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Writing an Effective Leadership Essay: Tips and Examples

definition of "leadership essay" that is restated in the article

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Whether you’ve led a horse to water or led your team to a victorious championship, you’re probably more of a leader than you give yourself credit for. It turns out, college admissions officers want to hear about that horse and/or championship in your application essay. The leadership essay is one of the hallmarks of college essays, but what’s the right way to do it?

What Is a Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay is a subset of college application essays that help college admissions officers understand your previous experiences as a leader. While that might seem extremely specific, it comes with the understanding that leadership looks and feels different based on the person and situation.

To give you a real world example: The president is ostensibly the leader of the United States. However, the president has a whole cabinet of other leaders for every other aspect of running a country. You might not be a leader of foreign policy, but you might be a leader on the football field or within your community volunteer group.

Leadership Essay Ideas and Topics

While you might see a few variations, almost all leadership essays go back to two main forms:

  • What is your leadership style?
  • Describe a moment when you showed leadership.

There’s inherently a bit of overlap with both of these. You’ll likely give an example of a leadership moment when talking about your leadership style, and you’ll probably talk about your leadership style when talking about a leadership moment.

In either case, the school will want you to use anecdotal evidence that demonstrates the idea. Go with what feels right, whether that’s leading a club or team in school or leading some ducklings across a busy highway. Even if your experience sounds cliché, it’s unique because it involves you.

How To Write a Leadership Essay

Probably the biggest trap that people fall into is “Well, I’ve never been a leader.” Even if you’ve never held some sort of leadership position at school or had an official title, chances are pretty high that you have exhibited some form of leadership at some point in your life. Beyond that, the actual writing of the leadership essay is fairly straightforward.

Formatting Your Leadership Essay

Your leadership essay will include an introduction paragraph, one or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Depending on the word or page limits, you can almost treat this like a five-paragraph essay .

  • Introduction - Capture the reader’s interest, define good leadership in relation to you, and directly address the given prompt
  • Body paragraphs - Give some background information using anecdotes to describe your leadership style or moment
  • Conclusion - End with a compelling statement about your leadership qualities and how you hope to apply them to your education, career, and the world in general

How Long Should a Leadership Essay Be?

The length of the leadership essay depends on what the college or application system says. Thankfully, this is the one part of the essay that you don’t need to question. Nearly every school will provide a word limit, typically ranging from 250 words (for supplemental essays) potentially all the way up to 1,000 words.

In the rare event that you don’t see an obvious word limit, stick to a maximum of about 500 to 600 words.

Tips for Writing a Leadership Essay

Unfortunately, we don’t know your personal life, and we certainly don’t know moments where you exhibited leadership. So we can’t write your essay for you, but we can give you some tips to at least guide your writing process.

Define Good Leadership Before You Start

Before you begin writing your essay, think about what qualities make someone a good leader, at least in your opinion. What great leadership qualities do you have? What makes a “good leader”? Make a list before you begin writing your essay. 

Leadership qualities can include:

  • The ability to motivate others
  • Personal integrity
  • Placing a value on relationships with team members
  • Prioritizing the larger good over any individual

Review your list and choose the qualities you want to highlight. Write your own definition of what makes someone a great leader as it relates to the quality you chose. It should be one or two sentences long. Use that definition as the backbone of your essay.

Tell a Story About Your Leadership

It’s time to turn that list of potential leadership qualities into something meaningful and interesting. The best way to do that is with an engaging narrative.

You should obviously state good leadership qualities, but that shouldn’t be your entire essay. Tell a story about your leadership.

  • Did you face a specific challenge?
  • How did you overcome that challenge?
  • How has your leadership style changed over the years?
  • Was there a specific moment or experience that caused that change?

Really ask yourself questions and dig into the concept of leadership as a real thing that has had real effects on your life.

Write With Your Own Voice and Style

Although you shouldn’t be super informal in college application essays, they are also designed to help you display your own voice and personality. College admissions officers want to learn about you, and your writing style is inherently a big part of that, whether that means using humor or puns, maintaining a unique level of sincerity throughout the essay, or being invitingly verbose.

Don’t Be Down On Yourself

Whether it’s your personal statement , a supplemental essay, or this leadership essay, avoid being too down on yourself. Admissions officers want to hear about all your successes, trophies, and kittens saved from trees. They really don’t want to read a whole essay about you saying you’re a bad leader.

Humility is definitely an important leadership trait, but there’s a fine line between being humble and being hurtful to yourself. Even if you’re normally prone to some self-deprecation, try to keep it at a minimum for this essay.

Leadership Essay Example

If you’re not sure where to start, take some time to brainstorm ideas. Even the weirdest idea can blossom into something neat. If you need inspiration, one of the best things is to look at other examples of leadership. That could be from your favorite show, a good nonfiction book about sailors, or the essay below.

full text essay example with labeled parts restated from the article

  • DESCRIPTION leadership essay example chart
  • SOURCE Created by Karina Goto for YourDictionary
  • PERMISSION Owned by YourDictionary, Copyright YourDictionary 

Leadership Essay Introduction Example

The introduction should pull the reader in while directly answering the prompt. When in doubt, try to start with something concrete over something abstract. Or as writers and writing teachers like to say: Show, don’t tell.

The room was filled with the gentle hum of microphones and video cameras, cut only by the occasional cough or cleared throat. It was easy to feel out of place in this room full of wood furniture, leather seats, and powerful men capable of changing not just my life, but an entire sector of television programming as we knew it. I had never thought of myself as a leader, but I also knew that this was about something bigger than me, something that I could actually influence.

Leadership Essay Body Example

The body is where you’ll get more into the details of your narrative and connect it to ideas of leadership. Try not to get too hung up on the exact wording of what makes a leader. That can get far too abstract. Let your story speak for you.

I took a deep breath and began to talk. I wasn’t known to have a particularly commanding or powerful voice, but people always seemed to listen, including these men with their name placards and tall seats. They had been ready to cut funding for public broadcasting, which included programming that they had never seen. I was simply someone who lived in a neighborhood and cared about children’s education, beyond just math and reading. All I could do was be honest.

Leadership Essay Conclusion Example

Your conclusion considers the broader effects of your leadership. How might your leadership evolve or change? How can you apply that leadership to your education, job, or community?

To me, leadership is about connection. I know that I have a voice and an immense dedication to emotional intelligence in children. My ability to focus on other people goes hand-in-hand with my ability to speak through a tiger puppet. Both are about closing gaps and bringing people closer to a basic understanding. I hope to use my leadership abilities within the field of psychology to build more connections between people and communities.

A Full Guide On How To Create Good Leadership Essay

Guide On How To Create Good Leadership Essay

Attempting a leadership essay isn’t such a daunting task, provided you have a grasp of the necessary information needed for a leadership paper. To write this special essay, you’ll need to redefine what exactly an essay on leadership is, how to choose the perfect topic, what should be in the content, and how to organize and structure the paper. Let’s delve deeper!

What Is A Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay is a well-formatted, organized and specialized type of formal writing which elaborates on a generic leadership topic or a superior human figure exercising a great influence on people and transmitting desire and optimism to achieve goals.

What Makes A Good Leader Essay?

There are some peculiarities needed to infuse in your write-up if, for example, you’re trying to learn how to write a leadership essay about yourself.

Also, if you’re just trying to produce leadership essays for college, then you’d first and foremost, learn  how to structure an essay , among other skills needed for this type of essay. Here are some qualities which can be found in a good essay about leadership.

  • Choose a creative topic
  • Avoid the passive voice (the active voice sounds stronger)
  • Search for and study leadership essay examples
  • Follow the appropriate essay style
  • Focus on the essay structure
  • Review the essay

How To Choose A Topic And Make A Great Title?

To choose a topic for a paper on leadership, you need to do some research on the concept of a leader (whether in the corporate industry, political society or even in the criminal world). You have to know the current leadership tendencies in organizational groups or society. You can choose to make a leader the point of your reference by explaining the consequences of their leadership abilities or inabilities.

In the body of your essay, don’t forget to mention several types of leadership styles and point out which one the subject portrays. Finally, you should not rule out making comparisons of famous leaders in the modern world or in history. An example of a great prompt for a leadership essay that deploys the comparison technique would be the leadership styles of President Trump and The Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte as both leadership styles have been subjected to political reviews in recent times since their emergence as president of their respective countries.

Outline For A Leadership Essay

When writing a college or professional essay such as -long and short essays on leadership, planning is the key to perfection. The general outline for any essay, including leadership papers, include an introduction, the body paragraphs (which must be properly linked with transition words and/or phrases) and a recapitulating or finding-based conclusions. Here’s what your outline should look like:


Knowing how to start a leadership essay depends on your introduction writing ability. The introduction is the gateway to the essay. Aided by punchy opening words, which are the hook, the purpose of the introduction is to draw the reader’s attention. The introduction presents the thesis statement and leaves the body paragraphs to sustain the reader’s interest.

Body Paragraphs

Having informed the readers of the topic of the essay in the introductory paragraph(s), the body paragraphs follow immediately.

Here, you can elaborate on the concept of leadership and do a meaningful interpretation of the subject – the topic or the thesis statement. Don’t forget to talk about your leadership philosophies and leadership experience in whatever capacity you might have found yourself in. Remember, people are more interested in personal experiences. They are great in helping to sustain readers’ attention.

Remember to state a thesis or hypothesis in the opening paragraphs – which is the intro. In each of the body paragraphs of the essay, try to relate your points to the thesis and use each point to prove its validity.

The conclusion is the end part of any well-structured essay. Its purpose is a no-brainer. You don’t want to leave your reader hanging by ending the essay cold turkey. Any standard essay without a conclusion is just as useless as an essay with no purpose. However, be careful not to present new ideas not mentioned in the body.

As mentioned, the conclusion serves to summarize the developed points, restate the thesis and/or present the findings. It is your last opportunity to create an impression on the reader, and this is where they take the message away. If your conclusion is weak, then we might say the essay’s objectives are not achieved.

What To Include In A Leadership Essay?

Here are some tips on what your leadership essay should include.

Your Definition Of A Good Leader And Why He Or She Is Important

Since your essay revolves around leadership and the traits of a good leader, you’ll need to define what it takes to be one. You may also take this opportunity to trash some common myths on what a leader is (i.e., a manager being confused for a leader).

For reference purposes, the concepts of leadership and being a good leader are explained:

Leadership is the quality of a leader and is that person capable of exercising a great influence on people and transmitting desire and optimism to achieve goals. A leader is a guide; someone with ideas and goals that can spread to a large group of people who still believe he or she can lead them in the right direction.

There are many types of leaders and therefore, of leadership since people generally always look for a person or group that shows them a direction to follow. You can find religious, political, social, or philosophical leadership. Leadership can be exercised in a traditional way. In many countries, there is a monarchy. The king or queen is a leader with limited political power, at least in western democracies, but still have the respect and consideration of the people. Their words continue to be heard and taken into account, especially in problematic times. There are other types of leadership that are not given by birth, such as legitimate leadership exercised by, for example, political leaders freely chosen by their people, or charismatic leaders.

In a way, charismatic leaders are what many understand as leaders since they are people who, by their way of behavior and characteristics, get many people to follow and adhere to their ideas. Some charismatic leaders can become legitimate leaders if they choose the path of politics. A traditional leader can also be charismatic. There have always been kings loved by his people more than others. But it can also be a person who prefers independent movements outside of power.

Charisma is the personal magnetism a person has. It is something very difficult to define but makes one capable of convincing others without too much effort, making people follow and trust the leading figure. Charisma can be used positively or negatively. The leaders of the most destructive sects are very charismatic people that are capable of convincing their followers of the eeriest ideas, including donating all their belongings or committing collective suicide.

Examples Of Your Leadership Style

In the content of your essay, you may consider giving an interpretation to your (or your chosen leader’s) leadership traits. Below are some examples of leadership qualities that separate a good leader from a bad leader.

What qualities are necessary for leadership

  • Communication
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Strategic thinking
  • Commitment and passion
  • Knowledge and experience
  • Leading by example
  • Active listening
  • Ability to enhance talent
  • Setting goals and expectations
  • People investment
  • Discernment
  • Concentration
  • Positive attitude
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-discipline

Leadership Essay Example

To know how to do essay fast, you’ll need some ready-made essay examples for the sake of guidance and inspiration. You may find below a leadership essay written by Oliver Smith useful in your leadership paper.

Writing a leadership essay should be easy. A good essay on leadership starts from the hook, and the thesis statement in the introduction. The points developed in the body paragraphs help affirm the hypothesis. Finally, the conclusion offers the reader a summary through the restatement of the essay’s main idea.

As required for every essay type, your essay on leadership has to follow a definite style and format. Examples are MLA, APA, Chicago and AP styles. Take your time in choosing a creative but new topic and also in writing the content. By following this guide, everything should be as perfect as possible.

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Feb 15, 2023

Essays on Leadership for Students | 200 - 500 Word Essays

Are you writing an essay about leadership? Check out these examples!

Leadership is often defined as "the action of inspiring others to act in concert to achieve a particular goal." It signifies the harmony in actions that lead to a common objective. A genuine leader not only exudes confidence but also paves the way for their followers towards triumph. Over the years, various leadership styles have been identified and discussed by psychologists.

 Qualities such as intelligence, adaptability, extroversion, innate self-awareness, and social competence often emerge as the hallmarks of impactful leaders. There's a consensus that these traits mold an individual into an effective leader. Interestingly, some theories suggest that extraordinary situations can thrust an ordinary individual into the spotlight, bestowing upon them the mantle of leadership. It's also believed that leadership isn't a static trait but an evolving journey. It underscores the belief that with dedication and the right resources, anyone can hone their leadership abilities.

 True leadership goes beyond merely advocating for a cause. It involves taking responsibility, igniting motivation in others, and differentiating oneself from just being a 'boss'. A leader's essence lies in their ability to inspire and propel people towards grand visions, whereas a manager typically focuses on oversight and operational aspects.

What Is a Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay falls under the category of student application essays and serves to provide student admissions officers with insight into your past leadership experiences. Despite appearing to be very specific, this type of essay acknowledges that the nature and perception of leadership can vary significantly depending on the individual and the context.

 If you find yourself in need of further insights or a unique angle for your leadership essay, consider exploring an expert essay-writing tool designed to assist students in crafting compelling narratives by analyzing vast data and generating fresh ideas within minutes. In this article, we'll also delve into various leadership essay examples to offer a clearer understanding of the genre and inspire your writing journey.

4 Examples of Leadership Essays

Qualities of a good leader, introduction.

Confidence is the most important attribute first of all. One of the most important qualities in a leader is confidence in one's own abilities. A lack of self-assurance is fatal to a person's leadership potential. If you want others to follow you, you need to exude self-assurance. It's imperative for a leader to have faith in his own judgment and actions. How can people want to follow him if he doesn't even know what he's doing?

Every effective leader knows that they need to be an inspiration to their followers. A leader needs to set an example for his team. In addition, he ought to inspire them whenever feasible. A leader must also maintain optimism in trying times.

What qualities a good leader must have?

Leadership is the ability to influence and guide individuals or groups toward a common goal. A leader must possess several qualities to be effective, including:

Communication skills: A leader must be able to communicate their vision and goals clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. This requires excellent listening skills, empathy, and the ability to adapt to different communication styles.

Emotional intelligence: A leader must be able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of their team members. This includes being able to understand and respond to the emotions of others, and handling conflicts in a constructive manner.

Visionary: A leader must have a clear and inspiring vision of the future, and be able to articulate this vision in a way that motivates others to work towards it.

Strategic thinking: A leader must be able to think critically and creatively to identify and solve problems, make decisions, and develop plans and strategies to achieve their goals.

Flexibility: A leader must be able to adapt to changing circumstances and be open to new ideas and perspectives. This requires the ability to embrace change, be innovative, and continuously learn and grow.

Integrity: A leader must have strong ethics and values, and be willing to make difficult decisions that are consistent with their beliefs. This requires honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Decisiveness: A leader must be able to make tough decisions quickly, without undue hesitation or procrastination. This requires courage and the ability to take calculated risks.

Empowerment: A leader must be able to delegate responsibilities, give team members the resources they need to succeed, and foster a sense of ownership and accountability among their team.


These qualities are essential for effective leadership, and when combined with hard work, determination, and a commitment to excellence, can help leaders to achieve great things.

How one can be a Great Leader?

Leadership is the act of performing the duties of a leader. In the business world, for instance, it is essential to have someone in charge of a team to ensure everything runs well. Effective leadership is essential for any group that wants to maximize its prospects of success.

Leadership Comes from Experience

As we've shown, leadership can be innate in some cases but is more often learned through practice and exposure. Sometimes the best traits of a leader must be learned over a lengthy period of time, so that one can become a notable one, proving that leadership is not always about a person's innate qualities. Leaders should continuously be on the lookout for opportunities to grow their leadership skills.

Nobody can disagree that experience is a key component of leadership. Numerous examples exist to back up this claim, such as:

Instance 1:

Our school's head boy or girl has traditionally been an older student who has been around for a while and thus has a better grasp of the ins and outs of school politics.

Instance 2:

When there is a vacancy for a team leader, it is common practice for the employee who has consistently put in the most effort and attention to the office job to receive a higher number of votes than their coworkers. 

“The best teacher for a leader is evaluated experience.” - John C. Maxwell

How one can be a Great Leader/Skills to be a Great Leader?

Effective leadership is a skill that develops through time. Developing into a leader with all the qualities that are needed takes a lot of hard work and potential. Being a prominent leader calls for a wide variety of traits. Some of these characteristics are addressed in further detail below:

One should be a Good Communicator

To be an effective leader, one must be able to convey his thoughts clearly to his/her/its subordinates.

Should have Confidence

The individual should have faith in what he says and does.

Give Credit to other Team Members too

A leader not only needs to impose his viewpoints and opinions instead he must also hear to the suggestions of other members of the team and offer them credit if their concept is appropriate.

Good Bond with the Team

A leader's ability to command respect from his team members depends on his ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with them.

Leads with Responsibility

A leader needs to be completely committed to his position. It's important that he takes on responsibility so that he can effectively deal with the various challenges he will inevitably face.

Any group or organization needs a leader above all else. Leadership development takes time and effort. One needs to have lived through a lot to be an effective leader. It's not enough to simply have years of experience in the field; one must also have the traits that make one an effective leader. You can't be a great leader unless you possess certain traits.

What makes a Good Leader?

Trying one's hand as a leader appears easy when viewed through this lens. Is that so tough? Of course not; leading is difficult, and not everyone aspires to be a leader. The vast majority of us have settled into well-established careers where we report to superiors and make a living. Still, not everyone is content to go along with the crowd. They become leaders in whatever field they pursue. A leader is an example to followers and will prioritize the needs of those around them.

Some Unique Qualities of a Leader

Many individuals resort to their leaders to vent their frustrations, therefore it's important for them to be good listeners.

A leader ought to be completely forthright; they can't play favorites or give anyone preferential treatment. One of the most essential qualities of a strong leader is the ability to make decisions with integrity.

They need to be aware of the bigger picture and understand what makes an individual stand out or become a leader. It's their expertise in addition to other distinguishing traits. Their awareness of current events and the results of recent studies is essential. In many ways, this is helpful, and it's the leader's responsibility to stay current.

Since some might not understand them, they should utilize straightforward, easily comprehended language. Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively at all times. In reality, what sets them apart is their exceptional communication skills. Adolf Hitler was such a gifted orator that his followers believed every word he said.

No matter how you're feeling or what's going on in the world, if you listen to a leader, they may make you feel energized. Since leaders are in charge of inspiring confidence in their followers, they can't afford to be wary or unsure of themselves. People tend to blindly follow their leaders.

Whether you're a leader or a doctor, you should devote yourself completely to your chosen field. Everything we do is for the benefit of others; engineers, for example, spend much of their time designing and constructing buildings for other people. So, take pride in what you do, and if you possess the aforementioned traits, you are also a leader who doesn't have to rely on others to succeed. No matter what you do, aspiring to leadership positions will always benefit others.

What is Leadership in Management and what are the weaknesses and strengths of a Leader?

Simply said, leadership is acting as a supervisor or manager of a group. Different mental pictures pop up when we hear the word "leadership" used in conversation. One might think of a political leader, team leader, corporate leader, school leader, etc. Leaders facilitate order and efficiency in the workplace. Teamwork and success are fundamental to effective leadership. Leaders utilize their managerial abilities to establish courses and guide their teams to success.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Leadership

Able to express oneself more clearly

Growth of character.


Possession of teamwork skills.

Gain assurance in yourself.


Acting favorably toward one's teammates.

Having no faith in the leader.

Thinks they're better than everyone else, but act hypocritically.

Not living up to the promised standard.

Insufficient morals.

Leadership and Management

Management and leadership are inextricably linked to one another. Leadership and management are both vital to the efficient operation of an organization; but, they accomplish very different things in the process. Leadership is a necessary skill for anyone aspiring to be an effective manager. The terms management and leadership are synonymous with one another. In this manner, we are able to draw the conclusion that a manager who demonstrates the traits of a successful leader is, in fact, a manager who is effective.

Leadership in School

Leadership is essential in nearly every group, as we've seen above. That group includes one's educational institution. Every school needs an outstanding figure to serve as its head of school. Class monitor, assembly captain, cultural leader, etc. are all examples of leadership roles that can be taken on at school, but this raises the question of what makes a person a successful school leader.

Any student hoping to be chosen as a student body leader will need to demonstrate a wide range of competencies. He or she needs to be a consistent student who pays attention in class and does well in extracurricular activities. For the simple reason that no intelligent and hardworking kid would ever be considered for leadership. Student leaders are most often selected from among those who participate fully in all activities.

Leadership in Organization

Leadership in an organization, also known as organizational leadership, is the process of establishing long-term objectives that further the company's mission and help it reach its ultimate destination. This is a classic illustration of how Bill Gates often works with his team: they agree on a strategy, and Gates implements it. To the same extent, it is the responsibility of the leader in each given organization to determine what it is that the group is trying to accomplish.

Leadership in Politics

Leadership in politics, also known as political leadership, is the process of becoming actively involved in a political party in the role of a party leader. Knowledge of political processes, their outcomes, and the political agenda is central to the idea of political leadership.

An effective leader can be developed in anyone who has the determination and drives to do so. Both the strengths and the areas for improvement should be nurtured. Whether in the classroom, the workplace, or the political arena, leadership is always necessary. Therefore, one can exercise leadership anywhere they like inside their own organization.

What are the types of Leadership?

The ability to lead is a rare trait that not everyone possesses. The ability to do so is a gift, so count your blessings if you possess it. It's recommended that you hone it even more so that you can propel your career forward and serve as an example to people around you. However, it is crucial to grasp the various leadership styles before you go ahead and polish your skills.

Types of Leadership Styles

Democratic Leadership

In this style of management, subordinates are given a voice in decision-making. Although the subordinates' efforts are highlighted, the leader is ultimately held responsible for the group's actions. Many people find this type of leadership to be effective.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders motivate and inspire others to adopt new behaviors and ways of thinking in order to improve their own performance and that of their teams and organizations. A transformational leader is someone who encourages their team to strive for greater things and works to boost morale and output.

Team Leadership

A good leader fully incorporates his team into the task at hand. Members of the team are motivated to reach their goals and advance in their careers thanks to the leadership of the group.

Strategic Leadership

It requires a chief executive who doesn't restrict himself to brainstorming sessions with his superiors. He contributes on every level of the team. He is well-liked for his ability to unite the need for fresh ideas with the necessity of grounding them in reality.

Autocratic Leadership

The leader in a command and control structure is the center of attention. The chief executive has absolute power in this setting. He decides things on his own, without polling his staff. He relays this information to his staff and stresses the importance of swift action. The buck stops with him, and he alone must answer for his actions. Not much room for negotiation exists. It's no secret that this method of leading has its detractors.

Visionary Leadership

This kind of leader appreciates the abilities and requirements of his team members. He describes his ideal outcome and the teamwork that will be necessary to attain it.

Coaching Leadership

Leaders who coach their teams do so regularly in an effort to raise output. He inspires his employees to do better and works to keep them motivated. This approach to leadership has been much praised.

Facilitative Leadership

With occasional guidance, a facilitative leader ensures that the process runs smoothly for his team. As a precaution in case his team is ineffective. If the team is highly effective, the leader will take a hands-off approach.

Cross-Cultural Leadership

The leadership of this type is necessary when interacting with people from various cultural backgrounds. Because of the wide variety of cultures represented in the workforce across the United States, many managers and executives hold cross-cultural positions.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

The members of the team are given responsibility in this style of management. They are free to choose how they spend their time at work, with minimal oversight from the boss. It's not a good way to lead, according to experts.

Transactional Leadership

An interactive approach is integral to this kind of leadership. When team members successfully implement their leader's ideas and choices, they are rewarded with immediate, material benefits.

Charismatic Leadership

In order to bring out the best in his followers, this kind of leader makes the effort to change their attitudes, values, and actions.

This article should dispel the notion that leadership qualities can't be further subdivided. It should also assist you in pinpointing your own personal brand of leadership so you can perfect it over time.

Final Words

In conclusion, leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves various qualities and skills. Effective leaders possess traits such as integrity, vision, empathy, decisiveness, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. They are able to navigate challenges, make difficult decisions, and lead their team toward success. Leadership also involves continuous learning and self-improvement, as leaders must adapt to changing circumstances and remain relevant. Effective leadership can have a positive impact on both individuals and organizations, fostering growth and creating a culture of success.

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Leadership and Management: My Personal Philosophy of Leadership

Everybody can be a leader. Nevertheless, I feel that not every individual can lead effectively. I also believe that it is not a position but a process. Leadership is an action to influence other people to move and accomplish the same goal. Leaders are ineffective...

  • Leadership and Management

Leadership Development: Analysis of My Leadership Experience

This reflective essay is an analytical look into my leadership experience not only as a leader but also as a member of a group. I specifically adopted the situational approach and the path-goal theory when presented with different leadership challenges hence the adoption of changing...

My Chevening Leadership: Leadership Skills that I Developed

I acquired leadership skills from early adulthood based on my experiences in church and my family. I developed organisational, resilience and other leadership skills which have been honed over the years. My leadership skills continued in secondary school when I started volunteering and campaigning against...

What Is Leadership For You

It is a general term that can have very different meanings with broader possibilities and scales associated with it, and it goes through some evolution with constant permutations and combinations that go on forever. It starts from ancient times and then into the Middle Ages...

Important Role of Leadership Quality and Professionalism

Dedication, strength, honor, and integrity, are just a few of the descriptive words that can be used to define a leadership role. Accountability, knowledge, as well as integrity are words used to help describe professionalism. Notice how the words used to describe these roles are...

The Meaning Of Leadership To Me: Qualities That Create A Leader

For countless millennia, we had witnessed the birth of several societies and organizations that had flourished from successful leadership. Today, in modern businesses you could immediately tell how the leadership it had evolved into at present and the leadership it had decades earlier. Take for...

  • Personal Qualities

The Definition Of Leadership: What Does Leadership Mean To Me

My leadership philosophy is established about the need for a leader to encourage and inspire to do what motivates them. It can be accomplished by a leader and at the same time attaining the goals and the task of the team, department, institution, or corporation...

  • Personal Beliefs

Chelladurai's Model Of The Leadership

The model that is used for leadership in sports would be the Chelladurai's model of leadership. Chelladurai's model is a framework which builds on research from non-sporting settings in order to analyze effective leadership in sport. The fundamental target of the leader is to achieve...

Example Of Effective Leadership In Jeff Bezos Life Path

Since the beginning of people’s lives, everyone makes choices and decisions which gradually define a person itself. It is often difficult to identify whether the decision was good or bad because each person has a different level of awareness of the importance. Some things which...

Leadership Style Of Jeff Bezos

Jeffrey Preston Bezos is an American technology entrepreneur and the founder, CEO, and president of Amazon.com. Since high school, he has had an interest in computer science which led to him pursuing a degree in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton University in 1986....

Management Vs Leadership: The Good And The Bad Of Being A Manager

Being a manager is a job. Being a leader is a role. Increasingly companies are seeing that you need both skills for an effective work environment. In the article, “What Leaders Really Do” by John Kotter, John highlights the differences between a leaders and managers,...

Ender's Game Character Analysis Essay

A mission that decides the destiny of humanity, its survival or obliteration, is a challenge many will succumb to. Failure is not an option. Ender’s Game, a science fiction novel written by Orson Scott Card, tells the story of Andrew “Ender” Wiggin who fights in...

  • Ender's Game

The Rule of Charlemagne: The Development of Europe Under Successful Leadership

“Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right.”- Charlemagne Charlemagne, also known as Charles I, Charles the Great and the Father of Europe was an important Germanic figure in medieval times and has...

  • Charlemagne

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Transformational Leadership Style

Transformational Leadership deals with the motivation, inspiration, and encouragement of the personnel in order to carry out the innovative and creative change. This change directly helps the company in the growth and allows the scope for development. This leadership style is based on improving the...

  • Charismatic Leadership

What Makes a Leader Charismatic

Leadership is a dense genre that had remained under debate regarding the difference in opinions of the definition and components of leadership, and either it is intrinsic quality or learned behavior. Despite all the debate, Leadership can be contributed as a personal impact that is...

The Influence of Mansa Musa's Leadership

The most important aspects of this topic would be the importance of Mansa rebuilding the Mali empire. After he helped rebuild the empire they were more powerful and had a more important standing within society. The emperor who came to make a difference within their...

My Motivation to Obtain the Darwin T. Turner Scholarship

The Darwin T. Turner Scholarship is a program of diversity and leadership initiatives. Hello, my name is Simratdeep Kaur and I believe I should be a Turner Scholar because I show great potential in the future. I have maintained great academics, participated in many school...

  • Scholarship

What Does Being Inducted into National Honor Society Mean to Me

From the time I was inducted into National Junior Honor Society in seventh grade, I had always dreamed of the day when I would walk across the stage to become a part of National Honor Society. I have been continuously determined to do my very...

  • National Honor Society

The Four Tenets of National Honor Society I Exemplify in My Everyday Life

Induction into the National Honor Society validates academic goals that I have worked extremely hard towards thus far. Membership would not only help maintain my academic performance, but assist me in accomplishing further goals of my school career. Getting accepted into NHS has been a...

A Brave Leader: The Success of Rosa Parks Leadership

Refusing to give up your seat on the bus; a seemingly trivial decision in the goings-on of everyday life. Maybe one would be considered rude, or irritate others – but beyond that, the effects of the refusal would seem relatively insignificant. How is it then,...

  • Racial Segregation

Implementation of Leadership and Personal Development Planning in South Africa

Introduction Post-1994, the dream of the masses (previously disadvantaged groups), was a vision of self-governance, prosperity, equality, liberation and a sense of belonging and patriotism. Most of all, the yoke of Apartheid was demolished, it was a new future that held promise, a better life...

  • Personal Development Planning

The History of Syrian Leadership and Its Impact on the State of a Country

Syria became one of the most discussed and controversial countries in the world in recent years due to its ongoing armed conflict. Millions of Syrians escaped from their homeland looking for a shelter and a better future abroad causing internal conflicts in highly developed countries...

The Concept of Leadership and Mother Teresa as Its Vivid Illustration

Leaders have the power and the intellect behind the organization, and they have the capability to influence the ones working for the company to accomplish and reach the company’s goal. According to Patel (2017), a strong manager or leader must reach and develop eleven traits...

  • Mother Teresa

Investigating the Losses and Leadership Positions in Starbucks

The Starbucks brand started in 1971 by opening its to begin with store area in Seattle, Washington. Within the 1970s and 1980s, Starbucks Corporation experienced victory within the U.S. market. By 1987, Howard Schultz purchased Starbucks after serving for 5 years within the operation division...

The Humor Style Suitable for Leadership Positions

Throughout this report, the main topic in focus will be the Leader Humor Style. The definition of humor is not straightforward, “Over the years, researchers have been trying to arrive at one definition of humour which is both comprehensive and universal. All their efforts have...

The Results Of My S.M.A.R.T. Leadership Experience

Leadership, S.M.A.R.T. goals, and the Seven Habits profile are all interconnected in many ways. Throughout the course of this paper I will address the results of my Seven Habits profile, servant leadership, and make S.M.A.R.T. goals. They will assist me in becoming a better leader...

  • Emotional Intelligence

The Definition of Leadership: Barack Obama's Presidency

Leadership can mean various things a success, power, efficiency, andintelligence. Among other qualities. However, leadership is taken into accountwhen the leader or the person who is the heads of a movement has the abilityto influence others and make a positive impact on the world around...

Leadership Is My Strong Side

Mustering the courage, penetrating the challenge, and engendering the creativity are the abilities to define myself as a visionary leader. After the head of Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Pertamina Region VII awarded me as the best presenter in Pertamina Technology Challenge, an opportunity as...

  • About Myself

The Importance of Good Ethics and Leadership in Society

One of the most important, yet least understood phenomena on earth is leadership. The research was done to investigate leadership traits, activities, behaviour, and processes; yet, until Burns (1978), a few researchers were able to distinguish between leadership that is "transactional" and leadership that is...

  • Human Behavior

Change Management in Organizations Dependency on Leadership

This paper seeks to establish how change can be effectively introduced to the challenging global business environment of today. However, to establish this, one has to first understand what a change management strategy is and to critically analyze the key composition of an ideal change...

  • Change Management

Analysis Of Individual Aspects Of Leadership

The first factor for business success is empowering leadership. Leadership has taken companies to its peak of success. This report will look into the leadership style of Sandberg in the different companies she had worked. How her leadership skills influenced and impacted the people she...

Application Of Engineering Leadership To Improve Group's Performance

This case occurred during a practical lab session where my group and I were tasked with a graded lab report based on that session’s experiment. That week’s experimental procedure was knowledge-intensive and rigorous, requiring a good understanding of that week’s lecture content while involving many...

  • Engineering

Best Way For Society To Prepare It's Youth For Leadership

The provided memo brings a lot of questions to mind. These need to properly addressed before jumping to the conclusion that increasing the advertising budget will help increase the attendance of people in movies produced by Super Screen Movie Production Company. Firstly, the memo talks...

  • Modern Society

Classic Leadership And Organization Dilemmas

The main challenge of any organization is to perform tasks in the right time. If they cannot perform it within the prescribed time, their ongoing work can be interrupted. Therefore, if the job is to be executed at a given time, it is necessary to...

  • Organizational Behavior

Jim Davis Case Study Analysis: The Problem Of Leadership And Power

Leadership and power have a fine line in which they were most effectively together. In that relationship it is important that a good sense of credibility is established in order to achieve and maintain a status. The problem at hand is how Jim is going...

Leadership – The Art Of Managing People

The capacity to sort out a gathering of individuals or an organization is called leadership. The individual who directs the gathering is characterized as a Leader. Despite the fact that the bigger fault and less credit come to them, a pioneer is the foundation of...

Leadership And Management In International Hospitality Business

Introduction Leadership includes giving the data, information, and techniques to understand that vision, and organizing and adjusting the clashing interests of all individuals and partners. Be that as it may, the initiative has changed after some time and has made numerous difficulties for the individuals...

  • Hospitality
  • Marketing Management

Leadership In Different Aspects Of Life

Introduction Leadership is defined to be the action of leading a group of people or an organization. In the coaching profession, coaches lead their teams. If you were to ask me what my personal definition and general philosophy of leadership is, I would say, “Leadership...

  • Personal Life

The Challenges in the Leadership School: Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

I applied to leadership school and I was told it was going to easy but boy was I wrong. As soon we got on the bus things turned for worse. First, all phones were confiscated as we got on the bus then we to be...

Leadership Style And Influence Of Two Historical Figure

This is an extensive study of leadership styles and scope of influence of 2 historical figures of Nepal. “Siddhartha Gautama (Gautama Buddha) and Prithivi Narayan Shah. They can be seen as an effective and influential leader known to whole world. I found difference in their...

Leadership Theories And Personal Evaluation

Trait Theory Of the eight trait theories presented in the textbook I feel that I possess predominantly the desire to lead, honesty, integrity and emotional intelligence. In most jobs that I have been employed, I often find myself thinking of ways that the manager could...

Psychology Of Work: Organizational Leadership Theories

In lieu of the changing business environments globally, companies strive to be competent enough to be able to respond to customer expectations, have sound and healthy relationships with all the stakeholders, have operations that are transparent and accountable and increase their bottom line fulfilling their...

  • Social Psychology

Revitalization Through New Leadership For Success In Any Field

The topic presented here makes a very valid argument that revitalization through new leadership is crucial for success in any field, be it politics, education or government. I am in concord with the claim that those in power should graciously make way at regular intervals...

An Overview of the Five Levels of Leadership

Nowadays the word ¨leadership¨ is used in all spheres of society, from the political field to the business and religious fields. One of the modern precursors of the study of leadership is John C. Maxwell, who for years has used and taught an instrument of...

The Social Influence Of Leadership On Human

For many years, many people (scholars) have had lot of interest in leadership, there have been many debates and some occasional confusion explaining the concept of leadership or what it really means. (Bass 1981) (Northouse, P 2016) Even now, defining it is not as easy...

Value Proposition Of Investing In It Leadership

Companies that invests in IT leadership perform much better than the companies that don’t. IT Leadership development is very important for creating competition and having an upper hand over other companies. A standout amongst the most important internal features to implement change is IT Leadership...

Essay About What Leadership Means To Me

For me, leadership means not only pursue success for myself but also to motivate and empower others to do the same by setting the perfect example to follow. For me, leadership means knowing where to go, leading the right path, taking new challenges and not...

Best topics on Leadership

1. What Type of Leader I Am: Examining My Leadership

2. How to Be an Effective Leader: Guiding with Excellence

3. How to Be a Good Leader: The Path to Effective Leadership

4. Are Leaders Born or Made: the Nature vs Nurture Debate

5. Analysis of President Barack Obama as a Leader

6. Leadership and Management: My Personal Philosophy of Leadership

7. Leadership Development: Analysis of My Leadership Experience

8. My Chevening Leadership: Leadership Skills that I Developed

9. What Is Leadership For You

10. Important Role of Leadership Quality and Professionalism

11. The Meaning Of Leadership To Me: Qualities That Create A Leader

12. The Definition Of Leadership: What Does Leadership Mean To Me

13. Chelladurai’s Model Of The Leadership

14. Example Of Effective Leadership In Jeff Bezos Life Path

15. Leadership Style Of Jeff Bezos

  • Advertising
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Dunkin Donuts
  • Mcdonald's
  • Family Business

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620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions

Are you searching for the best leadership essay topics? StudyCorgi has collected a list of good essay ideas and research questions about leadership. Read on to find titles for your paper or presentation about challenges organizational leaders face, global leadership issues, ethical problems, and many more!

🏆 Best Leadership Essay Titles

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  • The Samsung Leadership and Strategy
  • Trait vs. Great Man Theory of Leadership
  • Ford Motor Company Leadership Style & Management
  • Nelson Mandela: Researching of Leadership
  • Apple: Organizational Culture, Structure, and Leadership
  • Leadership Styles Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Woolworths’ Integrated Cost Leadership/Differentiation Strategy
  • Leadership and Management in Early Childhood Education The paper examines why leadership and management are confused among early childhood education professionals. One can easily understand both terms.
  • The Impact of Apostle Paul Leadership Style Apostle Paul is the most important figure after the death of Jesus. He employed a transformational leadership approach to motivate his followers to change.
  • Leadership Styles Used by the Church There are many different styles of stewardship that a leader can adopt in controlling church activities: autocratic, despotic, democratic, Laissez-Faire rules, etc.
  • Steve Jobs’ Leadership Style and Emotional Intelligence This paper will focus on Steve Jobs’s style of leadership, change management leadership, motivating approaches, and emotional intelligence.
  • Steve Jobs’ Leadership Style: Essay Example The paper studies the leadership style and traits of Steve Jobs and presents evidence that characterizes the leadership as transformational and charismatic.
  • The Role of Leader and Leadership in the Organization In an organization, success and failure are dependent on the manager, and the manager’s success and failure are based on his leadership qualities.
  • Leadership and Change Management in Apple Company The paper aims to analyze the data concerning the business performance of Apple Company, its change management practices, the charismatic leadership pattern of Steve Jobs.
  • The Concepts of Leadership and Management This report will examine the link between leadership and management, introduce theoretical behavioural approaches to leadership development.
  • Sony Corporation’s Leadership and Effectiveness One of the world’s leading manufacturers for the consumer and business industries in audio, video, communications, and information technology is Sony Corporation.
  • Company Leadership: Walmart vs. Target Walmart uses transformational, participative, and democratic leadership styles, a combination of which ensures the company’s success.
  • Leadership and Influence Process Only leaded by the right person, a group of people can become a closely-knit team. Surely, a leader should behave in a particular way.
  • Proposal for New Leadership Training Before implementing change within an organization, it is important for management team to acquire effective leadership training.
  • The Case of Nokia: A Lesson in Leadership and Motivation In the 1990s and 2000s, the Finnish company Nokia was a global phenomenon. It grew to be a technology giant, leading the change in how people used mobile phones.
  • A Difference Between Leadership and Management It needs to be understood that leadership and management are different. Most performing managers possess leadership traits, but not all leaders can manage effectively.
  • Lego Group: Leadership and Change Management The focus of this research paper is to explore leadership and change management using Lego Group as an example.
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s Leadership Strategies Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most successful leaders despite the criticisms presented by many stakeholders against him.
  • Trends and Issues in Nursing: Leadership and Management The health sector is one of the most important sectors in any society. Through proper management and leadership of nurses, reliable services will be delivered.
  • Marissa Mayer’s Leadership Style at Yahoo! Successful leadership entails identifying the specific demands of an organization and actions to address issues. The paper highlights Marissa Mayer’s leadership style.
  • Howard Schultz’s Servant Leadership at Starbucks Howard Schultz’s managerial style at Starbucks is admired and analyzed by many scholars. As the C.E.O., he applied servant leadership efficiently in order to empower his followers.
  • Nursing Leadership and Management This essay explores the similarities and differences between leadership and management in nursing. It focuses on how nurse leaders and managers perceive quality improvement.
  • Effective Leadership: The Biblical Perspective Effective leadership from a biblical perspective is a God manifested character to influence and serve others through Christ’s interests to accomplish God’s purposes.
  • Importance of Leadership in Business In an organization that leadership is accepted as part of management principle, workers show a positive mind-set hence increasing the level of performance.
  • Emirates Airline: Leadership Styles and Performance The study investigated the influence of four leadership styles on the organizational performance of Emirates Airline from the perspective of communication.
  • Change Management at Zoom: Leadership in Organizational Change The ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has forced entrepreneurs and leaders of giant corporations to transform their business models.
  • Strategic Leadership Course Reflection One can improve their leadership capabilities through training and development, which is how I plan on contributing to the well-being of my organisation.
  • Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects ​In theology, leadership has various meanings, but all have their foundation in Christ. All leaders aspire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and lead others to redemption.
  • God’s and Elijah’s Formal and Informal Leadership This paper will discuss formal and informal leadership represented by God and Elijah the Prophet, respectively.
  • Elon Musk’s Leadership Style and Related Theories There are three main models used in this essay to explore the leadership of Elon Musk, namely behavioral theories, Transformational theory, and path-goal theory.
  • Leadership Styles: The Example of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Through a specific pattern the leader can achieve job satisfaction among workers and increase their productivity.
  • Leadership Styles in “Moneyball” by Bennett Miller The “Moneyball” movie shows successful and unsuccessful uses of transformational leadership and introduces a character whose choice to employ a new approach leads to a change.
  • Humility’s Impact in Leadership In the leadership, humility refers to the ability of an individual to act modestly by learning and accepting the truth people management.
  • Norman Schwarzkopf’s Leadership Styles The uncanny personal magnetism possessed by General Norman Schwarzkopf enabled him to work with a diverse group of people.
  • Critical Reflection Report (Leadership) Many people mix-up the concepts of Leadership and Management with each other. Leadership and Management are not the same thing.
  • Leadership Approaches During the COVID-19 Pandemic As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, leaders need to act in an environment of unpredictability and incomplete information.
  • Leadership Styles and Macbeth’s Leadership Shakespeare’s Macbeth showed that he was a capable leader at the beginning of the play, but later on, he became overly authoritative.
  • Mary Teresa Barra’s Transformational Leadership The case of Mary Teresa Barra, CEO of General Motors, is an interesting example of how transformational leadership can result in improved organisational performance.
  • Leadership Development Plan Based on the Bible Principles Developed leadership skills can inspire further engagement from the staff, and Biblical principles of Leadership are intertwined to bring out one perfect guide.
  • Team Effectiveness Leadership Model Various issues could be addressed by the team effectiveness leadership model in which the leader should dedicate his efforts.
  • Jack Welch’s Leadership at General Electric The paper gives detailed answers to several questions related to “GE’s Two Decades Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership” journal.
  • Remember the Titans: Leadership Examples Boone did not want to accept the leadership because of racial prejudices and because he felt like he was doing the same thing that was once done to him.
  • Personal Leadership Portrait: Leadership Reflections The public health field is challenging to manage and navigate, but a collaborative and supportive team environment can help immensely.
  • Trait Approach and Skills Approach to Leadership Leaders play critical roles that set new directions and visionary performance ideals within institutions. Leaders improve effectiveness and competence during service delivery.
  • Leadership in the Context of Globalization This paper aims to outline the issue of leadership in the context of globalization, conduct a GAP analysis, offer recommendations for developing necessary leadership competencies.
  • Trust and Transparency in Management and Leadership of Health Care Organizations The concept of transparency has gained prominence over the last decade, especially within the healthcare industry because creates trust in the whole healthcare system.
  • Leadership in Health Care: Situational Leadership Theory The paper discusses the leadership issues in health care. It demonstrates that the particularities of emergency care units necessitate a flexible approach to leadership.
  • Psychodynamic Approach to Leadership Development The psychodynamic approach to leadership is a philosophy of human behavior that focuses on reasons or forces that drive individualistic societal attributes.
  • Management and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry This paper aims to evaluate the validity of leveraging competencies of leadership and management in an attempt to achieve competitive advantage.
  • Google Company: Leadership and Motivation This paper uses the case of Google to explain why business and leadership models are usually supported by admirable organizational cultures.
  • Servant Leadership in the Church and Its Purpose This research paper analyzes three main components: the Pastor’s relationship with Leadership, the purpose of Servant Leadership, and the personal qualities of the minister.
  • Leadership and Organizational Behavior: U.S. and India In this paper, we will discuss the communication differences between U.S. and India, analyze the cultural and workforce differences, and would devise a strategy to deal with HRM issues.
  • Leadership in the 21st Century Leaders must have professional skills in scheduling, time management, allocation of resources, and delegating responsibilities among their auxiliaries.
  • Jeff Immelt’s and Jack Welch’s Leadership at General Electric This paper will analyze the core competencies and capabilities of General Electric, and outline the differences in management styles of Jeff Immelt and Jack Welch.
  • Foundations of Army Leadership Leaders influence people not just through the instructions they give, but also through their words and actions.
  • Leadership Challenges and How to Overcome Them This paper focuses upon the most difficult challenges which the leaders have to face to be called successful leaders and how successful leaders face those challenges.
  • The Role of Time Management in Leadership Modern leaders pay much attention to time management as it is one of the constant and irreversible things in the work of any organization.
  • Personal Leadership Development Plan Managerial leaders drive an organization with the kind of decision they make; the quality of decision creates a competitive advantage to a firm.
  • Leadership at the Workplace This paper will focus upon the different leadership behaviors and the best leadership behavior which should be adopted to meet the company’s goals.
  • Leadership-Followership in the “Hotel Rwanda” Film The film “Hotel Rwanda” by Terry George elaborates on the story of Paul Rusesabagina, who protected the lives of 1,200 Tutsi refugees during the 1994 Rwandan massacre.
  • Dominant and Backup Leadership Styles The paper states that the main aim of a leader is to emphasize all essential factors that are in charge of abundant and affluent company development.
  • Leadership in “Erin Brockovich” Film In the “Erin Brockovich” movie, the main protagonist, Erin, is a transformational leader, he shows passion and determination until the desired outcome is achieved.
  • Analysis of Leadership in the Intensive Care Unit According to van Schijndel and Burchardi, scholars have not paid much attention to practical management in the intensive care medicine.
  • Educational Leadership: Literature Review This paper reviews literature on key issues that are necessary for educational leaders such as the provision of vision driven by values to school fraternity and others.
  • Participative Leadership Style and Its Benefits Different people use different approaches to manifest their leadership styles depending on a variety of situations under which they operate.
  • Poor Leadership Decision: A Case Study Leadership is a complex position associated with the necessity to make difficult decisions that will directly affect the performance of the unity.
  • The Differences between Leadership and Management Running a successful, best-performing business implies possessing particular personal aptitudes and characteristics. Company executives might have leadership makings.
  • Followership Leadership vs. Servant Leadership Followership leadership focuses on followers and servant leadership focuses on leaders, but they are similar since the core element is service, empathy, and proactiveness.
  • Leadership Styles in Government Institutions This research paper digs deeper in order to understand the issues and leadership styles implemented in government institutions.
  • Robert Kiyosaki’s Leadership Style The research explores the components of leadership such as transformational leadership and organizational realities in the management style of Robert Kiyosaki.
  • Amazon Company: Organization and Leadership With electronic performance monitoring, a company like Amazon can supervise and analyze an employee’s activities in real-time.
  • Critical Evaluation of an Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Case Study Entrepreneurial leadership is a contemporary and innovative method of management that combines leadership abilities with an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership: Personal Reflection An organization’s success relies on its leadership approach’s effectiveness. A leader’s style, and decision-making processes significantly impact the organization’s culture.
  • Application of Leadership Theories Three commonly used leadership styles of situational leadership and transformational leadership offer leadership direction in an organization.
  • A Case Study on Educational Leadership The paper analyzes the case and identifies the problems within the school, with poor leadership being the priority issue and looks for subsequent improvement.
  • Leadership Theories and Examples Leadership theories are schools of thought brought forward to explain how and why certain individuals become leaders.
  • Military Leadership. The NCO 1700: Valley Forge The NCO 1700: Valley Forge case study provides invaluable insight into the history of leadership in the military.
  • Nelson Mandela’s Leadership Nelson Mandela is widely known for his extraordinary personality and exceptional contribution to his people’s well-being. He was a truly transformational leader.
  • Organizational Behavior. Leadership and Self-Assessment The internal character of a leader can be measured through testing, and this can pave way for self-development.
  • Leadership Styles Comparison: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-Faire Leadership Leadership style is an essential managerial characteristic. According to Lewin’s model, there are three types of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire.
  • A Leadership Development Plan for a Nurse Manager The most critical strategy for the leadership development plan is to focus on the transformation of the employees.
  • Elon Musk’s and Jeff Bezos’ Leadership Styles One should initially note the fundamental difference in the dynamics of development of the two space companies chosen by its leaders, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.
  • Leadership Analysis of St. John the Compassionate Mission The case study portrays an effective governance concept that the administration should implement when treating people and organizing their needs to find an effective solution.
  • Servant Leadership: Chinese Culture and Confucianism It is necessary to note that the principles associated with servant leadership are consistent with the values found in Confucianism and Christianity.
  • Nursing Leadership and the System of Christian Values Effective healthcare is partially built on the notion of leadership and management in nursing as it is one of its most extensive domains.
  • Angela Merkel’s Leadership Style – Article Evaluation Angela Merkel is a transformational leader as demonstrated by her role in the Euro Crisis. The German economy still enjoys a strong position in Europe.
  • Change-Oriented Leadership: Transformational and Charismatic Leaders Travis Kalanick is a founder and CEO of Uber, which is considered one of the most successful startups in the recent times. Many have criticized his leadership style.
  • Importance of the Effective Leadership A leader must exhibit traits of accepting and solving wide varieties of business problems and issues, of different hues and have varying levels of impacts on business environment.
  • David: The Legacy of Leadership This paper analyzes King David’s life and personality in depth based on the books of Samuel, Chronicles, and Kings as well as defines David’s leadership model and makes a case for its relevance today.
  • FedEx Corporation’s Leadership Experience Interview Being among the largest shipping services in the US, FedEx Corporation presents a public company that values initiative and well-developed leadership qualities.
  • Situational, Transformational, and Transactional Leadership The purpose of this essay is to examine situational leadership, its fundamental principles, philosophical assumptions, and main elements.
  • Jack Welch’s Transformational Leadership Analysis Jack Welch is an example of a transformational leader. As a leader, he is known as an inspiring motivator and intellectual stimulator.
  • Human Resource Practice, Leadership and Management Human resource management is a multidimensional phenomenon whose role in an organization engulfs boosting social capital value and competence.
  • Nursing Leadership and Management: Quantum Leadership The quantum approach is essential in the management of complex situations that are experienced in contemporary work situations.
  • The Leadership Theories: Pros and Cons The situational leadership theory, the path-goal theory, and the five-factor personality models might illustrate a leader’s role as a set of skills that can be acquired.
  • Apple Inc.’s Strategic Leadership and Innovation Heracleous and Papachroni explore strategic leadership and innovation at Apple, Inc., performed by Steve Jobs, a founder of the organization.
  • Leadership Development in Government Sector Leadership is critical for ensuring good governance either in private or in the government sector. In the present circumstances, the government organizations are over managed.
  • Human Relations: Values, Leadership and Power Human relations is the management process that involves bringing workers’ actions to match those of the company. This work explores topics of HR: values, leadership, and power.
  • Leadership Style and Performance in UK Restaurants This research paper explores leadership behavior orientations within the restaurant sector in the UK in terms of their relationship to employee motivation.
  • Nelson Mandela’s Servant Leadership Principles This paper examines how Nelson Mandela employed servant leadership traits to lead, motivate, and influence others.
  • Margaret Whitman’s Leadership: EBay Company’s Case The article provides a review of Margaret Whitman’s leadership (chief executive (CEO)) style for which her critics say was old-fashioned and not entrepreneurial.
  • Authentic Leadership in Early Childhood Teaching The context of early childhood education (ECE) has been challenged by the fact that many leaders within the sphere have been unlikely to engage in formal leadership preparation.
  • Leadership, Management and Change The essay describes the major theories and models that have the potential to change the manner in which the group was managed and led.
  • Leadership in Project Management and Team-Building The paper discusses leadership in team-building and project management, compares leadership and management, classifies leaders and styles of leadership.
  • President Putin’s Leadership Style and Decisions The paper evaluates President Putin’s background, rise to power, leadership style, and significant decisions that defined his presidency.
  • The Followership and Servant Leadership Comparison Followership and servant leadership have a wide range of similarities and differences based on interaction principles and appealing to certain elements.
  • 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team Leadership Inadequate leadership in the 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team has compromised the safety of service members and created conditions that do not allow them to recuperate properly.
  • Leadership and Team Management Leadership and team management are complex tasks that often go hand in hand. One of those hardships is motivating the team in unfortunate circumstances.
  • Ethical Leadership Virtues Questionnaire The Leadership Virtues Questionnaire promotes ethical leadership by measuring the four virtues to ensure leaders develop the required behavior.
  • Military Mindset: Leadership, Discipline, Resilience, and Teamwork This literature review will focus on the four themes identified in the context of the military mindset, which are leadership, discipline, resilience, and teamwork.
  • Great Man Theory of Leadership An evaluation of the great man will help explain how it reflects the leadership components of the RN’s role and enhances inter-professional practice.
  • Leadership Theory and Practice The paper discusses how organizations and individuals can use these leadership strategies to achieve specific goals when faced with different challenges.
  • Leadership Strategies for Conflict Management in Nursing This paper will discuss the servant, transformational, and authoritarian conflict management styles, as they are the most prominent in the relevant literature.
  • Contingency and Situational Theory in Leadership This essay focuses on contingency theory and situational theory in leadership, compares these theories, mentions the importance of various factors affecting leadership.
  • Todd McFarlane’s Leadership Approach The main trait of McFarlane as a leader is the passion for the things he does. He has a solid vision of what must be achieved and inspires others to attain these objectives.
  • Leadership Styles Analysis and Comparison Leadership is one of the most important strategies used in achieving high performances and effective operations within a corporate organization.
  • Steward Versus Servant Leadership in Christianity Leadership is critical for any organization to succeed. Steward leadership and servant leadership are similar and different in some aspects.
  • Leadership Styles in the Forrest Gump Film Forrest managed to inspire Elvis Presley, who imitated Forrest’s dance moves. As such, he received a football scholarship and became a top running back.
  • Examples of Ethical and Unethical Leadership in History One of the most relevant areas in modern social sciences has become theoretical and practical research into the phenomenon of leadership.
  • The Everyday Leadership TED Talk by Drew Dudley Leadership is an exceptionally crucial ability in all areas of life. Leaders influence others and can shape the direction of the development of their organization.
  • Steve Jobs’ Leadership Style and Apple’s Success The paper states that Steve Jobs’ general approach to leadership can be summarized as authoritarian. As an effective leader, he was meticulous in detail.
  • Microsoft and Apple, Inc.: Leadership Styles Microsoft and Apple had differences in leadership approaches in the past, yet they have adopted a transformational style due to its impact on a firm’s capabilities.
  • Elon Musk: Evaluating Leadership in the United States Elon Musk was born on 28th June 1871 in Pretoria, South Africa. He has founded and cofounded some of the most renowned corporations globally, including Tesla Motors Corporation.
  • Leadership and Management in Criminal Justice Understanding why leadership and management are helpful in the judiciary and law enforcement will go a long way to streamlining the criminal offices.
  • Wise Men’s Leadership in the Old Testament The Old Testament is a great book of universal human significance since it carries information about not only religion but the state and power structure.
  • Path-Goal Theory of Leadership The theory has an assumption that the leader supports the followers and reinforces their deficiencies as they work towards fulfilling the organizational objectives.
  • Servant Leaders in “Jesus on Leadership: Developing Servant Leaders” by Gene Wilkes Gene Wilkes, in his book “Jesus on Leadership: Developing Servant Leaders,” takes his readers back to reflect on how to manage people the way Jesus did.
  • Leadership Styles: Then and Now This paper compares and contrasts leaderships styles of the 90’s, early 2000’s, and today. It also compares the leadership styles of President Barrack Obama, George W Bush, and Donald Trump.
  • Application of Leadership Theory Effective leadership is essential for a successful organization. However, it is not a simple role to fulfill, and it can involve a lot of different situations, goals, and interactions.
  • Transformational Leadership and Management The paper compares leadership and management and analysis the theory of transformational leadership applying it to healthcare and business contexts.
  • Leadership and Management Importance in Organisations This essay seeks to establish whether managers can be trained to be leaders, especially in organisations that thrive in ever-changing, competitive business environment.
  • Transformational Leadership and School Change Innovation I interviewed Professor M. F., the vice chancellor of a New Jersey medical school. I asked M. to explain a school change innovation in which she was involved.
  • Good Leadership and Its Importance in Nursing The theme of leadership resonates throughout nursing and seldom much is achievable without it at the personal and organizational level.
  • Principal Instructional Leadership and Its Benefits One issue that differentiates Principal Instructional Leadership (PIL) from other types of leadership is its emphasis on education.
  • Adobe Inc.’s Five Forces and Leadership Analysis In this paper, the Adobe organization will be assessed through Porter’s Five Forces model, and the employed leadership model will be analyzed.
  • Transformational Leadership: The Case Study Transformational leadership is a type of organizational governance that not only encourages change and innovation but also maintains its values, culture, and processes.
  • Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership Professionals working in the healthcare industry, including clinicians, nurses, and managers, must implement a certain set of personal skills to ensure positive patient outcomes.
  • Spiritual Leadership Book Reflection A reflection of chapters three and four of Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby provides deep insights into leadership and the role of divinity.
  • Contemporary Leadership Challenges Leadership is one of the most researched topics in social sciences because of its relevance in different fields.
  • Ineffective Leadership in Business When the leaders do not practice what they preach, it will be difficult for the junior-level employees to stick to the company’s portfolio requirement.
  • Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership Performance The purpose of the paper is to identify the patterns of correlation between such leadership aspects as servant leadership, emotional intelligence, and leadership performance.
  • The Definition of Public Health Leadership Public health leadership is based on such concepts as influence, the situation, and the followers and is based on the correlations between these factors.
  • Philosophy of Nursing Leadership: Transformational Leadership Philosophy A transformational nursing leadership philosophy is a modern concept that helps healthcare organizations to adapt to present exterior environmental strains.
  • Strategic Leadership in Examples from Personal Experience This essay presents the three examples of leadership from my personal experience of managing teams in several projects for my organisation.
  • Leadership and Management in the Patient-Centred Care Despite a slight difference between leadership and management, both concepts are crucial in sustaining the ever-changing sphere of healthcare services
  • Leadership in Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior (OB) is basically the study of how individuals and people groups act in a given organization.
  • Leadership and Self Empowerment Life of people is full of mutual relationships which then define the roles of the people in the community and the further implementations of their talents and abilities.
  • Leadership Styles and Their Effect on Employees This study determines the leadership styles employed by managers and the relationship that exists between these leadership styles and their impact on the employees.
  • Leadership Example for Exxon Mobil Top Management The present case study focuses on the leadership style used by the NYC Comptroller, Mr. Scott M. Stringer. The target audience of the report is the top management of Exxon Mobil.
  • Leadership Styles in “Apollo 13” by Ron Howard In Apollo 13 directed by Ron Howard, it is possible to observe several types of leadership that are mostly represented by such characters as Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz.
  • Richard Branson’s Organic Leadership Richard Branson has demonstrated that organizations can influence the commitment of their employees through the development of an organic organizational structure.
  • Perspective in Women Leadership in United Arab Emirates This essay explores the perceptions that surround women, their participation in leadership, and analyzes how culture, religion, and opinions impact on women leadership in the UAE.
  • Taxonomy of Leadership Theories Ethical leadership is considered transactional-oriented by emphasizing ethical standards and moral management, rather than common transformational characteristics of vision.
  • Leadership and Management in the Banking Sector The paper discusses leadership and management in the banking sector and the role of a leader, his approaches to managing processes, and his values.
  • Power, Leadership, and Machiavellian Theory Machiavelli’s work has received responses from other famous authors arguing that his principles inspire state and corporation modern management techniques.
  • A Reflection on Leadership Skills in Nursing Leadership competencies encompass most factors. Nurse leaders possess very valuable assets that prove useful to the management team.
  • The Transformational Leadership in Nursing By considering the transformational approach to leadership constructively, the team might get a new view from the standpoint of the nursing profession.
  • Servant Leadership in Early Childhood Education The purpose of this report revolves around reviewing servant leadership as it pertains to early childhood education.
  • Personal Leadership Philosophy Statement This paper discusses the importance of personal leadership philosophy in public safety, specifically within the context of emergency management organizations.
  • Leadership Issues in the Department of Homeland Security The paper highlights some of the major leadership issues active in and around the department of homeland security, with evidence-based on conducted studies and reports.
  • The Concept of Sustainable Leadership The paper discusses the true meaning of sustainability leadership. It is a mindful effort of a leader to manage the resources they are in charge of.
  • Leadership Development in the US Army The following essay discusses the concept of leadership development, its importance in the US army, and further research.
  • Covid-19 Effects and Leadership Challenges
  • True Leadership in the Invictus Film
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Educational Leadership
  • Kamala Harris Leadership in Politics
  • Nursing Leadership and Management: Interview Analysis
  • Six Leadership Traits: Overview and Definition
  • Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement
  • Personal Development and Leadership Program in Education
  • Delegation of Leadership Skills
  • Business Management and Leadership Qualities
  • Communication Effects on Leadership
  • Leadership Problems: Organizational Change
  • Individual Leadership Development Plan and Report
  • Leadership Trait Questionnaire and Reflection
  • Leadership Theories in the Healthcare Industry
  • Warren Buffet’s and Al Gore’s Leadership Styles
  • Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Transformational Leadership
  • Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities for Success
  • Jim Mallozzi’s Positive Leadership in Real Estate
  • Leadership in Cross-Cultural Context
  • Leadership in Nursing and Midwifery
  • Wal-Mart’s Leadership in Crafting and Executing Strategy
  • Starbucks’ Culture and Howard Schultz’s Leadership
  • Leadership Role in Shaping Organizational Culture
  • Servant Leadership in the Remember the Titans Film
  • Importance of the Teacher Leadership
  • The Christian Leadership, Stewardship, and Ethics
  • Psychology of Leadership Theories
  • Sources of Power Used in Leadership Positions
  • Leadership for Strategy Execution
  • Contingency Leadership Theory Analysis
  • Leadership and Change Portfolio: Ooredoo
  • Dr. Rosser-Mims’ Diversity Model and Leadership Style
  • Religious Study: Spiritual Leadership
  • Servant-Leadership Decision-Making Rubric
  • Statesmanship Model and Organizational Leadership
  • Transactional and Transformational Leadership: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Benedict Arnold’s Leadership Traits
  • Leadership in Healthcare Management & Administration
  • Air Force Organizational Culture: Leadership Cultivation
  • Comparison of Leadership Models and Styles
  • Leadership Followership Relationship
  • Leadership Style and Nursing
  • Healthcare Management and Leadership
  • The Link Between Corporate Culture and Ethical Leadership
  • Nursing Informatics in Leadership
  • Reaching Migrant Workers in the Malaysian Church: Establishing a Leadership Model
  • 29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch
  • Transformational Leadership of Jesus Christ
  • Leadership, Management Style and Organizational Performance
  • IBM Company’s Leadership and Innovation Management
  • Team Management and Leadership
  • Different Leadership Styles Comparison
  • Transformational Leadership and Patient-Centered Care
  • Facebook Inc.’s Leadership Practices
  • Transformational Leadership and Theory Y in Nursing
  • Communication and Leadership in Nursing
  • The Situational Leadership Model
  • Autocratic, Consultative, Group-Based Leadership
  • Gary C. Kelly’s Leadership at Southwest Airlines
  • A Social Identity Theory of Leadership by Michael Hogg
  • Leadership Styles in Business
  • Organizational Culture, Structure, and Leadership in the 21st century
  • Leadership and Intelligence: Are All Good Leaders Smart?
  • Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing
  • Amazon: Jeff Bezos’ Leadership
  • Leadership Approaches: Similarities and Differences
  • Philosophy of Leadership Statement
  • Communication, Leadership, and Organizational Skills in Emergency Response
  • Leadership’s Role in Organizational Growth: Analysis of Max Kouene
  • Coaching and Leadership Development in an Organization
  • A Plan to Improve the Way I Lead: The Path-Goal Theory of Leadership
  • The Leadership Gold Book by John Maxwell
  • General Motors Firm’s Leadership Approaches
  • Instrumental Values as a Tool in the Leadership Approach
  • Nurture and Nature in Leadership
  • A Self-Assessment of Leadership
  • The Interplay Between Leadership Styles and Organizational Change Management
  • Churchill’s Leadership as a British Prime Minister During World War II
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Adaptable Mixed Leadership
  • Followership and Servant Leadership in Army Officers
  • Reflection on Leadership and Professionalism
  • Advocacy in Nursing Leadership
  • Bolman and Deal’s Four Frames of Leadership
  • Leadership Within a Global Context
  • Self-Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Conflict Management
  • Gender Issues in the Leadership of the Organization
  • Delegation in Leadership Process
  • Leadership, Team Building and Communication
  • Leadership and its Role in the Organizational Behavior
  • Strategic Management: Importance of Leadership
  • Leadership and Management: Case Study Analysis
  • Authority and Leadership: Rising From the Ranks
  • The Idea of Leadership: “Servants of the Servant” by Don N. Howell, Jr.
  • Nursing Leadership Experience in the Development of an Educational Program for Patients
  • Skills Approach: Personal Leadership Reflection
  • Berkshire Hathaway: Management and Leadership
  • Situational Leadership Model: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Axel Springer Company’s Strategic Leadership
  • Knowledge-Oriented Leadership and Open Innovation
  • Leadership Development Strategy for Human Capital
  • Richard Branson’s Leadership Style
  • Alan Mulally’s Personality and Leadership at Ford Company
  • Leadership Style and Motivation in Health Care
  • Women in International Business and Leadership
  • GLOBE Study of Leadership for Multinationals
  • Leadership in Organizations: Concepts and Approaches
  • Paul Polman’s Leadership at the Unilever Firm
  • An Effective Leadership Style in Military Units
  • The Future Leader: The Role of Leadership in a Digitalized World
  • Leadership Style and Its Impact on Employees: Case Study Analysis
  • Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development
  • Walmart’s Leadership and Business During COVID-19
  • The Impact of Remote Leadership on the Global Business Organization
  • The Role of the Leadership in Nursing
  • Leadership in Sports: Sport Psychology
  • Apple’s vs. Walmart’s Organizational Leadership Strategy
  • Integrated Leadership Development Program
  • Ethical Leadership and Social Learning Theory
  • Responsible Leadership and Followership in Africa
  • Exploring the Effects of the Leadership Style on the Performance of an Organization
  • Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Performance
  • Researching of Responsible Leadership
  • Leadership Theories, Principles, and Values
  • Foundation of Army Leadership Elements
  • Leadership at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Martin Luther King’s Leadership
  • Contemporary Leadership Practices at Apple
  • Role of Leadership in Managing Patagonia’s Change
  • Ethical Issues in Hitler’s Leadership
  • Confusion of Leadership With Management
  • Leadership and Army Profession
  • The Leadership Development Plan
  • Transformational and Inspirational Leadership
  • Leadership and Management Differences
  • Napoleon Bonaparte: Autocratic and Charismatic Leadership
  • Transformational Leadership and Empowerment by Ismail
  • Transformational Versus Servant Leadership
  • Leadership Theories in Nursing Practice
  • Management and Leadership
  • Leadership Styles Definition and Analysis
  • Strategic Leadership Failure Scenario
  • Leadership Styles and Examples Throughout History
  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Style
  • Leadership and Motivation Impact on Repsol Organisational Culture
  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
  • Leadership and Change in Healthcare Management
  • Business Leadership: Developing Leaders at UPS Case Study
  • Change-Oriented Leadership: The Effectiveness of Transformational and Charismatic Leaders
  • Leadership Coaching Program in Healthcare
  • Leadership and Followership in Nursing
  • Shared Leadership in a Surgical Setting
  • Transformational Leadership Impact on the Team’s Performance
  • Effective Leadership: Leadership Requirements Model
  • Trait and Behavioral Theories of Leadership
  • The Visionary Leadership
  • Transformational Leadership Approach to Conflict Management in Emergency Care
  • Leadership vs. Management: The Difference and Similarities in Function, Responsibilities, and Traits
  • Servant Leadership: Management Style in Nursing
  • The Nature of Leadership
  • Alexander The Great’s and Wellington’s Leadership Styles
  • Reflection Upon the Leadership Situation
  • Leadership in Different Spheres of Life
  • A Lot of Impact by Leadership Style on Early Childhood
  • Barack Obama’s Leadership Qualities
  • The Problem of Leadership
  • Leadership Theory: Human Relations Approach
  • The Importance Role of Leadership in Nursing
  • Cultural Difference in Leadership and Communication
  • Creating a Positive School Culture: The Servant Leadership Style and Facilitative Leadership
  • Project Leadership, Teams and Behaviours
  • Social Sciences: A World Without Leadership
  • Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” in Healthcare
  • Transformational Leadership in a Home Care
  • Positive Psychology for Military Leadership
  • Leadership Selection and Development Programme at General Electric
  • Integrity in Relationships and Leadership
  • Personal Leadership Development, Goals and Actions
  • Country-Club Leadership Style in Teaching Profession
  • Transformational Leadership in Pakistan’s Banking Sector
  • Leadership Simulation Using ExperienceChange Model
  • Nursing Leadership and Management Principles
  • Leadership Styles of Benazir Bhutto and Shirin Ebadi
  • Toyota Company’s Lean Leadership Principles
  • Leadership and the Graduate Nurse Role
  • Alan Mulally’s Leadership in Ford Motor Company
  • Leadership Theory and Adaptability in Nursing
  • The Leadership of Richard Branson
  • Marriott Hotels: Organisational Leadership and Strategy
  • Social Change, Leadership and Advocacy
  • The Nike Brand Success and Phil Night’s Leadership
  • Can Effective Business Leadership Be Learned?
  • Leadership Development and Team Building
  • Instructional Leadership and Teaching Practices
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership
  • Leadership Competencies in Nurse Educators
  • Personality Traits vs. Leadership Styles
  • Servant Leadership in a Police Organization
  • Leadership Behavior and Healthy Work Environments
  • Counseling: The Role of Leadership and Advocacy
  • Central Pillars of “Level 5 Leadership” by Collins
  • Transformational and Abusive Leadership of Employees
  • Women’s Leadership and Communication Theories
  • Strategic Leadership and Knowledge at Amazon
  • Satya Nadella’s and Ken Lay’s Leadership Styles
  • Warren Buffet as a Leader and the Leadership Style That He Embodies
  • The Importance of Effective Leadership in Public Safety
  • Business Strategies: Cost Leadership and Differentiation
  • Remote Leadership at Global Business Organization
  • The Leadership Styles Analysis
  • Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare
  • The Samsung Firm’s Leadership Failure
  • Servant Leadership: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
  • Leadership in the Hospitality Sector
  • Followership and Leadership in Healthcare
  • Abusive Leadership Effects on Employee Performance
  • Amazon: The Leadership Strategies
  • Personality Traits and Leadership Style
  • The Bastard’s Best Qualities for Effective Leadership
  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Servant Leadership Theory
  • Sonia Sotomayor: Character and Leadership
  • Aspects of Leadership and Its Practical Implications
  • Goleman’s and Classic Leadership Styles
  • Effects of TransFormational Leadership on Subordinates
  • Leadership in the Los Angeles Police Department
  • Leadership Types in Theory and Practice
  • Leadership Theories Chart. Breakthrough Leadership
  • Change Leadership in the Baptist Health South Florida Hospital
  • Transformational Leadership in Case of Walt Disney
  • Rolf Stahel’s Leadership Style and Skills
  • Leadership in Healthcare Overview
  • Leadership and Management During COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Leadership in Motivating Healthcare Staff to Increase Performance
  • Core Values and Leadership
  • Investigation of Power and Leadership in Nursing Practice
  • Authentic Leadership in the Teaching Environment
  • Women’s Role and Leadership in the Church
  • Comparison of Two Articles About Issues of Leadership and Management
  • Effective Leadership Styles and Its Roles
  • Nursing Leadership Regarding Holiday Coverage
  • Leadership and Management: Differences and Similarities
  • Contemporary Leadership: Transactional and Transformational
  • Servant Leadership and Desmond Tutu
  • How to Improve Leadership in Schools Management
  • Personality and Leadership Assessments in Application
  • Criminal Justice Leadership: Challenges in the Present and Improving for the Future
  • Women Leadership Within the Church
  • Adaptive Leadership Theory Analysis
  • Giltinane’s “Leadership Styles and Theories” Article
  • Change Management in Healthcare: Using the Principles of Transformational Leadership
  • Cultural Competence as a Nursing Leadership Issue
  • Leadership Psychology and Behaviors
  • Leadership and Personality Traits of Donald Trump
  • Leadership and Professional Development
  • Leadership Role in Quality and Innovation
  • Staffing, Scheduling, Leadership Skills in Nursing
  • Emotional Intelligence Role in the Adequate Leadership
  • Crucibles of Leadership: Professional and Personal Growth
  • Richard Branson’s Leadership and Philosophy
  • Lego’s Change Under Jorgen Knudstorp’s Leadership
  • Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s Leadership Style
  • Situational and Adaptive Leadership in Organizations
  • Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation
  • Nursing Leadership and Management: Isaac’s Case
  • Power, Its Sources and Relation to Leadership
  • Democratic Leadership and Management Style
  • Jack Welch’s Leadership Style in General Electric Company
  • Leadership Styles: Garry Kelly in Southwest Airlines
  • Embracing Servant Leadership in Organizations
  • FTX by Bankman-Fried: Leadership Challenges
  • Discussion: Self-Care and Self-Leadership
  • The Military Leadership: Key Points
  • General Motors: Transformational and Inclusive Leadership
  • Quality Management and Leadership Principles
  • Management Plan Proposal: Manifesting Leadership Skills Infused with Ethos
  • Valley Forge Leadership Case Study Analysis
  • Followership as Critical Part of Leadership
  • The Role of Leadership in Fostering Innovation and Employee Development
  • The Emphasis of Leadership: A Corporate Culture
  • Leadership and Correctional Reform in Healthcare
  • Leadership Competencies: Tailoring Success Across Professions
  • Ethical Leadership and Employee Satisfaction
  • Achieving Educational Leadership
  • Leadership and Ethical Behaviors in the Workplace
  • The Best Tips to Improve Your Leadership Skills
  • Transformational Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations
  • Spiritual Leadership on Proactive Workplace Behavior
  • Leadership Philosophies: Development in Education
  • Leadership Foundations in Current Work Environment
  • Leadership: Reform and Innovation
  • Ethical Leadership and Employee Job Satisfaction
  • Leadership: Improved Leadership Skills and Aptitudes
  • Boris Johnson’s Leadership Discussion
  • Leadership Models in Healthcare
  • Amtrak’s Struggles and Role of Leadership in Solving Them
  • Listening Competency and Its Role in Leadership
  • The Role of Leadership: Crisis Management
  • Foundation of Army Leadership: Military Culture and Its Impact on Mental Health
  • The Nature of Leadership as an Organizational Relationship
  • Leadership in Health Administration
  • Ontario Pension Board: Insights From our Leadership Team
  • Pillars of Trust in Leadership Ethics and Governance
  • Johnson and Johnson: Best Practices in Leadership Development Case
  • Most Important Traits for Successful Leadership
  • Leadership Assessment Paper: Preferred Leadership Style
  • Leadership and Management: Reliability, Validity, and Approaches
  • Personal Leadership Assessment in Nursing
  • Leadership Roles Crucial to Strategic Planning
  • Problem Solving Using Leadership Approaches
  • Transformational Leadership and Student Achievement
  • Organizational Change Leadership and Innovation
  • The Role of Leadership Traits and Situational Factors in Achieving Success
  • Decoding Leadership: Navigating the 21st Century Workplace
  • Leadership Interview Practice on a District Director Nurse
  • Greenhill Community Center: Transformational Leadership
  • President Biden: Executive Leadership Style
  • Promoting Leadership Skills in Nursing
  • Topic Selection for Leadership Research
  • Leadership Qualities: Nurture vs. Nature
  • Effect of Constant Changing of Leadership on Organization
  • Workplace Culture and Leadership in Nursing
  • Leadership and Managerial Styles
  • Transformational and Transactional Leadership
  • The Role of Responsible Leadership in NGOs in Frames of Sustainable Development
  • Nature of Leadership on the Example of Coaching
  • Effective Leadership: The Main Features
  • Service Project Experience and Leadership Skills
  • The Influence of Leadership and Management Styles on Team’s Progress
  • Discussion: Win-Win Habit of Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence Strategies and Strategic Leadership
  • Accountability, Leadership, Professionalism, Good Communication, and Safety in Prescribing
  • Leadership Challenges as an Educator
  • Christian Leadership: Personal Results of the Audits
  • Applying Leadership to Enable Staff Achievement
  • Values-Driven Leadership by Ashimolowo
  • The Need for Leadership in Nursing Practice
  • The Desire of Power and Leadership Over Followers
  • Rokeach Values: The Leadership Styles
  • A New Model for Ethical Leadership by Bazerman
  • A Leadership & Organization Development Interview
  • Leadership Approaches in Management
  • Army Leadership and Military Profession
  • Transformational Leadership in Business
  • Aspects of Servant Leadership
  • Good Leadership and Communication Components
  • Bill George’s Authentic Leadership Ideas
  • Leadership and Associated Ethical Challenges
  • Leadership Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak
  • Leadership Transition Challenges in the Intersex Society
  • Leadership Challenge and Quantitative Evidence
  • Chapter 4 of Dugan’s Leadership Theory
  • Evaluation of a Proposed Leadership Development Intervention in Google
  • Integrated Theory of Leadership from Theological Perspective
  • Application of Normative Power in Global Health Leadership
  • Adolph Hitler’s Moral Conscience and Leadership
  • Team Management and Leadership Articles Review
  • Servant Leadership and Personal Leadership Philosophies
  • John Gardner: Contributions to Community Leadership
  • Leadership Responsibilities of an Instructional Technologist
  • Role of Delayed Gratification in Leadership
  • Leadership Styles for Leading Teams
  • Leadership Skills vs. Management Skills
  • Aspects of Leadership and Diversity in Company
  • Leadership Versus Management: Healthcare Leadership
  • Emotional Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence
  • Fundamental Principles of Army Leadership
  • Leadership Competencies in Nursing
  • Servant Leadership, Cooperative Groups, and Productive Conflict
  • Good Leadership in Organizations
  • The Leadership Experience and Personal Approach
  • Army Leadership Values and Characteristics
  • German Leadership in the European Union
  • The Foundation of Leadership in the Army
  • Managing Project Teams: Leadership and Information Systems Development
  • Apple Inc.’s Market Position and Leadership
  • Organizational Typologies: Transformational Leadership
  • Comparing Leadership Styles in the USA and Qatar
  • Maimonides’ Definition of Prophecy and Political Leadership
  • President Joe Biden’s Effective Leadership
  • Five Leadership Levels in the Army
  • The Foundation of Leadership in the US Army
  • Leadership Styles’ Impact on Innovation Performance
  • Co-Leadership Using Humanistic Approach
  • Servant Leader Vs Follower
  • The Cathedral Church of St. Paul: Servant Leadership
  • Foundation of Army Leadership Discussion
  • Women of Color in Leadership: Obstacles
  • Leadership in Church: Uncharted Territory
  • The Healthcare Administrator: Leadership Abilities
  • Essential Skills for Effective Leadership and Management
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership Styles
  • Personal Philosophy of Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Rebranding to Address Racism: Aunt Jemima’s Case
  • Leadership of a Priest: Interview Experience
  • The Impact of Leadership Styles in Enhancing Quality Culture
  • Leadership and Problem Situations
  • Conflict Resolution for Hospital Leadership
  • Authentic Leadership in Business
  • Leadership Management: Employee Involvement Strategy
  • Leadership Action Research Case Study: Hospital
  • General Electric Company Leadership Analysis
  • Leadership in Hospitality Industry and Nursing
  • Servant Leadership and Personal Values
  • Authentic and Servant Leadership
  • Strategic Leadership at the National Organization for Human Services
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima: Leadership, Losses, and Operation Detachment
  • The Foundations of Army Leadership
  • Effective Leadership: From Competency to Conversation
  • Personal Leadership Style, Traits, and Approaches
  • Leadership Concept in Business Environment
  • Autoethnographic Method in Responsible Leadership Study
  • Leadership Behaviors, Honesty and Ambition
  • The American College of Healthcare Executives: Leadership Reflection
  • Strategic Leadership, Leadership Positions, Roles
  • Leadership Behaviors, Wisdom and Social Recognition
  • Leadership Interview on Job Satisfaction
  • Leadership Styles and Employee Performance
  • Leadership: Definitions and Perspectives
  • Classic and New Leadership and Management Theories
  • Servant Leadership and Communication: Islam Religion and Indian Culture
  • Multicultural and Sensitive Leadership in Organizations
  • Servant Leadership from a Personal Perspective
  • Leadership: Forms and Theories
  • Leadership: Transcript Discussion
  • The Challenges Facing Church and Denominational Leadership
  • Leadership Behavior Recommended by Admiral McRaven
  • Personal Experience: Developing Leadership
  • Leadership During the Los Angeles Riot of 1992
  • Leadership: The Case of Hillary Clinton
  • Organizational Learning and Leadership
  • How Many Leadership Theories Are There?
  • What Are the Five Theories of Leadership?
  • How Do Different Approaches and Power of Leadership Manage Organizational Stress?
  • What Are the Causes of Poor Leadership?
  • What Are the Challenges of Leadership?
  • Does Leadership Do More Good Than Harm?
  • Was Lenin’s Leadership the Main Reason for Bolshevik Success?
  • What Are Ethics in Leadership?
  • What Is Modern Leadership Theory?
  • Was Allied Leadership Effective?
  • How Are Culture and Leadership Linked?
  • What Defines and Differentiates Leadership in Quality Management?
  • What Is 21st Century Leadership Style?
  • Who State the Seven Principles of Effective Leadership?
  • How Would You Characterize the Leadership of Walmart Founder Sam Walton?
  • What Are the Types of Leadership Styles?
  • What Is the Best Leadership Theory?
  • What Are the Seven Leadership Traits?
  • How Did Lenin’s and Robespierre’s Views on Revolutionary Leadership Differ?
  • How Have You Demonstrated Leadership Outside of the Classroom?
  • What Is Charismatic Leadership?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/leadership-essay-topics/

"620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/leadership-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/leadership-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/leadership-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "620 Leadership Essay Topics & Research Questions." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/leadership-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

  • How to Structure a Leadership Essay (Samples to Consider)

Leadership is a complex concept, but it’s essential for boosting your career. That’s why a leadership essay focuses on applying the theoretical models and concepts of successful management to real-life situations. 

If you don’t know where to start writing such a paper, please read on for professional tips!

What Is Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay is a paper that analyzes leadership concepts and their application to real-life situations that may involve everyday business management, crisis situations, and other scenarios. 

Every essay on leadership is about defining a concept. Then, it’s either comparing it to similar management tools or proving that it’s useful (or not).

While some students enjoy writing such papers, other learners hate them. The below samples will come in handy, no matter which group is yours.

What Does Leadership Mean to You? (Essay Sample)

It is one of the most popular topics for a leadership essay. If you need to write a paper like that, ask yourself:

  • Who is a good leader?  
  • What style do they use?  
  • What are the situations when they might switch styles?

You may take a more personal approach to such an essay if your professor allows you to. In the example below, you will see the academic approach to this topic. It analyzes three leadership styles to discover which one corresponds to the meaning of leadership if one thinks of it as guidance and support.


Why I Want to Participate in a Leadership Program (Essay Sample)

It’s another example of a popular topic. Such papers often have a meaning beyond the classroom since they may decide whether you plan to participate in a specific program. It’s critical to make them as effective and compelling as possible.

A personalized approach is the best when it comes to essays like this. In the example below, you will see the paper that relies on individual beliefs and a personal life story to explain why it’s so important for the specific student to participate in the chosen program.

My mother told me that a leader is not a tyrant, they are someone who helps people achieve goals. I have always been interested in studying leadership since there were a few cases in my life where I intuitively helped my friends coordinate their efforts. I believe that this program will help me supplement my practical experience with systematic knowledge.

I first took an interest in leadership in middle school, after my friends asked me to “be the boss” of a group project. At that time, I got advice from my mother and tried to help each member of my team achieve the best results. Although the coordination of efforts was not perfect, we have achieved a balance and our project was a success. After analyzing this event, I realized that I might have a natural inclination to be a leader. 

I have acquired more practical experience in coordinating and guiding different groups of people, from my classmates to my family members. For example, I planned and organized a themed Christmas party with my siblings. That was the first time that my ideas have received realization through teamwork. Later, I read that “envisioning visions and motivating are two core jobs of effective leadership” (Khan et al., 2020). These were my key roles in many projects, which is why I want to learn more about leadership and make my approach more informed.

Consequently, I want to participate in the leadership program to go from intuitive leadership to an approach that combines practical experience with comprehensive knowledge. My goal is to learn how to analyze my mistakes as a leader and improve my current leadership style. I am confident that this program can enhance my skills and benefit my future career.

Khan, H., Rehmat, M., Butt, T. H., Farooqi, S., & Asim, J. (2020). Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, Burnout, and Social Loafing: A mediation model. l, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-020-00043-8 

How to Write a Leadership Essay

Like every other essay, this paper has an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion summarizing your thoughts. (1) The most important part of the introduction is the final sentence,  aka  a thesis statement. That’s where you state your claim to prove or develop in your leadership essay.

Each body paragraph should correspond to the purpose of your essay. To ensure you don’t stray from the aim you’ve established in the thesis statement, write the topic sentences for all your paragraphs in the outline . In simple words, write the first sentence of every paragraph to define its development in advance and see if you cover everything you need.

And now, to the conclusion:

Its most essential element is thesis restatement or the first sentence of that paragraph. It’s not just paraphrasing your thesis; it’s also considering the new information you’ve discovered while writing the essay.


Structure :

  • Introduction (End it with a thesis statement.)
  • Body paragraphs (Each one starts with a topic sentence.)
  • Conclusion (Start it with a thesis restatement.)

Understand the purpose of a leadership essay

When starting to write, think about why you’re creating this paper. Before you sit down and type the words, think about the ideas you want to convey and their meaning in your life:

Can this essay teach you to take responsibility? Or maybe will it help you understand how to be a leader in crisis situations? When you’ve answered the “why” question, begin outlining.

Build a strong thesis

Always start with your thesis statement. It will help incorporate your answer to that notorious “why” question into your essay. Once done, you can plan out the rest of the paper and start working on the body paragraphs as soon as you finish the introduction.

There’s another important tip —don’t rush into writing the conclusion before you finish everything else!

It might seem like a good idea to create a thesis statement and thesis restatement right off the bat. However, you’ll find yourself with more refreshing ideas after completing all the research and thinking necessary for the introduction and each body paragraph.

Decide on a structure; format accordingly

Even if your essay about leadership seems not so formal, and you can use personal pronouns, you still need a clear structure.

The best way to write any academic paper is to keep your introduction and conclusion as short as possible. (But no shorter than three sentences and four lines of text). 

Another important tip is to try making all your body paragraphs equal in length. That way, you’ll give the same attention to all the vital points of your essay.

Ready to Write Your Essay on Leadership Now?

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the most critical elements of a leadership essay. 

Remember the structure, grammar, and appropriate academic style to create a top-level paper. Please don’t forget to answer the “why” question and remember  why  you’re writing. Then you’ll impress everyone with your results!


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Leadership Essay - A Good Leader

✅ Free Essay ✅ Leadership
✅ 4262 words ✅ 3rd Mar 2021

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Part of: Leadership

The Qualities Of A Good Leader


A good leader with his team

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Theories and Models of Leadership

Trait theories, transactional and transformational leaders.

‘The vision is absolutely key to getting your troops together. It has to be qualitative, daring and grab the imagination. The test of it should be how quickly people will latch on to where you are going……’ (cited in Mullins, 2008, p.261).

Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders

Interpersonal characteristics of leaders., characteristics of authentic leaders.

‘You only get a company going where you want it to by leadership by example and by honest and endless communication’ (cited in Mullins 2008, p.261).

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The Qualities of a Good Leader

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Effective communication, strong decision-making skills, inspiration and motivation, adaptability.

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Leadership Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on leadership.

First of all, Leadership refers to the quality of leading people. Probably, it is one of the most important aspects of life. Above all, Leadership has led to the progress of human civilization . Without good Leadership, no organization or group can succeed. Furthermore, not everyone has this quality. This is because effective Leadership requires certain important characteristics.

Leadership Essay

Qualities of a Good Leader

First of all, confidence is the most quality. A leader must have strong self-confidence. A person lacking in confidence can never be a good leader. A person must be confident enough to ensure others follow him. The leader must have confidence in his decisions and actions. If he is unsure, then how can people have the desire to follow him.

A good leader must certainly inspire others. A leader must be a role model for his followers. Furthermore, he must motivate them whenever possible. Also, in difficult situations, a leader must not lose hope. How can a leader inspire people if he himself is hopeless?

Honesty is another notable quality of a leader. Honesty and Integrity are important to earn the love of followers. Above all, honesty is essential to win the trust of the people. Probably, every Leadership which loses trust is bound to fail. People will not work with full effort due to an immoral leader.

Good communication is a must for a good leader. This is because poor communication means the wrong message to followers. Furthermore, good communication will increase the rate of work. Also, the chances of mistakes by followers will reduce.

Another important quality is decision making. Above all, if a leader makes poor decisions then other qualities will not matter. Furthermore, good decision making ensures the success of the entire group. If the leader makes poor decisions, then the efforts of followers won’t matter.

A good leader must be an excellent innovator. He must display a creative attitude in his work. Most noteworthy, innovation is a guarantee of survival of a group or innovation. Without creative thinking, progress is not possible.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Real-Life Examples of Good Leadership

Mahatma Gandhi was an excellent example of a good leader. He was a staunch believer in non-violence. With his brilliant Leadership skills, he made the British leave India. Probably, this was the most unique independence struggle. This is because Gandhi got freedom without any violence.

Abraham Lincoln was another notable leader. Most noteworthy, he ended the slavery system in the United States. Consequently, he made many enemies. However, he was a man of massive self-confidence. His struggle against slavery certainly became an inspiration.

Sir Winston Churchill was a great patriotic Englishman. Most noteworthy, he led Britain in the 2nd World War. Furthermore, he was extremely inspirational. He inspired Britain to fight against Nazi Germany. His great communication motivated the entire country at a time of hopelessness.

To conclude, Leadership is required in probably every sphere of life. Good leadership is the door to success. In contrast, bad leadership is a guarantee of failure. Consequently, good leaders are what make the world go round.

FAQs on Leadership

Q.1 Which is the most important quality for being a good leader? A.1 The most important quality for being a good leader is self-confidence.

Q.2 Why Sir Winston Churchill is a good leader? A.2 Sir Winston Churchill is a good leader because he inspired Britain to fight in 2nd World War. Furthermore, his excellent communication also raised the motivation of his people.

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CHAPTER ONE Russia in the Age of Peter the Great By LINDSEY HUGHES Yale University Press Read the Review I


Russian Bethlehem, Kolomenskoe, You delivered Peter to the light! You the start and source of all our joy, Where Russia's greatness first burned clear and bright.

Peter Alekseevich Romanov was born in or near Moscow at around one in the morning on Thursday 30 May 1672. A patron saint's `measuring' icon of the apostle Peter made shortly after his birth showed the infant to be nineteen and a quarter inches long. The future emperor's exceptional height was clearly prefigured, but the time and place of his birth, like much else in his life, have been the subject of controversy. For want of concrete evidence locating it elsewhere, the event may be placed in the Kremlin in Moscow, but legends persist, as in the verse by the poet Sumarokov above, that Peter was born in the village of Kolomenskoe to the south of Moscow, where his father had built a wooden palace, or even in Preobrazhenskoe, which later became Peter's favourite retreat and the base for his new guards regiments, formed from the `play' troops of his boyhood. As for the date, most sources accept 30 May, as did Peter himself by honouring St Isaac of Dalmatia, whose feast falls on that day. But at least one record gives 29 May, following the old Russian practice of starting the new day not at midnight but at dawn.4 In those countries which had adopted the Gregorian calendar (which Russia did only in 1918) the date was ten days ahead of those which still followed the older, Julian calendar, and 30 May fell on 9 June. Contemporary Russian chroniclers (using not arabic numerals but Cyrillic letters with numerical equivalents) recorded the year of Peter's birth as not 1672 but 7180, following the Byzantine practice of numbering years from the notional creation of the world in 5509 BC. The year 7181 began on 1 September 1672, which, following the usage of Constantinople, marked the start of the Muscovite new year.

    These peculiarities of time and record keeping provide a foretaste of the different customs observed in the Russia where Peter was born and the West into which he was later to forge a `window'. On the eve of the new century, in December 1699, Peter himself decreed that official records would henceforth adopt calendar years from the birth of Christ in the manner of `many European Christian nations'. When he died on 28 January 1725, there were no arguments about how the date should be recorded. It is appropriate that questions of time and chronology should arise at the outset of Peter's life, for he was to be obsessed with time and its passing, believing that `wasted time, like death, cannot be reversed'. Traditionalists denounced the tsar for tampering with `God's time' by changing the calendar. There were even rumours that the Peter who was to adopt the title `emperor' in 1721 was not the Peter who had been born in 1672. We shall return to these matters later, but let us take a closer look at the Russia into which Peter was born.

    Peter's parents had been married for less than eighteen months when he arrived. On 22 January 1671 nineteen-year-old Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina married forty-two-year-old Tsar Alexis (Aleksei) Mikhailovich, whose first wife Maria Miloslavskaia had died in 1669 at the age of forty-three after giving birth to her thirteenth child, a girl who did not survive. Given a more robust set of male half-siblings, Peter might never have come to the throne at all. His father's first marriage produced five sons, but in 1672 only two were still alive. The heir apparent, Fedor, born in 1661, had delicate health, while Ivan, born in 1666, was mentally and physically handicapped. There were six surviving half-sisters: Evdokia, Marfa, Sophia, Ekaterina, Maria, and Feodosia, ranging in age from twenty-two to ten. They were not regarded as direct contenders for power: no woman had ever occupied the Muscovite throne in her own right, and the policy of keeping the royal princesses unmarried minimized the complications of power-seeking in-laws and inconvenient offspring through the female line. The practice of keeping well-born women in virtual seclusion also meant that they were unknown to the public.

    When Tsar Alexis died at the age of forty-seven in January 1676, Fedor succeeded him without the formal appointment of a regent, even though he was only fourteen. (Rumours of attempts to place three-year-old Peter on the throne in his stead may be discounted.) Twice in the next six years Peter narrowly escaped being pushed further down the ladder of succession. Fedor's first wife, Agafia Grushetskaia, and her newborn son Il'ia died in July 1681. His second wife, Marfa Matveevna Apraksina, was left a widow after only two months of marriage, by Fedor's death in April 1682. Rumours that she might be pregnant proved unfounded. But this is to leap ahead. In 1672 there was every prospect of Tsar Alexis continuing to rule for many years, and a fair chance, given infant mortality rates, that Peter would not survive for long. Modern readers will treat with scepticism the intriguing story recorded by one of Peter's early biographers to the effect that the royal tutor and court poet Simeon Polotsky predicted Peter's rule and future greatness by the stars on the supposed day of his conception, 11 August 1671.

    Many pages of print have been devoted to Peter's childhood and adolescence. His first two decades will be considered here only briefly, in order to give a context for the changes which he later forced upon Russia--the main subject of this book. I will begin by dispelling a few misconceptions, such as that Peter's early environment was closed and stultifying, dominated solely by Orthodox ritual and concepts. In fact, seventeenth-century Romanov childrearing practices did not exclude `modern' elements. For example, Peter's interest in military affairs was stimulated in the nursery, where he, like his elder brothers before him, played with toy soldiers, cannon, bows and arrows, and drums. Military affairs were the right and proper concern of a tsar almost from the cradle. His father had gone to war with his troops, as Peter was well aware and was proud to recall in later life. On the other hand, Peter's prowess as a soldier, virtually from the cradle (a contemporary compared him to the young Hercules, who strangled serpents), has been greatly exaggerated. The myth that Peter was already a cadet at the age of three has been refuted: in fact, at that age, Peter still had a wet-nurse. Toy weapons were supplemented by spades, hammers, and masons' tools, which no doubt fostered Peter's love of mechanical crafts. The fiercest of Peter's boyhood passions--his love of ships and the sea--is at first sight harder to explain. Why should a boy raised in a virtually land-locked country with no tradition of seafaring have developed such a passion? It is even said that as a boy Peter had a dread of water. But Russia's naval inexperience should not be exaggerated. Most major Russian towns were situated on rivers, which small craft plied. Russians may not have been expert sailors on the high seas, but they knew how to navigate inland waters, and Russian peasant navigators had long sailed the northern coastline. Peter did not see the open sea until he was twenty-one, but there was no lack of stimuli to the imagination closer to hand: toy boats, maps and engravings, and, what he himself identified as the spark which lit the flame, the old English sailing dinghy, the `grandfather of the Russian fleet', which he discovered in the outhouse of a country estate. The fact that it should have found its way to Moscow is not so surprising when one considers that English sea-going vessels had been docking on the White Sea since the 1550s, and that Tsar Alexis had commissioned Dutch shipwrights to build a small fleet on the Caspian Sea in the 1660s.

    In some respects, however, Peter's introduction to the wider world actually lagged behind that of his half-siblings. His brothers Fedor and Alexis (who died in 1670), and even his half-sister Sophia, were taught by the Polish-educated monk Simeon Polotsky, who gave instruction in Latin, Polish, versification, and other elements of the classical syllabus. Polotsky died in 1680, before he had the chance, had it been offered, to tutor Peter. His protege, Silvester Medvedev, was at daggers drawn with the conservative patriarch, Joachim, who, as adviser to Peter's mother, would scarcely have recommended a suspect `Latinizer' as the tsarevich's tutor. Peter thus received indifferent tuition from Russians seconded from government chancelleries; they included Nikita Zotov and Afanasy Nesterov, an official in the Armoury, whose names first appear in records as teachers round about 1683. Not only did Peter's education lack scholarly content; it also seems to have been deficient in basic discipline. His prose style, spelling, and handwriting bore signs of lax methods for the rest of his life. It should be added that there was no question of Peter receiving his education from a Muscovite university graduate or even from the product of a local grammar school or its equivalent. There were no universities in Muscovite Russia and no public schools, apart from some training establishments for chancellery staff in the Kremlin. In fact, clerks ( d'iaki and pod'iachie ) and clerics were the only two orders of Muscovite society who were normally literate, many parish priests being only barely so.

    The inadequacies of Peter's primary education were later offset by practical skills learned from foreigners, whom he was able to encounter in Moscow thanks to the policies of his predecessors. Foreigner-specialists first started arriving in Muscovy in significant numbers during the reign of Ivan IV (1533-84). Their numbers increased when Peter's grandfather, Tsar Michael (1613-45), reorganized certain Russian infantry regiments along foreign lines. In 1652 Tsar Alexis set aside a separate area of Moscow called the `New Foreign' or `German' Quarter to accommodate military, commercial, and diplomatic personnel. It was here that Peter encountered officers such as Patrick Gordon, Franz Lefort, and Franz Timmerman, his teachers and companions in the 1680s and 1690s. Residents of the Foreign Quarter also made their mark on Russian elite culture. From the 1650s several foreign painters were employed in the royal Armoury workshops. Alexis is the first Russian ruler of whom we have a reliable likeness, his daughter Sophia the first Russian woman to be the subject of secular portraiture. It was the Foreign Quarter which in 1672 supplied the director and actors for Russia's first theatrical performance. Unlike portraiture, however, which quickly became more widespread, theatricals were discontinued after Alexis's death. During Sophia's regency (1682-9) Huguenots were offered sanctuary in Russia, Jesuits were admitted to serve Moscow's foreign Catholic parish, and invitations were issued to foreign industrialists and craftsmen. In the 1670s and 1680s foreigners were no longer a rarity on the streets of Moscow, and were also well represented in commercial towns on the route from the White Sea port of Archangel.

    Of course, Moscow was not the whole of Russia, any more than a few relatively outward-looking individuals in the Kremlin were representative of Moscow society as a whole. Most Muscovites, from the conservative boyars who rubbed shoulders with them to the peasants who rarely encountered one, regarded foreigners as dangerous heretics, and viewed foreign `novelties' and fashions with intense suspicion and even terror. During the reign of Peter's immediate predecessors, foreigners were still in Russia on sufferance, tolerated as a necessary evil. The building of the new Foreign Quarter in 1652 was actually an attempt to concentrate foreigners and their churches in a restricted locality, away from the city centre, where they had lived previously. Patriarch Joachim urged that mercenaries, the most indispensable of foreign personnel, be expelled, and non-Orthodox churches demolished. Russian culture was prevented from falling further under foreign influence by strict controls. For example, publishing and printing remained firmly in the hands of the Church. It is a striking statistic that in the whole of the seventeenth century fewer than ten secular titles came off Muscovite presses, which were devoted mainly to the production of liturgical and devotional texts. There were no Russian printed news-sheets, journals or almanacs; no plays, poetry or philosophy in print, although this lack was partly compensated by popular literature in manuscript, a flourishing oral tradition, news-sheets from abroad (albeit restricted to the use of personnel in the Foreign Office), and foreign books in the libraries of a few leading nobles and clerics. Presses in Kiev, Chernigov, Vilna, and other centres of Orthodoxy supplemented the meagre output of Moscow printers. Russians were still clearly differentiated from Western Europeans by their dress, although a number were tempted by Polish influence to don Western fashions in private. According to Tsar Alexis's decree of 1675, `Courtiers are forbidden to adopt foreign, German ( inozemskikh i nemetskikh ) and other customs, to cut the hair on their heads and to wear robes, tunics and hats of foreign design, and they are to forbid their servants to do so.'

    The `courtiers' to whom this warning was addressed formed the upper echelons of Russia's service class. Sometimes loosely referred to as `boyars', roughly the equivalent of the Western aristocracy, they belonged to noble clans residing in and around Moscow. The upper crust were the `men of the council' ( dumnye liudi ), the so-called boyar duma, which in the seventeenth century varied in number from 28 to 153 members. Those in the top rank were the boyars proper ( boiare ), next the `lords in waiting' ( okol'nichie ), followed by a smaller group dubbed `gentlemen of the council' ( dumnye dvoriane ), and a handful of `clerks of the council' ( dumnye d'iaki ). All enjoyed the privilege of attending and advising the tsar. Membership of the two top groups was largely hereditary. Unless there were contrary indicators (e.g., serious incapacity or disgrace) men from leading families generally became boyars in order of seniority within their clan. Their numbers were swelled by royal in-laws (marrying a daughter to the tsar or one of his sons usually boosted a family's fortunes) and by a handful of men of lower status who were raised by royal favour. The council's participation in decision making is indicated by the formula for ratifying edicts: `the tsar has decreed and the boyars have affirmed' ( tsar' ukazal i boiare prigovorili ). Nobles immediately below the `men of the council' (often younger aspirants to the grade) bore the title `table attendant' ( stol'nik ), a reference to duties which they had once performed and in some cases still did. Below them were `attendants' ( striapchie ), Moscow nobles ( dvoriane moskovskie ), and `junior attendants' ( zhil'tsy ). In peacetime Moscow nobles performed a variety of chancellery and ceremonial duties. In wartime they went on campaign as cavalry officers. On duty, be it military or civil, they bore their court ranks: boiarin, okol'nichii, stol'nik and so on; there was no differentiation by office.

    In 1672 commissions, appointments, and other placings, such as seating at important banquets, were still in theory governed by the code of precedence, or `place' system ( mestnichestvo ), which determined an individual's position in the hierarchy of command by calculations based on his own and his clan's service record and his seniority within his clan. It was considered a great dishonour to be placed below someone who, regardless of ability, was deemed to merit a lower `place'. Such an insult gave grounds for an appeal to the tsar. Increasingly, mestnichestvo was suspended in order to allow the Crown a freer hand in appointing officers. For some campaigns it was ordered that military rolls be drawn up `without places' ( bez mest ).

    With the exception of members of the elite sent to serve as provincial governors ( voevody ), outside Moscow the ruler relied on a larger group of the `middle servicemen', provincial gentry ( gorodovye dvoriane ), and `junior servicemen' ( deti boairskie , literally and misleadingly `children of boyars') to perform policing duties and swell the ranks of the army in wartime. All the categories described above, it should be repeated, were counted among the elite and enjoyed certain privileges, the first of which was exemption from tax and labour burdens ( tiaglo ). The second was the right to land and serfs. Most of the Moscow elite owned both inherited estates ( votchiny ) and service lands ( pomest'ia ), the latter, in theory, granted and held on condition of service, but increasingly passed from generation to generation. The peasants living on both votchina and pomest'e holdings were serfs, the property of their landlords, who could freely exploit their labour (in the form of agricultural work and other duties) and collect dues (in money and kind). It should be noted, however, that nobles were not automatically supplied with serfs. Some of the top families owned tens of thousands of peasants distributed over dozens of estates, whereas many in the provincial deti boiarskie category owned only one or two peasant households, and in some cases worked their own plots. The Muscovite Crown also deployed non-noble servicemen ( sluzhilye liudi po priboru ). Men in this category were subject to a service, not a tax requirement, but they could not own serfs. They included the strel'tsy (`musketeers'), who formed army units in wartime and did escort and guard duty in peacetime, carrying on small businesses and trades when off duty; artillerymen ( pushkari ), and postal drivers ( iamshchiki ). Civilian personnel in the non-noble service category included secretaries and clerks ( d'iaki, pod'iachie ), the backbone personnel of the government chancelleries.

    Most of the non-noble residents of Russia's towns were bound to their communities by tax obligations, apart from a handful of chief merchants ( gosti ), who dealt in foreign trade. Including merchants of the second and third grades ( gostinnye and sukonnye sotni ) and the mass of clerks, artisans, and traders, or `men of the posad ' ( posadskie liudi ), the total registered male urban population in the 1670s has been estimated at 185,000. In addition, substantial numbers of peasants resided temporarily in towns, which also had shifting populations of foreigners and vagrants, but lacked many of the native professional categories--bankers, scholars, scientists, doctors, schoolteachers, lawyers, and actors--to be found in most contemporary Western European towns of any size.

    If townspeople were less numerous and played a less prominent role in Muscovy than they did in Western European countries, the opposite was probably true of church personnel. The Russian clerical estate was divided into `white' (secular) and `black' (monastic) clergy, the former group, consisting of parish priests and deacons, who were obliged to marry. The prelates--the patriarch, metropolitans, bishops, and abbots of monasteries--were drawn from the celibate black clergy, who also formed the monastic rank and file. The ecclesiastical estate enjoyed considerable privileges. Apart from the royal family and the nobles, only they could own serfs (although, strictly speaking, peasants were attached to monasteries and churches, not individuals). They were exempt from taxation. They had access to church courts. But the rural clergy, like the lesser rural gentry, were often barely differentiated in wealth and education from the mass of the population.

    This brings us to the masses themselves: rural dwellers engaged in working the land-- pashennye liudi . Roughly 50 per cent were serfs or bonded peasants, living on lands owned by the royal family ( dvortsovye ), nobles ( pomeshchichie ), or the Church ( tserkovnye ). The rest were `State' peasants ( gosudarsvennye ), not bound to any one landlord, but obliged to pay taxes to the State and perform labour duties as required--for example, by providing transport and carrying out forestry and road work. All were eligible for military service, which freed them from obligations to their former owners. Another group of `unfree' persons were slaves, who entered into contracts of bondage with richer people (usually, but not invariably, nobles) in return for loans and support. It has been calculated that as much as 10 per cent of the population may have fallen into this category.

    Thus, in 1672, it was possible to divide the great majority of people in Muscovy into those who performed service ( sluzhilye liudi ), those who paid taxes ( tiaglye liudi ), and those who served the Church ( tserkovnye liudi ). They included the tsar's non-Russian subjects: various tribespeople who rendered taxes in the form of tribute ( iasak , often in furs) or did occasional military service. Some of the tsar's subjects fell outside these estates: these included socalled wandering people ( guliashchie liudi ) unattached to any locality or category, who were either incapable of performing service or paying taxes--for example, cripples and `fools in Christ'--or who wilfully escaped obligations--runaway serfs, deserters, and religious dissidents, of which the biggest category were the Old Believers, protesters against Nikon's church reform of the 1650s. A number set up communities in remote localities out of reach of the government. Cossack communities, consisting originally of refugees from the long arm of government, maintained a variety of links with Moscow, being either bound in service, like the registered Cossacks of Ukraine, intermittently loyal, like the Cossacks of the Don, or persistently hostile, like the Host of the Zaporozhian Sich.

    This, then, was the Russia into which Peter was born, a country, on the one hand, deeply rooted in tradition and in many ways very distinct from Western Europe, where Russia was still regarded as a `rude and barbarous' kingdom, on the other, increasingly open to the influence of Western people and ideas. In the year 1672 the birth of a Russian prince went more or less unnoticed in the rest of Europe, of which Russia was at best a fringe member. There would have been scarcely any speculation about the new prince's eligibility as a marriage partner, since the Muscovite royal family was known to be uninterested in such foreign involvements, although this had not always been the case. The concept of the European community as `a single, integral system of mutually interdependent states', which came into being after the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, rested on a Protestant-Catholic balance of power in which Orthodox countries barely figured. But Russia was poised to play an increasingly active role in world affairs. In the reign of Alexis, during the socalled First Northern War (1654-60), it entered the wider sphere of international relations when it was pitted against its old enemies Poland and Sweden. War with Poland began in 1654, as a result of Moscow's provocative acceptance of the allegiance of Ukrainian (Little Russian) Cossacks under their leader Bogdan Khmel'nitsky, who were formerly Polish subjects, and ended in 1667 to Russia's advantage, with Left Bank Ukraine (to the east of the River Dnieper) and Kiev brought under the tsar's rule. But there was no progress during the shorter conflict of 1656-61 with Sweden, which had blocked the way to the Baltic since the 1617 Treaty of Stolbovo removed Moscow's narrow foothold on that sea. At the time Sweden's King Gustav Adolph boasted that Russia could not even launch a rowing boat on to the sea without Sweden's permission. When Peter was born, Russia's only seaport was Archangel, on the White Sea. In the south, Russia and Poland vied for possession and domination of the steppes with the Turks and the Crimean Tatars, who barred Russia from the Black Sea. Direct conflict was usually with the Tatars, who exacted a heavy toll of prisoners and livestock, as well as demanding and receiving annual tribute, known as `gifts'. In 1672 the Turks and the Tatars seized parts of Polish (Right Bank) Ukraine, and threatened incursions across the Dnieper into Muscovite territory. It was this crisis which prompted Tsar Alexis to send envoys all over Europe seeking aid for an anti-Turkish league. In 1676 his son Fedor found himself at war with the Turks and the Tatars. After losing the fort at Chigirin on the Dnieper, and fearing a Turkish attack on Kiev, Moscow made an uneasy twenty-year truce with the Tatars at Bakhchisarai, in January 1681.


On 27 April 1682 Fedor died childless. The same day, Peter, a month short of his tenth birthday, was declared tsar, on the grounds that his elder half-brother Ivan was `weak-minded'. Matters might have rested there. Ivan's afflictions evidently precluded him from taking an active role in civil or military affairs. There was no written law of succession to rule out the accession of a younger brother under these circumstances. Observance of primogeniture was a matter of custom rather than constitution. Peter's accession had the support of the patriarch, who intervened in such matters in the absence of mature royal males. But Peter's maternal relatives, the Naryshkins, and their hangers-on, who could expect to enjoy considerable power in Peter's minority and to retain key government posts when he came of age, had not reckoned on a lethal combination of unrest among Moscow's armed guard, the strel'tsy, and the fury of the affronted Miloslavskys, kinsmen of Tsar Alexis's first wife, led by Ivan's sister Sophia, that `ambitious and power-hungry princess', as a contemporary described her.

    The Miloslavskys succeeded in harnessing the strel'tsy, who were ultrasensitive to rumours of abuses in high places as a result of a series of disputes over management, pay, and conditions dating from Fedor's reign. After two weeks of negotiations, during which the new Naryshkin government made concessions, to the extent of handing over unpopular officers to strel'tsy mobs, a rumour that Tsarevich Ivan had been strangled by his `ill-wishers' brought rebel regiments to the Kremlin. There on 15-17 May, the strel'tsy settled personal grudges by butchering commanding officers and unpopular officials, and, at the instigation of the Naryshkins' rivals, singled out members of the Naryshkin clan and their associates as `traitors', and slaughtered them. The victims included Peter's uncle, Ivan Naryshkin (who was accused of trying on the crown), and his mother's guardian, the former foreign minister Artamon Matveev, who was accused of plotting to murder Ivan. In all, about forty persons fell victim to axe and pike. The role in all this of Sophia, Peter's twenty-five-year-old half-sister, has been widely debated. Although there is little hard evidence that she had the `Machiavellian' tendencies attributed to her by some writers, still less that she plotted to kill Peter and his mother (who remained unharmed, despite being the easiest of targets), the events of April-May 1682 undoubtedly allowed her to champion the legitimate claim to the throne of her brother Ivan and to emerge as regent over a joint tsardom, with Ivan as senior tsar and Peter as junior.

    No attempt will be made here to chart the further outbreaks of strel'tsy unrest after the dynastic question had apparently been settled, or to examine the role of Prince Ivan Khovansky in the events of May-September 1682, sometimes referred to as the `Khovanshchina', which were complicated by the activities of Old Believers, who enjoyed some support from the strel'tsy. We shall be concerned only with those events and features of Sophia's regency which had relevance for Peter's future policies and reforms. The most immediate consequence of the seven-year regency on Peter's own circumstances was that he was by and large relieved of ceremonial duties, which Sophia was happy to have performed at first by Ivan, who was thus given a prominent, active role in the public eye, and later by herself. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of these seven years for Peter's development. They may be regarded as a sort of `sabbatical' from the routine burdens of rulership, which allowed him to pursue his own interests (military games and sailing) and to build up a circle of friends and assistants at a slight distance from traditional clan networks. Members of the boyar elite predominated in Peter's circle, but foreigners and men of lower rank appeared in greater numbers than in the past. Ivan's role as Orthodox figure-head meant that Peter had less contact with the church hierarchy. It should be emphasized that Peter was neither banished nor persecuted. As for the charge that Sophia `stifled Peter's natural light', rather the opposite was true, although some contemporaries believed that lax supervision and too much contact with foreigners and `low' types ruined the tsar's character. On occasion he was still required to do ceremonial duty--for example, at ambassadorial receptions and important family anniversaries--but by and large his being out of Moscow suited him as much as it did Sophia. If it had one unfortunate effect, it is that it further alienated Peter from Sophia's chief minister and reputed lover, Prince Vasily Vasil'evich Golitsyn (1643-1714), a man with the sort of talent and vision that Peter could have used, had not hostility towards his sister made it impossible later to employ someone so close to her. Under Golitsyn's direction, the Foreign Office pursued policies which provided both foundations and lessons for Peter's future programme. The major achievement was the 1686 treaty of permanent peace with Poland, which ratified the secession of Kiev and its Right Bank hinterland to Moscow (which had been in dispute since the 1667 Treaty of Andrusovo), and Russian rule over Smolensk, Dorogobuzh, Roslavl', and Zaporozh'e. In return, Russia was to pay the Poles 146,000 roubles indemnity `out of friendship', to sever relations with Turkey and Crimea `on account of the many wrongs committed by the Muslims, in the name of Christianity and to save many Christians held in servitude', and to wage war on Crimea. Other clauses included a ban on the persecution of Orthodox Christians in Poland by Catholics and Uniates (thus allowing the tsar a pretext for intervention), permission for Catholics in Russia to hold divine worship (but only in private houses), recognition of royal titles, encouragement of trade, and a pledge to seek the aid of `other Christian monarchs'. Russian suspicion of Catholics was exploited by Prussian envoys in Moscow, who induced Golitsyn and Sophia to offer sanctuary to Protestant exiles from France. In 1689 commercial treaties were signed allowing Prussia trading rights in Archangel, Smolensk, and Pskov, thereby laying the foundations for future Russo-Prussian co-operation during the 1710s.

    Thus Russia joined the Holy League against the Turks, formed in 1684 with papal backing, between Austria and Poland, both of which had lands bordering on the Ottoman Empire, and Venice, Russia's rival at sea, following the relief of the Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683. Russian ambassadors were dispatched all over Europe with appeals for assistance and closer alliance--to Holland, England, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia, France, Spain, Florence, Austria, and Venice. In 1687 and 1689 Vasily Golitsyn led huge armies south to Crimea. On both occasions logistical problems forced the Russian armies to withdraw, on the second occasion with huge losses of men and horses, from thirst and epidemics. Golitsyn's return to Moscow in the summer of 1689, where he was feted as a hero on Sophia's instructions, gave his opponents an opportunity to undermine both him and Sophia, whose public appearances Peter (prompted by his maternal relatives) had begun to criticize. Peter was well into his majority (Fedor, it will be recalled, was tsar without a regent at the age of fourteen); he was married (in January 1689), and his wife, Evdokia Lopukhina, was pregnant; he had troops at his disposal, notably his own `play' regiments and foreign officers; and he had the support of the patriarch. In fact, Sophia's rule was doomed from the start, because it could be perpetuated indefinitely only by disposing of Peter. This she seems never seriously to have contemplated, despite ample opportunities. Even the crisis of August 1689, when Peter believed that the strel'tsy were coming to kill him and fled to the Trinity monastery, may have been engineered by Peter's own supporters in order to force a confrontation between Peter and Sophia which they knew she was unlikely to win, given dissatisfaction with the Crimean campaigns, and which Peter, too wrapped up in his own interests, could not be relied upon to precipitate. August-September saw a stand-off between Sophia and her fast-dwindling forces in the Kremlin and Peter's supporters, massed at the Trinity-St Sergius monastery. The brief clash ended in late September, when Vasily Golitsyn was exiled to the north of Russia, and Sophia was locked up in the Novodevichy convent, were she remained until her death in 1704.

    For the rest of his life Peter associated Sophia with the dark forces of opposition, even if he blamed most of the active wickedness on her male supporters. The perpetrators of the so-called Tsykler plot to kill Peter in 1696-7 were executed over the exhumed coffin of Ivan Miloslavsky, identified by several contemporaries as the master-mind behind the 1682 rebellion. `The seed of Ivan Miloslavsky is sprouting,' wrote Peter, when called back to Russia to deal with another strel'tsy revolt in 1698. He apparently recognized Sophia's `great intelligence', but thought it was overshadowed by `great malice and cunning'. Engraved portraits depicting her wearing a crown and carrying royal regalia were sought out and destroyed, but many copies survived, along with painted portraits set against the background of the double-headed eagle bearing the seven Virtues on its wings, eloquent testimony both to Sophia's political aspirations and to the new cultural trends which she encouraged. At least one of Peter's successors did not share his view. Catherine the Great wrote of Sophia: `Much has been said about this princess, but I believe that she has not been given the credit she deserves ... she conducted the affairs of the Empire for a number of years with all the sagacity one could hope for. When one considers the business that passed through her hands, one cannot but concede that she was capable of ruling.'


There are good reasons for devoting some space to the period between the overthrow of Sophia and Golitsyn and the declaration of war against Sweden in August 1700. The fact that these years have generally been regarded as merely a `prelude' to reform has condemned the 1690s to neglect in general histories, which tend to confine themselves to such selected highlights as the Grand Embassy and the Azov campaigns. Yet this decade is vital for understanding both the man and his Russia, the moulding of Peter's priorities and the clarification of the options open to him, both at home and abroad. For a start, a closer examination of the early 1690s reveals the error of assuming an unbroken line of developing `Westernization' from the 1680s into the new century. The 1690s were not merely a bridge between the cautious modernization of the Sophia-Golitsyn regime and Peter's full-blooded post-1700 variant. Some new trends--in art and architecture, for example--continued and flourished, while others were suspended. The 1690s saw a continuing struggle, to use a cliche, between the `old' and the `new', personified in the figures of the two ruling monarchs: `pious' Ivan making stately progress in his heavy brocade robes and `impious' Peter clad in German dress dashing from shipyard to military parade.

    In a letter to Tsar Ivan, written between 8 and 12 September 1689, Peter wrote: `And now, brother sovereign, the time has come for us to rule the realm entrusted to us by God, since we are of age and we must not allow that third shameful personage, our sister the Tsarevna S.A., to share the titles and government with us two male persons.' In fact, Peter showed little inclination to `rule the realm'. His preoccupation with his own interests for the first few years, then his prolonged absences, first at Azov, then in the West, ceded the centre to others, to the extent that some of the first actions of the new regime appeared to turn back the clock, taking advantage of the removal of Vasily Golitsyn, the `friend of foreigners', to annul concessions made during Sophia's regency and to adopt closer supervision of foreigners in general, in order to stem the spread of heresy from across the borders. Patriarch Joachim was the prime mover. On 2 October 1689 the Jesuit fathers Georgius David and Tobias Tichavsky were expelled. Sanctions were imposed against Jesuits in particular, not Catholics in general, probably because there were some influential foreign Catholics close to Peter, and Russia was still allied to Catholic powers. A decree of 1690 allowed two priests to serve the foreign Catholic community, but the authorities were to take precautions to ensure that they did not try to convert Russians, visit them in their homes, carry on foreign correspondence or turn out to be Jesuits in disguise. In October 1689 the Protestant mystic Quirinus Kuhlman was burned on Red Square together with his works. P.I. Prozorovsky, governor of Novgorod, was warned to take care that `such criminals should not enter the country and that foreigners who in future arrive from abroad from various countries at the border and in Novgorod the Great and claim that they have come to enter service or to visit relatives or for some other business in Moscow, should be questioned at the border and in Novgorod and detained and not allowed to proceed to Moscow until you receive our royal instructions'. All foreign travellers were to be interrogated and asked to provide certificates and passes, and transcripts of such interrogations were to be made. Just before his death in 1690, Patriarch Joachim called a church council to consider the recantation of the monk Silvester Medvedev, who was accused, among other things, of propagating a Catholic view of transubstantiation. Copies of Medvedev's book Manna were seized and burnt, and its author was defrocked and beheaded in 1691. Another whiff of Old Russia comes from a report of the uncovering in 1689 of a sorcerers' conspiracy, master-minded by Andrei Bezobrazov, who allegedly attempted to undermine the health of Peter and his mother by casting spells `on bones, on money and on water'. The ring-leaders were beheaded or burnt, other `conspirators' flogged and banished. For a few months after Sophia's overthrow the atmosphere was so oppressive that Peter's friend, the Scottish mercenary General Patrick Gordon, contemplated leaving Russia.

    But in the midst of this resurgence of the old, the new was asserting itself with unprecedented vigour. Despite the Church's dire warnings about the dangers of contamination by heretics, Peter himself was spending more and more time in the company of foreigners. The Foreign Quarter was only a few miles from the Preobrazhenskoe palace, where Peter spent much of Sophia's regency. Peter became a frequent visitor at the homes of Lefort and Gordon, and soon got to know other foreign soldiers and merchants, attending banquets, weddings, and funerals. Lefort's palace, with a splendidly appointed ballroom added, was turned into a semi-official residence for the sort of reception which it was still difficult to hold in the Kremlin, accompanied by `debauchery and drunkenness so great that it is impossible to describe it'. At about this time Peter probably learned Dutch (from Andrei Vinius, a government official of Dutch descent), and also took lessons in dancing, fencing, and riding. In February 1690 the birth of Peter's first child, Alexis, was celebrated not only with the customary church services and bells but also with cannon-fire and drum-beats. Foreign-led infantry regiments were drawn up in the Kremlin, presented with gifts and vodka to mark the occasion, and ordered to fire off rounds of shot, `disturbing the peace of the saints and ancient tsars of Moscow'. Over the next few days there were firework displays, more gun salutes, banquets, and feasts. Conservatives took retaliatory action. On the patriarch's orders, a banquet on 28 February was held without the now customary foreign guests, who were banned; but the next day the tsar dined with Patrick Gordon. Then in March Joachim died. His `Testament', which denounced the policy of hiring foreigners and deplored toleration of other faiths, has been described as the `last gasp' of Old Russia:

May our sovereigns never allow any Orthodox Christians in their realm to entertain any close friendly relations with heretics and dissenters--with the Latins, Lutherans, Calvinists and godless Tatars (whom our Lord abominates and the church of God damns for their God-abhorred guile); but let them be avoided as enemies of God and defamers of the Church.

Joachim's successor was Adrian, consecrated on 24 August 1690. He was to be Russia's last patriarch, his office left vacant after his death in 1700, and abolished altogether in 1721.

    As long as Tsar Ivan was alive, the old guard still retained a figure-head in the Kremlin. After the overthrow of Sophia and Golitsyn, the old Muscovite court life, with its liturgical emphasis, was resumed with a vengeance, cleansed of the `unseemly' female variants introduced by Sophia. Festivals gave special prominence to the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, celebrating earlier hierarchs who had assumed a strong political role, such as Metropolitans Philip and Alexis, and paying homage to the ruling dynasty with requiems for departed royalty (such as Tsarevich Alexis Alekseevich, whose death had not been marked in previous years). Old palace protocols persisted, on paper at least; for example, the practice of listing in order of rank all the nobles `in attendance' ( za nimi Velikimi Gosudariami ) on the tsars at such occasions as summer outings ( pokhody ) to country residences and monasteries. The Church continued to make its contribution to the business of warfare and government: in April 1695 General Avtamon Golovin was issued with icons of the Saviour, the Mother of God, and St Sergius and ten pounds of incense to carry in the campaign to Azov. In September 1697 Prince M. Ia. Cherkassky, the new governor of Tobol'sk, received a set of instructions, the first of which was to go to the Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom and hear prayers for the tsar and his family read by Metropolitan Ignaty of Siberia. A few months later Patriarch Adrian issued a long instruction to churches and monasteries on priorities and procedures.

    Despite the apparent vigour of tradition, the keepers of the palace records could not conceal the fact that one of the tsars was opting out of the usual rituals. Nowhere is the spirit of the new better illustrated than in an entry recorded shortly after Joachim's death. On 27 April 1690 (April was traditionally the start of the royal pilgrimage season) `the Great Sovereign Peter Alekseevich deigned to visit Kolomenskoe'. For his trip a rowing boat was got up to look like a sailing ship; the boyars followed in two boats and strel'tsy went in front in seven, and `as they sailed along the water there was firing from cannon and hand guns'. The `play' regiments, Peter's private troops, went along in smaller craft. Tsar Ivan travelled by land. Thus we see two tsars, one firmly rooted in old Russia, the other looking to new horizons. (Thirty-four years later, in 1724, Peter again travelled to Kolomenskoe along the river, in a small flotilla with Russian and foreign guests who had gathered in Moscow for the coronation of his second wife, Catherine. The interior of the old wooden palace, it seems, had been preserved exactly as it was in the tsar's youth.) In May 1690 we find Peter making a tour of monasteries, but more often than not Ivan carried out such duties alone. This turn of events was noted by contemporaries. Boris Kurakin records: `First the ceremonial processions to the cathedral were abandoned and Tsar Ivan Alekseevich started to go alone; also the royal robes were abandoned and Peter wore simple dress. Public audiences were mostly abandoned (such as were given to visiting prelates and envoys from the hetman, for which there were public processions,); now there were simple receptions.'

    Many of Peter's unofficial activities are recorded in the diary of Patrick Gordon, which provides a secular alternative to the old records which were so deeply rooted in the religious calendar. We learn that on 30 May 1690 Peter spent his birthday at Preobrazhenskoe enjoying gun salutes and target practice. On 19 January 1691 Peter visited P. V. Sheremetev, and the next day Gordon had such a dreadful hangover that he could not get out of bed until the evening. A dinner at Boris Golitysn's on 16 May had similar consequences. And so on. Royal account books for 1690-1 show numerous entries for orders for `German dress' in the royal workshops, made from materials bought from foreign merchants and intended for Peter and members of his play regiments. Peter's enthusiasm for things foreign is indicated by the motley collection of foreign goods shipped to Archangel in 1692: mathematical instruments, two globes, a large organ, four large clocks, five barrels of Rhine wine, and a barrel of olive oil.

    The new was taking its place alongside the old. After the traditional blessing of the waters at Preobrazhenskoe on 1 August, for example, there was firing from guns. Tsaritsa Natalia's name-day celebrations on 27 August 1691 combined the usual church services, visits from churchmen and receipt and dispensing of gifts on the tsaritsa's behalf, with a reception of visitors by the tsaritsa herself (from which, however, foreigners were excluded), followed by gun salutes and fireworks. We must also look to the beginning of the 1690s for the origins of one of Peter's most controversial `institutions', the All-Drunken, All-Jesting Assembly or `Synod'. Sometimes dismissed as an adolescent aberration, in fact the Drunken Assembly flourished throughout Peter's reign. The new trends seemed to be growing inexorably, yet how easily it might all have changed. In November 1692 Peter fell ill, and for ten days was at death's door. There were rumours that many of his supporters were preparing to flee. His recovery signalled the resumption of the new life with a vengeance. In July 1693 Peter set off for Archangel to see the sea. This was an `outing' ( pokhod ) for which the record-keepers lacked the vocabulary. The clerks compromised by listing the courtiers in attendance on Peter in the usual manner, but without reference to their destination. Yet this historic journey had much in common with the royal outings of old. The accompanying retinue was listed according to rank, from boyars to secretaries. Peter travelled with a priest, eight choristers, two dwarfs and forty strel'tsy. During Peter's travels Tsar Ivan's activities were solemnly chronicled, and Peter's absences were sometimes noted--for example, at the requiem mass for the late Tsarevna Anna Mikhailovna on 24 July. Moscow was depleted of courtiers. More than ever, the life-style of the two courts diverged. For example, the Russian New Year on 1 September 1693 was celebrated in Archangel with gun salutes from both foreign and Russian ships in the harbour, while back in Moscow, Tsar Ivan, clad in robes of red velvet, `deigned to go from his royal chambers to the cathedral' to hear the patriarch celebrate the liturgy `according to the usual rites'. On occasion, Peter assumed a traditional role, visiting his father's favourite place of pilgrimage, the St Sabbas monastery at Zvenigorod, in May 1693; but after Tsar Ivan's death in January 1696, more and more rituals were enacted without any tsar at all. An old formula was adopted to cover for Peter's absence, be it on campaign or abroad, i.e., the appointment of a small group of deputies to attend services and ceremonials in his stead. An order to this effect was issued: from 2 April to 1 September 1697 `the tsarevichy, boyars, okol'nichie and gentlemen of the duma shall follow behind the holy icons in parades and services', although entries in the palace records reveal that the escort usually comprised only token representatives of these ranks. So, for example, the 1697 Epiphany ceremony was attended by Tsarevich Vasily of Siberia, boyar Prince P. I. Khovansky, okol'nichii S. F. Tolochanov, and Secretary Avatamon Ivanov.

    If the early 1690s were a time of exploration and game playing, they also saw the beginnings of serious activity. Peter's first chance to try out his strength came in 1694 when his mother died. The demise of Natalia Naryshkina, a useful figure-head for the leading men, whose power rested upon their relationship to the royal mother, threatened a new configuration of forces which could have worked to Peter's disadvantage. But any thoughts of, for example, using the strel'tsy again against Peter were discouraged by Peter's own forces, based upon the `play' ( poteshnye ) troops. The two regiments took their names from the adjacent royal villages at Preobrazhenskoe and Semenovskoe to the north of Moscow. Their organization--foreign ranks, training, uniforms--was modelled on the new-formation infantry regiments introduced in the 1630s. The story goes that in the 1680s Peter discovered about 300 men idle at a former royal hunting-lodge, and signed them up to play military games. Others were requisitioned from regular units: for example, a drummer and fifteen troopers from the Butyrsky infantry regiment in 1687. Young nobles who might once have served as gentlemen of the bedchamber and in other junior court posts were recruited alongside local lads from a variety of backgrounds. The Semenovsky regiment was formed from the overflow from the Preobrazhensky regiment. Officers and men were all said to be known to the tsar personally. By 1685 the embryonic guards had a scaled-down wooden fortress which Peter named Presburg, with barracks and stables adjacent to the Preobrazhenskoe palace. In deference to foreign expertise, Russians, including the tsar himself, served in the ranks or as non-commissioned officers. A list of officers ( nachal'nye liudi ) of both regiments for 1695 shows that they were all foreigners, although Russian names appear in the next year or so, mostly in the lower officer ranks.

    In September 1694 Peter staged the so-called Kozhukhovo manoeuvres, mock exercises which were `partly political in nature', in which some 30,000 men participated. The `campaign' presented Muscovites with a show of strength, as armies commanded by Fedor Romodanovsky, the `king of Presburg', and Ivan Buturlin, the `king of Poland', paraded through the city. The mock battle included an assault with explosives on a specially constructed fortress, which left twenty-four dead and fifteen wounded. Members of both the Lopukhin and the Naryshkin families were placed on the losing side, perhaps to make the point that Peter did not intend to be beholden to any of his relatives unless they proved their worth.

    Soon there were to be opportunities for real service. In the wake of the disastrous Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689, which attracted little allied support, Russia began to lose confidence in the Holy League, fearing exclusion from any future peace negotiations with the Turks. Even so, Peter was determined to continue the war in the hope of real gain and in 1695 he reopened hostilities in a campaign against the Turkish coastal fort of Azov at the mouth of the River Don, in an attempt to recover Russian prestige, gain a stronger bargaining position with his allies and ward off Turkish attacks on Ukraine. It was widely believed in 1694-5 that Peter was planning to make another assault on the Crimea, `march with a mighty army against the Crim Tartar, having an Artillery of 80 great guns and 150 Mortars', to bring relief to hard-pressed Poland, rumours which Peter was happy to encourage. In the event, he marched not to Perekop, but to Azov, a plan which may have been suggested by Patrick Gordon. Two armies were dispatched: the joint force of B. P. Sheremetev and the Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa to the Dnieper, to deflect the Tatars from the mouth of the Don, and a smaller unit consisting of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky guards and strel'tsy on river craft down the Don.

    Peter wrote to Fedor Apraksin: `In the autumn we were engaged in martial games at Kozhukhovo. They weren't intended to be anything more than games. But that play was the herald of real activity.' In this, as in some subsequent campaigns, Peter ceded nominal command to others. The commander-in-chief was A. S. Shein, while the tsar marched as a bombardier in the Preobrazhensky regiment. The first Azov campaign was a failure, and the fortress remained in Turkish hands. Peter blamed this on multiple command, tactical errors, and technical deficiencies. Foreign engineering specialists were hired for the next campaign, in an effort to avoid such fiascos as mines planted on ramparts far away from the enemy blowing up 130 Russians without doing any damage to the Turks. The Turks, meanwhile, were able to replenish supplies from the sea, with no Russian ships to hinder them.

    This set-back has often been identified as the real beginning of Peter's career, when he was forced to `grow up' and discover `astonishing reserves of energy'. Such formulae should not simply be dismissed as part of a Petrine myth propagated by both tsarist and Soviet writers. Failure did indeed stimulate the implementation of a number of measures, characterized by what was to become the typically `Petrine' use of speed, mass recruitment, and command from above. The prime example was the preparation of galleys at Voronezh on the Don for a renewed campaign in 1696, a huge effort in which thousands of the tsar's subjects were expected to do their bit, from the leading churchmen and merchants, who reluctantly supplied the cash, to the hapless labourers drafted in to hack wood in terrible conditions. Both river craft and seagoing vessels were to support an army of some 46,000 Russian troops, 15,000 Ukrainian Cossacks, 5,000 Don Cossacks, and 3,000 Kalmyks. At the end of May 1696, Peter's land and sea forces laid siege to Azov. By 7 June a Russian flotilla was able to take to the sea and cut off access to Turkish reinforcements.82 Apart from the use of sea power, Russian success was aided by General Gordon's plan of a rolling rampart ('the throwing up a wall of earth and driveing it on the Towne wall') and the services of Austrian engineers. On 18 July the fortress surrendered.

    This victory prompted some striking manifestations of the new culture. In the past, military triumphs had been largely religious affairs, celebrated by parades of crosses and icons headed by chanting priests. Such displays of thanksgiving continued right to the end of Peter's reign--in Russia, as in every other European country, military victory and defeat were interpreted as inextricably linked with God's will--but from now on the religious processions were supplemented, and usually eclipsed, by secular parades bristling with `pagan' symbols. After Azov, triumphal gates of Classical design bearing the legend in Russian `I came. I saw. I conquered' gave a preview of the imperial Roman references and imagery which culminated in the festivities of 1721, when Russia became an empire. There were references to Christian Rome, too, and comparisons of Peter to the Emperor Constantine. In addition to the customary prayers, verses were chanted through a megaphone by State Secretary Andrei Vinius. Peter, wearing German uniform, marched in the parade behind the official heroes Admiral Lefort and General Shein, while the religious authority was parodied by `prince-pope' Nikita Zotov in a carriage. It is said that Peter had in mind not only Roman precedents but also the example of Ivan IV, who organized a similar parade after the conquest of Kazan in 1552. This was the first public display of the new manners, which until then had by and large been confined to semi-private indulgence at Preobrazhenskoe or in the Foreign Quarter. This new openness fanned growing popular disapproval of Peter's foreign ways, which expressed itself in full force in 1698, when the strel'tsy revolted.

    The 1690s saw interesting developments in art and culture. The semi-Westernized Moscow baroque style of the 1680s matured and spread beyond the capital, where masonry churches and civic buildings displayed decorative features such as Classical columns and carved stone and brick ornament inspired by Western Renaissance and baroque originals. Peter's maternal relatives commissioned so many churches in this style that it is often referred to as `Naryshkin baroque'. One of the finest examples, the Church of the Intercession at Fili, built for Lev Naryshkin in 1690-3, had icons which reflected family history--images of SS Peter and Paul, John the Baptist, Alexis Man of God, and St Stephen, the latter bearing a striking resemblance to the young Peter, who often visited the church. An even more remarkable church, commissioned by Prince Boris Golitsyn on his estate at Dubrovitsy in 1690, dispensed with the traditional cupolas (the tower is capped by an open-work crown) and had statues of saints over the parapets and Latin inscriptions inside.

    The painting of the 1690s also exhibits interesting `transitional' features. In January 1692 the Armoury received an order for eleven large pictures for Peter's residence at Pereiaslavl'-Zalessky (where he was experimenting with sailing), the subjects of which were the Saviour, the Mother of God, the martyr Natalia, Alexis Man of God, Alexander Nevsky, Peter and the martyr Evdokia. The family references (Alexander Nevsky, for example, was the patron saint of Peter's second son Alexander, born in October 1691) were almost certainly chosen by Peter's mother rather than Peter himself. But the commission reflected `modern' trends in so far as these were not traditional icon panels but paintings on canvas in frames. There are even more revealing indications of Peter's emerging individual taste: for example, his order in July 1691 for twelve German portraits ( person nemetskikh ) in gilt frames, to be taken to his apartments from the confiscated property of Prince Vasily Golitsyn. In August 1694 a team of painters in the Armoury received orders for twenty-three battle paintings for Peter's apartments, `after the German model', with frames also of German design. Four painters were to take four subjects each, and the rest were to be done by apprentices, `painting different subjects, making use of German pictures [as models]'. In June 1697, when Peter was abroad, the same team of Armoury painters was instructed to paint eight pictures on canvas depicting `troops going by sea, making use of foreign German pictures or engravings, employing the best workmanship'. Again, these were large canvases, evidently executed in some haste, given that the same painters were all dispatched to work in Voronezh in July, and the frames were ordered in August. Painters were called upon to do other jobs to meet new demands: for example, to decorate the new ships built at Voronezh in 1696-7. These few examples indicate clearly the emergence of a distinct secular culture from within the walls of the Moscow Armoury, that early `academy of arts' which housed a secular painting studio separate from the icon-painting workshops only since the 1680s.

    It is very difficult to assess the art of the 1690s because, like the 1696 triumphal gates, so few examples have survived. Accurate likenesses of Peter pre-dating the Grand Embassy are notable by their absence. Earlier engravings, such as Larmessen's double portrait of Peter and Ivan (ca. 1687), are mostly imaginative reconstructions. Evidently others existed but have disappeared; thus, in July 1695 an order was given for a printed `persona' of Peter to be stuck on to canvas and framed. Perhaps Peter's restless activity in the 1690s precluded sitting for portraits. Yet it is with portraits that we shall conclude our examination of the 1690s. The first is the most famous (once thought to be the only) image of the young tsar, painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller in London in 1698, now hanging in Kensington Palace in London. The startling contrast between this wholly Western depiction of a monarch and the few surviving images of Peter's father has often been pointed out, but is worth drawing attention to here: the bearded Orthodox tsar of the 1660s with traditional robes and pectoral and crown crosses gives way to the warrior in armour with a warship in the background. For Kneller, Peter was just another European monarch. All traces of Russian `exoticism' were expunged. Indeed, Kneller used the same set formula--column and crown to the left, warship in the background to the right, royal ermine, and armour--as in his 1680s portrait of James II. Yet there are other portraits of Peter from this period which remind us that the break with Old Russia was far from complete. One by the Dutch artist Pieter Van der Werff shows Peter dressed in the Polish style, while in an anonymous portrait now in the Rijksmuseum he wears Russian dress. A similar contrast may be observed in two much smaller images, produced a year later in an entirely different medium. In 1699 two experimental half-roubles were minted. The first, by Vasily Andreev of the Armoury, shows Peter full face, in icon style, wearing the Crown of Monomach. The second is wholly Western, showing the tsar as a Roman emperor in profile, with laurel wreath and mantle. On the reverse is a collar of St Andrew and a coat of arms. On the eve of the new century and the outbreak of the Northern War, the designers had, albeit unconsciously, expressed the contrast between old and new. Which of the two would prevail? In Peter's mind, at least, the contest was already decided, as were the means for augmenting national prestige and prosperity. The focus would shift from the Black Sea to the Baltic and the country which barred Russia's way, Sweden.

(C) 1998 Lindsey Hughes All rights reserved. ISBN: 0-300-07539-1

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The making of a revolutionary

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  • Challenges of the Revolution of 1905 and World War I
  • First return to Petrograd
  • Decision to seize power
  • Saving the Revolution
  • Formation of the Third International
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Vladimir Lenin

  • What happened to the tsar and his family?
  • What caused the Russian Revolution of 1917?
  • Why is it called the October Revolution if it took place in November?
  • How did the revolution lead to the Russian Civil War?
  • What is communism?

American troops at the front in Italy. American soldiers on the Piave (river) front hurling a shower of hand grenades into the Austrian trenches, Varage, Italy; September 16, 1918. (World War I)

Vladimir Lenin

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  • Table Of Contents

Where was Vladimir Lenin born?

Vladimir Lenin was born in Simbirsk, Russia.

Where was Vladimir Lenin educated?

Lenin studied law at Kazan University but was expelled after just three months. In spite of this, he achieved top ranking in law examinations and was awarded a law degree in 1891.

When was Vladimir Lenin married?

Lenin married Nadezhda Krupskaya on July 22, 1898. Krupskaya served as Lenin’s personal secretary and played a key organizational role in the socialist revolutionary group that became the Russian Communist Party.

How did Vladimir Lenin change the world?

As founder of the All-Russian Communist Party ( Bolsheviks ) and leader of the Bolshevik coup d'état (1917), Vladimir Lenin created the Soviet Union . Along with Karl Marx , Lenin created the communist worldview.

When did Vladimir Lenin die?

Vladimir Lenin died on January 21, 1924, in Gorki, Russia.

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Vladimir Lenin (born April 10 [April 22, New Style], 1870, Simbirsk , Russia—died January 21, 1924, Gorki [later Gorki Leninskiye], near Moscow) was the founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), and the architect, builder, and first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state . He was the founder of the organization known as Comintern (Communist International) and the posthumous source of “ Leninism ,” the doctrine codified and conjoined with Karl Marx ’s works by Lenin’s successors to form Marxism-Leninism, which became the Communist worldview.

(Read Leon Trotsky’s 1926 Britannica essay on Lenin.)

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If the Bolshevik Revolution is—as some people have called it—the most significant political event of the 20th century, then Lenin must for good or ill be regarded as the century’s most significant political leader. Not only in the scholarly circles of the former Soviet Union but even among many non-Communist scholars, he has been regarded as both the greatest revolutionary leader and revolutionary statesman in history, as well as the greatest revolutionary thinker since Marx.

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It is difficult to identify any particular events in his childhood that might prefigure his turn onto the path of a professional revolutionary. Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk, which was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honour. (He adopted the pseudonym Lenin in 1901 during his clandestine party work after exile in Siberia.) He was the third of six children born into a close-knit, happy family of highly educated and cultured parents. His mother was the daughter of a physician, while his father, though the son of a serf, became a schoolteacher and rose to the position of inspector of schools. Lenin, intellectually gifted, physically strong, and reared in a warm, loving home, early displayed a voracious passion for learning. He graduated from high school ranking first in his class. He distinguished himself in Latin and Greek and seemed destined for the life of a classical scholar . When he was 16, nothing in Lenin indicated a future rebel, still less a professional revolutionary—except, perhaps, his turn to atheism . But, despite the comfortable circumstances of their upbringing, all five of the Ulyanov children who reached maturity joined the revolutionary movement. This was not an uncommon phenomenon in tsarist Russia , where even the highly educated and cultured intelligentsia were denied elementary civil and political rights.

As an adolescent Lenin suffered two blows that unquestionably influenced his subsequent decision to take the path of revolution. First, his father was threatened shortly before his untimely death with premature retirement by a reactionary government that had grown fearful of the spread of public education. Second, in 1887 his beloved eldest brother, Aleksandr, a student at the University of St. Petersburg (later renamed Leningrad State University), was hanged for conspiring with a revolutionary terrorist group that plotted to assassinate Emperor Alexander III . Suddenly, at age 17, Lenin became the male head of the family, which was now stigmatized as having reared a “state criminal.”

How did Vladimir Lenin change the world?

Fortunately the income from his mother’s pension and inheritance kept the family in comfortable circumstances, although it could not prevent the frequent imprisonment or exile of her children. Moreover, Lenin’s high school principal (the father of Aleksandr Kerensky , who was later to lead the Provisional government deposed by Lenin’s Bolsheviks in November [October, O.S.] 1917) did not turn his back on the “criminal’s” family. He courageously wrote a character reference that smoothed Lenin’s admission to a university.

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In autumn 1887 Lenin enrolled in the faculty of law of the imperial Kazan University (later renamed Kazan [V.I. Lenin] State University), but within three months he was expelled from the school, having been accused of participating in an illegal student assembly. He was arrested and banished from Kazan to his grandfather’s estate in the village of Kokushkino, where his older sister Anna had already been ordered by the police to reside. In the autumn of 1888, the authorities permitted him to return to Kazan but denied him readmission to the university. During this period of enforced idleness, he met exiled revolutionaries of the older generation and avidly read revolutionary political literature, especially Marx’s Das Kapital . He became a Marxist in January 1889.

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Good Leadership Essays (Examples)

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What Makes Good Leadership

Leadership has often been described as both an art and a science. Having the ability to influence other's decisions is paramount in order to be considered a good leader by one's followers. Good leadership is a necessity in all facets of today's world and within its daily operations. Each specific leadership situation is also different in its own way. This specific and relative facet of this phenomenon makes this topic interesting and very deep with example and information. The purpose of this essay is to describe what specific attributes contribute to a successful leader. In order to fully understand this topic, it is necessary to divide the topic into three separate stages in order to properly put into context the many different ideas that can contribute to positive and successful leadership. To me, leadership development occurs in three distinct steps. The first step is a base line understanding of one's own…...

mla Works Cited Bolden, R. Gosling, J. Marturano, A and Dennison, P. " A Review of Leadership Theory and Competency Frameworks" Centre for Leadership Studies University of Exeter June 2003. Web 4 June 2011. Boje, David "Transformational Leadership" Transform Webpage 25 December 2000. Web 4 June 2011. Fullan, Michael "Leadership for the 21st Century: Breaking the Bonds of Dependency" Educational Leadership Vol 55 #7 April 1998. Web 4 June 2011. House, Robert et al. "Understanding cultures and implicit leadership theories across the globe: an introduction to project Globe" Journal of World Business 37 (2002) 3-10. Web 4 June 2011.

Good Leadership

Community The first question asks the author to provide an overview of community building practices as defined by the Kouzes and Posner text. The second question asks the author to identify three different cultures from countries than their own and how they establish and create a sense of community. The third question asks the author to give examples of leaders that are definitely or probably using Contingency Theory. Fourth, the author needs to provide an example of a culturally diverse work team that the author worked in and how the author promoted cohesiveness in that team. Finally, the author is asked to suggest specific actions that can be taken to implement a tangible and effective leadership approach. Questions Answered As for how a sense of community and overall community building practices are best implement and effected, the main headers of the relevant Kouzes chapter tells the story. In order, they are listed…...

mla References Babson. (2014, March 11). Contingency Theory. Contingency Theory. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from   http://faculty.babson.edu/krollag/org_site/encyclop/contingency.html  Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2012). The leadership challenge: how to make extraordinary things happen in organizations (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Leadership Enhancing Lessons Experience According to Johnson

Leadership: Enhancing Lessons Experience According to Johnson, & Giorgis (2002), Leadership is the process in which an individual influences actions of others towards common goals, Formulates policies, strategies, and influence people towards achievement of the same strategies. Over the past decades, various changes in the world have led to various definitions of leadership. The fall of the Soviet Union, globalization and various advances have changed the world we knew. A woman in leadership positions is a new phenomenon; various leadership trainings are available, and leadership as a skill is now an asset for professionals. For African Universities to ensure knowledge transfer and observing millennium development goals, a good leadership structure is essential. A leader has exception skills and acts outrageously to situations (Padam, 2009). Scholars have advanced various theories on leadership. Leaders' Individual personal attributes beat explains the trait theory, when one looks closely at Mahatma Gandhi and Hitler it is evident…...

mla References Johnson, N.J., & Giorgis, C. (2002). Leadership. The Reading Teacher, 56(3), 315-316. Retrieved from http:/ / proquest.com/docview/203276035 Padam, S. (2009). Leadership: Theory and practice. South Asian Journal of Management, 16(3), 136-137. Retrieved from http://.proquest.com/docview/222728386 Ilgen, D.R., Hollenbeck, J.R., Johnson, M., & Jundt, D. (2005). TEAMS IN ORGANIZATIONS: From input-process-output models to IMOI models. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 517-543. Retrieved from   http://search.proquest.com/docview/205830055  Hanson, K., & Leautier, F. (2011). Enhancing institutional leadership in african universities: Lessons from ACBS's interventions. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 385-417. doi:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/20425961201000040

Leadership the Role of Leadership in Excellence

Leadership The Role of Leadership in Excellence Initiatives Leadership is often thought of as a quality that is innate to certain individuals, such as CEOs and Presidents who have demonstrated their tireless commitment to a specific cause. This belief is not entirely true, however, and must be examined so that what leadership entails can be fully understood. (Bennis, 2010) There are two theories of leadership, the trait theory and the process theory. The trait theory teaches that leadership 'resides' in people, and is based on a certain mixture of intelligence, extroversion, fluency, and even physical stature. The trait theory of leadership teaches that having these innate traits will directly contribute to one's ability to lead, and therefore the best leaders will combine the highest amount of these aforementioned traits. The process theory of leadership, however, teaches that leadership comes as a result the interactions of individuals in a group. The process theory…...

mla Work Cited Bennis, Warren. (2010). Concepts of Leadership. Retrieved September 21, . Myatt, M. (2012). A Leadership Job Description. Forbes Magazine. Retrieved September 21, . No Author. (2012). A Definition of Leadership. Oxford University. Retrieved September 21, . No Author. (2012). Our Definition of leadership. The Teal Trust. Retrieved September 21, .

Leadership Theories Application

Leadership Application Effective leadership has a big role to play when it comes to the life and success of any organization. Leadership normally transforms what is potential into a reality. Leadership is therefore the successful act that brings success to all of the potent potential that is in an organization as well as its people. Each day there are new paradigms that are proposed and at the same time the old ones are loosing their effectiveness. Leadership is therefore a major way through which people normally change the minds of other people and steer forward towards the accomplishment of the goals that have been identified within an organization. Organizations need leaders so as to orient and make new employees familiar with how things go about in the organization.in this case George Latour is making attempts of leading and coaching a new employee into the organization, Sherry Stern. However the relationship between…...

mla References Fryer, B., Goodnight, J., Goulston, M., Lawrie, J.M. & Chappelow, C. (2004). The Micromanager. Harvard Business Review, 82(9), 31-39. Chambers, H. (2005, Summer). Surviving the Micromanager. How to Succeed with Away Boss. Canadian Manager, 30(2), 24-25. Simonton B.(2010). Good Leadership vs. Bad Leadership. Retrieved April 10, 2014 from   http://www.bensimonton.com/good-vs.-bad-leadership.html#.U0evb8uLrFw  Benincasa R.(2007). 6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them. Retrieved April 10,2014 from   http://www.fastcompany.com/1838481/6-leadership-styles-and-when-you-should-use-them

Leadership in the 21st Century

He projects a persona of trustworthiness, likability and brilliance that even his harshest critics admire. But a multiplicity of goals does not always make for a sense of coherent mission, and this sense of mission is required to sustain as well as initiate major changes. One of Obama's most-admired historical figures was Abraham Lincoln and: "Lincoln united his followers with a 'corporate mission' of preserving the Union and abolishing slavery, and this objective became more firm and resolute with the onslaught of the Civil War" (Lewis 2009). Of course, Lincoln had the advantage of having a single crisis to deal with -- Obama has many, spanning from healthcare, to the environment, to the financial crisis, to two wars. Creating a coherent philosophy to unite his ambitious, compassionate social objectives and the need for strong action on terror is no easy feat. As a leader, Obama's greatest strength is his ability…...

mla References Finn, Christine & Sarah Baxter. (2008, November 23). Long-range love of Obama's absent mother. The Times. Retrieved July 11, 2010 at   http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5213328.ece  Lebovitch, Marge. (2010, February 29). Missing element in Obama's ties with GOP leaders. Retrieved July 11, 2010 at   http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/25/us/politics/25chemistry.html?scp=1&sq=Obama%20personality&st=cse  Lander, Mark. (2010, June 24). Short, tense deliberation, then a general is gone.

Leadership Is a Term That Can Mean

Leadership is a term that can mean many things to many people in many situations. It can refer to a sergeant in the U.S. Army leading his men through minefields to track down enemy combatants in Afghanistan. It can mean the fastest car in a NASCAR race and it can allude to the young man in a Sunday School class who takes over competently when the regular teacher is unable to be present. When discussing leadership it is helpful to use examples of people who showed leadership in various ways. The best-selling book by Michael Abrashoff (It's Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy) offers a wonderful glimpse into how a captain took over a Navy ship that was ranked very low in its capabilities because of a number of serious problems with personnel, with equipment, and obviously with leadership. In Abrashoff's book the author reviews the…...

Leadership Quizzes

Leadership Exercise 3-3 This week, maybe not my most charismatic week to be honest. There are definitely times when I can turn on the charm and be very charismatic, but this week I don't think I've excelled in this regard. I think that I should pay attention to opportunities to be charismatic because this is a skill that can be developed. Since I know that I have it in me to be this way, I figure that I should probably cultivate this skill a little more, because that will help me to be a better leader. I think back to a recent trip I took. I was able to get a free seat upgrade just by asking, and when I met people I was able to impress them right away, gain their confidence and talk business effectively. I got a lot out of that trip in that regard, just be being at the…...

Leadership Characteristics of Administrators to

Most conclusions on this approach were vague or indecisive in terms of social, psychological or mental significance (ice, 1978, 1981; Graen et al., 1972; Ashour, 1973). Furthermore, over the years, many scholars have come to the realization that leadership is situational and hence there are many realistic settings like the environment, the employees, the resources, etc. that determine the characteristics needed in a leader as well as his/her business approach (Hershey and Blanchard, 1977, 1984). This is why it is important to first understand the different types of scenarios that a leader can face and then use those scenarios as the foundation on which most leadership techniques and approaches are built. This idea of leadership being situational is very helpful in outlining the methods through which leadership can be developed and has taken up a good part of the last three-decade of research (Mckenna, Boyd and Yost, 2007). There were many…...

mla References Adler, a. (1946). Understanding human nature. New York: Permabooks. Ashour, a.S. (1973). The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: An Evaluation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 9: 335-76. Bandura, a. (1997). Self-efficacy. The Exercise of Control. New York: W.H. Freeman. (Bass, B.M. 1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York: The Free Press. Bennis, W., and B. Nanus. (1985). Leaders. New York: Harper and Row.

Leadership Qualifications in the Workplace Quintessential Leader

Leadership Qualifications in the orkplace Quintessential Leader Proposed Leadership Model For eras there have been people and leaders have discussed what the qualifications that make a great leader are. Leadership travels all the way back to the period of the ancient Greeks. In the 1500's, there was an Italian statesman named Niccolo Machiavelli, who wrote The Prince, and in this book he talked about the different methods for leaders to use in obtaining power (Leadership 2003). This all led to the current events dating to the early 1900's and what has been used and developed in today's society. There are a lot of theories of what a leader in the workplace should have and the idea that leaders during history have been people who were seen or looked up to as leaders and deeply appreciated. As people say "There are those that lead and those that follow." An individual with excellent leadership skills…...

mla Works Cited Akinboye, J., 2005. Executive behaviour battery. Ibadan: Stirling-Horden Publishers. Borman, W., 2004. The concept of organizational citizenship. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(6), p. 238 -- 241. Cameron, J.D.E.K.R. & R.R., 2001. Extrinsic rewards and intrinsic: Reconsidered once again.. Review of Educational Research, pp. 30-54. Charlton, G., 2000. Human Habits of Highly Effective Organisations.. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.

Leadership at the Core of Leadership Is

Leadership At the core of leadership is the interaction between the leader and the follower. Much of leadership theory can be understood in terms of how leaders and followers interact and what the underlying assumptions are with respect to the roles and nature of leadership. Because of the many different types of leaders, and successful examples thereof, leadership scholarship has developed multiple branches that seek to explain leadership, but no one branch has yet proved definitive. Instead of understanding leadership through a single paradigm, and it better to understand it in terms of multiple paradigms, and different leadership theories can be applied to the same situation, and any given leader might apply multiple leadership styles at the same time. Part of the appeal of leadership scholarship is that it encompasses so many unique academic disciplines. Leadership scholarship began life as in business schools but has been studied in the psychological and sociological…...

mla References Avolio, B., Walumbwa, F. & Weber, T. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology. Vol. 60 (2009) 421-449. Boyatzis, R., Smith, M., & Blaize, N. (2006). Developing sustainable leaders through coaching and compassion. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol. 5 (1) 8-24. Falk, S. & Rogers, S. (2011). Junior military officer retention: Challenges & opportunities. Harvard University. In possession of the author. Kocolowski, M. (2010). Shared leadership: Is it time for a change? Emerging Leadership Journeys. Vol. 3 (1) 22-32.

Leadership and Management There Is

y providing 'Role clarity' formalization eliminates the confusion pertaining to 'who does what' in an organization. Formalization also results in 'specialization of tasks'. Formalization is a process by which organizations try to standardize employee behavior. Larger organizations are generally more formalized due to greater manageability. The downside of formalizing is well-known. If an organization wants to implement formalization it would be met with resistance. Managing employee resistance will be a big problem for managers who attempt to standardize work procedures. Employees in a formalized organization strictly perform the duties allotted to them and not more which causes a serious effect on the productivity. The lack of initiative by workers and the consequent loss of productivity and increased operating costs imply a loss of competitive advantage. Also, the one sided bureaucracy witnessed in a formal organization may in some instances lead to opportunistic behaviors by leaders resulting in misuse of power.…...

mla Bibliography 1) Anita Hall, (March 2007), 'Influence: The Essence of Leadership', Retrieved Aug 17th 2009, from,   http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/g1695/build/g1695.pdf  2) California State University, 'Influence Tactics', Retrieved Aug 17th 2009, from, [HIDDEN] tactics are most likely to change followers' attitude? 3) Kotterman, James, (July 2006), 'Leadership vs. Management: What's the Difference?', Journal for Quality and Participation,

Leadership There Are a Number

By the same token, by not having any specific policy implications, servant leadership theory does not expressly reject the transformational, situational or results-focused ideas of leadership. It is merely an adjunct to these theories, and is mostly useful for deciding on whether or not somebody should become a leader in the first place. Situational Leadership and Results-Focused Leadership These two leadership theories are opposed to one another, but they share the same philosophical underpinnings. The underlying theory of each of these leadership styles is that the leadership style is flexible, and the best leaders have the ability to utilize different styles and techniques depending on the needs of the day. here the two differ is in the understanding of the most important determinant of leadership style. Situational leadership theory argues that leaders need to adapt to the different circumstances, changing their style to suit the challenges with which they are faced.…...

mla Works Cited: The transformational leader- N.M. Tichy and M.A. Devanna ( 1990) Servant Leadership- Robert Greenleaf Leadership in organization - G. Yuki (2006)

Leadership in Human Relations What

According to Blass, et al., writing in Human Resources Management, the best way to acquire political skills, is through the mentoring process. The inexperienced individual who has a desire to become a leader in the HR field must have a mentor who is "…armed with organizational experience" that is borne of "vicarious and firsthand experience" and is willing to share "insights and cues with proteges on what it takes to be successful in the organization" (Blass, et al., 2007, p. 6). Mentors must be able to have an "adaptive capacity" to teach the political skills necessary to lead, Blass continues. Politically skilled individuals generally possess "greater adaptive capacity," Blass continues, which can result in "positive and strong leader reputation" (p. 6). Moreover, Blass argues that individuals with well-honed political skills gain "influence" because they are socially astute, have learned adaptability, and adjust behaviors "to meet situational demands" (p. 11). A third…...

mla Works Cited Blass, Fred R. And Ferris, Gerald R. (2007). Leader Reputation: The Role of Mentoring, Political Skill, Contextual Learning, and Adaptation. Human Resource Management, 46(1), 5-19. Choo, Ho Geok. (2007). Leadership and the Workforce in Singapore: Evaluations by the Singapore Human Resources Institute. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 15(2), 104-114.

Leadership Charisma Myth Leaders Need

Though there has been a strong correlation shown between the possession of certain key traits and effective leadership, no trait (or combination of traits) guarantees good leadership. More importantly, effective leadership does not really depend upon specific character traits so much as specific choices. The personality traits that can lead to good leadership tend to be those that allow for decisive and informed decisions based on the needs of the group or organization being led; charisma is certainly not among these, and the traits themselves are secondary to the decisions they lead to, regardless (Kirkpatrick & Locke 1991). Charisma no more makes a leader than attractiveness or another physical attribute. Going back to charisma specifically, some have questioned whether the use of charisma as an enhancement to leadership -- or at least a tool of persuasion used by one in authority -- is even an ethical way to lead. In…...

mla References Elliott, M. (2009). "No charisma? Don't worry, you can still be a leader." Time. Accessed 29 January 2010.   http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1909616-3,00.html  Howell, J. & Avolio, B. (1992). "The ethics of charismatic leadership." Academy of management executive 6(2), pp. 43-54. Kirkpatrick, S. & Locke, E. (1991). "Leadership: Do Traits Matter?" The Executive 5(2), pp. 48-60 Nye, J. (2008). "Charisma and leadership." Accessed 29 January 2010,   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joseph-nye/charisma-and-leadership_b_99466.html

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good leader essay title

That news article on Google? Its headline may have been written by a political campaign

good leader essay title

That news headline about presidential candidate Kamala Harris on your Google search results? It may have been written by her campaign. 

Harris' team has been launching sponsored posts on Google that link to real news content from various publishers but feature customized headlines and descriptions crafted by her campaign, a practice experts and Google called "common." One sponsored ad that links to NPR’s website features the headline “Harris will Lower Health Costs.” Another that links to the Associated Press reads “VP Harris’s Economic Vision - Lower Costs and Higher Wages.” The advertisements were first reported by Axios . 

While these sponsored posts have been used by other campaigns and comply with Google’s policies, some marketing experts worry they could fuel misinformation and distrust in the media.

“The doctored headlines risk coming across as misleading at best and misinformation at worst,” said Andy Rohm , a marketing professor at Loyola Marymount University in California. “This approach can damage a brand such as the Harris-Walz campaign in that it seems to be incongruous with the campaign’s stated values.”

Google's ad transparency center shows a number of other publishers featured in Harris ads, including Reuters, Time, CNN, AP, the Independent, the Guardian and USA TODAY.

"We were not aware the Harris campaign was using our content in this manner,” said Lark-Marie Anton, spokesperson for USA TODAY parent company Gannett. “As a news organization, we are committed to ensuring that our stories are shared appropriately, adhering to the highest standards of integrity and accuracy." 

AP spokesperson Patrick Maks said the news organization "was neither aware of this practice nor would we allow these to run on our website."

The Harris campaign declined to comment for this story. Donald Trump's campaign did not return a request for comment, but Google's ad transparency center did not show these types of ads from the former president's campaign.

A statement from Google said it’s “fairly common” for advertisers to link out or cite external websites in ads. To differentiate these ads from results, the search engine labels the ads as sponsored and includes a “paid for by” disclosure.

But even with a sponsored tag, the ads present a “significant ethical concern,” according to Colin Campbell , associate professor of marketing at the University of San Diego.

He said this is especially true when consumers fail to differentiate online ads.

“Many consumers might form opinions based solely on the altered headlines, without ever reading the actual articles,” Campbell said. “Even those who click through and read the articles may feel misled when they notice the discrepancy between the headline and the content, further eroding trust in the media.”

Gallup’s latest poll on media trust in 2023 shows just 32% of Americans trust the mass media “a great deal” or “a fair amount” to report the news in a full, fair and accurate way, a tie with Gallup’s previous lowest historical reading in 2016. 

Campbell said Google may hesitate to ban these ads, but “news organizations should advocate to end it to protect journalistic integrity.” 

These ads have received backlash before. Facebook stopped allowing ads with altered headlines in 2017 as part of a crackdown on misinformation, calling it “a channel that has been abused to post false news .”

Harris-Walz camo hat is having a moment. Could it be bigger than MAGA red?

But it’s not unusual for advertisements to cite to publishers, according to Pinar Yildirim , an associate professor of marketing and economics at the University of Pennsylvania. Movie trailers, for instance, often include snippets of critics’ reviews.

Yildirim said that as long as an ad doesn't misrepresent the contents of a news article, act as clickbait or try to earn undeserved credit by using the publisher's name, then linking back to a news outlet "should not be objectionable."

"From a commercial advertising perspective, I believe these practices would be fair," she said.

Effective Leaders and Managers Essay (Critical Writing)

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Definitions, a real-life example of level 3 leadership.

The success of an organisation is determined by the efforts of leaders and managers to ensure employees follow policies and maximise their productivity. Managers and leaders ensure all employees work together to achieve the success.

However, not all managers are good leaders, and organisations should set clear policies on the roles of these two positions. Current paper presents the differences between effective managers and leaders and describes a real leader’s inspiration.

An Effective Leader

An effective leader is a person who can influence others and ensure they do something that will benefit all of them. The essence of leaders is to make sure that there are the changes in the way the activities are done in organisations.

It means that effective leaders are focused on transforming the mentality of employees to see the need for changes that will improve their work. They lead people and check whether the resources are utilised for the benefit of investors, managers and their subordinates or not.

Effective leaders have followers and influence them to achieve special visions.

An effective leader may set directions and offer alternative ways of achieving the goals established by managers. Such leaders do not make decisions and impose on their followers; instead, all stakeholders participate in certain activities to be sure that their views are put into consideration.

The power of an effective leader is derived from personal charisma, and this means that leadership cannot be transferred through conventional ways like training. Effective leaders appeal to the hearts of their followers and have a passion for motivating other people to change and improve their performance.

They take risks because they want to achieve what others have never accomplished. The most successful leaders may break the rules and create conflicts in organisations in order to achieve success. However, they do not focus on the negative effects of these acts. Instead, they use such situations to improve the performance of all employees.

This means that effective leaders see the opportunities for change and growth in mistakes; therefore, they do not condemn weak employees. They take the blame and give credit where it is due as their main aim is to seek the right way of improving performance and motivating employees to get satisfaction from their work.

An Effective Manager

An effective manager is a person who uses the required portion of skills in order to stabilise organisations and check whether their subordinates are able to follow all policies or not. These managers have to set a number of short-term goals that have to be achieved with the help of their investors.

Another important thing this type of managers tries to consider is the quality of the possible use of all resources they have an access to. The point is that managers have an access to more resources in comparison to other workers of the same organisation; still, they try to use the same process of this resource management.

This is why it is very important for a really effective manager to know how to define the best resources for their activities. They make decisions and hope other employees will accept them without resistance.

Their authority is derived from formal procedures, including the powers vested in them by their organisations and the trust of other workers.

The leadership style of effective managers is transactional because this group of people seeks to accomplish certain formal objectives. High profits and a good public image are the two main aspects that motivate people to work harder.

They are afraid of risks and try to minimise them because they want to achieve the immediate results and identify those people, who cannot achieve them as failures. Effective managers do not like to take new roads, but use the old ones to create new impressions.

Effective managers make the rules and expect their subordinates following them without asking questions. They do not provide subordinates with opportunities to express what they actually think and can offer to improve their performance.

The managers under consideration define themselves as those, who are right and who do not take blames.

There are many successful leaders, whose styles of leadership deserve attention. Leadership style is one of the most crucial individual methods of influence on the innovations of an organisation.

The example of Spain demonstrated during Euro 2008 proves that this country and its context have a lot to say in order to improve the understanding of proper leadership. This real-life example proves that the Spanish leadership model is not only about employees’ behaviour and attention to conscious thoughts.

It is about people, their expectations, values, assumptions, and beliefs. From the report of a project manager (Mr. Carlos) to a general manager of a hotel chain (Mr. Hale), it becomes clear that the most successful leaders have to trust their people and believe that what they plan to do should be done in the most beneficial ways.

In other words, a good leader should have a certain number of followers in order to become an effective leader.

The events during Euro 2008 made many hotel managers change their politics and rely on new ideas offered by the experts in the chosen spheres as well as ordinary manages to consider the needs of ordinary people, who are eager to become a part of the Euro world.

In his report, Mr. Carlos admitted that many workers are eager to offer their own ideas on how to improve their hotel services and attract more customers. Of course, it is easy to consider the demands and offers of different people, still, it is not an easy task to analyse each though and recognise the expectations and values of each worker.

Mr. Hale demonstrated one of the most successful methods and chose a written form of questionnaires for his workers. Mr. Carlos had to organise online questionnaires and attract as many people as possible to that event.

A good leader should never neglect the assumptions of his/her workers, and Mr. Hale proves that he deserves to be an example of “Level Three” leadership style. On the one hand, he considered visible actions and intentions (conscious thoughts) of his managers through the report of his project manager.

On the other hand, he paid enough attention to the Level Three within the frames of which the leaders get to know more about the values and beliefs that have been developed over time taking into consideration cultural norms and preferences that play an important role in a social life.

All leaders are good managers, but the reverse is not true because these positions have different requirements. A good leader inspires, gives hope, and shows the direction by being an example to other employees, and good managers use the policies to influence other employees like it was demonstrated by the Spanish example during Euro 2008.

  • Learning Perspectives and Human Resource Management
  • Operations Management in British Airways
  • Air Euro - Relocation of Head Office
  • Euro v. Dollar, Sterling Pound, and Yen
  • Healthcare Disparities in Latinx and and the Euro-American Communities
  • Leadership Styles of Yahoo, Blackberry, and Google
  • Financial Planning for National-Scale Disasters in Cuba and Belize
  • Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)
  • Financial Planning for National Disaster
  • Outsourcing: A Critical Analysis
  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2019, June 21). Effective Leaders and Managers. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effective-leaders-and-managers/

"Effective Leaders and Managers." IvyPanda , 21 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/effective-leaders-and-managers/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Effective Leaders and Managers'. 21 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Effective Leaders and Managers." June 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effective-leaders-and-managers/.

1. IvyPanda . "Effective Leaders and Managers." June 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effective-leaders-and-managers/.


IvyPanda . "Effective Leaders and Managers." June 21, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/effective-leaders-and-managers/.

Ch. 9 The Development of Russia

Ivan the terrible, learning objective.

  • Outline the key points of Ivan IV’s policies and examine the positive and negative aspects of his rule
  • Ivan IV is often known as Ivan the Terrible, even though the more correct translation is akin to Ivan the Fearsome or Ivan the Awesome.
  • Ivan IV was the first Rus’ prince to title himself “Tsar of All the Russias” beginning the long tradition of rule under the tsars.
  • Lands in the Crimea, Siberia, and modern-day Tatarstan were all subsumed into Russian lands under Ivan IV.
  • The persecution of the boyars during Ivan IV’s reign began under the harsh regulations of the oprichnina.

A state policy enacted by Ivan IV that made him absolute monarch of much of the north and hailed in an era of boyar persecution. Ivan IV successfully grabbed large chunks of land from the nobility and created his own personal guard, the oprichniki, during this era.

Moscow Print Yard

The first publishing house in Russia, which was opened in 1553.

A member of the feudal ruling elite who was second only to the princes in Russian territories.

Ivan IV Vasileyevich is widely known as Ivan the Terrible or Ivan the Fearsome. He was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and reigned as the “Tsar of all the Russias” from 1547 until he died in 1584. His complex years in power precipitated military conquests, including Kazan and Astrakhan, that changed the shape and demographic character of Russia forever. He also reshaped the political formation of the Russian state, oversaw a cultural Renaissance in Russia, and shifted power to the head of state, the tsar, a title that had never before been given to a prince in the Rus’ lands.

Rise to Power

Ivan IV was born in 1530 to Vasili III and Elena Glinskaya. He was three when he was named the Grand Prince of Moscow after his father’s death. Some say his years as the child vice-regent of Moscow under manipulative boyar powers shaped his views for life. In 1547, at the age of sixteen, he was crowned “Tsar of All the Russias” and was the first person to be coronated with that title. This title claimed the heritage of Kievan Rus’ while firmly establishing a new unified Russian state. He also married Anastasia Romanovna, which tied him to the powerful Romanov family.


18th-century portrait of Ivan IV. Images of Ivan IV often display a prominent brow and a frowning mouth.

Domestic Innovations and Changes

Despite Ivan IV’s reputation as a paranoid and moody ruler, he also contributed to the cultural and political shifts that would shape Russia for centuries. Among these initial changes in relatively peaceful times he:

  • Revised the law code, the Sudebnik of 1550, which initiated a standing army, known as the streltsy. This army would help him in future military conquests.
  • Developed the Zemsky Sobor, a Russian parliament, along with the council of the nobles, known as the Chosen Council.
  • Regulated the Church more effectively with the Council of the Hundred Chapters, which regulated Church traditions and the hierarchy.
  • Established the Moscow Print Yard in 1553 and brought the first printing press to Russia.
  • Oversaw the construction of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow.


St. Basil’s Cathedral. This iconic structure was one cultural accomplishment created under Ivan IV’s rule.

Oprichnina and Absolute Monarchy

The 1560s were difficult with Russia facing drought and famine, along with a number of Tatar invasions, and a sea-trading blockade from the Swedes and Poles. Ivan IV’s wife, Anastasia, was also likely poisoned and died in 1560, leaving Ivan shaken and, some sources say, mentally unstable. Ivan IV threatened to abdicate and fled from Moscow in 1564. However, a group of boyars went to beg Ivan to return in order to keep the peace. Ivan agreed to return with the understanding he would be granted absolute power and then instituted what is known as the oprichnina.


1911 painting by Apollinary Vasnetsov. This painting represents people fleeing from the Oprichniki, the secret service and military oppressors of Ivan IV’s reign.

This agreement changed the way the Russian state worked and began an era of oppression, executions, and state surveillance. It split the Russian lands into two distinct spheres, with the northern region around the former Novgorod Republic placed under the absolute power of Ivan IV. The boyar council oversaw the rest of the Russian lands. This new proclamation also started a wave of persecution and against the boyars. Ivan IV executed, exiled, or forcibly removed hundreds of boyars from power, solidifying his legacy as a paranoid and unstable ruler.

Military Conquests and Foreign Relations

Ivan IV established a powerful trade agreement with England and even asked for asylum, should he need it in his fights with the boyars, from Elizabeth I. However, Ivan IV’s greatest legacy remains his conquests, which reshaped Russia and pushed back Tatar powers who had been dominating and invading the region for centuries.

His first conquest was the Kazan Khanate, which had been raiding the northeast region of Russia for decades. This territory sits in modern-day Tatarstan. A faction of Russian supporters were already rising up in the region but Ivan IV led his army of 150,000 to battle in June of 1552. After months of siege and blocking Kazan’s water supply, the city fell in October. The conquest of the entire Kazan Khanate reshaped relations between the nomadic people and the Russian state. It also created a more diverse population under the fold of the Russian state and the Church.

Ivan IV also embarked on the Livonian War, which lasted 24 years. The war pitted Russia against the Swedish Empire, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Poland. The Polish leader, Stefan Batory, was an ally of the Ottoman Empire in the south, which was also in a tug-of-war with Russia over territory. These two powerful entities on each edge of Russian lands, and the prolonged wars, left the economy in Moscow strained and Russian resources scarce in the 1570s.

Ivan IV also oversaw two decisive territorial victories during his reign. The first was the defeat of the Crimean horde, which meant the southern lands were once again under Russian leadership. The second expansion of Russian territory was headed by Cossack leader Yermak Timofeyevich. He led expeditions into Siberian territories that had never been under Russian rule. Between 1577 and 1580 many new Siberian regions had reached agreements with Russian leaders, allowing Ivan IV to style himself “Tsar of Siberia” in his last years.


Ivan IV’s throne. This decadent throne mirrors Ivan the Terrible’s love of power and opulence.

Madness and Legacy

Ivan IV left behind a compelling and contradictory legacy. Even his nickname “terrible” is a source for confusion. In Russian the word grozny means “awesome,” “powerful” or “thundering,” rather than “terrible” or “mad.” However, Ivan IV often behaved in ruthless and paranoid ways that favors the less flattering interpretation. He persecuted the long-ruling boyars and often accused people of attempting to murder him (which makes some sense when you look at his family’s history). His often reckless foreign policies, such as the drawn out Livonian War, left the economy unstable and fertile lands a wreck. Legend also suggests he murdered his son Ivan Ivanovich, whom he had groomed for the throne, in 1581, leaving the throne to his childless son Feodor Ivanovich. However, his dedication to culture and innovation reshaped Russia and solidified its place in the East.

  • Boundless World History. Authored by : Boundless. Located at : https://www.boundless.com/world-history/textbooks/boundless-world-history-textbook/ . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike


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    The book covers the subject of leadership and culture in three major sections, including the definition of organizational culture and leadership, the dimensions of culture, and leadership's role in building culture. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 185 writers online.

  7. Characteristics of a Good Leader

    A motivated leader is one who is never contented with the status quo. They are always striving to do better things and doing them differently. Such leaders often raise the performance bar, and they keep track of the scores. In this case, a good example is Thomas Sankara, the slain leader of Burkina Faso from Africa.

  8. Leadership Essays: Samples & Topics

    Leadership is a multifaceted skill that involves guiding and inspiring individuals or groups toward a common goal. While leadership styles may vary, there are essential qualities and practices that define effective leadership. In this essay, we will explore how to be a good leader, discuss... Effective Leadership.

  9. 620 Leadership Essay Topics, Research Questions, & Title Ideas

    Looking for the best leadership essay topics? 💡 StudyCorgi has plenty of effective and unique leadership essay titles and ideas for research, presentations, & more! Free essays. Search for: Close and clear the search form. ... 👍 Good Leadership Research Topics & Essay Examples. On-time delivery! Get your 100% customized paper done in as ...

  10. Leadership Essay: Format and Samples to Check for A+

    A leadership essay is a paper that analyzes leadership concepts and their application to real-life situations that may involve everyday business management, crisis situations, and other scenarios. Every essay on leadership is about defining a concept. Then, it's either comparing it to similar management tools or proving that it's useful (or ...

  11. Leadership Essay

    A successful relationship between the servant leader and followers is a two-way process and followers must be accepting of the principles of empowerment and the opportunity to grow. A characteristic of leaders which seems to be related to good leadership is emotional intelligence. Goleman (1998, p.317) defines emotional intelligence as 'the ...

  12. Good Leader Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    2. self regulation (ability to control your disruptive impulses and mood) 3. motivation (passion to work for reasons other than money and status) 4. empathy (understand the emotional makeup of others) 5. social skill (ability to find a common ground and build rapport) Please write the essay as a leader not a follower.

  13. Essays on Leadership

    Conclusion of Leadership Essay. 1 page / 551 words. Leadership is a multifaceted concept that plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, whether it be in the workplace, in communities, or in personal relationships. Throughout this essay, we have explored the different dimensions of leadership, including its definition, characteristics ...

  14. The Qualities Of A Good Leader: [Essay Example], 462 words

    Another important quality of a good leader is integrity. A leader should be honest, ethical, and consistent in their actions. They should be able to gain the trust and respect of their team members, and lead by example. Research has shown that leaders who demonstrate integrity are more likely to have loyal and dedicated followers (Simons, 2002).

  15. Leadership Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Leadership of David Petraeus Leadership The Leadership and Legacy of General David Petraeus David Howell Petraeus, born November 7, 1952, is a former American military and public official. He served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from September 6, 2011, until his resignation on November 9, 2012.

  16. Leadership Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Leadership. First of all, Leadership refers to the quality of leading people. Probably, it is one of the most important aspects of life. Above all, Leadership has led to the progress of human civilization. Without good Leadership, no organization or group can succeed. Furthermore, not everyone has this quality.

  17. Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov [b] (22 April [O.S. 10 April] 1870 - 21 January 1924), better known as Vladimir Lenin, [c] was a Russian revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He served as the first and founding head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 until his death in 1924, and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia, and later the Soviet Union ...

  18. Russia in the Age of Peter the Great

    War with Poland began in 1654, as a result of Moscow's provocative acceptance of the allegiance of Ukrainian (Little Russian) Cossacks under their leader Bogdan Khmel'nitsky, who were formerly Polish subjects, and ended in 1667 to Russia's advantage, with Left Bank Ukraine (to the east of the River Dnieper) and Kiev brought under the tsar's rule.

  19. Effective Leadership: Traits and Behaviors Essay

    Effective leadership is usually associated with various traits and behaviors identified in a person. There are many theories on leadership suggesting different traits, but one of the most popular of them, The Five Practices model, identifies the following significant components: modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the ...

  20. Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin. Undated photograph of Russian political figure Vladimir Lenin at his desk. Vladimir Lenin (born April 10 [April 22, New Style], 1870, Simbirsk, Russia—died January 21, 1924, Gorki [later Gorki Leninskiye], near Moscow) was the founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution ...

  21. Good Leadership Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    What Makes Good Leadership. PAGES 6 WORDS 1891. Leadership has often been described as both an art and a science. Having the ability to influence other's decisions is paramount in order to be considered a good leader by one's followers. Good leadership is a necessity in all facets of today's world and within its daily operations.

  22. Kamala Harris campaign sponsored Google ads, modifying news headlines

    Kamala Harris' campaign has been pushing out Google ads with altered news article headlines, something Google called "fairly common."

  23. The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

    Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in ...

  24. Effective Leaders and Managers Essay (Critical Writing)

    An Effective Leader. An effective leader is a person who can influence others and ensure they do something that will benefit all of them. The essence of leaders is to make sure that there are the changes in the way the activities are done in organisations. It means that effective leaders are focused on transforming the mentality of employees to ...

  25. Ivan the Terrible

    Ivan IV Vasileyevich is widely known as Ivan the Terrible or Ivan the Fearsome. He was the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and reigned as the "Tsar of all the Russias" from 1547 until he died in 1584. His complex years in power precipitated military conquests, including Kazan and Astrakhan, that changed the shape and demographic ...

  26. Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

    The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.