Importance of ICT in Education Essay

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ICT: Introduction

Teachers and their role in education, impact of ict in education, use of ict in education, importance of ict to students, works cited.

Information and Communication Technology is among the most indispensable tools that the business world relies on today. Virtually all businesses, in one way or another, rely on technology tools to carry out operations. Other organizations like learning institutions are not left behind technology-wise. ICT is increasingly being employed in contemporary learning institutions to ease the work of students and teachers.

Among the most commendable successes of employing ICT in learning institutions is e-learning, in which the ICT tools are used to access classrooms remotely. This paper explores the importance of the tools of the tools of ICT in education and the roles that these tools have played in making learning better and easier.

Teachers are scholars who have mastered specific subjects that form part of their specialty and help in imparting knowledge to students. Some of the roles that teachers play in academic institutions include designing syllabuses, preparing timetables, preparing for lessons and convening students for lessons, and carrying out continuous assessments on students.

Others include keeping records of academic reports, disciplinary records, and other records related to the activities of students in school, like the participation of students in games and other activities.

In cases where there are limitations such that it is impossible to convene people and resources together for learning. E-learning provides a very important and convenient way of teaching people. In such a case, a teacher provides learning materials and lessons online, which can be accessed by his/her students at their convenience.

The materials can be audio files of recorded classroom lessons, audio-visual files for lessons requiring visual information like practical or even text documents, and hypertext documents (Tinio 1). This method of teaching is also convenient for teachers because they are able to record lessons at their convenience, and the assessment of students involves less documentation.

This is because with the use of the internet, teachers are able to upload assignments and continuous assessments on the e-learning systems, and after students are done with the assignments, they use the system or emails to send their completed assignments to their teachers. This comes with a number of advantages which are brought about by having students complete assignments in soft copies.

One of these advantages is that feedback from teachers will be timely and it will be convenient for the teachers. Teachers can also use technology tools such as plagiarism software to check if students have copied the works of other scholars and thus establish the authenticity of the assignment. It can thus be argued that although e-learning systems have their disadvantages, they are very instrumental in teaching people whose schedules are tight and who may have limitations as far as accessing the classroom is concerned.

Therefore technology has been an influential and essential tool in the career of education, and several innovations have been made that have made teaching a much easier career. The paragraph below discusses other ways in which technology has been employed in the education career.

Teachers can also use the tools of ICT in other functions. One such function is keeping records of student performances and other kinds of records within the academic institution. This can be done by uploading the information to a Management Information System for the school or college, which should have a database for supporting the same. The information can also be stored in soft form in Compact Disks, Hard Drives, Flash Disks, or even Digital Video Disks (Obringer 1).

This ensures that information is properly stored and backed up and also ensures that records are not as bulky as they would have been in the absence of the tools of ICT. Such a system also ensures that information can easily be accessed and also ensures that proper privacy of the data is maintained.

Another way in which teachers can use the tools of ICT to ease their work is by employing tools like projectors for presentations of lessons, iPads for students, computers connected to the internet for communicating to students about continuous assessments, and the like (Higgins 1). This way, the teacher will be able to reduce the paperwork that he /she uses in his/her work, and this is bound to make his/her work easier.

For instance, if the teacher can access a projector, he/she can prepare a presentation of a lesson for his/her students, and this way, he will not have to carry textbooks, notebooks, and the like to the classroom for the lesson. The teacher can also post notes and relevant texts for a given course on the information system for the school or on an interactive website, and thus he/she will have more time for discussions during lessons.

Teachers can also, in consultation with IT specialists, develop real-time systems where students can answer questions related woo what they have learned in class and get automated results through the system (Masie 1).

This will help the students understand the concepts taught in class better, and this way, teachers will have less workload. Such websites will also help teachers to show the students how questions related to their specialty are framed early enough so that students can concentrate on knowledge acquisition during class hours.

This is as opposed to a case where the students remain clueless about the kind of questions they expect in exams and spend most of their time preparing for exams rather than reading extensively to acquire knowledge. ICT can also be sued by teachers to advertise the kind of services they offer in schools and also advertise the books and journals they have written. This can be achieved by using websites for the school or specific teachers or professors.

As evidenced in the discussion above, ICT is a very instrumental tool in education as a career. The specific tools of ICT used in education, as discussed above, include the use of ICT in distance learning, storage of student performance and other relevant information in databases and storage media, and the use of tools of ICT in classroom like projectors, iPads and the like. Since the invention of the internet and the subsequent popularity of computers, a lot of functions of education as a career have been made simpler.

These include the administration of continuous assessments, marking continuous assessments, giving feedback to students, and even checking the originality of the ideas expressed in the assignments and examinations. All in all, the impact that ICT has had in educational institutions is so much that school life without ICT is somehow impossible for people who are accustomed to using ICT.

Higgins, Steve. “Does ICT improve learning and teaching in schools”. 2007. Web.

Masie, Shank. “What is electronic learning?” 2007. Web.

Obringer, Ann. “ How E-Learning Works ”. 2008. Web.

Tinio, Victoria. “ICT in Education”. 2008. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). Importance of ICT in Education.

"Importance of ICT in Education." IvyPanda , 20 Feb. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Importance of ICT in Education'. 20 February.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Importance of ICT in Education." February 20, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Importance of ICT in Education." February 20, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Importance of ICT in Education." February 20, 2019.

conclusion for ict assignment

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7 Describing an ICT system: conclusion

We have arrived at a model of a communication system that illustrates the processes needed for communication. We have also looked at the different kinds of communication link that can be used to convey data, and how to express the rates at which they can convey data. In sections 8–14, we shall be looking at a computer system as an example of an ICT system where data manipulation and storage are the most important features.

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Information and communication technology (ICT) in education

Information and communications technology (ict) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum..

Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.(6) In some contexts, ICT has also become integral to the teaching-learning interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive digital whiteboards, using students’ own smartphones or other devices for learning during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model where students watch lectures at home on the computer and use classroom time for more interactive exercises.

When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society and the workplace.(18)

ICT issues planners must consider include: considering the total cost-benefit equation, supplying and maintaining the requisite infrastructure, and ensuring investments are matched with teacher support and other policies aimed at effective ICT use.(16)

Issues and Discussion

Digital culture and digital literacy: Computer technologies and other aspects of digital culture have changed the ways people live, work, play, and learn, impacting the construction and distribution of knowledge and power around the world.(14) Graduates who are less familiar with digital culture are increasingly at a disadvantage in the national and global economy. Digital literacy—the skills of searching for, discerning, and producing information, as well as the critical use of new media for full participation in society—has thus become an important consideration for curriculum frameworks.(8)

In many countries, digital literacy is being built through the incorporation of information and communication technology (ICT) into schools. Some common educational applications of ICT include:

  • One laptop per child: Less expensive laptops have been designed for use in school on a 1:1 basis with features like lower power consumption, a low cost operating system, and special re-programming and mesh network functions.(42) Despite efforts to reduce costs, however, providing one laptop per child may be too costly for some developing countries.(41)
  • Tablets: Tablets are small personal computers with a touch screen, allowing input without a keyboard or mouse. Inexpensive learning software (“apps”) can be downloaded onto tablets, making them a versatile tool for learning.(7)(25) The most effective apps develop higher order thinking skills and provide creative and individualized options for students to express their understandings.(18)
  • Interactive White Boards or Smart Boards : Interactive white boards allow projected computer images to be displayed, manipulated, dragged, clicked, or copied.(3) Simultaneously, handwritten notes can be taken on the board and saved for later use. Interactive white boards are associated with whole-class instruction rather than student-centred activities.(38) Student engagement is generally higher when ICT is available for student use throughout the classroom.(4)
  • E-readers : E-readers are electronic devices that can hold hundreds of books in digital form, and they are increasingly utilized in the delivery of reading material.(19) Students—both skilled readers and reluctant readers—have had positive responses to the use of e-readers for independent reading.(22) Features of e-readers that can contribute to positive use include their portability and long battery life, response to text, and the ability to define unknown words.(22) Additionally, many classic book titles are available for free in e-book form.
  • Flipped Classrooms: The flipped classroom model, involving lecture and practice at home via computer-guided instruction and interactive learning activities in class, can allow for an expanded curriculum. There is little investigation on the student learning outcomes of flipped classrooms.(5) Student perceptions about flipped classrooms are mixed, but generally positive, as they prefer the cooperative learning activities in class over lecture.(5)(35)

ICT and Teacher Professional Development: Teachers need specific professional development opportunities in order to increase their ability to use ICT for formative learning assessments, individualized instruction, accessing online resources, and for fostering student interaction and collaboration.(15) Such training in ICT should positively impact teachers’ general attitudes towards ICT in the classroom, but it should also provide specific guidance on ICT teaching and learning within each discipline. Without this support, teachers tend to use ICT for skill-based applications, limiting student academic thinking.(32) To sup­port teachers as they change their teaching, it is also essential for education managers, supervisors, teacher educators, and decision makers to be trained in ICT use.(11)

Ensuring benefits of ICT investments: To ensure the investments made in ICT benefit students, additional conditions must be met. School policies need to provide schools with the minimum acceptable infrastructure for ICT, including stable and affordable internet connectivity and security measures such as filters and site blockers. Teacher policies need to target basic ICT literacy skills, ICT use in pedagogical settings, and discipline-specific uses. (21) Successful imple­mentation of ICT requires integration of ICT in the curriculum. Finally, digital content needs to be developed in local languages and reflect local culture. (40) Ongoing technical, human, and organizational supports on all of these issues are needed to ensure access and effective use of ICT. (21)

Resource Constrained Contexts: The total cost of ICT ownership is considerable: training of teachers and administrators, connectivity, technical support, and software, amongst others. (42) When bringing ICT into classrooms, policies should use an incremental pathway, establishing infrastructure and bringing in sustainable and easily upgradable ICT. (16) Schools in some countries have begun allowing students to bring their own mobile technology (such as laptop, tablet, or smartphone) into class rather than providing such tools to all students—an approach called Bring Your Own Device. (1)(27)(34) However, not all families can afford devices or service plans for their children. (30) Schools must ensure all students have equitable access to ICT devices for learning.

Inclusiveness Considerations

Digital Divide: The digital divide refers to disparities of digital media and internet access both within and across countries, as well as the gap between people with and without the digital literacy and skills to utilize media and internet.(23)(26)(31) The digital divide both creates and reinforces socio-economic inequalities of the world’s poorest people. Policies need to intentionally bridge this divide to bring media, internet, and digital literacy to all students, not just those who are easiest to reach.

Minority language groups: Students whose mother tongue is different from the official language of instruction are less likely to have computers and internet connections at home than students from the majority. There is also less material available to them online in their own language, putting them at a disadvantage in comparison to their majority peers who gather information, prepare talks and papers, and communicate more using ICT. (39) Yet ICT tools can also help improve the skills of minority language students—especially in learning the official language of instruction—through features such as automatic speech recognition, the availability of authentic audio-visual materials, and chat functions. (2)(17)

Students with different styles of learning: ICT can provide diverse options for taking in and processing information, making sense of ideas, and expressing learning. Over 87% of students learn best through visual and tactile modalities, and ICT can help these students ‘experience’ the information instead of just reading and hearing it. (20)(37) Mobile devices can also offer programmes (“apps”) that provide extra support to students with special needs, with features such as simplified screens and instructions, consistent placement of menus and control features, graphics combined with text, audio feedback, ability to set pace and level of difficulty, appropriate and unambiguous feedback, and easy error correction. (24)(29)

Plans and policies

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  • impact of ICT teaching ,learning and attainment

Impact of ICT on teaching, learning and attainmentThe impact of ICT for teaching and learning process has become pertinent as it facilitates teaching and learning process, create conducive learning e

Impact of ict on teaching, learning and attainment.

teaching, learning and attainment

teaching, learning and attainment


Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through  telecommunications . It is similar to  Information Technology  (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the  Internet , wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.

Positive Impact on teaching, learning and attainment

For education, the purpose of ICT is generally to familiarise students and teachers with the use and workings of computers, related social and ethical issues. It is generally believed that ICT can empower both teachers and learners. It promotes change to education in 21st century. ICT not only transforms teaching but also the learning processes. The transformation gets to increase learning gains for students that provide learners an opportunity to develop creativity, communication skills, and other thinking skills. Besides, smart solutions for the future including laptop learning, e-learning, smart classrooms, didactic equipment and stimulations is the key to education today. An entire learning environment is needed in which students, teachers, administrators, and parents can easily communicate and collaborate with each other,


As we know, ICT making all schools "smart". That means everyone get different information and knowledge from ICT. For example, when we have difficult in the study, this is the way to search the definition online immediately. Computers are also provided in every area of different country in the schools, colleges or labs. It helps students to get the chance to do assignments or group projects by saving a lot of time. It also increases students' knowledge at the same time. Besides, students who have laptops themselves can bring their machines with them. ICT make everyone comfortable by using it.

Based on the research of internet, training is provided in some of the college in Europe as well as to make students to learn to become more independent in their work. Therefore, ICT is provided for the students to have quick and easy ways in doing research, and to train society. It has a great impact for students to have an easier way for research and information compared to the earlier period. For example for our assignment in the previously, we have to go to the library to collect or gather information. It is not only a waste of our time but also there is a limit to the information we can get. And now, ICT is saving our time in doing the work and there is no limit to the information.

On the other hand, we can have our self-test before the exam. Besides buying the books for exercise, we can get the question from the Internet. It makes students more comfortable to have a test. ICT is also like a learning centre that could help to share ideas and understanding to the students. It teaches us the grammar and improves our English by ourselves. For example, when we are working in pairs and yet by using ICT that students can experience with collaborative learning. ICT represent as the local champions. It supports local needs for the learners which mean social information can be found easily.


In fact, ICT empowers students to engage in the learning process and give them an interest in their personal education. By integrating ICT into the classroom, students have the ability to learn more effectively, collaborate with each other, and explore the world around them. Anytime, anywhere access to internet-based tools is necessary to encourage learning inside the classroom and beyond. For example, students who are always online or having facebook, they will always explore something and share with their friends. It unknowingly makes them more collaborate with each other, However, ICT provided e-learning to the learners. It is a flexible learning to those who are busy in their own things. For example, they have some people working since they are young. They work because of the family financial. Indeed, they are the people who want to work and study at the same time. E-learning is a way for them to study at home. It is useful and benefit for them. Other than that, hints and tips are the best practice for them to share their knowledge and opinion if they have their own ideas.

Today, ICT brings many benefits to the younger generation especially for students. For example, some of the students who work part-time also can find some time to do their College work. In addition, most of the time students like to use word processing from the computer itself. It is also quick and easy to edit their work and improve their presentation by using ICT. For example, we always use computer as the resources to get our work done in a time. Similarly like now, I using Microsoft Word to do my individual assignment. Besides, the Worldwide Web is the only way to have quick and easy access to information on any topic. ICT gives easy access to a world of knowledge and ICT which including quick guide is to learn 'the basic' of how to use the functions or applications. For example, printer is the one machine that will always show us the quick guide before we press start.

Referring to the information from the internet that I know with a range of ICT equipment, it improved the behavior management through better tracking of students. It helps not only to gain in understanding but also analytical skills which include improvements in reading comprehension as well as increase knowledge. For example, we have to read and understand the essay from the web-sites before we choose the article. It improves our understanding by reading. Moreover, ICT unknowingly help students improve in their development of writing skills such as spelling, punctuation, editing and grammar. Students can become more fluent and original in their work. For instance, when we always read the article from the internet, we will get influence by the way the writer writes on the article.

Based on the research of Software and Information Industry Association 2000, students who used educational technology in colleges are more successful because they are more active in learning and in increasing their self-esteem. ICT then enhances and extends the possibilities of learning across the curriculum. Thus, ICT provides more opportunities to show their hard work to audiences or teachers as well as it is within 24 hours. For instance, we always see some students' work on the internet and it actually written by the writer himself. ICT help to show the ability of the students. ICT would be important to their future career or to employment. Students get to gain confidence because they could do things and show things they had not been able to do before, that students could explore more and share more ideas with others.

In fact, ICT also gives educators the opportunity to transform the way learning happens, and enable student development. ICT present a range of tools that teachers or lecturers use to present and display as part of their teaching and help educators interact with students as well as engage them in a more meaningful way. These technological tools can be purposefully designed for education, for example, software or hardware used in the context such as word processors and spreadsheets. Computer tools help students and teachers manipulate complex data-sets. This then provides the context for effective discussion that help to develop subject understanding. ICT is beneficial for teachers to share resources, expertise and advice. It is also easier to plan and prepare lessons and design materials for students. Sometimes, ICT helps teachers to access up-to-date students and school data, anytime anywhere. Teachers can enhance their professional image by using ICT.

From a teaching point of view, teachers used these devices to deliver to a whole class, and could use the digital content effectively that was available to them. Teachers also reported that ICT offered them enhanced resources to support learning through teaching. The levels of interaction, the immediacy and the ability to refresh work, were all indicated as ways in which ICT could enhance the range of teaching approaches taken. In some colleges, teachers were expecting more of the students used ICT- whether this was due to the higher pace in lessons, work being done more quickly.

Negative impact on teaching, learning and attainment


On the other hand, there is some negative effect of the ICT on education. In college, computer is not enough for teachers to make the best use of ICT in the classroom. Based on the research of Sandhoitz, it will take a lot of time in the classroom even up to a year with the support of experienced teams. Teachers always depend on the information that searched from the web. It may make a mistake. Information from the web or internet that mostly came or wrote from personal's opinion. It is not all facts by the way. Teacher who depend more on the ICT do not perform well as a teacher. For example, they may not check through the details of the work that searched from the web.


Students, however, feel lazy to attend the class if they can easily get the study material from the web. It will change their behavior to become more irresponsible. Let's say lecturer give an assignment to the students, they may not understand if they never attend that class. The technological reliability was important and yet the students could respond negatively to a resource, both of teaching and technology. Across the school or colleges, students might not value ICT that spent too much time on presentation needs and copying without reading and understanding. At the same time, students will search the information from the web and caught by "cutting and pasting". Through this type of behavior, reliability of the students will be affected. By then the students will access the internet for other things, for example, facebook, MSN, Yahoo, Twitter and others. While the lecturer having the lesson in front, they will not pay more attention to the lecturer.

Then, it had created severe problems to the students. To those who always play computer games and use instant messaging, they will choose online communication rather than having real life conversation with the teachers. For example, when they are having flu and will not be attending the class or lesson, they might e-mail the lecturer rather than call the teachers. When the problem deteriorates, students will become less confident when they meet outsiders. Furthermore, the students sitting in front of the computer for a long time may cause health problem. Health problem such as stress and eyes strain can affect a student in their education. By then ICT may also created some illegal act such as pornography. Those students who are affected by pornography may suffer in their studies. The students will waste time by using ICT better than study on their work. Overall, the evidence on the impact on attainment of learning through ICT remains inconsistent.


In today's interconnected world, information and communication technology (ICT) is widely used by our nation and it affects our lives everyday. It gives great impact in education for the learners and teachers. ICT has become a key driver in education way as well as it has been identified by a range of important wider benefits of ICT on learning. The positive impact of ICT on students' skills and teamwork are included.

ICT also help student and teacher with activities that are provided in the websites. That kind of activities gives ideas to the teachers in their teaching, so that students enjoy the class. Students learn more independently at the same time. They will take more responsibility for learning process. As seen from the information above, ICT can benefit both strong and weak students with their special needs. By the way, they especially improved the performance in students' English and on writing skills.

ICT is a part of a social system integrating meaningful communication within an education system. We can use it for analyzing the processes, meanings and functions of ICT in education. ICT also provided the research for us when we have to do the assignments. ICT is also one of the tools that have easy communication with others in foreign countries. It saves cost and time.

Schools use ICT to make it easy for both students and teachers of their work. Different information and opinion can be found from the web-sites. In addition, ICT provides wide array of information and effective lessons. That is also easy for students to do their work by using word processing. It makes our projects or assignments more neat and tidy. From the education system point of view, "e-" could mean "enhanced" education rather than "electronic" education. Consequently, ICT has a great impact on society especially on education.

On the other hand, ICT also has a bad impact on education system. Teacher who always show the example of the work from the internet and copy the information, will not show a good example for the students. That may cause the students follow the action of the teacher and start to copy and paste. At the same time, the information and knowledge which come from the internet are not necessary correct. We have to more careful when doing research from the web.

Moreover, it will cause the effect on the students. Students may not be interested in the way teachers teach. They will more focus on the web such as Facebook, MSN, and Twitter. It unknowingly influences their result in the class. It also changes their behavior to the teachers in school.

Students who generally communicate with friends by the ICT will cause a problem when communicating face to face. It not only has an impact on character but also their attitude. Somehow, they will become more rebellious when influenced by the negative material. Today, we can see that have many teenagers use two or three phones. It will cause them not to pay attention in the lesson time.

In conclusion, ICT can give both advantages and disadvantages to education. We have to be careful when using it. Internet, TV, radio and others are the ICT that provide the news and information to us. We can increase our vision when we have it. But, when we are too focused on these things, we may suffer health problems by using them. We have to be wise in using the tools of ICT.

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The aim of this assignment is to discuss the key innovations of the last ten years that have affected education technology. It will also explain the importance of these key innovations for all secondary school teachers, also a summary of education technology best practices, key challenges to these types of best practices faced by real world in secondary schools and challenges and contribution in facilitating and improving students' performance. After discussing the questions above, the conclusion and reference page will be established. Enger (2007:30) states that, educational technology is " the study and ethical practice sof facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources ". Atkinson (2007), also states that, educational technology is " a field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, and designing developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment and learning materials in order to improve teaching and learning ". Therefore, educational technology is the use of both physical hardware and educational theoretics. It encompasses several domains, including learning theory, computer-based training, online learning and where mobile technologies are used. It is important to keep or to know it that the purpose of educational technology also referred to as instructional technology is to improve education. However, education technology is important for all secondary school teachers because secondary school teachers are the drivers of secondary schools. Secondary school teachers have a responsibility to introduce, encourage and help pupils master technology, as well as subjects, as it applies to school and the future. Technology will be used in every aspect of the professional lives of current students, (Enger, 2007:35). Furthermore, by secondary teachers using educational technology, the classroom can be taken anywhere with all the knowledge and resources contained and deliverable on demand on a mobile device, pupils can learn at home or in the field. Mobile technology allows for greater collaboration between students promoting strong foundations in group work. Secondary teachers they have got responsibility of making sure that, pupils or learners are using this technology so that they can have access to any soft copy materials. Mobile technology helps learners a lot.

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Impact of ICT in Education: An Analysis

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  • Golak Bihari Palai 12 &
  • Deepanjali Mishra   ORCID: 12  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 517))

420 Accesses

1 Citations

One day in the month of November, 2019, the world received a major setback when it understood that a new pandemic called COVID-19, or the Novel Coronavirus had taken over to create havoc among the people. It was first started in a wet market of a small province in China. After that it has spread all over the world like a bonfire. Many countries got under its grip, namely USA, South Korea, and Italy where the situation was totally out of control. During the last two years, India suffered huge loss due to COVID-19 in terms of life, property, and other assets. India is the second largest most populous country with 130 crores was highly affected due to COVID-19. Out of all the aspects, education was the worst affected sector. There was no option left but to implement e-learning as a methodology of teaching and learning. It has emerged as one of the major sources of business, like e-commerce, learning methodology, and e-learning. E-learning is a methodology of teaching and learning where the teacher teaches using multimedia, and the learner learns using the digital mode of education. This mode of teaching and learning has indeed brought a revolution in the education process because neither the teacher nor the student needs to be together in one place. There are numerous subjects which can be taught online, ranging from technical to non-technical subjects. Literature is an imitation of fiction or non-fiction. Online could be the best mode of instruction for literature students. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to make an analysis of the implications of e-learning in education, and its implementation to teach literature by the teachers.

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Palai, G.B., Mishra, D. (2023). Impact of ICT in Education: An Analysis. In: Fong, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) ICT Analysis and Applications. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 517. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 06 November 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-19-5223-4

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Information Technology and Ethics/Conclusion

Privacy is a major concern in today's world with respect to our information and its chances of getting breached. Sharing information over the internet will not always ensure privacy as the internet is vast and deeply interconnected. However, we can put efforts into achieving privacy. Data protection comes through laws, policies, principles, and regulations. One such regulation is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), whose primary purpose is to make companies or organizations accountable to users' data and reinforce the control of users on their personal data. GDPR can implement principles on how the user's data should be processed.

Apart from data protection in general terms, privacy plays a vital role in the healthcare industry. Because health care research and security assurance are essentially significant to society, it is a fundamental duty to save patient's data and privileges in order to enhance human health and medicinal services. Another reason for securing the individual's privacy is to build the interest of people to provide their data for clinical research for further study, which can increasingly help in improvising the research process. In return, this becomes more favorable to society in the way of encouraging access to new treatments, upgrading diagnostics, and thus drastically putting irresistible efforts towards forestall diseases. Privacy in health care includes different angles such as physical security this can be personal space, information of individuals, and decisional information.

The success or failure of a financial service firm can depend on how it balances the use of confidential customer information while maintaining privacy. To capitalize on emerging growth opportunities, financial firms need to be flexible in sharing confidential customer data—whether across different departments, affiliated partners, or non-affiliated third parties such as technology or outsourcing firms, while complying with regulations and protecting the company’s reputation. The key lies in this delicate balance between data sharing flexibility and maintaining data privacy.

Kids are often attracted by the lure of online games and social media. Children must be reminded never to share personally identifiable information or financial details with online applications or services and teach them the difference between safe and malicious applications. Popular social media services like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok require users to be at least 13 years old to sign up, however, many underage users still join. The 13 year old age limit comes from the US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. Educate children about the impacts of sharing sensitive details on social media and the risks of interacting with strangers online. If one wishes to monitor your children’s online activity, use parental controls on their device.

Without the cooperation or assistance of social media giants, privacy in social media is not completely achievable because it is entirely dependable on how they modify their settings and policies in the interest of the users' data protection provided with all the laws and regulations placed. Irrespective of how sophisticated or user friendly the platform is made, it is not as powerful as its users because ultimately its revenue is made through the users who are active on these social media platforms, which can be utilized to raise their voices which makes them codependent. Thus with changing times, many advanced technologies are getting invented through which privacy issues can still be persistent. This is a constant battle that can only be controlled through stringent laws and regulations, which includes creating awareness among consumers to champion their own privacy rights.

Privacy in finances is also very important. Whether they are protecting their own financial information, or they work at a financial institution and are protecting others, they have both a legal and ethical responsibility of the utmost importance to maintain. One of the most important things for people to do to keep finances safe is take good care of protecting private credentials. With those credentials, malicious actors can simply pose as someone they're not, and do whatever they want with the financial information they access. Also, if this privacy is violated, organizations with any sort of presence in the EU could face at minimum a €20 million fine.

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    collen njapau. The aim of this assignment is to discuss the key innovations of the last ten years that have affected education technology. It will also explain the importance of these key innovations for all secondary school teachers, also a summary of education technology best practices, key challenges to these types of best practices faced by ...

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