Free Schedule Templates

Free schedule templates you can use to organize your tasks, assignments, and other activities.

Word • PDF • Excel

Schedule Templates

Schedule Templates

Schedule templates are designed to help you plan your time better — your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks and activities.

We divided these templates into Work and Non-work schedule templates. Therefore, you can track both your job tasks and the activities outside your work hours.

In case you want to share these templates with your colleagues, your partner, or friends, you can use the Google Sheets and Google Docs versions of the schedules.

On the other hand, if you'd like to download these templates to your computer, feel free to use the Word and Excel versions.

Finally, if you prefer paper to online formats, bear in mind that you can download each of these schedules as a PDF, and then print them out.


  • 01. Work from home schedule template
  • 02. Weekly work from home schedule template
  • 03. Daily work from home schedule template
  • 04. Weekly assignments schedule template
  • 05. Daily assignments schedule template
  • 06. Yearly time off schedule template
  • 07. Weekly meetings schedule


  • 08. Monthly household chores template
  • 09. Weekly household chores schedule template
  • 10. Monthly workout schedule template
  • 11. Weekly workout schedule template
  • 12. Monthly budget schedule template
  • 13. Weekly meal planning schedule template
  • 14. Daily meal planning schedule template
  • 15. Travel schedule template

Work schedule templates

We created these free work schedule templates to help you be more productive and efficient with your work tasks.

You'll notice that some templates cover your daily, weekly, and monthly assignments, while other templates only provide you with one type of assignment.

That's because some types of schedules demand more details, such as the Work from home template — which is why this one has both the daily and weekly versions.

Work from home schedule template

When working from home, you often have to deal with many distractions, either coming from your neighborhood, from the people you live with, or your pets.

One of the best ways to avoid all these interruptions and get back on track with your work is to follow your schedule .

Here are two Work from home schedule templates you can use to organize your workday — or workweek, if that suits you better.

Weekly work from home schedule template

The Weekly work from home schedule template breaks down each day into three sections: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.

Furthermore, there's a Weekly work checklist, and Meetings/calls section.

If you enjoy having an overview of your weekly tasks, this template will suit you, especially if you have flexible working hours . In this case, you'll be able to choose the time of day for your job assignments, then figure out when you'll fit in your home chores or meal preps.

Of course, even if you have fixed working hours, this template will help you make an 8-hour workday schedule that suits your needs.

To use it properly, you should fill this template out either on Sunday afternoon/Monday morning or note down new tasks every day.

Start by choosing the time of the day for each assignment during the week.

To ensure you'll get the most out of every workday, keep in mind your circadian rhythm — leave the most complex tasks for the time of the day when you're most alert. Then, be sure to add all your significant weekly tasks to the Weekly work checklist, as well as jot down all your weekly meetings and calls.

We hope that the Work from home weekly schedule template will help you finish your job tasks on time.

Once again, remember to take frequent breaks in between assignments.

⬇️ GET Weekly work from home schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly work from home schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly work from home schedule template

Daily work from home schedule template

The Daily work from home schedule template ensures you stay on track with all your daily tasks. This template breaks down your day into hourly segments. In addition, there's a valuable section called the Daily work checklist, where you can input all the most crucial activities/tasks of the day. Moreover, there's a To-do list for tomorrow, which you can fill out at the end of each day.

Anyone working from home can surely benefit from using this template. We suggest opening this template first thing in the morning.

Make sure to note down your most vital tasks and activities in the Daily work checklist section. Next, write down your meetings of the day. Once you do that, you'll have a better idea of when you'll be free to deal with your significant assignments. Don't forget to include breaks throughout the day, too.

Finally, to avoid working overtime, you should note down all the tasks for tomorrow in the To-do list for tomorrow.

⬇️ GET Daily work from home schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Daily work from home schedule template (Google Docs)

Daily Work From Home Schedule

Assignments schedule template

We created two types of templates that allow you to keep track of your assignments:

  • Weekly assignments schedule, and
  • Daily assignments schedule.

Weekly assignments schedule template

The Weekly assignments schedule is quite straightforward — there's a simple table where you can add tasks for each day of the week. In addition, we included the Task deadlines section and Reminders.

If you're looking for an easy way to keep a record of all your weekly assignments, this template will fit your needs.

We suggest filling it out at the beginning of a week.

Of course, if there are any unexpected tasks throughout the week, be sure to add them to the Weekly assignments schedule.

Now, this template also ensures that you complete all your tasks before the deadline, which is why we encourage you to enter your tasks' deadlines in the middle section.

Furthermore, there's the Reminders section, where you can add any important reminders or notes for your weekly assignments.

⬇️ GET Weekly assignments schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly assignments schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Assignments Schedule Template

Daily assignments schedule template

The Daily assignments schedule is a template that helps you figure out your top 3 priorities of the day. Moreover, since this template contains The Eisenhower Matrix technique section, it allows you to distinguish between important/not important, and urgent/not urgent assignments.

This template is practical because it ensures that you deal with your tasks according to their urgency and importance.

Once you fill out the Eisenhower Matrix technique section, simply scroll down to the hourly table and choose time blocks for these assignments.

Finally, don't forget to enter some vital tasks for tomorrow.

⬇️ GET Daily assignments schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Daily assignments schedule template (Google Docs)

Daily Assignments Schedule Template

Yearly time off schedule template

The Yearly time off schedule template allows you to keep track of your time off throughout the year. In this template, we covered several vital categories of time off, such as paid vacation, sick leave, earned days, and others.

Also, there are three important sections for each type of time off: Consumed days, Available days, and Balance.

So, how to use the Yearly time off template?

It couldn't be simpler.

First, enter the balance for each type of time off. For particular types, such as sick leave, you may not have a balance, but for paid vacation, you definitely will.

Then, whenever you receive approval to take time off for any reason, just enter the number of days in the proper row (the type of time off) and in the right column (the current month).

Next, the template will automatically calculate the number of Consumed days (for each type of time off) and the number of Available days left.

Thus, you'll have a better idea of how many days off you've used so far and how many there are left by the end of the year.

⬇️ GET Yearly time off schedule template (Google Sheets)

Yearly Time Off Schedule

Weekly meetings schedule

The Weekly meetings schedule is suitable for those of you who have meetings every day. With this template, you'll be able to keep track of all your meetings. In addition, you can add any significant details, such as meeting agenda, topic, and start and end time.

The Weekly meetings schedule covers five days of the week. To make the most of this template, you should open it at the beginning of the week and enter all your weekly meetings. Be sure to include details such as where meetings take place or the links to online calls.

To ensure that you're fully prepared for any meeting, add its topic and agenda, if needed.

Then, once the meeting starts, you can follow its agenda, but also write notes in the Important notes section.

⬇️ GET Weekly meetings schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly meetings schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Meetings Schedule

Non-work schedule templates

Apart from templates for organizing your job tasks, meetings, and time off, we created some non-work schedules you can use for free, too.

Here's the list of the templates you can use for planning your time outside of work:

  • Household chores schedule,
  • Workout schedule,
  • Budget schedule,
  • Travel schedule, and
  • Meal prep schedule.

Household chores schedule template

We made two types of household chores templates:

  • Monthly household chores, and
  • Weekly household chores schedule template.

Monthly household chores template

The Monthly household chores template helps you deal with all your errands around the house. This template covers a weekly breakdown of chores, but also some additional ones that you do once a month.

You can add your typical weekly chores.

Plus, you can add the names of the people in charge of these errands, which comes in handy if you share your household chores with your partner, roommate, or family members.

There's a column called Additional monthly chores, where you can enter some of the errands you deal with every month. For example, cleaning/vacuuming furniture or cleaning windows.

Moreover, we included another section for all the outdoor chores, which comes in handy if you live in a house. To make sure you won't forget any outside-the-house monthly errands, be sure to add them to this list.

⬇️ GET Monthly household chores schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Monthly household chores schedule template (Google Docs)

Monthly Household Chores Schedule

Weekly household chores schedule template

The Weekly household chores schedule template allows you to keep an eye on all your household chores during the week. We included a separate schedule for each day, along with Before work and After work columns, so that you can plan your errands accordingly.

In addition, we added the Who's in charge column to this template, too.

Since this template covers seven days, you can enter all your weekly errands at the beginning of the week.

Then, simply add the name of the person in charge of every chore.

Once you or your family members finish a specific errand, just put a checkmark next to it.

Also, during the workweek, you can decide whether you'll deal with these chores before or after work.

And, on weekends, you can choose whether you'll complete your errands in the morning or afternoon.

We didn't include evenings on weekends, because you should have some time to relax on Saturdays and Sundays.

Finally, this template contains the Shopping list — so, whenever you remember you need to buy milk or anything else, note it down here.

⬇️ GET Weekly household chores schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly household chores schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Household Chores Schedule

Workout schedule template

The Workout schedule template allows you to organize your exercise routine.

No matter whether you prefer working out in a gym or from home, you'll surely find our monthly and weekly workout templates useful.

Monthly workout schedule template

The Monthly workout schedule template ensures you stay consistent with your monthly workout targets. Setting such long-term goals is vital because it gives you a clearer picture of what you want to achieve. Thus, when you have a monthly target, you'll be able to make weekly plans. This will also help you plan your days accordingly.

That's why the Monthly workout schedule template contains the Overall goal field. So, your goal can be losing weight, improving your physical condition, or anything else. Just remember that goals should be challenging enough, you don't want objectives that are too easy or too difficult to achieve.

Now, how can you use this template?

Once you adopt your monthly objectives, you should decide what types of exercises will get you closer to your goal.

Then, choose how frequently you'll do such types of workouts.

Also, whether you'll do your exercises with or without equipment is up to you, and you can add these details to your schedule, too.

If you haven't been working out before, or you've taken a longer break, please make sure you consult your fitness instructor first. This way, you'll be sure your workout plan is suitable for you, and you'll avoid any injuries.

⬇️ GET Monthly workout schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Monthly workout schedule template (Google Docs)

Monthly Workout Schedule

Weekly workout schedule template

Apart from the Monthly workout schedule template, we also created the one for your weekly plans. First, you can plan your monthly routine, then use the Weekly workout schedule template to add more details.

As you can see, the Weekly workout schedule template covers several workout categories:

  • HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and
  • Yoga/stretching.

Depending on your monthly goals, you should choose the frequency of each category. Of course, you don't have to include all these categories in your workout plans, just the ones that will help you move towards your monthly objective.

Next, think of the best days for each type of exercise, as well as the time of the day.

Then, decide on the duration of your workout sessions.

This template also allows you to add links for workout videos you'd like to try, but also links for playlists. There's no doubt that music can help us stay motivated — so be sure to add your favorite tunes to this column.

Finally, remember that rest days are just as important as the days you exercise. Therefore, note down the days you'll spend resting.

⬇️ GET Weekly workout schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly workout schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Workout Schedule

Monthly budget schedule template

The Monthly budget schedule template is designed to help you keep an eye on your expenses . In addition, this template includes a Savings column — to remind you to save some money for rainy days.

To make the most of our Monthly budget template, make sure you add the Starting budget.

Then, write down all the expenses you have during a month, such as rent, utilities, and other similar costs.

To ensure you'll pay all these expenses on time, there's the Due date column, too.

The template automatically calculates the total sum of your monthly costs, which can be pretty convenient.

Furthermore, to ensure that you'll put aside some part of your monthly income into your savings account, we included the Savings column. Thus, you can note down the amount you'd like to save from each paycheck.

⬇️ GET Monthly budget schedule template (Google Sheets)

Meal planning schedule template

Monthly Budget Template

Meal planning can be such a bummer, especially on days when you have too much work to do. Instead of figuring out what you'll have for each meal of the day, try organizing your meals for an entire week. Then, simply follow this routine throughout the week.

To make your life easier, we created two meal planning schedule templates:

Weekly meal planning schedule template

Daily meal planning schedule template.

The Weekly meal planning schedule template allows you to create a healthy meal plan for an entire week. You can write down your ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

As you can see, the Weekly meal planning schedule template covers seven days and four meals for each day. We suggest filling this template out on weekends, so that you'll have enough time for shopping.

If you're usually swamped with work during a workweek, you can make a couple of meals on weekends and store them in a freezer.

Another practical option this template offers is the Ingredients to buy list, where you can note down everything you need for meal prep.

⬇️ GET Weekly meal planning schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Weekly meal planning schedule template (Google Docs)

Weekly Meal Planning Schedule

Our Daily meal planning schedule template is more detailed than the weekly one. The Daily meal planning schedule template covers categories such as Preparation time, Ingredients, and Recipes.

This template helps you have a clearer understanding of how long each meal preparation will take. Therefore, you can easily adjust your meal preps with your work and other daily activities.

Moreover, with this template, you'll be able to write down all the ingredients of your meals, as well as add recipes.

⬇️ GET Daily meal planning schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Daily meal planning schedule template (Google Docs)

Daily Meal Planning Schedule

Travel schedule template

Do you enjoy traveling?

If so, our Travel schedule template will help you keep all the valuable information about your trip in one place.

This template covers categories such as Places to see, Tickets to buy, and Don't forget to pack.

Thus, you can write down all the attractions and spots you'd like to visit during your stay.

If you need to buy tickets for museums, galleries, monuments, or simply public transportation for that destination, be sure to add all the details to this template.

And, if you can make an online purchase, just add the link next to your list.

Finally, this template reminds you to pack the most crucial things, like money, passport, and medications. So, make sure you go through this list before your trip.

Of course, you don't have to plan everything ahead, leave some days open for any activity that comes your way. After all, this is how you make the best memories.

⬇️ GET Travel schedule template (Google Sheets)

⬇️ GET Travel schedule template (Google Docs)

Travel Schedule Template

Schedule projects and teams with Clockify

Aside from our Schedule templates, you can also use Clockify to schedule your projects and employees . This feature especially comes in handy for managers because they need to effectively schedule employee work time to ensure that all team members meet their deadlines.

The scheduling option in Clockify allows you to plan both projects and teams.

Here's how you can use Project scheduling with this Clockify option:

  • Add a new project by clicking on the button on the left corner. Clockify will automatically load that project and show you all the tasks under that project name. You can add a milestone by clicking anywhere on the timeline. You can easily edit your milestones, drag-and-drop them, or change their names.
  • You can add more team members to the project and create new assignments. To make sure nobody's swamped with work, Clockify will show users who are over their capacity.

In addition, you can zoom in and out to take a better look at assignments. Moreover, you can have an overview of the total hours assigned for each project.

Project scheduling in Clockify

When it comes to team schedules, Clockify also helps you see who's overbooked and who's available.

With Team scheduling, you can:

  • Add new members. Clockify will then automatically load all the assignments of these users.
  • Edit user's capacity by clicking on the three dots next to the user's name. This will give you a clue whether users are at their maximum capacity (Full), or they have several hours available for new tasks (Xh open), or if users are over their capacity for the day (Xh over).

This way, managers are able to assign new tasks to the right people and ensure that everyone has an equal amount of work during the week.

Employee scheduling in Clockify

Start tracking time with Clockify

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Time is on your side when you keep track of your schedule with customizable, easy-to-use Excel schedule templates. Scheduling everything from workday tasks to personal projects in Excel is easy to set up and esign to your liking with an intuituve template.

daily assignment schedule template

Follow a schedule to stay on top of your life

Design custom schedule templates to help you plan out your year and manage projects for your business. Use Excel to set schedules by the month, day, and even down to the hour. Leave fields for you to add in details of what task you want to complete during the time. Save your schedule template so that you can schedule it with your business partners and employees. Use it in a collaborative effort so that they can add to your schedule when you have availability. Rearrange your schedule during busy seasons, like for annual sales or holiday sales. Create a schedule for your different social media profiles so that your business knows when to post and what to post. Add your brand's logo to the top of the schedule so that all your internal documentation stays consistent. Follow the schedule so that you're using your time wisely and effectively.

Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

  • Last updated December 14, 2023

Are you looking for an assignment tracking template? When your tasks begin to pile up into several imaginary towers, it’s easy for you to be overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. Moreover, you might not even be able to keep track of all of them, resulting in missed assignments and potentially bad marks.

Having an assignment tracker to keep every task means you’ll be able to organize, stay on top, and complete all your assignments on time. All you need to do is open our Assignment Tracking Template , hit the  “Make a copy”  button and start sorting out your to-do list.

Access Template

While it’s easy to navigate, make sure you read ahead to discover how to use our assignment tracking template to the fullest. We also have another assignment tracking template  that lets you map out your assignments throughout the semester—a perfect fit for your syllabus.

Table of Contents

What Should a Good Homework Spreadsheet Have?

In general, you’ll want a few fields that will help describe your assigned tasks and some markers for better organization. Here are some essential components to look for:

  • Assignment description: An efficient assignment tracking template will have space so you can jot down assignment notes. This avoids confusion and lets you anticipate the difficulty of your to-dos.
  • Dates:  Having dedicated fields for your due dates lets you plan your schedule better. This way, you know how much time you have to complete a task. Additionally, when paired with your assignment notes, you can sort them according to priority levels.
  • Completion status: Keeping track of task statuses lets you know which tasks have started, are in progress, are accomplished, or need revision. Moreover, it’s also a great way to remember which tasks you need to return to.
  • Subject and type:  You also want to categorize your assignments into their respective subjects. Another way to group them is by assignment type, including papers, lab reports, collaborative work, and similar tasks.

The components above are only a few useful fields in an assignment tracking template. For example, some spreadsheets also include monthly views or trackers for semester-wide assignment lists . Templates such as these will undoubtedly have other categories you’d need to explore.

Basic Assignment Tracking Template

With all the considerations laid out above, we created a simple but effective assignment tracking template you can use for free. While it may only feature a single functional tab, it has nine named columns you can organize according to your tasks.

If you haven’t already, you can download our free assignment tracking template here:

Let’s discuss the template in more detail .

Column A—Days Remaining

This is self-explanatory, but you can refer to this column to see the number of days you have left to do or submit your assignment. Depending on the days remaining, you can also decide which tasks to prioritize according to their deadlines.

The cells under this column are automatically updated using our pre-loaded formulas , so avoid modifying them. Instead, you can change the values under the last two columns of this template.

Assignment tracking template—days remaining column

Columns B to D—Tags for Status, Subject, and Task Type

Under these columns, you can set the categories of your assignments either by their completion status, class, or assignment type. You can select the values from the drop-down lists that come with the template based on the American curriculum.

Additionally, these statuses are associated with specific colors, making them more visual so that you can view and handle multiple ongoing tasks more efficiently. If the subjects listed differ from what you’re currently taking, you can modify the options.

To modify the subject options, follow the steps below:

  • First, click on a cell’s drop-down list and locate the pen icon at the bottom.

Assignment tracking template—drop-down list pen icon

  • Click the pen icon to open the drop-down settings on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Change the values listed on the options, such as editing Math  to Physics.
  • Once you’ve set your preferred selection, click the “ Done” button.

Assignment tracking template—data validation on Google Sheets

  • Upon clicking, a pop-out might appear on your screen asking whether to apply the changes to a wider cell range.
  • Simply click “Apply   to all”  to replicate the changes to the other cells.

Assignment tracking template—apply data validation to all

Another handy feature is the filter option in the “Status”  column. You can use this to view your tasks based on their completion level. For example, you can choose to see only the in-progress tasks. Here’s how you do it.

  • To get started, click on the filter icon next to the “Status”  label.

Assignment tracking template—filter icon on Google Sheets

  • You should see a list of values with checkmarks on their left side once you scroll down.
  • To deselect all of them, click on “ Clear.”

Assignment tracking template—clearing filter values on Google Sheets

  • Next, begin selecting the tasks you want to see per status, such as To start  and In-progress.
  • Finally, click “OK.”

Assignment tracking template—change filter value on Google Sheets

  • To revert the view, simply follow steps one to five, ensuring to select all the categories again.

Columns E to I—Assignment Details

You can start entering the information you know about the tasks at hand. The columns E to G are divided into three categories: Assignment Title, Description, and Files/Links. If your assignment has attachments and URLs, such as resources, you can keep them in the last column mentioned.

Assignment tracking template—assignment details tracker

Meanwhile, columns H to I serve as fields where you can input the dates when your task is given and when you need to submit it. Take note that these are installed with data validation rules—you can’t enter values that aren’t valid dates. These values are also used to calculate the Days Remaining column.

Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

If you are looking to plan your entire semester ahead of time with your potential tasks, this is a helpful assignment tracking template. It’s much simpler than the previous spreadsheet discussed and gives you a semester-wide overview of your assignments.

Get the template here:   Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date , which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.)

Assignment tracking template—semester assignment spreadsheet

The second is the (2) Tags  field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject. As with the other template, these tags are color-coded for an easier view. Lastly, you can also populate the (3) Assignment Details , the blank spaces beside the tags.

Why Use Our Assignment Schedule Templates?

You can virtually make a never-ending list of benefits from using a homework spreadsheet, but to name a few, here are some reasons why they’re beneficial for managing your workload.

  • Organization: As repeatedly emphasized, these assignment tracking templates help you categorize your tasks according to subject, type, and completion status, making it easier to organize your workload.
  • Time Management:  You can keep track of your due dates better with the automated counting of the days remaining for a task. You can manage your time better and learn to prioritize tasks according to deadlines.
  • Easy Access:  Our spreadsheets run on Google Sheets , which you can easily access anywhere, as long as you are connected to the internet. On top of that, they’re also ready to be filled out as soon as you make a copy for yourself.

Wrapping Up

Sticking to your deadlines and organizing your tasks doesn’t need to be complicated. You can easily do this with the help of our assignment tracking template on Google Sheets. Access more of these excellent templates by visiting our other blogs too!

If you want to learn about Google Sheets to the next level, consider checking out relevant courses at Udemy .

  • 5 Useful Google Sheets Project Management Templates [Free]
  • The Free Google Sheets Task List Template [Easy Guide]
  • How to Assign a Task in Google Sheets [Easy Guide]
  • Free Balance Sheet Template for Google Sheets
  • The 9 Best Google Sheets Templates to Streamline Your Life
  • Volleyball Statistics Spreadsheet: Free Template

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daily assignment schedule template

Published in

Planner Templates

32 Free Daily Planner Templates (Word, Excel & PDF)

Life can get busy, and it seems like a million assignments need to be done. With all the hustle and bustle of the day, it is easy to forget tasks, even important ones, and feel like you are always behind.

A daily planner template is an excellent solution to get things back on track.

5 Reasons for Using a Daily Planner

As discussed below, you will have reasons for using a daily planner to help organize your day. If you struggle to get stuff done or feel like your time management skills are lacking, this planner will help make a difference in your daily life.

  • Effective time management: You should improve if you struggle to get things done daily. A daily planner can help you more effectively manage your time, and what needs to be done so you can plan out which tasks to do first.
  • Boosts productivity: You can boost productivity by learning to manage your time correctly. The combined benefits of reducing the time you waste and timely response to any potential issues that appear (and will show up) can help you be more productive than ever. The daily planner will put everything in perspective and helps you get all of the tasks done that you need.
  • Relieves stress: When you are unorganized, have a long list of things to do, can’t get them all caught up, and feel like you are always behind, this can add to a lot of stress. Stress often shows up when you feel overwhelmed by everything happening around you. A daily planner can help you reduce the stress that you feel daily. This tool will help you better plan, ensuring you know what to expect and when.
  • Great for your health: It can be stressful when you feel like you are always running around and never getting anything done. This will cause your health to deteriorate and could make you feel burnout faster than ever before. If you allow this to happen for a long time, it could be enough to cause various mental issues too. A daily planner can prevent these mental issues and have a happier life.
  • Wards off forgetfulness: One of the leading causes of forgetfulness is lack of planning. When you don’t sit down and devise a plan for your days, it is easy to forget tasks or focus on the wrong thing. Planning things out will help you not forget something. In addition, you can refer to the template before starting any activity, ensuring that all crucial tasks are easy to remember.

Step By Step Guide to Build a Daily Planner To-Do List

Before you add anything to your planner, you must create your to-do list, ensuring that nothing gets lost. Some of the steps that you can plan to help build a to-do list that will fill out your daily planner include:

Step 1: Make a to-do list

Making a daily to-do list takes time to build into a habit. You also need to take this further and ensure that any plan you create will help you reach your bigger goals. Your daily session for planning needs to include time to align each daily task with your long-term objectives. To do this:

Break down the big goals

You likely have big goals you would like to reach. Tackling the big goals all at once can de-motivate you and make it hard to accomplish anything. Instead, break it down into smaller goals to help you out. For example, maybe your goal is to deep clean your home. Break it down into small tasks according to each room that needs to be done to clean.

If you sit down to make your to-do list and struggle to get it down to what you can realistically do during the day, you have too many goals for the day. This will wear you out and can stall all of your progress. For most people, having five or fewer big goals at a time is best, and it is a good idea to mix long-term and short-term goals.

Look at the whole week

While you may be working on a daily planner, it could also be helpful to look over the whole week. You likely plan to work on more than one goal at a time, but a day won’t be enough to do it. While some of your goals may do the best if you can work on them daily, working towards others for two or three days a week could still help you gain momentum without wearing out.

Having a plan for your goals is the most crucial part. And having a week planned out at once can help you see what is coming up, giving you the motivation to finish essential tasks on time, rather than procrastinating or forgetting the assignments you need to do.

Add have to do tasks

Now it is time to plan out the day. First, it would be best to write down everything you need to do, including the meetings, appointments, and deadlines. Then look at the tasks for your goals and write them down first.

While you would love to spend time working on your goals, in the real world, you have commitments and other obligations you need to get done each day. If you cut all of these out, you can lose your jobs or not have time to spend with your families. Instead, you can learn to cut out some of the things that aren’t important to help free up more of your schedule. When you work on a to-do list, you start to see the most important things and what you can let go of.

Make one daily priority

The next thing to do is have one daily priority. Think of one task you need to complete during the day. While you may not be able to get everything done, having one big thing done significantly improves the mess you may be trying to fight through right now.

Remember that this does not mean you will never complete more than one task daily. However, completing one task will help make you feel accomplished and give you the motivation you need to tackle some of the other tasks on your list.

Step 2: Use productive planning methods

Choosing a productivity method is an effective way to get more things done during the day. You can choose many different productivity methods, as discussed below, but try a few of them to see which one works the best for you.

Eat the frog

Eat the frog method will ask you to pick out one big task that needs to be done and make it your goal for the day. The idea here is that this task may be the one you would rather avoid, which can make us procrastinate, which is why it is called eating the frog.

Whether the task feels huge, makes you uncomfortable, or very unpleasant, using this method forces you to attack it immediately in the morning to get away with that. Then you can focus on the more enjoyable tasks for the rest of the day.

Pomodoro technique

The Pomodoro technique works well by giving you short sprints for focusing on the work that needs to be done, then providing you with a break. You will focus for 25 to 30 minutes , not allowing anything to distract you and when the time is done, take a break. Do this a few times and then take a more extended break.

To plan the day with this method, you can estimate how many 25-minute sessions you will need to complete each task. You can use this to plan the whole day or as part of the top task.

Time blocking

The time blocking method asks you to write a schedule with all the tasks you need to complete. You can imagine this like a high school schedule that tells you which classes you must attend at which time. It would be best to decide how long each task will take and then block out the day to finish them in time. Then, work without any distractions and dedicate this time to completing the tasks of your choice.

As you make this schedule, don’t forget to add time for breaks. This can include time to breathe between tasks, lunch, and even commutes if you need to go somewhere to do the task, like getting groceries.

Eisenhower matrix

This method will let you look at each task that needs to be done and decide the importance and urgency of each task. The Eisenhower matrix method will ask you to break down the tasks into four quadrants and then tell you how to handle each.

Take a look at your to-do list and then decide which tasks fall into each category:

  • Urgent and vital: These tasks must be done first in the morning.
  • Not urgent and important: You need to get to these tasks, but you can schedule them later if you run out of time for the day.
  • Urgent and unimportant: These are tasks that need to be done, but it is a good idea to see if you can delegate them to someone else.
  • Not urgent and unimportant tasks: These are tasks that are not important for the day. You can delete or remove them for the day.

Step 3: Choose a planning tool

Now it is time to choose the planning tool you would like to use. Again, several options are available to help you get the work done, as follows:

  • Many people like to use a daily planner as an app. This will help you place all the tasks in one location that you can access anywhere. In addition, these apps will help you keep documents organized, make changes as plans change, and give you a searchable record if you need to find something again.
  • Digital list like Apple Notes and Google Keep will help you have a list of the tasks you need to complete, allowing you to check off when you’re done with a task. Microsoft Word and Google Docs are good options here too.
  • A daily planner can take the form of a digital calendar. This allows you to do more with time blocking and can be utilized to add in appointments and other significant events as necessary. You can also take this calendar with you wherever you go.
  • Some planners like to use paper and pen to plan a day. A daily schedule, specialized planner, or notebook can work for this option.

Step 4: Stick to the plan

Once you have a plan, it is time to stick with it. Being intentional and focusing on the work can make a big difference. The first step is eliminating some distractions as you get to work. Turn off the TV and the phone and stay away from social media so you aren’t distracted and find yourself scrolling online. Turn off the email and make it look like you are not in the office so others will not come in and try to give you more work to add to the schedule.

Stick with the plan for at least a few weeks. This helps you see whether it is the right fit for you. Then, if you feel like something is not working well, or you want to try another method, you can make changes as you go.

Step 5: Regularly consider your planning

In the real world, you would write down a to-do list and expect everything to work perfectly. But there are times when unexpected tasks make their way into the list. You will need to look at your initial plans and make some revisions which only takes a few minutes to ensure that you can fit these tasks into a new plan.

Daily Planner Templates

Using the free daily planner templates to draft these planners is always a good thing. Just download from the many we have in stock. You have the options of MS Word or Excel to choose from.

15 Minute Day Planner Template PDF

10 Practices to Effectively Plan Your Day

As you get ready to work on your daily planner, you can do a few things to help make this a little bit easier, as discussed below:

Jot down each important thing

As you make your list, jot down each thing that feels important. Of course, you can always eliminate tasks or pick which ones are the most important to do at the start of the day. But keep a running list of the tasks that have to get done at some point, so you never forget something important.

Chart out a to-do list

This shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes to complete each day. Then, before going to bed, reflect and plan what you need to get done the following day. If you need to plan for a week or a month instead, then give yourself more time. Creating a quick plan for the next day before going to sleep can give you a head start in the morning.

Make a monthly task list

While planning daily is a great idea, you must think further into the future. The chart should have some dates you need to remember for the month, such as meetings, date nights, anniversaries, and birthdays. This will help you visualize what is coming down the line more than a day in advance.

Prioritize tasks for the week

Now that you have a list of tasks that need to be done for the month, you can plan out weekly tasks. Highlight which five tasks you must complete that week and put them down each day. Then plan out the rest of the days based on other items that need to be completed.

Track your goals

A daily planner is also suitable for helping you track your goals. Dedicate some space in the planer to get tasks done to reach those goals. You can even pick out a planner or use space in the back to help track the progress.

Improvise your daily planner

There may be some pages on the planner that you do not use or are redundant to your goals. Use those to improvise and make something new. You could turn them into a motivational booster, a bullet journal to sort out your thoughts, or meal planners . This can be an excellent place for a brain dump when too many thoughts are racing around your head. Make those redundant pages your own with a bit of creativity.

State things in a positive manner

Think about the phrases you use in your daily planner. Try to think positively as you write down things in the planner. Add action verbs to help describe what needs to be done as precisely as possible.

Don’t try to fill it completely

It is fine to have some blank spaces in the planner. However, having a little relaxation time is good for you and will help keep you on task without overdoing it all. Take this time to spend with family, do a side hobby, or relax when you can.

Accessorize your planner

When you love your planner, you are more likely to use it daily. So take some time to add accessories to personalize the planner so you can enjoy pulling it out and using it.

Utilize used planners as archives

When one planner is done, do not just throw it out. When the planner is utilized successfully, it can become a library for all your thoughts and feelings during the year. Keep the planner as a way to walk down the lane or to help you with making new plans in the future.

Final Remarks

There are many reasons to use a daily planner to help you get a life more organized. Many people struggle to keep track of their needed tasks and may feel stressed as they scramble to get it all done without much luck. When they utilize a daily planner, they can get those thoughts and tasks in order, helping them remember what must be done and ensuring nothing gets missed. Grabbing a planner off the shelves at the store is just the first step. Then it is time to use the planner to help you organize your day and get things done. You can get the most out of your daily planner by listing your tasks, choosing the most important ones, and finding a productivity method.

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14 meal plan templates – editable – word, 25 free weekly/daily meal plan templates (excel | word), daily lesson plan templates – word – pdf, 12 free schedule templates – editable.

Documents , Planner Templates

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Planner Templates , Planners

daily assignment schedule template

  • Daily Planner Templates

Daily Schedule Templates

Quick jump to:, introduction.

Do you keep forgetting deadlines, important tasks, or events? Instead of stressing out and being thrown through a loop with last-minute planning, start using daily schedule templates. Being more organized has been shown to reduce stress. All it takes are the right tools for the job. Our daily timetable templates make it super easy to manage your tasks, activities, deadlines, and to-do lists for both personal and professional needs.

Browse the selection of the best daily planner templates available in PDF format and popular sizes (A4, A5, Letter, Half Letter) to download for use at office or home. Choose the right layout and start scheduling your daily routine in a smart way.

Digital Daily Schedule Planners

Digital Schedule Planners for iPad, BOOX, Supernote and Kindle Scribe can give you new note-taking experience. Instead of classic planning on paper this is new more convenient and eco-frienfly way. Digital Schedule often provide a wide range of customizable options, allowing users to tailor their planner layout, design, and features according to their specific needs and preferences. This flexibility enables a more personalized planning experience.These Planners typically offer advanced organization features such as search functions, tagging, and categorization, making it easier to find and manage information efficiently. This streamlined organization reduces clutter and improves overall productivity. Overall, digital planners offer convenience, flexibility, and advanced features that make them a preferred choice for many individuals seeking efficient and organized planning solutions in today's digital age.

thumbnail image for the Digital Daily Journal

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Easy-to-use daily work schedule template

daily assignment schedule template

What’s on your work to-do list today? For most of us, that list is long. We have multiple concurrent projects, deadlines, and meetings to attend.

Managing time effectively is no small task!

Creating — and following — a daily work schedule can help keep track of daily tasks and use time more efficiently.

This article will share how to create a daily work schedule and even provide a customizable template that makes it much more manageable.

Get the template

What is a daily work schedule template?

Ever missed an appointment or forgotten to take care of something important? We all have. Writing down a daily schedule helps lessen the chance of a bad outcome.

While scribbling your plan on a notepad is better than nothing, it’s not a very structured or organized way to handle daily tasks. A daily work schedule template provides an easy method for planning tasks and managing time effectively.

Screenshot of's daily work schedule template

A schedule template can be as simple as a paper planner with space to write your to-do list for each day. But daily work schedule templates can also get a lot more sophisticated, with colorized labels for different tasks, due dates, notifications, etc.

Customized schedules and automated sections are par for the course… when using the right platform . We’re not talking about Excel here.

Why use a daily work schedule template?

The biggest reason to use a daily work schedule template is it helps keep track of and remember everything. Whether using this template to stay on top of essential work deadlines or avoid missing meetings, a daily work schedule keeps all to-dos in one place.


It helps with time management: A template can help schedule work most efficiently and productively. Some are even designed for particular time management systems , like the Pomodoro Technique or Bullet Journaling.

Shared templates let the whole team plan a daily schedule together: Daily schedule templates can also be used by teams to coordinate everybody’s work. They’re an excellent way to manage the day-to-day details of large projects.

What are some examples of daily work schedule templates?

A daily work schedule template is a flexible tool that can be used in various situations — from outlining ongoing tasks to planning a project for an entire department.

Here are several variations of a daily work schedule template:

1. To-do list templates

The most basic form of a daily work schedule is a to-do list .

This template can track daily and weekly work assignments, schedule appointments, or keep a family calendar.

To-do list template

( Image Source )

2. Time blocking template

One of the most popular time management methods is time blocking .

Time blocking is the opposite of multitasking. Instead of trying to focus on several tasks at once, large chunks of time are scheduled to work on a single item. 

Use a daily schedule template to block off specific times to work on each task.

Using a template for time blocking

Other time management methods can also use a schedule. For example, a template based on the Eisenhower Matrix involves sorting tasks by importance and urgency.

3. Project task tracking template

Project management is a complex process that requires high-level planning and detailed execution.

Daily schedule template for project management

The daily task tracker template helps teams plan and schedule day-to-day tasks to keep projects on track. The whole team can share the template so everyone can see who’s doing what and how it fits into the big picture.’s daily work schedule template offers an interactive schedule template designed to help you manage everyday tasks more effectively. The daily work schedule template is fully customizable, meaning you can tweak it to match your needs. Bonus: Change the color scheme to match your corporate logo or personal style.

This template — like all templates — is easy to set up and edit. Accessing it from any device means you are never without a daily planner . In addition, the fact that it’s shareable makes it simple to assign takes to multiple team members and/or stakeholders.

And since it’s part of the Work OS , you can take advantage of real-time time tracking, conditional notifications, color-coded task priorities, Google Calendar integration, etc. You can even set up custom visual dashboards that show you the status of your workload in real-time.

Visual dashboard on's daily work schedule template

Bonus: Already a user? Your daily work schedule will now be in the same place as the rest of your work. Double Bonus: Link your daily schedule to another board, like a project planning overview or a monthly calendar.

Related templates

If you’re interested in managing your schedule, the free daily work schedule template is a great place to start, but that’s just the tip of the template iceberg. At, we also have…

Weekly schedule template

Sometimes scheduling your day won’t suffice; a high-level overview of the entire week is required.

The weekly to-do list template helps keep track of weekly tasks. Set a priority status for each task, assign it to an owner, or discuss it with the team.

Weekly to-do template from

Team tasks template

The team tasks template is designed to help teams see all tasks in one place.

Use color-coded labels to label the status and priority of each task so team members can quickly scan the board and see what needs to be done.

Bullet journal template

Bullet journals are a popular personal organization system that usually involves a paper-and-pen dot grid journal. The bullet journaling template offers the time management principles of a bullet journal — with the flexibility of an online planning board.

Bullet journal template from

FAQs about daily work schedule templates

How do i make a daily work schedule.

Creating a daily schedule using a customizable template is easy.

Start by thinking about what you want to track with each task — like time to completion, due dates, etc. If anything is missing from the template, add it! You can also remove any unnecessary columns or sections. A sample daily work schedule may include:

  • List of tasks
  • Status of each task
  • Categories of tasks (work, school, home, etc.)
  • The task owner
  • Time allotted for the task
  • Time spent on the task so far

Once you’ve tweaked the template to perfection, dive in and start using it!

Shared template? Ensure everyone has proper access — full access, view-only, etc., depending on their roles. Our easily customizable work schedule template is a great place to start.

Take a few minutes each day to review your schedule and add new tasks if necessary. Budget enough time as it can take a while to build a habit.

Can I make a daily work schedule with Excel?

Of course! Both Google Sheets and Excel offer several calendars and to-do list templates.

However, Sheets and Excel templates lack most of the features and flexibility of a Work OS like For example, you can’t assign tasks to team members or integrate a daily schedule with the rest of your digital workspace.

Is there a daily work schedule app?

There’s no shortage of scheduler apps and time management tools for smartphones.

Want to boost your task management ? Look for a daily work schedule template — like’s — that can be used from desktop and mobile. You don’t want to be locked into managing your whole schedule with an app that only lives on your phone.

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101 Planners

Homework Planner

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. We also offer a digital version if you prefer. Both are free.

Homework planner

Homework Planner Template

Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner ).

Select any homework planner template from the selection below. Select a format that you think will work best for you.

Homework Calendar

When I was a student, I personally loved using a homework calendar. It helped me see the bigger picture and take all of my obligations into account. You can use the homework calendar template as is or you can edit it to suit your needs. Add your list of assignments below. Add each assignment to the calendar on the due date. This is a blank calendar that you can use for any month.

Homework Calendar

Word | Editable PDF | Image

The following homework schedule is similar to the one above but it doesn’t have a list of assignments.

Homework Calendar Template

Add your list of assignments or homework on the due date. Mark each one once you have completed it.

Daily Homework Planner

This daily homework planner will help you keep track of assignments received and due.

Homework Planner

Word | Editable PDF | Image | Excel

Homeword Planner

Editable PDF | Image

Weekly Homework Planner

This weekly school planner will keep track of the assignments and homework you received all week and when each one is due. There is also a checkbox to mark it when it is complete.

Homeword tracker

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Homework Tracker

Thursday and Friday

Homework Planner Template

Homework Checklist

Homework Checklist

If you select the Excel version, then there is a dropdown list to select the subject, priority, and status. You can edit the list of subjects under the “subjects” tab. Each subject is automatically assigned a color code . All assignments that are due the next day are colored red. Assignments due that week are orange and those that are due that month are yellow.

Word | Editable PDF | Excel | PNG

This homework tracker can track your homework assignments, the subjects, due dates, and the status of each assignment. There is a dropdown list to select the subject and each subject will be marked with a different color. To change the list of subjects, go to the subject tab and list each subject. The priority can be either urgent, high, normal, or low. The status is either “to do” or “done”. You can change the priority or the status in the tabs.

Assignment Tracker

This Excel spreadsheet keeps track of assignments, who is responsible for each, and when each assignment is due. The color of each assignment changes according to the due date. When the assignment is due it will turn yellow. You can also open this spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

Assignment tracker

What is a homework planner?

This is a planner to track your homework and assignments to ensure that you prepare and submit everything on time. An assignment planner can keep track of all your assignments and is a great tool for priority management. However, if you have other obligations such as tests, social and family gatherings, etc, it might be better to prepare a planner that takes all your obligations into account. If you have a family gathering the day before a test, then you will know you will need to start studying one day earlier than you would have. If you don’t keep track of deadlines and everything you need to do, you might find yourself stressed or too late to get everything done. Planning will take the stress out of school and help you be more productive and organized.

How to use an assignment tracker?

Learning how to manage your time is an essential skill that will be needed later on in life as well. Time management is something that sets efficient people apart from those who do not manage their time well and get little done or even fall apart when stressed. Our job as parents is to give our children the skills and tools to manage their time well and get things done, even when they have a lot on their plate.

Start helping your kids to get organized when they are young. Help them write their assignments in their planner. Help them organize their time and schedule. The younger they are, the less they have on their plate. This is the time to help them acquire the skills they will need when they are older and obligations start to become more overwhelming. Remind your kids to review their planner regularly until it becomes a habit. By the time they are older, in high school or college, they will be able to manage their time efficiently.

It isn’t enough to write assignments and homework in a planner when you receive them. In order for a planner to be efficient, you will need to review it regularly. Start a daily habit where you check your homework calendar daily to see what needs to be done. This should be part of your child’s daily routine. If it isn’t feasible to check daily, then it should happen at least once or twice a week. If that doesn’t work, then try setting reminders on your phone.

How to make a homework planner?

Choose whether you want a weekly assignment planner or a daily or monthly planner. Whatever works for you. Scan the templates on this page and see which one you think will be the most helpful. If you like it as-is then download the PDF version. If you prefer to edit it to meet your specific needs then select the Microsoft Word version and edit as you please. Make it work for you.

If you feel comfortable using a spreadsheet then try the assignment deadline spreadsheet template above.

If you are a college student, then you might want a comprehensive student planner that includes a homework tracker:

  • College Student Planner (our free student planner includes a class schedule and all other tools you will need during the school year)
  • Best Planners for College Students
  • School Calendar Template

Photo of Nicole

2 thoughts on “Homework Planner”

amazing resources for students- thank you.

Thank you for your wonderful collaboration with these material 🙂

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Improve Productivity with this Free Daily Schedule Template

By Homebase Team


Keeping employees engaged, organized, and productive on a daily basis can be a major challenge for small businesses. And it’s not necessarily the employee’s fault. Some 48% of employees questioned in a recent Wrike survey report that they’re productive less than 75% of their working day. While it might be tempting to blame the employees for a lack of productivity, the issue often stems from a lack of organization and direction from the business and managers. 

Employees need—and want—to be given direction and structure in their daily work. This means giving them a north star and a goal to work towards, even if their tasks are fairly similar day-after-day. One way to do this is by providing daily schedules that highlight and assign priority and recurring tasks to employees.

This article will walk you through the concept of a daily schedule, and offer actionable advice and guidelines for how to create your own. 

What is a daily schedule template? 

A daily schedule template is a pre-built document that can be used to schedule daily tasks for your employees during their designated shifts . It outlines everything that needs to be accomplished during a work day and assigns those tasks to each on-duty employee, making it easier to plan tasks and manage time efficiently.  

Daily work schedule templates include information like: 

  • Open and close times for the business
  • Employees working on that day
  • Shift start and end times for each employee
  • Tasks to be completed at specific times during the day
  • Important events during the day
  • Hand offs and shift changes 

The goal of a daily shift schedule is to highlight all important to-dos and milestones in the work day, and ensure essential tasks are assigned to the appropriate workers. This helps employees stay organized and focused on the most important tasks during their respective shifts. 

There are two ways to organize daily schedules. First is to create a single, master daily schedule that applies to all workers during a given day. Second is to create individual daily schedules for each employee that contains tasks that are specific to that worker. Ideally, both options should roll up into a single master schedule that ticks off all required to-dos for a given week or month. 

Daily work schedule templates can be created in a simple Word or Excel document, or they can be created through digital scheduling platforms that employees can access and review at any time. 

What are the benefits of daily schedules for hourly workers? 

Organization, predictability, and better time management are the three main benefits of daily schedules for hourly workers. They ensure all workers know what is expected of them during a shift, and that they have a clear understanding of what a complete day of work looks like. 

Depending on the specific job, this level of organization and predictability is essential to remaining productive. According to Quickbooks , about 62% of U.S. workers and 96% of Canadian workers who track their time categorize it by job, task, project, client, or miles traveled. This indicates a significant amount of variability in what is expected of workers on a daily and weekly basis. Scheduling this helps to ensure that all workers know what is expected of them, and when. 

Benefits of daily schedules for hourly workers 

  • Allowing them to keep track of tasks, stay on top of to-dos and deadlines, and avoid missing important meetings, clients, calls, scheduled deliveries, and so on. 
  • Providing visibility into individual and team to-dos, giving all workers a window into what’s happening across the business on a daily basis. 
  • Helping teams organize, prioritize, and delegate tasks to ensure optimal performance. 
  • Making it clearer what can realistically be accomplished during a shift or single day or work.
  • Preventing procrastination or missed tasks due to a lack of clarity or organization. 

As a result of the above, employees are empowered to be more productive and accountable during their respective work shifts, helping them become more focused and impactful. This, of course, benefits the business as well by ensuring that all workers are achieving what’s required to move the business forward. 

Ensuring all employees have visibility into a master daily schedule is important. Add in the individual schedules for their co-workers and compound these benefits even further. By doing so, employees can coordinate and resource share to ensure tasks are completed on time. They can help to find redundancies in the work schedule , overlapped efforts, and collectively ensure that no essential tasks are missed. 

How to effectively use daily schedules for your team 

Whatever daily schedule template you use should effectively communicate and track daily tasks that your team needs to complete. That means that it both needs to be structured in a way that’s clear and easy-to-ready, but also thorough enough that it includes all relevant information. 

More specifically, daily schedule templates: 

  • Shouldn’t be too complex
  • Should be easy for everyone to follow
  • Should be centralized and viewable at all times
  • Should be open to feedback and collaboration
  • Should include all relevant tasks that each person needs to complete

Achieving the above is easier said than done, which is why a template is so important. This gives you a consistent and reliable framework for organizing and assigning tasks that all workers intuitively understand. 

Templates cover the presentation piece, but not the time management side of the equation. This requires effective time management and workforce scheduling skills that can take some time to perfect. 

Effective workforce scheduling requires the following: 

Identifying and defining available time

The opening and closing times for the business comprise the daily time block that you have to work with. This is segmented into specific shifts for each worker, who has their own individual time blocks to complete their assigned tasks. 

Scheduling essential actions

Record all must-do tasks during the day. This includes all recurring tasks, and one-offs that need to be covered during the day (like a product delivery). Estimate how long each of these tasks will take. 

Assigning time blocks

Take those tasks and completion times, and assign them to specific employees to cover during their shifts. Ensure time-sensitive tasks—or those with a specific time stamp—are covered by the appropriate shift worker.  

Scheduling contingency time

Ensure that there are blocks of time during the shift that are available for standard customer support, emergencies, or a surge in customers. Try not to overload employees with to-dos, since they also need to maintain great customer service. You can also schedule discretionary or “free” time that employees can use to complete work they’ve either fallen behind on, or that helps to move the business forward. 

Analyzing performance and seeking feedback

Scheduling is an ever-evolving and fluid operation. It helps to keep communication open with your team to identify opportunities for improvement. Adapt the schedule as problems rise. 

Armed with these tips, you can begin to create a daily schedule that you can test in the wild with your team. 

Steps to creating a daily schedule 

Now that we’ve talked about best practices and key considerations for creating a daily schedule, let’s walk through the steps sequentially. 

  • Select a daily schedule template that works best for your team
  • List all to-do items for a given day
  • Prioritize those to-dos and categorize them between recurring and project-based 
  • Note deadlines, time sensitivities, and dependencies for each task
  • Order those tasks by completion time, priority level, and deadline
  • Create a time block that includes your opening and closing time
  • Overlay your staff’s working hours onto that time block 
  • Assign tasks based on priority level, complexity, staff availability, and time sensitivity
  • Ensure employees aren’t overloaded with tasks on top of their usual duties 
  • Roll that daily schedule up into a weekly schedule to get a higher level view of what needs to be completed in a given week
  • Share that schedule with your team by printing it and posting it in a team area, uploading it to (or building it in) a scheduling platform like Homebase , or saving your template file to a centralized and accessible online folder 

The above steps outline how to create a daily schedule that’s prioritized by time. It spreads tasks evenly over the course of the day, ensuring that all staff have specific to-dos to complete.

Priority vs. deadline task management

Two other options that you can consider include: 

  • By priority. If your business has a list of priority tasks that need to be completed, you can arrange a daily schedule based on the highest to lowest priority actions. Staff working earlier can start on high-priority tasks, while lower priority tasks can be left later in the day. Employees can then be scheduled based on that priority and depending on their skill sets. 
  • By deadline. Similar to the above, you can also create a daily schedule around specific deadlines. If some tasks must be completed by a certain time, employers can create a primary task list that employees can work against. If an employee is on a shift that coincides with a specific, time-sensitive task, they’re in charge of completing it. 

Every business is a little different, which means every daily schedule strategy will vary. It’s important to experiment with different daily schedule templates and frameworks to ensure that you are optimizing your workforce as effectively as possible. Templates are a great place to start, but they often require refinement as you discover what works, and what doesn’t. 

Sample daily schedule template 

Daily schedules can be created using a variety of tools, including Word, Excel, Google Sheets or Docs, PDF templates, or an employee scheduling software like Homebase. 

Regardless of the tool, daily schedules should include the following information. We’ve filled out some time blocks and shifts to illustrate how each column and row comes together.

Daily task schedule

This is an example of a free daily schedule template that chunks out the day into time blocks. Then, you can assign tasks based on who’s working. An alternative approach is to start with a list of priority tasks, then assign from highest to lowest based on who’s working early versus later in the day. 

This template can be built out of the platform of your choice. Or, use a scheduling platform like Homebase to build structured and easy-to-follow daily schedules for your team. 

Use Homebase to create your daily schedules 

With Homebase, managers and business owners can build and update their daily schedules from anywhere for any number of employees. Because the schedules are available through an online application, employees can access and view their daily schedules at all times. 

Want to try Homebase for daily scheduling? Get started for free . 

Daily schedule template FAQs

What is a daily schedule for hourly workers.

A daily schedule for hourly workers is a physical or digital document that outlines all of the tasks that an employee needs to complete during a specific shift, on a specific day. It lists all tasks that should be completed, in what order, and by what time.

What types of businesses use daily schedules for their employees?

Businesses that employ hourly shift workers use daily schedules to help prioritize tasks and assignments on a daily basis. Employees that work full-time, 9 to 5 jobs also tend to use daily schedules in the form of to-do lists, meeting calendars, and team prioritization documents.

What information should be included in a daily schedule template?

The information found in a daily schedule template should include: 

  • The employee’s name
  • The businesses’s opening and closing time
  • The shift hours for each individual employee
  • Recurring and one-off tasks to be completed on that day
  • Task assignments for each employee
  • Completion times, dependencies, and requirements for each of those tasks

Remember:  This is not legal advice. If you have questions about your particular situation, please consult a lawyer, CPA, or other appropriate professional advisor or agency.

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How to make a daily schedule: Template and examples

Daily Schedule Template article banner image

A daily schedule is an excellent way to manage life’s moving parts. It can give you structure, reduce stress, and increase productivity. When you create your daily schedule template in an online tool, you’ll have the added flexibility to make changes and track updates in real-time. Plus, by visualizing your work in multiple ways, you can plan your day and set yourself up for success.

Sometimes it feels like you don't have enough hours in the day. When this happens, it can be helpful to think of a day not as a single unit but as 24 hour-long blocks of time. By separating out each block, you can dedicate specific time for working, socializing, eating, and creating.

What is a daily schedule template?

Every day, you go through a routine set of tasks, both at work and in your personal life. Juggling this mental to-do list is exhausting, and more often than not, it doesn't help you get the work done. That's where a daily schedule comes in—you can book time in your daily calendar for everything you need to accomplish in the next 24 hours. You can use the same outline for your schedule every day—a daily schedule template. Then, you can simply copy the template, update it with today's tasks, and get to work.

[Old Product UI] To-do list example in My Tasks (Lists)

How to create a daily schedule in 6 steps

Regardless of the online scheduling tool you choose, follow these six steps to create an organized, beautiful daily schedule template.

[inline illustration] how to create a daily schedule (infographic)

1. List to-do items

Before you can organize your to-dos, you first need to make a list of all the items you need to do for the day. You can add these items one by one to your scheduling app so you know you’ve recorded them, or use a technique like the Getting Things Done (GTD) method to systematically capture everything you need to get done. 

Include recurring tasks in your list like meetings, exercise, and appointments. Also include one-off tasks like deadlines or phone calls. You can decide how specific to get with your task list. For example, if you want to include “go to lunch” as a recurring task to add daily structure, go ahead.

Tip: It’s ok if you don’t know every task that’s coming up in the week ahead. You can always add more to-do items to your list as they arise. 

2. Prioritize tasks

Don’t fret if you feel overwhelmed after creating your to-do list. Your list will feel more organized once you prioritize. When you prioritize work, you gain a clearer sense of what needs to get done when. That way, if it seems like you won’t be able to finish all of your tasks on a given day, you can focus on the ones that are the highest priority—in other words, the ones that will have the highest impact. 

To prioritize your work, begin by marking each task as high, medium, or low priority. Some questions you can ask yourself when sorting through your tasks include:

Which tasks have strict deadlines?

Which tasks must I complete on specific days?

Which tasks will I stress about if I don't complete them soon?

Which tasks do I want to complete next?

Which tasks can wait?

Tip: If you have tasks that conflict with one another, consider which task is most urgent. For example, if one project is for a client and the other is for your boss, then the client project will likely come first. When deadlines conflict, ask for help from your team members and your manager. See if there’s any work you can delegate or defer.

3. Note deadlines

If you haven’t already, go through your online to-do list and make sure every task has a deadline. If you aren’t sure what the deadline should be, select a deadline that makes sense for now—after all, you can always update it later. 

Like priorities, deadlines tell you which tasks are most important and when you need to get your work done. Without clear deadlines, you might accidentally miss a deliverable—even though you had plenty of time to work on it. In fact, unclear processes are the second-largest contributing factor in missed deadlines

Tip: Deadlines don’t only apply to work projects. You can create your own deadlines for personal tasks to hold yourself accountable. For example, if you plan to run a half marathon, you should set training deadlines for how many miles to run per week. By creating these deadlines, you can ensure that you’ll be in shape by the time the race arrives.

4. Identify recurring events

Once you’ve noted the deadlines in your online to-do list, highlight any events that happen on a recurring basis. These events may include weekly team meetings, a monthly book club, or phone calls with clients.

Then, use project management software to program recurring events into your daily schedule. This way, you won’t have to keep track of rescheduling items each week or month.

Tip: Now is also a good time to do a quick audit of your recurring events. Is there anything you do regularly that you should stop doing or delegate to someone else? 

5. Order items by time, priority, or deadline

The big moment has arrived—now it’s time to take the items on your to-do list and order them by day and time. You can also order your daily tasks by other preferences, like priority or deadline.

As you add your items to your daily schedule template, consider the steps you performed above. Your high-priority items should occur first, while low-priority items can happen later in the day or week. Scatter your recurring events throughout your calendar template accordingly. As your to-do list shrinks, your daily agenda will fill up. 

Tip: You can switch your to-do list to calendar view to see how full your calendar is. If your schedule seems too full, you can add an extra step in the scheduling process. Remove any tasks that don’t feel necessary so you have breathing room to rest or make changes.

6. Stay flexible

Now that you have a clear vision of what your daily schedule will look like, you can get to work. It’s important to remain flexible throughout your day and week because the schedule you start with likely won’t be the exact events that play out.

The best part about a digital planner is that scheduling tasks becomes easier, and future changes become less burdensome. Life is unpredictable and hard to control. Clients will shift deadlines, and your weekly Monday meetings may switch to Wednesdays. These changes will be less stressful when you’re able to adjust your daily calendar with the click of a button.

Tip: You can use project management software as a stand-alone scheduling tool. Most types of project management software focus on organization, customization, and visualization. If you take advantage of these features, you can create a daily schedule that's functional and flexible.

Free d aily schedule template

You can use the daily schedule template below when organizing your to-do list. If you’re creating a weekly schedule template, copy this template for each day of the week.

While this daily schedule template uses general time blocks, you can make your schedule more detailed if you want to. For example, you can assign Task 1 between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. to practice morning meditation. An hourly template can form good habits and hold you accountable to your goals.

How to use a daily schedule template

Creating a daily schedule can transform how you manage your time, boost productivity, and reduce stress. A daily schedule template serves as a structured guide that empowers you to outline your tasks and appointments systematically. 

This guide will walk you through the process of using a daily schedule template effectively, ensuring you make the most of your day.

Choose the right template

Identifying the right daily schedule template is the first step towards creating a schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and goals. Consider what format works best for you—whether it’s a simple to-do list template, a weekly planner mobile app, or a printable daily planner template.

If you’re a student, you might prefer a daily schedule template that includes sections for your class schedule, study sessions, and breaks. Alternatively, a professional might opt for a daily work schedule template with an hourly breakdown to manage meetings, project schedules, daily task lists, and emails efficiently.

Customize according to your needs

Once you've selected a template, the next step is to customize it to fit your daily routine. This means adding or removing sections to match your specific needs, making sure it’s a functional tool you can rely on every day.

You may want a daily schedule template with a minimalist design and options for bullet journaling. Or perhaps a cloud-based daily planner with integrations for Slack, Google Docs, and Google Sheets, customizable fonts for different daily activities, places to put your business logo, and reminder notifications or stickers for birthdays and holidays.

Imagine you’re a freelancer with flexible work hours. You could customize your daily schedule template to include blocking time slots for client work, personal projects, important tasks, and administrative duties. This customization makes your schedule a powerful tool for balancing different daily activities and various workflows.

Prioritize your important tasks

Decide which tasks are most important and allocate time slots for them accordingly. This ensures that you focus on high-priority items that contribute significantly to your goals.

For instance, if completing a project report is your top priority for the day, schedule it during your most productive work hours. This way, you ensure that you allocate your best energy and focus to this critical task. Doing so can strengthen the quality of your work and efficiency.

Incorporate breaks

Incorporating breaks into your daily schedule template helps to maintain productivity and well-being. Breaks prevent burnout, refresh your mind, and boost creativity. They're a vital component of your daily routine.

Consider a scenario where you work from home. You might schedule short breaks every hour to stretch, grab a cup of tea, check your social media, or step outside for fresh air. These breaks help to clear your mind and make it easier to tackle each item on your daily agenda with renewed energy and focus.

Review and adjust regularly

A daily schedule is not set in stone. It’s important to review and adjust it regularly based on changing priorities, deadlines, and personal commitments. This flexibility allows you to stay on track, even when unexpected events occur.

Review your daily tasks from the entire week to see what worked well and what didn’t. Perhaps you found that you’re more productive in the mornings than the afternoons. Use this insight to adjust your hourly schedule for the following week, prioritizing important tasks in the morning.

Reflect on your day

Reflection is a powerful tool for continuous improvement. At the end of the day, take a few moments to reflect on your daily activities, what you accomplished, and the challenges you encountered. This can help you make adjustments to your daily schedule template for future use.

If you noticed that a particular task took longer than expected, consider allocating more time to similar tasks in the future. Alternatively, if you accomplished more than planned, think about how you can leverage this efficiency in your upcoming project schedules.

Using a daily schedule template effectively requires a bit of trial and error, but with these steps, you can create a daily routine that boosts your productivity and helps you manage your time better. Remember, the goal is to make your daily agenda work for you, not the other way around.

3 ways to arrange your daily schedule template

There are various ways to arrange your daily schedule template. You may prefer to focus on a timeframe when you work, or you may be more task-oriented. Consider the options to format your daily schedule below:

[inline illustration] types of daily schedule templates (infographic)

An hourly planner is the traditional arrangement of a daily schedule. To create an hourly schedule, follow the steps above and assign times for your important tasks. This schedule provides a clear structure for each part of your day. Plus, you can also schedule in obligations outside of work, like a personal doctor's appointment after work hours. 

By priority

If you prefer an untimed daily schedule, you can list your tasks by priority and work from this list through the day. This may seem like a simple to-do list, but you’ll still need to adjust your priorities for the day in front of you. For example, your priorities will change based on meetings, errands, events, and appointments that happen on that day.

Below, you’ll see a daily schedule sorted by priority using Asana’s work management software :

[Old Product UI] My Tasks organized by priority, spreadsheet-style project management in Asana (Lists)

By deadline

Sorting your daily agenda by deadlines can bring a sense of urgency to your day. Seeing what projects are due will tell you what should come first in your daily planner. Like your priorities list, your deadlines list will shift each day. Each morning you’ll need to assess your to-do list and fill in any recurring events or one-off commitments.

Choosing the best daily schedule template

Are you overwhelmed by the array of daily schedule templates available and unsure which one suits your lifestyle and goals best? Finding the perfect template can streamline your day, boost productivity, and make time management a breeze.

Let's explore how to make that choice by considering your daily habits, preferences, and the complexity of your work schedule. Understanding your own workflow is key to selecting a daily schedule template that enhances your productivity and fits seamlessly into your life.

Paper vs digital daily planner templates

The choice between a paper and a digital daily planner template is more than just a matter of preference; it reflects your personal workflow and how you interact with your tasks and appointments throughout the day.

Paper daily planner templates

Printable daily planner templates offer a tangible experience that many find satisfying. Writing down your tasks can help you retain information and give you the freedom to doodle, highlight, and physically check off completed tasks, which can be incredibly gratifying.

Paper planners are ideal for those who appreciate a break from screens and enjoy the act of writing as a method of organizing their thoughts and commitments.

Digital daily planner templates

On the flip side, digital daily planner templates cater to the tech-savvy individual who values convenience and efficiency. With digital templates, you have the ability to sync your schedule across devices, making sure you always have access to your plans no matter where you are.

Digital planners can be easily edited, offer reminders, and integrate with other apps and tools you use. This makes them a powerhouse for those who juggle multiple projects or have a busy lifestyle.

Apps and tools

Once you've decided on the format of your daily schedule planner, the next step is to choose the specific apps and tools that will serve you best. The digital planning world is vast, with options ranging from simple to-do list apps to comprehensive planning systems that integrate with your email, calendar, and project management tools.

For those leaning towards digital solutions, apps like Asana offer powerful customization, from simple date and time entries to complex project planning features. These tools can help you manage not just your daily schedule but also your overall project workflow and life goals.

Unlike a written daily schedule, a scheduling app has the following benefits:

Prioritizes tasks and events

Provides room for context

Shareable with team members

Always accessible online

Allows you to create multiple calendars in one place

Choosing the best daily schedule template is about understanding your personal productivity flow and matching it with the right tools.

If you’re looking for an online scheduling tool, try Asana . Asana is a work management platform that can help you organize your work so you know what you need to do and when you need to do it.

Why is a daily schedule important?

When you create a daily schedule, you do more than outline your tasks for the day. A daily schedule template can improve your mindset, help you prepare for upcoming events, and set the tone for how the rest of your week will play out.

[inline illustration] importance of a daily schedule (infographic)

Some benefits of creating a daily schedule include:

Forms good habits

Creates structure

Prevents procrastination

Increases productivity

Reduces stress

Improves focus

Research shows that routines benefit our well-being. "Carrying out routine activities reduces stress by making the situation appear more controllable and predictable," says Indumathi Bendi, M.D., a primary care physician at Piedmont. "Preparedness is a key way to prevent stress."

Master time management with a daily schedule template

Creating a daily schedule is a great way to master time management and feel more in control of your life. With the right daily schedule planner, you’ll gain structure in your day while still having the flexibility to make changes as they arise. 

You don’t have to choose how to arrange your daily schedule when you use project management software . If you want to see your schedule sorted by deadline or priority, toggle each option at the top of the page. You can also view your schedule as a monthly calendar and collaborate with team members on their calendars.

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Free schedule template

A free schedule template can help you keep track of your daily activities, organize tasks, and always stay on top of your work!

What Is a Schedule Template?

Schedule templates are a universal tool that works as a personal or work planner; or both. Usually, it's a pre-designed layout that helps organize and plan activities over a specific period.

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It serves as a framework, outlining time slots for various tasks, events, or appointments. These templates can be daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly, providing a visual guide for effective time management. They're handy for individuals and businesses because they help to create a structured way of organizing the workday.

Why Use Schedule Templates?

If you're busy and have a lot on your plate, schedule templates can help you organize all your daily tasks. Whether you're a freelancer, small business owner, an employee, project manager in a large organization, you can greatly benefit from this tool.

By using the right template, you can improve the daily scheduling process—when you write things down, you get a bigger picture of what you need to do, and you learn to prioritize tasks by spotting activities that need most of your attention.

If you lead a team, you can fairly distribute the workload and complete tasks on time.

Most importantly, you improve time management skills when you keep track of all your tasks in a daily planner.

And when you're monitoring your daily schedule template, you can reflect on your accomplishments and failures, and work better on achieving your goals.

How to Use Free Schedule Templates?

You can use free schedule templates in different ways, depending on your work style, preferences, and needs. You can use them solo, with your calendar, to-do list, favorite app, and any other way that you find suitable to stay flexible.

In general, you can use a schedule template to plan all types of activities. Here's a comprehensive list of schedule template applications that help to learn better time management:

Widely used by all types of workers to organize tasks, plan workflow, and ensure deadlines are always met.

In project management, it outlines the timeline for various project phases, helps assign tasks to team members, and facilitates coordination between different departments.

Study and academic planning . Students can use schedule templates to organize their study sessions, plan for exams, and manage assignment deadlines.

Event planning for individual or work events.

A healthy spirit in a healthy body! You can use templates for fitness and health planning to keep a work-life balance and stay healthy.

Planning household and daily chores.

Time blocking or time boxing. If you're practicing time blocking, use schedule templates to allocate specific blocks of time to different types of tasks. This method improves focus and productivity.

Track short-term and long-term goals .

Freelancers and remote workers use schedule templates to structure their workdays, balancing client meetings, project deadlines, and personal time.

Track work hours if you bill your clients by the hour to keep a record of work.

Your schedule template can include different types of activities, especially, if you use it for personal purposes. Those used with other team members and shared with stakeholders or other managers should always be professional and focused solely on work.

In general, you can freely adjust, mix, and personalize your template to make your planning as efficient as possible.

Types of Schedules

There are several types of ways to create your schedule template. You can choose the one that suits you most or combine them for more productivity. It all depends on your needs and preferences.

Here are the different types of schedules that you can use to create your perfect template:

The first option is to take a piece of paper and a pen and write things down just the way you like. It's best for simple planning.

Your schedule can also take the form of a simple to-do list . There are also options for creating a more advanced, professional to-do list .

Traditional calendars are probably one of the most popular ways used for daily, weekly, and yearly planning.

Timesheets are also a form of schedule particularly useful for scheduling and monitoring total hours of hourly employees or hourly projects.

Free schedule templates . These are available in different variants to download and print—for Excel, Microsft Word, PDF, Google Sheets, Google Docs, etc.

Dedicated software for advanced project scheduling is also a form of schedule as it helps to plan every phase of a project.

These more traditional forms of a schedule template allow you for full inventiveness. You can use colorful pens, add stickers, post-it-notes, and other elements. It's especially favorable to more creative minds.

On the other hand, software usually comes with pre-defined features. And while it still gives you some form of flexibility, built-in features may not always allow you to add some minor elements. But the great advantage is that they fully automate and optimize work.

How Do I Create a Schedule Template?

A good schedule template should be organized so you don't get lost in all your assignments. You can include several crucial components that'll help you better manage your tasks. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use a schedule template effectively:

1) Define Your Goals

Start by clarifying your short-term and long-term objectives. Knowing what you want to achieve will guide how you structure your schedule.

Defining your goals will also help you choose the best template that corresponds to your needs.

2) Choose the Right Template:

Select a schedule template that aligns with your needs. Whether it's a daily planner, weekly overview, or monthly calendar, pick one that suits the scope of your tasks.

You can also use scheduling apps or software to streamline the process. Many tools offer customizable templates and reminders, making it easier to stay on track.

⏱ Get your template now, or sign up for TimeCamp . Why not both? Use it free, save time and money!

3) List Your Tasks:

Make a comprehensive list of all the tasks you need to accomplish. Categorize them by priority, deadlines, or any other relevant criteria.

You can note only the most important tasks or all assignments and other activities to choose what needs to be on your schedule. Or maybe every task should be there?

4) Assign Time Slots

Allocate specific time slots for each task in the template, including the deadline. Be realistic about the time needed for each activity, and consider your energy levels throughout the day. Also, you can have a given day dedicated to a particular category of work, for example, answering email and phone calls, doing the paperwork, or anything else that takes a lot of time and may be done in one day.

5) Include Breaks

Integrate short breaks to avoid burnout and maintain focus. These pauses can significantly contribute to productivity and overall well-being. You may also consider taking specific days off to rest if there's too much happening.

6) Review and Adjust

Regularly review your schedule. Life is dynamic, and priorities may change. Adjust the plan as needed, accommodating unexpected tasks or changes in deadlines.

7) Reflect and Learn

At the end of the day or week, reflect on what worked well and what didn't. Use this insight to refine your future schedules and improve your time management skills.

And don't forget to stick to the schedule. Discipline is key. If you're following the schedule as closely as possible, you'll build good habits and improve productivity.

The Best Schedule Templates

Now that you know everything about scheduling, take a look at the most common types of schedule templates that can help improve your work.

Daily Schedule Template

A daily schedule template or a daily planner is a structured plan that outlines your tasks, activities, and commitments in daily planning.

Why and how to use it : A daily planner template is indispensable for organizing your day, enhancing productivity, and ensuring that important tasks receive dedicated time.

What to include: task description, time slots (preferably with deadlines), priority levels, breaks, and needed notes.

Weekly Schedule Template

A weekly schedule template provides an overview of your activities, weekly tasks, and events for the entire week.

Why and how to use it : This template is helpful for organizing work in weekly intervals, especially, if your work doesn't allow you to look ahead but focus on each week. It allows you to distribute tasks across days, balance workload, allocate time for personal and professional commitments, and prepare for another week.

What to include: tasks distributed evenly throughout the week, work and non-work related activities, start and end dates.

Monthly Schedule Template

A monthly schedule template outlines tasks, events, and goals on a monthly basis.

Why and how to use it : Ideal for tracking recurring monthly activities and arranging workload for the whole month. It aids in setting achievable monthly goals, ensuring that projects are spread out evenly. Use it to gain a holistic view of your month and reflect on how your monthly work and personal life can be improved.

What to include: r ecurring and non-recurring monthly activities, monthly goals, adjustment periods—you can save free slots for additional work or work that takes longer than estimated, due dates.

Annual Schedule Template

An annual schedule template is a comprehensive plan detailing major events, goals, and milestones throughout the year.

Why and how to use it : Essential for strategic planning and long-term goal setting. It's best for freelancers and businesses who plan to work with clients on an annual basis or need to schedule work, taking into consideration different months and work intensity throughout the year. This template can also help you track your annual income to better plan finances for the whole year.

What to include: major events and milestones, long-term objectives, review periods, and all significant due dates.

Work Schedule Template

A work schedule template can be used for arranging work and distributing workload among team members. It specifies working hours, shifts, and tasks for professional settings.

Why and how to use it: It's crucial for maintaining a balanced workload, ensuring that tasks are evenly distributed for all team members. Use it to enhance team coordination, avoid burnout, and optimize productivity. It's also good for individual use as it gives insight into how much work you have.

What to include: shifts and working hours, task assignments, employee information if applicable, dates of meetings, breaks, and other relevant data.

Project Schedule Template

A project schedule template is a detailed plan that outlines the tasks, milestones, and deadlines for a specific undertaking.

Why and how to use it : Essential for project management, this template helps organize and track the progress of a project from start to finish. Use it to allocate resources effectively, manage dependencies, and ensure timely completion. It provides a roadmap for the entire team, fostering collaboration and accountability. A well-structured project schedule is instrumental in preventing bottlenecks, optimizing resource utilization, and ensuring successful project delivery.

What to include: tasks with dependencies, assigned team members and project managers, milestones and deadlines, resources required for each task, progress tracking, and contingency plans for potential delays.

Class Schedule Template

A class schedule template outlines the timing of classes, study sessions, and extracurricular activities for students.

Why and how to use it : A class schedule template is especially useful for students and academics, but it can also be helpful for parents whose kids have already reached school age as it can aid you in planning your work and activities to fit with your kids' schedules.

What to include: start and end dates of classes, class timings, study periods, due dates for class assignments, extracurricular activities, and other related information.

How Do You Schedule Your Work?

Which is your favorite schedule template? Are you a fan of planning tools or prefer ready solutions? Remember that you can save a lot of time with automated tools (try TimeCamp for free!), and make your work easier.

Get your free schedule template and start structuring your work today!

Balance sheet template

Keep your financials under control with a balance sheet template and understand where your money goes.

Employee attendance tracker template

Stay accountable, productive, and profitable with free employee attendance tracker template.

Free budgeting template

Use a free, customizable template to plan your budget, keep track of expenses, and find where you can save money.

Free employee performance report template

Get the free performance review template for an effective performance review process and provide professional employee feedback.

Free expense report template

Use an expense report template to track all your expenses, monthly income, and claim expense reimbursements.

Free invoice template

Get your freelance invoice template to streamline work, get paid faster, and improve communication with clients.

Free pay stub template

Get the free pay stub template for a straightforward, insightful view of your income.

Free payroll template

Get a free payroll template for seamless business operations and improve payroll processing for your company.

Free printable timesheet template

Get a free printable timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly and run payroll in seconds.

Weekly schedule template

A weekly schedule template allows you to organize your week, plan tasks, and ensure you meet all your deadlines efficiently.

Daily schedule template

A daily schedule template helps you manage your daily activities, prioritize tasks, and keep your day structured and productive.

Hourly schedule template

An hourly schedule template breaks down your day into hourly slots, helping you allocate time precisely for each task or appointment.

Employee schedule template

An employee schedule template is perfect for managing shifts, tracking work hours, and ensuring your team is well-organized and efficient.

Project schedule template

A project schedule template helps you outline project tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress to ensure timely project completion.

Construction schedule template

A construction schedule template aids in planning construction activities, coordinating teams, and tracking the progress of various project stages.

Staff schedule template

A staff schedule template helps in organizing staff shifts, managing availability, and ensuring that all work hours are properly allocated.

Daily timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable daily timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Weekly timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable weekly timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Employee timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable employee timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Simple timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable simple timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Contractor timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable contractor timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Consultant timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable consultant timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Construction timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable construction timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Caregiver timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable caregiver timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

Attorney timesheet template

Frustrated with messy spreadsheets? Get a free printable attorney timesheet template to track your work hours effortlessly. Run payroll in seconds and keep accurate records.

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  • Time management

Hourly Schedule Templates

43 effective hourly schedule templates (excel, word, pdf).

We’ve all felt the weight of mounting tasks at some point. However, no matter the volume of work, there are strategies to manage it more effectively.

Using an hourly schedule template can help you organize your day efficiently, ensuring you always have time for every task. Additionally, it offers employers a means to monitor what tasks their employees are handling and the time they spend on them.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Hourly Schedule Templates
  • 2 What is an Hourly Schedule
  • 3 Hourly Schedule Printables
  • 4 What is an Hourly Schedule Template
  • 5 How to Use Hourly Schedule Templates
  • 6 Free Hourly Planners
  • 7 Considerations for Making an Hourly Schedule
  • 8 What are the Different Types of Schedule Templates?
  • 9 Hourly Schedule Template Samples
  • 10 How to make a Printable Hourly Schedule
  • 11 Hourly Schedule Template Examples
  • 12 Conclusion

In this piece, we’ll explore top methods to refine your work routines and master time management. Continue reading for insights on crafting a distinctive hourly schedule template.

Free Hourly Day Planner Template

What is an Hourly Schedule

An hourly schedule is a tool that details and organizes your daily tasks , helping you optimize every working hour by allocating specific tasks to each time slot.

By using such a system, tasks are finished more swiftly and proficiently, even in high-pressure situations. It aids in not only completing assignments but also in enhancing your organizational skills and efficiency.

The essence of hourly schedules is to manage each day individually, enabling a detailed approach to your daily activities. This framework can capture everything – from your morning wake-up time to your lunch break.

Being aware of your upcoming tasks simplifies the planning process and aids in determining the best strategies for their effective completion .

Hourly Schedule Printables

Free hourly schedule template 10

What is an Hourly Schedule Template

An hourly schedule template, also referred to as a daily schedule template, is a pre-made document designed to help you plan out your daily activities. This user-friendly, printable planner segments your day’s goals and organizes them, optimizing your time usage.

Hourly schedules include a table with each hour separated into its own cell. Next to each cell are the blank fields that you can use to write in your plans for that hour and check them off as you complete them.

Whether you work from home, in an office, or you’re on the road all day, having a visual hourly document with your duties and scheduled meetings for the day will help you better manage your time. 

An hourly schedule can help you complete your daily activities quite effectively. Most companies need to be made aware of how important a free hourly planner is to their daily operations.

Hourly schedules can be used to plan an employee’s daily activities and adhere to one guarantee that business operations continue as planned.

Hourly schedules are used by managers in businesses to maintain daily operations and the progress of projects. It can be used for various things, including scheduling meetings, medical appointments , travel schedules, and much more.

How to Use Hourly Schedule Templates

Making an hourly schedule is one thing, but putting it to good use is another. To make sure you don’t create an hourly schedule template in vain, consider the following advice:

  • Create a schedule that suits you – Allocate time for specific activities and stick to your goals. Plan to accommodate any downtime you may require. You can also make adjustments to your plan throughout the day or week, but keep in mind that having a plan is better than having none at all.
  • Make a schedule with separate times for each activity – For example, do you work best in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening? Keeping your schedule realistic makes it a lot easier to follow.
  • Plan your meetings wisely – Allow for extra time travel and unforeseen encounters, like running into a friend on the way to a meeting. If a meeting occurs outside of the office and is planned to last 30 minutes, give it a 45-minute extension.
  • Combine calls and meetings – If you need to make ten calls in one day, schedule them one after the other and designate an hour to complete them. You can even plan lots of different meetings in the same location in the same hour to save time on back-and-forth travel. Here are a few examples of the different types of meetings you can add to your schedule: A 30-minute meeting to catch up with or get to know another person. A 45-minute client meeting outside of the office, allowing an additional 15 minutes for travel. A 10-minute phone conversation to assist someone in need of guidance. For your team, a daily 15-minute pep talk and catch-up. One day each week, a 30-minute staff meeting.
  • Consider work, personal and family time – For example, you might have a dinner party to attend or a parcel to collect during the day. Set time aside for things that might not happen every day. The same logic applies when arranging a date with your partner or a family outing. Workaholics wind up working throughout family time that should be spent with their loved ones. Unless you schedule this time in advance. Teach yourself to put down your work as soon as personal time arrives.
  • Be consistent – By adhering to your hourly schedule, you should soon experience less overwhelm at the end of the day if your schedule is reasonable. We often find ourselves wondering where time has gone when we haven’t even completed half of our to-do list. Now is a better time than ever to think about how you can gain more or make the most out of the time you have in a day. When you do, firmly adhere to every routine, schedule meetings, and utilize available appointment times. This will help you develop self-discipline and enhance productivity in both your personal and work life.

Free Hourly Planners

Free hourly schedule template 20

Considerations for Making an Hourly Schedule

There are a few things you’ll need to consider before deciding on an hourly template. The most common schedule types to choose from are hourly, weekly, biweekly, and monthly.

That said, you should clearly define your daily goals before creating a schedule that suits your needs. For example, monthly schedules are beneficial for long-term objectives, while hourly schedules consider every minute of every day.

When creating your hourly schedule template, remember to keep the following in mind:

  • The reason behind your schedule Finding out why you are making the planner in the first place is the first step in this process. Some of the most common reasons to use an hourly schedule template include: Setting strict due dates on tasks or projects. Improving productivity and efficiency. Prioritizing daily activities. Defining the details of a project in depth. Connecting daily activities to a long-term strategy.
  • Time management abilities Each day offers just 24 hours, with a significant chunk dedicated to meals, rest, and relaxation. Thus, effective time management and daily organization become essential for a smooth workflow. As you design your hourly schedule template, maximize your day’s potential by incorporating breaks, allotting time for meals, commuting, unexpected events, and impromptu meetings. This will ensure that the time set aside for work will allow you to focus better.

What are the Different Types of Schedule Templates?

Hourly schedule templates are designed to help you manage your time more effectively. Here are some of the most common scheduled templates and how to use them in your day-to-day life:

  • Hourly Planner Template Whether it’s work-related or involves your personal life, hourly planning templates help to plan your day by the hour. You can use it to break down your to-dos into detail, making it easier to get things done.
  • Home schedule template for work Working from home comes with many distractions. From neighborhood sounds to screaming children or persistent pets. Maintaining a work-from-home schedule is one of the best strategies to stop these disruptions and stay on top of your daily tasks.
  • Daily work schedule template It helps you to stay on track with everyday tasks by scheduling half-hour intervals. This includes logging in to your laptop and checking your emails first thing in the morning. Or following up with employees or colleagues on the previous day’s duties.
  • Weekly home schedule template for work This template can be broken down into three sections: Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. You can also add a meeting/calls section to keep track of the conversations you’ve had over the week and any steps you need to take following those calls.
  • Daily schedule template for assignments Use a daily hourly schedule template to identify your top three daily priorities. Categorize your assignments from most to least important or urgent and non-urgent. Make sure to use the time of the day that you’re the most focused on your high-priority tasks.
  • Weekly schedule template for assignments Fill this out at the beginning of the week to track your days and the assignments you need to complete. You can leave space between each item to add assignments and their due dates throughout the weekly hourly planner.
  • Yearly holiday schedule template Use this template to keep track of your time off, your available vacation days, and how often you work overtime. You can add sections for the days you’ve had off, your available sick days, as well as the balance of what is owed.
  • Weekly hourly schedule template for business meetings If you’re someone that has meetings every day, a blank weekly schedule is for you. With this template, you can add a category that describes the meeting agenda, topic, and start and end time. To get the most out of this template, you can add sections on where the meeting is set to take place or links to online calls.
  • Employee schedule template Used to facilitate employee scheduling within the company. It includes the names of the employee, a weekly (or monthly) summary of each employee’s schedule, and the daily roles they assume.

Hourly Schedule Template Samples

Free hourly schedule template 30

How to make a Printable Hourly Schedule

With a printable hourly schedule, you can save time and complete work ahead of schedule – allowing plenty of time for socializing, sleeping, and going out.

We’ve put together five easy steps to creating your ideal hourly schedule template:

  • Choose or create a template Find a template that suits your brand and the goals you have in mind. There are plenty of free websites to find a free hourly schedule template on. Alternatively, you can create your own templates using Google Sheets, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or even PowerPoint.
  • Choose a Background Choose the borders and background designs you like and add them to the page once you’ve found a template format that works for you. Play around with different backgrounds and save your work as you go. This will allow you to choose your favorite design at the end.
  • Edit the text Here’s where you can get creative. Not only can you alter an existing template’s color and size, but you can also add any additional columns or sections you want. To increase your template aesthetics, consider adding photographs for the tasks that need to be completed.
  • Format the widgets Try out some widgets that fit your specific needs. For example, your work hourly schedule can include a time for lunch icon, or you can include a food record to keep track of your meals if you’re following a diet.
  • Print or share your schedule Once you’ve filled out all the details you want in your printable hourly calendar template, you can print a few copies or send the documents to those who need them. Alternatively, you can share the link if you’ve created it using an online platform like Google Calendar.

Hourly Schedule Template Examples

Free hourly schedule template 40

Time management is one of the best things to master in life. Once you’ve got the skills to manage your time, you’ll never miss an appointment or a birthday party again.

With an hourly schedule template, you can create better structure in your work and personal life and improve your focus and concentration. This allows you to prioritize the things that matter and eliminate any distractions.

Rita Akekelwa

More Templates

Appointment Schedule Templates

Appointment Schedule Templates

Time Blocking Templates

Time Blocking Templates

Work Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure

Construction Schedule Templates

Construction Schedule Templates

Homework Planners

Homework Planners

Employee Schedule Templates

Employee Schedule Templates

Free Google Sheets Scheduling Templates

By Kate Eby | January 25, 2021 (updated September 3, 2024)

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Google Sheets scheduling templates provide a structured framework that can save anyone time and effort. We’ve collected the most useful, fully editable templates with collaborative features that enable seamless sharing and real-time updates. Download one of these templates to streamline the scheduling process, improve organization, and enhance productivity.

Included on this page, you'll find many helpful Google Sheets scheduling templates, including a work schedule Google Sheets template , a student schedule Google Sheets template , a construction schedule Google Sheets template , an employee schedule Google Sheets template , and more. Plus, find tips on how to make a schedule in Google Sheets .

Basic Weekly Schedule Google Sheets Template

Weekly Schedule Template

Download a Basic Weekly Schedule Template for

Google Sheets | Smartsheet

Use this basic weekly schedule template to effectively manage your weekly schedule and ensure timely project completion. Enter date and time details for your activities, including the schedule start time, time interval (e.g., 30 minutes), and week start date. Share this editable template with team members and clients, and conveniently save it to your Google Drive account.

Work Schedule Google Sheets Template

Work Schedule Template

Download a Work Schedule Template for

This work schedule template is designed for managers, employees, and teams that need to proactively log and track individuals’ work schedules. Enter the beginning date of the week, company name, department, employee name, work assigned, and hours worked for each day. Employee hours will auto-tally in a totals column. You can include the sum in the total number of hours worked by all employees. This all-in-one, customizable work schedule template helps keep team members apprised of other employees’ schedules, and managers up to date on their employees’ schedules and hours worked. 

Daily Calendar Google Sheets Template

Daily Calendar Template

Download the Daily Calendar Google Sheets Template for Google Sheets

Optimize your daily planning with this daily calendar Google Sheets template. Effectively visualize your day, efficiently manage and organize your activities, and provide a shareable schedule that can be accessed from anywhere. Simply input your daily schedule, including appointments, tasks, and events, into the calendar. This template serves as an excellent solution for organizing and managing your daily activities, helping you stay on top of your schedule.

Monthly Schedule Google Sheets Template 

2023 Monthly Schedule Google Sheets Template

Download the 2023 Monthly Schedule Google Template for Google Sheets  Download the 2024 Monthly Schedule Google Template for Google Sheets

Enhance your month-by-month organization, time-management, and collaboration with this Google Sheets monthly schedule template. Enter your schedule details, such as tasks, appointments, and meetings, for the desired duration. Differentiate specific days, events, or date-ranges by color-coding them in your monthly schedule. This dynamic template is available in year-specific versions, offering flexibility and convenience in planning your monthly activities.

Project Schedule Google Sheets Template

Project Schedule Template

Download the Project Schedule Template for

Use this project schedule template to keep tabs on your project’s timelines, milestones, and deliverables. This template comes pre-built with columns for phase title, start date, end date, duration, and schedule details. Find ample space to add notes related to budget, resources, risks, and issues. Easily track all delivery dates with an auto-populated, color-coded Gantt chart based on individual timeline start and end dates. A project schedule template can help ensure that all stakeholders are kept apprised of progress. 

Construction Schedule Google Sheets Template

Construction Schedule Template

Download the Construction Schedule Template for

Keep your construction projects running on time and within budget with this streamlined construction schedule template. The template includes columns for recording project-specific work breakdown structure (WBS) numbers, task names, start and end dates, task durations, and percentages complete. Share the Google Sheets template with stakeholders, vendors, and clients to keep them in the loop. Use this template to ensure each construction-related task is scheduled accurately and moves you toward the larger construction goals.

Daily Schedule Google Sheets Template

daily assignment schedule template

Download the Daily Schedule Template for

Use this easy-to-fill daily schedule template to proactively schedule and complete tasks in a timely manner. This day-by-day schedule enables you to track the smallest of tasks during any given day. Use the weekly view to keep apprised of what you achieved in prior days and what you have scheduled for the remainder of the week. 

Employee Schedule Google Sheets Template

Employee Schedule Template

Download the Employee Schedule Template for

Track employee work hours and labor costs with this comprehensive employee schedule template. Enter employee ID, name, and hour-by-hour duties, resulting in an auto-tally of total hours worked. This streamlined employee schedule template is the perfect scheduling tool to keep team members apprised of any updates and to help you meet deadlines. 

Student Schedule Google Sheets Template

Student Schedule Template

Download the Student Schedule Template for

Plan your weekly school schedule with this easy-to-fill student schedule template. Track class times, extracurricular activities and any other details related to your busy schedule as a student. Merge cells across 15-minute increments of time for class durations and any other related scheduling information to ensure you keep apprised of required student-related activities and meet all deadlines. 

24-Hour Schedule Google Sheets Template

24-Hour Schedule Google Sheets Template

Download the 24-Hour Schedule Template for Google Sheets

Use this all-purpose 24-hour schedule to schedule any activity or task that falls within a 24-hour period. This schedule breaks each 24-hour day into 15-minute intervals and provides ample space for daily task details, as well as any relevant notes. Organize your work, home, and leisure tasks and goals with this comprehensive, versatile 24-hour schedule template.

Daily Planner With Task List Google Sheets Template

Daily Planner with Task List Template Google Sheets

Download the Daily Planner With Task List Template for Google Sheets

Improve your daily task organization, enhance time management, and boost productivity using this Google Sheets daily planner template. Simply enter your tasks for each day, prioritize your top items, and track your progress as you complete each task. The template also provides sections to note various items to do, people to connect with, places to visit, and things to leave for another day, enabling comprehensive task management and planning.

How to Make a Schedule in Google Sheets

To create a Google Sheets schedule, open an existing template in Google Sheets, edit the template with your specific schedule information, such as dates, tasks, and durations, and then save or share the modified schedule with your team or stakeholders.

Follow these steps to create an effective weekly schedule using the weekly schedule template for Google Sheets:

1. Download the Weekly Schedule Template for Google Sheets

  • Download the weekly schedule template for Google Sheets .
  • Duplicate the file ( File > Make a copy ), and save it to the appropriate folder on your Google Drive.

2. Define Goals and Assess Time 

  • Determine your weekly goals and priorities before filling out the schedule. 
  • Evaluate your available time, including work or school hours, personal commitments, and recurring activities.

3. Configure the Schedule

  • Locate the Schedule Start Time field in cell G4. Click on the arrow next to the cell to open the dropdown list.
  • From the dropdown list, select the desired start time for your schedule. Click on the appropriate time option.
  • Locate the Time Interval field in cell H4, and repeat the previous step by clicking on the arrow next to the cell to open the dropdown list.
  • From the dropdown list, select the desired time interval for your schedule. For example, choose 60 MIN to divide days into one-hour increments or 15 MIN for 15-minute increments. The template will automatically update to reflect this selection. 

google sheets schedule start time time interval

4. Organize Tasks in Your Schedule 

  • Compile a comprehensive list of your tasks, appointments, and activities.
  • Click on the cell corresponding to the desired time slot, and type in the activity or task name, such as “Dog Park Meet-Up” or “Daily Product Meeting.”


5. Regularly Review and Revise Your Schedule 

  • Review and update your schedule at regular intervals, making necessary modifications to ensure it remains effective and accurate.
  • Apply productivity techniques such as time blocking, prioritization, and task batching. Time blocking involves dedicating specific blocks of time to focused work on specific tasks or activities. Prioritization ensures that important tasks receive the proper attention they deserve.

Crafting an efficient Google Sheets schedule involves thoughtful planning and consideration of personal priorities. Design a well-balanced weekly schedule that guides your productivity without being overly restrictive. Stay flexible and adaptable, making necessary modifications to ensure a balanced and successful week.

Related Schedule Templates 

There are various schedule template types available, each catering to specific needs, such as weekly planning, equipment management, loan tracking, marketing planning, project scheduling, and more. Schedule templates can greatly assist in organizing tasks, enhancing productivity, and streamlining processes.

Check out these additional schedule templates to help you organize your time, tasks, and commitments and increase your productivity: 

  • Weekly Schedule Templates: Try one of these free Google Sheets weekly schedule templates to effectively plan and allocate your time, enhancing organization, prioritization, and productivity throughout the week.
  • Daily Schedule Templates: Explore this selection of free Google Sheets daily schedule templates designed to assist you in effectively planning and organizing your day, promoting productivity and efficient time management.
  • Google Calendar Templates: Optimize your schedule, appointments, and events with one of these free Google Calendar templates , which offer easy access, reminders, and seamless synchronization across devices.
  • Equipment Schedule Templates: See these free equipment schedule templates for efficient management and tracking of equipment usage, maintenance, and availability, ensuring optimal utilization, preventing scheduling conflicts, and minimizing downtime.
  • Amortization Schedule Templates: Check out one of these free amortization schedule templates to help you accurately track and plan your loan payments, leading to more informed financial decision-making.
  • Payment Templates: Use one of these free payment templates to maintain a comprehensive record of your payments, ensuring accurate tracking, organization, and easy reference for effective financial management.
  • Marketing Calendar Templates: Streamline your marketing activities, campaigns, and deadlines with one of these free Google Sheets marketing calendar templates , which enable structured planning, collaboration, and effective execution for individuals and businesses.
  • Project Calendar Templates: Plan, track, and manage various project tasks, milestones, and deadlines with one of these free project schedule templates , which help ensure better coordination, progress monitoring, and successful project completion.

Streamline, Customize, and Share Schedules with Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Schedule, track, and visualize tasks within every phase of your project with Smartsheet.

Daily Schedules in PDF format

  • Daily planners (daily schedules without times/hours)
  • Other schedules:  hourly   ·  weekly   ·  monthly   ·  quarterly   ·  yearly
  • Calendars for 2024:  weekly   ·  monthly   ·  quarterly   ·  yearly
  • Multi-year calendars:  split year   ·  school year   ·  academic year   ·  fiscal year   ·  two years   ·  three years
  • Daily schedule templates in other file formats:  Word   ·  Excel   ·  PDF

Daily schedules in portrait orientation (22 templates)

Template 1: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 12 hours from 8am to 8pm in 30-minute intervals

Template 1: Daily schedule portrait, graded red

  • 1 page, portrait orientation (vertical)
  • covers the 12 hour period from 8am to 8pm in 30-minute intervals
  • schedule on the left, to do list and notes on the right
  • color scheme: graded red
  • free to download, easily printable
  • in PDF format (.pdf file)

Template 2: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 12 hours from 8am to 8pm in 30-minute intervals

Template 2: Daily schedule portrait, graded purple

  • to do list and notes on the left, schedule on the right
  • color scheme: graded purple

Template 3: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 15 hours from 8am to 11pm in 30-minute intervals

Template 3: Daily schedule portrait, graded blue

  • covers the 15 hour period from 8am to 11pm in 30-minute intervals
  • schedule on the left, top 3 task list, to do list and notes on the right
  • color scheme: graded blue

Template 4: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 14 hours from 8am to 10pm in 30-minute intervals

Template 4: Daily schedule portrait, mint

  • covers the 14 hour period from 8am to 10pm in 30-minute intervals
  • today's focus, to do list and notes on the left, activities on the right
  • color scheme: mint

Template 5: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 18 hours from 6am to 12am in 1-hour intervals

Template 5: Daily schedule portrait, orange

  • covers the 18 hour period from 6am to 12am in 1-hour intervals
  • activities on the left, priorities list and to do list on the right, notes at the bottom
  • color scheme: orange

Template 6: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 24 hours divided into am and pm

Template 6: Daily schedule portrait, purple

  • covers 24 hours divided into am and pm, 1-hour intervals
  • schedule at the top, priorities list and to do list in the middle, notes at the bottom
  • color scheme: purple

Template 7: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 24 hours divided into am and pm

Template 7: Daily schedule portrait, yellow, grid lines

  • schedule at the top, to do list in the middle, notes at the bottom
  • color scheme: yellow

Template 8: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 15 hours from 8am to 11pm in 1-hour intervals

Template 8: Daily schedule portrait, red line

  • covers the 15 hour period from 8am to 11pm in 1-hour intervals
  • double red line highlights time increments
  • schedule on the left, priorities list, to do list and notes on the right

Template 9: Classic daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 14 hours from 8am to 10pm in 1-hour intervals

Template 9: Classic daily schedule portrait

  • covers the 14 hour period from 8am to 10pm in 1-hour intervals
  • simple classic design

Template 10: Cute daily schedule for kids in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, in rainbow colors

Template 10: Cute daily schedule for kids portrait, in rainbow colors

  • use it to plan a daily schedule for your baby, toddler, kids, preschool etc.

Template 11: Daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 7am to 7pm in 30-minute intervals

Template 11: Daily schedule portrait

  • covers the 12 hour period from 7am to 7pm in 30-minute intervals
  • headers left empty for flexibility - use it for up to 3 people, days, projects, categories or other classification of your choice

Template 12: 15-minute daily scheduling sheet in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 17 hours from 7am to 12am (midnight) in 15-minute intervals

Template 12: 15-minute daily scheduling sheet portrait

  • covers the 17 hour period from 7am to 12am (midnight)
  • 15-minute intervals between 9am and 9pm (30-minute intervals before 9am and from 9pm)
  • no superfluous design elements - designed to maximize the available space on the sheet

Template 13: 10-minute daily appointment schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 9 hours, 9am to 6pm, 10-minute intervals, for up to 5 people or days

Template 13: 10-minute daily appointment schedule portrait

  • covers the 9 hour period 9am to 6pm in 10-minute intervals
  • headers left empty for flexibility - use it for up to 5 people, days, projects, categories or other classification of your choice
  • great as a working week daily schedule (5 days)

Template 14: Simple daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 18 hours, 30-minute intervals, in rainbow colors

Template 14: Simple daily schedule portrait, in color

  • covers the 18 hour period from 6am to 12am (midnight) in 30-minute intervals
  • in rainbow colors

Template 15: Simple daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 18 hours from 6am to 12am in 30-minute intervals

Template 15: Simple daily schedule portrait

Template 16: 24-hour daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 24 hours in 2 columns

Template 16: 24-hour daily schedule portrait

  • day divided into two columns of 12 hours each
  • covers 24 hours (midnight to midnight)

Template 17: 24-hour daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 24 hours in 2 columns, lined

Template 17: 24-hour daily schedule portrait, graded yellow/orange

  • left column (in graded yellow): 12am (midnight) to 12pm (noon)
  • right column (in graded orange): 12pm (noon) to 12am (midnight)

Template 18: 24-hour daily schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 2 columns, 24 hours

Template 18: 24-hour daily schedule portrait, graded gray

  • left column (in graded pale gray): 12am (midnight) to 12pm (noon)
  • right column (in graded dark gray): 12pm (noon) to 12am (midnight)

Template 19: Two 12-hour daily schedules in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, two schedules of 12 hours each or one 24-hour schedule

Template 19: Two 12-hour daily schedules portrait, graded red/purple

  • each of the two schedules shows 12 hours from 8 to 8
  • use it as two schedules of 12 hours each for 2 days/2 people or as one 24-hour schedule
  • no am/pm markings for flexibility - use it as a daytime (8am to 8pm) or nighttime (8pm to 8am) schedule or for 24 hours (8am to 8am or 8pm to 8pm)
  • color scheme: left schedule in graded red, right schedule in graded purple

Template 20: 2-day schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 12 hours from 8am to 8pm in 1-hour intervals

Template 20: Simple 2-day schedule portrait, 12 hours

  • 2 days on one page (2D1P), 12 hours (8am to 8pm)
  • 1-hour intervals

Template 21: 2-day schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 24 hours in 1-hour intervals

Template 21: Simple 2-day schedule portrait, 24 hours

  • 2 days on one page (2D1P)
  • covers 24 hours in 1-hour intervals
  • pm hours marked in bold to distinguish them from the am hours

Template 22: 4-day schedule in PDF format, portrait, 1 page, 12 hours from 7am to 7pm in 1-hour intervals

Template 22: Simple 4-day schedule portrait, 12 hours

  • 4 days on one page (4D1P)
  • covers 12 hours from 7am to 7pm
  • use it for up to 4 days, 4 people, 4 projects/categories or any other classification of your choice

Daily schedules in landscape orientation (9 templates)

Template 23: Daily schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 10 hours from 8am to 6pm in 30-minute intervals

Template 23: Daily schedule landscape, graded red

  • 1 page, landscape orientation (horizontal)
  • covers the 10 hour period from 8am to 6pm in 30-minute intervals
  • schedule on the left, to do list in the middle, priorities list and notes on the right

Template 24: Daily schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 9 hours from 8am to 5pm in 30-minute intervals, for up to 4 people or days

Template 24: Daily schedule landscape

  • covers the 9 hour period from 8am to 5pm in 30-minute intervals
  • headers left empty for flexibility - use it for up to 4 people, days, projects, categories or other classification of your choice

Template 25: 15-minute daily scheduling sheet in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 13 hours from 7am to 8pm, 15-minute intervals, for up to 4 people or days

Template 25: 15-minute daily scheduling sheet landscape

  • covers the 13 hour period from 7am to 8pm, accommodating the majority of business hours
  • 15-minute intervals between 9am and 6pm (30-minute intervals before 9am and from 6pm)

Template 26: Daily appointment schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 10 hours from 8am to 6pm in 15-minute intervals, for up to 5 people or days

Template 26: Daily appointment schedule landscape

  • covers the 10 hour period from 8am to 6pm in 15-minute intervals

Template 27: Two 12-hour daily schedules in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, two schedules of 12 hours each or one 24-hour schedule

Template 27: Two 12-hour daily schedules landscape, graded red/purple

Template 28: Daily schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 18 hours in 2 columns, 30-minute intervals

Template 28: Daily schedule landscape, 18 hours

  • covers the 18 hour period from 6am to 12am in 30-minute intervals
  • left column: 9 hours from 6am to 3pm
  • right column: 9 hours from 3pm to 12am (midnight)

Template 29: Daily schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 24 hours in 2 columns, 1-hour intervals

Template 29: Daily schedule landscape, 24 hours, 1-hour intervals

  • covers 24 hours (midnight to midnight) in 2 columns
  • left column: 12am (midnight) to 12pm (noon)
  • right column: 12pm (noon) to 12am (midnight)

Template 30: Simple daily schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 24 hours in 2 columns, 30-minute intervals

Template 30: Simple daily schedule landscape, 24 hours, 30-minute intervals

  • 30-minute intervals

Template 31: 2-day schedule in PDF format, landscape, 1 page, 2 days, 18 hours from 6am to 12am in 1-hour intervals

Template 31: 2-day schedule landscape, 18 hours

  • 18 hours from 6am to 12am (midnight) in 1-hour intervals
PDF:   ·     /
Word:   ·     /
Excel:    ·     /



  1. Free Daily Work Schedule Templates

    Download Daily Work Schedule Template. Excel | PDF | Smartsheet. This daily work schedule template allows you to plan a single day by the hour, view a week at a glance, and add important notes. Keep your work day organized and plan ahead for important meetings, events and deadlines. Use the note section to keep track of priority tasks and ...

  2. Free Schedule Templates

    Daily assignments schedule template. The Daily assignments schedule is a template that helps you figure out your top 3 priorities of the day. Moreover, since this template contains The Eisenhower Matrix technique section, it allows you to distinguish between important/not important, and urgent/not urgent assignments. ...

  3. Free schedule templates

    Follow a schedule to stay on top of your life. Design custom schedule templates to help you plan out your year and manage projects for your business. Use Excel to set schedules by the month, day, and even down to the hour. Leave fields for you to add in details of what task you want to complete during the time.

  4. 37 Free Employee Schedule Templates (Excel, Word, PDF)

    Here are the steps for making your own Excel schedule template: Launch the program and open a new file. Start by giving the spreadsheet a name making it easier to identify. For instance, the name could be "Work Schedule: November 10 - 15.". Save the file at each step so you don't lose your progress.

  5. Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

    This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date, which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.) The second is the (2) Tags field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject.

  6. Free Work Schedule Templates for Word and Excel

    Each Word template is free to download and compatible with older versions of Word. Download Mon-Sun Weekly 8am - 6pm Work Schedule Template. Download Sun-Sat Weekly 24-hour Work Schedule Template. Download Mon-Sun Weekly Schedule Template, 24-hour Template. Download 5-Day Work Schedule with Notes Template.

  7. 15 Printable Homework Planners (PDF, Word, Excel)

    Standard notebook. Select a notebook to use. Although using a homework planner printable is very convenient, decorating a notebook and using it for your planner is an excellent way for you to express yourself. Decorate the notebook by starting with the cover. Use paint, stickers, and other craft supplies to do this.

  8. Free Google Sheets Daily Schedule Templates and Planners

    Here are the detailed steps to create a daily schedule: 1. Download and Name the Basic Google Sheets Daily Schedule Template. Open the basic Google Sheets weekly schedule template, save it (File > Make a copy), rename it, and choose a folder on your Google Drive. Click the Make a Copy button.

  9. 32 Free Daily Planner Templates (Word, Excel & PDF)

    Daily Planner Templates. Using the free daily planner templates to draft these planners is always a good thing. Just download from the many we have in stock. You have the options of MS Word or Excel to choose from. 15 Minute Day Planner Template PDF. Daily Calendar and Notes Excel Template. Daily Planner Template PDF 02.

  10. Daily Schedule Templates

    Choose from 50+ printable daily schedule templates, time table templates & daily planners available in PDF (A4, A5, Letter and Half Letter) ... Use classic to-do lists templates to capture your tasks and assignments for a day in the most well-known and consistent way. Use these templates to manage your personal workload or take control over the ...

  11. Easy-to-use daily work schedule template

    A daily work schedule template is a flexible tool that can be used in various situations — from outlining ongoing tasks to planning a project for an entire department. Here are several variations of a daily work schedule template: 1. To-do list templates. The most basic form of a daily work schedule is a to-do list.

  12. 25 Printable Daily Planner Templates (FREE in Word/Excel/PDF)

    BusyBodyBook Planner. The BusyBodyBook daily planner has a different form of template as it has a unique layout and design consisting of grids with 5 columns. It can help at least five people maintain their activities regarding household chores, appointments, school work, meetings, entertainment, events and much more.

  13. FREE Printable Homework Planner Template

    Homework Planner Template. Our free homework planner printable will keep you organized and on top of your homework assignments. If you prefer a digital version, you can open the PDF homework trackers on an iPad and write on them with a note-taking app and stylus (see digital planner). Select any homework planner template from the selection below.

  14. 17 Perfect Daily Work Schedule Templates ᐅ TemplateLab

    17 Perfect Daily Work Schedule Templates. A schedule can be looked at as a time management tool which outlines the specific times at which certain tasks/activities need to be undertaken. Most of the schedules are organized in a given chronological order, and this sequence will dictate the achievement of certain goals.

  15. Improve Productivity with this Free Daily Schedule Template

    A daily schedule template is a pre-built document that can be used to schedule daily tasks for your employees during their ... Businesses that employ hourly shift workers use daily schedules to help prioritize tasks and assignments on a daily basis. Employees that work full-time, 9 to 5 jobs also tend to use daily schedules in the form of to-do ...

  16. Free Daily Schedules for Excel

    Template 2:Daily scheduleportrait, graded purple. 1 page, portrait orientation (vertical) covers the 12 hour period from 8am to 8pm in 30-minute intervals. to do list and notes on the left, schedule on the right. color scheme: graded purple. free to download, editable, customizable, easily printable.

  17. How to make a daily schedule: Template and examples

    How to create a daily schedule in 6 steps. Regardless of the online scheduling tool you choose, follow these six steps to create an organized, beautiful daily schedule template. 1. List to-do items. Before you can organize your to-dos, you first need to make a list of all the items you need to do for the day.

  18. Free schedule template

    Students can use schedule templates to organize their study sessions, plan for exams, and manage assignment deadlines. Event planning for individual or work events. ... A daily schedule template or a daily planner is a structured plan that outlines your tasks, activities, and commitments in daily planning.

  19. 43 Effective Hourly Schedule Templates (Excel, Word, PDF)

    Use a daily hourly schedule template to identify your top three daily priorities. Categorize your assignments from most to least important or urgent and non-urgent. Make sure to use the time of the day that you're the most focused on your high-priority tasks. Weekly schedule template for assignments.

  20. Free Google Sheets Schedule Templates

    This work schedule template is designed for managers, employees, and teams that need to proactively log and track individuals' work schedules. Enter the beginning date of the week, company name, department, employee name, work assigned, and hours worked for each day. Employee hours will auto-tally in a totals column.

  21. Free Daily Schedules in PDF Format

    Template 3:Daily scheduleportrait, graded blue. 1 page, portrait orientation (vertical) covers the 15 hour period from 8am to 11pm in 30-minute intervals. schedule on the left, top 3 task list, to do list and notes on the right. color scheme: graded blue. free to download, easily printable. in PDF format (.pdf file)