University Library

Dewey Decimal List

See also: the list of Library of Congress Classifications

Class 000 – Computer science, information & general works

000 computer science, knowledge & systems.

  • 000 Computer science, information & general works
  • 001 Knowledge
  • 002 The book (writing, libraries, and book-related topics)
  • 003 Systems
  • 004 Data processing & computer science
  • 005 Computer programming, programs & data
  • 006 Special computer methods
  • 007–009 [Unassigned]

010 Bibliographies

  • 010 Bibliography
  • 011 Bibliographies
  • 012 Bibliographies of individuals
  • 013 [Unassigned]
  • 014 Bibliographies of anonymous & pseudonymous works
  • 015 Bibliographies of works from specific places
  • 016 Bibliographies of works on specific subjects
  • 017 General subject catalogs
  • 018 Catalogs arranged by author, date, etc.
  • 019 Dictionary catalogs
  • 020 Library & information sciences
  • 021 Library relationships (with archives, information centers, etc.)
  • 022 Administration of physical plant
  • 023 Personnel management
  • 024 [Unassigned]
  • 025 Library operations
  • 026 Libraries for specific subjects
  • 027 General libraries
  • 028 Reading & use of other information media
  • 029 [Unassigned]

030 Encyclopedias & books of facts

  • 030 General encyclopedic works
  • 031 Encyclopedias in American English
  • 032 Encyclopedias in English
  • 033 Encyclopedias in other Germanic languages
  • 034 Encyclopedias in French, Occitan, and Catalan
  • 035 Encyclopedias in Italian, Romanian, and related languages
  • 036 Encyclopedias in Spanish & Portuguese
  • 037 Encyclopedias in Slavic languages
  • 038 Encyclopedias in Scandinavian languages
  • 039 Encyclopedias in other languages

040 Unassigned (formerly Biographies)

050 magazines, journals & serials.

  • 050 General serial publications
  • 051 Serials in American English
  • 052 Serials in English
  • 053 Serials in other Germanic languages
  • 054 Serials in French, Occitan, and Catalan
  • 055 Serials in Italian, Romanian, and related languages
  • 056 Serials in Spanish & Portuguese
  • 057 Serials in Slavic languages
  • 058 Serials in Scandinavian languages
  • 059 Serials in other languages

060 Associations, organizations & museums

  • 060 General organizations & museum science
  • 061 Organizations in North America
  • 062 Organizations in British Isles; in England
  • 063 Organizations in central Europe; in Germany
  • 064 Organizations in France & Monaco
  • 065 Organizations in Italy & adjacent islands
  • 066 Organizations in Iberian peninsula & adjacent islands
  • 067 Organizations in eastern Europe; in Russia
  • 068 Organizations in other geographic areas
  • 069 Museum science

070 News media, journalism & publishing

  • 070 News media, journalism, and publishing
  • 071 Newspapers in North America
  • 072 Newspapers in British Isles; in England
  • 073 Newspapers in central Europe; in Germany
  • 074 Newspapers in France & Monaco
  • 075 Newspapers in Italy & adjacent islands
  • 076 Newspapers in Iberian peninsula & adjacent islands
  • 077 Newspapers in eastern Europe; in Russia
  • 078 Newspapers in Scandinavia
  • 079 Newspapers in other geographic areas

080 Quotations

  • 080 General collections
  • 081 Collections in American English
  • 082 Collections in English
  • 083 Collections in other Germanic languages
  • 084 Collections in French, Occitan, Catalan
  • 085 Collections in Italian, Romanian, & related languages
  • 086 Collections in Spanish & Portuguese
  • 087 Collections in Slavic languages
  • 088 Collections in Scandinavian languages
  • 089 Collections in other languages

090 Manuscripts & rare books

  • 090 Manuscripts and rare books
  • 091 Manuscripts
  • 092 Block books
  • 093 Incunabula
  • 094 Printed books
  • 095 Books notable for bindings
  • 096 Books notable for illustrations
  • 097 Books notable for ownership or origin
  • 098 Prohibited works, forgeries, and hoaxes
  • 099 Books notable for format

Class 100 – Philosophy & psychology

100 philosophy.

  • 100 Philosophy & psychology
  • 101 Theory of philosophy
  • 102 Miscellany
  • 103 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
  • 104 [Unassigned]
  • 105 Serial publications
  • 106 Organizations & management
  • 107 Education, research, related topics of philosophy
  • 108 Groups of people
  • 109 History & collected biography
  • 110 Metaphysics
  • 111 Ontology
  • 112 No longer used—formerly Methodology
  • 113 Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
  • 117 Structure
  • 118 Force and energy
  • 119 Number and quantity

120 Epistemology

  • 120 Epistemology, causation, and humankind
  • 121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
  • 122 Causation
  • 123 Determinism and indeterminism
  • 124 Teleology
  • 125 No longer used—formerly Infinity
  • 126 The self
  • 127 The unconscious & the subconscious
  • 128 Humankind
  • 129 Origin & destiny of individual souls
  • 130 Parapsychology & occultism
  • 131 Parapsychological and occult methods for achieving well-being, happiness, success
  • 132 No longer used—formerly Mental derangements
  • 133 Specific topics in parapsychology & occultism
  • 134 No longer used—formerly Mesmerism & Clairvoyance
  • 135 Dreams & mysteries
  • 136 No longer used—formerly Mental characteristics
  • 137 Divinatory graphology
  • 138 Physiognomy
  • 139 Phrenology

140 Philosophical schools of thought

  • 140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
  • 141 Idealism & related systems & doctrines
  • 142 Critical philosophy
  • 143 Bergsonism & intuitionism
  • 144 Humanism & related systems & doctrines
  • 145 Sensationalism
  • 146 Naturalism & related systems & doctrines
  • 147 Pantheism & related systems & doctrines
  • 148 Dogmatism, eclecticism, liberalism, syncretism, & traditionalism
  • 149 Other philosophical systems & doctrines
  • 150 Psychology
  • 151 No longer used—formerly Intellect
  • 152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, & physiological drives
  • 153 Conscious mental processes & intelligence
  • 154 Subconscious & altered states & processes
  • 155 Differential & developmental psychology
  • 156 Comparative psychology
  • 157 No longer used—formerly Emotions
  • 158 Applied psychology
  • 159 No longer used—formerly Will
  • 160 Philosophical logic
  • 161 Induction
  • 162 Deduction
  • 163–164 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 165 Fallacies & sources of error
  • 166 Syllogisms
  • 167 Hypotheses
  • 168 Argument & persuasion
  • 169 Analogy
  • 170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
  • 171 Ethical systems
  • 172 Political ethics
  • 173 Ethics of family relationships
  • 174 Occupational ethics
  • 175 Ethics of recreation, leisure, public performances, communication
  • 176 Ethics of sex & reproduction
  • 177 Ethics of social relations
  • 178 Ethics of consumption
  • 179 Other ethical norms

180 Ancient, medieval, & Eastern philosophy

  • 180 Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy
  • 181 Eastern philosophy
  • 182 Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
  • 183 Sophistic, Socratic, related Greek philosophies
  • 184 Platonic philosophy
  • 185 Aristotelian philosophy
  • 186 Skeptic & Neoplatonic philosophies
  • 187 Epicurean philosophy
  • 188 Stoic philosophy
  • 189 Medieval Western philosophy

190 Modern Western philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)

  • 190 Modern Western & other noneastern philosophy
  • 191 Philosophy of the United States and Canada
  • 192 Philosophy of the British Isles
  • 193 Philosophy of Germany and Austria
  • 194 Philosophy of France
  • 195 Philosophy of Italy
  • 196 Philosophy of Spain and Portugal
  • 197 Philosophy of Russia
  • 198 Philosophy of Scandinavia & Finland
  • 199 Philosophy in other geographic areas

Class 200 – Religion

  • 200 Religion
  • 201 Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
  • 202 Doctrines
  • 203 Public worship and other practices
  • 204 Religious experience, life, practice
  • 205 Religious ethics
  • 206 Leaders and organization
  • 207 Missions and religious education
  • 208 Sources
  • 209 Sects and reform movements
  • 210 Philosophy & theory of religion
  • 211 Concepts of God
  • 212 Existence, ways of knowing God, attributes of God
  • 213 Creation
  • 214 Theodicy
  • 215 Science & religion
  • 216 No longer used—formerly Evil
  • 217 No longer used—formerly Prayer
  • 218 Humankind
  • 219 No longer used—formerly Analogies

220 The Bible

  • 221 Old Testament (Tanakh)
  • 222 Historical books of Old Testament
  • 223 Poetic books of Old Testament
  • 224 Prophetic books of Old Testament
  • 225 New Testament
  • 226 Gospels & Acts
  • 227 Epistles
  • 228 Revelation (Apocalypse)
  • 229 Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, & intertestamental works
  • 230 Christianity
  • 232 Jesus Christ & his family
  • 233 Humankind
  • 234 Salvation & grace
  • 235 Spiritual beings
  • 236 Eschatology
  • 237 No longer used—formerly Future state
  • 238 Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, & catechisms
  • 239 Apologetics & polemics

240 Christian practice & observance

  • 240 Christian moral and devotional theology
  • 241 Christian ethics
  • 242 Devotional literature
  • 243 Evangelistic writings for individuals and families
  • 244 No longer used—formerly Religious fiction
  • 245 No longer used—formerly Hymnology
  • 246 Use of art in Christianity
  • 247 Church furnishings & related articles
  • 248 Christian experience, practice, life
  • 249 Christian observances in family life

250 Christian orders & local church

  • 250 Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
  • 251 Preaching (Homiletics)
  • 252 Texts of sermons
  • 253 Pastoral office and work (Pastoral theology)
  • 254 Parish administration
  • 255 Religious congregations & orders
  • 256 No longer used—formerly Religious societies
  • 257 No longer used—formerly Parochial schools, libraries, etc.
  • 258 No longer used—formerly Parochial medicine
  • 259 Pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people

260 Social & ecclesiastical theology

  • 260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
  • 261 Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes
  • 262 Ecclesiology
  • 263 Days, times, places of religious observance
  • 264 Public worship
  • 265 Sacraments, other rites & acts
  • 266 Missions
  • 267 Associations for religious work
  • 268 Religious education
  • 269 Spiritual renewal

270 History of Christianity

  • 270 History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
  • 271 Religious congregations and orders in church history
  • 272 Persecutions in church history
  • 273 Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
  • 274 Christianity in Europe
  • 275 Christianity in Asia
  • 276 Christianity in Africa
  • 277 Christianity in North America
  • 278 Christianity in South America
  • 279 History of Christianity in other areas

280 Christian denominations

  • 280 Denominations and sects of Christian church
  • 281 Early church & Eastern churches
  • 282 Roman Catholic Church
  • 283 Anglican churches
  • 284 Protestant denominations of Continental origin & related body
  • 285 Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches
  • 286 Baptist, Restoration Movement, Adventist churches
  • 287 Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
  • 288 No longer used—formerly Unitarian
  • 289 Other denominations & sects
  • 290 Other religions
  • 291 No longer used—formerly Comparative religion
  • 292 Classical religion (Greek & Roman religion)
  • 293 Germanic religion
  • 294 Religions of Indic origin
  • 295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
  • 296 Judaism
  • 297 Islam, Bábism & Bahá'í Faith
  • 298 No longer used—formerly Mormonism
  • 299 Religions not provided for elsewhere

Class 300 – Social sciences

300 social sciences, sociology & anthropology.

  • 300 Social sciences
  • 301 Sociology & anthropology
  • 302 Social interaction
  • 303 Social processes
  • 304 Factors affecting social behavior
  • 305 Groups of people
  • 306 Culture & institutions
  • 307 Communities
  • 308 No longer used—formerly Polygraphy
  • 309 No longer used—formerly History of sociology

310 Statistics

  • 310 Collections of general statistics
  • 311 No longer used—formerly Theory and methods
  • 312 No longer used—formerly Population
  • 313 No longer used—formerly Special topics
  • 314 General statistics of Europe
  • 315 General statistics of Asia
  • 316 General statistics of Africa
  • 317 General statistics of North America
  • 318 General statistics of South America
  • 319 General statistics of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica

320 Political science

  • 320 Political science (Politics & government)
  • 321 Systems of governments & states
  • 322 Relation of state to organized groups & their members
  • 323 Civil & political rights
  • 324 The political process
  • 325 International migration & colonization
  • 326 Slavery & emancipation
  • 327 International relations
  • 328 The legislative process
  • 329 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 330 Economics
  • 331 Labor economics
  • 332 Financial economics
  • 333 Economics of land & energy
  • 334 Cooperatives
  • 335 Socialism & related systems
  • 336 Public finance
  • 337 International economics
  • 338 Production
  • 339 Macroeconomics & related topics
  • 341 Law of nations
  • 342 Constitutional & administrative law
  • 343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade), industrial law
  • 344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law
  • 345 Criminal law
  • 346 Private law
  • 347 Procedure & courts
  • 348 Laws, regulations, cases
  • 349 Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations
  • 350 Public administration & military science
  • 351 Public administration
  • 352 General considerations of public administration
  • 353 Specific fields of public administration
  • 354 Public administration of economy & environment
  • 355 Military science
  • 356 Foot forces & warfare
  • 357 Mounted forces & warfare
  • 358 Air & other specialized forces & warfare; engineering & related services
  • 359 Sea forces & warfare

360 Social problems & social services

  • 360 Social problems & services; associations
  • 361 Social problems & services
  • 362 Social problems of & services to groups of people
  • 363 Other social problems & services
  • 364 Criminology
  • 365 Penal & related institutions
  • 366 Secret associations & societies
  • 367 General clubs
  • 368 Insurance
  • 369 Associations
  • 370 Education
  • 371 Schools & their activities; special education
  • 372 Primary education (elementary education)
  • 373 Secondary education
  • 374 Adult education
  • 375 Curricula
  • 376 No longer used—formerly Education of women
  • 377 No longer used—formerly Ethical education
  • 378 Higher education (Tertiary education)
  • 379 Public policy issues in education

380 Commerce, communications, & transportation

  • 380 Commerce, communications, transportation
  • 381 Commerce (Trade)
  • 382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
  • 383 Postal communication
  • 384 Communications
  • 385 Railroad transportation
  • 386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation
  • 387 Water, air, space transportation
  • 388 Transportation
  • 389 Metrology & standardization

390 Customs, etiquette, & folklore

  • 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore
  • 391 Costume & personal appearance
  • 392 Customs of life cycle & domestic life
  • 393 Death customs
  • 394 General customs
  • 395 Etiquette (Manners)
  • 396 No longer used—formerly Women's position and treatment
  • 397 No longer used—formerly outcast studies
  • 398 Folklore
  • 399 Customs of war & diplomacy

Class 400 – Language

  • 400 Language
  • 401 Philosophy & theory; international languages
  • 402 Miscellany
  • 403 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 404 Special topics of language
  • 405 Serial publications
  • 406 Organizations & management
  • 407 Education, research, related topics
  • 408 Groups of people
  • 409 Geographic treatment & biography
  • 410 Linguistics
  • 411 Writing systems of standard forms of languages
  • 412 Etymology of standard forms of languages
  • 413 Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
  • 414 Phonology & phonetics of standard forms of languages
  • 415 Grammar of standard forms of languages
  • 416 No longer used—formerly Prosody
  • 417 Dialectology & historical linguistics
  • 418 Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 419 Sign languages

420 English & Old English languages

  • 420 English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
  • 421 Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English
  • 422 Etymology of standard English
  • 423 Dictionaries of standard English
  • 424 No longer used—formerly English thesauruses
  • 425 Grammar of standard English
  • 426 No longer used—formerly English prosodies
  • 427 Historical & geographical variations, modern nongeographic variations of English
  • 428 Standard English usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 429 Old English (Anglo-Saxon)

430 German & related languages

  • 430 German and related languages
  • 431 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard German
  • 432 Etymology of standard German
  • 433 Dictionaries of standard German
  • 434 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 435 Grammar of standard German
  • 436 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 437 Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of German
  • 438 Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 439 Other Germanic languages

440 French & related languages

  • 440 French & related Romance languages
  • 441 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard French
  • 442 Etymology of standard French
  • 443 Dictionaries of standard French
  • 444 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 445 Grammar of standard French
  • 446 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 447 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of French
  • 448 Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 449 Occitan Catalan, Franco-Provençal

450 Italian, Romanian, & related languages

  • 450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
  • 451 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Italian
  • 452 Etymology of standard Italian
  • 453 Dictionaries of standard Italian
  • 454 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 455 Grammar of standard Italian
  • 456 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 457 Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Italian
  • 458 Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 459 Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
  • 460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
  • 461 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Spanish
  • 462 Etymology of standard Spanish
  • 463 Dictionaries of standard Spanish
  • 464 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 465 Grammar of standard Spanish
  • 466 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 467 Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Spanish
  • 468 Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 469 Portuguese

470 Latin & Italic languages

  • 470 Latin & related Italic languages
  • 471 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Latin
  • 472 Etymology of classical Latin
  • 473 Dictionaries of classical Latin
  • 474 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 475 Grammar of classical Latin
  • 476 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 477 Old, postclassical, Vulgar Latin
  • 478 Classical Latin usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 479 Other Italic languages

480 Classical & modern Greek languages

  • 480 Classical Greek & related Hellenic languages
  • 481 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Greek
  • 482 Etymology of classical Greek
  • 483 Dictionaries of classical Greek
  • 484 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 485 Grammar of classical Greek
  • 486 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 487 Preclassical & postclassical Greek
  • 488 Classical Greek usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 489 Other Hellenic languages
  • 490 Other languages
  • 491 East Indo-European & Celtic languages
  • 492 Afro-Asiatic languages
  • 493 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
  • 494 Altic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages, miscellaneous languages of south Asia
  • 495 Languages of East & Southeast Asia
  • 496 African languages
  • 497 North American native languages
  • 498 South American native languages
  • 499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages

Class 500 – Science

500 science.

  • 500 Natural sciences & mathematics
  • 501 Philosophy & theory
  • 502 Miscellany
  • 503 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 504 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 505 Serial publications
  • 506 Organizations & management
  • 507 Education, research, related topics
  • 508 Natural history
  • 509 History, geographic treatment, biography
  • 510 Mathematics
  • 511 General principles of mathematics
  • 512 Algebra
  • 513 Arithmetic
  • 514 Topology
  • 515 Analysis
  • 516 Geometry
  • 517 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 518 Numerical analysis
  • 519 Probabilities & applied mathematics

520 Astronomy

  • 520 Astronomy & allied sciences
  • 521 Celestial mechanics
  • 522 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 523 Specific celestial bodies & phenomena
  • 524 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 525 Earth (Astronomical geography)
  • 526 Mathematical geography
  • 527 Celestial navigation
  • 528 Ephemerides
  • 529 Chronology
  • 530 Physics
  • 531 Classical mechanics
  • 532 Fluid mechanics
  • 533 Pneumatics (Gas mechanics)
  • 534 Sound & related vibrations
  • 535 Light & related radiation
  • 537 Electricity & electronics
  • 538 Magnetism
  • 539 Modern physics

540 Chemistry

  • 540 Chemistry & allied sciences
  • 541 Physical chemistry
  • 542 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 543 Analytical chemistry
  • 544 No longer used—formerly Qualitative analysis
  • 545 No longer used—formerly Quantitative analysis
  • 546 Inorganic chemistry
  • 547 Organic chemistry
  • 548 Crystallography
  • 549 Mineralogy

550 Earth sciences & geology

  • 550 Earth sciences
  • 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology
  • 552 Petrology
  • 553 Economic geology
  • 554 Earth sciences of Europe
  • 555 Earth sciences of Asia
  • 556 Earth sciences of Africa
  • 557 Earth sciences of North America
  • 558 Earth sciences of South America
  • 559 Earth sciences of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds

560 Fossils & prehistoric life

  • 560 Paleontology
  • 561 Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms
  • 562 Fossil invertebrates
  • 563 Miscellaneous fossil marine & seashore invertebrates
  • 564 Fossil Mollusca & Molluscoidea
  • 565 Fossil Arthropoda
  • 566 Fossil Chordata
  • 567 Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
  • 568 Fossil Aves (birds)
  • 569 Fossil Mammalia
  • 570 Biology
  • 571 Physiology & related subjects
  • 572 Biochemistry
  • 573 Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology & physiology in animals
  • 574 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 575 Specific parts of & physiological systems in plants
  • 576 Genetics and evolution
  • 577 Ecology
  • 578 Natural history of organisms & related subjects
  • 579 Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae
  • 581 Specific topics in natural history of plants
  • 582 Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
  • 583 Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones)
  • 584 Liliopsida (Monocotyledones)
  • 585 Pinophyta (Gymnosperms)
  • 586 Cryptogamia (Seedless plants)
  • 587 Pteridophyta
  • 588 Bryophyta
  • 589 No longer used—formerly Forestry

590 Animals (Zoology)

  • 590 Animals
  • 591 Specific topics in natural history of animals
  • 592 Invertebrates
  • 593 Miscellaneous marine & seashore invertebrates
  • 594 Mollusca & Molluscoidea
  • 595 Arthropoda
  • 596 Chordata
  • 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates
  • 598 Aves (Birds)
  • 599 Mammalia (Mammals)

Class 600 – Technology

600 technology.

  • 600 Technology (Applied sciences)
  • 601 Philosophy & theory
  • 602 Miscellany
  • 603 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 604 Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology; groups of people
  • 605 Serial publications
  • 606 Organizations
  • 607 Education, research, related topics
  • 608 Patents
  • 609 History, geographic treatment, biography
  • 610 Medicine & health
  • 610.3 Medical encyclopedias
  • 610.6 Medical organizations & professions
  • 610.72 Medical research
  • 610.9 Geography and history of medicine
  • 611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology
  • 611.2 Respiratory (lung, respiratory system)
  • 611.3 Gastrointestinal (dental anatomy)
  • 611.6 Genitourinary (genital system)
  • 611.7 Musculoskeletal (seed coat)
  • 611.8 Anatomy of the sense organs and nervous system
  • 611.82 Anatomy of the brain
  • 611.9 Topographic anatomy (back)
  • 612 Human physiology
  • 613 Personal health & safety
  • 613.023 Professions hygiene and health
  • 613.1 Role of the natural environment
  • 613.2 Diet (food hygiene, nutrition, diet, nutritional value of food and beverages)
  • 613.4 Cleanliness Care (hygiene and personal cleanliness, personal care)
  • 613.5 Role of unnatural environment (housing, housing, temperature)
  • 613.62 Hygiene in the business (industrial hygiene)
  • 613.66 Self Defense
  • 613.7 Condition physique (bodybuilding, fitness, forme physique)[4]
  • 613.7046 Hatha yoga, yoga physique[5]
  • 613.71 Exercising, sports (aerobics, sauna, appearance surveillance and physical form)[6]
  • 613.79 Relaxation, sleep[7]
  • 614 Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine
  • 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics
  • 616 Diseases
  • 617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
  • 618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics
  • 619 No longer used—formerly Experimental medicine

620 Engineering

  • 620 Engineering & Applied operations
  • 621 Applied physics
  • 622 Mining & related operations
  • 623 Military & nautical engineering
  • 624 Civil engineering
  • 625 Engineering of railroads, roads
  • 626 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 627 Hydraulic engineering
  • 628 Sanitary engineering
  • 629 Other branches of engineering

630 Agriculture

  • 630 Agriculture & related technologies
  • 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
  • 633 Field & plantation crops
  • 634 Orchards, fruits, forestry
  • 635 Garden crops (Horticulture)
  • 636 Animal husbandry
  • 637 Processing dairy & related products
  • 638 Insect culture
  • 639 Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies
  • 640 Home & family management
  • 641 Food & drink
  • 642 Meals & table service
  • 643 Housing & household equipment
  • 644 Household utilities
  • 645 Household furnishings
  • 646 Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life
  • 647 Management of public households (Institutional housekeeping)
  • 648 Housekeeping
  • 649 Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities & illnesses

650 Management & public relations

  • 650 Management & auxiliary services
  • 651 Office services
  • 652 Processes of written communication
  • 653 Shorthand
  • 654–656 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 657 Accounting
  • 658 General management
  • 659 Advertising & public relations

660 Chemical engineering

  • 660 Chemical engineering & related technologies
  • 661 Technology of industrial chemicals
  • 662 Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
  • 663 Beverage technology
  • 664 Food technology
  • 665 Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
  • 666 Ceramic & allied technologies
  • 667 Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
  • 668 Technology of other organic products
  • 669 Metallurgy
  • 670 Manufacturing
  • 671 Metalworking processes & primary metal products
  • 672 Iron, steel, other iron alloys
  • 673 Nonferrous metals
  • 674 Lumber processing, wood products, cork
  • 675 Leather & fur processing
  • 676 Pulp & paper technology
  • 677 Textiles
  • 678 Elastomers & elastomer products
  • 679 Other products of specific kinds of materials

680 Manufacture for specific uses

  • 680 Manufacture of products for specific uses
  • 681 Precision instruments[disambiguation needed] & other devices
  • 682 Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
  • 683 Hardware & household appliances
  • 684 Furnishings & home workshops
  • 685 Leather & fur goods, & related products
  • 686 Printing & related activities
  • 687 Clothing & accessories
  • 688 Other final products, & packaging technology
  • 689 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 690 Construction of buildings
  • 691 Building materials
  • 692 Auxiliary construction practices
  • 693 Construction in specific types of materials & for specific purposes
  • 694 Wood construction
  • 695 Roof covering
  • 696 Utilities
  • 697 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering
  • 698 Detail finishing
  • 699 Not assigned or no longer used

Class 700 – Arts & recreation

  • 700 The Arts
  • 701 Philosophy & theory of fine & decorative arts
  • 702 Miscellany of fine & decorative arts
  • 703 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of fine & decorative arts
  • 704 Special topics in fine & decorative arts
  • 705 Serial publications of fine & decorative arts
  • 706 Organizations & management of fine & decorative arts
  • 707 Education, research, related topics of fine & decorative arts
  • 708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine & decorative arts
  • 709 History, geographic treatment, biography
  • 710 Area planning & landscape architecture
  • 711 Area planning (Civic art)
  • 712 Landscape architecture (Landscape design)
  • 713 Landscape architecture of trafficways
  • 714 Water features in landscape architecture
  • 715 Woody plants in landscape architecture
  • 716 Herbaceous plants in landscape architecture
  • 717 Structures in landscape architecture
  • 718 Landscape design of cemeteries
  • 719 Natural landscapes
  • 720 Architecture
  • 721 Architectural materials & structural elements
  • 722 Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300
  • 723 Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
  • 724 Architecture from 1400
  • 725 Public structures
  • 726 Buildings for religious & related purposes
  • 727 Buildings for educational & research purposes
  • 728 Residential & related buildings
  • 729 Design & decoration of structures & accessories

730 Sculpture, ceramics, & metalwork

  • 730 Sculpture & related arts
  • 731 Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
  • 732 Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of non-literate peoples
  • 733 Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
  • 734 Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
  • 735 Sculpture from 1400
  • 736 Carving & carvings
  • 737 Numismatics & sigillography
  • 738 Ceramic arts
  • 739 Art metalwork

740 Graphic arts & decorative arts

  • 740 Graphic arts
  • 741 Drawing & drawings
  • 742 Perspective in drawing
  • 743 Drawing & drawings by subject
  • 744 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 745 Decorative arts
  • 746 Textile arts
  • 747 Interior decoration
  • 749 Furniture & accessories

750 Painting

  • 750 Painting & paintings
  • 751 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials, forms
  • 753 Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
  • 754 Genre paintings
  • 755 Religion
  • 756 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 757 Human figures
  • 758 Nature, architectural subjects & cityscapes, other specific subjects
  • 759 History, geographic treatment, biography
  • 760 Printmaking & prints
  • 761 Relief processes (Block printing)
  • 762 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 763 Lithographic processes (Planographic processes)
  • 764 Chromolithography & serigraphy
  • 765 Metal engraving
  • 766 Mezzotinting, aquatinting, & related processes
  • 767 Etching & drypoint
  • 768 Not assigned or no longer used

770 Photography, computer art, film, video

  • 770 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
  • 771 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 772 Metallic salt processes
  • 773 Pigment processes of printing
  • 774 No longer used—formerly Holography
  • 775 No longer used—formerly Digital photography
  • 776 Computer art (Digital art)
  • 777 Cinematography & Videography
  • 778 Specific fields & special kinds of photography
  • 779 Photographic images
  • 781 General principles & musical forms
  • 782 Vocal music
  • 783 Music for single voices
  • 784 Instruments & Instrumental ensembles & their music
  • 785 Ensembles with only one instrument per part
  • 786 Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments
  • 787 Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
  • 788 Wind instruments (Aerophones)
  • 789 Unassigned or no longer used

790 Outline of sports, games & entertainment

  • 790 Recreational & performing arts
  • 791 Public performances
  • 792 Stage presentations
  • 793 Indoor games & amusements
  • 794 Indoor games of skill
  • 795 Games of chance
  • 796 Athletic & outdoor sports & games
  • 797 Aquatic & air sports
  • 798 Equestrian sports & animal racing
  • 799 Fishing, hunting, shooting

Class 800 – Literature

800 literature, rhetoric & criticism.

  • 800 Literature (Belles-lettres) & rhetoric
  • 801 Philosophy & theory
  • 802 Miscellany
  • 803 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 804 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 805 Serial publications
  • 806 Organizations & management
  • 807 Education, research, related topics
  • 808 Rhetoric & collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
  • 809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
  • 810 American literature in English
  • 811 American poetry in English
  • 812 American drama in English
  • 813 American fiction in English
  • 814 American essays in English
  • 815 American speeches in English
  • 816 American letters in English
  • 817 American humor & satire in English
  • 818 American miscellaneous writings in English
  • 819 No longer used—formerly Puzzle activities

820 English & Old English literatures

  • 820 English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
  • 821 English Poetry
  • 822 English drama
  • 822.33 William Shakespeare
  • 823 English fiction
  • 824 English essays
  • 825 English speeches
  • 826 English letters
  • 827 English humor & satire
  • 828 English miscellaneous writings
  • 829 Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literature

830 German & related literatures

  • 830 German literature & literatures of related languages
  • 831 German poetry
  • 832 German drama
  • 833 German fiction
  • 834 German essays
  • 835 German speeches
  • 836 German letters
  • 837 German humor & satire
  • 838 German miscellaneous writings
  • 839 Other Germanic literatures

840 French & related literatures

  • 840 French literature & literatures of related Romance languages
  • 841 French poetry
  • 842 French drama
  • 843 French fiction
  • 844 French essays
  • 845 French speeches
  • 846 French letters
  • 847 French humor & satire
  • 848 French miscellaneous writings
  • 849 Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures

850 Italian, Romanian, & related literatures

  • 850 Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
  • 851 Italian poetry
  • 852 Italian drama
  • 853 Italian fiction
  • 854 Italian essays
  • 855 Italian speeches
  • 856 Italian letters
  • 857 Italian humor & satire
  • 858 Italian miscellaneous writings
  • 859 Literatures of Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages

860 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician literatures

  • 860 Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
  • 861 Spanish poetry
  • 862 Spanish drama
  • 863 Spanish fiction
  • 864 Spanish essays
  • 865 Spanish speeches
  • 866 Spanish letters
  • 867 Spanish humor & satire
  • 868 Spanish miscellaneous writings
  • 869 Literatures of Portuguese & Galician languages

870 Latin & Italic literatures

  • 870 Latin literature & literatures of related Italic languages
  • 871 Latin poetry
  • 872 Latin dramatic poetry & drama
  • 873 Latin epic poetry & fiction
  • 874 Latin lyric poetry
  • 875 Latin speeches
  • 876 Latin letters
  • 877 Latin humor & satire
  • 878 Latin miscellaneous writings
  • 879 Literatures of other Italic languages

880 Classical & modern Greek literatures

  • 880 Classical Greek literature & literatures of related Hellenic languages
  • 881 Classical Greek poetry
  • 882 Classical Greek drama
  • 883 Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
  • 884 Classical Greek lyric poetry
  • 885 Classical Greek speeches
  • 886 Classical Greek letters
  • 887 Classical Greek humor & satire
  • 888 Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
  • 889 Modern Greek literature

890 Other literatures

  • 890 Literatures of other specific languages and language families
  • 891 East Indo-European & Celtic literatures
  • 892 Afro-Asiatic literatures
  • 893 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
  • 894 Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures of miscellaneous languages of South Asia
  • 895 Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
  • 896 African literatures
  • 897 Literatures of North American native languages
  • 898 Literatures of South American native languages
  • 899 Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian languages, of miscellaneous languages

Class 900 – History & geography

900 history.

  • 900 History, geography, & auxiliary disciplines
  • 901 Philosophy & theory of history
  • 902 Miscellany of history
  • 903 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history
  • 904 Collected accounts of events
  • 905 Serial publications of history
  • 906 Organizations & management of history
  • 907 Education, research, related topics of history
  • 908 History with respect to groups of people
  • 909 World history
  • 910 Geography & travel
  • 911 Historical geography
  • 912 Graphic representations of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds
  • 913 Geography of & travel in ancient world
  • 914 Geography of & travel in Europe
  • 915 Geography of & travel in Asia
  • 916 Geography of & travel in Africa
  • 917 Geography of & travel in North America
  • 918 Geography of & travel in South America
  • 919 Geography of & travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, & on extraterrestrial worlds

920 Biography & genealogy

  • 920 Biography, genealogy, insignia
  • 921–928 This range is reserved as an optional location for biographies, which are shelved alphabetically by subject's last name.
  • 929 Genealogy, names, insignia

930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499)

  • 930 History of ancient world to ca. 499
  • 931 China to 420
  • 932 Egypt to 640
  • 933 Palestine to 70
  • 934 South Asia to 647
  • 935 Mesopotamia to 637 & Iranian Plateau to 637
  • 936 Europe north & west of Italian Peninsula to ca. 499
  • 937 Italian Peninsula to 476 & adjacent territories to 476
  • 938 Greece to 323
  • 939 Other parts of ancient world
  • 940 History of Europe
  • 941 British Isles
  • 942 England & Wales
  • 943 Germany & neighboring central European countries
  • 944 France & Monaco
  • 945 Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
  • 946 Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
  • 947 Russia & neighboring east European countries
  • 948 Scandinavia
  • 949 Other parts of Europe
  • 950 History of Asia
  • 951 China & adjacent areas
  • 953 Arabian Peninsula & adjacent areas
  • 954 India & neighboring south Asian countries;
  • 956 Middle East (Near East)
  • 957 Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
  • 958 Central Asia
  • 959 Southeast Asia
  • 960 History of Africa
  • 961 Tunisia & Libya
  • 962 Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
  • 963 Ethiopia & Eritrea
  • 964 Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla Western Sahara, Canary Islands
  • 965 Algeria
  • 966 West Africa & offshore islands
  • 967 Central Africa & offshore islands
  • 968 Republic of South Africa & neighboring southern African countries
  • 969 South Indian Ocean islands
  • 970 History of North America
  • 972 Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda
  • 973 United States
  • 974 Northeastern United States (New England & Middle Atlantic states)
  • 975 Southeastern United States (South Atlantic states)
  • 976 South central United States
  • 977 North central United States
  • 978 Western United States
  • 979 Great Basin & Pacific Slope region of United States
  • 980 History of South America
  • 982 Argentina
  • 984 Bolivia
  • 986 Colombia & Ecuador
  • 987 Venezuela
  • 989 Paraguay & Uruguay

990 History of other areas

  • 990 History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
  • 991–992 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 993 New Zealand
  • 994 Australia
  • 995 New Guinea & neighboring countries of Melanesia
  • 996 Polynesia & other Pacific Ocean islands
  • 997 Atlantic Ocean islands
  • 998 Arctic islands & Antarctica
  • 999 Extraterrestrial worlds


  • Created August 4, 2020
  • 3 revisions
Edited by fix lcc link
Edited by save lcc list
Created by
  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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Dewey Decimal System Guide (Printable Chart, Posters, and Labels)

Learn how to navigate the nonfiction section.

Dewey Decimal System poster on wall next to bookshelf

Knowing how to to find the right books in the library is like a learning superpower! One of the most important library skills is understanding the Dewey Decimal System. Learn more about this library classification system below. Plus fill out the form on this page to get your free Dewey Decimal System printable chart, posters, and labels.

The bundle includes:

  • 10 posters, one for each of the main classes
  • 2 charts , one simple chart listing main classes and one detailed chart listing main classes and divisions
  • 1 sheet of bookshelf labels, one label for each of the main classes

What is the Dewey Decimal System?

How does the dewey decimal system work, dewey decimal system classes.

  • What’s included in the Dewey Decimal System printable bundle?

In libraries, fiction books can be organized in a variety of ways. Nonfiction books , though, are nearly always classified using the Dewey Decimal System. Invented in the late 1800s by Melvil Dewey, this system revolutionized the way libraries helped customers find books. Prior to Dewey’s system, libraries assigned each nonfiction book a number using their own system. Because nonfiction library stacks weren’t open to the public, only librarians needed to know how each library’s system worked.

Dewey suggested breaking books down by subject, assigning them detailed “call numbers” that showed exactly where they fit into specific categories, known as classes. This allowed patrons to find their own books more easily, using the call number assigned to each. The system has changed and expanded over time, as new subjects (such as computer science) became popular. But the overall classification system itself continues to work in the same way Dewey originally envisioned.

Learn more about Melvil Dewey here.

Explanation of a Dewey Decimal System call number 749.607

Each book is assigned a starting number from 000 to 999, based on its overall subject matter. Within each class, further numbers help break down categories into even more specific subjects. The three-digit number before the decimal point places the book into a broad category, while numbers after the decimal point get much more specific.

To understand it, it’s easiest to look at an example. We’ll use David McCullough’s well-known biography of U.S. president John Adams . Its basic Dewey Decimal call number is 973.4. Here’s how librarians get that number:

First, they find the three-digit number that comes before the decimal point:

  • 973: United States

Then, they break the class down even further by using numbers after the decimal point.

  • 973.4: Constitutional period, 1789–1809

Depending on the book, there may be even more numbers after the decimal point. There may also be other numbers assigned to help distinguish similarly titled books from one another. For a more complete look at the Dewey Decimal System chart and how it works, click here. ADVERTISEMENT

Here’s a closer look at the general categories in the Dewey Decimal System. For more details on each, visit the OCLC’s Dewey Services page here .

And don’t forget to grab your free printable Dewey Decimal System chart to share with students!

000: Computer Science, Information, and General Works

This category consists of books that contain general knowledge (like encyclopedias). It also includes information about library sciences, journalism, and publishing, as well as rare books or manuscripts.

  • 000 Knowledge, the book, systems, computer science
  • 010 Bibliography
  • 020 Library and information sciences
  • 030 General encyclopedic works
  • 040 [Unassigned]
  • 050 General serial publications
  • 060 General organizations and museology
  • 070 Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism; publishing
  • 080 General collections
  • 090 Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials

Example Books:

  • 020.973 Foundations of Library and Information Science (Rubin)
  • 031 World Book Encyclopedia

100: Philosophy and Psychology

Dewey Decimal System 100 Philosophy and Psychology poster on wall next to book shelf.

From metaphysics and psychology to Eastern and Western philosophy, this category is for all the thinkers out there.

  • 100 Standard subdivisions of philosophy
  • 110 Metaphysics
  • 120 Epistemology, causation, humankind
  • 130 Parapsychology and occultism
  • 140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
  • 150 Psychology
  • 160 Philosophical logic
  • 170 Ethics (moral philosophy)
  • 180 Ancient, medieval, Eastern philosophy
  • 190 Modern Western and other non-Eastern philosophy
  • 177.7 What Does It Mean To Be Kind? (DiOrio)
  • 193 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche)

200: Religion

You’ll find all world religions in this class, though it has a heavy focus on Christianity.

  • 200 Specific aspects of religion
  • 210 Philosophy and theory of religion
  • 230 Christianity
  • 240 Christian moral and devotional theology
  • 250 Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
  • 260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
  • 270 History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
  • 280 Denominations and sects of Christian church
  • 290 Other religions
  • 248.4 The Screwtape Letters (Lewis)
  • 293.13 Norse Mythology (Gaiman)

300: Social Sciences

Dewey Decimal System 300 Social Sciences Poster on wall next to book shelf.

This class is all about human society and the relationships between people. It includes subjects like sociology, law, politics, and education.

  • 300 Sociology and anthropology
  • 310 Collections of general statistics
  • 320 Political science (politics and government)
  • 330 Economics
  • 350 Public administration and military science
  • 360 Social problems and services; associations
  • 370 Education
  • 380 Commerce, communications, transportation
  • 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore

Book Examples:

  • 342.73029 The Federalist Papers (Hamilton/Madison/Jay)
  • 398.2 Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales (Grimm)

400: Language

The books in this class cover all the languages of the world. This can include reference works like a dictionary or thesaurus, as well as books about the history and usage of languages.

  • 400 Standard subdivisions
  • 410 Linguistics
  • 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
  • 430 German and related languages
  • 440 French and related Romance languages
  • 450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
  • 460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
  • 470 Latin and related Italic languages
  • 480 Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages
  • 490 Other languages
  • 423.1 Roget’s International Thesaurus, Eighth Edition
  • 468.2421 501 Spanish Verbs (Kendris)

500: Pure Science

While the 300s cover social sciences, this class includes “pure” science fields like biology, mathematics, physics, and more. You’ll sometimes see this class called “Natural Sciences” instead.

500 Physical sciences, space sciences, groups of people, and natural history 510 Mathematics 520 Astronomy and allied sciences 530 Physics 540 Chemistry and allied sciences 550 Earth sciences 560 Paleontology 570 Biology 580 Plants 590 Animals

  • 523.1 A Brief History of Time (Hawking)
  • 576.82 The Origin of Species (Darwin)

600: Technology (Applied Sciences)

Dewey Decimal System 600 Technology Applied Sciences poster on wall next to book shelf.

When we think of technology, we tend to think about computers or smartphones. But this class covers technology as a wider field and includes applied sciences like home economics, agriculture, and medicine.

  • 600 Technical drawing, hazardous materials, technology, patents
  • 610 Medicine and health
  • 620 Engineering and allied operations
  • 630 Agriculture and related technologies
  • 640 Home and family management
  • 650 Management and auxiliary services
  • 660 Chemical engineering and related technologies
  • 670 Manufacturing
  • 680 Manufacture of products for specific uses
  • 690 Construction of buildings
  • 616.89 Girl, Interrupted (Kaysen)
  • 641.5 Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (Bourdain)

700: Arts and Recreation

This class includes fine arts subjects like painting and drawing (including comics), as well as performing arts like theater and music. You’ll also find recreation-related topics like athletics and games.

  • 700 Standard subdivisions of the arts
  • 710 Area planning and landscape architecture
  • 720 Architecture
  • 730 Sculpture and related arts
  • 740 Graphic arts and decorative arts
  • 750 Painting and paintings
  • 760 Printmaking and prints
  • 770 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
  • 790 Recreational and performing arts
  • 720 Atlas of Amazing Architecture (Allen)
  • 796.357 The Baseball 100 (Posnanski)

800: Literature

Many people don’t realize that Dewey’s classification system includes a category for fiction. Most libraries don’t classify their fiction books using Dewey Decimal call numbers; they instead break them into categories like mystery, romance, etc., and alphabetize them by author’s last name. But you’ll find some forms of literature classed by their DD call number instead, such as poetry, plays, letters, and essays.

  • 800 Standard subdivisions; rhetoric; collections; history, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
  • 810 American literature in English
  • 820 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
  • 830 German literature and literatures of related languages
  • 840 French literature and literatures of related Romance languages
  • 850 Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
  • 860 Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
  • 870 Latin literature and literatures of related Italic languages
  • 880 Classical Greek literature and literatures of related Hellenic languages
  • 890 Literatures of other specific languages and language families
  • 822.23 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
  • 883.01 The Odyssey (Homer)

900: History and Geography

Dewey Decimal System 900 History and Geography poster on wall next to book shelf.

Head to this section for all things history, including biographies. This is also where you’ll find books about travel and genealogy.

  • 900 Standard subdivisions of history and geography
  • 910 Geography and travel
  • 920 Biography, genealogy, insignia
  • 930 History of ancient world to ca. 499
  • 940 History of Europe
  • 950 History of Asia
  • 960 History of Africa
  • 970 History of North America
  • 980 History of South America
  • 990 History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
  • 919.404 In a Sunburned Country (Bryson)
  • 973.3 1776 (McCullough)

What’s included in the Dewey Decimal System Printable Bundle?

Dewey decimal system simple chart.

This chart listing all of the main classes can be printed and hung on the wall as a poster or used as a handout for younger students.

Dewey Decimal System poster on teal background.

Dewey Decimal System Detailed Chart

The second chart lists the main classes along with the divisions within each class. It’s a great reference tool for older students.

Dewey Decimal System poster on wall next to bookshelf

Dewey Decimal System Posters

There are also posters for each main class and list divisions within each class. These are perfect for hanging throughout the library.

Dewey Decimal System Labels for Bookshelves

Print this sheet listing each of the main classes on standard 2.625″ x 1″ address labels.

Dewey Decimal System sheet of labels on teal background

Then attach them to your bookshelves for an organized library.

Dewey Decimal System label for 300-399 Social Sciences on book shelf.

To get your printable Dewey Decimal System chart, posters, and labels, just fill out the form on this page.

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Dewey Decimal Classification, 2023 (Introduction, Manual, Tables, Schedules 000-199) (Volume 1 of 4)

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Dewey Decimal Classification, 2023 (Introduction, Manual, Tables, Schedules 000-199) (Volume 1 of 4)

Volume 1 of the 2023 annual print-on-demand version of the Dewey Decimal Classification includes the Introduction, Manual, Tables, and Schedules 000-199.

DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION, 2023 (Introduction, Manual, Tables, Schedules 000-199) (Volume 1 of 4)

  • ISBN-10 1556532717
  • ISBN-13 978-1556532719
  • Publisher OCLC
  • Publication date January 19, 2023
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 6.69 x 1.95 x 9.61 inches
  • Print length 992 pages
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ OCLC (January 19, 2023)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 992 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1556532717
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1556532719
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.41 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.69 x 1.95 x 9.61 inches
  • #109 in Cataloging
  • #571 in Library Management
  • #1,625 in General Library & Information Sciences

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education books dewey decimal

For immediate release | April 5, 2023

An essential handbook of the Dewey Decimal Classification System

book cover for A Handbook of History, Theory and Practice of the Dewey Decimal Classification System

CHICAGO — The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), used in 200,000 libraries across 140 countries, has entered a new age, primarily maintained today as a continuously revised electronic system rather than an occasionally updated set of print volumes. Its editors have added newly emerging topics and made it an increasingly faceted, semantically rich, modern system. Simultaneously, the editorial process has become democratized and more responsive to global needs. Published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, “ A Handbook of History, Theory and Practice of the Dewey Decimal Classification System ” is an indispensable guide to today’s DDC, an essential companion for DDC classifiers, and an accessible resource for students and continuing learners. Written by M. P. Satija and Alex Kyrios, this handbook’s coverage includes:

  • a brief history of the system, its editors, and its development;
  • specialized examinations of specific parts of the classification;
  • extensive guidance on number building, with many examples;
  • a WebDewey-specific chapter, covering the system's benefits and features; and
  • concise summaries of primary takeaways, a glossary, and extensive bibliography.

Satija is an Emeritus fellow in the Department of Library & Information Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, India. In his long professional career he has written extensively on library classification systems, especially the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Colon Classification. He has authored textbooks on every edition of the DDC since 1979 and has collaborated with three successive editors of the DDC. Dr. Satija serves on the editorial boards of many international journals including the ISKO journal Knowledge Organization , and is a member of the UDC Consortium, The Hague.

Kyrios is the Senior Editor of the Dewey Decimal Classification at OCLC, based out of the Library of Congress. He is responsible for overseeing the continuous updating and revision of the classification, working with partners and volunteers around the world.

Facet Publishing , the commercial publishing and bookselling arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is the leading publisher of books for library and information professionals worldwide. ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library and information professionals worldwide. ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman publishes resources used by library and information professionals, scholars, students, and educators to improve programs and services, build on best practices, enhance pedagogy, share research, develop leadership, and promote advocacy. ALA authors and developers are leaders in their fields, and their content is published in a variety of print and electronic formats. Contact ALA Editions | ALA Neal-Schuman at [email protected].

Related Links

" A Handbook of History, Theory and Practice of the Dewey Decimal Classification System ”

"The Future of Enriched, Linked, Open and Filtered Metadata: Making Sense of IFLA LRM, RDA, Linked Data and BIBFRAME"

"From Cataloguing to Metadata Creation: A Cultural and Methodological Introduction"

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Catalog Search

Site search, dewey decimal classification: a short subject list*.

Abortion – 363.46

Addiction – 362.29

Adolescence – 305.235
Adoption – 362.734

Advertising – 659.1

Aerodynamics – 533.62

Africa (History) – 960

African Americans (Culture) – 305.896

African Americans (History) – 973.0496

African Violets – 635.933

Aggression – 302.54

Aging – 571.878

AIDS (disease) – 362.196

AIDS (medicine) – 616.979

Airplanes – 629.133

Air Pollution – 363.739

Aircraft – 387.73

Alcoholism – 362.292

Algae – 579.8

Algebra – 512

Aliens – 305.906

Allergies – 57.972

Almanacs – 314

Alzheimer Disease – 362.196

Amateur Radio – 384.54

Amphibians – 597.8

Anatomy – 571.3

Anemia – 616.152

Anger – 152.47

Animals – 590

Animal Behavior – 591.5

Anorexia Nervosa – 362.25

Antiques – 745.1

Archaeologists – 930.109

Architects – 720.92

Arrest – 363.232

Art (History) – 709

Art (Technique) – 751.4

Arterial Diseases (medicine) 616.13

Arthritis – 616.722

Artists – 700.92

Asia (History) – 959

Asbestos – 553.672

Astronomy – 520

Athletic Games – 796

Atlases – 912

Atmosphere – 551.5

Attorneys – 340.092

Auctions – 381.17

Auto Racing – 796.72

Autumn – 508.2

Aviation – 387.7

Baby Food – 641.300

Baby names – 929.44

Backpacking – 796.51

Bacteria – 579.3

Bags – 688.8

Ballots – 324.65

Ballroom dancing – 793.33

Banking – 332.1

Bankruptcy – 332.75

Barbecuing – 641.76

Baseball – 796.357

Bats – 599.4

Bazaars (Management) – 658.87

Bears – 599.78

Beauty  (Personal) – 700.453

Benedictions – 203.8

Bible – 220

Biblical Events – 220.95

Big Game Hunting – 799.26

Bigfoot – 001.944

Biological Parents – 306.874

Biodiversity – 333.95

Biography – 920

Biology – 570

Biosphere – 333.95

Birds – 598

Birth – 573.67

Birth Defects – 616.043

Bisexuality – 306.765

Black Death (History) – 940.192

Black Lung Disease – 362.196

Bladder (Urinary) – 573.49

Blankets – 643.53

Bodybuilding – 646.75

Blood – 573.15

Bloodhound – 636.753

Board Games – 794

Bone Marrow – 573.155

Books – 002

Boys – 305.230

Brain – 573.86

Breast Cancer (Medicine) – 616.994

Bridges – 388.132

Broadcasting – 384.54

Bronchitis – 616.234

Budgeting – 658.154

Builders – 690.092

Bullying – 302.3

Business Ethics – 174.4

Business Forms – 651.29

Business Management – 658

Butterflies – 595.789

Cabinetmaking – 684.104

Cactuses – 583.56

Caffeine Abuse – 362.299

Cake Decorating – 641.865

Calcium – 669.725

Calculus – 515

Calendars – 264

Calligraphy – 745.61

Cambodia – 959.6

Camp Cooking – 641.578

Campaigns (Politics) – 324.9

Canada – 971

Canaries – 636.686

Cancer – 571.978

Canoeing – 797.122

Canoes – 386.229

Capillaries – 573.187

Capital – 332.041

Capitalism – 330.122

Capitols – 725.11

Car Repairs – 629.28

Carbohydrates – 572.56

Cardiac Arrest – 616.123

Cardiovascular Diseases – 573.139

Card Games – 795.4

Career Development – 370.113

Career Guidance – 331.702

Cargo Ships – 387.245

Cars – 388.342

Cartoon Drawing – 741.5

Casseroles – 641.821

Castles – 728.81

Catalogs – 017

Cataracts – 617.742

Catastrophes – 904

Caterpillars – 595.781

Cat fishes – 597.49

Catholic Church – 282

Cats – 636.8

Caves – 551.447

CD-ROMs (computer memory) – 004.565

Celebrations – 394.2

Cells (biology) – 571.6

Celts – 916

Cement – 666.94

Cemeteries – 363.75

Censorship – 363.31

Census records (genealogy) – 929.3

Central America (History) – 972.8

Central heating – 697.03

Central Intelligence Agency – 327.127

Central nervous system – 573.86

Ceramic arts – 738

Chain saws – 621.934

Chain stores – 381.12

Chairs – 645.4

Chalk – 553.68

Champagne – 641.222

Character – 155.2

Charity (ethics) – 177.7

Charm (life skills)  – 646.76

Chemical Reactions – 541.39

Chemistry – 540

Chickens – 636.5

Child abuse – 362.76

Child care – 649.1

Childbirth – 618.24

Children – 305.23

China (country) – 951

Chiropractic – 615.534

Chocolate (food) – 641.337

Choirs – 782.5

Choreography – 792.82

Christian Church – 260

Christianity – 230

Christmas (customs) – 394.266

Chronic diseases – 616.044

Chronology – 529

Church and state – 322.1

Cinema – 791.43

Circulatory system – 573.1

Circuses – 791.3

Cities – 307.76

Citizenship – 323.6

Civics – 320.4

Civil rights – 323

Civil service – 351

Civil War (U.S., 1861-1865) – 973.7

Civilization – 909

Classical music – 781.68

Classification – 001.012

Clay – 553.61

Cleaning house – 648.5

Climate – 551.6

Clocks – 681.113

Cloning – 571.89

Closets – 643.5

Clothing – 391

Clothing care – 646.6

Clouds – 551.576

Clubs – 367

Coaching – 798.6

Coal – 553.24

Coasts – 551.457

Cocktails – 641.874

Codependency – 362.291

Coins – 737.4

Collecting – 069.4

Collecting (recreation) – 790.132

Colleges – 378.154

Colonization – 325.3

Color – 535.6

Combat – 355.4

Combustion – 541.361

Comedies – 792.23

Comets – 523.6

Comics – 741.5

Commerce – 381

Commodities – 338.02

Communication – 302.2

Communism – 335.4

Competition – 338.604

Composers – 780.92

Composting – 631.875

Computer crimes – 364.168

Computer games – 794.8

Computer languages – 005.13

Computer programs or software – 005.3

Computers (science) – 004

Concerts – 780.78

Concrete – 666.893

Condensation – 536.44

Construction – 624

Consumer information – 381.33

Contracts – 346.02

Cookbooks – 641.5

Copyright and Patents – 346.730

Coronary heart disease – 616.123

Correspondence (letters) – 383.122

Correspondence courses – 371.356

Corrosion – 620.112

Cosmetics – 646.72

Costume – 391

Costumes (home sewing) – 646.478

Counseling – 361.06

Counterfeiting – 364.133

Courage – 179.6

Court decisions – 348.044

Court records – 347.013

Courtship – 306.734

Crafts – 680

Craters – 551.21

Creation – 213

Credit cards – 332.765

Cremation – 363.75

Crime – 364

Criticism (literature) – 809

Crocheting – 677.028

Crusades – 909.07

Crustaceans – 595.3

Cuba – 972.91

Cults – 209

Culture – 306

Currency – 332.4

Curriculums – 375

Dairy products – 641.37

Dams – 627.8

Dance – 793.3

Dangerous animals – 591.65

Dark Ages – 940.12

Darkrooms (photography) – 771.1

Databases – 025.04

Day care – 362.712

Days – 529.1

Deaf persons – 305.908

Death – 306.9

Death and Dying (psychology)– 155.93

Death penalty – 364.66

Death of a Salesman – 812

Debating – 808.53

Debt management (personal) – 332.024

Decay – 620.112

Declaration of Independence, 1776 – 973.313

Decorations (arts) – 745.4

Deer – 599.65

Deer (hunting) – 799.276

Deformities (human) – 616.043

Deformities (psychological influence) – 155.916

Dehydrated foods – 664.028

Democracy – 321.8

Dental care – 617.6

Deserts – 551.415

Desserts – 641.86

Devotionals – 242

Diabetes – 362.196

Diabetes (medicine) – 616.462

Diamonds – 553.82

Diaries – 920

Dictionaries – 403

Diesel engines – 621.436

Diet and Nutrition – 613.2

Digestion – 573.3

Digital Photography – 775

Dinners – 642

Dinosaurs – 567.9

Diplomacy – 327.2

Disability (law) – 346.013

Disabled persons – 305.908

Disaster relief – 363.348

Disasters – 904

Discrimination – 305

Discrimination (psychology) – 152.1

Diseases – 616

Dishes – 642.7

Diving – 627.72

Divorce – 306.89

Divorce (ethics) – 173

Dogs – 636.7

Dolls – 688.722

Domestic Animals – 636

Domestic violence – 362.829

Dragons – 398.245

Drama – 808.82

Drama (theater) – 792

Drawing – 741

Dreams – 135.3

Dresses – 391.2

Dressmaking – 646.404

Dried foods – 641.44

Drug Abuse – 362.29

Drug Abuse (Medicine) – 616.86

Drug allergies (medicine) – 616.975

Drugs – 615

Dwellings – 643.1

Dyes – 667.2

E-mail – 004.692

Easter – 263.93

Early America – 971.02

Easter customs – 394.266

Eclipses – 523.99

Ecology – 577

Economics – 330

Edible plants – 641.303

Education – 370

Eels – 597.43

Egypt – 962

Elderly persons – 305.26

Elections – 324

Electricity – 333.793

Electronics – 621.3

Elephants – 599.67

Embroidery – 746.44

Employee management – 658.3

Employees – 331.11

Encyclopedias – 031

Energy – 333.79

Engagement (betrothal) – 392.4

Engineering – 620

English Grammar – 808

Environment – 333.7

Enzymes – 572.7

Equal opportunity – 353.53

Equestrians – 798.092

Escapes – 365.641

Essays – 808.84

Estate Planning – 346.730

Ethical problems – 172-179

Etiquette – 395

Europe (History) – 940

Evolution – 576.8

Excavation – 624.152

Excavation (archaeological technique) – 930.102

Executive branch of government (U.S.) – 351

Exercise – 613.71

Exhibitions – 907.4

Existence of God – 212.1

Existentialism – 142.78

Explorations – 910.9

Explorers – 910.92

Explosives – 662.2

Exponents – 512.922

Export tax – 382.7

Extended care facilities – 362.16

Extended family – 306.857

Extinct animals – 560

Extinct plants – 561

Extortion – 364.165

Extracurricular activities – 371.8

Extramarital relations – 306.736

Extraterrestrial civilization – 999

Extraterrestrial life – 576.839

Eye diseases – 573.883

Eyes – 573.88

Fables – 398.24

Fabrics – 677.028

Face (anatomy)  – 611.92

Fact books – 030

Factories (architecture) – 725.4

Factories (organization of production) – 338.65

Factors (mathematics) – 512.923

Factory management – 658.5

Faculty – 371.1

Fair trade – 338.522

Fairy Tales – 398.2

Faith – 121.7

Faith healing – 615.852

False arrest – 346.033

False memory syndrome – 616.858

Families – 306.85

Family abuse – 362.829

Family ethics – 173

Family histories – 929.2

Family life (customs) – 392.3

Family planning – 363.96

Fantasy – 154.3

Fantasy fiction – 808.838

Fantasy games – 793.93

Far East – 950

Farm buildings – 631.2

Farm costs – 338.13

Farm pests – 632.6

Farm produce – 338.17

Farm tractors – 629.225

Farmers – 630.92

Farming – 630

Fascism – 335.6

Fashion – 391

Fashion design – 746.92

Fast foods – 641.555

Fasting (health) – 613.25

Fasting (religious practice) – 204.47

Fat-free cooking – 641.563

Fate – 123

Fatherhood – 306.874

Fats – 572.57

Fats (applied nutrition) – 613.284

Fear – 152.46

Feeding animals – 636.084

Feelings – 152.4

Feet – 612.98

Females (human) – 305.4

Females (health) – 613.042

Fences – 631.27

Feng shui – 133.333

Festivals – 394.26

Fetus (human physiology) – 612.647

Fetus (law) – 342.085

Fiber (diet) – 613.263

Fiction – 808.83

Fiction writers – 809.3

Field crops – 633

Field trips – 371.384

File managers (computers) – 005.74

Filing (records management) – 651.53

Film scripts – 791.437

Finance – 332

Financial aid – 361.05

Fine arts – 700

Finger foods (appetizers) – 641.812

Fire safety – 363.37

Firemen – 363.370

Fireplaces (architecture) – 721.8

Fireplaces (construction) – 697.1

Fish farming – 639.3

Fishes – 597

Fishing – 799.1

Flavorings – 641.338

Flies – 595.77

Flight – 629.13

Flight (animals) – 573.798

Floods (crop damage) – 632.17

Floods (hydrology) – 551.489

Floors – 721.6

Floral arts – 745.92

Flower beds – 635.962

Flowers – 582.13

Folk arts – 745

Folk medicine – 610

Folklore – 398

Food – 641.3

Food additives – 641.308

Food allergies – 616.975

Food allergies (cooking for) – 641.563

Food storage – 641.48

Football – 796.33

Footwear – 391.413

Foreign relations – 327

Foreign trade – 382

Forensic medicine – 614.1

Forests – 333.75

Forgery – 364.163

Form letters (office use) – 651.752

Fortune telling – 133.3

Fossils – 560

Foster children – 306.874

Fractals – 514.742

Fractions – 513.23

France – 944

Franchises – 381.13

Fraud – 364.163

Freedom – 123.5

Freedom of association – 323.47

Freedom of expression – 323.44

Freedom of information – 323.445

Freedom of religion – 323.442

Freedom of speech – 323.443

Freedom of the press – 323.445

Freshwater animals – 591.76

Freshwater plants – 581.76

Friendship – 177.62

Fruit – 581.464

Fuels – 662.6

Fundraising – 361.706

Funeral homes – 363.75

Funerals – 393.9

Furniture – 645.5

Gambling – 306.482

Gambling (criminology) – 364.172

Gambling (ethics) – 175

Gambling (recreation) – 795

Games – 793-795

Gangs (criminology) – 364.106

Gangs (social psychology) – 302.34

Garage sales – 381.195

Garage sales (management) – 658.87

Garbage disposal – 363.728

Garbage disposal unit (installation) – 696.184

Gardening – 635

Gases (state of matter) – 530.43

Gay and Lesbian Issues – 306

Gay marriage – 306.848

Gems – 553.8

Gene mapping (human) – 611.018

Genealogy – 929.1

Genital system (human anatomy) – 611.6

General Math – 511

Genocide – 364.151

Genocide (ethics) – 179.7

Geography – 910

Geology – 551

Geriatric disorders – 362.198

Geriatric medicine – 618.97

Germ warfare – 358.38

Ghosts – 133.1

Ghost (fiction) – 808.838

Glaciers – 551.312

Glass – 666.1

Glassware – 642.7

Global warming – 363.738

Gold coins – 332.404

Goldfish – 639.374

Golf – 796.352

Gossip (ethics) – 177.2

Gossip (social psychology) – 302.24

Gourmet cooking – 641.514

Government – 320

Government (ethics) – 172.2

Government agencies – 351

Grandparents – 306.874

Grants – 378.3

Graphics (computer science) – 006.6

Graphs – 511.5

Grasses – 584.9

Gratitude – 179.9

Gravity – 531.14

Greed – 178

Greeting cards (handicrafts) – 745.594

Grief – 152.4

Guitars – 787.87

Guns (small arms) – 683.4

Guns (law) – 344.053

Guns (sports) – 799.202

Gynecology – 618.1

Gyroscopes – 681.753

Habits – (child training) – 649.6

Habits (customs) – 390

Haircutting – 646.724

Halloween – 394.264

Hallucinations (psychology) – 154.4

Ham radio – 621.384

Hand sewing – 646.204

Handbags – 391.44

Handbags (home sewing) – 646.48

Handball – 796.312

Handicrafts – 680

Handwriting – 652.1

Handwriting (elementary education) – 372.634

Hate – 179.8

Hazardous materials – 363.17

Hazardous wastes – 363.728

HDTV (High-definition television) – 621.388

Health – 613

Health care – 362.1

Health insurance – 368.382

Hearing – 573.89

Hearing (human physiology) – 612.85

Hearing impairment – 617.8

Heart – 573.17

Heart (human anatomy) – 611.12

Heart (medicine) – 616.12

Heat – 536

Heaven – 202.3

Hedges – 635.976

Hell – 202.3

Herbs (food) – 641.357

Herbs (gardening) – 635.7

Herbs (Medicine) – 615.321

Hereditary diseases – 571.948

Heredity – 576.5

Heroes – 202.13

Heroism (literature) – 808.803

Hibernation – 591.565

Hieroglyphics – 493.1

Higher education – 378

Hijacking – 364.155

Hiking – 796.5

Hispanic History – 973.046

Historic buildings (preservation) – 363.69

Historical events – 900

Historical fiction – 808.838

HIV infections (incidence) – 614.599

HIV infections (medicine) – 616.979

Hobbies – 790.13

Hockey – 796.962

Holidays – 394.26

Holocaust – 940.531

Holography – 774

Home Construction – 690.8

Home economics – 640

Home inspection – 643.12

Home ownership – 363.583

Home remodeling – 643.7

Home schooling – 649.68

Homeless persons – 305.569

Homework – 371.302

Homosexuality – 306.766

Homosexuality (ethics) – 176

Honeymoons – 392.5

Hope – 152.4

Hormones – 571.74

Hormones (human physiology) – 612.405

Horoscopes – 133.54

Horses – 636.1

Hospitals – 362.11

Hotels – 910.46

House plans – 728.37

House plants – 635.965

Housecleaning – 648.5

Housing – 363.5

Human anatomy – 611

Human behavior (psychology) – 150

Human cloning (ethics) – 176

Human rights – 323

Humor – 152.43

Humor (literature) – 808.87

Humor (psychology) – 152.43

Humor (rhetoric) – 808.7

Humorous fiction – 808.839

Humorous poetry – 808.817

Hunting – 799.2

Hurricanes – 551.552

Hydraulics – 532

Hydraulics (engineering) – 620.106

Hygiene – 613

Hymns – 782.27

Hyperactive children – 649.154

Hypnosis – 154.7

Ice – 551.31

Ice age – 551.792

Ice cream – 641.862

Ice skating – 796.91

Icons (art) – 704.948

Idealism – 141

Idols – 202.18

Iguanas – 597.954

Illumination (decorative arts) – 745.67

Imaginary numbers – 512.788

Immigrants – 305.906

Immortality (philosophy) – 129

Inboard-outboard motorboats – 387.231

Inboard-outboard motorboats (design) – 623.812

Inbreeding – 576.544

Incest – 306.877

Income – 339.32

Income tax – 336.24

Incorporation (law) – 346.066

Incorporation (management) – 658.114

Incorporation (public administration) – 352.84

Independent study – 371.394

Indexing – 025.3

Indoor games – 793

Industrial accidents – 363.11

Industrial arts – 600

Industrial engineering – 658.5

Industrial law – 343.07

Industry – 338

Infants – 305.232

Infants (home care) – 649.122

Infectious diseases – 571.98

Infertility – 618.178

Inheritance tax – 336.276

Insecticides – 668.651

Insects – 597.7

Installing Tile – 698.9

Instruments (music) – 784.19

Insurance – 368

Intelligence  – 153.9

Intelligence (information) – 327.12

Interior Decoration – 747

International cooking – 641.59

International relations – 303.482

Internet – 004.678

Internet shopping – 381.142

Interpersonal relations – 302

Intoxication – 362.29

Intoxication (medicine) – 616.86

Inventions – 608

Invertebrates – 592

Investing – 332.6

Ionization – 530.444

IQ tests – 153.93

Islam – 297

Islands – 551.42

Italy – 945

Jade – 553.876

Jails – 365.34

Japan – 952

Jazz – 781.65

Jazz (songs) – 782.421

Jeeps – 388.342

Jellies (home preparation) – 641.864

Jet planes – 387.733

Jewelry – 391.7

Jewelry (making) – 739.27

Jewish holidays – 296.43

Jig saws – 621.934

Job applications – 650.142

Job description – 658.306

Joint custody – 346.017

Jokes – 808.882

Joy – 152.42

Judaism – 296

Judges – 347.014

Jungle diseases – 616.988

Juries – 347.075

Justice (ethics) – 172.2

Justice (law) – 340.11

Juvenile delinquency – 364.36

Juvenile justice – 346.36

Kale – 341.353

Kangaroos – 599.222

Karate – 796.815

Karma – 202.2

Kazoo – 783.99

Kerosene – 665.538

Kerosene lamps – 621.323

Keyboard instruments – 786

Keyboards (computers) – 004.76

Kicking (American football) – 796.322

Kidney disease – 616.61

Kilns – 666.436

Kilns (decorative arts) – 738.136

Kindergarten – 372.218

Kindness – 177.7

Kinetics – 531.113

Kinship – 306.83

Kites – 629.133

Kiwi – 641.344

Knighthood -0 929.7

Knitting – 677.028

Knowledge – 001

Knowledge (public administrative support) – 352.74

Knowledge (sociology) – 306.42

Koi – 639.374

Koran – 297.122

Korea – 951.9

Korean War, 1950-1953 – 951.904

Kudzu – 583.74

Kuwait – 953.67

Kwanzaa – 394.261

Kyrie (music) – 782.323

Labels (illustration) – 741.692

Labels (prints) – 769.57

Labor – 331

Labor (law) – 344.01

Labor (obstetrics) – 618.4

Labor grievances – 331.889

Labor unions – 331.88

Labor violence – 331.893

Laboratory animals – 616.027

Lagoons – 551.461

Lakes – 551.482

Lampshades – 745.593

Land – 333

Land vehicles – 388.34

Landscaping – 712

Language – 400

Language – elementary education – 372.6

Language disorders – 616.855

Language usage – 418

Laptop computers – 004.16

Laser printing – 686.233

Laser surgery – 617.058

Laser weapons – 623.446

Lasers – 621.366

Latex paints – 667.63

Latin America – 980

Laughter (psychology) – 152.43

Laundering – 667.13

Law – 340

Lead (chemistry) – 546.688

Leadership – 303.34

Learn Spanish – 468

Learning – 153.15

Learning Disabilities – 371.926

Legislative branch – 328

Legislative branch (law) – 342.05

Legislative lobbying – 328.38

Legislators (biography) – 328.092

Leisure – 790.1

Lending institutions – 332.1

Letters (correspondence) – 383.122

Letters (biography) – 920

Letters (literature) – 808.86

Libel – 364.156

Liberalism (philosophy) – 148

Liberalism (political ideology) – 320.51

Libraries – 027

Life cycle – 571.8

Life expectancy – 304.645

Life insurance – 368.32

Life skills – 646.7

Light – 535

Lighthouses – 387.155

Lighting – 621.32

Lightning – 551.563

Limestone – 553.516

Limousine service – 388.321

Limousines – 388.342

Lines – 516.152

Lingerie – 391.42

Lingerie (home sewing) – 646.420

Linoleum – 645.1

Lipids – 572.57

Liqueurs – 641.255

Liquids (state of matter) – 530.42

Listening – 302.224

Listening (child care) – 649.58

Literacy – 302.224

Literary Criticism (American) – 810

Literary Criticism (British) – 820

Literary forms (genres) – 808.81

Literature – 800

Liturgical music – 782.29

Loans – 332.7

Local government – 320.8

Locomotion – 573.79

Locomotives – 385.36

Lodging (temporary housing) – 910.46

Logarithms – 512.922

Logic (reasoning) – 160

Logistics (management) – 658.5

Long-term care nursing – 610.736

Longitude – 526.62

Looms – 677.028

Loss (financial management ) – 658.155

Loss (psychology) – 155.93

Lotteries – 795.38

Loving Relationships – 177.7

Low-calorie food – 641.302

Low-carbohydrate cooking – 641.563

Low-fat cooking – 641.563

Low-fiber cooking – 641.563

Low-sodium cooking – 641.563

Luncheons – 642

Lunchrooms – 647.95

Lung diseases – 616.24

Lust (ethics) – 176

Luxury tax – 336.271

Lying (ethics) – 177.3

Lyrics – 780

Machine guns – 355.824

Machinery – 621.8

Magazines – 050

Magic – 133.43

Magicians (performers) – 793.809

Manage Personal Debt – 332.024

Magma – 551.13

Magnets – 538.4

Mail-order catalogs – 381.142

Mailing lists (computers) – 004.693

Makeup – 646.72

Males (human) – 305.31

Malignant tumors (medicine) – 616.994

Mammals – 599

Management – 658

Managers – 338.092

Mankind – 301

Manners – 390

Manners (child training) – 649.6

Manslaughter – 364.152

Manslaughter (law) – 345.025

Manufacturing (ethics) – 174.4

Manufacturing (production management) – 658.5

Manufacturing (technology) – 670

Manuscripts – 091

Map making – 526

Maps – 912

Mardi Gras – 394.25

Marine animals – 591.77

Marine botany – 591.177

Marine science – 551.46

Marine transportation – 387.5

Marketing – 381

Marketing (law) – 342.084

Marketing (management) – 658.8

Marriage – 306.81

Marriage (customs) – 392.5

Marriage (ethics) – 173

Marriage counseling (pastoral theology) – 206.1

Marriage counseling (psychotherapy) – 616.891

Marriage counseling (social welfare) – 362.828

Married persons – 306.872

Martial Arts – 796.8

Marxists – 335.409

Masks – 391.434

Masks (home construction) – 646.478

Masks (sculpture) – 731.75

Mass media – 302.23

Mass transit – 388.042

Massage – 615.882

Mate selection (customs) – 392.4

Mate selection (life skills) – 646.77

Mate selection (sociology) – 306.82

Materialism – 146.3

Maternity garments – 392

Maternity garments (home sewing) – 646.47

Maternity leave – 331.44

Math – 510

Matter – 530

Maturity (developmental psychology adulthood) – 155.6

Maturity (human physiology) – 612.663

Maturity (individual psychology character development) – 155.25

Mayors – 320.854

Meadows – 333.74

Meadows (biology) – 578.746

Meals – 642

Measurement – 530.8

Mechanisms – 621.8

Medical – 610-619

Medical emergencies (medicine) – 616.025

Medical emergencies (social services) – 362.18

Medical ethics – 174.2

Medical personnel – 610.92

Medications – 615.1

Medieval period – 909.07

Meditation – 158.12

Meetings – 060

Meetings (management use) – 658.456

Memorials – 394.4

Memory (computers) – 004.5

Memory disorders – 616.83

Memory management – 005.435

Men – 305.31

Men’s clothing – 391.1

Men’s clothing (home sewing) – 646.402

Mental illness – 362.2

Mental Illness (medicine) – 616.858

Mentally ill persons – 305.908

Mergers – 338.83

Metabolism – 572.4

Metabolism (human physiology) – 612.39

Metals – 669

Metals (building materials) – 691.8

Metals (decorative arts) – 739

Meteorites – 523.51

Metric system – 530.812

Mexico – 972

Microbiology – 579

Microscopy (biology) – 570.282

Microwave cooking – 641.588

Microwaves – 537.534

Middle Ages – 909.07

Middle class – 305.55

Middle East – 956

Midwives (law) – 344.041

Midwives (medicine) – 618.2

Migrant workers – 331.544

Mildew – 579.53

Mildew (materials) – 620.112

Military – 355

Milky Way – 523.113

Mind reading – 133.82

Minerals – 553

Mines and mining – 622

Miniatures – 688.1

Minorities – 305.56

Minors – 305.23

Miracles – 202.117

Mirages – 551.565

Mississippi – 976.2

Mobile homes – 643.29

Model cars – 629.221

Modesty – 179.9

Molds (fungi) – 579.53

Molecular structure – 541.22

Momentum – 531.6

Money – 332.4

Monogamy – 306.842

Monsters (art) – 700.47

Monsters (literature) – 808.803

Monsters (unexplained phenomena) – 001.944

Moon – 523.3

Mortgages – 332.72

Motels – 910.46

Movies and Actors – 791.43

Motivation – 153.8

Motor homes – 388.346

Motor homes (recreation) – 796.79

Motorboating – 797.125

Motorcycles – 388.347

Motorcycles (repair) – 629.287

Movement – 573.7

Mummies – 393.3

Muscles (human anatomy) – 611.73

Museums – 069

Mushrooms – 579.6

Music – 780

Musical instruments – 784.19

Musicals – 782.14

Musicians – 780.92

Muslims – 297.082

Mutual funds – 332.632

Myths – 398.2

Names – 929.97

Napkins – 642.7

Narcotics – 362.29

Narcotics (ethics) – 178.8

Narcotics abuse – 362.293

Narcotics abuse (medicine) – 616.863

Narcotics traffic – 363.45

Narration (literature) – 808.802

Narrative poetry – 808.813

National debt – 336.343

National flags – 929.92

National forests – 333.75

National guards – 355.37

National health insurance – 368.42

National health insurance (law) – 344.022

National parks – 363.68

Nationalism – 320.54

Native Americans history – 970.1

Native American languages – 497

Native American literatures – 897

Native American religions – 299.7

Natural foods – 641.302

natural gas – 553.285

Nature – 508

Navigators – 629.045

Nazism – 335.6

Near East – 956

Necklaces – 391.7

Necklaces (making) – 739.278

Nervous system – 573.8

Nervous system (human anatomy) – 611.8

Net worth (personal finance) – 332.024

Networks (communications) – 384.540

Neurons – 573.853

New Year – 394.261

Newspapers – 070

Nineteen fifties – 909.825

Nineteenth century – 909.81

Nitrogen – 553.93

Nitrogen (animal husbandry) – 636.085

Nonprescription drugs – 615.1

Nonprofit organizations – 060

Nonviolence – 303.61

Notions (home sewing) – 646.19

Nuclear energy – 333.792

Nuclear fusion – 539.764

Nuclear medicine – 616.075

Nuclear physics – 539.7

Nuclear power plants – 621.483

Nuclear warfare – 355.021

Nuclear warfare (ethics) – 172.422

Number system – 513.5

Nurseries (children’s rooms) – 643.530

Nurseries (plant culture) – 631.52

Nursery rhymes – 398.8

Nurses – 610.730

Nursing homes – 362.16

Nutrition- 363.8

Nuts – 581.464

Nuts (food) – 641.345

Obedience (home child care) – 649.64

Obedience training (pets) – 636.088

Obesity (medicine) – 616.398

Obituaries – 9220

Obstetrics – 618.2

Occult – 133

Occupations – 331.7

Oceans – 551.46

Odes – 808.814

Off-road vehicles – 388.34

Office workers – 651.309

Oil (petroleum) – 553.282

Oil spills – 363.738

Old Testament – 221

Older persons – 305.26

Older workers – 331.398

Olympic Games – 796.48

Omens – 133.334

One-dish cooking – 641.82

Only children – 306.874

Operas – 782.1

Optical-fiber cable (computer science) – 004.64

Optical-fiber cable (engineering) – 621.398

Oral communication – 302.224

Oral hygiene – 617.601

Oral presentations – 372.66

Orbits – 521.3

Orchids – 584.4

Ore processing – 622.7

Ores – 553

Organ transplants (law) – 344.041

Organ transplants (medical ethics) – 174.297

Organ transplants (surgery) – 617.954

Organized crime – 364.106

Orient – 950

Origami – 736.982

Original sin – 233.14

Ornaments (crafts) – 745.594

Orphans – 305.230

Osmosis – 530.425

Out-of-body experience – 133.95

Outdoor furniture – 645.8

Outdoor life – 796.5

Outer space – 520

Outlet stores – 381.15

Pain – 616.047

Painting Technique – 751.4

Paper Money – 769.55

Parenting – 649

Party Planning – 793.2

Personal Appearance – 646.7

Philosophy – 180

Photography – 770

Planets – 523.4

Plays (American) – 812

Plays (British) – 822

Plays (Collections) – 808.2

Plumbing – 696.1

Poetry (American) – 811

Poetry (British) – 812

Pregnancy – 618

Psychology – 150

Publishing – 070

Publishing (Desktop) – 686.225

Qoran – 297.122

Quakers – 289.6

Quality control (management) – 658.401

Quality of life – 306

Quarks – 539.721

Question (logic) – 160

Questionnaires – 001.433

Quilting (arts) – 746.46

Quilting (home sewing) – 646.21

Quintuplets – 306.875

Quizzes (recreation) – 793.73

Quotations – 080

Quotations (literature) – 808.882

Racial groups – 305.8

Racing – 796

Racing animals – 636.088

Radiation – 539.2

Radiation (humans) – 612.014

Radiation therapy – 615.842

Radio (communication) – 384.5

Radio (performing arts) – 791.44

Radio waves – 537.534

Radioactive pollution – 363.735

Railroads – 385

Rain – 551.577

Real Estate – 333.338

Reading comprehension – 372.47

Reading readiness – 372.414

Reading music – 780.148

Recipes – 641.5

Refrigeration – 621.56

Rehabilitation (health services) – 362.178

Rehabilitation (medicine) – 617.03

Reincarnation – 133.901

Reincarnation (religion) – 202.37

Religions – 200

Remarriage – 306.84

Remodeling of buildings – 690.24

Repairs – 620.004

Reproduction – 571.8

Reptiles – 597.9

Resumes and Interviews – 650

Retirement – 306.38

Retirement (financial planning) – 332.024

Riddles – 398.6

Rifles – 683.422

Rivers – 551.483

Roads – 388.1

Rock climbing – 796.522

Rocket engines – 621.435

Rock music – 781.66

Rocks and Gems – 551

Roman Empire – 937.06

Ropes – 677.71

Roses – 635.933

Rosetta stone – 493.1

Rugs – 645.12

Rust – 620.112

RV (vehicle) – 388.346

RV camps – 910.468

Sabotage – 364.164

Sacred songs – 782.25

Safety – 363.1

Safety management – 658.408

Sailing (sports) – 797.124

Sailing ships – 387.204

Sails – 623.862

Saints – 200.92

Salt – 553.632

Salt-free cooking – 641.563

Salt lakes – 551.482

Sandwiches – 641.84

Satire – 808.87

Science fiction – 808.838

Scientists – 509.2

Sculpture – 730

Sea shells – 594

Seaports – 387.1

Search and seizure (law) – 345.052

Seas – 551.46

Seasonings – 641.338

Seasons – 508.2

Secret agents – 363.252

Seeds – 581.467

Seeds (sowing) – 631.531

Self-help – 150

Sets – 511.32

Sewing – 646.2

Sexual abuse – 362.76

Sexuality – 306.7

Sheep – 636.3

Sheep dogs – 636.737

Shelter – 361.05

Ships – 387.2

Ships in bottles – 745.592

Shock waves – 531.113

Shoes – 391.413

Shoplifting – 364.162

Short stories – 808.831

Show animals – 791.8

Shrines – 203.5

Shrines (architecture) – 726.1

Shrubs – 582.17

Sideshows – 791.35

Sign Language – 419

Silver – 669.23

Skeleton – 573.76

Skin diving – 797.23

Slipcovers – 645.4

Slipcovers (home sewing) – 646.21

Slow cooking – 641.588

Smoking – 394.14

Smoking (medicine) – 616.865

Smoking foods – 664.028

Snakes – 597.96

Snow – 551.578

Snow sports – 796.9

Soap operas – 791.446

Soaps – 668.12

Soccer – 796.334

Solar energy – 333.792

Solar flares – 523.75

Solar houses – 643.2

Songbirds – 598.8

Soups – 641.813

South America – 980

Space exploration – 629.4

Spain – 946

Sparrows – 598.883

Speeches – 080

Speeches (literature) – 808.85

Speed reading – 418.4

Spelling – 411

Spiders – 595.44

Spirits – 133.1

Spores – 571.847

Sports – 796

Sports cars – 388.342

Squashes (cooking) – 641.694

Squirrels – 599.36

Stained glass – 748.5

Stamp Act (U. S. history, 1765-1766) – 973.311

Stamps – 769.56

State flags – 929.92

States – 320.1

Stenciling – 745.73

Stocks – 332.632

Storytelling – 808.543

Submarines – 359.938

Suicide – 362.28

Suicide (ethics) – 179.7

Survival skills – 613.69

Symphonies – 784.184

Tablecloths – 642.7

Tablecloths (home sewing) – 646.21

Tables (furniture) – 645.4

Tableware – 642.7

Tailoring – 646.4

Tartans – 929.6

Tattooing – 391.65

Taxes (income) – 343..052

Tea (food) – 641.337

Teachers – 371.1

Teenagers – 305.235

Television – 384.55

Tempera painting – 751.43

Temperature – 536.5

Terrariums – 635.982

Terriers – 636.755

Terrorism – 303.625

Textbooks – 371.32

Textiles – 677

Thanksgiving – 394.264

Thanksgiving (cooking) – 641.568

Thanksgiving (handicrafts) – 745.594

Theater – 792

Theatrical costumes – 792.026

Theft – 364.162

Theme parks – 791.068

Therapy – 615.5

Thermal weapons – 623.446

Thermodynamics – 536.7

Thimbles (home sewing) – 646.19

Third Reich – 943.086

Thrift shops – 381.19

Thunderstorms – 551.554

Tidal waves – 551.463

Ties (neckwear) – 391.41

Ties (railroad) – 625.143

Timber – 338.174

Time management – 650.11

Tipping (economics) – 331.216

Tipping (etiquette) – 395.5

Tissue paper – 676.284

Tissue paper (handicrafts) – 745.54

Toasts – 394.1

Tobacco (agriculture) – 633.71

Tobacco (customs) – 394.14

Tobacco (human toxicology) – 615.952

Tobacco (manufacturing technology) – 697.7

Tobacco abuse – 362.296

Tofu (cooking) – 641.656

Tools – 621.9

Topiary work – 715.1

Tornadoes – 551.553

Torts – 346.03

Torture (war customs) – 399

Tourism – 910

Toxicology (medicine) – 615.9

Toys – 790.133

Tracks (animals) – 591.479

Tractors – 629.225

Trade – 381

Trading cards (illustration) – 741.6

Traffic signs/signals – 388.312

Trapping – 639.1

Travel Guides – 914-919

Treason – 364.131

Treaties – 341.37

Trees – 582.16

Triangles (geometry) – 516.154

Tropical climate – 551.691

Tropical Fish – 693.34

Trucks – 388.344

Trucks (repair) – 629.287

Truffles – 641.358

Truth – 121

Tugboats – 387.232

Tundras – 551.453

Tunnels – 388.13

Turtles – 597.92

Twins – 306.875

Typing – 652.3

UFOs – 001.942

Ukuleles – 787.89

Ultrasonography – 616.075

Ultraviolet radiation – 535.014

Unborn children (law) – 346.017

Underground railroad (Civil War, U.S.) – 973.711

Underwear – 391.42

Underwear (home sewing) – 646.42

Unemployment – 331.137

Unemployment compensation – 368.44

Unicorns – 398.245

Uniforms – 391

United States (Government) – 320.473

United States (History) – 973

United States (Travel) – 917.3

Universities – 378

Unmarried parents – 306.856

Upholstery – 654.4

Utopias – 321.07

Vacation homes – 643.25

Vacations (labor economics) – 331.257

Vacations (recreations) – 790.1

Vaccination – 614.47

Vandalism – 364.164

Vehicles – 388.04

Velocity – 531.112

Vending machines – 629.82

Venison – 641.391

Venus (planet) – 523.42

Verbs – 415.6

Veterans – 305.906

Veterinarians – 636.089

Vibrations – 620.3

Vices – 179.8

Video games – 794.8

Video recordings – 384.558

Vietnam – 959.7

Vines – 582.18

Viral diseases – 571.992

Viruses – 579.2

Visions (religious experience) – 204.2

Visual effects (dramatic performances) – 792.024

Vocabulary – 401.4

Volcanoes – 551.21

Voter registration – 324.64

Waffles – 641.815

Wages – 331.21

Walking (sports) – 796.51

War – 355.02

War crimes – 364.138

Wasps – 595.79

Waste disposal – 363.728

Watches – 681.114

Water – 553.7

Water conservation – 333.911

Water rights – 346.043

Water transportation – 387

Watercolor painting – 751.422

Wealth – 330.16

Weapons of mass destruction – 358.3

Weather – 551.6

Weaving – 677.028

Web page design – 006.7

Wedding clothes – 392.54

Weddings – 395.22

Weed killers – 668.654

Weeds – 632.5

Weight Loss – 613.25

Whales – 599.5

Wheat – 641.331

Widows – 306.883

Wigs – 646.724

Wilderness areas – 333.782

Wildlife management – 333.954

Wills – 346.730

Winter – 508.2

Witchcraft – 133.4

Woodworking – 684

Women – 305.4

Works by Shakespeare – 822.33

World History – 909

World Records – 032

World Wars – 940.3

Wrapping paper – 676.287

Wrestling – 796.812

Writing skills – 372.623

X-rays – 539.722

Xerography – 686.442

Yachts – 387.204

Yak – 599.642

Yams – 641.352

Yards (landscape architecture) – 712.6

Yarn – 677.028

Yearbooks – 050

Yogurt – 341.371

Yom Kippur – 296.432

Zebra – 599.665

Zinc – 669.52

Zionism – 320.540

Zither – 787.7

Zoos – 590.73

Zucchini – 641.356

Zygote – 571.864

* DDC22 Dewey Decimal Classification: Edition 22. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. 2003.

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The entries associated with a specific number are listed in the general order in which they are arranged on the shelves.

001.9                   Unexplained, UFO’s, Bigfoot, etc.

004 – 006           Computers

030                      Encyclopedias (032 – Guinness Records)

070                      Journalism (070.5 Desktop Publishing)

100                      Philosophy

130                      Paranormal, Dreams, Witches, New Age, Astrology, etc.

150                      Psychology (154.6 – Dreams; 155.4 – Children; 155.937 – Grief/Death; 158 – Self-improvement)

170                      Ethics, Animal Rights, Euthanasia

180 – 199           Philosophy

200                      Religion (289.7 – Amish; 290 – Non-Christian Religions, Mythology, Cults)

300                      Social Sciences (301.451 – Ethnic Groups)

305 – 306           Social/Family Relationships, Divorce, Single-Parenting (306.88 – Grief & Dealing with Death)

310                      Statistics, Almanacs, Population

320                      Political Science (323.6 – U.S. Citizenship)

330                      Economics, Communism

331                      Jobs, Careers

332                      Finance, Investments, Mutual Funds

333                      Real Estate

336                      Taxes

340                      Law (346-347 – Divorce, Wills, Living Trusts, Power of Attorney, Bankruptcy, Probate)

350                      Government, Civil Service

355 – 359           Military, ASVAB

361                      Fundraising, Foundations, Grants

362                      AIDS, Suicide, Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Day Care, Adoption, Child/Spouse Abuse, Date Rape

363                      Environment, Recycling, Acid Rain

363.46                Abortion

364                      Crime, Assassinations, Murders, Death Penalty

368                      Insurance

370                      Education, Home Learning, Reading

373                      GED (also 300.76, 428.2, 500.76, 510.76, 700.76)

378                      Colleges, SAT, ACT, GRE, CLAST, Scholarships

380                      Transportation, Post Office Exams, Railroads, Lighthouses, Airlines

391                      Costume, Folk Dress, Fashion

394                      Anniversaries, Holidays, Christmas, Customs

395                      Etiquette/Manners, Weddings

398                      Folklore, Legends, Fairytales

400 – 429           Dictionaries, Grammar, ESL/TOEFL (419 – Sign Language)

430 – 499           Foreign Languages (German, French, Italian, Spanish, etc.)

500                      Natural Sciences

510                      Mathematics, Algebra, Decimals, Fractions, etc.

520                      Astronomy, Space, Planets, Constellations

530                      Physics, Sound, Light, Electricity, Magnetism

540                      Chemistry

550                      Earth Sciences, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Oceans, Weather, Rocks & Minerals

560                      Fossils, Dinosaurs

570                      Biology, Evolution (574.5 – Rain Forests)

580                      Botany, Herbs, Trees, Plants

590                      Animals (595.7 – Insects; 597.9 – Reptiles; 598 – Birds; 599 – Mammals)

600 – 609           Technology, Inventions, Patents (604 – Blueprints)

610                      Medicine (610.73 – Nurses)

612.6                   Pregnancy/Child Birth

613                      Health, Nutrition, Fitness

615                      Prescription Drugs, Natural Healing, Acupuncture

616                      Diseases (.1 – Heart; .85 – Anorexia, Depression; .89 – Mental Disorders, Alzheimer’s; .9 – AIDS, Cancer)

617                      Miscellaneous Medical (.56 – Back; .58 – Feet; .6 – Dentistry; .7 – Vision; .8 – Hearing)

618                      Gynecology, Pregnancy/Child Birth, Children’s Health

620                      Engineering (621.3 – Electricity, Electronics, Computer & VCR Maintenance/Repair)

621.4                   Lawnmowers, Internal Combustion Engines (623.8 – Outboard Motors)

629.1                   Paper Airplanes, Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers

629.2                   Automobile Repair (Chilton’s)

635                      Gardening, Hydroponics, Roses, Orchids, Citrus

636                      Pets:   Horses, Birds, Dogs, Cats, Fish (639 – Earthworms)

640                      Family Budgets, Clutter, Time Management

641.5                   Cooking (.563 – Special Diets; .59 – Regional; .6 – Specific Ingredients, e.g., Fish)

642                      Entertaining, Catering, Napkin Folding

643                      House Buying, Remodeling, Home Repair

646                      Sewing, Clothes, Draperies, Hair Cutting, Cosmetics

647                      Apartment Management, Hotels/Motels, Bed & Breakfasts, Restaurants

648                      Cleaning, Stain Removal, Insect Pests

649                      Child Development, Baby Care, Discipline

650                      Business, MBA Schools (650.14 – Resumes, Cover Letters, Job Hunting, Interviews)

651                      Business Communication, Secretaries, Business Letters

652                      Typing, Word Processing (653 – Shorthand)

657                      CPA, Accounting, Bookkeeping, Financial Reports

658                      Starting a Business, Entrepreneurs, Financing, Management, Interviewing

658.8                   Marketing, Sales, Franchising

659                      Advertising, Fashion Modeling

683                      Clocks, Guns, Appliance Repair

684                      Woodworking, Furniture Making, Upholstery

690                      Construction, Home Building, Swimming Pools, Carpentry, Plumbing, Air Conditioning

700                      Arts (709 – Art History)

710                      Landscaping

720                      Architecture (728 – House Plans)

730                      Sculpture (736.9 – Origami; 737.4 – Coin Collecting)

741.5                   Cartoons (743 – Drawing; 745.1 – Antiques, Collectibles)

745.5                   Crafts, Paper Airplanes, Balloons, Toys, Dolls (745.594 – Christmas Crafts, Wreaths)

745.6                   Calligraphy (745.9 – Flower Arranging, Potpourri)

746                      Needlework:   Macrame, Knitting, Needlepoint, Cross Stitch, Quilts

747                      Decorating, Interior Design

748                      Depression Glass, Stained Glass, Bottles

749                      Furniture (History, Antique)

751                      Painting Techniques (e.g., Watercolors)

759                      Painting Styles, Artists (by Country, Period – e.g., French Renaissance)

769                      Baseball Cards, Stamp Collecting

770                      Photography

780                      Music (780.92 & 784.092 – Musicians, Biographies; 787 – Musical Instruments)

791 – 792           Acting, Clowning (791.43 – Actors & Actresses, Movies; 791.45 – Television Shows)

792.8                   Ballet

793                      Parties, Showers, Balloon Sculpture, Party Games, Dancing (Ballroom, Folk, etc.),

                                  Role-playing Games (e.g., Dungeons & Dragons), Magic

794                      Indoor Games, Chess, Billiards, Computer Games (e.g., Nintendo), Gambling, Cards

796                      Sports (.32 – Basketball; .33 – Football; .34 – Tennis; .352 – Golf;

                                  .357 – Baseball; .41 – Weight Lifting; .42 – Track & Field, Olympics)

796.5                   Camping, Hiking

796.7                   Motor Racing (cars, motorcycles, motocross)

796.8                   Martial Arts, Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Karate, etc.

797                      Boating, Canoeing, Swimming (797.5 – Air Sports, Flying, Ballooning, Skydiving)

798                      Horsemanship, Racing, Betting (799 – Fishing, Hunting)

800                      Literature

808                      Writing, Getting Published, Style Manuals, Public Speaking (808.8 – Quotations)

810                      American Literature (811 – Poetry, Haiku; 812 – Drama, Plays; 813 – Literary Criticisms)

814, 817, 818    Essays, Humor, Jokes (e.g., Robert Fulghum, Dave Barry, Erma Bombeck, Lewis Grizzard)

820                      English Poetry, Drama, etc. (822.3 – Shakespeare)

830 – 899           Other Literatures (by region)

900                      Geography, History (909 – World History)

910                      Geography & Travel

912                      Atlases, Maps

913 – 919           Travel & Description (913 – Ancient Civilizations, Egypt, Rome, Greece, etc.; 914 – Europe; 915 – Asia;

                                  916 – Africa; 917.1 – Canada; 917.2 – Mexico, Caribbean; 917.3 – USA; 917.59 – Florida;

                                  918 – South America; 919 – Pacific, Australia, Hawaii)

920                      Collective Biographies (923.173 – U.S. Presidents)

929                      Genealogy, Family Trees (929.4 – Baby Names; 929.9 – Flags)

930 – 999           History (by location, similar to 913 – 919, e.g., 975.9 – Florida)

                                  (940.1 – Middle Ages; 940.5 – World War II; 941 – British Royalty; 956 – Middle East;

                                  959 – Vietnam War; 970 – American Indian Tribes; 973.7 – U.S. Civil War)

400 – 429      Dictionaries, Grammar, ESL/TOEFL

      419               Sign Language

430                German                  460          Spanish/Portuguese

440                French                    470          Latin

450                Italian                     480          Greek

490                Other Languages

      495               Asian Languages (.1 – Japanese; .2 – Chinese)

      496               African Languages

      497               Native American Languages

700                Arts

      709               Art History

710                Landscaping

720                Architecture

      728               House Plans

730                Sculpture

      736.9            Origami

      737.4            Coin Collecting

741.5             Cartoons

743                Drawing

745.1             Antiques, Collectibles

745.5             Crafts, Paper Airplanes, Balloons, Toys, Dolls (745.594 – Christmas Crafts, Wreaths)

      745.6            Calligraphy

      745.9            Flower Arranging, Potpourri

746                Needlework:   Macrame, Knitting, Needlepoint, Cross Stitch, Quilts

747                Decorating, Interior Design

748                Depression Glass, Stained Glass, Bottles

749                Furniture (History, Antique)

751                Painting Techniques (e.g., Watercolors)

759                Painting Styles, Artists (by Country, Period – e.g., French Renaissance)

769                Baseball Cards, Stamp Collecting

770                Photography

780                Music

      780.92          Classical Musicians Biographies

      784.092        Popular Musicians Biographies

      787               Musical Instruments

791 – 792      Acting, Clowning

      791.43          Actors & Actresses, Movies

      791.45          Television Shows

792.8             Ballet

793                Parties, Showers, Balloon Sculpture, Party Games, Dancing (Ballroom, Folk, etc.),

                          Role-playing Games (e.g., Dungeons & Dragons), Magic

794                Indoor Games, Chess, Billiards, Computer Games (e.g., Nintendo), Gambling, Cards

796                Sports

      .32                Basketball          .357         Baseball

      .33                Football             .41           Weight Lifting

      .34                Tennis                .42           Track & Field

      .352              Golf                                  Olympics

      796.5            Camping, Hiking

      796.7            Motor Racing (cars, motorcycles, motocross)

      796.8            Martial Arts, Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Karate, etc.

797                Boating, Canoeing, Swimming

      797.5            Air Sports, Flying, Ballooning, Skydiving

798                Horsemanship, Racing, Betting

799                Fishing, Hunting

800                Literature

808                Writing, Getting Published, Style Manuals, Public Speaking

      808.8            Quotations

810                American Literature

      .5                  1900+

      .52                1900 – 1945

      .54                1945+

811                American Poetry

812                American Drama, Plays

813                American Fiction (Literary Criticism)

814, 817, 818     Essays, Humor, Jokes (e.g., Robert Fulghum, Dave Barry, Erma Bombeck, Lewis Grizzard)

820                English Literature

      822.3            Shakespeare

830                German Literature

840                French Literature

850                Italian Literature

860                Spanish Literature

870                Latin Literature

880                Greek Literature

890                Other Literatures

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Dewey Decimal Classification

Need more help.

If you have further questions about DDC, creating numbers, etc. please contact:

  • The Dewey Program at the Library of Congress
  • OCLC Dewey Resources  (you may also contact OCLC or the OCLC Community Forum for deeper questions)

What are the Numbers?

000 - 099 = General Works, Computer Science & Information 100 - 199 = Philosophy & Psychology 200 - 299 = Religion 300 - 399 = Social sciences 400 - 499 = Language 500 - 599 = Science 600 - 699 = Technology 700 - 799 = Arts & recreation 800 - 899 = Literature 900 - 999 = History & Geography

What's the 2nd Half of the Call Number?

The letters and numbers following the Dewey number in the call number are called "Cutter Numbers". They always begin with a letter, so you'll know when the Dewey number stops. Cutter numbers further identify a book and indicate the author's name. If there is no author, the title is used instead.

We use a Cutter Number table to translate an author's last name into the cutter. You can see an example of one of these tables here .

Here are some examples of author last names and their Cutter numbers:

Stark: St282

Targaryen: T174

Lannister: L283

Baratheon: B2318

What is Dewey Decimal Classification?

If you've looked up an item in Kemp Library, you'll notice that it's call number is a sequence of numbers followed by letters.  Why? By assigning call numbers, we can shelve books on similar topics together.  We use a classification system called the Dewey Decimal System to create those numbers.  

The Dewey Decimal System is also called Dewey Decimal Classification, Dewey, and DDC.

Dewey Decimal Classification was created in 1876 by Melvil Dewey.  Before the DDC was invented, libraries had items on the shelf in the order they were acquired, which could make it difficult to fine what you were looking for.  Dewey Decimal Classification provides a structure for labeling items so that they will sit with items of the same or similar topics on the shelf.

Dewey has 10 broad classifications:

  • 000 - 099 = General Works, Computer Science & Information
  • 100 - 199 = Philosophy & Psychology
  • 200 - 299 = Religion
  • 300 - 399 = Social sciences
  • 400 - 499 = Language
  • 500 - 599 = Science
  • 600 - 699 = Technology
  • 700 - 799 = Arts & recreation
  • 800 - 899 = Literature
  • 900 - 999 = History & Geography

Each of these classifications serves as an umbrella, with many subtopics in each area.  The longer the Dewey number, the more specific the subject is.  For instance, works on comprehensive general science would be in 500, but if you wanted to look for Biology you would look in 570.  Or if you were interested in all kinds of sports, indoor and outdoor, you would look in 790, but if you were interested in ball games you'd look in 796.3. and if you were interested in golf you'd look in 796.352.  And then there are more specific numbers that build out from the golf number if you want to get very specific.  By "build out", it means that you start with a basic number and add to it (build) to develop it's specificity.  Here you can see we went from general sports, to ball sports, to golf - and with each subject, the number grew.   Dewey numbers start in large general areas, and as the number gets longer, the more specific the subject gets.

The more numbers there are after a decimal in a call number, means that the number is highly specific.  So the call number 813 is for general works of American fiction, 813.6 is American works of fiction published after 2000, and 816.609 is for historigraphical or critiques of American fiction published in 2000 or later. 

So, when looking for a book, we recommend you also browse the shelves around that call number because you're likely to find many materials that will also interest you and be on topic.

I Prefer Videos (DDC Tutorial)

DDC Handy Reference

  • Dewey Decimal Classification Chart Printable
  • Dewey Decimal Classification Printable A printable or savable guide to Dewey Decimal Classification from From Central Institute of Technology:

More Information

Further Resources for DDC:

  • Particularly recommended ar e the DDC23 summaries
  • The introduction to DDC
  • Try the FAQ
  • Last Updated: May 2, 2024 12:01 PM
  • URL:

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The Dewey Decimal System: Classification Numbers

  • Classification Numbers
  • Reading Call Numbers
  • Delgado Community College Locations

The Dewey decimal system coordinates materials on the same subject and on related subjects to make items easier to find on the shelves by using a combination of letters and numbers.

 The Dewey system has ten main classes, which are listed below.

  • 000 Generalities 
  • 100 Philosophy and Psychology
  • 200 Religion
  • 300 Social Science
  • 400 Language
  • 500 Natural Science and Mathematics
  • 600 Technology (Applied Sciences)
  • 800 Literature
  • 900 Geography and History

Each of the above classes has ten divisions . These divisions are further divided--and then further divided. Each division becomes more specific. For instance, the more numbers, the more specific the subject. In this way, the Dewey classification system progresses from the general to the specific.  

The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is used by most libraries to categorize its material. The call number is composed of two parts: the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Cutter Number.

Call Numbers


DDC Classification Number


Cutter Number:

Author's initial (A)

Book number (375)

First letter/s of edition title (p)

Once you know the call number for an item, which you determine by searching the online catalog, ISAAC, you can locate the item in the library. Call numbers serve two main functions within a library:

·         They tell you where an item is located by providing a unique "address" for every item within a library, and

·         They tell you what subject area an item is assigned to. This allows you to browse the shelves around a particular item to find other materials on the same or similar subjects.

Cutter Number

A cutter number consists of the first letter of the author’s last name and a series of numbers that allow books to be placed on the shelves alphabetically.

Cutter numbers can be used to make a distinction between books by the same author. A lowercase letter, normally the first letter of the title of the book is assigned.

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Finding Books: Dewey Decimal Classification

  • Using the Catalog
  • Locating Items in the Library
  • Digital Displays

About the Dewey Decimal System

Schewe Library catalogs its materials using the Dewey Decimal System (DDS), also known as Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The DDS is in its 23rd edition, with updates now made to its online version, WebDewey. Still, the core function of the DDS remains the same: the library assigns a classification number that unambiguously locates a particular volume in a position relative to other books in the library, on the basis of its subject. There are ten main classes, a hundred divisions, and a thousand sections, with innumerable subsections.

Class 000 – Computer science, information & general works

Division 000 – computer science, knowledge & systems.

  • 000 Computer science, information & general works
  • 001 Knowledge
  • 002 The book
  • 003 Systems
  • 004 Data processing & computer science
  • 005 Computer programming, programs & data
  • 006 Special computer methods
  • 007-009 [Unassigned]

Division 010 – Bibliographies

  • 010 Bibliography
  • 011 Bibliographies
  • 012 Bibliographies of individuals
  • 013 [Unassigned]
  • 014 Bibliographies of anonymous & pseudonymous works
  • 015 Bibliographies of works from specific places
  • 016 Bibliographies of works on specific subjects
  • 017 General subject catalogs
  • 018 Catalogs arranged by author, date, etc.
  • 019 Dictionary catalogs

Division 020 – Library & information sciences

  • 020 Library & information sciences
  • 021 Library relationships (with archives, information centers, etc.)
  • 022 Administration of physical plant
  • 023 Personnel management
  • 024 [Unassigned]
  • 025 Library operations
  • 026 Libraries for specific subjects
  • 027 General libraries
  • 028 Reading & use of other information media
  • 029 [Unassigned]

Division 030 – Encyclopedias & books of facts

  • 030 General encyclopedic works
  • 031 Encyclopedias in American English
  • 032 Encyclopedias in English
  • 033 Encyclopedias in other Germanic languages
  • 034 Encyclopedias in French, Occitan, and Catalan
  • 035 Encyclopedias in Italian, Romanian, and related languages
  • 036 Encyclopedias in Spanish & Portuguese
  • 037 Encyclopedias in Slavic languages
  • 038 Encyclopedias in Scandinavian languages
  • 039 Encyclopedias in other languages

Division 040 – Unassigned (formerly Biographies)

Division 050 – magazines, journals & serials.

  • 050 General serial publications
  • 051 Serials in American English
  • 052 Serials in English
  • 053 Serials in other Germanic languages
  • 054 Serials in French, Occitan, and Catalan
  • 055 Serials in Italian, Romanian, and related languages
  • 056 Serials in Spanish & Portuguese
  • 057 Serials in Slavic languages
  • 058 Serials in Scandinavian languages
  • 059 Serials in other languages

Division 060 – Associations, organizations & museums

  • 060 General organizations & museum science
  • 061 Organizations in North America
  • 062 Organizations in British Isles; in England
  • 063 Organizations in central Europe; in Germany
  • 064 Organizations in France & Monaco
  • 065 Organizations in Italy & adjacent islands
  • 066 Organizations in Iberian peninsula & adjacent islands
  • 067 Organizations in eastern Europe; in Russia
  • 068 Organizations in other geographic areas
  • 069 Museum science

Division 070 – News media, journalism & publishing

  • 070 News media, journalism, and publishing
  • 071 Newspapers in North America
  • 072 Newspapers in British Isles; in England
  • 073 Newspapers in central Europe; in Germany
  • 074 Newspapers in France & Monaco
  • 075 Newspapers in Italy & adjacent islands
  • 076 Newspapers in Iberian peninsula & adjacent islands
  • 077 Newspapers in eastern Europe; in Russia
  • 078 Newspapers in Scandinavia
  • 079 Newspapers in other geographic areas

Division 080 – Quotations

  • 080 General collections
  • 081 Collections in American English
  • 082 Collections in English
  • 083 Collections in other Germanic languages
  • 084 Collections in French, Occitan, Catalan
  • 085 Collections in Italian, Romanian, and related languages
  • 086 Collections in Spanish & Portuguese
  • 087 Collections in Slavic languages
  • 088 Collections in Scandinavian languages
  • 089 Collections in other languages

Division 090 – Manuscripts & rare books

  • 090 Manuscripts and rare books
  • 091 Manuscripts
  • 092 Block books
  • 093 Incunabula
  • 094 Printed books
  • 095 Books notable for bindings
  • 096 Books notable for illustrations
  • 097 Books notable for ownership or origin
  • 098 Prohibited works, forgeries, and hoaxes
  • 099 Books notable for format

Class 100 – Philosophy & psychology

Division 100 – philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology.

  • 100 Philosophy & psychology
  • 101 Theory of philosophy
  • 102 Miscellany
  • 103 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
  • 104 [Unassigned]
  • 105 Serial publications
  • 106 Organizations & management
  • 107 Education, research, related topics of philosophy
  • 108 Groups of people
  • 109 History & collected biography

Division 110 – Metaphysics

  • 110 Metaphysics
  • 111 Ontology
  • 112 No longer used—formerly Methodology
  • 113 Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
  • 116 Structure
  • 117 Structure
  • 118 Force and energy
  • 119 Number and quantity

Division 120 – Epistemology

  • 120 Epistemology, causation, and humankind
  • 121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
  • 122 Causation
  • 123 Determinism and indeterminism
  • 124 Teleology
  • 125 No longer used—formerly Infinity
  • 126 The self
  • 127 The unconscious & the subconscious
  • 128 Humankind
  • 129 Origin & destiny of individual souls

Division 130 – Parapsychology & occultism

  • 130 Parapsychology & occultism
  • 131 Parapsychological and occult methods for achieving well-being, happiness, success
  • 132 No longer used—formerly Mental derangements
  • 133 Specific topics in parapsychology & occultism
  • 134 No longer used—formerly Mesmerism & Clairvoyance
  • 135 Dreams & mysteries
  • 136 No longer used—formerly Mental characteristics
  • 137 Divinatory graphology
  • 138 Physiognomy
  • 139 Phrenology

Division 140 – Philosophical schools of thought

  • 140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
  • 141 Idealism & related systems & doctrines
  • 142 Critical philosophy
  • 143 Bergsonism & intuitionism
  • 144 Humanism & related systems & doctrines
  • 145 Sensationalism
  • 146 Naturalism & related systems & doctrines
  • 147 Pantheism & related systems & doctrines
  • 148 Dogmatism, eclecticism, liberalism, syncretism, & traditionalism
  • 149 Other philosophical systems & doctrines

Division 150 – Psychology

  • 150 Psychology
  • 151 No longer used—formerly Intellect
  • 152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, & physiological drives
  • 153 Conscious mental processes & intelligence
  • 154 Subconscious & altered states & processes
  • 155 Differential & developmental psychology
  • 156 Comparative psychology
  • 157 No longer used—formerly Emotions
  • 158 Applied psychology
  • 159 No longer used—formerly Will

Division 160 – Philosophical logic

  • 160 Philosophical logic
  • 161 Induction
  • 162 Deduction
  • 163-164 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 165 Fallacies & sources of error
  • 166 Syllogisms
  • 167 Hypotheses
  • 168 Argument & persuasion
  • 169 Analogy

Division 170 Ethics

  • 170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
  • 171 Ethical systems
  • 172 Political ethics
  • 173 Ethics of family relationships
  • 174 Occupational ethics
  • 175 Ethics of recreation, leisure, public performances, communication
  • 176 Ethics of sex & reproduction
  • 177 Ethics of social relations
  • 178 Ethics of consumption
  • 179 Other ethical norms

Division 180 – Ancient, medieval, & Eastern philosophy

  • 180 Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy
  • 181 Eastern philosophy
  • 182 Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
  • 183 Sophistic, Socratic, related Greek philosophies
  • 184 Platonic philosophy
  • 185 Aristotelian philosophy
  • 186 Skeptic & Neoplatonic philosophies
  • 187 Epicurean philosophy
  • 188 Stoic philosophy
  • 189 Medieval Western philosophy

Division 190 – Modern Western philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)

  • 190 Modern Western & other noneastern philosophy
  • 191 Philosophy of the United States and Canada
  • 192 Philosophy of the British Isles
  • 193 Philosophy of Germany and Austria
  • 194 Philosophy of France
  • 195 Philosophy of Italy
  • 196 Philosophy of Spain and Portugal
  • 197 Philosophy of Russia
  • 198 Philosophy of Scandinavia & Finland
  • 199 Philosophy in other geographic areas

Class 200 – Religion

Division 200 – Religion

  • 200 Religion
  • 201 Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
  • 202 Doctrines
  • 203 Public worship and other practices
  • 204 Religious experience, life, practice
  • 205 Religious ethics
  • 206 Leaders and organization
  • 207 Missions and religious education
  • 208 Sources
  • 209 Sects and reform movements

Division 210 – Philosophy & theory of religion

  • 210 Philosophy & theory of religion
  • 211 Concepts of God
  • 212 Existence, ways of knowing God, attributes of God
  • 213 Creation
  • 214 Theodicy
  • 215 Science & religion
  • 216 No longer used—formerly Evil
  • 217 No longer used—formerly Prayer
  • 218 Humankind
  • 219 No longer used—formerly Analogies

Division 220 – The Bible

  • 221 Old Testament (Tanakh)
  • 222 Historical books of Old Testament
  • 223 Poetic books of Old Testament
  • 224 Prophetic books of Old Testament
  • 225 New Testament
  • 226 Gospels & Acts
  • 227 Epistles
  • 228 Revelation (Apocalypse)
  • 229 Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, & intertestamental works

Division 230 – Christianity

  • 230 Christianity
  • 232 Jesus Christ & his family
  • 233 Humankind
  • 234 Salvation & grace
  • 235 Spiritual beings
  • 236 Eschatology
  • 237 No longer used—formerly Future state
  • 238 Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, & catechisms
  • 239 Apologetics & polemics

Division 240 – Christian practice & observance

  • 240 Christian moral and devotional theology
  • 241 Christian ethics
  • 242 Devotional literature
  • 243 Evangelistic writings for individuals and families
  • 244 No longer used—formerly Religious fiction
  • 245 No longer used—formerly Hymnology
  • 246 Use of art in Christianity
  • 247 Church furnishings & related articles
  • 248 Christian experience, practice, life
  • 249 Christian observances in family life

Division 250 – Christian orders & local church

  • 250 Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
  • 251 Preaching (Homiletics)
  • 252 Texts of sermons
  • 253 Pastoral office and work (Pastoral theology)
  • 254 Parish administration
  • 255 Religious congregations & orders
  • 256 No longer used—formerly Religious societies
  • 257 No longer used—formerly Parochial schools, libraries, etc.
  • 258 No longer used—formerly Parochial medicine
  • 259 Pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people

Division 260 – Social & ecclesiastical theology

  • 260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
  • 261 Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes
  • 262 Ecclesiology
  • 263 Days, times, places of religious observance
  • 264 Public worship
  • 265 Sacraments, other rites & acts
  • 266 Missions
  • 267 Associations for religious work
  • 268 Religious education
  • 269 Spiritual renewal

Division 270 – History of Christianity

  • 270 History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
  • 271 Religious congregations and orders in church history
  • 272 Persecutions in church history
  • 273 Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
  • 274 Christianity in Europe
  • 275 Christianity in Asia
  • 276 Christianity in Africa
  • 277 Christianity in North America
  • 278 Christianity in South America
  • 279 History of Christianity in other areas

Division 280 – Christian denominations

  • 280 Denominations and sects of Christian church
  • 281 Early church & Eastern churches
  • 282 Roman Catholic Church
  • 283 Anglican churches
  • 284 Protestant denominations of Continental origin & related body
  • 285 Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches
  • 286 Baptist, Restoration Movement, Adventist churches
  • 287 Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
  • 288 No longer used—formerly Unitarian
  • 289 Other denominations & sects

Division 290 – Other religions

  • 290 Other religions
  • 291 No longer used—formerly Comparative religion
  • 292 Classical religion (Greek & Roman religion)
  • 293 Germanic religion
  • 294 Religions of Indic origin
  • 295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
  • 296 Judaism
  • 297 Islam, Bábism & Bahá'í Faith
  • 298 No longer used—formerly Mormonism
  • 299 Religions not provided for elsewhere

Class 300 – Social sciences

Division 300 – social sciences, sociology & anthropology.

  • 300 Social sciences
  • 301 Sociology & anthropology
  • 302 Social interaction
  • 303 Social processes
  • 304 Factors affecting social behavior
  • 305 Groups of people
  • 306 Culture & institutions
  • 307 Communities
  • 308 No longer used—formerly Polygraphy
  • 309 No longer used—formerly History of sociology

Division 310 – Statistics

  • 310 Collections of general statistics
  • 311 No longer used—formerly Theory and methods
  • 312 No longer used—formerly Population
  • 313 No longer used—formerly Special topics
  • 314 General statistics of Europe
  • 315 General statistics of Asia
  • 316 General statistics of Africa
  • 317 General statistics of North America
  • 318 General statistics of South America
  • 319 General statistics of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica

Division 320 – Political science

  • 320 Political science (Politics & government)
  • 321 Systems of governments & states
  • 322 Relation of state to organized groups & their members
  • 323 Civil & political rights
  • 324 The political process
  • 325 International migration & colonization
  • 326 Slavery & emancipation
  • 327 International relations
  • 328 The legislative process
  • 329 Not assigned or no longer used

Division 330 – Economics

  • 330 Economics
  • 331 Labor economics
  • 332 Financial economics
  • 333 Economics of land & energy
  • 334 Cooperatives
  • 335 Socialism & related systems
  • 336 Public finance
  • 337 International economics
  • 338 Production
  • 339 Macroeconomics & related topics

Division 340 – Law

  • 341 Law of nations
  • 342 Constitutional & administrative law
  • 343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade), industrial law
  • 344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law
  • 345 Criminal law
  • 346 Private law
  • 347 Procedure & courts
  • 348 Laws, regulations, cases
  • 349 Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations

Division 350 – Public administration & military science

  • 350 Public administration & military science
  • 351 Public administration
  • 352 General considerations of public administration
  • 353 Specific fields of public administration
  • 354 Public administration of economy & environment
  • 355 Military science
  • 356 Foot forces & warfare
  • 357 Mounted forces & warfare
  • 358 Air & other specialized forces & warfare; engineering & related services
  • 359 Sea forces & warfare

Division 360 – Social problems & social services

  • 360 Social problems & services; associations
  • 361 Social problems & services
  • 362 Social problems of & services to groups of people
  • 363 Other social problems & services
  • 364 Criminology
  • 365 Penal & related institutions
  • 366 Secret associations & societies
  • 367 General clubs
  • 368 Insurance
  • 369 Associations

Division 370 – Education

  • 370 Education
  • 371 Schools & their activities; special education
  • 372 Primary education (elementary education)
  • 373 Secondary education
  • 374 Adult education
  • 375 Curricula
  • 376 No longer used—formerly Education of women
  • 377 No longer used—formerly Ethical education
  • 378 Higher education (Tertiary education)
  • 379 Public policy issues in education

Division 380 – Commerce, communications, & transportation

  • 380 Commerce, communications, transportation
  • 381 Commerce (Trade)
  • 382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
  • 383 Postal communication
  • 384 Communications
  • 385 Railroad transportation
  • 386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation
  • 387 Water, air, space transportation
  • 388 Transportation
  • 389 Metrology & standardization

Division 390 – Customs, etiquette, & folklore

  • 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore
  • 391 Costume & personal appearance
  • 392 Customs of life cycle & domestic life
  • 393 Death customs
  • 394 General customs
  • 395 Etiquette (Manners)
  • 396 No longer used—formerly Women's position and treatment
  • 397 No longer used—formerly outcast studies
  • 398 Folklore
  • 399 Customs of war & diplomacy

Class 400 – Language

Division 400 – language.

  • 400 Language
  • 401 Philosophy & theory; international languages
  • 402 Miscellany
  • 403 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 404 Special topics of language
  • 405 Serial publications
  • 406 Organizations & management
  • 407 Education, research, related topics
  • 408 Groups of people
  • 409 Geographic treatment & biography

Division 410 – Linguistics

  • 410 Linguistics
  • 411 Writing systems of standard forms of languages
  • 412 Etymology of standard forms of languages
  • 413 Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
  • 414 Phonology & phonetics of standard forms of languages
  • 415 Grammar of standard forms of languages
  • 416 No longer used—formerly Prosody
  • 417 Dialectology & historical linguistics
  • 418 Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 419 Sign languages

Division 420 – English & Old English languages

  • 420 English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
  • 421 Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English
  • 422 Etymology of standard English
  • 423 Dictionaries of standard English
  • 424 No longer used—formerly English thesauruses
  • 425 Grammar of standard English
  • 426 No longer used—formerly English prosodies
  • 427 Historical & geographical variations, modern nongeographic variations of English
  • 428 Standard English usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 429 Old English (Anglo-Saxon)

Division 430 – German & related languages

  • 430 German and related languages
  • 431 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard German
  • 432 Etymology of standard German
  • 433 Dictionaries of standard German
  • 434 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 435 Grammar of standard German
  • 436 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 437 Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of German
  • 438 Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 439 Other Germanic languages

Division 440 – French & related languages

  • 440 French & related Romance languages
  • 441 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard French
  • 442 Etymology of standard French
  • 443 Dictionaries of standard French
  • 444 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 445 Grammar of standard French
  • 446 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 447 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of French
  • 448 Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 449 Occitan Catalan, Franco-Provençal

Division 450 – Italian, Romanian, & related languages

  • 450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
  • 451 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Italian
  • 452 Etymology of standard Italian
  • 453 Dictionaries of standard Italian
  • 454 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 455 Grammar of standard Italian
  • 456 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 457 Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Italian
  • 458 Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 459 Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican

Division 460 – Spanish, Portuguese, Galician

  • 460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
  • 461 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Spanish
  • 462 Etymology of standard Spanish
  • 463 Dictionaries of standard Spanish
  • 464 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 465 Grammar of standard Spanish
  • 466 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 467 Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Spanish
  • 468 Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 469 Portuguese

Division 470 – Latin & Italic languages

  • 470 Latin & related Italic languages
  • 471 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Latin
  • 472 Etymology of classical Latin
  • 473 Dictionaries of classical Latin
  • 474 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 475 Grammar of classical Latin
  • 476 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 477 Old, postclassical, Vulgar Latin
  • 478 Classical Latin usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 479 Other Italic languages

Division 480 – Classical & modern Greek languages

  • 480 Classical Greek & related Hellenic languages
  • 481 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Greek
  • 482 Etymology of classical Greek
  • 483 Dictionaries of classical Greek
  • 484 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 485 Grammar of classical Greek
  • 486 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 487 Preclassical & postclassical Greek
  • 488 Classical Greek usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
  • 489 Other Hellenic languages

Division 490 – Other languages

  • 490 Other languages
  • 491 East Indo-European & Celtic languages
  • 492 Afro-Asiatic languages
  • 493 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
  • 494 Altic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages, miscellaneous languages of south Asia
  • 495 Languages of East & Southeast Asia
  • 496 African languages
  • 497 North American native languages
  • 498 South American native languages
  • 499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages

Class 500 – Science

Division 500 – science.

  • 500 Natural sciences & mathematics
  • 501 Philosophy & theory
  • 502 Miscellany
  • 503 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 504 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 505 Serial publications
  • 506 Organizations & management
  • 507 Education, research, related topics
  • 508 Natural history
  • 509 History, geographic treatment, biography

Division 510 – Mathematics

  • 510 Mathematics
  • 511 General principles of mathematics
  • 512 Algebra
  • 513 Arithmetic
  • 514 Topology
  • 515 Analysis
  • 516 Geometry
  • 517 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 518 Numerical analysis
  • 519 Probabilities & applied mathematics

Division 520 – Astronomy

  • 520 Astronomy & allied sciences
  • 521 Celestial mechanics
  • 522 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 523 Specific celestial bodies & phenomena
  • 524 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 525 Earth (Astronomical geography)
  • 526 Mathematical geography
  • 527 Celestial navigation
  • 528 Ephemerides
  • 529 Chronology

Division 530 – Physics

  • 530 Physics
  • 531 Classical mechanics
  • 532 Fluid mechanics
  • 533 Pneumatics (Gas mechanics)
  • 534 Sound & related vibrations
  • 535 Light & related radiation
  • 537 Electricity & electronics
  • 538 Magnetism
  • 539 Modern physics

Division 540 – Chemistry

  • 540 Chemistry & allied sciences
  • 541 Physical chemistry
  • 542 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 543 Analytical chemistry
  • 544 No longer used-formerly Qualitative analysis
  • 545 No longer used-formerly Quantitative analysis
  • 546 Inorganic chemistry
  • 547 Organic chemistry
  • 548 Crystallography
  • 549 Mineralogy

Division 550 – Earth sciences & geology

  • 550 Earth sciences
  • 551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology
  • 552 Petrology
  • 553 Economic geology
  • 554 Earth sciences of Europe
  • 555 Earth sciences of Asia
  • 556 Earth sciences of Africa
  • 557 Earth sciences of North America
  • 558 Earth sciences of South America
  • 559 Earth sciences of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds

Division 560 – Fossils & prehistoric life

  • 560 Paleontology
  • 561 Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms
  • 562 Fossil invertebrates
  • 563 Miscellaneous fossil marine & seashore invertebrates
  • 564 Fossil Mollusca & Molluscoidea
  • 565 Fossil Arthropoda
  • 566 Fossil Chordata
  • 567 Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
  • 568 Fossil Aves (birds)
  • 569 Fossil Mammalia

Division 570 – Biology

  • 570 Biology
  • 571 Physiology & related subjects
  • 572 Biochemistry
  • 573 Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology & physiology in animals
  • 574 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 575 Specific parts of & physiological systems in plants
  • 576 Genetics and evolution
  • 577 Ecology
  • 578 Natural history of organisms & related subjects
  • 579 Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae

Division 580 – Plants

  • 581 Specific topics in natural history of plants
  • 582 Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
  • 583 Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones)
  • 584 Liliopsida (Monocotyledones)
  • 585 Pinophyta (Gymnosperms)
  • 586 Cryptogamia (Seedless plants)
  • 587 Pteridophyta
  • 588 Bryophyta
  • 589 No longer used-formerly Forestry

Division 590 – Animals (Zoology)

  • 590 Animals
  • 591 Specific topics in natural history of animals
  • 592 Invertebrates
  • 593 Miscellaneous marine & seashore invertebrates
  • 594 Mollusca & Molluscoidea
  • 595 Arthropoda
  • 596 Chordata
  • 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates
  • 598 Aves (Birds)
  • 599 Mammalia (Mammals)

Class 600 – Technology

Division 600 – technology.

  • 600 Technology (Applied sciences)
  • 601 Philosophy & theory
  • 602 Miscellany
  • 603 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 604 Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology; groups of people
  • 605 Serial publications
  • 606 Organizations
  • 607 Education, research, related topics
  • 608 Patents
  • 609 History, geographic treatment, biography

Division 610 – Medicine & health

  • 610 Medicine & health
  • 611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology
  • 612 Human physiology
  • 613 Personal health & safety
  • 614 Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine
  • 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics
  • 616 Diseases
  • 617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
  • 618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics
  • 619 No longer used-formerly Experimental medicine

Division 620 – Engineering

  • 620 Engineering & Applied operations
  • 621 Applied physics
  • 622 Mining & related operations
  • 623 Military & nautical engineering
  • 624 Civil engineering
  • 625 Engineering of railroads, roads
  • 626 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 627 Hydraulic engineering
  • 628 Sanitary engineering
  • 629 Other branches of engineering

Division 630 – Agriculture

  • 630 Agriculture & related technologies
  • 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
  • 633 Field & plantation crops
  • 634 Orchards, fruits, forestry
  • 635 Garden crops (Horticulture)
  • 636 Animal husbandry
  • 637 Processing dairy & related products
  • 638 Insect culture
  • 639 Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies

Division 640 – Home & family management

  • 640 Home & family management
  • 641 Food & drink
  • 642 Meals & table service
  • 643 Housing & household equipment
  • 644 Household utilities
  • 645 Household furnishings
  • 646 Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life
  • 647 Management of public households (Institutional housekeeping)
  • 648 Housekeeping
  • 649 Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities & illnesses

Division 650 – Management & public relations

  • 650 Management & auxiliary services
  • 651 Office services
  • 652 Processes of written communication
  • 653 Shorthand
  • 654-656 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 657 Accounting
  • 658 General management
  • 659 Advertising & public relations

Division 660 – Chemical engineering

  • 660 Chemical engineering & related technologies
  • 661 Technology of industrial chemicals
  • 662 Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
  • 663 Beverage technology
  • 664 Food technology
  • 665 Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
  • 666 Ceramic & allied technologies
  • 667 Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
  • 668 Technology of other organic products
  • 669 Metallurgy

Division 670 – Manufacturing

  • 670 Manufacturing
  • 671 Metalworking processes & primary metal products
  • 672 Iron, steel, other iron alloys
  • 673 Nonferrous metals
  • 674 Lumber processing, wood products, cork
  • 675 Leather & fur processing
  • 676 Pulp & paper technology
  • 677 Textiles
  • 678 Elastomers & elastomer products
  • 679 Other products of specific kinds of materials

Division 680 – Manufacture for specific uses

  • 680 Manufacture of products for specific uses
  • 681 Precision instruments & other devices
  • 682 Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
  • 683 Hardware & household appliances
  • 684 Furnishings & home workshops
  • 685 Leather & fur goods, & related products
  • 686 Printing & related activities
  • 687 Clothing & accessories
  • 688 Other final products, & packaging technology
  • 689 Not assigned or no longer used

Division 690 – Construction of buildings

  • 690 Construction of buildings
  • 691 Building materials
  • 692 Auxiliary construction practices
  • 693 Construction in specific types of materials & for specific purposes
  • 694 Wood construction
  • 695 Roof covering
  • 696 Utilities
  • 697 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering
  • 698 Detail finishing
  • 699 Not assigned or no longer used

Class 700 – Arts & recreation

Division 700 – arts.

  • 700 The Arts
  • 701 Philosophy & theory of fine & decorative arts
  • 702 Miscellany of fine & decorative arts
  • 703 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of fine & decorative arts
  • 704 Special topics in fine & decorative arts
  • 705 Serial publications of fine & decorative arts
  • 706 Organizations & management of fine & decorative arts
  • 707 Education, research, related topics of fine & decorative arts
  • 708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine & decorative arts
  • 709 History, geographic treatment, biography

Division 710 – Area planning & landscape architecture

  • 710 Area planning & landscape architecture
  • 711 Area planning (Civic art)
  • 712 Landscape architecture (Landscape design)
  • 713 Landscape architecture of trafficways
  • 714 Water features in landscape architecture
  • 715 Woody plants in landscape architecture
  • 716 Herbaceous plants in landscape architecture
  • 717 Structures in landscape architecture
  • 718 Landscape design of cemeteries
  • 719 Natural landscapes

Division 720 – Architecture

  • 720 Architecture
  • 721 Architectural materials & structural elements
  • 722 Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300
  • 723 Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
  • 724 Architecture from 1400
  • 725 Public structures
  • 726 Buildings for religious & related purposes
  • 727 Buildings for educational & research purposes
  • 728 Residential & related buildings
  • 729 Design & decoration of structures & accessories

Division 730 – Sculpture, ceramics, & metalwork

  • 730 Sculpture & related arts
  • 731 Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
  • 732 Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of nonliterate peoples
  • 733 Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
  • 734 Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
  • 735 Sculpture from 1400
  • 736 Carving & carvings
  • 737 Numismatics & sigillography
  • 738 Ceramic arts
  • 739 Art metalwork

Division 740 – Graphic arts & decorative arts

  • 740 Graphic arts
  • 741 Drawing & drawings
  • 742 Perspective in drawing
  • 743 Drawing & drawings by subject
  • 744 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 745 Decorative arts
  • 746 Textile arts
  • 747 Interior decoration
  • 749 Furniture & accessories

Division 750 – Painting

  • 750 Painting & paintings
  • 751 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials, forms
  • 753 Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
  • 754 Genre paintings
  • 755 Religion
  • 756 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 757 Human figures
  • 758 Nature, architectural subjects & cityscapes, other specific subjects
  • 759 History, geographic treatment, biography

Division 760 – Printmaking & prints

  • 760 Printmaking & prints
  • 761 Relief processes (Block printing)
  • 762 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 763 Lithographic processes (Planographic processes)
  • 764 Chromolithography & serigraphy
  • 765 Metal engraving
  • 766 Mezzotinting, aquatinting, & related processes
  • 767 Etching & drypoint
  • 768 Not assigned or no longer used

Division 770 – Photography, computer art, film, video

  • 770 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
  • 771 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
  • 772 Metallic salt processes
  • 773 Pigment processes of printing
  • 774 No longer used-formerly Holography
  • 775 No longer used-formerly Digital photography
  • 776 Computer art (Digital art)
  • 777 Cinematography & Videography
  • 778 Specific fields & special kinds of photography
  • 779 Photographic images

Division 780 – Music

  • 781 General principles & musical forms
  • 782 Vocal music
  • 783 Music for single voices
  • 784 Instruments & Instrumental ensembles & their music
  • 785 Ensembles with only one instrument per part
  • 786 Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments
  • 787 Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
  • 788 Wind instruments (Aerophones)
  • 789 Not assigned or no longer used

Division 790 – Sports, games & entertainment

  • 790 Recreational & performing arts
  • 791 Public performances
  • 792 Stage presentations
  • 793 Indoor games & amusements
  • 794 Indoor games of skill
  • 795 Games of chance
  • 796 Athletic & outdoor sports & games
  • 797 Aquatic & air sports
  • 798 Equestrian sports & animal racing
  • 799 Fishing, hunting, shooting

Class 800 – Literature

Division 800 – literature, rhetoric & criticism.

  • 800 Literature (Belles-lettres) & rhetoric
  • 801 Philosophy & theory
  • 802 Miscellany
  • 803 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
  • 804 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 805 Serial publications
  • 806 Organizations & management
  • 807 Education, research, related topics
  • 808 Rhetoric & collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
  • 809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures

Division 810 – American literature in English

  • 810 American literature in English
  • 811 American poetry in English
  • 812 American drama in English
  • 813 American fiction in English
  • 814 American essays in English
  • 815 American speeches in English
  • 816 American letters in English
  • 817 American humor & satire in English
  • 818 American miscellaneous writings in English
  • 819 No longer used-formerly Puzzle activities

Division 820 – English & Old English literatures

  • 820 English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
  • 821 English Poetry
  • 822 English drama
  • 823 English fiction
  • 824 English essays
  • 825 English speeches
  • 826 English letters
  • 827 English humor & satire
  • 828 English miscellaneous writings
  • 829 Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literature

Division 830 – German & related literatures

  • 830 German literature & literatures of related languages
  • 831 German poetry
  • 832 German drama
  • 833 German fiction
  • 834 German essays
  • 835 German speeches
  • 836 German letters
  • 837 German humor & satire
  • 838 German miscellaneous writings
  • 839 Other Germanic literatures

Division 840 – French & related literatures

  • 840 French literature & literatures of related Romance languages
  • 841 French poetry
  • 842 French drama
  • 843 French fiction
  • 844 French essays
  • 845 French speeches
  • 846 French letters
  • 847 French humor & satire
  • 848 French miscellaneous writings
  • 849 Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures

Division 850 – Italian, Romanian, & related literatures

  • 850 Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
  • 851 Italian poetry
  • 852 Italian drama
  • 853 Italian fiction
  • 854 Italian essays
  • 855 Italian speeches
  • 856 Italian letters
  • 857 Italian humor & satire
  • 858 Italian miscellaneous writings
  • 859 Literatures of Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages

Division 860 – Spanish, Portuguese, Galician literatures

  • 860 Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
  • 861 Spanish poetry
  • 862 Spanish drama
  • 863 Spanish fiction
  • 864 Spanish essays
  • 865 Spanish speeches
  • 866 Spanish letters
  • 867 Spanish humor & satire
  • 868 Spanish miscellaneous writings
  • 869 Literatures of Portuguese & Galician languages

Division 870 – Latin & Italic literatures

  • 870 Latin literature & literatures of related Italic languages
  • 871 Latin poetry
  • 872 Latin dramatic poetry & drama
  • 873 Latin epic poetry & fiction
  • 874 Latin lyric poetry
  • 875 Latin speeches
  • 876 Latin letters
  • 877 Latin humor & satire
  • 878 Latin miscellaneous writings
  • 879 Literatures of other Italic languages

Division 880 – Classical & modern Greek literatures

  • 880 Classical Greek literature & literatures of related Hellenic languages
  • 881 Classical Greek poetry
  • 882 Classical Greek drama
  • 883 Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
  • 884 Classical Greek lyric poetry
  • 885 Classical Greek speeches
  • 886 Classical Greek letters
  • 887 Classical Greek humor & satire
  • 888 Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
  • 889 Modern Greek literature

Division 890 – Other literatures

  • 890 Literatures of other specific languages and language families
  • 891 East Indo-European & Celtic literatures
  • 892 Afro-Asiatic literatures
  • 893 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
  • 894 Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures of miscellaneous languages of Southeast Asia
  • 895 Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
  • 896 African literatures
  • 897 Literatures of North American native languages
  • 898 Literatures of South American native languages
  • 899 Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian languages, of miscellaneous languages

Class 900 – History & geography

Division 900 – history.

  • 900 History, geography, & auxiliary disciplines
  • 901 Philosophy & theory of history
  • 902 Miscellany of history
  • 903 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history
  • 904 Collected accounts of events
  • 905 Serial publications of history
  • 906 Organizations & management of history
  • 907 Education, research, related topics of history
  • 908 History with respect to groups of people
  • 909 World history

Division 910 – Geography & travel

  • 910 Geography & travel
  • 911 Historical geography
  • 912 Graphic representations of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds
  • 913 Geography of & travel in ancient world
  • 914 Geography of & travel in Europe
  • 915 Geography of & travel in Asia
  • 916 Geography of & travel in Africa
  • 917 Geography of & travel in North America
  • 918 Geography of & travel in South America
  • 919 Geography of & travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, & on extraterrestrial worlds

Division 920 – Biography & genealogy

  • 920 Biography, genealogy, insignia
  • 921-928 This range is reserved as an optional location for biographies, which are shelved alphabetically by subject's last name.
  • 929 Genealogy, names, insignia

Division 930 – History of ancient world (to ca. 499)

  • 930 History of ancient world to ca. 499
  • 931 China to 420
  • 932 Egypt to 640
  • 933 Palestine to 70
  • 934 South Asia to 647
  • 935 Mesopotamia to 637 & Iranian Plateau to 637
  • 936 Europe north & west of Italian Peninsula to ca. 499
  • 937 Italian Peninsula to 476 & adjacent territories to 476
  • 938 Greece to 323
  • 939 Other parts of ancient world

Division 940 – History of Europe

  • 940 History of Europe
  • 941 British Isles
  • 942 England & Wales
  • 943 Germany & neighboring central European countries
  • 944 France & Monaco
  • 945 Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
  • 946 Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
  • 947 Russia & neighboring east European countries
  • 948 Scandinavia
  • 949 Other parts of Europe

Division 950 – History of Asia

  • 950 History of Asia
  • 951 China & adjacent areas
  • 953 Arabian Peninsula & adjacent areas
  • 954 India & neighboring south Asian countries;
  • 956 Middle East (Near East)
  • 957 Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
  • 958 Central Asia
  • 959 Southeast Asia

Division 960 – History of Africa

  • 960 History of Africa
  • 961 Tunisia & Libya
  • 962 Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
  • 963 Ethiopia & Eritrea
  • 964 Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla Western Sahara, Canary Islands
  • 965 Algeria
  • 966 West Africa & offshore islands
  • 967 Central Africa & offshore islands
  • 968 Republic of South Africa & neighboring southern African countries
  • 969 South Indian Ocean islands

Division 970 – History of North America

  • 970 History of North America
  • 972 Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda
  • 973 United States
  • 974 Northeastern United States (New England & Middle Atlantic states)
  • 975 Southeastern United States (South Atlantic states)
  • 976 South central United States
  • 977 North central United States
  • 978 Western United States
  • 979 Great Basin & Pacific Slope region of United States

Division 980 – History of South America

  • 980 History of South America
  • 982 Argentina
  • 984 Bolivia
  • 986 Colombia & Ecuador
  • 987 Venezuela
  • 989 Paraguay & Uruguay

Division 990 – History of other areas

  • 990 History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
  • 991-992 Not assigned or no longer used
  • 993 New Zealand
  • 994 Australia
  • 995 New Guinea & neighboring countries of Melanesia
  • 996 Polynesia & other Pacific Ocean islands
  • 997 Atlantic Ocean islands
  • 998 Arctic islands & Antarctica
  • 999 Extraterrestrial worlds
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Dewey Decimal Classification

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  • Illinois University Library - Information Sciences Virtual Library - Dewey Decimal System – A Guide to Call Numbers
  • Internet Archive - "Dewey decimal classification and relative index"
  • Social Science LibreTexts - Introduction to the Dewey Decimal Classification
  • Dewey Decimal Classification - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)

Dewey Decimal Classification , system for organizing the contents of a library based on the division of all knowledge into 10 groups, with each group assigned 100 numbers. The 10 main groups are: 000–099, general works; 100–199, philosophy and psychology; 200–299, religion; 300–399, social sciences; 400–499, language; 500–599, natural sciences and mathematics; 600–699, technology; 700–799, the arts; 800–899, literature and rhetoric; and 900–999, history, biography, and geography. These 10 main groups are in turn subdivided again and again to provide more specific subject groups. Within each main group the principal subseries are divided by 10; e.g., the history of Europe is placed in the 940s. Further subdivisions eventually extend into decimal numbers; e.g., the history of England is placed under 942, the history of the Stuart period at 942.06, and the history of the English Commonwealth at 942.063.

Based on W.T. Harris’ classification for the St. Louis Public Library, the Dewey system was first formulated by the American librarian Melvil Dewey in 1873 for application in the Amherst College Library. It was first published in 1876, and the 20th edition of the system had been published by the late 20th century.

British Museum: Reading Room

The Dewey system’s numerical classification provides a shorthand identification and location tool. The notation lends itself to memory through the constant repetition of a standard pattern (area arrangement, different numbers for particular languages), through parallel subject developments (each book of the Bible given the same development as the Bible as a whole), and through patterned repetition of standard subdivisions (theory, study and teaching, history, geography, etc.). To distinguish works within a group and to expedite retrieval, many libraries add a book number created from the Cutter, or Cutter-Sanborn, Tables, which provide further specifications for author and genre .

Because an abridged as well as a full schedule (or classificatory guide) of the system has been developed, the Dewey Decimal Classification is adaptable to libraries of various sizes. The Index to the Dewey Decimal systems, a relative one (i.e., one having cross-references), arranges all topics expressed or implied, with every synonym in alphabetical order.

The names Dewey Decimal Classification and Dewey (when referring to the former) are trademarks of the OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

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Student Assistants: Guide to the Collections and How to Shelve Books: Dewey Decimal Chart

  • 1.Introduction to the Library Collections
  • Dewey Decimal compared to Library of Congress System
  • 3. Keeping the Shelves Neat and Orderly
  • 4. Prefix Chart
  • 5. Interactive Shelving Exercises
  • Dewey Decimal Chart

Dewey Decimal System

Dewey Decimal Chart (

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Guide to the Dewey Decimal System

For visitors to the NYPL,  all books (including large-print and reference collections as well as Andrew Heiskell Library materials, such as braille and special format audio books) are shelved in simple Dewey Decimal System classification order. The following is a listing of the general subjects and a few of the more popular subdivisions.

The Dewey Decimal System: An Overview

000 – Computer science, information & general works  (includes encyclopedias and almanacs)

  • 005 Computer programming, programs

100 – Philosophy and Psychology 

  • 150 Psychology

200 – Religion

300 – Social Sciences

  •  320 Political Science
  •  330 Economics
  •  350 Public Administration
  •  360 Social Services
  •  370 Education
  •  380 Commerce
  •  390 Customs, Etiquette, Folklore 

400 – Language  (including dictionaries)

500 – Natural Sciences

  •  510 Mathematics

600 – Applied Sciences and Technology  

  •  610 Medicine
  •  635 Gardening
  •  640 Home Economics
  •  641 Cooking

700 – Arts and Recreation  

  •  790 Sports

800 – Literature

900 – History, Geography, and Biography 

  •  910 Geography and Travel
  •  920 Biography
  •  930 Ancient History
  •  940 European History
  •  950 Asian History
  •  960 African History
  •  970 North American History
  •  973 United States History
  •  980 South American History


Children's & Young Adult Literature Resources: Dewey Decimal Call Numbers

  • Finding Books
  • Dewey Decimal Call Numbers
  • Book Awards
  • Copyright & Plagiarism
  • Citation Guides & Grammar

How to read a Dewey Decimal Number

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The children collection books are marked as follows:

Easy books followed by a cutter number
Biography followed by a cutter number
Fiction followed by a cutter number
Non-fiction followed by a cutter number

Dewey Decimal Classification

The classification is made up of ten main classes or categories, each divided into ten secondary classes or categories, and each further divided into ten subdivisions. This in turn can be further divided. Each division becomes more specific.

The main Dewey Decimal classes are:

          000 Generalities

          100 Philosophy and psychology

          200 Religion

          300 Social Sciences

          400 Language

          500 Natural sciences and mathematics

          600 Technology (Applied sciences)

          700 The arts (fine and decorative)

          800 Literature and rhetoric

          900 Geography and history

Cutter Numbers are added to the classification system, because it is possible for many books to be classified with the same Dewey classification number. The cutter number gives each book a unique number that serves as the address of the book. They usually consist of the first letter of the author’s last name and series of numbers. And if the library has several books by the same author a “work letter” is used, usually the first letter of the title of the book.

Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling 823.914
Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling 823.914
Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling 823.914

Dewey Decimal Shelving Order

Books are arranged.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 14, 2023 10:09 AM
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  4. 13 X 21 Dewey Decimal Older Poster

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  5. The Dewey Decimal System by Allan Fowler

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  6. Dewey Decimal Guide

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  1. Dewey Decimal System

    The first component of the call number is accomplished using an abbreviated or modified Dewey class number and an author cutter number. This is followed by the locally devised UIUC book number: 840 Literatures of Romance languages 841 Old and early French to 1400 842 Transition & renaissance periods, 1400-1600 843 Classical period, 1600-1715

  2. List of Dewey Decimal classes

    The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is structured around ten main classes covering the entire world of knowledge; each main class is further structured into ten hierarchical divisions, each having ten divisions of increasing specificity. [1] As a system of library classification the DDC is "arranged by discipline, not subject", so a topic like clothing is classed based on its disciplinary ...

  3. Dewey Decimal List

    Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books for free. It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥. Čeština (cs) Deutsch (de) ... Dewey Decimal List. See also: the list of Library of Congress Classifications. Class 000 - Computer science, information & general works ... 707 Education, research, related topics of fine & decorative arts; 708 ...

  4. Dewey Decimal System Guide (Printable Chart, Posters, Labels)

    Learn more about this library classification system below. Plus fill out the form on this page to get your free Dewey Decimal System printable chart, posters, and labels. The bundle includes: 10 posters, one for each of the main classes. 2 charts , one simple chart listing main classes and one detailed chart listing main classes and divisions.

  5. Learn Dewey Decimal Classification: First North American Edition

    LEARN DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION (Edition 22) First North American Edition A Practical Study Guide For Learning Every Aspect of Dewey Decimal Classification This combined text and workbook covers the theories and principles of Dewey Decimal Classification and then offers readers immediate practice in putting the information to use. Plentiful, clear explanations, examples and practice ...

  6. Dewey Decimal Classification

    The Dewey Decimal Classification ( DDC ), colloquially known as the Dewey Decimal System, is a proprietary library classification system which allows new books to be added to a library in their appropriate location based on subject. [ Note 1] It was first published in the United States by Melvil Dewey in 1876. [ 1]

  7. PDF Introduction to the Dewey Decimal Classification

    About the Introduction. 1.1 This Introduction explains the basic principles and structure of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. 1.2 The Introduction is intended to be used in conjunction with the Glossary and the Manual. The Glossary defines terms used in the Introduction and elsewhere in the Classification.

  8. PDF Dewey Decimal Classification

    Cataloging and Arranging the Books and ... • Dewey participated in the first 12 editions. • Renamed Dewey Decimal Classification with the 13th ed. (1932) • The last widely published print version, the 23nd ed., was published in 2011 (4 ... education and history (Art education, History of science, Automobile maintenance) ...

  9. Dewey Decimal Classification, 2023 (Introduction, Manual, Tables

    DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION, 2023 (Introduction, Manual, Tables, Schedules 000-199) (Volume 1 of 4) Read more Report an issue with this product or seller. Previous slide of product details. ISBN-10. 1556532717. ISBN-13. 978-1556532719. Publisher. OCLC. Publication date. January 19, 2023. Language. English. Dimensions.

  10. PDF Introduction to the Dewey Decimal Classification

    ment of the Dewey Decimal Classification3.13.23.3 The Dewey Decimal Classification—conceived by Melvil Dewey in 1873 and first published in 1876—is a general knowledge organization tool that is c. n-tinuously revised to keep pace with knowledge. The system is further extended through number building, interoperable translations, association ...

  11. Dewey teaching resources

    The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is the world's most widely used way to organize library collections. The DDC constantly updates to enable better discovery across any topic in multiple languages. Because the DDC is easy to use, you can increase the visibility of your materials quickly and efficiently.

  12. An essential handbook of the Dewey Decimal Classification System

    The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), used in 200,000 libraries across 140 countries, has entered a new age, primarily maintained today as a continuously revised electronic system rather than an occasionally updated set of print volumes. Its editors have added newly emerging topics and made it an increasingly faceted, semantically rich, modern system.

  13. Dewey Decimal Classification: A Short Subject List*

    World Book Online; Dewey Decimal Classification - Website Links; Services. How to Get a CMRLS Library Card; Services; Events; ... Education - 370. Eels - 597.43. Egypt - 962. Elderly persons - 305.26. ... * DDC22 Dewey Decimal Classification: Edition 22. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. 2003.

  14. Let's Put Dewey Decimal Books Where Students Can Find Them!

    I kept many topically relevant books found among those state Dewey numbers, and moved them to a better Dewey section, such as putting books about 9-11 in 364.1 Criminal offenses where we have other terrorism books. I also redid the Dewey number into the appropriate time period for timely U.S. history books, like the original colonies and ...

  15. Dewey Decimal Chart & Call Numbers

    The call number is an item's physical location within a collection. The call number is on the book's spine and also listed in the catalog record. Most of the collections use the Dewey Decimal System. Like most academic libraries that use the Dewey Decimal System to classify books, fiction, and biographies are given a Dewey number.

  16. Commonly Used Numbers

    Dewey Decimal Classification System. includes tips using geography. Home; Tips Using Geography ... Commonly Used Numbers; Expanded List of Commonly Used Numbers (400's, 700's, 800's) Converting Dewey to LC; A story of the numbers; Other Resources; Using the Library; Help / Contact ... 370 Education, Home Learning, Reading. 373 GED (also 300 .76 ...

  17. Home

    Dewey Decimal Classification was created in 1876 by Melvil Dewey. Before the DDC was invented, libraries had items on the shelf in the order they were acquired, which could make it difficult to fine what you were looking for. Dewey Decimal Classification provides a structure for labeling items so that they will sit with items of the same or ...

  18. The Dewey Decimal System: Classification Numbers

    The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) is used by most libraries to categorize its material. The call number is composed of two parts: the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Cutter Number. Call Numbers. 720.1. DDC Classification Number. A375p. Cutter Number: Author's initial (A) Book number (375) First letter/s of edition title (p) Call Numbers.

  19. Finding Books: Dewey Decimal Classification

    About the Dewey Decimal System. Schewe Library catalogs its materials using the Dewey Decimal System (DDS), also known as Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). The DDS is in its 23rd edition, with updates now made to its online version, WebDewey. Still, the core function of the DDS remains the same: the library assigns a classification number ...

  20. Dewey Decimal Classification

    Ask the Chatbot a Question Ask the Chatbot a Question Dewey Decimal Classification, system for organizing the contents of a library based on the division of all knowledge into 10 groups, with each group assigned 100 numbers. The 10 main groups are: 000-099, general works; 100-199, philosophy and psychology; 200-299, religion; 300-399, social sciences; 400-499, language; 500-599 ...

  21. Dewey Decimal Chart

    Student Assistants: Guide to the Collections and How to Shelve Books: Dewey Decimal Chart. Training guide for student assistants. Homepage; 1.Introduction to the Library Collections; 2. How to Shelve Books by Call Number Toggle Dropdown. Dewey Decimal compared to Library of Congress System ; 3. Keeping the Shelves Neat and Orderly

  22. Guide to the Dewey Decimal System

    For visitors to the NYPL, all books (including large-print and reference collections as well as Andrew Heiskell Library materials, such as braille and special format audio books) are shelved in simple Dewey Decimal System classification order. The following is a listing of the general subjects and a few of the more popular subdivisions.

  23. Dewey Decimal Call Numbers

    The cutter number gives each book a unique number that serves as the address of the book. They usually consist of the first letter of the author's last name and series of numbers. And if the library has several books by the same author a "work letter" is used, usually the first letter of the title of the book. Example: