What Is the SAT Essay?

College Board

  • February 28, 2024

The SAT Essay section is a lot like a typical writing assignment in which you’re asked to read and analyze a passage and then produce an essay in response to a single prompt about that passage. It gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your reading, analysis, and writing skills—which are critical to readiness for success in college and career—and the scores you’ll get back will give you insight into your strengths in these areas as well as indications of any areas that you may still need to work on.

The Essay section is only available in certain states where it’s required as part of SAT School Day administrations. If you’re going to be taking the SAT during school , ask your counselor if it will include the Essay section. If it’s included, the Essay section will come after the Reading and Writing and Math sections and will add an additional 50 minutes .

What You’ll Do

  • Read a passage between 650 and 750 words in length.
  • Explain how the author builds an argument to persuade an audience.
  • Support your explanation with evidence from the passage.

You won’t be asked to agree or disagree with a position on a topic or to write about your personal experience.

The Essay section shows how well you understand the passage and are able to use it as the basis for a well-written, thought-out discussion. Your score will be based on three categories.

Reading: A successful essay shows that you understood the passage, including the interplay of central ideas and important details. It also shows an effective use of textual evidence.

Analysis: A successful essay shows your understanding of how the author builds an argument by:

  • Examining the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and other stylistic and persuasive techniques
  • Supporting and developing claims with well-chosen evidence from the passage

Writing: A successful essay is focused, organized, and precise, with an appropriate style and tone that varies sentence structure and follows the conventions of standard written English.

Learn more about how the SAT Essay is scored.

Want to practice? Log in to the Bluebook™ testing application , go to the Practice and Prepare section, and choose full-length practice test . There are 3 practice Essay   tests. Once you submit your response, go to MyPractice.Collegeboard.org , where you’ll see your essay, a scoring guide and rubric so that you can score yourself, and student samples for various scores to compare your self-score with a student at the same level.

After the Test

You’ll get your Essay score the same way you’ll get your scores for the Reading and Writing and Math sections. If you choose to send your SAT scores to colleges, your Essay score will be reported along with your other section scores from that test day. Even though Score Choice™   allows you to choose which day’s scores you send to colleges, you can never send only some scores from a certain test day. For instance, you can’t choose to send Math scores but not SAT Essay scores.

Until 2021, the SAT Essay was also an optional section when taking the SAT on a weekend. That section was discontinued in 2021.

If you don’t have the opportunity to take the SAT Essay section as part of the SAT, don’t worry. There are other ways to show your writing skills as part of the work you’re already doing on your path to college. The SAT can help you stand out on college applications , as it continues to measure the writing and analytical skills that are essential to college and career readiness. And, if you want to demonstrate your writing skills even more, you can also consider taking an AP English course .

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Compass Education Group

SAT Essay Scores Explained

On january 19th, 2021, college board announced that they will no longer administer the sat subject tests in the u.s. and that the essay would be retired. read our blog post  to understand what this means in the near term and what the college board has in store for students down the road., our articles on subject tests and the sat essay will remain on our site for reference purposes as colleges and students transition to a revised testing landscape..

how is sat essay scored

Why are there no percentiles for the essay on an SAT score report?

No percentiles or norms are provided in student reports. Even colleges do not receive any summary statistics. Given Compass’ concerns about the inaccuracy of essay scoring and the notable failures of the ACT on that front, the de-emphasis of norms would seem to be a good thing. The problem is that 10% of colleges are sticking with the SAT Essay as an admission requirement . While those colleges will not receive score distribution reports from the College Board, it is not difficult for them to construct their own statistics—officially or unofficially—based on thousands of applicants. Colleges can determine a “good score,” but students cannot. This asymmetry of information is harmful to students, as they are left to speculate how well they have performed and how their scores will be interpreted. Through our analysis, Compass hopes to provide students and parents more context for evaluating SAT Essay scores.

How has scoring changed? Is it still part of a student’s Total Score?

On the old SAT, the essay was a required component of the Writing section and made up approximately one-third of a student’s 200–800 score. The essay score itself was simply the sum (2–12) of two readers’ 1–6 scores. Readers were expected to grade holistically and not to focus on individual components of the writing. The SAT essay came under a great deal of criticism for being too loosely structured. Factual accuracy was not required; it was not that difficult to make pre-fabricated material fit the prompt; many colleges found the 2–12 essay scores of little use; and the conflation of the essay and “Writing” was, in some cases, blocking the use of the SAT Writing score—which included grammar and usage—entirely.

With the 2016 overhaul of the SAT came an attempt to make the essay more academically defensible while also making it optional (as the ACT essay had long been). The essay score is not a part of the 400–1600 score. Instead, a student opting to take the SAT Essay receives 2–8 scores in three dimensions: reading, analysis, and writing. No equating or fancy lookup table is involved. The scores are simply the sum of two readers’ 1–4 ratings in each dimension. There is no official totaling or averaging of scores, although colleges may choose to do so.

Readers avoid extremes

What is almost universally true about grading of standardized test essays is that readers gravitate to the middle of the scale. The default instinct is to nudge a score above or below a perceived cutoff or midpoint rather than to evenly distribute scores. When the only options are 1, 2, 3, or 4, the consequence is predictable—readers give out a lot of 2s and 3s and very few 1s and 4s. In fact, our analysis shows that 80% of all reader scores are 2s or 3s. This, in turn, means that most of the dimension scores (the sum of the two readers) range from 4 to 6. Analysis scores are outliers. A third of readers give essays a 1 in Analysis. Below is the distribution of reader scores across all dimensions.

What is a good SAT Essay score?

By combining multiple data sources—including extensive College Board scoring information—Compass has estimated the mean and mode (most common) essay scores for students at various score levels. We also found that the reading and writing dimensions were similar, while analysis scores lagged by a point across all sub-groups. These figures should not be viewed as cutoffs for “good” scores. The loose correlation of essay score to Total Score and the high standard deviation of essay scores means that students at all levels see wide variation of scores. The average essay-taking student scores a 1,080 on the SAT and receives just under a 5/4/5.

how is sat essay scored

College Board recently released essay results for the class of 2017, so score distributions are now available. From these, percentiles can also be calculated. We provide these figures with mixed feelings. On the one hand, percentile scores on such an imperfect measure can be highly misleading. On the other hand, we feel that students should understand the full workings of essay scores.

The role of luck

What is frustrating to many students on the SAT and ACT is that they can score 98th percentile in most areas and then get a “middling” score on the essay. This result is actually quite predictable. Whereas math and verbal scores are the result of dozens of objective questions, the essay is a single question graded subjectively. To replace statistical concepts with a colloquial one—far more “luck” is involved than on the multiple-choice sections. What text is used in the essay stimulus? How well will the student respond to the style and subject matter? Which of the hundreds of readers were assigned to grade the student’s essay? What other essays has the reader recently scored?

Even good writers run into the unpredictability involved and the fact that essay readers give so few high scores. A 5 means that the Readers A and B gave the essay a 2 and a 3, respectively. Which reader was “right?” If the essay had encountered two readers like Reader A, it would have received a 4. If the essay had been given two readers like Reader B, it would have received a 6. That swing makes a large difference if we judge scores exclusively by percentiles, but essay scores are simply too blurry to make such cut-and-dry distinctions. More than 80% of students receive one of three scores—4, 5, or 6 on the reading and writing dimensions and 3, 4, or 5 on analysis.

What do colleges expect?

It’s unlikely that many colleges will release a breakdown of essay scores for admitted students—especially since so few are requiring it. What we know from experience with the ACT , though, is that even at the most competitive schools in the country, the 25th–75th percentile scores of admitted students were 8–10 on the ACT’s old 2–12 score range. We expect that things will play out similarly for the SAT and that most students admitted to highly selective colleges will have domain scores in the 5–7 range (possibly closer to 4–6 for analysis). It’s even less likely for students to average a high score across all three areas than it is to obtain a single high mark. We estimate that only a fraction of a percent of students will average an 8—for example [8/8/8, 7/8/8, 8/7/8, or 8,8,7].

Update as of October 2017. The University of California system has published the 25th–75th percentile ranges for enrolled students. It has chosen to work with total scores. The highest ranges—including those at UCLA and Berkeley—are 17–20. Those scores are inline with our estimates above.

How will colleges use the domain scores?

Colleges have been given no guidance by College Board on how to use essay scores for admission. Will they sum the scores? Will they average them? Will they value certain areas over others? Chances are that if you are worrying too much about those questions, then you are likely losing sight of the bigger picture. We know of no cases where admission committees will make formulaic use of essay scores. The scores are a very small, very error-prone part of a student’s testing portfolio.

How low is too low?

Are 3s and 4s, then, low enough that an otherwise high-scoring student should retest? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. In general, it is a mistake to retest solely to improve an essay score unless a student is confident that the SAT Total Score can be maintained or improved. A student with a 1340 PSAT and 1280 SAT may feel that it is worthwhile to bring up low essay scores because she has previously shown that she can do better on the Evidence-based Reading and Writing and Math, as well. A student with a 1400 PSAT and 1540 SAT should think long and hard before committing to a retest. Admission results from the class of 2017 may give us some added insight into the use of SAT Essay scores.

Will colleges continue to require the SAT Essay?

For the class of 2017, Compass has prepared a list of the SAT Essay and ACT Writing policies for 360 of the top colleges . Several of the largest and most prestigious public university systems—California, Michigan, and Texas, for example, still require the essay, and a number of highly competitive private colleges do the same—for example, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford.

The number of excellent colleges not requiring the SAT Essay, though, is long and getting longer. Compass expects even more colleges to drop the essay requirement for the classes of 2018 and 2019. Policies are typically finalized in late spring or during the summer.

Should I skip the essay entirely?

A common question regarding SAT scores is whether the whole mess can be avoided by skipping the essay. After all, if only about 10% of colleges are requiring the section, is it really that important? Despite serious misgivings about the test and the ways scores are interpreted, Compass still recommends that most students take the essay unless they are certain that they will not be applying to any of the colleges requiring or recommending it. Nationally, about 70% of students choose to take the essay on at least one SAT administration. When looking at higher scoring segments, that quickly rises to 85–90%. Almost all Compass students take the SAT Essay at least once to insure that they do not miss out on educational opportunities.

Should I prepare for the SAT Essay?

Most Compass students decide to do some preparation for the essay, because taking any part of a test “cold” can be an unpleasant experience, and students want to avoid feeling like a retake is necessary. In addition to practicing exercises and tests, most students can perform well enough on the SAT Essay after 1–2 hours of tutoring. Students taking a Compass practice SAT will also receive a scored essay. Students interested in essay writing tips for the SAT can refer to Compass blog posts on the difference between the ACT and SAT tasks  and the use of first person on the essays .

Will I be able to see my essay?

Yes. ACT makes it difficult to obtain a copy of your Writing essay, but College Board includes it as part of your online report.

Will colleges have access to my essay? Even if they don’t require it?

Yes, colleges are provided with student essays. We know of very few circumstances where SAT Essay reading is regularly conducted. Colleges that do not require the SAT Essay fall into the “consider” and “do not consider” camps. Schools do not always list this policy on their website or in their application materials, so it is hard to have a comprehensive list. We recommend contacting colleges for more information. In general, the essay will have little to no impact at colleges that do not require or recommend it.

Is the SAT Essay a reason to take the ACT instead?

Almost all colleges that require the SAT Essay require Writing for ACT-takers. The essays are very different on the two tests, but neither can be said to be universally “easier” or “harder.” Compass recommends that the primary sections of the tests determine your planning. Compass’ content experts have also written a piece on how to attack the ACT essay .

Key links in this post:

ACT and SAT essay requirements ACT Writing scores explained Comparing ACT and SAT essay tasks The use of first person in ACT and SAT essays Understanding the “audience and purpose” of the ACT essay Compass proctored practice testing for the ACT, SAT, and Subject Tests

Art Sawyer

About Art Sawyer

Art graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, where he was the top-ranked liberal arts student in his class. Art pioneered the one-on-one approach to test prep in California in 1989 and co-founded Compass Education Group in 2004 in order to bring the best ideas and tutors into students' homes and computers. Although he has attained perfect scores on all flavors of the SAT and ACT, he is routinely beaten in backgammon.


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Hi! I’m a high school junior who took the October and November SATs. I got a 1500 on October and then retook it to get a 1590 in November. I’m very happy with my score, but my essays are troubling me. I got a 6-4-6 in October and thought I would improve in November, but I got a 6-3-6. I really cannot improve my actual SAT score, but I don’t understand the essay. I’ve always been a good writer and have consistently been praised for it in English class and outside of class. Is this essay score indicative of my writing skill? And will this essay hurt my chances at Ivy League and other top tier schools? None of the schools I plan on applying to require it, but, since I have to submit it, will it hurt my chances? Thank you so much.

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Maya, The essay is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Honestly, a 6-4-6 is a fine score and will not hurt your chances for admission. It’s something of an odd writing task, so I wouldn’t worry that it doesn’t match your writing skills elsewhere.

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Ultimate Guide to the New SAT Essay

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The essay portion of the SAT has a somewhat lengthy and tumultuous history. After all, the very first College Board standardized tests delivered in 1900 were entirely essay-based, but the SAT had dropped all essays from its format by the 1920s and did not reappear again until 2005.

When another redesign of the SAT was announced in 2014, many wondered if the essay, as the most recent addition, would make the cut. The College Board, considering whether to keep it or not, reportedly sought feedback from hundreds of members in admissions and enrollment . Advocates of the essay felt it gave candidates more dimension. Critics believed that the essay was not indicative of college readiness. A review of assessment validity confirmed that the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section of the SAT “is deeply predictive of college success,” whereas the essay is much less so.

Ultimately, the decision was made to make the essay an optional part of the SAT. This was an innovative move, signaling the first time that the College Board had made any component of the SAT optional.

Furthermore, the essay format has changed as well. Instead of arguing a specific side of a debate or topic presented in the prompt, you will now be asked to analyze a passage for writing style. This prompt is more aligned with the types of critical writing pieces that you can expect to be assigned in college.

As with all things new, the new SAT has taken some getting used to. Students, parents, teachers, and tutors alike have had to adjust to some significant changes in format and content. But the good news is that the new SAT is no longer an unknown variable. The essay in particular is now a well-known and understood piece of the puzzle, with the prompt remaining the same on each administration of the test. The only thing that has changed is the passage to be analyzed.

To learn more about the most significant changes on the SAT, read CollegeVine’s A Guide to the New SAT or review Khan Academy’s video overview of Content Changes to the New SAT .

Do I have to take the SAT with Essay?

As mentioned above, the essay is technically an optional section on the SAT — so no, you are not required to take it. That being said, some colleges or universities do require applicants to submit SAT with Essay scores. If you choose not to take the essay portion of the test, you will not be an eligible applicant for any of these schools. To find the essay policy at schools you’re interested in, use the College Board’s College Essay Policies search feature.

Should I take the optional SAT Essay?

If you are at all unsure of which colleges you’ll be applying to, or you know that at least one of the schools you’re interested in requires the SAT with Essay, you should go ahead and take the essay portion of the test. If you don’t register for the SAT with Essay at first, you can add it later through your online College Board account. Registration for the SAT with Essay costs $57 as opposed to the $45 for the SAT without the optional essay section.

What is the format of the new SAT Essay?

The new SAT Essay is a lot like a typical college or upper-level high school writing assignment in which you’re asked to analyze a text. You’ll be provided a passage between 650 and 750 words, and you will be asked to explain how the author builds an argument to persuade his or her audience. You will need to use evidence from the text to support your explanation. Unlike on past SATs, you will not be asked to agree or disagree with a position on a topic, and you will not be asked to write about your personal experiences.

You will have 50 minutes to read the passage, plan your work, and write your essay. Although this seems like an extremely limited amount of time, it is actually double the time allowed on the SAT Essay prior to March 2016.

The instructions and prompt on the SAT Essay, beginning in March 2016, are always the same. They read:

As you read the passage below, consider how [the author] uses:

  • Evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims
  • Reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence
  • Stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed

These instructions will be followed by the passage that you’re intended to analyze. After the passage, you will see the prompt:

Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience of [author’s claim]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of [his/her] argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author’s] claims, but rather explain how the author builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience.

Although you can expect the passages to be different, they will all share some common characteristics. You can expect the SAT Essay to be based on passages that are written for a broad audience, argue a point, express subtle views on complex subjects, and use logical reasoning and evidence to support claims. These passages examine ideas, debates, or trends in the arts and sciences; or civic, cultural, or political life; and they are always taken from published works.

How will my essay be assessed?

Your essay will be assessed in three scoring categories, each of which will be included on your score report. Two people will read your essay and score it independently. These scorers will each award between one and four points in each scoring category. If the scores you receive in a single category vary by more than one point, an SAT expert scorer will review your essay.   

The scoring categories are:

A successful essay shows that you understood the passage, including the interplay of central ideas and important details. It also shows an effective use of textual evidence.

A successful essay shows your understanding of how the author builds an argument by:

  • Examining the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and other stylistic and persuasive techniques
  • Supporting and developing claims with well-chosen evidence from the passage

A successful essay is focused, organized, and precise, with an appropriate style and tone that varies sentence structure and follows the conventions of standard written English.

Scores on the SAT Essay range from six to 24. To review a more specific breakdown for each scoring category, see the College Board SAT Essay Scoring Rubric .

Is my essay score always included on my score report sent to colleges?

Yes, your essay scores will always be reported with your other test scores from that day. There is no option to report only specific sections of your score. Even if you use Score Choice to choose which day’s scores you send to colleges, you can never send only some scores from a certain test day. For example, you cannot select to send Math scores but not Writing and Language or Essay scores.

What are the key strategies for the new SAT Essay test?

Remember the prompt.

On test day you will have only 50 minutes to read the passage, plan your analysis, and write your essay. Every minute will count. Because the prompt is the same on each SAT, you can save yourself some very valuable time by remembering exactly what the prompt asks you to do. That way, you won’t have to bother reading it on the day of your test.

Also remember that the prompt is asking only for your analysis. It is not asking you to summarize the passage or state your own opinion of it. Instead, while reading and creating a rough outline, you should focus on restating the main point that the author is arguing and analyzing how that point is made. Use only evidence taken directly from the passage and focus on how the author uses this evidence, reasoning, and other rhetorical techniques to build a convincing argument.

In short, when you begin your essay on test day, you should be able to skip reading the actual prompt and get straight to examining the author’s choices in presenting the argument. You should not waste any time summarizing the content of the passage or stating your own opinion of it.

Create a Rough Outline

When you’re under pressure to create a well-written essay in a limited amount of time, it can be tempting to skip the outline. Don’t fall into this thinking. While an outline may take some time to create, it will ultimately save you time and effort during the actual writing process.

The bulk of the outline you create should focus on the body paragraphs of your essay. You should have three main points you want to highlight, each being a specific method that the author uses to argue his or her point. These could include the use of logic, an appeal to emotions, or the style of diction or tone. As you read, identify the primary ways in which the author supports his or her argument. List the three most relevant methods in your outline, and then briefly cite examples of each underneath.

This very rough outline will shape the bulk of your essay and can ultimately save you the time it would take to remember these details during the actual writing process. 

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Stick to the Standard 5-Paragraph Essay Format

By this point in your high school career, you should have some experience writing a five-paragraph essay. The format is probably already familiar to you. As a refresher, a five-paragraph essay is generally structured like this:

I. Introductory Paragraph

  • Give some very basic background about the topic (for example, why the author is writing this piece)
  • Restate the author’s argument clearly
  • Write a concise thesis statement summarizing three ways in which the author proves his or her point

II. Body Paragraphs

  • One body paragraph per method used by the author
  • Include two to three specific examples directly from the passage
  • Analyze how effective these are

III. Conclusion

  • Restate your thesis
  • Briefly summarize the effectiveness of the author’s argument

While you may feel that 50 minutes is not enough time to plan and write an entire five-paragraph essay, you are best off keeping each paragraph brief and to the point rather than writing a more detailed essay in a shorter format. Each body paragraph should be only five or six sentences, while your introduction and conclusion can be even shorter if you write them effectively.

Practice Reading and Critiquing Opinion Pieces

The best way to prepare for the type of thinking and analysis required by the SAT Essay is to immerse yourself in reading and critiquing similar opinion pieces. The passage for the SAT Essay will always argue one side of a debate or topic, so other opinion pieces, editorials, and persuasive essays are all similar in content.

Read lots of these to become familiar with the style of writing. As you read, make mental notes of the methods that the authors use to make their points. Recognize patterns in these methods across pieces. For example, you might notice that casual diction is used to create a feeling of communal cause. These are points that you could also use in your analysis on the SAT Essay if they apply to the particular passage you receive.

Be An Active Reader

This will take you right back to your early high school and even junior high years. To be efficient on the SAT Essay, you will need to read closely and carefully in a limited amount of time. Staying engaged in the passage and making effective notations that will aid your analysis are critical.

You are probably familiar with some active reading strategies, and if that’s the case, stick with whatever notation you usually use. There’s no right way to do it, as long as your markings keep you actively engaged in the text and make your writing process easier.

This could include circling or bracketing off the thesis statement as you read. You might underline supporting details or come up with a system to mark for different literary devices (for example, a heart in the margin to denote an emotional appeal). If part of the argument seems unclear, put a question mark in the margin so that you can review it later.

Keep These Key Questions in Mind

It’s easy to get off track when you’re under pressure and rushing to complete a task. These are some good questions to keep in mind to ensure your essay stays on track:

Does the author use facts or logic to support claims? How does he or she do so? Is this effective? Could it be more effective? How so?

Discussing the author’s use of logic — often called an appeal to logos — speaks directly to an audience’s sense of reason. This is a very effective method of persuasion since it will just “make sense” to most readers.

What stylistic rhetorical devices does the author use to support claims?

Another common strategy used by authors involves the style and flow of their words. Does he or she make use of analogies, word repetition, or alliteration? These are all rhetorical devices about which you could write.

How does specific word choice contribute to the overall effectiveness of the piece?

Words are powerful. They can elicit emotions; they can create a sense of common cause; and they can use precision to draw pictures in your mind. What word choices are particularly powerful in the passage? Are there any patterns worth mentioning?

Of course, these are just a few of the many ideas you can use to get started with shaping and organizing your analysis. It’s a good idea to have a handful of possible questions to consider while reading. This will guide your thinking and can definitely help you out if you suddenly draw a blank.  

Study the Glossary

This is the most straightforward way to guide you as you prepare for the SAT Essay. Khan Academy has compiled an official Essay Glossary of key terms for the essay, and having a solid grasp of this vocabulary will allow you to use the correct words to describe the literary devices you discuss. And beyond that, the glossary can help give you some ideas for possible features in analyzing in your writing.

Where can I find free study materials for the SAT Essay?

Because the new SAT Essay was just rolled out in March 2016, there are not tons of resources yet for preparation. Many of the SAT Essay resources were designed before the new test, rendering them obsolete now. As you look for study materials, make sure that anything you use was created after March 2016 to ensure you are getting relevant information.

Some great resources are:

Sample passages and scored essays from the College Board are available for your review. These will give you an accurate idea of the types of passages you can expect to read and how your response will be assessed. These include examples of high-, medium-, and low-scoring student responses to help you gauge the quality of work that is expected.

Khan Academy tutorials are also available to help you prepare specifically for the SAT Essay. These include video overviews and a message board where students share and discuss strategies.

Finally, don’t skip the Khan Academy Essay Glossary as discussed above. Memorizing key terms from this resource will legitimize your response and help shape your thinking.

If you still have questions about the new SAT Writing and Language Test or you are interested in our full-service, customized SAT tutoring, head over to CollegeVine’s SAT Tutoring Program , where the brightest and most qualified tutors in the industry guide students to an average score increase of 140 points.

To learn more about the SAT, check out these CollegeVine posts:

  • ACT vs SAT/SAT Subject Tests
  • Are PSAT Scores Related to SAT Scores?
  • What Should I Bring to My SAT?
  • A Guide to the New SAT
  • The CollegeVine Guide to SAT Scores: All Your Questions Answered
  • How to Register For Your SATs

Want to know how your SAT score impacts your chances of acceptance to your dream schools? Our free Chancing Engine will not only help you predict your odds, but also let you know how you stack up against other applicants, and which aspects of your profile to improve. Sign up for your free CollegeVine account today to gain access to our Chancing Engine and get a jumpstart on your college strategy!

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how is sat essay scored

SAT Essay Scoring Demystified: What You Need to Know

how is sat essay scored

The SAT Essay is an optional component of the SAT that assesses a student's ability to analyze and write about a provided source text. Although the SAT Essay is optional for most colleges and universities, some schools require or recommend it, so it's essential for students to understand how the essay is scored. The SAT Essay is scored on three main criteria: Reading, Analysis, and Writing. Here's what you need to know about SAT Essay scoring:

 1. Reading:

   - The Reading score assesses how well you demonstrate comprehension of the provided source text. You'll need to show that you understand the author's argument, main ideas, and supporting evidence. Your score will be based on how well you demonstrate these skills, as well as your ability to analyze the text's rhetorical features, such as tone, word choice, and structure.

 2. Analysis:

   - The Analysis score evaluates how well you analyze the provided source text and develop your own argument. You'll need to explain how the author builds their argument, including identifying key elements such as claims, evidence, and reasoning. Your score will also depend on how effectively you support your own argument, using evidence from the text to make your case.

 3. Writing:

   - The Writing score assesses your ability to organize and express your ideas clearly and effectively. You'll need to demonstrate a strong command of language, including proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Your score will also depend on how well you use language to convey your ideas and develop your argument.

 4. Scoring Range:

   - Each of the three criteria is scored on a scale of 1 to 4 by two different graders, for a total score of 2 to 8 for each criterion. The two scores for each criterion are then added together to give you a final score for that criterion. The final SAT Essay score is the sum of the scores for each of the three criteria, ranging from 6 to 24.

 5. Scoring Rubric:

   - The College Board provides a detailed scoring rubric that outlines the specific criteria graders use to assess each of the three criteria. The rubric describes the characteristics of essays at each score level, helping you understand what graders are looking for and how you can improve your essay.

 6. Sample Essays:

   - The College Board also provides sample essays that have received different scores, along with annotations explaining why each essay received its score. These sample essays can be a valuable resource for understanding how the SAT Essay is scored and what you can do to improve your own essay.

 7. Practice:

   - The best way to improve your SAT Essay score is through practice. The more you practice writing essays, the more comfortable you'll become with the format and the better you'll understand what graders are looking for. Consider using official SAT Essay prompts, timed practice tests, and essay writing strategies to help you prepare.

 8. Time Management:

   - Remember that the SAT Essay is a timed test, so it's essential to manage your time effectively. Plan your essay before you start writing, and leave yourself enough time to revise and edit your work. Practice writing essays under timed conditions to improve your speed and pacing.

 9. Feedback and Revision:

   - After you receive your SAT Essay score, take the time to review the feedback provided by the graders. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and revise your essay accordingly. The ability to revise and improve your work is an essential skill that can help you succeed on the SAT Essay.

 10. Considerations:

   - Keep in mind that while the SAT Essay can be an important part of your college application, it's just one component among many. Colleges and universities consider a variety of factors when making admissions decisions, so focus on doing your best on all aspects of the SAT and your overall academic record.

By understanding how the SAT Essay is scored and practicing effectively, you can improve your performance and increase your chances of success on this important component of the SAT.

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How Is the SAT Scored?

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The SAT Is Scored on a Standard Scale

When you’re used to your test scores in school being graded out of one hundred percent, understanding the scoring process on the SAT can be a little confusing.

As of this writing, possible SAT scaled section scores are as follows:

  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Section: 200 to 800 points
  • Math Section: 200 to 800 points
  • Essay (optional): three subscores each ranging from 2 to 8

A perfect total score on the SAT is currently a 1600. A 1600 is usually–but not always–a reflection of having gotten every single question on the SAT correct.

If you get every single question correct on the SAT you always earn a 1600. If you don’t get a single question right, you receive a 200. The SAT Scaled Score exists so that scores on different tests can be compared effectively and to maintain an effective mean score of 500 on each section.

Let’s look at how the SAT is scored section by section.

How the SAT Is Scored

Table of Contents

How the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Is Scored

The Reading test and the Writing and Language test combine to create your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score. They each individually account for 400 of the points that contribute to a possible 800 points.

Any SAT sample or QAS will include a conversion table that correlates Raw Score, Math Section Score, Reading Test Score, and Writing and Language Test Score all in one big sheet.

Your Reading Test Score is found by counting up the number of reading questions you got correct. You don’t lose points for incorrect questions anymore, so your raw score is always just the number of questions you got right. Find the correlating scaled score in the same row.

The tricky thing here is that the raw score to scaled score isn’t completely consistent from SAT to SAT, so I can’t tell you that getting X number of questions right will automatically earn you the exact scaled score you’re looking for.

Nevertheless, a rough idea on more recent tests shows a Raw Score to Scaled Score conversion like this:

Approximate Scales for SAT Scores: Reading

Reading Raw ScoreScaled Reading Score

Just as above, the same goes for the Writing and Language Test: find your raw score by counting up how many correct answers you have and find its correlating subscore on that test’s scale.

Approximate Scales for SAT Scores: Writing

Writing Raw ScoreScaled Writing Score

How To Find Your Total SAT Score

To find your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score, you just add your Reading and Writing scaled scores together and multiply that number by 10 to find your SAT score on the 200 to 800 scale.

How the SAT Math Is Scored

This one is far more straightforward: even though there are technically two math tests, No Calculator and Calculator, they aren’t worth 400 individually. Your Raw Score on the Math section is just the total number of math questions you got right out of all 58 questions on both tests.

Then you go through the same translation: your Scaled Score comes from your Raw Score.

Approximate Scales for SAT Scores: Math

Math Raw ScoreScaled Math Score

How Is the SAT Essay Scored?

The SAT essay is a little bit different in its scoring, one, in that it’s scored by people rather than a machine and, two, in that its scoring ranges from 2 to 8 on three different subsections.

Each reader on your essay rates your essay in three different categories on a scale of 1 to 4. The two scores you receive from each reader are added together to form a single dimension score on the 2 to 8 scale.

You don’t ultimately receive a single SAT Essay score; you receive three. While this isn’t the official word from the College Board, it’s probably easiest to imagine that an 8 on each section is similar to getting an 800 on the multiple choice sections

SAT Essay Scoring Dimension One: Reading

This section accounts for one subscore of 2 to 8. The reading dimension of the essay rates how easily you can correctly identify the author’s argument and the specific supporting details she uses to make that case.

SAT Essay Scoring Dimension Two: Analysis

This section accounts for another subscore of 2 to 8. You earn a strong analysis score by explaining how the author builds her argument and appeals to her audience to get them to agree with her. You’ll earn a strong analysis score if you go into great detail about how the author is persuasive.

SAT Essay Scoring Dimension Three: Writing

This section accounts for your last subscore of 2 to 8. This is the section in which your writing itself is evaluated; of course the mechanics and style of your essay matter, too.

You can find detailed information about the scoring rubric your SAT essay graders use when over at the College Board . If you want to improve your SAT Essay score, check out my posts about How To Write the SAT Essay .

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How Is the SAT® Essay Scored?

  • Last Updated: November 20, 2020

How Is the SAT® Essay Scored?

  • Essay Score , Score Results

The score you receive on the essay portion of the SAT® exam measures your performance in three areas:

The scores you receive for these three categories are given by two essay readers who are specially trained to assess this exam section. 

The process for scoring is simple:

  • Both of the readers will give you scores between 1 and 4 for the three specified areas. 
  • Then, the two scores for your reading, two scores for your analysis, and two scores for your writing are added up.
  • The three scores you receive are produced by combining the two graders’ scores. 

When you get your SAT essay scores back, you can expect to receive the three cumulative scores that result from combining the grades each reader gives your essay. Ultimately, you will receive three scores between 2 and 8 for your reading, analysis, and writing . 

The essay score does not affect your overall exam score. The essay section of the exam used to affect your Writing score, but weighing your essay performance into the writing section has been eliminated from the SAT exam’s scoring process. Since the essay score has zero consequences on the total score you receive on the SAT test, you may not feel that it is as important, especially if it is not required for your applications.

Many schools list the essay as optional in their admissions process, and the relevance of your scores may vary depending on the major or program to which you are applying. 

The official readers are trained to score you fairly and accurately . For an idea of how you will do on the essay portion of the SAT, it is a good idea to take practice tests and become familiar with the prompts, timing, and expectations.

When you sit to write the official essay, you will know what to expect from the prompts. Practice tests can also provide an idea of what your score will be, based on your past performance.

There are no percentiles on the essay score report. When you receive your official score report, you will see that the Reading and Writing and the Math test scores include the opportunity to compare your scores to other students.

These rankings are not available for the SAT essay test because you do not receive a single score: instead, you receive three scores for your reading, analysis, and writing skills.

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SAT Essay Scores: Score Calculation and SAT Essay Score Range

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Shubhankar Das

Content Writer - Study Abroad | Updated On - Jun 29, 2024


  • SAT essay score is measured by 3 sections: reading, analysis, and writing .
  • Each section of SAT essay is calculated on a 2 to 8 level .
  • From 2021, SAT essay was discontinued .
  • Achieving 20 out of 24 SAT exam essay scores was accepted by most of the top universities. 

SAT essay score is measured on a scale of 2 to 8 for each section . Your SAT essay scores were measured on 3 dimensions: reading, analysis, and writing. Certain universities consider SAT exam essay scores vital for admission, despite it being optional. Until 2021, SAT essay score was also an optional section, but this year the essay section was discontinued. SAT essay score is not required anymore, but if you want to showcase your writing skills, you can consider taking an AP English course. Achieving 20 out of 24 SAT writing scores was accepted by most of the top universities . 

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SAT Essay Score Range

The SAT Essay Score ranges from 2 to 8 according to their proficiency level. SAT Essay is evaluated on three criteria – Reading, Analysis, and Writing.

SAT Essay is scored by two different people in between 1 and 4. Their grades are then summed up to give you a three-part grade. The highest grade you can receive is 8 for three, and while the lowest possible score can be 2 for each of the three sections of the SAT Essay Paper.

SAT Essay Score Calculation

The SAT essay reading part of your grade assesses how well you read the essay that was provided. The SAT essay analysis part assesses how well you explained your point. The SAT essay writing part assesses how good your syntax and flow was.

The steps on how the SAT Essay is evaluated are given below:

  • 2 distinct raters will examine your essay;
  • 4 for Advanced level
  • 3 for Proficient level
  • 2 for Partial level
  • 1 for Inadequate level
  • After both of them completes the evaluation, the 2 scores for each of the dimensions are added.
  • Candidates will receive 3 scores for the SAT Essay: One for each dimension which ranges from 2 to 8 points.

What is a Good SAT Essay Score?

For candidates wondering “What is a good essay score on SAT?”

Well, a good SAT Essay Score is scoring 19 out of 24. If a candidate manages to get above 22 out of 24, it is considered as an excellent SAT Score .

Distribution of Reader Scores

Average SAT Essay Score

There are different ways and parameters for calculating the average SAT Essay Scores. However, an average SAT Essay score is 14 out of a maximum of 24 points for all the three sections. Logically, Average SAT Score should be equal to 15 for all three sections. But apparently, it comes out to be 14. The Analysis dimension is the part of the SAT essay task that is most different from what students have had to do on other standardized test essays. The average SAT Essay score is 5 out of 8 for the Reading section, 3 out of 8 for the Analysis Section, and 5 out of 8 for Writing.

SAT Essay Score Percentile

The rough breakdown of the SAT essay score percentile based on the most recent College Board data is given in the table below:

Score Reading Analysis Writing
8 99 99+ 98
7 96 99 93
6 70 93 53
5 48 79 33
4 18 51 9
3 8 32 4
2 0 0 0

In order to apply to the top foreign Universities of the English speaking nations, Candidates are required to obtain a decent SAT Essay Score. Universities like Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago, Stanford University require a decent SAT Essay score of 5-6 out of 8 in Reading, at least 4 out of 8 in Analysis, and 5-6 out of 8 in Writing.

To attain a good SAT Essay score, students need to practice more and more with the reading part. Try to understand what the author is trying to say and then take time to analyze and organize your thoughts and finally present it in a better way. This is one of the quick and easy ways to boost your SAT Essay Score.

ACT Essay Vs SAT Essay

ACT Vs SAT score conversion helps to determine the better performance of the candidate in these exams.

Nature of Prompt Develop a unique point of view on a topic while incorporating three different, brief viewpoints on the topic given as part of the prompt. Evaluate a long passage by a published author, identify the author’s argument, and show how the author makes his or her argument.
Time Duration 40 50
Support Reasoning and examples taken from students’ personal experience in and outside of school Rhetorical, stylistic, and logical reasoning from the passage itself
Word Limit 250-300 650-800

SAT Essay Sample

Here are SAT example essays for you:

Each section of SAT essay ranges on a scale of 2 to 8, and achieving a score of 6 in every section is considered a good score. Your SAT essay score will be based on your reading, analysis, and writing levels. From 2021 SAT essay scores are not a part of the exam. 

Ques: What is a good essay score on the SAT?

Ans: Each section of SAT essay ranges on a scale of 2 to 8, and achieving a score of 6 in every section is considered a good score. A score of 20+ on SAT essay was acceptable for the top-ranked universities worldwide.

Ques: Is the SAT essay hard?

Ans: Candidates doing regular practice with SAT sample papers and with a good knowledge of English reading and writing can easily achieve a good score on SAT essays.

Ques: Is 14 a good SAT essay score?

Ans: Achieving a SAT essay score of 14 out of 24 is an average score. On average, achieving a score of 20+ is considered a good SAT essay score.

Ques: Is 20 a good SAT essay score?

Ans: Achieving a score of 20 on SAT was considered a good score and was accepted by most of the top universities. The total sum of the three-part SAT essay score was 24.

Ques: Does SAT essay score matter?

Ans: SAT essay score does not matter on your score report. SAT essay was discontinued in 2021. There are other ways to show your writing skills by taking another English essay exam.

Ques: Is a 90% on an essay good?

Ans: Achieving a 90% score on SAT essay was comparatively hard, and you need to write your essay with a perfect intro and conclusion for a higher score.

Ques: Who grades SAT essays?

Ans: SAT essay scores are graded on a scale of 2 to 8 for each section. Your SAT essay score will be based on your reading, analysis, and writing levels.

Ques: Can I send my SAT score without the essay?

Ans: From 2021 SAT essay scores are not a part of the exam. You can send your total SAT score to the universities by visiting the College Board’s official website.

Ques: Is it easy to get 40% on an essay?

Ans: Getting 40% on SAT is relatively easy. You need to write a perfect essay with a good introduction and conclusion to achieve a good score. 

Ques: How to start a SAT essay?

Ans: A perfect introduction to SAT essay describes and paraphrases the argument, and you need to introduce the specific passage and argument that you will discuss in the essay. One thing you need to remember is that your conclusion should sum up all the points you made.

* The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.






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SAT Myths vs Facts

The SAT is valued globally by K–12 and higher education. Nearly 2 million students in the class of 202 3 took the SAT, more than any other standardized assessment.   

Myth #1: The SAT is a barrier for students in the college admissions process.    

Fact: SAT scores help many students show their strengths to colleges and scholarship providers.    

The SAT measures the math, reading, and writing skills students are learning in high school—the same skills and knowledge needed for success in college and career.       

In 2023, 1.3 million U.S. high school graduates had SAT scores that validated or exceeded their high school GPAs—meaning their scores were a point of strength in their college applications ( College Board, 2023 ) . Among these students, 440,000 were African American and Latino, 350,000 were first-generation college students, and 250,000 were from rural communities.        

Students can opt in to Student Search Service TM when they take the SAT on the weekend. Students who participate in Search receive 29% more college admissions offers than those who don’t, and when colleges reach out through Search college outcomes are improved—especially for underrepresented student groups ( College Board, 2022 ; Howell et al., 2021 ).  

Myth #2: The SAT is biased against socioeconomically disadvantaged students.    

Fact: SAT performance differences are not a product of test bias but reflect genuine inequalities in K–12 education.    

In all academic measures, including grades, students from wealthier backgrounds have advantages long before taking college admission exams ( Reardon & Portilla, 2016 ).  

Research shows differences in family wealth only slightly affect SAT scores (  Chetty et al., 2020 ).  

While the SAT is a standardized, objective measure of achievement, other parts of a college admission application—like essays, extracurriculars, letters of recommendation, and availability of advanced coursework—are more skewed by income. (e.g., Alvero et al., 2021 ; Camara & Schmidt, 1999 ; Kim et al., 2024 ; Marini et al., 2018 ; O’Boyle & McDaniel, 2009 ; Park et al., 2023 ; Zwick, 2002 ).      

SAT questions are carefully developed and rigorously reviewed for evidence of bias and any question that could favor one group over another is discarded.        

Colleges consider SAT scores within the context of where students live and go to school, and an SAT score should never be a veto on a student’s plans or ambitions.       

Myth #3: Expensive test prep is the only way for students to raise their scores.    

Fact: Effective preparation for the SAT doesn’t need to be expensive.    

Students taking the digital SAT have access to 6 full-length practice tests in Bluebook—the same application students use on test day.       

One of the most widely used SAT practice resources is free, and come s from a yearslong partnership between College Board and Khan Academy®—now called Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy.       

Research shows that students can achieve similar gains to expensive test prep just by retaking the SAT. (Becker, 1990 ; Briggs, 2005 ; DerSimonian & Laird, 1983 ; Powers & Rock, 1999 .)


Alvero, A. J., Giebel, S., Gebre-Medhin, B., Antonio, A. L., Stevens, M. L., & Domingue, B. W. (2021). Essay content and style are strongly related to household income and SAT scores: Evidence from 60,000 undergraduate applications.  Science Advances,   7 (42). Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abi9031 .  

Becker, B. J. (1990). Coaching for the Scholastic Aptitude Test: Further synthesis and appraisal. Review of Educational Research, 60 , 373–417.  

Briggs, D. C. (2005). Meta-Analysis: A Case Study.  Evaluation Review ,  29 (2), 87–127.     

Camara, W. J., & Schmidt, A. E. (1999). Group Differences in Standardized Testing and Social Stratification ( College Board Research Report No. 99-5 ). New York: The College Board.  

Chetty, R., Friedman, J. N., Saez, E., Turner, N., & Yagan, D. (2020). Income segregation and intergenerational mobility across colleges in the United States. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 135 (3), 1567–1633.  

College Board. (2022). New Research Links Student Search Service Participation to More College Admission Offers (All Access). Retrieved from https://allaccess.collegeboard.org/new-research-links-student-search-service-participation-more-college-admission-offers .  

College Board. (2023). SAT® Scores and High School Grades: The Benefits of Multiple Academic Measures (College Board Research Note) . New York: College Board.  

DerSimonian , R., & Laird, N. M. (1983). Evaluating the effect of coaching on SAT scores: A meta-analysis.  Harvard Educational Review, 53 (1), 1–15.  

Howell, J., Hurwitz, M., Mabel, Z., & Smith, J. (2021). Participation in Student Search Service® Is Associated with Higher College Enrollment and Completion ( College Board Research Report ). New York: College Board.  

Kim, B. H., Park, J. J., Lo, P., Baker, D. J., Wong, N., Breen, S., Truong, H., Zheng, J., Ochs Rosinger, K., & Poon, OY. (2024). Inequity and College Applications: Assessing Differences and Disparities in Letters of Recommendation from School Counselors with Natural Language Processing . ( EdWorkingPaper 24-953). Retrieved from Annenberg Institute at Brown University: https://doi.org/10.26300/pmv2-r349 .  

Marini, J. P., Shaw, E. J., Young, L., & Ewing, M. (2018). Getting to Know Your Criterion: Examining College Course Grades and GPAs over Time ( College Board Research Report ). New York: The College Board.  

O'Boyle, E. H., Jr., & McDaniel, M. A. (2009). Criticisms of employment testing: A commentary. In R. P. Phelps (Ed.),  Correcting fallacies about educational and psychological testing  (pp. 181–197). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.  

Park, J. J., Kim, B. H., Wong, N., Zheng, J., Breen, S., Lo, P., Baker, D. J., Ochs Rosinger, K., Nguyen, M. H., & Poon, OY. (2023). Inequality Beyond Standardized Tests: Trends in Extracurricular Activity Reporting in College Applications Across Race and Class ( EdWorkingPaper 23-749). Providence, RI: Annenberg Institute at Brown University: https://edworkingpapers.com/sites/default/files/ai23-749.pdf  

Powers, D. E., & Rock, D. A. (1999). Effects of coaching on SAT I: Reasoning Test scores.  Journal of Educational Measurement, 36 (2), 93–118.  

Reardon, S.F., & Portilla, X.A. (2016). “Recent Trends in Income, Racial, and Ethnic School Readiness Gaps at Kindergarten Entry.”  AERA Open  2(3):1-18.  

Zwick, R. (2002). Fair game? The use of standardized admissions tests in higher education . New York: Routledge.  

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Jacobs School of Music Bulletin 2024-2025

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Admission Requirements

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Undergraduate Division

Indiana university bloomington requirements for incoming freshmen.

The standards listed below represent the minimum levels of preparation and achievement necessary to be considered for admission. Most admitted students exceed these minimum levels. Each application is reviewed individually. When making admission decisions, the university is primarily concerned with the breadth and depth of the college-preparatory program including the student’s cumulative grade point average, SAT/ACT scores, academic curriculum and the grades received in those academic courses, grade trends in college-preparatory subjects, class rank, and other additional factors.

High School Graduation

Applicants must earn a diploma from an accredited high school (or must have completed the Indiana High School Equivalency Diploma) to be eligible for admission consideration. Students who are homeschooled or attend an alternative school should submit credentials that demonstrate equivalent levels of achievement and ability.

Academic Preparation

Applicants should complete at least 34 credits of college-preparatory courses, advanced placement courses, and/or college courses in high school, including:

  • 8 credits of English , such as literature, grammar, composition, and journalism
  • 7 credits of mathematics , including 4 credits of algebra and 2 credits of geometry (or an equivalent 6 credits of integrated algebra and geometry), and 1 credit of pre-calculus, trigonometry, or calculus
  • 6 credits of social sciences , including 2 credits of U.S. history, 2 credits of world history/civilization/geography, and 2 additional credits in government, economics, sociology, history, or similar topics
  • 6 credits of sciences , including at least 4 credits of laboratory sciences - biology, chemistry, or physics
  • 4 credits of world languages
  • 3 or more credits of additional college-preparatory courses. Additional mathematics credits are recommended for students intending to pursue a science degree and additional world language credits are recommended for all students.

Alternative college-preparatory courses may be substituted for courses that are not available in the applicant's high school.

Grades in Academic Classes

Cumulative GPA, as well as the grades earned in the 34 courses required for admission, is an important part of the application review process. Weighted GPA is also part of the review, if included on transcript.

Application Essay

An IU-specific essay of 200-400 words is required.

Standardized Test Scores

ACT or SAT scores are accepted as either official or self-reported scores. Self-reported scores can be entered in the Indiana University application. If offered admission, the offer will be contingent upon receipt of official test scores from testing agencies, which must match or be higher than those self-reported during the admissions process. IU's test-optional admissions policy allows students (both domestic and international) to choose at the point of application whether to have SAT or ACT test scores considered as part of the admissions review. For applicants who choose not to have test scores considered, a greater emphasis will be placed on grades in academic courses and grade trends in the admissions review. Applicants receive equal consideration for admission and scholarship to the Jacobs School of Music, regardless of whether or not they applied under the test-optional policy. There are several groups of students who will be required to provide SAT or ACT scores. Homeschooled students, students who have attended a school with non-traditional evaluation methods where traditional alpha or numerical grades are not assigned, and student athletes subject to NCAA eligibility standards will be required to submit a standardized test score. Applicants who are at least 21 years old or have been out of high school for three or more years may be considered for admission without standardized SAT and/or ACT test scores.


For additional information, contact the Office of Admissions, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 855-0661; [email protected].  

International Students

To be admitted, international students must complete above-average work in their supporting programs. International applicants whose native language is not English must meet the English Proficiency requirements of Indiana University for undergraduate degree-seeking students. A complete description of options to complete the English Proficiency requirement is available at the Office of International Services (OIS) website.

Admitted undergraduate international students are also required to take the Indiana Academic English Test (IAET) and must register for any supplemental English courses prescribed based on the results of this examination or, if necessary, enroll in the intensive English language program.

For additional information, contact the Office of International Services, Indiana University, Ferguson International Center, 330 N. Eagleson Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405; [email protected] ; (812) 855-9086; http://ois.iu.edu/admissions/index.html .

Academic Bulletins

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Previous bulletins.

Students are ordinarily subject to the curricular requirements outlined in the Bulletin in effect at the start of their current degree. See below for links to previous Bulletins.

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Does the SAT Essay Matter? Expert Guide

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In days of yore, the SAT Essay was very different. For starters, it was a required portion of the exam, scored as part of the writing section. You had a measly 25 minutes to give and support your opinion on such deep philosophical issues as the importance of privacy or whether people perform better when they can use their own methods to complete tasks.

Things are very different now. Along with the SAT itself, the SAT Essay has been completely revamped and revised. Among other things, it is now an optional portion of the exam. In light of this SAT Essay renovation, many schools will no longer require that students take the SAT Essay when they take the exam.

But what do all these changes mean for you? Is the SAT Essay important? Read on for a breakdown of the new SAT changes, information on which schools continue to require the SAT Essay, why schools do and don’t require this portion of the exam, and how to figure out if the SAT Essay is necessary or important for you.

UPDATE: SAT Essay No Longer Offered

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In January 2021, the College Board announced that after June 2021, it would no longer offer the Essay portion of the SAT (except at schools who opt in during School Day Testing). It is now no longer possible to take the SAT Essay, unless your school is one of the small number who choose to offer it during SAT School Day Testing.

While most colleges had already made SAT Essay scores optional, this move by the College Board means no colleges now require the SAT Essay. It will also likely lead to additional college application changes such not looking at essay scores at all for the SAT or ACT, as well as potentially requiring additional writing samples for placement.

What does the end of the SAT Essay mean for your college applications? Check out our article on the College Board's SAT Essay decision for everything you need to know.

The New SAT Essay

The SAT was revised in March 2016. The aspect of the exam that is most changed is the essay. Instead of writing a 25-minute opinion piece, you will have 50 minutes to analyze how the author of a given passage constructs his or her argument.

Additionally, instead of having the exam integrated into your composite score, you will receive a separate score for your exam that does not affect your 1600-point score. The new exam is graded out of 24 points - 8 points each in “Reading” (essentially reading comprehension), “Analysis,” and “Writing” (writing style). See our breakdown of the new rubric here .

Finally, the new essay is a completely optional portion of the exam. You don’t have to take it, and you’ll still get your 1600-point score. In this way it’s a lot like the ACT, which also has an optional essay. If you wish to register for the SAT Essay, you’ll pay an extra $11.50.

Because the essay is now optional, colleges have the option of not requiring students to send SAT Essay scores. Thus, many colleges have dropped this requirement. So who still requires the SAT Essay?


Let this creepy happy pencil guide you through the SAT Essay!

Who Requires the New SAT Essay?

According to a Kaplan poll in which 300 schools were surveyed, most schools will not require the optional SAT Essay. However, some still do recommend or require it, particularly in the most selective tier of institutions.

Notably, elite schools like the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, and the University of Chicago are divided on the issue, with some requiring the essay and some neither requiring or recommending it. In the Ivy League, Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth and Yale will continue to require the SAT Essay, and Columbia, Cornell, UPenn, and Brown will not.

Big state schools are similarly divided: for example, the University of California system and the University of Michigan both require the essay, University of Illinois and Purdue University recommend it; and Penn State, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Indiana University neither require nor recommend the essay.

For the most up-to-date information on a school’s position on the SAT Essay, check the College Board . If the school isn’t on the list, check their admissions website. Those schools that do require the essay have gone on the record with specific reasons for doing so; I’ll break those down in the next section.


Schools are divided, like this egg.

Why Do Schools Require the SAT Essay?

Given that so many schools won’t require the essay going forward, you may be curious about those that do still require it. What’s their reasoning? Based on public statements from school officials, it seems to boil down to three main reasons:

#1: More Information Is Better

Some colleges seem to feel that all of the information they can get from applicants is helpful in painting a complete picture of the applicant. Certainly the SAT Essay presents a somewhat unique data point in that there are no other standardized elements of a college application that would include specific information on an applicant’s timed writing skills. It makes sense that schools that value having all the information that it is conceivably possible to obtain about a student would require the SAT Essay.

#2: The Revised Test Is Similar to College Work

The old SAT Essay involved a fairly arbitrary task and bore no resemblance to any work students do in college. However, the revised essay engages a student’s rhetorical analysis skills and requires the kind of analytical thinking students will perform in college. Thus, some colleges require the new SAT Essay because they feel it gives valuable insight into how a student might perform with college-level work.

#3: Sending a Message on the Importance of Writing

Institutions may also require the SAT Essay simply because they wish to telegraph to the world that they believe writing is important. This was part of the rationale given by Yale as to why they would continue to require the essay.

That’s why schools require it—but what about schools that don’t require the essay? What’s their reasoning?


Cats or dogs: another hot-button issue at elite institutions

Why Don't Schools Require the SAT Essay?

There are four main reasons that schools have given for not requiring the SAT essay going forward:

#1: Consistency

Many schools already do not require the optional writing portion of the ACT. So now that the SAT Essay is also optional, it makes sense to not require it, either. This simply makes testing guidelines consistent for those schools.

#2: The Essay Is Redundant

Some schools feel that they already have sufficient evidence of an applicant’s writing capability through application essays. This is particularly true at institutions where multiple essays are required as part of the application.

#3: The SAT Essay Does Not Predict College Success

In the past, the old SAT essay has been shown to be the least predictive element of college success on the SAT. While there is not yet data on the new SAT essay’s predictive capabilities, schools have taken this opportunity to shed what they feel is basically dead weight in an application.

#4: Requiring the SAT Essay Presents a Burden to Underprivileged Students

Columbia’s primary concern is that the extra cost of the essay may be a deterrent to underprivileged students.   University of Pennsylvania has made similar statements —minority and underprivileged students are least likely to have a “complete testing profile.” So, they’ve eliminated the SAT Essay requirement in the hopes of attracting a more diverse applicant pool.


A diverse tomato pool.

So Does the SAT Essay Matter to Your College Chances?

I’ve gone over how and why schools use or don’t use the SAT Essay. But what does all of this mean for you?

There are two main questions you need to answer to determine how important the essay is for you: first, should you take the SAT Essay section, and second, how important is your score?

Should I Take the SAT Essay?

This comes down mostly to whether or not you are applying to schools that require or recommend the SAT Essay. (In college applications, I would generally err on the side of treating recommendations as nicely-worded requirements.)

If you are truly not interested in a single school that requires/recommends the essay, and you don’t see yourself changing your mind, go ahead and skip it.   However, if there’s even a chance you might be interested in a school that does require/recommend the essay, you should take it.

And if you’re applying to highly selective schools, definitely take the essay portion, because around half of them require the essay. So if you change your mind at the last minute and decide you’re applying to CalTech as well as MIT, you’ll need that essay.

I advise this because if you don’t take the essay portion and then end up needing it for even one school, you’ll have to take the entire test over again. If you’re happy with your score already, this will be a big four-hour drag for you.

You might also want to take the essay portion if you are particularly good at rhetorical analysis and timed writing. Even for colleges that don’t require the essay, a stellar score will look good.

How Important Is Your SAT Essay Score?

This is a little more complicated, as it does depend to a certain extent on the schools you are applying to. I spoke to admissions officers from several schools, and some themes emerged as to how important they consider your essay score to be, and how they use it in evaluating your application:

  • The general consensus was that the essay was the least important part of the SAT overall. Admissions offices will look much more closely at your composite score.
  • The SAT Essay is primarily looked at in combination with your other writing-based application materials: your admissions essay and your high school English transcripts are also used to determine your writing and language skills. Essentially, it’s a part of a facet of your application.
  • That said, bombing the essay would be a red flag to admissions officers that you might not be fully prepared for college-level work.

Overall, I would advise you not to sweat your essay score too much. The most important thing is that your essay score is more or less consistent with your other test scores. It certainly doesn’t have to be perfect—if you get a 1600 and an 18 out of 24, I wouldn’t stress too much. But if you, say, have a 1500 and get a 9/24 on the essay, that’s a little more concerning, as it may cause concern among admissions officers that you aren’t prepared for college-level work.

In general, then, schools really look at the score, but it’s not one of the most important parts of your application or even your SAT score.  Your best bet if you are interested in a given school that requires the essay and you want more specific guidance how they use the essay is to call the admissions office and ask. To learn more about what a good SAT Essay score is, check out our guide to the average SAT Essay score.


Not this kind of score!

How Can I Succeed on the SAT Essay?

Luckily, it’s very possible to learn the skills to hit the SAT Essay out of the park every time. Here are some general tips:

  • Learn specific persuasive and argumentative techniques that you can reference in your essay. If you can’t identify what devices authors can use to make arguments, how will you write an essay about it?
  • Make sure you have a clear thesis that can be defended with evidence from the passage.
  • Include an introduction and a conclusion. This will help “bracket” your great points and show that you know how to structure a solid piece of writing.
  • Rely on evidence from the passage to build your argument.
  • Don’t give your opinion on the issue! The new SAT essay is not opinion-based.
  • Make sure you use correct grammar and academic language. (No “This passage, like my brows, is on fleek.”)
  • Write at least a page.

Also see this guide to getting a perfect SAT Essay score and this one on improving your score.


Tips to success: don't fold up the Essay section into origami boats.

Final Summary and Actionables

With the new SAT making the essay section optional, many schools have chosen to neither require nor recommend that students take it. Most schools will no longer require the essay, but highly selective schools are divided on the issue.

Among those schools that do require the SAT Essay, many have gone on the record to say that they feel the essay provides a valuable additional piece of information on an applicant’s potential for college-level work. They plan on using the essay as a way to further evaluate an applicant’s writing skills, although for most of these schools it is considered the least important part of the SAT score .

At schools where the SAT Essay is not required, the essay has been eliminated for a variety of reasons: for more consistency with ACT requirements, because the Essay seems redundant or poorly predictive of college success, or to attract a more diverse applicant pool.

What does all this mean for you? If there’s even a chance you’ll apply to a school that requires or recommends the essay, take the SAT with Essay. If you don’t and end up needing it later, you’ll have to re-take the entire exam.

If you do take the SAT Essay, don’t stress too much about getting a perfect score, but do prepare enough that you are confident you won’t get a very low score compared to your composite.

What's Next?

If you're thinking about test scores and college, check out my article on the minimum SAT score for college.

Ready to get started with practice essays? Check out our thorough analysis of the SAT essay prompt and our complete list of prompts to practice with .

Aiming for a perfect SAT essay score? Read our guides to get strategies on how to get an 8/8/8 on your SAT essay .

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Ellen has extensive education mentorship experience and is deeply committed to helping students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA from Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University.

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  25. Does the SAT Essay Matter? Expert Guide · PrepScholar

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