franchise business plan deca

The Ultimate Written Event Guide

franchise business plan deca

Before serving as the 2018-2019 High School Division President, he was an international finalist, earning second place in the International Business Plan at ICDC in Anaheim. Andrew Weatherman took home DECA glass and now he’s taking the time to share his insider secrets with you.

Stage 1: Finding The Right Event

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room: written events aren’t for everyone. They’re a super fun and different way to compete, but they sure aren’t suited for the average member. Written events are a process, and they require months of preparation, all-nighters, and a lot — a lot — of research. If you love solving a challenging problem on your feet, then I’d advise staying away from written events (go for role plays!). However, if you like having a prepared plan and the opportunity to rehearse, go ahead and try a written event!

Think a written event is for you? Great! Before you dive in and begin planning your paper, you must decide which event to compete in! The great thing is that DECA’s Competitive Event series offers a plethora of exciting events to chose from. Unfortunately, you can only pick one. In my opinion, choosing the right event is the most overlooked but vital part of the competition process. DECA breaks the written events into four categories: Business and Operations Research Events, Project Management Events, Entrepreneurship Events, and Integrated Marketing Campaign Events. Want to check out all DECA’s competitive event options? Take a look at the complete list in the DECA Guide. In this article, I’ll summarize each written event and add a little commentary. For more details, head to

Business and Operations Research Events 

Events in this category have a maximum page limit of 20 pages and allow for a single competitor, a partnership, or a team of three. There are five events that fall under the Business Operations Research umbrella: Business Services, Buying and Merchandising, Finance Operations, Hospitality and Tourism Operations, and Sports and Entertainment Operations. Business Operations Research events provide you the opportunity to conduct research with a local business/organization and present your findings to a judge at competition. These events follow a topic that changes from year-to-year. Business Operations Research events are a great way to connect with local business and understand how they work! If you like business research and strategy, Business Operations Research is a great fit for you!

Project Management Events

In my home association of North Carolina, Project Management events are the Holy Grail; if you want to prove that you are the best competing chapter, a great way to do that is to tackle the Project Management events. Like BOR events, Project Management events have a maximum page limit of 20 pages and allow for a single competitor, a partnership, or a team of three chapter representatives. There are six events that fall under the Project Management umbrella: Business Solutions Project, Career Development Project, Community Awareness Project, Community Giving Project, Financial Literacy Project and Sales Project. Project Management events provide the amazing opportunity to engage chapter members in school-wide/community-wide activities that cover the specific event. Many chapters already put on amazing school/community activities, and the Project Management events allow you to showcase your chapter’s awesome outreach/impact! I always recommend chapters of any size to pick an event and go for it! If your chapter is up to the challenge, you can do all six events! If you like event planning and management and want to have a tangible impact on your school or community, try a project management event!

Entrepreneurship Events

My favorite written event category, Entrepreneurship Events give you the opportunity to “explore entrepreneurial concepts from idea generation, business planning, to growing an existing business.” Unlike Business Operations Research and Chapter Team events, however, the events that fall under the Entrepreneurship umbrella have different rules from one another. The Innovation Plan is the shortest written event available, clocking in at a maximum page limit of five. The Start-up Business Plan is an intermediary, having a maximum page limit of eleven. While the Franchise Business Plan, Independent Business Plan, Business Growth Plan, and International Business Plan have a maximum page limit of 10. Unlike all other written events, though, the Business Growth Plan has strict rules on who can compete; since this event involves crafting a detailed growth plan and strategy for a business owned by a DECA member, all competitors must be “documented owners/operators of the business — a parents’ business does not qualify.” All events, though, allow for a single competitor, a partnership, or a team of three. Having a budding affinity for the world of entrepreneurship, I instantly gravitated towards these events. My sophomore year I competed in Start-Up Business Plan, and my junior year I competed in International Business Plan. If you have any interest in entrepreneurship, I highly recommend looking into these events!

Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

This is a new event this year! The Integrated Marketing Campaign Events provide an opportunity for the participants to demonstrate promotional knowledge and skills needed by marketing personnel. There are three different events within IMC. Event includes a campaign that is related to any sports and entertainment event and/or company event. Product includes a campaign that is related to any hard/soft line retail products including e-commerce. Service includes a campaign that is related to any service or intangible product.  These events have a maximum page limit of ten pages and allow for a single competitor, a partnership, or a team of three. If tests aren’t your thing, I recommend staying away from these events. The test will factor into your overall score, and a low test score could spell doom for your Glass hopes. If you are a strong test taker who wants to compete in written events but still wants a taste of series events (and has an interest in the marketing field), definitely check these events out!

So Which Is Right For Me?

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the numerous written events offered, you are probably overloaded with potential options and don’t know which to pick. Surprisingly, this is a great problem to have! Unfortunately, there is no binary solution. No formula, advice, etc. can make that decision for you. Go with your gut; ask teachers and fellow members, but the end decision is yours, so own it.

“Choose something you are passionate about. The less passionate you are about your topic, the less productive you will be.”  –Ben Smith; Wisconsin DECA VP of Event Management.

When I decided to compete in a written event my junior year, it was a no-brainer: I love presenting and researching, so of course, I had to go the written route! The tough decision, though, was what event to pick. I knew I had to go for an entrepreneurship event so that automatically narrowed the field. The previous year, I competed in an ten-page event, and I thought that limit was too restrictive, so I had to go for a twenty-pager. Honestly, the decision was only between two events — Independent or International. Like I said, I love researching, and I really wanted to squeeze the most out of this event as I could. That said, I chose the International Business Plan because it gave me the opportunity to research the culture and business/entrepreneurship environment of another country.

Stage 2: The Core

Now that you have a better understanding of what written event you’d like to compete in, we can move onto the skeleton of your event: the core member(s). This is the stage that you DO NOT WANT TO SKIP. You can slack on any other stage and produce a winning project, but if you chose to slack on this stage, then you can kiss your Glass hopes bye.

Team or No Team — That is The Question

Every DECA written event allows you to compete solo, as a partnership, or as a group of three. Like every project or idea, the team is the backbone and will make or break everything. Choosing your team, or not choosing one, is the single most important decision you will make during your project. Your partner/group members, though, must be from your home chapter.

Flying Solo — Pros and Cons

If you are the type of person who wants absolute control over every aspect of your project, this is the route you need to take. Personally, I chose to fly solo. If you lack innate self-initiative and are a weak presenter, I urge you to not even consider this option. Flying solo feels great — you never have to deal with conflicting schedules, you can work on your own time, and you make every decision. But, that also opens you up to some pretty (potentially) devastating negatives. When it comes to presenting, you have the full load of work; you can’t rely on someone else to cover certain parts. When it comes time to make a decision, you have full say, so if you don’t consult outside help, you’re getting a very biased view. You have no one to hold you responsible to any deadline, and if you start to lose interest, you will have to find a way to reel yourself back in.

Teaming— Pros and Cons

If you have a strong core of one or two chapter members that possess wildly different (applicable) skill sets and mesh well, forming a team with those members is a great way to go. From the paper standpoint, the team route (when executed well) decreases the workload and dependence of all members. From a presenting standpoint, each member can cover certain parts of the pitch, which should allow for better (and impressive) flow and transition (plus you can wear matching outfits, and that’s pretty cool). However, this route also opens itself up to (potentially) devastating negatives: team communication has to be at maximum level during the project (I recommend Slack if you have a team of three); arguments can break out over trite team decisions. If done well, teaming can be a perfect option, but any slip up during the project could spell doom to all of your hard work. Tred with caution.

I recommend setting aside a few weeks at the start of school to survey new DECA members and observe returners (summer changes some people). If you take this step early, there is absolutely no reason to rush to rash and impulsive decisions. If you decide to form a partnership or team, take a week to just talk — doesn’t have to be about DECA. No matter the skillset or promises offered by anyone, you must mesh well with your team (this isn’t necessarily a start-up; no need to be a Steve Jobs). Also, a word of wisdom: I’ve gotten burned by (looking back) ludicrous promises by teammates. Don’t be blinded by outlandish promises; they are almost always too good to be true.

Stage 3: Planning and Research

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, think you are too good or too smart for planning and research. If you have that mindset, stop reading right now. Even though I have harped on the importance of research and planning, I have purposely left this stage relatively short. Find the methods that work best for you/your team.

I’ll be honest — I’m the most unorganized person you’ll ever meet. I’m not a big planner. That said, I still had a rough sketch and timetable for my event. It wasn’t much, and it doesn’t have to be much. A simple print-out of the event guidelines, a few dates/ranges scribbled here and there, and that was it. I’m a driven guy, so I could count on that drive and desire to win to push me. If you need a little more planning (this works well with teams, but can also work well for a single person), try Trello — a free online to-do board where you can collaborate with others, assign tasks, set due dates, and add notes. I’m not a big fan of agendas, but many groups find it very helpful to set a meeting agenda whenever they are going to be working on the project. 

For a Glass-worthy paper, you will spend twice the amount of time researching than you will actually writing the paper. That said, researching is supremely important. I still have a folder on my computer full of PDFs from research for my IBP, paper revisions, audio from meetings and calls, charts and graphs, etc. I even found an amazing e-book with a few chapters especially pertinent to my paper, emailed the publishing company, and received a hard copy (free of charge) in the mail a couple of weeks later. When I conducted research, I always brought a notepad with me, so I could jot down any tidbits, figures, etc. that could’ve brought potential benefit to my paper. I get easily distracted, so to combat this during my paper time, I went to my local library to do all of my work. I think this helped a ton when it came to getting stuff done in an efficient manner, and I would recommend you (or your team) find a quiet “paper place,” somewhere you go when it’s time to finally get down to business.

"Thoroughly document your [research] while it’s going on. You won’t remember everything you did when trying to write about it.”  –Lena Kellogg; LV DECA President

Stage 4: The Paper

After weeks (read: months) of planning and researching, it’s finally time to start seriously drafting your paper. A word of advice: don’t get too attached to your first (or second or third) draft; it won’t be great. As a serious competitor, you need to channel your inner critic; try to read your paper through the lens of that advisor and make changes just as a harsh third-party would. That’s how winners work. 

A quick pro tip: no matter if you’re working alone or as a group, enlist the help of your advisors, friends, trusted family and outside sources to give you feedback on your paper. However, make sure to explain to them that they need to be 100% honest in their critical feedback. People you know will often give you sugar-coated advice, and this will do more harm to your project than good. 

How Important Is My Paper?

Depending on your event, your presentation and paper score may vary. The paper in a 20 pager will count for 60% of your score, making the paper that much more important. Below is a chart that breaks it all down. Credit to Annie Hulse of Oakton DECA (VA).

Executive Summary (ES)

This is the most important part of your paper! Judges won’t always have time to read your entire paper, so they will read your summary in-depth and skim the rest. Therefore, it is paramount to have a killer ES. I can’t stress this enough. 

Start with a bang, sell the problem and solution (but hit hard on the problem), and focus on what makes you stand out. 

When writing the summary, which should be done after everything else is complete, imagine that your ES is the only thing your judge will read (because it could be), and you need to sell them on your idea with that ES alone.

Let The Score Sheet Be The Blueprint

You may have been told that a certain section isn’t important. You might think, “Oh, by rearranging these sections, I’ll certainly stand out!” That’s a common thought, but also an erroneous one. 

You should be in a committed relationship with the guidelines of your event. Read them before writing, then again while writing. Read them between drafts and before bedtime. Know the guidelines better than the people who wrote them. This is a competition, and the guidelines were provided for a reason. Judges are sticklers for judging a paper off the guidelines. A vital thing to do at this moment would be to print out the guidelines of every event that you are considering. In your paper (and presentation) include the exact vocabulary from the rubric and guidelines in your writing.

Content or Appearance

An age-old debate between researchers and perfectionists: should my paper be content heavy or aesthetically pleasing? Personally, I have seen more success from a hybrid. Include the most important details, and be thorough on those details for every section. Elaborate on the vital portions, but don’t slack on the visuals. Include meaningful, colorful graphs to break up large chunks of text. When appropriate, substitute text for bullet points or flow charts. Once you decide on a logo and font, maintain a consistent color scheme and font usage. Make sure, though, that you don’t add visuals just to add them. They should add substance to your paper. A respectable content-to-visual ratio for every page is roughly 75:25.

Penalty Points

Penalty points can literally ruin everything. In my state, if you get more than 10 penalty points on your paper, you can kiss the top 10 goodbye. Triple-check your paper for penalty points before you submit it, and enlist the help of a few classmates. 

Some common mistakes that lead to penalty points are as follows: exceeding the number of pages, leaving out a section, not having all pages numbered, not using current guidelines (see, I told you guidelines were important). Penalty points are awarded for careless errors, and they’re very easy to avoid if you pay close attention. 

Stage 5: The Presentation

No matter how good your final paper is, the presentation will be the single factor that differentiates you/your team from the competition. Most associations require that papers be submitted a few weeks prior to the state conference. If this is the case, focus on your paper until the due date — don’t even think about your presentation. Once you’ve turned in the paper, turn your full attention to the presentation. 

Script or No Script?

When it comes to presentations, there is the inevitable question of whether to script it out or not. Honestly, this is a personal decision. It is often said, though, that if you are going to memorize your presentation all the way through, you need to have it down to the “Happy Birthday” level, meaning you would be comfortable belting out your script in the most stressful situations. 

Make your presentation aesthetically pleasing! A nice tool to use to create materials (if you aren’t fluent in Photoshop) is Canva. At competition, you’ll find that PowerPoints are the outliers. A lot of competitors opt to go the trifold, or more obscure, path. However, the time you take to set up and take down your materials counts in your total time, so practice setting up and taking down before showtime. 

While visuals can certainly help your overall presentation, they should be appropriate and engaging. When presenting, you should interact with your visuals in a way that makes sense. If you are using technology, don’t count on WiFi or outlets. When I presented, I used a traditional PPT and a clicker. I also made business cards with my name and company logo, and I handed the judge a card before I wrapped up. Nice touches like this definitely leave an impression on your judge. Think of the exterior things that could go wrong on the day of your presentation. Prepare back-ups or alternatives so that there are no disasters that could derails all of the work you’ve put into your final project.

Judge’s Questions

You have 15 minutes to give your pitch. However, you shouldn’t use the whole time presenting. After your pitch, the judge(s) will likely have some questions. These questions are not meant to trick you. The judge will usually ask for clarification on parts that you glossed over or will ask in-depth questions on a certain topic. While you’re not obligated to leave time for questions, it’s always recommended. I ran tight on time during my final IBP pitch at ICDC, and I have always wondered if that was the difference between first and second. Learn from my mistakes – leave the time. 

Don’t be nervous when answering questions. You are the authority on the subject. No one should know your problem, market and solution better than you. One way I prepared for questions was by pitching to others and fielding questions from them. There will likely be parts of your presentation that make perfect sense to you but confuse someone else. 

When answering questions, give a concise but full answer: don’t spend too much time on any one question, but make sure to completely answer the judge’s question. Most importantly, have a respectful tone when answering. I know, you probably feel like you covered that section that the judge is confused about very well, but a rude or impatient tone will not support your cause. 

Discussion Questions

Classroom connection, career cluster:, instructional area(s):, performance indicators:.

franchise business plan deca

Your Guide to Understanding DECA ICDC's Competitive Event Process and Transcripts

If you're looking for more information on DECA's International Career Development Conference competitive events process and transcripts, look no further! Explore these frequently asked questions and answers.

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DECA Competitive Events: Use of AI

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, it can be a tremendous tool to help companies and organizations enhance their productivity and work. However, the use of generative AI also comes with significant caution and ethical considerations.

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Competition Power Moves: Mastering Body Language

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Top 5 Tips for Prepared Events

DECA's prepared events require a written project and a prepared presentation, and some require participants to take a career cluster exam. As you begin working on your prepared event for the year, check out these five tips to help you throughout the process!

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

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A very well dressed community because suits are awesome. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

Franchise Business Plan

hey. im doing EFB for texas deca- how do i make internationals, or SDC? I qualified for the nationals from districts, but I heard making international is competitive. Does anyone from last year who made it have tips for the presentation or how to stand out to judges? I don't want to give out too much, but Im doing a food restaurant as my chosen business

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National Winner examples:

ENTR events:

First, our very own National Champion from 2019 , Kendra Huff’s “Fly By” Start Up business plan here

Start Up Business Plan

Innovation Plan Examples

Independent Business Plan Example

Franchise Business Plan

Integrated Marketing Campaign events:



Older examples from when the events were named differently, but still very similar sections and content!

Advertising Campaign Example

Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan Example

Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan Example

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Pennsylvania DECA Logo

Competitive Events

Connecting classroom learning to real-life scenarios.

As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, Pennsylvania DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management and administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism. Pennsylvania DECA’s flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component such as an exam or report and an interactive component with an industry professional serving as a judge. Pennsylvania DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.

franchise business plan deca

Principles of Business Administration Events

DECA’s Principles of Business Administration Events measure the student’s proficiency in those knowledge and skills identified by career practitioners as common academic and technical content across marketing, finance, hospitality, and business management and administration. The Principles of Business Administration Events are designed for first-year DECA members who are enrolled in introductory-level principles of marketing/business courses.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Administrative Services, Business Information Management, General Management, Human Resources Management, and Operations Management.


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Accounting, Banking Services, Business Finance, Insurance and Securities, and Investments.


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Hotels, Restaurants, and Tourism and Travel.


The business situation will use language associated with careers in Marketing Communications, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Merchandising and Professional Selling.

Team Decision Making Events

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


For the purposes of this event, business law is U.S. law and will include contracts, product liability, employment and types of business ownership. The ethics component involves evaluating competing social values that may reasonably be argued from either side.


Employees in buying and merchandising positions get the product into the hands of the customer. This process includes forecasting, planning, buying, displaying, selling and providing customer service.


Entrepreneurship includes the ability to recognize opportunities and to act on them, determine needs, identify markets, utilize marketing research, identify sources of capital and use management skills.


Financial services refer to services offered in the finance industry by financial institutions. Concepts include understanding the source and purpose of financial statements, the impact of management decisions on statements, and the analysis and interpretation of data for planning purposes.


Hospitality services include marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied in hotels, motels, lodging services, related convention services, and related food and beverage services.


Marketing management includes marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied broadly in a non-retail marketing environment.


Sports and entertainment marketing includes marketing functions and tasks that can be applied in amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment (other than vehicles) used for recreational or sporting purposes, products and services related to hobbies or cultural events, or businesses primarily engaged in satisfying the desire to make productive or enjoyable use of leisure time.
Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making


Travel and tourism includes marketing and management functions and tasks that can be applied in enterprises engaged in passenger transportation, travel service, attracting and serving the traveling public, arranging tours or acting as independent ticket agencies, and other services incidental to the travel or tourism industry.

Individual Series Events

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Students will be challenged to perform management functions and tasks focusing on the application of financial data to business planning, including collection and organization of data, development and use of reports, and analysis of data to make business decisions. Concepts include understanding the source and purpose of financial statements, the impact of management decisions on statements, and the analysis and interpretation of data for planning purposes.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and/or manufacturing firms primarily engaged in the marketing of clothing and related articles for personal wear and adornment.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks related to auto dealers, service stations and related businesses or auto parts stores.


Financial services refer to services offered in the finance industry by financial institutions. Concepts include understanding the source and purpose of financial statements, the impact of management decisions on statements, and the analysis and interpretation of data for planning purposes.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing functions and tasks involved in providing services to businesses on a fee or contract basis or providing services to consumers.


Students will be challenged to perform the ability to recognize opportunities and to act on them, determine needs, identify markets, utilize marketing research, identify sources of capital and use management skills.


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and manufacturing firms resulting in the sale of food.
Hotel and Lodging Management


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in hotels, motels, lodging services, convention services, and food and beverage services.
Human Resources Management


Students will be challenged to perform management functions and tasks focusing on staffing, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, compensation and safety training.
Logistics/Materials Handling LOG

Along with a multiple choice test related to Logistics, the role play scenario will use language based on materials handling and logistics.

Marketing Communications


Students will be challenged to perform marketing communications and functions and tasks that inform, persuade, or remind a target market of ideas experiences, goods or services.
Quick Serve Restaurant Management


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks in retail establishments, wholesale establishments and manufacturing firms primarily engaged in the quick-serve restaurant industry.
Restaurant and Food Service Management


Retail Merchandising


Sports and Entertainment Marketing


Students will be challenged to perform marketing and management functions and tasks related to amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment (other than vehicles) used for recreational or sporting purposes, products and services related to hobbies or cultural events, or businesses primarily engaged in satisfying the desire to make productive or enjoyable use of leisure time.

Personal Financial Literacy Event

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Students will be assessed on their knowledge of areas such as: financial responsibility and decision making, income and careers, planning and money management, credit and debt, risk management and insurance, and saving and investing.

Business Operations Research Events

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Business Services includes human resources, information technology and personal and contracted services businesses.


Buying and Merchandising includes retail and wholesale businesses that provide consumer goods.


Finance includes banks, credit unions, accounting, investments and other financial businesses.



Sports and Entertainment Marketing includes businesses that conduct sporting and/or entertainment events.

Project Management Events

DECA’s Project Management Events require participants to use project management skills to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


The Business Solutions Project uses the project management process to work with a local business or organization to identify a specific problem with the current business operations and implement a solution. Examples include talent acquisition, employee on-boarding, policies and procedures, technology integration, customer service improvement, safety operations, marketing and promotion activities, and productivity and output enhancement.


The Career Development Project uses the project management process to promote/educate the knowledge and skills needed for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, management and entrepreneurship. Examples include career fairs, summer boot camps, professional dress seminars, résumé development workshops, career exploration initiatives, mock interviews, educational paths, career paths, workplace re-entry and mentor programs.


The Community Awareness Project uses the project management process to raise awareness for a community issue or cause. Examples include day of service, distracted driving, driving under the influence, bullying, disease awareness, mental health awareness, drug awareness, ethics, environmental and green issues, and vaping. 


The Community Giving Project uses the project management process to raise funds or collect donations to be given to a cause/charity. Examples include food bank donations, homeless shelter donations, 5K’s, sports tournaments, auctions, banquets, item collections, holiday drives, adopt a families, etc.


The Financial Literacy Project uses the project management process to promote the importance of financial literacy, including spending and saving, credit and debt, employment and income, investing, risk and insurance and financial decision making. Examples include organizing and implementing seminars for students (elementary, middle, high and post-secondary), tax preparation assistance, retirement planning, and student loan workshops.
Sales Project


Entrepreneurship Events

DECA’s Entrepreneurship Events provide opportunities to explore entrepreneurial concepts from idea generation, business planning, to growing an existing business.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


The Business Growth Plan involves the idea generation and strategy development needed to grow an existing business. Participants in the Business Growth Plan will analyze their current business operations and identify opportunities to grow and expand the business.


The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed for participants to present a comprehensive business plan proposal to buy into an existing franchise. The participant seeks to become a franchisee.


The Independent Business Plan Event involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used.


The Innovation Plan Event involves the idea generation and opportunity recognition needed to take advantage of market opportunities to introduce a new business, product or service. Any type of business, product or service may be used.


The International Business Plan Event involves the development of a proposal to start a new business venture in an international setting. Any type of business may be used.
Start-Up Business Plan


Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

DECA’s Integrated Marketing Campaign Events provide opportunities for members to develop an integrated marketing campaign of no more than 45 days in length for a real event, product or service and present the campaign in a role-play situation.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Integrated Marketing Campaign—Event includes a campaign that is related to any sports and entertainment event and/or company event. Examples include concerts, festivals, fairs, tournaments, pet adoption day, charity events, etc. 



Professional Selling and Consulting Events

DECA’s Professional Selling and Consulting Events provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate skills needed for a career in sales and/or consulting. Participants will organize and deliver a sales presentation or consultation for one or more products/services/customers.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


For 2022-2023 you will assume the role of a financial consultant to a local bank or credit union. The bank or credit union is looking to close some of its brick-and-mortar locations and transition more of its services to an online/virtual platform. The bank or credit union is seeking your recommendation on what services could be transitioned to an online-only banking platform without compromising customer service to its customers.



Online Events

DECA’s Online Events provide opportunities for students to participate in online simulations to learn how to invest in the stock market, manage personal finances, or operate a business venture.

Event Career Cluster & Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Participants in the Stock Market Game develop and manage an investment portfolio. Each participating team manages all aspects of the portfolio including stock selection, buying and selling. The goal of the competition is to increase the value of the beginning portfolio.









In the VBC Sports track, participants will manage specific marketing concepts such as ticket pricing, media planning and sponsorships within a football franchise. Participants will interpret actions, charts and graphs in order to make strategic marketing decisions for their franchise to optimize profitability.

State Only Events

Pennsylvania DECA’s State-Only Events build on DECA’s Competitive Events Program to provide students with additional competitive event opportunities.

Event Acronym Description District Event State Event ICDC Event


Along with taking the Marketing Cluster Exam to determine which team goes first, this game style event with teams comprise of 2 – 4 members will answer marketing type questions.







Chapters will claim credit for activities by submitting a notebook consisting of activity reports and visual documentation from the past year.


Each team will be provided with one white banner that is 8ft long and 3ft wide and prepare a banner featuring this year’s state theme.


This event will help students learn how to advertise a designated product with the use of technology.  Students will improve their advertising, marketing, and creative skills while creating a professional video.

Prepare for Competition

Find competitive event guides, sample case studies, and mock presentations!

High School

Independent business plan.

The Independent Business Plan Event involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used.


Written entry page limit, appear before a judge, present plan, interview time, sponsored by:.

Essential Elements

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DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

Competitive Events

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Competition Success

Online Practice Exams

Vocabulary Flipcards

Performance Indicator Flipcards

Video Library

Chapter Name

As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management and administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism. DECA’s flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component such as an exam or report and an interactive component with an industry professional serving as a judge. DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.


DECA’s Principles of Business Administration Events measure the student’s proficiency in those knowledge and skills identified by career practitioners as common academic and technical content across marketing, finance, hospitality, and business management and administration. The Principles of Business Administration Events are designed for first-year DECA members who are enrolled in introductory-level principles of marketing/business courses.


DECA’s Team Decision Making Events provide an opportunity for participants to analyze one or a combination of elements essential to the effective operation of a business in the specific career area. The business situation to be analyzed will be presented as a case study.

Individual Series Events

DECA’s Individual Series Events effectively measure students’ proficiency in the knowledge and skills identified by occupational practitioners as essential to success in a given career. Participants receive recognition for achievement in each role-play scenario and in the series as a whole.

Personal Financial Literacy

DECA’s Personal Financial Literacy Event measures the personal finance knowledge and skills that K-12 students should possess. The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed to measure the student’s ability to apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions. The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed for DECA members who are enrolled in personal finance and financial literacy courses.

Business Operations Research Events

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities.

Project Management Events

DECA’s Project Management Events require participants to use project management skills to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control and close a project.


DECA’s Entrepreneurship Events provide opportunities to explore entrepreneurial concepts from idea generation, business planning, to growing an existing business.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

DECA’s Integrated Marketing Campaign Events provide opportunities for members to develop an integrated marketing campaign of no more than 45 days in length for a real event, product or service and present the campaign in a role-play situation.


DECA’s Professional Selling and Consulting Events provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate skills needed for a career in sales and/or consulting. Participants will organize and deliver a sales presentation or consultation for one or more products/services/customers.

Online Events

DECA’s Online Events provide opportunities for students to participate in online simulations to learn how to invest in the stock market, manage personal finances, or operate a business venture.

Virtual Business challenge Events

Participants in the DECA Virtual Business Challenge (VBC) operate a web-based business simulation utilizing a competition version of the Virtual Business software. The VBC qualifying rounds are conducted via the internet, where participants will vie for chartered association, regional and overall rankings.

DECA+ ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY ‍ A DECA+ subscription is required for each DECA chapter wishing to access the resources within the DECA+ site. The login is to be used only by the chapter and its members, and the login cannot be shared beyond the chapter. Under no circumstances may any of the content, including but not limited to exams, scenarios or sample written entries, in whole or in part, or any item within be published or posted on any website. Under no circumstances may any of the content, including but not limited to exams, scenarios or sample written entries, in whole or in part, or any item within be shared or distributed beyond the specific DECA chapter that has purchased the subscription.  Any chapter(s) which violates the DECA+ distribution and use policy will not be allowed to participate in the current school year’s chartered association conference or the International Career Development Conference. If any exams or scenarios are posted on a chapter or chartered association website in way outside of the distribution and use policy, the chartered association will not be eligible to purchase exams or receive scenarios from DECA Inc. for a period of one year for the first offense. Furthermore, further access to DECA+ by the chapter(s) in violation will be prohibited effective immediately for a period of no less than three years.

franchise business plan deca

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California deca promo video.

See what DECA is all about and catch a glimpse of how DECA can bring your classroom to life.

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What is DECA?

Ever wonder what DECA is? Click here for our mission and guiding principles.

DECA’s Mission

DECA’s mission is to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.

Guide Principles

DECA’s eight guiding principles are organized around the organization’s emblem, the DECA Diamond. The inner four points of the DECA Diamond represent the guiding principles which address the purpose of DECA’s comprehensive learning program:

  • Integrates into Classroom Instruction
  • Applies Learning
  • Connects to Business
  • Promotes Competition

The outer four points of the DECA Diamond address the results of DECA’s comprehensive learning program. DECA prepares the next generation to be:

  • Academically Prepared
  • Community Oriented
  • Professionally Responsible
  • Experienced Leaders

Explore More

DECA’s Competitive Events Program

Deca’s competitive events.

Take a deep-dive into DECA’s competitive events program including: career clusters & instructional areas, performance indicators, and much more.

List of DECA Events

Explore all of the events available to you when you become a DECA member today.

Serving as a DECA Advisor

Enhance your classroom experience by joining the thousands of educators across the country who serve as DECA Advisors.

College & Career Ready

Are you students prepared for college? Does the idea of looking for a career make them nervous? In DECA you will learn how to help your students become college & career ready!

DECA Conferences

DECA members can build upon their current strengths and attributes through their desire to engage in DECA events and conferences that prepare them for college and professional careers. DECA’s conferences bring our members into the larger DECA community while providing unique opportunities to extend classroom learning.

The annual Advisor Conference focuses on training and content prepared specifically for DECA advisors. Speakers and presenters focus on making the most of the DECA program, tips on integrating DECA into classroom instruction, DECA’s competitive events program, best practices, idea sharing and much more. Learn more about this conference and download the registration information.

Western Region Leadership Conference (WRLC) is an experience no member will forget! The Western Region Leadership Conference brings thousands of DECA members from across the Western Region to exciting destinations including . The conference includes nationally recognized speakers and trainers, powerful workshops, inspiring business tours, cutting edge exhibits, and leadership training designed exclusively for chapter and state leaders of DECA. Advisor professional development sessions and competitive events are also offered to help everyone in DECA maximize their experience and benefit.

At the heart of the DECA organization is our competitive events program. The District Career Development Conferences (CDC), held in Northern California and Southern California, and Silicon Valley each year, allow members to test their competitive skills and prepare for the State Career Development Conference. The CDC includes DECA’s competitive events program with students presenting in front of judges from business and industry. Students increase their competitive success, receive recognition, and get the valuable experience to excel in DECA! Learn more about this conference and download the registration information.

The pinnacle of California DECA is the State Career Development Conference. Nearly 2,200 students from all over California come to compete for an opportunity to advance to the International Career Development Conference. Aside from competition, this three-day conference includes many networking opportunities, leadership sessions, and a chance to create lasting friendships among chapter members. Learn more about this conference and download the registration information.

The DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) is the highlight of the DECA year. Seventeen thousand high school students, advisors, businesspersons and alumni gather for several days of DECA excitement. Most participants at ICDC compete in one of DECA’s competitive events. The top competitors in each event are recognized for their outstanding achievements. In addition to the competitive events, many students and advisors participate in a variety of leadership and career advancing academies. Learn more about this conference and download the registration information.

DECA Distinctives

Community engagement.

DECA prepares the next generation to be community oriented by recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community. DECA teaches its members to reach out to organizations they are passionate about and become involved in the community around them. DECA provides many community engagement opportunities for members through state and nationwide community service efforts and competition.

Leadership Development

DECA prepares its members to be experienced leaders and empowers members through experience to provide effective leadership.

DECA develops experienced leaders by practicing key leadership skills such as goal setting, consensus building and project management. Members have numerous opportunities for leadership development from workshops and leadership academies at exciting conferences to serving as an elected officer at the local, state, or national level. Members are able to practice and apply their leadership training as community members, students, and peers.

What’s Next?

Start a chapter.

Find out how you can bring DECA to your school and start your own chapter today!

Get Started

Take your education to the next level by becoming a DECA member today and exploring the exciting new opportunities that DECA offers.

College Connection

Want to take DECA to the next level? There’s DECA in college for that.

See The Impact!

Take a look at the statistics, mission, direction, and goals of DECA Inc.

More Questions?

1-888-605-DECA (3322)

[email protected]

Competitive Events Overview

DECA offers a wide variety of competitive events for participants. Participants may choose from topics in marketing, finance, hospitality, tourism, sports and entertainment, sales, business law and ethics, retail operations, management, or community involvement. At the state-level, students generally compete in two events, but may compete in as many as four. At the international-level, students who advance from the state-level may only compete in one event.

Participants compete in events in various ways. Some require participants to compete only at the Career Development Conference, while others require projects that are done during the year leading up to the Career Development Conference. Some events are a mix of both, and require work before the conference, but are presented at the Career Development Conference.

Principles of Business Administration Events

This event is for first–year DECA participants only, and is done by one participant individually. Participants may choose from Business Management and Administration, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism, or Marketing. Participants will be given a 100-question, multiple-choice exam covering business administration. They are then given a written case study, and have 10 minutes to read it and prepare for a 10 minute presentation of the case study. The case study will ask participants to tackle a business challenge in a creative, thoughtful, and knowledgeable way.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Principles of Business Management and Administration Business Management & Administration Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Principles of Finance Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway
Principles of Marketing Marketing Marketing, Sales, and
Service Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway

Team Decision Events

DECA’s Team Decision Making Events provide an opportunity for participants to analyze one or a combination of elements essential to the effective operation of a business in the specific career area. The business situation to be analyzed will be presented as a case study.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making Business Management & Administration Public Services
Industry Sector
Legal and Government
Services Pathway
Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Marketing Fashion & Interior Design
Industry Sector
Fashion Design, Manufacture
and Merchandising Pathway
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway
Financial Services Team Decision Making Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway
Marketing Management Team Decision Making Marketing Marketing, Sales, and
Service Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Marketing Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway
Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway

Individual Series Competition

DECA’s Individual Series Events effectively measure students’ proficiency in the knowledge and skills identified by occupational practitioners as essential to success in a given career. Participants receive recognition for achievement in each role-play scenario and in the series as a whole.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Accounting Applications Series Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Accounting Services Pathway
Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Marketing Fashion & Interior Design
Industry Sector
Fashion Design, Manufacture
and Merchandising Pathway
Automotive Services Marketing Series Marketing Marketing, Sales, and
Service Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Business Finance Series Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Business Services Marketing Series Marketing Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway
Food Marking Series Marketing Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Food Service
Hospitality Pathway
Hotel and Lodging Management Series Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway
Human Resources Management Series Business Management
& Administration
Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Human Resources Management Series Marketing Marketing, Sales, and
Service Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Marketing Communication Series Marketing Marketing, Sales, and
Service Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Food Service and
Hospitality Pathway
Restaurant and Food Service Management Series Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Food Service and
Hospitality Pathway
Retail Merchandising Series Marketing Fashion & Interior Design
Industry Sector
Fashion Design, Manufacture
and Merchandising Pathway
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series Marketing Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway

Personal Financial Literacy Event

DECA’s Personal Financial Literacy Event measures the personal finance knowledge and skills that K–12 students should possess. The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed to measure the student’s ability to apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions. The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed for DECA members who are enrolled in personal finance and financial literacy courses.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Personal Financial Literacy Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway

Business Operations Research Events

DECA’s Business Operations Research Events provide opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed by management personnel. Students conduct actual research studies in their communities.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Business Services Operations Research Business Management & Administration Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Marketing Fashion & Interior Design
Industry Sector
Fashion Design, Manufacture
and Merchandising Pathway
Finance Operations Research Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research Marketing Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway

Project Management Events

DECA’s Project Management Events require participants to use project management skills to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project. Chapters plan, implement, and evaluate activities to make a positive impact in their schools and communities.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Community Giving Project Marketing Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Career Development Project Marketing Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway

Business Solutions Project

Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship and Marketing Pathway
Financial Literacy Project Finance Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Banking & Related Services
Sales Project Marketing Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Project Marketing Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway

Entrepreneurship Events

DECA’s Entrepreneurship Events provide opportunities to explore entrepreneurial concepts from idea generation, business planning, to growing an existing business.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Innovation Plan Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway
Start-Up Business Plan Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
International Trade Pathway
Independent Business Plan Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway
International Business Plan Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway
Business Growth Plan Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway
Franchise Business Plan Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Entrepreneurship Pathway

Integrated Marketing Events

DECA’s Integrated Marketing Events provide opportunities for students to create promotional campaigns for a variety of industries.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Integrated Marketing Campaign – Event Marketing Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Integrated Marketing Campaign – Product Marketing Fashion & Interior Design
Industry Sector
Fashion Design, Manufacture
and Merchandising Pathway
Integrated Marketing Campaign – Service Marketing Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway

Professional Selling and Consulting Events

DECA’s Professional Selling and Consulting Events provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate skills needed for a career in sales and/or consulting. Participants will organize and deliver a sales presentation or consultation for one or more products/services/customers.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Financial Consulting Finance Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Pathway
Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling Hospitality & Toursim Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Professional Sales
and Marketing Pathway
Professional Selling Marketing Finance & Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway

Online Events

DECA’s Online Events provide opportunities for students to participate in online simulations to learn how to invest in the stock market, manage personal finances, or operate a business venture.

DECA Competitive Event Nat’l Career Cluster CDE Career Sector Pathway
Stock Market Game Finance Finance and Business
Industry Sector
Business Financial
Management Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Accounting Finance Finance & Business Industry Sector Business Financial Management Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Fashion Marketing Fashion & Interior Design Industry Sector Fashion Design Manufacture and Marketing Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Hotel Management Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Personal Finance Finance Marketing, Sales & Service
Industry Sector
Business Financial Management Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Restaurant Hospitality & Tourism Hospitality, Tourism,
& Recreation
Food Service & Hospitality Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Retail Marketing Marketing, Sales, and Service Industry Sector Professional Sales & Marketing Pathway
Virtual Business Challenge Sports Marketing Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation Hospitality, Tourism, & Recreation Pathway
  • Collegiate DECA

franchise business plan deca

DECA is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education as a co-curricular student leadership and career technical education program.

California DECA is chartered by the California Department of Education and endorsed as an essential component of business education.

California DECA, Inc. is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that manages the DECA Charter in California and receives funding from students, alumni, industry supporters, schools, and the California Department of Education via state funding allocations. California DECA does not discriminate on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, Vietnam Era Veterans’ status, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws respectively.

© California DECA. All Rights Reserved. Web design and hosting by TEAMTRI Media Services

Website Hosting and Social Media Management by TEAMTRI Media Services

franchise business plan deca


DECA’s competitive events are industry-validated and align with the National Curriculum Standards. Through competition, Washington DECA prepares students to be college and career ready, and also brings recognition and prestige to Washington state as one of the top performing associations in the world. Click the button below to learn more about each competition.


  • Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making
  • Business Services Operations Research
  • Business Solutions Project
  • Career Development Project
  • Community Giving Project
  • Financial Literacy Project
  • Human Resources Management Series
  • Principles of Business Management and Administration
  • Sales Project


  • Hospitality Services Team Decision Making
  • Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research
  • Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling
  • Hotel and Lodging Management Series
  • Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
  • Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series
  • Restaurant and Food Service Management Series
  • Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making
  • Virtual Business Challenge – Hotel Management
  • Virtual Business Challenge – Restaurant
  • Accounting Applications Series
  • Business Finance Series
  • Finance Operations Research
  • Financial Consulting
  • Financial Services Team Decision Making
  • Principles of Finance
  • Stock Market Game
  • Virtual Business Challenge – Accounting


  • Business Growth Plan
  • Entrepreneurship Series
  • Franchise Business Plan
  • Independent Business Plan
  • Innovation Plan
  • International Business Plan
  • Start-up Business Plan


  • Personal Financial Literacy
  • Virtual Business Challenge – Personal Finance
  • Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series
  • Automotive Services Marketing Series
  • Business Services Marketing Series
  • Buying and Merchandising Operations Research
  • Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making
  • Food Marketing Series
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign – Event
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign – Product
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign – Service
  • Marketing Communications Series
  • Marketing Management Team Decision Making
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Professional Selling
  • Retail Merchandising Series
  • Sports & Entertainment Marketing Operations Research
  • Sports & Entertainment Marketing Series
  • Sports & Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making
  • Virtual Business Challenge – Fashion
  • Virtual Business Challenge – Sports


  1. Deca Franchise Business Plan Sample Pdf

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  2. How to make a Franchise Business Plan

    franchise business plan deca

  3. Franchise Business Plan

    franchise business plan deca

  4. DECA Franchise Business Plan

    franchise business plan deca

  5. Deca Startup Business Plan Examples

    franchise business plan deca

  6. DECA States

    franchise business plan deca


  1. Green Thumb Independent Business Plan DECA

  2. 1st Place National FBLA Business Financial Plan


  4. How to Start a KFC Franchise Business

  5. High Profitable Tea Shop Franchise

  6. Theka Coffee Franchise


  1. Livingston County students headed to international business ...

    DECA is a global organization that prepares students for future careers. Members partner in small groups and take part in various competitions, from creating business plans to professional sales ...

  2. Franchise Business Plan

    Franchise Business Plan. EFB. Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship. Overview. ... DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. 1908 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191 (703) 860-5000.

  3. PDF Participants will demonstrate FRANCHISE BUSINESS PLAN

    This event consists of two major parts: the written document and the oral presentation. The written document will account for 60 points, and the oral presentation will account for the remaining. 40 of the total 100 points. Each event entry will be composed of one to three members of the DECA chapter. All participants must present the project to ...

  4. Franchise Business Plan

    The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed for participants to present a comprehensive business plan proposal to buy into an existing franchise. The participant seeks to become a franchisee. ... Consult the presentation evaluation rubric in the DECA Guide to ensure that your presentation includes information for all of the ...

  5. PDF Franchise Business Plan Event 2016

    FRANCHISE BUSINESS PLAN EVENT Name of DECA chapter Name of high school School address City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal Code Name of participant Date The title page will not be numbered. Table of contents. The table of contents should follow the title page. The table of contents may be single-spaced and may be one or more pages long.

  6. Start-Up Business Plan

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. 1908 Association Drive. Reston, VA 20191. (703) 860-5000. [email protected].

  7. Does anyone have any presentation examples for Franchise Business Plan

    Does anyone have any presentation examples for Franchise Business Plan (EFB) ? found this link somewhere, hope this helps! 4.8K subscribers in the DECA community. A very well dressed community because suits are awesome. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for….

  8. The Ultimate Written Event Guide

    Learn about the different types of written events offered by DECA, from Business and Operations Research to Integrated Marketing Campaign. Find out how to choose the right event for you, based on your interests, skills, and goals.

  9. PDF Franchise Business Plan

    With more. than 9,500 domestic locations as well as over 60,000 worldwide locations, 7-Eleven has become an essential pitstop for citizens all across the globe since its inception in 1927. Founded by Joe C. Thompson in Dallas, Texas, initially as an ice house for refrigerating.

  10. Advisor Resource Center

    As an advisor, DECA provides you with a powerful array of chapter strategy tools and classroom resources that you can integrate into classroom instruction to apply learning, connect to business and promote competition — a key motivator for members. Use the resource center to identify activities from DECA's Comprehensive Learning Program ...

  11. Business Plan

    What's the DECA Business Plan? Required for all IBBM SL students; A 20-page research paper; To be completed alone, with a partner, or in a trio ... The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed for participants to present a comprehensive business plan proposal to buy into an existing franchise. The participant seeks to become a ...

  12. Franchise Business Plan : r/DECA

    Go to DECA r/DECA. r/DECA. A very well dressed community because suits are awesome. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. ... Members Online • DEVER_DESTROYER. ADMIN MOD Franchise Business Plan . Competition I'm doing this ...

  13. Competitive Events

    DECA offers a variety of competitive events in marketing, finance, hospitality, management, entrepreneurship and personal financial literacy. Learn about the types of events, career clusters, exams, role-plays, case studies and more.

  14. Franchise Business Plan : r/DECA

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Members Online • ProudWay100 . Franchise Business Plan Competition hey. im doing EFB for texas deca- how do i make internationals, or SDC? ... Photography Business Plan upvote ...

  15. Examples

    National Winner examples: ENTR events: First, our very own National Champion from 2019 , Kendra Huff's "Fly By" Start Up business plan here Start Up Business Plan Innovation Plan Examples Independent Business Plan Example Franchise Business Plan Integrated Marketing Campaign events: IMC-Event IMC-Service IMC-Product Older examples from when the events were named differently, but still…

  16. Competitive Events

    DECA's Principles of Business Administration Events measure the student's proficiency in those knowledge and skills identified by career practitioners as common academic and technical content across marketing, finance, hospitality, and business management and administration. ... The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed ...

  17. DECA Inc

    Franchise Business Plan. EFB. Independent Business Plan. EIB. Innovation Plan. EIP. International Business Plan. IBP. Principles of Entrepreneurship ... what matters most is the ability to engage the audience while connecting something in the world of business to the world of DECA. The topic/theme of the 2024 challenge is Customer Service ...

  18. Franchise Business Plan: DECA 2020-21 Presentation

    James Wu and Ethan Lin

  19. Learn DECA

    Learn DECA - Tips & Tricks Franchise Business Plan EFB Cameron Guilbert

  20. Independent Business Plan

    DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. 1908 Association Drive. Reston, VA 20191. (703) 860-5000. [email protected].

  21. Competitive Events

    As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA's industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management and administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism. DECA's flagship evaluation process involves students in both a written component ...

  22. Franchise Business Plan: 2020-21 DECA ICDC Presentation

    Ethan Lin and James Wu

  23. California DECA

    Franchise Business Plan: Entrepreneurship: Marketing, Sales & Service Industry Sector: ... California DECA is chartered by the California Department of Education and endorsed as an essential component of business education. California DECA, Inc. is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that manages the DECA Charter in California and receives ...

  24. Competitive Events

    DECA's competitive events are industry-validated and align with the National Curriculum Standards. Through competition, Washington DECA prepares students to be college and career ready, and also brings recognition and prestige to Washington state as one of the top performing associations in the world. Click the button below to learn more ...