Graduate Program

Our graduate program is unique from the other top mathematics institutions in the U.S. in that it emphasizes, from the start, independent research. Each year, we have extremely motivated and talented students among our new Ph.D. candidates who, we are proud to say, will become the next generation of leading researchers in their fields. While we urge independent work and research, there exists a real sense of camaraderie among our graduate students. As a result, the atmosphere created is one of excitement and stimulation as well as of mentoring and support. Furthermore, there exists a strong scholarly relationship between the Math Department and the Institute for Advanced Study, located just a short distance from campus, where students can make contact with members there as well as attend the IAS seminar series.  Our program has minimal requirements and maximal research and educational opportunities. We offer a broad variety of advanced research topics courses as well as more introductory level courses in algebra, analysis, and geometry, which help first-year students strengthen their mathematical background and get involved with faculty through basic course work. In addition to the courses, there are several informal seminars specifically geared toward graduate students: (1) Colloquium Lunch Talk, where experts who have been invited to present at the Department Colloquium give introductory talks, which allows graduate students to understand the afternoon colloquium more easily; (2) Graduate Student Seminar (GSS), which is organized and presented by graduate students for graduate students, creating a vibrant mathematical interaction among them; and, (3) What’s Happening in Fine Hall (WHIFH) seminar where faculty give talks in their own research areas specifically geared towards graduate students. Working or reading seminars in various research fields are also organized by graduate students each semester. First-year students are set on the fast track of research by choosing two advanced topics of research, beyond having a strong knowledge of three more general subjects: algebra, and real and complex analysis, as part of the required General Examination. It is the hope that one, or both, of the advanced topics will lead to the further discovery of a thesis problem. Students are expected to write a thesis in four years but will be provided an additional year to complete their work if deemed necessary. Most of our Ph.D.'s are successfully launched into academic positions at premier mathematical institutions as well as in industry .

Chenyang Xu

Jill leclair.


» » Graduate PhD Program

The Department of Mathematics offers a program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The PhD program is an intensive course of study designed for the full-time student planning a career in research and teaching at the university level or in quantitative research and development in industry or government. Admission is limited and highly selective. Successful applicants have typically pursued an undergraduate major in mathematics.

In the first year of PhD studies, students must pass written examinations in the areas of the basic . In the second year an oral examination on two selected topics must be passed. Subsequent years are devoted to seminars, research, and the preparation of a dissertation. Students are required to serve as a teaching assistant or instructor for four years beginning with the second year of study. All students must serve as a primary instructor for at least one semester; all others semesters students will serve as a teaching assistant. En route to the Ph.D., students will earn three degrees: a Master of Arts (after year one), a Master of Philosophy (after year four), and the Doctorate of Philosophy (after a successful thesis defense).

There are also allied doctoral programs in , , and .

The Mathematics Department is housed in a comfortable building containing an excellent , computing and printing facilities, faculty and graduate student offices, a lounge for tea and conversation, and numerous seminar and lecture rooms.

The department has a broad fellowship program designed to help qualified students achieve the PhD degree in the shortest practicable time. Each student admitted to the PhD program is appointed a fellow in the Department of Mathematics for a period of five years, contingent on good progress. A fellow receives a stipend for the nine-month academic year and is exempt from payment of tuition.

A fellow in the Department of Mathematics may hold a fellowship from a source outside Columbia University. When not prohibited by the terms of the outside fellowship, the University supplements the outside stipend to bring it up to the level of the University fellowship. Candidates for admission are urged to apply for fellowships for which they are eligible (e.g., National Science Foundation, Ford and Hertz Foundations).

All students admitted to the PhD program become fellows in the Department and are exempt from tuition. Students may be responsible for certain : a student activity fee and transcript fee.

Students in the PhD program are entitled to affordable University housing near the Department in Morningside Heights. This makes it possible to live comfortably in the University neighborhood on the fellowship stipend.

The PhD program in mathematics has an enrollment of approximately 60 students. Typically, 10-12 students enter each year. While students come from all over the world, they form an intellectually cohesive and socially supportive group.

New York City is America’s major center of culture. Columbia University’s remarkably pleasant and sheltered , near the Hudson River and Riverside Park, is situated within 20-30 minutes of Lincoln Center, Broadway theaters, Greenwich Village, and major museums. Most department members live within a short walk of the University.

Since receiving its charter from King George II in 1754, Columbia University has played an eminent role in American education. In addition to its various faculties and professional schools (such as Engineering, Law, and Medicine), the University has close ties with nearby museums, schools of music and theology, the United Nations, and the city government.

The application deadline is typically early December for admission the following September. Precise details on requirements and deadlines can be found . Applicants must submit all required documents by the posted deadline. Students whose undergraduate degree was not from an English-speaking country must also submit scores from the TOEFL or IELTS.  Applications must be filed .



Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Columbia University
Office of Student Affairs
107 Low Library, MC 4304
New York, NY 10027

Michael Harris
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
2990 Broadway
509 Mathematics, MC 4406
New York, NY 10027

Overview of the PhD Program

For specific information on the Applied Mathematics PhD program, see the navigation links to the right. 

What follows on this page is an overview of all Ph.D. programs at the School; additional information and guidance can be found on the  Graduate Policies  pages. 

General Ph.D. Requirements

  • 10 semester-long graduate courses, including at least 8 disciplinary.   At least 5 of the 10 should be graduate-level SEAS "technical" courses (or FAS graduate-level technical courses taught by SEAS faculty), not including seminar/reading/project courses.  Undergraduate-level courses cannot be used.  For details on course requirements, see the school's overall PhD course requirements  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Program Plan (i.e., the set of courses to be used towards the degree) approval by the  Committee on Higher Degrees  (CHD).
  • Minimum full-time academic residency of two years .
  • Serve as a Teaching Fellow (TF) in one semester of the second year.
  • Oral Qualifying Examination Preparation in the major field is evaluated in an oral examination by a qualifying committee. The examination has the dual purpose of verifying the adequacy of the student's preparation for undertaking research in a chosen field and of assessing the student's ability to synthesize knowledge already acquired. For details on arranging your Qualifying Exam, see the exam policies and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Committee Meetings : PhD students' research committees meet according to the guidelines in each area's "Committee Meetings" listing.  For details see the "G3+ Committee Meetings" section of the Policies of the CHD  and the individual program pages linked therein.
  • Final Oral Examination (Defense) This public examination devoted to the field of the dissertation is conducted by the student's research committee. It includes, but is not restricted to, a defense of the dissertation itself.  For details of arranging your final oral exam see the  Ph.D. Timeline  page.
  • Dissertation Upon successful completion of the qualifying examination, a committee chaired by the research supervisor is constituted to oversee the dissertation research. The dissertation must, in the judgment of the research committee, meet the standards of significant and original research.

Optional additions to the Ph.D. program

Harvard PhD students may choose to pursue these additional aspects:

  • a Secondary Field (which is similar to a "minor" subject area).  SEAS offers PhD Secondary Field programs in  Data Science and in  Computational Science and Engineering .   GSAS  lists  secondary fields offered by other programs.
  • a Master of Science (S.M.) degree conferred  en route to the Ph.D in one of several of SEAS's subject areas.  For details see here .
  • a Teaching Certificate awarded by the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning .

SEAS PhD students may apply to participate in the  Health Sciences and Technology graduate program  with Harvard Medical School and MIT.  Please check with the HST program for details on eligibility (e.g., only students in their G1 year may apply) and the application process.

In Applied Mathematics

  • First-Year Exploration
  • Areas of Application
  • AM & Economics
  • How to Declare
  • Who are my Advisors?
  • Secondary Field
  • Senior Thesis
  • Research for Course Credit (AM 91R & AM 99R)
  • AB/SM Information
  • Peer Concentration Advisors (PCA) Program
  • Student Organizations
  • How to Apply
  • PhD Timeline
  • PhD Model Program (Course Guidelines)
  • Oral Qualifying Examination
  • Committee Meetings
  • Committee on Higher Degrees
  • Research Interest Comparison
  • Collaborations
  • Cross-Harvard Engagement
  • Clubs & Organizations
  • Centers & Initiatives
  • Alumni Stories

NYU Courant Department of Mathematics

  • Admission Policies
  • Financial Support
  • Ph.D. in Atmosphere Ocean Science
  • M.S. at Graduate School of Arts & Science
  • M.S. at Tandon School of Engineering
  • Current Students

Ph.D. Program in Mathematics

Degree requirements.

A candidate for the Ph.D. degree in mathematics must fulfill a number of different departmental requirements.

NYU Shanghai Ph.D. Track

The Ph.D. program also offers students the opportunity to pursue their study and research with Mathematics faculty based at NYU Shanghai. With this opportunity, students generally complete their coursework in New York City before moving full-time to Shanghai for their dissertation research. For more information, please visit the  NYU Shanghai Ph.D. page .

Sample course schedules (Years 1 and 2) for students with a primary interest in:

Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Linear Algebra Topology II
Differential Geometry I Differential Geometry II
Real Variables Ordinary Differential Equations
Complex Variables Functional Analysis I
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Advanced Topics in Geometry: Isometric Immersions Before and After Nash Advanced Topics in Geometry: Randomness and Complexity
Advanced Topics in Geometry: High Dimensional Expanders and Ramanujan Complexes Advanced Topics in Geometry: Topics in Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis
Harmonic Analysis Advanced Topics in Geometry: Analysis and Geometry of Scalar Curvature
Advanced Topics in PDE: Resonances in PDEs Advanced Topics in PDE: Analytic Aspects of Harmonic Maps

Applied Math (Math Biology, Scientific Computing, Physical Applied Math, etc.)

Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Linear Algebra Applied Stochastic Processes
PDE I Asymptotic Analysis
Fluid Mechanics Continuum mechanics
Numerical Methods I Numerical Methods II
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Neurophysiology and Neuronal Networks Data Analysis
Complex fluids Mathematical Physiology
Real Variables Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics Nonlinear Optimization

Additional information for students interested in studying applied math is available here .


Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Stochastic Calculus Probability: Limit Theorems II
Probability: Limit Theorems I Applied Stochastic Analysis
Real Variables Advanced Topics in Probability: Random Graphs
Complex Variables Advanced Topics in Math Biology:Stochastic Problems in Cellular Molecular and Neural Biology
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Advanced Topics in Probability: Ergodic Theory of Markov Processes Advanced Topics in Geometry: Randomness and Complexity
Advanced Topics in Probability: Motion in Random Media Advanced Topics in Probability: Random Matrices
Advanced Topics in Applied Math: Quantifying Uncertainty in Complex Turbulent Systems Advanced Topics in Probability: Markov Chain Analysis
Derivative Securities Advanced Topics in Numerical Analysis: Monte Carlo Methods


Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Linear Algebra Topology II
PDE I Ordinary Differential Equations
Real Variables PDE II
Complex Variables Functional Analysis I
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Differential Geometry I Algebra II
Harmonic Analysis Advanced Topics in PDE: Extreme Problems for Elliptic Eigenvalues
Advanced Topics in Analysis: Calculus of Variations Advanced Topics in Analysis: Dynamics of the Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation
Probability: Limit Theorems I Probability: Limit Theorems II

The Written Comprehensive Examination

The examination tests the basic knowledge required for any serious mathematical study. It consists of the three following sections: Advanced Calculus, Complex Variables, and Linear Algebra. The examination is given on three consecutive days, twice a year, in early September and early January. Each section is allotted three hours and is written at the level of a good undergraduate course. Samples of previous examinations are available in the departmental office. Cooperative preparation is encouraged, as it is for all examinations. In the fall term, the Department offers a workshop, taught by an advanced Teaching Assistant, to help students prepare for the written examinations.

Entering students with a solid preparation are encouraged to consider taking the examination in their first year of full-time study. All students must take the examinations in order to be allowed to register for coursework beyond 36 points of credit; it is recommended that students attempt to take the examinations well before this deadline. Graduate Assistants are required to take the examinations during their first year of study.

For further details, consult the page on the written comprehensive exams .

The Oral Preliminary Examination

This examination is usually (but not invariably) taken after two years of full-time study. The purpose of the examination is to determine if the candidate has acquired sufficient mathematical knowledge and maturity to commence a dissertation. The phrase "mathematical knowledge" is intended to convey rather broad acquaintance with the basic facts of mathematical life, with emphasis on a good understanding of the simplest interesting examples. In particular, highly technical or abstract material is inappropriate, as is the rote reproduction of information. What the examiners look for is something a little different and less easy to quantify. It is conveyed in part by the word "maturity." This means some idea of how mathematics hangs together; the ability to think a little on one's feet; some appreciation of what is natural and important, and what is artificial. The point is that the ability to do successful research depends on more than formal learning, and it is part of the examiners' task to assess these less tangible aspects of the candidate's preparation.

The orals are comprised of a general section and a special section, each lasting one hour, and are conducted by two different panels of three faculty members. The examination takes place three times a year: fall, mid-winter and late spring. Cooperative preparation of often helpful and is encouraged. The general section consists of five topics, one of which may be chosen freely. The other four topics are determined by field of interest, but often turn out to be standard: complex variables, real variables, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. Here, the level of knowledge that is expected is equivalent to that of a one or two term course of the kind Courant normally presents. A brochure containing the most common questions on the general oral examination, edited by Courant students, is available at the Department Office.

The special section is usually devoted to a single topic at a more advanced level and extent of knowledge. The precise content is negotiated with the candidate's faculty advisor. Normally, the chosen topic will have a direct bearing on the candidate's Ph.D. dissertation.

All students must take the oral examinations in order to be allowed to register for coursework beyond 60 points of credit. It is recommended that students attempt the examinations well before this deadline.

The Dissertation Defense

The oral defense is the final examination on the student's dissertation. The defense is conducted by a panel of five faculty members (including the student's advisor) and generally lasts one to two hours. The candidate presents his/her work to a mixed audience, some expert in the student's topic, some not. Often, this presentation is followed by a question-and-answer period and mutual discussion of related material and directions for future work.

Summer Internships and Employment

The Department encourages Ph.D. students at any stage of their studies, including the very early stage, to seek summer employment opportunities at various government and industry facilities. In the past few years, Courant students have taken summer internships at the National Institute of Health, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and NASA, as well as Wall Street firms. Such opportunities can greatly expand students' understanding of the mathematical sciences, offer them possible areas of interest for thesis research, and enhance their career options. The Director of Graduate Studies and members of the faculty (and in particular the students' academic advisors) can assist students in finding appropriate summer employment.

Mentoring and Grievance Policy

For detailed information, consult the page on the Mentoring and Grievance Policy .

Visiting Doctoral Students

Information about spending a term at the Courant Institute's Department of Mathematics as a visiting doctoral student is available on the Visitor Programs  page.

Welcome to the Math PhD program at Harvard University and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Learn more about Harvard’s Math community and our statement on diversity and inclusion.

The Harvard Griffin GSAS Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging offers student affinity groups for graduate students and many other resources.

The Harvard University Office for Gender Equity has dedicated GSAS Title IX resource coordinators who work with and support graduate students.

open. The application deadline is December 15, 2021. -->

The application deadline for fall 2024 admission has passed. Applications for fall 2025 admission will open in September 2024.

For information on admissions and financial support, please visit the Harvard Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Harvard Griffin GSAS is committed to ensuring that our application fee does not create a financial obstacle. Applicants can determine eligibility for a fee waiver by completing a series of questions in the Application Fee section of the application. Once these questions have been answered, the application system will provide an immediate response regarding fee waiver eligibility.

Mathematics, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences.

The goal of our PhD program is to train graduate students to become research mathematicians. Our students  go on to exciting careers  in mathematics both inside and outside of academia.

Faculty research interests  in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Mathematics are concentrated in several areas of pure mathematics, including algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, category theory, geometric analysis, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics, number theory, and partial differential equations. The department also has an active group in data science, in collaboration with the  Applied Math Department .

The Department values diversity among its members, is committed to building a diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from all interested parties.

A brief overview of our graduate program is below. For more detailed information, please see the links at the right.

Program Overview

PhD candidates take two or three courses per semester over the first several years of the program. These are a mix of required and intermediate-level graduate courses, independent studies, and special topics classes offered by our faculty. Candidates must take, attend, participate in, and pass the course 110.771 (GTA Teaching Seminar). The seminar is an important part of the preparation for classroom teaching, and thus an essential part of mathematics graduate education. The seminar is generally required in a student's first year at JHU. A student supported by an external fellowship may delay taking the seminar until the spring before they are required to TA (but may not postpone the seminar entirely).

By the beginning of their second year, students are asked to demonstrate competency in algebra and in analysis by passing written qualifying exams in these two broad areas. Students are then expected to choose an advisor, who will supervise their dissertation and also administer an oral qualifying exam to be taken in the second or third year. More specifics about all these requirements are described on the  requirements page .

All graduate students are invited to attend  weekly research seminars in a variety of topic areas  as well as regular department teas and a weekly wine and cheese gathering attended by many junior and senior members of the department. A graduate student lunch seminar series provides an opportunity for our students to practice their presentation skills to a general audience.

Teaching experience is regarded as an important part of the graduate program, and graduate students are required to teach during their program.

Each student is awarded a travel allowance to enable them to attend conferences for which limited funding is available, or to visit researchers at other institutions.

William Kelso Morrill Award

The William Kelso Morrill Award for excellence in the teaching of mathematics is awarded every spring to the graduate student who best exemplifies the traits of William Kelso Morrill: a love of mathematics, a love of teaching, and a concern for students.

Joel Dean Excellence in Teaching Awards

These awards are given each year to graduate student teaching assistants, undergraduate teaching assistants, and non-tenure-track faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and commitment to undergraduate education.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the PhD program is based on primarily on academic records, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. The Department of Mathematics values diversity among its members, is committed to building a diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from all interested parties.

Via the online application , applicants should submit:

  • A Statement of Purpose
  • An optional Personal Statement
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Official TOEFL scores (if English is not your first language)
  • Optionally , a self-reported score for the GRE Mathematics subject test.

The required Statement of Purpose discusses your academic interests, objectives, and preparation. The optional Personal Statement describes your personal background, and helps us create a more holistic understanding of you as an applicant. If you wish you may also discuss your personal background in the Statement of Purpose (e.g. if you have already written a single essay addressing both topics), instead of submitting separate statements.

Submission of GRE Math subject scores is optional. The department views GRE Math subject scores as useful information. For applications which do not include these scores, more weight will be placed on the other elements of the application. Applicants who choose to self-report a GRE Math Subject score need not send an official score report at time of application; we will request verification only if you are accepted to the program.

Application fee waivers are available based on financial need and/or participation in certain programs .

Many frequently asked questions about the graduate admission process are answered here .

No application materials should be mailed to the department. All application materials are processed by the Graduate Admissions Office .

Undergraduate Background

The following is an example of what the math department would consider a good background for a student coming out of a four-year undergraduate program at a college or university in the U.S. (assuming a semester system):

  • Calculus in one variable (two semesters, or AP credits)
  • Multivariable Calculus (one semester)
  • Linear Algebra (one semester)
  • Complex analysis (one semester)
  • Real analysis (two semesters)
  • Abstract algebra (two semesters)
  • Point-set topology (one semester)

Many admitted students have taken upper-level undergraduate mathematics courses or graduate courses. Nevertheless, the department does admit very promising students whose preparation falls a little short of the above model. In such cases, we strongly recommend that the student start to close the gap over the summer, before arriving for the start of the fall semester.

Additional Information for International Students

Student Visa Information:  The Office of International Services at Homewood  will assist admitted international students in obtaining a student visa.

English Proficiency: Johns Hopkins University requires students to have adequate English proficiency for their course of study. Students must be able to read, speak, and write English fluently upon their arrival at the university. Applicants whose native language is not English must submit proof of their proficiency in English before they can be offered admission and before a visa certificate can be issued. Proficiency can be demonstrated by submitting results from either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the IELTS . Johns Hopkins prefers a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL or a Band Score of 7 on the IELTS. Results should be sent to Johns Hopkins directly by TOEFL or IELTS. Applicants taking the IELTS must additionally upload a copy of their score through the application system. However, do not send the student copy or a photocopy of the TOEFL.

Program Requirements

Course requirements.

Mathematics PhD candidates must show satisfactory work in Algebra (110.601-602), Real Variables (110.605), Complex Variables (110.607), and one additional non-seminar mathematics graduate course in their first year. The first-year algebra and analysis requirement can be satisfied by passing the corresponding written qualifying exam in September of the first year; these students must complete at least two courses each semester. In addition, PhD candidates must take Algebraic Topology (110.615) and Riemannian Geometry (110.645) by their second year. Students having sufficient background can substitute an advanced topology course for 110.615, or an advanced geometry course for 110.645 with the permission of the instructor.

Candidates must show satisfactory work in at least two mathematics graduate courses each semester of their second year, and if they have not passed their oral qualifying exam, in the first semester of their third year.

Qualifying Exams

Candidates must pass written qualifying exams by the beginning of their second year in Analysis (Real & Complex) and in Algebra. Exams are scheduled for September and May of each academic year, and the dates are announced well in advance.

Candidates must pass an oral qualifying examination in the student’s chosen area of research by April 10 of the third year. The topics of the exam are chosen in consultation with the faculty member who has agreed (provisionally) to be the student’s thesis advisor, who will also be involved in administering the exam.

PhD Dissertation

Candidates must produce a written dissertation based upon independent and original research. After completion of the thesis research, the student will defend the dissertation by means of the  Graduate Board Oral exam . The exam must be held at least three weeks before the Graduate Board deadline the candidate wishes to meet.

Our PhD program does not have a foreign language requirement.

Graduate School



General information, program offerings:, director of graduate studies:, graduate program administrator:.

The Department of Mathematics graduate program has minimal requirements and maximal research and educational opportunities. It differentiates itself from other top mathematics institutions in the U.S. in that the curriculum emphasizes, from the start, independent research. Our students are extremely motivated and come from a wide variety of backgrounds. While we urge independent work and research, a real sense of camaraderie exists among our graduate students. As a result, the atmosphere created is one of excitement and stimulation and mentoring and support. There also exists a strong scholarly relationship between the department and the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), located a short distance from campus. Students can contact IAS members as well as attend the IAS seminar series.

Students are expected to write a dissertation in four years but may be provided an additional year to complete their work if deemed necessary. Each year, our graduates are successfully launched into academic positions at premier mathematical institutions and industry.

Program Offerings

Program offering: ph.d..

The department offers a broad variety of research-related courses as well as introductory (or “bridge”) courses in several areas, which help first-year students strengthen their mathematical background. Students also acquire standard beginning graduate material primarily through independent study and consultations with the faculty and fellow students.


Students must satisfy the language requirement by demonstrating to a member of the mathematics faculty a reasonable ability to read ordinary mathematical texts in one of the following three languages: French, German, or Russian. Students must pass the language test by the end of the first year and before standing for the general exam.

Additional pre-generals requirements

Seminars The department offers numerous seminars on diverse topics in mathematics. Some seminars consist of systematic lectures in a specialized topic; others present reports by students or faculty on recent developments within broader areas. There are regular seminars on topics in algebra, algebraic geometry, analysis, combinatorial group theory, dynamical systems, fluid mechanics, logic, mathematical physics, number theory, topology, and other applied and computational mathematics. Without fees or formalities, students may also attend seminars in the School of Mathematics at the IAS.

The department also facilitates several informal seminars specifically geared toward graduate students: (1) Colloquium Lunch Talk, where experts who have been invited to present at the department colloquium will give introductory talks, which allows graduate students to understand the afternoon colloquium more easily; (2) Graduate Student Seminar (GSS), which is organized and presented by graduate students and helps in creating a vibrant mathematical interaction among the graduate students; and, (3) What’s Happening in Fine Hall (WHIFH) seminar, where faculty members present talks in their own research areas specifically geared towards graduate students. Reading seminars are also organized and run by graduate students.

General exam

Beyond needing a strong knowledge of three more general subjects (algebra, and real and complex analysis), first-year students are set on the fast track of research by choosing two advanced research topics as part of their general exam. The two advanced topics are expected to come from distinct major areas of mathematics, and the student’s choice is subject to the approval of the department. Usually, by the second year, students will begin investigations of their own that lead to the doctoral dissertation.

General Exam in Mathematical Physics For a mathematics student interested in mathematical physics, the general exam is adjusted to include mathematical physics as one of the two special topics.

Qualifying for the M.A.

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is considered an incidental degree on the way to full Ph.D. candidacy. It is earned once a student successfully passes the language requirement and the general exam, and the faculty recommends it. It may also be awarded to students who, for various reasons, may leave the Ph.D. program, provided that the following requirements are met: passing the language requirement as well as the three general subjects (algebra, and real and complex analysis) of the general exam, and receiving department approval.

During the second, third, and fourth years, graduate students are expected to either grade or teach two sections of an undergraduate course, or the equivalent, each semester. Although students are not required to teach to fulfill department Ph.D. requirements, they are strongly encouraged to do so at least once before graduating. Teaching letters of recommendation are necessary for most postdoctoral applications.

Post-Generals requirements

Selection of a Research Adviser Upon completion of the general exam, the student is expected to choose a thesis adviser.

Dissertation and FPO

Two to three years is usually necessary for the completion of a suitable dissertation. Upon completion and acceptance of the dissertation by the department and Graduate School, the candidate is admitted to the final public oral examination. The dissertation is presented and defended by the candidate.

The Ph.D. is awarded after the candidate’s doctoral dissertation has been accepted and the final public oral examination sustained.

  • Igor Rodnianski

Associate Chair

  • János Kollár

Director of Graduate Studies

  • Lue Pan (associate)
  • Chenyang Xu

Director of Undergraduate Studies

  • Jennifer M. Johnson (associate)
  • Michael Aizenman
  • Noga M. Alon
  • Manjul Bhargava
  • Sun-Yung A. Chang
  • Maria Chudnovsky
  • Fernando Codá Marques
  • Peter Constantin
  • Mihalis Dafermos
  • Charles L. Fefferman
  • David Gabai
  • June E. Huh
  • Alexandru D. Ionescu
  • Nicholas M. Katz
  • Sergiu Klainerman
  • Peter Steven Ozsváth
  • Peter C. Sarnak
  • Paul Seymour
  • Amit Singer
  • Christopher M. Skinner
  • Allan M. Sly
  • Zoltán Szabó
  • Paul C. Yang
  • Shou-Wu Zhang

Assistant Professor

  • Bjoern Bringmann
  • Matija Bucic
  • Marc Aurèle Tiberius Gilles
  • Jonathan Hanselman
  • Susanna Haziot
  • Ana Menezes
  • Ravi Shankar
  • Jacob Shapiro
  • Jakub Witaszek
  • Ruobing Zhang

Associated Faculty

  • John P. Burgess, Philosophy
  • René A. Carmona, Oper Res and Financial Eng
  • Bernard Chazelle, Computer Science
  • Hans P. Halvorson, Philosophy
  • William A. Massey, Oper Res and Financial Eng
  • Frans Pretorius, Physics
  • Robert E. Tarjan, Computer Science
  • Ramon van Handel, Oper Res and Financial Eng
  • Louis Esser
  • Sepehr Hajebi
  • Kimoi Kemboi
  • Dmitry Krachun
  • Anubhav Mukherjee
  • Sung Gi Park
  • Semon Rezchikov
  • Joshua X. Wang
  • Mingjia Zhang

University Lecturer

  • Jennifer M. Johnson

Senior Lecturer

  • Jonathan M. Fickenscher
  • Mark W. McConnell
  • Tatyana Chmutova
  • Tatiana K. Howard
  • John T. Sheridan
  • David Villalobos

Visiting Professor

  • Bhargav B. Bhatt

Visiting Lecturer with Rank of Professor

  • Camillo De Lellis
  • Helmut H. Hofer
  • Akshay Venkatesh

For a full list of faculty members and fellows please visit the department or program website.

Permanent Courses

Courses listed below are graduate-level courses that have been approved by the program’s faculty as well as the Curriculum Subcommittee of the Faculty Committee on the Graduate School as permanent course offerings. Permanent courses may be offered by the department or program on an ongoing basis, depending on curricular needs, scheduling requirements, and student interest. Not listed below are undergraduate courses and one-time-only graduate courses, which may be found for a specific term through the Registrar’s website. Also not listed are graduate-level independent reading and research courses, which may be approved by the Graduate School for individual students.

COS 522 - Computational Complexity (also MAT 578)

Mat 500 - effective mathematical communication, mat 515 - topics in number theory and related analysis, mat 516 - topics in algebraic number theory, mat 517 - topics in arithmetic geometry, mat 518 - topics in automorphic forms, mat 519 - topics in number theory, mat 520 - functional analysis, mat 522 - introduction to pde (also apc 522), mat 525 - topics in harmonic analysis, mat 526 - topics in geometric analysis, mat 527 - topics in differential equations, mat 528 - topics in nonlinear analysis, mat 529 - topics in analysis, mat 531 - introduction to riemann surfaces, mat 547 - topics in algebraic geometry, mat 549 - topics in algebra, mat 550 - differential geometry, mat 555 - topics in differential geometry, mat 558 - topics in conformal and cauchy-rieman (cr) geometry, mat 559 - topics in geometry, mat 560 - algebraic topology, mat 566 - topics in differential topology, mat 567 - topics in low dimensional topology, mat 568 - topics in knot theory, mat 569 - topics in topology, mat 572 - topics in combinatorial optimization (also apc 572), mat 577 - topics in combinatorics, mat 579 - topics in discrete mathematics, mat 585 - mathematical analysis of massive data sets (also apc 520), mat 586 - computational methods in cryo-electron microscopy (also apc 511/mol 511/qcb 513), mat 587 - topics in ergodic theory, mat 589 - topics in probability, statistics and dynamics, mat 595 - topics in mathematical physics (also phy 508), mat 599 - extramural summer research project, phy 521 - introduction to mathematical physics (also mat 597).

PhD in Mathematics

The PhD in Mathematics provides training in mathematics and its applications to a broad range of disciplines and prepares students for careers in academia or industry. It offers students the opportunity to work with faculty on research over a wide range of theoretical and applied topics.

Degree Requirements

The requirements for obtaining an PhD in Mathematics can be found on the associated page of the BU Bulletin .

  • Courses : The courses mentioned on the BU Bulletin page can be chosen from the graduate courses we offer here . Half may be at the MA 500 level or above, but the rest must be at the MA 700 level or above. Students can also request to use courses from other departments to satisfy some of these requirements. Please contact your advisor for more information about which courses can be used in this way. All courses must be passed with a grade of B- or higher.
  • Analysis (examples include MA 711, MA 713, and MA 717)
  • PDEs and Dynamical Systems (examples include MA 771, MA 775, and MA 776)
  • Algebra and Number Theory (examples include MA 741, MA 742, and MA 743)
  • Topology (examples include MA 721, MA 722, and MA 727)
  • Geometry (examples include MA 725, MA 731, and MA 745)
  • Probability and Stochastic Processes (examples include MA 779, MA 780, and MA 783)
  • Applied Mathematics (examples include MA 750, MA 751, and MA 770)
  • Comprehensive Examination : This exam has both a written and an oral component. The written component consists of an expository paper of typically fifteen to twenty-five pages on which the student works over a period of a few months under the guidance of the advisor. The topic of the expository paper is chosen by the student in consultation with the advisor. On completion of the paper, the student takes an oral exam given by a three-person committee, one of whom is the student’s advisor. The oral exam consists of a presentation by the student on the expository paper followed by questioning by the committee members. A student who does not pass the MA Comprehensive Examination may make a second attempt, but all students are expected to pass the exam no later than the end of the summer following their second year.
  • Oral Qualifying Examination: The topics for the PhD oral qualifying exam correspond to the two semester courses taken by the student from one of the 3 subject areas and one semester course each taken by the student from the other two subject areas. In addition, the exam begins with a presentation by the student on some specialized topic relevant to the proposed thesis research. A student who does not pass the qualifying exam may make a second attempt, but all PhD students are expected to pass the exam no later than the end of the summer following their third year.
  • Dissertation and Final Oral Examination: This follows the GRS General Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree .

Admissions information can be found on the BU Arts and Sciences PhD Admissions website .

Financial Aid

Our department funds our PhD students through a combination of University fellowships, teaching fellowships, and faculty research grants. More information will be provided to admitted students.

More Information

Please reach out to us directly at [email protected] if you have further questions.

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The Department of Mathematics | Columbian College of Arts & Sciences site logo

Department of Mathematics

Columbian College of Arts & Sciences

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The Department of Mathematics | Columbian College of Arts & Sciences

PhD in Mathematics

A student presenting her thesis

The doctoral program in the Department of Mathematics offers the personalized attention of a small department while also providing a wide range of faculty who offer expertise to support dissertation research. The  graduate student environment  in the department is collaborative and rigorous, with many opportunities for mentorship, peer interaction and interdisciplinary opportunities across and outside the university.

PhD graduates go on to work as policy makers, consultants, data analysts, professors, researchers at internationally renowned institutions and much more. 

Prospective Students

Apply to GW

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Current Students

CCAS Doctoral Student Handbook

Graduate Student Resources

Teaching Assistantships and Funding

Full-time PhD students in mathematics are supported primarily through teaching assistantship (TA) positions. Students making acceptable progress in the PhD program are normally funded for at least five (and sometimes six) years.

While teaching assistant (TA) positions are usually offered to PhD students, master’s and part-time students are also invited to apply through the  Office of Graduate Student Assistantships and Fellowships website .

  • A stipend in the form of a GW fellowship
  • Tuition credits (up to nine credit hours per semester)
  • A salary in exchange for teaching work

PhD students apply for teaching assistantships as part of the general GW application process. Applications to the doctoral program completed before February 1 will receive full consideration for TA positions.

The duties of TAs may include teaching a course, conducting recitations, assisting in a computer lab, holding office hours, grading homework and proctoring and grading exams. Such duties typically take about 15 hours per week. 

The graduate committee, in consultation with students' advisors, makes recommendations to CCAS for renewal of support; these recommendations are subject to the approval of the CCAS Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. Students making good progress toward earning a PhD and performing their teaching duties well usually receive at least five years of support. Requests for a sixth year of funding can be made when there is good evidence that the student is likely to complete the degree in the sixth year.

Several activities for new graduate students are held the week before the fall semester begins: 

  • a  Graduate Teaching Assistant Program  (GTAP) orientation organized by the  GW Office of Graduate Student Assistantships and Fellowships ;
  • an English test and interview for international students; and
  • an orientation for mathematics graduate students, organized by the Department of Mathematics.

At the GTAP orientation, each new TA gives a five-minute sample presentation to a small group of peers and is evaluated for effective communication. All students, especially international students, are encouraged to discuss their presentation in advance with their academic advisor.

Sita Ramamurthy

"I owe my success to my beginning days in the U.S. — to all the wonderful professors at GW. If not for their constant support, I would not have completed my PhD and all this would be moot!"

Sita Ramamurti PhD '95, 2020 Leo Schubert Teaching Award

Course Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled:

The general requirements stated under  Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Programs .

The requirements for the  Doctor of Philosophy Program .


Pre-candidacy requirements include satisfactory completion of 48 credits of coursework and achievement of a passing grade in the general examination.

After completing 36 credits of coursework, students may petition the graduate committee for approval to take MATH 6995 , but students may take no more than 12 credits in any combination of MATH 6995 and MATH 8999 in a single academic year.

Students wishing to take courses outside the department must petition and obtain the approval of the graduate committee.  The committee may limit the number of such courses that students take.

Subject to the approval of the graduate committee (requested via petition), students may take up to 12 credits of courses  offered by other institutions  in  the  Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area .   Students wishing to take such courses must petition and obtain the approval of the graduate committee.

Subject to the approval of the graduate committee (requested via petition) and the agreement of the instructor, students may take up to 12 credits from the following upper-level undergraduate courses for graduate credit, provided that additional graduate-level coursework is completed in these classes.

Course List
Code Title Credits
MATH 3613Introduction to Combinatorics
MATH 3632Introduction to Graph Theory
MATH 3710Introduction to Mathematical Logic
MATH 3720Axiomatic Set Theory
MATH 3730Computability Theory
MATH 3740Computational Complexity
MATH 3848Differential Geometry
MATH 4239Real Analysis I
MATH 4240Real Analysis II
MATH 4981Seminar: Topics in Mathematics

General examination

The general examination consists of two preliminary examinations. One examination is in two to four subjects selected from algebra, analysis, topology, and applied math, and the other is a specialty examination in a research area approved by the department.

Post-candidacy requirements

Post-candidacy requirements include the successful completion of an additional 24 credits of graduate coursework, including at least 6 credits of MATH 8999 ; the completion of the dissertation; and the successful defense of the dissertation in a final oral examination.

No more than 15 credits in any combination of MATH 6995 and MATH 8999 may be among the student's final 18 credits of required coursework.

Once a student successfully completes 24 post-candidacy credits, they must register for 1 credit of CCAS 0940  each subsequent fall and spring semester until they have successfully defended their dissertation, thereby completing the degree program.

Penn Arts & Sciences Logo

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Department of Mathematics

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Penn Arts & Sciences Logo

Mathematics Graduate Program

Thinking of applying to graduate school in mathematics.

math phd courses

Penn was ranked 8th among all US universities in a leading national study , and our mathematics graduate program was recently highest in a study of graduate programs in arts and sciences at Penn. We have a very active and involved mathematics faculty , diverse course offerings and a broad seminar schedule , with a variety of research projects and strengths in algebra, analysis, geometry-topology, combinatorics, logic, probability, and mathematical physics. We have a supportive atmosphere, with personal attention from the faculty and extensive interaction among graduate students. Our grad students can take courses not only in the Mathematics Department but also elsewhere at Penn, and the wide resources of the university are available. Our former graduate students have gone on to mathematical careers both in academia and in industry.

Our full-time Ph.D. students receive a generous and competitive support package including

  • five years of funding with a combination of  fellowships and teaching assistantships;
  • a stipend and a full tuition scholarship;
  • no teaching responsibilities for at least two years (generally including the first and fourth year);
  • health insurance coverage provided at no cost to the student.

We invite you to learn about our graduate program, our math department, our university and living in Philadelphia, a cosmopolitan city and a true mathematical hub, with easy access to nearby mathematics departments and research institutes.

We are looking for interested, mathematically talented and dedicated students to be a part of our group of excellent future mathematicians. Consider applying to Penn for your graduate education. Questions?

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Records with are incomplete.

Air Force Institute of Technology Dept of Math & Stat


  • Certificate

Institution overview

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Air Force Institute of Technology
Location Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 17
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 7
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 7
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 9 2022 08:56AM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online?
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0

Masters programs

Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · A thesis is required and is usually linked to the nation's defense. An out-of-department two-course sequence is required.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 3
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Students must be employees of the defense industry.

PhD programs

Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 3
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Students must be defense industry employees.

Certificate programs

Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online?
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Alabama A & M University Dept of Physics Chemistry and Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Alabama A & M University
Department Dept of Physics Chemistry and Mathematics
Location Normal, Alabama United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online?
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online?
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online?
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online?
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Arizona State University S A Levin Math, Comp & Modeling Sciences Ctr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Arizona State University
Department S A Levin Math, Comp & Modeling Sciences Ctr
Location Tempe, Arizona United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Arizona State University School of Math & Stat Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Arizona State University
Department School of Math & Stat Sci
Location Tempe, Arizona United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Auburn University Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Auburn University
Location Auburn, Alabama United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 50
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 40
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 35
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 20 2023 02:37PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Masters in Data Science does not require GRE
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 90
Full-time women
First year 19
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 90
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $32000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Mostly tenure tracks in higher education institutions. Some found success in high tech companies.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Augusta University Dept of Population Health Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Augusta University
Department Dept of Population Health Sciences
Location Augusta, Georgia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Baylor University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Baylor University
Location Waco, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 23
Total women 1
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:25PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online?
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

72 hours of study including 21 hours from core courses, 2 Qualifying exams over core courses, Preliminary exam with advisor, and defense of thesis

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 33
Full-time women 7
First year 11
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 33
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28000
Comments regarding financial support Year 1: tutoring and grading Year 2+: teaching a single three hour course, full TOR
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been 100% employment in: research focused academia, teaching focused academia, financial companies, tech companies, and government agencies

Baylor University Dept of Statistical Science

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Baylor University
Location Waco, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 13
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 8
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 10 2020 04:37PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Baylor's Department of Statistical Science administers two graduate programs. Both programs, the Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), provide a balance between statistical theory and applications of statistical methods.

GRE requirement Math subject
Additional information Students admitted to the Ph.D. program must have a strong foundation in linear (matrix) algebra and multivariable calculus, as well as some background in statistics.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 9
First year 6
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 31
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10350
Comments regarding financial support Ph.D. applicants will be considered for a graduate assistantship and a tuition waiver. These awards are made on a competitive basis.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students may choose to earn a Master of Science degree and move into corporate, government, or industrial careers.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must complete 75 semester hours, including a statistics core of 27 hours, a consulting-teaching practicum of 3 semester hours, 36 hours of elective courses, and 9 hours of dissertation work. Students must also demonstrate computer proficiency and pass a preliminary examination.

GRE requirement Math subject
Additional information Admission to the Department of Statistical Sciences requires a bachelor's degree from an institution in the United States, or proof of equivalent training at a foreign university.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 3
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 31
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10350
Comments regarding financial support In addition to course work, graduate studens may participate in a variety of stipend-supported practicum experiences. Teaching opportunities range from supporting small group labs to serving as teachers-of-record in the classroom.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been There are also a myriad of opportunities outside the classroom including field analysis for research projects or data analysis in institutional and government settings. Students provide professional statistical expertise in Baylor University administrative offices.

Baylor University Statistical Science

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Baylor University
Location Waco, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 14
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 8
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 8
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:23PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women
First year 10
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Binghamton University Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Binghamton University
Location Vestal, New York United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 13 2021 12:21PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Boston College Boston College Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Boston College
Location Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 31
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 6 2023 02:24PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Geometry/Topology
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 34
Full-time women 8
First year 6
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 30
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27100

Boston College Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Boston College
Location Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members 36
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 22
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 22
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 14 2020 04:34PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information GRE not required for the 2020-21 admission cycle due to COVID-19.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology ·
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 9
First year 7
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 30
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25600
Comments regarding financial support Additional graduate summer support available through faculty grants, in average $3500 per summer per student.

Boston University Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Boston University
Location Boston, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 40
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:30PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information We view our applicants holistically, so there are no official GRE thresholds one must cross to qualify for consideration.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 0
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our Masters program is quite small. The typical student is one who intends to enroll in a PhD program in the future, but does not feel ready for that step yet.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $56854
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Our MA students are not guaranteed funding. They can sign up to be graders, which pays between $500-$1000 a semester depending on number of assignments. On occasion, we will have Teaching Assistantships open up, which pay $6000, but theses are few and far between.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students in our MA program typically go on to enroll in PhD programs after leaving. They are quite successful in finding a path.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

A PhD student must complete 16 courses, with a grade of "B-" or higher, for the PhD. At most, four of the courses may be transferred from other institutions. If the PhD student is admitted to the post-MA PhD program, then eight courses are usually required. All course must be MA 500+, with at least half being MA 700+. PhD students in Pure & Applied Mathematics must also take the MA Preliminary Exam and pass it at the PhD level. This is typically completed at the end of your first year. Later on, each student need to complete their PhD qualifying exam. This oral examination is three hours long and covers two areas of graduate study as well as a specialized topic within one of these areas. The examination in each of the two main areas is based on at least a full year of 700-level coursework. Currently, the department offers examinations in the following areas: algebra, algebraic geometry, applied mathematics, analysis, differential equations, differential geometry, differential and algebraic topology, dynamical systems, functional analysis, number theory, probability, logic, partial differential equations, and numerical analysis. The Qualifying Examination must be completed within the first three years of the student?s graduate-level studies. A detailed handout on the Qualifying Examination is given to entering graduate students. Internships can be done during the summer. Once a student has fulfilled their coursework requirements and passed their exams, internships can be done during the Fall and Spring semesters, as well.

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 86
Full-time women 37
First year 12
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 86
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $36000
Comments regarding financial support Our program is fully funded for five years. This includes scholarship for tuition, a semesterly stipend of roughly $12,000 (Fall/Spring/Summer), and health care benefits.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our students have been very successful after leaving our program. There is close to a 70/30 split between those who go on to pursue academia as Professors and researchers, and those who go into industry.

Boston University School of Public Health Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Boston University School of Public Health
Location Boston, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 19
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 12
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 6
Last updated Sep 21 2021 02:54PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 26
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Online option was available during 2020. Now available in a limited capacity for international students who can't be here for visa reasons. MS in Biostatistics program is 32 credits with 8 credits of electives; qualifying exams are taken in second year of program, one in theory and one applied. MS in Applied Biostatistics is 34 credits, and has a required internship and research rotation.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE not required for MS in Applied Biostatistics as of Fall 2019, GRE currently not required for MS in Biostatistics (this may become permanent post-COVID)
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 19
First year 26
First year women 18
Part-time 18
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $56000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support A limited number of partial scholarships are available to masters students. Research assistantships are also available, but they do not include tuition remission.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Statistical Programmer, Biostatistician, Clinical Programmer, Analyst, Research Data Manager, Statistical Analyst, Senior Statistician
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

32 credits post-masters or 64 credits post-bachelors. 20 hour per week paid research assistantship. 2 qualifying exams taken during second year of program, one applied and one theoretical.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE is currently being waived due to COVID-related restrictions.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 52
Full-time women 30
First year 8
First year women 6
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 51
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $36782
Comments regarding financial support Full-time students receive funding for 5 years, including tuition and stipend.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Senior Biostatistician, Data Scientist, Postdoctoral Researcher, Principle Statistician, Senior Scientist, Associate Director of Biostatistics

Bowling Green State University Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Bowling Green State University
Location Bowling Green, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 18
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 25 2023 10:46AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 13
First year 19
First year women 10
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 29
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2200
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14000
Comments regarding financial support A full assistantship includes a $14,000 stipend and a full-tuition scholarship. The remaining general fees total approximately $2,200 a year. The university requires all students to have health insurance. If insurance is purchased through the university it is approximately $2,364 a year.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 27
Full-time women 7
First year 11
First year women 3
Part-time 6
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 25
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2200
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support A full assistantship includes a $18,000 stipend and a full-tuition scholarship. The remaining general fees total approximately $2,200 a year. The university requires all students to have health insurance. If insurance is purchased through the university it is approximately $2,364 a year.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information An 18-credit certificate to meet the needs of high school teachers who already possess a Master?s degree and who want to be credentialed to teach College Credit Plus courses.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 5
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1759
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees are $1,509 - $1,759 per 3 credit hour class.

Brigham Young University Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Brigham Young University
Location Provo, Utah United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 38
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 20 2023 04:12PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 25
Special requirements or purposes of the program

For more detailed information about our graduate program, please see our graduate handbook (

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information Both the general GRE and the GRE Math Subject Test are required for admission. In order to be competitive, students must have a score of at least 600 on the GRE Math Subject Test.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 3
First year 16
First year women 1
Part-time 16
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Full-time and part-time status is determined by the number of credit hours for which a student is registered each semester/term. Anything under 8.5 credit hours per semester (4.5 per term) is considered part-time. These statistics are from the fall 2023 semester.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20100
Comments regarding financial support Students who work for the department are required to work 20 hours a week. The $20,100 stipend is over two semesters and two terms ($6,700 per semester, $3,350 per term). Duties include being a TA for large-section calculus classes and some higher-level courses, and grading.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our master's degree students prepare for careers in various areas. Some go to work for the NSA or NSF, others work in industry. Most continue to other universities to pursue doctoral degrees in mathematics.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

All students are required to fulfill a graduate exam requirement. This may be done via written exams or by courses taken and passed.

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · For more detailed information about our graduate program, please see our graduate handbook (
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 5
Full-time women 1
First year 3
First year women 0
Part-time 5
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Full-time and part-time status is determined by the number of credit hours for which a student is registered each semester/term. Anything under 8.5 credit hours per semester (4.5 per term) is considered part-time. These statistics are from the fall 2023 semester.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22500
Comments regarding financial support Students who work for the department are required to work 20 hours a week. The $22,500 stipend is over over two semesters and two terms ($7,500 per semester, $3,750 per term). Duties include being a TA for large-section calculus classes and some higher-level courses, teaching calculus, and grading.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhD students prepare for careers in various areas. Some go to work for the NSA or NSF, others work in industry. Others join the faculty of various universities.

Brown University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Brown University
Location Providence, Rhode Island United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Dec 8 2022 12:00PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Computer Science · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 35
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31808
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 35
Full-time women 10
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 35
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31808
Comments regarding financial support first year students receive a full fellowship.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been academic and positions in industry (such as google)

Brown University Div of Applied Math

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Brown University
Location Providence, Rhode Island United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 18
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:31PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Division's Graduate Handbook:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Master?s Degree en Route to Ph.D.: Brown Ph.D. students from any discipline can earn an ScM degree in applied mathematics if they satisfy the requirements for the ScM degree. Applied Mathematics Ph.D. students automatically receive an ScM in Applied Mathematics once they satisfy the requirements for the ScM degree. This is subject to the approval of the student?s Director of Graduate Studies.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not offer support for Master's degree candidates.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See our graduate program website:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information In 2022-2023 GRE is not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 49
Full-time women 15
First year 6
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 49
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $37000
Comments regarding financial support First year students are typically paid by fellowships, without specific duties except for full time course enrollments. Second year students are typically paid by TAs, doing recitation sessions, holding office hours and grading homework and exams. Students in years 3 to 5 are paid by RAs or TAs.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Data Scientist, Faculty Positions, Investment Professional, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Associate, Research Scientist, Senior Lecturer, Software Engineering, Statistician.

Bryn Mawr College Dept of Math Clark Sci Ctr Rm 332 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Bryn Mawr College
Department Dept of Math Clark Sci Ctr Rm 332
Location Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

California Institute of Technology Dept of Computing & Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution California Institute of Technology
Department Dept of Computing & Math Sci
Location Pasadena, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 12:40PM

California Institute of Technology Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution California Institute of Technology
Location Pasadena, California United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Dec 6 2022 12:02PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Carleton University Sch of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Carleton University
Department Sch of Math & Stat
Location Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Carnegie Mellon University Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Carnegie Mellon University
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 27
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Oct 5 2020 10:45AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Mathematical Finance
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 53
Full-time women 11
First year 11
First year women 4
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 53
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22950
Comments regarding financial support Nearly all doctoral students receive financial support in the form of an assistantship (teaching or research) or fellowship. Teaching assistantships typically involve an average workload of approximately 15 hours per week including classroom time, preparation, office hours, and grading. The hours required for an assistantship are such that the student may pursue a full-time graduate program. Assistantships provide full tuition remission and a monthly stipend for the nine-month academic year. Additional financial support is usually available during the summer for students wishing to teach or participate in research projects. Furthermore, a few Departmental Fellowships are typically available in the summer.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been

Carnegie Mellon University Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Carnegie Mellon University
Department Dept of Stat
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Case Western Reserve University Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Case Western Reserve University
Location Cleveland, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 18
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 15 2021 02:20PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Thesis and examination-based degree programs both offered

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 3
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $20434
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Required courses for a Mathematics PhD include algebra, analysis, and geometry/topology. Required courses for an Applied Mathematics PhD include numerical analysis and differential equations, optimization, modeling, and ODEs/PDEs. Qualifying exams in algebra and analysis for Mathematics, and modeling/analysis and scientific computation for Applied Mathematics.

GRE requirement General · Math subject · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Category theory, continuum and fluid mechanics, differential geometry, imaging/inverse problems, mathematical biology, numerical analysis, probability
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 28
Full-time women 5
First year 7
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support 15 hours of tutoring, grading, or TA work are typical for a first-year student, advanced students might continue with those duties or transition to teaching their own class.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent graduates have obtained postdoctoral positions in mathematics (examples: Cornell University, Ursuline College, Florida International University) and applied mathematics/statistics (examples: University of Chicago, Vanderbilt University, Adelphi University). Graduates seeking non-academic jobs have also accepted a wide variety of positions in many industries (examples: Siemens Healthineers, Lerner Research Institute, and Adobe).

Case Western Reserve University Population & Quantitative Health Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Case Western Reserve University
Department Population & Quantitative Health Sciences
Location Cleveland, Ohio United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Centenary University Education and Mathematics Department 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Centenary University
Department Education and Mathematics Department
Location Hackettstown, New Jersey United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Central Michigan University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Central Michigan University
Location Mount Pleasant, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 6 2023 02:37PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Chapman University Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Comptation 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Chapman University
Department Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Comptation
Location Orange, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Claremont Graduate University Institute of Mathematical Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Claremont Graduate University
Department Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Location Claremont, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Clarkson University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Clarkson University
Location Potsdam, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 13
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Nov 12 2020 11:21AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Graduate courses offered are in analysis (real, complex, functional, convex), numerical methods (linear algebra, approximation, ODEs, PDEs, optimization), statistics, differential equations and dynamical systems (ODEs, PDEs, maps). Students can also take electives from the Data Analytics professional Masters program, and other departments offering graduate cousework. Students can choose between several research seminars in each semester. MS degrees can be completed by either (a) 2 qual exams, (b) project + 1 qual exam, (c) thesis.

GRE requirement General
Additional information GRE waivers are given on a case-by-case basis, and may in certain cases (inability to test due to pandemic) be replaced by video interviews.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · The concentrations are not official, but these are the areas in which faculty supervise Masters Theses.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support PhD students are typically prioritized for TA positions, although MS students may be given a support on a year-by-year or semester-by-semester basis, subject to availability of positions. Year-long contract assumes 20hr/week teaching load during Fall and Spring semesters. Yearly contracts *include* summer, but there are typically no teaching requirements, rather students are expected to devote time to research and/or qualifying exams.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of the students transition to data analytics and applied mathematics careers.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Program requires 39 (or more) content-course credits in the Department, 6 seminar credits, and remaining balance in directed research. Students coming with MS degrees can transfer some graduate-level credits. PhD students are expected to pass an undergraduate-material-based qualifying exam in their first year (Calculus, Adv. Calculus, DiffEq, LinAlg, ProbStat), and two more graduate-level topics by the end of the 2nd year. Typical students find an advisor in the first 18 months. Expected duration of the program is 5 years. All students are expected to be on campus, with possible exceptions in the final years of the program after completing the coursework.

GRE requirement General
Additional information GRE waivers are given on a case-by-case basis, and may in certain cases (inability to test due to pandemic) be replaced by video interviews, especially if the student already holds a MS degree. Admission offers are sent out separately from TA position offers, typically within a month after application is complete. TA position offers are sent out in late February/early March are sent to chosen students that are applying Fall admission. A second round of TA offers may be issued if there are unfilled positions after Apr 15.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · Applicants should identify 1-3 faculty members whose research aligns with their interests, and discuss the fit in the Statement of Purpose.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 9
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Typical incoming class size is 3-5 students (2020 is atypical due to COVID). Most student body is international. Students come with a mixed background of pre-PhD degrees mathematics, applied mathematics/statistics, and theoretical engineering/physics degrees. Students work in close proximity to faculty. It is typical for graduate students to meet their advisors once per week 1-1, and additionally in seminars and classes. Students typically live off campus. Potsdam is small, so even commuting on foot is common.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 19
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $41600
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23175
Comments regarding financial support PhD students are typically prioritized for TA offers; continuing TAs in good standing with their PhD program are commonly re-appointed until completion (unless they secure a research assistantship). Year-long TA contract assumes average 20hr/week teaching load during Fall and Spring semesters. TA contracts provide full tuition cost (=30 credits) and a living stipend for students. TA contracts do include summer support: summers do not carry a teaching load, but students still receive a stipend and can sign up for research credits using their tuition; students are expected to devote summer time to research and/or qualifying exams. All incoming TAs complete a teaching bootcamp before their first semester (tuition is covered by the TA contract), to ensure a successful adaptation to independent teaching and classroom management. Potsdam has a relatively low cost of living and has abundant housing. TA contracts typically cover August to July. Typically there are no TA positions available to those starting in January.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students move on to postdoctoral positions and/or teaching positions at US and international universities. A minority of students takes an industry position after graduation.

Clarkson University Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Clarkson University
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location Potsdam, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

College of Charleston Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution College of Charleston
Location Charleston, South Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 33
Total women 11
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Nov 30 2023 02:30PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Department Research interests include Mathematical Physics, Number Theory, Statistics, BioStatistics, Differential Equations, Representation theory.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Bachelor's degree in mathematical sciences or a major with a strong mathematical background, minimum GPA of 3.000 in upper division mathematics and statistics courses. Two letters of recommendation.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 14
Full-time women 9
First year 7
First year women 2
Part-time 5
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7116
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13800
Comments regarding financial support Non resident tuition is higher, resident tuition is lower. GRE scores required for some fellowships. Workload: 20 hours a week for a full time GA, assisting a professor in a class. Typically holding office hours, occasional recitations, attending class, occasional grading and about 4 hours tutoring in Math Lab.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Here are examples of fields and employers where our alumni have found success: Business/Finance (Citi, State Farm, Booz Allen Hamilton), Science/Engineering (IBM, Sandia National Labs, Boeing, MUSC), Acadmia (Washington and Lee University, St Edwards University, Polk State University), and Military.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Written qualifying exams in the first year. The program is not online. Students must complete a core sequence in three areas chosen from: Algebra, Analysis, Differential Equations or Dynamical Systems, Probability and Statistics, or Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants are expected to have a Master's degree in Mathematics or Statistics.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · This program is purposefully small, admitting two to three students a year. Part time students are also welcome.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The program is designed to be small and focused on students who already have an MS degree in Mathematics or Statistics. The program requires that each dissertation contain a computational project.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23100
Comments regarding financial support Students teach one three credit hour class a semester. Qualified students may teach summer courses for additional pay.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program Allows non-degree students to strengthen their expertise in applied statistics, or Operations Research.The programs each offer theoretical foundation, and applied tools and techniques relevant to business and industry.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Applicants are expected to have completed calculus up to multivariable calculus, linear algebra and an undergraduate statistics course. Students may be admitted provisionally if they have had all of the listed courses above but are lacking Linear Algebra.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 1
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7116
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Certificate students who are not also degree seeking students do not receive support. Students in the MS program may also receive a certificate. Tuition depends on the number of credit hours

College of William & Mary Applied Sci Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution College of William & Mary
Department Applied Sci Dept
Location Williamsburg, Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Colorado School of Mines Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Colorado School of Mines
Location Golden, Colorado United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 9
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Nov 15 2023 01:10PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program The Colorado School of Mines Data Science program is designed to give candidates a foundation in statistics and computer science and also provide knowledge in a particular application domain of science or engineering. The balance between these three elements is a strength of the program and can prepare candidates for Data Science careers in industry, government, or for further study at the PhD level. Throughout is an emphasis on working in teams, creative problem solving, and professional development. We offer Post-baccalaureate and graduate certificates designed for college graduates and professionals interested in the emerging field of Data Science. See for more information.
GRE requirement General
Additional information A Bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, physical sciences, mathematics, economics or equivalent quantitative coursework, with a minimum grade-point average on 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Some facility in a computer language and mathematics including linear algebra is recommended to complete this program in three semesters. Graduate Record Examination with quantitative reasoning section score of 151 or higher, or a GMAT score above 640.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

There are five Certificates in Data Science: Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Data Science - Foundations, Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Data Science - Computer Science, Graduate Certificate in Data Science - Statistical Learning, Graduate Certificate in Data Science - Earth Resources, and Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Data Analytics. Applicants for each are required to have an undergraduate degree to be admitted into the Certificate programs. Course prerequisites, if any, are noted for each Certificate program at Students working toward one of the Data Science Certificates are required to successfully complete 12 credit hours.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Master of Science degree (non-thesis option) requires 30 credits of coursework. Students pursuing the degree may count up to six credits from courses at the 400-level. For both the Computational & Applied Mathematics and Statistics specialties, the curriculum structure consists of (i) a set of required courses, (ii) a pair of MATH electives, and (iii) general elective courses that serve to supplement the student's technical interests.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Successful applicants are generally expected to have completed the Calculus sequence, an introductory computer programming language course (featuring C, C++, Java, Python, or Matlab), and the following mathematics courses: Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics and either Advanced Calculus/Mathematical Analysis or Introduction to Proofs. Completion of advanced mathematical coursework in Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Statistics, Numerical Analysis or Scientific Computing is also preferred. As the graduate program is quite interdisciplinary, however, AMS also encourages applicants from other backgrounds including students with undergraduate degrees in Physics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Biology and Chemical Engineering, among others.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science · The master's program is designed to prepare candidates for careers in industry or government or for further study at the PhD level.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 4
First year 5
First year women 3
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students in our program build a strong foundation in Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Mathematical Biology, Uncertainty Quantification, and Data Science.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $19000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Funding is typically not available for students enrolled in the Master's program.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates of the MS and PhD programs generally pursue careers in industry, government, or academia. Recent graduates have accepted positions at (1) Technological and data-oriented companies ? Fast Enterprises, Hitachi, and Google (2) Energy, Aerospace, and Defense companies ? Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Tallgrass Energy, and Raytheon, (3) Financial corporations ? Oppenheimer Funds, (4) Governmental laboratories ? the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the United States Geological Survey, (5) Colleges and universities ? the University of Colorado Boulder and the Virginia Military Institute. Our placement rate for 2022-2023Masters graduates was 100%.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Doctor of Philosophy requires 72 credits beyond the bachelor?s degree. At least 24 of these hours must be thesis hours. Students pursuing the degree may count up to six credits from courses at the 400-level. Doctoral students must pass the comprehensive examination (a qualifying examination and thesis proposal), complete a satisfactory thesis, and successfully defend their thesis.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Bachelor?s Degree: Required GRE: Not Required Letters of Recommendation: Required ? three letters. No letters of recommendation are required for current Mines students or Mines alumni. Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV): Not Required Statement of Purpose: Required Transcript(s): Required. Must be submitted for all schools attended (unofficial transcripts accepted for admissions review and must show successful completion of any required prerequisite course(s). For international applicants or applicants whose native language is not English, please review the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY requirement.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Mathematical Biology, Biological Fluid Dynamics, Scientific Data Compression, Functional Data Analysis, and High Performance Computing
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 10
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Over the last 5 years 32-52% of our graduate students have been female and 9-24% have been underrepresented minorities.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $19000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24720
Comments regarding financial support All full-time AMS PhD students, including first-year students, receive financial support either through Teaching Assistantships, Graduate Teaching Fellowships, Research Fellowships, or Research Assistantships.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates of the MS and PhD programs generally pursue careers in industry, government, or academia. Recent graduates have accepted positions at (1) Technological and data-oriented companies ? Fast Enterprises, Hitachi, and Google (2) Energy, Aerospace, and Defense companies ? Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Tallgrass Energy, Raytheon, and Ball Aerospace (3) Financial corporations ? Oppenheimer Funds, (4) Governmental laboratories ? the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the United States Geological Survey, (5) Colleges and universities ? the University of Colorado Boulder and the Virginia Military Institute.

Colorado State University Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Colorado State University
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Fort Collins, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Colorado State University Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Colorado State University
Department Dept of Stat
Location Fort Collins, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Columbia University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Columbia University
Location New York, New York United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 46
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 22
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Dec 12 2022 11:25AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 64
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The MA program may be followed either full-time or part-time. International students on F-1 or J-1 visas must register full-time. Full-time students complete the program in two or three semesters, while part-time students typically take 2-3 years. Most full-time students take advantage of the three semester option. We strive for a balance between rigorous theoretical courses and cutting-edge applied courses, the latter in many cases taught by professionals from the financial industry. In addition to the finance, mathematics, and statistics course offered by the program, students can take courses from other departments at the university.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Program applicants are encouraged but not required to submit GRE (general) scores or GMAT scores. GRE scores are preferred. International applicants must also meet English language proficiency requirements, defined as a minimum score of 600 on the TOEFL paper-and-pencil test, 100 on the TOEFL internet-based test, or 7.5 on IELTS. Applications are only accepted for fall term admission. Deferrals are not permitted.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 202
Full-time women 88
First year 103
First year women 40
Part-time 9
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Tuition for the MAFN program is determined according to the residence unit system. Tuition is generally not paid per class or per point / credit. Some students receive financial aid from their employers or from national or governmental agencies. There is no financial aid offered by Columbia University for students in Mathematics of Finance program.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The MA program in Mathematics of Finance is designed for students who want to work in areas of quantitative finance such as quantitative portfolio management, quantitative trading, risk management, derivatives modeling, structuring and trading, and other related quantitative fields. Firms such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, UBS, Credit Suisse, Barclays Capital, Deloitte Consulting, Ernst & Young, Societe Generale, Credit Agricole CIB, various hedge funds and asset management firms, and many others have recruited graduates of the program.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

In the first year of PhD studies, students must pass written examinations in the areas of the foundational first-year courses. In addition, all students are required to complete a one-semester seminar on The Teaching of Mathematics in the spring term. In the second year, an oral qualifying examination on two selected major/minor topics must be passed. Subsequent years are devoted to continuing research, instructional responsibilities, and the preparation of a dissertation. Students are expected to complete the dissertation within five years.

GRE requirement Math subject
Additional information Admission is limited and highly selective. Successful applicants have typically pursued an undergraduate major in mathematics. Applicants must submit transcripts from all previous institutions of higher education, three letters of recommendation, a curriculum vitae and statement of purpose, and scores from the GRE Mathematics Subject Test and GRE General Test (optional). International applicants must also meet English language proficiency requirements, defined as a minimum score of 600 on the TOEFL paper-and-pencil test, 100 on the TOEFL internet-based test, or 7.5 on IELTS. Applications are only accepted for fall term admission.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 5
Full-time women 10
First year 7
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 55
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $45
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $33990
Comments regarding financial support Doctoral students generally receive five years of full fellowship support and in return are required to participate in the teaching program for four years beginning in the second year of study. Fellowships are awarded in recognition of academic achievement and in expectation of scholarly success. Teaching and research experience are considered an important aspect of the training of graduate students. Thus, graduate fellowships include some teaching and research apprenticeship.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The department offers an intensive full-time PhD program for students planning careers in research and university teaching. Graduates are also well prepared for non-academic careers. Graduates from the program who sought full-time employment have landed appropriate jobs for the subsequent academic year (or for those seeking industry positions, starting the summer following graduation). Common first positions for graduates include titles such as postdoc, assistant professor, data scientist, and quantitative researcher.

Columbia University Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Columbia University
Location New York, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 19
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Dec 12 2022 11:26AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See the department website for information.

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 55
Full-time women 14
First year 14
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 55
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $33990

Columbia University Dept of Appl Phys & Appl Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Columbia University
Department Dept of Appl Phys & Appl Math
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Columbia University, School of Public Health Dept of Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Columbia University, School of Public Health
Department Dept of Biostatistics
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Columbia University, Teachers College Math Educ Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Columbia University, Teachers College
Department Math Educ Dept
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Concordia University Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Concordia University
Location Montreal, Quebec Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 7
Last updated Dec 8 2022 12:00PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Student will benefit from Concordia?s association with the ISM and the CRM, allowing you to take courses at any of the four major universities in Montreal and to participate in collaborative projects during your studies. If you choose thesis option, you will write a thesis about your own research!

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information No GRE required. Students need to have Bachelor with high standing in Mathematics or an allied discipline from a recognized university. Proficiency in English, as Certified by a TOEFL or equivalent recognised institution.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Data Science · Concordia is part of the ALGANT master program (specialised in Algebra and Geometry) for student interested in spending one year in Europe.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 42
Full-time women 11
First year 11
First year women 6
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We welcome application from underrepresented minorities.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Students receive support in form of scholarship and teaching duties, such help room or TAing, usually one course per year. Research scholarships either come from the advisor or institution (public and private). Tuition and fee refers to student from Quebec
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Masters candidates will be ready to start a PhD or work in different fields of expertise, such as Financial analysis, Risk management, Data analysis, Computer programming. Recent graduates started PhD in: London, UK; UBC, Vancouver; McGill, Montreal; Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

You will benefit from Concordia?s association with the ISM and the CRM, allowing you to take courses at any of the four major universities in Montreal and the great number of seminar and reading groups. Concordia also partners with MILA (Quebec AI Institute).

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information No GRE required. MSc degree, with high standing in Mathematics or an allied discipline from a recognized university, is necessary. Proficiency in English, as Certified by a TOEFL or equivalent recognised institution. We welcome application from underrepresented minorities.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 39
Full-time women 12
First year 5
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 28
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Students receive support in form of scholarship and teaching duties, such help room or TAing, usually one course per year. Research scholarships come from both the advisor and public and private institutions. Tuition and fee refers to student from Quebec
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates will be ready to either continue research (in public or private institutions of the highest quality) or work in many domains such as: Financial analysis, Risk management, Data analysis, Computer programming.

Cornell University Bowers CIS Statistics and Data Science

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Cornell University
Location Ithaca, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 13
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Jan 10 2023 11:33AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 69
Special requirements or purposes of the program

There are two study tracks for the Applied Statistics MPS Program: Statistical Analysis and Data Science. Required courses for a student?s chosen study option are listed below. Both options require a total of at least 30 credit hours in required courses and electives. The 30 required credit hours must be earned while an MPS student is enrolled in the MPS program; no transfer of credits from undergraduate study or another graduate program is allowed. All required courses must be taken for a letter grade, except STSCI 5953 which is S/U only. At most one elective course to be used toward the MPS degree can be taken S/U each semester. Option I students can take STSCI 5060, STSCI 5070, and STSCI 5065 as electives and so may take these courses S/U. For option II students, these courses are required and must be taken for a letter grade. A grade of C- or better (or S for S/U courses) is required of all courses used to meet MPS requirements. A GPA of 2.5 or higher in courses used toward the MPS degree is required for graduation. Electives must be taken from a list of pre-approved electives. Students may ask the Director of the MPS Program to add courses to the list of electives. Two courses covering similar material and at the same level cannot both be used toward the 30 credit hours for the MPS degree. Core Required Courses for Option I and Option II STSCI 5030: Linear Models with Matrices (4 credits) STSCI 5080: Probability Models and Inference (4 credits) STSCI 5953: MPS Career Management (1 credit) STSCI 5954: Project Development & Professional Communication (2 credits) STSCI 5955: Realtime Project Management (1 credit) STSCI 5999: Applied Statistics MPS Data Analysis Project (4 credits) Additional Required Courses for Option II STSCI 5070: Python Programming and its Applications in Statistics (3 cr) STSCI 5060: Database Management and SAS High Performance Computing with DBMS (4 cr) STSCI 5065: Big Data Management and Analysis (3 cr)

GRE requirement General
Additional information A bachelor's degree, which must be in hand before you start the MPS study. The bachelor's degree should be quantitatively oriented and can be from a variety of fields; for example, statistical, mathematical, engineering, physical, agricultural, biological, social, or computer science. To meet these prerequisite requirements, courses must be from an accredited college or university and be listed on an official transcript. Minimum mathematical background: Two semesters of calculus. One elementary non-calculus based statistics. One course in matrix algebra. Preference will be given to applicants with more than the minimum mathematical background. An academic statement of purpose (including your desired option of the MPS program) as well as personal statement will be required. These should be two distinct essays of no more than 1000 words each. Two academic letters of recommendation from course instructors who've assigned you a grade in a class, or from researchers with whom who've worked. You may also submit a professional reference as the third letter of recommendation if you have one, though this is not required. Complete transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate level studies undertaken at all schools. These must be official and translated into English if the original language is not English. International applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by taking a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam. A CV or resume is optional but does assist the admissions committee with evaluating your background. First round admission decisions will be made in early April. Admissions decisions may not be finalized until late May or early June.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 90
Full-time women 49
First year 63
First year women 36
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $62456
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support There is one diversity fellowship opportunity available per academic year for MPS students. Students may be considered for this when they submit their application to the Graduate School.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Typical MPS students are applying for data science, analyst, positions that are quantitative in nature. A few become data engineers. Despite the majority of students (>85% avg for several years) needing H1B visas the number of students getting first destination positions is greater than 85% year over year. In a current poll, students rated their first destination as 7% slight match, 20% somewhat match, 33% close match, and 40% excellent match.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

STSCI 7170 Linear Models (Fall, Year 1) MATH 6710 Probability (Fall, Year 1) STSCI 7180 Generalized Linear Models (Spring, Year 1 or 2) STSCI 6520 Statistical Computing (Spring, Year 1 or 2) MATH 6720 Probability II or STSCI 6750 Probability II for Statisticians (Spring, Year 1) STSCI 6730 Theory of Statistics (Spring, Year 1) MATH 6740 Asymptotic Statistics (Fall, Year 2) BTRY 7950 Statistical Consulting (Fall, Year 2 or 3) BTRY 7951 Advanced Statistical Consulting (Spring, Year 2 or 3) At the end of the first year, a First Year Evaluation is conducted; depending on the outcome, a student may have to take a written qualifying examination. In addition, students are required to take 4 - 5 elective courses that will need to be approved by their Special Committee Chairperson. The Statistics PhD program has two primary exam requirements, the Admission to Candidacy Exam (A-Exam) and the Oral Defense of Dissertation (B-Exam). The Graduate School requires all PhD students to have their A-Exam prior to the beginning of their 7th semester in the program. Doctoral degree candidates will take their B-Exam upon completion of all degree requirements, but students must also pass their A-Exam at least two semesters prior to their B-exam. The Field of Statistics expects PhD students to schedule and pass their B examination within 5 years of entering the PhD program. The Cornell Graduate School requires that all PhD students in their second year and beyond complete a yearly Student Progress Review (SPR). The SPR is designed to foster constructive communication between students and faculty regarding academic and research progress.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Most PhD students entering the field are assumed to have a background in mathematics, computer science, statistics or related fields. PhD students are expected to have had coursework in: mathematical analysis, algebra, advanced calculus, probability and applied statistics. Students should also have programming skills and experience in data analysis and research. Additionally, courses in measure theory, stochastic processes, functional analysis, numerical analysis and parallel computing all represent both useful background and evidence of your aptitude for research. Students with significant gaps in their coursework background will be at a disadvantage when applying. However, exceptional students from outside of statistics may be admitted to the PhD program without this background, making up any important deficiencies during the first year.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 34
Full-time women 11
First year 7
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The number of students admitted each year varies depending on the number of students who have graduated and the availability of funding.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 34
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $83
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30088
Comments regarding financial support All students are guaranteed 5 years of funding, which often takes the form of either a teaching or research assistantship. The assistantship will provide tuition, health insurance, and a stipend for the academic year. Students may also be funded through fellowships available through the University or externally. Funding will be provided as long as students maintain good academic standing with the Graduate School, our department, and their special committee chair. Additional funding may be offered as needed for students who do not complete the program within 5 years. Many of our students obtain external support through internships during the summer months, but some summer funding can be generally available to students who are working on projects with graduate faculty. The Graduate school is moving toward providing 12-month funding, so a standard summer funding amount will be offered.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been More than half of recent graduates went on to positions at big tech companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Apple. The remainder is about evenly split between academia and financial firms.

Cornell University Center for Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Cornell University
Location Ithaca, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 110
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 71
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 55
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:22PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The following are required for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D., or to obtain an M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics: Prerequisite to the graduate program are familiarity with analysis and algebra at the advanced undergraduate level (e.g., MATH 4130-4140 and MATH 4330-4340). Students lacking either prerequisite (which may be determined by their special committee chair and/or the CAM Director of Graduate Studies), should take the appropriate courses within their first two years of study. No more than two of these courses can count towards meeting other CAM degree requirements. Students are required to take at least eight courses in mathematics and its applications that are approved by her/his special committee, at least 4 of which must be numbered 6000 or above. Suggested areas for these courses are given in the list of Focal Areas for Applied Mathematics. The courses taken to satisfy item (2) must include an advanced course in computational methods (focal area (a)). In order to achieve breadth in Applied Mathematics, courses from at least three other Focal Areas should normally be included. Should a course be listed under more than one focal area, then it will count towards only one such area as chosen by the student's Special Committee. Students are required to have minors in Mathematics and in another field relevant to their doctoral research. Note that the course requirements listed above may suffice to satisfy the requirements for a graduate minor in Mathematics. Exceptions to these requirements can sometimes be made, if approved in advance by the student's Special Committee and the Director of Graduate Studies. All requirement courses must be taken for a letter grade.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 45
Full-time women 18
First year 6
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 45
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $86
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30088
Comments regarding financial support All full-time students in Applied Mathematics receive a full support package and are guaranteed five years of funding, subject to satisfactory academic progress. Upon availability, students in their sixth year are also funded. It is important to note that while students are guaranteed funding for five years, the form of support may vary. Due to CAM's interdisciplinary nature and faculty field structure, the actual dollars of guaranteed support often come from different departments across campus. This arrangement allows students to work closely with faculty, lab clusters, and students from different disciplines while still maintaining a home in CAM. For example, a student may hold a Teaching Assistant (TA) position for two years in Math, a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) position for two years in Computer Science and a final year be on a Graduate School fellowship. All full-time students receive a support package that includes the following: Tuition: Fall and spring tuition is directly paid by the department supporting the student. The student is not responsible for any charge or duty in this process. Student Health Insurance Plan: The SHIP premium is paid by the department(s) supporting the student. The student is not responsible for any charge or duty in the process. Stipend: All full-time students receive a competitive academic year stipend. Payment amounts vary according to the funding source, as does the payment schedule. All admitted students are informed of the amount of funding (pre-tax) for their first year in their admission letter. Current stipend rate details can be found at the Cornell Graduate School's website: Student Activity Fee All graduate students at Cornell are required to pay a $43/semester student activity fee, which contributes to general operations and ammenities that are available to all students. This includes things like libraries and printing services etc.

Cornell University Computational Biology

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Cornell University
Location Ithaca, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 10
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:36PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 26
Full-time women 9
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22720
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $38211
Comments regarding financial support Full financial support through fellowships or assistanships, working 12-15 hours/week; focused on research or classes
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academia or industry

Cornell University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Cornell University
Department Dept of Math
Location Ithaca, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Cornell University Operations Res & Inform Engr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Cornell University
Department Operations Res & Inform Engr
Location Ithaca, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

CUNY Graduate School & University Center PhD Program in Math

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution CUNY Graduate School & University Center
Location New York, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 100
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 91
Total tenured women 15
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 92
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Apr 5 2023 12:43PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see our website for details:

GRE requirement General · Math subject · Optional or not required
Additional information The general and Subject Test GRE requirement is suspended for Fall 2023 admissions.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 76
Full-time women 14
First year 13
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 52
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support There are 3 levels of financial support for 5 years - 5 Year Tuition Fellowship Graduate Center Fellowship (GCF) Clare Booth Luce Fellowship Details are here:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The program is designed to give students the background they will need to pursue careers as pure or applied mathematicians.

Dalhousie Univ Engineering Math Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Dalhousie Univ
Department Engineering Math Dept
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Dalhousie University Department of Engineering Mathematics and Internetworking

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Dalhousie University
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 7
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 4
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 4
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:39PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · Engineering
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 2
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24000
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Other · Engineering
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 1
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30000

Dalhousie University Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Dalhousie University
Location Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 44
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 36
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:27PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science · Please see our website for detailed information
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Please see our graduate handbook on our website for details about fees and funding.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see our graduate handbook on our website for details about the program.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Please see our graduate handbook on our website for details.

Dana Farber Cancer Inst Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Dana Farber Cancer Inst
Department Statistics
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Dartmouth College Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Dartmouth College
Location Hanover, New Hampshire United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 4 2023 11:19AM

Delaware State University Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Delaware State University
Location Dover, Delaware United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 11
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 8
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:45PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Department of Statistics, Columbia University Dept of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Department of Statistics, Columbia University
Location New York, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 34
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 19
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Oct 18 2021 03:56PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 340
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program requires completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours. At the terminal semester, students may choose from one of two capstone courses: Advanced Data Analysis or Advanced Machine Learning.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Preparation for the Statistics MA program should include a thorough knowledge of linear algebra (through the level of MATH UN2020 at Columbia) and advanced calculus (through the level of MATH UN1201). Experience in theoretical or applied probability and statistics is advantageous. Familiarity with computer programming is also helpful. In addition to the requirements listed below, all students must submit one transcript showing courses and grades per school attended, a statement of academic purpose, and three letters of recommendation from academic sources. Additionally, fall grades may be required from all Statistics and Statistics-Hybrid MA applicants who have not yet received an undergraduate degree. All international students whose native language is not English or whose undergraduate degree is from an institution in a country whose official language is not English must submit scores of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or IELTS.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Elective courses are available depending on the students are of application, including finance, data science and medical research.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 550
Full-time women 314
First year 402
First year women 222
Part-time 12
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $95560
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Limited financial support is available to qualified students. One is the MA in Statistics Opportunity Scholarship, which is need-based, and intended for newly admitted on-campus full-time or part-time students to the MA in Statistics program who are from groups underrepresented in the discipline in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, family history of post-baccalaureate opportunity, gender identity and gender expression, disability, or military service. The department also offers a limited number of MA Merit scholarships for highly qualified applicants. In addition, opportunities are available to work as graders and TAs.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates of the program have found placements in various industries, including finance, medical research and high-tech. Others have continued their studies to pursue PhD degrees.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are required to take 7 courses (as specified below) from the core curriculum: STAT GR6101, GR6102, GR6103 (Applied Statistics) STAT GR6201, GR6202, GR6203 (Theoretical Statistics) STAT GR6301, GR6302, GR6303 (Probability Theory) STAT GR5264 (Stochastic Processes) STAT GR6104 (Statistical Computing) In the first semester, students typically take GR6101, GR6301, GR6201. In the second semester, students take any three of GR6102, GR6302, GR6202, and GR6104. In the third semester, students must take at least one of GR6103, GR6203, and GR5264. Students wishing additional preparation before embarking on the Probability sequence (STAT GR6301-GR6302) may take MATH W4061-W4062 (Introduction to Modern Analysis) first. In order to continue on the PhD program students must pass two qualifying exams: 1) the core competency exam, which is to be passed by the end of the first year, and 2) one of the three subject exams (in Applied Statistics, Statistical Inference or Probability), which must be passed by the end of the second year. Upon successful completion of the qualifying exams, the MA is awarded. After completing the required courses and written qualifying exams, a Ph.D. student takes a variety of advanced courses offered by this and, in some cases, related departments. While there are no formal requirements as to the number of points of courses taken for a letter grade, it is expected that students will take all core courses for a letter grade.

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information The General GRE is optional but currently not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 53
Full-time women 12
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 53
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $39140
Comments regarding financial support Students are expected to serve as teaching assistants for courses in the department, with a workload that is approximately 10 hours/week. The department provides funds for personal computers and conference travel. In addition to formal coursework, the doctoral students participate in weekly seminars and workshops to gain research and professional skills.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Please see for recent alum and placements.

Drexel University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Drexel University
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs
Last updated Jan 10 2023 11:40AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 9
First year 7
First year women 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24000
Comments regarding financial support Essentially all doctoral students receive financial support in the form of a teaching or research assistantship. Teaching assistantships typically involve an average workload up to 20 hours per week (usually less) fulfilled by a combination of classroom time, office hours and grading. The hours required for an assistantship are such that the student may pursue a full-time graduate program. Assistantships provide full tuition remission and a monthly stipend for the nine-month academic year. Additional summer support is usually available for students interested in summer teaching or participation in research projects.
Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Drexel University
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 52
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 16
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 16
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:11PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 7
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 22
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $35
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23500
Comments regarding financial support Standard stipend covers 9 months (3 academic quarters). Students often receive supplemental funding as RAs and TAs during the summer quarter.

Duke University Dept of Stat Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Duke University
Department Dept of Stat Sci
Location Durham, North Carolina United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Emory University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Emory University
Department Dept of Math
Location Atlanta, Georgia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Emory University Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Emory University
Location Atlanta, Georgia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 6 2023 10:13AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 44
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information 50th percentile or higher for all fields of the GRE. GRE scores are waived if you have a PhD in a comparable field from a US accredited college or university.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Florida Atlantic University Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Location Boca Raton, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 45
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Oct 18 2023 10:29AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

For information about the Masters along the way, Ph.D., MS, and AMST programs contact: [email protected] Prof. Hongwei Long, Graduate Director Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431

GRE requirement General
Additional information Admission Requirements A Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with at least 3.0 GPA, three letters of recommendation documenting the applicant's prior work in mathematics focusing on preparation and suitability for success in graduate-level mathematics courses, a quantitative general GRE (revised) score of at least 155, and approval of the departmental graduate committee. In addition, it is recommended to include scores of the GRE subject test mathematics as part of the application package. If your undergraduate major is not in Mathematics, see our Frequently Asked Questions page for a list of required prerequisite coursework: Interested in the Master of Science in Teaching? Visit:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · This program is designed to provide a foundation for mathematical work in scientific or technical fields as well as for doctoral study in mathematics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 10
First year 3
First year women 4
Part-time 10
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Florida Atlantic University's Department of Mathematical Sciences offers students lots of opportunities to get to know other students by joining one or more of our student chapters and organizations. Students within the department lead students chapters of the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM); Society for Industrial an Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Our students organize and conduct peer seminars and lectures. We also have a robust and active Math Club. We invite students to become involved by participating, networking, participating, learning and researching with student colleagues and world-renowned research faculty.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 42
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2043
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14650
Comments regarding financial support Qualified full time M.S. students may be eligible to receive a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. These assistantships carry a stipend of $5,525 per academic semester and $3,600 per summer semester, a total of $14,650 per year. GTA's also receive 24 credits per year of tuition waivers. The duties of a teaching assistant are tutoring, grading, proctoring exams, or teaching courses for 20 hours per week. Currently, there is a limited number of teaching assistantships available for Master's degree students. These assistantships, when available, carry a stipend of $5,525 per academic semester and $3,600 per summer session. GTA's will also receive up to 24 credits per year of tuition waivers. The duties of a teaching assistant are tutoring, grading, proctoring exams, or teaching courses for 20 hours per week. For information about graduate teaching assistantships contact: Prof. Hongwei Long, Graduate Director Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades RD Boca Raton, FL 33431 email: [email protected]
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many employers recognize the need for a workforce with a background in mathematics. Here you will find recently posted job descriptions and salaries: ? Mobile application developer?$104,000 ? Construction manager?$94,000 ? Computer programmer?$84,500 ? Commercial pilot?$82,500 ? Video game designer?$81,000 ? Project manager?$73,500 ? Computer animator?$73,000 ? Diagnostic medical sonographer?$73,500 ? Registered nurse?$72,500 ? Landscape designer?$68,230 ? Electronics engineering technician?$64,330 ? Aircraft mechanic?$63,000 ? Radiologic technologist?$62,000 ? Cardiovascular tech?$55,500 ? Mechanical engineering technician?$56,500 ? Electrician?$60,000 ? Architectural drafting technician?$60,000 ? Plumber?$55,000 ? CNC machine tool programmer?$54,000 ? HVAC technician?$47,000 ? Diesel mechanic?$51,000 ? Carpenter?$47,000 ? Commercial truck driver?$45,000 ? Auto mechanic?$42,500 ? Optician?$34,000 ? Motorcycle mechanic?$37,000 ? Photographer?$34,000 ? Pharmacy technician?$32,700
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Requirements to be Admitted to Candidacy The student must complete the following courses. Introductory Analysis 1 and 2 (MAA 5228 and 5229) Introductory Abstract Algebra 1 and 2 (MAS 5311 and 5312) Linear Algebra (MAS 5145) Multivariable Analysis (MAA 5105). Satisfy one of the following 1. Pass two of the three qualifying exams (Algebra, Analysis, Probability & Statistics) within five semesters (not counting the summer terms) of admission to doctoral study. Then form a supervisory committee. 2. Complete the following steps within six semesters (not counting the summer terms) of admission to doctoral study. i) Earn a pass on one exam and a constructive attempt on a different exam within four semesters (not counting the summer terms) of admission to doctoral study. ii) Select a prospective research advisor, and complete two courses at the 6000-level, selected by the prospective research advisor and approved by the departmental graduate committee. These courses will need to be passed with a combined GPA of at least 3.5. Ph.D. Preliminary Exam After admission to candidacy, and before submission of the Ph.D. thesis, students must pass a preliminary exam (Prelim). Main purpose of the Preliminary Exam: The purpose of the Prelim is to test the student's in-depth understanding of an area in which he or she will develop the dissertation research. The exam is intended to assess the student's mathematical maturity and knowledge at a high level that goes beyond any particular course. The candidate should demonstrate the maturity and expertise required for carrying out dissertation research. For more information: Prof. Hongwei Long, Graduate Director Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University [email protected]

GRE requirement General
Additional information Requirements: A Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with at least 3.0 GPA, three letters of recommendation documenting the applicant's prior work in mathematics focusing on preparation and suitability for success in graduate-level mathematics courses, a quantitative general GRE (revised) score of at least 157, and approval of the departmental graduate committee. In addition, it is recommended to include scores of the GRE subject test mathematics as part of the application package. Requirements to be Admitted to Candidacy The student must complete the following courses. Introductory Analysis 1 and 2 (MAA 5228 and 5229) Introductory Abstract Algebra 1 and 2 (MAS 5311 and 5312) Linear Algebra (MAS 5145) Multivariable Analysis (MAA 5105). Satisfy one of the following Pass two of the three exams (Algebra, Analysis, Probability & Statistics) within five semesters (not counting the summer terms) of admission to doctoral study. Then form a supervisory committee as outlined in Item 3. Complete the following steps within six semesters (not counting the summer terms) of admission to doctoral study. Earn a pass on one exam and a constructive attempt on a different exam within four semesters (not counting the summer terms) of admission to doctoral study. Select a prospective research advisor, and complete two courses at the 6000-level, selected by the prospective research advisor and approved by the departmental graduate committee. These courses will need to be passed with a combined GPA of at least 3.5. They will count towards Degree Requirement 1a below, but not 1b or 1c. The prospective research advisor may propose additional requirements. Receive a positive recommendation by the prospective research advisor and the graduate committee. Then form a supervisory committee as outlined in Item 3 with the prospective research advisor serving as research advisor. Form a supervisory committee of at least four members from the Department of Math at FAU.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is conferred upon those who have demonstrated the ability to make original and independent contributions to mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 40
Full-time women 13
First year 11
First year women 3
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Florida Atlantic University's Department of Mathematical Sciences offers students lots of opportunities to get to know other students by joining one or more of our students chapters and organizations. Students within the department lead students chapters of the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM); Society for Industrial an Applied Mathematics(SIAM); and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Our students organize and conduct peer seminars and lectures. We also have a robust and active Math Club. We invite students to become involved by participating, networking, participating, learning and researching with student colleagues and world renowned research faculty.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 38
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2043
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26000
Comments regarding financial support Graduate Teaching Assistantships Qualified full time Ph.D. students may be eligible to receive a Graduate Teaching Assistantship. These assistantships carry a stipend of $7,525 per academic semester and $5,000 per summer semester, a total of $20,050 per year. GTA's also receive 24 credits per year of tuition waivers. The duties of a teaching assistant are tutoring, grading, proctoring exams, or teaching courses for 20 hours per week. Currently, there is a limited number of teaching assistantships available for Master's degree students. These assistantships, when available, carry a stipend of $5,525 per academic semester and $3,600 per summer session. GTA's will also receive up to 24 credits per year of tuition waivers. The duties of a teaching assistant are tutoring, grading, proctoring exams, or teaching courses for 20 hours per week. For information about graduate teaching assistantships contact: Prof. Hongwei Long, Graduate Director Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades RD Boca Raton, FL 33431 email: [email protected]
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Where are the graduates of the Analysis and Applications program now? Jorge Gonzalez, Ph, D. (FAU) was awarded a three Year NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship. While at FAU as a Ph. D. student of math at FAU, Jorge spent a summer internship at the Center for Cyber Warfare, at Monterey, California. His works seek to understand how network traffic combines from individual sources in order to construct more accurate network traffic models and anomaly detection algorithms in an effort to secure American network infrastructure. During this internship experience, Jorge was most proud of the discovery of strong connections between network designs and known explanatory models in the literature. Shane Kepley, Ph.D., Mathematics, 2017. Dr. Shane Kepley is an finishing (Fall, 2022) a Hill Assistant Professorship at Rutgers University. This is a prestigious four year postdoctoral fellowship awarded to only two or three candidates a year. Hasala Senpathy Gallolu Kankanamalage, Ph.D., Mathematics, 2017, defended his dissertation went on to teach mathematics at Roger Williams University located in Bristol, Rhode Island. Other graduate of the Ph. D. program went on to: Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Quantum Computing , Waterloo University (2019) Post Doctoral Fellow, Colorado State University, (2019) Research Scientist, General Motors (2018) Visiting Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University (2018) Principle Investigator, PQSecure Technologies (2018) Computer Scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (2018)
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program Cyber Security Graduate Certificate Cybercrime-related issues especially impact the State of Florida because a significant part of the state's economic development comes from tourism, international banking and high-tech industries. The number of scientists, engineers, and experts needed with special skills in cybersecurity exceeds the number available. The Cyber Security certificate provides opportunities for graduate students to expand their knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the cybersecurity field. Due to their extensive expertise and facilities, the departments of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences have jointly designed the Cyber Security certificate. This 12-credit certificate program has two tracks: Computer Science (CS) and Mathematics (Math). Tracks Computer Science Track The Cyber Security certificate with a track in Computer Science will be granted to a student who completes four 3-credit courses as follows: Three 3-credit courses from the CS Cyber Security course list One 3-credit course from either the CS or the Math Cyber Security course list. Mathematics Track The Cyber Security certificate with a track in Mathematics will be granted to a student who completes four 3-credit courses as follows: Three 3-credit courses from the Math Cyber Security course list. One 3-credit course from either the Math or the CS Cyber Security course list.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Cyber Security Graduate Certificate Cybercrime-related issues especially impact the State of Florida because a significant part of the state's economic development comes from tourism, international banking and high-tech industries. The number of scientists, engineers, and experts needed with special skills in cybersecurity exceeds the number available. The Cyber Security certificate provides opportunities for graduate students to expand their knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the cybersecurity field. Due to their extensive expertise and facilities, the departments of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences have jointly designed the Cyber Security certificate. This 12-credit certificate program has two tracks: Computer Science (CS) and Mathematics (Math). Cyber Security Courses by Track CS Cyber Security Courses (Select three from this list and one more from this list or the list of Math courses.) Computer Data Security CIS 6370 3 Distributed Systems Security CIS 6375 3 Secret Sharing Protocols COT 6116 3 Cyber Security: Measurement and Data Analysis CTS 6319 3 Practical Aspects of Modern Cryptography CIS 5371 3 Math Cyber Security Courses (Select three from this list and one more from this list or the list of CS courses.) Introduction to Cryptology and Information Security MAD 5474 3 Cryptanalysis MAD 6478 3 Coding Theory MAD 6607 3 Number Theory and Cryptography MAS 6217 3 * As with all degree programs, the authoritative source for the degree requirements is the University Catalog that was in effect for the academic year in which the student entered the University. The information on this page does not supersede the Catalog.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Cyber Security Courses by Track CS Cyber Security Courses (Select three from this list and one more from this list or the list of Math courses.) Computer Data Security CIS 6370 3 Distributed Systems Security CIS 6375 3 Secret Sharing Protocols COT 6116 3 Cyber Security: Measurement and Data Analysis CTS 6319 3 Practical Aspects of Modern Cryptography CIS 5371 3 Math Cyber Security Courses (Select three from this list and one more from this list or the list of CS courses.) Introduction to Cryptology and Information Security MAD 5474 3 Cryptanalysis MAD 6478 3 Coding Theory MAD 6607 3 Number Theory and Cryptography MAS 6217 3 * As with all degree programs, the authoritative source for the degree requirements is the University Catalog that was in effect for the academic year in which the student entered the University. The information on this page does not supersede the Catalog.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Florida Atlantic University's Department of Mathematical Sciences offers students lots of opportunities to get to know other students by joining one or more of our student chapters and organizations. Students within the department lead student chapters of the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM); Society for Industrial an Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Our students organize and conduct peer seminars and lectures. We also have a robust and active Math Club. We invite students to become involved by participating, networking, participating, learning and researching with student colleagues and world-renowned research faculty.
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support No support for this certificate program.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Cybersecurity Industry Needs More Qualified Experts The Cybersecurity industry is facing a shortage of experts. Our bootcamp training combines theory with real-life practical skill development to help you join the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. With the right skillset and certifications, you are prepared to compete for industry jobs including, but not limited to, the following: Cybersecurity Analyst Penetration Tester IT Security Engineer Security Consultant Average salary for different job roles in the cybersecurity industry ranges from $72,000 to $145,000. (Source: PayScale)

Florida Institute of Technology Dept of Math Sci

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Florida Institute of Technology
Location West Melbourne, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 4
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 4
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:23PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program?s curriculum is designed to provide breadth with some flexibility to accommodate the diversity of backgrounds typically found in an applied mathematics program. Greater flexibility is provided for the elective courses beyond the core. A student has the choice of developing greater depth in one area of specialization, aiming at research in that area or continuing to develop breadth across more than one area.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants should have the equivalent of an undergraduate major in mathematics or a related area and must have completed undergraduate courses in differential equations, linear algebra, analysis, probability, and statistics. About 50% of those are accepted to the program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Operations Research
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 2
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22340
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13600
Comments regarding financial support Students are allowed to work upto a maximum of 20 hours per week. The students also have opportunities to work as project assistants as a part of the funded research projrcts of the faculty members in the Department.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Teaching positions in colleges, and jobs in the industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants for the doctoral program in mathematics usually have a bachelor?s or master?s degree in mathematics or a related discipline. For admission, a student should have a superior academic record demonstrating sufficient mathematics background. An application packet must include official transcripts, a statement of objectives, two letters of recommendation, résumé, and other relevant documents supporting the applicant?s academic preparation for a Ph.D. program in applied mathematics. Applicants may contact faculty in the department to identify a prospective advisor.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 10
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 8
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22340
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13600
Comments regarding financial support The students are allowed to work for a maxcimum of 20 hiurs per week. This includes teaching tutotial sessions, host office hours etc.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academic positions at universities, suitable positions in industry.

Florida Institute of Technology Mathematical Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Florida Institute of Technology
Department Mathematical Sciences
Location Melbourne, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Florida International University Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Florida International University
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Miami, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Florida International University Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Florida International University
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Miami, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Florida State University 214 Oceanography/Statistics Building 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Florida State University
Location Tallahassee, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 3 2021 07:54AM

Florida State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Florida State University
Location TALLAHASSEE, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 50
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 40
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:12PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 24
Special requirements or purposes of the program

There are no qualifying exams for the masters degree. The required courses depend on the graduate area. The graduate area webpages have detailed information. Please see:

GRE requirement General
Additional information The minimum expected GRE scores are Q 155 and V 140. Each graduate area has its own requirements for prerequisites. This information can be found at:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Data Science · Other · Masters degrees are also available in financial mathematics and biomathematics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 13
Full-time women 6
First year 8
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22250
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support MS students from Latin America or the Caribbean are eligible for our LAC Scholars program, which provides a $500 scholarship per semester and charges the student in-state tuition instead of out-of-state tuition.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Each graduate area webpage has an alumni link where the placement information can be found for masters and doctoral students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Please consult the graduate programs web page for information about admissions:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 99
Full-time women 26
First year 22
First year women 5
Part-time 5
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 97
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22250
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23072
Comments regarding financial support The standard financial support for new PhD students is through teaching assistantships (TA). The TAship waives tuition (but not fees) and pays the stipend above in addition. A full-time TA works for 20 hours a week. The initial teaching assignment of a TA consists or proctoring. For more information, see:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students take positions in academia, national labs, and industry. Each graduate area webpage has an alumni link where the placement information can be found.

George Mason University Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution George Mason University
Department Department of Statistics
Location Fairfax, Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

George Mason University Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution George Mason University
Location Fairfax, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 27
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 32
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:15PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information It is expected that all applicants have a recent bachelor's degree in mathematics or an equivalent amount of undergraduate mathematics preparation, with a GPA of at least 3.00 in their last 60 credits of study. Students without this background who have had an upper-division course in linear algebra (equivalent to MATH 322 Advanced Linear Algebra), an upper-division course in advanced calculus (equivalent to MATH 315 Advanced Calculus I), and an upper-division course in group theory (equivalent to MATH 321 Abstract Algebra) are encouraged to apply to the Mathematics, MS. Such students may subsequently apply to the PhD when all background issues have been addressed. It is recommended that all applicants have some familiarity with mathematical software.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 46
Full-time women 14
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 4
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 46
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $280
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25326
Comments regarding financial support The tuition and fees reported above are the average yearly fees paid by a funded PhD student. Students funded on GTA positions are expected to work 20 hours per week as a graduate teaching assistant or in some other similar duty.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been 54% of our PhD graduates are in academic careers, 26% are in government positions and 19% are in industrial positions
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Prepares students for the Society of Actuaries Exams and Casualty Actuary Society Exams
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

George Washington University Dept of Eng Mgmnt & Sys Eng 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution George Washington University
Department Dept of Eng Mgmnt & Sys Eng
Location Washington, District of Columbia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

George Washington University Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution George Washington University
Department Dept of Stat
Location Washington, District of Columbia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Georgetown University Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Georgetown University
Location Washington, District of Columbia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 9
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:24PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $35000
Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Georgetown University
Location Washington, District of Columbia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 38
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 08:52AM

Georgia Institute of Technology School of Indus & Sys Engr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Georgia Institute of Technology
Department School of Indus & Sys Engr
Location Atlanta, Georgia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Georgia Institute of Technology School of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Georgia Institute of Technology
Location Atlanta, Georgia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 63
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 43
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 42
Total postdocs 37
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:25PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 33
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For Fall 2023 admissions, we have made the GRE General test and the GRE Math subject test optional.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics · Other · Also: 1. Computational Sciences and Engineering 2. Quantitative and Computational Finance
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 4
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 9
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The numbers above do not include students in the MS Quantitative and Computational Finance program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $32000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We are rarely able to provide financial support for Masters students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 18
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For Fall 2023 admissions, we have made the GRE General test and the GRE Math subject test optional.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 109
Full-time women 27
First year 24
First year women 7
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 109
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2200
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31000
Comments regarding financial support The stipend listed above includes summer funding. PhD students typically have 5 contact hours per week as a TA or instructor. However, first-semester PhD students have a reduced load of 3 contact hours as a TA.

Georgia Southern University, Jiann-Ping-Hsu College of Public Health Hiann Ping-Shu Coll of Public Health 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Georgia Southern University, Jiann-Ping-Hsu College of Public Health
Department Hiann Ping-Shu Coll of Public Health
Location Statesboro, Georgia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Georgia State University Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Georgia State University
Location Atlanta , Georgia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 45
Total women 36
Total tenured faculty 21
Total tenured women 10
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs
Last updated Nov 16 2021 09:28AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 25
Special requirements or purposes of the program

For each concentration, there are thesis and non-thesis options. At least 30 credit hours (including 6 credit hours of thesis research) are required.

GRE requirement General
Additional information A baccalaureate degree in mathematics, statistics or its equivalent. Three courses in mathematics, specified for each concentration. Statement of Purpose Three Letters of Recommendation Official GRE Scores * Transcripts (one from each institution attended) Official TOEFL/IELTS Scores (international applicants only) *
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · Other · Scientific Computing, Discrete Mathemtics, Bioinformatics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 60
Full-time women 38
First year 28
First year women 16
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 39
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $7500
Comments regarding financial support Most MS graduate assistants are Lab Assistants, with AY stipend of $5000 to $10000, for a work load of 10 to 20 hours per week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students can pursue a general course of study or one of six areas of concentration: Applied Mathematics Bioinformatics Biostatistics Discrete Mathematics Scientific Computing Statistics Statistics and Allied Field The concentrations in statistics are programs for students pursuing careers as professional statisticians in industry, business or government. These programs also provide advanced training in applied statistics for those who are already working in areas that use statistics. The concentrations in discrete mathematics and scientific computing are for students who wish to combine their study of mathematics with selected areas in discrete mathematics and computer science.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Mathematics Concentration Concentration Requirements The mathematics concentration requires that a student chooses three of the following six areas as subjects for the qualifying exam and take the two required courses for the topic if they were not taken as part of the common core. The qualifying exam is comprised of three separate written exams on each of the three chosen areas. The exam is administered by the department. Analysis Take both of the following: MATH 8110 - Real Analysis I 3 Credit Hours MATH 8120 - Real Analysis II 3 Credit Hours Matrix Theory MATH 8200 - Advanced Matrix Analysis 3 Credit Hours One of Following MATH 8210 - Topics in Applied Matrix Analysis 3 Credit Hours MATH 8201 - Combinatorial Matrix Theory 3 Credit Hours MATH 8620 - Numerical Linear Algebra 3 Credit Hours Algebra Take both of the following: MATH 8220 - Abstract Algebra I 3 Credit Hours MATH 8221 - Abstract Algebra II 3 Credit Hours Discrete Mathematics Take both of the following: MATH 8420 - Advanced Graph Theory 3 Credit Hours MATH 8440 - Combinatorics 3 Credit Hours Applied Mathematics Select two courses from the following: MATH 8500 - Systems Biology 3 Credit Hours MATH 8505 - Advanced Mathematical Biology 3 Credit Hours MATH 8525 - Applied Stochastic Processes 3 Credit Hours MATH 8560 - Informatics of Neural and Cardiovascular Systems 3 Credit Hours MATH 8610 - Advanced Numerical Analysis 3 Credit Hours Collegiate Mathematics Education Take both of the following: MATH 9126 - Epistemology of Advanced Mathematics Concepts 3 Credit Hours MATH 9136 - Learning Theories Relevant to Collegiate Mathematics Education 3 Credit Hours Additional Courses (24 Hours) For breadth and specialization a student following the concentration in mathematics will take at least 8 additional courses (24 hours) chosen from the following. At least three but no more than six should be 8000 and/or 9000-level courses within the student?s chosen area of specialization.

GRE requirement General
Additional information In addition to the general requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics have the following requirements for students who wish to enter into the Ph.D. program, regardless of concentration: A baccalaureate degree in mathematics, statistics, or a related field with a grade point average of 3.0 out of 4.0. Students with a grade point average of 2.75 will be considered for conditional admission. Three letters of reference, Recent GRE scores, A statement describing study plans. Applicants from non-English speaking countries must achieve a satisfactory score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Students must have completed courses in mathematics equivalent to the following with a grade of B or higher: MATH 4435 or MATH 6435 - Linear Algebra II 3 Credit Hours MATH 4661 or MATH 6661 - Analysis I 3 Credit Hours MATH 4662 or MATH 6662 - Analysis II 3 Credit Hours
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · Bioinformatics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 41
Full-time women 24
First year 8
First year women 5
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 38
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support The first year PhD students are usually suppoted at $15000 for the academic year. Starting in the second year, PhD students work as GTAs with stipend at least $20000 per year. Several fellowships with stipend $22000 per year are available. Summer employment is possible for additional pay.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The objective of the degree program is to provide comprehensive training in mathematics and statistics professional development. This training is meant to prepare students, including those from diverse backgrounds and underrepresented groups, for a variety of career paths involving research, teaching, and/or science advocacy, which include jobs in academia, government, and industry. The Ph.D. program includes concentrations in mathematics, bioinformatics and biostatistics. These concentrations address the critical need for mathematics faculty as well as the need for highly trained researchers in mathematics and statistics.

Harvard Univ, School of Public Health Biostatistics Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Harvard Univ, School of Public Health
Department Biostatistics Dept
Location Boston, Massachusetts United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Harvard University Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Harvard University
Department Department of Statistics
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Harvard University School of Engineering & Applied Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Harvard University
Department School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Harvard University Math Dept Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Harvard University Math Dept
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 63
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Mar 9 2023 01:43PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 53
Full-time women 19
First year 12
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 53
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support

Howard University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Howard University
Department Dept of Math
Location Washington, District of Columbia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Biomath Sci Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Department Biomath Sci Dept
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Idaho State University Dept of Mathematics and Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Idaho State University
Department Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
Location Pocatello, Idaho United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Illinois Institute of Technology Appl Math Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Illinois Institute of Technology
Department Appl Math Dept
Location Chicago, Illinois United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Illinois State University Mathematics Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Illinois State University
Location Normal, Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 21
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:29PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 17
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information A waiver is available for eligible students.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Other · Biomathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 10
First year 25
First year women 9
Part-time 27
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 24
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2034
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $11700
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information A waiver is available for eleigble students
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women 2
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 12
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2034
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14400

Indiana University Bloomington Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
Location Bloomington, Indiana United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 39
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 38
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 35
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Sep 5 2023 11:35AM

Indiana University, Bloomington Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Indiana University, Bloomington
Department Dept of Stat
Location Bloomington, Indiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Dept of Mathematical Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Department Dept of Mathematical Sciences
Location Indianapolis, Indiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Iowa State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution Iowa State University
Location Ames, Iowa United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 33
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 9
Last updated Sep 9 2022 02:25PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program The Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Mathematics is a program that offers students who have received a Bachelor?s degrees one year of training and preparation for entering a PhD program in Mathematics. The main goal of the program is to prepare students to be successful in graduate studies in mathematics and to experience graduate school. The program provides a path to study in both pure and applied mathematics. The program provides a means for those trained in pure mathematics to transition to applied mathematics, in addition to strengthening the background for those continuing in either specialty. This is a one-year program.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Students should have a background in calculus, linear algebra, and some experience in proof-writing.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Students take 2 courses per semester plus a 1-credit seminar course which covers teacher training and research topics.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students come from a variety of backgrounds. We especially encourage under-represented minority students to apply.
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Students receive a 50% tuition waiver plus a stipend of approximately $20k, which more than covers the remaining tuition.
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Masters students receive a 50% tuition waiver plus a stipend. Duties can include teaching, proctoring, or grading. A typical appointment is 20 hours per week which equates to 3 or 4 contact hours in a teaching appointment per week.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Student must pass four written qualifying exams in from among 10 one-semester course topics. An oral prelim precedes a final thesis defense. There are 72 required credits for the PhD, including at least 42 credits in formal, non-research coursework.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 72
Full-time women 21
First year 16
First year women 7
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 72
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28000

Iowa State University Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Iowa State University
Location Ames, Iowa United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 37
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 10
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 33
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Oct 18 2023 10:49AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 26
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · The university offers courses that delve into some of these fields, but we do not have any formal concentrations.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 6
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 9
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3221
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10557
Comments regarding financial support Quoted stipend is per semester for a 20-hour teaching or research assistantship, before taxes, and is subject to change. MS students on a 20-hour assistantship are awarded a 50% tuition scholarship at the graduate assistant rate, which is currently a $3,221 value per semester. Students on assistantship also receive free individual health insurance.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Our degree program is only in Statistics but students can easily pursue any of the above topics of interest in our program.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 95
Full-time women 39
First year 20
First year women 6
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 92
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6442
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10557
Comments regarding financial support The quoted stipend is per semester for a 20-hour teaching or research assistantship, before taxes, and is subject to change. PhD students on a 20-hour assistantship are awarded a 100% tuition scholarship at the graduate assistant rate, which is currently a $6,442 value per semester. Students on assistantship also receive free individual health insurance.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 46
Total women 21
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 17
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:42PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 18
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 32
Full-time women 21
First year 15
First year women 9
Part-time 11
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $63408
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 48
Full-time women 29
First year 11
First year women 6
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 49
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $63408
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28500

Johns Hopkins Univ, Bloomberg School of Public Health Dept of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins Univ, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 45
Total women 19
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Feb 10 2023 06:04PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 33
Full-time women 21
First year 17
First year women 12
Part-time 12
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $60960
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Our department offers a Master?s Tuition Scholarship (MTS) to students in our two-year, full-time ScM program. In total, the MTS is a 75% reduction in one year of tuition over the course of the program. Students have the option of: 1) distributing the scholarship entirely in their second year of study; or 2) receiving a 25% reduction in tuition their first year and a 50% reduction in their second year.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 45
Full-time women 27
First year 12
First year women 8
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 45
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25500

Johns Hopkins University Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins University
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Nov 16 2021 09:29AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 50
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students complete 10 courses or 8 courses and a Masters' project.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Operations Research · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 357
Full-time women 151
First year 197
First year women 83
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students A large fraction of international students.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $48000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Master's student are often hired as teaching assistants.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students pass introductory exam, candidacy exam, Graduate Board Oral Exam, thesis defense.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science · Mathematical biology, imaging sciences, inverse problems, fluid dynamics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 56
Full-time women 11
First year 17
First year women 4
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 56
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26000
Comments regarding financial support TA and RA are expected to put in 15 hours of work. Starting in 2022, we will provide summer funding in the first two years of study.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been 80% PhDs find employment in the private sector or government, the rest go to academia.

Johns Hopkins University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins University
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 37
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 16
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 16
Total postdocs 16
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:29PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 48
Full-time women 15
First year 9
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 48
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $34500
Comments regarding financial support First-year students are exempt from teaching.
Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins University
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 18
Total postdocs 15
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:43PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Submission of GRE Math subject scores is optional. The department views GRE Math subject scores as useful information. For applications which do not include these scores, more weight will be placed on the other elements of the application.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 44
Full-time women 11
First year 8
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 44
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $34500
Comments regarding financial support We offer five years of guaranteed support. A sixth year of support is generally possible for students who would benefit from it. First-year students are exempt from TA duties; students also receive an additional semester off from TAing in their 4th or 5th years.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Dept of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Department Dept of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Elec & Comp Eng Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Department Elec & Comp Eng Dept
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Kansas State University Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Kansas State University
Location Manhattan, Kansas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 32
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 36
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:28PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Overview of the Program In general, a student in the Master's program will fall into one of three categories: wishing to work in the private sector, wishing to teach mathematics in a community or four-year college, or wishing to continue into a Ph.D. program in mathematics. In order to complete a Master's degree, the student must pass the Qualifying Exam, fulfill the coursework requirement, form a Supervisory Committee and file the Program of Study, and lastly, pass the Master's Final Examination. Qualifying Examination QE I [Qualifying Exam System Information] and [QE I Archives] The first part of the qualifying exam, QE I, consists of subject exams, currently offered in four areas. Algebra (based on MATH 730-731) Analysis (based on MATH 721-722-Complex) Applied Math (based on Math 715-716) Geometry/Topology (based on MATH 770-771) Master's students are asked to attempt at least three of these exams upon arrival at Kansas State. The results are used to help determined appropriate placement in graduate courses and teaching assignments. A sufficiently strong performance (generally four of six problems solved) can also be used to satisfy the Final Examination requirement (see below). Program of Study and Coursework The Program of Study must be approved by the student's Supervisory Committee, the Department Head, and the Dean of the Graduate School. The student must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours of graduate credit (courses numbered at the 700 level or above). The student must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA in the courses listed on the Program of Study. Furthermore, the student must earn a grade of A or B in three-fourths of these courses, with no worse than a C grade in the remaining courses. There are three options for fulfilling the Graduate School's final examination requirement for Master's students. Qualifying Exam Option/Master's Thesis/Master's Report Students are expected to complete the M.S. Program within three years.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The requirements for admission for graduate work in mathematics are 21 semester hours of work beyond the calculus level and a B average or better in courses taken in mathematics. Also, one should have a B average in all work taken during one's last two years of university study. Those who wish to apply for a teaching assistantship, whose primary language is not English, are required to take an English Language Test and achieve a minimum score.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · The goal of the Master's program in mathematics at Kansas State University is to expose each student to the foundations of advanced mathematics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women
First year 2
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $705
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support Most students will have a GTA during their study. The precise financial details will be spelled out in our offer letter, but generally they will include a tuition waiver and a nine-month salary to carry you through the first academic year. To earn this salary, you will be required to teach recitation courses and to grade papers and exams. We strive to keep the load fair and manageable since you will have your own coursework to complete and a research group to locate. The salary is competitive, especially considering that the cost-of-living in Manhattan, Kansas, is about 25% below the U.S. national average.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been A student in the Master's program will fall into one of three categories: wishing to work in the private sector, wishing to teach mathematics in a community or four-year college, or wishing to continue into a Ph.D. program in mathematics.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The student is required to complete a minimum of 90 hours of graduate credit (courses numbered at the 700 level or above), with at least 60% of the credit hours in courses numbered 800 or higher. Students entering with a Master's Degree from an accredited program may transfer up to 30 hours of that degree toward the PhD coursework requirement. The above-mentioned 90 credit hours must contain a minimum of 30 credit hours of MATH 999 (PhD research), and at least 24 credit hours of coursework (exclusive of MATH 999 courses) in the Department of Mathematics. Eligibility to enroll in MATH 999 is restricted to students having passed the Specialty Exam (see below). This coursework must be completed according to the Graduate School's policy regarding grades and minimum GPA. Qualifying Examination QE I The first part of the qualifying exam, QE I, consists of subject exams, currently offered in four areas. Algebra (based on MATH 730-731) Analysis (based on MATH 721-722-Complex) Applied Math (based on Math 715-716) Geometry/Topology (based on MATH 770-771) Students are asked to attempt at least three of these exams upon arrival at Kansas State. The results are used to help determined appropriate placement in graduate courses and teaching assignments. Students must pass exams in three subjects. Two are to be passed by the June following the student's first year of study; a third must be passed by the following August. Qualifying Exam QE II The second part of the Qualifying Exam system consists of written or oral exams in two subjects, a major subject and a minor subject. The student, along with his or her dissertation committee, designs a syllabus based on material from 800-level courses or more advanced topics. The major subject portion of the syllabus must cover at least two semesters at this level; the minor portion at least one semester. The student's advisor and dissertation committee must approve the format (oral, written, or combined) of the exams.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information In most cases an applicant to the PhD program should have completed work in mathematics equivalent to that required for a Bachelor's Degree at Kansas State University. Details on the application process can be found on the graduate program admission site. Admission is granted upon approval by the Graduate Program Advisory Committee (GPAC), the Department Head, and the Graduate School. Students pursuing graduate studies are enrolled in the Graduate School and are subject to the policies as outlined in the Graduate School Handbook, as well as the regulations of the Department of Mathematics. Though the GRE Subject test in mathematics is not a requirement for admission, providing a score for that test may help your application.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 43
Full-time women 11
First year 6
First year women 3
Part-time 1
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students are expected to complete this program within six years and should not anticipate receiving financial support (such as Teaching Assistantships) from the department for more than six years. Students are also responsible for being aware of and following the Graduate School time requirements. In any case, the date that the student was originally admitted to the graduate program in the Department of Mathematics will be considered the beginning date for the purpose of deciding time guidelines/deadlines in reference to the QE I and QE II (major and minor), as well as maximum length of time to complete a degree and for possible financial support.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 42
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $705
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support Most students will have a GTA during their study. The precise financial details will be spelled out in our offer letter, but generally they will include a tuition waiver and a nine-month salary to carry you through the first academic year. To earn this salary, you will be required to teach recitation courses and to grade papers and exams. We strive to keep the load fair and manageable since you will have your own coursework to complete and a research group to locate. The salary is competitive, especially considering that the cost-of-living in Manhattan, Kansas, is about 25% below the U.S. national average.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The goal of the doctoral program in mathematics at Kansas State University is to prepare each student for a successful career in academia or industry. Candidates must demonstrate to the faculty that they have met criteria for both breadth and depth in their studies.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program The objectives of this interdisciplinary certificate program focus on providing graduate students of Kansas State University with both fundamental Applied Mathematics training as well as experience in applying this training to relevant problems in science and engineering disciplines. The analytical and computational skills provided by this certificate program form a firm foundation for the careers of graduate students in Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and the Sciences by preparing these students to participate in cutting-edge multidisciplinary research projects. The Certificate in Applied Mathematics is a 12-credit program administered within the Department of Mathematics and through the offices of the Center for the Integration of Undergraduate, Graduate and Postdoctoral Research (I-Center).
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The objectives of this interdisciplinary certificate program focus on providing graduate students of Kansas State University with both fundamental Applied Mathematics training as well as experience in applying this training to relevant problems in science and engineering disciplines. The analytical and computational skills provided by this certificate program form a firm foundation for the careers of graduate students in Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and the Sciences by preparing these students to participate in cutting-edge multidisciplinary research projects. To gain admission to the Certificate program, the student must be approved for admission by the Certificate Supervisory Committee and by the Graduate School. Admission requires evidence of completion of a bachelor's degree from an accredited university with minimum GPA as established by the Graduate School; or concurrent enrollment in a graduate degree program at Kansas State University or an accredited University. In instances where the graduate certificate program is not linked with a graduate degree program at Kansas State University, the student must meet the entrance requirements for graduate study, including English language proficiency requirements as specified in Chapter 1 of the Graduate School Handbook and relevant documentation must be forwarded to the Graduate School before the student can be admitted.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Kansas State University Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Kansas State University
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Manhattan, Kansas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Kennesaw State University School of Data Science and Analytics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Kennesaw State University
Location Kennesaw, Georgia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:52PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 60
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Kent State University Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Kent State University
Location Kent, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 18 2020 10:44AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Qualifying exams are offered in Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Probability, Numerical Analysis, Methods of Applied Mathematics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Original Transcripts sent to Admissions Personal Statement and Resume At least three recommendation letters TOEFL score sent to Admissions (for international students, institution code: 1367) Proof of Financial Support (for international students)
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · A concentration in Statistics or Biostatistics is available as a part of Applied Mathematics Program.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 50
Full-time women 23
First year 9
First year women 5
Part-time 29
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10766
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support The students on GA typically teach 3 classes per year. The tuition, fees and medical insurance for students on GA are covered by the department. Tuition and fees for students in MA in Mathematics for Secondary Teachers program is covered by the grant from the state of Ohio.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many students continue to Ph.D., some choose to teach in a number of smaller colleges all around USA. A number of students select industrial jobs, including Actuarial, Financial, Programing career.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Qualifying exams are offered Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Probability, Numerical Analysis, Methods of Applied Mathematics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Original Transcripts sent to Admissions Personal Statement and Resume At least three recommendation letters TOEFL score sent to Admissions (for international students, institution code: 1367) Proof of Financial Support (for international students)
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 41
Full-time women 19
First year 8
First year women 5
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 14
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10766
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20800
Comments regarding financial support The students on GA typically teach 3 classes per year. The tuition, fees and medical insurance for students on GA are covered by the department. Typically 3 students in the department are partially supported by research grants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been A number of students are accepted to postdoctoral positions and continue academic research career in universities in USA and abroad. Some start teaching position in smaller colleges. A number of graduates work in industry including Key Bank, NASA, NSA, Bridgestone...

Kent State University, Geauga and Twinsburg Academic Center Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Kent State University, Geauga and Twinsburg Academic Center
Location Burton and Twinsburg, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:34PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement General
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Computer Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement General
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Lehigh University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Lehigh University
Location Bethlehem, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 13
Total postdocs 5
Last updated Dec 9 2022 08:57AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE General Test is strongly recommended.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Other · Financial Engineering
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 0
First year 6
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $27000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Full time tuition is about $27,000 per year. Many students receive a tuition award covering 1/3 of this cost. Second year students are hired as graders and a few as teaching assistants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students successfully take jobs in industry. A few continue on to a doctoral degree.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE General Test is strongly recommended.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 37
Full-time women 7
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 37
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23500
Comments regarding financial support Tuition is about $27,000 per year. The typical teaching or research assistant receives about $23,500 stipend for academic year as well as a full tuition fellowship. Additional summer support is available. Duties are 15 - 20 hours per week involving grading, running recitations, tutoring or teaching.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most successfully obtain full time teaching jobs at colleges or universities. A few take industry jobs.

Lehigh University Div of Appl Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Lehigh University
Department Div of Appl Math & Stat
Location Bethlehem, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Department Dept of Math
Location Baton Rouge, Louisiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Louisiana Tech University Comp Analysis & Modeling Prog

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Louisiana Tech University
Location Ruston, Louisiana United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:32PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 11
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 29
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14400
Comments regarding financial support The above information on financial support is mainly based on the college graduate student fund. If the financial support comes from research grants, the stipend may be higher and the tuition and fees may be waved. Typical duties for the first-year students are TA and RA.

Louisiana Tech University Prog of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Louisiana Tech University
Department Prog of Math & Stat
Location Ruston, Louisiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans Dept of Biostats

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans
Location New Orleans, Louisiana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 7
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 15 2020 01:29PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 5
First year 3
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10527
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support MS students may work as a student worker at hourly rate of about $10/hour.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Data analyst / Biostatistician, SAS programmer in medical center, hospital, non- or for-profit organization, Pharmaceutical company, etc.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 3
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 8
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10527
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support PhD student's financial support includes tuition waiver.

Marquette University Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Marquette University
Location Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 29 2020 08:40AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · Master of Science degrees in Computational Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Applied Statistics, Mathematics for Secondary School Teachers.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 3
First year 4
First year women 3
Part-time 13
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10845
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 8
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Computational Science and Engineering

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 08:53AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see our website,, for the most current information.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Other · Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Please see our website,, for the most current information.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 56
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 44
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 42
Total postdocs 39
Last updated Dec 8 2022 12:05PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 30
Special requirements or purposes of the program

8 course requirement, oral qualifying exam in 3rd semester, original thesis, no online aspects

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 120
Full-time women 23
First year 22
First year women 6
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 120
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $46560
Comments regarding financial support All first year students are awarded a fellowship. In years 2-5, students are supported with a TA, RA or fellowship.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students seek positions in academia as postdocs; students sometimes take industry positions especially on the applied side.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Oper Res Ctr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department Oper Res Ctr
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Massachusetts Institute of Technology OR/Stat Grp, Mgmt Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department OR/Stat Grp, Mgmt Sci
Location Cambridge, Massachusetts United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

McGill University Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution McGill University
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Montreal, Quebec Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

McMaster University Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution McMaster University
Location Hamilton, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 31
Total postdocs 15
Last updated Sep 24 2021 11:08AM

Medical University of South Carolina Department of Public Health Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Medical University of South Carolina
Location Charleston, South Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 40
Total women 23
Total tenured faculty 8
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 8
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:28PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6752
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support $6752 per semester for instate students $9484 per semester for out of state students
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 8
First year 5
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 16
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31000

Medical University of South Carolina Dept of Public Health Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Medical University of South Carolina
Location Charleston, South Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 40
Total women 20
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 12 2023 12:08PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Math subject · Optional or not required
Additional information Undergraduate & Graduate Record: Minimum GPA 3.0, background in basic sciences Graduate Record Examination: Strongly Recommended Three Letters of Recommendation: From instructors and supervisors Personal statement: Reasons for enrollment, area(s) of interest, future goals Application opens December 1st every year.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics · Other · Epidemiology
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Other · Epidemiology
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Memorial Univ of Newfoundland Math & Stat Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Memorial Univ of Newfoundland
Department Math & Stat Dept
Location St John's, Newfoundland and Labrador Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Michigan State University Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Michigan State University
Location East Lansing, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 54
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 39
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 32
Total postdocs 22
Last updated Dec 13 2022 11:19AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 14
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 93
Full-time women 20
First year 17
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 95
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21761

Michigan State University Dept of Stat & Probability

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Michigan State University
Location East Lansing, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 10
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:37PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

4 core courses, 2 recommended, 3 electives, those with 3.5 GPA in the 4 core courses do not take qualifying exam. Typically it takes 2 years to complete. Many students do internships in summer, a few serve as TA, all get employed in industry or go on to doctoral programs

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science · Other · Applied Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 21
Full-time women 9
First year 10
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $13754
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19950
Comments regarding financial support 20 GA hours per week; teaching and grading; depending on if you reside in-state, out-of-state or international, this 2-year program costs between $25,000 - $48,500 USD total. There is also a newly launched MS program in data science, which costs $39,000 USD yearly.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been data analysts for financial institutions, insurance companies, .com industry, tech industry, any company that needs specialists to extract and analyze data. all of our graduates are successfully employed or went on to doctoral studies.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

there are 5 core courses that serve as base for 2 qualifying exams; there are 8 more required courses and 3 electives; after the first 3 years most students only do dissertation writing. Most students do internships or TA/RA in summer.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE was optional due to COVID19 pandemic
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 39
Full-time women 12
First year 10
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 39
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $13754
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19950
Comments regarding financial support 20 hours per week as GA; teaching and grading; PhD tuition is covered by the assistanceship; students are responsible for $75 in fees
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been academic careers in excellent universities; careers in tech, financial, healthcare, insurance, .com industry

Michigan Tech University Department of Mathematical Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Michigan Tech University
Department Department of Mathematical Sciences
Location Houghton, Michigan United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Middle Tennessee State University Dept of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Middle Tennessee State University
Department Dept of Math Sci
Location Murfreesboro, Tennessee United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Mississippi State University Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Mississippi State University
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Mississippi State, Mississippi United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Missouri University of Science & Technology Math & Stat Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Missouri University of Science & Technology
Department Math & Stat Dept
Location Rolla, Missouri United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Montana State University Dept of Math Sci

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Montana State University
Location Bozeman, Montana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 50
Total women 23
Total tenured faculty 28
Total tenured women 12
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 27 2023 09:20AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 32
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers a wide range of technical and research degrees and is a recognized leader of research in the mathematical sciences. The department provides a variety of opportunities for innovative instruction and cooperative research. With more than 28 faculty members and nearly 100 graduate students, the department is large enough to support a robust and research-active faculty, but small enough to allow faculty and graduate students an intimate atmosphere for the easy exchange of ideas. We are a community of scholars who aim to empower human beings to think quantitatively and generate new knowledge in the mathematical sciences.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 64
Full-time women 10
First year 13
First year women 6
Part-time 16
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 36
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1892
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 26
Full-time women 9
First year 8
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1892
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 1
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Montclair State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Montclair State University
Location Montclair, New Jersey United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 14
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 19 2023 11:08AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Other · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 14
First year 11
First year women 5
Part-time 13
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $13000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $7000
Comments regarding financial support Our students tend to work in our tutoring center or as TAs for courses. The workload is 20 hours per week. Some students are supported as tutors in remedial math courses for about 10 hrs per week. Students also sometimes receive research support to various degrees (full stipend/tuition scholarships to hourly salaries) depending on the type of grant.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our students have gone for PhD programs in math and math related fields, pursue teaching careers in K12 schools or have found employment in industries (primarily retail or computer science fields).
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Information about course requirements, the qualifying experience, and dissertation procedures can be found on this webpage:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 4
First year 1
First year women 1
Part-time 22
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students 4 students are international students.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22000
Comments regarding financial support We aim to provide every full-time doctoral student with a 20-hour per week assistantship that pays tuition, fees, and a stipend. The responsibility of doctoral research assistants is to collaborate with faculty on all aspects of research. Funding is also available through our Graduate School, external grant funding sources, and a competitive fellowship.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our program prepares doctoral students for careers as mathematics educators and education researchers at two- and four-year colleges and universities, researchers at scientific and policy research institutes, mathematics curriculum developers, leaders in school districts and education agencies, and research-based teachers in classrooms. Our most recent graduates have careers as mathematics education researchers at four-year colleges and universities, developers of curriculum and professional development, leaders in school districts, and research-based teachers in classrooms.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program This certificate is meant to prepare students to teach middle school mathematics. Students with NJ certification can also get certification to teach middle grades mathematics.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women 4
First year 3
First year women 3
Part-time 5
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support N/A

Morgan State University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Morgan State University
Department Dept of Math
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Naval Postgraduate School Department of Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Naval Postgraduate School
Location Monterey, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members 11
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:46PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · We offer degrees focusing on scientific computing, network science, and secure communications
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 13
Full-time women 4
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 0
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

New Jersey Institute of Technology Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution New Jersey Institute of Technology
Location Newark, New Jersey United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 39
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 33
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Mar 9 2023 05:08PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 19
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Further information posted in online brochures/webpages: Applied Mathematics: Applied Statistics: Biostatistics: Masters of Data Science:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE required for all those seeking financial support and for all applicants whose most recent degree was awarded from an institution outside of the United States. For all others, GRE scores are encouraged but not required. TOEFL required for international students (550 or above, 213 computer-based)
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · Further Descriptions listed here:
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 40
Full-time women 20
First year 11
First year women 7
Part-time 10
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Financial support for full-time students in the Master's program is extremely limited. Full-time domestic and international students may be eligible to receive the NJIT Provost Fellowship. For further information on financial aid, visit:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The program is intended for motivated students with a strong interest in mathematical and statistical sciences, who enjoy the challenges of problem solving, and are interested in a career in related fields. It is designed to meet the needs of those intending to pursue a doctoral degree in the mathematical/statistical or related sciences, but is also well-suited to students who want to expand their skills for careers in industry, commerce, or education. The program will benefit practicing engineers and high technology workers seeking to enhance their expertise in applied mathematics and applied statistics.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Research Specializations: Applied Mathematics - Mathematical modeling, asymptotic methods, and scientific computing are emphasized. Specific areas of application include: Acoustics, Dynamical Systems, Electromagnetics, Fluid Mechanics and Combustion, Materials Science, Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience, and Wave Propagation. Applied Probability and Statistics - Applied Probability and Stochastic Modeling, Nonparametric Statistics and Statistical Inference, Reliability Theory and Applications, and Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Further reading:

GRE requirement General
Additional information Bachelor's or master's degree in Mathematics or other mathematically oriented discipline such as Physics, Engineering, or Chemistry. GPA from prior study of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale required. GRE scores are required. TOEFL (550 or above, 213 computer based) is required for international students from non-English speaking countries who do not have a degree from a U.S. university
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 38
Full-time women 9
First year 6
First year women 0
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 38
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25500
Comments regarding financial support Students offered support upon admission to our program are guaranteed full stipend and tuition as well as coverage of standard fees. Summer stipend and subsequent financial support are subject to good academic performance and availability of funds. Supported students will be responsible for up to 20 hours of work a week for a total of approximately 37 weeks during the regular academic year. Most first-year students accepted into the program are awarded Teaching Assistantships (TAs) and are responsible for leading recitations and grading coursework. When Research Assistantships (RAs) are available, students are assigned work at the discretion of the grant's Principal Investigator (PI) but will also receive assignments to proctor common and final exams.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Through intensive research activities, students in the program are exposed to the latest innovations in the mathematical sciences.The environment is uniquely suited for students setting out on a research career. The program is intended for highly motivated and able students with a strong interest in mathematics, statistics, and their applications, who are interested in the challenges of research and a career in the mathematical and statistical sciences or a related field. After graduation, our students have joined a diverse workforce, ranging from potdoc and faculty positions to data analytics scientists; for further information visit:

New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology
Location Albuquerque, New Mexico United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 14
Total women 1
Total tenured faculty 9
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 9
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:57PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information GRE requirements are: Verbal-148, Quantitative-164, Analytical-3
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Operations Research
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 4
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7344
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22730
Comments regarding financial support Teach, Tutor and grading max 20hrs/week
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Specific can be obtained from NMT Catalog

GRE requirement General
Additional information GRE requirements are: Verbal-148, Quantitative-164, Analytical-3
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Ph.D. in Mathematics with Dissertation in Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Probability and statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 3
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 3
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We have many international students.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $23730
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $7344
Comments regarding financial support Teach, Tutor and grading max 20hrs/week
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academia, national labs, and industry.

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
Location Las Cruces, New Mexico United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 20
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Dec 16 2022 01:44PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Four core courses are required in linear algebra, analysis, and algebra. Then there is much freedom to pick particular areas including algebra, analysis, applied math, foundations, and statistics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information TOEFL 79 on the iBT or 550 on the paper-based test 6.5 overall IELTS Or degree from a recognized English speaking university
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Other · The degree is Masters in Mathematics, but allows significant course work in many particular specialties such as statistics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 5
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The specific makeup of the Master's student population varies considerably from year to year. This year most will graduate and some will move on to the PhD. We will see a large incoming Master's class next year.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 16
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Nearly all of our graduate students receive Teaching Assistantships that require the equivalent of teaching one course and 5 hours of grading per semester. Initially duties are with grading and tutoring and assisting in classes until familiar with our courses. Frequent opportunities in the summer semester. Pending union contract may reduce tuition requirements There are a limited number of possibilities for additional support through generous donations by the J. Kist Foundation. Las Cruces is beautiful, safe, nice climate, and not expensive, Many students share an apartment with another and close enough to walk to campus for $300 per month. The money we offer is not enough to be rich, but is enough to live on reasonably.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our students go to teaching careers at smaller colleges and regional US universities. Many foreign students go on to teaching careers at universities in their home countries. We place a good number in jobs at goverment labs and military facilities in the state, and at tech companies that support them.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

There are many options. Some initial core coursework is required, then a basic exam. An advanced exam in area of specialty.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information TOEFL 79 on the iBT or 550 on the paper-based test 6.5 overall IELTS Or degree from a recognized English speaking university We encourage those aiming for a PhD and without a Master's to enroll first in our Master's then go on to a PhD. This takes no extra time and allows us to provide a longer period of funding.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · We have strong groups in Algebra, Analysis, Logic & Foundations, PDEs, Probability, Statistics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 17
Full-time women 6
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students This varies a good amount by year. Students tend to be a mix of local, domestic, and international. About a third have families, some with children. It is a very helpful atmosphere, there is no form of competition. All are trying to achieve their own goals.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 15
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support Nearly all of our graduate students receive Teaching Assistantships that require the equivalent of teaching one course and 5 hours of grading per semester. The first semester is usually tutoring/grading or running a lab for a calculus course. Frequent opportunities in the summer semester. Pending union contract may reduce tuition requirements There are a limited number of possibilities for additional support through generous donations by the J. Kist Foundation. Las Cruces is beautiful, safe, nice climate, and not expensive, Many students share an apartment with another and close enough to walk to campus for $300 per month. The money we offer is not enough to be rich, but is enough to live on reasonably.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our students go to teaching careers at smaller colleges and regional US universities. Many foreign students go on to teaching careers at universities in their home countries. We place a good number in jobs at goverment labs and military facilities in the state, and at tech companies that support them.

New York University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution New York University
Department Dept of Math
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

New York University, Courant Institute Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution New York University, Courant Institute
Department Department of Mathematics
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

New York University, Stern School of Business IOMS-Statistics Grp 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution New York University, Stern School of Business
Department IOMS-Statistics Grp
Location New York, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

North Carolina State University Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution North Carolina State University
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Raleigh, North Carolina United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

North Carolina State University Deptartment of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution North Carolina State University
Location Raleigh, North Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 43
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 28
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Dec 12 2022 09:43AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Successful applicants to our program have the minimum pre-requisites of 3 semesters of Calculus and 1 semester of Linear Algebra. Coursework in-progress will be considered.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants who are non-US Citizens/Permanent Residents should refer to the information regarding English Proficiency that is required by The Graduate School.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · The Biostatistics Concentration is unavailable to Online Master of Statistics students.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The Department of Statistics strives to admit 50% women, and 50% US Citizens/Permanent Residents to our programs.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Our Master of Statistics programs do not provide any type of financial support such as Teaching or Research Assistantships or Fellowships.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates in our Master of Statistics program are very successful in careers in Industry. More than 80% of our graduates have accepted employment prior to their graduation, and most of the remaining graduates are employed within 3 months.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Successful applicants to our program have the minimum pre-requisites of 3 semesters of Calculus and 1 semester of Linear Algebra. Coursework in Real Analysis will be beneficial.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants who are non-US Citizens/Permanent Residents should refer to the information regarding English Proficiency that is required by The Graduate School.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The Department of Statistics strives to admit 50% women, and 50% US Citizens/Permanent Residents to our programs.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Applicants offered admission to the Doctoral Program in Statistics are supported on, at minimum, a 9-month Teaching Assistantship. Tuition and Health Insurance are included.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates in our Doctoral Program in Statistics are very successful in careers in Academia, Government, Industry, Manufacturing, Finance, Sports, and more. Over 95% of our graduates have accepted employment prior to their graduation, and the remaining graduates are employed within 3 months.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Our online program serves a wide audience. We have traditional students that enter directly after their undergraduate studies. However, a large proportion of our online program community have been working for 5+ years and are looking to retool or upscale their careers. Note that students are not required to have a calculus background to be successful in these 4 courses. However, calculus is required for those who want to continue and obtain our online master?s degree (6 more courses).
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

North Dakota State University, Fargo Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution North Dakota State University, Fargo
Department Department of Statistics
Location Fargo, North Dakota United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

North Dakota State University, Fargo Mathematics Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution North Dakota State University, Fargo
Location Fargo, North Dakota United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 15
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:49PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1080
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support The stipend comes in form of a teaching assistantship (18 hours/week) with a 100% tuition waiver. First year students either work in the Math Emporium, or they are assigned two Calculus recitations. Interested students may work 20 hours/week for an additional $1500 per academic year.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

After taking courses in foundational sequences, students take written preliminary exams in four of the areas listed above. A limited number of advanced undergraduate courses may be taken for graduate credit to fill gaps in undergraduate training.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 29
Full-time women 6
First year 6
First year women 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1080
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support The stipend comes in form of a teaching assistantship with a 100% tuition waiver. First year students work in the Math Emporium, or they are assigned two Calculus recitations (18 hours/week). Interested students may work 20 hours/week for an additional $1500 per academic year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The majority of our graduate find employment in teaching positions in academia. All recent graduate alumni with initial employment are listed at

Northeastern University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Northeastern University
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Boston, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 59
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Oct 18 2023 10:51AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 40
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Operations Research
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 85
Full-time women 21
First year 40
First year women 7
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students entering with a bachelor's degree are required to take 48 semester hours of coursework divided between foundational and advanced offerings. Students entering the program will be allowed to place out of some (possibly all) of the six basic-level courses; the graduate coordinator together with the first-year graduate advisor will determine the allowable course substitutions and will advise the student which foundational courses to take. Students may satisfy requirements for Algebra 1 (MATH 5111) and Analysis 1: Functions of One Variable (MATH 5101) by taking qualifying exams in algebra 1 and in analysis 1 at the start of the program. Students may satisfy foundational course requirements if they demonstrate proficiency by passing an assessment exam in the course at the beginning of the semester or by demonstrating that they have taken a similar course and have adequate knowledge of the course material (syllabus and transcript are required; a brief oral examination is also required in that case). Academic advising will happen just before the start of each term and during the add/drop period in order to plan a student?s course registration for the term. A complete listing of foundational and advanced courses is available from the Department of Mathematics and the graduate dean?s office. Students are not permitted to register for more than two ?readings? courses and three ?topics? courses for credit toward the degree without explicit permission from the graduate dean. A minimum GPA of 3.000 is required for degree conferral. Qualifying exam sessions are given once in spring and once in fall. Students will be required to pass four qualifying exams: algebra 1, analysis 1, and two other exams. The possible additional topics for qualifying exams are algebra 2, analysis 2, combinatorics, geometry, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, probability, statistics, topology, and algebraic geometry. A qualifying exam may be taken twice by any stud

GRE requirement Math subject · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 40
Full-time women 9
First year 11
First year women 5
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 40
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Northeastern University
Location Boston, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 64
Total women 17
Total tenured faculty 33
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 9 2022 02:13PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 31
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Operations Research · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 81
Full-time women 35
First year 33
First year women 11
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 34
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1730
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13441
Comments regarding financial support The amount of the tuitions above is per credit hour. the students pays $350 as one time fees.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 35
Full-time women 4
First year 5
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 35
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13441
Comments regarding financial support The stipend amount is per semester. our department pays for Fall and Spring semester ( a total of 8 months).
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhD student prepare for teaching , research and industry career opportunities

Northern Illinois University Dept of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Northern Illinois University
Department Dept of Math Sci
Location DeKalb, Illinois United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Northwestern University Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Northwestern University
Department Department of Statistics
Location Evanston, Illinois United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Northwestern University Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Northwestern University
Department Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics Dept
Location Evanston, Illinois United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Northwestern University Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Northwestern University
Location Evanston, Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 16
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 16
Total postdocs 7
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:51PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 70
Full-time women 28
First year 12
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 70
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $3300
Comments regarding financial support First-year fellowship. Subsequent years are a mix of fellowship, RA and TA support.

Oakland University Dept of Mathematics and Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Oakland University
Department Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
Location Rochester, Michigan United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Ohio St Univ, Columbus Math Biosciences Inst 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Ohio St Univ, Columbus
Department Math Biosciences Inst
Location Columbus, Ohio United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Ohio State University, Columbus Dept of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Ohio State University, Columbus
Location Columbus, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 19
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:52PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 28
Full-time women 6
First year 19
First year women 3
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 12
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 62
Full-time women 23
First year 13
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 60
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Ohio State University, Columbus Integrated Systems Engineering 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Ohio State University, Columbus
Department Integrated Systems Engineering
Location Columbus, Ohio United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Ohio University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Ohio University
Location Athens, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 43
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 30
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 19 2022 03:03PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics ·
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 26
Full-time women 3
First year 15
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Most students are supported as Teaching Assistants.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 3
First year 5
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 18
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Most students are supported as Teaching Assistants.

Oklahoma State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Oklahoma State University
Location Stillwater, Oklahoma United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 39
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:40PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students take 33 semester hours of courses. These include 18 hours of core course work which need to be passed with a grade of A or B. The nature of the course work depends on the chosen concentration (pure math, applied math or math education). Students also complete a MS report or thesis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Prospective students are expected to have at least 18 semester hours in mathematics beyond elementary integral calculus including courses in differential equations, linear algebra, introductory analysis and modern algebra. We typically admit 4-6 new MS students each year.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Other · Math Education, focusing on Undergraduate Math Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 3
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 11
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1693
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18261
Comments regarding financial support Nearly all new admitted MS students are offered financial support as GTAs. Student do not teach in their first semester and instead are required to take a teaching seminar course to learn the foundations of college mathematics teaching. In their second semester, students receive further mentorship by receiving teaching assignments one our lower-division coordinated classes.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of our MS students continue their education in PhD math programs either at OSU or other universities. MS students have also accepted teaching positions at smaller universities and community colleges. They have also accepted jobs in industry and finance.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

PhD students are required to take 60 hours of course work beyond a MS degree, or 90 hours of course work beyond a bachelor's degree. These hours include 15 hours of core coursework depending on the specialization of pure math, applied math or math education. Students also complete a preliminary research project, take a qualifying exam and finally write/defend a dissertation.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants to our PhD program are expected to have at least 30 semester course hours in mathematics at the master's level. These hours should include courses in advanced calculus and master's level algebra. Most students we admit have already earned a master's degree, although we do sometimes admit students with only bachelor's degree given they already taken some graduate level courses. We typically admit 4-6 new PhD students each year.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 10
First year 6
First year women 4
Part-time 4
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 30
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1693
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21222
Comments regarding financial support Nearly all new admitted PhD students are offered financial support as GTAs. Student do not teach in their first semester and instead are required to take a teaching seminar course to learn the foundations of college mathematics teaching. In their second semester, students receive further mentorship by receiving teaching assignments one our lower-division coordinated classes.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our graduating PhD students have careers in academics accepting either post-doctoral positions at research universities or teaching faculty positions at regional universities. Our PhD students have also gone on to successful careers in industry and finance.

Oklahoma State University Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Oklahoma State University
Department Dept of Stat
Location Stillwater, Oklahoma United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Old Dominion University Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Old Dominion University
Location Norfolk, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 23
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:35PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The M.S. candidate must complete a minimum of 36 normal credit hours of course work designed to fulfill an option in either applied mathematics, mathematics of data science, statistics or biostatistics. The M.S. candidate will be assigned to a faculty advisor for a master?s project.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information An applicant to the master?s program in computational and applied mathematics should have a bachelor?s degree in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or an application area with a strong mathematics component (e.g., physics or engineering). Undergraduate mathematics preparation should include course work in linear algebra, advanced calculus, differential equations, probability, and numerical methods. Undergraduate averages of 2.80 overall (4.00 scale) and 3.00 in the major and related mathematics courses are required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 5
Full-time women 4
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $11000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25000
Comments regarding financial support New students are supported as Teaching Assistants. Duties include tutoring and working at labs for up to 20 hours per week.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants who appear to be qualified for study at an advanced graduate level may be admitted to the doctoral program in computational and applied mathematics. These will be students with very strong backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or application areas with a mathematics component (e.g. physics or engineering). Students may be admitted directly to the Ph.D. program with either a bachelor?s or a master?s degree. A grade point average of 3.00 (4.00 scale) in the major and related mathematics courses is required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 32
Full-time women 8
First year 7
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 24
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $11000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25000
Comments regarding financial support Two Dominion scholarships are available to 1st year students. No duty attached. Other students are supported as Teaching Assistants. Duties include tutoring and working at labs for up to 20 hours per week.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Old Dominion University Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Old Dominion University
Location Norfolk, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 27
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 23
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Oct 5 2023 01:47PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Areas of faculty research include analytical and numerical modeling in oceanography and meteorology, computational fluid dynamics and stability theory, elasticity and fracture mechanics, combustion theory, magnetohydrodynamics, mathematical biology, numerical analysis and approximation, optimization, applied probability, statistical inference, reliability, multivariate statistics, generalized linear models, estimating equations, biostatistics, nonparametric statistics, bioinformatics, machine learning, data science and high performance computing.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women 2
First year 2
First year women 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Usually, our PhD students also get Master's degree after two years in the program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $16000
Comments regarding financial support Support is usually for PhD students. But we will support Master's students if fund is available.Tuition is waived for students receiving assistantships. $3500 additional for summer semesters
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 35
Full-time women 7
First year 7
First year women 2
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support Most first year students are supported as Teaching Assistants who work in the math lab or tutoring center for up to 20 hours per week. A couple of new students receive scholarships with no duty. $3500 additional for summer semesters.

Oregon State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution Oregon State University
Location Corvallis, Oregon United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 50
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 20 2023 02:40PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program Post-bac program for students with a previous undergraduate degree that offers in addition to a Mathematics degree, transcript visible options in Applied and Computational Math, Math Bio, Secondary Teaching, and Statistics.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applications are reviewed at the undergraduate level.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The curriculum includes introductory abstract algebra and real analysis together with senior level coursework in mathematics and/or statistics.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 0
First year
First year women
Part-time 3
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12165
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Our post-bac students are considered undergraduates.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our post-bac students are often preparing to enter a graduate program that requires background in mathematics such as economics, statistics, or mathematics itself. Many are successful.
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 16
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The required curriculum includes core coursework in graduate level mathematics (real and complex analysis and abstract linear algebra), some core coursework in an area of specialization, and original scholarly activity at the masters level.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information When reviewing applications, we look for previous coursework in introductory real analysis and introductory abstract algebra.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · The Masters program offers an introduction to graduate level mathematics with an opportunity to specialize in an area of interest.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 2
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 9
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $18711
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19026
Comments regarding financial support In addition to the stipend, our graduate assistants receive complete remission of tuition and fees and partial payment of their health insurance premium. This appointment is at .4 FTE.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our MS students continue to complete a PhD. Others go on to careers as data engineers, data scientists, post-secondary mathematics instructors, software engineers, analysts, and actuaries.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The required curriculum includes core coursework in graduate level mathematics (real and complex analysis and abstract linear algebra), coursework giving breadth in graduate mathematics, development of an area of specialization, and original scholarly research at the doctoral level.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information When reviewing applications, we look for previous coursework in introductory real analysis and introductory abstract algebra.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 51
Full-time women 12
First year 9
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 51
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $18711
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19728
Comments regarding financial support In addition to the stipend, our graduate assistants receive complete remission of tuition and fees and partial payment of their health insurance premium. This appointment is at .4 FTE.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhD graduates enter academics, work on research teams in national labs and in industry settings, and go on to careers in risk management and finance.

Oregon State University Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Oregon State University
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Corvallis, Oregon United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Penn State University, University Park Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Penn State University, University Park
Location University Park, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 104
Total women 30
Total tenured faculty 53
Total tenured women 11
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 53
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Dec 13 2022 11:07AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students are not directly admitted to our Master's program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Program Requirements:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 94
Full-time women 20
First year 25
First year women 6
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 94
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28125
Comments regarding financial support All students are admitted with an assistantship or fellowship. Students are guaranteed 5 years of financial support. Most first year students will teach 3 contact hours per week which is equivalent to 2 classes in the spring semester after participating in the fall Graduate Teaching Assistant Training. Students are also offered summer teaching or research support in addition to their stipend.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been First Placement of 86 Mathematics PhD Graduates (2013-2020): Postdoc Academic - 23 (26.7%) Postdoc Industry - 1 (1.2%) Postdoc Government - 2 (2.3%) Research Industry - 25 (29.1%) Research Government - 1 (1.2%) Teaching Faculty - 8 (9.3%) Tenure Line Faculty - 5 (5.8%) Research Faculty - 2 (2.3%) Temporary Faculty - 9 (10.5%) Unknown - 10 (11.6%)

Pennsylvania State University, Monto Alto Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Pennsylvania State University, Monto Alto
Department Dept of Math
Location Mont Alto, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Pennsylvania State University, University Park Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department Dept of Statistics
Location University Park, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Portland State University Fariborz Maseeh Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Portland State University
Location Portland, Oregon United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 37
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Jan 10 2023 11:45AM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program Students must have a BA/BS degree. They fulfill only the Math Major course requirements and a residency requirement.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 0
First year
First year women
Part-time 2
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2202
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support No financial support provided for Post Bacc students. Typical tuition and fees question was answered as per-term. PSU has three terms during the academic year.
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 24
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Candidates must complete an approved 45-credit program that includes at least 30 credits in mathematics or statistics. In addition students either pass two exams (in specific areas) or pass one exam and complete 3 credits of a Mathematical Literature and Problems course.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The MA/MS Mathematics program is designed for the student who wishes to prepare for community college teaching, industrial work in mathematics, or further advanced work toward a PhD in mathematics. The department offers courses in pure and applied mathematics and in statistics. Students may choose an emphasis in one or more of these areas.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Other · Computational mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 10
First year 5
First year women 2
Part-time 44
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We have one full time non-binary student who is a first year.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $4904
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13636
Comments regarding financial support Graduate Teaching Assistants teach or assist in one course a term. Tuition/fees and typical stipend/salary questions were answered as per term. PSU has three terms in the academic year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Masters graduates pursue careers in industry, college teaching or continue into doctoral programs.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Mathematical Sciences at PSU encompass a wide range of specialties. Traditionally at PSU, students often engage in multidisciplinary research work and take graduate courses in other departments. The program prepares one for academic professions as well as a broad range of non academic professions. Mathematical Sciences form an integral part of emerging fields such as computational medicine/biology, artificial intelligence, information security, and e-sciences. In today?s data-intensive world, Mathematical Sciences allow one to answer questions and solve problems in areas as diverse as economics and finance, government and law, the arts and music, medicine, weather and air quality forecasting, climate modeling, and national defense in addition to its traditional application in the physical sciences. The program is flexible, learner driven, and provides participants with a structured environment, professional guidance, and advising support. The program accommodates a broad range of interdisciplinary partners. Students choose a main concentration within the Mathematical Sciences as well as a secondary concentration. This secondary concentration can be chosen within the Mathematical Sciences or alternatively, within the natural sciences, social sciences, or engineering. Typical examples of secondary concentrations outside of Mathematical Sciences include Computer science, Engineering, Physics, Biology, Economics, Systems Science, Finance, Urban Studies and Planning, Public Health and Medicine.

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information The PhD in Mathematical Sciences at Portland State University is a research degree. It aims to develop student's ability to conduct and share original research. The program is flexible, learner driven, and provides participants with a structured environment, professional guidance, and advising support.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 34
Full-time women 14
First year 11
First year women 4
Part-time 5
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 33
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $4904
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14572
Comments regarding financial support Support available is in the form of Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA) and Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA). GTAs teach or assist in one course a term. Tuition/fees and typical stipend/salary questions were answered as per term. PSU has three terms in the academic year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhD graduates pursue careers in industry, government and academia.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program The Graduate Certificate Program in Applied Statistics (GCAS) is primarily designed to provide a companion credential for students in other graduate programs (including Mathematics) who have demonstrated expertise in methods and techniques for the quantitative analysis and modeling of data. Prospective students must have a basic preparation in mathematics and statistics and in a particular disciplinary field that would allow for advanced work in statistical methods as well as applications in one or more content areas. This preparation must be demonstrated by the completion of calculus-based courses in probability and distribution theory. A background in basic statistical methodology is assumed. Prerequisites for the GCAS are: 3 terms of calculus (MTH 251-253), linear algebra (MTH 261), and a statistical methods course (STAT 452/552).
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Graduate Certificate Program in Applied Statistics (GCAS) is primarily designed to provide a companion credential for students in other graduate programs (including Mathematics) who have demonstrated expertise in methods and techniques for the quantitative analysis and modeling of data. Graduate programs that share a common interest in the application of statistical methods to the analysis of data and the solutions of problems include: Psychology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Economics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Management, Environmental Sciences and Resources, Mechanical Engineering, Political Sciences, Sociology, Urban Studies, Systems Science. However, the GCAS program equally serves those who want to pursue just the graduate certificate.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics may be completed with a minimum of 24 credit hours of statistical graduate coursework distributed as three components. APPLIED STATISTICS CORE SEQUENCE (9 CREDITS) The goal of this sequence is to introduce students to fundamentals of applied statistics. The three-term core course sequence: STAT 564 Applied Regression Analysis (3 credits) STAT 565 Experimental Design: Theory and Methods I (3 credits) STAT 566 Experimental Design: Theory and Methods II (3 credits) STATISTICAL CONSULTING (3 CREDITS) STAT 570 Statistical Consulting (3 credits) provides experience in dealing with real statistical problems. Please note that this course is only offered during spring term. ADDITIONAL APPLIED STATISTICS COURSES (MINIMUM 12 CREDITS) The objective is developing a breadth of knowledge in the application of statistical methods within the discipline and in related areas. A minimum of 12 additional hours chosen from the list of theory and interdisciplinary courses below. Please note that 510/610 courses and STAT 551, 552 are not acceptable toward the certificate. The Graduate Certificate in Mathematics for Middle School Mathematics Teachers (GCMS) consists of six graduate mathematics courses specifically designed for teachers who desire to teach middle school mathematics. The program provides a broad mathematics background appropriate for middle school teachers, a familiarity with the current middle school curriculum ideas, and a sensitivity to the special characteristics and needs of early adolescents. Required courses: Mth 591 - Experimental Probability and Statistics for Middle School Teachers Mth 593 - Geometry for Middle School Teachers Mth 594 - Arithmetic and Algebraic Structures for Middle School Teachers Mth 595 - Historical Topics in Mathematics for Middle School Teachers Mth 596 - Concepts of Calculus for Middle School Teachers 4 Mth 597 - Teaching and Learning in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 1
Part-time 4
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support No financial support offered

Prairie View A & M University Mathematics Department 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Prairie View A & M University
Department Mathematics Department
Location Prairie View, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Princeton University Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Princeton University
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location Princeton, New Jersey United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Princeton University Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Princeton University
Location Princeton, New Jersey United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 65
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 30
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 30
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Sep 23 2020 12:12PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Our Ph.D. program has minimal requirements and maximal research and educational opportunities. While there are no required courses (or grades provided), we encourage all graduate students to attend courses and seminars each semester. First-year students are set on the fast track of independent research work by choosing two advanced research topics, beyond having a strong knowledge of three more general subjects: algebra, and real and complex analysis, as part of the required General Examination, which must be taken by end of Year 2. It is the hope that one, or both, of the advanced topics will lead to the further discovery of a thesis problem. Students are expected to write a thesis in four years but will be provided an additional year to complete their work if deemed necessary.

GRE requirement General · Math subject · Optional or not required
Additional information For Fall 2021 - the Math Subject test is not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Princeton also has a separate Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics (PACM). Interested applicants should apply directly to PACM.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 73
Full-time women 13
First year 12
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Due to Covid-19, we had two first-years (G1) defer their enrollment to Fall 2021 (one female; one male) and one G4 took a leave of absence.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 63
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $38800
Comments regarding financial support The above salary/stipend covers12 months and includes $6,500 in summer research support (2 months). All first-years students receive a University fellowship and have no AI duties; Students in Years 2-4, or 5, must work as AI's (grading or teaching). All level students receive full tuition and student health plan. The total amount for AY2021 is $56,470.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates are very successful in securing postgraduate positions, both in academia as well as in industry.

Princeton University Prog in Applied & Comp Math

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Princeton University
Location Trenton, New Jersey United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 11
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 7
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:43PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 28
Full-time women 6
First year 4
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 28
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $60410
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $40000
Comments regarding financial support 1st year students are on university fellowship. After that some students have NSF, NSERC, Ford Foundation . Most students are paid from a combination of support being an Assistant in Instruction (TAs) and support from their advisor.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been There is a mix of academic and industry careers.

Purdue University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Purdue University
Department Dept of Math
Location West Lafayette, Indiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Purdue University Dept of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Purdue University
Location West Lafayette, Indiana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 39
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 8 2023 08:54AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 40
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please contact [email protected] for more information

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Applied Statistics Data Science in Finance Mathematical Statistics or Probability Joint Statistics and Computer Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 53
Full-time women 13
First year 29
First year women 7
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $28794
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22379
Comments regarding financial support We typically provide assistantships or fellowships for all PhD students. Our MS students are usually self funded or find other means of support.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been All of our student have a job within a few months of graduation. Our MS students are almost exclusively hired into industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 16
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please contact [email protected] for more information

GRE requirement General
Additional information The Doctor of Philosophy program in statistics prepares students for careers in university teaching and research or in government or industrial research. Students entering the program spend four semesters acquiring a basic background in probability, mathematical statistics, and applied statistics and take general examinations on these subjects. More specialized study follows with the thesis research, which usually begins in the third year. This research may be concentrated in any area of statistics or probability in which a faculty member is interested. Students also have the opportunity to gain experience in applied statistics through participation in statistical consulting. Completion of the Ph.D. program normally requires three to five years.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 89
Full-time women 30
First year 17
First year women 9
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 79
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $28794
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22379
Comments regarding financial support We typically provide assistantships or fellowships for all PhD students. Our MS students are usually self funded or find other means of support. Positions are either 10 or 20 hours per week. Fee remission is included with all positions.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been All of our students are employed with in a few months of graduating our program. Our graduates are hired into industry and also to academia.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program Applicants must have a BS degree and have taken STAT 511, Descriptive statistics; elementary probability; sampling distributions; inference, testing hypotheses, and estimation; normal, binomial, Poisson, hypergeometric distributions; one-way analysis of variance; contingency tables; regression, and STAT 512, Inference in simple and multiple linear regression, residual analysis, transformations, polynomial regression, model building with real data, nonlinear regression. One-way and two-way analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, fixed and random factors, analysis of covariance.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Department of Statistics offers a Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics. It is intended for students who already have a bachelor's degree in some field and who are not enrolled in the Statistics M.S. or Ph.D. program. (Certificate students are often enrolled in a graduate program other than Statistics.) This four-course program provides and documents formal expertise in statistics at the graduate level beyond introductory regression courses. Furthermore, the four courses can be used as part of an MS program in Statistics.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 12
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students This is a part time program. Most of our certificate students are full time students in another department.
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The certificate program provides advanced statistical knowledge for graduates in their major field of study.

Purdue University School of Industrial Engineering

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Purdue University
Location Lafayette, Indiana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 19
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 21 2020 10:20AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE is recommended but not required for spring and fall 2021 admissions. If you still would like to share your scores, upload your PDF score report to the Miscellaneous Folder.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · Professional Master's Computational Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 85
Full-time women 20
First year 28
First year women 7
Part-time 49
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Most of the part-time students are graduating students or online master's.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $14959
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1800
Comments regarding financial support Funding support varies by term. The provided number is merely rough data because we couldn't leave the field blank. Tuition Payment - $5,558.00 for residents and $14,959 for non-residents
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE is recommended but not required for spring and fall 2021 admissions. If you still would like to share your scores, upload your PDF score report to the Miscellaneous Folder.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · Other · Management, Nursing, Psychology
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 92
Full-time women 37
First year 12
First year women 5
Part-time 15
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 65
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $14959
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1800
Comments regarding financial support Funding support varies by term. The provided number is merely rough data because we couldn't leave the field blank. Tuition Payment - $5,558.00 for residents and $14,959 for non-residents

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dept of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department Dept of Math Sci
Location Troy, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Rice University Computational & Applied Mathematics (CAAM) 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Rice University
Department Computational & Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Location Houston, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Rice University Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Rice University
Location Houston, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 11
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Sep 28 2023 02:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admission to graduate study in mathematics is granted to a limited number of students who have indicated an ability for advanced and original work. Normally, students take one or two years after the BA degree to obtain an MA degree, and they take four or five years to obtain a PhD.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students pursuing a PhD degree in the field of Mathematics must: Complete with a grade of B or better a course of study approved by the dept; Perform satisfactorily on qualifying exams; Write an original thesis acceptable to the dept; Perform satisfactorily on a final oral examination on the thesis

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admission depends on students? previous academic records, available test scores, and letters of reference from scholars under whom they have studied. In general, applicants should have at least a 3.00 (B) grade point average, or the equivalent, in undergraduate work.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 33
Full-time women 11
First year 4
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 33
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $681
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $32000
Comments regarding financial support In general, TA duties include grading exams in lower division classes, running evening help sessions, holding office hours, running review sessions, writing problem solutions, and grading homework in advanced classes. Other duties of an instructional nature may be appropriate. TA duties usually average 6 hours per week. Graduate students are normally expected to teach their own section of a calculus class at least once during their time at Rice.

Rochester Institute of Technology School of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Rochester Institute of Technology
Location Rochester, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 0
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:08AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online?
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0

Royal Military Coll of Canada Math & Comp Sci Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Royal Military Coll of Canada
Department Math & Comp Sci Dept
Location Kingston, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Rutgers School of Public Health Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Rutgers School of Public Health
Department Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Location , Armed Forces Americas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 23
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 10
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 12 2022 09:55AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support students receive tuition and stipend for first 3 years of program. In fourth year and beyond, student should work with advisor on funding options.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been academia, industry, tech, government
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Rutgers School of Public Health Dept of Biostats

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Rutgers School of Public Health
Location Piscataway, New Jersey United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 28
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 10
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 8 2023 08:53AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Rutgers The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick Dept of Stat & Biostat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Rutgers The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick
Department Dept of Stat & Biostat
Location Piscataway, New Jersey United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Rutgers The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick RUTCOR-Rutgers Ctr for Oper Res 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Rutgers The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick
Department RUTCOR-Rutgers Ctr for Oper Res
Location Piscataway, New Jersey United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Rutgers University-Newark Dept of Math & Comp Sci.

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Rutgers University-Newark
Location Newark, New Jersey United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 28
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 6 2022 03:11PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

After the Ph.D. students pass qualifying examination covering: Real and Complex analysis, Algebra, Algebraic topology and Manifolds, they begin their research under the direction of a faculty member. Upon completion, the dissertation is presented to a thesis committee together with an oral exam.

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information Official Transcript.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Geometry/Topology · Data Science · differential geometry, algebraic geometry, geometric analysis, Teichmuller space, hyperbolic geometry.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 13
Full-time women 2
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $17000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30162
Comments regarding financial support Students receive TA/GAship by performing teaching/research less than 15 hours/week, while they are working on the academic course work toward their PhD degree.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academic/research jobs, teaching colleges and industrial job based on data science.

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey Mathematics Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Location Piscataway, New Jersey United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 115
Total women 22
Total tenured faculty 51
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 33
Total postdocs 24
Last updated Sep 24 2020 12:05PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information MS: The GRE General test is optional for MS applicants. The GRE Math Subject test is optional for MS applicants.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 0
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 6
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information PhD: Personal statement, official transcripts and three letters of recommendation are required for the PhD program. The GRE General test is preferred for PhD applicants. The GRE Math Subject test is strongly recommended for PhD applicants.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 77
Full-time women 16
First year 12
First year women 3
Part-time 12
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 77
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28569
Comments regarding financial support Our students are fully supported for 5 years - stipend, tuition remission, health insurance (except for premium). Typical duties for 1st year students is grading, average of 15 hours per week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most go into Academia, some industry.

Ryerson University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Ryerson University
Location Toronto, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Oct 18 2021 04:19PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The MSc Program in Applied Mathematics can be pursued in two ways: (a) through the thesis option, which requires the candidate to pass the minimum of five (5) graduate-level courses, in addition to the regular attendance of the MSc Seminar and the successful submission and defence of a Master's thesis, which is expected to contain original research; or (b) through the Major Research Paper option, which requires the student to pass seven (7) graduate-level courses in addition to the regular attendance of the MSc seminar and the submission and the defence of a manuscript concerned with a research topic selected in discussion with the supervisor(s).

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Biostatistics · Operations Research · Computer Science · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 27
Full-time women 5
First year 13
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $9347
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21000
Comments regarding financial support Typically, students are supported through the combination of several sources of funding: (1) support from the supervisor ($3,500), (2) support from the university ($3,500), 93) support from the department (variable) and (4) TA/RA work of approximately 390 hours per year. A number of students are also supported by external scholarships.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Generally, students either pursue doctoral degrees (pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, engineering) or careers in industry (financial, data analytics, etc)
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are required to successfully complete three (3) graduate-level courses, pass written and oral qualifying exams within the first 16 months in the program, attend regularly the PhD seminar and submit and successfully defend a doctoral thesis which must contain original research work of high standard.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 6
First year 5
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 22
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $9000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30000
Comments regarding financial support Typically, students are supported through the combination of several sources of funding: (1) support from the supervisor ($4000), (2) support from the university ($4000), (3) TA/RA work of approximately 390 hours per year and (4) support from the department. A number of students are also supported by external scholarships.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduated doctoral students have either pursued careers in academia (postdoctoral fellows) or as industry researchers.
Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Ryerson University
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Toronto, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:44PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Saint Louis University Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Saint Louis University
Location St. Louis, Missouri United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 23
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Nov 16 2021 09:29AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must take 10 courses and must complete two year-long sequences of graduate mathematics. These sequences can be chosen from algebra, analysis, and topology.

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information The university requires a GRE score but this may be waived by agreement with our graduate program director.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Our MA focus is pure mathematics. Students may acquire training in statistics or applied mathematics through electives.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 4
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our target entering class has 5 MA students.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Supported MA students serve as a teaching assistant in their first semester, and in subsequent semesters will independently teach one small (25-35) student course. Our stipend is comfortable for life in St. Louis.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been About half of our MA students go on to PhD programs in mathematical sciences, either at SLU or at other institutions. Students also commonly find positions in industry or in education.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Ph.D. program at Saint Louis University consists of coursework highlighted by 4 year-long graduate level sequences, 3 written preliminary examinations, a language examination, and the development of original mathematics under the direction of a faculty member.

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information The university requires a GRE score but this may be waived by agreement with our graduate program director.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · While our strength and coursework is in pure mathematics, it is possible to pursue a degree with faculty in statistics or applied mathematics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 13
Full-time women 8
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support First year students will typically start as a TA and then transition to teaching their own course. PhD students teach one course per semester, typically with 25-35 students. We offer five years of guaranteed support.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates have been successful in finding positions as college faculty, in industry jobs (especially the financial industry) and as educators.

Saint Louis University College for Public Health & Social Justice Dept of Epid & Biostats 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Saint Louis University College for Public Health & Social Justice
Department Dept of Epid & Biostats
Location Saint Louis, Missouri United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

San Diego State University Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution San Diego State University
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location San Diego, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Simon Fraser University Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Simon Fraser University
Department Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science
Location Burnaby, British Columbia Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Simon Fraser University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Simon Fraser University
Department Dept of Math
Location Burnaby, British Columbia Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

South Dakota State University Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution South Dakota State University
Location Brookings, South Dakota United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 16
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 13
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:46PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 35
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 70
Full-time women 21
First year 34
First year women 13
Part-time 11
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 39
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $750
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support Twenty service hours per week is the norm. Duties include research, grading, tutoring, proctoring, and consulting.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates have been successful finding careers in business, industry, research, government and teaching, working in areas such as actuarial science, business, e-commerce, finance, health care, precision agriculture, national security, operations research, public policy formulation, social media and many others.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 18
Full-time women 2
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $750
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support Twenty service hours per week is the norm. Duties include research, grading, tutoring, proctoring, and consulting.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates of the Ph.D. program have entered employment in tenure-track positions, national laboratories, and the private sector, all with great success.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program The Data Science Certificate is designed to provide professional development to working professionals, or supplement the skills of graduate students studying in other fields.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 6
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Support is not available to students in the Data Science Certificate program.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Location Carbondale, Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 8 2022 12:06PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

10 courses are required. 5 at 400 level, 5 at 500 level. Non-thesis option is available. 4 tracks are available, see above. Classes are available in: Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability, Topology, Logic, Combinatorics, Data Science.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For most International students: TOEFL 80 or IELTS 6.5 or similar.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Other · General MSc or tracks in: Pure Math or Applied Math or Statistics or Computational Math..
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 2
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 14
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1600
Comments regarding financial support Teaching Assistant stipends are available, typical duties are: tutoring, grading, labs, teaching. Stipend is suitable for living in and around Carbondale.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Industry, data analysis, many go into teaching.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Student must pass 3 qualifying exams, prelim exam, and then take 24 dissertation hours + write a dissertation.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For International students: TOEFL 80 or IELTS 6.5 or similar
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · General PhD or tracks in: Pure Math or Applied Math or Statistics or Computational Math..
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 38
Full-time women 16
First year 7
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 24
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1700
Comments regarding financial support Teaching Assistant stipends are available, typical duties are: tutoring, grading, labs, teaching. Stipend is suitable for living in and around Carbondale.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many go into teaching, some into industry, government work.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program Dual Credit Certificate program for high school teachers seeking state certification to teach certain courses for college credit.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Dual Credit Certificate program for high school teachers seeking state certification to teach certain courses for college credit.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 9
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support The university offers a tuition reduction for high school teachers.

Southern Methodist University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Southern Methodist University
Location Dallas Texas, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 16
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 6 2023 03:55PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

students must take 33 credits and pass an oral exam

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information transcripts statement of purpose three recommendation letters
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Other · Computational Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 3
First year 5
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students These numbers are close estimates. All but part time students are currently enrolled in the MS as a way to earn a PhD
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $36000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Numbers are estimates. Our MS is mostly filled by students enrolled in the PhD program (they get the MS degree on their way to get the PhD). The very few terminal MS students come with their own financial support.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Teaching. Jobs in Industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information transcripts statement of purpose three recommendation letters
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Program focuses in Computational and Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 8
First year 7
First year women 2
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding financial support Competitive stipends. Three NSF Fellowships from a funded Training Program. Two additional fellowships available on a competitive basis.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been A large percentage find jobs in the private sector (Finance), or National Laboratories. A small percentage of our students pursue postdoctoral jobs, most of high quality (Columbia U, Dartmouth, UT Austin, Temple U, Tulane U).

Southern Methodist University Stat Sci Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Southern Methodist University
Department Stat Sci Dept
Location Dallas, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Stanford University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Stanford University
Location Stanford, California United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 0
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:48PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution Stanford University
Location Stanford, California United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Nov 12 2021 02:16PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Stanford University Dept of Management Sci & Engr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stanford University
Department Dept of Management Sci & Engr
Location Stanford, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Stanford University Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stanford University
Location Stanford, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 21
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:22PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Stanford University Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stanford University
Location Stanford, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:01AM

Stevens Institute of Technology Dept of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stevens Institute of Technology
Department Dept of Math Sci
Location Hoboken, New Jersey United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Stony Brook University Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Stony Brook University
Location Stony Brook, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 31
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 16 2022 01:45PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 50
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see Department website.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants should have a strong background in calculus and undergraduate linear algebra, and, ideally, also elementary differential equations and probability.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Operations Research · Data Science · Other · Concentrations also in Quantitative Finance and in Computational Biology. MS and PhD in Data Science available starting 2023.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 118
Full-time women 33
First year 56
First year women 16
Part-time 16
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 22
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see Department website.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants should have a very strong background in undergraduate mathematics, including analysis, linear algebra, and probability. Strong computing skills are important.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science · Other · Operations Research, Quantitative Finance, Computational Biology
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 130
Full-time women 43
First year 18
First year women 6
Part-time 8
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 93
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support In addition to the 93 receiving support, 30 students are partially supported via a tuition waiver. For first year students only 6 are receiving support in this exceptional year (COVID restricting travel and visa for international students); in addition to the 6, 16 students are receiving tuition waiver (but are ineligible to receive TA support, as they are abroad). TA and RA employment is based on 20 hours per week of effort. Tuition and fees paid by a full-time student: 12 credits international $13,641.70 per semester; 9 credits international $10,629.67 per semester; 12 credits NYS resident $8,573.50 per semester; 9 credits NYS resident $7,028.47 per semester. Typical stipends: minimum stipend for TA is $10,000 per semester. RA support is generally higher and depends on the project budgets that support PhD students.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

(1) The Advanced Graduate Certificate in Operations Research provides students with the fundamental applied mathematics tools for developing protocols for the efficient management of private companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations. In today's global marketplace, organizations need to be efficient to survive. The Operations Research program will provide formal training in methods of optimization, modeling and statistics used in operations research. The objective of this program is to help individuals assist organizations to make efficient use of their resources so as to maximize efficiency and minimize net cost. Graduates of this program may be able to advance in management and organizational planning positions within their current employment or obtain new employment. It is recommended that applicants to the program hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics, engineering or computer science. See (2) Quantitative Finance: see (3) The Institute for Advanced Computational Science houses an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Data and Computational Science, available to both PhD and MS/MA students in the following departments: Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, Economics, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Linguistics, Sociology, SOMAS, Tech & Society, Physics and Astronomy, Neurobiology and Behavior, Pharmacology, and Psychology. Below are some of the certificate details. Only matriculated SBU graduate students in these departments are eligible to participate in the certificate program. See

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 13
First year 11
First year women 6
Part-time 2
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Stony Brook University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stony Brook University
Department Dept of Math
Location Stony Brook, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Stony Brook University Institute for Mathematical Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stony Brook University
Department Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Location Stony Brook, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Stony Brook University Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Stony Brook University
Location Stony Brook, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 47
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 34
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 30
Total postdocs 13
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:36PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Professional Option - Master?s degree of this type qualifies the recipient for many careers, including teaching at the community-college level.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 1
First year 5
First year women 0
Part-time 5
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The M.A. degree in the Department of Mathematics requires the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 30 graduate credits in letter-graded (A, B, C, F) graduate courses. All credits in satisfaction of the degree must be at the graduate level. In addition, the cumulative grade point average for all courses taken must be 3.0 or higher
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $9835
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not offer support to Masters students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our students are successful in finding jobs in Finance.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Passing the Doctoral Comprehensive (written) Examination. Passing the Doctoral Preliminary (oral) Examination. Demonstrating proficiency in reading mathematics in 2 languages Two consecutive semesters of full time study Advancement to Candidacy Satisfactory completion and defense of the Dissertation

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Graduate School has waived the GRE requirement for two years.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Other · Real/Complex/Functional/Harmonic Analysis
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 68
Full-time women 8
First year 15
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students enroll in 9 credits each semester. PhD student population is diverse but they are bright and love talking mathematics.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 68
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Syracuse University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Syracuse University
Department Dept of Math
Location Syracuse, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Temple University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Temple University
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 54
Total women 17
Total tenured faculty 21
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 6
Last updated Dec 9 2020 11:24AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students can earn their MS by either passing qualifying exams in three fundamental subject areas or writing and defending a Masters Thesis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For full consideration, applications should be received by February 15. Applications received after this date will be considered on a case-by-case rolling basis. All applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Other · Professional Science Masters in High-Performance Computing for Scientific Applications.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 0
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $45420
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support This is a 30 credit program. MS students either pay full tuition (in or out of state, depending on their residency status), or their tuition is payed by the companies they work for. PA resident: $1,159 per credit with $34,770 for the 30 credit program. Out-of-state / foreign national: $1,514 per credit for a total of $45,420 for 30 credits.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are required to take at least sixteen graduate courses, and six additional credit hours of research. Students are further required to pass the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination, the Ph.D. Preliminary Examination, and write and successfully defend a research dissertation.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For full consideration, applications should be received by January 8. Applications received after this date will be considered on a case-by-case rolling basis. International students are recommended to apply by January 1. A master's degree is not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 32
Full-time women 13
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Roughly half of the PhD students are international.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 31
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27042
Comments regarding financial support Most PhD students are supported by Teaching Assistantships. Some of the senior students are supported by faculty research grants and a few are supported by the University Fellowships.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been All of our graduates have been successful in finding jobs after graduation in both academia, government and industry. See for information on our graduates.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program This 12-credit certificate program is designed to equip teachers with knowledge beyond basic mathematical principles and logic to enhance student comprehension and engagement in middle and high school classrooms.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Gain a broader understanding of mathematics and expand your ability to support student learning at the secondary level with Temple University?s Graduate Certificate in Mathematics for Teaching in the College of Science and Technology.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The program?s curriculum aligns with the Mathematical Practice Standards presented in the Common Core State Standards, and coursework explores how to implement these standards in the classroom.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students This is a new program.
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $18168
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support This is a 12 credit program. Pennsylvania residents pay $1,159.00 per credit for a total of $13,908. Out-of-state residents pay $1,514.00 per credit for a total of $18,168
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates of the Mathematics for Teaching Certificate are prepared to continue their careers as professional educators. Armed with a greater understanding of mathematics theory and pedagogy, teachers who earn this certificate are better equipped to instruct mathematics at the secondary level.

Texas A & M University Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Texas A & M University
Location College Station, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 105
Total women 25
Total tenured faculty 63
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 55
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Sep 24 2020 12:00PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 23
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Graduate Catalog contains more than 60 regular classes in mathematics. Approximately 20 of them, along with 5 Special Topics classes, are offered every semester for the Traditional Instruction programs. We offer at least 3 courses for the Online MS program each semester.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Details on the admission process can be found at the following... Traditional, Teaching, Applied Professional Online MS Quantitative Finance
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Other · Quantitative Finance, Online Mathematics Teaching, Online Computational Math
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 4
First year 16
First year women 3
Part-time 34
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3891
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support The above tuition/fee estimate is for 9 credit hours for a TX resident. A non-resident would pay $8493. Our Online MS students typically do not enroll full time and usually take one 3 credit hour course per semester. An Online TX resident would pay $1999 and an Online non-resident would pay $3532.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Over the past 3 years, 54% of the Traditional Instruction MS students went into further graduate study in a PhD program, 23% into a teaching career and 23% into an industrial job (including national labs). Of our Online MS students, 67% went into a teaching career and 33% into an industrial job (including national labs). A list of our recent MS graduates and their employment information can be found at
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 22
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Graduate Catalog contains more than 60 regular classes in mathematics. Approximately 20 of them, along with 5 Special Topics classes, are offered every semester for the Traditional Instruction programs. We require our PhD students to pass Qualifying Exams in two of the following core areas: Algebra, Analysis, Differential Geometry/Topology and Applied Mathematics. To fulfill our Breadth requirement, students must pass two additional courses from the above areas not previously satisfied by a Qualifying Exam. More details can be found at

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information Details on the admission process can be found at
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 104
Full-time women 25
First year 11
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 100
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24600
Comments regarding financial support First year PhD students perform grading or help session duties for 10 hours per week. As students progress in their studies, they move to recitation and Instructor of Records duties. PhD students also have the opportunity to be supported as Research Assistants on faculty member's grants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Over the past 3 years, 67% of our graduating PhD students reporting their employment have gone into a Postdoc or Visiting Assistant Professor position, 17% have gone into an industrial job (including national labs) and 9% into a teaching career. A list of our recent graduating PhD students along with their employment information can be found at

Texas A&M University Dept of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Texas A&M University
Location College Station, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 48
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 7
Last updated Jan 10 2023 11:46AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 87
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE Exam will not be required for students applying for the Fall 2023 semester.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 45
Full-time women 15
First year 24
First year women 11
Part-time 207
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Part Time Students are enrolled in the MS Online Program
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academia Government Medical Research Centers Industry
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Program is delivered face-to-face.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE exam will not be required for students applying for the Fall 2023 semester
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science · Please see the department website for more information regarding the Ph.D. Program:
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 54
Full-time women 14
First year 14
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 53
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Salary is paid monthly for nine months at $2,444.44 per month; Amount of tuition and fees paid by student varies per person.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academia Government Medical Research Centers Industry
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 28
Special requirements or purposes of the program Please see the distance website for information and requirements -
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Please see the distance website for information and requirements -
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The certificate program requires 12 hours, and the courses are taken part-time.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 3
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Texas Christian University Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Texas Christian University
Location Ft Worth, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 18
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 12 2023 12:09PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See for more info. The coursework is 36 hours.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information To apply for admission, you use the online application process (see the link on this page). The application includes transcripts from all college work, a CV/resume, three recommendation letters from professors, and a personal statement of purpose; GRE test scores are optional. Additional items are required for international students. The application deadline for Fall admission is February 1 of a given year, and applications received after that will also be considered if not all positions have been filled.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Our MAT(Master of Arts in Teaching) degree is primarily for academic careers. The MS program is designed for both industry.and academics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Typically we have 3-4 masters students in the program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $48
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10000
Comments regarding financial support Financial support includes tuition for all courses, 3/4 of health insurance paid, and a $10,000 stipend to help cover living expenses. Students work 7 hours per week on tutoring duties.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Masters Students typically get data science and analyst jobs in industry or teach in colleges as instructors. All of our students typically are employed after graduation.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students take 36 hours of required courses and participate in weekly graduate seminars. The seminars give useful information in professional development as well as additional training for coursework. Students take preliminary exams (Algebra, Real Analysis, and one of Complex Analysis and Topology) during the first 2.5 years. After that, the students work with individual professors on research-specific material to prepare for an advanced exam and also to do original research in the student's chosen field of study.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information To apply for admission, you use the online application process (see the link on this page). The application includes transcripts from all college work, a CV/resume, three recommendation letters from professors, and a personal statement of purpose; GRE test scores are optional. Additional items are required for international students. The application deadline for Fall admission is February 1 of a given year, and applications received after that will also be considered if not all positions have been filled.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Biostatistics/Statistics · Other · Algebraic Geometry, Operator Algebras, K-theory, Global analysis, Nonparametric Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women 0
First year 3
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Typically there are 4-5 PhD students in our program.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $48
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27000
Comments regarding financial support Financial support includes tuition for all courses, 80% of health insurance paid, and a $27,000 stipend to help cover living expenses. Students work 10 hours per week on tutoring duties or teaching 1 class.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Doctoral students have typical obtained data science positions in industry or in academic positions as assistant professors or instructors. All of our students have been offered positions after graduation.

Texas State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Texas State University
Location San Marcos, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 78
Total women 29
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 14 2021 10:54AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Thesis and non-thesis options are available for all M.S. Mathematics degree programs. M.Ed. Mathematics requires a minor and does not have a thesis option.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants with international credentials have additional admission requirements
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · All candidates for graduate degrees must pass a comprehensive examination consisting of three parts, covering content from their core coursework.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 10
First year 9
First year women 5
Part-time 10
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 15
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8243
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14514
Comments regarding financial support Instructional assistants are assigned two lab courses to teach. Internal scholarships and fellowships available External funding opportunities Graduate assistants are assigned a faculty mentor, in addition to their program advisor.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The multi-faceted program offers a strong foundation and research opportunities in mathematics, applied math, and mathematics education, preparing students for further graduate study, teaching, or industry positions.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Applicants can be admitted with a bachelor's degree or master's degree Leveling course work might be required. In additon to course work, three written qualifying exams, and an oral defense of dissertation proposal and dissertation are required.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants should have two years of teaching experience. Ideal candidate has an undergraduate degree in mathematics, mathematics education, or related field. Leveling course work might be needed. Applicants with international credentials have additional admission requirements
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 12
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 8
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The Mathematics Education Ph.D. program is comprised of a diverse group of students from across the U.S. and the world.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8243
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28932
Comments regarding financial support Graduate assistantships are available but limited due to funding. Internal scholarships and fellowships available External funding opportunities
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The multi-faceted program offers a strong mathematics foundation and research opportunities through Mathworks, grant activities, and local school partnerships that prepare students to become leaders in mathematics education research.

Texas Tech University Dept of Math and Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Texas Tech University
Department Dept of Math and Stat
Location Lubbock, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

The Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc. Division of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution The Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc.
Location Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 3
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Feb 10 2023 06:02PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Individuals interested in the Master of Arts degree program must apply on the application webpage. The MCW Graduate School operates on a rolling admissions basis, which means that we accept applications and related materials at any time. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications in advance of the priority deadline to ensure that they receive full consideration. The priority deadline for fall admission is March 1 followed by rolling admissions through a final deadline of July 1. Students are admitted once per year. No GRE is required for admission to the program.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information No GRE is required for admission to the program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics · The 31-credit program which can be completed in 18 months is designed to develop excellent data analytics and communication skills.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 2
First year 2
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our 31-credit program can be completed in 18 months and can accommodate both full time or part time students. The curriculum consists of 8 required courses which have been identified as an essential knowledge base for all students in the program. Also required, is an Ethics and Integrity in Science course along with at least 3- credit capstone project course.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support For program logistics, contact Ruta Brazaukas, PhD at 414-955-8687; [email protected].
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The MCW Graduate School operates on a rolling admissions basis. However, applications accepted by the priority application deadline of January 15th will receive first priority for admission the following Fall. Students are admitted once per year. Part time students may be admitted in any semester. However, financial support from the Medical College of Wisconsin is not available for part time students.

GRE requirement Math subject
Additional information Applicants to the Biostatistics PhD program will have ideally have? ?Completed an undergraduate degree in mathematics or closely related field ?Completed courses in advanced calculus, matrix/linear algebra and scientific programming with a minimum grade of B in each. Those who have not done so may be considered for admission and, if admitted, must complete these requirements during the first year of study. ?A strong interest in Biostatistics and biomedical applications ?An overall grade point average of 3.0 or better ?A 3.0 grade point average or better in mathematics and science ?Scores in the 80th percentile or higher on the Quantitative component, the 50th percentile or higher on the Verbal component, and a 3 or greater on the Analytical Writing component of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is ideal. Our Institution Code is 1519. ?Applicants who studied overseas or via an online U.S.-based institution are required to take a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and make arrangement for an official score report to be sent directly from ETS to the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. A TOEFL score is 100 or higher or a band score of 6.0 or higher on the IELTS is ideal. Our Institution Code is 1519.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · In this program, you will receive in-depth training on the use of state-of-the-art software and consulting opportunities.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 4
First year 3
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $32000
Comments regarding financial support All full-time PhD degree-seeking students in good academic and professional standing receive the following financial support package: Full tuition coverage;Yearly stipend ($32,000 for the '22-'23 academic year); Complimentary health insurance There is no additional process to secure this package aside from accepting an offer of admission. Further, this package is guaranteed from the time of enrollment through completion of degree requirements

The Ohio State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution The Ohio State University
Location Columbus, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 84
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 77
Total tenured women 10
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 36
Last updated Sep 7 2023 08:47AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Additional information The Master of Actuarial and Quantitative Risk Management (MAQRM) is our newest graduate degree program inaugurated in 2016. It is based on a tremendously successful undergraduate degree program in actuarial science that our department has been offering for over 35 years. The program utilizes well-established connections to the statewide insurance industry and other businesses involved in risk management in order to create practical experiences and provide additional mentoring during the two years of study in the program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Actuarial Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 4
First year 7
First year women 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The qualifying requirements for the theoretical track are fulfilled by passing our Abstract Algebra course sequence (Math 6111, Math 6112) and our Real Analysis course sequence (Math 6211, Math 6212), each with at least an A-, or by passing a respective examination. The qualifying requirements for the applied track combine a mandatory Scientific Computing course (Math 6601), one of the algebra or analysis courses, and three additional courses chosen from Math 6602, Math 6411, Math 6451, and the courses comprising the algebra and analysis sequences. The breadth requirements in the applied track are more flexible than in the theoretical track, but also include a mandatory graduate course in a non-math STEM department from an approved list.

GRE requirement
Additional information The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in mathematics is the highest degree offered by our department, with tracks in Theoretical Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Our department has about 80 active graduate faculty on the Columbus and regional campuses. Virtually every area of mathematics is represented in our program. Most of our graduates continue their careers in academia, and are also sought after by private and government employers.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 131
Full-time women 31
First year 23
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 131
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support All admitted PhD students are offered a Graduate Teaching Associateships (GTA) during the academic year. GTAs are renewable assuming satisfactory academic progress. Incoming students with strong academic records may be selected for university or departmental fellowships, which include full support without teaching duties. In addition, continuing students may apply for several types of semester-long departmental fellowships as well as travel support. Our doctoral students regularly compete for and win some of the most prestigious awards given by the OSU Graduate School to recognize outstanding scholarly accomplishments. All Graduate Associateships and Fellowships come with a competitive stipend, full tuition waiver, and full health insurance subsidy. Summer support is currently offered to the majority of students requesting it.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of our graduates continue their careers in academia. Post-doctoral placements in the last few years include, for example, UCLA, Stanford, ETH-Zürich, Brown University, University of Michigan, Northwestern University, University of Vienna, EPF Lausanne, Free University at Berlin, Purdue University, and University of Utah. In recent years our graduates also went to Princeton University, IAS, University of Chicago, Yale University, University of Michigan, Cal-Tech, Northwestern University, University of Texas, Duke University, SUNY Stony Brook, Purdue University, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, and Indiana University. Recent non-academic placements include Google, Facebook, Amazon, NSA, and prestigious financial institutions. Students also have access to training and networking opportunities that prepare them better for careers in private industry and teaching - for example, through the Erdos Institute - and are regularly offered highly competitive positions in the industry.

The Ohio State University Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution The Ohio State University
Location Columbus, Ohio United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 22
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:03AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

The University of Chicago PhD Program in Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution The University of Chicago
Location Chicago, Illinois United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Nov 15 2023 01:10PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 18
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE & Math Subject not required not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 87
Full-time women
First year 13
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 87
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

The University of Texas at Arlington Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution The University of Texas at Arlington
Location Arlington, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 27
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 22
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 9 2022 10:50AM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program The NSF Bridge-to-Math-Doctorate program in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas at Arlington allows qualified students who have completed a bachelor's degree (or who will have a bachelor's degree by the time they start the Bridge program) to participate in a two-semester academic program with a minimum stipend of $19,250 and tuition support, with the possibility of summer participation with additional financial support. The goal of the NSF Bridge program is to prepare the participants for doctoral programs in the mathematical sciences through preparatory coursework and mentoring. The participants are mentored to apply to doctoral institutions in the mathematical sciences to start a Ph.D. program after their involvement in the NSF Bridge program. Students from underrepresented minority groups and from the Gulf State Math Alliance institutions are especially encouraged to apply. In order to qualify for admission to the program, a student must: be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident; commit to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the mathematical sciences; be a senior math major or have already a bachelor's degree in mathematics; intend to be enrolled full-time during the Bridge program's two academic semesters. Further information on the program is available at the url:
GRE requirement General
Additional information For inquiries or further information about our NSF Bridge program you may contact Dr. Tuncay Aktosun (e-mail: [email protected]) or Prof. Jianzhong Su (e-mail: [email protected]).
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas at Arlington is a major center for mathematics research and education in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area and North Texas. It serves more than ten thousand students every year and features nationally recognized faculty with outstanding accomplishments in teaching, research, and service. The American Mathematical Society named the University of Texas at Arlington the winner of its 2013 AMS Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department. The department faculty members are well known for their accomplishments in teaching and research. Among them are a fellow of the UT System Academy of Distinguished Teachers, five members of the UTA Academy of Distinguished Teachers, five UT System Regent?s Outstanding Teaching Award winners, and several recipients of university and state level teaching awards. In addition, most mathematics faculty members? research is supported by the National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Department of Education, Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. For UTA Bridge Program, see

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19250
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The goal of the NSF Bridge program is to prepare the participants for doctoral programs in the mathematical sciences through preparatory coursework and mentoring. The participants are mentored to apply to doctoral institutions in the mathematical sciences to start a Ph.D. program after their involvement in the NSF Bridge program. Students from underrepresented minority groups and from the Gulf State Math Alliance institutions are especially encouraged to apply. In order to qualify for admission to the program, a student must: be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident; commit to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the mathematical sciences; be a senior math major or have already a bachelor's degree in mathematics; intend to be enrolled full-time during the Bridge program's two academic semesters.
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Department of Mathematics offers master's degree programs in mathematics with additional emphasis in applied mathematics, computational mathematics, mathematics education, pure mathematics, and statistics. All students are to use the thesis plan, thesis-substitute plan, or non-thesis plan.

GRE requirement General
Additional information For unconditional admission in Master of Science program, a student must meet the following requirements: A B.A. or B.S. degree in mathematics or closely related field. An overall GPA in the final 60 hours of coursework of a 3.0 or better, as calculated by the Graduate School, on a 4.0 scale. Minimum of 350 on the verbal and 650 on the quantitative portions of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) if taken prior to August 2011. Minimum of 143 on the verbal and 151 on the quantitative portions of the GRE if taken after August 2011. For applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (or a minimum score of 213 on a computer-based test, or a minimum score of 79 on an internet-based test) or a minimum score of 40 on the Test of Spoken English. Three favorable letters of recommendation from people familiar with the applicant's academic work. Applicants who do not satisfy requirements 2 or 3 above may be considered for unconditional admission if further review of their undergraduate transcript, recommendation letters, correspondence or direct interactions with mathematics faculty, and statement of professional or research interests indicates that they are qualified to enter the Master's Program without deficiency. If an applicant does not meet a majority of standards for unconditional admission outlined above, they may be considered for probationary admission after careful examination of their application materials. Probationary admission requires that the applicant receive a B or better in the first 12 hours of graduate coursework at UT Arlington. Students who are unconditionally admitted or admitted on probation will be eligible for available scholarship and/or fellowship support. Award of scholarships or fellowships will be based on consideration of the same criteria utilized in admission decisions.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Computer Science · Data Science · See for more information
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 14
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

A dynamic program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in the mathematics will aim at both real and demonstrated competency on the part of the student over material from various branches of mathematics. The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Mathematics provides a program of study that may be tailored to meet the needs of those interested in applied or academic careers. This program allows students to pursue topics ranging from traditional mathematics studies to applied mathematical problems in engineering and sciences. The nature of the dissertation will range from research in mathematics to the discovery and testing of mathematical models for analyzing given problems in engineering and sciences and in locating and developing mathematical and computational techniques for deducing the properties of these models as to solve these problems effectively and efficiently. Such dissertations will be concerned with research problems from pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematics education and statistics. The Department of Mathematics offers doctoral degree programs in Mathematics (algebra, applied mathematics, data science, geometry, mathematics education, numerical analysis and statistics).

GRE requirement General
Additional information For unconditional admission a student must meet the following requirements: A master's degree or at least 30 hours of graduate coursework in mathematics or closely related fields. A minimum GPA of 3.0, as calculated by the Graduate School, on a 4.0 scale in graduate coursework. Minimum of 350 on the verbal and 700 on the quantitative portions of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) if taken prior to August 2011. Minimum of 143 on the verbal and 155 on the quantitative portions of the GRE if taken after August 2011. For applicants whose native language is not English, a minimum score of 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (or a minimum score of 213 on a computer-based test, or a minimum score of 79 on an internet-based test) or a minimum score of 40 on the Test of Spoken English. Three favorable letters of recommendation from people familiar with the applicant's academic work and/or professional work. Applicants who do not satisfy requirements 2 or 3 above may be considered for unconditional admission if further review of their undergraduate transcript, recommendation letters, correspondence or direct interactions with mathematics faculty, and statement of professional or research interests indicates that they are qualified to enter the Doctoral Program without deficiency. If an applicant does not meet a majority of standards for unconditional admission outlined above, they may be considered for probationary admission after careful examination of their application materials. Probationary admission requires that the applicant receive a B or better in the first 12 hours of graduate coursework at UT Arlington. Applicants may be denied admission if they have less than satisfactory performance on a majority of the admission criteria described above. A deferred decision may be granted when a file is incomplete or when a denied decision is not appropriate.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · See for more information
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 76
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 41
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8822
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19250
Comments regarding financial support Graduate enrollment in the Department of Mathematics has more than doubled over the last five years. There are currently over 100 graduate students in the master?s and doctoral programs. Our department attracts talented students from across the nation and the world by its friendly environment, generous financial support, strong mentoring programs, distinguished faculty, and ideal location for job placement and professional opportunities. Most doctoral students receive support as graduate fellows or graduate teaching or research assistants. Financial support can come in the form of: GTA STIPENDS GRA STIPENDS NSF BRIDGE-TO-MATH-DOCTORATE ASSISTANTSHIPS MATHEMATICS GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS S. R. Bernfeld Memorial Scholarship M. B. and W. G. Ray Fellowship B. M. McCarley Scholarship Endowment Mathematics Academic Excellence Fund with available additional summer support.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our doctoral students are ready for careers in academic, industry and other career pathways.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program Certificate of Applied Statistics Program is offered in UTA Mathematics Department. The Certificate in Applied Statistics offers individuals with an undergraduate degree an opportunity to receive graduate instruction in applied statistics as a means of maintaining and enhancing their professional development. The certificate program will provide coursework in statistics to an individual whose undergraduate major was outside the area of statistics. Since the requirements for the certificate are substantially less than those for the Master?s Degree in Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics, the certificate can be earned in a much shorter time span. When applicable, the courses taken in the certificate program can also be used to satisfy a Master of Science in Mathematics degree requirement at UTA and other institutions. Consult with the graduate advisor for advice on graduate course transfer.
GRE requirement General
Additional information The admission standard is the same as that of Master of Science Program.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The Certificate in Applied Statistics requires that the students take and successfully complete the following courses. Required Courses STATS 5312 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS I STATS 5313 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS II Electives Select three of the following: STATS 5305 STATISTICAL METHODS STATS 5314 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN STATS 5353 APPLIED LINEAR MODELS STATS 5356 APPLIED MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS STATS 5357 SAMPLE SURVEYS STATS 5358 REGRESSION ANALYSIS MATH 5392 SELECTED TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS (Statistical Quality Control) MATH 5392 SELECTED TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS (Statistical Methods in Clinical Research) Total Hours 15 Upon completion of the 15 hours of graduate courses from lists 1 and 2 with a minimum GPA of 3.0, the student is awarded the Certificate in Applied Statistics. The expected time to completion is 1 to 2 years. The time limit for completion of the certificate program is 6 years.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8822
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

The University of Texas at Austin Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution The University of Texas at Austin
Location Austin, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 64
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 42
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 39
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:49PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 21
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Student complete coursework taken from 3 concentration areas: Area A - applied mathematics; Area B - numerical analysis and scientific computation; Area C - mathematical modeling and applications.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Bachelor's degree with a major in any of the following disciplines: Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, any of the Physical or Biological Sciences, or Finance. GRE waived for Fall 2023 applications due to continuing impact of COVID-19.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None · CSEM Master's program offers 3 options: Thesis option (30 credit hrs); Report option (33 credit hrs); No Thesis/No Report option (36 credit hrs).
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 1
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5277
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30000
Comments regarding financial support Master's students are not guaranteed financial support from CSEM program. Students may obtain positions as Graduate Research Assistants or Teaching Assistants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent Master's graduates have obtained employment as a software engineers, analytics consultants, data scientists, etc. at companies such as Amazon, IBM, Apple, SparkCognition, Sales Melody, Morgan Stanley, EyeLock, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Medsys, CGG, Quorum, and Sandia National Laboratories.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Student complete coursework taken from 3 concentration areas: Area A - applied mathematics; Area B - numerical analysis and scientific computation; Area C - mathematical modeling and applications.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Bachelor's degree with a major in any of the following disciplines: Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, any of the Physical or Biological Sciences, or Finance. GRE waived for Fall 2023 applications due to continuing impact of COVID-19.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 85
Full-time women 18
First year 15
First year women 3
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 85
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5277
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31000
Comments regarding financial support Majority of CSEM students are funded through Oden Institute fellowships, Graduate School Fellowships, Graduate Research Assistantships, or Teaching Assistantships.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent PhD graduates have obtained employment in academia, industry, and government labs. Some employers include: Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Chevron, Sandia National Lab, BYU, Amazon, Enthought, Princeton, Facebook, Los Alamos National Lab, University of Michigan, Delft University of Technology, Suited, Schlumberger, Federal Reserve Bank, Cornell University, and Argonne National Lab.

Tufts University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Tufts University
Location Medford, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 23
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 18
Total postdocs 6
Last updated Dec 8 2022 12:07PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Master of Science in Mathematics provides the student with core graduate coursework in mathematics. Masters students can choose courses to design a program of study that suits their future academic or professional goals. The requirements also allow a Masters student to take at least two approved courses outside the department in related fields in order to tailor the degree to their interests. A student has the option to graduate with a Master of Science with a concentration in a specific area. The coursework prepares the student for employment in a mathematics profession either in academia, in government, in business and industry, or to pursue further graduate education. A student can either take at least 9 courses or take at least 7 courses and write a thesis to complete the degree. Under both options, a student must accumulate at least 30 credit hours. If the 9 (or 7) courses do not add up to 30 credits, the student may take any Math or mathematically-significant related fields course above 100 toward the degree to reach the credit limit.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · Students may design their own concentration, which will appear as text on their transcript.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 7
First year 13
First year women 4
Part-time 1
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students 2 non-binary 1st year students as well.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 25
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $30000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Students are typically given a partial tuition waiver. This depends on need and university resources. Tuition varies each year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students enter careers in industry or apply to PhD programs.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See department website for details:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 34
Full-time women 9
First year 9
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students 1 non-binary first year student
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24776
Comments regarding financial support Funded students are typically given a Teaching Assistantship.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Postdoctoral positions in research and/or teaching and some careers in industry.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program The Post-Baccalaureate certificate program is intended for students with a bachelor's degree (in any field) who would like to expand or deepen their mathematical skills for use in the workplace or in preparation for graduate programs in mathematics. The program is flexible and can accommodate students with a wide range of backgrounds and goals. Students are expected to have strong skills in (high-school level) algebra and to have taken a full year of calculus before entering the program. Post-Baccalaureate courses numbered above 100 are transferable into the Tufts MS program upon acceptance to that program.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Post-Baccalaureate certificate program is intended for students with a bachelor's degree (in any field) who would like to expand or deepen their mathematical skills for use in the workplace or in preparation for graduate programs in mathematics. The program is flexible and can accommodate students with a wide range of backgrounds and goals. Students are expected to have strong skills in (high-school level) algebra and to have taken a full year of calculus before entering the program. Post-Baccalaureate courses numbered above 100 are transferable into the Tufts MS program upon acceptance to that program.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

4 courses in total are required. Two courses from the following: Math 65 Bridge to Higher Mathematics, Math 70 Linear Algebra, or Math 87 Mathematical Modeling and Computation. Any two math courses numbered above 120. Courses can not be transferred in. If a student has already taken an equivalent course, they must substitute it with an additional course above 120. Students considering continuing on to a Masters Program should consider taking Math 135 Real Analysis.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 0
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support There is no financial support. Tuition is currently $998/credit.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been No data yet.

Tulane University Biostat & Data Science 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Tulane University
Department Biostat & Data Science
Location New Orleans, Louisiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Tulane University Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Tulane University
Department Department of Mathematics
Location New Orleans, Louisiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Union College Graduate Management Inst 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Union College
Department Graduate Management Inst
Location Schenectady, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of British Columbia Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of British Columbia
Department Department of Statistics
Location Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of British Columbia Okanagan Math & Stat Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of British Columbia Okanagan
Department Math & Stat Dept
Location Kelowna, British Columbia Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Calgary Dept of Math & Stats 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Calgary
Department Dept of Math & Stats
Location Calgary, Alberta Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Calgary Div of Appl Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Calgary
Department Div of Appl Math
Location Calgary, Alberta Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Calgary Div of Pure Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Calgary
Department Div of Pure Math
Location Calgary, Alberta Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Calif, Santa Cruz Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Calif, Santa Cruz
Department Department of Statistics
Location Santa Cruz, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Kansas Medical Center Department of Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Kansas Medical Center
Department Department of Biostatistics
Location Kansas City, Kansas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Kentucky Math Dept

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Kentucky
Location Lexington, Kentucky United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:50PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Univ of Manitoba Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Manitoba
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Manitoba Warren Ctr for Act Stud & Res 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Manitoba
Department Warren Ctr for Act Stud & Res
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Missouri-Columbia Math Education 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Missouri-Columbia
Department Math Education
Location Columbia, Missouri United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Pennsylvania Applied Math & Computational Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Pennsylvania
Department Applied Math & Computational Sci
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Pennsylvania Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Pennsylvania
Department Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Informatics
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Toronto Statistical Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Toronto
Department Statistical Sciences
Location Toronto, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Waterloo Dept of Appl Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Waterloo
Department Dept of Appl Math
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Western Ontario Dept of Appl Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Western Ontario
Department Dept of Appl Math
Location London, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Univ of Western Ontario Dept of Stat & Actuarial Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Univ of Western Ontario
Department Dept of Stat & Actuarial Sci
Location London, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Université du Québec à Montréal Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Université du Québec à Montréal
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Montreal, Quebec Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University at Albany, State University of New York Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University at Albany, State University of New York
Location Albany, New York United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:06AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University at Buffalo-SUNY Dept of Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University at Buffalo-SUNY
Department Dept of Biostatistics
Location Buffalo, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University at Buffalo-SUNY Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University at Buffalo-SUNY
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location Buffalo, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 22
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 2 2021 01:00PM

University Laval Département de mathématiques et de statistique 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University Laval
Department Département de mathématiques et de statistique
Location Quebec, Quebec Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Alabama Appl Stat Program 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alabama
Department Appl Stat Program
Location Tuscaloosa, Alabama United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Alabama Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alabama
Location Tuscaloosa, Alabama United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 46
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 27
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Dec 13 2022 11:20AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The masters program begins with 24 credit hours of mathematics courses. To complete the program, students have three options: 1) a masters thesis (original research); 2) an additional three credit hours and a masters project (original research or expository & an extensive literature review); 3) six additional credit hours and passing a comprehensive exam. All first year masters students are required to take year long sequences in real analysis and linear algebra/modern algebra.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE test is optional. The department puts particular emphasis on student transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · None.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 18
Full-time women 3
First year 6
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The majority of students in the masters program are part of the Accelerated Masters Program, an Alabama program allowing undergraduates to complete their masters and their bachelors degrees simultaneously.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $31000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18450
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees are listed for out of state students; in-state tuition is lower. Many, but not all masters students receive support, depending on availability. The exception are masters students who are part of the University of Alabama Accelerated Masters Program who are still co-enrolled as undergraduate students. They may receive support from the University as undergraduates, but are not eligible for support from the department until they receive their bachelors degrees.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Masters students pursuing this as a terminal degree are planning careers in math education, finance, and industry. They are successful in finding degrees. Masters students preparing for a PhD program are very successful in getting into a graduate program.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Entering students are required to take a preliminary exam; depending on their scores they will be required to take one or both of the masters level core courses, or will be allowed to take PhD level courses. This allows students with uneven undergraduate preparation to fill in gaps. Students are required to pass two of the following qualifying exams: real analysis, algebra, topology, differential equations, numerical analysis. Generally students are expected to pass both by the end of their second year, though students who start in the masters courses have until the end of their third year. After passing their qualifying exams, students begin independent study and research leading to their dissertation. By the beginning of their fourth year they are expected to submit and defend a dissertation proposal.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE test is optional. The department places special emphasis on letters of recommendation and academic transcripts.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · The Department has strengths in harmonic analysis, scientific computation, algebra/topology, applied PDEs, stochastic processes, and math education.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 49
Full-time women 22
First year 9
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The graduate program at UA is very diverse, and we currently have 15 Black and Native American students enrolled in our program.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 43
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $31000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18450
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees are for out-of-state students; in-state tuition is lower. The policy of the department is to not admit students without offering support. The exceptions are students with national fellowships (e.g. Ford or NSF fellowships), or international students with government scholarships. All students are guaranteed six years of support, subject to satisfactory progress. Top candidates are offered departmental fellowships, and are nominated for university level fellowships. The department has a good track record in getting these awards. Some faculty with NSF support provide support for their advanced PhD students. All students are encouraged and assisted in finding and applying for external fellowships. Students supported by a graduate teaching assistantship are required to work approximately 14-16 hours per week. In their first year they are assigned to work as tutors and graders; beginning in their second year they are assigned to teach algebra, precalculus and business calculus with the support and direction of a faculty course coordinator. Successful GTAs have the opportunity to teach calculus, linear algebra and differential equations, which allows them more autonomy in the classroom.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The majority of our PhD students are preparing for careers in academia. Many want to go into teaching and have been successful in finding positions at liberal arts colleges and regional state universities. Others want to go into research, and we have placed the strongest students into postdoctoral positions. Recently, we have had students get positions in industry and government.

University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alabama at Birmingham
Location Birmingham, Alabama United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 15 2022 09:36AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The master?s program aims to give students the background to use mathematics in a variety of ways. The PhD program in Applied Mathematics prepares students interested in an academic career in a college or university as well as students interested in a career in business, industry, or government.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 4
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 9
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5268
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22000
Comments regarding financial support supported first-year graduate teaching assistants proctor, grade, tutor, work in math lab, and assist other instructors
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been the M.S. program prepares students not only for a career in secondary or junior college level teaching but provides also a very good preparation for students who go into business, industry, or government. In the past our students have been very successful in obtaining employment.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 5
First year 7
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5268
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24000
Comments regarding financial support supported graduate teaching assistants proctor, grade, tutor, work in math lab, and teach
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The PhD program prepares students not only for a career teaching but provides also a very good preparation for students who go into business, industry, or government. In the past our students have been very successful in obtaining employment.

University of Alabama at Birmingham Dept of Biostat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department Dept of Biostat
Location Birmingham, Alabama United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Alabama-Huntsville Dept of Math Sci

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alabama-Huntsville
Location Huntsville, Alabama United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 8
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 23 2020 12:28PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Programs are available leading to either the Master of Arts or the Master of Science in Mathematics, and to the Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics. Funding is available in the form of assistantships.

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information GRE GPA TOEFL - if applicable
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · The Department of Mathematical Sciences is dedicated to education, research, and service in mathematical sciences.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 1
First year 3
First year women 0
Part-time 13
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 11
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10632
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13500
Comments regarding financial support 20 hours of duties including tutoring, grading, or assistant teaching
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Other · Operator Theory; Dynamical Systems; p-adic analysis; spectral theory.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 1
First year 3
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10632
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $15500
Comments regarding financial support 20 hours of duties including tutoring, grading, or teaching

University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa Information Systems, Statistics, and Management Science

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa
Location Tuscaloosa, Alabama United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 12
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 8
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 7
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 7 2023 08:51AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Academic program is a 30-hour curriculum, with 15 core course hours and 15 elective hours, determined by the concentration. Examples of classes include Mathematical Statistics, Regression, Multivariate Analysis, Experimental Design, Data Management* and Data Mining* (*available online too)

GRE requirement General
Additional information We prefer a 75th percentile or higher on the quantitative section. Students should have a relevant background in mathematics to include Calculus and we prefer an introductory course in Linear Algebra.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Other · Analytics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 1
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Among the 6 students, 4 are in the accelerated master's program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support MS students do not typically receive support, as it is reserved for doctoral students. However, at times such support may become available for a qualified master's student. Scholarship funds are available for highly qualified students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students have placed extremely well (close to 100%). Most are pursuing careers in Insurance/Actuarial, Banking, Credit Scoring, or Data Analysis. Some may pursue a PhD degrees.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

At the end of the year 1, students are required to take a written examination based on the required MS level courses. At the end of the year 2 or upon completion of at least 4 PhD statistics classes, students must take a comprehensive exam to assess the potential to conduct independent research.

GRE requirement General
Additional information All students, both international and domestic, with relevant preparation in calculus, linear algebra, and statistics are welcome to apply.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 3
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 8
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24000
Comments regarding financial support Above are annual values. A full time (.50 FTE/ 20 hours per week) graduate assistantship is provided and includes tuition and nearly all fees. The continuance and financial support in the program is dependent upon the satisfactory progress in the doctoral program course work, research activities, and other requirements of the program. Many students also receive a supplementary annual scholarship award for at most four years.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduated students pursue academic and research-based industrial careers. Recent placements include College of Charleston, University of South Alabama, S. Dakota State University, Bowling Green State University, Naval Postgraduate School, JP Morgan Chase, Regions, & Kaiser.

University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Alaska Fairbanks
Location Fairbanks, Alaska United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 18
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Nov 15 2023 01:12PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Faculty research areas are primarily in analysis (pure and applied), discrete math, mathematical biology, and statistics. Most graduate courses are offered synchronously online.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information This program is suitable for those seeking a terminal degree, or as preparation for a PhD. Required coursework in core areas is supplemented by electives and an individual research project.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 3
First year 7
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 14
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22100
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17987
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees listed is per year. Funded students receive full tuition credits and health insurance in addition to stipend. Some fees must be paid by student. Teaching Assistant duties may require 20 hours/week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Some graduates have pursued PhDs at UAF and in highly-ranked programs elsewhere. Others pursue careers in scientific labs, government agencies, or teaching in university, community college, or secondary schools.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students either enter with an MS from another institution, or earn one at UAF. The program consists of coursework, a written/oral qualifying exam, and individual research under a faculty mentor.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Math subject GRE is strongly encouraged, especially for international applicants. Applicants should demonstrate their research interests match those represented in the department.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22100
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17987
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees listed is per year. Funded students receive full tuition credits and health insurance in addition to stipend. Some fees must be paid by student. Teaching Assistant duties may require 20 hours/week. Research Assistantships may be available.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Research and teaching careers at universities.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program The graduate certificates are intended primarily for PhD students in other fields who complete significant coursework in applied mathematics or statistics. Others may apply.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information 12 credits of graduate coursework.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Completion of 12 graduate credits approved by an advisor. Many of the courses can be taken synchronously online.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Certificate students usually have funding from their other degree program (e.g., they are PhD students in Fisheries, Marine Biology, Biology, etc.)

University of Albany, SUNY Dept of Epidemiology & Biostat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Albany, SUNY
Department Dept of Epidemiology & Biostat
Location Rensselaer, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Alberta Dept of Math & Stat Sci

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Alberta
Location Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:51PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · Other · Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Physics, Statistical Machine Learning
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Physics, Statistical Machine Learning
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Arizona Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Arizona
Location Tucson, Arizona United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 57
Total women 11
Total tenured faculty 43
Total tenured women 10
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 38
Total postdocs 19
Last updated Oct 2 2020 12:27PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Master?s students must present a coherent collection of courses in which the work outside of Mathematics is related to part of the studies in Mathematics. There are many such possibilities, including: algebra, and computer science or discrete methods in operations research; probability, and statistics or reliability/quality control; numerical mathematics, and computer science or computational science; mathematical foundations and history, and education; analysis, and physics or optics; etc. A Master's thesis is required, and a successful performance is required of all MA and MS recipients on a Final Oral Examination which covers work presented for the Master's degree and defense of the thesis. Students must also complete one of the following Profession Development Requirements; foreign language, computing or communication.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For the 2020-2021 application year, scores on the general test or subject test of the GRE are optional for applicants, and not required. The decision to take or not take these exams will not factor into admission decision, but applicants are welcome to include them if they believe they add to their application. Grades and test scores are only two factors taken into consideration in the review for admission; letters of recommendation and statement of purpose are particularly important. Prior research experience is also valuable, but not required and it is understood that these may have been difficult in the last year. Be sure to describe any unusual circumstances in the statement of purpose.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students .
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $33399
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19320
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our Master's students have successfully transitioned to other PhD programs, such as Teaching and Teacher Education. Others have gone on to find careers in teaching at high schools, working for utility companies, or in national defense.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Completion of the core courses and qualifying exams as expeditiously as possible, with the goal of attempting all three parts of the qualifying exam by August before the third year of enrollment. Completion of a research project in the first semester of their second year. Completion of the written and oral comprehensive examination as early as possible. In all cases, this exam must be complete by the end of February of the fourth year of enrollment. Students must also complete six units of out of department courses, or an internship. Two out of three professional development requirements must also be completed. The student must also complete a minor consisting of 9 to 12 units of coursework.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information For the 2020-2021 application year, scores on the general test or subject test of the GRE are optional for applicants, and not required. The decision to take or not take these exams will not factor into admission decision, but applicants are welcome to include them if they believe they add to their application. Grades and test scores are only two factors taken into consideration in the review for admission; letters of recommendation and statement of purpose are particularly important. Prior research experience is also valuable, but not required and it is understood that these may have been difficult in the last year. Be sure to describe any unusual circumstances in the statement of purpose.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 47
Full-time women 12
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 45
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1333
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19320
Comments regarding financial support Our students are supported by Teaching and Research Assistantships (TA, RA), grants, fellowships, scholarships or a combination of these funding sources. First-year Graduate Assistant duties generally include teaching four (4) units per semester or equivalent time spent on tutoring, grading, or proctoring examinations and will have an advisor and/or supervisor to help guide the student. PhD students will be supported for up to five years, or in some cases six years. Salaries for TAs, RAs, and fellowships are currently in the range of $18,900 to $19,740 for the academic year. (pay increases with the passage of certain milestones like the qualifying exams and the comprehensive exam.) There is also the possibility of support in summer months through summer teaching, research positions, and internships. TAs, RAs, and fellowships also include a full waiver of tuition (both in-state and out-of-state) as well as individual health insurance. Students are responsible for paying the remaining miscellaneous fees.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates have gone on to careers in industry, finance, defense, post-doctoral positions and academia. Employers include Emailage, Ventana Medical Systems, American Express, Wells Fargo, CIT Bank, Rincon Research, Raytheon, NSA, Jacksonville University, and the University of British Columbia.

University of Arizona Program in Applied Mathematics GIDP 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Arizona
Department Program in Applied Mathematics GIDP
Location Tucson, Arizona United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Arizona Statistics GIDP 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Arizona
Department Statistics GIDP
Location Tucson, Arizona United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Arizona, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health Dept of Biostats, Coll of Public Health 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Arizona, Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Department Dept of Biostats, Coll of Public Health
Location Tucson, Arizona United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Arkansas at Fayetteville Dept of Math Sci

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
Location Fayetteville, Arkansas United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 13 2022 11:20AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online?
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Arkansas at Little Rock Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Location Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 7 2023 08:56AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

36 hours; 2 qualifying exams from core courses; thesis or non-thesis option available

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Other · Collegiate Math Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $4000
Comments regarding financial support Graduate Assistantships pay $4,000 spring and $4,000 fall. They cover tuition for 9 hours, not fees. As a GA you either tutor and/or teach lower level mathematics courses for the Department.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

We offer a PhD in Applied Science with a concentration in Applied Math and Stat. The PhD is multidisciplinary and also includes other concentrations in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $6500
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information 15 hours of coursework in Applied Statistics
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

15 hours of coursework in Applied Statistics

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of British Columbia Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of British Columbia
Location Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 60
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 55
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 8
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Dec 12 2022 03:21PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 37
Full-time women 11
First year 10
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 37
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding financial support All our graduate students receive financial support, a combination of research and teaching assistantship. The TA duties are 12 hours a week during the Fall and Spring terms.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 68
Full-time women 10
First year 11
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 68
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding financial support All our graduate students receive financial support, a combination of research and teaching assistantship. The TA duties are 12 hours a week during the Fall and Spring terms.

University of Calgary Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Calgary
Location Calgary, Alberta Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 59
Total women 11
Total tenured faculty 44
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 35
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Dec 19 2022 03:04PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 26
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information If your first language is not English, you may fulfill the language proficiency requirement in one of the following ways: -TOEFL 86 with no section less than 20/560 -IELTS 6.5 with no section less than 6.0 -PTE 59 -CAEL 70 with no section less than 60 -ACC B+ in each course
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics · Masters specializations: Mathematics, Statistics, Biostatistics, Actuarial Science, Mathematical Finance.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 58
Full-time women 26
First year 25
First year women 10
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 29
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8081
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24288
Comments regarding financial support Typical number of teaching hours of a funded graduate is around 500 hours per year. Possible additional support could be from supervisor's grant, university, provincial and national scholarships.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information If your first language is not English, you may fulfill the language proficiency requirement in one of the following ways: -TOEFL 86 with no section less than 20/560 -IELTS 6.5 with no section less than 6.0 -PTE 59 -CAEL 70 with no section less than 60 -ACC B+ in each course
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematical Finance
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 47
Full-time women 18
First year 12
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 37
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8081
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24288
Comments regarding financial support Typical number of teaching hours of a funded graduate is around 500 hours per year. Possible additional support could be from supervisor's grant, university, provincial and national scholarships.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 47
Special requirements or purposes of the program The demand for professionals trained with deep data and analytical skills is disrupting the job market. There is an incredible need for data scientists and business analysts to make sense of the large amounts of data that are collected, to uncover hidden solutions to messy business problems and to present useful insights to business leaders. With the Certificate in Fundamental Data Science and Analytics, you gain the necessary knowledge base and useful skills to manage large data sets and present real-world data analytics challenges with the use of statistical modelling and data visualization tools.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Certificate in Fundamental Data Science and Analytics will count for credit toward the Diploma in Data Science and Analytics, where you may choose to specialize in business analytics, data science or health data science and biostatistics. The diploma program is for students who have completed the certificate and will add 4 courses of specialized study.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 59
Full-time women 11
First year 56
First year women 9
Part-time 17
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support No financial support provided.

University of California Santa Cruz Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California Santa Cruz
Location Santa Cruz, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 15
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 7
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 3 2021 02:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 4
First year 6
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 5
First year 6
First year women
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of California Santa Cruz Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California Santa Cruz
Location Santa Cruz, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 10
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 7 2023 08:57AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Obtain a first-level pass on at least one of the three written preliminary examinations, and a second-level pass on at least one other. Students must complete the full sequence in the track associated with the preliminary examination they did not achieve a first-level pass*; Pass the oral qualifying examination; Complete three quarters as a Teaching Assistant; Complete the required coursework: Math 288A** plus six graduate courses in mathematics other than Math 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209 and 210. No more than three courses may be independent study or thesis research courses. Write a Ph.D. thesis (dissertation).

GRE requirement Math subject · Optional or not required
Additional information In order to be prepared for the master?s or Ph.D. program, it is recommended to have a B.A. or B.S. in mathematics. Having taken more than the bare minimum of required upper-division classes in the mathematics major will be most helpful.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 5
First year 7
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12264
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $29124
Comments regarding financial support We try to provide Teaching Assistant employment for our Master's Students. These positions are not guaranteed. Teaching Assistants: Hold teaching sections, grade, hold office hours and other duties requested by the instructor of record.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Lecturers at junior Collages, High Schools and other educational institutions. Employees for high tech industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Obtain a first-level pass on at least one of the three written preliminary examinations, and a second-level pass on at least one other. Students must complete the full sequence in the track associated with the preliminary examination they did not achieve a first-level pass*; Pass the oral qualifying examination; Complete three quarters as a Teaching Assistant; Complete the required coursework: Math 288A** plus six graduate courses in mathematics other than Math 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209 and 210. No more than three courses may be independent study or thesis research courses. Write a Ph.D. thesis (dissertation).

GRE requirement Math subject · Optional or not required
Additional information In order to be prepared for the master?s or Ph.D. program, it is recommended to have a B.A. or B.S. in mathematics. Having taken more than the bare minimum of required upper-division classes in the mathematics major will be most helpful.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Geometry/Topology · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 43
Full-time women 8
First year 9
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 43
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12264
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $29124
Comments regarding financial support We hire our PhD students as Teaching Assistants. Teaching Assistants: Hold teaching sections, grade, hold office hours and other duties requested by the instructor of record.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Professors, Researchers, Post Doctoral Scholars, Visiting Assistant Professors, and Private Industry employment.

University of California, Berkeley Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Location Berkeley, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 04:23PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of California, Berkeley Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Location Berkeley, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 5
Total postdocs 9
Last updated Sep 24 2020 10:35AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 52
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program is for full-time students and is designed to be completed in two semesters (fall and spring). To obtain the M.A. in Statistics, admitted M.A. students must complete a minimum of 24 units of courses and pass a comprehensive examination. The focus is on tackling statistical challenges encountered by industry rather than preparing for a PhD. This M.A. degree is considered a professional degree as there are numerous events and workshops in the professional development portion of the program to help students prepare for work in the industry. We have also partnered with companies in our Industry Alliance Program to connect industry members to state-of-the-art research and some of the top talent in statistics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The following items are required for admission: The Online Application, Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, 3 Letters of recommendation, Transcripts, Description of Upper-level Math Courses, TOEFL Scores (international students only) Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will NOT require a GRE for applicants applying for admission for Fall 2021. GRE requirements for future academic years have not been determined.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science · Other · Biology and Health, Environment, Finance, Social Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 54
Full-time women 22
First year 34
First year women 11
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our most commonly admitted students have majors in actuarial science, computer science, economics, finance, mathematics (pure and applied), the physical and biological sciences, political science, and statistics.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 29
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $16525
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $11284
Comments regarding financial support The UC Berkeley Department of Statistics encourages students from all backgrounds to apply for our professional master's degree. The Department is committed to the inclusion of diverse populations and to minimizing financial barriers. To achieve these goals and to remove financial barriers which may be restrictive, departmental financial support is made available. Typical tuition and fees paid was determined based on the average aid and stipends/salaries received per student subtracted from the total tuition fees cost. In addition, there are many Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) positions available within the statistics department and throughout the university and, although not guaranteed, these roles can significantly reduce the total cost of the program. A GSI appointment is no more than 20 hours a week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students graduating from the program find employment in a variety of roles including, but not limited to: data scientists, quantitative analysts, actuarial analysts, and credit risk analysts. Our graduates work in many different industries for companies such as: Amazon, Facebook, General Mills, State Farm, Wells Fargo, Ubisoft, E. & J. Gallo Winery, Proctor & Gamble and many others. Students have been successful in these roles and at these companies and can find themselves in managerial positions within a few years.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Year 1. Perform satisfactorily in preliminary course work. In the summer, students are required to embark on a short-term research project, internship, graduate student instructorship, reading course, or on another research activity. Years 2-3. Continue course work. Find a thesis advisor and an area for the oral qualifying exam. Formally choose a chair for qualifying exam committee, who will also serve as faculty mentor separate from the thesis advisor.  Pass the oral qualifying exam and advance to candidacy during the spring semester of Year 2 or the fall semester of Year 3. Present research at BSTARS each year. Years 4-5. Finish the thesis, and give a lecture based on it in a department seminar.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Department of Statistics commits itself to diversifying its graduate student population and providing an equitable environment for all. To be considered for admission, applicants must have background in mathematics, statistics, or a quantitative field, completed the online application, three letters of recommendation, official transcripts from each school at which college-level work was completed, a descriptive list of upper division statistics and math courses, and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for applicants from countries in which English is not the official language. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will NOT require the GRE for applicants applying for admission for Fall 2021.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 48
Full-time women 12
First year 12
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 48
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27247
Comments regarding financial support All admitted Ph.D. students will receive full financial support in their first year. This support covers registration costs (all fees and nonresident supplemental tuition) and provides a stipend for living expenses.  In subsequent years, financial support for Ph.D. students is provided in the form of fellowships, Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) appointments, also known as teaching assistantships, and/or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) appointments, also known as research assistantships. The appointments are no more than 20 hours per week. The stipend/salary noted above is based on the academic year and does not include the summer salary/stipend which ranges from $5,200-$12,925.

University of California, Berkeley Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Department Dept of Math
Location Berkeley, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Berkeley Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Location Berkeley, California United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:07AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of California, Davis Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Davis
Location Davis, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 29
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:07AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 61
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program of study will be developed and approved for each student by one of the Graduate Advisors in consultation with the student. Students must take 12 units per quarter; a minimum of 44 units is required, of which at least 18 must be at the graduate level (according to university regulations). A comprehensive final examination in the major subject is required of each candidate. No thesis is required. More information can be found on our MS Program page:

GRE requirement General
Additional information Minimum requirements for the MS program are as follows: - Bachelor?s degree with overall GPA of 3.0 or above - One year of calculus - One course of linear algebra - Facility with a programming language - Upper division undergraduate coursework in mathematics and/or statistics - GRE suspended for Fall 2022 admissions
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science · The UC Davis Statistics Master's program offers two tracks: Standard and Data Science.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 99
Full-time women 37
First year 37
First year women 11
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $19413
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support UC Davis does not offer financial support to Master's students. However, all graduate students are able to apply to Teaching Assistant, Reader and Grad Student Researcher positions across campus, which includes tuition reimbursement and a salary.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students in our graduate program gain advanced knowledge of mathematical statistics and probability; computational and applied statistics; data analysis; methods of research in statistics. Students graduate with the qualitative and quantitative skills necessary for professional research, consulting and teaching in statistics. They go on to university faculty & research positions, biotech companies, financial institutions, tech companies, retail, insurance PhD programs and more.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

This is a Plan A program with final oral examination (defense of the dissertation). A Ph.D. student will select an area of specialization and will choose a major professor and dissertation advisor in that area, usually in the second or third year of study. The student's program of study will be developed by the student jointly with the Graduate Advisor. All coursework (a total of at least 52 units: 34 required and 18 elective units) and the program of study must be approved by the Graduate Advisor. More information can be found on our Phd Program page:

GRE requirement General
Additional information The minimum requirements for the PhD program are as follows: - Bachelor?s degree with overall GPA of 3.0 or above - one semester or two quarters of advanced calculus at a level equivalent to UCD Mathematics 127A and Mathematics 127B - one quarter of linear algebra at a level equivalent to Mathematics 67 - GRE suspended for Fall 2022 admissions
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science · Thorough background of coursework in contemporary statistical theory, and provides an opportunity for studying a field in which statistics is applied.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 56
Full-time women 15
First year 7
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 56
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26200
Comments regarding financial support Historically all Phd students are fully supported including all tuition and fees. Students are funded by a combination of teaching assistantships and fellowships. Typically first year students serve as part time (10 hours per week) Teaching Assistants and receive a fellowship equivalent to a 10 hour TA position. Continuing students are typically funded full time (20 hours per week) as TAs or Graduate Student Researchers.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students in our graduate program gain advanced knowledge of mathematical statistics and probability; computational and applied statistics; data analysis; methods of research in statistics. Students graduate with the qualitative and quantitative skills necessary for professional research, consulting and teaching in statistics.

University of California, Davis Dept of Mathematics & Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Davis
Location Davis, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 49
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 43
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 47
Total postdocs 15
Last updated Sep 7 2023 08:59AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

We have two separate programs Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Admission process is separate and requirements are slightly different. For more details on the courses and requirements see and

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information The Mathematics Graduate program only requires the GRE Subject test. The Applied Mathematics Graduate Group currently requires both the General and the Subject GRE.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Because applications of Mathematics are everywhere the concentrations of a Master student depend on the interests of the student.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Most of our students are enrolled in the Ph.D programs (Math and Applied Math). Only a handful of students are M.S. students. Students can and do obtain a master's along the way to a PhD.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $20746
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Most of our M.S. students are self-supported.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most M.S. students are in transition to a Ph.D. program.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 19
Special requirements or purposes of the program

All information about courses, requirements, and careers can be found at and at

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Additional information The Mathematics Graduate program only requires the GRE Subject test. The Applied Mathematics Graduate Group currently requires both the General and the Subject GRE.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Many areas of research, including others not listed above, are present at UC Davis.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 156
Full-time women 45
First year 26
First year women 7
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Most students apply with a B.S degree, but we admit also students from M.S programs and they can typically transfer some courses.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 156
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $20746
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30000
Comments regarding financial support Students can be hired as teaching assistants (teach, grade and proctor exams homework) or they can be hired as research assistants. We also offer fellowships to outstanding candidates. Tuition is paid for by their employment, therefore the student really does not pay for tuition and fees.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our students go work in Academia, Industry, and Government. See

University of California, Irvine Department of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Irvine
Department Department of Statistics
Location Irvine, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Irvine Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Irvine
Department Dept of Math
Location Irvine, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Los Angeles Biomathematics Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Los Angeles
Department Biomathematics Dept
Location Los Angeles, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Los Angeles Department of Statistics and Data Science

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Los Angeles
Location Los Angeles, California United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:00AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 12
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 50
Full-time women 15
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0

University of California, Los Angeles Dept of Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Los Angeles
Department Dept of Biostatistics
Location Los Angeles, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Merced Applied Mathematics Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Merced
Location Merced, California United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 7
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:01AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 47
Full-time women 17
First year 9
First year women 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 47
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $46000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $2000
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 47
Full-time women 17
First year 9
First year women 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $2000

University of California, Riverside Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Riverside
Location Riverside, California United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 36
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 9 2022 08:58AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 1
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 14
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 79
Full-time women 21
First year 15
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 76
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of California, Riverside Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Riverside
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Riverside, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, San Diego Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, San Diego
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location La Jolla, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Santa Barbara Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Santa Barbara
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location Santa Barbara, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Santa Barbara Dept of Stat & Appl Probability 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Santa Barbara
Department Dept of Stat & Appl Probability
Location Santa Barbara, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Santa Cruz Applied Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Santa Cruz
Department Applied Mathematics
Location Santa Cruz, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of California, Santa Cruz Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of California, Santa Cruz
Department Dept of Math
Location Santa Cruz, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Central Florida Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Central Florida
Location Orlando, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 59
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 32
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 31
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 18 2020 10:40AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

There two options: thesis (30 CH), non-thesis (36 CH), and non-thesis on financial mathematics (30 CH)

GRE requirement General
Additional information Students entering the Master program with regular status are assumed to master undergraduate calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and matrix theory, and maturity in the language of advanced calculus (at the level of MAA 4226). For admission to the university, students must have obtained the equivalent of a baccalaureate or higher degree, prior to the start of the term for which the student is admitted. The standard university criterion applies for the admission of the Math graduate program. The university criteria are either: (1) at least the equivalent of a 3.0 (out of 4.0) grade point average (GPA) for the last 60 attempted semester hours of credit earned toward the baccalaureate; or (2) a prior graduate degree from an accredited institution. The program admits students with a baccalaureate degree not major in Mathematics.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science · Other · Financial mathematics MS track, Industrial Mathematics track
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 1
First year 5
First year women 0
Part-time 8
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $15000
Comments regarding financial support Some full-time students, most of time, 2 per year, will be received financial support, including stipend, tuition waiver and health insurance coverage. Fee is not included. GTA position offered for master students are usually working as teaching assistant or grader.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The program has un-named track, industrial track and financial math track. Most of students find their career in industry, and some of them find their job in government agency or teaching in community college or high school.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

First year, all students take the core courses on which qualifying exams are based. Students are expected to pass the qualifying exams within the first two years and pass the candidacy exams in 3.5 years.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Students entering the PhD and Master program with regular status are assumed to master undergraduate calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and matrix theory, and maturity in the language of advanced calculus (at the level of MAA 4226). The program admits students with a baccalaureate degree not major in Mathematics. For admission to the university, students must have obtained the equivalent of a baccalaureate or higher degree, prior to the start of the term for which the student is admitted. The standard university criterion applies for the admission of the Math graduate program. The university criteria are either: (1) at least the equivalent of a 3.0 (out of 4.0) grade point average (GPA) for the last 60 attempted semester hours of credit earned toward the baccalaureate; or (2) a prior graduate degree from an accredited institution. International students are required to submit a score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or IELTS before they can be admitted to the university. A computer-based TOEFL score of 80 on the internet-based TOEFL or 6.5 on the IELTS is required unless otherwise specified by the program. The exemption for the above language requirement are given to some students, please visit the college of graduate studies for the detailed information. At least three reference letters are required for the application.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Financial mathematics track
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 50
Full-time women 20
First year 18
First year women 4
Part-time 6
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students About half of our students are domestic.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 50
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3336
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support All PhD students will be financially supported by graduate teaching assistantship or the university fellowship, with additional tuition waiver and health insurance coverage, except that some students are funded by their government agency. Typical duty are teaching assistant or grader during the first two years, and teaching associate from the third year to teach independent courses. In last few years, more than half of PhD students received the additional summer support as a graduate teaching assistant or graduate research assistant. The program provide financial support for 5 to 7 years, as the students have good academic and professional performance..
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our students find postdoc positions (more than 1/3 in last few years), go to tenure track positions, or take teaching jobs (as instructors), find employment in industries or government agencies.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program Calculus, ODE, and Matrix and Linear Algebra
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Almost all courses in the certificate programs can be taken as online courses since they are delivered using Panopto system (which offers both face-to-face and online (recorded) access).
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 2
First year 3
First year women 2
Part-time 9
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3336
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support typical duty for the first year students are teaching assistant (conducting recitation hours) or a grader. Some of first year student received university fellowship and their working hours will be reduced. The student can receive the full financial support during their doctoral years, as their academic and professional performance are at or above expectation. No support provided for students in the math certificate program.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of certificate students teach in the high school after receiving the certificate. The program just add two tracks, financial mathematics and mathematical modelling. The program expects that students with certificate of those two tracks will find job in industry.

University of Central Florida Department of Statistics & Data Science 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Central Florida
Department Department of Statistics & Data Science
Location Orlando, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Chicago Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Chicago
Location Chicago, Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 30 2021 01:20PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 48
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 70
Full-time women 18
First year 70
First year women 18
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 70
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 55
Full-time women 15
First year 12
First year women 5
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 55
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Chicago Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Chicago
Location Chicago, Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:51PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Cincinnati Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Cincinnati
Location Cincinnati, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 69
Total women 30
Total tenured faculty 40
Total tenured women 12
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 37
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 15 2020 03:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Please visit our website
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women 0
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 8
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our Master's programs include MS in Mathematical Sciences, MS in Statistics, and MA for Teachers of Mathematics.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7451
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Students in the MA for Teachers of Mathematics program typically receive partial scholarships. Students in the MS Mathematics & MS Statistics programs do not receive support from the Dept of Math Sciences, however, other funding opportunities available at
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Please visit our website at
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 36
Full-time women 15
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 6
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 33
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $368
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Please visit this page for information about our financial aid/scholarships Information about tuition fees is available at

University of Cincinnati Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Cincinnati
Location Cincinnati, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 69
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Apr 12 2022 03:18PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Please visit
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Please visit
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Please visit
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please visit

GRE requirement General
Additional information Please visit
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 37
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 37
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Please visit
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program Please visit
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Please visit
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Cincinnati Operations, Business Analytics & IS 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Cincinnati
Department Operations, Business Analytics & IS
Location Cincinnati, Ohio United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Cincinnati, Medical College Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Cincinnati, Medical College
Department Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
Location Cincinnati, Ohio United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Colorado, Boulder Dept of Appl Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Colorado, Boulder
Department Dept of Appl Math
Location Boulder, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Colorado, Boulder Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Colorado, Boulder
Department Dept of Math
Location Boulder, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Colorado, Boulder Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Colorado, Boulder
Location Boulder, Colorado United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:03AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See for additional information on our program.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE Mathematics subject test is optional but recommended. The department places special emphasis on letters of recommendation and academic transcripts.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 55
Full-time women 18
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 55
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26316
Comments regarding financial support Doctoral students are typically supported by a Teaching Assistantship (20 hrs/week), offered with admission. This includes a tuition waiver, stipend, and subsidized health benefits. Summer support in addition is typically available (approximately $4,500-$6,500). Funding is provided for the first six academic years, assuming satisfactory academic progress and full-time enrollment.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The department offers full-time PhD program for students planning careers in research, university teaching, government, and non-academic careers. Graduates from the program are often hired in the following positions immediately following graduation: postdoc, assistant professor, data scientist, and quantitative researcher.

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Dept of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Location Colorado Springs, Colorado United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 22
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:10AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must complete 30 credits of graduate courses including Analysis I & II and Linear Algebra, and pass a comprehensive exam in Analysis. Both thesis and non-thesis options are available. The thesis option involves research under faculty supervision.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Must hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics (or in some other field, with extensive course work in mathematics). Overall GPA of at least 3.0 and a GPA of at least 3.0 in mathematics courses.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Students can choose (although not mandatory) one of the 4 tracks: Ph.D. Preparation, Applied & Computational Math, Education, Business & Management.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 1
First year 7
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7900
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19150
Comments regarding financial support Typical duties can be any of teaching, tutoring or grading depending on experience. The number of hours are 12-15 hours per week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most Masters students are prepared for graduate (PhD) studies or jobs in industry or teaching (high school or 4-year college).
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must complete 30 credits of graduate work including of 3 PhD core sequences (18 credits) from analysis, complex analysis, algebra, applied math, probability and scientific computation. Must pass preliminary exam in Analysis and Linear Algebra and comprehensive exams from 2 of the PhD core areas.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Must hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics. Applicants from other areas should have mathematical preparation comparable to that of a batchelor's in mathematics. Overall GPA of at least 3.0 and a GPA of at least 3.0 in mathematics courses.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 4
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $14650
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28300
Comments regarding financial support Typical duties can be any of teaching, tutoring or grading depending on experience. The number of hours are 12-15 hours per week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Industry or faculty positions in academic institutions

University of Colorado, Denver Biostat & Informatics Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Colorado, Denver
Department Biostat & Informatics Dept
Location Aurora, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Colorado, Denver Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Colorado, Denver
Location Denver, Colorado United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members 28
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 21 2021 09:31AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 14
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Degree Requirements for the MS Applied Mathematics Degree Requirements for the MS Statistics

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admissions requirements for the MS Applied Mathematics: Admissions requirements for the MS Statistics:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Operations Research · Other · other concentrations: Applied Probability, Discrete Mathematics, Engineering and Science, Numerical Analysis, General
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 11
First year 12
First year women 5
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $6033
Comments regarding financial support about $9,500 for a research assistant semester (2 students), about $4,300 for teaching a course (4 students). averaged
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our MS graduates enter the workforce in industry and academia with great success. The applied nature of the programs, and NSF-supported Teaching Assistant training programs, prepare students for a wide range of opportunities.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Degree Requirements for the PhD Applied Mathematics:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admissions requirements for the PhD Applied Mathematics:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science · Other · Applied Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 39
Full-time women 17
First year 7
First year women 4
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $9500
Comments regarding financial support Fully funded phd students are teaching assistants teaching a courses or research assistants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our phd graduates are well-prepared for careers in industry and academia. They successfully enter the job market as assistant professors or postdocs in academia and start jobs in high-tech industry that makes use of their mathematical or statistical education.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program There is a growing need for qualified statistical analysts of the ever-increasing amounts of data collected in business, industry, and government. The Certificates in Applied Statistics program is designed to give students a strong background in statistical methodology and data analysis in preparation for opportunities in the work force or for graduate studies. Students will gain competence in such topics as descriptive statistics, estimation, confidence intervals, probability and inferential techniques, simple and multiple regression, analysis of variance, and more-advanced topics. Students can focus on a particular application area such as economics, psychology, sociology, geology or environmental science through the choice of an elective course and the data analysis project.?? It is common for certificate students to transition in the Statistics MS program, so the number of graduates out of the certificate program is small, in practice..
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A bachelor's degree (not necessarily in mathematics or statistics) from an accredited college or university. ? A grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above during their bachelor?s degree. ? Students must have taken three semesters of calculus (through multivariate calculus), linear algebra, and a calculus-based statistics course that covers basic probability and statistical distributions. ? Admitted students are generally expected to have completed several additional upper-division mathematics courses on top of the minimum requirements, though students from non-mathematics backgrounds who meet the minimum requirements and have exceptional track records will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Subject to approval by the Director of the Program in Statistics and the Graduate Committee, students with prerequisite deficiencies may be admitted with the understanding that those deficiencies must be removed after admission. In such cases, credits earned for deficiency coursework cannot be applied to the graduate certificate.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

* A course in Mathematical Statistics (3 credit hours) * A course in Linear Regression (3 credit hours) * One Advanced Applications Course (3 credit hours) * One elective (3 credit hours) * Project, Independent Study (1 credit hour)

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students rarely take the certificate program full-time; generally, the students are generally full-time employees who hope to improve their statistical skill set.
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The Applied Statistics certificate is most appropriate for individuals already in the workforce who would like to improve their current statistical skill set for the purposes of career advancement. The Statistics MS is more appropriate for students seeking a career related to statistics or a change in careers.

University of Connecticut Statistics Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Connecticut
Location Storrs, Connecticut United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:06AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 20
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 21
Full-time women 37
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not offer support for Masters students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 27
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 79
Full-time women 29
First year 17
First year women 7
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 48
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $30560
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding financial support Full time supported PhD students work 20 hours a week and duties may include teaching discussion sections, grading and tutoring.

University of Connecticut, Storrs Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Connecticut, Storrs
Location Storrs, Connecticut United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 74
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 36
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 33
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Sep 23 2020 10:21AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 26
Special requirements or purposes of the program

We offer Master's degrees in Mathematics (option of concentration in Actuarial Science) and in Applied Financial Mathematics (option of concentration in Actuarial Science). All master's degrees require 30 credits of course work. MS in Mathematics (no concentration) requires passing of two qualifying exams or writing a master's thesis or passing an oral exam. MS in Mathematics with concentration in Actuarial Science requires passing two Society of Actuaries exams or passing two qualifying exams. Applied Financial Mathematics MS requires a written exit project or the passing of two Society of Actuaries exams.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A sound undergraduate program in mathematics or a related field is necessary for entrance into our programs. All Applicants must provide unofficial transcripts, three letters of recommendation and a personal statement. International Students must also provide proof of English proficiency - details can be found here:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Other · We have separate MS degrees in Mathematics and Applied Financial Mathematics. Within these we offer concentrations in Actuarial Science.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 35
Full-time women 16
First year 6
First year women 0
Part-time 3
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our master's program students have a nearly proportionate male to female ratio and a strong international student representation. Our expected enrollment dropped in Fall 2020 due to the pandemic.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1600
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24300
Comments regarding financial support $1600 represents fees for supported students. In State tuition/fees are $19,664, out of state $41,576. Financial support for master's students is generally not guaranteed, as they are hired for courses that are in need of instructors. Duties include teaching discussion sections, office hours and grading. Resources include a pedagogy course, a week of orientation and training by the university and the department and a TA Mentor Network within the department.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Mathematics MS students prepare for careers in aerospace, oil exploration, electrical engineering, finance, manufacturing, communication, data science and computing. MS program in Mathematics with concentration in Actuarial Science prepares students for careers as practicing actuaries in the insurance, pension, financial or consulting industries. The Professional Master?s in Applied Financial Mathematics prepares a graduate for work in an analytic capacity across a wide spectrum of the financial services industry ? investment banks, private equity, hedge funds, mutual funds, consulting firms, investment firms, insurance companies, commercial banks, brokerage houses and other corporations. Our graduates have been quite successful in procuring employment in their respective fields.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

45 graduate course credits are required, including 15 doctoral dissertation research credits, as well as the passing of three preliminary exams and two core courses. Student is expected to choose a thesis advisor no later than the end of the fall semester in their third year after which they will pass an general/oral exam and write a dissertation under the direction of a member of the Graduate Faculty.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A sound undergraduate program in mathematics is required for entrance into our PhD program. All Applicants must provide unofficial transcripts, three letters of recommendation and a personal statement. GRE is recommended but not required. International Students must also provide proof of English proficiency - details can be found here:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Other · Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 61
Full-time women 17
First year 16
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our PhD students have a strong international student representation - we currently have students from five countries. They host weekly seminars and other events for the Mathematics graduate community.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 59
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1600
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24300
Comments regarding financial support $1600 represents fees for supported students. In State tuition/fees are $19,664, out of state $41,576. Financial support for PhD students is typical upon admission. Duties include teaching discussion sections, office hours and grading. Resources include a pedagogy course, a week of orientation and training by the university and the department and a TA Mentor Network within the department.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhD graduates prepare for and procure academic jobs such as academic postdoctoral research and teaching positions, tenure-track positions, and 1-3 year non tenure-track positions. In addition some go on to work in business, industry, and government, as actuaries, analysts, data scientists, and specialized scientists.

University of Connecticut, Storrs Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Connecticut, Storrs
Location Storrs, Connecticut United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:52PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Additional information GRE not required for Statistics or Biostatistics MS degree.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 29
Full-time women 12
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10631
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 81
Full-time women 25
First year 8
First year women 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 66
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10631
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24800

University of Delaware Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Delaware
Location Newark, Armed Forces Americas United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 53
Total women 19
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 15 2021 02:20PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers three Masters degrees: the Masters in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Data Science. Thesis and non-thesis options are available. If you decide to write a thesis, the department has active research programs in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Analysis, Discrete Mathematics and Probability. Our students regularly attend the Hallenbeck graduate seminar, do summer research in the GEMS (Groups Exploring the Mathematical Sciences) program, and present their work at the annual Winter Research Symposium. Masters in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics These degrees in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics offer students enhanced training in focus areas such as mathematical finance, mathematical modeling, real and complex analysis, combinatorics, and stochastic processes. They provide enhanced opportunities in careers such as the aerospace industry, consulting, and software engineering. Masters in Data Science The MS in Data Science is a professional masters with a flexible set of core requirements in statistics, mathematics and computer and information sciences. It provides a solid background in the methods behind data science so that you can be better-equipped with the skills to work with large and/or dynamic data sets.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE general and subject test (does not have to be Mathematics) is normally required. However, all GRE requirements are being waived for the current admissions cycle.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE general and subject test (does not have to be Mathematics) is normally required. However, all GRE requirements are being waived for the current admissions cycle.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22250
Comments regarding financial support Students are usually admitted as teaching assistants with 5 years of support.

University of Delaware Dept of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Delaware
Location Newark, Delaware United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 50
Total women 19
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 13 2022 11:21AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 2
Full-time women 0
First year 1
First year women 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23250
Comments regarding financial support PhD students receive first priority for funding but financial support is sometimes granted to Master's students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Paid first year research opportunities are provided to students who pass the preliminary exams in Real Analysis and Linear Algebra (see below). New students to our program are given a network of mentors: a peer mentor, a faculty mentor, and the Graduate Director. 48 academic credits are required (1 class = 3 credits). There are 3 preliminary exams in (i) Real Analysis (ii) Linear Algebra and (iii) Complex Variables and Measure Theory, Stochastic Processes, Applied Math, Numerical Methods, Algebra (choose one). The preliminary exams must be passed before the end of the second year. The candidacy exam consists of a paper presentation and an oral topics exam. It must be passed in the third year of study.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Data Science · Our faculty also have expertise in Mathematical Biology, Graph Theory, and the Mathematics of Quantum Science.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 54
Full-time women 12
First year 12
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 54
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23250
Comments regarding financial support PhD students are always granted financial assistance in the form of teaching assistantships or fellowships. Additional support may be available in the summer in the form of teaching and research opportunities.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our students typically take on employment in the tech sector, finance, or in academia

University of Denver Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Denver
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Denver, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Florida Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Florida
Location Gainesville, Florida United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 13 2021 12:18PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women
First year 11
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 57
Full-time women 21
First year 10
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 57
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000

University of Florida Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Florida
Department Dept of Math
Location Gainesville, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Florida College of Public Health Dept of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Florida College of Public Health
Location Gainesville, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 11
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Jun 29 2023 01:58PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 22
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information We strongly prefer our students to have taken three semesters of calculus and one semester each of linear algebra and basic statistics, but do not automatically disqualify students based on these courses.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 6
First year 21
First year women 11
Part-time 27
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $850
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not currently have any scholarships or assistantships available within the department for MS level students, but we encourage those students to explore financial aid ( and third party funding.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The demand for trained biostatisticians continues to increase as the world becomes more dependent on predictive data and numerical reasoning, particularly related to research in the health sciences. Biostatisticians can work in industry or academia.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

All students must complete a minimum of 54 credits of biostatistics/statistics course work (30 credits typically transferred from a M.S. program), 6 credits of public health course work, 3 credits towards consulting requirement, 6 credits towards a cognate requirement, and 21 credits of research.

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 32
Full-time women 16
First year 7
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 32
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1968
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25000
Comments regarding financial support All of our PhD positions are accompanied by an assistantship that includes an annual stipend and tuition waiver for 24 credits of graduate study. The assistantship will include duties assigned for a total of twenty hours per week. Initial offers are typically for 4 years of funding.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The demand for trained biostatisticians continues to increase as the world becomes more dependent on predictive data and numerical reasoning, particularly related to research in the health sciences. Biostatisticians can work in industry or academia.

University of Georgia Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Georgia
Department Dept of Stat
Location Athens, Georgia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Georgia Mathematics Department

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of Georgia
Location Athens, Georgia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 60
Total women 16
Total tenured faculty 32
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 22
Total postdocs 16
Last updated Oct 18 2023 11:31AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

We offer a standard collection of introductory graduate courses in algebra, real analysis, algebraic topology, complex analysis, probability and numerical analysis. From these six subjects students are required to pass three written qualifying exams by the beginning of their sixth semester. These courses are followed by related intermediate courses and many topics courses leading to focused oral exams on the students' chosen specialization and ultimately independent PhD research. Students with gaps in their undergraduate preparation may take upper division undergraduate courses for graduate credit. Many students pursue summer internships or graduate summer schools outside UGA to further their research experience and better prepare them for their post-PhD careers, and we help these students find such opportunity both through individual faculty connections and departmental support

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information We don't require the GRE
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 46
Full-time women 14
First year 10
First year women
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We typically have between 45 and 50 PhD students at any given time. Our students come from all over the world, from the southeastern U.S. to Nigeria to India, and from a wide range of backgrounds. They are here because they love mathematics and because we are a friendly and supportive department actively engaged in some of the most exciting mathematical research programs in the world.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 45
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $914
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21998
Comments regarding financial support All of our PhD students are offered 5 years of financial support, including full tuition waivers. The majority of this support is in the form of teaching assistantships, with some competitive research assistantships and occasional additional "top-up" scholarships. First-year students do not teach in the classroom but assist the department by grading and staffing a drop-in tutoring center, while taking a teaching assistant training course. From the second year onwards, most teaching assistants are instructors of record for their own individual small classes (at most 18 students) of precalculus or calculus; the typical TA teaches one section of either of these courses and does a small amount of grading or drop-in tutoring. Advanced students sometimes receive grant-funded research assistantships directly from their PhD supervisors.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduate students pursue both academic and non-academic careers, and those who pursue academic careers follow both research-intensive and teaching-intensive paths. In the last five years, we've had 25 students who have attained positions in academia. We have recent alumni who have received prestigious NSF postdoctoral fellowships and recent alumni working as high-level data scientists at insurance companies, and many paths in between.

University of Guelph Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Guelph
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Guelph, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Hawai'i at Manoa Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Location Honolulu, Hawaii United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Dec 9 2022 02:18PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admissions to the masters requires evidence of the ability and desire to study graduate level mathematics as provided by some of the following: grades in undergraduate courses, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose and test scores. A background in undergraduate mathematics is expected.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 3
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19686
Comments regarding financial support Many MA students serve as TAs. They run recitations/grade/have office hours for 20 hours per week.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most teach at Community colleges or work in industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are admitted for their potential, and may enroll in undergraduate courses to fill gaps in their background. Over all 30 credits are required, but the main component of the Phd program is the dissertation. Students show mastery through qualifying exams in 2 out of the four areas: analysis, algebra, applied math, topology. Quals may be taken multiple times.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admissions to the Phd program requires evidence of the ability and desire to study graduate level mathematics as provided by some of the following: grades in undergraduate courses, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose and test scores. A background in undergraduate mathematics is expected.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 32
Full-time women 7
First year 5
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students 90% of students are US nationals.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 31
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19686
Comments regarding financial support TAs work 20 hours per week running recitations, grading, office hours and tutoring. PhD students are assured of 6 years of funding (5 if they already have a Masters) assuming they continue to make good progress.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been PhD graduates get positions in academia including postdocs and teaching positions at a range of levels of colleges and universities. Other students get positions in industry including the financial sector, and government labs.

University of Houston Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Houston
Location HOUSTON, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 72
Total women 24
Total tenured faculty 46
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 40
Total postdocs 5
Last updated Sep 13 2021 12:22PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 71
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Master of Science in Mathematics is designed for students who would like to have an advanced degree in the area of pure mathematics and/or intend to enter a PhD program after completing this program. A well prepared full time student can complete this degree in two academic years.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science · We offer a MA degree in Math; an online degree.The purpose of the program is to prepare students to teach mathematics at the community college.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 102
Full-time women 44
First year 40
First year women 16
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $14750
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support The approximate cost of 3 hrs of graduate course work for a Resident is $1640
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Masters program in Math prepare students for the following positions; Teachers in high school and community colleges. Recent graduates are employed in Aerospace, engineering , energy, actuarial and financial industries.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 19
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Minimum score of 304 on the GRE (Verbal + Quantative) Minimum GPA of 3.0
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 67
Full-time women 21
First year 22
First year women 8
Part-time 7
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 52
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1900
Comments regarding financial support Typically students recruited in the PHD program are offered graduate tuition scholarship and Teaching Assistant. Non residents also qualify for employment waiver.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Research Faculty positions, Oil and Gas, hospital Systems.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Illinois at Chicago Epid & Biostat Div 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Illinois at Chicago
Department Epid & Biostat Div
Location Chicago, Illinois United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Illinois at Chicago Math, Stat & Comp Sci Dept

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Illinois at Chicago
Location Chicago, Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 47
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 41
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 45
Total postdocs 6
Last updated Nov 16 2021 09:31AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 16
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The University of Illinois at Chicago is a Carnegie-classified Research 1 Institution and the largest institution of higher learning in Chicago. The Department has an international reputation for top level research in Algebraic Geometry, Geometry, Topology and Dynamics, Logic (including Set Theory and Model Theory), Number Theory, Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Combinatorics, Theoretical Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics Education. Department faculty hold many prestigious awards, including 14 Sloan Foundation Fellows, 18 NSF CAREER grant recipients, 23 Fellows of the American Mathematical Society, 3 SIAM Fellows, 5 Simons Fellows, 6 International Congress of Mathematicians invited speakers, and more.

GRE requirement General
Additional information The general GRE is required of all degree program applicants except those applying for the MST program. While applicants are not required to take the GRE subject test in mathematics or computer science, it is highly recommended.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Computer Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 9
First year 12
First year women 4
Part-time 4
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Tuition is based on the hours of coursework taken and residency status. Many students receive financial support with Board of Trustees Tuition and Fee Waivers, receiving a full tuition and partial fees waiver with fees totaling $644.00-$900.00
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our MS alums in Mathematics (applied and pure mathematics, mathematical computer science) and Statistics enter PhD programs or typically work in the pharmaceutical, financial, and technology industries. Graduates from the MS in Teaching programs enter or advance into leadership positions in elementary and secondary education.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 17
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The University of Illinois at Chicago is a Carnegie-classified Research 1 Institution and the largest institution of higher learning in Chicago. The Department has an international reputation for top level research in Algebraic Geometry, Geometry, Topology and Dynamics, Logic (including Set Theory and Model Theory), Number Theory, Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Combinatorics, Theoretical Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics Education. Department faculty hold many prestigious awards, including 14 Sloan Foundation Fellows, 18 NSF CAREER grant recipients, 23 Fellows of the American Mathematical Society, 3 SIAM Fellows, 5 Simons Fellows, 6 International Congress of Mathematicians invited speakers, and more.

GRE requirement General
Additional information The general GRE is required of all degree program applicants. While applicants are not required to take the GRE subject test in mathematics or computer science, it is highly recommended.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · Logic, including Model Theory and Set Theory.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 121
Full-time women 36
First year 12
First year women 4
Part-time 5
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 118
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20615
Comments regarding financial support Additional stipend for summer teaching is often available. Tuition is based on the hours of coursework taken and residency status. Most students receive financial support with teaching and research assistantships, fellowships, or Board of Trustees Tuition and Fee Waivers, receiving a full tuition and partial fees waiver with fees totaling $650.00 - $900.00 per semester. Typical teaching assistant duties include grading, recitation sessions, and tutoring. Research assistants support faculty research projects. The minimum to maximum hours per week is 0-20 hours.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhDs do extremely well in the job market, in recent years our students have received several NSF postdoctoral fellowships (MIT, UC Berkeley, Penn State), as well as postdoctoral positions at Harvard, U Toronto, U Michigan, U of Bonn, Tsinghua Univ, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, UCLA, U Penn, Boston College, IMPA, and other prestigious institutions. Graduates entering industry have accepted positions at Microsoft, Google, Intel, Argonne National Labs, the US Department of Agriculture, AbbVie and start-up organizations in the finance, data analytics, and technology fields.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Master of Science in Teaching Mathematics in secondary education program is for students seeking licensure and to prepare students to successfully teach mathematics at the secondary level. The program is for prospective and practicing mathematics teachers, reflecting a strong orientation towards inquiry-based pedagogies, incorporating current research and effective practices in the mathematical preparation of teachers.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

This program is designed so that students, in particular those switching careers, can both obtain the MST degree and fulfill the requirements for an Illinois secondary school teaching license.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 1
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Tuition is based on the hours of coursework taken and residency status. Many students receive financial support with Board of Trustees Tuition and Fee Waivers, receiving a full tuition and partial fees waiver with fees totaling $644.00-$900.00
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The purpose of the MST option for certified secondary teachers is to strengthen the preparation of mathematics teachers in secondary schools. This program is designed to provide courses in mathematics education that enhance the qualification of experienced teachers.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Location Urbana , Illinois United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 66
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 50
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 50
Total postdocs 21
Last updated Dec 7 2023 09:05AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 55
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Our MS programs provide flexibility for students to pursue their goals, whether preparation for a career upon graduation or for subsequent PhD education. A small number of MS students transfer to our PhD Math program. Our MS degrees can be completed in 1.5 years of coursework and a master's thesis is optional. There are internship opportunities available at the Research Park complex on campus, as well as in neighboring cities.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information See for detailed information about our MS programs.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 57
Full-time women 18
First year 25
First year women 8
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students There are currently 24 students in the MS of Mathematics, 5 in MS Applied Mathematics and 26 in MS Actuarial Sciences/Risk Management.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 11
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $35068
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding financial support For Illinois residents, yearly tuition and fees are $19,084. For students who are not Illinois residents, $35,066.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many of our MS Mathematics and MS Applied Mathematics graduates enter PhD programs after graduation while others start careers in industry positions.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 24
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The structure of the graduate program, including its phases is described in the Graduate Guide,

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information We expect the PhD applicants to have some graduate level courses taken. Readiness to start research work is important. We encourage the applicants to contact faculty they are interested in having as potential advisors.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 138
Full-time women 36
First year 16
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 138
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $600
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23000
Comments regarding financial support The support is for 9 months, and typically involves teaching assistant duties. More mature students have access to fellowships releasing time for their thesis work, or research assistantships funded by their advisors' grants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been About half of our students enter the academic career pathway (postdoctoral or visiting professorship), while the rest find careers in the industry/government/nonprofits.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dept of Mech Sci & Engr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department Dept of Mech Sci & Engr
Location Urbana, Illinois United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Iowa Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences Program

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of Iowa
Location Coralville, Iowa United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 66
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 66
Total tenured women 12
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 66
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:03PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

2 year to pass qualifying exams En passant Math MS degree available Post-comprehensive fellowships available Final semester fellowships for dissertation available

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 27
Full-time women 10
First year 5
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $150
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21000
Comments regarding financial support Tuition is paid.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academia, Industry. Close to 100% placement.

University of Iowa Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Iowa
Location Iowa City, Iowa United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 18
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 10
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 9
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:08AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 18
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Actuarial Science · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 46
Full-time women 15
First year 27
First year women 8
Part-time 6
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $13211
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21360
Comments regarding financial support Typical support is in the form of half-time teaching assistantships, which may include teaching, preparation, grading, and office hours.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 5
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 11
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $13211
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21360
Comments regarding financial support Typical support is in the form of half-time teaching assistantships, which may include teaching, preparation, grading, and office hours.

University of Iowa Dept of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Iowa
Location Iowa City, Iowa United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 15
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:53PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See for program description.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants must have 3 collegiate-level courses in calculus [topics to include single variable, integral and multivariable] and a collegiate-level course in linear algebra, as well as the ability to program in at least one computer language.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics · Application deadline for consideration for financial aid is December 1 the year prior to the entry fall semester.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 11
First year 9
First year women 6
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $569
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25300
Comments regarding financial support Graduate Assistants may be assigned a teaching assistant, grader, or research assistant. A full-time graduate assistant is expected to work 20 hours per week. We attempt to provide funding for all masters students. Student employment benefits information:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Ninety-five percent students who seek employment have a job secured before or shortly after their graduation; in industry, CROs, medical research centers and various other research centers. A sampling of positions held by MS graduates:
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

All PhD students receive financial aid. Program is described here:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants must have 3 collegiate-level courses in calculus [topics to include single variable, integral and multivariable] and a collegiate-level course in linear algebra, as well as the ability to program in at least one computer language.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 15
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 28
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $569
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25300
Comments regarding financial support Graduate Assistants may be assigned a teaching assistant, grader, or research assistant. A full-time graduate assistant is expected to work 20 hours per week. We attempt to provide funding for all full-time PhD students. Student employment benefits information:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Biostatistics graduates successfully compete for positions in pharmaceutical, health care, and research companies and institutions; consulting; universities; and government agencies. A sampling of positions:

University of Iowa Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Iowa
Location Iowa City, Iowa United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 36
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 28
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 13 2021 03:26PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

- Details about the structure of the PhD in Math program are included in The Graduate Student Handbook; see link: - PhD Math at University of Iowa is a node in the INMAS Midwest network. INMAS (Internship Network in the Mathematical Sciences),, prepares students for internships through computational and professional skills training, and matches students with host organizations (business, industry, and government partners) for internship projects over the summer.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants should have at least a BA or BS in Mathematics, or equivalent. Admission and financial decisions are based on courses taken, grade point average (GPA), academic goals, letters of recommendation, and, for students for whom English is not their first language, Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 49
Full-time women 15
First year 13
First year women 1
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 49
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $275
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20328
Comments regarding financial support - Additional information about tuition, fees and stipend/salary: Tuition for 9+ hrs per semester is $5,216 but it is paid by UI; fees for 9+ hrs per semester are $275.25 paid by UI and $275.25 paid by student; Stipend for Teaching Assistants (TAs) is $20,328 per academic year; Research Assistants (RAs) and Fellows receive $10,000-$10,500 per semester. - TA's responsibilities for 20 hours/week work during the semester include teaching discussion sections, office hours, grading, Math Tutorial Lab hours, training and other, per need of the department. - Our graduate students were successful in receiving fellowships from the Graduate College which release them from teaching for one- or two-semesters. Examples of such fellowships are Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Award, Graduate College Iowa Recruitment Fellowships, Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship, Summer Fellowships; for a detailed list of such opportunities, see
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been According to a survey by the Graduate College for students who graduated at the end of the academic years 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, our PhD Math students pursued careers as: tenure-track faculty (50%, 39%, 60%, 20% respectively), postdocs (7%, 15%, 20%, 30%), non-tenure-track faculty (21%, 39%, 20%, 30%), and in industry & business (21%, 8%, 0%, 10%).

University of Kansas Dept of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Kansas
Location Lawrence, Kansas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Oct 18 2023 10:50AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The M.A. program includes three tracks, designed to accommodate the different interests and backgrounds of our students. The course requirements differ among the three tracks. In addition to coursework, candidates must complete a research component. Many of our PhD students obtain an MA on their way to their doctorate. They have the option to do so after completing the qualifying exams.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The department has suspended the General GRE application requirement for admission. Applicants may submit GRE scores, but it is no longer a requirement.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 3
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Most of our graduate students enter the program as PhD students. After completing a certain number of courses and the qualifying exams, they can earn a MA on their way to the PhD program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 9
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $246
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18704
Comments regarding financial support Graduate teaching assistants receive an academic year salary and 100% tuition waiver plus a deduction in campus fees. GTAs teach one-two sections of either college algebra, pre-calculus or calculus courses and assist in the help rooms. Depending on the course and size, they may be assigned graders. GTAs are given extensive training through the department by seminars and coordinated courses and through the university's Center for Teaching Excellence. Practically all of our full-time graduate students are supported through a mix of teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships. We also have several forms of summer support, and some of our graduate students have had internships outside academia. In addition, we strongly encourage and financially support the participation of our students in summer workshops and the presentation of their research articles at professional meetings.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Masters students have gone on to take jobs in actuarial science, banking/finance, computer science, education, and medical fields. Some have gone on to other graduate programs or entrepreneurial endeavors.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Ph.D. program has two tracks: pure and applied. The course requirements differ somewhat between the two tracks, although the number of credit hours is the same. Both pure and applied tracks have the same requirements. Requirements include passing two qualifying exams, preliminary exam in your research area, oral comprehensive exam and write and defend a dissertation containing original research. Most of our students receive a master's degree along the way. Our graduate program has been a central part of the research and teaching mission of our department, and is an important component of our long term planning. Our department is small enough to be friendly and large enough to give students a broad background and a wide choice of specialization in many areas of mathematics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The department has suspended the General GRE application requirement for admission. Applicants may submit GRE scores, but it is no longer a requirement.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Stochastic Control/Analysis
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 50
Full-time women 8
First year 13
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The department supports a diverse and inclusive campus that makes everyone, regardless of who they are, feel equally involved and supported. All applications are considered; we encourage applications from women and underrepresented minority groups. With seven tenure and tenure-track female faculty members in our department, we have one of the largest proportions of female faculty members in mathematics among peer research universities.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 50
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $246
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18704
Comments regarding financial support First year students start at $18704. Merit increases are given annually when funding is available. Most of our third year students are paid $19,638. Graduate teaching assistants receive an academic year salary and 100% tuition waiver plus a deduction in campus fees. GTAs teach one-two sections of either college algebra, pre-calculus or calculus courses and assist in the help rooms. Depending on the course and size, they may be assigned graders. GTAs are given extensive training through the department by seminars and coordinated courses and through the university's Center for Teaching Excellence. Practically all of our full-time graduate students are supported through a mix of teaching assistantships, research assistantships, and fellowships. We also have several forms of summer support, and some of our graduate students have had internships outside academia. In addition, we strongly encourage and financially support the participation of our students in summer workshops and the presentation of their research articles at professional meetings.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been After graduation, our Ph.D. alumni typically obtain positions either in academia, as postdoctoral fellows or tenure-track faculty, or in the private sector. Our recent graduates are working as Visiting Assistant Professors in universities throughout the US and other countries and some are postdoctoral researchers at national laboratories. Others are financial analysts in the retirement and financial industries, and data scientists/business analysts for major health care corporations, shipping/transit companies, and home improvement retail industries.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program Our in-person instructional spaces have been modified to better protect our faculty and students against the virus, and the university has established safety protocols.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Graduate Certificate in Applied Mathematics is designed for students who are currently pursuing a graduate degree in a discipline outside of math (such as engineering, economics, physics, biology, geology, or psychology) who would benefit from additional training in applied mathematics. The Certificate requires four graduate level courses (12 credits total) from the Department approved list. Admission to the certificate program requires completion of two math courses at level 600 or above with a minimum 3.0 GPA. These courses (if on the list) can then count towards the 12 credits required for the certificate. Students must be admitted to the Graduate Certificate program prior to completion of the final course for the certificate.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

This program is designed for graduate students already enrolled at KU. Our 600 level courses cover topics in algebraic coding theory, applied regression analysis, Fourier analysis of time series, actuarial mathematics, applied partial differential equations, and calculus of variations and integral equations. Additional 700 level topics include statistical theory, stochastic adaptive control and processes, numerical analysis, applied numerical methods for partial differential equations, advanced numerical linear algebra and numerical differential equations, and combinatorics/graph theory.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Usually we average about two certificates per year.
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Occasionally, the department hires GTAs outside of the mathematics field such as engineering fields, business, and bioengineering. The department also has employment opportunities for graders and student assistants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The last two certificate students were working toward graduate degrees in economics and business.

University of Kentucky Dept of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Kentucky
Location Lexington, Kentucky United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 42
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:07AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Students in our graduate program are admitted to the doctoral program. Most doctoral students earn a masters during their first 2-2.5 years of study.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

For information about the graduate program, see

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 67
Full-time women 16
First year 21
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 63
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19810
Comments regarding financial support All students receive a full tuition scholarship, a teaching assistantship with a stipend, and health insurance. Teaching Assistants work 20 hours/week assisting in courses for first-year undergraduates.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our PhD graduates are employed in academia, government, and industry, e.g., Google, Casetext, NSA, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Max Planck Institute (Germany), Colgate University, University of Toronto, USMA West Point, and many other institutions.

University of Kentucky Dr. Bing Zhang Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Kentucky
Location Lexington, Kentucky United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 18
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 9
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 9
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 18 2020 10:53AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 26
Special requirements or purposes of the program

All master's candidates are required to pass a comprehensive departmental written examination. This examination is normally administered in late May/early June.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Applications are submitted and processed electronically through the Graduate School Apply Yourself portal. Applicants to the M.S. program must choose Admissions Category - Masters Degree and in application choose Program - Statistics - MS.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 6
First year 5
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 15
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Students are supported as TAs. Typical first-year duties will be assisting an experienced faculty member in one of our large-enrollment undergraduate service courses.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Statisticians typically have a 100% placement. Typical masters careers include employment at banks, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and private consulting firms.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must pass a uniform written exam over a collection of advanced courses. This exam will normally be offered at the end of third year. Students must also successfully complete an oral qualifying exam which is scheduled in consultation with the student's advisory committee.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Applications are submitted and processed electronically through the Graduate School Apply Yourself portal. Choose Admissions Category - Masters Degree and in application choose Program - Statistics - MS even if you are planning to pursue a Ph.D.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 10
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 24
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Ph.D. students are supported as TAs and RAs. Typical TA duties include primary classroom responsibility in 200-level courses. RA duties are assigned through the Applied Statistics Laboratory housed in the Department.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Statisticians typically have a 100% placement. Typical doctoral careers include faculty positions, employment at banks, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and private consulting firms.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program Students completing the Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics will have demonstrated a) an ability to apply standard statistical methods to real data and draw valid conclusions; and b) an ability to use appropriate computational techniques and software.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics allows students studying in programs outside the Department of Statistics to learn a basic background in the design and analysis of quantitative data.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Students will be required to complete 12 hours of class work (four required classes) with no grade lower than B to complete the curriculum. No qualifying exam is required.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 15
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support No financial support is offered to certificate students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been This credential allows student to demonstrate quantitative expertise with prospective employers as well as better conduct quantitative research in their dissertations.

University of Kentucky College of Public Health College of Public Health

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Kentucky College of Public Health
Location Lexington, Kentucky United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 17
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 7
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Oct 18 2023 10:51AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program,through%20valuable%20experiential%20learning%20opportunities.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information n/a
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None · n/a
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 3
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 3
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students n/a
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program


GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A masters in a related field and two semesters of calculus
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Other · The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Other: the joint disciplines of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, sometimes
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 4
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 6
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 8
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1000
Comments regarding financial support 1st year ? Teaching Assistant, 20 hours per week; students are typically funded until they complete the degree, or take a full time job; I have no data on what kind of debt students graduate with, nor their total out of pocket costs
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Of our 42 graduates, 19 are currently in academic positions (11 faculty, 8 postdocs), 3 work in pharmaceutical industry, 17 work in healthcare/tech/research, and 1 works for the CDC, and 2 are completing their MD degrees.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics is a 15-credit hour graduate certificate that allows students to develop foundational skills in the design and analysis of biomedical studies. These skills are necessary for conducting quantitative research in public health and medicine, and they are attractive to future employers. A graduate certificate is not a degree program, but it does provide formal recognition of the mastery of foundational biostatistics. The certificate is designed for students studying in degree programs outside the Department of Biostatistics or for professionals seeking continuing education. Upon successful completion of the Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics, students will be able to: Identify and apply appropriate statistical methods for analyzing public health and biomedical data Summarize statistical designs, including design issues and power calculations, and their applications in solving public health and biomedical problems Interpret and convey statistical findings Use technology to perform statistical procedures
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics curriculum includes a total of 15 credit hours, consisting of 3 credit hours of required courses and at least 12 credit hours of electives.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 12
First year 7
First year women 3
Part-time 13
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support n/a
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Careers in a wide variety of fields that require some amount of data analysis in the job duties. Students are generally successful in applying certificate coursework to their careers.

University of Kentucky College of Public Health* Dept of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Kentucky College of Public Health*
Location Lexington, Kentucky United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 13
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 4
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 4
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 21 2021 01:35PM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 10
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $33000
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Lethbridge Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Lethbridge
Department Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Location Lethbridge, Alberta Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Department Dept of Math
Location Lafayette, Louisiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Louisville Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Louisville
Location Louisville, Kentucky United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 30 2021 01:23PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 24
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Louisville Dept of Bioinform & Biostats 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Louisville
Department Dept of Bioinform & Biostats
Location Louisville, Kentucky United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Manitoba Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Manitoba
Department Dept of Math
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Manitoba Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Manitoba
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 36
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:56PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 3
First year 5
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 31
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 7
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 16
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Maryland Decision, Operations & Information Technologies

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Maryland
Location College Park, Maryland United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 0
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 23 2020 11:01AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science · Operations Research, Operations Management/Management Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0

University of Maryland Baltimore County Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Maryland Baltimore County
Location Baltimore, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 33
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 28 2023 02:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please visit our department website for further information on our MS Programs in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 4
First year 1
First year women 1
Part-time 11
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not offer financial support for students at the Master's level.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students in our MS Programs normally prepare for careers in industry, government and teaching at the high school or community college level, and have been successful in finding employment in their area of interest.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please visit our department website for further information on our PhD Programs in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 37
Full-time women 11
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 10
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 31
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1440
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23276
Comments regarding financial support Full tuition is covered by the department for our graduate students that are supported, and students are responsible for fees. Please see the UMBC Graduate School website for current charges. New supported graduate students serve as teaching assistants in the department during the academic year. There are also opportunities to work as teaching assistants or graders as well during the summer and winter sessions.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our doctoral students prepare for and have been successful in securing academic,research, teaching, government and industry positions after graduation.

University of Maryland College Park Applied Mathematics and Statistics, & Scientific Computation Program

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Maryland College Park
Location College Park, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 0
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Oct 13 2020 03:33PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information GRE subject test highly recommended but not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Operations Research · Computer Science · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 5
Full-time women 1
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information GRE subject test highly recommended but not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 80
Full-time women 27
First year 16
First year women 3
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 76
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Maryland, College Park Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Maryland, College Park
Location College Park, Maryland United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 54
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 48
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 48
Total postdocs 15
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:09AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Master's degrees involve at least one Qualifying Exam, and required coursework. There are two tracks: Masters With Thesis and Masters Without Thesis. The precise requirements depend on the track.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 1
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8280
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not offer financial support to Master's Students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 25
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Each MATH, STAT, or AMSC program has specific requirements, generally including Qualifying Exams and Courses, a PhD Preliminary Exam, and the PhD Dissertation.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Dynamical Systems, Mathematical biology and medicine
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 201
Full-time women 41
First year 37
First year women 10
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 201
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Assuming satisfactory progress, financial support is guaranteed for at least five years. A fully supported TA usually works 12-15 hours per week. Duties could include running discussion sections or grading.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Maryland, College Park Measure Stat & Evaluation Program 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Maryland, College Park
Department Measure Stat & Evaluation Program
Location College Park, Maryland United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Massachusetts Amherst Dept of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Massachusetts Amherst
Location Amherst, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 82
Total women 22
Total tenured faculty 30
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Mar 23 2023 05:01PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 17
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 31
Full-time women 7
First year 12
First year women 4
Part-time 9
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE General and Math Subjects tests are recommended, but not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 80
Full-time women 23
First year 15
First year women 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Massachusetts, Amherst Biostatistics & Epidemiology Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Location Amherst, Massachusetts United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 23
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 13
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 30 2021 01:24PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 17
Full-time women 8
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $16000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $11500
Comments regarding financial support Teaching or Research assistantship.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 6
First year 4
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $16000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $11500
Comments regarding financial support Teaching or Research assistantship.

University of Memphis Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Memphis
Location Memphis, Tennessee United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:44AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The M.S. degree program in the Department of Mathematical Sciences consists of a basic graduate curriculum and more specialized coursework in the chosen concentration. Since the offered M.S. degree concentrations differ from each other, sometimes significantly so, a thorough understanding of the demands and opportunities of each concentration is an essential prerequisite. Details of the four different concentrations offered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences, including required course work, are provided in the current Graduate Catalog. All concentrations have the following characteristics and requirements in common: 1. Satisfactory completion of 33 credit hours of graduate course work in a program approved by the department is required. 2. Not more than 9 hours of course work at the 6000 level can be applied to the degree. 3. At least 24 credit hours of course work have to be at the 7000 level or higher. 4. At least 21 credit hours of course work have to be earned from courses offered by the Department of Mathematical Sciences. 5. Students may not receive credit for the graduate version of a course at the 6000 level if they have credit for the undergraduate version of the course at the 4000 level. 6. A passing grade on a comprehensive examination is required. Typically, students may choose a thesis or non-thesis option.

GRE requirement General
Additional information The M.S. degree program in the Department of Mathematical Sciences welcomes students who 1, hold a bachelor?s degree with a major in mathematics or statistics with a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0, provide letters of recommendation if requested, 2. provide official GRE scores if requested, and 3. prove their English language skills by making official language test scores available if they are not native speakers. Students whose undergraduate major is not in mathematics or statistics will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The department offers various degree programs at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. level. Our graduate programs are characterized by breadth and depth in the following areas: combinatorics and graph theory; ergodic theory; functional analysis and operator theory; functional and partial differential equations and applied mathematics; mathematical learning theory and operations research; and applied statistics. The department's faculty is actively involved in: (1) cutting-edge research in the above areas; (2) effective and dedicated education of the student population in small size sections; (3) close mentoring of Ph.D. students, domestic and international, aimed at preparing them for successful professional careers, both in academia and in the private or governmental sector; (4) service to the professional community and organizations through direct participation in scientific committees, editorial boards of math journals or book-series, and scientific panels. The math faculty is highly research productive in scholarly work, with several research projects being supported by external grants from the NSF, AFOSR, DARPA, etc.. The department organizes annually a number of conferences: the Erdos Conference in honor of Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos who was a frequent annual visitor of the department; and the Differential Equation Weekend. Both are sponsored by the NSF. The department is scheduled to host the 5th International Conference on Design of Experiments in May 2019. The department has hosted other major international conferences in Analysis, Combinatorics, Partial Differential Equations, and Statistics.

GRE requirement General
Additional information 1. GRE scores - an important factor in admission, 2. Three letters of recommendation, 3. An English proficiency test score meets the requirements of the graduate school (for students whose native language is not English). Information is available at Additional Admission Requirements for International Students and English Conditional Admission, and 4. Undergraduate degree with minimum GPA of 2.5 on 4.0 scale.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Memphis Dept of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Memphis
Department Dept of Math Sci
Location Memphis, Tennessee United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Miami Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Miami
Location Coral Gables, Florida United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 26
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 22
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 5
Last updated Feb 10 2023 06:01PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2292
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 211
Full-time women 5
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 21
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2292
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27950

University of Miami Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Miami
Department Dept of Math
Location Coral Gables, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Miami Mgmnt Sci Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Miami
Department Mgmnt Sci Dept
Location Coral Gables, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Michigan Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Michigan
Location Ann Arbor, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 7 2023 09:11AM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program The program is an enhanced option which offers research training and additional coursework to prepare students for entry into our PhD program or other top-notch PhD programs. Bridge students will: -Gain a solid foundation in statistical modeling and data analysis; -Complete a research-based project with a faculty mentor; -Interact with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty through one-on-one meetings, group meetings, department and student-led seminars, classes, and symposia, as well as others in the field via conference attendance; -Develop teaching skills, with extensive training and support; -Benefit from faculty and peer mentoring as well as program staff supporting your academic success; -Have the opportunity to be admitted into the Statistics PhD program upon completion of the Bridge Program and satisfying program requirements.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Please see:
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Please see:

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Please visit these two sites for more information:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · Two distinct master's programs are offered: Master's of Applied Statistics; Master's of Data Science.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Please see:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 80
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support We offer guaranteed financial support for 5 years in the PhD program to all admitted PhD students, provided they remain in good standing. Please see our website for additional information.

University of Michigan Dept of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Michigan
Location Ann Arbor, Michigan United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 31
Total postdocs 9
Last updated Dec 15 2022 01:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 37
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Coursework includes 48 credits of core courses, electives in biostat and statistics, epidemiology requirement, and an online public health course. No qualifying exam or thesis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information This year, the GRE is not required. We require an online application, official transcripts of any previous undergrad or grad work, 3 letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose and a personal statement. International students must submit TOEFL scores.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Data Science · Students will gain action-based data analysis experiences on various omics data, brain imaging data, electronic health records, and mobile health.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 168
Full-time women 97
First year 78
First year women 48
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 57
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $25000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $36000
Comments regarding financial support Students may be funded by a graduate student instructor (GSI) or graduate student research assistant (GSRA) position which include 20 hours of work/week. We also have 2 training grants: Genomic Science and Cancer Research and there are several scholarships available.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates have opportunities in academia, government, industry, and various research institutions. List of companies here:
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 16
Special requirements or purposes of the program

PhD consists of core courses, elective courses, epidemiology requirement, public health course, approaches to responsible practice of biostatistics, qualifying exams (after 1st or 2nd year) and a dissertation. More details:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information This year, the GRE is not required. We require an online application, official transcripts of any previous undergrad or grad work, 3 letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose and a personal statement. International students must submit TOEFL scores.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 102
Full-time women 52
First year 19
First year women 13
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 102
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $36000
Comments regarding financial support All PhD students are fully supported. Students may be funded by a graduate student instructor (GSI) or graduate student research assistant (GSRA) position which include 20 hours of work/week. We also have 2 training grants: Genomic Science and Cancer Research and there are several scholarships avail
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates have opportunities in academia, government, industry, and various research institutions. List of companies here:
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program Certificate in public health genetics allows students to incorporate knowledge of how genes, together with the environment and behavior, influence health. More details:
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Pre-reqs: 3 semesters calculus, 1 linear/matrix algebra, 1 intro (bio)statistics course
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

See for genetics certificate See for health data science concentration

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We currently do not have anyone enrolled in the genetics certificate program.
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support These students may be offered a place on the genetics training grant or other GSI/GSRA position. But it is not guaranteed that someone receiving the certificate will be funded

University of Michigan Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Michigan
Location Ann Arbor, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 57
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 50
Total tenured women 11
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 50
Total postdocs 77
Last updated Sep 30 2021 01:25PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program The MLB Scholars program was conceived to impart to the next generation of scholars the foundational skills required to combine a deep knowledge of applied science with solid mathematical, computational, and physical sophistication.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

AIM MLB -total of 31 credits: nine regular courses (3 credits each) and 2 credits of the AIM Student Seminar (Math 501, to be taken in the first two semesters), with the remaining credits being composed of other approved graduate courses. Among the nine regular courses, the AIM MLB program additionally requires: at least five courses from the enhanced list of AIM core courses The study program must include at least three 500-level courses from this list. The study program must also include: MATH 404 (Intermediate Differential Equations), MATH 419 (Linear Spaces and Matrix Theory), and MATH 451 (Advanced Calculus I), unless similar courses have been satisfactorily completed as part of the undergraduate degree. at least two courses from a chosen partner field, or another field outside of mathematics. MATH 454 (Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations) Research Requirement Math MLB- The Math MLB MS program must include at least one course in each of the following four core areas: (1) linear algebra: 419§, 420, 571. (2) algebra: 412§, 475, 493, 567, 575, 593, 594 or other 500-level algebra courses (3) analysis: 451§, 452, 525, 526, 555, 596, 597, or other 500-level analysis courses (4) topology/geometry: 490§, 537, 590, 591, or other 500-level topology/geometry courses In addition, MLB Math students should take at least four mathematics courses at the 500 level or above. These four courses may overlap with the courses taken to satsify the four core area requirements. To maximize flexibility, we do not require any specific courses beyond the core ones listed above, which we feel are essential to eventual success in the PhD program. Research Requirement Computing Requirement

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 3
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Bridge students must meet the eligibility requirements below: Eligibility The MLB Scholars Program is looking for students who are U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or undocumented students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA), and meet one or more of the following criteria: Come from an educational, cultural or geographic background that is underrepresented in the field of Mathematics in the United States or at the University of Michigan; Have demonstrated a sustained commitment to diversity in the academic, professional, or civic realm through their work experience, volunteer engagement, or leadership of student or community organizations. By commitment to diversity, we mean efforts in the U.S. to reduce social, educational or economic disparities based on race, ethnicity or gender, or to improve race relations in the U.S.; Have experienced financial hardship as a result of family economic circumstances; Are first-generation U.S. citizens or are the first generation in their families to graduate from a four-year college.
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22433
Comments regarding financial support Students receive funding as a graduate student instructor for 3 semesters and receive a fellowship for the 4th semester.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been 3/4 of our bridge students go on to PhD programs. 1/4 get jobs in industry
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 31
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 1
First year 5
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students are seeking an MS Math in order to improve their chances of getting into a PhD program.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 27
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Applied & Interdisciplinary Mathematics PhD- Must pass 2/3 QR exams: Advanced Calculus & Complex Variables, Differential Equations & Linear Algebra, Probability & Discrete Mathematics; 36 credits of coursework; preliminary exam/thesis proposal; research; dissertation thesis Mathematics PhD - Must pass 3/6 QR exams plus other 3 by coursework; 21 credits coursework; preliminary exam; research; dissertation thesis

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 137
Full-time women 37
First year 22
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 137
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Full funding includes tuition waiver, healthcare, and stipend in exchange for 20 hours teaching as a graduate student instructor
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been 2020-2021 Graduates AIM PhD: 4 industry:7 postdoc/national lab :1 unknown Math PhD: 3 industry: 12 postdoc: 1 unknown

University of Minnesota Div of Biostat, SPH

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Minnesota
Location Minneapolis, Minnesota United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members 35
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 5
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:43AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 19
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Effective for the 2020-2021 application cycle, SPH is not requiring the GRE for all master?s and doctoral degree programs. Prerequisites: Prospective applicants should have taken at least: - Three semesters of calculus (including multivariable calculus) - One semester of linear algebra -A year (two semesters) of coursework in undergraduate-level probability and mathematical statistics is recommended. Experience with a programming language (e.g., R, Java, C, Python) and exposure to applied statistics is helpful, but not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 42
Full-time women 21
First year 20
First year women 9
Part-time 8
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 13
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $7671
Comments regarding financial support Teaching and Research Assistantships Aid awards are typically in the form of graduate teaching or research assistantships, which carry a salary, full tuition benefit, and the option to participate in a health insurance plan for which the university covers 95 percent of the premium. About 10?15 graduate assistantships are awarded to new students each year. Research assistants may work with individual faculty on grant-sponsored projects or in one of several division-affiliated centers involved the design and analysis of health studies. Teaching assistants are assigned to a particular course and provide tutoring, grading, and help in the computer lab.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Careers are available in academic, governmental, non-governmental, and private industry settings. Statistical skills are in high demand; starting salaries for our Masters graduates typically range from $65,000 to $80,000. Recent graduates have been hired at publicly funded research institutions including: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Texas, Stanford University, the Food and Drug Administration, and also at private companies including St. Jude Medical, Eli Lilly, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Merck, 3M, and Affymetrix.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Student Guidebook:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Prerequisites Prospective applicants should have taken at least: - Three semesters of calculus (including multivariable calculus) - One semester of linear algebra - A year (two semesters) of coursework in undergraduate-level probability and mathematical statistics is strongly recommended. Real analysis or an equivalent proof-based course is recommended. Experience with a programming language (e.g., R, Java, C, Python) and exposure to applied statistics is helpful, but not required. If your goal is to obtain a PhD in Biostatistics, we encourage you to apply directly to the PhD program, even if you don?t already hold a master?s degree. If you are not admitted to the PhD and do not hold a previous master?s degree in statistics or biostatistics, you will be automatically considered for admission to the master?s program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 50
Full-time women 29
First year 12
First year women 8
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 77
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $15
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31044
Comments regarding financial support All PhD students are offered full funding, which includes stipend, tuition, and health benefits. Funding comes as part of graduate research and teaching assistantships, and fellowships. NIH-sponsored traineeships are also available on a competitive basis for students who are U.S.citizens or permanent residents. Financial benefit also includes 100% of tuition cost up to 14 credits per semester.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The Division has an excellent record of placing students in academic research institutions, government agencies, and private industry. Recent graduates have obtained faculty or postdoctoral positions at Harvard University, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Duke University, University of Maryland, and the Mayo Clinic. Others are employed at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Medtronic, Eli Lilly, and Boston Scientific.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information This online certificate program is designed for working biostatisticians, such as data managers and analysts, who are not formally trained and want to improve their technical, mathematical, and computational skills. The program will enhance your understanding of database management and investigation, alert you to key variables and trends, help you judge the statistical significance, and improve your overall data evaluation and programming skills. You?ll learn key aspects of study design, implementation, and analysis for both observational and clinical studies.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Minnesota School of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Minnesota
Location Minneapolis, Minnesota United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 78
Total women
Total tenured faculty 67
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:58PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The MS program requires 30 course credits 15 of which must be completed in Mathematics. There are 3 ways to complete the degree, with a Master's Thesis, a Comprehensive Exam or with Coursework Only.

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Other · Financial Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support The MS in Mathematics with an Emphasis in Mathematics Education offers at least 3 semesters of funding through Teaching Assistantships, with a stipend of $11,000 a semester and full tuition and health benefits for those semesters. The MFM has 2 fully funded fellowships available that provide a 9-month stipend of $25,000 for two years, 4 semesters of tuition coverage and 24 months of health care coverage.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 21
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The PhD in Mathematics requires 36 credits, of which 24 must be completed in Mathematics. There are 18 credits of core coursework that the requirement of which may be met by completing preliminary written exams.

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 110
Full-time women 47
First year 20
First year women
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Cooperative environment.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 108
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1400
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22000
Comments regarding financial support Offers of admissions to the doctoral program typically come with financial support in the form of teaching or research assistantships which includes tuition and healthcare benefits in addition to a 9 month stipend of at least $22,000. This financial support is renewable for up to 6 years.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been

University of Minnesota School of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Minnesota
Location Minneapolis, Minnesota United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members 17
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:09AM
Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Minnesota
Location Minneapolis, Minnesota United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:09AM

University of Mississippi Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Mississippi
Department Dept of Math
Location University, Mississippi United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Missouri Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Missouri
Location Columbia, Missouri United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 35
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 12 2023 12:09PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17300
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 38
Full-time women 6
First year 10
First year women 2
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 38
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19020

University of Missouri-Columbia Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Missouri-Columbia
Department Dept of Stat
Location Columbia, Missouri United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Missouri-Kansas City Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Missouri-Kansas City
Location Kansas City, Missouri United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 14
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 7 2023 11:00AM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 23
Special requirements or purposes of the program Bachelor of Science: Mathematics and Statistics / Master of Science: Mathematics - Dual Degree: Bachelor of Science: Mathematics and Statistics / Master of Science: Statistics - Dual Degree:
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 4
First year
First year women
Part-time 3
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Computer Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 12
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 15
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 6
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000

University of Missouri-St Louis Supply Chain & Analytics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Missouri-St Louis
Location St. Louis, Missouri United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 10
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 7
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 7
Total postdocs
Last updated Nov 16 2021 09:32AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information GMAT is also acceptable
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 8
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Montana-Missoula Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Montana-Missoula
Location Missoula, Montana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 15
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 13
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Feb 10 2023 06:00PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program All students with a baccalaureate degree can apply to be a post-bac student at the Unviersity of Montana. This allows students to take upper level undergraduate and graduate math courses they need for job training or transcript building for applying to graduate programs in the future. Students do not earn a degree as they are not completing a program.
GRE requirement
Additional information Admissions requirements only require a baccalaureate degree. It does not need to be in the mathematical sciences. Students do need to meet prerequisites to enroll in classes.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students declare a depth area plus two breadth areas. MA students must pass one preliminary exam in their depth area at the MA level. After that students either complete an MA thesis (requiring 30 credit hours) or an MA project (requiring 36 credit hours).

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Acceptance rate is very good. We like to see an undergraduate degree in math or classes commensurate with such a degree plus a baccalaureate in another field.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Data Science · Algebra, Analysis, Applied Math, Combinatorics & Optimization, Mathematics Education, Topology
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 1
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 4
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7434
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10000
Comments regarding financial support TA receive a tuition waiver and residential status. They typically pay about $1140 per semester in student fees. Initial teaching assignments are generally teaching three recitation classes one day a week with guidance from the lecture instructor. A weekly class in teaching college math is also required.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent graduates have continued their education in pursuing PhD degrees. Many also work as college instructors, in private industry, and for the federal government.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students declare one area of depth plus two areas of breadth. They must pass two preliminary exams (from these areas) at the PhD level. Students also take a comprehensive exam before moving on to their dissertation work.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The general and math subject GRE is not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 3
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 15
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1140
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $16000
Comments regarding financial support TA receive a tuition waiver and residential status. They typically pay about $1095 per semester in fees. Teaching assignments vary teaching recitation classes, a lower or upper level class as they advance. A weekly class in teaching college math is required for first year students. Students eventually become the instructor of record for a class.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most graduates go on to tenure track positions at universities, working in industry or conducting research for the federal government.

University of Montreal Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Montreal
Location Montreal, Quebec Canada
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 34
Total women
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Location Lincoln, Nebraska United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 35
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 27
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 27
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Nov 28 2022 09:42AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE is not required nor recommended for the MAT program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 83
Full-time women 35
First year 15
First year women 5
Part-time 33
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Most Masters students are also working towards a Ph.D. All Part-Time students are working towards a Master of Arts for Teachers degree.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 80
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $850
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support Beginning stipends for 2023-2023 are $17,400 for the nine-month academic year. Our average student stipend is $18,000. Complete tuition waiver and subsidized medical coverage. Additional summer support of $3,500 to $5,200 is typically available. First year students typically teach two calculus recitations.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE General Score is recommended but not required; Subject GRE is not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 81
Full-time women 35
First year 15
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 80
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $850
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support Beginning stipends for 2022-2023 are $17,400 for the nine-month academic year. Complete tuition waiver and subsidized medical coverage. Additional summer support of $3,500 to $5,200 is typically available. First year students typically teach two calculus recitations.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Ph.D. students have been very successful on the job market in academic, government, and industry setting.

University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Nebraska Medical Center
Location Omaha, Nebraska United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 13
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:07PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The MPH is an applied degree aimed at giving students the skill set in data analysis and analytical software that will allow them to immediately contribute / make an impact in a research lab, public health department or any job in which data analysis is the focus. The MPH degree has at its core a series of public health courses that introduce the student to the five major areas in public health. The degree requires each student to complete an applied practice experience (APEX) and a capstone project. The APEX is designed to expose each student to the practice of public health. The Capstone is designed for the students to practice, in a guided environment, their biostatistics skill set prior to entering the workforce. The MS degree has 3 core introductory statistical theory courses in lieu of some of the public health core courses in the MPH. The MS degree is a research / academic oriented degree program and is in high demand in the job market for data analysts in health care industry. An MS also prepares students well to pursue a PhD in biostatistics or applied statistics upon graduation. Both the MS and MPH programs are offered as in-person/on-campus or online. There is no residency requirement for the MPH or MS degree programs. As an academic medical center with an active in the community College of Public Health, students at UNMC get exposure to community based practice and research as well as controlled clinical trials and laboratory experiments.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The general GRE is currently being waived for MPH and MS students.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics · MPH- Biostatistics concentration (Current Enrollment 26) MS in Biostatistics (Current Enrollment 6)
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 6
First year 4
First year women 4
Part-time 26
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The MPH in Biostatistics program has 26 active students (12 Male and 14 Female; 21 are part-time. The MS in Biostatistics began in Fall 21. The inaugural class has 6 students (5 part-time and 1 full-time). The Department also offers a graduate certificate in biostatistics. There are currently 5 students in the certificate program. Graduates of the certificate program are eligible to move into the MPH or MS programs. This is a great way for students to get started on their master's if they still have some pre-requisites to complete.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 2
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $21000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $5559
Comments regarding financial support MS program students may receive funding as Research Assistant or other worker on an hourly basis (20 hours maximum per week). Tuition for on-campus courses for Nebraska residents is $461 per credit hour ($19,362 to complete the degree); non-resident tuition is $1120 per credit hour ($47,040 to complete the degree). Online students pay $597 per credit hour ($25,074 to complete the degree); this rate is the same for both residents and non-residents. Fees vary based on program and number of semesters needed to complete the degree program. Students on average will pay between $400 and $1000 in fees during their time at UNMC. Assistantships are available in the form of hourly employment with the university. Tuition and fees are not covered for master's assistantships. The hourly rate for AY 20-21 is $16.35 for MPH students ($5559 per 17 week semester).
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The majority of our Master's students prepare for jobs in healthcare or healthcare support industries. Our most recent graduates have gone to work in academic medical centers, local / state public health departments, insurance companies and the banking industry. All of our graduates over the last 3 years have found jobs in biostatistics or data analysis fields. Examples of the jobs received after graduation: Lead statistician for the Department of Surgery at an Academic Medical Center Data analyst for Blue Cross and Blue Shield Staff Statistician at an Academic Medical Center Data analyst at a county health department. Head of Data Analytics for a Health System in Michigan.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The PhD in Biostatistics requires a minimum of 60 credit hours beyond an MS degree (48 hours are course work; and 12 hours of dissertation). Core Biostatistics Theory courses (15 hours) cover topics in point and interval estimation, linear and generalized linear modeling, and time to event modeling. Biostatistical Consulting makes up 3 hours of the core. As a college of public health all students are required to take a 3 hour Foundations of Public Health course as well as an additional 6 hours in a cognate area (other than statistics, biostatistics, and mathematics). The remaining 21 hours of coursework are electives that must be taken in either biostatistics, statistics, epidemiology, mathematics, bioinformatics, computer science, or data science. The program requires students to pass a two part (theory and application sections) qualifying exam, typically taken at the end of their first year. Students that fail one or both parts of the QE have one opportunity to retake and pass the exam. Comprehensive Exams (i.e. Proposal Defense) are required to be completed prior to the end of the student's third year. After successful completion of the CE, students have 3 years to defend their dissertation. To date, all of our full-time PhD students have secured funding through assistantships that include tuition remission.

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 3
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25500
Comments regarding financial support Students on assistantship will spend no more than 20 hours per week on any duties outside of their required course work. Students on assistantship will typically work as a research assistant or teaching assistant. First and second year TA's work as graders and hold office hours for a variety of courses taught by the department. TA's are assigned to one course per semester. Research assistants may work with a faculty member within the department or an outside academic entity requiring statistical support. In both cases, the student RAs are incorporated as members of the research team, attending coordination meetings with the PIs, aiding in the design of studies, conducting interim and final analyses.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates are preparing for careers with the FDA, the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry and academia. Our first graduate works for Johnson and Johnson as a biostatistician supporting the design and analysis of pre-clinical trials. Our four soon to be graduates will be working in the banking industry as a statistical modeler, a biostatistian in the oncology group at Eli Lilly, biostatistician for a pediatric research organization and as director of biostatistics for a research group at another university.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program The certificate program is designed for professionals that would like a deeper understanding of the statistics and models they are exposed to on a daily basis in their jobs. The vast majority of our students are healthcare professionals that want a deeper understanding of the journal articles they are reading, or administrative and management professionals that want to have a better understanding of the reports being presented to them. A smaller fraction of our students are people desiring a career change and opt for the certificate as a means to test the waters on going back to school. One to 2 certificate students a year opt to transition from the certificate to the MPH program.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The certificate program is a 4 course sequence in introductory SAS programming, introductory biostatistics, study design and applied modelling. Modelling topics covered are linear, generalized linear and time to event models.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The certificate program is wholly online and is designed to be completed in 1 academic year when students take 2 classes per semester.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 4
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7164
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Tuition is $597 per credit hour times 12 credit hours is $7164. There are approximately $200 dollars in fees.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Location Lincoln, Nebraska United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 27
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Dec 15 2022 09:37AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 31
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE is not required nor recommended for the MAT program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 82
Full-time women 33
First year 15
First year women 5
Part-time 33
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 79
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1900
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Beginning stipends for 2023-2024 are $17,400 for the nine-month academic year. The stipend goes up annually.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE General score is recommended but not required; Subject GRE is not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 82
Full-time women 33
First year 15
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 79
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1900
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17400
Comments regarding financial support Beginning stipends for 2023-2024 are $17,400 for the nine-month academic year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Ph.D. students have been very successful on the job market in academic, government, and industry setting.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department Dept of Stat
Location Lincoln, Nebraska United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Nevada, Las Vegas Dept of Math Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department Dept of Math Sciences
Location Las Vegas, Nevada United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Nevada, Reno Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Nevada, Reno
Location Reno, Nevada United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 40
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Dec 12 2022 09:56AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 4
First year 7
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 8
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $16000
Comments regarding financial support 20 hours/week workload as TA
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been academic and industry
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 7
First year 9
First year women 2
Part-time 3
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support 20 hours/week workload as TA
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been academic and industry

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Math & Stat Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Department Math & Stat Dept
Location Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of New Brunswick, Saint John Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of New Brunswick, Saint John
Location Saint John, New Brunswick Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 0
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 12 2023 12:10PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0

University of New Hampshire Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of New Hampshire
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Durham, New Hampshire United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of New Mexico Dept of Math & Stat

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of New Mexico
Location Albuquerque, New Mexico United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 6
Last updated Feb 10 2023 05:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 14
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 13
Full-time women 2
First year 5
First year women 1
Part-time 20
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 45
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $9000
Comments regarding financial support *Teaching load will be one (A) or (B). Teach and grade two recitation sections. (B) Teach one entire course, plus additional instructional duties (grading, staff tutoring tables, etc.) to be an equivalent load to (A). *grading undergraduate finals week as needed/assigned by the dept *maintain sufficient progress in graduate coursework as determined by the Graduate Committee *adhere to all teaching processes including, but not limited to attendance, meetings, and requirements as set by the Dept.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Higher Education, Federal Labs, Government Agencies, Private sector
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Required 48 hours of courses plus 18 hours dissertation. Stat - 2 qualifying exams (in-class and take-home). Math - 3 qualifying exams (student chooses).

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 32
Full-time women 9
First year 7
First year women 9
Part-time 17
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 45
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $9000
Comments regarding financial support Teaching Assistant *Teaching load will be one (A) or (B). Teach and grade two recitation sections. (B) Teach one entire course, plus additional instructional duties (grading, staff tutoring tables, etc.) to be an equivalent load to (A). *grading undergraduate finals week as needed/assigned by the dept *maintain sufficient progress in graduate coursework as determined by the Graduate Committee *adhere to all teaching processes including, but not limited to attendance, meetings, and requirements as set by the Dept. Research Assistant: RA assists professor on their grant as set by the professor and grant.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Higher Education, Federal Labs, Government Agencies, Private sector

University of New Mexico Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of New Mexico
Location Albuquerque, New Mexico United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 33
Total women 11
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:07PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 14
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 18
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students See the Doctoral program for the total number of women including MS and PhD, for each Full and Part-time; and for the total number of first year student including both MS and PhD.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 49
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17292
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and stipend are per year. Tuition is for residents. For non-residents tuition is $26,636. Number of full-time students receiving support includes both MS and PhDs
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Scientific Computing
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 39
Full-time women 15
First year 24
First year women 5
Part-time 22
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students The number reported corresponds to AY 20-21. The number of women is the total number in both the MS and PhD programs. The number of first year students is for both MS and PhD.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 49
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17292
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and stipend are per year. Tuition is for residents. For non-residents tuition is $26,636. Number of full-time students receiving support includes both MS and PhDs
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academic positions, Research at National Labs, Industry, Data scientists, Teaching at Colleges and K12

University of New Orleans Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of New Orleans
Location New Orleans, Louisiana United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 20
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 5
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 5
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:39PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 3
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 5
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $12000
Comments regarding financial support teaching assistant has tuition waiver.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 2
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $12000
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department Dept of Math
Location Chapel Hill, North Carolina United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dept of Stat & Oper Res

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Location Chapel Hill, North Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 31
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 16
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:42AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Operations Research · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 2
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $22534
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support No financial support available for Master's students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students employed or entering PhD programs upon graduation is 100%. Most common jobs include statistician, statistical programmer, data scientist, data analyst, supply chain analyst, biostatistician.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 62
Full-time women 18
First year 16
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 62
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21000
Comments regarding financial support First year supported as Teaching Assistant. Subsequent years can be Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, or Teaching Fellow.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students employed after graduation is 100%. Most common positions are postdoctoral researcher, professor, research scientist, data scientist, operations analyst, statistician, consultant, quantitative analyst.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Location Charlotte, North Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 55
Total women 19
Total tenured faculty 34
Total tenured women 9
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 30
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 7 2023 11:01AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 12
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14000
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 46
Full-time women 14
First year 11
First year women 4
Part-time 7
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 46
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18500

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Location Charlotte, North Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 53
Total women 20
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 9 2022 02:19PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Mathematics Education concentration is offered online.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Different concentrations have different admission requirements. Please refer to for details.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics · Other · The degree has five concentrations: General Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Actuarial Statistics, and Applied Statistics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 21
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14000
Comments regarding financial support In-state tuition waiver is included in the financial support to a full-time master's teaching assistant.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been With a M.S. in Mathematics degree, you can work at colleges and universities, public schools, government, non-profit organizations, banks, insurance companies, accounting firms, consulting firms, and private corporations. You are also prepared to enter directly into at least the second year of a doctoral program in mathematics, applied mathematics, or statistics.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program is a STEM-based interdisciplinary program that requires at least 36 hours of graduate course work, 18 credit hours of dissertation research, a written qualifying exam, an oral defense of dissertation proposal, and a final defense of dissertation research.

GRE requirement General
Additional information In addition to the requirements of the Graduate School for admission to doctoral study, applicants must have completed at least 27 credit hours of courses in the mathematical sciences at the undergraduate level. Admission requires that the candidate be able to take MATH 8143 - Real Analysis I or be able to take MATH 5143 - Analysis I and have other factors in their record that indicate strong potential to complete the program. For prospective students who have completed work in mathematics beyond the bachelor?s degree, performance on that work will be considered in admission decisions.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 46
Full-time women 16
First year 10
First year women 3
Part-time 1
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students International: 53%; Female: 34%
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 41
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2400
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18500
Comments regarding financial support Summer support: $3000-$7000. First-year students typically work 16 hours per week for grading and/or tutoring.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recipients of this degree will, according to their abilities and choice of sub-specialty, be able to work effectively in a research and development environment involving mathematical or statistical analysis and modeling in business, government or industry; to teach mathematics and statistics at the college or university level; or to carry on fundamental research in their area of specialty.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Location Charlotte, North Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 40
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 31
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 40
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Nov 16 2021 09:32AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 32
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of North Carolina at Greensboro Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Greensboro, North Carolina United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of North Texas Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Texas
Department Department of Mathematics
Location Denton, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of North Texas School of Public Health Dept of Biostats 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of North Texas School of Public Health
Department Dept of Biostats
Location Fort Worth, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Northern Colorado School of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Northern Colorado
Department School of Math Sci
Location Greeley, Colorado United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Notre Dame Appl and Comp Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Notre Dame
Department Appl and Comp Math & Stat
Location Notre Dame, Indiana United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Notre Dame Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of Notre Dame
Location Notre Dame, Indiana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 44
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 30
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Sep 7 2023 11:03AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

6 basic courses (18 credits), 12 overall (36 credits), pass oral examination in second year, and defend dissertation in oral presentation. Although the basic courses have final exams, there are no additional required written exams. All students should be registered for at least 9 credits per semester, which may include Directed Readings or after the student passes the oral examination, Research and Dissertation.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants should be on track to complete an undergraduate degree in mathematics or take equivalent courses. Three year degrees from Indian universities, or physics degrees with extensive mathematical physics are acceptable qualifications. Most of our successful applicants have completed: Two semesters of abstract algebra, or 1 semester of abstract algebra and a semester of a course that uses abstract algebra Two semesters of proof-based analysis, one of which can be complex variables Perhaps 3 or 4 additional semesters of proof-based math courses, which are frequently drawn from subjects like topology, geometry, differential equations, combinatorics, number theory, logic, or other subjects at a similar level, provided these courses are available. We look for applicants who have taken good advantage of the opportunities available to them as undergraduates. At some institutions, this means applicants who have taken graduate courses, and at other places, it may mean reading courses, sometimes in place of a second semester of algebra or analysis.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 70
Full-time women 17
First year 11
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 68
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31000
Comments regarding financial support First Year Complete (or place out of) at least 6 basic courses. No teaching or grading duties. At end of first year, select an adviser for the oral qualifying exam. Second Year Begin TA duties, typically with 2 or 3 tutorial hours each week. Take more basic courses and topics courses. Prepare for oral qualifying exam with adviser, begin attending available seminars. Oral exam is normally taken by February of 2nd year. After exam, settle on PhD thesis adviser, and do more advanced level research activities, including attending available conferences. Third and Fourth Years Continue TA duties, with occasional opportunities to teach your own class. Continue research activities. Fifth Year (or sixth if applicable) Write and defend dissertation. Continue TA and teaching duties. Apply for jobs.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many are preparing for careers in academia while a few are preparing for careers in industry including consulting, among other professions. The majority of our graduating students graduate already placed in a position.
Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of Notre Dame
Location Notre Dame, Indiana United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 41
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 27
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Sep 23 2020 11:11AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information All admitted students are admitted directly into the PhD program. We have no separate masters track.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Coding theory
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 64
Full-time women 18
First year 14
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 62
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25614
Comments regarding financial support First-year students do not have teaching duties as coursework is the primary focus.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The first jobs of our Ph.D. students are in a combination of research level postdoctorates, teaching-oriented positions, and a few go into industry. Recently, the percentage of students getting research positions at top 15 departments like Cornell, Minnesota, Chicago, Penn, and UCLA has increased.

University of Oklahoma Deptartment of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Oklahoma
Location Norman, Oklahoma United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 38
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:41AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 4
Full-time women 2
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 56
Full-time women 12
First year 8
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 51
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of our PhD students seek careers in academia, while many of our Master's students look for jobs in both industry and academia. To see the jobs our graduates have taken after graduating, please see our alumni page

University of Oklahoma, Health Science Center Biostat & Epidemiology Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Oklahoma, Health Science Center
Department Biostat & Epidemiology Dept
Location Oklahoma City, Oklahoma United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Oregon Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Doctoral
Institution University of Oregon
Location Eugene, Oregon United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 28
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 27
Total postdocs 5
Last updated Dec 12 2022 09:57AM
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students who are accepted to our program are offered Graduate Employee positions that carry stipends, benefits, and full tuition waivers. Students are typically supported for six years of study.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information See for information about our admissions requirements.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Other · Mathematical biology and theoretical neuroscience
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 66
Full-time women 19
First year 13
First year women 5
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 66
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19943
Comments regarding financial support Students frequently have the option to teach over the summer if they would like, which carries a stipend of $5,019 and brings the total annual stipend up to $24,962.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been After graduation, about half of our PhD students take research-oriented postdoctoral positions, while the other half are split between teaching-oriented positions and careers outside of academia.

University of Ottawa Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Ottawa
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Pennsylvania Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Pennsylvania
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Pennsylvania Dept of Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Pennsylvania
Department Dept of Stat
Location Philadelphia, Pennsylvania United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Pittsburgh Department of Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 6
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:06PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Requirements: - 40 credits, including: - Coursework in fundamentals of statistical theory and applications - A statistical consulting practicum - Coursework in epidemiology and public health - Thesis involving innovative data analysis or related to an internship experience

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admission Requirements ? QPA of at least 3.0 ? Three (3) credits of college-level biology with a C grade or better ? Six (6) credits of college-level calculus with a C grade or better ? A minimum TOEFL score of 100 on the IBT, a minimum IELTS score of Band 7.0, or a minimum Duolingo English Test score of 120, if applicable. English test scores must be taken within two years of application. QPA is a suggested recommendation and not a minimum requirement. Applicants with deficiencies in biology may be admitted with the provision that they take PUBHLT 2015: Public Health Biology in their first term of study. The MS admissions committee will review the entire application when making the admission decision.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · The department offers concentrations in: health data science (HDS) and statistical and computational genetics (SGC).
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 28
Full-time women 19
First year 16
First year women 9
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 28
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student? $49,144/yr (out-of-state resident), $29,408/yr (PA resident).
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent graduates hold the following positions: - Data Analyst, University of Pittsburgh - Software Engineer, Omnicell - Data Scientist, Dick's Sporting Goods - Associate statistician, University of Pittsburgh - Statistical programmer, Everest Clinical Research - Biostatistician, Cleveland Clinic - Statistician, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Systems
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Degree Requirements 72 credits, including: - Coursework in fundamentals of statistical theory and applications - A statistical consulting practicum - Coursework in epidemiology and public health - Advanced dissertation research in an area of specialization

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admission Requirements ? Three (3) credits of college-level biology with a C grade or better ? Six (6) credits of college-level calculus with a C grade or better ? A minimum TOEFL score of 100 on the IBT, a minimum IELTS score of Band 7.0, or a minimum Duolingo English Test score of 120, if applicable. English test scores must be taken within two years of application. Applicants with deficiencies in biology may be admitted with the provision that they take PUBHLT 2015: Public Health Biology in their first term of study. The PhD admissions committee will review the entire application when making the admission decision.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 40
Full-time women 25
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 38
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support All full-time PhD students are fully funded by the department unless they choose otherwise. Funded students receive a stipend, health insurance, and tuition benefits. Funded students are appointed as graduate student researchers (GSR) or teaching assistants (TA). Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student? $49,144/yr (out-of-state resident), $29,408/yr (PA resident).
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent graduates hold the following positions: - Assistant professor, Renmin University of China - R&D Statistician, Sandia National Laboratories - Assistant professor, University of Illinois - Data scientist, Antham, Inc. - Postdoc, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development - Biostatistics manager, Amgen - Senior biostatistician, Boehringer Ingelheim - Senior research investigator, Bristol-Myers Squibb - Biostatistician, Duke Clinical Research Institute - Assistant professor, Medical College of Wisconsin - Assistant professor, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine - Assistant professor, University of Florida - Postdoctoral associate, University of Pittsburgh - Mathematical statistician, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

University of Pittsburgh Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 11
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 30 2021 12:05PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Application to the program requires three (3) semesters of Calculus and one (1) semester of Linear Algebra.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · The department offers thesis (M.S.) and non-thesis (M.A.) options for Statistics and Applied Statistics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 21
Full-time women 11
First year 10
First year women 6
Part-time 5
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $24118
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Master students are not financially supported.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information Application to the program requires three (3) semesters of Calculus, one (1) semester of Linear Algebra one (1) year of mathematical statistics, and one (1) semester of advanced calculus.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 27
Full-time women 6
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $30
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $9910
Comments regarding financial support All PhD students are awarded a tuition scholarship via Teaching Assistant or Graduate Researcher appointment. Fellowships are also available.

University of Pittsburgh Dept of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 39
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 29
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 15
Total postdocs 9
Last updated Dec 7 2022 04:40PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $21722
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support We do not provide support for Masters students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 63
Full-time women 12
First year 13
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 63
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $30
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10330
Comments regarding financial support Students are expected for work 20 hours in addition to their studies to fulfill the requirement for a Teaching Assistant Position.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of our graduates go on to take positions as university teachers and post docs or pursue careers in mathematical fields, such as analysis.

University of Regina Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Regina
Location Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 0
Total women 0
Total tenured faculty 0
Total tenured women 0
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 0
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 15 2022 09:37AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0

University of Rhode Island Dept of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Rhode Island
Location Kingston, Rhode Island United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 17
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 7
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:41AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 6
First year 5
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 3
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Rochester Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Rochester
Location Rochester, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 9
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 9
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 25 2023 11:40AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The M.A. Statistics degree requires 32 credits and is typically earned in 1.5 years (finishing in late December), although a 1 year program length is possible (finishing in late June). Most students complete 8 courses total. The M.S. in Biostatistics degree requires 32 credits and is typically completed in 1 year (including summer). Most students complete 6 courses total during Fall and Spring semesters + a Capstone Project during the Summer.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The requirements for entry into the M.A. program in Statistics are the same as those for entry into the Statistics Ph.D. program. Entering students should have a strong background in mathematics, including three semesters of calculus (through multivariable calculus), a course in linear and/or matrix algebra, and a year of probability and mathematical statistics. A course in real analysis is encouraged; a course in statistical methods is also recommended. The M.S. in Biostatistics program is open to students with a substantial background in statistics. For entry into the program, three semesters of calculus, a course in linear and/or matrix algebra, a course in probability, a course in mathematical statistics, and a course in applied statistics are required. The application deadline is May 1. Please contact [email protected] to request an application fee waiver.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 3
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Our programs are rather small and designed to allow students to interact closely with faculty. We do not have a strict cap on the number of offers that we make. The number of applications and offers vary year to year.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $67432
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support The degree requires 32 credits. For the 2023-2024 academic year, tuition is billed at $1,970 per credit. All full-time students pay a mandatory health fee of $390/semester. Students are required to maintain acceptable health insurance coverage; an individual Aetna health insurance plan may be purchased for $1,806/semester. A scholarship of 25% of tuition costs may be awarded to eligible applicants upon admission. Work study jobs pay hourly. Part-time students often use employer-provided tuition benefits to finance their studies.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The majority of our M.A. Statistics graduates have continued on to Ph.D. programs. Most M.S. graduates work in hospitals/medical centers. Other graduates have found success in various industrial, government, research, and consulting positions. Some recent M.S. graduates are pursuing medical degrees. Free career services are provided to all students through the School of Medicine and Dentistry myHub Center for Professional Development.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program interprets the term 'statistics' very broadly and permits specialization in probability, statistical theory and analysis, biostatistics, and interdisciplinary areas of application. Promising students may make up deficiencies after matriculation. Beginning students should expect to spend all of their first year, most of their second year, and some of their third year taking formal courses. This includes a minimum of 4 semesters of a seminar course designed to give students extensive practice in searching the statistical literature and preparing and delivering presentations. The balance of time is spent on reading and research. All Ph.D. students take a comprehensive (basic) examination at the beginning of the second year and another written (advanced) examination at the beginning of the third year. Both examinations cover material in the areas of probability, inference, and data analysis. After beginning research on a dissertation topic, Ph.D. students take an oral qualifying examination, consisting largely of a presentation of a thesis proposal to a faculty committee, the student's Thesis Committee. Upon completion of the dissertation, doctoral candidates present their work at a public lecture followed by an oral defense of the dissertation before the Thesis Committee. In general, the Ph.D. program requires a minimum of four years of study, with five years of study being more common. Students are encouraged to complete summer internships. Students also have opportunities for supervised teaching and statistical consulting experience. Prior to completing their degrees, most doctoral students have several publications underway based on research done in collaboration with faculty members in biostatistics/statistics and in various medical departments.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Entering PhD students should have a strong background in mathematics, including three semesters of calculus (through multivariable calculus), a course in linear and/or matrix algebra, and a year of probability and mathematical statistics. A course in real analysis is encouraged; a course in statistical methods is also recommended. Basic courses in computer science and/or biology are required for students applying to the concentration in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The standard application deadline is December 15. Please contact [email protected] to request an application fee waiver.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science · Other · Bioinformatics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 26
Full-time women 6
First year 5
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Students identifying as members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $2750
Comments regarding financial support All Ph.D. students receive a generous funding package that includes a full tuition scholarship, health insurance for single person coverage, and a 10-month stipend. The stipend is $2,750 per month for the period of Sept 2023-June 2024. Because funding during July and August is not guaranteed, many students choose to complete external paid summer internships. Doctoral students are expected to assist with teaching duties and consulting projects in the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology. Advanced students may be supported as research assistants. A T32 training grant in environmental health biostatistics also funds three students per year. The standard Statistics PhD funding package is offered regardless of a student?s choice of dissertation advisor, i.e., the dissertation advisor is not necessarily responsible for funding the student. Each Ph.D. student may apply for a maximum of $1,500 in support of scientific meeting and conference travel expenses from central departmental funds over the course of their doctoral studies. Funds obtained from other sources, including awards provided directly by conference organizers, will be considered supplemental. Students are also encouraged to apply for travel awards. Grants from the school to assist with relocation costs and childcare expenses are available to eligible students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been More than 120 students have earned the Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Rochester. Graduates have found employment at Georgetown University, State University of New York at Buffalo, Carnegie Mellon University, Case Western Reserve University, Harvard University, Emory University, University of Florida, University of Illinois ? Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, Lehigh University, Medical University of South Carolina, University of Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Pittsburgh, Southern Methodist University, other state universities, numerous companies such as Google, Merck, Novartis, AbbVie, DuPont, and Bell Laboratories, and governmental agencies. A full listing of current employment positions for 2000-Present alumni is available on our website.

University of Rochester Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Rochester
Department Dept of Math
Location Rochester, New York United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Saskatchewan Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Saskatchewan
Location Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 30 2021 11:48AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A cumulative weighted average of at least 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (i.e. 60 credit units). A four-year honors degree, or equivalent, from a recognized college or university in an academic discipline relevant to the proposed field of study. Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science · Other ·
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 8
Full-time women 2
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 8
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6730
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support Financial support for graduate students is normally offered in the form of Graduate Teaching Assistantships (at least $17,000 CAD for M.Sc., $19,000 CAD for PhD). The Department automatically considers all eligible applicants for this funding. Funding is competitive and has higher requirements then the application minimum requirements. All applications that are complete by the application deadline and qualify for funding awards will be considered for all awards available.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A Master's degree, or equivalent, from a recognized university in an academic discipline relevant to the proposed field of study; under no circumstances may a prospective student holding a Bachelor's degree be admitted directly into a PhD program. A cumulative weighted average of at least 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (i.e. coursework required in Master's program). Language Proficiency Requirements: Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants and for applicants whose first language is not English.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science ·
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 3
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 8
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $6730
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support Financial support for graduate students is normally offered in the form of Graduate Teaching Assistantships (at least $17,000 CAD for M.Sc., $19,000 CAD for PhD). The Department automatically considers all eligible applicants for this funding. Funding is competitive and has higher requirements then the application minimum requirements. All applications that are complete by the application deadline and qualify for funding awards will be considered for all awards available.

University of Sherbrooke Math Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Sherbrooke
Department Math Dept
Location Sherbrooke, Quebec Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of South Carolina Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of South Carolina
Location Columbia, South Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 46
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 37
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 35
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 25 2020 08:37AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students pursuing the MA or MS degrees are required to write a thesis. Students pursuing the MAT or MM degrees must pass a comprehensive exam based on their coursework.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 1
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3433
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Masters students pay fees of about $350 in addition to health insurance. Health insurance through the University is about $2,400 per year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The Masters program in math at UofSC prepares students for teaching jobs at the high school, community college, and technical college levels. It also prepares students for jobs in business and industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must pass a qualifying exam in analysis and a qualifying exam in either algebra or applied math. The qualifying exams are offered in August and January of every year; students must pass two exams by the middle of the second year.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 47
Full-time women 9
First year 16
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 47
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $400
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20200
Comments regarding financial support First-year students earn a stipend of $19,500. On passage of qualifying exams (on or before the second year), the stipend increases to $20,000; on passage of comprehensive exams (on or before the third year), the stipend increases to $20,500. Strong applicants to the program may be nominated by the Director of Graduate Studies for fellowships awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences and the University in the amount of $4,000 - $8,000 per year. The University offers travel grants to all students, and it offers competitive research grants for summer support ($5,000). The Department typically has funds to support students presenting at conferences. Students without support in the first two summers almost always can get it through teaching for the Department. Students beyond the second year are also likely to get support, if they seek it, through teaching. Fees are $400 (Health Center Fee, Technology Fee) per year. Health insurance is not fully covered, but it is subsidized. Students choosing to get health insurance through the University pay, after the subsidy, a cost of about $1,400 per year. The cost of living in Columbia, SC is very reasonable relative to cities of its size in the U.S.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The Math Graduate Program at UofSC prepares students for jobs in academia, industry, government, and business. The program has recently placed students in postdoctoral positions at research departments, in tenure-track positions at liberal arts colleges, in positions with the NSA and NASA, in tech and industry (Google), finance (Bank of America, Wells Fargo), and in data science analytics jobs.

University of South Carolina, Columbia Dept of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of South Carolina, Columbia
Location Columbia, South Carolina United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 17
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 21 2021 08:39AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of South Carolina, Columbia Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of South Carolina, Columbia
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Columbia, South Carolina United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of South Florida Dept of Epidem & Biostats 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of South Florida
Department Dept of Epidem & Biostats
Location Tampa, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of South Florida Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of South Florida
Department Dept of Math & Stat
Location Tampa, Florida United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Southern California Dept of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Southern California
Department Dept of Mathematics
Location Los Angeles, California United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Southern Mississippi School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Southern Mississippi
Location Hattiesburg, Mississippi United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 9
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 25 2023 01:02PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 3
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 3
First year 3
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $400
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $10500
Comments regarding financial support Typical duties require teaching classes in an emporium style setup or, after being mentored, as instructor of record, plus tutoring.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 2
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 9
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $400
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $11750
Comments regarding financial support Typical duties require teaching classes in an emporium style setup or, after being mentored, as instructor of record, plus tutoring.

University of Tennessee Dept of Business Analytics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Tennessee
Location Knoxville, Tennessee United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Jan 13 2021 12:53PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Tennessee Mgmnt Sci Program 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Tennessee
Department Mgmnt Sci Program
Location Knoxville, Tennessee United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Location Chattanooga, Tennessee United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 10
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Dec 6 2022 01:59PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Additional information The scores on the scores on the verbal and quantitative part of the GRE exam, if the applicant is applying for assistanships or fellowships.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Other · Math Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 12
Full-time women 5
First year 6
First year women 3
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $5237
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $9000
Comments regarding financial support Full-time graduate students are eligible for financial assistance, primarily in the form of graduate assistantships, which can be extended throughout the summer. Graduate assistantships include complete tuition remission.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Doctoral students must complete a minimum of 72 hours beyond the bachelor?s degree, exclusive of credit for the master?s thesis. These hours must include a minimum of 24 semester hours in Doctoral Research and Dissertation and a minimum of 48 semester hours in other courses. At least 12 of the required 24 research and dissertation hours must be in Dissertation from an established concentration area. The courses must include: A minimum of 24 semester hours of graduate coursework in courses numbered 5000 and above, with at least 12 of these related to the student?s dissertation topic. A minimum of 6 semester hours of courses is required at the 7000 level. These are exclusive of thesis or dissertation credit. The student?s supervisory committee can approve a student?s petition to replace one 7000-level course with one or more 5000-level course(s) that are more appropriate. A minimum of 6 semester hours of coursework in mathematics selected from MATH 5210, MATH 5600, and MATH 5610 and exclusive of a first course in ordinary differential equations. A minimum of 6 semester hours of coursework in computer science selected from ENCM 5210, CPSC 5210, and CPSC 5410. There are multiple pathways toward accumulating the required coursework: a) all coursework may be performed at UTC, b) credit may be earned through coursework performed within the University of Tennessee system, up to the maximum allowed by the University, c) credit is normally granted for up to 24 semester hours of program-relevant coursework credited toward a master?s degree at another university, and d) transfer credit may be granted for courses applicable to the program of study and accepted for graduate credit at another university.

GRE requirement General
Additional information In addition to regular graduate admission requirements, applicants must receive a positive recommendation by the Computational Science screening committee and submit the following documents: - Computational Science Application Form - A one-page statement of purpose - Three completed recommendation forms - Scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are required for international applicants. Successful applicants usually have a score of 700 or better on the quantitative exam. Other applicants are encouraged to submit GRE scores. - Current scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Testing System (IELTS) for applicants whose native language is not English and who do not meet the conditions outlined in ?Admission Examinations? under ?Doctoral Degree Programs? to apply for an exemption to the TOEFL/IELTS requirement. A minimum score of 550 (213 on the computer-based test, or 79 on the Internet-based test) on the TOEFL, or a score of 6.0 or higher on the IELTS, is required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Computational and Applied Mathematics concentration within the Graduate School of Computational Science Ph.D. program.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 3
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 6
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $22000
Comments regarding financial support Support is for 12 months, either through teaching or research assistantship or a combination
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program The Department of Mathematics offers a 15-hour Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Computational and Applied Statistics that provides a formal expertise in statistics at the graduate level and is designed for students willing to expand their statistical knowledge and enhance their expertise in data analysis beyond the undergraduate level. Students are trained with both a rigorous foundation of the theory of probability and statistics, (including regression analysis and analysis of variance), and in computational component where they learn how to assemble the computational tools needed to solve data-analysis problems. The overall objective of the certificate program is to give working professionals the necessary skills to ensure their data-based inferences and decisions are based on sound statistical principles. When only the certificate is being pursued, it must be completed in three years.
GRE requirement
Additional information The Department of Mathematics offers a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Computational and Applied Statistics. This 15-hour certificate provides a formal expertise in statistics at the graduate level and is designed for students willing to expand their statistical knowledge and enhance their expertise in data analysis beyond the undergraduate level. Students are trained with both a rigorous foundation of the theory of probability and statistics, (including regression analysis and analysis of variance), and in computational component where they learn how to assemble the computational tools needed to solve data-analysis problems. The overall objective of the certificate program is to give working professionals the necessary skills to ensure their data-based inferences and decisions are based on sound statistical principles. When only the certificate is being pursued, it must be completed in three years. However, students may participate in the certificate must be completed within the timeframe allotted for the graduate degree, while a minimum of 50% of the certificate hours must be course work that is not included as part of the program of study for the graduate degree.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

15 credit hours of approved coursework with grades of C or better. Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA in certificate courses in order to be awarded a certificate.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Location Knoxville, Tennessee United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 39
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 33
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 35
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 30 2021 11:48AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The Master of Science focuses on preparation for further studies or research in pure and applied mathematics The online Master of Mathematics focuses on in-depth foundational preparation for current K-12 mathematics teachers

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Undergraduate mathematics degree, or comparable coursework in mathematics.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · The online Master of Mathematics is geared to K-12. Math graduate students may pursue interdisciplinary minors in Computer Science or Statistics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 7
Full-time women 3
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 12
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Full-time: students with the MS as their goal. (N=6, women=3) Part-time: students in the MM program (online).
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 7
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2100
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18300
Comments regarding financial support While it is not common for students with a Masters degree as their goal to receive financial support, a small number are supported as teaching or research assistants. In those cases, tuition is waived. (The fees reported above do not include tuition.)
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most of our students getting a Masters degree do so while on their way to a PhD. Students who finish with a Masters have secured employment in industry and academia. Students in the online MM program have successful K-12 teaching careers.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Main requirements for the PhD: written preliminary exams in two areas, an oral qualifying exam, graduate coursework spanning four areas and a PhD dissertation containing original research. A summer review course prepares incoming students for diagnostic exams in Real Analysis and Linear Algebra.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE (General and/or Math Subject) is strongly recommended in the case of international applicants., or domestic ones coming from small undergraduate programs; but not required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · The department offers a Mathematical Biology PhD concentration, and in this area has one of the strongest programs in the country.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 94
Full-time women 30
First year 30
First year women 11
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 93
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2100
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20500
Comments regarding financial support Teaching Assistantships include tuition ($29,600 out of state) and health insurance. The typical teaching assistant workload is 20h/week (usually two sections per semester), mentored by an experienced instructor.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been About half our new PhD graduates secure research or teaching positions at higher education institutions; with the other half employed in prestigious industry or government positions.

University of Texas at Arlington Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas at Arlington
Department Dept of Math
Location Arlington, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Texas at Austin Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Location Austin, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 62
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 43
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 39
Total postdocs 47
Last updated Sep 8 2023 10:26AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Students entering the Master's program are expected to have an undergraduate degree in engineering, computer science, mathematics, or a natural science such as physics or chemistry.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 3
First year 6
First year women 3
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support The CSEM program does not have funding available for Master's students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Recent graduates have found employment as data scientist/engineer, software engineer, research engineer, software developer.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Each student must develop a program of study and research in CSEM that includes a substantial component from each of 3 concentration areas: Area A ? Applicable mathematics; Area B ? Numerical analysis and scientific computation; Area C ? Mathematical modeling and applications.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Bachelor's degree with a major in any of the following disciplines: Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, any of the Physical or Biological Sciences, or Finance
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science · Other · Students perform research in a broad range of areas, including scientific computing, uncertainty quantification, machine learning, numerical analysis.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 92
Full-time women 21
First year 18
First year women 4
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 91
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12531
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $34000
Comments regarding financial support Most first year doctoral students are funded though departmental or graduate school fellowships. Advanced students funded through Graduate Research Assistantships with advisor.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students find employment in academia, government labs, and industry.

University of Texas at Austin Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Department Dept of Math
Location Austin, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Texas at Dallas Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Texas at Dallas
Location Richardson, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 61
Total women 20
Total tenured faculty 23
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 4
Last updated Sep 21 2020 01:30PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 64
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The curricula of our Masters programs, including information on courses, can be found at:

GRE requirement General
Additional information Personal narrative, 3 letters of recommendation, GRE scores* (see the exception below), English Proficiency test scores, transcripts, and resume. *Due to Covid-19, the GRE requirement has been suspended temporarily for admission starting in Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Data Science · Other · We offer 4 Masters programs: Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, and Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 70
Full-time women 30
First year 21
First year women 7
Part-time 32
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7869
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Our MS students are typically not supported through the Mathematics department. They are self-supported.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our MS students prepare for careers in industry and education. Recent graduates have found employment in IT, banking, insurance, and other industries. Some have pursued doctoral education.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 22
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The curricula of our PhD programs, including information on courses, can be found at:

GRE requirement General
Additional information Personal narrative, 3 letters of recommendation, GRE scores* (see the exception below), English Proficiency test scores, transcripts, and resume. *Due to Covid-19, the GRE requirement has been suspended temporarily for admission starting in Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Algebraic Geometry; Mathematical Finance; Risk Management; Scientific Computing
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 115
Full-time women 38
First year 33
First year women 16
Part-time 9
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 112
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7869
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support We are able to support nearly all of our full-time doctoral students who need support through teaching and research assistantships. These assistantships come with full tuition support for fall and spring semesters. In addition, these assistantships are typically extended over the summer semester as well. The supported students are expected to work for the university for 20 hours per week. Typical duties include conducting problem sessions, grading, and research.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our doctoral students prepare for careers in academia and industry. Recent graduates have found employment in colleges and universities, and in banking, pharmaceutical, and other industries. Some have pursued post-doctoral education.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program We offer a Graduate Certificate in Data Science. To enroll in the certificate, the student must be additionally enrolled in a graduate program at the university.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The curriculum of the program, including information on courses, can be found at:

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 10
Full-time women 4
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7869
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Our Data Science students are typically not supported through the Mathematics department. They are self-supported.

University of Texas at El Paso Dept of Math Sci 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas at El Paso
Department Dept of Math Sci
Location El Paso, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Location Edinburg, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 74
Total women 21
Total tenured faculty 34
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 31
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 6 2023 01:52PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 35
Special requirements or purposes of the program

UTRGV offers a Master's program in Mathematics, with 4 possible concentrations (Math, Applied Math, Statistics, Math Education), with a choice of exit options (thesis, project, exam), and a Master's program in Applied Statistics & Data Science. Both programs are offered online and on campus, and both part-time and full-time. Funding opportunities are available.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A BS degree is required in any discipline with a minimum of 12 credit hours of advanced Math or Statistics courses. Rolling admissions available for Fall, Spring, and Summer. For international students, deadline for Fall applications is June 1 and deadline for Spring applications is October 15, deadline for Summer applications is April 1.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 50
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8300
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $11250
Comments regarding financial support There are both teaching graduate assistantships (GTA) and research graduate assistantships (GRA) available. Typical range of salary is $1,250-$1,500 per month over the 9 month academic year, with additional possibilities for summer support. GTA and GRA are charged in-state tuition, which is around $8,300 per academic year for a full course load, but GTA and GRA awards include additional scholarships that cover tuition. Additional scholarship opportunities are also available. First year GTAs usually assist faculty with grading and tutoring of undergraduate students, with a total workload of 20 hours per week. Second year GTAs may teach a class and assist faculty for 10 hours per week. GRAs work on research under faculty supervision.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The PhD program in Mathematics & Statistics with Interdisciplinary Applications (MSIA) at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) offers a comprehensive academic structure tailored to both Bachelor's and Master's degree holders. Depending on the entry level, students are required to complete core courses, prescribed electives, interdisciplinary courses, and dissertation/seminar/interdisciplinary courses, ranging from 57 to 72 credit hours. The program includes milestone requirements such as a preliminary exam, which must be taken no later than the 2nd year for full-time students, and a candidacy exam leading to the dissertation phase. Interdisciplinary projects and collaborations with departments such as Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering are available. For those with gaps in undergraduate training, specific prerequisites may be required, and the possibility of taking them online or through other means would need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information B.S. or B.A. in a STEM field or related field, with at least 3 advanced undergraduate courses in Mathematics from the following: Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Modern Algebra I, Real Analysis I, Probability and Statistics I, Complex Variables. OR Earned a Master's degree in Mathematics or a related field from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or a recognized international equivalent in a similar or related field with at least 3 undergraduate classes as given above.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Interdisciplinary work is highly encouraged and welcomed.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 8
First year 8
First year women 3
Part-time 9
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $9200
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21600
Comments regarding financial support There are both teaching graduate assistantships (GTA) and research graduate assistantships (GRA) available. Typical salary is $2,400 per month over the 9 month academic year, with additional possibilities for summer support. GTA and GRA are charged in-state tuition, which is around $9,200 per academic year for a full course load, but GTA and GRA awards include additional scholarships that cover tuition. GTAs usually teach classes or assist faculty with grading and other tasks for 20 hours per week. GRAs work on research under faculty supervision.

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Location Edinburg, Texas United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 47
Total women 13
Total tenured faculty 30
Total tenured women 7
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 45
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 7 2023 11:04AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 105
Full-time women 31
First year 40
First year women 15
Part-time 15
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 25
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $9459
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $15000
Comments regarding financial support There are a number of scholarship opportunities for on-campus students, including an NSF SSTEM scholarship: the Presidential Graduate Research Award: and the Dean?s scholarship: Graduate Teaching Assistantships are also available:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Previous students are employed in a broad class of careers as mathematicians at national laboratories, data scientists, actuaries, and educators.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 12
First year 8
First year women 5
Part-time 6
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 25
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $9459
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18000
Comments regarding financial support There are a number of funding opportunities for on-campus students, including the Presidential Graduate Research Award: and the Dean?s scholarship: Graduate Teaching Assistantships are also available:

University of Texas-School of Public Health Department of Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Texas-School of Public Health
Department Department of Biostatistics
Location Houston, Texas United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Toledo Dept of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Toledo
Location Toledo, Ohio United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 18
Total women 4
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Oct 16 2020 01:11PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The curriculum in the masters programs can be found on the department's website. In addition to course requirements, the program requires students to pass the master comprehensive exams or in the case of the pure or applied mathematics complete a master's thesis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 13
Full-time women 8
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Over the last 10 years the department has offered on average 7 assistantships with full tuition waivers to new master?s students each year. This year's lower number are due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 12
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $16500
Comments regarding financial support The duties of teaching assistants depend on the level preparation for classroom instruction and can involve grading, tutoring, leading two recitations sections in calculus or instructing one class in a semester. Stipends include summer support which involves grading and taking summer topics classes. Toledo has a low cost of living, particularly for housing, and so stipends go further in Toledo than in other areas of the US.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The master's program both prepares students for further graduate study and for employment in business, industry and government. Master's graduates have gone on to prestigious PhD programs at University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Notre Dame, Rice University among others, or have taken positions business in particularly in the financial industry as actuaries or analysts.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The PhD program is typically a 5 to 6 year program. Students are expected within the first two years of study to pass qualifying exams in two subjects chosen from algebra, topology, real analysis and differential equations, except in statistics where students take qualifying exams in real analysis and probability and statistical theory. Exams cover the topics of the first year classes. After passing the qualifying exams the students are expected to pass an oral exam that is meant to direct students towards areas of thesis research. Student who pass the qualifying exams at the master's level and complete the first two years of coursework receive a master's degree. Students with weaker backgrounds can enter the MA program in their first year and proceed to the PhD program in their second year and obtain a master's degree after passing the qualifying exams at the master's level.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Biostatistics/Statistics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 13
First year 2
First year women 2
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Over the last 10 years on average the department has offered 5 assistantships with full tuition waivers to PhD students each year. This years lower number are due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 22
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20900
Comments regarding financial support The duties of teaching assistants depend on the level preparation for classroom instruction and can involve grading, tutoring, leading two recitations sections in calculus or instructing a one class in a semester. Stipend includes summer support which involves grading and taking summer topics classes. Toledo has a low cost of living, particularly for housing, and so stipends go further in Toledo than in other areas of the US.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our graduates have been successful in obtaining instructional/research positions at colleges and university throughout the US that include University of Central Florida, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Arizona State University, University of Indiana-South Bend, University of Houston-Clearwater, among others.

University of Toronto Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Toronto
Location Toronto, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 65
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 43
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 60
Total postdocs 32
Last updated Sep 21 2021 02:17PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students who plan to continue to the PhD program may select 2.0 FCEs in core courses from the approved list in the PhD program requirements section. Students who obtain a grade of A? or higher in each of the corresponding core courses may count coursework towards the PhD comprehensive examination requirement in the particular subject areas.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A final-year average of at least mid-B.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 21
Full-time women 26
First year 21
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 144
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21000
Comments regarding financial support Students accepted into the Master?s and PhD programs receive full funding which include a tuition fee waiver for the duration of the guaranteed funding period (1 for MSc, 4 years for PhD and 5 years for PhD direct entry).
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates from our Master's program are prepared for a career in various fields such as teaching, machine learning, finance, data science, other interesting fields.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 15
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Applicants are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants must also satisfy the Department of Mathematics' additional admission requirements stated below. A master's degree from a recognized university. Students must satisfy the department of their ability to do independent research at an advanced level. They must show evidence of an excellent academic background and mathematical ability.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 187
Full-time women 26
First year 32
First year women 6
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 144
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21000
Comments regarding financial support Students accepted into the PhD program receive full funding for a period of 4 years, 5 years if admitted to the PhD direct entry program. The guaranteed funding includes 175 hours of work as a Teaching Assistant.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Many recent graduates go to postdoctoral positions after completing their degree and pursue a career in academia. Others are engaged in university teaching, and a significant number hold administrative positions in universities or in the professional communities. Others are pursuing careers in industry (technological or financial) or in government.

University of Utah Dept of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Utah
Location Salt Lake City, Utah United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 57
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 39
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 35
Total postdocs 31
Last updated Oct 11 2023 08:57AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Our program offers a Master of Arts or Master of Science in Mathematics, Master of Statistics and Master of Science in Mathematics Teaching. In addition to required coursework and a minimum number of credits, passing qualifying exams and/or a research project may be required, depending on the option for graduating. The options are detailed in the graduate bulletin ( Students typically take 2 years to earn a Master.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 8
First year 4
First year women 0
Part-time 9
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8446
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 21
Special requirements or purposes of the program

In addition to required coursework and a minimum number of credits, passing qualifying exams is required, in addition to writing a thesis.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 88
Full-time women 25
First year 17
First year women 4
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 88
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26000

University of Vermont Math & Stat Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Vermont
Department Math & Stat Dept
Location Burlington, Vermont United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Victoria Dept of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Victoria
Location Victoria, British Columbia Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 37
Total women 10
Total tenured faculty 23
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 20
Total postdocs 6
Last updated Dec 6 2022 03:12PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Biostatistics · 4 Main Research groups: pure, discrete, applied, and statistics. Include dynamical systems, operator algebras, graph theory, modelling and sampling.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 44
Full-time women 21
First year 27
First year women 10
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We do not do Part-time studies.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 37
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3700
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13000
Comments regarding financial support for Msc, funding can range from 10K to 14K depending on Research Area group. This is typically paid for 2 years.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

All students are required to pass a candidacy examination consisting of three parts, in distinct areas, within their first two years of study.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Admission into the PhD program will normally require a master's degree in Mathematics or Statistics and excellent research potential, documented by the quality of master's thesis or letters of recommendation.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · 4 main research groups: pure, discrete, applied, and statistics. Include dynamical systems, operator algebras, graph theory, modelling and sampling.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 14
First year 7
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We do not do Part-time studies.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 25
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3700
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support for PhD, funding can range from 12K to 17K depending on Research Area group. This is typically paid for 4 years.

University of Virginia Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Virginia
Location Charlottesville, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 3
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 7
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 15 2021 02:21PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 49
Special requirements or purposes of the program


GRE requirement General
Additional information Statement of Intent
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 66
Full-time women 26
First year 22
First year women 15
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $17674
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support $17674-VA resident; $29606-non-VA resident. Only PhD students receive stipends.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Tech, biopharmaceutical, financial, non-profit, government
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program


GRE requirement General
Additional information See
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · See
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 5
First year 5
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $58000
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26000
Comments regarding financial support Lower tuition for VA residents.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Finance, Tech, Academe, Biopharm.

University of Virginia Dept of Math

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Doctoral
Institution University of Virginia
Location Charlottesville, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 34
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 11
Last updated Sep 21 2020 02:03PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program UVA Mathematics seeks to support post-baccalaureate students from groups that are underrepresented in their disciplines and who have not had sufficient training and research experiences to prepare them for admission to doctoral programs. This program offers an annual stipend of $24,000.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Due to COVID-19, the GRE exam requirements have been waived for 2020-2021.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 3
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24000
Comments regarding financial support All full-time graduate students generally enjoy support in the form of a teaching assistantship or fellowship for the duration of their graduate work. The UVA Mathematics Department is also committed to providing a summer stipend to all students who maintain good standing.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

UVA Math offers qualifying exams twice a year. Current syllabi for the Algebra, Analysis, and Topology General Examinations are available online. The Department also offers summer enhancement courses to ease the transition to the PhD program (see:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Due to COVID-19, the GRE exam requirements have been waived for 2020-2021.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · The UVA Math Department offers the opportunity to do research in a wide range of specialties (see:
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 43
Full-time women 7
First year 9
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 43
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $24000
Comments regarding financial support First-year students generally serve as graders or teaching assistants for basic mathematics courses. The Department is committed to providing summer stipends to all PhD students who maintain good standing.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been UVA PhD graduates have been successful in obtaining postdoctoral appointments, tenure track teaching positions, and positions in industry.

University of Virginia Mathematics

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Doctoral
Institution University of Virginia
Location Charlottesville, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 33
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 12
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:00PM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program Aim to support post-baccalaureate students from groups that are underrepresented in their disciplines and who have not had sufficient training and research experiences to prepare them for admission to doctoral programs.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Because it is part of a wider university program, this program is small, with only 2-3 students accepted each year. We look for students who show promise in mathematics but who could use more background to be well-prepared for a PhD program.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

Our bridge program provides two full years of fellowship support without teaching responsibilities for students to enroll in a combination of courses, guided research opportunities and UVA?s intensive graduate student professional development curriculum known as ?PhD Plus.? Each bridge fellow will work individually with faculty to develop a customized academic plan that will identify opportunities for additional disciplinary training, enable them to cultivate writing and research skills specific to their field, and develop a competitive portfolio for applying to doctoral programs.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 1
Full-time women 1
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students All students are from underrepresented groups in mathematics.
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 1
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26000
Comments regarding financial support Support also covers all fees and health insurance. Students are supported without any teaching obligations.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The goal is to prepare students to enter doctoral programs, either at UVA or elsewhere. It is currently in its second year, so our first and second cohorts of students are still in the program.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students typically take standard first-year courses in algebra, topology, and analysis, and then take written qualifying exams in two of these subjects. Entering students are invited to participate in a Summer 0 program to help prepare for these courses. First year students also take seminar courses on teaching and research. After the first year, students take advanced coursework in their area of interest, and take an oral exam with their intended advisor and one additional faculty member over two of these courses. The department offers many seminars, as well as outreach opportunities that students can participate in. There are options to work with the School of Data Science and Biocomplexity Institute.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information In making its decisions about admission and financial aid, the Department is first and foremost looking for students that we feel will flourish in our program. To determine if a student will be successful, the Department pays close attention to the overall undergraduate record, letters of recommendation, and the student's personal statement.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Other · History of Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 46
Full-time women 10
First year 10
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Roughly half the students are domestic and half international.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 46
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26000
Comments regarding financial support First year students are teaching assistants (discussion sections and grading) for 10 hours per week. After the first year, students are typically instructors for their own sections of coordinated sections of calculus, all of which involve active learning, which is expected to take 15-20 hours per week. The program provides extensive training and mentoring for teaching. All students receive two fully funded semesters of fellowship without teaching, typically taken in the third and fourth years. There are opportunities to apply for other university-wide fellowships. Funding is guaranteed for 5 years (including summers) but is usually available for a 6th year for students who need it.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been We have had students successful in obtaining a range of different careers, such as research postdocs, teaching focused-academic jobs, and non-academic careers in government and industry.

University of Washington Biostatistics Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Washington
Department Biostatistics Dept
Location Seattle, Washington United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Washington Department of Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution University of Washington
Location Seattle, Washington United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 15
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 12
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 9
Last updated Sep 30 2021 10:32AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 123
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Successful applicants typically hold a bachelor's degree in mathematics, applied mathematics or a related branch of science or engineering (STEM). Specifically, applicants need to have completed coursework, with strong grades, in calculus series, differential equations, linear algebra, and numerical analysis or scientific computing. You should have the ability to program in Matlab, C, C++, Python, Fortran, or a similar scientific computing language. 
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Other · Computational Finance & Risk Management
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Varies by program; please see website for more information
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been MS:
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Other · Financial Mathematics Advanced Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Please see website for information.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been PhD:
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program Please see website for details of each certificate.
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Please see website
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Please see website

University of Washington Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Washington
Location Seattle, Washington United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 48
Total women 12
Total tenured faculty 34
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 14
Last updated Jan 10 2023 12:04PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 50
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $250
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $2586
Comments regarding financial support Supported students serve as TAs in undergraduate calculus. Salary is per month. Tuition listed is remaining tuition for a supported student per quarter. For full tuition details, please see:
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Courses must include twelve 500-level numerically graded courses, including two three-quarter sequences of core graduate courses. Students must pass two preliminary exams, a general exam, and the final exam (thesis defense).

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 102
Full-time women 25
First year 17
First year women 6
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 96
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $250
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $2783
Comments regarding financial support Supported students serve as TAs or graders. Tuition listed is remaining tuition for a supported student per quarter. For full tuition details, please see:
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been About 70% of our graduating students go on to post-docs. In recent years our graduates went to such places as CMU, Freie Universität Berlin, IAS, Purdue, SUNY Stony-Brooke, UBC, U Chicago, U Arizona, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, U Michigan

University of Washington Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Washington
Location Seattle, Washington United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 20
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Jan 10 2023 12:03PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 26
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The track is intended for full-time international and domestic students who wish to obtain a rigorous training in Statistics. Most students will complete the Masters degree in the Winter of their second year. The goal of the new Master of Science track is to offer students the ability to focus on methodology, take an applied statistics capstone class in the winter of the second year and complete the MS in the winter of the second year, as a cohort. The students obtain a rigorous foundation of theory in their first year, and must pass a theory exam. In parallel, courses in design and introduction to regression are required, along with a computer class, all in the first year. In the second year, a pair of advanced regression classes are required, along with a categorical data class. The applied data capstone course rounds out the applied training by covering a number of topics that are key to doing applied statistics. In addition to the required classes, students take electives of their choice (and given approval of the department) to allow specialization in topics of their interest.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The admissions of the full time MS STAT program is competitive. Admissions deadline and requirements can be found at We have an average 300-400 application per year and about 30 spaces available.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · The full time MS STAT program offers the specializations of Demography, Social Statistics, Statistical Genetics and Machine Learning.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 76
Full-time women 34
First year 39
First year women 18
Part-time 11
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $10500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support N/A
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Based on the recent annual survey we did, the full time MS graduates held job titles in: Algorithm Engineering, Software Development Engineer, Actuarial Analyst, Strategy and Operations Analyst, Junior Data Scientist, Educational Consultant, Quantitative Analyst Professional, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer. They were successful in finding jobs throughout the US in large companies such as Amazon, Ernst & Young, Freddie Mac, Twitter.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must satisfactorily complete core and elective courses, passing the M.S. Theory Exam, passing the Ph.D. Research Prelim, passing the Consulting class and completing the Applied Data Analysis Project, completing the Seminar and Teaching experiences, passing the General Exam, registering for a minimum number of Thesis Research credits, and passing their Dissertation Defense. Students in the Statistics Ph.D. program elect either the general Statistics track of the program, or one of the four specialized tracks that take advantage of UW?s interdisciplinary environment: Statistical Genetics (StatGen), Statistics in the Social Sciences (CSSS), Machine Learning and Big Data (MLBD), and Advanced Data Science (ADS). Satisfactory performance in the following areas (specific courses are listed on our website): Advanced Statistical Theory, Statistical Methodology, Statistical Computing, Measure Theory / Analysis. The key program milestones follow: ? End of the first year: Complete the Statistical Computing and the Measure Theory / Analysis core course requirement; pass the M.S. Theory Exam. ? End of the second year: Complete all required courses; pass the Research Prelim Exam and complete all core courses. ? End of the third year: Identify a Research Advisor, form your Ph.D. Supervisory Committee, and have it approved by the Graduate School. ? End of the fourth year: Complete all elective courses and the consulting requirement. Pass the General Exam and complete your Applied Data Analysis Project. ? End of fifth year: Pass your dissertation defense and graduate. Most of our Ph.D. students secure at least one summer internship during their time as doctoral students. Seattle has a dynamic economy, and it is home to several Fortune 500 companies as well as many startups. Additionally, there are opportunities with governmental and quasigovernmental organizations such as National Laboratories and, especially, the Pacific Northwest National Lab.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The Department of Statistics at the University of Washington strives to maintain both instructional and research programs of the highest quality. The Ph.D. program provides cutting-edge training in the modern theory, methods, and applications of statistics. The Department believes that its graduates should blend a strong theoretical statistics foundation with practical experience working with challenging statistical problems in diverse areas of application. For this reason, the Department?s graduate programs, stressing this relationship of theory and practice, are designed to prepare the graduate equally well for an academic, industrial, or governmental position. The department does not require the submission of any GRE test scores. Scores in the GRE General Test are not used at all by our department in making admission decisions to our programs. GRE Mathematics Subject Test scores are optional, and can be used by students to demonstrate a level of skill in mathematics that exceeds what could be inferred from other application materials. However, not submitting GRE Mathematics Subject Test scores has no negative effect on an applicant's changes of being admitted into our graduate programs. The UW Statistics Department is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in its graduate program. A first step to doing this is to increase the diversity of our student body. To this end, the department runs an outreach initiative called the pre-application review service (PARS), which provides support and mentorship to PhD applicants from historically marginalized groups. PARS involves current Statistics PhD students and post-docs in reviewing and providing feedback on a prospective applicant's resume or curriculum vitae (CV), personal statement, and statement of purpose. A link to participate in this program can be found here:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 61
Full-time women 21
First year 10
First year women 4
Part-time 11
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 57
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $253
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $26874
Comments regarding financial support The department is committed to ensuring that students are financially supported during their Ph.D. studies. Financial need, or lack thereof, plays no role in admission decisions to our Ph.D. program. Most of the students in the Statistics Ph.D. program are admitted with funding. The Financial Offer letter that is sent along with the Acceptance Letter provides detailed information as it applies to each student. While the fine print might vary slightly depending on the year the student is admitted, among other factors, in practice, this means that the department will provide academic-year funding at least the first 15 consecutive quarters of a student?s Ph.D. career (the normative time-to-degree), as well as for at least one summer quarter that falls within those first 15 consecutive quarters. Historically, the department has been able to fully support its funded students through their graduation even if they take longer than the normative time. However, such commitments are subject to funding availability and should not be assumed. Note that financial support is contingent upon students making satisfactory progress through their degree and on satisfactory performance in any employment relationship. In rare circumstances, Ph.D. students might be admitted without funding. This is typically done only when the student can demonstrate that they will be able to support themselves through the program (e.g., through an external fellowship or through a funding commitment from an employer). While the department will work with unfunded students to ensure that they can complete the program if their financial situation changes, funding requests from Ph.D. students that were admitted without a funding commitment receive the lowest possible priority among all Ph.D. students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The PhD program prepares students for research careers in theory and application of probability and statistics in academic and non-academic (e.g., industry, government) settings. Students might elect to pursue either the general Statistics track of the program (the default), or one of the four specialized tracks that take advantage of UW?s interdisciplinary environment: Statistical Genetics (StatGen), Statistics in the Social Sciences (CSSS), Machine Learning and Big Data (MLBD), and Advanced Data Science (ADS). They have been successful in gaining employment world-wide in organizations such as Universities, Facebook, Meta, Amazon, Apple, USGS, Uber, Google, Microsoft, Citadel Securities, Swiss Data Science Center, and Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence.

University of Waterloo Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Waterloo
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 28
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 13
Last updated Oct 2 2023 08:53AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 17
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A four-year Honours Bachelor's degree with a specialization in Mathematics, or in Science or Engineering with a strong concentration in mathematics
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Two year program.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 42
Full-time women 11
First year 19
First year women 5
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 42
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8465
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $31500
Comments regarding financial support International students pay higher tuition and receive higher support to compensate for it. The 'take home' amount after tuition and fees is the same as for domestic students. Support is a combination of Teaching Assistantships (typically 4 per year, each 80 hours), scholarships, department/university awards, support from supervisors.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General · Optional or not required
Additional information The application for admission into the program must contain evidence of potential for performing original research. This is normally provided by successful completion of a Master's thesis in a mathematics-related discipline.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 61
Full-time women 22
First year 9
First year women 3
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 58
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8196
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14560
Comments regarding financial support International students pay higher tuition and receive higher support to compensate for it. The 'take home' amount after tuition and fees is the same as for domestic students. Support is a combination of Teaching Assistantships (typically 4 per year, each 80 hours), scholarships, department/university awards, support from supervisors.

University of Waterloo Combinatorics & Optimization

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Waterloo
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:03PM
Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Waterloo
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 33
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 23
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 23
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Sep 23 2020 12:17PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 12
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Math subject
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other ·
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 37
Full-time women 9
First year 13
First year women 3
Part-time 2
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 37
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8148
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27000
Comments regarding financial support Funding for students is made up of department scholarship/ awards and teaching assistantships
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Math subject
Additional information A Master's degree in combinatorics and optimization, or in a closely related field, with a minimum 89% average in Master's level coursework. Completion of a master's thesis. It is essential that the application for admission into the PhD program contains evidence of research ability or potential. Students in the PhD program are regarded as being on probation during their first year in the Department, and their performance during this first year determines whether they are allowed to continue in the program. In particular, failure in any one course, or an unsatisfactory performance in the comprehensive examination, automatically results in a review of the student's progress by the Department Graduate Committee. PhD students' progress will be reviewed at least once per year.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science ·
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 40
Full-time women 12
First year 4
First year women 0
Part-time 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 41
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8148
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27000
Comments regarding financial support funding is made up of department scholarship/award and teaching assistantships

University of Waterloo Department of Pure Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Waterloo
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 14
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:04PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 16
Special requirements or purposes of the program

For more information on our programs, please see

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · Pure Mathematics Pure Mathematics - Quantum Information
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 1
First year 20
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8414
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $27600
Comments regarding financial support All amounts listed are in the Canadian dollars (CAD). Tuition, fees and financial support vary depending on if the student is Canadian/PR or international. Please see for more information.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

For more information on our programs, please see

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Other · Quantum Information
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 42
Full-time women 10
First year 13
First year women 3
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 42
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $8414
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $28850
Comments regarding financial support All amounts listed are in the Canadian dollars (CAD). Tuition, fees and financial support vary depending on if the student is Canadian/PR or international. Please see for more information.

University of Waterloo Dept of Statistics & Actuarial Science

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Waterloo
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 65
Total women 17
Total tenured faculty 41
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 55
Total postdocs 10
Last updated Sep 24 2020 12:11PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 103
Full-time women 43
First year 88
First year women 37
Part-time 7
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Out of 103 masters students, 32 are in professional Masters programs and 71 are in research Masters programs.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 68
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2716
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23874
Comments regarding financial support The tuition fee for Canadian citizens and permanent residents is $ 2,716.76 and for International students is $7,956.76. The typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student is $ 23,874.00/year minimum from TA (some may receive a RA but the majority of MMath students receive a TA. For the professional programs the tution fees are different. For Master of Quantitative Finance (MQF) the tution fee is $4695 per term and for Master of Actuarial Science (MActSc) $13130 per term.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Industries such as Data Analytics, Data Science, Financial sector, Insurance sector, health systems, consulting firms, marketing companies, government agencies, Technology companies, research units. Some continue to Ph.D. in top universities around the world.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 84
Full-time women 29
First year 23
First year women 8
Part-time 4
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 78
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2716
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $32874
Comments regarding financial support The tuition fee for Canadian citizens and permanent residents is $ 2,716.76 and for International students is $7,956.76. The typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student is $ 32,874/year for Canadian citizens and permanent residents and $38,238 for International students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academia and research units in the industry as data scientists.

University of Western Ontario Department of Mathematics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Western Ontario
Department Department of Mathematics
Location London, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Windsor Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Windsor
Location Windsor, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 14
Total women 3
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 3
Last updated Sep 30 2021 10:27AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Actuarial Science is a 4-term professional program.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 8
First year 12
First year women 5
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 19
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 5
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 9
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Location Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 19
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 19
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Oct 25 2023 02:17PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 24
Special requirements or purposes of the program

We offer a dual Master's degree program with the Department of Technomathematics of Fachhochschule Aachen (FHA), Germany We have been designated a Center of Actuarial Excellence (CAE)

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 26
Full-time women 2
First year 15
First year women 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $800
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14200
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 6
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 28
Full-time women 6
First year 2
First year women 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 24
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $800
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $15700
Comments regarding financial support Doctoral graduates are paid $15,700 Doctoral Dissertator graduates are paid $17,000
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Nearly perfect employment rate in academic and industrial jobs

University of Wisconsin, Madison Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Wisconsin, Madison
Location Madison, Wisconsin United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 66
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 40
Total tenured women 8
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 40
Total postdocs 25
Last updated Sep 23 2020 12:25PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 25
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 43
Full-time women 9
First year 11
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12761
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Students are allowed to grade or hold a campus job for up to 108 hours per semester. The position cannot provide tuition remission.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The majority of graduates go on to PhD programs in Mathematics or related disciplines.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 20
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE General and Math Subject scores are recommended when available.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 142
Full-time women 34
First year 20
First year women 6
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 142
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

University of Wisconsin, Madison Dept of Industrial & Systems Engineering

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department Dept of Industrial & Systems Engineering
Location madison, Wisconsin United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:11AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The one-year, professional master's degree program does NOT require GRE. The 2-year research master's degree program does require the GRE.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Operations Research · Data Science · Other areas include human factors and health systems engineering
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement General
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support All students admitted into our doctoral program receive 5 years of support.

University of Wisconsin, Madison Statistics Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department Statistics Dept
Location Madison, Wisconsin United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Location Milwaukee, Wisconsin United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 30
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 16 2020 02:22PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 16
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Master's students who are interested in moving into our PhD program are asked to pass two proficiency exam in the areas of abstract algebra, analysis and statistics. Terminal Master's students usually write a thesis in collaboration with a faculty member.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information N/A
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Actuarial Science · Statistics · Biostatistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 8
First year 10
First year women 3
Part-time 3
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We have a diverse student population all of which are carefully mentored my faculty doing research in the mathematical sciences.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 35
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $850
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $15000
Comments regarding financial support Most students are supported as teaching assistants (20 hours/week) for the nine month academic year. Funding includes university health care and tuition remission, plus the stipend.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students in the Master's program are either preparing to enter a job in industry or planning to move into our PhD program. About 95% of these students are successful.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

PhD students are expected to pass a preliminary exam given by a panel of three faculty members. After beginning research there is a proposal hearing and then ultimately a dissertation defense.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 35
Full-time women 8
First year 8
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students We have a diverse student population that is carefully mentored through the degree process. Essentially all our PhD students publish scholarly articles in refereed journals. Most are preparing for academic jobs, but a few to go into industry.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 34
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $850
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support Most are employed as teaching assistants at 20 hours per week. Support includes health care and tuition remission, plus stipend.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Most students are ultimately employed at four-year colleges. We have nearly a perfect employment rate for those who want to continue working in the Mathematical Sciences.

University of Wyoming Dept of Math & Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University of Wyoming
Department Dept of Math & Statistics
Location Laramie, Wyoming United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

University Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution University Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Location San Juan, Puerto Rico United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 24 2020 11:45AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The student must have introductory courses in Linear Algebra, Modern Algebra and Advanced Calculus. Those students interested in Applied Mathematics must have prior experience with Probability and Statistics and Computer Programming. More information on admission requirements can be found at
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 18
Full-time women 5
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 1
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3762
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $872
Comments regarding financial support Most first year Masters students are given teaching assistantships ($872 by month + tuition and fees). Typical duties include tutoring students and supporting faculty by grading homework and projects, proctoring exams, etc.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Math subject
Additional information All applicants to the PhD in Mathematics must have obtained a Masters degree in Mathematics.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 11
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 10
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $3942
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $1090
Comments regarding financial support All first year PhD students are elegible for Teaching Assistantships ($1,090.00 per month + tuition and fees). Typical duties include teaching an introductory course in Mathematics to first year undergraduate students (only one semester per year), tutoring students and supporting faculty with homework grading, exam proctoring, etc. There are also Research Assistantships linked to Faculty members research grants, and some opportunities for scholarships.

Utah State University Dept of Mathematics & Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Utah State University
Location Logan, Utah United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 36
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 4
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 22
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 21 2020 01:34PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 17
Special requirements or purposes of the program

We encourage potential applicants to consider how their research interests align with the research expertise of our faculty -- see

GRE requirement General
Additional information For general expectations and timeline, see
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 37
Full-time women 17
First year 15
First year women 6
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 26
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1200
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $13500
Comments regarding financial support Students in MS programs are eligible for TA positions that include full waiver of out-of-state and in-state tuition, and also include subsidized health insurance, so students only pay fees (about 600/semester) and health insurance premium.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Masters students regularly receive multiple offers in industry and government, and many choose to pursue academic research or doctoral programs. 100% job placement over last 5+ years.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

PhD comprehensive exams are student-specific, constructed by the student's committee, and can take a variety of forms. Internships can be used for academic credit.

GRE requirement General
Additional information For general expectations and timeline, see
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science · Other · For full info on the research expertise of our faculty, see
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 6
First year 6
First year women 2
Part-time 1
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $1200
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support Students in PhD program are eligible for TA/RA positions that include full tuition waiver, and also include subsidized health insurance, so students only pay fees (about 600/semester) and health insurance premium. First-year stipend is 19,500, and increases annually. Cost of living is low.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students enter academic, industry, and government positions, with 100% job placement over the past 5+ years.

Vanderbilt Univerity Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Vanderbilt Univerity
Location Nashville, Tennessee United States of America
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 25
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 22
Total tenured women 1
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 25
Total postdocs 14
Last updated Sep 30 2021 10:24AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 1
First year 1
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 27
Full-time women 2
First year 3
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 27
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $30000

Vanderbilt University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Vanderbilt University
Location Nashville, Tennessee United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 38
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 21
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 21
Last updated Oct 3 2023 02:18PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in None
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 1
First year 2
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Masters students are typically not eligible for graduate fellowships.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program typically includes a common sequence of first-year courses providing a foundation in algebra, analysis and topology. Students must pass two of the three preliminary examinations covering this material by the end of their second year. Students also typically prepare a qualifying project in their third year, which can consist either of original research or of in-depth study of material necessary to prepare the student for their main research topic. The program culminates in a doctoral thesis demonstrating the student's original contributions to research in their chosen field.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 23
Full-time women 6
First year 8
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Enrollment numbers are slated to increase in future years.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 23
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $34000
Comments regarding financial support The graduate fellowship includes a stipend and tuition. Students who receive graduate fellowships work as teaching assistants.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Doctoral students from Vanderbilt go on to careers in both academic mathematics and industry. Recent years have seen students take postdoctoral positions at major research universities after graduation as well as moving into jobs in data science and other areas of industry.

Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine Dept Biostat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine
Department Dept Biostat
Location Nashville, Tennessee United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University
Location Richmond, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 45
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 17
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 14
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Mar 9 2023 05:09PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Each concentration has required core courses and exams with electives from various subfields of mathematics. Students can choose to complete a research thesis. Research opportunities are available in many fields including, applied mathematics, biomathematics, discrete mathematics, logic, mathematical physics, algebra, geometry, and topology.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information Thirty credit hours in undergraduate mathematical sciences, computer science or related areas of which at least 18 credit hours must represent upper-level courses
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 6
Full-time women 2
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 8
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $29228
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $12500
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees are stated for out of state. In state tuition and fees are $15,200/year.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students in our program can design their program to prepare for teaching, industry or government positions, or to continue their studies in a PhD program.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are required to take course courses and associated exams in their first year. They can choose electives from various mathematical fields. A qualifying portfolio is reviewed to get candidacy in the program. To complete the degree students complete a dissertation proposal and then defend their dissertation after completing their dissertation research.

GRE requirement General
Additional information At least 30 credit hours of undergraduate-level mathematics, including calculus I and II, multivariate calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics. Applicants also must have completed at least one upper-level mathematics class that includes mathematical reasoning, such as abstract algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, real analysis or topology.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 35
Full-time women 16
First year 6
First year women 4
Part-time 10
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $27519
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $20000
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees are stated for out of state. In state tuition and fees are $14,661/year with health insurance. Tuition, but not fees, are covered if a student receives a GTA position. GTAs positions are approximately 20 hours/week and first graduate students are teaching assistants for lower level undergraduate
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students are preparing for academia and industry positions. First jobs for graduates were 44% Academia, 39% Industry, 11% government and 6% other.

Virginia Commonwealth University Statistical Sciences & Operations Research

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University
Location Richmond, Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 7
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 6
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:05PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Degree requires two qualifying examinations (theory and methods) taken after the first year of study.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Personal statement and three letters of recommendation are required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Operations Research
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are required to take course courses and associated exams in their first year. They can choose electives from various mathematical fields. A qualifying portfolio is reviewed to get candidacy in the program. To complete the degree students complete a dissertation proposal and then defend their dissertation after completing their dissertation research.

GRE requirement General
Additional information At least 30 credit hours of undergraduate-level mathematics, including calculus I and II, multivariate calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics. Applicants also must have completed at least one upper-level mathematics class that includes mathematical reasoning, such as abstract algebra, combinatorics, graph theory, real analysis or topology.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics · Data Science · Other · Operations Research
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 38
Full-time women 19
First year 9
First year women 4
Part-time 9
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 20
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $25484
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17000
Comments regarding financial support Tuition and fees are stated for out of state. In state tuition and fees are $12,986/year. Tuition, but not fees, are covered if a student receives a GTA position. GTAs positions are approximately 20 hours/week and first graduate students are teaching assistants for lower level undergraduate
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students are preparing for academia and industry positions. In the last 4 years we have had 19 graduates (both full time and part time). 12 of these students went into industry with various types of positions and 7 went into academia.
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? Yes, partially
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The graduate certificate is appropriate for working professionals in government agencies and the financial sector who want to advance their careers by acquiring new skills and learning new topics in applied statistics. Individuals who are considering a graduate degree in statistics may also be interested, as all courses in this program would transfer to an M.S. within the statistics department.
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The curriculum will prepare students to work with data from a variety of disciplines and perform appropriate procedures to best analyze the data. The curriculum focuses on the assumptions associated with applied statistics procedures and how to verify the assumptions, and it emphasizes appropriate statistical software packages for data analysis and the current workplace technologies for statistical applications. Courses in regression, design of experiments, machine learning algorithms, and applied data analysis are required.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical Center Dept of Biostatistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical Center
Department Dept of Biostatistics
Location Richmond, Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department Dept of Math
Location Blacksburg, Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dept of Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department Dept of Statistics
Location Blacksburg, Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Washington State University Dept of Math & Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Washington State University
Department Dept of Math & Statistics
Location Pullman, Washington United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Washington State University Dept of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Washington State University
Location Pullman, Washington United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 6
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:07PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 25
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students study with faculty who are on the forefront of research in mathematics, statistics, and areas that bridge multiple disciplines. Most MS students concentrate on coursework in the first year, and a research project under their faculty advisor, with some additional coursework, during their second year. Students can specialize in many different disciplines within pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematics education, or statistics, including analysis, geometric measure theory, biometrics, computational statistics, data analytics, discrete mathematics, mathematical modeling, algebra, mathematical biology, optimization, financial analytics, stochastic modeling, and much more. Internships and outside experience are encouraged, and most MS students work for the department as tutors, graders, or teachers.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The application will require: unofficial transcripts from all previous institutions, a GPA above a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, resume/cv, email contact information for three references, and a personal statement (opportunity to highlight relevant experiences and discuss future research interests). International students must submit a TOEFL score of >100 or IELTS >7. All applicants are expected to have a background in mathematics or statistics equivalent to that provided by an undergraduate degree in one of those two disciplines. Ideally, this includes familiarity with material covered in advanced calculus/analysis and linear algebra courses, as well as some experience with computer programming. For the MS Statistics program, at least one course in statistical methods is required.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 9
Full-time women 3
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 11
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students There are around 100 total students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, representing over 20 countries. Many students in other doctoral programs, ie Economics, choose to pursue the MS Statistics degree alongside their PhD. Part-time MS students are defined as students enrolled in another PhD program.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 4
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $12600
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $8700
Comments regarding financial support Full-time graduate students in an MS Math or Statistics program (ie those not in another doctoral program in a different department) can work for the department as tutors, graders, or teachers depending on their preference. These assignments can be up to 20 hours/week. On a semester-by-semester basis depending on funding, an MS student can be put on an assistantship, which comes with a tuition waiver and higher salary. These positions are normally reserved for PhD students but will be provided for MS students if possible.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The majority of our MS graduates find positions as analysts in research, data science, risk management, actuarial science, and finance in a wide variety of industries and fields. Our MS graduates also go on to programming or tech positions in business and government, PhD programs, or teach undergraduate courses at community colleges or universities.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 11
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Please see the program handbook for information about the doctoral degree structure, required courses, qualifying exams, and timeline to graduation:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The application will require: unofficial transcripts from all previous institutions, a GPA above a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, resume/cv, email contact information for three references, and a personal statement (opportunity to highlight relevant experiences and discuss future research interests). International students must submit a TOEFL score of >100 or IELTS >7. All applicants are expected to have a background in mathematics or statistics equivalent to that provided by an undergraduate degree in one of those two disciplines. Ideally, this includes familiarity with material covered in advanced calculus/analysis and linear algebra courses, as well as some experience with computer programming. Statistics students should have completed courses in probability and statistical methods.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 71
Full-time women 30
First year 20
First year women 9
Part-time 10
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students There are around 100 total students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, representing over 20 countries.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 61
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2024
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $17181
Comments regarding financial support Students are normally admitted with an assistantship, which comes with a tuition waiver and salary for up to five years while pursuing a doctoral degree. These are mainly teaching assistantships, which are 20-hour/week assignments. A first year student will most likely teach one calculus lab and tutor at the Math Learning Center; a more advanced student might be the instructor of record of their own course, like Introductory Algebra or Calculus for Business. Students are able to list their teaching/grading preferences for each semester.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates from the Statistical Science PhD program begin careers in both academia and industry, and often have multiple job offers before graduation. Recent placements include: Assistant Professor, College of Wooster (OH) Research Scientist, Baptist Memorial Healthcare Center (TN) Quantitative Analyst, TD Bank Students in the PhD Mathematics program have many opportunities to prepare for a career in academia, industry or government. Recent placements in academia include: Postdoc, Keck School of Medicine at U of Southern California Postdoc, Wake Forest University (NC) Visiting Assistant Professor, Carroll College (MT) Assistant Professor, Whitworth University (WA) Recent placements in industry include: Clinical Pharmacometrician at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Data Scientist, Microsoft Quantitative Model Validation Analyst, First Tech Federal Credit Union (OR)

Washington University Dept of Elect & Sys Engr 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Washington University
Department Dept of Elect & Sys Engr
Location St Louis, Missouri United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Washington University in St. Louis Dept of Mathematics and Statistics

Program(s) offered Bridge/Postbaccalaureate · Masters · Doctoral
Institution Washington University in St. Louis
Location St Louis, Missouri United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 32
Total women 7
Total tenured faculty 20
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 18
Total postdocs 8
Last updated Sep 15 2021 09:47AM
Program specifics: Bridge/Postbaccalaureate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of degrees awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

The Joint Post-baccalaureate Program (JPP) in Mathematics, Physics, and Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis is designed to prepare exceptional individuals who already have a bachelor?s degree in any one of these or related fields to make the transition to graduate school to pursue the Ph.D. Participants will engage in a rigorous plan of study consisting of upper-level coursework and other field specific activities, in a nurturing environment, under the guidance of a faculty mentor at Washington University in St. Louis.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 1
First year
First year women
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Applications will start being accepted September 1, 2022 thru December 15, 2022 for the the FL23/SP24 academic year.
Student support in the Bridge/Postbaccalaureate program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 3
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23360
Comments regarding financial support No duties required. Tuition is for $23,360 over 10 months (August thru May) 2021.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Some students who completed our JPP have successfully transitioned to PhD programs.
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 13
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Per the Director of Graduate Studies, please see for information on courses and qualifying exams.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information GRE
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics · See for details about requirements for the Masters in Mathematics and Statistics.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 18
Full-time women 10
First year 17
First year women 10
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students This was a larger than normal class as we had deferrals from COVID last year and deferrals.
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $57750
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support Our Master's programs are self supported. The tuition per semester is $28,150. There are no stipends offered.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Corporations and Medical Schools
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

See for details about requirements for the PhD in Mathematics and Statistics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 48
Full-time women 16
First year 12
First year women 4
Part-time 0
Additional details regarding enrollments and characteristics of the students Class was a little larger due to deferrals from COVID last year.
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $23460
Comments regarding financial support Stipend is 10 months $23,460. Summer Support is also offered $4,692 total for 2 months.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Academic, Government and Corporate.

Wayne State University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Wayne State University
Location Detroit, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 40
Total women 9
Total tenured faculty 23
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 21
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Feb 9 2023 05:40PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 8
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science · The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 20
Full-time women 11
First year 13
First year women 6
Part-time 3
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21436
Comments regarding financial support Teaching Assistantships are prioritized for PhD students. However, in some cases a Master's candidate has been offered financial support.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been The program prepares students for (i) further graduate study in mathematics and statistics, and (ii) employment in industry.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The program structure may be found here:

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is not required, but sending a good GRE score could help your application. If you have any supporting documents that may help your application, such as copies of your publications, by all means, send them to us.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 30
Full-time women 9
First year 3
First year women 2
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 28
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $21456
Comments regarding financial support As part of the GTA package, the tuition scholarship pays for 10 completed graduate credits per semester. Stipends are typically for five years provided that the student maintains good standing in the program. In addition, the university offers a generous health care and dental benefit.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our students have gone on to have successful careers in research, teaching, and/or industry.

Wesleyan University Dept of Math & Comp Sci

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Wesleyan University
Location Middletown, Connecticut United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 21
Total women 6
Total tenured faculty 13
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 12
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Sep 24 2020 12:14PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Computer Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 3
Full-time women 1
First year 2
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 2
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Data Science · Other · Theoretical Computer Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 17
Full-time women 4
First year 4
First year women 2
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 17
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $34000
Comments regarding financial support Ten hours per week of teaching assistance, including grading, writing solutions, running study sessions or tutoring small groups

West Virginia University Lane Dept CSEE 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution West Virginia University
Department Lane Dept CSEE
Location Morgantown, West Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

West Virginia University School of Mathematical and Data Sciences 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution West Virginia University
Department School of Mathematical and Data Sciences
Location Morgantown, West Virginia United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members 100
Total women 15
Total tenured faculty 25
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 12:34PM

West Virginia University School of Mathematical and Data Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution West Virginia University
Location Morgantown, West Virginia United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 59
Total women 20
Total tenured faculty 26
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 26
Total postdocs 2
Last updated Oct 11 2022 10:40AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 7
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 9
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information MS degree in Mathematics (or closely related subject) required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Geometry/Topology · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Applied Mathematics · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Mathematics Education
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 30
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $2800
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $18500
Comments regarding financial support Supported students have a tuition waiver and a personal health insurance provided to them.

Western Michigan University Department of Statistics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Western Michigan University
Location Kalamazoo, Michigan United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 8 2023 09:11AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Statistics · Data Science
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support? No
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Western Michigan University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Western Michigan University
Department Dept of Math
Location Kalamazoo, Michigan United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Wichita State University Math, Stats & Physics Dept

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral · Certificate
Institution Wichita State University
Location Wichita, Kansas United States of America
Contact information
Number of full-time faculty department members 18
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 11
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Dec 6 2022 02:07PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science · Other · Mathematics - Physics track.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women 7
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14400
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Applied Mathematics · Other · Mathematics - Physics track.
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 25
Full-time women 6
First year
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $14600
Program specifics: Certificate
Is the program offered online? No
Number of certificates awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program
GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
Description of the academic program structure including courses required and available options to fill in gaps in undergraduate training.

What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Certificate program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $

Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Mathematics

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Location Waterloo, Ontario Canada
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 19
Total women 5
Total tenured faculty 18
Total tenured women 5
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 17
Total postdocs 1
Last updated Sep 24 2020 01:14PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

There are three program options: the thesis option, the project option; and the course-based option. There are six fields of concentration including Computational Finance, Financial Math & Risk Management, Math Modelling, Stats & Data Data Analytics.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A four-year (honours) undergraduate degree in mathematics or a related field that includes courses in advanced calculus, probability and statistics, and algebra. A minimum B+ average in the final year of undergraduate study and a cumulative B+ average in mathematics and statistics courses.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Applied Mathematics · Statistics · Data Science · Other · Financial Mathematics and Risk Management, Computational Finance
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 24
Full-time women 7
First year 14
First year women 4
Part-time 2
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 12
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7867
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $19000
Comments regarding financial support All domestic (Canadians and PRC) and selected international students receive financial support. The annual tuition fee is $7867 CAD for domestic students and $20655 CAD for international.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our main goal is to provide students with the advanced and in-demand skill to develop and analyze mathematical models applicable across multiple disciplines. Students can gain research experience through writing a thesis or capstone project where you?ll examine modern problems in depth. Many of our graduates have been successful in the financial sector. Others continued their studies as doctoral students.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 0
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students must complete MA800 - Comprehensive Examination, MA810 - Research Proposal & Qualifying Examination. The minimal course requirements are MA880 - Seminar in Mathematical and Statistical Modelling and at least two elective courses.

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information A master?s degree in a quantitative discipline such as mathematical, statistical, actuarial, computational or engineering sciences, including operations research and risk analysis, with a minimum A- standing.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Other · Financial Mathematics, Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 15
Full-time women 2
First year 5
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 5
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $7867
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $25000
Comments regarding financial support All students receive financial support. The annual tuition fee is $7867 CAD for domestic students and $20655 CAD for international. International students receive additional support that covers the tution fee differential.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Mathematical and statistical modelling is crucial in areas ranging from traditional applications in physical and computer sciences, engineering and technology to diverse emerging applications in health and life sciences, finance, business and economics, environment and ecology, as well as governance and social systems. New types of highly qualified specialists are needed to develop, analyze and apply state-of-the-art quantitative approaches to a variety of issues of unprecedented complexity. This interdisciplinary PhD program will turn each student into an independent researcher capable of succeeding in careers in research, teaching, industry or government.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Location Worcester, Massachusetts United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 43
Total women 8
Total tenured faculty 24
Total tenured women 3
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 24
Total postdocs 10
Last updated May 30 2023 02:02PM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 18
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Additional information The GRE is not required for all of our MS programs.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Mathematics · Applied Mathematics · K-12 Teaching · Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 16
Full-time women
First year
First year women
Part-time 24
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 4
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Math subject · Optional or not required
Additional information Not required for PhD program in Statistics. GRE Subject Test in Math is highly recommended for Mathematical Sciences PhD program.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Algebra/Number Theory · Real, Complex, Functional, Harmonic Analysis (and Topological Groups) · Discrete Math/Combinatorics/Logic/Computer Science · Probability · Biostatistics/Statistics · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Data Science · Other
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 22
Full-time women 4
First year 4
First year women 1
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 22
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $500
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support PhD students are supported as either a teaching assistant or a research assistant throughout their PhD program.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Our Doctoral students have gone on to successful careers in both academia and industry.

Wright State University, Dayton Mathematics & Statistics 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Wright State University, Dayton
Department Mathematics & Statistics
Location Dayton, Ohio United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Yale University Biostatistics Department

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Yale University
Location New Haven, Connecticut United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 24
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated Sep 30 2021 10:21AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Yes
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 34
Special requirements or purposes of the program

A thesis for the MS program is optional. All MS students must do an internship. Many students get a full time position from their internship. This is a two year program and many students obtain research assistant or teaching assistant positions.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Applicants must have a strong quantitative background and a bachelors degree.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Biostatistics · Data Science · We offer three pathway choices for MS students: Data Science Implementation and Prevention Methods Science Standard/Traditional
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 78
Full-time women
First year 52
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $45700
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
Comments regarding financial support Students can obtain teaching fellow positions and research assistant positions.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been MS students enter the fields of data science, research and consulting. Many students enroll in PhD programs upon graduation.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? No
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 5
Special requirements or purposes of the program

Students are required to take 2 years of coursework and complete an internship. At the end of the second year students take qualifying exams and then begin research. Students typically graduate in 5 years.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Students must have a bachelors degree. Please refer to our website for more details:
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Biostatistics/Statistics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 33
Full-time women
First year 7
First year women
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Yes
Number of full-time students receiving support 33
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $36750
Comments regarding financial support PhD students receive a five year funding package that includes stipend, tuition payment and health insurance. We do not have funding for MS students. There are limited scholarships for MPH students.
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates go into academia, industry, consulting and pharmaceuticals. They have been very successful in these fields.

Yale University Dept of Math 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Yale University
Department Dept of Math
Location New Haven, Connecticut United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Yale University Dept of Statistics and Data Science 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Yale University
Department Dept of Statistics and Data Science
Location New Haven, Connecticut United States of America
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

Yeshiva University Department of Mathematical Sciences

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution Yeshiva University
Location New York, New York United States of America
Contact information
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 16
Total women 2
Total tenured faculty 14
Total tenured women 2
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 13
Total postdocs 0
Last updated Sep 21 2020 11:45AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year 10
Special requirements or purposes of the program

To earn the master's degree, students must complete 10 courses (30 credits) - 4 core courses and 6 electives - and a master's thesis. Students may replace the thesis with a written comprehensive exam.

GRE requirement General
Additional information 1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. 2. A major in mathematics, statistics, computer science or one of the physical or engineering sciences. 3. A B average (GPA of 3.0/4.0) in science and mathematics courses. 4. Two letters of recommendation. 5. GRE scores. 6. TOEFL scores.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in Other · Financial Mathematics
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support NA
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Graduates of the master's degree in mathematics are presented with a variety of career opportunities in industry, finance, teaching, research and academia.
Program specifics: PhD
Is the program offered online? Answer not provided
Number of PhDs awarded by the department in the past year 1
Special requirements or purposes of the program

The minimum credit hours required for the PhD is 66. Passing a an advanced qualifying examination is required. Afterwards students can choose elective or reading courses, and start working on thesis research with a faculty adviser. Upon completion and defense of the thesis, the PhD is awarded.

GRE requirement General
Additional information Successful incoming students to the PhD program must have mathematical skills at the masters level, which is often demonstrated by a masters degree and a strong masters thesis.
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a PhD in Geometry/Topology · Probability · Applied Mathematics · Numerical Analysis/Approximations · Linear, Non-linear Optimization/Control · Differential, Integral, Difference Equations · Data Science · Yeshiva University has an exceptional tradition and legacy in mathematical physics, and an impressive track record of training research mathematicians
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time 0
Full-time women 0
First year 0
First year women 0
Part-time 0
Student support in the PhD program
Do they offer financial support? Varies by program
Number of full-time students receiving support 0
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $0
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $0
Comments regarding financial support NA
Comments regarding outcomes students are preparing for, and how successful have they been Students graduating from our PhD program are prepared to pursue mathematics at the highest levels, such as a research mathematician, a university professor or an applied mathematician in industry or government positions.

York Univ Math & Stat Dept 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution York Univ
Department Math & Stat Dept
Location Toronto, Ontario Canada
Number of full-time faculty department members
Total women
Total tenured faculty
Total tenured women
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years
Total postdocs
Last updated

York University Dept of Math & Stat 

Program(s) offered Masters · Doctoral
Institution York University
Location Toronto, Ontario Canada
URL for prospective students
Number of full-time faculty department members 87
Total women 29
Total tenured faculty 51
Total tenured women 14
Tenured faculty who published in the last 3 years 48
Total postdocs 14
Last updated Dec 7 2022 09:19AM
Program specifics: Masters
Is the program offered online? No
Number of Masters awarded by the department in the past year
Special requirements or purposes of the program

GRE requirement Optional or not required
Academic programs
The department encourages applications from those wishing to pursue a Masters Degree in
What skills training resources or workshops does your program or department offer to students?

Full-time women
First year
First year women
Student support in the Masters program
Do they offer financial support?
Number of full-time students receiving support
Typical tuition and fees paid by a full-time student $
Typical stipend/salary paid to a full-time student $
  • Academic Programs

Graduate Program

Learn about our programs.

Our graduate mathematics program is one of the largest in the country — and one of the best. The Department of Mathematics offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Recent changes in the graduate program were aimed at improving opportunities for our students to develop in areas that suit their goals. We invite prospective students to visit to meet faculty and current students and to see first hand what Purdue has to offer.

Program and Course Information

  • Course Schedules
  • Course Descriptions
  • Computational Science & Engineering Program
  • Computational Life Sciences

Funding Opportunities

  • Fellowships
  • Purdue Graduate School Fellowships
  • Teaching Assistantships
  • Student Travel Funds
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Introduction to Departmental Accounts
  • Graduate Student Handbook (PDF)
  • Mathematics Graduate Student Representatives
  • Purdue Graduate School

John Purdue statue.

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067

Phone: (765) 494-1901 - FAX: (765) 494-0548   Contact Us

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Department of Mathematics

Phd requirements.

Hero Image of Students on Campus

  • Prospective Graduate Student FAQ
  • Graduate Board Oral Exam
  • Graduate Courses

Qualifying Exams

  • Recent PhD Theses
  • Graduate Awards

Course Requirements

Mathematics PhD candidates must show satisfactory work in Algebra (110.601-602), Real Variables (110.605), Complex Variables (110.607), and one additional non-seminar mathematics graduate course in their first year. The first-year algebra and analysis requirement can be satisfied by passing the corresponding written qualifying exam in September of the first year; these students must complete at least two courses each semester. In addition, PhD candidates must take Algebraic Topology (110.615) and Riemannian Geometry (110.645) by their second year. Students having sufficient background can substitute an advanced topology course for 110.615, or an advanced geometry course for 110.645 with the permission of the instructor.

Candidates must show satisfactory work in at least two mathematics graduate courses each semester of their second year, and if they have not passed their oral qualifying exam, in the first semester of their third year.

Teaching Seminar

Candidates must take, attend, participate in, and pass the course 110.771 (GTA Teaching Seminar). The seminar is an important part of the preparation for classroom teaching, and thus an essential part of mathematics graduate education. The seminar is generally required in a student’s first year at JHU. A student supported by an external fellowship may delay taking the seminar until the spring before they are required to TA (but may not postpone the seminar entirely).

Candidates must pass written qualifying exams by the beginning of their second year in Analysis (Real & Complex) and in Algebra. Exams are scheduled for September and May of each academic year, and the dates are announced well in advance. More information as well as old exams and syllabi can be found on the Qualifying Exams page .

Candidates must pass an oral qualifying examination in the student’s chosen area of research by April 10th of the third year. The topics of the exam are chosen in consultation with the faculty member who has agreed (provisionally) to be the student’s thesis advisor, who will also be involved in administering the exam.

PhD Dissertation

Candidates must produce a written dissertation based upon independent and original research. After completion of the thesis research, the student will defend the dissertation by means of the  Graduate Board Oral exam . The exam must be held at least three weeks before the Graduate Board deadline the candidate wishes to meet.

Our PhD program does not have a foreign language requirement.

The MA Degree

Although the Department of Mathematics does not admit students seeking a terminal MA degree, students in the PhD program may earn an MA degree.

MA candidates must complete:

  • Four graduate courses given by the Hopkins Department of Mathematics
  • Two additional courses at the graduate or 400 level, other than 110.401, 110.405 and 110.415, given by the Hopkins Department of Mathematics, or with the permission of the graduate program director, graduate mathematics courses given by other departments or universities.

All courses used to satisfy the requirements must be completed with a grade of B- or better. (Advanced graduate courses completed with a grade of P can also be used to satisfy the requirements.)

Department of Mathematics

First-year courses.

The courses described below are the core of the first year graduate program. The program undergoes regular reevaluation and change, so the list of topics is only approximate, and the content of the courses also varies from year to year at the discretion of the instructor.

Math 312: Analysis I

Measure theory, integration and \(L^p\) spaces, differentiation, basic functional analysis. Additional topics may be discussed depending on the instructor.

Prerequisite: Graduate student status or instructor consent

Math 313: Functional Analysis

Weak convergence, compact operators, spectral theory, Sobolev spaces, and some applications. Additional topics may be discussed depending on the instructor.

Prerequisite: Math 312

Math 314: Complex Analysis and Topics in Analysis

Basic complex analysis, Cauchy theorem in the homological formulation, residues, meromorphic functions, Mittag-Leffler theorem, Gamma and Zeta functions, analytic continuation, mondromy theorem, the concept of a Riemann surface, meromorphic differentials, divisors, Riemann-Roch theorem, compact Riemann surfaces, uniformization theorem, Green functions, hyperbolic surfaces, covering spaces, quotients.

Prerequisite: Math 313

Geometry and Topology

Math 317: algebraic topology.

Fundamental group, covering space theory and Van Kampen's theorem (with a discussion of free and amalgamated products of groups), homology theory (singular, simplicial, cellular), cohomology theory, Mayer-Vietoris, cup products, Poincare Duality, Lefschetz fixed-point theorem, some homological algebra (including the Kunneth and universal coefficient theorems), higher homotopy groups, Whitehead's theorem, exact sequence of a fibration, obstruction theory, Hurewicz isomorphism theorem.

Prerequisite: Undergraduate analysis, algebra, and (preferably) topology.

Math 318: Differential Topology

Definition of smooth manifolds, tangent and cotangent bundles, vector bundles. Inverse and implicit function theorems. Sard's theorem and the Whitney embedding theorem. Degree of maps. Vector fields and flows, transversality, and intersection theory. Frobenius' theorem, differential forms and the associated formalism of pullback, wedge product, integration, etc. Cohomology via differential forms, and the de Rham theorem. Further topics may include: compact Lie groups and their representations, Morse theory, cobordism, and differentiable structures on the sphere.

Prerequisite: Math 317

Math 319: Differential Geometry

Riemannian metrics, connections and curvature on vector bundles, the Levi-Civita connection, and the multiple interpretations of curvature. Geodesics and the associated variational formalism (formulas for the 1st and 2nd variation of length), the exponential map, completeness, and the influence of curvature on the topological structure of a manifold (positive versus negative curvature). Lie groups. The Chern-Weil description of characteristic classes, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem and possibly the Hodge Theorem.

Prerequisite: Math 318

Math 325: Representation Theory

Representation theory of finite groups, including symmetric groups and finite groups of Lie type; group rings; Schur functors; induced representations and Frobenius reciprocity; representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, highest weight theory, Schur–Weyl duality; applications of representation theory in various parts of mathematics.

Math 326: Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

This course will explain the dictionary between commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Topics will include the following. Commutative ring theory: Noetherian property; Hilbert Basis Theorem; localization and local rings; etc. Algebraic geometry: affine and projective varieties, ring of regular functions, local rings at points, function fields, dimension theory, curves, higher-dimensional varieties.

Prerequisite: Math 325

Math 327: Topics in Algebra

According to the inclinations of the instructor, this course may cover: algebraic number theory; homological algebra; further topics in algebraic geometry and/or representation theory.

Prerequisite: Math 326

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Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science

Physical Address: Brink Hall 300

Mailing Address: 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1103 Moscow, ID 83844-1103

Phone: 208-885-6742

Fax: 208-885-5843

Email: [email protected]

Web: Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science

  • Ph.D. Mathematics

Career information is not specific to degree level. Some career options may require an advanced degree.

Current Job Openings and Salary Range

in ID, WA, OR, MT and HI



salary-range plot chart graphic

  • Career Options
  • Natural Sciences Manager
  • Appraiser or Assessor of Real Estate
  • Budget Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Financial Quantitative Analyst
  • Fraud Examiner, Investigator or Analyst
  • Mathematician
  • Statistician
  • Biostatistician
  • Bioinformatics Scientist
  • Mathematical Science Teacher, Postsecondary

Regional Employment Trends






Employment trends and projected job growth in ID, WA, OR, MT & HI

*Job data is collected from national, state and private sources. For more information, visit EMSI's data sources page .

  • Degree Prep

If you’re interested in earning a graduate degree in mathematics, you should have:

  • good reasoning skills
  • ability to identify, analyze and apply basic principles to technical problems
  • written and oral communication skills
  • Degree Roadmap
  • Scholarships

Apply for scholarships offered by the University of Idaho.

To find out about deadlines, scholarships and eligibility requirements, please visit the University of Idaho Financial Aid Office .

  • Hands-on Learning

Research is a vital component of your graduate work. Here is an example of research project happening on campus:

  • Bioinformatics and mathematical biology
  • Algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory
  • Analysis and differential equations
  • Combinatorics
  • Discrete geometry
  • Mathematics education
  • Probability and stochastic processes
  • Job Openings and Salary Range
  • Employment Trends

Advanced Mathematical Concepts

With an advanced mathematics degree, you gain the ability to apply complex mathematical theories, computational techniques and algorithms to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics and business-related problems. You may work with faculty on nation-leading research in the areas of bioinformatics, combinatorics, differential equations, algebra and mathematics education.

  • Balanced curriculum that emphasizes fundamental math concepts, hands-on research and specialized math skills
  • A strong national reputation for preparing graduate student
  • Participate in the American Mathematical Association Putnam Examination
  • Math Club hosts a variety of events throughout the school year

Research Areas

We conduct research in the several areas.

Explore our research areas

Meet Our Faculty

Our faculty and instructors are here to prepare you to become the next mathematician.

  • The Student Experience
  • Financial Aid
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  • Undergraduate Arts & Sciences
  • Departments and Programs
  • Research, Scholarship & Creativity
  • Centers & Institutes
  • Geisel School of Medicine
  • Guarini School of Graduate & Advanced Studies
  • Thayer School of Engineering
  • Tuck School of Business

Campus Life

  • Diversity & Inclusion
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  • Student Groups & Activities
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  • [email protected] Contact & Department Info Mail
  • Frank J. Guarini '46
  • Board of Advisors
  • Guarini School Impact and Initiatives
  • Visual Identity
  • From the Dean
  • Visiting Dartmouth
  • Get Involved
  • Living Here
  • Student Services
  • Guarini Student Survey
  • Sarah Cornelius, Guarini
  • Rachel Garlick, Guarini '21
  • Dylan Green, PhD '24
  • Ansh Gupta, MS '24
  • Kayla Iuliano, Postdoc
  • Tongtong Li, Guarini Postdoc
  • Karina Madzari, MALS '24
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Contact the mathematics department.

Learn more about the mathematics department.

Application Requirements

All application materials must be submitted directly through the online application system. We do not accept paper application materials. Official transcripts should not be sent to the Guarini School office during the application process.

Application Fee

English language proficiency .

  • Language proficiency test scores are required for non-US citizens, with the exception of those who are earning or have earned a degree from institutions in the US or Canada, or whose primary language of instruction at their non-US institution was English.
  • We accept TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo 
  • The ETS code for the Guarini School is 3351

Personal Statements

  • 2 required personal statement prompts.

Recommendation Letters

  • 3 required, up to 4 accepted.


  • Your most recent unofficial transcripts should be uploaded as part of your application. Official transcripts are not needed during the application process.

Program Supplement

Please upload a list of upper-level mathematics courses you have taken, specifying which textbooks you have used.

Research Areas

Indicate your interest in pursuing each research area during your graduate study. For more information about our various research groups, click here .

Learn more about the mathematics department faculty.

Questions About the Admissions Process

Admissions information can be found here.

Mathematics Department Website

Application Deadline: December 15, 2024

Degree Offered: PhD

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About: The Independent University of Moscow

The  Independent University of Moscow  (IUM) is a small elite college for future research mathematicians. It was founded in 1991 at the initiative of a group of well-known Russian mathematicians, who now comprise the Academic Council of the University. Professors P. Deligne (IAS, Princeton) and R. McPherson (IAS, Princeton) also played crucial roles in founding the Independent University.

The main goal pursued by the Independent University is to maintain the best traditions of Moscow Mathematical School. Gifted young people obtain the highest possible mathematical education as well as broad possibilities for further research and teaching. In spite of its small size, the high level of students and professors makes the IUM one of the leading mathematical centers in Russia.  A paper in Newsletter of The European Mathematical Society  provides more information about the IUM.

Starting from 1991, lecture courses were given by:

  • V.I. Arnold (Univ. Paris Dauphine and IUM),
  • A.A. Belavin (IUM),
  • B.L. Feigin (IUM),
  • S.M. Gusein-Zade (IUM),
  • Yu.S. Ilyashenko (Cornell Univ. and IUM),
  • A.G. Khovanskii (Univ. of Toronto and IUM),
  • A.A. Kirillov (Univ. of Pennsylvania),
  • I.M. Krichever (Columbia Univ.),
  • S.P. Novikov (Univ. of Maryland),
  • A.N. Rudakov (Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology),
  • Ya.G. Sinai (Princeton),
  • V.A. Vassiliev (IUM),
  • and many others.

The leading professors, including V.I. Arnold, B.L. Feigin, S.P. Novikov, and V.A. Vassiliev gave plenary talks at International Congresses of Mathematicians. V.I. Arnold is an honorary member of numerous universities and the Crafoord Prize winner.

The Independent University has numerous international connections. In 1994 the IUM signed an agreement to collaborate with the leading French institution of higher learning, the École Normale Supérieure (ENS). Each year the best undergraduate and graduate students of the two institutions took part in an academic exchange program, having the opportunity to study under the advisorship of leading scientists of the partner country.

In 1998 a joint research project in geometry and topology with the University of Rennes (France) was initiated and is now efficiently functioning.

In September 2002, a French-Russian Mathematics Laboratory was inaugurated at the IUM, in the presence of high-ranking officials of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the French CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). The ribbon was cut by the recent Fields medalist Laurent Lafforgue who was the guest of the Laboratory for a month. The laboratory has a small permanent staff (six French researchers and twenty Russians) but has the financial means for organizing conferences and inviting visiting researchers.

The IUM has a general mathematics seminar, called “Globus”, where internationally recognized mathematicians give talks to the students and faculty. In 1999-2017 such talks were given by Pierre Cartier (ENS, Paris), Steve Smale (Hong Kong – Berkeley), Anatole Katok (Pennsylvania State University), Laurent Lafforgue (IHES, Paris), A.Vershik (St.Petersburg), A.Beilinson (Chicago), A.Zelevinsky (Boston) and others.

Since 1993, the IUM has offered a (three-year) graduate program. Not only IUM professors, but also other mathematicians are invited as academic advisors. Each graduate student has already published paper(s) of his own. Sixty two of the graduates have already completed the graduate program and defended their PhD theses, five of them have also defended their State Doctor theses (next after Phd and the highest degree in Russia needed to get full professorship in leading universities), three of them have been elected correspondent members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2006 one of our graduates (Andrei Okounkov) was awarded the Fields medal, the Nobel prize analog in mathematics. Graduate students often teach optional courses to IUM students. The possibility for a talented young person to give a course of his/her own choice is one of the advantages of the IUM. In 1998 the American Mathematical Society published a collection of research papers by professors and graduate students of the IUM (“Mathematics at the Independent University of Moscow”, AMS Translations, Series 2, vol.  185 , 1998).

The Independent University is situated in a newly reconstructed modern building of the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education (MCCME) in the very center of Moscow. This building includes a library, a computer class, a cafeteria, a small publishing house, and a bookshop specializing in math books. The library receives a number of scholarly journals that arrive significantly earlier than in any other academic library in Moscow, thanks to the help of our foreign partners.

The publishing house of the IUM and MCCME has published, since its foundation in 1991, several dozen Lecture Notes of the courses given at the IUM. These Lecture Notes are very popular among the students, in particular due to their low prices. Some of them have since been republished by other publishing houses. These include “ Partial differential equations ” by V.I. Arnold, “ Introduction to topology ” by V.A. Vassiliev, “ Algebra for beginners ” by E.B. Vinberg (Factorial Publ.), “ Geometry ” by V.V. Prasolov and V.M. Tikhomirov, “ Knots, links and 3-manifolds ” by V.V. Prasolov and A.B. Sossinsky (MCCME Publ.), “ Kahlerian geometry of loop spaces ” by S.G.Sergeev, “ Differential geometry ” by S.M.Gusein-Zade, “ Lectures in mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms ” by A.Kh.Shen and N.K.Vereshagin, “ Introduction to mathematical statistical physics ” by R.A.Minlos, “ Lectures on generating functions ” by S.K.Lando, “ The moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces, real algebraic curves, and their superanalogs ” by S.M.Natanson, “ Polynomials ” by V.Prasolov, “ Lagrangian and Legandrian characteristic classes ” by V.A.Vassiliev and others.

Since 2001 the IUM has been publishing an English-language Research quarterly, The Moscow Mathematical Journal (distributed in the West by the American Mathematical Society). Now The Moscow Mathematical Journal has the highest impact factor among Russian mathematical journals.

The MCCME works in very close contact with high schools in Moscow and other parts of Russia, with various forms of extra-curricular mathematical education and competitions. IUM and MCCME take part in the organization of such celebrated mathematical competitions as the Moscow High School Mathematical Olympiad and the (international) Tournament of Towns headed by Professor N.N. Konstantinov.

These activities allow the IUM to form a solid base for its own further development.

Advice and Resources for Mathematics Graduate Students

Advice and Resources for Mathematics Graduate Students


Qualifying Review

Students often stress a lot about the QR Exams. Here we gather some advice from students who have made it through this process. For details on the Qualifying Review Process , please see the official math department webpage. It is important to note that the Qualifying Review is not just a sequence of exams: each student is carefully discussed by the Doctoral Committee to determine readiness to pass the Qualifying Review, including their academic record at Michigan (courses, grades, comments of professors) as well as plans with a tentative advisor. The process is not just an all-or-nothing exam score above a certain number. 

That being said, we acknowledge that students do stress about the QR exams, and every math PhD student must pass exams in three subjects (although it is acceptable also to  “course out” of one of the subjects). The Math Department QR Exam page .   has  outlines of each exam’s syllabus,  past QR exams and some solutions. (Beware though, some solutions might have some errors! Write to us if you think you found one!)

Qualifying Review examinations (QRs) are offered in the following four areas – Algebra, Topology, Analysis, and Applied Analysis. Exams are offered before fall term (late August/Early September), before Winter Term (early January) and after winter term (early May). There is no penalty for trying and failing: students are encouraged to try an exam as soon as they think they might be ready.

Students must pass one of these exams by January of their second year. We advise and expect students to try one in May of their first year, after spending that year preparing for the QR exam in that subject by taking the corresponding “Alpha Courses;” if needed, student can make a plan to prepare through the summer and/or fall. Of course, students who have studied the material at the graduate level already are encouraged to take the exams even earlier: your score on the QR is a good data point for choosing classes. It is usually a big mistake to skip the alpha courses without having passed the QR exam in the corresponding subjects.

All three exams should be passed by January of the third year.  You can also `course out’ of one of the QR exams: instead of taking a qual, you can take two courses  specific courses in that area and earn at least B’s. Please read the more detailed rules on the math department website.  

The applied analysis qual is often cancelled, due to no one registering for it.   

Take the alpha courses.

The alpha classes (Math 593, 594, 591, 592, 596, 597) are designed to prepare you for the quals. You might think that are not related to your field of interest, but the content of these courses is something every mathematician should be proficient in.  For those with more applied interests, you can substitute Math 556, 572 for 592 and 594.

Start taking the QRs early, and try again and again.

Start early and don’t be afraid of taking a QR exam even if you are not fully prepared. Sometimes the quals are easy and you might get lucky, and there are no penalties for failing a given qual. 

Don’t be afraid of coursing out.

If you only have one QR remaining and have not been able to clear it despite multiple attempts, consider coursing out. 

Focus on one Exam at a time

Try to get at least one QR done at a time. You can study for multiple quals at a time, but study more for one particular area, that you feel the most confident about. 

Form study groups

If you plan to study on your own, you might often not feel motivated enough to do it. In such cases, it is good to have form a study group to keep you focused. In addition, your study partners might know how to solve some problems that you don’t. You can easily find people studying for a particular exam by either asking around or sending an email to the math graduate student list. Additionally, the AWM sometimes has  QR study sessions before the exams.

Take timed practice exams

Many people perform very differently under time pressure. Try to solve a past QR exam in three hours. This will simulate the time pressure that you will face during an exam and will make you better prepared for it. 

  • The alpha courses are designed to prepare students for the QR exams, in addition to being a great overview of the particular areas by masters in the field (and potential dissertation advisors).  It is not a good idea to skip these courses unless you first pass the QR exam. 
  • Before taking the exam in a particular subject,  you can sit in the appropriate alpha courses without registering to review, and/or as seek out course notes and problem sets from previous alpha classes. You can make a habit to work with the first year students on their problem sets, even if you are not in the course.
  • Past QR Exams are probably the best resources to study for QRs for those who have already taken the courses.
  • Mel Hochster made extensive study materials for the Algebra QR exam, including practice problems and solutions, over a period of time in the early 2000’s:
  • Review Materials from Fall 2002
  • Review Materials from Fall 2003
  • Also, scroll down Mel’s website :  toward the bottom are Old Algebra QR Exams with solutions from January 2004, May 2004, September 2004, and January 2005.
  • Harry Richman has written out solutions to some Analysis QRs –
  • Eamon Quinlan’ s notes for the Analysis QR-  

Sanal Shivaprasad

I took all the quals as soon as I came in. In retrospect, this was probably a bad idea. I was just settling in to a new place, and the quals were right after a tiring week of the teaching orientation. I remember that period as being one of the most stressful times at the university. 

I would recommend you try to take as many of the quals as you can when you come in (maybe 1 or 2), while not stressing too much about it. And, don’t expect to get any studying done in the week right the quals before, due to the teaching orientation.

Rachel Webb

For me, the best way to study for a test is to take old versions of the test. I start doing old tests from the beginning of my study, beginning with the oldest one available. At first it may take me several weeks to get through a test, as I need to go reread relevant parts of the textbook and maybe work several easier homework problems before I can solve the test problems. But solving the tests slowly gets faster, and by the end of my study I can solve a test in one or two days.

I would definitely recommend studying for the quals through past exams. I personally went through around 4-5 past exams in Analysis and Algebra, and made sure that I understood each problem (some older Analysis exams do not have solutions, so I asked them on Stack Exchange). Taking notes on some common tricks is also useful — for instance, the density argument in Real Analysis. 

Another minor aspect is that for some Analysis/PDE students, the “Applied Analysis” exam might be worth considering. My experience is that, having learnt numerical differential equations, the Applied Analysis exam was a lot easier to me than the Algebraic Topology exam. The skills tested turned out more useful as well. 

Recent Posts

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  • Opportunities to teach in LSA’s Program for Computing in the Arts and Sciences (PCAS) April 23, 2024
  • Thoughts from UM Math PhD Roman Gayduk October 15, 2023
  • The Care and Maintenance of your Advisor September 6, 2023
  • Opportunity for Data Science Training for Women April 21, 2023

Karen Smith [email protected]

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Department of Philosophy

Dietrich college of humanities and social sciences, doctorate program in philosophy, the philosophy ph.d. is primarily intended for students interested in a continuing career in academic analytic philosophy..

The program's flexible requirements provide broad curricular grounding in both traditional and formal philosophy, interdisciplinary exposure, steady involvement in research, and the opportunity to practice the craft of teaching in a top-notch undergraduate environment. Students are expected to complete a Master’s thesis by the middle of their third year, and a Ph.D. thesis by the end of their fifth year.

Core (2 courses)

Core Seminar I & II are required for all students with no exceptions.

  • 80600 (fall term)
  • 80602 (spring term)

Formal Methods (2.5 courses)

  • 80603 FMM: Tools & Techniques (only to be taken by students who need an extra “bridge” into formal/technical material)
  • 80604 FMM: Computability Theory
  • 80607 FMM: Topology
  • 80608 FMM: Evolutionary Game Theory
  • 80609 FMM: Classical Logic
  • 80613 FMM: Language and Meaning
  • 80616 FMM: Decisions and Games
  • 80617 FMM: Causation
  • 80618 FMM: Algorithmic Complexity
  • 80619 FMM: Epistemic Logic and Topology

1 “formal methods” course, broadly construed (starred* in the course list )

If your “formal” course is not in the Logic category, one of your Formal Methods minis must be Classical Logic.

Breadth (5 courses)

5 courses total, with at least one from each of:

  • Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Math, and Epistemology
  • Language, Linguistics, and Mind
  • Value Theory

Interdisciplinary (1 course)

1 course outside of Philosophy, e.g.:

  • from another department at Carnegie Mellon University
  • from a non-Philosophy (and non-HPS) department at The University of Pittsburgh
  • This requirement can be satisfied through one or more internships, subject to advisor and DGS approval.

Elective (3 courses)

Any 3 courses from our department. Optionally, one of these may instead be a second Interdisciplinary course.

Master’s thesis Prospectus Ph.D. Thesis

This is 13.5 courses in total. No course may be used to satisfy more than one requirement.

  • No more than 2 directed readings may be used to satisfy non-elective requirements.
  • At least 2 courses must be seminars (see course list): advanced, discussion-based courses that engage with professional philosophy and include a significant writing component.

The department's interdisciplinary research thrust affords an unusually broad range of career possibilities. Graduates of the program have been offered positions in Philosophy, Mathematics, Psychology, Computer Science, and Statistics, as well as research positions in industry. This wide range of interesting career opportunities reflects the department's unique dedication to serious, interdisciplinary research ties.

For a complete listing of our graduates and placement record, see our Ph.D. alumni page .

Graduate Student Timeline

  • Graduate Application
  • Support Philosophy @ CMU

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Math Course Flowchart

Part of a graph showing prerequisite dependencies between math courses

Interactive Math Course Prerequisite Flowchart

Course codeCourse namePrerequisiterecommended prerequisite
Math 18Foundations for Calculus  
Math 19CalculusMath 18 
Math 20CalculusMath 19 
Math 21CalculusMath 20 
Math 51Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern ApplicationsMath 21 
Math 52Integral Calculus of Several VariablesMath 51 
Math 53Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Fourier Methods, and Modern ApplicationsMath 51 
Math 56Proofs and Modern Mathematics  
Math 61CMModern Mathematics: Continuous MethodsMath 21 
Math 61DMModern Mathematics: Discrete MethodsMath 21 
Math 62CMModern Mathematics: Continuous MethodsMath 61CM 
Math 62DMModern Mathematics: Discrete MethodsMath 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 63CMModern Mathematics: Continuous MethodsMath 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 63DMModern Mathematics: Discrete MethodsMath 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 75SILearn to Give a Math Talk  
Math 77QProbability and GamblingMath 51 
Math 87QMathematics of Knots, Braids, Links, and Tangles  
Math 101Math Discovery LabMath 51 or Math 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 104Applied Matrix TheoryMath 51 
Math 106Functions of a Complex VariableMath 52 
Math 107Graph TheoryMath 51 + Math 56 
Math 108Introduction to Combinatorics and Its ApplicationsMath 51 
Math 109Groups and SymmetryMath 51 
Math 110Number Theory for CryptographyMath 51 
Math 113Linear Algebra and Matrix TheoryMath 51 
Math 115Functions of a Real VariableMath 51 or Math 56 
Math 116Complex AnalysisMath 52 + Math 171 
Math 117Advanced Complex AnalysisMath 116 
Math 118Mathematics of ComputationMath 53 
Math 120Groups and RingsMath 113 or (Math 51 + Math 56) 
Math 121Galois theoryMath 120Math 113
Math 122Modules and Group RepresentationsMath 120 + Math 113 
Math 131PPartial Differential EquationsMath 53 
Math 136Stochastic ProcessesMath 151Math 115
Math 137Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics(Math 53 + Math 147) or (Math 62CM + Math 63CM) 
Math 143Differential GeometryMath 52 
Math 144Introduction to Topology and GeometryMath 61CM or (Math 113 + Math 171) 
Math 145Algebraic GeometryMath 120 
Math 147Differential TopologyMath 144 
Math 148Algebraic TopologyMath 109 or Math 120 
Math 151Introduction to Probability TheoryMath 61CM or (Math 52 + Math 56) 
Math 152Elementary Theory of NumbersMath 51 + Math 56 
Math 154Algebraic Number TheoryMath 121 
Math 155Analytic Number TheoryMath 106 + Math 152 
Math 158Probability and Stochastic Differential Equations for ApplicationsMath 53 + Math 151 
Math 159Discrete Probabilistic MethodsMath 151 
Math 161Set TheoryMath 56 
Math 171Fundamental Concepts of AnalysisMath 61CM or Math 61DM or (Math 51 + Math 115) 
Math 172Lebesgue Integrations and Fourier AnalysisMath 171 
Math 173Theory of Partial Differential EquationsMath 171 
Math 175Elementary Functional AnalysisMath 115 or Math 171 
Math 193Polya Problem Solving Seminar  

Major in Mathematics

First upper-division math courses.

It should be emphasized that the character of mathematics changes sharply between lower and upper-division courses. The role of computation diminishes and there is a greater emphasis on deductive reasoning. While some students find the theoretical approach more congenial, most find upper-division courses more difficult. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that only students who earned grades of B- or better in all of Math 53, Math 54 or Math 56, and Math 55 apply to the major programs in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics. Additionally, the advising staff recommend Mathematics 110 as your first upper-division class. Students are more successful in making the transition with this course. Math 104 is a particularly demanding class and should be taken later in your program. Be aware that top students spend 12 to 15 hours per class beyond the lectures and sections, so plan your course load accordingly.

Eligibility to Declare the Major

You are eligible to declare the major in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics if you have met ALL of the following criteria:

  • Completion of Math 1A & Math 1B (or equivalent) with averages grades of at least "C". For our policy on Advanced Placement scores, please see the following  link .
  • Completion of Math 53, Math 54 or Math 56, and Math 55 (or equivalent) with minimum grades of "C" in each, or completion of two of those three courses (with minimum grades of "C" in each) and currently enrolled in the third.  If declaring while currently enrolled in the final lower-division requirement, that course will need to be completed with a letter grade of at least "C".  Please note that we will only accept Computer Science 70 in lieu of Math 55 if you are declared major in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and declare Mathematics/Applied Mathematics as an additional major.
  • If you have already taken one or more upper division math courses, you should have a grade point average of at least 2.0 from those courses completed at the time of declaration. Note, however, that you do not need to have completed an upper division math course in order to declare.

Any alterations to the above requirements must be authorized (in writing) by the Head Major Advisor, upon referral from an Undergraduate Advisor in 964 or 965 Evans Hall.

Major Declaration Procedures

Submit an Application for the Major in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics to our dedicated declaration email address, both of which you can find our our  declaration webpage . 

Note that double majors require signatures from both your departments. If we are the first to sign your Double Major Petition, we will send it back to you to take to your second department. If your Double Major Petition is already signed by your first department, we can forward it to L&S Advising for final approval.)

Honors Program

See our  Honors page  for information about graduating with honors in Math or Applied Math.

Course Enrollment and CalCentral

Each semester advising holds are placed on math and applied math majors who have been declared for more than one semester. Mathematics and Applied Mathematics majors must consult with their Faculty Advisor for their first CalCentral registration period after declaring the major.  In subsequent semesters, they may meet with the Staff Advisors. Meeting the Faculty or Staff Advisors should take place prior to the student's enrollment appointment to ensure removal of the hold in a timely manner. Before meeting with the Advisor, the student should plan a tentative program for the coming semester, and have an overall plan for completing the major. Enrollment packets consisting of a Course Approval Form (green) and a Major Checklist (white) which shows your completed courses and grades will be available in the Main Office (970 Evans) two weeks prior to the start of Phase I enrollment appointments. Faculty Advisors hold regular  office hours  during the academic year. These hours are also posted on the bulletin board outside 964 Evans. It is best to allow time for more than one meeting in case decisions depend on information not available at the first visit. When the Advisor and the student have agreed on a program of study, the Advisor will sign the Course Approval Form (green). Approved electives should be indicated on the bottom of the program form and initialed by the Advisor. Major holds are released by the Staff Advisors in 964 and 965 Evans Hall. Admitted transfer students should participate in orientation programs during the Summer preceding their first semester at Cal. Returning students should see their faculty advisor or the Undergraduate Advisor during the semester prior to their readmitted term. Although students are formally required to see their Faculty Advisors only when they first declare the major, they are strongly encouraged to consult with them, or seek the advice of any faculty member, at any time. If the Advisor's  office hours  conflict with the student's classes, the student should schedule an appointment with via email.

Credit by Examination

Outstanding  lower-division  students may choose to fulfill one or more of the lower-division requirements via credit-by-exam. Although the University awards only P/NP grades for credit-by-exam, credit-by-exam in any of the lower division prerequisite classes is acceptable for entry into the major. The Credit by Examination Petition is available through the following  link  on the Office of the Registrar's forms website. In order to file the petition, the student must acquire the approval of: (a) an instructor willing to administer the examination, and (b) the Major Advisor, ( only if already declared ).  The list of eligibility criteria for Credit by Examination can be found on page two of the petition. (Note: you must be registered in the term in which the examination is to be taken; you may only take Credit by Exam in Fall and Spring terms; you must already have a 2.0 or better UC GPA - meaning it can be taken only after at least one term at UC.)

Course Equivalency

Equivalency of courses taken at other colleges and universities should be determined early in the application process. Articulation agreements with the California Community Colleges can be found on and non-California Community College coursework will be individually evaluated by a Non-Major Faculty Advisor prior to the student declaring the major or minor. For more information about this process, visit our  Course Equivalency website .

Program Changes

Students can add or drop courses via CalCentral through the WEDNESDAY of the FOURTH week of classes. Grading option changes from letter grade to Pass/No Pass or from Pass/No Pass to letter grade can be done via CalCentral through the TENTH week of classes. Any student with fewer than 13 units needs permission from L&S Undergraduate Advising, located on the 2nd floor of Evans Hall, for a reduced study load.

Minimum and Maximum Limits of Number of Mathematics Courses Taken

Majors must take a minimum of four upper-division courses to establish residency in either of the math majors. The only limitation on the maximum number of upper-division and graduate mathematics courses a major may take is a College of Letters and Science regulation which states that students cannot register beyond the semester in which s/he surpasses their 130th unit. Advance planning can result in hitting 130 units and having an additional semester available, should you need it. An Undergraduate Advisor in 964 or 965 Evans can assist you.

Passed/Not Passed Grading (P/NP)

Courses taken to fulfill major requirements must be taken for a letter grade. The one exception is four units of Mathematics 199 (offered pass/not pass only) which may be used if approved by one's Faculty Advisor. Mathematics 199 cannot be used to study material covered in standard courses. To be eligible for enrollment, a student must have completed 60 units and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Additional regulations concerning 199 courses are outlined in the College of Letter and Science Earning Your Degree Guide. Staff in 970 Evans can assist students with the enrollment procedure.

Probation and Dismissal

A mathematics major whose cumulative grade-point average in the upper-division major taken at Berkeley falls below 2.0 will be placed on departmental probation. The departmental grade-point average computation includes both required courses in the major and approved electives. Any additional upper-division or graduate mathematics courses which are not used to satisfy major requirements are exempted. Students are expected to check their grades at the end of each semester. A student on probation will be subject to dismissal from the major if the grade-point average is not brought up to 2.0 within the following term. Questions concerning probation and dismissal may be directed to an Undergraduate Advisor in 964 or 965 Evans or the College of Letters and Science Advising, 206 Evans Hall.

Additional Academic Assistance

The Undergraduate Program Office, 970 Evans Hall, maintains a  list of tutors  for students seeking assistance. There are tutors listed for mathematics courses at all levels, from the most basic, precalculus courses, through upper-division, and even including basic graduate level courses. Students make arrangements with tutors on an individual basis. The  Student Learning Center , located in the Cesar Chavez Center, offers group and drop-in tutoring for the basic lower division classes: Mathematics 1A-1B, and 53-54. Call (510) 642-7332 for scheduling and other information. There are also Academic Centers located at the dorms that provide drop-in tutoring during the evenings.


  1. Ph.D. In Mathematics: Course, Eligibility Criteria, Admission, Syllabus

    math phd courses

  2. About Program

    math phd courses

  3. Ph.D. in Mathematics

    math phd courses

  4. Mathematics Education, PhD

    math phd courses

  5. Math Education PhD Program Rankings

    math phd courses

  6. PhD in Mathematics

    math phd courses


  1. PhD Program

    To qualify for candidacy, the student must have successfully completed 27 units of Math graduate courses numbered between 200 and 297. The course sequence requirement is discontinued for students starting in Autumn 2023 and later. By the end of Spring Quarter of their second year in the program, students must have a dissertation advisor and ...

  2. Graduate Program

    Our graduate program is unique from the other top mathematics institutions in the U.S. in that it emphasizes, from the start, independent research. Each year, we have extremely motivated and talented students among our new Ph.D. candidates who, we are proud to say, will become the next generation of leading researchers in their fields. While we ...

  3. Mathematics PhD Program

    Mathematics PhD Program. The Ph.D. program in the Department of Mathematics provides students with in-depth knowledge and rigorous training in all the subject areas of mathematics. A core feature is the first-year program, which helps bring students to the forefront of modern mathematics. Students work closely with faculty and each other and ...

  4. Ph.D. Program

    In outline, to earn the PhD in either Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, the candidate must meet the following requirements. During the first year of the Ph.D. program: Take at least 4 courses, 2 or more of which are graduate courses offered by the Department of Mathematics. Pass the six-hour written Preliminary Examination covering calculus ...

  5. Department of Mathematics at Columbia University

    The PhD program is an intensive course of study designed for the full-time student planning a career in research and teaching at the university level or in quantitative research and development in industry or government. Admission is limited and highly selective. ... The PhD program in mathematics has an enrollment of approximately 60 students ...

  6. PhD in Applied Mathematics

    Undergraduate-level courses cannot be used. For details on course requirements, see the school's overall PhD course requirements and the individual program pages linked therein. Program Plan (i.e., the set of courses to be used towards the degree) approval by the Committee on Higher Degrees (CHD). Minimum full-time academic residency of two years.

  7. Ph.D. in Mathematics

    The Ph.D. program also offers students the opportunity to pursue their study and research with Mathematics faculty based at NYU Shanghai. With this opportunity, students generally complete their coursework in New York City before moving full-time to Shanghai for their dissertation research. For more information, please visit the NYU Shanghai Ph ...

  8. Harvard Mathematics Department Graduate Information

    The application deadline for fall 2024 admission has passed. Applications for fall 2025 admission will open in September 2024. For information on admissions and financial support, please visit the Harvard Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Harvard Griffin GSAS is committed to ensuring that our application fee does ...

  9. Mathematics, PhD < Johns Hopkins University

    Course Requirements. Mathematics PhD candidates must show satisfactory work in Algebra (110.601-602), Real Variables (110.605), Complex Variables (110.607), and one additional non-seminar mathematics graduate course in their first year. The first-year algebra and analysis requirement can be satisfied by passing the corresponding written ...

  10. Mathematics

    The Mathematics Graduate School at Princeton University offers a rigorous and diverse program of study and research in various branches of pure and applied mathematics. Learn about the admission requirements, deadlines, fees, tuition, courses, and faculty of this prestigious institution.

  11. PhD in Mathematics

    The requirements for obtaining an PhD in Mathematics can be found on the associated page of the BU Bulletin. Courses: The courses mentioned on the BU Bulletin page can be chosen from the graduate courses we offer here. Half may be at the MA 500 level or above, but the rest must be at the MA 700 level or above.

  12. PhD in Mathematics

    The following requirements must be fulfilled: The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Programs. The requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Program. Pre-candidacy. Pre-candidacy requirements include satisfactory completion of 48 credits of coursework and achievement of a passing grade in the general examination.

  13. Mathematics Graduate Program

    Students in the Penn Math graduate program can pursue Ph.D. or masters degrees, in preparation for research or professional careers in mathematics. The Ph.D. program ordinarily takes five years, during which students receive generous funding, first while taking courses and later while working on research under the supervision of a faculty advisor.

  14. AMS :: Find Graduate Programs

    Edit existing listing. Find Graduate Programs (FGP) in the Mathematical Sciences offers comparative information on over 500 graduate programs in the mathematical sciences in the US and Canada. This web service provides only an overview of the programs offered; departments should be contacted directly for more detailed information.

  15. AMS :: Find Graduate Programs

    Required courses for an Applied Mathematics PhD include numerical analysis and differential equations, optimization, modeling, and ODEs/PDEs. Qualifying exams in algebra and analysis for Mathematics, and modeling/analysis and scientific computation for Applied Mathematics.

  16. Graduate Program

    Our graduate mathematics program is one of the largest in the country — and one of the best. The Department of Mathematics offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Recent changes in the graduate program were aimed at improving opportunities for our students to develop in areas that suit their goals.

  17. PhD Requirements

    Course Requirements Mathematics PhD candidates must show satisfactory work in Algebra (110.601-602), Real Variables (110.605), Complex Variables (110.607), and one additional non-seminar mathematics graduate course in their first year. The first-year algebra and analysis requirement can be satisfied by passing the corresponding written qualifying exam in September of the first year; these ...

  18. First-Year Courses

    The courses described below are the core of the first year graduate program. The program undergoes regular reevaluation and change, so the list of topics is only approximate, and the content of the courses also varies from year to year at the discretion of the instructor. Analysis Math 312: Analysis I

  19. The Graduate Program

    The Department of Mathematics offers Ph.D. programs in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. The department also supports students in the Graduate Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science, an interdisciplinary doctoral program shared between the departments of Philosophy and Mathematics.At this time, we no longer offer a terminal Master's degree program.

  20. Program Overview

    The "Math in Moscow" program was founded in 2001 as a math study abroad program. Over 400 students from 200 universities have participated in the program. Over 100 of them have already got their PhD degrees. In 2020 the program had to switch to online instruction. Now you can pick any courses from the list we offer for each semester.

  21. Ph.D. Mathematics

    With an advanced mathematics degree, you gain the ability to apply complex mathematical theories, computational techniques and algorithms to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics and business-related problems. You may work with faculty on nation-leading research in the areas of bioinformatics, combinatorics, differential equations ...

  22. Mathematics

    Please upload a list of upper-level mathematics courses you have taken, specifying which textbooks you have used. Research Areas. Indicate your interest in pursuing each research area during your graduate study. For more information about our various research groups, click here.

  23. Doctoral School in Mathematics

    The Doctoral School in Mathematics of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, is pleased to announce 20 fully funded PhD positions in all areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. Education success builder Reporting an event. March 17, 2017.

  24. About: The Independent University of Moscow

    Graduate students often teach optional courses to IUM students. The possibility for a talented young person to give a course of his/her own choice is one of the advantages of the IUM. In 1998 the American Mathematical Society published a collection of research papers by professors and graduate students of the IUM ("Mathematics at the ...

  25. Graduate Studies in Mathematics

    Our department offers Masters degrees in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics as well as a Ph.D. Degree in Mathematics, which can have an emphasis in any of the three areas mentioned. ... Director of Graduate Studies. Mathematics Department Tulane University 6823 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 70118 phone: (504) 865-5727 fax: (504 ...

  26. Qualifying Review

    Of course, students who have studied the material at the graduate level already are encouraged to take the exams even earlier: your score on the QR is a good data point for choosing classes. It is usually a big mistake to skip the alpha courses without having passed the QR exam in the corresponding subjects.

  27. Department of Philosophy

    1 "formal methods" course, broadly construed (starred* in the course list) If your "formal" course is not in the Logic category, one of your Formal Methods minis must be Classical Logic. Breadth (5 courses) 5 courses total, with at least one from each of: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Math, and Epistemology; Language, Linguistics ...

  28. Graduate Programs

    Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice Programs; Program Degree; Social Work, Social Policy, and Social Administration: MA/PhD: Master's Program in Social Sector Leadership and Nonprofit Management ... Mathematics: PhD: Physics: PhD: Master of Science in Statistics: MS: Doctoral Program in Statistics: PhD: Pritzker School of ...

  29. Math Course Flowchart

    Math 161: Set Theory: Math 56 : Math 171: Fundamental Concepts of Analysis: Math 61CM or Math 61DM or (Math 51 + Math 115) Math 172: Lebesgue Integrations and Fourier Analysis: Math 171 : Math 173: Theory of Partial Differential Equations: Math 171 : Math 175: Elementary Functional Analysis: Math 115 or Math 171 : Math 193: Polya Problem ...

  30. Major in Mathematics

    The only limitation on the maximum number of upper-division and graduate mathematics courses a major may take is a College of Letters and Science regulation which states that students cannot register beyond the semester in which s/he surpasses their 130th unit. Advance planning can result in hitting 130 units and having an additional semester ...