How to Optimize Your PhD Adverts for Digital Recruitment

Advertising your PhD position online is as simple as writing your job ad and publishing it online, right? Wrong. Having your ad online is no good if candidates can’t find it or don’t click on it. To make sure that promising PhD candidates find your ad, you need to optimize the text for digital recruitment. Here are our top tips to get started.

Make it searchable

Whether potential candidates are using Google, your university’s career page, or an external job board, they search for PhD opportunities with keywords like, “PhD position papyrology” or “PhD in language acquisition Germany”. So when you sit down to write your ad, try to think like your candidate and use the terms that they will search for throughout your advert. Search tools look at several parts of a web page to determine what it’s about and repeating keywords in the ad text is an easy way to signal who the ad will be relevant for.

Be specific with your title

Try to also think about what keywords candidates might be searching for when you choose the title for your ad. Titles like “PhD position” or “PhD position in the Department of Engineering” are too broad to rank highly in search results and don’t signal to potential candidates that this position is relevant to their interests. Stellar candidates won’t click on your ad if you make them guess what field the position is in. Instead, try a title like “PhD position in electrical engineering at University X.” 

Your ad’s “slug” (the part of the URL that identifies the specific page) usually matches the page title (in this case, the ad title) which makes it even more important to use keywords in your title. The slug is one of the clues Google uses to determine what the page is about. If your title/slug is too broad, potential candidates won’t be able to easily find your PhD ad. 

Start strong

You’ve probably been told it’s important to start your ad off with a catchy opening sentence to get potential candidates’ attention and convince them to keep reading. This is true, but a strong opening line also serves another purpose in digital advertising. Google, external job boards , and social media platforms automatically excerpt the opening line as the “meta description” or page summary. This means your first sentence has to not only convince potential PhD applicants to keep reading your ad, it also has to convince them to click on it. When you start writing your ad, try to think of a 150 to 160 character opener that will look good in a Google snippet, search results list, or a social media preview. 

Download your free PhD advert toolkit

Get your free PhD advert toolkit with our top tips for writing and publishing a PhD advert that will make candidates excited to apply.

Use section headings

When writing for digital, it’s important to break up your ad text into paragraphs with section headings. Many people read job ads on their phones and walls of text are off putting and difficult to read.  Using section headings makes it easier for PhD candidates to skim your ad and find the information they’re most interested in, like the requirements, or application deadlines. Using bullet points in your ad is another way to make it easier to read on a mobile device.  

One PhD position per ad

Try to avoid advertising multiple PhD positions in the same job post unless they’re for the same project. Combining multiple PhD opportunities into the same advert might seem like a savvy way to save money when advertising outside your university’s career page, but it’s not very search-friendly. Your ad will be irrelevant for half the people that find it and you’re making potential applicants do unnecessary extra work searching through the page to find the vacancy that’s relevant to their research interests. 

This advice goes double for combining both a PhD and postdoc vacancy in the same advert. These are two different keywords with distinct audiences. Don’t make it hard for potential applicants to find the PhD opportunity they’re searching for. 

Now that you know how to write a PhD ad that’s web friendly, why not take it a step further? Download our PhD advert toolkit to learn how to write a compelling job ad, create awareness of your vacancy, and measure the success of your recruitment efforts.

Toolkit for Phd recruitment download form

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5 Tips to Optimize your Postdoc Adverts for Digital Recruitment

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6 Tips for Successful Academic Recruitments

While there is no magical solution when it comes to getting applications, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of filling your position.

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  • Find Your Perfect PhD
  • Finding a PhD

Find Your PhD, Fast Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest. Search Now

  • When looking for PhD research projects, a great place to start is with our comprehensive and up-to-date database .
  • Speak with lecturers within your area of interest about potential PhD opportunities they may have.
  • Attend Postgraduate Events . Whilst there, speak to current PhD students and career advisors to get an awareness of what PhD projects are on offer.
  • Visit the postgraduate section of university websites and the PhD Research Council section of the GOV.UK website

Finding A PhD

Searching for PhD research projects can sometimes feel like daunting process. Often, it’s difficult to know where to find a PhD position or where to even start.

To make this searching process as easy as possible for you, we’ve curated a collection of the best places to search for PhD projects. By using our recommended collection, you should hopefully gain a greater insight into where your interests lie and which programme is best suited for you.

Our Comprehensive and Up-To-Date Directory

We can’t create a list of great resources and not include ourselves! At DiscoverPhDs, our primary aim is to connect great students to great PhD projects. To enable this, we provide a comprehensive database of PhD projects offered from universities all across the UK.

We regularly add to our database to ensure you’re getting the latest opportunities and the most relevant information and programme details. On top of this, we’ve created our database to be as easy to use as possible; all our PhD listings provide a direct ‘apply’ link or contact email address of the lead supervisor. This enables you to:

  • Request further information about any aspect of the position,
  • Enquire about the specific applications process,
  • Connect directly with the supervisor

Universities Websites

Search on the website of the universities you are interested in as some many only be listing PhD research projects internally or may link you to other opportunities such as Professional Doctorate Programmes. As examples, have a look at the research pages of The University of Cambridge , Cardiff University , University of Leicester , Sheffield University and The University of Glasgow .

Your Current Supervisor

If you’re currently undertaking a research project or dissertation as part of your undergraduate or master’s degree, it would be a good idea to speak to your current supervisor. Not only would you have already built a good rapport with them, but having worked with you they will have a good idea on what PhD positions would utilise your strengths or best interest you. In fact, a noticeable percentage of past and current PhD students came into their PhD programme because of being recommended by their undergraduate supervisor. Your supervisor will be well-connected – make sure you take advantage of these opportunities.

Tip: Don’t just limit your discussion to your own personal supervisor. All supervisors are within their field of work because they have a natural passion for research and teaching. As such, most supervisors will be more than happy to help any student who wishes to follow in their footsteps and make their own impact.

Postgraduate Events

Nearly all universities hold regular Postgraduate Fairs and Open Days. As part of these events, current postgraduate students may be on hand to share their experiences of their projects and university. This is a fantastic opportunity to not only find out what PhDs the university is offering but to find out more about their facilities, research labs and library collection, etc. Given that you will be heavily relying on these resources during your PhD, it’s important that you know what’s provided by each university. Hearing student stories about what PhD life is really like, what to expect from supervisors and some of the challenges that current students have encountered can be really useful in your decision making process.

Besides the above, career advisers may also be available at these events. Speaking to them will help you understand what you can do with a PhD, whether a PhD is right for you, what degree class you’re expected to hold and how best to prepare for research projects. Seeing as they would have helped many PhD candidates through the decision-making process before, they will provide you with some invaluable insight that you would otherwise be oblivious to.

To help bring all Postgraduate Fairs and Open Days offered across all universities together, we’ve created a helpful Postgraduate Events page which we highly recommend you check out.

Research Councils

Research councils are nationally funded agencies which offer sponsored PhD research projects (also known as a PhD studentship). Different research councils cover different areas of research, these include:

  • The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC),
  • The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council ( BBSRC ),
  • Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),
  • The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ( EPSRC ),
  • Natural Environment Research Council ( NERC ).

The GOV.UK website has a full list of nationally-funded research councils available online. You can find further details on these councils on the GOV.UK website.

Although our database includes PhD programmes offered by these research councils, it would be a good idea to regularly browse the website of the ones you are particularly interested in case they list some internal only. These councils play an important role in supporting and encouraging doctoral researchers and they regularly hold calls for applications for PhD funding. If you or your potential supervisor have a PhD project proposal defined but need funding, then applying to these calls may become a key first milestone in your postgraduate research journey.

For example, the EPSRC offers a Doctoral Training Partnership programme in which a research student is given funding to pursue postgraduate study with a research question that aligns with the Councils core engineering and physical sciences themes. These awards often have eligibility criteria linked to them, impacting which postgraduate research students can apply; an international student, for example, may not be able to apply to a certain UK based scholarship scheme but there are several other options that can still help you fund your doctoral research; this may involve taking out a postgraduate loan (or more specifically a postgraduate doctoral loan).

To make this searching process as easy as possible for you, we’ve curated a collection of the best places to search for a PhD. By using our recommended collection, you should hopefully gain a greater insight into where your interests lie and which programme is best suited for you.

Further Resources

As you continue your search of PhD research projects, be sure to check our our PhD advice articles, including how to prepare for your PhD application, and interviews with current and past doctoral students. Many of the people we’ve interviewed have completed degrees within a STEM discipline; they offer a wide range of advice on their individual approaches to applied research and independent study, as well as sharing some the impact their work has had. Many have continued the research of their projects within academia after finishing, whilst some have developed successful careers in industry and business sectors.

It’s worth noting that when you apply to undertake doctoral study, you may first be registered as an MPhil researcher, depending on the specific doctoral programme you apply for, officially become a full PhD student after passing an upgrade viva. At the upgrade stage, some students do decide to graduate with an MPhil research degree rather than pursuing further PhD study however this is less common.

We hope the above list will help you find the perfect PhD position and earn your doctoral degree.

If you have any recommendations besides these resources, please let us know at [email protected] so we can look to add it.

If you’re ready to start your search for your PhD, start now with our  PhD database .

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  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
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  • Program Requirements

Curriculum & Coursework

Our programs are full-time degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another three years on dissertation research and writing.

The Marketing program draws on computer science, economics, behavioral science, and psychological methods to focus on marketing problems faced by the firm and its management. Through a combination of discipline- and field-based methods, the curriculum enables students to master concepts and research skills directly relevant to business problems. Candidates must come to understand the point of view of practicing managers and be able to bring theory and careful research to bear in illuminating important business problems.

The program requires a minimum of 13 semester-long doctoral courses. Students in the Marketing program are required to complete a year-long discipline sequence typically in microeconomics or psychology. They also complete courses in the areas of machine learning, computer science, statistics, research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students often take courses at other Harvard Schools and MIT.

Research & Dissertation

Students in Marketing begin research in their first year typically by working with a faculty member. By their third and fourth years, most students are launched on a solid research and publication stream. The dissertation may take the form of three publishable papers or one longer dissertation.

Recent examples of doctoral thesis research include: The effects of brand extensions on the value of parent brands; Multi-method examination of the consumption of “knockoffs” of high status brands, and the counter-intuitive positive outcomes for consumer-brand relationships; Competitive analysis of pricing and quality decisions in industries with strictly complimentary products; The psychological effects of pricing, and how these affect consumers and firms; and "Choice amnesia," the motivated forgetting of difficult decisions.

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Mengjie "Magie" Cheng

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Ta-Wei "David" Huang

“ Finding an advisor who you really click with and who is willing to support your research interests is absolutely key. ”

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Current HBS Faculty

  • Tomomichi Amano
  • Eva Ascarza
  • Max H. Bazerman
  • David E. Bell
  • Alison Wood Brooks
  • Julian De Freitas
  • Rohit Deshpande
  • Anita Elberse
  • Sunil Gupta
  • Ayelet Israeli
  • Leslie K. John
  • Hyunjin Kim
  • Edward McFowland III
  • Das Narayandas
  • Michael I. Norton
  • V. Kasturi Rangan
  • Isamar Troncoso
  • Jeremy Yang
  • Shunyuan Zhang

Current Marketing Students

  • Stuti Agarwal
  • Mengjie (Magie) Cheng
  • Jingpeng Hong
  • Ta-Wei (David) Huang
  • Sihan Zhai

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, jimin nam, 2024, byungyeon kim, 2022, emily prinsloo, 2023, ximena garcia-rada, 2021, serena hagerty, 2022, dafna goor, 2020.

NYU Stern Logo

About / Departments

Marketing Department | Ph.D. Program in Marketing

Ph.d. program in marketing.

Group photo of Stern Marketing PhD students

The Marketing Department at New York University's Stern School of Business offers a doctoral program that is widely recognized for the great success of its graduates. It has a large and distinguished faculty working in a diverse set of research areas from both behavioral and quantitative perspectives. Stern's Marketing Ph.D. program is extremely selective and, once accepted, students benefit from the faculty's dedication to ensuring a positive and productive doctoral experience. The department fosters a nurturing environment with close collaboration between doctoral students and faculty members. By the time students graduate, most have published in leading journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research or Marketing Science. For example, 25% of our faculty publications in the last three years have been with doctoral students, past and present. Although the primary focus of the program is the development of top researchers, Stern doctoral students also receive extensive training for teaching and begin their first academic appointments well prepared for the classroom. The fact that we have one of the top-rated Ph.D. programs in the country is also evidenced by our placements of our doctoral students as faculty at top business schools (e.g., Harvard, Berkeley, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Florida, Michigan). The tenure, publication, and teaching records of our doctoral students are outstanding. All of these activities give Stern Marketing an important role in mentoring the future leaders of our field.

Faculty Contact for Marketing PhD Program

40 West 4th Street, Ste. 818
New York, NY 10012


Recent Dissertations

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Ph.D. in Media and Communication

Our doctoral program in Chapel Hill nurtures a close-knit community where students learn, develop as scholars and collaborate with faculty advisers and mentors.

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Preparing Students to lead in the Academy and Industry

You’ll learn cutting-edge research methods and acquire a deep understanding of communication theory to help you develop a research program that fits your interests. Our graduates are training the next generation of scholars, improving public health, strengthening democracy and helping leading organizations across the world innovate in a changing media environment.

Don’t miss a thing

Complete this form, and we’ll notify you of upcoming info sessions and deadlines, along with other program updates.

Or contact the Graduate Studies team at [email protected] or (919) 843-8307 .


As she completed her master’s at UNC Hussman, Kyla Garrett Wagner wasn’t sure whether she’d stay in Chapel Hill for her doctorate. She applied to eight other programs but decided to stay where she felt her ideas were most supported. “While it is a competitive school and one of the best schools, we’re not competitive with one another on the inside,” she says. “We all can work together, and that’s an incredible feeling.”

Fall 2025 Application Deadline

Tuesday, dec. 10, 2024.

Our application opens in August, with a submission deadline in December. We’ll interview finalists and make admissions and funding offers early next year. And we’ll then host admitted students for a visit on our beautiful Chapel Hill campus, where they’ll get to know our faculty, students and program in person.

What Our Alumni Say

“The Ph.D. program in mass communication at UNC is recognized around the globe. For me it was an incredibly helpful foot-in-the-door for getting job interviews because other schools already knew I would be well-trained having gone through UNC’s program. There were also lots of former Tar Heels on many of the search committees I encountered during my time on the job market. The UNC connection and reputation really does span far and wide.”

– Jessica Gall Myrick '13, | Associate Professor at the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, Pennsylvania State University

Graduate Study at UNC-Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is among the world’s leading research universities. Its nationally recognized teaching, groundbreaking research and dedication to public service continue a legacy that began when the university was chartered in 1789 and opened to students four years later.

Our collaborative, interdisciplinary culture at the Hussman School of Journalism and Media creates new knowledge, advances scholarship and inspires storytelling. Fueled by world-class resources, field-leading interdisciplinary centers and a vast alumni network, the impact of our work helps address the big societal questions of our day.

Ph.D. News and Events

Just the facts, ph.d. alum wins dissertation award, promoting women and diversity in advertising, abide committee selects student and faculty projects for 2024 grants, “buckets of listening” — hussman ph.d. grad profiles m.a. grad ryan comfort, an ojibwe social scientist and storyteller.

Stanford University
Department of Economics
579 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

Fields: Primary: Energy and Environmental Economics Secondary: Industrial Organization, Public Economics Expected Graduation Date: June, 2019

Thesis Committee: Frank Wolak (Primary) [email protected] Peter Reiss [email protected] Lawrence Goulder [email protected]

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This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice to give.

How to find PhD. positions - "At the end of my Master's and I'm feeling lost"

Hello r/gradadmissions

First of all - thank you for your patience. I am sure that you see a few posts like this at least a few times a week. But I need some help and support.

This is my last year as a Master's student - Biology, extracellular vesicles research to be more specific. I love teaching and research and want to go abroad for my PhD. While I love my country, it is far from stable, research is sub-par and economy is down the drain.

Love, life and circumstances prevented me from seeking a PhD. position until now... Not prevented maybe, but I made a bad call, and put my dreams behind for the sake of others. I know late January is pretty late to start thinking about finding a position for the next year, but I still want to try.

I am pretty loss and without much support. So, I come to you for help - you are my only hope! (Insert a low quality hologram picture of me). A few things about me:

Molecular Biology undergraduate, Biotechnology Masters. Looking to have my PhD on Biology or Bioinformatics.

GPA: 3.5 Undergrad, 4.0 Masters

5 years of research experience, working at a lab

5 publications, 2 poster presentations, 1 lecture/presentation at a workshop. About the same number in patent applications.

C2 English score from TOEFL and IELTS.

Preferably a position researching Extracellular vesicles. Preferably a position in an English speaking country (UK or Australlia are my top priorities). These two points are not mandatory

And here are my questions:

How should I start looking for a position? Do I mail professors, or to the universities? Could you share websites, resources, guides that you know of?

How do I look for scholarships? If a PhD position pays, is it enough for someone to survive on it (I have no issues with university housing etc.)

Could you share your experiences, your tips? Anything that I am missing.

Looking forward for everything that you can give me. Thank you.How to find PhD. positions - "At the end of my Master's and I'm feeling lost"

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PSU Mark Shield

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Department of Geography


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master’s degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular specialties; thus, any aspirant for a doctorate must obtain master’s training or its equivalent before being admitted to doctoral candidacy. In short, admission to doctoral candidacy is official recognition that a student’s general foundation in the breadth of geography is satisfactory. Students then devote their attention to developing depth in chosen specialties.

The general requirements for a doctoral degree in geography are more rigorous than those for a master’s degree. At the same time, the greater flexibility of the doctoral program allows advanced students to pursue programs of study tailored to their special interests and needs.

Progress through the degree is marked by: 

  • Successful performance in a verbal qualifying exam; 
  • Four-day written comprehensive exam, with a verbal portion after the written answers have been assessed by the committee;  
  • Formal dissertation proposal; and 
  • Verbal defense of a completed dissertation.

The four-year Ph.D. program is reserved for students who have a master’s degree from another graduate program. That can be another geography program at another university, a non-geography program at another university, or a non-geography program at Penn State.

Students entering the four-year Ph.D. program must take the doctoral qualifying exam in their first year. A committee from three of the four fields of geography and formally appointed by the Graduate Program Officer will administer the qualifying exam. The qualifying exam can take place any time during the year, but students in the four-year Ph.D. program typically take it during spring semester.

Students in the four-year Ph.D. program complete a comprehensive exam and defend their dissertation proposal in the second year. Depending on the needs of their research, and in agreement with their doctoral committee, students can fulfill these two requirements in either order. Once students have successfully passed their comprehensive exam and defended their proposal, they typically take two years to research, write, and defend their dissertations.


Our online Graduate Student Handbook explains the program requirements for all degrees.

  • Graduate Programs

Whether you’re setting out on a course of academic study that will define your professional life, or seeking to build skills to help you land a better job, Santa Clara’s graduate programs offer a range of options to match your needs.

Many of our graduate students work while pursuing their degrees, so we offer both part- and full-time programs and some online courses, as well as certificate, license, and non-degree options.

Students in a classroom working on a whiteboard discussion.

Leavey School of Business

With the largest MBA program in Silicon Valley as well as specialized Masters degrees, the business school offers a range of options to professionals at different stages in their careers.

  • 4+1 Master of Science Programs

A teacher and students engaged with a tablet in a classroom.

School of Education and Counseling Psychology

Offering masters and credential programs and certificates to those serving their communities in education, counseling, health and human services, and ministry. 

Master’s Programs

  • M.A.  Applied Psychology
  • M.A.  Counseling
  • M.A.  Counseling Psychology
  • M.A.  Educational Leadership

Doctor of Education Degree Program

  • Ed.D.  Social Justice Leadership

Law students collaborating

School of Law

In addition to J.D. and LL.M. degrees, the School of Law offers unique combined degree programs in J.D./MSIS.

  • J.D.  Juris Doctor 
  • Hybrid, Part-Time  Flex J.D.
  • J.D./MBA  Master of Business Administration
  • J.D./MSIS  Master of Science in Information Systems
  • LL.M.  Intellectual Property
  • LL.M.  International & Comparative Law
  • LL.M.  United States Law

A person in a suit talking to another person holding a guitar in a hallway.

College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries

Preparing graduates to enter professional ministries. 

  • M.A.  Pastoral Ministries (Online & In-Person)
  • Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice & Chaplaincy  (Online & In-Person)

Student working on an engineering project

School of Engineering

Offering flexible graduate programs for working engineers in Silicon Valley, as well as traditional full-time programs.

M.S. Programs

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Bioengineering
  • Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering Management
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Power Systems and Sustainable Energy
  • Robotics and Automation

Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program for Engineering

  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer and Software Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Engineering Management & Leadership

Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program for Arts & Sciences

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering Physics

Ph.D. Programs

Certificate programs.

  • Robotics and Automation (Online)
  • Applied Bioengineering (Online)

Two students reading on benches in an outdoor garden.

Jesuit School of Theology

JST offers a range of Masters degrees (including M.Div.) to students interested in preparing for a broad range of ministries and service to the church and world.

  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Hyflex Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
  • Master of Theology (Th.M.)
  • Combined Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (M.Div./M.A.)
  • Master of Arts (M.A)

Ecclesiastical Degree Programs

  • Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.)
  • Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)
  • Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)

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Hybrid and fully online programs that meet students where they are. SCU Online provides increased flexibility while still promising a holistic Santa Clara education.

  • Online MBA
  • Online M.S. Marketing
  • Online M.S. Business Analytics
  • Online M.S. Finance and Analytics

School of Education & Counseling Psychology

  • Online Catholic M.A. Teaching and Teaching Credential (CATMAT)
  • Online Certificate in Applied Bioengineering
  • Online Certificate in Robotics and Automation 

College of Arts and Sciences - Pastoral Ministries

  • Online M.A. Pastoral Ministries
  • Online Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice & Chaplaincy
  • Online Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)

Pull quote illustration

"Santa Clara University's location in the heart of Silicon Valley combined with our innovative, flexible graduate programs will help position your career for life-long growth and impact."  

For all programs, Santa Clara is committed to providing a graduate education in which students will:

Demonstrate academic competence

Graduate students will demonstrate broad content knowledge and the ability to integrate and apply concepts from their course of study to professional situations.

Engage in creative and collaborative learning

Graduate students will innovate, collaborate, and communicate effectively with professionals and others in their discipline.

Enhance professional development

Graduate students will exhibit professionalism, consistent with the university's Jesuit mission that includes attention to ethics, integrity, and responsible engagement with their communities—professionally, locally, or globally.

International Agreements

  • NorthCap University, India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.
  • Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX : Santa Clara University does not discriminate in its employment practices or educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender. SCU also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internally or externally. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about noncompliance should be directed to  The Office or Equal Opportunity and Title IX . For a complete copy of the university's policy and more information, contact the university Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Secretary of Education within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

PhD Program

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Professor Wender discusses chemistry with his graduate students.

Doctoral study in chemistry at Stanford University prepares students for research and teaching careers with diverse emphases in basic, life, medical, physical, energy, materials, and environmental sciences.

The Department of Chemistry offers opportunities for graduate study spanning contemporary subfields, including theoretical, organic, inorganic, physical, biophysical and biomedical chemistry and more. Much of the research defies easy classification along traditional divisions; cross-disciplinary collaborations with Stanford's many vibrant research departments and institutes is among factors distinguishing this world-class graduate program.

The Department of Chemistry is committed to providing academic advising in support of graduate student scholarly and professional development.  This advising relationship entails collaborative and sustained engagement with mutual respect by both the adviser and advisee.

  • The adviser is expected to meet at least monthly with the graduate student to discuss on-going research.
  • There should be a yearly independent development plan (IDP) meeting between the graduate student and adviser. Topics include research progress, expectations for completion of PhD, areas for both the student and adviser to improve in their joint research effort.
  • A research adviser should provide timely feedback on manuscripts and thesis chapters.
  • Graduate students are active contributors to the advising relationship, proactively seeking academic and professional guidance and taking responsibility for informing themselves of policies and degree requirements for their graduate program.
  • If there is a significant issue concerning the graduate student’s progress in research, the adviser must communicate this to the student and to the Graduate Studies Committee in writing.  This feedback should include the issues, what needs to be done to overcome these issues and by when.

Academic advising by Stanford faculty is a critical component of all graduate students' education and additional resources can be found in the  Policies and Best Practices for Advising Relationships at Stanford  and the  Guidelines for Faculty-Student Advising at Stanford .

Learn more about the program through the links below, and by exploring the research interests of the  Chemistry Faculty  and  Courtesy Faculty .

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    Program Details. The Stan Richards School is the only program in the world to offer a Ph.D. in Advertising. The Ph.D. program focuses on interdisciplinary coursework from multiple fields of study to allow students to focus on a unique thesis of varying interest. For example, students interested in the psychological impact of advertising would ...

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    Ph.D. Students. The Doctoral program in Advertising at The University of Texas is devoted to providing a rigorous educational experience that challenges graduates to attain their highest potential of intellectual achievement and original creative productivity. The Ph.D. program is designed to meet the needs of outstanding graduate students who ...

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    Marketing. The doctoral program in Marketing draws on a variety of underlying disciplines to research important marketing management problems centered on the immediate and future needs and wants of customers. Students in the marketing program work closely with faculty in the Marketing Unit and engage in a broad spectrum of disciplinary bases.

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    The Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations awards a very limited number of graduate Ph.D. students are given priority and are guaranteed funding for the first three years of study. If you have an interest in a Teaching Assistant position, please fill out a TA/AI . The deadline for the Fall and Summer semesters is March 27, with ...

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    Overview of the PhD Program. The desire to explain natural phenomena, including disease, is the basis for most students' interest in the biological sciences. Graduate students who work with faculty in the UCLA Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG) make original contributions in the various research areas of ...

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  22. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

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    Santa Clara University's Graduate Programs are proud to maintain international agreements with universities as follows: NorthCap University, India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.

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    PhD Program. Professor Wender discusses chemistry with his graduate students. Doctoral study in chemistry at Stanford University prepares students for research and teaching careers with diverse emphases in basic, life, medical, physical, energy, materials, and environmental sciences. The Department of Chemistry offers opportunities for graduate ...

  25. PhDs by country

    Advertise. FindAPhD is a trading name of FindAUniversity Ltd . Registered Address: FindAUniversity Ltd, 77 Sidney St, Sheffield, S1 4RG. Our websites: FindAMasters | FindAnMBA | FindAPostDoc | FindAProfessionalDoctorate | PostgraduateFunding | Postgraduate Forum | FindCourses. Find a PhD is a comprehensive guide to PhD studentships and ...