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Out-of-the-Box-Thinking and Multidisciplinary Collaboration

The Master's Program in Clinical Research (MPCR) at Dresden International University is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the methodology and practice of clinical research. Our program creates an international platform for medical scientists that emphasizes teamwork, creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and multidisciplinary collaboration. With our strong partnership with Harvard University, we recognize the grades of the international nine-month distance-learning program "Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (PPCR)" * offered by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health , allowing graduates of the PPCR course to directly continue with our Master's program and shorten their study time.

clinical research germany

Our program provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of clinical research and prepares them for a successful career in the field. Upon completion of the program, students will receive the academic title of Master of Science (M. Sc.) from the Dresden International University. Our program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to advance in their careers and make a positive impact in the field of clinical research.

At Dresden International University, our approach to teaching is centered on collaboration and active learning. Our lecturers work closely with students to generate new ideas and research questions, while also helping to develop individual skills and thinking strategies. This close, open relationship between students and teachers not only fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also creates a valuable professional network for our students.

Our curriculum is built on a solid theoretical foundation but also places a strong emphasis on the practical application of clinical research. Our students are trained to negotiate contracts, independently develop and implement clinical research projects, and evaluate the potential risks and benefits of their projects. This approach ensures that our students are well-prepared to succeed in the field of clinical research after graduation.

*About the PPCR program:

  • For a detailed program of the PPCR course, please visit
  • PPCR program application form

Target group

  • "Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (PPCR)" program graduates and students
  • Medics and nurses interested in clinical research
  • Researcher in the medical field

Overview of the study contents

Module 1 - basics of clinical research - theory*.

Introduction to Clinical Trials, Theory of Study Conduction Methods, Principles of Statistical Analysis, Designing a Clinical Trial, Principles of Trial Management and Study Types.

  • how to formulate a research question (FINER, PICOT)
  • select study population (inclusion/exclusion criteria)
  • randomization
  • blinding methods and unblinding problems
  • statistical methods (data distribution and classification, statistical tests, sample size calculation, survival analysis, missing data imputation and meta-analysis)
  • data collection (electronic capture)
  • data monitoring (interim analysis, DSMB)
  • scientific reporting (include training in manuscript writing)
  • types of study designs and clinical study phases (observational studies, non-inferior and adaptive designs and randomized clinical trials, phase 0 - IV)

*The module 1 includes the content of the PPCR program - a recognition of the program is possible

Module 2 - Advanced Clinical Research - Applications

Applied Biostatistics, Data Visualization,  Hands-on-Workshop on R / RStudio

  • applied biostatistics and clinical practice
  • data visualization, data and data sources
  • R/RStudio hands-on-workshop

Module 3 - Innovations of Clinical Research

Scientific Presentation, Handling of Modern Media, Health Economic Outcome Research, Big Data and AI, Real World Data / Real World Evidence, Health Technology Assessment

  • scientific presentation
  • handling of modern media
  • health economic outcome research
  • big data and artificial intelligence (ai)
  • real world data (rwd) / real world evidence (rwe)
  • health technology assessment (hta)

Master´s Thesis

After finishing these modules students will complete their Master's Thesis on a topic in the field of Clinical Research supervised by lecturers of the Master's Program.

Publications - excerpt

In our master’s program the majority of theses are publications in international peer-reviewed journals..

List of selected publications:

  • Serrano-Castro ML, Garro-Zúñiga M, Simon E, Tamayo A, Siepmann T. Clinical and Imaging Phenotypes and Outcomes in a Costa Rican Cohort of Acute Ischemic Stroke Survivors: A Retrospective Study. J Clin Med. 2023 Jan 30;12(3):1080. doi: 10.3390/jcm12031080. PMID: 36769728; PMCID: PMC9917829.
  • Eckardt JN, Stasik S, Röllig C, Sauer T, Scholl S, Hochhaus A, Crysandt M, Brümmendorf TH, Naumann R, Steffen B, Kunzmann V, Einsele H, Schaich M, Burchert A, Neubauer A, Schäfer-Eckart K, Schliemann C, Krause SW, Herbst R, Hänel M, Hanoun M, Kaiser U, Kaufmann M, Rácil Z, Mayer J, Cerqueira T, Kroschinsky F, Berdel WE, Serve H, Müller-Tidow C, Platzbecker U, Baldus CD, Schetelig J, Siepmann T, Bornhäuser M, Middeke JM, Thiede C. Alterations of cohesin complex genes in acute myeloid leukemia: differential co-mutations, clinical presentation and impact on outcome. Blood Cancer J. 2023 Jan 24;13(1):18. doi: 10.1038/s41408-023-00790-1. PMID: 36693840; PMCID: PMC9873811.
  • Conde Monroy D, Ibañez-Pinilla M, Sabogal JC, Rey Chaves C, Isaza-Restrepo A, Girón F, Vanegas M, Ibañez-Villalba R, Mirow L, Siepmann T. Survival Outcomes of Hepatectomy in Gastric Cancer Liver Metastasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2023 Jan 16;12(2):704. doi: 10.3390/jcm12020704. PMID: 36675632; PMCID: PMC9861719.
  • Hackner D, Hobbs M, Merkel S, Siepmann T, Krautz C, Weber GF, Grützmann R, Brunner M. Impact of Patient Age on Postoperative Short-Term and Long-Term Outcome after Pancreatic Resection of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Aug 15;14(16):3929. doi: 10.3390/cancers14163929. PMID: 36010922; PMCID: PMC9406071.
  • Lincango Naranjo EP, Garces-Delgado E, Siepmann T, Mirow L, Solis-Pazmino P, Alexander-Leon H, Restrepo-Rodas G, Mancero-Montalvo R, Ponce CJ, Cadena-Semanate R, Vargas-Cordova R, Herrera-Cevallos G, Vallejo S, Liu-Sanchez C, Prokop LJ, Ziogas IA, Vailas MG, Guerron AD, Visser BC, Ponce OJ, Barbas AS, Moris D. Robotic Living Donor Right Hepatectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2022 May 5;11(9):2603. doi: 10.3390/jcm11092603. PMID: 35566727; PMCID: PMC9103024.
  • Freitas V, Li X, Amitai Y, Au F, Kulkarni S, Ghai S, Mulligan AM, Bromley M, Siepmann T. Contralateral Breast Screening with Preoperative MRI: Long-Term Outcomes for Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer. Radiology. 2022 Aug;304(2):297-307. doi: 10.1148/radiol.212361. Epub 2022 Apr 26. PMID: 35471109.
  • Aabdien M, Abdallah I, Bougmiza MI, Siepmann T, Illigens B. Perceptions and attitudes toward participation in clinical research in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A systematic review. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Aug 19;101(33):e29959. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000029959. PMID: 35984206; PMCID: PMC9388020.
  • Grigorescu M, Kemmner S, Schönermarck U, Sajin I, Guenther W, Cerqueira TL, Illigens B, Siepmann T, Meiser B, Guba M, Fischereder M, Stang MJ. Disqualification of Donor and Recipient Candidates From the Living Kidney Donation Program: Experience of a Single-Center in Germany. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jun 10;9:904795. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.904795. PMID: 35755074; PMCID: PMC9226311.
  • Lincango Naranjo EP, Garces-Delgado E, Siepmann T, Mirow L, Solis-Pazmino P, Alexander-Leon H, Restrepo-Rodas G, Mancero-Montalvo R, Ponce CJ, Cadena-Semanate R, Vargas-Cordova R, Herrera-Cevallos G, Vallejo S, Liu-Sanchez C,
  • Prokop LJ, Ziogas IA, Vailas MG, Guerron AD, Visser BC, Ponce OJ, Barbas AS, Moris D. Robotic Living Donor Right Hepatectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2022 May 5;11(9):2603. doi: 10.3390/jcm11092603. PMID: 35566727; PMCID: PMC9103024.
  • Yousaf Z, Ata F, Chaudhary H, Krause F, Illigens BM, Siepmann T. Etiology, pathological characteristics, and clinical management of black pleural effusion: A systematic review. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Feb 25;101(8):e28130. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000028130. PMID: 35212269; PMCID: PMC8878788.
  • Schmidt MW, Battista MJ, Schmidt M, Garcia M, Siepmann T, Hasenburg A, Anic K. Efficacy and Safety of Immunotherapy for Cervical Cancer-A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jan 17;14(2):441. doi: 10.3390/cancers14020441. PMID: 35053603; PMCID: PMC8773848.
  • Eltemamy MA, Tamayo A, Altarsha E, Sedghi A, Pallesen LP, Barlinn J, Puetz V, Illigens BM, Barlinn K, Siepmann T. erebrovascular Risk Profiles in a Saudi Arabian Cohort of Young Stroke Patients. Front Neurol. 2021 Nov 12;12:736818.
  • doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.736818. PMID: 34867720; PMCID: PMC8632802.
  • Tamayo A, Siepmann T. Regulation of Blood Flow in the Cerebral Posterior Circulation by Parasympathetic Nerve Fibers: Physiological Background and Possible Clinical Implications in Patients With Vertebrobasilar Stroke. Front Neurol. 2021 Oct 29;12:660373. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.660373. PMID: 34777191; PMCID: PMC8585859.
  • Marin-Concha J, Rengifo P, Tapia P, Kaiser D, Siepmann T. Prevalence and characteristics of the aberrant anterior tibial artery: a single-center magnetic resonance imaging study and scoping review. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Nov
  • 2;22(1):922. doi: 10.1186/s12891-021-04801-9. PMID: 34727902; PMCID: PMC8564972.
  • Vorisek CN, Zurakowski D, Tamayo A, Axt-Fliedner R, Siepmann T, Friehs I. Postnatal circulation in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing fetal aortic valvuloplasty: systematic review and meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2022 May;59(5):576-584. doi: 10.1002/uog.24807. Epub 2022 Apr 11. PMID: 34726817.
  • Mohamed MFH, Danjuma M, Mohammed M, Mohamed S, Siepmann M, Barlinn K, Suwileh S, Abdalla L, Al-Mohanadi D, Silva Godínez JC, Elzouki AN, Siepmann T. Myxedema Psychosis: Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021 Aug 18;17:2713-2728. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S318651. PMID: 34447249; PMCID: PMC8382967.
  • Farina A, Moro F, Fasslrinner F, Sedghi A, Bromley M, Siepmann T. Strength of clinical evidence leading to approval of novel cancer medicines in Europe: A systematic review and data synthesis. Pharmacol Res Perspect. 2021 Aug;9(4):e00816. doi: 10.1002/prp2.816. PMID: 34232554; PMCID: PMC8262606.
  • Hajelssedig OE, Zorron Cheng Tao Pu L, Thompson JY, Lord A, El Sayed I, Meyer C, Shaukat Ali F, Abdulazeem HM, Kheir AO, Siepmann T, Singh R. Diagnostic accuracy of narrow-band imaging endoscopy with targeted biopsies compared with standard endoscopy with random biopsies in patients with Barrett's esophagus: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Oct;36(10):2659-2671. doi: 10.1111/jgh.15577. Epub 2021 Jul 5. PMID: 34121232.
  • Soldatelli MD, Siepmann T, Illigens BM, Souza Dos Santos V, Lucena da S Torres I, Fregni F, Caumo W. Mapping of predictors of the disengagement of the descending inhibitory pain modulation system in fibromyalgia: an exploratory study. Br J Pain. 2021 May;15(2):221-233. doi: 10.1177/2049463720920760. Epub 2020 May 30. PMID: 34055343; PMCID: PMC8138619.
  • Struja T, Koch D, Haubitz S, Mueller B, Schuetz P, Siepmann T. Quality of life after hospitalization predicts one-year readmission risk in a large Swiss cohort of medical in-patients. Qual Life Res. 2021 Jul;30(7):1863-1871. doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-02867-5. Epub 2021 May 18. PMID: 34003435.
  • Hassan WM, Bakry MS, Siepmann T, Illigens B. Association of RASSF1A, DCR2, and CASP8 Methylation with Survival in Neuroblastoma: A Pooled Analysis Using Reconstructed Individual Patient Data. Biomed Res Int. 2020 Dec 15;2020:7390473. doi: 10.1155/2020/7390473. PMID: 33381579; PMCID: PMC7755470.
  • Inci MG, Richter R, Woopen H, Rasch J, Heise K, Anders L, Mueller K, Nasser S, Siepmann T, Sehouli J. Role of predictive markers for severe postoperative complications in gynecological cancer surgery: a prospective study (RISC-GynTrial). Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Dec;30(12):1975-1982. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2020-001879. Epub 2020 Nov 27. PMID: 33246921.
  • Kutz A, Ebrahimi F, Aghlmandi S, Wagner U, Bromley M, Illigens B, Siepmann T, Schuetz P, Mueller B, Christ-Crain M. Risk of Adverse Clinical Outcomes in Hyponatremic Adult Patients Hospitalized for Acute Medical Conditions: A Population-Based Cohort Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Nov 1;105(11):3428–36. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa547. PMID: 32818232; PMCID: PMC7500475.
  • Lopes DG, Tamayo A, Schipp B, Siepmann T. Cost-effectiveness of edoxaban vs low-molecular-weight heparin and warfarin for cancer-associated thrombosis in Brazil. Thromb Res. 2020 Dec;196:4-10. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.08.014. Epub 2020 Aug 11. PMID: 32810773.
  • Ebrahimi F, Kutz A, Wagner U, Illigens B, Siepmann T, Schuetz P, Christ-Crain M, Mueller B, Christ ER. Excess Mortality Among Hospitalized Patients With Hypopituitarism-A Population-Based, Matched-Cohort Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Nov 1;105(11):dgaa517. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa517. PMID: 32785679.
  • Scheel-Sailer A, Sailer CO, Lampart P, Baumberger M, Berger M, Mueller G, Sigrist-Nix D, Schmitt K, Siepmann T, Pannek J. Examinations and assessments in patients with a newly acquired spinal cord injury - retrospective chart analysis as part of a quality improvement project. Swiss Med Wkly. 2020 Jul 30;150:w20291. doi: 10.4414/smw.2020.20291. PMID: 32730632.
  • Mohamed MFH, Siepmann T, Suwileh S, Mohammed MH, Mohamed S, Abdalla LO, Elzouki AN, Mahmoud MH, Al-Mohanadi D, Danjuma M. Myxedema psychosis: A protocol for a systematic review and a pooled analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Jun 26;99(26):e20778. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000020778. PMID: 32590756; PMCID: PMC7328932.
  • Cosgarea I, Griewank KG, Ungureanu L, Tamayo A, Siepmann T. Deep Penetrating Nevus and Borderline-Deep Penetrating Nevus: A Literature Review. Front Oncol. 2020 May 20;10:837. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00837. PMID: 32509588; PMCID:PMC7251176.
  • Ruiz Segura LT, Figueroa Pérez E, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Siepmann T, Larenas-Linnemann D. Food allergen sensitization patterns in a large allergic population in Mexico. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2020 Nov-Dec;48(6):553-559. doi: 10.1016/j.aller.2020.02.004. Epub 2020 May 20. PMID: 32444115.
  • Klein J, Siepmann T, Schackert G, Ziemssen T, Juratli TA. Peripheral nerve field stimulation in medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia attributed to multiple sclerosis. J Neurosurg. 2020 Mar 20;134(3):1244-1250. doi: 10.3171/2019.12.JNS192261. PMID: 32197243.
  • daSilva-deAbreu A, Zhao Y, Serauto-Canache A, Alhafez B, Aribindi K, Balan P, Loyalka P, Kaaaar B, Smalling R, Anderson HV, Dhoble A, Siepmann T, Arain SA. Predictors and Prognostic Impact of In-hospital Bleeding after TranscatheterAortic Valve Replacement According to BARC and VARC-2 Definitions. Braz J Cardiovasc Surg. 2019 Dec 1;34(6):788-790. doi: 10.21470/1678-9741-2019-0275. PMID: 31793259; PMCID: PMC6894019.
  • Negrão de Figueiredo G, Mueller-Peltzer K, Schwarze V, Marschner C, Zhang L, Rübenthaler J, Siepmann T, Illigens BW, Clevert DA. Long-term study analysis of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the diagnosis of focal nodular hyperplasia. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2020;74(4):441-452. doi: 10.3233/CH-190710. PMID: 31743989.
  • Salguero MV, Al-Obaide MAI, Singh R, Siepmann T, Vasylyeva TL. Dysbiosis of Gram-negative gut microbiota and the associated serum lipopolysaccharide exacerbates inflammation in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic kidneydisease. Exp Ther Med. 2019 Nov;18(5):3461-3469. doi: 10.3892/etm.2019.7943. Epub 2019 Aug 26. PMID: 31602221; PMCID: PMC6777309.
  • Yousif D, Bellos I, Penzlin AI, Hijazi MM, Illigens BM, Pinter A, Siepmann T. Autonomic Dysfunction in Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review. Front Neurol. 2019 Aug 6;10:816. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00816. PMID: 31447757; PMCID: PMC6691156.
  • Fleischmann DF, Unterrainer M, Corradini S, Rottler M, Förster S, la Fougère C, Siepmann T, Schwaiger M, Bartenstein P, Belka C, Albert NL, Niyazi M. Report of first recurrent glioma patients examined with PET-MRI prior to re-irradiation. PLoS One. 2019 Jul 24;14(7):e0216111. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216111. PMID: 31339892; PMCID: PMC6655559.
  • Pinter A, Szatmari S Jr, Horvath T, Penzlin AI, Barlinn K, Siepmann M, Siepmann T. Cardiac dysautonomia in depression - heart rate variability biofeedback as a potential add-on therapy. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019 May 17;15:1287-1310. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S200360. PMID: 31190834; PMCID: PMC6529729.
  • Mendoza-Velásquez JJ, Flores-Vázquez JF, Barrón-Velázquez E, Sosa-Ortiz AL, Illigens BW, Siepmann T. Autonomic Dysfunction in α-Synucleinopathies. Front Neurol. 2019 Apr 12;10:363. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00363. PMID: 31031694; PMCID: PMC6474181.
  • Uema D, Alves C, Mesquita M, Nuñez JE, Siepmann T, Angel M, Rego JFM, Weschenfelder R, Rocha Filho DR, Costa FP, Barros M, O'Connor JM, Illigens BM, Riechelmann RP. Carcinoid Heart Disease and Decreased Overall Survival among Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Retrospective Multicenter Latin American Cohort Study. J Clin Med. 2019 Mar 23;8(3):405. doi: 10.3390/jcm8030405. PMID: 30909590; PMCID: PMC6463128.
  • Garcia M, Santos-Dias A, Bachi ALL, Oliveira-Junior MC, Andrade-Souza AS, Ferreira SC, Aquino-Junior JCJ, Almeida FM, Rigonato-Oliveira NC, Oliveira APL, Savio LEB, Coutinho-Silva R, Müller T, Idzko M, Siepmann T, Vieira RP. Creatine supplementation impairs airway inflammation in an experimental model of asthma involving P2 × 7 receptor. Eur J Immunol. 2019 Jun;49(6):928-939. doi: 10.1002/eji.201847657. Epub 2019 Apr 18. PMID: 30888047.
  • Sofiyeva N, Siepmann T, Barlinn K, Seli E, Ata B. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs for Gonadal Protection During Gonadotoxic Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Reprod Sci. 2019 Jul;26(7):939-953. doi: 10.1177/1933719118799203. Epub 2018 Oct 1. PMID: 30270741.
  • Pacheco JT, Siepmann T, Barlinn J, Winzer S, Penzlin AI, Puetz V, von der Hagen M, Barlinn K. Safety and efficacy of recanalization therapy in pediatric stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2018 Nov;22(6):1035-1041. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2018.07.013. Epub 2018 Aug 7. PMID: 30122515.
  • Fasslrinner F, Schetelig J, Burchert A, Kramer M, Trenschel R, Hegenbart U, Stadler M, Schäfer-Eckart K, Bätzel M, Eich H, Stuschke M, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Krause M, Dreger P, Neubauer A, Ehninger G, Beelen D, Berdel WE, Siepmann T,Stelljes M, Bornhäuser M. Long-term efficacy of reduced-intensity versus myeloablative conditioning before allogeneic haemopoietic cell transplantation in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete remission:retrospective follow-up of an open-label, randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Haematol. 2018 Apr;5(4):e161-e169. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3026(18)30022-X. Epub 2018 Mar 14. PMID: 29550384.
  • Heppt MV, Siepmann T, Engel J, Schubert-Fritschle G, Eckel R, Mirlach L, Kirchner T, Jung A, Gesierich A, Ruzicka T, Flaig MJ, Berking C. Prognostic significance of BRAF and NRAS mutations in melanoma: a German study from routinecare. BMC Cancer. 2017 Aug 10;17(1):536. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3529-5. PMID: 28797232; PMCID: PMC5553744.
  • Riediger C, Schuster T, Barlinn K, Maier S, Weitz J, Siepmann T. Adverse Effects of Antidepressants for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Front Neurol. 2017 Jul 14;8:307. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00307. PMID: 28769859; PMCID: PMC5510574.
  • Schnabel A, Range U, Hahn G, Siepmann T, Berner R, Hedrich CM. Unexpectedly high incidences of chronic non-bacterial as compared to bacterial osteomyelitis in children. Rheumatol Int. 2016 Dec;36(12):1737-1745. doi: 10.1007/s00296-016-3572-6. Epub 2016 Oct 11. PMID: 27730289.
  • Spieth PM, Kubasch AS, Penzlin AI, Illigens BM, Barlinn K, Siepmann T. Randomized controlled trials - a matter of design. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Jun 10;12:1341-9. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S101938. PMID: 27354804; PMCID: PMC4910682.
  • Nassir M, Guan J, Luketina H, Siepmann T, Rohr I, Richter R, Castillo-Tong DC, Zeillinger R, Vergote I, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, Concin N, Marth C, Hall C, Mahner S, Woelber L, Sehouli J, Braicu EI. The role of HE4 for prediction of recurrence in epithelial ovarian cancer patients-results from the OVCAD study. Tumour Biol. 2016 Mar;37(3):3009-16. doi: 10.1007/s13277-015-4031-9. Epub 2015 Sep 29. PMID: 26419591.
  • Seidlitz A, Siepmann T, Löck S, Juratli T, Baumann M, Krause M. Impact of waiting time after surgery and overall time of postoperative radiochemotherapy on treatment outcome in glioblastoma multiforme. Radiat Oncol. 2015 Aug  16;10:172. doi: 10.1186/s13014-015-0478-5. PMID: 26276734; PMCID: PMC4554319.
  • Woopen H, Richter R, Chekerov R, Siepmann T, Ismaeel F, Sehouli J. The influence of comorbidity and comedication on grade III/IV toxicity and prior discontinuation of chemotherapy in recurrent ovarian cancer patients: An individual participant data meta-analysis of the North-Eastern German Society of Gynecological Oncology (NOGGO). Gynecol Oncol. 2015 Sep;138(3):735-40. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2015.07.007. Epub 2015 Jul 13. PMID: 26185017.
  • Lohkamp LN, Öllinger R, Chatzigeorgiou A, Illigens BM, Siepmann T. Intraoperative biomarkers in renal transplantation. Nephrology (Carlton). 2016 Mar;21(3):188-99. doi: 10.1111/nep.12556. PMID: 26132511.

Scientific Directors

clinical research germany

Dr. Ben M. W. Illigens, MBI

Instructor in Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, MA United States and Director, German Sites Development Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

clinical research germany

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Timo Siepmann, FAHA

Attending Physician, Head of Cerebrovascular Outpatient Clinic (Department of Neurologie, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus), Site Director, Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health), Managing Director, Reformed Medical Degree Program (Technische Universität Dresden)

Lecturers and TA´s - excerpt

Teaching staff.

Our faculty and staff are internationally recognized for their teaching in clinical research.

Lecturers (excerpt)

  • Prof. Dr. med. habil. Timo Siepmann,  Attending Physician, Head of Cerebrovascular Outpatient Clinic (Department of Neurologie, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus), Site Director, Principles and Practice of Clinical Research (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health), Managing Director, Reformed Medical Degree Program (Technische Universität Dresden)
  • Dr. Ben Illigens , MBI
  • Marc Eisele,  Director Centre for Media Technology in Medicine, Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital
  • Dr. Oliver Fiala,  Senior Research Advisor, Save the Children UK
  • PD Dr. Ingeborg Friehs , MD, Instructor in Surgery Department of Cardiac Surgery Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston United States
  • Prof. Alexandra Pintér,  MD, Assistant professor of physiology Institute of Human Physiology and Clinical Experimental Research, Semmelweis University, Budapest Hungary
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schipp , Professor of Business and Economics Quantitative Methods, esp. Econometrics, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden Germany

Teaching Assistants (TA´s)

  • Miluska Bromley , MD, MSc, Senior TA, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Resident
  • Mohamed Hashim Mahmoud , MD, ABHS-FM, Family Medicine, West Bay Training Center, Doha - Qatar
  • Arturo Tamayo , MD, FAHA, Assistant Professor of Neurology University of Manitoba
  • Tiago Lemos Cerqueira , MD, Nephrology Center of The Evangelical Hospital – Betim Unit
  • Monique Garcia,  PharmD, MD Student - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG)
  • Ahmed Fouad Abdelwahed Mohamed
  • Cristina Dominguez,  Pediatric Urologist in Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota in Colombia and a clinical professor at Universidad de los Andes
  • Erlon Oliveira de Abreu Silva, MD,  Internist, Clinical and Interventional Cardiologist; Researcher HCor Research Institute

Admission requirements

  • completed university studies (240 ECTS) which are recognised in your country of origin
  • registration for the PPCR course of “Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health” or you have a certificate about passing this course
  • proof of currently working in the field of clinical research
  • and at least one-year of professional experience

Admission requirements for studying at the DIU


clinical research germany

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well-founded expert knowledge

lecturers with a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge offer interesting discussions on current and future topics

extensive exchange

international students with experiences of their own specific field enable interesting and exciting exchanges within the study group

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List of Contract Research Organizations in Germany

Featured cros.


Celero provides optimal returns to innovative biotechs & pharmaceutical companies by addressing unmet needs, accelerating clinical development and commercialising innovative healthcare products.Trial mismanagement is the main reason why 85%-90% o...


FGK Clinical Research

FGK Clinical Research provides full service for clinical studies to biotechnology, medical device and pharmaceutical companies. FGK has the right size to handle international multi-center studies with hundreds of patients or single country studies wi...


SanaClis is a full-service Global CRO with a fully integrated clinical supply chain, thereby offering a comprehensive range of end-to-end services for clinical trials. SanaClis was founded in 2000 by seasoned industry experts, all of whom have had ex...


OCT Clinical

OCT is one of the leading Eastern European contract research organizations. Since 2005, we have conducted hundreds of clinical trials in Eastern Europe, in both CEE and the CIS. Our team of 200+ professionals provides a full range of high-quality CRO...

Local, small- and mid-size Contract Research Organizations in Germany

We are AICROS, the Association of International Contract Research Organizations providing clinical research services on a global scale.  As an alliance of local and well established CROs, we combine our strengths and know-how to accomplish the clinic... View full profile

Aix Scientifics is an independent Contract Research Organisation (CRO) consisting of an academic staff with long-term experience in clinical research for new pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Clinical trials are planned, conducted and eval... View full profile

Since 2007, Ascent Clinical Research Solutions has been helping pharmaceutical companies transform their ideas and concepts into successful products. We are a highly focused team of professionals who understand how to prepare, manage and conduct clin... View full profile

A Contract Research Organization that specializes in organization and conducting of international and local clinical trials in Russia. Here you can find information about our services, contact details, history and experience. We will familiarize you... View full profile

As one of the leading study centers in the field of dermatology and allergology, bioskin focuses on drugs and cosmetics for the treatment of the skin. Our extensive clinical studies are necessary for the approval of newly developed drugs. Under the s... View full profile

The increasingly Founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1991 as a subsidiary of the Federal Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (BPI), our knowledge management, communication management, pharmacovigilance management and market management units are ch... View full profile

CCDRD AG is a contract research organization for clinical phase I-IV trials. CCDRD AG was founded in 1990 and has been active in clinical trial management for 29 years. We coordinate clinial trials from our headquarters in Hoppegarten, near Berlin, G... View full profile

CW - Research & Management GmbH is an independent Contract Research Organization (Expert-CRO) operating in Germany and Austria in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and healthcare industry since it´s foundation in 1993. Moreover, o... View full profile

We ensure that contracts from the pharmaceutical industry are performed competently and are client-focused. Data from more than 1.5 million patients has been processed in the meantime. View full profile

FOCUS Clinical Drug Development is an independent full-service CRO specialised in early clinical development and integrated proof of concept (PoC) packages. FOCUS has conducted more than 600 high-quality early-phase clinical studies in healthy volunt... View full profile

We are a specialized contract research organization (CRO) based in Berlin, Germany. Our portfolio of services includes high quality Biostatistics, Clinical Data Management and Medical Writing, as well as specialist services such as Medical Data Manag... View full profile

Inamed was founded in 1998 as a spin-off of the GSF National Research Center for Environment and Health (now called Helmholtz Research Centre). Therefore INAMED profits from more than 30 years of experience in aerosol biophysics and technology. Our i... View full profile

ICTA testifies of a 35-year long experience of successful international and local pre- and post-authorisation clinical studies. We’ll come up with the best solution whether the development is clinical, epidemiological or econometric!You will find at... View full profile

  • United Kingdom

InrexTest facilitates and coordinates pharmaceutical and medical device studies through our team of internal experts coupled with top quality labs supporting preclinical and clinical testing at every stage of development. At InrexTest, we understand... View full profile

  • United States

IST is a full service Clinical Research Organiza­tion specialized in carrying out clinical studies with medicinal products in phases II-IV, post-marketing observa­tional research and studies investigating diagnostics and medical devices.Robust clinic... View full profile

As a partner for IT in the healthcare sector, Johner Institut GmbH supports companies in the development and approval of medical devices (medtech and diagnostics). The company offers consulting and services in the area of ​​QM systems, employee quali... View full profile

Full service Contract Research Organisation providing high quality services for the animal health industry. Klifovet AG, based in Munich, Germany, is a full service Contract Research and Development Organisation offering Regulatory Affairs, Studies,... View full profile

KOEHLER eClinical is an independent owner-operated contract research organization with over 20 years experience in providing clinical research services to the biopharmaceutical industry and life science organizations. If you are looking for excellen... View full profile

Linical was established in June 2005 by a group of professionals who were engaged in new drug development at a major Japanese pharmaceutical company. Ever since, in accordance with our philosophy of contributing to new drug development and promoting... View full profile

Mediconomics provides spot‑on professional CRO services. Mediconomics is a successful CRO and consultant for research and development projects of both Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. Headquartered in Hannover, Germany and with subsidiaries... View full profile

Pharmaceutical research plays a significant role in our contemporary world and contributes positively to the advancement of global science and healthcare. At monipol, we strive to contribute to this development by providing our clients with a complet... View full profile

In today’s increasingly complex clinical development environment, life sciences companies are faced with pressures from regulators, payers, and the public to manage clinical trials that are safe, cost-effective, and informed by big data and technolog... View full profile

P.R.I.S.M.A.- CRO has been established by three senior founders bringing together a wealth of experience from the pharmaceutical industry and from major global contract research organisations. With their combined experience together the three founder... View full profile

PharmaFacts has a unique ability to expand or contract according to your preclinical program needs. Our clients are impressed when they learn about the breadth of our expertise and the efficiency with which we can accommodate their requirements. Abou... View full profile

We are a leading international contract research organization specializing in the conduct of clinical studies in the areas of skin, mucosa, hair, eyes and mouth. We carry out studies on medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics, nutritional supp... View full profile

Committed study teams make you successful! How value-based thinking and acting defines our company culture. If you ask our employees to give the decisive reason for working with proinnovera over the past 20 years, you will learn about our team spirit... View full profile

Research Drive BV is a CRO located in the Netherlands. Our team of clinical research professionals and monitors are dedicated to ensuring the best outcome of our clients’ clinical trials. In the past two decades, we have managed studies on behalf of... View full profile

  • Netherlands

Scientific Instruments Dresden GmbH (ScIDre) is a technology company globally serving science and experimental research. A powerful team of engineers and scientists develops and provides equipment and technologies for the use in fundamental experimen... View full profile

Scope International is an independent Full-Service Contract Research Organization (CRO) with a network of 17 local offices and business entities throughout Europe and USA. Scope International offers a complete range of clinical development and consul... View full profile

THERAPYTE is a clinical research organization and software developer for digital clinical trials with headquarters in Munich, Germany.THERAPYTE conducts clinical research projects based on real-world data (RWD) analysis including observational studie... View full profile

The Winicker Norimed GmbH is an independent, owner-operated contract research organization with seat in Nuremberg. From strategy planning, managing the field phase up to the analyzing your project and writing the clinical study report or publication,... View full profile

Global Contract Research Organizations in Germany

ACROSS Global is a unique, full-service, comprehensive alliance of qualified CROs and Specialist Service Providers dedicated to providing a professional, cost-effective, focused, and seamless service to the pharmaceutical, biopharma and medical devic... View full profile

  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Congo, DR of
  • Philippines
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates

Ad Hoc Clinical is a small CRO, located in the heart of Europe. In beautiful, peaceful Ypres/ Belgium. We offer 'ad hoc' clinical research services and support. You can rely on us for your European clinical research activities and support in variou... View full profile

For more than 25 years, Aixial, the Contract Research Organisation (CRO) of the ALTEN Group, has been supporting pharmaceutical industry key accounts in Europe for various types of services: Insourcing & outsourcing. Aixial environments are vari... View full profile

  • Czech Republic

Axonal-Biostatem has been delivering top-notch management of clinical and epidemiological research projects in France and Europe for more than 30 years. Axonal-Biostatem is a full service CRO providing all services internally and able to integrally p... View full profile

A global, full-service contract research organization. We take your trials personally. dMed Global, a full-service Clinical Contract Research Organization (CRO) based in Shanghai, China and Clinipace Incorporated, a full-service Clinical CRO with hea... View full profile

Cato Research is a contract research organization (CRO) that provides integrated services to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies. We specialize in complex development programs requiring innovative regulatory and clinical strat... View full profile

Celerion, a leader in early clinical research, delivers Applied Translational Medicine. In Applied Translational Medicine, Celerion applies our expertise and experience to translating information gained in research discoveries, to knowledge of drug a... View full profile

Celero provides optimal returns to innovative biotechs & pharmaceutical companies by addressing unmet needs, accelerating clinical development and commercialising innovative healthcare products.Trial mismanagement is the main reason why 85%-90% o... View full profile

At Charles River, we are passionate about our role in improving the quality of people’s lives. Our mission, our excellent science and our strong sense of purpose guides us in all that we do, and we approach each day with the knowledge that our work h... View full profile

Clinlogix provides the clinical, operational, regulatory, and niche therapeutic expertise — along with the passion, innovative spirit, and intellectual drive — that you need to fulfill the promise of your product. As drugs, devices, diagnostics, and... View full profile

Established in 1995, Dokumeds has been expanding its coverage and services significantly over 25 years of operations. Gradual geographical and operational coverage expansion correlated with company staff growth and lowering of employee turnover to an... View full profile

Founded in Prague in 2004, EastHORN Clinical Services is today one of the leading CROs in Europe. We operate in over 20 countries in the region with an experienced team comprised largely of physicians and PhDs. EastHORN’s client-base ranges from the... View full profile

Emergo by UL is a leading regulatory consulting firm specializing in global medical device and IVD compliance. Our comprehensive solution is designed to help you achieve and maintain regulatory and commercial success. With a presence on six continent... View full profile

FGK Clinical Research provides full service for clinical studies to biotechnology, medical device and pharmaceutical companies. FGK has the right size to handle international multi-center studies with hundreds of patients or single country studies wi... View full profile

As a provider of comprehensive Phase I through IV clinical trial management, clinical pharmacology, patient access solutions and other enabling services, Fortrea partners with emerging and large biopharma and medical device and diagnostic companies t... View full profile

  • New Zealand

HEMEX is a global provider of clinical research services to small and medium-sized life sciences companies in diverse therapeutic areas. By combining extensive clinical expertise, commitment to speed, and dedication to patient-centric approaches, HEM... View full profile

Since our foundation in Dublin, Ireland in 1990, our mission has been to help our clients to accelerate the development of drugs and devices that save lives and improve quality of life. We are a global provider of consulting, and outsourced developme... View full profile

IMS Health and Quintiles are now IQVIA, a world leader in using data, technology, advanced analytics and expertise to help customers drive healthcare - and human health - forward. Together with the companies we serve, we are enabling a more modern, m... View full profile

Keyrus Life Science is the C2RO launched by the Keyrus Group, the “Making Data Matter” company. Keyrus Life Science is a unique Connected Clinical Research & Development Organization. Keyrus Life Science helps connect industry expertise, Life Da... View full profile

MakroCare is expert strategic development and commercialization global partner for pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. Our experience, programs and processes bring a new dimension to development strategy, regulatory/risk plan... View full profile

Medidee’s CRO (Clinical Research Organisation) services are backed up by decades of experience in the fields of medical device engineering, quality and regulatory affairs. This unique combination of all relevant competences supports all aspects of yo... View full profile

Our unique global partnering philosophy emphasizes an uncompromising commitment to clinical research and to the highest level of ethical standards and performance in our jobs. We are selective about the projects we engage in because we are devoted to... View full profile

NDA is a world leading drug development consultancy with a dedicated team of over 150 consultants supported by an expert network and a specialist Advisory Board. Our goal is to streamline drug development in order to accelerate patient access to impo... View full profile

OCT is one of the leading Eastern European contract research organizations. Since 2005, we have conducted hundreds of clinical trials in Eastern Europe, in both CEE and the CIS. Our team of 200+ professionals provides a full range of high-quality CRO... View full profile

OPIS was founded in 1998 as a small Italian CRO. Over the past 20 years we have worked with passion and dedication to conquer the trust of clients and the scientific community, learning from each project and challenge convinced that investing in know... View full profile

For over 35 years, PAREXEL has proven to be a trusted partner for the complex development journey required of biopharmaceutical and medical device companies. We’re also an astute guide, able to simplify that journey for our clients, so safe new produ... View full profile

Pivotal was born back in 2001 on the principle that strategic scientific and medical advice and support should be the backbone of all clinical trials and with the objective of becoming a reliable full-service CRO with proper and sufficient resources... View full profile

PPD is a leading global contract research organization providing comprehensive, integrated drug development, laboratory and lifecycle management services. Our clients and partners include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, academic and go... View full profile

PrimeVigilance, an Ergomed Group company, was established in 2008 by Dr. Miroslav Reljanovic together with co-founder Dr. Elliot Brown. PrimeVigilance offers holistic, top quality, cost-effective, innovative safety services for pharmaceutical, generic... View full profile

ProPharma Group partners with life science companies to solve their complex challenges. As an extension of your team, we care about not only the progression of your products through the development lifecycle, but also the safety of your products and... View full profile

Our mission is to be the best CRO in the world as measured by our employees, clients, investigators, and vendors. Our teams work tirelessly to ensure that we deliver on time and on budget. You will always know what's going on with your study when you... View full profile

Rede Optimus is a medical device CRO with a global outreach to USA, EU and Brazil. Rede Optimus was founded by a group of  physicians dedicated to the medical device field which focusses on collaborative research and traditional CRO work. With our fo... View full profile

SanaClis is a full-service Global CRO with a fully integrated clinical supply chain, thereby offering a comprehensive range of end-to-end services for clinical trials. SanaClis was founded in 2000 by seasoned industry experts, all of whom have had ex... View full profile

Life sciences services from SGS – optimize your development timelines to get medicines and medical devices to market quickly and safely. There is no other area of business that is more heavily regulated than the development, testing and distribution... View full profile

  • Burkina Faso
  • Cote d'Ivoire
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Saint Lucia
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Turkmenistan

Simbec-Orion was created in 2014 by the merger of two very experienced CROs: Simbec Research, a specialist CRO in Early Stage Clinical Development and Orion Clinical, the specialist CRO in Late Stage Clinical Development to create an international, f... View full profile

The Smerud Medical Research Group (SMERUD) is a full-service clinical Contract Research Organisation operating in the Northern European area with head office in Norway and subsidiary offices in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, Austr... View full profile

Syneos Health (Nasdaq:SYNH) is the only fully integrated biopharmaceutical solutions organization purpose-built to accelerate customer success. We lead with a product development mindset, strategically blending clinical development, medical affairs a... View full profile

Synexus is a company dedicated to conducting clinical studies and have been investigating the effectiveness of new medicines and treatments for more than 20 years. We provide a friendly, relaxed environment where you have the chance to help shape the... View full profile

TAKE Solutions delivers domain-intensive services in Life Sciences and Supply Chain Management. In the fast-growing Life Sciences space, TAKE offers clients a unique combination of full-service Clinical, Regulatory and Safety services backed by uniqu... View full profile

Venn Life Sciences is an Integrated Drug Development Partner offering a unique combination of drug development expertise, clinical trial design and execution services. This enables us to create, plan and execute drug and medical device development pr... View full profile

Worldwide is the first customer-centric CRO. Founded by physicians dedicated to advancing medical science and built on an unwavering commitment to operational excellence, we are able to strategically balance science, medicine, operations, and commerc... View full profile

List of CROs by location


We do one thing only, and we do it reliably in all shapes and colours – even yours.


We deliver reliable research on everything first-in-human. And we do it in every relevant field and in our own clinical facilities.


Our specialised units in 3 locations handle indications that range from cardiovascular to respiratory.

Clinical Trials Services

CRS and its operationally focused teams of experts with great expertise and experience, appropriate composed for the respective project, will effectively conduct your clinical trial in accordance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and within the projected times and costs.

If any unexpected difficulties arise, they will promptly work out viable solutions acceptable to all. Our collaborative approach is firmly based on comprehensive project management principles, sound medical and scientific support, and clearly defined processes across all our units.

All this is complemented by a distinctive service provider mentality. As a healthcare partner, we at CRS are highly committed to make our contribution in the development of new drugs that improve patient’s life. Ethics and moral are the hallmarks of our work and the fundament of our company.

Clinical Trials CRS Mannheim


Clinical Trials CRS pulmology

If any unexpected difficulties arise, they will promptly work out viable solutions acceptable to all. Our collaborative approach is firmly based on comprehensive project management principles, sound medical and scientific support.

Cardiac safety cardiometabolic disorders

Chief Medical Officer


Chief Commerical Officer

CRO-Leadership-Awards-2019 crs-group

CRS is proud to be recognised again by pharma companies worldwide as a leading CRO with regard to: capabilities, compatibility, quality and reliability.


Find CRS’s company profile in the European Biotechnology Science Industry Guide, volume 9 2019.

EcoVadis Silbermedaille

Based on the CSR rating by EcoVadis in 2022 CRS has been granted Silver Recognition Level.


  • Early phase
  • Patient Trials
  • Consultancy
  • Über Studien
  • An Studien teilnehmen

Copyright © 2023 CRS. Experts. Early Phase. All rights reserved.

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Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape. We invite you to take part in our online survey and share your valuable experiences and opinions. Duration: 7-10 min.

Please start the survey at the end of your visit.

Research in Germany

Germany is a top destination for PhD students, postdocs, and senior scientists. The website "Research in Germany" helps you to find your way to Germany, to seek for PhD positions, research jobs or funding opportunities. It describes the German research landscape and helps you plan your career and life in Germany. Welcome to Germany - the Land of Ideas!

Eine Wissenschaftlerin justiert eine VR-Brille einer Probandin.

Jan Zappner

Why Germany

There are many good reasons for doing research in  Germany. It is one of the most innovative, stable and well endowed  research nations  and its universities and research institutions are among the best in the world. Values like freedom and diversity as well as social and ecological responsibility are considered important to ensure knowledge gain and societal progress.

Bachelor or master

Advanced research, a research position.

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A football lies on a lawn. "Research in Germany - Land of Ideas" is written on the ball.

A garden gnome with a welcome sign

Mutations in the STAG2 Protein and the Associated Spatial Alteration of DNA Structure Can Cause Leukemia

clinical research germany

Benjamin Weiss

Pit-building venom mixers

clinical research germany

Drylands: Adaptation to extreme climate zones enables unexpected plant diversity

Peptide boronic acids: new prospects for immunology.

clinical research germany

C. Schrandt / D. Ausserhofer

New Molecular Insights into Bariatric Surgery's Impact on Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

clinical research germany

Wiebke Pieper

Adapting to climate change: Innovative agricultural production with treated water - first living lab in operation

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Higher Education Compass

Clinical research management part time, bachelor of science.

Bachelor Degree

9 semesters

Standard period of study (amount)

17 days left (Germans and inhabitants)

expired (EU), expired (Non-EU) Please enquire

Overview and admission


Admission semester

Winter Semester only

Area of study

  • Health Management
  • Health Science

Clinical Research, Quality Management / Quality Assurance, Data Analysis / Data Management, Evidence-Based Research

Clinical trials are a central element for the development and improvement of the health care system. Developers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices/technologies and complex interventions rely on their innovations to be tested in patient-oriented research under controlled conditions and in compliance with the highest safety standards. Compliance with the guidelines, the well-being of patients and the quality of the results calls for well-trained trial staff. In this course you will learn the skills and expertise you need to plan and organise clinical trials and to ensure that they are conducted properly and in accordance with the rules. Students are also given the necessary scientific grounding to enable them to advise trial participants and to communicate well within interdisciplinary and interprofessional teams.

Admission modus

Without admission restriction

Admission requirements (Link)

Admission requirements

higher education entrance qualification; proof of German proficiency if necessary (C1)

Lecture period

  • 23.09.2024 - 07.02.2025
  • 01.04.2024 - 26.07.2024

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2024/2025), enrollment deadline for germans and foreign students.

each on 15/03 for a SoSe / 15/09 for the WS

Application deadline for Germans and inhabitants

31.05.2024 - 31.08.2024

Registration and online enrolment, information at Deadlines for “Studying without subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (Fachabitur) or school leaving certificate giving right of entry to higher education (Abitur)” differ!

Deadlines for International Students from the European Union

Deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the European Union

Tuition fee.

Fees (Link)

The higher education institution for health does not charge tuition fees, only a semester fee. For more information, please click the link.

Languages of instruction

Main language.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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DRKS - Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien

German Clinical Trials Register

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GCT in Germany

clinical research germany

Clinical trials in Germany are approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices or the Paul-Ehrlich Institute, depending on the Investigational Product.

The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is the medical device and clinical research regulatory authority in Germany. Functioning as an independent body within the Federal Ministry of Health, the BfArM deals with the authorization of drugs of medical devices based on the German Medicines Act (AMG).

The Paul-Ehrlich Institute is responsible for examining clinical trials of vaccines and biomedicines.

A positive opinion on the study must also be obtained from the responsible ethics committee.

Official links

Pharmaceutical industry & clinical trials market, medical system in germany.

The German healthcare is a dual public-private system. The sector is regulated by the Joint Federal Committee Healthcare ensuring free healthcare for all. In addition, it is possible obtain private health insurance to replace or top up state cover.

Therapeutic areas

Find out what is required for your study in Germany here [email protected]

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Exploring Germany's Relationship with Clinical Research

Applied Clinical Trials

Home to only 1.2% of the world’s population,1,2 Germany participates in approximately 7% of world’s clinical trials.3 The country is the most populous in Europe,1 but Germany’s involvement in clinical trials goes beyond its demographics. Its strong medical tradition, long history of leadership in clinical research, and broad governmental support and funding for biomedical sciences has made the country a desirable location for pharmaceutical research and development (R&D), production, and sales. Germany’s relationship with clinical research includes many positive factors as well as a few challenges that may modify the landscape in next few years.

Social Factors Germany’s 82 million inhabitants1 enjoy a high standard of living that continues to increase the demand for innovative and high-quality pharmaceutical products.4 Health care standards are high and insurance coverage is universal, either through state-sponsored plans or private companies.4 In 2010, the German statutory health insurance plans spent $37.6 billion on prescription drugs,5 and the market is projected to grow to $54 billion by 2015.6

Clinical trials conducted in Germany most commonly involve cancer, cardiovascular disease, nervous system disorders, and infectious diseases.4 Along with the number of patients and demand for quality health care, clinical research benefits from Germany’s established and comprehensive infrastructure for transportation, communication, energy, and public services. The Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum ranked Germany’s infrastructure first in the world in 2009-2010 and second only to Hong Kong in 2011-2012.7,8

Government Support and Regulation Germany has a strong medical tradition with a long history of excellence in biomedical research among individuals, universities, institutes, and associations. Clinical research became a priority in the mid-to-late 1990s, when a new funding program within the Federal Ministry of Education and Research established Coordinating Centers for Clinical Trials to “strengthen academic clinical research.”9

The German government invests in health care and biomedical research, as indicated by the 1.2 billion EUR for R&D projects in this sector through 2011.4 Numerous initiatives support clinical research by pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as academic research groups, primarily through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the German Research Foundation, and German Cancer Aid. The government also provides labor-related incentives, such as recruitment support, training support, and wage subsidies, to help offset the costs of medical research.4

With respect to clinical trials, the German government views studies as an important part of providing high-quality medical care to its citizens.4 As part of the European Union (EU), clinical trial approval processes in Germany are standardized, reliable, transparent, and allow for relatively short study start-up timelines. Germany has two regulatory authorities with separate responsibilities. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is responsible for clinical trials with drugs and medical devices, while the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) is responsible for vaccines, medicinal products containing antibodies, allergens for therapy and diagnostics, blood and blood products, tissue and medicinal products for gene therapy, somatic cell therapy and xenogenic cell therapy.

Established Industry Presence In the 1990s, the German government made a significant investment in the pharmaceutical industry by sponsoring a contest in which 17 local regions were invited to compete for funds to stimulate start-up biotechnology companies and encourage international investment. The contest created three BioRegions, concentrated areas of pharmaceutical R&D, and is widely credited with “kick-starting” the biotechnology industry in Germany.10 There are now 20 BioRegions,11 many of which are home to the more than 240 pharmaceutical companies with facilities in Germany.4

These companies range from large, multinational corporations (e.g., Bayer, Merck, Roche) to small start-ups that, together, employ approximately 126,000 people.4 In addition to strong governmental support and an established infrastructure, companies are attracted by Germany’s highly educated workforce and labor costs that are lower than in the United States.5 As a result, Germany is a global leader in both clinical trials and the production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology products.4,12

The pharmaceutical industry often collaborates with universities (e.g., Bayer-Schering Pharma with the University of Cologne) and is a major source of support for investigator-initiated trials. Overall, pharmaceutical companies fund 70% of all clinical trials performed in Germany.5 Industry associations, including the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (vfa), the German Pharmaceutical Industry Association (BPI), and the Federal Association of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (BAH), are closely involved in discussions with the government regarding laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Challenges The clinical trial environment in Germany has several challenges that necessitate up-front planning: recruitment, EU policy, and pricing controls. As in many developed countries, the pool of eligible clinical trial participants in Germany is shrinking due to saturation. Patients who might be willing to enroll have already participated in a trial or received treatment from their provider. With universal health insurance in Germany, patients are unlikely to be swayed by free examinations or treatments. However, one study indicated that 25% of potential German clinical trial participants are motivated by altruism,13 and recruitment does appear to be faster if unmet medical needs are under investigation or if the potential benefits of the trial are very clearly explained by investigators.

As part of the EU, Germany is bound by the Clinical Trials Directive, legislation designed to harmonize requirements, improve the collection of high-quality data, and set a global benchmark for ethical and medical standards. The Directive introduced the Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD), a single document that can be submitted to any EU competent authority for approval of a clinical trial,14 and other processes that have resulted in more predictable clinical trial timelines. One downside of the Clinical Trials Directive is an increase in the administrative burden and costs of clinical trials for both pharmaceutical companies and academic research centers.12,15 Overall, the number of clinical trials in Germany has decreased only slightly since the Clinical Trials Directive was adopted in 2004,12 a positive outcome attributed to the German government’s investments in academic clinical research.9

Finally, the implementation of German healthcare reform (known as AMNOG) in January 2011 introduced a new pricing structure that links the cost of a medication to its perceived benefit, effectively equating innovative therapies with generic drugs. In addition, the legislation included Greece in the list of countries used as a reference for pricing negotiations. The industry objects to that comparison because the severe economic crisis in Greece has prompted many pharmaceutical companies to temporarily lower their prices in that country. The net effect of these pricing changes is that several pharmaceutical companies have opted not to introduce new drugs to the German market until the situation is resolved.16,17

Summary Germany’s strong medical tradition, long history of leadership in research, and broad governmental support and funding for biomedical sciences has made the country a desirable location for clinical trials. Home to only 1.2% of the world’s population,1,2 Germany hosts approximately 7% of world’s clinical trials.3 Many pharmaceutical companies, both large and small, have facilities in Germany, encouraged by the country’s high medical, technical and ethical standards, standardized and reliable approval processes for clinical trials, and relatively short timelines for study start up.

However, clinical research in Germany is not without its challenges. The Clinical Trials Directive, which has helped to harmonize requirements, improve the collection of high-quality data, and set a global benchmark for ethical and medical standards throughout the EU, has also increased the administrative burden and costs of performing clinical trials. More recently, the German government has strengthened price controls on innovative medicines, and, as a result, several pharmaceutical companies have opted not to introduce new drugs to the German market.

As the clinical research environment in Germany evolves, pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations cannot afford not to keep pace with the changes. By 2013 Germany is projected to be world’s fourth largest pharmaceutical market, outspent only by the United States, Japan, and China.18

  • European Union. Living in the EU. Accessed April 27, 2012.
  • United States Census. U.S. & World Population Clocks. Accessed May 3, 2012.
  • US National Institutes of Health. Accessed July 8, 2012.
  • Germany Trade & Invest. The Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany. Berlin, Germany: January 2011.
  • Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e.V. (BPI) Pharma-Daten, 41st revised edition: September 2011.
  • Bhalla V, Goodall S, Janssens B, et al. Looking Eastward: Tapping China and India to Reinvigorate the Global Biopharmaceutical Industry. Boston Consulting Group, 2006.
  • World Economic Forum. The Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010. Geneva, Switzerland: 2009.
  • World Economic Forum. The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012. Geneva, Switzerland: 2011.
  • Maier-Lenz H. Academic Strength in Germany. Applied Clinical Trials Online. April 1, 2011.
  • Biotech International. BioRegion: Baden-Württemberg. A Biotech Power-house in the South West of Germany. September 2007.
  • Germany Trade & Invest. BioRegions in Germany. Berlin, Germany: March 2010
  • Hartmann M. Impact assessment of the European Clinical Trials Directive: a Longitudinal, Prospective, Observational Study Analyzing Patterns and Trends in Clinical Drug Trial Applications Submitted Since 2001 to Regulatory Agencies in Six EU Countries. Trials.2012;13:53-62.
  • Brescia BA. Europeans Weigh-in on Clinical Study Participation. Applied Clinical Trials Online. October 1, 2005.
  • IMPD. Accessed July 8, 2012.
  • Federation of European Academies of Medicine. Opportunities and Challenges for Reforming the EU Clinical Trials Directive: an Academic Perspective. August 2010.
  • Sutton S. Pricing Controversy in Germany. PharmTechTalk. June 12, 2012.
  • EU Pharmaceutical Industry Leaders Call for Revision of German Model for Assessment of New Medicines. Applied Clinical Trials Online. June 8, 2012.
  • Parexel Consulting. Industry-sponsored clinical trials by region and phase, 2006-2010. Parexel Biopharmaceutical R&D Statistical Sourcebook, 2011/2012:195-199.

clinical research germany

FDA Issues Complete Response Letter to Regeneron’s Odronextamab Based on Confirmatory Trial Enrollment Status

Odronextamab is being evaluated for the treatment of relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma following two or more prior lines of systemic therapy.

Image credit: catalin |

Citius Pharmaceuticals Resubmits BLA to FDA for Lymphir to Treat Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma

Pivotal Phase III Study 302 trial data show an objective response rate of 36.2% based on an independent review committee assessment in the treatment of relapsed/refractory cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

Image credit: Crystal light |

FDA Lifts Partial Clinical Hold on Phase II Trial of Novel Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Cell Therapy for NSCLC

The FDA previously halted the IOV-LUN-202 trial following reports of a grade 5 serious adverse event that may have been linked to treatment with Iovance Biotherapeutics’ novel tumor infiltrating lymphocyte cell therapy LN-145, which is being evaluated in patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer.

Image credit: Lisa | High grade follicular lymphoma with marginal zone differentiation. Multiple lymphocytes are undergoing mitosis. Microscopic view.

FDA Grants Priority Review to Epkinly for Follicular Lymphoma Based on Data From Phase I/II EPCORE NHL-1 Trial

Epkinly (epcoritamab-bysp), subcutaneously administered, T-cell engaging, IgG1-bispecific antibody, was previously granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma.

Image credit: | Motiv COPD - Lunge und Bronchien

Data from Phase III NOTUS and BOREAS Trials Lead to Priority Review of Dupixent for COPD

Trial data show Dupixent rapidly and significantly improved lung function compared to placebo in adults with uncontrolled chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with type 2 inflammation.

2 Commerce Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512


clinical research germany

English Jobs Logo


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Clinical Research Associate

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  • Private Asset Solutions
  • remote work


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Data Analyst - No Experience Required

  • F23 E400, Germany


workingCompetitive rate of hourly payLearning resources provided for the assessmentDevelop and apply your research

Clinical Evaluation Manager (f/m/d)


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Financial Advisor

  • Eduard Tonoyan
  • Baden-Württemberg

Research and analyze financial products to meet client requirements and objectives.

Head of Biometrics (f/m/d)

  • ITM Isotope Technologies Munich SE
  • Garching bei München

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  • Edwards Lifesciences


research associate/ site activities to ensure the overall integrity of study implementation and study protocol at assigned clinical sites.Key Responsibilities:Organizing and supervising clinical and conduct Clinical Monitoring activitiesServe as key contact to assigned clinical sites..Mainly responsible for the northern or western part of GermanyResponsible for remotely supporting field clinical ..throughout the study processIs accountable for achieving and reporting on agreed clinical milestonesSupports

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Clinical Research Assistant

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Clinical research in ....


  • Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany
  • Statutory Bodies
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Forms and Guidelines

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  • Bernd Rendel Prize
  • von Kaven Award
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Clinical Research Units

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  • Statistical Documentation
  • Information Material

Clinical Research Units provide outstanding researchers the opportunity to carry out close, medium-term cooperation in a special research project from the field of disease or patient-oriented clinical research. This cooperation must be expected to produce findings which could not have been achieved with the support available under the Individual Grants Programme or Priority Programme.

Clinical research units are a way of supporting outstanding researchers in mid-term close collaboration on a particular research task, if it is to be expected that collaboration supported in this way will lead to results that cannot be reached by means of an individual grant.

One of the aims of the funding of clinical research units is to improve clinical research by creating and strengthening research-oriented structures in university hospitals, establishing or reinforcing training structures, supporting early career researchers, advancing the scientific profiling of individual medical faculties and intensifying cooperation between clinicians and basic researchers.

Further Information

To fund research associations in disease- or patient-oriented (translational) clinical research and the long-term implementation of scientific working groups in clinical institutions

Eligibility Requirements

Outstanding researchers

Requirements for the Clinical Research Unit

Scientific quality and originality of the research project at an international level. Clinical problems, incorporation of clinical material, if applicable, with a topical focus on translational research with a patient-oriented approach and the investigation of disease mechanisms. Clear backing by the medical school of the establishment and support of the Clinical Research Unit. Boost the development of the scientific profile of the university/medical school. Create and boost research-oriented structures in hospitals. Intensify cooperation between researchers engaged in basic research and clinicians. Establish and/or strengthen training structures in clinical research. If possible, integration of clinical-scientific staff of the Clinical Research Unit into a Clinician Scientist Programme at the site.

Type and Extent of Funding

  • 8

Proposal Modules

Clinical Research Units can include the following funding modules, some of which are required:

  • Basic Modul e
  • Replacement s
  • Temporary Substitutes for Clinician s (Temporary exemptions/Temporary Substitutes for Clinicians which are to be integrated into a Clinician Scientist Programme at the site)
  • Professorshi p (Establishment or integration of a research professorship whose holder assumes the scientific and organisational leadership of the Clinical Research Unit)
  • Mercator Fellow s
  • Project-Specific Workshop s
  • Start-Up Fundin g
  • Coordinatio n
  • Network Fund s
  • Public Relation s
  • Standard Allowance for Gender Equality Measure s

Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups and funding recipients under the Heisenberg Programme can be affiliated to the Clinical Research Unit. In the coordination project, funding can be requested for targeted measures to promote the academic careers of Clinician Scientists or natural scientists in medical research.

Funding Duration

For draft proposals received after 1 October 2018: Usually up to eight years, divided into two funding periods of four years each.

  • Forms and Guideline s

Draft proposals may be submitted at any time. They will be discussed in the respective review boards. The Review Board Medicine discusses the draft proposals twice a year (spring and autumn). You may only resubmit a revised draft proposal once. Establishment proposals: no deadline for submission (however, consultation with the DFG Head Office is recommended for better planning), decisions on the funding of Clinical Research Units for the first time are made by the Joint Committee four times a year. Renewal proposals: six months before the end of the current funding period.



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Clinical Research driven by People, Passion and Purpose

Clinical research committed to you, expertise where it counts.

MONIPOL has a solid track record since 1995


  • Client First. Always
  • Proven track record since 1995
  • Delivery on Time. On Budget
  • Robust footprint across Europe
  • Optimized patient recruiting
  • Next Generation CRO

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You are facing a challenge in preparation for your clinical trial? We are here to help. Our team is ready to offer tailored guidance. Reach out and let’s get the conversation started. We are committed to finding the right solutions for you.

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Find a Solution Tailored to You

We are not just another CRO. We aspire to be a next generation CRO: the trusted workbench for innovators in biotech, pharma and med tech. We provide insight-based solutions along the value chain customized to your specific needs.

Jumpstart Your Career

We are hiring! Up for the challenge? At MONIPOL you have your own projects and responsibilities from day one. We facilitate an environment for professional and personal growth.

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Velocity Clinical Research

Wiesbaden, Germany

Velocity clinical research germany gmbh.

Founded in 1998 as Clinical Research Intermed GmbH and acquired by Velocity Clinical Research in 2023, the experienced team at Velocity’s dedicated research site in Wiesbaden conducts clinical trials across many areas of medicine, including chronic pain, pulmonology, the central nervous system (CNS), general medicine, and vaccines.

The Wiesbaden team is committed to being a resource for study participants, to providing the highest quality of patient care with compassion and kindness, and to advancing medicine through research.

Velocity Clinical Research Germany GmbH Hasengartenstr. 42, 65189, Wiesbaden, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)611-900590

Find a Clinical Trial in Wiesbaden Browse current research studies in Wiesbaden on .

Wiesbaden Velocity Clinical Research Site exterior building

About Velocity Clinical Research

155,000+ people have a joined a study at velocity.

Many people enjoy the study experience and have joined several clinical trials at Velocity.

Velocity has decades of research experience

With sites that were established as long ago as 1986, Velocity has experts who have supported clinical trials for decades.

Velocity studies are led by healthcare professionals

All clinical trials conducted at Velocity are overseen by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Our experienced research team in Wiesbaden

Every clinical trial is overseen by a Principal Investigator – a physician who is responsible for the rights, safety and welfare of the study participants. All physicians at Velocity are board certified in their specialty area(s) and all research staff is trained in clinical research regulations, including GCP and HIPAA. Our clinical research team in Wiesbaden is dedicated to conducting quality research in a professional and caring environment.

Volker von Behren

Dr. Volker von Behren

Principal Investigator Serving as the Founder and Lead Investigator of Intermed GmBH since 1998, Dr. Volker von Behren has been working in clinical research for decades, and has conducted over 170 clinical trials. He is a specialist in general medicine, the owner and attending physician of the private practice for transcranial pulse stimulation (TPS®), and has specialized training for pain, psychiatric, and neurological clinical studies. Known for his strong background in clinical research, Dr. von Behren is often sought after for training new PIs entering the field.

clinical research germany

Dr. Rainer Wiegand

Sub Investigator

Dr. Roman Rubin

Peter fried, md.

Marco VonBehren

Marco von Behren

Site Director

Sponsors and CROs

From the leading pharma companies, to the most pioneering biotech startups, Velocity supports those who are exploring new frontiers in human health. Whether you’re ready to conduct a single-site study or a complex, high-volume clinical trial, trust Velocity.

clinical research team

It all starts with people like you.

Without clinical trial participants, it would not be possible to create new medicines, treatments, and cures..

Velocity Clinical Research

Velocity is a leading clinical research site organisation across Europe, with sites in Germany, Poland, and the U.K. Fully integrated operations and a unified technology platform ensure Velocity sites can accelerate site start-up and accurately forecast and enrol patients at scale, saving considerable time for you.


World-class sites, reliable enrollment, and high performance for clinical trials across Europe

Velocity opened its first European site in Hamburg , Germany, in mid-2022, and expanded that same year with a site Leipzig, followed by two more sites in the U.K. with the acquisition of Egin Research. In 2023, Velocity added three greenfield sites in the U.K., six sites in Poland, and four more in Germany (via acquisitions of KO-MED Centra Kliniczne, ClinMedica Research, InterMed, Klinische Forschung Berlin, The Pulmonary Research Institute at the LungenClinic Großhansdorf, and KLB Gesundheitsforschung Lübeck).

The acquisition of KO-MED, Poland’s leading site network, marked Velocity’s entrance into oncology research. The acquisition of The Pulmonary Research Institute in Germany further demonstrated Velocity’s commitment to supporting specialty research programs across Europe and worldwide.


Berlin, Germany • Velocity Clinical Research

Grosshansdorf, germany • velocity clinical research.

clinical research germany

Hamburg, Germany • Velocity Clinical Research

Leipzig, germany • velocity clinical research, luebeck, germany • velocity clinical research.

Wiesbaden Velocity Clinical Research Site exterior building

Wiesbaden, Germany • Velocity Clinical Research

Biała podlaska, poland • velocity clinical research, lublin, poland • velocity clinical research, puławy, poland • velocity clinical research, skierniewice, poland • velocity clinical research, staszów, poland • velocity clinical research, zamość, poland • velocity clinical research, united kingdom, bristol, united kingdom • velocity clinical research.

clinical research germany

North London, United Kingdom • Velocity Clinical Research

clinical research germany

High Wycombe, United Kingdom • Velocity Clinical Research

Leicester, united kingdom • velocity clinical research, romford, united kingdom • velocity clinical research.

Therapeutic and Specialty Population Expertise

Experienced Investigators, Specialists, and Research Staff

Therapeutic expertise.

  • Allergy/Immunology
  • Consumer Health
  • Dermatology
  • Endocrinology/Metabolic Disorders
  • Family Practice
  • Gastroenterology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Internal Medicine
  • Medical Devices
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pain Management
  • Plastics, Reconstructives
  • Pulmonary and Respiratory
  • Rheumatology
  • Sleep Medicine
  • Smoking Cessation; Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Specialty populations

  • Fetal and Newborn Health
  • Healthy Normal Subjects
  • Pediatrics, Adolescents
  • Women's Health

Specialized trial support

  • Biosimilars
  • Combination products
  • Decentralized
  • Diagnostics
  • Interventional
  • Observational

The right sites. The right investigators. The right partner for your trials.

All Velocity sites feature experienced principal investigators supported by well-trained research staff. Geographic dispersion also supports access to critical subpopulations. Above all, Velocity's sites are built to ensure world-class quality, scalability, and productivity.

Clinical Trials at Stanford Medicine

Join our community of volunteers leading the way in transformative research

awareness ribbon

Stanford Cancer Institute offers leading-edge research and compassionate care with over 250 actively recruiting clinical trials, investigating a broad spectrum of new preventative, diagnostic, and treatment strategies. 

More about the Cancer Institute  

doctor and patient

Stanford Pediatric Clinical Trials play a vital role in developing new therapies for a large range of conditions that affect children. These trials can help pave the way for a brighter healthier future for our youngest generation.

More about Stanford Children's Health  

beating heart

Healthy volunteers play a vital role in clinical studies, helping researchers learn how to keep people well. Some studies compare healthy people to those who have a specific disease or condition. 

More about being a healthy volunteer  

Clinical trial patients

What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials are research studies that explore whether a medical strategy, treatment or device is safe and effective for humans. These studies may also show which medical approaches work best for certain illnesses or groups of people. Clinical trials produce information that helps patients and their health-care providers make better health-related decisions. 

We're looking for healthy volunteers

Stanford research registry.

The Stanford Research Registry  connects people like you, with teams conducting research, to improve health care. If you are eligible for a study, researchers may contact you to see if you would like to learn more.

COVID-19 Clinical Studies

Explore COVID-19 Clinical Studies . Stanford Medicine researchers and scientists have launched dozens of research projects as part of the global response to COVID-19.  By participating in our COVID-19 clinical research, you help accelerate medical science by providing valuable insights into potential treatments and methods of prevention.

Stanford Diabetes Research Center

The Stanford Diabetes Research Center  (SDRC) is looking for participants, including healthy volunteers, to join the various diabetes-related studies being conducted at Stanford. Join the SDRC research registry

Project Baseline

Project Baseline  is a broad effort designed to develop a well-defined reference, or “baseline,” of good health. Its rich data platform will be used to better understand the transition from health to disease and identify additional risk factors for disease.

Stanford Well for Life

Stanford WELL for Life  wants to help you improve your health, wellness, and well-being through challenges, resources and tips to improve your well-being from Stanford experts.

Latest Clinical Trials News

Organoids mimicking celiac disease show new link between gluten, intestinal damage

Organoids mimicking celiac disease show new link between gluten, intestinal damage

Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation

Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation

MRI scans predict recovery from spinal cord injury

MRI scans predict recovery from spinal cord injury

Stanford Medicine offers gene therapy for a devastating pediatric neurologic disease

Stanford Medicine offers gene therapy for a devastating pediatric neurologic disease

Existing high blood pressure drugs may prevent epilepsy, Stanford Medicine-led study finds

Existing high blood pressure drugs may prevent epilepsy, Stanford Medicine-led study finds

Clinicial trial faq.

Why should I participate in a clinical trial?

Clinical trials are critical to progressing medical advancements and helping people live longer. Many of the treatments used today would not be available if they were not first tested in clinical trials.

At Stanford, our physician-researchers and scientists perform collaborative research to improve diagnosis and treatment options for people worldwide. Because of their level of expertise, some of the trials and innovative treatments we offer are not available elsewhere in the world.

How do I know if a clinical trial is right for me?

To determine if a clinical trial is right for you, talk to your doctor. He or she can refer you to a study coordinator for more information on research studies that may be suitable for your specific condition.

You can also find the guidelines for who can participate in a particular clinical trial online. However, it is best to work with your doctor to decide the right care approach for your needs.

Why are clinical trials done in phases?

Clinical trials are executed in phases to determine their safety and effectiveness. Specific scientific questions are answered in each phase to demonstrate the potential of a new drug, device, or medical approach.

Is there a cost associated with participating in a clinical trial?

As a study participant, you receive a new drug, device, medical approach, or other treatment for free. 

Why are some clinical trials closed and others open?

Open trials refer to studies currently accepting participants. Closed trials are not currently enrolling, but may open in the future for enrollment.


  1. BfArM

    The German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS) is the German WHO primary registry.It is responsible for the registration of all health related studies on humans conducted in Germany. The DRKS now contains over 16,000 studies and around 2,000 studies are added each year. The aim of the registry is to offer the public a complete, up-to-date overview of clinical trials in Germany.

  2. Study "Clinical Research and Translational Medicine" in Germany

    The requirements for admission to the MSc Clinical Research & Translational Medicine are: 1. A certificate of a first professionally qualifying certificate of academic degree in Human, Dental or Veterinary Medicine, Natural Sciences, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Psychology, Medical Sociology, Epidemiology, Public Health, Medical Informatics and ...

  3. DIU: Clinical Research (M.Sc.) l Learn to execute clinical studies at a

    The Master's Program in Clinical Research (MPCR) at Dresden International University is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the methodology and practice of clinical research. Our program creates an international platform for medical scientists that emphasizes teamwork, creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and ...

  4. PDF Regulatory and Start-up Guideline for Clinical Trials Germany

    Address for application PEI: Paul-Ehrlich-Institut Bundesinstitut für Impfstoffe und biomedizinische Arzneimittel Referat für Klinische Prüfungen Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 51-59 63225 Langen Germany. [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)6103 77 1810Documentation [2]Application form Module 1 [3] has to be submitted to N.

  5. Study "Clinical Research" in Germany

    The Master's degree in Clinical Research is aimed at prospective students who are looking for work in the broader medical field of drug and medical technology development. The aim of the Master's degree course in Clinical Research is the communication of professional expertise in various fields of clinical research.

  6. List of Contract Research Organizations in Germany

    OCT is one of the leading Eastern European contract research organizations. Since 2005, we have conducted hundreds of clinical trials in Eastern Europe, in both CEE and the CIS. Our team of 200+ professionals provides a full range of high-quality CRO... 💻 Website ↗ 📞 +49 40 32005005 View all details. Get Listed.

  7. Clinical Trials

    CRS and its operationally focused teams of experts with great expertise and experience, appropriate composed for the respective project, will effectively conduct your clinical trial in accordance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and within the projected times and costs. If any unexpected difficulties arise, they will promptly work out viable ...

  8. Institute of Clinical cancer research IKF

    Our collaboration with these groups enables us to offer a wide range of clinical research services, including wide expertise in oncology as well as access to patient care, cutting-edge research technologies and methodologies. ... Germany. Tel.: +49 69 - 76 01 44 20. Fax: +49 69 - 76 01 36 55. E-Mail: [email protected]. Website:

  9. Research in Germany

    Why Germany. There are many good reasons for doing research in Germany. It is one of the most innovative, stable and well endowed research nations and its universities and research institutions are among the best in the world. Values like freedom and diversity as well as social and ecological responsibility are considered important to ensure ...

  10. DFG, German Research Foundation

    Clinical Trials. The Clinical Trials Programme enables individuals who have completed their academic training to conduct at any time patient-oriented clinical research within a temporary project. The programme provides funding for interventional clinical studies, including feasibility studies (phase II) and interventional trials (phase III).

  11. Study "Clinical Research Management" in Germany

    Annotation. Clinical trials are a central element for the development and improvement of the health care system. Developers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices/technologies and complex interventions rely on their innovations to be tested in patient-oriented research under controlled conditions and in compliance with the highest safety standards.

  12. German Clinical Trials Register

    The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte, BfArM) is an independent higher federal authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health.

  13. Ph.D. Program

    To learn more about the general framework of the Ph.D. Program and the formal requirements for our Ph.D. candidates, please visit the MMRS website. Costs & Funding. The Ph.D. program is free of charge with the exception of the LMU enrolment fee (approx. 150€ per semester). The estimated costs of living in Munich are at 1000-1500€ per month.

  14. FGK Clinical Research Organization: FGK Clinical Research

    "Germany as a study location - new impulses for clinical research" Register now: Learn more show all news. Our experience spans multiple fields of medical indications. Expertise Medical Devices. Clinical studies with medical devices require a contract research organization that is familiar with the specific regulatory requirements. ...

  15. CRO in Germany, Clinical Research in Germany

    Clinical trials in Germany are approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices or the Paul-Ehrlich Institute, depending on the Investigational Product. The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is the medical device and clinical research regulatory authority in Germany. Functioning as an independent body within ...

  16. Exploring Germany's Relationship with Clinical Research

    Applied Clinical Trials. Home to only 1.2% of the world's population,1,2 Germany participates in approximately 7% of world's clinical trials.3 The country is the most populous in Europe,1 but Germany's involvement in clinical trials goes beyond its demographics. Its strong medical tradition, long history of leadership in clinical research ...

  17. MSc Clinical Research

    The tuition fee is 895 € per month (excl. fees for the PPCR program). You have 3 more programs left today. Register for free! and get: unlimited access to StudyFinder. personalized information on deadlines, fees, scholarships, visa etc. The Study Program 🎓 MSc Clinical Research 🏛️ at Dresden International University All info for ...

  18. clinical research English-speaking jobs in Germany

    BeiGene. Germany. July 10. CRA responsibilitiesMentor and manage junior staff and Clinical Research AssociatesActs as the escalation..monitoring activities at clinical trial sites and monitors clinical trials in accordance with ICH guidelines..importantly, share our passionate interest in fighting cancer.General Description:The CRA executes ...

  19. DFG, German Research Foundation

    Clinical Research Units provide outstanding researchers the opportunity to carry out close, medium-term cooperation in a special research project from the field of disease or patient-oriented clinical research. This cooperation must be expected to produce findings which could not have been achieved with the support available under the ...

  20. Hamburg, Germany • Velocity Clinical Research

    Velocity Clinical Research Hamburg GmbH. Rahlstedter Bahnhofstraße 33, 22143, Hamburg, Germany. Phone:+49 40 6312970. Our Vision. Improve lives by making clinical research accessible to all. Our Mission. Improve the clinical research process to accelerate the delivery of new therapies and provide exceptional care to our community. Our ...


    Founded in 1995, MONIPOL | Clinical Research ("MPL") is an owner-led CRO with German and Polish roots and strong regional partnerships across Europe. Leveraging over 25 years of experience in monitoring and organizing multicenter clinical trials, MPL is committed to tailored solutions for the various needs of biotechnology and small/midsize ...

  22. Wiesbaden, Germany

    Meet Our Wiesbaden Research Team. Velocity Clinical Research, Germany. Hasengartenstr. 42, 65189, Wiesbaden, Germany. Phone: +49 (0)611-900590. Email: [email protected]. Find a Clinical Trial in Wiesbaden. Call or email to speak with an enrollment specialist about available research studies in Wiesbaden.

  23. Clinical Research Sites in Europe

    World-class sites, reliable enrollment, and high performance for clinical trials across Europe. Velocity opened its first European site in Hamburg , Germany, in mid-2022, and expanded that same year with a site Leipzig, followed by two more sites in the U.K. with the acquisition of Egin Research. In 2023, Velocity added three greenfield sites ...

  24. Clinical Research jobs in Germany

    1. 2. Last. Clinical Research jobs in Germany. 37 jobs to view and apply for now with

  25. Secondary use of patient data within decentralized studies using the

    ObjectiveUnlocking the potential of routine medical data for clinical research requires the analysis of data from multiple healthcare institutions. ... Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, all university hospitals in Germany have received funding to advance the objectives of the MII. 6,7 These objectives encompass ...

  26. Clinical Trials

    What is a clinical trial? Clinical trials are research studies that explore whether a medical strategy, treatment or device is safe and effective for humans. These studies may also show which medical approaches work best for certain illnesses or groups of people. Clinical trials produce information that helps patients and their health-care ...