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Thesis Preparation & Submission

The following information is provided to assist Chemistry graduate students as they prepare for degree completion. If graduate students have any questions that are not answered by this guide, they should email the Chemistry Education Office (questions about department policies) or MIT Libraries (for questions about thesis formatting, etc.)

Degree candidates must fill out the Degree Application via WebSIS at the start of the term. Important dates and deadlines (including late fees) for the upcoming academic year are listed below.  It is strongly advised that degree candidates apply for the degree list even if there is uncertainty about completing the thesis defense and submission by the  deadline, as there are no penalties for being removed from the degree list.

Students must successfully complete the thesis defense before submitting their final, signed thesis.

**Please note that the Specifications for Thesis Preparation were updated in November 2022. Please make sure you use these new guidelines.**

Important Dates & Deadlines

September 2024 degree list.

  • Degree Application Deadline: June 14, 2024 ($50 late fee if submitted after this date, $85 late fee if submitted after July 21, 2024)
  • Thesis Title Deadline:July 19, 2024 ($85 late fee if submitted after this date. If your thesis title is not finalized by this date, please enter your current working title and the final title can be updated later)
  • Thesis Submission Deadline: August 16, 2024
  • Last day of work in the lab: on or before August 31, 2024. If you plan to end your RA appointment earlier than August 31st, please contact Jennifer to review your timeline.
  • Your degree will officially be conferred by MIT on September 18, 2024
  • Information about the MIT Health Plan and graduation will be available online here.

February 2025 Degree List

  • Degree Application Deadline: September 6, 2024 ($50 late fee if submitted after this date, $85 late fee if submitted after December 13, 2024)
  • Thesis Title Deadline: December 13, 2024 ($85 late fee if submitted after this date. If your thesis title is not finalized by this date, please enter your current working title and the final title can be updated later)
  • Thesis Submission Deadline: January 17, 2025
  • Last day of work in the lab: on or before January 15, 2025. If you plan to end your RA appointment earlier than January 15th, please contact Jennifer to review your timeline.
  • Your degree will officially be conferred by MIT on February 19, 2025

May 2025 Degree List

  • Degree Application Deadline:February 7, 2025 ($50 late fee if submitted after this date, $85 late fee if submitted after April 11, 2025)
  • Thesis Title Deadline: April 11, 2025 ($85 late fee if submitted after this date. If your thesis title is not finalized by this date, please enter your current working title and the final title can be updated later)
  • Thesis Submission Deadline: May 9, 2025
  • Last day of work in the lab: on or before May 28, 2025. If you plan to end your RA appointment earlier than May 28th, please contact Jennifer to review your timeline.
  • Your degree will officially be conferred by MIT on May 29, 2025

Scheduling your Thesis Defense

All PhD candidates must have a Thesis Defense. As soon as your defense is finalized, please email the Chemistry Education Office with the date, time, location, and thesis title . Thesis defenses are strongly encouraged to be in-person.  If there are questions or concerns about an in-person defense, please reach out to Jennifer Weisman. When thesis defenses are on campus, we recommend reserving a room once the defense date is finalized, student can reserve department rooms through the online scheduling system or request a classroom via this form .

Degree candidates should provide their advisor with a copy of the thesis at least two weeks before the defense and provide their thesis committee chair and member with a copy at least one week before the defense. However, degree candidates should talk with their advisor, committee chair, and committee member to find out if they need the thesis further in advance or if there are preferred formats. Degree candidates should allow time in between their thesis defense and the submission deadline to make edits and submit the final copies.

Please note that most receiving a PhD degree are required to present a seminar as part of the thesis defense. This seminar is open to the department. The degree candidate is responsible for providing the Chemistry Education Office with information about their thesis defense at least two weeks ahead of time. Following the seminar, the candidate will meet privately with the thesis committee.

Thesis Formatting

The Institute has very specific requirements for thesis preparation, which were updated in November 2022. Specifications for Thesis Preparation is available on the library’s website and should be read very carefully. The MIT Thesis FAQ may answer additional questions and a helpful checklist is also provided. The specifications also include information about copyright and use of previously published material in a thesis . Do  not  rely on any templates or prior theses from your research group – they may not reflect the most current guidelines. We have highlighted some especially important points below.

Font & Spacing

Title page & committee signature page.

  • The title page of the first copy will be digitally signed by the author, advisor, and Professor Adam Willard. The title page should contain the title, name of the author, previous degrees, the degree(s) to be awarded at MIT, the date the degree(s) will be conferred (May, September, or February only), copyright notice, and appropriate names and signatures. Degrees are awarded in Chemistry, regardless of your specific research area. Regardless of when you defend or submit your thesis, the date of degree conferral must be May/June, September, or February.
  • As noted above, the title page will be signed by you, your advisor, and Professor Willard. You do not need to have Professor Willard digitally sign the thesis before you submit it, we will arrange to have him sign it. If your advisor has a title (ex., Firmenich Professor of Chemistry) it should also be included under their name. If you are not sure if they have a title, you can consult the Faculty Directory . Professor Willard should have the following listed under his name, on two separate lines: Professor of Chemistry; Graduate Officer
  • Each student should place the appropriate copyright notice on the thesis title page. Copyright notice consists of four elements: the symbol “c” with a circle around it © and/or the word “copyright”; the year of publication (the year in which the degree is to be awarded); the name of the copyright owner; the words “All rights reserved” or your chosen Creative Commons license. All theses should have the following legend statement exactly: The author hereby grants to MIT a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to exercise any and all rights under copyright, including to reproduce, preserve, distribute and publicly display copies of the thesis, or release the thesis under an open-access license. Please carefully review the copyright information to determine the appropriate copyright ownership.
  • The date under Signature of Author should be the date the final thesis is signed and submitted to the department.
  • The title page is always considered to be page 1, and every page must be included in the count regardless of whether a number would be physically printed on a page. We recommend that you do not include the page number on the title page.
  • There is also a signature page that will be digitally signed by your entire thesis committee. Your advisor will digitally sign your thesis twice, on the title page and signature page. The signature page is right after the title page.
  • More details about digital signatures are provided below.

Table of Contents

Final thesis submission, general submission process.

Please carefully review the details below, including the file naming format . There are two steps to the final submissions process:

1. Submit the following documents to the Department of Chemistry:

  • An electronic copy of your thesis in PDF/A-1 format (with no signatures)
  • A PDF of the digitally signed title page and committee signature page (using DocuSign to obtain signatures)

Please send an email to your advisor, Jennifer Weisman, and Rebecca Drake, which includes the 2 PDFs above and the following text:

“Dear Professor/Dr X: Attached is the final version of my thesis. Please use reply-all to this message to indicate your acceptance of my thesis document and your recommendation for certification by my department.”

**Note: if your thesis document is too large to send via email, your email can include a link to access the document via Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.**

2. Submit your thesis information to MIT Libraries here . Choose to opt-in or opt-out of ProQuest license and publication.  Include the same copyright and license information that is on your thesis title page. Note: this does not involve submitting your actual thesis.

Details for Thesis Submission Process

  • After the defense, the student and thesis committee reach agreement on the final thesis document.
  • Students should follow the format specifications as stated in the Specifications for Thesis Preparation . Do not print or physically sign pages.
  • Students will have the thesis signed electronically through DocuSign. This process is described in detail in the section below.
  • The title page is always considered to be page 1, and every page must be included in the count regardless of whether a number is physically printed on a page. The entire thesis (including title page, prefatory material, illustrations, and all text and appendices) must be paginated in one consecutive numbering sequence. Your committee signature page should be page 2. Please see the  Sample Title Page and committee signature page for reference.
  • You will still include the title page and committee signature page in the full thesis PDF, they just won’t have any signatures.
  • The digitally signed title page and committee signature pages should be in one PDF, separate from the thesis document. This avoids a DocuSign tag at the top of each page of the full thesis. Please use the following naming convention: authorLastName-kerb-degree-dept-year-sig.pdf (ex., montgomery-mssimon-phd-chemistry-2021-sig.pdf).
  • Students should save their final thesis document as a PDF using the following file naming convention: authorLastName-kerb-degree-dept-year-thesis .pdf (ex., montgomery-mssimon-phd-chemistry-2021-thesis.pdf).
  • Students should not deposit the PDF of their thesis via the Libraries Library’s voluntary submission portal.
  • Please send an email to your advisor, Jennifer, and William which includes the final thesis document and file with the digitally signed title/committee signature pages with the following text:

Please also complete the MIT Doctoral Student Exit Survey and your Laboratory Safety Clearance Form .

Digital Signatures

Please see here for a full guide (with screenshots) to using DocuSign to obtain digital signatures

Required Signatures:

These should be everyone’s uploaded digital signatures in their own handwriting, not one of the pre-formatted signatures created by DocuSign.

  • Your signature on the thesis title page
  • Your advisor’s signature on both the title page and committee signature page
  • Your thesis committee chair’s and member’s signatures on the committee signature page
  • You do not need to have Adam Willard sign your title page, the Chemistry Education Office will take care of that
  • Full thesis with no signatures (including unsigned title page and thesis committee signature page)
  • Title page and committee signature page with signatures via DocuSign

Accessing DocuSign

Thesis Hold Requests

Details about requesting a thesis hold are available here and the requests are made to different offices based on the type of request.

Written notification of patent holds and other restrictions must reach the Institute Archives before the thesis in question is received, as under normal circumstances, all theses are open and available for public inspection once they have been received by the Institute Archives.

Graduate Student Exit Interviews

In order to best serve the educational, scientific, and social needs of graduate students in the Chemistry Department, it is critically important that Departmental leadership be appropriately informed of issues of importance to graduate students, ideally on an ongoing basis. Graduate student exit interviews provide information that alert the Department to acute issues that affect graduate students and provide data for longitudinal assessments of graduate student experience within the program.Graduate exit interviews are administered to all graduate students departing the Chemistry Department. The exit interview applies equally to graduate students departing with completed degrees (Ph.D. and M.S.) and without degrees.

  • Graduating students will be sent a list of interview questions by the Chemistry Education Office when the student joins the degree list. Instructions about scheduling a time for the in-person or virtual discussion will be included with other informational correspondence from the Chemistry Education Office regarding degree completion. Graduating students will perform their exit interview after the thesis defense so as to avoid making the interview an additional burden.
  • For students departing the program without a degree, the interview questions and instructions for scheduling an in-person discussion will be sent by the Chemistry Education Office at the point in time that a date for termination of their appointment in Chemistry is determined.
  • For the majority of departing students, this interview coincides with the end of the semester, but a rolling schedule of surveys is anticipated.

Postdoctoral/Research Specialist Appointments

If you plan to transition to a postdoctoral/research specialist appointment within the Department of Chemistry at MIT, please contact Jennifer Weisman and  Chemistry HR as soon as possible. If you are an international student, it is extremely important that you start this process early to allow sufficient timing for visa processing. In addition to talking with Jennifer and HR, please consult with the International Students Office .Your final signed thesis must be submitted before a postdoc appointment can start. IMPORTANT: If you need to enroll in the MIT employee health plan, then your appointment will need to last at least 90 days in order for you to remain benefits eligible. If your appointment were to last less than 90 days, MIT will retroactively cancel your health insurance, and any medical expenses you have during this time will be rebilled to you.

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Polymers and Soft Matter

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Department of Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of the world of atoms, molecules, and solids. Chemists are both students and architects of this miniature universe, exploring the changes that occur, discovering the principles that govern these chemical changes, and devising ways to create entirely new classes of compounds and materials. Previous triumphs of chemistry include the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agricultural products, while current challenges include chemical memory, solar cells, superconductors, clean fuels, batteries, and the solution of numerous important problems relating to health and the environment.

The Department of Chemistry offers the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The department's program of teaching and research spans the breadth of chemistry. General areas covered include biological chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Some of the activities of the department, especially those that involve "translational research" (the application of basic science to practical problems) are carried out in association with interdisciplinary laboratories and centers. See the section on Research and Study for more information .

The Bachelor of Science degree provides rigorous education in the fundamental areas of chemical and biochemical knowledge and experimentation. Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and to take graduate-level chemistry classes as well as subjects in other departments at the Institute, Harvard University, or Wellesley College.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree trains students to be world leaders in scientific research and education. In addition to formal coursework, each student undertakes a research problem that forms the core of graduate work. Graduate- and postgraduate-level research is often carried out in collaboration with scientists in other facilities and interdisciplinary laboratories.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Course 5)

Bachelor of science in chemistry and biology (course 5-7), minor in chemistry, undergraduate study, standard chemistry option.

The Department of Chemistry offers an undergraduate program sufficiently broad as to provide excellent preparation for careers in many different areas of chemistry. Course 5 is designed to provide an education based on science, both for those who intend to go on to graduate study and those who intend to pursue a professional career immediately in either chemistry or an allied field, such as medicine, in which a sound knowledge of chemistry is important. Students receive thorough instruction in the principles of chemistry, supplemented by a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, biology, and the humanities. The Department of Chemistry also teaches courses jointly with the departments of Biology, Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering. Students at all levels are encouraged to undertake original research under the supervision of a member of the chemistry faculty.

Flexible Chemistry Option

The Flexible Chemistry Option , “ChemFlex,” is designed to provide an education both for those who intend to pursue chemistry as a career and for those who plan to go into an allied field, such as biotechnology or scientific consulting, in which a sound knowledge of chemistry is important. Students receive thorough instruction in the principles of chemistry, supplemented by a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, biology, and the humanities. This training can be tailored to the student's interests by the judicious choice of elective focus subjects that contribute to the major. The Department of Chemistry also teaches courses jointly with the departments of Biology, Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering. The student's faculty advisor can offer suggestions for elective subjects that are of value in preparation for specialization in the various broad areas of chemistry. The proper choice of electives is particularly important for students planning to continue their education in a graduate program. Students at all levels are encouraged to undertake original research.

The Departments of Biology and Chemistry jointly offer a  Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biology . A detailed description of the requirements for this degree program can be found in the section on Interdisciplinary Programs.

The requirements for a Minor in Chemistry are as follows:

Principles of Inorganic Chemistry I12
Organic Chemistry I12
Laboratory Chemistry 12
Thermodynamics I6
Thermodynamics II and Kinetics6
Select 24 units of the following:24
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II
Introduction to Biological Chemistry
Fundamentals of Chemical Biology
Organic Chemistry II
Recombinant DNA Technology
Cancer Drug Efficacy
Organic Structure Determination
Continuous Flow Chemistry: Sustainable Conversion of Reclaimed Vegetable Oil into Biodiesel
Chemistry of Renewable Energy
Synthesis of Boron Heterocycles
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Introduction to Spectroscopy
Electronic Structure of Molecules
Physical Chemistry
Total Units72
Fundamentals of Spectroscopy, Synthesis of Coordination Compounds and Kinetics, and Macromolecular Prodrugs is an acceptable alternative.

Additional information may be obtained from the Chemistry Education Office, Room 6-205, 617-253-7271.

Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate study.

The Department of Chemistry offers the Doctor of Philosophy degree. The subjects offered aim to develop a sound knowledge of fundamentals and a familiarity with current progress in the most active and important areas of chemistry. In addition to studying formal subjects, each student undertakes a research problem that forms the core of graduate work. Through the experience of conducting an investigation leading to the doctoral thesis, a student learns general methods of approach and acquires training in some of the specialized techniques of research.

The areas of research in the department include chemical biology, environmental, inorganic, materials, organic and physical chemistry, broadly defined. Chemical research frequently involves more than one of the traditional subfields. Some research activities of the department are carried out in association with interdisciplinary laboratories and centers as described in Research and Study. These interdisciplinary research laboratories provide stimulating interaction among the research programs of several MIT departments and give students opportunities to become familiar with research work in disciplines other than chemistry. The department also participates in the interdisciplinary graduate Program in Polymers and Soft Matter, the Biotechnology Training Program, the Microbiology Program, and the Biophysics Certificate Program.

Admission Requirements for Graduate Study

Students intending to do graduate work in the Chemistry Department should have excellent undergraduate preparation in chemistry. The department is flexible with respect to specific course preparation; the essential requirement is demonstration of ability to progress with advanced study and research in some area of special interest. However, mathematics and physics are important prerequisites for graduate work in physical chemistry or chemical physics, whereas less preparation in these areas is required for work in organic chemistry.

The Chemistry Department does not have any formal subject requirements for the doctoral degree. Each student, with the advice of a research supervisor, pursues an individual program of study that is pertinent to the student's long-range research interests. All students are required to serve as a teaching assistant for two terms, usually during the first year.

During the first term of residence, all graduate students are encouraged to select research supervisors who serve as their advisors for the balance of their graduate careers. In particular, the overall program of graduate subjects is established by each student in consultation with the research supervisor. In planning this program and in establishing the thesis problem, careful consideration is given to the candidate's academic record and professional experience, as well as to long-range objectives.

A comprehensive oral examination in the candidate's major field of advanced study is held generally in the fourth term of residence. Progress in the student's research is also examined at that time. Fulfillment of the written examination occurs in conjunction with the oral examination and involves the preparation and submission of a formal document summarizing the dissertation project and progress to date. A final oral presentation on the subject of the doctoral research is scheduled after the thesis has been submitted and evaluated by a committee of examiners.

Interdisciplinary Programs

The Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM)  offers students from participating departments an interdisciplinary core curriculum in polymer science and engineering, exposure to the broader polymer community through seminars, contact with visitors from industry and academia, and interdepartmental collaboration while working towards a PhD or ScD degree.

Research opportunities include functional polymers, controlled drug delivery, nanostructured polymers, polymers at interfaces, biomaterials, molecular modeling, polymer synthesis, biomimetic materials, polymer mechanics and rheology, self-assembly, and polymers in energy. The program is described in more detail under Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs.

Financial Support

First-year graduate students are usually supported by a combination of departmental fellowships and research assistantships while they complete the academic teaching requirement. Most students receive appointments to research assistantships after their first year, and departmental fellowships are also available. Financial support after the first academic year is subject to the availability of funds and provided for students who maintain a satisfactory record.

Correspondence about the graduate program or appointments should be addressed to the Chemistry Education Office, Room 6-205, 617-253-1851.

Faculty and Teaching Staff

Troy Van Voorhis, PhD

Robert T. Haslam and Bradley Dewey Professor

Professor of Chemistry

Head, Department of Chemistry

Jeremiah A. Johnson, PhD

Thomas Guertin Professor

Associate Head, Department of Chemistry

Elizabeth M. Nolan, PhD

Ivan R. Cottrell Professor of Immunology

Moungi G. Bawendi, PhD

Lester Wolfe Professor

Stephen Leffler Buchwald, PhD

Camille Dreyfus Professor

Jianshu Cao, PhD

Sylvia Ceyer, PhD

John C. Sheehan Professor

Arup K. Chakraborty, PhD

John M. Deutch Institute Professor

Robert T. Haslam (1911) Professor in Chemical Engineering

Professor of Physics

Core Faculty, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science

Christopher C. Cummins, PhD

Henry Dreyfus Professor

Rick Lane Danheiser, PhD

Arthur C. Cope Professor

Mircea Dincă, PhD

W. M. Keck Professor of Energy

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Catherine L. Drennan, PhD

John and Dorothy Wilson Professor

Professor of Biology

John M. Essigmann, PhD

Professor Post-Tenure of Toxicology and Biological Engineering

Professor Post-Tenure of Chemistry

Danna E. Freedman, PhD

Frederick George Keyes Professor

Robert G. Griffin, PhD

Arthur Amos Noyes Professor

Mei Hong, PhD

David A. Leighty Professor

Barbara Imperiali, PhD

Class of 1922 Professor

Laura L. Kiessling, PhD

Novartis Professor

(On leave, spring)

Heather J. Kulik, PhD

Mohammad Movassaghi, PhD

Keith Adam Nelson, PhD

Bradley L. Pentelute, PhD

Alexander T. Radosevich, PhD

Ronald T. Raines, PhD

Roger and Georges Firmenich Professor

Yuriy Román, PhD

Robert T. Haslam (1911) Professor of Chemical Engineering

Gabriela S. Schlau-Cohen, PhD

Alex K. Shalek, PhD

J. W. Kieckhefer Professor

Director, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science

Matthew D. Shoulders, PhD

Susan Solomon, PhD

Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor in Environmental Studies

Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Science

Yogesh Surendranath, PhD

Timothy M. Swager, PhD

John D. MacArthur Professor

Steven R. Tannenbaum, PhD

Underwood-Prescott Professor Post-Tenure

Adam P. Willard, PhD

(On leave, fall)

Associate Professors

Robert J. Gilliard, PhD

Novartis Associate Professor of Chemistry

Daniel L. M. Suess, PhD

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Xiao Wang, PhD

Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Professor

Alison Wendlandt, PhD

Bin Zhang, PhD

Pfizer Laubach Career Development Professor

Assistant Professors

Masha Elkin, PhD

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Oleta Johnson, PhD

William R (1964) and Daniel L. (1995) Young Career Development Professor

Brett McGuire, PhD

Class of 1943 Career Development Professor

Chunte Sam Peng, PhD

Pfizer-Laubach Career Development Professor


John Dolhun, PhD

Instructor of Chemistry

David Grimes, PhD

Walter Massefski, PhD

Pushpa Venkatesan, PhD

Research Staff

Principal research scientists.

Peter Mueller, PhD

Principal Research Scientist of Chemistry

Research Scientists

Charlotte (Charlie) Farquhar, PhD

Research Scientist of Chemistry

Mohanraja Kumar, PhD

Andrei Loas, PhD

Alexei Maznev, PhD

Ravi Shankar Palani Velayutham, PhD

Robert Wilson, PhD

Research Specialists

Bridget Becker, PhD

Research Specialist of Chemistry

Gang Liu, PhD

Professors Emeriti

John M. Deutch, PhD

Institute Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Robert W. Field, ScD, PhD

Robert T. Haslam and Bradley Dewey Professor Emeritus

Frederick D. Greene, ScD, PhD

Timothy F. Jamison, PhD

Robert R. Taylor Professor Emeritus

Alexander M. Klibanov, PhD

Novartis Professor Emeritus

Professor Emeritus of Bioengineering

Stephen J. Lippard, PhD

Arthur Amos Noyes Professor Emeritus

Richard Royce Schrock, PhD

Frederick George Keyes Professor Emeritus

Jeffrey I. Steinfeld, PhD

JoAnne Stubbe, PhD

Novartis Professor Emerita

Professor Emerita of Chemistry

Professor Emerita of Biology

5.000[J] Dimensions of Geoengineering

Same subject as 1.850[J] , 10.600[J] , 11.388[J] , 12.884[J] , 15.036[J] , 16.645[J] Prereq: None G (Fall; first half of term) Not offered regularly; consult department 2-0-4 units

Familiarizes students with the potential contributions and risks of using geoengineering technologies to control climate damage from global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Discusses geoengineering in relation to other climate change responses: reducing emissions, removing CO2 from the atmosphere, and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Limited to 100.

J. Deutch, M. Zuber

5.002[J] Viruses, Pandemics, and Immunity

Same subject as 10.380[J] , HST.438[J] Subject meets with 5.003[J] , 8.245[J] , 10.382[J] , HST.439[J] Prereq: None U (Spring) Not offered regularly; consult department 2-0-1 units

See description under subject HST.438[J] . Preference to first-year students; all others should take HST.439[J] .

A. Chakraborty

5.003[J] Viruses, Pandemics, and Immunity

Same subject as 8.245[J] , 10.382[J] , HST.439[J] Subject meets with 5.002[J] , 10.380[J] , HST.438[J] Prereq: None U (Spring) Not offered regularly; consult department 2-0-1 units

See description under subject HST.439[J] . HST.438[J] intended for first-year students; all others should take HST.439[J] .

5.009[J] Ocean Chemistry Change Laboratory (New)

Same subject as 12.314[J] Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) U (Spring; first half of term) 1-3-2 units. Partial Lab

See description under subject 12.314[J] .

5.03 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry I

Prereq: 5.12 U (Spring) 5-0-7 units

Presents principles of chemical bonding and molecular structure, and their application to the chemistry of representative elements of the periodic system.

D. Suess, R. Gilliard

5.04 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II

Prereq: 5.03 U (Fall) 4-0-8 units

Systematic presentation of the chemical applications of group theory. Emphasis on the formal development of the subject and its applications to the physical methods of inorganic chemical compounds. Against the backdrop of electronic structure, the electronic, vibrational, and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes are presented and their investigation by the appropriate spectroscopy described.

Y. Surendranath, D. Freedman

5.05 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry III

Prereq: 5.03 ; Coreq: 5.04 G (Fall; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Principles of main group (s and p block) element chemistry with an emphasis on synthesis, structure, bonding, and reaction mechanisms.

C. C. Cummins

5.061 Principles of Organometallic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.03 G (Spring; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

A comprehensive treatment of organometallic compounds of the transition metals with emphasis on structure, bonding, synthesis, and mechanism.

5.062 Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.03 Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Fall; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Delineates principles that form the basis for understanding how metal ions function in biology. Examples chosen from recent literature on a range of topics, including the global biogeochemical cycles of the elements; choice, uptake and assembly of metal-containing units; structure, function and biosynthesis of complex metallocofactors; electron-transfer and redox chemistry; atom and group transfer chemistry; protein tuning of metal properties; metalloprotein engineering and design; and applications to diagnosis and treatment of disease.

5.064 Solid-state Materials Chemistry

Prereq: 5.03 G (Spring; second half of term) 3-0-3 units

Fundamentals of materials chemistry with a focus on solid-state materials. Builds upon ideas of band structure from a chemical perspective and progresses to physical properties, including magnetism and conductivity. 

D. Freedman

5.065 Electrochemistry

Prereq: None G (Spring; first half of term) 3-0-3 units

Fundamentals of electrochemistry with an emphasis on physical principles, experimental techniques, and select applications. Builds from molecular-level theories of charge transfer reactions and double layer structure and progress to the use of electrochemistry as a method for characterizing redox properties, synthesizing materials, and interconverting electrical and chemical energy. Background in organic chemistry required.

Y. Surendranath

5.067 Crystal Structure Refinement

Prereq: 5.069 or permission of instructor G (Fall) 2-3-1 units

Practical aspects of crystal structure determination from data collection strategies to data reduction and basic and advanced refinement problems of organic and inorganic molecules.

5.068 Physical Inorganic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.03 and 5.04 Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Spring; second half of term) 3-0-3 units

Discusses the physical methods used to probe the electronic and geometric structures of inorganic compounds, with additional techniques employed in the characterization of inorganic solids and surfaces. Includes vibrational spectroscopy, solid state and solution magnetochemical methods, Mossbauer spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, electrochemical methods, and a brief survey of surface techniques. Applications to current research problems in inorganic and solid-state chemistry.

5.069 Crystal Structure Analysis

Prereq: 5.03 and 5.04 G (Spring; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Introduction to X-ray crystallography: symmetry in real and reciprocal space, space and Laue groups, geometry of diffraction, structure factors, phase problem, direct and Patterson methods, electron density maps, structure refinement, crystal growth, powder methods, limits of diffraction methods, structure data bases.

5.07[J] Introduction to Biological Chemistry

Same subject as 20.507[J] Prereq: 5.12 U (Fall) 5-0-7 units. REST Credit cannot also be received for 7.05

Chemical and physical properties of the cell and its building blocks. Structures of proteins and principles of catalysis. The chemistry of organic/inorganic cofactors required for chemical transformations within the cell. Basic principles of metabolism and regulation in pathways, including glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis/degradation, pentose phosphate pathway, Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, DNA replication, and transcription and translation.

B. Pentelute, E. Nolan

5.08[J] Fundamentals of Chemical Biology

Same subject as 7.08[J] Subject meets with 7.80 Prereq: ( Biology (GIR) , 5.13 , and ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 )) or permission of instructor U (Spring) 4-0-8 units

Spanning the fields of biology, chemistry, and engineering, this class introduces students to the principles of chemical biology and the application of chemical and physical methods and reagents to the study and manipulation of biological systems. Topics include nucleic acid structure, recognition, and manipulation; protein folding and stability, and proteostasis; bioorthogonal reactions and activity-based protein profiling; chemical genetics and small-molecule inhibitor screening; fluorescent probes for biological analysis and imaging; and unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. The class will also discuss the logic of dynamic post-translational modification reactions with an emphasis on chemical biology approaches for studying complex processes including glycosylation, phosphorylation, and lipidation. Students taking the graduate version are expected to explore the subject in greater depth.

B. Imperiali, R. Raines

5.111 Principles of Chemical Science

Prereq: None U (Fall, Spring) 5-0-7 units. CHEMISTRY Credit cannot also be received for 3.091 , 5.112 , CC.5111 , ES.5111 , ES.5112

Introduction to chemistry, with emphasis on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. Introduction to the chemistry of biological, inorganic, and organic molecules.

A. Willard, B. Pentelute, M. Hong, B. McGuire

5.112 Principles of Chemical Science

Prereq: None U (Fall) 5-0-7 units. CHEMISTRY Credit cannot also be received for 3.091 , 5.111 , CC.5111 , ES.5111 , ES.5112

Introduction to chemistry for students who have taken two or more years of high school chemistry or who have earned a score of at least 4 on the ETS Advanced Placement Exam.  Emphasis on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. Applications of basic principles to problems in metal coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, and biological chemistry.

S. Ceyer, M. Dinca

5.12 Organic Chemistry I

Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) U (Fall, Spring) 5-0-7 units. REST Credit cannot also be received for CC.512

Introduction to organic chemistry. Development of basic principles to understand the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. Emphasis on substitution and elimination reactions and chemistry of the carbonyl group. Introduction to the chemistry of aromatic compounds.

J. Johnson, A. Wendlandt, R. Danheiser

5.13 Organic Chemistry II

Prereq: 5.12 U (Fall) 5-0-7 units

Focuses on synthesis, structure determination, mechanism, and the relationships between structure and reactivity. Selected topics illustrate the role of organic chemistry in biological systems and in the chemical industry.

L. Kiessling

5.24[J] Archaeological Science

Same subject as 3.985[J] , 12.011[J] Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) or Physics I (GIR) U (Spring) 3-1-5 units. HASS-S

See description under subject 3.985[J] .

M. Tarkanian, J. Meanwell

5.301 Chemistry Laboratory Techniques

Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) and permission of instructor U (IAP) 1-4-1 units

Practical training in basic chemistry laboratory techniques. Intended to provide students with the skills necessary to undertake original research projects in chemistry. Limited to first-year students in IAP (application required); open to all students in spring (enrollment by lottery).

J. Dolhun, P. Venkatesan

5.302 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry

Prereq: None U (IAP; partial term) 0-3-0 units

Illustrates fundamental principles of chemical science through practical experience with chemical phenomena. Students explore the theoretical concepts of chemistry through the experiments which informed their discovery, and make chemistry happen with activities that are intellectually stimulating and fun. Preference to first-year students.

J. Dolhun, M. Shoulders

5.310 Laboratory Chemistry

Prereq: None. Coreq: 5.12 U (Fall, Spring) 2-7-3 units. Institute LAB

Introduces experimental chemistry for students who are not majoring in Course 5. Principles and applications of chemical laboratory techniques, including preparation and analysis of chemical materials, measurement of pH, gas and liquid chromatography, visible-ultraviolet spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy, kinetics, data analysis, and elementary synthesis, are described, in addition to experimental design principles. Includes instruction and practice in written and oral communication to multiple audiences. Enrollment limited.

Information: P. Venkatesan

5.351 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy

Prereq: Chemistry (GIR) U (Fall, Spring; partial term) 1-2-1 units. Partial Lab

Students carry out an experiment that introduces fundamental principles of the most common types of spectroscopy, including UV-visible absorption and fluorescence, infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance. Emphasizes principles of how light interacts with matter, a fundamental and hands-on understanding of how spectrometers work, and what can be learned through spectroscopy about prototype molecules and materials. Students record and analyze spectra of small organic molecules, native and denatured proteins, semiconductor quantum dots, and laser crystals. Satisfies 4 units of Institute Laboratory credit.

5.352 Synthesis of Coordination Compounds and Kinetics

Prereq: None. Coreq: 5.351 U (Fall, Spring; partial term) 1-2-2 units. Partial Lab

Students carry out an experiment that provides an introduction to the synthesis of simple coordination compounds and chemical kinetics. Illustrates cobalt coordination chemistry and its transformations as detected by visible spectroscopy. Students observe isosbestic points in visible spectra, determine the rate and rate law, measure the rate constant at several temperatures, and derive the activation energy for the aquation reaction. Satisfies 5 units of Institute Laboratory credit.

5.353 Macromolecular Prodrugs

Prereq: None. Coreq: 5.12 and 5.352 U (Fall, Spring; partial term) 1-2-1 units. Partial Lab

Students carry out an experiment that builds skills in how to rationally design macromolecules for drug delivery based on fundamental principles of physical organic chemistry. Begins with conjugation of a drug molecule to a polymerizable group through a cleavable linker to generate a prodrug monomer. Continues with polymerization of monomer to produce macromolecular (i.e., polymer) prodrug; monomer and polymer prodrugs are fully characterized. Rate of drug release is measured and correlated to the size of the macromolecule as well as the structure of the cleavable linker. Satisfies 4 units of Institute Laboratory credit.

5.361 Recombinant DNA Technology

Prereq: ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) and ( 5.310 or 5.352 ) U (Spring; partial term) 1-2-1 units

Students explore the biochemical basis for the efficacy of a blockbuster drug: Gleevec, which is used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia. Its target, Abl kinase, is produced in E. coli by recombinant DNA technology, purified using affinity chromatography, and analyzed with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, UV-vis spectroscopy, and a colorimetric assay. Natural mutations found in Gleevec-resistant cancer patients are introduced into the ABL1 proto-oncogene with PCR-based mutagenesis and analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis.

5.362 Cancer Drug Efficacy

Prereq: ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) and ( 5.310 or 5.352 ); Coreq: 5.361 U (Spring; partial term) 1-2-2 units

Students probe the structural basis for the development of resistance to Gleevec by cancer patients. LC-MS is used to quantify the effect of Gleevec on catalysis by wild-type Abl kinase and a Gleevec-resistant variant (Module 4). Other potential drugs are tested as inhibitors of the Abl variant. Molecular graphics software is used to understand catalysis by Abl kinase, its inhibition by Gleevec, and the basis for drug resistance.

5.363 Organic Structure Determination

Prereq: 5.12 ; Coreq: 5.13 U (Fall; partial term) 1-2-1 units. Partial Lab

Introduces modern methods for the elucidation of the structure of organic compounds. Students carry out transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions, based on chemistry developed in the Buchwald laboratory, using reactants of unknown structure. Students also perform full spectroscopic characterization - by proton and carbon NMR, IR, and mass spectrometry of the reactants - and carry out coupling products in order to identify the structures of each compound. Other techniques include transfer and manipulation of organic and organometallic reagents and compounds, separation by extraction, and purification by column chromatography. Satisfies 4 units of Institute Laboratory credit.

S. Buchwald

5.371 Continuous Flow Chemistry: Sustainable Conversion of Reclaimed Vegetable Oil into Biodiesel

Prereq: 5.13 and 5.363 U (Spring; partial term) 1-2-1 units

Presents the theoretical and practical fundamentals of continuous flow synthesis, wherein pumps, tubes, and connectors are used to conduct chemical reactions instead of flasks, beakers, etc. Focuses on a catalytic reaction that converts natural vegetable oil into biodiesel that can be used in a variety of combustion engines. Provides instruction in several important organic chemistry experimental techniques, including purification by extraction, rotary evaporation, acid-base titration, gas chromatography (GC), and 1 H NMR.

5.372 Chemistry of Renewable Energy

Prereq: 5.03 and 5.352 U (Fall; partial term) 1-2-1 units

Introduces the electrochemical processes that underlie renewable energy storage and recovery. Students investigate charge transfer reactions at electrode surfaces that are critical to the operation of advanced batteries, fuel cells, and electrolyzers. Develops basic theory behind inner- and outer-sphere charge transfer reactions at interfaces and applies this theory to construct mechanistic models for important energy conversion reactions including the reduction of O 2 to water and the reduction of protons to H 2 . Students will also synthesize new catalytic materials for these reactions and investigate their relative performance.

5.373 Synthesis of Boron Heterocycles

Prereq: 5.03 and 5.363 U (Fall; partial term) 1-2-1 units

Experimental module focused on the synthesis and characterization of boron heterocycles, which are used as chemical synthons for metal complexes, small-molecule activation (e.g., carbon dioxide), catalysis mediators, components of optoelectronic materials, monomers for polymeric systems, and molecular building blocks for photochemistry. Covers techniques such as glovebox and Schlenk line methods for synthesis in the absence of oxygen and water; ligand effects, filtration, reaction mixture concentration, and recrystallization under an inert atmosphere. Characterization methods include proton and boron NMR spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and fluorescence measurements.

R. Gilliard

5.381 Quantum Dots

Prereq: 5.353 and 5.611 Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: U (Spring; partial term) 1-2-1 units

Covers synthesis of a discrete size series of quantum dots, followed by synthesis of a single size of core/shell quantum dots utilizing air-free Schlenk manipulation of precursors. Uses characterization by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies to rationalize the compositional/size dependence of the shell on the electronic structure of the quantum dots. Students acquire time traces of the fluorescence of single core and core/shell quantum dots using single molecule spectroscopic tools. The fluorescence on/off blinking distribution observed will be fit to a standard model. Students use Matlab for computational modeling of the electron and hole wavefunction in core and core/shell quantum dots. Analyzes several commercial applications of quantum dot technologies.

5.382 Time- and Frequency-resolved Spectroscopy of Photosynthesis

Prereq: 5.611 and ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ); Coreq: 5.361 U (Spring; partial term) 1-2-2 units

Uses time- and frequency-resolved fluorescence measurements to investigate photosynthetic light harvesting and energy transfer.

G. Schlau-Cohen

5.383 Fast-flow Peptide and Protein Synthesis

Prereq: 5.363 and ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: U (Spring; partial term) 1-2-1 units

Develops understanding of both the theory and practice of fundamental techniques in biological chemistry, including chemical reactivity (amide-bond formation, solid phase synthesis, disulfide bond formation, and protecting group chemistry); separation science for purification and analysis, such as preparative HPLC and MALDI-TOF MS; and protein structure-function relationships (protein folding and binding). Periodically, guest lecturers from the local biotech research community will describe practical applications in industry.

B. Pentelute

5.39 Research and Communication in Chemistry

Prereq: An approved research experience and permission of instructor U (Spring) 2-12-6 units

Independent research under the direction of a member of the Chemistry Department faculty. Allows students with a strong interest in independent research to fulfill  part of the laboratory requirement for the Chemistry Department Program in the context of a research laboratory at MIT. The research must be conducted on the MIT campus and be a continuation of a previous 12-unit UROP project or full-time work over the summer. Instruction and practice in written and oral communication is provided, culminating in a poster presentation of the work at the annual departmental UROP symposium and a research publication-style writeup of the results.  Permission of the faculty research advisor and the Chemistry Education Office must be obtained in advance.

A. Radosevich

5.43 Advanced Organic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.13 U (Spring) 4-0-8 units

Reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry: methods of investigation, relation of structure to reactivity, and reactive intermediates. Photochemistry and organometallic chemistry, with an emphasis on fundamental reactivity, mechanistic studies, and applications in organic chemistry.

5.44 Organometallic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.061 , 5.43 , 5.47 , or permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Fall; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Examination of the most important transformations of organotransition-metal species. Emphasizes basic mechanisms of their reactions, structure-reactivity relationships, and applications in synthesis.

A. Wendlandt

5.45 Heterocyclic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.511 and 5.53 G (Spring; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Provides an introduction to the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. Surveys synthesis and reactivity of the major classes of heterocyclic organic compounds. Discusses the importance of these molecules in the pharmaceutical and other industries.

5.46 NMR Spectroscopy and Organic Structure Determination

Prereq: 5.13 G (Spring; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Applications of multinuclear NMR spectroscopy to the study of organic compounds.

W. Massefski

5.47 Tutorial in Organic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.43 and permission of instructor G (Fall; partial term) 2-0-4 units

Systematic review of fundamental concepts concerned with the structure and transformations of organic molecules. Problem-solving workshop format. The program is intended primarily for first-year graduate students with a strong interest in organic chemistry. Meets during the month of September.

S. Buchwald, T. Swager, R. Danheiser, J. Johnson, M. Movassaghi, A. Wendlandt

5.48[J] Protein Folding in Health and Disease

Same subject as 7.88[J] Prereq: ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) and permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Spring; first half of term) 3-0-3 units

Focuses on understanding the chemical and biological mechanisms of protein folding, misfolding, aggregation, and quality control. Topics covered include: molecular mechanisms of protein folding; experimental and computational strategies to study protein folding; how cells fold and quality control proteins; protein misfolding and aggregation; proteostasis and human disease; strategies to address protein folding failures in disease; and protein folding in biotechnology development. Provides state-of-the-art understanding of the field, fosters ability to critically assess and use the literature, and empowers students to study and address protein folding issues in their research and beyond.

M. Shoulders

5.49 Chemical Microbiology

Prereq: ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) and permission of instructor G (Spring; second half of term) 3-0-3 units

Focuses on molecular understanding of fundamental processes central to microbial physiology and infectious disease. Topics covered vary and may include (i) secondary metabolite biosynthesis and function, (ii) small molecule mediators of microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions, (iii) membrane assembly, (iv) metal homeostasis and regulation, (v) antibiotics and antibiotic resistance, (vi) chemistry of the microbiome, and (vii) molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions. Integrates experimental approaches and primary literature.

5.511 Synthetic Organic Chemistry I

Prereq: 5.43 and permission of instructor G (Fall; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Presents and discusses important topics in modern synthetic organic chemistry, with the objective of developing problem-solving skills for the design of synthetic routes to complex molecules.

M. Movassaghi

5.512 Synthetic Organic Chemistry II

Prereq: 5.511 G (Spring; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

General methods and strategies for the synthesis of complex organic compounds.

5.52 Tutorial in Chemical Biology

Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall) 2-2-8 units

Provides an overview of the core principles of chemistry that underlie biological systems. Students explore research topics and methods in chemical biology by participating in laboratory rotations, then present on experiments performed during each rotation. Intended for first-year graduate students with a strong interest in chemical biology.

5.53 Molecular Structure and Reactivity

Prereq: 5.43 , 5.601 , and 5.602 G (Fall) 3-0-9 units

Reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry: methods of investigation, relation of structure to reactivity, and reactive intermediates.

A. Radosevich, M. Elkin

5.54[J] Advances in Chemical Biology

Same subject as 7.540[J] , 20.554[J] Prereq: 5.07[J] , 5.13 , 7.06 , and permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 units

Introduction to current research at the interface of chemistry, biology, and bioengineering. Topics include imaging of biological processes, metabolic pathway engineering, protein engineering, mechanisms of DNA damage, RNA structure and function, macromolecular machines, protein misfolding and disease, metabolomics, and methods for analyzing signaling network dynamics. Lectures are interspersed with class discussions and student presentations based on current literature.

L. Kiessling, M. Shoulders

5.55 NMR Spectroscopy and Biochemical Structure Determination

Prereq: ( 5.07[J] and 5.08[J] ) or permission of instructor G (Spring; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Practical nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy applied to problems in biochemistry and chemical biology.

5.56 Molecular Structure and Reactivity II

Prereq: 5.53 or permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Spring; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Application of physical principles and methods to contemporary problems of interest in organic and polymer chemistry.

5.561 Chemistry in Industry

Prereq: 5.03 , 5.13 , and ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) G (Spring) Not offered regularly; consult department 2-0-4 units

Examination of recent advances in organic, biological, and inorganic and physical chemical research in industry. Taught in seminar format with participation by scientists from industrial research laboratories.

R. L. Danheiser

5.601 Thermodynamics I

Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) and Chemistry (GIR) U (Fall, Spring; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Basic thermodynamics: state of a system, state variables. Work, heat, first law of thermodynamics, thermochemistry. Second and third law of thermodynamics: entropy and free energy, including the molecular basis for these thermodynamic functions. Equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems. Special attention to thermodynamics related to global energy issues and biological systems. Combination of 5.601 and 5.602 counts as a REST subject.

S. Peng, K. Nelson

5.602 Thermodynamics II and Kinetics

Prereq: 5.601 U (Fall, Spring; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Free energy and chemical potential. Phase equilibrium and properties of solutions. Chemical equilibrium of reactions. Rates of chemical reactions. Special attention to thermodynamics related to global energy issues and biological systems. Combination of 5.601 and 5.602 counts as a REST subject.

Consult B. McGuire

5.611 Introduction to Spectroscopy

Prereq: Calculus II (GIR) , Chemistry (GIR) , and Physics II (GIR) U (Fall; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Introductory quantum chemistry; particles and waves; wave mechanics; harmonic oscillator; applications to IR, Microwave and NMR spectroscopy. Combination of 5.611 and 5.612 counts as a REST subject.

5.612 Electronic Structure of Molecules

Prereq: 5.611 U (Fall; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Introductory electronic structure; atomic structure and the Periodic Table; valence and molecular orbital theory; molecular structure, and photochemistry. Combination of 5.611 and 5.612 counts as a REST subject.

5.62 Physical Chemistry

Prereq: 5.601 , 5.602 , 5.611 , and 5.612 U (Spring) 4-0-8 units

Elementary statistical mechanics; transport properties; kinetic theory; solid state; reaction rate theory; and chemical reaction dynamics.

S. Ceyer, A. Willard

5.64[J] Advances in Interdisciplinary Science in Human Health and Disease

Same subject as HST.539[J] Prereq: 5.13 , 5.601 , 5.602 , and ( 5.07[J] or 7.05 ) G (Spring) 3-0-9 units

Introduces major principles, concepts, and clinical applications of biophysics, biophysical chemistry, and systems biology. Emphasizes biological macromolecular interactions, biochemical reaction dynamics, and genomics. Discusses current technological frontiers and areas of active research at the interface of basic and clinical science. Provides integrated, interdisciplinary training and core experimental and computational methods in molecular biochemistry and genomics.

A. Shalek, X. Wang

5.68[J] Kinetics of Chemical Reactions

Same subject as 10.652[J] Prereq: 5.62 , 10.37 , or 10.65 Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Fall) 3-0-6 units

Experimental and theoretical aspects of chemical reaction kinetics, including transition-state theories, molecular beam scattering, classical techniques, quantum and statistical mechanical estimation of rate constants, pressure-dependence and chemical activation, modeling complex reacting mixtures, and uncertainty/ sensitivity analyses. Reactions in the gas phase, liquid phase, and on surfaces are discussed with examples drawn from atmospheric, combustion, industrial, catalytic, and biological chemistry.

W. H. Green

5.697[J] Computational Chemistry

Same subject as 10.437[J] Subject meets with 5.698[J] , 10.637[J] Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: U (Fall) 3-0-9 units

See description under subject 10.437[J] . Limited to 35; no listeners.

H. J. Kulik

5.698[J] Computational Chemistry

Same subject as 10.637[J] Subject meets with 5.697[J] , 10.437[J] Prereq: Permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Fall) 3-0-9 units

See description under subject 10.637[J] . Limited to 35; no listeners.

5.70[J] Statistical Thermodynamics

Same subject as 10.546[J] Prereq: 5.601 or permission of instructor G (Fall) 3-0-9 units

Develops classical equilibrium statistical mechanical concepts for application to chemical physics problems. Basic concepts of ensemble theory formulated on the basis of thermodynamic fluctuations. Examples of applications include Ising models, lattice models of binding, ionic and non-ionic solutions, liquid theory, polymer and protein conformations, phase transition, and pattern formation. Introduces computational techniques with examples of liquid and polymer simulations.

J. Cao, B. Zhang

5.72 Statistical Mechanics

Prereq: 5.70[J] or permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: G (Spring; second half of term) Acad Year 2025-2026: Not offered 2-0-4 units

Principles and methods of statistical mechanics. Classical and quantum statistics, grand ensembles, fluctuations, molecular distribution functions, and other topics in equilibrium statistical mechanics. Topics in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of irreversible processes.

J. Cao. B. Zhang

5.73 Introductory Quantum Mechanics I

Prereq: 5.611 , 5.612 , 8.03 , and 18.03 G (Fall) 3-0-9 units

Presents the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics: wave properties, uncertainty principles, Schrodinger equation, and operator and matrix methods. Includes applications to one-dimensional potentials (harmonic oscillator), three-dimensional centrosymetric potentials (hydrogen atom), and angular momentum and spin. Approximation methods include WKB, variational principle, and perturbation theory.

5.74 Introductory Quantum Mechanics II

Prereq: 5.73 G (Spring) 3-0-9 units

Time-dependent quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. Topics include perturbation theory, two-level systems, light-matter interactions, relaxation in quantum systems, correlation functions and linear response theory, and nonlinear spectroscopy.

K. Nelson, G. Schlau-Cohen

5.78 Biophysical Chemistry Techniques

Subject meets with 7.71 Prereq: 5.07[J] or 7.05 Acad Year 2024-2025: G (Spring) Acad Year 2025-2026: Not offered 2-0-4 units

Presents principles of macromolecular crystallography that are essential for structure determinations. Topics include crystallization, diffraction theory, symmetry and space groups, data collection, phase determination methods, model building, and refinement. Discussion of crystallography theory complemented with exercises such as crystallization, data processing, and model building. Meets with 7.71 when offered concurrently. Enrollment limited.

5.80 Advanced Topics of Current Special Interest

Prereq: None G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged

Advanced topics of current special interest.

5.81[J] United States Energy Policy: Lessons Learned for the Future

Same subject as 15.029[J] Subject meets with 5.811[J] , 15.0291[J] Prereq: None Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Fall; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

Compares the US policy responses, from the Nixon administration to the current administration, on issues ranging from oil import dependence to nuclear nonproliferation. Examines what lessons were learned from these issues and how they have shaped the country's current climate change policy. Prepares students to be informed and effective participants in policy deliberations that require difficult decisions and trade-offs. Addresses both domestic and international policy aspects. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.

5.811[J] United States Energy Policy: Lessons Learned for the Future

Same subject as 15.0291[J] Subject meets with 5.81[J] , 15.029[J] Prereq: None Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: U (Fall; second half of term) 2-0-4 units

5.83 Advanced NMR Spectroscopy

Prereq: 5.73 or permission of instructor Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Spring; first half of term) 2-0-4 units

Offers a classical and quantum mechanical description of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The former includes key concepts such as nuclear spin magnetic moment, Larmor precession, Bloch equations, the rotating frame, radio-frequency pulses, vector model of pulsed NMR, Fourier transformation in 1D and nD NMR, orientation dependence of nuclear spin frequencies, and NMR relaxation. The latter covers nuclear spin Hamiltonians, density operator and its time evolution, the interaction representation, Average Hamiltonian Theory for multi-pulse experiments, and analysis of some common pulse sequences in solution and solid-state NMR.

5.891 Independent Study in Chemistry for Undergraduates

Prereq: None U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit.

Program of independent study under direction of Chemistry faculty member. May not substitute for required courses for the Chemistry major or minor.

5.892 Independent Study in Chemistry for Undergraduates

Prereq: None U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit.

5.893 Practical Internship Experience in Chemistry

Prereq: None U (Summer) 0-1-0 units Can be repeated for credit.

For Course 5 and 5-7 students participating in curriculum-related off-campus internship experiences in chemistry. Before enrolling, students must consult the Chemistry Education Office for details on procedures and restrictions, and have approval from their faculty advisor. Subject to department approval. Upon completion, the student must submit a write-up of the experience, approved by their faculty advisor.

5.90 Problems in Chemistry

Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring, Summer) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit.

Directed research and study of special chemical problems. For Chemistry graduate students only.

5.91 Teaching Experience in the Chemical Sciences

Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) Units arranged [P/D/F] Can be repeated for credit.

For students in the chemistry graduate program while teaching. Classroom or laboratory teaching under the supervision of a faculty member and classroom-based instruction on timely topics related to education and modern teaching practices. Limited to chemistry graduate students who are teaching the same term.

5.913 Seminar in Organic Chemistry

Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, Spring) 1-0-0 units Can be repeated for credit.

Discusses current journal publications in organic chemistry.

5.921 Seminar in Chemical Biology

Discusses topics of current interest in chemical biology.

M. Shoulders, R. Raines

5.931 Seminar in Physical Chemistry

Prereq: 5.60 G (Fall, Spring) 1-0-0 units Can be repeated for credit.

Discusses topics of current interest in physical chemistry.

5.941 Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry

Prereq: 5.03 G (Fall, Spring) 1-0-0 units Can be repeated for credit.

Discusses current research in inorganic chemistry.

5.95[J] Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering

Same subject as 1.95[J] , 7.59[J] , 8.395[J] , 18.094[J] Subject meets with 2.978 Prereq: None G (Fall) 2-0-2 units

Participatory seminar focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary for teaching science and engineering in higher education. Topics include theories of adult learning; course development; promoting active learning, problemsolving, and critical thinking in students; communicating with a diverse student body; using educational technology to further learning; lecturing; creating effective tests and assignments; and assessment and evaluation. Students research and present a relevant topic of particular interest. Appropriate for both novices and those with teaching experience.

5.961[J] Leadership and Professional Strategies & Skills Training (LEAPS), Part I: Advancing Your Professional Strategies and Skills

Same subject as 8.396[J] , 9.980[J] , 12.396[J] , 18.896[J] Prereq: None G (Spring; second half of term) 2-0-1 units

See description under subject 8.396[J] . Limited to 80.

5.962[J] Leadership and Professional Strategies & Skills Training (LEAPS), Part II: Developing Your Leadership Competencies

Same subject as 8.397[J] , 9.981[J] , 12.397[J] , 18.897[J] Prereq: None G (Spring; first half of term) 2-0-1 units

See description under subject 8.397[J] . Limited to 80.

5.S00 Special Subject in Chemistry

Prereq: None G (Fall; second half of term) Not offered regularly; consult department Units arranged

Organized lecture, subject consisting of material in the broadly-defined field of chemistry not offered in regularly scheduled subjects.

5.S64 Special Subject in Chemistry

Prereq: None G (Spring; first half of term) Not offered regularly; consult department 2-0-4 units

Organized lecture consisting of material in the broadly-defined field of chemistry not offered in regularly scheduled subjects.

5.S72 Special Subject in Chemistry

Prereq: None Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Spring) 3-0-9 units

Organized lecture consisting of material in the broadly defined field of chemistry not offered in regularly scheduled subjects.

5.S75 Special Subject in Chemistry

Prereq: None Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Spring) 2-0-4 units

5.S95 Special Subject in Chemistry

Prereq: None Acad Year 2024-2025: Not offered Acad Year 2025-2026: G (Fall, Spring) 1-0-1 units Can be repeated for credit.

B. Hansberry

5.THG Graduate Thesis

Prereq: Permission of instructor G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit.

Program of research leading to the writing of a PhD thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.

5.THU Undergraduate Thesis

Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Units arranged Can be repeated for credit.

Program of original research under supervision of a chemistry faculty member, culminating with the preparation of a thesis. Ordinarily requires equivalent of two terms of research with chemistry department faculty member.

5.UAR[J] Climate and Sustainability Undergraduate Advanced Research

Same subject as 1.UAR[J] , 3.UAR[J] , 11.UAR[J] , 12.UAR[J] , 15.UAR[J] , 22.UAR[J] Prereq: Permission of instructor U (Fall, Spring) 2-0-4 units Can be repeated for credit.

See description under subject 1.UAR[J] . Application required; consult MCSC website for more information.

D. Plata, E. Olivetti

5.UR Undergraduate Research

Program of research to be arranged by the student and a departmental faculty member. Research can be applied toward undergraduate thesis.

5.URG Undergraduate Research

Program of research to be arranged by the student and a departmental faculty member. May be taken for up to 12 units per term, not to exceed a cumulative total of 48 units. A 10-page paper summarizing research is required.

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Gilliard Research Laboratory

How to Join

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To Join the Gilliard Laboratory:

Prospective PhD students – must first be accepted into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry Graduate Program. Information on how to apply to MIT Chemistry may be found here . Students from both the inorganic and organic divisions are welcome in our laboratory. The Gilliard Laboratory is recruiting and has positions open for 2024 and 2025. Once admitted, students should indicate their interest, request a desk rotation, and attend research group meetings (currently 8:45-10:45 am on Monday, 18-378). Final group selection is made in accordance with the chemistry department’s research group selection progress, and decisions are announced near the end of the first semester of graduate study, ~November.

*We do not sponsor master’s degree students.

Visiting graduate students (MS or PhD) – are welcome in the Gilliard Laboratory provided there is mutual research interest and space is available. A proposed timeline, plan of study (1 page), and endorsement from the home institution/research advisor are required. All requests should be made to Prof. Gilliard via email ( [email protected] ). Note that visiting students are responsible for securing their own funding/fellowship/scholarship for housing and any additional academic fees.

Prospective postdoctoral fellows – are encouraged to apply for external funding through applicable agencies:

1.) Marie Skłodowska-Curie

2.) Fulbright Fellowships

3.) National Science Foundation

4.) National Institutes of Health

5.) Postdoctoral and Foreign Research (Korean National Research Foundation)

6.) Sejong Science Fellowship (Korean National Research Foundation)

*This only represents a sample of possible postdoc awards. Prof. Gilliard is pleased to host scholars with other types of fellowships as well.

* To apply, email Prof. Gilliard ( [email protected] ) with an initial (brief) plan that is in accord with the fellowship of interest. Prospective postdocs that belong to ethnic groups that are underrepresented in chemistry are strongly encouraged to apply with substantial advance notice as additional fellowship opportunities may exist.

*In exceptional cases, postdoctoral research associate applications will be considered without external funding. To apply, email Prof. Gilliard a detailed CV (including research expertise and publications) and 1-2 page proposal/plan of study (which should include information on career aspirations and a proposed appointment timeline). Only scholars with strong records of achievement and relevant publications will be considered.

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These resources are designed for MIT PhDs and postdocs to serve as guides through the process of career document preparation. Whether you’re converting your CV into a resume for an industry role, refining your CV for an academic job search, or creating other documents, you’ll find examples, how-to guides, and strategies here.

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Doctoral Degrees

A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality..

Please note that the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science, except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical engineering, and medical physics. This means that, excepting the departments outlined above, the coursework and expectations to earn a Doctor of Philosophy and for a Doctor of Science degree from these schools are generally the same. Doctoral students may choose which degree they wish to complete.

Applicants interested in graduate education should apply to the department or graduate program conducting research in the area of interest. Some departments require a doctoral candidate to take a “minor” program outside of the student’s principal field of study; if you wish to apply to one of these departments, please consider additional fields you may like to pursue.

Below is a list of programs and departments that offer doctoral-level degrees.

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September 15
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If you are a job seeker with a disability and require an accommodation in order to apply for one of our jobs, please contact us at [email protected] .

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Labor Condition Application Notifications

These US Department of Labor required notices serve to inform interested parties that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology submits applications for H-1B non-immigrants for certain academic and research positions.


  1. Application Process

    During the active admissions cycle you must submit your application via the Online Application. Applications for Fall 2024 admissions are now closed. Applications for Fall 2025 will open on September 15, 2024 and the application deadline is December 1, 2024. Please see below for helpful information about our application requirements.

  2. Graduate Program

    Our PhD program equips graduate students with the skills necessary to succeed as independent researchers. A PhD from MIT means that I have been surrounded by the most influential people during my most formative years in training. There is never a shortage of creativity or motivation to do my best. - Kenny Chen, Graduate Student in the ...

  3. PhD Program Requirements

    PhD Program Requirements

  4. Application Checklist

    Application Checklist. Application Checklist. Choose up to 3 faculty you would be interested in working with as a PhD student at MIT Chemistry. A list of Chemistry faculty is available here; you may choose faculty from other departments. Provide at 3 names and email addresses of people that can provide a letter of recommendation for you.

  5. Chemistry

    The department offers application fee waivers to domestic applicants who meet the Office of Graduate Education's requirements. The Chemistry Department can only waive the $75 application fee for international applicants if they have already applied and paid an application fee for another PhD program at MIT in the same admission cycle.

  6. Admissions FAQs

    In addition to classroom experience in chemistry and related subjects, participating in laboratory research is very important to having a strong application for our PhD program. We advise that students have 2 or more years of experience in a research environment (such as an undergraduate research position in a professor's research group ...

  7. Applications

    Applications | Office of Graduate Education

  8. The Cost of Graduate School

    The Cost of Applying to Graduate School. There is a $75 application fee for all applicants to the PhD program. We offer application fee waivers to domestic applicants who meet our requirements. For further information please visit the Application Fee Waiver section. If you are interested in receiving a fee waiver, you must apply for one before ...

  9. Admissions

    Application Procedures. Students normally begin graduate study in September. However, in select departments, suitable programs can be arranged for students entering in June or February. Prospective applicants should check with individual departments about their dates for admission and matriculation.

  10. Application Management

    Application Management

  11. Career Development

    The majority of PhD graduates from MIT Chemistry pursue a postdoctoral research position immediately following the completion of their degree. The application process for postdoctoral positions varies greatly from institution to institution, and specific opportunities are often based on the background and interests of the individual researcher ...

  12. Thesis Preparation & Submission

    The following information is provided to assist Chemistry graduate students as they prepare for degree completion. If graduate students have any questions that are not answered by this guide, they should email the Chemistry Education Office (questions about department policies) or MIT Libraries (for questions about thesis formatting, etc.). Degree candidates must fill out the Degree ...

  13. Department of Chemistry

    Department of Chemistry < MIT

  14. How to Join

    To Join the Gilliard Laboratory: Prospective PhD students - must first be accepted into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chemistry Graduate Program. Information on how to apply to MIT Chemistry may be found here. Students from both the inorganic and organic divisions are welcome in our laboratory. The Gilliard Laboratory is ...

  15. Apply

    Apply - MIT Chemical Engineering ... Apply

  16. PDF Graduate Admissions Information Session Q&A

    Admissions Committee Perspective. Effective Short Responses and ChemE Application Mentoring Program (ChAMP) Welcome to MIT Chemical Engineering. § A dynamic department, with academic programs defining the future of the chemical, biological, materials, and energy industries. § Our faculty and students exercise leadership in education and ...

  17. Procedures

    Procedures | Office of Graduate Education

  18. Graduate Admissions

    Office of Graduate Education - Apply to become a part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology community. MIT graduate students play a central role in the Institute's wide-ranging research activities, making a vital contribution to the educational experience of students and faculty, and ultimately leading to the success of the research itself.

  19. Graduate School Personal Statement

    Graduate School Personal Statement

  20. 2023-24 Chemistry PhD Decisions Thread : r/gradadmissions

    2023-24 Chemistry PhD Decisions Thread : r/gradadmissions

  21. Application materials for PhDs and Postdocs: Examples and how-to ...

    These resources are designed for MIT PhDs and postdocs to serve as guides through the process of career document preparation. Whether you're converting your CV into a resume for an industry role, refining your CV for an academic job search, or creating other documents, you'll find examples, how-to guides, and strategies here.

  22. Doctoral Degrees

    Doctoral Degrees | Office of Graduate Education

  23. PDF What motivates you to earn a Ph.D./PhD.CEP/MSCEP in Chemical

    intrigued by systems involving self-assembly, where we can leverage chemistry and . morphology to generate ordered structures unfeasible with topdown approaches. I would -love to explore these systems further in graduate school, and the MIT ChE program . provides many opportunities to do so. The Hammond and Doyle groups fit especially well

  24. Search Jobs

    See MIT's full policy on nondiscrimination. Know your rights. If you are a job seeker with a disability and require an accommodation in order to apply for one of our jobs, please contact us at [email protected]. MIT considers equivalent combinations of experience and education for certain jobs.