Deed of Assignment (for Intellectual Property)

a formal legal document used to transfer all rights

In the realm of intellectual property, a Deed of Assignment is a formal legal document used to transfer all rights, title, and interest in intellectual property from the assignor (original owner) to the assignee (new owner). This is crucial for the correct transfer of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other IP rights. The deed typically requires specific legal formalities, sometimes notarization, to ensure it is legally enforceable.

To be legally effective a deed of assignment must contain:

  • Title of the Document : It should clearly be labeled as a "Deed of Assignment" to identify the nature of the document.
  • Date : The date on which the deed is executed should be clearly mentioned.
  • Parties Involved : Full names and addresses of both the assignor (the party transferring the rights) and the assignee (the party receiving the rights). This identifies the parties to the agreement.
  • Recitals : This section provides the background of the transaction. It typically includes details about the ownership of the assignor and the intention behind the assignment.
  • Definition and Interpretation : Any terms used within the deed that have specific meanings should be clearly defined in this section.
  • Description of the Property or Rights : A detailed description of the property or rights being assigned. For intellectual property, this would include details like patent numbers, trademark registrations , or descriptions of the copyrighted material.
  • Terms of Assignment : This should include the extent of the rights being transferred, any conditions or limitations on the assignment, and any obligations the assignor or assignee must fulfill as part of the agreement.
  • Warranties and Representations : The assignor typically makes certain warranties regarding their ownership of the property and the absence of encumbrances or third-party claims against it.
  • Governing Law : The deed should specify which jurisdiction's laws govern the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.
  • Execution and Witnesses : The deed must be signed by both parties, and depending on jurisdictional requirements, it may also need to be witnessed and possibly notarized.
  • Schedules or Annexures : If there are detailed lists or descriptions (like a list of patent numbers or property descriptions), these are often attached as schedules to the main body of the deed.

Letter of Assignment (for Trademarks and Patents)

Letter of Assignment

This is a less formal document compared to the Deed of Assignment and is often used to record the assignment of rights or licensing of intellectual property on a temporary or limited basis. While it can outline the terms of the assignment, it may not be sufficient for the full transfer of legal title of IP rights. It's more commonly used in situations like assigning the rights to use a copyrighted work or a trademark license.

For example, company X allows company Y to use their trademark for specific products in a specific country for a specific period.  

At the same time, company X can use a Letter of Assignment to transfer a trademark to someone. In this case, it will be similar to the Deed of Assignment. 

Intellectual Property Sales Agreement

Intellectual Property Sales Agreement

An IP Sales Agreement is a detailed contract that stipulates the terms and conditions of the sale of intellectual property. It covers aspects such as the specific rights being sold, payment terms, warranties regarding the ownership and validity of the IP, and any limitations or conditions on the use of the IP. This document is essential in transactions involving the sale of IP assets.

However, clients usually prefer to keep this document confidential and prepare special deeds of assignment or letter of assignment for different countries.

IP Transfer Declaration

IP Transfer Declaration

In the context of intellectual property, a Declaration is often used to assert ownership or the originality of an IP asset. For example, inventors may use declarations in patent applications to declare their invention is original, or authors may use it to assert copyright ownership. It's a formal statement, sometimes required by IP offices or courts.

When assigning a trademark, the Declaration can be a valid document to function as a proof of the transfer. For example, a director of company X declares that the company had sold its Intellectual Property to company Y. 

Merger Document

Merger Document

When companies or entities with significant IP assets merge, an IP Merger Document is used. This document outlines how the intellectual property owned by the merging entities will be combined or managed. It includes details about the transfer, integration, or handling of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and any other intellectual property affected by the merger.

In all these cases, the precise drafting of documents is critical to ensure that IP rights are adequately protected and transferred. Legal advice is often necessary to navigate the complexities of intellectual property laws.

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After a trademark achieves federal registration, ownership of the mark may change hands for a variety of reasons. When a trademark owner transfers their ownership in a particular mark to someone else, it is called an assignment. Generally, for an assignment of a trademark to be valid , the assignment must also include the ‘goodwill’ associated with the mark (goodwill is an intangible asset that refers to the reputation and recognition of the mark among consumers). If the assignment of a trademark includes the mark’s goodwill and is otherwise legal, the assignee gains whatever rights the assignor had in the mark. Importantly, this includes the mark’s priority date, which has implications for protecting the mark from potential infringers going forward.

In contrast, if an assignment of a trademark is made without the mark’s accompanying goodwill, then it is considered an assignment “in gross” — and the assignment is invalid under U.S. law. Courts have analyzed whether an assignment was made in gross in a few different ways, but, as is the case with much of trademark law, protecting customers from deception and confusion is the primary motivation behind any analysis for determining the validity of an assignment.

One way courts determine if an assignment was made in gross is through the substantial similarity test. This test essentially examines whether the assignee is making a product or providing a service that is “substantially similar” to that of the assignor, such that consumers would not be deceived by the assignee’s use of the mark. This analysis includes an assessment of the quality and nature of the goods and services provided under the mark post-assignment.  Thus, even if an assignee is using the mark on the same type of goods, but the goods are of lower quality than the goods previously offered by the assignor under the mark, the assignment could be invalid. However, slight or inconsequential changes to goods and services after an assignment are not likely to invalidate the assignment, as such changes are to be expected and would not thwart consumer expectations.

Decisions on the question of substantial similarity are only marginally instructive, as the  test calls for a fact specific inquiry into what the consuming public has come to expect from the goods or services offered under a given mark. For example, courts have noted that despite similarities in services and goods, “even minor differences can be enough to threaten customer deception.” [1] Instances of products or services that were deemed not substantially similar (and thus resulted in invalid assignments) include: an assignee offering phosphate baking powder instead of alum baking powder; [2] an assignee using the mark on a pepper type beverage instead of a cola type beverage; [3] an assignee producing men’s boots as opposed to women’s boots; [4] an assignee using the mark on beer instead of whiskey; [5] and an assignee selling hi-fidelity consoles instead of audio reproduction equipment. [6]

Conversely, case law has also shown that substantial similarity can be found even when products or services do differ in some aspects, if consumers aren’t likely to be confused. For example, the following product changes did not result in a finding of an invalid assignment: an assignee offering dry cleaning detergent made with a different formula; [7] an assignee using thinner cigarette paper; [8] and an assignee selling a different breed of baby chicks. [9]

Whether goods or services are substantially similar may seem like an easy test to apply, but, as case law demonstrates, this fact-intensive analysis can yield results that look strange in the abstract. Disputes involving the validity of a trademark assignment are decided on a case-by-case basis, using the specific facts at hand to determine if consumer expectations are being met under the new use. Thus, while trademarks acquired through assignment can have significant value (and grant the assignee important rights formerly held by the assignor), assignees should be wary of changes to goods or services under an acquired mark that could be seen as deceiving the public.

[1] Clark & Freeman Corp. v. Heartland Co. Ltd. , 811 F. Supp. 137 (S.D.N.Y. 1993).

[2] Independent Baking Powder Co. v. Boorman , 175 F. 448 (C.C.D.N.J.1910).

[3] Pepsico, Inc. v. Grapette Company , 416 F.2d 285 (8th Cir. 1969).

[4] Clark & Freeman Corp. v. Heartland Co. Ltd. , 811 F. Supp. 137 (S.D.N.Y. 1993).

[5] Atlas Beverage Co. v. Minneapolis Brewing Co. , 113 F.2d 672 (8 Cir. 1940).

[6] H. H. Scott, Inc. v. Annapolis Electroacoustic Corp. , 195 F.Supp. 208 (D.Md.1961).

[7] Glamorene Products Corp. v. Procter & Gamble Co. , 538 F.2d 894 (C.C.P.A. 1976).

[8] Bambu Sales, Inc. v. Sultana Crackers, Inc. , 683 F. Supp. 899 (1988).

[9] Hy-Cross Hatchery, Inc v. Osborne 303 F.2d 947, 950 (C.C.P.A. 1962)

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Understanding a deed of assignment for intellectual property

A deed of transfer is used to change the ownership of intellectual property, a common occurrence in business. Explore how and when to use one.

Find out more about intellectual property basics

trademark deed of assignment

by   Brette Sember, J.D.

Brette is a former attorney and has been a writer and editor for more than 25 years. She is the author of more than 4...


Updated on: November 24, 2023 · 3 min read

Understanding intellectual property in business

How to transfer intellectual property rights in business, what to include in a deed of assignment, registering new ownership, restrictions on intellectual property transfers.

Most companies have intellectual property as part of their assets, including software, product design, or copyright to white papers. Buying or selling such property is done using a document called a deed of assignment.

Illustrations and graphics surrounding the words "Intellectual Property"

A large part of what a business consists of may be tied to intellectual property . It's easy to see physical property a company owns, such as a building, office furniture, or inventory, but intellectual property can be more challenging to identify.

Most businesses have intellectual property, or works created by human minds or, in some cases, by computers. Some examples of intellectual property include architectural drawings, ad campaigns, company or product names, inventions, and source code.

Examples of when transfers of intellectual property might happen include when a company is buying another company, when you are setting up an LLC and want to transfer your intellectual property into the company, or when a business buys product rights from another company or individual.

A deed of assignment can be done in one transaction, instead of one transaction for each item of intellectual property, by transferring all ownership rights of all intellectual property detailed in the deed. The document is signed by both the buyer and seller. No payment is required for it to be valid.

A deed of assignment must be in writing and should include:

  • The names and addresses of the assignor and assignee
  • A description of the program or product for which the rights are being transferred
  • A statement that all intellectual property rights to the property are being transferred
  • Signatures of the parties and the date of the agreement execution

The deed could also include the following sections, where applicable:

  • Consideration, or payment, to be made to the original owner.
  • Warranties, or promises that the intellectual property rights being assigned don't infringe on anyone else's intellectual property rights . For example, in a deed regarding the transfer of a copyright, this section could state that the copyrighted work is original and not owned by someone else.
  • Indemnification, or promise by the seller to reimburse the assignee if there is some problem with title to the property.
  • Future assignments. For example, the agreement could be ongoing, so that anything the assignor creates in the future for this product or program is also transferred to the buyer.

Although a deed of assignment transfers ownership in intellectual property , it does not change the registration of the ownership. The assignee is responsible for handling all registration requirements.

For example, if a patent is transferred via a deed of assignment, the new owner must record the change in ownership with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Similarly, the transfer of a copyright is recorded with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Transfers of intellectual property must comply with U.S. laws. One obvious caveat is that you can't transfer property you don't own. Transfers must also comply with antitrust laws, which are set up to prevent one company from completely dominating an industry.

If intellectual property rights are being transferred overseas, the transfer must comply with Export Administration Regulations and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations , which are designed to protect national security and trade.

The deed of assignment can be a crucial part of a business deal or transaction. You can create a deed of assignment yourself, or you can work with an attorney .

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Trademark Assignment: How to Transfer Trademark Ownership

Trademark assignment agreement

Trademarks are valuable representations of the goodwill of your business that connects a specific product to your brand for your consumers. As your startup or business matures (or if you acquire a company) you will likely need a trademark assignment agreement. This is a type of agreement for transferring ownership that provides a variety of business benefits necessary for protecting purchased or transferred trademark rights.

Table of Contents

What Is Trademark Assignment?

A trademark assignment is the formal process for transferring the ownership of a trademark and the associated rights that ownership provides (e.g., use, licensure, further assignment, etc.). Often, a trademark assignment is part of a larger transaction such as an asset purchase agreement or a corporate reorganization.

When Is the Assignment of Trademark Procedure Necessary?

You will need an assignment of trademark any time you are transferring trademarks permanently. Such transfers can be within a larger corporate structure (e.g., from a parent company to a subsidiary), to a family member (e.g., via an estate administration), or to an outside party via sale.

For situations that don’t involve the owner of the trademark transferring to a new owner, you may consider a trademark licensing agreement. Unlike a trademark assignment, a license does not transfer ownership, and instead, gives the rights commonly associated with ownership. For example, you typically see trademark licensing in the context of franchise agreements, merchandising, endorsement deals, etc.

Here’s How to Transfer Trademark Ownership

The process for transferring a trademark via assignment may vary depending on the context of your situation. Relevant to determining the process will be the nature of the transaction along with the relationship between the assignee and assignor. Your checklist will also vary depending on if you are the buyer or seller of the trademark. That said, you will generally consider the following steps for a complete assignment:

  • Due diligence
  • Determine authority to transfer the trademark
  • Execute trademark assignment agreement (What should be included in a trademark assignment form)
  • Complete ancillary agreements necessary to give effect to trademark transfer
  • Notify the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of change of ownership

1. Due Diligence

Not all trademarks are created equally because of their rights that exist in common law and through statutory law at the state and federal levels. As a result, it’s important to research the trademark status before taking possession. Primarily, you will want to search for its registration number with applicable state and federal agencies (i.e., the USPTO). Having a registered mark improves your ability to enforce against trademark infringement and protect its value after acquisition as part of the goodwill of the business.

2. Determine Authority to Transfer the Trademark

Another integral part of transferring a trademark through an assignment is verifying that the assignor has the authority to transfer the title to the assignee. A Miami trademark lawyer from Cueto Law will be able to help you verify that authority, but you will generally check in two ways. The first will be confirming ownership reflected on trademark registration documents recorded with the USPTO. However, you will also want to confirm that ownership and authority via the business entity organizational documents.

3. Execute Trademark Assignment Agreement

After completing proper due diligence, you will need to execute a trademark assignment agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to provide evidence of the transfer and to allocate rights and obligations among the assignor and assignee.

What Should Be Included in a Trademark Assignment Form?

The contents of your trademark assignment agreement will also depend on the nature of the transaction and the relationship between the original owner and the new owner of the mark. Typically, you will see the following elements with a trademark assignment form contract:

  • Names of the parties and the agreement’s effective date
  • Recitals explaining the circumstance for the trademark transfer (e.g., gift, reorganization, purchase asset agreement, etc.)
  • Consideration for the intellectual property transfer (e.g., value exchanged such as cash, real estate, or other personal property
  • Representations and warranties surrounding past use, current owner, etc.
  • Indemnity surrounding past or future claims related to the use of the trademark
  • Conflict resolution provisions (e.g., mediation, arbitration, governing law, choice of venue, etc.)

4. Complete Ancillary Agreements

As mentioned above, transferring ownership of the trademark is likely part of a larger transaction such as the sale of a company. This fact usually means you will need to complete other contracts and documents for the assignment to be enforceable. To name a few, such documents might include:

  • Asset purchase agreement
  • USPTO forms
  • Assumption of liability agreement
  • Intellectual property licensing agreements
  • Corporate consent resolutions

5. Notify the USPTO of Change of Ownership

Part of a complete assignment of a trademark will require finishing the USPTO application process for a name change on the trademark registration. It’s important to notify the USPTO of the change in ownership and to update contact information for future correspondence related to your trademark. Additionally, maintaining accurate information with the USPTO for your registered trademark is necessary for protecting your trademark rights against infringement, dilution, and other legal issues.

What Are the Implications if a Trademark Transfer Is Not Done Properly?

Failing to properly transfer a trademark from one party to another can lead to exposure and create unnecessary risk. Most of the consequences stem from the fact that improper trademark transfers create confusion about who actually owns the mark. If uncertainty exists about proper ownership, it can make it more difficult to enforce your trademark rights and protect against future trademark infringement or track trademark infringement statute of limitations .

When it appears multiple parties have rights to a trademark, it can also create a risk of trademark dilution (i.e., its use becomes more in the public domain, weakening its proprietary value). As a final point, trademark transfers are usually part of a broader transaction, and failing to properly execute the assignment may jeopardize the success of the whole transaction or, at the least, substantially add to the closing costs.

As detailed above, a trademark assignment form should provide all of the information surrounding the transfer (e.g., party names, effective date, value transferred, warranties, etc.). Additionally, the assignment should provide for more general contract terms related to termination rights, conflict resolution methods, indemnities, and necessary cross-references with any simultaneously entered into agreements.

Need Help with a Trademark Assignment Agreement?

If you are in the process of buying, selling, or otherwise transferring a trademark, then a trademark assignment agreement will be a key document for establishing and protecting those trademark rights. The trademark attorneys at our firm help clients draft and negotiate these agreements along with related legal advice and services such as representations in front of the USPTO.

Contact Cueto Law Group today to properly transfer ownership of a trademark.

Trademark Assignment Template Sample

Below are a PDF and Word version of a trademark consent agreement template that you can review as a trademark assignment agreement sample. As a reminder, these are just sample forms and further modification is likely necessary to meet any particular assignment needs.

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Key Takeaways on How to Transfer a Trademark

When transferring a trademark, two fundamentals will be essential for increasing the chances of a smooth transition. The first is having sound documentation and contracts (i.e., an assignment agreement) in place between the assignor and assignee. The second is confirming that all applications and registrations with the USPTO accurately reflect that new proprietorship.

Can You Use an Asset Purchase Agreement in Place of a Trademark Transfer Agreement?

Depending on the complexity of the sale, you may be able to incorporate a trademark assignment into an asset purchase agreement (APA) rather than using a separate trademark transfer agreement. Generally, APAs are much more complex documents, and an assignment agreement is a better vehicle for transferring titles.

How Do I Submit a Trademark Assignment to USPTO?

The USPTO has an Electronic Trademark Assignment System (ETAS) where you can submit and record the transfer of the trademark or simply update name change in ownership (e.g., if you recently married or divorced). Alternatively, you can submit the information via mail using a Recordation Form Cover Sheet.

Do Patent Assignments Need to Be Recorded?

Yes, recording a patent assignment with the USPTO is recommended and sometimes necessary for many of the same reasons why recording a trademark assignment is worthwhile. You can record a patent assignment through a similar USPTO system as you would for a trademark, known as the Electronic Patent Assignment System.

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Trademark Assignment

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Trademark Assignment

A Trademark Assignment is a document used when one person owns a registered trademark (like a brand name or logo ) and wishes to transfer the ownership of that trademark to another person. Written Trademark Assignments are important, as it's best for both parties to have a memorialized record of the assignment.

Trademark Assignments allow the easy transfer of the mark. They contain all the information needed to record the assignment with the United States Patent Office (USPTO) . Recordation with the USPTO is necessary for all registered trademarks that are being transferred, and it is a good way to ensure everything flows smoothly with the assignment.

This is different than a Licensing Agreement , as here, the entirety of the mark is being transferred to a new party. In a Licensing Agreement, the mark still belongs to the original owner, but the other party pays royalties for permission to use it.

This is also slightly different than an Intellectual Property Release . Although that form could be used for a trademark, generally it is used for copyrighted material, like works of art or pieces of music. In that case, payment is not made and instead, the copyrighted works are simply "released," or given, to another party.

This document can also be distinguished from an Intellectual Property Permission Letter , as there, one party is writing to request permission to use the intellectual property of another. A Licensing Agreement or Intellectual Property Release or even Trademark Assignment could come after the Intellectual Property Permission Letter, but that is not a formal legal document, and is instead, a template for a letter to be used to have the initial conversation about intellectual property use.

How to use this document

This document can be used to transfer the ownership of an existing trademark or when an individual would like an existing trademark transferred to them, as long as the owner agrees. It should be used when both parties understand that the trademark will be completely assigned (in other words, this is not a license, as noted above, and no royalties will be due after the assignment) and wish to create a record of their agreement.

This document will allow the parties to fill in details of the mark to be transferred, as well as ensure that everything needed for recordation with the USPTO is present. Either party - either the person assigning the trademark or the person receiving the trademark - can fill out this form.

Once the form is complete, the parties can undertake the following steps:

1) Sign and execute the form in front of a notary (both parties)

2) Have the notarization completed

3) Record the Trademark Assignment with the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Applicable law

Trademark Assignments are related to the trademark law of the United States, which is covered by a federal statute called the Lanham Act. The section of the Lanham Act specifically referring to assignments is 15 U.S.C. § 1060(a).

How to modify the template:

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

A guide to help you: How to Register A Trademark

Trademark Assignment - FREE - Template - Word & PDF

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  • Intellectual Property Release Form
  • Intellectual Property Cease and Desist Letter
  • Model Release Form
  • Personal Data Deletion Request
  • Licensing Agreement
  • Influencer Agreement
  • Online Advertising Agreement
  • Online Sponsorship Agreement
  • Website or Mobile Disclaimer
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  • Affiliate Agreement
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US Trademark Attorney

Morris E. Turek | (314) 749-4059 | [email protected]


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Home > Trademark Blog > Trademark Assignment > What is a Trademark Assignment? How Do I Assign Trademark Rights?

What is a Trademark Assignment? How Do I Assign Trademark Rights?

trademark assignment

A trademark assignment (which is different than a trademark license ) is simply the transfer of ownership of a trademark from one person or entity to another.  In order for an assignment to be valid and enforceable, it must include the underlying goodwill associated with the trademark, or in other words, the recognition the trademark has with the public.  Otherwise, the transfer of ownership will be considered an assignment in gross and the trademark may be deemed abandoned by the parties and all rights could be lost forever.

The Trademark Assignment Should Be in Writing

Although an assignment need not be in writing to be effective, it’s strongly recommended that it be in the form of a written document signed by both the assignor and the assignee.  In the event the parties fail to memorialize the trademark assignment in writing at the time of an oral assignment, they can later prepare what’s called a nunc pro tunc assignment.  This type of assignment is similar to an ordinary assignment of trademark rights, but instead of it being effective on the date it’s executed (which could be years after the trademark was orally assigned), it’s considered effective from the date the oral assignment was made.

Recording a Trademark Assignment

If the trademark being transferred is the subject of an existing US trademark registration or pending trademark application, the assignment should be recorded with the Assignment Services Division of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  This should be done electronically using the USPTO’s Assignment Center System .  You must complete the online form, upload the assignment, and pay the government filing fees (which are quite minimal).  It’s important to promptly record the assignment so that the USPTO records remain accurate and so that the public is put on notice as to the rightful owner of the trademark.  In addition, a trademark registration renewal cannot be filed in the name of the new owner unless the assignment has been recorded with the USPTO.

Be Very Careful…

Although a pending trademark application may be assigned prior to maturing into a trademark registration, you may not assign a trademark application filed under Section 1(b) ( intent to use ) until the trademark itself is in use in commerce , meaning that there’s an existing and ongoing business related to the mark.  If an intent-to-use application is prematurely assigned, any resulting trademark registration will be considered void and subject to a trademark opposition or trademark cancellation .

Need Help Preparing or Recording a Trademark Assignment?

In conclusion, there are many pitfalls that must be avoided when making an assignment of trademark rights in order to ensure that the transfer of ownership is valid, legal, and binding.

I’m experienced US trademark attorney Morris Turek.  If you have any questions about trademark assignments, the assignment of trademark rights, or maybe need some assistance from a skilled trademark attorney with preparing and recording a trademark assignment, please contact me for your free consultation at (314) 749-4059 , via email at [email protected] , or through my contact form located below.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Assignment and Transmission of Trademark

  • Intellectual Property Rights Subject-wise Law Notes
  • Aishwarya Agrawal
  • May 23, 2023


Assignment and transmission of trademarks involve transferring ownership rights from one party to another. The Trademark Act provides guidelines and conditions for such assignments and transmissions, distinguishing between assignments with or without the goodwill and specifying requirements for registration and documentation.

Meaning of Assignment and Transmission of Trademark

Assignment and transmission of a trademark refer to the legal process by which the ownership rights of a trademark are transferred from one person or entity to another. This process involves the transfer of the exclusive rights associated with the trademark, which can include the right to use, license, sell or enforce the trademark.

The assignment of a trademark involves the complete transfer of ownership from one party to another. In this case, the assignee (the party receiving the trademark rights) assumes full control and responsibility over the trademark, including the right to use it exclusively for their own commercial purposes. The assignor (the party transferring the trademark rights) relinquishes all rights and interests in the trademark.

On the other hand, the transmission of a trademark typically refers to the transfer of ownership rights in situations where the original owner passes away or there is a change in the ownership due to legal proceedings, inheritance or other circumstances. Transmission may occur through the distribution of assets in a will, the settlement of an estate or a court order.

Both registered and unregistered trademarks can be assigned or transmitted. A registered trademark is one that has been officially registered with the relevant trademark office, providing the owner with statutory rights and protection. An unregistered trademark refers to a mark that has not been formally registered but may still possess some degree of protection based on common law or other legal principles.

Types of Assignment and Transmission of Trademark

Complete assignment and transmission.

Complete Assignment refers to the transfer of all rights associated with a trademark from one individual to another. This includes the rights to further transfer the trademark, receive royalties and exercise full control over its usage. For instance, if proprietor ‘X’ sells all rights of a trademark to proprietor ‘Y’, ‘Y’ becomes the exclusive owner with the freedom to use the trademark as desired, transfer it to others, set guidelines for its usage and receive royalties. No approval from ‘X’ is required in this case.

Partial Assignment

Partial Assignment involves the transfer of ownership restricted to specific services or products. For example, if proprietor ‘X’ has a trademark (♛) related to men’s lifestyle products but only wants to assign it to shoes, ‘X’ can transfer the trademark to ‘Z’ with the condition that ‘Z’ can only use it for shoes. ‘X’ retains the right to use the trademark for all other products. This type of transfer is known as a partial assignment.

Assignment with Goodwill

Assignment with Goodwill refers to the transfer of a trademark along with all the associated rights and values from one person to another. For instance, if ‘X’ assigns and transfers their trademark (♛) to ‘Z’ with all rights and values intact, ‘Z’ gains full rights to use the trademark for men’s lifestyle products or any other future products they manufacture.

Assignment without Goodwill

Assignment without goodwill involves the transfer of a trademark in a way that allows its use for purposes other than the original one. For example, if ‘X’, who deals with men’s lifestyle products, assigns and transfers their trademark (♛) to ‘Z’ with the condition that ‘Z’ can use it for any product except men’s lifestyle products.

Conditions for assignment and transmission as given in section 42

Section 42 of the Trademark Act outlines the conditions for the assignment and transmission of a trademark, specifically when it is not associated with the goodwill of a business. According to this section, the assignment or transmission of a trademark without goodwill will only be effective if the assignee applies to the registrar for directions regarding the advertisement of the assignment. 

The assignee must advertise the assignment within the timeframe specified by the Registrar, which should not exceed six months from the date of the assignment or an extended period of three months if permitted by the Registrar.

However, if the trademark is assigned along with the goodwill of the business for specific goods and services, it will not be considered an assignment without goodwill. Additionally, if the assignment includes goods for export or services used outside of India along with the assignment of goodwill, it is permissible.

Restrictions on Assignment of Trademarks

The Trademark Act imposes certain restrictions on the assignment and transmission of trademarks to prevent confusion among users or the general public. These restrictions include

  • Restriction on assignment or transmission that would create multiple exclusive rights.
  • Restriction on assignment or transmission that would create exclusive rights in different parts of India.

Process of Assignment and Transmission of Trademark (Section 45)

The process for the assignment and transmission of a trademark, as described in Section 45 of the Trademark Act, involves the following steps:

  • Application to the Registrar of Trademarks using Form TM-P, along with duly certified original documents.
  • The Registrar will review the application and provide a decision within three months. The decision may include informing the applicant about the assignment or requesting additional proof if there are doubts.
  • If the assignment is approved, the Registrar will make an entry in the Register, including details such as the name and address of the assignee, the date of the assignment, a description of the rights assigned (if applicable), the basis of the assignment and the date of entry in the register.
  • In case of a dispute between the parties regarding the validity of the assignment or transmission, the registrar may refuse to register it until the rights of the parties have been determined.

Assignment and Transmission of Registered Trademark (Section 38)

Section 38 of the Trademark Act states that a registered trademark can be assigned and transmitted, with or without the goodwill of the business associated with it. This can apply to all the goods or services covered by the registered trademark or only to a specific subset of goods or services.

Assignment and Transmission of Unregistered Trademarks (Section 39)

According to Section 39 of the Trademark Act, an unregistered trademark can also be assigned or transmitted, with or without the goodwill of the business concerned.

Benefits of Assignment and Transmission of Trademark

Expansion of business: By assigning and transmitting a trademark, the owner can expand their business by using the same trademark in multiple locations simultaneously. Additionally, partial authority can be given to assign the trademark to more than one person.

Leveraging an established brand : Assigning and transmitting a trademark allows the assignee to benefit from an already established brand in the market, saving them the effort and resources required to create a new brand.

Legal proof: The assignment and transmission of a trademark serve as legal proof in case of any disputes related to trademark usage. The rights and liabilities associated with the trademark are clearly outlined in a legal document.

Monetary benefits: The owner of the trademark can enjoy monetary benefits through the assignment and transmission process, including any financial gains resulting from the assignment or transmission. Furthermore, operating with the same trademark in multiple locations can increase the value of the brand.

Structural Waterproofing and ORS v. Amit Gupta ORS [93 (2001) DLT 496]

In this case, a dispute arose regarding the assignment and transmission of a trademark. The court highlighted that the registrar has the authority to refuse the registration of the assignment and transmission until a decision is made by the competent court. The plaintiff claimed ownership of the trademark based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the parties. 

However, the court rejected the plaintiff’s request for an injunction against the defendant. The court emphasised that a change in the name of the registered proprietor does not automatically render the trademark unsuitable.

Cinni Foundation v. Raj Kumar Shah and Sons [2009 (41) PTC 320 (Del)]

In this case, the trademark “CINNI” was being used by the owner. A deed of assignment had been executed and signed between the parties. However, it was later discovered that the trademark was not registered. The defendant attempted to claim rights over the trademark. The court ruled that according to the law, the assignee acquires no title to the trademark without the registration of the assignment deed. Consequently, the defendant’s claim to the trademark was dismissed.

These cases illustrate the importance of registration and proper documentation in the assignment and transmission of trademarks. Registration provides legal protection and establishes ownership rights, while adherence to the legal requirements ensures the validity and enforceability of the assignment or transmission of the trademark.

Difference between the Assignment and Transmission of the Trademark

Assignment and transmission are two terms often used interchangeably, but they are distinct concepts according to Section 2 of the Trademark Act. In the case of trademark assignment, there is a transfer of ownership of the registered trademark to another party. On the other hand, in the case of trademark transmission, the original owner retains the rights to the trademark but grants limited rights to a third party for its use.

For instance, let’s consider the example of X, the current owner of the trademark “œ,” who decides to assign the trademark to Y. In this scenario, X relinquishes ownership of the trademark and after a proper assignment process, Y becomes the registered owner with full rights to the trademark.

However, if X chooses to transmit the trademark instead, it means that X remains the original owner of the trademark, but grants limited rights and responsibilities to Y for its use.

Transfer of ownership rights from one party to anotherPassing of rights to a third party while retaining ownership
Ownership of the trademark is transferredOwnership of the trademark remains with the original owner
Full or partial rights depending on the terms and conditionsRestricted rights granted to the third party
Can be with or without the goodwill of the businessCan be with or without the goodwill of the business
Assignment of a registered trademark requires registrationTransmission can be of a registered or unregistered trademark
Acts as legal proof in case of disputes or challengesActs as legal proof in case of disputes or challenges

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  • Jun 9, 2021

Can I Transfer My Trademark? How?

This is one of the commonly asked questions by trademark owners about trademark. The answer is yes, a trademark is an intangible asset which can be transferred from one to another. The process is generally known as, assignment of trademark.

Section 64(1) of the Malaysian Trademarks Act 2019 ("Trademarks Act") provides that, a registered trademark shall be transmissible by assignment or assignment in the same way as other personal or movable property, and shall be so transmissible either in connection with the goodwill of a business or independently"

"Wait, does it mean only registered trademark can be assigned? What happened to unregistered trademark?"

Fret not, unregistered trademark can be assigned too! Section 64(6) of the Trademarks Act provides that, nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the assignment or other transmission of an unregistered trademark as part of the goodwill of a business. (Phew!)

trademark deed of assignment

How to assign a trademark ownership?

To kickstart the process, the original owner of the trademark ("Assignor") and the new owner of the trademark ("Assignee") should sign a deed of assignment, a legal instrument that transfer the trademark from the Assignor to the Assignee. One deed of assignment may include multiple trademarks. The deed of assignment contains the terms and condition to transfer the trademark. Generally, it should include the identity of parties, the details of trademark to be transferred, effective date of transfer, and the consideration, ie. the transfer price. The consideration may be a nominal sum.

Once the parties have signed the Deed of Assignment, the document should be filed with the Government Trademark Office, with the prescribed official form (Form TMH-1) and fees.

Upon filing the documents, the Malaysian Trademark Office will usually take a few months to record the assignment into the database of the registry.

Although it seems like may take some time, but the effective date of transfer of ownership is based on the date of deed of assignment, not the date of recordal by the Trademark Office. So the rights of the parties are not affected, despite the heavy workload in the Trademark Office.

Who should be responsible to file the assignment?

There are no hard and fast rules as to whether the deed of assignment and/or application for recordal of assignment should be done by the assignor or assignee. The parties may decide on a case-to-case basis.

International Assignment of Trademarks

Since registration and protection of trademark is territorial based, the recordal of trademark assignment will also be done country by country.

In some countries, a universal deed of assignment is acceptable. Hence the same document may be used to apply for recordal of trademark assignment in a few countries and save some legal fees in drafting a separate deed of assignment in each country.

However, in some countries, there are specific requirements on format or languages of the Deed of Assignment.

So, it is always safe not to assume and you should seek consultation from your trademark agent .

When is the best timing to assign trademark ownership?

There are many reasons that prompt the need of assignment of trademark. For example, sale of trademark, corporate restructure, moving a business from sole proprietorship to private limited company (Sdn. Bhd.) or vice versa & etc.

Once you have decided any of the above moves, the assignment of trademark should be done immediately without any delay.

There are many instances that the assignment of trademark has been delayed due to procrastination or overlook. This may lead to serious and unwanted consequences.

For instance, after a few years, upon realizing the need of doing the deed of assignment, if the assignor has ceased to operate or passed away (for individual assignor), this may complicate the process of recordal of assignment due to the difficulty in locating the assignor to sign the documents.

Another example is, there may be a problem when the assignee needs to take legal action against trademark infringer, as the legal ownership of the assignee on the trademark is questionable.

Looking for assigning the ownership of your trademark? Don't wait! Contact us today!

Written by,

Li Yen Seow

IP Legal Executive

Bachelor of Laws

Lawrence Tan

Registered Trademark, Patent and Design Agent

LL.B (HONS), CLP Advocate & Solicitor (Non-Practising)

Disclaimer: The above information is merely for general sharing and does not constitute any legal advice. Readers are advised to seek individual advice from the professionals.

Copyright reserved 2021 © IP Gennesis Sdn Bhd

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Registration Of A Trademark Assignment: Mere Formality Or A Mandate?


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With the advent of technology and newer trends of merchandising and marketing, the protection of an intellectual property of a person has become a dire need of the day. Consequently, the title related to a trademark is also a quintessential of it. This title can be transferred to another person or legal person through assignment, merger, transmission etc.

As per the provisions of the Trademarks Act, any person who is getting a title on any trademark by way of assignment or transmission shall bring himself on records of the Trademarks Registry as the proprietor of the trademark by making an application in the appropriate form with the appropriate fee. Now, the question which arises here is that what will be the status and position of an Assignee who has not made an application for registering himself as the proprietor of the trademark or whose application for such a registration is pending before the Trademarks Registry? While taking actions against third parties for infringement or passing off of its trademark, Should he be allowed to enter into the shoes of the Assignor by virtue of the assignment deed? Or should he be restrained form taking any such actions as he is not the proprietor of the Trademark as per the records of the Registry? The question has been discussed in detail below under various heads-

Procedure Relating To The Registration Of Assignments And Transmissions:-

Assignment of a trademark occurs when the ownership of a mark as such, is transferred from one party to another whether along with or without the goodwill of the business. Assignment agreements pertain to the transfer of intellectual property rights from, the owner of the rights to another person or organization. Assignment is an important aspect of this act, as per the section 2(1) (b) of the Trademarks Act, 1999; assignment has been described as "an assignment in writing by act of parties concerned". Thus this clarifies that for the assignment of trademark, it is necessary for the agreement to be in writing and to be act of an assignor and assignee of their own volition and not a third party.

Further, in case of registered Trademarks, the Trade Mark Act 1999 under section 40 also puts certain restrictions on the assignment of a registered trade mark wherein there exist possibilities of creating confusion in the mind of public/users. Such restrictions are:

  • Restriction on assignment that results in the creation of exclusive rights in more than one person with respect to the same goods or services, or for same description of goods or services or such goods or services as associated with each other.
  • Restriction on assignment that results in different people using the trademark in different parts of the country simultaneously.

Discretion Provided To The Registrar Under Section 45 (2) Of The Trademarks Act, 1999-

As per section 45 of the Act, an assignment deed needs to be registered in the appropriate form with the Trademarks Registry in order to bring the Assignee as an owner of the trademark on records. The Section runs as follows-

(1) Where a person becomes entitled by assignment or transmission to a registered trade mark he shall apply in the prescribed manner to the Registrar to register his title. And the Registrar shall on receipt of the application and on proof of title to his satisfaction register him as the proprietor of the trade mark in respect of the goods or services in respect of which the assignment or transmission has effect, and shall cause particulars of the assignment or tranmission to be entered on the register. Provided that where the validity of an assignment or transmission is in dispute between the parties, the Registrar may refuse to register the assignment or transmission until the rights of the parties have been determined by a competent court.

(2) Except for the purpose of an application before the Registrar under sub-section (1) or an appeal from an order thereon, or an application under section 57 or an appeal from an order thereon, a document or instrument in respect of which no entry has been made in the register in accordance with sub-section (1), shall not be admitted in evidence by the Registrar or the Appellate Board or any court in proof of title to the trade mark by assignment or transmission unless the Registrar or the Appellate Board or the court, as the case may be, otherwise directs .

As per the provisions of Section 45 and Rule 68 of the Trademarks Act, 1999, an application to register the title of a person who becomes entitled by assignment or transmission shall be made in Form TM-24 or TM-23 as it is made by such person alone or conjointly with the registered proprietor. Further, as per the practices of the Indian Trademarks Office, an affidavit for no legal proceedings pending related with the trademarks which are subject of the merger is also to be filed on behalf of the transferee company. Now, in case of a merger, since a proprietor registered on record is no more in existence and hence an application for change in title shall be filed in the name of the transferee. The Registrar may require statement of case to be verified by an affidavit on form TM 18 and may call upon the person concerned to furnish such proof or additional proof of title as he may require for his satisfaction. On proof of title to his satisfaction, the registrar will register him as a subsequent proprietor of the trade mark in respect of the goods or services and shall cause the particulars of the assignment or the transmission to be entered on the register. Once the trademark is assigned with goodwill, the assignor cannot in the eyes of law have any interest in the trademark assigned and the assignee alone, as a person interested in the trademark assigned, can represent in opposition proceedings as a party to protect its interest.

Position Of A Non-Registered Assignee In India

The law empowers the registrar to refuse to register the assignment or transmission when the validity of an assignment or transmission is in dispute between the parties, until the rights of the parties have been determined by a competent court [section 47 (2)]. The Registrar's refusal to register the assignment or transmission will naturally arise only before the actual change is effected in the register. The assignor or any other person may complain that the assignment is invalid or that it has been procured from him under circumstances entitling him to repudiate that transaction. In such circumstances the registrar cannot be expected to decide upon the validity of the assignment where it is challenged before him.

In Radhakashan Khandelwal vs. Asst. Registrar of Trade Marks 1 - The Delhi high court held that "it is true that the rules do not expressly require a notice to be issued or a hearing to be given to the party adversely affected by the order when an application on form TM 24 is made before the registrar, but there is in eye of law a necessary implication that the party adversely affected should be heard before an order for the removal of his name can be made against him.

Moreover if no entry has been made in the register, the document or instrument will not be admitted in evidence by the registrar or the appellate board or any court except for certain purposes as stipulated. The Registrar, or the concerned Authority as the case may be, has been given a discretion under this section to admit or not admit an assignment deed for which no application under Form TM-24 has not been made as an evidence of title of the assignee. Such a situation usually arises in cases where actions against third parties are involved. Very often the question as to the maintainability of a suit initiated by an unregistered assignee against the third parties has been dealt with by the Courts-

In Cott Beverage Inc., A Georgia ... vs. Silvassa Bottling Company on 7 October, 2003 2 - In this case, section 44 does not create a bar for filing a suit by the assignee whose application is pending disposal for registration. Discretion, however, is vested in the Court under Subclause (2) of Section 44 of the Act, whether to permit the said unregistered document in evidence or not. At the same time, it cannot be said that the procedure of registration of assignment is a mere formality. Section 44 has been incorporated merely as a safeguard by the Legislature in order to avoid the multiplicity of the proceedings and also in order to ensure that the various other laws prevailing in the country are safeguarded while registering the assignment. Thus, the grant of registration of assignment or transmission cannot be said to be a mere formality and on a conjoint reading of the provisions it will be apparent that the Registrar has to be satisfied after going through the application, which has to be filed in the prescribed form giving various particulars. In the present case, non-registration of the assignment will have to be considered as an important factor.

In Shaw Wallace & Co. (supra) 3 case- an application for impleadment of the assignee was under consideration. This court held that till the time the Registrar of Trade Mark, does not record the title in favour of the assignee, the deed of assignment cannot be admitted in evidence. However, the assignee was still impleaded as a party with direction to file the registration as and when accorded by the Registrar.

The above view of the Courts has also been contravened by other Courts. Emphasizing the fact that even if the assignment deed is not registerd with the records of the Trademarks Registry, it, itself is a valid instrument and hence permissible to be taken as an evidence of the assignee's title on the trademark.

IN Mohammad Zumoon Sahib vs. Fathimunnisa 4 , it was held that the " registration of assignment is not a condition precedent to an action for infringement by the assignee and an assignor of registered trademark will not be disentitled to an action on infringement on ground that assignment was not registered." The Madras court held that the law prescribes a procedure for the assignee or the representative to have registration of this title. The fallacy in the argument is that it is this registration by the Registrar under section 35(1) of the act that confers title .The title already exists in the legal representative and on proof of such title to his satisfaction; the registrar registers him as the proprietor of the trade mark. The plaintiff to the suit for infringement, whose name was not entered as subsequent proprietor, was allowed to maintain the suit on proof of prima Facie title to the mark.

Further, in Hindustan Lever Ltd. v. Bombay Soda Factory 5 , it was held that " the plaintiff could not be non suited merely because the change in the name of the registered proprietor had not been effected by the time suit was instituted. Registration of the name of the proprietor does not confer title on him. it is merely an evidence of his title. The plaintiff –company was the owner of the trademark in question at all times ."

In the case of Modi Threads Ltd. v. Som soot Gola Factory and another, 6 it was held that despite non registration of the application the civil suit was maintainable. The court held that it is true that the plaintiff's application for getting transferred and registered trade mark in its name in the office of the registrar is still pending but that does not debar the plantiff to protect the violation of the aforesaid trademark at the hands of unscrupulous persons by filing an action in court of law for this is clear prima facie for the court.

Under sub section 2 of section 45 of Trademarks Act, the Registrar or the Competent Authority as the case may be, has been given discretion to admit or refuse to admit an unregistered deed of assignment as a proof of title of the assignee. However, another important thing the courts show that even without registration of assignment, a suit by the assignee is maintainable. If necessary, the suit may be stayed to enable the assignee to register the same. Therefore, it is an obvious fact that after an assignment or merger or transmission as the case may be the assignee has to step into the shoes of the assignor for purposes of any legal proceedings which are pending or indisposed.

Assignment agreements are of considerable importance in IPR since they allow the intellectual property owners to transfer their intellectual property for commercial returns, ensuring intellectual property can be used for monetary gains as well. So issues relating to ownership of IPR must be carefully considered .Though the law provides safeguards, but the slight ambiguity present in the Indian Trademarks Law on this point shall be dealt with by the legislature.

Ayush Vats Intern(Amity law school, Noida) 5 th year(2010-2015)

1 AIR 1969 Delhi 324, ILR 1969 Delhi 1227

2 2004 (29) PTC 679 Bom

3 105 (2003) DLT 586, 2003 (27) PTC 63 Del, 2003 (3) RAJ 224

4 (1960) 1 MLJ 270

5 AIR 1964 Kant 173, AIR 1964 Mys 173, (1964) 1 MysLJ

6 AIR 1992 Delhi 4, 1992 (22) DRJ 24

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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Assignment of Trademark


As physical properties are transferred, the same way trademarks are also transferred. This transfer of trademark is called Assignment of trademark. In general terms, Assignment means transfer of title, rights, interest and benefits from one person to another person.

Thus, Assignment of trademark means transfer of Owner’s title, rights, interest and benefits to other person. The transferring party is called as “Assignor” and the receiving party is called as “Assignee”.


Section 2(1)(b) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 “Assignment” means an assignment in writing by the act of the parties concerned;


As per section 37 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, the person entered in the register of trademarks, as the proprietor of a trademark, shall have power to assign a trade mark and to give effectual receipt of for any consideration for such assignment.

Trademarks Sign on white paper


As per section 38 of the Act, a registered trademark can be transferred with or without the Goodwill of the business concerned either in respect of all the goods or services in respect of which the said trademark is registered or of some of the goods or service.

Moreover, as per section 39 of the Act, an unregistered trademark may be assigned with or without the Goodwill of the business concerned.


1. Assignment with Goodwill of Business: Where an assignor assigns to the assignee, the value, rights and entitlements also, as associated with a trademark with respect to the goods or services already in use by the assignor. After taking over the goodwill associated with the trademark, the assignee is free to use the trademark assigned to him for all goods or services including for the goods or services which were already in use by the Assignor. Such assignment is called assignment with Goodwill of Business.

For Example: Mr. X is the owner of a trademark “TM” who is already using the said trademark “TM” in relation to clothing and footwear. Mr.  X assign to Mr. Y the said trademark “TM” through an agreement (in writing) in relation to clothing and footwear alongwith the Goodwill associated with trademark “TM”.

In this case, Mr. X has also assigned to Mr. Y, the Goodwill associated with trademark “TM” for the business of clothing and footwear as well as for other goods or services. Therefore, Mr. Y is eligible to use the said trademark “TM”, for clothing and footwear including other goods or service dealt by Mr. Y.

2. Assignment without the Goodwill of Business: Where an assignor assigns to the assignee, the right and entitlements in a trademark with respect to the goods or services which are not in use by the assignor. In other words, where the assignor restricts the assignee with a condition that the assignee is not entitled to use the trademark assigned in relation to the goods or services already in use by the assignor. Such assignment is called assignment without the Goodwill of Business.

For Example: Mr. X is the owner of a trademark “TM” who is already using the said trademark “TM” in relation to clothing and footwear. Mr. X assign to Mr. Y the said trademark “TM” through an agreement (in writing) in relation to goods or services other than clothing and footwear without assigning the Goodwill associated with trademark “TM”.

In this case, Mr. X has not assigned to Mr. Y, the Goodwill associated with trademark “TM” for the business of clothing and footwear. Therefore, Mr. Y is not eligible to use the said trademark “TM”, for clothing and footwear. Thus, in case, Mr. Y wishes to use the said trademark “TM” in relation to other goods or services then he will be required to create separate Goodwill for trademark “TM” for such other goods or services dealt by him.


1. Parallel use Restriction: Where assignment results in creation of exclusive right in different persons, in relation to same or similar goods or services and the use of the trademark will be likely to deceive or cause confusion. Thus, multiple exclusive right in relation to same or similar goods or services, in different person is not allowed. This prevents the parallel use of a trademark by more than one person concerned in relation to same or similar goods or services. (Section-40)

2. Multiple Territorial use Restriction: Where the assignment results in creation of exclusive right, in different person in different parts of India, in relation to same or similar goods or services. Thus, assigning of scattered right in different parts of India is not allowed. (Section-41)  


Relevant Form: TM-M

Statutory Fees: Rs. 1,000/- (offline filing)


Rs. 900 (online filing)

Relevant Form: TM-P

Statutory Fees: Rs. 10,000/- (offline filing)


Rs. 9,000 (online filing)

Relevant Form: TM-M

Statutory Fees: Rs. 1,000/- (offline filing)


Rs. 900 (online filing)

Relevant Form: TM-P

Statutory Fees: Rs. 10,000/- (offline filing)


Rs. 9,000 (online filing)

First file TM-P (within six months of assignment or extended period of three months) for obtaining direction of registrar for “advertisement of assignment without goodwill” alongwith statutory fees of Rs. 3,000/- (offline filing) or Rs. 2,700/- (online filing). Secondly, file the above said TM-M or TM-P, as the case may be.


1. A person (subsequent proprietor) who becomes entitled by way of assignment, shall apply for registration of assignment before the Registrar of trademarks. (section 45)

2. After due satisfaction of the Registrar of trademarks, the Registrar shall enter the details of the assignee (subsequent proprietor) as the proprietor of the trademark assigned to him in respect of goods or services for which the assignment has been made. (section 45)

3. Where the validity of assignment is in dispute between the parties, the Registrar may refuse to register the assignment until the rights of the parties are determined by the competent court. (section 45)

4. Registrar of trademark shall dispose of the application for registration of assignment of trademark within a period of 3 (three) months from the date of receipt of application. (rule 76 of Trade Marks Rules, 2017 )

5. Registrar may, where there is reasonable doubt about the veracity of any statement or any document furnished, may call upon any person who has applied to be registered as proprietor of a registered trademark to furnish such proof or additional proof of title as the Registrar may think fit. (rule 77 of Trade Marks Rules, 2017)

6. Where in the opinion of the Registrar any document produced in proof of title of a person is not properly or sufficiently stamped, the Registrar shall impound and deal with it as per Chapter IV of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 . (rule 78 of Trade Marks Rules, 2017)

7. Where the Registrar has allowed the registration of assignment, then there shall be entered in the register the particulars as follows(rule 84 of Trade Marks Rules, 2017):-

a) the name and address of the assignee;

b) the date of assignment;

c) where the assignment is in respect of any right in the trademark, a description of the right assigned;

d) the basis under which the assignment is made; and

e) the date on which the entry is made in the register.


The assignor terminates to have his rights, title or any interest in the trademark, the moment assignment deed is executed in favour of the assignee, irrespective of the fact that the name of the assignee has not been updated in the record of the Registrar of trademarks.

In the matter of Classic Equipments Pvt. Ltd. Vs. Johnson Enterprises, 2009 (41) PTC 385 (Del), it was observed as follows:

“Once an Assignment Deed has executed, the Assignor ceases to have any right, title or interest in the property assigned. It is not open to the Assignor to cancel the assignment by means of communication”.


Though as per section 45 of the Act, it is mandated that the assignee shall apply before the Registrar of the trademarks to register his title. But this does not mean that recording of assignment of registered trademark asserts all rights or titles or interest in the assignee.

The reason behind this understanding are the opening words of section 45 of the Act, which says “where a person becomes entitled by assignment or transmission of a registered trademark, ……..”. Therefore, the first condition is entitlement of rights, title or interest by way of assignment or transmission of a registered trademark followed by registration of assignment of a registered trademark. Thus right in assignee does exist even before the registration of assignment.

In the matter of M/S. Modi Threads Limited vs M/S. Som Soot Gola Factory And…. on 4 th December, 1990: AIR 1992 Delhi 4, 1992 (22) DRJ 24 was observed as follows:

“It is true that the plaintiffs application for getting transferred the registered trade mark in its name in the office of the Registrar is still pending but that does not debar the plaintiff to protect the violation of the aforesaid trade mark at the hands of unscrupulous persons by filing an action in court of law for injunction. It is, prima facie, clear to me that during the interregnum period when the application of the plaintiff is kept pending for consideration by the Registrar of Trade Marks the dishonest persons cannot be allowed to make use of the said trade mark in order to get themselves illegally enriched earning upon the reputation built up qua that trade mark by the predecessor-in-interest of the plaintiff.”

The assignee of a trademark is also entitled to file a civil suit, even though the recording of assignment of registered trademark is pending before the registrar of trademarks. Moreover, section 45 does not confer any title over the trademark assigned. Instead the registration granted under section 45 is only proof of title of the trademark of assignee or the person who acquired it by way of assignment.


√ Assignment is to be in writing;

√  Registered or unregistered both type of marks can be assigned;

√  Assignment can be with or without the goodwill of the business;

√  Event of assignment asserts the rights and title in an assignee not the registration thereof;

√  Registration of assignment is only prima facie proof of title of trademark;

√  Rights in an assignee exists even before registration of assignment of trademark.

Conclusion: –

Assignment of trademarks allows the Proprietor thereof to en-cash their intellect, efforts, time and money. It is equally important to register the assignment of trademark, since on registration the details of the assignee are updated in the register of trademark, this serves as a notice to public at large. Moreover, preparation of assignment agreements are also important as it involves rights, entitlements, interests and obligation including the commercial terms between the assignor and the assignee.

Disclaimer: The entire content of this document has been prepared as per the relevant provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder, applicable at the time of preparation. Though proper care has been taken to ensure accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided therein. The users and readers agree that the information provided in this document is not professional advice. Therefore, we assume no responsibility therefrom. Further, this write up shall not be considered as solicitation in any manner.

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Trademark Assignment: All You Need to Know

This article on ‘Assignment of Trademarks: All you need to know’ was written by Shashanki Kaushik , an intern at Legal Upanishad.


This article provides a comprehensive overview of the assignment of trademarks in India, focusing on the legal framework, relevant legislation, landmark judgements, and practical considerations. Understanding the nuances of trademark assignment is vital for businesses seeking to protect their intellectual property rights. In India, this process is governed by various laws, including the Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2017. This article explores the intricacies of trademark assignment, touching upon key aspects, legal provisions, and notable case law.

Assignment of Trademarks : Concept and Laws

Trade Marks Act, 1999, Section 2(1)(b): Definition of Assignment: The Act defines ‘assignment’ as the transfer of ownership, either with or without the goodwill of the business.

Section 37: Requirements for Assignment: This section outlines the essential requirements for a valid trademark assignment, including the need for the assignment to be in writing and signed by both parties.

Trade Marks Rules, 2017, Rule 68: Application for Assignment: Rule 68 specifies the procedure for filing an application for the assignment of trademarks, along with the prescribed form and fees.

Types of Trademark Assignment

  • Complete Assignment- A complete assignment involves the transfer of both the trademark and the associated goodwill.
  • Partial Assignment- Partial assignment entails the transfer of the trademark without the goodwill of the business.
  • Assignment with Goodwill- Assignments that include goodwill are more common and ensure the new owner can benefit from the established reputation and customer base.
  • Assignment without Goodwill- Assigning a trademark without goodwill is less common and may occur when the assignor intends to retain the business’s reputation.

Legal Procedures for Trademark Assignment

  • Application to Registrar: The assignor and assignee must file a joint application with the Registrar of Trademarks for the assignment’s approval.
  • Advertisement and Opposition: After acceptance, the Registrar will advertise the assignment application. Interested parties have the opportunity to oppose the assignment within the stipulated period.
  • Issuance of Certificate: Upon successful completion of the assignment process, the Registrar issues a certificate, signifying the new owner’s rights over the trademark.

Landmark Judgments

  • Ravi Kamal Bali v. Kala Tech and Entertainment (P) Ltd.

This case reaffirmed that an assignment without goodwill does not affect the validity of the assignment.

  • Indian Performing Right Society Ltd. v. Dalia

In this judgement, it was held that the assignee could enforce trademark rights against third parties, even without registering the assignment.

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Practical Considerations

  • Due Diligence : Both parties should conduct thorough due diligence before entering into an assignment agreement, ensuring the trademark’s validity and reputation.
  • Clear Agreement : The assignment agreement must be clear and comprehensive, specifying the terms, conditions, and considerations involved.
  • Record Keeping : Maintaining accurate records of the assignment is crucial for future reference and potential disputes.
  • Post-Assignment Compliance : The assignee must ensure compliance with ongoing trademark maintenance , including renewals and protection against infringement.

Tax Implications of Trademark Assignment

Trademark assignment can have significant tax implications for both parties involved. The consideration received or paid for the assignment may be subject to capital gains tax or other taxes, depending on the specific circumstances and applicable tax laws. It is crucial for both parties to seek professional tax advice to ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Licensing vs. Assignment

While trademark assignment involves the complete transfer of ownership, licensing allows the owner (licensor) to grant permission to another party (licensee) to use the trademark under specific terms and conditions. Licensing gives more control to the trademark owner and allows for greater flexibility in terms of use, territory, and duration. Assignment, on the other hand, transfers all rights and responsibilities to the assignee, including the duty to protect and enforce the trademark.

Franchising and Trademark Assignment

Franchising often involves the assignment of trademarks to franchisees. This allows franchisees to operate under a recognized brand, benefiting from the established reputation and marketing efforts of the franchisor. Franchise agreements typically include detailed provisions regarding trademark usage, quality control, and territorial rights. Careful consideration of trademark assignment is essential in the franchising context to maintain brand consistency and protect the trademark’s value.

International Enforcement of Trademark Assignment

Enforcing trademark assignments across international borders can be challenging due to varying legal systems and regulations. Businesses engaging in cross-border trademark assignments should consider international treaties such as the Madrid Protocol and the Paris Convention, which provide mechanisms for protecting trademarks in multiple countries. Additionally, legal counsel with expertise in international trademark law is essential to navigate the complexities of enforcing trademark assignments globally.

International Perspective

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883): India, as a signatory to the Paris Convention, recognizes the principle of national treatment for foreign trademark owners, providing a basis for international trademark assignment.

TRIPS Agreement (1994): The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, part of the World Trade Organization (WTO), sets minimum standards for the protection of trademarks and includes provisions related to trademark assignment.

International Trademark Assignment

Madrid Protocol : Under the Madrid Protocol, businesses can efficiently protect their trademarks in multiple countries by filing a single international application. India became a member of the Madrid Protocol in 2013, facilitating international trademark assignments for Indian businesses.

International Trademark Assignment Case Study: Coca-Cola : Coca-Cola’s global presence is a prime example of an effective international trademark assignment. Through careful planning and legal strategies, the company has maintained consistent branding worldwide.

Trademark assignment is a vital aspect of intellectual property management in India. It provides opportunities for businesses to monetize their assets or expand their market presence. However, navigating the legal framework, complying with procedures, and safeguarding interests require careful consideration. As demonstrated through relevant legislation and case law, understanding the intricacies of trademark assignment is indispensable for both assignors and assignees in India.

List of References

  • Mayashree Acharaya, ‘Assignment of Trademark’, CLear Tax, 22 February 2022, available at: i gnment-of-trademark
  • ‘Assignment and Transmission of Rights’, Selvam & Selvam, available at:
  • ‘Trademark Assignment’, Corpbiz, available at:

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Deed of assignment of trademark (absolute).

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A Deed of Assignment of Trademark is a document through which the registered proprietor of a trademark transfers his/her/its rights, title and interest in the trademark to a third party. This gives the third party the right to use the trademark of the owner.

Once the Deed of Assignment is done it is required to be registered with the Registrar of Trademarks.

The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor’s rights and interest to the assignee.

This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios:

  • where the assignment is absolute; and
  • where the goodwill of the business is being assigned.

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United States Patent and Trademark Office - An Agency of the Department of Commerce

Federal trademark searching: Overview

White Trademark Searching letters on a blue background

This webinar will introduce you to the fundamental mechanics of using our trademark search system. It’s geared toward new users and those interested in conducting basic searches. We’ll cover: 

  • Why you should search
  • Basic search strategy
  • Common searches
  • Finding help

This information will be presented live via Webex from 3-4 p.m. ET on Friday, September 6, and will conclude with a question-and-answer session. 

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Three of the customs office of Tatarstan customs included in the experiment of Federal customs service autobypass electronic transit declarations

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Currently automatic registration of transit declarations filed in electronic form, applied in all customs bodies of the Russian Federation. The experiment has been the rule from October 28, 2019. Since that time, the Tatarstan customs with the use of this technology was 116 so on.

– Automatic registration of the transit Declaration is a great technology, which we expected, – says the customs representative LTD DHL Express, branch in Naberezhnye Chelny Garifullina Elvina, she significantly improved the efficiency of our work. In order for electronic transit Declaration has been login we strictly adhere to the requirements established by the Commission Decision of the Customs Union, specified complete and accurate information.

From December 2019, the Federal customs service launched the process of implementation in the customs bodies of the algorithm for automatic production of electronic transit declarations. The list of the customs bodies defined as a pilot area in which is implemented the technology of automatic release of electronic transit declarations, included the divisions of Tatarstan customs: customs clearance Department and customs control № 1 Kazan customs post, the customs clearance Department and customs control № 2 of Naberezhnye Chelny customs post and a customs post of the Airport of Kazan.

– For passing the automatic release of a transit declarations, traders must comply with certain conditions – like acting first Deputy head of Tatarstan customs Dmitry Kozlov. – First, the transit Declaration must go through the autoregistration. Second, the declarant of the customs procedure should act as a customs carrier or authorised economic operator. And thirdly, the carriage of goods by road or rail.

Both technologies significantly reduce the time of registration and issue of electronic transit Declaration, which have a positive impact on foreign trade.

Valentine Skorlygina, the press Secretary of Tatarstan customs

The increased use of automatic algorithms

Pskov customs: the customs post MAPP Burachki – 25 years

Volga Customs Administration


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  3. PDF Assignment of Trademark

    ereby agree as follows:Trademark Assignment, the Assignor hereby sells, transfers and assigns to the Assignee, its successors and assigns, the Assignor's entire right, title and interest in and to the Trademark application and/or registrations, together with (i) the benefit of any use of the Trademark by the Assignor (ii) the goodwill of the ...

  4. PDF A Specimen of Deed of Assignment of a Registered Trade Mark

    claiming through him, do or cause to be done any other act, deed or thing as may be required for more perfectly assuring the aforesaid assignment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties aforesaid have set their respective hands in the presence of the witnesses hereunder. Witness: Assignor Witness: Assignee


    trademark assignment can help in both circumstances. A trademark assignment is the transfer of an owner's property rights in a given mark or marks. Such transfers may occur on their own or as parts of larger asset sales or purchases. Trademark assignment agreements both provide records of ownership and transfer and protect the rights of all ...

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    Assignment Center makes it easier to transfer ownership or change the name on your patent or trademark registration. See our how-to guides on using Assignment Center for patents and trademarks. If you have questions, email [email protected] or call customer service at 800-972-6382. Show all FAQs. Browse FAQs.

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  8. Understanding a deed of assignment for intellectual property

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    I'm experienced US trademark attorney Morris Turek. If you have any questions about trademark assignments, the assignment of trademark rights, or maybe need some assistance from a skilled trademark attorney with preparing and recording a trademark assignment, please contact me for your free consultation at (314) 749-4059, via email at morris ...

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    To kickstart the process, the original owner of the trademark ("Assignor") and the new owner of the trademark ("Assignee") should sign a deed of assignment, a legal instrument that transfer the trademark from the Assignor to the Assignee. One deed of assignment may include multiple trademarks. The deed of assignment contains the terms and condition to transfer the trademark.

  14. PDF 9 Trademark Assignment Deed

    Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the Parties to the subject matter hereof and supersede all previous understandings or arrangements between the Parties. 9) Modification: This Agreement may be modified only by an instrument in writing signed by both the Parties hereto. 10)

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    Assignment of a trademark occurs when the ownership of a mark as such, is transferred from one party to another whether along with or without the goodwill of the business. Assignment agreements pertain to the transfer of intellectual property rights from, the owner of the rights to another person or organization.

  16. Assignment of Trademark

    In general terms, Assignment means transfer of title, rights, interest and benefits from one person to another person. Thus, Assignment of trademark means transfer of Owner's title, rights, interest and benefits to other person. The transferring party is called as "Assignor" and the receiving party is called as "Assignee". STATUTORY ...

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  18. Trademark Assignment: All You Need to Know

    Assignment of Trademarks: Concept and Laws. Trade Marks Act, 1999, Section 2 (1) (b): Definition of Assignment: The Act defines 'assignment' as the transfer of ownership, either with or without the goodwill of the business. Section 37: Requirements for Assignment: This section outlines the essential requirements for a valid trademark ...

  19. Deed of Assignment of Trademark (Absolute)

    The difference between an assignment and a trademark is that a license allows the licensor to retain their rights and interests in their IP while an assignment transfer all of the assignor's rights and interest to the assignee. This Deed is applicable in the following scenarios: where the assignment is absolute; and

  20. Federal trademark searching: Overview

    Add to Calendar2024-09-06 15:00:002024-09-06 15:00:00Federal trademark searching: Overview This webinar will introduce you to the fundamental mechanics of using our trademark search system. It's geared toward new users and those interested in conducting basic searches. We'll cover: Why you should searchBasic search strategyCommon searchesFinding helpThis information will be presented live ...

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  22. Three of the customs office of Tatarstan customs included in the

    Currently automatic registration of transit declarations filed in electronic form, applied in all customs bodies of the Russian Federation. The experiment has been the rule from October 28, 2019.