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Hand-Picked ECE Projects for Electronics Engineers

Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Students and Enthusiasts are always searching for new projects to try out in their free time. They are also constantly searching for a good reference for their final-year projects.

So, in this article, we have compiled a list of top ECE projects for Electronics Engineers and students. You can click on the project name to know more about that particular ECE project.

List of ECE Projects

Raspberry pi-based ece projects .

Raspberry Pi based ECE Projects 

Also Check: Arduino Projects Ideas

Communication-based ECE Projects

Communication-based ECE Projects

Robotics-based ECE Projects

Robotics based ECE projects

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Sensor-based ECE Project Ideas

Sensor based ECE Projects

Medical and Health-based ECE Projects

Health Monitoring Electronics Project

Looking for more ECE projects for engineering students? We’ve got you covered. Explore a wide range of project topics in our Electronics Projects section.

Check other projects too-

  • Embedded System Projects
  • IoT Projects
  • Mini-projects

Find over 1000+ Electronics DIY Projects listed to spark your inspiration.

This article was first published on 20 September 2020 and recently updated in June 2024.

  • ece projects

EFY Bureau

Hi friends I have studied all the projects which are published above I am very happy to know about them. Well I have an idea to save the life’s of people. Let us warn them about their life’s.We can introduce an app to their mobiles that we can know a person using a mobile while driving or not.Many people lost their life’s due to this and their families becoming helpless.Let us help to the government in catching this kind of people and warn them.This may help the public to know about the value of their life.

hey , have you done that.

hii i have a idea of making a artificial skin that can feel human touches and feel the temperature as well. can anyone please help me the contact me (email- [email protected] )

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Hi EYF Team Thank you very much for your valuable information. I am parent of an ECE student. I am searching for a good idea. Your site threw enough light on these projects. I had a doubt. Can my child select one of the idea’s from these and take up the project . Will it be considered for publishing as it is not my child’s own idea.

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Electronics Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This list of electronics research paper topics provides the list of 30 potential topics for research papers and an overview article on the history of electronics.

1. Applications of Superconductivity

The 1986 Applied Superconductivity Conference proclaimed, ‘‘Applied superconductivity has come of age.’’ The claim reflected only 25 years of development, but was justifiable due to significant worldwide interest and investment. For example, the 1976 annual budget for superconducting systems exceeded $30 million in the U.S., with similar efforts in Europe and Japan. By 1986 the technology had matured impressively into applications for the energy industry, the military, transportation, high-energy physics, electronics, and medicine. The announcement of high-temperature superconductivity just two months later brought about a new round of dramatic developments.

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As the twenty-first century began, an array of superconducting applications in high-speed electronics, medical imaging, levitated transportation, and electric power systems are either having, or will soon have, an impact on the daily life of millions. Surprisingly, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the discovery of superconductivity was completely unanticipated and unimagined.

In 1911, three years after liquefying helium, H. Kammerlingh Onnes of the University of Leiden discovered superconductivity while investigating the temperature-dependent resistance of metals below 4.2Kelvin. Later reporting on experiments conducted in 1911, he described the disappearance of the resistance of mercury, stating, ‘‘Within some hundredths of a degree came a sudden fall, not foreseen [by existing theories of resistance]. Mercury has passed into a new state, which . . . may be called the superconductive state.’’

3. Electric Motors

The main types of electric motors that drove twentieth century technology were developed toward the end of the nineteenth century, with direct current (DC) motors being introduced before alternating current (AC) ones. Most important initially was the ‘‘series’’ DC motor, used in electric trolleys and trains from the 1880s onward. The series motor exerts maximum torque on starting and then accelerates to its full running speed, the ideal characteristic for traction work. Where speed control independent of the load is required in such applications as crane and lift drives, the ‘‘shunt’’ DC motor is more suitable.

4. Electronic Calculators

The electronic calculator is usually inexpensive and pocket-sized, using solar cells for its power and having a gray liquid crystal display (LCD) to show the numbers. Depending on the sophistication, the calculator might simply perform the basic mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) or might include scientific functions (square, log, trig). For a slightly higher cost, the calculator will probably include programmable scientific and business functions. At the end of the twentieth century, the electronic calculator was as commonplace as a screwdriver and helped people deal with all types of mathematics on an everyday basis. Its birth and growth were early steps on the road to today’s world of computing.

5. Electronic Communications

The broad use of digital electronic message communications in most societies by the end of the 20th century can be attributed to a myriad of reasons. Diffusion was incremental and evolutionary. Digital communication technology was seeded by large-scale funding for military projects that broke technological ground, however social needs and use drove systems in unexpected ways and made it popular because these needs were embraced. Key technological developments happened long before diffusion into society, and it was only after popularity of the personal computer that global and widespread use became commonplace. The Internet was an important medium in this regard, however the popular uses of it were well established long before its success. Collaborative developments with open, mutually agreed standards were key factors in broader diffusion of the low-level transmission of digital data, and provided resistance to technological lock-in by any commercial player. By the twenty-first century, the concept of interpersonal electronic messaging was accepted as normal and taken for granted by millions around the world, where infrastructural and political freedoms permitted. As a result, traditional lines of information control and mass broadcasting were challenged, although it remains to be seen what, if any, long-term impact this will have on society.

6. Electronic Control Technology

The advancement of electrical engineering in the twentieth century made a fundamental change in control technology. New electronic devices including vacuum tubes (valves) and transistors were used to replace electromechanical elements in conventional controllers and to develop new types of controllers. In these practices, engineers discovered basic principles of control theory that could be further applied to design electronic control systems.

7. Fax Machine

Fax technology was especially useful for international commercial communication, which was traditionally the realm of the Telex machine, which only relayed Western alpha-numeric content. A fax machine could transmit a page of information regardless of what information it contained, and this led to rapid and widespread adoption in developing Asian countries during the 1980s. With the proliferation of the Internet and electronic e-mail in the last decade of the twentieth century, fax technology became less used for correspondence. At the close of the 20th century, the fax machine was still widely used internationally for the transmission of documents of all forms, with the ‘‘hard copy’’ aspect giving many a sense of permanence that other electronic communication lacked.

8. Hall Effect Devices

The ‘‘Hall effect,’’ discovered in 1879 by American physicist Edwin H. Hall, is the electrical potential produced when a magnetic field is perpendicular to a conductor or semiconductor that is carrying current. This potential is a product of the buildup of charges in that conductor. The magnetic field makes a transverse force on the charge carriers, resulting in the charge being moved to one of the sides of the conductor. Between the sides of the conductor, measurable voltage is yielded from the interaction and balancing of the polarized charge and the magnetic influence.

Hall effect devices are commonly used as magnetic field sensors, or alternatively if a known magnetic field is applied, the sensor can be used to measure the current in a conductor, without actually plugging into it (‘‘contactless potentiometers’’). Hall sensors can also be used as magnetically controlled switches, and as a contactless method of detecting rotation and position, sensing ferrous objects.

9. Infrared Detectors

Infrared detectors rely on the change of a physical characteristic to sense illumination by infrared radiation (i.e., radiation having a wavelength longer than that of visible light). The origins of such detectors lie in the nineteenth century, although their development, variety and applications exploded during the twentieth century. William Herschel (c. 1800) employed a thermometer to detect this ‘‘radiant heat’’; Macedonio Melloni, (c. 1850) invented the ‘‘thermochrose’’ to display spatial differences of irradiation as color patterns on a temperature-sensitive surface; and in 1882 William Abney found that photographic film could be sensitized to respond to wavelengths beyond the red end of the spectrum. Most infrared detectors, however, convert infrared radiation into an electrical signal via a variety of physical effects. Here, too, 19th century innovations continued in use well into the 21st century.

10. Integrated Circuits Design and Use

Integrated circuits (ICs) are electronic devices designed to integrate a large number of microscopic electronic components, normally connected by wires in circuits, within the same substrate material. According to the American engineer Jack S. Kilby, they are the realization of the so-called ‘‘monolithic idea’’: building an entire circuit out of silicon or germanium. ICs are made out of these materials because of their properties as semiconductors— materials that have a degree of electrical conductivity between that of a conductor such as metal and that of an insulator (having almost no conductivity at low temperatures). A piece of silicon containing one circuit is called a die or chip. Thus, ICs are known also as microchips. Advances in semiconductor technology in the 1960s (the miniaturization revolution) meant that the number of transistors on a single chip doubled every two years, and led to lowered microprocessor costs and the introduction of consumer products such as handheld calculators.

electronic thesis ideas

11. Integrated Circuits Fabrication

The fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs) is a complicated process that consists primarily of the transfer of a circuit design onto a piece of silicon (the silicon wafer). Using a photolithographic technique, the areas of the silicon wafer to be imprinted with electric circuitry are covered with glass plates (photomasks), irradiated with ultraviolet light, and treated with chemicals in order to shape a circuit’s pattern. On the whole, IC manufacture consists of four main stages:

  • Preparation of a design
  • Preparation of photomasks and silicon wafers
  • Testing and packaging

Preparing an IC design consists of drafting the circuit’s electronic functions within the silicon board. This process has radically changed over the years due to the increasing complexity of design and the number of electronic components contained within the same IC. For example, in 1971, the Intel 4004 microprocessor was designed by just three engineers, while in the 1990s the Intel Pentium was designed by a team of 100 engineers. Moreover, the early designs were produced with traditional drafting techniques, while from the late 1970s onward the introduction of computer-aided design (CAD) techniques completely changed the design stage. Computers are used to check the design and simulate the operations of perspective ICs in order to optimize their performance. Thus, the IC drafted design can be modified up to 400 times before going into production.

12. Josephson Junction Devices

One of the most important implications of quantum physics is the existence of so-called tunneling phenomena in which elementary particles are able to cross an energy barrier on subatomic scales that it would not be possible for them to traverse were they subject to the laws of classical mechanics. In 1973 the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Brian Josephson, Ivan Giaever and Leo Esaki for their work in this field. Josephson’s contribution consisted of a number of important theoretical predictions made while a doctoral student at Cambridge University. His work was confirmed experimentally within a year of its publication in 1961, and practical applications were commercialized within ten years.

13. Laser Applications

Lasers are employed in virtually every sector of the modern world including industry, commerce, transportation, medicine, education, science, and in many consumer devices such as CD players and laser printers. The intensity of lasers makes them ideal cutting tools since their highly focused beam cuts more accurately than machined instruments and leaves surrounding materials unaffected. Surgeons, for example, have employed carbon dioxide or argon lasers in soft tissue surgery since the early 1970s. These lasers produce infrared wavelengths of energy that are absorbed by water. Water in tissues is rapidly heated and vaporized, resulting in disintegration of the tissue. Visible wavelengths (argon ion laser) coagulate tissue. Far-ultraviolet wavelengths (higher photon energy, as produced by excimer lasers) break down molecular bonds in target tissue and ‘‘ablate’’ tissue without heating. Excimer lasers have been used in corneal surgery since 1984. Short pulses only affect the surface area of interest and not deeper tissues. The extremely small size of the beam, coupled with optical fibers, enables today’s surgeons to conduct surgery deep inside the human body often without a single cut on the exterior. Blue lasers, developed in 1994 by Shuji Nakamura of Nichia Chemical Industries of Japan, promise even more precision than the dominant red lasers currently used and will further revolutionize surgical cutting techniques.

14. Laser Theory and Operation

Lasers (an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) provide intense, focused beams of light whose unique properties enable them to be employed in a wide range of applications in the modern world. The key idea underlying lasers originated with Albert Einstein who published a paper in 1916 on Planck’s distribution law, within which he described what happens when additional energy is introduced into an atom. Atoms have a heavy and positively charged nucleus surrounded by groups of extremely light and negatively charged electrons. Electrons orbit the atom in a series of ‘‘fixed’’ levels based upon the degree of electromagnetic attraction between each single electron and the nucleus. Various orbital levels also represent different energy levels. Normally electrons remain as close to the nucleus as their energy level permits, with the consequence that an atom’s overall energy level is minimized. Einstein realized that when energy is introduced to an atom; for example, through an atomic collision or through electrical stimulation, one or more electrons become excited and move to a higher energy level. This condition exists temporarily before the electron returns to its former energy level. When this decay phenomenon occurs, a photon of light is emitted. Einstein understood that since the energy transitions within the atom are always identical, the energy and the wavelength of the stimulated photon of light are also predictable; that is, a specific type of transition within an atom will yield a photon of light of a specific wavelength. Hendrick Kramers and Werner Heisenberg obtained a series of more extensive calculations of the effects of these stimulated emissions over the next decade. The first empirical evidence supporting these theoretical calculations occurred between 1926 and 1930 in a series of experiments involving electrical discharges in neon.

15. Lasers in Optoelectronics

Optoelectronics, the field combining optics and electronics, is dependent on semiconductor (diode) lasers for its existence. Mass use of semiconductor lasers has emerged with the advent of CD and DVD technologies, but it is the telecommunications sector that has primarily driven the development of lasers for optoelectronic systems. Lasers are used to transmit voice, data, or video signals down fiber-optic cables.

While the success of lasers within telecommunication systems seems unquestioned thanks to their utility in long-distance large-capacity, point-to-point links, these lasers also find use in many other applications and are ubiquitous in the developed world. Their small physical size, low power operation, ease of modulation (via simple input current variation) and small beam size mean that these lasers are now part of our everyday world, from CDs and DVDs, to supermarket checkouts and cosmetic medicine.

16. Light Emitting Diodes

Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, are semiconductor devices that emit monochromatic light once an electric current passes through it. The color of light emitted from LEDs depends not on the color of the bulb, but on the emission’s wavelength. Typically made of inorganic materials like gallium or silicon, LEDs have found frequent use as ‘‘pilot,’’ or indicator, lights for electronic devices. Unlike incandescent light bulbs, which generate light from ‘‘heat glow,’’ LEDs create light more efficiently and are generally more durable than traditional light sources.

17. Lighting Techniques

In 1900 electric lighting in the home was a rarity. Carbon filament incandescent lamps had been around for 20 years, but few households had electricity. Arc lamps were used in streets and large buildings such as railway stations. Domestic lighting was by candle, oil and gas.

The stages of the lightning techniques evolution are the following:

  • Non-Electric Lighting
  • Electric Lighting: Filament Lamps
  • Electric Lighting: Discharge Lamps
  • Electric Lighting: Fluorescent Lamps
  • Electric Lighting: LED Lamps

18. Mechanical and Electromechanical Calculators

The widespread use of calculating devices in the twentieth century is intimately linked to the rise of large corporations and to the increasing role of mathematical calculation in science and engineering. In the business setting, calculators were used to efficiently process financial information. In science and engineering, calculators speeded up routine calculations. The manufacture and sale of calculators was a widespread industry, with major firms in most industrialized nations. However, the manufacture of mechanical calculators declined very rapidly in the 1970s with the introduction of electronic calculators, and firms either diversified into other product lines or went out of business. By the end of the twentieth century, slide rules, adding machines, and other mechanical calculators were no longer being manufactured.

19. Mobile (Cell) Telephones

In the last two decades of the twentieth century, mobile or cell phones developed from a minority communication tool, characterized by its prevalence in the 1980s among young professionals, to a pervasive cultural object. In many developed countries, more than three quarters of the population owned a cell phone by the end of the 20th century.

Cell phone technology is a highly evolved form of the personal radio systems used by truck drivers (citizens band, or CB, radio) and police forces in which receiver/transmitter units communicate with one another or a base antenna. Such systems work adequately over short distances with a low volume of traffic but cannot be expanded to cope with mass communication due to the limited space (bandwidth) available in the electromagnetic spectrum. Transmitting and receiving on one frequency, they allow for talking or listening but not both simultaneously.

For mobile radio systems to make the step up to effective telephony, a large number of two-way conversations needed to be accommodated, requiring a duplex channel (two separate frequencies, taking up double the bandwidth). In order to establish national mobile phone networks without limiting capacity or the range of travel of handsets, a number of technological improvements had to occur.

20. Photocopiers

The photocopier, copier, or copying machine, as it is variously known, is a staple of modern life. Copies by the billions are produced not only in the office but also on machines available to the public in libraries, copy shops, stationery stores, supermarkets, and a wide variety of other commercial facilities. Modern xerographic copiers, produced by a number of manufacturers, are available as desktop models suitable for the home as well as the small office. Many modern copiers reproduce in color as well as black and white, and office models can rival printing presses in speed of operation.

21. Photosensitive Detectors

Sensing radiation from ultraviolet to optical wavelengths and beyond is an important part of many devices. Whether analyzing the emission of radiation, chemical solutions, detecting lidar signals, fiber-optic communication systems, or imaging of medical ionizing radiation, detectors are the final link in any optoelectronic experiment or process.

Detectors fall into two groups: thermal detectors (where radiation is absorbed and the resulting temperature change is used to generate an electrical output) and photon (quantum) detectors. The operation of photon detectors is based on the photoelectric effect, in which the radiation is absorbed within a metal or semiconductor by direct interaction with electrons, which are excited to a higher energy level. Under the effect of an electric field these carriers move and produce a measurable electric current. The photon detectors show a selective wavelength-dependent response per unit incident radiation power.

22. Public and Private Lighting

At the turn of the 20th century, lighting was in a state of flux. In technical terms, a number of emerging lighting technologies jostled for economic dominance. In social terms, changing standards of illumination began to transform cities, the workplace, and the home. In design terms, the study of illumination as a science, as an engineering profession, and as an applied art was becoming firmly established. In the last decades of the 20th century, the technological and social choices in lighting attained considerable stability both technically and socially. Newer forms of compact fluorescent lighting, despite their greater efficiency, have not significantly replaced incandescent bulbs in homes owing to higher initial cost. Low-pressure sodium lamps, on the other hand, have been adopted increasingly for street and architectural lighting owing to lower replacement and maintenance costs. As with fluorescent lighting in the 1950s, recent lighting technologies have found niche markets rather than displacing incandescents, which have now been the dominant lighting system for well over a century.

23. Quantum Electronic Devices

Quantum theory, developed during the 1920s to explain the behavior of atoms and the absorption and emission of light, is thought to apply to every kind of physical system, from individual elementary particles to macroscopic systems such as lasers. In lasers, stimulated transitions between discrete or quantized energy levels is a quantum electronic phenomena (discussed in the entry Lasers, Theory and Operation). Stimulated transitions are also the central phenomena in atomic clocks. Semiconductor devices such as the transistor also rely on the arrangement of quantum energy levels into a valence band and a conduction band separated by an energy gap, but advanced quantum semiconductor devices were not possible until advances in fabrication techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) developed in the 1960s made it possible to grow extremely pure single crystal semiconductor structures one atomic layer at a time.

In most electronic devices and integrated circuits, quantum phenomena such as quantum tunneling and electron diffraction—where electrons behave not as particles but as waves—are of no significance, since the device is much larger than the wavelength of the electron (around 100 nanometers, where one nanometer is 109 meters or about 4 atoms wide). Since the early 1980s however, researchers have been aware that as the overall device size of field effect transistors decreased, small-scale quantum mechanical effects between components, plus the limitations of materials and fabrication techniques, would sooner or later inhibit further reduction in the size of conventional semiconductor transistors. Thus to produce devices on ever-smaller integrated circuits (down to 25 nanometers in length), conventional microelectronic devices would have to be replaced with new device concepts that take advantage of the quantum mechanical effects that dominate on the nanometer scale, rather than function in despite of them. Such solid state ‘‘nanoelectronics’’ offers the potential for increased speed and density of information processing, but mass fabrication on this small scale presented formidable challenges at the end of the 20th century.

24. Quartz Clocks and Watches

The wristwatch and the domestic clock were completely reinvented with all-new electronic components beginning about 1960. In the new electronic timepieces, a tiny sliver of vibrating quartz in an electrical circuit provides the time base and replaces the traditional mechanical oscillator, the swinging pendulum in the clock or the balance wheel in the watch. Instead of an unwinding spring or a falling weight, batteries power these quartz clocks and watches, and integrated circuits substitute for intricate mechanical gear trains.

25. Radio-Frequency Electronics

Radio was originally conceived as a means for interpersonal communications, either person-toperson, or person-to-people, using analog waveforms containing either Morse code or actual sound. The use of radio frequencies (RF) designed to carry digital data in the form of binary code rather than voice and to replace physical wired connections between devices began in the 1970s, but the technology was not commercialized until the 1990s through digital cellular phone networks known as personal communications services (PCS) and an emerging group of wireless data network technologies just reaching commercial viability. The first of these is a so-called wireless personal area network (WPAN) technology known as Bluetooth. There are also two wireless local area networks (WLANs), generally grouped under the name Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity): (1) Wi-Fi, also known by its Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) designation 802.11b, and (2) Wi-Fi5 (802.11a).

26. Rectifiers

Rectifiers are electronic devices that are used to control the flow of current. They do this by having conducting and nonconducting states that depend on the polarity of the applied voltage. A major function in electronics is the conversion from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) where the output is only one-half (either positive or negative) of the input. Rectifiers that are currently, or have been, in use include: point-contact diodes, plate rectifiers, thermionic diodes, and semiconductor diodes. There are various ways in which rectifiers may be classified in terms of the signals they encounter; this contribution will consider two extremes—high frequency and heavy current—that make significantly different demands on device design.

27. Strobe Flashes

Scarcely a dozen years after photography was announced to the world in 1839, William Henry Fox Talbot produced the first known flash photograph. Talbot, the new art’s co-inventor, fastened a printed paper onto a disk, set it spinning as fast as possible, and then discharged a spark to expose a glass plate negative. The words on the paper could be read on the photograph. Talbot believed that the potential for combining electric sparks and photography was unlimited. In 1852, he pronounced, ‘‘It is in our power to obtain the pictures of all moving objects, no matter in how rapid motion they may be, provided we have the means of sufficiently illuminating them with a sudden electric flash.’’

The electronic stroboscope fulfills Talbot’s prediction. It is a repeating, short-duration light source used primarily for visual observation and photography of high-speed phenomena. The intensity of the light emitted from strobes also makes them useful as signal lights on communication towers, airport runways, emergency vehicles, and more. Though ‘‘stroboscope’’ actually refers to a repeating flash and ‘‘electronic flash’’ denotes a single burst, both types are commonly called ‘‘strobes.’’

28. Transistors

Early experiments in transistor technology were based on the analogy between the semiconductor and the vacuum tube: the ability to both amplify and effectively switch an electrical signal on or off (rectification). By 1940, Russell Ohl at Bell Telephone Laboratories, among others, had found that impure silicon had both positive (ptype material with holes) and negative (n-type) regions. When a junction is created between n-type material and p-type material, electrons on the ntype side are attracted across the junction to fill holes in the other layer. In this way, the n-type semiconductor becomes positively charged and the p-type becomes negatively charged. Holes move in the opposite direction, thus reinforcing the voltage built up at the junction. The key point is that current flows from one side to the other when a positive voltage is applied to the layers (‘‘forward biased’’).

29. Travelling Wave Tubes

One of the most important devices for the amplification of radio-frequency (RF) signals— which range in frequency from 3 kilohertz to 300 gigahertz—is the traveling wave tube (TWT). When matched with its power supply unit, or electronic power conditioner (EPC), the combination is known as a traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA). The amplification of RF signals is important in many aspects of science and technology, since the ability to increase the strength of a very low-power input signal is fundamental to all types of long-range communications, radar and electronic warfare.

30. Vacuum Tubes/Valves

The vacuum tube has its roots in the late nineteenth century when Thomas A. Edison conducted experiments with electric bulbs in 1883. Edison’s light bulbs consisted of a conducting filament mounted in a glass bulb. Passing electricity through the filament caused it to heat up and radiate light. A vacuum in the tube prevented the filament from burning up. Edison noted that electric current would flow from the bulb filament to a positively charged metal plate inside the tube. This phenomenon, the one-way flow of current, was called the Edison Effect. Edison himself could not explain the filament’s behavior. He felt this effect was interesting but unimportant and patented it as a matter of course. It was only fifteen years later that Joseph John Thomson, a physics professor at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in the U.K., discovered the electron and understood the significance of what was occurring in the tube. He identified the filament rays as a stream of particles, now called electrons. In a range of papers from 1901 to 1916, O.W. Richardson explained the electron behavior. Today the Edison Effect is known as thermionic emission.

History of Electronics


Few of the basic tasks that electronic technologies perform, such as communication, computation, amplification, or automatic control, are unique to electronics. Most were anticipated by the designers of mechanical or electromechanical technologies in earlier years. What distinguishes electronic communication, computation, and control is often linked to the instantaneous action of the devices, the delicacy of their actions compared to mechanical systems, their high reliability, or their tiny size.

The electronics systems introduced between the late nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth century can be roughly divided into the applications related to communications (including telegraphy, telephony, broadcasting, and remote detection) and the more recently developed fields involving digital information and computation. In recent years these two fields have tended to converge, but it is still useful to consider them separately for a discussion of their history.

The origins of electronics as distinguished from other electrical technologies can be traced to 1880 and the work of Thomas Edison. While investigating the phenomenon of the blackening of the inside surface of electric light bulbs, Edison built an experimental bulb that included a third, unused wire in addition to the two wires supporting the filament. When the lamp was operating, Edison detected a flow of electricity from the filament to the third wire, through the evacuated space in the bulb. He was unable to explain the phenomenon, and although he thought it would be useful in telegraphy, he failed to commercialize it. It went unexplained for about 20 years, until the advent of wireless telegraphic transmission by radio waves. John Ambrose Fleming, an experimenter in radio, not only explained the Edison effect but used it to detect radio waves. Fleming’s ‘‘valve’’ as he called it, acted like a one-way valve for electric waves, and could be used in a circuit to convert radio waves to electric pulses so that that incoming Morse code signals could be heard through a sounder or earphone.

As in the case of the Fleming valve, many early electronic devices were used first in the field of communications, mainly to enhance existing forms of technology. Initially, for example, telephony (1870s) and radio (1890s) were accomplished using ordinary electrical and electromechanical circuits, but eventually both were transformed through the use of electronic devices. Many inventors in the late nineteenth century sought a functional telephone ‘‘relay’’; that is, something to refresh a degraded telephone signal to allow long distance telephony. Several people simultaneously recognized the possibility of developing a relay based on the Fleming valve. The American inventor Lee de Forest was one of the first to announce an electronic amplifier using a modified Fleming valve, which he called the Audion. While he initially saw it as a detector and amplifier of radio waves, its successful commercialization occurred first in the telephone industry. The sound quality and long-distance capability of telephony was enhanced and extended after the introduction of the first electronic amplifier circuits in 1907. In the U.S., where vast geographic distances separated the population, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) introduced improved vacuum tube amplifiers in 1913, which were later used to establish the first coast-to-coast telephone service in 1915 (an overland distance of nearly 5000 kilometers).

These vacuum tubes soon saw many other uses, such as a public-address systems constructed as early as 1920, and radio transmitters and receivers. The convergence of telephony and radio in the form of voice broadcasting was technically possible before the advent of electronics, but its application was greatly enhanced through the use of electronics both in the radio transmitter and in the receiver.

World War I saw the applications of electronics diversify somewhat to include military applications. Mostly, these were modifications of existing telegraph, telephone, and radio systems, but applications such as ground-to-air radio telephony were novel. The pressing need for large numbers of electronic components, especially vacuum tubes suitable for military use, stimulated changes in their design and manufacture and contributed to improving quality and falling prices. After the war, the expanded capacity of the vacuum tube industry contributed to a boom in low-cost consumer radio receivers. Yet because of the withdrawal of the military stimulus and the onset of the Great Depression, the pace of change slowed in the 1930s. One notable exception was in the field of television. Radio broadcasting became such a phenomenal commercial success that engineers and businessmen were envisioning how ‘‘pictures with sound’’ would replace ordinary broadcasting, even in the early 1930s. Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S. all had rudimentary television systems in place by 1939, although World War II would bring nearly a complete halt to these early TV broadcasts.

World War II saw another period of rapid change, this one much more dramatic than that of World War I. Not only were radio communications systems again greatly improved, but for the first time the field of electronics engineering came to encompass much more than communication. While it was the atomic bomb that is most commonly cited as the major technological outcome of World War II, radar should probably be called the weapon that won the war. To describe radar as a weapon is somewhat inaccurate, but there is no doubt that it had profound effects upon the way that naval, aerial, and ground combat was conducted. Using radio waves as a sort of searchlight, radar could act as an artificial eye capable of seeing through clouds or fog, over the horizon, or in the dark. Furthermore, it substituted for existing methods of calculating the distance and speed of targets. Radar’s success hinged on the development of new electronic components, particularly new kinds of vacuum tubes such as the klystron and magnetron, which were oriented toward the generation of microwaves. Subsidized by military agencies on both sides of the Atlantic (as well as Japan) during World War II, radar sets were eventually installed in aircraft and ships, used in ground stations, and even built into artillery shells. The remarkable engineering effort that was launched to make radar systems smaller, more energy efficient, and more reliable would mark the beginning of an international research program in electronics miniaturization that continues today. Radar technology also had many unexpected applications elsewhere, such as the use of microwave beams as a substitute for long-distance telephone cables. Microwave communication is also used extensively today for satellite-to-earth communication.

The second major outcome of electronics research during World War II was the effort to build an electronic computer. Mechanical adders and calculators were widely used in science, business, and government by the early twentieth century, and had reached an advanced state of design. Yet the problems peculiar to wartime, especially the rapid calculation of mountains of ballistics data, drove engineers to look for ways to speed up the machines. At the same time, some sought a calculator that could be reprogrammed as computational needs changed. While computers played a role in the war, it was not until the postwar period that they came into their own. In addition, computer research during World War II contributed little to the development of vacuum tubes, although in later years computer research would drive certain areas of semiconductor electron device research.

While the forces of the free market are not to be discounted, the role of the military in electronics development during World War II was of paramount importance. More-or-less continuous military support for research in electronic devices and systems persisted during the second half of the twentieth century too, and many more new technologies emerged from this effort. The sustained effort to develop more compact, rugged devices such as those demanded by military systems would converge with computer development during the 1950s, especially after the invention of the transistor in late 1947.

The transistor was not a product of the war, and in fact its development started in the 1930s and was delayed by the war effort. A transistor is simply a very small substitute for a vacuum tube, but beyond that it is an almost entirely new sort of device. At the time of its invention, its energy efficiency, reliability, and diminutive size suggested new possibilities for electronic systems. The most famous of these possibilities was related to computers and systems derived from or related to computers, such as robotics or industrial automation. The impetus for the transistor was a desire within the telephone industry to create an energy-efficient, reliable substitute for the vacuum tube. Once introduced, the military pressed hard to accelerate its development, as the need emerged for improved electronic navigational devices for aircraft and missiles.

There were many unanticipated results of the substitution of transistors for vacuum tubes. Because they were so energy efficient, transistors made it much more practical to design battery powered systems. The small transistor radio (known in some countries simply as ‘‘the transistor’’), introduced in the 1950s, is credited with helping to popularize rock and roll music. It is also worth noting that many developing countries could not easily provide broadcasting services until the diffusion of battery operated transistor receivers because of the lack of central station electric power. The use of the transistor also allowed designers to enhance existing automotive radios and tape players, contributing eventually to a greatly expanded culture of in-car listening. There were other important outcomes as well; transistor manufacture provided access to the global electronics market for Asian radio manufacturers, who improved manufacturing methods to undercut their U.S. competitors during the 1950s and 1960s. Further, the transistor’s high reliability nearly eliminated the profession of television and radio repair, which had supported tens of thousands of technicians in the U.S. alone before about 1980.

However, for all its remarkable features, the transistor also had its limitations; while it was an essential part of nearly every cutting-edge technology of the postwar period, it was easily outperformed by the older technology of vacuum tubes in some areas. The high-power microwave transmitting devices in communications satellites and spacecraft, for example, nearly all relied on special vacuum tubes through the end of the twentieth century, because of the physical limitations of semiconductor devices. For the most part, however, the transistor made the vacuum tube obsolete by about 1960.

The attention paid to the transistor in the 1950s and 1960s made the phrase ‘‘solid-state’’ familiar to the general public, and the new device spawned many new companies. However, its overall impact pales in comparison to its successor—the integrated circuit. Integrated circuits emerged in the late 1950s, were immediately adopted by the military for small computer and communications systems, and were then used in civilian computers and related applications from the 1960s. Integrated circuits consist of multiple transistors fabricated simultaneously from layers of semiconductor and other materials. The transistors, interconnecting ‘‘wires,’’ and many of the necessary circuit elements such as capacitors and resistors are fabricated on the ‘‘chip.’’ Such a circuit eliminates much of the laborious process of assembling an electronic system such as a computer by hand, and results in a much smaller product. The ability to miniaturize components through integrated circuit fabrication techniques would lead to circuits so vanishingly small that it became difficult to connect them to the systems of which they were a part. The plastic housings or ‘‘packages’’ containing today’s microprocessor chips measure just a few centimeters on a side, and yet the actual circuits inside are much smaller. Some of the most complex chips made today contain many millions of transistors, plus millions more solid-state resistors and other passive components.

While used extensively in military and aerospace applications, the integrated circuit became famous as a component in computer systems. The logic and memory circuits of digital computers, which have been the focus of much research, consist mainly of switching devices. Computers were first constructed in the 1930s with electromechanical relays as switching devices, then with vacuum tubes, transistors, and finally integrated circuits. Most early computers used off-the-shelf tubes and transistors, but with the advent of the integrated circuit, designers began to call for components designed especially for computers. It was clear to engineers at the time that all the circuits necessary to build a computer could be placed on one chip (or a small set of chips), and in fact, the desire to create a ‘‘computer on a chip’’ led to the microprocessor, introduced around 1970. The commercial impetus underlying later generations of computer chip design was not simply miniaturization (although there are important exceptions) or energy efficiency, but also the speed of operation, reliability, and lower cost. However, the inherent energy efficiency and small size of the resulting systems did enable the construction of smaller computers, and the incorporation of programmable controllers (special purpose computers) into a wide variety of other technologies. The recent merging of the computer (or computer-like systems) with so many other technologies makes it difficult to summarize the current status of digital electronic systems. As the twentieth century drew to a close, computer chips were widely in use in communications and entertainment devices, in industrial robots, in automobiles, in household appliances, in telephone calling cards, in traffic signals, and in a myriad other places. The rapid evolution of the computer during the last 50 years of the twentieth century was reflected by the near-meaninglessness of its name, which no longer adequately described its functions.

From an engineering perspective, not only did electronics begin to inhabit, in an almost symbiotic fashion, other technological systems after about 1950, but these electronics systems were increasingly dominated by the use of semiconductor technology. After virtually supplanting the vacuum tube in the 1950s, the semiconductor-based transistor became the technology of choice for most subsequent electronics development projects. Yet semiconducting alloys and compounds proved remarkably versatile in applications at first unrelated to transistors and chips. The laser, for example, was originally operated in a large vacuum chamber and depended on ionized gas for its operation. By the 1960s, laser research was focused on the remarkable ability of certain semiconducting materials to accomplish the same task as the ion chamber version. Today semiconductor devices are used not only as the basis of amplifiers and switches, but also for sensing light, heat, and pressure, for emitting light (as in lasers or video displays), for generating electricity (as in solar cells), and even for mechanical motion (as in micromechanical systems or MEMS).

However, semiconductor devices in ‘‘discrete’’ forms such as transistors, would probably not have had the remarkable impact of the integrated circuit. By the 1970s, when the manufacturing techniques for integrated circuits allowed high volume production, low cost, tiny size, relatively small energy needs, and enormous complexity; electronics entered a new phase of its history, having a chief characteristic of allowing electronic systems to be retrofitted into existing technologies. Low-cost microprocessors, for example, which were available from the late 1970s onward, were used to sense data from their environment, measure it, and use it to control various technological systems from coffee machines to video tape recorders. Even the human body is increasingly invaded by electronics; at the end of the twentieth century, several researchers announced the first microchips for implantation directly in the body. They were to be used to store information for retrieval by external sensors or to help deliver subcutaneous drugs. The integrated circuit has thus become part of innumerable technological and biological systems.

It is this remarkable flexibility of application that enabled designers of electronic systems to make electronics the defining technology of the late twentieth century, eclipsing both the mechanical technologies associated with the industrial revolution and the electrical and information technologies of the so-called second industrial revolution. While many in the post-World War II era once referred to an ‘‘atomic age,’’ it was in fact an era in which daily life was increasingly dominated by electronics.

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Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Effects of Unobservable Bus States on Detection and Localization of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grids , Moheb Abdelmalak

Modeling the Human Learning Process Using an Industrial Steam Boiler Analogy to Design a Psychophysiological-Based Hypermedia Adaptive Automation System , Liliana María Villavicencio López

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

On the Performance Enhancement of Beamspace MIMO and Non-orthogonal Multiple Access for Future Cellular Networks , Sinasi Cetinkaya

Enhancing Smart Grid Security and Reliability through Graph Signal Processing and Energy Data Analytics , Md Abul Hasnat

Fabric-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor Towards Wearable pH Sensing Electronics , Nestor Osvaldo Marquez Rios

Novel Systems Engineering Framework Analysis of Photovoltaic Models and Equations , Peter R. Michael

Deep Learning Enhancement and Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning: A Data-Centric Approach , Hung S. Nguyen

Cyber-Physical Multi-Robot Systems in a Smart Factory: A Networked AI Agents Approach , Zixiang Nie

Multiple Access Techniques Enabling Diverse Wireless Services , Mehmet Mert Şahin

Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Optimization Techniques for Energy and Socioeconomic Systems , Salman Sadiq Shuvo

Process Automation and Robotics Engineering for Industrial Processing Systems , Drake Stimpson

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Stability and Interaction Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources in Power Grids , Li Bao

Healthcare IoT System and Network Design , Halil Ibrahim Deniz

Video Anomaly Detection: Practical Challenges for Learning Algorithms , Keval Doshi

Data-Driven State Estimation for Improved Wide Area Situational Awareness in Smart Grids , Md Jakir Hossain

Deep Learning and Feature Engineering for Human Activity Recognition: Exploiting Novel Rich Learning Representations and Sub-transfer Learning to Boost Practical Performance , Ria Kanjilal

Assistive Technologies for Independent Navigation for People with Blindness , Howard Kaplan

Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Higher Order Statistical Analysis of Electroencephalography Signals , Seyed Alireza Khoshnevis

Accelerating Multiparametric MRI for Adaptive Radiotherapy , Shraddha Pandey

A Model-Based Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems via Asynchronous Motors System Identification or Testing, and Control Engineering Observers , Kenelt Pierre

Improving Wireless Networking from the Learning and Security Perspectives , Zhe Qu

Improving Robustness of Deep Learning Models and Privacy-Preserving Image Denoising , Hadi Zanddizari

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

A Method for Compact Representation of Heterogenous and Multivariate Time Series for Robust Classification and Visualization , Alla Abdella

Dynamical System and Parameter Identification for Power Systems , Abdullah Abdulrahman Alassaf

Phasor Domain Modeling of Type-III Wind Turbines , Mohammed Alqahtani

An Automated Framework for Connected Speech Evaluation of Neurodegenerative Disease: A Case Study in Parkinson's Disease , Sai Bharadwaj Appakaya

Investigation of CoO ATO for Solar Cells and Infrared Sheaths , Manopriya Devisetty Subramanyam

Thermal Management of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Supercapacitors , Sanskruta Dhotre

Effect of Se Composition in CdSe 1-X T eX /CdTe Solar Cells , Sheikh Tawsif Elahi

Microencapsulation of Thermochromic Materials for Thermal Storage and Energy Efficiency of Buildings , Abdullatif Hakami

Piezoelectrically-Transduced ZnO-on-Diamond Resonators with Enhanced Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Power-handling Capability for Sensing and Wireless Communication Applications , Xu Han

Preparation and Characterization of Single Layer Conducting Polymer Electrochromic and Touchchromic Devices , Sharan Kumar Indrakar

Security Attacks and Defenses in Cyber Systems: From an AI Perspective , Zhengping Luo

Power System Optimization Methods: Convex Relaxation and Benders Decomposition , Minyue Ma

Metal Oxide Sensor Array Test Bed Prototype for Diagnostic Breath Analysis , Tiffany C. Miller

Packaging of Active RF Beamforming IC Utilizing Additive Manufacturing , Ryan Murphy

Adaptive Network Slicing in Fog RAN for IoT with Heterogeneous Latency and Computing Requirements: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach , Almuthanna Nassar

Development of a Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation Device for Renal Denervation , Noel Perez

Copper Electrodeposition Assisted by Hydrogen Evolution for Wearable Electronics: Interconnections and Fiber Metallization , Sabrina M. Rosa Ortiz

Theory and Application of Dielectric Rod Antennas and Arrays , Gabriel Saffold

Advanced Organic Polymers for the Nanoscale Fabrication of Fiber-based Electronics Using the Electrospinning Technique , William Serrano Garcia

Transparent Planar Micro-Electrode Array for In-Vitro Electric Field Mediated Gene Delivery , Raj Himatlal Shah

High Speed Switching for Plasma Based Electroporation , Shivangi Sharma

Development of Small-Scale Power Supplies for Wearable Medical Diagnostic Devices , Donny Stiner

Novel Approach to Integrate CAN Based Vehicle Sensors with GPS Using Adaptive Filters to Improve Localization Precision in Connected Vehicles from a Systems Engineering Perspective , Abhijit Vasili

Modeling, Control and Analysis of Inverter-Based Generators in the Power Grids , Yangkun Xu

Fiber-Based Supercapacitor for Wearable Electronics , Rohit Lallansingh Yadav

Modeling, Identification, and Stability Analysis of Inverter-Based Resources Integrated Systems , Miao Zhang

Data-Oriented Approaches towards Mobile, Network and Secure Systems , Shangqing Zhao

Strategies in Botnet Detection and Privacy Preserving Machine Learning , Di Zhuang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Architecture design and optimization of Edge-enabled Smart Grids , Adetola B. Adeniran

Multimodal Data Fusion and Attack Detection in Recommender Systems , Mehmet Aktukmak

Artificial Intelligence Towards the Wireless Channel Modeling Communications in 5G , Saud Mobark Aldossari

Enhancement of 5G Network Performance Using Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) , Faeik Tayseer Al Rabee

Investigation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection System in Cybersecurity , Mohmmed Alrowaily

Comprehensive Optimization Models for Voltage Regulation in PV-rich Multi-phase Distribution Systems , Ibrahim Alsaleh

Design and Implementation of Solid/Solid Phononic Crystal Structures in Lateral Extensional Thin-film Piezoelectric on Silicon Micromechanical Resonators , Abdulrahman Alsolami

Analysis of Computational Modeling Methods as Applied to Single-Crystal Organohalide Perovskites , Jon M. Bebeau

Development of a Monolithic Implantable Neural Interface from Cubic Silicon Carbide and Evaluation of Its MRI Compatibility , Mohammad Beygi

Performance Enhancement Techniques for Next-Generation Multi-Service Communication and Medical Cyber-Physical Systems , Ali Fatih Demir

Microfluidically Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Switches, Antenna Arrays and Filters with Fast-Actuation Using Movable Metallized Plates and Integrated Actuation , Enrique J. Gonzalez Carvajal

Multilayered Transmission Lines, Antennas and Phased Arrays with Structurally Integrated Control Electronics Using Additive Manufacturing , Merve Kacar

Cost Efficient Algorithms and Methods for Spectral Efficiency in Future Radio Access , Murat Karabacak

Design of DeLRo Autonomous Delivery Robot and AI Based Localization , Tolga Karakurt

Theory, Fabrication, and Characterization of Perovskite Phototransistor , Fatemeh Khorramshahi

Modeling and Control of Renewable Energy in Grids and Microgrids , Yin Li

Next-Generation Self-Organizing Communications Networks: Synergistic Application of Machine Learning and User-Centric Technologies , Chetana V. Murudkar

Reliability Analysis of Power Grids and its Interdependent Infrastructures: An Interaction Graph-based Approach , Upama Nakarmi

Algorithms Enabling Communications in the Presence of Adjacent Channel Interference , Berker Peköz

Electrospun Nanofibrous Membrane Based Glucose Sensor with Integration of Potentiostat Circuit , Kavyashree Puttananjegowda

Service Provisioning and Security Design in Software Defined Networks , Mohamed Rahouti

Reading and Programming Spintronic Devices for Biomimetic Applications and Fault-tolerant Memory Design , Kawsher Ahmed Roxy

Implementation of SR Flip-Flop Based PUF on FPGA for Hardware Security , Sai Praneeth Sagi

Trauma Detection Personal Locator Beacon System , Sakshi Sharma

Network Function Virtualization In Fog Networks , Nazli Siasi

Socially Aware Network User Mobility Analysis and Novel Approaches on Aerial Mobile Wireless Network Deployment , Ismail Uluturk

Spatial Stereo Sound Source Localization Optimization and CNN Based Source Feature Recognition , Cong Xu

Hybrid RF Acoustic Resonators and Arrays with Integrated Capacitive and Piezoelectric Transducers , Adnan Zaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Fabrication and Characterization of Electrical Energy Storage and Harvesting Energy Devices Using Gel Electrolytes , Belqasem Aljafari

Phasor Measurement Unit Data-Based Steady State and Dynamic Model Estimation , Anas Almunif

Cross Layer-based Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning for MANETs , Amar Amouri

Power Conditioning System on a Micro-Grid System , Tamoghna Banerjee

Thermal Response in a Field Oriented Controlled Three-phase Induction Motor , Niyem Mawenbe Bawana

Design and Development of a Wireless EEG System Integrated into a Football Helmet , Akshay V. Dunakhe

Machine Learning, Game Theory Algorithms, and Medium Access Protocols for 5G and Internet-of-Thing (IoT) Networks , Mohamed Elkourdi

Improving Stability by Enhancing Critical Fault Clearing Time , Ammara M. Ghani

RF Power Circuit Designs for Wi-Fi Applications , Krishna Manasa Gollapudi

Enhancing Secrecy and Capacity of Wireless Systems Using Directive Communications , Mohammed A. Hafez

Statistical Anomaly Detection and Mitigation of Cyber Attacks for Intelligent Transportation Systems , Ammar Haydari

Absorber and Window Study – CdSexTe1-x/CdTe Thin Film Solar Cells , Chih-An Hsu

Methods and Algorithms to Enhance the Security, Increase the Throughput, and Decrease the Synchronization Delay in 5G Networks , Asim Mazin

Piezoelectric ZnO Nanowires as a Tunable Interface Material for Opto-Electronic Applications , Anand Kumar Santhanakrishna

Security Framework for the Internet of Things Leveraging Network Telescopes and Machine Learning , Farooq Israr Ahmed Shaikh

Diversity and Network Coded 5G Wireless Network Infrastructure for Ultra-Reliable Communications , Nabeel Ibrahim Sulieman

The Design of Passive Networks with Full-Wave Component Models , Eric Valentino

CubeSat Constellation Design for Intersatellite Linking , Michael T. White

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Design of Micro-Scale Energy Harvesting Systems for Low Power Applications Using Enhanced Power Management System , Majdi M. Ababneh

A Study on the Adaptability of Immune System Principles to Wireless Sensor Network and IoT Security , Vishwa Alaparthy

Validation of Results of Smart Grid Protection through Self-Healing , Felipe Framil Assumpção

A Novel Framework to Determine Physiological Signals From Blood Flow Dynamics , Prashanth Chetlur Adithya

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Home > USC Columbia > Engineering and Computing, College of > Electrical Engineering > Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Robust Deep Learning Models For Multi-label Image Classification In Limited And Free Annotation Scenarios , Rabab Ezzeldin Rabie Abdelfattah

Analysis, Measurement, and Modeling of Millimeter Wave Channels for Aviation Applications , Zeenat Afroze

Physics-Based and Behavioral Models for Fuel Cells , Charles Chima Anyim

Simulation-based Optimization Of A Dc Microgrid: With Machine-learning-based Models And Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithms , Tyler Van Deese

Novel Structures and Thin Film Techniques for Reconfigurable RF Technologies With Improved Signal Integrity , Jinqun Ge

Suitability of Quantized DEVS-LIM Methods for Simulation of Power Systems , Navid Gholizadeh

Novel Approach To In-situ Mocvd Oxide/dielectric Deposition For Iii-nitride-based Heterojunction Field Effect Transistors , Samiul Hasan

Quantized State Simulation of Electrical Power Systems , Joseph Micah Hood

Circularly-shifted Chirps For Triple Functionality: Communications, Radar, And Computation , Safi Shams Muhtasimul Hoque

Optimization of Ultrawide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials for Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors (HFETs) , Mohi Uddin Jewel

Design And Fabrication Of High-resolution Epitaxial 4h-sic Metal Insulator Semiconductor Detectors , Omerfaruk Karadavut

Deep Learning Based Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for Bearing , Guangxing Niu

High-Performance Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Modules Enabled by Advanced Two-Phase Mini-Channel Cooling , Bo Tian

Magnetic Softness Tuned Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Cancer Theranostics , Jie Wang

Probabilistic Cable Aging Diagnosis And Prognosis With Reflectometry And Capacitance Methods , Xuan Wang

Robustness Of Convolutional Neural Networks: Analysis And Applications , Xin Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

MIMO Antenna Systems for Wireless Handheld Devices , Ahmed H. Abdelgawwad

Applications of Laser Liftoff Technique for Wide Bandgap Power and Flexible Electronics , Md Didarul Alam

Non-intrusive Microwave Surface Wave Technique For Cable Damage and Aging Detection , Ahmed Shah Arman

Pulse Width Modulation-Based Voltage Balancing and Circulating Current Control for Modular Multilevel Converters , Md Multan Biswas

Networked Digital Predictive Control for Modular DC-DC Converters , Castulo Aaron De la O Pérez

Development of Micro-Sized Algan Deep Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes and Monolithic Photonic Integrated Circuits , Richard Speight Floyd III

Distributed Interdigital Capacitor (IDC) Sensing for Cable Insulation Aging and Degradation Detection , Md Nazmul Al Imran

Epitaxial 4H-SiC Radiation Detectors for Harsh Environment Applications , Joshua W. Kleppinger

Growth, Characterization and Evaluation of CdZnTeSe Single Crystals for Room Temperature Radiation Detectors , Ritwik Nag

Automated Contingency Management for Water Recycling System , Shijie Tang

Closed Form Implicitly Integrated Models for Computationally Efficient Simulation of Power Electronics , Andrew Wunderlich

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Real Time Simulation and Hardware in the Loop Methods for Power Electronics Power Distribution Systems , Michele Difronzo

Time-Domain Measurement of Magnetization Dynamics in Ferrofluids , Brian Egenriether

Increased Detectivity and Low Temperature Performance Analysis of Sub-20μm Micropixel Array A1GaN UV Photodiodes , Samia Islam

Operating Strategies and Disturbance Characterization for DC Microgrids , Miles Leonard-Albert

Real-Time Probabilistic Solvers for Digital Twins of Power Electronic Systems , Matthew Aaron Milton

Ultrawide Bandgap Algan-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors With High- K Gate Dielectrics , Md Abu Shahab Mollah

Temperature Dependence of Electroluminescence and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Arrays of Deep Ultraviolet Algan Micropixel Led , Dhruvinkumar Prakashchandra Patel

Robust Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Sample-Data Systems , Lixing Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Methods for Dynamic Stabilization, Performance Improvement, and Load Power Sharing In DC Power Distribution Systems , Hessamaldin Abdollahi

Data-Driven Modeling Through Power Hardware in the Loop Experiments: A PV Micro-Inverter Example , Hayder Dawood Abbood Almukhtar

Novel Multi-User Chirp Signaling Schemes for Future Aviation Communication Applications , Nozhan Hosseini

The Hybridization of a Graphene and Silicon Carbide Schottky Optoelectronic Device by the Incorporation of a Lead Sulfide Quantum Dot Film , Joshua Letton

Channel Modeling and Tropospheric Effects on Millimeter Wave Communications for Aviation Applications , Jinwen Liu

30 GHz Path Loss Modeling and Performance Evaluation for Noncoherent M-ary Frequency Shift Keying in the 30 GHz Band , Mohanad Razak Mohsen

Room Temperature Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Based on CdZnTe and CdZnTeSe , Mohsin Sajjad

Optimization of Vehicle to Grid System in a Power System With Unit Commitment , Charles Uko

Design of High Efficiency Wireless Power Thansfer System With Nonlinear Resonator , Yibing Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

DC Bus Stabilization and Dynamic Performance Improvement of a Multi-Converter System , Silvia Arrua

Fabrication and Characterization of Thin Films for Heterojunction Solar Cells and Radiation Detectors , Towhid A. Chowdhury

Low Frequency Injection as a Method of Low-Level DC Microgrid Communication , Matthew Davidson

Modeling and Loss Analysis of SiC Power Semiconductor Devices for Switching Converter Applications , Soheila Eskandari

Path Loss Models for Two Small Airport Indoor Environments at 31 GHz , Alexander L. Grant

Wireless RF Induced Energy Absorption and Heating of Lanthanum-Nickel Alloy in the Near-Field , Michael Dillon Lindsay

Fractional Order and Virtual Variable Sampling Design of Repetitive Control for Power Converters , Zhichao Liu

Curbside Antenna to Vehicle Path Loss Measurements and Modeling in Three Frequency Bands , Patrick Murphy

Finite Element Electromagnetic (EM) Analyses of Induction Heating of Thermoplastic Composites , Ankit Patel

Constrained Consensus in Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems , Zheqing Zhou

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Study Of 4H-SiC And ALxGA1-xN Based Heterojunction Devices For Ultraviolet Detection Applications , Venkata Surya Naga Raju Chava

Photovoltaic Inverter Control to Sustain High Quality of Service , Yan Chen

Novel Wideband EBG Structures For Isolation Improvement Between Cosite Antennas , Paul John Czeresko III

High Resolution Radiation Detectors Based On 4H-SiC N-Type Epitaxial Layers And Pixilated CdZnTe Single Crystal Devices , Cihan Oner

Ku-Band AG Channel Modeling , Albert Smith

Quantifying Time Retarded Electromagnetic Fields and Their Applications in Transmission Lines , Brandon Thomas Gore

Structurally Integrated Reconfigurable Wideband Array For Conformal Applications , Michael Damon Wright

Multifunction Radio Frequency Composite Structures , David L. Zeppettella

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Dynamic Model and Control of Quadrotor in the Presence of Uncertainties , Courage Agho

Ultra High-Speed Signaling and Return on Technology Investment (ROTI) for the Electrical Interconnects Sector , Azniza Abd Aziz

High Quality Low Offcut 4h-Sic Epitaxy and Integrated Growth of Epitaxial Graphene for Hybrid Graphene/Sic Devices , Anusha Balachandran

Cable Health Monitoring System Built Into Power Converter Using Time Domain Reflectometry , Hossein Baninajar

Low Bandwidth Communication for Networked Power Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation , Sean Borgsteede

Fault Protection In DC Microgrids Based On Autonomous Operation Of All Components , Qiu Deng

Distributed Optimization Method for Intelligent Control of DC Microgrids , Yuanyuan Fan

Three Segment Adaptive Power Electronic Compensator for Non-periodic Currents , Amin Ghaderi

Study of Mos2 and Graphene-Based Heterojunctions for Electronic and Sensing Applications , Ifat Jahangir

Evaluation Of Multicarrier Air Interfaces In The Presence Of Interference For L-Band And C-Band Air-Ground Communications , Hosseinali Jamal

Analysis and Design of a Highly Compact Ellipse-Shaped Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter (Uwb-Bpf) with a Notched Band , Xuetan Liu

Study of Ultra Wide Band Gap AlxGa1-xN Field Effect Transistors For Power Electronic Applications , Sakib Mohammed Muhtadi

Growth and Characterization of Anisotropic GaSe Semiconductor for Radiation Detection and THz Applications , Haseeb Nazir

Physical Characterization of Electrodeposited PCB Copper Foil Surfaces , Blessing Kolawole Ojo

Wideband Low Side Lobe Aperture Coupled Patch Phased Array Antennas , Dhruva Poduval

Software Modelling For Real World Faults On AC Transmission Protective Systems Analysis And Effects , Iandale Tualla

Improved N-Type 4h-Sic Epitaxial Layer Radiation Detectors and Noise Analysis of Front-End Readout Electronics , Khai V. Nguyen

Integrating Nano-Patterned Ferromagnetic and Ferroelectric Materials For Smart Tunable Microwave Applications , Tengxing Wang

An Application of Dempster-Shafer Fusion Theory to Lithium-ion Battery Prognostics and Health Management , John Weddington

A Lebesgue Sampling based Diagnosis and Prognosis Methodology with Application to Lithium-ion Batteries , Wuzhao Yan

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Positive Feedforward Control Design For Stabilization Of A Single-Bus DC Power Distribution System Using An Improved Impedance Identification Technique , Silvia Arrúa

Simulation Of GaN Based MIS Varactor , Bojidha Babu

High Gain Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna Arrays for Portable and Body-Centric Wireless Applications , Nowrin Hasan Chamok

An Improved Ship Design Tool for Comparing Performance of Multiple Ship Designs across User-Defined Missions , Helder Jose de Almeida Pais

Estimating Local Average Power In A Line-Of-Sight Indoor Channel: Spatial Sampling And Processing , Israt Jahan Disha

Time-Domain Measurement Of Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics In Magnetic Nanoparticles , Brian Egenriether

Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control Of Direct Matrix Converter And Dual-Output Power Converters , Ozan Gulbudak

Distributed Optimization And Control Of Islanded Microgrids , Md Rishad Hossain

Engineering Model Of III-Nitride Power Heterostructure Field Effect Transistor On Silicon Substrate , Mohammad Mirwazul Islam

A Comparison Of FPGA Implementation Of Latency-Based Solvers For Power Electronic System Real-Time Simulation , Matthew Aaron Milton

Investigation Of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices For Radiation Detection Applications , Rahmi Orhon Pak

Modeling and Loss Analysis of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices , Kang Peng

Miniaturized RF Components With A Novel Tunable Engineered Substrate For Wireless Communication Systems , Yujia Peng

Wireless Channel Modeling For Networks On Chips , William Rayess

Comparative Analysis Of Current Control Methods For Modular Multilevel Converters , Jordan D. Rogers

Applications Of Impedance Identification To Electric Ship System Control And Power Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation , Jonathan Siegers

System Level Analysis And Design For Wireless Inter-Chip Interconnection Communication Systems By Applying Advanced Wireless Communication Technologies , Xin Zheng

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Pseudomorphic and Quasi-Pseudomorphic AlGaN Based Deep Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes Over Sapphire , Fatima Asif

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Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs)

  • Submission Checklist
  • Formatting Requirements
  • Submission Deadlines

An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is a requirement for graduation from Doctoral programs and available to graduates from Masters programs.

What is an ETD?

An electronic thesis or dissertation (ETD) is a digital version of a thesis or dissertation that will be deposited in the JScholarship repository managed by the Sheridan Libraries and be available online to the public.

Universities and colleges in the United States and abroad have been moving toward this type of publication for the past decade. Johns Hopkins started its own ETD program beginning in the fall semester of 2013.

Who does this apply to?

  • Required for all PhD Students
  • Optional for Masters students with a required thesis; contact your graduate office for information
  • Other graduate degrees: Consult with your graduate office

How and when do I submit my ETD?

  • Submit after you have defended your thesis or dissertation and made all edits required by your committee
  • Follow the formatting requirements
  • Login with your JHED ID to the JHU ETD submission system , fill in the required metadata, and upload a PDF/A file of your thesis or dissertation
  • The required PDF/A file format is different from a standard PDF. Please see the formatting requirements for further instructions

Fee Payment

The ETD submission fee is $60 and may be paid by credit card or by funds transfer from your department. The fee is due at the time of submission; payment verification is required for approval.

Pay by Credit Card – $60

IMPORTANT: If the card you are using is not your own (e.g., spouse or parent’s card), proceed with the payment at the site, but then email your name, your JHED ID, and the name of the credit card owner to [email protected] so we can link your submission with the payment.

Pay by Department Funds Transfer

NOTE: This option is available at departmental discretion. Request that the department administrator fill out the PDF form and submit it to [email protected] .

Learn More about ETDs

Video tutorials.

A video tutorial of the entire ETD process can be viewed on YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions

No. If your department does not coordinate printing and binding, you might consider Thesis on Demand or PhD Bookbinding . You can upload your PDF, and they will print it, bind it, and ship it to you.

Yes. No individual file can be larger than 512 MB, and the total size of all files cannot exceed 4 GB. If your thesis or dissertation is larger than that, please email [email protected] .

Within two months following degree conferral, ETDs are published to  JScholarship , our institutional repository. There are separate sections in JScholarship for masters theses and doctoral dissertations . If you placed an embargo on your ETD, only the metadata (author, title, abstract, etc.) will be available until the embargo period is up.

Your ETD will be published to our institutional repository, JScholarship , within two months following degree conferral. An ETD is considered published when it is deposited in JScholarship, even if it is under embargo.

Once published, changes cannot be made to your ETD. Your ETD will be published within two months following degree conferral. You are responsible for ensuring your ETD has been thoroughly proofread before you submit to the library.

Students submitting Electronic Theses and Dissertations are responsible for determining any copyright or fair use questions. For assistance, please consult the Copyright LibGuide or contact the librarian listed on the guide.

By default, ETDs are published to JScholarship within two months after you graduate. If you wish to temporarily restrict public access to your ETD, during the ETD submission process you can embargo your document for up to four years. Please note that the title and abstract of your document will still be visible during your embargo. You may release your document from embargo early or extend it up to the four-year maximum by emailing [email protected] . Once your document is publicly accessible, however, we cannot make changes to embargoes.

Contact ETD Office

Milton S. Eisenhower Library [email protected]

ETDs on JScholarship

Electronic theses and dissertations from JHU students. Go to ETDs

JScholarship Home

Open access publications from JHU faculty and students. Visit JScholarship

Please start by reviewing the formatting requirements and submission checklist .

If you have additional questions, email [email protected] for the fastest response.

If we are unable to resolve your inquiry via email, you may request an in-person meeting. Due to the volume of ETDs, we cannot meet on deadline days, or the two days before deadlines.

Please note we do not provide formatting reviews by email, only via the submission system .

Nevon Projects

Electronics and Communication Engineering Projects

Latest list of electronics and communication engineering projects along with project guidance and tutorials for your research and studies. Nevonprojects helps you explore this field with innovative electronics projects ideas.

Electronics Project Categories

  • 8051 Microcontroller Projects
  • Arduino Projects
  • Mini Projects
  • Raspberry Pi Projects
  • PIC Microcontroller Projects
  • Robotics Projects
  • AVR Microcontroller Projects
  • Wireless Communication Projects
  • RF & RFID Projects
  • Bluetooth & Zigbee Projects
  • ARM Cortex & ARM 7 Projects
  • Sensor Based Projects
  • All Microcontroller Projects
  • GSM Based Projects
  • GPS Based Projects
  • Solar Projects
  • Simple Electronics Projects
  • Electrical Projects
  • Digital Electronics Projects

Electronics & Communication Projects List

  • Arduino Stepper Motor Controller
  • Portable PM10 PM2.5 Pollution Analyzer
  • Smart Digital SchoolBell With Timetable Display
  • Industrial Production Target Counter Display System
  • Stop and Go Queue Entry Manager System
  • Digital Car Turning and Braking Indicator
  • RFID Token Based Appointment Calling System
  • Digital Nameplate with Visitor Sensing
  • Wireless Master Joystick Controller for Robotics
  • Automatic Noise Level Monitor & Controller System
  • Automatic Coil Winding Machine
  • Automatic Hydroponic Plant Grow Pot
  • Gesture Control Bluetooth Speaker
  • Rain Sensing Hands Free Umbrella Bag
  • IOT Smart Parking Using RFID
  • Programmable Robotic Arm Using Arduino
  • Medical Supplies Delivery Drone
  • Solar Floor Cleaner Robot
  • Arduino Alcohol Sense Engine Lock
  • Arduino Covid Disinfection Box
  • AI Bartender Cocktail Maker Machine
  • IOT Dog Daycare Robot
  • Arduino Multi Player Air Hockey Table
  • Android Micro Drone With Obstacle Detector
  • 360° Filmmaking Drone For 4K HD Video
  • IOT Temperature & Mask Scan Entry System
  • IOT Social Distancing & Monitoring Robot For Queue
  • Auto Indoor Hydroponic Fodder Grow Chamber
  • Autonomous Theft Proof Delivery Robot For Food & Ecommerce
  • Social Distancing & Mask Monitor Drone
  • DIY Oxygen Concentrator Generator For Covid 19
  • DIY Ventilator using Arduino For Covid Pandemic
  • Auto Temperature Detector for Entrance For Covid Safety
  • Atmega based Plant Irrigation System using Capacitive Moisture Sensor
  • IOT based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System
  • Water Landing and Take-off Drone
  • 2WD Vehicle Drone Air + Land Surveillance
  • Public Property Violation and Anti Littering Drone
  • Raspberry Pi based Android Controlled Surveillance Robot
  • Farm Protector Drone for using Arduino
  • Automatic Liquid Dispenser Vending Machine
  • Driver Drowsiness Detection System for Accident Prevention
  • Power Grid Failure Detection Based on Voltage and Frequency Variance Detection
  • IOT based Smart Energy Meter Monitoring with Theft Detection
  • Automated Vehicle Umbrella Tent for Hailstorm Protection
  • Zigbee based Wireless Home Security System
  • Smart Home Automation System with Light Dimmer
  • Gas Leakage Detection with Buzzer System using Atmega
  • Water Pollution Monitoring RC Boat
  • Multi-purpose Sea Surveillance + Search & Rescue RC Boat
  • Intelligent Surveillance and Night Patrolling using Drone
  • Automatic Waste Segregation System
  • Arduino based Snake Robot Controlled using Android Application
  • Garbage Collection Robot Using Wireless Communication Technology
  • Waste and Garbage Recycling Vending Machine Project
  • Raspberry Pi Based Vehicle Starter on Face Detection
  • Smart Door Receptionist with Smart Lock
  • Auto Selection of any Available Phase in 3 Phase Supply System
  • Advanced Footstep Power Generation System using RFID for Charging
  • ACPWM Control System for Induction Motor using AVR Microcontroller
  • Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System using IOT Project
  • IOT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System
  • Advanced Automatic Self-Car Parking using Arduino Project
  • IOT Based Heart Monitoring System Using ECG
  • Smart Stand-up wheelchair using Raspberry Pi & RF
  • Arduino Based Autonomous Fire Fighting Robot
  • Dual Axis Solar Tracking System with Weather Sensor
  • Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry Pi
  • Arduino Ultrasonic Sonar/Radar Monitor Project
  • Raspberry Pi Vehicle Anti-Theft Face Recognition System
  • Home Air Quality Monitoring System Project
  • Voice Based Hot Cold-Water Dispenser System using Ras Pi
  • Rotating Solar Inverter Project using Microcontroller 50W
  • Vertical Axis Wind Turbine With Inverter
  • Raspberry Pi based Weather Reporting Over IOT
  • IOT Based Monitoring System for Comatose Patients
  • Motion Controlled Pick & Place Obstacle Avoider Robot
  • IOT Early Flood Detection & Avoidance
  • IOT Garbage Monitoring Using Raspberry Pi
  • IOT Circuit Breaker Project
  • Third Eye For Blind Ultrasonic Vibrator Glove
  • Automatic Road Reflector Light
  • Android Powered Juice Vending Machine
  • Remote Control Plant Watering System Using 8051
  • Women Safety Night Patrolling Robot
  • IOT Mining Tracking & Worker Safety Helmet
  • Auto Baby Cry Detector Sleep Music Player PIC
  • Auto Water Pump Switcher
  • Auto Billing Mall Shopping Cart 8051
  • Grid Tie Rotating Solar Rooftop System Atmega
  • IOT Flood Monitoring & Alerting System Using Ras Pi
  • IOT Prison Break Monitoring & Alerting System
  • Plant Soil Moisture & Ph Sensing Alarm Using 8051
  • Smart Crop Protection System From Animals PIC
  • IOT Paralysis Patient Health Care Project
  • RFID Based Smart Master Card For Bus Train Metro Ticketing
  • Wifi Based Secure Wireless Communication Using RSA
  • IOT Car Parking System
  • Solar Powered Battery Charging With Reverse Current Protection
  • Multi Robot Coordination For Swarm Robotics
  • Wearable Health Monitoring System Project
  • Automated Night Lighting System
  • Zigbee Based Gas Fire Detection System
  • Short Circuit Indicator Project
  • Sun Tracking Solar Panel Using Arduino
  • Object Tracker & Follower Robot Using Raspberry Pi
  • IOT Smart Energy Grid
  • Bill Prediction & Power Factor Measuring With SMS Alert
  • Induction Motor Speed & Direction Controller
  • DC Motor Speed Control Using GSM
  • Mini Windmill Power Generation Project
  • Raspberry Pi Wheelchair With Safety System
  • IR Wireless Underwater Communication System
  • Multiple Cities Load Shedding Using ARM
  • Automatic Lemon Juice Vending Machine
  • Solar Peizo Hybrid Power Charging System
  • Zigbee Based Room Temperature Controller Project
  • Load Sensing Seats With Lights Fan Control
  • Induction Motor Speed Controller Project
  • Arduino Based System To Measure Solar Power
  • Hybrid Inverter With Solar Battery Charging
  • Fingerprint Based Bank Locker System
  • Fingerprint Vehicle Starter Project
  • TV Remote Controlled Home Automation PIC
  • IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System
  • Motion Based Door Opener With Metal Detector
  • Secure Fingerprint Bank Locker With Image Capture
  • Smart Room Temperature Controller Atmega
  • Ultrasonic Radar Project
  • IOT Irrigation Monitoring & Controller System
  • Accurate Room Temperature Controller Project
  • High Performance Hovercraft With Power Turning
  • Smart Solar Grass Cutter With Lawn Coverage
  • Automatic Light Intensity Controller By External Light Sensing
  • Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights With External Light Sensing
  • Traffic Density Control With Android Override Using Avr
  • Alcohol Sensing Alert with Engine Locking Project
  • Prepaid Energy Meter With Theft Detection
  • PC Based Home Automation
  • Advanced Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot
  • Human Speed Detection Project
  • Smart Wireless Battery Charging With Charge Monitor Project
  • Hovercraft Controlled By Android
  • Fully Automated Solar Grass Cutter
  • Machine Overheat Detection With Alert
  • Home And Industrial Safety Using Fire And Gas Detection System
  • Rf Controlled Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera
  • GSM based Industry Protection System
  • Automated Visitor Counter With 7 Segment Display
  • Vehicle Theft Detection/Notification With Remote Engine Locking
  • Android Controlled Automobile
  • Home Automation Using Android
  • Zigbee Based Secure Wireless Communication Using AES
  • Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle
  • Automated Elevator With Overload Alert
  • Gsm Based Weather Reporting (Temperature/Light/Humidity)
  • Fingerprint Authenticated Device Switcher
  • Fingerprint Based Exam Hall Authentication
  • Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper
  • Wireless Red Signal Alerting For Trains
  • GSM Stepper Motor Speed & Direction Controller
  • FingerPrint Voting System
  • Automated RF plus IR Based Paid Parking Manager System
  • Geo Location Guide Using RF
  • Motion Based Message Conveyer For Paralytic/Disabled People
  • RF Based Secure Door Opener System
  • Billing System Based On RFID
  • GSM Patient Health Monitoring
  • Remote Stepper Motor Controller System
  • Dam Operation Based On Water Level
  • Alcohol Sensing Display With Alarm Project
  • Motion Based PC Video Game
  • Automatic Unauthorized Parking Detector With SMS Notification To Owner
  • RTC Based Pump Switcher
  • Ultrasonic Blind Walking Stick
  • Fire Plus Hazardous Gas Detection And Instant SMS Alerting System
  • Remote Controlled Robotic Arm Using Rf
  • Android Controlled Robotic Arm
  • Mini IR Radar For Unauthorized Object Detection
  • CNG/LPG Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert
  • Gsm Based Door Unlocker system
  • Auto Lap Time Measurement System
  • SMS Voting System Project
  • Prepaid Electricity Billing Meter
  • CNG/LPG Gas Leakage Accident Prevention System
  • Robotic Vehicle With Metal Detection Project
  • Programmable Sequential Load Operation Controlled By Android Application Project
  • Car Overspeeding Detection Project
  • RF Secure Coded Communication System
  • Android Password Based Remote Door Opener System Project
  • Android Controlled Remote Password Security
  • Android Controlled Railway Level Gate Control
  • Android Controlled Remote AC Power Control
  • Robot Controlled By Android Application
  • Xbee Transformer/Generator Health Monitor Project
  • Security Access Control Using RFID Project
  • Home Appliance Control Using Android Application Project
  • Anti Stampede Monitoring And Alarm Project
  • Attendance System Based On RFID Project
  • Commercial Power Saver Project
  • Industry Power Consumption Penalty Minimization Using AFPC Unit Project
  • Obstacle Avoider Robotic Vehicle
  • Precise Digital Temperature Controller
  • Circuit Breaker Based On Password
  • Multi Microcontroller Networking System
  • Motion Based Automatic Door Opener
  • Industry Temperature Control System
  • Android Controlled Fire Fighter Robot
  • Speech Detector Robotic Vehicle Control
  • Robotic Arm Vehicle Controlled By Touch Screen Display
  • Android Controlled Based Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera
  • Android Controlled Pick And Place Robotic Arm Vehicle Project
  • GPS + GSM Based Advanced Vehicle Tracking System Project
  • Shuttling Metro Train Between Stations Project
  • Monthly Electricity Billing Display With Bill SMS Feature
  • Power Meter billing Plus Load Control Using GSM
  • Industrial Load Switcher Based On Touch Screen
  • Energy Management System With Programmable Numbers using GSM
  • SMS Controlled Railway Level Gate Control With Programmable Numbers
  • Instant Electric Circuit Breaker
  • TV Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle Project
  • Device Load Monitor With Programmable Meter For Energy Audit
  • Zero Contact TachoMeter (SpeedOMeter)
  • Dish Position Controller Using TV Remote
  • Thyristors Based Dual Converters
  • Flexible Ac Transmitter System Using TSR
  • SVC Based Flexible AC Transmission System(FACTS)
  • Microcontroller based 4 Quadrant speed control system
  • Advanced Wireless Power Transfer System
  • 3d Space Wireless Power Transferring Project
  • Car Parking Project Based on RFID
  • Controlling Pc By TV Remote as Mouse
  • Car Speed Checker With Led Display
  • Wireless PC Communication System
  • TV Remote Controlled Home Appliances Project
  • Digitally Controlled Home Automation Project
  • Vehicle Sensing Street Lights Project
  • Lamp Illumination Control With Precision
  • Load Shedding Time Management With Programmable Interface
  • Industry Automation Using Programmable Switching in Repetitive Nature Of Work
  • Android Controlled Induction Motor with 7 segment display
  • Ultrasonic Object Detection Project
  • Solar Street Lights With Auto Intensity Controller
  • AC Power Controller With Programmable Interface
  • Postage Stamp Value Calculator
  • IOT Industry Protection System Arduino
  • Smart Floor Cleaner Robot Using Android
  • Motion Based Maze Solver Using Android
  • Speaking System For Mute People Using Hand Gestures
  • Smart Dustbin With IOT Notifications
  • IOT Smart Mirror With News & Temperature
  • 3D Holographic Display System With Gesture Controller
  • Automatic Sketching Machine Project
  • Automatic Whiteboard Eraser Robot
  • Motion Based Home Automation & Temperature Controller
  • Plant Moisture Monitoring System
  • Gas Leak Detector With Automatic Air Exhaust Using ARM Cortex
  • Mini Audio Amplifier Project
  • Womens Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts
  • Wireless Doorbell Calling System
  • Ultrasonic Blind Stick With GPS Tracking
  • Raspberry Pi Speaking Bus Stop Reminder
  • Vehicle Speed Limiter Project
  • Automated Paralysis Patient Healthcare System Project
  • Self Balancing Robot Project
  • Flammable Gas & Fire Accident Prevention Project
  • Workplace Alcohol Detector With Instant Reporting
  • Bus & Truck Drunk Driving Alert Using PIC
  • Combustible Gas Detection With GSM Alert Using PIC
  • Automatic Railway Train Safety System
  • Rotating Solar Panel Using Arduino
  • Factory Worker Alcohol Detector With Automatic Machine Shutdown
  • RFID Attendance System With SMS Notification
  • Fingerprint Based Security System
  • Advanced Footstep Power Generation System
  • Coin Based Water Dispenser System
  • Rough Terrain Beetle Robot
  • IOT Weather Reporting System
  • IOT Air & Sound Pollution Monitoring System
  • Energy Meter Monitoring Over IOT
  • IOT Based Person/Wheelchair Fall Detection
  • IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project
  • IOT Heart Attack Detection & Heart Rate Monitor
  • IOT Based Toll Booth Manager System
  • Anti Drowning System With Remote Alert
  • Fire & Gas Accident Avoider System
  • Solar UPS Project
  • GPS Vehicle Tracking & Theft Detection
  • Automated Car Parking With Empty Slot Detection
  • Vehicle Movement Street Light With Light Sensing Atmega
  • Programmable Energy Meter With Bill Estimation
  • Remote Controlled Pick & Place Robotic Vehicle
  • Voice Based Notice Board Using Android
  • Android Antenna Positioning System
  • Wireless Mobile Charging Project
  • Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Arm
  • Soldier Health & Position Tracking System
  • Hand Motion Controlled Robotic Vehicle
  • DC Motor Speed Control By Android
  • Android Circuit Breaker
  • Industry Process Automation Using Programmable Switching
  • IOT Garbage Monitoring System
  • IOT Liquid Level Monitoring System
  • Voice Controlled Home Automation
  • Traffic Controller Based On Density With RF Remote Override
  • Heart Attack Detection By Heart Beat Sensing
  • GSM Based Home Automation
  • Android Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot
  • Wildlife Observation Robot Using Rf
  • Remote Controlled Automobile Using Rf
  • Android Controlled Wildlife Observation Robot
  • Electronic Notice Board Controlled By Gsm
  • Automated Water Pump with Dry Run Intimation using Gsm
  • Configurable Medication Reminding Syst
  • Electrical Load Controlled By PC
  • Displaying Moving Message On Notice Board Using PC
  • Efficient Power Manager Project
  • Testing Life Cycle Of Electrical Loads Using Down Counter
  • IR Based Obstacle Detection For Load Switching Project
  • IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment
  • AC Power Strength Controller System
  • Traffic Signals With Synchronization System
  • Solar Panel With Sun Position Tracking
  • Multi Motors With Synchronized Speed
  • Irrigation System running on Solar Power
  • System To Measure Solar Power
  • Controlling Solar Energy Charge
  • Single Phase Induction Motor With Smooth Start
  • Configurable Password Security System
  • MC Based Line Follower Robot
  • Supervisory Controlling Plus Data Acquisition For Remote Industry
  • RFID Based Passport Project
  • Android Controlled Notice Board Project
  • Displaying message Using Led Propeller
  • Load Control System Using DTMF
  • Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Project
  • Dialled Telephone Number Display On 7 Segment
  • IR Based Dish Position Controller
  • Discotheque Flashing Stroboscopic Light
  • Dynamic Signal Light Timings On Traffic Density
  • Density based traffic controller with android overriding ability
  • Liquid Level Controller System Without Contact
  • Thyristor Based Cyclo Converter
  • Closed Loop DC Motor Control To Run It At Exact Speed
  • Remote Vehicle Control Through Cell Phone
  • DTMF Cell Phone Based Door Opener
  • RPM Display For BLDC Motor With Speed Controller
  • Remote Controlled Induction Motor Controller
  • MC Based Remote Beacon Flasher
  • Patient Health Check Using Wireless Health Monitor
  • Fire Fighter Robot With Night Vision Camera
  • Induction Motor Timer Using Auto Delta Star Starter
  • Multi-Power Supply Using 4 Different Sources
  • IR Remote Thyristor Power Controller
  • Controlling Induction Motor Power Through Thyristor
  • ZVS Based 3 Stage Solid State Relay
  • DC Motor Speed Controller
  • Visitor Sensor Light With Seven Segment Display
  • Display Object Counter On 7 Segment Display
  • Extending Life Of Lamps Using Zero Voltage Switching
  • Cycle Switching Without Harmonics For Industrial Power Control
  • Thyristor Firing Angle Control For Battery Charging
  • Home Automation Using Touch Screen
  • Automating Homes Using RF
  • Auto Irrigation using soil moisture sensor
  • Street light automatic intensity controller
  • Accident Identification and alerting project
  • Agricultural Robot Project
  • IR Lighting Controller
  • Wireless Surveillance Robot Controlled by PC
  • Long Range Spy Robot With Night Vision
  • Long Range Spy Robot With Obstacle Detection
  • Long Range Spy Robot With Metal Detection
  • Anti Terrorism vehicle authorizing System
  • Bike security anti theft Project
  • Touch Pad Based Device Project
  • Mobile Charging On Coin Insertion
  • Early Flood Detection System
  • Ultrasonic Navigation For The Blind
  • Industry Color Mixer Using Gsm
  • Automatic PC Surveillance System Camera
  • Fire Fighter Robot Project
  • Fuel theft detection
  • Home Security using Gsm
  • Automatic Toll Collection Project
  • Auto Light/Water Saving Project
  • Quad Rotor (Four Fan Helicopter)

Here is a list of robotics and microcontroller based projects for electronics and communication students. These projects are well researched systems that have huge scope and can be useful to the society in various ways. Browse through our latest electronics and communication project ideas. Get electronics project ideas for innovative systems not yet implemented in the real world.

Electronics and communication projects

University of Pittsburgh Shield

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Welcome to the Electronic Theses and Dissertations Website!

PREPARE: Before You Write

Be prepared with the necessary tools and knowledge to plan your ETD before you begin to write and save hours of hassle. In this section, you will find resources to help you learn to use the ETD templates, map out what you should know about tables and figures, simplify your bibliography by using reference managers, and find the resources and help you need as you begin the writing process.

WRITE: As You Work

When you have questions during the ETD writing process, find the answers you need here. Whether it’s about the craft of writing, the technicalities of the template, or how to use software tools to make your ETD the best it can be, we have a variety of resources for you. In this section, you’ll find help through online tutorials, group workshops and classes, and one-on-one consultations.

SUBMIT: Finish and Share

Due dates and requirements come quickly at the end of your ETD process. What forms are due when? Where can you find your school’s submission and graduation information? How do you pick the right options for submitting your ETD? Who can you ask for help? In this section, you will find the resources you need to finish and submit your ETD and share your work with the world.

About ETDs at the University of Pittsburgh

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) at Pitt are one of the final steps in the graduate student experience. However, the ETD process begins early and involves learning new skills and gaining knowledge, both about your research topics as well as about the process of creating and publishing a document. 

This website is broken into steps to help you along the way. When you start the thesis or dissertation process, right after your proposal is accepted, read the material on the "Prepare" page to get you started on the right path and to save you time and frustration later. As you work and write, check back on our "Write" pages for resources that will help you with common questions and problems during the process. And when you are nearing the end, make sure to read the "Submit" pages so that you know what you need to do and when. 

If you are interested in the Pitt ETD program broadly, you can also  search the ETDs or read about the program's history and statistics .

ETD Student Services Staff can login here .

University of Pittsburgh Shield

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electronic thesis ideas

How To Come Up With The Best Thesis Topics On Electronics Engineering

As you prepare to write your thesis in Electronics Engineering, your first job is to select the perfect topic. Your topic should show knowledge of your field, should show a grasp on new concepts, and should portray whom you are. Use our ideas as you look to select the perfect topic match for you!

Best Thesis Topics

  • High Capacity Field Programmable Devices-the architect of them
  • International framework-the packaging with in the various transactions
  • Communications-how it is impacted by the field
  • Software and the field-what is new and what is now obsolete
  • Systems-how they work, what they are, and which are new to the field
  • The optical components of any MEMS devices or equipment
  • The medical, industrial, and commercial fields of EE
  • Programming and the field
  • The principles and the techniques of the program
  • Circuits and how they work, have they have changed, how they can be weakened or compromised
  • The PC and the field
  • Careers in the field
  • Masters of the field
  • Wiring-and why it matters
  • The manners of operation
  • Simple PLD’s
  • Complex PLD’s
  • Field Programmable Gate Arrays
  • Music and the field
  • Problems with the field
  • Software-what it is, why it matters, and how it is relative to the industry
  • Schools and their EE systems
  • Our US infrastructure and how easily it can be corrupted
  • Homes and the industry
  • Businesses and the industry
  • Integrated circuits
  • Alternating currents-what it is and why it matters-how has it changed
  • Fun, games, and apps-how any of these things can relate to the field
  • Mathematics and how it is used in the field-the new developments
  • Limb replacement and EE
  • Organ replacement and EE

As you move to pick your topic, make sure you wait for the approval before you begin the project. Once the title is approved, make sure to select the best advisor for you and then schedule your sessions with him or her. Next you will want to start your interviews, case studies, and surveys. If you get stuck at any point of the process, make sure that you call on the professionals for help. You will want to over-interview and get as much support as possible. Then you will want to make your schedule. After the schedule, go ahead and outline your paper. Feel free to use one of our innovative and fresh topics for your important dissertation.

Writing Tips

  • Winning law dissertation proposal
  • Looking for a quick thesis writer
  • Dissertation format: things to remember
  • Publishing an undergraduate dissertation
  • An approach to PhD dissertation defense
  • PhD thesis in Economics: how to write
  • Crafting an MBA dissertation
  • Writing an undergraduate dissertation
  • Searching for dissertation samples
  • In search of a thesis writing service
  • Hiring a good thesis writer
  • Purchasing a thesis: basic tips
  • Perfect history thesis
  • Purchasing a dissertation: useful advice
  • Is it reasonable to use thesis companies?
  • Getting dissertation assistance
  • Finding dissertation proposal examples

Good Topics

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Common Struggles

  • PhD paper defense dress code
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Citing Styles

  • Making proper PhD paper citations
  • MLA PhD paper citing

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Electronics And Communication Engineering Thesis Topics

In Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), there are several thesis topics that are emerging in recent years. By staying in touch with latest technologies and using our massive resources all scholars tailored research needs are fulfilled. We have worked under 150+ domains and have carried out best Research Manuscript, journal manuscript, article writing. So contact phddirection.com and get online thesis topics from experts. Based on ECE, we list out numerous current and advanced Electronics and Communication Engineering Thesis Topics among different fields:

Wireless Communications and Networks

  • Design and Analysis of Next-Generation 5G Wireless Networks: To improve the effectiveness of 5G network, it is approachable to investigate new structures, protocols, and band of frequencies.
  • Energy-Efficient Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: The protocols should be constructed in such a way to decrease the energy absorption in sensor networks, therefore prolonging their life span.

Signal Processing

  • Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for IoT Devices: Focus on applying effective methods to process and examine data obtained by IoT devices.
  • Deep Learning-Based Image or Video Processing: In order to enhance video or image processing works like improvement, recognition, and compression, it is better to make use of deep learning frameworks.

Embedded Systems and IoT

  • Smart Agriculture Systems Using IoT: It is approachable to formulate an IoT-related model for tracking and computerizing farming procedures to improve production and performance.
  • Wearable Health Monitoring Systems: By employing integrated frameworks, aim to create wearable devices that track essential signals and forecast wellbeing problems.

VLSI and Microelectronics

  • Design of Low-Power VLSI Systems for Mobile Applications: The VLSI structure must be developed in such a way that decreases power absorption in mobile devices.
  • Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) for Cryptographic Applications: To improve the safety and momentum of cryptographic methods, it is better to construct suitable ASICs.

Optical Communications

  • Advanced Modulation Techniques for Optimal Fiber Communications: Concentrate on researching new modulation plans to enhance the data level and distance of optical interactions.
  • Photonic Crystal Fibers for Nonlinear Optical Applications: It is appreciable to investigate the structure and application of photonic crystal fibers in nonlinear optics.

Robotics and Automation

  • Autonomous Navigation Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): In complicated settings, aim to construct methods and frameworks for automated drones or flight.
  • Robotic Assistance in Surgical Procedures: Focus on developing robotic models to help surgeons with enhanced accuracy and regulation at the time of operations.

Machine Learning and AI in Communications

  • Machine Learning Algorithms for Network Intrusion Detection: To identify and avoid cyber threats on networks, it is appreciable to implement machine learning.
  • AI-Driven Optimization of Network Resource Allocation: Aim to utilize AI to improve the resource allocation in wireless networks, which enhance the performance and user expertise.

Renewable Energy and Sustainability

  • Solar Energy Harvesting for Remote Communication Systems: By employing solar energy formulate frameworks to energize remote interaction devices.
  • Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols for Green Computing: It is advisable to create interaction protocols that decrease the energy absorption of computing networks and devices.

What is the best topic for research in electronics?

There are several topics that are progressing in the field of electronics. Some of the topics are determined as interesting and efficient. Below is a collection of captivating research topics that are considered as latest in electronics engineering: 

  • Quantum Electronics: It is approachable to concentrate on the advancement of electronic devices and models that function employing quantum mechanism procedures. Providing innovative developments in computation momentum, safety, and vulnerability, this might encompass quantum interaction frameworks, quantum sensors, or quantum computing.
  • Flexible and Wearable Electronics: Particularly, for smart textiles, skin-like sensors, and health tracking, it is approachable to advancing adaptable, resilient, and wearable electronic devices. Highlighting endurance, well-being and incorporation with the human body, this region has wide applications in sports, healthcare, and consumer electronics.
  • Wireless Power Transfer: Generally, this study might concentrate on enhancing the performance, extent, and security of wireless charging frameworks for medical implants, electric vehicles, and customer electronics. In order to charge electronic devices without requiring physical connectors, aim to create effective and secure algorithms for transmitting power wirelessly.
  • Energy Harvesting: This study intends to develop electronic devices eco-friendly and decrease reliance on batteries. Specifically, in remote or wearable applications it is appreciable to develop novel techniques for transforming environment energy such as thermal, solar, RF energy, or vibrational, into electrical energy to energize small devices.
  • Nanoelectronics and Nanodevices: The electronic characteristics of nanomaterials should be investigated, and it is advisable to create nanoscale devices. To attain novel capabilities or high effectiveness, this might incorporate sensors, memory devices, or transistors that manipulate the specific characteristics of materials.
  • Organic Electronics: To develop adaptable, lightweight, and possibly biodegradable electronic devices, aim to deal with organic semiconductors that are carbon-related. Normally, for applications in solar cells, wearable electronics, and displays, this study might concentrate on organic transistors, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), or organic photovoltaics (OPVs).
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security: The safety limitations that are related with the progressing number of interrelated IoT devices should be resolved. To secure against cyber threats and assure confidentiality, this research encompasses creating suitable safer interaction protocols, strong encryption algorithms, and policies.
  • 5G Technology and Beyond: Generally, this study intends to enhance network consistency, decrease latency, assist in developing the number of connected devices, and further improve data transmission levels. It is approachable to research the next-generation of wireless communication mechanisms beyond 5G.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Electronic System Design: To computerize and improve the formulation of electronic frameworks and circuits, it is better to make use of machine learning and AI methods. Typically, this study might enhance the performance, effectiveness, and advancement in electronic design procedures.
  • Advanced Sensor Technologies: Specifically, for applications in healthcare, ecological tracking, automated vehicles, and business control, focus on constructing new sensors with improved miniaturization, awareness, and selectivity.

Electronics and Communication Engineering Thesis Projects

Electronics And Communication Thesis Writing Services

Learn more about our Thesis Writing Services on all areas of Electronics and Communication we provide affordable thesis writing services and offer best solution for your work. We follow latest algorithm and carry out proper comparative analysis so that exact results are derived.

1.     Analysis on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Field.

2.     Research on the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Teaching Introduction to Hotel Management in the Context of Smart Hotel.

3.     Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory, Programming Used Languages and Platforms, Game Types and Training Methods.

4.     Research on the teaching system of table tennis based on artificial intelligence

5.     Cultivation of low-carbon design awareness in artificial intelligence era.

6.     Research on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Games.

7.     Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Analysis Framework Based on the Correlation between Adolescent Myopia and Eye Refractive Elements.

8.     Doctor’s innovative clinic: An application of artificial intelligence and physiological sensors.

9.     Artificial Intelligence in Law.

10.  Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Medical Cell Biology.

11.  An Analysis of the Importance of the Artificial Intelligence on the Information System of Police Forces

12.  Artificial Intelligence in Music Education.

13.  Christine the Murderer Artificial Intelligence.

14.  Application and Innovation of Artificial Intelligence Technology in College Sports.

15.  Explainable Artificial Intelligence (EXAI) Models for Early Prediction of Parkinson’s Disease Based on Spiral and Wave Drawings.

  • Early Prediction of Neonatal Jaundice using Artificial Intelligence Techniques.
  • Artificial intelligence model based on grey systems to assess water quality from Santa river watershed.

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Latest Electronics Project Ideas for Students(with Videos)


Latest electronics project ideas for students(with videos).

Summary: A number of engineers pursuing electronics & communication knows the importance of building projects but many of them fail to complete it. Why? What is the reason behind this? Well, the answer to this is that most of them invest a huge amount of time and money in building a wrong project. Selecting a wrong project topic before researching is the main reason why it holds back many engineers to complete their project. So, in this article, I will be helping students to select the best and latest electronics project.

To help you to stay updated with these latest technologies, here we are suggesting some of the latest electronics projects that you can do. Before jumping and deciding your final electronics project, I would suggest you to watch free demo videos to get a taste of the project and then finalize!

Have you checked out our projects on Electronics yet? Electronics Kit will be shipped to you and you can build using tutorials. You can start with a free demo today!

1. Wireless Communication (Career Building Course)

2. Animatronic Hand

3. Embedded Systems (Career Building Course)

4. Home Automation using IoT

5. Robotic Arm

6. Sensor Guided Robotics

7. Smart Energy Meter using GSM

8. Solar & Smart Energy Systems

9. Automatic Solar Tracker

10. GPS & GSM based Tracker

11. 5 Arduino Projects

12. Biometric Authentication

13. Access Control with RFID

14. Automated Railway Crossing

15. 4 Smart Energy Projects

16. PCB Manufacturing

17. Health Monitoring Wearable

18. Persistence of Vision

19. Smart Traffic Lighting System

20. Automation using PLC


Electronics is the study of electricity and how to use it to construct devices such as computers. It performs important tasks by converting electrical current and voltage signals using circuits made up of components and connecting wires. Now coming to the history of electronics, J.A. Fleming invented the vacuum diode in 1897, while Lee De Forest used a vacuum triode to enhance electrical signals later that year. Tetrode and pentode tubes were introduced as a result, and they ruled the globe until World War II. The convenience of utilizing electronics for practical activities has made them nearly indispensable in our lives. Electronics such as GPS devices, mobile phones, laptops, pagers, TVs, and radios also keep us connected at home and throughout the world.

How can I make a simple electronic device?

With very fewer structures to put together simple electronic project is easy to make. The project mentioned below does not consist of complex systems and with few steps is ready to perform its task. Beginners should pick and get started on any of them. With simple yet very peculiar projects in the segment, it is a great way to get scores in your final year. You will have the ultimate electronics competency with each of these modules. Get ready for a hassle-free experience with the different modules.

Learn more about electronics projects

Latest projects on Electronics

Want to develop practical skills on Electronics? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Benefits of DIY Electronics Projects

It is quite often that students do not get time to make a proper project during their final year of engineering so they look for something easy to do. Yet sometimes they end up doing something very simple, with not much to do. Selecting something that has current value is very important and also doesn't require a lot of effort. Let us appreciate the benefit of doing these projects-

  • You build something meaningful without anyone's support. That just needs your attention and hands to put things together.
  • The project is increasingly engaging and it is just you that is involved. When you move forward with each step, and it makes the job exciting to be productive in it.
  • The job saves a huge amount of time and energy. You can do it the way you want without anyone else indulging in it.
  • The work done polishes your skills and makes you industry-ready.
  • Since it solely involves your hard work you receive much appreciation for it.

Explore more about electronics projects

Skyfi Labs helps students learn practical skills by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs. Get started today!

Latest technologies in electronics:

Latest technologies in electronics

There are many fields in which mankind is progressing very fast and one of the most advancing fields is electronics technology. Daily, new technology is being developed in the world. The electronics industry has improved the standard of living of people. Some latest technologies developed in the electronics industry are as follows:

  • Li-Fi : It stands for Light Fidelity. It is a modification of traditional technology Wi-Fi. In this technology instead of using radio waves for the propagation of information, LED bulbs are used which provide a digital signal to the mobile and other internet using devices. The main benefit of this technology is that light doesn’t cross the wall of the room and hence other persons outside the room will not be able to use this internet and the speed of the internet will improve.
  • RFID : It stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It is a substitute for bar codes. By using RFID tags, there is no need to stand in a queue in the shopping malls. Once you took the thing you wanted and you can move out the store, then automatically the amount will be deducted from your bank account.
  • IoT : IoT stands for Internet of Things. IoT is a network of physical devices like vehicles, home appliances, etc. which are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and actuators that helps in sharing and exchanging data between these devices. In simple words, IoT helps in controlling devices remotely.
  • AI: It stands for Artificial Intelligence. We can also say it as a machine which shows intelligence. In this technology, Machines interact with its surroundings and takes suitable action which has less chance of failure.
  • Big Data: It is a type of data which is very large and complex and traditional machines were not able to handle such type of large data. Its major challenges include capturing data, data analysis, sharing information, storage, etc. Volume, variety, and velocity are the three dimensions of big data.

Why do we need Electronics?

Information processing, communications, and signal processing all require electronics. Digital information processing is feasible thanks to electronic equipment’s capacity to serve as switches. Thousands of ordinary items that we use daily rely on electronics technology to function. Testing for diabetes, cholesterol, and other blood component tests, as well as MRI, CAT, and earlier X-rays, all rely on electronics to perform their task swiftly and precisely. We live in a technologically advanced generation when robots and artificial intelligence can do human tasks with greater ease and efficiency.

Scope of Electronics:

The need and growth of electronics grow rapidly every year. It effectively means that the speed and capabilities of technological gadgets double every two years. Every year, tech firms introduce new, faster, smarter, and better devices. Electronics Engineers, Electronics and Communication Engineers, Electronics Design & Development Engineers, Desktop Support Engineers, and System Control Engineers may all find high-paying jobs and a better career path in this field.

Both CSE and ECE are excellent fields to work in. Artificial intelligence and smart assistants will be widespread in the workplace by the year 2050, and the use of augmented and virtual reality will continue to grow. Everything will be 'smart,' with everything being connected and data-driven all of this will take place due to advancement in the field of electronics.

Latest Electronics (ECE) Project Ideas for Engineering Students

I met a student who is doing her B.E in Electronics Engineering in Bangalore last week in our office. She is doing one of our online project based courses and came to our office for some clarifications. Our online courses are project based – which means students have to build a project as part of the course with the kit we send to the student’s home. This student stays quite close to our office so she chose to come to our office to clarify some of her doubts. I had a general conversation with her and tried to find out how our course is helping her. While talking to her, the conversation went in depth about how students are not able to build good projects although they know that building projects is very important. She told me how some of her friends spent a lot of money and wasted time in building some projects by searching online but they were not successful as they faced so many problems and could not find a solution.

I also got to know what kind of other problems students face while building projects. One more important mistake students are doing is during the selection the project topic. If students select a wrong project, they are going to face lots of problems in their next steps. I found out that selecting wrong topic is the biggest reason why students fail to complete their projects successfully although they spend a lot of time and money. So I decided to write this article to help such students and suggest some of the latest electronics project ideas that they can work on. The era of electronics started with the invention of the transistor in the year 1947 and silicon-based semiconductor technology. After almost 7 decades we are now surrounded by electronic devices and we can’t even imagine a day without them, as they have become a part of us (even the device which you are using to read this). From the day semiconductor technology was invented, the electronics revolution started. So it is natural that the devices that we are seeing today may go extinct in some years, such is the pace in which the electronics technology is advancing. To help you to stay updated with these latest technologies, here we are suggesting some of the latest electronics projects that you can do,

1. Smart Irrigation System using IoT:

Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming technology which is going to revolutionize all the electronic gadgets that we see today in the coming years. This particular electronics project is an application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technology. The main theme of this electronics (ECE) project is to develop a device that can monitor the moisture content of the soil and turn on the water pump automatically whenever the moisture drops below a threshold value. This device can also be programmed to send the user an update via email regard to the moisture level changes from a remote location.

You can use either an Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi board to integrate this device onto the cloud. If you are using Arduino Uno then you need to use a WiFi module to connect the device to Internet, whereas Raspberry Pi will not need one as it is integrated internally with a WiFi module. The moisture level can be detected by using a Soil-Moisture sensor and it can be integrated on to the Microcontroller which will act as the Brain and controls the water pump.

2. Weather Monitoring System using IoT:

This electronics (ECE) project is also an application of Internet of Things (IoT). Reports states that the IoT Technology is going to transform into a multi-trillion dollar market and more than 50 billion devices will be connected to Internet using this technology by 2020. So building projects on this technology will help you to understand it better. By doing this ECE project you will develop an electronic device that can sense the temperature/ humidity changes and send updates to the user from a remote location. The user will get an email and sms update based on the threshold value.

For this electronics project also, you can use either an Arduino or Raspberry Pi platform to build it. For Raspberry Pi you need to use Phython programming whereas for Arduino you can use simple Arduino Programming but you need to integrate a WiFi module to Arduino to transform it to an IoT device. For detecting the temperature/ humidity change you can make use of a DHT sensor and you can then integrate it to the board to send data online.

3. Automated Railway Crossing Project:

This particular electronics project is actually a solution to a real-life problem statement. We have been hearing lot of news lately regarding the number of people losing lives, vehicles getting into accident at the unmanned railway gates. This electronics project gives an efficient solution to this, through which the railway gates can be programmed to open and close automatically by sensing the arrival of train. As it is addressing a serious problem that we are facing, being an electronics engineer you should do this project to understand the technology behind it.

This ECE project works by 2 simple mechanisms. First an IR sensor is used to detect the arrival and departure of the train at certain location from the railway gate and will send the data collected (as signals) to the micro-controller. Then a micro-controller is used to detect these signals and facilitates the operation of motors which will then open/ close the gate. You can use IR sensors for detecting the train movement, micro-controller like 8051, 8052, Arduino Uno to act as the brain of the system and D.C motors to operate the railway gates.

Skyfi Labs helps students develop skills in a hands-on manner through Electronics Online Courses where you learn by building real-world projects.

You can enrol with friends and receive kits at your doorstep.

You can learn from experts, build working projects, showcase skills to the world and grab the best jobs. Start Learning Electronics today!

4. Animatronics Hand Project:

Animatronics hand project is an application of mechatronics technology and it is being widely used in industries to mimic the action of animals and human through electronic devices. This particular technology is being widely used in the film industries. The main theme of this electronics project is to record the movement of the hand and send the signals to an animatronic hand which then mimics the movement.

To build this electronics project you will need 3 major components,

  • Flux Sensors - which will be attached to a glove to record the hand movement
  • Arduino Uno - It will act as the Brain of the system & process the signals from sensor
  • Servo Motors - which gets the voltage input from Arduino & facilitates the movement

5. GPS & GSM based Tracker Device:

From logistics service to tracking your taxi/ bus, all of these use GPS technology to pinpoint the location. Knowing this technology will help you to develop skills on them and build more innovative projects when you progress in your career. By doing this electronics project you will build an electronic device that can track the location and send an update to the user as an email/ sms. This device can be integrated into almost all the vehicles/ locomotives and has its application varying from tracking the location to anti-theft modules.

This particular ECE project comprises of 3 major components,

  • GPS Module - To get the location coordinates of the device that it is integrated to
  • GSM Module - It will be used to send the update to the user as a sms
  • Arduino Uno - Acts as the brain of the system and controls the process

6. Robotic Arm Project:

Robotics is being widely adapted in the industries of today to increase their operational efficiency. Robotic arm is one such mechatronics application that can operate autonomously to handle the industrial process that needs more physical effort/ contagious in nature. By doing this electronics project you will build a Robotic Arm that can be controlled by human hand gestures to carry out actions like pick/ place.

You need to work with the following components to build the robotic arm project,

  • ADXL Accelerometer Sensor –- It will be used to detect the human gestures (3 axis)
  • Arduino Uno - Acts as the brain and process the signals coming from the ADXL sensor
  • Servo Motors – Multiple of them will be used to facilitate individual arm movements

7.Home automation system using IoT: In this electronics project, you will learn how to create a home automation system utilizing IoT and gain a thorough grasp of the field. Home automation is one area where IoT has had a significant influence. In the not-too-distant future, computers will regulate every room and light. You'll learn how to make an electrical gadget that uses Bluetooth technology to control all of your household appliances. The project you create may be used to turn devices on and off by issuing commands using an Android app on a smartphone. You'll be able to save and analyse information about how household appliances are used. The components used in this project are:

  • Arduino Uno
  • ESP-8266 Wi-Fi module
  • HC-05 Bluetooth module
  • Bulb holder
  • 2 channel relay driver module

8.Smart Energy meter using GSM: This electronic project will assist you in creating a single project to measure energy use and deliver it to you through SMS on a regular basis. The information gathered during monitoring will assist us in taking the required actions to conserve energy. This smart energy metre project is a necessity for anybody interested in learning about energy-saving systems technology. You will create a smart energy metre system that uses GSM technology to provide you information on your energy use over a set period of time. As a processing unit, you'll use an Arduino development board. The components used in this project are:

  • Arduino Uno board
  • USB to UART cable
  • GSM SIM 900 module
  • Single phase energy meter
  • 10k resistor
  • 230V bulb holder

9.Automatic Solar tracker: In this electronics project, you will learn how to design a solar tracker. Solar trackers are devices that automatically position themselves in the direction of high-intensity sunlight in order to maximise solar power harvesting. This automated solar tracker project is a great place to start if you're interested in learning about renewable energy systems technologies. You'll create an automated solar tracker system that can position itself in the direction with the most sunshine intensity. As a processing unit, you'll use an Arduino development board. The parts used in this project are:

  • 10 RPM DC motors
  • Motor drivers
  • Solor panel model

10.Solar and smart energy systems: In this electronics project, you will create one such system that uses solar energy to intelligently manage traffic. Hands-on experience with renewable energy and smart systems is included in the Solar and Smart Energy Systems Course. These two technologies, when used together, will have a significant influence on our future. You'll learn how to capture solar energy and create smart traffic lights that alter their timings automatically based on traffic direction. After that, you'll create a smart traffic control prototype that can autonomously regulate traffic signals based on vehicle intensity on the road. The solar charger may be used to power the traffic system as well. The parts we will use in this project are:

  • Digital IR sensors
  • Solar panel
  • Colour LEDs

11. Persistence of Vision Project:

The LED displays that we see at different locations like Railway Stations, Bus Stands, Markets etc., is an application of this project itself. This particular project works on a simple principle that whenever we see images in quick succession, it creates an optical illusion in our brain allowing us to detect motion. Through this electronics project you can build a LED based POV display using an Arduino. The display when rotated at high speed will magically show the letters that are pre-programmed.

These are the following components that you will need to complete the electronics project,

  • Arduino Uno - To program the letters to be displayed & send signals to the LED’s
  • 1000 RPM DC Motors - It is used to rotate the board with LED’s at high speed
  • LED’s – It will receive the signals from Arduino and blink accordingly

12. Access Control using RFID Project:

RFID is a technology that is used for exchanging information wirelessly with the use of electromagnetic fields. The application of this technology is endless, from authentication system for security purpose to authentication in Toll-gates. Through this electronics project you will build an electronic device that serves as an authentication system to open the gates for authorized users only. The system that you build can also be used to facilitate automatic closing and opening of gates.

To build this electronics project you need the following components,

  • RFID Reader – It will be used to scan the code that is integrated on the RFID Tag
  • RFID Tags – the code will be integrated on to this tag for authorization
  • Micro-controller – to get the signals from the RFID reader and process it
  • DC Motors – receives the signals and facilitate opening/ closing of the gates

13. Biometric based Authentication System:

Biometric devices are employed for the highest level of security as they involve the scanning of biological organs like eyes, fingers, etc,. Generally these devices will have a scanner that identifies the pattern of the organ and a processing unit, which compares them with pre-stored values for allowing access. By this electronics project, you can build a finger print based Biometric Authentication system using an arduino board that can allow or deny access.

You will need the following components to complete this electronics project,

  • Finger Print Scanner – it can scan the finger print and give a digital value for it
  • Arduino Uno – acts as the microcontroller and does the verification
  • LCD Display – to display the authentication message

14. Health Monitoring Glove Project:

Wearable Technologies are devices which can be worn by the user & simultaneously process and display relevant information on the wearer. Wearables are considered as the biggest innovation in technology since the smartphone – and the possibilities are endless. Through this electronics project you will build an electronic device that can be worn and used to display the heart rate of any individual on the display mounted on the glove.

The following components are needed to complete this ECE project,

  • Lilypad Arduino – it is miniature Arduino which can be integrated on to the fabric
  • Pulse Sensor Amped – used to detect the pulse and send the info to the microcontroller
  • TM1637 Display – used to display the processed value coming from the Arduino

15. Voice Controlled Robot: In this electronics project you will develop a robot that can be controlled over voice commands. A Bluetooth module is used to receive the given commands. For this Arduino micro-controller is used to program the robot to work as per the instructions. Voice command is given using an android application.

16. Biped Walking Robot: In this electronics project you will develop a walking robot that resembles the human locomotion. Servo motor is used as actuators. Arduino microcontroller is used to control the servo motors. The robot is programmed as per the required motion.

17. CNC Machine using Arduino: Computer Numerical Control is the method of subtractive manufacturing using numerical codes. In this electronics project, you will build a 3 axis CNC machine using Arduino to perform the milling, drilling and cutting functions. Stepper motors are used to achieve the motion in all the three axes.

Another electronic project on robotics. This one is based on building three different kinds namely-

Line Follower

Obstacle Follower

Obstacle Avoider

This electronic project is build using an IR sensor and Arduino UNO microcontroller board.

Learn more about this electronic project

19. Health Monitoring Wearable

A simple electronic project which deals with the health of the consumer. With the aid of Lilypad Arduino, you can create a hand-glove in this. The glove measures the bodily heart rate.

Learn more about this project

20. Smart Traffic Lighting System

A bad traffic system of the age has caused a lot of havoc in the lives of people who wish to reach their destination of time. This module helps in building a smart traffic system. Arduino Programming and IR sensors are used for this electronic project.

21. Smart Traffic Lighting System

Can I use the above mentioned electronics (ECE) project topics for mini/major projects?

Ofcourse, you can use the above mentioned electronics projects to do for your engineering curriculum. Since the above electroncis projects integrates a latest technology, they offer you a lot of scope for learning and understanding the innovative technologies. Remember, the main objective of doing electronics mini or major projects is to strengthen your learning of engineering concepts. So always choose electronics project topics that offers you a very good learning opportunity.

In case you are interested to do innovative electronics engineering projects but don’t know where to start, Skyfi Labs has developed Online Project Based Courses that you can use to build your projects in the best way possible. Our Learn-Do-Review Methodology ensures you learn while you build your mini or final year projects. Kits needed will be dispatched to you within 24 hours and you get instant access to the course content. Using the kits and course content, ECE students can build super awesome Electronics Engineering Projects!

What is the difference between electronics and electrical?

The primary distinction between electrical and electronic circuits is that electrical circuits lack the capacity to make decisions (process data), whereas electronic circuits do. Electricity is used to power equipment in an electric circuit. Electronic and electrical circuits are used in most contemporary gadgets. Both the electrical and the electrons are interconnected. The flow of electrons is referred to as electrical, and the method of regulating the flow of electrons to perform a certain task is referred to as electronics. Both function on the same concept, which is to use electrical energy to perform labor. Electrical devices operate primarily on alternating current, whereas electronics equipment operates on direct current. Electrical devices are more harmful than electronic gadgets because massive short circuits develop in electric equipment due to a defect, which is extremely dangerous to human life.

Benefits of Electronics:

  • Communication that is quick.
  • Electronic communication moves at an intense speed.
  • In information transfer, mobility is important.
  • Visual, audio, and text communication are all available.
  • Accessibility and long-term storage.
  • It is inexpensive.
  • Technology that allows individuals to communicate at all times.

More Electronics projects provided by Skyfi Labs

  • Wireless Communication (Career building course)
  • Embedded Systems (Career building course)
  • Robotic Arm
  • GPS and GSM based tracker
  • 5 Arduino Projects
  • Access control with RFID
  • Automated Railway Crossing
  • PCB Manufacturing
  • Persistence of Vision
  • Digital signal processing using python

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One of the major subjective areas in engineering disciplines is power electronics . Mainly, it is the functional studies of power devices, power controllers, and power converters . In today’s world, approximately 12 billion kilowatts of power are utilized in each hour of day-to-day life. This page broadly discusses important power electronics thesis topics with research fields, technologies, concepts, limitations, etc.!!! In this, nearly 80% of power is again reused/reprocessed through different electronic devices . If the efficiency of power conversion is lacking then the energy wastage/utilization will be more.

 For instance: daily power wastage of PCs in 12 months can be sold up to 17 power plants (500MW).

To avoid power wastage, one should be more focused on power conversion systems . For that, the efficiency of power converters can be improved using advanced technologies. As a result, it minimizes the 35% of energy wastage/utilization in the world. Our resource team helps you to understand the current research demand of the power electronics field in the following section. First and foremost, here we have explained the workflow of power electronics systems from power generation to power distribution .

Working of Power Electronics

Initially, power is produced through different power generators like wind turbines (wind) and PV panels ( solar PV Simulator ) . Then, the collect generated power is transformed into any power electronic system . The power electronic systems are composed of three main entities as capacitors, power devices, and inductors . Here, each entity has some special features and objectives to process raw power . Here, we have given the functions of each entity in power electronic systems.

  • Balancing voltage and frequency
  • Reacting active power
  • Achieving power harmonics / quality
  • Fault ride-through
  • And many more
  • Monitoring generator
  • Tracing of high power
  • Varying voltage / frequency
  • Controlling of current / voltage
  • Transmitting data
  • Stabilizing energy
  • Improving efficiency, reliability and power density
  • Storing energy

Once all these entities perform their operations properly, then the processed power is transferred to the grid (i.e., utility systems) . Then, the end-users like us receive the current from a nearby transformer that is connected with transmission lines. Next, we can see the different research areas/fields of power electronics thesis topics.

Our research team supports not only these fields but also other emerging research areas of power electronics . Along with the research fields, we also let you know about the latest research areas and ideas.

Fields of Power Electronics

  • Electrical Devices Modeling
  • Magnetics System Simulation
  • Mathematical Model Simulation
  • Power and Control Systems
  • Analog Circuits Designing

Next, we can see about the latest technologies of power electronics based on the current final year students and research scholars’ interests. Our research team has identified these areas only after conducting an in-depth study on recent research journal papers and magazines . Further, we also update this list of technologies frequently based on technological growth and research demand of power electronics in real-world scenarios.

Latest Technologies in Power Electronics

  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Industry-based Microelectronics
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Power Conversion between New Energy System and Power Grid
  • New Renewable Energy Systems using wind power simulation
  • Automotive Electric Drives Modeling
  • Achievement of Security, Maintenance and Reliability for New Energy Systems
  • Energy Drives Technologies and Policies for Industrial Systems

Power electronics use the static application for regulating and converting power . In the beginning, the power electronic components are developed based on mercury-arc valves. Then, it is upgraded to use power switching semiconductors like power transistors (power IGBT and MOSFET), diodes, and thyristors. Apart from regular electronic systems, power electronics focus on a considerable amount of electrical energy .  Here, we have given you some important parameters of power electronics systems.

  • Improved cooling techniques for minimizing imprints of power electronics models
  • Improved control and hardware policies to utilize complete benefits of power electronics
  • Improved application needs by means of high device speed, power and temperature
  • Improved reliability of passive and active entities for power generation, transmission and distribution
  • Improved efficiency for high device performance and energy conservation as well as low cooling needs

When you discuss power electronic devices , it is necessary to know the different types of electronic circuits. For your information, we have given you 5 primary kinds of electronic circuits . Here, each type has some special purposes and characteristics. Similarly, there are more electronic circuits with different specifications. Our developers are proficient to model and simulate different forms of power electronics circuits . Further, we also suggest appropriate circuits based on your project requirements.

Power Electronic Circuits

  • Transform static alternating current (AC) to alternating current (AC) in dynamic frequency
  • Transform direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) in dynamic frequency and amplitude
  • Transform static alternating current (AC) to dynamic alternating current (AC) in identical frequency
  • Transform static direct current (DC) to dynamic direct current (DC)
  • Transform static alternating current (AC) to dynamic direct current (DC)

Although this field is tied up with daily life types of machinery, it has some limitations that make power electronics perform less efficiently . Below, we have listed few important power electronics constraints that affect system performance. Once you connect with us, our developers suggest suitable research solutions for upgrading your project performance to craft power electronics thesis topics . Beyond these limitations, we also support you in other technical stumbling blocks in the power electronics implementations .

Limitations of Power Electronics

  • Unable to direct flow due to higher losses
  • Unable to prevent all loop flows due to working state
  • Unable to unload transmission line due to working state
  • Unable to achieve security due to restricted high utility interconnection
  • Unable to accomplish high capability due to more number of devices with cooperative service to wheel power

Next, we can see the significance of power electronics related to current scientific developments . The following points act as the influencing factors to increase power electronics thesis topics research . If you are new to the power electronics field then we help you to transform from beginner to expert. We have sufficient online and offline study materials to guide and make you shine in both fundamentals and advanced technologies of power electronics .

Importance of Power Electronics

  • Nowadays, the need of electrical power is increasing largely due to high electrification
  • Equal to power generation, power processing is also more important to transform power into some other usable format based on needs
  • Real-time example of power electronics is fan regulator which control fan speed via resistor. Now, it is improved by semiconductors to control frequency and voltage
  • In the case of aerospace applications, it uses switching converters which operate at high frequency
  •  If the frequency increases then the energy storage entities use low space and vice-versa.
  • Thus, the device with low frequency minimize weight and size of system in aerospace applications
  • Currently, advanced electronic devices support power range from watts to megawatts which applicable in both regulated and raw power
  • For instance: engines are replaced by mechanical and hydraulic actuators

Benefits of Power Electronics

To the continuation, now we can see about the advantages of using power electronics. The main objective of power electronics is to distribute power to the loads in low losses.  Further, the current study of power semiconductors is enhancing the result in chemistry aspects such as gallium nitride and silicon carbide, and gallium nitride. Similarly, it also creates advantages on other aspects which is given in the followings,

  • Power transmission without physical communication channels
  • Power generation in greater power density
  • Power conversion enhances nearly 99% of performance
  • Power system preparation is improved in the customized measurement of the power.
  • Power production improvement is based on the interface of the power electronics with the use of link between the source and grid.
  • Power transmission and switching in noise-sensitive applications that use medical sensors

At present, the emerging concepts are moving in the direction of creating advancement in the topology of power electronic models . More than this, it is very important to focus on a new variation of system modeling. For your reference, here we have added the significant needs of developing power electronics projects . When you satisfy all these requirements, then the whole power electronic system easily achieves the system performance with desired expects. Further, the requirements may vary based on application needs. 

Important Requirements of Power Electronics

  • Enhanced control systems for multi-converters
  • Electromagnetic and harmonics interference minimization
  • Minimization of footprints via energy-driven density system utilization
  • High-speed semiconductor switches and High-power ratings
  • Efficient pricing strategy for reactive power
  • Test-bed design and simulation for electronic entities
  • Enhanced consistency of active and   passive entities

Next, we can see the advanced techniques of power electronics . These techniques are widely used in current power electronics research. Further, we also recommend other techniques based on project requirements. In the case of complexity, we design our own algorithm and techniques to tackle the problem efficiently. 

Technologies of Power Electronics

  • For instance: Structure, Material and Interconnection Approaches
  • For instance: EMC, Audio Communication, Physical Resource Communication and EMI
  • For instance: Snubbing, Device Approaches, Security Mechanisms and Driving
  • For instance: Circulation and Cooling Fluids
  • For instance: Converters with Resonant Transition, Hard and Soft Switching
  • For instance: Conductive entities, Capacitive entities and Magnetic entities
  • Converter Control and Industrial Techniques

Then, we can see important research perspectives of the power electronics field . These concepts are gathered from our very recent review on important areas of power electronics . If you need to know Power Electronics Thesis Topics and research notions on these areas then communicate with us.

Recent Concepts in Power Electronics

  • 1 Hz Oscillations of Dampen
  • Management of Power Demand
  • Dynamic Electricity Flow Control
  • Run-Time Changing Voltage Support
  • Oscillations of Dampen Low Frequency
  • Power Generation and Load Control

Our researchers are creative in selecting power electronics topics from the latest areas. Only after analysing the research scope by recent research papers and future technologies, we handpick the topics. Beyond this below list of topics, we have also extended our support in other emerging research ideas . If you are interested to know other innovative power electronics thesis topics then communicate with us. We let you know your required information through a detailed explanation from our experts.

Latest Power Electronics Thesis Topics

  • Security over Connected Power Devices
  • Artificial Intelligence in Power Systems
  • Interface Development of PLC Technologies
  • Fault Tolerance-based Analytical Control Techniques
  • Application Development of Smart Grids Systems
  • Scalable Sensors-based Visual Media Transmission
  • Efficient Power Production, Dissemination and Storage
  • Power Systems and Converters Applications for Smart-Grid
  • Identification and Assessment of Performance Parameter

Generally, thesis preparation is the most important phase in research. So, it is essential to focus more on this phase. We have a team of native writers who are technically strong in converting research thoughts into a chain of words . Our main objective of writing a thesis is to deliver your research efforts starting from disciplined system planning to system implementation .

While writing a thesis, we concentrate on handpicking novel topics, collecting essentials for writing a thesis , preparing creative thesis content, and revising the content for quality improvement. Most importantly, all this information is needed to be organized in chapters in the order of abstract, acknowledgment, table of contents, introduction, literature survey, methodologies, conclusion, and references/bibliography . These chapters may vary based on the suggested intuition format. Next, we can see the key tips to select good power electronics thesis topics.

  • Confirm with the requirements given by your educational institution
  • Verify that you are focusing on new topic or exiting one for betterment
  • Select the innovative that describe your research question and suitable answers
  • Conduct survey on related research papers
  • Prepare the list of suitable topics and pick optimal one among them

Overall, we help you in the whole research process ranges from research topic selection to thesis submission with an assurance of fast acceptance. Further, if you have any queries or need to more about in required phase, then approach us.

  • Interesting Top 9 Power Electronics Thesis Topics

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150+ ECE Projects for Final Year Students

  • July 16, 2024
  • By Administrator

ECE refers to Electronics and Communication Engineering. This one of the most demanded branches in engineering as the students who join in this branch would have many opportunities in their career. Every engineering student should complete their project successfully in final year to get their engineering certificate. They have many choices in selecting the projects such as microcontroller based, solar, electrical, robotics, sensor based, etc.

For their purpose, we have listed here large number of projects ideas. These are especially collected and published here for ECE students. These are collected from different sources for the convenience of students. If you are interested you may once check the list of all these projects and give your suggestions, feedback, comments and new ideas in the contact us page. Also check out the huge collection of electrical symbols .

List of ECE Projects Ideas:

  • DTMF Controlled Robot : This simple DTMF based Cellphone controlled robotic vehicle circuit is designed without using microcontroller and is used in industries and surveillance systems.
  • Bluetooth Controlled Home Appliances : This circuit explains you how to control the electrical appliances using an Android device. Here, Bluetooth module is interfaced to 8051 microcontroller. This Bluetooth receives the commands from the Android application device using wireless communication.
  • Metal Detecting Robot : Here, we use a metal detection robot which works on RF technology. Land mines buried under the ground causes threat to the lives and affect the economy of the nation. Detection and removing of these mines manually is a dangerous task.
  • Password based Circuit Breaker : This password based circuit breaker project is built using 8051 controller and is used to switch off the power supply to the line by entering a password.
  • Auto Intensity Control of Street Lights : This is a simple circuit that automatically controls the intensity of street lights which is designed using microcontroller and LEDs.
  • Line Following Robotic Circuit using Microcontroller : This line follower robot is a basic robot that follows a specific path indicated by a line having some particular width.
  • Contactless Digital Tachometer using 8051 Microcontroller : Here we designed a simple non contact tachometer using microcontroller which can measure speed with an accuracy of 1 rev/sec.
  • Density Based Traffic Signals using Microcontroller : In this system, we use IR sensors to measure the traffic density. We have to arrange one IR sensor for each road; these sensors always sense the traffic on that particular road. All these sensors are interfaced to the microcontroller. Based on these sensors, controller detects the traffic and controls the traffic system.
  • Automatic Railway Gate Controller with High Speed Alerting System : The main aim of this project is to operate and control the unmanned railway gate in the proper manner in order to avoid the accidents in the unmanned railway crossing.
  • Water Level Controller using Microcontroller : Here we are designing the circuit which is used to detect and control the water level automatically in overhead tank using 8051 microcontroller. It is used in industries to control the liquid level automatically.
  • Solar Battery Charger : This is a simple circuit to charge 6V, 4.5Ah rechargeable Lead-acid battery from the solar panel. This solar charger has current and voltage regulation and also has over voltage cut off facilities. This circuit may also be used to charge any battery at constant voltage because output voltage is adjustable.
  • Car Battery Charger : This article aims to describe the principle of operation, design and working of a simple car battery charger from AC mains supply and a feedback control section to control the battery charging.
  • Battery Level Indicator : This article explains you how design battery level indicator. You can use this circuit to check car battery or inverter. So by using this circuit, we can increase the lifetime of battery.
  • FM Radio Circuit : FM Radio circuit is the simple circuit that can be tuned to the required frequency locally. This article describes the circuit of FM radio circuit. This is a pocket sized radio circuit.
  • Speed Control of DC Motor using Pulse Width Modulation : This pulse width modulation technique is the more efficient way to proceed to manage the speed of our DC motor manually.
  • Sun Tracking Solar Panel : This article describes about circuit that rotates solar panel. This Sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel, stepper motor and ATMEGA8 Microcontroller.
  • Bidirectional Visitor Counter using 8051 : This Bidrectional Visitor Counter Circuit is helpful to count the number of persons entering or leaving a room and to display it on a screen.
  • Biometric Attendance System : The main aim of this circuit is to take the attendance using biometric method and display when requested. This can be used in educational institutions, industries, etc.
  • LED Lamp using USB : This is a simple USB LED Light circuit which produces an output of 5v. It may be used as emergency light and also as a reading lamp.
  • Water Level Indicator : This Water Level Indicator project employs a simple mechanism which helps to detect and indicate the water level in an overhead tank or any other water container. It can be used in Hotels, Factories, Homes Apartments, Commercial Complexes, Drainage, etc.
  • Password Based Door Lock System : This system demonstrates a password based door lock system wherein once the correct code or password is entered, the door is opened and the concerned person is allowed access to the secured area. After some time, the door would be closed. Read this post completely to get more information.
  • Human Detector Robot using Microcontroller : The main principle of the circuit is to detect the human using human detection sensor. The wireless robot is operated manually using PC. The wireless technology used here is Radio Frequency technology. The data is transmitted to receiver through RF.
  • GSM Controlled Robot : GSM controlled robot or SMS controlled robot is a wireless robot which performs the necessary actions by receiving a set of instructions in the form a Short Message Service (SMS).
  • Temperature Controlled DC Motor using Microcontroller : The main principle of the circuit is to switch on the fan connected to DC motor when the temperature is greater than a threshold value.This can be used in home applications and in cpu to reduce heat.
  • Water Level Alarm Using 555 Timer : This is a simple and low cost hardware project using a 555 timer circuit . The aim of this project is to design a water level detecting alarm with simple and low cost hardware without compromising on the performance of the device.
  • 5 Channel IR Remote Control System using Microcontroller : This article is aimed to design and demonstrate a simple 5 channel remote control system to drive five loads. This circuit works on the principle of IR communication.
  • Bipolar LED Driver Circuit : This bipolar LED driver circuit is very useful at the places where flashing of light is required, as in beacon flashing. This circuit can be mainly used for indication purposes.
  • Celsius Scale Thermometer using 8051 Microcontroller : This Celsius Scale Thermometer circuit is designed using at89c51 and lm35. This circuit works on analog to digital conversion principle. It can be used at homes, mobile places like cars to keep a track of the temperature.
  • Automatic Washroom Light Switch : This is a simple but very useful circuit in our real life which helps to automatically turn On the lights when a person enters the washroom and it automatically turns Off the lights when he leaves it.
  • Automatic Door Bell With Object Detection : This automatic doorbell with object detection circuit helps to sense the presence of a person or an object automatically and rings the doorbell.
  • Boolean Algebra Calculator : This Boolean algebra calculator is an interesting project which is more useful in our real life by working as a portable calculator to simplify the Boolean expression on the fly. In our circuit, we use Boolean algebra simplification methods like the Quine-McCluskey algorithm to simplify the Boolean expression and display the output on the display.
  • Auto Night Lamp using High Power LED : This Auto Night Lamp is an interesting circuit which helps to turn ON the LED lights interfaced to it at night time and it turns OFF the lights automatically when it is day.
  • Mobile Jammer Circuit : This circuit is used to block the signals of cell phones with in the range of 100 meters. This circuit can be used in TV transmission and also for remote controlled toys or play things.
  • Unbiased Digital Dice with LEDs : This is a circuit diagram of digital dice which is nearly unbiased. By using this circuit, there is no chance to cheat as the circuit operates at such a high speed that the circuit is almost imperceptible to the human eye.
  • Metal Detector Circuit : This is a simple metal detector circuit which is very useful for checking the person in shopping malls, hotels, cinema halls to ensure that person is not carrying any explosive metals or illegal things like guns, bombs etc.
  • Panic Alarm : This panic alarm circuit helps us to intimate others regarding our bad situation without any delay. It is more useful when an intruder entering our house or bad health status at which we are unable to intimate to the people around us.
  • Simple 100W Inverter Circuit : This is a small Inverter circuit which converts the direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).
  • Car Parking Guard Circuit Using Infrared Sensor : This circuit helps the person in the driving seat in such a way that it gives an alarm if there is any obstacle or a wall while parking or while driving in reverse. It is very useful in our real life.
  • Fire Alarm with Siren Sound : This circuit alerts us when there is a fire accident at home by ringing a siren sound instead of a buzzer.
  • Intelligent Unambiguous Night Lamp Switcher : This is the circuit diagram of unambiguous night lamp switch, which turns ON our domestic lights automatically when it is dark, without human interference. It also avoids repeated frequent switching of the devices which is usually ignored in most similar circuits but may have a detrimental effect on our operating devices.
  • LED Flasher Circuit : LED Flasher is a simple circuit which will blink the LEDs in regular time period. This circuit can be used for decoration purpose or can be used for a signaling purpose and many more.
  • Dancing Bi-Color LED Lights Circuit : Generally we use small voltage bulbs in the dancing bulbs. This circuit is mainly used in the occasions, decoration articles or in visual indication sign boards etc. In this project, we use bi-color LEDs for sequential running light.
  • Thermistor Temperature Sensing Alarm : This circuit is a temperature sensing as well as alarm circuit. The circuit raises an alarm whenever the temperature crosses a certain limit.
  • Pull Pin Security Alarm System : This circuit helps us to get alerted when anybody picks our pockets or bags. The circuit is very helpful to prevent our goods getting pick pocketed.
  • Auto Turnoff Soldering Iron Circuit : This circuit helps the soldering iron to turn off automatically when it detects overheating and thereby avoids it from getting damaged.
  • Remote Operated Alarm Circuit : This circuit rings an alarm when you point a TV remote at it and press on any button. This can be used as a calling bell to call your assistant.
  • Battery Charger using SCR : Here is the circuit diagram of battery charger circuit using Silicon Controlled Rectifier. SCR can be used in half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, inverter circuits, power control circuits, etc.
  • FM Bugger Circuit : Here is small circuit with which you can listen to another people conversation from long distance using the normal FM radio set. This FM bugger circuit is kept in room where you want listen the conversation. You can listen to this conversation using the normal FM radio set.
  • Cell Phone Detector : This is a simple circuit which helps to detect the presence of an activated cell phone by detecting the signals in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHz. It helps in mobile phones tracking which are used for spying.
  • Battery Powered Portable Light : This circuit is more helpful in handling unexpected and undesired darkness in our homes or offices. It provides considerable amount of brightness required to do our daily tasks.
  • IR Remote Control Switch : By using this circuit, we can control any house hold appliance with the help of remote. In this project, there are two parts – one is in transmitting section and the other is in receiving section. Receiving section will be in a stable position which is connected to any load and transmitter will act as a normal remote.
  • Continuity Tester with Melody : This circuit works as a continuity tester device which tests the continuity of the wire at hand. It is an indispensable tool to check broken wires and undesired shorting of wires.
  • Rain Alarm Circuit : Rain water detector will detect the rain and make an alert; rain water detector is used in the irrigation field, home automation, communication, automobiles etc. Here is the simple and reliable circuit of rain water detector which can be constructed at low cost.
  • Automatic Plant Irrigation System : This project circuit is more useful in watering plants automatically without any human interference. It is more useful when the owner is not present in the home for few days.
  • Hot Water Geyser Controller Circuit : This circuit is made to turn OFF geysers as soon as our water gets hot and are ready for bathing.
  • Lead Acid Battery Charger Circuit : Lead Battery is a rechargeable battery and is more useful in our real life as it will dissipate very little energy, it has very low energy to weight ratio, it can deliver high current, can work for long time with high efficiency and is very low cost.
  • Motion Detector Circuit : The motion detector is not only used as intruder alarm but also used in many applications like home automation system, energy efficiency system, etc. The motion detector will detect the motion of the people or objects and give the appropriate output according to the circuit.
  • Touch ON and OFF Switch Circuit : This Touch ON/OFF Switch circuit is more useful in such a way that we can automatically ON or OFF any switch by touching a device without moving from our place.
  • USB Mobile Charger Circuit : This circuit is useful in charging the mobiles through USB outlet present in our laptops and PCs. For the charging of your mobile phone, this circuit provides you a regulated voltage of 4.7 volts.
  • Security Alarm Circuit : This circuit helps you to guard your precious documents as well as jewellery from intruders or theft. All you need is to just place this circuit in front of the locker or below the mat so when any unknown person come and walk over the switch, the circuit will trigger and sound of alarm comes.
  • Mosquito Repellent Circuit : Here is the simple electronic mosquito repellent circuit which can produce ultrasound in the frequency range of 20-38 kHz, which can scare away mosquitoes.
  • Simple FM Radio Jammer Circuit : This is a Jammer circuit which is used to block the signals. Jammer circuit produces the high frequency signal which will confuse the receiver of particular system from receiving the signal, even though circuit is working properly, user of the system feels that circuit is not working properly.
  • Automatic Street Light Controller Circuit Using Relays and LDR : This circuit helps in automatically turn ON/OFF the street lights using relays and LDR. The whole circuit is based on IC CA3140.
  • Battery Charger Circuit : This battery charger circuit works on the principle of controlling switching of an SCR based on charging and discharging of battery.
  • Interfacing 16×2 LCD with 8051 : This is a simple circuit diagram which helps to describe interfacing of 16X2 LCD module to AT89C51which is a 8051 family microcontroller.
  • PWM LED Dimmer Using NE555 : The Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) plays an important role in controlling the circuits. We use this PWM to dim the intensity of light of the LED.
  • Simple Fire Alarm Circuits : Here are two simple fire alarm circuits which are used to detect the fire automatically and inform to the people immediately with an alarm.
  • Wireless Switch Circuit using CD4027 : This is a simple circuit which needs no physical contact with the appliance. In this circuit, all you need is to pass your hand above LDR to ON or OFF the switch.
  • Electronic Letter Box : This is a simple circuit which helps in finding out any letter dropped in our box by stopping the LED lights attached in this circuit.
  • Clap Switch Circuit for Devices : This is another simple but very useful circuit which helps to ON or OFF a device without moving from you place and also helps to control the speed of the electric devices like fan, etc.
  • 12v DC to 220v AC Converter Circuit : Here is a simple voltage driven inverter circuit which converts 12v DC signal to single phase 220v AC using power transistors as switching device.
  • FM Transmitter Circuit : Here we built a wireless FM transmitter which uses RF communication to transmit the medium or low power FM signal. The maximum range of transmission is around 2 km.
  • 100w Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit : Here is the circuit diagram and working of 100w subwoofer amplifier circuit. A Subwoofer is a loudspeaker which produces audio signals of low frequencies.
  • DTMF Based Home Automation System Circuit : This is a simple and very useful circuit in our real life named DTMF controlled home appliances system. It helps to control the home appliances using DTMF technology.
  • Street Lights that Glow on Detecting Vehicle Movement : This article describes about the circuit that switches the street lights on detecting vehicle movement and remains off after fixed time. This system controls the street lights using light dependent resistor and PIR sensor.
  • 555 Timer IC Testing Circuit : This is a simple 555 IC testing-circuit which tests your entire 555 timer IC. So before using your IC, you may check whether your IC is good or bad by using this circuit.
  • Curtain Opener/Closer Circuit : This circuit will open and close the curtain of your home and office just by pushing a switch. So with the help of this unique circuit, we do not need to move from one place to open and close the curtain.
  • Variable Power Supply and Charger : This is a circuit which helps to check or test your electronic projects and also to charge the Mobile phone batteries. This circuit can also work as an emergency light.
  • LED Running Lights Circuit : This is a simple circuit consists of 9 LED lights in knight rider scanner mode. It will present an eye catching look as the LED initially travel in the one way and then travel reverse in the similar direction.
  • Luggage Security Alarm : This is a simple alarm circuit which helps in ringing a warning alarm when someone tries to steal the luggage.
  • 9 Way Clap Switch Circuit : This circuit helps you to manage your appliances in your home by just clap without moving from your bed.
  • 12V to 24V DC Converter Circuit : This is another kind of circuit which helps to convert 12V DC current to 24V DC current.
  • 230V LED Driver : Here we design a simple circuit driving a series of LED from 230V AC. This is accomplished using a capacitor based power supply. This is a low cost and efficient circuit and can be used at homes.
  • 3X3X3 LED Cube : This is a simple a simple LED cube circuit designed without using microcontroller. It is based on the principle of driving LEDs using the clock pulses.
  • Monostable Multivibrator Circuit Operation : Here is the monostable multivibrator circuit diagram and working. Multivibrator is an electronic circuit which will work as two stage amplifier operating in both stable and astable mode.
  • Mains Operated LED Light Circuit : This is a simple circuit which is more useful to save our resources, energy and money by installing in your homes.
  • LED Lamp Dimmer Circuit : In this circuit, at the starting LED glows slowly, then grown brighter and once again slowly it became dim. The basis of the whole circuit is an operational amplifier IC named LM358.
  • Variable Voltage Power Supply from Fixed Voltage Regulator : This Voltage regulator circuit is used to get fixed voltage at the output without depending on the input voltage.
  • LED Christmas Lights Circuit : This is a simple circuit used to decorate your house by building christmas lights using LEDs. The lights will get ON at night and OFF in morning time.
  • Audio Equalizer Circuit : The circuit is used to change the tune/melody into a different pitch level by devoid of loss in the tune. It is mainly useful to music lovers.
  • Air Flow Detector Circuit : This Air flow detector circuit can be used to detect the flow of air in areas like car engine. It can also be used as temperature detector.
  • 150W Power Amplifier Circuit : Here we designed a power amplifier circuit using push pull class AB configuration to derive a power of 150W to drive a load of 8 Ohms (speaker).
  • 7 Segment LED Display Decoder : This is the circuit diagram of display decoder which is used to convert a BCD or binary code into a 7 segment code used to operate a 7 segment LED display.
  • Digital Temperature Sensor : The main principle of this circuit is to display the digital temperature value. These are mainly used in environmental applications.
  • Digital Stopwatch Circuit : This is a simple circuit that displays count from 0 to 59, representing a 60 second time interval. It consists of a 555 timer to produce the clock pulses and two counter ICs to carry out the counting operation.
  • Toy Organ using 555 Timer IC : This is the circuit diagram of simple Toy Piano using 555 Timer IC. It produces different tones or sounds depending on the frequency range.
  • RFID based Attendance System : This simple RFID based attendance system is designed using ATmega8 Microcontroller and is mainly used in educational institutions, industries, etc. where authentication is needed.
  • Low Power Audio Amplifier using 555 Timer : This is a simple low power audio amplification circuit designed using 555 timer. It can be used to develop low power music systems used in vehicles.
  • Interfacing 16X2 LCD to AVR Microcontroller : This is a circuit which helps in interfacing 16X2 LCD with AVR Microcontroller. The Atmega16 belongs to the AVR microcontroller family.
  • Polarity cum Continuity Tester : With the help of this circuit, we can also identify whether the components we are using in our circuit are good or bad before mounting them on the PCB.
  • Reaction Timer Game Circuit : This is a simple and funny game circuit which contains 10 LEDs that are moving in an arbitrary fashion and we have to target a particular LED given by your challenger.
  • Police Siren Circuit using NE555 Timer : This circuit produces a sound similar to the police siren. You may also get detailed information about pin diagram and internal block diagram of NE555 timer.
  • 100W MOSFET Power Amplifier Circuit : A power amplifier circuit using MOSFET has been designed to produce 100W output to drive a load of about 8 Ohms.
  • Digital Voltmeter Circuit using ICL7107 : Here we designed a analog to digital converter working as a digital voltmeter using a low power three and half digit A/D converter ICL7107 having internal 7 segment decoders, display drivers, a reference and a clock.
  • 8 Channel Quiz Buzzer Circuit using Microcontroller : We built the circuit using a microcontroller which scans the input from push buttons and displays the corresponding number on a display device.
  • 2 Digit Up Down Counter : The main principle of this circuit is to increment the values on seven segment displays by pressing the button. This circuit can be mainly used in scoreboards.
  • Bike Turning Signal Circuit : The objective of this circuit is to indicate left or right turn for bike/vehicle. Two identical circuits are needed, one is for left and the other is for right. The main heart of this circuit is 555 timer.
  • Automatic Changeover Switch : This is a simple automatic changeover circuit in which DC load like a series of LEDs are driven either by a battery or an AC-DC power supply.
  • UP/DOWN Fading LED Lights : This is a simple up/down fading LED lights circuit which can be used in shopping malls, home and security applications.”/>
  • Police Lights using 555 Timer : This circuit simulates the police car lights by alternate flashing. This circuit flashes red LEDs for three times and blue LEDÂ’s for three times. This flashing action performs continuously. This circuit uses 555 timer and a decade counter.
  • PWM based DC Motor Speed Control using Microcontroller : Here is a simple DC Motor speed control circuit designed using AVR Microcontroller. Here we use a technique called PWM (pulse width modulation) to control the speed of DC motor.
  • Ding Dong Sound Generator Circuit : This is ding dong sound generator circuit is designed using 555 timer IC in astable mode. It can be used as doorbell. With some modifications, it can be used to produce different sounds. Read this post for complete details.
  • PIR Sensor Based Security Alarm : This article explains about PIR based security system in which PIR sensor is used instead of transmitter or receiver. This saves the power consumption and is low cost. This circuit can be used in the museums to protect the valuable things.
  • TV Remote Control Jammer : This proposed TV jammer circuit confuses the infrared receiver in a TV by producing the constant signal that interferes the remote control signal. If you switch on the circuit once, the TV will not receive any command from the remote. This allows you to watch your own program without anyone changing the channel or volume.
  • Super Sensitive Intruder Alarm : This circuit is designed to alert the user when an intruder enters into the home. If there is any obstacle in front of IR sensor, it generates an interrupt signal. This interrupt signal is given to the speaker to alert the user.
  • RF based Home Automation System : Here we have used RF434 MHz modules to make wireless remote. Using this remote, we can control the appliances within the range of 100 meters. It is used for remote control applications like burglar alarm, car door alarm, calling bell, security systems, etc.
  • High and Low Voltage Cutoff with Delay and Alarm : This high and low voltage cutoff with delay alarm circuit is an advanced automatic voltage stabilizer circuit and is used to protect our home appliances. It’s cost is less as compared to voltage stabilizers.
  • Dummy Alarm Circuit : The main principle of the circuit is to flash an LED for every 5 seconds. The circuit consists of 7555 timer IC as main component.
  • Reverse Parking Sensor Circuit : If you are a new driver then it is very difficult to judge the distance while parking the car. Reverse parking sensor circuit solves this problem by indicating the distance with the help of three LEDÂ’s. We can easily arrange this system at the back side of the car.
  • Automatic LED Emergency Light Circuit : This is the simple and cost effective automatic emergency light circuit with light sensing. This system charges from main supply and gets activated when main supply is turned OFF. This emergency lamp will work for more than 8 hours.
  • One Transistor Electronic Code Lock System : The main principle of this circuit is that the door lock opens only when the buttons are pressed in an order. The transistor and diode plays a main role in the circuit.
  • Automatic Battery Charger : This charger automatically shut off the charging process when battery attains full charge. This prevents the deep charge of the battery. If the battery voltage is below the 12V, then circuit automatically charges the battery.
  • Light Activated Switch Circuit : The main principle of this circuit is to switch ON the light when the LDR is illuminated. This circuit can be used in security applications like when there is darkness on the LDR, it stops lighting.
  • Remote Operated Spy Robot Circuit : This is a simple spy robot circuit which can be controlled by the remote. The maximum controllable range is 125 meters. It is used to observe the behavior of wild animals where human beings cannot reach.
  • Digital Voltmeter using 8051 Microcontroller : This is a simple digital voltmeter circuit designed using 8051 microcontroller. This circuit measures the input voltage from 0V to 5V. Here, the input voltage should be DC voltage to get the accurate output on LCD.
  • Ultrasonic Rangefinder using 8051 : This circuit explains you how to measure the distance using 8051 microcontroller. This ultrasonic range finder system measures the distance up to 2.5 meters at accuracy of 1 cm.
  • Stepper Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller : The main principle of this circuit is to rotate the stepper motor step wise at a particular step angle. The ULN2003 IC is used to drive the stepper motor as the controller cannot provide current required by the motor.
  • Frequency Counter Circuit : Here we design a simple frequency counter system using two timers and two counters. While one of the Timer IC is used to produce clock signals, the other is used to produce the time limited signal of one second.
  • Delay using 8051 Timers
  • Interfacing 7 Segment Display to 8051 : This article describes you how to interface seven segments to AT89C51 microcontroller. This system displays the digits from 0 to 9 continuously with a predefined delay.
  • LC Meter using 555 Timer : This is a simple LC Meter circuit designed using 555 Timer and 8051 microcontroller. It is mainly used to measure value of a reactive element like a capacitor or an inductor.
  • TV Transmitter Circuit : The main principle of this circuit is to transmit the audio and video signals. Here audio signals are frequency modulated and video signals are PAL modulated. These modulated signals are applied for the antenna.
  • DC Motor Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller : Here is a simple but very useful circuit in our real life named interfacing DC motor with 8051 microcontroller. It describes you how to control the DC motor using AT89C51 controller.
  • Stun Gun Circuit : This Stun gun circuit is mostly used as a weapon to stun or send shock waves to the target with the intention to weaken or paralyze it.
  • Transistor Intercom Circuit : This transistor intercom circuit is a simple two way intercom circuit which is used for the dual purpose of sending as well as receiving signals.
  • LED Interfacing with 8051 : The main principle of this circuit is to interface LEDs to the 8051 family micro controller. Commonly, used LEDs will have voltage drop of 1.7v and current of 10mA to glow at full intensity. This is applied through the output pin of the microcontroller.
  • Wailing Siren Circuit : The main principle of this circuit is to produce a wailing siren. The 555 timer IC is operated in astable mode. When the switch is pressed, speaker produces high pitch siren and when it is released, its pitch decreases and is switched off after 30 seconds.
  • Audio Tone Control Circuit : This article explains you how to design an audio tone control circuit with the gain of around 25. This design needs less number of components and it is cost effective.
  • FM Remote Encoder/Decoder Circuit : This is a simple post which shows you how to design FM remote encoder and decoder circuit using RF600E and RF600D ICs. This pair of encoder and decoder ICs establishes the communication with high level security. The operating voltage of these ICs is from 2V to 6.6V DC.
  • Wireless Mobile Battery Charger Circuit : This circuit mainly works on the principle of mutual inductance. This circuit may be used as wireless power transfer circuit, wireless mobile charger circuit, wireless battery charger circuit, etc.
  • Interfacing GPS with 8051 Microcontroller : In this interfacing of GPS with 8051 circuit, GPS module calculates the position by reading the signals that are transmitted by satellites.
  • How to Interface Real Time Clock with PIC18F : Get an idea about RTC, PIC Microcontroller pin diagram and how to interface RTC with PIC18F. RTC is an integrated circuit which keeps track of current time.
  • Random Number Generator using 8051 : This circuit helps to generate a random number in between 0 to 100 when push button is pressed and it may be used in the games like monopoly, snake ladder.
  • Active Audio Crossover Circuit : Audio crossover is an electronic filter used in audio applications to send the appropriate signal to the speakers or drivers. This circuit is used in HiFi audio systems to separate the frequency bands from audio signal.
  • IR Audio Link Circuit : This simple IR audio link circuit is used to transmit audio signals wirelessly. This IR audio link is able transmit audio signals up to 4 meters.
  • Cellphone Controlled Home Appliances : This mobile controlled home automation system is designed without using microcontroller. We can also control a robot using this technology by making some modifications.
  • Variable Voltage Power Supply : This helps to design a variable power supply circuit which will provide 0 to 28V at 6 to 8 amps. It can be used in various power amplifiers and oscillators to provide DC supply.
  • Digital Clock using 8051 : This circuit displays the time on LCD. For this clock, we can set the time at any instant. Here the clock works in 24 hour mode and the RTC chip is configured by programming 8051 controller.
  • GSM Interfacing with 8051 : The main principle of this circuit is to interface a GSM modem with the microcontroller. The microcontroller used is AT89C51 microcontroller.
  • Multi Channel Audio Mixer Circuit : This audio mixing circuit has 2 MIC inputs and 2 line inputs. If you want to increase the input channels according to the application then add same circuit in parallel with the existing circuit.
  • Puff to OFF LED Circuit : The main principle of the circuit is to turn off the LED by a puff. The puff applied to the mic is converted into a voltage whose value is very small. This voltage is amplified and applied to the circuit in order to make the led turn off.
  • Light Activated Alarm Circuit : The main principle of this circuit is to produce sound depending on the light intensity falling on the circuit. As the light intensity falling on the circuit increases, it produces pulses with more duration and thus producing more sound. The main part of the circuit is 555 timer IC.
  • Electronic Eye Controlled Security System : This is a simple electronic eye controlled security system circuit designed using 7805 voltage regulator and LDR. It is used in security applications.
  • USB Sound Card Circuit : This USB sound card circuit is a device which allows an embedded system to create and record real and high quality sound. Read this post for more details.
  • Hi-Fi Dx Bass Circuit : This Hi-Fi Dx Bass Circuit describes the design, principle and operation of a two stage bass boosting circuit using simple high and low pass filters.
  • Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM : This wireless electronic notice board using GSM Technology and microcontroller circuit is used to display the data on LCD whatever we sent from the mobile.

For the list of other projects ideas, visit the following pages:

  • EEE Projects Ideas
  • EIE Projects Ideas
  • Projects on Electronics
  • Solar Energy Projects
  • Embedded Systems Projects

7 Responses

sir i am in 4th yr ECE student of a private engineering college .So i have very less idea about project formation show i wants some suggestions form your expert panel to give some idea about any valuable project

how do i know machi….i m also final year ya….you have any ideas…please tell me….

I am now in 4th year can you tell me what project can be done by one person?as m alone


Any one can suggest me, I want know name a professional wo can integrate a device with third party software.

i am studying diploma final year in ece dipartment ,in 6th sem we have to make a project .so i request u please suggest a well project. i want to make a fire alaram is it best or not

I am studying diploma final year in ECE department in 6th semester we have to make a project. So i request you please suggest a well project. I want to make a little robot is it best or not.

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Latest Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering | Best of 2024

Good day fellow Itsourcecoders! Today I will be sharing with you the list of the Latest final year project ideas for Electronics Engineering students the best of 2024.

This article will also give you new and innovative project ideas for ECE students . You can also get more electronics engineering project titles as you read more about this article.

This article also offers you the best and most creative final-year project ideas for electronics engineering to make at home.

These unique electronics projects were not just using IoT, robots, solar, and green technology but also wireless networking , and other technologies.

You may also explore the latest web-based project ideas  and topics for your final year projects. I also have here the lucrative list of innovative web-based projects for  computer science students’ final year projects .

Most of these final-year project ideas for electronics engineering have been carefully researched and compiled. And this is to make it easy for electronics engineering students or other engineering-related courses to choose their innovative final year project ideas for Electronics Engineering. I’m hoping that you can find below your final year project ideas for electronics engineering topics .

What is Electronics Engineering?

Electronic engineering (also known as electronics and communications engineering) is an electrical engineering discipline that designs electronic circuits, devices, integrated circuits, and systems using nonlinear and active electrical components (such as semiconductor devices, particularly transistors and diodes).

If you are a BSIT Student and looking for the  best Thesis title Proposal for IT/CS students  you can click it here.

Latest and Best Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering List for 2024

Final year project ideas for electronics engineering 2024 using iot and ras pi:.

Now here is the list of Best Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering

Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering 2024 using Other Technologies:

Recommended books, course, compiler, etc., here are some articles that might help you do your document to support your computer science project topics for final years :.

So, fellow programmers, with the presented innovative project ideas for ECE students above, which one will you use?

2 thoughts on “Latest Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering | Best of 2024”

I need ckt diagram for these project-Auto temperatures detector for entrance covid safety

I need hovercraft project

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Electronics And Communications Engineering Bachelor's Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Portable semi-autonomous robot for agricultural insect pest recognition and elimination , John Dominic B. Aguila, Gian Kendrick T. Go, Carl Nixon D. Ong, Marc Lance J. Orsos, and Bryan Kenneth Q. Que-Unsu

Developing an automated IoT-based indoor farming system with optimal LED light quality control for leafy vegetable growth , Andre' Mitchelle L. Bamba, Elmark Joseph L. Corpus, Martin Adrian C. Enghoy, and Hanna Camille B. Gabay

LoRa on the bus: Time and location monitoring system for P2P buses , John Herald Angeles Bañez, Polo Gi Magtibay Dimayuga, Dominic Andrei Gawat Limpengco, and Lorenzo Miguel Ricafranca Pepino

PnP-MEDER: A plug-and-play P2P modular DC microgrid solution for rural areas , Angelo S. Casimiro, Lois Raniel D. Closa, Juan Miguel A. Sanchez, and Pierre Randell S. Yao

Development of an automated microcontroller-based in-vessel composting system for the household setting , Malcolm Andersen H. Co, Jan Ralph U. Go, Francis John N. Magallanes, and John Matthew B. Vong

Machine learning-based identification and classification of pulmonary nodules , Theodore Benito Cham Coteok II, Lenard Ryan Santos Llarenas, Joseph Villa Portugal, and Matthew Edward Segismundo Toro

Development of a cloud-based robotic arm platform in electrical circuit laboratory for Labvolt Equipment , Athena Bianca P. Dionido, Erika Kimberly H. Go, Matthew H. Gonzales, Jahmil Gabriel P. Reyes, and Errol John S. Velasco

A network-based solution and knowledge-building portal for monitoring goat feeding behavior pattern and agricultural technology information sharing , Anton Luis C. Garces, Gianne Marcus V. Obusan, Julianne Abbe R. Ong, and Samuel C. Perez

Intelligent flock of surface vehicles for collecting solid waste in bodies of water , Carl Heinrich I. Ong, Enrico Sebastian C. Salazar, Pierre Marie R. Salvador, and Oliver Scott Y. Te

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A remote monitoring system for pico-hydroelectric system , Darlene Alyssa P. Abaluna

Detection of harmful gasses in improvised explosive device using android technology: A prototype , Adrian William S. Alano, Arl Marion Josef Lintag Divino, and David Manasseh Crisostomo Soliman

Joystick controlled autonomous robotic arm using inverse kinematics with object detection , Edmark Jayson Q. Aldea, Roger Jayson M. Mendez III, Macario N. Peralta V, and Lia Sophia Y. San Miguel

Universal robust vehicle identification system , Lorenz Joshua Sebastian Alfonso, Tiffany Joy Ferrer Benitez, Cseanne Jaycons Original Cabalquinto, Francis Jerome Tabieros Perez, and Janet Yang

Human presence detection based on gathered thermal datasets through deep learning , Miguel Carlos Cariño Amoroso, Kenneth Roel Catapang Atienza, Riff Kurtees Tan Ladera, and Nico Angelo Mendoza Menodiado

Real-time spectrophotometric determination of coffee roast degree , Jerome Moises L. Andres, Angelo C. Araño, Don Levi Andre V. Diwara, and Cedric Paul M. Sazon

Solid waste identification and segregation hub (S.W.I.S.H.) , Ryan Jasper V. Ang, Justin James N. Hizon, and Kyle Daniel P. Pimentel

Development of a home healthcare system for a person under monitoring with remote access through web application , Jan Luis V. Antoc, Teofilo M. Contreras Jr., Michael Ryan B. Panes, and Emerson Karl M. Tiu

Drone team manipulation using hand gestures for object transportation , Reginald Geoffrey Lausa Bayeta IV, Kyle Jomar Casabuena Megino, Angelo Jose Teodorico Diaz Parco, and Anjelo Louise Gerardo Vicente

Development and implementation of a game theory based ride-sharing technique , Gabriel Antonio M. Borja, Gerard Ryan C. Ching, Francis Miguel M. Espiritu, and Kerwin D. Go

Design and implementation of LoRaWAN autonomous base station as a communication network for rural areas , John Benedict M. Carbonel, Angelo Crom S. Pestaño, Gilbert M. Roque Jr., Migio Antonio C. Tan II, and Raphaele Timothy A. Villarubin

Advance scorecard for boxing: Combat sport analysis with deep learning , Phillip Christian C. Cardino, Jamie Lynn T. Chua, and John Rossi Rafael R. Llaga

Designing a semi-autonomous medicine dispensing mobile robot using IoT with obstacle detection capabilities , Maria Victoria Tuazon Ching, Margaret Justo Dionisio, Stephen Gabriel Fernandez Garbo, Jann Carlo Nano Red, and Vince Macanas Salloman

Dagas: A mobile and web-based disaster relief goods management system , Kenley Lewis Ting Chiu, Jet Orville Que Chua, Emil John David Lopez, and Josef Lyle Huan Solis

PCB fault detection through the use of convolutional neural networks , Aivan Jarell P. Chua and Daniel Edric Y. Ong

Emotion-based music player using facial recognition , Adrian Richton D. Co, Nathan Jonah D. Delgado, and Jose V. Medalla III

E-balloon: A propellerless flight control system , Patrick Ross S. Coronel, Rafael Antonio S. Duenas, Efi Mikhael B. Gabriel, and Kyle Austin B. Hartigan-Go

Development of mobile-based point of sales android application for food and drink stalls , Trisha Angeline M. DeVera

Automated IoT enabled vertical farming: Planting atypical crops in an urban environment , Floyd Robert Cocabo Dim and Daniel Lester Costes Guillermo

Breast cancer screening application using thermographic images and machine learning analysis , Rency Christelle O. Evidente, Vincent Rafael T. Sayoc, Jason Patrick T. Uy, and Leila Yasmin C. Young

MRT trains mobility tracking using LoRa network , Samuel Alexander A. Pasia, Vince Matthew A. Rivera, Jereme Adriane D.G. Sy, and Bianca Clarisse Y. Tan

WiFi-based indoor positioning system in a multilevel building , Joshua Kenichi Y. Sim, Rica Rizabel M. Tagabuhin, and Jan Jayson S.D. Tirados

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Real time visual traffic map for vehicle density estimation using IP-CCTV networks , John Carl B. Bautista, Adrian Giuseppe Francis M. Fernan, Zendrel G. Gacuya, and Eldrine Jay Perez

Simulation of centroid control for payload transport using cooperative unmanned aerial vehicle team on a virtual environment , Lourdes Racielle B. Bulda, Matthew Zandrick G. Marasigan, Isabel F. Navarro, and Victor Antonio R. Valdes

Smart medicine dispenser with online dispensing capabilities , John Joseph M. Castillo

Implementation of field oriented control on brushless DC motors for UAV application , Jonathan U. Lao and Paulo Enrique D. Martin

LoRa rescue: Emergency distress signal geolocation system , Gregory James G. Pe, Robert Ianny Roi F. Quijano, and Benjamin Emmanuel C. Uy

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Electronic Theses & Dissertations

Since 2011, MSU has required that all theses and dissertations be submitted electronically. These electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are joined here by a large number of digitized historical works scanned by Google and ProQuest dating back to the 19th century. Still, these items are only a subset of the MSU Libraries' full theses and dissertations collection, much of which is in print. You can learn more about finding all types of theses and dissertations by consulting the guide Finding Dissertations and Theses .

Content warning: language and content in resource descriptions and collections may be biased, harmful, and oppressive due to the historical nature of the content.

Starting in Spring 2011, MSU began mandating that all theses and dissertations be deposited electronically with ProQuest/UMI and the MSU Libraries. Access is supported and governed by the MSU Committee on Graduate Studies policy that stipulates electronic deposit with the Library. Questions regarding the availability of dissertations can be directed to:

Graduate School 479 West Circle Drive Room 116 Linton Hall East Lansing, MI 48824

Some ETDs may be subject to a 6-month or longer embargo period and are unavailable in the digital repository during that period. To request a copy of an embargoed ETD, contact InterLibrary Services .

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Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Welcome to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Electronic Theses & Dissertation site. These pages are dedicated to help you find all the information you might require in order to format and successfully submit your graduate thesis for examination and publication electronically. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) are prepared as text-based PDF files. ETDs can contain non-text elements such as sound, video, and hypertext links. ETDs are available through Scholarship@Western, Western's digital library repository, and also released to the world-wide web with priority in many search engines, enabling scholars worldwide to locate, search, and download the University of Western Ontario's ETDs.

The most significant benefit is the dramatic increase (50-250%) in citation impact that results from electronic publishing. This leads to increased rewards from universities, in the form of promotion and increased salary, and from granting agencies.

Other benefits include:

  • publicity for research - authors of electronic theses become more widely known and their reputations are enhanced
  • easy worldwide access to your theses for colleagues and collaborators
  • easy worldwide access to theses for job and grant applications
  • a raised profile for research institutions
  • reduced costs at the point of graduation since there is no need to have multiple copies printed.

For an overview of the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation process at The University of Western Ontario, please refer to any area from our site dedicated to supporting ETD at Western:

  • Preliminary Submission
  • Examination
  • Final Submission
  • Publication

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

Stress, geographic and sociodemographic factors, and oral health outcomes in adolescents and young adults , Naima Abouseta

Data-Driven Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges , Sulaiman A. S. Aburakhia

Development of a Regional Geodatabase and 3D Models of Metro Vancouver and Their Use and Impact to Regional Seismic Hazard Mapping , Sujan Raj Adhikari

Ontological View-based Semantic Integration Framework in Decentralized Environments , Fateh Mohamed Ali Adhnouss

The TOGETHER Study: Exploring the Relationship Between Ontario Undergraduate University Students’ Levels of Resilience and their Experiences of Diversity and Inclusion , Manvir Ahluwalia

Structural Optimization and Aerodynamic Behavior of Double-Curvature Cable Domes , Elshaimaa A. Ahmed

Transportation and Land Use Planning for Healthy Cities , Naser Ahmed

Psychometric Properties of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Chronic Pain Conditions with Central Sensitization:- A Systematic Review , Mst Farjana Akhter

"It’s not a science isolated in a bubble": Grave Encounters in Forensic Anthropology in Colombia and Peru , Franziska Albrecht

Sex Differences in Coping Strategies, Infertility-Related Stress, and Predictors of Infertility-Related Stress among Saudi Men and Women Attending Infertility Clinics , Hayat Abdullah Algamadi

First Language Use in the Second Language Classroom in Public Secondary Schools in Jordan: Policy and Practice , Muath Algazo

Electrosprayed Serine Octamer Magic Number Cluster: Formation via Gas phase Assembly and Collision-Induced Dissociation , Vida Alinezhad

Investigating the effects of physical maturation and sexual debut on HIV-1 susceptibility in adolescent males in Rakai, Uganda , Omar Almomani

Machine Learning Classifiers for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assessment Using Lung CT Data. , Halimah Alsurayhi

A grounded Theory Investigation of Self-Identified Female Students' Mental Health Perception, Mental Health Factors, and Help-Seeking Behaviour , Laila Awwadh Alzaidi

Exploring the Quality Performance of Ethno-Specific and Mainstream Not-For-Profit Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario , Lanei Amein

Design of Space-Hardened Electronics in a Multispectral Imager for Lunar Rover Applications , Stephen J. Amey

A Secure Lightweight Wireless M-Bus Protocol for IoT: Leveraging the Noise Protocol Framework , Wafaa Anani

Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Delivery of Septic System Wastewater Effluent to Tributaries , Evan Angus

Going local with global policies: Understanding the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana , Eunice Akua Annan-Aggrey

Bioactive and Electrically Conductive Nanocomposite Bone Biomaterials , Rebeca A. Arambula-Maldonado

Exploring Parental Vaccine Decision Making: A Mixed Methods Study , Sarah A. Ashfield

The Experience of Postpartum Care Practices among Parent and Healthcare Providers in Canada: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis , Andrea Atkinson

Impact of vaporized nicotine and cannabis co-exposure in adolescence on sex-specific behavioural and neural effects in adulthood , Iman S. Aziz

Identification and characterization of isoflavone reductase family members in soybean , Negin Azizkhani

Listening to "Silence": Alternative Modes of Communication in Korean and Korean American Women's Literature , Judy Joo-Ae Bae

Right to the city? Urban governance and the spatial politics of street traders in Harare, Zimbabwe , Elmond Bandauko

Analyses For Assessing The Centreline Translation, Asymmetrical Wind-Field, And Velocity Fluctuations Of Tornado Vortices , Niall C. Bannigan

Computational Modelling of Branching Arteriolar Networks using Constrained Constructive Optimization , Yuki Bao

Modulation of the Alpha Oscillation Associated with Semantic and Somatic Self-referential Processing with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation , Zhongjie Bao

Towards Improved Acoustic Emission-based Methodologies for Structural Damage Identification and Visualization , Mohamed Emhemed Barbosh

Exploring Student Experiences of Interprofessional Simulation Education , Jonathan Barrios

Investigating premotor corticospinal excitability in fast and slow voluntary contractions of the elbow flexors , Daniel C. Basile

Prediction of Teacher Well-Being through Beliefs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Educators , Annie Beatty

Ecological drivers of songbird stopover behaviour during autumn migration in eastern New Brunswick , Andrew T. Beauchamp

Investigating the neuroprotective effects of pharmacological Bax inhibition , Jordyn Beda

Human transfer RNA anticodon variants suppress pathogenic nonsense mutations , Aruun Beharry

Therapeutic Promise and Insights for Parkinson's Disease from the Living Brain , Simon M. Benoit

New Approach to the Design of Lightly Loaded Piles Under Adfreeze Action , Omar Bolbol

Polystyrene-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbenes as Anti-Corrosion Coatings , Jessica L. Bosso

"Une chose pour le théâtre": Ines Pérée et Inat Tendu de Réjean Ducharme , Lidiya Boteva

Towards Effective Communication: An Exploration of Evidence-Based Strategies for Informal Care Partners Engaged in Difficult Conversations with Individuals with Parkinson's Disease , Emily Brinovec

Monitoring the Quality of Children’s Community Mental Healthcare in Ontario: The Development of Pilot Quality Indicators , Boden D. Brock

Physical and Geometrical Modulation of Human Fibroblast Behaviour , Sarah M. Brooks

Cyber Risks in Ontario Online Elections , James D. Brunet

Missing Data Imputation for Smart Meters: Conditional Denoising Diffusion Model & Temporally Chained Equations , Madhushan Buwaneswaran

Preternatural Laughter: Rhetorics of Animality in the Literature of Insanity, 1798-1882 , Melanie Byron

Quantifying the Effects of Climate on the Radial Growth Rates of Urban Trees in Toronto , Ethan R. Cade

Optimization of Full-Inversion Techniques Towards Clinical Ultrasound Elastography , Matthew A. Caius

Data Preprocessing and Machine Learning for Intracranial Electroencephalography , Mauricio Cespedes Tenorio

Paracrine factors regulate glucagon trafficking through the Stmn2-mediated lysosomal network , Nelson Chang

An Exploration of Causal Cognition in Large Language Models , Vicky Chang

Educators’ Perspectives on Teacher Mental Health and Professional Development. , Sybil HW Chan

Men Take HEED: Gender Stereotypes as a Barrier to Men’s Involvement in Female - Dominated Occupations , Warda Chaudhry

Experience of Community Physicians Who Provide Medical Assistance in Dying: A Qualitative Analysis , Rimpy Cheema

The Effect of Steam Explosion on Lipids Extraction From Microalgae and Derivation of Pectin Films from Waste Culture , Shahil Chhiba

Predicting Radiation Replanning and Toxicity Outcomes to Support Personalized Treatment in Oropharyngeal Cancer , Tricia A. Chinnery

Development of a Multi-Modality Clinical Decision-Support System for Risk Stratification in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer , Jaryd R. Christie

Understanding mechanisms underlying changes in parental care behaviour in response to perceived paternity in sunfish , Emma Churchman

Impact of Catheter Slipping on Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Lesion Formation: A Phantom Study , Victor A. Chu

Luminescence and Structural Properties of Silicon-Germanium Quantum Structures Fabricated by Ion Implantation , Matheus Coelho Adam

Biosynthesis of a Novel O-methylhydroxy Isoflavone in Soybean: Expression Analysis and Identification of Isoflavone O-methyltransferases , Elizabeth Copley

The Measurement and Profile Analysis of Cognitive Multidimensional Workplace Identification , Trevor Thomas Coppins

Essays on Development Economics , Rowena Cornelius

Harm Reduction in Psychotherapy , Jillian Cramer

A Legal Framework for the Assessment of a Voluntary Request for Medical Assistance in Dying , Amanda M. Cramm

Development of pH-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Spinal Cord: Application in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy , Alicia E. Cronin

An Analysis of Primary Stability of Stemless Humeral Implants in Shoulder Arthroplasty , David Cunningham

A Target-Based and A Targetless Extrinsic Calibration Methods for Thermal Camera and 3D LiDAR , Farhad Dalirani

Cushioning the Blow Justifying a Price Increase in a Subscription Business Context , Hoorsana Damavandi

Nuthin' Lasts , Steve deBruyn

Exploring the Experiences of Autistic Adults with ABA-Based Practices and Research , Grace Demerling

Investigating the role of ATF4 in models of Parkinson's disease , Matthew D. Demmings

Numerical Study of Ozone Decomposition Reaction Behaviours in Gas-Solids Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactors , Zhengyuan Deng

Creating Legitimacy: The Dyarchy in Spartan Social Memory , Stephanie J. Dennie

The Development and Testing of a Gyroscope-Based Neck Strengthening Rehabilitation Device , Nicole D. Devos

Virtual Care Evaluation Methods and Ontario Privacy Policy , Sandeep Dhaliwal

Understanding The Perspectives Of Non-Governmental Organization Staff And Volunteers When Providing Care To Older Adults During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Uganda And Ethiopia , Satveer Dhillon

The Causes and Consequences of Environmental Transparency in Supply Chains , William Diebel

The Housing Conditions and Health Experiences of Caribbean Migrant Agricultural Workers: A Secondary Analysis , Elizabeth Diedrick

Quantitative Sonographic Assessment of Synovitis and its Relationship to Joint Damage and Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis , Robert S. Dima

Online Content Design with Unstructured Data , Meng Qi Ding

The association between prenatal maternal stress, infant brain volumes, and temperament during the COVID-19 pandemic , Amber L. Di Paolo

Cholinergic Modulation of Parvalbumin Neurons in Attention , Marcus A. Doyle

Outclimbing Cognitive Decline: Age, Western Diet, Resistance Exercise, and the Brain. , Leila Dzinic

Good vibes are contagious: Exploring within- and between-person predictors of grit in group environments , Rachel K. Edwards


Towards Smart-Building Digital Twin: Data Integration, and Probabilistic Frameworks for Reliable Virtual Sensing, and Continuous Model Calibration , Dagimawi D. Eneyew

Assessing Early Microcirculatory Changes in Skeletal Muscle and Brain of a Rat Model of Sepsis with Hyperspectral Near-Infrared and Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy , Rasa Eskandari

Queer(ing) Post-Holocaust Experiences: An Oral History with LGBTQ+ Children of Holocaust Survivors , Jacob Evoy

Closing the Know-Do Gap in Global Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical Scoping Review of Knowledge Translation Practices in Global Health Research Partnerships. , Wale Fadare

Breast Cancer Risk in Women with Breast Bilateral Asymmetry: Machine Learning Based Risk Analysis and Mitigation through Developing a Framework for Customized Bra Design , Xi Feng

Aspects of Police Search and Rescue Work for Missing Persons in Canada , Lorna Ferguson

Networks of Resistance: A Regional Analysis of Extractive Conflicts in Central America , Giada Ferrucci

Beyond the portable classroom: investigating portable classrooms from secondary sources and reframing spatial needs in Canadian schools , Marzieh Forozantabar

The Psychology of Effective IEAs: Beyond Rational Choice Theory , Kieley Forsey

The Role of Mycorrhizal Associations in Modulating Poplar Growth, Phytohormone Responses, and Mortality under Elevated CO2 and Temperature Conditions , Joshua JR Frank-Webb

Pathways to Active School Travel: The Influence of Individual, Sociodemographic, and the School Neighborhood Factors , Nathaniel C. Frisbee

Co-delivery of Adipose-derived Stromal Cells and Endothelial Colony Forming Cells in Novel Cell-assembled Scaffolds as a Pro-angiogenic Cell Therapy Platform , Sarah A. From

Intelligent and Customized Resource Management and Network Cooperation in Beyond 5G and 6G Networks , Yongqin Fu

A study on the effect of swirl ratio and surface roughness on the flow dynamics of tornadoes using LES , Anant Gairola

Interrogating the ability of ambroxol to modulate microglia functions , Sairam Gajavelli

Attribution Robustness of Neural Networks , Sunanda Gamage

Studies of compound risk models with dependence and parameter uncertainty , Dechen Gao

Cladding Wind Loads on Low-Rise Buildings: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach , Tsinuel Nurilligne Geleta

The Predictors of Pregnancy Loss Among Women Aged 15-49 Years in Pakistan , Kevin George Samuel

Flood Hazard and Vulnerability Mapping using Deep Learning and Earth Observation Data , Nafiseh Ghasemian Sorboni

The role of gut microbiome on the immunogenicity of immune hot neuroblastoma tumours , Hasti Gholami

Scale-up and Measurement Enhancements of a BioGenerator Bioreactor , Jason J. Glas

Evaluating Spoken Language Outcome Monitoring Data Collection in Ontario’s Infant Hearing Program , Camila Goldstein Fridman

Liquid Flow Rates Measurements Through Graphene Nanopores by Micro-PIV , Samuel Francisco De Jesus Gomez Suarez

Design of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Solid States in Crystallization Processes , Weizhong Gong

Oscillator Network Spectra, Chimeras, and Transient Dynamics in the Non-Asymptotic Limit , James W. Graham

Characterization of brain metabolism in a mouse model of Alzheimer's Disease using MALDI-TOF imaging mass spectrometry , Sandra Grahovac-Nemeth

Effects of EGFR and CCR2 Signaling in Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis , Jasleen Kaur Grewal

Characterizing Hypoxia, Neutrophil Persistence and Revascularization in the Murine db/db Model of Type II Diabetic Impaired Skin Healing , Michael R. Grynyshyn

Triple oxygen isotopes of grass phytoliths as a proxy for relative humidity , Minger Guo

Quantifying Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Critically Brain-Injured Patients: A Graph-Theoretical Approach with fNIRS , Ira Gupta

Contemporary Painting: Autopoietic Improvisation and a Relational Ecology , Philip James Gurrey

Integrated Microvascular Flow Regulation and the Impact of Metabolic Disease , Brayden D. Halvorson

Special quotients of absolute Galois Groups with Applications in Number Theory and Pythagorean fields , Oussama Rayen Hamza

The Indomitable Basque: an orchestral work in three movements inspired by the Basque Whalers of Labrador of the Sixteenth Century , Aiden Hartery

Performing Masculinity: Calgary Men in the Great War , Andrew J. Hawkes

Using Driver Gaze and On-Road Driving Data for Predicting Driver Maneuvers in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems , Farzan Heidari

Developing a Novel Touchscreen-based Test of Cognitive Judgement Bias , Ashlyn Hersey

Simplified Analysis of Flat-Plate Buildings During Fire Exposure , Mohamed A Sulieman Hesien

Leveraging Intersubject Representational Similarity Analysis to Explore Individual Differences in Early Life Adversity and Cortico-Amygdala Connectivity in a Preadolescent Sample , Amira Hmidan

Exploring the Reactivity of Metal-Ligand Cooperative Complexes with Dioxazolones, Terminal Alkynes, and 2-Ethynylbenzyl Alcohol , megan A. Hoffer Miss

Fast and Reliable High-Impedance Fault Detection in AC Distribution Systems , Farnam Hojatpanah

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of infant feeding practices and stress in 18th-19th century Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec , Sydney Holland

Avoiding a Celestial Anthropocene Epoch: A Framework for Space Resources Extraction Reclamation. , Trevor Holness

Educators' Knowledge and Confidence about Teaching Students with Exceptionalities , Allison E. Horsley

Proteomic characterization of LIN28A-driven resistance to imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia , Owen F. J. Hovey


Improving Student Engagement in Online Learning: A Case Study of a Graduate Program in Canada , Ying Alyssa Huang

Assemblage, Paradox, and Becoming-cat: Making Videogames with Deleuze and Guattari , Yiling Hu

The imbalanced interaction of verbal ambiguity and pro-drop: The functional hypothesis in homeland and heritage varieties of Calabrian Italian and Ciociaro , Michael Iannozzi

Characterizing the Nature and Structure of Child Temperament via Observational Laboratory Tasks , Bianca Iddiols

Determining the Effects of Mistranslating Transfer RNA Variants on Drosophila Melanogaster , Joshua R. Isaacson

Towards a More Realistic Evaluation of New Public Transit Services' Impacts on Healthcare Accessibility and Inequality , Reyhane Javanmard

Unveiling the Interplay: Childhood Obesity, Impact of Marketing to Kids, and the Pursuit of Effective Regulatory Measures. , Lin Jawhar

Investigating Oxidative Stress in Early Stages of Schizophrenia Using 7-Tesla Glutathione and Glutamate Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Peter Jeon

Enhancing Recovery: Investigating Outcome in Supercharged End-to-Side Anterior Interosseous Nerve to Ulnar Nerve Transfer , Tachit Jiravichitchai

Physiotherapists Description of Patient-Centered Care, and Barriers and Facilitators Experienced to Implementation , Maclean Jordan

Caregiver Perceptions of the Impact of Psychoeducational Reports on Children with Learning Disabilities and ADHD , Rafia Junaid

Seeking Solitude: An Examination of the Motivational Underpinnings of Solitary Experiences , Zuzanna Jurewicz

Retrospective Pre-Post Evaluation of a Healthy Relationships and Mental Health Promotion Program for 2S/LGBTQIA+ Youth , Nikita Kalwani

Development of Biolubricants from Vegetable Oils for Non-Internal Combustion Engine Applications , Behzad Kamiab

Human Robot Interactions Relying on Human Perception and Intention Awareness , Fehmi Karaalioglu

Sociodemographic Determinants of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations due to Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Among Hospitalized Patients in the United States , Munira Kashem

Developing Curve Fitting Procedure using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy for N-Heterocyclic Carbenes , Ekrupe Kaur

Improving Diagnosis and Prognosis in Acute Severe Brain Injury , Karnig Kazazian

Barriers To Working With Low Income Clients As Experienced By Counsellors , Riley Keast

Examining Sex and Gender Differences in Cognitive Recovery of Cardiac Arrest and Myocardial Infarction , Sophie A. Kelly

Helping Engagement in Interprofessional Health Care Teams: A Constructivist Exploration , Erin K. Kennedy

On Mothers and Measures: The (Re)Production of Mothering Ideologies in Psychological Measures of Motherhood , Ella R. Keogh

Extinction Anxiety as Zeitgeist: An Examination of the Cultural Anxiety Surrounding Extinction Threats , Spencer J. Kett

The Impact of Simulated Image Acquisition Time Reduction on Image Quality and Parameters of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using a Dedicated Cardiac Camera , Alireza Khatami

Evaluating User Performance in Augmented and Virtual Reality for Neurosurgical Targeting Tasks , Denis Kikinov

Exploring the potential of the insect gut-brain axis to modulate the hygienic behaviour of Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) , Sophie M. Killam

Essays on Credit Risks and Financial Frictions , Jihyun Kim

Follow the Leader: Genre Formation and Gendered Reception of Nu Metal Music , Clare L. King

Listening to Transgender and Autistic Voices: Reflecting on Affirming Research and Mental Health Practices , Kameron BM Kirbyson

Developing Therapeutic Relationships in the Community Setting with Clients Experiencing Marginalization , Danielle Knipping

Structure and Function of Long-COVID Evaluated Using Pulmonary Imaging , Harkiran Kaur Kooner

What Are You Ruminating About? The Development and Validation of a Content-Dependent Measure of Rumination , Christopher M. Kowalski

Controls on Plastic Debris Capture in Urban Stormwater Drains of London, Canada: A Study Within the Great Lakes Watershed , Nina Kozikowski

The role of fruitless P3 and P4 transcripts in Drosophila melanogaster , Sara A. Kulinski

Effect of temperature and water chemistry on the dissolution and transformation of lead (II) carbonates. , Caitlin SE Kushnir

Does movement during a cognitive task support performance among children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? , Matthew Lam

Characterizing and Applying a Nasal Organotypic Model to Investigate the Effects of Immune Profile Types on SARS-CoV-2 Susceptibility , Victor H.K. Lam

Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Behavioural Phenotypes and Environmental Factors , Caitlin E. Leachman Miss

Three Essays on Market Dynamics: Counterfeits, Tipping Policies, and Probabilistic Promotions , Yongqin Lei

Exploring the Meanings and Impacts of a Traditional Foods Program with Urban Indigenous Women in London, Ontario, Canada , Clara Lewis

Value of Service-Oriented Multi-Service Provisioning and Resource Allocation in Integrated Localization, Sensing and Communication Systems , Biwei Li

Luminescent Group 11 Metal (I) Chalcogen Clusters with a Conjugated Diphosphine Ligand , Kai Yu Jeffrey Li

Health Care and Social Predictors of Gender Positivity and Gender Distress Among Transgender and Nonbinary People in Canada , Lux Li

The experiences of lesbian and queer female teachers in Canadian schools , Chen Lin

Secondary students' educational experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative evidence synthesis , Hannah D. Litchfield

Analyzing, modelling and simulating nonstationary non-Gaussian thunderstorm winds and their use for assessing the statistics of extreme wind pressure , Yongxu Liu

Optimal Strategies for Introducing a New Technological Product , Ali Lotfi

The micromechanics of notched zirconium polycrystals , Karim Louca

Development and Validation of a Novel Partner Rumination Scale , Daniel Machado

Integrating Environmental, Geographic and Network Context into Human Mobility Analysis , Milad Malekzadeh

Population-Level Impacts of Non-Medical Cannabis Legalization and Commercialization on Psychosis-Related Outcomes , Maliha Mamun

The role of 5-lipooxygenase expressing cells in homeostasis, injury, and colitis-associated cancer , Venkat Vaibhav Mani Murugan

A Snapshot of Peer Relationships in Children and Youth: Pre- Versus During COVID-19 , Jordyn Manis

Characterizing The Auditory Processing Alterations At The Electrophysiological Neuronal Level In The Cntnap2-/- Rat Model Of Autism , Rajkamalpreet S. Mann

Advancing Anti-Racism in Public Libraries for Black Youth in Canada , Amber Matthews

The Politics of Progress: A Field-Level Analysis , Cameron McAlpine

Collaborative Care for PTSD: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis , Kelly A. McKinney

Cu(I) Binding to Recombinant Metallothioneins , Adyn Melenbacher

Gust effect factors of components and cladding wind loads for low-slope roofs on low-rise buildings , Jigar Mokani

A Comprehensive Study of Neural Entrainment in Developmental Language Disorder and Reading Disability , Christine Moreau

Development of an In Vitro Model of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Depletion via Stable Inducible Expression of D1135A Mutant DNA Polymerase Gamma , Amanda L. Morin

Through Others' Eyes: Understanding Dating Violence Attitudes Through Perspective Taking , Aly M. Moscovitz

Cortical Thickness Changes as a Potential Biomarker for Epilepsy in People with First-Time Unprovoked Seizure , Keza T. Motlana

A Novel Four-Dimensional Ultrasound Approach to Investigate the Relationship Between Ligament Behaviour and Thumb Osteoarthritis Onset , Randa Mudathir

Bioarchaeological Knowledge Mobilization and the Museum as Knowledge Broker , Teegan Muggridge

A Dyadic Daily Diary Investigation of Partner- And Self-Schema Structures on Relational Well-Being and Depressed Mood , Gabriela C. M. Murphy

Essays on Firms and Climate Change , Emmanuel Murray Leclair

VOICE: Exploring the Experiences of University Students who have Experienced Gender-Based Violence , Rabani Nagra

Investigation of a TRIM28 novel variant linked to intellectual disability , Niloofar Namavari

Exploring the experiences of women accessing care during a pandemic in Nigeria: A Qualitative Feminist Phenomenological Study , Mary Ndu

Effect of sodium thiosulfate pre-treatment on renal ischemia-reperfusion injury , Pierce BR Nelson

mixSTM: Adapting the Structural Topic Model for a quantitative analysis of focus group data , Pascale A. Nevins

The Roles of FABP3 in Endothelial Dysfunction and the Transcriptomic Insights into Cardiovascular Disease , Chi Hien Nguyen

Examining the long-term effects of a commercial mHealth app: A 24-month quasi-experimental study of 516,818 app users , Lisa Nguyen

Investigating CO2 Adsorption Behavior in Metal-Organic Frameworks by Solid-state NMR , Yan Ham Ng

Lifelong Maternal Western Diet negatively impacts the Placental Metabolome and Labyrinthine Vasculature in a Non-Obese Guinea Pig Model , Timothy B. Nunes

The Characterization of Pannexin 1 and Pannexin 3 Channels and their Isoforms in Skin Health and Keratinocytic Cancers , Brooke O'Donnell

Early Isoform-dependent Effects of Human Apolipoprotein E on Alzheimer’s disease Pathobiology , Dika A. Ojiakor

Investigating the Dynamic Composition, Subcellular Localization, and Functions of the Human C-terminal to LisH Complex , Gabriel Onea

An Energy-Based Method For Static Liquefaction Assessment , Kaitlyn O'Sullivan

Optimizing [11C]Butanol radiosynthesis on a commercially available synthesizer: Efforts towards global dementia neuroimaging , Olujide Oyeniran

Social Location & Counsellor Identity: a reflexive analysis of social power and the therapeutic use of self , Stephanie R. Page

Conceptualizing the Urban Circular Economy: Understanding the formal-Informal continuum in London, Ontario, Canada , Martha Paiz-Domingo

Allostratigraphy of the Cretaceous, Lower Colorado Group in SE Alberta: Tectonic and eustatic controls on depositional cyclicity , Afroza Parvin

Cognitive Changes in Early Untreated Parkinson's Disease , Kunj Patel

The Effects of S-glutathionylation on the Structure and Function of the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter (MCU) , Arine Pawakian

Resolving the Longitudinal Triglyceride Phenotype of Heterozygous LPL and Apo A-V Deficiency , Shehan D. Perera

Improving Fused Filament Fabrication Additive Manufacturing through Computer Vision Analysis and Fabrication Optimization , Aliaksei Petsiuk

Comprehensive Assessment of Implant Movement Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: Analysis of Surgical Approach, Implant System, and Imaging Techniques , Jennifer Sabah Polus

Investigation of Human Stem Cell-Derived Network Development Using In Vitro Microelectrode Arrays , Kartik Pradeepan

Striatal Dopamine Neuromodulation in Cognitive Function During Health and Disease , Oren Princz-Lebel

The Signs and Symptoms of Discogenic Low Back Pain , Joe J. Putos

Examining Fragility of Health Systems in Afghanistan: Development and Application of a Theoretical Framework for Fragile Health Systems , Faiza Rab

The Effect of a Single Bout of Sub-Symptom Threshold Aerobic Exercise on Executive Function During Early Sport-Related Concussion Recovery , Alma Rahimidarabad

Analysis of Lagged Compound Droughts and Floods in the Great Lakes Basin: Historical Patterns and Future Projections under Climate Change , Melika Rahimimovaghar


Interprofessional Team-Based Primary Care Practice and Healthcare Utilization for Mental Health and Substance Use , Ethan Rajaratnam

Exploring the Feasibility and Outcomes of Concurrent Parent and Child Mindfulness-Based Interventions , Melissa Read

Exploring Counsellors’ Insights into Effective Support for Clients with Low Income , Skylar Rego


Essays on Entrepreneurial Support and New Firm Exits , Silvia C. Reyes Prieri

Exploring the Professional Development Needs of Teachers Regarding Trauma-and-Violence-Informed-Care , Lisa M. Reynolds

A genome-wide CRISPR screen reveals novel drivers of Enzalutamide resistance in prostate cancer , Michael V. Roes

Elucidating the temporal regulation of protein kinase CK2 by the peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 , Scott E. Roffey

Concepts of Spanish Art Crafted through Exhibitions in Spain, the UK and the US from 1800 to 1939. , Barbara Romero Ferron

The Only Labourer Left: Resituating the Nonhuman Animal in the Language of Labour and the History of Philosophy , Mina Rosefield

Role of Ikzf3 as a Driver Mutation in B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia , Heidi Rysan

A Feasibility Study and Process Evaluation of a Parent-Led Anxiety Intervention Grounded in Modular Cognitive Behavioural Therapy , Amy R. Rzezniczek

Adverse Life Events and Trauma-Informed Care: An Examination of Outcomes and Treatment Considerations , Armush Salahadin

The transition from used fuel container corrosion under oxic conditions to corrosion in an anoxic environment , Elham Salehi Alaei

Investigation of Segregation in Mixing Pharmaceutical Powders using Passive Acoustic Emissions in a V-blender , Omar Salem

Upgrading of Vapors and Gases from Pyrolysis to Valued Added Gaseous Products , Ivan Santiago

Modeling thermosyphon and heat pipe performance for mold cooling applications , Dwaipayan Sarkar

Three Studies on Patterns of Educational Stratification Over Time, Across, and Within Cohorts in Canada and the United States , Stephen Sartor

Hybrid Feedback Control for Autonomous Robot Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance , Mayur Sanjay Sawant

How Different Insulin Administration Routes Affect Hepatic Glycogen Levels after an Aerobic Exercise Bout in Male Rats with Type 1 Diabetes , Amit P. Sayal Mr.

Birds of the ancient Nile: Species identification in Egyptian animal mummies using multi-resolution computed tomography and deep learning image segmentation , Maris A. Schneider

Concussion-Related Symptomatology and Outcomes in Individuals with Mental Health Conditions: Symptom Number and Severity, Balance Performance, and Time Course to Discharge , Kathryn J. Schulze

A Cross-Classified Multilevel Study Investigating Perceptions of Misogyny in Popular Music Presented in the Format of Lyrics , Michelle Schwier

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical Activity of Families Managing Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , Erica Seal

Women's Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Sequential Explanatory Analysis of the Role of Sex, Gender, and Parenthood in the Experiences of Depression and Anxiety , Hoda Seens

Frontoparietal Circuitry Underlying Saccade Control in the Common Marmoset , Janahan Selvanayagam

Strengthening service integration across the mental health care system: An exploration of service complexity and resource intensity among youth in Ontario , Valbona Semovski

Development and validation of the Pain Resilience and Optimism Scale (PROS) , Wonjin Seo

The Study of Titan's Surface using Impact Craters and Analogues , Jahnavi Shah

Views of Multiculturalism in Canada: A Metaphor Study , Kayvan Shakoury

Contribution of Streptolysin O and Streptolysin S to Streptococcus pyogenes Infections in HLA-Transgenic Mice , Blake A. Shannon

Chest Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Texture Measurements of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , Maksym Sharma

Arts-Informed Storytelling: How Arts-Informed Research was Used with Six Indigenous Peoples in London, Ont. , Percy Sherwood

The Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise and Caffeine Ingestion prior to a Mentally-fatiguing Task , Ali Shirzad

Delivery and differentially phosphorylated AKT1 regulation in mammalian cells , Tarana Siddika

Investigating Tree- and Graph-based Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing Applications , Sudipta Singha Roy

Evaluating a Daily Physical Activity (DPA) Toolkit for Elementary School Teachers , Shelby T. Singh


Understanding the Foundations: Systemic Inflammation’s Role in Chronic Axial Pain and Treatment Response , Thivya Sivarajan

“We Make Things Today For Tomorrow”: Artists’ Publishing for the Future , Ruth Skinner

The Influence of Dispositions and Everyday Social Factors on the Hostile Attribution Bias , Mackenzie C. Smith

The Black-to-White Hole Transition , Farshid Soltani

The Perpetual “Outsiders”: Romanian Policies Targeting Roma between 1859-1945 , Cristina Teodora Stoica

Academic Motivation Dimensions and Achievement in University Students , rui sun

Concerto for Piano Duet , Edgar R. Suski

Understanding How Hypoxia Alters the Breast Cancer Proteome in the Context of Molecular Subtypes and Metastatic Organotropism , David P. Susman

The Use and Integration of Web 2.0 and 3.0 Technologies by Adult Arabs Learning English: A Scoping Review Study and a Phenomenographic Case Study of Immigrants to Canada , Hisham Swesi

Nutrients recovery from effluent using membrane distillation. , Arslan Tahir

Framework for Bug Inducing Commit Prediction Using Quality Metrics , Alireza Tavakkoli Barzoki

Transfer RNA Missense Suppressors in Nature and Disease , Rasangi Tennakoon

Human decellularized adipose tissue hydrogels as a novel culture and delivery platform for endothelial colony forming cell-mediated limb revascularization , Agnes Terek

Pain, Postmemory, Porattam: Unpacking historical trauma and community healing through a decolonizing, arts-based participatory action research project with 2nd-generation Tamil refugee young adults. , Vivetha Thambinathan

Older Adolescent Perspectives on the Use of Research within Online Communities , Ahrrabie Thirunavukkarasu

Frameworks that guide race and ethnicity data collection practices in health settings: A scoping review. , Oluwabambi Tinuoye

Well, DAW! That’s Why I Don’t Sound Like the Recording: Music Production in Elementary School Music Education , Johnny Touchette

Essays on Life Cycle Skill Growth and Wage Dynamics: Understanding the Impact of Skill Levels, Personality Traits, and Job Search , Tommas Trivieri

Health Advice from Instagram Influencers on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Their Strategies to Establish and Manipulate Credibility , Vanessa R. Trocchi

Characterizing the hippocampal dentate gyrus involvement in temporal lobe epilepsy , Carolyn Twible

Exploring Perceptions and Unmet Needs of Female Varsity Athletes Surrounding the Effects of the Menstrual Cycle on Training, Performance, and Competition , Kelli Tyndall

Clinical Care of Masters Athletes: A Health Needs Assessment , Princess A. Ulona

Optimizing the Management of Anterior Monteggia Fractures: A Biomechanical Evaluation of Treatment Options , Kirk D. Vannitamby

Stimuli-responsive antibacterial coatings , Monica Vasquez Pena


Fostering Friendship and Acceptance in an Inclusive Summer Day Camp , Emily Villani

Influence of compression in DSL v5.0 fittings on loudness perception and speech recognition in hearing-impaired adults , Solveig C. Voss

The Other Is Speaking: Aesthetics and Politics of Desublimation in the Reconstruction of the Past by Contemporary Mainland Chinese and Chinese North American Women Writers , Hui Wang

Water Dynamics inside Applied Smoldering Processes: Water Phase Change, Water Mobility, and Local Thermal Non-equilibrium , Jiahao Wang

The Sino-Vietnamese War: How to Forget a Victory? , Kunji Wang

Syntheses and Electrospinning of Poly(Amino Acid Ester) Phosphazene Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Applications , Meng Wang

Knowledge-grounded Natural Language Understanding of Biomedical and Clinical Literature , Xindi Wang

Synthesis and Evaluation of Nucleobase Modifications for Peptide Nucleic Acid Studies and Quantitative Analysis of Fluorescent Imidazolocytosines as Potential G-Quadruplex Disruptors , Zi Wang

In Society's Shadow: Identifying Structural Violence in MUNA, a Burial Community from Late Intermediate Period (1100 - 1470 CE) Pachacamac, Peru. , Ashley C. Ward

Posture Dependant Changes in Perceptual Threshold During Light Touch Foot Sole Stimulation , Justin Watts

The Influence of Motion Capture Method, Sex, and Body Mass Index on Lower Extremity Kinematics , Neil Wills

A Musicology of Record Production - Research Creation, Gender, and Creative Reflective Practice in Project-Paradigm Music Production , Lydia Wilton

Hands-On History: Applying a Strong Like Two People Approach to Archaeology Education , Kaylee Woldum

The Impact of Emotional Sounds on Arousal and Task Performance , Brian Wu

Phonological development in Chinese–English bilingual children: A systematic literature review , Lihan Wu

Development of a Novel Direct Ink Writable, Skin-mounted, Wearable Strain Sensor for Human Motion Monitoring , Xiaohan Wu

A Discourse in Strength: Suite for Orchestra , Thomas Yackimec

Black TiO2 NTs and ZnO-TiO2 NTs Heterostructure: Synthesis, Characterization, and Synchrotron-based Spectroscopy Studies , Lu Yao

Towards Understanding and Improving Speech Processing , Sonia Yasmin

Gender/sex differences in COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among refugee, immigrant and migrant populations: An equity-oriented systematic review and meta-analysis , Yasaman Yazdani

Role of ETV5 Mutations in B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia , Joshua S. Yi

Beliefs and Behaviours: The Impact of Partner-Schema Structures on Observable Interactions Between Couples , Fei Ying

The Ecology of American Noir , Katrina Younes

BIM Integrated Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Framework for the Northern Climate , Muna M.Y Younis

Validation of a virtual auditory space, and its use to investigate how pitch and spatial cues contribute to perceptual segregation of auditory streams , Nima Zargarnezhad

One Patient to Hundreds: Molecular Portraits of Common and Rare Diseases in the Head and Neck , Yu Fan (Peter) Zeng

Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) upgrading of pyrolysis bio-oils: developing novel carbon-supported catalysts and addressing process corrosion challenges , Mingyuan Zhang

The Application of Elastic Distance in Astrophysical Time Series , Xiyang Zhang

Investigating the role of two-component regulatory systems in regulating FnBP-A of Staphylococcus aureus , Yunqi Zhang

Human Trophoblast Differentiation In Vitro Within 3D Matrix-Free Cultures , Michael Zheng

Kinome and Phosphor-proteome Dynamics of TCR/PD-1 Signalling and Strategies of Blocking PD-1 Signaling for Novel Immunotherapy , Shanshan Zhong

Computational Thinking (CT) Activities in Mathematics Education for Fourth grade in Jordan: Activities, Benefits, Challenges, and Perspective , Rawia Zuod

Decolonizing Music Education: A Journey of Reflection and Reconciliation , Eric J. Zwicker

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

An integrated assessment to intervention framework with inclusion of the interRAI's Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) tool in care planning for justice involved youth , Safi Abbas

Cluster-based Station Reporting and Multi-AP Coordination in Wi-Fi Networks , zeyad abdelmageid

SUFU in SHH signalling mediated myogenesis , Suleyman Abdullah

Social Connectedness, Adolescent Mental Health and Well-Being at the Later Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Exploration , Sarah Abdunnabi

The Effect of Kidney Preservation at 10°C with Hemopure and Hydrogen Sulfide Donor, Sodium Thiosulfate, in a Syngeneic Model of Rat Renal Transplantation , Maria Abou Taka

Experimental and numerical analysis of laterally loaded paddled H-piles, FE and FD study , Abdelrahman Mahmoud Eldesawy Ahmed Abouzaid Mr.

CIVILIZING THE STAGE: Reform and Theatrical Aesthetics in Colonial Western India (1850-1914) , Abhimanyu Acharya

The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Mental Health Presentations of Young Children , Sarah Adam

Investigating the Effects of Infantile Hydrocephalus on Visuomotor Integration: A Study Utilizing Behavioural and Neuroimaging Analyses , Derya Adil

Exploring The Experiences Of Familial Mental Illness Stigma Among Individuals Living With Mental Illnesses , Joseph Adu

Temperature-controlled partial nitrification for mainstream wastewater deammonification using batch, semi-batch and continuous systems , Niema Afroze

Parameter Estimation for Normally Distributed Grouped Data and Clustering Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data via the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm , Zahra Aghahosseinalishirazi

Examining the Relationship Between Park Design and Children's Park Use and Play Behaviours in London, Ontario using Behaviour Mapping , Alyssa O. Aglipay

Teachers’ Work: Communicating on Difficult Knowledge in Ontario Schools , Zsofia Agoston Villalba

Application of Crystal Engineering in Multicomponent Pharmaceutical Crystals: A Study of Theory and Practice , Soroush Ahmadi Nasrabadi

Force Variability and Neural Control Differences in an Upper and Lower Limb Muscle , Kherto Ahmed

Enhancing the Performance of NMT Models Using the Data-Based Domain Adaptation Technique for Patent Translation , Maimoonah Ahmed

A Single Bout of Passive Exercise Mitigates a Mental Fatigue-Induced Inhibitory Control Deficit , Joshua Ahn

The Effect of Categorization on Investment Decisions: Three Essays in the Fintech Industry , Jungsoo Ahn

Exploration of Force in Movement and Perception in Parkinson’s Disease , Caroline Stefanie Aitken

Valued Strategies in the Development and Implementation of Interprofessional Education Placements , Olajumoke Akintomide

Dynamic Characterization-based Structural Optimization and Model Order Reduction for Axisymmetric Shell Resonators , Yoshika Alahakoon

Autonomous 3D Urban and Complex Terrain Geometry Generation and Micro-Climate Modelling Using CFD and Deep Learning , Tewodros F. Alemayehu

Latina Immigrant Women’s Experiences of Higher Education and Leadership: An Intersectional Perspective , Isabella Alencar Maroja Chaves

Towards Zero Touch Next Generation Network Management , sam aleyadeh

Nurse-Hero Discussion on Twitter: A Social Network Analysis and Qualitative Content Analysis , Amna Ali

The Effects of Glucocorticoids on Th2 Cell Phenotype and Function , MohdWessam Al Jawhri

Sex and Gender Differences in Arthritis Health Information , Tania Al-jilawi

The impact of Authentic Leadership, Structural Empowerment, Psychological Empowerment, Interpersonal Conflict, and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention among Early Career Nurses in Saudi Arabia. , Ohood Ali Alkaabi miss

The Metaphysics of Modernism and the Aesthetics of Reason in Wittgenstein, Deleuze, and Others , M. Curtis Allen

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation , Fadi AlMahamid

Exploring Translanguaging and Identity among Jordanian Graduate Students in Ontario , Mohamad Almashour

Monitoring Remediation of Organic Contaminants using Electrical Resistivity and Induced Polarization Techniques , Angelos Almpanis

Water Decontamination via Electrodialysis , Baian Almusned

Characterization of A Novel Mouse Model Expressing Human 82-kDa Choline Acetyltransferase: Potential Role in Physiological and Pathological Aging , Hadir EmadElDin AlQot

Invariant Object Recognition in Deep Neural Networks and Humans , Haider Al-Tahan

Justice and Meaningful Work , Caleb Althorpe

Structural magnetic resonance imaging in Parkinson’s disease and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder , Erind Alushaj

Patterned Heating Induced Propulsion , Saajid A. Aman

Assessing the accuracy of Wearable sensor-based motion capturing system application in shoulder movement measurements , Leila Amirfakhrian

Strategic Supplier Dynamics and Decision-making in Supply Chain Management: Exploring Market Segmentation, Copycatting, and Encroachment , Shobeir Amirnequiee

Classification of DDoS Attack with Machine Learning Architectures and Exploratory Analysis , Amreen Anbar

Synovial Histopathology Across a Spectrum of Hip Disorders: From Pre-Arthritic Femoroacetabular Impingement to Advanced Osteoarthritis , Ronan James Anderson

Insatisfacción y tácticas de oposición: tres novelas de formación femenina en América Latina (1870-1940) , Andrea Angel Baquero

Effect of rearing conditions on the allocation of larval and adult acquired essential and nonessential fatty acids to flight in two adult Lepidoptera: Danaus plexippus and Mythimna unipuncta , Libesha Anparasan

SSL Everywhere: Leveraging HSMs for Enhanced Intra-Domain Security , Yazan Aref

Towards Clinical Microscopic Fractional Anisotropy Imaging , Nico JJ Arezza

The Attainment of Obstetrical Competency in Postgraduate Family Medicine Training: A Qualitative Study , Nisha Arora

Integrative data analysis to uncover genes and pathways underlying the aggressiveness and invasion patterns of lung cancer brain metastasis , Reza Asakereh

Multi-view Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Brain-Computer Interfaces , Sepehr Asgarian

Improved Protein Sequence Alignments Using Deep Learning , Seyed Sepehr Ashrafzadeh

The Modulation of LFP Characteristics In The Freely Moving Common Marmoset , William JM Assis

NATO Cyber Defence, 2000-2022 , Ryan J. Atkinson

Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Nucleotide Prodrugs Against SARS-CoV-2 , Mohammed Attaelmanan

Hiring Criteria and Employability of ESL/EFL Instructors in the TESOL Job Market in Canada and the United Arab Emirates , Shaden S. Attia

Exploring the Experience of Disclosing in the Workplace , Jillian Auger

Indigenous Energy Justice: Multitemporalities, Natural Law, and Decolonial Governance in Anishinaabeg Pipeline Resistance , Sakihitowin Awasis

Effect of process parameters on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber epoxy composites by wet compression molding , Saboora Ayatollahi

Systemic, Institutional, and Teaching Factors in the Delivery of Interprofessional Education Curriculum in Canada , Mohammad B. Azzam

Interplay of Forces in Impinging Jet Flow and Circular Hydraulic Jump , Abdelkader Baayoun

Understanding Urban Energy Landscapes through a territorialization lens: a comparative case study of energy use in two eco-districts - Parc Marianne, Montpellier and Olympic Village, Vancouver , Dominica Babicki

Engaging Clinicians to Develop a Meaningful Digital Outcome Measurement Tool to Improve Implementation of The Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS) , Boshra Bahrami

Multi-Dimensional QoS and Collaborative MAC Layer Design for Dense, Diverse, and Dynamic IoT Network , Jiyang Bai

An Exploration of Queer Women's Relationship with the Body and Physical Activity , Jade A. Bailey

Spontaneous Simulation of Future and Past Events , Mackenzie Bain

Developing and Validating a Measure of Transformational Followership , Noelle Baird

The effect of dietary thiaminase on cardiac function and morphology in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) , Peter Baker

Using an Evolutionary Framework to Test the Social Functions of Risky Behavior in Emerging Adulthood , Michal Bak

Transferring organelles into native neurons: A disease-modifying therapy for neurodegenerative disorders , Lohiny Balendran

An Examination of the International Court of Justice’s Approach to Customary International Law , Janet Adewumi Bamigbose

Computer Vision-Based Hand Tracking and 3D Reconstruction as a Human-Computer Input Modality with Clinical Application , Tania Banerjee

Continuous Authentication in the Digital Age: An Analysis of Reinforcement Learning and Behavioural Biometrics , Priya Bansal

The introduction of nursery seedlings and their fungi to a spruce-fir forest in Newfoundland , Alicia G. Banwell

Evaluating Phosphorylation as a Potential Regulator of ADT5 in Arabidopsis thaliana , Eileen Barac

No Smoke Without Fire — and Vice Versa: Keystone XL and the Climate Debate , Julian Barg

The Phenomenology and Intentionality of Normative-Evaluative Experience , Shawn K. Bartlett

Mechanisms of Impaired Efferocytosis of Synovial Macrophages in Knee Osteoarthritis , Jasika Bashal

Multiparametric Classification of Tumor Treatment Using Ultrasound Microvascular Imaging , mahsa bataghva

The influence of knee position and sex on ultrasound imaging of femoral cartilage characteristics , Harry Battersby

The 1900s Southwestern Ontario Sand Sucker Panic , Mary E. Baxter

Malperfusion Syndrome in the Setting of Type A Aortic Dissection , Karama Yaslam Karama Bayamin

“The Dignity of Being Called Americans”: American Identity and Portrayals of Canadians in the American Press, 1754-1812 , Jonathan Bayer

Developing and testing a miniaturized in situ XRD for a Mars rover , Dana Michael Beaton

Elucidating the neural circuitry underlying social spacing in Drosophila melanogaster through the lens of neuroligin 3 , Abigail T. Bechard

A Comparison of Methods to Identify the Mean Response Time of Ramp-Incremental Exercise for Exercise Prescription , Nikan Behboodpour

The Application of MICP for Strengthening of Mine Tailings and Peats , Hamed Behzadipour

Visual Cortical Traveling Waves: From Spontaneous Spiking Populations to Stimulus-Evoked Models of Short-Term Prediction , Gabriel B. Benigno

Musical Behaviours, Dispositions, and Tendencies: Exploring Church Music-Making Through a Theory of Practice , Laura E. Benjamins

Experimental analysis and online monitoring/classification of surface formation uniformity and laser remelting process stability using NIR and SWIR emission imaging , Daniel Beyfuss

Development of reverse genetics tools in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae , Nivitha Bhaskar


Understanding real-world and laboratory traumatic brain injury (TBI) using the computational model with brain functional regions , Kewei Bian

Thermal and Fluid Evolution of the Clearwater West Impact-Generated Hydrothermal System, Quebec, and Associated Astrobiological Implications , Daliah R. Bibas

The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on conditioned disgust: Expanding the rodent model of lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced anticipatory nausea , Indra R. Bishnoi

Differentiated Performance in Native and Instructed Nonnative Spanish: The impact of task demands and individual differences during performance with grammatical gender , Martha Black

A Comparative Analysis of the Early Twentieth-Century Music Appreciation and Community Music Movements in the United States , Andrew J. Blimke

Moments of meeting: 'Intersubjective encounters' and ‘emancipatory’ experiences of individuals with (intellectual) disabilities in inclusive musical contexts , Caroline Blumer

Grounds for a "Third Place": The "Starbucks Experience," Sirens, and Space , Michael A. Bodkin

Shoe Modifications and Foot Health: A Case Study from Roman Britain , Casey Elizabeth Kay Boettinger

"That's the Way I Am, Heaven Help Me": The Role of Pronunciation in Billy Bragg's Music , Mary Blake Bonn

Championing Inclusive Education in Canada: Voices of Educators, Advocates, and Researchers , Sydney K. Bota

Use of Resting State Functional MRI and functional NIRS for Language Localization in Presurgical Evaluation of Children with Drug Resistant Epilepsy , Juan S. Bottan

Understanding the Knowledge Translation Practices of Environmental Health Officers in Canada: A Mixed Methods Study , Shawna Bourne-Shields

Public Art as a Therapeutic Landscape , Sarah Anne Bradshaw

Examining the Paradox of Adult Second Language Word and Grammar Learning , Leah Brainin

Science Attitudes of Students Enrolled in an Introductory Environmental Science Course , Rajan Brar

The Predictors of Multimorbidity (defined as diabetes + hypertension) Amongst Males Aged 15-54 in India: An Analysis of the NFHS-5 , Vikramjit Brar

Arctic Lake Response to Warming: A Paleolimnological Investigation in the Northwest Territories, Canada , Brittany Brasier


Automatic Classification and Segmentation of Patterned Martian Ground Using Deep Learning Techniques , Ruthy Brito

The Process of Art Creation Among Mothers from Ontario Who Have Experienced Gender-Based Violence , Madison L. Broadbent

Evaluating the Biomechanical, Functional, and Clinical Outcomes of Bicruciate Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty , Jordan S. Broberg

Neural responses to magnetic orientation information in songbirds , Madeleine IR Brodbeck

Polynomial Density Of Compact Smooth Surfaces , Luke P. Broemeling

The Biopolitics of Gentrification:Re-imagining and Re-membering London, Ontario's Old East Village , S B

Post-breeding survival of adult and hatch-year Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) in the Great Lakes region: a radio telemetry study , Christian M.M Buchanan-Fraser

Design Strategies for Boron Difluoride Formazanate Dyes with Near-Infrared Optical Properties , Francis L. Buguis

Spike-Time Neural Codes and their Implication for Memory , Alexandra Busch

Investigating the role of miRNA-378-3p and its target PDIA-4 in endothelial cells , Shuhan Bu

Exploring How Mothers With A History Of Intimate Partner Violence Experienced The COVID-19 Pandemic , Emma Jane Butler

Canada's Evergreen Playground: A History of Snow in Vancouver , M Blake Butler

A Scoping Review of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Higher Education , Sarah Caimano

The Concept of Trust in Newly-formed versus Long-term Romantic Relationships , Omar Jordan Camanto

Effect of Acute Exercise on Muscle and Liver Glucose Metabolism in T1DM Rodents , Justin A. Camenzuli

The Perceptions of the Real Estate Sector on Pluvial Flooding in London, Ontario , Emilia Cameron

Multiple endpoints in randomized controlled trials: a review and an illustration of the global test , Lindsay Cameron

Poetics in Transit: Indigenous, Diasporic, and Settler Women’s Contemporary Writing in Canada , Christine Campana

Concussion Injury in Working-Aged Canadian Adults: Influences on Life and Livelihood , William N. Campbell

Mineralogy, Petrology, and Shock History of Martian Regolith Breccia , Fengke Cao

Towards Patient Specific Mitral Valve Modelling via Dynamic 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography , Patrick Carnahan

Developing a Finite Element Model for Evaluating the Posterior Tibial Slope in a Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy , VIctor Alexander Carranza

Mechanisms of lactic acid bacteria secretions as anti-Helicobacter pylori agents , Daelyn Carroll

Too Many Constructs in the Kitchen: Toward a Feature-Based Approach to Mistreatment , Sarah Carver

Single-Subject Writing Strategy Instruction: A Meta-Analysis , Madelyn A. Casola

Characterization of Deposited Copper Oxide Films on Copper Substrates , Millicent Castillo

Islamic Ethical Considerations on Medical Decision-Making in Adolescence , Nuray Catic

Development of an EMG-informed neuromusculoskeletal modelling framework to measure knee joint contact forces during walking in patients with medial dominant knee osteoarthritis and varus alignment , Dominique Cava

The Embodied Rhetoric of Cognitive Labour , Shubhayan Chakrabarti

Multimodal connectivity of the human basal forebrain , Sudesna Chakraborty

Developing Youth-informed and Quality-aware Spatial Accessibility Measures to Urban Parks Using a Survey-based 2SFCA Method in London, Ontario and Halifax, Nova Scotia , Zhe Chang

Disordered Eating Behaviours in Adolescents with and without a Formal ED Diagnosis: Comparing Individual and Contextual Factors , Eve G. Chapnik

Factors that contribute to Teachers' Self-Efficacy for Inclusive Teaching: :A Thematic Analysis , Evan Charles

Neural dynamics of visual processes in challenging visibility conditions , Saba Charmi Motlagh

Teacher Anxiety and Resilience as Socio-ecological Experience: A Critical Ethnography of Early-career English as an Additional Language Teachers in Post-pandemic Ontario, Canada , Aide Chen

Study of Behaviour Change and Impact on Infectious Disease Dynamics by Mathematical Models , Tianyu Cheng

Systematic Literature Review: Literacy Practices in Chinese Immigrant Families , Qingning Chen

Statistical modelling and applications for sustainable-development goals , Yiyang Chen

Superheated melts in hypervelocity meteorite impact craters: Evidence from terrestrial craters , Neeraja Chinchalkar

Investigating the clinical and microbial factors contributing to calcium-containing kidney stone disease , John A. Chmiel

Investigating Novel Luminescent Materials Towards Applications in Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells , Kenneth Chu

Regulation of Health AI Chatbots in Ontario , Mingi Chu

Oligo [poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate] gels with photo-sensitive pendent groups , Andrew Chung

Improving the Reliability and Accessibility of CT Perfusion Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke , Kevin J. Chung

Flow Characterization over Biomimetic Fish Scale Arrays , Isaac NR Clapp Mr.

Fluoroscopic Guided Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Placement: An Analysis of Pelvic Catheter Positioning and Early Catheter Flow Dysfunction , David Clark

Observation and Modelling of Meter-Class Earth impacting Asteroids , David L. Clark

Undressing Consent –Preliminary Evaluation of a Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Program , Angelina M. Cleroux

Genetic Tools Towards A Synthetic Biology Approach For Whole Mitochondrial Genome Engineering , Ryan R. Cochrane

The Neural Control of Force Production in Response to Directional Force Challenges , Joshua W. Cohen

Analysis and Characterization of Embroidered Textile Strain Sensors for Use in Wearable Mechatronic Devices , Jose Guillermo Colli Alfaro

The role of DLC1β in attenuating cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury during heart transplantation , Samantha L. Collings

The Prevalence of Ontario Undergraduate University Students Meeting the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines and the Role of Perceived Social Support , Nia Contini

Catalytic Consequences of Catalyst Pellet Architecture on the Methanol to Oxymethylene Process , Sebastian M K Cook

Nurse-Assisted Injection: Perceptions of Dependent Injectors in Ontario, Canada , Emelia C. Cormack

Maturation of default mode network functional connectivity strength in utero and the association with subcortical macrostructure: mapping brain ontogeny supporting early cognitive processing , Susana Correa

Neural responses in the lateral prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of macaques navigating virtual environments , Benjamin W. Corrigan

Exploring the Role of the Nurse in Supporting Breastfeeding among Indigenous Women in Canada: A Scoping Review of the Literature , Lindsey Corrigan

Examining the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a self-compassion intervention in physical education class for adolescent girls , Vanessa Coulbeck

Disabling Consent: Discourses of Disability and Inclusion in Ontario's Early Childhood Education and Care in 1994 , Laura E. Coulman Ms.

Fracture Prediction and Prevention in Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease , Andrea C.J. Cowan

(In)Dependence, Socio-sexual Relationships, and Sexual Health Among Adults with Mild Intellectual Disability (MID): A Critical, Qualitative Exploration , Vanessa L.E. Cox Ms

Developing Bioactive Hydrogels Containing Cell-derived Extracellular Matrix for Bone and Cartilage Repair , Ali Coyle

Investigation of Thermofluid Processes in a PCM Based Thermal Storage Module , Luca M. Crnjac

Multivariate Regression Analysis for Data with Measurement Error, Missing Values, and/or Sparsity Structures , Jingyu Cui

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ElProCus – Electronic Projects for Engineering Students

Electronics Projects for Engineering Students

The most demanding projects in the engineering field are electronics projects because they are very common for electronics, instrumentation, biomedical, and electrical engineering students. We all know that life without electricity for a single day we cannot imagine because it has become like a part of our life. So, learning the basic concepts of electronics is very essential as well as beneficial. There are different concepts in electronics which deals with different circuits. The concepts may include resistors, capacitors, diodes, integrated circuits, microcontrollers, etc. This article list electronics projects for engineering students. These projects are very helpful for ECE/EIE/EEE students.

The following electronics projects are very useful for ECE and EEE engineering students.

Electronics Projects

Voting Machine in Cellular using Microcontroller

At present in elections, EVM or electronic voting machine is used. Here the proposed system is introduced namely cellular-based voting machine using microcontroller. This system includes two units like a voting unit and a master unit. The arrangement of a voting unit can be done anywhere but the master unit can be placed within a control system. The voting unit includes a DTMF for generating a tone. This tone can be transmitted toward the master unit using the FM transmitter. The master unit includes a DTMF decoder, FM receiver, Display Unit & Microcontroller. This tone can be received through the receiver & decodes by a microcontroller then displays on LCD.

Identification of Power Theft using Micro Controller

Every year, the rate of power theft has been increasing so to the electricity board it has become a big challenge. Because of this reason, the electricity board getting a total of 8% of revenue. To overcome this problem, here is a system namely power theft identification. This project identifies the power theft & intimates to the board via the power line.

Conversion of CD Player from Audio to Video

We know that audio CDs are used to play audio CDs only. These can also be converted to play video CDs. The CD player used for audio has a mechanism to play the CDs of video excluding a MPEG card. This card can be included in the CD player which is readily accessible in the marketplace. This card plays a key role in decomposing the data from CD player & changes into video signals in a proper way before supplying it to the TV.

Detection of Over Speed Automatically

In India, day by day increasing the number of road accidents due to over speed. To overcome this problem, a device is invented namely a speed detector. The main feature of this device is, it operates from the distance of 100m so that over speed the vehicle is simply identified. As compared with the normal speed detector, this detector doesn’t work on the Doppler Effect; however, it works on extremely consistent laser beams. Another benefit of using this device is, it can be used on any kind of road & transferable easily.

RFID Based Door Access Control

The conception of entrance control is brought about by the mean of a card, a parallel card reader, and a control board that is amalgamated with the server. This is a proximity card with a unique ID number incorporated in it. The card reader interprets the data and sends it to the control board, which is a microcontroller. This microcontroller tests the legality of the data with the incorporated server, which abides the database. The attached server is uploaded with the details of the worker for that unique ID number.

The control board confirms whether the person is permitted to enter the precise door or not. If the worker is genuine, then the person is permitted to enter the door.

The workers can be allowed in a particular doorway as per the designation. The entry control is used at this end. RFID technology employs frequencies inside the range of 50 kHz to 2.5 GHz. An RFID mechanism usually comprises the following constituents:

  • An RFID device that encloses data
  • An antenna employed to broadcast the RF signals amid the reader and the RFID machine
  • An RF transceiver that produces the RF indications

A reader that collects RF broadcasts from an RFID machine and passes the data to the host system for further action.

Automatic Solar Tracker

Automatic Solar Tracker

The automatic solar tracker begins to follow the SUN exactly from sunrise, all through the day, till sunset, and begins the work all over again from sunrise the next day. On hazy weather day, it lingers motionless and grasps the SUN yet again as it peeps out of clouds. It does all this mechanically, by employing inexpensive and economical constituents, and is extremely accurate. Let us make out how all this is done.

There are 3 Electronic sections to be elucidated. First is the parallel sensor section. It makes use of the 555 timer IC in the mono-stable approach. Pin 2 or trigger pin of 555 is hooked up with a power separator network. Pin 4 which can be reset is hooked up with an extra power separating network.

Don’t Miss: Latest innovative  Electrical Projects for Students.

Cell Phone Operated Land Rover

Cell Phone Operated Land Rover

Traditionally, wireless controlled robots make use of RF (radio frequency) circuits , which have their disadvantages of restricted operational range, limited frequency range, and limited control. This project introduces the use of the mobile phone for robotic control.  This technology is more controller friendly as it doesn’t interfere with other controllers and can use up to twelve controls.  It also has the advantages of robust control and provides a working range as large as the coverage area of the service provider. Although the look and capabilities of these robots vary, they share mechanically movable structures under some form of control. The robots are controlled in three phases namely reception, processing, and action. Here preceptors are sensors mounted on the robot and the processing is done by an on-board microcontroller or processor . This robot works either with the help of motors or with some other actuators.

The robot is controlled by making a call on the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of the call if any button is pressed a ‘dual-tone multiple-frequency’ (DTMF) tone is heard at the other end of the call. The cell phone mounted on the robot perceives this tone and then the robot processes it by the ATmega16 microcontroller with the help of DTMF decoder MT8870.

Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter

The main aim of this project is to create a controller-based model to calculate the number of human beings tripping any particular space and as a result, illuminate the space. At this juncture, we can make use of sensors and can make out the number of persons present in the space at the moment. In the present world, there is a constant requirement for mechanical appliances with a boost in the standard of living; there is an intellect of importance for creating circuits that would lessen the complications of life. Also if at all one desires to make out the number of individuals present in the room so as not to enclose overcrowding. This circuit is extremely helpful.

PC Based Wireless Appliance Control

The corresponding port of the personal computer is a controlling podium for executing projects transacting with the control of real-world peripherals. It can be utilized to control domestic and other electric appliances. The computer program in the course of the interface circuit manages the relays, which, in return, turn the appliances ON or OFF. Here we explain how to control wireless electric appliances from a distant position by making use of the RF (radio frequency) module.

For this personal computer (PC) based wireless appliance controlling system, you require to intend and build up the necessary hardware & software. The corresponding port of the PC is employed controlling the appliances at the broadcaster side. The RF edge is employed as a substitute for the IR to conquer all the disadvantages of the IR interface. The PC indicators are broadcasted from the RF transmitter and acknowledged by the RF recipient.

Solar Mobile Phone Charger Circuit

This small device makes use of a tiny three-volt solar cell to charge a six volt NiCad battery set which, in return, possibly is employed to charge lots of models of mobile phones and other handy gadgets. The circuit “search” power from the solar battery by keeping it loaded close to 1.5 volts (utmost energy transferable value) and trickle charges the inner battery set with current pulses. The uncomplicated circuit is not as efficient as possible but it handles a reputable 70% at 100 mA from the battery and 30% when the battery is supplying only 25 pretty excellent mA without leaving for a lot additional problem or making use of other foreign or unwanted constituents.

Note: This circuit is planned for making use of a low voltage battery to charge a high voltage battery. Don’t employ it to charge a battery at the equal or low voltage than the cells produce. The circuit desires a battery load to toil efficiently. Various cell phone models have different charging necessities and this charger possibly will not labor with all those models.

Finger Print Based Security System

Finger Print Based Secuirty System

This fingerprint project is created to evade the security issues of organizations. In this project, the fingerprint sensor reads the thumbprint of the related individual and that copy will be contrasted with the image registered prior, if both the images are matching, then the fingerprint machine activates precise task such as the right to enter a protected area, detection of the member of staff, etc. The project comprises 2 approaches, the primary one is the master approach and the next is the user approach.

The master approach is employed to record the fresh user and provides the method of permission. The master approach can generate and erase the users from the system. A user approach is a normal approach employed for the verification of a member of staff. In the user approach of permission, the formation and removal of an existing user cannot be done. The key idea of this project is to grant the authentic right of entry to various divisions in a company by reading the employee’s thumbprint.

Wireless Control Of Robotic Arm

The main aim of the robotic arm project is by employing the rf-FSK method to control the robotic arm. The principles mainly employed to develop in designing the industrialized applications which are supple and simply improved to use in the near future.

There is a big issue in a number of industries where a human being cannot toil. This is because the temperature of the industrial room is more than a temperature that is suitable for human working. In order to conquer the difficulty of high-temperature wireless control, the robotic arm was designed. This robotic arm is brought into play for working in those circumstances where human beings cannot work and also the robotic arm can be controlled by bringing into play wireless method which is in trendy these days.

The wireless method employed in our assignment is rf-FSK. This robotic arm circuit is interfaced with a microcontroller (P89C51R2) , keypad, and Motors. The motors are connected with each other creating a robot’s arm which is again interfaced with a panel enabled with keys to control.

Electronic Notepad

The main intention of our project is to design & put forward a handy electronic notepad. The notepad will comprise of a touch screen with a storage memory to accumulate data written. This notepad will give the facility to transfer data to a computer as and when required. This transfer is done with the help of software that interprets the data & displays on the screen. The notepad has high accuracy & fast sampling rate which will help in displaying the exact drawing which you made. A microcontroller & SD card is interfaced with the notepad’s circuit. At your command, the microcontroller transfers the data to the SD card of the computer with the help of a serial connection.

Human being Skin as Touch Screen

The mobile industry has brought many revolutionary changes in the field of mobile, from big & bulky handsets to small & portable sets, from keypad operation to touch screen facility. This project aims at using human skin arms or palm or leg as a touch screen panel. All you need to do is wear a band in your wrist, which will display all the data from your mobile to your skin & you can use it as a touch screen technology as in Iphones. To execute further actions you just need to type the command on your skin & with the aid of an acoustic sensor, this sensor reads the command from your skin & executes it. The acoustic sensor is employed to analyze the precise tissue density and extra biometric data from your skin, to decide the kind of command you have specified.

While traveling around the world you may wonder a little & appreciate the structures & other man-made creations then at this time you may thank the technologies of engineering , with the help of engineering theories several revolutionary changes have been made in human life. Regardless of what engineering field you are in–whether it be mechanical, aerospace, electric, electronics, or material handling–engineering procedures are critical as well as interesting.

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Advanced Electronics Projects List

The advanced electronics mini projects list is discussed below.

IR Sensor-based Car Parking Security

This project is used to give an alert to the car driver while parking the car or while he driving in the reverse direction if there is any wall or obstacle occurs.

Circuit Breaker using Password

The design of this project can be done with the help of an 8051 controller. This project is mainly used to deactivate the power supply by entering a secret word.

Remote Control System for Five Channel using Microcontroller

This project is used to design a simple & easy five-channel based remote control system, used to drive 5 different loads. This project uses the IR communication principle.

AT89C51 Microcontroller based Thermometer with Celsius Scale

The designing of this Thermometer can be done using AT89C51 & LM35. This circuit mainly uses the A/D conversion principle. This circuit is used at mobile places, homes for tracking the temperature.

Door Bell based on the Detection of Object

This doorbell project is used to detect the object that helps in sensing the existence of a person automatically & generates the doorbell.

Breaking Alarm through Wire Loop

This project works like a continuity tester device to test the stability of the wire. It is an essential tool to ensure broken wires as well as shorting of wires.

ICL7107 based Digital Voltmeter Circuit

This project is used to design an A/D converter that works like a digital voltmeter with less power. It uses an ICL7107 A/D converter that includes a 7-segment decoder, a CLK, a reference & display drivers.

Charger Circuit for Battery using Solar Energy

This circuit is used to charge a rechargeable Lead-acid battery with 6V, 4.5 mAh with the help of a solar panel. This charger includes the regulation of voltage, current & facility of over voltage cut off. At constant voltage, this circuit is used to charge any kind of battery at a stable voltage due to adjustable output voltage.

Robot for Detecting Human with 8051 Microcontroller

This project is used to design a robot for detecting the human with the help of a human detection sensor. This robot can be operated manually with the help of a PC. The technology used in this project is RF wireless technology. By using this technology, data transmission can be done.

Home Automation System through DTMF

The proposed system like an automation system for home using DTMF will help in controlling different appliances in the home. So DTMF plays a key role in controlling the appliances.

GSM based Electronic Notice Board Wirelessly

This project is designed with GSM technology using a microcontroller. Here microcontroller plays a key role in displaying the data on liquid crystal display, the data which we transmit through the mobile.

Audio Mixer Circuit through Multi-Channel

The circuit-like audio mixing includes two MIC inputs as well as two line inputs. If we want to enhance the input channels based on the usage then the additional circuits can be added in parallel to this circuit.

Power Generation through Footstep

The proposed system namely generating power through footstep is used to charge mobile phones.

Solar Panel based Robotic Vehicle Controlled through RF

The project Solar panel-based robotic vehicle-controlled through RF is used to monitor an area. This robot can be built with a solar panel and a camera with 350 degrees. This robot can be controlled through RF and mainly used for security purposes.

Alarm Generation Anti-Sleep Truck Drivers

This project designs an alarm system for anti-sleep drivers. This system is used to check the eye movement of the driver continuously. If this system detects that the vehicle driver in a sleepy condition, then an alarm can be generated to give an alert to the vehicle driver to the person to awake from the sleepy condition.

Electronics Mini Projects

The list of mini electronics projects for engineering students includes the following.

Street Light Project

This simple project is mainly used for designing a street light system. This street light will turn OFF in day time and turn ON at night time. This project is designed with an LDR or light-dependent sensor. In order to detect the light that is required to make a decision when to deactivate or activate the circuit. In this project, LDR uses the principle like the occurrence of light will cause the resistance of the LDR sensor to set off low. This circuit can be changed by using LEDs instead of a lamp. This project is very simple to design and not expensive.

SCR based Charger for Battery

In electronics, this is one of the simple projects. In this project, a simple circuit is designed for charging the batteries. An SCR or Silicon Controlled Rectifier is utilized for rectifying the mains voltage for charging the battery. This circuit can be designed with fundamental transistor switching techniques & different electrical and electronic components are used which are obtainable in different electronics shops.

Detector Circuit for Air Flow

This project is mainly used to make an indicator so that the airflow rate can be illustrated in a given space. The detection of airflow can be done with the help of a filament of an incandescent bulb. The changes because of the resistance change within the incandescent because of the airflow are set to the input of an LM339 op-amp.

Water Level based Alarm Circuit

This project is used to generate an alarm once the water level increases above a fixed level. This circuit is designed with a basic astable-multivibrator designed with an IC 555 timer.

A resistance probe is placed on a position where the alarm is turned ON, once the water level increase to the set level. This circuit uses fewer components & it can be simply connected on a printed circuit board.

Alarm Circuit for Fire with Low Cost

This project is used to detect fire and generates an alarm. Therefore, it gives an alert to the people where it is connected in the building. A BC177 transistor is used to detect the temperature generated because of the fire. A preset level can be set aside for the transistor. Once the temperature increases beyond the fixed level, then the leakage current from the transistor increases, therefore other transistors within the circuit can function. This circuit uses a relay for switching the bell load. The components used for the circuit can be attained simply & this circuit is very simple to design.

FM Radio Circuit with Single Chip

This is a simple project mainly applicable to engineering students. A TDA7000 IC is used in this circuit with an FLL (Frequency-Locked-Loop) system with a 70 kHz frequency. This circuit is very simple to design and low cost.

Circuit for Digital Stop Watch

This project includes a digital watch that can be designed with a 555 timer IC as well as a 4-bit digit counter IC. The IC used in this project is IC MM&4C926 & a 7-segment display. The assembling of this circuit can be done on PCB easily.

High &Low Voltage Cut-off through Delay & Alarm

This project is used as a simple project as well as a major project at a home for electrical appliances. This project is used to defend high voltage fluctuations. This circuit can be designed with simple electronic components such as diodes, LED, transistors, and a monostable multivibrator with an IC 555 timer. This circuit can also be changed to an automatic voltage stabilizer with some easy modification in the circuit.

Switch Circuit Activated through Light

This circuit is designed with a comparator LM311 & an LDR The LDR output is given to the inverting terminal of the comparator. When there is no light at LDR, the resistance will be high similarly, when the light falls on LDR, then the resistance will be dropped. So the voltage will be reduced at the input terminal of the comparator. So the comparator generates high o/p so that transistor will be turned ON to make the relay ON.

Indicator for Incoming Call in Mobile

This project is used to run away from the annoyance of mobile rings when we are at home. This project gives a visual sign when it is placed close to a mobile phone even if the ring is disabled.

Wireless Lock System through OTP

This project uses OTP (one-time password) for the locking system with Bluetooth & Arduino. Once an unauthorized person tries to open it, it will generate an OTP every time. A key-based locking system is not used because there is a chance of key robbery or loss. So to overcome this, an OTP based wireless locking system is designed. By using this, all the problems & security threats can be reduced.

Infrared Contactless Thermometer using Phone

At present, checking the human body regularly is essential without connecting the measuring device. So, an infected person is detected instantly without spreading the illness. Here, a measuring device for temperature measurement without contact like a thermometer is necessary everywhere.

At present, a contactless thermometer based on Bluetooth is developed. It has the capacity of thermal screening which is incorporated into our mobile phones. So, to change our mobiles into a contactless thermometer, initially, we need to attach our mobiles to a sensor using Bluetooth for providing us the reading of temperature within an app. By using USB also we can obtain data on our phone from the sensor.

Digital Electronics Projects

Digital electronics can be defined as the study of digital signals and the devices which use or generates digital signals. This is quite dissimilar to analog signals as well as analog devices. Generally, the designing of digital electronic circuits can be done using logic gates which are frequently enclosed in ICs. Please refer to this link to know more about Digital Electronics Projects.

Digital Electronics Projects

Biomedical Electronics Projects

The concepts in the biomedical projects mainly include different design concepts of biology and medicine used for healthcare purposes like diagnostic/therapeutic. The applications of biomedical engineering mainly comprise the expansion of biocompatible prostheses, different therapeutic & diagnostic medical devices like clinical, micro-implants, and common imaging devices like EEGs & MRIs. Biomedical electronics projects are discussed below.

Health Monitoring of Patient using GSM

The proposed system is used to monitor the health condition of the patient like pulse rate, temperature, and humidity using sensors. These sensors get information from the health parameters. Once the sensors get the data, it sends it to the Microcontroller. After that, the microcontroller transmits to the user through an SMS with the help of a GSM modem. Finally, this data can be displayed over LCD. If the readings of the patient on display are abnormal then an alarm can be generated.

Baby Incubator based on SMS & GSM

The proposed system is designed with GSM technology and used in hospitals. This system uses two sensors like temperature & humidity. Once the temperature of a baby increases above the threshold level, then an SMS can be sent to the doctor/caretaker.

Arduino &IOT based Health Monitoring of Patient

The proposed system can be designed with an Arduino board & IoT. In this project, various parameters can be monitored with the help of IoT. So, the patient’s real-time parameters are transmitted to the cloud through the connection of the Internet to a remote location. So finally the user can check the patient details from anyplace in the world.

Ambulance Tracker through GPS

Ambulance tracking is very important because a min delay can lead to the life or death of a person. To overcome this problem, the proposed system is designed namely an ambulance tracker using GPS technology. At present, the GPS tracking system is applied to ambulances. So that the user can track the availability of ambulance near to the location of the patient. So that ambulance can be sent from the hospital to the location of the patient in less time.

Tracking System for Soldiers

Worldwide, the security of the nation mainly depends on the navy, army, and air force. But army soldiers play a key role. There are many worries regarding soldier security. Once any soldier enters into the enemy lines then it is very important to the army base station for knowing the health status and location of all soldiers. To overcome this problem, this project is used to track the soldier and his health condition during the war.

Router for Telephone

This router for telephone projects can be designed with a microprocessor-based system. This system is used for routing telephone calls to a variety of parties through initializing specified switches. This is a very helpful device particularly for the areas where telephone density is very poor.

Local PCO Meter

The proposed system namely the local PCO meter is used for barring Mobile, STD & ISD calls. After the required interval, this project automatically cuts the call but before cutting the call this system will generate a beep sound so that customers will alert and continue the call.

The list of some more biomedical electronics projects includes the following

  • Bio-monitoring through ECG & BP
  • Galvanic Response of Skin
  • Dynamometer for Muscle Strength
  • ECG Signals Transmission through Bluetooth or WiFi
  • Simulator of ECG
  • Heart Rate and Temperature Monitoring of Patient
  • Function Test of Digital Pulmonary with Microcontroller.
  • Acquisition and Analysis of EMG
  • Non-invasive Glucometer
  • Monitoring System for Biomedical
  • GSM based Monitoring of Patient
  • Monitoring of Infant
  • Failure of Chronic Renal Early Detection
  • ECG Monitor
  • Alarm Messenger for Thermo
  • BP Monitor through Digitally
  • Hemocratic Analyzer through Multiparameter
  • Therapy Unit of Ultrasonic

The agriculture-based projects in electronics include the following.

  • Seed Sow Machine for Multipurpose
  • Digital weather station using GSM
  • Mini Powered Tiller & Weeder Development
  • Harvesting Machine for Wheat
  • Automation of Public Garden
  • Tracking System for Solar Panel
  • The computing of Liquid Level &Storage Device
  • Arecanut Climber Machine Development
  • Data Storage based Digital Weather Station
  • Agri Vehicle Operated through Remotely
  • Harvester of Sugarcane
  • Controlling of Device through GSM & SMS
  • Harvesting Machine for Maize
  • Data Acquisition System for 4 Channels through Microcontroller
  • Pesticide Sprayer Robotic
  • Power Transformers Condition Monitoring
  • Data Logger using Microcontroller
  • Seed Sow Machine Operated Manually
  • Monitoring & Controlling of Greenhouse Environment through GSM
  • Tracking System for Animals through GPS
  • Detection of Toxic Gas through GSM technology
  • Android-based Controlling & Monitoring of Greenhouse Environment
  • Information System for Weather Report through SMS
  • Monitoring & Controlling System of Greenhouse
  • IoT & Arduino based Reporting System for Weather

Electronics Projects using Arduino

Arduino is a very famous open-source board used for developing electronics projects as well as prototypes in a simple manner. There are different kinds of development boards in Arduino namely Arduino UNO, Nano, Mega, Pro Mini, etc. All these boards are based on AVR series microcontrollers. Here is the list of electronics projects using the Arduino board for engineering students.

  • Industrial Automation using Arduino & Joystick
  • IoT & Arduino based Noise Detector through Recording System Automatically
  • Arduino based Fan Speed Controller based on Temperature
  • Window Alarm Annunciator using Arduino Uno
  • Arduino based Monitoring of Temperature and Humidity
  • Wireless Frequency Meter using an Arduino
  • Digital IC Tester through Arduino & MATLAB
  • Arduino based GPS Tracker
  • Oscilloscope using PC & Arduino
  • Audio Meter using Arduino
  • Robot Controlled through Arduino & RF
  • Arduino & MATLAB based Light Animations
  • Arduino based LEDs Flashing
  • Arduino based Radio with Alarm Clock
  • Controlling of Fancy Lights using Arduino

Analog Electronics Projects Ideas

The study of continuously variable signal or analog signal or the devices which use or generate analog signals is known as analog electronics. The list of analog

  • Relay Circuit for Polarity Stabilizer
  • Walkie Talkie using Xbee
  • Delay Circuit through Adjustable
  • Analog Scale based Barometer
  • IC 741 based Circuit for Dark Switch
  • Potentiometer with PWM
  • Relay Switch Activated through Light
  • Arduino based Small Linear Actuator Control
  • Amplifier Circuit for Phone Ring
  • Analog Style CLK using OLED Display
  • Tester Circuit for Op-Amp
  • IC 555 based Domino Effect
  • Circuit for Mosquito Repellent
  • Transmission Circuit for Laser Sound
  • Analog Sensor Design with Microchip’s RN487x Module
  • Low-Resistance Meter Design
  • RF Inductors Selection through Key Parameters
  • Touchless MIDI Controller Design using Arduino
  • Generation of Waveform with High Speed using a DAC & an MCU
  • Class-D Power Amplifier Design
  • Analog Alarm for Holiday Season
  • Arduino based DC Motor Control
  • Camera System Activated through PIR Motion of an Arduino
  • Power Supply for Mixed-Signal Systems
  • IR Tracker Design through a Stepper Motor & a PICAXE 14M2
  • Ring Light based on LED Photography
  • Negative Voltage Generator Design
  • Robot for Transferring & Recording Audio Signals
  • High-Precision Waveform Generation through a Custom PCB & DAC
  • Programming of Custom Microcontroller & Testing Board
  • Robot Protection through Detecting Automatic Collision
  • Function Generator Design with AD9833 Analog Devices
  • Weighing Scale Design with a Microcontroller & a Load Cell

The list of electronic projects for home use includes the following. These are simple and low-cost electronics projects.

  • Indicator for Water Level
  • Door Lock System through Password
  • Home Appliances Control through Remote Password
  • Automatic Room Lights through PIR & Arduino
  • PIR & Arduino based System for Automatic Door Opener
  • Christmas Tree Lights through Arduino:
  • Visitor Counter in Bidirectional
  • DC Fan Controlled through Temperature
  • Automatic Light Switch in Washroom
  • High Power LED-based Auto Night Lamp
  • Circuit for Mobile Jammer
  • Panic Alarm
  • Alarm Circuit Operated through Remote
  • SCR based Battery Charger
  • The detector of Cell Phone
  • Portable Light Powered through Battery
  • Alarm Circuit for Rain
  • Irrigation System for Plant
  • Controller Circuit for Hot Water in Geyser
  • Mobile Charger through USB
  • Repellent Circuit for Mosquito
  • Jammer Circuit for FM Radio
  • Electronic Letter Box:
  • Opener or Closer Circuit for Curtain
  • Dimmer Circuit for LED Lamp
  • Home Appliances Control through Cell Phone

Please refer to this link to know more about  Basic Electronic Projects on Breadboard

Please refer to this link to know more about Electronics Project Ideas using Microcontroller

Please refer to this link to know more about the Latest Electronics Projects with Circuit Diagram

Please refer to this link to know more about the Free DIY Electronics Projects

Thus, this is all about an overview of electronics projects for engineering students which includes advanced, mini, digital electronics, projects for home use, analog electronics, Arduino based, agriculture-based, biomedical projects, etc.

Photo Credits:

  • Finger Print Based Security System by wikimedia
  • Automatic Solar Tracker by us.sunpower
  • Cell Phone Operated Land Rover by instructables

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    1. Smart Irrigation System using IoT: Internet of Things (IoT) is an upcoming technology which is going to revolutionize all the electronic gadgets that we see today in the coming years. This particular electronics project is an application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technology.

  14. Top 9 Interesting Power Electronics Thesis Topics [Novel Proposal]

    This page broadly discusses important power electronics thesis topics with research fields, technologies, concepts, limitations, etc.!!! In this, nearly 80% of power is again reused/reprocessed through different electronic devices. If the efficiency of power conversion is lacking then the energy wastage/utilization will be more.

  15. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio's world-renowned academic institutions. In 2012, Google thanked OhioLINK for making ETD open-access content easier to find by Google Scholar. Theses and dissertations from Ohio's academic institutions were downloaded more ...

  16. Final Year Projects for Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    List of collected Electricity related Final Year Projects for EEE (Electrical) & ECE (Electronics) Engineering Students. Automatic Room Light Controller with Bidirectional Visitor Counter. The major goal of this project is to develop a controller-based model for calculating the number of people passing through a given location and, as a result ...

  17. 150+ ECE Projects for Final Year Students

    Every engineering student should complete their project successfully in final year to get their engineering certificate. They have many choices in selecting the projects such as microcontroller based, solar, electrical, robotics, sensor based, etc. For their purpose, we have listed here large number of projects ideas.

  18. Latest Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering

    Time needed: 5 minutes. Now here is the list of Best Final Year Project Ideas for Electronics Engineering. 360° Aerial Surveillance UAV With IOT Camera. AI Bartender Cocktail Maker Using Ras Pi. Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry Pi. Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System using IOT Project.

  19. Electronics And Communications Engineering Bachelor's Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022 A remote monitoring system for pico-hydroelectric system, Darlene Alyssa P. Abaluna. PDF. Detection of harmful gasses in improvised explosive device using android technology: A prototype, Adrian William S. Alano, Arl Marion Josef Lintag Divino, and David Manasseh Crisostomo Soliman. PDF

  20. Electronic Theses & Dissertations

    Electronic Theses & Dissertations. Since 2011, MSU has required that all theses and dissertations be submitted electronically. These electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) are joined here by a large number of digitized historical works scanned by Google and ProQuest dating back to the 19th century. Still, these items are only a subset of ...

  21. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

    ETDs are available through Scholarship@Western, Western's digital library repository, and also released to the world-wide web with priority in many search engines, enabling scholars worldwide to locate, search, and download the University of Western Ontario's ETDs. The most significant benefit is the dramatic increase (50-250%) in citation ...

  22. EBSCO Open Dissertations

    EBSCO Open Dissertations makes electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) more accessible to researchers worldwide. The free portal is designed to benefit universities and their students and make ETDs more discoverable. Content Includes: 1,500,000 electronic theses and dissertations. 320 worldwide universities that have loaded their ...

  23. Electronics Projects for ECE & EEE Engineering Students

    There are different kinds of development boards in Arduino namely Arduino UNO, Nano, Mega, Pro Mini, etc. All these boards are based on AVR series microcontrollers. Here is the list of electronics projects using the Arduino board for engineering students. Industrial Automation using Arduino & Joystick.

  24. Thesis & Project Formatting Electronic Submission Library Workshop

    Thesis & Project Formatting Electronic Submission Library Workshop. If you are a graduate student working on your thesis or project, you are invited to attend the workshops offered by the University Library. The workshop will take place through zoom, once you register you will get a thank you notification along with the zoom links please make ...

  25. New substrate material for flexible electronics could help combat e

    A new material for flexible electronics could enable multilayered, recyclable electronic devices and help limit e-waste. Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a rapidly growing global problem, and it's ...