johnson scholarship essay

The Johnson Program in Leadership and Integrity

The Johnson Scholarship Program was created in 2008 by Rupert H. Johnson Jr. '62 to become a signature feature of Washington and Lee University by attracting to campus students with exceptional academic and personal promise regardless of their financial situation.

Students who have the intellect to excel and the selflessness to care should have the opportunity to lead.

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Johnson Summer Enhancement Funds support Johnson Scholars with a stipend of up to $10,000 during their time at W&L to participate in a variety of domestic, international, and virtual experiences with the purpose of exposing the scholars to new cultures, making them more competitive job applicants, and following personal passions. These funds provide freedom for students to guide their own career and personal development.

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The Johnson Opportunity Grant program provides funds to support W&L student projects across the country and around the world. The grants are awarded on a competitive basis and are open to all undergraduate students at W&L. The grants cover travel, living expenses, and other costs associated with the proposed project or summer activity.

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The Johnson Mentorship Program pairs upper-division mentors with first- and second-year students to provide academic, social, and personal guidance.

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Stay up to date with Johnson Program events, Scholars in the News, and Johnson Alumni.

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In addition to providing scholarships and opportunity funding for students, the Johnson Program supports the Johnson Professorship in History and the Johnson Professorship in Entrepreneurship and Leadership.

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The Admissions Strategist

How to write the washington and lee essays 2020-2021: the total guide.

Washington and Lee University is a highly competitive liberal arts college with a rich history located in Lexington, VA. The namesakes of the university are none other than President George Washington and General Robert E. Lee, who served as the college’s president in 1865.

Its acceptance rate is currently around 21%.

W&L accepts the Common App , so you’ll most likely apply after writing one of its seven essays. Once you’re done with your personal statement, you’ll move on to the supplement.

We have a lot to cover, so let’s get right on with the Washington and Lee supplement.

What are the Washington and Lee Essay Requirements?

While completing the application for Washington and Lee, you’ll notice that the personal essay through the Common App is required. Check out the specific guide to the seven Common App essay prompts here.

In addition, there are two optional writing supplements.

We suggest writing these optional questions because it’s your chance to tell the college more about who you are.

Writing an essay is one of the only opportunities you have to set yourself apart from all the other candidates. It’s a chance to tell the college a little more about yourself in a way that your SAT/ACT scores and high school transcripts cannot.

Show the admissions team why you’re a candidate worthy of Washington and Lee.

Review the mission statements of the university and program you are applying to, if they have one. This will help you align your personal values with those of the university to express your desire to attend.

Washington & Lee Supplemental Essay 1

The first essay prompt is similar to other college essay prompts you might have seen before. As a result, the prompt, at first glance, might seem simple:

Please describe how you have familiarized yourself with Washington and Lee University and what aspects of W&L’s community are most exciting to you.

This is the quintessential “Why This College” essay . You will need to answer the prompt concisely because you will be limited to only 250 words.

It might not seem super apparent, but this prompt does contain two questions. This is what makes the prompt challenging: You must answer two questions with a limited number of words.

  • The first part of the prompt is asking you to describe how you became familiar with Washington and Lee University.
  • The second part of the prompt is asking you to describe what part of the Washington and Lee University community excites you.

One strategy should be to use less than 125 words to answer the first part of the prompt and less than 125 words to answer the second part of the prompt. This will ensure that you do not go over the 250-word count maximum.

From there, you can give or take words from each portion. For example, if you’re able to more succinctly express how you familiarized yourself with the university, then you can allocate the extra words toward why you decided to apply.

If one question in the prompt seems easier for you, start with that part, and then move on to the next. We’ll address strategies for both moving forward.

Let’s look at the first part of the prompt again.

Here is when you mention the ways in which you’ve learned about the university.

  • The most common ways would be campus tours, informational interviews with alumni, word-of-mouth from relatives or friends who have attended, or any prizes/awards the university might have won that made it stand out in the news.

You also can draw on strong reasons as to why you want to attend Washington and Lee University. This will help you complete the second part of the prompt and have a full answer that flows together.

Now, let’s start by organizing our thoughts around the second part of the question. Do some brainstorming to explain what attracted you to Washington and Lee.

Here are some questions to guide you to discover what it is about Washington and Lee that really speaks to you as a prospective student.

  • Was it the reputation of Washington and Lee University? How does it align with your morals and values?
  • Has Washington and Lee been your dream school since you were little? What’s your first memory of the school?
  • Did a family friend recommend it? What made the recommendation from this family friend so meaningful to you?
  • The university is considered small, yet has so much to offer all its students. Do you feel you’ll be more successful in a smaller environment?
  • What student life offerings will you take advantage of if you’re admitted and why?

In short, write down your top reasons for wanting to attend Washington and Lee. Sort your reasons from strongest to weakest, and then write your essay based on the two strongest.

Picking two reasons will help keep you inside the word limit. Remember that these reasons should help you stand out from other applicants, so don’t write what you think the admissions team wants to read if it’s not authentic to you.

  • You want to make sure the reason you’re applying is compelling and personal . This is your opportunity to tell a story about your first visit to campus, an alumnus that you look up to, and specific reasons why Washington and Lee will help you achieve your dream.
  • Don’t just write, “A family member recommended the school.” Lots of things are recommended to us, and some hold more value than others. Explain this person’s role in your life that led you to follow through on their recommendation.
  • Mention why you’re excited about the program to which you’re applying. There’s a good chance you can study the same thing at several other universities across the country, but there’s a reason you want to study at Washington and Lee over those other institutions.
  • Detail your connection to Washington and Lee. Perhaps you’re a legacy student for the university and you want to carry on the family name as a graduate. If you attended campus events that were open to the community, tell the story of how that strengthened your love for the university. Maybe you met an alumna at a college fair or they visited your class one day, so describe what they said that stuck with you.

Overall, this prompt wants to know specifically why you’re choosing Washington and Lee among all the other higher education institutions.

Tips for mastering this prompt:

  • Keep your response succinct. Begin writing without elaborating much. Once you have the basic ideas down, then add other details that are appropriate and enhance your essay.
  • Answer the prompt directly. If you stray from what is being asked, you’ll be wasting the few words you already have.
  • Stories are good, but you shouldn’t be writing a short story full of detail. If the story is meaningful, find a way to keep it to two sentences maximum. Focus on the basic who, what, where, when, and why.

This prompt is not a trick question, so don’t overthink it. It’s just a basic prompt that will tell Washington and Lee University what it has to offer that excites you as a candidate.

Again, you’re restricted to 250 words, so the school is not expecting flowery prose or an ode to Washington and Lee. This is not the time to write a five-paragraph essay. Keep your response succinct and answer the question directly without a long introduction or lengthy conclusion.

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Washington & lee supplemental essay 2.

The second essay prompt asks for more information about your life outside of school. 

Please describe an aspect of your life outside of school that is important to you, such as an extracurricular activity, a job or family responsibility. How does your involvement impact you and those around you?

This essay is prompting you to share personal information about you outside of academics. Again, this question is twofold and is capped at a maximum of 250 words:

  • Describe an activity, job, or family responsibility that is significant to you.
  • In what way does that activity impact those around you?

Although any involvement in a club or job shows responsibility and motivation, remember that this question is asking specifically how this activity is significant to you. 

Waiting tables to earn money for college is not particularly unusual or special. Many high school students do it. If, though, there is a more personal aspect to that job and how it impacts others around you, it could be the focus of your essay. Maybe you’re working at the family business? Think about what makes the activity unique.

For the first part of this question, think about an activity, job, or responsibility for which you are passionate. For example:

  • You built on a lifelong hobby by joining and becoming a leader of your school’s art club.
  • Your summer job is to direct a library program for children so that you can share and inspire a love of reading with them.
  • You are passionate about cooking and your family responsibility is to share in meal preparation to bring your family together each night.

Once you have determined what activity or job you want to highlight, jot down the reasons it is important to you. As with the previous essay, choose your two strongest reasons and explain them as succinctly as possible to stay within your word limit.

The second part of this essay asks how your involvement in this activity or job impacts the people around you. This could be very apparent, or it could be less clear. Does your involvement:

  • Share or teach a new skill with others?
  • Bring people from your community together?
  • Provide a unique service or resource to others?
  • Improve someone’s situation?
  • Better your neighborhood or community?
  • Share your talents with others in a special way?
  • Take a burden off of someone else?

Take this opportunity to show how you work to make an impact on your family, neighborhood or community. This is a perfect chance to explain how you use your time and talents for others. 

This still needs to be a short answer, but use your words wisely. Find ways to express your passion for this activity and what it means for you to know its effect on others. Be sure that you answer both parts of the essay in your response.

Tackling the Johnson Scholarship Essay Prompts

In addition to the admissions application, you will also see the opportunity to apply for the Johnson Scholarship, which pays for college-related expenses, such as room and board and tuition.

As part of the Johnson Scholarship application process, you can choose to answer one of six prompts with a maximum 800-word count.

By applying for the Johnson Scholarship, you can also be considered for other scholarships at Washington and Lee.

Six different prompt choices can be intimidating. It’s imperative that you choose the right one that will allow you to showcase all the ways you’re a deserving, amazing student.

So, how do you choose the prompt that’s best for you?

  • Choose the prompt that excites you. If you’re not excited about your response, you won’t write the best essay you can. If you’re passionate about a topic, that passion will show in your essay. Passion will stand out for all the right reasons.
  • Choose the prompt that directly correlates with your life experiences. You know your life best, so expressing an experience that aligns with a prompt naturally will provide a better result than struggling to find one to write about.
  • Choose the prompt that will let you show the committee who you are. Admissions committees want to really get to know an applicant. Show off your personality through your essay rather than writing a cliché response that doesn’t tell them much about you.

And how should you NOT choose a prompt?

  • Don’t choose a prompt just because you think it’s the hardest one or the easiest one. This can set you up for failure in terms of not writing the best essay possible. You want to be confident about your ability to answer a prompt, not looking for the easy way out or most difficult way to get in. You’re not doing yourself a favor by choosing a topic that will be challenging for you to answer; instead, you’re throwing away your chance to truly write about something you’re passionate about.
  • Don’t choose a prompt that doesn’t resonate with you at all. How can you properly express why you belong at Washington and Lee if you can’t identify with what you’re writing about? The short answer is that you can’t. You will not win any extra points from the review committee by choosing a topic just because you think no one else will choose it.

Now that you’ve read about why you should and shouldn’t pick a particular prompt for your application, let’s discuss the best way to tackle each prompt. Below are the prompts that you will choose from.

Washington & Lee Supplemental Essay 2.1

“To promote literature in this rising empire and to encourage the arts, have ever been amongst the warmest wishes of my heart.” (George Washington, 1798, first president of the United States and first major benefactor of Washington and Lee University) Describe a work of art that has influenced you and discuss the impact it has had on you.

After reading this essay prompt, you might be tempted to write about something you saw at MOMA or that time you visited the Sistine Chapel.

There is nothing wrong with these experiences, but if you’re writing about them to seem worldly or to impress the reader, then reconsider your approach. This prompt is looking for authenticity. It is not asking you to have the knowledge of an art history major.

The work of art could be something as simple as a finger painting you saw in a children’s hospital made by the patients there. And then again, it doesn’t have to be a fine art piece at all.

Art can fall under the category of music, dance, theatre, cinematography, and so many more. It is up to you to define what the work of art is and then relate it to how it has impacted your life.

  • Did the quidditch scenes of the Harry Potter saga influence you to start learning about CGI animation? These movies didn’t win an Academy Awards, but they are considered art.
  • Maybe your young sibling drew a family portrait that included members of your family they never met and this prompted you to learn more about your family history.
  • If your running path includes going past the same building every time just so you can look at its beauty, that’s worth writing about. Describe the thoughts and feelings you have when you see this building. What draws you to it?

Washington & Lee Supplemental Essay 2.2

In mathematics, the shortest distance between two points on a flat surface is a straight line. While geometry is predictable, sometimes day-to-day life is not. Reflect on a time when your path was not as simple or direct as anticipated. How did you manage, and what did you learn?

Let’s consider how to respond to this prompt. This prompt could relay an unexpected challenge you overcame or an opportunity you were able to pursue as a result of things not going as planned. Showcase your problem-solving skills and creativity in your answer. 

This question is about how you manage the unexpected. Show the reader that you can think on your feet and be adaptable. Consider moments that might be perceived as negative that you were able to turn into a positive. Focus on the path that got you to that result.

  • Consider a time that you worked hard for something, but the end result did not work out as planned. Maybe you tried to earn an award or ace a competition, but you did not achieve the win. What happened? What did you do because of this? What did you learn?
  • Perhaps you dedicated a lot of time to planning an event or activity, but unpredictable weather caused you to cancel or change course. You did not get to see or do what you had planned, but you were able to pivot and adapt to the situation. What did you do instead? What did you learn from this experience?
  • Probably the most obvious direction to go with this answer is the impact of a worldwide pandemic on your life. The pandemic changed our plans drastically in an instance, and we could not control it. Did you miss a sports season or anticipated school event because of it? Did it impact your travel plans? Did it affect your ability to gather with friends or family for a highly anticipated celebration? Think about how the pandemic impacted you, how this is different than the way it affected others, and what you did as a result.

Keep in mind that this prompt wants you to explain two big things:

  • How well you managed this unexpected change of plans.
  • The lessons you learned as a result.

Be sure to include how this made you grow as a person. Did you exceed your own expectations? Write about that!

Washington & Lee Supplemental Essay 2.3

We live in a world in which much of our self-representation is curated online via short-lived social media ‘stories’ and disappearing photos. What photo or other representation of yourself is authentically you? What does it say about your growth into the person you are today, and the person you want to become? Please use only the words in your essay to address this question. Do not include photographs or other materials in your answer.

This is a great opportunity to share more about what makes you, you. Through social media, we share our perceived best version of ourselves with family, friends, and strangers. W&L wants to know the true you, not how others want to see you. 

The neat part about this prompt is that it allows you to describe a photo “or other representation” of yourself. First, think of a moment when you were able to shine—when you felt most comfortable, maybe even vulnerable—because you were open and authentic. 

  • Is there a photo that captures that moment? Or is it something else? 
  • Is this represented in something like a pair of shoes or an instrument?
  • Is it a self-portrait or another piece of artwork?
  • Do you have an item passed down from a family member that you’ve embraced as your own? 
  • Is it something old or broken that you’ve held onto because it’s become a part of who you are?

Next, you are tasked with describing that photo or object without being able to show it to the reader. What characteristics does this image or thing portray that makes it authentic to you? Be creative in both your description of the object and how that shows your true colors. 

There are then two more questions to answer as part of this prompt. How does this image or object show your growth as a person? Make sure you can identify the turning point or any changes you’ve personally made. Consider how you would describe your evolution as a person.

Finally, discuss how this image or object illustrates who you want to become. Continue that personal evolution. How does it represent what you want to achieve? This does not need to be complicated but should describe how you see your true self in the future. 

  • For example, your photo or item could be from a moment you spent outdoors or with nature. Perhaps that shows you feel most authentic and open in the great outdoors. This could even be a love rooted in your family that you have come to embrace as your own. You might hope to continue learning and growing into an environmentally conscious adult who advocates for clean and green standards.
  • Maybe your item is a pair of worn-in sneakers that represent all the places you’ve traveled. Talk about how your travels have shaped you as a person and helped you to grow. What it might mean for you to continue seeking new places to visit? What can you learn from new experiences and people in these travels? 

Think outside the box!

Washington & Lee Supplemental Essay 2.4

W&L’s Spring Term is a four-week, intensive experience during which students take only one course, allowing for undivided attention to the subject matter. Spring Term courses are known for innovative pedagogy, interdisciplinary scholarship, travel, and field work in diverse settings. If you could design a Spring Term course, what would you propose, and why would you choose to pursue that topic?

This is another two-part prompt. Break the prompt into two separate parts.

  • What [kind of course] would you propose?
  • Why would you choose to pursue that topic?

This question is ideal for the student with imagination and creativity. It’s also the perfect opportunity to give the reader some insight into who you are, how your thought process works, what type of learning you enjoy, and what topics you wish to pursue.

It’s okay to propose something completely “off the wall” based on your own interests as long as you can show how this course can be life-changing. Think about your hobbies that make you stand out.

  • Do you enjoy making YouTube videos? Then maybe suggest a course on Adobe Creative Cloud or cinematography to learn how to amp up your YouTube channel to get more viewers, or at least make more aesthetically interesting videos.
  • Are you into worm composting? Maybe a course on vermiculture could be your suggestion. The project you propose might be to make a portion of the campus garden available for other students to contribute compost for worms.
  • Are you religious and volunteered with various religious sects? Then consider proposing a course that allows students to work with an interfaith organization in the local community.
  • If you’re a fan of a particular cuisine, propose a course that dives into the culture of that food as well as preparing it. You’ll be able to learn what makes these dishes so special and create the delicious dishes on your own if they aren’t available nearby. This could be a cultural cuisine or focus on a diet like Keto or Vegan.

Among the essay prompts, this one is a great choice if you want to write something that will help you stand out from the crowd. Don’t let your imagination hold you back.

You can assume that there are no holdbacks you’ll need to deal with when proposing this course. Also, you do want to include why you’re passionate about the topic and why it would change your life if you had a chance to take a course about it.

However, do some research first to make sure a class isn’t already offered. You’ll want to make your proposition something that isn’t already available. If a similar course is offered, make sure your idea is different it practically could be a different class or has an entirely different focus for the topic.

Washington & Lee Supplemental Essay 2.5

In his October, 1963, A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin said “…the whole process of education occurs within a social framework and is designed to perpetuate the aims of society.” Yet, as he aptly notes, “the paradox of education is precisely this—that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated.” Baldwin suggests that the purpose of education is to teach us to think for ourselves, to question—and change—the “framework” that we have come to understand and accept. What norms of your home or community have you become conscious of during your time in high school, and how would you like to use that knowledge to make it a better place?

This essay is about challenging norms for the betterment of the community. Consider the Amendments to the Constitution. The US Constitution was created as a foundation for the country, but with room to change and adapt as the country evolved. Rules are created for a reason, but sometimes need to change and adapt with time.

Think about existing rules or the framework at home and in your community. Jot down any rules that you have questioned or that you feel are no longer relevant. Think about rules that might not exist, but should be in place. Create your list, rank your items, then choose the strongest one to write about.

This essay has two parts:

  • First, discuss what norm you have become conscious of from home or in your community. 
  • Then, write about how you will use what you have discovered or come to better understand to improve your home or community.

Is there something that is unfair or unjust to some of the people in this community? How do you raise awareness of this and change it for the better? Maybe there is a personal story you can share or an event that you witnessed that helps to illustrate your point.

Are norms, rules, or expectations applied unequally at home or in your community? Do certain people receive better treatment than others? Why is that, and how can you change it?

Be sure that you have clear explanations, examples, and steps to show the problem and solution. 

Key Strategies for the Washington & Lee Honors Essays

Since you have more room than normal to write your scholarship essay, it’s important to apply after you’ve fully developed your thought process.

As long as you meet the deadline, you shouldn’t feel rushed to complete your application the first time that you open it. Take time to plan out and practice writing some essays before you decide which you’ll complete.

  • One of the great parts of this selection of essay prompts is that the premise of each essay is something broad – issues, leadership and responsibility, art, designing a course, and your future.
  • This means you can choose from a number of your experiences, and the chance they’ll fit into one of the prompts is very high. You may even find one experience can fit into a few prompts, so you’ll need to decide which prompt will best suit your intention when telling it.

All this is to say that you want to be an active character in your story. Remember that the focus of the essay should be you . If you have a hard time writing about a conflict (for example, essay 5 doesn’t feature a conflict-driven topic), then you want to explain why the topic is significant to you.

Washington and Lee knows why political issues, student council positions, and pressing issues of the future are critical. What they want to know is why you find them to be important.

Conclusion: Writing the Washington and Lee Essays

Remember, for the scholarship program, the essay is meant to supplement your application. The committee will already have your academic record, SAT/ACT scores, and recommendations on file.

The purpose of the essay is to give the committee a view of who you are as a person that they won’t already know from other parts of your application.

In the essay, you shouldn’t write about your stellar grades or excellent college entrance test scores.

Much like a resume , the essay is a great chance to show off your soft skills, emotional intelligence, and intellect that will allow the reader to connect with you on a personal level to see how you will one day be a positive addition to Washington and Lee’s student body.

Ultimately, by choosing a prompt that allows you to bring the reader into your world, you will stand out. This will give the reader a better understanding of what makes you a stellar applicant.

Don’t be intimidated by the essays. Use them instead to showcase what an awesome candidate you are.

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Washington and Lee University Essay Example by an Accepted Student

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Washington and Lee University is a pretty selective school, so it’s important to write strong essays to help your application stand out. In this post, we’ll share an essay a real student has submitted to Washington and Lee University. (Names and identifying information have been changed, but all other details are preserved).

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Washington and Lee University es say breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Example – Why Washington and Lee?

Prompt: Please describe how you have familiarized yourself with Washington and Lee University and what aspects of W&L’s community are most exciting to you.

I love the lasers from Star Wars. As a child, they glowed behind my eyelids while I lay in bed at night, and their force powered my dreams. They filled my life with wonder and longing. “I will grow up to wield this thing,” I promised.

As I got older, I began to love the stories -the Jedi’s wisdom, Han Solo’s strength- almost as much as I loved the lasers. I was intrigued by Nnedi Okoroafor’s fantastic worlds and the powerful realities Chimamanda Adichie told, and promised, too, to wield worlds.

At this point, W&L’s role in fulfilling my dreams comes into play. I can study the lasers I loved to see on Star Wars with the Fabry-Perot interferometer at the Science Center and explore my fascination for literature by taking an active part in the Shannon-Clark lectures.

I was privileged to research with W&L’s Professor Abrams during the summer, and as I worked, I witnessed the relationship between math and art first hand. I found geometric harmony in my bathroom wall’s patterns during each shower and arithmetic harmony in the sequence of my favorite books’ words during each reading session. W&L gives me an excellent opportunity to continue to work with Professor Abrams and discover more novel ways of seeing the world.

I see my W&L experience as being crucial to my development as a wielder of words and science, and what better opportunity to channel my inner Hans-Solo than after a refreshing dinner at Café 77?

What the Essay Did Well

This “Why College?” essay does a great job of establishing the student’s dual interests—that are sometimes considered mutually exclusive—and explaining how Washington and Lee can address both those interests. The use of Star Wars to establish both an interest in science and literature is a very personable and relatable topic to use. The reader can appreciate the child-like wonder and curiosity for science this student had, as well as the mature fascination in how stories are crafted and told.

The student also includes references to specific resources Washington and Lee offers that will further their education in these two topics. The mention of the “Fabry-Perot interferometer at the Science Center” shows that this student has done their research and is excited to study lasers in a hands-on format. Since the student had a previous connection to Washington and Lee, it was also smart to mention that in the essay to demonstrate they have been aware of the college and its faculty for a while.

In the paragraph that discussed previously working with a professor, the essay did a good job of reiterating the connection between math and art. The continued thread running throughout the essay is the unique combination of science and literature this student wants to pursue, and the continued callbacks to this idea remind the reader of the student’s passion. At the end of the essay, the reader is left with a positive impression of a student who doesn’t want to be defined by one thing and wants to learn as much as possible—exactly what any college wants to hear.

What Could Be Improved

There honestly isn’t much that could be improved in this essay. It’s very strong and does a good job of answering the prompt while also revealing a lot about the student.

With that being said, the student could have gone a bit more in depth into describing how Washington and Lee would be beneficial to them. They mention the “Fabry-Perot interferometer” and “Shannon-Clark lectures” but don’t explain what either of those are in detail, or how they would help this student grow and further their interests. Given the word limit, it is understandable that they weren’t able to go into detail, but if they could have explained the significance of these two aspects of the college to their education it would have made the essay even stronger.

Where to Get Your Washington and Lee University  Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Washington and Lee University essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Washington and Lee University’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Why this college short response.

Please describe how you have familiarized yourself with Washington and Lee University and what aspects of W&L‘s community are most exciting to you.

Select-A-Prompt Essay

In 800 words or less, please respond to one of the following:

"To promote literature in this rising empire and to encourage the arts, have ever been amongst the warmest wishes of my heart." (George Washington, 1798, first president of the United States and first major benefactor of Washington and Lee University) Describe a work of art that has influenced you, and discuss the impact it has had on you.

In mathematics, the shortest distance between two points on a flat surface is a straight line. While geometry is predictable, sometimes day-to-day life is not. Reflect on a time when your path was not as simple or direct as anticipated. How did you manage, and what did you learn?

We live in a world in which much of our self-representation is curated online via short-lived social media ‘stories’ and disappearing photos. What photo or other representation of yourself is authentically you? What does it say about your growth into the person you are today and the person you want to become? Please use only the words in your essay to address this question. Do not include photographs or other materials in your answer.

W&L’s Spring Term is a four-week, intensive experience during which students take only one course, allowing for undivided attention to the subject matter. Spring Term courses are known for innovative pedagogy, interdisciplinary scholarship, travel, and fieldwork in diverse settings. If you could design a Spring Term course, what would you propose, and why would you choose to pursue that topic?

In his October 1963, A Talk to Teachers, James Baldwin said “…the whole process of education occurs within a social framework and is designed to perpetuate the aims of society.” Yet, as he aptly notes, “the paradox of education is precisely this – that as one begins to become conscious, one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated."  Baldwin suggests that the purpose of education is to teach us to think for ourselves, to question – and change – the “framework” that we have come to understand and accept. What norms of your home or community have you become conscious of during your time in high school, and how would you like to use that knowledge to make it a better place?

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?

Johnson Scholarship essay

<p>I’ve written my essay for the Johnson Scholarship competition at Washington and Lee, and the deadline for submission is Wednesday. Who wants to read and critique it? I’ll give you some feedback on one of yours/write you a poem/tell your fortune/whatever in return.</p>


<p>The deadline is December 1st, which is Thursday. But if you PM me, I’ll read it. Would you possibly critique my personal essay?</p>

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Washington and Lee Johnson Scholarship

Never been stressed for Decision like this. On.Feb 3 W& L johnson Scholarship will be released. Int'l hanging here, waiting for the best (fingers crossed). If any of us got selected, congrats y'll!!

Updates will be posted after 2:00 EST.

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Tips and strategies for crafting an outstanding scholarship essay.

How to write a scholarship essay

Scholarship essays are an essential part of many scholarship applications. They provide an opportunity for you to showcase your personality, goals, and achievements to scholarship committees. Crafting a winning scholarship essay requires time, effort, and attention to detail. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with tips and strategies to help you write a compelling and successful scholarship essay that sets you apart from the competition.

From understanding the prompt to drafting your essay and polishing the final draft, we will walk you through each step of the process. You will learn how to identify key themes, structure your essay effectively, and highlight your strengths and experiences in a way that resonates with the scholarship committee. Whether you are a high school student applying for a local scholarship or a college student seeking a national award, this guide will equip you with the tools you need to create a standout scholarship essay.

The Importance of Scholarships

Scholarships play a crucial role in helping students achieve their educational goals. They provide financial assistance to deserving individuals who may not have the means to fund their education on their own. This support can make a significant difference in a student’s ability to pursue higher education and achieve their dreams.

Furthermore, scholarships not only alleviate the financial burden on students and their families but also promote academic excellence. By incentivizing students to strive for academic success, scholarships encourage individuals to work hard, stay motivated, and excel in their studies. This can lead to a more educated and skilled workforce, benefiting society as a whole.

In addition, scholarships can open doors to opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach for many students. They can provide access to top-tier universities, prestigious programs, and valuable experiences that can shape a student’s future and career prospects. Scholarships empower individuals to reach their full potential and pursue their passions without the constraints of financial limitations.

Overall, scholarships are not only important for individuals seeking to further their education but also for society as a whole. By investing in scholarships, we invest in the future of education, innovation, and progress. Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their communities and the world, thanks to the support and opportunities provided by scholarships.

Why You Should Apply

Applying for scholarships is a smart and strategic move for students looking to further their education. Here are a few reasons why you should take the time to apply:

  • Financial Support: Scholarships offer a valuable source of funding that can help offset the cost of tuition, books, and other educational expenses.
  • Merit Recognition: Winning a scholarship is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and academic achievements. It can boost your confidence and open up new opportunities.
  • Reduced Debt: By securing scholarships, you can reduce the need for student loans and graduate with less debt, giving you a stronger financial foundation after graduation.
  • Networking Opportunities: Many scholarship programs provide networking opportunities with other scholars, mentors, and industry professionals, helping you build valuable connections for the future.
  • Personal Growth: The process of applying for scholarships forces you to reflect on your goals, achievements, and aspirations, fostering personal growth and self-improvement.

Overall, applying for scholarships is a worthwhile investment in your education and future success. Don’t miss out on the chance to secure the financial support and recognition you deserve!

Benefits of Winning

Winning a scholarship can offer numerous benefits to students, both academically and personally. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Financial Assistance: Scholarships provide financial support for tuition, books, and other educational expenses, reducing the financial burden on students and their families.
  • Recognition and Prestige: Winning a scholarship can enhance a student’s academic resume and demonstrate their merit to future employers and academic institutions.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Scholarships often come with additional opportunities such as internships, networking events, and mentorship programs, which can help students develop their skills and build connections in their field.
  • Increased Confidence: Achieving a scholarship can boost a student’s confidence and motivation, encouraging them to aim higher in their academic and personal goals.
  • Debt Reduction: By receiving a scholarship, students can decrease their reliance on student loans and minimize the amount of debt they accumulate during their education.

Overall, winning a scholarship can have a transformative impact on a student’s educational journey, opening doors to new opportunities and providing valuable support along the way.

Key Elements in Scholarship Essays

Scholarship essays are crucial for securing financial aid for your education. To craft a winning scholarship essay, you must include key elements that showcase your unique qualities and experiences. These elements include:

1. Personal Story: Share a personal story that highlights your values, goals, and aspirations. This will help the scholarship committee get to know you better.

2. Relevance: Make sure your essay is relevant to the scholarship you are applying for. Tailor your essay to fit the requirements and objectives of the scholarship program.

3. Clear Structure: Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use transitions to connect your ideas smoothly.

4. Strong Thesis: Present a strong thesis statement that outlines the main point of your essay. This will guide your writing and keep your essay focused.

5. Unique Voice: Use your unique voice and perspective to stand out from other applicants. Avoid clichés and generic statements.

6. Proofreading: Proofread your essay carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. A polished essay shows your professionalism and attention to detail.

By incorporating these key elements into your scholarship essay, you can increase your chances of winning financial aid for your education.

Understanding the Prompt

One of the most crucial aspects of writing a winning scholarship essay is understanding the prompt. Take your time to carefully read and analyze the prompt provided by the scholarship committee. Pay attention to the key points and requirements outlined in the prompt, such as the essay topic, word limit, formatting guidelines, and any specific questions that need to be addressed.

Create a table or list to break down the prompt into manageable sections. Highlight the main themes or keywords that you should focus on in your essay. By understanding the prompt thoroughly, you can ensure that your essay directly addresses the criteria set by the scholarship committee and increases your chances of success.

Highlighting Your Achievements

When crafting a scholarship essay, it is crucial to highlight your achievements in a way that showcases your skills, talents, and accomplishments. Be sure to emphasize your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service involvement, leadership roles, and any awards or recognition you have received. Use specific examples and anecdotes to demonstrate the impact of your achievements and how they have shaped you as a person. By highlighting your achievements, you can effectively communicate your potential to the scholarship committee and increase your chances of receiving the scholarship.

Tips for Writing a Standout Essay

Tips for Writing a Standout Essay

When it comes to crafting a winning scholarship essay, there are several key tips to keep in mind to ensure your essay stands out from the crowd:

1. Understand the prompt: Make sure you fully understand the essay prompt and what is being asked of you before you start writing.
2. Show, don’t tell: Instead of simply stating your accomplishments, provide specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate your strengths and experiences.
3. Be authentic: Write from the heart and be true to yourself. Admissions committees can tell when an essay is genuine.
4. Stay focused: Stick to the main point and avoid going off on tangents. Your essay should have a clear and concise message.
5. Edit and revise: After writing your essay, make sure to edit and revise it carefully to catch any errors or typos.

Showing Your Unique Voice

When crafting a scholarship essay, it’s important to remember that you are the only person who can truly tell your story. Don’t be afraid to let your personality and voice shine through in your writing. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and show the scholarship committee why you deserve to win.

Whether it’s through a unique storytelling style, a powerful personal anecdote, or a quirky sense of humor, find a way to make your essay memorable and engaging. Your essay should reflect who you are as a person, not just your accomplishments and achievements.

Use your own words and express your ideas in a way that is authentic and genuine. Your unique voice is what will make your essay memorable and resonate with the scholarship committee. Be yourself, and let your personality shine through in every word you write.

Structuring Your Essay Effectively

When it comes to crafting a winning scholarship essay, the structure is just as important as the content. Here are some tips on how to structure your essay effectively:

1. Introduction: Start your essay with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Introduce yourself and provide some background information about your achievements and goals.

2. Body paragraphs: Divide your essay into several paragraphs that each focus on a specific point or idea. Make sure to provide clear examples and evidence to support your arguments.

3. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate why you are the ideal candidate for the scholarship. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

4. Editing: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammar and spelling errors, as well as clarity and coherence in your writing.

By following these tips, you can structure your scholarship essay effectively and increase your chances of winning that coveted award!

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Billie Eilish Fan Scholarship

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We're excited to introduce the Billie Eilish Fan Scholarship, a new opportunity for fans of this groundbreaking artist to share their passion for her music. Billie Eilish has captured the hearts of millions with her unique sound, powerful lyrics, and fearless authenticity. With hits like "bad guy," "ocean eyes," and "Happier Than Ever," Billie has created anthems that resonate deeply with listeners from all walks of life.

This scholarship offers $500 to a fan who feels a strong connection to Billie's music. Whether her songs have helped you through tough times, inspired you to be yourself, or simply brought you joy, we want to hear your story.

We invite students at any education level to apply for this scholarship. The only requirement? You’ve got to be a fan of Billie Eilish!

To apply, tell us your top three Billie Eilish songs and why they resonate with you so deeply. Share your personal connection to her music and how it has made an impact on your life.

What are your top three Billie Eilish songs and why do they resonate with you so deeply?

Explore All Kinds of Scholarships for All Kinds of Students

The application deadline is Aug 30, 2024. Winners will be announced on Aug 31, 2025.

Your privacy is a top priority on the platform, and you can find our privacy policy in full here . You may opt out of communications from at any time, and unless we’ve first notified you and gotten your consent, you’ll never receive communication from any third parties related to personal information you give us.

Award amounts per winner are designated by the donor. Check the award amount for a detailed breakdown.

The winner will be publicly announced on Aug 31, 2025. Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. We will work with donors to review all applications according to the scholarship criteria. Winners will be chosen based on the merit of their application.

Award checks will be sent to the financial aid office of the winner's academic institution or future academic institution in their name to be applied to their tuition, and in the name of their institution (depending on the school's requirements). If the award is for a qualified educational non-tuition expense, we will work with the winner directly to distribute the award and make sure it goes towards qualified expenses.

Before we award the scholarship, the winner will be required to confirm their academic enrollment status. Depending on the circumstances, verification of Student ID and/or their most recent transcript will be required.

If you have any questions about this scholarship or the platform, just email [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.

Yes. The terms and conditions for this scholarship can be found here .

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John R. Alexander Scholars Program

  alexander family matching program.

The Alexander family is generously offering a one-to-one matching gift opportunity in support of the Alexander Scholars Program. The goal is to raise $1.5 million of matching funds to create an additional $3 million for the Scholars Program.

Your consideration of a gift, matched by the Alexander family, is appreciated. There is no better tribute to John R. than to support the education of our country’s future leaders and innovators at Florida Poly.


Applicants Must Possess

  • Exceptional standardized test scores
  • Identifiable innovation aptitude
  • Defined leadership attributes

Application Process

  • Application to Florida Poly
  • Essay with a focus on overcoming obstacles, values, and determination to succeed
  • Selection by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid

Recipients Receive

  • $40,000 over four years (five years as determined through Academic Affairs Office)
  • New laptops for every scholar
  • Dedicated success coach for the program
  • Welcome reception introducing the cohort to the Alexander Family
  • Graduation special recognition
  • Designated social media program
  • Specialized programming
  • Guaranteed acceptance to Florida Polytechnic University's graduate program (for students who meet the meet GPA requirements).
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Heading Current John R. Alexander Scholars
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Engineering Physics | Venice, FL Alexander Gage `24

“Florida Poly means opportunity to me. Florida Poly is also new, and because of this, youthful. This means that unlike other schools, we don't have a reputation to protect, but a reputation to build.  If I apply myself, and I have every intention of doing so, I can be part of this endeavor.”

Engineering Physics | Weston, FL Sebastian Sage `24

“Florida Poly, to me, is a school dedicated to creating extremely intelligent, capable students who are perfectly positioned to both get a job, and then become a leader in their field and shape it for years to come.”

Mechanical Engineering | Lakeland, FL Emma Scott `24  
Engineering Physics | Titusville, FL

Parker Stanley `24

“I am so thankful for the Alexander Scholars Program because it allows me to pursue a degree in Engineering Physics without financial burden, and allows me to be a part of a group of intelligent and wonderful peers. I'm so excited to get to know them better and play a part in building a great university.”
Mechanical Engineering | Estero, FL

Sarah Yenter `24

“I came to Florida Poly for the opportunity to learn from highly skilled individuals and expand on my passion for engineering. This scholarship means so much to me and my family, and allows me to focus solely on my education rather than dividing my attention between work and school.”

Current John R. Alexander Scholars

Aliya Eissa

Aliya Eissa '25

Alexander Gage

Alexander Gage '24

Knoelle Grassi

Knoelle Grassi '26

Catherine Holt

Catherine Holt '26

Noah Kintner

Noah Kintner '24

Oscar Lin

Oscar Lin '26

Gabriella Rodriguez

Gabriella Rodriguez '25

Sebastian Sage

Sebastian Sage '24

Nathanael Sargent

Nathanael Sargent '26

Emma Scott

Emma Scott '24

Brian Tran

Brian Tran '26

Eric Weakley

Eric Weakley '24

Andrew Wernersbach

Andrew Wernersbach '24

About john r. alexander.


John Robert Alexander, of Frostproof, Florida, attended Purdue University on a Naval ROTC Scholarship before transferring to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He graduated in 1958 with a Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance.

Alexander married Sarah Jane Griffin, and began his professional career as a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, before rising to the rank of captain. After serving three years as an active duty Marine and five years in the Marine Corps Reserves, Mr. Alexander launched a highly successful 40-year career working at Ben Hill Griffin, Inc., serving as its CFO before going on to serve as CEO and President of Atlantic Blue, Inc., and ultimately retiring as CEO and chairman of the board of Alico, Inc.

John’s unwavering care for his family, community, and state was an extension of his strong Christian commitment, and this found expression in a host of worthy causes, including his involvement in Florida TaxWatch, Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, Florida Citrus Commission, Rotary International, Farm Credit of Southwest Florida, Floridians for Better Government, Florida Chamber of Commerce, Frostproof Police Retirement Pension, Florida Polytechnic University, and his church of 50 years, First Presbyterian of Frostproof.

johnson scholarship essay

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  • For QuestBridge Applicants
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  • Johnson Scholarship Essay Prompts
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QuestBridge Applicants

Washington and Lee partners with QuestBridge, a national non-profit organization, to assist low-income, high-achieving students with college applications. QuestBridge connects students with admission and scholarships to W&L and 51 other partner colleges and universities. Almost 10 percent of each entering class at W&L is made up of QuestBridge students.

W&L Lexington Virginia

How to Apply

Deadline: September 26

The National College Match Program is an early-admission option in which students rank 15 participating schools in order of preference through one application. 

Match applicants agree to attend the school that ranks highest on their list and accepts them. A student who lists W&L as a preference and is accepted by the university will receive a no-loan financial aid award valued at the full cost of attendance.

Forwarding deadline: December 9

The QuestBridge Regular Decision process enables qualified students to apply to participating colleges, without an application fee, via the school's standard admissions process using a QuestBridge application.

QuestBridge Finalists who don't match at W&L, Non-Finalists, and Non-Participating Finalists are all welcome to apply to W&L after the College Match process if you believe W&L could be a good match for you. Like all students who apply to W&L, QuestBridge affiliated applicants will be awarded financial aid packages that meet 100% of demonstrated financial need.

If you have more questions about applying to W&L after match, please email [email protected] or call the Office of Admissions.

The Johnson Scholarship Program awards scholarships of at least tuition, room and board to approximately 44 students in each entering class. Johnson Scholars also receive additional funding to support summer experiences such as internships, research projects or volunteer experiences. Recipients are selected based on academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and the potential to contribute to the intellectual and civic life of the W&L community.

QuestBridge Finalists are automatically considered for the Johnson Scholarship, provided they forward their QuestBridge application to W&L. If they wish, Finalists may submit the Johnson Scholarship essay in their W&L applicant portal, but it is not required to be considered. Students will gain access to their applicant portal once we receive their forwarded application.

QuestBridge Non-Finalists are invited to apply for the Johnson Scholarship but are not automatically considered. To be considered for the Johnson Scholarship, Non-Finalists must forward their QuestBridge application to W&L and complete the Johnson Scholarship application essay in their applicant portals by January 1. Students will gain access to their applicant portal once we receive their forwarded application.

  • Visit our Johnson Scholarship pages to view the 2024-25 Johnson Scholarship essay prompts .

Apply Today

QuestBridge App Scholarships and Aid The Johnson Scholarship

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Quest Scholars @ W&L

johnson scholarship essay

W&L’s Michelle Morgan ’24 Earns Fulbright to North Macedonia

Morgan was selected for a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to teach English in North Macedonia.

Continue Reading

Darya Phillips &#039;24

Meet Darya Philips ’24

Accounting major Darya Philips ’24 counts her semester abroad as one of the greatest experiences of her life.

johnson scholarship essay

Two W&L Students Selected for Internships with the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty

Jana Hulsey ’25 and Jalen Todd ’25 will work with programs in Washington, D.C. for eight weeks over the summer.

Jerónimo Reyes &#039;21

Finding Ways to Give Back

Jerónimo Reyes '21 says he is so immensely grateful for the gifts in his life, including a QuestBridge scholarship to W&L, that he wants to become a doctor and devote his career to helping others.

Enuma Anekwe-Desincé &#039;22

A Rewarding Experience

Enuma Anekwe-Desince '22 has found her niche at Washington and Lee University through her involvement in the Advanced Immersion and Mentoring Program, leadership roles in student organizations, and work as a research assistant in the sociology and psychology departments.

Julia Hernandez &#039;20

Gateway to the World

Julia Hernandez took a Spring Term class in Ghana and studied abroad in France and Morocco, proving that W&L is a gateway to opportunities all over the globe.

johnson scholarship essay

Learning to Lead

Garrett Clinton '20 says attending W&L is "like being dropped into a pool of opportunities.''

johnson scholarship essay

No Longer a ‘Reluctant Leader’

Truth Iyiewuare '18 looks back at his growth as a member—and then president—of the Student Association for Black Unity at W&L.

Stephanie Williams &#039;18

Breaking Through Financial Barriers

Senior Stephanie Williams '18 says W&L's First-Generation Low-Income Partnership (FLIP) gave her support to overcome obstacles and mentor other low-income students.

johnson scholarship essay

My Taste of W&L

Emily Perszyk ’18 reflects on what W&L has to offer in the classroom and on the court — and how it led to her interest in the study of taste, smell and flavor.

johnson scholarship essay

Starting a Lending Library

Edwin Castellanos '20 created a system that allows students to save money by borrowing donated textbooks.

johnson scholarship essay

‘Be a Changemaker in the World’

Bri Shaw has spent her college career studying how humans work. Now, the senior has some ideas about how the humans at W&L could work better together.


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  2. Learn How to Write a Truly Impressive Scholarship Essay!

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  3. Applying for Johnson Scholarship (Full-Ride Scholarship by W&L)

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  4. Best Scholarship Essay Examples (Winning Tips)

    johnson scholarship essay

  5. Best Scholarship Essay Examples (Winning Tips)

    johnson scholarship essay

  6. Our Leading Scholarship Essay Samples

    johnson scholarship essay


  1. Johnson Scholarship Essay Prompts

    2024-2025 Prompts. The Johnson Scholarship Program awards scholarships of at least tuition, room, and board to approximately 44 students in each entering class. Johnson Scholars also receive up to $10,000 in additional funding to support summer experiences such as internships, research projects, or volunteer experiences.

  2. Application Instructions

    Apply for the Johnson Scholarship Via Common App / Coalition App. Students who wish to be considered for a Johnson Scholarship — or any Washington and Lee merit-based scholarship — must submit a complete Common App or Coalition Application, including the additional Johnson Scholarship application essay, no later than December 1.All Johnson Scholarship application instructions are included ...

  3. The Johnson Scholarship

    Scholarships are awarded to up to 44 incoming students each year (roughly 10% of the first-year class). Johnson Scholarships cover tuition and fees, housing and food, and $10,000 in funding for a summer experience — a grand total of more than $83,000 per year. Students with additional financial need may also see their scholarship amount ...

  4. The Johnson Program in Leadership and Integrity

    The Johnson Scholarship Program was created in 2008 by Rupert H. Johnson Jr. '62 to become a signature feature of Washington and Lee University by attracting to campus students with exceptional academic and personal promise regardless of their financial situation. Students who have the intellect to excel and the selflessness to care should have ...

  5. How to Write the Washington and Lee University Essays 2023-2024

    Step Three. Get writing. The key is to connect the specific and unique features of Washington and Lee to your specific and unique interests, goals, and values. Here are some examples of how this could play out: A student who grew up in poverty, but has worked hard to overcome the system writing about their interest in the Shepherd Program.

  6. Washington & Lee

    REMINDER: For those intending to apply for Washington and Lee's merit-based Johnson Scholarship, your supplemental essay must be submitted by 11:59 PM in your local time zone on December 1. The Johnson Scholarship for Leadership and Integrity provides full tuition, housing, and meals, plus $10,000 in enhancement funds to support travel, research, and internships. Don't miss your chance ...

  7. How to Write the Washington and Lee Essays 2016-2017

    However, applicants who wish to be considered for W&L's merit-based aid must submit a Johnson Scholarship Application essay. Even though the writing supplements (if you are not applying for a Johnson scholarship) are optional, writing answers to these questions can only benefit you, as admissions officers will see your dedication to the ...

  8. How to Write the Washington and Lee Essays 2020-2021: The ...

    Tackling the Johnson Scholarship Essay Prompts. In addition to the admissions application, you will also see the opportunity to apply for the Johnson Scholarship, which pays for college-related expenses, such as room and board and tuition. ... As part of the Johnson Scholarship application process, you can choose to answer one of six prompts ...

  9. Washington and Lee University Essay Example by an ...

    This "Why College?" essay does a great job of establishing the student's dual interests—that are sometimes considered mutually exclusive—and explaining how Washington and Lee can address both those interests. The use of Star Wars to establish both an interest in science and literature is a very personable and relatable topic to use.

  10. Washington and Lee University's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    Option 1. "To promote literature in this rising empire and to encourage the arts, have ever been amongst the warmest wishes of my heart." (George Washington, 1798, first president of the United States and first major benefactor of Washington and Lee University) Describe a work of art that has influenced you, and discuss the impact it has had on ...

  11. Apply

    The Johnson Scholarship essay is required for consideration for the merit award and must be submitted by 11:59 PM in your local time zone on Dec. 1, 2024. ... The Johnson Scholarship is W&L's premier merit-based scholarship, providing full tuition, housing, and meals to up to 10% of each incoming class. Scholarship winners also receive an ...

  12. Johnson Scholarship essay

    College Essays. katmandu0071 November 28, 2011, 12:02pm 1. <p>I've written my essay for the Johnson Scholarship competition at Washington and Lee, and the deadline for submission is Wednesday. Who wants to read and critique it? I'll give you some feedback on one of yours/write you a poem/tell your fortune/whatever in return.</p>. <p>Grazie.</p>.

  13. Washington and Lee Johnson Scholarship : r/ApplyingToCollege

    As far as Ik, 200 finalists are selected and among them about 20 receive the scholarship. I'm not so sure about 20, but I read on their website that 200 finalists are selected. I'm on the same boat as you, and the anxiety is agonizing. I'm not getting in either, because I submitted it way back in November when my application wasn't even that good.

  14. Washington and Lee Johnson Scholarship : r/IntltoUSA

    The common data indicates that 80%+ international people get financial assistance and average financial assistance is 74k USD. I think such a high average would be difficult to achieve without the Johnson. So my conclusion is many international people must be getting Johnson. Reply reply. nahom_338.

  15. Ultimate Guide to Crafting a Winning Scholarship Essay

    To craft a winning scholarship essay, you must include key elements that showcase your unique qualities and experiences. These elements include: 1. Personal Story: Share a personal story that highlights your values, goals, and aspirations. This will help the scholarship committee get to know you better. 2.

  16. Billie Eilish Fan Scholarship

    This scholarship aims to support students who are fans of Billie Eilish and have been impacted by her music. ... Jacob Irven Johnson Memorial Book Scholarship. Isaiah Taylor Last 7 Days. Jacob Irven Johnson Memorial Book Scholarship ... Medical School Scholarships No-Essay Scholarships Scholarships for Black Students High School Scholarships ...

  17. Private Donor Scholarships || St. Petersburg College

    Make checks payable to St. Petersburg College. Scholarship checks may be mailed to: St. Petersburg College, Attn: Scholarships, P.O. Box 13489, St. Petersburg, FL 33733. Checks may also be given to your campus Business Office. Please attach the student recipient's name and SPC ID number, as well as a contact name and phone number for the donor.

  18. Supplemental Application Prompts

    The Johnson Scholarship. The Johnson Program Application Instructions Johnson Scholarship Essay Prompts Request Information; 24-25 Virtual Events; Applicant Portal; Admitted. Confirm Your Enrollment Admitted Students Day Schedule School Counselors. Letter to Counselors College Access Partnerships Contact Us

  19. John R. Alexander Scholars Program

    The Alexander family is generously offering a one-to-one matching gift opportunity in support of the Alexander Scholars Program. The goal is to raise $1.5 million of matching funds to create an additional $3 million for the Scholars Program. Your consideration of a gift, matched by the Alexander family, is appreciated.

  20. 2025 STEM Bold Scholarship and Internship

    P&G is awarding twenty $10,000 scholarships, together with coveted P&G internships, to Attract top talent students in STEM-focused curricula who will bring new perspectives to P&G.

  21. PDF The Australian Experience SCA-UA 9809 or ANTH-UA 9091 or IDSEM-UG ...

    The Redfern Story (Darlene Johnson, ... the focus on policy that dominates the scholarship discussed in Session 6. We also explore ... 'Multiculturalism and the Ungovernable Muslim,' in Essays on Muslims & Multiculturalism, ed. Raimond Gaita, Text, 2011, pp. 155-186.

  22. For Questbridge Applicants

    If they wish, Finalists may submit the Johnson Scholarship essay in their W&L applicant portal, but it is not required to be considered. Students will gain access to their applicant portal once we receive their forwarded application. QuestBridge Non-Finalists are invited to apply for the Johnson Scholarship but are not automatically considered ...

  23. Scholarships || St. Petersburg College Foundation, Inc

    Apply for scholarships. You can donate to the general scholarship fund by making a gift online and selecting the scholarship fund or sending in a check notating SPC Scholarship Fund in the memo. If you are interested in creating an endowed or annual named scholarship, please reach out to Deborah Swink at [email protected] or call 727 ...

  24. Apply for Scholarships || St. Petersburg College Foundation, Inc

    Applications will be accepted from August 12th, 2024 to September 26th, 2024. All materials, including application and reference questionnaire, must be submitted by 5:00pm on September 26th, 2024 to be eligible for Spring 2025 scholarship consideration. Please read the following information carefully before you apply.