The distribution of non-Parry Perron numbers and their conjugates
- Hachem Hichri
- Chris Smyth
Completing an universal m -gonal form with a closing unary piece
- Dayoon Park
The paramodular Hecke algebra
- Jennifer Johnson-Leung
- Joshua Parker
- Brooks Roberts
Integral points on a del Pezzo surface over imaginary quadratic fields
- Judith Ortmann
Chow groups of one-dimensional noetherian domains
- Markus Kirschmer
- Jürgen Klüners
Rankin–Cohen type differential operators on Hermitian modular forms
- Francis Dunn
Weighted and restricted sum formulas of Euler sums
- Jianqiang Zhao
The shifted convolution L-function for Maass forms
- Dorian Goldfeld
- Gerhardt Hinkle
- Jeffrey Hoffstein
Linear system of hypersurfaces passing through a Galois orbit
- Shamil Asgarli
- Dragos Ghioca
- Zinovy Reichstein
Asymptotics of commuting \(\ell \) -tuples in symmetric groups and log-concavity
- Kathrin Bringmann
- Johann Franke
- Bernhard Heim
\(\ell \) -Adic properties and congruences of \(\ell \) -regular partition functions
- Ahmad El-Guindy
- Mostafa M. Ghazy
Vanishing coefficients in two q -series related to Legendre-signed partitions
- Taylor Daniels
Correction: Quadratic points on dynamical modular curves
- John R. Doyle
- David Krumm
Transcendental nature of p -adic digamma values
- Tapas Chatterjee
On log-concavity of the number of orbits in commuting tuples of permutations
- Raghavendra Tripathi
A spectral theorem for compact representations and non-unitary cusp forms
- Anton Deitmar
Bounding the order of vanishing of cuspidal newforms via the n th centered moments
- Sohom Dutta
- Steven J. Miller
Asymptotic expansion for the Fourier coefficients associated with the inverse of the modular discriminant function \(\Delta \)
- Gargi Mukherjee
On fake subfields of number fields
- Joachim König
Sum representations of Appell–Lauricella functions over finite fields using confluent hypergeometric functions and their applications
- Akio Nakagawa
Large sieve inequalities for periods of Maass forms
- Dimitrios Lekkas
- Marios Voskou
Congruences for Siegel modular forms of nonquadratic nebentypus mod p
- Siegfried Böcherer
- Toshiyuki Kikuta
On the conjecture of Erdős, Joò and Komornik for p -adic numbers
Transcendence of certain sequences of algebraic numbers.
- Mathias L. Laursen
Higher Turán inequalities for the plane partition function
- Badri Vishal Pandey
Publisher Correction: Field change for the Cassels–Tate pairing and applications to class groups
- Adam Morgan
- Alexander Smith
Rank deviations for overpartitions
- Jeremy Lovejoy
- Robert Osburn
Curious subgroups of \({\text {GL}}(2, {\mathbb {Z}}/ N {\mathbb {Z}})\) as direct products of groups of distinct prime-power level
- Garen Chiloyan
A new bound for the orthogonality defect of HKZ reduced lattices
- Christian Porter
- Edmund Dable-Heath
Minimal resolutions of Iwasawa modules
- Takenori Kataoka
- Masato Kurihara
Elliptic normal curves of even degree and theta functions
- Masanobu Kaneko
- Masato Kuwata
Distribution of angles to lattice points seen from a fast moving observer
- Jack Anderson
- Florin P. Boca
- Alexandru Zaharescu
Field change for the Cassels–Tate pairing and applications to class groups
Right-angled triangles with almost prime hypotenuse
- Cihan Sabuncu
Quadratic points on dynamical modular curves
Misiurewicz polynomials and dynamical units, part II
- Robert L. Benedetto
- Vefa Goksel
Primitive algebraic points on curves
- Maleeha Khawaja
- Samir Siksek
The T -adic Galois representation is surjective for a positive density of Drinfeld modules
Periodicity and pure periodicity in alternate base systems.
- Zuzana Masáková
- Edita Pelantová
Ratios conjecture for quadratic twists of modular L -functions
- Liangyi Zhao
Lambda-invariants of Mazur–Tate elements attached to Ramanujan’s tau function and congruences with Eisenstein series
- Anthony Doyon
- Antonio Lei
On the local constancy of certain mod p Galois representations
- Abhik Ganguli
- Suneel Kumar
On Pillai’s Problem involving Lucas sequences of the second kind
- Sebastian Heintze
- Volker Ziegler
Macmahon’s sums-of-divisors and their connection to multiple Eisenstein series
- Henrik Bachmann
On the quasi-periodic Schneider continued fractions
- N. Ben Mahmoud
Torsion primes for elliptic curves over degree 8 number fields
Equidistribution of solutions of ternary quadratic congruences modulo prime powers.
- Anup Haldar
The Turán and Laguerre inequalities for quasi-polynomial-like functions
- Krystian Gajdzica
A bijection for tuples of commuting permutations and a log-concavity conjecture
- Abdelmalek Abdesselam
- Pedro Brunialti
- Philip Velie
Diophantine triples with three parameters
- Yasutsugu Fujita
- Maurice Mignotte
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