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My autobiography: My experiences in NCC Camp

  • December 27, 2011 December 27, 2011

I am not sure why I joined NCC when I was in school. Actually, our Karate Sempai had just left and we were looking for an alternative extra curricular activity after school hours, when NCC was introduced for the first time in our school.

I remember the students whipping some frenzy – Some of them said that they give ropes and we will be trained to climb up the school building! Some of them said that the certificate is very valuable and it will help us get good jobs/ get into the army, etc. Since we had no idea what it was, we thought it was some fun activity and enrolled anyway.

I think the NCC dress (khakis), belts, cap, shoes (boots, actually) and everything else was given by the Government to all the kids participating in the program. Of course, we were thrilled! We were also told that we would be given food on one day (of the two days  per week it was conducted). We didn’t know the price we were going to pay for freebies, back then!

One army person (I am not sure of his rank) was selected to train the cadets of our school. So, we were supposed to assemble in the play ground after school and he will start the drill. Drill consisted of only one activity – March past! That was the only activity we got to engage for the entire two years that it was conducted! And that instructor was very very strict, to say the least!

What I don’t understand is, at least we didn’t know about the program and enrolled in it. But what made our juniors enroll? They should have pretty much known what was about to come! Anyway, that is not the point of this post. After about a year and a half of drills, we were told that we need to attend one mandatory NCC camp.

Again, innocently we were thrilled! After all, it was ten days outside home and perhaps we might be able to go for trekking, gun shooting, rope-climbing (yeah, we never stopped hoping for that) and all other such fun activities! It took only one day for the reality to dawn on us.

We had to stay in tents on the ground, there were no shops / no signs of any other human activity at least for a radius of five kilometers, the food/ bathrooms were hopeless, we were staying in a ground that was surrounded by dense trees and we were warned against going near the trees because sometimes there were some snakes there!

We had to wake up at 5:00 AM everyday, exercise for one and a half hours, take bath, eat breakfast, participate in some drill related activities (yeah, the same march past 🙁 ), eat lunch, take up an allocated activity for our school (ranging from pistol shooting to community service – cleaning, bringing water, etc), take rest in the evenings, participate in what was called cultural programs in the late evenings (where students were required to perform some cultural activities, mainly for the amusement of the military officers), eat dinner and sleep. We were strictly instructed not to go out of our camps in the nights.

This was a shocker for us because we were expecting the camping to be something like 10 day theme park enjoyment experience! We were obviously shocked because we were exposed to living in the natural environment for the first time – Away from the comforts of our home! A lot of us (me) got home sick. I even wrote one letter to my parents asking them to come and see me 🙂 These kind of negative-tone letters were not supposed to go to  parents, but mine somehow did! Maybe it was slightly positive 🙂 They came on the seventh day to see me. But by that time, I was feeling much better and more adjusted.

My biggest problem was the food. I just hated whatever was provided. But since we were very hungry after those tedious drill sessions, we somehow started eating them fully after the third day or so. Yeah, for the first three days, I was not even able to eat! By the seventh day, when my parents actually came, I was already adjusted to the food! At least, it was no more a problem.

Of course, we had some fun moments also – We had that pistol-shooting session, for which we were waiting for such a long time! In the name of trekking (we ‘climbed’ a flat-land actually!), we went out with some senior NCC cadets (from college), who on seeing our plight stopped our vehicle in a town nearby and we bought some biscuits / drank some cool drinks. That cool drink tasted delicious that day!

By the end of the tenth day when we came out of the camp, our instructor teasingly asked if we wanted to stay for ten more days and we said, ‘Why not?’ 🙂 Sure, the experience was harrowing but we learned a surprising fact that given some time, humans can adapt to any situation. That learning, and the confidence it gave us to face difficult situations in life, is priceless!! Add to it, the discipline that those rigorous NCC drills inculcated into us.

Destination Infinity

32 thoughts on “ My autobiography: My experiences in NCC Camp ”


You were in NCC tooo .. WOW… Me too I was in air wing.. and Oh boy i have so many stories to write .. I could write a book .. I guess i will have to start putting the drafts in my list to publish …

NCC has been good to me. the camps and all I attended as in blogging I have made such lovely friends all over india , and Thanks to the NCC i have them so very close to me now …

thanks for sharing .. I will shar some of mine too but mine are more of not so disciplined 🙂 he he he he

Rajesh K

I remember you mentioning about NCC in some of your blog posts, but you have not given any details of them. So, why don’t you share some interesting NCC camp stories with us? Would love to read them.


Can a love story start in ncc?


I need some help


My brother was in NCC and had some rank also during college days. Son was also in NCC. I remember going to their camp fire at Theosophical society and eating bajji and bonda which were very very tasty! He didn’t take bath for many days, I remember even now because everything was done in open land! I think he enjoyed his camp.

It is nice to know that this camp changed you in a positive way. You write very well about happenings of so many years back, so clearly. Nice.

I generally have a less than average memory, but certain important events are etched in my mind. I know, many of my friends enjoyed the camp more than me but I was not all that outgoing type… Look at Bikram’s comment above – I guess he will go to an NCC camp even now if invited 🙂 Good to know about your brother and son being in NCC – Its a must-have experience.


but in NCC there is no latrines everything is open thats difficult


The last 3-4 lines explain why kids are encouraged to join this stuff. Teaches you a lot about yourself, discipline, adaptibility and all that 🙂 Good to know that you didn’t wimp out and ultimately chose to enjoy the experience… 🙂

At that age, we are obviously oblivious of such learnings. No, I did not enjoy NCC back then, but thinking back now I feel that it was a vital step to widening my experiences about life.

Rakesh Vanamali

Strangely, I didn’t ever make it to any of these. Perhaps also because our schools didn’t have any ncc wings – now, can u believe it?

You were perhaps lucky? 🙂

rahul aggarwal

loved every word of this post…

i was in NCC too but left it sooner than i expected .. may be i never found interest in physical activities…and over discipline i would say…

anyways, i may not be a part of NCC during school but i do like to read about it….as how people managed to survive there and their adventures….

regards rahul

I guess one needs to just go to the classes and survival happens automatically 🙂 In our school, not many people left the course in-between. But one of my close friends enrolled in it, came for a few classes, came for the camp, and got the certificate! The trainer even recollected seeing him after a very long time! But then, the experience is much more important than the certificate, right?


My school didnt had ncc but we had scouts and guides.I was in scouts and guides but my mother never allowed me to go to the camps.

In college i tried to get into NCC but i went there late and they didnt take me.

I heard that scouts and guides was less demanding than NCC. Not sure about that. Ha ha, why did you go there late? 🙂 I have a friend who went to the first day of a Tennis coaching class late and was asked to leave as well…

C Sanju Hyacinth

My school did not NCC either….but I was a part of bulbuls & guides. I eventually became enthusiastic about NCC at college and enrolled myself (army wing) . I was late for the air wing selections 🙁 …but I had to discontinue after a year…as I became prone to sickness ( wheezing )…& I regret it so badly 🙁 missing my seniors & frnds…One great thing abt NCC is that you inculcate a lot of values…discipline , respect, punctuality(most necessarily for me),pushing yourself against your comfort zone and doing incredible achievements …this was the least that I learnt in my first year.Coincidence is that yesterday was the send off for my Seniors ( heart crushing :/) wonderful memories…happiness, proud moments, tears n joy…mixed feelings. NCC is such a wonderful thing to be a part of…and the contacts n friends you make there….will be with you foreva…no matter what ( it was due to the pressure at home, I quit ncc ). But the values I cultivated there n frnds (includes my seniors) , I will cherish it for the rest of my life. Wonderful article Rajesh K, always be proud of it 🙂

sujatha sathya

theme park enjoyment – hhaha…paapa….all dreams shattered 😀

i was not in NCC. only guides & scouts. and loved the whole thing so much. very memorable days

Yenu maadi? 🙂 NCC was actually boring – you should feel lucky that you were not in it.


yes in school days no one knows and understands about NCC.

Since it was the first year it was introduced in our school, we had no clue at all! But our juniors could have always asked us about it!

Our wishes to a very very happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year, Rajesh! God bless you!

Wishing you a very happy new year 2012 as well…


NCC is in my school too. And they said to join NCC you should come by morning 6. End of story for me 😀 😀

But might have been good if I joined. A bit of physical exercise for me 🙂

I think rope climbing are all for college students. My friend said about that 🙂

Thank God, NCC classes were in the evening for us! At that age, we already get good physical exercise by playing a lot of cricket anyway. Oh, so it is available for college students, or is it a bait to make them join in NCC? 🙂

In college level…u even have parajumping and many other cool adventurous sports too…for air wing I think 😜


I think all kids should take part in NCC.


i also ncc airwing cdt


hi everyone i am a cadet in ncc air wing.i am going to attend the camp for the first time in school.could you share your experience with me. i am a bit nervous too…….


NCC is really very intrestin.The training gives to the students from the boring routine of his studies and the students gets an opportunity to employ usefully his leisure.And the role of cadets in NCC is to surve the sufferers for the cause of service to the nayion.


Wowww dat was a good experience. I was in army wing. First I didn’t feel good at camps n pared..but now I realized it was awesome n it helps me to change a lot. Want to go back once again.

Pappu Kumar mandal

I’m happy to say that I read your autobiography and really interested and I also want to join the NCC but in my college there are no NCC so please tell me how I can join immediately please

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To be a NCC cadet is like being unique, hardworking, dedicated, punctual, and most of all, an achiever. It inculcates the attitude of never giving up, makes you optimistic and builds a lot of self-confidence and character. The life as a cadet is one of the best experiences one can ever have as it teaches them life as it is and shows how it is to be an officer in the Indian Armed Forces.

NCC, however is a bit underrated when it comes to joining the armed forces. As a matter of fact, NCC cadets live life like an officer without being a part of the premier Indian military training institutes like NDA and IMA.

my experience in ncc essay

Here is how it feels to live life as a NCC cadet:

The total training period for a cadet is 3 years for seniors with an extension of 1 year permissible & training period for juniors is of 2 years. Every cadet of the Senior or Junior Division has to undergo service training for a period of at least 4 hours per week during the training year.

However, no training is carried out during periods when the college or school through which a cadet is enrolled is closed for a vacation. Every cadet of the Senior and Junior Division has undergo service training for a minimum period of 75% of total hours during the annual college and school session.

Every cadet (in case of JD, who has completed one full year of training and is in his second year) attends an annual training camp of 9–10 days, also known as National Combined Annual Training Camp. For SD/SW the duration is usually for up to 30 days. At the end of the camp training the cadets receive a certificate of successful completion.

Unlike most of the military institutes like NDA or IMA, young girls are also allowed to join the corps giving them equal opportunities as that of boys. Infact, in most groups, girls are alloted a whole new and different unit.

NCC takes part in Subroto Cup Football Tournament, Jawahar Lal Nehru Hockey Cup and Mavlankar Shooting Championship on regular basis. Other than this, NCC cadets take part in Mountaineering, Trekking, Cycle/Motorcycle Expeditions, Parachute Sailing, Para Courses, Slithering, Desert Safari and White Water Rafting. Seems like a good deal even while doing your graduation from outside, right?

NCC also conducts Youth Exchange Programme. The aim of YEP is a country-to-country exchange of cadets belonging to NCC/equivalet Govt/Youth Organisations of friendly countries and participation in various activities and appreciation of each other’s socio-economic and cultural realities.

It offers a whole new life of adventure as eight rock climbing camps are held each year to expose the cadets to the basics of elementary rock climbing and to inculcate spirit of adventure amongst cadets. Four of these camps are held at Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh and other four camps at Nayyardam near Trivandrum in Kerala.

A NCC Cadet

And the best part, you have to attend the unit for parade, drills and practise only on weekends, that too, just for four hours!

After getting your NCC ‘C’ certificate, you are eligible for direct SSB interview for the respective arms. So, direct entry!

On a final note, let me leave you with the pledge that every NCC cadet upholds to:



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Thants really good one MAN..!!

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National Cadet Corps (NCC)

NCC is the Indian Armed Forces’ youth wing, which is open for college and school students to join voluntarily. It is a Tri-Services Organisation, encompassing the Army, the Air and the Navy Wing.

India’s soldier youth foundation recruits cadets from schools, colleges and universities to provide primary military training. However, no cadets and officers are accountable for actively participating in military services after their course.

This article will discuss the National Cadet Corps – its origin, motto, fundamental values, training and activities in the context of the IAS Exam .

The candidates can go through the relevant topics useful for their upcoming exams from the links provided below:

Origin of National Cadet Corps

  • After the 1948 Kashmir War, India learned that independence must have robust Armed Force protection. At this point, the 1946 Cadet Corps Scheme by Kunzuru Committee was the expeditious manifestation of developing a youth Armed Force.
  • It was presented in front of India’s Constituent Assembly on 13th March 1948. The legislature members felt vivacious with its demonstration after receiving its draft bill on 19th March 1948. Finally, the legislature passed the Bill through an amendment on 8th April 1948.
  • The Union Government received all the Provincial Governments’ consent to initiate and implement the Cadet Corps Scheme in the next stage. The Centre also accepted their opinion to form Cadet Corps by naming it “National Cadet Corps”.
  • The Bill got Governor General’s assent on 16th April 1948, which gave birth to NCC through The ‘National Cadet Corps Act 1948’. After that, the schools and colleges inaugurated this organisation on 15th July 1948.

Aim of National Cadet Corps

This organisation outlaid its aims in 1988, which prevailed throughout and fulfilled its requirement in the contemporary socio-economic scenario. Following are its primary goals:

  • It aims in character development in the country’s youth by instigating discipline, leadership, comradeship, secular viewpoint, adventurous spirit and altruist principles.
  • Additionally, it focuses on creating human resources of well-trained, motivated and organised youth.
  • National Cadet Corps nurtures the youth towards leading and serving the nation throughout their life, regardless of their career.
  • Moreover, it bestows an appropriate environment to motivate the young cadets to pursue their careers in Armed Forces.

Motto of National Cadet Corps

The purpose of having a motto for NCC India was studied on 11th August 1978 in the 11th Central Advisory Committee meeting. The members of the Committee suggested the following mottos –

  • Duty and Unity
  • Duty and Discipline
  • Unity and Discipline
  • Duty, Unity and Discipline

Among all these recommendations, they selected “Unity and Discipline” in the next CAC meeting of 12th October 1980.

Fundamental Values of National Cadet Corps

This organisation has adopted some values to ingrain among all grades by conducting its activity. These values are as follows:

  • Encouraging cadets for patriotic commitment to contribute and serve the nation
  • Inducing a sense of cohesive society and national unity by respecting religious, cultural, linguistic, ethnicities diversity
  • Explicating the importance of justice and authorities’ unbiased exercises
  • Making cadets learn, understand and obey the values and norms established by the Indian Constitution
  • Building their ability to partake in social and community development programs
  • Encouraging towards a restrained and healthy living, free of harmful practices
  • Developing compassion for socially and economically distressed people
  • Inspiring cadets to value sacrifice, honesty, hard work and perseverance
  • Instilling respect for wisdom, knowledge and ideal power

Candidates can enhance their UPSC exam preparation by attempting now!!

To complement your preparation for the upcoming exam, check the following links:

Training of National Cadet Corps

The NCC training takes place as follows:

  • Cadets under Senior Division and Senior wings undergo 3 years of training.
  • The training period of Junior Division and Junior wing cadets is 2 years.
  • All cadets must go through a total of 4 hours of service training in a week.
  • They also must go through service training for 75% of the total hours of annual school and college sessions.
  • Every cadet, including Junior Divisions completing 1 year and pursuing the 2nd year, must attend 9 to 10 days of annual training camp.
  • The duration of this camp extends up to 30 days.
  • The cadets receive their training completion certificate after this training camp.
  • There are 3 types of certificates: Certificate A, B and C. Certificate A is the lowest level, and C is the highest.

Activities of National Cadet Corps

Followings are some activities of the National Cadet Corps:

  • Republic Day Camp (RDC)
  • National Integration Camp (NIC)
  • Combined Annual Training Camps (CATC)
  • Army Attachment Camp
  • Advance Leadership Camp (ALC)
  • Hiking And Trekking Camps
  • Vayu Sainik Camp (VSC)
  • Nau Sainik Camp (NSC)
  • Thal Sainik Camp (TSC)
  • Rock Climbing Camps (RCC)
  • All India Yachting Regatta (AIYR)
  • Youth Exchange Programme
  • Air Wing Activities
  • Naval Wing Activities
  • Overseas Deployment

The NCC is constantly evolving according to the current social and economic aspects. Its goal is to train disciplined and responsible cadets to vindicate the nation’s unity. On top of that, the training process involves drills and military training with smaller arms. It encourages them to pursue a career in Indian Armed Force and strengthen it.

For the Best preparation strategy for competitive exams candidates can visit the linked article and get detailed study material and preparation tips to excel in the examination.

You can also make your current affairs revision robust using Free Monthly Magazines by BYJU’S .

Frequently Asked Questions about NCC

What is the full form of ncc.

The full form of NCC is National Cadet Corps.

What is the highest level certificate in NCC?

The highest level of a certificate provided by the National Cadet Corps is certificate C.

For more information about upcoming Government Exams , visit the linked article. More exam-related preparation materials will be found through the links given below:

IAS General Studies Notes Links

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During the 10-day annual NCC training camp, participants from ACFA learn powerful life skills like a never give up attitude, determination, willpower, and spirit of togetherness

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my experience in ncc essay

When it comes to nurturing different life skills such as self-confidence, time management, social adaptability, self-discipline, and teamwork among individuals, the National Cadet Corps plays a crucial role in instilling the above-mentioned skills through various activities. The aim is to promote the overall personality development of an individual.

my experience in ncc essay

This is precisely what the students of Apeejay College of Fine Arts (ACFA), Jalandhar, who aspire to join the Indian Armed Forces in the future, learned during a 10-day NCC training camp. Three students including Digagna Kundal, Nisar Akhtargul and Aastha Anand participated in the annual Second Punjab Battalion NCC (National Cadet Corps) recently held at DAVIET (DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology)  College in Jalandhar.

Speaking about her unique experience, Aastha Anand, a third-year student at ACFA, said, “What inspired me to join NCC is it makes you learn unity and discipline, two of the most essential skills in life. During the camp, everyday we had to wake up at 3.30am and by 4am we had to reach the ground for the physical training session. That was followed by breakfast at 7 am. After that, we had to change into our NCC uniforms and go for our drill session. The drill session included marching, parade, etc.” 

She further added, “At 10 am, we had to reach for classroom lectures and military officers taught us various subjects like weapon training and handling, map reading, communication, to name a few. We religiously followed this routine for 10 days.”  The 19-year-old is in her second-year in NCC and she emphasises, “I aspire to join the armed forces in the future.”

Another NCC aspirant, Digagna Kundal highlighted how the 10-day training camp helped boost her confidence beyond expectation. “I am not the kind of person who speaks to everyone. But at the camp, I came across so many fellow aspirants and learned new things from them. It really helped me gain self-confidence and discipline. While I attended lectures by military officers on Character Building, Personality Development, Career Counseling, Leadership qualities , these helped me in increasing my willpower and I strongly developed the ‘never give up’ attitude.” 

Students attended the camp under the guidance of Dr. Neeraj Katyal, Incharge – NCC & Head, Department of Physiotherapy.

my experience in ncc essay

“The training camp helped students enhance their overall personality as they stepped out of their comfort zones to participate in the NCC training camp. Besides adding to their holistic development, the camp inculcated confidence, discipline as well as several other essential skills in them which will help them throughout their life.” – DR. NEERJA DHINGRA, PRINCIPAL OF APEEJAY COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS, JALANDHAR

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47+ Latest National Cadet Corps (NCC) Interview Questions & Answers (2023)

47+ Latest National Cadet Corps (NCC) Interview Questions & Answers (2023)

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NCC Interview Questions

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth development movement in India that aims to develop students into well-rounded individuals with a sense of duty, commitment, dedication, discipline, and moral values. The NCC provides opportunities for students to engage in a wide range of activities, with a strong emphasis on social services, discipline, and adventure training. In this article, we will discuss some of the latest NCC interview questions and provide concise and informative answers to help you prepare for your NCC interview.

Top 47 NCC Interview Questions

1. what is national cadet corps.

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth development movement in India that aims to develop students into well-rounded individuals with a sense of duty, commitment, dedication, discipline, and moral values. The NCC provides opportunities for students to engage in a wide range of activities, with a strong emphasis on social services, discipline, and adventure training.

2. When did National Cadet Corps come into existence?

The National Cadet Corps came into existence on 16th July 1948 under the National Cadet Corps Act XXXI of 1948.

3. Is the NCC programm compulsory or voluntary?

The NCC programm is voluntary. Students have the option to join NCC based on their interest and desire to be a part of the organization.

4. Is the NCC programm part of the educational activity or military activity?

The NCC programm is part of the educational activity. It aims to provide students with opportunities for all-round development and does not involve military activities or active military service.

5. What is the motto of NCC?

The motto of NCC is “Unity and Discipline.”

6. What does the color red depict in the NCC crest?

The color red depicts the Army in the NCC crest.

7. What do the colors dark blue and light blue in the NCC crest depict?

The color dark blue depicts the Navy, and the color light blue depicts the Air Force in the NCC crest.

8. What do the lotus flowers depict in the NCC crest?

The seventeen lotus flowers in the NCC crest represent the 17 State Directorates.

9. When is the NCC Day observed?

The NCC Day is observed on the fourth Sunday of November every year.

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10. Which ministry at the national level deals with NCC?

The Ministry of Defence deals with NCC at the national level.

11. What are the arrangements for finances/budget for NCC?

The budgets for NCC are shared by the Central and State Governments.

12. What is Directorate General NCC?

Directorate General NCC is the national-level headquarters of the NCC.

13. What is the composition of Directorate General NCC?

Directorate General NCC is headed by the Director General (DG), who is an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutenant General. The DG is assisted by two Additional Directors General (ADG), one from the Army and the other from the Navy or Air Force. The DG also has a staff drawn from the three services – Army, Navy, and Air Force.

14. Where is the NCC headquarters at the national level located?

The NCC headquarters at the national level is located in New Delhi.

15. What is a NCC Group?

A NCC Group is a sub-division of Directorates and varies in size according to the state. Each NCC Group is headed by an officer of the rank of Colonel or Brigadier and consists of NCC Battalions, Air Force, and Naval units.

16. What is the composition of a NCC Group?

A NCC Group consists of NCC Battalions, Air Force & Naval units, and is headed by an Officer of the rank of Colonel or Brigadier. Each Group also has an Administrative Officer and a Training Officer.

17. What is a NCC Unit and what is its composition?

A NCC Unit is a basic functional sub-unit in schools and colleges, and it consists of NCC cadets from the same institution. The NCC Unit is headed by an ANO (Associate NCC Officer) who is responsible for the conduct of NCC activities in the institution.

18. What is the student in NCC known as?

A student enrolled in NCC is known as a “Cadet.”

19. What in NCC is a Junior Division (JD)?

A Junior Division (JD) in NCC refers to the division to which male students from schools, aged 13 years or older, are enrolled.

20. What is a NCC Company?

A NCC Company is the basic functional sub-unit in schools and Plus Two institutions, where SW/SD Cadets are enrolled. A Company consists of cadets from the same institution and is headed by an ANO.

21. How many NCC units can be allotted to an institution?

The number of NCC units allotted to an institution varies and there is no fixed number.

22. Who is responsible for the conduct of NCC activities in an institution?

The Associate NCC Officer (ANO) is responsible for the conduct of NCC activities in an institution and is in charge of the cadets. The ANO plans and organizes training with the assistance of the Permanent Instruction (PI) staff detailed by the NCC unit.

23. Are NCC cadets exposed to work in natural disasters and calamities?

Yes, with the permission of parents, NCC cadets can be involved in activities related to natural disasters and calamities. NCC often plays a crucial role in assisting during such situations.

24. Do NCC units have any connection with other voluntary organizations?

Yes, NCC units often collaborate with other voluntary organizations in implementing community development and social service activities.

25. Is this scheme applicable to only government schools and colleges?

No, the NCC scheme is not limited to government schools and colleges. It is open to all regular students of schools and colleges on a voluntary basis. However, financial arrangements may vary depending on the type of institution.

26. How many states/UT does NCC cover all over the country?

The NCC covers all states and Union Territories in India.

27. Can I get any awards for extraordinary work/performance in NCC?

Yes, merit and outstanding work/performance are recognized and rewarded at each level of the NCC. Awards and recognition can be obtained at the Sub-Unit, Unit, Group, Directorate, and HQ DG NCC levels.

28. What sort of activities are undertaken in NCC?

The NCC conducts a wide range of activities, including institutional training, camp training, attachment training with service units, air wing training, naval wing training, social service and community development activities, youth exchange programs, conduct of the Republic Day Camp, career counseling and personality development, remount and veterinary unit training, and the conduct of certificate examinations and adventure activities.

29. What is the uniform in NCC?

The uniform for NCC cadets varies based on their division. Army cadets wear a khaki uniform, naval cadets wear a white uniform, and air force cadets wear a blue uniform similar to the Air Force.

30. What is the age limit for a student to join NCC?

For Junior Division/Junior Wing (JD/JW) cadets, the age limit is 13-18.5 years. For Senior Division/Senior Wing (SD/SW) cadets, the age limit is up to 24 years.

31. Can NCC cadets participate in international exchange programs?

Yes, NCC cadets have the opportunity to participate in international exchange programs where they can interact with cadets from other countries, learn about different cultures, and gain a broader perspective on global issues.

32. Are there any age relaxations for joining NCC for differently-abled individuals?

Yes, there are age relaxations for differently-abled individuals who wish to join NCC. The upper age limit may be extended based on the specific disability, allowing more inclusivity and participation.

33. Are there any special provisions for female cadets in NCC?

Yes, NCC has special provisions for female cadets to ensure their safety and equal opportunities. Separate units and accommodations are provided for female cadets, and specific training programs cater to their unique needs and interests. The aim is to empower and encourage girls to actively participate in NCC activities.

34. Can I join NCC if I am already enrolled in another extracurricular activity?

Yes, you can join NCC even if you are enrolled in another extracurricular activity. NCC encourages students to participate in multiple activities and develop a well-rounded personality. However, ensure that you can manage your time effectively to balance your commitments in both NCC and the other activities you are involved in.

35. What is the duration of NCC training?

The duration of NCC training can vary depending on the level of your enrollment and the training programs you participate in. In general, the training period can range from a few hours per week to several weeks or months, especially during camps or advanced training programs. The training schedules are set by the respective NCC units and authorities.

36. Can NCC cadets participate in international events or exchanges?

Yes, NCC cadets have the opportunity to participate in international events or youth exchange programs. NCC has tie-ups with various countries, and cadets can represent India in international camps and programs. These opportunities provide exposure to different cultures, enhance leadership skills, and promote global understanding and cooperation.

37. Are there any scholarships available for NCC cadets?

Yes, various scholarships are available for NCC cadets. These scholarships are provided by government organizations, universities, and other institutions to recognize the achievements and contributions of NCC cadets. The eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits of these scholarships may vary, and cadets can explore these opportunities through their NCC units or by researching scholarship opportunities online.

38. How can I make the most out of my NCC experience?

To make the most out of your NCC experience, consider the following tips:

  • Be proactive and enthusiastic about participating in NCC activities and training programs.
  • Take leadership roles and responsibilities within your NCC unit. This will help you develop your leadership skills and showcase your potential.
  • Actively participate in community service activities and social initiatives.
  • Attend camps, adventure activities, and training programs to enhance your skills and broaden your horizons.
  • Network with other NCC cadets and officials. Building connections can help you in your future career prospects.
  • Use the platform to explore and understand different career options. Take advantage of career counseling sessions and guidance provided by NCC.
  • Take your physical fitness seriously. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and actively engage in sports and fitness activities.
  • Always abide by the rules and regulations of NCC and maintain discipline and decorum.
  • Embrace the values of unity, discipline, dedication, and morality promoted by NCC in all aspects of your life.

39. Can NCC cadets participate in the Republic Day Parade?

Yes, NCC cadets have the opportunity to participate in the Republic Day Parade held in New Delhi. The selection process for participating in the Republic Day Parade is rigorous, and cadets must meet certain criteria such as their performance and discipline during NCC training. Those selected get the chance to showcase their skills and represent their NCC unit and state in this prestigious event.

40. How can NCC training help me in becoming a better citizen?

NCC training instills qualities that contribute to becoming a better citizen. Discipline, responsibility, teamwork, leadership skills, and a sense of commitment and duty are some of the values emphasized in NCC. These qualities help individuals become responsible, contributing members of society, and inspire them to work towards the betterment of their country and community. NCC training also provides exposure to social service activities, encouraging cadets to actively engage in community development and nation-building initiatives.

41. Can NCC cadets participate in adventure activities?

Yes, NCC cadets have the opportunity to participate in various adventure activities such as trekking, hiking, rock climbing, para jumping, paragliding, and water sports. Adventure training is an integral part of NCC and helps in developing physical and mental endurance, courage, and resilience.

42. Are there any medical fitness requirements to join NCC?

Yes, there are certain medical fitness requirements to join NCC. Cadets need to undergo a medical examination to ensure that they are physically and mentally fit to participate in NCC activities. The medical examination assesses factors such as general health, eyesight, hearing, and overall fitness levels.

43. Can NCC cadets participate in shooting sports?

Yes, NCC cadets can participate in shooting sports. NCC has shooting teams and units where cadets can receive training in various shooting disciplines such as air rifle, air pistol, and small-bore rifle shooting. Cadets who excel in shooting may have the opportunity to represent their NCC unit and state in shooting competitions.

44. Is there any provision for financial assistance for economically disadvantaged students to join NCC?

Yes, there are provisions for financial assistance for economically disadvantaged students to join NCC. The scholarships and financial aid programs offered by NCC and external organizations help ensure that students from all backgrounds have access to NCC training and opportunities. These financial assistance programs cover expenses such as uniforms, equipment, training camps, and even education.

45. What is the role of the Associate NCC Officer (ANO)?

The Associate NCC Officer (ANO) is responsible for the conduct of NCC activities in the institution. They guide and mentor the cadets, assist in planning and organizing training programs, coordinate with higher authorities, and ensure the smooth functioning of the NCC unit. The ANO plays a crucial role in developing the potential of the cadets and inculcating values of discipline, leadership, and social responsibility.

46. Can NCC cadets pursue their higher education while being a part of NCC?

Yes, NCC cadets can pursue their higher education while being a part of NCC. In fact, NCC encourages cadets to continue their education and provides flexibility in terms of balancing NCC activities with their academic commitments. NCC recognizes the importance of education and encourages cadets to excel in both their academic and NCC pursuits.

47. Can NCC cadets join the regular armed forces after completing their NCC training?

Yes, NCC cadets have an advantage when it comes to joining the regular armed forces after completing their NCC training. NCC provides a strong foundation in discipline, leadership, and physical fitness, which are highly valued in the armed forces. Cadets who have completed NCC training may be eligible for special entry schemes, direct entry, or other benefits in the recruitment process for the army, navy, or air force. Their NCC experience and training can give them an edge over other candidates.

Benefits of joining NCC

Joining NCC offers a range of benefits for students. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Leadership Development: NCC provides opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through various activities and training programs.
  • Discipline and Character Building: NCC instills discipline, a sense of responsibility, and high moral values in students, helping them build strong character.
  • Adventure and Outdoor Activities: NCC offers adventure training and outdoor activities like trekking, hiking, camping, and mountaineering, which help students develop physical and mental strength.
  • Social Service and Community Development: NCC cadets actively participate in community development activities, such as organizing blood donation camps, cleanliness drives, and awareness campaigns, contributing to the betterment of society.
  • Career Opportunities: NCC cadets have an advantage when applying for jobs in the defense services, paramilitary forces, and other government sectors. NCC also provides opportunities for career counseling and personality development.
  • National Integration: NCC promotes national integration by bringing together students from different backgrounds and fostering a spirit of unity and understanding among them.
  • Physical Fitness: NCC emphasizes physical fitness and provides training in various sports and physical activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle among cadets.

Benefits of joining NCC in your career

Joining NCC can benefit your career in various ways. Here are a few ways NCC can positively impact your career:

  • Defense Services: NCC cadets have the opportunity to appear for selection exams for the defense services like the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. Having NCC training and experience can give you an edge in the selection process.
  • Paramilitary Forces: NCC cadets can also apply for paramilitary forces such as the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP). NCC training can enhance your chances of selection in these forces.
  • Government Jobs: Many government organizations and departments give preference to candidates with NCC training and experience. Joining NCC can improve your chances of securing a government job.
  • Leadership Roles: NCC develops leadership qualities and skills in cadets, which can be valuable for leadership roles in any career field. Employers often look for candidates with leadership abilities, and NCC experience can showcase your leadership potential.
  • Networking and Contacts: NCC offers opportunities to interact with professionals from various fields and government officials. Building networks and contacts during your NCC journey can open doors to new career prospects and mentorship opportunities.
  • Personality Development: NCC focuses on overall personality development, including communication skills, teamwork, self-discipline, and confidence-building. These attributes are highly valued by employers in any sector.

How to join in NCC?

To join NCC, you need to follow these steps:

  • Eligibility: Check if you meet the eligibility criteria. For Junior Division (JD), you must be a school student between the ages of 13 and 18.5 years. For Senior Division (SD), you must be a college student up to 24 years of age.
  • Institution Enrollment: Enroll in a school or college with NCC units. NCC is available in various schools and colleges across the country. Look for institutions that have NCC units and check if they are accepting new enrollments.
  • Application Process: Contact the NCC officer or the Associate NCC Officer (ANO) in your institution and submit the necessary application forms and documents. They will guide you through the application process and provide you with the required information.
  • Selection Process: Once you have applied, there may be a selection process comprising interviews, physical fitness tests, and medical examinations. The selection criteria may vary depending on the institution and available vacancies.
  • Training and Participation: Once selected, you will undergo NCC training as per the schedule and guidelines set by the NCC authorities. Actively participate in training programs, camps, and activities conducted by NCC.
  • Progression: As you continue with your NCC journey, you may have opportunities to attend advanced training programs, participate in national-level camps, and even represent your NCC unit or state at higher levels.

In conclusion, the National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth development movement in India that focuses on the overall development of students by instilling values of discipline, leadership, and social responsibility. Joining NCC offers numerous benefits, including leadership development, character building, adventure activities, community service opportunities, and career prospects in defense services, paramilitary forces, and government sectors.

NCC training helps cadets become better citizens and prepares them for a successful future by fostering qualities like discipline, teamwork, and a sense of duty. The NCC experience provides opportunities for personal growth, networking, and exposure to various activities, ultimately shaping individuals into responsible and well-rounded individuals. By participating in NCC, students can gain valuable life skills and make a positive impact on society while honing their physical and mental abilities.

my experience in ncc essay

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National Cadet Core

Saturday, february 12, 2011, my experience in ncc.

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  • Secondary School

Write a letter to your cousin describing your experience on living in an NCC camp for the first time


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  • High School

Attending a Black Boarding School Changed the Course of My Life. They Need to be Preserved.

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After I got kicked out of Westchester High School in Los Angeles in 10th grade, my dad didn't ask me if I wanted to go to the Piney Woods School. Before I knew it, my bags were packed for me and I was on a plane to Mississippi.

When I first arrived, I was overwhelmed by the amount of trees on Highway 49 South. They towered over me, creating a tunnel that seemed like there was only one way in and no way out. Prior to learning about the Piney Woods School, Mississippi merely existed in my head as a mythical place where bad things happened a long time ago.

Though I was skeptical on that bus ride, I'd soon learn that Piney Woods was a brilliant light beaming through the darkness of the state. Sitting on 2,000 acres that included a 500-acre farm, seven lakes, and more than a dozen residences for staff and students at the time I attended, the Piney Woods School is a historically Black prep school for grades nine to 12 where about 200 students live, learn, and grow together. It exists because, in 1909, Dr. Lawrence C. Jones risked his life to educate the illiterate in Mississippi. Through the years, Piney Woods transformed into a space that not only taught students how to read, but also instilled practical skills like carpentry, cultivating crops, and music theory. And, like other historically Black boarding schools — there are four in total in America today — it has given Black students a sense of family .

My father, a Pan Africanist and Black Panther militant, wanted Piney Woods to get my head right and teach me how to be a productive scholar. Our tiny class numbers and strict silent study hours from 6 to 9 p.m. drew him in. If my dad didn't make that sacrifice to send me to Piney Woods, I don't think I would have graduated on time in 2017 or have received a full-ride scholarship to the University of Mississippi. If Piney Woods didn't exist, I'd be a street hustler like my childhood friends back home in South Central LA, or maybe living with my family in Senegal, where my parents also threatened to send me.

Sloan Baptiste started working at the Marcus Garvey School, a historically Black private school in Los Angeles, for similar reasons: he saw the value of Black children being taught by Black educators. "We are allowing people who have a history of being systematically racist to teach us, and it crushes the self-esteem of the student," he says of US public schools.

Kierre Barnett Sr., similarly, is a product of the public-school system, having worked in the Los Angeles Unified School District. After witnessing teachers and parents' lack of commitment to students, he did not want the same for his son, Kierre Barnett Jr., who's now a sixth-grader at the Marcus Garvey School. He says his son is "living on good time because we're in a controlled environment, and that's with the help of Marcus Garvey."

It was the first time in my life that I saw so many girls wearing their natural hair textures proudly.

In addition to upholding the highest standards of academic performance, these autonomous educational and cultural institutions nurture our emotional and physical changes. In my case, the South taught me how to love my natural phenotype. During my first few weekends at Piney Woods, I remember the girls in my dorm asked me if my hair was natural . I stood up there with my press and curl and answered, "Yes." One girl said, "Girl, you are not natural because your hair has heat in it. That's not natural." To me, "natural" meant perm or no perm, not straight versus kinks.

The girls taught me about Bantu knots , two-strand twists , and the loc method . It was the first time in my life that I saw so many girls wearing natural hair textures proudly. It wasn't an act of pride; it was just normal. When I went home to Los Angeles that summer, I kept my fro and it didn't feel strange. It felt natural.

my experience in ncc essay

At Piney Woods, discipline began in our hands — our concentration was narrowed with lengthy academic and work days and unique punishments to maintain order. Yannick Lowery, a 2004 Piney Woods School graduate and artist, remembers being sent home for sneaking into a girls' dorm as a sophomore. He had to make the choice of getting paddled or sent home. Contrary to common beliefs about boarding schools, Piney Woods was not the place for misbehaving children. After spending six months at a public school in Chicago, he was determined to get back. Lowery felt disoriented in Chicago, and missed his campus family and the Kappa League brotherhood.

As Lowery recalls, most students had a job — he worked in the historic Mary Mac dorm and the laundromat, while I was a student ambassador and an administrative assistant to the president's office (one of the "good" jobs). We had to say "yes ma'am" and "sir," or we'd get written up. Respect and manners were a big part of the Piney Woods standard that I carry with me to this day. Some people laugh at me and think I've spent too much time in Mississippi. But I got my first job at 16 because when I unintentionally said "yes ma'am" to a lady, she was so impressed that she offered me the job on the spot.

Piney Woods taught me about Jesus, how to network, how to live amongst other girls, and how to speak in front of a public audience. Feeling deeply that the school had changed my life, I could never understand why it wasn't famous like Howard University. There were always whispers about the possibility of Piney Woods shutting down due to lack of teachers, lack of funding, and the fact that the buildings were deteriorating. It's amazing what they were able to shake from the little resources we had.

For children whose parents are unable to be fully present due to illness, financial hardship, or incarceration, the survival of these boarding schools is vital. My family initially sent me to Piney Woods to set my behavior straight. But when my daddy passed away and my blind mother became solely responsible for raising my younger brother, she also sent him to Piney Woods so he could be raised with other boys and by men who could teach him work ethic and how to be a man. I intend on sending my 5-year-old daughter to Piney Woods to continue the tradition and I pray that it still exists when the time comes.

These days, I struggle in the real world because Nashville, TN, where I currently reside, does not reflect the sheltered realities of the place where I was allowed to build and maintain my dignity. But I dream of a future world similar to Piney Woods, where we have slow mornings to hold hands and sing our gratitude to the Divine Creator of all things; where we share resources with our neighbors in need like we did in the dorms; where we learn from each other's backgrounds instead of it being the thing that separates us.

Nabou Ramu , born Seynabou Clark, is an Afrocentric journalist who covers all things art, culture, and business. In addition to PS, her words are recorded in Essence GU, KBLA Talk 1580, the USA Today Network, and Blavity.

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my experience in ncc essay

Essay on NCC experience

I am a cadet of 7 ASSAM battalion NCC Dhubri NER GUWAHATI HQ directorate. Recently I gave my NCC A certificate exam

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    my experience in ncc essay


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    Platform is designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre. NCC Digital Forum is a platform for Cadets to share their experiences and values imbibed while undergoing NCC Training. The 'Cadet's Corner' would enrich the viewers with systematically archived experiences of NCC cadets in text, audio and video formats.

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  21. Essay on NCC experience

    Posted by abdul wahid,JD. Unit : Assam Bn NCC , Group HQ : NCC Gp HQ Guwahati, Directorate : NCC Dte, NER. NCC Digital Forum is a platform for Cadets to share their experiences and values imbibed while undergoing NCC Training. The 'Cadet's Corner' would enrich the viewers with systematically archived experiences of NCC cadets in text ...