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How to Structure Your Pitch Deck for Angel Investors


Startup investing is a high-stakes, highly competitive business. Angel investors and venture capitalists are constantly on the lookout for the next tiny startup that could strike it big. As savvy investors, however, they’re also attuned to potential issues and red flags that could dissuade them from funding your company.

The good news is that you can stand out from the crowd and make an excellent first impression by building a great pitch deck. But do you know how to create a pitch deck in the first place?

Your pitch deck is one of the most important elements when you prepare a pitch for angel investors . In this startup pitch deck guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know.

How do you make a pitch deck for an investor?

Your first question might be: “What is a pitch deck?” In the field of angel investing , a pitch deck is a short yet informative presentation that lays out the basic details of your company. This includes your startup’s leadership team, mission, industry, products and services, high-level financials, growth strategy, and fundraising needs.

You can think of a pitch deck like a business card for your startup, soliciting interest in your company. Pitch decks provide all the high-level relevant information that potential investors need to know during the angel investment stage.

Importantly, the goal of a pitch deck is not to help you raise money—at least directly. Rather, a high-quality pitch deck will help get you to the next step: a seat at the meeting room table, where you’ll discuss funding with angel investors.

What should be in an investor pitch deck?

The role of the pitch deck is to quickly and concisely give potential investors an overview of your business. It should explain why they should fund your startup. However, there’s more to mastering the art of the investor pitch deck .

Although every startup is different, there’s a “language” that angel investors have come to expect from founder pitch decks. Your slides should contain various pitch deck building blocks that investors are looking for.

For one, most startup thought leaders recommend including a maximum of 10 to 20 slides. This allows investors to peruse it in just a few minutes. If your pitch deck is too short, you risk omitting crucial information. If it’s too long, you risk losing the investor’s attention. Including visually appealing images, graphs, and charts will also help sustain an investors’ interest throughout the presentation.

Instead of following a “one-size-fits-all” template, your pitch deck should be customized. Create different slides tailored to specific audiences. This enables you to easily swap your slides in and out to fit individual investors.

With all that said, what should you include in your startup pitch deck? Below are the essentials for how to create a pitch deck .

  • Pitch deck cover: The start of your pitch deck should set the tone for what’s to come. A pitch deck cover should include your business name, logo, and contact information. It should also include a tagline and/or visual that effectively communicates your mission.
  • Value proposition: Your value proposition is a short, high-level, one-sentence summary of the value that your company provides to customers. For example, saying that your startup is “Uber for X” (i.e. providing on-demand services from a mobile app) is a common value proposition.
  • Business problem: Your business problem is the issue or gap in the market that your startup aims to solve. In the rest of the pitch deck, you will explain how your company is uniquely able to address this problem.
  • Market opportunity: Even with a legitimate business problem, you need to prove that there is significant demand for the problem to be resolved. This slide should discuss your startup’s total addressable market (TAM), i.e. the potential revenue opportunity for your products and services.
  • Solution: This slide showcases the products and services that your startup offers. In particular, discuss how customers can use these products to address the business problem.
  • Business model: In this slide, explain how your company plans to make money from your products and services. It could be subscription fees, one-time purchases, advertisements, etc. 
  • Financials: Although you don’t need to include a full tax form, your pitch deck should incorporate the crucial financial models for your startup. This may include your cash flow statement, income statement, and sales and growth projections.
  • Competitors: Every business has its rivals, and a careful understanding of the market landscape is critical. This slide should discuss your closest competitors and why customers will patronize your business instead of theirs.
  • Leadership: This slide is the place to mention key startup personnel such as founders, co-founders, and executives like the CEO, CTO, and COO. Mentioning your credentials and previous experience helps reassure potential investors that you have the skills to back up your business vision.
  • Fundraising: Last but not least, your pitch deck should conclude with  the amount of funds your startup is seeking. You should also discuss how you plan to use these funds (e.g. hiring new employees or developing a new product).

How do you pitch an angel investor?

Sending out your startup pitch deck is the first stage in pitching an angel investor. Typically, your deck should be attached to a brief message (e.g. through email, LinkedIn, or the investor’s website) that succinctly presents your case without directly asking for funding.

If your pitch deck is well-written enough to generate interest, the next step is for investors to reach out to you for a one-on-one meeting. This meeting should further build on the themes outlined in your deck. This includes the business problem, the market opportunity, your business solution and products, your financial models, etc. Put forth a concise and winning argument for investing in your startup, and be sure to leave time at the end for Q&A.

Presenting to VCs and angel investors is its own skill, and you may need to go through many presentations and meetings before you get a nibble of interest. Once an investor wants to move forward, the next step is to go through the due diligence process. During this stage, investors may assess your company in terms of factors such as:

  • The competency of the management team.
  • The quality of your products and intellectual property.
  • The long-term potential and market opportunities for your startup.
  • The underlying assumptions of your company’s financial models.
  • The risks and competitors that your startup faces.
  • The possible exit strategies for your startup.

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100+ Investor Pitch Deck Examples + Free Pitch Deck Template

 startup pitch deck examples

A well-crafted pitch deck provides highlights of your business and financial plans.

Below you’ll learn how to create a winning investor pitch deck so you can raise funding for your startup or growing company.

First, we’ll give you a brief overview of what a pitch deck is. Then we’ll walk through each section of your investor pitch deck so you know what to include and where. Next, we’ll show you the best startup pitch deck template that you can use to create your first pitch deck. Finally, we’ll show you over 100 startup pitch deck examples that have raised millions of dollars.

Looking for Help with Your Pitch Deck?

You’ve come to the right place! Since Growthink was founded in 1999, we have created thousands of successful pitch decks for our clients including startups, small business owners, nonprofit organizations and mid to large-sized companies. 

A great pitch deck is often the difference between success and failure in raising the money you need. Let our team expertly create a successful custom pitch deck for you.

 Expert Team of Pitch Deck Developers

 Quality Graphic Designers

 Fully Customized Investor Pitch Decks

 Tailored to the Precise Needs of Investors

Get Started Now!

Call us at (800) 216-3710 or complete the form below and one of our pitch deck developers will reach out to you to schedule a time to speak about your pitch deck needs.

What is an Investor Pitch Deck?

  • 5 Keys to Creating a Winning Pitch Deck
  • How to Create Your Own Investor Pitch Deck

Free Pitch Deck Template

100+ pitch deck examples to inspire you.

A pitch deck is a concise presentation that gives investors a quick overview of your simple business plan template with the goal of getting them to fund you. Such presentations are typically given in person or via online video conference calls. Pitch decks are most often used when pitching to potential investors such as angel investors and venture capital funding.

The terms pitch deck, investor pitch deck and business plan presentation are used synonymously.

Keys to an Effective Pitch Deck

Your pitch deck boils down to the essential elements of your business plan. While your plan is often 15 to 25 pages, your pitch deck will most likely only contain 11 slides that you must be able to deliver in 20 minutes. As a result, being concise is key.

In addition to being brief and concise, a successful pitch deck will:

  • Rely on visuals . Investors don’t want to read slides full of text. Rather, the slides should have minimal amounts of text and include quality graphics. You want the investor to be captivated by the combination of your graphics and the words coming out of your mouth.
  • Include backup slides . Because you need to be able to quickly present your business, your pitch deck can’t answer every question investors might have. So, create backup slides answering the most common questions. Then, if asked those questions, you can quickly pull up a slide with a compelling answer.
  • Cover the key points . Your pitch deck must cover the 11 essential elements discussed below. Utilize bullet points to prevent yourself from using too many words.
  • Talk succinctly . Keep your presentation jargon-free and straightforward.
  • Avoid superlatives and exaggerated claims . If you use terms like “world class” or “market leaders” be sure to back them up with proof. If you can’t, don’t use them.

How To Create Your Own Investor Pitch Deck

Whether you are a new business owner or you’re trying to grow your business, creating a winning pitch deck is essential to secure funding and grow your business. Below, we detail what you should include on each of the 11 key slides in your pitch presentation:

In this slide, present your target customer’s major pain points. Try to summarize the problem in plain language so investors quickly grasp the problem particularly if they’re not a target customer.

For example, in the Problem slide for Uber, the company stated these problems: Poor communications (radio dispatch of cabs, hailing a cab done by hand, no GPS coordination between client/driver) and poor efficiencies (significant fareseeking or “dead time”).

2. Solution

Once you have sold the audience on the problem, it’s time to offer them the solution which is your business’ product or service.

So on this slide, explain how your company intends to solve the problem you highlighted.

Emphasize the scalability of your solution. Scalability refers to your company’s ability to grow with increased customer demand and is key to investors ultimately earning a high return on their investment (ROI). Also, discuss the timing of your solution, ideally pointing to the fact that now is the opportune time to launch or grow your company.

3. Product or Service Demo

In this slide you will explain your product(s) and/or service(s). If you have a working prototype of your solution, you would present it here. If a prototype is not relevant, do your best to convey your product to the investors. For example, offer screenshots or photos of your product/service being used by customers. Ideally you can also provide customer reviews, testimonials and feedback.

In this slide, you will support your claims about the size of the problem and your business’ scalability by describing the actual or predicted size of your target market.

Potential investors will be extremely interested in this part of your presentation. They want to know the market is large enough and that if you obtain significant market share, your company can grow big enough to give them a lucrative return on their investment.

So, describe the size of your market, key trends and show how big your business can become if it captures a significant market share. This slide will be highly data driven and is often scrutinized by investors so ensure your data is from credible verifiable sources and all your estimates are reliable.

Note that investors are always on the lookout for businesses that carry the potential to completely disrupt or change the industry in which it operates. If you are trying to disrupt an industry, mention that here.

5. Business Model

Here, you need to describe how your business generates revenues. For example, Airbnb works on a commission-based business model wherein the company earns a 10% commission on every transaction taking place through its app. YouTube carries an advertising-based business model since they earn the majority of their revenues through advertising on their platform. Similarly, you need to explain to the audience how your business will generate income.

6. Competition

On the Competition slide, you will detail your competitors — those companies or solutions that are currently solving the problems you stated above. Clearly illustrate what other alternatives to your business exist in the market.

The presence of competition is generally a good thing. If there are no competitors, investors often think a market opportunity or problem doesn’t exist.

Compare your business with your competitors and highlight your unique attributes. How does your company differentiate from the competition? How is your product and/or service unique? Describe what gives your business a competitive advantage.

7. Go To Market Strategy

The Go To Market strategy refers to how your business plans to bring its unique value proposition to its target customers.

On this slide, you will illustrate how you intend to acquire customers for your product and/or service. If some marketing initiatives are already underway then highlight those and their results. The aim of this slide of your pitch deck is to prove to investors you have the ability to take your solution to a mass audience and therefore grow your business exponentially.

The Team Slide should mention the people on your management team. List their qualifications and prior achievements to showcase how and why they are the best people to lead your venture.

Investors will be extremely interested to know who will be responsible for executing the business ideas laid out in the pitch deck. A lot of times an amazing business idea never sees the light of the day due to poor execution so it is essential to have the right people in the right positions to really succeed.

9. Traction

Traction refers to evidence or proof that customers want your company’s products and/or services.

As such, the Traction slide should show the periodic growth of your company based on applicable key metrics such as sales, website visitors, users, sign-ups, downloads, etc.

If your revenues are expanding with each passing month then include that graph in the slide. Include the key metrics that most easily prove your business’ success and growth.

10. Financial Projections

Here you will include a three to five-year projected income statement for your business. If you’re a startup, you will not have any historical data so make sure your projections are reasonable.

Your projections show investors the potential future scale of your business and whether it might give them the desired ROI.

Your financial projections show when you expect to break even and start earning profits. Likewise point out where fundraising is needed, which leads to your next slide.

11. Funds Being Raised

The last slide of your pitch deck should discuss the amount of money you need to achieve your goals. Instead of presenting a rigid number, you may want to include a range and show what you can achieve with different levels of funding.

Importantly, point out the core uses of the funding. Is the funding for staffing, for product development, for marketing, etc.? Detail where and how the investor’s funding will be used to grow your business.

Copy the following investor pitch deck template into your favorite slide presentation software such as Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint, and then answer the questions to create your pitch deck:

  • What problem(s) does your company solve?
  • How does your company solve the problem?

Product and/or Service Demo

  • How does your product or service work?
  • How big is your market?
  • What trends are shaping it?
  • How big could your company become?

Business Model

  • How do you generate revenues?


  • Who are your direct competitors?
  • What are your competitive advantages?

Go To Market Strategy

  • What marketing strategies will you employ to penetrate your market and acquire customers?
  • Who is on your management team?
  • What skillsets and experience do they have that bode well for your company’s success?
  • What customer milestones have you reached already?

Financial Projections

  • What do your three to five-year income statement projections show?
  • What are your sales and profit projections?

Funds Being Raised

  • How much funding do you need?
  • What are the core ways in which you will use the funding?

Below we have compiled over 100 of the best pitch deck examples including the result of their pitch and key highlights that make their slide deck great. Using the best pitch deck examples can be extremely helpful in creating your own pitch deck to successfully secure the funding you need for your own startup or growing business.

  • About : Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects people who want to rent out their homes or apartment with people who are looking for lodging in that location.
  • Results : Raised $600K in seed funding in 2009.
  • What Was Done Best : The Airbnb pitch deck concisely explained the problem and how big the company’s market size could be.
  • About : AdPushup vision is an ad revenue optimization tool that can automatically and continuously optimize your website’s ad layout for higher view-ability and number of clicks.
  • Results : Raised $632k in angel funding. They went on to raise an undisclosed Series A in 2016
  • What Was Done Best : This pitch deck example covers all required points and is cleanly formatted. They bolster their pitch with case studies and references.
  • About : Buffer helps users share social media content by scheduling online posts throughout the day. It integrates with Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social media platforms.
  • Results : Raised $400k in 2011 and then went on to raise $3.5M in 2014
  • About : BuzzFeed is a digital media company that leverages data and innovation to deliver news and entertainment to a global audience
  • Results : Raised $3.5m Series A in 2008
  • What Was Done Best : The Buffer pitch deck starts off strong with a CNN testimonial. They make a strong case for potential business through various models.
  • About : Social media platform
  • Results : Raised $104B
  • What Was Done Best : The Facebook pitch deck is backed up with lots of strong financial data.
  • About : Front App is a mobile application that manages and automate team emails and inboxes. Its application brings all of the people’s communication channels into one place so people can triage and assign messages, have internal conversations around them and even sync the work across other services.
  • Results : Raised $20M in 2016
  • About : GoCanvas offers a wide variety of mobile apps that gives individuals and business owners the ability to handle virtually anything that usually requires a form, manual or document, right on their iPhone and iPad, or Android device.
  • Results : Raised $9M
  • What Was Done Best : The deck includes strong testimonials from big, well-establish companies. It also includes excellent financials.
  • About : Taskly is a to-do management webapp powered by natural language processing and semantic analysis.
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly define the problem.
  • About : WeWork provides creative and dynamic co-working space.
  • Results : Raised $355M
  • What Was Done Best : The WeWork pitch deck uses visual charts to show huge projections and big plans.
  • About : Mint.com is a web-based personal financial management service.
  • What Was Done Best : The Mint pitch deck has a strong value proposition and shows great financials.

Four Square

  • About : FourSquare is a location technology platform responsible for the original check-in feature.
  • Results : Raised $155M, investors include Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures.
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly illustrate how the app and all of its features work through strong visuals and explanations.
  • About : Groupon is an e-commerce marketplace connecting subscribers with local merchants by offering activities, travel, goods and services, mostly at discounted prices.
  • Results : Raised $700k
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation is very visual so you know exactly what they are doing. They clearly show the problem and the solution.


  • About : BrandBoards offers an online platform for advertisers to buy live-event advertising services.
  • Results : Raised $750k
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation slides clearly show the problem, solution, milestones and the required investment in a concise format.

Sequoia Capital

  • About : A large venture capital firm
  • Results : This is Sequoia’s recommended pitch deck template
  • About : Pendo is a product cloud creator for digital products and data-driven product teams.
  • About : Kibin is an online proofreading & editing service.
  • Results : Raised $400k
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly show the problem and the solution.

App Virality

  • About : AppVirality is a ‘Plug and Play Growth Hacking Toolkit For Mobile Apps’ that helps app developers in identifying and implementing the right growth techniques, without any coding.
  • Results : Raised a half a million dollars

Standard Treasury

  • About : Standard Treasury offers standard APIs that facilitate businesses in transfers and other transactions with banks.
  • Results : Raised $10M
  • What Was Done Best : The slides presented outline all potential scenarios in an easy-to-digest format.
  • About : A cloud-based dairy herd & farm business management software – allowing producers across the world to become the very best.
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation focuses largely on the market size, which is huge and thus, a big plus.
  • About : Tinder is a dating app that anonymously finds people nearby that like each other and connects them if they are both interested.
  • Results : Tinder has raised $50M in three separate rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : The Tinder pitch deck explains the pain points and problem in a very clear and easily understandable way. They also use lots of visuals, which helps illustrate their product offering.
  • About : Coinbase is a secure platform that makes it easy to exchange digital currency, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.
  • Results : Raised over $547.3 million over 9 funding rounds
  • What Was Done Best : The slide deck presents a strong argument for what is wrong with other solutions, while showcasing why it was the right solution to the problem.
  • About : Uber operates a ride-sharing mobile application that connects drivers with people who need a ride. Its application enables users to arrange and schedule transportation and/or logistics services with third-party providers.
  • Results : Raised $22B total in 18 rounds. Early investors included First Round, Benchmark, and Menlo Ventures.
  • What Was Done Best : The Uber pitch deck shows how their idea can improve the convenience of the consumer and the potential outcome scenarios for the investor.
  • About : YouTube is a video sharing website that enables users to upload, view and share videos.
  • Results : Raised $3.5 million in Series A funding in 2005, followed by $8 million in 2006.
  • About : An online property listing platform that helps you find a home and/or a roommate.; and gives visibility to local businesses.
  • What Was Done Best : Clear communication and personalization.
  • About : Subscrea is a turnkey platform for subscription-based businesses.
  • What Was Done Best : This slide deck does a good job of showing the problem and their proposed solution.
  • About : Castle manages rental homes for landlords using automation and on-demand labor.
  • Results : Raised $270k
  • What Was Done Best : Castle’s pitch deck includes a value proposition that is strong and clear. They utilize humor to engage the audience.
  • About : Vidcaster provides an out-of-the-box solution for implementing and managing video experiences.
  • Results : Raised $2.5M
  • What Was Done Best : They share a compelling case study and strongly illustrate how their product works.
  • About : MoPix is creating the “post DVD” experience by enabling anyone with film or video content to brand, sell and distribute it in a social-enriched digital marketplace.
  • Results : Raised a total of $68K in funding over 2 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : They clearly state the problem and then demo how their product is the ideal solution. They also show several additional sources of revenue.
  • About : Feast teaches people how to cook through it’s stress-free lessons.
  • About : Instamojo lets you sell your digital creations directly to your customers by just sharing a link.
  • Results : Raised $8.4 Million
  • About : Alfred is an American technology company that connects consumers with on-demand and local services to complete errands and tasks.
  • Results : Raised $10.5M
  • What Was Done Best : The presentation is short and simply shows their growth.


  • About : Love With Food is a marketing and market research platform for CPG food brands.
  • Results : Raised $2.1M in five rounds
  • What Was Done Best : They show exactly what their product is, the sales process, their website and what the customer receives.
  • About : Sverve is a social media influencer marketing platform.
  • What Was Done Best : Clearly communicates what the company does and visually shows milestones.
  • About : Waypoint was a mobile application that enables individuals to search, book, and pay for boating slips online. The application utilized a technology platform that allows boaters to book empty slips in real time, gain access to books and electronics, and rent out their space to other boaters.
  • What Was Done Best : This pitch deck example has an excellent flow.
  • About : Flowtab is a mobile app that offers bars, nightclubs, and hospitality venues with mobile drink ordering and payment services.
  • What Was Done Best : Concise information with a simple, minimal design.
  • About : Manpacks was a quarterly subscription service offering men’s underwear, socks, toiletries and other basic needs.
  • Results : Raised $500k
  • What Was Done Best : They engage their audience with the use of fun and humor in their presentation.

Zen Payroll

  • About : Zen Payroll (now Gusto) provides a cloud-based payroll, benefits, and human resource management software for businesses
  • Results : Raised $6M
  • What Was Done Best : Clearly shows the pain point and how their business solves the issue.


  • About : SteadyBudget is budget management software that helps PPC analysts manage various budgets across different channels.
  • What Was Done Best : They use strong traction to backup their product.
  • About : Polyflint is an online community and marketplace for 3D designers to find inspiration, showcase works and get feedback.
  • About : Quora is a Q&A platform with a mission to share and grow the world’s knowledge.
  • Results : Quora has raised a total of $226M in funding over 4 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Apr 21, 2017 from a Series D round.
  • About : Binpress helps developers build a profitable business from working on open-source projects.
  • Results : Raised $1M
  • What Was Done Best : They engage their audience with a presentation that is almost entirely visual.


  • About : Wealthsimple is an online investment management service focused on millennials.
  • Results : Raised $2M
  • What Was Done Best : The deck is concise and shows how they can transform an industry.


  • About : Sickweather is an app that analyzes data to predict and forecast population health.
  • Results : Raised $2.6M
  • What Was Done Best : They provide a list of well-known clients and include a stimulating video. They are also able to show impressive month to month growth.
  • About : Swipes Workspace is a digital place for product teams to plan projects, work on goals, exchange notes and talk together. Swipes personal is an app that helps people collect, organize and take action on their important tasks.
  • Results : Raised $270k in 2013.
  • What Was Done Best : A very concise presentation, consisting of only 11 slides with a very good pitch deck design.
  • About : LinkedIn is a professional networking company. In addition to networking, it is also used for employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their CVs and marketing.
  • Results : Raised $10M total 2004.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck relies heavily on financials. They show proven financial success and market potential.
  • About : An online platform that enables its users to create viral “Launching Soon” pages with built in sharing tools and analytics.
  • Results : Raised $800k.
  • What Was Done Best : They show historical customer results in a very visual and engaging format.
  • About : GazeMetrix empowers brands with insight into when and where their brand was photographed across social media in real-time.
  • Results : Raised $100k.
  • About : Vettery is an online, data-driven jobs marketplace that connects top talent with growing companies.
  • Results : Raised $9M in 2016
  • About : Intercom is an American software company that produces a messaging platform which allows businesses to communicate with prospective and existing customers within their app, on their website, through social media, or via email.
  • Results : Raised $600k total 2012.
  • What Was Done Best : The Intercom pitch deck concisely outlines their service and the current competitive landscape.
  • About : Square, Inc. is a financial services, merchant services aggregator, and mobile payment company.
  • Results : Raised $150M
  • What Was Done Best : They included a lot of tables, charts and matrices.
  • About : Idwall develops software to help small and medium-sized businesses in the customer credentialing process. It is focused on providing businesses with document validation, background check, and identity verification solutions and services.
  • Results : Raised $13.8M
  • What Was Done Best : Show strong, but tangible growth
  • About : Pinmypet allows users to track the location and physical activities of their pets.
  • Results : Raised $2.5M.
  • What Was Done Best : Modern and fun presentation with lots of visuals, including screenshots of the app itself.
  • About : TouristEye is a mobile application that enables users to collect destinations and activities to plan their trips and weekend getaways.
  • Results : Raised $1M.
  • What Was Done Best : They have a convincing argument by showing the market potential.
  • About : Waygo is a translation app.
  • Results : Raised an undisclosed round from Golden Gate Ventures in October 2015
  • About : Owlr is a compute software tech company that offers a free mobile viewing app that provides easy-to-manage Motion Alerts, safe and secure Alert Video Storage.
  • Results : Raised £240K
  • What Was Done Best : The deck shows strong proof of concept through customer testimonials and case studies.
  • About : Lastbite was a platform which connects cafe owners with unsold perishable goods with hungry locals looking for a cheap bite to eat.
  • What Was Done Best : Information is presented in a clean, bright design.
  • About : Yaydoo is a procurement automation platform that allows companies to streamline their purchasing process.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck is short and sweet and shows strong historical financials and showcases their clientbook.
  • About : Mixpanel is a business analytics service company that tracks user interactions with web and mobile applications and provides tools for targeted communication with them.
  • Results : Raised $65M and obtained a $865M Valuation.
  • What Was Done Best : They show a substantial amount of KPIs and clearly communicate the current problem they are solving.
  • About : Usetrace develops test automation solutions for web applications.
  • Results : Raised $287k
  • What Was Done Best : They use comedy throughout to bring freshness to their presentation


  • About : Backstartup is an all-in-one platform that allows startups and SMEs to manage their legal, accounting and payroll.
  • Results : Raised $905K over three rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck’s design is visually appealing and it effectively captures the details of the business.

Salusive Health

  • About : Salusive Health helps physicians improve patient outcomes by overcoming the traditional gaps in care between visits and provides a new passive revenue stream.
  • What Was Done Best : Presents essential numbers in a visually stimulating way.
  • About : Moz is a software as a service company based in Seattle that sells inbound marketing and marketing analytics software subscriptions.
  • Results : Raised $18M in 2012.
  • What Was Done Best : They provide excellent financial information. They also provide a strong history of the company, helping to personalize the company.

300 Milligrams

  • About : 300 Milligrams brings all your cloud documents, tasks and conversations from various cloud services together in one place.
  • What Was Done Best : They did a great job of showcasing their product through screenshots and an up-close look of their control panel.
  • About : Contently is a technology company that helps enterprise companies create results-driven content by providing them with smart technology, vetted creative talent, and proven expertise.
  • Results : Raised $19.3M over 7 rounds of funding.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck includes strong data points that showcase the market problem that exists and how they going to meet the customers’ needs.
  • About : Dwolla let’s users send, receive and request funds from other users.
  • Results : Raised $16.5M
  • What Was Done Best : The value proposition is crystal clear and they show examples of real clients


  • About : Blockchain platform for the global tax credit & incentive obligations between corporations & government agencies.
  • Results : Raised $125k
  • What Was Done Best : Strong, consistent design and brand identity.
  • About : Almabase help colleges and universities build a thriving alumni community.
  • Results : Raised $100k
  • What Was Done Best : By showing 1 million users in just 8 months, the deck is immediately interesting.
  • About : Slidebean is an online platform that designs and creates presentations on demand with user provided content.
  • Results : Raised $250k
  • What Was Done Best : They illustrate the problems through strong visuals and then show strong financial results.
  • About : Mapme is a mobile app for Android, iOS and BlackBerry that provides offline maps using OpenStreetMap data.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck is very concise and provides social proof to support their product.

Daily Hundred

  • About : The Daily Hundred is a web app allowing businesses to reward customers by encouraging micro-level brand advocacy and product endorsements.
  • What Was Done Best : Great design with good visuals of their history and growth. They also make good use of testimonials.
  • About : Shopify is a cloud-based, multi-channel commerce platform designed for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Results : Raised $122.3M
  • What Was Done Best : They know their market well and communicate this.
  • About : Etherparty is about simple tools for the next generation of Blockchain-connected economies powered by Smart Contract automation.
  • Results : They crowdfunded $34 million of their $65 million goal by selling FUEL tokens through a process called an initial coin offering (ICO).
  • What Was Done Best : Amazing visuals and excellent narrative about the problem and their solution.
  • About : Voxeet enables WebRTC with crystal clear 3D surround-sound, audio and video experience and is particularly optimized for a mobile user
  • Results : Raised $3M
  • What Was Done Best : Amazing video that immediately captures your attention.
  • About : Home61 is an online real estate company that helps find rentals and homes for sale in the Greater Miami Area.
  • Results : Raised $5.1M
  • What Was Done Best : Showcases their investor history and their depth of knowledge in the market.
  • About : Crew is an app that lets individuals find freelance graphic designers, illustrators and software developers.
  • Results : Raised $2M in 2012
  • What Was Done Best : They show the current market size, which is very large. They show proven financial success and show a specific client case study.
  • About : Reflect is a mental health startup reimagining in-person therapy to be more accessible and effective by using data-driven matching to increase engagement and outcomes.
  • Results : Pre-seed round with 500 Startups; amount unknown.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck has minimal, yet effective information. They used data and facts to drive their pitch.
  • About : Kickfolio provides a marketing tool that allows users to run mobile operating applications directly inside the browsers
  • Results : Raised $1.06M
  • What Was Done Best : Concise, excellently designed presentation.
  • About : Melodics is an educational service for learning how to finger drum, using adaptive learning and other data-driven approaches.
  • What Was Done Best : They use relatable examples and celebrities to get their points across.
  • About : Fittr is a platform that designs custom workouts tailored to equipment, access, time management, and goals.
  • What Was Done Best : Nice investment goals and illustration of what they will do with funds raised.
  • About : Purple Go provides in-store mobile technology to enable traditional retailers to modernize, connect online, and compete in verticals like eyewear.
  • Results : Raised an undisclosed amount in 2018
  • What Was Done Best : Strong, consistent branding.

Finova Financial

  • About : Finova Financial offers fast, affordable online loans based on the equity in your car.
  • Results : Raised $155M
  • What Was Done Best : Builds brand credibility by showing media coverage.
  • About : Rock Health is a seed fund investing in digital health startups.
  • About : Lexyom is an online platform that uses artificial intelligence to provide users with smart, automated legal services.
  • Results : Lexyom has raised a total of €50K in funding over 3 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : Very informative presentation in just nine slides.
  • About : MatterMark is a data analytics company that helps companies research, prospect, track, qualify and benchmark signals of growth and news coverage for more than 1,000,000 private and public technology companies.
  • Results : Raised $6.5 million in Series A funding.
  • What Was Done Best: The MatterMark pitch deck provides several visuals that help demonstrate their need for funding.

Copper Cow Coffee

  • About : Copper Cow Coffee brings specialty Vietnamese coffee with 100% biodegradable pour over technology.
  • Results : Raised $3M in five rounds
  • What Was Done Best : Very short and succinct
  • About : EventXtra is a One Stop Event Management Software Company (Event SaaS).
  • Results : Raised $1.7M
  • What Was Done Best : Short and succinct, but impactful
  • About : Harmonica is a mobile dating application for conservative cultures, like Egypt. It helps users find the right life partner in a safe environment, by using a scientific approach.
  • Results : Harmonica has raised a total of $180K in funding over 2 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : Clearly shows their solution and how their are different.
  • About : Lexop has developed a Certified Email solution that allows legal and real estate professionals to deliver notices via email instead of paper, using real-time tracking and instant legal proof-of-delivery.
  • Results : Lexop has raised a total of $2.3M in funding over 3 rounds.
  • What Was Done Best : It captures all of the essential information and shows a strong managing team and advisors, which offers authority.
  • About : BabyList is a baby registry that helps new moms discover, share and buy the things they need for their baby.
  • Results : Raised $650k
  • About : Kompyte is a competitor tracking software that enables businesses to collect, analyze, and act on competitive changes in their market.
  • Results : Raised $4.1M
  • What Was Done Best : Excellent illustration of how the product worked.
  • About : Pop Survey is an easy to use SaaS survey and questionnaire site.
  • What Was Done Best : True to their name, this presentation really pops.
  • About : Crema is a online retailer of specialty coffees.
  • Results : Raised $325k
  • What Was Done Best : Cohesive deck with strong design elements.
  • About : Podozi is an online e-commerce platform based in Nigeria.
  • Results : Raised $120k
  • What Was Done Best : They showed the working partnership with large brands that this platform already has.
  • About : Yalochat is an AI platform that manages and improves relationships with your clients over whatsapp.
  • Results : Raised $8M
  • What Was Done Best : They paired data with visuals to make a strong, engaging presentation.
  • About : Biogrify offers brands the opportunity to record and share their story, which will be displayed through compelling social infographics, or what we call creative communication.
  • What Was Done Best : Lots of captivating visuals.
  • About : ChangeJar designs mobile payment solutions.
  • What Was Done Best : Clear and very strong value proposition
  • About : Mwabu is an educational technology company focused on Africa that sells products to teachers, schools, parents, NGOs, donors and governments.
  • Results : Raised a significant, undisclosed Series B investment round
  • What Was Done Best : Lots of research presented in a crisp, digestible format.
  • About : Datatron provides a single model governance (management) platform for all of your ML, AI, and Data Science models in production.
  • Results : Raised $6.4M
  • What Was Done Best : Gives an excellent overview of how the company is going to be an industry game changer.
  • About : Cadee helps the golfer understand and improve their game by taking a photo of their scorecard and then digitizing their data and help them track their stats over time.
  • What Was Done Best : A visually-appealing pitch deck that captures your attention.
  • About : Volta is an elegant task manager for outbound phone calls.
  • About : Bidzuku is a free resource that helps car buyers avert the painful process of buying their next car.


  • About : Contentools develops a content marketing software for businesses that look for website traffic, leads and clients conversion.
  • Results : Raised to $300k
  • What Was Done Best : Concise deck that gets straight to the point- it presents the problem and how they are going to solve it. It also shows a convincing company growth strategy.
  • About : Codec provides Next-generation audience intelligence for brands to engage with target audiences.
  • Results : Raised to £4.7M
  • What Was Done Best : Strong visual deck with minimal text
  • About : Trym provides micro business insurance.
  • Results : Raised to $125k
  • What Was Done Best : They use an easy to understand, step-by-step process to showcase their complex product.
  • About : Chewse is a virtual meal manager for enterprise customers.
  • Results : Raised to $14.6M in 6 Rounds from 19 Investors.
  • What Was Done Best : A visually-appealing pitch deck with good data.
  • About : Orchard leverages smartphone warranty to help enterprises improve security in personal smartphones used for work.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck clearly presents the problem and solution, and then illustrates the potential opportunity.

We are Onyx

  • About : We Are Onyx Beauty Box is a women’s beauty subscription box that offers products for complete beauty regimen.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck shows a huge month over month growth and an enormous market potential.


  • About : BuildingLayer is a crowdsourcing platform that helps users create indoor maps of buildings.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck addresses the audience directly, making the deck very engaging.
  • About : iControl is a cloud-based application for construction management and collaboration.
  • Results : Raised $150k
  • What Was Done Best : The deck has a great example of the alternative to iControl, which is clearly less efficient.

Park Evergreen

  • About : Park Evergreen is a parking management software that runs entire parking facilities without relying on humans or hardware.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck relies heavily on their experienced team.
  • About : OpenDoor creates modern, collaborative living spaces targeted at urban creatives and millennials. Their homes are curated social environments that facilitate sharing, connections, and meaningful relationships.
  • What Was Done Best : The deck clearly illustrates the old, traditional way of doing things vs. the new, OpenDoor way of doing things.
  • About : StreamLoan is a SaaS/mobile collaboration and workflow platform, simplifying residential home purchases.
  • Results : Raised $2.1M
  • What Was Done Best : Excellent, comprehensive presentation

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Create a Great Investor Pitch Deck Presentation and Close the Deal

How to Create a Great Investor Pitch Deck Presentation and Close the Deal

Investor Pitch Deck Presentation

If you’re a start-up, then you probably already heard the term pitch deck presentation. A pitch deck presentation is a presentation and it’s intended to showcase your company’s product, opportunity, team to potential investors .

Pitch decks are your company’s elevator pitch in a presentation. You are often used to help convince investors to raise capital. This is why it’s so crucial that your company pitch deck clearly articulates your product, the problem you solve, and the opportunity for potential investors.

In this article, we’ll break down how to create a pitch deck built to help you close your next deal. We’ll provide you with key content you’ll want to include in your slides along with extra tips to help you go the extra mile.

Table of Content

What is a Pitch Deck?

What is the purpose of a pitch deck, what is the difference between a pitch deck and a business plan.

  • Slide 1 – What’s The Problem You Solve?
  • Slide 2 – Why You Have The Best Solution To This Problem (Your Product)
  • Slide 3 – Traction, Signs of Growth & Metrics That Validate Your Solution
  • Slide 4 – Showcase Your Product (Demo Time)

The Transition From Getting Their Interest To Convincing Them

  • Slide 5 – What Is The Actual Market Size? TAM, SAM, SOM
  • Slide 6 – Your Competitive Edge & Analysis
  • Slide 7 – How & Why Your Business Model Works
  • Slide 8 – Your Go To Market Strategy (How You Plan To Capture The Market)
  • Slide 9 – Ask For The Investment & Show Why You Need It
  • Slide 10 – The Human Capital Behind The Product (The Team)
  • Slide 11 – The Why – The Company Vision

5 Successful Best Pitch Deck Examples

Pitch deck best practices, pitch deck things to avoid, summarizing your pitch deck into a powerful story.

  • Common Startup Pitch Deck Questions

A pitch deck is a presentation used primarily in the early stages of a business, showcasing a company’s product, technology, and team to potential investors. It plays a critical role in raising funds for start-ups or businesses seeking expansion. The term deck originates from the concept of a slide deck , referring to a stack of individual slides put together to form a cohesive presentation.

A pitch deck is more than a simple presentation; it’s a communication tool that conveys your business’s value proposition in a clear, compelling, and digestible format. Its primary goal is to tell your company’s story, outline your business model, and convince potential investors that your business opportunity is worth their investment. An investment pitch deck distills complex ideas into accessible information, highlighting the market problem you’re addressing, your innovative solution, the size of the market, and the competitive landscape. Through a well-structured investment pitch deck, you can showcase your financial projections, growth strategy, and the potential return on investment that you offer to those considering investing in your venture. This comprehensive presentation not only illustrates the current state and future potential of your business but also establishes your credibility and expertise in the industry.

The purpose of a pitch deck is to succinctly and persuasively communicate the essence of a business idea or startup to potential investors, partners, and stakeholders. This condensed presentation serves as a dynamic tool to capture attention, convey the business’s value proposition, and create interest in a brief amount of time.

A well-crafted pitch deck is designed to highlight key aspects such as the problem the business aims to solve, the innovative solution being offered, the market opportunity, and the competitive landscape. It’s a vehicle for showcasing the uniqueness of the product or service, outlining the market size and potential growth, and demonstrating the traction and milestones achieved so far.

Furthermore, a pitch deck provides insights into the founding team’s expertise, underscoring their capabilities to execute the vision. It presents a compelling story that encapsulates the business concept, target audience, and revenue model. Ultimately, the goal of a pitch deck is to prompt further engagement, whether it’s a follow-up meeting, more detailed discussions, or potential investment.

In a competitive entrepreneurial landscape, the pitch deck serves as a critical first step in establishing credibility, generating interest, and setting the stage for deeper exploration of the business opportunity.

A pitch deck and a business plan are both essential tools in the arsenal of any entrepreneur or startup seeking to secure funding, communicate their business idea, and chart their path to success. While they serve distinct purposes, they complement each other to provide a comprehensive overview of a business venture. Let’s delve into the key differences between a pitch deck and a business plan:

Purpose and Audience:

Pitch Deck: A pitch deck is a concise and visually engaging presentation designed to captivate the attention of potential investors, partners, and stakeholders within a short span of time. Its primary goal is to spark interest and prompt further discussions, making it a powerful tool for initial introductions and presentations.

Business Plan: A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines a detailed roadmap for the entire business venture. It is typically intended for internal use, providing a comprehensive view of the business’s goals, strategies, operational plans, financial projections, and market analysis. Business plans are often used for strategic planning, securing loans, and guiding day-to-day operations.

Length and Format:

Pitch Deck: A pitch deck is succinct, usually consisting of 10 to 20 slides. It relies heavily on visuals, concise bullet points, and impactful images to convey the key aspects of the business. The goal is to capture attention and deliver a compelling narrative.

Business Plan: A business plan is more extensive and detailed, often spanning multiple pages. It follows a structured format and includes sections such as an executive summary, company overview, market analysis, product/service description, marketing and sales strategies, operational plans, financial projections, and more.

Content Focus:

Pitch Deck: A pitch deck emphasizes the business’s unique value proposition, problem-solving capability, target market, competitive advantage, and high-level financial projections. It highlights the most compelling aspects of the business to generate interest and excitement.

Business Plan: A business plan delves deeper into each aspect of the business, providing a comprehensive analysis of the market, industry trends, competitive landscape, customer demographics, marketing strategies, and operational details. It also includes detailed financial forecasts and projections.

Presentation Style:

Pitch Deck: A pitch deck is designed to be presented orally, with the presenter elaborating on each slide’s content. It relies on concise talking points and storytelling to convey the business’s vision and potential.

Business Plan: A business plan is a written document meant to be read and analyzed independently. It provides detailed information and serves as a reference for stakeholders to understand the business’s intricacies.

Stage of Engagement:

Pitch Deck: A pitch deck is often used during initial meetings with potential investors, partners, and accelerator programs. It’s the first step in garnering interest and obtaining follow-up discussions.

Business Plan: A business plan is typically requested in later stages of due diligence when potential investors or lenders are considering making a commitment. It provides in-depth information to assess the viability and sustainability of the business.

The 11 Key Slides For Creating A Winning Investor Pitch Deck

According to a study by DocSend in partnership with Harvard Business professor, Tom Eisenmann, that’s how much time your average investors spend looking at a pitch deck. So with such limited time, what slides should you present? And more importantly, what should you put on those slides?

After analyzing over 20 of the best pitch deck presentations, and scouring through dozens of articles by leading experts, we’ve identified 11 key slides that every successful start-up has included in their pitch deck.

Slide 1: What’s The Problem You Solve?

The most important slide in your pitch deck presentation is the problem you solve slide .  People only buy products for pleasure or to move away from pain. For investors to understand your solution (your product), they first need to understand the problem it solves.

In this problem slide, you’ll want to address the following questions as simple and succinct as possible.

  • What is the specific problem you are solving?
  • How have you validated this problem?  Can you cite your own research or possible 3rd party research and stats to back this up?
  • For whom are you solving this problem?

The goal of the slide is to paint the problem, the bigger the pain, the better.

Airbnb Pitch Deck Problem Definition Example Slide

AirBnB.com Pitch Deck, source: https://www.slideshare.net/PitchDeckCoach/airbnb-first-pitch-deck-editable

Slide 2: Why You Have The Best Solution To This Problem (Your Product)

Now that you’ve communicated the problem, you can present the solution and how your product solves this problem. In this part, you want to describe how you will solve this problem.

The fundamental questions to answer in this slide are the following:

  • What current alternative solutions are people using today to deal with this problem?  Why is this solution not ideal? what gaps does this solution have?
  • What is your solution to this problem?
  • What makes your solution better than the current alternatives?
  • Do you have anything proprietary and unique?

The goal of this slide is to answer the following question “How does your product solve this problem effectively?”. Make sure to highlight how your solution brings value to the customer.

Dwolla Pitch Deck PowerPoint Presentation Example Slide

Dwolla.com Pitch Deck Example – https://www.slideshare.net/webjoe/dwolla

Slide 3: Traction Slide, Signs of Growth & Metrics That Validate Your Solution

Once you’ve clearly demonstrated the problem and how your solution effectively solves it, they’ll want to see if your company is an excellent and sound investment.

The best way to do this is by showing them traction and signs of growth and validation.  Don’t make the mistake of boring them with the nitty-gritty details.

In a traction slide , you’ll want to answer the following questions.

  • Do you currently have paying customers? If so, how many?
  • How much revenue are you generating currently, or how much revenue do you plan to generate (monthly/annually)?
  • What does your current and projected growth look like?

MixPanel Pitch Deck PowerPoint Presentation Example

MixPanel Pitch Deck https://www.slideshare.net/metrics1/mixpanel-our-pitch-deck-that-we-used-to-raise-65m

Slide 4: Showcase Your Product (Demo Time)

At this point, you’ve already been educated on the solution and all the great benefits your product offers.

Now it’s time to give your investors something more tangible and do a quick demo of your product. You can use a video or a simple slide highlighting key features and product experience.

Answer the following key questions in your slide:

  • How does your product work?
  • How does it bring value to your customers?

Foursquare Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Slides 1-4 are what is known as the “hook,” where the primary goal of these slides is to get investors interested.

The rest of the slides in your pitch are designed to help convince them that there is real market potential and that your start-up is a sound and solid investment.

Slide 5: What Is The Actual Market Size? TAM, SAM, SOM

Don’t make the rookie mistake of simply generalizing the market size. Investors will want to know you have carefully planned for growth and the best way to showcase this is to show more than just general market size .

It helps to display the following analysis when it comes to market size:

  • Total Available Market (TAM) – The total market demand for a particular product or service.
  • Serviceable Available Market (SAM) – The segment of the TAM targeted by your start-up that is within your geographical reach.
  • Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) – The portion of the SAM you can plan to capture.

TAM SAM SOM Model in PowerPoint

In this slide, you’ll want to provide a bottom-up market analysis that shows the market potential of your startup.  You’ll want to answer the following questions:

  • What is the size of your TAM, SAM, and SOM?  It’s OK if your market is niche and small. If that’s the case be sure to talk about how you plan on becoming a big player in that niche (big fish in a small pond)
  • What does your ideal customer avatar look like and who are your early adopters?
  • What is your cost per acquisition and lifetime value of a customer?

Airbnb Pitch Deck Presentation Example Slide

Slide 6: Your Competitor Analysis Slide

This is where you show your due diligence in your competitor research and how you stack up against them in the market.

In this slide, you’ll want to answer these significant questions:

  • How do you position yourself in the market?
  • How do you defend your market against your competitors?
  • What is unique to your product that your competitors don’t have or don’t do?

Buffer Slide Pitch Deck Example - Example: Buffer Pitch Deck - Competitive Landscape Slide

To go more in depth about competitor slide, read our article about competitive landscape slide and learn how to do a competitor analysis pitch deck .

Slide 7: How & Why Your Business Model Works

In this slide, you want to show how your business model works and how it has been validated or how you plan to validate with your early adopters.

You’ll want to answer these key questions:

  • How do you make money?
  • How has this business model been validated through experiments or case studies?

Mint Business Model Slide for PowerPoint

Slide 8: Your Go-To-Market Strategy (How You Plan To Capture The Market)

This is the slide where you clearly detail your plans for growth both concerning channels and partners. If investors were to give you the funding you are going to request, what is your plan of action for growing your customer base and product?

Here you want to answer:

  • How are you going to grow your customer base and get your product in their hands?
  • Which marketing channels are you going to use to grow?
  • Have you validated these channels? If so, which ones are the most effective?

Mapme Pitch Deck Presentation Template with Go to Market Slide

MapMe Pitch Deck – Go to Market Slide https://www.slideshare.net/benmaxime/mapme-deck

Slide 9: Ask for the investment & show why you need it

This is what the entire pitch deck presentation has been building up to, the part where you ask for the funding. The ask slide .

In this slide, you’ll want to articulate why investors should invest with you, how much investment you are seeking, and what you plan on using this investment.

Here are some of the questions you’ll want to answer in this slide:

  • How much capital are you requesting in order to get your product to the next level?
  • What is the breakdown of how you are planning to use this capital? (What are you going to spend it on?)
  • Why is this a good investment for your potential investors?

Square Pitch Deck Presentation PowerPoint Example

Square Pitch Deck, https://www.slideshare.net/vishaltx/square-pitch-deck-23990068

Slide 10: The Human Capital Behind The Product (The Team)

This is where you want to introduce your team to investors. In this slide, be sure to highlight everyone’s role, past experience, and how it’s relevant to this pitch deck. Your goal here is to show investors that your team is the best choice for executing this idea.

Answer the following questions such as:

  • Who does your team consist of and what previous roles and companies have they worked at?
  • Do you have advisors, if so who are they?
  • Do you have previous funding? (Be sure to highlight this to serve as social proof)

angel investor presentation example

Buffer.com Pitch Deck Example – Team Slide: https://www.slideshare.net/AlexanderJarvis/buffer-pitch-deck

Slide 11: The Why, The Company Vision

The company vision is typically included in the cover slide of your pitch deck in the form of a tagline.  What is your conviction to making this work; what is the driving force and vision for this product and its growth?

Investors are looking to see if you are the right person to solve the problem and a well-thought-out vision helps communicate to them that you are.

Example of Vision Slide in a Pitch Deck

Example Company Vision Slide – Company Vision PowerPoint Template

In a Company Vision slide, you’ll want to answer the following questions:

  • What is the mission statement for the company?
  • What drives the company and you to achieve this vision?
  • Facebook : Our mission is to make the world more open and connected. We do this by giving people the power to share whatever they want and be connected to whoever they want, no matter where they are.
  • Stripe : Stripe is the best way to accept payments online and in mobile apps.  We handle billions of dollars every year for forward-thinking businesses around the world.
  • Uber : Transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone
  • Spotify : All the music you’ll ever need is right here. Your favorite artists, albums, and readymade playlists for every moment
  • Pinterest: Help people discover things they love and inspire them to do those things in real life.

Surely if you got here is because you are interested in creating your own Pitch Deck and achieving your business goals. All companies and Startups went through what you are currently going through, to generate a successful pitch deck to get funding and scale the project. In this section, we aim to provide you with inspiration so you can create an outstanding example of a pitch deck and generate a high level of engagement with your audience.

Let’s take a look at some excellent pitch deck presentation examples:

1. Uber Pitch Deck

Uber is a success story known worldwide. Since its launch, only after a year of operation (October 15, 2010), they were able to reach their first round of capital, which was around $1.3M. Later on, they received new rounds of investments from different companies and renowned investment funds such as Baidu, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, SoftBank Investment Advisers, and PayPal, among others.

Uber Pitch Deck slide design for presentations

2. Tinder Pitch Deck

Tinder’s Pitch Deck is a clear example of how to work the problem and the solution in a creative, sophisticated, and professional way. Since its inception in 2012, Tinder has been a controversial and innovative startup, especially in its marketing efforts by organizing a launch party and making sure everyone downloaded the app. In 2021 Tinder reached a turnover of USD 1650 million, 22% more than the previous year.

Tinder slide design pitch deck example showing a prototype mockup UI

3. Mint Pitch Deck

Mint is a free application that seeks to be the right hand in personal finance. Thanks to the advanced integrations it manages to gather everything in one place: bank accounts, credit cards, bills, and investments so that the user knows his financial situation perfectly. Mint was founded in 2006 with $750,000 from angel investors, but at the end of August, it was bought by Intuit for $170 million.

Mint Pitch Deck example slide design to save money showing a dashboard with transactions and goals

4. Coinbase Pitch Deck

Coinbase Inc. founded in 2012 by Brian Armstrong, is a platform that offers exchange services between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Today it is one of the largest companies in the world to offer these services and is already diversifying its areas of operation, offering small and medium-sized companies the ability to receive payments with cryptocurrencies. Throughout its ten years of life, Coinbase has received through different investment rounds more than 500 million dollars.

Coinbase Pitch Deck slide design presentation showing a mobile app

5. Airbnb Pitch Deck

Airbnb is an application that has a business model very similar to Uber, it seeks to be the link between accommodation owners and tourists who want to live a different experience than the conventional one offered by hotels. Airbnb has become one of the great successes of the collaborative economy. Throughout its history, Airbnb received more than 4.4 billion dollars in funding from different companies and investment funds.

AirBnb pitch deck slide design for presentations showing the Market Size

  • Make sure to include this to your pitch deck cover: “Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright (c) by [Name of Company]. All Rights Reserved.” Place this at the bottom left corner of the slide.
  • Show proof of the huge market opportunity to help convince investors to raise capital
  • Beat your audience’s boredom with simple yet amazing graphic designs and photos
  • It’s always professional to send your pitch deck to prospects in a PDF format. Don’t let them get it from online services such as Google Docs and Dropbox. Remember that you should please them. So make your presentation convenient to them.
  • If you can, have a product demo. It will help your audience know that you know what you are offering.
  • A brief and substantial yet remarkable story that reflects your passion for your business will help you capture your prospect’s interests.
  • Prove them that you get your ideas done. Show them you’re making progress growth-wise on your products, leads, and partners.
  • Having a soundbite is smart. The audience can easily remember who you are and what you offer like a famous brand.
  • Be consistent with your text sizes, colors, and headers from the start to the end of your pitch deck. It’s one of the many ways to present professionally.
  • Some recommend only 10 slides, but you may be needing a broader space for other highlights of your business. Feel free to add, but your pitch deck should be no more than 15-20 slides long.
  • You don’t want to give a dull atmosphere. Your slides shouldn’t be wordy.
  • Financial details are usually overwhelming. Don’t show your audience too much of it. You can always show it in a follow-up report.
  • Only highlight the most important details of your business that you think your investors need to know. Don’t present everything in your pitch deck.
  • Don’t use any high-functioning words or too many acronyms and jargon. It will never make you smart in the eyes of the investors.
  • Let the investors know that you are aware of the stiff competition. Don’t underestimate your competitors but don’t drag your business as well.
  • If you have a plan to reuse your pitch deck on some other dates, make sure you are industrious enough to modify old details like “dates” in the cover and metrics. If not, don’t include it. It won’t give you a good impression when clients see your outdated pitch deck.
  • Sometimes it’s better to present with plain text than with poor layout and graphic designs. However, it’s your time to shine so don’t be slothful. Be resourceful and give your best effort.

Now that you have all the essential pieces to a great investor deck, the last and final piece of the puzzle is being able to convey it an easy narrative that anyone can understand. And the best way to do this is to create a story around your pitch.

NOTE: The whole point of your presentation and pitch deck is to easily and quickly convey the story of your product. When presenting your pitch deck, however, make sure to use your slides to help tell your story, and don’t read off of them.  Your pitch deck is a visual supplement as you help paint your product’s story narrative.

Common Startup Pitch Deck Questions (Q&A)

As much time as needed, your pitch deck should constantly evolve as your company does — it should be a direct reflection of your company business model and pitch. Remember this is what you’re going to be used to help raise funding, so you don’t want to rush it.

Very important. What usually makes a break a start-up besides their great idea, is the execution. The execution is reliant on the team, and investors will want to see that you have a team that can execute and bring experience. Ideas are just mere ideas until they’re fully put into action by your team who are hungry for success.

Definitely, a pitch deck isn’t the only way to get funding, but it can easily help you convey your pitch without having to repeat yourself. Also, when approaching a more seasoned firm, they usually expect you to have one. However, keep in mind that when Facebook first launched, it used a media kit to raise funding although not a pitch deck, it served the same purpose.

Remember to focus on the story you are telling. Make the pitch deck about the value you bring to the market — how your solution is unique and ultimately what the benefit to investors is. Don’t make your pitch deck all about you and how much you love your product. Focus on delivering the message and the story you’re telling and be sure to practice it a few times with someone whom you can trust to give you reliable feedback.

Have a question you would like answered?  Let us know in the comments below!

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Pitch Deck Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides

1. business proposal powerpoint template.

angel investor presentation example

The Business Proposal PowerPoint Template is a presentation deck with a minimalistic and professional design. In its slides, you will be able to show relevant information for your audience, as well as a presentation about your product, competitive advantages, strategy, and a calendar of important events.

Use This Template

2. Executive Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

angel investor presentation example

The Executive Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template is a very complete presentation when generating a professional Pitch Deck. It contains slides that will allow you to present your team, your services, what are your differentials, the opportunity in the market you are looking to attack, a roadmap of work, the analysis of your competition, among other important slides.

3. Stigma PowerPoint Template

angel investor presentation example

The Stigma PowerPoint template is a sequence of well-structured slides to present any business profile. Its slides are presented with a color palette that seeks to work the unconscious of the audience, provoking hunger and desire. This presentation is compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides, it is also 100% editable in order to optimize time and effort.

4. Pegasus Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

angel investor presentation example

The Pegasus concept represents a Startup in its pre-unicorn stage. This PowerPoint presentation, also available for Google Slides, provides the user with all the tools to generate a successful pitch deck and achieve their goals. Each of its slides is strategically designed to impact the audience and reach a new round of investment.

5. Creative Elevator Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

angel investor presentation example

The Creative Elevator Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template is another example of a presentation made for Startups and companies looking to reach new investors through a well-designed Pitch Deck. This presentation contains everything you need to provide a successful Pitch Deck, from the presentation of the opportunity, the problem and solution to work on, the team working on the project, to a closing slide to be clear and concise with the message you want to provide to the audience.

6. Startup Business Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

angel investor presentation example

The Startup Business Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template is a presentation with a sophisticated and attractive design, made for Startups looking to achieve success in their Pitch Deck. Like the previous cases, this presentation provides many graphical resources when presenting a Pitch Deck, however, it differs from the others because it adds new elements of the study of the Startup, such as a Venn Diagram, Pyramid Model, Timeline Slide and Global Opportunities.

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Investor, Pitch Deck, Raise Capital, Startup Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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How To Construct Your Pitch Deck To Attract Angel Investors

Why is your pitch deck so important? The obvious answer is that it’s the primary tool you’ve got to secure funding from angel investors and VCs. It’s how you convince me that your startup is worth not only my capital but also my time. As an angel investor, I’m more likely than your average VC to brave the early, risky rounds of funding and hang in there with you, providing mentorship and guidance along the way. So, for me, a pitch deck needs to be more than just numbers and spreadsheets – it has to tell the story of who you are, who’s behind you, and why you’re offering me an opportunity to ride the trajectory of your success alongside you. Here’s what I look for in a pitch deck. 

How to Get an Angel Investor on Your Team

Top 3 Things To Keep In Mind For A Compelling Angel Investor Pitch Deck

1. give me the facts.

The facts themselves are important, but the reason I want to see them is that I want to know that you know what’s important and where your business is headed. While every pitch deck is unique to the company it represents, there are some basic elements consistently provided in decks that investors expect to see. Here are some of the must-have items you should include in your pitch deck for me to keep reading or listening. 

  • Basic company information: your name, your company name, any existing branding elements like logos and taglines. 
  • Mission and Vision: This is where you really catch an investor’s eye and set up who you are and what you stand for.
  • Your Team: I want to see a breakdown of your team. A startup team is critical, perhaps more so than the founder, and I want to know they’re aligned behind you and ready to put the work in to succeed.
  • Confidentiality Language: This is more for your own protection than something that I need to see as an angel investor, but include some confidentiality language on your cover page. Here’s an example: “Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright (c) by [Name of Company]. All Rights Reserved.”
  • Pain Points: Right off the bat, I want to know what consumer pain point your solution addresses.
  • Your Solution: How does your solution work? It can be compelling to include a demo of your product or service, too. 
  • Beta Results, Use Cases & Traction: Show me your solution in action and the feedback you’ve received, so we can see that you’re strategically aligned with your target audience and market opportunity. Growth metrics, strategic partnership, testimonials, early press, and awards can all be included here.
  • Your Tech: How does your tech work? I want to know you understand it deeply and completely.
  • Business Model and Market Opportunity: I want to know how you are (or are planning to) generate revenue. You can include your KPIs, OKRs, LTV: CAC, and your TAM SAM SOM knowledge here. Give me your pricing model, too.
  • Competitive Assessment: Who is your competition? Knowing this is as important as understanding who your market is – because they’re fighting you for them.
  • Use of Funds: Finally, let’s get to financials. I want to know how you use your money, so I can get an idea of how you’ll use my money if I invest as well.
  • The Ask: What are you asking for? Even if we end up negotiating for something different, I need to hear what you are looking for and why so I can understand how you think and determine whether you value what I offer. The questions I want you to be able to answer here are: how much do you need, for how long, and what will you be able to achieve as a result?
  • Overall: keep the language accessible – no insider jargon or arrogant posturing.

2. Keep It Brief

But I just told you to give me all the information I need, right? The key to remember here is that your pitch deck shouldn’t be 65 slides of information that an investor has to slog through to get the picture. So, try to keep it to 15-20 slides. You want to share enough information to be compelling and exciting, but don’t use your pitch deck as a crutch. You don’t need to include every financial detail (you can send that along afterward if your investor wants more information) and you don’t need to cover everything. There’s a delicate balance between what the presentation offers and what you offer but err on the side of the deck complementing your presentation skills, not serving as the star of the show.

You can, however, create a longer version of your pitch deck that is designed to be left behind or read privately by an investor. Because you won’t be present, it’s okay to get a little more detailed here. Even so, your deck is a strategic tool that you employ to secure the meeting that is the actual opportunity. It’s a teaser that should hook an investor into wanting to meet with you, where you’ll have the opportunity to close the deal and secure your funding in person.

The same goes for both your in-person presentation and your pitch deck: know when you have time for a 10 minute, 5-minute, 3-minute, or 30-second pitch, and be ready with the information you need to take every advantage of the opportunity at hand.

3. Make It Visually Appealing

Anyone who lived through the early days of PowerPoint knows that there is a necessary equilibrium between attractive and overwrought when it comes to pitch deck construction. Here are some tips for constructing a visually appealing pitch deck:

  • Include visual imagery and graphic representation in a tasteful, balanced way, to ensure it complements the information and makes it more readily accessible, not distracting. 
  • Be consistent with fonts, font size, colors, and formatting.
  • Send it in PDF format to your investors. I do not want to have to navigate a digital folder to download your deck.

Read More: Best Angel Investors for Startups to Consider

Pitch Decks Are Both Art & Science

You can follow instructions from countless websites on how to construct the perfect pitch deck, but, in the end, it’s a trial and error process. Getting feedback from investors (whether you move forward together or not) is a great way to improve your unique pitch deck and show them that you’re receptive to advice. Ultimately, I am investing in you as much as I am investing in your business. Your pitch deck isn’t the only thing that matters, but it should tell a compelling story that hooks me to want to hear more. And, even more importantly, if poorly constructed, it can tell me that you’re not ready. 

If you’ve got a compelling pitch deck that tells the story of your game-changing, revolutionary tech startup, I want to see it . 

Enjoy the ride.


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Business Angel Institute

Angel Investor Pitch Decks: 5 Tips For Creating Compelling Presentations

The rewarding journey of angel investing leads to hundreds of startup pitch decks a year. With time an ever-dwindling resource that an angel investor spends sparingly on a pitch deck, it is crucial to have a compelling presentation that secures a company’s future. Here are 5 Angel Investing Tips to achieve the most desirable outcome.

Tip 1: Time is Money

Although it is tempting to fill a pitch deck with details upon details, keep the pitch short and sweet. Angel investors will see hundreds of pitch decks a year and you only have around 5 minutes to convince them to join hands with you. Precision and concision matter most. To be an effective venture, a company must know exactly what product they are offering, what problem they are solving, every single detail of the process, and, most importantly, how to fit those vast concepts into one statement each. Cut down on things that can be incorporated elsewhere. For example, instead of dedicating a slide to the visual brand of the product, incorporate the visual brand into the pitch as a whole.

Tip 2: Lead with the Problem

It is best to lead with The Problem in your pitch deck. Introduce the potential angel investor to the market, assess the identified problem, and bring personal relatability into the equation. What is the market size, its growth characteristics, and segmentation? Who is the target audience and customer of your product? Have you considered the future? How will you scale to meet potential demand? These questions and more should be answered to assuage any doubts. Honesty is key.

Tip 3: The Meat of the Presentation: The Product

Directly following The Problem is the perfect opportunity to showcase the product or solution you are offering the angel investor. Provide an in-depth description, or even better, a demonstration, of the product. You believe what you can see. Highlight the unique features of your solution and how it differentiates from the competition. Specify exactly how your product is meeting the needs of the problem. Can a complete outsider of your company read through this portion and explain what the product is? The answer should be yes. This is perhaps the most critical part of the entire pitch deck.

Tip 4: Financial Precision

Now that the angel investor knows the problem and solution, it’s time to bring out the numbers. Demonstration of crucial financial models is key. What is the fundraising requirement? The current stage of development of the product? The financial projects: how long to break even? Is there a 5-Year plan? Discuss the potential risks and the available competition. This is the gritty, real part of the pitch deck. Not only should you have models that can answer these questions about the future, but there should also be quantitative data to back it up. What is the past, present, and future of the product? Success comes in raw numbers, arranged to tell your ideal narrative for victory.

Tip 5: Your Team is Everything

While the facts drive the forefront of the business narrative in the angel investor’s eyes, the heart of the matter is found in the team behind the product. Thoroughly explain the team and the company vision. Highlight the founders’ names, titles, and relevant previous experience; showcase advisors or mentors involved; accentuate the experience of key team members to give angel investors confidence in the team’s ability to execute the company’s mission and vision effectively.

Check out our  Certified Business Angel Program or the European Super Angels Club and learn everything you need to know about these 5 Key Angel Investing Tips and much more!


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7 Key Angel Investing Lessons Gleaned from Experience

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How to prepare a pitch for angel investors

Raising seed funding usually involves selling your vision to individuals outside your close circle for the first time, which can be a little intimidating.

Many startups seeking angel investment are pitching without a fully-established business and may still be figuring out their product-market fit . It can be tricky convincing investors your business can go the distance whilst also being upfront about what you still need to develop.

In this blog post, we talk to startups and investors to get their advice on how to get the balance right, what to include in your pitch and how to deliver it with confidence. 

1. Start with passion and drive

Investors won’t necessarily expect you to have all the answers nailed down, but they will want to see that you’re passionate about your business.

“We didn’t have much traction when we went to investors, but we made them believe in us by showing how much passion and hard work we put into the product and the brand,” says Mak Tok founder Will Chew.

Remember that angel investors are offering up their own cash, so they need to believe in what you’re telling them. Be honest about who you are and what you’re presenting – if you’re selling a false persona, this will definitely show through.

Angel investor Simon Squibb who hosts The Good Luck Club podcast and has invested in 69 startups, says he’s always looking for authenticity:

“The business might change over time, but your core personality, your core purpose and passion won’t change. The most important thing is that I’m investing in someone that really believes in what they’re doing, and can show it’s possible to make their idea happen.”

2. Be clear about the purpose behind the business

Being able to demonstrate why you started your business, who it’s for and where you want to take it is vital. Be prepared to answer these questions:

  • What gave you the idea?
  • What problem are you solving – and crucially, how are you solving the problem?
  • Who do you want to help?
  • What is the purpose of the business?

“It’s really important to tell your story about why you had the idea in a really compelling way. This can be a really powerful way of engaging potential investors,” explains investor and Crowdcube founder Luke Lang.

“Investors are humans, and they’re guided by instinct and gut feel. If you can stir that gut feeling with your pitch, and inspire potential investors with your vision or mission, you are halfway there.”

3. Focus on the business opportunity

The next stage is to articulate the commercial opportunity behind your idea and the value it will bring to customers and, ultimately, investors.

To get engagement from investors, you’ll need to drill down beyond the original idea and delve into the substance. Make sure you can explain:

  • What the commercial opportunity is
  • Why changing consumer or market trends are creating an opportunity
  • What’s happening in the market and how it’s changing each year
  • The competition and how the business stands up against this
  • What the plan for the future of your business is

Answering these questions will show investors how big the opportunity is, if it’s right for them and whether they’re the right fit for your business too. You’ll also demonstrate that you really know the sector and can educate angel investors on its opportunities. 

Showcasing traction

Anyone can have an idea, but traction validates it. While some investors might be swayed by a great story or charismatic pitch, most will want some cold hard facts to back this up.

If your business hasn’t launched or is still very new, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can’t mention traction either. Every business should be able to provide evidence that people want what they’re offering.

Think about ways that you can demonstrate traction, for example:

  • Meetings with key partners or suppliers
  • Social followers or email subscribers
  • A pilot or successful demo
  • Customers or users

4. Get the facts and figures in order

Passion, purpose and a great idea will get you so far, but you still need to be able to back it up with some rational arguments, even in the early days.

“If people are making an equity investment, they’ll want to see a multiple return on their investment of 10x, 20x, 50x or more,” says Luke Lang.

“So you need to be able to convince them that your company can grow and scale significantly. Be prepared to demonstrate that the unit economics behind your business really stack up.”

Luke explains that this is the data that underpins your business, including:

  • How much does it cost to acquire a customer?
  • What’s your lifetime value of a customer?
  • What’s your projected revenue from your customers?

5. Personalise your pitch for your audience

Every angel has different criteria, agendas, skills sets and beliefs about building businesses. This impacts who’s right for your startup and how you handle your pitch.

Lucy-Rose Walker, chair of Entrepreneurial Spark , says that when you’re pitching to different investors, research who you’re standing in front of and why you’re communicating to them:

“Entrepreneurs often make the mistake of just pitching to anybody in the hope that if they take a scattergun approach, then maybe something will come back”.

Lucy-Rose advises that you treat pitches to investors like job interviews – do your research to make sure you understand:

  • Who are you in front of?
  • Why are they there?
  • What are you hoping to get from them and is this realistic?
  • Who have they invested in before?
  • What sort of return on their investment are they looking for?
  • What do they look for in a team on a product?

“You need to do a bit of due diligence on them as investors. Once you understand what interests your audience, you can weave that into your pitch and use language that will resonate with them,” Lucy-Rose explains.

Tersha Willis, founder of Terrible* and winner of The Pitch 2020 , agrees that a successful pitch is one that’s tailored to the audience: “Finding investment is always longer and more dynamic than you ever think it will be. You won’t have just one pitch deck and you won’t just have one pitch”. 

She explains, “There will be lots of things that strike different investors’ interests and things that they’re inspired by, so you have to tailor your pitch to the individuals you’re talking to.”

How to polish your presentation

Pitching to investors is an intimidating prospect, but it’s essential for founders to get to grips with it – even the best pitch can fall flat if it comes out rushed and unintelligible.

A strong, clear, confident pitch goes a long way to demonstrating that you can perform well under pressure, and panicking during a presentation can be a turn-off for potential investors.

Practice makes perfect

The key is to practise as much as you can until pitching becomes second nature. Time yourself to work out the best pace for the content you have to deliver and mark parts on your notes where you want to pause or make emphasis to avoid becoming flat.

Seven ways to practise pitching for investment:

  • Stand in front of the mirror
  • Film yourself and watching it back
  • Use our videos to practise answering questions from real investors
  • Pitch to family and friends
  • Enter competitions like The Pitch
  • Attend networking events
  • Follow our top tips on dealing with nerves during a pitch

Know your business and know what investors are looking for 

An angel investor is looking for a founder that knows exactly how well their business is doing and where there might be room for improvement. It’s important that you develop a clear business plan, gather financial projections and develop your short and long-term goals. 

Knowing your business is the greatest secret when it comes to creating a convincing pitch. If you can show an angel investor that you know the ins and outs of your business, they’re far more likely to want to invest in your business. 

 “I think you drastically increase your odds of getting investment if you look at the investors criteria beforehand,” states Ben Davies, marketing director at Praetura Group. It’s crucial that you take some time to learn what exactly an investor would be looking for in a business and what they’d be looking to see from your business specifically.

Learn more about what investors look for in a startup:


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Learn from previous pitches

Most startups have to pitch to a range of investors until the funding comes in, so treat each one as a learning experience.

What did they ask you? What questions were you unprepared for? How could you have explained something more clearly? Reflect on the pros and cons of each experience and then refine your presentation, working on your answers and the stories that illustrate them with your team.

If you haven’t pitched before, don’t worry. We have a collection of our alumni pitches which you can check out to prepare for your own pitch. Learn from our alumni pitches here .

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Angel Investor Pitch Deck Templates That Get Buy-In

Go beyond Powerpoint the best free angel investor pitch deck templates . Use themes and slides that take your presentation from boring to captivating pitch.

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A business solution you can trust

How these angel investor pitch deck templates go beyond any PowerPoint?

An exceptional angel investor PowerPoint pitch deck presentation template is hard to come by, but even if you find a good pitch deck example that you like, it will most likely underperform. The reason is that everyone is doing the same thing so you drown in a sea of sameness.

To stand out you’ll have to use a template that goes beyond what any of your competitors’ PPTs can do. See, PPTs deliver a static, boring, text-heavy experience o your investors, and reading them is a task.

Investors are burdened with these tasks, so to stand out you’ll need to move from offering yet another task to offering an experience. The templates on this page take you from static, boring, and burdensome, to interactive, memorable, and engaging.

Storydoc templates apply dynamic content like videos, animation, and narration scroll-based components that break down your angel pitch deck content into simple chapters that lead down a captivating storyline.

What makes a good angel investor pitch deck template?

A well-crafted investor pitch deck template can be the difference between receiving funding and being left empty-handed. An investor pitch deck presentation must contain information about your business and its potential for growth if you wish to persuade investors to invest in your company.

A good pitch deck template for angel investors includes the following segments:

  • Your business overview
  • The problem you are solving
  • Your solution
  • Market size and opportunity
  • Financial projections

If you can effectively communicate the strengths of your business using these points, then you stand a good chance of securing funding from investors.

Learn more info about how to create and what to include in your pitch deck .

It is also important to remember that when creating a pitch deck you need to be clear and concise. You only have a few minutes to capture the attention of your audience, so make sure each slide packs a punch.

Engaging decks. Made easy

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Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations. Your new winning deck is one click away!


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How to Pitch to Angel Investors: The Practical Checklist


All startups will eventually need to seek outside capital at some point in their startup journey. Partnering with angel investors can be a great way to get the funds you need to grow your business. To secure capital, you need to find an angel investor who can see potential in your startup by persuasively presenting your idea.

Setting up meetings and pitching your dream to angel investors is intimidating, no matter how you put it. You've put a lot of work into building your startup, and you're ready for the next phase. You just need the funds and some resources.

Once you secure that first meeting with an angel investor, you only have a short period of time where you can pitch your idea and impress potential angel investors to compel them to invest in your startup. This practical checklist will help you to understand how to best pitch to angel investors to secure the funding you need quickly.

What is an Angel Investor?

Angel investors are individuals who come from the business world and are often small business owners themselves, professionals, company executives, and more. They have a high net worth and the money to invest and are always looking for a new opportunity to make a significant return. Angel investors offer promising startup funding, especially in the early stages of development, in exchange for equity in the company.

Where Do You Find Angel Investors

When you're ready to bring angel investors to your startup, you have to find them first. If you're not already connected, you need to know where to start. There are a lot of platforms available that make finding angel investors seamless. Here are a few places you can start.

Online Platforms 

Networking events , social media , the practical checklist for how to pitch to angel investors to secure funding.

Pitching to angel investors can be tricky. Your business may not be fully established or have a strong customer base just yet. But pitching involves selling your startup through numbers, passion, and drive. You want to build a pitch deck that highlights who you are, the details of your startup, and what you intend to accomplish, all within a short timeframe. Here's everything you need to know to pitch to angel investors and secure that funding.

Learn about their accomplishments, any startups they've invested in previously, and their background. The more information you can gather, the more you can understand what excites them about investing in startups.

You want to consider who you are getting up in front of with every presentation. What are they looking for in an investment opportunity? Who have they invested in before? Are there any attributes they prefer in a business partner? You can use what you find to update and customize your pitch to better fit each angel investor's preferences. That way, you can improve your odds your pitch will resonate with more investors giving you a real chance to secure funding.

When you're a founder, you're a leader. You'll need to speak to many important people, including investors, your employees, and customers. You want to deliver your messages with confidence. Improving your public speaking skills is the ability to focus on commanding a room and grabbing attention using the tone of your voice, your body language, visual aids, and more. Improving your public speaking will allow you to confidently deliver your pitch and help you prepare for the unexpected, such as detailed questions or initial concerns.

Learn From Your Mistakes  – Not every pitch is going to go well, and there will be some that you will outright bomb. Think about questions you weren't prepared to answer. Maybe they misunderstood or didn't quite see the value based on your presentation. Most important is that you learn from your mistakes and work to improve your flaws to ensure the next one is better.

You'll have to pitch to many investors to get the capital you need to build your business. Polish that pitch deck, ask for feedback, and be authentic. You can help ensure your success by following this practical checklist to get you ready to knock your pitch out of the park.

When you're ready to start on your journey to find the perfect investor, it can be overwhelming. Get the help you deserve to get your startup off the ground. Angel Match can match you with over 90,000 angel investors and venture capitalists in one place. Learn more about how Angel Match works  here .

✓ Access a dashboard of 100,000+ investors

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Angel Match is the easiest way to research investors for your startup so you can spend less time Googling and more time raising.


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How to Pitch to Angel Investors

You may have sheer minutes to impress private investors, with success or failure hinging on how clearly and confidently you can deliver your presentation..

How to Pitch to Angel Investors

Mission accomplished. You have found what seems like an ideal match. You are ready for that first meeting with an angel investor where you get to present your business concept. How do you ensure your pitch is a turn on and not a turn off so that you get a second date or opportunity to close the deal with a written check in hand? "You won't get past first base if you can't address four areas," says Mike Levinson, managing partner and co-founder of DreamIt Ventures, a Philadelphia-based accelerator program for start-ups. An angel investor or early stage venture capitalist will look at 1) is the business idea simple enough for me to understand and buy into, 2) does it solve a problem or meet a need, 3) is it a big enough market and customer base for the idea, and 4) does the entrepreneur have the right people on the team to pull it off, Levinson explains. In essence you're selling your vision and your team. Angles tend to listen more to an exciting story about the business, while venture capitalists may pay attention mostly to the numbers, performance and traction. But given business owners generally have a window of about 15 minutes to make that initial pitch, every minute counts—and may cost money especially if you've paid to play. "A lot of entrepreneurs object to paying fees to present to private investors. If you make a bad presentation and walk away without any deal, the cost seems high," says Mike Williams, CEO of Seattle-based Reality Gap, an online game developer. "Truth be told, if I had worked with an investment bank and paid the normal 10 percent finders fee, it would have cost $450,000 to raise $4.5 million. I paid in total $45,000 in presentation fees in the first 17 months of business, which is more like 1 percent. So, if you know what you are doing, you can raise the money you need, and it turns out to be cheaper," he explains.   Which pitching tools do you need? You should be armed with a business plan that includes a well defined marketing strategy and solid financial statements. That's a given. But what do most investors hone in on when trying to decide if your business is worth them parting with their cash, anywhere from $25,000 up to $2.5 million. How you look, the way you speak, and what information you leave out during a pitch can sink the deal. "My whole focus is on trying to size up the entrepreneur," says private investor and real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran. "I am looking at how much wild enthusiasm do they genuinely have for their product. You can't fake passion," adds Corcoran, who is part of a panel of experts assessing potential business investments on ABC's reality program Shark Tank . Often on the TV show it is research and marketing facts and figures that attract the sharks and determine whether they bite. Here are some presentation pointers: How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Focus on the Money What's the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make during the pitch? "Rambling on about their technology or business rather than the financial opportunity—how you and the investor will make money together," says Tarby Bryant, founder of Gathering of Angels, a group of private investors and venture capitalists. For the first meeting, investors assume that the technology works. You should spend a few minutes talking about the business mechanics; an interested investor will ask for more details, says Bryant. Spell out the amounts and number of investors you are willing to sell equity. Dig Deeper: How to Evaluate Your Company's Financial Position How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Gauge Your Body Language People physically judge your acumen based on how you look. "The reality is that people do judge a book by its cover," says Corcoran. Don't get written off by an investor before you even open your mouth. Beyond the obvious, which is you should be well groomed, professionally dressed, and make direct eye contact. Be careful not to wring your hands or place them in your pockets. "A certain level of nervousness is expected but if you constantly shift on your feet this sends a signal that you aren't trustworthy, maybe you are hiding something," Corcoran adds. Dig Deeper: What Is YOUR Personal Brand? How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Watch Your Tongue Fancy talk doesn't work; it could backfire and create distrust. Clarity is the name of the game. The language you use to convey your concept ought to be concise. You don't want to come across as a slick talking salesman. Instead you want to display passion and enthusiasm. "I hear that a lot from investors, no passion from the entrepreneur," says Bryant. If you are just standing there and reading your presentation with no juice, no mojo, nobody gets excited and nobody writes a check." Communicate clearly here's my idea, this is my market, here's what distinguishes me from my competition, this is why it will be a financial success, and here's why you should invest in it, adds Levinson. Dig Deeper: Close the Deal with a Flexible Communication Style How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Show and Tell A PowerPoint presentation using about 12 slides is standard, particularly with a tech product. If you have a working prototype, show it to investors so they can see how it could actually work. If you can demonstrate your product or hand out product samples that's a plus. Discuss actual sales or anticipated orders. Also, this is where your research on testing or proving your business concept comes into play, says Levinson. Include results from surveys, focus groups, and product tests to show any customer insight you have gained. Dig Deeper: Business PowerPoint Presentation Template How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Be Prepared Anticipate questions inventors might ask. How large is your market? Who are your competitors? Why is your product better than what is already in the market? What is your customer acquisition strategy? How much money have you made? Also be prepared to provide alternate strategies, such as if advertising doesn't generate these results, we will do this. Stay cool, calm and collected. Levinson cautions don't get thrown off by a tough question. "It's better to say let me get back to you on that then to fumble for an answer." On Shark Tank investors and entrepreneurs are instructed by the producers not to speak for the first five minutes of the presentation. That moment of silence shakes some people up as they have five sets of glaring shark eyes. "This gives us a very quick snapshot of how the entrepreneur functions under pressure," says Corcoran. Dig Deeper: Start-Ups 2010: How to Launch Your Dream Company How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Provide A Way Out You need an exit strategy; how the investor will make his or her money back. "Two thirds of all the people that have ever pitched to me don't show me how I am going to make money," says Corcoran. Provide one to three year projections. If you say sales revenues, you have put yourself out of the game. "What do you think we do with the profits; we put them back into the business to meet greater demand," says Corcoran. "Investors don't want to jump in bed with you and be your partner for life." Most angel investments take seven to eight years to reach an exit where they are sold to another company or go public. Dig Deeper: Exit Strategies: What's Yours? How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Steer Clear of Common Errors Common reasons for rejecting a deal are that the valuation is too high, the management team is too thin or inexperienced, and there is no unfair competitive advantage, says Bryant. Other common reasons for rejecting a deal are insufficient growth potential and indebtedness—the entrepreneur owes a lot of money. Dig Deeper: Top 10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Writing a Business Plan How to Pitch to Angel Investors: Sign, Seal, Deliver the Deal Just because your pitch went well and an investor is willing to buy into your business, doesn't mean the deal is done. "The really hard part is closing the deal," says Williams, "tenacious follow up is critical. Return phone calls right away."   Having that second date is important to getting that check written. "Satisfy all questions and concerns. Ask for the order—the money," says Bryant. Be mindful there are obstacles that can get in the way such as a poorly written business plan or lack of the proper securities documents. Negotiating the terms of a deal will always be tricky, and disagreements about operations can be difficult to hammer out.   The longer the days are spent in closing the deal the less likely it will get done. About 66 percent of angel investments fail to return any money at all. Investors constantly have potential deals on their plate, says Corcoran, so, for every day that goes by other entrepreneurs are moving in on the investor to replace your offer with their juicier deals. Dig Deeper: What is the professional thing to do if you do not hear back from a company after several follow-up attempts?

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5 must-have presentation tips for pitching to angel investors.

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One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when pitching to angel investors is bombarding them with data and boring PowerPoint slides instead of inspiring and engaging them. This is one of the key lessons I learned as I followed a Forbes.com reader and entrepreneur on his journey to attract funding for his start-up.

The entrepreneur owns a successful hair salon and is building a product for the salon industry. He is being mentored by a group that prepares start-ups for the next step in the funding process. One of my books was on the group’s recommended reading list as well some of my Forbes.com articles. The entrepreneur used the information to craft his presentation. He then invited me to attend the actual pitch since it was being held near my town. I watched the live 20-minute presentation, listened to the investors’ feedback, and had the opportunity to speak to investors after the meeting to gain their insight. The investors ranged in net worth from $25 million to more than $200 million and, like most wealthy investors, put their money behind an idea in return for convertible debt or ownership equity.

Based on my experience and the conversations I've had with investors making early stage seed investments, here are five things entrepreneurs and business leaders must do when presenting to this audience.

Tell stories. The salon owner began with a personal story about his family’s 100-year history in the industry. He spoke about the innovations his great grandparents pioneered in the salon business and about his own personal experience growing a successful business.

Stories are powerful and emotional, yet unappreciated in many business presentations. Angel investors tell me they’re different than venture capitalists. They both want to make money, of course, but while VC’s are much more focused on data, angels often take a mentoring role and are making an emotional and financial investment in the idea and the people. “The most memorable presentations don’t start with data,” according to one investor. “They start with a compelling personal story. It’s not about data; it’s about engagement.”

Use pictures to tell the story. The first two slides of the presentation I saw didn't have any words. Instead the entrepreneur showed black and white photographs of his family breaking ground on their salons or ‘barber shops’ as he talked about their history.

Pictures are far more memorable than words. Studies have shown that people will remember 10 percent of information when the content is delivered verbally. Add a photograph and retention soars to 65 percent. Angel investors—like all investors—want to see charts, graphs, tables and other slides showing the hard numbers behind an idea. The key is to break up the slides to give the eyes and brain a break. Tell stories and use pictures to complement the narrative. On a related note it’s important to keep your entire slide deck to a minimum. One angel told me the kiss of death is a 45-slide PowerPoint deck. Investors prefer 10 to 15 slides at most.

Express your passion. Angels invest in relationships and they want to build those relationships with entrepreneurs who have a fire in the belly, a consuming passion to move the world forward. Over the past several months I've been pouring over academic research studies, which have found that angel investors weigh passion as one of the top three factors or variables that influence their ultimate investment decision. Passion is contagious, literally.

Simply ask yourself this question: “What am I really passionate about?” The answer will be considerably different than the answer to the question, “What is my idea?” For example, I recall meeting with top executives at one of the world’s largest medical device companies. They were about to launch a major product and wanted my feedback on their message.

“What’s the product?” I asked.

“It’s the first dynamic high-volume CT-scan that utilizes 320 ultra-high resolution detector rows to image an entire organ in a single gantry rotation,” the CEO said.

After my eyes had glazed over, I tried a different tactic.

“Why are you really passionate about this product?” I asked.

“If you suffer a stroke, our product could mean the difference between going home and living a full life or never recognizing your family again”, the CEO answered.

The CEO kicked off the presentation with his ‘passion statement’ and successfully won over the audience. While passion is essential, it is not sufficient to persuade investors. Investors need to know that the product addresses a real world pain.

Introduce a villain and a hero. Great stories and movies have a villain who causes problems and a hero who saves the day. In the context of a business presentation, think about villains and heroes as problems and solutions. What is the problem your idea solves? In the presentation I saw, the salon owner/entrepreneur spent three slides explaining the problems (the inefficiencies) in the salon industry and how his product would help solve those problems. Angel investors need to understand the pain—or problem—your customers are experiencing and how your idea, product, or service alleviates the pain.

Share the stage. Investors want to see a team. I urged the entrepreneur to avoid delivering the entire presentation on his own. He decided to introduce his marketing director who demonstrated the product, and his CTO who explained the back-end technology behind the product. He even showed a video clip of a potential customer in the industry who praised the idea. The video served two purposes—it added a fourth presenter and provided a multimedia component to the presentation.

As soon as the presentation ended, an angel investor raised his hand said, “I don’t have a question, but a comment: Bravo. In most of the presentations we see, the CEO delivers the whole thing, but we know it’s impossible for the CEO to know everything. I liked the fact that you gave your team a role…and the video testimonial was great.” The entrepreneur’s presentation successfully persuaded several investors to take the next step. He’s on his way to seeing his dream become a reality.

Although venture capitalists grab the headlines, Forbes.com contributor Dileep Rao says most entrepreneurs will never see the inside of a VC’s office. It’s important to understand angel investors because they are a primary source of funding for start-ups. To pitch your idea successfully, you must reach their minds and their hearts—inspire and engage.

Carmine Gallo is the communications coach for the world’s most admired brands. He is a popular keynote speaker and author of several books, including the international bestsellers The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs and The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs . His new book, The Apple Experience , is the first book to reveal the secrets behind the stunning success of the Apple Retail Store. Carmine has recently launched an eLearning course titled, New Rules of Persuasive Presentations . Follow Carmine on Facebook or Twitter .

Carmine Gallo

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Where to Meet Angel Investors and How to Pitch Them When You Do Get your startup off the ground by learning how to pitch angel investors and raise money.

By Murray Newlands Edited by Dan Bova Mar 17, 2017

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

This article is included in Entrepreneur Voices on Elevator Pitches , a new book containing insights from both sides of the board room to help you craft the perfect pitch. Buy it online from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | IndieBound

Angel investors are interested in helping small startups by injecting capital in exchange for convertible debt or owner equity. I have invested in a number of companies after meeting the founders at events. How to get funding for your startup is a problem which confounds lots of founders but with the right business and some simples steps is achievable.

However, meeting and pitching your idea to angel investors is seldom straightforward, so I've put together a guide to help you find angel investors and prepare a killer presentation.

Types of angel investors.

Angel investors can be individuals or groups formed through investors pools and crowdfunding. Because they invest their own funds, factors such as confidence, trustworthiness, and delivery play a much more significant role when compared to dealing with venture capitalists.

Related: Angel Investors Pumped $24 Billion Into Startups. Here's How to Get Your Share.

Meeting angel investors.

Industry focused events are a great way to meet angel investors. You can now employ technology to help you find angel investors for your startup. From websites to conventions, angel investors are more available than ever before.

Related: Why Angels Are Moving Online

Online platforms.

Angel investors like to remain anonymous for the most part. However, since the emergence of technology as we know it, you can now find online, directory-style websites that help you connect globally with angel investors via the internet. You can then set up meetings where you can pitch your idea to potential investors in your area. Some examples of these websites include:




Unlike venture capitalist events, which are often held in or around big cities, angel investor events are held across the whole country. With a little bit of planning, you will have the opportunity to pitch your ideas not to one, but to hundreds of angel investors looking for promising startups and entrepreneurs. Some of the most popular angel investor events this year include:

GEC 2017 SiMODiSA Venture Train

2017 ACA Summit

University Startups Conference & Demo Day

Startup Grind runs monthly events around the world

Angel investment networks and groups.

You may also contact an angel investor, investment network, or angel investor group directly to pitch them your idea. This may seem like the simplest way to meet an angel investor, but it's also the least effective. Angel investors usually screen ideas before even looking at them, and unless you have a connection or advocate with an individual or in a network, your contact request will probably be lost in the thousands received each day.

Related: How to Find Investors Through LinkedIn

Fundraising advisers

If you are not confident in your fundraising skills, you can always employ fundraising advisers to help you get your startup rolling. Similarly to the investors themselves, fundraising advisers will only take on clients with potential to sell to investors, so make sure you prepare a great presentation for them, too.

Related: 7 Essential Tips for an Effective Fundraising Strategy

How to pitch angel investors.

Once you have scored your first meeting with an angel investor, you will have to prepare a presentation to pitch your idea. There are key aspects of your pitch that angel investors notice, so make sure you lay the groundwork for an excellent delivery.

Connect effectively.

Investors will want to contact you and ask questions even before your meeting if they really like your startup idea. Giving them open communication channels can cultivate your relationship, which can be a huge deciding factor.

Find a vocal champion.

Before you get a meeting, you should obtain an investor or investor group. You should try to recruit a vocal champion inside of the group or close to the individual. Establishing a vocal champion will help you draw in members of a group into the discussion or engage individual investors, pushing them to consider the pros and cons of your startup.

Research their process.

Each individual or group of angel investors follows a unique process to choosing a startup. Familiarize yourself with this process as well as you can. Take notes and use the information to deliver key information at critical points in the process.

Related: The 5 Best Pitch Tactics I Heard as an Angel Investor

Deliver a memorable presentation.

The biggest, most prominent element of your pitch, is delivering a strong presentation. There are many components to a great presentation, but knowledgeability and confidence are at the top of the list. In addition, you must always remember to:

Tell a compelling story - Remember, your potential investors are not customers, so tailor your presentation to achieve maximum engagement.

Get straight to the point - Presentations have designated time slots, usually between 10 and 15 minutes. Stick to your allotted slot to show you respect the angel investor's time.

Cover the money - Angel investors may be swayed more by emotion, but they are still investors. Don't be afraid to cover the financial aspects and exit options in case your startup does not generate revenue.

Be prepared to answer questions - At the end of your presentation, they will bombard you with questions, so make sure you are ready to answer anything from finances to operations.

Wear your orator cap - Employ strong public speaking skills to deliver an eloquent presentation. This includes tone of voice, body language, effective visual aids, etc.

Aim to build a relationship, not to close a sale - Don't treat your meeting as a sales opportunity. View it as a chance to cultivate a good relationship and establish rapport with your potential investors.

Meeting and pitching to potential angel investors can be a very stressful, but by using the tips outlined above, you will be able to elevate your startup to the next level in no time and get the funding you deserve.

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What is an Investor Deck?

An investor deck is usually a 10-20 slide deck designed to give a short summary of your company, your business plan and your startup vision. Similar to a pitch deck, this is a document most of the times you send to potential investors.

What should be in an investor pitch deck?

A number of authors, venture capitalists, startup founders and evangelists have created different versions of what they consider required elements to successful pitching presentations. Most of them agree on the following:

  • Market Size
  • Business Model
  • Underlying Magic
  • Competition
  • Better/Different
  • Marketing Plan
  • Traction / Milestones

What's in this Investor Deck Powerpoint Template?

The 12 slide investor pitch deck by 500 startups.

500 Startups is a leading global venture capital seed fund and startup accelerator headquartered in Silicon Valley with over $350M AUM.

This investor deck template is ideal for initial VCs and Angel Investors. If they ask to see your pitch deck , this is what you want to send. The outline of the investor deck mainly focuses on your startup's growth metrics and traction.

In 2016, we were fortunate enough to meet up with key members of 500 Startups at the Accelerator program, where we got their thoughts on creating a template for all Slidebean users to use. So this template is the end result of that meeting. Enjoy!

Pitch Deck Service

How to build an investment pitch deck.

Building an investment pitch deck is a crucial step for startups seeking to secure funding from investors. To create a compelling investment deck, start by outlining your company's mission, vision, and business model. Identify the market opportunity and demonstrate how your product or service fills a gap in the market. It is important to provide a clear understanding of your target audience, customer acquisition strategy, and revenue model. Showcase your team's expertise and track record, as well as any notable partnerships or endorsements.

Include financial projections , milestones, and potential risks and challenges. Keep the design simple, professional, and visually appealing, and use concise language to convey your message effectively. Lastly, practice your pitch and be prepared to answer any questions or objections that may arise. By following these steps, you can create a compelling investment deck that highlights the potential of your startup and attracts investors.

How to Present Your Business?

Many investors have suffered through an inordinate number of poorly constructed pitches. Most startup entrepreneurs tend to focus on their pet projects to the detriment of the critical business pitches required for funding. It's fair to say that hardened investors expect to be disappointed. Surprising a cynical audience with a thoughtful, effective presentation that answers the important questions bids fair to invite a warm response that translates into a real shot at successful funding. A great pitch deck is an indispensable tool for any startup.

Paying attention to the following precepts will help with assembling an effective pitch deck.

Brief, clear words

Words are tools for conveying ideas. The best words fly a speaker's intended meanings into the minds of listeners before disappearing into the silence of contemplation. Sometimes, more words are better. They push and prod the intended meaning this way and that for a receptive audience. Investors want to be persuaded, and they know business is complex. They expect many words for a non-trivial business idea with many significant aspects. Still, those same investors are busy. They want to hear the presentation and then move on to other demands on their limited time and energy. They want exactly as many words as are needed and not one word more.


Furthermore, promoting a business idea calls for a businesslike approach. As any writer knows, it's all too easy to fall in love with poetic phrases or elaborate explanations. Focused passion is good, but rambling passion is a turnoff. Fluff belongs in a cow field and not in a presentation. Kill all words that puff and preen themselves without contributing to the presentation. For that matter, simpler words are better whenever possible. A dollar word like "utilized" compares badly to a two-bit word like "used." Dictionaries are full of short, powerful words. They should be used.

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Hone the presentation.

Practice makes perfect. There's nothing like testing a pitch before exposing it to investors. Smart entrepreneurs run prospective pitches past friends, colleagues, and co-workers willing to offer useful feedback on defects and omissions. A recorded test run can also reach distant or busy reviewers. In a pinch, a mirror will work.

Twenty minutes should be enough for even the most sophisticated business idea. Investors understand that the presentation will leave out a lot of details that are not relevant to the core concept. They expect a pitch to cover only the major ideas. If necessary, a professional writer can be hired to slice away fluff and to clarify the remaining text in a marketing deck. Given the stakes of what might be a single shot at persuading potential business partners to fund a cash-short startup, the extra money is little enough to pay

Open with an executive summary

The old rule about public speaking is to first briefly describe what will be said before delivering the main body of the speech, after which the speaker closes with a brief summary of what has just been said. This sort of one-two-three delivery prepares an audience for the upcoming message and helps with long-term memory. A funding pitch is a little different, but any business idea will benefit from a one-minute opening that clarifies the context before a subsequent barrage of details.

Prove the concept

angel investor presentation example

As the old saying has it, ideas are a dime a dozen. Any random schlub can pop out at least four half-baked ideas without breaking a sweat. Making an idea work is much harder. Making that idea an attractive business proposition is a different world. Investors see their mailboxes flooded daily with interesting proposals that fall apart under scrutiny. Investors want to see hard proof of the concept, and illuminating metrics on potential sales don't hurt at all.

Taking the time to hammer out a working prototype of a product or a functional alpha release of a business service will go far in persuading prospective investors that a startup's founders aren't steeped in unrealistic dreams. Also, very few ideas are new under the sun. How have other businesses succeeded with a similar concept? Who were their intended customers, and why did those customers accept the new product or service? How long did it take to increase sales to the point of profitability? What are the likely prospects for the success of the startup that is now seeking funding? Completing basic research into such questions before the presentation will reassure cautious investors that the startup's principals are hard-headed business people who know the score.

Promote the team

The success of any business that anticipates significant growth depends on the quality of its team. Smart, experienced personnel are much more likely to push a startup to profitability than inexperienced newcomers. Investors want to know who will be helping the founders turn their business plan into reality. A good pitch deck will include a brief profile of the qualifications of the company's core employees.

If available, an advisory board populated with well-known names will add considerable cachet to the founding company and strengthen the chances of funding.

Don't babble about how

As any experienced engineer or manager knows, manufacturing and service processes tend in practice to be amazingly complicated. In truth, unexpected complexity is in fact expected, and few investors will be surprised at difficulties with innovative processes. Rarely is there a need to spend precious pitch time on anticipating the unanticipated.

For that matter, most investors expect even basic manufacturing and service processes to pose daily challenges. Explaining in advance exactly how employees and founders will implement a new product or service is an exercise in futility. Furthermore, it's not relevant to the pitch. A broad overview of the basic ideas behind the business proposition will do. Technically knowledgeable investors will ask more in-depth questions later if needed. The briefest possible mention of process details will serve well for the great majority of opening pitches.

Result over process

Smart entrepreneurs will focus on the outcome for customers and clients. Marketing begins with investors, who might themselves be prospective users of a new product or service. How will the new offering meet the needs and desires of potential purchasers? How will the startup achieve this more efficiently than competitors? How will the startup's marketing experts persuade potential customers and clients to abandon old solutions for an unfamiliar alternative? Inertia is a powerful force, and entrepreneurs often must pair an innovative solution with innovative marketing to succeed. Virtually all startups face the harsh reality of intense competition for attention and brand loyalty.

Engage the audience


Investors are no different from other people. Behind stern faces, their deepest emotions await. They love hearing a good story that is told with strong words. Professionalism is not incompatible with storytelling, and a story that brims with energy and passion is far more effective than a dry explication of abstract benefits. Painting a mental picture of how a specific customer will benefit or has already benefited from the new product or service packs a wallop.

Paint vivid images

Overuse of meaningless charts and graphs mars many presentations. All visual elements should serve a purpose that cannot be met with mere words. The best visual elements pound home their points with words that allow the presenter to show unmistakable belief in the intended meanings through a confident tone of voice and friendly body language. Pictures of manufacturing facilities or smiling service personnel also help as long as they mirror the reality of a successful startup. Vaguely related stock images should be avoided as insincere and manipulative.

Be prepared for anything

Despite the intense brevity of a typical presentation, investors expect enormous depth behind the curtain. They expect entrepreneurs to immediately answer critical questions about how their core business idea works. Ignorance about the exact details of complex manufacturing processes or sophisticated software algorithms can be forgiven because investors don't expect founders to know everything. Stumbling over the answers to basic questions, on the other hand, tends to ring alarm bells in the minds of wary investors. If the founders cannot summon up convincing answers, then what will happen in reality? Will the company drift rudderless while its founders struggle to find their way through the consequences of poor comprehension? Too many otherwise promising startups fail after burning up seed investments on fruitless plans.

Investors prefer to deal with confident, savvy startup founders who show themselves to be ready for success. If necessary, entrepreneurs seeking seed money will prepare for a presentation by consulting with industry experts and spending long nights with authoritative materials that cover every major aspect of the startup. Where no legal problems threaten to arise over intellectual property issues, studying operational businesses that implement a similar idea is quite useful.

“Investors prefer to deal with confident, savvy startup founders who show themselves to be ready for success.

Networking works

Whatever the specific business idea, major aspects will cry out for intelligent feedback from outsiders. More than a few otherwise brilliant startup founders suffer from a narrow view of potential difficulties. Canny investors who have seen it all will be watching for these blind spots. A deep awareness of the many practical difficulties of running a business will result in a stronger pitch. Making a sustained effort over months or years to establish a network of sympathetic contacts in relevant fields such as business management, manufacturing, software design and others will boost the prospects of a successful funding round.

Furthermore, there's such a thing as being too close to the problem, even for the most experienced businessperson. Depending on the business concept, it may pay to get the reaction of a total outsider to the core business idea. Company founders might learn a lot by asking for first impressions from friends and colleagues who work in unrelated fields. Alternatively, any parent can attest that young children are prone to uttering amazing insights. If the nature of the business idea permits, asking a young family member for feedback could yield startling thoughts about the potential reception by actual customers.

Wrapping it up

The closing statement of a presentation should include a direct request for a funding round that will benefit both the startup and the investors. It's remarkable how many speakers neglect this step. Also, most investors appreciate a brief thank you from the speaker for listening to the pitch.

We can help with your Investor Deck

We have a team of talented business analysts with an expertise across multiple industries.With Caya's guidelines, they'll work on condensing your information into a powerful pitch deck. This phase of the project is handled on a shared, live document, which allows us to quickly iterate on the outline of the deck.

A first draft is usually delivered in 3 business days, and revisions are delivered within 24 hours.

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Top 10 Investor Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

An investor pitch presentation is a crucial tool for entrepreneurs seeking funding for their business ventures. This fully editable and customizable PowerPoint template is designed to help presenters effectively communicate their business ideas, financial projections, market analysis, and growth strategies to potential investors. With a professional and visually appealing layout, this template allows users to showcase their unique value proposition, competitive advantage, and revenue model with clarity and impact. Whether pitching to angel investors, venture capitalists, or potential partners, this versatile template can be tailored to suit various industries and presentation styles. From startup founders looking to secure seed funding to established companies seeking expansion capital, this investor pitch template is a valuable resource for crafting compelling and persuasive pitches that resonate with investors and stakeholders.

angel investor presentation example

Angel Investor Pitch Deck Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Take a step closer to being funded with our Angel Investor Pitch Deck PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This is a complete deck that consists of 53 slides. Our PPT presentation is compatible with standard and widescreen formats. You can also view it on Google Slides. Further, all the design elements are 100% editable. You can customize font, patterns, text, color scheme, and background.

Create a compelling pitch unlike any with our Angel Investor Pitch Deck PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This business angel pitching PPT slideshow puts forth a crisp professional impression on the audience. The almost storytelling-like design of this venture capital PowerPoint template adds visual depth to your pitch. Personalize our startup investment PPT theme to reflect your business idea and connect with potential stakeholders. This investment pitch PowerPoint presentation helps you address crucial aspects like growth strategy, shareholding pattern, and competitive landscape. Our investor pitch presentation example PPT slides are replete with graphs, and diagrams to gracefully represent business models, marketing strategy, and other fundamentals. Successfully pitching angel networks requires well-laid-out information and our angel investor PowerPoint deck offers exactly that. Our seed investor PPT template designers have infused the essentials of a compelling pitch deck through extensive research. Download this investor pitch deck PowerPoint slideshow and carry your brownie point next time you step into the presentation venue.

  • Angel Investor Pitch Deck

angel investor presentation example

Pitch Deck For Investors Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Fully editable template. Easily downloadable presentation slides. These PowerPoint visuals consist of 59 slides. High-resolution stock photo. Compatible presentation layout. Easily convertible into PDF and JPG formats. We have used standardize colors which contrast and compliment. 100% risk-free slides. Our templates can be displayed in standard and widescreen. Our graphics can be used by investors, promoters, business professionals, marketers, capitalist and many more. The stages in this process are business plan, marketing plan, sales pitch, elevator pitch, pitch book, straw man proposal, selling technique.

Go through our content-ready pitch deck for investors PowerPoint presentation slides. These predesigned angel investor pitch PPT templates focus on your startup growth metrics and traction. Furthermore, our startup business proposal planning PowerPoint illustrations are a perfect combination of excellent content and stunning designs. These startup pitch deck presentation templates cover all the necessary slides such as elevator pitch, market size, business model canvas, proprietary technology, competitor identification, marketing launch plan, digital marketing roadmap and client testimonials. Raising funds from a venture capitalist is troublesome and time-consuming. Therefore, it’s crucial that you absolutely nails our pitch deck for investors PPT templates. Our elevator pitch PPT illustrations can also be utilized for elevator statement, venture capital funding, financial analysis, selling techniques, plan executive summary, business environment analysis, marketing plan, venture capital investors and cost-benefit analysis. Download it today and grab the investor’s attention!. Focus on delivering the goods again with our Pitch Deck For Investors Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Handle deterioration in any area.

  • business plan
  • marketing plan
  • Sales Pitch
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Straw Man Proposal
  • Selling Technique

angel investor presentation example

Summary page of company overview for the investor pitch ppt pdf document

Here we present Summary Page Of Company Overview For The Investor Pitch PPT PDF Document one-pager PowerPoint template. By making use of our one-page company overview with key business details PPT template, business managements, companies and start-ups will be able to address their employees, investors, and other concerned parties with a detailed company overview. This well-presented company overview one-pager will also come in handy to reach out to investors and attract them to fund the different projects of the company. This one-pager sample business overview can be personalized by customers with a little modification and content alterations. Customers can utilize the content-ready sections of this summary page of company overview for the investor pitch and can further modify texts to cover the business overview, key products, and services, details of key partners, key financial ratios, goals of funding, etc. details This one-pager summary page of financial overview of a company is fully editable and thus you can modify or alter text details, font, etc. to add your company-specific details. Download this readily available one-page company performance PowerPoint template which is also compatible with Google Slides. Grab this Summary Page Of Company Overview For The Investor Pitch PPT PDF Document one-pager template now.

This document titled Summary Page Of Company Overview For The Investor Pitch PPT PDF Document is an A4 size template designed in Powerpoint and is 100 percent editable. It displays the details in a crisp clear and digestible format while also being visually appealing. With this document you will be able to provide a comprehensive view to your audience with minimal effort. Summary Page Of Company Overview For The Investor Pitch PPT PDF Document will save you precious time and help you communicate your message with your viewers.

angel investor presentation example

Investor one page sample company overview presentation report infographic ppt pdf document

Here we present Investor One Page Sample Company Overview Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document one-pager PowerPoint template. By making use of our company overview for investor one-pager PPT template, business managements, companies and start-ups will be able to address their stakeholders, management, and other beneficiaries with a detailed company overview. This well-formatted company overview one-pager can also be optimized to reach out to potential investors and attract them to fund different projects of the company. Downloading upon this one-pager company overview, you can utilize its content-ready sections to showcase details such as the companys introduction, its mission and vision, funding information, use of funds, target market, etc. This one-pager financial overview data sheet PowerPoint template is fully editable and thus you can modify or alter text details, font, etc. to add your company-specific details. Download this readily available sample investor one-page company overview template and transform it into various file formats. Grab this Investor One Page Sample Company Overview Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document one-pager template now.

This document titled Investor One Page Sample Company Overview Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document is an A4 size template designed in Powerpoint and is 100 percent editable. It displays the details in a crisp clear and digestible format while also being visually appealing. With this document you will be able to provide a comprehensive view to your audience with minimal effort. Investor One Page Sample Company Overview Presentation Report Infographic PPT PDF Document will save you precious time and help you communicate your message with your viewers.

angel investor presentation example

Investor business proposal pitch powerpoint presentation with slides

Presenting investor business proposal pitch complete deck powerpoint presentation. This is a investor business proposal pitch complete deck powerpoint presentation. The editable and multipurpose deck constitutes of market gap opportunity, solution template, value proposition product benefits, go to market plan.

Are you looking for a financier in search of venture capital? Or an investment related meeting is just round the corner? To assist you in approaching your financier with an impressive business proposal format, we have conceptualized a complete investor business plan PowerPoint slide deck. You just have to simply insert your relevant text in this PPT model to thoroughly underline significant aspects of your business plan proposal. Apart from this, PPT slide themes of Market Gap Opportunity Template, Solution Template, Go To Market Strategy Roadmap and many more are included to meticulously address any investment plans and innovative business solutions. Additionally, exclusive PowerPoint designs to deliver company introduction, team introduction, timeline, roadmap for future etc. makes our presentation deck an good PPT example. You can also check our presentation design services to make this PowerPoint show perfectly as per your style.

  • Market Gap Opportunity
  • Solution Template
  • Value Proposition Product Benefits
  • Go To Market Plan

angel investor presentation example

Investor Pitch Deck Pe Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Fully editable visuals. 80 well researched PowerPoint graphics. Instantly download with just a single click. Standard and widescreen support for all devices. Can be viewed in Google Slides also. Suitable for start-ups, organizations and businessmen seeking investment. Premium Customer support service.

If you are looking for investor for your business, our content-ready investor pitch deck pe PowerPoint presentation slides will prove to be a must-have component in your toolkit. You can leverage these equity crowdfunding PPT templates to get familiar with topics such as organizational structure, executive summary, milestones achieved, product/services, USP, competitive landscape, technology trend, marketing strategy, financial summary, geographical expansion, and many more. Apart from these, related topics such as start-up funding, fundraising, seed funding, financial modelling, investor business proposal, angel investment and venture capital financing are also covered. It will help convince potential investors about your idea and hopefully encourage them to invest into your business. Download investor pitch deck pe PowerPoint presentation to deliver an impactful presentation in front of the investors. This can surely make your job of obtaining finance much easier. Get a sturdy leg up with our Investor Pitch Deck Pe Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Ascend the ladder of success with elan.

  • Private Equity
  • Crowdfunding
  • Selling Techniques
  • Fundraising

angel investor presentation example

Business Model Electronic Learning Investor Pitch Deck

Following slide illustrates information about well defined business model of majority of E Learning Online Education Platforms covering details about key partners, value propositions, key resources, customer segments, revenue streams, cost structure etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Business Model Electronic Learning Investor Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Key Partnerships, Key Activities, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Following slide illustrates information about well defined business model of majority of E Learning Online Education Platforms covering details about key partners, value propositions, key resources, customer segments, revenue streams, cost structure etc.

  • Key Partnerships
  • key activities
  • Value Propositions
  • Customer Relationships

angel investor presentation example

Investor Pitch Deck For Cryptocurrency Startup Ppt Template

Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Investor Pitch Deck For Cryptocurrency Startup Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the twenty nine slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

At present, cryptocurrencies stand as the most popular trend in the market, providing the banking sector with enhanced efficiency, reduced bureaucracy, and increased transparency. Many startups are currently working on digital currency-based solutions as a substitute for conventional banking. Moreover, Cryptocurrency ppt is best for your business.If you want to pitch the investor about your crypto business and to save your valuable time and money choose the well-designed crypto pitch deck. Templates of the deck is designed to present a new crypto, bitcoin, blockchain platform for deals and investment. To begin, companies can use problem and solution slides, followed by the companys underlying magic and user benefits slides, which will assist the companies in addressing the potential investors about their vision, mission, the technology behind their idea, and the benefits of using their application. Companies can use investment pitch presentation slides such as market opportunity, competitive landscape, target audience, business model, go-to-market strategy, future milestones, and financial projections to develop investors interest. Finally, organizations can use this investor pitch deck for cryptocurrency start up. And inform investors about their funding requirements through the funding we seek slide. Customize this 100 percent editable pitch deck based on your specific needs. Download the pitch deck and get access now.

  • Investment Pitch Presentation
  • Crypto Pitch Deck
  • Seed Round Investor Pitch Deck

angel investor presentation example

Investment Ask Investor Pitch Deck For Website Development

Following slide showcases total amount of funding required by company for company growth and development. It includes information about fund requirement and its usage. Introducing Investment Ask Investor Pitch Deck For Website Development to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Product Offering, Customer Support, Brand Building using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Following slide showcases total amount of funding required by company for company growth and development. It includes information about fund requirement and its usage.

  • Product offering
  • Customer Support
  • Brand Building

angel investor presentation example

Startup pitch deck raising money from investors powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting Startup Pitch Deck Raising Money From Investors Powerpoint Presentation Slides. The PPT comprises a set of 59 presentation slides. All slides are fully editable in PowerPoint. Edit the font, text and color as per your startup’s branding requirements. When you click the download button, you get the PPT in both widescreen (16:9) and standard (4:3) screen aspect ratio. Includes professional business PPT layouts, designs and icons. The presentation is compatible with Google slides, PDF and JPG formats.

Download Startup Pitch Deck Raising Money From Investors Powerpoint Presentation Slides to create the perfect pitch deck for your new venture. Deliver a short but powerful introduction of your startup to the angel investors and venture capitalists. Introduce your startup using an elevator pitch template that is a short description of what value your company offers. Next, follow the 10 slides approach to create a crisp and effective startup pitch deck presentation. Start with the problem that the customers are facing. Exploit this market gap opportunity to present your unique solution. Tell investors the market size of your target audience to make them aware of the scope of your business and profitability it can generate for the stakeholders. The most important slide in your Startup Pitch Deck Raising Money From Investors PPT is the business model slide which shows how you are going to make money. Throw light on your expertise or competitive advantage that sets you apart from competitors. Use competitive analysis matrix and competitor positioning PPT templates along with sales and marketing plan to highlight your extensive market research and planning. Make the investors aware how much money you need to launch your startup successfully in the market and what dividends you are expecting in the short and long run. Create a convincing investor deck that fetches you the money you need to make your startup a commercial success.Inspire folks to be the best with our Startup Pitch Deck Raising Money From Investors Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Enable them to feel jubilant.

Google Reviews


  1. How to Structure Your Pitch Deck for Angel Investors

    Pitch deck cover: The start of your pitch deck should set the tone for what's to come. A pitch deck cover should include your business name, logo, and contact information. It should also include a tagline and/or visual that effectively communicates your mission. Value proposition: Your value proposition is a short, high-level, one-sentence ...

  2. 8 Essential Elements of an Enticing Angel Investor Pitch Deck

    Here in this article, we discuss in detail the EIGHT fundamental elements to include in your angel investor presentation. 8 Essential Elements of a Winning Angel Investor Pitch Deck Element 1: Team Introduction. Via Giphy . On your angel investor pitch deck, get the team slide right. It makes your first and last impression with your potential ...

  3. 100+ Investor Pitch Deck Examples + Free Pitch Deck ...

    Such presentations are typically given in person or via online video conference calls. Pitch decks are most often used when pitching to potential investors such as angel investors and venture capital funding. The terms pitch deck, investor pitch deck and business plan presentation are used synonymously. Keys to an Effective Pitch Deck

  4. A Guide To Investor Pitch Decks For Startup Fundraising

    Startups frequently prepare a "pitch deck" to present their company to prospective angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck typically consists of 15-20 slides in a PowerPoint ...

  5. Free Investor Pitch Deck Template for Fundraising

    How to Make an Investor Pitch Deck in 5 Steps. Create a winning investor pitch deck that brings your startup idea to life and grabs investors' attention. Instead of designing a startup presentation from scratch, use our professional pitch deck template to create your pitch deck in minutes, not hours. Log into your Visme account and create a ...

  6. How to Create a Great Investor Pitch Deck and Close the Deal

    Mint was founded in 2006 with $750,000 from angel investors, but at the end of August, it was bought by Intuit for $170 million. ... The Creative Elevator Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template is another example of a presentation made for Startups and companies looking to reach new investors through a well-designed Pitch Deck. This presentation ...

  7. How To Construct Your Pitch Deck To Attract Angel Investors

    Top 3 Things To Keep In Mind For A Compelling Angel Investor Pitch Deck. 1. Give Me The Facts. The facts themselves are important, but the reason I want to see them is that I want to know that you know what's important and where your business is headed. While every pitch deck is unique to the company it represents, there are some basic ...

  8. Angel Investor Pitch Deck Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    Our investor pitch presentation example PPT slides are replete with graphs, and diagrams to gracefully represent business models, marketing strategy, and other fundamentals. Successfully pitching angel networks requires well-laid-out information and our angel investor PowerPoint deck offers exactly that. Our seed investor PPT template designers ...

  9. Tips For Compelling Angel Investor Pitch Deck Presentations

    Angel Investor Pitch Decks: 5 Tips For Creating Compelling Presentations. The rewarding journey of angel investing leads to hundreds of startup pitch decks a year. With time an ever-dwindling resource that an angel investor spends sparingly on a pitch deck, it is crucial to have a compelling presentation that secures a company's future.

  10. How to prepare a pitch for angel investors

    Customers or users. 4. Get the facts and figures in order. Passion, purpose and a great idea will get you so far, but you still need to be able to back it up with some rational arguments, even in the early days. "If people are making an equity investment, they'll want to see a multiple return on their investment of 10x, 20x, 50x or more ...

  11. Angel Investor Pitch Deck Templates That Get Buy-In

    An investor pitch deck presentation must contain information about your business and its potential for growth if you wish to persuade investors to invest in your company. A good pitch deck template for angel investors includes the following segments: Your business overview. The problem you are solving. Your solution. Market size and opportunity.

  12. How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

    1. Build a Compelling Story to Hook Investors. It's important to create a cohesive story that grabs the attention of the investors right off the bat. It's an opportunity to show how you came up with that idea and why you're so passionate about it. The best pitch decks start with a real problem.

  13. Must-Have Angel Investor Pitch Decks to Get Funding

    2. Practice before presenting: It is of utmost importance to bag funding from angel investors for the initial launch of your startup. For this reason, avoid messing up your presentation by practicing it to perfection. Work on your timing, body language, and speech to deliver a stupendous demonstration of your idea.

  14. How to Pitch to Angel Investors: The Practical Checklist

    Keep Your Pitch Straightforward - You have a designated time slot to present your startup to angel investors and going over is not an option. Your investor presentation and pitch should be short, concise, and get straight to the point but with passion while still painting a compelling picture.

  15. How to Pitch to Angel Investors

    An angel investor or early stage venture capitalist will look at 1) is the business idea simple enough for me to understand and buy into, 2) does it solve a problem or meet a need, 3) is it a big ...

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    Get straight to the point - Presentations have designated time slots, usually between 10 and 15 minutes. Stick to your allotted slot to show you respect the angel investor's time. Cover the money ...

  18. Investor Deck Template [Download]

    The 12 Slide Investor Pitch Deck by 500 Startups. 500 Startups is a leading global venture capital seed fund and startup accelerator headquartered in Silicon Valley with over $350M AUM. This investor deck template is ideal for initial VCs and Angel Investors. If they ask to see your pitch deck, this is what you want to send.

  19. Top 10 angel investor PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    Take a step closer to being funded with our Angel Investor Pitch Deck PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This is a complete deck that consists of 53 slides. Our PPT presentation is compatible with standard and widescreen formats. You can also view it on Google Slides. Further, all the design elements are 100% editable.

  20. Angel investing 101

    Angel investors may provide other valuable resources apart from money . ... Tech startups, for example, show great promise for angel investors. Tech startups worth exploring in 2024 :

  21. Top 10 Investor Pitch PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

    Our investor pitch presentation example PPT slides are replete with graphs, and diagrams to gracefully represent business models, marketing strategy, and other fundamentals. Successfully pitching angel networks requires well-laid-out information and our angel investor PowerPoint deck offers exactly that.