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  • Review Article
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  • Published: 17 January 2017

Osteoarthritis: toward a comprehensive understanding of pathological mechanism

  • Di Chen 1 ,
  • Jie Shen 2 ,
  • Weiwei Zhao 1 , 3 ,
  • Tingyu Wang 4 ,
  • Lin Han 5 ,
  • John L Hamilton 1 &
  • Hee-Jeong Im 1  

Bone Research volume  5 , Article number:  16044 ( 2017 ) Cite this article

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  • Pathogenesis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease and a major cause of pain and disability in adult individuals. The etiology of OA includes joint injury, obesity, aging, and heredity. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms of OA initiation and progression remain poorly understood and, currently, there are no interventions available to restore degraded cartilage or decelerate disease progression. The diathrodial joint is a complicated organ and its function is to bear weight, perform physical activity and exhibit a joint-specific range of motion during movement. During OA development, the entire joint organ is affected, including articular cartilage, subchondral bone, synovial tissue and meniscus. A full understanding of the pathological mechanism of OA development relies on the discovery of the interplaying mechanisms among different OA symptoms, including articular cartilage degradation, osteophyte formation, subchondral sclerosis and synovial hyperplasia, and the signaling pathway(s) controlling these pathological processes.

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease, affecting more than 25% of the population over 18 years-old. Pathological changes seen in OA joints include progressive loss and destruction of articular cartilage, thickening of the subchondral bone, formation of osteophytes, variable degrees of inflammation of the synovium, degeneration of ligaments and menisci of the knee and hypertrophy of the joint capsule. 1 The etiology of OA is multi-factorial and includes joint injury, obesity, aging, and heredity. 1 – 5 Because the molecular mechanisms involved in OA initiation and progression remain poorly understood, there are no current interventions to restore degraded cartilage or decelerate disease progression. Studies using genetic mouse models suggest that growth factors, including transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), Wnt3a and Indian hedgehog, and signaling molecules, such as Smad3, β-catenin and HIF-2α, 6 – 10 are involved in OA development. One feature common to several OA animal models is the upregulation of Runx2. 7 , 8 , 11 – 13 Runx2 is a key transcription factor directly regulating the transcription of genes encoding matrix degradation enzymes in articular chondrocytes. 14 – 17 In this review article, we will discuss the etiology of OA, the available mouse models for OA research and current techniques used in OA studies. In addition, we will also summarize the recent progress on elucidating the molecular mechanisms of OA pain. Our goal is to provide readers a comprehensive coverage on OA research approaches and the most up-to-date progress on understanding the molecular mechanism of OA development.

OA is the most prevalent joint disease associated with pain and disability. It has been forecast that 25% of the adult population, or more than 50 million people in the US, will be affected by this disease by the year 2020 and that OA will be a major cause of morbidity and physical limitation among individuals over the age of 40. 18 , 19 Major clinical symptoms include chronic pain, joint instability, stiffness and radiographic joint space narrowing. 20 Although OA primarily affects the elderly, sports-related traumatic injuries at all ages can lead to post-traumatic OA. Currently, apart from pain management and end stage surgical intervention, there are no effective therapeutic treatments for OA. Thus, there is an unmet clinical need for studies of the etiology and alternative treatments for OA. In recent years, studies using the surgically induced destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) model and tissue or cells from human patients demonstrated that genetic, mechanical, and environmental factors are associated with the development of OA. At the cellular and molecular level, OA is characterized by the alteration of the healthy homeostatic state toward a catabolic state.

One of the most common risk factors for OA is age. A majority of people over the age of 65 were diagnosed with radiographic changes in one or more joints. 21 – 25 In addition to cartilage, aging affects other joint tissues, including synovium, subchondral bone and muscle, which is thought to contribute to changes in joint loading. Studies using articular chondrocytes and other cells suggest that aging cells show elevated oxidative stress that promotes cell senescence and alters mitochondrial function. 26 – 29 In a rare form of OA, Kashin-Back disease, disease progression was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. 30 Another hallmark of aging chondrocytes is reduced repair response, partially due to alteration of the receptor expression pattern. In chondrocytes from aged and OA cartilage, the ratio of TGF-β receptor ALK1 to ALK5 was increased, leading to down-regulation of the TGF-β pathway and shift from matrix synthesis activity to catabolic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. 31 , 32 Recent studies also indicate that methylation of the entire genomic DNA displayed a different signature pattern in aging cells. 33 , 34 Genome-wide sequencing of OA patients also confirmed that this epigenetic alteration occurred in OA chondrocytes, 35 – 37 partially due to changes in expression of Dnmts (methylation) and Tets (de-methylation) enzymes. 38 – 40

In recent years, obesity has become a worldwide epidemic characterized by an increased body composition of adipose tissue. The association between obesity and OA has long been recognized. 41 , 42 Patients with obesity develop OA earlier and have more severe symptoms, higher risk for infection and more technical difficulties for total joint replacement surgery. In addition to increased biomechanical loading on the knee joint, obesity is thought to contribute to low-grade systemic inflammation through secretion of adipose tissue-derived cytokines, called adipokines. 43 – 45 Specifically, levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) were elevated 46 – 50 in high-fat diet-induced mouse obesity models 51 – 54 and in obese patients. 55 – 57 These inflammatory factors may trigger the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway to stimulate an articular chondrocyte catabolic process and lead to extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation through the upregulation of MMPs. 58 – 60

Sport injury

Knee injury is the major cause of OA in young adults, increasing the risk for OA more than four times. Recent clinical reports showed that 41%–51% of participants with previous knee injuries have radiographic signs of knee OA in later years. 61 Cartilage tissue tear, joint dislocation and ligament strains and tears are the most common injuries seen clinically that may lead to OA. Trauma-related sport injuries can cause bone, cartilage, ligament, and meniscus damage, all of which can negatively affect joint stabilization. 62 – 66 Signs of inflammation observed in both patients with traumatic knee OA and in mouse injury models include increased cytokine and chemokine production, synovial tissue expansion, inflammatory cell infiltration, and NF-κB pathway activation. 67


It has been established that the chronic low-grade inflammation found in OA contributes to disease development and progression. During OA progression, the entire synovial joint, including cartilage, subchondral bone, and synovium, are involved in the inflammation process. 68 In aging and diabetic patients, conventional inflammatory factors, such as IL-1β and TNF-α, as well as chemokines, were reported to contribute to the systemic inflammation that leads to activation of NF-κB signaling in both synovial cells and chondrocytes. Innate inflammatory signals were also involved in OA pathogenesis, including damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), alarmins (S100A8 and S100A9) and complement. 69 – 71 DAMPs and alarmins were reported to be abundant in OA joints, signaling through either toll-like receptors (TLR) or the canonical NF-κB pathway to modulate the expression of MMPs and a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motif (ADAMTS) in chondrocytes. 72 – 76 Complement can be activated in OA chondrocytes and synovial cells by DAMPs, ECM fragments and dead-cell debris. 77 , 78 Recent studies further clarified that systemic inflammation can re-program chondrocytes through inflammatory mediators toward hypertrophic differentiation and catabolic responses through the NF-κB pathway, 9 , 10 , 79 the ZIP8/Zn + /MTF1 axis, 80 and autophagy mechanisms. 81 – 85 Indeed, the recent Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analyses of OA and control samples provide evidence that inflammation signals contribute to OA pathogenesis through cytokine-induced mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, NF-κB activation, and oxidative phosphorylation. 86

Genetic predisposition

An inherited predisposition to OA has been known for many years from family-based studies. 87 – 89 Although the genetics of OA are complex, the genetic contribution to OA is highly significant. Over the past decade, the roles of genes and signaling pathways in OA pathogenesis have been demonstrated by ex vivo studies using tissues derived from OA patients and in vivo studies using surgically induced OA animal models and genetic mouse models. For example, alterations in TGF-β, Wnt/β-catenin, Indian Hedgehog (Ihh), Notch and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathways have been shown to contribute to OA development and progression by primarily inducing catabolic responses in chondrocytes. 8 , 90 – 95 Such responses converge on Hif2α , Runx2 , and inflammatory mediators that lead to cartilage ECM degradation through the increased expression of MMPs and ADAMTS activity. 80 , 96 – 99 Recent studies of genome-wide association screens (GWAS) that have been performed on large numbers of OA and control populations throughout the world have confirmed over 80 gene mutations or single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in OA pathogenesis. Some of the genes are important structural and ECM-related factors ( Col2a1 , Col9a1 , and Col11a1 ), and critical signaling molecules in the Wnt ( Sfrp3 ), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ( Gdf5 ), and TGF-β ( Smad3 ) signaling pathways; most of these genes have been previously implicated in OA or articular cartilage and joint maintenance by studies using mouse models of induced genetic alteration- or surgically induced OA. 100 – 106 A recent arcOGEN Consortium genome-wide screen study 107 identified new SNPs in several genes, including GNL3, ASTN2, and CHST11. These findings need to be verified by further studies.

Mouse models for OA research

DMM was developed 10 years ago and is a well established surgical OA model in mice and rats. It is widely used to study OA initiation and progression in combination with transgenic mouse models and aging and obesity models. DMM surgery was performed by transection of the medial meniscotibial ligament (MMTL). 26 , 27 Briefly, following the initial incision, the joint capsule on the medial side was incised using scissors to expose either the intercondylar region or the MMTL, which anchors the medial meniscus (MM) to the tibial plateau. The MMTL was visualized under a dissection microscope and the MMTL was cut using micro-surgical scissors, releasing the ligament from the tibia plateau thus destabilizing the medial meniscus. Closure of the joint capsule and skin was with a continuous 8–0 tapered Vicryl suture. As a control for DMM studies, sham surgery was performed by only exposing the medial side of knee joint capsule. Because of the medial displacement of the meniscus tissue, greater stress occurred on the posterior femur and central tibia, especially on the medial side. 108 Histology demonstrated the severity of OA lesions at 4-weeks post-surgery with fibrillation of the cartilage surface. Cartilage destruction and subchondral bone sclerosis developed 8 weeks post-surgery and osteophyte formation was seen 12-weeks post- surgery. 98 , 109 – 111

Aging model

As a degenerative disease, OA always occurs in elderly populations; thus, aging is a major risk factor for the most common form in humans, spontaneous OA. Several laboratory animals develop spontaneous OA, which approximates the stages of human OA progression. These animal models are valuable tools for studying natural OA pathogenesis. 112 , 113 The most commonly used inbred strain of laboratory mouse is C57/BL6; these mice usually develop knee OA at about 17 months of age. 112 The STR/ort mouse is one strain that easily develops spontaneous OA. It requires 12–20 weeks for STR/ort mice to develop articular cartilage destruction. 114 – 116 This may be partially due to their heavier body weight compared with other mouse strains. Given the background genetic consistency, although aging OA models have many advantages, it normally requires at least one year for mice to model the disease. Therefore, surgically induced OA models 107 , 117 and genetic mouse models are preferred in recent decades for their relatively fast induction for use as aging models for the study of OA lesions.

In addition to the mouse, the Dunkin Hartley guinea pig provides an aging model widely used to study OA development. 118 The Dunkin Hartley guinea pig can develop a spontaneous, age-related OA phenotype within 3 months. The severity of OA lesions increases with age, and moderate to severe OA is observable in 18-month-old animals. Histological analysis demonstrated that the spontaneous OA progression in Dunkin Hartley guinea pig resembles that of humans. Thus, the Dunkin Hartley guinea pig is a useful animal to study the pathogenesis and evaluation of potential treatments for human OA.

Obesity model

It has become evident that obesity contributes to a variety of musculoskeletal diseases, particularly OA, because of inflammatory and metabolic responses. 119 Together with surgically induced injury and genetic models, mouse obesity models are widely used to explore the mechanisms of obesity-induced OA. The obese mouse model is induced by a high-fat diet, in which 60% of calories are derived from fat as opposed to the normal 13%. 120 The entire joint tissue, but especially synovium tissue, is affected by the high-fat diet. A synovial inflammation phenotype has been independently reported by different laboratories. 54 An elevated systemic inflammation was observed in obese mice following DMM surgery. Serum levels of pro-inflammatory factors, including interleukin-12p70, 54 interleukin-6, TNFα and several other chemokines, were increased, suggesting a role for obesity in the development of post-traumatic OA (PTOA).

Genetic mouse models

Genetic mouse models have recently become widely used to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of OA development. Based on the GWAS studies of human patients, mutant mouse strains were generated carrying either mutant genes or SNPS. For example, Del1 +/- mice carried a mutation in the collagen II gene. Both Del1 +/- mice and Col9a1 −/− mice developed spontaneous OA. 121 Because cartilage functions as a skeletal architect, conventional gene deletion approaches have the drawback of causing embryonic lethality or severe skeletal deformation. To overcome embryonic lethality and bypass the limits of constitutive gene knockout (KO), inducible conditional KO technology has been widely used. This usually combines Cre-loxP gene targeting with tamoxifen-induced nuclear translocation of CreER fusion protein driven by tissue-specific promoters. The Col2a1-Cre ERT2 , Agc1-Cre ERT2 and Prg4-Cre ERT2 transgenic mice 122 – 124 have become powerful tools for targeting joint tissue to study the mechanism of OA development. Based on the gene expression pattern, both Col2a1 and Agc1 can efficiently target chondrocytes in the growth plate cartilage, articular cartilage and temporomandibular joint. Because Agc1 is expressed more robustly than Col2a1 in adult cartilage tissue, Agc1 is expected to better target chondrocytes in adult mice. 123 In addition to chondrocytes, Agc1 were also reported to target nucleus pulposus tissue in the intervertebral disc. 123 Prg4 only targets the superficial layer of articular chondrocytes. 124 It needs to be emphasized that all of these genetic tools are used to address the importance of cartilage tissue in OA development. Additional CreER transgenic mice need to be developed to efficiently target subchondral bone, synovial tissue and meniscus.

Using these transgenic mice, specific genes have been studied in chondrocyte-specific experiments to dissect their role in OA. In vivo studies employing mutant mice suggest that pathways involving (i) receptor ligands, such as TGF-β1, Wnt3a, and Indian hedgehog, (ii) signaling molecules, such as Smads, β-catenin, Runx2 and HIF-2α and, (iii) peptidases, such as MMP13 and ADAMTS4/5, have some degree of involvement in OA development. Table 1 summarizes the mutant lines available for OA study.

TGF-β and its downstream molecules have important roles in OA pathogenesis. Mutations of Smad3 , a central molecule in TGF-β signaling, have been found in patients with early-onset OA. 131 – 133 It has been known for years that TGF-β promotes mesenchymal progenitor cell differentiation and matrix protein synthesis and inhibits chondrocyte hypertrophy. TGF-β signaling may play differential roles in joint tissues during OA development. For example, global deletion of Smad3 causes chondrocyte hypertrophy and OA-like articular cartilage damage. 6 The deletion of Tgfbr2 , encoding for type II TGF-β receptor, 91 or Smad3 12 in articular chondrocytes also led to an OA-like phenotype. In contrast, the activation of TGF-β signaling in mesenchymal progenitor cells of subchondral bone also caused OA-like lesions. 134 These findings suggest that TGF-β signaling may have differential roles in various joint tissues 135 and that therapeutic interventions targeting TGF-β signaling may require a tissue-specific approach.

Techniques for OA studies

In vitro studies, in vitro articular chondrocyte isolation and culture.

To investigate signaling mechanisms in articular cartilage, primary human articular chondrocytes will be obtained from surgically discarded cartilage tissues. Briefly, full-thickness sections of cartilage are excised from the subchondral bone. The cartilage pieces will be digested for about 15 h using a digestion buffer. The isolated cells will be then collected and filtered to remove undigested tissue and debris, and washed with Hanks' buffered salt solution. The cells will be then re-suspended in chondrocyte basal medium and plated in high density monolayer cultures as shown in Table 2 . 136 , 137 Human articular chondrocytes can also be cultured in three dimensions. Briefly, 4×10 6 freshly isolated human articular chondrocytes will be re-suspended in alginate solution and the cell suspension is added drop-wise into 102 mmol·L −1 CaCl 2 to form beads. After washing the beads with 0.15 mol·L −1 NaCl and basal medium, the chondrocytes encapsulated in alginate beads will be cultured in three dimensions with basal medium. 138 , 139

In vitro human articular cartilage explant culture

Osteochondral tissues from radiographically and anatomically normal joints will be obtained from patients with different surgeries, such as oncologic surgical procedures, meniscal tear repair or total knee joint replacement. The collected osteochondral tissues will be first washed with sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Fresh cartilage samples will be harvested from the femoral condyle using a 6 mm diameter biopunch. The cartilage explants will be cultured in chondrocyte basal medium. 140


Knee cartilage samples to be used for histological and histomorphometric analyses will be fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF), decalcified in 14% EDTA for 10 days and embedded in paraffin. The paraffin-embedded samples will be cut into 5 μm sections and stained with Alcian blue/Hematoxylin-Orange G (ABH) or Safranin O/Fast green to determine changes in architectures of cartilage, bone, and synovial tissues throughout OA progression. Quantitative histomorphometric analyses of ABH-stained sections can be performed using a Visiopharm analysis system. 141 Using this system, high resolution digital images of histology slides can be obtained. Cartilage thickness will be measured from the middle of the femoral and tibial condyles. Cartilage area will be traced from both articular cartilage surfaces. The tidemark will be used to delineate the upper and deep zone of articular cartilage. 91 , 93

OARSI score system

Several scoring systems have been developed to semi-quantify the severity of OA lesions of the knee. A scoring system recommended by the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) society is based on continuous histological staining of the knee joint. A 0–6 subjective scoring system, as shown in Table 3 , is applied to all four quadrants through multiple step sections of the joint. Sagittal sections obtained every 80 μm across the medial femoral-tibial joint will be used to determine the maximal and cumulative scores. 142


It is necessary to understand changes in mechanical properties of OA cartilage across multiple length scales because they directly reflect cartilage functional changes during degradation. 143 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based nanoindentation is well-suited for evaluating changes at a nm-to-μm scale that is comparable to the sizes of matrix molecules and cells. 144 For AFM-nanoindentation measurement, a microspherical or a pyramidal tip is programmed to indent the sample tissues, cells or tissue sections to a pre-set force or depth. An effective indentation modulus can be calculated by fitting the loading portion of each indentation force versus depth curve to the elastic Hertz model. 145 The use of nanoindentation over the past decade has uncovered many new aspects of cartilage structure-mechanics relationships and OA pathomechanics. Highlights among these include micromechanical anisotropy and heterogeneity of healthy and OA cartilage 146 or meniscus, 147 cartilage weakening in spontaneous 148 , 149 and post-traumatic 150 – 152 OA, mechanics of individual chondrocytes, 151 , 153 and quality evaluation of engineered neo-tissues. 154 – 156

Notably, AFM-nanoindentation has made it possible to study the mechanical properties of murine cartilage. Previously, the ~100 μm thickness of murine cartilage prevented such attempts. Because in vivo OA studies are largely dependent on murine models, 157 nanoindentation provides a critical bridge across two crucial fields of OA research: biology and biomechanics. The benefit of nanoindentation for murine model studies has been demonstrated by a number of recent studies. For example, cartilage in mice lacking collagen IX ( Col9a1 −/− ) 148 showed abnormally higher moduli, while those lacking lubricin ( Prg4 −/− ) 158 or chondroadherin ( Chad −/− ) 159 showed lower moduli. Col9a1 −/− and Prg4 −/− mice also developed macroscopic signs of OA, 148 , 158 underscoring the high correlation between abnormalities in cartilage biomechanics and OA. Li et al. also recently demonstrated the applicability of nanoindentation to the murine meniscus. 160 Further applications of nanoindentation to clinically relevant OA models, such as the DMM model, 110 hold the potential of assessing OA as an entire joint disease through biomechanical symptoms in multiple murine synovial tissues.

Two other recent technological advances provide paths to further in-depth studies. First, Wilusz et al. 161 stained cartilage cryosections with immunofluorescence antibodies of the pericellular matrix signature molecules, type VI collagen and perlecan. 162 Using immunofluorescence guidance, nanoindentation was used to delineate the mechanical behavior of cartilage pericellular matrix and ECM, 161 – 163 and to reveal the role of type VI collagen in each matrix by employing Col6 −/− mice. 164 Therefore, it is now possible to directly examine the relationships across micro-domains between biochemical content and biomechanical properties of cartilage, 161 meniscus 165 or other synovial tissues in situ . Second, Nia et al. 166 converted the AFM to a high-bandwidth nanorheometer. This tool enabled separation of the fluid flow-driven poroelasticity and macromolecular frictional intrinsic viscoelasticity that govern cartilage energy-dissipative mechanics. 166 – 168 Hydraulic permeability, the property that regulates poroelasticity, was found to be mainly determined by aggrecan rather than collagen 169 and to change more drastically than modulus upon depletion of aggrecan. 166 , 170 This new tool provides a comprehensive approach beyond the scope of elastic modulus for assessing cartilage functional changes in OA.

Molecules mediating OA pain

The perception of OA pain is a complex and dynamic process involving structural and biochemical alterations at the joint as well as in the peripheral and central nervous systems. While there have been extensive studies of mediators of OA joint degeneration, only recently have studies begun to characterize biochemical influences on and in the peripheral and central nervous systems in OA. In this regard, OA appears to show similarities and differences with other conditions causing pain. 171 , 172 There are a wide variety of signaling pathways linked to joint destruction and/or pain. In this section we will discuss three emerging and highly relevant pathways that provide insight into the mechanisms underlying OA pain.

Chemotactic cytokine ligand 2/chemokine (C–C motif) receptor 2

Chemotactic cytokine ligand 2 (CCL2), also known as monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), is well-known to mediate the migration and infiltration of monocytes and macrophages by signaling through chemokine (C–C motif) receptor 2 (CCR2). 173 In arthritis, CCL2 promotes inflammation of the joint. 174 Evidence also suggests that CCL2 is an important mediator of neuroinflammation. 175 , 176 In neuropathic pain, CCL2 expression is increased in microglia and in sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia (DRGs), where CCL2 can be further transported and released into central spinal nerve terminals. Increased CCL2/CCR2 signaling has been correlated with direct excitability of nociceptive neurons and microglial activation, leading to persistent hyperalgesia and allodynia. 177 , 178

In a DMM mouse OA model, CCL2 and CCR2 levels were elevated in DRGs at 8 weeks post surgery, correlating with increased OA-associated pain behaviors. Increased CCL2 and CCR2 levels in the DRG were thought to mediate pro-nociceptive effects both by increasing sensory neuron excitability through CCL2/CCR2 signaling directly in DRG sensory neurons and through CCL2/CCR2-mediated recruitment of macrophages in the DRG. Compared with wild-type mice, Ccr2 -null mice showed reduced pain behaviors following DMM with similar levels of joint damage. 179 Although CCR2 antagonists are currently being assessed in clinical studies, no clinical studies have targeted CCL2 or CCR2 in OA pain. 180

Nerve growth factor/tropomyosin receptor kinase A

In both clinical and animal studies, the targeted inhibition of nerve growth factor (NGF) and inhibition of its cognate receptor, tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA), reduced OA pain. Clinically, the systemic administration of NGF caused persistent whole-body muscle hyperalgesia in healthy human subjects, 174 , 177 while anti-NGF antibody, tanezumab, therapy significantly reduced OA pain. 181 – 184 There are a number of potential mechanisms through which NGF mediates pain. Over-expressed NGF in peripheral tissues can bind directly to TrkA at sensory neuron nerve terminals and be retrogradely transported to the DRG. There it stimulates sensory neurons to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling. 185 The activation of the NGF-MAPK/ERK axis upregulates the expression of pain-related molecules, including transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member I (TRPV1), substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and nociceptor-specific ion channels, such as Ca v 3.2, 3.3, and Na v 1.8. 186 – 188

In addition to direct signaling of sensory neurons, NGF promotes algesic effects by targeting other cell types. For example, NGF/TrkA signaling occurs in mast cells, triggering release of pro-inflammatory and pain mediators, including histamine and prostaglandins, in addition to NGF. 186 , 189 NGF signaling is upregulated by pro-inflammatory mediators, and NGF promotes leukocyte chemotaxis and vascular permeability, further stimulating inflammation. 190 – 192 NGF/TrkA signaling further promotes angiogenesis and nerve growth. The process of angiogenesis is not only inflammatory, but also serves as a track for nerve growth into the joint. 193

Given the high efficacy of targeting NGF in a clinical study on reducing OA pain, it is of great interest to further define NGF/TrkA pain signaling mechanisms and to find additional therapeutic targets in this pathway. Recent evidence indicates that loss of PKCδ signaling significantly increases both NGF and TrkA in the DRG and synovium, is associated with increased MAPK/ERK signaling at the innervating DRGs, and is associated with OA hyperalgesia. 194 However, in recent clinical studies, a small population of patients treated with systemic anti-NGF therapy exhibited rapid progression of OA and were more prone to bone fractures. 195 Considering the analgesic effects by anti-NGF therapy on OA-associated pain, understanding of the precise roles of the NGF/TrkA pathway in different joint tissues in OA and OA-associated pain is of great interest.

The use of Adamts5 KO mice and therapeutic treatment with anti-ADAMTS5 antibody in wild-type mice produce inhibition of ADAMTS5 signaling/expression in the DMM model, resulting in reduction of both joint degeneration and pain. 98 , 196 , 197 ADAMTS5 is a major aggrecanase, and because aggrecan is a major component of the proteoglycans in cartilage that provides compressive resistance, ADAMTS5 is thought to be a critical mediator of cartilage degeneration during the development of OA. 198 Although variations in pain signaling can be independent from the degree of joint degeneration, the use of Adamts5 KO mice and direct inhibition of joint degeneration with anti-ADAMTS5 antibody may provide insight into how joint degeneration produces OA pain. For example, hyalectan fragments generated by ADAMTS5 have been suggested to directly stimulate nociceptive neurons as well as glial activation, promoting increased pain perception. 196 , 199 Furthermore, inhibition of ADAMTS5 following DMM resulted in reduced levels of CCL2 in DRG neurons, thus suggesting a role for CCL2 in OA-specific pain. 197

Pain-related behavior tests

Pain is the most common reason patients seek medical treatment and is a major indication for joint replacement surgery. 200 , 201 Therefore, evaluating pain in pre-clinical animal models is of critical importance to better understand mechanisms of and to develop treatments for OA pain. The evaluation of OA pain in animals involves indirect and direct measures.

Recognizing pain as a clinical sign and quantitatively assessing pain intensity are essential in research for effective OA pain management. Rodent animal models are routinely used for basic and pre-clinical studies because of the relatively low cost of animal maintenance, the abundance of historical data for comparison, and smaller amounts of drugs required for experimental studies. For pain measurements, rodents have advantages over other small animal models, such as rabbits, which present challenges to obtain a pain response and are immobile if startled by an unfamiliar observer. Mice are usually used for the development of genetically engineered strains to enable molecular understanding of OA progression and pain in vivo . 202 Larger animals, including dogs, sheep, goats, and horses are also sometimes used for modeling OA pain. 202 , 203

A wide range of direct and indirect measures of pain are used in small animal models of OA. Indirect and/or direct measures of pain include static or dynamic weight bearing, foot posture, gait analysis, spontaneous activity, as well as sensitivity to mechanical allodynia, mechanical hyperalgesia, and thermal, and cold stimuli. 202 , 203 Among indirect tests involving pain-evoked behaviors, mechanical stimuli may be the most correlated with OA pain. A commonly used measure of indirect pain is the von Frey test for mechanical allodynia using filaments to assess referred pain. 186 , 194 , 196 , 202 , 204 Direct mechanical hyperalgesia is performed using an analgesymeter for paw pressure pain threshold. Additional direct measures of OA pain include the hind limb withdrawal test, vocalization evoked by knee compression on the affected knee, the struggle reaction to knee extension, and ambulation and rearing spontaneous movements. 194 , 202 , 203 Weight-bearing and gait analyses may have important translational relevance for assessing OA pain because these tests are also used to assess clinical OA pain. 203 However, obtaining clear pain responses from weight bearing or gait is challenging when using the unilateral DMM mouse model because the nature of OA pain is a dull pain unlike that of, for example, sharp inflammatory pain.

In large animals, pain behavior testing is more challenging and there is no consensus for the best method of evaluating pain. 202 However, dogs, the most commonly used large animal, have been suggested to provide the best predictive modeling for OA pain translated into the clinical setting. 205 Methods used for assessing pain in large animals are restricted to assessing degree of lameness, gait analysis, and subjective rating scales, which assess descriptors of pain similar to those of humans.

Overall, there is a wide range of pain-behavior tests for small and large animal models. Although no animal model or pain behavior test perfectly translates to OA-associated pain in patients, these tests yield a valuable understanding of the mechanisms of OA pain and allow assessment of treatments for relief from OA-associated pain. Rodents will continue to be widely used for basic OA pain research, but large animals continue to be important because of their greater potential for modeling clinical OA pain.

Future perspective

Although significant progress has been made in OA research in recent years, very little is yet known about the molecular mechanisms of OA initiation and progression. OA is a heterogeneous disease caused by multiple factors. One important potential factor for OA development is Runx2, which is upregulated in several OA mouse models and in cartilage samples derived from patients with OA disease. 7 , 8 , 11 , 13 , 91 Key questions that need to be addressed are: (1) Is Runx2 a central molecule mediating OA development in joint tissue?; and (2) Could manipulation of Runx2 expression be used to treat OA disease? OA is a disease affecting the entire joint, including articular cartilage, subchondral bone, synovial tissues and menisci. In which of these joint tissues OA damage first occurs during disease initiation is currently unknown; this is important because it is directly related to OA treatment. In addition, the interplaying mechanisms among different OA symptoms, such as articular cartilage degradation, osteophyte formation, subchondral sclerosis and synovial hyperplasia, await clarification. The understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying these issues will accelerate the development of novel therapeutic strategies for OA.

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This project has been supported by NIH grants AR055915 and AR054465 to DC.

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Department of Biochemistry, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA

Di Chen, Weiwei Zhao, John L Hamilton & Hee-Jeong Im

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University, St Louis, MO, USA

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Weiwei Zhao

Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China

Tingyu Wang

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

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Chen, D., Shen, J., Zhao, W. et al. Osteoarthritis: toward a comprehensive understanding of pathological mechanism. Bone Res 5 , 16044 (2017).

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Received : 04 August 2016

Revised : 02 September 2016

Accepted : 08 September 2016

Published : 17 January 2017


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Osteoarthritis: a narrative review of molecular approaches to disease management

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Arthritis Research & Therapy volume  25 , Article number:  27 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, progressive degenerative whole joint disease that affects the articular cartilage, subchondral bone, ligaments, capsule, and synovium. While it is still believed to be a mechanically driven disease, the role of underlying co-existing inflammatory processes and mediators in the onset of OA and its progression is now more appreciated. Post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) is a subtype of OA that occurs secondary to traumatic joint insults and is widely used in pre-clinical models to help understand OA in general. There is an urgent need to develop new treatments as the global burden is considerable and expanding. In this review, we focus on the recent pharmacological advances in the treatment of OA and summarize the most significant promising agents based on their molecular effects. Those are classified here into broad categories: anti-inflammatory, modulation of the activity of matrix metalloproteases, anabolic, and unconventional pleiotropic agents. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the pharmacological advances in each of these areas and highlight future insights and directions in the OA field.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, progressive degenerative whole joint disease that affects the articular cartilage, subchondral bone, ligaments, capsule, and the synovium [ 1 ]. OA was earlier considered as a wear and tear mechanical disease that causes cartilage degeneration; however, it is now understood that the cross-talk between various joint structures and local inflammation is a central aspect of the underlying pathophysiology [ 2 ].

The stratification of OA into various phenotypes is becoming widely accepted. Post-traumatic OA (PTOA) is a subtype of OA that occurs secondary to traumatic joint insults such as fractures or injury to the soft tissues, such as chondral surfaces, ligaments, tendons, and menisci or even surgical intervention to the joint [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]. PTOA accounts for approximately 12% of all cases of symptomatic OA [ 7 ]. While it can potentially affect any injured joint, it is most prevalent in the ankle and knee [ 3 , 7 ], PTOA accounts for up to 78%, 10%, 8%, and 2% of all ankle, knee, shoulder, and hip OA cases, respectively [ 3 , 7 , 8 , 9 ].

PTOA shares many clinical, radiological, and genetic similarities with non-traumatic OA [ 10 ]. What differentiates PTOA is that it has a clear starting point, providing an excellent opportunity for intervention and treatment as early as the time of injury [ 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ]. Therefore, post-injury laboratory and animal models have been widely adopted to investigate the association between injury and OA and help exploit the intracellular processes seen in these same injured tissues to advance our understanding of OA pathways as a whole. Several injury induced-models have been utilized to study OA including surgical transection models of the meniscus or anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), controlled external loading such as ACL rupture (ACLr), or destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) models [ 10 , 14 , 15 ].

Over the past 20 years, remarkable progress has been made in osteoarthritis research; however, many questions remain unanswered due to the complexity of OA pathophysiology. It is still believed to be a mechanically driven disease; however, the role of the underlying co-existing inflammatory processes and mediators in the onset of OA and its progression is now more appreciated [ 10 ]. A complete understanding of the pathophysiology of OA would enable identification of potential therapeutic targets.

Numerous therapeutic agents have been suggested for OA [ 16 , 17 , 18 ]; however, there is still no definitive treatment. This review will focus on the recent pharmacological advances in the treatment of OA and summarize the most promising therapeutic agents (Table 1 ), based on their molecular effects, which are broadly classified into anti-inflammatory, modulators of the matrix metalloproteases activity, anabolic, and unconventional pleiotropic agents. We will highlight the complex pathophysiology of OA with an overview of the biomechanics, inflammation, and other OA associated factors. Finally, we will discuss the evolving concepts and future directions in this field.

A thorough literature review was performed using PubMed/MIDLINE, Web of Science, and Google Scholars databases and searched from inception till June 2022 with the following search terms: “Pathophysiology,” “Epidemiology,” “Inflammation”, “Biomechanics,” “Treatment,” “Therapy,” “Pharmacological,” “Intervention,” and “Osteoarthritis.” This yielded a total of 560 articles which were screened based on title/abstract to identify original research work and review articles written in English within the past 10 years. No restrictions were placed on the types of study design. Inclusion was limited to relevant references, mainly related to the pharmacological treatment of OA. Articles focusing on other perspectives of OA and inaccessible full texts were excluded. We also included several references not identified by the search criteria which were known to the author or were manually selected from the reference lists contained within the screened articles. Selected references were then reviewed and finalized by two authors independently. As a result, 66 articles met the eligibility criteria and were included in this review. Additionally, this narrative review was conducted in line with the Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles (SANRA) quality assessment tool [ 19 ].

Pathophysiology: biomechanics and inflammation

PTOA pathogenesis occurs from the point of injury to the time of presentation of OA symptoms (Fig. 1 ). Following a traumatic injury, a state of mechanical imbalance and overload occurs, which triggers several inflammatory signaling pathways, such as the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and poly adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-ribose pathways in the synoviocytes [ 13 , 20 ]. The activation of these inflammatory cascades along with the continuous mechanical disturbance increases the levels of inflammatory mediators and other matrix destructive enzymes, resulting in chondrocyte apoptosis, matrix degradation, leukocyte recruitment, and other structural and molecular changes associated with OA [ 10 , 11 ]. The acute inflammatory phase either progresses to OA or resolves spontaneously, depending on the presence of aggravating factors. The risk factors that stimulate the disease’s progression are similar to that described for OA [ 10 ] (Fig. 1 ).

figure 1

PTOA pathogenesis. Risk factors aggravating the process. Potential therapeutic targeting points are pointed out with red X

A complete understanding of the fundamental biological pathways and mediators involved in OA (Table 2 ) would enable creating target-based, effective therapies. Pharmacological interventions have been vigorously investigated [ 17 ]; however, they are yet to be applied clinically. The current strategies in OA management is mainly conservative, with analgesics and physiotherapy in the early stages and reconstructive or replacement surgeries at advanced stages [ 13 ]. Anatomical reconstructive procedures have advanced in terms of techniques and improved outcomes; however, evidence supporting their role in preventing OA is still insufficient [ 13 ]. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury renders the knee joint mechanically unstable and expedites osteoarthritic changes [ 18 ]. It was believed that ACL reconstruction restored the joint’s stability and prevented the development of OA; however, a large meta-analysis of 38 studies demonstrated that OA occurs even after ACL reconstruction and restoration of joint stability [ 21 ]. Therefore, apart from mechanical factors, it is critical to address the molecular pathways involved in the development of OA. This necessitates an early and robust intervention, through two possible strategies: Early, preventive interventions that target the disease process at the onset, or approaches that modify the disease prognosis (Fig. 1 ).

Anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of OA

The pathogenic role of proinflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and chemokines, is well understood [ 11 , 12 ]. Various cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-17, and TNF-α, are involved in the acute inflammatory phase post-joint injury, with prominent crosstalk occurring between the articular cartilage and the synovium. Therefore, inhibition of these cytokines is a promising therapeutic strategy. An imbalance between the levels of pro-inflammatory (high levels of IL-1, IL6, and IL8) and anti-inflammatory (low levels of IL-1Ra, IL-4, and IL-10) cytokines is characteristic of the acute inflammatory phase [ 11 , 12 ]. The most promising cytokine targeting therapy is the inhibition of IL-1 using IL-1Ra, currently in clinical trials [ 17 , 22 ]. Inhibition of IL-1 was therapeutically effective in alleviating the progression of OA in animal models [ 23 ]. Early intervention with a single, small intraarticular dose of the human recombinant IL-1Ra, Anakinra, significantly alleviated the arthritic changes, reducing articular degeneration and synovitis in C57BL/6 mice with tibial plateau articular fracture [ 24 ]. The continuous systemic administration of IL-1Ra, however, yielded no therapeutic effect and, interestingly, led to a greater joint deterioration. IL-1Ra was proved safe in a multicenter randomized clinical trial (RCT) in patients with knee osteoarthritis [ 25 ]. IL-Ra (a single 150 mg dose) substantially improved the functional knee outcome measures, with reduced knee pain at 2 weeks, in a pilot trial for the treatment of acute (less than a month since injury) ACL injuries [ 22 ].

The inhibition of other proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-17, and TNF-α, is expected to reduce degenerative cartilage changes, synovial inflammation, and lubrication problems [ 13 ]; however, inhibiting TNF-α is not therapeutically effective in PTOA [ 23 , 24 ].

In a rabbit PTOA model, intraarticular administration of dexamethasone immediately after surgical drill injury attenuated proinflammatory (IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8) cytokines and OA-like histological changes [ 26 ]. Glucocorticoids exhibit anti-inflammatory effects in different tissues through the suppression of prostaglandins [ 27 ], inflammatory cytokines [ 28 ], nitric oxide [ 29 ], and other oxygen-derived radicals [ 30 ], making them an attractive therapeutic choice [ 31 ]. Low dose of dexamethasone offers significant chondroprotection, by reducing the loss of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteoglycans and collagen in an IL-1 rich environment and by reducing the loss of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) even in the presence of inflammatory mediators, such as TNF-α, in an in vitro study in human chondrocytes [ 31 ].

Sivelestat sodium hydrate ameliorated knee PTOA in a rat model, acting via NF-kB and HMGB1; therefore, it could be potential treatment option for OA [ 32 ]. The expression of both of these factors is suppressed, indicating a potential anti-inflammatory response. The production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-6, is also significantly reduced. Moreover, after receiving a once-weekly dose of 10 mg/kg for four consecutive weeks, there is a dramatic reduction in cartilage degeneration.

JQ1 and flavopiridol suppressed the development of OA in vitro and in an in vivo mouse model of ACL rupture (ACLr) [ 33 ]. This was achieved via inhibiting the rate limiting enzymes of the primary response genes (PRGs), namely, bromodomain-containing-protein-4 (Brd4) and cyclin-dependent-kinase-9 (CDK9). In cartilage explants, they work synergistically in preventing the activation and release of IL-1β-induced inflammatory factors and glycosaminoglycan. In vivo treatment with JQ1 and flavopiridol causes a significant suppression of IL-1 and IL-6 expression, MMPs, synovial inflammation, and other joint-associated inflammatory pathways, such as iNOS and COX2.

Mitochondria-associated pathways

Disruption of mitochondrial structure and/or function is one of the earliest pathogenic mechanisms that trigger the onset of OA and its progression [ 34 ]. In the sub-acute phase following injury, chondrocyte apoptosis and articular degeneration are facilitated by mitochondrial damage, resulting in decreased respiratory function and proteoglycan content and an imbalance between the anabolic and catabolic pathways in the ECM, particularly the expression of MMP-13, as observed in a mouse DMM model [ 35 , 36 ]. The pathways downstream of the mitochondrial pathways (Fig. 2 ), such as the electron transport chain and Bax/Bak pathways, are activated, resulting in the release of oxygen radicals and caspases, respectively. Antioxidants and caspase inhibitors are used to counteract these effects [ 17 , 36 ]. The antioxidants, such as N-acetyl cysteine, Mn 3 porphyrin (a superoxide dismutase mimetic), and vitamins E and C, exhibit promising chondroprotective effects in animals and in ex vivo human studies. They attenuate both mechanically induced apoptosis and the expression of ECM degrading enzymes [ 16 , 37 ]. Caspase inhibitors prevented chondrocyte apoptosis in preclinical studies [ 17 ]; however, their clinical efficacy in humans is not proven. The mitoprotective peptide, SS-31, protects an important phospholipid constituent of the mitochondrial inner cell membrane, cardiolipin [ 36 ], thereby maintaining the integrity of the electron transport chain and ensuring proper ATP production, reduced ROS production, and reduced mitochondrial-induced cell death. The therapeutic efficacy of SS-31 was established in an ex vivo model of PTOA [ 36 ]. SS-31 prevents trauma-induced chondrocyte apoptosis, cell membrane damage, cartilage GAG loss, and matrix degeneration. Although inherent challenges with targeting mitochondrial-associated pathways exist as effects are not tissue-specific, the safety of SS-31 in humans has been reported [ 38 ], enhancing its potential as a candidate for OA therapy.

figure 2

Effect of mechanical injury on mitochondria-associated pathways. Effects on MT dysfunction, oxidative response, and caspase activation leading to cell death, ECM degradation, and apoptosis and subsequently PTOA. Potential inhibitory roles of certain pharmacological interventions are depicted. Adapted from Delco et al. [ 15 ]. MT, mitochondria; ROS, reactive oxygen species; ECM, extracellular matrix

Inhibitors of the action of matrix degrading enzymes


Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum tetracycline antibiotic and inhibited the progression of joint OA in a murine ACLr model [ 38 ]. There is a positive correlation between doxycycline concentrations and the degree of MMP-13 inhibition, as observed by immunohistochemistry. There is a marked reduction in MMP-13 levels and significantly less cartilage damage and synovial inflammation. A systematic review of seven animal studies indicated mixed results, with some positive effects of doxycycline in PTOA treatment [ 39 ], making it a promising therapeutic candidate for OA.

Injection of ECM blood composites

Collagen type I is one of the main components of extracellular matrix-blood composite (EMBC). It is a competitive inhibitor of MMPs, preserving the cartilage matrix. Intra-articular injection of EMBC yielded chondroprotective effects in PTOA rat models, resulting in reduced cartilage degeneration and osteophyte formation [ 40 ].


Ipriflavone is a dietary supplement with anabolic effects on the bone and an inhibitor of the Indian hedgehog (IHH) pathway. Stimulation of the IHH pathway is crucial in the progression of OA, resulting in degenerative changes through the upregulation of MMP-13 [ 41 , 42 ]. Ipriflavone mitigates cartilage degeneration in vivo (rats) and in vitro (human cartilage explants), by reducing the levels of MMP-13 and collagen type X.

Sclerostin (SOST) is a Wnt antagonist that inhibits bone osteoblastic activity. The protective role of sclerostin was studied in a tibial compression overload model in SOST transgenic and knockout mice [ 43 ]. Prolonged sclerostin exposure resulted in the activation of the NF-kB pathway and downregulation of cartilage matrix degradation enzymes (MMP-2 and MMP-3). Sclerostin-treated mice exhibited milder OA articular changes and reduced development of osteophytes. Similar effects were observed with the intraarticular administration of recombinant sclerostin protein.

Anabolic mediators


The use of bisphosphonates is promising for OA, because of their significant bone remodeling potential and anti-osteoclastic activity. The chondroprotective effects of alendronate and its ability to preserve subchondral bone in PTOA models have been established in preclinical studies [ 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 ]. In a rat model of PTOA, alendronate significantly inhibited osteophyte formation by up to 51% at 8 weeks post-surgery [ 46 ] and reduced cartilage degeneration. The effects of alendronate were dose-dependent but not long-lasting in a mouse ACLr model [ 47 ]. One RCT showed that bisphosphonate zoledronic acid [ 48 ] provided better symptomatic pain relief and reduced primary knee OA structural changes when compared to placebo. A statistically and clinically significant reduction (39% vs 18%, p  = 0.044) in knee bone marrow lesion size and numbers at 6 and 12 months was seen. Further clinical studies, on the dose, time of administration, and safety in patients with OA, are required.

Growth factors

Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (bmp-7).

BMP-7, also known as osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1), is a potent member of the TGF-b family and promoter of osteoblast differentiation. It modulates chondrocyte metabolism and protein synthesis [ 16 ]. The cartilage regenerative capacity of BMP-7 has been demonstrated in preclinical studies, making it a robust anabolic candidate for treating both OA and PTOA [ 16 , 49 , 50 ]. Several clinical trials of BMP-7 have been conducted in patients with knee OA [ 51 ]. Intraarticular knee administration of BMP-7 results in a toxicology profile comparable to that of the placebo group, establishing its safety; however, it could not significantly alleviate the pain [ 52 ].

Sprifermin (FGF18)

Sprifermin is a synthetic recombinant human FGF18 with promising anabolic implications in OA. A 5-year, multicenter RCT studied the effect of sprifermin on femorotibial joint cartilage thickness in 549 patients with symptomatic knee OA [ 53 ]. Intraarticular injections of 100 μg of sprifermin every 6 or 12 months resulted in a statistically significant improvement in total femorotibial joint cartilage thickness after 2 years. The functional outcome scores, however, were not different between the treatment and placebo groups, suggesting clinical irrelevance. Evaluation of its application in OA and further investigations on the clinical outcomes and their duration is therefore necessary.

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs)

MSCs are multipotent heterogenous cells that differentiate into chondrocytes and, therefore, play a critical role in cartilage repair [ 54 ]. They also exhibit anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects [ 55 ]. They regulate the levels of IL-1β, TNF-α, and IFN-γ, and their immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects are promising for clinical applications. The exact relationship is not fully understood; however, the stimulation of anti-inflammatory cytokines, phagocytic cells, and regulatory M2 macrophages have been proposed. Intraarticular administration of MSCs effectively prevents the development of OA and preserves bone thickness, in various strains of mice [ 24 ]. Intraarticular administration of MSCs exhibits positive clinical and radiological outcomes in cartilage quality, when compared to the hyaluronan control group, in an RCT [ 56 ]. Further understanding of the specific mechanisms, tissue source, immunogenicity (allogeneic vs autogenic), storage techniques, and the doses and safety of MSC treatments in OA is required.

Unconventional targets

Glutamate and GluR are upregulated following joint injury, facilitating the onset of OA. Intraarticular administration of NBQX, a glutamate receptor inhibitor, in an ACLr mouse model at the time of injury, suppressed inflammation, pain, and joint degeneration [ 57 ]. NBQX functions through the AMPA/kainate glutamate receptor and is more efficient than the conventional treatment using hyaluronic acid and steroids. GluR antagonists are used for treating numerous CNS conditions, establishing their safety profile in humans [ 57 ]. This makes it feasible to advance them into human trials for treating OA.

Intraarticular adenosine

Intraarticular adenosine is another unconventional agent for treating OA. It is an agonist of the A2A receptor and exhibits apparent chondroprotective effects. Extracellular adenosine is critical for articular cartilage homeostasis [ 58 , 59 ]. Stimulation of the A2A receptor has protective effects on cartilage, and it downregulates the catabolic matrix-degrading enzymes. In addition, it increases the nuclear P-SMAD2/3/P-SMAD1/5/8 ratio, thereby shifting the chondrocyte balance to a healthier quiescent state [ 60 ].

Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor that suppresses TGF-induced collagen II degradation and MMP-13 expression, in human chondrocytes [ 61 ]. The relationship between the synovial lymphatic system and the development of OA remains unclear [ 62 ]; however, it is believed that the obstruction of the joint lymphatic system exacerbates the inflammatory phase and the progression of OA. Intraarticular administration of bortezomib ameliorates synovial lymphatic drainage, cartilage loss, reduces the number of M1-macrophages, and inhibits the expression of proinflammatory genes [ 63 ].

Erlotinib, an inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which reduces OA-induced cartilage loss, improved subchondral bone thickness and volume owing to the protective role of integrin α1β1 and the reduction in EGFR signaling in various strains of model mice [ 64 ]. Interestingly, these effects were gender specific and observed only in female mice.

KUS121, a valosin-containing protein (VCP) modulator, was effective in vitro and in a rat model of PTOA [ 65 ]. KUS121 significantly reduced the levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-6, as well as the ECM catabolic enzymes, MMP-1, MMP-13, and ADAMTS5, in human articular chondrocytes. In addition, it alleviated cartilage damage and chondrocyte apoptosis in a rat model of PTOA induced by cyclic compressive load and, therefore, is a promising therapeutic option for OA.

Rebamipide has protective effects on articular cartilage degeneration, both in vivo and in vitro [ 66 ]. A once-weekly injection of rebamipide into the knee joints of mice and the treatment of human chondrocyte explants with rebamipide increased the expression of cellular protective factors, such as COL2A, TIMP3, TGFβ, and FGF2, in chondrocytes and suppressed the expression of pro-inflammatory and catabolic factors, such as IL-1β, TNF-α, NF-κB, MMP-3, MMP-13, and ADAMTS5.

Future directions

PTOA is one of the most debilitating subtypes of OA, because it affects the younger active population, resulting in a considerable impact on the healthcare system. However, it offers a massive opportunity for advancing our knowledge on osteoarthritis, understanding the underlying pathogenic mechanisms, and exploring therapeutic options. This opportunity arises from the fact that PTOA, unlike other OA phenotypes, is associated clearly with an onset event, the joint injury. Most of the studies described in this review are preclinical, conducted on animal and in vitro human chondrocytes models; however, therapeutic agents, such as IL-1Ra, dexamethasone, bisphosphonates, and MSCs are under clinical trials, with promising findings. The translation of these findings to clinical practice is challenging, because of the vast differences between lab models and humans, with respect to biomechanics, genetics, and systemic body response. Identification and validation of more sensitive biomarkers and radiographic signs with high OA predictive value will improve the practical application of the results from future clinical trials and circumvent the long-term follow-up periods. Finally, with osteoarthritis stratification gaining much recognition, precision-medicine can play key diagnostic and therapeutic roles in the field of OA, with opportunities for further exploration.

The burden of OA and the lack of consensus in early treatment options was the motivation for this review. A successful pharmacological treatment, along with conservative measures, could alleviate the need for surgical interventions in managing OA. Therapeutic agents, such as IL-1Ra, dexamethasone, bisphosphonates, and MSCs are in clinical trials, with promising findings. The future direction of OA treatment includes translating experimental findings to clinical practice by designing feasible clinical trials with short-term, objective outcomes, in addition to exploring other therapeutic options, such as genetics and nanotherapy-based interventions.


  • Osteoarthritis

Post-traumatic osteoarthritis

Anterior cruciate ligament

Anterior cruciate ligament rupture

Destabilization of the medial meniscus

Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles quality assessment tool

Extracellular matrix



Matrix metalloproteinase

Tumor necrosis factor

Transforming growth factor

Nuclear factor kappa B


Inducible nitric oxide synthase

Indian hedgehog

Bone morphogenetic protein 7

Mesenchymal stem cells

Primary response genes



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Loay A. Salman, Stephanie G. Dakin, Benjamin Kendrick & Andrew Price

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Salman, L.A., Ahmed, G., Dakin, S.G. et al. Osteoarthritis: a narrative review of molecular approaches to disease management. Arthritis Res Ther 25 , 27 (2023).

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Received : 02 September 2022

Accepted : 04 February 2023

Published : 18 February 2023


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Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee arthritis and meniscal tears: a clinical practice guideline

Choice of intervention, recommendations, strong weak we recommend against arthroscopic knee surgery in patients with degenerative knee disease all applies to click for details  weak benefits outweigh harms for the majority, but not for everyone. the majority of patients would likely want this option. strong benefits outweigh harms for almost everyone. all or nearly all informed patients would likely want this option., comparison of benefits and harms, pain high 18.8 21.9 no important difference more, function moderate 13.3 10.1 no important difference more, pain high 15.0 5.38 higher 20.4 more, function moderate 9.3 4.94 higher 14.2 more, venous thromboembolism low 5 5 fewer 0 more, infection low 2 2 fewer 0 more.

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  • Peer review
  • Reed A C Siemieniuk , methodologist, panel chair 1 2 ,
  • Ian A Harris , professor of orthopaedic surgery 3 4 ,
  • Thomas Agoritsas , assistant professor 1 5 ,
  • Rudolf W Poolman , orthopaedic surgeon 6 ,
  • Romina Brignardello-Petersen , methodologist 1 7 ,
  • Stijn Van de Velde , methodologist and physiotherapist 8 ,
  • Rachelle Buchbinder , professor and rheumatologist 9 10 ,
  • Martin Englund , associate professor and epidemiologist 11 ,
  • Lyubov Lytvyn , patient liaison expert 12 ,
  • Casey Quinlan , patient representative 13 ,
  • Lise Helsingen , PhD student 14 ,
  • Gunnar Knutsen , orthopaedic surgeon 15 ,
  • Nina Rydland Olsen , associate professor and physiotherapist 16 ,
  • Helen Macdonald , general practitioner and clinical editor 17 ,
  • Louise Hailey , physiotherapist 18 ,
  • Hazel M Wilson , patient representative 19 ,
  • Anne Lydiatt , patient representative 20 ,
  • Annette Kristiansen , general internist, methods editor 21 22
  • 1 Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L8
  • 2 Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • 3 South Western Sydney Clinical School, UNSW, Australia
  • 4 Whitlam Orthopaedic Research Centre, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Liverpool, NSW 2170, Australia
  • 5 Division General Internal Medicine & Division of Clinical Epidemiology, University Hospitals of Geneva, CH-1211, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 6 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Joint Research, OLVG, 1090 HM Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 7 Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Chile, Independencia, Santiago, Chile
  • 8 Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Nydalen, N-0403 Oslo, Norway
  • 9 Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Vic 3004, Australia
  • 10 Monash Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Cabrini Institute; Suite 41 Cabrini Medical Centre, Malvern Vic, 3144, Australia
  • 11 Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Orthopaedics, Department of Clinical Sciences Lund Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden
  • 12 Oslo University Hospital, Blindern 0317 Oslo, Norway
  • 13 Richmond, Virginia, USA
  • 14 Clinical Effectiveness Research Group, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo, Blindern 0317 Oslo, Norway
  • 15 University Hospital North Norway, 9038 Tromso, Norway
  • 16 Department of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiography, Faculty of Health and Social sciences, Bergen University College, 5020 Bergen, Norway
  • 17 BMJ Editorial, BMA House, London WC1H 9JR, UK
  • 18 Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford OX3 7HE, UK
  • 19 London, Ontario, Canada
  • 20 Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada N5C 3N1
  • 21 Department of Health and Science, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • 22 Department of Medicine, Hospital Innlandet Trust, Gjøvik, Norway
  • Correspondence to: R Siemieniuk, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada reed.siemieniuk{at}

What you need to know

We make a strong recommendation against the use of arthroscopy in nearly all patients with degenerative knee disease, based on linked systematic reviews; further research is unlikely to alter this recommendation

This recommendation applies to patients with or without imaging evidence of osteoarthritis, mechanical symptoms, or sudden symptom onset

Healthcare administrators and funders may use the number of arthroscopies performed in patients with degenerative knee disease as an indicator of quality care.

Knee arthroscopy is the most common orthopaedic procedure in countries with available data

This Rapid Recommendation package was triggered by a randomised controlled trial published in The BMJ in June 2016 which found that, among patients with a degenerative medial meniscus tear, knee arthroscopy was no better than exercise therapy

What is the role of arthroscopic surgery in degenerative knee disease? An expert panel produced these recommendations based on a linked systematic review triggered by a randomised trial published in The BMJ in June 2016, which found that, among patients with a degenerative medial meniscus tear, knee arthroscopy was no better than exercise therapy. The panel make a strong recommendation against arthroscopy for degenerative knee disease. Box 1 shows all of the articles and evidence linked in this Rapid Recommendation package. The infographic provides an overview of the absolute benefits and harms of arthroscopy in standard GRADE format. Table 2 below shows any evidence that has emerged since the publication of this article.

Box 1: Linked articles in this BMJ Rapid Recommendations cluster

Siemieniuk RAC, Harris IA, Agoritsas T, et al. Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee arthritis and meniscal tears: a clinical practice guideline. BMJ 2017;257:j1982. doi: 10.1136/bmj.j1982

Summary of the results from the Rapid Recommendation process

Brignardello-Peterson R, Guyatt GH, Schandelmaier S, et al. Knee arthroscopy versus conservative management in patients with degenerative knee disease: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2017;7:e016114. doi: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-161114

Review of all available randomised trials that assessed the benefits of knee arthroscopy compared with non-operative care and observational studies that assessed risks

Devji T, Guyatt GH, Lytvyn L, et al. Application of minimal important differences in degenerative knee disease outcomes: a systematic review and case study to inform BMJ Rapid Recommendations. BMJ Open 2017;7:e015587. doi: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015587

Review addressing what level of individual change on a given scale is important to patients (minimally important difference). The study informed sensitivity analyses for the review on net benefit, informed discussions on patient values and preferences, and was key to interpreting the magnitude of effect sizes and the strength of the recommendation

MAGICapp ( )

Expanded version of the results with multilayered recommendations, evidence summaries, and decision aids for use on all devices

Current practice

Approximately 25% of people older than 50 years experience knee pain from degenerative knee disease (box 2). 2 3 Management options include watchful waiting, weight loss if overweight, a variety of interventions led by physical therapists, exercise, oral or topical pain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intra-articular corticosteroid and other injections, arthroscopic knee surgery, and knee replacement or osteotomy. The preferred combination or sequence of these options is not clear and probably varies between patients.

Box 2: What is degenerative knee disease?

Degenerative knee disease is an inclusive term, which many consider synonymous with osteoarthritis. We use the term degenerative knee disease to explicitly include patients with knee pain, particularly if they are >35 years old, with or without:

Imaging evidence of osteoarthritis

Meniscus tears

Locking, clicking, or other mechanical symptoms except persistent objective locked knee

Acute or subacute onset of symptoms

Most people with degenerative arthritis have at least one of these characteristics. 1 The term degenerative knee disease does not include patients having recent debut of their symptoms after a major knee trauma with acute onset of joint swelling (such as haemarthrosis)

Knee replacement is the only definitive therapy, but it is reserved for patients with severe disease after non-operative management has been unsuccessful. 4 5 Some believe that arthroscopic debridement, including washout of intra-articular debris, with or without arthroscopic partial meniscectomy to remove damaged meniscus, may improve pain and function.

Current guidelines generally discourage arthroscopy for patients with clear radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis alone, but several support or do not make clear statements regarding arthroscopic surgery in other common groups of patients (table 1 ⇓ ).

Support from current guidance for arthroscopic surgery in patients with subgroups of degenerative knee disease

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Arthroscopic knee surgery for degenerative knee disease is the most common orthopaedic procedure in countries with available data 14 and on a global scale is performed more than two million times each year (fig 1 ⇓ ). 15 16 17 18 Arthroscopic procedures for degenerative knee disease cost more than $3bn per year in the US alone. 19 A high prevalence of features advocated to respond positively to arthroscopic surgery (such as meniscal tears, mechanical symptoms, and sudden symptom onset) as well as financial incentives may explain why arthroscopic knee surgery continues to be so common despite recommendations against its use for osteoarthritis. Further, patients may be frustrated with their symptoms, having tried several less invasive management strategies by the time that they see the surgeon, and in many cases this may come with an expectation for surgical management. Moreover, many patients experience important and marked improvements after arthroscopy, which may be erroneously attributed to the effects of the procedure itself instead of the natural course of the disease, co-interventions, or placebo effects.

Fig 1 Population adjusted trends in frequency of knee arthroscopy; percent. Arthroscopic knee surgery remains common despite accumulating evidence suggesting little benefit

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How the recommendation was created

A randomised controlled trial published in The BMJ in June 2016 found that, among patients with a degenerative medial meniscus tear, knee arthroscopy was no better than exercise therapy. 32 This study adds to the body of evidence suggesting that the benefits of arthroscopy may not outweigh the burden and risks. 33 34 The RapidRecs executive felt that the study, when considered in context of the full body of evidence, might change practice. 35

Our international panel including orthopaedic surgeons, a rheumatologist, physiotherapists, a general practitioner, general internists, epidemiologists, methodologists, and people with lived experience of degenerative knee disease (including those who had undergone and those who had not undergone arthroscopy) met to discuss the evidence. No person had financial conflicts of interest; intellectual and professional conflicts were minimised and managed (see appendix 1 on

The panel followed the BMJ Rapid Recommendations procedures for creating a trustworthy recommendation 35 36 and used the GRADE approach to critically appraise the evidence and create recommendations (appendix 2). 37 The panel considered the balance of benefits, harms, and burdens of the procedure, the quality of evidence for each outcome, typical and expected variations in patient values and preferences, and acceptability. Recommendations can be strong or weak, for or against a course of action.

The evidence

The panel requested two systematic reviews to inform the recommendation. 20 21

The systematic review on the net benefit of knee arthroscopy compared with non-operative care pools data from 13 randomised trials for benefit outcomes (1668 patients) and an additional 12 observational studies for complications (>1.8 million patients). 21 Figure 2 ⇓ gives an overview of the patients included, the study funding, and patient involvement in the design of the studies.

Fig 2 Characteristics of patients and trials included in systematic review of arthroscopic knee surgery

Panel members identified three outcomes—pain, function, and quality of life—as the most important for patients with degenerative knee disease who are considering surgery. Although the included studies reported these patient-important outcomes, it is difficult to know whether changes recorded on an instrument measuring subjective symptoms are important to those with symptoms—for example, a change of three points might have completely different meanings in two different pain scales.

Therefore, a second team performed a linked systematic review addressing what level of individual change on a given scale is important to patients, 20 a characteristic called the minimally important difference (MID). 22 The study identified a range of credible MIDs for each key outcome; this range of MID estimates informed sensitivity analyses for the review on net benefit, informed discussions on the patient values and preferences, and was key to interpreting the magnitude of effect sizes as well as the strength of the recommendation. 20

Understanding the recommendations

The infographic provides an overview of the benefits and harms of arthroscopy in standard GRADE format. Estimates of baseline risk for effects comes from the control arms of the trials; for complications, comparator risk was assumed to be nil.

The panel is confident that arthroscopic knee surgery does not, on average, result in an improvement in long term pain or function. Most patients will experience an important improvement in pain and function without arthroscopy. However, in <15% of participants, arthroscopic surgery resulted in a small or very small improvement in pain or function at three months after surgery—this benefit was not sustained at one year. In addition to the burden of undergoing knee arthroscopy (see practical issues below), there are rare but important harms, although the precision in these estimates is uncertain (low quality of evidence).

It is unlikely that new information will change interpretation of the key outcomes of pain, knee function, and quality of life (as implied by high to moderate quality of evidence).

The panel is confident that the randomised controlled trials included adequate representation from groups commonly cited to derive benefit from arthroscopic knee surgery for degenerative knee disease—notably those with meniscal tears, no or minimal radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis, and those with sudden but non-traumatic symptom onset. Thus the recommendation applies to all or almost all patients with degenerative knee disease. Further, the evidence applies to patients with any severity of mechanical symptoms, with the only possible exception being those who are objectively unable to fully extend their knee (that is, a true locked knee). We did not consider young patients with sports related injuries or patients with major trauma in any age.

Trials that enrolled a majority of patients without radiographic osteoarthritis showed similar effect sizes to trials enrolling patients with radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis. Most of these trials exclusively included patients with meniscus tears. Meniscus tears are common, usually incidental findings, and unlikely to be the cause of knee pain, aching, or stiffness. 1 Mechanical symptoms were also a prominent feature for most trial participants, and many had sudden or subacute onset of symptoms. 23 24 25 26 Given that there is evidence of harm and no evidence of important lasting benefit in any subgroup, the panel believes that the burden of proof rests with those who suggest benefit for any other particular subgroup before arthroscopic surgery is routinely performed in any subgroup of patients.

Practical issues

It takes between two and six weeks to recover from arthroscopy, during which time patients may experience pain, swelling, and limited function. 27 28 Most patients cannot bear full weight on the leg (that is, they may need crutches) in the first week after surgery, and driving or physical activity is limited during the recovery period. 27 Figure 3 ⇓ outlines the key practical issues for those considering arthroscopic knee surgery versus non-surgical management for degenerative knee disease.

Fig 3 Practical issues about use of arthroscopic knee surgery versus non-surgical management for degenerative knee disease

Degenerative knee disease is a chronic condition in which symptoms fluctuate. On average, pain tends to improve over time after seeing a physician for pain, 21 29 and delaying knee replacement is encouraged when possible. 4

Values and preferences

Our strong recommendation against arthroscopy reflects a low value on a modest probability (<15%) of small or very small improvement in short term pain and function that does not persist to one year, and a higher value on avoiding the burden, postoperative limitations, and rare serious adverse effects associated with knee arthroscopy. The panel, including the patient participants, felt that almost all patients would share these values. The recommendation is not applicable to patients who do not share these values (that is, those who place a high value on a small, uncertain, and transient reduction in pain and function, and a low value on avoiding the burden and postoperative limitation associated with arthroscopy).

Costs and resources

The panel focused on the patient perspective rather than that of society when formulating the recommendation. However, implementation of this recommendation will almost certainly result in considerable cost savings for health funders. A rigorous economic analysis found that knee arthroscopy for degenerative knee disease is not close to cost effective by traditional standards, even in extreme scenarios that assume a benefit with arthroscopy. 30 The panel made a strong recommendation against arthroscopy, which applies to almost all patients with degenerative knee disease, implying that non-use of knee arthroscopy can be used as a performance measure or tied to health funding. 31

Future research

Key research questions to inform decision makers and future guidelines are:

Randomised trials—Does arthroscopic knee surgery benefit patients who are objectively unable to fully extend their knee or who have persistent, severe, and frequent mechanical symptoms?

Implementation studies—What are the most effective ways to reduce the overuse of arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee disease?

Updates to this article

Table 2 ⇓ shows evidence which has emerged since the publication of this article. As new evidence is published, a group will assess the new evidence and make a judgment on to what extent it is expected to alter the recommendation.

New evidence which has emerged after initial publication

How patients were involved in the creation of this article:

Three people with lived experience of osteoarthritis, one of whom had arthroscopic knee surgery, were full panel members. These panel members identified important outcomes and led the discussion on values and preferences. Pain was weighed as higher importance for most patients: for example, the patient panel members felt that a possible small benefit to function without a reduction in pain would be unimportant to almost all patients. Those with lived experience identified key practical issues including concerns with cost and accessibility for both arthroscopy and interventions provided by physiotherapists. The members participated in the teleconferences and email discussions and met all authorship criteria.

Education into practice

•Project: how many arthroscopic procedures are scheduled in your organisation for degenerative knee disease?

•Based on the information you have read in this article or in this package of Rapid Recommendation articles, is there anything which you might alter your practice?

•To what extent might you use information in this article to alter the conversations you have with patients with degenerative knee disease, or those considering arthroscopic surgery?

This BMJ Rapid Recommendation article is one of a series that provides clinicians with trustworthy recommendations for potentially practice changing evidence. BMJ Rapid Recommendations represent a collaborative effort between the MAGIC group ( ) and The BMJ . A summary is offered here and the full version including decision aids is on the MAGICapp ( ), for all devices in multilayered formats. Those reading and using these recommendations should consider individual patient circumstances, and their values and preferences and may want to use consultation decision aids in MAGICapp to facilitate shared decision making with patients. We encourage adaptation and contextualisation of our recommendations to local contexts. Those considering use or adaptation of content may go to MAGICapp to link or extract its content or contact The BMJ for permission to reuse content in this article.

We thank Alison Hoens for critical review of the recommendation and manuscript. We also thank Tahira Devji for expertly leading the systematic review of minimally important differences.

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Degenerative meniscus in knee osteoarthritis: from pathology to treatment.

degenerative joint disease research paper

1. Introduction

2. meniscus structures and functions, 3. meniscus pathology and knee oa, 3.1. traumatic meniscal tears, 3.2. degenerative meniscus lesions, 3.3. meniscal extrusion, 4. treatment for degenerative meniscal lesions, 4.1. meniscectomy versus conservative treatment, 4.2. meniscus preservation surgery, 4.3. knee osteotomy, 4.4. meniscus replacement, 4.5. orthobiologics, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

ACLanterior cruciate ligament
APMarthroscopic partial meniscectomy
DMLdegenerative meniscal lesions
HTOhigh tibial osteotomy
LMlateral meniscus
MMmedial meniscus
MMEmedial meniscal extrusion
MMPRTmedial meniscus posterior root tear
MRImagnetic resonance imaging
MSCsmesenchymal stem cells
PRPplatelet-rich plasma
TKAtotal knee arthroplasty
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Ozeki, N.; Koga, H.; Sekiya, I. Degenerative Meniscus in Knee Osteoarthritis: From Pathology to Treatment. Life 2022 , 12 , 603.

Ozeki N, Koga H, Sekiya I. Degenerative Meniscus in Knee Osteoarthritis: From Pathology to Treatment. Life . 2022; 12(4):603.

Ozeki, Nobutake, Hideyuki Koga, and Ichiro Sekiya. 2022. "Degenerative Meniscus in Knee Osteoarthritis: From Pathology to Treatment" Life 12, no. 4: 603.

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Flat foot and spinal degeneration: Evidence from nationwide population-based cohort study


  • 1 Department of Recreation and Sports Management, Tajen University, Pingtung, Taiwan; Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Pingtung Branch, Pingtung, Taiwan; Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 2 Center for Health Data Science, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan; Institute of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 3 Office for Medical Education and Research, Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; School of Medicine, National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Senior Citizen Service Management, Yuhing Junior College of Health Care and Management, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 4 Department of Recreational Sport & Health Promotion, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan; Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 5 Department of Emergency Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Department of Recreation and Sports Management, Tajen University, Pingtung, Taiwan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 6 Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital Taichung, Taiwan; Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan; Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • PMID: 33423898
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.jfma.2020.12.019

Background/purpose: Flat foot can alter the lower limb alignment and cause knee and back pain. To explore the association between flat foot and spinal degeneration.

Methods: By using a claims dataset containing 1 million random samples, individuals with flat foot were identified between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2013. The study assembled a flat foot group and a matched non-flat foot group. Definition of flat foot was according to International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes. The diagnosis date was defined as the index date for follow-up initiation. The follow-up period was defined as the duration from the index date (or nested index date for controls) to the occurrence of spinal degenerative joint disease (DJD), or December 31, 2013. The primary outcome was record of spinal DJD retrieved from the same database. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), with the control group as a reference.

Results: We identified 13,965 patients (most aged <30 years, 88%); 2793 patients were assigned to the flat foot group and 11,172 individuals to the non-flat foot group matched by age, sex, and index year. The mean follow-up duration was approximately 74 months. In total, 329 (11.78%) patients in the study group and 931 (8.33%) patients in the comparison group developed spinal DJD. The adjusted HR (95% CI) of spinal DJD for study group was 1.423(1.250-1.619) compared with the control. Sensitivity analyses with propensity score match and different scenario about spinal DJD enrollment showed similar results. Subgroup analysis showed that in patients aged >45 years with history of flat foot, the adjusted hazard ratios were 1.434, 3.065, 3.110, and 2.061 in association with spondylosis, intervertebral disc disorder, cervical stenosis, thoracic-lumbar-sacral stenosis, respectively.

Conclusion: Flat foot was found to be an independent risk factor for subsequent spinal DJD.

Keywords: Flat foot; Intervertebral disc disorder; Pes planus; Spinal degeneration; Spondylosis.

Copyright © 2020 Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Declaration of competing interest The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.

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The Role of Ageing in Degenerative Joint and Bone Diseases

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During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, an increase in life expectancy was driven mainly by improvements in sanitation, housing, and education, causing a steady decline in early and mid-life mortality. The rise of the elderly population presents several public health challenges, including an ...

Keywords : Ageing, Degenerative Joint, bone diseases, biomarkers, ageing pathways, autophagy, osteoarthritis, therapeutic targets

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Degenerative Joint Disease

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Condition: Degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis (OA), is a common “wear and tear” disease.  The underlying cause of this condition is typically chronic repetitive motion that results in inflammation and structural joint damage.  Inflammation causes pain, redness, and swelling. The tiniest amount of trauma triggers inflammation as the body attempts to clean-up/protect damaged tissue.  This cycle of joint damage and inflammation leads to the break-down of cartilage that serves as a smooth gliding surface and cushion in the joints.  Any joint can be affected, but frequently found in the knees, hands, hips, and spine.  

Background: More than 50% of adults over the age of 65 are affected by degenerative joint disease. This condition is associated with pain, loss of function, and reduced endurance, ultimately leading to weight gain and associated complications.

Risk Factors: Predisposing factors include repetitive motion, infection, rheumatoid arthritis, post-joint trauma, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis, hormone disorders, obesity, sickle cell disease, and bone disorders. OA equally occurrence in men and women before age 55 but increases in women after that. Knee OA is more common in African American women. Higher rates are observed in the knees of women and the hips in men.

History and Symptoms: Patients may have pain, stiffness, limited range of motion, loss of flexibility, swelling, weakness deformed joints, and damaged cartilage. As the disease progresses, joint pain and discomfort that could be relieved with rest become persistent and limit activity and reduce the quality of life. 

Physical Exam: Physical examination will focus on the joint range of motion, structure, tenderness, and strength of the associated muscles. Walking ability will be examined, as well. Evaluation of self-care and depression in the face of chronic pain are also necessary.

Diagnostic Process: OA is often diagnosed by physicians trained in muscles and bones, such as a PM&R physician, using a patient’s history, physical exam, imaging, and sometimes other techniques.  Imaging used includes X-rays, MRI, CT, or bone scans. Other techniques include fluid removal from an affected joint that is analyzed, and arthroscopy, which involves the insertion of a small scope into the joint, can be used to view the damage.

Rehab Management: Arthritis is managed best initially by a physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) physician who is highly trained in the conservative treatment of joint and muscle problems. Treatment methods used include weight loss, acetaminophen, NSAIDs, corticosteroid injections, viscosupplementation and rehabilitation. Viscosupplementation has recently become more common as it helps to alleviate arthritis pain through injection of a gel-like substance that mimics the natural lubricant created in the joint to allow more “cushion” within the joint.  If pain is still persistent regardless of conservative management, a referral from a PM&R physician to an orthopedic surgeon may be necessary to consider total joint arthroplasty.

Other Resources for Patients and Families: Patient and family education about weight reduction, exercise, and use of pain medications is beneficial. Several organizations can offer information and support for patients and families.

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Rouhin Sen ; John A. Hurley .


Last Update: February 20, 2023 .

  • Continuing Education Activity

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis in the world. It can be classified into two categories: primary osteoarthritis and secondary osteoarthritis. Classically, OA presents with joint pain and loss of function; however, the disease is clinically very variable and can present merely as an asymptomatic incidental finding to a devastating and permanently disabling disorder. This activity reviews the etiology, presentation, evaluation, and management of osteoarthritis and reviews the interprofessional team's role in evaluating, diagnosing, and managing the condition.

  • Describe in detail the pathophysiology of primary and secondary osteoarthritis.
  • Review the components of a proper evaluation of a patient presenting with osteoarthritis, including any indicated imaging studies.
  • Discuss the various treatment options available for osteoarthritis.
  • Evaluate possible interprofessional team strategies for improving care coordination and communication to advance the evaluation and treatment of osteoarthritis and improve outcomes.
  • Introduction

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis in the world. It can be classified into 2 categories: primary osteoarthritis and secondary osteoarthritis. Classically, OA presents with joint pain and loss of function; however, the disease is clinically very variable and can present merely as an asymptomatic incidental finding to a devastating and permanently disabling disorder. [1] [2] [3]

Risk factors for developing OA include age, female gender, obesity, anatomical factors, muscle weakness, and joint injury (occupation/sports activities).

Primary OA is the most common subset of the disease and is diagnosed in the absence of a predisposing trauma or disease but is associated with the risk factors listed above.

Secondary OA occurs with a preexisting joint abnormality. Predisposing conditions include trauma or injury, congenital joint disorders, inflammatory arthritis, avascular necrosis, infectious arthritis, Paget disease, osteopetrosis, osteochondritis dissecans, metabolic disorders (hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease), hemoglobinopathy, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or Marfan syndrome. [4] [5]

  • Epidemiology

OA affects about 3.3 to 3.6% of the population globally. It causes moderate to severe disability in 43 million people, making it the 11th most debilitating disease worldwide. In the United States, it is estimated that 80% of the population over 65 years old has radiographic evidence of OA, although only 60% of this subset has symptoms. This is because radiographic OA is at least twice as common as symptomatic OA. Therefore, radiographic changes do not prove that OA is the cause of the patient’s joint pain. In 2011, there were almost 1 million hospitalizations for OA, with an aggregate cost of nearly $15 billion, making it the second most expensive disease seen in the United States. [1] [3]

  • Pathophysiology

OA is a disease of the entire joint sparing no tissues. The cause of OA is an interplay of risk factors (mentioned above), mechanical stress, and abnormal joint mechanics. The combination leads to pro-inflammatory markers and proteases that eventually mediate joint destruction. The complete pathway that leads to the destruction of the entire joint is unknown.

Usually, the earliest changes that occur in OA are at the level of the articular cartilage that develops surface fibrillation, irregularity, and focal erosions. These erosions eventually extend down to the bone and continually expand to involve more of the joint surface. On a microscopic level, after cartilage injury, the collagen matrix is damaged, causing chondrocytes to proliferate and form clusters. A phenotypic change to hypertrophic chondrocyte occurs, causing cartilage outgrowths that ossify and form osteophytes. As more of the collagen matrix is damaged, chondrocytes undergo apoptosis. Improperly mineralized collagen causes subchondral bone thickening; in advanced disease, bone cysts infrequently occur. Even rarer, bony erosions appear in erosive OA.

There is also some degree of synovial inflammation and hypertrophy, although this is not the inciting factor as is the case with inflammatory arthritis. Soft-tissue structures (ligaments, joint capsule, menisci) are also affected. In end-stage OA, both calcium phosphate and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals are present. Their role is unclear, but they are thought to contribute to synovial inflammation. [6] [7] [8]

  • History and Physical

The presentation and progression of OA vary greatly from person to person. The triad of symptoms of OA is joint pain, stiffness, and locomotor restriction. Patients can also present with muscle weakness and balance issues.

Pain is typically related to activity and resolves with rest. In those patients in whom the disease progresses, pain is more continuous and begins to affect activities of daily living, eventually causing severe limitations in function. Patients may also experience bony swelling, joint deformity, and instability (patients complain that the joint is “giving way” or “buckling,” a sign of muscle weakness).

OA typically affects proximal and distal interphalangeal joints, first carpometacarpal (CMC) joints, hips, knees, first metatarsophalangeal joints, and joints of the lower cervical and lumbar spine. OA can be monoarticular or polyarticular in the presentation. Joints can be at different stages of disease progression. Typical exam findings in OA include bony enlargement, crepitus, effusions (non-inflammatory), and a limited range of motions. Tenderness may be present at joint lines, and there may be pain upon passive motion. Classic physical exam findings in hand OA include Heberden’s nodes (posterolateral swellings of DIP joints), Bouchard’s nodes (posterolateral swellings of PIP joints), and “squaring” at the base of the thumb (first CMC joints). See Image.  Osteoarthritis, Hand.

A thorough history and physical exam (with a focused musculoskeletal exam) should be performed on all patients, with some findings summarized above. OA is a clinical diagnosis and can be diagnosed with confidence if the following are present: 1) pain worse with activity and better with rest, 2) age more than 45 years, 3) morning stiffness lasting less than 30 minutes, 4) bony joint enlargement, and 5) limitation in range of motion. A differential diagnosis should include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, crystalline arthritis, hemochromatosis, bursitis, avascular necrosis, tendinitis, radiculopathy, among other soft tissue abnormalities. [9] [10]

Blood tests such as CBC, ESR, rheumatoid factor, ANA are usually normal in OA, although they may be ordered to rule out inflammatory arthritis. If the synovial fluid is obtained, the white blood cell count should be less than 2000/microL, predominantly mononuclear cells (non-inflammatory), which is consistent with a diagnosis of OA.

X-rays of the affected joint can show findings consistent with OA, such as marginal osteophytes, joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and cysts; however, radiographic findings do not correlate to the severity of disease and may not be present early in the disease. MRI is not routinely indicated for OA workup; however, it can detect OA at earlier stages than normal radiographs. Ultrasound can also identify synovial inflammation, effusion, and osteophytes which can be related to OA.

There are several classification systems for OA. In general, they include the effects on joints, the age of onset, radiographic appearance, presumed etiology (primary vs. secondary), and rate of progression. The American College of Rheumatology classification is the most widely used classification system. At this time, it is not possible to predict which patients will progress to severe OA and which patients will have their disease arrest at earlier stages.

  • Treatment / Management

Treatment goals for OA are to minimize both pain and functional loss. Comprehensive management of the disease involves both non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies. Typically, patients with mild symptoms can be managed by the former, while more advanced diseases need a combination of both. [11] [12] [13]

Mainstays for non-pharmacologic therapy include 1) avoidance of activities exacerbating pain or overloading the joint, 2) exercise to improve strength, 3) weight loss, and 4) occupational therapy for unloading joints via brace, splint, cane, or crutch. Weight loss is a critical intervention in those who are overweight and obese; each pound of weight loss can decrease the load across the knee 3 to 6-fold. Formal physical therapy can immensely assist patients in using equipment such as canes appropriately while also instructing them on exercises. Exercise programs that combine both aerobic and resistance training have been shown to decrease pain and improve physical function in multiple trials and should be encouraged by physicians regularly. Malalignment of joints should be corrected via mechanical means such as realignment knee brace or orthotics.

Pharmacotherapy of OA involves oral, topical, and/or intraarticular options. Acetaminophen and oral NSAIDs are the most popular and affordable options for OA and are usually the initial choice of pharmacologic treatment. NSAIDs are usually prescribed orally or topically and, initially, should be started as needed rather than scheduled. Due to gastrointestinal toxicity, and renal and cardiovascular side effects, oral NSAIDs should be used very cautiously with close monitoring long term. Topical NSAIDs are less efficacious than their oral counterparts but offer fewer gastrointestinal and other systemic side effects; however, they often cause local skin irritation.

Intraarticular joint injections can also be an effective treatment for OA, especially in a setting of acute pain. Glucocorticoid injections have a variable response, and there is ongoing controversy regarding repeated injections. Hyaluronic acid injections are another option, but their efficacy over placebo is also controversial. Notably, there is no role for oral glucocorticoids.

Duloxetine has modest efficacy in OA; opioids can be used in those patients without an adequate response to the above and who may not be candidates for surgery or refuse it altogether.

It is important to note that patients vary greatly in their response to treatment, and there is a large component of trial and error in selecting the agents that will be most effective. In those patients specifically with knee or hip OA who have failed multiple non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment modalities, surgery is the next option. Failure rates for both knee and hip replacements are quite low, and they can provide pain relief and increased functionality. The timing of surgery is key to predict success. Very poor functional status and considerable muscle weakness may not lead to improved postoperative functional status versus those undergoing surgery earlier in the disease course. [14] [15]

  • Differential Diagnosis

Differentials include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Crystalline arthritis
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Avascular necrosis
  • Radiculopathy
  • Other soft-tissue conditions

The prognosis for osteoarthritis patients depends on which joints are affected and the level of symptomatology and functional impairment. Some patients remain relatively unaffected by osteoarthritis, while others can experience severe disability. In some cases, joint replacement surgery offers the best long-term outcome.

  • Complications
  • Difficulty ambulation
  • Joint malalignment
  • Decreased range of motion of the joint
  • Radiculopathies
  • Postoperative and Rehabilitation Care

Lifestyle changes - especially enrollment in exercise and weight reduction.

  • Deterrence and Patient Education

The clinical team needs to explain the etiology and pathophysiology of the arthritic process and outline the plan for intervention, which will vary significantly based on the degree of pathology, joints affected, level of dysfunction, age of the patient, expectations for future activities, and what is therapeutically possibly. Compliance with medication, weight loss, and exercise/physical therapy routines must be stressed.

  • Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Osteoarthritis is a chronic progressive disorder that affects millions of people with advancing age. The condition has no cure and is managed by a team of healthcare professionals that include an internist, radiologist, endocrinologist, orthopedic surgeon, and rheumatologist. The nurse, pharmacist, and physical therapist are also integral members of the interprofessional healthcare team. Only through cohesive activity and communication involving all healthcare disciplines are optimal results achievable. [Level 5]

Patients with osteoarthritis require education on the natural history of the disease and understand their treatment options. Obese patients need a dietary consult and enroll in an exercise program. Evidence shows that water-based activities can help relieve symptoms and improve joint function; hence consultation with a physical therapist is recommended. Further, many of these patients may benefit from a walking aid. Patients with pain should become familiar with the types of drugs and supplements available and their potential adverse effects. Only through the education of the patient can the morbidity of this disorder be decreased. [16] [17] [18]  [Level 5]

Evidence-Based Outcomes

The prognosis for osteoarthritis patients depends on the joint involved, how many joints are involved, and the severity. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, and all the currently available treatments are directed towards reducing symptoms. Factors associated with the rapid progression of the disease include obesity, advanced age, multiple joint involvement, and the presence of varus deformity. Patients who undergo joint replacement tend to have a good prognosis with success rates of over 80%. However, most prosthetic joints wear out in 10 to 15 years, and repeat surgery is required. Also important is that patients must undergo preoperative workup as the post-surgical complications can be serious and disabling. [19] [20] [21]  [Level 5]

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Osteoarthritis, Hand. This image shows osteoarthritis of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint. Note the dorsal-lateral erosion and exposed subchondral bone. Contributed by MA Dreyer, DPM, FACFAS

Disclosure: Rouhin Sen declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: John Hurley declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

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  • Cite this Page Sen R, Hurley JA. Osteoarthritis. [Updated 2023 Feb 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.

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  1. DJD X Line Condition Specific Insole

  2. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, in which the tissues in the joint break

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  4. Bone swelling is a symptom of what disease?

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  1. Osteoarthritis: toward a comprehensive understanding of pathological

    Introduction. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease, affecting more than 25% of the population over 18 years-old. Pathological changes seen in OA joints include progressive loss and destruction of articular cartilage, thickening of the subchondral bone, formation of osteophytes, variable degrees of inflammation of the synovium, degeneration of ligaments and menisci ...

  2. Knee osteoarthritis: Current status and research progress in treatment

    2. Epidemiology. KOA primarily occurs in ≥50-year-old individuals ().It is a chronic degenerative joint disease that clinically manifests as pain, joint deformity and limited mobility that typically causes disability ().With the acceleration of population ageing and the increase in the proportion of obese individuals, KOA is the 11th leading cause of disability worldwide and ranks 38th among ...

  3. Recent advances in the treatment of osteoarthritis

    Currently, several active clinical trials are analyzing the use of topical and i.a. trans-capsaicin (CNTX-4975) in knee OA. Stevens et al. described a dose-dependent effect of i.a. CNTX-4975 that reduced pain compared to placebo over 24 weeks in patients with moderate-to-severe knee OA ( Table 1D ) 35.

  4. Current understanding of osteoarthritis pathogenesis and relevant new

    Bone Research (2024) Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease that causes painful swelling and permanent damage to the joints in the body. The molecular mechanisms of OA ...

  5. Osteoarthritis: toward a comprehensive understanding of pathological

    Arthritis Research & Therapy (2024) Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common degenerative joint disease and a major cause of pain and disability in adult individuals. The etiology of OA includes ...

  6. Full article: Knee osteoarthritis: pathophysiology and current

    Introduction. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and one of the leading causes of disability. This degenerative and progressive joint disease affects around 250 million people worldwide Citation 2 and more than 27 million people in the United States. Citation 3, Citation 4 Elderly (approximately 35% of patients over 65 years old) females, patients with obesity and African ...

  7. Osteoarthritis: a narrative review of molecular approaches to disease

    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, progressive degenerative whole joint disease that affects the articular cartilage, subchondral bone, ligaments, capsule, and the synovium [].OA was earlier considered as a wear and tear mechanical disease that causes cartilage degeneration; however, it is now understood that the cross-talk between various joint structures and local inflammation is a central ...

  8. An update on the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis

    1. Introduction. Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as osteoarthrosis or degenerative joint disease, is a disease of synovial joints [1].It is characterized by progressive deterioration and loss of articular cartilage with concomitant structural and functional changes in the entire joint, including the synovium, meniscus (in the knee), periarticular ligaments, and subchondral bone [2].

  9. Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis: Risk Factors, Regulatory Pathways in

    As the most common chronic degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis (OA) is the leading cause of pain and physical disability, affecting millions of people worldwide. Mainly characterized by articular cartilage degradation, osteophyte formation, subchondral bone remodeling, and synovial inflammation, OA is a heterogeneous disease that impacts all component tissues of the articular joint organ.

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  11. Degenerative Joint Diseases and Neuroinflammation

    Osteoarthritis / immunology. Rheumatic and joint diseases, as exemplified by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, are among the most widespread painful and disabling pathologies across the globe. Given the continuing rise in life expectancy, their prevalence is destined to grow. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, ….

  12. Knee osteoarthritis: pathophysiology and current treatment modalities

    Introduction. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and one of the leading causes of disability. This degenerative and progressive joint disease affects around 250 million people worldwide 2 and more than 27 million people in the United States. 3, 4 Elderly (approximately 35% of patients over 65 years old) females, patients with obesity and African Americans are the ...

  13. Pathophysiology of musculoskeletal pain: a narrative review

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  14. Arthroscopic surgery for degenerative knee arthritis and ...

    #### What you need to know What is the role of arthroscopic surgery in degenerative knee disease? An expert panel produced these recommendations based on a linked systematic review triggered by a randomised trial published in The BMJ in June 2016, which found that, among patients with a degenerative medial meniscus tear, knee arthroscopy was no better than exercise therapy. The panel make a ...

  15. Degenerative Meniscus in Knee Osteoarthritis: From Pathology to ...

    Knee osteoarthritis is a common degenerative joint disease characterized by chronic knee pain and disability in daily living. The lesion can involve the cartilage as well as the synovium, bone, ligaments, and meniscus, indicating a complicated pathology for knee osteoarthritis. The association with the meniscus has recently attracted much attention. Meniscal tears can initiate and progress ...

  16. Degenerative Joint Diseases and Neuroinflammation

    Unfortunately, current treatment strategies for rheumatic and articular disease are symptomatic and do little to limit disease progression. Research now should be directed at therapeutic modalities that target osteoarticular structural elements and thereby delaying disease progression and joint replacement.

  17. Flat foot and spinal degeneration: Evidence from nationwide population

    Flat foot and spinal degeneration: Evidence from ...

  18. Knee Osteoarthritis

    Knee osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, is typically the result of wear and tear and progressive loss of articular cartilage. It is most common in the elderly. Knee osteoarthritis can be divided into two types, primary and secondary. Primary osteoarthritis is articular degeneration without any apparent underlying reason. Secondary osteoarthritis is the consequence ...

  19. Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) Research Papers

    View Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) Research Papers on for free.

  20. The Role of Ageing in Degenerative Joint and Bone Diseases

    Overall, the goal of this Research Topic is to consolidate our understanding on molecular and cellular mechanisms of ageing and how these contribute to degenerative joint and bone diseases, from basic etiological research to clinical translational therapy. We do encourage investigators to discuss the ageing mechanisms and their impact on the ...

  21. Degenerative Joint Disease

    Condition: Degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis (OA), is a common "wear and tear" disease. The underlying cause of this condition is typically chronic repetitive motion that results in inflammation and structural joint damage. Inflammation causes pain, redness, and swelling. The tiniest amount of trauma triggers ...

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  23. Case Study: Degenerative Joint Disease in Canines

    II. Degenerative Joint Disease Background . Degenerative joint disease (DJD), commonly referred to as osteoarthritis, is the gradual degeneration of cartilage in joints. In both canines and humans, DJD is the most common arthritis derivative, occurring due to strenuous exercise, injury, and/or biological predisposition (Bland, 2015).