the beauty industry essay pdf

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The beauty industry summary author intro & questions.

The Beauty Industry

The Beauty Industry

“The Beauty Industry” is an essay, of modern English Essays from the syllabus of B.A/ADP part-II. This post covers; about the author, summary of the essay, and important questions and answers.

Aldous Leonardo Huxley (July 26, 1894- November 28, 1963) born in England was an English writer, philosopher, and a prominent member of the Huxley family. He was the third son of a writer and schoolmaster.

He was best known for his novels including Brave New World and nonfiction work such as The Doors of Perception. He was also a humanist, pacifist and satirist. Later he got interested in psychological mysticism. He always used to explore the inner beauty of the things around him.

 It is for the main reason that in this essay, he registered his revolt against the superficial standards of the internally hollow people. He was widely known as one of the pre-eminent intellectuals of his time. He wrote novels, short stories, poetry, travel books, essays, and screenplays.

His famous novels include Crome Yellow, Antic Hay, Those Barren Leaves, Point Counter Point, and Eyeless in Gaza, etc. His famous essay collections include Ends and Means, The Art of Seeing, The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, etc. His writings show philosophical insight and satire.

Summary | Main Idea of the Essay

In this essay, Huxley has analyzed the causes of the tremendous increase in the use of beauty products in America and Europe. He has also indicated the impact of beauty aids on the appearance and health of users. Huxley says that the women of the modern age are extravagant and spend extra money on their physical beauty.

 The writer humorously says that the women of old age are rare nowadays. American women spend about three million pounds a week or one hundred and fifty-six million a year on their faces and bodies. This amount is more than twice the revenue of India. The American magazines contain a large number of beauty ads.

This industry can compete with the movies or automobile industry. There are some reasons for this extravagant beauty. Firstly, they are now free to use cosmetics as compared to the past. They are free to earn and spend. Secondly, there is a general increase in prosperity. Now the people are wealthier than their forefathers. The rich have the habit of keeping up their personal appearances. So the poor people also imitate the rich and wealthy people. Women are conscious of beauty and its right.

The old ladies with white hair, wrinkles and bending back, and hollow cheeks are disappearing very fast. Now, today women of every age look attractive, smart, and artificially beautiful. In this process, they forget religious restrictions.

In this modern century, women are working in every field of life and they know to look beautiful. This is their right and they are passionate about attaining this right. The skin foods, facial surgery, facial mask, injection of paraffin wax, and different lotions make the women attractive and beautiful.

There is no difference between the portrait of a mother and her daughter. The beauty industry is successful in all aspects. Huxley laments that the craze for women to look beautiful is failed in many aspects. In the modern age, women are mad to use cosmetics and other skin products.

Cosmetics may hide wrinkles of old age and hollow cheeks but not a corruption of the soul and inner self. In the pursuit to look young and attractive, women forget their spiritual beauty. But spiritual charm is more vital than outer beauty.

In advanced countries, women have no limit to thinking about soul purgation. That’s why they forget their inner beauty and only adorn their faces with beauty products. This may sometimes lead them to dull faces in spite of paint and make-up. So, the beauty industry is a failure.

According to Huxley, a woman is not like an ajar that requires exterior beauty or decoration. She should focus on interior beauty and inner self purity. Huxley believes that cosmetics may hide wrinkles but not soul corruption.

He points out that beauty is the name of good health, while ugliness is the name of some vices which live in the human soul. Huxley says that a campaign for beautification is a failure because it does not touch the beauty of the soul. If a woman is immoral, mean, and ugly inwardly or spiritually, she cannot be called beautiful.

Important Questions and their Answers

Even the great depression could not beat down the American women’s habit of makeup. Explain it with reference to the essay The Beauty Industry.

Aldous Huxley is an English poet, novelist, short story writer, and essayist. In this essay The Beauty Industry he shows the causes of the craze or trend of beautification in the modern age. General prosperity causes an increase in beautification.

The women of the elite and rich classes take great care of their physical appearance. So, prosperity results in a great change of life. It is because they have enough money to spend on the decoration of their faces. This change in the status of women also makes women freer than they were in the past.

So, they are free and independent to attend the social function of their own choice. The American women spend a huge amount of their monthly income on the purchase of the different items of toilet and make-up. Roundabout one hundred and fifty million pounds are annually spent on make-up and other items of women’s toilet.

This huge use of money is even more than the annual budget of India. It also makes the beauty industry prosperous and successful. Moreover, the annual expenses of one hundred and fifty-six million pounds never let the beauty industry decline. That’s why the American beauty industry never becomes a victim of the slump.

The American women retain their physical appearance by using different items of a toilet. These are such as modern massage machines, paraffin injections, patent oils, hair lotions, nail polishes, puffs, powders, and costly creams. The lavish use of these costly items makes their toilet and make-up expensive.

Modern women do so merely in order to appear or look more attractive and charming than the women of the past. Not only, do they spend too much money on their make-up but also on their facial surgery? In brief, we can say that the more the beauty items and products are, the more the new trends and cults are growing. So, the writer has rightly said that nowadays the beauty industry is more successful and flourishing than any other industry.

How has it become possible for a grandmother to look as young as her granddaughter?

Why and how have old women disappeared from western society?

Why does Huxley refer to a Repellent in the make-up of some modern women?

The Beauty Industry, we mean every kind of item of make-up and toilet which women use for decorating or beautifying their bodies. All the items of make-up such as puffs, powders, lipstick, nail polishes, blushes, eye-brows, perfumes, body sprays, lotions, and oils of different kinds, etc are produced in the factories on a large scale.

Women lavishly use all these toilet items or articles. In this way, they use a huge amount of their monthly income on them. As a result, it becomes a successful and flourishing business today. In the past age, women who paid much attention to their physical appearances and outer beauty were regarded as wicked.

Now, in the present or modern age, this trend has been changed. Beautification and make-up of faces are a symbol of women’s lofty status in life. Moreover, it is also not considered a sign of moral corruption. So, beauty is regarded as a sign of good health. Ugliness is thought to be some kind of disease or sickness.

So, in order to look much more attractive, charming beautiful, young, and pretty, women incline to the beautification of their physical appearance on a large scale. In their habit of over-painting of faces, women use so many toilet articles for making up their faces.

As a result, they seem to be wearing masks. They cease even to look human at all. Their faces are not pretty, attractive, and soft because they are inwardly hard and dead. Their faces look repulsive because they lack inner beauty and spirituality.

Modern women succeed in retaining their outer beauty with the lavish use of make-up and toilet for a long time. In this way, the old women look young and graceful. As a result, sometimes, it becomes difficult to differentiate between a real young lady and an old one.

Huxley rightly, remarks that people will be lacking old grandmothers in the future. The reason is, that white hair, wrinkles, a bent back, and hollow cheeks will come to be considered old-fashioned defaults.

How does the writer prove that the real beauty of a jar is in an affair of the inner self?

Why does Huxley compare women to porcelain jar?

How is the human body compared to a China jar in the essay The Beauty Industry?

In what sense does Huxley give the example of a porcelain jar?

Huxley, s view is for moral beauty rather than physical beauty. Discuss.

Express in your words Huxley’s view on beauty and ugliness.

What is the moral of the essay the Beauty Industry? How, according to Huxley, does spiritual ugliness affect surface beauty?

In the essay, The Beauty Industry Huxley very beautifully and clearly gives his views on beauty. He does not favor the women who try to look beautiful and attractive with the help of the lavish use of make-up. He criticizes their craze for beautification because they try to look beautiful by the means of artificial methods.

He thinks that real beauty is not a matter of make-up or the use of toilet articles only. According to him, real beauty is as much an affair of the inner self as of the outer self. Huxley is of the firm view that the beauty of a woman cannot be compared to the beauty of a porcelain jar(the China jar).

The beauty of a flower pot is a matter of shape, color, surface, and texture. The jar may be empty or filled with spiders, full of honey or stinking material, it makes no difference to its beauty or ugliness. But a woman is an alive entity and her beauty is therefore not skin deep.

The surface of the human vessel is affected by the nature of its spiritual contents. The writer is of the firm view that real beauty is not merely a matter of face or skin but of the beauty of mind and soul. The writer has seen many women who by the standard of perfect beauty are highly pretty.

They have a fine body shape, lovely color or complexion, and attractive physic but they can’t be called beautiful because they are inwardly or spiritually ugly. In simple words, it means to say if a woman is empty spiritually. She can’t become impressive or attractive just by beautifying or decorating her face.

A pretty woman must be attractive and impressive from the outside as well as from the inside. Some old women try to hide their hollow cheeks by using different beauty aids and cosmetics. Moreover, women themselves have invented some cults of beautification which keep them aware of their physical appearance.

As a result, they use toilet products of all kinds lavishly. Their artificial methods of make-up and toilet cause some serious physical faults. In spite of their use of different aids and cosmetics on their faces, there always remains a deficiency that causes ugliness under the surface of their extra make-up.

As a result, sometimes they cease to be wearing masks. In this way, they often seem like ghosts under their assumed guise of artificial make–up. Huxley thinks that every woman can look beautiful if she becomes spiritually beautiful at first.

There is irony and humor in the essay The Beauty Industry. Discuss

Point out examples of irony and humor in this essay.

The Beauty Industry is a funny and satirical essay. Explain it in your words.

Huxley openly and aptly makes fun of the cult or craze of the modern women who decorate their visages with unnatural aids or products of the toilet. He ironically says that the beauty industry in America kept on flourishing even during the great depression or crisis.

It is because American women spend roundabout three million pounds a week on their lavish use of toilet products. They decorate their faces just outwardly but neglect their inner beauty. The writer very beautifully and aptly combines irony and humor to express his point of view about women’s craze for unnatural and artificial beauty. He creates fun by saying;

Europe is poor, and a face can cost as much in upkeep as a Rolls Royce. The most that the majority of European women can do; is just to wash and hope for the best.

The writer ironically says about the British Marton that we are sometimes naturally shocked to see her appearance but normally we are not shocked. He further says in a funny manner.

In Paris, where this over-painting is most pronounced, many women have ceased to look human at all. He further ironically and humorously remarks: The crone of the further will be golden curly and cherry lipped, neat-ankled and slender.

In simple words, he means to say that people will be lacking old grandmothers. The reason is, that white hair, wrinkles, a bent back, and hollow cheeks will come to be considered old-fashioned.

The campaign for more physical beauty seems to be both a tremendous success and a lamentable failure. Elaborate

How can the beauty industry be called a failure?

The essay The Beauty Industry imparts a deep moral lesson to the readers. Beauty is not a skin-deep idea rather it is a matter of good manners and great ethics. According to Huxley, real beauty is as much an affair of the inner self as of the outer self.

Women decorate their faces and bodies with the lavish use of toilet products in order to look young, attractive, and graceful. In this way, they often neglect the need of purifying their inner self. Though their lavish use of beauty aids and toilet products adorn their faces yet they cannot decorate their souls with purity.

In other words, it means to say that a woman cannot hide the ugliness or corruption of her inner- self with the use of cosmetics. Huxley gives an example of a porcelain jar. A woman is not like a China jar or flower pot that needs outer decoration. So, a woman cannot be compared to the beauty o a flower pot.

Rather, it involves some other human aspects as well. The beauty of good manners, great ethics, and courtesy brings real beauty. Ideal beauty also lies in harmony. If there is no harmony between the inner and the outer, it is not real beauty. So, only that woman can be called real impressive and attractive who s beautiful both inertly and outer.

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5 thoughts on “ The Beauty Industry Summary Author Intro & Questions ”

Thanks mam g

Mam what is the meaning of tremendous.

What is meant by extravagant.

What is the meaning of soul purgation.

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How COVID-19 is changing the world of beauty

The global beauty industry (comprising skin care, color cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, and personal care) has been shocked by the COVID-19 crisis. First-quarter sales have been weak, and there have been widespread store closures.

The industry has responded positively to the crisis, with brands switching their manufacturing to produce hand sanitizers and cleaning agents and offering free beauty services for frontline response workers. At the same time, the industry’s leaders have a responsibility to do their best to ensure that their companies survive. The global beauty industry generates $500 billion in sales a year and accounts for millions of jobs, directly and indirectly. Lives come first, but livelihoods also matter .

This article examines the likely effects of COVID-19 on the beauty industry over the next three to six months. Then it explores how the crisis could fundamentally change the industry in the long term—and how retailers, strategic players, and investors can adapt. In many cases, it draws from the results of a McKinsey Global Consumer Sentiment Survey  that took place in early April.

The short-term outlook for the beauty industry

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but there is little debate when it comes to the long-term attractiveness of the global beauty industry. Not only has it grown steadily, it has created generations of loyal consumers. During the 2008 financial crisis, spending in the industry only fell slightly and fully bounced back by 2010 (Exhibit 1).

Even though the economic magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic on brands and retailers will be far greater than any recession, there are signs that the beauty industry may once again prove relatively resilient. In China, the industry’s February sales fell up to 80 percent compared with 2019. In March, the year-on-year decline was 20 percent—a rapid rebound under the circumstances. In a variety of markets, consumers report they intend to spend less on beauty products in the near term (largely driven by declines in spending on color cosmetics) but more than they will in other discretionary categories, such as footwear and clothing (Exhibit 2). Noting the uptick in lipstick sales seen during the 2001 recession, Leonard Lauder of the cosmetics company coined the term “lipstick index” to describe this phenomenon. The principle is that people see lipstick as an affordable luxury, and sales therefore tend to stay strong, even in times of duress.

McKinsey has explored nine scenarios for the economy over the next few years , based on epidemiological trends and the effectiveness of economic-policy decisions. Based on the scenarios most expected by global executives  and current trends, we estimate global beauty-industry revenues could fall 20 to 30 percent in 2020. In the United States, if there is a COVID-19 recurrence later in the year, the decline could be as much as 35 percent (Exhibit 3).

We looked at the beauty industry’s recovery against each scenario, considering two key factors: where and how beauty products are being sold and what is being purchased.

Where and how beauty products are being sold

In most major beauty-industry markets, in-store shopping accounted for up to 85 percent of beauty-product purchases prior to the COVID-19 crisis, with some variation by subcategory. Even online-savvy American millennials and Gen Zers (those born between 1980 and 1996) made close to 60 percent of their purchases in stores (Exhibit 4). With the closure of premium beauty-product outlets because of COVID-19, approximately 30 percent of the beauty-industry market was shut down. Some of these stores will never open again, and new openings will likely be delayed for at least a year.

Here are several ways beauty-product sales are changing:

  • Increased online sales are not offsetting the decline in in-store sales. Some beauty-product brands and retailers with inventory and shipment operations ready to scale up are reporting e-commerce sales twice as high as their pre-COVID-19 levels. Overall, we think 20 to 30 percent growth will be more typical. Sephora’s US online sales are reportedly up 30 percent versus 2019, 1 Priya Rao, “How Sephora is incubating the ‘next guard’ online,” Glossy, April 14, 2020, as were Amazon’s beauty-product sales for the four-week period ending April 11. In China, McKinsey research has seen online revenues for beauty-industry players rise 20 to 30 percent during the outbreak. These figures are in line with what beauty-product consumers are reporting in McKinsey COVID-19 Consumer Pulse Surveys .
  • Beauty-product sales at essential retailers are down. While brick-and-mortar drugstores and mass-market and grocery stores remain open, their customer traffic and revenues have plummeted. The Boots UK drugstore chain reported its overall sales fell by two-thirds between March 25 and April 3, 2020, with beauty-product revenues contributing to the decline. Surveyed UK consumers say they expect to spend around 50 percent less on beauty products than usual in the next two weeks.
  • China shows the return to in-store shopping could be slow and differentiated. Despite store reopenings in China starting the week of March 13 and reports of “revenge spending,” sales have not fully bounced back. As of mid-April, 90 percent of drugstores, supermarkets, beauty-product specialty retailers, and department stores in China had reopened. However, depending on the sector and type of store, traffic remains down 9 to 43 percent compared with pre-COVID-19 levels. Mall-based stores have proven slower to recover. Even after reopening, around 60 percent of large malls in China report a 30 to 70 percent decrease in sales, year on year, in the first quarter of 2020.
  • Retailers and brands are turning to promotions to bring in consumers and clear inventory. In an uncharacteristic move, several prestige brands are offering discounts online of up to 40 percent, competing with specialty beauty-product and department stores to capture promotion-oriented consumers. Promotions also help move unsold seasonal inventory. As beauty-product brick-and-mortar stores reopen, we expect to see more promotions aimed at reclaiming customer foot traffic.

Which beauty products are being purchased

Given the realities of working from home, physical distancing, and mask wearing, it has become much less important to wear makeup and fragrance.

For prestige brands, we see 55 and 75 percent declines in cosmetic and fragrance purchasing, respectively, versus a year ago. When consumers do return to work, many will continue to wear masks, further slowing makeup’s recovery. One possible exception is above-the-mask treatments. In China, Alibaba reported eye-cosmetic sales increased 150 percent, month over month, during the week of February 18, 2020. 2 Christine Chou, “Huda Beauty catches the eyes of Chines consumers,” Alizila, March 30, 2020,

By contrast, skin-care, hair-care, and bath-and-body products appear to be benefiting from self-care and pampering trends. NPD, which tracks consumer spending and point-of-sale data, recorded that sales of luxury hand soap in France were up 800 percent the week of March 16, 2020, as the country went into lockdown. 3 “Confinement: Mauvaise passe pour les produits de beauté haut de gamme ... à deux exceptions près [in French],” Fashion Network, April 10, 2020, Zalando, Europe’s largest fashion and lifestyle e-commerce marketplace, reported a boom in pampering and self-care beauty categories, including candles, aromatherapy, and detox products; sales of skin-, nail-, and hair-care products were up 300 percent, year on year. 4 “What Zalando customers are buying as they’re asked to stay home,” Zalando, April 16, 2020, That is consistent with results from Amazon, for which most makeup sales in the United States are showing slight declines, compared with the same month in 2019, while sales for nail-care products (218 percent), hair coloring (172 percent), and bath-and-body products (65 percent) are way up (Exhibit 5).

Another notable trend is the rise of do-it-yourself (DIY) beauty care. Many beauty salons have closed, and even in places where they have not, consumers are forgoing services because of concerns about close physical contact. In addition, many consumers will likely face economic difficulties after the COVID-19 crisis, given the loss of jobs and savings. In McKinsey’s survey of UK consumers , 66 percent believe their finances will be affected for at least two months because of COVID-19, and 36 percent say they are cutting back on spending.

As a result, DIY hair coloring, nail care, and care in other beauty categories are finding new customers. In the United States, Nielsen reported rises in the sales of hair dye and hair clippers by 23 and 166 percent, respectively, in the first week of April 2020 versus a year ago. 5 Alicia Wallace, “Walmart CEO says we’re in the ‘hair color’ phase of panic buying,” CNN Business, April 11, 2020, Sales of Madison Reed at-home hair-coloring kits rose tenfold from mid-March to mid-April. 6 Megan Cerullo, “Sales of hair-dye kits jump as stuck-at-home workers cut off from salons,” CBS News, March 27, 2020, In the United Kingdom, online sales of prestige-brand nail polish have seen double-digit growth every week since lockdown began in March. This surge in DIY nail care has some speculating that the current crisis’s lipstick effect has an added dimension—the “nail-polish effect.” 7 Sandra Halliday, “Nail care is the UK’s ‘lipstick effect’ in Covid-19 crisis, French brands benefit,” Fashion Network, April 8, 2020,

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on the beauty industry

Some changes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis are likely to be permanent. Here are three areas in which the pandemic could alter the beauty industry in fundamental ways:

  • Digital continues to rise. Pre-COVID-19 trends will likely accelerate, with direct-to-consumer e-commerce, such as brands’ websites, shoppable social-media platforms, and marketplaces becoming more important. Across the globe, consumers indicate they are likely to increase their online engagement and spending. Beauty-industry players will need to prioritize digital channels to capture and convert the attention of existing and new customers. On the operations side, the use of artificial intelligence for testing, discovery, and customization will need to accelerate as concerns about safety and hygiene fundamentally disrupt product testing and in-person consultations.
  • The pace of innovation accelerates. As the COVID-19 crisis has shown, the world can change quickly, bringing substantial shifts in demand. Sometimes, supply cannot catch up. Even before the pandemic, brands were under pressure to overhaul their product-innovation pipelines, inspired by the ability of digital-native direct-to-consumer brands to go from concept to cupboard in less than a month. Now, the need for speed is even greater. To achieve it, there may be a greater role for contract manufacturers, both to diversify (and thus reduce production risks) and to serve as thought partners in product innovation. There is also potential for closer collaboration—among brands and retailers, in particular—through data sharing and inventory pooling.
  • M&A rises as multiples fall. With the COVID-19 crisis causing significant damage to the balance sheets of brands, retailers, and suppliers, many companies will need to find new sources of capital. At the same time, given the hits to revenues and the global economy, multiples could fall from precrisis levels, when some brands were trading for more than eight times revenue or 10 to 15 times earnings.

While the beauty industry may be in a relatively stronger position than other consumer categories, 2020 will be one of the worst years it has ever endured. We believe, however, that the industry will remain attractive in the long run. The COVID-19 crisis is likely to accelerate trends that were already shaping the market, such as the rise of the global middle class and the use of e-commerce, rather than mark entirely new ground. Consumers across the globe are showing by their actions that they still find comfort in the simple pleasures of a “self-care Sunday” or a swipe of lipstick before a Zoom meeting.

Even before the pandemic, the definition of “beauty” was becoming more global, expansive, and intertwined with individuals’ sense of well-being. The COVID-19 crisis is not likely to change these trends—and in that, there is reason for hope.

Emily Gerstell and Emma Spagnuolo are associate partners in McKinsey’s New Jersey office, Sophie Marchessou is a partner in the Paris office, and Jennifer Schmidt is a senior partner in the Minneapolis office.

The authors wish to thank Sara Hudson, Aimee Kim, Dale Kim, Sajal Kohli, Jessica Moulton, Kelsey Robinson, Tom Skiles, Kristi Weaver, and Daniel Zipser for their contributions to this article.

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Fine Lines is a study investigating the language used in adverts for female facial cosmetics (excluding makeup) in UK Vogue magazine. The study queries whether this has been affected by the introduction and rise in popularity of minimally invasive aesthetic procedures to alleviate the signs of facial ageing. The contemporary cultural landscape is explored: this includes the ubiquitous nature of advertising as well as the growth of the skincare market. Emergent thematic analysis of selected advertisements showed a change in the language used before the introduction of the aesthetic procedures (1992 and 1993) compared with later years (2006 and 2007). We have noted a decline in numbers of advertisements within some themes (nourishing in particular showed a marked fall in number of mentions) while others have shown increases (those offering protection against UV radiation and pollution increased by 50% in the later data set). The remaining thematic categories were relatively constant o...

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This study sought to ascertain whether women in Uyo metropolis are influenced in their consumption of cosmetics by advertisements and model usage in advertising. The study was informed by the widespread assumption that the use of models in advertising by manufacturers significantly influenced women's preferred brands and choice of cosmetics. The study employed the survey research method and the instrument for data gathering was the questionnaire. Four hundred copies of questionnaire were distributed using purposive sampling method. From the study, the research found out that although women appreciate and greatly patronise cosmetic products, the use of models in advertisement was not a major consideration in their purchase decisions. Rather the quality of the products transmitted through the word of mouth from friends, families and peers were the major determinants of the choices of cosmetics' products. Nevertheless, some respondents particularly the young women were to some extent influenced by the personality of the models used. The researcher therefore recommends that, there is need for increased advertising strategies and initiatives using models that have believable personalities and can resonate with the target audience. Secondly, policies should be put in place to ensure that advertising messages are in sync with the product qualities as consumers are increasingly disbelieving advertising messages.


Beauty has been the prerogative of the fairer sex since ages. The image a person protects is of basic and significant importance to career development, opportunity, peer status and ultimate achievement. Good health and attractive appearance has always been an asset to a person moving in good society. The cult of beauty is no longer the prerogative of the idle rich women, but a social fact, not a luxury but an obligation and not a necessity but a priority for every woman, whatever is her standing in the society. During the last two decades, women have understood the importance of beautification more than ever before. This led to an increase in the protection of beauty aids and of toiletries and cosmetics. These cosmetics are used to make an individual appear better, more attractive or more impressive. Cosmetics are produced in various forms like creams, gels, colognes. Cosmetics business provides employment opportunities to millions of people. Today cosmetics play a great role in everyday life and the cosmetic industry has developed into a billion dollar business and earns a huge amount of foreign exchange.

Behind the Façade: Motivations for Cosmetic Usage by Women.

Barbara Kingsley

Given the wealth of literature on appearance manipulation generally, it is, perhaps, surprising that cosmetic usage receives so little empirical attention, and perhaps reflects a patriarchal approach to "appropriate" research areas. Incorporating a postfeminist approach, the current study aims to address, in part, this lacuna by providing a contemporary synopsis of the various and diverse motivations for cosmetic usage. Online, written responses to a semi-structured questionnaire were collected. In response to six broad questions, for example, "Why do you currently use cosmetics?", respondents were encouraged to write, in as much detail as they liked, on their motivations for using cosmetics. Thematic analysis, using deductive and inductive approaches, revealed four main themes: "Multiple selves"-Conformity, Impression Management, and Judgment; Enhancement and Confidence; Fun, Creativity and Well-being; and Signification and Identity. Whilst some of the...

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  1. Summary of 'The Beauty Industry'

    Huxley loads his essay The Beauty Industry' with irony, satire and humour. The modern cult of beauty has become an industry, especially in America. It has led to the invention of many articles and techniques that keep old age away and invest perpetual youth on women. Beauty Industry is obviously a success in business, but it has destroyed the ...

  2. Aldous Huxley. Complete Essays. Vol. Ill: 1930-1935.

    puritanism, machinery, progress, leisure activities, drugs, stupidity, the beauty industry, etc. etc. The list could be extended considerably; the section contains almost one hundred essays. A few remarks seem to be called for as far as the editing of the volume is con cerned. In "A Note on This Edition" the editors concede that three essays "were

  3. University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository

    will address the relationship in the results section. A woman's anxiety can come from hundreds of sources; beauty advertisements, peer. pressure, innate feelings of insecurity, etc. It has been found that overall the beauty industry has. a negative effect on a woman's self-esteem, body image, and perception of beauty.

  4. The Beauty Industry Summary Author Intro & Questions

    Answer. Aldous Huxley is an English poet, novelist, short story writer, and essayist. In this essay The Beauty Industry he shows the causes of the craze or trend of beautification in the modern age. General prosperity causes an increase in beautification.

  5. Taking a good look at the beauty industry

    The beauty industry—encompassing skin care, color cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, and personal care—had a beast of a year in 2020: sales of color cosmetics fell by 33 percent globally, while overall retail sales in the beauty category declined by 15 percent.But the industry has been resilient in the past, and experts are predicting a return to growth in 2022.

  6. (PDF) Globalizing Beauty: A Cultural History of the Beauty Industry

    9! FROM CLEANUP TO MAKEUP (1920-1990) The second stage of the growth of the beauty industry began around the 1920's when. Hollywood first started to have a major impact on women's self ...

  7. The beauty market in 2023: New industry trends

    Beauty is now an industry that many people, from top-tier financiers to A-list celebrities, want to be a part of—and with good reason. Following a solid recovery since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the beauty market is expected to reach approximately $580 billion by 2027, growing by a projected 6 percent a year (Exhibit 1).

  8. BA English Modern Essay 9, The Beauty Industry

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    the beauty industry in the UK and elsewhere, which describe it as a highly feminised and devalued sector that depends on expert knowl - edge, physical labour and, due to its service aspect ...

  10. PDF The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women

    industry dictate. Overall, though, audiences (more publicly than privately) seemed to feel that questioning beauty ideals was not only unfeminine but almost un-American. For a reader in the twenty-first century this may be hard to believe, but way back in 1991, it was considered quite heretical to

  11. (PDF) Women, makeup, and authenticity: Negotiating embodiment and

    PDF | This essay examines women's makeup practices and cultural tension between inner and outer constructs of beauty in the United States. ... beauty. Adding to this, cosmetic industry discourse ...

  12. Essay 9 The Beauty Industry Ba Part 2 forth year Modern Essay 9 The

    the beauty industry summary modern essay beauty industry beauty industry essay ba english modern essay notes pdf Essay 9 Ba Part 2 forth year Modern Essay 9 The Beauty Industry by Aldous Huxley online lecture. Courses List. Study Programs; 6th; Punjab Board 7th; Punjab Board 8th; Federal Board 9th; Punjab Board 9th;

  13. TopSCHOLAR®

    America during the 1900s and studied how the makeup industry has evolved into what it. is today. Rihanna's launch of Fenty Beauty in 2017 was seen as the start of a new era, challenging beauty brands to be more inclusive. As Fenty created a new industry standard. of 40 shades, many other brands followed suit.

  14. (PDF) The global beauty industry, colorism, racism and the national

    The global beauty industry, comprising largely of the biological reconstruction/cosmetics surgery, is symptomatic of changing cultural contours. It is rooted in the homogenizing notions of beauty associated with 'whiteness' and 'thinness', deeply entrenched in race science, eugenics and colonialism.

  15. PDF Diversity in Beauty

    The beauty industry has been criticized for neglecting people of color and glamorizing a certain representation. The predominance of white western concepts of beauty among multiple ethnic groups in the United States has raised concern [7]. In order to bring awareness, beauty companies have researched ways to include everyone.

  16. (PDF) The Business of Diversity in the Beauty Industry: Fenty Beauty

    This research work questions several main themes of the American society and way of life; the importance of beauty in social integration, and the impact of marketing in this pursuit, but more generally the role and place of African American women in the USA today, from a mainstream culture made with and partly by marketing and the media, to a multicultural way of life involving minorities and ...

  17. How the beauty industry can survive coronavirus

    The global beauty industry (comprising skin care, color cosmetics, hair care, fragrances, and personal care) has been shocked by the COVID-19 crisis. First-quarter sales have been weak, and there have been widespread store closures. The industry has responded positively to the crisis, with brands switching their manufacturing to produce hand sanitizers and cleaning agents and offering free ...

  18. Free Beauty Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    1 page / 627 words. Introduction Emily Dickinson's poem "I Died for Beauty" delves into the profound themes of mortality, beauty, and truth. As a poet known for her enigmatic and often introspective verse, Dickinson presents a nuanced exploration of the human condition. In this poem, she uses the allegory...

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    1 Paula Black, The Beauty Industry: Gender, Culture, Pleasure. (London: Routledge, 2004), 29. 2 Her actual name was Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna Gilbert, Countess of Landsfeld. 3 "Lola Montes on Female Beauty," The Hereford Times, 29 August 1857: 6. 4 Neville Williams, Powder and Paint: A History of the Englishwoman's Toilet. (London ...

  20. The Beauty Industry' s Influence on Women in Society

    University of New Hampshire University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository Honors heses Student Scholarship Fall 2012 he Beauty Industry's Inluence on Women in Society Ann Marie Briton University of New Hampshire - Main Campus, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: htp:// Part of the Fashion Business Commons, and the Personality and Social ...

  21. PDF Examining the Beauty Industry's Use of Social Influencers

    This paper will study what the successful characteristics of social influencers are and how they are utilized as an advantage to the branding of Maybelline. Keywords: social influencers, branding, Maybelline, social media, brand marketing Email: [email protected]. This undergraduate project was conducted as a partial requirement of a research ...