A mother's sacrifice

The Story of A Mother’s Sacrifice

The story of the two mothers in 1 Kings 3 is often told to highlight the wisdom of Solomon. But there’s another theme playing through the story…one of a mother’s sacrifice.

What it Means to Sacrifice

At its most basic level, sacrifice is giving up something you value for another person. It is “esteeming others better than yourselves” to the point that you choose their happiness or well-being over yours. 

The Story of a Mother

The story of the mother’s sacrifice in 1 Kings 3 begins with an encounter between Solomon and God. Solomon had recently ascended to the throne and when God asked what he wanted, he chose wisdom. The story of the two mothers is often used to depict the wisdom of Solomon. 

But let’s look at the story again through the eyes of the mother’s sacrifice.

Now two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him. One of them said, “Pardon me, my lord. This woman and I live in the same house, and I had a baby while she was there with me. The third day after my child was born, this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there was no one in the house but the two of us.

“During the night this woman’s son died because she lay on him. So she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I your servant was asleep. She put him by her breast and put her dead son by my breast. The next morning, I got up to nurse my son—and he was dead! But when I looked at him closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t the son I had borne.”

The other woman said, “No! The living one is my son; the dead one is yours.”

But the first one insisted, “No! The dead one is yours; the living one is mine.” And so they argued before the king.

The king said, “This one says, ‘My son is alive and your son is dead,’ while that one says, ‘No! Your son is dead and mine is alive.’”

Then the king said, “Bring me a sword.” So they brought a sword for the king. He then gave an order: “Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other.”

The woman whose son was alive was deeply moved out of love for her son and said to the king, “Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don’t kill him!”

But the other said, “Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!”

Then the king gave his ruling: “Give the living baby to the first woman. Do not kill him; she is his mother” (1 Kings 3 16-27 NIV).

I imagine that the idea of cutting a baby in two seems like a horrible verdict for the young king to pass as these two mothers stood before him. What if they had both agreed? But then, why would anyone agree to such a barbaric and cruel act?

A mother's sacrifice

A Mother’s Sacrifice

Yet, we see two responses in this story. One woman eagerly agreed to the king’s suggestion while the other just as quickly rejected it. 1 Kings 3:26 in the King James Version reads “the bowels of the woman yearned for her son”. I don’t know about you, but I have no idea what it means for bowels to yearn. Do bowels even know how to yearn? Let’s go back to the original language and see if we can figure it out.

The Hebrew word for bowels is racham . It could also have been translated as womb, compassion, mercy, or pity. The word translated as yearn is the Hebrew kamar . Another way of translating it could have been “grow warm and tender” or “become emotionally agitated”. I almost get the feeling that the woman’s womb twinged when she thought about the child she had labored to bring into the world being cut in two.

She couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t let anything happen to her innocent child. She would rather live without him than have to live with the idea that he was dead. She was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for her child: she would give him to the other woman if it meant his life would be spared.

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The Greatest Sacrifice of All Times

This mother’s sacrifice reminds me of the sacrifice Jesus and our Heavenly Father made on our behalf. Long before you and I were born, God knew we would sin. He knew the consequence of sin was death–eternal death. But rather than trying to find ways for us not to sin, our Heavenly Father put a plan in place. He would send his son–his perfect son–to die in our place. We would have the chance to live and be reconciled with him.

Jesus also had a choice in his sacrifice. He didn’t have to agree to the plan to die in the place of sinful human beings who chose to disobey God’s command. But he did. He chose to make that sacrifice and to put himself in our place because he loved us. Just as that woman loved her son enough to live without him, God loves us enough to die in our place.

The Sacrifices of a Mother

As mothers, there are many things we would do for our children. I’m sure if I asked you what you would sacrifice for your child I would get a long list of the things you’ve already done and

will continue to do for your child. I want you to you right now, mother, whether you have biological children or just darlings of your heart, our Heavenly Father sees your sacrifice. He sees the things you do to safeguard the welfare of your child. He knows just how far you would go to protect your children.  

But I want to implore you, sweet mother, do not sacrifice your relationship with God for your children. I encourage you to remind them of the greatest sacrifice that was made on all our behalf. I pray that through your sacrifices you remind them of the greatest love story ever told. I pray that your mother’s sacrifice will be a tale of love and forgiveness. I pray that like the woman in 1 Kings, the story of your mother’s sacrifice will be told long after you no longer walk the earth.

Check out the other mothers in the series!

Does God Test Our Faith? The Story of Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath

The Bible Story of Rebekah and Her Courage to Follow God’s Perfect Plan

Lessons from Hannah in the Bible: The Pain of Infertility

Persistence in the Bible: A Mother’s Faith

essay about a mother's sacrifice

Aminata Coote is a Christian author and blogger. She is passionate about teaching others how to study the Bible.  She is a wife, mother, author, and follower of Jesus Christ who encourages women to spend time with God and root their identities in Christ so they’ll be able to focus on running the race God has set before them.

She is the author of multiple books including How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude and Through God’s Eyes: Marriage Lessons for Women.Visit her website for more content that encourages you to know God, know yourself, run your race. Connect with Aminata on Facebook , Instagram , YouTube , or Twitter

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9 thoughts on “The Story of A Mother’s Sacrifice”

There is no limits of Mothers sacrifice til the last breath.

Excellent lesson. Thank you.

So glad you stopped by!

Thank you. Please share further posts to my email address.

Beautiful post Ami. It is encouraging and a hope-inspiring message for Mothers who struggle with feeling they do enough for their children. There is no love on earth that compares to a Mother’s love for her children or the lengths she will go to for them. Great job!

Just read this aloud to my girls. We all thoroughly enjoyed the tale of the two mothers. It’s true, a mothers sacrifice is a great thing. Almost unexplainable until you relate it to Jesus dying on the cross. Then it seems to all make all the sense! Thank you for this perfectly timed post!

I had forgotten about this story of the two mothers. So true how wise the judge was to cut right to the chase and offer up the true test of love which is sacrifice for the better of another. Thank you for this beautiful post Heather!

Exactly! There is nothing like the love a mother has for her children. However, it’s our job as children of God to put Him first. Above our children, husband or job. Loving the Lord above all else shows how to have a relationship with God too. We need to set that example for our kids.

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College Essay: My Parents’ Sacrifice Makes Me Strong

Rosemary Santos

After living in Texas briefly, my mom moved in with my aunt in Minnesota, where she helped raise my cousins while my aunt and uncle worked. My mom still glances to the building where she first lived. I think it’s amazing how she first moved here, she lived in a small apartment and now owns a house. 

My dad’s family was poor. He dropped out of elementary school to work. My dad was the only son my grandpa had. My dad thought he was responsible to help his family out, so he decided to leave for Minnesota   because  of  many  work opportunities .   

My parents met working in cleaning at the IDS  C enter during night shifts. I am their only child, and their main priority was not leaving me alone while they worked. My mom left her cleaning job to work mornings at a warehouse. My dad continued his job in cleaning at night.   

My dad would get me ready for school and walked me to the bus stop while waiting in the cold. When I arrived home from school, my dad had dinner prepared and the house cleaned. I would eat with him at the table while watching TV, but he left after to pick up my mom from work.   

My mom would get home in the afternoon. Most memories of my mom are watching her lying down on the couch watching her  n ovelas  –  S panish soap operas  – a nd falling asleep in the living room. I knew her job was physically tiring, so I didn’t bother her.  

Seeing my parents work hard and challenge Mexican customs influence my values today as a person. As a child, my dad cooked and cleaned, to help out my mom, which is rare in Mexican culture. Conservative Mexicans believe men are superior to women; women are seen as housewives who cook, clean and obey their husbands. My parents constantly tell me I should get an education to never depend on a man. My family challenged  machismo , Mexican sexism, by creating their own values and future.  

My parents encouraged me to, “ ponte  las  pilas ” in school, which translates to “put on your batteries” in English. It means that I should put in effort and work into achieving my goal. I was taught that school is the key object in life. I stay up late to complete all my homework assignments, because of this I miss a good amount of sleep, but I’m willing to put in effort to have good grades that will benefit me. I have softball practice right after school, so I try to do nearly all of my homework ahead of time, so I won’t end up behind.  

My parents taught me to set high standards for myself. My school operates on a 4.0-scale. During lunch, my friends talked joyfully about earning a 3.25 on a test. When I earn less than a 4.25, I feel disappointed. My friends reacted with, “You should be happy. You’re extra . ” Hearing that phrase flashbacks to my parents seeing my grades. My mom would pressure me to do better when I don’t earn all 4.0s  

Every once in  awhile , I struggled with following their value of education. It can be difficult to balance school, sports and life. My parents think I’m too young to complain about life. They don’t think I’m tired, because I don’t physically work, but don’t understand that I’m mentally tired and stressed out. It’s hard for them to understand this because they didn’t have the experience of going to school.   

The way I could thank my parents for their sacrifice is accomplishing their American dream by going to college and graduating to have a professional career. I visualize the day I graduate college with my degree, so my  family  celebrates by having a carne  asada (BBQ) in the yard. All my friends, relatives, and family friends would be there to congratulate me on my accomplishments.  

As teenagers, my parents worked hard manual labor jobs to be able to provide for themselves and their family. Both of them woke up early in the morning to head to work. Staying up late to earn extra cash. As teenagers, my parents tried going to school here in the U.S .  but weren’t able to, so they continued to work. Early in the morning now, my dad arrives home from work at 2:30 a.m .,  wakes up to drop me off at school around 7:30 a.m . , so I can focus on studying hard to earn good grades. My parents want me to stay in school and not prefer work to  head on their  same path as them. Their struggle influences me to have a good work ethic in school and go against the odds.  

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My Mother Essay

Gaurav Kumar

The Epitome of Unconditional Love

‘Guiding Light, Endless Love: My Mother, My Everything.’

Mothers, the architects of love and the bedrock of our existence have an unparalleled ability to shape our lives with their boundless affection and unwavering support. As George Eliot once said, “ Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face.” Indeed, for me, this sentiment rings true beyond measure. My mother, the epitome of unconditional love, has been a guiding light and a source of immense strength and inspiration. In this heartfelt tribute, I delve into the myriad ways she has touched my life and shaped my very being.

My Mother Essay

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Introduction: In the Embrace of Maternal Love

In the heart of my life’s narrative, there exists a central figure whose presence radiates warmth, wisdom, and boundless love: my mother. Since I entered this world, she has been my guiding light, illuminating the path ahead with her firm support and profound wisdom. With her gentle touch and nurturing spirit, she has woven the fabric of my existence with threads of compassion, resilience, and unwavering devotion. Each chapter of my life intertwines with her love, laughter, and steadfast belief in my potential. Reflecting on the journey that has brought me to where I stand today, I am filled with profound gratitude for her immeasurable impact on shaping the person I am today.

1. Unwavering Support and Sacrifice

From the earliest moments of my life, my mother has been a steadfast pillar of support, always ready to lift me up when I stumble and cheer me on as I soar. Her sacrifices know no bounds, as she selflessly puts my needs above her own time and time again. Whether staying up late to help me with homework or following her desires to ensure my happiness, my mother’s acts of love and sacrifice are countless.

  • Late-Night Study Sessions: During high school, I often grappled with challenging assignments and looming deadlines. Despite her exhaustion from a long day of work, my mother would stay up late into the night to help me with my studies. Whether it was reviewing math problems or proofreading essays, she dedicated her evenings to ensuring I had the support I needed to succeed academically.
  • Sacrificing Personal Time: In countless instances, my mother sacrificed her time to accommodate my schedule and activities. Whether driving me to extracurricular events, cheering me on at sports games, or attending parent-teacher conferences, she always prioritized my commitments. Even when she had personal plans or obligations, my mother never hesitated to rearrange her schedule to accommodate mine, demonstrating her selflessness and devotion.
  • Financial Sacrifices: My mother made significant financial sacrifices to provide for my needs and ensure that I had access to opportunities for growth and enrichment. From investing in educational resources and extracurricular activities to prioritizing my health and well-being, she consistently placed my needs above her own desires and comforts. Whether it meant forgoing luxuries or making budgetary adjustments, my mother always ensured I had the support and resources necessary to pursue my goals and dreams.
  • Emotional Support During Tough Times: During moments of uncertainty or emotional distress, my mother’s unwavering support served as a source of comfort and strength. Whether I was grappling with personal challenges, navigating difficult relationships, or facing setbacks, she was always there to provide a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and words of encouragement. Her ability to provide emotional support without judgment or hesitation was a testament to her unconditional love and commitment to my well-being.

2. Endless Patience and Understanding:

One incident that vividly illustrates my mother’s patience in action occurred during my tumultuous teenage years. I remember coming home one evening, seething with frustration and anger over a trivial argument with a friend. My emotions were in turmoil, and I unleashed a torrent of complaints and grievances as soon as I crossed the threshold.

Instead of reacting with frustration or impatience, my mother listened, her expression calm and unwavering. Despite the intensity of my emotions, she remained steady, offering me a safe space to vent without fear of judgment or reprimand.

As I ranted and raved, my mother listened attentively, absorbing my words without interruption. Once I had exhausted my tirade, she spoke with a gentleness that instantly diffused my anger. She offered sage advice and perspective, helping me see the situation from a broader, more balanced viewpoint.

I realized the depth of my mother’s patience and understanding in that moment. She had weathered the storm of my teenage tantrum with grace and compassion, guiding me toward a place of clarity and calm. It was a powerful reminder of her unwavering love and support, even in the face of my most irrational outbursts.

3. Strength and Resilience

In the face of adversity, my mother’s strength and resilience shine brightly, inspiring me to face life’s obstacles with courage and determination. Whether overcoming personal hardships or supporting our family through difficult times, she remains steadfast in her resolve, a beacon of hope and resilience in the storm.

  • Courage in Adversity:  From navigating career challenges to overcoming health setbacks, my mother’s courage in the face of adversity is truly awe-inspiring. Her unwavering determination to persevere is a powerful example of resilience, inspiring me to tackle my challenges with strength and fortitude.
  • A Source of Inspiration:  Through her strength and resilience, my mother has inspired me and all who know her. Her unwavering faith in the face of uncertainty and her ability to rise above adversity serve as a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit.

4. Nurturing and Compassion

One poignant instance that exemplifies my mother’s nurturing nature occurred during a particularly challenging period in my life. I was grappling with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, overwhelmed by the pressures of school and personal relationships. As I struggled to navigate through the storm of my emotions, my mother remained a steadfast source of comfort and support.

One evening, overcome with despair, I sought solace in the sanctuary of my room, feeling as though the weight of the world rested heavy on my shoulders. Sensing my distress, my mother gently knocked on my door and entered, her eyes brimming with empathy and concern.

Without a word, she enveloped me in a warm embrace, holding me close as tears streamed down my cheeks. At that moment, her presence alone was enough to soothe the turmoil within me, offering a sense of reassurance and belonging that I desperately needed.

As we sat together in silence, my mother’s unconditional love washed over me like a healing balm, easing the ache in my heart and restoring my faith in the brighter days ahead. This simple yet profound nurturing gesture spoke volumes about the depth of her compassion and the boundless extent of her maternal love.

Through her comforting embrace, my mother taught me the invaluable lesson that sometimes, the greatest surprise we can give is the gift of presence – of being there for one another in times of need, offering a shoulder to lean on and a heart to lean into. It was a lesson that would stay with me forever, shaping how I approached relationships and the world around me.

In conclusion, my mother embodies the epitome of unconditional love characterized by unwavering support, endless patience, strength, resilience, nurturing, and compassion. Her remarkable qualities have shaped me into the person I am today, instilling values of empathy, kindness , and resilience within me. Reflecting on the countless ways my mother has enriched my life, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation. To my mother: thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for me. Your love is the greatest gift of all, and I am eternally grateful for the privilege of being your child.

Call to Action

As I share my tribute to my mother, I invite you, dear reader, to take a moment to reflect on your mother’s role in your life. Whether through her words of wisdom, comforting embrace, or unwavering support, consider the countless ways she has shaped your journey and nurtured your growth. Today, let us express our gratitude and appreciation for the mothers who have loved us unconditionally and sacrificed so much for our well-being. Reach out to your mother, whether through a heartfelt conversation, a handwritten note, or a warm embrace, and let her know just how much she means to you. Cherish every moment with her, for a mother’s love is a precious gift that ameliorates our lives in immeasurable ways.

Message to My Mother

Mom, as I write these words, my heart overflows with love and gratitude for everything you have done for me. You embody strength, resilience, and unconditional love, and I am beyond blessed to call you my mother. Thank you for being my confidante and my guiding light, who has illuminated my path through every twist and turn of life’s journey. I love you more than words can express today and always.


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A Story on Mother and Her Sacrifice

We all love our mothers, don’t we? She may be a little strict but she still is the best of all. Mothers love us the most and would sacrifice everything for our happiness and well-being. However, we forget to recognize and appreciate her love and sacrifices for us and take everything for granted. The same happened with David. He never loved his mother and was ashamed of her but when he learned the truth about her, all he could do was regret it. Let’s read a story on mother and learn from David’s mistakes. 

A Mother and her Child

A Mother and her Child

A Story on Mother: David’s Mother

David was a school-going kid whose mother had just one eye. He disliked his mother for having just a single eye. He always felt embarrassed of her and did not insist on her visiting his school to pick him up. David’s mother ran a small plant shop at a flea market. She worked hard and sold whatever she could to earn enough money to make ends meet. David hated their living conditions and wished to be rich when he grew up.

One day, David’s school organized a Parent’s Day event and all children were asked to invite their parents to school. David did not want to be a laughingstock in front of his friends and hence decided not to invite his mother. However, David’s mother found out about it when she read David’s school diary while packing his lunch. She thought that David had forgotten to tell her and decided to surprise him with his favourite snack. 

When David’s mother arrived at school and called out to him, he was furious to see her. David’s friends laughed at him and said, “Is that one-eyed monster your mother? She looks funny.”. David ran away in tears. When they reached home, David yelled at his mother, “Why did you come to school? You’re such an embarrassment! I never wanted you to come to school and that’s why I didn’t invite you. Look how everyone laughed at me. You are the worst mother ever.”. 

David’s mother said nothing. She went to the kitchen to start preparations for dinner and sobbed quietly. David had come to the kitchen for a glass of water and saw her mother sobbing but did not console her. Although he felt a little bad for misbehaving with her, he was determined to study hard and leave her behind for a better future. 

Years passed and David indeed grew up to be a good student and a rich man who earned handsomely. He left the city and his mother behind and built a big house in a different city. He now had a family of his own whom he loved immensely. He broke all ties with his mother and never contacted her. Even his wife and children didn’t know about his mother. Once when his mother had come to visit him, David pretended to not know her and drove her away treating her like a beggar. She walked away with a smile and no words, again. 

A few days later, David received an e-mail from his school inviting him to a school reunion. David took his family to the reunion to meet his friends, hoping that his mother wouldn’t show up at school after their last encounter. David’s daughter lost the earrings she was wearing at the reunion party and made a fuss about it. So, David decided to go out and buy new ones for her. When David happened to pass by his old house, he stepped in out of curiosity. He could not find his mother anywhere but only her diary that she would often scribble in. After all these years, David finally got to see what was written in it.

David was heartbroken to find out that his mother had donated her other eye to David when he lost it in an accident during his childhood. She had journaled her dreams and aspirations for David in that diary and all those times when David misbehaved with her. Each time she wrote, “I forgive you, my son, I know you love me and I love you a lot.” Her last words were, “David, I wanted to see you as a rich and successful man living with a happy family before I die. The doctor said my days were numbered. I wasn’t sure if you would come down with your family at the reunion and even if you did, whether you would bring them to our house. For one last time, I forgive you, my son.”. David cried uncontrollably; he hated himself for being so cruel to his mother. But, it was too late. 

Tips for Parents!

The story may be a little hard on the heart for you little one, hence please use your discretion while reading or you can tweak the ending a bit to suit yourself. We would like to suggest an activity to indulge your child in. Provide them with a pen and paper and ask them to write a thank-you note to their mother. Thereafter, you can head to our website and read them a fun story from our huge collection. 

FAQs on A Story on Mother and Her Sacrifice

1. How did David’s mother treat him?

David’s mother was a very loving parent. She always cared for and loved David. Despite the fact that David could not stand her because she had just one eye and felt embarrassed, she never scolded David or mistreated him. She worked hard to provide him with a good life and wished well for him as she mentioned in her letter that she always forgave him and wanted to see him happy and successful. 

2. What truth did David discover in his mother’s diary?

When David visited his mother’s house and read her diary, he realized that his mother had written down her dreams and all that she aspired for David. He found out that it was he who had lost an eye during an accident in childhood and that his mother donated her eye to David. This made David regret his actions and the harsh words that he had said to his mother. 

New Times, New Thinking.

A mother’s sacrifice: tracing the literary history of maternal love

As Toni Morrison's Beloved illustrates, maternal love defies restrictions based on the intersection of race and gender, and exists beyond patriarchal rules of ownership.

By Glosswitch

essay about a mother's sacrifice

What is a “ good mother ” ? One who would sacrifice all for her children. One who offers love that is endless, silent, undemanding, One who would deny her own maternal identity rather than see her offspring rent in two. A good mother is her children; she does not have a story of her own. She is the channel through which others learn to speak.

Sethe – the heroine of Toni Morrison’s Beloved – is not a “ good mother ”. She questions the very conventions of the maternal narrative. An escaped slave in the latter half of the 19th century, she inhabits a world in which “ good mothering ” is highly valued, but only for a certain type of woman: white, wealthy, outsourcing. Sethe’s role is to be passive: produce flesh, produce milk, but whatever you do, do not love. Tie up your child, work, and then watch as others take your compliance as evidence that you were never really human at all.

In his introduction to The Folio Society’s beautifully illustrated reissue of the novel, Russell Banks describes the work as “a story about family life and love, and how, in a social and economic universe designed explicitly to destroy them, they endure.” They endure, but in a haunted, distorted form, an echo of the 28 days during which Sethe can enjoy her children before they are hunted down. Twenty eight days marks the distance between an act of nurturance and one of murder; “the travel of one whole moon […] from the pure clear stream of spit that the little girl dribbled into her face to her oily blood.”

During this short space of time Sethe embraces the dominant values of idealised maternity (“it didn’t matter whether it was real or not”). She behaves in a way that would, for a white heroine, be conventional, but which is, as Andrea O’Reilly puts it , “a radical act of defiance against the prohibition on slave motherhood.”

The illusion is meant to end upon recapture, but it does not, because Sethe refuses to let her family be taken from her. Instead she attempts to kill all four of her children, succeeding with the girl she names Beloved. Sethe’s passion defies the slave owner’s – and the western plotline’s – attempts at appropriation, for better or for worse.

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Morning call.

Morrison has famously said of her character’s act, “ it was absolutely the right thing to do, but she had no right to do it ”. It is an act situated in the space between self-assertion and self-sacrifice, where Sethe has taken what is humane and preserved it when faced with all that is inhumane.

Overriding the traditional white feminist opposition of maternity and self-affirmation, it is a an act of rebellion (“I stopped him […] I took and put my babies where they’d be safe”) but one which people within Sethe’s own community regard as untenable (“your love is too thick”, says fellow former slave Paul D). It is seen as prideful, presumptuous, a reversal of the agonised witnessing that is all her mothering is scripted to be. 

What struck Morrison about Margaret Garner , the woman whose real-life story provided the initial (if brief) inspiration for Sethe’s, was that much as many of her supporters would have liked her to be insane, her act of infanticide appears to have been firmly rooted in maternal logic:

They kept remarking on the fact that she was not frothing at the mouth, she was not a madwoman, and she kept saying, ‘No, they’re not going to live like that. They will not live the way I have lived.’

This tenaciousness – the powerful affirmation of what is right about an act of maternal violence, within a culture that simultaneously sets ideal standards for mothering while deny black women the right to exemplify them – is echoed by Sethe: “It worked. […] It ain’t my job to know what’s worse. It’s my job to know what is and to keep them away from what I know is terrible. I did that.” Men such as Paul D and Stamp Paid, recasting this as “she was trying to out-hurt the hurter,” understand the position of injustice but not the passion that drives Sethe. And yet if, in a world in which some human beings are treated as the possessions of others, it remains true that we belong to ourselves, mothers cannot under any circumstances take the lives of their children. “She had no right to do it.” And yet.

The maternal crisis faced by women such as Sethe is not simply a fiction nor an anachronism. It remains with us to this day, in other stories, stories which are rarely told. Dominant groups control the reproductive lives – and make judgments over the right to love – of those they whom subjugate. Across the globe, poor women of colour bear the genetic offspring of wealthy white couples, while here in the UK mothers on benefits are told the only acceptable third child must be the product of rape. The options for rebellion are limited.

In Sethe’s act, I am reminded of what is perhaps not a new phenomenon, but something identified as a modern-day cultural trend: the family annihilator , the man who kills his own children and himself so that their mother – the perceived “owner” – cannot have them for herself. With his misplaced sense of grievance, rooted in the patriarchal belief that women’s physical and emotional labour amounts to little more than a calling of the reproductive shots, he appropriates  the concepts and language of reproductive justice. As black scholars such as Dorothy Roberts and Patricia Hill Collins have shown, for women of colour the historical legacy of their desire to nurture goes beyond such a crass jealousy. As Hill Collins writes , “slavery was a situation where owners controlled numerous dimensions of [African-American women’s] children’s lives”:

Black children could be sold at will, whipped, or even killed, all without any recourse by their mothers. In such a situation, getting to keep one’s children and raise them accordingly fosters empowerment.

One can debate whether or not there is empowerment in death ( Morrison : “I think if I had seen what she had seen, and knew what was in store, and I felt that there was an afterlife – or even if I felt that there wasn’t – I think I would have done the same thing”) but what is notable is that right now, in a situation of global reproductive deprivation, privileged men parody the injustice that underprivileged women experience, to the extent of feeling it so strongly they commit the acts that these women do not.

While there is a selfishness to all forms of parental self-sacrifice (what we do for “our” children may not be what we would do for the children of other communities), what Beloved articulates so carefully and magically is the double-bind of self-affirming love within the context of oppression: not the fetishised, existing-only-in-one-context love of the white angel of the home, but love as material reality, flowing in water, milk and blood.

There is a gendered and racial context in which asking “what makes a classic?” puts the white andor male critic on a level with Sweet Home’s schoolteacher, with his notebook and pencil and presumed right to classify that which is “human or animal” in others.

In 1994’s In Defence of Elitism William A Henry III was to huffily describe how, “Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize in fiction for Beloved came after an explicitly race-based lobbying campaign on her behalf, with a modicum of feminist pressure thrown in as well.”

That is, we are supposed to think, evidence of bias (because objectivity – in aesthetics, in science, in the evaluation of human worth – is white and male). The blank piece of paper remains a white, male space, so when Morrison writes, it is still a writing-over, a trespass, an offence by default. For white readers like me, our highest praise risks being the pathetic “but I didn’t even notice”. Yet a more careful reading can make the page alien to us, as it should, since this is neither our offspring nor our offering. 

In The Mother/Daughter Plot , Marianne Hirsch argues that with Beloved , “Toni Morrison has done more than shift the direction of her own work and of feminist theorizing: she has opened the space for maternal narrative in feminist fiction.”

Much as I am wary of any universalising impulse – we must be clear that there is no maternal narrative, only narratives – I think there is truth in this. Maternal love defies restrictions based on the intersection of race and gender, and exists beyond patriarchal rules of ownership. It exists in flesh and milk, in each maternal body, yet the conditions under which one is asked to love, or not love, vary enormously. Thus in Sethe’s case, there is a desperate need to capture the beauty existing beyond the handsaw and the accusations of pride:

She just flew. Collected every bit of life she had made, all the parts of her that were precious and fine and beautiful, and carried, pushed, dragged them through the veil, out, away, over there where no one could hurt them. Over there. Outside this place, where they would be safe.

Like a ghost child emerging from the water, it alights from the page and is visible. Just there. 

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Essay on Mother for Students and Children

500 words essay on mother for school students.

First of all, Mother is a word which fills everyone with emotions . A Mother is certainly the most important human being in everyone’s life. Mother’s Love for her child certainly cannot be compared with anything. Her level of forgiveness is unmatchable. A Mother is capable of forgiving any wrongdoing. Mother is the most important woman in everyone’s life. A mother sacrifices her happiness for her child. No one else can care for their kids the way a Mother does.  A Mother is great and does not need anyone like me explaining that. This essay on Mother is a small attempt to discover the greatness of a mother.

essay on mother

Importance of a Mother

First of all, Mothers are highly responsible women. They certainly play a very important role in the upbringing of a chil d. Most noteworthy, Mothers play a huge role in determining a child’s attitude. Whether a child will be good or evil in the future depends upon the Mother. The moral values taught by Mother probably play a huge role. Individuals often remember their Mother’s values until old age. Hence, the Mother is responsible for the well-being of society. The future of society in a large way is the result of a Mother’s teaching.

essay about a mother's sacrifice

Mothers share a deep connection with their children. This connection certainly cannot be matched by anyone else. Even fathers fail to establish that type of understanding. The origins of this connection happen from infancy. Most noteworthy, a Mother can understand her infant child without communication. This certainly develops a strong emotional connection between a mother and child. This bond seems to carry into adult life. A Mother, it seems like, can always tell when we are feeling hungry.

Mothers also are the emotional backbone of the family. They support everyone’s feeling in a family. Family members can certainly tell their emotions to Mothers without worry. An individual can share almost any secret with Mother. This is because Mothers have a huge level of trust with their family. Furthermore, Mothers have an extremely forgiving nature. Hence, even wrongdoing can be shared with a Mother.

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How to Support Mothers?

First of all, Mothers are precious gifts from God. Without mothers, life would certainly be dark and gloomy. Therefore, it is our duty to help and support our Mothers. One important way to do that is to help in chores. Individuals must try to do more household work. This would certainly reduce the burden of Mothers. Hence, this will also improve her health. Another way of supporting Mothers is to speak words of affirmation.

Most noteworthy, a Mother’s heart is made of gold. A few words of acknowledgment would fill her heart with happiness. There are probably several ways of doing so. One way is to praise the meal cooked by her. Above all, such acknowledgment should come on a regular basis.

A Mother is a gem in everyone’s life. She is the ultimate source of happiness for a child. Her contributions are certainly too great to imagine. Above all, her love is pure and innocent. To find a Mother who does not love is probably an impossible task.

Read some awesome Essay Writing Tips here.

FAQs  – Essay on Mother

Q.1 At what age a child forms an emotional connection with Mother?

A.1 A child forms an emotional connection with his mother from the age of infancy.

Q.2 Mention one way in which children can help their Mothers.

A.2 Children can help their Mothers by speaking words of acknowledgment. This is one way of certainly helping Mothers.

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Essay on Mothers love

Students are often asked to write an essay on Mothers love in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Mothers love

Understanding mother’s love.

A mother’s love is a unique bond that cannot be compared. It begins from the moment a child is conceived and continues forever. It’s pure, selfless, and unconditional.

The Depth of Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is deep and profound. She is always ready to sacrifice for her children’s happiness and well-being without expecting anything in return. Her love is a shelter during the toughest times.

Expressions of Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is expressed in countless ways. It can be seen in her caring touch, her comforting words, and her constant support. Her love is a guiding light in our lives.

The Power of Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is powerful. It can heal wounds, provide strength, and inspire us to achieve greatness. It’s the greatest gift one can ever receive.

250 Words Essay on Mothers love

The quintessence of a mother’s love.

A mother’s love is a powerful force that shapes the world around us. It is an unspoken language of care, sacrifice, and endless devotion that transcends cultural, geographical, and temporal boundaries. Rooted in the biological imperative, a mother’s love is an epitome of unconditional affection and nurturing.

The Unconditional Nature of Maternal Affection

A mother’s love is unconditional. It does not discriminate or differentiate, and it does not diminish with time or circumstance. From the moment a child is born, a mother’s love serves as a constant, unwavering beacon of light that guides them through the tumultuous journey of life. This love is a safety net that catches us when we fall, a source of comfort when we are in pain, and a reservoir of strength when we feel weak.

The Sacrificial Aspect of Motherhood

A mother’s love is sacrificial. It is a love that gives without expecting anything in return. Mothers often put their children’s needs before their own, sacrificing their time, energy, and sometimes even their dreams, to ensure their offspring’s well-being and success. This selfless love is a testament to the lengths a mother will go to protect and nurture her child.

The Transformative Power of Maternal Love

A mother’s love holds transformative power. It shapes us, molds us, and influences our understanding of love and relationships. It teaches us empathy, compassion, and resilience, and it instills in us the confidence to face life’s challenges.

In conclusion, a mother’s love is an extraordinary force, a remarkable testament to the strength and beauty of the human spirit. It is a love that lasts a lifetime, a love that changes us, and a love that remains with us, no matter where life takes us.

500 Words Essay on Mothers love

The essence of a mother’s love.

A mother’s love is a profound and multifaceted concept, universally acknowledged as one of the most powerful forces in existence. This love is not only biological but transcends the boundaries of reason and logic, reaching into the realm of the inexplicable and the extraordinary.

The Biological Bond

Unconditional love.

The love of a mother for her child is often described as unconditional. This means that it does not depend on the child’s behavior, achievements, or qualities. It is a love that is constant and unwavering, regardless of circumstances. This unconditional aspect of a mother’s love can be seen as an evolutionary trait, ensuring the survival and well-being of offspring. Yet, it also carries a profound emotional and psychological significance, providing the child with a sense of security and self-worth that can be foundational to their development.

Love as Sacrifice

Another dimension of a mother’s love is the aspect of sacrifice. Mothers often put their children’s needs before their own, willing to make great sacrifices for their well-being. This can range from the physical sacrifice of pregnancy and childbirth to the ongoing sacrifices made in raising a child, such as giving up personal time, career opportunities, or even aspects of their own identity.

Nurturing Growth

Love’s enduring impact.

The impact of a mother’s love is not limited to childhood but extends into adulthood. The love and support received from a mother can shape a person’s self-esteem, resilience, and capacity for empathy. It can influence their relationships, their approach to challenges, and their overall outlook on life.

In conclusion, a mother’s love is a complex and powerful force, encompassing biological connection, unconditional acceptance, sacrifice, nurturing, and enduring impact. It is a fundamental aspect of human experience, shaping us in profound ways and influencing who we become. The understanding of this love is not only crucial for appreciating the role of mothers in our lives but also for recognizing the deep bonds that connect us as human beings.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Mother — Celebrating Mothers: A Reflection on Their Unconditional Love and Influence


Celebrating Mothers: a Reflection on Their Unconditional Love and Influence

  • Categories: Mother Motherhood

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Words: 536 |

Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 536 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

The power of unconditional love, a legacy of love, embracing diversity, challenges and triumphs.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay about a mother's sacrifice


A mother's sacrifice: Why you should thank your mom

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  • Mother's Day

a mother's sacrifice for her kids.

A mother’s love for her kid is sometimes called “a mother’s sacrifice” since it is so selfless and unrequited. For a woman, caring for her child always comes first, even if it means sacrificing her comfort or happiness.

There are various ways in which mothers sacrifice for their children. That includes giving up paid employment to stay home and raise their kids, working long hours, and putting aside other interests and activities.

A mother’s sacrifice often involves experiencing discomfort to help their sick or distressed child. A mother’s sacrifice is a fundamental concept of many worldviews. 

We recognize mothers and all they have done for us on Mother’s Day . As a symbol of the unbreakable tie between a mother and her child, it is a reminder of mothers’ remarkable strength and resilience.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” – Proverbs 31:25-28

The verse implies that a mother’s willingness to make sacrifices for her family is an essential and admirable part of her duty. Also, her commitment to caring for her children and home can benefit their lives. 

In addition, it stresses the value of acknowledging and honoring moms for all they do for their families.

What do mothers sacrifice? 

Mothers sacrifice much for their children, often putting their needs and desires aside to prioritize their children’s well-being. Some of the things that mothers may sacrifice include:


Many mothers may put their career aspirations on hold or scale back their work hours to care for their children.

Mothers often dedicate significant time to caring for their children, which can mean sacrificing personal time and interests.

A woman should treat her time caring for her children as the time she can use to focus on herself. That’s why many people who don’t have kids grow out of their selfish ways. They are so used to thinking about themselves that they no longer give any thought to the feelings of those around them.

According to EduBirdie , some mothers must work daily to provide us with a good upbringing and what we desire.

She had to bail on her buddies to pick us up from school. She would work long hours at the office, then come home and stay up all night with a sick kid or work tirelessly on a school assignment. Some women may have to give up their careers to raise a family.

Personal space

Mothers often make personal and material sacrifices to accommodate their children. This may necessitate the change of a formerly private space, like a home office or reading nook, into a more family-oriented room. 

Sharing a bedroom with their kid or giving up some of their old hobbies and interests may also be necessary to make the home more secure and kid-friendly.

Social life

Mothers may have to put their interests and activities on hold to care for their children. This can be especially difficult for first-time mothers, who may be experiencing feelings of isolation or exhaustion due to the duties of caring for a newborn. 

Mothers often have to choose between attending social activities like parties and outings with friends and tending to their children. They might also need help to keep in touch with friends who don’t have kids or who have a more flexible schedule than them.

Emotional well-being

Mothers may put their own emotional needs on hold to attend to their children’s emotional well-being, providing comfort and support during times of stress or difficulty.

For YourDOST , a person with intense emotional resilience is likelier to enjoy life.

Mothers sacrifice for us, but the sacrifice takes an emotional toll on them. Some people and events provide them with a sense of stability and safety. 

However, they can’t be together much because of their roles as parents. The emotional toll of all these concessions is enormous.

Parents invest much in meeting their children’s needs from an early age. They give their students the most outstanding education possible and often go above and above to help kids. The financial impact of these sacrifices is significant.

Mothers may need to adjust their spending habits and lifestyle to save money and prioritize their child’s needs. 

They may need to cut back on non-essential expenses, such as dining out or buying new clothes for themselves, to provide for their child’s needs. Mothers may also need to make sacrifices regarding their careers and income.

Sometimes, mothers may need multiple jobs or extra work to meet their children’s needs. And that can be physically and emotionally exhausting for them.

Most moms would agree that the love and happiness their children bring them are worth far more than the financial costs of raising them. But moms must have access to tools and information that can help them plan for the future of their families financially.

A mother’s sacrifice: Why should we thank our moms?

We should thank our moms for their sacrifices, which are significant in our lives. They give so much of themselves to ensure our well-being and happiness.

Mothers often sacrifice their time, energy, and personal goals to meet their children’s needs by caring for them when they’re sick, attending to their emotional needs, or working long hours to provide financial stability for the family. 

Their sacrifices are often made from love and a desire to see their children succeed and thrive.

essay about a mother's sacrifice

Image: Eye for Ebony|Unsplash

Thanking our moms for their sacrifices is a way of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for all they have done for us. 

It is a way of showing appreciation for the countless ways they have supported us. Also, it recognizes the selflessness and dedication they have shown in raising us.

Moreover, thanking our moms for their sacrifices can strengthen our relationship with them, fostering a deeper sense of connection and understanding. 

It can also serve as an inspiration for us to show similar levels of dedication and selflessness in our own lives, whether it’s through our relationships with family, friends, or our community.

Thanking our moms for their sacrifices is a way of recognizing their incredible role in our lives and their impact on shaping who we are. It expresses gratitude and appreciation for their work and fosters deeper connections and relationships within our families.

Putting her child’s needs above her own

A mother’s sacrifice is a selfless act of putting her children’s needs and well-being above hers. It can involve sacrificing personal space, social life, and money, among other things.

A mother’s sacrifice can have a positive impact on their emotional well-being. For example, if a mother prioritizes her child’s needs over her social life, it can create a sense of security and emotional stability for the child. 

This can help children develop greater trust and attachment to their mothers. 

When a mother sacrifices her time and energy to care for her children’s physical and emotional needs, it can also create a strong bond between mother and child. As a result, it can help children feel loved and supported. 

A mother’s sacrifice can improve a child’s emotional security and well-being. This can have long-lasting benefits for their mental health and overall quality of life.

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Essay on Mother | Long and Short Essays on Mother for Students and Children in English

May 5, 2022 by Prasanna

Essay on Mother: Mother as we all know is the greatest blessing of God in everyone’s life. The love and sacrifice a mother holds in her heart for her child is immeasurable and undoubtedly the maximum. A mother remains a mother for her child even if the child has now become an adult.

Without a mother the existence of this world is impossible and unimaginable. Mother is the first best friend or BFF as the children now say in a child’s life. It is really hard to find a true best friend like her who supports us in every difficult situation and the good deeds we do but also helps us to take the right path in life.

She is always there in our good as well as bad times. A child is the first priority of a mother even if she has to ignore herself for the child’s wellbeing. That is why, to celebrate the true spirit of motherhood, Mother’s Day is celebrated on 5th May of every year.

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Long Essay on Mother 650 Words in English

Mother can be defined as the source of joy and happiness in a person’s life. She is the one who from the birth of the child to his old age stands beside him in every phase of life. There’s a saying that God cannot be everywhere so he created Mother. It is actually true as she is like a goddess in everyone’s life caring and nurturing without any set terms and conditions.

He created someone who would bring joy and make a mundane life into a lively one because that is the requirement of a baby. She is patient, strong, supportive, lovable, humble, authoritative, all at the same time. All these qualities are very difficult to find in a single person but see we can all find them in a mother. She is an amazing human being who surprises us everyday with her incredible traits. She is the one who will accept her child in any situation no matter what.

She is the one who brought us into this world and is trying to protect us from any evil eye. We hear people saying that internal beauty is more impressive than outside beauty, a mother is the perfect example of this as she has the most loving heart with the face of an angel. For a child his or her mother is the most beautiful person in this whole world. A mother’s bravery can be compared to a warrior as she will fight to any extent against any odds for the safety and well-being of her child.

Every child should try to be brave like their mother who is not willing to give up when difficulties show up. The compassion a mother holds proves to be the strength for a person whenever they find themselves in a difficult situation. A mother tries to stay updated with the latest trends in every area so that her child can discuss everything with her without any hesitation due to the age difference. She is the friend, philosopher, guide and teacher in each one’s life no matter how old we get, we still need her.

She can tell whether our situation is happy or sad just by looking at our faces, without a word spoken. She helps in our decisions be it career-related, educational, or any other irrespective of or without any bias. She is the one who takes us on the right path if we get distracted or get involved in the wrong company. How lucky are those people who get the selfless and unconditional love of their mothers? A mother is a mother after all who is the representative of God on this earth. What a child shares with her mother are a lifelong bond that is created just after the moment a child is born. A mother’s love is extremely important for the healthy upbringing of a child.

Mother Essay

Short Essay on Mother

  • A mother as we all know is the epitome of love and sacrifice. She is always ready to do anything for her child even if it is the risk of her own life.
  • She is the one who works for the child’s wellbeing, growth, development, and welfare all through her life. She feels herself committed to the child she has given birth to without any expectations or conditions.
  • A mother plays a very important role in a person’s life as she is the protector, guide and philosopher of him or her. That is why everyone needs a mother even if they themselves have grown into adults and have even entered parenthood.
  • A young mother also needs the guidance of her mother to take care of the newborn as a mother can only guide us to the right path.
  • Mothers often spend sleepless nights in order to take care of the newborn or the sick child without any complaints. She teaches us to remain strong in every difficult situation of our life.
  • She is like a goddess or has superpowers because she takes away all the pains and difficulties of a family in such an easy way.
  • Mothers are very soft-hearted and can melt even if the child has a little cold and cough. They cannot see their child in any difficult or uncomfortable situation.
  • They are humble, simple, and always ready to participate in a kid’s talks and activities.
  • She is a living example of how to face a difficult situation, how to multitask and that too with utmost love and care.
  • Every person has a teacher in their mother who inspires them to achieve their goals, stay happy and healthy.

FAQ’s on Mother Essay

Question 1. What is the best definition of the word Mother?

Answer: A mother is a female parent of the child. She gives birth and also takes care of the child. She’s full of warmth and love. She acts as a teacher, a friend, a doctor and plays all roles for the betterment of her children.

Question 2. What does it mean to be a mother?

Answer: Being a mother is a tough task as you need to always keep your children on priority. Nowadays mothers multitask and also give importance to themselves to take better care of their kids as you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Question 3. Why do you love your mother?

Answer: I love my mother. She’s always there for me. She’s my strength and critic too. She acts as a teacher, chef, and doctor for me. She’s so loving and joyful.

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The Mother's Sacrifices And Modern Issues


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Sacrifice of a Mother: Euryalus's Mother Michelle McDaniel College

Euryalus’s mother always stood out among the others. She left the other mothers behind to stay with her son while most of the women decided to live in Sicily instead of traveling this arduous journey. She also was highlighted in the battle in which her son died as she ran among the soldiers to the front line to find Euryalus’s body as soon as the word reached her. Distinctions were further made between her and the others grieving over the very recognizable body of her son by the speech she gave at his side. This speech said much about the heightened importance of sacrifice and self sacrifice found in The Aeneid, versus either the Iliad or the Odyssey, through the sacrifices made for Euryalus by his mother and the other people in his life and death.

Euryalus’s mother’s entire presence in the poem, The Aeneid, seemed to be of sacrifice for her son. Over and over again, she puts his life above her own, a concept not seen in Homer’s epics. The speech she gives by his side when she sees him dead speaks of her dying as well. “Put your spears into me, Rutulians, if you can be moved,” she says to the men around her, and “dispatch this hateful soul to the abyss,” she says to Zeus, begging them to take her life (Aeneid 9.700-04). Her...

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essay about a mother's sacrifice

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Sacrifices of a Mother: Things You Should Thank Your Mom For

This is to honor my mother and all the mothers out there. The love you have offered are unconditional and pure that no other person can fill in. The sacrifices of a mother are incomparable because they are unsolicited. Mothers just love – and will always love their children no matter what.

mom and child hands

A Mother’s Beginning yet Unending Journey

It started the day she conceived you but, it never ended there. In fact, it’s just the beginning of joys and pains. Yet she is determined to do what is right for you. She may have many sleepless nights yet, she wouldn’t mind because she’s too excited to see you.

Then, the labor pains struck her; soon you were born. That was the most momentous event of her life, seeing God’s miracle at its finest. She loves to see your sweet and innocent smile, it brightens up her day. She would note all your milestone and dedicate her time to teach you. She has protected you from any harm so you would grow up with all the love and care you needed. She’s tireless when it comes to you.

The Unsolicited Sacrifices of a Mother

essay about a mother's sacrifice

Resources may be limited but, she would provide for almost all you need. She will double her effort and make it adequate enough for you to survive this life. She has been an inspiration, a role model to her children.

What you can give her on Mother’s day that no amount of money can buy is your appreciation, your love, and respect for her sacrifices of a mother.

For you alone is her greatest gift from God. Written in Psalm 127: 3, “Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward. “ So, cherish her and most of all “Listen”, so you won’t have to regret it in the end, for she’s not there to last a lifetime.

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Sacrifice: An Unexpected Answer to Family Challenges


"In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up that makes us rich." –Henry Ward Beecher

Michael Ruse and Julie Dodger had been engaged for six months, but the closer they got to the wedding, the more concerned they were about the marriage. Julie was willing to move to a new location, and Michael was willing to attend all of her family gatherings. When they did the math, it should have worked out. But according to Julie, Michael didn’t earn enough, didn’t listen well enough, and didn’t compromise. And according to Michael, Julie was intolerant, disorganized, and high maintenance. They worried that their differences were irreconcilable.

Through discussion, Michael and Julie came to realize that although their problems were very real, their strengths were real as well, and they showed those strengths best when they sacrificed for one another. Julie felt like it was easier to appreciate Michael when she cleaned her apartment for him and when she forgave his imperfections, and Michael knew from experience that his love for Julie grew when he sacrificed his evening sports show to hear about her day. By focusing on sacrificing for each another, the couple gained the courage to move forward in their relationship. They learned that mutual love grows as we serve and sacrifice for each other.

A Contrary Culture

The couple was surprised at first that a simple principle like sacrifice provided a solution to their problems. We can understand their skepticism. American culture doesn’t value sacrifice as much as it values individuality. Self-care and science are the songs of our day, not sacrifice!

But perhaps what we need is the simple reminder of the truth spoken by Jesus: “[H]e that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 10:39).

The Great Paradox

There is a certain inevitability that as one struggles to foster someone else’s growth, one’s own growth, in one way or another, is also fostered. –Dag Hammarskjold 1

Sacrifice is a willingness to “forego immediate self-interest to promote the well-being of a partner or relationship”. 10 We frequently see this kind of sacrifice in family relationships. Consider these examples:

Parenting Relationships : A new mother sacrifices much-needed sleep in order to feed her hungry infant.

In the case of childrearing, sacrifice is not just a nicety—it is a necessity. The Family: A Proclamation to the World describes some important parental sacrifices:

Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.

Marriage Relationships: A husband sacrifices his weekend plans with friends to take his wife on a date.

Marriage requires a lot of sacrifice. Fortunately, sacrifice is easier for people who are united. “For those individuals who have a strong sense of couple identity..., and are therefore more interested in the well-being of the couple unit than their own individual gains, it is theorized that acts of sacrifice will be easier because they do not feel like they are as much of a sacrifice”. 11 When a couple feels committed and unified, sacrifice is a blessing rather than a burden.

Family Relationships: A child sacrifices his lunch money for his younger sister when she forgets hers.

Children benefit from the sacrificial examples of their parents. As recipients of their parents’ sacrifices, they also learn how to sacrifice. In this way, sacrifice makes it more likely for family members to reciprocate good behaviors. The result is a more generous, hospitable home atmosphere.

A Responsibility and a Reward

Sacrifice is so common in family life that we often fail to notice it. Sacrifice can be active (doing something against your own inclination in order to please someone you love) or passive (not doing something that you’d like to do in order to please someone you love). It may seem costly at times, but sacrifice is a gift with many rewards.

Research shows that greater sacrifice leads to happier, longer-lasting relationships. Scholars include it with other “transformative processes” like forgiveness, commitment, and sanctification. Though the reasons why sacrifice is so important to families have not all been identified, some researchers have noted that “sacrifice has surplus value, yielding positive consequences for the partner above and beyond any direct impact on experienced outcomes”. 10 Rather than leaving us empty, sacrifice actually makes us full.

Motive Matters

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity . . . ( 2 Corinthians 9:7 ).

Not all sacrifice is created equally. People can sacrifice with two types of motives:

Approach motives seek to obtain positive outcomes. For example, a man could buy flowers for his wife because he loves her and wants her to be happy.

Avoidance motives seek to avoid negative outcomes. For example, the same man could buy flowers for his wife for Valentine’s Day because he knows that she would be mad if he didn’t.

Research shows that approach motives are better than avoidance motives. It’s easy to see why. The man who buys flowers for his wife because he loves her will be happy about the gift. He’ll probably feel like a better husband, and he will be confident that his wife will return the affection that he feels for her. In contrast, the man who buys flowers for his wife to avoid her wrath probably feels a little stressed, having to tiptoe around her. He might be mad about the money that it costs, and he will expect her to be ungrateful or undeserving of the gift. Rather than bringing the couple together, sacrificing with avoidance motives has the potential to drive them further apart. Giving sacrifice willingly (with approach motives) is far more beneficial than giving grudgingly.

Learning to Sacrifice

Learning to sacrifice is more than a to-do list. Since motivation matters, sacrifice must be delivered with an attitude of love and appreciation. It is less of an action than it is a process of becoming. So although the following suggestions may help, remember that sacrificing requires a change of heart, and not just a change of behavior:

Sacrificial Speech: Sometimes sacrifice means biting your tongue. When your partner or child makes a negative remark, don’t respond unkindly. Instead, select a calm and caring reply. This is called accommodation or editing.

Sacrificial Stance: Researchers recommend that rather than focusing on how our family members can change, we should shift our attention to something that we have more control over, such as how we can bless them. In the spirit of President John F Kennedy, we ask not “what can this person do for me?” but “what can I do for this person?”

Sacrificial Sight: Change your heart by changing your perspective. Researchers suggest that we should focus on the things that we want to create in our relationships rather than things that we want to avoid. See family members’ needs and interests as important as your own, and notice their strengths rather than their weaknesses.

Sacrificial Savoir-Faire: Savoir-faire is the ability to act with grace and tact. Sometimes this requires sacrifice. Choose your battles wisely and be willing to set aside personal interests when they conflict with couple or family well-being.

Written by Jenny Stewart, Research Assistant, edited by Justin Dyer and Stephen F. Duncan, professors in the School of Family Life, Brigham Young University.

  • Bahr, H. S. (2001). Families and self-sacrifice: Alternative models and meanings for family theory. Social Forces, 79(4), 1231-1258.
  • Burr, W. R., Marks, L. D., Day, R. D. (2012). Sacred matters: Religion and spirituality in families. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Cherlin, A. J. (2004). The deinstitutionalization of American marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family , 66(4), 848-861.
  • Fincham, F. D., Stanley, S. M., Beach, S. R H. (2007). Transformative processes in marriage: An analysis of emerging trends. Journal of Marriage and Family , 69, 275-292.
  • Fowers, B. J. (2000). Beyond the myth of marital happiness: How embracing the virtues of loyalty, generosity, justice, and courage can strengthen your relationship . San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Hinckley, G. B. (1971, June). Except the Lord build the house . Ensign.
  • Impett, E. A., Gable, S. L., & Peplau, L. (2005). Giving up and giving in: The costs and benefits of daily sacrifice in intimate relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89(3), 327-344.
  • Pargament, K., Zinnbauer, B., Scott, A., Butter, E., Zerowin, J., & Stanik, P. (1998). Red flags and religious coping: Identifying some religious warning signs among people in crisis. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 54(1), 77-89.
  • Stanley, S. M., Whitton, S. W., Sadberry, S. L., Clements, M. L., Markman, H. J. (2006). Sacrifice as a predictor of marital outcomes. Family Process , 45, 289-303.
  • Van Lange, P. M., Rusbult, C. E., Drigotas, S. M., Arriaga, X. B., Witcher, B. S., & Cox, C. L. (1997). Willingness to sacrifice in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 72(6), 1373-1395.
  • Whitton, S., Stanley, S., & Markman, H. (2002). Sacrifice in romantic relationships: An exploration of relevant research and theory. In A. L. Vangelisti, H. T. Reis, & M. A. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Stability and change in relationships (pp. 156-182). Cambridge, UK: University Press.

The popular and professional literature seems to miss the real sources of strength in marriage: the shared goals, the necessary struggles and sacrifices, the calm joy of teamwork, and the comfort in two people carrying out mundane tasks together. All of these elements forge the profound bonds that characterize strong marriage. –Blaine Fowers, Beyond the Myth of Marital HappinessMichael and Julie’s experience illustrates that sacrifice can be a positive influence in family life. The couple was surprised at first that a simple principle like sacrifice provided a solution to their problems. We can understand their skepticism. American culture doesn’t value sacrifice as much as it values individuality. Society places such a large emphasis on self-fulfillment and independence that scholars call modern marriage the “individualized” marriage. 3 Although individuality isn’t necessarily bad, too much focus on self can lead us to forget about sacrificing for others, which leads to families being less effective. In addition, sacrifice is usually seen as a religious rather than an academic principle. Self-care and science are the songs of our day, not sacrifice! But things are changing, and sacrifice is gaining importance in the academic world. It came onto the scene almost by accident. In 1998, a team of researchers discovered that sacrifice has positive outcomes. People who sacrifice are happier and have a better outlook on life. 8 Although it may seem strange that giving oneself away makes a person happier, both research and religion teach us that this is true. In Christian tradition, we are most familiar with the words of Jesus: “[H]e that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 10:39).

The Sacrifice Paradox

There is a certain inevitability that as one struggles to foster someone else’s growth, one’s own growth, in one way or another, is also fostered. –Dag Hammarskjold 1 Sacrifice is a “willingness to forego immediate self-interest to promote the well-being of a partner or relationship”. 10 We often see this kind of behavior family relationships. For example, a new mother sacrifices sleep to feed her baby. A husband sacrifices his weekend plans with friends to take his wife on a date. Or a child sacrifices his lunch money for his younger sister when she forgets hers. Sacrifice is so common in family life that we sometimes fail to notice it.

Sacrifice can be active (doing something for someone you love) or passive (not doing something in order to please someone you love). Scholars call sacrifice a “transformation of motivation” because it changes how we relate to others. We replace self-interested desires with concern for the people we are with. 7 Rather than leaving us empty, sacrifice actually makes us full.

Research shows that greater sacrifice leads to happier, longer-lasting relationships. 10,9 Scholars include it with other “transformative processes” like forgiveness, commitment, and sanctification. 4 Though the reasons why sacrifice is so important to families have not all been identified, some researchers have noted that “sacrifice has surplus value, yielding positive consequences for the partner above and beyond any direct impact on experienced outcomes”. 10 However it works, it is obvious that it does work!

Family relationships provide countless opportunities to sacrifice. Parenting, in particular, requires more sacrifice than most relationships. In the case of childrearing, sacrifice is not just a nicety—it is a necessity. The Family: A Proclamation to the World describes some important parental sacrifices:Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.Husbands and wives have important responsibilities to each other and to their children. Fortunately, sacrifice is easier when spouses are unified. “For those individuals who have a strong sense of couple identity . . . and are therefore more interested in the well-being of the couple unit than their own individual gains, it is theorized that acts of sacrifice will be easier because they do not feel like they are as much of a sacrifice”. 11 Mature individuals realize that caring for one’s spouse is actually to one’s own benefit because doing so fulfills a deep human need to belong and to nurture. Sacrifice thus becomes a blessing rather than a burden.Children benefit from the sacrificial examples of their parents. As recipients of their parents’ sacrifices, they learn how to sacrifice in return. In this way, sacrifice makes it more likely for family members to reciprocate good behaviors. The result is a more generous, hospitable home atmosphere. 11

To care about someone . . . means devoting them to the person and taking joy in doing so; in the end, one feels richer for one’s efforts, not poorer. –Tzvetan Todorov. 1 Not all sacrifice is created equally. Researchers often categorize sacrificial behaviors as having one of two motives: 7

Approach motives seek to obtain positive outcomes. We call them “approach motives” or “appetitive motives” because the purpose of sacrifice is to gain a reward. For example, a man could buy flowers for his wife because he loves her and wants her to be happy. He is using approach motives because he is seeking the reward of his wife’s happiness and well-being.

Avoidance motives seek to avoid negative outcomes. Avoidance motives (or “aversive motives”) are so-named because the goal is to avoid some sort of punishment. For example, the same man could buy flowers for his wife for Valentine’s Day because he knows that she will be mad if he doesn’t. He exemplifies avoidance motives because he is seeking to avoid her anger.

Research shows that approach motives are better than avoidance motives. 7 It’s easy to see why. The man who buys flowers for his wife because he loves her will be happy about the gift. He’ll probably feel like a better husband, and he will be confident that his wife will return the affection that he feels for her. In contrast, the man who buys flowers for his wife to avoid her wrath probably feels a little stressed, having to tiptoe around her. He might be mad about the money that it costs, and he will expect her to be ungrateful or undeserving of the gift. Rather than bringing the couple together, sacrificing with avoidance motives has the potential to drive them further apart.

Emily Impett and her colleagues did a study to show the importance of sacrificing for the right reasons. They asked 161 college students to keep a daily journal. For two weeks, students wrote about their romantic relationships and their sacrificial behaviors, including whether or not they were sacrificing for avoidance or approach reasons. The results were impressive:

“On days when participants sacrificed for avoidance motives, they experienced more negative emotions, lower satisfaction with life, less positive relationship well-being, and more relationship conflict…Further, the more often participants sacrificed for avoidance motives over the course of the 2-week study, the less satisfied they were and the more likely they were to have broken up 1 month later…” . 7

Impett’s findings echo a common theme in the Bible: “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity” ( 2 Corinthians 9:7 ). Given grudgingly, sacrifice doesn’t benefit the giver or the receiver nearly as much as when it is given willingly. 10 Approach motives and avoidance motives boil down to the principle of sincerity. Approach motives tend to be sincere, while avoidance motives tend to be insincere. Sincere, heartfelt sacrifice benefits both the giver and the receiver. Author Philip Hallie helped explain why sincerity is prerequisite to sacrifice:

[There is a fundamental distinction] between giving things and giving oneself. When you give somebody a thing without giving yourself, you degrade both parties. But when you give yourself, nobody is degraded . . . both parties are elevated by a shared joy. When you give yourself, the things you are giving become . . . féconde (fertile, fruitful). What you give creates new, vigorous life”. 1

Rather than feeling degraded or used when they sacrifice, people who sacrifice with approach motives (sincerely trying to bless someone else) actually feel like beneficiaries. They profit from the possibility of reciprocation, from feeling needed and useful, and from growing to know what is needed and how to meet those needs. 1

To Make Sacred

Sacrifice has found acceptance in academics, but it is also an important religious principle. The roots of the word sacrifice literally mean “to make sacred”. 2 A team of Brigham Young University scholars explored the link between sacrifice and sacredness. They found that “perceiving parts of family life to be sacred gives them a unique, unusually powerful, and salient influence in families… [Thus] the greater the sacredness of sacrificing, the more unique, powerful, and salient the effects of the sacrificing are on other family processes and valued family outcomes”. 2

So, for people who believe that sacrifice is a sacred principle (of special, even transcendent, significance), sacrifice in family life may be more meaningful. For example, the man who believes that fatherhood is a divine duty will probably be more willing to sacrifice work hours for time with his children than the man who thinks little of his fathering efforts. When sacrifices made in the home are considered sacred, we expect individuals and families to sacrifice more often and with purer motives, leading to better family outcomes. We thus recommend that couples and families view sacrifice from a sacred lens, and see family life as directly benefited by religious beliefs.

  • Sacrificial Speech: Sometimes sacrifice means biting your tongue. When your partner or child makes a negative remark, don’t respond unkindly. Instead, select a calm and caring reply. This is called accommodation or editing. 1
  • Sacrificial Stance: Researchers recommend that rather than focusing on how our family members can change, we should shift our attention to something that we have more control over, such as how we can bless them. 9 In the spirit of President John F Kennedy, we ask not “what can this person do for me?” but “what can I do for this person?”
  • Sacrificial Sight: Change your heart by changing your perspective. Researchers suggest that we should focus on the things that we want to create in our relationships rather than things that we want to avoid. 7 See family members’ needs and interests as important as your own 1 , and notice their strengths rather than their weaknesses.
  • Sacrificial Savoir-Faire: Savoir-faire is the ability to act with grace and tact. Sometimes this requires sacrifice. Choose your battles wisely and be willing to set aside personal interests when they conflict with couple or family well-being. 10

Word of Warning

Sacrifice is wonderful for families, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Research says that sacrifice is most helpful when it is voluntary, when it is given in moderation, when it is reciprocated (given in return), and when it is accompanied by commitment. 9 Sacrifice could easily become harmful if given in the wrong ways. Consider the following circumstances and note how sacrifice could be unhealthy:

Allie and Mark have been married for three months. They love each other, but Mark feels like Allie asks too much of him. She gives him a “honey-do” list every Saturday, and she is constantly nagging him to do things her way. He is happy to do whatever it takes to make theirs a happy marriage, but sometimes he wishes that he could do things for her without being pushed into it.

  • Mark’s sacrifices would better if he didn’t feel pushed to sacrifice. Remember, the most beneficial sacrifice is given willingly, with approach motivations rather than with avoidance motivations. Allie could help the situation by being less demanding, more grateful, and by doing a good turn for Mark on a more frequent occasion.

Although Melissa is smitten with her boyfriend, her family is not so fond of him. They affectionately call him “Dan the Dud.” Mel has been dating him for nearly 18 months now, and she does everything she can to convince Dan to marry her. She regularly sacrifices social events and school demands to spend time with him, but he doesn’t seem to reciprocate. In reality, she knows that he really is a dud. She is convinced that things would be better if they were married.

  • Melissa is right in one respect—sacrifice and commitment do go hand-in-hand, though it is foolish to believe that Dan’s behavior will change after they get married. Research shows that for men especially, long-term commitment is related to greater willingness to sacrifice. 9 Sacrifice is always most advantageous when it is reciprocated. Only then can sacrifice contribute to a relationship climate of mutual support and generosity.

Karen and Tanner have three children. Karen has a giving heart, and she rarely considers her own needs. She spends so much time serving her family that she sometimes finds herself crashing, feeling exhausted and burned out. Tanner tries to convince her to take a break to rejuvenate, but she feels guilty about taking care of her own needs.

  • The answer to Karen’s problem is moderation! Moms are especially susceptible to burn-out. The problem isn’t sacrifice, but how much sacrifice. We all have finite capacities, and we can only give from what we have—in time, energy, or materials. Even mothers have limits. When Karen replenishes herself, she will be more effective in sacrificing and serving others.

Church leader Gordon B. Hinckley wisely defined love in sacrificial terms: “True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one’s companion”. 6 Current research and personal experience support Hinckley’s words. When it comes to family relationships, sacrifice is the vital key to individual happiness and family unity. Kenneth Boulding said it well: “[W]ithout the kind of commitment or identity which emerges from sacrifice, it may well be that no communities, not even the family, would really stay together”. 1

  • Bahr, H. S., & Bahr, K. S. (2001). Families and self-sacrifice: Alternative models and meanings for family theory. Social Forces, 79(4), 1231-1258.
  • Cherlin, A. J. (2004). The deinstitutionalization of American marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(4), 848-861.
  • Fincham, F. D., Stanley, S. M., Beach, S. R H. (2007). Transformative processes in marriage: An analysis of emerging trends. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69, 275-292.
  • Fowers, B. J. (2000). Beyond the myth of marital happiness: How embracing the virtues of loyalty, generosity, justice, and courage can strengthen your relationship. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
  • Hinckley, G. B. (1971, June). Except the Lord build the house . Ensign .
  • Pargament, K., Zinnbauer, B., Scott, A., Butter, E., Zerowin, J., & Stanik, P. (1998). Red flags and religious coping: Identifying some religious warning signs among people in crisis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(1), 77-89.
  • Stanley, S. M., Whitton, S. W., Sadberry, S. L., Clements, M. L., Markman, H. J. (2006). Sacrifice as a predictor of marital outcomes. Family Process, 45, 289-303.

A Godly Endeavor

"He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." –Matthew 10:39

Joseph Smith taught the early saints that a “religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary to salvation” (Lectures on Faith, 6:5). For the pioneers, sacrifice meant wooden handcarts and wintry treks. Today we have no physical journeys to make in offering. What then can we give? The very definition of sacrifice is to “[give] to the Lord whatever He requires of our time, our earthly possessions, and our energies to further His work”. 4 Today there is no godly work more pressing than the interests of home and family.

In face-to-face communion with God, Moses learned that work and glory of God is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). If we want to engage in God’s work, then our mission, like His, is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. How better to promote immortality and eternal life than in a family, where human life is created and eternal principles are taught? Indeed, the family is the setting that God instituted for individuals to learn, develop, and lay hold on immortality and eternal life.

In the Family Proclamation

Although The Family: A Proclamation to the World doesn’t refer to sacrifice in word, the principle is woven throughout. Consider the following instructions from the Proclamation, and notice how sacrifice is a guiding principle in our relationships with children, spouse, extended family, and with our Father in Heaven.

  • Sacrificing to Marry & Bear Children: The Proclamation has much to say about the sanctity of marriage and parenthood. We learn first that couples are to “multiply and replenish the earth,” and that “children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony.”

Couples may think it is costly to set aside their personal pursuits and worldly endeavors in order to build a family, but we know that marriage and family are worth any price. President Benson taught that “[n]o sacrifice is too great to have the blessings of an eternal marriage . . . By this act of faith, we show our love to God and our regard for a posterity yet unborn”. 2 It requires faith to choose to marry and bear children even when school schedules, careers, and finances get in the way. Fortunately, our Heavenly Father provides divine assistance. When we sacrifice for His purposes, He endows us with power from on high and blesses us with commandments to keep us safe and happy.

  • Sacrificing for Spouse: The Proclamation instructs that “Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children” and to “help one another as equal partners.” They are also to “[employ] the sacred powers of procreation … between a man and a woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife” and to “honor marital vows with complete fidelity.”

Loving and caring for one’s spouse as an equal partner sometimes means foregoing personal interests. Maintaining chastity and fidelity sacrifices natural man carnal urges for the eternal joys of a covenant bond. These sacrifices ultimately provide couples with greater intimacy, affection, and unity.

  • Sacrificing to Raise Children: The Proclamation describes specific sacrifices that are required of mothers and fathers: “Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live . . . By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children.”

Parenting is not for the faint-hearted! Raising children is the very heart of sacrifice, demanding a total consecration of one’s time, talents, and interests. All other demands outside the home take second-place to the sacred tasks of providing, presiding, protecting, teaching, and nurturing children.

  • Sacrificing for Family Members: The Proclamation says only a little about extended family, but it teaches an important responsibility. “Extended families should lend support when needed,” it says.

“Am I my brother’s keeper?” asked Cain (Genesis 4:9). We know from the teachings of Jesus Christ that we are our brother’s keepers. We covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light” (Mosiah 18:9). This obligation is most important within our immediate and extended family units.

  • Sacrificing for Our Heavenly Father: The Proclamation helps us see that family life is happier when we do things God’s way. We learn that “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.”

Implicit in the Family Proclamation is the need to sacrifice to God. We choose to do family life in His way, sacrificing some of our own ideas and trusting that the instruction that He provides is the best ways to raise our families.

Blessings and Burdens

Sometimes the demands of family life don’t seem worth the effort. Mothers sacrifice sleep, sanity, and self-interests to nurture their children. Fathers put in forty-hour workweeks to provide for their families. It isn’t always easy to obey laws of tithing, church attendance, chastity, missionary service, or the Word of Wisdom. Yet we believe that it is to our benefit to suspend our personal desires to act in the interest of Heavenly Father’s divine purposes.

To those who tire of giving, remember that the sacrifices are not without reward. Blessings often come as burdens in disguise. President Ezra Taft Benson taught that “[Our] blessings will exceed any sacrifice [we] have made. We can never get the Lord in debt to us.” 2 So central is the role of sacrifice to our happiness that President Harold B. Lee said, “I [am] persuaded of one great truth: Whenever the Lord has a great blessing for one of his children, he puts that son or daughter in the way to make a great sacrifice”. 2 Let us sacrifice willingly, and so reap the rewards of earthly peace and eternal salvation.

Sacrifice yields rewards that far outweigh the costs. It may be in this way that God “reaps where he sow[s] not” (Matthew 25:26). Just as one small seed produces many pieces of fruit, so sacrifice multiplies in effect. It is infectious, and promotes a pattern of generosity among family members. The climate that prevails in a home where individuals willingly sacrifice for each other is one of trust, love, and mutual affection.

Note that not all sacrifice is created equally, however. When we give begrudgingly of our time or resources, we may cause more harm than good. Indeed, scriptures teach us that gifts given without real intent “profiteth [us] nothing” (Moroni 7:6-8). When we give willingly, sacrifice becomes a reward in its own right. It is a blessing rather than a burden.

United and Selfless

Unity is the champion of sacrifice, and selfishness is its destroyer. President Benson recommended that we replace selfishness with sacrifice:

“One of Satan’s greatest tools is pride: to cause a man or woman to center so much attention on self that he or she becomes insensitive to their Creator or fellow beings. It’s a cause for discontent, divorce, teenage rebellion, family indebtedness, and most other problems we face. If you would find yourself, learn to deny yourself for the blessing of others. Forget yourself and find someone who needs your service, and you will discover the secret to the happy, fulfilled life”. 2

Sacrifice is less of an action than it is a process of becoming. A change of heart is required. As we cultivate a giving heart, sacrifice can become the natural way to live virtuously.

"The principle of sacrifice should be taught in every Latter-day Saint home and should be practiced in many simple yet important ways." 1

–Elder M. Russell Ballard

Sacrifice is a lofty principle, but it is best expressed in ordinary settings. Consider applying sacrifice in some of the following ways:

  • Sacrifice the impulse to anger. Speak kindly to family members when they speak or behave in unbecoming ways.
  • Sacrifice time spent in personal pursuits to spend time with a family member.
  • Sacrifice your negative perceptions for more flattering views of others; rather than magnifying faults, look for the good in family members.

Elder Robert D. Hales taught this principle when he advised that “The secret of a happy marriage is to protect the Achilles’ heel and not take advantage of the weaknesses of those you know the best, love the most, and ultimately can hurt the most.” 3

  • Give gifts to family members; gifts could include material goods, service, attention, or time.
  • Sacrifice your personal hurts in exchange for healing. Forgive generously and refuse to take offense when wronged.
  • Teach your children to sacrifice. Your example of willingness to sacrifice for Heavenly Father through obedience to the commandments is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

The Wise Gift

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf 6 reminds us to “forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice. Good sacrifices give in exchange for something of far greater worth, while lesser sacrifices give in exchange for something of negligible value. He compares the good sacrifice of a parent giving up sleep to soothe a child after a nightmare with the foolish sacrifice of a mother staying up all night to make the perfect accessory for her daughter’s Sunday dress.

“Every person and situation is different, and a good sacrifice in one instance might be a foolish sacrifice in another. How can we tell the difference for our own situation? We can ask ourselves, ‘Am I committing my time and energies to the things that matter most?’ There are so many good things to do, but we can’t do all of them. Our Heavenly Father is most pleased when we sacrifice something good for something far greater with an eternal perspective.”

The Atoning Sacrifice

"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for [our] brethren."

–1 John 3:16

The scriptures remind us that “the great and last sacrifice” is not of man, but is an infinite and eternal sacrifice (Alma 34:10). Without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our earthly sacrifices would mean nothing. Because Jesus Christ overcame death and hell, family relationships are eternal, and we know that our small daily sacrifices will benefit our families now and into eternity. Elder M. Russell Ballard reminds us of the central and pivotal role of our Savior’s sacrifice:

“Having power over life and death, He chose to submit himself to pain, ridicule, and suffering, and offered His life as a ransom for our sins. Because of His love, He suffered both body and spirit to a degree beyond our comprehension and took upon Himself our sins if we repent. Through His personal sacrifice, He provided a way for us to have our sins forgiven and, through Him, to find our way back into the presence of our Heavenly Father”. 1

Sacrifice is central to our Eternal Father’s plan for families. Our small daily sacrifices act as reminders of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. We will develop greater reverence for the Savior’s atonement when we thus act in his similitude. When we sacrifice at home, we remember that “This is the whole meaning of the law, every whit pointing to that great and last sacrifice; and that great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and eternal” (Alma 34:14).

Written by Jenny Stewart, Research Assistant, and edited by Stephen F. Duncan, professor in the School of Family Life, Brigham Young University.

  • Ballard, M. R. (1992, May). The blessings of sacrifice . Ensign.
  • Benson, E. T. (1979, May). This is a day of sacrifice . Ensign.
  • Hales, R. D. (2011, September). A little heaven on earth . Ensign, 45-49.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (2009). Gospel principles . Chapter 26: Sacrifice, 149-154.
  • The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (1995, November). The family: A proclamation to the world . Ensign, 102.
  • Uchtdorf, D. F. (2011, October). Forget me not . Ensign.

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Essay on Mother’s Love

Lord Buddha said, “As a mother even at the risk of her own life, loves and protects her child, so let a man cultivate love towards his mother without measuring her”.

After going through this ‘Essay on Mother’s Love’, you will be able to understand the importance of a mother in your life.

Essay on Mother's Love

Essay on Mother’s Love (1100+ Words)

The bond between a mother and child is unparalleled. From the moment a child is born, a mother is born alongside them. The child gazes up at their mother, observing her every move and eagerly imitating her actions. The mind of a child is sharp, and they emulate their mother’s activities with great enthusiasm. The mother assumes the responsibility of caring for her child in all aspects, including their health, clothing, diet, entertainment, education, sports, and the development of their competitive spirit. Through love and affection, the mother captures the heart of the child.

Mothers play an extraordinary role in shaping the lives of their children. They mold their character through their own exemplary deeds, gradually stepping back and allowing their children to find their own path. The foundation laid by a mother, built on affection, perseverance, discipline, guidance, and even tears, enables her children to navigate life’s challenges with confidence. It is the mother who shapes her child into a noble individual through her wise, insightful, and graceful actions. The mother motivates her child to learn by embracing activities that foster character development and personal growth, creating a natural environment for their education.

At times, mothers may resort to strict measures to discipline their children and impart valuable lessons. They may withhold food, prohibit engagement in undesirable activities, or even resort to physical punishment. While these actions may seem harsh, their underlying intention is one of love and concern. The mother’s ultimate desire is to see her child grow into a capable and independent individual, free from inadequacies.

There are mothers who break societal norms and possess the confidence and inspiration to guide and correct their children. They employ modern scientific knowledge and theories on child development, which profoundly impact their children’s outlook on life. Regardless of the strategies employed, the mother’s influence profoundly shapes the child’s life, helping them develop their own destiny. The greatest achievement for a mother is witnessing her child grow into a courageous individual, capable of respectable accomplishments, thanks to her teachings on the values of integrity, sacrifice, and tolerance. An ideal mother never encourages her child to live as a dependent creature, relying on charity and assistance from others.

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Motherhood can be described in terms of sacrifice. A mother willingly sets aside her own comforts and works tirelessly to provide her child with nourishment, clothing, and quality education. She endeavors to earn money and promises her child a bright future. This inherent quality of selflessness is found wholly in a mother. She assumes the responsibilities of motherhood from her child’s earliest years and remains a trusted advisor throughout their life. It is of utmost importance that we hold our mothers in deep respect and pay them the highest regard, not simply because they are mothers, but for their unmatched devotion and incredible sacrifices towards us.

A mother encompasses everything meaningful in our lives. She is the one who understands us intimately and stands as our closest companion in everyday endeavors and challenges. Sometimes, she shoulders an immense burden, working under tension, to support us personally and professionally, helping us overcome obstacles in our work or business. We owe our mothers our deepest gratitude for everything they do for us.

The words of George Washington, the first President of America, and Lord Buddha resonate with the incredible significance of mothers throughout history. Both Washington and Buddha recognized the profound impact mothers have on shaping their children’s lives. Mothers have been and continue to be a source of unconditional love, protection, and guidance.

However, in today’s society, the values and emotions children hold toward their mothers are diminishing. The allure of materialism and external displays of grandeur overshadow the intrinsic values and feelings that should define our relationships with our mothers. Although we celebrate Mother’s Day each year in May and send greetings on the occasion, there are cases where children, especially those who are independent and living far away, may unintentionally forget about their mothers. Despite this, mothers continue to pray with all their hearts for the well-being and happiness of their children. A mother’s love remains unwavering, regardless of the circumstances.

The role of a mother extends far beyond biological ties or mere affection. Mothers embody sacrifice and selflessness. They willingly put aside their own needs and desires to ensure their children have access to the best opportunities in life. A mother’s love knows no bounds when it comes to providing her child with good food, clothing, and education. She goes to great lengths to earn money and secure a promising future for her child. This natural and remarkable quality is found within every mother.

Furthermore, a mother’s responsibility extends beyond the early years of her child’s life. She remains a trusted advisor and source of guidance throughout their journey. Whether it’s offering wisdom, support, or a listening ear, a mother is there to provide guidance and navigate the complexities of life. It is through her unwavering presence that a mother becomes an irreplaceable companion and confidante.

The understanding between a mother and her child is profound. A mother knows her child’s strengths, weaknesses, and dreams like no one else. She becomes a co-partner in everyday tasks and challenges, ready to take on a tremendous responsibility to help her child overcome personal and professional obstacles . When her child is in need, a mother fearlessly battles alongside them, ensuring they achieve their goals and aspirations.

It is vital that we acknowledge and appreciate the immeasurable contributions of mothers. The words of George Washington and Lord Buddha serve as a testament to the universal significance of mothers throughout history. The love, dedication, and sacrifices of mothers transcend cultural and geographical boundaries.

While society may shift its focus towards superficial pursuits, it is crucial that we maintain the values ​​and sentiments associated with motherhood. Let us not forget the profound influence that mothers have on our lives. Let us respect and honor them not only for their role as mothers but also for their unparalleled devotion and the sacrifices they make for us.

In conclusion, a mother’s love and influence shape the course of a child’s life. The significance of motherhood cannot be overstated. It is a bond that begins at birth and extends throughout our lives. We need to cherish and hold mothers in the highest esteem, recognizing their selflessness, sacrifice, and unwavering support. They are our guiding light, our greatest well-wishers, and the embodiment of love.

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8 mothers in harry potter who changed everything.


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Every Harry Potter Book, Ranked Worst To Best

Why mrs. weasley's gift to harry potter was more heartbreaking than you think, the nastiest detail in harry potter canon also makes no sense at all.

  • A mother's love was pivotal in the Harry Potter series, from Lily's sacrifice to Narcissa's betrayal for Draco's sake.
  • Mothers like Molly Weasley, Petunia Dursley, and Andromeda Tonks played crucial roles in shaping their children's paths.
  • The theme of motherhood in Harry Potter explores sacrifice, jealousy, imperfection, desperation, grief, reformation, suppression, and deceit.

Mothers are critical to the themes of Harry Potter , and a handful of these characters made decisions that significantly impacted the story. While the protagonists of the popular fantasy series were children, and the central antagonist was an evil wizard, the battle of good and evil revolved around the actions of mothers. It was motherly love that set Harry up as the Chosen One, and the ignorance of such love that set Voldemort on his Dark path. Some mothers helped Harry along his journey, while others obscured his path. Regardless, they were the most important features of Harry Potter .

The catalyst of the story in Harry Potter was Lily Potter's sacrifice , which ensured that Lord Voldemort wouldn't be able to harm her son. While this was the most obvious way that a mother's love saved the day, the series continued to take this further with other characters. Through her story, J.K. Rowling seemed to pose an intriguing question—just how powerful is a mother's love? Molly Weasley, Petunia Dursley, Narcissa Malfoy, Merope Gaunt, and many more all aided in the exploration of these themes, with every mother of Harry Potter representing a different sort of love .


Every reader of the Harry Potter series will rank the books differently, but some installments stand out as the best due to their superior writing.

8 Lily Potter

The mother of sacrifice.

Lily Potter is the mother of all mothers in Harry Potter . The Dark Lord offered Lily her life if she stepped aside and allowed him to take her son, but she refused, demanding that he kill her instead. It was an act of pure, desperate sacrifice and love that enacted a powerful form of magic. The moment Lily died, Harry was protected from Voldemort. It's for this reason that the Dark Lord's Killing Curse rebounded that Halloween night. Lily's sacrifice is also why Harry survived Voldemort's Killing Curse again in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows .

Beyond saving Harry's life, Lily's sacrifice also taught her son an important lesson. Harry didn't grow up knowing his mother, but her love carried on in his very blood. This ensured that, despite all the cruelty that Harry went through under the care of the Dursleys, he remained pure of heart. It's also because of Lily's love that Harry was unaffected by the fragment of Voldemort's soul that existed within him. His mother's sacrifice ensured that he was protected in body, soul, and mind.

7 Petunia Dursley

The mother of jealousy.

Petunia Dursley might have been Lily Potter's sister, but they were very different. Still, the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows revealed that these two had once loved each other. Petunia resented her sister for her talent and hated the magical world for rejecting her great desire to be spirited away to Hogwarts. However, this isn't to say she wasn't capable of love. It's clear in Harry Potter that Petunia loved her son Dudley Dursley very much, though the effect this had on the overall story was very different than Lily's love for Harry—though nearly as important.

Through unexpected circumstances, Petunia found herself in the same position as her parents—with one magical child and one ordinary one.

Being raised in Lily's shadow hurt Petunia deeply. Their parents were so proud of their younger daughter's magical ability that they neglected the older. Through unexpected circumstances, Petunia found herself in the same position as her parents—with one magical child and one ordinary one. She would have been determined to ensure that Dudley didn't grow up feeling the way she had, so she showered him with affection while ignoring her magical nephew . While technically an act of motherly love, it was a cruel overcompensation that had a significant and negative impact on both boys.

6 Molly Weasley

The mother of imperfection.

Lily didn't have the opportunity to raise her son, but Molly Weasley tried her best to make up for it. She did all she could to ensure he had love, safety, and nutrition, looking out for Harry when others consistently placed him in danger. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry was rattled to hear Mrs. Weasley call him " as good as " her son. He was again filled with affection and appreciation when she gave him a golden watch for his 17th birthday—a tradition for mothers and sons in the wizarding world. Still, Molly wasn't perfect .

Molly represented the imperfect mother in Harry Potter . She always did her best, but it was difficult for her to make all the right decisions when it came to her seven children (plus Harry). She favored the more successful of her sons and criticized Fred and George endlessly. Molly also doted on her daughter, and this favoritism left Ron feeling constantly overlooked. It's interesting to consider how Molly's individual treatment of each child impacted their story, but the overall takeaway here is that her intentions were always good, and her love ensured that everyone's outcomes were, too .


Mrs. Weasley gave the Boy Who Lived a touching birthday present in Harry Potter, but her family history revealed it meant more to her than it seemed.

5 Narcissa Malfoy

The mother of desperation.

For most of Harry Potter , Narcissa Malfoy seemed simply despicable. In the books, it's said that she constantly looked like she was smelling something horrible, and Draco's entitlement reflected the woman's parenting. She was proudly married to a Death Eater and was herself loyal to the Dark Lord. However, Narcissa's story reveals that her love for Draco superseded her loyalty to anyone else —whether that be her husband, sister, or master.

Narcissa becomes so desperate to save Draco in Harry Potter that she betrays Voldemort. First, she went against the Dark Lord's wishes to recruit Severus Snape to protect her son. Then, during the Battle of Hogwarts, Narcissa lies to Voldemort, telling him that Harry is dead when she finds out he isn't. She had no love for the Boy Who Lived, but she knew that this was the only way to get to her son. Narcissa no longer cared if Voldemort lost, so long as her son lived. Not only did this save Harry's life, but it's implied in Harry Potter that Narcissa's love was the only reason Draco's soul didn't turn completely black.

4 Augusta Longbottom

The mother of greif.

Augusta Longbottom is an often overlooked mother (and grandmother) of Harry Potter —likely because she was cut from the movies. However, there is a lot to be learned from her story. Augusta was the mother of Frank Longbottom, Neville's father. The man had been an accomplished Auror and powerful wizard of whom Augusta was deeply proud. Tragically

Frank and his wife, Alice, were tortured to the point of insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange , Barty Crouch Jr., and other Death Eaters. Though they survived, they spent the rest of their lives in St. Mungo's Hospital.

Augusta's grief was so profound that Neville was crushed under it, never able to amount to Frank's memory in her eyes.

A young Neville Longbottom was left in Augusta's care, but the woman struggled to let go of the memory of her son. She was determined to make Neville just like Frank, perhaps even hoping to replace one with the other. She even gave Neville Frank's wand and allowed the boy to be held upside down out a window to force him into displaying magic. Augusta's grief was so profound that Neville was crushed under it, never able to amount to Frank's memory in her eyes. Ultimately, Neville proved that he was a powerful wizard all his own despite the pressures of Augusta's love for her son.

Neville's ability to perform magic was greatly improved when he had his own wand, indicating that Augusta's determination for him to be like Frank was what held him back.

3 Andromeda Tonks

The mother of reformation.

Andromeda Tonks was raised as a member of the Ancient House of Black and was a sister to Dark witches Narcissa and Bellatrix. The Blacks were known for pure-blood ideology, which is why many, including Bellatrix and Narcissa, went on to follow Lord Voldemort. However, Andromeda was one of the few who turned her back on her family , choosing to marry a Muggle-born named Ted Tonks. Andromeda and Ted's daughter, Nyphadora (AKA Tonks), went on to become an Auror, ironically tasked with taking down the Dark witches and wizards her mother had once called family.

The Black sisters' history is something of a mystery in Harry Potter . However, it's clear Andromeda couldn't entirely leave her past behind despite her reformation. The stain that was Black family ideology came back to bite her, with Bellatrix especially determined to tear Andromeda's newly constructed world apart. Unfortunately, both Ted and Nyphadora were killed in the Second Wizarding War . However, little Teddy Lupin, Tonks and Remus' son, was left in her care. Teddy was the very symbol of what the forces of good had been fighting for, and Andromeda was there to love him for her daughter in a reformed world.

2 Kendra Dumbledore

The mother of suppression.

Kendra Dumbledore, the mother of Albus, Aberforth, and Adriana, was another well-intended woman who gave up just about everything for her family's safety. She and her husband, Percival Dumbledore, initially lived in a Muggle community until their youngest daughter was viciously attacked when a group of boys saw her using magic. Percival took revenge on these Muggles and was subsequently sent to Azkaban Prison, where he eventually died. Suddenly a single mother, Kendra moved her family to Godric's Hallow , a predominantly magical community.

Kendra did her best, but she was ultimately ill-equipped to handle the trauma that Adriana suffered following her assault. She kept the girl hidden away since Adriana had become so fearful of her powers that she attempted to suppress them. Kendra's efforts to keep anyone from finding out the truth about her daughter compounded the issue , and Adriana became an Obscurial. Her explosive power eventually led to Kendra's death—an event that significantly shaped Albus Dumbledore's future and, by extension, Harry's.

1 Merope Gaunt

The mother of deceit.

Harry Potter 's Merope Gaunt was a tragic figure who never learned what it meant to be properly loved. She was born into an ancient and pure wizarding house, and her father, Marvolo Gaunt, was proud of this despite their poverty. Merope was horribly abused by her father and brother (Morfin), and this only grew worse when she fell in love with a local, wealthy Muggle man, Tom Riddle. Once her abusive family was sent to Azkaban, Merope finally had a chance to choose a life for herself. However, rather than starting anew, she tricked Riddle into marrying her by sneaking him a love potion .

Merope's deceit lasted until she became pregnant and stopped administering the love potion to her husband. Riddle left her immediately, leaving Merope heartbroken. She died in childbirth at a London orphanage, living only long enough to name her son after the husband and father who never truly loved her . Tom Marvolo Riddle, the son of a woman who had only known love through deception, eventually became Lord Voldemort, the villain of Harry Potter who simply couldn't understand the power of a mother's sacrifice.

Harry Potter Franchise Poster

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students' time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and even attractions at Universal Studios.

Harry Potter

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Killer nyc granny carried out murder-suicide to give son full custody of child: heartbreaking suit.

The woman who killed the mother of her granddaughter before committing suicide did so as part of a sick elaborate plot to get her Upper East Side son full custody of the 4-year-old, new court papers allege.

The disturbing Manhattan filing also reveals heartbreaking details about what life has been like for victim Marisa Galloway’s parents after the slay-suicide horror that robbed them of their daughter.

Terminally ill ex-Chicago probation officer Kathleen Leigh, 65, fatally shot Galloway — a 45-year-old special-education teacher who shared a child with Leigh’s son, Zachariah Reed — last month on a leafy Manhattan street before killing herself .

Mariel Galloway with daughter Lili

Now Galloway’s parents, Nancy and John Galloway, have filed an emergency court petition claiming Reed has run off to his Chicago “multi-million dollar home” with their beloved grandchild Lili under the pretext of “mourning” Leigh’s death and barred the Galloways from any contact — including even a video call — with the child.

“Clearly, [Reed’s] mother had a deliberate plan to kill Marisa in order to provide custody for her son,” the court papers charge. “Unfortunately, [Reed] has demonstrated an absolute intention to further those same goals of his mother as he has refused to provide us with any access to Lili at all in almost 3 weeks.”

The grandparents — who live in Cape May, NJ — are asking a Manhattan Supreme Court judge to pass on Marisa’s parenting time, hashed out in a 2022 custody agreement with Reed, to them, according to legal papers filed Friday.

They are also asking that Reed be forced to live in the Big Apple until Lili is 18 so that she can keep a close relationship with her grandparents and with her half-sister, Mariel, the 1-year-old daughter Marisa had with a sperm donor, the filing shows.

Nancy and John Galloway with grandkids, Mariel and Lili.

The Galloways currently have custody of Mariel, police sources have told The Post.

Nancy, in a heartbreaking affidavit, laid out the adoring and “hands on” relationship she and her husband had with Lili when they saw her two to three times a month, often for multiple nights at a time, when Marisa would often bring the kids to their Garden State home or when they visited Marisa and the girls in the city.

“‘When we did not see [Lili], we would Facetime almost every day,’ ” Nancy wrote in an affidavit.

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Nancy and John were actively involved in raising the girl, even changing her diapers and feeding her as a baby, and as she’s grown, the grandparents each have special activities they love to do with her, the filing says.

John and Lili love gardening together, and they water the flowers and pick cherry tomatoes from his garden — which he is waiting to tend to until the girl is with him, Nancy’s affidavit says.

Marisa Galloway and Zachariah Reed

And Nancy loves to teach French to Lili and bake cakes with the child, whose “favorite part was cracking the eggs,” Nancy says in the papers.

When Nancy and Lili finished a 150-piece puzzle of the United States in just over an hour, the little girl was “so proud,” the filing says.

“While Marisa was always the best mother, we would love to be involved with all aspects of taking care of an infant, toddler, and ultimately the little girl that Lili currently is,” Nancy wrote.

Marisa and Nancy Galloway with Lili and Mariel.

Nancy said she is “extremely uncomfortable” being forced to file the petition but worried Lili would become estranged from her mom’s side of the family if they didn’t intervene.

The grandmother laid out the history of Marisa and Reed’s “tumultuous relationship” since the pair split and their “contentious” custody battle .

She claimed the pair dated before Marisa became pregnant but said their relationship ended — “driven by the interference of [Reed’s] mother.”

Marisa and Reed had lived together until she “was forced to move out … by [Reed] on July 25, 2021 because Marisa feared for her safety,” the affidavit explains.

John, Nancy and Marisa Galloway with Lili and Mariel.

The pair eventually hashed out a custody agreement over Lili on Nov. 4, 2022, where the mom had her for nine out of every 14 nights, and the other nights were Reed’s time with the girl, the court papers say.

The estranged couple also agreed they would both live within the five boroughs of New York City until Lili was out of high school unless they otherwise both agreed or were ordered by a court, the filing claims.

Their custody agreement had a provision that specified that the custody terms were “binding” on Marisa and Reed’s estates and executors if something were to happen to them, the suit says.

Nancy Galloway and Lili and Mariel.

Nancy explained in the filing that Marisa “was always very concerned with Lili having a sibling” so she decided “to take on the herculean task of having a second child with an anonymous sperm donor in order to provide Lili with either a brother or a sister.”

Lili has been so “proud” to be Mariel’s older sister, and “from the second that Mariel was born, her and Lili had a very special relationship,” Nancy says in the document.

Lili sings Mariel songs, plays with her baby sister with their “stuffies” and draws her pictures, including of their family, Nancy says in the affidavit.

When Mariel would wake up from a nap, Lili would feed her Cheerios or bananas and would do funny dances and sing for her, the filing says.

Lili and Mariel.

“On July 26, 2024, all of our lives were changed forever,” a heartbroken Nancy wrote.

That day, Marisa — a former volunteer track coach at Fordham University and a board member of the Central Park Track Club — had packed her bags and put Mariel into her Honda Civic to go spend five nights with her parents in New Jersey. She was going to pick up Lili from her father before heading out of town, the court papers say.

But Leigh approached Marisa as she was loading something into the trunk and shot her once in the back of the head and again in the back before turning the gun on herself.

Leigh had been terminally ill with cancer and had been living with Reed at his East 79th Street apartment, where Lili would also stay during Reed’s visitation time.

Kathleen Leigh on surveillance camera.

Before her heinous crime, Leigh scrawled a seven-page letter “For Police” describing how she felt Marisa was trying to alienate Lili from Reed and saying she suspected Marisa of abusing Lili — despite child services clearing Marisa in two probes launched by Reed and the accounts of friends and family that Marisa was nothing but a doting mother.

“She took away the child’s mother in order to make her son happy … it’s shocking,” a law-enforcement source had told The Post of Leigh right after the murder-suicide. “I’ve seen a lot of s–t but this is Biblical s–t.”

Nancy says in court papers that she and her husband have asked Reed “numerous” times since the horror to speak with Lili, as they are concerned with how she is doing after losing her mother and over concerns that the young sisters need to comfort each other — but Reed hasn’t even let them see her on video calls.

“We have no idea how [Lili] is doing, or what [Reed] has even told Lili about her mother,” the court papers say. “This is beyond unacceptable and must be rectified immediately.”

The grandparents say they are so committed that they will remain at Marisa’s apartment on East 86th Street during weekday visitations with Lily. They are also demanding Lili has daily video calls with Mariel.

The Galloways’ lawyer and the lawyer who represented Reed in his initial custody case with Marisa both did not immediately return Post requests for comment. A working number for Reed could not immediately be found.

Mariel Galloway with daughter Lili


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Duane Thomas, Enigmatic Running Back for the Cowboys, Dies at 77

He led Dallas to its first Super Bowl victory after engaging in a well-publicized contract dispute in which he called Coach Tom Landry “plastic” and refused to talk to reporters.

Duane Thomas in a close-up photograph running with the ball. He wears a blue No. 33 on his white Dallas jersey.

By Richard Sandomir

Duane Thomas, whose brief period of brilliance as a running back with the Dallas Cowboys in the early 1970s was overshadowed by a highly publicized contract dispute with the team that ended up shortening his career, died on Sunday at his home in Sedona, Ariz. He was 77.

His daughter Jamila Pamoja-Thomas said the cause was a pulmonary embolism.

The Cowboys had not yet won a Super Bowl or been nicknamed “America’s Team” when they drafted the fast, powerful and elusive Thomas from West Texas State University as the 23rd pick in the first round of the N.F.L. draft in 1970.

“I’m so excited, I can’t think,” Thomas, a Dallas native, told The Associated Press.

In his rookie season, he led the team with 803 rushing yards and caught a touchdown in the Cowboys’ 16-13 loss to the Baltimore Colts in Super Bowl V. While his teammates were subdued after that loss, Thomas reacted with wisdom beyond his years.

“There is something noble in defeat,” he told reporters. “You cannot find victory unless you first understand defeat.”

In the summer before the 1971 season — two decades before a full-fledged free agency system in the N.F.L. gave players more leverage, and much higher salaries — Thomas threatened to retire if the Cowboys did not renegotiate his contract. At a news conference, he blistered the team’s management, calling Tom Landry, the stoic head coach, “so plastic, just not a man at all” and Tex Schramm, the general manager, “dishonest with me all along.”

The dispute escalated: The Cowboys traded Thomas during training camp that summer to the New England Patriots. Thomas and the team’s head coach, John Mazur, disagreed on Mazur’s insistence that Thomas line up in the traditional three-point stance before a play, rather than stand upright, as he had in Dallas.

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