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Mastering Bio Ch. 16

Study cards for dr. day's survey of biology at clayton state.

Do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have one or many origins of replication? Prokaryotes: one Eukaryotes: two
Is an RNA primer needed for replication? Yes.
What does Topoisomerase do? Enzyme. Breaks, swivels and rejoins DNA strands.
What does Helicase do? Enzyme. Untwists the double helix at replication forks making them available as template strands.
What does Primase do? Enzyme. Joins RNA nucleotides to maek a primer during DNA replication using the parental DNA strand as a template.
What are single stranded binding proteins? A protein that binds to the unpaired DNA strands during DNA replication, stabilizing them and holding them apart while they serve as templates for the synthesis of complementary strands of DNA.
What is DNA polymerase III? Enzyme. Main replicative enzyme for leading and lagging strand synthesis.
What is DNA polymerase I? Enzyme. Removes the RNA primers from the okazaki fragments and fill in the gaps.
What is ligase? Enzyme. Catalyzes the covalent bonding of teh 3' end of one DNA fragment to the 5' end of another.
How is DNA replicated on the leading strand? Continuous from 5' to 3'.
How is DNA replicated on the lagging strand? Non-continuous fragments from 5' to 3'. Okazaki fragments.
Where does replication start? Origin of Replication, consisting of a specif sequence of nucleotides.
What are histones? A small protein with a high proportion of positively charged amino acids that binds to the negatively charged DNA and plays a key role in chromatin structure.

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mastering biology chapter 16 homework answers

Mastering Biology Chapter 16

Activity: dna and rna structure.

In the accompanying image, a nucleotide is indicated by the letter _____.

mastering biology chapter 16 homework answers

Which of these is a difference between a DNA and an RNA molecule?


This is an image of a(n) _____.

The figure shows a chemical compound, which consists of one phosphate group, ribose, and nitrogenous base.

The letter A indicates a _____.

The figure shows a chemical compound, which consists of three parts. The first, marked A, contains a phosphorus atom with four oxygen atoms. Two oxygen atoms have negative charge. The second, marked B, represented by the five-membered ring, of which one carbon is replaced with an oxygen atom. Letter C marks the six-membered ring, which contains nitrogen atoms.

A nitrogenous base is indicated by the letter _____.

The figure shows a chemical compound, which consists of three parts. The first, marked A, contains a phosphorus atom with four oxygen atoms. Two oxygen atoms have negative charge. The second, marked B, represented by the five-membered ring, of which one carbon is replaced with an oxygen atom. Letter C marks the six-membered ring, which contains nitrogen atoms.

You can tell that this is an image of a DNA nucleotide and not an RNA nucleotide because you see a _____.

The figure shows a chemical compound, which consists of three parts. The first, marked A, contains a phosphorus atom with four oxygen atoms. Two oxygen atoms have negative charge. Letter B marks a pentagon with an O at its top vertex and a CH2OH attached above its left vertex. One can numerate carbon atoms clockwise starting from next to O. Then OH group is attached below to third carbon atom. The hydroxyl of the fifth carbon connects with the part A. The second carbon atom connects with the part C. Letter C marks the six-membered ring, in which the second and the fourth carbons are replaced with N atoms with โ€“NH2 group attached to the first carbon, with an O atom attached to the third carbon by a double bond, and with double bonds between the first and the second, the fifth and the sixth atoms in the ring.

Which of these nitrogenous bases is found in DNA but not in RNA?


Which of these is(are) pyrimidines?

The figure shows two types of nitrogen bases. The first type contains two bases: guanine, marked A, and adenine, marked B. The second contains three other: C, D, E. The bases A and B consist of a six-membered ring attached to  five-membered ring. The bases C, D, and E have only six-membered ring in their structure.

In a nucleotide, the nitrogenous base is attached to the sugar’s _____ carbon and the phosphate group is attached to the sugar’s _____ carbon.


Nucleic acids are assembled in the _____ direction.


In a DNA double helix an adenine of one strand always pairs with a(n) _____ of the complementary strand, and a guanine of one strand always pairs with a(n) _____ of the complementary strand.


Activity: The Hershey-Chase Experiment

This is an image of a _____.

The figure shows a particle, which consists of a hexagonal head, collar, tail and several tail fibers at the end.

Who demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of the T2 phage?


The radioactive isotope 32 P labels the T2 phage’s _____.


Hershey and Chase used _____ to radioactively label the T2 phage’s proteins.


After allowing phages grown with bacteria in a medium that contained 32 P and 35 S, Hershey and Chase used a centrifuge to separate the phage ghosts from the infected cell. They then examined the infected cells and found that they contained _____, which demonstrated that _____ is the phage’s genetic material.


DNA Replication (1 of 2): DNA Structure and Replication Machinery (BioFlix tutorial)

Part a – the chemical structure of dna and its nucleotides.


Part B – The role of DNA polymerase III


Part C – The replication bubble and antiparallel elongation

DNA replication always begins at an origin of replication. In bacteria, there is a single origin of replication on the circular chromosome, as shown in the image here. Beginning at the origin of replication, the two parental strands (dark blue) separate, forming a replication bubble. At each end of the replication bubble is a replication fork where the parental strands are unwound and new daughter strands (light blue) are synthesized. Movement of the replication forks away from the origin expands the replication bubble until two identical chromosomes are ultimately produced.

Diagram showing DNA replication in a circular chromosome. For simplicity, the double-stranded DNA is shown as two concentric circles. There is one origin of replication, where the two parental strands (shown in dark blue) separate, forming a replication bubble. At each end of the replication bubble is a replication fork (indicated by a pink arrow) where the parental strands are unwound and new daughter strands (shown in light blue) are synthesized. The replication forks move away from the origin and expand the replication bubble. As the light blue strands elongate, the two double-stranded circles that are forming start to peel off from each other. The end result is two separate, identical daughter DNA molecules, each composed of one parental strand (dark blue) and one new strand (light blue).

In this activity, you will demonstrate your understanding of antiparallel elongation at the replication forks. Keep in mind that the two strands in a double helix are oriented in opposite directions, that is, they are antiparallel.


Part D – Unwinding the DNA


DNA Replication (2 of 2): Synthesis of the Leading and Lagging Strands (BioFlix tutorial)

Part a – comparing the leading and lagging strands.

As the two parental (template) DNA strands separate at a replication fork, each of the strands is separately copied by a DNA polymerase III (orange), producing two new daughter strands (light blue), each complementary to its respective parental strand. Because the two parental strands are antiparallel, the two new strands (the leading and lagging strands) cannot be synthesized in the same way.

Diagram showing a replication bubble with replication forks on the left and the right of the origin of replication. The top parental DNA strand goes 5' to 3' and the bottom parental DNA strand goes 3' to 5'. At each replication fork, two DNA pol IIIs are synthesizing two new daughter strands. At the left replication fork, the top strand is the leading strand and the bottom strand is the lagging strand. At the right replication fork, the top strand is the lagging strand and the bottom strand is the leading strand. Replication proceeds to the left and to the right.

Part B – RNA primers on the leading and lagging strands

The diagram below shows a replication bubble with synthesis of the leading and lagging strands on both sides of the bubble. The parental DNA is shown in dark blue, the newly synthesized DNA is light blue, and the RNA primers associated with each strand are red. The origin of replication is indicated by the black dots on the parental strands.

Diagram showing a replication bubble. The top parental DNA strand goes 5' to 3' and the bottom parental DNA strand goes 3' to 5'. Four segments of new DNA are being synthesized inside the bubble--two as leading strands and two as lagging strands. One leading strand is in the top left, and its single primer is labeled (a) near the origin of replication. The other leading strand is in the bottom right, and its single primer is labeled (h) near the origin of replication. One lagging strand is in the top right, and its three primers are labeled left to right (b), (c), and (d). The other lagging strand is in the bottom left, and its three primers are labeled left to right (e), (f), and (g).

Part C – Synthesis of the lagging strand

In contrast to the leading strand, the lagging strand is synthesized as a series of segments called Okazaki fragments. The diagram below illustrates a lagging strand with the replication fork off-screen to the right. Fragment A is the most recently synthesized Okazaki fragment. Fragment B will be synthesized next in the space between primers A and B.

Diagram showing a lagging strand being synthesized on a dark blue parental strand running 5' to 3'. The replication fork is off to the right. Fragment A (light blue) is on the far left and is the most recently synthesized Okazaki fragment. Primer A (red) sets just to the right of fragment A. Then there is a space for fragment B. Then there is primer B (red) at the right end of the diagram, before the replication fork.

Activity: DNA Packing

The letter A indicates _____.

The figure shows the complex of globules containing eight subunits. Around each of these globules filamentary structure forms about two turns. Letter A marks the filamentary structure. Letter B marks one of the globules. Letter C marks one subunit of the globule.

Where would RNA polymerase attach?

The figure shows the complex of globules containing eight subunits. Around each of these globules filamentary structure forms about two turns. Letter A marks the filamentary structure. Letter B marks one of the globules. Letter C marks one subunit of the globule.

The letter C indicates _____.

The figure shows the complex of globules containing eight subunits. Around each of these globules filamentary structure forms about two turns. Letter A marks the filamentary structure. Letter B marks one of the globules. Letter C marks one subunit of the globule.

What is this an image of?

The figure shows a cylinder, which is formed by spirally stranded fiber. The cylinder is hollow inside.

Scientific Skills Exercise: Working With Data in a Table

Even before the structure of DNA was elucidated, Erwin Chargaff and his coworkers noticed a pattern in the base composition of nucleotides from different organisms: the number of adenine (A) bases roughly equaled the number of thymine (T) bases, and the number of cytosine (C) bases roughly equaled the number of guanine (G) bases. Further, each species they studied had a different balance of A/T and C/G bases. We now know that these consistent ratios are due to complementary base pairing between A and T and between C and G in the DNA double helix, and interspecies differences are due to the unique sequences of bases along a DNA strand. In this exercise, you will apply Chargaffโ€™s rules to predict the composition of nucleotide bases in a genome.

In Chargaffโ€™s experiments, DNA was extracted from the given organism, denatured, and hydrolyzed to break apart the individual nucleotides before analyzing them chemically. These experiments provided approximate values for each type of nucleotide. Today, the availability of whole-genome sequencing has allowed base composition analysis to be done more precisely directly from the sequence data.

Part A – Analyzing the data

Tables like the one shown here are useful for organizing sets of data representing a common set of values (in this case, percentages of A, G, C, and T) for a number of different samples (in this case, species).

Sea urchin 32.8% 17.7% 17.3% 32.1%
Salmon 29.7 20.8 20.4 29.1


Part B – Calculating missing data

You can use Chargaffโ€™s rules to predict the percentage of one or more bases in the DNA of a species if at least one value is known.

Sea urchin 32.8% 17.7% 17.3% 32.1%
Salmon 29.7 20.8 20.4 29.1
Wheat 28.1 21.8 22.7


Part D – Evaluating a hypothesis


Misconception Question 79


Misconception Question 78

The figure shows a diagram of a nucleoside triphosphate. It consists of three phosphate groups joined successively to five-membered sugar, which is joined to a nitrogen base labeled T.

Misconception Question 80


Misconception Question 77


Misconception Question 76


DNA Replication


AP Exam Prep Question 30


AP Exam Prep Question 31


AP Exam Prep Question 32


Chapter 16 Question 1


Chapter 16 Question 2


Chapter 16 Question 3


Chapter 16 Question 4


Chapter 16 Question 5


Chapter 16 Question 6


Chapter 16 Question 7


Chapter 16 Question 8


Activity: DNA Double Helix


Chapter 16 Pre-Test Question 3


Chapter 16 Pre-Test Question 2


Chapter 16 Pre-Test Question 1


Activity: DNA Replication: A Review


Which of these is responsible for catalyzing the formation of an RNA primer?

The figure shows the replication of the DNA. Each letter marks the definite structure. Letter A marks the part of a double-stranded DNA. Letter B marks the enzyme, which cuts the bonds between two strands of DNA. Letter C marks the structures, which prevent the linking of the DNA strands. Letter D marks the substance, which binds to DNA strand and initiates the synthesis. Letter E marks the component of the DNA strand.

Activity: DNA Replication: A Closer Look


Activity: DNA Replication: An Overview


Activity: DNA Synthesis


DNA Replication: Mechanism and Proteins

Part a – the mechanism of dna replication.


Part B – Processes occurring at a bacterial replication fork


Chapter 16 Pre-Test Question 9


Chapter 16 Pre-Test Question 10


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    Drag the description of each DNA sample to the appropriate location to identify the expected appearance of the DNA band (s) after density-gradient centrifugation. Test tube 1 (a)- DNA from E. Coli cells grown in ^14N. Test tube 2 (b)- DNA containing 1 strand of ^15N DNA and 1 strand of ^14N DNA.

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