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Sport Obermeyer Case Study

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SPORT OBERMEYER CASE Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

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SPORT OBERMEYER Case Study Solutuion

Problem Diagnosis

This case described the operations at the merchandising and Skiwear Company and for its supply partner. It allows for the production planning of the short life cycle products with the uncertain demand in the market. This case also allows us to analyze the reduced version of the production-planning problem of the company. The main concern of Wally Obermeyer was to determine an appropriate production commitment for the first half of the projected demand of Obermeyer during the 1993-1994 seasons.

Along with this, Wally also had to make a complete production decision by deciding that which styles should be made in Hong Kong and which styles would be better to be made in China. In addition, the material flows and the information provided in the case will also guide us to make recommendations to the company regarding the operational improvements and the decision of the sourcing of the products between China and Hong Kong.

Case Analysis

The main analysis needs to be performed on the forecast methods of the company to detect the inaccurate forecast mechanisms and then the after effects need to be analyzed such as the excess merchandise had to be sold at deep discounts and the company might not be able to sell the most popular items during the full season and thus it would result in huge losses for the company. Therefore, we first need to determine the production plan for Sport Obermeyer during the initial phase of production, measure the risk of ordering policy and implement ordering policy in China to make reasonable comparison and recommendations.

Using the sample data given in Table 2-20, make a recommendation for how many units of each style Wally should make during the initial phase of production.  Assume that all of the 10 styles in the sample problem are made in Hong Kong and that Wally’s initial production commitment must be at least 10,000 units.  Ignore price differences among styles in your initial analysis.

The average forecast value and the standard deviation of the different styles of the Parkas of Women have been provided in Table 2-20. The above question asks us to compute the economic order quantity for each of the individual type of the parkas. Economic order quantity is the optimum order quantity, which is required to be held at a minimum by a company so that it could reduce its inventory costs to a minimum level. This quantity model would target the variable costs and determine the optimum quantity for us at which the total variable cost would be minimized for the company’s production. However, in this case the EOQ for the company would be the production order quantity for each individual type of the Parka, given that the total of all of these EOQs should be 10,000 units.

For computing the EOQ, we need to find out the corresponding service level for the sample provided. This ratio has been found by the difference of retail price and cost divided by the difference of cost and salvage value of a unit if not sold. These computations are shown in the excel spreadsheet and in the appendices in exhibit 1. The service level has been calculated to be 0.75 or 75%. Based on this service level, the z value has been determined from the z table, which is 0.645. The formula which we have used here to compute the EOQ is mean+ (z-value*SD). Using this formula, the individual EOQs have been computed and the total EOQ for the fore casted sample of 20,000 units. The price differences between different styles have been ignored for this calculation.

Can you come up with a measure of risk associated with your ordering policy?  This measure should be quantifiable.

One of the best measures of the risk associated with the ordering policy in this case would be Coefficient of Variation (CV). CV is the ratio of the standard deviation to the expected mean. It shows us the volatility and the variation in the data per unit of mean. However, in the context of this case the CV would be defined as the volatility of each of the types of different styles of Parkas per unit of that style. It would determine the variability of the demand or the ordering policy risk. The higher the volatility, the more certain and accurate the company would have to be to determine the demand for the coming seasons of 1993-1994.

The case states that around 80% of the retailers of the company would be placing their orders in the second phase of the Las Vegas trade show. The CV has been computed for all the different parkas as shown in exhibit 2 and we can see that Isis, Teri, Stephanie, Anita and Daphne are those styles that have the maximum volatility (risk) within their fore casted demand. Therefore, the future capacity for all of these products should be reserved by the company because they have higher degree of deviation. If the demand increases in future years, which is more likely to happen, then the company will have safety stock to meet that demand.

SPORT OBERMEYER CASE Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Repeat your methodology and assume now that all 10 styles are made in China.  What is the difference (if any) between the two initial production commitments?

The minimum production quantity for the different types of the Parkas is 1200 units in China and 600 units in Hong Kong. Therefore, to analyze the above scenario we have adjusted the EOQs for each style of the parka produced in Hong Kong for all such orders, which have a value of less than 600 units. Similarly, for the China factory the company has adjusted all the EOQ’s of each product to increase their size to minimum 1200 units. We can now see that there is a difference in the EOQ of the two countries as shown in exhibit 3 in appendices and there are a number of reasons for this difference...............

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Sport Obermeyer Ltd.

  • Format: Print
  • | Language: English
  • | Pages: 19

About The Authors

obermeyer case study solution

Janice H. Hammond

obermeyer case study solution

Ananth Raman

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Fern Fort University

Sport obermeyer ltd. case study analysis & solution, harvard business case studies solutions - assignment help.

Sport Obermeyer Ltd. is a Harvard Business (HBR) Case Study on Technology & Operations , Fern Fort University provides HBR case study assignment help for just $11. Our case solution is based on Case Study Method expertise & our global insights.

Technology & Operations Case Study | Authors :: Janice H. Hammond, Ananth Raman

Case study description.

The case describes operations at a skiwear design and merchandising company and its supply partner. Introduces production planning for short-life-cycle products with uncertain demand and allows students to analyze a reduced version of the company's production planning problem. In addition, it provides details about information and material flows that allow students to make recommendations for operational improvements, including comparisons between sourcing products in Hong Kong and China.

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[10 Steps] Case Study Analysis & Solution

Step 1 - reading up harvard business review fundamentals on the technology & operations.

Even before you start reading a business case study just make sure that you have brushed up the Harvard Business Review (HBR) fundamentals on the Technology & Operations. Brushing up HBR fundamentals will provide a strong base for investigative reading. Often readers scan through the business case study without having a clear map in mind. This leads to unstructured learning process resulting in missed details and at worse wrong conclusions. Reading up the HBR fundamentals helps in sketching out business case study analysis and solution roadmap even before you start reading the case study. It also provides starting ideas as fundamentals often provide insight into some of the aspects that may not be covered in the business case study itself.

Step 2 - Reading the Sport Obermeyer Ltd. HBR Case Study

To write an emphatic case study analysis and provide pragmatic and actionable solutions, you must have a strong grasps of the facts and the central problem of the HBR case study. Begin slowly - underline the details and sketch out the business case study description map. In some cases you will able to find the central problem in the beginning itself while in others it may be in the end in form of questions. Business case study paragraph by paragraph mapping will help you in organizing the information correctly and provide a clear guide to go back to the case study if you need further information. My case study strategy involves -

  • Marking out the protagonist and key players in the case study from the very start.
  • Drawing a motivation chart of the key players and their priorities from the case study description.
  • Refine the central problem the protagonist is facing in the case and how it relates to the HBR fundamentals on the topic.
  • Evaluate each detail in the case study in light of the HBR case study analysis core ideas.

Step 3 - Sport Obermeyer Ltd. Case Study Analysis

Once you are comfortable with the details and objective of the business case study proceed forward to put some details into the analysis template. You can do business case study analysis by following Fern Fort University step by step instructions -

  • Company history is provided in the first half of the case. You can use this history to draw a growth path and illustrate vision, mission and strategic objectives of the organization. Often history is provided in the case not only to provide a background to the problem but also provide the scope of the solution that you can write for the case study.
  • HBR case studies provide anecdotal instances from managers and employees in the organization to give a feel of real situation on the ground. Use these instances and opinions to mark out the organization's culture, its people priorities & inhibitions.
  • Make a time line of the events and issues in the case study. Time line can provide the clue for the next step in organization's journey. Time line also provides an insight into the progressive challenges the company is facing in the case study.

Step 4 - SWOT Analysis of Sport Obermeyer Ltd.

Once you finished the case analysis, time line of the events and other critical details. Focus on the following -

  • Zero down on the central problem and two to five related problems in the case study.
  • Do the SWOT analysis of the Sport Obermeyer Ltd. . SWOT analysis is a strategic tool to map out the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats that a firm is facing.
  • SWOT analysis and SWOT Matrix will help you to clearly mark out - Strengths Weakness Opportunities & Threats that the organization or manager is facing in the Sport Obermeyer Ltd.
  • SWOT analysis will also provide a priority list of problem to be solved.
  • You can also do a weighted SWOT analysis of Sport Obermeyer Ltd. HBR case study.

Step 5 - Porter 5 Forces / Strategic Analysis of Industry Analysis Sport Obermeyer Ltd.

In our live classes we often come across business managers who pinpoint one problem in the case and build a case study analysis and solution around that singular point. Business environments are often complex and require holistic solutions. You should try to understand not only the organization but also the industry which the business operates in. Porter Five Forces is a strategic analysis tool that will help you in understanding the relative powers of the key players in the business case study and what sort of pragmatic and actionable case study solution is viable in the light of given facts.

Step 6 - PESTEL, PEST / STEP Analysis of Sport Obermeyer Ltd.

Another way of understanding the external environment of the firm in Sport Obermeyer Ltd. is to do a PESTEL - Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental & Legal analysis of the environment the firm operates in. You should make a list of factors that have significant impact on the organization and factors that drive growth in the industry. You can even identify the source of firm's competitive advantage based on PESTEL analysis and Organization's Core Competencies.

Step 7 - Organizing & Prioritizing the Analysis into Sport Obermeyer Ltd. Case Study Solution

Once you have developed multipronged approach and work out various suggestions based on the strategic tools. The next step is organizing the solution based on the requirement of the case. You can use the following strategy to organize the findings and suggestions.

  • Build a corporate level strategy - organizing your findings and recommendations in a way to answer the larger strategic objective of the firm. It include using the analysis to answer the company's vision, mission and key objectives , and how your suggestions will take the company to next level in achieving those goals.
  • Business Unit Level Solution - The case study may put you in a position of a marketing manager of a small brand. So instead of providing recommendations for overall company you need to specify the marketing objectives of that particular brand. You have to recommend business unit level recommendations. The scope of the recommendations will be limited to the particular unit but you have to take care of the fact that your recommendations are don't directly contradict the company's overall strategy. For example you can recommend a low cost strategy but the company core competency is design differentiation.
  • Case study solutions can also provide recommendation for the business manager or leader described in the business case study.

Step 8 -Implementation Framework

The goal of the business case study is not only to identify problems and recommend solutions but also to provide a framework to implement those case study solutions. Implementation framework differentiates good case study solutions from great case study solutions. If you able to provide a detailed implementation framework then you have successfully achieved the following objectives -

  • Detailed understanding of the case,
  • Clarity of HBR case study fundamentals,
  • Analyzed case details based on those fundamentals and
  • Developed an ability to prioritize recommendations based on probability of their successful implementation.

Implementation framework helps in weeding out non actionable recommendations, resulting in awesome Sport Obermeyer Ltd. case study solution.

Step 9 - Take a Break

Once you finished the case study implementation framework. Take a small break, grab a cup of coffee or whatever you like, go for a walk or just shoot some hoops.

Step 10 - Critically Examine Sport Obermeyer Ltd. case study solution

After refreshing your mind, read your case study solution critically. When we are writing case study solution we often have details on our screen as well as in our head. This leads to either missing details or poor sentence structures. Once refreshed go through the case solution again - improve sentence structures and grammar, double check the numbers provided in your analysis and question your recommendations. Be very slow with this process as rushing through it leads to missing key details. Once done it is time to hit the attach button.

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