Lab Safety KEY

I have used this as a discussion tool, by putting the image on a projector and talking about safey. It will also work in small group discussion, particularly if you intend to have the same group work on projects all year long.

1. List 3 unsafe activities showsn in the illustration and explain why each is unsafe. Jim drinking, Sue's Hair, Duke using direct sunlight and many other unsafe procedures can be found 2. List 3 correct lab procedures depicted in the illustration. John is cleaning up, Tina has safety goggles, carl is using a pipette, and many others can be found 3. What should Bob do after the accident? Bob should notify teacher that glass was broken 4. What should Sue have done to avoid an accident? tied her hair back 5. Compare Luke and Duke's lab techniques. Who is following the rules? direct sunlight can damage eyes, use a desk lamp instead 6. What are three things shown in the lab that should not be there? scissors in socket, makeup, chips 7. Compare Joe and Carl's lab techiques. Who is doing it the correct way? joe is sucking toxic chemicals with his mouth, carl is using a pipette 8. What will happen to Ray and Tim when the teacher catches them? answers vary, depends on classroom rules, in my class horseplay isn't tolerated, they'd be put in the hall and receive a 0, possibly sent to the office 9. List three items in the illustration that are there for the safety of the students in the lab. first aid kit, fire extinguisher, blanket 10. What is Betty doing wrong? never put makeup on in the lab

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Lab Safety Worksheet

Lab classes present unique challenges and opportunities. This worksheet can help students understand safe lab practices and good techniques.

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BSB41419: Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety Assignment Answers

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Assessment Detail:-

  • Words:  4000

Task 1: Knowledge questions- Written Responses

All written responses should answer all parts of the question. Wherever possible, provide workplace examples to support your answers.

Task requirements/Questions 1.1 The Regulator

a) Who is the WHS Regulator in your State / Territory? b) Name the Acts and Regulations they administer c) With reference to your State’s / Territory’s WHS Act, describe the functions and powers of the Regulator AND its Inspectors. (ensure you support your response by citing the relevant Section Numbers)

d) How does the Regulator and its Inspectors exercise those functions and powers?

1.2 Legislation

a) Identify the Parts of your State’s / Territory’s WHS Act and Regulations your organisation must comply with (EG Part 3.5 of the Regulations or Part 3 of the Act)

b) List 5 key objects and/or principles underpinning the WHS Act in your State / Territory

c) Describe how your organisation complies with each of the 5 key objects/principles you listed in 1.2b)

d) Access your State’s / Territory’s WHS Act AND Regulations and describe the requirements placed on Organisations in relation to: • Hazard Identification • Risk Assessment • Risk Control (ensure you support your response by citing the relevant Section / Regulation Numbers)

1.3 Duty Holders

a) With reference to your State’s / Territory’s WHS Act and Regulations, identify the Duty Holders AND describe their Duties. (Ensure you support your response by citing the relevant Sections / Regulations)

b) Explain each Duty Holders specific legislative and regulatory duties in relation to Risk Management (Ensure you support your response by citing the relevant Sections / Regulations)

1.4 Other External (outside of your organisation) Sources of WHS Information.

a) Other than the Act and Regulations, access and name 2 other external sources of WHS / Risk Management Information relevant to your organisation and its operations

b) Describe the purpose of each source that you listed in question 1.4a),

c) Explain how each source listed in question 1.4a) can be accessed

1.5 Internal / Organisational Sources of WHS Information.

a) Name 2 Internal sources of WHS / Risk Management Information that exist in your organisation.

b) Describe the purpose of each source listed in question 1.5a), above

c) Explain how each source listed in 1.5a)can be accessed

1.6 Compliance a) Identify ways an organisation can assess and maintain its compliance with WHS Legislation, Regulations and Compliance Codes.

b) Explain your organisation’s policies, procedures and processes for documenting its WHS compliance requirements. (If none exist, explain what policies and procedures could / should exist)

c) Identify ways an organisation can determine what training is required by staff to ensure the organisation is compliant with WHS Legislation, Regulations, Compliance Codes etc.

d) Identify ways an organisation can implement changes to policies and procedures to ensure the organisation is compliant with WHS Legislation, Regulations, Compliance

e) Explain your organisation’s policies, procedures and processes for: • assessing its compliance with its WHS obligations and • addressing areas of non-compliance (If none exist, explain what policies and procedures could / should exist)

f) Explain your organisation’s policies, procedures and processes for documenting its compliance assessments. (If none exist, explain what policies and procedures could / should exist)

1.7 WHS Risk Management

a) Describe the difference between ahazard and a risk in the context of WHS b) Access and explain your organisation’s policies, procedures and processes forWHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes c) List 5 hazards common in your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with and describe: • The harm each hazard may cause (and to whom) • How these harms are caused • The likelihood and severity of WHS incidents involving these hazards • The control measures that are / can be applied to eliminate or reduce those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

d) Identify at least 2Hazard Identification tools used and explain how they are applied in the workplace. e) Explain how you would: • Conduct • Document, and • Communicate a Risk Assessment in your workplace

f) Explain how you could evaluate the effectiveness of different Risk Control Measures g) Explain how you would create and communicate a Risk Control Plan

Task 2: Practical Application Task

For this task, you are required to assist with establishing and maintaining workplace compliance with WHS laws in relation to at least TWO different compliance matters

You may answer the questions using your own workplace or a workplace you have access to.

Task requirements/Questions

2.1 Legal Requirements

Access WHS Legislation, Regulations and Compliance Codes and describe which sections, parts etc are relevant to your workplace

2.2 Compliance Matters

a) List 2WHS compliance matters you have identified b) For each compliance matter you have identified, list immediate corrective actions you would implement c) Provide a report to Managers, HSRs and Employees summarising your findings in 2.2a, 2.2b d) Under what circumstances would you seek advice from external parties Who could you seek advice from (list at least 2 parties)

2.3 Understanding WHS Duties, Rights and Obligations

a) Provide written advice to the following individuals and parties about their legislative duties, rights, obligations under WHS laws • The Employer • Company Officers • Managers • HSRs • Employees

Your advice should: • include a summary of their duties, rights and obligations • include a summary of the powers and functions of the Regulator and its Inspectors • cite relevant sections of WHS Legislation and Regulations • detail how they can locate information about their duties, responsibilities and obligations

b) Identify the most effective approaches to delivering the above advice. Explain the reasoning behind each approach.

c) What training would these individuals and parties benefit from to understanding their legislative and organisational requirements? Ensure you list names of External Courses and Training Providers

2.4 Workplace Changes In addition to the immediate corrective actions you identified in Task 2.2b, what further workplace changes would you implement to help achieve WHS legal Compliance

2.5 Monitoring Compliance

a) Develop / modify 2 existing procedures / polices / processes which will support the organisation remain compliant with WHS Legislation

b) List 2 ways you could communicate these to staff

c) List steps would you take to monitor the effectiveness of the procedures / polices / processes in helping ensure the organisation remained compliant with WHS Laws

Task 3 Hazard 1:  Practical Application  Task  Hazard 1

3.1 Hazard Identification

Question 1 (Q1) Choose and describe an appropriate Hazard Identification technique / tool / process to use in your workplace to identify WHS hazards. Submit copies of the technique / tool / process that you will use.

Question 2 (Q2) Explain why you chose that technique / tool / process. Your explanation should be supported by reference to information such as: • WHS Acts, regulations, • Workplace policies, processes, procedures and systems • Compliance codes, guidance material, • Information issued by WHS regulators • Information from suppliers, manufacturers etc • Standards

safety assignment answers

Question 3 (Q3) Communicate your approach to stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals. Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Their feedback, suggestions, input etc

a) Conduct and document the Hazard Identification Process and identify a WHS Hazard. Provide copies of the completed documentation

b) Communicate your findings with stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals to obtain their feedback, suggestions, input.

Provide evidence of: • What you communicated (ensure you provide details of the harms the hazard can cause) • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

3.2 Risk Assessment

a) Conduct and document a Risk Assessment of the Hazard. Ensure your Risk Assessment addresses the following: • How severe the harm could be • How the hazard may cause harm • The likelihood of harm occurring • Who is at risk from exposure to the hazard

b) Submit copies of your Risk Assessment documentation

c) Communicate your Risk Assessment to relevant personnel such as those exposed to the hazard, Workers, HSRs, HSC, Managers, Technical Specialists, Officers, etc.) Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

3.3 Developing and Implementing Risk Controls

a) Using the Hierarchy of Controls and, if applicable other legislative / regulatory requirements, select and document appropriate Control Measures for the Hazard. Provide details of your Control Measures

b) Detail your approach to implementing the controls (Implementation Plan) Provide a copy of your Implementation Plan

c) Communicate your findings with stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals to obtain their agreement on the Control Measures and Implementation Plan Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

d) Communicate the agreed Control Measures and Implementation Plan to stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals (including those exposed to the hazard, Workers, HSRs, HSC, Managers, Officers etc.) Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

e) Implement the agreed Controls as per the Implementation Plan Provide evidence of the implementation.

3.4 Ensuring Controls remain effective

a) Explain: • Legislative / organisational requirements for ensuring Risk Control Measures remain effective • How you will incorporate these into your Risk Control Plan

b) Communicate / consult with stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals to identify measures you will carry out to ensure the agreed Control Measures remain effective Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • What the agreed measures were

c) Develop and submit a Risk Control Plan for monitoring the effectiveness of the controls. The plan should align with current organisation policies and procedures and cover areas such as: • Inspections / Reviews • Review Dates • Responsibilities • Consultative processes

d) Communicate the Risk Control Plan to stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

Task 3 Hazard 2:  Practical Application  Task  Hazard  2

a) Conduct and document the Hazard Identification Process and identify a WHS Hazard Provide copies of the completed documentation

b) Communicate your findings with stakeholders / duty Holders / required individuals to obtain their feedback, suggestions, input. Provide evidence of: • What you communicated (ensure you provide details of the harms the hazard can cause) • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

c) Communicate your Risk Assessment to relevant personnel such as those exposed to the hazard, Workers, HSRs, HSC,Managers, Technical Specialists, Officers, etc.) Provide evidence of: • What you communicated • Who you communicated with • Why you chose to communicate with that person(s). • Any feedback, suggestions, input they provide

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