
5th Grade Mathematics Projects

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Project 1A: Create a Manatee Poster

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Making a Manatee Poster

7 Tips for Photographing Florida Manatees

Project 1A Instructions

Click HERE to see the Instructions

EBSCO’s Middle Search Plus” Manatees   Click on the link to see 278 Results  In case you need it, the Username is Academy and the password is AATL!92-23

Piktochart: How to Make a Great Poster   Full of good ideas and excellent samples explaining them.

10 Fun Facts About Manatees You Did Not Know

12 Manatee Facts You May Not Know  (Blog)

Crystal Manatees - Florida Manatee Wildlife   Video (2:52 mins.)

Project 1B: Design a Game with Place-Value Blocks

  • Some Options & a Sample

Place Value Blocks Only at Lakeshore Learning

Project 1B Instructions Click HERE to see the instructions!

Click on the link below to see what your blocks can look like!

Images of Place-Value Blocks   

Making the Game:

Scout Life: How to Make a Board Game at Home

To help inspire you, here are two links you might like:

Alternatives to using LEGO Bricks link:

A Sample Block Value Challenge Game link:

How do place-value blocks work? 

Using Place-Value Blocks Video (5:57 mins.)

What might your game look like? Multiplication Using Place Value/Bundling Models - LEGO ® Bricks Video (1:22 mins.)

A different way to see place-value! Fun Place Value Activity Using Cups Video (1:04 mins.) 

Project 1C: Research Solar System Distaces

  • Scientific Notation

Solar System Planets in Order from the Sun | Full Guide

Project 1C instructions Click HERE to see the instructions!

An eBook from EBSCO Primary Search Reference eBook Collection:   The Solar System Through Infographics

Some Review of Scientific Notation and Really Big Numbers

Optiks4Kids: Basic Math, Scientific Notation and Astronomical Dimensions Dealing with Numbers Great and Small

Launch Pad Astronomy: A Tour of the Universe Using Powers of Ten and Scientific Notation   Video (10:55 mins.)  

The Planets: Planet Facts – The Planets In Order Great materials on types of celestial bodies, and facts about each planet.

The Nine Planets: Distances Between Planets

NASA Space Place: How Long is a Year on Other Planets?

NOORDUNG / A Voyage Through Our Solar System  Video (8:05 mins.)

How Long Would It Take To Reach Each Of The Planets In The Solar System? Video (11:05 mins.)

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5th grade math research projects

Fun and Effective 5th Grade Math Review: Zoo Projects, Jeopardy Games, and Math Centers

5th grade math research projects

As 5th graders prepare to transition to middle school, reinforcing their math skills becomes crucial. Including a FULL year 5th grade math review can boost their confidence and solidify their understanding of key concepts. To make this process both engaging and effective, let’s explore three dynamic approaches: creating a zoo to explore geometry and area, participating in Jeopardy-style games, and engaging with hands-on math centers. If you are searching for 4th grade review ideas, check them out here !

Need some ideas for 5th grade math review for your math lessons? Check them out in this blog post.

Building a Zoo: A Geometry and Area Project

One of the most exciting ways to review geometry and area is through a hands-on project where students design their own zoos. This project involves creating a layout for the zoo, determining the shapes and sizes of various animal enclosures, and calculating the area of each space. Students get to apply their knowledge of rectangles, triangles, and other geometric shapes in a fun and practical context, enhancing their understanding of real-world applications of math.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Designing the Zoo: Students sketch the layout of their zoo, deciding where each animal enclosure will go.
  • Calculating Areas: For each enclosure, students calculate the area, applying their knowledge of geometry.
  • Creative Application: Students can get creative by adding pathways, water bodies, and other features, each requiring additional geometric and area calculations.

Reviewing with Jeopardy: A Game-Based Approach

To add an element of excitement to the review process, a Jeopardy-style game focusing on 5th-grade math concepts can be extremely effective. Categories can include Geometry, Area and Perimeter, Fractions, Decimals, and Problem Solving. This interactive game encourages students to think quickly and apply their knowledge in a competitive setting, making math review a lively and enjoyable experience.

Need some ideas for 5th grade review for your math lessons? Check them out in this blog post.

Hands-On Learning at Math Centers

Math centers are an excellent way for students to engage in hands-on learning. These centers can include a variety of activities like geometric puzzles, area and perimeter exploration tools, fraction manipulatives, and decimal games. By rotating through different stations, students can experience diverse learning methods, catering to various learning styles and reinforcing their math skills in a tangible way.

Need some ideas for 5th grade review for your math lessons? Check them out in this blog post.

Integrating Projects, Games, and Centers for Comprehensive 5th grade math Review

An effective math review can integrate all three methods. Start with the zoo project to allow students to apply and visualize geometric concepts. Follow up with the Jeopardy game to reinforce and assess their knowledge in a playful manner. Finally, use math centers for individualized, hands-on practice. A rotation schedule can help ensure that students experience each method and benefit from this comprehensive approach.

5th grade math research projects

Diverse, interactive methods make math review in 5th grade not just effective, but also enjoyable. By incorporating project-based learning, interactive games, and hands-on activities, we can create a rich learning experience that prepares students for the challenges ahead in middle school and beyond.

Jeopardy Style Games

Bring your math reviews to the next level with this Jeopardy style interactive review game. This Subtracting Decimals will be fun and engaging game for your 4th and 5th grade students. They will want more of this game and will beg you for more!

5th grade math research projects

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Primary Author: Joshua Abrams     Contributor: Lisa Honeyman

   Introduction to Research in the Classroom (FAQ)     |      
   Setting and Sharing Goals       | 
   Student and Teacher Affect      | 
   Getting Stuck, Getting Unstuck!      | 
   Building Collaborative Skills      |     Assessment and the Use of Classtime      | 
   Presenting Your Research      | 
   Resources     |

   Introductory Explorations and the Research Cycle      | 
   Definitions      | 
   Problem Posing      | 
   Examples, Patterns, and Conjectures      | 
   Proof      | 
   Getting Information      | 




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Math Games, Videos, and Texts for Common Core 5th Grade


Volume And Area

Concepts of Volume

5.MD.C.3.a and 1 more


Classifying Two-Dimensional Shapes

Classifying Quadrilaterals

5.G.B.3 and 1 more


Numbers & Operations: Fractions and Whole Numbers

Dividing Fractions and Numbers

5.NF.B.7.a and 1 more


Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Volume of Rectangular Prisms

5.MD.C.5.a and 1 more


Hybrid Unicorn Science Lab

Multiply with Word Problems


Cheetah Chaser

Prime and Composite Numbers


Flying Through Factors

Factors and Multiples


Alien Invasion 5th Grade

Multiplication Patterns and Exponents


Tens Machine


Fishing for Decimal Numbers

Read/Write Decimals: Thousandths



Roll and Score


Monster Battle

Compare Decimals to Thousandths



Extreme Basketball Shootout

Round Decimals to Any Place


Ring Toss Rounding Decimals


Cupcake Shop

Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers


Math Canyon

Find Whole-Number Quotients


Decimal Kick

Solving Decimal Equations


Pet City 5th Grade Decimal Division


Numberock Prime, Composite & Square Song


Generating Number Patterns with Two Rules

Understand Patterns

Math Activities and Teaching Resources for 5th Grade

Welcome to the wonderful world of PEMDAS—a parenthetical paradise where brackets have nothing to do with sports and braces don't cost a small fortune!

In fifth grade, pattern recognition is emphasized and place value is revisited. Students can now fluently add and subtract large numbers, compare fractions and decimals, and begin applying operations to those numbers. Various units of measurement are explored and angles and lines serve as the primary themes for most geometry work.

Enjoy this sampling of instructional videos, songs, games, and activities for your 5th grade classroom!

Some of the skills students will master in eSpark include:

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

  • Use parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions, and evaluate expressions with these symbols.
  • Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them.
  • Generate two numerical patterns using two given rules; Identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms; form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns, and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.

Number and Operations in Base Ten

  • Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when multiplying or dividing by powers of 10; use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.
  • Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
  • Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place.
  • Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
  • Find whole-number quotients of whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors using various strategies; illustrate and explain the calculation with equations, arrays, and/or area models.
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and various strategies.

Number and Operations Fractions

  • Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like denominators.
  • Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem; use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers.
  • Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b = a ÷ b); solve word problems involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction.
  • Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
  • Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.

Measurement and Data

  • Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system, and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.
  • Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.
  • Measure volumes by counting unit cubes, using cubic cm, cubic in, cubic ft, and improvised units.
  • Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume.
  • Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to coincide with the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of one axis, and the second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of the second axis, with the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates correspond (e.g., x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate).
  • Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation.
  • Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category.
  • Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.

eSpark is truly unique in the world of online learning. Our holistic, student-centered approach blends the proven benefits of play-based learning with systematic, explicit, and direct instruction. It’s proof that learning can be fun, personalized, and effective, all at once!

eSpark meets the criteria for evidence-based interventions under ESSA guidelines, and has been proven in multiple studies to improve student performance in math and reading.

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30 5th Grade Math Games To Teach Fractions, Decimals, and More

You sunk my battleship!

Collage of fifth grade math games, including equivalent fractions spoons and build a pool online game

It’s so important that 5th grade students master key math concepts like fractions and decimals as they prepare to move on to advanced math classes. These 5th grade math games can help with those skills, along with coordinate planes, calculating volume, and more. Plus, they’re a lot of fun! Choose a few to try in your classroom or for practice at home.

Hands-On 5th Grade Math Games

Online 5th grade math games.

Playing cards laid out face up with red markers to turn them into decimals

1. Flip cards to compare decimals

In this version of War, students flip three cards and place a chip as a decimal point. Then, they compare their cards to see whose number is greater. The winner takes all the cards.

Learn more: Decimal War

Student holding a handful of playing cards

2. Make a buck to get practice adding decimals

Money is a useful way to give decimals real-life application. In this game, students use playing cards to represent amounts and work to get their hands to equal exactly one dollar. ( Find more math card games here. )

Learn more: Make a Buck

Two circles of paper with a decimal number written in each, with a printable score card

3. Have a decimal snowball fight

Each student receives a stack of decimal “snowballs.” They each flip one over and compare their numbers. The student with the larger number keeps both snowballs.

Learn more: Decimal Snowball Fight

Large number line made of colorful paper squares and blue tape, with a rubber ball marking a decimal

4. Turn students into decimals

Even 5th grade math students aren’t too old to enjoy human number lines! Lay out the line on your floor, using a playground ball for a decimal point. Then try this: Choose 10 students and give them each a large card numbered from 0 to 9. Have another student secretly write down a number to the thousandths place, then provide instructions to get the numbers to stand in the right places. For instance, “Number 3 is in the hundreds place. Number 6 is in the hundredths place.” See how quickly students can get into the right place in line!

Source: Human Number Line

Where Is It decimal math game printable worksheet with card

5. Try to guess Where Is It?

One player secretly plots a decimal on the line. The other player guesses a decimal and plots it on their own number line. The first player tells them whether their guess is larger or smaller than the correct number. The players keep narrowing it down until they’ve correctly identified each other’s numbers.

Learn more: Where Is It?

Printable board game and playing pieces for practicing adding and subtracting decimals

6. Add and subtract decimals to win the game

Print this free game at the link, then have 5th grade math students roll the dice, move their pieces, and add or subtract the numbers shown. The other student checks their answer on a calculator. If they’re correct, they stay there. If not, they move back. For extra practice, they can use base 10 blocks too.

Learn more: Decimals Game

Printable board game and playing pieces for fraction and decimal practice

7. Give bingo a decimals twist

Convert fractions to decimals and see who can be the first to hit bingo in this free printable game.

Learn more: Fractions to Decimals Bingo

Cards showing fractions with several plastic spoons (Fifth Grade Math Games)

8. Grab some spoons

If you’ve played Spoons before, you know the drill. Match four of a kind (this time using free printable fraction cards found at the link below), and you get to grab for a spoon—and so does everyone else! The loser takes one letter of the word SPOON, and play continues.

Learn more: Equivalent Fractions Spoons

Three piles of four counter chips each, one pile red and two yellow

9. Use counters for fraction practice

Grab a handful of counter chips of two different colors and lay them out. Then challenge students to a variety of fraction activities: What fraction do they make? What are the equivalent fractions? Repeat the activity a few times and add, subtract, multiply, or divide the fractions.

Learn more: Counter Chips Fractions

Multiplying Domino Fractions mat with three dominoes laid out to form an equation

10. Multiply and compare fractions using dominoes

Fifth grade math students do a lot of work with fractions, and dominoes are perfect manipulatives! In this simple game, each student draws two dominoes. They multiply and reduce, then see who has the larger number.

Learn more: Domino Fractions

11. Race on a number line

This free printable game gives kids practice multiplying fractions by a whole number. Grab it at the link. ( Here are more number line activities for all ages. )

Learn more: Number Line Race

Dominos laid out to represent improper fractions, with equivalent mixed numbers written on a whiteboard

12. Play Fraction War with dominoes

Each player flips a domino and turns it so the larger number is on top, making an improper fraction. Then they write the mixed number and reduce it if needed. The player with the larger number keeps both dominoes .

Source: Domino Fraction War

Student jumping while others watch and measure

13. Jump to gather line plot data

This is such a fun way to practice gathering data and using it to make line plots. A long-jump contest gets kids up and moving. You can also measure your wrists or your feet.

Learn more: Line Plot Jump

Score sheet and printable game board for Race to Six with pattern blocks in some spaces

14. Build with pattern blocks to be the First to Six

Pull out your pattern blocks and have 5th grade math students use them as they work on adding mixed numbers.

Learn more: First to Six

Whiteboard with text Can You Make written on it, with sticky notes showing different numerals

15. Write equations to play Can You Make It?

All you need for this simple 5th grade math game is some sticky notes. Set a target number and provide numerals to work with. Challenge kids to use a variety of operations, including brackets.

Learn more: Can You Make It?

Student using a ruler to measure a small pile of LEGO bricks

16. Build with LEGO bricks to measure volume

Fifth grade math students encounter volume for the first time. LEGO bricks can be a great way to introduce the subject and help them see how it works.

Learn more: LEGO Volume Activity

Worksheet showing pictures of base 10 blocks and three statements about those blocks

17. Play Two Truths & a Lie

Working on volume? Pose a “Two Truths & a Lie” puzzle, then challenge students to come up with their own!

Source: Volume Two Truths & a Lie

Chart showing a 3-D cube and its dimensions, with sticky notes calculating the volume added to it

18. Write the room for volume practice

Post a series of figures around the room for students to find. Ask them to calculate the volume (alone or in groups) and post their answer on sticky notes that show their work. ( Check out these other ways to Write the Room. )

Learn more: Volume Write the Room

Worksheet for playing Connect Four in a coordinate plane

19. Connect Four in a coordinate plane

Coordinate planes are another new concept in 5th grade math. This simple game helps kids learn how they work as they try to be the first to graph four in a row.

Learn more: Coordinate Plane Connect Four

Lego minifigures standing on a coordinate plane made of Lego bricks, with coordinate plane worksheets

20. Track Minifigs on a coordinate plane

Here’s another way to use LEGO bricks for 5th grade math. Kids locate the hidden Minifigs using coded coordinates. So cool!

Learn more: LEGO Coordinate Planes

Printable worksheet for playing the game Battleship on coordinate planes

21. Reveal the truth about Battleship

Remember when you realized that the game Battleship was really all about coordinate planes? Time to share that with your 5th grade math students! Play the real game, or get free printables to use at the link below.

Learn more: Coordinate Plane Battleship

Students standing on a classroom floor marked to represent a coordinate plane

22. Make a human coordinate plane

Does your classroom have square floor tiles? Use them to make a life-size coordinate plane! Then have kids stand in one spot and jump to a new one. When they arrive, they must announce their new coordinates. You can also call out instructions like “Move ahead two on the X-axis and back three on the Y-axis.” Kids will think and move at the same time, reinforcing the learning.

Learn more: Human Coordinate Plane

Penguin coordinate plane printable worksheet to create a picture of a penguin

23. Solve a mystery picture

Coordinate-plane mystery pictures are fun and very popular. You can find lots of options available on the web. Try this for free at the link.

Learn more: Penguin Mystery Picture Graphs

Illustration of a soccer goal, with a pop up box reading

24. Penalty Kick

The game is simple enough: Each player takes a turn kicking a soccer ball or defending the goal. When they’re successful, they get to solve a multi-digit multiplication equation for a chance at a bonus point.

Play it: Penalty Kick

Cartoon puppies racing with a fraction math problem underneath the online math game

25. Puppy Chase

Click the equivalent decimal from the fraction given. The faster you find the answers, the more you move ahead to win the race!

Play it: Puppy Chase

Screenshot from online math game called High Stakes Heist, showing a safe with a combination lock students can open by solving a math problem using order of operations

26. High-Stakes Heist

Crack the safe by solving an equation, one step at a time, using the correct order of operations. If you make a mistake, you can go back to the previous step to fix it.

Play it: High-Stakes Heist

Screenshot from Algebraic Reasoning at the Sweet Shop online fifth grade math game

27. Algebraic Reasoning Sweet Shop

Using the stacks of various candies that add up to certain amounts, determine how much each individual candy is worth. This can be done as mental math or by writing out and solving equations.

Play it: Algebraic Reasoning at the Sweet Shop

Boat Coordinates Math Nook Online Math Games

28. Boat Coordinates

Enter the coordinates to send the boat on its way to the finish line. Stop along the way to pick up coins, but be sure to avoid obstacles. You have a limited amount of time, so think fast! This game can be customized with single-quadrant or four-quadrant boards.

Play it: Boat Coordinates

Screenshot from online math game Build a Pool to learn area calculations

29. Build a Pool

All kids dream of having their very own pool. In this game, they’ll practice area models and multiplication as they design their perfect swimming setup.

Play it: Build a Pool

Screenshot from online racing game where players solve fraction addition equations to advance

30. Speedway Fractions

It’s a race to the finish as players add fractions as quickly as they can to advance their car.

Play it: Speedway Fractions

Looking for more? Check out these Fifth Grade Math Word Problems of the Day.

Plus, sign up for our free newsletters and get all the latest teaching tips and ideas straight to your inbox.

These 5th grade math games help students tackle decimals, fractions, coordinate planes, and more, in the classroom or online.

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15 Best & Fun Math Projects for Students

A child doing math problems

Super Easy and Super Fun Math Project Ideas for Grade 1 Students

Exploratory ideas for math projects for grade 2 students, project-based learning math ideas for grade 3 students, math project-based learning ideas for grade 4 students, advanced math projects for students in grade 5.

Math projects for students are a great way to get kids interested in math . They can be used to teach new concepts, review old ones, or just provide some fun and engaging math practice. There are tons of great math projects out there, but we’ve compiled a list of fifteen easy and engaging math projects for elementary school students—the best of the best!

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1. Scoop and Cone Matching Game

What you need:

  • Cones and scoops made from felt or cardstock
  • Marker or sketch pens


Write a number on the cone. Write different combinations of addition and subtraction equations to represent the number on the scoop.

Students have to solve the equations and match the correct scoop to the cone.

Skills Learned:

Addition, subtraction, and the concept of equations

2. More or Less Dot Games

  • Ten frame cards
  • A set of dots (or colorful buttons or plastic corks to use as dots)
  • A deck of cards

Give a student a card and add some dots to it. Ask them, “How many dots are there on the card?” Once students master this, you may ask them, “What number is one more/one less?” You can also give them two cards and ask which one has more or less dots.

For two or more students, card games are a gold mine! Take a deck of cards. Snip off their corners with numerals written on them. Place the cards with their face downward. Ask each student to turn up a card. Ask them to tell whose card is “more” or “less.” Each correct answer wins them a point!

Visualizing numbers, understanding the concept of more or less, comparing numbers, addition, and subtraction

3. Shape Graphs

  • Different geometric shapes in different colors and sizes
  • Graph papers with large rows and columns (with rows mentioning shape names and columns mentioning numbers)
  • Some crayons

Distribute some graph paper among the children. Spread out some shapes in front of them. They have to find out how many shapes of each type there are and color that many boxes of relevant columns.

Recognition of geometric shapes by their names, and understanding and representing data in pictorial form

Drawing line on a sheet of paper with a ruler

4. Elementary Architects

  • Instructions and photos of room designing projects
  • 2-page student project sheet to promote reading in math
  • Note-taking forms
  • Sample blueprints for reference
  • Brainstorming sheet
  • Grid paper templates

Ask the students to design their rooms, calculate areas, and estimate flooring needs by reading the instructions, looking at the photos, and taking notes.

Students love to play architects. Allow them sufficient room for being creative to promote their spatial awareness.

Reading comprehension, estimation, area, and perimeter calculation

5. M&M’s Math Game

  • A box of colorful m&m’s
  • Graph papers for kids

Let your students dig into the box of m&m’s and take a few each. They have to count how many m&m’s of each color they got. If they count m&m’s of each color correctly, they can eat them! Otherwise, they have to return the m&m’s to the box and try again!

As they master their skills, you can take this math game to the next level. They can make a graph using graph paper and crayons! You may have to help them label the graph and the graphing part itself.

Counting, addition, making graphs

6. Hit a Home Run for Math Fact Fluency

  • DIY baseball game board with math facts
  • Number cards
  • Counters to use as baseball players—9 for each team

Write the numbers 1 to 9 in one row and 0 in the next row to make a baseball diamond.

Help your students write math facts such as doubles (2 + 2, 3 + 3, etc.), near doubles (9 + 8), addition/subtraction of 10 (8 + 2, 5 + 5), and related subtraction facts (7 – 3, 9 – 6) on the number cards.

To play, have each student roll two dice. They get to move one of their baseball players the number of spaces corresponding to the first die and then answer the math fact that corresponds to the number they landed on. If they answer correctly, they get to roll again. The first player to get three of their baseball players “home” wins!

Math facts fluency, addition, subtraction

A tamarin monkey on a tree branch

7. Place Value in the Wild Math Project

  • Digital and printable version of a student guide with detailed instructions and visuals
  • Student printables or digital recording sheets guiding students on how to select a habitat, research animals of that habitat, note sizes and lifespans of these animals, etc.

As third graders research animals as expedition scouts for Wildlife Explorers International, they learn about place values through various activities, such as representing numbers in different ways, comparing numbers, and estimating lengths, heights, and lifespans of animals.

You can ask students to use standard numbers, expanded forms, and word forms of numbers. They may also be introduced to decimals through this project.

Place value, estimation, decimals

8. The Time of Your Life

  • A printable or digital student guide with detailed instructions, visuals, and student printables
  • Analog and digital clocks (one per student pair)

In this project, students learn to read the time on both analog and digital clocks. They also practice setting the time on these clocks.

As they work in pairs, they take turns being the “teacher” and the “student.” The teacher explains to the student how to read the time on a clock. Then, the student sets the time on the clock according to the teacher’s instructions.

Or they tell how many seconds, minutes, or hours have elapsed in doing an activity.

It’s a great activity for third graders, where students can win prizes for being the best timekeepers!

Telling time, elapsed time

9. What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras?

  • A scorecard
  • Child-safe compass (optional)

Pythagorean principles are put to the test in this game! Players use a protractor and ruler (or child-safe compass) to draw angles and then measure the length of the sides of right triangles. The goal is to have the longest hypotenuse at the end of the game.

You can call out “Right-Angled Triangle” randomly, and the students have to arrange themselves in the shape in a flash. Those who do it correctly win!

You may also call out “Right Angle”, “Acute Angle”, or “Obtuse Angle” where students have to pair up instantly. If some fail to do it, they are out.

Angles, Pythagorean theorem

Wooden desk calendar

10. Calendar Math in the Classroom

  • A printable or digital calendar template

A perfect math review technique for fifth graders, calendar math is a great way to engage them in the concepts of days, weeks, months, and years. You have to display a calendar in the classroom and point out various aspects of it to the students. For example, you can ask them how many days there are in February, or how many months have 31 days, etc.

You can also use the calendar to teach place value. For instance, you can ask students to name the day on which their birthdays fall this year and write it down. Then, they can find out the day on which their birthdays will fall next year and so on.

This activity can be done with a physical calendar or a digital one. Students can use real-world objects like coins or candy to help them understand the concepts of place value, addition, and subtraction.

Days, weeks, months, years, place value, addition, subtraction

11. Run a Pizza Place

  • Pizza boxes or paper plates
  • Colorful cardboard pizzas

Bring fraction to life with this fun activity! Students run their own pizza place, where they take orders, make pizzas, and serve them to customers.

They can use play money to buy pizza toppings and then charge customers for their pizzas. They can also use fraction strips or circle fractions to create pizzas of different sizes.

Such math projects for students teach them concepts like halves, thirds, fourths, eighths, and more. And children will have a blast doing it!

Fractions, equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions

12. Hot Cocoa Project!

  • Hot cocoa stall
  • Marshmallows
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Chocolate shavings (optional)
  • Recipe book
  • Play money or real money

An excellent activity for young entrepreneurs (under adult supervision), this hot cocoa project simulates a hot cocoa stand. Students can make and sell hot cocoa to their classmates, using real or play money.

They can follow a recipe to make the hot cocoa mix, and then use it to make individual cups of hot cocoa. They can also add marshmallows, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings to their hot cocoa, and charge extra for these toppings.

This activity is a great way to teach children about money, measurement, and fractions. And they’ll love getting creative with the hot cocoa mix!

Money, measurement, fractions, addition, subtraction

Children working on math project in class

13. Performance Math Art

  • Props or costumes (optional)
  • A video recording device (such as a smartphone)

Divide students into groups of 2 to 4 and ask them to prepare a performance art (dramatic poetry, song, or a skit) to explain the Order of Operations (or any other mathematical concepts, such as area and perimeter, exponents and roots, or geometry).

After they have practiced, film their final performance. Students can watch the videos to revise the concept later.

Students may also review each other’s performance in terms of delivery, clarity, and creativity to give constructive feedback.

Order of operations, area and perimeter, exponents and roots, geometry

14. Probably Probability

  • DIY probability tables

An inspirational idea for kinesthetic learners, this activity gets students up and about as they experiment with probability.

Provide each student with a die (or multiple dice) and a coin. Ask them to roll the die (or dice), flip the coin, and record their results in a table. They can create their probability tables.

Once they have collected enough data, they can look for patterns and predict the probability of certain events.

Probability, independent and dependent events, expected values

15. The Theme Park Project

  • Theme Park templates (for guidance)
  • Construction paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Markers or crayons
  • Small toys (optional)

This project is perfect for a math class that is learning about geometry and measurement. Students will use their knowledge of shapes, angles, and measurements to create a mini theme park.

They can start by choosing a template (or creating their own) and then cutting out the shapes from construction paper. Once they have all the pieces, they can assemble their theme park and add details with markers or crayons.

They can also add small toys to their theme park if they wish. Finally, they can measure the area and perimeter of their creation.

Children can dream up new rides, give them outlandish names, create menus for concession stands, and research healthy and junk foods!

A lot of math happens in everyday life if we just look for it.

Geometry, measurement, area, perimeter

By working on these fun projects, students can learn and practice various math skills, from basic counting and graphing to more advanced concepts such as fractions and decimals. These math projects for students can be used to supplement your regular math curriculum or as a standalone activity. Either way, your students are sure to enjoy them!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i make sure my students are engaged in the project.

Make sure to give your students a chance to be creative and have fun with the projects. For example, with the “Theme Park Project,” encourage them to develop their own designs and be as creative as possible with the details. With the “Probably Probability” project, let them experiment with different ways of collecting data and see what patterns they can find.

Do I need to prepare anything in advance?

It largely depends on the project you choose. For some projects, you may want to prepare templates in advance. For others, such as the “Probably Probability” project, you only need dice and coins.

How long should the projects take?

Again, it depends on the project. Some math projects for students require several days to complete. Others can be done in one class period or a few minutes.

5th grade math research projects

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Home > CSMCE > Math in the Middle > MATHMIDACTIONRESEARCH > 13

Math in the Middle Institute Partnership

Action research projects, using math vocabulary building to increase problem solving abilities in a 5th grade classroom.

Julane Amen

Date of this Version

A report on an action research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for participation in the Math in the Middle Institute, Ruth Heaton, Advisor. July, 2006.

In this action research study of my 5th grade mathematics class, I investigated how students’ understanding of math vocabulary impacts their understanding of the curriculum. I discovered math vocabulary plays an important role in a student’s ability to understand daily lessons, complete homework, discuss ideas in groups, take tests and be successful on achievement tests. A student’s ability to understand the words around him (or her) in math class seem very related to his or her ability to solve word problems. Word problems are what our national assessments are all about. I also discovered that direct instruction and support of math vocabulary increased test scores and confidence in students as test takers. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to find ways to emphasize the vocabulary used in our current math curriculum. This process will start at the beginning of the year. I will continue to look for strategies that promote math vocabulary retention in my students. And finally, I will share my findings with my colleagues, so my research can be used as part of our School Improvement Goals.

Since June 29, 2010

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Miss Glitter Teaches

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in Math · April 4, 2023

5 End of the Year Activities for 5th Graders

5 end of the year activities for 5th graders

Can you believe that it is almost the end of the school year? It’s something about April that gets me thinking about the end of the year. It’s the month after spring break, state testing season is drawing near, and the weather is getting warmer! With all of that happening at the same time, I need to remember to have some fun! So I’m rounding up my favorite end-of-the-year activities for 5th graders. These activities are all low prep for me but high engagement for my students! Win-win!

End of the Year Activities for 5th Graders: Math Poster Project Ideas

I love a good math poster project any time of the year. But I really love to use math projects at the end of the year. They provide students with some level of academics (hey it’s still school right?!) but allow a little more creativity. 

The math poster project could be related to anything that you’ve taught this year. I like to wrap up activities and ones that can combine multiple standards together. Leaving projects open-ended like posing the question: ‘what have you learned in math this year?’ can get a lot of good ideas. Having students make a one-pager for each unit you’ve discussed is another good wrap-up math poster project.

Pre-Made Math Projects

Want end-of-the-year activities for 5th graders that review? Topics like operations on decimal numbers and multiply and divide fractions are great skills to review at the end of the year. Send students on a shopping adventure or fraction bake-off to review!

I created different math poster project options made for upper elementary topics. All of the prep is done for you including rubrics and digital options for simple assigning. Be sure to check out the bundle below .

upper elementary math poster project bundle

Giving students a math poster project can also allow some group work which might be different than the rest of the school year. It’s a good time of the school year to be slightly more relaxed with rules from the rest of the year. Group work can be a little iffy at times but students know each other so much more at the end of the year. 

You also know your class best at this point of the year. If a math poster project doesn’t sound right for your class, there are a bunch of other end of the year activities for 5th graders to pick from.

tons of end of the year activities for 5th graders

Choice Board Templates

If a math poster project doesn’t fit the bill, I’ve got more end of the year activities for 5th graders! Choice board templates are another fun way to offer choices and projects at the end of the school year. 

Choice board templates can be used for any subject which makes this work for any part of the day!

How to come up with choices? I like to think about different learning styles and have a few options for each. Think about making a quiz, writing a song, creating a video, writing step-by-step directions, or creating a visual representation of the topic. 

I have pre-created choice boards for math if you teach that! If not, I have choice boards with google slides that are blank choice board templates to use with anything. Choose the option that works best for you! 

5th grade math choice boards

Math Station Rotations

More end of the year activities for 5th graders can be anything new that you want to try for next year. Math station rotations are the first thing that comes to mind. 

It’s easier to try out something new with your ‘old’ students because you know them best. You can set expectations and work out any stumbling blocks with your current students before starting something new in the fall.

Worried about starting math station rotations? No worries! I created a free 5 part video series that talks all about the who, what, when, where, why, and how of setting up math centers in your upper elementary classroom. Drop your email below and I’ll send you all 5 videos to watch on your own time. Easiest PD ever and it will get your math stations starting off on the right foot. 

Games for Mathematics

Starting math stations? Just want to play games? These end of the year activities for 5th graders are perfect for that! These games for mathematics are a fun time filler during your math block or as a review for state testing. 

End of the Year Activities for 5th Graders: Dice Games for Kids

I love a good open-ended, math game and these dice games for kids are a great end of the year option. Students roll a die to create different math problems and then solve them. Simple but engaging. This is also a fun game to take outside when the weather is nice as there aren’t a lot of pieces or parts. If you want to learn more about dice games how to be sure to check out this blog post .

dice games for kids

Games with Multiplication Facts

Who doesn’t need to practice their multiplication facts? Whether in 3rd or 6th grade, multiplication facts are a must! These games with multiplication facts are fun, low prep, and easy to play in short amounts of time. Check out this blog post where I round up 5 games with multiplication facts to play with your class.

games with multiplication facts

Grade 5 Maths Games

Looking for math games grade 5 that would be perfect for reviewing before state testing? This bundle has got all of the Common Core State Standards. Print and play games with no additional pieces make Tic Tac Toe a dream to use. Incorporate these grade 5 maths games into math station rotations or use them as a whole group lesson before state testing. Speaking of state testing, I shared some must-have test taking strategies elementary students need in this blog post !

grade 5 maths games

5th Grade Maths Test

End of the year activities for 5th graders can sometimes include tests. This 5th Grade Maths Test Bundle has all of the standards broken down into units. A quiz and 2 versions of the unit test are included. These make great tools for progress monitoring during your last few units, or as an option to see where your students are on skills that you’ve taught. 

end of the year activities for 5th graders

More End of the Year Activities for 5th Graders

Want even more end of the year activities for 5th graders? These blog posts have so many more ideas on how to keep students excited and learning even to the last day of school!

  • 10 End of Year Activities for Middle School
  • 35 Fun End-of-Year Assignments and Activities for Every Kind of Classroom
  • 37 Awesome End-of-the-Year Activities
  •   Splash into Summer with these 20 End of the Year Activities

I’d love to know what your favorite end of the year activities for 5th graders is! Share your ideas in the comments!

end of year activities for middle school

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