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Watch This Video Before Starting Your Outsourcing Business Plan PDF!

Checklist for Starting a Outsourcing Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a Outsourcing business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel .

Here’s Your Free Outsourcing Business Plan DOC

Free book for you: how to start a business from scratch (pdf).

Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:


The Mouse Trap

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!”

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.”

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!” The pig sympathized, but said, “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers.”

The mouse turned to the cow and said, “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!” The cow said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry for you, but it’s no skin off my nose.”

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer’s mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house – like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. But his wife’s sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn’t concern you, remember, when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another. Each one of us is a vital thread in another person’s tapestry.

A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning grey?”

The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs grey!”

The child replied innocently: “Now I know why grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.”

Wrong Email Address

A couple planed to go on vacation but the wife was on a business trip so husband went to the destination first and his wife would meet him the next day.

When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick email.

Unfortunately, when typing her email address, he mistyped a letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before.

When the grieving widow checked her email, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint.

At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:

Dearest Wife,

Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.

P.S. Sure is hot down here.

You Will Never Lose Your Value

A popular speaker started off a seminar by holding up a $20 bill. A crowd of 200 had gathered to hear him speak. He asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”

200 hands went up.

He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.” He crumpled the bill up.

He then asked, “Who still wants it?”

All 200 hands were still raised.

“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” Then he dropped the bill on the ground and stomped on it with his shoes.

He picked it up, and showed it to the crowd. The bill was all crumpled and dirty.

“Now who still wants it?”

All the hands still went up.

“My friends, I have just showed you a very important lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.

Many times in our lives, life crumples us and grinds us into the dirt. We make bad decisions or deal with poor circumstances. We feel worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special – Don’t ever forget it!

Today, experts Agree that more businesses face an unstable business environment. Improvements in information processing and telecommunications have made major changes in most businesses. In addition to this, improvements in transportation and the development of foreign economies (specifically in Europe and Asia) have created a global market and surpassed certain businesses. Additionally, as consumers are exposed to more choices, loyalty is becoming less important than it once was; a slightly better price or a temporary lack of inventory can easily result in the loss of customers. Competitors can also alter rapidly, with new ones appearing out of nowhere (often this means another side of the world ). With the instability of the global market, it is vital that you make strategic planning part of your overall company strategy. Proactive Versus Reactive Management. A few decades back, you can set and maintain a business by reacting to and meeting changes in tastes, prices and costs. This reactive type of direction was frequently enough to keep the company going. However, today changes occur fast and come from a number of directions. By the time a reactive supervisor can make the necessary adjustments, they might lose many clients -- possibly for good. Proactive Preparation is the expectation of future events. Decisions are based on forecasts of future conditions of the environment as opposed to responses to several crises as they occur. Proactive planning within an unstable, technology-driven business environment is important to ongoing success in almost any endeavor. Rather than responding to the situation as it changes, proactive preparation requires you to analyze environmental forces and make resource-allocation decisions. By doing this you will take your business where it ought to be in the next month, year and decade. Barry Worth, a consultant specializing in small business management, puts it this way: Today's entrepreneur must be a business proprietor. Anything built in today's business environment must have a step-by-step blueprint or strategy on the best way best to reach success. The blueprint for today's business owner is a business plan. The Need To Get a Strategic Plan. Planning plays a significant role in any business enterprise. It may make the difference between the success or failure of your business. You need to plan carefully before investing your time and effort, especially, your cash in any business venture. The demand for a plan is best exemplified by the following situation -"A Tale of 2 Firms." Two franchises (A and B) were started by individuals who had worked in direction in much bigger companies. While Franchise A supplied a item and Franchise B per service, the outcome of both franchise systems were marketed exclusively in the United States prior to the current owners became more involved. The output of both was readily available in other developed countries as well. The franchises opened about the same time and franchisee had a strong market presence, nor do they present. Today Franchise B is broke. By contrast, Franchise A is selling products in the Midwestern United States and in Europe. What was the Deciding difference in the two franchises' achievement? You probably expect it to be that one had developed a tactical plan and the other had not; however, it is not this easy. Several factors can influence the result of a business venture. There were many similarities between the franchises, but there were also many gaps. Most notably, Franchise A marketed a solution and Franchise B per service (although this doesn't clearly limit choices ). Another difference was that Franchise A had a carefully thought-out plan. The investors understood as they looked to get a franchise partner they wanted to locate a product that could satisfy global markets and a franchiser who'd support that kind of sales effort. These investors were established in the Midwest, but negotiated for exclusive rights to export the franchiser's product. Once they had acquired the franchise, as soon as they started to establish their business domestically, they also began to contact government specialists from the U.S. Department of Commerce as well as teachers and local managers with global experience. Clear plans Were developed outlining how they would position, market and distribute the product and which overseas markets would be targeted first. Even as they had been building sales in a single European market, they had been attending trade shows and preparation entry strategies others. By contrast, The second investor (Franchise B) started his company strictly because he wished to leave a former employer. Of course many small businesses get started this waynonetheless, in this case no investigation of franchising options was done. The business was located in an area which, as it turned out, included virtually no consumers for the kind of support being offered. When this error was accomplished, it had been too late to move--the investor only didn't have the cash or the desire to risk starting again. Other examples Further show the need for strategic planning and for developing a clear business plan. The owner of a business that seemed to be doing quite well in just two places was going to start in a third. The authors have been called in to develop a benefits policy and found cash flow problems that may be found just after operations had begun in the new location. After assessing the situation, a growth and financial plan was developed for the sound locations only. In another case, the authors determined that a company had purchased more equipment than was needed to do the current workload. After careful Analysis, plans to make further purchases were put on hold, along with the equipment available was used efficiently to meet immediate demands. A business Enterprise is to complex to assume that failure to develop a sound organization Plan is going to be the reason behind problems But this failure often counts Among the variables contributing to business issues. As Worth has said, "Being a company entrepreneur now takes constant vigilance to be able to Be able to take advantage of new opportunities and the availability of new Technology and information as they become." The first step in Doing this is to have a plan.

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BPO Company Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » B2B Sector

Are you about starting a BPO company? If YES, here is a complete sample BPO business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a BPO company. We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample BPO service marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for BPO companies. So let’s proceed to the business planning section .

One of the most lucrative businesses for an entrepreneur to start up today is a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). A new BPO company might not be so easy to start up especially as there are already established BPO companies making waves and dominating the scene, however, as a new start-up, one can effectively compete by providing services that would readily fill in the gap.

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A BPO company usually handles certain aspects that relates to a business operation such as call centers, finance, human resources, cleaning services or accounting. BPO companies sprung up due to the fact that businesses needed to outsource their non-core functions in order to be able to concentrate on the core functions of their company, sustain themselves and expand.

Using the services of a BPO company is far cheaper for businesses which make BPO companies to be a highly lucrative business. Another important aspect that you would need to consider before starting your business, is a business plan. It is for this reason that a sample BPO business plan is made available for you below;

A Sample BPO Startup Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has no dominant company with a large share of the market. The industry is valued at $136 billion and has grown at a 4% per annum between the periods of 2010 to 2015. There are more than 162,000 such businesses in the united states of America, employing more than 900,000 people.

The industry fared well from 2010 to 2015 and this is due to the fact that the US economy vastly improved due to the rising revenue especially in the finance and accounting sectors, human resources industries as well as credit card services and insurance sectors.

Also, employers in the above named sectors outsourced to BPOs in order to control rising costs due to wage increases and rising health insurance.

According to analysis, the industry will continue to experience a fair percent of growth till the year 2022, especially as companies in the affected sectors will be pressured to increase wages for their employees as well as healthcare insurance costs.

According to IBISWorld, the BPO industry is in its growth stage and will grow at a rate of 3.9% over the next 10 years to 2022. In comparison, the economy of the United States will not grow that high as it will grow at 2.5%. This therefore depicts that the industry is a growing one.

Globally, the market for BPOs will reach $220 billion by 2022, which will be due to the fact that companies will be pressured to increase customer satisfaction and improve operational efficiency whilst reducing costs to a reasonable level. Te industry’ growth is due to the fact that businesses have realized how important BPOs are and how they help reduce business risks and increase efficiency.

The United States leads the BPO market globally; however, the Asia-Pacific has the fastest growing market with a CAGR of 10%.

While the Philippines are seen as a strong competitor for BPOs globally, India remains the most lucrative destination for BPOs due to its financial attractiveness, availability of people and skills as well as an appropriate business environment.

Globally, the BPO market revenue declined by $15 billion in 2015 compared to the previous year. The revenue globally for the BPO industry therefore stood at $63.5 billion. Europe, Middle East and Africa generated the largest share of revenue for the BPO industry globally.

2. Executive Summary

Citotech BPO LLC is a standard company that will be located in Houston – Texas to serve all our clients here in the United States and abroad. We intend to provide traditional customer care operations and internal business functions to our various clients as a way to help them handle the non-core aspects of their business.

We are in business to generate revenue and make profit here in the United States of America and our vision is to offer high valued service to our clients and ensure that we not only met up with our clients’ expectations but exceed them as well. We also intend to be amongst the top three BPO companies here in the United States of America by 2023.

We are strategically located in Houston – Texas as it will be very easy for our clients to get to us, whilst easily accessible to our employees. Our location also allows us to have low overheads as well as running costs.

Procuring the best equipment with which to handle our business is a must for us so that we could provide our clients with best service. We also intend to build a business structure that will run smoothly and allow us to achieve our desired goals and objectives.

We will hire the right number of employees who are qualified and competent and who have aligned with our vision as a company and are committed to ensuring that we attain the height we intend for our business.

We will ensure that we provide a conducive and work friendly environment for our employees so that they will be able to focus on work. We will also ensure that they get the right training that will not only enhance their skills but boost productivity for us as well.

We will ensure that our employees are well paid and have the best welfare structure across similar start-ups such as ours in the industry. We know how this can boost their work output and so are willing to ensure that they remain motivated.

Finally, our owner Mr. Steve McMahon is a prominent business man and property developer, who has several businesses both here in Texas and all around the United States of America. He has several years of business experience and all his companies are successful in their own right. He has ensured that only the best are brought to work at Citotech BPO LLC.

3. Our Products and Services

Citotech BPO LLC intends to offer traditional customer care operations and internal business functions as its core functions here in Houston – Texas.

However, we also intend to boost our revenues as well by offering other services that are related to our core functions such as trainings and consultancy services. This is so as to make profit, re-invest part of the profits back into our company and boost our bottom line as well. Below are some of the services we intend to offer our various clients;

  • Provision of customer care services to our clients
  • Provision of other outsourcing services such as accounting and finance
  • Consultancy services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to offer high valued service to our clients and ensure that we not only met up with our clients’ expectations but exceed them as well. We also intend to be amongst the top three BPO companies here in the United States of America by 2023.
  • In order to achieve our vision, we intend to ensure that we build a business structure that has committed; professional and highly dedicated employees to allow us attain our goals and objectives. We will also ensure that we get the right equipment that will allow us carry out our job to the highest standard

Our Business Structure

Building the best business structure is very important for us as a business that takes its affairs very seriously and due to this we are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that we hire the best hands that are not only highly qualified but also have the experience to ensure that we are able to attain our desired goals and objectives here at Citotech BPO LLC.

We will be sourcing for highly intelligent individuals who understand what it means to work with a start-up such as ours and ensure that we get to be the preferred BPO company or our clients here in Texas as well as around all the United States of America.

Due to this fact we are going to ensure that the employees we get understand and are aligned with our goals as a company and that our management staff will ensure that our business ethics and standard remains high at all times.

Because we would not be running a conventional BPO company due to the various services that we would be offering, we will be hiring more employees than the average BPO company, to handle all the various responsibilities and tasks so that all the different aspects of the company will run smoothly as one unit, with everyone knowing and understanding their responsibilities.

Below is the business structure we intend to build at Citotech BPO LLC;

Chief Executive Officer

Human Resources and Administrative Manager

Business Development Manager

Infrastructure Manager

Systems Administrator

Frontline Responders

Marketing Executives

Maintenance Department

Security Guard

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • Drafts and formulates the company’s core policies
  • Drafts the budget and sources for capital for the company
  • Reviews policies and removes or modify ineffective ones
  • Sources for and hires competent and qualified employees to work for the company
  • Ensures that all the administrative functions of the company are effectively coordinated
  • In charge of employee welfare package, orientation, induction, performance appraisals and dismissal
  • Carries out research on new businesses ideas in order to generate more source of revenue for the company
  • Reviews company’s services and looks for ways to upgrade the services
  • Works with the marketing executives to determine how corporate sales goals can be achieved
  • In charge of all the IT and security systems in the company
  • Helps to implement updated solutions across all the company’s infrastructure
  • Ensures that company’s data is secure and runs efficiently
  • Responsible for the implementation of a network security plan for the organization
  • Keep up-to-date with changing network technology and how it is likely to affect the company
  • Review software and hardware and recommend upgrades when necessary
  • In charge of preparing all the financial information, statement and budget on behalf of the company
  • Ensures that the company’s tax records are up-to-date and that it is submitted to the tax authorities on time
  • Ensures that the company’s budget is effectively implemented
  • In charge of attending to client’s customers’ inquiries, complaints and feedbacks on behalf of the organization
  • Keeps up-to-date with industry trends of clients and company policies so as to pass accurate information to the client’s customers
  • Ensures that clients are well attended to as well as keep an accurate database of logbooks on behalf of the organization
  • Drafts the right marketing strategies on behalf of the organization
  • Meets with high level clients and conducts direct marketing on behalf of the organization
  • Identify new markets for the company
  • Ensures that the equipment bought are genuine
  • Carries out light repairs on the equipment in the company
  • Installs new equipment and ensures that it works well
  • Patrols the premises at night to ensure that no intruder enters
  • Monitors the surveillance cameras to ensure that the building is secured at all times
  • Carries out any other duties as determined by the management
  • Keeps the premises and convenience clean at all times
  • Ensures that cleaning supplies are always in stock
  • Carries out any other duties as directed by the Human Resources Manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Our intention of starting our own BPO Company is so that we would run a standard business and in order to achieve this, we hired the services of a reputable business consultant here in Texas to look at our business concept and determine if starting this company was the best thing especially as regards the location we are in.

The business consultant was also to help determine if we were going to thrive and compete favorably against our competitors all around the United States of America.

In respect to our request, the business consultant took stock of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and used this to determine if we were likely to survive in the BPO industry. Below is the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Citotech BPO LLC;

We have a strong client relationship management which has allowed us to retain a high number of our clients who outsource several aspects of their business to us and allow us also boost revenue for our company. Part of our strength is the fact that we offer standardized services and deliver processes, resources and tools in an efficient and effective manner.

Our employees are highly competent and qualified and know what it takes to achieve organizational goals. We also have publicity strategies in place that will allow increase awareness for our BPO Company. The various services we offer has also given us an edge over our competitors.

Since we are relatively a new company, we have limited brand presence outside of Texas and this is due to the fact that we are running on a tight budget, which has not allowed us to promote our company as we would have liked. There is also a perceived complexity which has affected our vertical concentration.

  • Opportunities

There are several opportunities in this market and they include the fact that there are enough customer bases to be developed and cultivated. There is also an opportunity for us to gain more markets as we expand our business.

The threats that we are likely to face are; declining or slow revenue growth due to a slow economy or the arrival of a major competitor. Every business faces threats and ours is no different, but we have laid down strategies to overcome any challenges we might face.


  • Market Trends

The BPO industry is very vital to the growth of certain businesses and as such most have developed comfortable relationships that have gone on for decades with their clients. As this relationship grows, these BPO companies are offering their clients consultancy services due to the familiarity with the client’s core business and culture. This is leading to the evolvement of the industry.

A niche of BPOs has started evolving and is known as impact sourcing which is built on the foundation of social responsibility.

The aim of impact sourcing is to deliver quality service at low cost while employing those that were socioeconomically disadvantaged. This is gaining traction as corporations are looking to meet their diversity and social responsibility goals.

Another niche is the knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) where businesses have started to outsource core business services to third parties. This field dwells on tasks that require high research and analytic skills.

8. Our Target Market

There are a huge number of companies (clients) that demand the services of a BPO Company for various reasons. However, in order for us to truly determine our target market, we intend to conduct a thorough market research that will allow us map the necessary strategies in order to attract them to our company.

The aim of the market research we intend to conduct will allow us understand the characteristics of our target market and what to expect from them. In regards to this, we are going to offer our services to the following people;

  • Market operators
  • Consultancy firms
  • Training organizations
  • Telecom and IT companies
  • Cloud providers
  • National regulatory authorities
  • Government and public sector
  • Financial institutions
  • Small and medium enterprises

Our competitive advantage

Our BPO Company is a business that has been established with the intention of offering outsourcing services that are value-added to all our customers. We will offer our services in such a way as to allow us compete favorably against our competitors. We have therefore drafted strategies that would allow us have an edge over our competitors.

We are located in a strategic location that is not only conspicuous but also allow all our employees and clients to easily access us. Our location is one that is also quite cheap enabling us have low overheads that will have an impact on our rates.

We have a highly qualified management team that is not only highly experienced but is also aligned with our core values and objectives.

Our management team are highly committed and dedicated and have the capability of bringing our business to the level we intend for it nationally. All our core objectives are always being communicated and projected positively internally and externally.

We intend to source for and hire employees that are competent and qualified to handle all the responsibilities in our BPO Company. Our employees understand the industry that we are in and use the trends to ensure that we are able to achieve all our goals and objectives.

Finally, we will ensure that our employees are well paid and have the best welfare packages as compared to others in similar start-ups in the same industry.

We will ensure that our employees work in a safe and conducive environment. Our employees will also undergo continuous trainings that will further enhance their skills and also boost productivity for our company and boost the bottom line of our business and allow us grow.


  • Sources of Income

Citotech BPO LLC is established with the sole intention of generating revenue and maximizing profit here in the United States of America. We intend to offer all our clients various services that will bring in this revenue to ensure the sustainability of our business. We therefore intend to generate revenue for our BPO Company via offering the following services;

10. Sales Forecast

The BPO industry is one that is regarded as saturated but regardless of this fact the industry is still has several services that has kept the industry stable and can allow for the influx of more businesses.

We are located in a strategic location here in Houston – Texas which has made it quite possible for us to be optimistic about the revenue we will generate from our BPO Company. We are quite sure that the profits that we will generate from our business will sustain and allow us grow our business within a year of starting and running our operations.

We conducted a thorough evaluation of the BPO industry here in the United States of America that would allow us carry out an accurate sales projection.

The analysis of the sales projections we conducted were gotten from data and information from similar startups that were not only based here in Houston – Texas but all over the United States of America as well. Below is the sales projections that was conducted for Citotech BPO LLC;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $350,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $700,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $1,400,000

N.B : We conducted the above sales projections based on several assumptions and information that were gotten from start-ups here in Texas and the United States of America. Some of the assumptions we used were that the economy would be stable enough and that there would not be an arrival of a major competitor.

It should however be noted that should there be a change in any of the assumptions, it would have a negative or positive impact on the projected figures.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Every business no matter its level requires marketing in order to thrive and this is why we have set aside a budget for marketing our company.

Marketing is vital for the growth of any business because not only does it generate revenue and boost a company’s growth, it also allows the companies generate interest and increase awareness amongst its target market. The marketing strategies we would draft for our BPO Company are ones that would allow us penetrate the target market and gain a huge share.

Before drafting our marketing strategies, we will conduct a thorough marketing survey using accurate data that will allow us understand our target market and create effective marketing strategies.

We will leverage on conventional and unconventional means of marketing our brand to all our existing and potential customers. These marketing strategies we will create will allow us have a marketing budget that we will channel to the right use.

We intend to hire the services of a reputable marketing consultancy firm here in Texas who has the experience that would be needed to move our BPO Company to the level that we want it to be and also allow us effectively compete with our competitors.

The marketing consultancy firm we have engaged will help us draft the right strategies that would be of great benefit to our business and allow us generate the revenue that would boost our business. We have also empowered our marketing executives to also draft the right strategies that should be in line with our corporate policies and goals.

They will modify or remove ineffective strategies so that we don’t waste money using the wrong channels to market our BPO Company. Therefore, the marketing strategies that we would adopt in generating revenue for Citotech BPO Company are;

  • Ensure that we place adverts in local and national newspapers, magazines as well as on radio and television stations
  • Empower our marketing executives to engage in direct marketing
  • Formally introduce our BPO Company to organizations and other stakeholders in the industry as well as in the United States of America
  • Throw an opening party that will generate interest and create awareness for our BPO Company
  • Ensure that our business is listed in online and offline directories
  • Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus in order to market our BPO Company

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Once a business has been set up, it is important that the business is promoted vigorously. Promoting a business is very important as this is the way that not only awareness is created for the business but also revenue is generated from the exposure as well.

The BPO industry which is already termed as a saturated market, will require intense publicity if it intends to stand out from others and generate revenue.

To ensure that we create the right strategies for our BPO Company, we intend to hire the services of a reputable brand consulting company who have had several years of experience in branding companies in this industry and who would know what strategies would be right for our business and promote us positively to our clients.

We will ensure that the crafted strategies will be one that will not only communicate our brand but will also allow our brand stand out. Below are some of the publicity and advertising strategies we intend to use in promoting Citotech BPO LLC;

  • Create a website that is professional and explains what we will be offering our clients
  • Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus to our advantage by posting updates with special information weekly
  • Throw quarterly contests and special offers an use hash tags to make sure our brand trends
  • Attend trade shows and events in order to network, know about new technologies and participate I workshops and presentations that would bring new ideas
  • Join relevant associations in order to have valuable information on industry trends and allow others know about our progress
  • Install billboards in various strategic locations all around Texas

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Due to the fact that we would be offering a service, it might not be so easy to determine how to rightly charge our clients especially as we would be offering various other services in addition to our core service.

We however will deploy the following strategy that will allow us determine what factors we would use in determining the right rates for our clients. Some of the factors we would use are cost of leasing the facility, power costs, property taxes and what our nearby competitors are offering.

However, since we are relatively new to the market, we intend to start off with lowering our rates for at least two months in order to increase awareness about our business and also attract the needed clients to our business. Lowering our rates for the first two months will also allow us gain a sizeable share of our target market.

After a careful study of our proposed discounted rates, we have found that even though our revenue might be low during this period, we would not be running at a loss in any way.

  • Payment Options

Due to the various services that we will offer at Citotech BPO LLC, we will offer different payment services that will suit the different business preferences of our customers. Our payment options will be made to be convenient for our various clients. Therefore, the payment options that we will make available to our different clients are;

  • Payment via check
  • Payment via online payment portal
  • Payment by bank transfer

The above payment options which were carefully chosen by us will work without any sort of hitches for our clients and will also be very convenient for our business as well.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

In order to set-up and run a standard business process outsourcing company, one would require all the equipment that will used to be genuine and be of a high quality so as to be able to withstand the heavy workload that they would be required to carry out.

The bulk of the things that the generated capital would be used on asides from procuring equipment are, leasing and renovation of a facility, paying the salaries of employees and utility bills for at least six months, and ensuring that there is sufficient power.

Therefore the key areas where we intend to spend our start-up capital on are;

  • Total fee for registering Citotech BPO LLC in the United States of America – $750
  • Obtaining of licenses, local permits, legal services as well as accounting and browser-based call center software – $1,250
  • Insurance policy (general liability, equipment insurance, property insurance and workers’ compensation) – $3,000
  • Cost of hiring a business consultant – $2,000
  • Leasing and renovating a 20-seater facility for use for at least a year – $20,000
  • Operational cost for the first 6 months (salaries of employees and payment of utility bills) – $200,000
  • Other start-up expenses which includes (workstations, computers, telephone, office furniture, ventilation, lighting, secure internet) – $25,000
  • Cost of purchasing office supplies (staplers, folders, paperclips, pens, paper, ink and pencils) – $5,000
  • Marketing promotion expenses (general marketing expenses and promotion activities for grand opening ceremony) – $5,000
  • Cost of purchasing an official vehicle – $30,000
  • Cost of launching a website – $1,000
  • Cost of throwing a grand opening party – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $12,000

From the above analysis, we would need an estimate of $310,000 to be able to start and successfully set up a BPO company here in Houston – Texas.

It should be noted that the above capital stated will be used to pay the salaries of employees and utility bills such as electricity and water for at most 6 months. We will also use part of the capital to lease and renovate a 20-seater facility as well as procure the equipment that will be used.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Citotech BPO Business

Citotech BPO LLC, is a business outsourcing company that is owned by Steve McMahon, a prominent business man and property developer, who has several businesses both here in Texas and all around the United States of America. Steve will not be seeking for external investors for his business and so will likely limit his sourcing of income to just two avenues;

The two different areas where Steve McMahon intends to generate capital from are;

  • Generate 40% of capital from sale of some his stock
  • Approach the bank to loan 60% of the capital

N.B : Steve sold some of his personal stock for $124,000 in order to generate the first capital for his business. He approached the bank in request for the sum of $186,000 so as to be able to kick-start his business.

The loan will be repaid in 7 years at the rate of 3% per annum and has already been approved by the management of the bank. All necessary papers have been signed and the Citotech BPO LLC’s account will be credited by the end of the week.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

In order to ensure that we grow our business to an enviable level, we intend to focus on several strategies that would allow us not only thrive but also excel as well. Some of the factors that we intend to focus on are; building a strong business structure, retaining a high rate of our loyal customers and also reinvesting in our business in order to ensure that we remain for as long as we should.

Building a business structure is very vital because not only will it allow us to start and run our BPO company with as few hitches as possible, it also enable us to be able to focus on our core service and achieve our goals more quickly.

We will hire qualified and highly competent employees that do not only have the necessary experience but also are aligned to our core values and are committed to ensuring that we are able to grow from a start-up to becoming a national force that is able to compete favorably with our competitors.

We will ensure that our employees are well trained so that their skills will not only be enhanced but will also ensure that the productivity of our company are enhanced.

We will also ensure that our employees are well paid and have a great welfare package that is better than their counterparts in similar start-ups such as ours. We will also ensure that the environment we will use for our employees is conducive.

We will ensure that we retain a high level of our clients because we know how valuable our clients are to us. Our aim is to ensure that we not only meet with our clients’ expectations but also surpassing them as well. We will offer our customers high quality service that is commensurate with our core policies.

We will ensure that all our loyal customers are rewarded with incentives every once in a while. We also intend to offer contests and other attractive programs in a bid to attract new customers to patronizing our services.

For our business to grow to an enviable standard, we will re-invest 25% of our profits back into the business. This is to ensure that we have a solid bottom line and that our BPO Company is able to run itself without having to sources for funding externally all the time. We intend to focus on these three factors as we believe that we would be able to suitably sustain and grow our business.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – wholesale suppliers / merchants: In Progress
  • Purchase of trucks: Completed


Business Process Outsourcing Plan Template

Business Process Outsourcing Plan Template

What is a Business Process Outsourcing Plan?

A business process outsourcing plan is used to help organizations identify and outsource inefficient business processes in order to reduce operational costs, improve productivity, and increase customer satisfaction. It includes a series of steps and objectives that focus on streamlining processes and automating tasks to achieve desired outcomes.

What's included in this Business Process Outsourcing Plan template?

  • 3 focus areas
  • 6 objectives

Each focus area has its own objectives, projects, and KPIs to ensure that the strategy is comprehensive and effective.

Who is the Business Process Outsourcing Plan template for?

This plan template is perfect for organizations of all sizes and industries to create a plan to outsource their business processes. It can be used to set measurable targets, implement related projects, and optimize business processes to achieve organizational goals.

1. Define clear examples of your focus areas

Focus areas are the major areas of improvement that will be addressed in the outsourcing plan. Examples of focus areas could include optimizing business processes, increasing customer satisfaction, and enhancing collaboration. For each focus area, you should identify objectives and set measurable targets (KPIs) to tackle the objectives.

2. Think about the objectives that could fall under that focus area

Objectives are the specific goals that need to be achieved within the focus area. Examples of objectives could include reducing operational inefficiency, improving productivity, improving response times, and enhancing quality.

3. Set measurable targets (KPIs) to tackle the objective

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable targets that can be used to track and evaluate the progress of the objectives. They should include an initial value, target value, and unit of measurement. Examples of KPIs could include reducing operational costs, increasing productivity by 10%, decreasing response time, and increasing quality score.

4. Implement related projects to achieve the KPIs

Projects, or actions, are the steps identified to help achieve the KPIs. Examples of projects could include outsourcing business processes, utilizing automation, streamlining customer support, and implementing quality assurance.

5. Utilize Cascade Strategy Execution Platform to see faster results from your strategy

Cascade’s Strategy Execution Platform is an easy-to-use solution that provides visibility and transparency into the execution of organizational strategy. With real-time tracking and analytics, you can quickly identify areas of improvement and make decisions that will help you reach your business objectives faster.

  • Sales proposals

Outsourcing Services Proposal Template

Used 5,602 times

Reviewed by Josh Gillespie

e-Sign with PandaDoc

Image 1

Created by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] [Sender.Company] ​

Prepared for:

​ [Client.FirstName] [Client.LastName] [Client.Company] ​

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

About [Sender.Company] ​

Project Details

Mobile iOS App

Custom website.

How We Work

Project Cost and Timeline

Terms and Conditions

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Company: [Sender.Company] ​

Address: [Sender.StreetAddress] [Sender.City] [Sender.State] [Sender.PostalCode] ​

1. Executive Summary

This proposal is following up on the RFP we received from your company. We want to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to provide your company with technology, web design, and support services. We know how challenging it can be to find a partner with the right expertise and skill sets.

Here is an overview of the business proposal and expected deliverables:

​ [Client.Company] requires a service to develop a mobile app, customize its website, and provide backend support to manage user data.

We have the skills and expertise to complete this project within the requested (Number)-week timeline.

The total cost of service is estimated to be (Total.Amount). We break down this estimate in Section Five into the following divisions:

Mobile app: (Total.Amount)

Custom website: (Total.Amount)

This service will be followed by a (Number)-month provisionary period.

2. About [Sender.Company] ​

Image 2

​ [Sender.Company] provides digital software systems and IT support to meet the needs of your business. We handle all integration aspects and ensure your systems work cohesively and seamlessly. We also provide ongoing maintenance and can help with any problems that arise, no matter how big or small.

We’ve helped companies of all sizes design and develop software to make their business more functional. Many of our clients have been with us for years, and our service continues to surpass our competitors.

We’re proud to have served the following forward-thinking companies:

(CompanyOne.Name) – (Short.Testimonial)

(CompanyTwo.Name) – (Short.Testimonial)

(CompanyThree.Name) – (Short.Testimonial)

Adding reviews or quotes from previous clients or inserting an internal link to a testimonies page is a good idea here. This way, you can prove your capability and make the client more likely to choose you above other providers.

We look forward to our partnership with you on this project. If you have questions, contact our Account Manager, ( AccountManager.Name) at [Sender.Phone] or [Sender.Email] . We’re always happy to help in any way possible.

3. Project Details

Below is an overview of the projects we will complete for [Client.Company] . Here, you will find details about the functionality and applications of each.

Image 4

The process for developing and building your app will include the following:

Develop sitemap and wireframe

Create content

Integrate existing digital platforms

Develop the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)


We will also develop the following features for your app:

Profile management

Alerts and updates


Your website will be hosted by (HostingProvider.Name) and will contain the following agreed-upon pages:

Work With Us

Pricing Information

Blog Content and Company News

Links to various legal agreements

Adjust the pages as needed, but try to ensure the wording of each page is the same as it will be in the website headers to ensure it’s clear that you provided each page they asked for.

We will organize an initial planning meeting, after which we will start on the website as agreed upon in our discussion. From there, we will create a wireframe and mockup of the site, which we will give you access to once we finish it. When you approve the site mockup, we will develop, test, and finalize the website. We also provide the essential content and graphics to ensure your site is SEO-optimized.

You can manage and update the website through the administrator’s backend.

4. How We Work

Communication is key to every successful project. That’s why we request that [Client.Company] assigns a single point of contact available during regular business hours. This person must be available to answer questions and speak for your company. This way, we can work without delays and promptly provide you with the finished product.

Our guarantee to you is to keep [Client.Company] informed at each stage of the process. We will share our insights on developing and integrating your mobile app and website.

IT support is provided on an hourly basis. We will also assign a single point of contact who is available to answer questions and solve problems should they arise. This contact person is (AccountManager.Name), and you can use the previously mentioned contact methods to reach them during business hours, (Business.Hours).

5. Project Cost and Timeline

We estimate the total cost of the project will be (Project.Price), barring any changes or updates. We can complete this project within the agreed-upon (Number) -week timeline. Below, we outline the individual costs of each project and its requirements.





Item 1

Description of first item




Item 2

Description of second item



Item 3

Description of third item











Timeline for the Overall Project


Design and planning:


Wireframe website and app:




Development and testing:


Project completion:


6. Terms and Conditions

​ [Sender.Company] agrees to build a mobile iOS app, website, and administrator’s backend for [Client.Company] . The project will take (Number) weeks to complete, with routine updates and check-ins happening during the project period. Be advised that requests for additional features or services could affect both the cost of the project and the timeline.

As such, Parties must communicate any project changes in writing, with both parties understanding the pricing and timeline changes and signing off on these changes. Should the signatures of both parties not be present on the document containing the new changes, pricing, and timeline, then it is not considered a valid change to this outsourcing services proposal.

Regarding payment, (Percentage)% of the total project cost is due upfront on the (Deposit.Date). The remaining amount is due upon completion by the (FinalPayment.Date), or within (Number) days of completing the projects. Payments can be made by (PaymentMethod.One) or by (PaymentMethod.Two). Late payments could also delay the project timeline and might even result in the termination of the agreement.

If [Client.Company] doesn’t make the payments by the required dates listed above, then [Sender.Company] can apply a late fee of (Late.Fee), or delay the completion of project phases. [Sender.Company] will not hand over the final login details and access codes to [Client.Company] until they have settled the total project amount.

Once the [Client.Company] has settled the payment, the website and mobile app will be the intellectual property of [Client.Company] .

​ [Sender.Company]

​ [Client.Company]

​ [Sender.FirstName] ​ [Sender.LastName] ​

​ [Client.FirstName] ​ [Client.LastName] ​

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How To Start Outsourcing Business [PLAN]

  • by Olaoluwa
  • January 16, 2023 August 28, 2024

Here is a business plan for starting an outsourcing business.

Like most new businesses, launching an outsourcing business will present a lot of challenges. Being able to overcome them is where most entrepreneurs find deep satisfaction.

The process begins with writing an outsourcing business plan.

This requires a lot of considerations and deliberations with the end goal being to create a well-written plan that’s easily implementable.


For many business owners, the need to get or attract funding is primary. With a good plan, that is very achievable. Basically, your outsourcing business plan helps reveal the viability of your business idea.

More importantly, your plan serves as a tool to implement your business strategies and also monitor its growth.

Key Sections you must include in your Plan

In a bid to create a great plan, certain points or sections need to be covered. These serve as a framework around which the entire plan is developed.

They include the executive summary section, company or business description, products & services section, as well as the market analysis section.

There are other equally important sections like the strategy & implementation, organization & management, as well as financial plan & projection sections.

With all of these combined, you have an easily implementable sound plan. But what’s contained in these sections? Let’s find out.

i. Executive Summary

This is the first section of the plan in order of arrangement. It’s the section potential investors will want to see before anything else.

It’s called the executive section because it provides a brief overview of your outsourcing business plan. In other words, this section can be referred to as the condensed version of your business plan.

As expected, the executive summary section should be highly summarized with main points such as your outsourcing business name and location, the products and services on offer, mission & vision statements, as well as the specific purpose of the plan.

Let’s discuss these points in brief.

Business Name & Location

You’re expected to have figured out a befitting name for your outsourcing business before writing your plan.

As part of the introduction, a location must also be provided. All of these provide a starting point for readers to follow and to understand more about your business idea.

Products & Services

What type of services and products do you intend on providing?

This is a key detail of your business plan investors will be interested in. Because this is the executive summary section, it’s necessary to avoid getting into all the details as there’s a whole section for it in the main plan.

Mission & Vision Statements

The mission statement for your outsourcing business should clearly state the goal you plan on achieving as a business. In other words, it articulates your business’ purpose by stating the why.

For the vision statement, the current and future objectives of your outsourcing business are brought to the fore.

In basic terms, your vision statement should embody your dream for the business and adopts a long-term perspective.

Specific Purpose of the Plan

Without a specific purpose, your business plan will be deficient.

What do you want your outsourcing business plan to achieve? For some entrepreneurs, the purpose might mainly be for strategic planning while for others, it might be to attract investments or other reasons.

State your purpose for having the plan.

ii. Company Description

A broad look at your business operations is necessary with key areas to be looked at like short and long-term goals as well as how you intend to make a profit.

This detail among several is important to investors. Also, the legal structure you’ll be adopting is important. What more? The company description will require adding a summary of your business’ growth.

Financial or market highlights will need to be part of the details to be added here. Provide a brief history of your outsourcing business as well as the problems you intend to solve through your services and products.

Who are your target clients? Will you be working with suppliers? Include such details included here.

iii. Products & Services

Anyone in the dark about the services and products your business will be about should be enlightened by the information they get from this section.

This will require a detailed description of your services with the main emphasis being customer satisfaction.

If ongoing research and development activities are leading to the development of newer products, such should information should be included here.

What advantage(s) does your outsourcing business have over its competitors?

iv. Market Analysis

An in-depth marketing analysis is required to gain a better understanding of the business.

With such knowledge, you’re able to demonstrate that to your audience by covering key areas of operation such as providing a sketch of your target market segments with demographics where necessary.

To measure up, you’ll need to assess how you stand relative to your competitors by identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

You should also be able to provide marketing data on historical, current, and projected operations through an in-depth analysis of the market.

v. Strategy & Implementation

Marketing and sales are primary determinants of growth for any business.

With the help of an operating plan, provide cost and pricing details of services and products as well as any promotions you intend on embarking.

You want to also state how you intend to reach your target audience and capture a fair share of the market.

vi. Organization & Management

A competent organization and management team must be in place to aid with the smooth running of your outsourcing business.

Under this section, provide an organizational chart that clearly identifies and describes key employees and the departments they occupy.

Who is/are the business owner(s)? You’ll need to go into more detail by providing names, percentage ownership, and level of involvement in the business.

Moving from the business owners, provide the profiles of your management team members.

vii. Financial Plan & Projection

It’s always advisable to seek professional help when putting the financial plan together. This won’t be necessary if you’ve got great accounting skills.

Otherwise, have an accountant help out with details such as the historical financial data, as well as having realistic prospective financial information.

With these sections carefully written and included in your plan, you should be ready to proceed with implementation. You also get the added benefit of attracting funding for your outsourcing business.

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    Business continuity is the ability of a company to continue business operations notwithstanding changes to the company or its trading partners, whether such changes are caused by unforeseen circumstances or otherwise. A wide range of circumstances can impact business continuity. These circumstances can be classified into one of two general ...

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    busines plan for bpo - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is a broad term referring to outsourcing in all fields. A BPO differentiates itself by either putting in new technology or applying existing technology to improve a process. Customer support services include round-the-clock technical ...

  22. (PDF) Outsourcing the Business Services

    the outsourcing contribution to the achiev e-. ment of the business goals; do not ignore the human factor aspects; to have a common vision (customer. supplier) in the success definition; to use ...