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Royal Institute of Art

phd fine art sweden

  • Announcements

Natasha Marie Llorens on Swedens first Centre of Excellence in Artistic Research

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Interview: Roda Abdalle [MFA ’26]

  • Public program

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Work/Place at Vandalorum 5/6–1/9

phd fine art sweden

Artist talk: Jonathas de Andrade

phd fine art sweden

Artist talk: Selma Selman

phd fine art sweden

Catalogue of the 2024 graduates

phd fine art sweden

World In My Eyes | A series of artist talks in collaboration with Konstfack, Moderna Museet and Stadsmissionen Mötesplats Mariatorget

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Interview: Dev Dhunsi [MFA ‘24] – Tales They Don’t Tell you

phd fine art sweden

Interview: Judit Weegar [MFA ‘24] – The Accent of Coming Steps

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Information on admissions

The Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts offers research studies in the fine and performing arts specialising in fine art, music or theatre, as well as in music education. The programmes are four years in length and lead to a PhD.

Research studies in fine and performing arts are based on artistic knowledge and artistic work. The focus of the studies is on independent artistic work as part of an artistic research project, with the aim of developing knowledge of artistic issues. Music education is an interdisciplinary research field and covers all forms of learning in music.

Research studies are carried out at the Art Academy, the Academy of Music and the Theatre Academy. The faculty is also home to the Inter Arts Centre (IAC) , a meeting place for different art forms, researchers and artists in experimental projects that contribute to an exciting research environment.

Through research studies programmes, research and the Inter Arts Centre, we have established ourselves as one of the leading international research institutions in the fine and performing arts and music education, a position we want to continue to reinforce and expand. The Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts also coordinates Konstnärliga forskarskolan, the national graduate school in the arts, with doctoral students from different fine and performing arts programmes around Sweden.

►Inter Arts Centre ►Konstnärliga forskarskolan

Vacancy announcements

There are a limited number of places for doctoral students in each subject at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts. The current subjects are Music, Music Education, Fine Art and Theatre.

► General syllabi

Vacancies for doctoral students are advertised on the Lund University website, the faculty website and the website of the relevant academy.

► Malmö Art Academy ► Malmö Academy of Music ► Malmö Theatre Academy

The vacancy announcement will specify what is to be included in the application. All applications must include the following:

  • Personal details: name, citizenship, date of birth, address and email address
  • Research plan
  • Appendices such as degree certificates
  • A list of qualifications

The announcement will also indicate the subject, deadline for applications, number of posts and expected start date.

Applications for research studies are to be submitted electronically in accordance with the instructions in the vacancy announcement. Any hard-copy appendices are to be sent by post to the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts.

Entry requirements for research studies

A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle studies if he or she: 1. has been awarded a second-cycle qualification (postgraduate/Master’s) 2. has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second cycle, OR 3. has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad (prior learning). The specific entry requirements are listed in the general syllabus for each research studies subject.

Admissions procedure

Applications are processed by an admissions committee appointed by the department. The committee comprises at least a subject director, a doctoral student representative and possibly a supervisor in the subject.

The admissions committee first assesses whether the candidates meet the entry requirements.

Those candidates who are judged to meet the entry requirements are ranked, and those ranked highest may be called to interview. Selection is performed on the basis of the department’s specialisation and available supervisors, as well as an assessment of the applicants’ ability to profit from the programme. This assessment is to take into account the candidates’ research plan, qualifications, portfolio if applicable, and other documents submitted in accordance with the instructions in the vacancy announcement.

The admissions committee then makes a recommendation for admission with ranked reserves. This recommendation is sent to all applicants, who have two weeks to submit an objection to the proposal. The admissions committee considers and responds to any objections and take these into account in the decision on admission.

Please note: one requirement for admission is that the applicant can be appointed to a doctoral studentship or has an alternative source of funding.

The decision on admission is taken by the Board of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts and all applicants are informed in writing.

Regulations on research studies and admission to research studies can be found in chapters 6 and 7 of the Higher Education Ordinance

► Higher education ordinance

and the Lund University Admission Rules for Doctoral Programmes (LS 2012/719), valid from 1 July 2013.

► Lund University admission ruels for third cycle education ► Admission process for third-cycle studies Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts

Annika Westberg Doctoral education administrator annika [dot] michelsen [at] kanslik [dot] lu [dot] se (annika[dot]westberg[at]kanslik[dot]lu[dot]se) +46 40 32 54 96

Royal Institute of Art

An independent fine arts school in stockholm.

Location : Stockholm

Founded : 1735

Students : 210

Faculty : 39

Website : Royal Institute of Art ↗️

E-mail : [email protected]

Campus location

What is the royal institute of art (ria) best known for.

Our small size creates an intimate atmosphere and allows students a high degree of influence over their studies.

We offer access to one of the best-equipped workshops of any college of art in Europe, and students on the master’s level usually have their own studio space. Our campus is open 24 hours a day, and students who get most inspired late at night can stay in their studios or work in the workshops at all hours.

Despite our small size, we have an international atmosphere with many international lecturers and students.

What kind of programmes does the Royal Institute of Arts offer?

The Royal Institute of Art offers a two-year master’s programme in fine arts taught in English. We also offer a part-time, one-semester course in philosophy in the context of art. Many more courses and programmes are offered in Swedish or a mix of Swedish and English.

What’s the alumni network like?

Many of Sweden’s leading artists have studied here. Alumni can join our alumni network to take part in activities like open lectures, exhibitions, open house events and more.

What are ties to local industry like?

We are beautifully located on an island in the centre of Stockholm, close to cultural institutions like Moderna Museet, the Swedish Center for Architecture and Design, the National Museum and many art galleries.

We invite the public to attend our master students’ solo shows shown throughout the academic year in our gallery next to Moderna Museet. We also arrange a popular spring show each May and take part in the annual Stockholm Music & Arts festival.

  • Explore study programmes at the Royal Institute of Art ↗️

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PhD Students

Our PhD education is based on artistic theory and practice. The reflective and theoretical content of the education is not the goal but a means of artistic development and the emphasis for the studies is on independent artistic development work. We have six doctoral students, all engaged in different artistic practices.

Portrait of a person in yellow shirt

Sven Augustijnen

The proposed aim of my Ph.D. research Archival Procedures, Unresolved Processes: An Anthropophagy of History , is to work on and work through one large and multi-facetted art project that is currently in progress.

In different ways, this project has to do with little-explored fissures within the larger fractures of a modern history that runs from the Second World War and the new political world order that emerged from it, to the birth of Israel and the Palestinian conflict, the Cold War, decolonization and neo-colonization processes, movements of revolution and counterrevolution. While originating in the past, the project resonates in the contemporary global context: Fierté Nationale focuses on the complex material, symbolic and ideological meaning and history of the FAL rifle; how the rifle has been used on both side of the ideological spectrum during the Cold War and through the connections between the Belgian weapon industry based in Wallonia and those in South-Africa and Israel, among other things.

Excavating lost or discarded documents, I develop strategies of presentation that involve practices of unfolding and exposing, montage and juxtaposition, derivation and diversion within my work. The result brings to view ‘the shadow archive’ of established historical representations. 

This working with archival documents, which forms the basis of my work, particularly on colonial and post-colonial spaces, is always combined, or more exactly interwoven, with a practice of working with living individuals. These are men and women with whom I engage in a process of exchange and dialogue.  Through speech and traveling to particular sites in which they are placed in specific situations, these individuals are driven to re-enact situations and complex stories.  These processes, which are documented and staged in my films, posit these live, breathing bodies as ciphers, more than just receptacles of historical events, traumatic or not. One could say that history is written within those bodies. And in working with these individuals, we/they enact something of an anthropophagy of history. That is to say that, as I have observed it, survivors, relatives and witnesses of the revolutions and contra-revolutions that I investigate, viscerally need to interiorise and embody memories, to digest and spit them out again. In this process they work through these memories and transform them in what I like to call, bodily and verbal prayers of and for the living and the death.

Sven Augustijnens profile in Lund University Research portal

Generation Ship Light to the Nations Exhibition view, The Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel

Yael Bartana

Shades of ambiguity.

The core question of my thesis is the role of ambiguity in my work.

  Confronting the discourse on the effect of trauma on contemporary politics, I began to sense that there are limits to the political discourse in which I was hemmed in. I felt that I needed a new strategy to help me explore the subject or talk about it in a different way. That feeling led me to create ambiguity and ambiguities in the images and films I developed and the voice that I wanted to articulate. This was a way to move away from the imprisoning, predictable and very limiting discourse of knowing the answers and knowing the questions.

Through looking into my projects - The Polish Trilogy (2007-2011) and Light to the Nations (2023) - as case studies, I ask whether ambiguity as a method can tackle nationalism, bigotry, extremist tendencies and the construct of national consciousness?

How does ambiguity challenge the Status quo in Israel -Palestine that entrench and fortify the position of the side that benefits from it?   

I use ambiguity as a tool to dive deeper into highlighting the problem of nationalism as Ideology; as a force that gives a sense of community; a sense of belonging, but also as a system of inclusion and exclusion. Shades of Ambiguity can be identified through such modes of irony; satire; temporality; spacing; transgression of symbols; utopian visions; queering; and the separation of form from ideology.

Yael Bartanas profile in Lund University Research Portal

storage room with cardboard boxes

Jürgen Bock

Through the lens of the history of Maumaus, an art institution in Lisbon dedicated to education, curation and production, my aim is to come to a greater understanding of how art and arts education – with their inherent critiques – have shifted over the last 25 years. My research aims to explore to what extent the history of Maumaus can be considered to mirror developments in the wider art world from the 1990s onwards. The project considers whether Maumaus has been able to provide an alternative to an increasingly accelerated world of ‘cultural industries’ or may paradoxically be understood as an institution that has enabled the system it opposes. I consider the specific socioeconomic and political circumstances under which Maumaus has been able to develop, and what such circumstances – encountered and recognised or consciously created – have in turn both enabled and disabled. The PhD is based on a reflexive analytical approach to achieve an in-depth understanding of today’s phenomena within what seems to be an increasingly professional art world that functions under dictates of performance indicators and productivity, based on instrumentalised modes of enquiry and experimentation.

Jürgen Bocks profile in Lund University Research Portal

room with different video screens

Bouchra Khalili

Bouchra Khalili The Hypothesis of a New Community (to Come): Speaking a Collective voice in/from the 1st-personal Singular This Phd research starts from my practice in film and video. Since the early 2000’s, I have devoted myself to the making of works examining through a collaborative method how filmic forms can create a space for subjects rendered invisible by the nation-state model: stateless citizens, individuals forced to cross borders illegally, undocumented workers, 2nd-class citizens from immigrant descent in global north countries. Through my practice, I aim at suggesting forms of belonging freed from the restrictive and normative conceptions of the nation-state model that proceeds by exclusion to define the “right to belong” to a political community.

In all of my film and video works, visual and sonic forms are combined to create a space in which the ones concerned in the first place are represented with and through their own bodies, their own voices, their own words, their own languages - including their native unwritten languages and dialects - their own situated positions (social, political, historical), and eventually their own world views. From the 1st-person singular they formulate a “right to belong” and implicitly convey the hypothesis of a potential new political community to come into being. For this Phd research, and starting from my work and the reflection I have developed with and through it, my Phd research will discuss the following research question: How can film allow us to envision a potential political community starting with and from those who are excluded from the “right to belong”?

Bouchra Khalilis profile in Lund University Research Portal

yellow book with red text on a white background

Jacob Korczynski

My research asks how the activities, associations, and organizing of distribution can be a critical, ethical, and sustainable curatorial practice. In doing so, it acknowledges this mode of collaboration as undertaking two separate but interconnected initiatives: establishing and maintaining a curatorial framework for a group of artists and their distributed works together, and at the same time facilitating the means for their projects to be accessed, executed, and presented across a potentially unlimited number of contexts. This dual approach asks the curatorial questions of who and what enters into distribution alongside the when and where of presentation, which is framed by the overall question: why distribution? My trajectory as a curator which has arrived at this body of research is indebted to extant distribution models initiated by artists. Just as importantly, my research departs from the ongoing histories of those networks in order to situate the artists at the centre of my research outside of a medium-specific approach.

It is important to assert that pursuing distribution as a method of curatorial practice does not simply mean developing an organizational structure that then disseminates extant or upcoming works by artists. Instead it is premised upon the practices of artists who take distribution as material.

Jacob Korczynskis profile in Lund University Research Portal

Two large video screens

Emily Wardill

Emily Wardill's practice spans film, video, sculpture, performance, photography and installation. It has been an ongoing enquiry into the imagined image – what it is, what it has been used for and how it leaves indelible motes and shrapnel behind it. This has taken her from examples of entropy to case studies on risk detailing fires attributed to paranormal activity. It has travelled from psychoanalytical case studies on negative hallucination to memory palaces and their relationship to colourless vision. From stained glass as an early device to communicate with the illiterate right up to the filmic technique of 'day for night' - reversing it to reflect on technological vision, performed gender and imagined utopias.

Wardill’s work has been exhibited at KW, Berlin, Secession, Gulbenkian Project Spaces, SMK , de Appel arts centre, List Centre MIT , The ICA, XYZ Collective Tokyo ,The Biennale of Moving Images Geneva, The Serpentine Gallery,  The Hayward Gallery, MUMOK Vienna; and MOCA, Miami. She has shown in the Berlinalle Forum Expanded and the New York and London Film festivals. Her work was awarded the Jarman Award in 2010, the Leverhulme Award in 2011 and the EMAF award in 2021. She participated in the 54th Venice Biennale and the 19th Sydney Biennale.

Wardill has taught at The University of the Arts Helsinki, University of British Columbia , Central Saint Martins, Academy of Fine Arts Munich, School of the Art Institute Chicago,National Art School Sydney, Städelschule,  Goldsmiths University & the CCA San Francisco.

Emily Wardills profile in Lund University Research Portal

Gertrud Sandqvist

Supervisor Phone: +46 40 32 57 06 Email:  gertrud [dot] sandqvist [at] khm [dot] lu [dot] se (gertrud[dot]sandqvist[at]khm[dot]lu[dot]se)

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29 fine-art PhD positions in Sweden

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  • Chalmers University of Technology 8
  • Stockholm University 6
  • Karolinska Institutet 5
  • Umeå University 3
  • Lulea University of Technology 2
  • SciLifeLab 2
  • Uppsala University 2
  • Linköping University 1
  • Computer Science 11
  • Chemistry 3
  • Medical Sciences 3
  • Mathematics 2
  • Economics 1

PhD position on superconducting quantum computer technology

  Laboratory (QT) within the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2) , working in a large team of PhD students, postdocs and researchers. MC2 hosts a state-of-the- art nanofabrication facility

PhD position in Inverse design in photonics

-of-the- art high -performance computing equipment. Information about the division and the department The Division of Condensed Matter and Materials Theory is comprised of over a dozen enthusiastic researchers

PhD student in Machine Learning

the sustainable companies and societies of the future. Machine Learning Research Laboratory is looking for a doctoral student in the field of machine learning. We offer state-of-the- art resources

PhD student position in localization and sensing for 6G

goals. You will be exposed to the state of the art in terms of wireless integrated communication and sensing, and have the opportunity to be involved in a large international projects with industry

PhD student position on Biotechnology solutions for fungal infections

biotechnology. As a PhD student, you will engage in pioneering research on fungal-based molecules with potential health benefits, supported by state-of-the- art infrastructure and a diverse, multidisciplinary team

PhD student in Molecular Biosciences

Institute (MBW) experimentally addresses fundamental problems in molecular cell biology, integrative biology, and infection and immunobiology. State-of-the art and advanced methodologies are applied in a

PhD Student in Machine learning for radiological precision medicine

for doctoral education . Skills and personal qualities Necessary: Experience with developing, evaluating and explaining state-of-the- art machine -learning algorithms, with a strong focus on deep learning

PhD student in evolutionary biology and palaeontology

tetrapods. This PhD project will focus on using state-of-the- art imaging technologies to access for the first time the bone microanatomy of stem tetrapods in three dimensions and investigate unexplored

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Två personer tittar på konst i HDK-Valands byggnad på Vasagatan i Göteborg.

  • HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design

Independent art is foundational to a free society. Fine Art at HDK-Valand educates tomorrow's artists to critically contribute to the development of both art and society.

As a student of Fine Art at HDK-Valand, you acquire the knowledge to begin a professional life as an artist. Through producing artistic experiments in well-equipped workshops with regular supervision and peer-learning you will develop your artistic abilities. Students will be introduced to practice-oriented and theory-based research skills to strengthen their analytical and contextual skills. Students are encouraged to explore various forms of artistic practices and develop their position on what artistic practice can be and the contributions artists can make to society. Attention is paid to the critique of the public sphere and its relations to art, and of art’s systems including the roles of: institutions, self-organisation, art criticism, curating and exhibition production. The educational offer is informed by research conducted within the Academy by educators, researchers and doctoral candidates. Fine Art at HDK-Valand has played a crucial role in the development of Swedish and international art life for more than 150 years. As part of a large international University and of an institution with related subjects such as film, photography, literary composition, design and crafts, Fine Art at HDK-Valand offers great opportunities to expand your knowledge beyond the subject syllabus. We nurture multiple local, national and international partnerships with other educational and cultural organisations and with communities of practice; and importantly with multiple communities within the city. Through HDK-Valand’s central location in Gothenburg, close to art institutions and galleries, your education will also be integrated with the city's art life.

Programme in Fine Art, taught in English

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Application dates and information.

See all scholarships, grants, programmes and residencies here. Refine your search by selecting your field of art in the list.

Individual artists: As an individual artist, you can apply for work scholarships, project grants, residencies and grants for international exchanges and travel.

Organisations: If you represent an organisation or are self-employed, you can apply for funding through Kulturbryggan’s programmes for Artistic Regeneration, Creative Infrastructure or New Funding Models.

More information about the international residencies and application criteria will be published in English soon, you are welcome to contact us with inquires. Questions in the residency applications are asked and answered in English.

Assistant grant International exchange and travel grant Project grant Residency Working grants and long-term grant

Circus Dance Dance and Circus Film Music Theatre Visual and Applied Arts

PhD Art programs in Sweden

Embedded electronics system design.

Chalmers University of Technology logo

Chalmers University of Technology

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

Interaction Design and Technologies

Industrial design engineering, electronics design.

Mid-Sweden University logo

Mid-Sweden University

Transportation design.

Umea University logo

Umea University


Lund University logo

Lund University

Advanced product design, design, interaction and game technologies.

Blekinge Institute of Technology logo

Blekinge Institute of Technology

Area based transitions, ceramics and glass.

University College of Arts logo

University College of Arts

Interaction design, game design.

Uppsala University logo

Uppsala University

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9 Universities in Sweden offering Fine Art degrees and courses

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Are you looking for Fine Art courses? Here you can find course providers offering full-time, part-time, online or distance learning options.

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Linnaeus University

Umeå university.

THE World Ranking: 401

University of Gothenburg

THE World Ranking: 201

Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design

Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design

Karlstad University

Karlstad University

THE World Ranking: 1001

University of Borås

University of Borås

Lund University

Lund University

THE World Ranking: 106

Royal Institute of Art (KKH)

Royal Institute of Art (KKH)

Luleå University of Technology

Luleå University of Technology

There are more Fine Art courses available in Europe

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How to become phd.

The PhD programme at the Royal Danish Academy's PhD School qualifies PhD students at an international level to undertake independent research, development and teaching assignments in the private and public sectors, for which a broad knowledge of research is a prerequisite. The PhD programme is completed primarily through research under supervision.

phd fine art sweden

If you would like to be a PhD student at the Royal Danish Academy's PhD School, a number of things will be useful to know first.

Enrolment in and completion of the PhD programme at the Royal Danish Academy will be in accordance with applicable regulations in force at any given time for PhD programmes in Denmark, currently this means the Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Artistic Educational Institutions (the PhD Order) from August 2013. 

The programme is prescribed to comprise 180 ECTS credits, corresponding to three years' full-time study. The three years are calculated from the date of enrolment through to the day you submit your thesis. The assessment process is not included in the three years.

If you have acquired corresponding qualifications in some other way, you can apply for a credit transfer, which will shorten your PhD study programme.

The programme includes:

  • Completion of independent research work under supervision
  • Completion of PhD courses or similar study elements totalling approx. 30 ECTS credits
  • Participation in active research environments, including stays at other, primarily foreign, research institutions, with private research enterprises etc.
  • Gaining experience of teaching activities or another form of knowledge dissemination related to the PhD project
  • Completion of a thesis based on the PhD project

Within the first three months of a PhD course, the PhD student is to prepare a PhD plan and get this approved by the PhD Committee. The PhD programme must be completed in accordance with this plan. The PhD plan is to contain, among other things, an overview of the course activities the student intends to participate in, the scope and frequency of the supervision, changes of environment, teaching activities or other forms of knowledge dissemination, and when the student expects to submit his/her PhD thesis.

You can enrol as either a PhD student for a full-time period of three years or as a PhD student part-time for up to a maximum of six years.

You can find notices about PhD fellowships at The Royal Danish Academy, InnovationsFonden – Denmark and The Danish Council for Independent Research here:

Assessment and possible employment of PhD students

Before anyone can start as a PhD student at the Royal Danish Academy, they need to go through an assessment process.

Furthermore, if they are to be employed as a PhD fellow at the Academy, they will also have to go through a separate employment process.

Not all PhD students are employed by the Academy.

Some are employed by private companies, others at a museum or another educational institution, or they may work for e.g. a municipality. Assessment process PhD projects and candidates are assessed on the basis of a project description of max. five standard pages, excluding bibliography and time schedule for the project, the candidate's diplomas and CV, a budget, and any portfolio. The Rector of the Royal Danish Academy appoints an assessment committee following the recommendation of the Director of the PhD School consisting of two to three researchers at associate professor level or above, who will consider the quality of the project, the candidate, and whether this is the right candidate for the right project.

When the assessment committee has assessed the application, the candidate will receive his/her assessment during a hearing. The hearing offers the candidate the opportunity to draw attention to any factual misunderstandings, errors and/or omissions in the assessment basis. Employment process If the candidate is also to be employed at an institute, the Rector of the Royal Danish Academy will appoint an employment committee, consisting as a minimum of the Head of Institute and the closest expert professor / associate professor within the relevant subject area following the recommendation of the Director of the PhD School. Normally, the employment committee will have two or three members. The employment committee will consider qualified applications, if there are more of them, as for instance in connection with an advertisement, as well as any hearing responses. A candidate will be selected and employed under the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, AC, for PhD fellows in public service.

Financing of the PhD project

When a PhD project is to be launched, it can be financed in various ways. Here are a couple of examples of PhD financing models that we currently have experience with at the Royal Danish Academy's PhD School.

The financing models below presume that PhD students complete the PhD programme within the described framework. Should a PhD student need to extend the enrolment period, this may incur additional expenses for the employing institution or the external student.

Fellowship in collaboration with other research, educational or cultural institutions

– Duration normally four years, of which three are full-time on the PhD project. The 'extra' year is used for teaching and/or dissemination related to the PhD project at the place of employment.

– Employment with the partner – the person concerned is usually already an employee before enrolling as a PhD student at the Royal Danish Academy.

– Study place between 18 months and two years at the Royal Danish Academy, and the rest of the time at the partner's.

– Teaching and dissemination conducted both at the Royal Danish Academy and at the partner's by agreement.

Enrolment fee: DKK 45,000

PhD administration: DKK 180,000

PhD courses: DKK 45,000

Supervision: DKK 100,000

Printing and assessment of thesis: DKK 30,000

Operation: DKK 90,000

Workplace etc.: DKK 285,000

Total: DKK 775,000

External student

– No employment

– Study place full-time at the Royal Danish Academy for three years

– Teaching/dissemination 840 hours at the Royal Danish Academy

Workplace etc.: DKK 570,000

Total: DKK 1,050,000

840 hours' teaching: -DKK 252,000

Net total: DKK 798,000  

Guest PhD student

If you wish to be a guest PhD student at the Academy, you need to forward an enrolment letter from your host university and a brief description of your PhD project, your CV and a publication list, if any.

On this basis, we can determine whether there is a research environment at the Royal Danish Academy that can support your project, and whether resources are available for supervision etc.

Guest PhD students are usually enrolled for a period of two to six months and can, as a maximum, be enrolled as guest PhD students for one year.

The annual fee for being enrolled as a guest PhD student is DKK 53,000 (2015 prices).

Submission of thesis without prior enrolment at the PhD School

If you wish to have a PhD thesis assessed without prior enrolment as a PhD student at the Royal Danish Academy, please forward an application.

The application must contain a copy of the thesis.

In addition, you must submit documentation that you have acquired qualifications corresponding to a three-year study course as described in Section 7 of the PhD Order:

– Three years of research activities

– PhD courses corresponding to 30 ECTS credits

– Participation in active research environments

– Experience with teaching activities or other knowledge dissemination

It costs DKK 45,000 to have a thesis assessed without prior enrolment.

The first DKK 5,000 must be paid when submitting the application. This will cover expenses in connection with the preliminary assessment and related administration.

If the Academy finds that the thesis can be accepted for assessment, a further DKK 40,000 must be paid. This amount will cover printing of the thesis, two external assessors and one internal, including travel and stay in connection with the oral defence.


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  1. PhD Programme in Fine Arts

    PhD Programme in Fine Arts. KOKOFK01, 240 credits. På svenska. Malmö Art Academy offers a four-year doctoral program for professional artists and curators. The education is the first of its kind in Sweden and the country's first doctors in fine arts graduated from Malmö Art Academy, Lund University, in 2006. Generation Ship Light to the ...

  2. Doctoral Studies

    The Royal Institute of Art currently has two doctoral students. These candidates work towards a PhD in Visual Art, which results from a documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis) (180 credits). The doctoral student works under the guidance of a main supervisor, who is a professor at the Royal Institute of Art, as well as an external ...

  3. Doctoral education

    PhD students; Dissertations; Research projects; Research Catalogue; Research Seminars; One Day About; ... fine art, craft, design and visual communication and leads to a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Artistic Practice in Visual, Applied and Spatial Arts. ... 126 26 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 450 41 00 Fax: +46 8 450 41 29 Contact us ...

  4. Royal Institute of Art

    The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm offers higher education in Fine Art, architecture and critical studies, alongside opportunities for artistic research. ... 103 26 Stockholm, Sweden +46 (0)8-614 40 00; [email protected]; Contact; Instagram; Facebook; Newsletter; Available Positions; Content overview;

  5. Call for PhD position

    Third-cycle studies is comprised of four years of full-time study and leads to a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts in Performative and Media Based Practices. The education is conducted on SKH's campus and begins January 20, 2025. As a doctoral student, you need to reside in Sweden and participate on site at SKH.

  6. Doctoral Studies: Artistic practices

    The doctoral programme in Artistic Practice is an overarching subject title that includes the different research fields: craft, design, design management, fine art, film, photography, literary composition and poetry and prose . There is an expansive understanding of these practices and we actively support multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary projects that may draw upon more than one genre ...

  7. Home

    Swedish website. Listen. Education To study at KHM Programmes in Fine Art Application programmes Application free standing courses Research PhD Programme in Fine Arts PhD Students About us Organisation and history Facilities Publications Our students Alumn Edstrand Foundation scholarship exhibition Library ...

  8. Information on admissions

    Information on admissions. På svenska. The Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts offers research studies in the fine and performing arts specialising in fine art, music or theatre, as well as in music education. The programmes are four years in length and lead to a PhD. Research studies in fine and performing arts are based on artistic knowledge ...

  9. Scholarships for Fine Arts in Sweden

    1 of 1. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Fine Arts studies in Sweden. Search and apply online today.

  10. Royal Institute of Art

    What kind of programmes does the Royal Institute of Arts offer? The Royal Institute of Art offers a two-year master's programme in fine arts taught in English. We also offer a part-time, one-semester course in philosophy in the context of art. Many more courses and programmes are offered in Swedish or a mix of Swedish and English.

  11. Visual Arts in Sweden: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Visual Arts in Sweden is a great choice, as there are 4 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 32,000 international students choose Sweden for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world. We counted 548 affordable PhD degrees ...

  12. PhD Students

    PhD Students. På svenska. Our PhD education is based on artistic theory and practice. The reflective and theoretical content of the education is not the goal but a means of artistic development and the emphasis for the studies is on independent artistic development work. We have six doctoral students, all engaged in different artistic practices.

  13. 54 fine-arts PhD positions in Sweden

    54 fine-arts PhD positions in Sweden. Filters Search Sort by. relevance listed; Filtered by; Sweden PhD fine-arts Remove All ; Refine Your Search. Listed. Last-3-days 1; Last-30-days 10; Employer. Chalmers University of Technology 15; Stockholm University 12; Karolinska Institutet 9; SciLifeLab 5;

  14. Fine and Performing Arts, Ph.D.

    The Fine and Performing Arts degree at Lund University is four years in length and lead to a PhD. Features . Research studies in fine and performing arts are based on artistic knowledge and artistic work.

  15. Fine Art Sweden PhD Programmes PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    Search Funded Sweden PhD Programmes in Creative Arts & Design, Fine Art in Sweden. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. PhDs ; PhD Opportunities PhDs by discipline PhDs by subject PhDs by country PhD research projects PhD research programmes View all PhD opportunities.

  16. HDK-Valand

    HDK-Valand at the University of Gothenburg, conducts education and research in Design, Film, Photography, Fine Art, Crafts and Literary Composition - as well as teacher education in Visual Arts and Sloyd. We provide highly specialised degree programmes in an outgoing, international environment.

  17. 37 fine-art PhD positions in Sweden

    PhD student in evolutionary biology and palaeontology. tetrapods. This PhD project will focus on using state-of-the- art imaging technologies to access for the first time the bone microanatomy of stem tetrapods in three dimensions and investigate unexplored. Enter an email to receive alerts for fine-art positions.

  18. Fine Art

    Fine Art at HDK-Valand has played a crucial role in the development of Swedish and international art life for more than 150 years. As part of a large international University and of an institution with related subjects such as film, photography, literary composition, design and crafts, Fine Art at HDK-Valand offers great opportunities to expand ...

  19. Scholarships and grants

    See all scholarships, grants, programmes and residencies here. Refine your search by selecting your field of art in the list. Individual artists: As an individual artist, you can apply for work scholarships, project grants, residencies and grants for international exchanges and travel. Organisations: If you represent an organisation or are self-employed, you can apply for funding through ...

  20. StudyQA

    Chalmers University of Technology. Goeteborg, Sweden. Study mode: On campus Languages: English. Foreign: $ 17.3 k / Year (s) Deadline: Jan 15, 2025 201-250 place StudyQA ranking: 4497. Similar programs. Choose an adviser Ask Admissions. Master.

  21. 9 Institutions offering Fine Art Courses In Sweden

    We have pre-applied the filters based on your preferences, you can modify them anytime. 9 Universities in Sweden offering Fine Art degrees and courses. Are you looking for Fine Art courses? Here you can find course providers offering full-time, part-time, online or distance learning options.

  22. Scholarships applicable to PhD at Fine Art

    The scholarships listed below are applicable to students of all nationalities. Please create an account to see personalized results.

  23. How to become PhD

    The programme includes: Within the first three months of a PhD course, the PhD student is to prepare a PhD plan and get this approved by the PhD Committee. The PhD programme must be completed in accordance with this plan. The PhD plan is to contain, among other things, an overview of the course activities the student intends to participate in ...