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Exercise 6: Writing an essay for examination from 2024 (Ultimate Guide)

Exercise 6 of the Reading and Writing paper of the IGCSE English as a Second Language (ESL) exam (0510/0511/0991/0993) is always a formal or semi-formal writing. It can be an article, an essay, a report, or a review.

In this article, you will discover how to write an almost-perfect essay that impresses the examiner and gets you the highest band. So, are you ready? Let’s dive in!

So, what is an essay?

An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject. The purpose of an essay is to present an argument or point of view about a particular topic and give examples or reasons to support it. The topic will be a question or an issue which people generally have different opinions about.

The essay could present both sides of the argument, or just one, depending on the instructions given in the task. So, if the instructions ask you to give your opinion, you can address just this one point of view, or you can discuss the arguments for and against. But if the task instructions state that arguments for and against should be included, then you should address both points of view.

The Tone and Register of an Essay

In the exam, the essay is usually for your teacher, so the tone and register should be formal or semi-formal . Therefore, it should avoid language that is too idiomatic and colloquial.

Now, before diving into the details of how to write a successful essay, let’s first explore a few differences between articles and essays.

Differences between an article and an essay

An essay is very similar to an article with only a few key differences.

An article is usually published in a newspaper or a magazine, so as far as the exam is concerned, the audience is often students at your school (school magazine article), or sometimes your teacher or the local newspaper.

The audience of an essay is often your teacher (who requested the essay in the first place).

An article is generally written to inform and persuade the reader that a certain viewpoint is correct.

An essay is generally written as a response to a question or a proposition (often by your teacher). It presents an argument or point of view about a particular topic and gives examples or reasons to support it.

Tone and style:

Articles generally have a more objective tone and style, focusing on presenting information in a neutral or balanced manner.

Essays are generally subjective, reflecting the writer’s opinion and perspective.

An article may have a heading to grab the reader’s attention (though not compulsory in the exam).

An essay does not require a heading.

The format of a one-sided argument essay

A one-sided argument essay can have two formats, depending on whether you include a counterargument from the opposing viewpoint or not.

Paragraph 1:  Introduction (including your opinion)

Paragraph 2:  First point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 3:  Second point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 4:  State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint) and counter the counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

Paragraph 5:  Conclusion (including your opinion again but in different words)

Paragraph 2:  One or two points supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 3:  One or two points (different from those of the previous paragraph) supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 4:  Conclusion (including your opinion again but in different words)

The format of a two-sided argument essay

Paragraph 1:  Introduction (without your opinion)

Paragraph 2:  One side of the argument

Paragraph 3:  The other side of the argument

Paragraph 4:  Conclusion (including your opinion)


The purpose of the introduction is to  inform the reader  about the main point (topic) of the essay and  engage the reader  to make them interested in the topic. The main components of an effective introduction are:

  • Topic sentence

Start your essay with a brief topic sentence that outlines the argument that the essay will discuss. Give  forceful statements  rather than “I think that”, “maybe” or “perhaps”. For example, “Teenagers love fast food.”, “Nowadays, music plays an indispensable role in our lives.”, etc.

To write an effective topic sentence, you might  use adverbial time phrases  and  generalizations . Here are some examples of each.

Adverbial time phrases

  • Nowadays/these days/currently
  • Every day/week/year
  • Recently/for many years/decades
  • In the past
  • 10 years ago
  • In the last (few/five) (days/weeks/months/years/decades)


  • A large number of / The vast majority (of)
  • Several/some
  • Not many/hardly any/ few
  • In almost all cases
  • In the majority of cases
  • In a large number of cases
  • In most cases
  • In some cases
  • On the whole/ Overall
  • Rhetorical question(s)

Use rhetorical questions (questions that don’t require an answer but make your reader think) to get the reader interested in the topic and encourage them to read on. For example:

  • How much longer do animals have to suffer?
  • Could you live with yourself if you missed out on this opportunity?
  • How could we possibly stand the …?
  • What would happen if …?
  • Could your conscience cope with …?
  • Is it really worth …?
  • Do you want to be part of …?
  • Should students do sport at school?
  • Should teenagers completely avoid fast food?
  • We all love convenience food. But is it the best thing for our waistlines, our wallets and our world?
  • Your opinion (if it is a one-sided argument essay)

If you are writing a two-sided argument essay,  DO NOT  give your opinion in the introduction.

If you are writing a one-sided argument essay, you MUST give your opinion (whether you support or oppose the viewpoint expressed in the statement).

Here are some opinion phrases to help you express your opinion.

  • In my opinion/view
  • From my perspective
  • From my point of view
  • I concur/agree
  • I believe/think (that)
  • It seems to me that
  • I am in favour of
  • I am against the idea of
  • I am strongly opposed to
  • I disagree/cannot accept

You may also kill two birds with one stone and begin your essay with a rhetorical question that introduces the topic to the reader, thus acting as a topic sentence. Here are some examples.

“Have you ever thought how school life would be if the school day started later? In my perspective, this will have countless benefits.”

“Should students do sport at school? This is a question which people have different opinions about.”

One-sided essay structure:

Body paragraph 1:  First idea supporting your opinion with an explanation

Body paragraph 2:  Second idea supporting your opinion with an explanation ( should be different from the first idea )

Body paragraph 3:  State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint)  AND  counter the counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

Body Paragraph 1:  one or two points supporting your opinion with an explanation

Body Paragraph 2:  one or two points (different from those of the previous paragraph) supporting your opinion with an explanation

When introducing the counterargument in the 3 rd  body paragraph, use any of the following phrases.

  • Opponents of this idea claim/assert/argue that …
  • Those who disagree/are against these ideas may say/insist that …
  • Some people allege/argue/contend that …
  • Some people may suggest/point out that …
  • A common counterargument is that …
  • It can be argued that …

When countering the counterargument in the 3 rd  body paragraph, use any of the following phrases depending on the context.

  • Although true to a certain extent, …
  • While this may be true to some extent, …
  • While it is true that …, it is important to consider…
  • While some may believe that … recent studies have shown that …
  • What this invalid argument misses is …
  • What these people fail to notice/take note of is …
  • The evidence, however, disproves this argument because …
  • However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that …
  • However, a closer analysis reveals that …
  • However, this flawed argument overlooks the fact that …

Two-sided essay structure:

Body paragraph 1:  One side of the argument either in favour or against ( mention 2 different ideas )

Body paragraph 2:  The other side of the argument either in favour or against ( mention 2 different ideas )

General guidelines for both kinds of essays:

  • Read the question carefully  and  draft a plan  for your essay in the blank space below the question using a pencil. Here are some steps to follow.
  • Separate the blank space into two parts, one for and one against.
  • Jot down any points that come to your mind in the correct part, along with any interesting vocabulary or expressions suitable for the task. Remember to write briefly and in bullet points.
  • Decide whether you will write a one-sided essay or a two-sided essay. If the instructions in the question state that you must include arguments for and against, then choose the best 2 points supporting each side and write a two-sided essay. If it’s not mentioned that you must include arguments for and against, then the choice is yours.
  • Consider how you will begin your essay and how you will engage the reader at the start. For example, write some variations of the topic sentence and rhetorical questions that you could use.
  • Choose the most effective ones and begin writing. Remember to  spend no more than 5 minutes on the plan.
  • Start your body paragraphs with a topic sentence rather than just jumping into the advantages or disadvantages (especially if you’re writing a two-sided essay). This helps to organize your writing and makes the purpose of the paragraph clear to the reader. For example, in an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of fast food, it is better to start your first body paragraph with a topic sentence like “There are some obvious advantages of fast food. Firstly, …” rather than just getting into the first point and writing, “To begin with, it’s quite tasty.”.
  • You can use the few prompts given in the question, but it is better to  use your own ideas  if you want to get higher marks. If, however, you are out of ideas, use the ideas in the question and make sure to paraphrase them (write them in different words) and develop them well.
  • Support your ideas with reasons, evidence, or examples . Keep in mind that the examiner knows the evidence or examples will be made up and doesn’t expect these to be correct. Yes, you can make up your own statistics! Just make sure it’s not overly unrealistic.
  • Keep to the topic  (don’t wander away from the main subject of the essay). Remind yourself constantly by looking again at the question.
  • Use a variety of linking words and cohesive devices  (mainly formal) to create a smooth and logical flow in your writing. Here are some examples.

When presenting the first point (used in the 1 st  body paragraph of both one-sided essays and two-sided essays)

  • There are some obvious advantages of
  • Those in support of … believe that …
  • People who think … say that …
  • The main argument in favour of/against is
  • The main point/reason is
  • The most important point/reason is
  • The first point/reason is
  • First of all
  • First and foremost

When  adding  more points to the same side of the argument

  • In addition,
  • Furthermore,
  • Additionally,
  • Not only … but also…
  • As well as.
  • Another noteworthy point is …
  • Apart from that
  • What is more

When  contrasting  ideas (typically used to introduce the opposite viewpoint in the 2 nd  body paragraph of a two-sided essay

  • Some people argue that …
  • Nevertheless
  • Even though
  • In spite of
  • On the other hand
  • On the contrary
  • By contrast

When giving examples

  • For example
  • For instance
  • One clear example is
  • To illustrate
  • In other words

When reasoning:

  • Results and consequences: as a result, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, for this reason, as a result (of), which means that, etc.
  • Reasons and causes: owing to, because (of), on account of, due to, since, as, etc.   

When highlighting and stressing

  • Particularly
  • In particular
  • Specifically

The purpose of the conclusion is to  sum up what you have said  and  express (or re-express) your opinion.

In the conclusion:

  • Briefly summarize your main points using concluding phrases. Here are some examples.
  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To reiterate
  • On the whole
  • All things considered
  • After weighing the benefits and drawbacks
  • I believe that …
  • Thus, I am of the opinion that …
  • Given these points

Remember to use different words from those used to express the points in the body.

  • Give your final opinion (regardless of whether it’s a one-sided or a two-sided essay) and any solution or suggestion if applicable.

The solution or suggestion might be part of your opinion if you’re writing a two-sided essay and want to take a balanced view on the issue rather than siding with one side. For example, “Overall, I believe eating fast food occasionally isn’t a problem, but fresh home-cooked food is best.” Use the opinion phrases stated earlier in the Introduction section to express your opinion, and if it’s a one-sided essay, make sure to use different words from those used in the introduction.

  • End with a strong, impactful statement that leaves the reader with something to think about. This could be a rhetorical question or a statement that encourages the reader to decide what they think about the same viewpoint. For example:
  • “To conclude, I wholeheartedly believe that everyone should pursue higher education. Why not embrace this invaluable opportunity to fast-track your career, build your confidence, and broaden your social circle?”
  • “Overall, I believe eating fast food occasionally isn’t a problem, but fresh home-cooked food is best. Do you not think so?”
  • “After weighing the benefits and the drawbacks, it is apparent that convenience food, while palatable, may negatively impact other areas of your life. Think about this before you reach for your next snack!”

It’s worth mentioning that this step is PREFERABLE . So don’t stress too much about ending your essay with an impactful statement or a rhetorical question. Just make sure that the conclusion reflects the argument presented in the main body of the essay and that your final opinion is clear to the reader.

Points to keep in mind

  • Read the task carefully to make sure that the ideas and supporting information you include are relevant to the topic. Students often lose focus and write about wider, more general issues associated with the topic, which significantly affects their marks.
  • Organize your essay into 4-5 paragraphs . Leave a line between paragraphs or indent the first line of each new paragraph. Don’t do both!
  • Take care of spelling, punctuation, and grammar . This is important as the examiner will look at the accuracy of your language.
  • Use a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences . A series of long sentences will make your writing difficult to read, and a series of short simple sentences will make your writing boring to read. Balance is the key.
  • Use a wide range of formal vocabulary, including some advanced and less commonly used ones .
  • Include a range of topic-related vocabulary to show that you have a good understanding of the topic.
  • Use a wide variety of formal linking words to link ideas in sentences and paragraphs.  Examples have been mentioned earlier.
  • Use advanced punctuation sparingly  (1-3 in the whole essay), for example, colon (:) and semicolon (;).
  • Include language appropriate for expressing opinions, agreeing, and disagreeing. In addition to mentioning your opinion in the introduction and/or conclusion, your viewpoint can also be included in the body paragraphs (whether it’s a one-sided or a two-sided essay) by:
  • Mentioning personal examples or experiences (which implies that you agree with this point of view)
  • Explicitly agreeing while presenting a point in the body paragraph. Here is an example: “People who think sports lessons are a good idea say that students need exercise, and I agree that doing sports helps to make you healthy and avoid getting overweight.”
  • Aim to complete towards the maximum word limit  (approximately 160 words). Exceeding the word limit slightly (15-20 words) is fine as long as you write accurately and complete the task within the correct time. If you exceed the word limit by any number of words, be it even 100, no marks will be cut directly, but you increase your chances of making more mistakes and spending more time than required for this exercise, which may affect your mark indirectly. If you write towards the lower limit or below, you are highly unlikely to achieve the highest band for Content as your content is not well developed.
  • Spend about 30 minutes on this exercise : the initial 5 minutes for planning and the last 2-3 minutes for checking your work for simple spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes.
  • Write legibly


  • Do not write a heading.
  • Avoid colloquial or ‘chatty’ language (which includes informal vocabulary, abbreviations, or slang such as how r u, OMG, BTW, etc.).
  • Avoid listing  (firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.). There is no problem in writing “firstly”, but avoid writing “secondly” and “thirdly”.
  • Avoid repetition of vocabulary and beginning your sentences with the same words . Sometimes, students write 3 or more sentences in a row starting with “The”!
  • Avoid including too many different ideas in your essay. It is better to include fewer ideas and develop one or two in greater depth rather than writing many ideas which are not well-developed.
  • Avoid writing an overlong introduction and conclusion. It would be more effective to utilize the limited word count to develop your ideas within the body of the essay. Also, avoid pre-learned language for these parts of the essay, as this may not be totally relevant or might sound unnatural.
  • It’s preferable to avoid contractions , but they can be used as the essay can have a semi-formal tone and register. In both cases, remember to be consistent throughout. So, if you used contractions, use them throughout your whole essay, and if not, avoid them altogether.

Practice a lot of past papers and get feedback on your writing. We know that essay writing is newly added to the syllabus, but you can still practice writing essays in response to past years’ article writing questions as they are very similar.

Finally, don’t forget to check out our samples page and if you find this helpful, please share it with your friends.

Good luck! Go get that A*!

21 responses to “Exercise 6: Writing an essay for examination from 2024 (Ultimate Guide)”

Ayaan yousuf avatar

Dear ESL KINGS Team,

Your notes have always helped me, including the samples ofcourse. I have made a number of progress, but there is still some questions I have.

To begin with, when would it be perfect/suitable for you to start uploading essay samples? My exam is on May 8 and I really do require their needs. I know that article is basically almost like an essay, But I still haven’t seen a proper essay For esl ever.

Moving on, I wanted to ask that are the International examiners more strict? I am asking this because the samples you have provided have made me totally fall apart as I was shocked by the language required to score top marks. My emails are average on a scale of 13/15 while my formal writings are between 10 – 12, and since I never have experienced the real examiner, I am scared I will even get less then that. It’s my hugest goal to Get around 95 marks from 100 in ESL. For now, If I can estimate I will get around 93 marks which I still don’t find in appeal.

Please do help me with this.

Warm regards, Ayaan Yousuf.

ESL Kings team avatar

Dear Ayaan,

Thank you for your kind words! We’re glad you’re making progress!

Unfortunately, we may not be able to upload any more samples at the moment as we’re very busy with our exams. However, you may check out Cambridge’s essay sample available here . We appreciate your understanding.

It’s absolutely normal to feel that your writing is not as good as the samples because they are not a standard every student must follow to achieve good mark. They are just meant to inspire you: you can use any of their vocabulary, ideas or structures in your own writing to improve it. You can still score very good marks with a language below that of the samples. Our advice is to focus now on practicing as much as you can instead of how many marks you will score, and you will be able to get your desired grade inshallah.

Best regards, ESL Kings team

Muhammad Gamal avatar

Thank you for providing such helpful resources and samples. Your examples are very good and advanced, but I feel my writing isn’t as good. Is this something to worry about, or is it normal? Will the examiners be very strict, or somewhat lenient, considering this is ESL?

Thank you for your kind words! It’s absolutely normal to feel that your writing is not as good as the samples. This is completely understandable and actually a good sign because it provides room for improvement.

We suggest that you get your writing marked by a teacher, a family member, a friend or even yourself; this will give you an idea of where your writing actually stands. And keep practising as much as you can, taking into account the tips we provide in the notes, and you will definitely see progress.

Examiners know of course that this is a second language exam and they mark based on the criteria mentioned in the mark scheme, which is more lenient than a first language exam.


Appreciate this post! Very helpful to me as a teacher.

Thank you! We really appreciate your positive feedback!

Muhammad Ali avatar

Thank you so much for giving us the ideas how to write an essay. Specially, phrases how to begin sentences from each paragraph

You’re welcome 🙂 We’re glad it helped!

Carmela Lamarina avatar

Wonderful materials for my students who are going to take the exam next May. Thank you so much

Thank you so much for your kind feedback! We’re glad our notes are benefiting your students! Good luck to them!

Sara avatar

Thank you so much for your help! Could you also post some sample essays, it would be very helpful for us!!

Hi Sara, thank you for your comment! We will definitely consider adding them after completing the review writing notes which we are currently working on.

What do you mean by do not write a heading? Do you mean we shouldn’t have a title for the essay?

Yes, an essay doesn’t require a title. Trying to come up with one will use up your exam time unnecessarily.

Omar avatar

Is there going to be direct deduction of marks if written?

yes no title in essay

AM avatar

Hello, I’m having my exam in 4 months and I can’t believe I didn’t know about this website before, seriously I wholeheartedly appreciate what you do, I heard there’s a service where you can correct or give feedback on pieces of writings and grade them, is it available?

Thank you so much for your nice comment! We really appreciate it! Our marking service was available, but unfortunately, it is now suspended as it requires a lot of time and effort, which we can’t provide at the moment. We apologize for this! And we wish you good luck with your exam!

Abdullah majed avatar


Thank you for your kind words! We’re really glad you found them helpful!

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How to Write an Outstanding IGCSE English Essay?

  • Author: Litera Centre
  • Updated: November 27, 2023
  • Language: English

Writing an outstanding IGCSE English essay is a skill that can elevate your academic performance and equip you with invaluable communication abilities. Whether you’re a student aiming to excel in your IGCSE examinations or an aspiring writer looking to hone your craft, mastering the art of essay composition is essential. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of crafting exceptional IGCSE English essays. From understanding the essay prompt and organizing your thoughts to perfecting your writing style and enhancing your argumentation, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you tackle this academic endeavor with confidence and finesse. 

Let’s dig deeper to unlock the secrets of impressive essay writing.

The Significance of IGCSE English Essay!

Before giving you the tips to ace the IGCSE English essay writing, let’s know the significance of this section first: 

Global Recognition & Standardization: 

The IGCSE English Essay holds immense significance due to its global recognition and standardization. It is administered by Cambridge Assessment International Education, which is respected worldwide for its rigorous curriculum and assessments. This means that when a student completes the IGCSE English Essay, their achievement is recognized and respected by educational institutions and employers around the world.

Enhanced Language Proficiency: 

The IGCSE English Essay plays a pivotal role in enhancing a student’s language proficiency. It encourages students to engage with diverse texts, fostering their reading, writing, and comprehension skills. As a result, students become more adept at expressing their ideas and thoughts clearly and effectively, a crucial skill in both academic and professional settings.

Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:

Another significant aspect of the IGCSE English Essay is its emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills. Through analyzing literary texts, students develop the ability to dissect complex ideas, interpret themes, and make persuasive arguments. These skills are not only essential for success in the English subject but are transferable to various fields, including law, journalism, and research.

Cultural Awareness & Empathy: 

The IGCSE English Essay often includes a variety of literary works from different cultures and periods. This exposure fosters cultural awareness and empathy in students as they explore the perspectives and experiences of characters from diverse backgrounds. Such awareness is vital in today’s interconnected world, promoting tolerance and understanding.

Preparation for Advanced Study and Careers: 

Beyond its academic benefits, the IGCSE English Essay serves as a crucial stepping stone for students planning to pursue further education or careers that require strong communication and writing skills. It provides a solid foundation for more advanced English courses, including A-levels and university-level studies. Additionally, in a professional context, effective writing and communication skills are highly valued and can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.

In conclusion, the IGCSE English Essay holds great significance in a student’s educational journey. It offers a standardized platform for language development, fosters critical thinking, promotes cultural awareness, and equips students with skills that are valuable both in academia and the professional world. Its benefits extend far beyond the classroom, making it a valuable and worthwhile component of a student’s education.

Step-to-Step Process to Write an Excellent IGCSE English Essay: 

Here are seven steps you must follow to write an outstanding IGCSE English essay: 

Step 1: Understand the Essay Prompt: 

This step involves dissecting the essay question meticulously. In simpler words, you need to identify essential keywords as well as directives, such as “analyze,” “discuss,” or “compare.” 

By carefully deconstructing the prompt, you gain a clear understanding of what the essay requires. This initial comprehension is vital, as it forms the basis for your essay’s direction and structure. It ensures that you don’t deviate from the essay’s core purpose and helps you focus on addressing the specific elements the prompt intends to evaluate, setting the stage for a well-structured and on-point essay.

Step 2: Brainstorm and Plan: 

Here, you take time to gather your thoughts and devise a strategic approach. Start by brainstorming ideas related to the essay prompt, considering potential arguments, themes, and examples. This brainstorming helps clarify your thoughts and allows you to identify the most compelling points to include in your essay. 

Subsequently, create an outline or a mind map that organizes these ideas into a coherent structure. This plan serves as a roadmap for your essay, ensuring that your arguments flow logically and are well-organized. 

By investing time in this step, you set yourself up for a more organized and effective essay.

Step 3: Introduction with a Strong Thesis Statement: 

Needless to say, the introduction serves as the gateway to your essay, and it should be engaging to capture the reader’s attention. It begins with a hook, which can be a quote, a question, or a compelling statement relevant to the topic. 

Following the hook, you must present a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or purpose of your essay. 

The thesis statement is the essay’s backbone, providing a roadmap for what the reader can expect. It sets the tone and direction for the entire essay and is essential for a well-structured and coherent piece of writing.

Step 4: Body Paragraphs with Evidence and Analysis:

Each body paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence, summarizing the main point of that specific paragraph. Following this, you should provide supporting evidence, which may include quotes from the text, examples, or references to literary elements. 

Once the evidence is presented, you need to engage in in-depth analysis. This means interpreting and explaining the significance of the evidence in your thesis statement. 

The combination of evidence and analysis reinforces your arguments and ensures that your essay is not just a summary, but a critical exploration of the topic, fostering a deeper understanding of the text and its themes.

Step 6: Transition Smoothly Between Paragraphs: 

To maintain the coherence and flow of your essay, you should use transitional words and phrases effectively. These transitions connect your ideas, guide the reader through your argument, and establish logical relationships between paragraphs. 

Common transitional words and phrases include “furthermore,” “however,” “in contrast,” and “conversely.” 

By implementing these transitions, you create a seamless narrative that allows the reader to follow your essay’s progression effortlessly. This step is essential for making your IGCSE English Essay more comprehensible and ensuring that your arguments are presented in a clear and interconnected manner.

Step 7: Conclusion and Final Thoughts: 

In this stage, you need to summarize the key points you’ve made in the body of your essay, restate your thesis statement using different wording, and provide a sense of closure to your argument. 

Your conclusion should offer a concise reflection on the main themes and arguments, reinforcing their significance and relevance. It should leave a lasting impression on the reader, helping them understand the broader implications of your analysis. 

A strong conclusion ties up your essay neatly, leaving a lasting impact and ensuring that your message resonates with the reader.

Step 8: Proofread and Edit: 

This step involves a comprehensive review of your work to eliminate grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues. In addition to basic mechanics, you should also assess the clarity and coherence of your writing. 

Ensure that your arguments and ideas are logically presented and that your essay is well-structured. Reading your essay aloud can help identify awkward phrasing or convoluted sentences. 

Editing is a critical step that polishes your work, ensuring it is clear, concise, and free from distractions. It guarantees that your message is communicated effectively and leaves a lasting positive impression on the reader.

Master IGCSE English Essay Writing with Litera Centre:

Are you preparing for the IGCSE English examination, particularly focused on mastering essay writing? Look no further—Litera Centre is here to provide you with the expert guidance, valuable resources, and personalized coaching you need to excel.

Expert Coaching for IGCSE English Success : 

At Litera Centre, we know how important it is to do well in the IGCSE English Essay. Our team of experienced teachers and English experts is here to help you reach your academic goals. We offer personalized coaching to help you master:

  • Essay Structure
  • Argument Development
  • Grammar and Syntax

Comprehensive Resources and Strategies :

With our expert guidance, you’ll learn how to:

  • Write Strong Essays
  • Understand Complex Questions
  • Improve Analytical Skills

Our resources and strategies will give you the confidence and precision you need to excel in your exams.

Take Control of Your Success :

Don’t leave your IGCSE English success to chance. Let Litera Centre help you achieve excellence. Join us today and take a big step toward mastering your IGCSE English exam and boosting your academic performance.

Connect with Litera Centre :

Visit Litera Centre now and start your journey to IGCSE English success! Our team is ready to support you every step of the way.

How Can Litera Centre Help You? 

So, are you preparing for the IGCSE English examination, with a specific focus on essay writing? Look no further, as Litera Centre is here to provide you with the expert guidance, valuable resources, and personalized coaching you need to excel in your IGCSE journey.

At Litera Centre, we understand the importance of excelling in the IGCSE English Essay examination, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals. Our team of experienced educators and English language experts are here to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to tackle the essay writing component of the exam with confidence and precision.

With our tailored coaching, you’ll receive personalized attention and support, ensuring that you fully grasp the intricacies of essay writing, including structure, argument development, and grammar. 

Don’t leave your IGCSE English success to chance. Let Litera Centre be your partner in achieving excellence in your examinations. Join us today and take a step closer to taking your IGCSE English examination.


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igcse opinion essay

Writing: Exercise 6 (Writing an article)

This is the final exercise of Paper 1 and 2. It can be an article, a report or a review writing. We’ll look at articles here.

You will be given a topic (more like a question to ponder up on) on which you have to write your views and opinions. This can either be a two-sided article (for and against) or a one-sided article (just your opinion). It is up to you to decide.

The topics usually given for this exercise are easy enough that you can come up with points right there in the exam, but it is good if you read upon various issues from around the word (obesity, technological influences, environmental issues, animal welfare, teenager issues etc).

So here’s how to attempt this question:

  • Before you start it is a good idea that you come up with a plan . Use the blank space below the question to make your plan, in pencil. In your plan write down the answers to these questions:
  • The audience : this will be specified in the question (it is almost always a school magazine). So when you write, keep in mind that you need to write to that audience. Your language, tone and vocabulary should reflect this.
  • Is my article going to be two-sided or one-sided?  If you know a lot about the topic and can weigh up the pros and cons, then go for two-sided. If you’re not too knowledgeable about it, stick to one-sided.
  • How do I introduce the topic? Start off by saying what the topic is and how important the topic is in today’s world. Why it is such a problem? Or is it a problem?
  • What’s in the body ? Write down three points . (If it’s two-sided write two pros and two cons) . You will develop your body based on these points. A few points will be given in your question paper, and you can use those!
  • How will I conclude the article? You need to sum up your points and give your final opinion (even if it’s two-sided, give your final opinion on the matter).
  • Organise . By now, you’ve pretty much come up with the contents of your article. Now organise your points into paragraphs.
  • One-sided Article: Paragraph 1: Introduction
  • Paragraph 2: First point with justification (or counter-argument)
  • Paragraph 3: Second point with justification (or counter-argument)
  • Paragraph 4: Opposing point which you contradict (here, you state a point said by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong. This is called argument and   counter-argument )
  • Paragraph 5: Conclusion- summary, (solution?), repeat your opinion
  • Two-sided Article: Paragraph 1: Introduction
  • Paragraph 2: Advantages/’For’
  • Paragraph 3: Disadvantages/’Against’
  • Paragraph 4: Conclusion- Summary and final opinion
  • Write . Use a variety of connecting words and argumentative phrases . Examples:
  • Expressing opinions: I agree/ disagree with the above statement that
  • In my opinion
  • I believe that
  • I am in favour of
  • I am against the idea of
  • It seems to me that
  • I sympathize with
  • Presenting and contrasting opinions: The main argument in favour/ against is
  • It is often said that
  • First of all I should like to consider
  • Apart from that
  • Even though
  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • Nevertheless
  • Despite the fact that/ In spite of
  • On the other hand
  • On the contrary
  • What is more
  • What matters most in this case is
  • It is a fact that
  • There is no doubt that
  • Reasoning: Because of
  • As a result of
  • Consequently
  • On account of
  • Concluding: To sum up
  • To conclude
  • It can be concluded that
  • Thus, I am of the opinion that
  • Argumentative verbs (use these instead of say/tell ):

Here’s an example of a  one-sided article . This is one-sided because, even though it weighs up both ‘for’ and ‘against’ points, in each paragraph it contradicts the ‘for’ points and alludes to the same conclusion that zoos should be abolished. This is called the argument/counter-argument format.

ex. 7.3

  • Use your own points , words and phrases as far as possible. The more original your content is, the better.
  • Give a suitable title
  • Keep to the word limit 150-200 words. Exceeding a little over 200 is not a problem.
  • Always have an introduction and conclusion
  • Always organise your points into paragraphs . One para for each point (one-sided) or all advantages in one para and disadvantages in another para (two-sided) is the ideal format.
  • A final opinion has to be given.
  • Punctuation, spelling and grammar is very important. Check your writing once you’re done.

Time Management

For the core paper 1 take 20 minutes for this exercise

For the extended paper 2, 30 minutes should suffice to answer this question. Spend 10 minutes to come up with a plan, 15 minutes to organise and write your article. Use the 5 minutes left to read over your article, make changes and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

Notes submitted by Lintha

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46 thoughts on “ Writing: Exercise 6 (Writing an article) ”

wonderful! hope you keep updating with the new Syllabus

OMGGGG this information in awesome, thanks a lottt. Tomorrow im having a test on this!!!!!!!!

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Hi, this post was really helpful, but I have a question. Is it ok to take a stand (for or against) in magazine article writing? It is not a persuasive writing.

It’s preferable to remain neutral when it comes to magazine articles unless the specific topic you are addressing in the article expects you to take a stand for something, then go for it.

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Model Answer: Descriptive Writing ( CIE IGCSE English Language )

Revision note.

Deb Orrock

Model Answer: Descriptive Writing

In Section B of Paper 2, you will be given the choice of four titles: Questions 2 and 3 will be descriptive writing titles, and Questions 4 and 5 will be narrative writing titles. Each of the options is worth 40 marks and you are only required to choose one of them (either descriptive or narrative). While descriptive writing will contain elements of narration, and vice versa, it is important to be aware that there is a distinction between the two styles of writing and you must shape your responses accordingly. You should therefore consider all four choices before selecting the one you feel will best allow you to demonstrate your skills as a writer.

The following guide will provide you with a descriptive writing model answer, based on a past paper task. It is divided into:

Planning your descriptive writing

Descriptive writing model answer, unannotated model answer.

Once you have decided on your choice of title from the options, you should spend 10 minutes planning your writing.

Let’s take this descriptive writing task as an example:

“Describe trying to sleep before an important day.”

We can use “panoramic, zoom, single line, shift, shift, panoramic” six-step structure to plan our response:

The following model answer demonstrates a top-mark response to the above task:

Descriptive writing model answer part 1

The soft glow from the digital display flickered as the minutes sluggishly passed. The pale green cast an eerie shadow across my bed, while outside was as dark as a raven’s pupil. The streetlight outside of the window had blown its bulb and towered, redundantly, over the pavement. Nothing moved, apart from me, anxiously turning and fidgeting my blankets into a tangle. I heard a faint hum from downstairs; the sound of the dishwasher automatically starting, churning and rumbling the plates from dinner until they sparkled. My mind churned like the machine, impossible to turn off now it had started. I checked the clock again. The night felt endless.

I shuffled over to turn on the light. Silhouetted against the inside of a shade, a fly lazily crept to the top, balancing on the rim like a tiny tightrope walker. I watched as it fluttered its wings slightly, before it took off in a frenzy of buzzing around the top of my bed, going nowhere in particular. I wondered what its purpose was. Why was it here? It hummed close to my face and I swatted it away gruffly. It landed back on the rim, satisfied with its little flurry of activity, as I reached over to turn off the light again.

I straightened out my blankets and turned again. 

The clock’s mechanical glow informed me that only a few minutes had passed. I sighed and attempted to still my mind. I had numbers, facts and figures spiralling down a rabbit hole in my mind, becoming jumbled and muddled. I could see the dim outlines of my post-it notes, meticulously written and ordered, with all of the information I could ever need neatly written in my careful handwriting. But now all of that order had turned to chaos, as I struggled to remember even the simplest of equations. I needed to get some sleep, but my brain point-blank refused to let me.

Outside, I heard the sudden honking of a horn and a dog’s incessant barking. Voices muffled by wall and curtain were just about audible, sounding like they were being spoken through a thick soup of fog. A car door slammed; the dog’s barking became increasingly urgent. Voices raised again, before another slam and the roar of an engine increased and then faded out as the car disappeared down the street. The dog stopped barking and all was still once again. I stared at my curtains, considering whether to go downstairs to make myself a drink.

The light now was different. The glow from the clock was less lurid, more muted, and the darkness of the room less extreme. I lazily looked up at my curtains once again, and my mind registered that the soft light of day had altered the atmosphere in the room from one of suspended animation to action. I turned over and saw the time. Like a jack-in-the-box, I jumped wildly out of bed. What was, just a few seconds ago, stillness and peace, was now urgency and panic. I was late.

  • The first paragraph employs contrast and literary techniques to establish an eerie atmosphere of the middle of the night
  • The second paragraph zooms in on detail and incorporates movement
  • A single sentence is used for contrast and effect
  • The motif of the clock is woven throughout the response
  • The focus shifts to something “off camera”, using sensory language
  • The final paragraph indicates a shift in time and mood
  • It contrasts stillness with activity
  • Remember, you are not writing a story, so think of describing a scene as though from behind the lens of a camera
  • Spend 10 minutes planning your writing, using the suggested six-step structure above
  • Allow five minutes to re-read and check your writing for any obvious mistakes with spelling, grammar or punctuation
  • Employ sensory language, shifts in perspective, figurative language and contrasts to add interest and detail to your writing
  • Do not include dialogue
  • Vary your sentence and paragraph lengths
  • Make sure you add movement to your description

How to Write Detailed Descriptions

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Author: Deb Orrock

Deb is a graduate of Lancaster University and The University of Wolverhampton. After some time travelling and a successful career in the travel industry, she re-trained in education, specialising in literacy. She has over 16 years’ experience of working in education, teaching English Literature, English Language, Functional Skills English, ESOL and on Access to HE courses. She has also held curriculum and quality manager roles, and worked with organisations on embedding literacy and numeracy into vocational curriculums. She now manages a post-16 English curriculum as well as writing educational content and resources.

IGCSE Writing Skills text types - generic

Topic outline.

This resource has been developed to support your teaching of writing skills, including teaching learners how to create and compose a variety of text types. 

The text types focused on in this resource are: article, email, report, letter, speech and essay. 

 As the resource focuses on the text type rather than the assessment no marks are given for example texts included.

Please note: These resources were not written for a specific syllabus so it  is v ery important to check which of the writing skills and text types are covered in the syllabus you are teaching. The example s  may not match the requirements in every Cambridge syllabus, for example word count and audience. The examples are not marked and do not demonstrate the standard required in the examinations.

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igcse opinion essay

Opinion: RFK Jr.'s Central Park 'Bear-B-Q' stunt


Scott Simon

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes a campaign announcement at a press conference in Philadelphia on Oct. 9, 2023.

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes a campaign announcement at a press conference in Philadelphia on Oct. 9, 2023. Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images hide caption

In an election season rife with surprises, you might add this week’s revelation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The independent candidate for president says that 10 years ago he picked up the carcass of a dead bear cub along a country highway and later snuck it into New York’s Central Park, to make it look like the bear had been hit by a bicyclist.

In a video he posted confessing to his old stunt, Kennedy said, “I pulled over and I picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van, because I was going to skin the bear … I was going to put the meat in my refrigerator.”

Kennedy also posed for a photo with the dead bear. He grimaces as if he was being bitten.

Kennedy says he had a dinner in New York and so he drove to the restaurant with the cub’s corpse in his car. He remembered over dinner that he had to catch a flight later that night. Some nights, you might go out to dinner and wonder if you left on a hallway light, and some nights you wonder what you’re going to do with a bear corpse in the back of your car when you have to catch a late-night flight.

Kennedy says he and some friends, who he says had been drinking, while he had not, brought the bear cub’s remains into Central Park and left them there, along with an old bicycle that was also in his car.

Two women discovered the cub the next morning. To quote the New York Post of Oct. 6, 2014, “A baby bear was found dead in Central Park Monday — and police believe it was likely ‘murdered.’” 

A subsequent forensic investigation found that the bear cub was 6 months old, female and weighed 44 pounds. 

Kennedy says in the video that he thought staging the scene would be “amusing.”

Kennedy and his friends hauled the body of a dead bear cub into Central Park, and over the next few days watched news coverage of police and scientific experts scramble to investigate her death.

Some citizens were alarmed to think bears might be moving into Central Park. Many others seemed to be moved by the plight of an innocent bear cub who was run over somewhere, and posthumously dragged into a human stunt. I wonder what the tricksters found so amusing about diverting so many public servants and officials from the real work they have to do trying to investigate real crimes.

  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  • central park

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Igcse 0500 first language english – narrative composition: two sample essays.

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One of the most crucial aspects of any student’s journey is learning how to write well and to understand the criteria for the mark scheme… But how do you make sure that your understanding of the criteria and the mark scheme actually reflects that of an examiner?

This makes it such that it is very important to have good examples…

…And that’s exactly what this essay aims to resolve today!

Here’s a set of two sample essays for Narrative Writing for the IGCSE. Each essay is written to match a specific level descriptor and has been validated with the experience of our team, and reflects the way that we would assign marks based on the mark scheme.

Have a look at this, think about it, and hopefully it will help you to understand what is required and desirable in the exam 🙂

We’ll start with two essays from the Winter 2022 Paper 2; more examples will come soon (and even more for our paid members!), and we will soon publish a book of narrative writing AND descriptive writing essays as well; it will be available on both Shopee and Lazada as well as from this site, so make sure that you’re following this blog!

Without further ado, here are the examples!

Example A: 

Title: “Write a story with the title ‘Lost’.” – Winter 2022, Paper 2 Variant 2. Tom, a 12-year-old boy, lived in a small town surrounded by a vast, mysterious forest. He spent most of his weekends exploring the woods with his loyal dog, Max. They had many exciting adventures, discovering hidden trails, secret clearings, and beautiful wildlife. Tom felt a sense of freedom and wonder every time he ventured into the woods. One sunny Saturday morning, Tom and Max set out on another adventure. They walked deeper into the forest than they had ever gone before, captivated by the vibrant colours and enchanting sounds of nature. Hours passed, and they were blissfully unaware of how far they had strayed from home. As the sun began to set, Tom realized they were in an unfamiliar part of the woods. He tried to retrace their steps, but the shadows cast by the towering trees made it difficult to navigate. Panic began to set in as they wandered aimlessly, desperately searching for a familiar landmark. The sun dipped below the horizon, and the forest was soon enveloped in darkness. Tom’s fear escalated, and Max, sensing his distress, stayed close by his side. As they stumbled through the darkness, they suddenly spotted a flickering light in the distance. Approaching the light, they discovered a small, old cabin with a warm glow emanating from its windows. Tom hesitated, but he knew they needed help. He mustered the courage to knock on the door. An elderly man with a kind face and a long, white beard opened the door. Tom nervously explained their predicament, and the man agreed to help them find their way home. He grabbed a flashlight and a map, and together, they set off into the night. They walked for hours, following the map and the man’s vast knowledge of the forest. The journey was long, and Tom’s exhaustion began to take over. But, just as hope seemed to be fading, they reached the familiar edge of the woods. Tom’s house came into view, and relief washed over him. Tom thanked the old man, who offered some wise advice before departing. “Remember, young one, the forest can be both magical and dangerous. Always be prepared and respect its power.”

Comment: “The essay “Lost” deserves a level 4 in both Table A: Content and Structure and Table B: Style and Accuracy. The story’s plot is relevant and cohesive, featuring narrative elements such as character development and setting the scene. The content is relevant, with some development (W1), and the structure is competently managed (W2). The story falls short of level 5 as the plot could be more strongly developed with further description, character interaction, or a more effective climax.

For Table B, the essay displays some precise vocabulary and a range of sentence structures used occasionally for effect (W3). The story maintains an appropriate register for the context (W4), and the spelling, punctuation, and grammar are generally accurate, with some errors (W5). It does not reach level 5 due to the vocabulary and sentence structures not being consistently precise or well-chosen for effect.

The essay does not deserve a level 6 because the content is not complex, engaging, or effective enough (W1), and the structure is not as well-balanced or carefully managed for deliberate effect (W2). Furthermore, the vocabulary is not consistently well-chosen for effect (W3), and the spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not almost always accurate (W5).

Lastly, the essay does not deserve a level lower than 4 because it does not exhibit the characteristics of lower levels, such as limited or unclear content (W1), partially organized or ineffective structure (W2), simple vocabulary or sentence structures (W3), or persistent grammatical errors (W5).

Now, on the other hand… What does a Level 6 essay look like?

Have a look!

Title: “Write a story with the title ‘Lost’.” – Winter 2022, Paper 2 Variant 2. In the quaint town of Willowbrook, nestled in the heart of the valley, nine-year-old Lucy found solace in the dense, enchanting woods that surrounded her home. The forest was her sanctuary, a place where she could let her imagination run wild. Alongside her trusty companion, a golden retriever named Jasper, she would spend countless hours exploring its depths, discovering its secrets. One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Lucy and Jasper ventured further into the woods than they ever had before. They traversed moss-covered trails, played hide-and-seek among the towering trees, and splashed in the crystal-clear stream. As they roamed deeper into the woods, the sun’s fading light cast long shadows across their path, but they continued on, oblivious to the encroaching darkness. It wasn’t until the last rays of sunlight vanished that Lucy realized they were lost. Panic surged through her veins as she clung to Jasper for comfort, whispering, “We’ll find our way back, won’t we?” The woods had transformed into an eerie, unfamiliar world. Shadows danced in the moonlight, and the once melodic bird songs were replaced by unfamiliar, haunting sounds. Together, they stumbled through the dark, moonlit forest, guided only by instinct and the faint glimmer of hope. As they pressed on, the forest seemed to close in around them, the darkness growing thicker with each step. Suddenly, they came upon a mysterious, ancient oak tree. It stood tall and majestic, its gnarled roots digging deep into the earth, as though it had been there for centuries. The tree seemed to beckon them, and as they approached, they noticed a glowing inscription carved into the trunk. It read, “Whisper your fears, and I shall show the way.” With trepidation, Lucy leaned in and whispered her fears to the tree, her breath quivering. As she finished, the inscription shimmered, and a trail of luminous fireflies emerged from the tree, leading them through the darkness. As they followed the swarm, the menacing shadows receded, and the forest gradually regained its familiar allure. The fireflies weaved through the trees, illuminating their path and casting a warm, comforting glow. The journey through the forest felt like an eternity, but eventually, the fireflies led them to the edge of the woods, where they caught a glimpse of their town’s warm glow. Overwhelmed with relief, Lucy hugged Jasper tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks. Together, they raced towards the town, grateful for the guidance that had delivered them from the clutches of the unknown. Upon their return, Lucy shared the tale of their adventure with her family, who listened in awe. The ancient oak tree and its magical fireflies became a cherished part of local folklore, a symbol of hope for those who found themselves lost, both literally and metaphorically. And for Lucy, the woods remained her sanctuary, but she never ventured too far from the guiding light of home.

The essay “Lost” deserves the highest possible grade, as it demonstrates complex, engaging, and effective content (W1) with a secure, well-balanced, and carefully managed structure for effect (W2). The story plot contains well-defined and developed ideas as well as images to create a convincing overall picture with varieties of focus. As for writing for effect, it contains a good range of sentence structures and precise vocabulary, used effectively for effect (W3), while maintaining a consistent, well-chosen register suitable for the context (W4). Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are almost always accurate (W5).

To improve the story, the writer can incorporate more sensory details to further immerse the reader in the setting. By adding these elements, the essay is able to evoke even more vivid images and emotions, further enhancing the reader’s experience and appreciation.

Okay, and we’re done! 🙂

I hope that you enjoyed this post, and that you will find it valuable!

If you did, do feel free to share it with your friends! We will proceed onwards with descriptive writing examples pretty soon – these will be part of the membership site component of the site materials, and we will also create more of these materials for you soon!

Thank you once again, and we look forward to sharing more with you soon!

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March 23, 2023 7:33 am

IGCSE First Language English – Descriptive Composition: Two Sample Essays

[…] are, you read our set of sample essays for IGCSE narrative composition the other day – well we’re continuing on that thread and providing you with some First […]

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Guest Essay

Rachel Maddow: What Worries Me Most About Election Night

Several people in a row, some with Trump/Vance signs and some with their hands over their hearts.

By Rachel Maddow

Ms. Maddow is the host of “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC and the MSNBC podcast “Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra. ”

On Dec. 1, 1960, the far-right preacher and racist demagogue Gerald L.K. Smith sent out a fund-raising appeal, headlined with a shocking claim in red type across the top: “HOLD YOUR BREATH: KENNEDY MAY HAVE LOST.”

The 1960 election had indeed been close, but the Democrat, John F. Kennedy, had prevailed, and his Republican opponent, Richard M. Nixon, had congratulated Kennedy on election night, over shouted protests from his supporters.

Three weeks later, Smith, the leader of what he called the Christian Nationalist Crusade, was telling his followers it was possible to reverse that result.

If Smith’s followers would only send him money, he would continue what he called his “subtle campaign of pressure” to persuade governors in states won by Kennedy that they should refuse to send Kennedy electors to Washington for the Electoral College count.

“This,” Smith promised, “could turn out to be the most shocking and sensational Electoral College vote in history.”

It was not. There were no shenanigans in the Electoral College count. Kennedy received 303 votes to Nixon’s 219, and the transition of power proceeded peacefully.

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  1. How to approach an IGCSE text analysis / text commentary

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  1. PDF B2 First for Schools Writing Part 1 (An opinion essay)

    Here's a useful structure for an opinion essay:Paragraph 1Intro. uce the topic using a general statement and give your. hether you agree or disagree with the statemen. .Paragraph 2Give the first reason to support your opinion. Provide specifi. s for your opinion, using examples if necessary.

  2. Exercise 6: Writing an essay (Ultimate Guide)

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  3. Assignment 1: Writing to Discuss, Argue or Persuade

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  4. How To Write An Outstanding IGCSE English Essay?

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  5. Sample IGCSE English Essays

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  6. Question 1 Directed Writing: How to Write an Article

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  7. Writing: Exercise 6 (Writing an article)

    For the core paper 1 take 20 minutes for this exercise. For the extended paper 2, 30 minutes should suffice to answer this question. Spend 10 minutes to come up with a plan, 15 minutes to organise and write your article. Use the 5 minutes left to read over your article, make changes and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

  8. PDF Writing an essay

    Writing an essay Overview The purpose of an essay is to present an argument or point of view and give examples or reasons to support it. The topic will be a question or an issue which people generally have different opinions about. The essay could present both sides of the argument, or just one, depending on the instructions given in the task.

  9. Writing an essay

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  10. PDF Cambridge IGCSE / IGCSE (9-1) English as a Second (for ...

    Cambridge IGCSE / IGCSE (9-1) English. as a Second . Language 0510/0511 / 0993/0991 (for examination from 2024) Writing an essay Overview . The purpose of an essay is to present an argument or point of view and give examples or reasons to support it. The topic will be a question or an issue which people generally have different opinions about.

  11. PDF Learner Guide

    one essay question. For the passage-based question, annotate the key words and phrases in the passage you might explore in your answer. For the essay question, write a brief plan, using bullet points or a mind map. Each question is 50% of the paper Each question is 25% of overall marks Paper 3: Drama (Open Text) 45 minutes 25 marks

  12. IGCSE ESL, Argumentative Essay writing JUST in 4 MINUTES (part 1)

    This video shows you how to create a quality Argumentative Essay that can earn you A*. #igcseenglish#esl#argumentativeessay#cambridgeinternationaleducation

  13. IGCSE ESL Course: The Best Essay Writing Tutorial!

    Subscribe to our page on Facebook:, everyone! This is Mr. Abdulwahab again with some more educational videos! I...


    INFORMATION. The total mark for this paper is 80. The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ]. The insert contains the reading texts. This document has 12 pages. Blank pages are indicated. UCLES 2017. [Turn over. Read Text A and Text B in the insert and then answer Section A, Question 1 on this question paper.

  15. PDF Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language

    Cambridge IGCSETM English as a Second Language. or examination from 2019)Writing an articleThe purpose of an articl. is often to inform and persuade the reader. Articles gives information about a certain topic and can also be used to persuade th. reader that a certain viewpoint is correct. However, they often provide a balanced argument which ...

  16. Model Answer: Descriptive Writing

    Model Answer: Descriptive Writing. In Section B of Paper 2, you will be given the choice of four titles: Questions 2 and 3 will be descriptive writing titles, and Questions 4 and 5 will be narrative writing titles. Each of the options is worth 40 marks and you are only required to choose one of them (either descriptive or narrative).

  17. PDF Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language 0510

    lish as a Second Language 0510Writing a review The main purpose of a review is when you want to give your opinion about something, for example, a fi. m, book, game, product, restaurant, concert, etc. The review needs to engage the audience from the begi. ning to the end and there should be a conclusion. Unlike in a news article or report ...

  18. PDF Cambridge IGCSE / IGCSE (9-1) English as a Second (for examination from

    Cambridge IGCSETM. e 0510/0511 \ 0993/0991 (for examination from 2024)Writing an articl. OverviewThe purpose of an article is often to inform and persuade the reader. Articles give the reader information about a certain topic. nd can also be used to persuade the reader that a certain viewpoint is correct. However, they often provide a.

  19. PDF Cambridge IGCSE

    ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. Paper 1 Reading and Writing (Core) VE WRITING TASKYou must answer on the. question paper.No additional mater. 0511/01. ation from 2020This docum. nt has 4 pages. Blank page. UCLES 2017. overExercise 615 You rece.

  20. IGCSE Essay Writing: How to write a IGCSE Literature Essay

    1. information on the criteria in relation to which your essay will be judged. 2. how to plan and organise an essay. Planning an Essay: Essay Structure. Independence and Critical Reading. Use of Secondary Material. 3. advice on writing style. 4. a final checklist. Must Read: Cambridge IGCSE: Benefits, Subjects, Grading Scheme, and Tips.

  21. IGCSE Writing Skills text types

    Cambridge IGCSE™ / IGCSE (9-1) / O Level. This resource has been developed to support your teaching of writing skills, including teaching learners how to create and compose a variety of text types. The text types focused on in this resource are: article, email, report, letter, speech and essay. As the resource focuses on the text type rather ...

  22. Example essay IGCSE

    Example essay IGCSE. Your opinion essay should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. Introduction. In the introductory paragraph, you need to present your subject and state. your opinion clearly. ... Main Body. First paragraph is the body of your essay, you need to support your thesis statement. Main body.

  23. Opinion

    Opinion. Supported by. SKIP ADVERTISEMENT. Guest Essay. Europe's Crackdown on Environmental Dissent Is Silencing Voices the World Needs to Hear. Aug. 18, 2024.

  24. What has surprised me about childlessness

    Opinion Life & Arts. What has surprised me about childlessness. There are some perverse outcomes amid all the fun. Janan Ganesh. Add to myFT. Get instant alerts for this topic.

  25. Opinion: RFK Jr.'s Central Park 'Bear-B-Q' stunt : NPR

    Kennedy also posed for a photo with the dead bear. He grimaces as if he was being bitten. Kennedy says he had a dinner in New York and so he drove to the restaurant with the cub's corpse in his car.

  26. Opinion

    Ms. Sittenfeld is the best-selling author of seven novels. Her second story collection, "Show Don't Tell," will be published next year. This summer, I agreed to a literary experiment with ...

  27. Opinion

    Ms. Anderson, a contributing Opinion writer, is a Republican pollster and a moderator of Opinion's series of focus groups. At the Democratic National Convention this week, Kamala Harris faces a ...

  28. IGCSE 0500 First Language English

    We'll start with two essays from the Winter 2022 Paper 2; more examples will come soon (and even more for our paid members!), and we will soon publish a book of narrative writing AND descriptive writing essays as well; it will be available on both Shopee and Lazada as well as from this site, so make sure that you're following this blog!

  29. Opinion

    Opinion Schumer's presidential immunity fix will only make things worse Jurisdiction-stripping is a terrible way to deal with even the worst excesses of this Supreme Court.

  30. Opinion

    Ms. Maddow is the host of "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC and the MSNBC podcast "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra." On Dec. 1, 1960, the far-right preacher and racist demagogue Gerald L.K ...