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How to Create an Effective Personal Health Plan: a General Writing Guide with Template Samples

A personal health plan is your greatest weapon for achieving general body wellness. It helps you to plan your fitness around diet, exercise, and some small milestones to track your progress. You see, fixing it when it is a damaged mentality damages the proper functioning of your body organs.

Your body is an automated system. And it fixes itself if you give it proper care and attention. A simple personal health plan creates a platform that allows you to assess your health regularly. And with the help of your healthcare provider, you can devise a plan that draws inspiration from your lifestyle to supply unique nourishment to the body.

The subtle layers of activities in your life have a strong connection and influence each other at different levels. You can measure their impact by assessing your general performance as you advance in age. How long you rest, nutrition, and exercise combine to influence your energy level. You require a robust health plan to assess your health accurately.

You can use the WPS online health plan template to track your progress. It is flexible; you can download it to create a printable version.

How to Write A Practical Personal Health Plan

Designing an effective personal plan may not be a walk in the park. It requires a strategic approach to streamline daily activities and establish a working routine. A personal health care plan helps you to document your body's needs.

And it comes in handy when developing clear and achievable goals. It also allows you to collaborate with your doctor because you can share your progress with them and earn professional guidance in the process.

As such, your health plan should feature some important elements to be effective. These elements include;

1. Exercise and Rest

How you live your life greatly impacts your mental, spiritual, and physical wellness. When you pay close attention to exercise, you increase your general performance. Creating an exciting exercise routine infuses fun into your fitness plan. Rather than waking up to a boring routine, you always look forward to reaching a new milestone.

Getting enough rest is an underrated health fitness plan. Getting enough sleep rejuvenates you. You'll always wake up with new energy, ready to smash complicated tasks. Ultimately, you own the key to your health, and your goal should be to adopt a lifestyle that contributes to your wellness.

Physical activity is the most powerful thing you can use to check your health. Regular exercising keeps lifestyle diseases at a respectable distance. Exercise increases oxygen intake, reduces bad cholesterol, and regulates your blood pressure.

2. Nutrition

Nutrition is the bread and butter behind a nourished and energetic body. It is common knowledge that developing healthy eating habits has compound effects on your general health. Sadly, most people struggle to design a working health plan. The trouble often lies with food choices and daily supplements supporting a healthy life.

Designing a healthy meal plan in a society where highly processed food carries the day is even becoming harder. World health organization's records show an exponential increase in food-related diseases and deaths. And it tells you that modifying our diets to feature healthier nutrients can reduce death rates significantly.

The human body derives most of its nutrients from food, and tweaking the diet to increase the supply of vitamins and minerals is the first step to improving one's well-being.

3. Personal and Career Development

Your personal and career goals have a strong correlation with health strategies. Assuming you're approaching a career turning point and require more time to sharpen your skills. When you lack a solid plan, it becomes more challenging to strike a good balance between your health and career goals.

Seasons and events in your professional life can impact your health negatively or positively. Mental health suffers if your job responsibilities wear you down. Handling strenuous chores and struggling to meet hefty work demands exposes you to mental strain, heart disease, and hypertension.

Work should be fulfilling and allow you to attend to your personal growth. But if stress and boredom constantly manifest in your work environment, you risk hurting your physical and mental health. Seeking a practical solution is the only way to escape work-related problems.

4. The Environment You Live in

Your surroundings affect your happiness and ability to lead a healthy and meaningful life. Pleasant surroundings raise your spirits and benefit your emotional and mental stability immensely. Most research studies show that frequent access to vibrant spaces supports good health. And you can improve your overall health by reducing noise and toxins in the environment you stay in.

While some of the environmental aspects are difficult to change, you can change those within your circle of influence. Let's say extreme summer or winter conditions overwhelm your health. You can't keep whining about the effects of the extremities. Instead, you can design your paradise. Invest in warm clothes to keep you warm when cold, and stay indoors when hot.

5. Social Relationships

Social relationships form our daily lives. We come from families, we work in communities full of people and their varying personalities, and we have circles of social and business friends. Overall, it is inevitable to exist in a social sphere. But these relationships aren't necessarily healthy.

Some relationships are stressful and lower one's health and productivity in general.

And you want to think about your current relationships. Are they beneficial to you? Do they make you feel appreciated and motivate you to keep going? If you answer no, chances are, your mental health is at stake. You must re-evaluate them and salvage your esteem before it's too late.

6. Spiritual Health

Spirituality is a personal concept, and it influences people differently. But we can't ignore that spirituality directly impacts one's health. People going through adversity, for example, losing a loved one, turn to spirituality to draw strength. Of course, spirituality can only make sense for a person whose state of well-being borders on spiritual beliefs and values.

It helps them exert control and maintain emotional stability during hardship. We realize that the subtle rules of spirituality instruct a person to act independently, knowing that events around them aren't within their control.

5 Steps to Follow When Writing Your Health Plan

A functional personal health plan requires you to take a holistic approach. It means taking stock of your body, mind, environment, and spiritual beliefs is imperative. The step-by-step action plan herein will help you to design an effective health plan.

Assessment of Your General Well-Being

Your general well-being is a broad concept. It requires you to check your physical, nutritional, and medical wellness.

Your nutritional wellness aims to establish the composition of your diet. You could be indulging in unhealthy food, and you might need to restructure your meal plan under the guidance of your nutritionist. The recurring ailments you have been battling could strongly correlate with your diet. You can fix it by:

Incorporating plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet

Ditching a diet rich in trans-fats, for example, French fries

Replacing animal proteins with plant-based proteins such as legumes

Introduce fiber-rich food into your meals. Examples include whole grains

Use nuts as your snacks. Consume them 1-2 times a day

Take the right amount of liquids per day.

Reduce your alcohol consumption to one glass per day.

Explore The Exercise Regime That Matches Your Body's Needs

Your physical health seeks to establish your exercise regime. Do you get enough physical movement? You may require more exercises to rejuvenate your physical and mental health.

As an adult, you require 2.5 hours of exercise per week. And you can take advantage of the easy-to-do cardio exercises to achieve your weekly target. Brisk walking, dancing, or even gardening can significantly increase your physical activity.

Remember, your age and health condition determine the exercise that works for you. The right step to take when starting should be seeking professional help. A health professional will design a plan that aligns with your needs and help reduce the chances of injuries.

Your medical wellness borders on routine checkups. And your medical assessment can help your consultant to gather information on your vital signs and physical complaints.

Assess Your Physical Environment

Your physical environment could contribute to your health issues, and you must make minor or major adjustments to improve your health. The things you need to check to include the following:

1. The Quality Of Air Inside The Room. Is it dusty, or is your furniture emitting toxic chemicals?

2. How Clean Is The Water You Use? The quality of the water you drink matters. You can visit the relevant online sites to establish the impurity content in your tap water.

3. Do You Spend More Time In Your Office? Check the ergonomics of the chair. It would help if you aimed to install a chair that supports good posture to eliminate strain.

4. Do You Sleep Well?Rest and sleep benefit your body immensely. It helps your body to release healing hormones that boost memory. Getting enough sleep decreases anxiety and pain and improves your body's immune function.

Assess The Health of Your Social Life

Your social life can change the trajectory of your health. Engaging in healthy relationships increases your lifespan. Research shows that good relationships help you to survive a heart attack, reduce depression, and help to combat common infections.

It is wise to diversify your social circle to improve the health of your relationships. As such, developing a circle of like-minded individuals is instrumental in sharing common interests that can support your health.

Replace toxic relationships with those that energize you. And develop a closer relationship with at least two loyal friends who can support you during your bad days.

Assessing the health of your relationships entails a spot check on their impact on your health. Can you ask the following questions?

Are the people in my life helping me to achieve my health goals?

Can the relationships I have be the primary source of my stress?

Do the people in my life flow with my spiritual beliefs?

Assessing Your Spiritual Health

Your spiritual beliefs play a significant role in achieving your health goals. And you can track the impact of spiritual beliefs on your health by checking the following:

The effects of spiritual beliefs on your health.

Areas of your spiritual life that you need to change to improve your overall health.

How your spiritual beliefs influence other areas of your life.

Now is the right time to implement your assessment. Your implementation involves drafting a health plan. You could tag your healthcare professional to throw weight on your planning. Using a professional template will contribute immense value to the effectiveness of your health plan.

Here the examples of professional health plan sample templates to draw inspiration from.

The Best Downloadable Health Plan Templates for Your Personal Use

1. my self -care plan simple sample template.

The simplicity of this template is incredible. You can manipulate as you like. The best part is that it is easier to capture your life's activities and illustrate how they influence your well-being. But if you don't wish to adopt it, you can print it and use it to inspire your designs. It is free to download, so grab it and start documenting your health activities.

2. Immunization Health Record Sample Template

If you love tracking your medical health, this template will inspire you. It is super simple, so you can easily input your health details. You can fill it out online, download it for reference, or print it in your folder for easy access.

You Can Track Your Health by Installing A Customized Health Plan Template

You are the only custodian of your health. And if you understand that your body is a self-rejuvenating system, you can reward it by following a holistic lifestyle. But it can take a lot of work to develop an effective routine. You want to track and evaluate your achievements to see whether they are serving you. A detailed health plan is all you need. It is good at tracking all your undertakings and helps you to develop a lifestyle that supports the normal functioning of your body.

You can find customizable health plan templates at WPS academy. They have useful resources to help you plan your health effectively. You can consult their tutorials whenever you face a roadblock.

WPS Office is another tool to consult if you love to design your health plan. They have multiple templates for you to download and enjoy an unlimited supply of customizable features. You can visit the WPS website to experiment with their incredible tools, including word, excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. Or you can download the application for your use on any device.

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personal health plan essay

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Personalized Health Plan


Cultivating personal health necessitates routinely assessing well-being throughout domains and striving to improve regions that demand development. Following a thorough examination, I selected on stress control, nutrition, and bodily fitness as important factors requiring concentrated work to acquire my maximum health potential. I wish to significantly enhance intellectual clarity, energy, cardiovascular fitness, and activity levels by developing and enforcing unique action plans to improve mindfulness, diet quality, and activity levels.

After thorough self-assessment, I actually have developed an in-depth personal fitness plan targeting stress control, nutrition, and fitness – 3 areas vital for the finest wellness. This plan establishes specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (SMART) goals in each area in conjunction with proof-based approaches to elicit positive life-style modifications. Successfully executing this routine can profoundly increase my everyday power, resilience, and long-term fitness.

Over the next six months, I expect to obtain significant gains in stress resilience, energy, fitness, motivation, and overall well-being by deliberately honing mindfulness talents, emphasizing wholesome anti-inflammatory nutrients, and adhering to various schooling regimens to pursue the following SMART goals

Stress Management

Uncontrolled stress triggers systemic reactions that hinder restorative activities, accelerate cellular aging, and increase the risk of long-term illness. When the mind perceives a demanding or hazardous environment, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, secreting adrenaline, cortisol, and other stimulatory compounds. Chronic stress stimulation strands organs in hyper-aroused states, eventually exhausting metabolic resources and fraying self-regulatory capacity.

Studies show that repeated triggering of the body’s stress responses causes oxidative damage to tissues, shortens protective telomeres, and hastens biological aging. However, mindfulness practices counter stress by strengthening the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus regions that modulate emotional and attentional control ( Future Directions in the Study of Early-Life Stress and Physical and Emotional Health: Implications of the Neuroimmune Network Hypothesis , 2018). Meditation also activates the parasympathetic nervous system branch, lowering heart rate and blood pressure while initiating innate self-healing mechanisms. Routine mind-body techniques build neural pathways supporting focused attention, working memory, cognitive flexibility, and constructively responding to life’s demands.

To limit the destructive impacts of unmanaged stress and constructively direct my energy, I have set the following SMART goal:

Over the next three months, I will engage in a consistent 10-minute daily sitting mindfulness meditation practice at least five days per week, measured by a journal and mobile app tracker. This will enhance stress resilience, as shown by a 20% reduction in self-reported perceived stress scale ratings and improvements in heart rate variability scores indicating parasympathetic activation.

Diet profoundly influences disease trajectories by providing essential micronutrients while directly shaping gastrointestinal environments and inflammatory signaling. Heavily industrialized modern diets high in sugars, refined carbohydrates, processed oils, chemical additives, and sodium dysregulate metabolism and cultivate disturbances in gut microbial communities. The resulting inflammatory cascade damages blood vessels and organs, contributing to obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, fatty liver disease, hypertension, and cancer.

Alternatively, regularly eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole intact grains, herbs, and spices supplies protective compounds, including antioxidants, polyphenols, fiber, and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats that stabilize energy, extend health span by comprehensively meeting needs and combat lifestyle disease (Shao et al., 2021). Plant foods offer thousands of phytochemicals that regulate gene expression, enzyme activity, cell signaling, and detoxification of reactive molecules to suppress oxidation and inflammation at the root of arthritis, dementia, vision loss, and accelerated aging.

Therefore, to impart these nutritional benefits, I have set the following SMART goal:

Over the next six weeks, I will consume at least five servings of antioxidant and phytonutrient-rich fruits and vegetables spread throughout each day as recorded in a daily food log and nutrition tracking app. This aims to improve micronutrient intake, energy levels, and lab markers of healthy inflammation and glycemic regulation.

Habitual movement is vital for maintaining healthy metabolic, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and endocrine functions. Contemporary conveniences and screen-centered lifestyles have engineered excessive inactivity into modern routines, with only 5% of adults meeting minimum exercise guidelines. This sedentariness significantly increases the risk for dozens of chronic diseases apart from obvious obesity, including high cholesterol, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancers, anxiety, and depression. However, regular exercise potently prevents these outcomes.

Aerobic activities enhance heart stroke volume, lower resting blood pressure, improve circulation, stimulate tissue-oxygenating capillary networks, and condition cardiac muscle, reducing the risk for arrhythmias and heart failure in the long term. Weight-bearing directly activates bone remodeling to strengthen skeletal integrity, while resistance training stresses muscles, forcing adaptation and growth (Anderson & J. Larry Durstine, 2019). Both maintain connective tissues, stabilize joints, enhance coordination, prevent injury, and slow muscle wasting with age. And physical exertion has beneficial emotional effects, boosting confidence while mitigating stress reactivity. Meeting the minimum recommended 150 active minutes weekly confers immense risk reduction and wellness benefits.

Thus, to secure these demonstrated health gains, I have set the following SMART objective:

Within the next eight weeks, I will complete at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise comprising brisk walking, jogging, cycling, elliptical training, and recreational sports as logged through a mobile tracker and exercise journal. I also aim to incorporate two 30-minute strength training sessions each week using body weights, bands, and free weights. This aims to significantly improve cardiovascular endurance, muscle mass, mobility, balance, body composition, and mental health measures.

Predictions of Positive Outcomes

Strategically improving emotional and physical self-care habits through regular mindfulness meditation, emphasizing anti-inflammatory and phytonutrient-rich whole foods, and routine varied exercise promises to profoundly enhance my health and quality of life in both the short and long-term.

Studies show that just ten minutes of mindful breathing structurally changes the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, yielding better focus, strengthened working memory, faster information processing, enhanced relational skills, and greater emotional intelligence. Data on heart rate variability should demonstrate increased parasympathetic tone, indicating enhanced stress resilience. Consuming more vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains will increase dietary micronutrient and antioxidant consumption, resulting in improved immunity, balanced energy, and overall wellness while decreasing oxidative damage and inflammationLab testing will objectively assess improvements before and after the six-week nutrition target. According to research, following weekly exercise guidelines reduces the risk of dozens of chronic diseases by more than 50%, with tracked fitness metrics revealing increased cardiovascular capabilities, strength, mobility, confidence, and progress toward optimum body composition.

The behavioral activation rewarded by tracking progress toward these emotional and physical health goals will instill long-term, positive behaviors and abilities. Aside from risk reduction, achieving these SMART lifestyle goals will increase mental clarity, attention, body, energy capacity, motivating viewpoint, and readiness to face life’s difficulties and opportunities, resulting in more meaningful relationships and daily living. Over time, small improvements add up to big health benefits.

Conclusion and summary

After careful consideration, I’ve selected stress resilience, diet, and fitness as essential areas that require concentrated attention to realize my maximum wellness potential. By setting and working toward specific, measurable goals for mindfulness habits, diet quality, and activity levels, as well as tracking metrics over time, I hope to significantly improve mental clarity, vitality, and cardiovascular health, as well as reverse my risk for various lifestyle-related illnesses.

According to research, psychological stress and distress cause systemic reactions that accelerate cellular aging, inflame tissues, and impair anabolic critical functions in the body and brain. Mindfulness techniques, on the other hand, develop brain networks that assist emotional control while activating the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring equilibrium. Experts believe that oxidative stress and inflammation caused by unhealthful modern meals, environmental contaminants, physical inactivity, and mismanaged stress reactions cause up to 80% of malignancies and 90% of all disease. Consuming freshly prepared whole foods, on the other hand, provides protective antioxidants, phytochemicals, essential fats, and anti-inflammatory compounds that regulate these processes at the gene level – stabilizing energy, supporting cellular detoxification, and suppressing factors that promote obesity, diabetes, dementia, and accelerated aging.

As a result, I’ve developed a personalized health plan that focuses on the underlying lifestyle reasons of disease that stem from a lack of self-care. This includes setting precise, time-bound goals to practice mindfulness meditation, focus anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich whole foods nutrition through home cooking, engage in a variety of cardiovascular and strength training exercises to reduce cumulative risk, and track success in these domains. Achieving these goals will improve mental clarity, inflammation levels, fitness, relationships, motivation, and general wellness, resulting in increased productivity, sense of purpose, and longevity. The abilities and insights gained via this focused self-improvement endeavor will benefit me for the rest of my life, arming me with stress-resistance while steering my food and exercise toward positive vitality-promoting habits generated by this project. Our lifestyle choices influence our health trajectory; tiny, focused investments in emotional and physical rejuvenation promise enormous wellbeing returns over decades.

Anderson, E., & J. Larry Durstine. (2019). Physical activity, exercise, and chronic diseases: A brief review.  Sports Medicine and Health Science ,  1 (1), 3–10.

Future Directions in the Study of Early-Life Stress and Physical and Emotional Health: Implications of the Neuroimmune Network Hypothesis . (2018). Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology.

Shao, T., Henu Kumar Verma, Pande, B., Costanzo, V., Ye, W., Cai, Y., & Bhaskar, S. (2021). Physical Activity and Nutritional Influence on Immune Function: An Important Strategy to Improve Immunity and Health Status.  Frontiers in Physiology ,  12 .

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Personal Health Change Autobiography Essay

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Chosen healthy behavior, reasons for making this health change, challenges likely to be faced, ways of overcoming the challenges, benefits of healthy behavior.

Improving the quality of one’s life is imperative in the present century. Education, establishment of more employment opportunities and private health in life are among the objectives which self-gratify an individual. The lifestyles individuals are accustomed to and their environment impact healthy behavior.

However, there are several ways of improving personal health, which may at times present challenges in their implementation. The benefits of most of these healthy behaviors nevertheless obscure the impediments which are faced.

I would like to exercise more routinely (5-7 times a week), while trying to develop a nutritional plan. This calls for having a meaningful vision and acquiring skills necessary to achieve the desired wellness. Physical activity, aerobics and muscle training are some of the divisions of exercise which include a painless 20 minute walk to an intensified work out in the gym.

Dancing and engaging in a physical sport like basketball or tennis is also forms of indirect exercise. The beauty of some exercises is that they do not necessarily involve a routine. Walking, for example, may be administered whenever an opportunity carves itself out.

These forms of physical activity stimulate hormones which are necessary for proper growth. Its other benefits like feeling and looking better lift composure and improves character, traits which are critical in the normal human socialization process. Using the stairs instead of the elevator and cycling to work are other valuable processes which are not that hard to achieve.

My main focus will be engaging in exercise, but I will also try maintaining a good diet. My nutritional project involves taking more fruits and vegetables and avoiding junk food which usually has a lot of fat. I have thought out turning into vegetarianism, but it has proven to yield more challenges than benefits, so I will prefer adding more vitamins in my diet.

Health is not just about whether a person is challenged by a disease. I chose to make this condition change in order to further my physical, social and emotional well being. Physical activities help reduce weight and promote better sleep regardless of age or masculinity. I would like to reduce 30 pounds that I am overweight, and while keeping a diet may be forceful and not so feasible, employing straightforward exercise strategies will be my first choice of a health change.

Being proud of my physique would significantly assist in developing the social interactions I want. The observations I have made on the behavior of overweight students in school is not so attractive. They tend to cluster together and receive taunting comments, which lower their faith in life. I want to make a health change in order to maintain satisfactory relationships with my present friends and be able to communicate confidently with others.

Emotional support and the behavior other people rally will unquestionably present a challenge. Close friends and associations will play a central role in influencing my training schedule and the diet I intend to maintain. Group activities would thus cease, because my schedule will need individual effort without distractions. However, the greatest challenge will be choosing the most appropriate exercise to practice regularly. It would be essential to have a regular plan if I am to achieve my objectives.

Scheduling, discipline and determination will be the factors considered in choosing an applicable practice. It would be useless reasonably to engage in a strenuous muscle application and put in lots of hours in the gym only to give up after a week. Making the decision would be exceedingly difficult, considering I have not engaged in any practical exercise for a while.

Time will also be an obstacle as I am significantly engaged with either homework or domestic duties. Whenever one gets busy, the time delegated for work-outs is usually sacrificed.

I have reviewed specific medical articles, and the negative impacts of exercise others have experienced significantly scare me off. There are those who experience colds or running noses in the middle of training sessions. Other trainers complain about breathing problems and splitting headaches after sessions. Experiencing no changes as soon as they expect them will prove frustrating. In case the practice I employ does not yield visible results within the first month, then I may change the form of exercise or plainly relinquish.

My present physical condition demands for regular exercise notwithstanding the challenges I would face. I have high cholesterol for a young 25 year old, so in order to live longer and healthier, I have to take part in some form of physical activity. The bigger one gets, the harder it would be to practice some routines. I would be thus required to complete a substantial health change before I start suffering unnecessary mortifications.

Exercise is usually strenuous and may involve a lot of wearisome activity. This will prove boring and I predict avoiding some responsibilities. However, devising methods to make it enjoyable would be meaningful. Exercising while having fun would unquestionably inspire me in the initiative to improve health.

I consider doing my exercises at home through the use of exercise videos. This will reduce the uncomfortable situations experienced in gyms which may make one uncomfortable. The use of some complex machines may also reduce the esteem of an individual.

Setting realistic fitness goals would be required depending on the pattern of physical activity. Studies indicate that most forms of practice would require consistency for around four months before producing physical benefits. It would be required to understand how different techniques work, how long they take to present visible or mental results, and how best to preserve the process.

The cholesterol issue will go away; I will look healthier and sexier and will have a strong body just like in high school, and will live longer. Having a fit body, proper posture, agility and muscles will transparently create the impact I desire with the opposite sex. Engaging in physical activity will help me burn the extra calories hence assist in the supervision of my weight, which is a considerable problem at present.

Physical activity improves concentration; any activity, which involves attentiveness, boosts the psychiatric process hence increasing sharpness and academic focus both in class and later years. Strength is also increased substantially when one specializes in meticulous work-outs of the muscles and stiff joints.

Proper combination of healthful food and appropriate muscles training has traditionally proven to increase the endurance of people. A chance of catching a cold is substantially reduced as the immune system is generally jump-started by regular exercises.

Exercising and eating healthy have been proven to progress physical health. Nevertheless, there are several other minor details which affect people’s healthiness. Personal hygiene and social participation have traditionally fostered health in diverse ways. Keeping one’s body clean to thwart illnesses and avoid infections is imperative. Cleaning hands, brushing teeth, cleaning cutlery helps in preventing infections.

One should strive to avoid the appearance of microbes in the body. Establishing social relationships prolongs life and increases productivity and positivism in life. Socialization may also increase knowledge, develop character and make an individual significantly healthy.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 5). Personal Health Change.

"Personal Health Change." IvyPanda , 5 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Personal Health Change'. 5 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Personal Health Change." July 5, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Personal Health Change." July 5, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Personal Health Change." July 5, 2018.

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Transforming Health Care for All        

Writing your personal health plan.

After taking some time to assess you health and to think about your priorities, the question becomes, how do you make changes? Integrative Health is healing-oriented medicine that honors the whole person (body, mind, spirit, and interconnection), including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative. Prior to a visit, Integrative Health providers will have a person fill out a detailed  intake form . After a consultation, they create a detailed, personalized health plan, which lists a series of recommendations a person can use to optimize health.

This section helps you to create your own health plan.

Guidelines for creating a health plan:

  • Movement and Exercise
  • Lifestyle (habits, recreation)
  • Supplements
  • Spirituality
  • Western Medicine Approaches
  • Other Healing Modalities (Could acupuncture, energy medicine, biofeedback, hypnosis, bodywork, etc. be of use to you?)
For residents taking the Aware Medicine course:  When you have completed the exercise, click the “ Print out your health plan summary ” bottom at the bottom. Then choose “ select all ” or hit control A. Copy the printout and past it into a word document. When your plan is complete, please send a copy to the course directors via email.
  • Return to you health plan periodically. Modify it, add to it.
  • Do not overwhelm yourself. Choose a few items in you plan, and focus on them for a period of time before moving on to others. Do this exercise mindfully.
  • University of Wisconsin Integrative Health offers a number of resources to patients for enhancing self-care, and many of these will be useful to you and to those who seek your care. See also the  Links and Resources Section .


“The best six doctors anywhere And no one can deny it Are sunshine, water, rest, and air Exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend If only you are willing Your mind they’ll ease Your will they’ll mend And charge you not a shilling.”

-Nursery rhyme, quoted by Wayne Fields in What the River Knows

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”

-Irish proverb

“My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass.”

-Leslie Grimutter

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    A functional personal health plan requires you to take a holistic approach. It means taking stock of your body, mind, environment, and spiritual beliefs is imperative. The step-by-step action plan herein will help you to design an effective health plan.

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    As a result, I’ve developed a personalized health plan that focuses on the underlying lifestyle reasons of disease that stem from a lack of self-care.

  5. Personal Health Change - 1173 Words | Essay Example - IvyPanda

    Get a custom essay on Personal Health Change. However, there are several ways of improving personal health, which may at times present challenges in their implementation. The benefits of most of these healthy behaviors nevertheless obscure the impediments which are faced.

  6. Writing Your Personal Health Plan - Aware Medicine - UW ...

    After a consultation, they create a detailed, personalized health plan, which lists a series of recommendations a person can use to optimize health. This section helps you to create your own health plan.