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Exploring consumer behavior: must-read research topics.

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Understanding consumer behavior can contribute to decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, one of the tasks set by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #8: decent work and economic growth. 

In anticipation of the shopping season, we have curated a list of leading article collections that redefine our knowledge of consumer behavior. Accumulating over 500,000 views, scientists investigated patterns emerging from the online shopping era, the drivers of buying decisions, and the environmental impact of consumer purchases, including:

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Consumers in the Internet era

  • 37 articles

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Shopping in times of emergency

  • 10 articles

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Consumer psychology in tourism

  • 33 articles

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Consumer-brand relationships

  • 16 articles

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Culture and consumer behaviors

  • 26 articles

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Emotions and consumer behavior

  • 12 articles

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Packaging labeling and food choices


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Travel industry and global emergencies

  • 11 articles

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Consumption and the environment


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Socially responsible consumption


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November 02, 2023

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The goods on consumer behavior

Research by consumer psychologists aims to promote consumers’ well-being in sustainability, health, and money management

Vol. 52 No. 4

  • Applied Psychology
  • Marketing and Advertising

people walking on a city sidewalk in front of clothing storefront

People’s decisions about how to spend their money can have a huge impact on their own lives and on the planet. Credit card debt, climate change, plastic pollution, dietary choices—all these and more, to some extent, depend on companies’ decisions about what to sell and consumers’ decisions about what to buy.

That’s why some consumer psychologists and researchers in related fields, like marketing and business, are interested in tackling these social issues through the lens of consumerism. Consumer researchers are working to understand how and why consumers make beneficial choices in areas including sustainability, health, and financial well-being. They’re also studying how to convince companies of the value of improving their supply chains or offering customers healthier, more responsible choices.

“Good, responsible scholars are trying to think about not only what is good for individuals but also what is good for society,” said Lynn Kahle, PhD, a consumer psychologist and director of the sports marketing program at Pace University in New York City.

Sustainable consumption

One big challenge facing society is switching over to a more ecologically sustainable way of life. Making sustainable choices can be a tough sell for consumers, said Katherine White, PhD, a consumer psychologist at the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia in Canada. “It’s this really interesting trade-off between some kind of cost to the self in order to do something for others,” White said. (A trade-off not dissimilar to many of the public health interventions enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic.) The potential benefits of individual sustainable behaviors—recycling, choosing reusable goods, installing solar panels, eating less meat—are fuzzy and in the future, White said, and the status quo is largely set up to enable less-sustainable choices. But to tackle problems like climate change and environmental degradation, both systems and individuals will have to change, she said. “It’s probably the most challenging behavior-change question of our time.”

When consumer psychologists first began studying sustainable behavior in the 1970s, their focus was largely on how to identify consumers who were already prone to go green, said Remi Trudel, PhD, an associate professor of marketing at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. Over time, though, researchers have begun to focus on how to influence more people. “The biggest question is, how do we nudge people into behaving more sustainably?” Trudel said.

In a 2019 review, White and her colleagues organized research on the topic into a framework they call SHIFT ( Journal of Marketing , Vol. 83, No. 3, 2019 ). SHIFT stands for social influence, habit formation, individual self, feelings and cognition, and tangibility—each a key factor in whether a consumer makes green (or not-so-green) choices. Social influence is one of the most powerful tools available, White said. For example, a study in California led by New York University Stern School of Business associate professor of marketing Bryan Bollinger, PhD, found that every installation of solar panels on a home in a given ZIP code increased the likelihood of another install by 0.78 percentage points ( Marketing Science , Vol. 31, No. 6, 2012 ).

Habits refer to everyday behaviors, like getting coffee every morning in a disposable cup rather than bringing one’s own mug, White said. Any way to make the greener choice easier can help break unsustainable habits, she said. Individual self refers to what resonates with any given person. It’s relatively easy to connect with individuals who already care about sustainability, White said. But sometimes advertisers, marketers, and companies need to work a little harder to link a person’s preexisting values to sustainability.

For example, religious and cultural values can play a role in how people approach environmental values, said Elizabeth Minton, PhD, an associate professor of marketing at the University of Wyoming. “Western consumers view what’s important as sustaining the family unit, sustaining the community, and sustaining the loved ones,” Minton said. Framing sustainability—protecting the environment—as a way to protect family and community, then, becomes a way for marketers to encourage demand for sustainable products.

Research into feelings and cognition has found complex patterns. Some research suggests that while negative emotions such as guilt can prompt environmentally friendly actions, guilt should be deployed with care. For example, after the United Kingdom instituted a policy of charging a small sum for disposable plastic grocery bags, mass communications researcher Sidharth Muralidharan, PhD, of Southern Methodist University, conducted an online survey that found that women who reported high guilt over forgetting to carry reusable bags were more likely to carry them more consistently, but men with high levels of guilt weren’t, suggesting women were more susceptible to “green guilt” than men. In a follow-up experiment, Muralidharan and his colleagues exposed consumers to guilt-inducing advertisements based around either saving the environment or saving money by carrying reusable bags. They found that the environment-based ads were less effective at inducing guilt than the savings-based ads ( Journal of Advertising Research , Vol. 58, No. 3, 2018 ). In other words, guilt must be directed toward an effective target—which is not always related to sustainability—to work.

Finally, tangibility in the SHIFT framework refers to the need to link an action to real consequences, given that the outcome of any behavior is uncertain, White said. Focusing on the near-term benefits of sustainability, such as preventing current environmental degradation, can help, according to research led by Audhesh Paswan, PhD, a professor of marketing at the University of North Texas ( Journal of Consumer Marketing , Vol. 34, No. 5, 2017 ).

One big question is how younger generations of consumers will approach sustainable consumption. Gen Z—the colloquial term for anyone born between the late 1990s and around 2010—tends to hold consumer brands to high standards, said Brent Coker, PhD, a lecturer in marketing at the University of Melbourne. They’re savvy to marketing strategies and don’t like empty platitudes, he said, which can lead to anger at brands they perceive as doing social (or environmental) harm. However, social media marketing can lead to impulse purchasing in Gen Z, according to research by marketing lecturer Elmira Djafavora, PhD, of Northumbria University Newcastle ( Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , Vol. 59, 2021), which could feed overconsumption.

Promoting health

Another area where consumers might need to put aside their immediate impulses for long-term benefits is when making health choices. As with sustainability, consumers may well be aware that a choice—such as buying a sugary beverage—isn’t in their ultimate best interest, but still make that choice nonetheless.

“We know that incentives and information don’t always work as well as we would hope them to,” said Leslie John, PhD, who has a doctorate in behavioral decision research and is an associate professor at Harvard Business School. “What I’ve been trying to do is use insights from psychology to make these tools much more effective at actually changing behavior.”

In one study, John and her colleagues explored whether putting warning labels on sugary beverages discourages their purchase. In a real cafeteria setting, the researchers tested three different types of warning labels: One label simply listed the caloric content of the soda. Another read, “Warning: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.” A third label contained the same text but with accompanying images of an obese abdomen, a person self-injecting insulin, and rotten teeth. The researchers found that only the graphic warnings had a statistically significant impact, reducing the share of sugary beverages purchased from 21.4% to 18.2% ( Psychological Science , Vol. 29, No. 8, 2018 ). At the same time, in a result that could incentivize firms as well as policymakers, the study also showed that the warning labels didn’t reduce drink sales overall, as consumers chose to buy bottled water instead.

“They’re still buying something; they’re just buying something healthier,” John said of the consumers in the study.

Food-labeling research often lands at the intersection of politics and science. Christina Roberto, PhD, the director of the Psychology of Eating and Consumer Health (PEACH) Lab at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, focuses her research on what she calls “strategic science,” which means that she collaborates with policymakers to develop research questions. For example, in 2018, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health approached Roberto for insights on what kind of label they could use to educate consumers about foods high in salt. Roberto and her colleagues tested a variety of label options for the department, including a saltshaker inside a triangle as required on New York City menus, and a traffic light option with red representing high-salt items. The saltshaker performed the worst in tests of consumer understanding of the symbols, while the traffic light was the clearest. Unfortunately, the traffic light was a legal no-go, Roberto said, because the interpretation of which items got the red light could easily be challenged by food companies in court.

The researchers were also able to show in their data that putting text that read “sodium warning” next to the saltshaker symbol significantly boosted consumer understanding of the label. “We basically said, ‘Look, if you have to compromise and you have to use the saltshaker triangle, at least get the words ‘sodium warning’ next to it,’” she said.

That labeling strategy went into effect in September 2019 in Philadelphia restaurant chains with 15 or more locations. Boosting the potential effectiveness of the warning was a win, Roberto said, because if Philadelphia had used New York’s symbol without changes, that symbol likely would have become the standard for any other cities or states planning to institute sodium warning labels. Now, she said, there is an existing label with a stronger evidence base that new cities can choose to adopt in the future.

Money matters

Consumer psychologists are also tackling big-picture issues in the realm of money management, an area of great interest since many Americans are in precarious financial positions. According to a Congressional Research Service report, unemployment was elevated throughout 2020, peaking at 14.8% in April ( Unemployment Rates During the COVID-19 Pandemic: In Brief, 2021 ). Savings rates rose sharply, however, hitting 33% of people’s disposable incomes that same month as Americans halted their spending. As of February 2021, the savings rate had declined to 13.6% ( Bureau of Economic Analysis , 2020 ).

Researchers tackle consumer spending and saving in multiple ways. One strategy is to study what types of spending make people happiest. On that front, the research is clear: Buying experiences generally makes people happier than buying stuff. Experiential consumption also seems to trigger a greater sense of gratitude than material consumption, and it can even make people more generous to others in lab-based economic games, according to research led by psychologist Jesse Walker, PhD, an assistant professor of marketing at The Ohio State University ( Emotion , Vol. 16, No. 8, 2016 ).

“This is kind of cool because it suggests that these social benefits of experiential consumption don’t just apply to the consumers themselves but to those around them as well,” said Amit Kumar, PhD, a psychologist and assistant professor of marketing at the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business, who coauthored that research.

Experiential consumption seems to make people happier because it strengthens social ties, Kumar said. People tend to bond over conversations about their trips to Italy more than they do about that new furniture set they bought at Ikea. That’s an important thing to know when weighing how to spend your hard-earned money, Kumar said.

But there can be a dark side to the glow of experiential purchases. People are more willing to go into debt for experiential purchases than for material purchases, according to research by Eesha Sharma, PhD, an associate professor of business administration at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business ( Journal of Consumer Research , Vol. 44, No. 5, 2018 ). This seems to be because experiences are often time-dependent, Sharma said. If you decide to delay the purchase of a dining room table from July until December, it doesn’t feel like you’ve missed out on owning the table. If you delay your summer beach trip from July until December? Well, then you’ve missed summer vacation altogether.

In general, consumers tend to maintain positive illusions about their own money management, said Emily Garbinsky, PhD, a psychologist and assistant professor of marketing at the University of Notre Dame. Garbinsky is researching ways to “gently shatter” these illusions at the point at which people make savings decisions, perhaps during the use of banking apps. There is evidence from other research that software nudges can boost real-world savings. For example, a field experiment using TurboTax’s free edition led by Duke University professor of psychology and behavioral economics Dan Ariely, PhD, nudged low- and middle-income tax filers to save a portion of their tax refunds. Compared with a control group that received no messaging, the taxpayers who were presented a message about the importance of emergency savings and given choices of ways to save their refund increased deposits to their savings accounts by 50% ( Behavioral Science & Policy , Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017 ).

Garbinsky’s work also zeroes in on how emotions affect money management decisions. She and her colleagues have found, for example, that couples who share bank accounts are more likely to make utilitarian purchases than hedonic ones, in contrast with couples who keep separate bank accounts ( Journal of Consumer Psychology , Vol. 29, No. 3, 2019 ). These results held in both lab and field experiments, as well as in analyses of real banking transactions. Other research under review suggests that couples who pool finances may have more relationship satisfaction, though the findings are correlational.

Often, consumer researchers study single decisions, such as how much money people save or how much debt they’re willing to take on—but money decisions don’t occur in a vacuum, Sharma said. If you’re borrowing money to save more for retirement, for example, it might look beneficial from a savings perspective but disastrous from a debt perspective.

“It’s really important for future research to look at multiple financial decisions together,” she said. “Research that integrates multiple financial decisions, looks at trade-offs, looks at decisions over time, will lead to a more nuanced and better understanding of these choices.” 

Further reading

Communicating sustainability for the green economy Kahle, L. R., & Gurel-Atay, E. (Eds.), Routledge, 2014

How psychological insights can inform food policies to address unhealthy eating habits Roberto, C. A., American Psychologist , 2020

Sustainable consumer behavior Trudel, R., Consumer Psychology Review , 2019

The elusive green consumer White, K., et al., Harvard Business Review , July/August 2019

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The past, present, and future of consumer research

  • Published: 13 June 2020
  • Volume 31 , pages 137–149, ( 2020 )

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  • Maayan S. Malter   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Morris B. Holbrook 1 ,
  • Barbara E. Kahn 2 ,
  • Jeffrey R. Parker 3 &
  • Donald R. Lehmann 1  

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In this article, we document the evolution of research trends (concepts, methods, and aims) within the field of consumer behavior, from the time of its early development to the present day, as a multidisciplinary area of research within marketing. We describe current changes in retailing and real-world consumption and offer suggestions on how to use observations of consumption phenomena to generate new and interesting consumer behavior research questions. Consumption continues to change with technological advancements and shifts in consumers’ values and goals. We cannot know the exact shape of things to come, but we polled a sample of leading scholars and summarize their predictions on where the field may be headed in the next twenty years.

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1 Introduction

Beginning in the late 1950s, business schools shifted from descriptive and practitioner-focused studies to more theoretically driven and academically rigorous research (Dahl et al. 1959 ). As the field expanded from an applied form of economics to embrace theories and methodologies from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and statistics, there was an increased emphasis on understanding the thoughts, desires, and experiences of individual consumers. For academic marketing, this meant that research not only focused on the decisions and strategies of marketing managers but also on the decisions and thought processes on the other side of the market—customers.

Since then, the academic study of consumer behavior has evolved and incorporated concepts and methods, not only from marketing at large but also from related social science disciplines, and from the ever-changing landscape of real-world consumption behavior. Its position as an area of study within a larger discipline that comprises researchers from diverse theoretical backgrounds and methodological training has stirred debates over its identity. One article describes consumer behavior as a multidisciplinary subdiscipline of marketing “characterized by the study of people operating in a consumer role involving acquisition, consumption, and disposition of marketplace products, services, and experiences” (MacInnis and Folkes 2009 , p. 900).

This article reviews the evolution of the field of consumer behavior over the past half century, describes its current status, and predicts how it may evolve over the next twenty years. Our review is by no means a comprehensive history of the field (see Schumann et al. 2008 ; Rapp and Hill 2015 ; Wang et al. 2015 ; Wilkie and Moore 2003 , to name a few) but rather focuses on a few key thematic developments. Though we observe many major shifts during this period, certain questions and debates have persisted: Does consumer behavior research need to be relevant to marketing managers or is there intrinsic value from studying the consumer as a project pursued for its own sake? What counts as consumption: only consumption from traditional marketplace transactions or also consumption in a broader sense of non-marketplace interactions? Which are the most appropriate theoretical traditions and methodological tools for addressing questions in consumer behavior research?

2 A brief history of consumer research over the past sixty years—1960 to 2020

In 1969, the Association for Consumer Research was founded and a yearly conference to share marketing research specifically from the consumer’s perspective was instituted. This event marked the culmination of the growing interest in the topic by formalizing it as an area of research within marketing (consumer psychology had become a formalized branch of psychology within the APA in 1960). So, what was consumer behavior before 1969? Scanning current consumer-behavior doctoral seminar syllabi reveals few works predating 1969, with most of those coming from psychology and economics, namely Herbert Simon’s A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice (1955), Abraham Maslow’s A Theory of Human Motivation (1943), and Ernest Dichter’s Handbook of Consumer Motivations (1964). In short, research that illuminated and informed our understanding of consumer behavior prior to 1969 rarely focused on marketing-specific topics, much less consumers or consumption (Dichter’s handbook being a notable exception). Yet, these works were crucial to the rise of consumer behavior research because, in the decades after 1969, there was a shift within academic marketing to thinking about research from a behavioral or decision science perspective (Wilkie and Moore 2003 ). The following section details some ways in which this shift occurred. We draw on a framework proposed by the philosopher Larry Laudan ( 1986 ), who distinguished among three inter-related aspects of scientific inquiry—namely, concepts (the relevant ideas, theories, hypotheses, and constructs); methods (the techniques employed to test and validate these concepts); and aims (the purposes or goals that motivate the investigation).

2.1 Key concepts in the late - 1960s

During the late-1960s, we tended to view the buyer as a computer-like machine for processing information according to various formal rules that embody economic rationality to form a preference for one or another option in order to arrive at a purchase decision. This view tended to manifest itself in a couple of conspicuous ways. The first was a model of buyer behavior introduced by John Howard in 1963 in the second edition of his marketing textbook and quickly adopted by virtually every theorist working in our field—including, Howard and Sheth (of course), Engel-Kollat-&-Blackwell, Franco Nicosia, Alan Andreasen, Jim Bettman, and Joel Cohen. Howard’s great innovation—which he based on a scheme that he had found in the work of Plato (namely, the linkages among Cognition, Affect, and Conation)—took the form of a boxes-and-arrows formulation heavily influenced by the approach to organizational behavior theory that Howard (University of Pittsburgh) had picked up from Herbert Simon (Carnegie Melon University). The model represented a chain of events

where I = inputs of information (from advertising, word-of-mouth, brand features, etc.); C = cognitions (beliefs or perceptions about a brand); A = Affect (liking or preference for the brand); B = behavior (purchase of the brand); and S = satisfaction (post-purchase evaluation of the brand that feeds back onto earlier stages of the sequence, according to a learning model in which reinforced behavior tends to be repeated). This formulation lay at the heart of Howard’s work, which he updated, elaborated on, and streamlined over the remainder of his career. Importantly, it informed virtually every buyer-behavior model that blossomed forth during the last half of the twentieth century.

To represent the link between cognitions and affect, buyer-behavior researchers used various forms of the multi-attribute attitude model (MAAM), originally proposed by psychologists such as Fishbein and Rosenberg as part of what Fishbein and Ajzen ( 1975 ) called the theory of reasoned action. Under MAAM, cognitions (beliefs about brand attributes) are weighted by their importance and summed to create an explanation or prediction of affect (liking for a brand or preference for one brand versus another), which in turn determines behavior (choice of a brand or intention to purchase a brand). This took the work of economist Kelvin Lancaster (with whom Howard interacted), which assumed attitude was based on objective attributes, and extended it to include subjective ones (Lancaster 1966 ; Ratchford 1975 ). Overall, the set of concepts that prevailed in the late-1960s assumed the buyer exhibited economic rationality and acted as a computer-like information-processing machine when making purchase decisions.

2.2 Favored methods in the late-1960s

The methods favored during the late-1960s tended to be almost exclusively neo-positivistic in nature. That is, buyer-behavior research adopted the kinds of methodological rigor that we associate with the physical sciences and the hypothetico-deductive approaches advocated by the neo-positivistic philosophers of science.

Thus, the accepted approaches tended to be either experimental or survey based. For example, numerous laboratory studies tested variations of the MAAM and focused on questions about how to measure beliefs, how to weight the beliefs, how to combine the weighted beliefs, and so forth (e.g., Beckwith and Lehmann 1973 ). Here again, these assumed a rational economic decision-maker who processed information something like a computer.

Seeking rigor, buyer-behavior studies tended to be quantitative in their analyses, employing multivariate statistics, structural equation models, multidimensional scaling, conjoint analysis, and other mathematically sophisticated techniques. For example, various attempts to test the ICABS formulation developed simultaneous (now called structural) equation models such as those deployed by Farley and Ring ( 1970 , 1974 ) to test the Howard and Sheth ( 1969 ) model and by Beckwith and Lehmann ( 1973 ) to measure halo effects.

2.3 Aims in the late-1960s

During this time period, buyer-behavior research was still considered a subdivision of marketing research, the purpose of which was to provide insights useful to marketing managers in making strategic decisions. Essentially, every paper concluded with a section on “Implications for Marketing Managers.” Authors who failed to conform to this expectation could generally count on having their work rejected by leading journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research ( JMR ) and the Journal of Marketing ( JM ).

2.4 Summary—the three R’s in the late-1960s

Starting in the late-1960s to the early-1980s, virtually every buyer-behavior researcher followed the traditional approach to concepts, methods, and aims, now encapsulated under what we might call the three R’s —namely, rationality , rigor , and relevance . However, as we transitioned into the 1980s and beyond, that changed as some (though by no means all) consumer researchers began to expand their approaches and to evolve different perspectives.

2.5 Concepts after 1980

In some circles, the traditional emphasis on the buyer’s rationality—that is, a view of the buyer as a rational-economic, decision-oriented, information-processing, computer-like machine for making choices—began to evolve in at least two primary ways.

First, behavioral economics (originally studied in marketing under the label Behavioral Decision Theory)—developed in psychology by Kahneman and Tversky, in economics by Thaler, and applied in marketing by a number of forward-thinking theorists (e.g., Eric Johnson, Jim Bettman, John Payne, Itamar Simonson, Jay Russo, Joel Huber, and more recently, Dan Ariely)—challenged the rationality of consumers as decision-makers. It was shown that numerous commonly used decision heuristics depart from rational choice and are exceptions to the traditional assumptions of economic rationality. This trend shed light on understanding consumer financial decision-making (Prelec and Loewenstein 1998 ; Gourville 1998 ; Lynch Jr 2011 ) and how to develop “nudges” to help consumers make better decisions for their personal finances (summarized in Johnson et al. 2012 ).

Second, the emerging experiential view (anticipated by Alderson, Levy, and others; developed by Holbrook and Hirschman, and embellished by Schmitt, Pine, and Gilmore, and countless followers) regarded consumers as flesh-and-blood human beings (rather than as information-processing computer-like machines), focused on hedonic aspects of consumption, and expanded the concepts embodied by ICABS (Table 1 ).

2.6 Methods after 1980

The two burgeoning areas of research—behavioral economics and experiential theories—differed in their methodological approaches. The former relied on controlled randomized experiments with a focus on decision strategies and behavioral outcomes. For example, experiments tested the process by which consumers evaluate options using information display boards and “Mouselab” matrices of aspects and attributes (Payne et al. 1988 ). This school of thought also focused on behavioral dependent measures, such as choice (Huber et al. 1982 ; Simonson 1989 ; Iyengar and Lepper 2000 ).

The latter was influenced by post-positivistic philosophers of science—such as Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend, and Richard Rorty—and approaches expanded to include various qualitative techniques (interpretive, ethnographic, humanistic, and even introspective methods) not previously prominent in the field of consumer research. These included:

Interpretive approaches —such as those drawing on semiotics and hermeneutics—in an effort to gain a richer understanding of the symbolic meanings involved in consumption experiences;

Ethnographic approaches — borrowed from cultural anthropology—such as those illustrated by the influential Consumer Behavior Odyssey (Belk et al. 1989 ) and its discoveries about phenomena related to sacred aspects of consumption or the deep meanings of collections and other possessions;

Humanistic approaches —such as those borrowed from cultural studies or from literary criticism and more recently gathered together under the general heading of consumer culture theory ( CCT );

Introspective or autoethnographic approaches —such as those associated with a method called subjective personal introspection ( SPI ) that various consumer researchers like Sidney Levy and Steve Gould have pursued to gain insights based on their own private lives.

These qualitative approaches tended not to appear in the more traditional journals such as the Journal of Marketing , Journal of Marketing Research , or Marketing Science . However, newer journals such as Consumption, Markets, & Culture and Marketing Theory began to publish papers that drew on the various interpretive, ethnographic, humanistic, or introspective methods.

2.7 Aims after 1980

In 1974, consumer research finally got its own journal with the launch of the Journal of Consumer Research ( JCR ). The early editors of JCR —especially Bob Ferber, Hal Kassarjian, and Jim Bettman—held a rather divergent attitude about the importance or even the desirability of managerial relevance as a key goal of consumer studies. Under their influence, some researchers began to believe that consumer behavior is a phenomenon worthy of study in its own right—purely for the purpose of understanding it better. The journal incorporated articles from an array of methodologies: quantitative (both secondary data analysis and experimental techniques) and qualitative. The “right” balance between theoretical insight and substantive relevance—which are not in inherent conflict—is a matter of debate to this day and will likely continue to be debated well into the future.

2.8 Summary—the three I’s after 1980

In sum, beginning in the early-1980s, consumer research branched out. Much of the work in consumer studies remained within the earlier tradition of the three R’s—that is, rationality (an information-processing decision-oriented buyer), rigor (neo-positivistic experimental designs and quantitative techniques), and relevance (usefulness to marketing managers). Nonetheless, many studies embraced enlarged views of the three major aspects that might be called the three I’s —that is, irrationality (broadened perspectives that incorporate illogical, heuristic, experiential, or hedonic aspects of consumption), interpretation (various qualitative or “postmodern” approaches), and intrinsic motivation (the joy of pursuing a managerially irrelevant consumer study purely for the sake of satisfying one’s own curiosity, without concern for whether it does or does not help a marketing practitioner make a bigger profit).

3 The present—the consumer behavior field today

3.1 present concepts.

In recent years, technological changes have significantly influenced the nature of consumption as the customer journey has transitioned to include more interaction on digital platforms that complements interaction in physical stores. This shift poses a major conceptual challenge in understanding if and how these technological changes affect consumption. Does the medium through which consumption occurs fundamentally alter the psychological and social processes identified in earlier research? In addition, this shift allows us to collect more data at different stages of the customer journey, which further allows us to analyze behavior in ways that were not previously available.

Revisiting the ICABS framework, many of the previous concepts are still present, but we are now addressing them through a lens of technological change (Table 2 )

. In recent years, a number of concepts (e.g., identity, beliefs/lay theories, affect as information, self-control, time, psychological ownership, search for meaning and happiness, social belonging, creativity, and status) have emerged as integral factors that influence and are influenced by consumption. To better understand these concepts, a number of influential theories from social psychology have been adopted into consumer behavior research. Self-construal (Markus and Kitayama 1991 ), regulatory focus (Higgins 1998 ), construal level (Trope and Liberman 2010 ), and goal systems (Kruglanski et al. 2002 ) all provide social-cognition frameworks through which consumer behavior researchers study the psychological processes behind consumer behavior. This “adoption” of social psychological theories into consumer behavior is a symbiotic relationship that further enhances the theories. Tory Higgins happily stated that he learned more about his own theories from the work of marketing academics (he cited Angela Lee and Michel Pham) in further testing and extending them.

3.2 Present Methods

Not only have technological advancements changed the nature of consumption but they have also significantly influenced the methods used in consumer research by adding both new sources of data and improved analytical tools (Ding et al. 2020 ). Researchers continue to use traditional methods from psychology in empirical research (scale development, laboratory experiments, quantitative analyses, etc.) and interpretive approaches in qualitative research. Additionally, online experiments using participants from panels such as Amazon Mechanical Turk and Prolific have become commonplace in the last decade. While they raise concerns about the quality of the data and about the external validity of the results, these online experiments have greatly increased the speed and decreased the cost of collecting data, so researchers continue to use them, albeit with some caution. Reminiscent of the discussion in the 1970s and 1980s about the use of student subjects, the projectability of the online responses and of an increasingly conditioned “professional” group of online respondents (MTurkers) is a major concern.

Technology has also changed research methodology. Currently, there is a large increase in the use of secondary data thanks to the availability of Big Data about online and offline behavior. Methods in computer science have advanced our ability to analyze large corpuses of unstructured data (text, voice, visual images) in an efficient and rigorous way and, thus, to tap into a wealth of nuanced thoughts, feelings, and behaviors heretofore only accessible to qualitative researchers through laboriously conducted content analyses. There are also new neuro-marketing techniques like eye-tracking, fMRI’s, body arousal measures (e.g., heart rate, sweat), and emotion detectors that allow us to measure automatic responses. Lastly, there has been an increase in large-scale field experiments that can be run in online B2C marketplaces.

3.3 Present Aims

Along with a focus on real-world observations and data, there is a renewed emphasis on managerial relevance. Countless conference addresses and editorials in JCR , JCP , and other journals have emphasized the importance of making consumer research useful outside of academia—that is, to help companies, policy makers, and consumers. For instance, understanding how the “new” consumer interacts over time with other consumers and companies in the current marketplace is a key area for future research. As global and social concerns become more salient in all aspects of life, issues of long-term sustainability, social equality, and ethical business practices have also become more central research topics. Fortunately, despite this emphasis on relevance, theoretical contributions and novel ideas are still highly valued. An appropriate balance of theory and practice has become the holy grail of consumer research.

The effects of the current trends in real-world consumption will increase in magnitude with time as more consumers are digitally native. Therefore, a better understanding of current consumer behavior can give us insights and help predict how it will continue to evolve in the years to come.

4 The future—the consumer behavior field in 2040

The other papers use 2030 as a target year but we asked our survey respondents to make predictions for 2040 and thus we have a different future target year.

Niels Bohr once said, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future.” Indeed, it would be a fool’s errand for a single person to hazard a guess about the state of the consumer behavior field twenty years from now. Therefore, predictions from 34 active consumer researchers were collected to address this task. Here, we briefly summarize those predictions.

4.1 Future Concepts

While few respondents proffered guesses regarding specific concepts that would be of interest twenty years from now, many suggested broad topics and trends they expected to see in the field. Expectations for topics could largely be grouped into three main areas. Many suspected that we will be examining essentially the same core topics, perhaps at a finer-grained level, from different perspectives or in ways that we currently cannot utilize due to methodological limitations (more on methods below). A second contingent predicted that much research would center on the impending crises the world faces today, most mentioning environmental and social issues (the COVID-19 pandemic had not yet begun when these predictions were collected and, unsurprisingly, was not anticipated by any of our respondents). The last group, citing the widely expected profound impact of AI on consumers’ lives, argued that AI and other technology-related topics will be dominant subjects in consumer research circa 2040.

While the topic of technology is likely to be focal in the field, our current expectations for the impact of technology on consumers’ lives are narrower than it should be. Rather than merely offering innumerable conveniences and experiences, it seems likely that technology will begin to be integrated into consumers’ thoughts, identities, and personal relationships—probably sooner than we collectively expect. The integration of machines into humans’ bodies and lives will present the field with an expanding list of research questions that do not exist today. For example, how will the concepts of the self, identity, privacy, and goal pursuit change when web-connected technology seamlessly integrates with human consciousness and cognition? Major questions will also need to be answered regarding philosophy of mind, ethics, and social inequality. We suspect that the impact of technology on consumers and consumer research will be far broader than most consumer-behavior researchers anticipate.

As for broader trends within consumer research, there were two camps: (1) those who expect (or hope) that dominant theories (both current and yet to be developed) will become more integrated and comprehensive and (2) those who expect theoretical contributions to become smaller and smaller, to the point of becoming trivial. Both groups felt that current researchers are filling smaller cracks than before, but disagreed on how this would ultimately be resolved.

4.2 Future Methods

As was the case with concepts, respondents’ expectations regarding consumer-research methodologies in 2030 can also be divided into three broad baskets. Unsurprisingly, many indicated that we would be using many technologies not currently available or in wide use. Perhaps more surprising was that most cited the use of technology such as AI, machine-learning algorithms, and robots in designing—as opposed to executing or analyzing—experiments. (Some did point to the use of technologies such as virtual reality in the actual execution of experiments.) The second camp indicated that a focus on reliable and replicable results (discussed further below) will encourage a greater tendency for pre-registering studies, more use of “Big Data,” and a demand for more studies per paper (versus more papers per topic, which some believe is a more fruitful direction). Finally, the third lot indicated that “real data” would be in high demand, thereby necessitating the use of incentive-compatible, consequential dependent variables and a greater prevalence of field studies in consumer research.

As a result, young scholars would benefit from developing a “toolkit” of methodologies for collecting and analyzing the abundant new data of interest to the field. This includes (but is not limited to) a deep understanding of designing and implementing field studies (Gerber and Green 2012 ), data analysis software (R, Python, etc.), text mining and analysis (Humphreys and Wang 2018 ), and analytical tools for other unstructured forms of data such as image and sound. The replication crisis in experimental research means that future scholars will also need to take a more critical approach to validity (internal, external, construct), statistical power, and significance in their work.

4.3 Future Aims

While there was an air of existential concern about the future of the field, most agreed that the trend will be toward increasing the relevance and reliability of consumer research. Specifically, echoing calls from journals and thought leaders, the respondents felt that papers will need to offer more actionable implications for consumers, managers, or policy makers. However, few thought that this increased focus would come at the expense of theoretical insights, suggesting a more demanding overall standard for consumer research in 2040. Likewise, most felt that methodological transparency, open access to data and materials, and study pre-registration will become the norm as the field seeks to allay concerns about the reliability and meaningfulness of its research findings.

4.4 Summary - Future research questions and directions

Despite some well-justified pessimism, the future of consumer research is as bright as ever. As we revised this paper amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it was clear that many aspects of marketplace behavior, consumption, and life in general will change as a result of this unprecedented global crisis. Given this, and the radical technological, social, and environmental changes that loom on the horizon, consumer researchers will have a treasure trove of topics to tackle in the next ten years, many of which will carry profound substantive importance. While research approaches will evolve, the core goals will remain consistent—namely, to generate theoretically insightful, empirically supported, and substantively impactful research (Table 3 ).

5 Conclusion

At any given moment in time, the focal concepts, methods, and aims of consumer-behavior scholarship reflect both the prior development of the field and trends in the larger scientific community. However, despite shifting trends, the core of the field has remained constant—namely, to understand the motivations, thought processes, and experiences of individuals as they consume goods, services, information, and other offerings, and to use these insights to develop interventions to improve both marketing strategy for firms and consumer welfare for individuals and groups. Amidst the excitement of new technologies, social trends, and consumption experiences, it is important to look back and remind ourselves of the insights the field has already generated. Effectively integrating these past findings with new observations and fresh research will help the field advance our understanding of consumer behavior.

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Maayan S. Malter, Morris B. Holbrook & Donald R. Lehmann

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Malter, M.S., Holbrook, M.B., Kahn, B.E. et al. The past, present, and future of consumer research. Mark Lett 31 , 137–149 (2020).

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Published : 13 June 2020

Issue Date : September 2020


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Consumer behaviour

Consumer behaviour refers to how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, consume, and dispose of products, services, time, and ideas, to satisfy their needs and desires. This behaviour is pervasive, characterising all societies and cultures. Understanding the factors that influence consumer behaviour is key to business success and can have an impact on a number of disciplines, including economics, marketing, advertising, and psychology.

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Revisiting the Recent History of Consumer Behavior in Marketing Journals: A Topic Modeling Perspective

Through the years, a great deal of research had been dedicated to understanding how consumers think, feel, and behave in the marketplace. From its early development to the present, consumer researchers have adopted different methods and followed different approaches to describe the consumption phenomena. By pursuing a probabilistic approach, the current study aims to provide in-depth insight into consumer behavior research’s evolution and transformation between 1980 and 2020. The results exhibit a strong increase on subjects like consumer trust, self-identity, digital consumption, social media engagement, consumer culture theory, consumer motivation, and brand–consumer relationships. The citation analysis shows the most impactful articles and topics in consumer behavior research. The results indicate that articles on customer service satisfaction, experiential consumption, consumer trust, digital consumption, and social media engagement tend are heavily cited. And to understand each journals contribution an analysis based on citations, journal impact and topical diversity is also included. The study also includes the possible research directions for the future of consumer behavior.

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Consumer Psychology Research Paper Topics

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This page provides a comprehensive list of consumer psychology research paper topics , curated to engage students in the exploration of how psychological principles influence consumer behavior and decision-making processes. Consumer psychology, an interdisciplinary field that merges psychology with marketing, delves into the motivations, attitudes, and behaviors that drive consumers in the marketplace. Through a wide range of topics, from the impact of advertising on consumer perception to the role of social media in shaping buying habits, this collection aims to equip students with the insights needed to analyze and predict consumer actions. By addressing these diverse areas, students are encouraged to contribute to the evolving understanding of consumer psychology, paving the way for innovative marketing strategies and enhancing consumer satisfaction and engagement. This resource is designed not only to spark academic inquiry but also to provide practical insights applicable in the realms of advertising, product development, and beyond, highlighting the significant impact of psychological principles on the dynamics of consumerism.

100 Consumer Psychology Research Paper Topics

Consumer psychology stands at the confluence of psychology and marketing, offering profound insights into the processes behind consumer purchasing decisions. This dynamic field explores the myriad factors that influence buyers, from the subtle cues in advertising to the broader impacts of cultural trends. Within consumer psychology, research topics span a broad spectrum, touching on every aspect of marketing, advertising, product design, and consumer behavior. These topics not only deepen our understanding of consumer actions and preferences but also inform effective marketing strategies, product developments, and advertising campaigns, reflecting the field’s critical application in real-world marketing scenarios.

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  • The role of cognitive biases in consumer choices
  • Decision fatigue and its impact on purchasing behavior
  • The influence of brand storytelling on consumer decisions
  • Analysis of consumer heuristics in online shopping
  • The effect of mood and emotional state on purchase decisions
  • Impulse buying: triggers and marketing strategies
  • Consumer decision-making models: A comparative analysis
  • The impact of social proof on buying behavior
  • Decision-making processes in high-stake purchases
  • The role of personal values in consumer choice
  • Subliminal messaging and consumer perception
  • The effectiveness of fear appeals in advertising
  • Humor in advertising and its psychological impact
  • The use of nostalgia in marketing campaigns
  • Color psychology in advertising design
  • Celebrity endorsements and consumer trust
  • The psychology of scarcity and limited editions
  • Emotional branding and consumer relationships
  • Advertising stereotypes and consumer attitudes
  • The influence of music in advertising on brand perception
  • Psychological factors driving brand loyalty
  • The impact of customer service on brand loyalty
  • Consumer identity and brand association
  • The role of loyalty programs in consumer retention
  • Brand switching behavior: Motivators and deterrents
  • The effect of brand crises on consumer behavior
  • Social identity theory and brand communities
  • Cross-cultural differences in brand loyalty
  • The psychology of brand evangelism
  • Brand authenticity and consumer trust
  • The impact of globalization on consumer preferences
  • Cross-cultural comparisons of consumer behavior
  • Cultural dimensions and marketing strategies
  • The influence of tradition on modern purchasing decisions
  • Consumer acculturation and brand choices
  • The role of language in multicultural marketing
  • Cultural trends and their influence on consumer products
  • The effect of religious beliefs on consumerism
  • Social class and its impact on consumer behavior
  • Cultural symbolism in product packaging and design
  • The psychology behind social media influencers and consumer trust
  • User-generated content and its influence on purchase intent
  • The impact of social media on brand perception
  • Online reviews and consumer decision-making
  • The effects of social media advertising on youth
  • Privacy concerns and consumer behavior on social platforms
  • Social comparison on social media and its impact on consumption
  • Viral marketing campaigns and consumer engagement
  • Social media analytics and consumer insights
  • The role of social media in shaping consumer expectations
  • Comparative effectiveness of emotional vs. rational advertising
  • The role of emotional intelligence in consumer persuasion
  • Rational appeals in high-involvement product categories
  • Crafting emotional narratives for brand loyalty
  • Consumer responses to altruistic vs. pragmatic marketing messages
  • The psychology of humor in rational advertising
  • Emotional contagion in digital marketing
  • Rationality in consumer skepticism and advertising literacy
  • Emotional branding techniques and consumer resonance
  • The balance of emotional and rational messaging in health marketing
  • The effect of price anchoring on consumer perception
  • Psychological pricing and purchase intention
  • The impact of discount strategies on consumer value perception
  • Price as an indicator of quality: Consumer beliefs and behaviors
  • Dynamic pricing and consumer fairness perceptions
  • The influence of pricing on consumer loyalty
  • Behavioral economics principles in pricing
  • The psychology behind pay-what-you-want pricing models
  • Price rounding and consumer spending behavior
  • The effect of price transparency on consumer trust
  • Consumer perceptions of ethical marketing
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer behavior
  • Ethical dilemmas in behavioral targeting and personalization
  • Green marketing and eco-friendly consumer behavior
  • The psychology of consumer activism and boycotts
  • Transparency and ethics in influencer marketing
  • Ethical implications of neuromarketing techniques
  • Consumer trust in ethical labels and certifications
  • The role of ethics in luxury brand consumption
  • Ethical consumption in the digital age
  • Analyzing consumer trend adoption and diffusion
  • The role of trendsetters and early adopters in market dynamics
  • Predictive analytics in consumer behavior research
  • The impact of technological advancements on consumer trends
  • Lifestyle trends and their influence on consumer choices
  • The psychology of minimalist consumption
  • Consumer behavior in the sharing economy
  • Trends in sustainable and ethical consumerism
  • The future of retail in digital consumerism
  • Predicting consumer behavior shifts post-crisis
  • The role of the brain’s reward system in consumer satisfaction
  • Neuromarketing and the measurement of consumer emotions
  • Decision fatigue and its neural underpinnings
  • The neuroscience of brand attachment
  • Cognitive dissonance and consumer choice
  • The neural correlates of impulse buying
  • Sensory marketing and the brain’s perception mechanisms
  • The influence of stress on consumer decision-making
  • Brain plasticity and consumer learning
  • The neural basis of consumer trust and skepticism

The exploration of consumer psychology research paper topics is essential for advancing our understanding of the dynamic relationship between consumers and the marketplace. By delving into these diverse areas, students are not only positioned to contribute valuable insights to the field but also to influence practical marketing strategies and consumer engagement practices. Students are encouraged to select topics that resonate with their interests and ambitions, fostering a deeper comprehension of consumer psychology’s pivotal role in shaping contemporary marketing and advertising landscapes. This endeavor not only enriches academic discourse but also equips students with the knowledge to navigate and influence future trends in consumer behavior.

What is Consumer Psychology

Consumer Psychology as an Interdisciplinary Field

Consumer Psychology Research Paper Topics

Research in Understanding Consumer Attitudes, Behaviors, and the Psychological Mechanisms Driving Purchasing Decisions

Research in consumer psychology is pivotal for demystifying the complex decision-making processes of consumers. It sheds light on how emotional, social, and cognitive factors intertwine to influence purchasing behavior, providing a foundation for developing more effective marketing strategies. By exploring consumer attitudes and behaviors, researchers can identify patterns and trends that inform product development, pricing strategies, and promotional efforts, ensuring they resonate with the target audience. Moreover, understanding the psychological underpinnings of consumer decisions helps predict market changes and adapt business strategies accordingly, ensuring sustained engagement and satisfaction.

Insights garnered from consumer psychology research are instrumental in crafting marketing messages that strike a chord with consumers. They help brands to tailor their communication strategies to meet the psychological needs of their target audience, fostering a deeper connection and loyalty. Additionally, research into consumer psychology facilitates the customization of products and services to better match consumer preferences, enhancing the overall customer experience. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, the nuanced understanding of consumer psychology that research provides is invaluable for businesses looking to differentiate themselves and captivate their audience.

Diverse Research Topics within Consumer Psychology and Their Relevance to Marketing Strategies and Consumer Engagement

The spectrum of research topics within consumer psychology is broad, touching on various aspects that influence consumer behavior. Topics range from the psychological effects of branding and the role of emotions in consumer decisions to the impact of cultural and social factors on buying behavior. Each research area offers unique insights into how consumers interact with products and brands, informing strategies that can enhance customer engagement and loyalty. For instance, studies on the psychological impact of branding delve into how brand images and identities influence consumer perception and choice, guiding businesses in developing strong, resonant brand personalities.

Research on the role of emotions in consumer decisions reveals how feelings, both positive and negative, can significantly affect the purchasing process. This understanding allows marketers to design campaigns that evoke the desired emotional responses, leading to stronger consumer connections with the brand. Additionally, investigations into the influence of cultural and social factors provide a deeper understanding of consumer diversity, enabling the creation of marketing strategies that are culturally sensitive and inclusive. Through these varied research topics, consumer psychology contributes to the development of marketing approaches that not only attract consumers but also foster lasting relationships with them.

The exploration of consumer psychology topics extends to the digital realm, where studies focus on online consumer behavior, the effectiveness of social media marketing, and the psychology behind e-commerce decisions. These research areas are particularly relevant in today’s technology-driven market, offering insights into how digital platforms can be optimized to improve consumer engagement and conversion rates. By understanding how consumers navigate online spaces and what influences their digital purchasing decisions, businesses can tailor their online presence to better meet consumer needs and expectations.

Recent Advancements in Consumer Psychology Research, Including Digital Marketing, Neuromarketing, and Ethical Consumerism

Recent advancements in consumer psychology research have been transformative, particularly in the domains of digital marketing, neuromarketing, and ethical consumerism. Digital marketing research focuses on understanding consumer behavior in the digital landscape, exploring how online platforms, mobile technologies, and social media influence purchasing decisions. This area of research is critical for businesses looking to optimize their digital marketing strategies to engage the modern consumer effectively.

Neuromarketing represents a cutting-edge intersection of neuroscience and marketing, employing brain imaging and physiological tracking to unveil the subconscious preferences and responses of consumers. By understanding the neural correlates of consumer behavior, neuromarketing offers profound insights into how products, brands, and advertisements can be designed to appeal more deeply to consumers on a subconscious level. This approach promises to revolutionize marketing strategies by providing a more nuanced understanding of consumer reactions.

Ethical consumerism research addresses the growing concern for sustainability, ethical production, and corporate responsibility among consumers. It investigates how ethical considerations influence purchasing behavior and brand loyalty, highlighting the importance of transparency, authenticity, and ethical practices in attracting and retaining conscious consumers. As consumers increasingly prioritize values-aligned purchasing, understanding the psychological drivers behind ethical consumerism becomes crucial for businesses aiming to respond to these market shifts responsibly.

Ethical Considerations in Consumer Psychology Studies

Ethical considerations are paramount in consumer psychology studies, particularly concerning issues of consumer rights, data privacy, and the potential for manipulation through advertising. The ethical collection and use of consumer data are critical, as privacy concerns become increasingly prominent in the digital age. Researchers and marketers must navigate the fine line between personalization and invasion of privacy, ensuring that consumer information is used responsibly and with explicit consent.

The potential for manipulation through advertising raises ethical questions about the impact of marketing practices on consumer autonomy and decision-making. Ethical consumer psychology research strives to understand how to influence consumer behavior positively without resorting to deceptive or manipulative tactics. This involves examining the ethical implications of persuasive techniques and developing guidelines for responsible marketing that respects consumer agency.

Moreover, the focus on consumer rights within consumer psychology research underscores the importance of fairness, transparency, and respect in business-consumer interactions. By advocating for consumer rights and ethical business practices, consumer psychology research contributes to the development of a more ethical marketplace, where consumer trust and loyalty are built on a foundation of integrity and respect.

Future Directions and Emerging Trends in Consumer Psychology

Looking ahead, future directions and emerging trends in consumer psychology research are likely to emphasize sustainability, the role of technology, and adaptations to global market changes. Sustainability has become a significant concern among consumers, prompting research into how environmental and social responsibility influences consumer preferences and brand loyalty. This trend toward sustainable consumerism necessitates a deeper understanding of how to effectively communicate a brand’s commitment to sustainability and how this commitment impacts consumer choice.

The role of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR), in shaping consumer behavior is another area poised for growth. These technologies offer new ways to enhance the shopping experience, providing personalized recommendations, virtual try-ons, and immersive brand interactions. Research into how these technological innovations affect consumer psychology will be crucial for businesses looking to leverage AI and AR to connect with consumers.

Global market changes, driven by economic shifts, cultural trends, and international trade dynamics, also present new challenges and opportunities for consumer psychology research. Understanding the diverse psychological drivers of consumer behavior across different cultural contexts will be essential for businesses operating in a global marketplace. This includes studying the impact of globalization on consumer identity, preferences, and consumption patterns.

Role of Research in Developing Effective Marketing Strategies and Enhancing Consumer Satisfaction

Research in consumer psychology plays a critical role in shaping effective marketing strategies and enhancing consumer satisfaction. By delving into the psychological underpinnings of consumer behavior, businesses can develop marketing campaigns, products, and services that truly resonate with their target audience. As consumer psychology continues to evolve, its research will remain pivotal in navigating the complexities of consumer behavior, guiding businesses toward practices that not only meet but exceed consumer expectations. In an ever-changing marketplace, the insights provided by consumer psychology research are invaluable, offering a roadmap for businesses aiming to thrive through a deep, empathetic understanding of their consumers. Through continuous exploration and adaptation, research in consumer psychology promises to drive innovation in marketing strategies and foster a marketplace where consumer well-being and satisfaction are paramount.

Custom Writing Services by iResearchNet

iResearchNet prides itself on offering specialized writing services tailored for the dynamic field of consumer psychology. Understanding the complex interplay between consumer behavior and marketing strategies forms the core of our mission, helping students unveil the psychological underpinnings that drive consumer actions. Our expert assistance is designed to bridge the academic and practical realms, enriching students’ research endeavors with depth, clarity, and relevance.

  • Expert degree-holding writers : Our team is comprised of professionals with advanced degrees in consumer psychology and related disciplines, ensuring your research is in knowledgeable hands.
  • Custom written works : Each project is carefully tailored to meet your specific academic and research requirements, providing a bespoke research experience.
  • In-depth research : We dive into the latest consumer psychology studies and findings, enriching your paper with the most current insights.
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  • Top quality : Commitment to excellence is our hallmark; we strive to deliver scholarly work that surpasses your expectations.
  • Customized solutions : Recognizing the uniqueness of each research topic, we provide solutions that are specifically designed to address your research question.
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  • Short deadlines : Our efficient process and dedicated team can handle urgent deadlines, ensuring timely completion of even the most pressing projects.
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  • Money-back guarantee : Your satisfaction is paramount, and we offer a money-back guarantee if the final product does not meet your standards.

At iResearchNet, we are deeply committed to supporting students in their exploration of consumer psychology. Through our customized, high-quality writing services, we aim to not only enhance your academic achievements but also to enrich your understanding of the critical influences on consumer behavior. Our dedication to providing expert, degree-holding writers, combined with our commitment to quality and student success, makes iResearchNet an invaluable resource for your consumer psychology research paper needs. Let us accompany you on your academic journey, paving the way for profound insights and significant contributions to the field of consumer psychology.

Elevate Your Consumer Psychology Research with iResearchNet!

Step into the realm of consumer psychology with confidence and curiosity, knowing iResearchNet is here to guide and support your academic endeavors. Our expert writing services are specifically designed for students like you, who are eager to dive deep into the intricate world of consumer behavior and its implications on marketing strategies. With iResearchNet, you have a partner committed to enhancing your research quality and enriching your understanding of consumer psychology.

We invite you to take full advantage of the expertise and dedicated support iResearchNet offers for your consumer psychology research paper needs. Our streamlined ordering process ensures that getting started is hassle-free, allowing you to focus more on your research and less on the logistics. Coupled with our flexible pricing, short deadlines, and the absolute privacy of your work, our service is tailored to fit your academic requirements and personal preferences seamlessly.

With iResearchNet, you’re not just submitting another assignment; you’re making a significant stride in your academic journey in consumer psychology. Our comprehensive support, from expert degree-holding writers to 24/7 assistance, is designed to ensure your research journey is both successful and insightful. Embrace this opportunity to elevate your research, contribute valuable insights to the field of consumer psychology, and achieve academic excellence. Start your journey with iResearchNet today and unlock the full potential of your academic endeavors.


research topic on consumer behaviour

Consumer Behavior - Science topic

Haya Monawwar

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Understanding the ever-evolving, always-surprising consumer

For many consumers around the world, a return to normalcy feels so close, yet so far away, in light of the alarming spread of COVID-19 variants. Although it’s unclear what the next 12 to 24 months will bring, what’s almost certain is that consumers won’t simply revert to doing exactly what they did in 2019. In this episode of the McKinsey on Consumer and Retail podcast, three consumer-behavior experts share their insights into how consumers’ spending patterns and purchasing behaviors are changing, and what companies should do given those changes. An edited transcript of the conversation with executive editor Monica Toriello follows. Subscribe to the podcast .

Monica Toriello: Over the past several weeks, people in some parts of the world have resumed their prepandemic habits. Maybe you’ve recently seen a movie at a theater, or flown on an airplane, or even just stopped for a cup of coffee on your way to the office for the first time in over a year. But a return to “normal” won’t look the same for everyone. Today, we’ll hear from three people who intensively study consumer behavior. They’ll share fascinating insights into how consumers are changing and what companies should do about it.

Kari Alldredge is a McKinsey partner based in Minneapolis. Kari has been advising consumer-goods companies for more than 20 years on a variety of topics, and she leads McKinsey’s work in consumer-goods growth transformation. She is an author of several articles, including a recent one on COVID-19’s impact on demand and costs in the consumer-packaged-goods [CPG] industry .

Anne Grimmelt is a senior knowledge expert in McKinsey’s Consumer Packaged Goods Practice. She is based in Stamford, Connecticut. Anne has been one of the driving forces behind McKinsey’s consumer-sentiment survey , which was launched in 2008 and during the pandemic has expanded to 45 countries. It provides a rich fact base for how consumers are feeling about their finances and how their buying behavior is changing.

And our third guest is Anjali Lai, a senior analyst at Forrester. Anjali, who is based in New York, helps chief marketing officers [CMOs] and other business leaders to understand the shifts in consumer behavior and consumer decision making and then to figure out what these changes mean for the future of brands and industries.

[To comply with Forrester’s Citation Policy, this transcript excludes Anjali Lai’s comments. Listen to the full episode on or on Apple, Google, and other podcast platforms.]

A ‘reversal of fortune’ for big brands

Monica Toriello: Kari, Anne, Anjali, it’s great to have you here today. All three of you have been keeping your fingers on the pulse of consumers, both before and throughout the pandemic. Have there been any surprises? Are consumers doing things that you didn’t expect? Or is there anything that seemed to be going one way in, say, March or April 2020 but is going in a different direction today?

Kari Alldredge: In 2019 or early 2020, the topic on the minds of large branded consumer-packaged-goods manufacturers was portfolio shaping: how to reimagine their portfolios, how to move away from center-of-store food products and big brands and instead engage with consumers in very different, more targeted, niche-oriented ways. The degree to which the pandemic pushed people back toward big brands in the center of the store, and toward cooking at home, has been a complete turnaround, a reversal of fortune, for large CPG companies.

Some of those changes could have been anticipated, but others are quite shocking: the notion that bread baking would become a phenomenon among millennials, or that pet ownership would skyrocket to the extent that it has, and that those same millennials would be willing to spend more than they spend on their daily Starbucks to feed their new pets.

So, many of those companies that were desperately searching for growth 18 months ago now have the opposite problem: their supply chains can’t keep up . The big question for all of them is which of those consumer behaviors are truly going to persist  and be “sticky” coming out of this pandemic? Certainly, the dog that you adopted is likely to stay at your home. But when you go back to ordering your daily Starbucks and spending $7 a day on a coffee, are you going to spend the same amount to feed your pet? Those are the questions that are on many company leaders’ minds.

Anne Grimmelt: As Kari said, we saw a complete shift. Prepandemic, the growth was in smaller, niche brands, but early in the pandemic, it was large CPG players that really gained scale because their products were available on the shelf. They were also brands that were trusted by consumers, so consumers felt good buying them. If you look at point-of-sale data from IRI or Nielsen, you see that large companies—those with more than $2.5 billion in retail sales in the US market—picked up most of the share growth early in the pandemic, whereas smaller and midsize companies, as well as private label, were really not picking up growth.

In the second half of 2020 and in early 2021, small and midsize companies are regaining their sales growth. And we expect that private label is going to be powerful again , because if you dive into the why—why did consumers pick a new brand, and why did they pick the brands they chose?—it was about availability, it was about purpose, but it was also about value . It was about price points. Going forward, value is going to be even more important, and private label will gain strength in the future.

Trust as a strategic imperative

Monica Toriello: All three of you to some extent have written about customer loyalty: how to win it and how to retain it, particularly in an environment where people are willing to try new brands. Anne and Kari, you found that 39 percent of consumers tried new brands during the pandemic. And Anjali, in your research, you found that small brands are particularly good at earning consumers’ trust and consequently their loyalty. In a recent blog post, you wrote, “Now is the time for companies to embrace trust as a strategic imperative.” What does that mean? How should companies do that?

Even relatively mundane CPG companies are thinking about the end-to-end consumer journey, including consumer experience pre- and postpurchase. Kari Alldredge

Kari Alldredge: I’m seeing two interesting things in response to the trends you just talked about, Anjali. One is the degree to which even relatively mundane CPG companies are thinking about the end-to-end consumer journey, including consumer experience pre- and postpurchase, as they try to understand how to serve their existing consumers but also look for new ways to better meet consumer needs. The notion that there is a pre- and postpurchase experience related to a can of soda or a can of soup is a relatively novel idea, right? But, increasingly, the most forward-thinking companies are doing research across that entire journey to be able to understand the needs of consumers as they’re considering the range of options that are available to them—all the way through to satisfaction with usage and even disposal of the packaging of products.

Another interesting thing I’m seeing is a recognition that marketing is a dialogue, and a recognition of the degree to which consumers now “own” or shape the narratives of many brands. This, too, was happening before the pandemic but was vastly accelerated during the pandemic. The notion that a marketer positions the brand and delivers a message and a promise to consumers is really becoming quite an antiquated one, I think, as consumers themselves—through reviews, ratings , blogs, videos, and social-media posts—shape the identity of many of these brands. Recommendations from friends and family become part of the brand’s identity and are critical to shaping both loyalty and consumer trust.

We found in our research that about 33 percent of millennial and Gen Z consumers say they choose to buy a brand from a company that has their values, versus about 12 percent of baby boomers. Anne Grimmelt

Anne Grimmelt: Our research corroborates that. We found in our research that about 33 percent of millennial and Gen Z consumers  say they choose to buy a brand from a company that has their values, versus about 12 percent of baby boomers. But every demographic group is leaning toward that.

Another finding from our research is the reasons why consumers change to a new brand. It is definitely the younger generation that more often indicates that it’s because of purpose. It’s because of what the company stands for, how it treats its employees, et cetera.

Purpose: More than just a buzzword

Monica Toriello: We’ve been hearing a lot about purpose and values, but I also hear some skepticism in certain pockets of the corporate world as to whether an emphasis on corporate purpose  actually pays off. Because there is an attitude–behavior gap, right? What’s your response to a CEO who says, “Consumers like to say they care about purpose and values, but when they’re at the point of deciding to buy something, they truly only care about convenience or price or quality. Purpose is just a buzzword.”

Kari Alldredge: It’s necessary but not sufficient. I think there’s an increasing recognition that alignment with a consumer’s values may put you in the consideration set but won’t drive you over the line to purchase. You still have to have product superiority, whether that’s taste superiority, functional superiority, or a price-to-value equation that works for that particular consumer.

We talk a lot about the pandemic, which definitely shone a light on health in general, but there are other crises—like social justice  and climate change —that have come to light over the past year and a half and that have really shaken the corporate community. These crises have helped companies understand that some of these factors are fundamental in how consumers perceive themselves and the world around them, to the point where we now actually see some change happening.

One of the things that I was struck by was the speed and seriousness with which many of the household-cleaning companies responded to the pandemic and the heroic efforts to convert production capacity to manufacture things like wipes and sanitizer. Yes, some of that was for financial gain, but I think there really was an almost wartime mentality that I saw companies get new energy from.

I think about center-of-store food manufacturers who, prepandemic, maybe viewed themselves as being a bit sleepy and not exciting in terms of attracting the best talent. Now when you hear them talk about what they do, there’s real pride in the fact that they fed America, or they kept America safe. It really changed the way they think about the importance of what they do.

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Sources of insight.

Monica Toriello: All three of you are experts in consumer behavior. But consumers are changing fast and they’re changing constantly. Anjali, in another recent blog post, you wrote, “Rather than expect consumers to settle into a defined postpandemic normal, CMOs should prepare for a constant evolution of consumer needs and expectations over the next 12 to 24 months.” So beyond reading the latest consumer research and analysis, what are the best ways for CMOs and CEOs to understand where consumers are and where they’re headed?

Kari Alldredge: One of the best sources of insights is their online channel partners and their own D2C [direct to consumer] sites . Companies should mine online data to get a quick pulse on the way consumers are thinking or feeling. They should look at ratings and reviews using advanced analytics to understand and see trends and what’s selling on sites like,, or They could even develop products that they can quickly test in an online environment and then change and adjust, as opposed to thinking about mass development of a product that gets pushed out to thousands and thousands of brick-and-mortar retail stores.

Consumers don’t always know what they want, and they can’t predict how their behavior will change. So traditional consumer research—which asks consumers how likely they are to purchase something—is becoming less relevant or reliable than actual data in market. That’s why data from e-commerce sites can be so valuable.

Anne Grimmelt: Another very powerful way to understand consumers  is by looking at what your peer companies do. You can go to industry conferences like the CAGNY [Consumer Analyst Group of New York] conference and hear a company like L’Oréal talk about how they use their D2C and their online-sales platform to see what type of color lipstick people try—not buy , but try —on their online platform. That information is critical for them to know where to innovate. What are the colors that people want and what are the products that people like to try out on the digital platform?

Similarly, I think it’s very important to keep an open mind beyond your own borders, to realize what’s happening elsewhere in the world. Going back to the topic of purpose, for instance, it is very much alive in the US but it’s also very much alive in Europe. Learning about the power of what consumers demand and how purpose is driving consumer decisions about CPG companies—and what companies in Europe are doing to meet consumer demand—can be valuable, wherever you are in the world.

Kari Alldredge: I think we also shouldn’t underestimate the resilience of consumers and the gravitational pull of life as we knew it before the pandemic. One thing that surprised me even in the past several weeks is the degree to which behaviors have bounced back. If there’s anything I’ve learned over the past 18 months it’s that I don’t have a crystal ball, or if I did, it is certainly broken—because there is no part of this last 18 months that I ever could have in a million years predicted.

At the beginning of the pandemic, one company I work with asked every board member, “When you look back, what’s the one thing that will be blazingly obvious that we either should always have done or never have been doing?” And one of the things that came up was shaking hands: “We’re never going to shake hands again.” But I attended a graduation ceremony in the beginning of June—so, early into the recovery—and what was striking to me is that the dean of that school shook the hand of, and physically embraced, every single one of the thousand students who crossed that stage. And this was at an institution that had been, like most educational institutions, incredibly thoughtful and conservative about their public-health response. Literally days after restrictions were lifted, the urge to connect was so strong that it looked as if the pandemic had never happened.

People are resilient. Hundreds of years of behavior certainly have been meaningfully changed by the past 18 months, but I think a lot of the old behaviors will bounce back pretty quickly.

Monica Toriello: So if you could gather all the CEOs and CMOs of consumer companies in one room and leave them with one message, what would it be? What is the one thing they need to do to position themselves for success in 2021 and 2022?

Anne Grimmelt: My one-liner would be, “Be open to change and be agile .”

Kari Alldredge: I would say, “Listen; don’t tell.”

Kari Alldredge is a partner in McKinsey’s Minneapolis office, and  Anne Grimmelt is a senior knowledge expert in the Stamford office.  Monica Toriello is an executive editor in the New York office.

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57 Inspiring Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics and Sample Ideas

Table of Contents

Consumer behaviour dissertation topics explore the complex dynamics that influence individuals’ purchasing choices. These topics cover areas like the impact of advertising, online reviews, social media, and cultural factors on consumer decisions. They delve into the psychology behind consumer choices, helping businesses tailor marketing strategies to reach and engage their target audiences effectively.

Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topic: “Influence of Online Reviews on Consumer Purchase Decisions”

Brief : This dissertation topic investigates the profound influence of online reviews on consumer behaviour. With the proliferation of e-commerce and digital platforms, consumers increasingly rely on the opinions and ratings of other users when making purchase decisions. This research aims to delve into the factors that shape consumers’ trust in online reviews, examining the role of review quality, source credibility, and the impact of fake or biased reviews. Additionally, the study explores how online reviews affect various stages of the consumer decision-making process, from product consideration to post-purchase evaluation. By analyzing real-world cases, conducting surveys, and employing data analytics, this research uncovers insights into how online reviews can be leveraged by businesses to enhance brand perception and sales. Understanding the dynamics of online reviews in consumer behaviour is crucial in the contemporary digital marketplace, making this topic both timely and impactful.

Are you looking to help with Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics? Consumer behavior has always caught the attention of researchers. If you’re planning to research the same area, we have a list of research proposal topics and dissertation topics on consumer behavior to help you in your undergrad and master’s research projects.

You can choose any topic, and we can prepare your dissertation according to your university requirements. We can also help with marketing , business management , digital marketing , psychology , and others. Contact our representatives for more details.

Best consumer behaviour dissertation topics or research topics for master’s and undergraduate students

Here is the list of best research topics in consumer behaviour:

  • How do emerging trends influence consumer behaviour and their decisions?
  • What are the basic principles of consumer behavior? – A literature review.
  • How do satisfy the needs of consumers in the construction industry?
  • Can a business run without satisfying the needs of the consumer? – a systematic literature review.
  • Why is consumer feedback very important for new startups – a case analysis.
  • What is your opinion on the famous saying ‘customers are always right? – a survey analysis.
  • To study the barriers between consumer and seller? – a literature review.
  • Studying the effects of Digital Marketing on Generation Z consumers in the food industry.
  • How do geographical barriers change the needs of customers?
  • How to build strong online branding? A systematic analysis of literature and theoretical concepts.
  • Evaluating the impact of product design on the consumer – packaging theories and models.
  • To study the effect of brand image on the consumer in the airline industry.
  • To study the effect of brand pricing on customers related to food products.
  • To analyze consumer behaviors on different branding strategies adopted by the smartphone industry.
  • Conducting an online survey to know the needs of consumers in the fashion industry.
  • To make data of consumers which helps in the development of financial products.
  • How are the needs of people changing with their way of living in the rural areas of developing countries? A case analysis.
  • How do you think the consumer behavior field came into existence? A literature review.
  • To study the mechanism of analysis on consumer behavior.
  • Research on rich and poor customer needs – a comparative analysis for the food businesses.
  • What are the challenges faced by the customer in product buying?
  • To study the role of customers in supply chain management – a systematic analysis of the food supply chain.
  • Study the Effects of COVID-19 on consumer behavior.
  • To study the risk-taking consumers.
  • Do you think consumerism is a form of consumer behavior?
  • What are the cross-cultural comer behaviors?
  • What is the effect of Greenwashing’s marketing strategy on consumers?
  • What is the impact of negative online reviews on customers?
  • How do assess if the consumer’s behavior is rational or not?
  • To study Maslow’s hierarchy needs of consumer behavior in the light of FMCGs.
  • To study neuromarketing and its effects on consumer behavior.
  • What are the customer retention methods, and how can companies use this to retain Generation Z consumers?
  • To study the effects of packaging of products on customers’ purchase intention.
  • Do you think Marketing is a power of emotions?
  • To study the relationship between customer loyalty and repurchasing of a product.
  • To study the relationship between celebrity endorsement and consumer behavior.
  • Impact of Education on consumer behavior towards green products.
  • To study the business-to-business relationship to meet the needs of customers.
  • The analysis of the effects of a Good online website on Consumer purchasing behavior in the long run.
  • Studying the impact of cost transparency and its effects on consumer behavior – literature review analysis.
  • To study the impact of sales in malls on consumer behavior.
  • To explore the difference in men’s and women’s behaviors in online advertisements.
  • Why does a consumer become loyal to brands? – an analysis of the factors influencing brand loyalty.
  • What type of consumer considers quality above all? A survey analysis.
  • A survey on food courts in malls related to consumer behavior and how they perceive the food options
  • To study the child consumer preferences related to fast food products
  • To study the role of emotions in consumer behavior.
  • What are the possibilities of buying a product?
  • To study the Ethnographic factors on consumer behavior.
  • What are the current trends in the market to satisfy consumer needs?

These are the best Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics list created by our experts pick any topic of your choice and start dissertation writing. If you are still searching for Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics fill out the form below and get customized topics brief for a consumer behaviour dissertation.

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Consumer Behaviour Dissertation Topics (28 Examples) For Research

Mark Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021 Consumer Behaviour No Comments

Some of the most interesting consumer behaviour dissertation topics are listed on this site. The list of dissertation topics on consumer behaviour is developed based on emerging concepts and ideas in the field of business and marketing. Consumer behaviour is a vast area to study and has gained the attention of researchers belonging to different […]

consumer behaviour dissertation topics

Some of the most interesting dissertation topics on consumer behaviour are listed on this site. The list of dissertation topics on consumer behaviour is developed based on emerging concepts and ideas in the field of business and marketing. Consumer behaviour is a vast area to study and has gained the attention of researchers belonging to different fields.

The project topics on consumer behaviour and research topics on consumer behaviour are listed down, and we can also help in completing projects according to your requirements. You can explore the dissertation, project, and research topics to carry out your study.

A list of Dissertation Topics on Consumer Behaviour

How online shopping consumer behaviour affects the high-street shopping patterns in the UK?

Examining the differences between male and female customer psychologies.

Analysing how advertising stimulates excessing consumption patterns.

To conduct a literature review on the importance of understanding customer needs.

Exploring the differences in consumer buying patterns considering different consumer characteristics.

Are the consumers willing to pay a premium for convenience?

Comparing the factors influencing consumer behaviour related to clothing brands in the UK.

Evaluating the country of origin effects on consumer buying behaviour.

Studying the impact of brand association on consumer buying behaviour in the sports industry.

Examining the impact of advertising media on consumer purchasing behaviour related to food and beverage products.

To explore the factors affecting consumer’s purchase decisions in the UK’s retail market.

A quantitative study on how online shopping trends have affected the profitability of leading retailers in the UK – A case study of Tesco.

Studying the impact of trends in consumer’s food behaviour contributing to the development of marketing strategies in the fashion industry.

A review of twenty-five years research of the consumer behaviour study in different markets.

Does e-marketing influence consumer purchase decisions?

Analysing and comparing the strategies used by luxury brands to influence consumer behaviour.

Examining the role of information technology in revolutionising the marketer’s approach to motivate and influence consumers.

Assessing the impact of integrated marketing communication on consumer impulsive buying behaviour.

A literature review on the impact of branding on consumer behaviour.

Importance of ethics in building and maintaining relationships with the consumers.

The role of innovation and creativity on consumer behaviour and perceptions.

Qualitative analysis of the impact of loyalty schemes on consumer purchasing decisions and loyalty.

Impact of cross-cultural marketing on the marketing techniques used to attract and influence consumers.

A literature review on the effects of globalisation on customer behaviour.

Consumer, customer and perceived value: past, present and future.

Examining the environmental orientation of consumer behaviour: motivational component.

Impact of the external stimuli on the impulsive buying behaviour of consumers.

Studying the female consumer behaviour towards jewellery products in Asian countries.

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research topic on consumer behaviour

Consumer Behavior Research

Exploring the Depths of Consumer Insights for Strategic Business Growth

In an era where understanding consumer behavior is more than a competitive edge, it’s a survival imperative, NielsenIQ (NIQ) and GfK emerge as pivotal allies. This expertise is essential for businesses in B2C commerce, retail, and beyond, aiming to navigate the complex consumer landscape for informed, strategic decision-making.

Definition and Importance of Consumer Behavior Research

Consumer behavior research is the study of how individuals make decisions to spend their resources on consumption-related items. It involves understanding the what, why, when, and how of consumer purchases. This field is crucial for businesses as it sheds light on consumer preferences, buying patterns, and decision-making processes. By understanding these aspects, companies can tailor their products and marketing strategies effectively, ensuring alignment with consumer needs and market trends, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Overview of the Impact of Consumer Behavior Research on Marketing Strategies

The insights from consumer behavior research are instrumental in shaping targeted marketing strategies. By understanding consumer motivations and behaviors, businesses can create more relevant and engaging marketing messages, leading to improved customer engagement and retention. This research helps in segmenting the market, identifying potential customers, and understanding the factors that drive consumer decisions. It also aids in predicting future trends, enabling companies to stay ahead of the curve. Effective use of consumer behavior research can lead to the development of products and services that meet the evolving needs of consumers, thereby enhancing brand loyalty and market share.


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Understanding Consumer Behavior

These diverse influences combine to form unique consumer profiles, which businesses must understand to effectively target their marketing efforts..

Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is influenced by a complex interplay of psychological, social, cultural, and personal factors. Psychological factors include perceptions, attitudes, and motivation, which guide consumers’ emotional and cognitive responses. Social factors encompass family, friends, and societal norms that shape buying habits through peer influence and social trends. Cultural factors involve the broader societal beliefs, values, and customs that dictate consumer behavior in a particular region. Personal factors such as age, occupation, lifestyle, and economic status also significantly impact consumer choices. These diverse influences combine to form unique consumer profiles, which businesses must understand to effectively target their marketing efforts.

The Role of Consumer Behavior in Decision Making

Consumer behavior plays a critical role in the decision-making process. It involves understanding how consumers decide upon their needs and wants, choose among products and brands, and determine their purchase methods. This knowledge is vital for businesses to design and position their offerings in a way that resonates with the target audience. Understanding consumer behavior helps in predicting how consumers will respond to marketing messages and product features, enabling businesses to tailor their strategies to meet consumer needs effectively. It also assists in identifying opportunities for new product development and market expansion.

Consumer Behavior Theories and Models

Consumer behavior theories and models provide frameworks for understanding and predicting consumer actions. The Stimulus-Response Model, for instance, illustrates how marketing stimuli and environmental factors influence consumer responses. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs explains consumer motivation in terms of fulfilling basic to complex needs. The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior focus on the relationship between attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. The Consumer Decision Model outlines the cognitive process involving need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior. These models help businesses in developing strategies that align with consumer psychology and behavioral patterns. They also assist in segmenting the market and targeting consumers with personalized marketing approaches, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and product offerings.

Research Methods in Consumer Behavior Research

Customer analytics is vital for businesses across various sectors, including FMCG, sales, and e-commerce. It enables companies to create personalized experiences, improve customer engagement, and boost retention, ultimately leading to increased revenue. By understanding consumer behavior through data analysis, businesses can make informed decisions that resonate with their target audience.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research methods in consumer behavior research involve structured techniques like surveys and questionnaires to collect numerical data. These methods are useful for gauging consumer attitudes, preferences, and behaviors across larger populations. Statistical analysis of this data helps in identifying trends, testing hypotheses, and making generalizations about consumer behavior. Quantitative research is valuable for businesses as it provides measurable and comparable insights that can guide strategic decision-making. It helps in understanding the magnitude of consumer responses to various marketing stimuli and in assessing the potential market size for new products or services.

Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research methods in consumer behavior focus on understanding the deeper motivations, thoughts, and feelings of consumers. Techniques like in-depth interviews, focus groups, and observational studies provide rich, detailed insights that are not typically captured through quantitative methods. This approach is crucial for exploring the underlying reasons behind consumer choices, preferences, and attitudes. Qualitative research helps businesses in gaining a deeper understanding of consumer experiences, emotions, and perceptions, which can be invaluable in developing more effective marketing strategies, product designs, and customer service approaches. It allows companies to explore new ideas and concepts with consumers, gaining insights that can lead to innovation and differentiation in the market.

Experimental Research in Consumer Behavior

Experimental research in consumer behavior involves manipulating one or more variables to observe the effect on another variable, typically consumer behavior or attitudes. This method is used to establish cause-and-effect relationships, providing insights into how changes in product features, pricing, or marketing strategies might influence consumer behavior. Controlled experiments, often conducted in laboratory settings or as field experiments, allow researchers to isolate the effects of specific variables. This type of research is particularly valuable for testing new products, pricing strategies, and marketing messages before full-scale implementation. It helps businesses in making informed decisions based on empirical evidence, reducing the risks associated with new initiatives.

Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior

Psychological factors.

Psychological factors play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior. These include individual motivations, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs. Motivation drives consumers to fulfill their needs and desires, influencing their buying decisions. Perception, how consumers interpret information, can significantly impact their choices, as it shapes their understanding of products and brands. Attitudes and beliefs, formed through experiences and social influences, guide consumer preferences and loyalty. Understanding these psychological factors is crucial for businesses as they influence how consumers view and interact with products and services. By aligning marketing strategies with consumer psychology, businesses can more effectively influence purchasing decisions and build stronger customer relationships.

Social Factors

Social factors significantly influence consumer behavior, encompassing the impact of society, family, and peer groups. Family members and friends can influence buying decisions through recommendations or shared experiences. Social groups, including social networks and communities, also play a role in shaping consumer preferences and behaviors. The influence of social media has become particularly significant, as it not only connects consumers but also serves as a platform for sharing opinions and experiences about products and services. Understanding these social dynamics is important for businesses as they can leverage social influences through targeted marketing strategies, influencer partnerships, and social media campaigns. Recognizing the power of social factors can help businesses in building brand awareness and loyalty among consumer groups.

Cultural Factors

Cultural factors are deeply ingrained elements that influence consumer behavior, including values, beliefs, customs, and traditions. These factors vary across different regions and societies, affecting how consumers perceive and interact with products and services. Cultural influences can determine consumer preferences, buying habits, and brand perceptions. For instance, color symbolism, dietary preferences, and language can all vary significantly between cultures, impacting marketing strategies and product development. Businesses must understand and respect these cultural nuances to effectively cater to diverse consumer markets. Adapting products and marketing messages to align with cultural values and norms can significantly enhance a brand’s appeal and acceptance in different markets.

Personal Factors

Personal factors, including age, gender, occupation, lifestyle, and economic status, also significantly influence consumer behavior. These factors determine individual needs, preferences, and purchasing power. For example, younger consumers may prioritize trendy and innovative products, while older consumers might value functionality and durability. Lifestyle choices, such as health consciousness or environmental awareness, can also drive consumer preferences and choices. Economic factors, such as income and economic conditions, influence consumers’ ability to purchase and their sensitivity to price changes. Understanding these personal factors is crucial for businesses to segment their market effectively and tailor their products and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of different consumer groups.

Consumer Purchase Decision Making

Stages of the consumer purchase decision-making process.

The consumer purchase decision-making process typically involves several key stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior.

In the problem recognition stage, consumers identify a need or desire.

During the information search, they seek out information about products or services that can fulfill their need. In the evaluation stage, consumers compare different options based on attributes such as price, quality, and brand reputation.

The purchase decision involves choosing a product and making the purchase. Finally, in the post-purchase stage, consumers evaluate their satisfaction with the purchase, which can influence future buying decisions and brand loyalty.

Understanding these stages is essential for businesses to effectively influence consumers at each step, from raising awareness to ensuring post-purchase satisfaction.

Influences on Consumer Purchase Decisions

Consumer purchase decisions are influenced by a multitude of factors, including product attributes, brand reputation, marketing messages, social influences, and personal preferences. Product features such as quality, price, and usability are key determinants of consumer choices. Brand reputation, built over time through consistent quality and marketing efforts, also significantly impacts purchase decisions. Marketing messages and advertising play a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions and driving demand. Social influences, including recommendations from family and friends, as well as online reviews and influencer endorsements, can sway consumer decisions. Personal factors such as individual needs, preferences, and financial constraints also play a critical role. Businesses must consider these diverse influences when developing products and crafting marketing strategies to effectively appeal to their target audience.

Impulse Buying Behavior

Impulse buying behavior refers to unplanned purchases made by consumers, often driven by emotional factors rather than rational decision-making. This type of behavior is typically triggered by external stimuli such as attractive product displays, promotional offers, or persuasive sales tactics. Emotional responses, such as excitement or the desire for instant gratification, also play a significant role in impulse buying. Retailers often leverage this behavior by strategically placing impulse items near checkout areas or using limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency. Understanding the triggers of impulse buying can help businesses in designing marketing strategies and store layouts that encourage such purchases, potentially increasing sales and customer engagement.

Online Shopping and Consumer Behavior

Impact of online shopping on consumer behavior.

The rise of online shopping has significantly impacted consumer behavior, offering convenience, a wider selection of products, and often competitive pricing. Online shopping has changed the way consumers research products, compare prices, and make purchasing decisions. The ease of access to a vast array of products and the ability to shop at any time have increased the frequency and diversity of purchases. Online reviews and ratings have also become important factors in the decision-making process, as consumers increasingly rely on the opinions of others. Additionally, the personalized shopping experiences offered by many online retailers, through targeted recommendations and tailored marketing messages, have further influenced consumer buying habits. Understanding these shifts in consumer behavior is crucial for businesses to adapt their strategies for the digital marketplace, ensuring they meet the evolving needs and expectations of online shoppers.

Factors Influencing Online Buying Behavior

Several factors influence online buying behavior, including website usability, product variety, pricing, customer reviews, and the overall shopping experience. A user-friendly website with easy navigation and a seamless checkout process is crucial for attracting and retaining online shoppers. A diverse product range and competitive pricing are also key factors in attracting consumers. Customer reviews and ratings significantly impact purchase decisions, as they provide social proof and reduce perceived risk. The overall shopping experience, including customer service, delivery options, and return policies, also plays a vital role in influencing online buying behavior. Security and privacy concerns are additional considerations, as consumers are increasingly aware of data protection and online fraud. Businesses must address these factors to create a compelling online shopping experience that meets consumer expectations and drives online sales.

Comparison of Online and Offline Consumer Behavior

Online and offline consumer behaviors exhibit distinct differences, influenced by the unique aspects of each shopping environment. Online shopping offers convenience, a broader selection, and often more competitive pricing, leading to different purchasing patterns compared to offline shopping. Consumers tend to spend more time researching and comparing products online, while offline shopping is often driven by immediate needs and sensory experiences. The tactile experience and instant gratification of offline shopping are not replicable online, but the online environment offers personalized recommendations and a wealth of product information. Offline shopping also provides opportunities for personal interaction and immediate problem resolution, which can enhance customer satisfaction. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses to tailor their strategies for each channel, ensuring a cohesive and complementary shopping experience that meets the needs and preferences of consumers in both online and offline environments.

Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Importance of customer satisfaction in consumer behavior research.

Customer satisfaction is a critical component of consumer behavior research, as it directly impacts repeat purchases and brand loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers, recommend the brand to others, and provide positive reviews. Customer satisfaction is influenced by various factors, including product quality, customer service, and overall shopping experience. Understanding and measuring customer satisfaction helps businesses identify areas for improvement, enhance customer experiences, and build long-term relationships with consumers. High levels of customer satisfaction lead to increased customer loyalty, which is essential for business growth and sustainability.

Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is influenced by a range of factors, including product quality, price, service quality, brand image, and customer expectations. Product quality is a primary determinant of satisfaction, as consumers expect products to perform as advertised. Price also plays a role, as consumers evaluate the value they receive relative to the cost. Service quality, encompassing customer service interactions and the overall shopping experience, significantly impacts satisfaction levels. A positive, helpful, and efficient service experience can enhance satisfaction, while negative experiences can lead to dissatisfaction. Brand image, shaped by marketing communications and past experiences, influences consumer expectations and perceptions. Meeting or exceeding these expectations is key to achieving high levels of customer satisfaction. Additionally, personal factors such as individual needs, preferences, and past experiences also influence satisfaction. Businesses must consider these diverse factors to effectively meet consumer needs and enhance satisfaction levels.

Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

The relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty is strong and direct. Satisfied customers are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty to a brand, leading to repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Loyalty is not just about repeat buying; it also involves an emotional connection and a preference for the brand over competitors. Satisfied customers are also more likely to be forgiving of minor issues and are less sensitive to price changes. Conversely, dissatisfied customers are more likely to switch to competitors and share negative experiences with others. Building customer loyalty requires consistently meeting or exceeding customer expectations, providing high-quality products and services, and maintaining positive customer relationships. Loyal customers are valuable assets to businesses, as they tend to have a higher lifetime value, lower acquisition costs, and can become brand advocates, promoting the brand through their networks.

Consumer Research and Marketing Strategies

Utilizing consumer research to develop effective marketing programs.

Consumer research is a vital tool for developing effective marketing programs. By understanding consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors, businesses can create targeted marketing strategies that resonate with their audience. Consumer research helps in identifying market segments, understanding consumer pain points, and uncovering opportunities for product development or enhancement. It also provides insights into the most effective channels and messages for reaching the target audience. Utilizing consumer research in marketing program development ensures that strategies are data-driven and customer-centric, increasing the likelihood of success. It enables businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to the specific needs and preferences of different consumer segments, improving engagement and response rates. Additionally, ongoing consumer research allows businesses to adapt their marketing strategies in response to changing consumer trends and market conditions, ensuring continued relevance and effectiveness.

Targeting Specific Consumer Segments Based on Research Findings

Targeting specific consumer segments based on research findings is a key strategy for effective marketing. Consumer research provides detailed insights into different consumer groups, including their demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and preferences. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify distinct segments within their target market, each with unique needs and characteristics. Targeting these segments with tailored marketing messages and product offerings increases the relevance and appeal of the brand to each group. For example, a segment characterized by health-conscious consumers would respond more positively to marketing messages emphasizing the health benefits of a product. Segment-specific targeting allows businesses to allocate marketing resources more efficiently, focusing on the most promising segments with the highest potential for conversion and loyalty. It also enhances the customer experience by providing consumers with products and marketing messages that are more closely aligned with their individual needs and preferences.

Adapting Marketing Strategies to Consumer Behavior Trends

Adapting marketing strategies to consumer behavior trends is essential for businesses to stay relevant and competitive. Consumer behavior is constantly evolving, influenced by factors such as technological advancements, cultural shifts, and economic changes. By staying attuned to these trends, businesses can anticipate changes in consumer needs and preferences, and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. This may involve adopting new marketing channels, such as social media or influencer marketing, to reach consumers where they are most active. It could also mean developing new products or services that align with emerging consumer trends, such as sustainability or personalization. Adapting marketing strategies to consumer behavior trends requires a proactive approach, with ongoing research and analysis to identify emerging patterns. Businesses that successfully adapt to these trends can capture new market opportunities, enhance customer engagement, and maintain a competitive edge.

Case Studies in Consumer Behavior Research

Analysis of real-life examples and their implications.

Real-life case studies in consumer behavior research provide valuable insights into the practical application of theoretical concepts and the effectiveness of different marketing strategies. For example, a case study in the automotive industry might analyze how consumer preferences for eco-friendly vehicles have influenced car manufacturers’ product development and marketing strategies. In the retail sector, a case study could examine the impact of online shopping on brick-and-mortar stores and how these businesses have adapted to the digital era. These case studies offer concrete examples of how businesses have successfully navigated changes in consumer behavior, providing lessons and strategies that can be applied in other contexts. They also highlight the importance of consumer research in identifying market trends, understanding consumer needs, and developing effective marketing strategies. By analyzing real-life examples, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, learn from the successes and challenges of others, and apply these insights to their own strategies.

Examination of Successful Marketing Campaigns Based on Consumer Behavior Research

Examining successful marketing campaigns that are based on consumer behavior research can provide valuable insights into effective marketing practices. These case studies demonstrate how a deep understanding of consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors can be leveraged to create impactful marketing campaigns. For instance, a campaign that effectively uses consumer data to personalize messages and offers can result in higher engagement and conversion rates. Another example might be a campaign that taps into current consumer trends, such as sustainability or wellness, to resonate with the target audience. Analyzing these successful campaigns can reveal key strategies and tactics that businesses can adopt, such as the use of specific channels, messaging techniques, or promotional offers. These case studies also highlight the importance of data-driven decision-making in marketing, showing how consumer research can inform and guide successful marketing initiatives.

Motivating Consumers and New Product Adoption

Strategies to motivate consumers to adopt new products.

Motivating consumers to adopt new products is a critical challenge for businesses. Effective strategies for encouraging new product adoption include leveraging social proof, offering free trials or samples, and creating educational content. Social proof, such as customer testimonials or influencer endorsements, can reduce perceived risk and increase consumer confidence in trying a new product. Free trials or samples allow consumers to experience the product firsthand, reducing barriers to adoption. Educational content, such as how-to guides or product demonstrations, can help consumers understand the value and benefits of the new product. Additionally, businesses can use targeted marketing campaigns to reach early adopters and innovators who are more likely to try new products and spread the word to others. Creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity around the new product, through limited-time offers or exclusive access, can also motivate consumers to adopt the product more quickly.

Innovations in Consumer Behavior Research for New Product Development

Innovations in consumer behavior research are playing a crucial role in new product development. Advanced analytics and data mining techniques allow businesses to analyze large datasets and uncover deep insights into consumer needs and preferences. Social listening tools enable companies to monitor social media and online conversations, gaining real-time insights into consumer opinions and trends. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies are being used to test consumer reactions to new products in simulated environments, providing valuable feedback before market launch. Behavioral economics principles, such as understanding cognitive biases and decision-making processes, are also being applied to better predict consumer responses to new products. These innovations in consumer behavior research provide businesses with more accurate and comprehensive data, enabling them to develop products that are closely aligned with consumer needs and preferences, increasing the likelihood of market success.

Social Media and Consumer Behavior

Influence of social media on consumer behavior.

Social media has a profound influence on consumer behavior, shaping how consumers discover, research, and share information about products and services. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter serve as important channels for brand communication and engagement. Consumers use social media to seek recommendations, read reviews, and gather opinions from their networks, which significantly influences their purchasing decisions. Brands leverage social media for targeted advertising, influencer partnerships, and content marketing, creating opportunities for direct interaction and engagement with consumers. Social media also facilitates the spread of trends and viral content, quickly influencing consumer preferences and behaviors. The interactive and dynamic nature of social media means that consumer opinions and trends can rapidly change, requiring businesses to be agile and responsive in their social media strategies. Understanding the influence of social media on consumer behavior is essential for businesses to effectively engage with their audience and influence purchasing decisions.

Role of Social Media in Shaping Consumer Perceptions and Purchase Decisions

Recap of the importance of consumer behavior research.

Consumer behavior research is essential for businesses seeking to understand and effectively respond to the evolving needs and preferences of their target audience. It provides valuable insights into why consumers make certain choices, what influences their purchasing decisions, and how they interact with brands. This research is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies, creating products that meet consumer needs, and enhancing the overall customer experience. By staying informed about consumer behavior trends and applying these insights, businesses can improve customer engagement, increase brand loyalty, and drive growth. In today’s competitive marketplace, a deep understanding of consumer behavior is a key differentiator, enabling businesses to create more personalized, relevant, and impactful marketing initiatives.

Future Directions and Emerging Trends in Consumer Behavior Research

The future of consumer behavior research is marked by rapid advancements in technology and data analytics, leading to more sophisticated and nuanced understanding of consumer preferences and behaviors. Emerging trends include the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to analyze consumer data, providing deeper and more predictive insights. The integration of biometric data, such as eye tracking and facial recognition, offers new ways to understand consumer responses to marketing stimuli. The growing importance of sustainability and ethical considerations is also influencing consumer behavior, leading to increased demand for eco-friendly and socially responsible products. Additionally, the rise of the experience economy is shifting focus from product features to customer experiences, requiring businesses to create more immersive and engaging customer interactions. Staying abreast of these trends and continuously innovating in consumer behavior research will be crucial for businesses to remain relevant and competitive in the changing market landscape.

How NIQ and GfK Can Help

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Lawrence R. Samuel Ph.D.

Freudian Psychology

The psychology of consumer behavior, research into consumers’ minds is rooted in psychoanalysis..

Posted June 10, 2024 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

  • What Is Freudian Psychology?
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  • Psychoanalytic theory served as the basis for research into consumer behavior.
  • American society in the post-World War II years was an ideal climate for psychoanalytic theory to thrive.
  • Psychoanalytic techniques were widely applied in consumer research in the 1950s.

While the psychology of consumer behavior would veer off into a number of different directions in the 1950s, its core remained psychoanalytic theory brought over from Europe in the 1930s. Nothing happened by chance in the human mind, the founding father of psychoanalysis , Sigmund Freud, had put forth. It was this idea that explained why marketers believed they had to probe consumers’ minds for the less-than-obvious.

Value of Unconscious Thoughts

Not only was each “psychic event” meaningful in some way, according to Freud, but each one was also determined by those preceding it, suggesting there was a certain logic even to the irrational. Unconscious thoughts were as significant, frequent, and normal as conscious ones in the universe of psychoanalysis, making them just as valuable to marketers as to therapists in terms of understanding people’s behavior.

It was ironic that psychologists of Freud’s own time considered his theories so strange when they became so popular with experts and laypeople alike in postwar America. “Thought” was strictly a conscious concept to psychologists a century ago when for Freud much of the activity of the human mind was unconscious.

Such unorthodox views made Freud persona non grata at universities until the 1930s when psychoanalysis finally began to be taken seriously. Academics in other social sciences—cultural anthropology, sociology, and even social psychology—were particularly hostile to psychoanalysis; their scorn receded only when they were thrown together in interdisciplinary military departments during World War II.

Immediately after that war, clinical psychology began to be taught en masse at universities, with hundreds of psychoanalysts soon hanging out their shingles to tackle Americans’ many emotional problems. The business community, which had viewed Freud, with his preoccupation with sex , as irrelevant at best, too started warming up to psychoanalysis at mid-century. “As more and more psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, and anthropologists plunged into the hurly-burly of the advertising offices,” noted Edith Witt in 1959, “the difference between an adman and a behavioral scientist became only a matter of degree.”

Although such a thing had of course not at all been on Freud’s own mind, the revolutionary form of psychology that had developed in Austria in the late 19th century fit like a glove with American-style marketing some 50 years later. Freud had focused on the self, after all, and what better resource than consumer culture to create a unique personality and stand out from the crowd?

Theory of Need Gratification

Freud’s theory of need gratification, whereby the relative satisfaction of one’s needs as a child shaped one’s adult personality, too was something marketers were very happy to learn about, knowing their ad agencies could figure out ways to complete (or compensate for) what was missing from consumers’ lives. Maslow’s theory of needs, first published in 1954—when excitement around consumer research was beginning to peak—also came in handy, offering marketers another model by which to better understand and more effectively sell products to consumers.

It was Freud, however, who researchers looked to first to get deep into consumers’ minds, where the reasons for their frequently inexplicable behavior resided. His concept of the unconscious, with its hidden desires that shaped people’s behavior, was a particularly powerful idea for marketers to embrace and exploit. Rationalization , the process by which conscious or unconscious acts were made to appear rational, was another psychiatric concept marketers could easily relate to.

Projection , an unconscious mechanism people used to cast off their weaknesses onto others, would turn out to be an ideal consumer research technique, as would free association, which Freud used to extract unconscious feelings and thoughts. Freud was, in short, a godsend to Madison Avenue; his radical views were ideal to advance consumer culture by allowing postwar Americans’ ids to run free.

research topic on consumer behaviour

With peer pressure , conformity, and keeping-up-with-the-Joneses defining themes in American society in the 1950s, psychoanalysis was not surprisingly having a field day; the fear of being somehow “abnormal” was perhaps at an all-time high. It was specifically the profound anxiety of not being in control, of losing one’s mind, that provided a perfect breeding ground for Freudian thought to resonate so strongly.

Other cultural factors—the triumph of a new medium specifically designed to promote consumerism (television), the trust in “experts” and “research” of all stripes, the realization that politicians could and should be marketed as brands, and, of course, the baby boom—too helped pave the way for various forms of research into consumers’ minds to flourish.

Samuel, Lawrence R. (2010). Freud on Madison Avenue: Motivation Research and Subliminal Advertising in America. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Lawrence R. Samuel Ph.D.

Lawrence R. Samuel, Ph.D. , is an American cultural historian who holds a Ph.D. in American Studies and was a Smithsonian Institution Fellow.

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