English Compositions

Essay on My Aim in Life to Become an IAS Officer [PDF]

Today we will take a look into the essay on my aim in life to become an IAS officer, so let’s dive in. You can download the PDF of this essay at the bottom of this article.

My Aim in Life to Become an IAS Officer feature image

I have been told that I am idealistic. They say that is not a good trait to have as it keeps me from being realistic. They also say that attitude keeps me from being a solid responsible adult as I will always be chasing dreams and not working at a real job providing for my family.

It all started when my Uncle asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Of course, I excitedly said I wanted to be an IAS officer. Those few words started it all off. The laughter, jokes, and embarrassing comments.

But my goal in life is to be an IAS officer and it is not an idealistic dream for me. I am already aware that very few people make it into those ranks yet I know I have what it takes to succeed. I just wish my family did as well.

Fortunately, I was able to get a hold of a web page that told me some tips to help make the journey a little easier for me. My mind is being prepared as I fend off my family’s attempts to dissuade me from achieving my goal.

Also, I do read newspapers a lot. There has always been one or two in our home since I was little. As I grew older I stopped reading the funny pages and started to read the more serious sections. Just by reading these few newspapers every day I have learned a lot about our country and how it operates.

My mother is a little more sympathetic and she has made sure I have all the textbooks I need to study and be prepared. She also helps me with my notes giving bits and pieces of advice on where I could improve my thinking.

It is a tough road I am traveling but I already know that I have to travel most of it alone. The burden is mine since this is my desire and objective. As I take each step I know I am getting better at preparation and learning a lot.

Right now I am going through the previous papers and learning how to answer the tough questions the exam will ask. My next step, once I have mastered this one, will be to have someone help me with the mock tests.

My motivation in this effort is not to show my family up and say ‘see I could do it’, then rub their noses in it. Instead, I am thinking that it would be a good career for me and that position will make my family proud.

It is a stable profession that brings a lot of respect and honor and I know I must be worthy of those attributes. Also, I know that I will make a positive contribution to my fellow citizens.

This aspect of the job will make my life worthwhile and give it some purpose. That helps me to function better. Knowing I am making a positive contribution and giving back to society inspires me to train and prepare to the best of my ability.

But again, I am not being idealistic in my quest. I am well aware that I will not be living an easy life as I help those people in rural India. I will see their living conditions and compare them with mine.

It is not going to be easy at first but I know I can handle this disparity and work hard to make their lives a lot better than it is now. This job I snot about me and my status but about my fellow citizens who did not get the same breaks as I have had.

That makes me work harder to achieve my goal. I just wish I had a little more support from my family so I can be a person making the best contribution to India possible.

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My Ambition IAS Officer Essay in English

My Ambition IAS Officer Essay in English, Every person must have an aim in life. If a person’s life has no direction, then it will become aimless. It is well-said that everything is possible. A person can do everything and anything if he/she has an aim. This is why it is important to have an aim as passion. One must have a clear focus and objective towards one’s goals. When a goal becomes a passion, a person loves doing it.

This way, one would not take it as a burden. One must feel that sky is the limit, this is why they can dream big.

With a well-defined goal in life, a person will surely reach the stars. If you want to make a difference in your life, you must have a goal. Once you have a dream or a goal in your life, you will do everything possible to reach it.

It requires determination, strong willpower, courage, patience, consistent efforts, persistence, and concentration to meet your dreams. There may be chances, where you may have to face setbacks, problems, and challenges.

All of these things are bound to come in your journey that may stop you from reaching your goals. Once you have made your decision, it is important for you to make efforts till the end, until you achieve your goals.

my ambition ias officer essay in english

I Want to Become An IAS Officer Essay

I understand all these things. This is why I have chosen to be an IAS Officer in my life. It is my ambition and passion, which I will definitely reach with my hard efforts and dedication. The seeds of this dream and goal have been there in my mind since my childhood.

I have seen many examples in my life and society, which strengthened my resolution. It has given me the courage to become an IAS officer. My uncle is an IAS officer and has been serving the country with his hard work and patience since 1996.

My Dream IAS Officer

I shared my dreams with him and he has given me the daring and told me that I can do anything in life if I would have passion, goals, and the right direction.

I am aware that I have to pass an examination to become an IAS officer and this exam is one of the toughest ones. To clear this exam, I must have the ability to work hard, dedication, and put in a lot of effort. Of course, becoming an IAS officer is a challenge in itself.

Candidates of different backgrounds and numerous age groups within the right age limit try to pass this exam and attempts of only some candidates become true.

A common person who has the enthusiasm to work hard and in a consistent manner can dream of passing this exam no matter what his financial, cultural, social, and physical situation is.

Also Read: My Aim in Life Army Essay

It is a common misconception among candidates that it is only the toppers in academics, who can clear UPSC Civil Services Exam. We can see a lot of examples of disabled candidates and know how they got success in achieving their dreams of becoming an IAS officer.

They have also experienced many difficulties. Despite these difficulties, they have attempted this exam and achieved success with good rankings. This is why we must not lose faith and dedication when we have something big in our minds to achieve.

I Want to Become an IAS Officer Because

I regularly check the success stories of the successful IAS officers, who worked hard and still have been working across the nation. These stores inspire me a lot and I also come to know about tips and tricks shared by them that can make this exam easier for me.

They have affected the lives of people as they are always ready to fight against injustice and corruption. This is how we can see their commitment to serving the nation. Some examples of IAS officers such as Armstrong Pame, Smitha Sabharwal, Durga Shakti, and D.K Ravi, are really an inspiration for every person who actually wants to achieve something big in their lives.

Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer

My motivation to become an IAS officer is that I have seen many social evils, incidents, and injustices in my life. All of these things have given me the strength to my desire. There are many other issues in society like inequality, poverty, injustice to women, suicides, women, unemployment, lack of access to basic necessities, etc.

I want to help my society with no such issues or evils once I become an IAS officer. I will try my best that I may serve my country to the fullest in the best possible manner.

IAS provides a huge array of scope, opportunity, diversity, and responsibility of work to candidates. It also gives an ideal platform to people who can work in this sector, handle crises, execute policies, and also take a part in the decision-making process.

This entire phenomenon can influence the lives of people and the whole society. A candidate can get a service area in different fields like the department of health, education, law and order, women empowerment, agriculture, justice, tourism, irrigation, transport, energy conservation, or any kind of industry.

IAS gives opportunities to candidates in different areas of service at different positions. Lawyers, teachers, engineers, and doctors have rather limited and narrow scope.

Having the designation of an IAS officer is not only a job profile. It is a responsibility and a candidate must really be capable of bearing all duties of an IAS officer. They will get the responsibility as per the area they select. However, their main goal is social development and reformation, whether it belongs to the development of a group of people or the whole society.

I can say that I have the dedication and passion to serve the country. I can also bring a difference in people’s life. I can assist in the development of the nation. I follow the saying of Dr. Abdul Kalam, the former president of India that ‘Dreams are something, which doesn’t let you sleep,’ and becoming an IAS officer has become my dream, ambition, and goal to achieve. I have promised myself that one day, I will become an IAS officer.

This is my ambition IAS officer essay in english, from this entire article, we cover information regarding why i want to become an ias officer. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at wikiliv.com

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Ambition In Life’ For Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember: Essay On ‘My Ambition In Life’ For Lower Primary Classes

Essay on ‘my ambition is to become a doctor’, essay on ‘my ambition is to become an engineer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a police officer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become an ias officer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a lawyer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a nurse’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a teacher’, what will your child learn from an essay on my ambition in life.

To become any professional, one has to devote years to studying. No one can just become a doctor, scientist, engineer, or even businessman in one day! They have to plan for their career, and then study that profession. Most professions need years of education, starting from the subjects chosen in the school. Therefore, teachers and parents keep asking and inspiring young kids to choose a specific profession to guide them accordingly. To make young kids think about their ambition or dream, they are asked to write an essay on ‘My Ambition in Life’ in school. This essay helps the kids dream about what they want to be, and improve their English creative writing, vocabulary and grammar.

Young students of lower primary classes might need guidance with essays on ‘My Ambition in Life’. When writing this essay, there are a few key points that will make it easy to write this about any profession of their choice. Some of these key points to remember when writing an essay on My Ambition in Life are:

  • Write about your ambition with a brief introduction to that profession
  • Write about the positive aspects of that profession
  • Explain what inspires you to pursue that profession
  • Mention any role models of that profession that inspired you

Being a doctor is considered a popular and noble profession. Therefore, when asked to write a short essay on My Ambition, most young kids write about becoming a doctor. Here is a sample essay in English on ‘My Ambition Is To Become A Doctor’ for kids:

My life’s ambition is to become a good doctor. There are many reasons why I want to become a doctor. I admire doctors because they heal sick people and make them healthy. They work tirelessly to serve humankind. Some doctors even treat the poor free of charge. One of my uncles is a doctor and has a hospital. Whenever I go to his hospital, I see him checking patients and making them healthy. I, too, want to ease the pain and sickness of people. To become a successful doctor, I know I will have to study a lot. But after years of studying, when I am able to make people healthy, it will be rewarding!

My life’s dream is to become an engineer. Engineers are responsible for making beautiful buildings, using machinery, and so much more. In short, they make our lives beautiful and easy. Everything is made by an engineer, from a pin to an aeroplane and a bridge to even a tower! Engineers not only make things but also repair and maintain things. If it weren’t for engineers, our world would not have so many inventions. There are several types of engineers, such as mechanical, electrical, civil and aviation. I am fascinated with the working of machinery. So I want to become a mechanical engineer and invent machines to make life simpler.

My life ambition is to become a police officer. The profession of police is brave and interesting. Police officers maintain law and order in our society. They save us from thieves and other criminals. Our society has different types of people, some good and some bad. The bad try to harm the good people physically or by cheating them. Police ensure the bad people are caught and put in prison. They ensure peace and safety in society. When I grow up and become a police officer, I want to catch criminals and make society a safe place for everyone.

Every kid dreams of becoming someone important and successful when they grow up. I too want to be someone important when I grow up. I also want to serve my country and make India the best country to live in. Therefore, I want to become an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer. An IAS officer makes sure the country is functioning properly. They are the people who ensure the government projects, plans and schemes are executed properly. They also ensure the government funds are utilised honestly for the welfare of their fellow citizens. So as an IAS officer, I will make my county proud of my work.

Most kids want to become doctors or engineers when they grow up. But, I dream of becoming a lawyer when I grow up. A lawyer is a professional who helps people fight their judicial battles and win them. In our society, there are many kinds of people. Some people take advantage of others and wrongly cheat them of their property, money or rights. To punish such bad people, the people who are harmed file suits in court against them. Lawyers fight their court cases and ensure they get justice. As a lawyer, I will help the police send criminals to jail, and ensure that good people get justice.

Ever since I was a baby, I have been fascinated with nurses. Every time I visited the hospital with my parents for check-ups, the lovely nurses there pampered me a lot. Their smiling faces and caring attitude always impressed me. They are very helpful and caring. More than doctors, the nurses take care of the patients, and they are the ones who give medicines and injections and look after patients day and night. Therefore, it’s my dream to become a nurse when I grow up. As a nurse, I want to treat and care for people in their sicknesses and see them getting better.

Students are influenced by their teachers in their lives. So, it’s no wonder when asked to write a composition on my ambition in life, most students write that they want to become teachers. Here is a sample essay for class 1, 2 & 3 students on ‘My Ambition in Life is to Become a Teacher:

We become what we are due to the teachings and learnings we get in our lives. Apart from our parents, we learn so much from our teachers. Teachers play the most important part in education, starting from preschool to graduation degrees. Whatever profession we choose, we need a teacher to teach it to us. Whether it’s studying to become a doctor, engineer, or scientist, it would be impossible without a teacher. A teacher is responsible for not only imparting education but for teaching moral values to make their students better human beings and citizens. A teacher’s responsibility is to make the students realise and achieve their potential. A teacher is the one who lays the foundation of a good society. Therefore, my goal in life is to become a teacher.

I want to be a primary school teacher as I love teaching young children. Imparting good education to young kids ensures their foundation is strong. So as they progress in school, they will always be good at their studies. Also, young kids are the best learners and their inquisitive minds make teaching interesting. As their teacher, I want to motivate and inspire them to become good students and fulfil their dreams.

My Ambition In Life is an interesting essay topic to make young kids think about their dream in life. It makes them aware of different professions and gets them interested in learning about them. While writing an essay on my ambition in life, children will know what they want to become in life. Once they start learning about their chosen profession, they will be able to determine what they need to study and what subjects to pursue to realise their dream profession. 

Essay writing helps children learn new words, improve their grammar and expand their thinking. It also improves their general knowledge and English creative writing skills.

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Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer

Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer? Frequently Asked UPSC Interview Question

The Union Public Services Commission conducts civil services exams every year. Even though it is regarded as the toughest exam in the country, lakhs of candidates dream of becoming an IAS officer and give the exam every year. Even after completing Prelims and Mains, the Interview round is completely different from the first two rounds and needs good preparation to ace it.

Though the round is uncertain and we cannot predict what type of questions aspirants are about to face, there are a few frequently asked and important questions for which you can prepare well in advance. In this article, we will help you with the best possible answers for one such interview question, i.e., why do you want to become an IAS officer?

Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer? 

This question or any other UPSC interview questions, for that matter, have no perfect right answer. The interview panel isn’t looking for the right answers, but wants to know your perspective, understand and analyse your critical thinking, confidence, and decision-making skills. Hence, in this article, we will look at some of the ways in which you can give the best possible answers to the question. Why do you want to become an IAS officer?

Be honest about why you want to become an IAS officer. Every aspirant may have different reasons why they wanted to be an IAS officer.

How to Ace This Stage?

#1. Tell them when and why you decide to become an IAS officer.

#2. Make sure you tell the incidents or moments when you decided to be an IAS officer.

#3. Some want to be an IAS officer because it was their parents’ or grandparents’ dream, and if you followed their words to be an IAS officer, mention it.

#4. Because of some past injustice that stays in someone’s mind, they don’t want anyone to go through the same they have been. If you decide to be an IAS officer due to this reason, mention it and tell them how you want to change it.

#5. If you love to serve your nation and people, tell them how you want to do it after becoming an IAS officer.

Some more Tips

#6. If you like doing social service and want to join civil services to do that, let them know how you would implement it.

#7. If you like challenges every day and want to become an IAS officer to solve problems, mention your experiences.

#8. If you want to be an IAS officer to correctly use the power and authority, mention how you would use it for good.

#9. If you are inspired by some other IAS officer and their works, mention them and explain how they inspire you.

#10. Even if you think being an IAS officer gives you job security, a handsome package, and respect, be honest and talk about it too.

Two Examples

Growing up, I loved my grandfather’s stories on his and everyone’s fight for freedom. Even after independence, he continued to fight for justice on several issues, but he always believed that having the right power and authority will make the work easier.

He always said that being in civil services or becoming an IAS officer and using the power in the right way can help do wonders and change society in the best possible way. His words impacted me and my childhood in a great way, and since then, all I wanted to be is an IAS officer to serve the people in need and bring justice.

I was naive, innocent, and didn’t know what was happening in the world since childhood. But, I was good in my studies and took science as a stream because everyone was doing it. Soon, I got into a prestigious college, and there, it was mandatory to volunteer for some groups.

Hence, I took that up, and as a part of it, we went to rural areas to teach kids, helped adults write, and educated them about policies that can help them. I loved doing that so much that I decided I wanted to do it all my life. But with no power or authority, I couldn’t do much.

Then I decided to become an IAS officer to serve the needy and improve their life however possible. I also know that this job brings financial stability, security, and respect. So, in every way, being an IAS officer is my dream.

Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer Essay?

Whether long or short, the essay answer on “why do you want to become an IAS officer?” is very important for all the aspirants to prepare beforehand. There’s a high chance this can be asked. Also, preparing this or having an organised answer on why to become IAS will help on several occasions. One short and long essay example of the same is given here.

Everyone’s story is different from each other. Hence, they can frame it in their own way, and the below-given essay is an example of how to do it. You can write the essay according to the word constraint given.

Example Essay: Why do You Want to Become an IAS Officer?

Every child has an aim, and they want to achieve it. I, for one, always wanted to be an IAS officer. It wasn’t just my father’s dream. When I got to know about the importance of IAS officers and their role in shaping society, I really admired that. I have always wanted to help those in need in every little way I can. By being an IAS officer, I can work every day to live my dream. To make my dream come true, I’ll work hard with utmost determination.

Also, kudos to everyone who has cracked this exam and inspires us. This is one of the most admired professions in India. When I see an IAS officer, the amount of respect everyone has for them is immense. Even being in such a high position, they are so down-to-earth. Every aspect of all the IAS officers I have seen inspires me to take up the job and be like them. I really want to be in a profession where I can make my parents and nation proud.

Being an IAS officer isn’t just like working in any other job. The duty comes with loads of responsibilities, and they are answerable to society whether they are posted in a district, under ministers, state, or central government. The duties may be different, but their everyday challenges involve making reforms, bringing new infrastructure, making new policies for the betterment of the people.

I want to do everything to help people and empower the nation in any profession I work under. But, I can have power and do it effectively when I’m an IAS officer. Hence, I want to become an IAS officer to serve the nation.

Wrapping Up

The interview round is where your knowledge is not tested, but your other skills and qualities like honesty, confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving capacity are examined. Hence, be confident in your answers and remember that there is no right answer. Give your best possible answers with utmost honesty and genuineness.

We hope this article gave you insights on how to crack the third stage of UPSC exams. UPSC Pathshala provides access to a treasure trove of blogs and articles that can add value to your UPSC journey. We have under our wings some of the best mentors and faculties who are always here to guide the aspirants through all their woes. With interactive sessions and personalised course materials, learning does not have to be a task. Avail the free demo classes and test the waters yourself.

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my ambition essay ias officer

Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing article. It has helped me to know about the answers to give in the interview. The interview is the toughest part of this exam. Now, I will be able to answer adequately. What do you think about this article?

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About the Author

Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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Essay on Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer

Every year thousands of aspirants qualify this exam and become an IAS, IPS, and IES. They make their parents, teachers as well as society proud of them and inspire others to be like them. Really the post fascinates and encourages our youth to work hard.

Short and Long Essays Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer in English

Find here various essays of 100 – 120 Words, 250 Words, 500 Words and 600 Words limit on this topic:

Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) It is my childhood dream to be an IAS officer.

2) I love to serve my country and my people.

3) By using my power for good, I want to change my society.

4) By becoming an IAS officer I want my parents to feel proud of me.

5) I want a country with no corruption and no poverty.

6) I want to make my country crime and criminal-free.

7) My uncle who is an IAS officer inspires me to be one of those.

8) An IAS officer possesses several legitimate powers.

9) I love IAS officers because they are respected by everyone.

10) I want to become IAS because their uniform attracts me.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – What are the Duties of an IAS Officer


Every child has an aim and wants to achieve it; similarly, I want to become an IAS officer. All of see dreams and it was my father who encouraged me and told the benefits and its importance. I really liked it, because I myself want to do something for my nation. I will be an IAS officer one day because I have a true determination.

Duties of an IAS Officer

It is not only a job profile; it’s a kind of responsibility and one should really be capable of bearing those duties. They have the responsibility as per the area they choose. But their main motive is social reformation and development. Either it is the development of a society, a group of people, school, etc.

An IAS officer can make new rules for a certain area for its development. Suppose you feel there should be a school nearby, you can suggest the government and can help people. Similarly, it depends on the area you are posted. If it is a public sector then you will get the opportunity of social work; whereas if it is at the central level, one has to work with the government in making new rules and policies. Different ministers have a group of IAS officers under them, and these officers advise them. And they play a very important role in the development of the nation.

It is not a post it’s a responsibility and one should be ready mentally, that’s why the IAS exams are so tough. Because they really have to deal with different types of situations and have to get a solution at any cost. If you really have that X-factor to bring change in your society, it is not a big deal for you.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer?

It is a dream of many of us to become an IAS officer. It sounds so good and brings goosebumps when I think about it. I know it needs lots of preparation and focuses to be so but I have a strong determination and it’s my dream and one day it will definitely come true. Even my parents feel proud when I say I want to become an IAS. My teachers and classmates believe that I am crazy about my carrier and this will definitely make me successful one day.

My Inspiration

I am an average student still; I want to become an IAS just because of the person I inspired from. In my primary classes, I use to come to school on a rickshaw. The rikshaw uncle was not very old but it was his food and financial condition that made him looks more aged. He had a son who was not a very bright student. But, he completed his studies and cleared his entrance and got a scholarship for his further studies at Delhi University.

Till now he was an average student and after completing his graduation, he prepared for Civil services for 2 years. And I have seen the struggle and hard work he did. After 2 years he successfully qualified his IAS exams with a very good rank.

I use to think IAS aspirants have a special brain and some super memory, but I was wrong. Actually, after getting into the job people get money and they start concentrating on their health as well as looks. So, they look so good and I use to think they are born with special features and looks. But the fact is, they maintain after getting into the job and I learned this from the live example I had.

Really all we need inspiration in our life and it can change your life, way of thinking, and many other things. If an average Rikshaw owner’s son can be an IAS, then why can’t I. I also learned that anyone can crack this exam with work hard.

Kudos to the people who have cracked this exam and inspire us to be like them. I really want to make my parents feel proud and it’s a parent’s dream to see his children successful. This is one of the most highly admired professions in India.

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – How to Become an IAS Officer

There are different types of professions and jobs around us. Some of us prepare for government jobs whereas some simply opt for a private one. Government bodies are those which lie under either state government or central. IAS is one of the highest government posts in India. Every year thousands of students take part in this exam and try their luck. The aristocratic post fascinates everyone, and people want to become an IAS. Indian Administrative Services has been marked as one of the toughest exams in India.

Eligibility of an IAS Officer

  • The very first thing is the candidate should be graduate and have a Bachelor’s degree.
  • Depending on the stream, if a candidate completes his Bachelor’s in Arts stream, will have to qualify IAS. Whereas those who have completed Engineering have to qualify IES. And if someone wants to serve as a police officer, should qualify IPS. All are the same depending on your interest and qualification.

How to Become an IAS Officer

  • The exam one should qualify to be an IAS Officer is Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Exam (UPSC). It is conducted in two parts, the first one is named as Prelims and mains followed by an Interview.
  • Both the papers have a different syllabus, and 2 hrs time is allotted for both separately. 
  • The first paper covers different topics like general knowledge, current affairs, geography, history, etc. Whereas the second paper covers comprehension passages and essay writing. They check both the abilities and writing as well as mental capability.
  • One should prefer reading NCERT books for better results and focus on detailed studies. 
  • Always make sure that whatever topic you choose, should be clear in every way.
  • Apart from reading and preparation, one should also focus on personal development. Personal development is something about your body language. You should practice office etiquette because sometimes your body language speaks more than your words.
  • It is a myth that an IAS aspirant should read for continuous 24 hours, it is all up to you and your capability. Some students have cleared the exam just by reading 5 hours a day. All you need is concentration. Focus on quality than quantity.
  • Always keep yourself motivated and have a learning attitude, this will definitely help you and make you successful.

Fix Your Aim

Once you make sure that you want to prepare for Civils you should be clear about it. You should not change your aim as per time, because it is possible that you can fail in your first attempt, but one should never leave. It is all practice makes a man perfect, and believe me, there are many aspirants who cleared in their exam in the 6th attempt. So, don’t give up or change your failure. Practice, improvement, and retry are the three keys for qualifying an IAS exam.

Secondly have some people who inspire you, because motivation fades away but the inspiration remains. So, search for inspiration, and believe, it will definitely help you.

The main duty of an IAS officer is to serve the nation with their mental ability. They are enough capable of dealing with different problems and finding a perfect solution for the needy. The needy can be the government itself as well as people, depending on the posting of these officers. They are posted either in villages as a DM or can also be posted in offices under different ministries. Social welfare should be their main motive and should focus on the betterment of the nation. Really it is an interesting profile and one should definitely try his/her best.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer

Ans. Anna Rajam Malhotra (1927-2018) was the first IAS officer of independent India.

Ans. The maximum age limit for IAS is 32 years for General, 32+3 for OBC, and 32+5 for SC/ST with a minimum age of 21.

Ans. Manoj Soni is the current chairman of UPSC.

Ans. UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts a civil service examination every year. One can become IAS by clearing CSE (Civil Service Exam).

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Essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer

Students are often asked to write an essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer

My dream of becoming an ias officer.

Becoming an IAS officer is my dream. IAS officers serve the nation, making crucial decisions for the welfare of people. They work in diverse fields like health, education, and environment.

Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer

The journey towards my dream.

I understand that achieving this dream requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I am ready to put in all my efforts and study diligently to clear the UPSC exam.

250 Words Essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer

The allure of civil service.

The aspiration to become an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer is a noble pursuit, driven by the desire to contribute to the nation’s growth. This ambition isn’t just about the prestige and power associated with the position, but also the profound impact an IAS officer can make on society.

My Motivation

Transforming society.

An IAS officer can be a catalyst for change. They have the power to introduce and execute policies that can transform society at the grassroots level. From improving infrastructure to implementing educational reforms, the possibilities are vast and impactful.

Challenges and Opportunities

The journey to becoming an IAS officer is challenging, with rigorous examinations and a high level of competition. However, these challenges are also opportunities for personal growth and development. The process instills discipline, perseverance, and a broad understanding of various subjects.

In conclusion, the aspiration to become an IAS officer is a testament to one’s commitment to serve society and the nation. It’s a challenging journey filled with opportunities for personal and professional growth. The power to bring about positive change in society makes this pursuit worthwhile.

500 Words Essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer


The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is one of the most prestigious services in India, offering a unique blend of power, prestige, and societal respect. The desire to become an IAS officer is often driven by the opportunity to contribute to society’s development and welfare. This essay outlines my aspiration to join the IAS, the reasons behind it, and the path I intend to follow to achieve this goal.

The Allure of IAS

The IAS has an allure that extends beyond the glamour and power associated with it. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of millions. An IAS officer is responsible for implementing government policies at the grassroots level, ensuring the welfare of the people, and driving the development of the region under their jurisdiction. This ability to effect change and contribute to nation-building is a significant motivation for my aspiration to join the IAS.

Intellectual Stimulation and Challenge

Preparation strategy.

To achieve my dream of becoming an IAS officer, a well-structured preparation strategy is crucial. The UPSC examination, which is the gateway to the IAS, is one of the toughest in the country. It requires in-depth knowledge of diverse subjects, analytical skills, and the ability to express thoughts clearly and logically. My preparation strategy involves a thorough understanding of the examination syllabus, regular reading of newspapers for current affairs, and consistent practice of answer writing.

Character Building

Becoming an IAS officer is not just about passing an examination; it’s about building a character that can withstand the pressures of the job and make decisions in the best interest of the public. Integrity, empathy, patience, and resilience are some of the qualities that I aim to cultivate. Participating in social activities, understanding the challenges faced by different sections of society, and developing a solution-oriented mindset are part of my journey towards becoming an IAS officer.

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my ambition essay ias officer

my ambition essay ias officer

my ambition essay ias officer

  • The first reason is service to the nation. I want to contribute to nation’s advancement by becoming an IAS officer.
  • Our country needs lots of dedicated, honest and hardworking officers at the central and state-level posts. 
  • Most of the resources are wasted in corruption, mismanagement, and other unfair practices. 
  • By becoming IAS officer I want to ensure honest and optimal utilization of national resources. 
  • I will ensure all the funds released by the Government are spent honestly in the development projects. it can be said that an IAS office job is a combination of so many qualities and benefits. 
  • For success and job satisfaction I want to be an IAS officer. or at conclusion Mai ye kahana chahati hu ki ye UPSC ka exam hai yrro .. jitna time tumhe M.A, B.A or PHD krne me lag ta hai utna tho bas UPSC ko samajh KR IAS banne me lag jata hai.... #(Dream- to add IAS before my name nothing else ..)

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Each one must have an aim in life. An aimless life is directionless. Swami Vivekananda said : “Everything is possible, You can do anything and everything”. One must make the aim as one’s passion and have a clear focus towards one’s goal. When an ambition becomes the passion, you love doing it and won’t take it as a burden. One must dream big, sky is the limit. You will surely reach the stars. The choices that you make can bring differences in your life as well as in the lives of those for whom you want to make a difference.

It requires courage, strong will power, determination, consistent efforts, patience, persistence, perseverance and focus to fulfil one’s dream. Challenges, problems, setbacks are bound to come in the journey towards achieving your aim. Once you have taken a decision, you need to keep striving till the end.

My ambition in life is to become an IAS officer. The seeds of this dream have been there in my mind since childhood. Life and society have given me examples and strengthened my resolve to become an IAS officer. I am aware that this exam is one of the toughest, requires lot of efforts, hard work and dedication. It is a challenge to relish upon. Candidates of all diverse backgrounds of various age groups within the age limits attempt it.

Any ordinary candidate who has the zeal to work hard consistently can dream of clearing this exam irrespective of his financial, social, cultural and physical conditions. Some students are under the wrong perception that only toppers in academics can clear UPSC Civil Services Exam. The success stories of disabled candidates like Ira Singhal, blind lady Beno Zephine, etc. who have cleared the UPSC CSE in spite of their difficulties have inspired and instilled a faith in me to attempt this exam.

I have also been inspired by the success stories and works of various officers across the nation. They have made a huge impact on the lives of people, fought against injustice and corrupt politicians and have shown their commitment to serve the nation. Few examples are: Armstrong Pame is acclaimed for building people’s road with his own money and crowd funding, Smitha Sabharwal launched the ‘Fund Your City’ scheme, Durga Shakti Nagpal exposed the land scam  and also acted against the sand mafia, D.K. Ravi sacrificed his life for the service of the nation.

The social evils, injustice and various incidents of my life have strengthened my desire to become an IAS officer. Poverty, unemployment, inequality, lack of access to basic necessities, injustice to women, deaths, suicides are few of them to be mentioned.

IAS offers a wide area of scope, diversity, opportunity and responsibility of work. It gives a platform to work in the field, manage crisis, implement the policies and also participate in the decision-making process which can impact the lives of people and society.

Be it Health, Education, Women Empowerment, Energy Conservation, Law and Order, Justice, Agriculture, Irrigation, Tourism, Transport, Industries, etc. one can render you service in a wide area in the diverse fields at various positions. Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Teacher have rather a narrow and limited scope.

I have the passion to serve the nation, bring a difference in the lives of people and help in the development of the nation. Former President and ‘Missile Man of India’ the late Dr. Abdul Kalam has rightly said : “Dreams are something which don’t let you sleep”.

The job of a civil servant does not end after becoming a civil servant. Rather it is the beginning of a new journey towards plethora of opportunities and responsibilities.

UPSC CSE is a gruelling and exhausting exam. It tests the ultimate patience and perseverance. It is rightly said that one should not get disheartened by failures. One must keep trying and one day you will surely taste the fruits of success. One gets a single life to make aim into reality. Everything is possible.

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Essay On Why I Want To Become An Ias Officer

my ambition essay ias officer

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Why I Want To Become An Ias Officer

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is one of the most prestigious and coveted positions in the Indian government, and I am eager to become a part of this esteemed organization. I have several reasons for wanting to become an IAS officer, which I would like to share in this essay.

Firstly, I have a strong desire to serve the people of India and make a positive impact on their lives. I believe that being an IAS officer will provide me with the platform to make a difference in the communities I serve, and to help address the social and economic challenges faced by the people of India.

Secondly, I am drawn to the wide-ranging responsibilities of an IAS officer, which encompass areas such as administration, policy-making, and regulation. I am eager to learn about different aspects of government operations and to put my knowledge into practice in a way that benefits the public.

Thirdly, I am impressed by the reputation and prestige of the IAS and the impact that IAS officers have on the country. I am inspired by the examples of dedicated and effective IAS officers who have made a difference in the lives of the people, and I am eager to follow in their footsteps.

Finally, I believe that being an IAS officer will provide me with the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. I am excited by the prospect of being challenged and stretched in new ways, and I am confident that I will be able to learn, grow, and develop as an individual as I serve the people of India.

In conclusion, my desire to become an IAS officer stems from my passion for public service, my interest in government operations, my admiration for the reputation and impact of the IAS, and my eagerness to grow and develop as a person. I am committed to preparing myself for the rigors of the IAS and to making a positive impact on the lives of the people of India.

Long Essay On Why I Want To Become An Ias Officer

Becoming an IAS officer is a dream of many, but it requires hard work and dedication. In this article, we explore what it takes to be an IAS officer and why a person might have the desire to pursue this career path. We will also look at the challenges one must face in order to become successful in this field, as well as the rewards that come with it.


I want to become an IAS officer because it is a highly respected and coveted position in India. The Indian Administrative Service is one of the most important civil services in the country and I would be able to contribute to the development and progress of our nation.

As an IAS officer, I would be responsible for the administration of various government departments and would be involved in policy formulation and implementation. I would also be required to interact with different stakeholders, including citizens, NGOs, business leaders and government officials. This would give me a unique opportunity to understand the ground realities of our country and help formulate policies that are inclusive and sustainable.

Apart from the above, becoming an IAS officer would also give me a chance to serve my community and society at large. It is a job that comes with immense responsibility but also offers great satisfaction. I am confident that I have the required skillset and attitude to perform well as an IAS officer and contribute towards the betterment of our country.

Challenges of Becoming an IAS Officer

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is the premier civil service of the Government of India. IAS officers hold key and strategic positions in the Union Government, States and public-sector undertakings. As an IAS officer, you will have to lead and manage a large number of people and resources. You will be responsible for implementing some of the most important policies of the Government. The job comes with a lot of challenges, but it is also very rewarding.

Some of the challenges you may face as an IAS officer include:

1. Dealing with difficult situations: As an IAS officer, you will often have to deal with difficult situations such as floods, famines, riots, etc. You will have to work long hours under immense pressure to resolve these issues.

2. Corruption: Corruption is a major problem in India and as an IAS officer, you will be responsible for dealing with it. You will have to take tough decisions against corrupt officials and politicians. This can be a very difficult task.

3. Red tape: The bureaucracy in India is notorious for its red tape and inefficiency. As an IAS officer, you will often have to deal with this problem. You will need to be patient and persevering to get things done in a bureaucratic set-up.

4. Public expectations: IAS officers are held in high esteem by the public and there are high expectations from them. You will need to live up to these expectations and deliver results that are in the best interest of the people.

5. Stress: Working as an IAS officer can be very stressful due to long working hours, tight deadlines, and high expectations from the public. You will need to find ways to manage your stress in order to stay productive.

My Qualifications and Skills for Becoming an IAS Officer

I have always believed that if you want to achieve something big in life, you need to have a clear and well-defined goal. And for me, becoming an IAS officer has been a long-time dream. It is a career that offers both challenge and opportunity, and one that I am confident I can excel in.

I have the academic qualifications required to become an IAS officer, including a Bachelor’s degree in Arts from Delhi University. But it is not just my academic credentials that make me suited for this role; I also possess the necessary skills and attributes.

I am an excellent communicator, both written and verbal, which is an essential quality for an IAS officer who needs to interact with people from all walks of life. I am also calm under pressure and have the ability to think clearly and logically even when faced with challenging situations.

In addition, I am highly motivated and hardworking, two qualities that are essential for success in any field but especially so in the demanding world of civil service. I am confident that I have what it takes to become an outstanding IAS officer and contribute meaningfully to society.

My Aspirations to Become an IAS Officer

I have always aspired to become an IAS Officer. The Indian Administrative Service is the most prestigious and coveted civil service in India. It offers a great platform to serve the nation and its people.

The IAS is responsible for administering the government machinery at the district, state and central level. As an IAS officer, I would get an opportunity to work for the upliftment of the society and bring about positive changes in the lives of people.

The job of an IAS officer is both challenging and rewarding. It requires dedication, hard work and determination. I am ready to take up this challenge and work towards my goal of becoming an IAS officer.

How Becoming an IAS Officer Will Help Me Achieve My Goals

There are many reasons why someone might want to become an IAS officer. For some, it is the prestige and power that comes with the position. Others may be drawn to the challenge of working in a complex and ever-changing environment. And still others may see it as a way to give back to their community or country.

Whatever the reason, becoming an IAS officer can help you achieve your goals. As an IAS officer, you will have the opportunity to work on important issues and make a difference in the lives of those around you. You will also gain valuable experience and skills that will benefit you in your future career.

After reading this essay, I hope that you now have a clearer understanding of why I want to become an IAS Officer. It is my strong belief that with the right education, experience and background, combined with my passion for public service and commitment to making a difference in society, I will be able to reach this goal. With hard work and determination, nothing can stand in the way of achieving my aspirations as an IAS Officer.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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my ambition essay ias officer

5 Stories of Success from the Lives of IAS Officers

my ambition essay ias officer

By successfully navigating through the challenging UPSC civil service exams, individuals can attain prestigious positions like the IAS. As millions of candidates earnestly gear up for the upcoming UPSC prelims in 2023, scheduled to commence in a few months, it’s essential to draw inspiration. Here are the remarkable stories of five IAS officers who, despite financial constraints, couldn’t afford books or coaching yet triumphed in cracking the UPSC exams.

Table of Contents

Most inspiring IAS officer success stories:

Ias sreedhanya suresh.

One of the first women from Kerala’s Tribal tribe to pass the UPSC CSE is this one. Because Sreedhanya did not have enough finances to attend the UPSC CSE Interview, her friends came to her aid by raising money and transporting her to New Delhi to take the test. Later, she was appointed an IAS.

IAS K Jaiganesh

K Jaiganesh was born at Vinavamangalam, a village. As the oldest of four children, he was under pressure to provide for his impoverished family. After three unsuccessful attempts at the UPSC CSE from his village, he decided that he needed to relocate to Chennai and pursue his education there.

He began working as a waiter at a nearby restaurant while attending classes at the All-India Institute for IAS Coaching in Anna Nagar to cover his expenses. He then achieved the 156th position in the 2007 Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Test.

IAS Ansar Ahmad Shaikh

At 21 years old, Ansar Ahmad Shaikh’s family invested significant efforts to support their son’s aspiration of becoming an IAS officer. Yonus Shaikh Ahmad, Ansar’s father, earned a living as an autorickshaw rider.

To aid Ansar in his pursuit of the IAS dream, his brother made a sacrifice by discontinuing his education and taking up work as a mechanic. Ansar achieved the remarkable feat of becoming the youngest candidate to clear any competitive exam in 2015, passing the Civil Services exam after dedicatedly studying for 12 hours a day for three consecutive years.

IAS M Sivaguru Prabakaran

Despite the challenges of having an alcoholic father and his family’s reliance on coconut sales in Thanjavur, he harbored a lifelong ambition of joining the civil service. Despite leaving his engineering studies to support his family, the dream of becoming an IAS officer seemed far-fetched.

Upon completing his responsibilities, he returned to his studies. He enrolled at St. Thomas Mount, providing free lessons to underprivileged students with the aim of securing admission to IIT for an MTech degree. Eventually, he successfully completed his MTech and secured the 101st rank in the UPSC civil services exam in 2017.

IAS Anshuman Raj

Born in the rural Bihar village of Buxar, Anshuman Raj studied up to the 10th grade under the dim light of a kerosene lantern. Faced with a challenging financial situation in his family, Anshuman opted to forgo coaching classes and, in his fourth attempt, relied solely on self-study to achieve success.

Inspiring UPSC Stories (part)3 FAQS

1. how did sreedhanya suresh overcome financial constraints to attend the upsc cse interview.

Sreedhanya Suresh, one of the first women from Kerala’s Tribal tribe to pass the UPSC CSE, faced financial challenges during her interview. Learn about the inspiring efforts made by her friends to support her journey to New Delhi for the examination.

2. What motivated K Jaiganesh to relocate to Chennai for UPSC preparation?

Explore the story of K Jaiganesh, born in Vinavamangalam, as he took a significant step to pursue his education in Chennai after facing three unsuccessful attempts at UPSC CSE from his village. Discover the challenges he overcame while working as a waiter and attending classes in Anna Nagar.

3. How did Ansar Ahmad Shaikh’s family contribute to his dream of becoming an IAS officer?

At the age of 21, Ansar Ahmad Shaikh’s family played a crucial role in supporting his aspiration to become an IAS officer. Learn about the sacrifices made by his father, an autorickshaw rider, and his brother, who discontinued education to work as a mechanic.

4. What challenges did M Sivaguru Prabakaran face on his journey to becoming an IAS officer?

Despite having an alcoholic father and a family reliant on coconut sales in Thanjavur, M Sivaguru Prabakaran pursued his dream of joining the civil service. Delve into the challenges he encountered, including leaving engineering studies and returning to education after fulfilling family responsibilities.

5. How did Anshuman Raj achieve success in the UPSC exams without coaching and financial support?

Born in a rural Bihar village, Anshuman Raj faced financial constraints and opted to forgo coaching classes. Explore his inspiring journey of self-study in the face of financial challenges, leading to success in his fourth attempt at the UPSC exams.

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• Why I want to become a collector?
• Conclusion

Introduction :
Aspiring for great things in life is human tendency. There is a seed with in us. All it wants is to be hurtured and watered. That wants to germinate and grow. My dream is my seed. The seed is my ambition. Ambition sometimes depends upon one’s family background , up bringing social status and economic conditions. Nature of ambition various from person to person. My ambition is to become a collector.

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    Why I Want to Become an IAS Officer Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) It is my childhood dream to be an IAS officer. 2) I love to serve my country and my people. 3) By using my power for good, I want to change my society. 4) By becoming an IAS officer I want my parents to feel proud of me. 5) I want a country with no corruption and no ...

  9. Essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer

    100 Words Essay on I Want to Become an IAS Officer My Dream of Becoming an IAS Officer. Becoming an IAS officer is my dream. IAS officers serve the nation, making crucial decisions for the welfare of people. ... Service (IAS) officer is a noble pursuit, driven by the desire to contribute to the nation's growth. This ambition isn't just ...

  10. 10 Lines on IAS Officer in English

    Are you looking for a video on IAS? You are in the right place. This video provides you with 10 lines on IAS.It is very easy to understand and learn.Few Se...

  11. Essay on my aim in life to become a IAS Officer

    Welcome to my video on the topic "Essay on My Aim in Life." In this video, I have written a beautiful essay in simple English language and explained it in Hi...

  12. Paragraph on my ambition in life is to become a ias officer?

    My aim in life is to become IAS officer. There are many reasons behind this decision. Here, I have discussed them in detail: The first reason is service to the nation. I want to contribute to nation's advancement by becoming an IAS officer. Our country needs lots of dedicated, honest and hardworking officers at the central and state-level posts.


    My ambition in life is to become an IAS officer. The seeds of this dream have been there in my mind since childhood. Life and society have given me examples and strengthened my resolve to become an IAS officer. I am aware that this exam is one of the toughest, requires lot of efforts, hard work and dedication. It is a challenge to relish upon.

  14. essay on my ambition of IAS officers

    Every child has an aim and wants to achieve it; similarly, I want to become an IAS officer. All of see dreams and it was my father who encouraged me and told the benefits and its importance. I really liked it, because I myself want to do something for my nation. I will be an IAS officer one day because I have a true determination.

  15. Essay On Why I Want To Become An Ias Officer (Short & Long)

    Some of the challenges you may face as an IAS officer include: 1. Dealing with difficult situations: As an IAS officer, you will often have to deal with difficult situations such as floods, famines, riots, etc. You will have to work long hours under immense pressure to resolve these issues. 2.

  16. 5 Stories of Success from the Lives of IAS Officers

    IAS M Sivaguru Prabakaran. Despite the challenges of having an alcoholic father and his family's reliance on coconut sales in Thanjavur, he harbored a lifelong ambition of joining the civil service. Despite leaving his engineering studies to support his family, the dream of becoming an IAS officer seemed far-fetched.

  17. My Ambition become ias officer essay..

    Answer:The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is the administrative arm of the All India Services of Government of India.[3] Considered the premier civil servi… karanparmar1999h karanparmar1999h 01.11.2019 English Secondary School answered My Ambition become ias officer essay..

  18. My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

    Q.1 How do ambitions help people? A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition. Q.2 Why must one have an ambition? A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life.

  19. Essay on My Ambition to become an IAS Officer

    Essay on My Ambition to become an IAS Officer#iasofficer #essayoniasofficer #myambitiontobecomeiasofficer

  20. IAS officer essay // My aim in life essay // essay on my aim in life

    IAS officer essay // My aim in life essay // essay on my aim in life ias officer in Englishhello friends welcome to my channel study for child don't forget l...

  21. My Ambition

    My Ambition Synopsis: • Introduction • I Want to become an IAS officer • What I am Preparing? ... Indian Students Online Education Forum School Zone School Material My Ambition - IAS Officer - Essay Writing. My Ambition - IAS Officer - Essay Writing. 0. Srini V+ Team Administator. Posts: 9,992; Threads: 4,178; Reputation: 99; 26-03-2017 ...

  22. My ambition is to become a ias officer essay essays and ...

    My Ambition Is to Become a Collector. The digestive tract is a twisting tube about 30 feet long. It starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. In between are the esophagus‚ stomach and bowels (intestines). The liver and pancreas aid digestion by producing bile and pancreatic juices which travel to the intestines.