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university of vienna phd philosophy

Stop Tracking Science: Petition against data tracking in science

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Vienna Science Studies Laboratory (Vienna-based group of multi-disciplinary researchers interested in the diverse topics and issues of science, technology, and medicine studies)

Vienna Language and Mind Group (informal collaboration between the philosophy departments at the Central European University (CEU) and the University of Vienna (UniVie))

Colloquium Viennese Forum for Analytic Philosophy (discussion of papers, internal workshops, open sessions, presentation of and feedback on research projects) Subscribe to the mailing list at:

UPSalon Reading Cycle (philosophical works dealing with gender, race, sexuality, or disability) Write an e-mail to [email protected] for more information.

Logik Café (philosophical Logic and formal epistemology)

Writing Evenings VPD (opportunity and space to work on your dissertation or other academic texts; open to doctoral students, advanced master's students, and postdocs in the field of philosophy) Write an e-mail to Lisa Tragbar for more information: lisa.tragbar @

 Us in the Media


  • Newspaper articles and interviews: Please change to the German version of this page where we provide a list of links to current media contributions under "Medienportal"

Listening to Philosophy

  • Archive of Lectures, Symposia and Radio programmes:
  • Portal of new broadcasts: The team invites you to give feedback and inputs on possible further interesting contributions. (Contact: herbert.hrachovec @ )
  • YouTube channel: "Conversations in Socially Engaged Philosophy"

Here you can see our archived posts

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Philosophy and Economics (Master)

Image consisting of a library with students on the left and a Korean market on the right.

© Unslplash / rawkkim und Shravankumar Hiregoudar

The master's programme Philosophy and Economics provides students with qualification in central topics and methods at the intersection of philosophy and economics. The two-year programme is jointly offered by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Economics.

Graduates have acquired the knowledge and skills to bring a unique interdisciplinary perspective to bear on the solution of pressing social, economic, and political problems in modern societies.

Master of Arts

Degree Programme Code: 066 642

4 semesters / 120 ECTS credits

Language: English

Selection procedure

Curriculum in German (official,)  4th amendment .

Curriculum in English (Information)

For further information see the SSC website

This programme is being offered since the study year 20219/20.

Facts & Figures

  • Students: n.a.
  • Graduates in the last academic year: n.a.
  • Number of semesters needed for graduation (median): n.a.

Data updated on: 20.07.2023

Information about presentation & calculation

* Click here for further information on statistical data in the field of teaching and learning. (in German)

Admission Procedure

Information about the selection procedure

English language requirements

Admission Requirements

  • Previous studies in a subject area that qualifies for admission
  • 15 ECTS Credits of philosophy AND
  • 15 ECTS Credits of economic courses.

Information on Previous Studies:

In any case eligible degree programmes at the University of Vienna:

  • Philosophy (Bachelor)
  • Economics (Bachelor)

Successful applicants have typically studied philosophy and/or economics, or a related discipline such as political science. Students from other disciplines are considered and are asked to explain the link between their discipline and this degree programme in their letter of motivation.

Getting started

Orientation course

Orientation in the first semester

Semester planning

Getting Informed

StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) Philosophy and Education

Students' Representatives Philosophy

Study Programme

The master's programme Philosophy and Economics is divided into three subject areas: Philosophy, History and Methodology of Economics; Rationality and Decision; Ethics, Welfare and Justice.

In all semesters, students attend interdisciplinary core seminars on selected themes and methods at the intersection of philosophy and economics. Next to these seminars, students deepen their subject-specific foundational knowledge and skills in philosophy and economics during their first semester. In the second semester, students acquire interdisciplinary knowledge of the three subject areas of philosophy and economics. In the third semester, students intensively study specific interdisciplinary topics and investigate potential venues of research for their master's thesis. Students can also attend elective courses from a broad range of courses offered at the University of Vienna, in philosophy, economics, and other disciplines.

In the final semester, students undertake an independent interdisciplinary research project to produce their master's thesis. Students present their ongoing research in an interdisciplinary research seminar. In this seminar, students contribute to each others research through discussion of the research presentations.

Five Concepts

which you will deal with during your studies:

  • Public Economics
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Rationality
  • History of Economic Thought

...and many more. 

Studying Master Philosophy and Economics - Testimonials

Students having a discussion.

© University of Vienna /

 Overview of the programme structure & topics

Here you find the current offer of courses for this programme to gain better insight into the topics and structure. For more information please click on the respective level.

After Graduation

Graduates will have acquired a unique combination of knowledge and analytical skills in the area of philosophy and economics. The programme allows students to specialise according to their interests and future plans, and to prepare for careers in the public and private sector, for excample, public institutions at the international, European, national, regional and local level, political parties, trade unions and business associations, social activism and non-governmental organisations, journalism, business and strategy consulting, corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship, and academic teaching and research.

Continuing after Graduation

  • Center for Doctoral Studies - everything about doctorcal/PhD programmes at the University of Vienna
  • Alumni of the University of Vienna
  • Postgraduate Center - postgraduate programmes at the University of Vienna
  • Uniport - career service of the University of Vienna

Graduates' Perspective on the Degree Programme

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University of Vienna Department of Philosophy

Department members.

  • 25 Regular faculty
  • 77 Other faculty
  • 15 Retired faculty
  • 52 Graduate students
  • 47 Undergraduates

Department Activity

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Photo of Odin Kroeger

Also at University of Vienna

  • Institut Für Angewandte Psychologie: Gesundheit, Entwicklung Und Förderung
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Photo of Sebastian Aster

  • Doctoral student

Photo of Raphael Aybar

  • Masters student
  • Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Normative Ethics, Phenomenology

Photo of Sebastian Baldinger

  • Graduate student

Photo of Susanne Kathrin Beiweis

  • Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, General Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics

Photo of Bünyamin Belova

  • Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Free Will

Photo of Lisa-Maria Bieler

  • Applied Ethics, Epistemology, Intuition, Metaphilosophy

Photo of Charlotte Bomert

  • Social and Political Philosophy, 20th Century French Philosophy, Poststructuralism, Socialism and Marxism, Continental Psychoanalysis

Photo of Giuliano Catal

  • Meta-Ethics, Action Theory

Photo of Schaufenster Das

  • Hellenistic and Later Ancient Philosophy, Academic Skeptics, Hellenistic and Later Ancient Philosophy, Misc, Plato, Ancient Greek and Roman Political Philosophy

Photo of Triinu Eesmaa

  • Cognitive Sciences, Misc, Communication, Information Science

Photo of Archambault Eric

  • Environmental Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Climate Change, Property

Photo of Sebastian Farkas

  • Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind

Photo of Stephan Fock

  • Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science

Photo of Yaokun Fu

  • Modal Epistemology, Modality, Essence and Essentialism

Photo of Manuel Gerether

  • Ludwig Wittgenstein

Photo of Severin Gotz

  • Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Hellenistic and Later Ancient Philosophy

Photo of Christian Hauger

  • Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action

Photo of Roman Otto Jordan

  • Metaphysics and Epistemology

Photo of Rami Koskinen

  • Philosophy of Biology, General Philosophy of Science, Multiple Realizability, Modality, Scientific Models, Philosophy of Mind

Photo of Raffael Krismer

  • Social and Political Philosophy, Social Ontology, Social Sciences, Critical Theory

university of vienna phd philosophy

Max Kölbel is a philosopher who works at the Philosophy Department of the University of Vienna. He is in charge of the research area “Analytic Philosophy with special emphasis on Philosophy of Language”. His main interests are in philosophy of language, metaphysics, epistemology and metaethics.

However, since Okt 2022, he has been Director of Studies (SPL 18) and thereby academically responsible for all the philosophy degree programmes except the doctoral programme. He also directs the FWF doc.funds project PACE and has been actively supporting the Vienna Doctoral School in Philosophy since its inception in 2020. He is on the board of Directors of the FWF Cluster of Excellence project “Knowledge in Crisis” .

His collaborators in the area “Analytic Philosophy … ” are: Dirk Kindermann (postdoc), Sandrine Klot (organization assistant), Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum (Herta-Firnberg-Postdoc), Indrek Reiland (Postdoc/ Lise-Meitner Postdoc), Eve Kitsik (FWF ESPRIT Postdoc) and Michael Stöger (teaching assistant). Triinu Eesmaa is a PhD-student who is about to submit her thesis, Hanna Pillin is a PhD-student from LMU Munich, currently visiting Dir Kindermann and our group. Our teaching is also supported by tutors Michael Stöger, Gabriel Levc, Mirela Koleva, Sarah Neuwirth, Lena Golker, Kristina Bogdan and Yara Katnik.

Max Kölbel supervises the PhD-research of Triinu Eesmaa (on felicitous underspecification), Tom Fery (on epistemic norms, jointly with H-B Schmid), Felix Danowski (on the epistemology of moral judgement, jointly with Esther Heinrich-Ramharther), and Mariia Fedorova (jointly with Anne Sophie Meincke).

The group meets irregularly to discuss ongoing research in philosophy of language. Jointly with colleagues at the CEU philosophy dept and the chair of theoretical philosophy, the group has also initiated, and continues to organise, the meetings of the VLM group , which is part of the PLM-Network. The research area also initiated the visiting speaker series WKAP, and has continued until recently to organise it conjointly with several colleagues. A new visiting speaker series in conjunction with the VDP and the new Cluster of Excellence project is being planned.

Max Kölbel holds PhD in Philosophy from King’s College London (1997). He has worked at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas of the UNAM in Mexico City, at the University of Wales Swansea, the Philosophy Faculty at the University of Cambridge and at the Philosophy Department of the University of Birmingham (2001–9). Between 2008 and 2017 Max was ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona and Senior Member of the Logos Research Group. There he was involved in developing the a postgraduate programme in analytic philosophy, and also in several different research projects, e.g. “Semantic Content and Context Dependence”, “Semantic Content and Conversational Dynamics” and “Foundations and Methods of Natural Language Semantics”. He continues to be a collaborator of Logos. From 2020 to 2023 he was member of the FWF board (“Kuratorium”) and reporter for philosophy/theology and cultural sciences.

  • ORCID-identifier  0000-0003-0130-5976
  • Phil Papers Page
  • Google Scholar Page

Max Kölbel lehrt und forscht seit September 2017 am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien. Er leitet dort den Forschungsbereich “Analytische Philosophie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sprachphilosophie”. Seine Hauptinteressen liegen auf den Gebieten Sprachphilosophie, Erkenntnistheorie, Metaphysik und Metaethik.

Seit Oktober 2022 ist er allerdings als Studienprogrammleiter der SPL 18 für alle Studienprogramme in Philosophie außer dem Doktorat verantwortlich. Er leitet außerdem das FWF doc.funds Projekt PACE und ist seit ihrem Bestehen aktiv an der Vienna Doctoral School in Philosophy beteiligt. Er ist Mitglied im Board of Directors des FWF Cluster of Excellence Projektes “Knowledge in Crisis” .

Mitarbeiter im Forschungsbereich “Analytische Philosophie” sind: Dirk Kindermann (Postdoc), Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum (Herta-Firnberg-Postdoc), Indrek Reiland (Postdoc/Lise-Meitner Postdoc), Eve Kitsik (FWF ESPRIT postdoc), Sandrine Klot (Organisationsassistentin) und Michael Stöger (Studienassistent). Triinu Eesmaa ist eine Doktorandin kurz vor der Abgabe der Doktorarbeit, Hanna Pillin ist eine Doktorandin von der LMU München, die momentan Dirk Kindermann (und die Gruppe) besucht. Unsere Lehre wird momentan zusätzlich unterstützt von den Tutorinnen und Tutoren: Michael Stöger, Gabriel Levc, Mirela Koleva, Sarah Neuwirth, Lena Golker, Kristina Bogdan and Yara Katnik.

Max Kölbel betreut die folgenden Doktoranden und Doktorandinnen: Triinu Eesmaa (on felicitous underspecification), Tom Fery (on epistemic norms, jointly with H-B Schmid), Felix Danowski (on the epistemology of moral judgement, jointly with Esther Heinrich-Ramharther), and Mariia Fedorova (jointly with Anne Sophie Meincke).

Der Forschungsbereich “Analytische Philosophie” trifft sich unregelmäßig zu einem philosophy of language research colloquium. Gemeinsam mit KollegInnen des CEU philosophy departments und der Professur für theoretische Philosophie organisieren wir auch, die Treffen der VLM group , die Teil des PLM-Networks ist. Der Forschungsbereich hat die Vortragsreihe “Wiener Kolloquium Analytische Philosophie” initiiert und bis vor kurzem in Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren KollegInnen organisiert. Eine neue Vortragsreihe in Zusammenarbeit mit der Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy und dem Cluster of Excellence Projekt ist geplant.

Max Kölbel hat einen PhD in Philosophie vom King’s College London (1997). Er hat am Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas der UNAM in Mexiko Stadt gearbeitet, sowie an der University of Wales Swansea, der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Cambridge und am Philosophy Department der University of Birmingham (2001–9). Von 2008 bis 2017 war er ICREA Research Professor an der Universität Barcelona und Senior Member der Logos Research Group, und war dort, unter anderem, am Aufbau eines Master- und Doktoratsprogrammes in analytischer Philosophie beteiligt, sowie an verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten, zum Beispiel “Semantic Content and Context Dependence” und “Foundations and Methods of Natural Language Semantics”. Er arbeitet weiterhin mit Logos zusammen. Er war von 2020 bis 2023 Fachreferent für Philosophie/Theologie und Kulturwissenschaften im Kuratorium des FWF.

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 News & Events

Vbc phd symposium, abstract submission deadline: 02.09.2024.

The theme of Symposium this year is 'Into the unknown: Exploring Uncharted Territories in Research', with the aim to highlight the exploratory science...

Doctoral Insights Symposium, 24.09.2024, 14:00

This Symposium is organized by Vienna BioCenter, and has the aim to guide individuals interested in pursuing a PhD in Life Sciences!

university of vienna phd philosophy

doc:muv Mentoring Program, registration deadline: 07.07.2024

The career development program doc:muv is intendent for female* prae-doc scientists of all disciplines and faculties of the University of Vienna,...

1st Summer School of the International Max Planck Research School on Cognitive NeuroImaging (IMPRS CoNI), registration deadline: 20.06.2024

We are excited to invite you to the 1st Summer School of the International Max Planck Research School on Cognitive NeuroImaging (IMPRS CoNI), as a...

university of vienna phd philosophy

FENS Forum Video Competition, applicaiton deadline: 17.06.2024

The Student Host Society Committee (SHSC) team is inviting you to participte in the video competition, where you can display your moments in your...

Research Data Management course for Life Science's PhD candidates, 18-19.06.2024

We are happy to announce that data stewards from CeMESS and the Faculty of Life Sciences are hosting a Research Data Management Course, for PhD...

 PhD Stories

university of vienna phd philosophy

Lange Nacht der Forschung

The doors were wied open from four different locations, from the main University building, to Biology and Chemistry building as well as University...

university of vienna phd philosophy

Rojan Amini-Nejad has been awarded a dissertation price

Congratulations to Rojan Amini-Nejad for winning the ÖAW Dissertation Prize for Migration Research!

university of vienna phd philosophy

Julia Reiter has been awarded the City of Vienna Impact Award 2023

Congratulations to Julia Reiter for winning the Impact Award 2023!


university of vienna phd philosophy

PhD defense of Marlene Forstinger, 26.08.2024, 11:30

Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Contingent Suppression of Visual Attention: Novel Evidence for Proactive Top-Down Control...

university of vienna phd philosophy

PhD defense of Anna Fekete, 20.06.2024, 17:00

“The Health-Related Effects of Art: Investigating the Pain and Stress Influencing Potential...

university of vienna phd philosophy

PhD defense of Georgia Clay, 12.06.2024, 14:30

“The intrinsic value of effort: inter-individual variation in effort enjoyment beliefs and...

university of vienna phd philosophy

PhD defense of Susanne Stückler, 11.06.2024, 10:00

Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Biology

'Functions and Mechanisms of Colour Change in Anurans'

PhD defense of Markus Grüner, 13.05.24, 15:00

''More than top-down vs. bottom-up: Using variations of the contingent capture paradigm to...

PhD defense of Lisa-Claire Vanhooland, 07.05.24, 17:00

„Me or I? Investigating self-awareness through mirror self-recognition, body self-awareness...


university of vienna phd philosophy

Raben - Das Geheimnis ihrer erstaunlichen Intelligenz und sozialen Fähigkeiten

Thomas Bugnyar, 2022, Brandstätter Verlag. Sie sind bekannt für ihre verblüffende Intelligenz, für das clevere Benutzen von Werkzeugen und für ihr...

university of vienna phd philosophy

Buchtipp: Wie klug sind wir wirklich?

Jakob Pietschnig, 2021, Ecowin. Was Intelligenz ist, wie man sie messen kann und warum das so spannend ist, erklärt der österreichische...

university of vienna phd philosophy

Buchtipp: Von singenden Mäusen und quietschenden Elefanten

Angela Stöger, Brandtstätter Verlag, 2021. Wie Tiere kommunizieren und was wir lernen, wenn wir ihnen wirklich zuhören

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Admission to the Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Philosophy and Education

To be able to apply for admission to the doctoral programme at the University of Vienna, the applicant must hold a subject-related diploma or master's degree or another subject-related degree of at least the same level of higher education, issued at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution. In addition, documents on the planned dissertation project must be submitted (see link below). Applications for admission will be forwarded to the responsible doctoral programme director for content review. Please note that the processing may take several weeks. The result of the examination will be communicated by an admission letter.

Application takes place online via u:space and is possible throughout the year.

Please note that you have to renew your enrollment every semester. This has to take place within the regular admission period.


Application and admission to the doctoral programme is open throughout the year.

 Semester start

  • winter semester: 1 October
  • summer semester: 1 March

Schedule of the academic year

Please also read the FAQs. Here you will find further useful information for your application.

To the FAQs

Required documents

  • Description of the intended doctoral project
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Indication of Willingness to Supervise a Doctoral/PhD Candidate
  • Optional: Proof of language competence: Depending on the field of doctoral research and the intended doctoral project, a prerequisite for admission to the doctoral programme is usually language proficiency in German or English corresponding to level C1. In individual cases, subject-specific and/or project-specific language skills are a prerequisite. In the fields of doctoral research of English and American studies and transcultural communication, English language proficiency corresponding to level C1 is a prerequisite in any case. Please specify any relevant language skills during the admission procedure and provide relevant evidence.

If you have a degree from another university or university of applied sciences, please additionally submit the following documents: 

  • Your passport or personal ID
  • A passport photograph
  • Your bachelor and master/diploma certificates and transcripts with the required legalisation for the issuing country
  • All for the application process necessary documents have to be translated, if they are not issued in German or English. This translation has to be done by a court sworn translator after the documents were legalised.

Your steps in the admission procedure

Step 1: Application for admission via u:space

Register in u:space and activate your u:account. You will need this account during your studies at the University of Vienna. Log in to u:space, select the degree programme of your choice and upload the above mentioned required documents as PDF. Then click on "submit application."

Please note: Documents that have already been processed in earlier applications are saved in your application as "Nachweisvorhanden.pdf" or "pseudo.txt" and do not have to be uploaded again.

As soon as the status of your application in u:space is "submitted", the admission office will take care of your application.

Please note that any missing or formally incorrect document will prolong the processing time and lead to a later admission. Only submit your application once you uploaded all required documents. The admission office needs several weeks to process your application.

Where required, interviews with candidates will take place. In this case, you will be contacted by E-Mail.

Step 2: Waiting for your admission letter

Due to administrative reasons it is not possible to inform you about the status of your application. Your admission letter will be sent to the e-mail address you provided in u:space.

Step 3: Admission to the doctoral programm

The admission may be either

  • without stipulations,
  • with stipulations of additional exams (up to a maximum of 60 ECTS) from the bachelor or master programme which you have to pass before the public presentation or
  • rejected due to qualitative deficiencies

You will be notified about possible stipulations in the admission letter. A seperate admission to a bachelor/master programme to participate in the required courses is not necessary. Please note: Required stipulations need to be passed before the public presentation!

If you have submitted documents you have not obtained at the University of Vienna (e.g. documents from other universities), please come to the Admission Office in person to complete the admission procedure. Please bring along your admission letter and all documents, you obtained at other universities.

You are admitted as soon as the prescribed tuition fee/students' union fee is registered as paid.

DLE Research Services and Career Development | Admission Doctoral/PhD Programmes

Berggasse 7 1090 Vienna | 2nd floor E-Mail: [email protected]


University Library

Library Guide for New Philosophy Graduate Students

  • Library Basics

Article Indexes

Full text collections.

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Ask a Librarian

From citation to source: journal articles.

If you have a citation for a journal article, and you want to obtain a copy of that article, you first need to determine whether the Library owns a copy of the journal issue. Therefore, the most important piece of information when beginning a search for a known journal article is the title of the journal, not the title of the article.

You will first check to see if we have to that journal. either online access or in print. To do that, you will search for the journal (by title) using a catalog rather plainly named "Journal Search":

This catalog should query both our print and online holdings.

If the Library does not have a copy of th journal, then you will use your complete citation to request a copy through interlibrary loan:

Interlibrary loan can usually obtain a journal article for you very quickly (much faster than for books), sometimes within one day.

Use  article databases  to find journals articles (as well as dissertations, book chapters, and other resources) on a specific topic. In some cases, you will be able to link directly from the article database to the full text of the article. In other cases, you will need to  search the   title of the journal (not the author or title of the article) in the Library Catalog , to find out where it is located.

By "article databases" we mean both bibliographic databases (databases that contain records or citations to journal articles) and online full-text journal collections. Many bibliographic databases include some full text.

There are many article databases for finding periodical articles.  These databases are often called article indexes, but they are essentially searchable bibliographies of journal articles organized by subject.

Because the Library does not subscribe to every journal, and because not all journals are digitized, and because not all digitized journals are available in a single collection, the article indexes provide the only efficient means of identifying relevant articles from across the widest possible range of periodical publications.

The main article index for philosophy is Philosophers Index:

  • Philosopher's Index Identifies journal articles, books, and book chapters on all aspects of philosophy. Indexes publications from 1902-present.

Two other sources we recommend are PhilPapers and the Oxford Bibliography of Philosophy:

  • PhilPapers Identifies articles in philosophy journals, books, websites, and other kinds of publications found on the Internet. It is also a digital repository, to which scholars can upload articles and preprints. Users can create accounts and submit content to the database. Includes calls for papers and presentations, as well as job announcements.
  • Oxford Bibliography of Philosophy Selected, annotated bibliographies, arranged by broad topic (e.g. epistemology, free will) and major philosopher. Each section includes an introductory essay written by a scholar. Part of Oxford Bibliographies Online.

If you find a citation for an article in a journal to which we do not have a subscription, you can quickly get a copy of the article (often within 24 hours) by requesting it through interlibrary loan:

  • ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan) If the item is not available in the Illinois catalog and it is not available through I-Share, then your next stop will be Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery. Login to Interlibrary Loan using your NetID and password. If you are requesting a book, then select "Request a Book". If you are requesting a journal article, then select "Request a Photocopy". Be sure to fill out as much of the form as possible. You'll be notified by email when your item is ready to be picked up. If you requested a journal article, it will probably be sent to you electronically as a PDF.

Although article databases are usually the best place to start a general search for journal articles, full text collections are of course increasingly important. Remember, however, that for the broadest search, you should use an article index, because article indexes include records for articles in journals to which we do not subscribe, but that you can quickly obtain through interlibrary loan. Full text collections only include journals to which we subscribe.

  • JSTOR The full text of over 2,800 scholarly journals, with coverage back to the first issue for each, in some cases as far back as the 17th century. Recent issues of most journals in this database are embargoed by journal publishers, so to be certain you are also identifying the most recent publications, use an article index like Historical Abstracts or America: History, and Life .
  • Project MUSE Over 600 scholarly journals, with emphasis on recent ten years of issues. Originally intended as a complement to JSTOR.

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Open PhD Positions

Salaried phd positions are not currently available.

  • Information on external doctoral funding sources can be found  here .
  • Vacancies advertised in the Job Center of the University of Vienna can be found  here .


  1. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    university of vienna phd philosophy

  2. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    university of vienna phd philosophy

  3. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    university of vienna phd philosophy

  4. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    university of vienna phd philosophy

  5. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    university of vienna phd philosophy

  6. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    university of vienna phd philosophy


  1. I Went to Embassy of Bangladesh in Vienna, Austria| Solo Trip in Europe

  2. Welcome To Wenkheim

  3. Living in Vienna

  4. MU Vienna Application and Admissions Information

  5. Birnstiel Award

  6. Fully Funded PhD Positions at Vienna, University of Vienna, Austria


  1. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy (VDP) The VDP is an international hub for doctoral research in philosophy. It embraces diversity in its membership and promotes a plurality of philosophical traditions, methods, and forms of thinking. VDP Members benefit from guidance, support, and advice from the development of a promising research proposal ...

  2. PhD Program

    The Doctoral Programme in Philosophy is a three-year PhD programme. open to self-funded, third-party-funded and pre-doctoral researchers. structured upon a number of compulsory activities (coursework, exposé, faculty presentation, doctoral thesis agreement, annual reports, thesis submission and defensio) of 24 ECTs (15 of which must be in ...

  3. Department of Philosophy

    The Department of Philosophy. The Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna is large in international comparison and supported by the multifaceted expertise of its staff members. We feel compelled to offer a range of courses reflecting the breadth of the field of philosophy while also upholding high standards within each specialized ...

  4. Doctoral Programme in Philosophy

    Apply to the doctoral programme via u:space (if you are new student at the University of Vienna, you need to create an account first). Once logged in, in "Studies," click "Doctorate/PhD" and select "Philosophy-Philosophy" (in English) or "Philosophie-Philosophie" (in German). Once you have been admitted to the Doctoral Programme in Philosophy ...

  5. Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Philosophy and Education

    Doctoral Schools. In the Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Philosophy and Education, the following Doctoral Schools start in Octorber 2020: Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies. Speaker: Prof. Dietlind Hüchtker. Website. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy. Speaker: Prof. Benjamin Schnieder. Website.

  6. Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy

    Doctoral/PhD programme - SPL 43; Postgraduate Programmes; Doctoral School Philosophy; ... Faculty of Philosophy and Education University of Vienna Universitätsstraße 7 A-1010 Vienna Dean's Office ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0.

  7. Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna

    Doctoral/PhD Programmes; Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna. Law/Interdisciplinary Legal Studies. Humanities, Philosophy and Education. Social Sciences. Business, Economics and Statistics. Natural Sciences. ... University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0.

  8. Philosophy

    Department of Philosophy. A-1010 Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7. T: +43-1-4277-46 476. Mail: philosophie @ ⇒ Link to the Department of Philosophy.

  9. Studies

    Philosophical studies. Several different programmes of study can be pursued at the department of philosophy. Detailed information on all available Bachelor, Master, and PhD programmes can be found on the StudienServiceCenter (SSC) website. Information for current and prospective doctoral researchers is also available on the Vienna Doctoral ...

  10. Faculty of Philosophy and Education

    6 four year salaried PhD Positions in Philosophy (all areas) More. 24.01.2024 . Call for Participants - univie:summer school "Ways of Doing Philosophy: East and West" - 25-30 July 2024 ... Faculty of Philosophy and Education University of Vienna Universitätsstraße 7 A-1010 Vienna Dean's Office [email protected] StudiesServiceCenter

  11. Open positions at the University of Vienna

    Open positions at the University of Vienna. The University of Vienna offers both predefined PhD projects (within the framework of externally funded projects) and the possibility to apply for a PhD position either at the faculty or at one of the Doctoral Schools with your own PhD project. The requirements and deadlines for open PhD positions can ...

  12. About the Department of Philosophy

    The Department of Philosophy can look back on a long tradition. During the restructuring and reorganization process due to the Universitätsgesetz 2002 it was merged with the Department of Educational Sciences into one faculty.At the same time, study related organizational matters were taken over by the directorate of studies (to organize teaching) and the Studies Service Center (as a contact ...

  13. Admission

    VDP membership is open to. students admitted to the Doctoral Programme in Humanities, Philosophy, and Education (field: Philosophy) or the Doctoral Programme in Philosophy (field: Cognitive Science); visiting doctoral candidates in philosophy at the University of Vienna; prae-docs working at the Department of Philosophy.

  14. Philosophy and Economics (Master)

    The master's programme Philosophy and Economics provides students with qualification in central topics and methods at the intersection of philosophy and economics. The two-year programme is jointly offered by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Economics. Graduates have acquired the knowledge and skills to bring a unique ...

  15. Graduate students at University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy

    Susanne Kathrin Beiweis. Graduate student. Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, General Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics. Follow.

  16. Fields of Doctoral Research

    Fields of Doctoral Research | Humanities, Philosophie and Education. African Studies, Dr.phil (792 390) Egyptology, Dr.phil (792 391) Ancient History, Dr.phil (792 310) Old Near Eastern Philology and Archeology, Dr.phil (792 397 384) Arabic Studies, Dr.phil (792 397 385) Education, Dr.phil (792 297)

  17. Vienna Doctoral Summer School in Philosophy

    2021 - Resistance. In line with the University of Vienna 2028 Development Plan, our summer schools have two overarching goals: The first goal is to enhance the research and career development of early stage researchers. Our summer schools address important and emerging research topics and promote the exchange of ideas at an advanced level.

  18. Max Kölbel

    Max Kölbel. Max Kölbel is a philosopher who works at the Philosophy Department of the University of Vienna. He is in charge of the research area "Analytic Philosophy with special emphasis on Philosophy of Language". His main interests are in philosophy of language, metaphysics, epistemology and metaethics.

  19. Professors

    Contact Department of Philosophy Faculty of Philosophy and Education University of Vienna Universitätsstraße 7 A-1010 Vienna T: +43-1-4277-46401 philosophie @ Icon facebook

  20. Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience

    Welcome! The Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe) was granted in 2016 as one of the first Doctoral Schools at the University of Vienna, and was based in the Faculty of Life Sciences. After integrating in 2020 the Faculty of Psychology, as well as researchers in the humanities, the VDS is now a major ...

  21. Admission

    Step 1: Application for admission via u:space. Register in u:space and activate your u:account. You will need this account during your studies at the University of Vienna. Log in to u:space, select the degree programme of your choice and upload the above mentioned required documents as PDF. Then click on "submit application."

  22. PhD Researchers

    Eva-Maria Aigner is a PhD candidate at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, and DOC-fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. She is currently working on her PhD project "Surviving Derrida/ Derrida Überleben" on the notion of "survivance" in deconstruction, especially Derrida. Her research interests include deconstruction ...

  23. Library Guide for New Philosophy Graduate Students

    Identifies articles in philosophy journals, books, websites, and other kinds of publications found on the Internet. It is also a digital repository, to which scholars can upload articles and preprints. Users can create accounts and submit content to the database. Includes calls for papers and presentations, as well as job announcements.

  24. Open Positions

    Salaried PhD positions are not currently available ... Vacancies advertised in the Job Center of the University of Vienna can be found here. Admission. Doctoral Programme in Philosophy; VDP Membership; Open Positions; Visiting PhD Candidates; Contact Department of Philosophy University of Vienna Universitätsstraße 7 1010 Vienna Austria. Icon ...