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universiteit leiden psychologie phd

The Institute of Psychology is committed to play a prominent role in teaching and research at the national and international level.

Psychology students at Leiden University are taught by leading researchers in the field: the scientists who carry out the institute’s research programmes. The Psychology degree programme aims to ensure that each individual student achieves a high academic level at the bachelor’s, pre-master’s and master’s level.

Psychology in Leiden

  • Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Methodology and Statistics
  • Developmental and Educational Psychology
  • Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology

universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  • 11 Sep PhD defence Financial stress by design O. Simonse
  • 15 Oct Study information Student for a Day Psychology
  • 16 Oct PhD defence Cognitive training and dynamic testing in the school domain M.G.J. Westgeest

More events

Psychologists in the media

Leiden psychology blog, research output.

universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  • Merging sociality and robotics through an evolutionary perspective Fabiola Diana, Lola Cañamero, Ruud Hortensius and Mariska E. Kret

universiteit leiden psychologie phd

More research output

Studying in Leiden

  • International Bachelor in Psychology
  • Brain and Cognition (interdisciplinairy minor)
  • Pre-master's programme in Psychology
  • Master's programme in Psychology
  • Master's programme in Psychology (research)

universiteit leiden psychologie phd

Follow Leiden Psychology

  • Announcements
  • Research funding

PhD admission

If you wish to obtain a PhD at Leiden University, you first have to be admitted to one of the Graduate Schools. This means that you have to meet specific requirements, including a prior education requirement.

The admission procedures for the Graduate Schools are given on the various websites . Although each Graduate School has its own admission procedure, you must in any case:

  • have been awarded a master’s degree or an equivalent master’s degree from another institution, or who have passed the ‘old style’ doctoral (doctoraal) examination of a government-funded or appointed Dutch university.
  • give the name of a professor (or associate  professor with ius promovendi*) at Leiden University who is willing to be your supervisor. 
  • have a second supervisor. This can be either another professor (supervisor) or a co-supervisor with a PhD, in either the same or a different faculty. If you have not already found a second supervisor, the dean will appoint a co-supervisor, to ensure that you are supervised by at least two individuals.

PhD regulations

The admission requirements are specified in the PhD regulations, together with options if you do not meet all the requirements.

Non-Dutch degree

If you have a degree from a non-Dutch university, your certificate will first have to be verified. After this, the dean will decide whether you can be admitted to the PhD track.

*Ius promovendi

Human resources.

  • Working hours
  • Business travel
  • CAO and regulations
  • Individual Choices Model
  • Terms of employment in short
  • Registration and contract
  • Practical issues
  • International staff
  • University doctor
  • Working with a functional limitation
  • Mental fitness
  • Work pressure
  • Leiden Healthy University
  • Self Service
  • Confidential counsellors and complaints committees
  • PSSC Service Point
  • Service Centre International Staff
  • Immigration and formalities
  • Social life and settling in
  • Taxes and social security
  • Getting around
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Career guidance and mobility
  • Teacher development
  • PhD candidates and postdocs
  • Code of conduct
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Diversity and inclusiveness
  • Continuing education rules and regulations
  • Confidential counsellors
  • Staff ombuds officer
  • Complaints committees
  • Collective insurances
  • Unfit for work
  • Unemployment

Finance & Procurement

  • Expense claims
  • Other allowances
  • Invoice payments
  • Sales invoices, credit notes and receiving payments
  • Payments without an invoice (by bank transfer, VVV gift card or cash), taxable remuneration (IB47)
  • Payments to research participants
  • Conferences and seminars
  • Framework contracts
  • Procurement procedures
  • Service portal
  • Research equipment
  • Real estate
  • University finances
  • Financial planning and control cycles
  • Regulations and guidelines
  • Working for third parties
  • Financial project management
  • Department Financial Economic Affairs
  • FSSC Service point
  • Controllers
  • University Procurement
  • Audit department
  • Synchronising mail and calendar
  • Printing and copying
  • Software and online tools
  • Forgotten your password
  • Activating and managing your account
  • Additional authentication
  • Applying for a guest/external account
  • Office 365 and OneDrive
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Remote workspace
  • Secure online workspace from home
  • Application forms
  • Helpdesks and contact
  • Maintenance and incidents
  • Research data
  • IT and education > go to Education
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Archive management
  • Personal data
  • Working securely online

Buildings & Facilities

  • Workplace in the office
  • Reserving workstations
  • Requesting facilities for working from home
  • Laboratories
  • Environmental awareness at work
  • Post and Transport
  • Breastfeeding and quiet rooms
  • Reserving rooms
  • Service desks and receptions
  • Management and maintenance
  • Floor plans and house rules
  • Construction projects
  • Ordering catering
  • Faculty Club
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Vending machines
  • Event locations
  • Reporting unsafe situations
  • ERO coordinators
  • Health and safety coordinators
  • Servicedesk and receptions
  • Blended learning
  • AI in education
  • Digital tools
  • Tools for interactive learning
  • Lecture halls and computer rooms
  • Evaluation of education
  • The Programme Committee
  • Board of Examiners
  • Site visits and accreditation
  • Vision on education
  • Integrity and fraud
  • Student success
  • Degree programmes
  • Educational support units
  • ICT and education
  • Library and education
  • Internationalisation in education
  • Accessible Education
  • Tests and theses
  • Giving a presentation
  • Remote teaching
  • Reserving equipment
  • Referral options
  • Unacceptable behaviour
  • Training and workshops for staff
  • Training and workshops for students
  • Online self-help for students
  • Bringing students together
  • Background information on student well-being
  • Comenius programme
  • Teacher's Academy
  • Contact about internationalisation
  • Arrange partnership and exchange
  • Sign up student and staff
  • Safety abroad and crisis management
  • Preparing for a trip: visa and Europass
  • Academic calendar
  • Course and Examination Regulations
  • Studying for a PhD
  • PhD ceremony
  • After your PhD
  • Career Platform
  • Confidential Counsellor and university doctor
  • Becoming a postdoc
  • Collaborating with renowned researchers
  • Training programmes, coaching and career guidance
  • Practical support for internationals
  • Confidential advisers, health & safety
  • Research programme data science
  • Collaboration Leiden-Delft-Erasmus
  • Research internationalisation
  • Find and prepare
  • Prepare and write
  • Grant awarded
  • Research Support Portal
  • Research Support Network
  • Data storage
  • Datamanagement
  • Research software
  • Sharing and sending files
  • Publication tools
  • Research from home
  • Roadmap and examples
  • Research visitations
  • Academic integrity
  • Ethics committees
  • Publishing your doctoral dissertation
  • Scholarly Publications and LUCRIS
  • Open Access
  • ORCID iD and DOI
  • Leiden University Press

Communications & marketing

  • Communication tools
  • Media relations
  • Science communication
  • Bachelor recruitement
  • Master recruitment
  • Recruitment international students
  • Alumni relations
  • Alumni database
  • House style
  • Writing and translating
  • Use of images
  • Making a presentation
  • Website and web editorial team
  • Online profile page
  • Social Media
  • Conferences and Events
  • Working securely: tips
  • Privacy and security policy documents
  • Learning platform
  • Incidents and dangerous situations
  • Safety in a lab
  • Working with hazardous substances
  • Emergency Response Officer
  • Risk Inventory and Evaluation
  • Camera surveillance

Select a different organisation

  • Reglementen
  • Visitatierapporten



Het Instituut Psychologie wordt geleid door het Instituutsbestuur en het Opleidingsbestuur. De Instituutsraad geeft advies aan het bestuur bij de uitvoering van taken. Diverse commissies leveren daarnaast gespecialiseerde bijdragen , zoals de Ethiek Commissie of de Examencommissie. Studenten zijn vertegenwoordigd in de opleidingscommissies. Het Instituutsbureau heeft een ondersteunende functie voor verschillende taken die het instituut uitvoert.

Het Instituut Psychologie kent zes verschillende secties, welke zijn gespecialiseerd op verschillende subdisciplines binnen de psychologie. De secties verzorgen onderzoek en onderwijs binnen het thema van deze subdisciplines. 

  • Cognitieve Psychologie
  • Gezondheids-, Medische en Neuropsychologie
  • Klinische Psychologie
  • Methode en Statistiek
  • Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie
  • Sociale, Economische en Organisatiepsychologie 


  1. Podcast: Zelfbeeld en Studiekeuze

    universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  2. Why Psychology in Leiden?

    universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  3. Psychologie (BSc)

    universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  4. Over de opleiding

    universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  5. Contact

    universiteit leiden psychologie phd

  6. Psycholoog Universiteit Leiden schond vele normen

    universiteit leiden psychologie phd


  1. Film en Literatuurwetenschap studeren aan de Universiteit Leiden (2023)

  2. University of Twente

  3. Phd Defence of Jan Caspar Peeken

  4. Universiteit Leiden viert de vrijheid!

  5. Estelle Gervais (PhD candidate Leiden): Secure and responsible material supply for photovoltaics

  6. Phd Defence of Sarah Jane McGibbon


  1. PhD - Leiden University - Universiteit Leiden

    Doing a PhD at the Institute of Psychology can be an exciting experience. On this webpage we provide you with the necessary information on application, registration, the Graduate School and Training and regulations.

  2. PhD programmes - Leiden University - Universiteit Leiden

    PhD programmes. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.

  3. Psychologist for PhD candidates - Leiden University

    The PhD psychologist can offer support to all Leiden University PhD candidates who are experiencing psychological issues that are either caused by, or are directly affecting, their PhD trajectory.

  4. Psychology - Leiden University - Universiteit Leiden

    Psychology. The Institute of Psychology is committed to play a prominent role in teaching and research at the national and international level. Psychology students at Leiden University are taught by leading researchers in the field: the scientists who carry out the institute’s research programmes.

  5. PhD admission - Leiden University - Universiteit Leiden

    If you wish to obtain a PhD at Leiden University, you first have to be admitted to one of the Graduate Schools. This means that you have to meet specific requirements, including a prior education requirement. The admission procedures for the Graduate Schools are given on the various websites.

  6. Psychologie - Universiteit Leiden

    Het Instituut Psychologie kent zes verschillende secties, welke zijn gespecialiseerd op verschillende subdisciplines binnen de psychologie. De secties verzorgen onderzoek en onderwijs binnen het thema van deze subdisciplines. Cognitieve Psychologie; Gezondheids-, Medische en Neuropsychologie; Klinische Psychologie; Methode en Statistiek