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Introduction to Experiments in Economics and Management - 2 ECTS

Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Thursday 5 September 2024 at 16:00 - Kilen - room KL 2.53 (second floor)

The course offers insights related to the use of experiments in research projects in the area of economics and management. (SI)

DKK 2,600

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Publishing Journal Articles in Business, Management and Organization Studies - 4 + 0.5 ECTS

Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Friday 6 September 2024 at 16:00 - Kilen - room KL4.74 (fourth floor)

The aim of this course is to take participants through the process of journal publication by considering the nature of academic knowledge production concepts, categories and methods among others. (IOA/MOST)

From DKK 5,200

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Foucault and Organization, Technology, and Subject-formation - 4 ECTS

Monday 9 September 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Thursday 12 September 2024 at 16:00 - Room TBA

A key aim of the course is that the participants acquire an effective overview of analytical possibilities in Foucault’s work, effective for selecting and deploying such analytics in their own research. (Theory/BHL/MOST)

DKK 5,200

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Institutional Organizational Analysis - Change and Transformation - 5+1 ECTS

Monday 16 September 2024 at 13:00 to ​ Friday 20 September 2024 at 14:00 - Kilen - room KL4.74 (fourth floor)

The course focuses on institutional theory that is rooted in sociology. We trace the theory from its conception to its most recent developments and applications in organizational analysis. (Theory/IOA/MOST)

DKK 6,500

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Management and Economics of Innovation - 5 ECTS - HYBRID

Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Friday 27 September 2024 at 16:00 - Kilen - room KL 2.53 (second floor)

The course aims to provide a set of advanced insights into the field of Management and Economics of Innovation spanning from foundational themes to the most recent developments of the field. (SI)

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Advanced Microeconomics - 7 ECTS

Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 09:30 to ​ Thursday 5 December 2024 at 15:30 - Porcelænshaven - room PH16A 2.80 (second floor)

The aim of the course is to get the students acquainted with the most important models and methods used in advanced microeconomic theory in order to enable them to apply these models and methods later in their own research. (ECON)

DKK 9,100

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Applied Econometrics for Researchers - 6 ECTS

Tuesday 1 October 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 12:00 - Kilen - room KL 2.53 (second floor)

The aim of the course is to provide econometric tools for data analysis to PhD students with limited prior econometric experience. Students will be able to identify the appropriate econometric technique given their research question. (SI)

DKK 7,800

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Advanced Macroeconomics - 7.5 ECTS

Monday 7 October 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Thursday 7 November 2024 at 12:00 - Porcelænshaven - room PH16A 2.80 (second floor)

The aim of the course is to develop some of the most important tools of dynamic economics useful in macroeconomics and to provide a number of workhorse models useful in multiple areas of macroeconomics, namely economic growth, fiscal etc. (ECON)

DKK 9,750

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Advanced Topics in Leadership Research - 5 ECTS

Monday 7 October 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Friday 11 October 2024 at 15:30 - Kilen - room KL4.74 (fourth floor)

The course offers current debates and themes in the field of leadership studies, incl. a broad range of perspectives, ranging from transformational and distributed leadership, leadership and ethics, discursive leadership. (Methods/IOA/MOST)

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Advanced Corporate Finance - 7.5 ECTS

Monday 21 October 2024 at 13:00 to ​ Tuesday 17 December 2024 at 16:15 - Room TBA

Faculty: David Lando, Professor, Department of Finance, CBS. Kristian R. Miltersen, Professor, Department of Finance, CBS. Carsten Sørensen, Professor, Department of Finance, CBS. Prerequisites. (FI)

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Qualitative Research Methods – 5 ECTS

Tuesday 22 October 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Friday 25 October 2024 at 14:00 - Room TBA

Qualitative methods provide the opportunity to gain new insights into exploring what motivates understanding and behavior. (MARKTG)

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Workshop: Making supervision work for you

Monday 4 November 2024 ​ at 09:00 to 12:00 - Dalgas Have-DHV.1.23

Facilitator: Gitte Wichmann-Hansen, Researcher at The Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University and owner of the consultancy “Academic Supervision”.

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Introduction to RDM for PhD students (from 13:00 - 15:00)

Tuesday 5 November 2024 ​ at 13:00 to 15:00 - Kilen - room KL1.43 (first floor)

This course is mandatory for all CBS PhD students enrolled at the CBS PhD school after 1 June 2020. All other PhD students are also welcome to register and participate in the course. This course is for CBS students only.

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Conducting a Literature Review - 2 ECTS

Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 13:30 to ​ Friday 15 November 2024 at 16:00 - Dalgas Have - room DHV 2.69, 2.70 & 2.71 (second floor)

Learn to understand, evaluate, and juxtapose the different kinds of literature reviews on offer within the broader stream of Management and Organization, and learn to apply various approaches to conducting a systematic review. (Methods//MSC/MOST)

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Perspectives on Governance and Sustainable Development - 5 ECTS

Monday 18 November 2024 at 08:30 to ​ Friday 22 November 2024 at 15:00 - Dalgas Have - room DHV 2.69, 2.70 & 2.71 (second floor)

It presents frameworks, concepts and approaches to the governance of sustainable development, focusing on business roles. It is led by Sustainability Centre & Centre for Business & Development Studies staff and guest practitioners. (Theory/MSC/MOST)

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Perspectives in Organizational Analysis - 5 ECTS

Monday 25 November 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Friday 29 November 2024 at 16:00 - Kilen - room KL4.74 (fourth floor)

This course introduces and familiarizes PhD students to a set of analytical perspectives, which are well-alive in contemporary organizational analysis. (Theory/IOA/MOST)

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Consequential Analysis of Law - 2.5 ECTS

Monday 2 December 2024 at 09:00 to ​ Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 16:00 - Porcelænshaven - room PH18B 1.18 (first floor)

The course aims to focus on the nature of your research questions and on how functional and consequential analysis is relevant to them. The analysis is functional when one is interested in how well the law addresses certain goals. (LAW/BHL)

From DKK 1,000

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Perspectives on Communication and Organization - 5 ECTS

Monday 2 December 2024 at 13:00 to ​ Friday 6 December 2024 at 15:30 - Dalgas Have - room DHV 2.69, 2.70 & 2.71 (second floor)

This PhD course allows students to discuss and experiment with the applicability of a communication-centered perspective for conceptual and/or empirical inquiries into organization and organizing. (Theory/MSC/MOST)

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Hands-on Qualitative Methods - 5 ECTS

Monday 9 December 2024 at 10:00 to ​ Friday 13 December 2024 at 15:30 - Dalgas Have - room DHV 2.69, 2.70 & 2.71 (second floor)

This course serves as a basic primer for PhD students on how to conduct solid qualitative research as well as on major considerations that researchers need to reflect upon when aspiring to conduct qualitative research with quality. (Methods/MSC/MOST)

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Getting my Research into Journals - 1.5 ECTS

Monday 13 January 2025 at 09:00 to ​ Tuesday 14 January 2025 at 16:00 - Kilen - room KL 2.53 (second floor)

This workshop is intended to deal with the basic issues of the process of publishing in the learned journals for the PhD students who are about to write their thesis. (SI)

DKK 1,950

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Advanced Econometrics and Data Science - 7.5 ECTS - HYBRID

Monday 20 January 2025 at 09:00 to ​ Thursday 6 March 2025 at 14:00 - Room TBA

This course is designed for PhD students in Economics and related disciplines who want to deepen their understanding of econometrics & data science and widen their statistical methods repertoire for their thesis and later career. (ECON)

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Social and Organizational Theories of Transformation - 4 ECTS

Monday 10 March 2025 at 12:30 to ​ Friday 14 March 2025 at 13:30 - Room TBA

This course enables the students to critically interrogate and analyse the foundations of the economy using the tools of social and organizational theory, as well as insights into alternative ways of imagining them. (Theory/BHL/MOST)

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Computational Research Methods - 3.5 ECTS

Monday 28 April 2025 at 09:00 to ​ Friday 9 May 2025 at 16:00 - Room TBA

For students who are interested in applying computational research methods for social science research. Special focus is given to the collection and analysis of digital trace data and agent-based modeling and simulation. (Methods/DIGI/MOST)

DKK 4,550

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About CBS PhD School

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) offers a range of PhD courses, covering the scientific disciplines of the school. The courses include research design, publication techniques, research methods such as qualitative or quantitative methods, and specialisation courses in eg. organisational analysis, marketing and political science. Most courses are organised as intensive week-long courses, but other formats are applied as well. The courses are open to PhD students from other countries and institutions, but some prerequisites may apply. Please see the individual course descriptions. The PhD courses are offered in English and are for PhD students only.

Contact Information

CBS PhD School Solbjerg Plads 3 2000 Frederiksberg Phone Number: +45 3815 2475 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cbs.dk

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Oddities and curiosities, community, and ice cream | KDKA Weekend Planner

By Patrick Damp

Updated on: August 23, 2024 / 8:45 AM EDT / CBS Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - We have made it to the weekend and there are plenty of cool events to check out and there's something for everyone. 

However, for our first event, you may want to keep the kiddos at home. 

Oddities and Curiosities Expo

The Oddities and Curiosities Expo takes over the David L. Lawrence Convention Center this weekend. 

It features all things weird and interesting with vendors on hand selling art, jewelry, home goods, and more. 

There will also be taxidermy classes, sideshow performers, and so much more. 

It takes place on Saturday and Sunday. 

You can get more details and the full schedule on their website at this link . 

South Fayette Community Day

South Fayette is holding its community day on Saturday at Fairview Park from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. 

There will be 100 vendors, businesses, and community groups in attendance offering activities for the whole family as well as live entertainment. 

We saved the best part for last - it's all free! 

Check out the rundown on the South Fayette website right here . 

Monroeville Public Library Fun Fest

On Saturday at the Monroeville Public Library, it's the sixth annual Library Fun Fest. 

People of all ages will be able to enjoy inflatable rides, a magician, games, painting projects, and for the kiddos and their parents - Bluey will be there! 

It all takes place from noon until 4 p.m. 

Monroeville Public Library has more on its website . 

Seven Springs Wine Festival

The 31st annual Seven Springs Wine Festival starts this weekend and goes through Sunday at the base of the ski slopes. 

Nearly 25 wineries will be part of the festival. 

You'll be able to sample wines, buy your favorites, attend seminars to learn more about wine, and of course, enjoy live music. 

Tickets and more can be found on the Seven Springs website right here . 

The Great American Banana Split Celebration

Latrobe will be playing host to the Great American Banana Split Celebration and it will be jam-packed. 

There is a yellow tie gala, a car show, a pie-eating contest, a 5K banana run, live music, and you guessed it - banana splits. 

The famous banana split was invented in Latrobe more than 100 years ago. 

It all happens on Saturday and Sunday - check out the details on their website . 

Pedal Pittsburgh

On Sunday, Pedal Pittsburgh will once again take over the streets of Pittsburgh. 

Riders can choose between four routes, from a beginner-friendly 12-mile loop to an experts-only endurance challenge. 

The first riders roll out of Allegheny Commons Park at 7 a.m. 

You can sign up and see which route suits you best right here . 

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Patrick Damp is a web producer for CBS Pittsburgh. A Pittsburgh native who grew up watching KDKA-TV, Patrick studied journalism at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. After half a decade in sports communication, Patrick decided to pursue his dream of working in journalism in his hometown and joined the CBS Pittsburgh team in 2019.

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Tools for planning your PhD: the PhD Planner

  • August 15, 2019
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I set up my spreads in my notebook myself, but if you want a preprinted planner for academic success, there is the PhD Planner . I learned about this planner from its creator, who was kind enough to send me a free copy.

So what does this planner have: – half-year spreads to help you plan long-term and note down important deadlines – weekly spreads, which you can use for writing down priorities and appointments – paper planning spreads, to help you get your manuscript out – conference planning spreads, which facilitate all the actions you need to take care of before and after a conference – a deep work tracker to help you get into the habit of making time for and doing deep work – quarterly progress spreads, to identify your goals per quarter

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I must say, that I haven’t come around to using this planner (even though I’ve been dragging it to my office every day) because I already have a BuJo system in place that works very well for me – and as a faculty member, my responsibilities are a bit more distributed than for a PhD student. One thing I also noticed is that the paper on which the journal is printed is not very friendly for those of us who write with a fountain pen (for my BuJo, I use a Moleskine, and their paper is soft as butter for writing).

Nonetheless, if you don’t have a fixed, well-working time management system in place, or you feel your system could need a refresh, I strongly recommend you check out and try out this planner.

This planner is a great tool for PhD students. As you may be getting ready now for the start of the academic year, do yourself the favor of ordering your planner now 🙂

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Refining the strategic framework for phd’s, supervisors, and administrative leadership, the leading phd management software for academic excellence.

In pursuit of academic excellence, organization, and precise monitoring are fundamental. ResearchPlanner PhD management software, meticulously developed to provide universities control over the PhD lifecycle. With ResearchPlanner, every facet of a researcher’s plan and progress is no longer a mere data point, but a vivid narrative, empowering administrative bodies with profound insights.

ResearchPlanner is not just the best planner for PhD students, but a robust compass for supervisors and management. It cleverly structures information and communication, making them easily accessible and clear. Presenting a simple but still detailed view of the PhD timeline greatly simplifies the otherwise complex and multifaceted journey from candidature to completion.

Liberating students from administrative chores

The essence of ResearchPlanner lies in its ability to free you from the administrative workload. It optimizes the channels of communication and information flow, ensuring every stakeholder stays informed and aligned. With such a streamlined process, what was once a daunting administrative task now becomes a breeze. Consequently, the focus seamlessly shifts to where it rightfully belongs: the PhD students.

ResearchPlanner’s user-friendly interface is not only intuitive but also highly customizable to match the unique demands of every academic institution. The goal is simple yet profound: to provide a conducive environment where administrative efficiency meets academic brilliance

In other words, ResearchPlanner is a PhD management software that encapsulates reliability, efficiency, and a clear pathway to academic success, by refining the paradigm of effective PhD lifecycle management. Experience a realm where every step in the PhD timeline is not just tracked but guided with enriched and actionable insights.

‘The smart thing with ResearchPlanner is that it makes the PhD status very transparent for the PhD student, and actually all the way to the management’

Professor Kell Mortensen, chairman of the PhD Committee at SCIENCE faculty, Copenhagen University

Streamlining the process

ResearchPlanner streamlines the PhD journey by directing students toward successful completion while fostering seamless collaboration among supervisors and administrators. Developed alongside various universities, it stands as the premier PhD planner in the Nordics, now extending its reach across Europe.

Focus on PhD students

ResearchPlanner empowers universities with comprehensive oversight of the PhD lifecycle, providing a more structured view of the PhD timeline. It simplifies information and communication, alleviates administrative chores, and enables a focused commitment to the progress and research of PhD students.

Transparency for stakeholders

ResearchPlanner grants secure access to the PhD management software for PhD students, supervisors, committee members, and administrative staff within and outside of the university. It effortlessly accommodates requests, approvals, assessments, and feedback.

Utilizing this input and/or process deadlines, seamlessly navigates stakeholders to subsequent phases, alerting them when action is needed. Administrators can fully access the PhD planner, manage configurations, monitor statuses, and generate complete reports.


Product Offers full flexibility to facilitate any  PhD process.   We develop our roadmap in  co-creation with universities.

Quality Supports local PhD regulations ​   ISAE3402 & ISO27001 certified  Integrated GDPR modules

​ Support As a SaaS solution provider we offer a range of support agreements fitting for your size of university.


Best practices Our implementations are based on best practices and regional templates, reducing implementation time.

​Flexibility At the same time, the flexibility of the platform allows for any adjustment needed for your specific situation.

Experience Our experienced consultants will guide you step by step to your end goal: a configuration that perfectly fits your processes.

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“ResearchPlanner is a flexible and configurable PhD management system, that supports Aarhus University’s processes from application to the final stages of a PhD study.

Our PhD students and supervisors have a simple system to track progress in PhD plans and our PhD administrators have a comprehensive system to manage both enrollment, study, and employment.”

Business Consultant, MA , Aarhus University

“Our connected institutions use ResearchPlanner’s Career Buddy to guide and support young researchers on their journey.

Thanks to the user experience and flexibility of the tool, the Career Buddy has quickly become a key component of the AcademicsConnected platform.”

Manager Member Services Cooperative and Sales , AcademicTransfer

Engage with our team

The ResearchPlanner team is accessible for inquiries regarding our PhD management software or other aspects of our services. It is advisable to direct any questions or requests for further information through the contact form provided below. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have and provide any necessary support.

Benjamin Elkjær

Benjamin Elkjær Head of commercial

Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences

  • Supervision and regular assessments
  • Regular assessments
  • Submit your regular as...

Submit your regular assessments

All PhD students have to submit their regular assessments in PhD Planner.

What to do?

  • When it is time to submit a regular assessment, the Graduate School will open the task "Awaiting regular assessment by PhD student" in PhD Planner and send you an email regarding this. Please note that the task has to be activated before you can submit. 
  • Log in to   PhD Planner   with your UCPH user account and password
  • Find the open task under "My tasks"
  • Click on "send to principal supervisor", provide the required information and submit 

What happens next?

  • When you have submitted the form, your principal supervisor will receive an email requesting him or her to log in to PhD Planner to approve your regular assessment
  • When your supervisor has reviewed the regular assessment in PhD Planner, you will receive an email to let you know that it has been sent to the Graduate School for further processing
  • When the Graduate School has handled your regular assessment, you will receive an email regarding this

If you are on leave or paternity/maternity leave If you are on leave or on paternity/maternity leave and have an open task in PhD Planner regarding a regular assessment, please send an email to [email protected] to let us know.

If you experience problems regarding PhD Planner or forgot your UCPH user ID and/or password, please consult our support website

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Ph.D. in Architecture Degree Information

Areas of specialization.

Each doctoral student identifies a major and a minor area of specialization and works with faculty advisors associated with those areas. These advisors should be identified and contacted by the middle of the second year of coursework at the latest, although many students have identified a primary advisor before arriving in Ann Arbor.

The major can be defined in dialogue with the student’s advisor; several possible major areas are listed below:

  • Building Technology
  • Critical Urban Studies
  • Computational Design
  • Design Studies
  • Digital Fabrication
  • History and Theory
  • Media Studies

The minor is a distinct subject area that complements the major. The minor may lie in Architecture, in Urban and Regional Planning, or in another University of Michigan department, program, or center.

Coursework in the minor must be approved for Rackham graduate credit, deemed appropriate by the Doctoral Advisory Committee, and approved by the major advisor.

Degree Requirements

Please see the  Doctoral Studies Handbook  for further details about these components.

Incremental Requirements

Requirements that must be taken in sequence, as the student moves through Doctoral Studies, include:

  • Preliminary Examinations
  • Dissertation Proposal
  • Dissertation

Standing Requirements

Requirements that must be completed, either as a condition of admission or as a condition of continuance in the program, include:

  • Annual Program of Study Report
  • English Language Proficiency
  • Continuous Enrollment
  • Satisfactory Progress

Steps to Candidacy and Beyond

Because many of our entering students come from professional degree programs, we emphasize the importance of the subtle but substantive shift from design-based studio work to research in major subfields of architectural practice and study. This shift often requires significant re-training in basic skills such as reading, writing, and research methods.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 40 credit hours of graded coursework (including core courses and electives) prior to achieving candidacy. All courses must be completed before Preliminary Exam preparation can begin.

Coursework consists of:

  • ARCH 801  Doctoral Colloquium [1 credit x 4 terms = 4 credits]
  • ARCH 812  Theory in Architectural Research [3 credits]
  • ARCH 813 — Research Methods [3 credits]
  • ARCH 823 ,  824 , or  825  Area Seminar [3 credits]
  • ARCH 839  Research Practicum [3 credits] or URP 801 [3 credits]
  • 2 cognate courses  (graduate level courses outside of Architecture) [6 credits]
  • 6 additional upper-level classes  (500- to 800-level) in Architecture or as approved by advisor [18 credits]

In summary, students take:

  • 16 credit hours of core courses*  (5 courses, including the Research Practicum)
  • 9 credit hours  of letter graded courses in the major specialization area (3 courses)
  • 9 credit hours  of letter graded courses in the minor specialization area (3 courses)
  • 6 credit hours  of letter graded elective coursework (2 courses)

The Preliminary Examination

The preliminary examination forms a bridge between coursework and dissertation research. It is designed to consolidate and test students’ command of their major and minor research fields and is based upon the initial formulation of a dissertation topic. Students should take the preliminary examination by January of the third year (check  candidacy deadlines  on the Rackham website).


During the second year, students provide a tentative list of the three members of their Preliminary Examination Committee to their advisor and the Doctoral Coordinator. This committee consists of the student’s primary advisor (normally the anticipated chair of their Dissertation Committee) and at least one other faculty member from Architecture, with the third member invited from the department that houses the student’s minor area. Major and minor advisors should meet with the student in the last weeks of the winter term of the year prior to the examination to define the areas of questioning and to help with the initial reading lists. The student should begin studying over the summer and continue through to the test date of the following semester. One full meeting of the Preliminary Examination Committee should take place early in the fall semester of the third year, and subsequent meetings may occur at periodic intervals until the test date, as requested by student or committee members.

Please note that students must have completed the research practicum and be registered for at least one credit hour of 990 to be eligible to sit for the preliminary examination.

The preliminary examination first requires the compilation of reading lists based on a series of questions articulated with the help of the Preliminary Exam committee. The examination itself consists of two parts: a written component (also comprising two parts) and an oral defense.

The written test consists of a Major area question, and a Minor area question. The student’s major advisor administers the Major area question, after prior consultation with the student. The minor advisor administers the Minor area question, after prior consultation with the student. The written exam is followed by an oral examination with the full Preliminary Examination Committee following the completion and assessment of both components of the written exam. The meeting offers an opportunity to discuss issues not addressed or insufficiently treated in the written exam and can thus provide the committee with further information about the student’s knowledge of the field. The meeting is also the occasion for looking forward and beginning to discuss preparation of the dissertation prospectus.

Failure . A student must pass all parts of the preliminary examination in order to proceed in the degree. They may be asked to retake unsatisfactory portions of the examination. Failure of the Preliminary Exam, however, may also result in permanent suspension from the program. Students cannot re-sit either part of the examination more than once.

The Dissertation

This guideline is intended to help students plan the research and writing of the dissertation, making it possible to finish within two or three years of passing the preliminary examinations, and sometimes earlier. Students should bear in mind that the successful completion of a dissertation is a two-way process of negotiation between student and advisor(s), drawing where appropriate on the advice and expertise of the other members of their committee.

Dissertation Proposal [End of Winter semester of third year]

Students who have passed their Preliminary Examination and achieved candidacy are expected to form a Dissertation Committee comprised of no fewer than four and no more than five members (see below) and to write a prospectus of their doctoral dissertation. This should be completed and defended at the end of the sixth term. All members of the committee should be brought into the discussion about the proposed dissertation as soon after successful completion of the Preliminary Exam as possible. All members of the Dissertation Committee should be present at the prospectus defense.

The proposal details concisely the dissertation project and situates the work in the field. The core of the document is typically no longer than 2500-3000 words in length, and the proposal includes a thesis statement, a review of the state of the field in which the dissertation is intervening, a tentative chapter outline, a research plan (including travel necessary to completion of research and a schedule for completion), and a working bibliography. The student should consult with the advisor and all members of the committee in the months when they are formulating this important document, which serves as the intellectual plan for subsequent dissertation research and as the basis for grant applications. The dissertation proposal defense typically opens with the student offering a brief presentation (no longer than 20 minutes) of their project. This is followed by comments from the members of the committee, and responses from the candidate. Students may pass the defense outright, or they may pass conditionally, with revisions required. Students are normally not permitted to schedule the defense until their committee deems them capable of passing this requirement, although in rare cases it is possible to fail a proposal defense. In that case, students will be given a fixed period of time for revision before a re-examination is scheduled. The defense provides a crucial opportunity for the committee and the student to discuss intellectual and methodological aspects of the project and formulate research plans and strategies to aid the student in timely completion of the work. A copy of the approved proposal with all requested changes should be filed with the degree office within two weeks after the proposal defense.

Dissertation Committee

The Rackham Graduate School requires that each Dissertation Committee have a minimum of four members, three of whom must be regular members of the Rackham faculty. One of these three Rackham faculty members serves as the student’s doctoral advisor; the advisor is primarily responsible for guiding the student through the process of dissertation writing and takes greater responsibility than other members of the committee for the student’s progress. One of these three Rackham faculty members must hold an appointment in a cognate field outside of the Architecture Program. The Program further requires that the dissertation committee include at least two Architecture faculty members. In certain cases, a student may elect to ask two faculty members to serve as co-advisors on their dissertation. Emeritus faculty members do not normally serve on dissertation defense committees after three or more years of retirement.

On the Committee composition, see:  http://www.rackham.umich.edu/downloads/oard/forms/disscommitteeguidelines.pdf

The members of the Dissertation Committee should be registered with the Program directly after the Preliminary Exam defense and well before the Dissertation Proposal defense, since all members of the Dissertation Committee should help the student to craft a viable dissertation project. When necessary, changes may be made in the committee’s membership in consultation with the Coordinator of Doctoral Studies. All changes must be registered with the Coordinator and the Rackham Graduate School.

Faculty Responsibilities

  • The dissertation advisor or co-advisors respond to students’ work-in-progress on the dissertation.
  • While on sabbaticals or other leave of absence from the Department, advisors or co-advisors continue to supervise their advisees’ doctoral dissertations.
  • If a student fails to meet the agreed-upon deadlines for submitting chapters, the student should re-negotiate the missed deadline with the advisor(s) in a timely fashion. While chapter deadlines may shift somewhat, any change to the overall time schedule should be negotiated with the advisor(s), who remains responsible for ensuring satisfactory progress.

Submitting the Dissertation

A student will be expected to present the completed dissertation and defend it at an oral defense conducted by the dissertation committee. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain information on dissertation deadlines, format, and procedures from the Rackham Graduate School well in advance of the defense.  Procedures and requirements are outlined on the  Rackham website .

Students continue to register for  ARCH 995  (8 credits) during the semester in which they defend the dissertation.

A final draft of the dissertation must be submitted to all members of the dissertation committee at least two months in advance of the proposed defense date. It is to a student’s advantage to submit the preliminary final draft to the advisor or co-advisors well before this date. This ensures that any suggested revisions may be properly discussed and incorporated in the final draft in a satisfactory manner.

A dissertation can be completed within a given academic year only if the defense takes place before the end of the winter semester. This ensures that the advisor or co-advisors and members of the dissertation committee will be in a position to attend the defense. Spring or summer term defenses may also be scheduled if all committee members agree.

The entire dissertation committee (minimum four members) must be present at the dissertation defense. A speaker phone or skype connection will be set up if one or two members are resident outside of Ann Arbor. The defense is public and peers may attend.

After the defense, the student must incorporate corrections required at the defense and submit a final version to Rackham, approved by the advisor or co-advisors or a proxy by the  Rackham deadline . The due date for submitting the final, approved dissertation in a given term is set by Rackham and is absolutely inflexible. Should a student miss the deadline for a given term by even a day, they will be compelled to pay tuition to enroll the following term.

Rackham sets specific dates each academic year for receiving the degree. These roughly correspond to the following: early October for a December degree; mid-April for a May degree; and late June for an August degree. Students and advisors should consult the Rackham website for specific dates in a given year.

Please see the  Doctoral Studies Handbook  for further description of these degree components.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Rackham Graduate School?

The  Rackham Graduate School  and Taubman College work as a team to manage the application review process. As an applicant you will be interacting with both offices.

Do I need to submit GRE scores?

No. Effective for 2022 applicants and beyond, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are no longer required nor considered for admission to any graduate program at Taubman College.

Do I need an official transcript to apply?

Yes. The Rackham Graduate School requires applicants to upload a scanned copy, front and back, of their  official transcript /academic record issued by the Registrar or Records Office to the applicant, to ApplyWeb for each bachelor’s, master’s, professional, or doctoral degree earned or in progress.

Is there an interview process?

Yes. As part of the competitive process of admission evaluation, the Admissions Committee will conduct personal interviews with each applicant. Interviews are arranged after the deadline and applications have been reviewed.

My English proficiency score doesn’t meet the minimum requirement, can I still apply?

Yes, you can still apply. However, Taubman College doesn’t provide conditional admission. We encourage you to retake the test until you receive the minimum score.

How do I check the status of my application?

Applicants can verify application data and status online approximately 10–15 days after their application is submitted. The admissions office will send an email to each applicant that includes the University of Michigan Identification Number (UMID). You will need to use a login ID and password to confirm some personal data before viewing your application status. Student Service staff will try to keep all materials received current. However, please allow sufficient time for processing before contacting the office. See the  Apply page  application status and evaluation section.

When will I receive my admission decision?

Applicants will be notified of their admission decision by late February or early March. If you are admitted, you will be able to see that you have been recommended for admission via the online Wolverine Access web application status portal. Decision letters are sent via email.

Are there any resources available for International Students with questions related to the visa application, health insurance or Life in Ann Arbor?

Yes. The Website of the International Center at the University of Michigan offers helpful resources for incoming international students related to topics such as Immigration and Visas, Health Insurance and Housing or Local Transportation.


When do I need to enter my decision?

April 15th.

Do I need to secure an advisor prior to applying?

No, we only encourage students to become familiar with our Ph.D. faculty and research interests. Please feel free to reach out to faculty directly as well.

PhD Programmes

Experts of the future: ”i wish to understand what drives the difference between the financial assets of men and women”, experts of the future: she wants to bridge gaps between people and ai.

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BIGFI/Finance Seminar with Michaela Pagel, Washington University's Olin Business School

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Different routes to a PhD

  • Vacant PhD scholarships
  • Industrial PhD student at CBS
  • Ministerial Order on the PhD Programme

There are many different “routes” to a PhD. CBS offers four different ways of becoming a PhD student: as a research fellow, 4+4 PhD student,  an independent student or, an industrial PhD fellow. Each of these options is described below:

Research Fellow To become a research fellow, you must apply for an advertised scholarship . ‘Research fellow’ is an official job title with a salary determined by collective agreement, corresponding to other publicly employed professionals. The positions are advertised by CBS, funded either by CBS’ own research funds or external funding (or a combination thereof). All such positions are advertised at Jobs at CBS and usually also in other media. The majority of scholarships are advertised within specific fields, some within a relatively narrow research field.

As a research fellow, you are thus employed in a position at CBS, but you are also a student at CBS, since you are enrolled in the PhD programme. As an employee, you are provided with a workplace, and as a student, you are offered teaching and supervision. A scholarship usually includes an obligation to contribute to teaching at CBS. The employment period is three years, since the programme has a standard duration of three years.

The 4+4 scheme is a 4-year PhD programme. The PhD student is simultaneously enrolled in a Master programme and the PhD programme for the first two years. The last two years, the PhD student is enrolled solely as a PhD student.

To become a 4+4 PhD student, you must apply for an advertised PhD scholarship where the 4+4 scheme is stated as an option. The enrolment in the 4+4 scheme also dependes on the enrolment in a relevant master programme at CBS. CBS will assess in which master programme the enrolment can take place. If a suitable master programme cannot be found or admission as a master student cannot be obtained, enrolment in the 4+4 scheme is not possible.

At the time of enrolment, the applicant must have completed an academically relevant 3-year bachelor degree (180 ECTS points) and one year of a master degree (60 ECTS points). The minimum grade requirements are a weighted grade point average of at least 8.2 on the Danish 7-point grading scale for the entire programme (i.e. for the full bachelor and one year of the master studies together), and at least the grade 10 for the bachelor thesis or equivalent final examination project.

Corresponding qualifications, including especially foreign study programmes, may be assessed to be equivalent to the specified requirements. Foreign degrees may be sent to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science for assessment of the degree’s equivalence to a Danish degree at the same level.

For more information, please see Guidelines for the 4+4 scheme at CBS

Since the number of scholarships is limited, CBS has opened for the possibility of becoming a PhD student as a so-called external or independent student. This implies no employment – and therefore, no salary from CBS. The PhD student is affiliated with CBS as a student only, and must pay a tuition fee. The tuition fee, including CBS' indirect costs is 354,000 DKK. The PhD programme for an independent student can last four or five years (part-time). In that case the tuition fee is 364,000 DKK for 4 years and 374,000 DKK for five years. If the study period is longer than the 3, 4 or 5 year that has been agreed at the beginning, the candidate must by additional 10,000 DKK pr. year.

The tuition fee can be funded personally or by an employer or another external funding provider. Independent students have no teaching obligations. The requirements for enrolment as an independent student are the same as for research fellows, but as an independent student you of course do not have to apply for vacant scholarship. You can therefore choose any research topic within the CBS’ entire research field.

As an industrial PhD fellow, you are enroled at CBS as a PhD student, but are employed in a company or organisation. Thus, your salary is paid by another organisation and normally your workplace is in that organisation. You are expected to spend approximately 50% of your time in the company or organisation. Usually, you will be at CBS for longer periods of time, not least when you are taking courses and during intensive writing periods. Since you are not employed by CBS, you do not have any teaching obligations at CBS, but you do have a general obligation to communicate about your research.

To become an industrial PhD fellow you must be in contact with both a company and a CBS PhD School. Then you must apply to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education for funding of your salary (50% can be covered) and the tuition fee. Read more about the scheme.



  1. PhD Planner Introduction

    phd planner cbs

  2. Phd Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner cbs

  3. PhD Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner cbs

  4. Phd Planner, Graduate School Planner, Thesis Planner, Dissertation

    phd planner cbs

  5. Phd Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner cbs

  6. Phd Planner Graduate School Planner Thesis Planner

    phd planner cbs


  1. Systems for staff and students

    This page contains links to the most commonly used systems for staff and students Webmail mail.cbs.dk my.cbs.dk (intranet for students) my.cbs.dk Share (intranet for staff) share.cbs.dk CBSCanvas (e-learning platform) CBSCanvas Teach teach.cbs.dk Research Planner Login to Research Planner from Share

  2. PhD Support

    The primary task of the CBS PhD Support is to manage the administration of PhD students in the PhD study at CBS. Other tasks include: ... Responsible for Research Planner. Nina Iversen PhD Adviser. Room: POR/18A, 0.128 Tel.: +45 3815 2475 [email protected]. PhD Adviser for SI.

  3. PhD Programmes

    PhD programme. CBS covers all of the classic fields within business economics and business languages connected with the management and operation of public and private companies - for example, marketing, finance, accounting, management accounting and organisation. In addition, research is carried out in a number of subjects necessary for the ...

  4. PhD Planner

    You must manage the following tasks in PhD Planner: Approval of regular assessments. Approval of the nominated assessment committee and the statement regarding the completed PhD study in relation to this. Approval of applications regarding extension of the PhD study, changes in the group of supervisors, part-time studies or leave of absence.

  5. CBS PhD School

    Introduction to RDM for PhD students (from 13:00 - 15:00) Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 13:00 to 15:00 - Kilen - room KL1.43 (first floor) This course is mandatory for all CBS PhD students enrolled at the CBS PhD school after 1 June 2020. All other PhD students are also welcome to register and participate in the course.

  6. CBS Research Portal

    CBS Research Portal is the official research database of Copenhagen Business School, provided by CBS Library. Find publications, student theses, press and media activities by CBS researchers and get access to numerous Open Access-publications. Collaborations within the past 5 years: Click dots and donuts to ...

  7. PhD Source

    The PhD Planner: 2024-2025, key updates! We have added full color pages to the inside and more specialized content just for PhDs. Full Color Interior Pages! Added the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting - A technique to let you plan better! Complete PhD Jobs List - List of 37+ PhD specific jobs!

  8. Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning Degree Information

    Each student is also expected to demonstrate an understanding of the literature, theory, and research in a specialization area within the larger discipline of urban and regional planning. Required Courses. Four courses are required of all Ph.D. students: two doctoral-level planning theory courses and a two-course research seminar sequence.

  9. Oddities and curiosities, community, and ice cream

    KDKA Weekend Planner (8/23) KDKA Weekend Planner (8/23) 01:17. ... Patrick Damp is a web producer for CBS Pittsburgh. A Pittsburgh native who grew up watching KDKA-TV, Patrick studied journalism ...

  10. PhD Source

    The PhD Planner for Proactive Productivity (2023-2024) appears to be a comprehensive tool designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of PhD students. By offering a blend of structured planning and personal well-being features, it stands out as a valuable asset for anyone navigating the challenging waters of doctoral studies.

  11. Systemer for medarbejdere og studerende

    Her finder du links til systemer for studerende og medarbejdere Webmail mail.cbs.dk my.cbs.dk (intranet for studerende) my.cbs.dk Share (intranet for medarbejdere) cbsshare.cbs.dk CBSCanvas (læringsplatform) CBSCanvas Teach teach.cbs.dk Research Planner Log in til ph.d. planner fra CBSShare

  12. Tools for planning your PhD: the PhD Planner

    So what does this planner have: - half-year spreads to help you plan long-term and note down important deadlines. - weekly spreads, which you can use for writing down priorities and appointments. - paper planning spreads, to help you get your manuscript out. - conference planning spreads, which facilitate all the actions you need to ...

  13. Research Planner

    Developed alongside various universities, it stands as the premier PhD planner in the Nordics, now extending its reach across Europe. Focus on PhD students. ResearchPlanner empowers universities with comprehensive oversight of the PhD lifecycle, providing a more structured view of the PhD timeline. It simplifies information and communication ...

  14. PDF Guide to PhD Planner for Supervisors

    d to supervisor (return to Step 2).If the school head approves the PhD plan with or without adjustments, the PhD plan has made it through the workflow successfully and is returned to the PhD student for furth. aluation. Intermediate evaluationsStep 1: The PhD student adjusts the PhD p.

  15. Submit your regular assessments

    All PhD students have to submit their regular assessments in PhD Planner. What to do? When it is time to submit a regular assessment, the Graduate School will open the task "Awaiting regular assessment by PhD student" in PhD Planner and send you an email regarding this. Please note that the task has to be activated before you can submit.

  16. Ph.D. in Architecture Degree Information

    The minor may lie in Architecture, in Urban and Regional Planning, or in another University of Michigan department, program, or center. Coursework in the minor must be approved for Rackham graduate credit, deemed appropriate by the Doctoral Advisory Committee, and approved by the major advisor.

  17. Admission

    Application procedure. CBS has a coordinated intake of new PhD students twice a year. The enrolment dates are 1 February and 1 September but allowing for flexibility in special cases. Applications for enrolment as a Research Fellow or 4+4 PhD student must be submitted online via the advertised PhD positions.

  18. PDF PhD Planner Portal for PhD students

    With the PhD Planner, you can carry out various tasks related to your PhD study, e.g. create an initial PhD Plan based on a provided template; adjust and update the PhD Plan; send the PhD Plan to your supervisor for approval; make various requests; view enrolment details and update your contact information.

  19. PDF PhD Planner Portal for PhD students

    The PhD student's main task in the PhD Planner is to: Create the initial PhD Plan and send it to your supervisor. The PhD Plan must be validated within three months from the beginning of your PhD study. Update your PhD plan in connection with the regular evaluations and submit the plan to your supervisor on time.

  20. PhD school

    The CBS PhD school offer a broad selection of research fields. The objective of the CBS PhD school is to create an active national and international high quality research environment as a framework for the development of all PhD students as researchers at CBS. This framework should help CBS PhD students to create new knowledge in their ...

  21. Different routes to a PhD

    There are many different "routes" to a PhD. CBS offers four different ways of becoming a PhD student: as a research fellow, 4+4 PhD student, an independent student or, an industrial PhD fellow. Each of these options is described below: Research Fellow. To become a research fellow, you must apply for an advertised scholarship .

  22. PDF PhD Planner Portal for PhD students

    PhD plan and on evaluations in the PhD Planner as an integrated aspect of your studies. Such discussions are an excellent opportunity to make a more formal evaluation of your progress and to discuss long-term plans. 2. PhD student tasks As a PhD student, your main tasks in the PhD Planner are to: 1.

  23. Keletso Makofane, MPH, PhD

    Dr. Keletso Makofane, MPH, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Center for Causal Inference and Principal Investigator of RESPND-MI, an anonymous, online survey that ...