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phd programs in the netherlands

PhD programmes

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.

Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Many PhD candidates are employed by the University, but a number are subsidised by a grant that they have acquired themselves. The University also has a large number of external PhD candidates, who generally work part-time on their research. 

Every PhD candidate is enrolled in one of the University Graduate Schools.

Read more about Studying for your PhD .

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Promotieplechtigheid in de Senaatszaal van het Academiegebouw van de Universiteit Utrecht.

PhD Programmes

Do you have a Master's degree or similar? And would you like to continue your career into research? Then a doctoral degree may be your next step.

All information for both prospective and current PhD students can be found in the  PhD Manual (pdf) .

phd programs in the netherlands

Possibility of layman's talk for UU PhD candidates

phd programs in the netherlands

A partnership with impact: Anton de Kom University of Suriname

phd programs in the netherlands

Entire Assessment Committee is allowed to wear gowns from now on

phd programs in the netherlands

Municipalities taking a different course in the reception and assistance of refugees

phd programs in the netherlands

Work in process: Unearthing Meaning using Process Mining

phd programs in the netherlands

PhD Defense: Overcoming challenges in advanced melanoma treatment; The value of real-world data

phd programs in the netherlands

PhD Defense: Deep learning methods to aid lesion analysis in medical images

Phd defence: on strangleholds and tipping points - transmission dynamics of s. equi and ehv-1.

phd programs in the netherlands

PhD defence: A Symphony of Noise in Nonlinear Optical Resonators

Phd defense: elucidating virus-host interactions and viral immune evasion strategies using genetic editing and screening technologies.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

Search term

PhD's at Maastricht University

At Maastricht University, a PhD degree is not just a study but a serious research project that adds new knowledge to a given field. There are three ways to become a PhD candidate at UM, which are outlined below. As a PhD candidate, you’ll spend most of your time conducting original research and writing a dissertation. You might also follow courses relevant to your research or have teaching responsibilities as well. Most candidates take four years to complete their dissertation and earn their degree. Requirements for our PhD programmes vary, but you will at least need a master’s degree, a high level of English proficiency and a strong academic record.

There are three ways to obtain a PhD at Maastricht University:

Apply for a paid phd position.

As a paid PhD candidate, you’ll be an employee of the university and will conduct research in conjunction with a faculty, research school or institute. You can search for a PhD vacancy on Academic Transfer or contact a faculty directly.   Paid PhD positions

Note: FHML/MUMC+ discerns 4 types of PhDs.

Enrol in a PhD training programme

Several of our graduate schools and research institutes offer PhD training programmes. In these programmes, you will follow a number of courses as well as write a dissertation. We have both full-time and part-time programmes.

  PhD training programmes

Obtain external funding & pitch your idea

Do you have a specific research proposal that does not match one of our vacancies? Then you can also obtain external funding and pitch your idea to one of our faculties, graduate schools or research institutes.

  Externally funded PhDs

BA Tax Law

Why Maastricht University?

The Netherlands ranks second worldwide in the number of publications per researcher and third worldwide in the impact of research publications, according to the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC). At Maastricht University, PhD candidates are respected as full-fledged members of our research community. You'll be treated as a peer and will be given all the support you need for your research. There is a high level of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cooperation at UM, and PhDs often complete their dissertation alongside their career. Such a commitment requires hard work and fortitude. And it especially requires the capacity to innovate, to come up with new ideas and new ways of seeing and applying knowledge.

International environment

Maastricht University was the first university in the Netherlands to strive for internationalisation. Almost half of our students and 40% of our academic staff come from abroad. Each faculty, school and institute has extensive international partnership networks and the university encourages international research collaborations. Students and researchers have many opportunities to study and work abroad, and our graduates are eagerly sought in the international labour market and research community.

Active PhD community

At Maastricht University, we have a vibrant PhD community. There are many ways to connect with your peers on a social and professional level:

  • PhD Academy Maastricht
  • Young Researchers Academy
  • Central PhD Candidates Platform
  • PhD candidates Network (PNN)
  • Meet & Greet Maastricht
  • Representative participation for UM
  • ProVUM Maastricht
  • European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc)

Current PhD candidates

In the overview for current PhDs, you can find more information on:

  • additional courses
  • professional development opportunities
  • practical matters
  • Scholarships

  Overview for current PhDs

Research master's

Have you finished your bachelor’s and would like to pursue a PhD? Then you should consider one of our research master’s programmes, which specifically prepare you to be successful as a doctoral candidate. In some of these programmes, more than 90% of the students go on to become PhD candidates. You can find the research master's programmes in our master's overview.

Master's programmes

Defending your thesis

A PhD Defence ceremony is a formal occasion with strict protocols governing each person’s role, responsibility, and even the language used. It all works a bit like a trial, hence the term ‘PhD defence’. If you are a PhD candidate at the end of your trajectory you need to formally request permission for a public defense ceremony soon. In this website you find information on practical matters you need to arrange before and during your doctoral research and explains how to go about your your PhD defense.

  More information


One step closer to an anti-stress pill

Why are some people more sensitive to stress than others? Dennis Hernaus was hired as a PhD candidate to study the relationship between stress and dopamine levels of patients using PET scanners. He found that low dopamine levels are associated with increased sensitivity to stress and vice versa.  

Medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII Hannah van den Ende PhD

Wrestling with medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII

Is it okay for a doctor to make someone ill or appear ill if it saves them from being boarded on a train and sent to a death camp? Hannah van den Ende studied the experiences of 534 Dutch-Jewish doctors who wrestled with this type of ethical dilemma during WWII.  

HIV stigma in virtual reality PhD Henna Toppenberg

Studying HIV-related stigma in virtual reality

Stigmatising behaviour is often unconscious. People don't usually realise that they treat HIV patients differently. But the consequences are real. Henna Toppenberg and her PhD supervisor Rob Ruiter are using virtual reality to gain more insight into this behaviour so they can help bring about change.  

A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia

Detailed information on Dutch research and higher education can be found in  A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia. 

Hortense Jongen winner of The 2018 Dissertation Prize

The 2018 Dissertation Prize, this year awarded for the best doctoral dissertation from the inner city faculties, went to Hortense Jongen from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Her thesis is entitled: ‘Combating corruption the soft way: The authority of peer reviews in the global fight against graft.’

PhD at VU Amsterdam

Follow our youtube channel at  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam  and  VU Amsterdam International Student .

At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam we provide three or four year research intensive PhD programs, or part time PhD programs with a duration above four years, organized in graduate schools of nine VU Amsterdam faculties. We expect our doctoral graduates to become internationally engaged scientists with transferable skills and opportunities to plan a career in or outside academia. 

We offer customized training and supervision with a strong emphasis on the development of research as well as professional skills such as the ability to work in teams and collaborate. In short, we wish to develop engaged and responsible academics and future professionals who constantly explore and push back the boundaries of existing knowledge. Our doctorates are internationally-oriented, multi and interdisciplinary, curiosity and results driven, creating an impact in science, society and economy.

Earning a doctorate from VU Amsterdam often leads to a career as a scholar and researcher in universities, and non-universities (universities of applied sciences); non-profits and think tanks; consultancies and corporations.

At VU Amsterdam we have two types of PhD candidates: internal and external. Internal PhD candidates are paid employees of VU Amsterdam and enter into labor agreement with VU Amsterdam. External PhDs candidates undertake a PhD at VU Amsterdam with a foreign funding or scholarship scheme, or are self funded professionals or students. 

More about PhD at VU Amsterdam

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Copyright © 2024 - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

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PhD at TU/e

  • Open PhD positions
  • I'm a PhD candidate at TU/e
  • Defenses and ceremonies
  • Chat with our students
  • Becoming a PhD candidate
  • Life as PhD
  • After your PhD

Do you have a master's degree, and do you aspire to a career in scientific research? Then consider a PhD position at TU/e. For four years, you will conduct (paid) in-depth research within a specific field of research. At a top international university known for its strong ties with industry, right in the middle of Brainport (the smartest region in the world).

What does a PhD at TU/e entail?

In four years, you will become an excellent, independent researcher. A professor will assist you in conducting in-depth, groundbreaking research in the field of your choice. You will work together with other research groups, industrial partners, and research institutions, depending on the subject of your research. After successfully defending your dissertation, you will be awarded the PhD title.

A PhD program offers you a great deal of freedom to conduct research into socially relevant topics. You can develop your ideas in an environment with state-of-the-art research facilities. 

  • Explore our research groups

Why become a PhD candidate at TU/e?

If you choose to pursue a PhD at TU/e, you will be given the space and support to excel in your field. In addition, our small-scale and personal approach makes it easy to communicate and collaborate with other departments and research groups. Also, PhD candidates are valued employees at our university. Most have an employment contract and therefore receive a salary during their training.

Meet some of our PhD candidates

Open culture.

The Netherlands has an open, friendly culture and a population that speaks English well. At TU/e you will find students from more than 80 different countries, who come together in one of the many communities. We embrace diversity and inclusion, as it adds to our success and pleasure in education and research. TU/e is a university where students and lecturers know each other on a first-name basis and work together on innovative projects with real-life significance.   

State-of-the-art research facilities

To conduct groundbreaking research, to attract outstanding scientific talent, and to train new generations of engineers, we have ultramodern research labs and facilities at our disposal. Some of our labs are unique in the Netherlands, or even in the world.

PROOF program

As a PhD candidate, you will plunge into an intensive learning experience over a period of four (or five) years. Learning takes place all the time, both consciously and subconsciously: on the job, when interacting with others, while (informally) researching, and during courses and workshops. To support and facilitate the development of your competences, TU/e offers a dedicated training program for PhD candidates.

Is a PhD track right for me?

To successfully pursue a PhD, you must be able to work and write independently. In addition, you have an above-average interest in technology, are a go-getter, and can think analytically. Of course, you enjoy doing research and finding out the underlying cause of things. Finally, you need to have a suitable prior education. 

  • More information about requirements

Or an EngD (Engineering Doctorate)?

Do you want to continue your education, but not spend four years doing in-depth research? In that case an EngD program might be something for you: a two-year, paid, full-time program to become a technological designer. You will expand your technological knowledge, gain practical experience with the latest methods, and work on your professional skills. The main difference between an EngD program and a PhD track is its focus. A PhD is aimed at establishing yourself as an independent researcher. On the other hand, an EngD prepares you for a high-level position in industry. 

  • More information about EngD


They are happy to answer your questions and share their experiences!

Events and information for PhD's

Watch the program video where a PhD candidate and an EngD trainee will tell you more about their experiences at TU/e. Ask your question(s) directly to one of our PhD students. Or visit our Graduate School Event on campus!


Program videos

Want to know more about our bachelors, masters, EngD or PhD programs? Watch one of our program videos presented by our staff and students.

Master's Open Day

Visit the TU/e during the open day of our Graduate School

Fact & Figures PhD candidates

1650 phd candidates.

About 1650 people are working as a PhD candidate at TU/e.

PhD Defenses

Every year about 225 PhD’s defenses take place.

Male Female Ratio

About 33% of the PhD candidates are women, 67% are men.

International environment

About 60% of our PhD candidates have an international background. The other 40% have Dutch nationality. English is our working language.

Average duration

On average, the duration of the PhD trajectory at TU/e is one of the shortest in the Netherlands.


PhD candidates assess their PhD trajectory on average with a 7.5 (on a scale of 1-10).

phd programs in the netherlands

PhD at TU Delft

TU Delft is the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands: an institution where we perform world-class research by combining science, engineering and design in a socially responsible manner. As a PhD candidate at TU Delft, you will have the opportunity to conduct in-depth (paid) research in your chosen field. With this degree you will definitely have impact for a better society. Welcome to TU Delft Graduate School!

Directly to:

  • Course enrollment current PhDs
  • Portal for current PhDs

phd programs in the netherlands

PhD programme

phd programs in the netherlands

Career perspectives

phd programs in the netherlands

Campus life

phd programs in the netherlands


PhD research

PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

phd programs in the netherlands

PhD vacancies

phd programs in the netherlands

Getting your PhD at the UvA

phd programs in the netherlands

UvA Staff Housing

The guide to doing your PhD at the UvA brings together all kinds of information about the PhD process, from the regulations and different steps in the process to terms of employment and facilities you can make use of as a PhD candidate.

Doctoral programme: from admission to completion

Documents and forms, phd contact information, central phd council, cookie consent.

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Doing your PhD at UT

Doing a PhD will probably be the most influential time in your personal development to prepare you for your future career

In the Netherlands, only research universities like the University of Twente offer the third cycle of higher education leading to a PhD. A PhD involves spending four years of in-depth studying and researching in a particular area. You can do this within one of our research groups .

Programme overview

Your tasks as a PhD researcher include research activities, attending training courses and teaching and supervising activities (in principle only for employees). Your research activities will provide you with skills and experience you need to become an independent researcher. Part of your research also involves disseminating the knowledge you acquire, for example, through publications in academic journals.

During the 4-year PhD programme you do at least 30 credits worth of PhD courses or hands-on activities. These cover academic skills and career development, in depth disciplinary and wide-ranging courses. An integral part of a PhD is writing your PhD thesis and then, of course, presenting and defend your research in public. After successfully completing your PhD, you will be awarded the title of Doctor (Dr., equivalent to PhD).

  • TGS brochure
  • Double Badged / Joint PHD Programme RMIT University - UT (2019-2023)
  • Joint PHD Programme Maquire University (MQ) - UT (2018-2028)
  • A beginner's guide to Dutch Academia A guide for foreign researchers who would like to work in the Netherlands.


Are you interested in becoming a top notch researcher at the University of Twente? Then please first make sure you meet the admission requirements . If you're sure you fit the bill, then it's time to apply for a PhD position .

If your passion lies more in design than in research make sure to find out more about our EngD programmes .


PhD Programme

Psychology Research Institute / PsyRes

  • Application and Admission

Project & activities

During your PhD appointment, which typically lasts three to four years, your primary focus will be conducting research for your doctoral dissertation. However, we also encourage you to engage in other activities such as taking courses offered by the PhD Training Programme, teaching undergraduate courses in the Departments of Social Sciences, and actively participating in the research community, both within PsyRes and at national and international levels.

Close-knit community

As a PhD student at PsyRes, you will be part of a vibrant community that values your growth and development. We offer coaching, training, and a strong PhD Community to support you throughout your doctoral journey. We encourage our students to publish their research early in their careers, enhancing their academic profiles and fostering their future career prospects.

Programme Groups

You will be assigned to a programme group where you will conduct your research and be immersed in a supportive and collaborative environment. We are excited about newly interest in pursuing a PhD at the University of Amsterdam and look forward to welcoming postgraduate students to our dynamic academic community at PsyRes.

The Brain and Cognition programme aims to gain understanding of cognitive phenomena based on neurobiological principles, and has a focus on using cognitive research to understand clinical phenomena and to develop assessment tools or interventions for specific patient groups. The focus is thus on both typical and atypical brain functioning and cognition. The group has a relatively large number of PhD students and therefore there is ample possibility for interaction with other PhD students, both for research purposes (e.g. asking questions about methods or complicated analysis) as well as for social purposes. Interaction with other members of the program group, i.e. post docs and staff members, is actively encouraged through weekly program group meetings in which plenary talks are given by members of the group from all levels.

There is a strong research-oriented atmosphere and new experimental projects are generally discussed in smaller group settings to foster discussion and collaboration. PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor) and often part of the Amsterdam Graduate Network, a network organization with PhD students from both the UvA and the VU (in case the PhD project is mostly on the nature of human cognition and its neural basis) by a graduate school of choice (in case the PhD project is in the domain of clinical neuropsychology).

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in the Brain and Cognition group, please click on the link below.

PhD students in Clinical Psychology are always supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor) and participate in the teaching programme of the School of Experimental Psychopathology (EPP).

Individual studies of PhD students are generally discussed in small group settings. In these meetings, not only their own studies are discussed, but also major articles in the field. Further, PhD students are encouraged to present their work on international conferences.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology, please click on the link below.

The research group consists tenured staff and about 50% PhD students and postdocs. PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members and become a member of a lab group in which research is discussed in a constructive atmosphere. The interaction between PhD students and other staff is encouraged actively which results in considerable cross-fertilization between several themes of the program.

PhD students and their supervisors prepare a training program at the start of the PhD project, which includes taking courses, for example those offered by research schools like EPP or IOPS. Although PhD students are recruited on the basis of a research proposal, students are encouraged actively to make an independent contribution, especially during the final stages of the project. The progress made by PhD students and postdocs is continuously monitored by their supervisors, and on a yearly basis by the research institute.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Developmental Psychology, please click on the link below.

Many topics are initiated by PhD students, who fulfill an important role in our research culture. Fortunately, in the last years the number of PhD students increased due to NWO funding. Generally, PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members.

Each month plenary talks are held. The objective of the internal collaboration is to increase the quality and productivity of the group and to improve the unity of the research. Finally, PhD students participate in activities organised by the  Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS) , the institute for the advanced dissertation training in psychometrics and sociometrics.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Psychological Methods, please click on the link below.

The Social Psychology research group has a relatively large group of PhD students, which generates a research-oriented atmosphere. Individual experiments are generally discussed in small group settings; these discussions focus on design and measurement issues.

PhD’s are always supervised by at least two staff members and are encouraged to participate in the summer school of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), and to present their work not only at international conferences but also in smaller scale, more informal, meetings such as those of ESCON (European Social Cognition Network) or CERE (Consortium of European Researchers on Emotions); and in incidental small group meetings sponsored by the EAESP (European Association of Experimental Social Psychology.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Social Psychology, please click on the link below.

PhD students in Work and Organizational Psychology work in a cooperative, research-oriented environment and are specializing on various topics in W&O psychology. PhD-students in our group are always supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor), with whom PhD-students together actively discuss research ideas and papers. PhD-students also participate in the Work and Organizational Psychology teaching programme in the Bachelor and Master.

Individual studies and papers of PhD students are often discussed in our monthly research meetings with a large section of the programma group. Further, PhD students are encouraged to present their work on international conferences. Finally, they become a member of the Dutch research school Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI), where they follow courses and meet PhD-students (and faculty) from all over the Netherlands.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology, please click on the link below.

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phd programs in the netherlands

  • Supporting Partners

Eligibility Criteria

  • Guide for applicants
  • How to Apply
  • Supervisors

GROW in Research

The application has passed.

Deadline 31-01-2024 23.59 cet ., learn more about the grow programme and how to apply in the webinar that took place at 5 dec 2023 ., the programme in short.

We will offer 51 four year PhD positions at five renowned Dutch universities, ranging from such diverse research fields as Social Sciences & Humanities to Natural Sciences and Engineering.

All selected candidates will receive a full-time, employment contract with the hosting institute, including all conditions and remuneration in accordance with the Dutch collective labour agreement for PhD students. They will be facilitated and supervised in running their research project of choice, in alignment with GROW’s ambition to address the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.

All candidates will have a supervision team of Dutch and/or African academics and an advisory team of societal experts who understand the context of their research topic (e.g. NGOs, government, business etc.). In addition, all candidates will participate in a PhD training programme, peer to peer sessions with your fellow GROW PhD students and a secondment and/or fieldwork in the African context will be part of the programme. All of these elements will be further detailed by the supervisors and PhD student after selection.

The PhD candidate will apply with their own idea for an Africa - SDG oriented topic and motivate why they want to work on this topic. A detailed research plan is not necessary in the application phase, it will be further worked out after selection.

The application deadline was January 31 st 2024. Selection process will occur from February – April and the selected PhDs will start their PhD-employment from July 2024.

The GROW programme bases the selection of candidates on the following 3 equally weighted criteria:

  • Applicant Excellence, based on the academic / educational / professional career so far
  • Vision on emerging needs and challenges in Africa
  • Personal motivation, experience and affinity with Africa

No doctoral degree

Eligible candidates must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be considered eligible.


Candidates of all nationalities and countries of origin are eligible, unless national, international, or European legislation or embargos prohibit specific (combinations of (sub) disciplines and) countries of origin. The appointed PhD students must comply with the following mobility rule: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in The Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the deadline of the co-funded programme's call. Compulsory national service, short stays such as holidays and time spent as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention113 are not taken into account.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must have completed a university degree that entitles them to embark in a doctoral programme in the Netherlands (Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSc), or Master of Laws (LLM)). The degree must be dated less than 10 years prior to the call deadline. The eligibility window can be extended by 6 months per child for the mother, (additional) maternity or paternity leave (actual time up to 6 months per child), training for medical specialists (3 years), compulsory and reserve military service (actual time), or for refugees/ researchers at risk (up to 3 years). Documentation providing evidence must be included with the application.

The Candidate must be available to enroll full-time in the PhD program at the Host institution in The Netherlands; eventual suspensions for family or personal reasons shall be discussed with the granting authority.

English Certificate

Doctoral Candidates are required to have high level in the English language (if not native speakers). English level of short-listed applicants can be assessed during the selection interview and a mandatory passed test could become part of the Go-No Go decision after year 1 of the project.

Affinity with Africa

Doctoral Candidates will need to demonstrate a strong connection with the African contintent and / or an understanding of the context of Low and Middle Income settings.

After selection, we expect the PhD students to actively participate in the events organized by the programme, such as training/network events, and outreach activities targeting different audiences. The candidates are aware of and adhere to the principles set out in the Commission Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers.

phd programs in the netherlands

Guide of Applicants

Get to work.

We strongly recommend to carefully read the Guide for Applicants . The guide contains a complete description of all the application criteria to follow, the selection procedure and information about the recruitment. All the applications which do not comply with the rules listed in the Guide for Applicants will be rejected automatically.

For your convenience we also - automatically - translated the Guide of Applicants into French. Download the Guide to Canditate here . The English version is leading.

How to apply

Using the application portal will be the only way to apply. Below you can find all participating supervisors so that you can decide which one(s) you would like to apply with.

By creating your profile in the application portal , you agree with the GROW Privacy Statement

GROW Supervisors

Here you can find all our great supervisors committed to GROW. To enlarge the table, click "view larger version" in the bottom right corner.

You can browse through the gallery. Also, you can search , filter or sort to find your ideal supervisor, based on various criteria.

It is also possible to download the static list as a table. The 10 January version can be found here.

GROW in Research


Terms of Reference

phd programs in the netherlands

Funded by the European Union. Views and Opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

PhD programme

PhD group photo - June 2023

Celebrating 250 ISS PhD graduates

The stories and knowledge of our doctoral alumni

Zemzem Shigute Shuka receives her PhD diploma

The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) offers a four-year programme leading to an internationally recognized degree. 

Our PhD researchers work on topics in the field of global development and social justice based on a strong theoretical footing and using cutting-edge qualitative and quantitative methods.

Providing a creative environment for critically-minded and independent scholars

The ISS’s aim is to provide a creative and lively  environment for  critically minded and independent scholars to contribute to positive social change, as well as global justice and equity. Many of our PhD candidates are experienced professionals with a track record in development, activism, academia and/ or public service, enriching the academic exchange with their experiences and views.

Part of our broader research programme

All PhD researchers are invited to participate in our global research programme and in at least one of the research groups:

  • Civic Innovation
  • Development Economics
  • Political Ecology
  • Governance, Law & Social Justice

Collaborative research schools

All PhD researchers at the International Institute of Social Studies are part of the CERES Research School for International Development  which offers a PhD training programme aimed at increasing the skills and knowledge required for writing a viable, implementable and academic research proposal.

CERES research school for international development - logo

They are also part of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities  which offers  dozens of courses  to nurture innovative and interdisciplinary research excellence.

EGSH - Erasmus Graduate School logo

PhD researchers 'in the driver's seat'

Researchers join a diverse and close-knit community of scholars.

At the moment, 153 PhD candidates from 49 nationalities countries are enrolled in the PhD programme. Many of them work at their own desk in the ISS building, discussing their research with their peers and supervisory team, refining their research proposal, or are in the final phase of writing their thesis. Those in the second and third years of the programme are usually away doing fieldwork, collecting original data to answer their research questions.

Our philosophy is that PhD researchers are 'in the driver’s seat' for their project, working closely with our multidisciplinary and passionate faculty engaged in global development research.

A PhD researcher’s fieldwork activities benefit from belonging to a dynamic and vibrant community,  complimented by rigorous preparation including safety and security training, access to the ISS global network along with experienced and thoughtful guidance and solid institutional support.

ISS occasionally has vacancies for fully-funded PhD candidates, and takes part in several scholarship programmes. However, ISS does not have a scholarship programme of its own, and most PhD candidates organize their own funding , through their government, a foundation, or self-funding.

Candidates find that the PhD trajectory provides them with space to reflect on their experiences and that the degree opens opportunities to continue or change their career path.

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Nicholas Awortwi

Interesting things will only happen if you're willing to listen

Selwyn Moons

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PhD in Netherlands: Top Universities in Netherlands for PhD, Scholarships for International Students, Cost of Studying PhD and Job Opportunities


PhD education Netherlands is a general choice for many international students looking to tap into this culture of open-mindedness, modernization and international exchange of ideas. Doing a PhD in the Netherlands permits international students to conduct autonomous research in the field of study under the supervision of skilled faculty at the university. At the end of research for a PhD in Netherlands, students present their paper or thesis in front of a panel of experts.

The majority of PhD students in the Netherlands have an employment contract with the institution where they will be conducting their research. A PhD in Netherlands for Indian students lasts for a minimum of 4 years. This is comparatively due to the employment status as a doctoral researcher and the additional teaching and directorial responsibilities. So, in this blog, we will be deliberating PhD programs in Netherlands, PhD scholarships in the Netherlands and much more about PhD education Netherlands.

Why Study PhD Programs in Netherlands?

All PhD programs in Netherlands are part of a graduate school or research school. Research schools are partnerships between multiple research universities and research institutes, while graduate schools are organised within universities. The following benefits of PhD in Holland are:

  • Coursework is Limited: PhD Education Netherlands is a research-only program. Some universities in Netherlands for PhD have started doctoral schools, which require students to take several courses. Some of these courses are linked to:
  • research skills
  •  others are associated with preferred field of study.
  •   Dutch PhD is highly regarded: Study PhD in Netherlands is highly regarded because of the high academic standards. Once your thesis is permitted for publication, students will attend the event of their research and be awarded the PhD at a rite immersed in tradition.
  • People Treat their PhD Like a Job: International students who apply for PhD in Netherlands treat their PhD like a job with comparatively steady hours. It may also be a requirement that you are in your office between firm blocks of time. University buildings incline to have opening and closing hours.
  • You Are a University Employee: Getting hired as a university employee is relatively common when your PhD is funded by a research project. There are many benefits to being hired as a university employee, including employee protection, social security, building up retirement savings etc.

Top Universities in Netherlands for PhD

A doctoral program in the Netherlands is a research-focused third-cycle qualification, as defined by the Bologna process. There are various universities offering PhD programs in Netherlands, and some of them are:

  •       University of Amsterdam
  •       University of Groningen
  •       Maastricht University
  •       Radboud University
  •       Leiden University
  •       Delft University of Technology

So, these are some of the universities in Netherlands for PhD programs, Let’s know it in detail.

1. University of Amsterdam

The University of Amsterdam’s thriving PhD program provides the excellent groundwork for engaging in high-quality teaching and research. Research accepted by the UvA’s academic community ranks among the best globally. The university seeks to bid on an inspiring international educational environment where staff and international students can optimally advance their talents.



PhD in Science, Economics and Business

13,300 EUR/ year

2. University of Groningen

The Groningen Graduate School bids an excellent program for postgraduate study at the University of Groningen. The students are offered a comprehensive PhD training program, including the career outlooks series, which helps students prepare for further career opportunities. The researchers will receive professional guidance from their promotor and supervisor. 



PhD in Economics and Business, Arts, Behavioural and Social Science, Law, Medical Sciences, Science and Engineering

11,766 EUR/ year

3. Maastricht University

At Maastricht University, PhD students are respected as full-fledged research community members. There are three ways to get a PhD degree at the university, i.e., enrol in a PhD training program, apply for a paid PhD position, obtain external funding, & pitch your idea. The PhD programs mainly focus on education, training and supervision to empower students to become excellent researchers. They will also have the opportunity to progress a broad range of academic skills.



PhD in Psychology and Economics

4000                     EUR/ year

4. Radboud University

The Radboud University offers varied courses for PhD students to advance scientific skills and personal effectiveness and development. The research profile of Radboud University has two primary constituents: an academic and a societal profile. The academic profile covers the academic corrections in which the university is involved and the sub-disciplines in which it excels. The societal profile covers the societal themes the university is associated with through its academic research.



PhD in Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation Psychology

12,500 – 16,500 EUR/year

5. Leiden University

It is the best university for PhD in Netherlands for international students. The Leiden University PhD program focuses on PHd students who dedicate a particular work time to scientific research on the theme of their professional practice. The centre helps them advance research plans, provide training, confirm that their study is in unity with the disciplines and graduate schools, and relates to the research of a potential supervisor.



PhD in Computer Science, Chemistry and Mathematics

19,600 EUR/ year

6. Delft University of Technology

TU Delft Graduate School helps and trains doctoral students to become highly qualified, autonomous, leading researchers and skilled professionals. The PhD program is essential for preparing for the doctorate and your future career. It also ensures and enhances the growth of scientific quality along with the needed skill for interpersonal skills. After completing the PhD program, you will be awarded a Doctoral Education Certificate at the PhD Thesis Defence ceremony.



PhD in Engineering & Technology, Art Design & Architecture

11,000 EUR/ year

Suggested: Cheap Universities in Netherlands

Eligibility Criteria & Admission Requirements for Universities in Netherlands for PhD

To get admission to universities in Netherlands for PhD, international students need to fulfil the criteria and admission requirements. The following criteria are:

  •       Master’s Degree
  •       English Proficiency Test
  •       Netherlands Student Visa
  •       Additional Requirements

These are some of the PhD requirements Netherlands that students need to follow to get admission efficiently. Let’s know it in detail:

1. Master’s Degree

For a PhD in Netherlands, a standard necessity for PhD admission is holding a master’s degree in a relevant subject area. Due to Dutch PhD researchers’ students may also be required to experience other application processes and submit more documents than a distinctive PhD student.

2. English Proficiency Test

Being an international student, one needs to submit an English language test score to do PhD in Holland. It includes IELTS or TOEFL exam. The minimum score for the IELTS exam is 6.5, and the TOEFL minimum score is 90 (Internet Based).

3. Netherlands Student Visa

An international student who wants to do PhD in the Netherlands and outside the European Union and European Free Trade Area needs to apply for an MVV Netherlands student visa .

Documents Required for PhD in Netherlands for Indian Students

There are some essential documents required for PhD from Netherlands the following documents are:

  •       Official academic transcripts including copies of secondary school diplomas and other certificates.
  •       Valid Passport
  •       Letter of Recommendations
  •       SOP
  •       Sample of academic written work
  •       Updated CV (Including two references)

Application Process for Universities in Netherlands for PhD

Admission criteria for PhD positions are demanding, and potential students must have a solid background in the theory and techniques of their field and a recognised master’s degree. Admission for PhD in the Netherlands for international students involves various steps, which are discussed below:

1. Before getting enrolled for PhD in Netherlands, find a supervisor in your area of study from the college/ university that you want to apply for.

2. Once the supervisor agrees to support you as your guide for the PhD program, you will be required to submit an official application to the university.

3. After that, you may be asked to submit some essential documents, including your CV, contact details, personal statement, research proposal, transcripts and references.

4. Prepare a research proposal; it holds the key in the application process for PhD programs.

5. Submit a document of personal statement mentioning the reason for pursuing PhD program, what appeals you to the subject area and how your studies & work experience helped you to take up PhD education

6. Ensure that the references you have should be valid, as all the programs will ask for referees who can present details about your academic abilities and motivation.

7. In other cases, maybe the referee can be asked to provide a letter of reference in their own words.

Cost of Studying PhD in Holland

To study PhD in education in Netherlands includes the tuition cost & cost of living for international students.

Average Tuition Fees for PhD in Netherlands

The tuition fees will vary as per the PhD Course selected by the students to study at the top universities in the Netherlands. The average cost of studying PhD in the Netherlands is 6000 EUR - 20,000 EUR.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Netherlands includes various expenses such as:

Health Insurance

120 EUR/ per month


500 - 1,000 EUR/ per month

Study Material

30- 65 EUR/ per month

Food & Groceries

180 EUR

Suggested: Cost of Living in Netherlands

PhD Scholarships in Netherlands for International Students

For PhD scholarships in Netherlands, there are 3 ways to fund PhD studies:

1. Fellowship or Grant: Most students interested in doing a PhD from Netherlands find funding in the form of fellowship or grant. After finding a fellowship, you will need to find a supervisor at a research institution willing to support you.

2. Sponsored by your Employer: Sometimes, it happens when you can afford to study PhD part-time while working. If you and your sponsor are interested in this option, you should contact the institution of your choice.

3. Employed by an Institution: It is one of the most preferred options by a student in the Netherlands to have an employment agreement with the institution where they will be conducting their research.

Career Options after PhD in Netherlands

After completing PhD in Netherlands, international students will need to apply for an Orientation Year residence permit. The student must be registered in the Personal Records Database, have a Citizen Service Number, and pay a fee of 174 EUR to be in the country for more than one year. Apart from it, students can also apply for long term residence in the Netherlands. Some of the career options after the PhD program are:

Associate Professor of Finance

79,069 EUR

Technical support specialist

43,449 EUR

PhD Graduate Lecturer

36,759 EUR


5,503 EUR

The Netherlands holds the research achieved by its universities in high esteem, and the country and its academics have an outstanding track record in world research. As a doctoral graduate from a Dutch university, you’ll be a researcher. So if that sounds great to you, connect with our Yocket professional and get guidance for your further career aspirations.

Frequently Asked Questions about PhD in Netherlands

How long does it take to complete a PhD in the Netherlands?

It will take around 4 years to complete a full-time PhD Course in the Netherlands.

How much are PhD candidates paid in the Netherlands?

PhD candidates are usually paid 2,266 – 2,897 EUR per month.

What are the popular PhD courses to study in the Netherlands?

Some of the popular PhD courses to study are: 1. Economics 2. Business & Psychology 3. Medical Sciences 4. Social Sciences

Is PhD free in the Netherlands?

PhD students in the Netherlands are known to be “university employees” and therefore get a salary to account for their research. Therefore, there are no normal tuition fees for doctoral candidates.

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  • PhD Funding in the Netherlands – A Guide for 2024

PhD Funding in the Netherlands

Written by Jennifer Bevan

The Netherlands is renowned for its research, with seven universities in the top 100 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. This, alongside the many funding opportunities, strong links to the rest of Europe and lack of traditional tuition fees make the Netherlands a popular place to complete a PhD .

There are several funding options for a PhD in the Netherlands including scholarships or bursaries from universities, the government and charities. On this page we’ve researched the main funding options to help you decide the best way to fund your PhD in the Netherlands.

On this page

Dutch phd funding – what you need to know first.

The Netherlands is a relatively small country in size and population but when it comes to research Dutch universities are some of the best in the world, outperforming many other European countries. If you’re interested in a PhD in the Netherlands here are some things to consider before you start your serious research:

  • Most Dutch universities don’t charge traditional tuition fees. Instead, a majority of PhD students are employed by the university and receive a monthly salary, paying no tuition fees .
  • Students employed by the university have excellent rights . Many Dutch universities abide by the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities, which includes a student pay scale that increases with experience, an 8% holiday allowance and a year-end allowance.
  • The students not employed by the university have to pay tuition fees comparable to those across the rest of Europe. There are a range of funding options to cover this, including a full or partial scholarship from the government, an industry partner or charity.

If you haven’t already, it might be useful to read our overall PhD study in the Netherlands guide . This article provides an overview of all the factors you should consider before committing to study in the Netherlands.

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The cost of a PhD in The Netherlands

Studying a PhD in the Netherlands is affordable for international students, with tuition fees rarely required, relatively low living costs, and more often than not a monthly salary.

The majority of PhD students in the Netherlands are considered university employees and receive research funding as well as a monthly salary. Therefore, there are no traditional tuition fees for most PhD students.

Those who are not employed by the university include contract doctoral research associates who are sponsored by an external scholarship or an employer and self-funded external doctoral candidates . These students usually pay tuition fees, though they may be covered by a scholarship in the case of contract doctoral research associates.

Each university is free to decide how much to charge for PhD tuition fees so the exact amount students need to pay differs based on the institution. The length of study and area of research also affect the price. Generally, the doctoral fees are comparable to those across the rest of the EU and the fees are the same for EU / EEA and Swiss students.

Living costs

The Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) requires students to have a minimum of €932.87 a month. This is in line with the €800 - €1,100 a month suggested by most Dutch universities.

As you may expect, living costs vary depending on whereabouts in the country you live, with larger cities such as Amsterdam costing more each month. Similarly, the amount you travel and the lifestyle you lead will affect the cost.

Since most PhD students are employed by the university there isn’t much opportunity to work alongside PhD study. However, it may be possible to offset the cost with some part-time work, especially for those self-funded. EU / EEA and Swiss students can work without restrictions during their PhD. Other international students require a work permit from the UWV ( Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen — the Employee Insurance Agency) which allows them to work a maximum of 16 hours a week through term and full-time during summer.

Other expenses

Whether you’re employed by the university or not, you may still have to pay an additional fee , which covers the costs of supervision, enrolment, and university access. The exact cost varies between institutions, the research discipline, and the equipment you will use. You may not have to pay it at all.

As a PhD student, you’ll be in the Netherlands for over 90 days and therefore, may need a visa. Students from the EU / EEA and Swiss nationals don’t need any kind of visa but must register at the town hall in the municipality you live in if you’re staying for over 4 months. Students from everywhere else must apply for an entry visa (MVV) and / or residence permit through your university. This costs about €210 . Check out the website of your prospective university for more detailed visa information.

Dutch Government PhD funding

Most PhD students in the Netherlands that aren’t employed by the university are funded through a fellowship, scholarship, or grant. The Dutch Government offers a range of funding opportunities open to both Dutch and international students, from full to partial scholarships.

Nuffic is the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education. They’re funded by the Dutch Government and aim to provide financial support for students across the world for research to improve society. They offer a range of scholarship opportunities, many of which they partner with other countries to provide including:

  • The NRF-Nuffic Programme is a scholarship available for South African students.

They also offer the Erasmus+ scholarship, which is available for international students from a range of countries. Bear in mind, with this scholarship you can only study up to 12 months of your PhD in the Netherlands. The deadline for each scholarship is different so keep an eye on application deadlines on the Nuffic finance website.

Netspar is a think tank, partially funded by Dutch government agencies that offer scholarships to PhD students in areas including economics, sociology, psychology, law and communication. They offer mostly partial scholarships, which are advertised on their website , but do fully fund some advertised projects at certain universities.

If you’re looking for a scholarship separate from a project the Netspar individual research grants may be of interest to you. This covers up to 50% of the cost of a PhD student for a maximum of 3 years. The deadline for this is around January. You can find more information about this grant on the Netspar research funding page.

Research bodies

The Dutch Government funds a number of research councils, many of which offer scholarships to PhD students across a range of disciplines. Often your prospective university must apply on your behalf so speak to them to see which scholarships or grants they recommend. Below are a few examples of research bodies open to funding international students:

  • The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) , who offer around 12 scholarships across a range of subjects, though not all may be available to international students.
  • The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW) , who generally fund advertised projects in partnership with universities.

Other opportunities

The EURAXESS website is another source of funding and offer scholarships across Europe for home and international students. The search can be filtered by country and field of research.

Industry and charities

There are many organisations interested in research in the Netherlands, whether they have a charitable goal or are commercial companies looking for new products they may offer PhD funding. These kinds of opportunities differ from year to year and can be relatively well hidden so speak to your prospective supervisor to find out which organisations are best to apply for in your research area.

Most industry-funded PhD projects are advertised through a specific university and have attached funding. However, depending on your subject area some companies may have separate scholarships you can apply for. Your prospective supervisor may have some industry contacts to suggest so speak with them about your options first.

In the Netherlands there are many charities dedicated to research that offer scholarships to PhD students, including international students as long as they are studying at a Dutch institution. Below are a few examples of charities that offer this kind of funding, though there are many, many more:

  • Hersenstichting
  • ReumaNederland
  • KWF Kankerbestrijding

University grants and assistantships

As mentioned above most PhD students in the Netherlands are paid by their university. Many universities in the Netherlands are bound by the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities, meaning as a PhD student you’ll be paid the same salary regardless which university of the group you study at. Currently, your salary would be around €3,247 a month before tax depending on your experience and qualifications. Since PhD students are seen as members of staff, they also receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end of year allowance .

Often these positions are similar to assistantships, with students taking on additional task alongside their PhD research, such as teaching. However, this isn’t always the case and depends on your supervisor and the research area you study. Generally, international students are eligible for these university-funded PhD opportunities, though some will only be open to those proficient in Dutch!

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Postgraduate Courses in The Netherlands - 1338 Courses

University of amsterdam amsterdam business school.

  • Business Administration, MBA (advanced Master)
  • International Finance

University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Law School

  • European Private Law LL.M
  • International Criminal Law
  • International and European Law
  • International and European Law: European Union Law
  • International and European Law: International Trade and Investment Law
  • International and European Law: Public International Law
  • International and European Law: Track European Competition Law and Regulation
  • Labour Law: European and International Labour Law
  • Public International Law
  • Public International Law (research LL.M)

University of Amsterdam Economics and Business

  • Accountancy and Control: Accountancy
  • Accountancy and Control: Control
  • Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
  • Business Economics: Finance
  • Business Economics: Organisation Economics
  • Business Economics: Real Estate Finance
  • Business Studies
  • Econometrics
  • Economics (Research M.Sc)
  • Economics and Business
  • Operations Research

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Medicine

  • Medical Informatics

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Science

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolution
  • Biological Sciences: General Biology
  • Biological Sciences: Green Life Sciences
  • Biological Sciences: Limnology and Oceanography
  • Biomedical Sciences: Medical Biology
  • Biomedical Sciences: Neurobiology
  • Brain and Cognitive Science (Research M.Sc)
  • Chemistry: Analytical Sciences
  • Chemistry: Molecular Design, Synthesis and Catalysis
  • Chemistry: Molecular Simulation and Photonics
  • Earth Sciences: Environmental Management
  • Earth Sciences: Geo-ecological Dynamics
  • Erasmus Mundus AtoSiM
  • Forensic Science
  • Grid Computing: Computational Sciences
  • Grid Computing; Computer Science
  • Information Studies: Business Information Systems
  • Information Studies: Human Centred Multimedia
  • Life Sciences: Systems Biology
  • Literary Studies: Literature and Culture
  • Logic (Research M.Sc)
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Language Processing and Learning
  • Physics: Advanced Matter and Energy Physics
  • Physics: Laser Sciences and Biomolecular Photonics
  • Physics: Particle and Astroparticle Physics
  • Physics: Physics of Life and Health
  • Physics: Theoretical Physics
  • Software Engineering
  • Stochastics and Financial Mathematics
  • System and Network Engineering
  • System and Network Engineering: Networking
  • Systems and Network Engineering: Forensics

University of Amsterdam Faculty of Social and Behaviour Sciences

  • Communication Science (research MSc)
  • Communication Science: Persuasive Communication
  • Communication Science: Political Communication
  • Communication Science: Youth and Media
  • Conflict Resolution and Governance
  • Contemporary Asian Studies
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology
  • Educational Sciences
  • Human Geography
  • International Development Studies
  • International Development Studies (research MSc)
  • International Migration and Social Cohesion
  • Journalism, Media and Globalisation
  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology
  • Political Science: European Union in a Global Order
  • Political Science: International Relations
  • Psychology (research MSc)
  • Social Sciences (research MSc)
  • Sociology: Comparative Organisation and Labour Studies
  • Sociology: Cultural Sociology
  • Sociology: Gender, Sexuality and Society
  • Sociology: Migration and Ethnic Studies
  • Sociology: Social Problems and Social Policy
  • Sociology: Urban Sociology
  • Urban Studies (research MSc)
  • Urban and Regional Planning

University of Amsterdam Graduate School of Humanities

  • Arts and Culture: Art Studies (research MA)
  • Arts and Culture: Artistic Research
  • Arts and Culture: Cultural Analysis (research MA)
  • Arts and Culture: Dutch Art
  • Arts and Culture: Dutch Golden Age (research MA)
  • Arts and Culture: Musicology
  • Arts and Culture: Theatre Studies
  • Arts and culture: International Performance Research
  • Communication and Information Studies: Discourse and Argumentation Studies
  • Communication and Information Studies: Rhetoric, Argumentation Theory and Philosophy (research MA)
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • European Studies: Identity and Integration
  • Hebrew Language and Culture
  • Heritage Studies: Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image
  • History: American Studies
  • History: Holocaust and Genocide Studies
  • Linguistics (research M.A)
  • Linguistics: General Linguistics
  • Literary Studies (research MA)
  • Media Studies (research MA)
  • Media Studies: Film Studies
  • Media Studies: New Media and Digital Culture
  • Media Studies: Television and Cross-Media Culture
  • Modern Greek Language and Culture
  • Mysticism and Western Esotericism
  • Philosophy (research MA)
  • Slavonic Languages and Cultures
  • Theology and Religious Studies: Biblical Studies
  • Theology and Religious Studies: Religious Studies
  • Theology and Religious Studies: Religious Studies (research MA)
  • Theology and Religious Studies: Western Esotericism

University of Amsterdam School of Health Professions

  • Occupational Therapy

Amsterdam University College (AUC) AUC's Academic Programme

  • Liberal Arts and Sciences

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences School of Design and Communication

  • International Fashion & Branding
  • International Fashion & Design
  • International Fashion & Management

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences School of Economics and Management

  • International Business and Languages
  • International Business and Management Studies
  • International Business and Management Studies (part-time)
  • International Financial Management
  • Trade Management Asia

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences School of Sports and Nutrition

  • International Sports Management & Business

Arnhem Business School Single tier structure

  • Business Management Studies
  • Communication
  • Finance and Control
  • Logistics Management (Economics)

ArtEZ Institute of Art Art and Design

  • Fashion Design - ArtEZ Fashion Masters
  • Fashion Strategy - ArtEZ Fashion Masters
  • Typography Workshop

Avans University of Applied Sciences Single Tier Structure

  • Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology
  • International Maintenance Management

Business School Netherlands Single tier structure

  • International Action Learning MBA (IALMBA)
  • International MBA
  • Young Professional MBA

CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences Animal Studies

  • Animal Health and Welfare
  • Equine Business Management
  • International Livestock Production

CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences Business Studies

  • EU Structural Funds Management
  • Food Chain Management
  • Food Safety Management
  • International Agribusiness Management
  • International Food Business

CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences Land-based Studies

  • International Horticulture and Management
  • Rural Innovation and Development

CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences Single tier structure

  • Agribusiness Development

Delft University of Technology Aerospace Engineering

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering (B.Sc)
  • Erasmus Mundus European Wind Energy

Delft University of Technology Applied Sciences

  • Applied Physics
  • Biochemical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Industrial Ecology
  • Life Science and Technology (Biotechnology)
  • Optics in Science and Technology
  • Science Education and Communication
  • Sustainable Energy Technology

Delft University of Technology Architecture

  • Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

Delft University of Technology Civil Engineering and Geosciences

  • Applied Earth Sciences
  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction, Management and Engineering
  • Erasmus Mundus Minerals and Environmental Programme (EMMEP)
  • Offshore Engineering
  • Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics

Delft University of Technology Delft TopTech

  • Business in Energy Systems
  • IT Management


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Exciting fully funded PhD opportunities at leading universities across Europe


Are you considering pursuing a PhD study at top-ranked European universities?

We are pleased to announce a diverse range of fully funded PhD positions at leading universities across Europe, open to international students.  Use the opportunity to advance your academic journey and engage in groundbreaking research at leading institutions, including: 

🇩🇪Leibniz-Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research

🇩🇪 Institute for Geoinformatics University of Münster

🇩🇪 Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops

🇩🇪 University of Bayreuth

🇩🇪 International Max Planck Research School on Elementary Particle Physics

🇫🇷 SyNaBi/TIMC Université Grenoble Alpes

🇨🇭 Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen

🇨🇭 University of Fribourg

🇨🇭 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

🇩🇰 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

🇦🇹 Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

🇦🇹 Atominstitut TU Wien

🇧🇪 Université de Liège

🇧🇪 Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB

🇨🇿 J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS

🇨🇿 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR

🇳🇴 NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

🇳🇴 UiT The Arctic University of Norway

🇳🇴 University of Stavanger

🇱🇺 Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

🇳🇱 Radboud Universiteit

🇵🇱 Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

🇧🇻 University of Bergen

🇪🇸 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

🇪🇸 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC)

The following prestigious PhD programs provide outstanding research opportunities, competitive stipends, and access to world-class facilities.

Apply now for doctoral (PhD) studies at leading universities. across Europe:

PhD Student in Gene Therapy in Parkinson’s disease Group – José Luis Lanciego, Fundación Para La Investigación Médica Aplicada (Spain)

PhD Student in the field of Root Anatomy Physiology, Leibniz-Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (Germany)

PhD Student in Optimising ion transport in nanostructured systems of artificial cells that incorporate purified co-transport proteins into lipid bilayers, SyNaBi/TIMC Université Grenoble Alpes (France)

PhD Student in electrochemical approaches in radioanalytics, Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Decision support systems for automatic anomaly interpretation and ranking, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)

PhD Student in SCALA – Spatial Communication and Ageing across Languages, Institute for Geoinformatics University of Münster (Germany)

PhD Student in Human-centric future skills in manufacturing, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

PhD Student in DNA Nanotechnology for Soft Matter, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Model-based climate monitoring and control in CEA for resource efficient production, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (Germany)

PhD Student in Phytomanagement of wasteland, Universite de Liège (Belgium)

PhD Student in optics and material science, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS v. v. i. (Czech Republic)

PhD Student in Applied/Experimental Physics, University of Bayreuth (Germany)

PhD Student in Mental Health and Neuroscience: Disease mechanisms – Diagnostics and Therapy – Clinical Neuroscience, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität (Austria)

PhD Student in experimental and theoretical particle physics, International Max Planck Research School on Elementary Particle Physics (Germany)

PhD Student in quantum computing, Atominstitut TU Wien (Austria)

PhD Student in Machine-learning Modeling for Nanoconfined Aqueous Systems, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Advanced Laser Processing Techniques for the Optimization of Material Spectral Properties, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)

PhD Student in thermochemical biomass valorisation, Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB (Belgium)

PhD Student in applied physics/fluid mechanics, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

PhD Student in Evolution of Terpenoid Biosynthesis in insects, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR (Czech Republic) 

PhD Student in Materials for Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Luxembourg)

PhD Fellow in Biological Characterization of New Anti-Cancer Natural Products, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway)

PhD Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence in Acute Stroke, University of Stavanger (Norway)

PhD Student in Non-equilibrium Simulations of Charge Transport in Confined Environments, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Intermediates in N2 Reduction Reaction, Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands)

PhD Student in Enhancing renewable power plants’ performance through advanced control methods - DTU Wind, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)

PhD Student in Enhancing ion transporting properties of purified co-transport proteins, SyNaBi/TIMC Université Grenoble Alpes (France) 

PhD Fellowship in Development of novel bioink for 3D bioprinting of scaffold with specific topographical and biochemical cues composed of natural, and synthetic polymers for biomedical applications, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)

PhD Fellowship in targeting RNA with small molecules, University of Bergen (Norway)

PhD Student in microstructural analysis of the catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using scattering techniques, Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen (Switzerland)

PhD Fellowship in Close-Range Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Data Assimilation, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) (Spain)

Don't miss the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research and advance your academic journey in Europe.

#PhD #doctoralstudy #PhDstudy #Europe #DoctoralPositions #PhDPositions #PhDStudy #StudyInEurope #HigherEducation #InternationalStudents #ResearchOpportunities #FundaciónparaLaInvestigaciónMédicaAplicada #LeibnizInstitute #SyNaBi_TIMCUniversitéGrenobleAlpes #PaulScherrerInstitutVilligen #DanmarksTekniskeUniversitet #DTU #InstituteforGeoinformaticsUniversityofMünster #UniversityofFribourg #LeibnizInstituteofVegetableandOrnamentalCrops #UniversitédeLiège #J_HeyrovskýInstituteofPhysicalChemistryoftheCAS #UniversityofBayreuth #KarlLandsteinerPrivatuniversität #AtominstitutTUWien #ÉcolePolytechniqueFédéraledeLausanne #ConsejoSuperiordeInvestigacionesCientíficas #UniversitéLibredeBruxelles_ULB #NTNU_NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology #InstituteofOrganicChemistryandBiochemistryASCR #LuxembourgInstituteofScienceandTechnology #UiT_TheArcticUniversityofNorway #UniversityofStavanger #RadboudUniversiteit #AdamMickiewiczUniversityinPoznań #UniversityofBergen 

Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Graduate programs
  • Master’s programs

MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering - Research
  • MS in AI Engineering-Civil Engineering
  • MS interdisciplinary & dual programs

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Our Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering program allows you to build extensive expertise in a specialized concentration within one of our focus areas . Challenging interdisciplinary coursework and a collaborative, supportive community provide you with a comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience.

The Master’s in Civil and Environmental Engineering is a coursework-based program where students gain advanced foundational knowledge in the field, in addition to professional development opportunities and pipelines to further graduate studies. Applied Study MS students will also complete an internship, allowing them to apply their education in industrial, government, or research settings and gain professional experience.

Graduates who earned their MS in CEE go on to work in a variety of sectors in companies like Amazon, Tesla, and more. Explore the  interactive dashboard from the CMU Career and Professional Development Center for information about post-graduation destinations and salaries.

Program requirements

To earn your master’s degree, you'll need to complete 96 units successfully including 60 core CEE courses. Students, with the guidance of their faculty mentor, have the flexibility to design a personalized schedule within one of our CEE focus areas or create their own unique graduate journey that aligns with their career goals and aspirations.

Learn more about tuition and cost support.

Units required Length of program Unit requirements
Program information
96 total units 3 semesters 36 to 48 units per semester are required for full-time students

Best universities in the UK 2024 - University Rankings

The university of oxford is top in a list of the best universities in the uk 2024, which includes institutions in england, wales, scotland and northern ireland.

  • Rankings for Students

The University of Oxford

Top 10 universities in the UK 2024

Scroll down for the full list of best universities in the UK

UK Rank 2024 World University 2024 Rank  World University 2023 Rank  University City/town
1  1   1  Oxford
2  5   =3  Cambridge
3  8   10  London
4  22   22  London
5  =30   29  Edinburgh
6  =38   35  London
7  46   37  London
8  51   =54  Manchester
9  81   76  Bristol
10  =87   =82  Glasgow

Which are the top universities in the UK? If you want to study in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, which universities should you consider?

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This league table reveals the best UK universities and colleges, according to the trusted Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.

The University of Oxford takes the first place position, with the University of Cambridge following in second place, while two of London’s best universities and a Scottish university complete the top five.

Everything you need to know about studying in the UK Everything international students need to know about UK student visas Best universities in Scotland Graduate employability: top universities in the UK ranked by employers Apply to UK universities through Ucas as an international student The cost of studying at a university in the UK Best universities in England Scholarships available in the UK for international students

Three universities in Scotland appear in the top 25 – the University of Edinburgh , the University of Glasgow and the University of St Andrews – while Cardiff University is the top-ranked Welsh university, sitting in 24th place.

For students looking to study in Northern Ireland, the best university in the ranking is Queen’s University Belfast .

Of the top universities in the UK, about 20 are in London, including well-known institutions such as Imperial College London and King’s College London.

A guide to student funding in the UK for international students A guide to the NHS for international students in the UK Where did UK royals go to university? A day in the life of a university student in the UK

Top 5 universities in the UK

5.  university of edinburgh.

Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is the sixth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Britain and Ireland’s seven ancient universities.

It is made up of three colleges: arts, humanities and social sciences; science and engineering; and medicine and veterinary medicine. Within these colleges are 20 academic schools.

A range of student clubs and societies is on offer, including a music society, a theatre society and a variety of sports teams including football, rowing, judo and rugby.

The student newspaper, The Student , is one of the oldest student newspapers in the UK. It was founded by the author Robert Louis Stevenson.

UCL’s main campus is in the central London area of Bloomsbury. Nearly half of all UCL students are from outside the UK, with significantly more from Asia than from continental Europe.

UCL was the first university in England to admit students irrespective of class, race or religion, and the first to admit women on equal terms with men, following the educational philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, the university’s “spiritual founder”.

For admission, undergraduate students are required to have achieved top grades in their high school exams. The most competitive degree is the BSc in philosophy, politics and economics, which receives 30 applicants for every place.

Famous alumni include Mahatma Gandhi; Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone; and Coldplay’s Chris Martin, who met the other members of his band at the university.

3. Imperial College London

Imperial’s main campus is near Kensington Palace in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, with other campuses around the city. The student cohort is extremely international and is made up of more than 125 nationalities.

Imperial College London is consistently ranked among the best universities in the world for science, technology, engineering, medicine and business.

It was formed in 1907 from a merger of three colleges in London and now has 17,000 students and 8,000 staff.

In addition to top scientists, Fields medallists and Nobel prizewinners, Imperial also produces influential government advisers and policymakers. Many graduates go on to achieve breakthrough innovations in industry and business, and are highly sought after by blue-chip companies and start-ups.

The author H. G. Wells and Sir Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, are among Imperial’s famous alumni.

Ten things every international student in London should know

2. University of Cambridge

In total, 117 Nobel laureates are affiliated with the University of Cambridge , and Cambridge-linked mathematicians have won 11 Fields medals. Notable alumni include actors, athletes, politicians, royals and cultural figures, including biologist Charles Darwin, broadcaster David Attenborough, conservationist Jane Goodall and actress Olivia Colman.

Like Oxford, the University of Cambridge is fundamentally collegiate and is also one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities. The town is just an hour from London.

The university is home to more than 19,000 students and 9,000 staff. There are 31 colleges, some of which date back to the 13th century, and more than 100 academic departments.

Cambridge is particularly renowned for excellence in mathematics and has educated some of the most famous British scientists.

Undergraduates are taught via lectures and supervisions – intimate tutorials with only a couple of other students at most. The workload is heavy but terms are shorter than at many other UK universities.

Cambridge libraries are home to extensive collections of medieval manuscripts, and the university museums display collections of archaeological artefacts and zoological specimens.

Oxbridge and the Ivy League: tips for applications

1. University of Oxford

More than 30 world leaders, 27 British prime ministers, 50 Nobelists and 120 Olympic medallists were educated at Oxford. Stephen Hawking, Hugh Grant and Indira Gandhi are some of its famous graduates.

Undergraduates and postgraduates belong to one of its 44 colleges and often live in the college building or college-owned accommodation.

One of the world’s oldest and most prestigious universities, the University of Oxford attracts top scholars and students. Entry standards are high and admission is competitive; on average, the institution receives five applications for each available place.

Social life and recreational activities – such as rowing, cultural events and societies – also revolve around the college. Undergraduates are taught almost exclusively by tutors in their college, while postgraduate students are primarily served academically by a centralised faculty.

There are more than 100 libraries at Oxford, the most famous of which is the Bodleian, built in 1602. The city also has a number of museums, including the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, which houses the remains of a dodo, and the Museum of the History of Science, which displays a blackboard used by Albert Einstein.

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Best universities in the UK 2024

Click each institution to view its full World University Rankings 2024 profile

UK Rank 2024 World University 2024 Rank  World University 2023 Rank  University City/town
1  1   1  Oxford
2  5   =3  Cambridge
3  8   10  London
4  22   22  London
5  =30   29  Edinburgh
6  =38   35  London
7  46   37  London
8  51   =54  Manchester
9  81   76  Bristol
10  =87   =82  Glasgow
11  =97   =108  Southampton
12  101   =108  Birmingham
13  105   =114  Sheffield
14  =106   =104  Warwick
15  129   =128  Leeds
16  =130   130  Nottingham
17  135   =124  London
18  147   =139  York
19  =155   122  Lancaster
=20  =168   =176  Liverpool
=20  =168   =139  Newcastle
22  174   =198  Durham
23  =177   =137  Exeter
24  190   =187  Cardiff
25  =193   201–250  St Andrews
=26  201–250   =192  Aberdeen
=26  201–250   =163  Leicester
=26  201–250   =198  Belfast
=26  201–250   =198  Reading
=26  201–250   201–250  Brighton
=31  251–300   251–300  Bath
=31  251–300   201–250  Norwich
=31  251–300   351–400  Loughborough
=31  251–300   201–250  Guildford
=31  251–300   251–300  Swansea
=31 301-350 NR London
=37  301–350   201–250  Dundee
=37  301–350   301–350  Essex
=37  301–350   351–400  Egham
=37  301–350   201–250  London
=37  301–350   401–500  Strathclyde
=42  351–400   401–500  London
=42  351–400   351–400  London
=42  351–400   501–600  Edinburgh
=45  401–500   401–500  Birmingham
=45  401–500   401–500  Bangor
=45  401–500   251–300  Bournemouth
=45  401–500   501–600  London
=45  401–500   501–600  Hull
=45  401–500   351–400  Kent
=45  401–500   401–500  Plymouth
=45  401–500   401–500  Portsmouth
=45  401–500   351–400  London
=45  401–500   501–600  London
=45  401–500   351–400  Stirling
=56  501–600   501–600  Aberystwyth
=56  501–600   301–350  East Anglia
=56  501–600   501–600  Bradford
=56  501–600   251–300  Brighton
=56  501–600   401–500  Edinburgh
=56  501–600   501–600  London
=56  501–600   601–800  Huddersfield
=56  501–600   501–600  Keele
=56  501–600   401–500  Lincoln
=56  501–600   401–500  Liverpool
=56  501–600   601–800  Manchester
=56  501–600   401–500  London
=56  501–600   501–600  Northumbria
=56  501–600   501–600  Nottingham
=56  501–600   401–500  Bristol
=70  601–800   501–600  Birmingham
=70  601–800   801–1000  Coventry
=70  601–800   601–800  Leicester
=70  601–800   601–800  Derby
=70  601–800   601–800  Glasgow
=70  601–800   601–800  Hatfield
=70  601–800   601–800  London
=70  601–800   601–800  Nationwide
=70  601–800   601–800  Oxford
=70  601–800   401–500  Edinburgh
=70  601–800   601–800  Ulster
=70  601–800   601–800  Paisley
=70  601–800   601–800  Wolverhampton
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Brighton
=83  801–1000   NR  Cheltenham
=83  801–1000   801–1000  London
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Leeds
=83  801–1000   1001–1200  Aberdeen
=83  801–1000   801–1000  London
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Salford
=83  801–1000   801–1000  Sheffield
=83  801–1000   1001–1200  London
=92  1001–1200   801–1000  Luton
=92  1001–1200   1201–1500  Kent
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  Preston
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  London
=92  1001–1200   801–1000  Ormskirk
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  Pontypridd
=92  1001–1200   1201–1500  Stoke-on-Trent
=92  1001–1200   1001–1200  Teesside
=92  1001–1200   NR  London
=92  1001–1200   801–1000  Winchester
=102  1201–1500   1001–1200  Cardiff
=102  1201–1500   1201–1500  Chester
=102  1201–1500   1001–1200  Sunderland


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phd programs in the netherlands

Ireland Government Postgraduate Scholarship 2025 (Funded)

The Call for the Ireland Government Postgraduate Scholarship and Ireland Government Post Doctoral Fellowship for the Academic Year 2025 is now open. The purpose of the Irish Postgraduate scholarship and Fellowship is to support research master’s, doctoral, and postdoctoral candidates pursuing, or intending to pursue, full-time research in any discipline from Irish Universities. The scholarship is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and managed by the Irish Research Council (IRC).

Details About Ireland Government Postgraduate Scholarship Program 2025

  • Host Country : Ireland
  • Degree Level : Masters, PhD, Post Doctoral
  • Who can Apply : European and International Students
  • Deadline: 10th October 2024

Also Check: List of Masters and PhD Scholarships in Ireland

Overview of the Ireland Government Postgraduate Scholarship

The scholarship is for new international students as well as for those already studying in eligible Irish Universities.

New students can apply for the research masters, PhD, and Post Doctoral programs in any discipline.

The scholarship is competitive with a success rate of 18% in the past five years.

IELTS/TOEFL is not required by the Irish Research Council. However, it is strongly recommended that the applicants check the requirements set by the university to which they are applying.

Applicants do not have to be registered students at an eligible (Higher Education Institute) HEI before applying for a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship award.

An applicant must be primarily supervised by the mentor/supervisor. The scholarship begins in September 2025.

Also Check:  TU Delft Justus & Louise Excellence Scholarships 2025 in Netherlands

Degree Type and Duration

The normal duration of the funding is from one to four years. An applicant who is new and applying for the Govt of Ireland Postgraduate scholarship program is eligible to apply for funding for the full duration of the degree as outlined below.

  • Research Masters Degree : 1 Year
  • Structured research master’s degree : 2 Year
  • Traditional doctoral degree : 3 Years
  • Structured doctoral degree : 4 Years

Eligible Fields

The funding is available across all disciplines.

  • Engineering
  • Humanities and Arts
  • General Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Health Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Also Check:  KAIST University Graduate Scholarship 2025

Participating HEI Institutes

Select your course in any of these universities, and apply to the university. Get an acceptance letter from the supervisor, and then apply for the Ireland Government Postgraduate scholarship program.

  • Atlantic Technological University
  • Dublin City University
  • Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
  • Dublin Dental Hospital
  • Dundalk Institute of Technology
  • Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology
  • Marino Institute of Education
  • Mary Immaculate College
  • Maynooth University
  • Munster Technological University
  • National College of Art and Design
  • National College of Ireland
  • RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Royal Irish Academy
  • Royal Irish Academy of Music
  • South East Technological University
  • Technological University Dublin
  • Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Cork
  • University College Dublin
  • University of Galway
  • University of Limerick

Also Check:  ARES Belgium Scholarships and Trainings (Fully Funded)

Benefits of the Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship 2025 (For Masters, and Doctoral)

The Value of the scholarship is a maximum of €31,000 per annum

  • Selected students will receive a stipend of €22,000/year.
  • The student will receive research expenses of €3,250 per year.
  • The candidates will get to study at the world’s leading universities in Ireland.
  • The scholarship is also towards contribution to fees, including non-EU fees, up to a maximum of €5,750 per annum.

Benefits of the Ireland Post Doctoral Fellowship 2025 (For Post Doctoral)

  • A salary of €46,305 in the first year and €47,879 in the second year.
  • Employer’s PRSI contribution.
  • Eligible direct research expenses of €5,000 per annum.

Also Check:  University of Hawaii ADB Scholarship in USA (Fully Funded)

Eligibility Criteria

  • The scholarship is open to all applicants from all countries as well and Irish students can also apply.
  • To proceed to the application form, applicants must first pass a preliminary eligibility quiz on their online system.
  • No age limitation.
  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree to apply for a Master’s program, and a Master’s degree to apply for a PhD program.
  • Students awaiting their results may apply. However, they must provide a provisional certificate from their home institution.
  • Applicants must submit their overall degree results on the application form, which must be endorsed by the host institution and verifiable on an official transcript.
  • All applicants must have a willing supervisor who can guide them on their research projects during their studies in Ireland.
  • Applicant must be fluent in English. The Irish Research Council does not require IELTS/TOEFL. However, check with the Irish Institute if they need it or not.
  • Focus on Recommendation letters. Make the best of it. Read  How to Make a Recommendation Letter for a Scholarship
  • I will recommend you to please read the Call for Application as it contains all the details, process, requirements, and everything that is not covered here.

Dates to Note

  • Result : April 2025
  • Supervisor and Mentor Deadline : 17th October 2024
  • Semester Begins : September 2025

Also Check:  Yenching Academy Scholarship in China 2025 (Fully Funded)

Application Process

  • Read the Call for Document
  • Apply to an Eligible Irish Institute .
  • Get an offer from the Supervisor.
  • Complete the Ireland Government Postgraduate scholarship application online.

The Link to the official website is given below. You will find their Call for Documents, Supervisor Form, FAQs, and Online application forms.


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TU Delft Justus & Louise Excellence Scholarships

TU Delft Justus & Louise Excellence Scholarships 2025 in Netherlands

ARES Belgium Scholarships

ARES Belgium Scholarships and Trainings 2025-2026 (Fully Funded)

Dalarna University Scholarships

Dalarna University Scholarships in Sweden (Spring 2025 Intake)

Leiden University Minerva Scholarship Fund

Leiden University Minerva Scholarship Fund 2025 in Netherlands (Fully Funded)

University of Milan Bicocca DSU Scholarship

University of Milan Bicocca DSU Scholarship 2024-25, Italy (Apply)

University of Milan DSU Scholarship

University of Milan DSU Scholarship 2024-25, Italy (Fully Funded)

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  • Sat. Aug 31st, 2024

Best Global Research Positions in Agriculture and Biosciences

3 PhD Funded Positions and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/ Mechanobiology Within the GreenTE Gravitation Program in The Netherlands

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By Agristok

phd programs in the netherlands

3 PhD Funded Positions and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/Mechanobiology Within the GreenTE Gravitation Program in The Netherlands: Plant Mechanobiology is an field that explores how mechanical forces and physical properties influence the growth, development, and behavior of plants. At its heart, plant mechanobiology investigates how plants perceive, respond, and adapt to mechanical stimuli, which can include forces like wind, gravity, touch, or even the pressure exerted by their own growth. This field bridges physics, biology, and engineering to understand these interactions.

Mechanobiology plays a crucial role in plant morphogenesis. The mechanical properties of cell walls, influenced by the arrangement of cellulose microfibrils, determine how cells expand and divide, shaping plant organs. This includes how plants bend or how leaves fold, as seen in the rapid movements of the Mimosa pudica when touched, which involves specialized motor organs called pulvini. Understanding plant mechanobiology can lead to advancements in agriculture, like developing crops that are more resilient to wind or mechanical stress, or optimizing plant architecture for better light capture and yield.

Plant mechanobiology , therefore, not only enriches our understanding of plant life but also opens avenues for innovation in biotechnology, agriculture, and even materials science, where plant-inspired designs could lead to new technologies. This field continues to evolve, with each discovery peeling back another layer of the complex life of plants, revealing them as dynamic, responsive organisms far beyond passive greenery.

About GreenTE: Green Mechanobiology is positioned at the interface of classical disciplines: biology, mechanics, physics and chemistry. A central aim in mechanobiology is not to view the physical and mechanical aspects of plant life as separate from the complex biological reality, but as an intrinsic and deeply intertwined part of the whole. The field of Green Mechanobiology aims to integrate concepts from physics and mechanics into a biological viewpoint on the processes of life for a systems level understanding.

A foundational basis of our GreenTE project is our shared conviction that to understand how mechanics couples to biological programs in the life of plant cells and tissues, and to learn how such knowledge can be leveraged to gain engineering control over plant development or resilience, we need to bring together a broad range of expertise. We not only believe that an inherently multidisciplinary problem requires a truly interdisciplinary team, but are also convinced that it is essential to train a new generation of young researchers to integrate concepts from these disparate fields in their intuitive scientific thinking, which can only be effectively achieved by embedding their training in a collaborative community that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. Thus, the GreenTE consortium strives to advance the field of plant mechanobiology both by pushing the frontiers of our scientific knowledge and by fostering a new generation of researchers that is equipped to better approach complex problems using a multidisciplinary approach.

The GreenTE community will build strong links to adjacent international fields of plant biomechanics and (animal and microbial) mechanobiology. We will link our efforts to those of other international initiatives, in part through our Scientific Advisory Board members, by organizing international conferences, by enabling exchange in the form of scientific visits by GreenTE researchers to other institutes (such as the NSF Center for Engineering MechanoBiology (CEMB)) and by offering support to international scientists to visit and work in GreenTE labs. We will provide a rich playing field for translational science through the inclusion of an Industrial Stakeholders Committee, comprising both small to medium and large enterprises, that will support and help identify novel applications of our fundamental research.

We have 3 PhD Positions and 2 Postdoctoral Positions available:

PhD position: Modeling the mechanical regulation of plant development and regeneration:

The opening is for a PhD research position within the field of mathematical or theoretical biology, computational physics, applied mathematics or computational science. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

Key responsibilities:

  • Develop and interpret novel two-dimensional multiscale mathematical models of mechanical regulation of plant development and regeneration in close collaboration with members of the GreenTE consortium, in particular the group of experimental plant biologist Prof. dr. Dolf Weijers at Wageningen University.
  • Further develop the plant modeling package VirtualLeaf to reflect mechanical manipulation as performed in the experimental lab.
  • Incorporate detailed insights into the model of the mechanical properties of cell walls based on experiments and small-scale simulations developed elsewhere in the GreenTE consortium.
  • Correct and improve your mathematical models in close collaboration with experimental biologists, particularly PhD students at Wageningen University who will perform mechanical interventions (e.g., stretching, squeezing or poking) of embryo development and root regeneration of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • At a later stage: extend the models to three dimensions in close collaboration with a postdoc in computational science in our team.

Enquiries about the position can be made to Prof.dr. Roeland Merks, [email protected]

To apply for this vacancy, please ensure that you join to your application the following additional documents:

  • A letter of motivation
  • An updated CV
  • Letters of recommendation or contact details of 1 or 2 former supervisors
  • The transcripts of your MSc studies
  • Examples of previously written code

Application deadline September 9 th 2024.

  • PhD position: Mechanical signaling during seed germination

Within the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to explore mechanisms of mechanical signaling during seed germination. In this PhD project, we aim for mapping the mechanical responses during seed germination. We will use a multi-point indentation technique to characterize the seeds’ mechanical properties, such as stiffness and rupture force, with a spatial resolution of a few micrometers. Further, we will use the plant-specific molecular mechanoprobes to generate high-resolution maps of the mechanical properties and turgor pressure inside the seed, using multiphoton confocal microscopy. We will link the gained knowledge to transcriptome, translatome and phosphoproteome data that will be generated by other researchers in the project team to finally create an integrated model of seed germination. The constructed models will be functionally characterized using Arabidopsis mutants.

The candidate will be embedded in the Wageningen Seed Science Centre (Leónie Bentsink group) which is part of the Laboratory of Plant physiology, Wageningen University, and within the larger GreenTE program. The latter includes physicists, chemists, theoreticians and plant biologists. We are looking for an MSc graduate (or soon to graduate MSc candidate) with a strong affinity with curiosity-driven plant science and experience in (plant) molecular biology approaches (including confocal microscopy). The (full-time) position is funded for 4 years and available from October 2024 onwards.

This PhD project is part of the Gravitation programme GreenTE (Green Tissue Engineering), a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities. Together, GreenTE will unravel how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli; these fundamental insights will be the basis to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed germination and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

For more information about this position, please contact Prof dr Leónie Bentsink ( [email protected] ) This vacancy is open up to and including September 2, 2024. If you are interested in joining our diverse team, please apply online through APPLY NOW by uploading a motivation letter and CV

  • PhD Position in Mechanical signaling in plants

Within the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to explore mechanisms of mechanical signaling in plants. Our recent data identified rapid protein phosphorylation as a potentially profound mediator of responses to mechanical stress in Arabidopsis cells. In this project, the candidate will use a combination of microfluidics and phosphoproteomics to systematically explore rapid responses to mechanical signals, and investigate the role of newly identified candidate regulators and mediators in the perception of and response to mechanical signaling in development and/or immunity.

The candidate will be embedded in a multi-disciplinary team both at the host department (Dolf Weijers and Joris Sprakel groups; Wageningen University), and within the larger GreenTE program. The latter includes physicists, chemists, theoreticians and plant biologists.

We are looking for an MSc graduate (or soon to graduate MSc candidate) with a strong affinity with curiosity-driven plant science and experience in one or more of the following areas: (1) Proteomics, (2) Microfluidics, (3) Engineering. The (full-time) position is funded for 4 years and available from September 2024 onward.

This PhD/PD project is part of the Gravitation programme GreenTE (Green Tissue Engineering), a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities. Together, GreenTE will unravel how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli; these fundamental insights will be the basis to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed longevity and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

To apply: Please contact Dolf Weijers ( [email protected] ) or Joris Sprakel ( [email protected] ) to inquire about the position or to apply. When applying, please provide a motivation letter, a detailed CV and names of 2-3 individuals from whom a letter of reference can be requested. This vacancy is open up to and including September 2, 2024.

  • Postdoc position: Three-dimensional simulation models of plant tissue mechanobiology

The opening is for a Postdoc research position within the field of computational science, mathematical or theoretical biology, computational physics, or applied mathematics. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

  • Develop novel, three-dimensional simulation techniques suitable for modeling the mechanical regulation of plant development and regeneration in close collaboration with members of the GreenTE consortium.
  • Integrate the new techniques into the plant modeling package VirtualLeaf .
  • Design simulation experiments to reflect and interpret mechanical manipulation of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as performed elsewhere in the GreenTE consortium.
  • Incorporate detailed insights into the model of the mechanical properties of cell walls based on experiments and simulations at the subcellular level as developed elsewhere in the GreenTE consortium.
  • Collaborate with a PhD student working in our group, also within GreenTE, to extend two-dimensional models of mechanical regulation of plant development to three dimensions and to validate these against experimental data produced elsewhere in the consortium.
  • Publication of the results in the scientific literature.
  • Postdoc position: Mechanosensing mechanisms of seed desiccation survival; Postdoc Seed Desiccation – GreenTE

As part of the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a talented, motivated, and proactive postdoctoralresearcher who is interested in unravelling the mechanosensing mechanisms of seed desiccation survival.

Producing dry seeds is vital for plants since it enables them to survive in harsh environmental conditions and it ensures that their species can thrive over time. Extreme loss of water (or desiccation) during seed development or germination is an important factor that affects seed survival, resilience, and storability. However, little is still known about how drying is sensed and integrated into seed developmental programs.

As a postdoctoral researcher, you will investigate how mechanical and biochemical signals trigged by drying affect the transcriptome (RNA-seq) and phosphoproteome during seed maturation and germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Besides designing and conducting experiments, analyzing the results and writing scientific manuscripts, you will have the opportunity to contribute with teaching and supervising MSc and BSc students.

Your qualities:

  • You have a recently obtained a PhD degree in plant sciences, with a focus on molecular biology, developmental biology, biochemistry, or related fields,
  • You have experience with detailed phenotyping and affinity with precision work in model species, such as molecular biology and microscopy techniques,
  • You have interest or affinity with biophysical and/or biochemistry research in plants,
  • Experience with seed physiology experiments, phosphoproteomics, transcriptomics, and/or bioinformatics approaches are an advantage,
  • Have excellent organizational and writing skills, work independently and reliably, and are proactive and enthusiastic for the project.

You will work at the Seed Resilience Group, led by Dr. Mariana Silva Artur. Our group addresses fundamental questions related to seed survival in the dry state. We are also embedded in the Wageningen Seed Science Centre which is part of the Laboratory of Plant Physiology. This project is part of the GreenTE Gravitation program, a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities who aims at unravelling how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli and to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed longevity and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.

For more information about this position, please contact Dr. Mariana Silva Artur ([email protected]) . This vacancy is open up to and including September 2, 2024. If you are interested in joining our diverse and interdisciplinary team, please apply please apply online through: APPLY NOW by uploading a motivation letter and CV.

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Applying to the PhD Program

Doctoral student studying and taking notes.

What you need to know to apply

If you are intellectually curious and like to be challenged by new ideas and experiences, consider a Kellogg PhD. Our students shift from being consumers of knowledge to being producers of new knowledge. Through their publications and teaching, Kellogg graduates contribute to business practice and society.

Preparing to apply

Each year, Kellogg receives over 850 applications to its eight PhD programs. On average 25 students enroll each fall.

PhD study requires strong quantitative skills to develop theories and manage and analyze data. This program is especially well suited to those who have previously studied social sciences (such as economics, political science, psychology and sociology), mathematics, natural sciences or engineering.

To be eligible for admission, you must hold a U.S bachelor’s degree — or a comparable non-U.S. degree — from a regionally accredited institution. You may be considered for admission before you finish your undergraduate degree, but you must complete that degree before you enroll at Kellogg. A three-year bachelor’s degree is also accepted.

Application review

During the admissions process, we will evaluate your application file and how your research interests align with the research expertise of our faculty. Also included in our review is the strength of your recommendation letters, academic record, and performance on standardized tests. Your application will help us understand if you are ready to seize all the opportunities that come with joining Kellogg.

Our faculty will assess your:

  • Application responses


  • Test scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample (optional)

For international candidates, the committee also assesses:

  • English language proficiency 

Master’s degree holders

A master’s degree is not required for enrollment in our PhD programs. For applicants with a master’s degree, note that the coursework taken in a master’s program will not shorten your time to degree. No transfer credit is provided with a master’s and students must satisfy their PhD coursework requirements in full while studying at Kellogg.

Opportunities for collaborative research across programs and schools at Northwestern University are always available; interdisciplinary research is our strength. However, Northwestern permits applicants to apply to one PhD program a year .

There is an exception through the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, which is outlined below.

Academic experience

The Kellogg PhD Program offers eight distinct areas of focus, each with varying types of experience that are needed for success.

Economics-based PhD programs

  • These include Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Financial Economics, Managerial Economics & Strategy, Operations Management, and Marketing (quantitative area)
  • Evidence of solid training in math, econometrics and statistics within the application
  • Recommended math courses include calculus, linear algebra, probability and mathematical statistics

Behavioral/Sociological-based PhD programs

  • These programs include Marketing, Management & Organizations, and a joint program between Management & Organizations & Sociology
  • Evidence of statistics for social scientists and quantitative thinking, as well as a strong understanding of central concepts of probability and statistics
  • Background in social psychology and sociology

Dual application with Weinberg Economics

Applicants seeking to enroll in an economics-based doctoral program have the option to submit a second application for review to the Economics PhD Program. Kellogg PhD programs participating in this dual application option include, Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Managerial Economics & Strategy and Marketing (quantitative area).

More details about this option are available on The Graduate School website.

Financial aid

Kellogg offers a five-year financial aid package to all admitted doctoral students that includes a stipend, tuition scholarships, health insurance, moving allowance and a subsidy to purchase a computer.

Contact CollegeNET Technical support for help with its online application .

Get a sense for Kellogg faculty expertise, academic research and published work.

  • Faculty directory
  • Northwestern Scholars database
  • To apply for a Kellogg PhD, you will need an updated version of your resume or CV, transcripts from all academic institutions, test scores, an academic statement, a personal statement and three recommendation letters.

How to write your application

Your resume or cv.

Your resume or CV should summarize all of your qualifications, honors, educational accomplishments, and if applicable, current research papers.

Please list all schools where you were registered for courses at the college level, including community colleges, study abroad institutions and current registrations whether or not in a degree program.

Provide one transcript from each college/university you have attended that documents each course taken beyond high-school level, whether or not within a degree program. Certification of degrees received, including the date the degree was awarded, should be noted on the transcript and/or diploma. Please note:

  • The Kellogg PhD application requires unofficial transcripts . There is no need to send official transcripts prior to enrollment. Official transcripts are needed only if you decide to enroll
  • For applicants who studied at international institutions, transcripts must be accompanied with an official English translation, if applicable

Form for courses taken

The Courses Taken form lets anyone applying to our economics-based programs highlight advanced university courses that directly support their chosen field of study and proficiency in the subject matter. The form allows for up to six advanced courses in each specific area. If you cannot access our form, you may create and upload a form that contains the same information in applicable areas of study.

Download the following forms if you plan to apply to one of these programs. Forms are required with your application submission:

  • Accounting Information & Management
  • Financial Economics
  • Operations Management

If you plan to apply to either of these programs, we highly recommend you fill out one of these forms:

  • Managerial Economics & Strategy
  • Marketing (quantitative)

Standardized tests

All applicants are required to submit either the GRE or the GMAT regardless of previous experience and/or advanced degrees. We take a holistic approach to the application-review process, meaning there is no minimum score required for eligibility. Test scores are reviewed within the context of the entire application.

GRE required for:

  • Management & Organizations & Sociology

GRE or GMAT required for:

  • Management & Organizations

The Finance program prefers the GRE, but will accept the GMAT.

The GRE At Home and the GMAT Online exams are accepted. GRE and GMAT scores are valid for five years from the date taken. The institution code for GMAT is: 6WZ-3J-54 (PhD Program, Kellogg). The institution code for GRE is: 1565 (Northwestern Graduate School).

Unofficial test score reports are used during the application review process; however, official GRE and GMAT test scores are required if admission is recommended.

English language proficiency tests

If your native language is not English, The Graduate School requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

If your native language is not English, Northwestern requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

  • TOELF:  We accept 600 or higher on the paper-based exam, 250 or higher on the computer-based exam, or 100 or higher on the Internet-based exam. TOEFL scores through at-home testing service are accepted. The TOEFL institution code is: 1565 (The Graduate School)
  • IELTS:  Unofficial score report, submitted at the time of application, for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) . The IELTS Academic test must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry (fall quarter). IELTS test takers should score 7.0 or higher. IELTS scores submitted through its at-home testing service are accepted
  • MET:  We accept Michigan English Test scores of 70 or higher
  • Earning an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited institution where the language of instruction is English. Please note, Kellogg provides the waiver after an application is submitted and transcripts have been reviewed. No additional documentation is required. Applicants will see the waiver noted within their online account
  • Automatically Waived:  Applicants that are citizens from the following countries where English is the native language will have the requirement automatically waived upon submission of the application (Australia, Barbados, Bermuda, Great Britain, Gibraltar, Israel, Jamaica, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)

Standardized exams must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry. Unofficial scores are used during the review process. Official test scores are required only if admission is recommended.

DuoLingo or TOEFL Essentials are not accepted. Kellogg does not require the Test of Spoken English (TSE).

This is your opportunity to share the depth and breath of your academic education. In addition to the tactical and practical elements, think about how each experience helped you grow into the candidate you are today.

Academic statement 

You have a max limit of 1,000 words to answer the following questions:

  • What are your academic interests, and why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in this specific program?
  • How has your academic and professional background prepared you for graduate study? (Include any research, training, or educational experiences that align with the program you are applying to)
  • How will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals?
  • What scholarly questions do you wish to explore in the program? (Make sure to include any specific faculty members whose research interests align with your own)

Personal statement 

Write a statement that addresses the following prompt (500 words max):

The Graduate School values diverse backgrounds, approaches, and perspectives, understanding them as essential ingredients for true academic excellence. As a Northwestern graduate student, how would you contribute to an intellectual community that prioritizes equity, inclusion, belonging and cultural humility?

Your answer may draw upon past or present experiences, whether in academic work, extracurricular or community activities, or everyday life.

While a paper is not required for admission to Kellogg’s PhD programs, the Sociology Department does require one, where the applicant is the sole-author, for consideration to the joint program in Management & Organizations and Sociology.

We do not require a writing sample to be submitted with the application; however, you may include one writing sample (30-page maximum) with your application. Hyperlink this paper and any other papers you have on your resume. *Please note: Only one writing sample will be reviewed. Do not upload more than one paper.

We require three letters. Additionally, we ask all recommenders to include Northwestern University’s Graduate Applicant Assessment Form found within the application. Recommendation letters from professors or instructors could include:

  • A description of the nature of your relationship. Did you take one or more classes with the professor?
  • A description of a research project or honors thesis, discussing the quality of the work, technical and writing skills, research methods used, data analysis, originality, depth of research undertaken, questions/problems raised, contribution to the field, etc.
  • The letter should also provide a ranking — how you compared to other students

Recommendation letters from employers and business associates could include:

  • Insights into your aptitude, character and working style — ability to work on your own, self-starter, complete a project on time, etc.
  • Any research or data analysis you have done within the scope of your work

All letters must be submitted online through our web-based application, CollegeNET . Directions for uploading letters and accessing the Graduate Applicant Assessment Form will be sent to recommenders once the applicant has entered the contact information within the application. We are not able to accept recommendation letters by email.

A $95 non-refundable fee must be paid by credit or debit card within the online application. For those participating in the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, the application fee is $175. The Graduate School (TGS) at Northwestern University administers the fee waiver program. If you wish to be considered for a fee waiver, please refer to The Graduate School’s website on Application Fees .

After you submit

You’ve invested time, energy and resources into completing your application, so no doubt you’ll want confirmation that your application was received. And we want you to have that peace of mind, too.

So, once you submit your application, you can log back into CollegeNet at any time to view the status and double check that all sections were successfully completed.

We welcome anyone who is interested in reapplying to the doctoral program. Additional time can frequently further cement your research goals and application strength. However, we are unable to provide specific application feedback if you applied in the past.

All candidates can reapply in future years, but you must submit a new application, supporting documents and application fee.

Application dates and deadlines

Application deadline Decision released
Round 1 Dec. 15, 2024

Application questions? We’re here to help

phd programs in the netherlands


  1. PhD Study in the Netherlands

    The Dutch academic year runs from September to August. The application deadline for most study programmes is 1 May. However, because PhD programmes are less dependent on coursework and exams, the application deadlines are usually flexible. You should check the application for your chosen course with your university.

  2. PhD programmes

    PhD programmes. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University's different disciplines. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under ...

  3. PhD Programmes

    Then a doctoral degree may be your next step. All information for both prospective and current PhD students can be found in the PhD Manual (pdf). PhD in Utrecht. About PhD programmes. How do I obtain a PhD position? Where can I find PhD vacancies? ... The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50 ...

  4. Study in the Netherlands: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    With over 150 universities featured in international rankings, the U.S. has some of the best business schools, medical schools, and engineering schools. Universities and colleges in the U.S. are well known for academic flexibility and ways to customize your study experience with optional studies and extracurricular activities.

  5. PhDs

    Several of our graduate schools and research institutes offer PhD training programmes. In these programmes, you will follow a number of courses as well as write a dissertation. We have both full-time and part-time programmes. ... Maastricht University was the first university in the Netherlands to strive for internationalisation. Almost half of ...

  6. PhD at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam we provide three or four year research intensive PhD programs, or part time PhD programs with a duration above four years, organized in graduate schools of nine VU Amsterdam faculties. We expect our doctoral graduates to become internationally engaged scientists with transferable skills and opportunities to plan ...

  7. PhD programme

    5 reasons to choose a PhD programme at TU Delft Advanced laboratory and experimental facilities that are unique in the Netherlands, and are used to conduct advanced research for the scientific field, and for business and industry; International acclaimed supervisors to coach and guide you with your training and research activities; Small group-based training and peer interaction (leading to a ...

  8. PhD

    The Netherlands has: excellent graduate schools; a large variety of research fields and extensive interdisciplinary collaboration; world-class research: ten Dutch research universities are ranked in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022; mostly paid employment contracts for PhD candidates. Research schools and ...

  9. PhD at TU/e

    The Netherlands has an open, friendly culture and a population that speaks English well. At TU/e you will find students from more than 80 different countries, who come together in one of the many communities. ... The main difference between an EngD program and a PhD track is its focus. A PhD is aimed at establishing yourself as an independent ...

  10. PhD

    PhD at TU Delft. TU Delft is the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands: an institution where we perform world-class research by combining science, engineering and design in a socially responsible manner. As a PhD candidate at TU Delft, you will have the opportunity to conduct in-depth (paid) research in your chosen field.

  11. PhD research

    PhD research. PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

  12. PhD

    Doing a PhD will probably be the most influential time in your personal development to prepare you for your future career. In the Netherlands, only research universities like the University of Twente offer the third cycle of higher education leading to a PhD. A PhD involves spending four years of in-depth studying and researching in a particular area.

  13. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Netherlands

    Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences. The DBA is a 3-year, part-time programme developed to suit the lifestyle of executives who wish to combine their practical expertise with the highest level of management training. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Netherlands PhD Programme. 1.

  14. Top Universities for PhD Study in the Netherlands in 2024

    184. 210. 401-500. Tilburg University. 201-250. =371. 701-800. Information in this table is based on the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings and Academic Ranking of World Universities. Visit their websites for more information.

  15. PhD Programme

    Work & Organizational Psychology. The Psychology Research Institute is dedicated to providing supervision and support to post-graduate students pursuing a PhD in social sciences at the University of Amsterdam. Our goal is to ensure that PhD candidates have a stimulating and high-quality experience, leading to the timely completion of their ...

  16. Apply

    We will offer 51 four year PhD positions at five renowned Dutch universities, ranging from such diverse research fields as Social Sciences & Humanities to Natural Sciences and Engineering. ... The Candidate must be available to enroll full-time in the PhD program at the Host institution in The Netherlands; eventual suspensions for family or ...

  17. PhD programme

    Download the booklet. The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) offers a four-year programme leading to an internationally recognized degree. Our PhD researchers work on topics in the field of global development and social justice based on a strong theoretical footing and using cutting-edge qualitative and quantitative methods.

  18. Homepage

    About study in the Netherlands. Wide range of English-taught programmes. Good value for money. Big international community. Safe and happy country. Excellent career opportunities. Find out more.

  19. PhD programmes in Social Sciences in Netherlands

    Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Social Sciences from top universities in Netherlands. Check all 39 programmes. Explore; Decide; ... Netherlands. Ranked top 0.5%. View Programme Information. Add to compare. Markets and Organizations. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. Free. 4 years. University of AmsterdamAmsterdam, Netherlands. Ranked ...

  20. Top Universities in Netherlands for PhD

    Why Study PhD Programs in Netherlands? All PhD programs in Netherlands are part of a graduate school or research school. Research schools are partnerships between multiple research universities and research institutes, while graduate schools are organised within universities. The following benefits of PhD in Holland are:

  21. Ph.D scholarships in Netherlands for International students 2024-2025

    Erasmus University Rotterdam ERIM PhD Program 2024. Applications to the ERIM PhD Programme for the next available intake (new academic year) are fully electronic and are made available in Fall (November) every year. The application deadline is mid-January. The processing of applications begins mid-January/February, and applicants are advised of.

  22. PhD Funding in the Netherlands

    The Netherlands is renowned for its research, with seven universities in the top 100 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. This, alongside the many funding opportunities, strong links to the rest of Europe and lack of traditional tuition fees make the Netherlands a popular place to complete a PhD.. There are several funding options for a PhD in the Netherlands including ...

  23. Search Postgraduate Courses in The Netherlands

    Search Postgraduate Degrees in The Netherlands. Explore top programs and advance your career. Apply today. ... Dutch Golden Age (research MA) Arts and Culture: Musicology; Arts and Culture: Theatre Studies ... Lowdown on the UK's Graduate Visa; Guide to funding your postgraduate studies;

  24. Exciting fully funded PhD opportunities at leading universities across

    The following prestigious PhD programs provide outstanding research opportunities, competitive stipends, and access to world-class facilities. ... (Netherlands) PhD Student in Enhancing renewable power plants' performance through advanced control methods - DTU Wind, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)

  25. MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering

    The MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering program allows you to build extensive expertise in a specialized concentration within one of our focus areas. Challenging interdisciplinary coursework and a collaborative, supportive community provide you with a comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience.

  26. Best universities in the UK 2024

    Top 5 universities in the UK 5. University of Edinburgh Founded in 1583, the University of Edinburgh is the sixth-oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Britain and Ireland's seven ancient universities.. It is made up of three colleges: arts, humanities and social sciences; science and engineering; and medicine and veterinary medicine.

  27. Ireland Government Postgraduate Scholarship 2025 (Funded)

    New students can apply for the research masters, PhD, and Post Doctoral programs in any discipline. ... Also Check: TU Delft Justus & Louise Excellence Scholarships 2025 in Netherlands. Degree Type and Duration. The normal duration of the funding is from one to four years. An applicant who is new and applying for the Govt of Ireland ...

  28. 3 PhD and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/Mechanobiology

    3 PhD Funded Positions and 2 Postdoc Positions in Plant Biology/Mechanobiology Within the GreenTE Gravitation Program in The Netherlands: Plant Mechanobiology is an field that explores how mechanical forces and physical properties influence the growth, development, and behavior of plants. At its heart, plant mechanobiology investigates how plants perceive, respond, and adapt to mechanical ...

  29. How to Apply

    Applicants seeking to enroll in an economics-based doctoral program have the option to submit a second application for review to the Economics PhD Program. Kellogg PhD programs participating in this dual application option include, Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Managerial Economics & Strategy and Marketing (quantitative area).