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  • Work Breakdown Structure

12 Best Free Work Breakdown Structure Templates [Word, Excel]

A work breakdown structure template is a management tool that visualizes a project breakdown . This tool takes a step-by-step approach to the completion of big projects with several moving parts.

A WBS can combine scope, cost, and deliverables into one tool by dividing the project into smaller parts. A work breakdown structure can be made using project management frameworks and workflow management software.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Work Breakdown Structures Templates
  • 2 What is a Work Breakdown Structure?
  • 3 What Are The Two Types of a Project Manager’s WBS?
  • 4 Work Breakdown Structures Examples
  • 5 What Are the 4 Levels of a Work Breakdown Structure?
  • 6 What does a Work Breakdown Structure Contain?
  • 7 WBS Keywords
  • 8 When Is a Work Breakdown Structure Necessary?
  • 9 How To Create a Work Breakdown Structure Template
  • 10 Conclusion

In this article, we’ll go through how to create a work breakdown structure, what to include, and examples of how to use it in your day-to-day projects.

Work Breakdown Structures Templates

Free Agile Work Breakdown Structure

What is a Work Breakdown Structure?

A WBS is a visual chain of command and deliverable-orientated deconstruction of a project . They are most commonly used by project managers, allowing them to break down their project scope into smaller, achievable chunks. This helps visualize all the tasks that need to be completed to finish their project.

Work breakdown structures have descending levels that represent increasingly detailed definitions of the work that needs to be completed. These structures are decomposed into work packages and include internal and external deliverables.

What Are The Two Types of a Project Manager’s WBS?

  • Deliverable-based – This is a hierarchical split of the work that is based on deliverables. This means examining the overall project scope and dividing the workload into deliverables that support it. This method works especially well for projects with a limited duration and a clear goal. Creating an annual revenue report is one example.
  • Phase-based – Work packages that contain groups of tasks are created using project phases in the phase-based WBS. Then, these task groups are finished gradually. A phase-based WBS should be used for lengthier projects with ambiguous goals. For instance, over the following three years, you intend to increase retention by 20%.

Work Breakdown Structures Examples

Free Project Management Work Breakdown Structure

What Are the 4 Levels of a Work Breakdown Structure?

A work breakdown structure’s levels assist in classifying jobs according to dependencies. Because projects can vary so widely, your job breakdown structure’s levels will too. You might come across projects that don’t need sub-dependencies, even if the majority of projects do have some kind of dependencies.

Let’s look at the top four level dependencies within a work breakdown structure.

  • Level 1: The Primary Goal Given that it contains the primary goal, the first level of your work breakdown structure is the project’s most streamlined configuration. Typically, this corresponds to the project objective. Consider a scenario when your project team is revising the layout of your website. Your WBS’s initial level can resemble the following: ‘Create and launch a brand-new website’.
  • Level 2: Tasks and Dependencies Level 2 outlines the main phases of a project and the key deliverables that need to be achieved. It can also include the major parts, systems, or features that need to be delivered in the final project to meet the customer’s expectations. Depending on the size of the project, your breakdown structure will then become a little more complex. Subtasks, also known as dependencies of level 1, will be included in level two of your WBS. Let’s take the tasks necessary to introduce a new website design as an example. Carry out competitor research. Organize a session of innovative brainstorming. Update brand standards. Build a new website infrastructure. Redesign your logo and create new images. Level two provides a high-level overview of the dependencies required to fulfill the project’s goal and is a little more detailed than level one.
  • Level 3: Smaller Tasks The tasks from level 2 are now divided into smaller, easier-to-manage tasks. Teams must first complete the tasks outlined in the tasks and dependencies level to be successful at the smaller tasks level. To subdivide these tasks into more manageable parts, a project manager should describe the most specific tasks at this point in the project lifecycle. The road to completing all of your essential deliverables will be made easier by these doable activities. Using the aforementioned example as a guide, the level three tasks for creating a new website are as follows: Select brand colors. Construct a brand mood board. Create new software development structures. Designate UX specialists. Build a design mockup. Examine and accept mockups. Plan a marketing picture shoot. Image resize and edit. As you can see, it is becoming increasingly clearer what needs to be done to achieve the project’s purpose. Depending on how your WBS template performs, you might even decide to add additional levels depending on how specific you want your visual to be.
  • Level 4: Assess Status Level 4 is usually the final stage of the WBS. It includes an assessment of the completion of levels 1 through 3. Level 4 consists of methods to test the completeness of the entire project. Using a new website as an example, one of the level 4’s WBS points would be to test the website launch and its potential success. Testing for completeness in the WBS is one of the most crucial parts of running a successful project.

What does a Work Breakdown Structure Contain?

You must first be aware of the components of a breakdown structure before you can design your own. Fortunately, we have you covered. Let’s look at some of the i mportant components you should have in your job work breakdown structure.

  • WBS keywords
  • Mission statement
  • Task managers
  • Task Budget
  • Date of completion
  • Task status

WBS Keywords

When creating a new project structure, familiarizing yourself with some project keywords is an excellent place to start. A good WBS template doesn’t include lengthy explanations , so having a few keywords is instrumental in helping project team members fulfill their tasks.

Include the following keywords in your WBS:

  • Acceptance Criteria: Otherwise known as the “definition of done”. This specifies the requirements and scope that must be completed by developers before the user narrative is deemed complete. The creation of acceptance criteria for the stories in your product backlog may fall under you as a product manager or product owner.
  • Budget: A budget is an estimate of income and expenses for a given period that is created and reviewed regularly. It is the anticipated costs involved with complex projects, which can be divided into a project phase or deliverable.
  • Deliverables: These are the quantifiable items or services that must be offered at different project stages as well as at the end of the project. Deliverables make it possible to allocate resources wisely and keep the project schedule on track. They are essential to a company’s performance because they keep managers on track. For example, a deliverable-based WBS template for a website design project would be organized around deliverables such as the URL, layout, and textual content.
  • Milestones: When there are milestones, it is simple to identify attainable milestones within the project timetable or timeline . Focus on developing specific scheduling plans for each of these milestones, and work toward achieving them. By completing each phase and mini-target one step at a time, you meet your project objectives and scheduling requirements.
  • Phases: A project’s numerous stages. For example, a phase-based WBS for a website design project would be organized around concepts like exploration, design, and launch rather than specific deliverables.
  • WBS: This is an abbreviation for work breakdown structure.

While there are several keywords you can include, focus on creating a resource where project team members can find information on the project plan quickly.

  • Mission Statement The mission statement contains both the task name and a summary of the goals. Since there won’t be enough room in your WBS for a comprehensive description, you can add more information to your WBS dictionary. The goal of the task description is for team members to quickly and simply understand what the assignment is and the work involved to achieve the assignment.
  • Task Managers The allocated task manager is a crucial component to include for responsibility and communication reasons. The easier it is to find solutions, the faster the tasks will be finished. Nothing is worse than squandering time trying to get project information. By designating tasks, managers and project stakeholders will be able to address questions to the relevant person, increasing team productivity.
  • Task Budget Large-budget initiatives should be closely monitored. Assigning precise task budget caps makes monitoring your progress toward your estimated budget simple. If you fail to keep track of your spending, you can end up spending more than you planned, which would reduce your profit margin. So make sure to keep track of both your overall budget and the costs of each specific assignment.
  • Date of Completion Keeping track of your target completion date is crucial. To keep a better track of the progress you’ve made, you can break down each task in a timeline or online project management tool. By doing this, you’ll identify timeline delays as they happen and take action to stop them from piling up to the point where you miss your initial completion date.
  • Task Status Documenting task status is crucial for quick progress checks, along with timeline monitoring. There are several different ways to document this, but most teams use phrases like “open,” “in progress,” and “complete.” This will provide a high-level picture of team productivity in addition to aiding with progress tracking. For instance, if certain teams consistently fail to finish assignments, there may be a deeper problem. By doing so, you can work to address team workload and communication concerns before they balloon into major ones.

When Is a Work Breakdown Structure Necessary?

You can manage your work in a variety of ways by using a work breakdown framework. Here are three typical instances of how to use a WBS in various scenarios.

  • Scope of Work A scope of work is a detailed document that outlines the whole work that will be done as part of your complex project. The ideal tool for dividing a project’s scope into manageable work packages is a work breakdown structure. This is because it also makes it simple to pinpoint milestones, deliverables, and phases.
  • Declaration of Work A declaration of work is a contract that binds the client and the company in charge of carrying out the project. It includes information on project management elements like the hierarchical structure, schedule, deliverables, and project requirements.
  • Order of Work Similar to a statement of work, a work order’s primary function is to list the expenditures related to each activity. A WBS is necessary for a precise cost estimate.

How To Create a Work Breakdown Structure Template

A work breakdown structure can be made in a variety of ways because of its visual hierarchy. The fact that you may choose the best approach for you and your team is the best part.

Teams use visual methods like timelines, Kanban boards, and calendars. The appearance of various functions may vary significantly depending on the software you use. It provides you with a better grasp of how to establish a work breakdown structure in each of these three techniques.

Let’s take a closer look at them.

  • Timelines Timelines are the perfect tool for presenting work in a lively manner. They excel at offering a WBS the functionality it requires. Here are a few of the advantages of adopting a timeline, otherwise known as a flowchart or Gantt chart : Add conventional spreadsheets. Track development. Adapt to the workload. Relate activities using dependencies. Adapt to new deadline changes. Determine task owners. Organize unplanned duties. Adjust the color tracking system Group by the four different levels. Sort and filter tasks. Your WBS templates can be created in several ways, such as by directly constructing them in timeline software or importing an existing spreadsheet. Kanban boards and calendars don’t have timelines’ visual layouts and movable capability. Your preference will ultimately determine which one works best for you.
  • Kanban Boards Teams can use a Kanban board as a tool to visually organize project tasks, workflows, and communication. Kanban boards allow project managers to easily refer to the exact location of each stage in the process at any given time, which can help to streamline assignments and prevent overload. The following can assist your entire process by keeping your projects on track with Kanban software: Track development. Allows the adjustment of tasks. Connect tasks by dependencies. Adjust deadline changes. Plot processes. Provides immediate communication. Schedule product roadmaps. A Kanban board is one of the most popular solutions for daily resource management requirements. The ability to see task specifics up front is one of this tool’s best features. As a result, it’s a fantastic alternative for a timeline.
  • Calendars The third option to make your own WBS is to use a calendar. Calendars are a great tool for project visualization and give teams a different experience compared to the options above. You can import an existing spreadsheet or begin creating a new project within your calendar software to get your structure using a calendar started. For big projects, they’re also very useful for flipping between day, week, and month views. Conclusion

The effectiveness of work breakdown structure templates can impact a project’s outcome. All project management tasks, including planning, cost and effort estimation, resource allocation, and scheduling, are built upon the WBS.

There are many examples, templates, and software tools to assist you in creating a work breakdown structure for your project.

Rita Akekelwa

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WTO / Business / Planners / Free Work Breakdown Structure Templates (Excel, Word)

Free Work Breakdown Structure Templates (Excel, Word)

Projects involve an array of actions or tasks that have to be completed to achieve the project’s overall objective. Therefore, different people or teams have to be involved, whereby each individual or team is assigned to perform a specific task among different projects. A work breakdown structure template outlines these tasks and the assigned parties for easier management. This way, each party or team can focus on their assigned duties to prevent the intermingling of responsibilities, skipping essential tasks, or reassigning tasks that have already been assigned.

A work breakdown structure or WBS template is also used for evaluation purposes. Since it is often based on the project’s deliverables, project managers can use it to assess each deliverable’s task status or success. It is a tool that highlights all that needs to be done to achieve specific project goals (deliverables). To further clarify the utilization of a WBS, this article will discuss how it is used and the essential components of the document. 

Work Breakdown Structure

A work breakdown structure is a visual project management tool used to subdivide the project scope and deliverables into smaller, measurable, and manageable actions or tasks.

It presents these tasks in a hierarchical order starting from a deliverable or milestone. This way, the WBS adopts a tree-like structure.

The overall project’s goal/objective is located at the tip of the tree structure and further broken down into subsequent deliverables and tasks, sub-tasks, work packages, or end terminals. It is important to note that a work breakdown structure should focus on the deliverables of tasks, not the actual actions. 

Work Breakdown Structure Template

A work breakdown structure template is a fillable project management tool that outlines the tasks to be completed under each project deliverable.

It ensures the project scope is broken down into more minor actions or activities whose outcomes can be measured. The templates are reusable and can thus be used for different projects. The templates can be used to manage the costs of the entire project, create a project schedule and manage the schedule.   

Our readers can obtain such templates when creating the structures for their projects from this site. The templates are free to download. Since they are designed to outline the essential components of a WBS, they are a faster approach to creating the structures. All a user is required to supply the appropriate information in the blank options. They are also customizable, and users can therefore add or remove sections in the WBS template.

Free Templates for Word

Given below are work breakdown structure templates:

Great Downloadable General Work Breakdown Structure Template 01 for Word Document

Uses of Work Breakdown Structure Template

A WBS template has extensive uses in project management. It is, however, not limited to projects; it can be used in programs and other initiatives where work has to be distributed among different people or teams.

Below is a discussion of who, when, and why a work breakdown structure template is used:

WBS templates are commonly used and created by project managers during the planning stage. This is because they are ordinarily in charge of assigning duties to employees. However, the WBS is executed by the team members involved in the project. Therefore, it is highly advisable to involve the team members when creating the WBS. For example, team leaders can be tasked to prepare a sub-WBS detailing tasks under their department.

The sub-WBSs can then be compiled into a single WBS for the entire project. The project manager can also seek expertise and guidance from project managers and team leaders , reviewing previous information of other similar projects and reading literature about requirements of such types of projects to create a strong WBS. 


As mentioned above, the work breakdown structure is created at the project’s planning stage . However, the document is used throughout the project cycle until the project’s objectives are accomplished. It is also used when evaluating the success of each team and when evaluating the success of each deliverable.

Therefore, project managers should use a work breakdown structure template when they want to divide the project scope and deliverables into smaller, manageable tasks. This simplifies management, especially for projects with broad scopes and multiple deliverables.


The WBS is used to create a project schedule at the planning phase. This is because the different tasks involved under each deliverable can be defined, and the task duration can be determined. This information is used to create the project’s schedule. By outlining all tasks under a deliverable or milestone, monitoring, and controlling resources and performance becomes simpler.  

It is used as a communication tool in project management. It conveys what each individual or team is expected to do and achieve. Presenting this information in a visual representation such as a WBS template simplifies the stakeholder’s expectations into doable actions. This way, ambiguities in the project scope are reduced since responsibilities are adequately clarified in the WBS.

The document also improves accountability within the team because the dependencies between tasks can be established. Delays can also be quickly identified, thus motivating each employee or team to complete their assigned responsibilities.

A work breakdown structure is also used to estimate the overall costs of a project, track project progress and identify associated risks. These are important considerations for proper project management and greatly influence the success of the project.  

Components of Work Breakdown Structure Template

It details all that should be done in a project to be termed as successful. An exceptional work breakdown structure template should provide a visual overview of the project scope such that anyone involved in the project can interpret its contents.

The following items should be included in a template with that in mind:

Goals and objectives

The project’s goals and objectives must appear in the WBS. The goals and objectives lay the foundation of what the team wants to achieve by undertaking their assigned responsibilities. This information will often be provided in the project scope. Objectives will vary from one project to another – for example, building a bridge or developing a campaign ad. 


The project deliverables at different significant stages of the project should be outlined in the document. In addition, deliverables can be defined as sub-projects within the project. A simple way of identifying project deliverables is determining what each independent team or department will be required to complete in the project. Note that the WBS should be focusing on measurable deliverables and not actions/tasks. 

Break deliverables into individual tasks

The template should give a breakdown of the deliverables identified. Each team or individual will often be undertaking more than one task. Each task’s outcome must be measurable either by time or cost.

Task number

Task numbers should be provided for each task. This number is used to determine the tasks performed at each stage. Since deliverables ought to be numbered, often based on an incremental order from the onset to end of the project, tasks under each deliverable will have the deliverable’s number and then be further differentiated as the tasks are divided into subtasks.

Task description

Each task listed in the WBS template should be clearly defined. For example, a task description can mention the specifications, timeline, etc. The definition can be one or two summarizing sentences. 

The team or team member assigned each task and subtasks must be identified in the WBS. If an individual handles the task or subtask, their name should be supplied in the work structured template. However, if the tasks or subtasks will require a team’s joint effort, the team’s name should be indicated and not the names of all the team members.

A work breakdown structure should show the dependencies between tasks. This means some tasks require other tasks to be completed before they can begin therefore creating a dependency. The dependencies can be noted or illustrated using arrows showing the direction of dependency.

Resources needed

The WBS should indicate the resources needed for each task. Resources are primarily all the requirements needed for the task or subtask to be completed successfully and satisfactorily. For example, the WBS can list the materials, equipment, people, approvals, etc.

Task status

The template for creating a WBS should have a section to record the task status of each task. Status indicates whether the task is assigned, unassigned, in progress, complete or late. Sometimes the progress percentage can be noted. 

Each task has cost implications . Therefore, the structure must indicate the costs associated with each task listed in the document. However, a breakdown of the cost does not have to be provided as that information is meant for another project document, usually the project budget. 

The start date of each task must be clearly stated in the structure. Note that time is one of the metrics used to measure success.

Estimated completion

The work breakdown structure template should also document the estimated task duration. This estimate should be formulated through consultations with the specific task team. However, it must align with the project deadline or associated dependency.

Finish date

The deadline for completing the task should be indicated. This date is typically formulated based on the start date and the estimated completion duration.


The work breakdown schedule template should have a section to record any information that does not fall in the categories listed above. This section can be used to communicate essential information to the team.

Free Templates for Excel

Free Printable Project Office Work Breakdown Structure Template for Word Document

Effective Practices to Create a WBS Template

A good WBS should help a project manager in resource and risk management, project scheduling, status reports and improve the team’s efficiency overall.

The following practices can be used when preparing the WBS to ensure this is achieved:

The work breakdown structure template should adopt a hierarchical structure. The template should be organized in levels where the parent level or level 1, births level 2, etc. Therefore, tasks under each level must be linked to the deliverable at level 1.

100 percent rule

Each WBS must represent 100% of the work that has to be completed by the project team and thus the overall goals and objectives. Additionally, tasks under each level must also represent 100% of the work needed to produce the associated deliverable. Therefore, child levels must equate to 100% of the work needed to complete the parent level successfully.

Mutually exclusive elements

Tasks under each level should be mutually exclusive, meaning once a task has been added, there should be no other tasks that fulfil the same responsibilities. Also, a task should not be added twice as the 100% rule has to be satisfied.  


A WBS should be outcome-oriented. This means the outcomes and deliverables should be the focus of the WBS. There must be a clear relationship between the task and the product, service, or outcome needed to produce a project deliverable. It is easier to satisfy this rule if the tasks are named using nouns and not verbs. 

The 8/80 rule

Each structure should meet the 8/80 rule. This rule declares that the task’s estimated duration should not be less than 8 hours or exceed 80 hours. Tasks shorter than 8 hours should be consolidated, while tasks over 80 hours should be broken down further. Note that the 80 hours can be indicated as ten working days in some cases. An extension of this rule states that no work package or task should take longer than the reporting period. Therefore, if the reporting period is bi-weekly, the work package should not exceed the two weeks duration.

Three levels

It is also considered good practice to ensure the structure template has three levels of detail – typically overall project objectives, deliverables, and tasks. More often than not, three levels of details will be enough to capture the project scope and the necessary information adequately.

Make assignments 

A good work breakdown structure should assign tasks to specific individuals or teams. A WBS with no assignments can be difficult to interpret and may lead to confusion. Assigning the teams and team members specific responsibilities ensures the right person does exemplary work.

Frequently Asked Question

A WBS has multiple benefits depending on how it is utilized in a project. However, the most notable benefits are that it helps create the project schedule, creates accountability within the team, reduces vagueness regarding what each person is expected to do, organizes the team, and can also be used to monitor and evaluate progress.  

Both new and experienced project managers use work breakdown structure templates. While the document is ideally meant to be a simple representation of work to be done, it can become complex and confusing as it is developed. Therefore, project managers should find a way to make the WBS interpretable and straightforward for the team. There is no standard technique for creating a work breakdown structure. However, reviewing WBS from previous projects using templates and including the components discussed in this article can simplify the process. Combining visual and written elements, a WBS becomes an essential work management tool as it becomes easy for every team member to interpret. The WBS template should be updated as the work progresses.

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Michael R. Lewis

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22 Develop an Assignment Plan

Now that you have a clear idea of what you need to do, the next step is to break down the assignment into manageable “chunks”.  The idea of completing a major research paper may seem overwhelming, but if you can divide the task into achievable steps you will be on your way to success.

Use the chart below to break your assignment into smaller steps.  You will want to create steps that can be done easily in one day, and preferably in a single work period.  Consider the following example breakdown for a research paper.

Read assignment instructions and rubric October 2 Y
Review course materials and choose topic October 3 Y
Library research — find 3 peer reviewed articles and two books October 5
Read and take notes on two articles October 7
Read and takes notes on final article and books October 8
Organize notes; write thesis and outline October 9
Write body paragraph 1 October 10
Write body paragraph 2 October 10
Write body paragraph 3 October 11
Write body paragraph 4 October 11
Write conclusion October 12
Write introduction October 12
Self-edit content and organization (use the rubric) October 14
Writing tutor appointment October 15
Edit and proofread assignment October 16
Submit final assignment October 18

In the above example, the assignment is divided into smaller pieces, with a manageable amount to complete each day. It is also clear when each task has been completed.  A daily work goal like “work on research paper” is not well-defined, and can seem overwhelming.  This can make it easy to procrastinate.  By choosing specific and achievable goals, you may become more motivated to get started, and you will be able to measure your progress each day.  Remember to reward yourself for meeting your goals along the way.

Choose one of your upcoming assignments, and create a work plan modelled on the example above.

Download the assignment planner worksheet .

Assignment Planner Choose one of your Upcoming assignments, and create a work plan that includes a clear target completion date. Target Completion Date Completed? Assignment Task

University 101: Study, Strategize and Succeed Copyright © 2018 by Kwantlen Polytechnic University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Free Daily Schedule Templates

By Kate Eby | May 12, 2016

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Use daily work schedule schedule templates to help get organized and manage your time. Use these templates to plan your day, make a to-do list, or make sure the kid’s homework is getting done. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a daily work schedule template , a blank daily planner template , a daily to-do list template , a daily task list template , and many more.

Daily Work Schedule Template

Daily Work Schedule

Download Daily Work Schedule Template

Excel | PDF |  Smartsheet

This daily work schedule template allows you to plan a single day by the hour, view a week at a glance, and add important notes. Keep your work day organized and plan ahead for important meetings, events and deadlines. Use the note section to keep track of priority tasks and important reminders. You can also share this template with employees or colleagues so they know your schedule and are able to work around it.

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assignment breakdown template

Watch the demo to see how you can more effectively manage your team, projects, and processes with real-time work management in Smartsheet.

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Daily Log Template

Daily Log Template

Download Daily Log Schedule Template

Keep track of important appointments, meetings, and events with this daily log template. The template is designed in a simple format that’s easy to read, and you can schedule tasks by the half-hour. This log template is useful for planning ahead or creating a record of the day’s events.

Daily Schedule Template

Daily Schedule Template

Download Daily Schedule Template

This simple, blank schedule template allows you to plan each day to the half-hour as well as plan ahead for the week. Set the starting time and then organize your daily schedule with whatever activities you choose to include. This daily schedule template is appropriate for work, school, family activities or personal goals.

Printable Daily Planner Template

Printable Daily Planner Template

Download Printable Planner Template

This printable template has sections for appointments, important events, notes, and prioritized tasks to help you stay organized throughout a busy day — but don’t forget to schedule free time to make sure you get a break. Create your own planner and customize it to match your needs.

Daily To-Do List Template

Daily To Do List Template

Download Daily To-Do List Template

This daily to-do list template lets you assign a priority to each task. It also allows you to track progress for ongoing projects and assign due dates. The template is simple to use, straightforward, and offers flexibility. This is a to-do list with enough functionality to actually keep you organized, while still being easy to use.

Blank Daily Planner Template

Daily Planner Template

Download Blank Daily Planner Template

With sections for prioritized tasks, appointments, important events, and notes, this daily planner template can help you stay organized throughout a busy day. Plus, if you schedule free time for yourself, you will be sure to actually get a break during your day. This free, printable template allows you to create your own planner and customize it to match your needs.

Daily Task List Template

Daily Task List Template

Download Daily Task List Template

Plan your daily and weekly tasks with this free Excel template. Create a list of pending tasks and mark off those that have been completed. A visual calendar facilitates planning at a glance, and you can easily print the template for reference.

Daily Employee Schedule Template

Employee Schedule Template for Excel

Download Employee Schedule Template

Excel  |  Smartsheet

Create a detailed schedule for your employees while tracking work hours and labor costs. This employee schedule template shows each day of the week, so you can see an employee’s daily shifts while also reviewing the weekly schedule. Include vacation time and holidays for a comprehensive schedule. Both employees and business owners can benefit from this template.

Daily Shift Schedule Template

Shift Schedule Template

Download Shift Schedule Template

If your business involves daily employee rotation between different workstations, this shift schedule template can help keep everyone organized. Enter the tasks or work area to be assigned and then match the associated code with an employee. Each day is broken down hourly to make it clear when work assignments change mid-day. The template also tracks the number of hours worked for each employee and allows you to plan shifts for an entire week.

Daily Sales Report Template

Daily Sales Report Template Updated

Download Daily Sales Report Template - Excel

This free template is suitable for retail, restaurants, and other businesses that need to keep track of daily sales. This sales report template allows you to track inventory, view the total daily sales, and look up individual items that were sold. With this data on hand you can identify trends and monitor daily sales goals. 

Project Schedule Template

Project Schedule Template

Download Project Schedule Template

Excel | PDF

Keep track of each phase of a project, mark milestones, and get a visual overview to share with others. This project schedule template would work well for a presentation and is suitable for any project timeline, whether for business or school. Project managers can use it to keep their team on task and create progress reports. This is a simple schedule template with an eye-catching design.

Daily Agenda Template

Daily Meeting Agenda Template

Download Daily Agenda Schedule Template

Plan your daily meetings with this simple template, which includes room to list members in attendance, outline a meeting agenda, take meeting notes, and track ongoing action items. This agenda template is a simple yet powerful tool for meeting planning and facilitation as well as communicating with attendees.

Daily Inspection Report Template

Daily Inspection Report Template

Download Daily Inspection Report Template

This daily inspection report template is intended for construction contractors. The template offers a straightforward layout and includes numerous important details, including weather conditions, the number and type of workers on site, delays, safety concerns, material shortages, and more. If you need to inspect additional factors, you can edit the template to meet your needs. There is also space for daily progress notes and a signature to verify the inspection.

Daily Hourly Schedule Template

Daily Hourly Schedule Template

Download Daily Hourly Schedule Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Print or fill out this daily schedule, which is broken down into hourly blocks. Use it to manage your day and mark when each task is complete. Create one for each day of the week, or just for those extra-busy days.

Daily Checklist Template

Daily Checklist Template

Download Daily Checklist Template

Stay on top of your daily and weekly tasks with this checklist template. This template provides easy organization, and allows you to mark off items from the list as you complete the. Planning your to-dos for the week can help ensure you don’t take on too many tasks in one day, and that you keep your agenda manageable.

Class Schedule Template

Class Schedule Template

Download Class Schedule Template

Students can keep track of their class schedule and other school activities with this free template. Once you add time to study or work on projects, the class schedule also works as a time management tool. If you’re a new college student, you’ll feel less overwhelmed knowing exactly when and where your classes occur on each day of the week.

Homework Schedule Template

Homework Schedule Template

Download Homework Schedule Template

Organize your homework assignments and study time for each class with this homework schedule template. Enter the start date, add your class names, and assign blocks of time for each homework-related activity. You can manage your daily homework while planning for the week and keeping track of deadlines.

Daily School Schedule Template

Daily School Schedule Template

Download Daily School Schedule Template

Track your day-to-day class schedule, whether you are going to class or learning at home. The template includes sections to list to-dos, what to bring to class, and homework assignments, so you can keep organized and prepared.

House Cleaning Schedule Template

House Cleaning Schedule Template

Download House Cleaning Schedule Template

Use this template to create a schedule to manage your housecleaning. Once you’ve assigned cleaning tasks for each day, print out and hang the schedule for reference. Some tasks may happen daily while others only need to be done once a month. This template can help you stay on schedule with housecleaning without trying to do too much in a single day.

How to Make a Daily Schedule

Once you’ve chosen the template that best suits your needs, you can adjust the design by changing colors and fonts or adding a logo, alter the format by removing unwanted sections or adding new ones, and save a blank copy for future use. If you’re creating an employee schedule, sales report, or other detailed report, you’ll need any relevant data on hand to fill in the template. You can also choose a simple checklist or calendar template to print and fill out by hand. 

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  • How to write an essay outline | Guidelines & examples

How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

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  • Choosing Essay Topic
  • Write a College Essay
  • Write a Diversity Essay
  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/essay-outline/

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Assignment Breakdown Sheet Template

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Using an Assignment Tracker : sub-module 4 of 4 of time management

assignment breakdown template

Breakdown Tasks to Complete Assignments

Watch this video to learn why it’s useful to break tasks into smaller pieces.

Breaking Down Assignments

Step 1: gather information.

  • If possible, print off a hard copy of the assignment.
  • Read the entire assignment out loud.
  • Brainstorm ideas.

Step 2: Calculate the Assignment Time

Use the chart below to calculate how long you should spend on an assignment. For every 5% the assignment is worth, you should plan to work 2 hours.

  • 5% = 2 hours
  • 10% = 4 hours
  • 15% = 6 hours
  • 20% = 8 hours
  • 25% = 10 hours
  • 30% = 12 hours
  • 35% = 14 hours
  • 40% = 16 hours

Step 3: Use the Assignment tracker

Fill out your assignment tracker:

  • Assignment Tracker Template - PDF - Opens in a new window
  • Assignment Tracker Template - Word

Watch the video and use the steps below to learn how to fill out the template. Make sure to start work at least two weeks before your assignment is due.

Instructions for filling out the assignment tracker template

  • Fill out the beginning of the form with the name of the course, the assignment title and value, the hours of work required, today’s date and the due date.
  • In the ‘Stages’ column, create a list of all of the things that you need to do to complete this assignment, e.g. brainstorming ideas, creating an outline, writing a rough draft. Use one line for each stage.
  • Give yourself a completion deadline for each task.
  • Check off each task as you finish them.
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The work breakdown structure (WBS) for project management: What it is and how to use it

Alicia Raeburn contributor headshot

A work breakdown structure (WBS) visually organizes project deliverables into different levels based on dependencies. It’s essentially your project plan in a visual form, with your project objective at the top, then dependencies and sub-dependencies below. In this article, we describe the different parts of a work breakdown structure and how to create one for your next project—along with a detailed example to get you started.

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a visual project breakdown. Beginning with the scope of work, the WBS shows the deliverables and how they connect back to the overarching project.

We’ll walk you through how to make a work breakdown structure, what to include, and show examples for how you can apply it in your own work.

What is the work breakdown structure in project management?

A work breakdown structure is a tool that helps you organize your project by hierarchy. With a WBS, you break down deliverables into sub-deliverables to visualize projects and outline key dependencies. Every work breakdown structure is made up of a few parts: 

A project baseline or scope statement, which includes a project plan , description, and name 

Project stakeholders

An organized project schedule

Project deliverables and supporting subtasks

Project managers use work breakdown structures to help teams to break down complex project scopes , visualize projects and dependency-related deliverables , and give team members a visual project overview as opposed to a list of to-dos. 

From there, you’ll organize your structure based on the hierarchical levels of sub-deliverables. Your project might also include phases based on the work needed and the overall project timeline .  

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The 2 types of WBS

Deliverable-based work breakdown structure: This is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work. If that's a mouthful, don't worry—essentially, this basically means that you’ll look at the overarching project scope and break your work down into deliverables that support it. This approach is best for shorter projects with a really clear outcome. For example, developing your annual revenue report.

Phase-based work breakdown structure: Here, you use project phases to create work packages that house groups of tasks. These task groups are then completed in stages. You’ll want to use a phase-based WBS for longer projects with less defined outcomes. For example, you want to boost retention by 20% over the next three years.

What are the 3 levels of work breakdown structure?

Levels of a work breakdown structure help separate tasks by dependencies. Since projects can differ so significantly, the levels of your work breakdown structure will too. While most projects do have some form of dependencies, it’s possible you’ll come across projects that don’t require sub-dependencies. 

Levels of a work breakdown structure

There are three main levels of dependencies, though your structure could require more or fewer than that. Each level is connected to a parent task, with the work needed to complete the parent task organized into dependencies.  

Let’s take a look at the three highest level dependencies within a work breakdown structure. 

Level 1: The parent task

The first level of a work breakdown structure is the most simplified form of the project since it contains the parent task. This is usually the same as the project objective . 

Let’s say, for instance, that your project team is working on revamping your website design. The first level of your WBS might look something like this:

Launch new website design

As you can see, it’s simple and straightforward. Level one is the basic objective and the first step of your many project management phases . The work needed to complete this objective will come later in levels two and three. 

Level 2: Dependencies and tasks

From there, your breakdown structure will get a bit more complicated depending on the scope of the project. Level two of your WBS will include subtasks, otherwise known as dependencies, of the parent task. 

For example, let’s look at what tasks might be needed to launch a new website design. 

Host a creative brainstorming session

Revamp brand guidelines

Create messaging framework

Redesign your logo

Add new photography 

While slightly more granular than level one, level two is still a high-level overview of the dependencies needed to complete the project objective. 

Level 3: Subtasks

In the third level of the WBS, break these dependencies down even further into more manageable components called sub-dependencies. At this stage—the lowest level of the project lifecycle—you’re defining the most detailed tasks. These actionable tasks will simplify the path to completing all your required deliverables.

Continuing the above example, here are the level three tasks you could use for a new site design: 

Choose brand colors

Build a brand mood board

Assign UX designers

Build a mockup design

Review and approve mockups

Schedule a brand photoshoot

Resize and edit pictures

As you can see, the work needed to complete the project objective is becoming much more clear. You may even choose to add additional levels to your WBS, depending on how specific you want your visual to be. 

What’s included in a work breakdown structure?

A work breakdown structure is essentially a condensed project plan organized in a visual hierarchy. That means it contains everything that a successful project charter has, which includes WBS elements such as objectives, deliverables, timelines, and key stakeholders. 

What's included in a work breakdown structure

To create your own breakdown structure, you first need to know what to put in one. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. Let’s take a look at some of the key pieces to include in your work breakdown structure.

WBS dictionary

A work breakdown structure dictionary is a great place to start when building a new project structure. Because the visual nature of a good WBS doesn’t allow room for detailed explanations, the WBS dictionary describes each task in more detail. Creating a dictionary is an instrumental part of helping project team members more easily find necessary details of your tasks.

While created by you, it may be beneficial to enlist the help of team members from various departments. This will ensure the dictionary is as useful as possible and all items are explained correctly.

Some fields you should include in your dictionary are:

Task names: Keep this clear and simple, a few words at most.

Descriptions: Go into a little more detail but no more than a sentence or two.

Deliverables : Again, specificity is your friend here. Be clear about what, exactly, you’re expecting the team to complete.

Budget : your projected expenses, including how much you’ll spend, for what, and by when.

Milestones : Significant moments on the project timeline where a batch of tasks are completed.

Approvals: What tasks—if any—need approvals.

While there are multiple fields you can include, the main thing to consider is creating a resource where project team members can find information on the project work needed to complete various tasks.  

Task description

The task descriptions include both a task name and a brief description of the objectives. Since your WBS won’t have space for a full description, you can include additional details in your WBS dictionary.

The objective of the task description is for team members to easily recognize what the task is in the shortest way possible. So don’t get too caught up in the level of detail needed just yet.  

The assigned task owner is an important piece to include both for accountability reasons and for communication. The easier it is to find answers, the quicker the tasks will be finished. While project managers are often task owners, department heads, and managers may also be owners depending on the type of task.

There’s nothing worse than wasting time looking for project information. Assigning task owners can improve team productivity as project stakeholders will be able to quickly direct questions to the appropriate person.   

Task budget

While not always needed, projects that require large budgets should be tracked carefully. It’s helpful to assign specific task budget caps in order to easily track how close you are to your allocated budget. 

Not tracking your budget could result in spending more than anticipated, which can dig into your profit margin. So be sure to not only track your total budget but individual task costs as well. 

Completion date 

It shouldn’t be a shock to hear that tracking your target completion date is a rather important detail. That said, it’s important to be prepared for changes to your completion date. 

While it can be difficult to manage multiple projects that go over their allotted timeline, sometimes it’s inevitable. In order to properly track progress, you should break down each task in a timeline or other project management tool . This way you can catch timeline delays in real time and work to prevent deadline issues from stacking up and causing you to miss your original completion date. 

Task status

Along with timeline tracking, documenting task status is important for quick progress checks. This can be logged in a few different ways, but many teams use terms such as open, in progress, and complete. 

This will not only help track progress but give a high-level overview of team productivity. For example, if there’s a pattern of select teams unable to complete tasks there may be an underlying issue. That way you can work to solve team workload or communication issues before they become huge problems.  

How to create a work breakdown structure

Now comes the fun part. Since a work breakdown structure is in the form of a visual hierarchy, there are a number of ways to create yours. The best part is that you get to pick which method is right for you and your team. 

How to create a work breakdown structure

Common visual methods that teams use include timelines, Kanban boards , and calendars. Depending on the software you use, some features may look slightly different in each. Let’s dive into these three methods in order to provide a deeper understanding of how you can create a work breakdown structure in each. 

Timelines (or Gantt charts)

Timelines are great tools to visualize work in a fun and colorful way. They’re also great at providing the necessary functionality for a WBS. Here are some of the functions you get using a timeline, also known as a flowchart or Gantt chart :

Import traditional spreadsheets

Track progress

Adjust tasks

Connect tasks by dependencies

Adjust deadline shifts

Assign task owners

Store unscheduled tasks

Adjust color tracking

Section by levels

Filter and sort tasks

You can start your WBS in a number of ways, including by importing an existing spreadsheet or building it directly in timeline software . Timelines are different from Kanban boards and calendars due to the visual layout and adjustable functionality. It’s really up to your preference to determine which visual is right for your team. 

[Product ui] Gantt chart project, organized timeline view in Asana with dependencies and due dates (Timeline)

Kanban boards 

Kanban boards are similar to timelines but differ in the way they’re visually organized. Instead of being organized in a horizontal line, they’re designed to look like boards. Kanban software can help with the following to keep your projects on track:

Plot workflows

Communicate in one place

Plan product roadmaps

A Kanban board is another great option for building out your WBS, and it’s one of the most frequently used tools for day-to-day resource management needs. One of the best things about this tool is that you can see task details up front. This makes it a great option if you’re unable to create a WBS dictionary.

The best way to get started with this method is to start building your hierarchy within your Kanban board. 

The third option for creating a WBS of your own is by using team calendar software . While not as commonly used for breakdown structures as the previous options, they’re a great tool to visualize projects. They’re also especially helpful for switching between day, week, and month views for large projects.

Calendars are great tools for creating a WBS and they give you a different visual experience from the options above. To start your structure using a calendar, you can import an existing spreadsheet or start building a new project within your calendar software. 

Work breakdown structure example

Now that you know what goes into a WBS and how to build one using a variety of software tools, let’s look at a tangible WBS example. While your template will look slightly different depending on the method you use to create it, your WBS should include similar task hierarchies and levels. 

Here is an example work breakdown structure to get you started on your own.

Work breakdown structure example

Here is an example work breakdown structure from the above details to get you started on your own.

WBS name : Website design

Description : Revamp our old website design based on the new branding. 

Completion date : 9/15/21

Budget : $50,000

Revamp website design 

Revamp brand guidelines (Complete)

Create messaging framework (Complete)

Redesign logo (In progress)

Add new photography (Open)

1. Revamp brand guidelines 

Brand colors—Kat Mooney

Brand mood board—Kat Mooney

Design UX—Ray Brooks

2. Create messaging framework

Headline—Daniela Vargas

Mission statement—Daniela Vargas

Language guidelines—Daniela Vargas

3. Redesign logo

Sketch—Kabir Madan

Mockups—Kat Mooney

Final designs—Kat Mooney

4. Add new photography

Photoshoot—Kabir Madan

Photo edits —Kat Mooney

Final selections—Kabir Madan

Remember that your WBS will look different based on the size of the project, its complexity, the timeline, and your chosen software. Each of these details will shape the dependencies and visual hierarchy of your project. 

Make your work breakdown structure work for you

When it comes down to it, a work breakdown structure isn’t so hard to create. In fact, once you get the hang of it, you and your team can only benefit from adding a visual hierarchy or project tasks. Whether you’re a visual or verbal learner, there’s a work management tool out there for everyone. 

With Asana, you can easily switch between lists, timelines, boards, and calendars without missing a beat. Less time spent on work about work ? Yes, please. 

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Free Project Management Templates

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Template

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) provides a structural view into the project. It is an essential tool for planning and executing the project. Use the WBS to define the work for the project and to develop the project’s schedule. You should use the additional fields in MS Project to provide more detailed information on each component of the WBS – then export the WBS dictionary directly from Project. This Work Breakdown Structure Template provides a good set of WBS examples. Whether you are new to project management and working on your PMP certification, or been doing project management for many years, you’re sure to find our templates helpful in your projects.

Download Template


The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a view into the project which shows what work the project encompasses. It is a tool which helps to easily communicate the work and processes involved to execute the project. The Project Manager and project team use the WBS to develop the project schedule, resource requirements and costs. There are many ways you can present the WBS for your project; this template provides many of the most popular layouts from which you can choose. Depending on where in the Project Plan you’re putting the WBS a different layout may be more suitable for you. For instance many Project Managers include a high level WBS within the project plan, then a detailed version as an appendix to the plan. You may find that you prefer one layout for a high level WBS and a different one for a detailed WBS.

In order to save space in this work breakdown structure template we only developed the WBS examples down to the third level. In your project you will want to develop them down to a much more detailed level using the 8 to 80 rule (where the WBS is broken down to where a work package contains between 8 and 80 hours of work to complete).

The Work Breakdown Structure presented here represents all the work required to complete this project.

Outline View

The outline view presents an easy to view and understand layout for the WBS. It is also a good layout to use when developing the WBS because you can easily make changes, especially since the Microsoft Word auto numbering feature updates the WBS Code automatically.

1. Widget Management System 1.1 Initiation 1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations 1.1.2 Develop Project Charter 1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter 1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter 1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved 1.2 Planning 1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement 1.2.2 Determine Project Team 1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting 1.2.4 Develop Project Plan 1.2.5 Submit Project Plan 1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval 1.3 Execution 1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting 1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements 1.3.3 Design System 1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software 1.3.5 Install Development System 1.3.6 Testing Phase 1.3.7 Install Live System 1.3.8 User Training 1.3.9 Go Live 1.4 Control 1.4.1 Project Management 1.4.2 Project Status Meetings 1.4.3 Risk Management 1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan 1.5 Closeout 1.5.1 Audit Procurement 1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned 1.5.3 Update Files/Records 1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance 1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents

Hierarchical Structure

The hierarchal structure is similar to the outline view but without indentation. Although this format is more difficult to read, it may be useful where you have many levels and indenting each level would make the table to large to fit into a document.

LevelWBS CodeElement Name
11Widget Management System
31.1.1Evaluation & Recommendations
31.1.2Develop Project Charter
31.1.3Deliverable: Submit Project Charter
31.1.4Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter
31.1.5Project Charter Signed/Approved
31.2.1Create Preliminary Scope Statement
31.2.2Determine Project Team
31.2.3Project Team Kickoff Meeting
31.2.4Develop Project Plan
31.2.5Submit Project Plan
31.2.6Milestone: Project Plan Approval
31.3.1Project Kickoff Meeting
31.3.2Verify & Validate User Requirements
31.3.3Design System
31.3.4Procure Hardware/Software
31.3.5Install Development System
31.3.6Testing Phase
31.3.7Install Live System
31.3.8User Training
31.3.9Go Live
31.4.1Project Management
31.4.2Project Status Meetings
31.4.3Risk Management
31.4.4Update Project Management Plan
31.5.1Audit Procurement
31.5.2Document Lessons Learned
31.5.3Update Files/Records
31.5.4Gain Formal Acceptance
31.5.5Archive Files/Documents

Tabular View

The Tabular View is a nicely organized table view of the WBS. It is a good option for organizations which prefer table formats.

Level 1Level 2Level 3
1 Widget Management System1.1 Initiation1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations
1.1.2 Develop Project Charter
1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter
1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter
1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved
1.2 Planning1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement
1.2.2 Determine Project Team
1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting
1.2.4 Develop Project Plan
1.2.5 Submit Project Plan
1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval
1.3 Execution1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting
1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements
1.3.3 Design System
1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software
1.3.5 Install Development System
1.3.6 Testing Phase
1.3.7 Install Live System
1.3.8 User Training
1.3.9 Go Live
1.4 Control1.4.1 Project Management
1.4.2 Project Status Meetings
1.4.3 Risk Management
1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan
1.5 Closeout1.5.1 Audit Procurement
1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned
1.5.3 Update Files/Records
1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance
1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents

Tree Structure View

The Tree Structure View is the most popular format for the Work Breakdown Structure. It presents an easy to understand view into the WBS; however, it is also tricky to create without an application specifically designed for creating this organizational chart structure. The Tree Structure below was created using only Microsoft Word and the SmartArt graphics option under the insert menu.

WBS Dictionary

The WBS Dictionary contains all the details of the Work Breakdown Structure which are necessary to successfully complete the project. Most importantly it contains a definition of each Work Package which can be thought of as a mini scope statement. Resources on the project will look at the WBS dictionary to determine the scope of the Work Package they’ve been assigned, so it’s important to be clear when writing the definition. Most WBS dictionaries contain more information than we show in our sample. These things usually include Level of Effort, Cost Control Numbers, Resource Assignments, Responsibility Assignments – just to name a few.

LevelWBS CodeWBS CodeDefinition
11Widget Management SystemAll work to implement a new widget management system.
21.1InitiationThe work to initiate the project.
31.1.1Evaluation & RecommendationsWorking group to evaluate solution sets and make recommendations.
31.1.2Develop Project CharterProject Manager to develop the Project Charter.
31.1.3Deliverable: Submit Project CharterProject Charter is delivered to the Project Sponsor.
31.1.4Project Sponsor Reviews Project CharterProject sponsor reviews the Project Charter.
31.1.5Project Charter Signed/ApprovedThe Project Sponsor signs the Project Charter which authorizes the Project Manager to move to the Planning Process.
21.2PlanningThe work for the planning process for the project.
31.2.1Create Preliminary Scope StatementProject Manager creates a Preliminary Scope Statement.
31.2.2Determine Project TeamThe Project Manager determines the project team and requests the resources.
31.2.3Project Team Kickoff MeetingThe planning process is officially started with a project kickoff meeting which includes the Project Manager, Project Team and Project Sponsor (optional).
31.2.4Develop Project PlanUnder the direction of the Project Manager the team develops the project plan.
31.2.5Submit Project PlanProject Manager submits the project plan for approval.
31.2.6Milestone: Project Plan ApprovalThe project plan is approved and the Project Manager has permission to proceed to execute the project according to the project plan.
21.3ExecutionWork involved to execute the project.
31.3.1Project Kickoff MeetingProject Manager conducts a formal kick off meeting with the project team, project stakeholders and project sponsor.
31.3.2Verify & Validate User RequirementsThe original user requirements is reviewed by the project manager and team, then validated with the users/stakeholders. This is where additional clarification may be needed.
31.3.3Design SystemThe technical resources design the new widget management system.
31.3.4Procure Hardware/SoftwareThe procurement of all hardware, software and facility needs for the project.
31.3.5Install Development SystemTeam installs a development system for testing and customizations of user interfaces.
31.3.6Testing PhaseThe system is tested with a select set of users.
31.3.7Install Live SystemThe actual system is installed and configured.
31.3.8User TrainingAll users are provided with a four hours training class. Additionally, managers are provided with an additional two hours class to cover advanced reporting.
31.3.9Go LiveSystem goes live with all users.
21.4ControlThe work involved for the control process of the project.
31.4.1Project ManagementOverall project management for the project.
31.4.2Project Status MeetingsWeekly team status meetings.
31.4.3Risk ManagementRisk management efforts as defined in the Risk Management Plan.
31.4.4Update Project Management PlanProject Manager updates the Project Management Plan as the project progresses.
21.5CloseoutThe work to close-out the project.
31.5.1Audit ProcurementAn audit of all hardware and software procured for the project, ensures that all procured products are accounted for and in the asset management system.
31.5.2Document Lessons LearnedProject Manager along with the project team performs a lessons learned meeting and documents the lessons learned for the project.
31.5.3Update Files/RecordsAll files and records are updated to reflect the widget management system.
31.5.4Gain Formal AcceptanceThe Project Sponsor formally accepts the project by signing the acceptance document included in the project plan.
31.5.5Archive Files/DocumentsAll project related files and documents are formally archived.

Glossary of Terms

It’s important that you provide a glossary of terms as some of the terms are not understood by persons without a project management background. For instance what the PMI Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures refers to as the WBS Code is commonly referred to as the WBS number.

Level of Effort: Level of Effort (LOE) is how much work is required to complete a task.

WBS Code: A unique identifier assigned to each element in a Work Breakdown Structure for the purpose of designating the elements hierarchical location within the WBS.

Work Package: A Work Package is a deliverable or work component at the lowest level of its WBS branch.

WBS Component: A component of a WBS which is located at any level. It can be a Work Package or a WBS Element as there’s no restriction on what a WBS Component is.

WBS Element: A WBS Element is a single Work Breakdown Structure component and its associated attributes located anywhere within a WBS. A WBS Element can contain work, or it can contain other WBS Elements or Work Packages.

How to Break Down a Script with a FREE Script Breakdown Sheet Template StudioBinder Script Breakdown and Scheduling Software StudioBinder

  • How to Break Down a Script (with FREE Script Breakdown Sheet)

ou’ve got the green light. Your shoot is coming up. Your next task? Create a script breakdown. The script breakdown sheets are used to determine the shooting requirements of every scene and also inform the budget. But do you know how to break down a script like a seasoned pro?

In this post, we’ll review the complete process of marking (or “tagging”) scene elements to create a script breakdown. Follow these six steps and learn how to break down a script every possible way — including the best way. We’ll also give you a free script breakdown sheets PDF template that you can download and take offline.

How to Make a Script Breakdown

Here's a quick snapshot of the breakdown process (if you're using script breakdown software)


Why you need a script breakdown.

Creating a script breakdown is when you tag various “elements” in a scene to better understand its shooting requirements.

Script breakdowns are typically put together by the 1st AD or producer during the pre-production phase. A script breakdown informs and leads into the creation of the shooting schedule and the budget.

First, let's cover script breakdown basics before we dive into marking up a script step-by-step. 


What is a script breakdown.

A  script breakdown is an important filmmaking process that allows you to identify all the script elements needed to prep, schedule, and budget a film production. A breakdown happens at a scene level. The person tasked with the job will create scene breakdown after scene breakdown until a full, start-to-finish script breakdown is completed. This will be used to determine technical and creative requirements for each department.

A script breakdown element is an object, person, or process that is identified when creating a scene breakdown, such as:

  • Cast / Characters
  • Set Dressing
  • Special Effects or VFX
  • Special Equipment

Okay, we all agree it’s important. Now let’s dive into how to break down a script. We’ll show you all the different methods, tell you which one is the best, and share script breakdown examples.


1. read the script as if you were a viewer.

Before you mark anything on the script, read the script from an audience’s perspective. You only have one first impression of the story, so give yourself a chance to connect to it.

Beyond the emotional connection, the more familiar you are with the story, the more likely you will be to identify all the elements once you begin marking the script.


The producer usually completes a simple script breakdown first in order to create a preliminary shooting schedule and budget.

The 1st AD then conducts a more comprehensive script breakdown to create the stripboard, scene breakdown, and production shooting schedule.

The DP marks the script to generate a shot list and equipment requirements. Other department keys (i.e. production design) will do their own analyses as well.

Reformat the Script

2. scan for script formatting errors.

After you have read the script all the way through, read it once more, this time  scanning for any formatting errors  that may cause hiccups when importing the script file into scheduling software such as  Movie Magic Scheduling or StudioBinder.


  • Scene locations should be phrased consistently throughout the script.
  • Character names should be consistent as well.
  • Scene headers should be formatted only as INT or EXT (interior or exterior).
  • Scene headers should be formatted only as D or N (day or night).
  • Scene numbers have been generated.

These changes should be saved in your  screenwriting software . 

So before you start your script breakdown, Final Draft or StudioBinder's screenwriting software.

Just go to your Documents page and you can double-check that the formatting is correct.

For example, your Characters should be formatted as Characters to avoid any potential issues.

How to Break Down a Script - Screenwriting Software - StudioBinder

StudioBinder's screenwriting software

Related posts.

  • Related :  ​ How to format a script for the breakdown →
  • Related :  Create a script breakdown online →


3. start breaking down your script into 8ths.

Marking 1/8s of a page is exactly like it sounds. Divide every page into eight, 1 inch parts. This measurement is used to estimate the screen time and shooting time for a scene. Script 1/8ths allow you to get on same page as your team. All puns aside, it’s useful standard of measurement.

Page 1/8ths should be visible on the top of your scene breadown sheets, breakdown reports, DOOD reports, shot lists, and shooting schedule. 

Traditionally, the 1st AD would measure by eyeballing the script or taking actual printed script pages, a pen, and a ruler to mark 8ths.

This is still a reliable “Old Hollywood” option, but most modern productions use script breakdown software. When you import your script, the software automatically tallies each scene by 8ths.

On a typical dialogue-heavy indie production, you can expect to shoot roughly five pages per day where one page equals one minute of screen time.

Remember, some things that take longer to shoot:

Stunts, Crowds, Busy Locations, Car Chases, Entrances and Exits, Action Sequences, Gunshots, Practical Special effects, and Musical Performances.


Be especially conscious of the ratio of screentime : page count when it comes to musical performances. Otherwise you may not budget enough time to shoot what you need.

It’s common for screenwriters to summarize on-screen performances into brief one-liners like “Stuart performs a song.”  It may be only one action line in the script, but the performance could take 2-3 minutes of screen time.

The page count should reflect this and be rewritten as 2-3 pages as well. We suggest writing out all of the lyrics as dialogue, with plenty of beats and action descriptions.

  • Related:   ​ How to schedule a scene breakdown →
  • FREE Download:   Script Breakdown Template →
  • FREE Software:  Check out script breakdown software →

Tagging Script Elements and generating breakdown sheets

4. identify the script elements.

This step is where we get into script breakdown nitty gritty. Tagging, tallying, and keeping track of elements: that’s what it’s all about.

A script breakdown is the preproduction step that helps identify all the elements in a scene so they can be prepped prior to production and included in the shooting schedule ,  call sheets  and various other script breakdown sheets reports. 

If you're doing this lo-fi on a physical script, it’s common to use multiple highlighters and pens to identify specific element types.

Marking a script is tedious and careful work.

Script breakdown software makes it simple to tag and track elements.

You can find “typical” script breakdown colors below. If you’re using custom script breakdown colors, be sure to include a color legend with your script breakdown sheets.

Common Script Breakdown Colors

Production Scheduling Explained - How to Make a Scene Breakdown - Script Breakdown Colors - StudioBinder

Industry standard script breakdown colors.

In truth, the script breakdown process is fun, click-and-drag experience if you're using more modern script breakdown software .

First, you’ll import your script. The software automatically categorizes it scene by scene, so a lot of the heavy lifting is done for you.

From there, you’ll start with the first scene breakdown and keep moving ahead.

Highlight each element you want to tag and choose from a pull-down list of 22 categories (or create a custom category).

You’ll decide if you want to automatically tag the element every time it appears in the script, or only this time.

And if necessary, you’ll increase the quantity — for example, if you’re doing a baseball game scene breakdown, you might tag a baseball cap as a prop. But since there are nine players on the field for each team, you’ll actually need nine identical baseball caps (times two, if you want hats for each team). You can raise the number in the software to make it easy to track.

You might consider creating more tailored element categories and colors for your script breakdown format. Customize. Create new categories in your script breakdown software — as many as you need.

If you are shooting a horror film you may want to define all the elements related to  prosthetics .

If you are shooting a western, you may need to add categories for  horses  and  weapons .

To add a custom element, under " Elements ," you’ll click " Add New Element ." Enter your own field and assign a color, so it'll appear when you tag the script.

You’ll also add notes whenever necessary. Need to give clarification or special instructions about a particular scene? Want to find out if an element can be changed or eliminated? Add a note for you and your collaborators to see.

See? Making a script breakdown is fun, right? It also gets you questioning how important each element really is which opens up important creative decisions. 

Now keep going.

Done with the first scene breakdown? Break down the next scene, and the next scene. Break down the whole script. We still have to make reports.

  • Learn More:  Complete Guide to Script Elements →  
  • Step-by-Step Guide:  How to Break Down a Scene →
  • Get Started Free:   Script Breakdown Software →

script breakdown sheet template

5. generate script breakdown reports.

After marking up your script, you’re ready to turn them into reports. This is a script breakdown sheet, a summary list of all the elements in a scene. Essentially, a “breakdown of your breakdown.”

There are two ways to achieve this.

1.  Free Script Breakdown Template

Once you’ve marked up your script, you can input all your markings into this free script breakdown sheet template via Excel or Google Docs. \

The downside? There is no automation. It takes much longer to create scene breakdowns this way, and it’s prone to human error. Still, it works.

Script Breakdown Template - Breakdown Sheet - StudioBinder

Script Breakdown Sheet Template in Excel (PDF print out)

Bear in mind, if you're using a breakdown template, you'd need to print out the breakdown sheet for every scene. So for 120 scene script, be prepared to print at least 120 breakdown sheets to fill out by hand.

Then scan, copy, collate, and distribute. Since elements will likely change, be prepared to re-print or version your PDFs clearly.

Effective? Sure. Efficient? Not really.

So what’s the best way to create a script breakdown sheet?

2.  Script Breakdown Software

The benefit of using an online, cloud-based script breakdown software is that tagging elements is a simple click-and-drag process which speeds up the workflow dramatically.

Free Script Breakdown Sheet - Sample Breakdown Template - Touring Man

Select and tag interface to quickly identify elements.

Additionally, since it's online, you can share your breakdown with other department heads (e.g. art director, prop master, VFX supervisor, etc) to help you identify the elements that pertain to their department.

This distributes your workload, while ensuring a higher level of detail, oversight and quality.

You don't need to create reports manually, script breakdown sheets,  Day out of Day reports , and shooting schedules are generated for you once you tag your elements. You can view, print, generate a sharelink, or save a script breakdown sheet PDF.

Free Script Breakdown Sheet - Sample Breakdown Report - Touring Man - StudioBinder

Tagged elements automatically generate a script breakdown summary sheet.

However you choose to generate your reports, they’re the fruits of your script breakdown work. Script breakdown sheets and scene breakdown sheets give you a summarized menu of every element you’ve tagged and categorized.

They tell you, and your production team, exactly what is required for every scene.

And that’s how to break down a script for film production scheduling.

Now, on to scheduling.

  • Related:   How to find “hidden” shoot locations in the script →
  • Related: Start breaking down your script →
  • Related:   Learn how to analyze and break down a script →
  • FREE Download:   Script Breakdown Sheet Template →


6. create the shooting schedule with a stripboard.

With your script marked, you’re ready to start laying out your scenes into a stripboard (or production board).

Stripboards are boards that contain color-coded strips that represent the scenes of a script. The strips (scenes) can be dragged up and down, and bucketed into "day breaks" to mark the end of every shoot day.

The end result?

A shooting schedule.

You have three basic choices to create a shooting schedule.

The “old school” way to create a shooting schedule is by using cardboard charts and strips of colored paper. This is always an option.

Another way?

1.  Film Shooting Schedule Template

Use a shooting schedule template to manually input scenes into a spreadsheet for reordering.

The benefit? It’s free. The downside? It's a spreadsheet, which means a lot of point-by-point data entry and room for human error.

But the most efficient way to make your shooting schedule?

2.  Film Production Scheduling Software

Most modern productions use this cloud-based, end-to-end solution. It takes the grunt work out of the scheduling process.

You import your script right from Final Draft and it generates strips with all the metadata you need: scene headings, script content, cast members per scene, page lengths.

After that, reorder scenes to create the shooting schedule, and spin off call sheets from the day breaks to send to your cast and crew.

How to Break Down a Script - Scheduling Software - StudioBinder

End-to-end workflow: your script breakdown software is also your shooting schedule software.

With software, you’ll plan and update your production from start to finish. 

Already imported your script to create your script breakdown?

No need to import it again. Just head over to the “Shooting Schedule” page to start reordering scenes and adding day breaks. If you want, you can also auto-add day breaks based on page count or estimated shoot time.

Here's what the process looks like:

Film scheduling software goes hand-in-hand with script breakdowns.

Script breakdown recap, reviewing your options.

So now you know how to break down a script to understand its shooting requirements. You even know how to go all the way to making your shooting schedule.

We’ve given you a few different options to create your script breakdown.

Old School Way

You can tag elements with a printed script and highlighters. Call this “the old school” way. When it’s time to generate reports, you’ll need to use a script breakdown sheet template. You’ll have to be careful when entering data, scene breakdown sheet by scene breakdown sheet. This method involves a lot of time, attention to detail, and double-checking.

Script Breakdown Software

Or you can use script breakdown software, clicking and tagging elements as you go. After you’ve tagged your script in the software, all it takes is a click to create your script breakdown sheet. You’ll automatically get a scene breakdown sheet for every scene.

And with the shooting schedule, you can also go “Old Hollywood” or do it the modern way, with software.

Whatever style you choose, you’re now equipped with all the pre-production knowledge you need. So go prepare for your shoot!

Learn How to Create a Shooting Schedule

Now that you know how to mark up a script and create the script breakdown, you’re ready to take the next step in the production process.

Once your script has been marked, and your script breakdown sheets are complete, it’s time to start creating your stripboard and shooting schedule.

Make sure you learn how to do it the right way.

Check out our complete guide.

Up Next: How to Create a Shooting Schedule →

Easily create script breakdown sheets online..

Import scripts. Tag elements like props, wardrobe, and cast. Create breakdown summaries and DOOD reports in a snap.

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Project Management Templates | FREE Downloads Word, Excel, PDF, Visio

  • Concise, focused guide that cuts through the clutter
  • Step-by-step instructions for creating a project plan in under a day
  • Master essential skills like work breakdowns and task sequencing
  • Real-world troubleshooting for 20 common scheduling challenges
  • Rapidly get up to speed if you're new to Microsoft Project
  • Includes glossary, support resources, and sample plans
  • Start planning like a pro
  • Get your copy today!

The cover of the book 'Essential Microsoft Project: The 20% You Need to Know'

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template | FREE Download

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) shows 'who does what' on a work package or task. It is a popular tool because it shows what is expected of each member of the project team 'at a glance'. Scheduling tools like Microsoft project allow multiple resources to be linked to a task, but there is no easy way to show what each resource is expected to do - RAMs fill the gap. stakeholdermap.com
  • See a screenshot of the template
  • How to use the template
  • Download the Excel Template

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template

How to use the RAM template

  • Enter your project details on the first tab
  • Open the second tab named RAM
  • List your work packages down the left hand side (replacing Workpackage 1, 2, 3.. etc)
  • Enter the names of your project team in the columns. Replacing Person (1,2,3..)


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  • MS Project schedules - Get a ready made Microsoft Project Plan for your Project.
  • Risk Register template - Download a free Risk Register Template for managing your risks.
  • Software Project Plan - Get a ready Made Microsoft Project Plan for your Software Implementation Project.
  • Sample Statement of Work - Writing a SOW is challenging! That is why we are sharing this free example!
  • WBS examples - 22 Examples of real world Work Breakdown Structures.

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How to Write a Scope of Work (Examples & Templates Included)


What Is a Scope of Work?

A scope of work document is an agreement on the work you’re going to perform on the project. The scope of work in project management  includes deliverables, a timeline, milestones and reports. Let’s look closer at each of these elements below.

What Should Be Included in a Scope of Work Document?

Below is an overview of the main components of a scope of work. You can add or remove some of these elements to better adjust to your project stakeholders’ requirements.

assignment breakdown template

Get your free

Scope Of Work Template

Use this free Scope Of Work Template for Word to manage your projects better.

Project Deliverables

This is what your project delivers. Whether it’s a product or a service, it’s the reason you’re executing the project for your customer, stakeholder or sponsor. Whatever that deliverable is, and it can be some sort of document or report, software, product, build (or all of the above), you need to clearly identify each item here. Creating a work breakdown structure can help with this step. Also, make sure there’s an acceptance criterion for the project deliverables, such as quality standards or functional requirements.

Project Timeline

Think of a timeline as a road leading from the start of a project to its end. It’s a section of the document that delineates the major phases across the schedule of the project’s duration. It should also mark the points in the project when your deliverables are ready. As you can guess, it’s essential to scope out the overall plan of any project. This is best presented visually, like a rolled-up Gantt chart plan, so the stakeholders can see the high-level timeline.

Project timeline template Free download

Project Milestones

Projects can be long and complex, which is why they’re laid out over a timeline and broken down into more manageable parts called tasks. Larger phases of the project are marked by what’s called a milestone . It’s a way to help you monitor the progress of the project to ensure it’s adhering to your planned schedule. Define your key milestones on a timeline in the scope of work document, including project kickoffs, meetings, hand-offs, etc.

Project Reports

You’ll be generating reports throughout the project, delivered to either your team or customer, stakeholder or sponsor. These can include status reports , progress reports, variance reports and more. They’re a formal record of the progress of your project, but they’re also a means of communication beyond whether the project’s on schedule or not.

Depending on how you customize reports , there’s a wealth of data that can serve a number of different audiences. Define how you’ll be reporting on the project and when the stakeholders can be expecting them and from whom.

Scope of Work Template

Now that you know what’s included in this all important document, download our free scope of work template for Word . It has everything you need to make a scope of work document for your own project, so your stakeholders know exactly what to expect in terms of schedule, deliverables and effort.

free scope of work template for word

How to Write a Scope of Work

Now that we’ve listed the elements of a scope of work document, let’s go through the step-by-step process of writing one. These steps can help you create a scope of work for different industries such as construction or manufacturing.

  • Define the project goals: Before writing a scope of work, you should define what project goals will be accomplished through the execution of the project tasks that’ll be included in your scope of work.
  • Use a work breakdown structure to identify project tasks: The first step when writing a scope of work is to identify all your project tasks. This is done by using a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project management tool that lets you break down projects and work packages into individual tasks, so you can better plan and schedule them.
  • Determine your project deliverables: A project deliverable is a tangible or intangible output from tasks. They’re an important part of a scope of work as they’re the outcomes of the project.
  • Establish acceptance criteria for your project deliverables: Project deliverables must meet the acceptance criteria established by the project client, such as quality standards or functionality requirements.
  • Use the CPM method to create a project timeline: The critical path method is a project scheduling technique that allows project managers to create a project timeline and estimate project duration by identifying the longest sequence of tasks. It’s important that you use this or other project scheduling techniques to create a realistic schedule for your scope of work.
  • Establish payment terms for the project: You may include payment terms as a section of your scope of work.
  • Establish project reporting procedures: Communication between the project team and project stakeholders is very important, so your scope of work document should include a section that explains how reporting will take place.

Status report document Free download

Scope of Work Example

To understand the purpose and importance of a scope of work in project management, let’s start with a simple scope of work example, planning a wedding. A wedding is a project, and depending on the bridezilla (or groomzilla), it could be bigger and more complicated than building a highway or an airport.

Let’s take one aspect of that larger project, the wedding invitations, and break this down into a scope of work. We’ll outline the deliverables, timeline, milestones and reports in this scope of work example.


  • Invite list
  • Addresses of attendees
  • Addressed envelopes
  • Jan. 1: Decide on the invite list
  • Feb. 1: Have addresses collected of attendees
  • March 1: Pick invitation style and have printed
  • April 1: Address and mail invites
  • May 1: Get the final count of guests
  • June 1: Wedding
  • Selection of guests and collection of addresses
  • Mailing of invitations
  • The final count of attendees
  • Check on the status of address collection
  • Stay in touch with the printer for progress on invitations
  • Check RSVPs against the invitation list

With ProjectManager , you can build a project timeline in seconds with our online Gantt chart maker. Map your scope of work, create a budget, assign tasks, add dependencies and more. Then present to your team and stakeholders to get the project moving on the right foot. Try it free today.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

Construction Scope of Work Example

Now, let’s create a scope of work for a small construction project , building a house. This project involves many steps, but for practical purposes, this construction scope of work example will only focus on some of the main deliverables, timelines, milestones and reports.

Project deliverables: These project deliverables are individual, tangible outputs from different construction activities.

  • Land clearing
  • Ground leveling
  • Sewer Lines
  • Wood Framing
  • Sheathing Installation
  • HVAC system installation
  • Electrical panels and wiring installation
  • Roof installation
  • Insulation installation
  • Drywall installation
  • Interior painting, appliances, cabinets and other final details

Project Timeline: The scope of work timeline depends on the complexity of the construction design and the agreement that the project owner reaches with the general contractor, who will hire subcontractors to accomplish different types of construction work.

Project Milestones: The scope of work milestones marks important achievements during the project as tasks are executed . Instead of referring to individual project deliverables, they describe project phases that have been completed successfully. As a project manager, you might choose the milestones that are significant for your project.

  • The building envelope has been completed
  • Foundation, framing, plumbing and electrical inspections have been passed
  • Exterior work has been completed
  • Interior work has been completed
  • Project has been delivered successfully

Project Reports: The reports that you use to track the scope of work might vary, but these are essential construction project reports.

  • Project status reports
  • Daily construction logs
  • Construction punch list

Why Is It Important to Write a Scope of Work?

Here are some of the reasons why writing a scope of work is beneficial for projects.

Defines the Project Scope

The main purpose of a scope of work is to define the scope of a project . This means defining the work that’ll be done as well as project exclusions, activities or deliverables which aren’t part of a project.

Prevents Scope Creep

Scope creep is a risk that can affect any project. It occurs when additional project tasks are added to the initial project scope during the execution of a project. These unplanned additions of work cause extra costs and derail the project schedule. Scope creep can be avoided by having a clear scope of work that establishes what will and what won’t be executed. However, changes might be made to the project scope by using a change request, another important project management document.

Sets Clear Expectations for Project Stakeholders

Without a scope of work document, project stakeholders might have unrealistic expectations about a project , such as assuming certain tasks and deliverables will be done. Therefore, it’s important for project managers and project teams to make sure there’s a scope of work that lets stakeholders know what to expect.

Scope of Work Tips

But before you get to writing, you need to make sure you follow these tips.

  • Be specific : explain the terms used clearly
  • Use visuals : a picture is worth a thousand words
  • Get sign-offs : make sure everyone who needs to okay the work, does

It’s not that difficult, but it needs to be thorough because you don’t want to have to play catch-up with paperwork when you’re in the heat of the project.

Pro tip: The SOW is essential to the project plan and is often included as part of the overall project plan, but it can be time-consuming to write. We’ve created dozens of project management templates to help you create all your project documents. 

How to Manage Your Scope of Work With Project Management Software

It can feel overwhelming with so many tasks to keep track of, but project management software can simplify the process. In ProjectManager , you can import your spreadsheet or use one of our industry-specific templates to get you started.

A list of tasks is only a start. To bring order to that chaos, you’ll want to estimate duration by adding start and finish dates. We then automatically put your tasks on a timeline in our Gantt chart project view , so you can see the whole project in one place. Further reign in the tasks by prioritizing them, linking dependencies to prevent bottlenecks later in the project and setting milestones to break up the larger project into more manageable phases.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

Collaborate at the Task Level

Tasks need people to execute them and move your project forward. You have your schedule, so onboard your team and start assigning them tasks. You can do this from any of our multiple project views. We offer collaborative tools that make teams more productive and help them work together. You can direct them with task descriptions and by attaching files to the task. Then, they can work together, commenting at the task level with other team members, who are notified by email. This is great for remote teams and even those working in the same room.

Task list in ProjectManager

Track Progress to Stay On Time and Under Budget

Speaking of distributed teams, how can you keep track of their progress if you can’t check in on them? We solve that problem with great monitoring features, such as a real-time dashboard that shows you task progress, costs and other high-level views of the project. Our software takes status updates and automatically displays them in easy-to-read charts and graphs. You can even share them at stakeholder meetings to keep them in the loop.

ProjectManager's dashboard

For more in-depth data, we feature one-click reports that can be filtered to show just the data you’re looking for. Reports track project variance, workload and more. You’ll catch issues and resolve them quickly before they become problems that threaten to derail your project.

If you want that scope of work to be the beginning of a beautiful project, then try ProjectManager for free with our 30-day trial offer.

Video: Scope of Work Best Practices

In this video, Jennifer Bridges, PMP, shows you how to write a scope of work for project management . Follow her steps to get started or use our project plan and scope document template!

Here’s a shot of the whiteboard for your reference!

Snapshot of the whiteboard for the How to Write a Scope of Work Video

If you need a tool that can help you manage and track your scope of work document, then sign up for our software now at ProjectManager .

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

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  • Project Management

Responsibility Assignment Matrix: Template, Example & Benefits

Home Blog Project Management Responsibility Assignment Matrix: Template, Example & Benefits

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Your team is the most crucial resource in completing a job. They must adhere to the project's schedule and budget. Controlling the project requires everyone involved to understand their roles and duties when carrying out tasks and accomplishing project objectives. How can all the participants in a project be coordinated so that they are aware of what they are doing and do not prevent others from carrying out their tasks? An assignment of responsibility matrix can be useful.

Your project will have a productive crew thanks to an assignment matrix. You can take an online PMP course to learn the details included in RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix in project management, and Responsibility Assignment Matrix example, to advance your career.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management?

So, what is the responsibility assignment matrix?  A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), sometimes referred to as a RACI chart or RACI matrix, in project management identifies all relevant stakeholders and specifies roles for cross-functional teams and their level of involvement in a project. Each letter in the acronym RACI, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed, refers to a different team member in the Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management.

1. Responsible

The team member that oversees finishing the assignment is the person responsible for the RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix. The person in charge may be tasked with gathering all the visual and data assets required to put together the presentation if your team is working on a pitch deck (Responsible for executing the task).

2. Accountable

The responsible team member distributes the tasks to the other team members and ensures that they are finished accurately and on time. This team member oversees making sure the project is completed on schedule and that the tasks are fairly distributed among the accountable parties (Has governing & directing authority).

3. Consulted

A responsible party in Responsibility Assignment Matrix Project Management may frequently need to consult an expert, who serves as the consulted person, to finish certain responsibilities. A professional analysis of the consulted party is required when someone is tasked with gathering marketing statistics for a presentation. They also need to ensure that the data the responsible party is required to submit is accurate (Provide insights, analysis or expert judgment).

4. Informed

The informed party needs to be aware of when the major project components are finished even though they may not be directly involved in all the steps to ensure that everything is running smoothly. The informed team member must be aware of any delays or stalls in the project as they must complete their tasks (Updated with project information and outcome).

Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Goal in Project Management

The goal of the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is to clearly define roles and responsibilities of everyone on a project team. This ensures that everyone understands their role and how it fits into the bigger picture. RAM also allows for quick identification of whom to contact when an issue arises. It might also be applied within a working group to establish authority levels, roles, and duties for tasks.

The matrix format displays each person's associated actions and each person's associated people. To avoid confusion, this makes sure that there is only one person responsible for each task. It is also important to outline the dates and reminders for each participant, so that they are aware of their deliverables/plans to fulfill the deliverables. The best Project Management Certification programs online will teach you how to make efficient decisions and effectively use RAM.

How to Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix?

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a table that shows the tasks needed to be completed as part of a project, who is responsible for each task, and when the task needs to be completed. Making a matrix to distribute responsibilities is not as challenging as getting everyone on board with their respective jobs and responsibilities.

You should therefore involve your staff in the process, receive their feedback, and eventually secure their buy-in without expending excessive time and effort on it. You will have a successful responsibility assignment if you follow these instructions to ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

  • List every person involved in the project, including the team, stakeholders, and everyone in between.
  •  List each project deliverable that you can think of. To make sure you do not overlook any, use a work breakdown framework.  
  •  To discuss how to carry out the tasks and produce the deliverables, meet with the team members. The duty and authority of the team for each assignment must be discussed.
  •  Utilizing a table with the project tasks specified in the left-hand column, create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix. Print the names of everyone involved in the project across the top.
  • Assign whether a project team member is liable, accountable, consulted, or informed where the tasks meet them.  
  •  Share the completed Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template Word with the project team and stakeholders. If necessary, conduct a meeting to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities for the project. Print a copy, and if you are working in a common location, post it.

Developing Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Best Practices

The best practices for developing a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) will vary depending on the specific project and organization. However, some tips on how to develop a RAM matrix effectively include the following:

  • Define the project scope and objectives clearly, so that all stakeholders understand the parameters of the project and what is expected to be accomplished.
  • Assign clear roles and responsibilities to individuals and teams so that everyone knows who is responsible for what aspect of the project.
  • Make sure that the Responsibility Assignment Matrix PMP is kept up to date as the project progresses so that everyone is aware of any changes in roles and responsibilities.
  • Use the RAM matrix as a tool to help identify potential risks and issues related to the project so that they can be addressed early on.
  • One stakeholder leads a task.
  • The lesser number of people are accountable, the better.
  • Act efficiently with meetings.
  • Continuous communication.
  • Stakeholder agreement on final RAM.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Examples and Templates

  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI) 
  • RACI-VS (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed- “V”erification and “S”ign off)
  • RASCI (Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed)
  • RAC (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted)
  • ARCI (Accountable, Responsible, Consulted, Informed)
  • RATSI (Responsibility, Authority, Task, Support, Informed)
  • PACSI (Perform, Accountable, Control, Suggest, Informed)
  • RACIQ (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed, Quality Review)
  • DACI (Driver, Approver, Contributors, Informed)
  • CAIRO (Consulted, Accountable, Informed, Responsible, Omitted)

sample responsible assignment matrix - RACI

Downloadable Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template Excel

Download the Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template (xlsx) here!

This Responsibility Assignment Matrix template is available for free in both Excel and OpenDocument Spreadsheet formats. The template can be completely modified using Microsoft Excel and adjusted to meet the needs of your project. To make it simple to understand what is required of each worker on each task, the template employs conditional formatting to change the color of each cell.

Download a Printable Responsibility Assignment Matrix PDF

Download the Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template (PDF) here!

If you intend to design a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), you may require samples and templates to use as a guide, regardless of whether you are managing an event, a construction project, or a restaurant. Some of the templates are-

  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix Sample
  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix for Construction Project Template
  • Basic Responsibility Assignment Matrix Sample
  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix in PDF

Benefits of Responsibility Assignment Matrix

There are many benefits of the Responsibility Assignment Matrix. One benefit is that it helps to ensure that everyone on a project team understands their roles and responsibilities. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and conflict between team members. Another benefit of using RAM is that it can help to improve communication between team members.

By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, team members will know whom to go to for specific information or tasks. This can help to avoid confusion and delays. Lastly, RAM can help to improve project management by providing a clear overview of who is responsible for what. This can help project managers to identify potential problems or areas where there may be a lack of resources.

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A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a tool used to identify and define the roles and responsibilities of individuals and groups within an organization. It is a means of clarifying who is responsible for what and ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. RAM can be used to create accountability and ownership for tasks and projects, and to identify potential areas of conflict.

It is a valuable tool for effective project management and can help to ensure that everyone involved in a project is aware of their roles and responsibilities. It can also help to identify potential areas of conflict and ensure that tasks are properly assigned. The KnowledgeHut online PMP course will give you an insight into the Responsibility Assignment Matrix and can be a helpful tool for any project manager.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what is included in a responsibility assignment matrix.

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a tool used to help define and assign roles and responsibilities for a project or process. The matrix typically includes a list of tasks or deliverables and the people or groups responsible for each. 

2. What can a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) eliminate?

RAM eliminates ambiguity and confusion over who is responsible for what on a project. It also provides a clear overview of who is responsible for each task, making it easier to hold team members accountable.

3. What does a Responsibility Assignment Matrix not show?

The duty assignment matrix links resources to the tasks or work packages they must do, but it does not indicate when they will be required to do their work.


Kevin D.Davis

Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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Goal-Setting: 20 Templates & Worksheets for Achieving Goals

Templates for goal setting

We wish to become a painter, to move to a new house, to write a book, to eat healthily, to exercise more, to become less anxious, and to run a marathon.

The list is endless, if ill defined. And yet, how much do we really want each one?

If something is vital to us, we need to make plans.

So, how do we do this?

Goal setting is widely accepted as the most effective way to focus our attention on the right activities, energize us, and increase our commitment (Sheard, 2013).

And yet, unless the goal is well formulated, the strategy appropriate, and the actions directed, it will lack purpose, relevance, direction, and accountability (Ogbeiwi, 2017).

Thankfully, this is an area that has received considerable scientific attention.

Goals are most effective when we use well-formulated frameworks that provide a logical, reliable platform to plan and monitor their completion.

Use the techniques and tools that follow to inspire you and find out what you want to achieve, why, and how you are going to do it.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients create actionable goals and master techniques to create lasting behavior change.

This Article Contains:

3 ways to set achievable goals, our 5 favorite goal-setting worksheets, what are smart goals a template, goal-setting tools for therapy and coaching, 2 templates for cbt and dbt, worksheets for teachers and students.

  • Goal Planning With Children

2 Templates for Businesses and Employees

Worksheets for achieving life goals, a look at daily and weekly goal planners, a take-home message.

There are many types of goals. But ultimately, all goals boil down to one thing:

We need to move from one state to another, from where we are now to where we want to be.

Firstly, what sort of goal do you want to achieve?

  • Outcome goal – I want to be the best at X in the world.
  • Performance goal — I want to better at X.
  • Process goal — I want to train or practice at doing X.
  • Delivery-focused goal — I want to deliver a change, such as a business, technology, or construction project.

The type of goal will influence your approach.

Discomfort zone

Goals should be meaningful. They should challenge us, change us, and sometimes lie in the discomfort zone .

In Your Best Year Ever , Michael Hyatt (2019) outlines four steps (modified below) for defining goals that stretch us and help us overcome our built-in resistance.

  • Acknowledge the value of moving outside the comfort zone. Accept that comfort may not lead to growth. Recognize and acknowledge that there is value in discomfort.
  • Lean in. Take the opportunity to challenge yourself. This may require a change in mindset.
  • Recognize your fear. Own the negative emotions that arise. Decide if the rewards outweigh the fear.
  • Don’t overthink it. Avoid ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Sometimes you take the next step even when the end goal remains unclear.

Meaningful goals

Humans have a set of innate psychological needs, one of which is to add meaning to life (Ryan & Deci, 2018).

Does this goal align with your overall life goals?

Use the steps below to focus on becoming more aware of the most meaningful things in your life (modified from Ivtzan, Chan, Gardner, & Prashar, 2011; Ivtzan, 2016):

  • Sit comfortably, relax.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Become aware of your breathing.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly.
  • Concentrate on each breath; observe it.
  • Visualize yourself in the future, living a full and meaningful life.
  • Connect fully to the experience.
  • Try not to dwell on how you got there.
  • Shift attention to your body and feel the sensations that arise.
  • Breathe into and explore these sensations; let them spread over your whole body.
  • When you open your eyes, you should experience the full effect of the meditation.

As you refine your goals, make sure they continue to align with the picture you have created of a meaningful life.

write down your goals

The more vividly they are captured, the more likely you are to accomplish them.

The GROW model (Goals, Reality, Options, and Way Forward) is a simple but highly effective method for setting goals, recognizing where you are now, and identifying what to do next (Whitmore, 2014).

Complete the four worksheets as follows:

Goal setting

  • Establish where you want to be.
  • Where do you want to get to, and how will you know when you arrive?
  • Complete the Goal Setting Worksheet with your answers.

What is your current reality?

  • Where are you right now with this goal?
  • What are the issues and challenges?
  • How far away are you from your goal?
  • Complete the Reality Worksheet with your realistic insights.

What options do you have?

  • What are the options for overcoming the obstacles in your way?
  • How do you get to where you want to be?
  • Complete the Options Worksheet with the options available to you.

What is the way forward?

  • What will you do?
  • Convert the options into actions.
  • Complete the Way Forward Worksheet with your completed plan of action.

The Wheel of Success

What abilities do you have or need to deliver your goals?

The Wheel of Success identifies the skills and abilities that promote your very best performance (Whyte, 2015).

  • Identify a list of performance attributes required to perform successfully.
  • Assign a score (0–4) to each that truthfully represents where you are now.
  • Assign another score (0–4) that identifies how good you believe you need to become.

For example, a runner training for a fast marathon time may have the speed but lack endurance.

Attributes for marathoner Current self rating Future target score
Speed 4 4
Endurance 2 5
Nutrition 3 4
Rest 3 4
Motivation 4 5

By scoring where you are now (blue) and where you want to be (green), it is possible to focus time, energy, and resources, on improving areas where you fall short.

wheel of success

Improving your skills

How do you improve the skills you have identified?

Thankfully, we know the answer.

Research has confirmed that deliberate practice results in expertise.

  • The task should be neither too easy nor too hard.
  • Ongoing feedback is required to optimize performance.
  • There must be an opportunity to repeat the task, correct errors, and improve.

The quality and the form the deliberate practice takes are more important than the number of hours devoted to performing the task (Ericsson, 2007; 2012).

What motivates you?

Identify and connect with the motivation behind each goal.

Intrinsic motivation – being driven by internal rewards – increases engagement and the likelihood that you will reach the goal (Ryan & Deci, 2018).

Michael Hyatt (2019) has the following suggestions:

  • Connect with your why; identify your key motivations. Why is this goal important? Write down the reasons, prioritize, and connect with them.
  • Master your self-motivation ; identify your reward. Identify and anticipate the reward of completing the goal. Recognize what is personal to you, rather than extrinsic rewards such as financial gain.
  • Build your team; identify who can help. Your bonds with friends, family, and colleagues can help fuel success through learning, encouragement, accountability, and competition.

Goals that align with your values – personal growth, contributing to the broader community, etc. – are strong intrinsic motivators and increase vitality.

The flow of success

Are you ready to begin setting clear and defined SMART goals?

Follow the steps in the diagram below (adapted from Whyte, 2015):

Flow of Success

If you answer ‘no’ to any of the questions, then you must revise the challenge or the environment before setting the goal.

Once you have answered ‘yes’ to all three questions, you are ready to define the goal to meet the challenge head on.

Goal setting not only helps you to complete the task, but also impacts wellbeing, represents your strive to achieve personal change, and enhances your meaning and purpose in life (Sheard, 2013).

To achieve something big, you need to break it down into a set of smaller, manageable tasks. Each time you complete one, you move nearer to the overall goal.

The widely used SMART, or slightly extended SMART ER , template ensures that each goal or sub-goal is realistic, achievable, and time-bound.

Specific – Goals should be clear and concise.

Measurable – What does success look like? How is it measured?

Achievable – The goal or task must be challenging but possible. Gently pushing the limits encourages improvement and growth.

Relevant – Does the goal fit with your overall life goals and core values?

Time-bound – When will you finish?

Exciting – What excites you? The benefits should be worthwhile to maintain commitment.

Reviewable – Circumstances change. Revisit the goals, and revise them if needed.

The SMART Goals Worksheet offers a valuable tool for defining and documenting a SMART goal.

therapy tools for goal setting

Goals should target the problem to be explored and outline the time available.

Setting new goals in therapy

What do you want to achieve? How do you want things to be different?

The following steps (modified from Wilding, 2015) help you set appropriate therapy goals:

  • What is it you really want or wish for? I wish I could find someone special in my life. I wish I had a job that I was passionate about.
  • Spend time imagining what it would be like if it happened.
  • Change the wording from ‘wish’ to ‘would like.’ I would like to find someone special in my life. I would like a job that I was passionate about.
  • These statements feel different. ‘Would like’ is very positive; it suggests doing something about it, rather than sitting back and wishing.

Well done! You are well on the way to having a set of goals.

Prioritize your goals

Some goals are urgent but do not need analysis.

Acting upon them will immediately make your life better.

I would like to get the car fixed. I would like to visit my mother; she is unwell.

Prioritize your goals and tackle the urgent ones first.

Act or think differently

Are the goals achieved through action or a change in the way you think?

Label your goals as either:

  • Something that you need to do. (Action) I’m not very confident in giving presentations – Work on it.
  • Something that you need to think about differently. I’m not very tall – Learn to accept who you are. (Acceptance)

Labeling each goal will confirm whether you need to work on how you think, behave, or both.

assignment breakdown template

Download 3 Free Goals Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients create actionable goals and master techniques for lasting behavior change.

Download 3 Free Goals Pack (PDF)

By filling out your name and email address below.

  • Email Address *
  • Your Expertise * Your expertise Therapy Coaching Education Counseling Business Healthcare Other
  • Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Coaching needs to be goal driven to maximize its benefits.

The following two worksheets will help:

Coping Styles Formulation

If your coping strategies are not effective against the problems you face, then a set of actions are needed to direct the best way forward.

The Coping Styles Formulation worksheet identifies a list of problems, potential coping strategies, and the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness is often taught as part of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Clients are helped to gain awareness of their thoughts and feelings and eliminate behaviors that interfere with goals (Soler et al., 2012).

Being in the right state of mind and grounding yourself in the present can help you identify and deliver your goals.

The 3-Step Mindfulness Worksheet is deceptively simple but provides a valuable way of practicing mindfulness throughout the day and bringing awareness to the present.

assignment breakdown template

World’s Largest Positive Psychology Resource

The Positive Psychology Toolkit© is a groundbreaking practitioner resource containing over 500 science-based exercises , activities, interventions, questionnaires, and assessments created by experts using the latest positive psychology research.

Updated monthly. 100% Science-based.

“The best positive psychology resource out there!” — Emiliya Zhivotovskaya , Flourishing Center CEO

Goal setting is crucial to maximize and direct limited resources in education.

However, the teacher’s and student’s states of mind are equally important.

Motivation to learn

Like all of us, students and teachers need to be motivated to meet their goals.

This Self-Directed Speech Worksheet can help you change your self-directed speech and increase voluntary, or autonomous, motivation, which is linked to goal fulfillment (Ryan & Deci, 2018).

There are four steps to this exercise:

  • Name the behavior you would like to change
  • Name your inner voice
  • List words that motivate you
  • List sentences for when things get rough

Changing our inner narrative can be an effective way to motivate ourselves toward achieving personal, exciting goals.

Mindfulness in schools

Focus and attention are hugely important to the completion of goals. The absence of either will lead to an environment of distraction.

The Teaching Kids to Thrive worksheet discusses what mindfulness is and is not.

It helps to provide sufficient distance from disturbing or unwanted thoughts to act and deliver on outcomes.

Goal Planning with Children

goal planning and kids

Lack of focus, ease of distraction, and failing motivation are all possible challenges to overcome.

And yet, children asked to engage in a goal they value are likely to expend more effort and perform better (Koufoudakis, Erwin, Beighle, & Thornton, 2016).

Meaning and Valued Living

An excellent starting point for setting goals with children is to identify what inspires a sense of meaning in their lives.

Start by downloading and working through the three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises .


Children need to gain an understanding of their strengths, along with what they find difficult.

The Self Awareness Worksheet is written for young children but is valuable at any age.

Through helping a child understand what they are good at, what they find hard, and what they like and don’t like, it is possible to define a set of goals that mix strengths and weaknesses.

Goals at any age should be challenging to encourage growth, but not beyond the child’s ability to complete, or they may become disillusioned and give up.

SMART for children

SMART goals are an effective way to direct focus in children.

The Student Goal Setting Worksheet is simple to complete, even for young children. Here is an overview of the questions and statements to consider:

  • I am good at X.
  • I am bad at X.
  • What will I improve?
  • How will I make these improvements?
  • If my plan doesn’t work, what will I do?

Working through each of these will help a child understand which goals are important to them.

Goal setting templates can be a useful base from which to start planning. We share two templates especially applicable to business and employees.

SMART goals for businesses

Many employees are comfortable with the idea of setting SMART goals.

However, despite the familiarity, their value within the work environment is often underestimated.

When taken seriously, SMART goals can motivate employees to succeed beyond their current level of expertise and identify future opportunities for training and development (Clough & Strycharczyk, 2015).

Visualization of your future

Focusing on positive mental images can prepare and protect our minds, help us cope with change, and increase self-belief.

Mentally working through each step in as much detail as possible—imagining sounds, smells, touch, thoughts, emotions, and physical responses—on our way to hitting goals can feel as real to the mind as actually performing the activity (Clough & Strycharczyk, 2015).

  • Think of what you want to achieve.
  • Imagine completing it successfully.
  • How does it feel? How do you react?
  • What do others look like?
  • How do they react?

Imagine feeling confident, in control, and enjoying the challenge and the moment.

How to design your life (my process for achieving goals) – ModernHealthMonk

What are your dreams? What is important to you? What do you want to accomplish in life?

Document your life goals to provide the focus you need to make hopes and dreams real.

Martin Seligman’s PERMA model helps us to understand the elements of our lives that promote happiness.

Download the PERMA worksheet to understand your five core elements of wellbeing:

P – Positive emotions

E – Engagement

R – Relationships

M – Meaning

A – Accomplishments

weekly goal planners

Review and change the goals over time, in line with your situation, your feelings, and what you want.

The Create a Legend Life Planner is available from Amazon and provides a high-quality home for your life goals.

The 90 Day Smart Goal Planner Calendar & Journal is also available from Amazon and uses SMART goals to target what you want to complete and change over the next three months.

assignment breakdown template

17 Tools To Increase Motivation and Goal Achievement

These 17 Motivation & Goal Achievement Exercises [PDF] contain all you need to help others set meaningful goals, increase self-drive, and experience greater accomplishment and life satisfaction.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Imagine acting on the dreams that you keep tucked away, the ones that seem too big or too personal to share.

Make them real. Write them down as goals.

Let them inspire you and transform the world around you. Use goals to become the best possible you.

So, go ahead, take the resources from this article and identify significant goals that excite you. Break them down, define them as SMART goals, and turn them into something realistic and achievable.

By crafting them into something tangible and working through the individual actions, you will grow into the person you need to be to complete them.

Goal setting provides you with a means to navigate through a complex world and will encourage your long-term persistence.

Don’t let your goals remain a list of wishes.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free .

  • Clough, P., & Strycharczyk, D. (2015). Developing mental toughness: Coaching strategies to improve performance, resilience, and wellbeing. Kogan Page.
  • Ericsson, K. A. (2007). Deliberate practice and the modifiability of body and mind: Toward a science of the structure and acquisition of expert and elite performance. International Journal of Sport Psychology , 38 (1), 4–34.
  • Ericsson, K. A. (2012). Training history, deliberate practice, and elite sports performance: An analysis in response to Tucker and Collins review—What makes champions? British Journal of Sports Medicine , 47 (9), 533–535.
  • Hyatt, M (2019). Your best year ever. Embassy Books.
  • Ivtzan, I., Chan, C. P. L., Gardner, H. E., & Prashar, K. (2011). Linking religion and spirituality with psychological well-being: Examining self-actualisation, meaning in life, and personal growth initiative. Journal of Religion and Health , 52 (3), 915–929.
  • Ivtzan, I. (2016). Second wave positive psychology: Embracing the dark side of life. Routledge.
  • Koufoudakis, R., Erwin, H., Beighle, A., & Thornton, M. L. (2016). How feedback and goal-setting impact children’s recess physical activity. International Journal of Exercise Science , 9 (4), 497–506.
  • Neenan, M., & Palmer, S. (2001). Cognitive behavioural coaching. Stress News , 13, 15–18.
  • Ogbeiwi, O. (2017). Why written objectives need to be really SMART. British Journal of Healthcare Management , 23 (7), 324–336.
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2018). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. Guilford Press.
  • Sheard, M. (2013). Mental toughness: The mindset behind sporting achievement. Routledge.
  • Soler, J., Valdepérez, A., Feliu-Soler, A., Pascual, J. C., Portella, M. J., Martín-Blanco, A., … Pérez, V. (2012). Effects of the dialectical behavioral therapy-mindfulness module on attention in patients with borderline personality disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy , 50 (2), 150–157.
  • Whitmore, J. (2014). Coaching for performance: growing human potential and purpose: The principles and practice of coaching and leadership . Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • Whyte, G. P. (2015). Achieve the impossible: How to overcome challenges and gain success in life, work, and sport . Bantam Press.
  • Wilding, C. (2015). Cognitive behavioural therapy: Techniques to improve your life . Hodder.

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This article is well-structured and science-based, with useful templates. Generous, helpful, practical and informative. Thank you Jeremy! (Now I need to put it to use..)

Jill Pride

Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for, today I started my journey on facing my obstacles head on and not creating diversions. Your templates will be valuable guides to help me acknowledge, get to the root of, work through and grow from the process of whatever I am seeking to improve. Just along writing this response was a start for me, thank you.


Do you receive some type of follow up?

Sharolyn, working mother and family motivator

Exactly what I was looking for in the first search!!! Dr. Sutton summarizes a HUGE amount of literature and proven techniques in one go. That is a huge time saver. I was looking for a template for doing weekly goal-setting as a family. We, as parents, have professional and personal goals and we want the children to begin thinking about goal setting for managing themselves, their schoolwork, sports, etc. This is a wonderful resource.

Thank you Dr. Sutton.


Thank you sir, Really its helped me.

Nicole Celestine

Hi Roy, So glad you found these templates helpful. Thanks for reading! – Nicole | Community Manager

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10 Free Resource Breakdown Structure Templates

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

August 16, 2024

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As a project manager, you know that effective resource allocation can make or break your project. A Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) is a powerful tool that provides a clear, hierarchical view of all resources needed for your project’s success.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to 10 free RBS templates that you can start using immediately to:

  • Organize your project resources by type (e.g., labor, equipment, materials)
  • Identify resource gaps and overlaps
  • Estimate costs more accurately
  • Improve communication with stakeholders

Whether you’re managing a small team or a complex enterprise project, these templates will help you:

  • Visualize your resource needs at a glance
  • Make informed decisions about resource allocation
  • Track resource utilization throughout the project lifecycle

Let’s explore how these RBS templates can transform your project management approach. But first, we’ll briefly explain what an RBS is and why it’s crucial for project success.

What Are Resource Breakdown Structure Templates?

What makes a good resource breakdown structure template, 1. clickup resource management people template, 2. clickup resource allocation template , 3. clickup resource planning template, 4. clickup project resource matrix template, 5. clickup employee workload template, 6. clickup backward planning whiteboard template, 7. clickup work breakdown template, 8. clickup pi planning template, 9. excel resource planning template by tactical project manager, 10. google sheets resource planning template by google workspace marketplace, choose the right resource breakdown structure template.

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A Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) is a resource management tool that helps analyze, categorize, and visualize all the resources needed for a project. 

A proper resource breakdown structure offers a clear and organized view of human and non-human resources  required to achieve excellent project results.

In simple words, an RBS template is a hierarchical chart, or a tree diagram that breaks down a project’s resource needs into smaller, manageable components, including:

  • Human resources : This includes required resources such as managers, team members, and contractors, detailing their roles, responsibilities, and expertise
  • Material resources : Consists of physical items such as construction materials, equipment, and supplies
  • Financial resources : Focuses on project funding allocation, ensuring efficient use of financial resources
  • Informational resources : Includes digital resources like information systems, tools, databases, and research needed for decision-making
  • Time resources : Critical for success, covering time management, scheduling, and timelines for meeting milestones

An RBS template offers a common resource capacity planning and allocation framework for project managers, helping avoid future resource constraints.

Whether managing a construction project, software development, or a marketing campaign, an RBS can be tailored to fit the specifics of your project.

A good resource breakdown structure (RBS) template helps make project management effective, provides visibility to project stakeholders, and arranges the resources necessary for completing and delivering projects on time.

Here are key elements that make an RBS template effective:

  • Clarity and simplicity : The template should be easy to understand and use, with a straightforward layout that clearly displays all resources
  • Comprehensive categorization : It should cover all resource types, including human, material, financial, informational, and time resources. Each category should be clearly defined and broken down into specific components
  • Hierarchical structure : An effective RBS template presents resources in a hierarchical format, making it easy to see how each resource relates to the overall project. This helps in identifying dependencies and potential bottlenecks
  • Flexibility : The template should be adaptable to different projects and industries, allowing customization catering to specific project requirements
  • Responsibility assignment : It should include sections for assigning roles to group resources and responsibilities, ensuring everyone knows who is responsible for what
  • Detailed descriptions : Each resource should have a detailed description, including quantities, costs, and any special requirements
  • Visual appeal : A visually appealing template with color-coding or other visual aids can make it easier to read and understand
  • Ease of update : The template should be easy to update as the project progresses, allowing for dynamic changes in resource allocation

A simple Google search will reveal tons of resource breakdown structure templates. However, not all structure templates are created equal. 

Well, we have done the legwork for you. Here are the best resource breakdown structure templates to simplify project management:

Combine the right resources with the right personnel with the ClickUp Resource Management People Template

Effective resource management is crucial for any business or organization. The ClickUp Resource Management People Template is designed to help human resources ensure everyone is aligned in managing personnel and allocating resources.

Here’s how you can use this template in the best possible way with its various built-in views:

  • Timeline view: Plan task completion schedules
  • Review status view: Track who needs to review tasks and when
  • Getting Started Guide view : Provide new members with an overview of the team and their roles
  • Team Workload view: Monitor each team member’s workload to prevent overworking
  • Resources view: Store and organize resources needed for tasks
  • Task statuses: Categorize tasks into Complete, In Progress, Reviewed, and To Review to track progress
  • Status updates: Keep team members informed by updating task statuses as you progress
  • Task monitoring and analysis: Ensure maximum productivity by regularly monitoring and analyzing tasks

This template is a comprehensive tool to facilitate resource management and enhance team efficiency.

Track your company’s resources and manpower with the ClickUp Resource Allocation Template

Without a proper resource allocation template, projects risk inefficiency and delay. This is where the ClickUp Resource Allocation Template comes in!  

This template helps you drive project success by ensuring that the right resources, time, and budget are allocated to the project. 

Here are some of the key features of this template:

  • Custom statuses: Create tasks with custom statuses (e.g., Client Review, Complete, In Progress) to track resource allocation progress effectively
  • Custom fields: Categorize and add attributes (e.g., Total Budget, Resource Notes, Client, Project Stages) to manage resources efficiently
  • Custom views: Access different views (e.g., Team Workload, Getting Started Guide, By Projects) tailored to your needs for easy information retrieval
  • Project management: Use features like comment reactions, tagging, nested subtasks, and emails to enhance resource allocation tracking

An efficient resource allocation template helps you to deliver high-quality project work by allocating the right resources.

You can also leverage ClickUp’s Resource Management Software to create a Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) for your projects.

ClickUp’s Resource Management Software

Here’s how it can help:

  • Identify the resources needed for each subtask (e.g., developers, designers, testers).
  • Assign team members to specific tasks to ensure accountability and track progress
  • Define deadlines for each task to keep the project on track. ClickUp allows you to set task due dates and manage timelines effectively
  • Use the Workload view to allocate resources efficiently. Monitor team capacity and balance workloads across projects

Also read: Learn how to handle different types of project management resources . 

Allocate and visualize resources with the ClickUp Resource Planning Template

Resource planning is one of the first steps of project management because it ensures that all necessary resources are identified, allocated, and scheduled before project execution. 

The ClickUp Resource Planning Template helps you take a proactive approach and prevent shortages, avoids conflicts, and optimizes resource use. By establishing a clear resource plan, teams can set realistic timelines, manage budgets effectively, and improve overall project coordination and success.

This template is packed with powerful features that can help you: 

  • Prevent resource over-allocation : Ensure resources are used efficiently, avoiding over-allocation and burnout
  • Maximize project output : Increase the number of projects completed within a given time frame by optimizing resource use 
  • Identify and resolve conflicts : Detect potential resource conflicts early and develop effective strategies to address them 
  • Align with business goals : Enhance organizational alignment with business objectives and goals through effective workload planning 

Track and manage resources with the ClickUp Project Resource Matrix Template

Effective resource planning is crucial for projects as it determines the total expected cost of resources. 

A project resource matrix can help you visualize and manage the resources needed for each project easily, ensuring better organization and optimal outcomes.

ClickUp’s Project Resource Matrix Template allows you to:

  • Visualize resource requirements: See resource needs across multiple projects
  • Manage workloads and capacity: Oversee the entire team’s workload and capacity
  • Optimize team collaboration: Ensure everyone is aligned and working together effectively

It also offers several other benefits:

  • Comprehensive resource overview: Offers a detailed view of all resources available for a project
  • Efficient resource use: Tracks availability and usage to ensure resources are used effectively
  • Accurate project timeline: Helps maintain a precise timeline for project completion
  • Enhanced stakeholder communication: Facilitates easier and clearer communication with stakeholders

Efficiently manage team workload with the ClickUp Employee Workload Template

Are you deciding whether to take on additional work or new projects? Look no further! The ClickUp Employee Workload Template allows you to efficiently manage your team’s workload by allocating capacity weekly. 

This is how you can use this template:

  • Step 1: Begin by analyzing the tasks and roles of each team member. Break down their duties into general categories (such as project management, client communication, and research). Use ClickUp’s Table view to create a list of tasks and allocate percentage weights to them
  • Step 2: Once you’ve identified the specific tasks and roles, estimate how long each task will take. You can estimate in hours or days. Visualize these estimates using ClickUp’s Gantt charts
  • Step 3: Clearly define expectations for task completion. Specify deadlines and consequences for not meeting them. Ensure everyone on the team is aware of these expectations. Use ClickUp’s Milestones to set deadlines and create a timeline for task completion
  • Step 4: Based on the outlined tasks, roles, and expectations, assign specific tasks to team members. Be transparent about who is responsible for each task and set realistic timelines. Manage task assignments using ClickUp’s Board View
  • Step 5: Monitor progress regularly to ensure tasks are completed on time. Set up check-ins, reminders, and automated updates. Create Recurring Tasks in ClickUp to stay on top of progress and use ClickUp Automations for timely reminders

Bonus: 10 Best Capacity Planning Tools (Free and Paid)

Plan and visualize task timelines with ClickUp’s Backward Resource Managing Template

Backward planning is a project management technique where the project timeline is planned in reverse, starting from the end goal and working backward to the present. This method ensures that all necessary tasks and resources are identified and allocated efficiently to meet the final deadline. 

The ClickUp Backward Planning Whiteboard Template is a utility-driven backward resource planning template that helps pinpoint critical milestones, manage dependencies, and ensure that project objectives are met on time, reducing the risk of last-minute issues.

This template helps you: 

  • Plan action steps: Discover and outline the specific action steps to achieve project objectives 
  • Track team progress: Use visual tools to monitor progress and ensure project tasks are on track
  • Manage tasks: Break down complex tasks into smaller and more manageable milestones
  • Assess each step: Gain a clear understanding of how each step contributes to the overall success of the project

From brainstorming ideas to setting up project goals, this template empowers you to be in control of all key elements for successful project completion. 

Easily track deliverables with the ClickUp Work Breakdown Template

The ClickUp Work Breakdown Template allows you to organize complex projects into manageable tasks. It details each step to ensure clarity, enhance team coordination, and prevent overlooked tasks. 

The work breakdown template lets you: 

  • Gain a complete overview of essential project elements such as deliverables, tasks, and timelines to streamline your project planning process
  • Understand strengths and potential bottlenecks in advance and create a strategy to prepare for unforeseen situations
  • Create tasks with custom statuses (e.g., ‘To Do,’ ‘In Progress,’ ‘Completed’) to track project progress effectively
  • Categorize tasks and add relevant attributes (such as priority, due date, or team assignment) to manage projects efficiently. Begin by using ClickUp’s Whiteboard view. Customize it to fit your specific workflow, incorporating other views as needed
  • Leverage time-tracking capabilities , tags, dependency warnings, and email notifications. Keep everyone informed and improve overall project management
  • Accurately estimate project costs and resource allocation to maximize efficiency

Create a comprehensive plan for any project with the ClickUp Pi Planning Template

With this Pi Planning Template, you can guide your team toward a common goal and select the stories to focus on during a particular sprint . This template provides a clear view of your team’s backlog, including workload, capacity, and potential risks for optimizing sprint planning.

The ClickUp Pi Planning Template is an interactive tool designed to help teams:

  • Break down tasks: Simplify complex tasks into smaller, manageable pieces
  • Organize for clarity : Arrange tasks into respective sprints based on priority for better understanding and focus
  • Allocate resources: Plan and allocate resources effectively for successful project execution

This whiteboard template also offers the following features:

  • Tailored task tracking: Create custom statuses to precisely monitor sprint and project progress
  • Flexible organization: Use custom fields to categorize and add details for effective project planning and visualization
  • Versatile viewpoints : Build your ideal ClickUp workflow by starting with this template and customizing it with List, Gantt, Workload, and Calendar views
  • Comprehensive project management: Enhance project planning with tags, dependency alerts, email notifications, and other essential tools

Excel Resource Planning Template

Leverage the Excel Resource Planning Template by Tactical Project Manager to ensure project success with the optimum use of resources. 

This resource breakdown structure template allows you to manage workloads and assign the right task to the right people at the right time. 

Here are some of the most popular features of this template: 

  • Automatically generate a fully-styled planning sheet for your desired timeframe. Displays team members and project assignments in an intuitive layout
  • Maintain your project list and assign employees to specific projects. The tool generates a planning sheet based on your input.
  • Track billable hours effortlessly. Monitor billable hours for clear client reporting
  • Track weekly resource breakdowns for informed project allocation
  • Accounts for holidays and absences ; track with ‘Vacation/Days off’ project

By using this resource planning template, you get a complete picture of your team’s workload and devise a strategy to drive optimum efficiency from each team member, ensuring superior project outcomes. 

Google Sheets Resource Planning Template

The Google Sheets Resource Planning Template by Google Workspace Marketplace is a utility-driven project management template popular among business analysts and project leads. 

From budget control to task tracking, project schedule to resource category, this template has many features that can help you be on top of key project management metrics. 

Here are some of the most powerful features of this template that is available on the free version: 

  • Work breakdown structure : Plan, allocate, and execute better with a complete overview of tasks and sub-tasks
  • Track progress : Leverage Gantt charts, color alerts, and progress features to stay on top of task status
  • Manage time : Use timescales to view and adjust start and end dates and add milestones to complete important project phases on time  

This project management structure template allows you to manage project scope and develop important strategies to ensure desirable project outcomes. 

Managing project resources can often feel daunting, but having the right tools can make all the difference. The 10 free resource breakdown structures templates we covered today are designed to clarify, streamline workflows, enhance work breakdown structures , and ensure efficient resource allocation . 

From ClickUp’s versatile resource tracking , project management tools, and project planning templates to practical solutions from Excel and Google Sheets, these tools can help you comprehensively overview your project’s needs and progress.

But ClickUp not only provides one of the largest collections of resource planning templates. It also comes packed with project management features such as ClickUp Docs, ClickUp Whiteboards, and the ClickUp Resource Management Software.

By leveraging these features, you can enhance communication within your team, avoid resource constraints, and keep your projects on track for successful completion.

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Top Excel Budget Templates (Free Downloads Included!)

Top Excel Budget Templates

Table of Contents

Why Use an Excel Budget Template?

Step 1: choose the right template, step 2: set up the template, step 3: input your data, step 4: track and update regularly, step 5: analyze your finances, step 6: adjust as needed, 1. clarity and control, 2. smarter spending, 3. financial goal achievement, 4. improved savings habits, 5. reduced stress, step 1: set up your spreadsheet, step 2: format your template, step 3: use formulas for calculations, step 4: customize to your needs.

Excel Templates


Project Management Templates

  • ✅ 50+ Excel Templates
  • ✅ 50+ PowerPoint Templates
  • ✅ 25+ Word Templates

Effortlessly Manage Your Projects Seamlessly manage your projects with our powerful & multi-purpose templates for project management.

Managing your finances effectively is crucial for achieving financial stability and reaching your financial goals. Excel budget templates are powerful tools that can help you track your income, expenses, and savings with ease. Explore our wide range of Free Excel Budget Templates is here to help! Whether you need to manage your personal finances, business budget, or plan for an event, we’ve got you covered. Choose from our variety of templates, including Annual, Business, Event, Family, Monthly, Personal, Project, Simple, Student, and Weekly Budget templates. Simplify your budgeting process and stay on top of your financial goals with our easy-to-use, customizable templates. Download your Free Excel template today and unlock a path to financial freedom!

Simple Budget Template

The simple budget template is designed for simplicity and ease of use, making it perfect for beginners. This easy budget template features a basic layout with separate sections for income and expenses, helping you manage your finances without any advanced Excel skills. By providing automatic calculations for total income, total expenses, and remaining balance, this beginner budget template allows you to gain a clear snapshot of your financial status at a glance. Ideal for individuals or small families, this basic budget Excel tool helps identify areas where you can cut back on spending.

Download Simple Budget Template

Download Simple Excel Budget Template

Simple Excel Budget Template

  • Basic layout with separate income and expense sections.
  • Automatic calculation of total income, total expenses, and remaining balance.
  • Customizable categories for different types of expenses (e.g., utilities, groceries, entertainment).
  • Easy to set up and use without any advanced Excel skills.
  • Provides a clear snapshot of your financial status at a glance.
  • Helps identify areas where you can cut back on spending.

Usage: Ideal for individuals or small families who want a straightforward way to track their monthly finances.

Weekly Budget Template

For detailed short-term financial tracking, the weekly budget template is the perfect tool. This short-term budget planner helps you monitor your income and expenses on a weekly basis, providing a clear picture of your financial status. With customizable categories for detailed tracking and weekly summaries, this weekly expense tracker allows you to maintain consistent financial monitoring. Ideal for individuals or families, this weekly financial planning template helps you set and achieve weekly financial goals. Whether you prefer weekly budgeting or need to manage short-term finances, this detailed weekly budget template is essential.

Download Weekly Budget Tracker

Download Weekly Budget Template

Weekly income and expense Excel Tracker

  • Sections for weekly income and expenses.
  • Customizable categories for detailed tracking.
  • Weekly summaries to monitor spending patterns.
  • Helps maintain detailed short-term financial tracking.
  • Provides a clear overview of weekly financial status.
  • Useful for setting and achieving weekly financial goals.

Usage: Suitable for individuals or families who prefer to keep track of their finances on a weekly basis.

Monthly Budget Planner

The monthly budget planner is an excellent tool for detailed financial tracking on a monthly basis. This monthly expense tracker features separate sections for income, expenses, and savings, along with graphical representations of spending categories to help you visualize where your money goes. With a monthly summary that compares total income and expenses to previous months, this Excel monthly budget template helps you maintain consistent financial tracking. Suitable for anyone looking to monitor their spending and savings month by month, this budget spreadsheet is a must-have for monthly financial planning.

Download Monthly Budget Free Template

Download Monthly Budget Plan Template

Monthly finance Tracking Template

  • Separate sections for income, expenses, and savings.
  • Graphical representations of spending categories to visualize where your money goes.
  • Monthly summary of total income and expenses with comparison to previous months.
  • Helps maintain consistent financial tracking month over month.
  • Easy to spot trends in spending and savings.
  • Useful for setting and monitoring monthly financial goals.

Usage: Suitable for anyone who needs to monitor their spending and savings month by month.

Annual Budget Template

For those seeking long-term financial planning, the annual budget template is the perfect tool. This yearly budget planner offers a comprehensive view of your income and expenses over an entire year. With monthly breakdowns for detailed tracking and forecasting features for future planning, this long-term budget Excel template helps you set and achieve annual financial goals. Ideal for identifying yearly financial trends and patterns, this yearly expense tracker provides a clear overview of your financial status. This annual financial planning template is essential for anyone looking to manage their finances over a longer period.

Download Yearly Budget  Planner

Download Yearly Budget Plan Template

Yearly Budget Planner

  • Comprehensive annual view of income and expenses.
  • Monthly breakdowns for detailed tracking.
  • Forecasting features for future planning.
  • Allows for long-term financial planning and tracking.
  • Helps identify yearly financial trends and patterns.
  • Useful for setting annual financial goals and budgets.

Usage: Best for those who want to keep an eye on their finances over the course of a year, including recurring expenses and long-term savings goals.

Personal Budget Template

The personal budget template is a customizable tool designed to fit your unique financial situation. This individual budget planner provides detailed sections for various types of income and expenses, allowing for personalized financial management. With monthly and yearly summary sheets, this personal expense tracker helps maintain a detailed record of your finances. By offering customization based on individual financial goals and needs, this detailed budget template provides a clear overview of your financial status. Perfect for anyone looking to manage their personal income, expenses, and savings goals efficiently.

Download Personal Budget Excel Template

Download Personal Budget Template

Simple Personal income and expense tracking Excel Template

  • Detailed sections for different types of income and expenses.
  • Customizable categories to fit personal needs.
  • Monthly and yearly summary sheets.
  • Helps maintain a detailed record of your personal finances.
  • Allows for customization based on individual financial goals and needs.
  • Provides a clear overview of monthly and yearly financial status.

Usage: Perfect for individuals who want to keep track of their own income, expenses, and savings goals.

Family Budget Template

The family budget template is tailored to help households manage their shared finances effectively. This household budget planner includes special categories for family-related expenses such as childcare and groceries, making it an ideal tool for family financial planning. With sections for household income and expenses, this family expense tracker provides a clear overview of the family’s financial status. Graphical summaries help visualize spending patterns, making it easier to set and achieve family financial goals. This shared budget Excel template is perfect for families looking to manage their finances collectively.

Download Free Family Budget Tracker

Download Family Budget Template

Free Family finance Template

  • Sections for household income and expenses.
  • Special categories for family-related expenses (e.g., childcare, groceries).
  • Graphical summaries to visualize spending patterns.
  • Helps families manage and track shared expenses.
  • Provides a clear overview of household financial status.
  • Useful for setting and achieving family financial goals.

Usage: Ideal for families looking to manage their finances collectively and ensure all household expenses are covered.

Student Budget Template

The student budget template is specifically designed to help students manage their limited finances effectively. This budget template for students includes sections for student income, such as part-time jobs and allowances, and expenses like tuition and books. With customizable categories, this student expense tracker fits the unique needs of students. Monthly summaries help track spending and savings, making this student financial planning template an excellent tool for maintaining a clear overview of financial status. Perfect for students, this customizable student budget template helps manage finances and stay within budget.

Download Student Budget Manager

Download Student Budget Template

Best Budget tracker for Students

  • Sections for student income (e.g., part-time jobs, allowances) and expenses (e.g., tuition, books).
  • Customizable categories to fit student needs.
  • Monthly summaries to track spending and savings.
  • Helps students manage and track their limited finances.
  • Provides a clear overview of student financial status.
  • Useful for setting and achieving student financial goals.

Usage: Perfect for students who need to manage their finances and stay within their budget.

Event Budget Template

Planning and managing the finances of events is made easy with the event budget template. This customizable event budget template is suitable for various types of events, ensuring you stay within your budget for any occasion. Detailed sections for event-related income and expenses, along with customizable categories, make this event expense tracker an essential tool for event financial planning. By providing summary sections to monitor your budget, this budget template for events helps you efficiently manage event-specific expenses. Ideal for weddings, corporate gatherings, and other events.

Download Event Budget Planner

Download Event Budget Template

Best Excel Templates for Tracking Event Revenue and Expenses

  • Detailed sections for event-related income and expenses.
  • Customizable categories for different types of events.
  • Summary sections to ensure you stay within your budget.
  • Helps manage event-specific expenses efficiently.
  • Provides a clear overview of event finances.
  • Useful for staying within budget for various types of events.

Usage: Great for anyone planning an event, from weddings to corporate gatherings, to keep track of all related expenses.

Project Budget Template

The project budget template is designed to help manage the financial aspects of projects, big or small. This customizable project budget template includes sections for project income and expenses, ensuring your project stays on budget. With tracking and summary features, this project expense tracker provides a clear overview of project costs. Ideal for project managers or freelancers, this project financial planning template helps keep a close eye on project-specific finances. Whether you are handling a small project or a large initiative, this budget template for projects is an invaluable tool.

Download Project Budget Manager

Download Project Budget Template Excel

Project Income and Expenses Management Excel Template

  • Sections for project income and expenses.
  • Customizable to fit different types of projects.
  • Tracking and summary features to monitor project budget.
  • Helps manage project-specific finances efficiently.
  • Provides a clear overview of project costs.
  • Useful for ensuring projects stay within budget.

Usage: Ideal for project managers or freelancers who need to keep a close eye on project costs.

Business Budget Template

Designed specifically for small businesses, the business budget template helps manage business finances effectively. This small business budget planner includes sections for business income, expenses, and profits, making it an excellent tool for business financial planning. Customizable to fit various business needs, this business expense tracker provides detailed financial summaries and forecasts. Ideal for small business owners, this budget template for businesses offers a comprehensive view of the business’s financial status. With this tool, managing and tracking business finances becomes efficient and straightforward.

Download Business Budget Template

Business Budget Tracking Template

  • Sections for business income, expenses, and profits.
  • Customizable to fit various business needs.
  • Detailed financial summaries and forecasts.
  • Helps manage and track business finances efficiently.
  • Provides a clear overview of business financial status.
  • Useful for setting and achieving business financial goals.

Usage: Best for small business owners who need a comprehensive tool to manage their business finances.

Using an Excel budget template can make managing your finances much simpler and more efficient. Whether you’re an individual, a family, a student, or a business owner, there’s a template out there that can meet your needs. Download one of these top templates and start taking control of your finances today!

Imagine navigating a road trip without a map. Budgeting is similar. Without a clear plan, your finances become a confusing, potentially expensive journey. A budget template acts as your GPS, providing structure and direction. Excel budget templates offer numerous advantages for managing your finances:

  • Ease of Use: Excel’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to input and organize financial data.
  • Customization: Templates can be tailored to fit your unique financial situation.
  • Automation: Excel’s formulas and functions automate calculations, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Visualization: Charts and graphs help visualize your financial data, making it easier to identify trends and make informed decisions.
  • Accessibility: Excel is widely available and compatible with various devices, allowing you to access your budget anytime, anywhere.
  • Formulas Save Time: Automate calculations for a faster and more accurate budgeting experience.
  • Data Visualization: Charts and graphs make your spending trends clear and easy to understand.
  • Organization Powerhouse: Excel keeps your finances neatly organized in one place.

How to Use Excel Budget Templates

Using Excel budget templates can significantly simplify the process of managing your finances. Whether you’re tracking personal expenses, planning an event, or managing a business, these templates provide a structured way to monitor income and expenses. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Excel budget templates effectively:

Identify Your Needs: Determine what type of budgeting you need (e.g., personal, family, event, business). Download the Template: Visit a trusted source like Microsoft Office Templates or a reputable financial website to download the template that suits your needs.

Open the Template: Open the downloaded Excel budget template on your computer. Customize Categories: Adjust the income and expense categories to match your specific financial situation. Most templates allow you to add, remove, or rename categories.

Enter Income: Start by entering all your income sources. This could include salary, freelance work, investments, or any other sources of income. List Expenses: Input your expenses in the corresponding categories. Be as detailed as possible, including both fixed expenses (rent, utilities) and variable expenses (groceries, entertainment).

Monitor Regularly: Make it a habit to update the template regularly with new income and expenses. This could be done daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your preference. Review Summaries: Use the summary sections to review your financial status. Look at the total income, total expenses, and the remaining balance to understand your financial health.

Identify Trends: Use the graphical representations and summary sections to identify spending patterns and trends. This can help you make informed decisions about where to cut costs or how to allocate more funds to savings. Set Goals: Based on your analysis, set realistic financial goals. This could be saving a certain amount each month, reducing discretionary spending, or planning for a major purchase.

Modify Categories: If you find that your categories are too broad or too narrow, adjust them to better reflect your financial activities. Revisit Goals: Regularly revisit your financial goals and adjust them based on your current financial situation. If you achieve a goal, set a new one to keep yourself motivated.

Importance of Budgeting

Budgeting is a crucial aspect of financial management that can significantly impact your financial well-being. It involves planning and tracking your income and expenses to ensure you are living within your means and working towards your financial goals. Here are some key reasons why budgeting is essential:

Gain Insight: Budgeting gives you a clear picture of where your money is going. It clarifies your income and expenses, giving you control over your money. By tracking your expenses and income, you can see exactly how much you are spending and on what, allowing you to make informed financial decisions.

Avoid Overspending: A budget helps you avoid overspending by keeping your expenses in check. By setting limits for different categories, you can prevent unnecessary expenditures and ensure you have enough funds for essential needs.

Prioritize Needs Over Wants: With a budget, you can prioritize your needs over wants. This helps curb impulse purchases and avoid unnecessary debt. By allocating funds to essential expenses first, you can ensure that your basic needs are met before spending on discretionary items.

Avoid Debt: Budgeting helps you live within your means, reducing the likelihood of relying on credit cards or loans for day-to-day expenses. This proactive approach prevents the accumulation of new debt and promotes long-term financial stability.

Set and Reach Goals: Whether you’re saving for a vacation, a new car, a home, or retirement, a budget helps you set realistic financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. It helps you track progress towards these goals, ensuring you make steady progress.

Emergency Fund: Budgeting helps you build an emergency fund, providing a financial cushion for unexpected expenses like medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. Having this safety net can reduce stress and prevent you from falling into debt.

Consistent Savings: Budgeting enables you to set aside money regularly for savings. A budget ensures consistent allocation towards your savings goals. By treating savings as a fixed expense, you can ensure consistent contributions to your savings account, helping you build wealth over time.

Long-term Planning: A budget helps you plan for long-term financial goals such as retirement, education, or major purchases. It allows you to allocate funds strategically and work towards these goals systematically.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a plan for your finances can significantly reduce financial stress. A budget provides clarity and structure, helping you feel more in control of your financial situation. Knowing every penny’s purpose brings peace of mind.

Preparedness: Being prepared for both regular and unexpected expenses can alleviate anxiety. Budgeting ensures you are financially prepared for various scenarios, providing peace of mind and stability.

How to Create an Excel Budget Template

Creating an Excel budget template is straightforward. Follow these steps to build a customized template that suits your financial needs:

Open a new spreadsheet in Excel. Title your sheet “Excel Budget Template” and create the following columns:

  • Date: The date of the transaction.
  • Category: The type of income or expense (e.g., Salary, Groceries, Rent).
  • Description: A brief description of the transaction.
  • Budgeted Amount: The planned amount for each category.
  • Actual Amount: The actual amount spent or received.
  • Difference: The difference between the budgeted and actual amounts.
  • Notes: Any additional notes or comments.
Date Category Description Budgeted Amount Actual Amount Difference Notes
2024-06-11 Income Salary $1500 $1500 $0 Monthly paycheck
2024-06-12 Expenses Rent $800 $800 $0
2024-06-14 Expenses Groceries $200 $220 +$20 Extra items
2024-06-15 Expenses Utilities $150 $140 -$10
Total $1000 $1160 +$160
  • Difference: =D2-E2
  • Total Income: = SUM (D2:Dn) for all income rows
  • Total Expenses: =SUM(E2:En) for all expense rows
  • Net Total: =Total Income – Total Expenses

Adjust the categories and descriptions based on your financial situation. Add any specific items or recurring expenses that are unique to your budget.

Tips for Effective Budgeting with Excel

  • Be Consistent: Update your budget regularly to ensure accuracy.
  • Review Regularly: Analyze your budget at the end of each month to identify trends.
  • Adjust as Needed: Modify your budget based on actual expenses and income.
  • Use Conditional Formatting: Highlight important data and trends with Excel’s conditional formatting features.
  • Backup Your Data: Regularly save and backup your Excel files to prevent data loss.

Using an Excel budget template is a powerful way to take control of your finances. With the ability to customize, automate, and visualize your financial data, Excel makes budgeting easier and more effective. Download our free templates above and start managing your finances today.

Recommended articles:

  • ProjectManager.com: How to Make a Project Budget?
  • Income and Expenses Tracking Templates : Check our templates for tracking Income and Expenses
  • Smartsheet.com: Free Budget Templates

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You can get the unlocked versions of our templates here: Analysistabs .org

WOW! Fantastic budget template! It’s very user-friendly. Made managing my finances much simpler. Highly recommend to anyone looking for an efficient budgeting solution.

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This Excel Budget Template is a game-changer! Super intuitive and helpful for financial management

Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that the Excel Budget Template has been so helpful for your financial management. If there are any specific features you particularly enjoy or if there’s anything else you’d like to see in future templates, please let me know. Your feedback is invaluable!

Just what I needed! This budget template simplifies complex financial tasks. Great job!

Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad the template is helpful. Let me know if there’s anything else you need!

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