1. What Is Qualitative Research?

    Learn what qualitative research is, how it differs from quantitative research, and what methods and approaches are used to collect and analyze non-numerical data. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research and see examples of research questions and data analysis.

  2. Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research is a type of research methodology that focuses on exploring and understanding people's beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences through the collection and analysis of non-numerical data. It seeks to answer research questions through the examination of subjective data, such as interviews, focus groups, observations ...

  3. What Is Qualitative Research? An Overview and Guidelines

    Qualitative research is a methodology for scientific inquiry that emphasizes the depth and richness of context and voice in understanding social phenomena. 3 This methodology is constructive or interpretive , aiming to unveil the "what," "why," "when," "where," "who," and "how" (or the "5W1H") behind social behaviors ...

  4. Definition

    Qualitative research is the naturalistic study of social meanings and processes, using interviews, observations, and the analysis of texts and images. In contrast to quantitative researchers, whose statistical methods enable broad generalizations about populations (for example, comparisons of the percentages of U.S. demographic groups who vote in particular ways), qualitative researchers use ...

  5. Qualitative research

    Qualitative research is a type of research that aims to gather and analyse non-numerical (descriptive) data in order to gain an understanding of individuals' social reality, including understanding their attitudes, beliefs, and motivation. This type of research typically involves in-depth interviews, focus groups, or observations in order to ...

  6. Qualitative Study

    Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems.[1] Instead of collecting numerical data points or intervening or introducing treatments just like in quantitative research, qualitative research helps generate hypothenar to further investigate and understand quantitative data. Qualitative research gathers participants' experiences ...

  7. How to use and assess qualitative research methods

    Qualitative research papers are usually longer than their quantitative counterparts to allow for deep understanding and so-called "thick description". In the methods section, the focus is on transparency of the methods used, including why, how and by whom they were implemented in the specific study setting, so as to enable a discussion of ...

  8. Planning Qualitative Research: Design and Decision Making for New

    While many books and articles guide various qualitative research methods and analyses, there is currently no concise resource that explains and differentiates among the most common qualitative approaches. We believe novice qualitative researchers, students planning the design of a qualitative study or taking an introductory qualitative research course, and faculty teaching such courses can ...

  9. The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research

    Abstract. The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research, second edition, presents a comprehensive retrospective and prospective review of the field of qualitative research. Original, accessible chapters written by interdisciplinary leaders in the field make this a critical reference work. Filled with robust examples from real-world research ...

  10. Chapter 1. Introduction

    Introducing Qualitative Research: A Student's Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. A good introduction to qualitative research, with abundant examples (often from the discipline of health care) and clear definitions. Includes quick summaries at the ends of each chapter. However, some US students might find the British context distracting and can ...

  11. What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretative, naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.

  12. Qualitative Research: Sage Journals

    Qualitative Research is a peer-reviewed international journal that has been leading debates about qualitative methods for over 20 years. The journal provides a forum for the discussion and development of qualitative methods across disciplines, publishing high quality articles that contribute to the ways in which we think about and practice the ...

  13. Characteristics of Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research is a method of inquiry used in various disciplines, including social sciences, education, and health, to explore and understand human behavior, experiences, and social phenomena. It focuses on collecting non-numerical data, such as words, images, or objects, to gain in-depth insights into people's thoughts, feelings, motivations, and perspectives.

  14. What is Qualitative Research? Definition, Types, Examples ...

    Qualitative research is defined as an exploratory method that aims to understand complex phenomena, often within their natural settings, by examining subjective experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Unlike quantitative research, which focuses on numerical measurements and statistical analysis, qualitative research employs a range of ...

  15. Qualitative Research: An Overview

    Qualitative research is a 'big tent' that encompasses various schools of thoughts. There is a general consensus that qualitative research is best used to answer why and howresearch questions, but not how much or to what extent questions. The word 'how can Footnote 5 ' is also frequently used in the research question of a qualitative research; this typically requires open-ended vs ...

  16. What is Qualitative Research? Methods, Types, Approaches and Examples

    Qualitative research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting non-numerical data. (Image by on Freepik) Qualitative research is a type of method that researchers use depending on their study requirements. Research can be conducted using several methods, but before starting the process, researchers should understand the different methods available to decide the ...

  17. Qualitative Research: What is it?

    "Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems. Instead of collecting numerical data points or intervene or introduce treatments just like in quantitative research, qualitative research helps generate hypotheses as well as further investigate and understand quantitative data." ...

  18. Qualitative vs Quantitative Research: What's the Difference?

    The main difference between quantitative and qualitative research is the type of data they collect and analyze. Quantitative data is information about quantities, and therefore numbers, and qualitative data is descriptive, and regards phenomenon which can be observed but not measured, such as language. Quantitative research collects numerical ...

  19. How to use and assess qualitative research methods

    Given that qualitative research is characterised by flexibility, openness and responsivity to context, the steps of data collection and analysis are not as separate and consecutive as they tend to be in quantitative research [13, 14].As Fossey puts it: "sampling, data collection, analysis and interpretation are related to each other in a cyclical (iterative) manner, rather than following one ...

  20. What is Qualitative Research? Methods and Examples

    Qualitative research seeks to understand people's experiences and perspectives by studying social organizations and human behavior. Data in qualitative studies focuses on people's beliefs and emotional responses. Qualitative data is especially helpful when a company wants to know how customers feel about a product or service, such as in ...

  21. Quantitative and Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why" rather than the "what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their every day lives.

  22. Conceptualization in qualitative research

    Qualitative research is a reflexive process, one in which the researcher adapts their approach based on what participants say and do. The researcher must constantly evaluate whether their question is important and relevant to the participants. As the researcher gains information from participants, it is normal for the focus of the inquiry to shift.

  23. Data Analysis

    Analyzing and Interpreting Qualitative Research: After the Interview by Charles F. Vanover, Paul A. Mihas, and Johnny Saldana (Editors) Providing insight into the wide range of approaches available to the qualitative researcher and covering all steps in the research process, the authors utilize a consistent chapter structure that provides ...

  24. Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management

    Qualitative research is used to gain insights into people's feelings and thoughts, which may provide the basis for a future stand-alone qualitative study or may help researchers to map out survey instruments for use in a quantitative study. It is also possible to use different types of research in the same study, an approach known as "mixed ...

  25. Standards for reporting qualitative research: a synthesis of

    Purpose: Standards for reporting exist for many types of quantitative research, but currently none exist for the broad spectrum of qualitative research. The purpose of the present study was to formulate and define standards for reporting qualitative research while preserving the requisite flexibility to accommodate various paradigms, approaches, and methods.

  26. Research Methods > Qualitative Methods "How-To" Guides

    Qualitative Methods "How-To" Guides Edited by Patricia Leavy. This series provides researchers and students with step-by-step, practical instruction on established and emerging qualitative methods. Authors are leaders in their respective areas of expertise who demystify the research process and share innovative practices and invaluable insider ...

  27. What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research

    What is qualitative research? If we look for a precise definition of qualitative research, and specifically for one that addresses its distinctive feature of being "qualitative," the literature is meager. In this article we systematically search, identify and analyze a sample of 89 sources using or attempting to define the term "qualitative." Then, drawing on ideas we find scattered ...

  28. Qualitative Research From Grounded Theory to Build a Scientific

    This study stems from an international project with the mission of providing innovative didactic orientations to guide the logic of scientific research (research practice) and the logic of scientific text (scientific writing), specifying concrete routes for reflection and action (Deroncele-Acosta, 2022).Given this, especially for the guidance of research at the master's and doctoral level ...

  29. Qualitative marketing research

    Qualitative research is used in both consumer research and business-to-business (B2B) research. However, qualitative research methods are used depending on whether consumers or business decision-makers are being inter-viewed. In consumer research, a range of qualitative methods are used, particularly in-depth interviews, focus groups and ...

  30. Managing "socially admitted" patients in hospital: a qualitative study

    Study design. This qualitative study was informed by constructivist grounded theory, which uses inductive analysis of data collected from participants to generate new theories.16, 17 We conducted semistructured interviews with clinicians and health care administrators between October 2022 and July 2023. Given that little is known about "social admissions," grounded theory was best suited ...