4th grade writing prompts

60. How do you prepare for a big test? Describe the ways you study or practice.

How do you prepare for a big test? Describe the ways you study or practice.

Narrative Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

61. share one of the stories your family has told you about when you were a baby..

Share one of the stories your family has told you about when you were a baby.- 4th grade writing prompts

62. If you found a backpack filled with dollar bills, what would you do?

If you found a backpack filled with dollar bills, what would you do?

63. Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.

Write about a time when you felt proud of yourself.- 4th grade writing prompts

64. Imagine your parents let you plan your next family vacation. Tell about what you’d do, and how your family would react.

Imagine your parents let you plan your next family vacation. Tell about what you'd do, and how your family would react.

65. Write about a time you felt like quitting but didn’t. How did you keep yourself going?

Write about a time you felt like quitting but didn’t. How did you keep yourself going?- 4th grade writing prompts

66. Tell about an event that happened recently at your school or in your town.

Tell about an event that happened recently at your school or in your town.

67. Start a story in the middle, and use “flashbacks” to fill in what happened earlier.

Start a story in the middle, and use "flashbacks" to fill in what happened earlier.- 4th grade writing prompts

68. Describe the most exciting game or sports event you ever saw or participated in.

Describe the most exciting game or sports event you ever saw or participated in.- 4th grade writing prompts

69. What is your earliest memory? Describe it in detail.

What is your earliest memory? Describe it in detail.

70. Write about a time you tried something new and how you felt before, during, and after.

Write about a time you tried something new and how you felt before, during, and after.- 4th grade writing prompts

71. Tell a story that a family member loves to share over and over again.

Tell a story that a family member loves to share over and over again.

72. Tell the story of your favorite field trip of all time.

Tell the story of your favorite field trip of all time.

73. If you could relive any day in your life, what would it be? Would you want it to be the same or different?

If you could relive any day in your life, what would it be? Would you want it to be the same or different?- 4th grade writing prompts

74. Write about a time you visited a haunted house or other scary place.

Write about a time you visited a haunted house or other scary place.

75. Tell a story about a time you visited someplace new.

Tell a story about a time you visited someplace new.- 4th grade writing prompts

Creative Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

76. pretend you ate a magic pill that made you as tall as a redwood tree. where would you go and what would you do.

Pretend you ate a magic pill that made you as tall as a redwood tree. Where would you go and what would you do?- 4th grade writing prompts

77. If you met an alien, what three questions would you ask them?

If you met an alien, what three questions would you ask them?

78. Pretend you drank a magic potion that made you as tiny as an ant. Where would you go and what would you do?

Pretend you drank a magic potion that made you as tiny as an ant. Where would you go and what would you do?- 4th grade writing prompts

79. What would the world be like if dinosaurs still existed?

What would the world be like if dinosaurs still existed?

80. If you could invent something new the world really needs, what would it be? How would it work?

If you could invent something new the world really needs, what would it be? How would it work?

81. Describe a world where it rains fruit juice and snows M&Ms.

Describe a world where it rains fruit juice and snows M&Ms.- 4th grade writing prompts

83. Come up with the most ridiculous excuse possible for why you are unable to turn in your homework today.

Come up with the most ridiculous excuse possible for why you are unable to turn in your homework today.- 4th grade writing prompts

84. Describe a world where all the adults are robots, but kids are still human kids.

Describe a world where all the adults are robots, but kids are still human kids.

85. Imagine a conversation between yourself and a talking animal.

Imagine a conversation between yourself and a talking animal.- 4th grade writing prompts

86. Describe the kind of creature you’d create if you were a mad scientist. Would it be scary and mean? Nice and friendly?

Describe the kind of creature you’d create if you were a mad scientist. Would it be scary and mean? Nice and friendly?

87. Invent a new kind of candy. Give it a name, and write a commercial jingle for it.

Invent a new kind of candy. Give it a name, and write a commercial jingle for it.- 4th grade writing prompts

4th Grade Story Starters

88. retell a classic story, making the villain the hero instead..

Retell a classic story, making the villain the hero instead.

89. Write a story that includes these five words: keys, spaghetti, uncle, jellyfish, spaceship.

Write a story that includes these five words: keys, spaghetti, uncle, jellyfish, spaceship.- 4th grade writing prompts

90. Imagine that one day you woke up and found everyone in the world could no longer talk. What would happen next?

Imagine that one day you woke up and found everyone in the world could no longer talk. What would happen next?- 4th grade writing prompts

91. Write about a day where kids are in charge instead of grown-ups.

Write about a day where kids are in charge instead of grown-ups.

92. Imagine you’re lost in a haunted wood, and tell the story of your escape.

Imagine you’re lost in a haunted wood, and tell the story of your escape.- 4th grade writing prompts

93. Describe a night in the life of the tooth fairy.

Describe a night in the life of the tooth fairy.

94. Tell a story that ends with these words: “… and that’s how we all learned to fly.”

Tell a story that ends with these words: "… and that’s how we all learned to fly."- 4th grade writing prompts

95. Use these words to start a story: “When I opened the box that came in the mail, I never expected to find …”

Use these words to start a story: "When I opened the box that came in the mail, I never expected to find …"- 4th grade writing prompts

96. Write a new chapter of your favorite book, with yourself as a new character.

Write a new chapter of your favorite book, with yourself as a new character.

97. Imagine you woke up one morning with a superpower, like invisibility or the ability to fly. Describe your experiences learning how to use that power.

Imagine you woke up one morning with a superpower, like invisibility or the ability to fly. Describe your experiences learning how to use that power.- 4th grade writing prompts

Current Events Writing Prompts for 4th Grade

98. learn about an endangered animal, and describe what we can do to help it..

Learn about an endangered animal, and describe what we can do to help it.

99. If you made a time capsule for this year, what would you put in it?

If you made a time capsule for this year, what would you put in it?- 4th grade writing prompts

100. Describe something that you saw in the news recently and how it made you feel.

Describe something that you saw in the news recently and how it made you feel.

101. What do you think is one of the world’s biggest problems right now, and how would you solve it?

What do you think is one of the world’s biggest problems right now, and how would you solve it?- 4th grade writing prompts

102. Read a news story about something happening in another country and summarize it.

Read a news story about something happening in another country and summarize it.

103. Write a news article about something important that happened to you this week.

Write a news article about something important that happened to you this week.- 4th grade writing prompts

104. Create a poem about something in the local news right now.

Create a poem about something in the local news right now.- 4th grade writing prompts

105. Write a letter to the editor about a current issue, explaining your opinion.

Write a letter to the editor about a current issue, explaining your opinion.

106. Find a “good news” story, and share why it makes you happy.

Find a “good news” story, and share why it makes you happy.- 4th grade writing prompts

107. What living famous person do you most admire and why?

What living famous person do you most admire and why?

108. What do you think kids today can do about climate change and global warming?

What do you think kids today can do about climate change and global warming?- 4th grade writing prompts

109. What does the word “racism” mean to you?

What does the word “racism” mean to you?- 4th grade writing prompts

110. What is one thing you would do to make your school or town a better place?

What is one thing you would do to make your school or town a better place?

111. Choose an upcoming sports event, and explain who you think will win.

Choose an upcoming sports event, and explain who you think will win.- 4th grade writing prompts

112. Describe a current fashion trend or something that’s very popular in your school right now and how you feel about it.

Describe a current fashion trend or something that’s very popular in your school right now and how you feel about it.

113. What can we do to help people with different opinions get along with one another better?

What can we do to help people with different opinions get along with one another better?- 4th grade writing prompts

114. Interview a grown-up you know, and write a news article about them.

Interview a grown-up you know, and write a news article about them.

115. What do you think is the best new song right now? The worst? Why?

What do you think is the best new song right now? The worst? Why?

116. Describe an event that’s happening in the world right now that you don’t understand. What questions would you ask a grown-up about it?

Describe an event that’s happening in the world right now that you don’t understand. What questions would you ask a grown-up about it?- 4th grade writing prompts

Looking for more? Check out 150 Inspiring Picture Writing Prompts To Spark Creativity !

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50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts That Are Printable For Free

Chukwudumebi Amadi

  • February 20, 2024

Table of Contents Hide

  • What Are The Benefits of 4th-Grade Writing Prompts?

Narrative Writing Prompts:

Persuasive writing prompts:, descriptive writing prompts:, informative writing prompts:, bonus prompts:, how to use 4th grade writing prompts in the classroom, we also recommend.

Writing is an essential skill that students need to develop at a young age. By providing them with interesting writing prompts, you can encourage creativity, critical thinking, and language development.

Are you looking for engaging and creative writing prompts for your 4th-grade students? Look no further! We have compiled a list of 50 exclusive writing prompts that are not only fun and exciting but also printable for free.

Whether you are a teacher looking for new writing prompts for your classroom or a parent wanting to support your child’s writing development, these 50 exclusive prompts will inspire and motivate young writers to express themselves and hone their writing skills. So, grab a pencil and paper, and let the creative writing begin!

What Are The Benefits of 4th-Grade Writing Prompts ?

Writing prompts offer a treasure trove of benefits for 4th graders, both in terms of academic development and personal growth. Here are some key advantages:

For the learner:

  • Boost creativity and imagination: Spark out-of-the-box thinking and encourage unique storytelling concepts.
  • Develop essential writing skills: Hone grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure in a fun and engaging way.
  • Increase confidence in writing: Provide achievable challenges and opportunities to showcase creativity.
  • Foster critical thinking and argumentation: Prompt persuasive prompts that encourage logical reasoning and expressing opinions.
  • Cultivate curiosity and exploration: Spark interest in various subjects and motivate research and learning.
  • Promote self-expression and emotional exploration: Give children a platform to share feelings and explore different perspectives.

SEE ALSO: 15 Different Types of Tones in Writing: Must-Know Guide for All Writers

For the parent/teacher:

  • Free and readily available: No need to break the bank or scour the internet for new prompts.
  • Printable and convenient: Easily access and use them in various settings, classrooms, or family time.
  • Diverse and engaging: Offer a variety of genres and topics to cater to different interests and learning styles.
  • Spark discussion and collaboration: Use them as starting points for family storytelling nights or classroom activities.
  • Support curriculum alignment: Easily find prompts that complement specific lessons or learning objectives.
  • Reduce screen time: Offer an alternative to passive entertainment and encourage creative expression.

50 Exclusive 4th Grade Writing Prompts

Writing helps stimulate and organize thoughts in 4th-grade children. They make them better off expressing whatever they have in their mind and feel a little less burdensome.

Let’s take a look at the different writing prompts for 4th-grade students:

Related Post: 107+ Creative Writing Prompts For Middle School Students

  • You wake up one morning to find your pet has superpowers! What happens next?
  • You discover a hidden door in your attic that leads to a secret world. Describe what you find there.
  • You and your best friend shrink down to the size of ants. What adventures do you have?
  • You find a genie in a bottle. What are your three wishes?
  • You are the main character in your favorite book. What happens when the story takes an unexpected turn?
  • You find a magic notebook that writes your wildest dreams into reality. What chaos ensues?
  • Your school suddenly announces a time travel field trip. Where and when do you go?
  • You discover a talking animal hiding in your backyard. What secrets does it reveal?
  • You’re chosen to compete in a wacky intergalactic talent show. How do you wow the judges?
  • You wake up to find everyone in your family has switched bodies! How do you get things back to normal?
  • Should schools have a longer recess? Why or why not?
  • What is the best way to spend a summer vacation?
  • Convince your parents to let you get a pet.
  • What is your favorite book? Write a review to convince others to read it.
  • You are running for class president. Write a speech to persuade your classmates to vote for you.
  • Why should homework be abolished? Or, is it actually beneficial?
  • Is technology making kids smarter or lazier? Argue your side.
  • Convince your teacher to let you have a classroom pet.
  • You believe your school mascot is outdated and needs an upgrade. Propose a new one.
  • Would you rather have superpowers or win the lottery? Defend your choice.
  • Describe your favorite place in the world in as much detail as possible.
  • Imagine you are a cloud. Describe what you see as you float across the sky.
  • You are lost in a forest. Use your senses to describe what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
  • Create a portrait of your best friend using only words.
  • Describe a delicious meal in detail, making your reader’s mouth water.
  • Describe the feeling of your favorite childhood memory in vivid detail.
  • You are a tiny raindrop on a journey down a windowpane. Describe your adventure.
  • Create a character based solely on their laugh. Describe them and their personality.
  • Imagine you can taste emotions. Describe the taste of happiness, sadness, and anger.
  • You are exploring a mysterious cave. Describe what you see, hear, and feel with suspense.
  • Research a famous person you admire and write a biography about them.
  • How do bees make honey? Explain the process clearly and concisely.
  • Write a report about your favorite animal. Include interesting facts about its habitat, diet, and behavior.
  • Create a travel brochure for your dream vacation destination.
  • Explain the rules of your favorite game to someone who has never played it before.
  • Research a natural disaster and explain how it forms and its impact.
  • How do airplanes fly? Explain the science behind it in a way kids can understand.
  • Write a step-by-step guide on how to bake your favorite dessert.
  • Research a historical event and present it as a news report.
  • Explain the importance of recycling and reducing waste.

Read Also: 140 Exclusive Writing Prompts For Adults

  • Write a poem about your favorite season.
  • Create a comic strip about a funny experience you had.
  • Write a song about your hopes and dreams.
  • Design a new invention that would make the world a better place.
  • Write a letter to your future self. What advice would you give yourself?
  • Write a limerick about a silly creature you invent.
  • Create a puzzle based on your favorite book or movie.
  • Design a board game with unique rules and challenges.
  • Write a script for a short play starring your classmates.
  • Compose a haiku poem about a beautiful natural scene.

Are you interested in learning how to write proposals? Read our article on Proposal Writing: 7 Steps to Writing the Perfect Proposal

Here’s how to utilize 4th Grade Writing Prompts in the Classroom

  • Encourage Creativity : Writing prompts are designed to spark creativity. Encourage students to let their imagination soar by using the prompts as a launchpad for inventive and original ideas.
  • Developing Writing Skills : Prompts serve as excellent tools to enhance specific writing skills. Teachers can tailor prompts to focus on areas like descriptive writing, narrative storytelling, persuasive arguments, or informative essays.
  • Promoting Critical Thinking : Some prompts are crafted to provoke critical thinking. Encourage students to analyze the prompt, consider different perspectives, and develop well-reasoned responses.
  • Incorporate Varied Genres : Writing prompts offer the opportunity to explore different genres of writing. From fiction to non-fiction, poetry to opinion pieces, prompts can introduce students to a diverse array of writing styles.
  • Individualized Learning : Recognize that each student is unique. Tailor prompts to accommodate various learning styles, interests, and abilities. This individualized approach fosters a more engaging and personalized writing experience.

Tips for Teachers and Parents

  • Provide Positive Feedback : Offer constructive and positive feedback on responses to writing prompts. Encouragement fosters a positive attitude towards writing.
  • Facilitate Peer Reviews : Incorporate peer review sessions where students can share and receive feedback on their prompt responses. This promotes collaborative learning and a sense of community.
  • Regular Integration : Consistency is key. Regularly integrate writing prompts into lesson plans or home activities to make writing a routine practice.

Incorporating 4th-grade writing prompts into the learning journey is a dynamic and effective approach to enhancing writing skills. By encouraging creativity, developing specific writing abilities, and fostering critical thinking, these prompts play a pivotal role in shaping young writers. Whether in the classroom or at home, embracing the versatility of writing prompts contributes to a well-rounded and engaging writing education for 4th-grade students.

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