Storyboard That

  • My Storyboards

Menu Templates

Customize menu templates.

Colorful Blue & Yellow Themed Menu Template

If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!


Unlock Creativity and Efficiency with Menu Templates for Every Occasion

In the digital age, menu design has taken on new dimensions with the emergence of menu generators and online platforms. These innovative resources offer a multitude of benefits, including the ability to design visually appealing menus from scratch or by customizing pre-designed templates. The synergy between menu generators, menu design online, blank menu options, customization features, and the convenience of print services empowers businesses and individuals to create a professionally looking menu that captures the essence of their food and drink options and leave a lasting impression on patrons.

Exemplify Your Creativity: Create a Menu Template Using Online Menu Creators

The opportunity exists to incorporate a logo, icons, taglines, and specific imagery to reinforce brand identity and create a cohesive visual experience. Additionally, online menu creators often provide intuitive editing tools that enable easy adjustments to menu sections, pricing, and descriptions. This flexibility ensures that menus stay up-to-date with changing offerings, seasonal specials, or pricing modifications. By tailoring the design to suit the restaurant's unique style and ambiance, establishments can effectively communicate their culinary vision and entice customers to explore their offerings.

Menu Design Made Easy: Customization and Branding with Online Menu Makers

One of the standout advantages of using free templates and online menu creators is the ability to customize every aspect of the design. From choosing the right fonts to selecting colors that complement the restaurant's branding, customization options allow for a truly personalized menu. With printable menus templates, you can easily customize and print your own professional looking menus. The flexibility to personalize elements such as layout, typography, colors, and images ensures that menus accurately reflect the unique brand identity and offerings of each establishment. Once the design process is complete, the menus can be conveniently printed, ready to be presented to customers.

Using Menus in the Classroom

Storyboard That’s engaging templates are designed to look like restaurant menus, but can be used in all ways in the classroom and in educational settings. Check out how menus can be incorporated into a classroom environment:

  • Choose a Theme: Select a theme that aligns with the subject you want to teach or the specific activity you have planned. For example, if you're teaching fractions, you could design a pizza menu, or if you're focusing on persuasive writing, you could make a menu for a fictional restaurant.
  • Customize Menu Items: Populate the items with options related to the subject or the activity. For example, if you're teaching vocabulary, you can list different words with their definitions as menu items. If you're teaching addition and subtraction, you can have math problems as items.
  • Student Selections: Distribute the menu templates to the students and instruct them to make selections based on their preferences or answers to specific questions. Encourage them to choose a variety of items and explain their reasoning behind their choices. For instance, if they are selecting vocabulary words, they can choose words they find interesting or challenging.
  • Order Total and Calculations: Once students have made their selections, they can calculate the total cost of their orders. Assign prices or point values to the items, and have students add them up or perform other mathematical operations depending on the lesson objectives. This allows for practice in math skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or fractions.
  • Writing and Discussion: After students have completed their orders and calculations, have them write or discuss their choices. Depending on the subject, you can ask them to write persuasive paragraphs justifying their selections, write stories using the vocabulary words, or describe the math strategies they used to calculate their totals.
  • Sharing and Presentation: Provide an opportunity for students to share their choices, explain their thought processes, and showcase their work. This can be done in small groups, pairs, or as a whole class activity. Encourage active participation and discussion among students.
  • Extension Activities: Extend the activity by allowing students to make their own menus or collaborate in groups to design menus for different scenarios. They can even bring their menus to life by organizing a class event or a pretend restaurant where they serve the menu items they created.

Using menus in an elementary school class activity not only makes learning interactive and enjoyable but also provides opportunities for students to practice various skills and apply their knowledge in a creative way.

How to Make a Menu Template Example Using Storyboard That

Choose one of the premade templates.

We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration!

Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.

Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.

Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include theme elements such as borders, backgrounds, , specific images, and any other aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!

Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Even More Storyboard That Resources and Free Printables

  • Invitation Templates
  • Certificates
  • Greeting Cards
  • Worksheet Templates

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Menus

What are some things to avoid when creating a menu.

When designing a custom menu template with an online menu creator, it's important to avoid overcrowding the layout with too many menu items or excessive text. It's also advisable to steer clear of hard-to-read fonts, inconsistent branding, and unclear pricing. Also be specific about your choice of menu card size. Additionally, be cautious about including dishes that are difficult to prepare consistently or ingredients that may be hard to source consistently. Some sites offer free menu templates. You can choose to edit the available menu design templates or create your own.

What are some non-negotiable inclusions on a restaurant menu?

Restaurant menu templates should include clear and concise dish names, accurate descriptions, and pricing information. It's essential to list any allergens or dietary restrictions for each dish to ensure the safety and satisfaction of customers. Providing contact information, operating hours, and any special promotions can also be beneficial.

What are some tips for effective menu design?

To create your own menu effectively, consider using enticing language and descriptions to make dishes more appealing. Highlight popular or signature dishes, and strategically use visual elements such as high-quality food photography. Additionally, consider the flow and organization of your menu to guide customers' attention and make it easy to navigate.

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Example of using the storyboard Creator

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  • And so much more!!

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Generating a Quote

This is usually pretty quick :)

Quote Sent!

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Menu templates free to design & print

Serve up a feast for the eyes, starting with your menu. when you use a customizable menu design template, you can match your menu to your food and drinks, your décor, or anything else you fancy..

Bistro menu template surrounded by 3D design elements

Whet your appetite for great design with menu templates

Make the most of every morsel of menu space—start your design with a customizable menu template. Menus let everyone know what you're serving up, whether it's haute cuisine or diner food, craft cocktails or smoothies, or something other than food altogether. Whether you're cooking up something delicious or have a menu of services on offer instead, there's a menu that'll match your business's needs . Maybe it's not a business that needs a menu, though—maybe it's an event. From weddings to holidays and other events and celebrations, there's a customizable menu template that's sure to suit.

assignment menu template

Make Homework Meaningful & Manageable with Menus

Are you looking for a new homework management solution try homework menus to motivate your students and differentiate through choice read on for tips on using homework menus plus free printables for 2nd and 3rd grade to get you started..

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Teacher Homework Confession/Spoiler Alert:

I’ve never been a fan of homework – not as a child and definitely not as a teacher

Homework has been my pet project for awhile, as it’s always driven me crazy that parents, districts, and most administrators required I create and assign something that any research I’ve encountered deemed at worst detrimental or at best only mildly useful. Since I’ve rarely taught in an environment where not giving homework was an option, I’ve attempted to finagle a way to make homework as meaningful as possible for ALL of my students. No easy task, especially when there are so many other things worthy of our time and attention (literacy, math, arts instruction anyone?!)

I’ve tried: *Daily homework – everyone does the same thing, bring it back the next morning *Weekly homework folders – students complete a set schedule of assignments per week (Monday – spelling, Tuesday – math, Wednesday – reading response, etc.) *Homework packets – go home Monday, students finish in whatever order they choose, bring back Friday *Homework point sheets – students earn a specified amount of points for each homework assignment and earn a set amount of points each week

I’ve had varying amounts of success with all of the above as well as a good amount of failure.

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

The Research on Homework

After reading a variety of research about homework at the elementary level, I strongly believe that the most important part of homework for kids K-5 is reading a just right book. After that, the rest is – just that – the rest.

These two articles are good starting points if you are interested in an overview of the research on homework practices.

Synthesis of Research on Homework The Case For and Against Homework

Here were my takeaways from the articles (from a grade 2-3 perspective)

Homework should:  •Give students a chance to review skills they are comfortable with and can practice independently •Give them an opportunity to do what they enjoy •Give students a chance to be successful at home with academics •Help children see connections between what they do in school and the real world

Homework should not: •Require parents to teach their child something new – let parents do the wrangling, not the teaching •Frustrate kids because of the difficulty of the assignment •Be one size fits all – we don’t teach this way, so why would we assign homework this way?

Homework Menus can be a Solution!

After 14 years of facing this homework conundrum I’ve found that homework menus are the easiest way to differentiate homework in a way that’s easy for teachers to assign and grade.

Plus they give you tons of flexibility so you can include exercise, listening to music, hanging out with family, practicing math facts or mindfulness as menu options.

You are still assigning homework, but getting to choose menu options that you know are really important for kids.

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Homework menus give students choice within a structure and can be easily adapted to what you have already taught in class.

You only have to create one menu a month and collect homework assignments once per week (or even per month – although I wouldn’t recommend this – too much room for procrastination).

There are a few different ways to handle turn in of assignments for students who can’t handle the Friday only turn in option.  I use homework bookmarks for 99% of  my kids and a daily homework tracker for the kiddos who need a bit more daily accountability.

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Getting Homework Menus up and Running

Want to try out homework menus? Here are a few things to know about getting organized.

At the beginning of every month you will need a new homework menu. Your menu (if you choose to do a monthly one like me) should include around 25 choices. Then you just need the printables and you’re ready to go.  It’s work up front but it saves you time later.

To Do Monthly:

*Get copies of the homework menu ready for every student *Make 15-20 copies of the printable homework options you want to use *Make one set of answer keys for your homework grader (if you are lucky enough to have one) *Find a place to keep homework menu options (you can see some of mine in the pics) – I put them outside my room on plastic shelves so they’re easy to find before and after school

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

To Do Weekly:

*Make copies of homework bookmarks or trackers to send home *Enter homework in grade book and grade as you would like (If you don’t have a parent volunteer to help you, I say put a sticker on the homework bookmark and send that puppy home!)

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

To Do As Needed:

As you teach something in class, add it to your homework options folders, crate or shelves. If I have extra copies of a math or reading response assignment I always put them in the homework shelves for students to do as extra practice at home. These have been introduced to them in class and they should be able to complete them at home with minimal support. They can easily fit with the “Complete a math assignment you haven’t already done.” or “Complete a reading response/log” menu options. Even if I have something that doesn’t necessarily fit with a given option, I’ll let students know they can use it as a homework option (and let the parents know too) and write in the assignment they did instead of a number. Easy-peasy!

Looking for a new homework management solution? Try homework menus! Tips on how to organize your homework practices using menus to motivate your kids and differentiate through choice. Click for details PLUS free printables to get you started.

Homework Menus Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If homework doesn’t really matter anyway, then why even use a menu? Isn’t it just extra work that could be better spend elsewhere? A: I have always worked in schools where there was pressure either by the district, our school administration, or students’ parents to provide some sort of homework . (95% of the pressure came from parents in my experience.)  Providing homework menus with age-appropriate options is my attempt to work within these expectations, while differentiating for every student and honoring their time. This is why exercise, listening to music, practicing mindfulness, and spending time interacting with family members have always been mainstays on my homework menus.  I also like that the menu structure gives me opportunities to include math and reading review assignments that are beneficial for students, since they’re reviews of what we’ve already done in class.

Q: How do parents respond to this type of homework? A: Just like anything else you do in your classroom, some parents are 100% on board and think homework menus are the best thing ever, and others are not so easily persuaded. For the naysayers I use their questions as a jumping off point to explain what research says about homework in elementary grades and that truly my #1 concern is that their child is reading at home. For the most part parents have been very supportive of this type of homework and loved that it gave their child more freedom and less busy work. Kids are busy after school, and they loved that soccer practice and piano lessons (both great uses of after school time!) could be counted toward their weekly homework. Using menus also eliminates complaints from parents who constantly tell you their child isn’t being challenged by the work you’re sending home, since the kids are making the choices.

Q: Parents are concerned that their children aren’t old enough to make choices. What if they just want a homework packet? A: If parents want a packet, I nicely take them outside my classroom (where I keep copies of all the homework choices) with a stapler in hand, randomly take three or four assignments and staple them together. Voila! A homework packet! I don’t think this is the best way to assign homework as it takes responsibility away from the student, but I don’t believe homework is important enough to cause rifts between teachers and parents. I strongly, strongly, strongly (did I say strongly?) disagree that children aren’t able to make choices for themselves.

Q: What if students can’t handle turning in homework only once a week? A: Weekly turn in typically works for 99% of students. For the other 1% I use a Daily Homework Tracker or Bookmark. Students who use these do the same assignments, but turn in a bookmark/tracker each morning with the minutes they read the night before and the menu option they completed (or are working on) so they don’t get behind.

Q: How do you keep track of homework that has been turned in? Do students ever repeat the same assignment? A: I keep track of homework in an Excel document where I record the total minutes of reading and the numbers from the homework menu that students complete each week. At a glance I can make sure students are completing different assignments throughout the month

Q: How do you grade homework? How much time does this take when students are completing different assignments? A: Grading and entering homework into the Excel document is one of the parent volunteer jobs in my classroom. I feel my grading time is much better spent working on reader’s response notebooks or giving students comments on their writer’s workshop pieces rather than grading and entering homework assignments. I have a pack of answer keys that I include in my parent volunteer section of the room for all the monthly assignments, so a willing parent volunteer can do the grading for you. If parent volunteers are scarce, I would grade for completion only. Check! Sticker! Done!

Q: What do you do if students choose only the easiest assignments? A: Parents are usually much more concerned about this than I. Homework is something students should be able to complete independently so technically they should choose assignments that are easy (on an independent level) for them. I talk with my students throughout the year about choosing just right homework assignments and train the parents to do the same. If you can finish it in two minutes it’s too easy. If it makes you want to cry it’s too hard. Since I can’t necessarily control which assignments students pick as this is HOMEwork, I choose my battles. I would rather battle about reading just right books in the classroom than choosing just right homework assignments.

Q: Parents are telling me they have to teach their child how to do the assignment(s). What should I do? A: Remind the parent that there are a number of options for homework. Their job is to provide a calm place, time and structure for their child to work and then congratulate them when their child does their best. Train parents the same way you do students about choosing just right homework assignments (finish in 2 minutes vs. make you want to cry) and make some assignments available online if possible so parents can see what options are available.

Want to try out homework menus? 

Click HERE to download this FREE editable homework menu , homework bookmark , and 4 printables that correspond to the menu and see what you think.  I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Need more homework menus and printables?

If you are ready to get started with homework menus for the year, homework menus with corresponding printables are ready to go for every month of the school year at the Super Teacher stores. If you’re just getting started for the year, you can check out the August Homework pack HERE and the September Homework Menu pack HERE .

You can buy them one month at a time or take the leap and get the entire year bundle which includes EVERY homework pack + extra presents for Super Pack buyers only!

assignment menu template

Have you tried out the freebie? Already using menus for homework? Let me know what you think in the comments!

assignment menu template

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Stones in the River – A Perfect Back to School Writing Activity

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Place Value Fun – Making Wonka Bars

Looking for back to school writing activities? This blog post includes ideas and lessons teachers can use during the first weeks of school to get started with writer's notebooks and generating ideas for writing. Perfect for 2nd and 3rd grade students. #2 is a great activity for the first day! #education #writing #2ndgrade #3rdgrade

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Ready, Set, Show! Expanded Form Game

assignment menu template

Great idea!!

  • Pingback: But I Don’t Get It! The Late, Great Homework Debate | TWU New Teachers

Do you plan on making different grade levels? I would like to purchase a second grade one!

Thanks so much for your question! For 2nd grade, I recommend using menus as in-class activities rather than homework because all of the choices are a bit too overwhelming for 2nd graders. When I taught 2nd grade we used a more simple homework and it worked well, especially at the beginning of the year. However, I did still have students use menus, but as enrichment or fast finishers.

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  1. Free Menu Templates — Create a Printable Menu Online

    Create a beautiful menu in seconds with StoryboardThat's Free Menu Templates. Design a colorful menu for any occasion, or assign as a fun project for students!

  2. Free menu templates | Microsoft Create

    Craft beautiful menus for any occasion—no design experience required! Start with professionally designed Word templates, customize with help from AI, and print to serve up the perfect aesthetic.

  3. Free printable, customizable lunch menu templates | Canva

    Fill our daily lunch menu template with more than the usuals. Bright-colored and kid-friendly school lunch menu templates are free for you to use. Holiday-based menu themes like Christmas lunch menu templates are free and available in our library, too.

  4. Customize 17,593+ Menus Templates Online - Canva

    Browse high quality Menus templates for your next design. Browse our collection of Menus templates and create a stunning design - even if you're not a designer. Free to personalize.

  5. Make Homework Meaningful & Manageable with Menus

    *Weekly homework folders – students complete a set schedule of assignments per week (Monday – spelling, Tuesday – math, Wednesday – reading response, etc.) *Homework packets – go home Monday, students finish in whatever order they choose, bring back Friday.

  6. Free printable and customizable catering menu templates - Canva

    Show off your culinary expertise on paper with a delectable menu. Customize one that will pique everyone’s palate using catering menu templates from Canva’s professionally designed selection.