Doctor of Counselling Psychology

Please note the application deadline has now passed and there are no vacancies for new applications to this course for September 2024.

Page last updated 19 June 2024


An intensive applied professional training programme accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Accreditations and partnerships:

This course gives you a doctorate-level education and training in psychotherapy and applied psychology, leading to the award of Doctor in Counselling Psychology. It includes a comprehensive programme of taught modules, 450 hours of supervised counselling psychology practice in a range of placements, and a doctoral research thesis. Experts guide you through psychotherapeutic theory, personal and professional development, and clinical practice. Our course builds upon Counselling Psychology's existential-phenomenological base as it integrates:

  • contemporary developments of relational psychotherapy
  • high-quality research that applies to 'real world' contexts
  • critical perspectives that deconstruct, decolonise, and reframe psychopathology
  • the voices and knowledge of experts and those working across a range of related helping professions
  • a caring ethos that brings together staff, students, external stakeholders, and the wider community.

In-depth preparation for practice

You'll receive thorough training on personal, professional and academic levels. This will require you to combine your unique psychobiography and social identities with advanced psychological theory as a basis for mindful and ethical clinical practice.

The training will equip you to work in a broad range of settings, including the NHS , industry, the third sector, private practice, academic and research roles, and many others. We have an extended network with partner providers and practices including NHS services and established charities. This makes our programme popular with prospective candidates and highly desirable with employers. Many of our graduates develop into portfolio professionals who combine interests and work in multiple contexts (for example, the NHS, consultancy, advocacy work, private practice and teaching/training).

This training is based on the relational psychodynamic approach, coupled with advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and an introduction to systemic approaches. It's designed to help you develop a critical and relational, integrative perspective that'll be authentic to your personal style and help you move in the direction you want as a therapist and as a member of society. For example, you may have already studied client-centred or existential therapy as part of counselling certificate courses. The programme team is committed to the view that the therapeutic relationship is the key factor in promoting client change, and that counselling psychologists should help to address structural barriers that contribute to poor mental health.

The full-time route takes three years to complete, while the part-time route can be completed in four or five years. If you don't complete the Professional Doctorate route, you may be eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in Psychotherapeutic Studies, or a Master's in Psychological Therapy.

You must engage in personal therapy during the course; a minimum of 60 hours is a requirement for gaining the award of Doctor of Counselling Psychology. This reflects our central focus on 'use of self' and a relational approach to practice. Please note that the cost for this is not included in the course fees.

Watch: The learning and teaching experience

You're introduced to the relational psychodynamic approach in Year one and we expect you to adopt and practice this approach in your placements. In Year two the practitioner focus turns to relational CBT, which informs your choice of placement, while you retain and further develop a critical psychoanalytic lens as we examine and deconstruct psychopathology. In Year three , you get to explore your own identity as a counselling psychologist through modules on integration and advanced theory and practice in counselling psychology, including teaching on supervision, leadership, psychometrics, and neuropsychological assessment.

You'll study:

  • Principles of Counselling Psychology - introduces the fundamental values and ethos of counselling psychology, with a strong focus on ethics and diversity.
  • Theory and Practice in Counselling Psychology 1 - exposes you to the history and principles of the relational psychodynamic approach.
  • Personal and Professional Development 1 - involves skills training, practice placements and personal reflection. You'll participate in a weekly experiential process group centred around relational psychodynamic principles.
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Methods - covers research methods in qualitative and quantitative design, ensuring that you acquire the essential skills for carrying out your research.
  • Systemic Thinking and Practice in Counselling Psychology - covers working with couples, families and groups. It gives you an opportunity to reflect on the systems in which you're embedded and identify institutional opportunities and barriers in your placements. The module forms the basis for extending your practice beyond the core emphasis on 1:1 work with individuals.
  • Research in Counselling Psychology - this module contextualises research within the field of counselling psychology, covering advanced methods such as autoethnography and psychotherapy process research. It also provides support for students in developing their initial research ideas and guides them through the various stages of the UWE Bristol professional doctorate research journey.
  • Theory and Practice in Counselling Psychology 2 - an in-depth look at the CBT approach filtered through a relational (rather than protocol-driven) lens, which equips you to work in the NHS. All teaching by an accredited CBT practitioner/counselling psychologist.
  • Personal and Professional Development 2 - further development through practice placements and personal reflection, based on CBT.
  • Critical Psychopathology - a critical deconstruction and interrogation of the knowledge(s) that psychologists, psychotherapists, and society at large draw upon when conceptualising mental health and wellbeing. We consider psychology's role in constructing 'individuals' and turn to community psychology for a more expansive understanding of the interrelatedness of people and their environment.
  • Professional Issues in Counselling Psychology - will present a critical oversight of current issues within the profession, such as the current emphasis on empirically supported treatments and the prescription rights debate. It's designed to support your professional artistry, one of the distinguishing features of counselling psychology.
  • Personal and Professional Development 3 - here we begin to integrate the approaches you have learned so far in applied practical and personal contexts. Placements can be chosen based on trainees' specialist interests.
  • Advanced Theory and Practice in Counselling Psychology - this module covers leadership, further insights on diversity and inclusion, psychometric testing, neuropsychological assessment and supervision.
  • Professional doctorate thesis and viva examination - when you complete the taught modules of the course, you submit a 40,000 word thesis on a topic that you've researched during the training. Research in counselling psychology is never far from practice or the subjectivity of the researcher, and we'll help you develop your research interests into a passion for scholarship that speaks to people and contributes to social justice. You'll work closely with a research supervisor (Director of Studies) and have support from a second supervisor; you are expected to independently defend your thesis at the final viva as a trainee counselling psychologist seeking qualification.

This course structure is for full-time students only. Part-time students study the same modules but the delivery pattern will be different.

The University continually enhances our offer by responding to feedback from our students and other stakeholders, ensuring the curriculum is kept up to date and our graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need for the real world. This may result in changes to the course. If changes to your course are approved we'll inform you.

Learning and Teaching

Please note that attendance of the taught components is mandatory and that this course is not delivered online.

The core team that teaches on the Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology includes  Dr Eva Fragkiadaki,   Dr Tony Ward ,  Dr Toni Dicaccavo ,  Dr Zoe Thomas,   Christine Ramsey-Wade ,  Dr Miltos Hadjiosif ,  Dr Amelia Baldwin  and  Dr Charlotte Flothmann .

We value expertise gained through studying and training as well as living life. We rely on our excellent UWE Bristol Psychology colleagues as well as professionals from other disciplines, across and beyond the University, to foster a caring ethos and create a holding environment for training that is likely to challenge you and help you expand in personal and professional domains.

We use a wide range of teaching and learning methods to give you the best combination of personal, peer-assisted and applied learning. These include lectures, group discussion, group work, role-play, skills work, demonstrations, trainee presentations, supervised clinical practice, personal therapy and personal development activities.

For more details see our glossary of teaching and learning terms .

As a full-time student, you attend two days each week in Year one (currently Monday and Tuesday) and one day a week in Years two and three (currently Thursday).

If you study this course part time, you attend one day each week in Years one to three (currently Monday in Year one, Tuesday in Year two and Thursday in Year three). There is a four-year study option where you attend one day each week in Year four, on a Thursday. The five-year option requires you to attend one module in Year four and one module in Year five.

We strongly encourage successful applicants to have at least one day per week that can be fully devoted to studying, writing assignments, and research. This day should not be a weekend. While we are mindful of the accessibility of our course, family obligations and caring responsibilities, and the requirement to earn a living for most people, we are keen to protect time that is essential to develop as a therapeutic practitioner. The training should not be seen as a tick-box exercise but as the core competencies that make a counselling psychologist respect their learning journey and attention to self-care.

We assess taught modules through coursework and assignments under controlled conditions. Practice assessment is through direct observation, case studies, process reports, supervision groups and placement reports.

For your research you submit a 30,000 to 40,000-word doctoral thesis of an original piece of research, examined by viva voce.

For more details see our full glossary of assessment terms .

Professional accreditation

This course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Clinical work in placement settings is a central part of the training, and you must be in clinical practice placements throughout the course. You should arrange and complete at least 450 hours of counselling psychology practice on approved placements, covering a range of approaches, modalities and settings. We have links to placement providers and you'll receive support with finding a placement as you start the training.

Please note, all placements must be approved before you start, to ensure they meet all course requirements for clinical work and supervision arrangements.

Clinical supervision

You are expected to have clinical supervision on placement throughout your training, at a ratio of one hour of supervision for every eight client hours. It is a requirement of the course to have supervision by an accredited Counselling Psychologist for at least six months of your training.

Study facilities

You'll have access to a range of on-campus and online facilities to support your learning. The School of Social Science has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and the facilities it provides.

Our lecturers incorporate their research into their teaching. They are active members of College and University-wide groups such as the  Psychological Sciences Research Group  and the internationally-renowned Centre for Appearance Research (CAR). They are responsible for cultivating a research culture that speaks to reflexive scientist-practitioners and have close links with related UWE Bristol courses and organisations across the South-West region.

Find out more about the  facilities and resources  UWE Bristol has to offer.

Take a Virtual Tour of the Psychology, Sociology and Criminology facilities and see what's on offer here for you.

Personal Therapy

Being in personal therapy while training is the distinguishing feature of counselling psychology and sets it apart from all other branches of applied psychology. Our course requirement is that trainees complete at least 60 hours of personal therapy during the course, at their own expense. Therapists must be accredited and approved by the course.

The model taught in Year 1 is relational psychodynamic, so it would make sense if your therapist was consistent with this approach. However, the overall course approach is integrative and aspires to train critical, reflexive, and relational practitioners. We do not place requirements regarding the specific modality of your personal therapist. Contact the programme leader to find out more.

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Careers / Further study

Students successfully completing this course are equipped to work as chartered counselling psychologists and accredited therapists in a wide range of roles in the private, public and third sectors. In fact, the majority of recent graduates have secured positions before they complete the qualification, based on their placement experience and prior qualifications/experience.

The qualification will also prepare you for wide-ranging opportunities in research roles and academic posts as well as service development and community work. We frequently collaborate with our graduates, who return to give guest lectures, participate in research programmes, and celebrate the ethos of our course.

Our award-winning  careers service  helps you develop your employment potential through career coaching, a vacancy service for internships, placements, jobs, global opportunities, volunteering and community activity plus support for entrepreneurial activity, and access to employer events.

There is currently no published fee data for this course.

Supplementary fee information

More information can be found on the Graduate School fees and funding pages .

Students also need to be aware of additional costs in completing the course which are not included in the fees. Students will need to meet the cost of personal therapy (60 hours minimum). In addition, as part of their professional development, students will be expected to accrue 40 hours of CPD across the duration of the course. There may be additional travel costs in meeting placement requirements and at times be necessary to pay for appropriate supervision if this in not met within the placement.

See our information on UK Government Postgraduate Doctoral Loans .

We are pleased to confirm that our New students webpages are now available for students starting this course in September 2024. Here you can find links to useful information about registering, course start dates, arriving on campus what to expect before and when you arrive.

We automatically send a message via your Welcome website plus an email to notify you once your Preparing to Study information is available. It is important that you regularly check your Welcome website for new messages.

Entry requirements

Applicants are required to have the following:

  • Graduate Basis for Chartership with the British Psychological Society
  • upper second class or first class degree in psychology
  • Certificate in Counselling Skills (comprising a minimum of 75 class hours)
  • one year's experience of working in a one to one helping role
  • the standard University levels of proficiency for English Language .

You should state the grade achieved for your undergraduate research project on your application.

In addition, applicants must:

  • be academically able to succeed at doctoral level and able to develop professional practice to doctoral level
  • have reached a level of maturity, which is not to do with age, to enable them to work with the emotional demands of vulnerable clients and the personal development aspects of the course
  • be open-minded and respectful of diverse views and perspectives
  • have the capacity for self reflection and be open to feedback from others
  • demonstrate a good level of interpersonal skills and sensitivity to others
  • have the ability to synthesise and communicate complex ideas both verbally and in writing.

Health assessment/declaration - applicants must be in good health. Those offered a place are required to complete a questionnaire and be prepared to undergo a medical examination if necessary.

Disclosure of Criminal Background - the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply and all convictions, including those which are spent, must be disclosed. This is in accordance with the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975. Applicants who are offered a place must undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and will be required to complete a Disclosure Application Form. All information will be treated in confidence and only taken into account when absolutely necessary.

Occasionally applicants are eligible for entry under an Accredited Prior Learning scheme. We review these applications on an individual basis. Our policy is based on HCPC Standards of Proficiency for Counselling Psychologists and applicants must be able to demonstrate that they meet relevant Standards of Proficiency.

How to apply

Our final date for applications is 14 February 2024 , but we may close earlier due to high demand. If you're selected for interview, these will be held at the end of March. Interviews will be face-to-face or virtual (if you are unable to attend a face-to-face interview). 

Deferred entry

We do not accept deferred entry applications for this course.

Stages of your application:

  • Submit your application online, complete with contact details for your referees by the application deadline (one of your referees must be an educational referee that is able to comment on your ability to work at doctoral level and complete a doctoral research project).
  • A draft 1,000 word research proposal. Please use the guidance notes to ensure you submit something appropriate.
  • A 1,000 word narrative on 'Becoming a Counselling Psychologist'. Please use the guidance notes to ensure you submit something appropriate.
  • You will be given the opportunity to ask about the course and meet the programme team. This will be followed by an individual interview which will be in two parts with two members of academic staff. One part is a clinical interview, the other is a research interview.
  • If you are offered a place on the course you will be asked to complete DBS and Occupational Health checks.
  • You will also be expected to begin arranging your placement and you will be able to access our programme database of placement providers to support you in this process. You will need to be in a position to start your placement by the beginning of the course.
  • You will also be expected to arrange your personal therapy by the beginning of the course.

Please note that both your placement and your personal therapist will need to be approved by the course.

We recommend when applying for this course to consider the impact of research and ways in which it can be disseminated beyond traditional methods. Please check the staff pages for the research interests and outputs of the core members of the course as well as the wider UWE Bristol Psychology staff team. We are affiliated with the Psychological Sciences Research Group (PSRG) as well as other research centres within UWE Bristol, for example CAR and SSRG .

Read more about international applications and key international deadline dates .

Webinars: Preparing to apply for the professional doctorate in Counselling Psychology

  • Tuesday 5 November 2024, 12:00 to 13:00

In these free webinars we will present the structure of the programme, the entry requirements and other significant information future candidates should take into account.

You will be invited to reflect on your previous experiences and qualifications and how they match the values of the discipline of Counselling Psychology and our programme in particular.

We will discuss the application form and the information you should include. We will also talk about the research proposal and the Becoming a Counselling Psychologist essay, which are essential for the interviews.

For further information

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As part of the University of Bristol's major investment in postgraduate training we are in the process of recruiting 19 University of Bristol PGR scholarships to start in September 2023. These 4-year PhD studentships include a stipend and up to £2000 per year research costs to support you during your studies. This opportunity includes projects in population health, translational health, dental and veterinary research.

Recruitment is now closed for a 2023 start. Please return to this site in October 2023 if you are interested in applying for 2024 PhD scholarships.

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PhD projects in the Faculty of Health Sciences

You may browse and search all PhD projects in the Faculty , or view by subject area:

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Population health sciences, translational health sciences, veterinary science, oral and dental science.

Do you want to find out more about what it’s like to be a postgraduate researcher at Bristol? Join our PhD student panel on 13 February at an informal online Q&A event on 13 Feb 12.30-13.00:

An application workshop was held on 7th November 2022 to provide guidance on preparing a PhD application. This will be repeated in autumn 2023. Please join us for an online workshop on 7th November 2022 to find out more about the process. -->

The University of Bristol is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and we welcome and encourage applications from all sections of the community. We are keen to recruit enthusiastic applicants from a wide range of training backgrounds who are interested in a career in health sciences. As a faculty we offer cutting-edge multi-disciplinary training opportunities in medical, veterinary and dental sciences and health education.

We are keen to support applicants from minority and under-represented backgrounds (based on protected characteristics) and those who have experienced other challenges or disadvantages. We encourage you to use your personal statement to ensure we can take these factors into account.

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Caribou Biosciences Appoints Tina Albertson, MD, PhD, as Chief Medical Officer

-- Highly-experienced hematologist and oncologist with proven track record successfully driving global clinical development of CAR-T cell therapies --

BERKELEY, Calif., Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Caribou Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: CRBU), a leading clinical-stage CRISPR genome-editing biopharmaceutical company, today announced the appointment of Tina Albertson, MD, PhD, as chief medical officer. Dr. Albertson brings 15 years of experience leading clinical drug development of cellular therapies and biologics. She will be responsible for strategic leadership of the clinical, regulatory, and medical affairs functions, and provide medical and operational leadership of Caribou’s four clinical programs for hematologic malignancies and autoimmune diseases. Dr. Albertson will report to Rachel Haurwitz, PhD, Caribou’s president and chief executive officer.

Dr. Albertson was most recently the chief medical officer and head of development for Lyell Immunopharma, where she built and led the clinical development function. At Lyell, she initiated two Phase 1 clinical trials evaluating CAR-T cell and TIL therapies in solid tumors. Previously, Dr. Albertson was vice president of global drug development at Juno Therapeutics, a Bristol-Myers Squibb company, where she led the global development of BREYANZI (lisocabtagene maraleucel) from IND to filing of the initial BLA that resulted in FDA approval in large B cell lymphoma. At Juno, she led strategic development and execution of 9 global clinical trials, including 4 registrational trials of BREYANZI in other B cell malignancies and earlier lines of therapy. Dr. Albertson previously served as medical director of clinical development and experimental medicine at Seagen (formerly Seattle Genetics).

"Tina is an exceptional industry leader who brings significant experience in strategic clinical development of CAR-T cell therapies to Caribou. As a hematologist and oncologist, Tina has a deep understanding of the potential impact an off-the-shelf CAR-T cell therapy could have on patient treatment, outcomes, and reach,” said Dr. Haurwitz. “Her expertise in driving global clinical and regulatory strategies for cell therapies through all phases of development, including pivotal trials, will be valuable as we advance the development of our allogeneic CAR-T cell therapies in hematologic malignancies and autoimmune diseases.”

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


Dr. Albertson earned her MD from Stanford University and completed a clinical fellowship in pediatric hematology/oncology at Seattle Children’s Hospital and residency in pediatrics at Denver Children’s Hospital. She earned her PhD in cancer biology from University of Washington and her BS in molecular biology from the University of Oregon.

“Allogeneic CAR-T cell therapy holds immense promise as a transformative treatment modality, offering the potential to revolutionize the treatment landscapes for patients living with cancer or autoimmune disease,” said Dr. Albertson. “I am excited to join Caribou as the company is at the forefront of developing off-the-shelf CAR-T cell therapies and is working to deliver these promising treatment options to patients who desperately need them."

About Caribou’s novel next-generation CRISPR platform CRISPR genome editing uses easily designed, modular biological tools to make DNA changes in living cells. There are two basic components of Class 2 CRISPR systems: the nuclease protein that cuts DNA and the RNA molecule(s) that guide the nuclease to generate a site-specific, double-stranded break, leading to an edit at the targeted genomic site. CRISPR systems are capable of editing unintended genomic sites, known as off-target editing, which may lead to harmful effects on cellular function and phenotype. In response to this challenge, Caribou has developed CRISPR hybrid RNA-DNA guides (chRDNAs; pronounced “chardonnays”) that direct substantially more precise genome editing compared to all-RNA guides. Caribou is deploying the power of its Cas12a chRDNA technology to carry out high efficiency multiple edits, including multiplex gene insertions, to develop CRISPR-edited therapies.

About Caribou Biosciences, Inc. Caribou Biosciences is a clinical-stage CRISPR genome-editing biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing transformative therapies for patients with devastating diseases. The company’s genome-editing platform, including its Cas12a chRDNA technology, enables superior precision to develop cell therapies that are armored to potentially improve activity against disease. Caribou is advancing a pipeline of off-the-shelf cell therapies from its CAR-T platform as readily available treatments for patients with hematologic malignancies and autoimmune diseases. Follow us @CaribouBio and visit

Forward-looking statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “could,” “intend,” “target,” “project,” “contemplate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” or “continue,” or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements related to Caribou’s strategy, plans, and objectives, and expectations regarding its clinical and preclinical development programs. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from any future results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks inherent in the development of cell therapy products; uncertainties related to the initiation, cost, timing, progress, and results of Caribou’s current and future research and development programs, preclinical studies, and clinical trials; and the risk that initial, preliminary, or interim clinical trial data will not ultimately be predictive of the safety and efficacy of Caribou’s product candidates or that clinical outcomes may differ as patient enrollment continues and as more patient data becomes available; the risk that preclinical study results observed will not be borne out in human patients or different conclusions or considerations are reached once additional data have been received and fully evaluated; the ability to obtain key regulatory input and approvals; as well as other risk factors described from time to time in Caribou’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent filings. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, you should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Except as required by law, Caribou undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason.

Caribou Biosciences, Inc. Contacts: Investors: Amy Figueroa, CFA [email protected]

Media: Peggy Vorwald, PhD [email protected]

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Study cover for Digital Health and Care

Digital Health and Care

The future of Health is Digital – we urgently need new technologies for understanding, preventing, diagnosing and managing illnesses that affect millions of people, such as diabetes, depression and dementia. The Digital Health and Care programme is offered by University of Bristol.

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  • The  Digital Health and Care programme is offered by  University of Bristol .
  • This unique multidisciplinary PhD programme brings together students from health and life sciences, computer science, design and engineering.
  • Join the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Health and Care to become part of a new generation of innovators involved in building and developing apps, wearables, smart homes and other digital technologies. Together, these technologies are helping to support health professionals in their decision-making and empowering patients in managing their own health conditions.
  • The digital health industry is one of the fastest growing, both internationally and in the UK, with current estimates indicating that the sector is increasing at a rate of 15 per cent each year. Driven by the health needs of ageing populations in countries such as the UK, France, Germany, China, Singapore, Japan and the US, this growth is expected to continue for decades to come.
  • Exciting career opportunities to develop new digitally-enabled, personalised health solutions therefore exist within academia, the charitable sector and health providers in many different countries (e.g. the UK’s NHS), as well as myriad companies that have active health research and development programs (such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, Huawei, Arm and many others).

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Programme structure.

Research groups

  • Digital Health Engineering;
  • Communications Systems and Networks;
  • Bristol Visual Information Laboratory;
  • Bristol Interaction Group;
  • Intelligent Systems Laboratory.

Check out the full curriculum

Key information.

  • 48 months

Start dates & application deadlines

  • Apply before 2025-07-01 00:00:00

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Explore more key information, academic requirements, english requirements, student insurance.

Make sure to cover your health, travel, and stay while studying abroad. Even global coverages can miss important items, so make sure your student insurance ticks all the following:

  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
  • Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
  • Home contents and baggage

We partnered with Aon to provide you with the best affordable student insurance, for a carefree experience away from home.

Starting from €0.53/day, free cancellation any time.

Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at University of Bristol and/or in United Kingdom, please visit Student Insurance Portal .

Other requirements

General requirements.

Upper second-class degree (or international equivalent) in either:

  • a STEM-related discipline (such as computer science, engineering)
  • or a health-related discipline (such as life sciences, medicine, health sciences, psychology, neuroscience, nursing or an allied health profession).

In exceptional circumstances, we may consider applicants with alternative qualifications.

Make sure you meet all requirements

Tuition fee, international, living costs for bristol.

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

Check for any work restrictions

In order for us to give you accurate scholarship information, we ask that you please confirm a few details and create an account with us.

Scholarships Information

Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Digital Health and Care.

Available Scholarships

You are eligible to apply for these scholarships but a selection process will still be applied by the provider.

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Department of Geography


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master’s degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular specialties; thus, any aspirant for a doctorate must obtain master’s training or its equivalent before being admitted to doctoral candidacy. In short, admission to doctoral candidacy is official recognition that a student’s general foundation in the breadth of geography is satisfactory. Students then devote their attention to developing depth in chosen specialties.

The general requirements for a doctoral degree in geography are more rigorous than those for a master’s degree. At the same time, the greater flexibility of the doctoral program allows advanced students to pursue programs of study tailored to their special interests and needs.

Progress through the degree is marked by: 

  • Successful performance in a verbal qualifying exam; 
  • Four-day written comprehensive exam, with a verbal portion after the written answers have been assessed by the committee;  
  • Formal dissertation proposal; and 
  • Verbal defense of a completed dissertation.

The four-year Ph.D. program is reserved for students who have a master’s degree from another graduate program. That can be another geography program at another university, a non-geography program at another university, or a non-geography program at Penn State.

Students entering the four-year Ph.D. program must take the doctoral qualifying exam in their first year. A committee from three of the four fields of geography and formally appointed by the Graduate Program Officer will administer the qualifying exam. The qualifying exam can take place any time during the year, but students in the four-year Ph.D. program typically take it during spring semester.

Students in the four-year Ph.D. program complete a comprehensive exam and defend their dissertation proposal in the second year. Depending on the needs of their research, and in agreement with their doctoral committee, students can fulfill these two requirements in either order. Once students have successfully passed their comprehensive exam and defended their proposal, they typically take two years to research, write, and defend their dissertations.


Our online Graduate Student Handbook explains the program requirements for all degrees.

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  • Why choose Bristol? Find out what makes Bristol one of the UK’s top ten universities.
  • International students Help and advice for incoming international students.
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Bristol Myers Squibb

Intern, commercial mba leadership development program internship (summer 2025).

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Working with Us

Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren’t words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You’ll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible.

Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: .

Position Summary

At Bristol Myers Squibb, we are proud to bring innovative medicines to patients in need. The Commercial Leadership Development Program (CLDP) Internship is seeking future business leaders looking to impact patients’ lives. Over the course of 10 weeks, Commercial Interns will have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to their teams through challenging assignments and collaborate with Commercial leaders and other key stakeholders across the organization. The program is designed to ensure interns gain valuable industry and functional expertise.

Upon completing the summer internship, high performing interns will be eligible to receive a full-time offer to join the CLDP. The CLDP is a 3-year rotational program aimed at developing future leaders at BMS. Associates can tailor their rotational experiences across the various Commercial functions, including US Marketing, Sales, Worldwide Commercialization, International, Business Insights & Analytics, and Market Access, to align with their interests and career goals.

Internship Features

Impactful projects, relevant to current business needs; examples may include:

Develop and launch new sales force promotional materials

Collaborate with global markets to inform strategy for future clinical trials and launches

Translate data insights to create new patient education resources

An introduction to brand planning and marketing excellence in the biopharma industry

Lunch-and-Learns on key biopharma business topics including senior leader speaker series/panels on different commercial career paths at BMS

Formal mentorship with commercial leaders and current full-time CLDP associates

Teambuilding and networking events

Final presentation to senior leaders & team members on summer projects

Qualifications & Experience

Enrolled in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program during the current school year (graduating class of 2026)

Candidates must be a US citizen, have a lawful permanent resident of the US or otherwise authorized to work in the US without requiring sponsorship now or in the future

Minimum 3 years of work experience

Experience in marketing, sales and/or healthcare/pharmaceutical industry preferred, but not mandatory

Demonstrated leadership in student, community, or professional organizations

The ability to gather, analyze and translate data to gain a deeper understanding of the customer, brand, disease area, market, and competition

Ability to lead without authority and possess strong project management capabilities

Diverse thinking with innovative ideas and new approaches to maximize opportunities


If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn’t perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career.

Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers

With a single vision as inspiring as Transforming patients’ lives through science , every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues.

On-site Protocol

BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role:

Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function.

BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to [email protected] . Visit eeo -accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement.

BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters.

BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area.

Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.

Company: Bristol-Myers Squibb

Req Number: R1584248

Updated: 2024-08-12 03:54:44.827 UTC

Location: Princeton-NJ

Bristol Myers Squibb is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, pregnancy, citizenship, marital status, gender expression, genetic information, political affiliation, or any other characteristic protected by law.


  • Top 20 Universities for PhD Study in Australia in 2024

Written by Hannah Slack

There are 43 universities in Australia . All of them are publically-funded institutions, supported and accredited by the Australian Government. These institutions are also responsible for carrying out research and training PhD students - like you.

Other higher education institutions in Australia are usually Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions. These focus on practical and professional training. They offer some postgraduate qualifications at or around Masters-level, but don't award PhDs .

University groups

Australia has several university associations or 'mission groups'. These bring together similar institutions with shared aims and objectives.

They include:

  • The Group of Eight (Go8) - An elite organisation of established research-intensive universities with (surprisingly enough) eight members:
  • Innovative Research Universities (IRU) - A network of seven younger universities, focussing on inclusive teaching and research.
  • Regional Universities Network (RUN) - A group of six universities located in more rural areas of Australia.
  • Australian Technology Network (ATN) - A group of universities focussing on industrial and enterprise partnerships, including the establishment of an Industry Doctoral Training Centre.

Don't get too caught up with a university's affiliation when considering PhD opportunities.

A doctorate from a Group of Eight member is a prestigious qualification, but other institutions offer equally excellent research opportunities in their areas of expertise. Don't forget, after all, that specialism is what PhD study is all about.

The strength – and breadth – of Australian research has traditionally been reflected in global league tables. 2024 is no exception. 20 universities in the top 300 according to the latest Times Higher Education Rankings.

Top 20 Australian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
37 14 35
54 42 77
University of Sydney 60 =19 60
67 =34 84
70 47 51
84 45 -
=111 109 151-200
=131 90 101-150
133 90 201-300
Macquarie University 175 =130 201-300
201-250 183 201-300
201-250 110 401-500
Swinburne University of Technology 251-300 =285 201-300
201-250 162 201-300
251-300 =233 201-300
251-300 243 301-400
La Trobe University 251-300 242 301-400
251-300 140 301-400
251-300 =307 201-300
Flinders University 301-350 380 201-300
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

So, how good are Australian universities for PhD study?

Australia’s diverse culture and unique ecology means that some subjects can only be researched there. Plus, if you’re not keen on the idea of an oral exam, many Australian universities don’t actually assess doctoral candidates using a viva .

If you'd like some more tips and tricks on how to use PhD rankings effectively to choose the best university for postgraduate study, have a look at our guide.

Search for a PhD in Australia

Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? Browse PhDs in Australia on or read our guides to studying a PhD in Australia .

phd in bristol university

A guide to everything you need to know about working in Australia both during and after your postgraduate degree.

phd in bristol university

You can earn up to AUS$760 per fortnight while studying a postgraduate course in Australia. Find out about the Austudy payments including eligibility criteria, applications and amounts.

phd in bristol university

A quick guide covering everything you need to know about driving in Australia as an international student, including licensing, costs and more.

Australian universities have two prominent intakes. In this guide, we take a look at the February intake. We have information about important dates and application timelines

phd in bristol university

Australian universities have two prominent intakes. In this guide, we take a look at the July intake. We have information about important dates and application timelines

Wondering how much you'll need to study in Australia? We look at the key costs for a student in Australia including tuition fees, visas and a comparision to the USA.

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Social Work PhD

University of bristol, different course options.

  • Key information

Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Social Work

Course type

A PhD in Social Work equips students with the skills and experience to apply social research methods and tools to critically examine some of the most pressing contemporary issues in social work practice, policy and education. Students are encouraged to develop a topic of interest that directly relates to their own practice experiences or is of wider interest and relevance to the delivery of social work services and support to disadvantaged individuals and groups, either in the UK or overseas.

Students will be supported to develop research questions and design a study that enables them to rigorously research their topic of interest and make an original contribution to the knowledge base of social work. Topics may directly explore practice issues or contribute more broadly to social work knowledge, working with specific groups and communities and addressing systems of inequality and social disadvantage. Where appropriate, students are encouraged to work in collaboration with relevant organisations and user and interest groups to ensure their research outputs and key findings can directly inform social work practice and service delivery.

We are a multidisciplinary, research-intensive school which brings together theory, policy and practice. Our research engages with and influences national and international policy. Our policy experts come from a wide variety of backgrounds in social policy research, social work, sociology, gender violence, childhood studies, disability studies, health and social care, history, human geography, economics, psychology, physical activity, nutrition and health sciences, urban studies, and poverty, based within seven specialist research centres.

Supervisors in social work bring diverse interests across child and family social work (for example, looked after children; adoption and fostering; supporting parents with substance misuse or learning disabilities; domestic violence responses and interventions) and adult social care (for example, disabled adults' social care needs; housing and homelessness; mental health social work; social work with older people and carers; inclusive service provision for LGBTQ+ individuals).

The school is an exciting environment for postgraduate studies; we welcome students from the UK and abroad to join our diverse and highly-rated research team. We particularly welcome applications on topics with direct relevance to national and international social work and policy concerns.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

An upper second-class honours degree and a pass at MSc/MA level (or equivalent experience/qualification).

PhD Postgraduate Research in Social Work

University of east anglia uea, social work ma, london south bank university, ma social work, anglia ruskin university, professional social work practice - step up to social work pgdip.


  1. Then and now: a look back on the Year in the Life of a PhD

    phd in bristol university

  2. February: PhD inauguration

    phd in bristol university

  3. Then and now: a look back on the Year in the Life of a PhD

    phd in bristol university

  4. Student earns doctorate from Bristol 52 years after starting PhD

    phd in bristol university

  5. What's it like studying a PHD at Bristol?

    phd in bristol university

  6. PhD Studentships at University of Bristol in UK, 2019

    phd in bristol university


  1. Research programmes

    Research programmes. Join over 3,500 postgraduate researchers from all over the world. Our community is the perfect place to start your research journey. Understand your options - from distance learning to the length of your programme. Discover the degrees available - from PhDs to professional qualifications.

  2. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Contact us. Student Services Office Phone: +44 (0) 117 331 4234 Email: [email protected] School of Education University of Bristol 35 Berkeley Square Bristol, BS8 1JA

  3. PhD programmes

    The University of Bristol Business School has an enthusiastic research community, a welcoming atmosphere and excellent research facilities. Find out more about our PhD programme details, such as entry requirement, duration, supervisors and tuition fees. PhD Management PhD Accounting & Finance.

  4. PhD

    130 Research Projects. PhD Opportunities. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis (TECS) Fully funded EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Cyber Security.

  5. University of Bristol

    The University of Bristol is in the UK's top ten and 55th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2024). Bristol is joint seventh in the UK for graduate employability (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022). The University is a top five UK institution for research (THE analysis of REF 2021).

  6. PhD Education Program By University of Bristol |Top Universities

    The University has strong research links, expert staff and a reputation for innovation. Students can choose from 249 postgraduate degrees at Bristol. The University has six faculties: Arts; Engineering; Health Sciences; Life Sciences; Science; and Social Sciences and Law. Our wide range of taught programmes includes MA, MSc and LLM degrees.

  7. Postgraduate research opportunities

    The University's outstanding reputation makes our students highly attractive to employers. Bristol is ranked joint seventh in the UK for graduate employability (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022). A postgraduate degree from Bristol can equip you with the skills and experience to help you go further in your professional field.

  8. Education PhD at University of Bristol

    International fees. For this course (per year) £20,700. Entry requirements. An upper second-class undergraduate honours degree (or equivalent) and normally a merit at MSc/MA level (or equivalent). Similar courses at different universities.

  9. Economics PhD at University of Bristol

    For this course (per year) £20,700. Entry requirements. The standard entry route into the PhD is from the MRes Economics programme, conditional on academic results and the availability of supervision. Candidates with an MRes or MPhil Economics degree from another institution, or a very strong MSc Economics or equivalent degree, can also be ...

  10. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Bristol

    Funded PhD- Physiology and therapeutic modulation of oxidative phosphorylation in HIV-1 infected cells. University of Bristol School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Applications for this funded project will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Please apply as soon as possible.

  11. Politics, Ph.D.

    The School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies at the University of Bristol provides an opportunity to conduct advanced political research in an interdisciplinary school. Visit the Visit programme website for more information. University of Bristol. Bristol , England , United Kingdom. Top 0.5% worldwide.

  12. Postgraduate programmes

    Find out about the University of Bristol's PhD in Sociotechnical Futures and Digital Methods, including entry requirements, supervisors and research groups. Modes of study Full-time, Part-time Awards available PhD. Research postgraduate programme. South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (BBSRC)

  13. Counselling Psychology

    It includes a comprehensive programme of taught modules, 450 hours of supervised counselling psychology practice in a range of placements, and a doctoral research thesis. Experts guide you through psychotherapeutic theory, personal and professional development, and clinical practice. Our course builds upon Counselling Psychology's existential ...

  14. PhD projects for University of Bristol Scholarships

    As part of the University of Bristol's major investment in postgraduate training we are in the process of recruiting 19 University of Bristol PGR scholarships to start in September 2023. These 4-year PhD studentships include a stipend and up to £2000 per year research costs to support you during your studies.

  15. University of Bristol PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Global PhD in topic: Exploring the Cognitive-Emotional Dimensions of Human Interaction with Social Deepfakes. University of Bristol (UoB), United Kingdom and Macquarie University, Australia, are pleased to offer a Global PhD opportunity. The studentship is available for home students (as classified by the University of Bristol - further ...

  16. Study opportunities at Bristol Robotics Laboratory

    In 2014, the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL) launched a new Centre for Doctoral Training in robotics and autonomous systems. The Centre offers a joint PhD degree run by BRL's two partner universities, the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England. The Centre is funded by EPSRC following their CDT 2013 competition.

  17. Ziyi Wu

    PhD Student @ University of Bristol | Management Accounting · Experience: University of Bristol · Education: University of Bristol · Location: Bristol · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Ziyi Wu's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

  18. Doctoral programmes

    University of Bristol 35 Berkeley Square Bristol, BS8 1JA. Phone: +44 (0) 117 331 4234. Email: Ed Phd Mailbox [email protected] . School of Education. Courses and programmes. Undergraduate courses; Initial teacher training; Master's programmes; Doctoral programmes. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  19. Caribou Biosciences Appoints Tina Albertson, MD, PhD, as Chief Medical

    -- Highly-experienced hematologist and oncologist with proven track record successfully driving global clinical development of CAR-T cell therapies -- BERKELEY, Calif., Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE ...

  20. Digital Health and Care, Ph.D.

    The Digital Health and Care programme is offered by University of Bristol . This unique multidisciplinary PhD programme brings together students from health and life sciences, computer science, design and engineering. ... To learn more about how student insurance work at University of Bristol and/or in United Kingdom, please visit Student ...

  21. Director of Men's and Women's Swimming in Virginia Beach, VA for

    Graduate degrees include a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Environmental Studies, a Master of Arts in Human Services, a Master of Education, and Master of Arts in Education. Students thrive in average class sizes of 15 and through the University's experiential learning, high-impact leadership, and career-development programs.

  22. Computer Science PhD at University of Bristol

    For this course (per year) £26,000. Entry requirements. PhD applicants must hold/achieve a minimum of a Master degree (or international equivalent) in a relevant discipline. Applicants without a masters qualification may be considered on an exceptional basis, provided they hold a first-class undergraduate degree.

  23. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master's degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular ...

  24. Postgraduate study

    QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022. 5. We're a top 5 UK university for research quality. Times Higher Education REF 2021 quality ratings. Feedback. Contact. University of Bristol, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1QU, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)117 928 9000; Information for. Information for. New students; Current students;

  25. University of Bristol Neuroscience PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    University of Bristol School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience. This project will be part of the Bristol-Macquarie Cotutelle Programme, funded by EPSRC. Read more. Supervisor: Prof J Hodge. 1 August 2024 PhD Research Project Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) More Details.

  26. Intern, Commercial MBA Leadership Development Program Internship

    Bristol Myers Squibb is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, pregnancy, citizenship, marital status, gender expression, genetic information ...

  27. Linguistics PhD at University of Bristol

    At the University of Bristol, we have a strong research focus on sociolinguistics, which is the study of language in society. We are deeply interested in how the study of language sheds light on social issues, both present and past, and we use a broad range of methods and approaches, including qualitative and quantitative analyses of recordings ...

  28. Clinical Pharmacist

    Recently named the #34 best large employer in the US by Forbes magazine!UK HealthCare at the University of Kentucky is among the nation's busiest, most active academic medical centers. Our 1,040 licensed beds are spread across the system's flagship UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital, Kentucky Children's Hospital and UK Good Samaritan Hospital ...

  29. Top 20 Universities for PhD Study in Australia in 2024

    There are 43 universities in Australia.All of them are publically-funded institutions, supported and accredited by the Australian Government. These institutions are also responsible for carrying out research and training PhD students - like you.. Other higher education institutions in Australia are usually Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions.

  30. Social Work PhD at University of Bristol

    A PhD in Social Work equips students with the skills and experience to apply social research methods and tools to critically examine some of the most pressing contemporary issues in social work practice, policy and education. Students are encouraged to develop a topic of interest that directly relates to their own practice experiences or is of ...