OAE Summer Office Hours*

*Monday, June 24 - Friday, August 30, 2024

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm

Friday: 9am - 1pm

Assignment Extensions

Main navigation, understanding assignment extensions, page contents, what is this accommodation used for, who receives this accommodation.

  • How to Evaluate The Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

Considerations When Implementing Assignment Extensions

Oae responsibilities in supporting assignment extensions, faculty responsibilities when facilitating assignment extensions, student responsibilities when eligible for assignment extensions.

  • Student Email Templates to Notify Use of Accommodation

For students with conditions that are episodic in nature or that impact their ability to devote sufficient time to the assignment, strict assignment deadlines and punitive grading on late assignments can prevent them from demonstrating their full mastery of class content. The purpose of reasonable accommodations is to ensure access, and this extends to providing flexibility within class policies to ensure students with disabilities are not disproportionately penalized for exacerbations in their condition, as they may be unpredictable and inevitable despite ongoing health and time management practices. 

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Students with disabilities who navigate with a wide variety of disability-related experiences are approved for this accommodation. Granting extensions on assignments ensures that the student is not unfairly penalized for having to use alternate means or methods to access written materials and complete their work. Examples of when a student may benefit or be approved for this accommodation:

  • Students with compromised reading abilities arising from a learning disability who need more time to process and complete the volume of reading/work
  • Students dealing with fluctuating and unpredictable periods of exacerbations of their condition associated with chronic illnesses or mental health disabilities
  • Students with executive function impairments who find it difficult to focus and concentrate for sustained periods of time and need to break their work into shorter bursts of time
  • Students who need frequent rest periods or who are able to work only for short periods of time, such as those with recent concussions, brain injuries, or chronic illnesses
  • Students with reduced or limited stamina who have difficulty sitting, reading, writing/typing for extended periods due to chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or injuries
  • Students who rely on adaptive technology (e.g., screen readers or speech-to-text software) to read and/or write as this process may be slower than reading with normal eyesight

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How to Evaluate the Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

The accommodation for Assignment Extensions should always be considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning objectives and pedagogical components. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the grading scheme and syllabus, this accommodation is intended to modify any stated policies to allow some flexibility to account for the student’s disability-related need. 

The accommodation should be provided unless the accommodation  significantly  compromises the integrity of the course as offered. If you believe assignment extensions are not possible, then instructors should consult with a Disability Adviser to determine the reasonability of the request within the specific context of your class. The OAE will consult with instructors using the following questions to determine the reasonability:

  • What does the class description and syllabus say about assignment deadlines or late work?
  • How is the final class grade calculated? To what extent are assignments factored into the final grade? Are there any alternative grading schemes for assignments (i.e. one assignment grade may be dropped, etc)?
  • Are assignment deadline policies consistently applied? (i.e.., Have any exceptions made to the policy for non-disabled students, such as for athletic travel or religious observances? If so, then these exceptions must also be granted to students with disabilities.)
  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a discussion?
  • Is the material being learned in the class sequentially? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)? (This may shorten the window of time in which an extension can reasonably be granted.)
  • Are assignments used as class content when they are due? Are students required to actively participate in class discussions/activities based off of the assignment? (e.g. problem sets reviewed as the first lecture on that content)
  • Are answer sets released that would impact a student’s ability to request an extension? If so, how important is the timeliness of providing the answer sets to student learning and course sequencing?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • Does the assignment involve teamwork? Would failure to complete the assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in this class?

Limits are reasonable; provide clear limits to the number of extensions allowed and the length of such extensions. This is not a “free pass” for students to turn in late work. Agreed upon extensions should be specific and limited to a specific amount of time.

  • The instructor’s class policy on late work (e.g., 10 points off a grade for each day late) will remain applicable even to students with Assignment Extensions accommodation if they fail to meet the agreed upon disability-related extension, or if they miss deadlines for other non-disability related reasons.
  • Students are never required to provide doctor’s notes to justify use of this accommodation.
  • Accommodations are not retroactive; instructors are not obligated to adjust previous penalties for late work if accommodation letter is provided after-the-fact.

Reviews documentation and meet with students to better understand their disability-related experiences. Through this interactive process, a Disability Adviser will determine if a student is eligible for Assignment Extensions to mitigate disability-related impacts throughout the quarter. If so, Assignment Extensions will be listed as an eligible accommodation on the student’s accommodation letter.

  • Consults and supports faculty in determining reasonableness of accommodation or how to implement this accommodation in light of essential class elements.
  • Provides support to students and faculty when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.

Once instructors have been notified of eligibility for accommodations, instructors should determine the extent to which they can reasonably grant assignment extensions without fundamentally altering the learning objectives. The OAE is available for consultation if you have questions regarding how the accommodation interacts with essential elements of the class and determining if or what adjustments are reasonable.

If you believe the accommodation is not reasonable in light of your class objectives or pedagogical methods, contact the student’s Disability Adviser immediately as instructors should never unilaterally deny an accommodation. Instructors are expected to clearly articulate why flexibility is not reasonable.

  • The instructor should engage in dialogue with the student or the OAE regarding assignment extension expectations: delineate the preferred communication process for when the student needs to notify you of a disability-related extension, typical grace period for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot be extended.

It is highly recommended that any limitations to reasonability for assignment extensions is summarized in writing through email. The email summary helps ensure everyone is operating from the same point of view and that any confusion of the agreement can be clarified. Students and instructors are welcome to include the student's assigned Disability Adviser on these email exchanges for documentation purposes.

  • Instructor will request consultation with OAE if they believe that extending the deadlines for assignments would fundamentally alter an essential element of their class or if they have questions about what a reasonable amount of time extensions is within the context of their class.
  • If extensions are pedagogically possible, the instructor will work with the student in good faith to determine a reasonable amount of time and set a new deadline for each eligible assignment.
  • Instructor will verify the specific plan for the new assignment due date in writing (by email) with the student.
  • The OAE is always available to mediate any concerns about Assignment Extensions, including concerns about academic integrity and logistics of this accommodation. The OAE remains a neutral party in evaluating what is reasonable as an accommodation and is here to support you.

Students approved for Assignment Extensions must request their accommodation letters on  OAE | CONNECT  and distribute their accommodation letters to instructors at the beginning of the quarter, or as soon as they are made eligible for the accommodation.

  • Initiating contact with your instructor to discuss the boundaries of the accommodation and developing protocols for how it will be used  OR
  • Requesting guidance from OAE Disability Adviser. The Disability Adviser will contact the instructor to determine the boundaries of the accommodation and any necessary protocols. 
  • Student should clearly understand if or how assignment extensions will be granted in light of the class learning objectives and structure. This entails knowing the finite number of extensions that can be allowed, how to communicate with the professor when they need to request an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot receive an extension.
  • At no time are students required to present documentation to instructors in order to justify a disability-related need for an extension.
  • Students should not plan on the extension being automatically provided and should always use this accommodation, if available, with care.
  • If a student receives a paper or assignment extension and is unable to meet the deadline, a new extension request must be made.
  • The OAE is always available to mediate any concerns about navigating Assignment Extensions in a specific class.

Student Email Templates

Dear Professor ______,

My name is ________ and I am a student in your _________  class. I am writing to share my OAE accommodation letter with you and to discuss the accommodations outlined in it.  I would like to proactively explore how my accommodation for assignment extensions may work in your class.

If and when I need an extension for disability-related reasons, I will contact you prior to the assignment due date to initiate my request. Typically, I may need ______ additional days to complete an assignment and I will request a new due date within this timeline. While I can’t always predict when my disability will impact me, I will provide as timely notice as possible when I need an assignment extension.

Please let me know if there are any assignments in which an extension would be unreasonable or alter the learning experience so that I know in advance.

Thank you for your assistance and support. I have also cc’d my Disability Adviser on this message if you have any questions or concerns about my accommodations.



Dear Professor ________,

I am enrolled in your class  . Earlier this quarter I sent you my Accommodation Letter from the OAE indicating my eligibility for assignment extensions as an accommodation. Due to disability-related reasons, I am unable to submit by .

I’m writing to you to ask for an extension of on this assignment. If this is reasonable, I will submit the assignment by . Please let me know if this new deadline would work within your course objectives. 

If you have questions about my accommodations, my Disability Advisor, , can be reached at @stanford.edu.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,


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Student Services Center, Room 170 530-898-5959 [email protected]

Fall & Spring Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday

Summer Hours 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

Mailing Address Accessibility Resource Center 400 W. First St. Chico, CA 95929–0726

Assignment Extension

For students with conditions that are episodic in nature or that impact their ability to devote sufficient time to the assignment, strict assignment deadlines and punitive grading on late assignments can prevent them from demonstrating their full mastery of class content. The purpose of reasonable accommodations is to ensure access, and this extends to providing flexibility within class policies to ensure students with disabilities are not disproportionately penalized for exacerbations in their condition, as they may be unpredictable and inevitable despite ongoing health and time management practices. Students receiving the accommodation of Assignment Extension will collaborate with faculty to complete an agreement contract that will define accommodation extension individualized for each student and course.

Who Receives This Accommodation?

Students with disabilities who navigate a wide variety of disability-related experiences are approved for this accommodation. Granting extensions on assignments ensures that the student is not unfairly penalized for having to use alternate means or methods to access written materials and complete their work. Examples of when a student may benefit or be approved for this accommodation:

  • Students with compromised reading abilities arising from a learning disability who need more time to process and complete the volume of reading and work.
  • Students dealing with fluctuating and unpredictable periods of exacerbations of their condition associated with chronic illnesses or mental health disabilities.
  • Students with executive function impairments who find it difficult to focus and concentrate for sustained periods of time and need to break their work into shorter bursts of time.
  • Students who need frequent rest periods or who can only work for short periods of time, such as those with recent concussions, brain injuries, or chronic illnesses.
  • Students with reduced or limited stamina who have difficulty sitting, reading, writing, or typing for extended periods due to chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or injuries.
  • Students who rely on adaptive technology (e.g., screen readers or speech-to-text software) to read or write as this process may be slower than reading in a typical manner.

​ How Does ARC Evaluate the Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class?

The accommodation for Assignment Extensions is always considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis of how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning objectives and pedagogical components. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the grading scheme and syllabus, this accommodation is intended to modify any stated policies to allow some flexibility to account for the student’s disability-related need. Analysis of reasonable accommodations is within the purview of Accessibility Resource Center (ARC).

The accommodation should be provided unless the accommodation  significantly compromises the integrity of the course as offered. If instructors believe assignment extensions are not possible, instructors should consult with an Accessibility Advisor to determine the reasonability of the request within the specific context of their class. ARC will consult with instructors using the following questions to determine reasonability:

  • What does the class description and syllabus say about assignment deadlines or late work?
  • How is the final class grade calculated? To what extent are assignments factored into the final grade? Are there any alternative grading schemes for assignments (i.e., one assignment grade may be dropped, etc.)?
  • Are assignment deadline policies consistently applied? (i.e., Have any exceptions been made to the policy for non-disabled students, such as for athletic travel or religious observances? If so, these exceptions must also be granted to students with disabilities.)
  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a discussion?
  • Is the material being learned sequentially? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)? (This may shorten the window of time in which an extension can reasonably be granted.)
  • Are assignments used as class content when they are due? Are students required to actively participate in class discussions and activities based on the assignment (e.g., problem sets reviewed as the first lecture on that content)? Is it possible for the student to attend class virtually?
  • Are answer sets released that would impact a student’s ability to request an extension? If so, how important is the timeliness of providing the answer sets to student learning and course sequencing?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • Does the assignment involve teamwork? Would failure to complete the assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class? Is it possible for the student to attend class virtually?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in this class?

Considerations to Keep in Mind When Implementing Assignment Extensions

  • Limits are reasonable. Provide clear limits to the number of extensions allowed and the length of such extensions. This is not a “free pass” for students to turn in late work. Agreed upon extensions should be specific and limited to a specific amount of time as indicated in the contract.
  • The instructor’s class policy on late work (e.g., 10 points off a grade for each day late) will remain applicable even to students with Assignment Extensions if they fail to meet the agreed upon disability-related extension, or if they miss deadlines for other non-disability-related reasons.
  • Students are never required to provide doctor’s notes to instructors to justify use of this accommodation.
  • Accommodations are not retroactive. Instructors are not obligated to adjust previous penalties for late work if instructor notification of accommodations email is provided after the fact.

ARC Responsibilities in Supporting Assignment Extensions

  • Review documentation and meet with students to better understand their disability-related experiences. Through this interactive process, an Accessibility Adviser will determine if a student is eligible for Assignment Extensions to mitigate disability-related impacts throughout the semester. If so, Assignment Extensions will be listed as an eligible accommodation on the student’s instructor notification of accommodations email.
  • Consult and support faculty in determining reasonableness of accommodations or how to implement this accommodation considering essential class elements.
  • Provide support to students and faculty when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.

Faculty Responsibilities When Facilitating Assignment Extensions

  • Once instructors have been notified of eligibility for accommodations, instructors should determine the extent to which they can reasonably grant Assignment Extensions without fundamentally altering the learning objectives. ARC is available for consultation if instructors have questions regarding how the accommodation interacts with essential elements of the class and determining if or what adjustments are reasonable.
  • If instructors believe the accommodation is not reasonable considering class objectives or pedagogical methods, contact ARC immediately as instructors should never unilaterally deny an accommodation. Instructors are expected to clearly articulate why flexibility is not reasonable.
  • Instructors should engage in dialogue with the student or ARC regarding Assignment Extension expectations: delineate the preferred communication process when the student needs to notify instructor of a disability-related extension, typical grace period for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot be extended.
  • It is highly recommended that the process and boundaries for Assignment Extensions is summarized in writing via contract. The contract helps ensure everyone is operating from the same point of view and that any confusion of the agreement can be clarified. Students and instructors are welcome to include ARC on these discussions for documentation purposes.
  • Instructors will request consultation with ARC if they believe that extending the deadlines for assignments would fundamentally alter an essential element of their class or if they have questions about what a reasonable amount of time the extension is within the context of their class.
  • If extensions are pedagogically possible, the instructor will work with the student in good faith to determine a reasonable amount of time and set a new deadline for each eligible assignment.
  • Instructors will verify the specific plan for the new assignment due date in writing (by email) with the student.
  • ARC is always available to mediate any concerns about Assignment Extensions, including concerns about academic integrity and logistics of this accommodation. ARC remains a neutral party in evaluating what is reasonable as an accommodation and is here to support instructors.

Student Responsibilities When Eligible for Assignment Extensions

  • Students approved for Assignment Extensions must distribute their instructor notification of accommodation emails by customizing their accommodations in ARC Go! at the beginning of each semester, or as soon as they are made eligible for the accommodation.
  • Initiating contact with their instructor to discuss boundaries of the accommodation and developing a contract for how it will be used,  or
  • Requesting guidance from an Accessibility Advisor. Students can contact their Accessibility Advisor via email, phone, or request an appointment. The student’s Accessibility Advisor will assist the student and instructor in determining the boundaries of the accommodation and any necessary protocols. 
  • Students should clearly understand if or how Assignment Extensions will be granted considering class learning objectives and structure. This includes knowing the finite number of extensions that can be allowed, how to communicate with the instructor when they need to request an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot receive an extension.
  • It is highly recommended that the process and boundaries for Assignment Extensions is summarized in writing via a contract. The contract helps ensure everyone is operating from the same point of view and that any confusion of the agreement can be clarified. Students and instructors are welcome to include ARC on these discussions for documentation purposes.
  • Students should not plan on the extension being automatically provided and should always use this accommodation, if available, with care.
  • Students and instructors should defer to their contract agreement to determine Assignment Extension expectations for any clarification.
  • At no time are students required to present documentation to instructors to justify a disability-related need for an extension.
  • If a student receives a paper or assignment extension and is unable to meet the deadline, a new extension request must be made.
  • ARC is always available to mediate any concerns about navigating Assignment Extensions in a specific class or for a specific assignment.

Adapted with permission from Stanford University Office of Accessible Education Department.

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Assignment Extension

Who receives this accommodation.

Students with disabilities who navigate with a wide variety of disability-related experiences are approved for this accommodation. Granting extensions on assignments makes sure the student is not unfairly penalized for having to use alternate means or methods to access written materials and complete their work. Examples of when a student may benefit or be approved for this accommodation:

  • Students dealing with fluctuating and unpredictable periods of exacerbations of their condition associated with chronic illnesses or mental health disabilities
  • Students who need frequent rest periods or who can work only for short periods of time, such as those with recent concussions, brain injuries, or chronic illnesses
  • Students with reduced or limited stamina with difficulty sitting, reading, writing/typing for extended periods due to chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or injuries
  • Students who rely on adaptive technology (e.g., screen readers or speech-to-text software) to read and/or write as this process may be slower than reading with normal eyesight

NEW – CHANGES:  For students approved for Assignment Extensions

For students approved for Assignment Extension(s) – This accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments , and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will consider the request and will discuss with the student and instructor to determine the appropriateness given the specifics of the course. Different classes call for different agreements (e.g., lab classes may call for less flexibility than lecture classes). If granted, an agreement outlining which assignments (e.g., presentations, group work, discussion boards, etc.) may be potentially affected, and how much more time will be granted for each assignment, will be created.

How to Evaluate the Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

The accommodation for Assignment Extensions should always be considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning goals and pedagogical parts. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the grading scheme and syllabus, this accommodation is intended to change any stated policies to let some flexibility account for the student’s disability-related need.

The accommodation should be provided unless the accommodation significantly compromises the integrity of the course as offered. If you believe assignment extensions are impossible, then instructors should consult with an Accessibility Specialist to determine the reasonability of the request within the specific context of your class. SAS will consult with instructors using these questions to determine the reasonability:

  • What does the class description and syllabus say about assignment deadlines or late work?
  • How is the final class grade calculated? To what extent are assignments factored into the final grade? Are there any alternative grading schemes for assignments (i.e. one assignment grade may be dropped, etc)?
  • Are assignment deadline policies consistently applied? (i.e.., Have any exceptions made to the policy for non-disabled students, such as for athletic travel or religious observances? If so, then these exceptions must also be granted to students with disabilities.)
  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a discussion?
  • Is the material being learned in the class sequentially? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)? (This may shorten the window of time in which an extension can reasonably be granted.)
  • Are assignments used as class content when they are due? Are students required to actively participate in class discussions/activities based off of the assignment? (e.g. problem sets reviewed as the first lecture on that content)
  • Are answer sets released that would affect a student’s ability to ask for an extension? If so, how important is the timeliness of providing the answer sets to student learning and course sequencing?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • Does the assignment involve teamwork? Would failure to complete the assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in this class?

SAS Responsibilities in Supporting Assignment Extensions

  • Reviews documentation and meet with students to better understand their disability-related experiences. Through this interactive process, a Accessibility Specialist will determine if a student is eligible for Assignment Extensions to mitigate disability-related impacts throughout the quarter. If so, Assignment Extensions will be listed as an eligible accommodation on the student’s accommodation letter.
  • Consults and supports faculty in determining reasonableness of accommodation or how to start this accommodation, given essential class elements.
  • Provides support to students and faculty when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.

Faculty Responsibilities When Facilitating Assignment Extensions

  • Once instructors have been notified of eligibility for accommodations, instructors should note that the accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments, and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation.
  • If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will consider the request and will discuss with the student and instructor to determine the appropriateness given the specifics of the course. Different classes call for different agreements (e.g., lab classes may call for less flexibility than lecture classes). If granted, an agreement outlining which assignments (e.g., presentations, group work, discussion boards, etc.) may be potentially affected, and how much more time will be granted for each assignment, will be created.

If you believe the accommodation is unreasonable in light of your class goals or pedagogical methods, contact the student’s Accessibility Specialist right away as instructors should never unilaterally deny an accommodation. Instructors are expected to clearly articulate why flexibility is unreasonable.

  • The instructor should engage in dialogue with the student or SAS regarding assignment extension expectations: delineate the preferred communication process for when the student needs to tell you about a disability-related extension, typical grace period for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot be extended.
  • Instructor will ask for consultation with SAS if they believe that extending the deadlines for assignments would change an essential element of their class or if they have questions about what a reasonable amount of time extensions is within the context of their class.
  • If extensions are pedagogically possible, the instructor will work with the student in good faith to determine a reasonable amount of time and set a new deadline for each eligible assignment.
  • Instructor will verify the specific plan for the new assignment due date in writing (by email) with the student.
  • SAS is always available to mediate any concerns about Assignment Extensions, including concerns about academic integrity and logistics of this accommodation. SAS remains a neutral party in evaluating what is reasonable as an accommodation and is here to support you..

Student Responsibilities When Eligible for Assignment Extensions

  • Students approved for Assignment Extensions must ask for their accommodation letters on myACCESS student portal and distribute their accommodation letters to instructors at the beginning of the semester, or as soon as they are made eligible for the accommodation.

Students should clearly understand if or how assignment extensions will be granted, given the class learning goals and structure. This entails knowing the finite number of extensions that can be allowed, how to communicate with the professor when they need to ask for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot receive an extension.

When a student needs to use this accommodation for an upcoming assignment, they are responsible for contacting the instructor through email early to ask for the extension and clarify a new due date.

  • Never are students required to present documentation to instructors to justify a disability-related need for an extension.
  • Students should not plan on the extension being automatically provided and should always use this accommodation, if available, with care.
  • If a student receives a paper or assignment extension and cannot meet the deadline, a new extension request must be made.

Disability Resource Center

Extended Time on Assignments

Allowance for extensions on take-home assignments may be needed to address the impact of some student’s disabilities. Students who may need this accommodation include students who take longer to produce assignments because they use assistive technology (for example, speech to text) or students who have periodic flares of illness that may sometimes interfere with meeting deadlines. 

Students with an assignment extension accommodation must communicate the need for an extension on each assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor and request to use an extension. Extensions are not automatic and failure to communicate with the instructor can result in loss of points for the assignment unless there is a disability related emergency. Extensions are generally a short period of time (1-5 days) unless agreed otherwise with the instructor.  

If a faculty member disagrees with a requested extension, they should immediately contact the Coordinator who sent the letter of accommodations, and they can help resolve your concern. The Coordinator can also assist with determining a reasonable length of time for an extension or with reviewing medical documentation and verifying the disability related need for an extension. 

Please do not refer students to DRC for specific accommodations, including assignment accommodations, which may not be appropriate for that student.  

College Clarity

How to Ask for Extension on Assignment: A Step-by-Step Guide

Facing the ticking clock with a mountain of work still ahead can feel like being trapped between a rock and a hard place. Yet, there’s a lifeline often overlooked: asking for an extension on your assignment. It might seem daunting, but mastering this request can turn panic into relief. This guide will walk you through the steps, from timing your ask to crafting your message, ensuring you approach this delicate task with confidence and tact in May, asking for something.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognize the importance of understanding the policies and norms around extensions in your academic environment to ensure you’re making informed requests.
  • Before reaching out, prepare your request by gathering all necessary information and clearly understanding your own reasons and needs for an extension.
  • Crafting your message with honesty, specificity, and professionalism can significantly increase your chances of receiving a favorable response.
  • Utilize example templates as a starting point, but always personalize your message to reflect your situation and relationship with the instructor.
  • Employ effective communication strategies, such as being concise, respectful, and timely in your request, to demonstrate your commitment and responsibility.
  • Avoid common pitfalls like waiting until the last minute to ask for an extension or making vague or entitled requests, as these can negatively impact the outcome.
  • Implement best practices for success by understanding insights from professors on what makes an extension request more likely to be granted.

Understanding Extensions

Extension basics.

Before asking for an extension on an assignment, it’s crucial to grasp the basics. First, familiarize yourself with your school’s policy regarding extensions. Policies vary widely, and knowing them can save you from unnecessary trouble.

Extensions may typically range from a few days to a week. However, this depends on your instructor or institution’s guidelines.

Valid reasons for requesting an extension may include illness, family emergencies, or unexpected personal issues. It’s important to be honest about your situation.

Requesting an extension can significantly impact your academic performance in several ways:

  • Prevents grade penalties: Turning in late work often leads to deductions. An approved extension keeps your grades intact.
  • Allows more time for quality work: With extra time, you can improve the quality of your assignment.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety: Knowing you have additional time can ease the pressure and help you focus better on completing the task at hand.

Understanding these benefits highlights why properly asking for an extension is vital.

The timing of your request is as critical as the request itself:

  • Always ask early. Last-minute requests may not be entertained due to tight grading schedules.
  • Consider your professor’s schedule when requesting an extension. They are more likely to accommodate if given reasonable notice.
  • Avoid peak times like finals week when professors are busiest with grading and preparations.

Preparing Your Request


Before asking for an extension, take a moment to evaluate your need honestly. Ask yourself why you need more time. Is it due to unforeseen circumstances, or did procrastination play a part?

Next, assess how much of the assignment you’ve completed. This will help you determine how much extra time is truly necessary. It’s vital to be realistic here; asking for too much time might seem unreasonable.

Lastly, decide on the amount of additional time needed based on your current progress and remaining workload.


If your request involves unavoidable circumstances like health issues or family emergencies, gathering relevant documentation is crucial. This could include medical notes or emails explaining your situation.

Prepare any correspondence related to your extension request in advance. This means drafting emails or letters that clearly explain your situation.

Keeping records of academic performance can also support your request by showing consistent effort in other areas.

Drafting Request

Start with a formal greeting when drafting your request. Addressing the recipient respectfully sets a positive tone for the conversation.

Clearly state that you are requesting an extension and mention which assignment it concerns along with its original due date. Being specific helps avoid confusion and shows that you’re organized despite needing more time.

Understanding extensions from previous sections lays groundwork for making informed requests. Remember: honesty, clarity, and respect are key when communicating about extensions.

Crafting Your Message

Clear communication.

Start by being straightforward with your request. Don’t beat around the bush. Tell your instructor clearly that you’re asking for an extension on your assignment. Use language that’s easy to understand, avoiding any academic or technical jargon that might confuse the message.

Specify a new deadline when you ask for more time. It shows you’ve thought about how much extra time you need and are committed to completing the task within this new timeframe.

Remember to express thanks right from the start. A simple “Thank you for considering my request” goes a long way in setting a positive tone. Always use polite words and phrases throughout your message.

Acknowledge that it’s ultimately up to your instructor to decide. This shows respect for their authority and decision-making process. It can make them more inclined to view your request favorably.


Keep your message focused only on what’s necessary. Mention why you need the extension but stick to facts without diving into too much backstory or making excuses.

Aim for brevity, ideally keeping your entire request under 200 words if possible. This makes it easier for your instructor to read through quickly and understand exactly what you’re asking for without getting lost in details.

Example Templates

Email template.

Crafting a request for an assignment extension starts with a clear subject line . This should plainly state your need, like “Request for Assignment Extension”. Your email must have three parts: an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Begin by politely introducing yourself and stating the course details. Mention why you’re writing. In the body, explain your situation briefly but clearly. Why do you need more time? Be honest but concise.

End your email on a respectful note. Ask for their understanding and propose how you plan to meet the new deadline if granted. Sign off with phrases like “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name.

Follow-Up Note

After sending your request, it’s important to respond regardless of the outcome.

If they grant an extension, send a thank-you note immediately. Confirm any new deadlines in this message. Express gratitude again for their flexibility and understanding.

Even if they deny your request, still thank them for considering it. Acknowledge their decision respectfully and assure them of your commitment to meet the original deadline.

Remember to keep all communication polite and professional.

Effective Communication Strategies

Direct approach.

Be upfront when asking for an extension on an assignment. State your reason early in the conversation or email. This makes it easier for your instructor to understand and respond. Avoid indirect hints or beating around the bush.

For example, start with “I’m reaching out to discuss a possible extension…” rather than leading with unrelated details. This directness shows you respect their time.

Always provide a truthful reason for needing more time. Don’t make up or exaggerate circumstances. It’s better to be honest, even if it means admitting poor planning on your part.

Remember, instructors appreciate sincerity. For instance, saying “I underestimated the time required…” is more respectable than offering excuses that don’t hold up.


Maintain professionalism throughout your communication, regardless of the response you receive.

  • Address the instructor formally unless they’ve indicated otherwise.
  • Proofread your messages to avoid errors which can detract from your request’s seriousness.

Even if denied, thank them for considering your request and maintain a respectful tone. This approach not only reflects well on you but also keeps open lines of communication for future interactions.

Following these strategies enhances the chances of receiving a positive response to requests like those outlined after our Example Templates section earlier. Remembering these key points ensures that both parties feel respected throughout the process:

  • Be direct and concise.
  • Stay honest about circumstances.
  • Uphold professionalism at all times.

What to Avoid

We all face unexpected challenges, but not every setback is a valid reason for an extension. It’s crucial to differentiate between genuine obstacles and mere excuses. Saying “I forgot” or “I didn’t know it was due” won’t cut it. These are common and unconvincing. Instead of pointing fingers at others or external factors, take responsibility for your situation.

Accepting accountability shows maturity. If circumstances beyond your control affected your ability to complete the assignment on time, explain them clearly and concisely. Remember, honesty is always the best policy.


Let’s be real; sometimes we drag our feet. If procrastination put you in a tight spot, own up to it. However, don’t let that be the crux of your request for more time.

Outline what steps you’re taking to improve your time management skills moving forward. This might include using a planner or setting aside specific hours for study each day. But remember, admitting to procrastination should not be the main argument for why you need an extension.

When asking for extra time, clarity is key.

  • Specify how many additional days or weeks you need.
  • Explain how this extra time will enable you to complete the assignment effectively.

Avoid vague requests like “I just need more time.” Instead, provide a clear plan outlining what will be accomplished with the additional days given. This approach demonstrates foresight and responsibility—qualities that instructors value highly.

Best Practices for Success

Early request.

Asking for an extension well before the assignment’s due date is crucial. It shows your instructor you’re proactive, not just trying to delay work. This foresight can make a significant difference in how your request is received.

By reaching out early, you demonstrate responsibility and planning. Instructors appreciate students who communicate openly about their challenges ahead of time. This approach greatly increases your chances of getting a yes.

Justifiable Reasons

It’s important to have a solid reason for requesting an extension. Valid reasons include personal emergencies or serious health issues that prevent you from working on the assignment.

Sometimes, an unexpected academic workload might justify an extension too. But this should be truly overwhelming and unforeseeable situations only. If technology fails you at the last minute, be ready to show proof like error messages or system outage notifications.


Showing flexibility can also help secure that needed extension. Indicate that you’re open to partial extensions or alternative solutions your instructor might suggest.

Be willing to compromise on new deadlines or requirements they offer. Remember, some requests might be non-negotiable due to policy or fairness concerns among all students.

Understanding these limits and showing readiness to adapt demonstrates maturity and respect for the course rules and fairness towards other students.

Insights from Professors


Professors juggle many tasks. They teach, grade, and handle administrative duties. Remember this when asking for an extension on an assignment. Your request is one of many they’ll consider.

Viewing the situation from their perspective helps. It shows empathy and understanding. Recognize that any flexibility on deadlines is a courtesy, not a right. Appreciate their willingness to accommodate you.


If your reasons for needing more time are complex, suggest meeting with your professor. A face-to-face discussion can clarify issues better than email can.

Keep in touch about your progress after getting an extension. This demonstrates responsibility and respect for their decision to grant you extra time.

Building rapport with instructors early on makes these conversations easier when they’re needed most.

You’ve got the tools, templates, and tactics at your fingertips now. Asking for an extension on an assignment doesn’t have to be a nail-biting ordeal. Remember, it’s all about how you approach the situation—be honest, clear, and respectful. Professors are humans too; they get it. Life throws curveballs. By following the advice laid out in this post, you’re not just shooting a shot in the dark; you’re making a well-informed request that’s hard to turn down.

So, take a deep breath and craft that message. Whether it’s due to unforeseen circumstances or a miscalculation of your workload, you now know how to navigate this sticky situation with grace. And hey, if you found this guide helpful, don’t keep it to yourself—share it with a friend or two who might be sweating over the same issue. Let’s spread the knowledge and make those extension requests less daunting for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i know if it’s okay to ask for an extension on my assignment.

You can typically gauge this by reviewing your syllabus and understanding the instructor’s policy on extensions. If still unclear, it doesn’t hurt to ask respectfully; most professors appreciate proactive communication.

What should I include in my request for an extension?

Be concise yet thorough. Mention the assignment, why you’re asking for more time, and propose a new deadline. Keep it professional and to the point.

Can you give me an example of how to craft a message asking for an extension?

Sure! Start with a polite greeting, briefly explain your situation without oversharing details, suggest a new submission date, and thank them for considering your request. It’s like asking a friend for a favor but with more formal language.

What are some effective communication strategies when requesting an assignment extension?

Be honest and respectful in your approach. Use clear language and avoid making excuses. It’s like negotiating; present your case well while being open to compromise.

What should I absolutely avoid when asking for an extension?

Don’t wait until the last minute or come up with elaborate excuses. Professors have heard it all! Think of it as avoiding crying wolf; save requests for when you genuinely need them.

Are there any best practices I should follow to increase my chances of getting an extension?

Yes! Contacting early, providing valid reasons (backed with documentation if needed), suggesting a new deadline yourself, and showing evidence of progress can significantly help your case—think of it as showing good faith effort.

Do professors generally understand when students ask for extensions?

Absolutely! Many professors are willing to accommodate reasonable requests as they understand life happens. They were students once too—imagine them nodding empathetically at genuine asks.

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The Study Blog :

How to ask for an extension for your assignment [examples + template].

By Evans Jun 15 2021

Time management is one thing you should get better at within your academic life, particularly when it comes to assignments.   However, regardless of how much you plan your time or stay organized, things might get out of hand. Read the article below to find why and how to ask for an extension. It also provides examples of how to ask for an assignment extension for your reference.

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What is an Extension Deadline?

An extension deadline for your assignment is the additional time you should request from your supervisor or tutor to finish your task. Most projects have a specific due date, and you should complete them on time. However, there are times when you can fall behind for numerous reasons and can't stay on schedule. At this point, you should reach your instructor and request an extension.

You should request an extension immediately you realize you won't be in a position to meet your original deadline. The deadline might affect other parts of your project, like other team members' abilities to complete the work and the project's completion date. Requesting an extension can offer the supervisor more time to readjust your assignment's workflow and schedule. Some of the situations in which you might request a deadline extension include:

·          The assignment needs more research or work than expected

·          Your project's timeline did not put all factors into consideration

·          You're waiting for essential materials to complete your project

·          You had prioritized the completion of another task

·          You were unable to access the required equipment

·          You had an emergency that stopped you from finishing your assignment

How to Ask for Your Extension

To ask for your extension effectively, kindly do the following:

Determine Whether You Can Get the Extension

Whether it is possible to get an extension depends on your work's scope. While some projects have rigid schedules, it will not matter if you submit a couple of days later when it comes to other projects. Please make sure you understand the flexibility in the deadline and develop a plan for completing your work.

Ask for the Extension

Once you realize you will be behind the deadline, notify your lecturer immediately. Choose the most convenient contact method. You can call them, ask in person, or send an email. Some instructors are too busy to check their mail from time to time, making a text message or phone call a more effective method.

When contacting your instructor, show them that you care about your grades. You can start with a statement about your goal and then why you require the extension.

Determine How Long Your Extension Will Be

Your extension should give adequate time to complete your paper based on how long you have taken to work on it.

Consider your facilitator's personality when determining the duration of the extension to request. If the instructor is strict, leave it to them to decide the time to grant. If you can negotiate with them, you can ask them for a three-day extension and expect the professor to negotiate down. And if the professor is lenient, ask for a specific extension.

Provide Evidence

If you offer proof, your professor will be impressed with your preparedness and is more likely to grant you the extension. Some of the evidence lecturers accept include:

·          A doctor's letter

·          A letter from an employer

·          An email from a child's teacher

·          A receipt from your car or computer repair shop

·          Newspaper clippings

Adhere to Your New Deadline and Ensure It Does Not Happen Again

Analyze your work schedule, avoid procrastination and manage your time better in the future. If possible, scale back on some assignments.

Thank Your Tutor

Express your gratitude for the extension granted and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

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Email Template for Requesting More Time to Complete Your Assignment

Feel free to adapt or use this email template to ask for an extension for your assignment

Dear (Title of your Professor, Dr. Mr. Ms., followed by their last name), My name is (name), and I'm a student in your (name) class. I'm writing you to ask if it might be possible to be granted additional time for the (name of assignment) due on (date). Regrettably, I'm behind with this assignment because (reason). I hope to complete this assignment by (date). I look forward to hearing from you about the same. Kind regards, (Your name and student ID number)       

Here are more examples:       

Dear Dr. Andrea,

I'm writing this email to request an extension on the deadline for the web application development assignment. I'm already done with coding, but the testing and debugging are taking more time than I expected. I have also discovered some errors that I'm working on.

I should submit the assignment on June 23, but I will appreciate it if you extend the due date to June 26.

Thank you for your consideration.

Warm regards,

Dear Professor John,

My name is Jackie, and I'm in your chemistry 101 class. Due to a family emergency, I will be traveling over the weekend without the research materials for the assignment due on Wednesday. Consequently, I would like to request an extension and submit my paper on Friday. In the attachment below is a draft that shows the progress I have made so far.

Many Thanks,

Dear Dr. Peterson,

My name is Jane Stephanie, and I'm in your literature class. My assignment is due on the same day as a presentation at my workplace. Do you provide extensions? If you do, I can submit the assignment on July 20 instead of July 16. I understand that late projects receive grade penalties, which I would like to avoid.

Many thanks,

Dear Professional Kellen,

My name is Ivy Johnson, and I'm in your 11 a.m. English class. From the syllabus, I can see that I should submit my assignment on August 13. Unfortunately, I have three other tasks due on that date for other classes.

Is it possible to get a three-day extension on the deadline and submit it on August 16 instead? If you do not grant extensions, can I get the assignment topic early to work on it in advance?

Warm Regards,

What to Do If You Do Not Get an Extension

Most lecturers understand that students are human beings with jobs and lives outside of class. And many instructors will approve any extension request. However, sometimes the professor might say no. Here is what to do should it happen.

If it is a few hours or days to your deadline, ensure you understand the late penalty and determine whether it is more practical to submit your assignment late or rush to meet your deadline. Ensure you deliver pure gold and don't plagiarize your work; it could result in poor grades.

If you had planned early, you have options. You can rearrange your schedule to make time to write your paper, ask your tutor for the paper topics before, or ask for an extension in another class. Alternatively, you can hire an expert writer from our urgent writing service to complete the assignment for you.

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Adjusted Deadlines

If you are a student who experiences unexpected disability-related flare-ups, you may be eligible for adjusted assignment deadlines. Adjusted deadlines may be considered reasonable accommodations for students with acute, unexpected, or episodic conditions.

General Parameters of the Accommodation

CAE has established a general set of rules that apply in most cases for an adjusted deadline accommodation. While students with this accommodation eligibility may request deadline extensions past the general parameters, each request is subject to review by CAE staff. Students MUST exhaust all of their options under these general parameters for accommodations prior to requesting individual reviews with their CAE Specialist. The general parameters are as outlined below:

  • Requests for extensions that fall under the below general parameters must be requested directly with the instructor.
  • For most assignments and course components (e.g., discussion board activities, reflection papers less than 10 pages in length, homework, lab reports, problem sets), a 48 hour extension should generally be allowed by the instructor.
  • For larger, cumulative assignments and major course assessments (e.g., term papers more than 10 pages in length, capstone projects), a 72 hour extension should generally be allowed by the instructor.
  • For individual presentations, students should be reassigned to a later date not to exceed a week from the original presentation date.
  • This accommodation generally does not apply to group presentations or group-based work (e.g., group briefs, team-based activities).
  • This accommodation also generally does not apply to exams, quizzes, or finals. Students needing to postpone exams, quizzes, or finals should speak with their Disability Specialist about an adjusted attendance accommodation.
  • All requests for this type of accommodation cannot extend a deadline beyond the end of the term and are subject to individual review by a CAE Specialist in consultation with your instructor.

How Can I Request a Deadline Extension

Simply put, once a student is eligible for the adjusted deadline accommodation and they have requested their accommodation letter they either:

  • Make an individual deadline extension request for an assignment or course component with their instructor if it falls within the general parameters listed above.
  • Make an individual deadline extension request for an assignment or course component with their instructor if an alternative accommodation agreement was made because one or more of the general parameters above is not applicable to the course.
  • Consult with their Disability Specialist about an individual deadline extension request if the request falls outside of the general parameters listed above and/or an alternative accommodation agreement CAE made with the instructor.

Step 1: Initial Follow-Up

Once the student has been approved for the accommodation, the student should request their accommodation letter with the adjusted deadline eligibility listed on the letter. The letter directs the instructor to further resources around what is required as a part of the adjusted deadline accommodation. Your Disability Specialist will also send further information on the accommodation and confirm how you will request deadline extensions under the general parameters of the accommodation.

Step 2: Request Accommodation Under the General Parameters

Should an instructor not contest the general parameters listed above for the accommodation, you will request your deadline extensions in accordance with the general parameters. As a reminder, requests for this accommodation when under the general parameters should be made with the instructor and not the Disability Specialist.

Should an instructor decide to contest the general parameters lsited above for the acccommodation, your Disability Specialist will send information over to your instructor about the Adjusted Deadlines Accommodation and ask them to complete an alternative agreement form that outlines the new parameters of this accommodation. The agreement form is intended to identify how the accommodation can be applied to the course without fundamentally altering the objectives and essential outcomes that all students are expected to meet. The Disability Specialist will review the instructors answers and use any infromation provided by the student to come to an agreement that meets this threshold.

While students should not complete these agreements, you can find a sample of the agreement the link below.

Faculty Adjusted Deadlines Alternative Agreement Form

Step 3: Addressing Requests Beyond the General Parameters

When a student is making a request for an adjusted deadline that is beyond the bounds of the general parameters listed above or the alternative agreement established with the instructor, those requests should be made directly with the student's Disability Specialist through the Adjusted Deadlines Requst form below. While requests for adjusted deadlines beyond the general parameters or what the alternative agreement covers are rarely approved, CAE remains committed to working individually with students to determine if additional consideration is reasonable.

Student Adjusted Deadline Request Form

What is the adjusted assignment deadline accommodation?

If a student has a chronic documented disability with unpredictable or cyclical acute episodes, adjustments to deadlines may be appropriate as an accommodation and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What is the purpose of the accommodation?

The accommodation is meant to adjust when or if there is an unexpected, uncontrolled and/or exacerbation of disability-related symptom(s) that prohibit a student’s ability to submit an assignment by an established due date.

When considering adjusted assignment deadlines, what types of assignments is the CAE referring to?

For the purposes of this accommodation, adjusted deadlines refer to in-class assignments, papers/essays, lab reports, and other take-home assignments.

How is this accommodation determined by the CAE?

This accommodation is determined by an individual assessment of, but not limited to:

  • The student’s functional limitations listed in the medical documentation.
  • The student’s narrative in relation to their functional limitations.
  • The course requirements.

The accommodation does not:

Entitle the student to submit all assignments after established deadlines.

Make adjustments for:

  • Academic course load
  • Multiple assignments due in close proximity
  • Studying for exams or other assessments
  • Scheduling conflicts
  • Employment, appointments, or other personal obligations
  • Time management issues

Why do you need to speak with my professor if I am approved for this accommodation?

The CAE may need to conduct "an individualized inquiry" with respect to requests for an adjusted assignment deadline. The student may be required to provide documentation that independently supports their request for extended time on an assignment as an academic adjustment. First, it must be understood that documentation that supports a student's need for extended time on tests and examinations is not sufficient to support a request for extended time on all assignments. Such documentation does not establish entitlement to extended time on all assignments regardless of the nature of the assignment and/or the timeframes involved.

The CAE must ensure that any adjusted assignment deadlines do not fundamentally alter course objectives, which may be found in the syllabus statement. As a result, CAE consults with your instructor to determine what would be a reasonable deadline extension given the nature of their course.

Can I make the request directly with my Professor, TA or Instructor?

Instructional staff should not make inquiries into the nature of a student’s disability, nor assess for the reasonableness of a requested adjustment on the basis of a disability. Individual requests for an adjustment to a deadline are dictated by the general parameters listed above or an alternative agreement established between CAE and the instructor on the accommodation. Requests made outside of the bounds of the agreement should be discussed individually with the student's Disability Specialist.

I am approved for the adjusted assignment deadline accommodation and I’m experiencing a flare-up. What do I do?

It is the student’s responsibility to follow the general parameters listed above or the steps listed in the alternative agreement sent to them for their courses. Should an individual request for a deadline extension fall outside of the bounds of the general parameters or the alternative agreement (e.g., the extension is for an assignment or course component not covered in the agreement), they should reach out to their individual specialist for support.

Additional Resources

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The Best Way To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

Sometimes, life gets pretty stressful with assignments on top of other priorities, especially with the current state of world affairs. It’s easy to bog yourself down with responsibilities, which can affect your mental health and leave you with a looming deadline and last-minute panic over failing a paper because you turned it in late. Instead of trying to get things done all at once, maybe it’s best to ask for an extension on one of your due dates.

Extensions can only be beneficial to your workload and mental health and are, at times, necessary for students to perform their absolute best . If you’re feeling overwhelmed by just about everything going on right now, whether due to illness or general college stress , it might be time to bite the bullet and ask. You might be asking yourself how to send that dreaded email to your professor, or what counts as a good excuse in the first place. We’ve got you covered — here’s how to ask for an extension on an assignment, according to college professors, and an example email template if you need a bit more help with wording your request.

When You Should Ask For An Extension

The idea of being unable to submit every one of your assignments on time may be nerve-racking, but sometimes it’s not a bad thing to ask for an extension. Maybe you’ve realized you have an essay due in every class on the same day. Maybe you’re just trying to spice up your final report so it’s the best it can be! Shawn Kildea, an assistant professor of communication at Rider University , says that students can ask for an extension if they want to add a few elements to their project to improve it as a whole.

“If a student is working on a project and makes it clear that by having more time they can dramatically improve the piece by adding an element they can’t capture in the deadline time frame, I’ll usually offer an extension,” he says.

It’s also worth asking for an extension on an assignment if you are struggling with unclear directions, or if you don’t have the sufficient resources to complete the assignment. This could be affecting the entire class, so expressing your concerns to your professor may be the best way to go. “I will extend a deadline if I believe that my directions were unclear or if the deadline proves too unrealistic, or if a majority of the class appears to be struggling,” says Jason Method, a journalism instructor at Rider University.


It may prove to be an advantage if you are studious and hardworking when it comes to a deadline extension. “If a student has been doing their homework and doing well on tests or quizzes, then if they ask for an extension and offer a decent reason, I’m inclined to listen,” Method says.

One of the biggest things to keep in mind when you’re planning on asking for an extension is that you shouldn’t wait until the very last minute to do so! It will look as if you’ve procrastinated, which won’t leave a good impression on your professors (or one day, on your employers).

“I always tell my students that I almost never grant a last-minute extension request,” says Barry Janes, a communications professor at Rider University. “If they ask earlier, it shows that the assignment is on their minds, and whatever concerns or problems they are having seem more legitimate.”

If you establish early on that more time for your assignment is going to be necessary, ask as soon as possible. Then, explain to your professor what that additional time will help you to accomplish. It may feel like you’re failing in your responsibilities by needing to ask for more time, but if you approach it in a mature way, professors are going to be inclined to listen. 

How To Ask For An Extension

Even if you’re ready to request an extension, you may still be at a loss as to what to say. An email to your professor is probably your best bet. Be polite, explain that you’re requesting an extension, give your reason why, and offer your proposed new deadline. Short and sweet is perfect; no need to try to embellish! 

Still not sure what to say? Give this a try:

Dear Professor ________,

I’ve been having a hard time linking up with my final source for my term paper, and in order for it to be the best it can be, I could really use a little extra time to have the chance to speak with her and incorporate her quotes. Would it be possible to have an extension through the weekend, and turn it in on Monday instead of Friday?

Please let me know if you would like me to meet with you during your office hours to discuss this further.

[Your name] 

It’s no fun to burn out and exhaust yourself mentally as you try to get all of your work done. Asking for an extension may seem scary, but it’s a whole lot better than failing the assignment — or the class altogether ! And hey, the worst that your professor can say is no. Either way, it’s worth a try!

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Ask a Professor: How to Ask for an Extension on an assignment

assignment extension meaning

Assessing the Situation

Understand Your Professor's Policies

How to write a polite and professional email: After that, you'll understand How to Ask for an Extension on an assignment

Follow-Up and Be Prepared

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Finance was never my thing so I figured I would ease my life and hire a professional. The expert completed the assessment 5 hours before the deadline and it was done according to the professor's requirements. Thanks, Mr. Hunther, you were a pleasure to work with.

I keep suggesting Monica to all my friends who are struggling with math. Not only does she provide full answers, but she does a great job at explaining the reasoning behind them.

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Effective communication with professors is a crucial skill that can greatly impact your academic journey, especially when it comes to requesting an extension on an assignment. Knowing how to ask for an extension in a clear and respectful manner is essential. In this article, we will explore the significance of effective communication when asking for an extension and discuss common reasons that may necessitate one. By approaching extension requests professionally and respectfully, you can increase the likelihood of receiving a positive response from your professor and maintain a healthy student-professor relationship.

As students, we may encounter various situations when we really need assignment help . That's when knowing how to ask for an extension becomes important. Unexpected personal emergencies, health issues, overlapping deadlines, or an increased workload can all be valid reasons. However, it is crucial to approach the request in a professional and respectful manner. By doing so, you demonstrate your commitment to your education and show respect for your professor's time and expectations.

It is important to understand that professors are not obligated to grant extension requests. They have their own regulations and considerations to keep in mind. Therefore, to improve your chances of receiving a favorable response, it is crucial to effectively articulate your request. Acknowledge the significance of the assignment, express understanding of the potential impact on your grades, and suggest a fair deadline for completion.

By mastering the art of effective communication and knowing how to ask for an extension professionally, you can navigate the process with confidence. Remember to be respectful, provide valid reasons, and propose realistic solutions. Through open and respectful communication, you can foster understanding and cooperation with your professors, ensuring a smoother academic experience.

Assessing the Situation:

When you are faced with the problem "How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment" it is important to assess the situation carefully before contacting your professor. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • Evaluate the validity of your reasons for requesting an extension: Take an honest look at the reasons behind your request. Are they legitimate and reasonable? Ensure that you have valid grounds for needing additional time to complete the assignment.
  • Consider the assignment's requirements: Review the assignment guidelines and instructions carefully. Understand the scope, complexity, and time required to fulfill the task. Assess whether your initial estimation of the workload was accurate and if it aligns with the given timeframe.
  • Evaluate your workload: Reflect on your overall workload, including other assignments, exams, and commitments. Determine whether the combination of tasks makes it genuinely challenging to complete the assignment on time. Be mindful of the workload distribution and prioritize accordingly.
  • Take personal circumstances into account: Sometimes unforeseen personal circumstances can arise, such as illness, family emergencies, or unexpected events. Consider whether these circumstances significantly affect your ability to complete the assignment within the given timeframe. Ensure that your request is reasonable and supported by genuine circumstances.
  • Determine a realistic and justified timeline extension: Based on your evaluation of the above factors, determine a timeline extension that is realistic and justifiable. Consider the additional time required to produce quality work without compromising other academic responsibilities.

Remember that ask for an extension on an assignment should be a balanced decision made in case of real need and with proper justification. A careful assessment of the situation will allow you to address the professor with a well-founded and reasoned request, which will increase the likelihood of a positive response.

Plan Ahead:

Planning ahead is crucial to avoid the need for extensions and ensure a smooth completion of assignments. Here are some important steps to follow:

  • Be aware of assignment deadlines and schedule your work accordingly: Familiarize yourself with the deadlines for all your assignments. Create a calendar or use a planner to keep track of important dates. Break down the assignment into smaller tasks and allocate specific time slots for each task. By staying organized and proactive, you can effectively manage your time and reduce the chances of needing an extension.
  • Anticipate potential challenges and allocate extra time: Recognize that challenges may arise during the assignment process. It could be difficulties understanding the material, technical issues, or unexpected circumstances. Make room in your agenda for some extra time to take into consideration these possible obstacles. By doing this, you build a buffer that enables you to deal with unexpected events without requesting an extension.
  • Avoid leaving assignments until the last minute: Procrastination can lead to unnecessary stress and increase the likelihood of needing an extension. Start working on assignments as soon as they are assigned. Break them down into manageable chunks and work on them consistently over time. By avoiding last-minute rushes, you give yourself ample time to complete the assignment to the best of your ability.

By planning ahead, you take control of your assignments and reduce the need for extensions. Being aware of deadlines, anticipating challenges, and avoiding procrastination enable you to manage your workload effectively. Remember, effective time management is a valuable skill that not only helps you meet deadlines but also allows for a more balanced and less stressful academic experience.

Understand Your Professor's Policies:

Understanding your professor's policies regarding extensions is crucial when requesting additional time for an assignment. Here are some steps to help you navigate their policies effectively:

  • Check your instructor's syllabus or course policy for an understanding of how to ask for an extension on an assignment: Review the syllabus or any documents describing course policies provided by your instructor. Pay particular attention to any specific information regarding assignment due dates and extension requests. Understand your instructor's guidelines and expectations for extensions.
  • Take note of any specific instructions or guidelines provided: Your professor may have outlined specific procedures or requirements for requesting an extension.Any instructions given, such as whether you need to submit a formal request, the request's format, or any other supporting paperwork that may be needed, should be noted down. Respecting your professor's policies and committing to following the established procedures are demonstrated by following these directions.
  • Respect the professor's discretion in granting extensions: It's important to remember that the decision to grant an extension ultimately lies with your professor. Respect their authority and judgment when considering your request. Keep in mind that they may have multiple students requesting extensions and various factors to consider. Approach the request with professionalism and an understanding that the professor's decision is final.

By familiarizing yourself with your professor's policies and guidelines, you demonstrate your commitment to following their expectations. Respecting their discretion in granting extensions shows your understanding of the academic process and your willingness to comply with their decisions. Understanding the policies helps you navigate the extension request process smoothly and increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.

How to write a polite and professional email: After that, you'll understand How to Ask for an Extension on an assignment.

When requesting an extension from your professor, it is important to communicate your request in a polite and professional manner. Here are the key elements to include in your email:

  • Begin by extending a cordial and respectful greeting to the lecturer as appropriate: Use a formal salutation at the beginning of your email, like "Dear Professor [Last Name]" or "Hello Professor [Last Name]." A professional tone is established in your email by addressing them respectfully and using the correct title.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your email, mentioning the specific assignment and deadline: In the opening paragraph, clearly state the purpose of your email. Mention the specific assignment that you are requesting an extension for and include the original deadline.
  • Explain the reason for your extension request concisely, while being honest and transparent: In the following paragraph, concisely explain the reason behind your extension request. Be honest and transparent about your circumstances, whether they are personal, academic, or related to unforeseen events. Keep your explanation clear and to the point.
  • Express your understanding of the potential impact on your grades and the importance of the assignment: Acknowledge the potential impact that the extension may have on your grades. Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of the assignment and its role in your overall academic progress. This shows that you take your responsibilities seriously.
  • Propose a new deadline and provide a plausible explanation for the requested extension: Suggest a new deadline for the assignment that allows you sufficient time to complete it effectively. Provide a plausible explanation for why you need the extension, making sure it aligns with the reasons you mentioned earlier. Justify the new deadline based on the circumstances you are facing.
  • Provide a strategy describing how you'll finish the work in the extra time: Confide in your professor that you have a strategy in place to finish the work in the extra time. Describe the precise actions you'll take to assure both the quality of your work and a timely submission. This demonstrates your dedication and foresight.
  • Express gratitude for the professor's consideration and sign off respectfully: In the closing paragraph, express your gratitude for the professor's time and consideration of your request. Thank them for their understanding and mention how their support will assist you in meeting the assignment requirements. Sign off your email respectfully, using phrases such as "Thank you for your consideration" or "Best regards."

By crafting a polite and professional email, you demonstrate your respect for your professor and increase the chances of receiving a positive response. Remember to maintain a courteous tone throughout the email and ensure that your request is supported by valid reasons and a well-thought-out plan.

Follow-Up and Be Prepared:

After sending your extension request email to your professor, it's important to follow up and be prepared for the response. Here are some steps to take:

  • Be patient and allow time for the professor to respond to your email: Professors have busy schedules, so it's essential to be patient and give them time to review your request. Avoid sending multiple follow-up emails too soon. Respect their workload and wait for a reasonable amount of time before expecting a response.
  • You should be ready for both a favorable and unfavorable response: Even though you may be hoping for a favorable reaction, it's crucial to be ready in case it's not. You should mentally prepare yourself to accept your professor's decision politely since they might not always offer extensions. You will be better able to navigate potential solutions if you are psychologically prepared.
  • If you are granted an extension, make sure that you meet the new deadline and do your work at a high level, because you will not have another attempt "how to ask a professor for an extension": If your professor has granted your request for an extension, respect his or her decision by meeting the new deadline. Use the extra time wisely to complete the assignment to the best of your ability. Maintain the same level of dedication and perform to a high standard that reflects your commitment and appreciation for the extension.
  • If denied, accept the decision gracefully and consider alternative solutions: If your request for an extension is denied, accept the decision respectfully. Understand that professors may have various reasons for their decision, such as maintaining fairness or adhering to course policies. Instead of dwelling on the denial, focus on alternative solutions. Seek help from a tutor, utilize academic resources, or consider rearranging your priorities to ensure timely completion of the assignment.

Remember that the response to your extension request is ultimately up to your professor. By being patient, prepared for different outcomes, and flexible in finding alternatives, you display maturity and professionalism. Regardless of the response, maintain a positive attitude, and continue to work diligently on your academic responsibilities.


Finally, effective communication and professional behavior are of paramount importance when wondering how to ask for an extension on an assignment. By planning ahead, understanding your instructor's policy, and approaching your request with respect, you increase your chances of receiving a positive response. However, it is important to remember that students should be responsible for their work and that extensions should only be used as a last resort.

Planning ahead and managing your time effectively can minimize the need for extensions. By familiarizing yourself with assignment deadlines, anticipating challenges, and avoiding procrastination, you can stay on track and complete your work within the given timeframe.

Understanding your professor's policies regarding extensions is crucial. By adhering to their guidelines and respecting their discretion, you demonstrate your commitment to the academic process and foster a positive student-professor relationship.

While extensions may be necessary under certain circumstances, it is important to approach them as a last resort. Taking responsibility for your assignments, seeking help when needed, and prioritizing your workload can help prevent the need for extensions.

Remember, effective communication, planning, and responsibility are key to navigating the process of requesting an extension. By demonstrating professionalism and respect, you not only increase the chances of a favorable response but also develop valuable skills that will serve you well throughout your academic and professional journey.

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Extensions on assignments

If something prevents you from meeting the deadline for an assignment, then you should refer to your subject outline for the details of the extension process.

If you need an extension because of illness or misadventure beyond the end of session, see  Long-term extensions (Grade Pending) .

How to apply

Before you apply, follow these steps to make sure you're eligible and if so, that your application is complete.

Check your subject outline

You should apply for Special Consideration as soon as possible after the circumstances have occurred.

See  Time Limits for Special Consideration submission .

Make sure you're eligible

You’re eligible for one automatic extension per subject, per session, for subjects studied in Session 1 (30), Session 2 (60) and Session 3 (90). Automatic extensions are not available for micro-sessions and year-long subjects.

For any other extension requests, you’ll need to make sure you include the right documentary evidence to support your application.

If you're applying because of illness, your medical practitioner will need complete a  Charles Sturt University Student Medical Certificate form [PDF] and you must submit this with your request.

Submit a Request for Special Consideration form .

To apply for an automatic 7-day extension, select An automatic 7-day extension for an assessment item.

To apply for a longer extension, or another extension for the same subject, select An extension to complete an assignment, assessment or placement.

Get support

Contact  Student Central or  Student Advocacy if you need help with your application.

Special Consideration for...

Grade pending

Deferred exam

Intensive Schools


How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

By Laura Brown on 13th August 2022

At least once in college life, every student has to suffer from late submission for the assignment. In such circumstances, students are unaware of how to ask for an extension on an assignment, and they end up deducting their marks. At that particular instant, you look for a cheap assignment and sometimes get it done successfully but fail to do so very often.

For this reason, Crowd Writer UK has come up with a complete guide that will help you while asking your tutor to extend your assignment deadline.

tips to get extension on an assignment

1. Ask As Early As Possible

When you have an assignment due, you know already if you can submit it on time or not. You are well aware of your upcoming schedule until or unless you encounter an emergency situation. So, if you know, you will not be able to make it to the deadline, go to your supervisor, tell them the situation, and ask for an extension as early as you can.

2. Meet The Tutor In-Person (If Possible)

While answering the question of how to ask for extension on assignment, experts often recommend meeting the tutor in person. However, we can understand that sometimes, it is not possible for students to approach the tutor. You can then email your tutor as a second option.

3. Go In The Office Hours

The main reason that you are unable to meet the tutor is looking for them other than the office hours. If you can have the schedule of the specific tutor from the management or online portal, then you can easily calculate some time when you can meet the tutor.

4. Show Your Care For The Grade

For instance, if you are doing an abstract, then you will definitely want to know how long should an abstract be . Similarly, asking for an extension requires that you should reflect intensive care towards your grades. Although your tutor knows it, still tell them how it could affect your grades if your tutor does not extend the submission.

5. Explain The Solution

At Crowd Writer, we value our employees’ problems. Similarly, if you are able to elaborate on your situation to the tutor, then there is a good chance that they will provide you with what you want.

6. Suggest A Timeframe

In order to follow complete steps on how to ask for an extension on an assignment, the next point should be to suggest the next deadline yourself. However, make sure that it should be a practical deadline. Do not ask for an extension for more than 2 to 3 days.

7. Come Up With Some Evidence

It is very necessary that your excuse of being late in submission or for an extension should be backed by some strong evidence. You should have a proper reason for the extension. Just because you were busy, your tutor would not accept your offer. Tell them where you were stuck and provide some evidence for it.

8. Update Your Progress

The most important thing about how to ask for an extension on an assignment is to tell your tutor, how much assignment you have done already or if you have conducted the research, tell them about it.

9. Send A Well Crafted Professional Email

If you are unable to meet your tutor in persona, you should send them the email immediately. Do not waste a lot of time looking for your tutor on campus. Send them a well-crafted email that looks professional and carries all the essential information as discussed above.

10. Concern With Student Council

So you are up to the question, of how to ask for extension on an assignment, then you should take help from your seniors or student council. If they have good terms with the tutor, then it would be really easy for you to get the extension.

11. Do Not Ask Again & Again

Well, if your tutor has not responded to your email or declined your offer, you should not bother them by asking again and again for the tutor. It can make your situation even worse.

12. Be Honest With Your Context

Honesty is really the best policy. Your tutor knows you very well. Be honest with your tutor. Somehow, if you are late due to your own mistake, tell to your tutor, have an apology. If you are suffering from student mental health issues, tell them exactly what you are going through.

Summarizing On How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

Asking your tutor for an extension on any particular assignment is not that easy. You may face several challenges while looking for an extension. You might not be able to meet your tutor or contact them. The best solution is to email them and tell them about the situation. Well, if you can follow the above-mentioned steps, getting an extension will be really a smooth process for you.

Laura Brown

Laura Brown, a senior content writer who writes actionable blogs at Crowd Writer.

Gymnastics at 2024 Paris Olympics: How scoring works, Team USA stars, what to know

assignment extension meaning

Editor’s note: Simone Biles has won Olympic gold in the team final , all-around final and vault final at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Here's what you need to know about artistic gymnastics at the 2024 Paris Olympics .

When did artistic gymnastics become an Olympic sport?

Artistic gymnastics, or gymnastics as it’s traditionally known, was part of the first “modern” Olympics in 1896, and has been part of every Summer Games since. It has undergone some changes – rope climbing was once an event, and women weren’t allowed to compete in the Olympics until 1928 – but it has had largely the same format for the last 60 years. Men compete on six apparatuses – floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel bars and high bar – while women compete on four – vault, uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise.

How does Olympic artistic gymnastics work?

A gymnastics routine gets two scores: One for difficulty, also known as the D score or start value, and one for execution. Every gymnastics skill has a numerical value, and the D score is the sum total of the skills in a routine. The execution score, or E score, reflects how well the skills were done. A gymnast starts with a 10.0, and deductions for flaws and form errors are taken from there.

Add the D and E scores together, and that’s your total for an apparatus. (Vault scores will always be higher because it’s a single skill.)

Every gymnast goes through qualifying. The top 24 all-around gymnasts, with a limit of two per country, advance to the all-around final, where scoring starts over. The top eight gymnasts on each apparatus, again with a two-per-country limit, advance to the event finals. Scoring starts over there, too.

For the 12 countries in the team competition, they will put four of their five gymnasts up on each event in qualifying and can drop their lowest score. You’ll sometimes hear this referred to as “5-4-3.” The top eight teams advance to the final where, you guessed it, scoring starts over. 

In the team final, however, countries compete three gymnasts on each event and must count all three scores. Also known as three-up, three-count. Have to count a fall, and your chances at the gold are probably gone. Count two or three, and you can forget about a medal of any color.

Who are the top Team USA athletes in artistic gymnastics?

Simone, Simone and Simone again. Simone Biles returned to competition last year for the first time since the Tokyo Olympics, where she was forced to withdraw from the team final and all but one event final because of “the twisties.” In her return, she looked spectacular, winning her sixth all-around title and becoming the most-decorated gymnast, male or female, with 37 medals at the world championships and Olympics.

So long as Biles is on her game, she will be favored for golds in the team competition, all-around, vault, balance beam and floor exercise. If she’s healthy, don’t count out reigning Olympic champion Suni Lee.

Fred Richard and Asher Hong lead a young but very talented U.S. men’s team. Their bronze at last year’s world championships was their first medal at a worlds or the Olympics since 2014, and the team only gets stronger with the return of two-time national champion Brody Malone, who missed last year with a knee injury.

What's the international landscape in Olympic artistic gymnastics?

Russia is the only team that could give the American women and the Japanese and Chinese men a real fight, winning both team golds in Tokyo. But the Russians won’t be in Paris, banned from the Olympics as punishment for their invasion of Ukraine.

That means the gold is the U.S. women’s to lose. Even without Simone Biles, who was taking time off after Tokyo, the Americans won their sixth consecutive team title at the world championships in 2022. With Biles back last year, the U.S. women made it seven in a row, beating Brazil by more than two points. In a sport where medals can come down to hundredths of a point, that’s a big gap.

On the men’s side, Japan and China are in a class ahead of everyone else.

In the individual events, the only woman who comes close to Biles is Brazil’s Rebeca Andrade, who finished second to the American at last year’s world championships. But Andrade would likely have to be perfect and Biles would need to make a couple of mistakes for the Brazilian to deny Biles a second all-around title.

Japan’s Daiki Hashimoto, who has added the last two world titles to his all-around gold from Tokyo, is the one to beat in the men’s all-around. His toughest competition will likely be from teammate Kenta Chiba and Ukraine’s Ilia Kovtun, but Fred Richard has a shot at the podium if they are clean.


Cavaliers Facing Make or Break Season After Contract Extensions

Matthew schmidt | aug 1, 2024.

Apr 2, 2023; Cleveland, Ohio, USA; Cleveland Cavaliers forward Evan Mobley (4) celebrates with guard Donovan Mitchell (45) during the second half against the Indiana Pacers at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse. Mandatory Credit: Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

  • Cleveland Cavaliers

The Cleveland Cavaliers haven't added anyone other than rookie Jaylon Tyson this offseason, but they have been busy taking care of a lot of in-house business.

The Cavaliers have reached contract extensions with Donovan Mitchell, Evan Mobley and, most recently, Jarrett Allen. They already extended Darius Garland two years ago.

So, essentially, Cleveland is saying , "This is our roster. Take it or leave it."

That's all well and good to an extent. There is no question that the Cavs' core four is very talented, and the Cavaliers have managed to win 99 regular-season games over the past two seasons with their current group.

However, Cleveland has won just one playoff series in the process, and right now, a legitimate argument can be made that the Cavs are not even a top-five team in the Eastern Conference.

It's becoming increasingly clear that the Cavaliers are not going to make any major roster additions this offseason. Things can change, but Cleveland is trending toward entering the 2024-25 NBA season with largely the same roster it has now.

That means the Cavs are entering a make-or-break year.

That isn't to say that the Cavaliers have to make the NBA Finals next June. That would be a ridiculous ask. But they do need to show some progress.

Imagine if Cleveland posts similar results next season. After handing Mitchell, Mobley and Allen all massive contracts and holding on to Garland. Then what?

The Cavs are in danger of becoming a dreaded treadmill team if they don't start demonstrating some serious progression soon.

The Cavaliers entered the summer with some pretty clear roster needs, and they didn't really address them. They needed a big man who can space the floor. They needed a big defensive wing. They needed a tertiary scorer behind Mitchell and Garland. They didn't get any of it.

Sure, an argument can be made that Tyson feels the need for a long defensive swingman, but he's just a rookie.

Perhaps Cleveland can acquire an interesting piece in a sign-and-trade deal involving Isaac Okoro, but Okoro seems to have generated very little interest.

More than likely, the Cavs will be running it back with the same unit, and while that certainly has its benefits (continuity is always good, and the Cavaliers are talented), it also comes with significant drawbacks that can torpedo Cleveland's chances of becoming a legitimate contender.

The Cavs have to display that they can win with this core. That means winning more than 48 games this time around. That means putting forth a better playoff showing.

And to do that, it will require key players like Mobley and Garland to take big steps forward. Mobley will need to develop a better offensive repertoire. Garland will have to become more efficient and show that he can consistently play alongside of Mitchell.

Health is also a key factor, as neither Mobley nor Garland played 60 games during the 2023-24 campaign. If they can't regularly stay on the floor, achieving any of this will be difficult.

If the Cavaliers don't show any signs of improvement next season, we will be forced to wonder if they handed out their contract extensions in vain...or if they should have simply retooled the roster.

Some were clamoring for Cleveland to trade either Garland or Allen earlier this offseason in order to give the offense a fresher look. The Cavs opted to hold on to both of them.

Obviously, Mitchell likes what the Cavaliers are building. He wouldn't have re-upped otherwise. But, he can bolt in the summer of 2027. He can also ask for a trade sooner if he doesn't like the direction the franchise appears to be headed.

If Cleveland fails to exhibit visible signs of progression next season, it will make it very tough to put any faith in the core group for the long haul.

Matthew Schmidt


Boxers previously barred from women's events will fight in Paris Olympics

Imane Khelif, left, and Kellie Anne Harrington box each other in the ring

Two boxers who were disqualified from competing with women at a global event last year have been permitted to fight in the Paris Olympics, the International Olympic Committee confirmed.

Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu‑ting of Taiwan failed to meet gender eligibility tests at the Women’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi last year, prompting their disqualifications. But they have been cleared to compete in the women’s 66-kilogram and women’s 57-kilogram matches in Paris this week, the IOC confirmed in an email Tuesday.

Yu-Ting Lin flexes her muscles

 At the time of their disqualifications, the president of the International Boxing Association, which governs the World Boxing Championships, alleged that the boxers’ chromosome tests came back as XY (women typically have two X chromosomes, while men typically have an X and a Y chromosome).

“Based on DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women,” the association’s president, Umar Kremlev, told Russia’s Tass news agency at the time. “According to the results of the tests, it was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition.”

Khelif and Lin have both always competed as women, and there’s no indication that either identifies as transgender or intersex, the latter referring to those born with sex characteristics that don’t fit strictly into the male-female gender binary.

Following her disqualification last year, Khelif told Algeria’s Ennahar TV that some “did not want Algeria to win a gold medal.” 

“This is a conspiracy and a big conspiracy, and we will not be silent about it,” she said. 

Lin does not appear to have commented publicly on her disqualification.

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In an email Tuesday, the IOC said that “all athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 comply with the competition’s eligibility and entry regulations, as well as all applicable medical regulations.”

The IOC updated its rules regarding athletes’ gender eligibility, including its transgender participation guidelines,  in 2021 to defer to each sport’s governing body. The IOC no longer recognizes the IBA as the governing body over Olympic boxing, and instead refers to the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit — an ad-hoc unit developed by the IOC — for its eligibility standards.

Critics in the United States, where the issue of whether trans women should be permitted to compete in women’s sports has been hotly debated in recent years, condemned the inclusion of Khelif and Lin in this week’s competition. Some questioned whether their participation was fair to other female competitors , while others directed incendiary language toward the boxers.

Khelif is scheduled to compete against Italy’s Angela Carini on Thursday, and Lin is scheduled to fight against Uzbekistan’s Sitora Turdibekova on Friday.

assignment extension meaning

Matt Lavietes is a reporter for NBC Out.

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Breaking news, dak prescott is ‘confident’ agent, cowboys will agree on contract extension.

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Dak Prescott may not care about exactly where his contract extension lands, but that doesn’t mean he’s giving way in talks with the Cowboys and Jerry Jones.

“I’m a guy that grew up with two older brothers,” Prescott told reporters in Oxnard, California on Friday. “You understand what a brotherhood means, not only for just this team but the fraternity of the NFL and the players. The money is out there and the money can happen. It can be done. There’s ways to make everything work for both ways. That’s in the sense it’s always about pushing the envelope for the next man.”

Prescott’s next deal is expected to be for a mammoth sum, as the Cowboys cannot franchise tag him after the season.

If he signs elsewhere as a free agent, it would stick Dallas with an approximate $40 million cap hit and without their franchise quarterback.

Cowboys quarterbacks Trey Lance, left, Dak Prescott and Cooper Rush talks as they take a break during NFL football training camp Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Jordan Love, Joe Burrow and Trevor Lawrence have all signed record deals for $55 million annually this offseason, though Prescott is older than that group at age 31.

Prescott has said he doesn’t want to be involved in negotiations, but his agent Todd France continues to talk with the Cowboys.

“I’ve never truly cared about the number whether it was the first time in the franchise tag and the negotiations or now,” Prescott said. “That’s why I said I have an agent that I’m confident in and a front office that we can figure out something for both of us that makes sense.”

The Cowboys also have to come to a resolution with CeeDee Lamb , who is holding out of training camp to pressure the Cowboys into a new deal as he heads into the last year of his rookie contract.

“I would not have a legitimate progress point there at all [with Prescott] and I really don’t have one for Lamb either,” owner Jerry Jones told reporters. “And it’s not negative. I’m just not thinking that it will do any good to talk about progress.”

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott participates in drills during NFL football training camp Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Prescott said that Lamb reached out to wish him a happy birthday early last week, which led to a conversation between the two.

“I know he shared with me he’s wanting to get back, ready to get back, hoping this thing gets done for him. I know I am as well,” Prescott said. “Hopefully we’ll get him back sooner than later. But I know he’s grinding and working and ready to get back to work.”


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  2. Learn How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment

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  4. How To Ask For Assignment Extension With Request Letter Sample?

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  1. Assignment Extensions

    The accommodation for Assignment Extensions should always be considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning objectives and pedagogical components. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into ...

  2. Assignment Extension

    The accommodation for Assignment Extensions is always considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis of how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning objectives and pedagogical components. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the ...

  3. How to Ask for an Extension on a Paper

    Tips for Requesting an Extension. Check Circle. Read the syllabus or assignment. Check Circle. Ask your instructor as early as possible. Check Circle. Reach out via email with a specific request. Check Circle. Ask for a shorter extension if possible.

  4. Assignment Extension

    When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments, and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will ...

  5. Extended Time on Assignments

    Extensions are not automatic and failure to communicate with the instructor can result in loss of points for the assignment unless there is a disability related emergency. Extensions are generally a short period of time (1-5 days) unless agreed otherwise with the instructor. If a faculty member disagrees with a requested extension, they should ...

  6. How to Ask for an Extension

    Ask as far ahead of the original deadline as possible. Give a specific reason for your request, but don't go crazy with details. Admit it if you need the extension because you planned poorly. Provide new due date. Offer a plan for how you will finish your work. Thank your professor for considering your request.

  7. PDF Assignment Extension Guide

    Assignment Extension Guide SJSU Administration Bldg., Rm 110, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0168 · (408) 924-6000; [email protected] ... As with all accommodations, this accommodation supports curriculum requirements; meaning, the accommodation could affect and be implemented differently for each course. The accommodation is a shared

  8. How to Ask for Extension on Assignment: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Email Template. Crafting a request for an assignment extension starts with a clear subject line. This should plainly state your need, like "Request for Assignment Extension". Your email must have three parts: an introduction, body, and conclusion. Begin by politely introducing yourself and stating the course details.

  9. Assignment extensions

    An assignment extension accommodation is not a blanket extension on all work, nor is it permission to submit work after the course ends. It is a verification of a student's need to occasionally negotiate due dates. An extension may not be appropriate for some assignments. The spirit of the accommodation is that a student should not be penalized ...

  10. How to Ask for an Extension for your Assignment [Examples + Template]

    Feel free to adapt or use this email template to ask for an extension for your assignment. Dear (Title of your Professor, Dr. Mr. Ms., followed by their last name), My name is (name), and I'm a student in your (name) class. I'm writing you to ask if it might be possible to be granted additional time for the (name of assignment) due on (date).

  11. PDF Disability Services Resource Guide: Extensions on Assignments

    o No - accommoda ons for extensions on assignments do not mean that you automa cally receive an extension for every assignment in the course. The expecta on ... o No. Accommoda ons for extensions on assignments are intended to be used in cases of medical need and do not guarantee a student extensions for circumstances unrelated to

  12. PDF Extensions on assignments Guidelines for determining a reasonable

    Extension on assignments: _____ (in hours or days) Be specific as possible. Avoid vague phrases such as flexible, to be determined or open. It is expected that the student submit the assignment according to the due date on the syllabus if they are able. The extension on assignment accommodation should only be utilized by the student when they ...

  13. Adjusted Deadlines

    Requests for extensions that fall under the below general parameters must be requested directly with the instructor. For most assignments and course components (e.g., discussion board activities, reflection papers less than 10 pages in length, homework, lab reports, problem sets), a 48 hour extension should generally be allowed by the instructor.

  14. The Best Way To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

    Even if you're ready to request an extension, you may still be at a loss as to what to say. An email to your professor is probably your best bet. Be polite, explain that you're requesting an extension, give your reason why, and offer your proposed new deadline. Short and sweet is perfect; no need to try to embellish!


    Faculty: The Assignment Extension states a number of days prescribed. Þ Consider the following when determining if the extension of days prescribed are reasonable & appropriate given the nature of each assignment. It is important to answer the following questions for each assignment: • Are assignments independently completed, i.e. non-group?

  16. PDF FAQs: Disability-Related Absences and Assignment Extensions

    Q: What does the Disability-Related Assignment Extensions accommodation allow? This accommodation allows the student to request an extension of up three days. The extended due date is proposed by the student and must be accepted by the instructor, in writing, via email communication, prior to the assignment due date. This accommodation

  17. How to Ask for an Extension on an assignment

    Mention the specific assignment that you are requesting an extension for and include the original deadline. Explain the reason for your extension request concisely, while being honest and transparent: In the following paragraph, concisely explain the reason behind your extension request. Be honest and transparent about your circumstances ...

  18. Extensions on assignments

    Extensions on assignments If something prevents you from meeting the deadline for an assignment, then you should refer to your subject outline for the details of the extension process. If you need an extension because of illness or misadventure beyond the end of session, see Long-term extensions (Grade Pending) .

  19. How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

    6. Suggest A Timeframe. In order to follow complete steps on how to ask for an extension on an assignment, the next point should be to suggest the next deadline yourself. However, make sure that it should be a practical deadline. Do not ask for an extension for more than 2 to 3 days. 7.

  20. PDF Department of The Air Force

    updates to Assignment Availability Codes and Assignment Limitation Codes reducing the use of acronyms, limiting the scope of this publication to the Department of the Air Force guidance, and lowering compliance tiers where possible.

  21. Assignment Extension Definition

    Related to Assignment Extension. Assignment and Acceptance Agreement means an assignment and acceptance agreement entered into by a Lender, an Eligible Assignee and the Administrative Agent, and, if required, the Borrower, pursuant to which such Eligible Assignee may become a party to this Agreement, in substantially the form of Exhibit C hereto. ...

  22. Fact check: Imane Khelif is a biological woman, not trans or intersex

    At the Paris Olympics, Algerian boxer Imane Khelif has become a target for right-wing activists falsely labeling Khelif as transgender.

  23. Olympics gender testing discussed as two female boxers cleared

    Opinion:Olympic female boxers are being attacked.Let's just slow down and look at the facts. With that ad-hoc unit in charge, Kehlif and Lin both competed at the Tokyo Olympics. Neither won a medal.

  24. Gymnastics at 2024 Paris Olympics: How scoring works, what to know

    A gymnastics routine gets two scores: One for difficulty and one for execution. The D and E scores together are your total for an apparatus.

  25. Cavaliers Facing Make or Break Season After Contract Extensions

    The Cavaliers have reached contract extensions with Donovan Mitchell, Evan Mobley and, most recently, Jarrett Allen. They already extended Darius Garland two years ago. So, essentially, Cleveland ...

  26. Boxers previously barred from women's events will fight in Paris Olympics

    Algeria's Imane Khelif and Taiwan's Lin Yu-ting were disqualified from last year's Women's World Boxing Championships after failing gender eligibility tests.

  27. Dak Prescott is 'confident' agent, Cowboys will agree on contract extension

    Dak Prescott may not care about exactly where his contract extension lands, but that doesn't mean he's giving way in talks with the Cowboys and Jerry Jones. Primary Menu Sections.