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My School Memory & Childhood Memory Essay & Paragraph

Here is a collection of essays and paragraphs on ‘My School Memories’ and ‘My Childhood Memories’. Everything changes over time. The school you attended as a child may not exist today, or it may not be as it was then. Some of the games and sports that you played as a child may have been lost in the modern touch today. The change must have caught your eye. How was your school then, how were your childhood days? Write an essay or paragraph describing your childhood memories.

My School Memories Paragraph

Table of Contents

My School Memory Paragraph, 200 Words

By: Haque | For class 6-7 | 02-04-’22

Write a Paragraph on ‘Memories of My School Days’. In your paragraph, mention your class, lessons, examination, homework, games and sports, friends, Headmaster, other teachers, etc.

The memories of my school days are very sweet. I often remember the sweet memories of my school days. In our class, there were sixty students . We all loved one another. Our class lessons were very interesting. All of our teachers were experienced. They took special care of the weak students. We never put off our homework. There was a good academic atmosphere in our school. We attended our classes regularly. As a result, we were never afraid of examinations. Tutorial examinations were held every month half-yearly, 2nd terminal and Annual Examinations were held in our school. There were good facilities for games and sports in our school. We played football, cricket, and volleyball in our school. There were also facilities for indoor games. All the students of the class were very cooperative and friendly. We often arranged debates and went on picnics . The teachers were very helpful to us. They helped us both inside and outside the classroom . The headmaster was really an experienced teacher . The teachers were our guide , guardians, and friends . The happy memories of my school days still fill my heart with joy.

Take a walk to: Village Fair Essay & Paragraph

Memories of My School Life Essay, 400 Words

By: Haque | For class 9-10 | 02-04-’22

My school days were the best days of my life . I still remember my first day at school . My school life is the brightest part of my memory.

I can still feel how warmly my school welcomed me. The affection I received from my teachers and the love I received from my classmates will never be forgotten. That’s why I always consider my primary school memories as the treasure of my life.

Those who are my best friends today, I got from my school. And those teachers of my childhood are still my fatherly guardians. This is how my school life has helped me and enriched me.

I think if I didn’t have the golden memories and valuable experiences of my school life, I would have missed a lot in my life. I did not get my wonderful friends, my experiences, and happy memories. Those days of excitement helped me to appreciate the value of time and to find meaning in life.

My school life has taught me how to be disciplined , responsible, hardworking, and realistic. That’s how my school life made me, so today I’m happy with my career. I believe that what school life teaches a person really affects the rest of his life.

One of the brightest memories of my school was the day I won the prize in the annual inter-school science competition. It was an event of great joy for me and my parents and a moment of great pride for my school. The principal of our school gave me a medal that day.

In my school life, I used to note down all my events in a personal diary. Now when I get a little leisure, I open the diary. In this notebook, I am delighted to discover the memories and experiences of my school life. It fills me with confidence and courage.

I remember how happy my parents were when I got first place in the whole school. They embraced me with joy and love.

It is said that a person always remembers his first day and last day in school. I remember that too. I cried the first day I went to school, the same way I cried the last day of my school life, because of the sadness of leaving. That’s how school days are the most memorable days of my life.

My School Memory and Childhood Memories Essay and Paragraph

My Childhood Memory Essay, 250 Words

By: Haque | For class 7-8 | 02-04-’22

Introduction: Childhood is the sweetest period of human life. I often remember the days of my childhood. When I remember my childhood days, I feel happy.

My Childhood Memories:   I was the youngest son of my parents. So, all the members of our family loved me very dearly. They bought me nice toys. My grandmother was very fond of me. She told me many interesting stories.

My Days in the Village: I was born in a village . The Padma flows by it. I swam in the river with other boys.

The whole village was my playground. I wandered in the village and played with my friends. The days of summer were the happiest days to us. We plucked mangoes and blackberries from tree to tree and ate them to our heat’s content. I had a great fascination for picking green mangoes during storm.

Education at Home: My learning was not dull. My uncle taught all the children of our family in the morning and at night.

The Village Maqtab: The village Maqtab was another interesting place for me. An old Maulavi used to teach us there.

School Days: The days of my school were very sweet. In school, we were afraid of our teachers.

The Village Hat: Another interesting memory was the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a week. I used to go to the market with my father. I used to buy sweets from the vendors.

Conclusion: How happy I was in my childhood days! The happy memories of those days still fill my heart with great joy. I wish I could have gone to those days again!

Read also: Friendship & Best Friend Essay & Paragraph

My Childhood Memory Essay, 600 Words

Introduction: Childhood days are very special to every person. A human child is born in a very helpless and weak form. Parents raise the child with utmost care and unconditional love. So, that period is a happy period for most people. However, childhood can be full of sorrow and nightmares for some orphans and helpless people. My childhood days were full of happy events. There were some sorrows too. But the happy memories invariably overshadow the sorry recollections. When I think of my childhood days I have a feeling of joy. My childhood days passed at Agrabad in Chittagong town. There we lived in a one-storied building.

Siblings, Parents, and Grandparents: I was the third child of my parents. My two elder sisters played with me and loved me very much. They shared every delicious food item with me. In the mornings and afternoons, I walked and played in the garden and on the roof of our house with my sisters. I asked them every type of question and they replied to my questions with their imaginations and little knowledge. I annoyed my sisters very much and wanted to follow them everywhere. My parents and sisters told me different types of stories. Those stories developed my imagination to full bloom. We had a radio and a cassette player in our house. I listened to different melodious songs on the radio and cassette player with my family. My grandparents also lived with us. I liked to pass time with them and listen to their experiences. Sometimes I made mistakes and when my parents were about to punish me, my grandparents always saved me. My grandparents died when I was seven years old. It was a matter of great shock to us. I still miss them.

Friends and Playmates: I had a few friends. They were our neighbors. At that time television was very costly and very few families had it. There was a color television in one of my friends’ houses. Sometimes I went to his house to watch TV. The programs on TV fascinated me. The number of my friends increased when I got admitted to the school.

The School: I was admitted to school at the age of five. The school was a very short distance from our house. I clearly remember my first day at school. I got up early in the morning, put on a white shirt and blue pants, and went to school with my father. In school, I met my teachers and classmates. My classmates were friendly and nice to me. My teachers also loved me very much.

Market and Park: Sometimes my parents took me to the market. At the market, they bought me dresses, chocolates, toys, balls, and other necessary items. They also took me to parks. We had a merry-go-round and other kinds of rides in the parks.

The Fairs: I also went to fairs with my parents. There is a big fair held annually in Chittagong. It is called ‘Jabbarer Bali Khela’. Many attractive toys and household items are found at that fair. My parents took me to that fair and bought me toys and sweetmeats. We also went to other fairs held on the occasion of Bengali New Year’s Day, Victory Day, Language Day, etc. We also went to different book fairs where my parents bought me books suitable for children.

Conclusion: A happy feeling engulfs me when I think of my childhood days. Then I lost myself in reverie and feel a strong nostalgia and longing for those days. That period has essentially made me the man I am now.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

4 thoughts on “My School Memory & Childhood Memory Essay & Paragraph”

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Thank you too.

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Hello, Mr Haque I’m a teacher of English at an Algerian middle school and I find your essay very useful and I’m presenting it as a test for my students could you, please tell me what is the source of your passage?

Dear Razika , Thank you for your comment. I am from Bangladesh. I am very happy to hear that you liked one of my blog essays. If I say about the source of writing, almost half of the writing on this site I have taken from some English grammar books of our country’s schools which are not included in the main syllabus and students read them as supplementary guidebooks. The other half of the essays and paragraphs here are my own.

Could you please tell me the topics or titles of some essays and paragraphs that are not on my blog but are often asked to write in schools in Algeria?

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Student Essays

My school life days and memories

11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]

My school life memories and years essay, speech and paragraph. The essay includes primary, high school and college life memories, experiences, feelings and joys, first day and last of school life. The essay is for all 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12 classes.

School Life Essay | Experiences, Joys, Memories, Achievements

The school life is the wonderful period of our life. Apart from getting education, the students learns  a lot of things from the school environment including; patience, sincerity, loyalty, sincerity, friendship, discipline etc. The school is really an unforgettable account of our experiences

1. Essay on My School Life Days, Experiences and Joys

Memories are the part and parcel of every one’s life. A man always remembers the good days he has passed. There are some good memories and some bad memories in life.

The good memories are the good experiences one gets in one’s life. The good memories includes; school life memories including primary, high school, college and university life memories. The memories of school life period, are definitely the treasure to cherish for the rest of your life. The school continuously plays and effective role in our later life period.

Related Post: Speech on My School Life Memories, For Students

The school life is the best life. A man, who has been the student, knows what school life is. The school life is the golden time period of learning. It truly impacts the life of students . The importance of school life can never be negated. The school life is important for children as well as for the grown up students alike.

We get good learning experience, the self confidence , motivation and the will to do the best. It is the school life that blesses with best ever friends for the rest of our life. The school life friends are like your old and sincere friends for the rest of your life. The school days are the best days of our lives. I have the best school life memories. They are like a treasure for me. The joys of school life are invaluable.

My school life days and memories

The school days are the best days of my life. I clearly remember my first day at school. My first day school life memories are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. That truly defines the importance of school life for a child.

As a child, I learned, cooperated, got myself motivated and groomed under the best company of my best friends. I remember the first year love and wishes from my teachers. That is why I always regard my primary school life memories as the treasure for my life.

I have the best friends today and the learning experience that I got from my high school. The high school life memories are the invaluable part. I did a lot of blunders and mistakes. But thanks to my sincere friends and true teachers I was always rescued. That is how I learned from high school life the true meaning of cooperation and love.

I had a lot of shortcoming. I still remember how ignorant I was during my school days. My school life memories make me realize how important school life is for anyone. Had it not been, I would have surely missed many things in my life. I would not be having good friends, good knowledge, good experience and the good memories.

The high school life days are very much filled with excitement. During high school life period, one becomes matured enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my entire memories. In that period I learned truly. I directed myself. I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self actualization.

This is the period when I started working hard. Thanks to that hard work done, today I am happy with my career. I believe, what you learn during high school life or college life, it truly impacts the rest of your life.

One of my best high school memory was the day when I won prize in annual inter schools science fair. It was the moment of great pride for me, my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield. That shied is still with me.

I always had the habit, during my school life, to note down everything on a diary. During my free time I always open that diary. It helps me soothes my pain. It fulfills me with confidence and courage. I miss a lot friend of mine. I have a good amount of school life pictures.

Those school life pictures are like my best memories. I remember the days we celebrated, the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy were my parent when I obtain first position in my entire school. That’s the best part of my school life. It never let me be bored.

It is said that a person always remembers his first day at school and the last day at school. The first day a child remembers because he came there weeping. And the last day a student remember because he left the school weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

2. Essay on High School Life:

High school is a time in our lives that we will never forget. It is where we start to form our own identity and make lifelong memories. As I reflect on my high school experience, I realize how much it has shaped me into the person I am today.

The transition from middle school to high school can be both exciting and scary. For me, it was a bit of both. I was excited to have more freedom and opportunities, but at the same time, I was intimidated by the new environment and responsibilities. Nevertheless, I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone and make the most out of my high school years.

One of the biggest highlights of my high school life was being part of various extracurricular activities. From joining the school newspaper to being a member of the drama club, I was able to explore my interests and develop new skills. These activities also allowed me to make new friends and create unforgettable memories.

Academically, high school challenged me in ways that I never thought possible. The workload was much heavier than middle school, but it taught me the importance of time management and discipline. I also had the opportunity to take advanced courses and push myself academically, which has helped me in my college journey.

But high school wasn’t just about academics and extracurriculars; it was also a time for personal growth. The four years of high school taught me valuable life lessons that I’ll carry with me forever. From learning how to deal with failures to building strong relationships with my peers, high school taught me the importance of resilience and self-growth.

However, like any other journey, my high school experience had its fair share of challenges. From dealing with peer pressure to balancing academics and extracurriculars, there were times when I felt overwhelmed. But these challenges only made me stronger and pushed me to become the best version of myself.

In conclusion, my high school life has been a rollercoaster ride filled with unforgettable moments, valuable lessons, and personal growth. I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

3. Essay on My Unforgettable Experience in School:

Growing up, school was a huge part of my life. It was where I spent most of my days, learning new things and making memories with my friends. However, there was one particular experience that stood out to me and has stayed with me till this day.

It was during my high school years when my English teacher announced that we would be putting on a theatre production for the end of the year school play. I had always been interested in acting, but never had the opportunity to pursue it. This was my chance.

The excitement and nervousness that filled me as we went through rehearsals and prepared for the big day is something that I will never forget. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, from forgetting lines to perfecting our performances. But the bond that formed between my classmates and I was something truly special.

On the night of the performance, as I stood behind the curtains waiting for my cue, I couldn’t believe how far we had come. Throughout all the hard work and dedication, we had created a masterpiece. As the curtains opened and we performed in front of a packed audience, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that I had never experienced before.

That unforgettable experience in school taught me the power of teamwork, dedication, and the ability to overcome challenges. It also showed me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Looking back, I am grateful for that opportunity and all the lessons it taught me.

It truly was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. So, I encourage everyone to take advantage of any opportunities that come your way, you never know what amazing memories and lessons they may bring. Happy learning!

4. Short Essay on Primary School Memories:

As I sit down to write about my primary school memories, it feels like going down the memory lane. Those were truly some of the best days of my life. I remember walking into the school premises for the first time as a tiny, nervous child and feeling overwhelmed by everything around me. However, as days went by, this place became my second home.

My primary school was a small, close-knit community where everyone knew each other. The teachers were more like friends and mentors who encouraged us to pursue our interests and passions. I fondly remember the annual sports day, where we competed in various events with enthusiasm and camaraderie.

Apart from academics, my primary school also emphasized on co-curricular activities. I had the opportunity to participate in school plays, dance performances and even started a band with my classmates. These experiences not only helped me develop new skills but also gave me the confidence to express myself.

One of the most memorable moments was when our class went on a field trip to a nearby farm. We got to see how crops were grown, milked cows and even tasted fresh fruits and vegetables. It was a fun and educational experience that we still talk about to this day.

As I look back, I am grateful for the wonderful memories and friendships that I made during my time in primary school. They have shaped me into the person I am today and will always hold a special place in my heart. So whenever I feel nostalgic, I close my eyes and think of my primary school days, filled with laughter, learning and love. Memories truly are the most precious possessions we have.

Remembering them keeps us connected to our past and reminds us of the joys that lie ahead in life. So, cherish your memories and make new ones every day! Life is a journey, and it’s these little moments that make it worth living

5. Essay on School Days are the Best Days of our Lives:

School days, the phrase that brings back a flood of memories for many. For most of us, school was the first place we interacted with strangers and made friends who became like family. It’s a time when life is simple, and all we had to worry about was homework and getting good grades.

We often hear people say that school days are the best days of our lives, and I couldn’t agree more. These are the days when we experience a plethora of emotions – joy, fear, excitement, and sometimes even heartbreak. It’s during this time that we learn valuable life lessons that stay with us forever.

Looking back on my school days, I remember the carefree laughter with friends, the thrill of trying something new for the first time, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. As children, we are filled with boundless energy and an insatiable curiosity to explore the world. School days gave us the platform to do just that.

Moreover, school was not just about academics; it also exposed us to different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. We learned how to work in teams, communicate effectively, and take on leadership roles. These skills are essential in our personal and professional lives.

Even though school may have its challenges – long hours of studying or dealing with bullies – it’s a time we will always look back on with fondness. As we grow older, we realize that those simple days were the best days of our lives.

So let’s cherish these memories and be grateful for the experiences that shaped us into who we are today. After all, school days may have ended, but the lessons and memories will stay with us forever. So let’s make the most of our present, just like we did during our school days. Let’s live life without any regrets!

6. My First School Memories Essay:

As I sit down to think about my first school memories, a wave of nostalgia washes over me. The feeling is overwhelming and as I close my eyes, flashes of those early days come rushing back.

I remember walking into that big building for the very first time, clutching onto my mother’s hand tightly. Everything was so new and exciting, from the colorful walls to the friendly faces of my classmates. I couldn’t wait to start learning and exploring this new world.

My first day at school was a blur, but what stood out the most was meeting my teacher for the very first time. She had a warm smile and kind eyes that immediately put me at ease. She introduced herself and showed us around the classroom, explaining all the different areas and tools we would be using. I remember feeling so small in that big classroom, but also filled with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

As the days passed, school became my second home. I had made new friends, learned new things, and started to understand what it meant to be part of a community. Those early years were full of laughter, playtime, and endless curiosity. I remember our colorful art projects, singing in the school choir, and eagerly raising my hand to answer questions.

Looking back, those first school memories hold a special place in my heart. They shaped me into who I am today and instilled in me a love for learning that continues to this day. My first years of school were truly magical, and I will always be grateful for the experiences and memories that I carry with me. So, whenever I think about my first school memories, I can’t help but smile and feel a sense of joy and gratitude for those formative years.

7. Feeling About School Essay:

School. It’s a word that brings up mixed emotions for many people, especially students. As someone who has spent most of their life in school, I have experienced all the highs and lows that come with it.

On one hand, school has been a place of learning, growth and opportunities for me. It’s where I discovered my love for science and literature, made lifelong friends, and gained valuable skills that have helped me in my personal and professional life. I am grateful for the education I have received and the teachers who have guided me along the way.

On the other hand, school can also be a source of stress, pressure, and even boredom at times. The constant assignments, exams, and expectations can take a toll on students’ mental and physical well-being. It’s no wonder that many students struggle with anxiety and burnout during their academic years.

But beyond the academic aspects, school is also a place where we learn about ourselves and the world around us. We are exposed to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives, which broadens our understanding of society. We learn how to work in teams, overcome challenges, and take on responsibilities. These experiences are just as valuable as the lessons we learn from textbooks.

However, I also believe that school is not always the best environment for everyone to thrive in. The traditional education system may work for some students, but it can also leave many feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. It’s essential to recognize that every student has their unique strengths and passions, and the education system should cater to that.

In conclusion, my feelings about school are complex. It has been a place of growth and learning for me, but I also acknowledge its flaws and limitations. As we continue to evolve and improve our education system, it’s crucial to remember that every student’s experience is different

8. My Childhood School Memories Essay:

As I sit here and reflect on my childhood school memories, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia. Some of the best times of my life were spent in school, surrounded by friends and teachers who shaped me into the person I am today.

I remember the excitement of starting kindergarten, with its bright colors and new experiences. It was my first taste of independence as I learned how to read, write and make new friends. As I moved on to elementary school, the days were filled with laughter and learning. I have fond memories of playing dodgeball during recess, participating in talent shows and going on field trips.

Middle school brought about a new set of challenges, but also some of my most cherished memories. It was during this time that I made lifelong friendships and discovered my love for music and sports. High school was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was also where I learned valuable life lessons and made unforgettable memories.

My teachers played a crucial role in shaping my childhood school memories. They not only taught me academic subjects, but they also instilled values like respect, responsibility, and perseverance. They believed in me, encouraged me to dream big and helped me achieve my goals.

In conclusion, my childhood school memories hold a special place in my heart. They represent a time of innocence, discovery, and growth. Even though those days are long gone, the lessons I learned and the memories I made will stay with me forever. I am grateful for all the experiences and friendships that I gained during my school years, and I will always look back on them with a smile.

So to all the students out there, cherish your school memories and make the most of every moment because one day you’ll look back on them and realize how much they truly meant to you. Keep learning, growing and creating wonderful memories!

9. Best High School Memory Essay:

High school can be a rollercoaster ride for many students, filled with both highs and lows. For me, one of the most cherished memories from my high school days was during my sophomore year.

It was our school’s annual sports day event, where all students participated in various sports and games. I remember being part of the relay race team representing my class. We had been practicing for weeks, and I was determined to do my best.

As the day arrived, there was a sense of excitement and nervousness in the air. The entire school gathered at the stadium, cheering on their respective classes. When our turn came, I ran my heart out, giving it my all. Our team ended up winning the race, and I remember feeling an immense sense of pride and accomplishment.

But what made this memory truly special was the support and camaraderie I felt from my classmates. We were not just a team; we were a family, cheering each other on and celebrating our victory together.

Looking back, that moment taught me the power of teamwork, determination, and friendship. It’s a memory that I will always hold close to my heart and cherish for years to come. High school may have its ups and downs, but it’s moments like these that make the journey worthwhile. So, always cherish your high school memories because they are truly some of the best memories of our lives!

10. Essay on Last Year of School Life:

As a senior in high school, the thought of leaving my last year of school life behind and entering the “real world” is both exciting and terrifying. It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing that this chapter of my life is coming to an end.

On one hand, I can’t wait to move on to new adventures and experiences. The freedom and independence that comes with college and adulthood is incredibly alluring. No more waking up early for class, no more strict schedules or rules to follow. I’ll finally have the chance to explore my interests and passions, make new friends, and take control of my own life.

But on the other hand, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the past four years. High school has been a place of growth and learning, both academically and personally. I’ve made lifelong friendships, learned valuable lessons, and discovered who I am as a person. It’s scary to think that all of that will soon be left behind as I embark on a new journey.

As my last year of school life progresses, I find myself cherishing every moment more and more. I attend school events, participate in extracurricular activities, and spend time with my friends whenever possible. I know that these experiences will soon become memories, and I want to make the most of them while I can.

Leaving high school also means leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of my hometown. It’s a place where I’ve grown up and created countless memories. Saying goodbye to my family, friends, and the place I’ve called home for so long is a daunting thought.

But as much as it may be scary and sad to leave behind my last year of school life, I know that it’s necessary for growth and progress. And although I may leave this chapter of my life behind, the experiences and lessons will stay with me forever. As I move on to new adventures, I’ll always look back on my last year of school life with fondness and gratitude for all that it has taught me. So here’s to the last year of high school – may it be filled with memories, laughter, and bittersweet goodbyes as we prepare for the next chapter of our lives

11. My School Life Essay  ( 150-200, 300-500 Words )

I know what you’re thinking, “Another essay?” But hear me out, this one’s not about some boring topic that you’ll never use in your life. It’s about something we can all relate to – our school life.

School is something most of us have known since we were little. It’s where we learn and grow as individuals, make friends and create memories that we’ll cherish forever. It’s a place where we spend the majority of our time during our formative years, and it plays a crucial role in shaping who we become.

For some of us, school might have been a drag – long hours, boring lectures, endless exams. But for others (myself included), it was the best time of our lives. Sure, there were challenges and tough moments, but looking back, those experiences have helped us become who we are today.

One of the best things about school is the friendships we make. Our classmates become our partners in crime as we navigate through the ups and downs of academic life. They’re the ones who understand what it’s like to pull an all-nighter to finish a project or cram for an exam. And let’s not forget the inside jokes that only we and our classmates will understand.

Apart from friendships, school life also teaches us important life lessons. We learn discipline, time management, and responsibility as we juggle between classes, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. We learn to work in teams, communicate effectively, and think critically. These are all skills that we’ll use throughout our lives, whether in further studies or in our careers.

But it’s not just about academics and life lessons, school life also gives us opportunities to explore our interests and passions. From joining a sports team to participating in drama productions, there’s something for everyone. These extracurricular activities not only provide a break from studying, but they also allow us to discover our talents and strengths.

And let’s not forget the unforgettable moments that make up our school life – field trips, school events, prom night, and graduation. These are all milestones that we’ll look back on with nostalgia and fondness. They’re also a reminder of how far we’ve come and the amazing memories we’ve created.

So, if you’re still in school, make the most of it. Take advantage of all the opportunities and experiences that come your way. And if you’ve already graduated, look back on your school life with a smile because those were some of the best years of our lives.

25 thoughts on “11 Essays on My School Life [ School Memories, Childhood, School Life ]”

Wow awesome report I will fudge it and use it 4 my own report thanks bye

Awesome . Nice experience of school 💖

Wow amazing report 🔥gave me inspiration for mobspeech …not meaning im copying tho 😪thanks

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Well done, the writer.

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Àwesome notice

This is very artist like paragraph

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Very nice report I like this outobiography thanks

Good I Like It

Great essay

Beautifully expressed 🖒❤😀 It was useful…

It was very nice and helpful to us wt and how to write our own life experience in school , relatives,near and dear etc… Thanks a lot

Thank you very much ❤️❤️

it never let s you feel board , I like that , thanks for sharing your article // have such a nice days in school actually good luck !

Very nice experience

Right this is good for a student absolutely right i am very for that thank you so much

So funny hahahahaha(sarcasm) 😀

My school memory is the such a wonderful part ok in my life. It’s was really how some feeling and wonderful experience. One day I leave from the World🌏 never come to back🔙 that’s line for suitable for my school days. It’s was not come to for following the life continues….. Missing my school days ans missing my lovely💕😍 friends👭👬👫

It is nice but it didn’t help me ☹

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Education Beginner

My School Life Essay

My School Life

Once upon a time in life, we all have crossed that age at which we used to go to school. Unluckily most of us did not like to go to school for the first time or some of us did not like to go to school throughout our entire life. But now when we think about our old school days, we imagine how magical and golden those days were. Absolutely no tension, no worries about the future, and no major concerns about our looks, we also don’t use to think about what people or the entire world will think before taking any step forward. 

Those golden and memorable days I still remember when I used to go to school. at first when I started my education from pre-nursery schooling. I did not like that to go to school for the first few years, but slowly and gradually when I started making friends in my school. I started liking that place too. In the first few weeks of my schooling, no child came to me to talk to and I was a really shy girl at that time. Months passed away then simultaneously I started developing my skills and sharpening my knowledge. Before I stepped into school I didn’t even know that I had a God-gifted talent for drawing beautiful artwork and paintings.

As teachers in our school encouraged us to be good at painting my hidden talent stepped out in front of everyone. I still remember one of my teachers always used to like my paintings and my artworks very much that she would not be able to believe that a 5-year small girl had made it. Impressed by my hidden talent slowly and gradually many children came to me to talk and they wanted me as a friend at last and yes, of course, I maintained my friendship very well with my classmates. so like other boys and girls in the school now I also got some friends to enjoy with and to make or create beautiful memories of school life.

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My School and its Environment

The name of my school was Saint Thomas. It was one of the best schools in the City. My father was very serious about my education. He chose this school carefully and by comparing it with other schools. I still remember it was a peach colour 7-storied building with a huge playground with lots of rides in it. there was a common corridor for every classroom on the same floor. There was also a beautiful garden with several flowers and different kinds of plants that decide the playground of the school. Usually, there were too many aquariums placed on different floors in different places or directions of the building loaded with different kinds of fishes, turtles, and other sea animals in it.

But the one fish tank I remember was placed in the corridor of the third floor of the building which was the largest one. That aquarium was the home of several beautiful and unique sea or water animals. There was jellyfishes, starfishes, a small breed of octopus, turtles, piranha fish, goldfish and many other different unique breeds of fishes was there. The teacher’s staff room was on the ground floor attached to the assembly hall for the students. The vice-principals office first just decides the principal’s office. Our principal was a very kind person he used to love kids but our vice principal was a little bit strict in nature though sometimes he used to scream at some suspected children. 

As a School Student

Just as usual I was a very lazy student but the encouragement and ongoing force which used to come from my parents help me to become an active girl and to study well. if my parents wouldn’t force me to study at first I don’t think that I would be able to complete my education. Because just like other children I also hated studying throughout my entire life of school but when I stepped into college I got interacted with the fact that studying is necessary to lead a great life I wish I would know this thing in school life. Though I was a lazy student but not an average one in my class. The credit goes to my parents. My mother made my daily routine which I had to follow at any cost.

In that routine, I had to wake up at 6 AM But I don’t know why she did it. I would like to sleep at 9 o’clock because my school used to start at 11 o’clock. Sometimes she also made me wake up at 5:30 which was horrible for me at that time. She did not let me sleep more than 6:am on the holidays or the weekends also. After that, I was bound to do a regular yoga routine before having my breakfast then after having my breakfast I left for school every morning. She also makes me sit for 2 hours in the morning to study at any cost. She is a kind of time management for me. That is the reason why my academic results are so good with a lazy girl attitude.

Good things and bad things about My School Life

There are many good things about my school I love the place from where I did my schooling that was the only place that provided me peace in my teenage. If we talk about good things then I can say everything was good there nothing was that bad. Especially the teachers I had in my school were amazing, helpful, friendly, and experienced. The environment of my school was also amazing due to the good and helpful teachers.

The classmates I had were also good well some exceptions are there. Most of all my best friends were the soul of my schooling life. I can’t even imagine my school life without them. If they were not there then my school life must have been ruined. I had two best friends in my school and I am glad that I met them there. They were amazing people and still, I am in contact with them.

Now if we come to talk about some of the disadvantages then there are not many disadvantages of my school but one annoying thing was there which are the maids of the school. They do not use to do their work properly. The canteen of our school was also a drawback in my school in life. The food was fine with an average taste but the rates were too much higher than the outside.

Memories which I Miss from My School Life

Some of the memories which I miss from my school life is

  • Playing with friends
  • Every year meeting with new students
  • Riding on the Swing
  • Enjoying in the canteen
  • Reading English was my favourite subject.
  • Gossiping with my best friends
  • Making beautiful artworks and art crafts for school exhibitions. 
  • Spending time doing nothing in the substitution classroom.
  • Cultural events and festivals are held by our school.
  • And at last that craving inside me for acquiring knowledge.

So in the conclusion of this, we can say that school life is a memorable and golden time period in every person’s life. The friends and memories we make here were unforgettable. When we grow up and give a sneak peek into our school life then realize how special it was and what we missed the most. Without a little bit of naughtiness, nobody can make it a fun spending time.

Here we knew that we learn from mistakes. Our school was like a temple. The teachers present there were like priests to us, and the knowledge was the ultimate God in that temple which is in the form of school. We should never forget our roots and what we have learned from our school life. We spend one-third of our lives in our school.

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essay about memories in school

My School Life Essay

By Emma bunton

Updated on April 13, 2023

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Essay on my school life – 300 words

School life is one of the most memorable times in an individual’s life. School life is filled with dreams for the future and mysteries to solve. I had a wonderful school life. My school life centered around my friends, gossip, and play. With no real responsibilities, I lived some of the best days of my life in my school life. Although I had several good friends, John and Sara were my best friends. They made my school days even more precious. We were not too brilliant or geniuses. But we were respectful and hardworking. All the teachers adored us.

 In my school days, all I wanted was to grow up and get out into the real world. However, now all I wish is for the good old days to come back. The best memory from my school life was the sharing of our lunches. We used to sit in a big circle in our lunch breaks and place all our lunch boxes inside the circle.  And then what followed was a half-hour full of talking and good food. 

Another precious memory from my school life was all of us playing silly games. We used to play truth and dare right in the middle of our classroom. It used to annoy our class teacher, Miss Priya, a lot. But as long as we were not harming anyone, she was fine with it. We used to find joy in the smallest of things. I remember one day a friend of mine brought mini cupcakes to class one day. That was the best day of my life. Life could not have been any better.

These are some of the dearest memories of my school life. I will cherish these memories for all times to come. I hope everyone’s school days are as joyful and beautiful as mine were.

My School Life Essay – 500 words

Happy memories stay with you forever. They provide the light in your dark days. And what better memories can be than the ones you collect in your school life. School life is one of the best times in one’s life. It largely impacts students. What we become in the future is based largely on how we are brought up in our school days. It is the golden opportunity for character building and learning.

In our school days, we learn to have self-confidence, motivation, and the will that will help us achieve greater things for the rest of our lives. School life blesses you with memories and friends that will stay with you for all times to come. As for me, my school life holds the fondest memories of my entire life. The friendship that I made in my school days have remained strong, honest, and sincere to date. My school life is an invaluable treasure that I will cherish forever.

I clearly remember the first day at my school. I was so scared and full of uncertainty. I joined school quite late in my life due to health problems. I felt like an outsider. I was afraid that my classmates would not approve of me. However, all the students and teachers went out of there to prove me wrong. I can still remember how everyone clapped when our headmaster introduced me to the rest of the class. At that particular moment, I should have understood that this was the start of some of the best years of my life.

I was groomed under the company of some of the greatest teachers in the world. They did not just teach me to excel in my academics. But they worked tirelessly to ensure that I build a strong moral character and a good attitude. I can say for a fact that my teachers have played the biggest part in my upbringing after my parents. They taught me the value of honesty, loyalty, and respect for others.

My class teacher, Mr. John, was the greatest man in the world. He treated all of us with love and equal respect. He did not believe in punishments at all. Instead, he used to make us do charity work or help around the local community center as a form of detention. I wish that every student would get the chance to come across a kind and loving teacher like Mr. John.

I was not perfect at all. I committed a lot of mistakes and blunders in my school life. Fortunately, my friends and teachers were always there to rescue me. My school life makes me realize how important it is to enjoy it like there is no tomorrow. School days are the best days of one’s life. They are filled with excitement, happiness, and dreams for the future. I believe that everything which I learned in my school life has molded me into the person I am today. If it was not for my teachers and friends at school, I would have been a completely different person.

Essay on my school life – 650 words


School life is one of the most important character-building phases in one’s life. It prepares us for the challenges ahead. Once we are out into the real world, the bubble that surrounded us in our school life bursts open. We are exposed to real-life challenges and situations. Everything that we have learned in our school days, including the fundamental principles of life will help us stand strong against whatever life throws at us.

Not only is school life a very important character builder, but it is also the happiest time of one’s life for most of us. With no real responsibilities, school life is all about fun and living the best days of your life. Most of us will agree with the fact that the mere reminder of our school days fills us with nostalgic memories of the happier days gone by.

My School Life

I studied in a local Catholic School. Our classes would begin at sharp 9:00 in the morning. The classes used to extend till 2:00 with an hour in between lunch break. We used to have about 4 to 5 classes a day depending on the time each class lasted. Our school put a huge focus on extracurricular activities. They made sure that all of us participated in one way or the other. It used to host debate competitions, spelling bees, cultural shows, and sports tournaments. Simply put, our school gave as much importance to extracurricular activities as it gave to studies.

I was a very bright and hardworking student. I used to participate in all sorts of tournaments and competitions that my school held. I was the captain of our soccer team. I also lead my team into the inter-school soccer tournament. I loved being a part of everything. And it paid a lot in the long run. Not only did it make my school life awesome, but it also paved the way for an Ivy League scholarship.

My school used to celebrate all the important days that came along. Be it Parent’s day, Teacher’s day, or Founder’s Day, we celebrated all of them joyously. This offered a great opportunity to instill the importance of these particular days in the student’s minds. To date, I celebrate all these individual days with my friends and family. Therefore, my school played a huge role in developing my character.

Coming to academics, my school gave it the utmost importance. Along with regular classes, my school held monthly tests and quarterly quizzes to ensure that we excelled in our final exams. If any of the students fared badly, extra classes were held for them. My school did not believe in punishing the students who fared badly in academics. The motto of my school was to teach with love. Anything that was taught with love is always remembered.

The hallmarks of my school were discipline, honesty, and respect. My school put a lot of emphasis on building the individual character of the students along with giving them a quality education. I can proudly say that I still abide by all the values which my school instilled in me. I learned to live my life abiding by the basic values of humankind. The basic values included respect for the elders, punctuality, discipline, good manners, and honesty.

The friends that one makes in his school days last forever. I made some of the greatest friendships in my school days. Full of loyalty, sincerity, and love, my school life friends have stood by my side for the rest of my life. I can honestly say that my school days were the best days of my life.


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I am proud to have been a part of such a wonderful and worthy institution. My school made me a better person today with greater self-control and the ability to withstand all of life’s challenges. Even after all these years, the memory of my school life brings a big smile to my face. It fills me with happy and precious memories that will stay with me forever.

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Childhood Memories Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on childhood memories.

Memories are a vital component of our bodies. They shape our personality as all our knowledge and past experiences are stored there. All of us have memories, both good and bad. You have memories from long ago and also from recent times. Furthermore, some memories help us get by tough days and make us cheerful on good days.

Childhood Memories Essay

Memories are the little things which help in running our lives smoothly. In other words, memories are irreplaceable and they are very dear to us. They help us learn from our mistakes and make us better. In my opinion, one’s childhood memories are the dearest to anyone. They help in keeping the child in you alive. Moreover, it also is a reason for our smiles in between adult life.

Importance of Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are very important in our lives. It makes us remember the best times of our lives. They shape our thinking and future. When one has good childhood memories, they grow up to be happy individuals. However, if one has traumatic childhood memories, it affects their adult life gravely.

Thus, we see how childhood memories shape our future. They do not necessarily define us but they surely play a great role. It is not important that someone with traumatic childhood memories may turn out to be not well. People get past their traumatic experiences and grow as human beings. But, these memories play a great role in this process as well.

Most importantly, childhood memories keep the inner child alive. No matter how old we get, there is always a child within each one of us. He/She comes out at different times.

For instance, some may act like a child on seeing swings; the other may get excited like a child when they see ice cream. All this happens so because we have our childhood memories reminding us of the times associated with the things we get excited about. Therefore, childhood memories play a great role in our lives.

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My Childhood Memories

Growing up, I had a very loving family. I had three siblings with whom I used to play a lot. I remember very fondly the games we use to play. Especially, in the evenings, we used to go out in the park with our sports equipment. Each day we played different games, for example, football on one day and cricket on the other. These memories of playing in the park are very dear to me.

Furthermore, I remember clearly the aroma of my grandmother’s pickles. I used to help her whenever she made pickles. We used to watch her do the magic of combining the oils and spices to make delicious pickles. Even today, I can sometimes smell her pickles whenever I look back at this memory.

Most importantly, I remember this instance very clearly when we went out for a picnic with my family. We paid a visit to the zoo and had an incredible day. My mother packed delectable dishes which we ate in the zoo. My father clicked so many pictures that day. When I look at these pictures, the memory is so clear, it seems like it happened just yesterday. Thus, my childhood memories are very dear to me and make me smile when I feel low.

Q.1 Why is Childhood Memories important?

A.1 Childhood memories shape our personality and future. They remind us of the good times and help us get by on tough days. Moreover, they remind us of past experiences and mistakes which help us improve ourselves.

Q.2 What can be a common childhood memory for all?

A.2 In my opinion, a childhood memory most of us have in common is the first day of school. Most of us remember what we felt like on the first day. In addition, our birthdays are also very common childhood memory that reminds us of gifts and celebrations on that day.

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Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

The joy of my first bicycle.

As a child, my most cherished memory is the day I got my first bicycle. It was bright red, with shiny handlebars and a loud horn. I felt a rush of excitement the moment I saw it. My dad held the seat steady as I climbed on. The first few tries were shaky, and I stumbled a lot. But with each fall, I got back up, determined to ride smoothly.

Learning to Ride

After many tries, I finally pedaled without falling. The wind in my hair, I felt unstoppable. My parents clapped and cheered from the sidewalk. That day, I learned more than just riding a bike. I learned that with patience and practice, I could do anything. This memory of joy and accomplishment is one I’ll always treasure.

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My best childhood memory.

When I think of my childhood, many fun times come to mind. But the one I cherish the most is the day I learned to ride a bike. It was a bright summer day, and my older brother decided it was time for me to ride without training wheels.

My brother took me to the park with my shiny red bike. At first, I was scared. I thought I would fall without the small extra wheels on the sides. But my brother held the back of the seat and ran beside me. He kept telling me to keep pedaling and to look straight ahead. His words were like magic, and slowly, I felt less scared.

Success at Last

Why it’s special.

This memory is special because it was the first time I felt truly proud of myself. My brother’s help and the joy of learning something new made that day unforgettable. It taught me that even when things seem hard, with a bit of help and courage, I can do anything. Every time I see a bike, I remember that summer day and smile. It was a simple day, but it is my favorite childhood memory.

500 Words Essay on My Favorite Childhood Memory

When I think back to my childhood, many memories come to mind, but one stands out the most. It was the day my family and I went to the beach during summer vacation. That day is my favorite childhood memory because it was filled with joy and laughter, and it brings a smile to my face every time I remember it.

The Trip to the Beach

It was a bright and sunny morning when we started our trip to the beach. My parents, my little sister, and I piled into the car, each of us excited for the day ahead. We sang songs and played games on the way there, making the car ride part of the fun. The drive felt short because we were having such a good time together.

Building Sandcastles

As soon as we arrived, I could feel the warm sand under my feet and hear the waves crashing. The first thing I did was to build a sandcastle with my sister. We used buckets and shovels to shape the sand into towers and walls. My parents helped us decorate our castle with shells and seaweed. It wasn’t just a sandcastle; it was our little masterpiece, and we were proud of it.

Playing in the Water

After building the sandcastle, we ran towards the water. The sea was cool and refreshing. My sister and I jumped over waves and laughed every time one of us got splashed. My parents watched us from the shore, smiling and taking pictures to capture the moment. It felt like the water washed away all our worries, and all that mattered was the fun we were having.

Family Picnic

Watching the sunset.

As the day came to an end, we watched the sunset together. The sky turned into beautiful colors of orange and pink. It was like watching a painting come to life. We sat in silence, taking in the beauty of nature. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

Why It’s My Favorite Memory

That day at the beach is my favorite childhood memory because it was a day spent with my family. We didn’t need fancy toys or gadgets to have fun; just being together was enough. It taught me the value of family and how simple moments can become the most precious memories.

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School Essay

Essay On School Memories

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  • Reading time: 4 mins read

Now that I have left school, I often think of my school days. I feel that school days are the happiest period of anyone’s life. When we are in school we are carefree. We have only to study, play and be happy.

My early schooldays stand out in my memory. I went to school very reluctantly on the first day. I was very shy and not at all happy. But soon | made friends with other children. I then began to like school.

As I went up to the secondary school, I considered studies as a great burden. They were irksome to me. I hated to do a lot of home work. I preferred to spend my time playing cricket and other games. I used to think that it was very cruel to make young children remain indoors and study instead of being allowed to go outside and play.

I recall that I used to be very keen on extracurricular activities like debating, elocution and dramatics, fancy dress competition and Annual functions. I won several prizes for elocution, dramatics and debating. My teachers were very good to me. They helped me a great both in my studies and other activities.

A few good friends I made in my schooldays continue to visit me and be friendly with me even today. I hope that ours will be a life long friendship. How greatly we enjoyed some outings and trips. We used to enjoy our picnics very much. We availed ourselves of concessions to go on trips, and tours during the holidays. We travelled in a group. We saw many important places in India and we had a grand time.

We benefited a lot from our school training. Our teachers gave us knowledge and also helped us to build up our character. We are grateful to them for the useful training they gave us. We learnt the value of knowledge and discipline in our schooldays.

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Memories Essay | Essay on My Best Memories for Students and Children in English

July 22, 2021 by Prasanna

Memories Essay: Memories are an essential part of our bodies. They shape our character as the entirety of our insight and past encounters are put away there. We all have Memories, both great and awful. You have Memories from some time in the past and furthermore from ongoing occasions. Besides, a few Memories assist us with getting extreme days and make us happy on great days.

Memories are the easily overlooked details that help in running our lives easily. As such, Memories are indispensable and they are extremely dear to us. They assist us with learning our missteps and improve us. As I would like to think, one’s cherished Memories are the dearest to anybody. They help in keeping the kid in you alive. In addition, it likewise is a justification for our grins in the middle of grown-up life.

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Beloved Memories are a remarkable piece of our life. The clever, most joyful, delightful, best, superb and remarkable Memories of youth days are very difficult to quit recalling. Youth is truth be told the most awesome aspect of anybody’s life.

Essay on Childhood Memories

Memories are perhaps the most essential things which we can treasure for the duration of our life. They develop our character as the entirety of our insight and past encounters are put away there. Memories can be both acceptable and awful. There are Memories either from quite a while in the past or from the late past. On our crucial occasions, we may get some reward by reviewing our Memories. We can run our lives easier with the assistance of these Memories. Memories help us from numerous points of view. We can correct ourselves from previous slip-ups. Beloved Memories are loved by us all. They make us grin even at our advanced age.

Cherished Memories are exceptionally huge in our lives. We can review the best occasions of our lives. Beloved Memories develop our future and perspective. Individuals with great beloved Memories are cheerful people. On the opposite side, some terrible beloved Memories likewise influence the fate of a person.

A cherished memory certainly doesn’t characterize anybody however they assume an essential part in one’s life. It isn’t required that an individual with great Memories consistently carries on with a prosperous life while an individual with terrible Memories consistently carries on with a dangerous life. Here and there, repulsive beloved Memories make a man more grounded.

By the by, one might say that the internal identity is kept alive by cherished Memories. There is consistently a kid inside each individual. It might come out of nowhere at any stage throughout everyday life.

Some might be energized on seeing swings; some may behave like a kid when they see panipuri. The purpose for the realities is we are reminded by our cherished Memories without fail. Thus, cherished Memories assume an exceptionally fundamental part in our lives.

Childhood Memories

I was conceived and raised in an entirely cute family. I have grown up with my senior sibling with whom I used to play a ton. I recollect every single game we used to play together. Each second is extremely valuable to me. In the early evening, we used to play cricket in our close by ground. The Memories of playing in the ground together are entrancing.

Another lovely thing I can recollect is flying kites. It used to be quite possibly the most intriguing thing of my youth. Indeed, even the senior individuals from the family took an interest in us. We used to fly kites on our porch. The kite-flying project would keep going for the whole day.

Another excellent thing I can recall is my meeting at the zoo with my family. We made one zoo visit each year. They used to be those exceptionally basic yet sensational family cookout minutes. We would convey stuffed food from home that my mom used to cook. My senior sibling would click a few photos of us. At the point when I take a gander at those photos now, the Memories wake up. Today, such countless things have changed yet my beloved Memories is still new in my heart. It feels so invigorating to remember them over and over. My beloved Memories are exceptionally near my heart and make me grin on my troublesome days.

We should all love our cherished Memories as they can generally be our friend, our “joy of isolation.” Simple things hold grave significance when they are from the youth days. The days were liberated from intricacies and loaded with guiltlessness. Thus, they are so close to heart. Everybody adores their cherished recollections. It is the stage that establishes the framework of a kid’s character and future. Tragically, we can’t get those days back now yet we ought to be content for having particularly stunning adolescence.

Childhood Memories Essay

FAQ’s on Memories Essay

Question 1. Why are memories important in life?

Answer: Memories are exceptionally fundamental in our lives since they permit us to develop and figure out how to be a superior individual. Our memories can show us vital life exercises, exhibit abilities and capacities and can cause us to feel cheerful and engaged. We can recall where we did our missteps and gain from them.

Question 2. What are happy memories?

Answer: At the point when you consider lovely memories, you can portray it as thinking back. You can allude to the recollections as memories or then again, in the event that you truly need to overdo it, maybe a little, sweet memory.

Question 3. Why are memories so powerful?

Answer: Different neurons in the mind should fire in synchrony to make constant recollections attached to extreme feelings, new exploration has found. Memories connected with compelling feelings regularly become singed in the mind. What’s as yet a secret is a reason these recollections, recorded by the cerebrum’s hippocampus, become so solid.

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Essays on Memories

Exploring the depths of memory through essays.

Writing about memories offers a unique opportunity to delve into the personal and the universal, connecting individual experiences with broader themes. Whether reflecting on moments of joy, lessons learned through struggle, or the intricate dance of relationships, memories essays allow writers to explore the fabric of their lives. An important aspect of crafting these essays is not just recounting events but weaving these recollections into narratives that resonate with insight, emotion, and universality.

Choosing the right topic is just the beginning. To truly bring your memories essay to life, consider drawing from a diverse range of experiences and emotions. For those seeking inspiration or examples of how to craft a compelling narrative, we've gathered a collection of memoir examples crafted for college students : these examples can provide valuable insights into structuring your essay, developing your voice, and connecting with your audience.

Top 10 Memories Essay Topics in 2024

  • The Moment That Changed Everything: A Reflection on Transformation
  • Lessons from the Dinner Table: Family Dynamics and Personal Growth
  • Lost and Found: The Journey of Rediscovering Self
  • Between the Lines: What My Favorite Book Taught Me About Life
  • The Art of Resilience: Overcoming Personal Adversity
  • Crossroads of Culture: How My Heritage Shapes My Identity
  • The Language of Music: How Melodies Define Moments
  • Friendship in the Digital Age: Navigating Bonds and Boundaries
  • Unearthing Passions: The Quest for Personal Fulfillment
  • The Echoes of Laughter: Finding Joy in Simplicity

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The Importance of Memories in Our Life

My favorite memories with my father, the creation of our memories, effect of good and bad memories on attitude and emotion, worst thing i have ever done, my trip to miami shores, florida, how a driving accident affected on my life, necessity and importance of memories for growth, the most memorable moments of fifa world cup 2018, making memories count: kids photography, post-memory and layered memories of vietnamese americans, art and memory, a theme of memories in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the process of recollection of memories in nabokov's speak, memory, a hometown acceptance at different periods of life, the effects of the memories of the civil war and the reconstruction on americans, discussion if there any worth of possibility to erase bad memories, the use of own memories in the poems of sylvia plath and ted hughes, the possible ways to strengthen lost memories, a long way gone: uncovering the true fiction behind ishmael beah’s recount of his life story, relevant topics.

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  • Memories: from Then to Now

            While looking through my stacks of pictures, I realize how important the memories in my all-school photos are to me.  One particular picture, from ninth grade, is especially significant not because I like to look at what my classmates or teachers looked like, but because it reminds me of how much my life has changed since the beginning of high school.  For years, school has been a part of almost everything I do and, except perhaps for my parents, has shaped my future more than anything else.  High school has not been the only cause of change for me in the last three years, but it played a pivotal role.  Not only did school teach me math, English, and lots of other subjects, but it also changed my outlook on life in ways I now realize aren’t immediately obvious, even to me.

            When this picture was taken, the only real activity I did after school, other than homework and my own projects, was tutoring other students once a week.  As with almost everything at my school at that time, the tutoring program was disorganized (the school was new then), but that didn’t matter, and I found it particularly enjoyable to know that I was helping other people.  While I’ve never had problems with classes, it frustrates me to see others fail, and I like to help them whenever possible.  To this day I still tutor students after school, and not only is the tutoring program better than it once was, but my tutoring skills have improved as well.

            While I’ve continued with student tutoring, since my ninth grade picture was taken I’ve also expanded my horizons by starting an Electronics Club.  For several years now I’ve wanted to start such a club because of my own interest in building gadgets, and because I thought other students might be interested too.  My club has only had a few meetings, and only has a few members, but people are coming back for more, even though I don’t think I’ve been making the meetings as interesting as I could have.  My hope is that I’ll not only be able to teach club members the basic theories behind electronic design, but also introduce them to my own interests, so that they’ll consider electronics not only as a hobby, but also as a possible career.

            Of course, school is only part of life.  While I may not immediately associate a school picture with what I’ve done outside of school, especially with my own interests, the principle of looking back to see what has changed still applies.  For years, I’ve focused some of my own time on designing and building electronic devices.  In ninth grade, I was still finishing what was, at the time, the most complex project I’d done, an odd radio-controlled device designed to fill the neighborhood water tank, which is useful at my house because I live beyond the reaches of the city water system.  I personally never thought that the device worked too well, though the neighbors were impressed.  Now, while I’m still working on plans for a better version, and while I realize that I have more experience now, I still look back and wonder, “Why did I do it that way?”

            At the time the picture was taken, although I did projects for the neighborhood, I was not very involved with the greater community.  Since then, I’ve realized that helping the community can be much more than simply fulfilling a school requirement.  So, while history has never been my favorite subject, I decided to assist the docents at the local history museum both because I knew the museum needed help and because I really did want to know more about the history of where I live—an area on the central coast of California once dominated by loggers and short-lived boom towns.  While working at a museum is not always entertaining, it is both fascinating to see the old photographs and rewarding to know that the history of the area will not be lost.  Looking back through the binders of old photos is especially interesting because the pictures show how much has changed since the days of horses and buggies, just as my school picture shows how much has changed for me since the beginning of high school.

            A picture is simply a snapshot of one instant, but a stack of pictures can, like a movie, describe the progression of my life.  And, as I said before, I mainly look at these pictures not because I want to see what my friends or my teachers looked like then, but for the memories of what has happened and changed in my life since.  When I consider the array of pictures as a whole, it becomes even clearer how much I’ve learned and changed, and on closer inspection, how much of this was because, directly or indirectly, of my generally excellent school experience.

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  • Childhood Memories Essay


Essay on Childhood Memories

Memories are one of the most crucial things we can cherish throughout our lives. They build up our personality as all our knowledge and previous experiences are stored there. Memories can be both good and bad. There are memories either from long ago or from the recent past. In our critical times, we may get some refreshment by recalling our memories. We can run our lives smoothly with the help of these memories. Memories help us in many ways. We can rectify ourselves from past mistakes. Childhood memories are treasured by all of us. They make us smile even in our old age. 

Importance of Childhood Memory:

Childhood memories are very significant in our lives. We can recall the best times of our lives. Childhood memories build up our future and way of thinking. People with good childhood memories are happy people. On the other hand some bad childhood memories also affect the future of an individual. 

The things a person learns during childhood remain as important lessons and memories for life. It applies to things like family and society values, morals, learning the importance of friendships and being respectful to adults. Without learning proper manners, people can become reckless and take unnecessary risks in life. 

Childhood memories are also strongly related to good habits such as proper discipline and cultivating the proper attitude in life. These values, which are very important for success in adult life, cannot be learnt overnight at a later stage. 

A childhood memory definitely does not define anyone but they play a pivotal role in one’s life. It is not necessary that a person with good memories always lives a prosperous life while a person with bad memories always lives a hazardous life. Sometimes, ghastly childhood memories make a man stronger. 

Nevertheless, it can be said that the inner child is kept alive by childhood memories. There is always a child inside every person. It may come out all of a sudden at any stage in life. It may also be expressed every day in the little things that we enjoy doing. 

Our inner child is especially seen when we meet our  childhood friends. Regardless of how grown up we think we are, we go back to kids the moment we are with old friends. Memories also take up the bulk of our conversation when we meet old friends after many years. The trip down memory lane is bittersweet as we long for a time we will not get back but also cherish its joy. 

Some may be excited about seeing swings, some may act like a child when they see panipuri. The reason behind the facts is we are reminded by our childhood memories every time. The same happens when we enter the children’s play park and are reminded of our favourite rides. It is even more so when we ate ice cream or our favourite ice candy when we were 5 years old.  Hence, childhood memories play a very vital role in our lives. 

My Childhood Memories:

I was born and brought up in a very adorable family. I have grown up with my elder brother with whom I used to play a lot. I remember each and every game we used to play together. Every moment is very precious to me. In the afternoon, we used to play cricket in our nearby ground. The memories of playing in the ground together are mesmerising. 

Another beautiful thing I can remember is flying kites. It used to be one of the most exciting things of my childhood. Even the older members of the family participated with us. We used to fly kites on our terrace. The kite-flying programme would last for the entire day.

Another beautiful thing I can remember is my visit to the zoo with my family. We made one zoo visit every year. They used to be those very simple yet fun-filled family picnic moments. We would carry packed food from home that my mother used to cook. My elder brother would click several photographs of us. When I look at those pictures now, the memories come alive. Today, so many things have changed but my childhood memories are still fresh in my heart. It feels so refreshing to relive them again and again. My childhood memories are very close to my heart and make me smile on my difficult days.

Perhaps the time I remember very fondly was going to swimming classes. I have always loved playing in the water, and swimming in clear pools was always an exciting activity. Even though I loved the water, at first I could not swim as I was not aware of the basics of the sport. Slowly, as I learnt to kick and paddle, it became easier to swim in shallow water. The big test was swimming in deep water as it was a terrifying thought and simultaneously exciting. I still remember the day I decided to let go of my fears and dived into the deep end of the pool. The instant I jumped into the water, the fear was gone, and I swam like a fish to the other end of the pool. That day also taught me a valuable lesson about taking the first step in any daunting task. 


We should all cherish our childhood memories as they can always be our companion, our “bliss of solitude.” Simple things hold grave meaning when they are from their childhood days. The days were free of complexities and full of innocence. Hence, they are so close to heart.


FAQs on Childhood Memories Essay

1. How to write a childhood memory essay?

The most important thing you will need to write this essay is about great childhood memories! You will have to look back in time and remember all the good and bad things that happened to you. As you get older, your memories will also change in their context as you change as a person. Like all essays, this should also have a steady narrative of the events from your childhood. You can choose to write only about the best memories you have or choose to write them as they occur. Some of the best things to write are topics such as your friends, your favourite games, and all the vacations you have been on and all the experiences you had in school.

2. How would you describe your childhood memories?

The older you get, the more the bits and pieces of your memory begin to fade or change. The best way to write about your childhood memories is to close your eyes and remember them. Then you have to start writing the events as they occurred without giving them context. Once the essay is written, the stories and events can be arranged as per the requirements of the essay. You can choose to describe your memories in any light you feel.

3. Why are childhood memories important?

Our childhood memories have a significant influence on who we are. People with mostly happy memories tend to be more relaxed with a positive outlook on life. People who have had traumatic memories tend to be more cautious and cynical in life. People can still change with positive or negative experiences in life. However, our childhood influences stay with us for the rest of our lives and can sometimes even come into conflict with the better choices we want to make. Therefore having childhood memories is a good reference to understanding ourselves and why we behave in certain ways.

4. What could be a common childhood memory for everyone?

Everybody remembers their “first-time” experiences in life. It could be things like the first day of school, the first time visiting a zoo, the first time taking a flight in an aeroplane, having a bad experience, etc.


Secondary Classrooms 7 Memorable Memoirs for High School Studies

Dorothy Hodges

Dorothy Hodges

Helping high schoolers look up from their feeds and put themselves in the shoes of someone else can seem impossible! A good memoir or autobiography offers students a window into another person’s interior world. That’s why we’ve created a roundup of 7 memoir examples for students from our digital literacy program that are sure to complement any reading curriculum.

Each of these rich memoirs from CommonLit’s digital library feature unique voices and powerful perspectives on life. These texts create an opportunity for your students to deepen their reading comprehension and pique their thirst to engage around topics such as complicated relationships, growing up, leaving for the unknown and more!

“ Endless Summer Job ” by Carolyn Ferrell (9th grade)

Carolyn Ferrell’s memoir describes her college summer job: working on an estate in the Hamptons. Ferrell shares vivid details of her experience, recollecting the disdain she felt from her employers. Years later, Ferrell has become a successful author and travels to the Hamptons as a guest for the first time. During her trip out to the Hamptons, she bumps into her former employer. During this final exchange, Carolyn is asked to come on as hired help, ending the memoir with intense feelings of shock, shame, and resilience.

A screenshot of the related media tab for Endless Summer Job, which is one of the best memoirs for high school students to read.

Couple this text with the Related Media video “Implicit Bias Matters: Thinking Under the Influence.” Invite students to discuss the following questions: “According to the video’s narrator, what is ‘thinking under the influence,’ and how does it impact decisions at both a personal and system level?” Encourage them to connect their reflections to evidence from Ferrell's text.

“ What Slaves are Taught to Think of the North ” by Harriet Ann Jacobs (9th grade)

In this short memoir, Jacobs provides a true account of her experiences as a slave. Students will be drawn in by Jacobs’s direct and scathing language as she describes the hypocrisies of both Southern slave owners and Northerners who visited the South. Jacobs shares the ways in which slaves were manipulated by people in the North and South in order to keep them enslaved.

After reading this text, have students reflect on Discussion Question 3, “How can fear be used to manipulate? Use evidence from this text, your own experience, and other art or literature in your answer.”

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: Excerpts from Chapters 1 and 7 by Frederick Douglass (9th grade)

This excerpt from The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass shares details from Chapter 1 and 7. In the excerpt from Chapter 1, Douglass describes his first overseer, Plummer, and the impact of witnessing so much violence from such a cruel individual. The Chapter 7 excerpt describes his time with Master Hugh’s family, where Douglass shares his experiences learning to read and write.

Screenshot of one of the best memoirs for high school students. It is about Frederick Douglass. On the right side there is a discussion question, designed to encourage high school students to delve deeper into the text.

Students will be awed by Douglass’s hunger for knowledge and the elegance of his diction. Use his journey as an opportunity to engage your students around Discussion Question 3, “In the context of this passage, what is the goal of education? City evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.”

Excerpt from “You Don’t have to Say you Love Me” by Sherman Alexie (10th grade)

This memoir excerpt shares Alexie’s decision to leave the school on his Reservation to make a better life for himself. Shortly after enrolling at his new school, Alexie experiences the loss of his grandmother, sister, and brother-in-law. As a result, he worries his choice to leave has “jinxed” the family. Students are sure to relate to Alexie’s journey, tracing his experience of growing up and choosing his own path.

Looking for more short memoir examples? After reading this text, have students read and analyze the Paired Text “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas. Ask students: “How is the narrator in Sherman Alexie’s memoir ‘rag[ing] against the dying of the light’? Is the narrator’s experience watching his mother grieve in ‘Excerpt from ‘You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me’ similar to the speaker’s experience watching his father die in ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night’? Why or why not?”

“ A Frontline Nurse for the Vietcong ” As told to Tong Thi Xuyen (10th grade)

At only 17 years old, Nguyen Thi Do was recruited by the Vietcong and spent over a decade serving as a nurse during the Vietnam War. This memoir serves a window into Nyguyen’s experience during the war, detailing how she was impacted by the horrible endeavors she describes. Nyguyen shared her larger fear, “that when my friends, my comrades and I are all dead, our history and stories will die with us.”

After reading this text, have students discuss Discussion Question 1, “Nguyen Thi Do expresses concerns about her history dying with her. Do you think it is important for future generations to know about Do’s experiences? Why or why not? What are some ways her experiences could be kept alive?”

“ Serving in Florida: Excerpt from Nickel and Dimed ” by Barbara Ehrenreich (11th grade)

In this text, Barbara Enrenreich details her year-long social experiment of living on minimum wage in Key West, Florida. While this text is easy for students to digest with light-hearted language and a humorous tone, students may be shocked when they dig into the depth of Enrenreich’s struggles to survive throughout the year.

Screenshot of a memoir example for students from the CommonLit library called “Serving in Florida: Excerpt from ‘Nickel and Dimed.’” On the right side there is an assessment question, which is designed to improve high schoolers' reading comprehension.

As students read, encourage them to take note of the argument Enrenreich is developing and what evidence she uses to support that argument. These annotations will prepare students for Assessment Question 1, “Which statement best describes how the style of the texts contributes to its persuasiveness?” Assigning assessment questions will also prepare students for grade-level reading assessments!

“ Excerpt from Notes from a Native Son ” by James Baldwin (11th grade)

In this text, James Baldwin, famed American essayist, novelist, and playwright, unpacks key experiences and reflects on his complicated relationship with his father, ultimately leading him to a better understanding of who he was.

After reading this text, invite students to discuss Discussion Question 2, “This father and son shared a complicated relationship. What does it mean to have a complicated relationship with someone? What makes a relationship complicated?”

Are you a teacher looking for more memoir examples for students? Browse the CommonLit Library .

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essay about memories in school

Making Memories: Why the Things You Remember About High School Will Surprise You

Senior year of high school is a busy time to be a teenager, even aside from the work you’ll put into applying to college. It’s also full of events that are specifically designed to serve as capstones for your high school experience, like prom and graduation. As you reach the end of the year, these events will come on thick and fast.

You may find that these senior events are a lot of fun and a chance to end high school on a high note. However, you might also find yourself worrying about whether you’re doing the right things to enjoy these events properly. After all, you’re supposed to remember these milestones for the rest of your life, right?

Not always. The memories you really treasure from high school may come from unexpected places, and some of the best memories won’t be formed in scheduled, traditional events. You never know which experiences will shape, inspire, or affect you in retrospect. As someone who’s been out of high school for over a decade, here’s what I’ve learned about memories, formative experiences, and the pressure to enjoy traditional graduation-related events.

There’s a Last Time for Everything

If you haven’t watched older friends or siblings experience their senior year of high school—or maybe even if you have—you might be surprised at just how unrelenting the senior year event parade really is. All those activities and accolades you’ve accumulated, which have helped to make you a competitive college applicant, will only make your schedule more packed with award ceremonies, end-of-year banquets, and other commemorative events.

Towards the end of the year, you might attend prom, senior ceremonies, or other special events with the rest of your class. Then, of course, there’s commencement itself, with special outfits to wear and proud family photos to take, and perhaps graduation parties to attend afterward.

There are also lots of “lasts” to consider—your last performance in the marching band, your last class with a favorite teacher, your last chance at qualifying for the state tournament in your varsity sport, and so on. These might be set up to include special recognition for seniors like you who will be moving on to college.

These events are enjoyable for a lot of students, just as they’re meant to be. However, that tradition of enjoyment can actually make you feel pressured to have a good time and create a memory you’ll treasure for the rest of your life. Sometimes, that’s not what actually happens.

Academic ceremonies aren’t a fun experience for everyone. (Personally, listening to graduation speeches is one of my least favorite activities on earth.) Social events like prom can be less than magical if you’re shy, introverted, or have trouble with friends, or if you simply don’t enjoy dressing up and dancing awkwardly with your entire high school class.

And what if something unexpected interrupts your plans? What if you come down with mono and spend your last weeks of senior year stuck in bed? You might feel like your life—or at least your opportunity to create the treasured memories of high school you’re seeking—is absolutely ruined.

Fortunately, even if unforeseen circumstances intervene to prevent you from participating in the traditional slate of senior events, it’s really, truly not the end of the world. These events can be fun and make you feel like your hard work has been appreciated, or they can be less than enjoyable, but either way, they’re only a very small portion of your overall high school experience.

You’ll have (and you’ve already had) innumerable opportunities to make amazing memories every single day, and these more quotidian memories matter too. In fact, you might very well find that the experiences that stick with you most or become most important to you spring from unexpected sources, not from the events that are intended to produce lasting memories.

The Limitations of Foresight

I’ve been out of high school for a while now, and in my experience, it’s impossible to tell at the time what events and feelings will linger in your memory. You never really know which experiences will change and shape you as you become an adult. However, I’ve noticed a few trends of high school experiences that have turned into treasured memories or windows into who I am.

When I think back on my high school experiences, the things that I still remember clearly and that I know affected me deeply are definitely not the events where I felt pressured to make lasting memories. I barely recall those events; they exist only as stressful blurs in my recollection. Instead, I remember most vividly the experiences that seemed ordinary at the time, but were most closely linked to the people and ideas that made me who I am today.

I remember the hilarious video we made in my tenth grade Spanish class, featuring a painting from our school’s hallway coming to life and terrorizing the (remarkably game) assistant principal. I remember the road trip my dad and I took to visit colleges, one of the first times I ever left my home state, and the way it expanded my world and made a whole new range of possible futures suddenly seem real.

I remember first loves and late-night phone calls, making mischief with my siblings, and diving deep into academic and extracurricular projects that I really cared about. I remember sneaking up on my favorite teacher to surprise her with the news that I’d been accepted to my dream college. I remember momentous arguments with my parents on issues that, long afterward, they thanked me for challenging their positions on. These are the things that have stuck with me.

For some of these experiences, it’s taken me years to see how truly special they were. For others, their ordinariness is exactly the point. The most formative influences of my childhood built up bit by bit, day by day; they didn’t touch my life in one magical moment.

Most of all, I remember events, places, and people that are me-specific. Those are the things that best reflect my life, my circumstances, and what matters (or mattered) most to me. I don’t remember the events that were based on someone else’s idea of what high school students could do; I remember what is and was most personally important to me as a unique person.

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Making Memories that Matter to You

So what happens next? What can I do during high school, you might ask, to make sure that I built up a stock of experiences and memories that will really matter to me later in my life?

Well, to some extent, there’s nothing you can do to be sure. There’s no one right way to spend your high school years, and there’s no way to make absolutely certain that you have a perfect experience that’s full of magical memories. Life tends to resist our attempts to make it fit a certain pattern or schedule.

Besides, your college years will be a time of immense change; you’ll be learning new things every day, in the classroom and outside of it. You never know exactly who you’ll be on the other end of that experience, and it’s hard to say what memories Future You will consider especially important. Besides, this process of growth can be, by definition, stressful and challenging.

One piece of advice I would give is to stay open to whatever experiences come your way. Do silly things with your friends. Have long, impromptu conversations. Turn right where you would usually turn left, and see where it takes you. You can plan and schedule all you like, but some of your best memories will come from coincidences and chance meetings.

Allow yourself to fully experience the moment you’re living in, whatever that involves, rather than worrying about whether it meets some arbitrary standard for “good” high school memories. FOMO, or fear of missing out, is very real and can hurt your ability to enjoy the moment. If you spend all your time worrying that you’re not doing what a high school senior is “supposed” to do, all you’ll have to remember will be that experience of worry.

When it comes to choosing how to spend your time during your senior year, be true to yourself. If you’re absolutely sure that the traditional senior year activities that are popular where you live will be more boring or stressful for you than enjoyable or meaningful, don’t feel bad about opting out of some of them.

Some events, like your graduation ceremony itself, may be unavoidable, and your parents will inevitably get a say—this is a big moment for them as well. However, you don’t have to do everything to celebrate or commemorate your senior year.

One of the greatest things about growing older is that you get more of a say in deciding which traditions or practices are truly meaningful for you. You don’t have to do things just because they’re popular or socially expected. Even when you do observe long-standing traditions, you’re free to put your own spin on them.

If you’re feeling stressed about the pressure to do and enjoy things that just aren’t for you, don’t force it. Focus instead on the things that really make you happy and the kinds of memories that you want to make. Though it might seem paradoxical, the best way to build up great memories is to stop worrying so much about doing the correct things to build up great memories, and instead, to fully appreciate whatever comes your way—especially the unexpected.

I, for one, prefer to look back fondly on the unrehearsed, unscheduled, and personally significant things I did in high school. Those memories may not represent anyone else’s idea of a perfect high school experience, but those are also the moments, places, and people that truly made me who I am today. For that, I’m grateful.

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essay about memories in school

Memories of my school days

By Michael Leo

essay about memories in school

The school life is the best life. Anyone who has been a student, knows what school life is all about: It is the golden period of learning and it truly impacts students’ lives. The importance of school life cannot be negated and it is a vital formative experience for children and adult students alike.

School represents an important learning experience which teaches us self-confidence, motivation, and the will to always give our best. In addition, school blesses us with friends, many of whom remain with us for the rest of our life. School days really are the best days of our lives, and I have only good memories of my school days. For me, these days are like an invaluable treasure.

I clearly remember my first day at school and the memories of this day are still vivid. I can still feel how warmly I was welcomed at the school. Such a warm welcome can truly define a child’s school experience in the best possible way.

As a school boy I learned to co-operate and got motivated and shaped in the company of my best friends. I still remember the first year wishes we received from my teachers and I always regard my primary school life memories as a treasure.

My time in high school was an equally valuable learning experience and I met some of the best friends I have today in high school. Admittedly, I made a lot of blunders and mistakes during my high school years. But thanks to my sincere friends and honest teachers I was always rescued from too much trouble. This is how high school taught me the T true meaning of co-operation and love.

Looking back, I realize how ignorant I was during my school days and how many shortcomings I had. However, my time in high school showed my how important school life is and I would not have the great friends, good knowledge, good experiences and good memories I have today if it was not for my high school years.

Despite the excitement with which the high school days  and years are filled, we also become mature enough to understand the value of time. My high school life is a wonderful chapter in my memories because I learned dedication, hard work, motivation and self-actualization.

My high school years were also the period in which I started working hard towards my goals. Thanks to that, I am happy with the career and the life I have today. One of my best high school memory was the day when I won a prize in the annual inter schools science fair. It was a moment of great pride for me, as well as for my parents and for my school. The Principal of our school gave me a shield which I still have and treasure to this day.

During my school days, I always had the habit of recording my experiences in a diary. During my free time I would always open my diary and write. It helped me soothe my pain and it fulfilled me with confidence and courage. It fulfills me with confidence and courage.

I still have a lot of pictures we took in high school which remind me of all the good memories we made. I remember the days we celebrated and the extracurricular activities we took part in. I remember how happy my parents were when I became the top achiever in my entire school.

It is said that a person always remembers their first day at school and their last day at school. The first day a child remembers because it came there weeping. And the last day a student remembers because they leave school, weeping again. In my case, I remember clearly my first day at school and my last day at the school. The joys of school life are surely countless. Indeed, the school days are the best of our lives.

Michael Leo is a researcher at Saint Augustine University Of Tanzania in Mwanza and joined the Africademics volunteer network in January 2020.

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Essay Samples on Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are some of the most cherished moments of our lives. They are memories of innocence, fun, and carefree times that we often look back on with nostalgia. Writing an essay on childhood memories is a great way to reflect on those times and share them with others.

When writing an essay about childhood memories, it is important to start by brainstorming all the memories that stand out to you. Think about specific events, people, and places that hold special meaning for you. This will help you organize your thoughts and create an outline for your essay.

One approach to writing an essay on childhood memories is to focus on a single event or moment that had a significant impact on you. For example, you could write about the time you learned to ride a bike, your first day of school, or a family vacation that you will never forget.

Another option is to write a more general essay about your childhood experiences. You could talk about the games you played, the friends you had, and the places you visited. This type of essay can be a great way to share your memories with others and create a sense of nostalgia.

Whether you focus on a specific event or write a more general essay, be sure to use descriptive language and sensory details to create a vivid picture of your childhood experiences. Use our extensive base of essay samples to write your own childhood memories essay.

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Best topics on Childhood Memories

1. How Do Childhood Experiences Affect Adulthood

2. A Story From My Childhood: A Cherished Memory

3. Feeling of Real Home: How My Adopted Parents Saved Me

4. Statement of Purpose: My Childhood Memories

5. Childhood Memories of My Brother Going Missing

6. Childhood Memory That Shaped Me as a Person

7. Comparison of Me from My Childhood Memories and How I Changed Through Years

8. Flipped: Lessons and Realizations Essential to Life

9. Theme of Childhood Naivety in Seamus Heaney’s Poems Death of a Naturalist and Blackberry Picking

10. Influences of Childhood Wonder: Transition into Womanhood in A White Heron

11. Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden: The Main Undertone of Regret

12. The Report on Early Childhood Amnesia

13. The Recollection of False Childhood Memories

14. An Analysis of Cognitive Development in Childhood Memories

15. A Personal Recount on the Memories of My Childhood

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Narrative Essay on Childhood Memories

Narrative essay generator.

Childhood memories are the treasures of our past, vividly painting the innocence, adventures, and joy of our early years. These memories, both sweet and bittersweet, form the mosaic of our identity, influencing who we become. This essay delves into the essence of childhood memories, exploring their impact and significance through a personal journey back in time.

The Magic of Childhood

Childhood: a period of life where every day feels like a new adventure, filled with curiosity and wonder. My childhood was no different. It was a time when the smallest things felt like grand discoveries, from finding a caterpillar in the backyard to the first time I rode a bike without training wheels. These moments, though seemingly small, are monumental in the eyes of a child. They represent growth, learning, and the boundless joy of living.

A Journey Back in Time

One of my most cherished memories takes me back to my grandmother’s house, a quaint cottage nestled in the heart of the countryside. It was a place out of a storybook, surrounded by lush gardens and towering trees that whispered secrets with the wind. My summers there were filled with endless days of exploration, from the crack of dawn until the stars claimed the sky.

The Garden Adventures

The garden was a magical realm where imagination had no bounds. My cousins and I would embark on epic adventures, pretending to be explorers in a mystical land. We built forts out of branches and leaves, declaring them castles of ancient times. The garden was our kingdom, and in it, we were invincible. The laughter and shouts of our play still echo in my mind, a reminder of the carefree joy of youth.

Lessons Learned

Amidst the fun and games, childhood also presented its set of challenges and lessons. I recall a particular rainy day when our garden escapades led to a muddy disaster. Our clothes were stained, and the indoors became a canvas for our muddy footprints. The scolding that followed taught us the importance of responsibility and the consequences of our actions. Yet, even in that moment of admonition, there was love and the gentle guidance towards making better choices.

The Power of Friendship

Childhood is also a time when friendships are formed, bonds that often last a lifetime. I met my best friend under the most unusual circumstances, a mishap during a school play where a missed cue turned into a comedy of errors. Instead of embarrassment, we found laughter and a friendship that stood the test of time. It was through these friendships that I learned the value of trust, support, and the sheer joy of having someone to share life’s moments with.

As the years passed, the innocence of childhood gradually gave way to the responsibilities of adulthood. The endless days of play were replaced by schedules and commitments. Yet, the memories of those carefree days remain, a beacon of light guiding me through life’s challenges. They remind me to find joy in the simple things, to approach life with curiosity, and to cherish the bonds formed in the innocence of childhood.

Childhood memories are more than just moments of the past; they are the foundation upon which we build our future. They teach us lessons, shape our values, and influence our paths. As I reflect on my journey through childhood, I am grateful for the experiences that shaped me, the challenges that strengthened me, and the joy that filled my days. These memories are a precious gift, a reminder of a time of innocence and wonder that continues to inspire and guide me as I navigate the complexities of adulthood.


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Dressing the Part: A Novelist's Memories of Travel—and Fashion—in South Asia

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I was 22 when I first went to India. In the late ’90s, the hippie trail from Agra to Jaipur to Rishikesh was still full of backpackers. Germans, Israelis, and Australians traversed the country in elephant-printed harem pants and Buddhist prayer beads, indulging in banana-pancake breakfasts and cannabis-laced bhang lassis. My boyfriend—a serious student of the subcontinent, equipped with maps, train tables, and a prestigious fellowship—planned to do India differently. We would dress respectfully, live on a local budget—less than $5 a day—and see places other backpackers missed. When we bought cannabis, it was from a farmer in a Himalayan village where they grew the world-famous Malana cream. We were two recent Harvard graduates in India, and we were all about doing our homework.

Young people may be known for taking risks, but often that rebellion has a conventional shape. Looking back, our pretensions to authenticity were just another set of rules.

Image may contain Person Clothing Footwear Sandal Adult Hat Car Transportation Vehicle and Shoe

STREET SCENE The author, age 23, in Khajuraho, India, 1998. Photo: Alex Travelli.

One thing my American boyfriend felt strongly about was Indian clothing on white women, which he considered not only culturally insensitive but unattractive. This presented me with a problem, since the shorts and T-shirts left over from my LA adolescence were too revealing, especially in the off-the-beaten-track architectural sites we liked to visit.

I opted instead for long skirts and short-sleeve blouses, modest but impractical for a hike or overnight train. Once, traveling second class from Gwalior to Agra, we almost missed our stop; when the conductor bellowed Agra, Agra, Agra, we rushed to the exit and leapt from the moving train. He made it fine, but in my ankle-length skirt and platform sandals, carrying a backpack half the length of my body, I stumbled and fell on the platform. When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by a crowd of curious onlookers. In my attempt to fit in, I’d wound up the most foolish kind of spectacle.

Image may contain Person Clothing Footwear Sandal Architecture Building Housing Landmark and Castle

And in Orchha, India, on the same trip in 1998. Photo: Alex Travelli.

A few years later I went to India alone, to work on my first book. I rented a room in a boarding house a short walk from the Chowpatty seaface, just south of the Hanging Gardens. I wanted to have adventures—something to put in the stories I was supposed to be writing—and I started dating a very different kind of guy, a native Mumbaikar from a prominent Hindu family, who owned hotels and vineyards and loved a party. He had no problem with white girls in Indian clothes; he’d dated plenty of us. He did tell me that he preferred the sari to the Muslim shalwar kameez, a flowing tunic worn with a scarf and loose trousers gathered at the ankle, which hid the female body rather than celebrated it.

During those months in the city that the playboy and his friends still called Bombay, I went to the club, the racetrack, and a party on a yacht. In preparation for the wedding of a Bollywood starlet on a nearby island, he took me to a boutique run by one of his many well-heeled female friends. She suggested a magenta blouse threaded with gold and a matching full lehenga skirt, but when I went hopefully into the dressing room, it was immediately clear that the outfit was made for someone else. The waist was laughably tight, and I didn’t come close to filling out the top. Lacking the requisite curves, I ended up wearing my own clothes: a plain black dress from Agnès B. that was all wrong for that splendid, glittering event. I went back to the hotel early while my date partied into the night.

Image may contain Plant Potted Plant Furniture Table Dining Table Architecture Building Indoors and Living Room

The bedroom Freudenberger stayed in on a visit to Shyamnagar, Bangladesh, in 2007.

I left India in 2002, during the communal violence that killed over a thousand Muslims under the watch of Gujarat’s chief minister at the time, Narendra Modi. Three years later, on a flight from New York City upstate to Rochester, where my grandmother had just died, I met a young Muslim woman named Farah.

Farah had recently come to the US from Bangladesh to marry her American fiancé, Dave. That unconventional arranged marriage—she’d arranged it herself, on the internet—immediately struck me as the subject for a novel, and the two of us began corresponding. Early in 2007 I accompanied her to Bangladesh to meet her family.

In the middle-class Dhaka neighborhood where Farah’s parents lived, a shalwar kameez was de rigueur for even the least religious women. My friend had been concerned that I wouldn’t have the requisite clothes, but this time I’d come prepared. I’d bought a few shalwar kameez in New York, from a Tibetan-run shop on Greenwich Avenue in the West Village. My favorite was made of translucent mint green cotton, with delicate white embroidery on the smock and sleeves. The pants were simple and tied with a drawstring, and there was a matching scarf that could be worn as a loose head covering.

Image may contain Water Waterfront Person Teen Clothing Footwear Shoe Architecture Building Outdoors and Shelter

In Bangladesh, on the Sundarbans river delta in 2007.

No one seeing me in this ensemble in Dhaka, or in Farah’s grandmother’s village in the Sundarbans river delta, mistook it for a local item. Because it had been made by enterprising Tibetan New Yorkers who knew American sizing and taste, it fit me perfectly. The color didn’t wash me out, and the cut was flattering to my very minor curves. To Farah and her parents, who liked presenting an American friend to extended family members skeptical of her foreign marriage, it was charmingly exotic but reassuringly modest. In it I felt cool, comfortable, and for the first time in South Asia, even pretty. Maybe that was because I’d finally chosen for myself.

At Farah’s grandmother’s house in the village, I slept in a room painted a brilliant grass green that I’ve never seen anywhere else. There was an antique sewing machine on a wooden table and a four-poster teak bed under generous white mosquito netting. Soon after we arrived, Farah suggested a bath—in the village pond. When I wondered what I would wear, she giggled and indicated the mint green shalwar kameez I already had on. Bathing in front of strangers in thin cotton clothing is more revealing than doing so in a swimsuit, and it made me think that my fancy Bombay boyfriend may have had something to learn from the Deshi village boys taking in the spectacle. In the photos Farah’s husband took of us, Farah and I are half submerged, our wet clothes sticking to our bodies, our hair dripping. We’re laughing but also inventing things: one of us a story, the other a whole new life.

Nell Freudenberger is the author of the novels The Limits, Lost and Wanted, The Newlyweds, The Dissident, and the story collection Lucky Girls.


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