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Maximum Flow and the Linear Assignment Problem

The Hungarian graph algorithm solves the linear assignment problem in polynomial time. By modeling resources (e.g., contractors and available contracts) as a graph, the Hungarian algorithm can be used to efficiently determine an optimum way of allocating resources.

Maximum Flow and the Linear Assignment Problem

By Dmitri Ivanovich Arkhipov

Dmitri has a PhD in computer science from UC Irvine and works primarily in UNIX/Linux ecosystems. He specializes in Python and Java.


Here’s a problem: Your business assigns contractors to fulfill contracts. You look through your rosters and decide which contractors are available for a one month engagement and you look through your available contracts to see which of them are for one month long tasks. Given that you know how effectively each contractor can fulfill each contract, how do you assign contractors to maximize the overall effectiveness for that month?

This is an example of the assignment problem, and the problem can be solved with the classical Hungarian algorithm .

Bipartite Matching

The Hungarian algorithm (also known as the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm) is a polynomial time algorithm that maximizes the weight matching in a weighted bipartite graph. Here, the contractors and the contracts can be modeled as a bipartite graph, with their effectiveness as the weights of the edges between the contractor and the contract nodes.

In this article, you will learn about an implementation of the Hungarian algorithm that uses the Edmonds-Karp algorithm to solve the linear assignment problem. You will also learn how the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is a slight modification of the Ford-Fulkerson method and how this modification is important.

The Maximum Flow Problem

The maximum flow problem itself can be described informally as the problem of moving some fluid or gas through a network of pipes from a single source to a single terminal. This is done with an assumption that the pressure in the network is sufficient to ensure that the fluid or gas cannot linger in any length of pipe or pipe fitting (those places where different lengths of pipe meet).

By making certain changes to the graph, the assignment problem can be turned into a maximum flow problem.


The ideas needed to solve these problems arise in many mathematical and engineering disciplines, often similar concepts are known by different names and expressed in different ways (e.g., adjacency matrices and adjacency lists). Since these ideas are quite esoteric, choices are made regarding how generally these concepts will be defined for any given setting.

This article will not assume any prior knowledge beyond a little introductory set theory.

The implementations in this post represent the problems as directed graphs (digraph).

A digraph has two attributes , setOfNodes and setOfArcs . Both of these attributes are sets (unordered collections). In the code blocks on this post, I’m actually using Python’s frozenset , but that detail isn’t particularly important.

(Note: This, and all other code in this article, are written in Python 3.6.)

A node n is composed of two attributes:

n.uid : A unique identifier .

This means that for any two nodes x and y ,

  • n.datum : This represents any data object.

An arc a is composed of three attributes:

a.fromNode : This is a node , as defined above.

a.toNode : This is a node , as defined above.

a.datum : This represents any data object.

The set of arcs in the digraph represents a binary relation on the nodes in the digraph . The existence of arc a implies that a relationship exists between a.fromNode and a.toNode .

In a directed graph (as opposed to an undirected graph), the existence of a relationship between a.fromNode and a.toNode does not imply that a similar relationship between a.toNode and a.fromNode exists.

This is because in an undirected graph, the relationship being expressed is not necessarily symmetric.

Nodes and arcs can be used to define a digraph , but for convenience, in the algorithms below, a digraph will be represented using as a dictionary .

Here’s a method that can convert the graph representation above into a dictionary representation similar to this one :

And here’s another one that converts it into a dictionary of dictionaries, another operation that will be useful:

When the article talks about a digraph as represented by a dictionary, it will mention G_as_dict to refer to it.

Sometimes it’s helpful to fetch a node from a digraph G by it up through its uid (unique identifier):

In defining graphs, people sometimes use the terms node and vertex to refer to the same concept; the same is true of the terms arc and edge.

Two popular graph representations in Python are this one which uses dictionaries and another which uses objects to represent graphs. The representation in this post is somewhere in between these two commonly used representations.

This is my digraph representation. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Walks and Paths

Let S_Arcs be a finite sequence (ordered collection) of arcs in a digraph G such that if a is any arc in S_Arcs except for the last, and b follows a in the sequence, then there must be a node n = a.fromNode in G.setOfNodes such that a.toNode = b.fromNode .

Starting from the first arc in S_Arcs , and continuing until the last arc in S_Arcs , collect (in the order encountered) all nodes n as defined above between each two consecutive arcs in S_Arcs . Label the ordered collection of nodes collected during this operation S_{Nodes} .

If any node appears more than once in the sequence S_Nodes then call S_Arcs a Walk on digraph G .

Otherwise, call S_Arcs a path from list(S_Nodes)[0] to list(S_Nodes)[-1] on digraph G .

Source Node

Call node s a source node in digraph G if s is in G.setOfNodes and G.setOfArcs contains no arc a such that a.toNode = s .

Terminal Node

Call node t a terminal node in digraph G if t is in G.setOfNodes and G.setOfArcs contains no arc a such that a.fromNode = t .

Cuts and s-t Cuts

A cut cut of a connected digraph G is a subset of arcs from G.setOfArcs which partitions the set of nodes G.setOfNodes in G . G is connected if every node n in G.setOfNodes and has at least one arc a in G.setOfArcs such that either n = a.fromNode or n = a.toNode , but a.fromNode != a.toNode .

The definition above refers to a subset of arcs , but it can also define a partition of the nodes of G.setOfNodes .

For the functions predecessors_of and successors_of , n is a node in set G.setOfNodes of digraph G , and cut is a cut of G :

Let cut be a cut of digraph G .

cut is a cut of digraph G if: (get_first_part(cut, G).union(get_second_part(cut, G)) == G.setOfNodes) and (len(get_first_part(cut, G).intersect(get_second_part(cut, G))) == 0) cut is called an x-y cut if (x in get_first_part(cut, G)) and (y in get_second_part(cut, G) ) and (x != y) . When the node x in a x-y cut cut is a source node and node y in the x-y cut is a terminal node , then this cut is called a s-t cut .

Flow Networks

You can use a digraph G to represent a flow network.

Assign each node n , where n is in G.setOfNodes an n.datum that is a FlowNodeDatum :

Assign each arc a , where a is in G.setOfArcs and a.datum that is a FlowArcDatum .

flowNodeDatum.flowIn and flowNodeDatum.flowOut are positive real numbers .

flowArcDatum.capacity and flowArcDatum.flow are also positive real numbers.

For every node node n in G.setOfNodes :

Digraph G now represents a flow network .

The flow of G refers to the a.flow for all arcs a in G .

Feasible Flows

Let digraph G represent a flow network .

The flow network represented by G has feasible flows if:

For every node n in G.setOfNodes except for source nodes and terminal nodes : n.datum.flowIn = n.datum.flowOut .

For every arc a in G.setOfNodes : a.datum.capacity <= a.datum.flow .

Condition 1 is called a conservation constraint .

Condition 2 is called a capacity constraint .

Cut Capacity

The cut capacity of an s-t cut stCut with source node s and terminal node t of a flow network represented by a digraph G is:

Minimum Capacity Cut

Let stCut = stCut(s,t,cut) be an s-t cut of a flow network represented by a digraph G .

stCut is the minimum capacity cut of the flow network represented by G if there is no other s-t cut stCutCompetitor in this flow network such that:

Stripping the Flows Away

I would like to refer to the digraph that would be the result of taking a digraph G and stripping away all the flow data from all the nodes in G.setOfNodes and also all the arcs in G.setOfArcs .

Maximum Flow Problem

A flow network represented as a digraph G , a source node s in G.setOfNodes and a terminal node t in G.setOfNodes , G can represent a maximum flow problem if:

Label this representation:

Where sourceNodeUid = s.uid , terminalNodeUid = t.uid , and maxFlowProblemStateUid is an identifier for the problem instance.

Maximum Flow Solution

Let maxFlowProblem represent a maximum flow problem . The solution to maxFlowProblem can be represented by a flow network represented as a digraph H .

Digraph H is a feasible solution to the maximum flow problem on input python maxFlowProblem if:

strip_flows(maxFlowProblem.G) == strip_flows(H) .

H is a flow network and has feasible flows .

If in addition to 1 and 2:

  • There can be no other flow network represented by digraph K such that strip_flows(G) == strip_flows(K) and find_node_by_uid(t.uid,G).flowIn < find_node_by_uid(t.uid,K).flowIn .

Then H is also an optimal solution to maxFlowProblem .

In other words a feasible maximum flow solution can be represented by a digraph , which:

Is identical to digraph G of the corresponding maximum flow problem with the exception that the n.datum.flowIn , n.datum.flowOut and the a.datum.flow of any of the nodes and arcs may be different.

Represents a flow network that has feasible flows .

And, it can represent an optimal maximum flow solution if additionally:

  • The flowIn for the node corresponding to the terminal node in the maximum flow problem is as large as possible (when conditions 1 and 2 are still satisfied).

If digraph H represents a feasible maximum flow solution : find_node_by_uid(s.uid,H).flowOut = find_node_by_uid(t.uid,H).flowIn this follows from the max flow, min cut theorem (discussed below). Informally, since H is assumed to have feasible flows this means that flow can neither be ‘created’ (except at source node s ) nor ‘destroyed’ (except at terminal node t ) while crossing any (other) node ( conservation constraints ).

Since a maximum flow problem contains only a single source node s and a single terminal node t , all flow ‘created’ at s must be ‘destroyed’ at t or the flow network does not have feasible flows (the conservation constraint would have been violated).

Let digraph H represent a feasible maximum flow solution ; the value above is called the s-t Flow Value of H .

This means that mfps is a successor state of maxFlowProblem , which just means that mfps is exacly like maxFlowProblem with the exception that the values of a.flow for arcs a in maxFlowProblem.setOfArcs may be different than a.flow for arcs a in mfps.setOfArcs .

Here’s a visualization of a mfps along with its associated maxFlowProb . Each arc a in the image has a label, these labels are a.datum.flowFrom / a.datum.flowTo , each node n in the image has a label, and these labels are n.uid {n.datum.flowIn / a.datum.flowOut} .

s-t Cut Flow

Let mfps represent a MaxFlowProblemState and let stCut represent a cut of mfps.G . The cut flow of stCut is defined:

s-t cut flow is the sum of flows from the partition containing the source node to the partition containing the terminal node minus the sum of flows from the partition containing the terminal node to the partition containing the source node .

Max Flow, Min Cut

Let maxFlowProblem represent a maximum flow problem and let the solution to maxFlowProblem be represented by a flow network represented as digraph H .

Let minStCut be the minimum capacity cut of the flow network represented by maxFlowProblem.G .

Because in the maximum flow problem flow originates in only a single source node and terminates at a single terminal node and, because of the capacity constraints and the conservation constraints , we know that the all of the flow entering maxFlowProblem.terminalNodeUid must cross any s-t cut , in particular it must cross minStCut . This means:

Solving the Maximum Flow Problem

The basic idea for solving a maximum flow problem maxFlowProblem is to start with a maximum flow solution represented by digraph H . Such a starting point can be H = strip_flows(maxFlowProblem.G) . The task is then to use H and by some greedy modification of the a.datum.flow values of some arcs a in H.setOfArcs to produce another maximum flow solution represented by digraph K such that K cannot still represent a flow network with feasible flows and get_flow_value(H, maxFlowProblem) < get_flow_value(K, maxFlowProblem) . As long as this process continues, the quality ( get_flow_value(K, maxFlowProblem) ) of the most recently encountered maximum flow solution ( K ) is better than any other maximum flow solution that has been found. If the process reaches a point that it knows that no other improvement is possible, the process can terminate and it will return the optimal maximum flow solution .

The description above is general and skips many proofs such as whether such a process is possible or how long it may take, I’ll give a few more details and the algorithm.

The Max Flow, Min Cut Theorem

From the book Flows in Networks by Ford and Fulkerson , the statement of the max flow, min cut theorem (Theorem 5.1) is:

For any network, the maximal flow value from s to t is equal to the minimum cut capacity of all cuts separating s and t .

Using the definitions in this post, that translates to:

The solution to a maxFlowProblem represented by a flow network represented as digraph H is optimal if:

I like this proof of the theorem and Wikipedia has another one .

The max flow, min cut theorem is used to prove the correctness and completeness of the Ford-Fulkerson method .

I’ll also give a proof of the theorem in the section after augmenting paths .

The Ford-Fulkerson Method and the Edmonds-Karp Algorithm

CLRS defines the Ford-Fulkerson method like so (section 26.2):

Residual Graph

The Residual Graph of a flow network represented as the digraph G can be represented as a digraph G_f :

agg_n_to_u_cap(n,u,G_as_dict) returns the sum of a.datum.capacity for all arcs in the subset of G.setOfArcs where arc a is in the subset if a.fromNode = n and a.toNode = u .

agg_n_to_u_cap(n,u,G_as_dict) returns the sum of a.datum.flow for all arcs in the subset of G.setOfArcs where arc a is in the subset if a.fromNode = n and a.toNode = u .

Briefly, the residual graph G_f represents certain actions which can be performed on the digraph G .

Each pair of nodes n,u in G.setOfNodes of the flow network represented by digraph G can generate 0, 1, or 2 arcs in the residual graph G_f of G .

The pair n,u does not generate any arcs in G_f if there is no arc a in G.setOfArcs such that a.fromNode = n and a.toNode = u .

The pair n,u generates the arc a in G_f.setOfArcs where a represents an arc labeled a push flow arc from n to u a = Arc(n,u,datum=ResidualNode(n_to_u_cap_sum - n_to_u_flow_sum)) if n_to_u_cap_sum > n_to_u_flow_sum .

The pair n,u generates the arc a in G_f.setOfArcs where a represents an arc labeled a pull flow arc from n to u a = Arc(n,u,datum=ResidualNode(n_to_u_cap_sum - n_to_u_flow_sum)) if n_to_u_flow_sum > 0.0 .

Each push flow arc in G_f.setOfArcs represents the action of adding a total of x <= n_to_u_cap_sum - n_to_u_flow_sum flow to arcs in the subset of G.setOfArcs where arc a is in the subset if a.fromNode = n and a.toNode = u .

Each pull flow arc in G_f.setOfArcs represents the action of subtracting a total of x <= n_to_u_flow_sum flow to arcs in the subset of G.setOfArcs where arc a is in the subset if a.fromNode = n and a.toNode = u .

Performing an individual push or pull action from G_f on the applicable arcs in G might generate a flow network without feasible flows because the capacity constraints or the conservation constraints might be violated in the generated flow network .

Here’s a visualization of the residual graph of the previous example visualization of a maximum flow solution , in the visualization each arc a represents a.residualCapacity .

Augmenting Path

Let maxFlowProblem be a max flow problem , and let G_f = get_residual_graph_of(G) be the residual graph of maxFlowProblem.G .

An augmenting path augmentingPath for maxFlowProblem is any path from find_node_by_uid(maxFlowProblem.sourceNode,G_f) to find_node_by_uid(maxFlowProblem.terminalNode,G_f) .

It turns out that an augmenting path augmentingPath can be applied to a max flow solution represented by digraph H generating another max flow solution represented by digraph K where get_flow_value(H, maxFlowProblem) < get_flow_value(K, maxFlowProblem) if H is not optimal .

Here’s how:

In the above, TOL is some tolerance value for rounding the flow values in the network. This is to avoid cascading imprecision of floating point calculations . So, for example, I used TOL = 10 to mean round to 10 significant digits .

Let K = augment(augmentingPath, H) , then K represents a feasible max flow solution for maxFlowProblem . For the statement to be true, the flow network represented by K must have feasible flows (not violate the capacity constraint or the conservation constraint .

Here’s why: In the method above, each node added to the new flow network represented by digraph K is either an exact copy of a node from digraph H or a node n which has had the same number added to its n.datum.flowIn as its n.datum.flowOut . This means that the conservation constraint is satisfied in K as long as it was satisfied in H . The conservation constraint is satisfied because we explicitly check that any new arc a in the network has a.datum.flow <= a.datum.capacity ; thus, as long as the arcs from the set H.setOfArcs which were copied unmodified into K.setOfArcs do not violate the capacity constraint , then K does not violate the capacity constraint .

It’s also true that get_flow_value(H, maxFlowProblem) < get_flow_value(K, maxFlowProblem) if H is not optimal .

Here’s why: For an augmenting path augmentingPath to exist in the digraph representation of the residual graph G_f of a max flow problem maxFlowProblem then the last arc a on augmentingPath must be a ‘push’ arc and it must have a.toNode == maxFlowProblem.terminalNode . An augmenting path is defined as one which terminates at the terminal node of the max flow problem for which it is an augmenting path . From the definition of the residual graph , it is clear that the last arc in an augmenting path on that residual graph must be a ‘push’ arc because any ‘pull’ arc b in the augmenting path will have b.toNode == maxFlowProblem.terminalNode and b.fromNode != maxFlowProblem.terminalNode from the definition of path . Additionally, from the definition of path , it is clear that the terminal node is only modified once by the augment method. Thus augment modifies maxFlowProblem.terminalNode.flowIn exactly once and it increases the value of maxFlowProblem.terminalNode.flowIn because the last arc in the augmentingPath must be the arc which causes the modification in maxFlowProblem.terminalNode.flowIn during augment . From the definition of augment as it applies to ‘push’ arcs , the maxFlowProblem.terminalNode.flowIn can only be increased, not decreased.

Some Proofs from Sedgewick and Wayne

The book Algorithms, fourth edition by Robert Sedgewich and Kevin Wayne has some wonderful and short proofs (pages 892-894) that will be useful. I’ll recreate them here, though I’ll use language fitting in with previous definitions. My labels for the proofs are the same as in the Sedgewick book.

Proposition E: For any digraph H representing a feasible maximum flow solution to a maximum flow problem maxFlowProblem , for any stCut get_stcut_flow(stCut,H,maxFlowProblem) = get_flow_value(H, maxFlowProblem) .

Proof: Let stCut=stCut(maxFlowProblem.sourceNode,maxFlowProblem.terminalNode,set([a for a in H.setOfArcs if a.toNode == maxFlowProblem.terminalNode])) . Proposition E holds for stCut directly from the definition of s-t flow value . Suppose that there we wish to move some node n from the s-partition ( get_first_part(stCut.cut, G) ) and into the t-partition (get_second_part(stCut.cut, G)) , to do so we need to change stCut.cut , which could change stcut_flow = get_stcut_flow(stCut,H,maxFlowProblem) and invalidate proposition E . However, let’s see how the value of stcut_flow will change as we make this change. node n is at equilibrium meaning that the sum of flow into node n is equal to the sum of flow out of it (this is necessary for H to represent a feasible solution ). Notice that all flow which is part of the stcut_flow entering node n enters it from the s-partition (flow entering node n from the t-partition either directly or indirectly would not have been counted in the stcut_flow value because it is heading the wrong direction based on the definition). Additionally, all flow exiting n will eventually (directly or indirectly) flow into the terminal node (proved earlier). When we move node n into the t-partition, all the flow entering n from the s-partition must be added to the new stcut_flow value; however, all flow exiting n must the be subtracted from the new stcut_flow value; the part of the flow heading directly into the t-partition is subtracted because this flow is now internal to the new t-partition and is not counted as stcut_flow . The part of the flow from n heading into nodes in the s-partition must also be subtracted from stcut_flow : After n is moved into the t-partition, these flows will be directed from the t-partition and into the s-partition and so must not be accounted for in the stcut_flow , since these flows are removed the inflow into the s-partition and must be reduced by the sum of these flows, and the outflow from the s-partition into the t-partition (where all flows from s-t must end up) must be reduced by the same amount. As node n was at equilibrium prior to the process, the update will have added the same value to the new stcut_flow value as it subtracted thus leaving proposition E true after the update. The validity of proposition E then follows from induction on the size of the t-partition.

Here are some example flow networks to help visualize the less obvious cases where proposition E holds; in the image, the red areas indicate the s-partition, the blue areas represent the t-partition, and the green arcs indicate an s-t cut . In the second image, flow between node A and node B increases while the flow into terminal node t doesn’t change.:

assignment problem maximum

Corollary: No s-t cut flow value can exceed the capacity of any s-t cut .

Proposition F. (max flow, min cut theorem): Let f be an s-t flow . The following 3 conditions are equivalent:

There exists an s-t cut whose capacity equals the value of the flow f .

f is a max flow .

There is no augmenting path with respect to f .

Condition 1 implies condition 2 by the corollary. Condition 2 implies condition 3 because the existence of an augmenting path implies the existence of a flow with larger values, contradicting the maximality of f . Condition 3 implies condition 1: Let C_s be the set of all nodes that can be reached from s with an augmenting path in the residual graph . Let C_t be the remaining arcs , then t must be in C_t (by our assumption). The arcs crossing from C_s to C_t then form an s-t cut which contains only arcs a where either a.datum.capacity = a.datum.flow or a.datum.flow = 0.0 . If this were otherwise then the nodes connected by an arc with remaining residual capacity to C_s would be in the set C_s since there would then be an augmenting path from s to such a node . The flow across the s-t cut is equal to the s-t cut’s capacity (since arcs from C_s to C_t have flow equal to capacity) and also to the value of the s-t flow (by proposition E ).

This statement of the max flow, min cut theorem implies the earlier statement from Flows in Networks .

Corollary (integrality property): When capacities are integers, there exists an integer-valued max flow, and the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm finds it.

Proof: Each augmenting path increases the flow by a positive integer, the minimum of the unused capacities in the ‘push’ arcs and the flows in the ‘pull’ arcs , all of which are always positive integers.

This justifies the Ford-Fulkerson method description from CLRS . The method is to keep finding augmenting paths and applying augment to the latest maxFlowSolution coming up with better solutions, until no more augmenting path meaning that the latest maximum flow solution is optimal .

From Ford-Fulkerson to Edmonds-Karp

The remaining questions regarding solving maximum flow problems are:

How should augmenting paths be constructed?

Will the method terminate if we use real numbers and not integers?

How long will it take to terminate (if it does)?

The Edmonds-Karp algorithm specifies that each augmenting path is constructed by a breadth first search ( BFS ) of the residual graph ; it turns out that this decision of point 1 above will also force the algorithm to terminate (point 2) and allows the asymptotic time and space complexity to be determined.

First, here’s a BFS implementation:

I used a deque from the python collections module .

To answer question 2 above, I’ll paraphrase another proof from Sedgewick and Wayne : Proposition G. The number of augmenting paths needed in the Edmonds-Karp algorithm with N nodes and A arcs is at most NA/2 . Proof: Every augmenting path has a bottleneck arc - an arc that is deleted from the residual graph because it corresponds either to a ‘push’ arc that becomes filled to capacity or a ‘pull’ arc through which the flow becomes 0. Each time an arc becomes a bottleneck arc , the length of any augmenting path through it must increase by a factor of 2. This is because each node in a path may appear only once or not at all (from the definition of path ) since the paths are being explored from shortest path to longest that means that at least one more node must be visited by the next path that goes through the particular bottleneck node that means an additional 2 arcs on the path before we arrive at the node . Since the augmenting path is of length at most N each arc can be on at most N/2 augmenting paths , and the total number of augmenting paths is at most NA/2 .

The Edmonds-Karp algorithm executes in O(NA^2) . If at most NA/2 paths will be explored during the algorithm and exploring each path with BFS is N+A then the most significant term of the product and hence the asymptotic complexity is O(NA^2) .

Let mfp be a maxFlowProblemState .

The version above is inefficient and has worse complexity than O(NA^2) since it constructs a new maximum flow solution and new a residual graph each time (rather than modifying existing digraphs as the algorithm advances). To get to a true O(NA^2) solution the algorithm must maintain both the digraph representing the maximum flow problem state and its associated residual graph . So the algorithm must avoid iterating over arcs and nodes unnecessarily and update their values and associated values in the residual graph only as necessary.

To write a faster Edmonds Karp algorithm, I rewrote several pieces of code from the above. I hope that going through the code which generated a new digraph was helpful in understanding what’s going on. In the fast algorithm, I use some new tricks and Python data structures that I don’t want to go over in detail. I will say that a.fromNode and a.toNode are now treated as strings and uids to nodes . For this code, let mfps be a maxFlowProblemState

Here’s a visualization of how this algorithm solves the example flow network from above. The visualization shows the steps as they are reflected in the digraph G representing the most up-to-date flow network and as they are reflected in the residual graph of that flow network. Augmenting paths in the residual graph are shown as red paths, and the digraph representing the problem the set of nodes and arcs affected by a given augmenting path is highlighted in green. In each case, I’ll highlight the parts of the graph that will be changed (in red or green) and then show the graph after the changes (just in black).

Here’s another visualization of how this algorithm solving a different example flow network . Notice that this one uses real numbers and contains multiple arcs with the same fromNode and toNode values.

**Also notice that because Arcs with a ‘pull’ ResidualDatum may be part of the Augmenting Path, the nodes affected in the DiGraph of the Flown Network _may not be on a path in G! .

Bipartite Graphs

Suppose we have a digraph G , G is bipartite if it’s possible to partition the nodes in G.setOfNodes into two sets ( part_1 and part_2 ) such that for any arc a in G.setOfArcs it cannot be true that a.fromNode in part_1 and a.toNode in part_1 . It also cannot be true that a.fromNode in part_2 and a.toNode in part_2 .

In other words G is bipartite if it can be partitioned into two sets of nodes such that every arc must connect a node in one set to a node in the other set.

Testing Bipartite

Suppose we have a digraph G , we want to test if it is bipartite . We can do this in O(|G.setOfNodes|+|G.setOfArcs|) by greedy coloring the graph into two colors.

First, we need to generate a new digraph H . This graph will have will have the same set of nodes as G , but it will have more arcs than G . Every arc a in G will create 2 arcs in H ; the first arc will be identical to a , and the second arc reverses the director of a ( b = Arc(a.toNode,a.fromNode,a.datum) ).

Matchings and Maximum Matchings

Suppose we have a digraph G and matching is a subset of arcs from G.setOfArcs . matching is a matching if for any two arcs a and b in matching : len(frozenset( {a.fromNode} ).union( {a.toNode} ).union( {b.fromNode} ).union( {b.toNode} )) == 4 . In other words, no two arcs in a matching share a node .

Matching matching , is a maximum matching if there is no other matching alt_matching in G such that len(matching) < len(alt_matching) . In other words, matching is a maximum matching if it is the largest set of arcs from G.setOfArcs that still satisfies the definition of matching (the addition of any arc not already in the matching will break the matching definition).

A maximum matching matching is a perfect matching if every for node n in G.setOfArcs there exists an arc a in matching where a.fromNode == n or a.toNode == n .

Maximum Bipartite Matching

A maximum bipartite matching is a maximum matching on a digraph G which is bipartite .

Given that G is bipartite , the problem of finding a maximum bipartite matching can be transformed into a maximum flow problem solvable with the Edmonds-Karp algorithm and then the maximum bipartite matching can be recovered from the solution to the maximum flow problem .

Let bipartition be a bipartition of G .

To do this, I need to generate a new digraph ( H ) with some new nodes ( H.setOfNodes ) and some new arcs ( H.setOfArcs ). H.setOfNodes contains all the nodes in G.setOfNodes and two more nodess , s (a source node ) and t (a terminal node ).

H.setOfArcs will contain one arc for each G.setOfArcs . If an arc a is in G.setOfArcs and a.fromNode is in bipartition.firstPart and a.toNode is in bipartition.secondPart then include a in H (adding a FlowArcDatum(1,0) ).

If a.fromNode is in bipartition.secondPart and a.toNode is in bipartition.firstPart , then include Arc(a.toNode,a.fromNode,FlowArcDatum(1,0)) in H.setOfArcs .

The definition of a bipartite graph ensures that no arc connects any nodes where both nodes are in the same partition. H.setOfArcs also contains an arc from node s to each node in bipartition.firstPart . Finally, H.setOfArcs contains an arc each node in bipartition.secondPart to node t . a.datum.capacity = 1 for all a in H.setOfArcs .

First partition the nodes in G.setOfNodes the two disjoint sets ( part1 and part2 ) such that no arc in G.setOfArcs is directed from one set to the same set (this partition is possible because G is bipartite ). Next, add all arcs in G.setOfArcs which are directed from part1 to part2 into H.setOfArcs . Then create a single source node s and a single terminal node t and create some more arcs

Then, construct a maxFlowProblemState .

Minimal Node Cover

A node cover in a digraph G is a set of nodes ( cover ) from G.setOfNodes such that for any arc a of G.setOfArcs this must be true: (a.fromNode in cover) or (a.toNode in cover) .

A minimal node cover is the smallest possible set of nodes in the graph that is still a node cover . König’s theorem states that in a bipartite graph, the size of the maximum matching on that graph is equal to the size of the minimal node cover , and it suggests how the node cover can recovered from a maximum matching :

Suppose we have the bipartition bipartition and the maximum matching matching . Define a new digraph H , H.setOfNodes=G.setOfNodes , the arcs in H.setOfArcs are the union of two sets.

The first set is arcs a in matching , with the change that if a.fromNode in bipartition.firstPart and a.toNode in bipartition.secondPart then a.fromNode and a.toNode are swapped in the created arc give such arcs a a.datum.inMatching=True attribute to indicate that they were derived from arcs in a matching .

The second set is arcs a NOT in matching , with the change that if a.fromNode in bipartition.secondPart and a.toNode in bipartition.firstPart then a.fromNode and a.toNode are swapped in the created arc (give such arcs a a.datum.inMatching=False attribute).

Next, run a depth first search ( DFS ) starting from each node n in bipartition.firstPart which is neither n == a.fromNode nor n == a.toNodes for any arc a in matching . During the DFS, some nodes are visited and some are not (store this information in a n.datum.visited field). The minimum node cover is the union of the nodes {a.fromNode for a in H.setOfArcs if ( (a.datum.inMatching) and (a.fromNode.datum.visited) ) } and the nodes {a.fromNode for a in H.setOfArcs if (a.datum.inMatching) and (not a.toNode.datum.visited)} .

This can be shown to lead from a maximum matching to a minimal node cover by a proof by contradiction , take some arc a that was supposedly not covered and consider all four cases regarding whether a.fromNode and a.toNode belong (whether as toNode or fromNode ) to any arc in matching matching . Each case leads to a contradiction due to the order that DFS visits nodes and the fact that matching is a maximum matching .

Suppose we have a function to execute these steps and return the set of nodes comprising the minimal node cover when given the digraph G , and the maximum matching matching :

The Linear Assignment Problem

The linear assignment problem consists of finding a maximum weight matching in a weighted bipartite graph.

Problems like the one at the very start of this post can be expressed as a linear assignment problem . Given a set of workers, a set of tasks, and a function indicating the profitability of an assignment of one worker to one task, we want to maximize the sum of all assignments that we make; this is a linear assignment problem .

Assume that the number of tasks and workers are equal, though I will show that this assumption is easy to remove. In the implementation, I represent arc weights with an attribute a.datum.weight for an arc a .

Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm

The Kuhn-Munkres Algorithm solves the linear assignment problem . A good implementation can take O(N^{4}) time, (where N is the number of nodes in the digraph representing the problem). An implementation that is easier to explain takes O(N^{5}) (for a version which regenerates DiGraphs ) and O(N^{4}) for (for a version which maintains DiGraphs ). This is similar to the two different implementations of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.

For this description, I’m only working with complete bipartite graphs (those where half the nodes are in one part of the bipartition and the other half in the second part). In the worker, task motivation this means that there are as many workers as tasks.

This seems like a significant condition (what if these sets are not equal!) but it is easy to fix this issue; I talk about how to do that in the last section.

The version of the algorithm described here uses the useful concept of zero weight arcs . Unfortunately, this concept only makes sense when we are solving a minimization (if rather than maximizing the profits of our worker-task assignments we were instead minimizing the cost of such assignments).

Fortunately, it is easy to turn a maximum linear assignment problem into a minimum linear assignment problem by setting each the arc a weights to M-a.datum.weight where M=max({a.datum.weight for a in G.setOfArcs}) . The solution to the original maximizing problem will be identical to the solution minimizing problem after the arc weights are changed. So for the remainder, assume that we make this change.

The Kuhn-Munkres algorithm solves minimum weight matching in a weighted bipartite graph by a sequence of maximum matchings in unweighted bipartite graphs. If a we find a perfect matching on the digraph representation of the linear assignment problem , and if the weight of every arc in the matching is zero, then we have found the minimum weight matching since this matching suggests that all nodes in the digraph have been matched by an arc with the lowest possible cost (no cost can be lower than 0, based on prior definitions).

No other arcs can be added to the matching (because all nodes are already matched) and no arcs should be removed from the matching because any possible replacement arc will have at least as great a weight value.

If we find a maximum matching of the subgraph of G which contains only zero weight arcs , and it is not a perfect matching , we don’t have a full solution (since the matching is not perfect ). However, we can produce a new digraph H by changing the weights of arcs in G.setOfArcs in a way that new 0-weight arcs appear and the optimal solution of H is the same as the optimal solution of G . Since we guarantee that at least one zero weight arc is produced at each iteration, we guarantee that we will arrive at a perfect matching in no more than |G.setOfNodes|^{2}=N^{2} such iterations.

Suppose that in bipartition bipartition , bipartition.firstPart contains nodes representing workers, and bipartition.secondPart represents nodes representing tasks.

The algorithm starts by generating a new digraph H . H.setOfNodes = G.setOfNodes . Some arcs in H are generated from nodes n in bipartition.firstPart . Each such node n generates an arc b in H.setOfArcs for each arc a in bipartition.G.setOfArcs where a.fromNode = n or a.toNode = n , b=Arc(a.fromNode, a.toNode, a.datum.weight - z) where z=min(x.datum.weight for x in G.setOfArcs if ( (x.fromNode == n) or (x.toNode == n) )) .

More arcs in H are generated from nodes n in bipartition.secondPart . Each such node n generates an arc b in H.setOfArcs for each arc a in bipartition.G.setOfArcs where a.fromNode = n or a.toNode = n , b=Arc(a.fromNode, a.toNode, ArcWeightDatum(a.datum.weight - z)) where z=min(x.datum.weight for x in G.setOfArcs if ( (x.fromNode == n) or (x.toNode == n) )) .

KMA: Next, form a new digraph K composed of only the zero weight arcs from H , and the nodes incident on those arcs . Form a bipartition on the nodes in K , then use solve_mbm( bipartition ) to get a maximum matching ( matching ) on K . If matching is a perfect matching in H (the arcs in matching are incident on all nodes in H.setOfNodes ) then the matching is an optimal solution to the linear assignment problem .

Otherwise, if matching is not perfect , generate the minimal node cover of K using node_cover = get_min_node_cover(matching, bipartition(K)) . Next, define z=min({a.datum.weight for a in H.setOfArcs if a not in node_cover}) . Define nodes = H.setOfNodes , arcs1 = {Arc(a.fromNode,a.toNode,ArcWeightDatum(a.datum.weigh-z)) for a in H.setOfArcs if ( (a.fromNode not in node_cover) and (a.toNode not in node_cover)} , arcs2 = {Arc(a.fromNode,a.toNode,ArcWeightDatum(a.datum.weigh)) for a in H.setOfArcs if ( (a.fromNode not in node_cover) != (a.toNode not in node_cover)} , arcs3 = {Arc(a.fromNode,a.toNode,ArcWeightDatum(a.datum.weigh+z)) for a in H.setOfArcs if ( (a.fromNode in node_cover) and (a.toNode in node_cover)} . The != symbol in the previous expression acts as an XOR operator. Then arcs = arcs1.union(arcs2.union(arcs3)) . Next, H=DiGraph(nodes,arcs) . Go back to the label KMA . The algorithm continues until a perfect matching is produced. This matching is also the solution to the linear assignment problem .

This implementation is O(N^{5}) because it generates a new maximum matching matching at each iteration; similar to the previous two implementations of Edmonds-Karp this algorithm can be modified so that it keeps track of the matching and adapts it intelligently to each iteration. When this is done, the complexity becomes O(N^{4}) . A more advanced and more recent version of this algorithm (requiring some more advanced data structures) can run in O(N^{3}) . Details of both the simpler implementation above and the more advanced implementation can be found at this post which motivated this blog post.

None of the operations on arc weights modify the final assignment returned by the algorithm. Here’s why: Since our input graphs are always complete bipartite graphs a solution must map each node in one partition to another node in the second partition, via the arc between these two nodes . Notice that the operations performed on the arc weights never changes the order (ordered by weight) of the arcs incident on any particular node .

Thus when the algorithm terminates at a perfect complete bipartite matching each node is assigned a zero weight arc , since the relative order of the arcs from that node hasn’t changed during the algorithm, and since a zero weight arc is the cheapest possible arc and the perfect complete bipartite matching guarantees that one such arc exists for each node . This means that the solution generated is indeed the same as the solution from the original linear assignment problem without any modification of arc weights.

Unbalanced Assignments

It seems like the algorithm is quite limited since as described it operates only on complete bipartite graphs (those where half the nodes are in one part of the bipartition and the other half in the second part). In the worker, task motivation this means that there are as many workers as tasks (seems quite limiting).

However, there is an easy transformation that removes this restriction. Suppose that there are fewer workers than tasks, we add some dummy workers (enough to make the resulting graph a complete bipartite graph ). Each dummy worker has an arc directed from the worker to each of the tasks. Each such arc has weight 0 (placing it in a matching gives no added profit). After this change the graph is a complete bipartite graph which we can solve for. Any task assigned a dummy worker is not initiated.

Suppose that there are more tasks than workers. We add some dummy tasks (enough to make the resulting graph a complete bipartite graph ). Each dummy task has an arc directed from each worker to the dummy task. Each such arc has a weight of 0 (placing it in a matching gives no added profit). After this change the graph is a complete bipartite graph which we can solve for. Any worker assigned to dummy task is not employed during the period.

A Linear Assignment Example

Finally, let’s do an example with the code I’ve been using. I’m going to modify the example problem from here . We have 3 tasks: we need to clean the bathroom , sweep the floor , and wash the windows .

The workers available to use are Alice , Bob , Charlie , and Diane . Each of the workers gives us the wage they require per task. Here are the wages per worker:

 Clean the BathroomSweep the FloorWash the Windows

If we want to pay the least amount of money, but still get all the tasks done, who should do what task? Start by introducing a dummy task to make the digraph representing the problem bipartite.

 Clean the BathroomSweep the FloorWash the WindowsDo Nothing

Supposing that the problem is encoded in a digraph , then kuhn_munkres( bipartition(G) ) will solve the problem and return the assignment. It’s easy to verify that the optimal (lowest cost) assignment will cost $5.

Here’s a visualization of the solution the code above generates:

That is it. You now know everything you need to know about the linear assignment problem.

You can find all of the code from this article on GitHub .

Further Reading on the Toptal Blog:

  • Graph Data Science With Python/NetworkX

Dmitri Ivanovich Arkhipov

Irvine, CA, United States

Member since January 23, 2017

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Assignment Problem: Maximization

There are problems where certain facilities have to be assigned to a number of jobs, so as to maximize the overall performance of the assignment.

The Hungarian Method can also solve such assignment problems , as it is easy to obtain an equivalent minimization problem by converting every number in the matrix to an opportunity loss.

The conversion is accomplished by subtracting all the elements of the given matrix from the highest element. It turns out that minimizing opportunity loss produces the same assignment solution as the original maximization problem.

  • Unbalanced Assignment Problem
  • Multiple Optimal Solutions

Example: Maximization In An Assignment Problem

At the head office of www.universalteacherpublications.com there are five registration counters. Five persons are available for service.

Counter A B C D E
1 30 37 40 28 40
2 40 24 27 21 36
3 40 32 33 30 35
4 25 38 40 36 36
5 29 62 41 34 39

How should the counters be assigned to persons so as to maximize the profit ?

Here, the highest value is 62. So we subtract each value from 62. The conversion is shown in the following table.

On small screens, scroll horizontally to view full calculation

Counter A B C D E
1 32 25 22 34 22
2 22 38 35 41 26
3 22 30 29 32 27
4 37 24 22 26 26
5 33 0 21 28 23

Now the above problem can be easily solved by Hungarian method . After applying steps 1 to 3 of the Hungarian method, we get the following matrix.

Counter A B C D E
1 10 3 8
2 16 13 15 4
3 8 7 6 5
4 15 2 4
5 33 21 24 23

Draw the minimum number of vertical and horizontal lines necessary to cover all the zeros in the reduced matrix.

Select the smallest element from all the uncovered elements, i.e., 4. Subtract this element from all the uncovered elements and add it to the elements, which lie at the intersection of two lines. Thus, we obtain another reduced matrix for fresh assignment. Repeating step 3, we obtain a solution which is shown in the following table.

Final Table: Maximization Problem

Use Horizontal Scrollbar to View Full Table Calculation

Counter A B C D E
1 14 3 8
2 12 9 11
3 4 3 2 1
4 19 2 4
5 37 21 24 23

The total cost of assignment = 1C + 2E + 3A + 4D + 5B

Substituting values from original table: 40 + 36 + 40 + 36 + 62 = 214.

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Hungarian Maximum Matching Algorithm

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The Hungarian matching algorithm , also called the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, is a \(O\big(|V|^3\big)\) algorithm that can be used to find maximum-weight matchings in bipartite graphs , which is sometimes called the assignment problem . A bipartite graph can easily be represented by an adjacency matrix , where the weights of edges are the entries. Thinking about the graph in terms of an adjacency matrix is useful for the Hungarian algorithm.

A matching corresponds to a choice of 1s in the adjacency matrix, with at most one 1 in each row and in each column.

The Hungarian algorithm solves the following problem:

In a complete bipartite graph \(G\), find the maximum-weight matching. (Recall that a maximum-weight matching is also a perfect matching.)

This can also be adapted to find the minimum-weight matching.

Say you are having a party and you want a musician to perform, a chef to prepare food, and a cleaning service to help clean up after the party. There are three companies that provide each of these three services, but one company can only provide one service at a time (i.e. Company B cannot provide both the cleaners and the chef). You are deciding which company you should purchase each service from in order to minimize the cost of the party. You realize that is an example of the assignment problem, and set out to make a graph out of the following information: \(\quad\) Company\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Cost for Musician\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Cost for Chef\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Cost for Cleaners\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Company A\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $108\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $125\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $150\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Company B\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $150\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $135\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $175\(\quad\) \(\quad\) Company C\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $122\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $148\(\quad\) \(\quad\) $250\(\quad\) Can you model this table as a graph? What are the nodes? What are the edges? Show Answer The nodes are the companies and the services. The edges are weighted by the price.

What are some ways to solve the problem above? Since the table above can be thought of as a \(3 \times 3\) matrix, one could certainly solve this problem using brute force, checking every combination and seeing what yields the lowest price. However, there are \(n!\) combinations to check, and for large \(n\), this method becomes very inefficient very quickly.

The Hungarian Algorithm Using an Adjacency Matrix

The hungarian algorithm using a graph.

With the cost matrix from the example above in mind, the Hungarian algorithm operates on this key idea: if a number is added to or subtracted from all of the entries of any one row or column of a cost matrix, then an optimal assignment for the resulting cost matrix is also an optimal assignment for the original cost matrix.

The Hungarian Method [1] Subtract the smallest entry in each row from all the other entries in the row. This will make the smallest entry in the row now equal to 0. Subtract the smallest entry in each column from all the other entries in the column. This will make the smallest entry in the column now equal to 0. Draw lines through the row and columns that have the 0 entries such that the fewest lines possible are drawn. If there are \(n\) lines drawn, an optimal assignment of zeros is possible and the algorithm is finished. If the number of lines is less than \(n\), then the optimal number of zeroes is not yet reached. Go to the next step. Find the smallest entry not covered by any line. Subtract this entry from each row that isn’t crossed out, and then add it to each column that is crossed out. Then, go back to Step 3.
Solve for the optimal solution for the example in the introduction using the Hungarian algorithm described above. Here is the initial adjacency matrix: Subtract the smallest value in each row from the other values in the row: Now, subtract the smallest value in each column from all other values in the column: Draw lines through the row and columns that have the 0 entries such that the fewest possible lines are drawn: There are 2 lines drawn, and 2 is less than 3, so there is not yet the optimal number of zeroes. Find the smallest entry not covered by any line. Subtract this entry from each row that isn’t crossed out, and then add it to each column that is crossed out. Then, go back to Step 3. 2 is the smallest entry. First, subtract from the uncovered rows: Now add to the covered columns: Now go back to step 3, drawing lines through the rows and columns that have 0 entries: There are 3 lines (which is \(n\)), so we are done. The assignment will be where the 0's are in the matrix such that only one 0 per row and column is part of the assignment. Replace the original values: The Hungarian algorithm tells us that it is cheapest to go with the musician from company C, the chef from company B, and the cleaners from company A. We can verify this by brute force. 108 + 135 + 250 = 493 108 + 148 + 175 = 431 150 + 125 + 250 = 525 150 + 148 + 150 = 448 122 + 125 + 175 = 422 122 + 135 + 150 = 407. We can see that 407 is the lowest price and matches the assignment the Hungarian algorithm determined. \(_\square\)

The Hungarian algorithm can also be executed by manipulating the weights of the bipartite graph in order to find a stable, maximum (or minimum) weight matching. This can be done by finding a feasible labeling of a graph that is perfectly matched, where a perfect matching is denoted as every vertex having exactly one edge of the matching.

How do we know that this creates a maximum-weight matching?

A feasible labeling on a perfect match returns a maximum-weighted matching. Suppose each edge \(e\) in the graph \(G\) connects two vertices, and every vertex \(v\) is covered exactly once. With this, we have the following inequality: \[w(M’) = \sum_{e\ \epsilon\ E} w(e) \leq \sum_{e\ \epsilon\ E } \big(l(e_x) + l(e_y)\big) = \sum_{v\ \epsilon\ V} l(v),\] where \(M’\) is any perfect matching in \(G\) created by a random assignment of vertices, and \(l(x)\) is a numeric label to node \(x\). This means that \(\sum_{v\ \epsilon\ V}\ l(v)\) is an upper bound on the cost of any perfect matching. Now let \(M\) be a perfect match in \(G\), then \[w(M) = \sum_{e\ \epsilon\ E} w(e) = \sum_{v\ \epsilon\ V}\ l(v).\] So \(w(M’) \leq w(M)\) and \(M\) is optimal. \(_\square\)

Start the algorithm by assigning any weight to each individual node in order to form a feasible labeling of the graph \(G\). This labeling will be improved upon by finding augmenting paths for the assignment until the optimal one is found.

A feasible labeling is a labeling such that

\(l(x) + l(y) \geq w(x,y)\ \forall x \in X, y \in Y\), where \(X\) is the set of nodes on one side of the bipartite graph, \(Y\) is the other set of nodes, \(l(x)\) is the label of \(x\), etc., and \(w(x,y)\) is the weight of the edge between \(x\) and \(y\).

A simple feasible labeling is just to label a node with the number of the largest weight from an edge going into the node. This is certain to be a feasible labeling because if \(A\) is a node connected to \(B\), the label of \(A\) plus the label of \(B\) is greater than or equal to the weight \(w(x,y)\) for all \(y\) and \(x\).

A feasible labeling of nodes, where labels are in red [2] .

Imagine there are four soccer players and each can play a few positions in the field. The team manager has quantified their skill level playing each position to make assignments easier.

How can players be assigned to positions in order to maximize the amount of skill points they provide?

The algorithm starts by labeling all nodes on one side of the graph with the maximum weight. This can be done by finding the maximum-weighted edge and labeling the adjacent node with it. Additionally, match the graph with those edges. If a node has two maximum edges, don’t connect them.

Although Eva is the best suited to play defense, she can't play defense and mid at the same time!

If the matching is perfect, the algorithm is done as there is a perfect matching of maximum weights. Otherwise, there will be two nodes that are not connected to any other node, like Tom and Defense. If this is the case, begin iterating.

Improve the labeling by finding the non-zero label vertex without a match, and try to find the best assignment for it. Formally, the Hungarian matching algorithm can be executed as defined below:

The Hungarian Algorithm for Graphs [3] Given: the labeling \(l\), an equality graph \(G_l = (V, E_l)\), an initial matching \(M\) in \(G_l\), and an unmatched vertex \(u \in V\) and \(u \notin M\) Augmenting the matching A path is augmenting for \(M\) in \(G_l\) if it alternates between edges in the matching and edges not in the matching, and the first and last vertices are free vertices , or unmatched, in \(M\). We will keep track of a candidate augmenting path starting at the vertex \(u\). If the algorithm finds an unmatched vertex \(v\), add on to the existing augmenting path \(p\) by adding the \(u\) to \(v\) segment. Flip the matching by replacing the edges in \(M\) with the edges in the augmenting path that are not in \(M\) \((\)in other words, the edges in \(E_l - M).\) Improving the labeling \(S \subseteq X\) and \(T \subseteq Y,\) where \(S\) and \(T\) represent the candidate augmenting alternating path between the matching and the edges not in the matching. Let \(N_l(S)\) be the neighbors to each node that is in \(S\) along edges in \(E_l\) such that \(N_l(S) = \{v|\forall u \in S: (u,v) \in E_l\}\). If \(N_l(S) = T\), then we cannot increase the size of the alternating path (and therefore can't further augment), so we need to improve the labeling. Let \(\delta_l\) be the minimum of \(l(u) + l(v) - w(u,v)\) over all of the \(u \in S\) and \(v \notin T\). Improve the labeling \(l\) to \(l'\): If \(r \in S,\) then \(l'(r) = l(r) - \delta_l,\) If \(r \in T,\) then \(l'(r) = l(r) + \delta_l.\) If \(r \notin S\) and \(r \notin T,\) then \(l'(r) = l(r).\) \(l'\) is a valid labeling and \(E_l \subset E_{l'}.\) Putting it all together: The Hungarian Algorithm Start with some matching \(M\), a valid labeling \(l\), where \(l\) is defined as the labelling \(\forall x \in X, y \in Y| l(y) = 0, l(x) = \text{ max}_{y \in Y}(w\big(x, y)\big)\). Do these steps until a perfect matching is found \((\)when \(M\) is perfect\():\) (a) Look for an augmenting path in \(M.\) (b) If an augmenting path does not exist, improve the labeling and then go back to step (a).

Each step will increase the size of the matching \(M\) or it will increase the size of the set of labeled edges, \(E_l\). This means that the process will eventually terminate since there are only so many edges in the graph \(G\). [4]

When the process terminates, \(M\) will be a perfect matching. By the Kuhn-Munkres theorem , this means that the matching is a maximum-weight matching.

The algorithm defined above can be implemented in the soccer scenario. First, the conflicting node is identified, implying that there is an alternating tree that must be reconfigured.

There is an alternating path between defense, Eva, mid, and Tom.

To find the best appropriate node, find the minimum \(\delta_l\), as defined in step 4 above, where \(l_u\) is the label for player \(u,\) \(l_v\) is the label for position \(v,\) and \(w_{u, v}\) is the weight on that edge.

The \(\delta_l\) of each unmatched node is computed, where the minimum is found to be a value of 2, between Tom playing mid \((8 + 0 – 6 = 2).\)

The labels are then augmented and the new edges are graphed in the example. Notice that defense and mid went down by 2 points, whereas Eva’s skillset got back two points. However, this is expected as Eva can't play in both positions at once.

Augmenting path leads to relabeling of nodes, which gives rise to the maximum-weighted path.

These new edges complete the perfect matching of the graph, which implies that a maximum-weighted graph has been found and the algorithm can terminate.

The complexity of the algorithm will be analyzed using the graph-based technique as a reference, yet the result is the same as for the matrix-based one.

Algorithm analysis [3] At each \(a\) or \(b\) step, the algorithm adds one edge to the matching and this happens \(O\big(|V|\big)\) times. It takes \(O\big(|V|\big)\) time to find the right vertex for the augmenting (if there is one at all), and it is \(O\big(|V|\big)\) time to flip the matching. Improving the labeling takes \(O\big(|V|\big)\) time to find \(\delta_l\) and to update the labelling accordingly. We might have to improve the labeling up to \(O\big(|V|\big)\) times if there is no augmenting path. This makes for a total of \(O\big(|V|^2\big)\) time. In all, there are \(O\big(|V|\big)\) iterations each taking \(O\big(|V|\big)\) work, leading to a total running time of \(O\big(|V|^3\big)\).
  • Matching Algorithms
  • Bruff, D. The Assignment Problem and the Hungarian Method . Retrieved June 26, 2016, from http://www.math.harvard.edu/archive/20_spring_05/handouts/assignment_overheads.pdf
  • Golin, M. Bipartite Matching &amp;amp; the Hungarian Method . Retrieved Retrieved June 26th, 2016, from http://www.cse.ust.hk/~golin/COMP572/Notes/Matching.pdf
  • Grinman, A. The Hungarian Algorithm for Weighted Bipartite Graphs . Retrieved June 26, 2016, from http://math.mit.edu/~rpeng/18434/hungarianAlgorithm.pdf
  • Golin, M. Bipartite Matching &amp; the Hungarian Method . Retrieved June 26, 2016, from http://www.cse.ust.hk/~golin/COMP572/Notes/Matching.pdf

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Solving assignment problem using min-cost-flow ¶

The assignment problem has two equivalent statements:

  • Given a square matrix $A[1..N, 1..N]$ , you need to select $N$ elements in it so that exactly one element is selected in each row and column, and the sum of the values of these elements is the smallest.
  • There are $N$ orders and $N$ machines. The cost of manufacturing on each machine is known for each order. Only one order can be performed on each machine. It is required to assign all orders to the machines so that the total cost is minimized.

Here we will consider the solution of the problem based on the algorithm for finding the minimum cost flow (min-cost-flow) , solving the assignment problem in $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ .

Description ¶

Let's build a bipartite network: there is a source $S$ , a drain $T$ , in the first part there are $N$ vertices (corresponding to rows of the matrix, or orders), in the second there are also $N$ vertices (corresponding to the columns of the matrix, or machines). Between each vertex $i$ of the first set and each vertex $j$ of the second set, we draw an edge with bandwidth 1 and cost $A_{ij}$ . From the source $S$ we draw edges to all vertices $i$ of the first set with bandwidth 1 and cost 0. We draw an edge with bandwidth 1 and cost 0 from each vertex of the second set $j$ to the drain $T$ .

We find in the resulting network the maximum flow of the minimum cost. Obviously, the value of the flow will be $N$ . Further, for each vertex $i$ of the first segment there is exactly one vertex $j$ of the second segment, such that the flow $F_{ij}$ = 1. Finally, this is a one-to-one correspondence between the vertices of the first segment and the vertices of the second part, which is the solution to the problem (since the found flow has a minimal cost, then the sum of the costs of the selected edges will be the lowest possible, which is the optimality criterion).

The complexity of this solution of the assignment problem depends on the algorithm by which the search for the maximum flow of the minimum cost is performed. The complexity will be $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ using Dijkstra or $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$ using Bellman-Ford . This is due to the fact that the flow is of size $O(N)$ and each iteration of Dijkstra algorithm can be performed in $O(N^2)$ , while it is $O(N^3)$ for Bellman-Ford.

Implementation ¶

The implementation given here is long, it can probably be significantly reduced. It uses the SPFA algorithm for finding shortest paths.

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Solving an Assignment Problem

This section presents an example that shows how to solve an assignment problem using both the MIP solver and the CP-SAT solver.

In the example there are five workers (numbered 0-4) and four tasks (numbered 0-3). Note that there is one more worker than in the example in the Overview .

The costs of assigning workers to tasks are shown in the following table.

Worker Task 0 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
90 80 75 70
35 85 55 65
125 95 90 95
45 110 95 115
50 100 90 100

The problem is to assign each worker to at most one task, with no two workers performing the same task, while minimizing the total cost. Since there are more workers than tasks, one worker will not be assigned a task.

MIP solution

The following sections describe how to solve the problem using the MPSolver wrapper .

Import the libraries

The following code imports the required libraries.

Create the data

The following code creates the data for the problem.

The costs array corresponds to the table of costs for assigning workers to tasks, shown above.

Declare the MIP solver

The following code declares the MIP solver.

Create the variables

The following code creates binary integer variables for the problem.

Create the constraints

Create the objective function.

The following code creates the objective function for the problem.

The value of the objective function is the total cost over all variables that are assigned the value 1 by the solver.

Invoke the solver

The following code invokes the solver.

Print the solution

The following code prints the solution to the problem.

Here is the output of the program.

Complete programs

Here are the complete programs for the MIP solution.

CP SAT solution

The following sections describe how to solve the problem using the CP-SAT solver.

Declare the model

The following code declares the CP-SAT model.

The following code sets up the data for the problem.

The following code creates the constraints for the problem.

Here are the complete programs for the CP-SAT solution.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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Generalized Assignment Problem

  • Reference work entry
  • pp 1153–1162
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assignment problem maximum

  • O. Erhun Kundakcioglu 3 &
  • Saed Alizamir 3  

2895 Accesses

15 Citations

Article Outline


  Multiple-Resource Generalized Assignment Problem

  Multilevel Generalized Assignment Problem

  Dynamic Generalized Assignment Problem

  Bottleneck Generalized Assignment Problem

  Generalized Assignment Problem with Special Ordered Set

  Stochastic Generalized Assignment Problem

  Bi-Objective Generalized Assignment Problem

  Generalized Multi-Assignment Problem

  Exact Algorithms



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Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

O. Erhun Kundakcioglu & Saed Alizamir

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Kundakcioglu, O.E., Alizamir, S. (2008). Generalized Assignment Problem . In: Floudas, C., Pardalos, P. (eds) Encyclopedia of Optimization. Springer, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-74759-0_200

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Assigning jobs to people using Maximum Flow, harder version

I am self studying max flow and there was this problem:

the original problem is

Suppose we have a list of jobs

{J1, J1,..., Jm}

and a list of people that have applied for them

{P1, P2, P3,...,Pn}

each person have different interests and some of them have applied for multiple jobs (each person has a list of jobs they can do)

nobody is allowed to do more than 3 jobs.

enter image description here

I understand this solution, but

the harder version of the problem

what if these conditions are added?

the first 3 conditions of the easy version (lists of jobs and persons and each person has a list of interests or abilities) are still the same

the compony is employing only Vi persons for job Ji

the compony wants to employ as many people as possible

there is no limitations for the number of jobs a person is allowed to do.

What difference should I make in the graph so that my solution can satisfy those conditions as well?or if I need a different approach please tell me.

before anyone say anything, this is not homework. It's just self study, but I am studying Maximum flow and the problem was in that area so the solution should use Maximum flow.

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  • What about changing jobs with people in the graph and then instead of having 3 capacities on the edges from source to the jobs (now in the place of people in the graph below), considering Vi capacity? Will that work? –  Peggy Commented Jun 5, 2013 at 9:58

For multiple persons for a single job:

The edge from Ji to t will have the capacity equal to the number of people for that job. E.g. If job #1 can have three people, this translates to a capacity of three for the edge from J1 to t .

For the requirement of hiring as many people as possible:

I don't think this is possible with a single flow-graph. Here is an algorithm for how it could be done:

  • Run the flow-algorithm once.
  • Try to decrease the incoming capacity to one below the current flow-rate.
  • Run the flow-algorithm again.
  • While this does not decrease the total flow, repeat from (2.1.).
  • Increase the capacity by one, to restore the maximum flow.
  • Until no further persons gets added, repeat from (2.).  

For no limitation on number of jobs:

The edges from s to Pi will have a maximum flow equal the number of applicable jobs for that person.

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Job Assignment Problem using Branch And Bound

Let there be N workers and N jobs. Any worker can be assigned to perform any job, incurring some cost that may vary depending on the work-job assignment. It is required to perform all jobs by assigning exactly one worker to each job and exactly one job to each agent in such a way that the total cost of the assignment is minimized.


Let us explore all approaches for this problem.

Solution 1: Brute Force  

We generate n! possible job assignments and for each such assignment, we compute its total cost and return the less expensive assignment. Since the solution is a permutation of the n jobs, its complexity is O(n!).

Solution 2: Hungarian Algorithm  

The optimal assignment can be found using the Hungarian algorithm. The Hungarian algorithm has worst case run-time complexity of O(n^3).

Solution 3: DFS/BFS on state space tree  

A state space tree is a N-ary tree with property that any path from root to leaf node holds one of many solutions to given problem. We can perform depth-first search on state space tree and but successive moves can take us away from the goal rather than bringing closer. The search of state space tree follows leftmost path from the root regardless of initial state. An answer node may never be found in this approach. We can also perform a Breadth-first search on state space tree. But no matter what the initial state is, the algorithm attempts the same sequence of moves like DFS.

Solution 4: Finding Optimal Solution using Branch and Bound  

The selection rule for the next node in BFS and DFS is “blind”. i.e. the selection rule does not give any preference to a node that has a very good chance of getting the search to an answer node quickly. The search for an optimal solution can often be speeded by using an “intelligent” ranking function, also called an approximate cost function to avoid searching in sub-trees that do not contain an optimal solution. It is similar to BFS-like search but with one major optimization. Instead of following FIFO order, we choose a live node with least cost. We may not get optimal solution by following node with least promising cost, but it will provide very good chance of getting the search to an answer node quickly.

There are two approaches to calculate the cost function:  

  • For each worker, we choose job with minimum cost from list of unassigned jobs (take minimum entry from each row).
  • For each job, we choose a worker with lowest cost for that job from list of unassigned workers (take minimum entry from each column).

In this article, the first approach is followed.

Let’s take below example and try to calculate promising cost when Job 2 is assigned to worker A. 


Since Job 2 is assigned to worker A (marked in green), cost becomes 2 and Job 2 and worker A becomes unavailable (marked in red). 


Now we assign job 3 to worker B as it has minimum cost from list of unassigned jobs. Cost becomes 2 + 3 = 5 and Job 3 and worker B also becomes unavailable. 


Finally, job 1 gets assigned to worker C as it has minimum cost among unassigned jobs and job 4 gets assigned to worker D as it is only Job left. Total cost becomes 2 + 3 + 5 + 4 = 14. 


Below diagram shows complete search space diagram showing optimal solution path in green. 


Complete Algorithm:  

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

Time Complexity: O(M*N). This is because the algorithm uses a double for loop to iterate through the M x N matrix.  Auxiliary Space: O(M+N). This is because it uses two arrays of size M and N to track the applicants and jobs.

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Solve the following maximal assignment problem :

11 11 9 9
13 16 11 10
12 17 13 8
16 14 16 12

Solution Show Solution

Step 1 : Since it is a maximization problem subtract each of the element in the table from the largest element.

6 6 8 8
4 1 6 7
5 0 4 9
1 3 1 5

Step 2 : Minimum element of each row is subtracted from every element in that row.

0 0 2 2
3 0 5 6
5 0 4 9
0 2 0 4

Step 3 : Minimum element of each column is subtracted from every element in that column.

0 0 2 0
3 0 5 4
5 0 4 7
0 2 0 2

assignment problem maximum

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A job production unit has four jobs A, B, C, D which can be manufactured on each of the four machines P, Q, R and S. The processing cost of each job is given in the following table:









                Processing Cost (Rs.)






















 How should the jobs be assigned to the four machines so that the total processing cost is minimum?

Solve the following minimal assignment problem and hence find the minimum value : 

2 10 9 7
13 2 12 2
3 4 6 1
4 15 4 9

Suggest optimum solution to the following assignment. Problem, also find the total minimum service time.                                              Service Time ( in hrs.)

41 72 39 52
22 29 49 65
27 39 60 51
45 50 48 52

Solve the following minimal assignment problem : 

Machines A B C D E
M 27 18 20 21
M 31 24 21 12 17
M 20 17 20 16
M 21 28 20 16 27

Determine `l_92 and l_93, "given that"  l_91 = 97, d_91 = 38 and q_92 = 27/59`

Solve the following minimal assignment problem and hence find minimum time where  '- ' indicates that job cannot be assigned to the machine : 

M 9 11 15 10 11
M 12 9 - 10 9
M - 11 14 11 7
M 14 8 12 7 8

A departmental head has three jobs and four subordinates. The subordinates differ in their capabilities and the jobs differ in their work contents. With the help of the performance matrix given below, find out which of the four subordinates should be assigned which jobs ?

Subordinates Jobs
A 7 3 5
B 2 7 4
C 6 5 3
D 3 4 7

In a factory there are six jobs to be performed each of which should go through two machines A and B in the order A - B. The processing timing (in hours) for the jobs arc given here. You are required to determine the sequence for performing the jobs that would minimize the total elapsed time T. What is the value of T? Also find the idle time for machines · A and B.

Jobs J J J J J J
Machine A 1 3 8 5 6 3
MAchine B 5 6 3 2 2 10

Five wagons are available at stations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. These are required at 5 stations I, II, III, IV, and V. The mileage between various stations are given in the table below. How should the wagons be transported so as to minimize the mileage covered?

10 5 9 18 11
13 9 6 12 14
3 2 4 4 5
18 9 12 17 15
11 6 14 19 10

Five different machines can do any of the five required jobs, with different profits resulting from each assignment as shown below:

30 37 40 28 40
40 24 27 21 36
40 32 33 30 35
25 38 40 36 36
29 62 41 34 39

Find the optimal assignment schedule.

The assignment problem is said to be unbalance if ______

Choose the correct alternative :

The assignment problem is said to be balanced if it is a ______.

The objective of an assignment problem is to assign ______.

Fill in the blank :

When an assignment problem has more than one solution, then it is _______ optimal solution.

An _______ is a special type of linear programming problem.

In an assignment problem, if number of column is greater than number of rows, then a dummy column is added.

State whether the following is True or False :

In assignment problem, each facility is capable of performing each task.

Solve the following problem :

A plant manager has four subordinates, and four tasks to be performed. The subordinates differ in efficiency and the tasks differ in their intrinsic difficulty. This estimate of the time each man would take to perform each task is given in the effectiveness matrix below.

7 25 26 10
12 27 3 25
37 18 17 14
18 25 23 9

How should the tasks be allocated, one to a man, as to minimize the total man hours?

A dairy plant has five milk tankers, I, II, III, IV and V. These milk tankers are to be used on five delivery routes A, B, C, D and E. The distances (in kms) between the dairy plant and the delivery routes are given in the following distance matrix.

150 120 175 180 200
125 110 120 150 165
130 100 145 160 175
40 40 70 70 100
45 25 60 70 95

How should the milk tankers be assigned to the chilling center so as to minimize the distance travelled?

Choose the correct alternative:

The assignment problem is generally defined as a problem of ______

Choose the correct alternative: 

Assignment Problem is special case of ______

When an assignment problem has more than one solution, then it is ______

The assignment problem is said to be balanced if ______

If the given matrix is ______ matrix, the assignment problem is called balanced problem

In an assignment problem if number of rows is greater than number of columns, then dummy ______ is added

State whether the following statement is True or False:

The objective of an assignment problem is to assign number of jobs to equal number of persons at maximum cost

In assignment problem, if number of columns is greater than number of rows, then a dummy row is added

State whether the following statement is True or False: 

In assignment problem each worker or machine is assigned only one job

What is the difference between Assignment Problem and Transportation Problem?

Three jobs A, B and C one to be assigned to three machines U, V and W. The processing cost for each job machine combination is shown in the matrix given below. Determine the allocation that minimizes the overall processing cost.

    U V W
Jobs A 17 25 31
B 10 25 16
C 12 14 11

(cost is in ₹ per unit)

A computer centre has got three expert programmers. The centre needs three application programmes to be developed. The head of the computer centre, after studying carefully the programmes to be developed, estimates the computer time in minitues required by the experts to the application programme as follows.

    P Q R
Programmers 1 120 100 80
  2 80 90 110
  3 110 140 120

Assign the programmers to the programme in such a way that the total computer time is least.

A departmental head has four subordinates and four tasks to be performed. The subordinates differ in efficiency and the tasks differ in their intrinsic difficulty. His estimates of the time each man would take to perform each task is given below:

    1 2 3 4
Subordinates P 8 26 17 11
  Q 13 28 4 26
  R 38 19 18 15
  S 9 26 24 10

How should the tasks be allocated to subordinates so as to minimize the total manhours?

Find the optimal solution for the assignment problem with the following cost matrix.

    1 2 3 4
  P 11 17 8 16
Salesman Q 9 7 12 6
  R 13 16 15 12
  S 14 10 12 11

Number of basic allocation in any row or column in an assignment problem can be

If number of sources is not equal to number of destinations, the assignment problem is called ______

The solution for an assignment problem is optimal if

In an assignment problem involving four workers and three jobs, total number of assignments possible are

A natural truck-rental service has a surplus of one truck in each of the cities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and a deficit of one truck in each of the cities 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. The distance(in kilometers) between the cities with a surplus and the cities with a deficit are displayed below:

    7 8 9 10 11 12
From 1 31 62 29 42 15 41
2 12 19 39 55 71 40
3 17 29 50 41 22 22
4 35 40 38 42 27 33
5 19 30 29 16 20 33
6 72 30 30 50 41 20

How should the truck be dispersed so as to minimize the total distance travelled?

A dairy plant has five milk tankers, I, II, III, IV and V. Three milk tankers are to be used on five delivery routes A, B, C, D and E. The distances (in kms) between the dairy plant and the delivery routes are given in the following distance matrix.

150 120 175 180 200
125 110 120 150 165
130 100 145 160 170
40 40 70 70 100
45 25 60 70 95

A job production unit has four jobs P, Q, R, and S which can be manufactured on each of the four machines I, II, III, and IV. The processing cost of each job for each machine is given in the following table:

P 31 25 33 29
Q 25 24 23 21
R 19 21 23 24
S 38 36 34 40

Find the optimal assignment to minimize the total processing cost.

A department store has four workers to pack goods. The times (in minutes) required for each worker to complete the packings per item sold is given below. How should the manager of the store assign the jobs to the workers, so as to minimize the total time of packing?

  Books Toys Crockery Cutlery
3 11 10 8
13 2 12 12
3 4 6 1
4 15 4 9

A job production unit has four jobs P, Q, R, S which can be manufactured on each of the four machines I, II, III and IV. The processing cost of each job for each machine is given in the following table :

31 25 33 29
25 24 23 21
19 21 23 24
38 36 34 40

Complete the following activity to find the optimal assignment to minimize the total processing cost.

Step 1: Subtract the smallest element in each row from every element of it. New assignment matrix is obtained as follows :

6 0 8 4
4 3 2 0
0 2 4 5
4 2 0 6

Step 2: Subtract the smallest element in each column from every element of it. New assignment matrix is obtained as above, because each column in it contains one zero.

Step 3: Draw minimum number of vertical and horizontal lines to cover all zeros:

Step 4: From step 3, as the minimum number of straight lines required to cover all zeros in the assignment matrix equals the number of rows/columns. Optimal solution has reached.

Examine the rows one by one starting with the first row with exactly one zero is found. Mark the zero by enclosing it in (`square`), indicating assignment of the job. Cross all the zeros in the same column. This step is shown in the following table :

6 8 4
4 3 2
2 4 5
4 2 6

Step 5: It is observed that all the zeros are assigned and each row and each column contains exactly one assignment. Hence, the optimal (minimum) assignment schedule is :

P II `square`
Q `square` 21
R I `square`
S III 34

Hence, total (minimum) processing cost = 25 + 21 + 19 + 34 = ₹`square`

A plant manager has four subordinates and four tasks to perform. The subordinates differ in efficiency and task differ in their intrinsic difficulty. Estimates of the time subordinate would take to perform tasks are given in the following table:

3 11 10 8
13 2 12 2
3 4 6 1
4 15 4 9

Complete the following activity to allocate tasks to subordinates to minimize total time.

Step I: Subtract the smallest element of each row from every element of that row:

0 8 7 5
11 0 10 0
2 3 5 0
0 11 0 5

Step II: Since all column minimums are zero, no need to subtract anything from columns.

Step III : Draw the minimum number of lines to cover all zeros.

Since minimum number of lines = order of matrix, optimal solution has been reached

Optimal assignment is A →`square`  B →`square`

C →IV  D →`square`

Total minimum time = `square` hours.

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Computer Science > Artificial Intelligence

Title: multi-agent target assignment and path finding for intelligent warehouse: a cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning perspective.

Abstract: Multi-agent target assignment and path planning (TAPF) are two key problems in intelligent warehouse. However, most literature only addresses one of these two problems separately. In this study, we propose a method to simultaneously solve target assignment and path planning from a perspective of cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (RL). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to model the TAPF problem for intelligent warehouse to cooperative multi-agent deep RL, and the first to simultaneously address TAPF based on multi-agent deep RL. Furthermore, previous literature rarely considers the physical dynamics of agents. In this study, the physical dynamics of the agents is considered. Experimental results show that our method performs well in various task settings, which means that the target assignment is solved reasonably well and the planned path is almost shortest. Moreover, our method is more time-efficient than baselines.
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Multiagent Systems (cs.MA)
Cite as: [cs.AI]
  (or [cs.AI] for this version)
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Defcon AI closes $44M seed round to solve a problem of ‘maximum complexity’: Military logistics

Air Force plane takes off from Larnaca Airport in Cyprus.

The U.S. Department of Defense is a mammoth organization. It not only employs millions of service members and hundreds of thousands of civilian employees, but also has the world’s largest military budget that’s used to buy and maintain more equipment than can likely fit into a single paragraph. 

It’s a lot to coordinate. Operators within the various agencies of the DOD must make decisions about how to plan their operations, coordinate resources and stay within budget for events that are likely contested — whether that’s from a hurricane or an adversary.

Two years after it was incubated, Virginia-based startup Defcon AI has raised a $44 million seed round led by Bessemer Venture Partners, with participation from Fifth Growth Fund and Red Cell Partners, among others, to solve this seemingly intractable problem.

Consider the Air Mobility Command, a command of the U.S. Air Force. When operators plan airlifts, they have to consider a whole slew of variables: available aircraft, the number of crews required, places for crews to rest, where to refuel, relevant airfields, cargo handling locations. Defcon AI says it has developed a set of software that allows the operator on the front end set these parameters “and then turn the software loose,” Defcon’s co-founder, chief strategy officer and retired U.S. Air Force General Paul Selva told TechCrunch. The software essentially operates against those parameters or inputs to generate the best plan — including the cost tables, resource requirements and schedule. 

This type of planning is difficult enough in the best of circumstances, but during a crisis, defense operators don’t even have the luxury of a day to allocate their resources. That’s where Defcon AI comes in.

“I’ve had all the jobs that we’re actually impacting,” Selva said. During his long military career, Selva held many titles, including the commander of the Air Mobility Command, which oversees nearly all of the Air Force’s fleet of air lift aircraft. He later became the commander of the U.S. Transportation Command, which coordinates transportation missions around the world, including those delivered by ships, trucks, trains and other forms of transportation. Before he retired in 2019, he was nominated by President Barack Obama to be the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 

He co-founded Defcon in 2022 with Yisroel Brumer and Grant Verstandig, both founding partners of Red Cell Partners (Verstandig is also CEO). Red Cell has an interesting model: The firm makes internal investments but it also incubates companies (including Defcon), often identifying promising entrepreneurs that could lead them. Sometimes, entrepreneurs approach Red Cell before they found a company, and the firm handles things like board building, legal, HR and finance while the company grows. 

In the case of Defcon, Selva says that the company got started “because Air Mobility Command articulated a mission need that wasn’t being filled by industry.” The trio “had a conversation about whether or not we thought this was a tractable problem, and … our intuition was it is a mathematically and software tractable problem, but we have to do it a different way.” 

Brumer and Verstandig have their own impressive pedigrees. Before joining Red Cell, Brumer worked at the Pentagon as acting director of OSD/CAPE (Office of the Secretary of Defense, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation), an enormous role that essentially functions as the “chief analytics officer” for the DOD, he said, and the overseer for the budget submission process. Verstandig is an entrepreneur who has incubated or grown businesses including Rally Health and defense startup Epirus. 

Defcon AI is targeting a problem of “maximal complexity,” Brumer said. The startup’s system combines different algorithms, including machine learning and mathematical optimization algorithms, to simulate a given scenario and generate the best logistical outcome to meet it. In the initial stages of product development, Defcon used reinforcement learning algorithms that don’t require data, but the company says it is now ingesting more and more data provided by the DOD to power the software. Operators can also choose whether to have the system simulate how an adversary might disrupt the operations, and can tell it to optimize for different variables, like speed versus cost effectiveness.

The company has earned around $15 million in government contracts and delivered a production version that was deployed for a real-world operation with Air Mobility Command less than two years after founding. The company is in the process right now of certifying the software to handle classified, secret information, both to expand its uses in the DOD and to enable it to ingest even more data. It’s also expanding to include trucks, trains and ships to its planning and simulation software.

Defcon is not planning on slowing down. The company sees even more applications across the DOD where its software can make an operational difference, and Brumer said they’re seeing “a very strong demand signal” from the private sector for the product too. Overall, the company says working closely with the end users will result in a better product and a genuine competitive edge in adversarial situations.

“Operational planners are actually trying to assess risk for their commanders,” Selva said. “They’re probably the most skeptical audience for decision support tools, so the extent to which you can partner with them you achieve a better outcome.” 

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  3. PDF 7.13 Assignment Problem

    Equivalent Assignment Problem c(x, y) 00312 01015 43330 00110 12204 cp(x, y) 3891510 41071614 913111910 813122013 175119 8 13 11 19 13 5 4 3 0 8 9 + 8 - 13 10 ... Maximum size matching. Find a max cardinality matching.! Achieves 100% when arrivals are uniform.! Can starve input- queues when arrivals are non- uniform.

  4. Assignment Problem, Maximization Example, Hungarian Method

    The Hungarian Method can also solve such assignment problems, as it is easy to obtain an equivalent minimization problem by converting every number in the matrix to an opportunity loss. The conversion is accomplished by subtracting all the elements of the given matrix from the highest element. It turns out that minimizing opportunity loss ...

  5. Hungarian Maximum Matching Algorithm

    The Hungarian matching algorithm, also called the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm, is a O\big (|V|^3\big) O(∣V ∣3) algorithm that can be used to find maximum-weight matchings in bipartite graphs, which is sometimes called the assignment problem. A bipartite graph can easily be represented by an adjacency matrix, where the weights of edges are the ...

  6. Assignment problem

    The complexity of this solution of the assignment problem depends on the algorithm by which the search for the maximum flow of the minimum cost is performed. The complexity will be $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ using Dijkstra or $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$ using Bellman-Ford .

  7. Solving an Assignment Problem

    The problem is to assign each worker to at most one task, with no two workers performing the same task, while minimizing the total cost. Since there are more workers than tasks, one worker will not be assigned a task. MIP solution. The following sections describe how to solve the problem using the MPSolver wrapper. Import the libraries

  8. The Assignment Problem

    The assignment problem is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems in the branch of optimization or operations research in mathematics. In an assignment problem, we must find a maximum matching that has the minimum weight in a weighted bipartite graph. The Assignment problem. Problem description: 3 men ...

  9. PDF Tight Approximation Algorithms for Maximum General Assignment Problems

    Maximum Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP): Given a set of bins with capacity constraint and a set of items that have a possibly different size and value for each bin, pack a maximum-valued subset of items into the bins. This problem has several applications in inventory planning. Distributed CachingProblem(DCP): This problemmo-

  10. The assignment problem revisited

    First, we give a detailed review of two algorithms that solve the minimization case of the assignment problem, the Bertsekas auction algorithm and the Goldberg & Kennedy algorithm. It was previously alluded that both algorithms are equivalent. We give a detailed proof that these algorithms are equivalent. Also, we perform experimental results comparing the performance of three algorithms for ...

  11. Assignment problems: A golden anniversary survey

    The balanced assignment problem, described in Martello et al. [47], attempts to recognize both objectives by minimizing the difference between the maximum and minimum assignment values. One example given is an American travel agency planning a program of trips to Europe with all the travelers, each of whom will take one of the trips, going and ...

  12. PDF The Assignment Problem and Primal-Dual Algorithms

    The assignment problem is related to another problem, the maximum cardinality bipartite matching problem. In the maximum cardinality bipartite matching problem, you are given a bipartite graph G= (V;E), and you want to nd a matching, i.e., a subset of the edges F such that each node is incident

  13. PDF On Approximation Methods for the Assignment Problem*

    Definition of Assignment Problem. The statement of the assignment problem is as follows: There are n men and n jobs, with a cost c, for assigning man i to job j. It is required to assign all men to jobs such that one and only one man is assigned to each job and the total cost of the assignments is minimal.

  14. PDF Assignment problem

    Assignment problem: successive shortest path algorithm 1 2 1' 2' 10 7 2 P = 2 ! 2' ! 1 ! 1' cost(P) = 2 - 6 + 10 = 6 6 Shortest alternating path. Corresponds to minimum cost s t path in GM. Concern. Edge costs can be negative. Fact. If always choose shortest alternating path, then GM contains no negative cycles % can compute using Bellman-Ford ...

  15. convert assignment problem to The Maximum Flow Problem

    An assignment problem can be converted to a single maximum flow problem when all the allowed assignments have exactly the same weight. The idea is to make a bipartite graph (plus global source and sink nodes) with a capacity 1 edge between each person and each allowed task for that person and see if you can find a flow with value equal to the number of people available.

  16. A Comparative Analysis of Assignment Problem

    assignment problem occurs frequently in practice and is a basic problem in network flow theory since it can be reduced to a number of other problems, including the shortest path, weighted matching, transportation, and minimal cost flow [4]. ... with a weighted maximum penalty model has been developed. The problem is decomposed into a ...

  17. PDF 24 Applications of Maximum Flow

    Algorithms Lecture 24: Applications of Maximum Flow [Sp'15] For a long time it puzzled me how something so expensive, so leading edge, could be so useless, and then it occurred to me that a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer pro-


    Problem 4. Job shop needs to assign 4 jobs to 4 workers. The cost of performing a job is a function of the skills of the workers. Table summarizes the cost of the assignments. Worker1 cannot do job3, and worker 3 cannot do job 4. Determine the optimal assignment using the Hungarian method. Job.

  19. Generalized Assignment Problem

    Bottleneck generalized assignment problem (BGAP), is the min-max version of the well-known (min-sum) generalized assignment problem. In the BGAP, the maximum penalty incurred by assigning each task to an agent is minimized. Min-sum objective functions are commonly used in private sector applications, while min-max objective function can be ...

  20. Assigning jobs to people using Maximum Flow, harder version

    Here is an algorithm for how it could be done: Run the flow-algorithm once. For each person: Try to decrease the incoming capacity to one below the current flow-rate. Run the flow-algorithm again. While this does not decrease the total flow, repeat from (2.1.). Increase the capacity by one, to restore the maximum flow.

  21. Job Assignment Problem using Branch And Bound

    Solution 1: Brute Force. We generate n! possible job assignments and for each such assignment, we compute its total cost and return the less expensive assignment. Since the solution is a permutation of the n jobs, its complexity is O (n!). Solution 2: Hungarian Algorithm. The optimal assignment can be found using the Hungarian algorithm.

  22. Lec-32 Maximization Assignment Problem

    #maximizationassignmentproblemHere is the video of maximization unbalanced assignment problem using hungarian method in hindi in operation Research . In this...

  23. Solve the Following Maximal Assignment Problem

    Step 6 : Covering all zeros by minimum number of straight lines. Minimum number of lines = order of matrix. so optimal solution has reached. Step 7 : Making assignment at single zero of the row and then at single zero of the column. Maximum Profit = 9 + 13 + 17 + 16 = 55 lakhs.

  24. Multi-Agent Target Assignment and Path Finding for Intelligent

    Multi-agent target assignment and path planning (TAPF) are two key problems in intelligent warehouse. However, most literature only addresses one of these two problems separately. In this study, we propose a method to simultaneously solve target assignment and path planning from a perspective of cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (RL). To the best of our knowledge, this is the ...

  25. Defcon AI closes $44M seed round to solve a problem of 'maximum

    Defcon AI closes $44M seed round to solve a problem of 'maximum complexity': Military logistics. ... The trio "had a conversation about whether or not we thought this was a tractable problem ...