1K+ Rhyming Words For ASSIGNMENTS

Top ranked rhymes.

RankWord/PhraseSave?More.. LettersUsageSyl'sSyllablesType
1 13 3 nounn
2 10 3 nounn
3 12 4 nounn
4 11 3 nounn
5 11 3 nounn
6 12 3 nounn
7 12 4 nounn
8 12 4 nounn
9 11 3 nounn
10 11 3 nounn
11 8 2 nounn
12 10 3 nounn
13 12 3 nounn
14 9 3 nounn
15 9 2 nounn
16 8 2 nounn
17 11 3 nounn
18 13 3 nounn
19 14 4 nounn
20 11 3 nounn
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1 Syllable Rhymes

  • Rank ASC (Default)
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2 Syllable Rhymes

Words (222).

  • scarcements
  • fleechments

3 Syllable Rhymes

Words (851).

  • reassignments
  • refinements
  • descendants
  • arraignments
  • incitements
  • assessments
  • achievements
  • governments
  • postponements
  • descendents
  • endorsements
  • deployments
  • employments
  • managements
  • enticements
  • requirements
  • retirements
  • adjustments
  • advancements
  • appointments
  • arrangements
  • attachments
  • battlements
  • derailments
  • disbursements
  • displacements
  • divestments
  • embankments
  • emplacements
  • encroachments
  • enforcements
  • enhancements
  • enrollments
  • escarpments
  • impairments
  • impoundments
  • improvements
  • inducements
  • instruments
  • investments
  • involvements
  • measurements
  • misjudgments
  • procurements
  • pronouncements
  • readjustments
  • reinforcements
  • resentments
  • restatements
  • retrenchments
  • settlements
  • blandishments
  • accountants
  • dispersants
  • designments
  • indictments
  • astringents
  • bombardments
  • commandments
  • commitments
  • compartments
  • complements
  • contingents
  • curtailments
  • departments
  • engagements
  • impeachments
  • infringements
  • installments
  • misstatements
  • prepayments
  • punishments
  • reenactments
  • refreshments
  • reimbursements
  • replacements
  • respondents
  • tournaments
  • complainants
  • depressants
  • propellants
  • protestants
  • registrants
  • suppressants
  • crosscurrents
  • fluorescents
  • grandparents
  • outpatients
  • coefficients
  • congregants
  • contestants
  • convulsants
  • compliments
  • accruements
  • advisements
  • aggrievements
  • alightments
  • amercements
  • announcements
  • appeasements
  • appraisements
  • arrestments
  • assoilments
  • assortments
  • attainments
  • avouchments
  • beguilements
  • bemusements
  • betterments
  • consignments
  • debasements
  • debatements
  • debouchments
  • defacements
  • defilements
  • definements
  • deforcements
  • denotements
  • denouncements
  • denudements
  • deportments
  • derangements
  • despisements
  • detachments
  • detainments
  • dethronements
  • disbarments
  • disguisements
  • dislodgments
  • disownments
  • dissolvents
  • divorcements
  • effacements
  • embossments
  • embracements
  • encashments
  • enchantments
  • encystments
  • endearments
  • engrossments
  • enlacements
  • enlistments
  • enrichments
  • enshrinements
  • entailments
  • enthronements
  • entombments
  • entrancements
  • entrapments
  • entreatments
  • entrenchments
  • entrustments
  • escapements
  • estrangements
  • evolvements
  • immurements
  • maltreatments
  • misplacements
  • mistreatments
  • nontreatments
  • obtainments
  • preachments
  • prejudgments
  • presentments
  • propellents
  • rabblements
  • reappointments
  • rearmaments
  • rearrangements
  • reassessments
  • reattachments
  • recoupments
  • reequipments
  • reindictments
  • reinstatements
  • renouncements
  • rescindments
  • revilements
  • securements
  • seducements
  • solacements
  • startlements
  • subbasements
  • subsegments
  • supplements
  • traducements
  • unfoldments
  • attractants
  • discussants
  • flagellants
  • flamboyants
  • flocculants
  • maidservants
  • menservants
  • ministrants
  • oceanfronts
  • percipients
  • proficients
  • protectants
  • remonstrants
  • retreatants
  • riverfronts
  • surveillants
  • transhumants
  • abridgements
  • abridgments
  • acquirements
  • adjournments
  • allurements
  • ambushments
  • anointments
  • arctangents
  • attornments
  • attunements
  • babblements
  • bafflements
  • banishments
  • bereavements
  • bewitchments
  • cajolements
  • cantonments
  • chastisements
  • circumvents
  • commencements
  • comportments
  • concealments
  • concernments
  • concurrents
  • conferments
  • confinements
  • congealments
  • containments
  • contentments
  • controlments
  • couplements
  • curettements
  • decampments
  • depravements
  • despoilments
  • detrainments
  • devotements
  • disbandments
  • discernments
  • discontents
  • dislodgements
  • disportments
  • embalmments
  • embarkments
  • embroilments
  • encampments
  • encasements
  • enchainments
  • enframements
  • engraftments
  • engulfments
  • enjambments
  • enmeshments
  • enserfments
  • enslavements
  • enthrallments
  • entrainments
  • excitements
  • famishments
  • forestallments
  • fulfillments
  • fulfilments
  • garnishments
  • harassments
  • impalements
  • impartments
  • impingements
  • impressments
  • instalments
  • instillments
  • internments
  • languishments
  • malcontents
  • nonemployments
  • nonenforcements
  • nonengagements
  • nonpayments
  • nonstudents
  • nourishments
  • ordainments
  • outplacements
  • preferments
  • pretreatments
  • puzzlements
  • ravagements
  • ravishments
  • rearguments
  • recruitments
  • reemployments
  • reengagements
  • reenlistments
  • refrainments
  • reinvestments
  • revealments
  • signalments
  • stablishments
  • stepparents
  • tanglements
  • thermoelements
  • transshipments
  • vouchsafements
  • wilderments
  • wonderments
  • dissentients
  • intriguants
  • malignments
  • accusements
  • acquitments
  • adjudgements
  • adjudgments
  • afforcements
  • assailments
  • attaintments
  • attendments
  • attirements
  • avengements
  • benightments
  • benumbments
  • besiegements
  • bestowments
  • debauchments
  • deducements
  • defraudments
  • defrayments
  • deprivements
  • deraignments
  • dessignments
  • dismastments
  • disrobements
  • distrainments
  • dreariments
  • dwindlements
  • eloignments
  • embasements
  • empiecements
  • encodements
  • encrustments
  • enfacements
  • enouncements
  • enragements
  • ensnarements
  • ensoulments
  • enwrapments
  • escheatments
  • evincements
  • fibrocements
  • flusterments
  • forejudgements
  • forejudgments
  • franchisements
  • furnishments
  • gabblements
  • harrowments
  • impugnments
  • incasements
  • inditements
  • infoldments
  • insnarements
  • insoulments
  • instatements
  • instilments
  • insultments
  • intrustments
  • invitements
  • obligements
  • obscurements
  • prevailments
  • prisonments
  • producements
  • prolongments
  • propelments
  • provokements
  • publishments
  • reamendments
  • reassortments
  • rebatements
  • recallments
  • regalements
  • reinterments
  • rejoicements
  • releasements
  • resilements
  • retailments
  • retainments
  • retracements
  • retrievements
  • revivements
  • revokements
  • scribblements
  • secernments
  • secondments
  • sojournments
  • subduements
  • surbasements
  • sustainments
  • transhipments
  • unhingements
  • accomptants
  • assentients
  • declaimants
  • degreasants
  • discutients
  • extractants
  • incrustants
  • installants
  • malfeasants
  • perturbants
  • proclaimants
  • reclaimants
  • redcurrants
  • sequestrants
  • sufficients
  • abonnements
  • abstergents
  • affeerments
  • affreightments
  • affrightments
  • appeachments
  • assythments
  • astoundments
  • befoulments
  • betrothments
  • blemishments
  • brabblements
  • burnishments
  • chastenments
  • cherishments
  • compilements
  • condolements
  • conducements
  • confrontments
  • confutements
  • conjurements
  • consolements
  • contendents
  • contenements
  • contrahents
  • contrivements
  • convincements
  • cumberments
  • darraignments
  • dazzlements
  • defragments
  • devolvements
  • devourments
  • dimplements
  • discardments
  • disconsents
  • distilments
  • embranchments
  • embruements
  • empalements
  • enfoldments
  • engrailments
  • enjoinments
  • enswathements
  • enthralments
  • entoilments
  • entwinements
  • epaulements
  • estrepements
  • forebodements
  • forepayments
  • forestalments
  • forjudgments
  • graplements
  • imbruements
  • infeftments
  • ingraftments
  • ingulfments
  • intreatments
  • intrenchments
  • intwinements
  • jostlements
  • lavishments
  • minglements
  • miscontents
  • misjudgements
  • mismatchments
  • muddlements
  • mumblements
  • persistents
  • pesterments
  • plenishments
  • polishments
  • ponderments
  • prattlements
  • prejudgements
  • premovements
  • presagements
  • pretendents
  • projectments
  • reappraisements
  • recountments
  • refundments
  • regainments
  • reinstalments
  • relentments
  • remandments
  • repinements
  • requitements
  • reshipments
  • restringents
  • retardments
  • revengements
  • stranglements
  • subtangents
  • sunderments
  • supplyments
  • supportments
  • tracklements
  • transcendents
  • tremblements
  • vanishments
  • vanquishments
  • withdrawments
  • withholdments
  • percutients
  • pretendants
  • subservients
  • suscipients

Phrases (2)

  • balance of payments
  • ten commandments

4 Syllable Rhymes

Words (370).

  • realignments
  • abandonments
  • environments
  • entertainments
  • developments
  • disappointments
  • accomplishments
  • accoutrements
  • advertisements
  • disagreements
  • embarrassments
  • establishments
  • impediments
  • undergarments
  • accelerants
  • accouterments
  • acknowledgments
  • correspondents
  • enlargements
  • entanglements
  • entitlements
  • experiments
  • independents
  • overpayments
  • overstatements
  • predicaments
  • redeployments
  • temperaments
  • underpayments
  • subcontinents
  • contaminants
  • determinants
  • lieutenants
  • antecedents
  • equivalents
  • incompetents
  • decongestants
  • delinquents
  • ingredients
  • adolescents
  • belligerents
  • nonresidents
  • undercurrents
  • constituents
  • disinfectants
  • inhabitants
  • noncombatants
  • participants
  • refrigerants
  • supergiants
  • acknowledgements
  • reciprocants
  • advertizements
  • aggrandizements
  • apportionments
  • ascertainments
  • bamboozlements
  • bedevilments
  • bedizenments
  • befuddlements
  • belittlements
  • disarrangements
  • disfigurements
  • edutainments
  • embattlements
  • embezzlements
  • embitterments
  • embrittlements
  • empoisonments
  • encirclements
  • encompassments
  • enjambements
  • enlightenments
  • ennoblements
  • habiliments
  • imprisonments
  • interlacements
  • maladjustments
  • microelements
  • misalignments
  • misgovernments
  • misrepresents
  • multivalents
  • nonalignments
  • prearrangements
  • preordainments
  • presentiments
  • privatdocents
  • quadrivalents
  • recommencements
  • reconcilements
  • relinquishments
  • resettlements
  • ressentiments
  • subemployments
  • subgovernments
  • underlayments
  • understatements
  • administrants
  • adulterants
  • bipropellants
  • denaturants
  • discriminants
  • euphoriants
  • introgressants
  • matriculants
  • micronutrients
  • misdemeanants
  • recalcitrants
  • recombinants
  • rubefacients
  • undertenants
  • abolishments
  • admeasurements
  • admonishments
  • arbitraments
  • assuagements
  • astonishments
  • bedazzlements
  • beleaguerments
  • bewilderments
  • codependents
  • comanagements
  • convalescents
  • copresidents
  • coresidents
  • corespondents
  • counteragents
  • countercurrents
  • decipherments
  • demolishments
  • diminishments
  • disablements
  • disarmaments
  • disburdenments
  • disconcertments
  • discontentments
  • discouragements
  • disenchantments
  • disendowments
  • disengagements
  • disfurnishments
  • disgruntlements
  • disheartenments
  • disinterments
  • disinvestments
  • dismantlements
  • dismemberments
  • disparagements
  • dissepiments
  • disseverments
  • embellishments
  • emblazonments
  • embodiments
  • embranglements
  • empowerments
  • encipherments
  • encouragements
  • endangerments
  • enfeeblements
  • enfeoffments
  • engorgements
  • ensorcellments
  • envelopments
  • equipollents
  • extinguishments
  • houseparents
  • idempotents
  • imperilments
  • incandescents
  • integuments
  • intertwinements
  • intransigents
  • inveiglements
  • jurisprudents
  • medicaments
  • misemployments
  • mismanagements
  • myofilaments
  • nonachievements
  • nonarguments
  • nonattachments
  • noncommitments
  • nondependents
  • nonfulfillments
  • nonincumbents
  • noninstallments
  • noninvolvements
  • nonrespondents
  • omnipotents
  • overgarments
  • overtreatments
  • parliaments
  • photocurrents
  • precommitments
  • prefigurements
  • prepubescents
  • privatdozents
  • recommitments
  • refurbishments
  • remeasurements
  • replenishments
  • subcomponents
  • subdepartments
  • superagents
  • supercurrents
  • unemployments
  • unsettlements
  • vicegerents
  • appurtenants
  • macronutrients
  • nonirritants
  • nonruminants
  • somnifacients
  • subdominants
  • submediants
  • subsequents
  • substituents
  • accoustrements
  • accustrements
  • additaments
  • aggrandisements
  • amortisements
  • apprenticements
  • bequeathments
  • discolorments
  • disentrainments
  • disgorgements
  • divertisements
  • divulgements
  • electrocements
  • embowelments
  • enablements
  • enlivenments
  • enregiments
  • incensements
  • interweavements
  • mismeasurements
  • proportionments
  • reallotments
  • redoublements
  • submergements
  • unconcernments
  • intersegments
  • nonabsorbents
  • nonequivalents
  • preenrollments
  • preretirements
  • presettlements
  • reapportionments
  • agglutinants
  • deflocculants
  • deforciants
  • deobstruents
  • dipropellants
  • disciplinants
  • interpellants
  • intriguantes
  • polysemants
  • preoccupants
  • stupefacients
  • subalternants
  • tergiversants
  • nondominants
  • acquiescents
  • adultescents
  • amerciaments
  • amortizements
  • apparelments
  • appartements
  • appertainments
  • appertinents
  • appeteezements
  • appetisements
  • arbitrements
  • attemperments
  • attendements
  • avertiments
  • ballottements
  • bioreagents
  • cashierments
  • departements
  • desagrements
  • disannulments
  • discolourments
  • disembarkments
  • disemboguements
  • disemployments
  • disentailments
  • disenthralments
  • disfeaturements
  • dishevelments
  • disobligements
  • dispiritments
  • displenishments
  • divergements
  • embowerments
  • empanelments
  • encumberments
  • endamagements
  • endeavourments
  • engenderments
  • entablements
  • envisagements
  • evanishments
  • foreordainments
  • garnisheements
  • impanelments
  • impenitents
  • inspiritments
  • loculaments
  • maldeployments
  • micropayments
  • misallotments
  • misarrangements
  • miscontentments
  • misimprovements
  • outsettlements
  • palliaments
  • paludaments
  • partitionments
  • premonishments
  • reminiscents
  • representments
  • retromingents
  • surchargements
  • tetravalents
  • underagents
  • unravelments
  • unruliments
  • viceregents
  • countermovements
  • counterstatements
  • disfranchisements
  • enfranchisements
  • nonentertainments
  • nonestablishments
  • nongovernments
  • nonmanagements
  • nonreappointments
  • postpubescents
  • preemployments
  • pretournaments
  • reestablishments
  • abiturients
  • febrifacients
  • liquefacients
  • sorbefacients
  • supernutrients
  • usucapients
  • zalambdodonts

Phrases (5)

  • pink elephants
  • board of regents
  • turn of events
  • hendrik lorentz
  • konrad lorenz

5 Syllable Rhymes

  • accompaniments
  • superintendents
  • abortifacients
  • antidepressants
  • antioxidants
  • disembowelments
  • hereditaments
  • immunosorbents
  • overadjustments
  • overcommitments
  • overinvestments
  • overrefinements
  • preadolescents
  • radioelements
  • redevelopments
  • monopropellants
  • nonrecombinants
  • ultramilitants
  • cobelligerents
  • divertissements
  • impoverishments
  • microfilaments
  • monofilaments
  • nonbelligerents
  • nondevelopments
  • overassessments
  • overdocuments
  • overornaments
  • semiretirements
  • subadolescents
  • subdevelopments
  • superabsorbents
  • supercontinents
  • sublieutenants
  • microcomponents
  • countergovernments
  • disestablishments
  • disillusionments
  • hyperexcitements
  • postadolescents
  • supergovernments
  • underachievements
  • underinvestments
  • undernourishments
  • decontaminants
  • disembodiments
  • disempowerments
  • disenablements
  • empoverishments
  • multifilaments
  • predevelopments
  • refashionments
  • semideponents
  • counterarguments
  • counterdeployments
  • counterinsurgents
  • disenfranchisements
  • disentanglements
  • malapportionments
  • micromanagements
  • overachievements
  • preexperiments
  • underemployments
  • delirifacients
  • reconstituents
  • counterirritants

Phrases (1)

  • table of contents

6 Syllable Rhymes

  • anticoagulants
  • palaeocurrents
  • microenvironments
  • hyperdevelopments
  • overdevelopments
  • overembellishments
  • underdevelopments
  • theatrical performance
  • hendrik antoon lorentz

7 Syllable Rhymes

  • gedankenexperiments

8 Syllable Rhymes

Phrases (3).

  • primary color for pigments
  • primary colour for pigments
  • konrad zacharias lorenz

11 Syllable Rhymes

  • balance of international payments

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Rhymes Here is a list of the words that rhyme with the word assignment .This is ordered by best match. Changing color means the start of the next best set of words.

3 syllable words - showing 38 results.















4 syllable words - Showing 2 results



Near Rhymes Here is a list of the words that nearly rhyme with the word assignment .

1 syllable words - showing 12 results, 2 syllable words - showing 131 results, 3 syllable words - showing 383 results.



































































4 syllable words - Showing 157 results














































































































5 syllable words - Showing 16 results

















Words that rhyme with the word assignment

Welcome to the Rhyme Finder! This rhyming dictionary allows users to explore rhymes for any given word. This includes rhymes based on syllables, near rhymes, and more.

How to use the rhyming dictionary

Enter your "starter" word in the FIND RHYMES input box, and click search. It's really that simple! We separate perfect rhymes (near the top) from the imperfect rhymes (toward the bottom). In your rhyming results, colors descend based on the best rhyme. Once the color changes, you will notice the results reset back into alphabetical order. Click on any of the results for the word's definition, part of speech, use in Scrabble, and more. Please note that many of our results are proper nound or slang. While we may not store definitions for all of these words, we can direct you to the Google results for that word.

Perfect Rhymes

  • Cat and Hat
  • Head and Red
  • Egg and Beg
  • Soap and Hope
  • True and Blue

Imperfect Rhymes

Near rhymes, otherwise known as imperfect rhymes, are words that sound the same but are not perfect rhymes. Having trouble deciding if a word is a perfect or imperfect rhyme? Here are some examples:

  • Cat and Bad
  • Head and Mud
  • Egg and Peck
  • Soap and Chap
  • True and Cure

Using Rhymes

  • End rhymes: rhyming of the final word of a line
  • Internal rhymes: rhyming of two words within the same line
  • Slant rhymes: near rhymes
  • Identical rhymes: use the same word at the end of each line
  • Eye rhymes: look like they rhyme but sound different
  • Mascline rhymes: have a stressed syllable
  • Feminine rhymes: have a stressless syllable.

Rhyming Dictionary

  • Words to Minutes
  • "Words That End With" Tool
  • "Words That Contain" Tool
  • Poetry Foundation
  • Reading Rockets Rhyme Games

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Assignment Rhymes: 1083 Words to Inspire Your Inner Poet

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Rhyme with Assignment

6 rhymes for assignment - words and phrases that rhyme with assignment.

Pure Rhymes

Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound., words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only..

  • neither use nor ornament

"Go Pro" to see the next 145 end rhyme sets

Near Rhymes

Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely..

"Go Pro" to see the next 6 near rhyme sets

Mosaic Rhymes

Rhymes made up of more than one word. for instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me.".

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1,200+ Words That Rhyme With Assignment

Perfect rhymes with assignment.

  • abandonment
  • abridgement
  • accompaniment
  • accomplishment
  • accouterment
  • accoutrement
  • achievement
  • acknowledgement
  • acknowledgment
  • adjournment
  • advancement
  • advertisement
  • aggrandizement
  • announcment
  • antigovernment
  • appeasement
  • appointment
  • apportionment
  • arraignment
  • arrangement
  • astonishment
  • bereavement
  • bewilderment
  • blandishment
  • bombardment
  • commandment
  • commencement
  • compartment
  • comportment
  • concealment
  • confinement
  • consignment
  • containment
  • contentment
  • curtailment
  • development
  • diminishment
  • disagreement
  • disappointment
  • disarmament
  • disbursement
  • discernment
  • discouragement
  • disenchantment
  • disenfranchisement
  • disengagement
  • disestablishment
  • disgorgement
  • disgruntlement
  • disillusionment
  • disinvestment
  • dismantlement
  • dismemberment
  • displacement
  • downpayment
  • embarrassment
  • embellishment
  • embezzlement
  • emplacement
  • empowerment
  • enchantment
  • encirclement
  • encouragement
  • encroachment
  • endangerment
  • endorsement
  • enforcement
  • engrossment
  • enhancement
  • enlargement
  • enlightenment
  • enslavement
  • entanglement
  • entertainment
  • entitlement
  • entrenchment
  • environment
  • establishment
  • estrangement
  • extinguishment
  • financement
  • fulfillment
  • garnishment
  • impeachment
  • impoundment
  • impoverishment
  • impressment
  • imprisonment
  • improvement
  • infotainment
  • infringement
  • installment
  • intersegment
  • involvement
  • maltreatment
  • measurement
  • micromanagement
  • misgovernment
  • misjudgment
  • mismanagement
  • misstatement
  • mistreatment
  • non-government
  • non-management
  • non-payment
  • nongovernment
  • nonmanagement
  • nourishment
  • outplacement
  • overallotment
  • overpayment
  • overstatement
  • postponement
  • postretirement
  • predicament
  • prejudgment
  • presentment
  • procurement
  • pronouncement
  • ratatisement
  • readjustment
  • realignment
  • reappointment
  • reapportionment
  • rearrangement
  • reassessment
  • reassignment
  • recruitment
  • redeployment
  • redevelopment
  • reemployment
  • reenactment
  • refreshment
  • refurbishment
  • reimbursement
  • reinforcement
  • reinstatement
  • reinvestment
  • replacement
  • replenishment
  • requirement
  • resettlement
  • restatement
  • retracement
  • retrenchment
  • self-aggrandizement
  • self-dormant
  • self-enrichment
  • self-government
  • self-improvement
  • telemanagement
  • temperament
  • transhumant
  • underdevelopment
  • underemployment
  • undergarment
  • underpayment
  • understatement
  • unemployment

Close Rhymes With Assignment

  • abortifacient
  • acquiescent
  • administrant
  • anticoagulant
  • anticonvulsant
  • antidepressant
  • antidesiccant
  • antioxidant
  • antiozonant
  • antiperspirant
  • appurtenant
  • belligerent
  • benjamin constant
  • bipropellant
  • chateaubriant
  • chateaumeillant
  • clairvoyant
  • clohars-fouesnant
  • codefendant
  • coefficient
  • communicant
  • complainant
  • complaisant
  • concelebrant
  • concomitant
  • conflagrant
  • constituent
  • contaminant
  • convalescent
  • corespondent
  • correspondent
  • corroborant
  • cosurfactant
  • cotton plant
  • counterirritant
  • crosscurrent
  • cryoprotectant
  • decongestant
  • determinant
  • discriminant
  • disinfectant
  • disinfestant
  • disobedient
  • effervescent
  • equidistant
  • equilibrant
  • equiponderant
  • expectorant
  • extravagant
  • fluorescent
  • gesticulant
  • grandiloquent
  • grandparent
  • halperstant
  • hildebrandt
  • hilderbrandt
  • homotransplant
  • hypervigilant
  • immunosuppressant
  • impertinent
  • inadvertent
  • incandescent
  • incognizant
  • incompetent
  • incompliant
  • inconsistent
  • inconsonant
  • incontinent
  • inconvenient
  • independent
  • indifferent
  • inefficient
  • inobservant
  • insignificant
  • insufficient
  • intelligent
  • interactant
  • intercurrent
  • interdependent
  • intermittent
  • intransigeant
  • intransigent
  • introgressant
  • kings grant
  • la foret-fouesnant
  • lake pleasant
  • llantrisant
  • luminescent
  • magnificent
  • maidservant
  • manifestant
  • matriculant
  • midcontinent
  • misdemeanant
  • monopropellant
  • non-combatant
  • non-existent
  • non-resident
  • non-violent
  • noncombatant
  • noncompliant
  • nonconstant
  • nondominant
  • nonexistent
  • nonimmigrant
  • nonintoxicant
  • nonirritant
  • nonmalignant
  • nonmilitant
  • nonobservant
  • nonparticipant
  • nonpregnant
  • nonrecombinant
  • nonredundant
  • nonrelevant
  • nonresident
  • nonresistant
  • nonresonant
  • nonruminant
  • nonsignificant
  • obsolescent
  • omnipresent
  • overabundant
  • overconfident
  • overdependent
  • overdominant
  • overextravagant
  • overexuberant
  • participant
  • precipitant
  • predominant
  • premalignant
  • preponderant
  • protuberant
  • pseudopregnant
  • recalcitrant
  • reciprocant
  • recombinant
  • refrigerant
  • rehabilitant
  • reminiscent
  • remonstrant
  • resplendent
  • reverberant
  • scintillant
  • self-confident
  • self-consistent
  • self-sufficient
  • semidominant
  • semipermanent
  • significant
  • somnambulant
  • subcontinent
  • subdominant
  • sublieutenant
  • subservient
  • superabundant
  • superintendant
  • superintendent
  • supermilitant
  • supernatant
  • suppressant
  • surveillant
  • tetravalent
  • transcendent
  • transductant
  • translucent
  • transparent
  • ultradistant
  • ultramilitant
  • unbrilliant
  • undercurrent
  • undertenant
  • unflamboyant
  • unimportant
  • unobservant
  • unreluctant
  • unrepentant
  • unresistant
  • vice-president
  • water-repellent

Slant Rhymes With Assignment

  • battlefront

What the Table Columns Mean

  • Word : A word that rhymes with assignment.
  • Rhyming Percentage: How closely the word rhymes with assignment. A 100 means perfect rhyme while an 80 or 90 means a close rhyme. When this column says "Slant Rhyme," the word only rhymes if said in a certain way.
  • Syllables: The number of syllables in the word.
  • Type: The type of word.

Table of Contents

Syllable words & phrases that rhyme with assignment.

Below you can find the words that rhyme with assignment grouped by syllables.

1 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

2 syllable words/phrases that rhyme with assignment.

  • Kings Grant

3 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Cotton Plant
  • Llantrisant
  • Abridgement
  • Achievement
  • Adjournment
  • Advancement
  • Announcment
  • Appeasement
  • Appointment
  • Arraignment
  • Arrangement
  • Battlefront
  • Bereavement
  • Blandishment
  • Bombardment
  • Clairvoyant
  • Commandment
  • Commencement
  • Compartment
  • Complainant
  • Complaisant
  • Comportment
  • Concealment
  • Confinement
  • Conflagrant
  • Consignment
  • Containment
  • Contentment
  • Crosscurrent
  • Curtailment
  • Disbursement
  • Discernment
  • Disgorgement
  • Displacement
  • Downpayment
  • Emplacement
  • Enchantment
  • Encroachment
  • Endorsement
  • Enforcement
  • Engrossment
  • Enhancement
  • Enlargement
  • Enslavement
  • Entrenchment
  • Estrangement
  • Financement
  • Fluorescent
  • Fulfillment
  • Garnishment
  • Grandparent
  • Halperstant
  • Hildebrandt
  • Hilderbrandt
  • Impeachment
  • Impoundment
  • Impressment
  • Improvement
  • Indifferent
  • Infringement
  • Installment
  • Involvement
  • Maltreatment
  • Measurement
  • Misjudgment
  • Misstatement
  • Mistreatment
  • Non-payment
  • Nonconstant
  • Nonpregnant
  • Nourishment
  • Outplacement
  • Postponement
  • Prejudgment
  • Presentment
  • Procurement
  • Pronouncement
  • Recruitment
  • Refreshment
  • Remonstrant
  • Replacement
  • Requirement
  • Resplendent
  • Restatement
  • Retracement
  • Retrenchment
  • Scintillant
  • Self-dormant
  • Suppressant
  • Temperament
  • Transcendent
  • Transductant
  • Transhumant
  • Translucent
  • Transparent

4 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Abandonment
  • Accompaniment
  • Accomplishment
  • Accouterment
  • Accoutrement
  • Acknowledgement
  • Acknowledgment
  • Acquiescent
  • Administrant
  • Advertisement
  • Aggrandizement
  • Apportionment
  • Appurtenant
  • Astonishment
  • Belligerent
  • Bewilderment
  • Bipropellant
  • Codefendant
  • Coefficient
  • Communicant
  • Concelebrant
  • Concomitant
  • Constituent
  • Contaminant
  • Convalescent
  • Corespondent
  • Correspondent
  • Corroborant
  • Cosurfactant
  • Cryoprotectant
  • Decongestant
  • Determinant
  • Development
  • Diminishment
  • Disagreement
  • Disappointment
  • Disarmament
  • Discouragement
  • Discriminant
  • Disenchantment
  • Disengagement
  • Disgruntlement
  • Disinfectant
  • Disinfestant
  • Disinvestment
  • Dismantlement
  • Dismemberment
  • Effervescent
  • Embarrassment
  • Embellishment
  • Embezzlement
  • Empowerment
  • Encirclement
  • Encouragement
  • Endangerment
  • Enlightenment
  • Entanglement
  • Entertainment
  • Entitlement
  • Environment
  • Equidistant
  • Equilibrant
  • Establishment
  • Expectorant
  • Extinguishment
  • Extravagant
  • Gesticulant
  • Grandiloquent
  • Homotransplant
  • Hypervigilant
  • Impertinent
  • Impoverishment
  • Imprisonment
  • Inadvertent
  • Incandescent
  • Incognizant
  • Incompetent
  • Incompliant
  • Inconsistent
  • Inconsonant
  • Incontinent
  • Inconvenient
  • Independent
  • Inefficient
  • Infotainment
  • Inobservant
  • Insufficient
  • Intelligent
  • Interactant
  • Intercurrent
  • Intermittent
  • Intersegment
  • Intransigent
  • Introgressant
  • Luminescent
  • Magnificent
  • Maidservant
  • Manifestant
  • Matriculant
  • Midcontinent
  • Misgovernment
  • Mismanagement
  • Non-combatant
  • Non-existent
  • Non-government
  • Non-management
  • Non-resident
  • Non-violent
  • Noncombatant
  • Noncompliant
  • Nondominant
  • Nonexistent
  • Nongovernment
  • Nonimmigrant
  • Nonirritant
  • Nonmalignant
  • Nonmanagement
  • Nonmilitant
  • Nonobservant
  • Nonredundant
  • Nonrelevant
  • Nonresident
  • Nonresistant
  • Nonresonant
  • Nonruminant
  • Obsolescent
  • Omnipresent
  • Overpayment
  • Overstatement
  • Participant
  • Precipitant
  • Predicament
  • Predominant
  • Premalignant
  • Preponderant
  • Protuberant
  • Ratatisement
  • Readjustment
  • Realignment
  • Reappointment
  • Rearrangement
  • Reassessment
  • Reassignment
  • Recalcitrant
  • Reciprocant
  • Recombinant
  • Redeployment
  • Reemployment
  • Reenactment
  • Refrigerant
  • Refurbishment
  • Reimbursement
  • Reinforcement
  • Reinstatement
  • Reinvestment
  • Reminiscent
  • Replenishment
  • Resettlement
  • Reverberant
  • Self-confident
  • Self-consistent
  • Self-enrichment
  • Self-government
  • Self-improvement
  • Self-sufficient
  • Significant
  • Somnambulant
  • Subcontinent
  • Subdominant
  • Subservient
  • Supernatant
  • Surveillant
  • Tetravalent
  • Ultradistant
  • Unbrilliant
  • Undercurrent
  • Undergarment
  • Underpayment
  • Understatement
  • Undertenant
  • Unemployment
  • Unflamboyant
  • Unimportant
  • Unobservant
  • Unreluctant
  • Unrepentant
  • Unresistant
  • Vice-president

5 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Benjamin Constant
  • Lake Pleasant
  • Abortifacient
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Antidepressant
  • Antidesiccant
  • Antigovernment
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiozonant
  • Antiperspirant
  • Disenfranchisement
  • Disestablishment
  • Disillusionment
  • Disobedient
  • Equiponderant
  • Insignificant
  • Interdependent
  • Intransigeant
  • Micromanagement
  • Misdemeanant
  • Monopropellant
  • Nonintoxicant
  • Nonparticipant
  • Nonrecombinant
  • Nonsignificant
  • Overabundant
  • Overallotment
  • Overconfident
  • Overdependent
  • Overdominant
  • Postretirement
  • Pseudopregnant
  • Reapportionment
  • Redevelopment
  • Rehabilitant
  • Self-aggrandizement
  • Semidominant
  • Semipermanent
  • Superabundant
  • Superintendant
  • Superintendent
  • Supermilitant
  • Telemanagement
  • Ultramilitant
  • Underemployment
  • Water-repellent

6 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Chateaubriant
  • Clohars-fouesnant
  • Anticoagulant
  • Counterirritant
  • Immunosuppressant
  • Overextravagant
  • Overexuberant
  • Sublieutenant
  • Underdevelopment

7 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Chateaumeillant
  • La Foret-fouesnant

Length Words & Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

Below you can find the words that rhyme with assignment grouped by the length of the word.

3-Letter Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

4-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 5-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 6-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 7-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 8-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 9-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 10-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 11-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 12-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 13-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 14-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 15-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 16-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 17-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 18-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment.

  • Accessibility

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Words That Rhyme with Assignment

A comprehensive list of words rhyming with 'assignment' - dive into our expansive collection of rhymes for assignment, meticulously curated to enhance your poetry, songwriting, and creative writing projects..

Updated on March 26, 2024

Rhymes for assignment

Rhyme Desk

Rhymes | Synonyms

Words That Rhyme With "Assignment" :

2 syllables:.

diamond , fineman , lineman , linemen , rhineman , Steinman , wineman

3 syllables:

alignment , alinement , arraignment , atonement , attainment , cantonment , confinement , consignment , containment , designment , detainment , dethronement , enjoinment , enthronement , malignment , obtainment , postponement , refinement , sustainment

4 syllables:

entertainment , infotainment , misalignment , nonalignment , realignment , reassignment , reconsignment

5 syllables:



Play Twofer Goofer, a new rhyming game.

"); } else { $("#filter_res").html(" "); } }, }); last_req = request.term; } }); }); function winnowResults(res, topic_term) { if (topic_term === "" || res.length == 0) { $(".r").removeClass("r_highlight"); $(".r").removeClass("r_nohighlight"); return 0; } var m = {}; for (var i=0; i :   (1636 results)
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C .css-6n7j50{display:inline;} HO R US

Words that rhyme with .css-12whla0{background-image:linear-gradient(to right, var(--chakra-colors-pink-500), var(--chakra-colors-red-500));color:transparent;-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content;font-size:var(--chakra-fontsizes-6xl);display:block;font-family:var(--chakra-fonts-heading);}@media screen and (min-width: 30em){.css-12whla0{font-size:3em;}} assignment .css-79wky{color:var(--chakra-colors-white);} ., songwriting rhymes for assignment.

  • Alternative Rock
  • Singer-songwriter

These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.

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Perfect rhymes for assignment

  • consignment
  • confinement
  • realignment
  • reassignment

Near rhymes for assignment

Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.

  • wasn't
  • doesn't
  • didn't
  • couldn't
  • haven't

Want to know what rhymes with assignment ?

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We've got 131 rhyming words for assign  »

What rhymes with assign əˈsaɪn as·sign, this page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like assign . use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses..

assignments rhymes

more definitions for assign »

69 · 9 · brine · bryne · chine · cline · clyne · crime · cryed · dhein · dine · dyne · ein · feyen · fine · gine · grine · guynn · hein · heine · heyen · hine · huynh · ine · jain · klein · kleine · kline · kyne · lyne · lysne · mine · nine · pine · prine · pruyn · pyne · quine · rhein · rhine · rhyne · rine · schein · schlein · sein · shein · shine · shrine · shyne · sign · sine · spine · spline · stein · stine · strine · styne · swine · thein · thine · tine · trine · twine · tyne · vine · whine · wine · wyne · zine

align · aline · behind · benign · bornstein · bovine · burdine · cloud nine · combine · confine · consign · cosine · decline · define · design · devine · dewine · divine · einstein · emlynne · enshrine · ensign · entwine · gourdine · hot-line · ice-nine · incline · malign · nadein · opine · ovine · pantline · refine · repine · resign · rhine...o · sharp-sign · supine · timeline · vandine · vanduyn · vanduyne

anticline · ballantine · clementine · columbine · concubine · disincline · herobrine · intertwine · labyrinthine · macalpine · mine is mine · mine/time · porcupine · realign · reassign · recombine · redefine · redesign · terpentine · valentine

Popularity rank by frequency of use

How popular is assign among other rhymes, a graphical representation of the words that rhyme with assign ., 3 songs found.

Even when the road is rocky, to what we align Yes I believe I got, I'm gonna do what we assign
In her miss assign This can't be mine
Drew away the curtain, I had to assign Into a forest I've never seen before One million pixels in a line

5/19 poems found see 14 more »

Select the arms-to each his blade assign , And careless eye the blood that dims its shine .
What curse to another land assign , When heavy-souled for the sins of mine ?'
His God is as his fates assign , His prayer is all the world's--and mine .
Nor could these hands a niggard boon assign ; Grateful she clasp'd me in a last embrace, And vow'd to waste her life in prayers for mine .
Then haply shall my trembling hand assign No fading wreath beauty's saintly shrine .

How to say assign in sign language?

How to pronounce assign.

  • Alex US English David US English Mark US English Daniel British Libby British Mia British Karen Australian Hayley Australian Natasha Australian Veena Indian Priya Indian Neerja Indian Zira US English Oliver British Wendy British Fred US English Tessa South African

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  1. RhymeZone: assignment rhymes

    [Rhymes] Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Advanced >> Words and phrases that rhyme with assignment: (28 results) 3 syllables: alignement, ... — Nouns for assignment: statements, operators, children, problems, ...

  2. RhymeZone: assignments rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with assignments: (8 results) 3 syllables: alignments, assignment's, confinements, consignments, refinements 4 syllables: misalignments, realignments, reassignments More ideas: — Try the advanced search interface for more ideas. — Adjectives for assignments: such, special, specific, ...

  3. 1K+ Words That Rhyme With "ASSIGNMENTS" (Complete List)

    Words That Rhyme With ASSIGNMENTS. There are 1,552 words and 14 phrases 1 Syllable 2 Syllables 3 Syllables 4 Syllables. Did you mean? Definition Synonyms Ends ENTS Ends IGNMENTS. Also try rhymes for.. assignment. Users also search for.. work appointments chores commissions duties. Top Ranked. Top 20. Top 5; Top 10; Top 20 ...

  4. Assignments Rhymes: 679 Words to Inspire Your Inner Poet

    Discover 679 words that rhyme with 'assignments' to elevate your poems, songs, or creative writing. Explore our extensive rhyming dictionary and unleash your inner poet! Rhymer ®

  5. Words rhyming with Assignment

    And do a sucker new jack who needs a rappin' alignment. Juice Crew Law by MC Shan. Now that I have the power make a refinement. Revealin the snakes is my next assignment. Escape Artist by Sage Francis. Funny I'm serving the sentence of solitary confinement. Results in a death sentence and still I'm a running assignment.

  6. Rhyme Finder

    Rhymes Here is a list of the words that rhyme with the word assignment.This is ordered by best match. Changing color means the start of the next best set of words. 3 syllable words - Showing 38 results. assignment. alignment. assignments. consignment. refinement. confinement. attainment. adornment. advisement. ...

  7. Assignments Rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with Assignments. Used in poems and poetry, songs, lyrics and music. Top rhymes for Assignments.

  8. Assignment Rhymes: Find the Perfect Word to Make Your Lyrics Sing

    Assignment Rhymes: 1083 Words to Inspire Your Inner Poet. Add Assignment to Favorites Definition Thesaurus. One-Syllable Rhymes of Assignment 10. blunt brunt bunt front grunt hunt punt runt shunt stunt. Two-Syllable Rhymes of Assignment 163. absent affront agent ailment ancient appellant ardent arrant ...

  9. Assignment Rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with Assignment. Used in poems and poetry, songs, lyrics and music. Top rhymes for Assignment. Rhyme with Assignment. Hold to adjust. 6 rhymes for assignment- words and phrases that rhyme with assignment. Lists. synonyms. similar meaning. antonyms. opposite meaning. definitions. meaning & examples.

  10. What Rhymes With "Assignment"? Words and Phrases by WikiRhymer

    Mosaic Rhymes. Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me." There are no mosaic rhymes for "assignment". Mosaic Rhymes — Set #1 of 1. Assignment: alignment, confinement, consignment, refinement, realignment, reassignment, ornament, dominant, prominent, predominant, appor...

  11. 1,200+ Words That Rhyme With Assignment

    Word: A word that rhymes with assignment. Rhyming Percentage: How closely the word rhymes with assignment. A 100 means perfect rhyme while an 80 or 90 means a close rhyme. When this column says "Slant Rhyme," the word only rhymes if said in a certain way. Syllables: The number of syllables in the word. Type: The type of word.

  12. RhymeZone: assignments rhymes

    Words and phrases that rhyme with assignments: (8 results) 10 letters: alignments 11 letters: refinements 12 letters: assignment's, confinements, consignments, realignments 13 letters: misalignments, reassignments More ideas: — Try the advanced search interface for more ideas. — Adjectives for assignments: such, special, specific, ...

  13. RhymeZone: All rhymes for assignment

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  14. RhymeZone: All rhymes for assignments

    Play Twofer Goofer, a new rhyming game. Play Now. Rhymes Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants.

  15. 104 Words that rhyme with assignments for Songwriters

    Top assignments rhymes: trust,just,but,what,one,come,from,love,some,wanna. From the best rhyming dictionary made for songwriters

  16. assignment

    Showing 296 matching rhymes . Best matching rhymes for assignment. amendment

  17. Rhymes With Assignments

    A list of words rhyming with assignments. We provide rhymes for over 8000 words.

  18. Words That Rhyme With "Assignments"

    Words That Rhyme With "Assignments" : 2 syllables: diamonds. 3 syllables: alignments, alinement, arraignments, confinement, designment, malignment, postponements ...

  19. Rhymes With Assignment

    Rhymes with is a tool that allows you to find rhymes for specific words. You're looking for words that rhyme with another word? We've got you covered: we provide rhymes for over 8000 of the most used words in the English language. A list of words rhyming with assignment. We provide rhymes for over 8000 words.

  20. Words rhyming with Assignments

    This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like assignments . Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. n. Plural noun of the word assignment. more definitions for assignments ». 3 Syllables. alignments · assignment's · refinements. 4 Syllables.

  21. Words That Rhyme With "Assignment"

    Words That Rhyme With "Assignment" : 2 syllables: diamond, fineman, lineman, linemen, rhineman, Steinman, wineman. 3 syllables: alignment, alinement, arraignment ...

  22. RhymeZone: assign rhymes

    [Rhymes] Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Same consonants Advanced >> Words and phrases that rhyme with assign: (1636 results) 1 syllable: -cline, aisne ...

  23. 36 Words that rhyme with assignment for Songwriters

    Singer-songwriter. These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes. quiet. diamond. private. silent. riot. highest. excited.

  24. Words rhyming with Assign

    This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like assign . Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. verb. give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person) more definitions for assign ». 1 Syllable. 69 · 9 · brine · bryne · chine · cline ...